state of connecticut state geological and natural history survey bulletin no. 30 drainage modifications and glaciation in the danbury region connecticut by ruth sawyer harvey, ph. d. hartford ~published by the state~ 1920 bulletins of the state geological and natural history survey of connecticut. 1. first biennial report of the commissioners of the state geological and natural history survey, 1903-1904. 2. a preliminary report on the protozoa of the fresh waters of connecticut: by herbert william conn. (out of print. to be obtained only in vol. i, containing bulletins 1-5. price $1.50, postpaid.) 3. a preliminary report on the hymeniales of connecticut: by edward albert white. 4. the clays and clay industries of connecticut: by gerald francis loughlin. 5. the ustilagineæ, or smuts, of connecticut: by george perkins clinton. 6. manual of the geology of connecticut: by william north rice and herbert ernest gregory. (out of print. to be obtained only in vol. ii, containing bulletins 6-12. price $2.45, postpaid.) 7. preliminary geological map of connecticut: by herbert ernest gregory and henry hollister robinson. 8. bibliography of connecticut geology: by herbert ernest gregory. 9. second biennial report of the commissioners of the state geological and natural history survey, 1905-1906. 10. a preliminary report on the algæ of the fresh waters of connecticut: by herbert william conn and lucia washburn (hazen) webster. 11. the bryophytes of connecticut: by alexander william evans and george elwood nichols. 12. third biennial report of the commissioners of the state geological and natural history survey, 1907-1908. 13. the lithology of connecticut: by joseph barrell and gerald francis loughlin. 14. catalogue of the flowering plants and ferns of connecticut growing without cultivation: by a committee of the connecticut botanical society. 15. second report on the hymeniales of connecticut: by edward albert white. 16. guide to the insects of connecticut: prepared under the direction of wilton everett britton. part i. general introduction: by wilton everett britton. part ii. the euplexoptera and orthoptera of connecticut: by benjamin hovey walden. 17. fourth biennial report of the commissioners of the state geological and natural history survey, 1909-1910. 18. triassic fishes of connecticut: by charles rochester eastman. 19. echinoderms of connecticut: by wesley roscoe coe. 20. the birds of connecticut: by john hall sage and louis bennett bishop, assisted by walter parks bliss. 21. fifth biennial report of the commissioners of the state geological and natural history survey, 1911-1912. 22. guide to the insects of connecticut: prepared under the direction of wilton everett britton. part iii. the hymenoptera, or wasp-like insects, of connecticut: by henry lorenz viereck, with the collaboration of alexander dyer macgillivray, charles thomas brues, william morton wheeler, and sievert allen rohwer. 23. central connecticut in the geologic past: by joseph barrell. 24. triassic life of the connecticut valley: by richard swann lull. 25. sixth biennial report of the commissioners of the state geological and natural history survey, 1913-1914. 26. the arthrostraca of connecticut: by beverly waugh kunkel. 27. seventh biennial report of the commissioners of the state geological and natural history survey, 1915-1916. 28. eighth biennial report of the commissioners of the state geological and natural history survey, 1917-1918. 29. the quaternary geology of the new haven region, connecticut: by freeman ward, ph.d. 30. drainage, modification and glaciation in the danbury region, connecticut: by ruth sawyer harvey, ph.d. 31. check list of the insects of connecticut: by wilton everett britton, ph.d. (in press.) bulletins 1, 9, 12, 17, 21, 25, 27, and 28 are merely administrative reports containing no scientific matter. the other bulletins may be classified as follows: geology: bulletins 4, 6, 7, 8, 13, 18, 23, 24, 29, 36. botany: bulletins 3, 5, 10, 11, 14, 15. zoölogy: bulletins 2, 16, 19, 20, 22, 26, 31. these bulletins are sold and otherwise distributed by the state librarian. postage, when bulletins are sent by mail, is as follows: no. 1 $0.01 no. 13 $0.08 no. 23 $0.03 3 .08 14 .16 24 .10 4 .06 15 .06 25 .02 5 .03 16 .07 26 .06 7 .06 17 .02 27 .02 8 .05 18 .07 28 .02 9 .02 19 .08 29 .03 10 .08 20 .14 30 .03 11 .07 21 .02 31 12 .02 22 .08 the prices when the bulletins are sold are as follows, postpaid: no. 1 $0.05 no. 13 $0.40 no. 23 $0.15 3 .40 14 .75 24 .65 4 .30 15 .35 25 .05 5 .15 16 .35 26 .80 7 .60 17 .05 27 .05 8 .20 18 .25 28 .05 9 .05 19 .45 29 .50 10 .35 20 .50 30 .45 11 .30 21 .05 31 12 .05 22 2.00 a part of the edition of these bulletins have been assembled in volumes substantially bound in cloth, plainly lettered, and sell for the following prices, postpaid: volume i, containing bulletins 1-5 $1.50 volume ii, containing bulletins 6-12 2.45 volume iii, containing bulletins 13-15 2.50 volume iv, containing bulletins 16-21 2.15 volume v, containing bulletin 22 2.50 it is intended to follow a liberal policy in gratuitously distributing these publications to public libraries, colleges, and scientific institutions, and to scientific men, teachers, and others who require particular bulletins for their work, especially to those who are citizens of connecticut. applications or inquiries should be addressed to ~george s. godard~, _state librarian_, hartford, conn. in addition to the bulletins above named, published by the state survey, attention is called to three publications of the united states geological survey prepared in co-operation with the geological and natural survey of connecticut. these are the following: bulletin 484. the granites of connecticut: by t. nelson dale and herbert e. gregory. water-supply paper 374. ground water in the hartford, stamford, salisbury, willimantic and saybrook areas, connecticut: by herbert e. gregory and arthur j. ellis. water-supply paper 397. ground water in the waterbury area, connecticut: by arthur j. ellis, under the direction of herbert e. gregory. these papers may be obtained from the director of the united states geological survey at washington. catalogue slips. _=connecticut.= state geological and natural history survey._ bulletin no. 30. drainage modifications and glaciation in the danbury region, connecticut. by ruth s. harvey, ph.d. hartford, 1920. 59 pp., 5 pls., 10 fig., 25cm. =_harvey, ruth sawyer, ph.d._= drainage modification and glaciation in the danbury region, connecticut. by ruth s. harvey, ph.d. hartford, 1920. 59 pp., 5 pls., 10 figs., 25cm. =_geology._= harvey, ruth s. drainage modifications and glaciation in the danbury region, connecticut. hartford, 1920. 59 pp., 5 pls., 10 figs., 25^cm. state of connecticut public document no. 47 state geological and natural history survey herbert e. gregory, superintendent bulletin no. 30 ~hartford~ printed by the state geological and natural history survey 1920 state geological and natural history survey commissioners ~marcus h. holcomb~, governor of connecticut ~arthur twining hadley~, president of yale university ~william arnold shanklin~, president of wesleyan university ~remsen brickerhoff ogilby~, president of trinity college ~charles lewis beach~, president of connecticut agricultural college ~benjamin tinkham marshall~, president of connecticut college for women superintendent ~herbert e. gregory~ _publication approved by the board of control_ drainage modifications and glaciation in the danbury region connecticut by ruth sawyer harvey, ph. d. hartford printed by the state geological and natural history survey 1920 contents. ----- page introduction 9 regional relations 11 rocky river 15 description of the river and its valley 15 relation of the valley to geologic structure 16 junction of rocky and housatonic rivers 18 abnormal profile 18 preglacial course 20 the buried channel 23 effect of glaciation 25 the neversink-danbury valley 27 still river 30 statement of the problem 30 evidence to be expected if still river has been reversed 31 a valley wide throughout or broadening toward the south 32 tributary valleys pointing upstream 34 the regional slope not in accord with the course of the still 35 evidence of glacial filling and degrading of the river bed 36 glacial scouring 36 the still-saugatuck divide 38 features of the umpog valley 38 the preglacial divide 42 the still-croton divide 43 introduction 43 features of still river valley west of danbury 43 the still-croton valley 44 glacial lake kanosha 45 divides in the highlands south of danbury 46 the ancient still river 47 departures of still river from its preglacial channel 48 suggested courses of housatonic river 50 glacial deposits 53 beaver brook swamp 53 deposits northeast of danbury 54 deposits between beaver brook mountain and mouth of still river 54 lakes 55 history of the glacial deposits 56 illustrations. ---------- to face page plate i view south on the highland northeast of neversink pond 14 ii a. view up the valley of umpog creek 40 b. view down the valley of umpog creek 40 iii limestone plain southwest of danbury, in which are situated lake kanosha and the danbury fair grounds 44 iv a. view down the housatonic valley from a point one-half mile below stillriver station 52 b. part of the morainal ridge north of danbury 52 v a. kames in still river valley west of brookfield junction 54 b. till ridges on the western border of still river valley, south of brookfield 56 page figure 1. present drainage of the danbury region 13 2. geological map of still river valley 17 3. profiles of present and preglacial rocky river 19 4. preglacial course of rocky-still river 21 5. diagram showing lowest rock levels in rocky river valley 24 6. course of still river 29 7. map of umpog swamp and vicinity 39 8. profiles of rivers 41 9. early stage of rocky-still river 49 10. five suggested outlets of housatonic river 51 introduction the danbury region of connecticut presents many features of geographic and geologic interest. it may be regarded as a type area, for the history of its streams and the effects of glaciation are representative of those of the entire state. with this idea in mind, the field work on which this study is based included a traverse of each stream valley and an examination of minor features, as well as a consideration of the broader regional problems. much detailed and local description, therefore, is included in the text. the matter in the present bulletin formed the main theme of a thesis on "drainage and glaciation in the central housatonic basin" which was submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of philosophy at yale university. the field work was done in 1907 and 1908 under the direction of professor herbert e. gregory. i am also indebted to the late professor joseph barrell and to dr. isaiah bowman for helpful cooperation in the preparation of the original thesis, and to dr. h. h. robinson for assistance in preparing this paper for publication. drainage modifications and glaciation in the danbury region, connecticut ------- by ruth s. harvey regional relations the region discussed in this bulletin is situated in western connecticut and is approximately 8 miles wide and 18 miles long in a north-south direction, as shown on fig. 1.[1] throughout, the rocks are crystalline and include gneiss, schist, and marble--the metamorphosed equivalents of a large variety of ancient sedimentary and igneous rocks. for the purposes of this report, the geologic history may be said to begin with the regional uplift which marked the close of the mesozoic. by that time the mountains formed by triassic and jurassic folding and faulting had been worn down to a peneplain, now much dissected but still recognizable in the accordant level of the mountain tops. erosion during cretaceous time resulted in the construction of a piedmont plain extending from an undetermined line 30 to 55 miles north of the present connecticut shore to a point south of long island.[2] this plain is thought to have been built up of unconsolidated sands, clays, and gravels, the débris of the jurassic mountains. inland the material consisted of river-made or land deposits; outwardly it merged into coastal plain deposits. when the plain was uplifted, these loose gravels were swept away. in new york, pennsylvania, and new jersey, however, portions of the cretaceous deposits are still to be found. such deposits are present, also, on the north shore of long island, and a well drilled at barren island on the south shore revealed not less than 500 feet of cretaceous strata.[3] the existence of such thick deposits within 30 miles of the connecticut shore and certain peculiarities in the drainage have led to the inference that the cretaceous cover extended over the southern part of connecticut. [footnote 1: the streams and other topographic features of the danbury region are shown in detail on the danbury and the new milford sheets of the united states topographic atlas. these sheets may be obtained from the director of the united states geological survey, washington, d. c.] [footnote 2: it was probably not less than 30 miles, for that is the distance from the mouth of still river, where the housatonic enters a gorge in the crystallines, to the sea. fifty-five miles is the distance to the sea from the probable old head of housatonic river on wassaic creek, near amenia, new york.] [footnote 3: veatch, a. c., slichter, c. s., bowman, isaiah, crosby, w. o., and horton. r. e., underground water resources of long island: u. s. g. s., pp. 44, p. 188 and fig. 24, 1906.] a general uplift of the region brought this period of deposition to a close. as the peneplain, probably with a mantle of cretaceous deposits, was raised to its present elevation, the larger streams kept pace with the uplift by incising their valleys. the position of the smaller streams, however, was greatly modified in the development of the new drainage system stimulated by the uplift. the modern drainage system may be assumed to have been at first consequent, that is, dependent for its direction on the slope of the uplifted plain, but it was not long before the effect of geologic structure began to make itself felt. in the time when all the region was near baselevel, the harder rocks had no advantage over the softer ones, and streams wandered where they pleased. but after uplift, the streams began to cut into the plain, and those flowing over limestone or schist deepened, then widened their valleys much faster than could the streams which flowed over the resistant granite and gneiss. by a system of stream piracy and shifting, similar to that which has taken place throughout the newer appalachians, the smaller streams in time became well adjusted to the structure. they are of the class called subsequents; on the other hand, the housatonic, which dates at least from the beginning of the uplift if not from the earlier period of peneplanation, is an antecedent stream. the complex rock surface of western connecticut had reached a stage of mature dissection when the region was invaded by glaciers.[4] the ice sheet scraped off and redistributed the mantle of decayed rock which covered the surface and in places gouged out the bedrock. the resulting changes were of a minor order, for the main features of the landscape and the principal drainage lines were the same in preglacial time as they are today. it is thus seen that the history of the smaller streams like those considered in this report involves three factors: (1) the normal tendencies of stream development, (2) the influence of geologic structure, and (3) the effect of glaciation. the cover of glacial deposits is generally thin, but marked variations exist. the fields are overspread with coarse till containing pebbles 6 inches in diameter to huge boulders of 12 feet or more. the abundance, size, and composition of the boulders in the till of a given locality is well represented by the stone fences which border fields. [footnote 4: this stage of glaciation is presumably wisconsin. no definite indication of any older glacial deposits was found.] [illustration: ~fig. 1.~ present drainage of the danbury region.] the regional depression which marked the close of the glacial period slackened the speed of many rivers and caused them to deposit great quantities of modified or assorted drift. since glacial time, these deposits have been dissected and formed into the terraces which are characteristic of the rivers of the region. a form of terrace even more common than the river-made terrace is the kame terrace found along borders of the lowlands. eskers in the danbury region have not the elongated snake-like form by which they are distinguished in some parts of the country, notably maine; on the contrary, they are characteristically short and broad, many having numerous branches at the southern end like the distributaries of an aggrading river. the material of the eskers ranges from coarse sand to pebbles four inches in diameter, the average size being from one to two inches. no exposures were observed which showed a regular diminution in the coarseness of the material toward their southern end. the clean-washed esker gravels afford little encouragement to plant growth, and the rain water drains away rapidly through the porous gravel. consequently, accumulations of stratified drift are commonly barren places. a desert vegetation of coarse grasses, a kind of wiry moss, and "everlastings" (_gnaphalius decurrens_) are the principal growth. rattlebox (_crotolaria sagittalis_), steeplebush (_spiraea tomentosa_), sweet fern (_comptonia asplenifolia_), and on the more fertile eskers--especially on the lower, wetter part of the slope--golden rod, ox-eyed daisy, birch, and poplar are also present. all the eskers observed were found to be similar: they ranged in breadth across the top from 100 to 150 feet and the side slopes were about 20 degrees. only a single heavily wooded esker was found, and this ran through a forest region. the accumulations of stratified drift are distinguished from other features in the landscape by their smoother and rounder outlines, by their habit of lying unconformably on the bedrock without reference to old erosion lines, and by a slightly different tone in the color of the vegetation covering the water-laid material. the difference in color, which is due to the unique elements in the flora of these areas, may cause a hill of stratified drift in summer to present a lighter green color than that of surrounding hills of boulder clay or of the original rock slopes; in winter the piles of stratified drift stand out because of the uniform light tawny red of the dried grass. [illustration: ~state geol. nat. hist. survey bull. 30. plate i.~ view south on the highland northeast of neversink pond. the base of a ridge in which rock is exposed is seen at the left; a crescent-shaped lateral moraine bordering the valley lies at the right.] rocky river description of the river and its valley rocky river begins its course as a rapid mountain brook in a rough highland, where the mantle of till in many places is insufficient to conceal the rock ledges (fig. 1). near sherman, about four miles from its source, it enters a broad flood plain and meanders over a flat, swampy floor which is somewhat encumbered with deposits of stratified drift and till. rocky hills border the valley and rise abruptly from the lowland. the few tributaries of the river in this part of its course are normal in direction. about six miles below sherman, rocky river enters wood creek swamp, which is 5-1/2 miles long by about one mile wide and completely covers the valley floor, extending even into tributary valleys. within the swamp the river is joined by squantz pond brook and wood creek. tributaries to wood creek include mountain brook and the stream passing through barses pond and neversink pond. the head of barses pond is separated from the swamp only by a low ridge of till. neversink pond with its inlet gorge and its long southern tributary record significant drainage modifications, as described in the section entitled "the neversink-danbury valley." within and along the margin of wood creek swamp, also east of wood creek and at barses pond, are rounded, elongated ridges of till, some of which might be called drumlins. east of neversink pond is the lateral moraine shown in pl. i. from the mouth of wood creek to jerusalem, rocky river is a quiet stream wandering between low banks through flat meadows, which are generally swampy almost to the foot of the bordering hills. near jerusalem bridge two small branches enter rocky river. immediately north of the bridge is a level swampy area about one-half mile in length. where the valley closes in again, bedrock is exposed near the stream, and beginning at a point one-half mile below (north of) jerusalem, rocky river--a swift torrent choked by boulders of great size--deserves its name. in spite of its rapid current, however, the river is unable to move these boulders, and for nearly three miles one can walk dry-shod on those that lie in midstream. at two or three places below jerusalem, in quiet reaches above rapids, the river has taken its first step toward making a flood plain by building tiny beaches. one-half mile above the mouth of the river the valley widens and on the gently rising south bank there are several well-marked terraces about three feet in height and shaped out of glacial material. a delta and group of small islands at the mouth of rocky river indicate the transporting power of the stream and the relative weakness of the slow-moving housatonic. relations of the valley to geologic structure rocky river is classed with streams which are comformable to the rock structure. this conclusion rests largely on the analogy between rocky river and other rivers of this region. the latter very commonly are located on belts of limestone, or limestone and schist, and their extension is along the strike. the interfluvial ridges are generally composed of the harder rocks. the valleys of the east aspetuck and womenshenuck brook on the north side of the housatonic, and of the still, the umpog, beaver brook, the upper saugatuck, and part of rocky river are on limestone beds (fig. 2). in the valleys between town hill and spruce mountain (south of danbury), two ravines northwest of grassy plain (near bethel), and the saugatuck valley north of umpawaug pond, the limestone bed is largely buried under drift, talus, and organic deposits, but remnants which reveal the character of the valley floors have been found. the parallelism between the courses of these streams and that of rocky river and the general resemblance in the form of their valleys, flat-floored with steep-sided walls, as well as the scattered outcrops of limestone in the valley, have led to the inference that rocky river, like the others, is a subsequent stream developed on beds of weaker rock along lines of foliation. [illustration: ~fig. 2.~ geological map of still river valley.] the geological map of connecticut[5] shows that the valleys of still river, womenshenuck brook, aspetuck river, and upper rocky river are developed on stockbridge limestone. the lower valley of rocky river is, however, mapped as becket gneiss and thomaston granite gneiss. although the only outcrops along lower rocky river are of granite, it is believed that a belt of limestone or schist, now entirely removed, initially determined the course of the river. the assumption of an irregular belt of limestone in this position would account for the series of gorges and flood plains in the vicinity of jerusalem bridge and for the broad drift-filled valley at the mouth of rocky river. these features are difficult to explain on any other basis. [footnote 5: gregory, h. e., robinson, h. h., preliminary geological map of connecticut; geol. and nat. hist. survey. bull. 7, 1907.] junction of rocky and housatonic rivers one of the distinguishing features of rocky river is the angle at which it joins the housatonic (fig. 1). the tributaries of a normal drainage system enter their master stream at acute angles, an arrangement which involves the least expenditure of energy. rocky river, however, enters the housatonic against the course of the latter, that is, the tributary points upstream. still river and other southern tributaries of the housatonic exhibit the same feature, thus producing a barbed drainage, which indicates that some factor interfered with the normal development of tributary streams. barbed drainage generally results from the reversal of direction of the master stream[6], but it is impossible to suppose that the housatonic was ever reversed. as will appear, it is an antecedent master stream crossing the crystalline rocks of western connecticut regardless of structure, and its course obliquely across the strike accounts for the peculiar orientation of its southern tributaries, which are subsequent streams whose position is determined by the nature of the rock. for the same reason, the northern tributaries of the housatonic present the usual relations. [footnote 6: leverett, frank, glacial formations and drainage features of the erie and ohio basins: u. s. geol. survey mon. 41, pp. 88-91, figs. 1 and 2, 1902. see, also, the genoa, watkins, penn yan, and naples (new york) topographic atlas sheets.] abnormal profile the airline distance from the bend in rocky river at sherman to its mouth at the housatonic is 2-3/4 miles, but the course of the river between these two points is 15 miles, or 5.4 times the airline distance. this is a more extraordinary digression than that of tennessee river, which deserts its ancestral course to the gulf and flows northwest into the ohio, multiplying the length of its course 3-1/3 times. the fall of rocky river between sherman and its mouth is 240 feet or 16 feet to the mile, and were the river able to take a direct course the fall would be 87 feet to the mile. the possibility of capture would seem to be imminent from these figures, but in reality there is no chance of it, for an unbroken mountain ridge of resistant rock lies between the two forks of the river. this barrier is not likely to be crossed by any stream until the whole region has been reduced to a peneplain. measured from the head of its longest branch, rocky river is about 19 miles long and falls 950 feet. of this fall, 710 feet occurs in the first 4 miles and 173 feet in the last 2-1/2 miles of its course. for the remaining distance of 12-1/2 miles, in which the river after flowing south doubles back on itself, the fall is 67 feet, or slightly less than 5-1/2 feet to the mile (fig. 3, a). [illustration: ~fig. 3.~ profiles of present and preglacial rocky river. elevations at a, b, c and i are from u. s. g. s. map. elevation at d is estimated from r. e. dakin's records. elevations at e, f, g and h are from r. e. dakin's records. the u. s. g. s. figures for the same are enclosed in parenthesis.] in tabular form the figures, taken from the danbury and new milford atlas sheets and from reports of r. e. dakin, are as follows: miles fall in feet per mile source to sherman 4 177.5 sherman to wood creek 8 6.25 wood creek to jerusalem 4.5 3.8 jerusalem to mouth 2.5 69.2 near jerusalem, where rocky river makes its sudden change in grade, there is an abrupt change in the form of the valley from broad and flat-bottomed to narrow and v-shaped. the profile of rocky river is thus seen to be sharply contrasted with that of a normal stream, which is characterised throughout its course by a decreasing slope. preglacial course the present profile of rocky river and the singular manner in which the lower course of the river is doubled back on the upper course are believed to represent changes wrought by glaciation. before the advent of the glacier, rocky river probably flowed southward through the "neversink-danbury valley," to be described later, and joined the still at danbury, as shown in fig. 4. the profile of the stream at this stage in its history is shown in fig. 3, b. at sherman a low col separates rocky river basin from that of the small northward flowing stream which enters the housatonic about a mile below gaylordsville. streams by headward erosion at both ends of the belt of limestone and schist on which they are situated have reduced this divide to an almost imperceptible swell. the rock outcrops in the channel show that the glacier did not produce any change in the divide by damming, though it may have lowered it by scouring. assume that at one time a divide also existed on the eastern fork of rocky river, for example near jerusalem. according to this hypothesis there was, north of this latter divide, a short northward flowing branch of the housatonic located on a belt of weak rock, similar to the small stream which now flows northward from sherman, and very like any of the half-dozen parallel streams in the rock mass south and southwest of danbury, all of which are subsequent streams flowing along the strike. while these stream valleys were growing, the southern ends of the same weak belts of rock were held by southward-flowing streams which united in the broad limestone area now occupied by the city of danbury. [illustration: ~fig. 4.~ preglacial course of rocky-still river. dotted lines show present courses of the two rivers.] the southward-flowing streams whose heads were, respectively, above sherman and near jerusalem joined at the southern end of the long ridge which includes towner hill and green mountain. thence the stream flowed southward along the valley now occupied by wood creek and reached still river by way of the valley which extends southward from neversink pond (fig. 4). the preglacial course of rocky river, as above outlined, is subject to possible modification in one minor feature, namely, the point where the east and west forks joined. the junction may have been where neversink pond is now situated, or three miles farther south than the indicated junction near the mouth of wood creek. a low ridge of till is the only barrier that at present prevents the western branch from flowing into the head of barses pond and thence into neversink pond (fig. 1). as thus reconstructed the greater part of rocky river formerly belonged to the still-umpog system and formed a normal tributary in that distant period when the still joined the saugatuck on its way to the sound (fig. 9). however, the normal condition was not lasting, for the reversal of still river, as later described, brought about a complex arrangement of barbed streams (fig. 4) which remained until modified by glacial action. in a large stream system which has been reversed, considerable evidence may be gathered from the angle at which tributary streams enter. as the original direction of rocky river in its last 2-1/2 miles is unchanged, normal tributaries should be expected; whereas between jerusalem and the head of the stream entering neversink pond from the south, in accordance with the hypothesis that this portion of the stream was reversed, tributaries pointing upstream might be expected. such little gullies as join rocky river near its mouth are normal in direction; between jerusalem and the mouth of wood creek, a distance of 4-1/2 miles, there are no distinct tributaries. south of the mouth of wood creek are four tributaries: (1) the brook which enters the valley from the west about one mile south of neversink pond, (2) balls brook, which empties into neversink pond, and (3) two streams on the east side--mountain brook and one other unnamed (fig. 1). all these, except mountain brook, are normal to the reconstructed drainage. the evidence of the tributaries, though not decisive, is thus favorable to the hypothesis of reversal. the buried channel figures 3 and 5 show what is known of the buried channel of rocky river. the only definite information as to rock levels is that derived from the drill holes made by r. e. dakin for the j. a. p. crisfield contracting company in connection with work on a reservoir for the connecticut light and power company. numerous holes were drilled at the points indicated on fig. 5 as no. 8, d, j, no. 7+1000, and no. 7, but only those showing the lowest rock levels need be considered. in the following account the elevations quoted are those determined by r. e. dakin which differ, as shown in fig. 3, a, from those of the new milford atlas sheet. between the mouth of wood creek and jerusalem bridge holes made near the river show that the depth of the drift--chiefly sand, gravel, and clay--varies from 45 to 140 feet. the greatest thickness of drift, consisting of humus, quicksand and clay, is 140 feet at a point 20 feet from the east bank of rocky river and about 1-3/4 miles north of the mouth of wood creek (fig. 5, d). although some allowance should be made for glacial scouring, the rock level at this point, 244 feet, is so much lower than any other record obtained between this point and danbury that one is obliged to assume a buried channel with a level at danbury at least 75 feet below the rock level found in the lowest well record.[7] it is probable that this well is not situated where the rock is lowest, that is, it may be on one side of the old still river channel. [footnote 7: well of j. hornig, rear of bottling works, near foot of tower place, 35 ft. to rock, indicated at _a_, fig. 5. the well of bartley & clancey, 94 white street, 70 ft. to rock, is also indicated at _b_, fig. 5.] the level obtained at no. 8 is from a hole drilled within 50 feet of the river. the drill struck rock at an elevation of 316 feet after passing through 69 feet of quicksand, gravel, and till. this is clearly not within the channel as it is quite impossible to reconcile the figure with that at d, less than a mile distant. south of jerusalem bridge at j, 150 feet from the river, a hole was bored through 95 feet of clay, sand, and gravel before striking rock at an elevation of 298 feet. [illustration: ~fig. 5.~ rocky river valley. diagram indicating lowest rock levels which have been discovered by drilling.] at the point marked no. 7+1000, about 1-1/4 miles from the mouth of rocky river, the evidence derived from 8 drill holes, bored at distances ranging from 200 to 550 feet from the right bank, shows the drift cover to be from 48 to 72 feet in thickness. at 200 feet from the river the drill passed through 72 feet of sand, clay, and gravel before striking rock at 303 feet above sea-level. at no. 7, about one mile from the mouth of rocky river, a hole drilled 415 feet from the right bank showed 58 feet of drift, consisting of clay, sand, gravel, and boulders. the drill reached rock at 342 feet, which is the figure given by r. e. dakin for the elevation of the river at this point. drill holes made, respectively, at 50 and 60 feet to the right of this one showed a drift cover of 61 feet, so that the underlying rock rises only 4 feet in a distance of 475 feet to the east of the river. the foregoing evidence, showing a rock level at d 98 feet lower than that at no. 7, leaves no doubt that the preglacial course of rocky river was to the south from no. 7, and there is nothing in the topography between jerusalem and danbury to make improbable the existence of a buried channel. effect of glaciation the preglacial history of rocky river as outlined assumes that before the glacier covered this part of connecticut the present lower course of rocky river was separated from the rest of the system by a divide situated somewhere between the present mouth of the river and the mouth of wood creek. it remains to be shown by what process rocky river was cut off from its southern outlet into still river and forced up its eastern branch and over the col into a tributary of the housatonic. though the preglacial course of rocky river appears to be more natural than the present one, it is really a longer course to the housatonic; the older route being 32 miles, whereas the present course is 19 miles. this fact explains, in part, why the glacier had little difficulty in altering the preglacial drainage, and how the change so effected became permanent. eccentric as the resulting system of drainage is, it would have been still more so had rocky river when ponded overflowed at the head of its western instead of its eastern fork, taken its way past sherman into the housatonic near gaylordsville, and discharging at this point lost the advantage of the fall of the housatonic between gaylordsville and boardman. in glaciated regions an area of swamp land may be taken as an indication of interference by the glacier with the natural run-off. the swamp in which wood creek joins the upper fork of rocky river (fig. 1), was formerly a lake due to a dam built across the lower end of a river valley. although the ponded water extended only a short distance up the steeper side valleys, it extended several miles up the main stream. the whole area of this glacial lake, except two small ponds and the narrow channels through which the river now flows, has been converted into a peat-filled bog having a depth of from 8 to 45 feet.[8] at the termination of the swampy area on the eastern branch of rocky river no indication is found of a dam such as would be required for so extensive a ponding of the waters. here the valley is very narrow, and though the river bed is encumbered with heavy boulders, rock outcrops are so numerous as to preclude the idea of a drift cover raising the water level. this is just the condition to be expected if rocky river reached its present outlet by overtopping a low col at the head of its former eastern branch. the southern end of the neversink pond valley is the only other place whose level is so low that drift deposits could have interfered with the rocky river drainage. the moraine at the head of this valley, crossing the country some two miles north of the city of danbury and binding together two prominent north-and-south ridges, was evidently the barrier which choked the rocky river valley near its mouth and turned back the preglacial river. when rocky river was thus ponded its lowest outlet was found to be at the head of its eastern fork. here the waters spilled over the old divide and took possession of the channel of a small stream draining into the housatonic. accordingly rocky river should be found cutting its bed where it crosses the former divide. it seems reasonable to regard the gorge half-way between jerusalem bridge and housatonic river as approximately the position of the preglacial divide and to consider the small flat area to the north of jerusalem bridge as a flood plain on softer rock, worn down as low as the outcrops of more resistant rock occurring farther down the valley will permit. the reversal of the river may account for the sudden transition from a flat-bottomed valley to a rocky gorge; and for the abrupt change in the profile, bringing the steepest part of the river near its mouth. the increased volume of water flowing through the channel since glacial time has plainly cut down the bed of the ravine between jerusalem and the river's mouth, but the channel is still far from being graded. [footnote 8: report of soundings made in 1907 by t. t. giffen.] the neversink-danbury valley. between neversink pond and danbury extends a deep rock valley, in places filled with drift. as has been shown, this valley was probably occupied in preglacial time by rocky river, which then flowed southward. at its southern end is still river, which flows through danbury from west to east. the most important tributary of the still rises northwest of the city, just beyond the new york-connecticut boundary line, and has two forks. the northern fork, which drains east lake, padanaram reservoir, and margerie pond, flows along the northeast side of clapboard ridge. the southern fork has two branches; the northern one includes the reservoirs of upper kohanza and lake kohanza, while the upper waters of the southern branch have been recently dammed to form an extensive reservoir. on approaching the city, the northernmost fork (draining east lake) turns sharply out of its southeast course and flows in a direction a little east of north. at the end of clapboard ridge, the stream makes a detour around a knoll of coarse stratified drift. from this turn until it joins still river, a distance of about a mile, the stream occupies a broad and partly swampy valley. at the cemetery in this valley (fig. 1, c) are two eskers of symmetric form, each a few hundred yards in length and trending nearly parallel with the valley axis. east of the valley, and about 1-1/2 miles north of the cemetery, is a broad, flat-topped ridge of till with rock exposed at the ends, forming a barrier which doubtless existed in preglacial time. west of the valley is a hill with rock foundation rounded out on the northeast side by a mass of drift. the preglacial course of rocky river was between the outcrops at these two localities. northwest of the cemetery for one and a half miles the uneven surface is formed of till and small patches of stratified drift. in a swamp near the north end of the cemetery is a curved esker with lobes extending south and southwest. one mile north of this swamp is an area of excessively coarse till containing boulders which range in diameter from 6 to 10 feet and forming a low ridge separating two ravines, in which head streams flowing in opposite directions. the area of coarse till is bounded on the north by a long sinuous esker of coarse gravel terminating in a flat fan, which is superposed on a field of fine till. associated with the esker is an interesting group of kames and kettleholes, the largest kettlehole being distinguished by distinct plant zones banding the sides of the depression. north of the area of boulders, eskers, and kames just described lies a swamp whose surface is 30 to 40 feet below the upper level of the kame gravels. soundings made by t. t. giffen revealed the presence of 36 feet of peat and 2 feet of silt overlying firm sand, so that 70 feet is the minimum estimate for the difference in level between the surface of the gravels and the floor of the swamp. below the rocky cliffs which line the valley sides are boulders brought by the ice from near-by ledges, and about one-half mile above the head of the swamp are remnants of a terrace standing 20 to 30 feet above the level of the stream. although the terrace appears to consist of till, it may conceal a rock floor which was cut by a former stream. as the valley is followed toward neversink pond, the various features of a till-coated, rock-floored valley are seen. [illustration: ~fig. 6.~ course of still river. dotted lines show the preglacial channels.] still river statement of the problem still river presents several unusual features, as shown in fig. 6. tributaries from the west and south unite at danbury to form a stream flowing northward opposite to the regional land slope. near its junction with the housatonic, the river flows northward, whereas its master stream half a mile distant flows southward. the lower valley of the river is broad and flat and apparently much out of proportion to the present stream; it is, indeed, comformable in size and direction with the valley of the housatonic above the mouth of the still. the housatonic, however, instead of choosing the broad lowland in the limestone formation, spread invitingly before it, turns aside and flows through a narrow gorge cut in resistant gneiss, schist, and igneous intrusives. the headwaters of the still mingle with those of the croton system, and its chief southern branch, the umpog, is interlaced with the sources of the saugatuck on a divide marked by glacial drift and swamps. the explanation of these features involves not only the history of the still river system, but also that of the housatonic. in explanation of the present unusual arrangement of streams in the still river system, four hypotheses may be considered: i. still river valley is the ancient bed of the housatonic from which that river has been diverted through reversal caused by a glacial dam. ii. the housatonic has always had its present southeasterly course, but the still, heading at some point in its valley north of danbury, flowed initially southward through one of four possible outlets. the latter stream was later reversed by a glacial dam at the southern end, or by glacial scouring at the northern end of its valley which removed the divide between its headwaters and the housatonic. iii. the housatonic has always held its present southeasterly course, and the still initially flowed southward, as stated above. reversal in this case, however, occurred in a very early stage in the development of the drainage, as the result of the capture of the headwaters of the still by a small tributary of the housatonic. iv. the housatonic has always held its present southeasterly course, but the still has developed from the beginning as a subsequent stream in the direction in which it now flows. the first hypothesis, that the still is the ancient channel of the housatonic, has been advocated by professor hobbs, who has stated: "that the valley of the still was formerly occupied by a large stream is probable from its wide valley area.... the former discharge of the waters of the housatonic through the still into the croton system, on the one hand, or into the saugatuck on the other, would require the assumption of extremely slight changes only in the rock channels which now connect them.... to turn the river (the housatonic) from its course along the limestone valley some obstruction or differential uplift within the river basin may have been responsible. the former seems to be the more probable explanation in view of the large accumulations of drift material in the area south and west of bethel and danbury." "the structural valleys believed to be present in the crystalline rocks of the uplands due to post-newark deformation may well have directed the course of the housatonic after it had once deserted the limestone ... the deep gorge of the housatonic through which the river enters the uplands not only crosses the first high ridge of gneiss in the rectilinear direction of one of the fault series, but its precipitous walls show the presence of minor planes of dislocation, along which the bottom of the valley appears to have been depressed."[9] the hypothesis proposed by professor hobbs and also the second and third hypotheses here given involve the supposition of reversal of drainage, and their validity rests on the probability that the stream now occupying still river valley formerly flowed southward. the first and second hypotheses will be considered in the following section. [footnote 9: hobbs, w. h., still rivers of western connecticut: bull. geol. soc. am., vol. 13, pp. 17-26, 1901.] evidence to be expected if still river has been reversed if still river occupies the valley of a reversed stream, the following physiographic features should be expected: 1. a valley with a continuous width corresponding to the size of the ancient stream, or a valley comparatively narrow at the north and broadening toward the south. 2. tributary valleys pointing upstream with respect to the present river. 3. the regional slope not in accord with the present course of the river. 4. extensive glacial filling and ponded waters in the region of the present sources of still river. 5. strong glacial scouring at the northern end in default of a glacial dam at the southern end of the valley, or to assist a dam in its work of reversing the river. the evidence of glacial erosion would be a u-shaped valley, overdeepening of the main valley, and tributaries ungraded with respect to the main stream. 1. a valley wide throughout or broadening toward the south at the mouth of still river and for several miles north and south of it there is a plain more than a mile broad. this plain continues southward with a width of about one-half mile until, at brookfield, it is interrupted by ledges of bare rock. a little distance south of brookfield the valley broadens again to one-half mile, and this width is retained with some variation as far as danbury. drift deposits along the border of the valley make it appear narrower in some places than is indicated by rock outcrops. between brookfield and danbury the narrowest place in the valley is southwest of beaver brook mountain, where the distance between the hills of rock bounding the valley is one-fifth of a mile (fig. 6). opposite beaver brook mountain, which presents vertical faces of granite-gneiss toward the valley, is a hill of limestone. ice, crowding through this narrow place in the valley, must have torn masses of rock from the side walls, so that the valley is now broader than in preglacial time. the constrictions in the valley near shelter rock are due to the fact that the preglacial valley, now partly buried in till, lies to the north. there are stretches of broad floor in the valley of beaver brook, in the lower valley of umpog creek, in the fields at the south end of main street in danbury, about lake kanosha, and where the danbury fair grounds are situated. in the western part of danbury, however, and at mill plain the valley is very narrow, and at the head of sugar hollow, the valley lying east of spruce mountain, is a narrow col. the broadest continuous area in the still-umpog valley is, therefore, in the lower six miles between brookfield and new milford; south of that portion are several places where the valley is sharply constricted; and beyond the head of the umpog, about one and a half miles below west redding station (fig. 7), the saugatuck valley is a very narrow gorge. on the whole, the valleys south and southwest of danbury are much narrower than the valley of the still farther north. it is evident from these observations that still river valley is neither uniformly broad, nor does it increase in width toward the south. but if a broad valley is to be accepted as evidence of the work of a large river, then there is too much evidence in the still river valley. the broad areas named above are more or less isolated lowlands, some of them quite out of the main line of drainage, and can not be grouped to form a continuous valley. they can not be attributed to the housatonic nor wholly to the work of the insignificant streams now draining them. these broad expanses are, in fact, local peneplains developed on areas of soluble limestone. the rock has dissolved and the plain so produced has been made more nearly level by a coating of peat and glacial sand. in a region of level and undisturbed strata, such as the ohio or mississippi valley, a constant relation may exist between the size of a stream and the valley made by it; but in a region of complicated geologic structure, such as western connecticut, where rocks differ widely in their resistance to erosion, the same result is not to be expected. in this region the valleys are commonly developed on limestone and their width is closely controlled by the width of the belt of limestone. even the narrow valleys in the upland southwest of danbury are to be accounted for by the presence of thin lenses of limestone embedded in gneiss and schist. the opinion of hobbs that still river valley is too wide to be the work of the present stream takes into consideration only the broad places, but when the narrow places are considered it may be said as well that the valley is too narrow to be the work of a stream larger than the one now occupying it. valley width has only negative value in interpreting the history of still river. 2. tributary valleys pointing upstream the dominant topographic feature of western connecticut, as may be seen on the atlas sheets, is elongated oval hills trending north by west to south by east, which is the direction of the axes of the folds into which the strata were thrown at the time their metamorphism took place. furthermore, the direction of glacial movement in this part of new england was almost precisely that of foliation, and scouring by ice merely accentuated the dominant north-south trend of the valleys and ridges. as a result, the smaller streams developed on the softer rocks are generally parallel to each other and to the strike of the rocks. these streams commonly bend around the ends of the hills but do not cross them. the narrowness of the belts of soft rock makes it easy for the drainage of the valleys to be gathered by a single lengthwise stream. the still and its larger tributaries conform in this way to the structure. on the east side of the still-umpog every branch, except two rivulets 1-1/4 miles south of bethel, points in the normal direction, that is, to the north, or downstream as the river now flows (fig. 6). the largest eastern tributary, beaver brook, is in a preglacial valley now converted into a swamp the location and size of which are due entirely to a belt of limestone. it is not impossible that beaver brook may have once flowed southward toward bethel, but the limestone at its mouth, which lies at least 60 feet lower than that at its head, shows that if such were ever the case it must have been before the north-flowing still river had removed the limestone north of beaver brook swamp. on the flanks of beaver brook mountain are three tributaries which enter the river against its present course. examination of the structure reveals, however, that these streams like those on the east side of the river are controlled in their direction by the orientation of the harder rock masses. the southward flowing stream four miles in length which drains the upland west of beaver brook mountain has an abnormal direction in the upper part of its course, but on reaching the flood plain it takes a sharp turn to the north. above the latter point it is in line with the streams near beaver brook mountain and is abnormal in consequence of a line of weakness in the rock. the lowland lying west of umpog valley, extending from main street in danbury to a point one mile beyond bethel, affords no definite evidence in regard to the direction of tributaries. in reconstructing the history of this valley the chief difficulty arises from the old-age condition of the flood plain. drainage channels which must once have existed have been obliterated, leaving a swampy plain which from end to end varies less than 20 feet in elevation. it is likely that in preglacial times the part of the valley north of grassy plain, if not the entire valley, drained northward into still river, as now do umpog creek and beaver brook. from this outlet heavy drift deposits near the river later cut it off. the lowland is now drained by a stream which enters the umpog north of grassy plain. several small streams tributary to the umpog south of bethel also furnish no evidence in favor of the reversal of still river. west of danbury the tributaries of still river point upstream on one side and downstream on the other side of the valley, in conformity with the rock structure which is here diagonal to the limestone belt on which the river is located. their direction in harmony with the trend of the rocks has, therefore, no significance in the earlier history of the river. from the foregoing discussion, it appears that no definite conclusions in regard to the history of still river can be drawn from the angle at which tributaries enter it. the direction of the branches which enter at an abnormal angle can be explained without assuming a reversal of the main stream, and likewise many of the tributaries with normal trends seem to have adopted their courses without regard to the direction of still river. 3. regional slope not in accord with course of the still although the regional slope of western connecticut as a whole is contrary to that of still river, there is no marked lowering of the hill summits between the source of the river and its mouth. as branches on the south side of the housatonic are naturally to be expected, there is nothing unusual in the still flowing in opposition to the regional slope, except that it flows toward the north instead of the northeast. 4. evidence of glacial filling and degrading of the river bed hobbs has suggested that the waters of the housatonic may have been ponded at a point near west redding until they rose high enough to overflow into the "fault gorge" below still river station, thus giving the streams of the danbury region an outlet to the sound by this route. this hypothesis calls for a glacial dam which has not been found. it is true there are glacial deposits in the umpog valley south of bethel. the umpog flows as it does, however, not because of a glacial "dam" but in spite of it. the river heads on rock beyond and above the glacial deposits and picks its way through them (fig. 7). drift forms the divide at the western end of still river valley beyond mill plain, but the ponded water which it caused did not extend as far as danbury (see discussion of still-croton valley). the sugar hollow pass is also filled with a heavy mantle of drift, but the valley is both too high and too narrow at the col to have been the outlet of the housatonic. it might be assumed that just previous to the advent of the ice sheet still river headed south of its present mouth and flowed southward. in this case the still, when reversed, should have overflowed at the lowest point on the divide between it and the housatonic. it should have deepened its channel over the former divide, and the result would have been a gorge if the divide were high, or at least some evidence of river cutting even if the divide were low. on the contrary, still river joins the housatonic in a low, broad, and poorly drained plain. the existing relief is due to the uneven distribution of drift. the river is now cutting a gorge at lanesville, but the appearance of the valley to the west indicates that glacial deposits forced the river out of its former bed (fig. 6) and that no barrier lay between the preglacial still river valley and the housatonic valley. 5. glacial scouring a reversal of still river may be explained by glacial scouring which caused the northern end of the valley to become lower than the present divides at west redding and mill plain. the evidence of such scour should be an overdeepened, u-shaped main valley and ungraded tributaries. the northern part of still river valley has not the typical u form which results from glacial erosion. as contrasted with the u-shaped glacial valley and the v-shaped valley of normal stream erosion, it might be called rectangular so sharply does the flat valley floor terminate against the steep hillsides. the floor is too smooth and flat and the tributary valleys too closely adjusted to the variant hardness of the rocks to be the work of such a rough instrument as the glacier. a level so nearly perfect as that of the flood plain is the natural result of erosion of soft rock down to a baselevel, whereas glacial scouring tends to produce a surface with low rounded hills and hollows. overdeepening would be expected, because glaciers erode without reference to existing baselevels. that a river valley should be cut out by ice just enough to leave it graded with respect to the main valley would be an unusual coincidence. this is what is found where the still river valley joins the housatonic, and it indicates normal stream erosion. also, if the limestone of the northern still river valley were gouged out by the glacier, the action would in all probability have been continuous in the limestone belt to the north of the housatonic, and where the belt of soft rock crosses the housatonic the river bed would be overdeepened. although the valley of the housatonic near new milford is very flat, as is natural where a river crosses a belt of weak rock, the outcrops are sufficiently numerous to show that it has not been overdeepened. the limestone area along the east aspetuck is largely overlain by till, but here again the presence of rock in place shows that the valley has not been overdeepened. moreover, limestone boulders in the southern part of still river valley are not as abundant as they should be under the hypothesis that the northern part had been gouged out extensively. that the northern part of the still river valley was not deeply carved by ice is shown also by the character of the tributary streams. the three small brooks on the west side of the valley, near beaver brook mountain, were examined to see if their grades indicated an over-deepening of the main valley. these streams, however, and others so far as could be determined, were found to have normal profiles; that is, their grades become increasingly flatter toward their mouths. the streams are cutting through the till cover and are not building alluvial cones where they join the lowland. all their features, in fact, are characteristic of normal stream development. throughout the length of the valley, rock outcrops are found near the surface, showing that the changes produced by the glacier were due to scouring rather than to the accumulation of glacial material. except where stratified drift is collected locally in considerable quantity, the glacial mantle is thin. on the other hand, it has been shown that glacial gouging was not sufficient in amount to affect the course of the stream. the glacier simply cleaned off the soil and rotten rock from the surface, slackening the stream here and hastening it there, and by blocking the course with drift it forced the river at several places to depart slightly from its preglacial course. the evidence shows, therefore, that if still river has suffered reversal, glaciation is not responsible for the change, and thus the first two hypotheses for explaining the history of the valley are eliminated. there remain for discussion the third and fourth hypotheses; the former being that reversal was effected in a very early stage in the development of the drainage, the latter that no reversal has occurred. the choice between these two hypotheses rests on evidence obtained in the umpog, croton, and other valleys of the danbury region. this evidence is presented in the three following sections, after which the former courses of still river will be discussed. the still-saugatuck divide features of the umpog valley the valley of the umpog, which extends from still river to the source of the saugatuck near west redding (fig. 7), is a critical area in the study of the still river system. it is possible that this valley once afforded an outlet for still river, and it has been suggested that the housatonic formerly followed this route to long island sound. the relation of this valley to the former drainage system of the danbury region demands, therefore, a careful examination of the features of the valleys occupied by umpog creek and the upper waters of the saugatuck, and of the divide between those streams. [illustration: ~fig. 7.~ map of umpog swamp and vicinity.] north of bethel the umpog occupies an open valley developed in limestone. knolls of limestone rise to heights of about 40 feet above the floor of the valley and their upper surfaces are cut across the highly, tilted beds. this truncation, together with a general correspondence in height, suggests that these knolls, as well as the rock terraces found between bethel and west redding, and the limestone ridge which forms the divide itself, are portions of what was once a more continuous terrace produced by stream erosion and that they determine a former river level. the absence of accurate elevations and the probability of glacial scour make conclusions regarding the direction of slope of this dissected rock terrace somewhat uncertain. as will be indicated later, however, it seems likely that these terrace remnants mark the course of a southward flowing river that existed in a very early stage in the development of the drainage. south of bethel the old umpog valley, has lost from one-third to one-half its width through deposits of stratified drift (pl. ii, a and b). on the west, gravel beds lie against rock and till; on the east, deposits of sand and coarse gravel form a bench or terrace from 500 to 700 feet broad, which after following the side of the valley for one-half mile, crosses it diagonally and joins the western slope as a row of rounded hills. through this drift the present stream has cut a narrow channel. the narrowest part of the umpog valley is about one mile south of bethel. farther upstream the valley expands into the flat occupied by umpog swamp, which presents several interesting features. the eastern, southern, and western sides of the swamp are formed of irregular masses of limestone and granite-gneiss 20 to 60 feet high. near the northwestern edge of the swamp is a terrace-like surface cut on limestone. its elevation is about the same as that of the beveled rock remnants lying in umpog valley north of bethel. [illustration: ~state geol. nat. hist. survey. bull. 30. plate ii.~ a. view up the valley of umpog creek. the valley dwindles in the distance to the "railroad divide." in the middle distance is umpog swamp; in the foreground the edge of the southern end of row of kames which points down the valley. b. view down the valley of umpog creek. to the left is the edge of limestone terrace; in the middle distance is the catholic cemetery situated on a terrace of stratified drift; on the right are mounds of stratified drift; in the distance is the granite ridge bounding the valley on the east.] [illustration: ~fig. 8.~ profiles of rivers. a. profile of present still river and buried channel of umpog-still river. b. profile of preglacial croton-still river. c. profile of preglacial umpog-still river. solid lines show the present levels. dotted lines show preglacial levels.] umpog swamp was formerly a lake but is now nearly filled with organic matter so that only a small remnant of the old water body remains. soundings have revealed no bottom at 43 feet[10] and the depth to rock bottom is not less than 45 feet. the swamp situated one-half mile southwest of bethel has a depth to rock of 35 feet. in their relation to the still river system these two swamps may be regarded simply as extensions of the umpog creek channel, but when the elevations of their bottoms are compared with that of points to the north and south, where the river flows on rock, it will be seen that a profile results which is entirely out of harmony with the present profile of the river. thus umpog creek falls 40 feet at the point where it spills over the rock ledge into the swamp, and if the 45 feet which measures the depth of umpog swamp be added, the difference in level is seen to be at least 85 feet. a similar calculation locates the bottom of the smaller swamp near bethel at an elevation of 340 feet above sea-level or on the same level as the bottom of umpog swamp. in a straight line 2-1/4 miles north of bethel, still river crosses rock at a level of 350 feet, or 10 feet higher than the bottom of umpog swamp. at brookfield, 6-1/2 miles north of the mouth of the umpog, the still crosses rock at 260 feet, and 4-1/2 miles farther north, it joins the housatonic on a rock floor 200 feet above sea-level (fig. 8, a). such a profile can be explained in either of two ways: glaciers gouged out rock basins in the weak limestone, or the river in its lower part has been forced out of its graded bed onto rock at a higher level. probably both causes have operated, but the latter has produced more marked effects. umpog creek has its source in a small forked stream which rises in the granite hills east of the south end of umpog swamp. after passing westward through a flat swampy area, where it is joined by the waters from todd pond, the stream turns north and follows a shallow rock gorge until umpog swamp is reached. the divide which separates the present headwaters of the umpog from those of the saugatuck is a till-covered swampy flat about one-quarter mile east of todd pond. this arrangement of tributary streams is correctly shown in fig. 7 and differs essentially from that shown on the danbury atlas sheet. this divide owes its position to the effects of glaciation. deposits of till and the scouring of the bed rock so modified the preglacial surface that the upper part of the saugatuck was cut off and made tributary to the umpog. [footnote 10: report by t. t. giffen, 1907.] the preglacial divide in order to determine whether still river flowed southward through the saugatuck valley just before the advent of the ice sheet, the borders of umpog swamp and the region to the south and east were examined. it was found that umpog swamp is walled in on the south by ledges of firm crystalline limestone and that the rock-floored ravine leading southward from the swamp, and occupied by the railroad, lies at too high an elevation to have been the channel of a through-flowing stream. a south-flowing still river, and much less an ancient housatonic, could not have had its course through this ravine just previous to glaciation. a course for these rivers through the short valley which extends southeastward from umpog swamp is also ruled out, because the bedrock floor of this hypothetical passageway is 20 feet higher than the floor of the ravine through which the railroad passes. the eastern border of umpog swamp is determined by a ridge of limestone which separates the swamp from lowlying land beyond. this ridge is continuous, except for the postglacial gorge cut by the tributary entering from the east, and must have been in existence in preglacial times. the entire lowland east of this limestone ridge possesses a unity that is not in harmony with the present division of the drainage. the streams from this hillside and those from the west may have joined in the flat-floored valley at the head of the saugatuck and from there flowed into the saugatuck system. the former divide then lay in a line connecting the limestone rim of the swamp with the tongue of highland which the highway crosses south of todd pond (fig. 7). the still-croton divide introduction the deep valley extending from the danbury fair grounds to the east branch reservoir in the croton river system, has given rise to the suggestion that the course of the housatonic formerly may have been along the line of still and croton rivers and thence to the hudson.[11] from the evidence of the topographic map alone, this hypothesis appears improbable. the trend of the larger streams in western connecticut is to the south and southeast; a southwesterly course, therefore, would be out of harmony with the prevailing direction of drainage. also, the distance from the present mouth of still river to tidewater by the still-croton route is longer than the present route by way of the housatonic. [footnote 11: hobbs, w. h., still rivers of western connecticut: bull. geol. soc. am., vol. 13, p. 25, 1901.] features of still river valley west of danbury from danbury to its source still river occupies a valley whose features are significant in the history of the drainage. between danbury and the fair grounds (fig. 1) the valley is a v-shaped ravine 1-1/2 miles long, well proportioned to the small stream now occupying it but entirely too narrow for the channel of a large river. along the valley are outcrops of schist, and granite rock is present on both sides of the valley for a distance of about one-quarter mile. part of the valley is a mere cleft cut in the rock and is unglaciated. at the danbury fair grounds the valley opens out into a marshy plain, through which the river meanders and receives two tributaries from the south. the plain, which extends beyond lake kanosha on the west, has a generally level surface but is diversified in places by mounds of stratified drift. near the railroad a rock outcrop was found which gives a clue to the nature of the broad lowland. the rock consists mainly of schist, but on the side next the valley there is a facing of rotten limestone. this plain, like all the others in this region, is a local peneplain developed on soluble limestone. a better example could not be found to prove the fallacy of the saying that "a broad valley proves the existence of a large river." the plain is simply a local expansion of a valley which on each side is much narrower. no other river than the one flowing through it can have been responsible for the erosion, for the plain is enclosed by hills of gneiss and schist (pl. iii). at mill plain the valley is crowded by ragged rock outcrops which jut into the lowland. here the river occupies a ravine cut in till near the north side of the valley. west of mill plain station the valley is encumbered with ridges of stratified drift, interspersed with heavy accumulations of till. near andrew pond the true width of the valley--one-eighth mile--is shown by rock outcrops on both the north and south slopes. the valley at this point gives no indication of narrowing toward the headwaters; in fact, it becomes broader toward the west. between andrew pond and haines' pond is the divide which separates the waters of the still system from those of the croton. it consists of a jumbled mass of morainal hills, seemingly of boulder clay, that rise from 50 to 60 feet above the level of the ponds. the divide is thus merely a local obstruction in what was formerly a through drainage channel. the still-croton valley it is evident that before the advent of the glacier a stream must have flowed through the still-croton valley past the present divide in order to have excavated the rock valley there found. the housatonic could not have flowed west through this valley if it was as narrow and shallow as is indicated by known rock outcrops; the river could have flowed through it only in a deep narrow gorge which was later buried under drift, but the evidence at hand does not support this view. [illustration: ~state geol. nat. hist. survey bull. 30. plate iii.~ limestone plain southwest of danbury, in which are situated the danbury fair grounds and lake kanosha.] it is most probable that this valley was made by the preglacial croton river. this explanation demands no change in the direction of still and croton rivers but calls for a divide at some point east of the present one. from a divide between the fair grounds and danbury, a small stream may be supposed to have flowed toward the east, joining the larger northern branch of the still at a point near the middle of the city of danbury. the stream flowing westward from this divide formed the headwaters of one branch of the croton system. the presence of till in a ravine can be used as a criterion for locating the site of a former divide, for where till is present in the bed of a stream the channel is of preglacial date. where the river crosses a divide it should be cutting through rock, though till may be present on the valley slopes. judged by this test, the old divide was situated either just east of the fair grounds plain or at the east end of the ravine described in the preceding topic. of these two positions the one near the fair grounds seems the more likely (fig. 1), for at this place the river has excavated a recent channel with steep sides in gneissoid rock. the absence of the limestone at this point may be sufficient in itself to explain the location of the divide. exact measurements of the drift in the upper still valley are needed in order to establish this hypothesis completely and to plot the old channel, but the position of the rock floor of the former channel extending westward from the fair grounds may be fixed approximately. the rock at the assumed divide now stands at 420 feet above sea-level and it is reasonable to assume that ten feet has been removed by glacial scouring and postglacial erosion, making the original elevation 430 feet. the present divide between andrew pond and haines' pond has an elevation of 460, but the bedrock at this place is buried under 60 feet of drift, so that the valley floor lies at 400 feet. according to these estimates the stream which headed east of the fair grounds had a fall of 30 feet before reaching the site of the present haines' pond (fig. 8, b). glacial lake kanosha when the croton branch was beheaded by drift choking up its valley west of andrew pond, the ponded waters rose to a height of from 20 to 30 feet and then overflowed the basin on the side toward danbury. the outlet was established across the old divide, and as the gorge by which the water escaped was cut down, the level of the ponded waters was lowered. at the same time, also, the lake was filled by debris washed into it from the surrounding slopes. thus the present flat plain was formed and the old valley floor, a local peneplain developed on the limestone, was hidden. divides in the highlands south of danbury the mountain mass to the south and southwest of danbury, including town hill and spruce, moses, and thomas mountains, is traversed by a series of parallel gorges trending nearly north and south (fig. 2). about midway in each valley is a col, separating north and south-flowing streams. two of the valleys, those between spruce and moses mountains, and thomas mountain and town hill, form fairly low and broad passes. they were examined to see whether either could have afforded a southerly outlet for still river. the rock composing the mountains is granite-gneiss and schist with an average strike of n 30° w, or very nearly in line with the trend of the valleys. the gneiss was found to be characteristic of the high ridges and schist to be more common in the valleys. no outcrops of limestone were found on the ridges, but at two or three localities limestone in place was found on low ground. from the facts observed it is evident that the stronger features of the relief are due to the presence of bodies of resistant rock, whereas the valleys are due to the presence of softer rock. the series of deep parallel valleys is attributed to the presence of limestone rather than schist. the gorge between spruce and moses mountains, locally called "sugar hollow," narrows southward as it rises to the col, and the rock floor is buried under till and stratified drift to depths of 25 to 50 feet. nevertheless it is probable that the valley was no deeper in preglacial time than it is now. the plan of the valley with its broad mouth to the north favored glacial scour so that the ice widened and deepened the valley and gave it a u form. scouring and filling are believed to have been about equal in amount, and the present height of the divide, about 470 feet, may be taken as the preglacial elevation. this is 70 feet higher than the rock floor of the divide at west redding. the pass could not, therefore, have served as an outlet for still river. the valley west of town hill is similar in form and origin to sugar hollow. the water parting occurs in a swamp, from each end of which a small brook flows. the height of the pass in this valley--590 feet-precludes its use as an ancient outlet for still river. likewise the valley east of town hill affords no evidence of occupation by a southward through-flowing stream. the ancient still river the conclusion that the still-umpog was not reversed by a glacial dam does not preclude the possibility that this valley has been occupied by a south-flowing stream. it is probable that in an early stage in the development of the drainage, the streams of the danbury region reached long island sound by way of the still-umpog-saugatuck valley. along this route, as described under the heading "the still-saugatuck divide," is a fairly broad continuous valley at a higher level than the beds of the present rivers. a south-flowing river, as shown in fig. 9, brings all the drainage between danbury and the housatonic into normal relations. this early relationship of the streams was disturbed by the reversal of the waters of the ancient still in the natural development of a subsequent drainage. the housatonic lowered the northern end of the limestone belt, in the region between new milford and stillriver village, faster than the smaller south-flowing stream was able to erode its bed. eventually a small tributary of the housatonic captured the headwaters of the south-flowing river, and by the time the latter had been reversed as far south as the present divide at umpog swamp, it is probable that the advantage gained by the more rapid erosion of the housatonic was offset by the saugatuck's shorter course to the sea. as a result the divide between still and saugatuck rivers at umpog swamp had become practically stationary before the advent of the glacier. the complex history of still river is not fully shown in the stream profile, for the latter is nearly normal, except in the rock basins in the valley of the umpog. this is due to the fact that changes in the course of the still, caused by the development of a subsequent drainage through differential erosion, were made so long ago that evidence of them has been largely destroyed. the foregoing conclusion practically eliminates hypothesis iv--that the still developed from the beginning as a subsequent stream in the direction in which it now flows. this hypothesis holds good only for the short portion of the lower course of the present river, that is, the part representing the short tributary of the housatonic which captured and reversed the original still. departures of still river from its preglacial channel between danbury and beaver brook mountain the still departs widely from its former channel, as shown in fig. 6. at the foot of liberty street in danbury the river makes a sharp turn to the southeast, flows through a flat plain, and for some distance follows the limestone valley of the umpog, meeting the latter stream in a swampy meadow. it then cuts across the western end of shelter rock in a gorge-like valley not over 200 feet wide. outcrops of a gneissoid schist on the valley sides and rapids in the stream bear witness to the youthfulness of this portion of the river channel. an open valley which extends from the foot of liberty street in a northeasterly direction (the railroad follows it) marks the former course of still river, but after the stream was forced out of this course and superimposed across the end of shelter rock by the accumulation of drift in the central and northern parts of the valley, it was unable to regain its old channel until near beaver brook mountain. the deposits of drift not only have kept the still confined to the eastern side of its valley but have forced a tributary from the west to flow along the edge of the valley for a mile before it joins its master stream. about a mile north of brookfield junction, still river valley begins to narrow, and at brookfield the river, here crowded to the extreme eastern side, is cutting a gorge through limestone. the preglacial course of the still in the brookfield region seems to have been near the center of the valley where it was joined by long brook and other short, direct streams draining the hillsides. the glacier, however, left a thick blanket of drift in the middle of the valley which turned the still to the east over rock and forced long brook to flow for more than a mile along the extreme western side of the valley. [illustration: ~fig. 9.~ early stage of the rocky-still river, antedating preglacial course shown in figure 4.] the broad valley through which the still flows in the lower part of its course extends northward beyond it for over two miles, bordering the housatonic river. at lanesville near the mouth of the still, the river has cut a gorge 30 feet deep and one-quarter mile long in the limestone. upstream from this gorge the river meanders widely in a flat valley, whereas on the downstream side it has cut a deep channel in the drift in order to reach the level of the housatonic. there is room in the drift-covered plain to the west for a buried channel of still river which could join the housatonic at any point between new milford and stillriver station. if the depth of the drift be taken at 25 feet, there would seem to be no objection to the supposition that the still initially joined its master stream opposite new milford, as shown in fig 6. after the limestone had been worn down to approximate baselevel, the tendency of the still would have been to seek an outlet farther south in order to shorten its course and reach a lower level on the housatonic. this stage in the evolution of the river may not have been reached before the ice age, and it is thus possible that glacial deposits may have pushed the river to the extreme southern side of its valley, superimposed it over rock, and forced it to cut its way down to grade. suggested courses of housatonic river as possible former outlets for the housatonic, hobbs has suggested the still-umpog-saugatuck valley or the still-croton valley (by way of the east branch reservoir)[12], whereas crosby has suggested the ten mile-swamp river-muddy brook-croton river valley (by way of webatuck, wing's station, and pawling), or the fall's village-limerock-sharonwebatuck creek-ten mile valley.[13] the sketch map, fig. 10, indicates the courses just outlined and one other by way of the norwalk. the latter is the route followed by the danbury and norwalk division of the housatonic railroad. it is natural to assume that the housatonic might have occupied anyone of these lines of valleys, particularly where they are developed on limestone and seem too broad for the streams now occupying them. nevertheless, although each of these routes is on soft rock and some give shorter distances to the sea than the present course, it is highly improbable that the housatonic ever occupied any of these valleys. for had the river once become located in a path of least resistance, such as is furnished by any of these suggested routes, it could not have been dislodged and forced to cut its way for 25 miles through a massive granitic formation, as it does between still river and derby, without great difficulty (pl. iv, a). [illustration: ~fig. 10.~ five suggested outlets of housatonic river.] an inspection of the larger river systems of connecticut shows that the streams composing them exhibit two main trends. likewise, the courses, of the larger rivers themselves, whether trunk streams or tributaries, combine these two trends, one of which is northwest-southeast and the other nearly north-south. the north-south drainage lines are the result of geologic structure, and many broad, flat-floored valleys, often apparently out of proportion to the streams occupying them, have this direction. on the other hand, the northwest-southeast drainage lines across the strike of formations, coincide with the slope toward the sea of the uplifted peneplain whose dissected surface is represented by the crests of the uplands. the valleys of streams with this trend are generally narrow, and some are gorges where resistant rock masses are crossed. the northwest-southeast trends of master streams thus were determined initially by the slope of the peneplain, whereas the north-south trends represent later adjustments to structure. it is concluded, therefore, that the housatonic between bulls' bridge and derby (fig. 10), had its course determined by the slope of the uplifted peneplain and is antecedent in origin. the old headwaters extended northwest from the turn in the river near bull's bridge, whereas that part of the river above bull's bridge was initially a minor tributary. this tributary, because of its favorable situation, in time captured all the drainage of the extensive limestone belt to the north and then became part of the main stream. the lower housatonic, therefore, has always maintained its ancient course diagonal to the strike of formations, and differential erosion, which reaches its maximum expression in limestone areas, is responsible for the impression that the still river lowland and other valleys west of the housatonic may once have been occupied by the latter stream. [illustration: ~state geol. nat. hist. survey bull. 30. plate iv.~ a. view down the housatonic valley from a point one-half mile below still river station. pumpkin hill, a ridge of resistant schist and quartzite, stands on right. a small island lies in the river. b. part of the morainal ridge north of danbury. till capped by stratified drift one mile north of shelter rock.] [footnote 12: hobbs, w. h., still rivers of western connecticut: bull. geol. soc. am., vol. 13, p. 25, 1901.] [footnote 13: crosby, w. o., notes on the geology of the sites of the proposed dams in the valleys of the housatonic and ten mile rivers: tech. quart., vol. 13, p. 120, 1900.] glacial deposits beaver brook swamp a broad belt of limestone extends along the eastern side of the granite ridge of shelter rock and in preglacial time formed a broad-bottomed valley whose master stream had reached old age. when the glacier came it hampered the drainage by scooping out the rock bottom of the valley in places and by dropping deposits at the mouth of beaver brook valley, thus forming beaver brook swamp or "the flat," as it is called (fig. 6). among the deposits at the southern end of beaver brook swamp is considerable stratified drift in the form of smoothly rounded hills or kames, which are situated both on the border of the valley and in the swamp. till containing medium-sized boulders of granodiorite-gneiss occurs along the road which borders the east side of the densely wooded swamp. along the northeastern border of the swamp is a flat-topped terrace of till, perhaps a lateral moraine, through which a small stream heading to the north has cut a v-shaped ravine. a lobe of fine till extends into the valley from the northeast and narrows the outlet. between the railroad and highway, which cross the northern end of the swamp, is an irregular wooded eminence of rock, partly concealed by a veneer of drift. between this knoll and shelter rock are heavy deposits of sand in the form of a short, broad terrace with lobes which point into the still river valley. a similar terrace is found to the northwest on the opposite side of the valley. at the northern end of shelter rock along the blind road leading to the summit is a peninsula-like body of drift which contains huge granite boulders mixed here and there with pockets of sand and gravel. stratified drift was found at the foot of the hill, and till overlying it higher up. the more usual arrangement is boulder clay overlain by modified drift, the first being laid down by the ice itself, the second being deposited by streams from the melting glacier in its retreat. huge boulders, many ten feet or more in diameter, are strewn over the northern slope of shelter rock. deposits northeast of danbury north of the railroad, opposite shelter rock (fig. 6), is a most interesting flat-topped ridge of drift which topographically is an extension of the higher rock mass to the northwest. in this drift mass are to be found in miniature a number of the forms characteristic of glacial topography. the broad-topped gravel ridge slopes sharply on the north into a flat-bottomed ravine which is evidently part of the still river lowland. this portion of the valley has been shut off by drift deposits. the drainage has been so obstructed that the stream in the ravine turns northeast away from its natural outlet. in the valley of "x" brook (fig. 1) are terraces, esker-like lobes, and detached mounds of stratified drift resting on a foundation of till. along the eastern border of the hill is to be seen the contact between two forms of glacial deposits (pl. iv, b). a mass of stratified drift overlies a hummocky deposit of coarse till, but large boulders occurring here and there on top of the stratified drift show that the ice-laid and water-laid materials were not completely sorted. boulders seem to have been dropping out of the ice at the same time that gravel was being deposited. boulders of granite-gneiss eight feet or more in diameter, carried by the ice from the hills to the north and northeast, are strewn at the foot of the hill. deposits between beaver brook mountain and mouth of still river about a mile beyond beaver brook mountain, the railroad cuts through the edge of a hill 80 feet in height exposing a section consisting of distinctly stratified layers of fine white quartz sand, coarser yellowish sand, and small round pebbles. the quartz sand was used at one time in making glass. farther east where the two tracks of the new york and new england railroads converge, a cut shows a section of at least 40 feet of boulder clay. near the river, limestone boulders are common, indicating that the valley to the north was degraded to some extent by the glacier. [illustration: ~state geol. nat. hist. survey bull. 30. plate v.~ a. kames in still river valley west of brookfield junction. b. till ridges on the western border of still river valley, south of brookfield.] in the valley at brookfield junction and on its western side, are thick deposits of clean sand. one mile north of brookfield junction, along the western border of the valley, an esker follows an irregular course for several hundred yards approximately parallel to the river and terminates at its southern end in a group of kames (pl. v, a and b). opposite the point where these accumulations occur, is a terrace-like deposit of till. between the gorge at brookfield and the mouth of still river, swampy areas, flat meadows, and small hills of drift occur. in comparison with the still river lowland, the flat land east of green mountain may be called a plateau. the step between the two is made by an east-facing rocky slope, the outline of which has been softened by a lateral moraine separated from the plateau edge by a small ravine. on the lowland below the moraine is a group of kames. near lanesville (fig. 6), are thick deposits of water-laid material, including a hill of gravel near the river having a large bowl-shaped depression on one side formed by the melting of an ice block. two and a half miles south of lanesville on the west side of the lowland, a wooded esker extends for about one-quarter mile parallel to the valley axis and then merges into the rocky hillside. lakes the lakes of this region are of two kinds: (1) those due to the damming of river valleys by glacial deposits and (2) rock basins gouged out by the ice. among the lakes which owe their origin to drift accumulations in the valleys are andrew and haines' ponds at the head of still river. these are properly parts of the croton river system, but andrew pond has been held back by the deep filling of boulder clay in the valley. lake kanosha, in the same valley, is a shallow lake formed in the drift. the lake south of spruce mountain at the head of the saugatuck seems to be enclosed by drift alone. neversink pond, barses pond, creek pond, and leonard pond are the remnants of larger water bodies now converted into swamps. squantz pond and hatch pond have dams of drift. eureka lake and east lake appear to be rock basins whose levels have been raised somewhat by dams of till. great mountain pond and green's pond, between great mountain and green mountain, are surrounded by rock and their level has been raised several feet by artificial dams. great mountain pond is at least 50 feet above the level of green pond and separated from it by a rock ridge (fig. 2). history of the glacial deposits a tongue of the glacier is supposed to have lain in the valley of the umpog and gradually retreated northward after the ice had disappeared from the uplands on either side. the ridge of intermediate height built of limestone and schist, which extends down the middle of the valley, was probably covered by ice for some time after the glacier had left the highlands. when the mountain mass extending from pine mountain to town hill west of the umpog basin and the granite hills to the east terminating in shelter rock are considered in their relation to the movement of the ice, it is apparent that the valley of the umpog must have been the most direct and lowest outlet for glacial streams south of danbury. these streams built up the terraces and other deposits of stratified drift which occupy the valley between bethel and west redding. the heavy deposits of till near west redding mark a halt in the retreating glacier. the boulders at this point are large and numerous, and kames and gravel ridges were formed. the deposits at the divide, supposed to have formed a glacial dam which reversed the umpog,[14] are much less heavy than at points short distances north and south of the water parting. as the ice retreated, sand and gravel in the form of terraces accumulated along the margin of the umpog valley, where the drainage was concentrated in the spaces left by the melting of the ice lobe from the hillside. among these deposits are the bodies of sand and gravel which lie against the rocky hillslopes most of the way from the umpog-saugatuck divide to bethel. north of bethel, the drainage seems to have been gathered chiefly in streams flowing on each side of the low ridge occupying the center of the valley; consequently the gravel was deposited along the sides and southern end of the ridge and in the sag which cuts across its northern end. the row of kames at the north end of umpog swamp, several knolls of drift in bethel, and the kame-like deposits and esker north of grassy plain were laid down successively as the ice retreated down the valley. during this period, the drainage was ponded between the ice front and the umpog-saugatuck divide. uncovering the still-croton valley did not give the glacial drainage any lower outlet than the umpog-saugatuck divide afforded (fig. 8, b and c.) the heavy deposits of boulder clay forming the moraine which blocks the rocky river valley indicate the next halting place of the glacier. in this period the ice margin formed an irregular northeast-southwest line about a mile north of danbury. the country west and south of danbury was thus uncovered, but the lower part of still river valley was either covered by the ice sheet or occupied by an ice lobe. the drainage was, therefore, up the river valley, and being concentrated along the valley sides resulted in the accumulation of sand and gravel at the foot of rocky slopes. it is possible that an ice lobe extended down the old rocky river valley, perhaps occupying much of the country between beaver brook mountain and the high ridge west of the valley. the streams issuing from this part of the ice front would have laid down the eskers and kame gravels north of danbury and the thick mantle of drift over which still river flows through the city. as would be expected, this accumulation of material ponded all the north-flowing streams--umpog creek, beaver brook, and smaller nameless ones--and at the same time pushed still river, at its mouth, to the southern side of its valley. beaver brook valley, umpog valley, and all the danbury basin must have been flooded during this period up to the height of the "railroad divide." within the area covered by the city, the valley was filled up to at least 70 feet and probably much more than that above its former level. flowing at this higher level, the river was thrown out of its course and here and there superimposed on hard rock--as, for example, at shelter rock. that part of the drainage coming down the valley opposite beaver brook met the drainage from still river ice lobe in the valley north of shelter rock, and as a result heavy deposits of stratified drift were laid down. the peninsula-like mass of drift beyond the river north of shelter rock appears from its form to have been built up as the delta of southward and eastward-flowing streams; probably the drainage from the hilltops united with streams coming down the two valleys. the lobes of stratified drift extending from the ridge may have been built first, and later the connecting ridge of gravel which forms the top of the hill may have accumulated as additional material was washed in, tying together the ridges of gravel along their western ends. the mingling in this region of stratified drift of all grades of coarseness indicates the union in the same basin of debris gathered from several sources. between danbury and new milford no moraine crosses either the rocky or the still valley, but the abundance of till which overspreads the whole country indicates a slowly retreating glacier well loaded with rock debris. the mounds of stratified drift scattered along the valley doubtless represent the deltas of streams issuing from the ice front. the waters of rocky river were ponded until the outlet near jerusalem was uncovered and the disappearance of ice from the ravine below allowed an escape to the housatonic. stratified drift is present in greatest amount along the valleys of still river and the west fork of rocky river, indicating that these were the two chief lines of drainage. the uplands are practically without stratified drift. along the valley of the housatonic, glacial material is chiefly in the form of gravel terraces; they extend from gaylordsville to new milford, in some places on one side only, in others on both sides of the river. part of these gravel benches are kame terraces, as shown by their rolling tops and the ravine which separates the terrace from the hillside; others may have been made by the river cutting through the mantle of drift which was laid down in the period of land depression at the time of glacial retreat,[15] or they may be a combination of the two forms. in many places by swinging in its flood plain, the river has cut into the terraces and left steep bluffs of gravel. the valley of womenshenuck brook above merwinsville contains heavy deposits of stratified drift, indicating that this broad valley which extends from kent on the housatonic to merwinsville was an important channel for the water which flowed from the melting ice. [footnote 14: rice, w. n. and gregory, h. e., manual of the geology of connecticut: conn. geol. and nat. hist. survey bull. 6, pp. 34-35, 1906.] [footnote 15: hobbs, w. h., op. cit.] * * * * * transcriber's notes: with the following exceptions, the text presented here is that obtained through scanned images from an original copy of the manuscript. possible typographic errors corrected occuying => occupying plate ii a. 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america. logic of christian evidences, etc. _with an appendix on tertiary man_ by prof. henry w. haynes fully illustrated _second edition_ new york d. appleton and company 1895 copyright, 1892, by d. appleton and company. electrotyped and printed at the appleton press, u. s. a. to judge c. c. baldwin president of the western reserve historical society cleveland this volume is dedicated in recognition of his sagacious and unfailing interest in the investigations which have made it possible preface to the second edition. since, as stated in the introduction (page 1), the plan of this volume permitted only "a concise presentation of the facts," it was impossible to introduce either full references to the illimitable literature of the subject or detailed discussion of all disputed points. the facts selected, therefore, were for the most part those upon which it was supposed there would be pretty general agreement. the discussion upon the subject of the continuity of the glacial period was, however, somewhat elaborate (see pages 106-121, 311, 324, 332), and was presented with excessive respect for the authority of those who maintain the opposite view; all that was claimed (page 110) being that one might maintain the _unity_ or _continuity_ of the glacial period "without forfeiting his right to the respect of his fellow-geologists." but it already appears that there was no need of this extreme modesty of statement. on the contrary, the vigorous discussion of the subject which has characterized the last two years reveals a decided reaction against the theory that there has been more than one glacial epoch in quaternary times; while there have been brought to light many most important if not conclusive facts in favour of the theory supported in the volume. in america the continuity of the glacial period has been maintained during the past two years with important new evidence, among others by authorities of no less eminence and special experience in glacial investigations than professor dana,[a] mr. warren upham,[b] and professor edward h. williams, jr.[c] professor williams's investigations on the attenuated border of the glacial deposits in the lehigh, the most important upper tributary to the delaware valley, pa., are of important significance, since the area which he so carefully studied lies wholly south of the terminal moraine of lewis and wright, and belongs to the portion of the older drift which professors chamberlin and salisbury have been most positive in assigning to the first glacial epoch, which they have maintained was separated from the second epoch by a length of time sufficient for the streams to erode rock gorges in the delaware and lehigh rivers from two hundred to three hundred feet in depth.[d] but professor williams has found that the rock gorges of the lehigh, and even of its southern tributaries, had been worn down approximately to the present depth of that of the delaware before this earliest period of glaciation, and that the gorges were filled with the earliest glacial _débris_. [footnote a: american journal of science, vol. xlvi, pp. 327, 330.] [footnote b: american journal of science, vols, xlvi, pp. 114-121; xlvii, pp. 358-365; american geologist, vols, x, pp. 339-362, especially pp. 361, 362; xiii, pp. 114, 278; bulletin of the geological society of america, vol. v, pp. 71-86, 87-100.] [footnote c: bulletin of the geological society of america, vol. v, pp. 13-16, 281-296; american journal of science, vol. xlvii, pp. 33-36.] [footnote d: see especially chamberlin, in the american journal of science, vol. xlv, p. 192; salisbury, in the american geologist, vol. xi, p. 18.] a similar relation of the glacial deposits of the attenuated border to the preglacial erosion of the rock gorges of the alleghany and upper ohio rivers has been brought to light by the joint investigations of mr. frank leverett and myself in western pennsylvania, in the vicinity of warren, pa., where, in an area which was affected by only the earliest glaciation, glacial deposits are found filling the rock channels of old tributaries to the alleghany to a depth of from one hundred and seventy to two hundred and fifty feet, and carrying the preglacial erosion at that point very closely, if not quite, down to the present rock bottoms of all the streams. this removes from professor chamberlin a most important part of the evidence of a long interglacial period to which he had appealed; he having maintained[e] that "the higher glacial gravels antedated those of the moraine-forming epoch by the measure of the erosion of the channel through the old drift and the rock, whose mean depth here is about three hundred feet, of which perhaps two hundred and fifty feet may be said to be rock," adding that the "excavation that intervened between the two epochs in other portions of the alleghany, monongahela, and upper ohio valleys is closely comparable with this." [footnote e: bulletin 58 of the united states geological survey, p. 35; american journal of science, vol. xlv, p. 195.] these observations of mr. leverett and myself seem to demonstrate the position maintained in the volume (page 218), namely, that the inner precipitous rock gorges of the upper ohio and its tributaries are mainly _pre_glacial, rather than _inter_glacial. the only way in which professor chamberlin can in any degree break the force of this discovery is by assuming that in preglacial times the present narrow rock gorges of the alleghany and the ohio were not continuous, but that (as indicated in the present volume on page 206) the drainage of various portions of that region was by northern outlets to the lake erie basin, leaving, on this supposition, the _cols_ between two or three drainage areas to be lowered in glacial or interglacial time. on the theory of continuity the erosion of these _cols_ would have been rapidly effected by the reversed drainage consequent upon the arrival of the ice-front at the southern shore of the lake erie basin. during all the time elapsing thereafter, until the ice had reached its southern limit, the stream was also augmented by the annual partial melting of the advancing glacier which was constantly bringing into the valley the frozen precipitation of the far north. the distance is from thirty to seventy miles, so that a moderately slow advance of the ice at that stage would afford time for a great amount of erosion before sufficient northern gravel had reached the region to begin the filling of the gorge.[f] [footnote f: see an elaborate discussion of the subject in its new phases by chamberlin and leverett, in the american journal of science, vol. xlvii, pp. 247-283.] mr. leverett also presented an important paper before the geological society of america at its meeting at madison, wis., in august, 1893, adducing evidence which, he thinks, goes to prove that the post-glacial erosion in the earlier drift in the region of rock river, ill., was seven or eight times as much as that in the later drift farther north; while mr. oscar h. hershey arrives at nearly the same conclusions from a study of the buried channels in northwestern illinois.[g] but even if these estimates are approximately correct--which is by no means certain--they only prove the length of the glacial period, and not necessarily its discontinuity. [footnote g: american geologist, vol. xii, p. 314f. other important evidence to a similar effect is given by mr. leverett, in an article on the glacial succession in ohio, journal of geology, vol. i, pp. 129-146.] at the same time it should be said that these investigations in western pennsylvania somewhat modify a portion of the discussion in the present volume concerning the effects of the cincinnati ice-dam. it now appears that the full extent of the gravel terraces of glacial origin in the alleghany river had not before been fully appreciated, since they are nearly continuous on the two-hundred-foot rock shelf, and are often as much as eighty feet thick. it seems probable, therefore, that the alleghany and upper ohio gorge was filled with glacial gravel to a depth of about two hundred and fifty or three hundred feet, as far down at least as wheeling, w. va. if this was the case, it would obviate the necessity of bringing in the cincinnati ice-dam (as set forth in pages 212-216) to account directly for all the phenomena in that region, except as this obstruction at cincinnati would greatly facilitate the silting up of the gorge. the simple accumulation of glacial gravel in the alleghany gorge would of itself dam up the monongahela at pittsburg, so as to produce the results detailed by professor white on page 215.[h] [footnote h: for a full discussion of these topics, see paper by professor b. c. jillson, transactions of the academy of science and art of pittsburg, december 8, 1893; g. f. wright, american journal of science, vol. xlvii, pp. 161-187; especially pp. 177, 178; the popular science monthly, vol. xlv, pp. 184-198.] of european authorities who have recently favoured the theory of the continuity of the quaternary glacial period, as maintained in the volume, it is enough to mention the names of prestwich,[i] hughes,[j] kendall,[k] lamplugh,[l] and wallace,[m] of england; falsan,[n] of france; holst,[o] of sweden; credner[p] and diener,[q] of germany; and nikitin[r] and kropotkin,[s] of russia.[t] among leading authorities still favouring a succession of glacial epochs are: professor james geikie,[u] of scotland; baron de geer,[v] of sweden; and professor felix wahnschaffe,[w] of germany. [footnote i: quarterly journal of the geological society for august, 1887.] [footnote j: american geologist, vol. viii, p. 241.] [footnote k: transactions of the leeds geological association for february 10, 1893.] [footnote l: quarterly journal of the geological society, august, 1891.] [footnote m: fortnightly review, november, 1893, p. 633; reprinted in the popular science monthly, vol. xliv, p. 790.] [footnote n: la période glaciaire (félix alcan. paris, 1889).] [footnote o: american geologist, vol. viii, p. 242.] [footnote p: ibid., p. 241.] [footnote q: ibid., p. 242.] [footnote r: congrès international d'archéologie, moscow, 1892.] [footnote s: nineteenth century, january, 1894, p. 151, note.] [footnote t: the volume the glacial geology of great britain and ireland, edited from the unpublished mss. of the late henry carvill lewis (london, longmans, green & co., 1894), adds much important evidence in favour of the continuity of the glacial epoch; see especially pp. 187, 460, 461, 466.] [footnote u: transactions of the royal society of edinburgh, vol. xxxvii, part i, pp. 127-150.] [footnote v: american geologist, vol. viii, p. 246.] [footnote w: forschungen zur deutschen landes und volkskunde von dr. a. kirchhoff. bd. vi, heft i.] when the first edition was issued, two years ago, there seemed to be a general acceptance of all the facts detailed in it which directly connected man with the glacial period both in america and in europe; and, indeed, i had studiously limited myself to such facts as had been so long and so fully before the public that there would seem to be no necessity for going again into the details of evidence relating to them. it appears, however, that this confidence was ill-founded; for the publication of the book seems to have been the signal for a confident challenge, by mr. w. h. holmes, of all the american evidence, with intimations that the european also was very likely equally defective.[x] in particular mr. holmes denies the conclusiveness of the evidence of glacial man adduced by dr. abbott and others at trenton, n. j.; dr. metz, at madisonville, ohio; mr. mills, at newcomerstown, ohio; and miss babbitt, at little falls, minn. [footnote x: journal of geology, vol. i, pp. 15-37, 147-163; american geologist, vol. xi, pp. 219-240.] the sum of mr. holmes's effort amounts, however, to little more than the statement that, with a limited amount of time and labour, neither he nor his assistants had been able to find any implements in undisturbed gravel in any of these places; and the suggestion of various ways in which he thinks it possible that the observers mentioned may have been deceived as to the original position of the implements found. but, as had been amply and repeatedly published,[y] professor j. d. whitney, professor lucien carr, professor n. s. shaler, professor f. w. putnam, of harvard university, besides dr. c. c. abbott, all expressly and with minute detail describe finding implements in the undisturbed gravel at trenton, which no one denies to be of glacial origin. in the face of such testimony, which had been before the public and freely discussed for several years, it is an arduous undertaking for mr. holmes to claim that none of the implements have been found in place, because he and his assistants (whose opportunities for observation had scarcely been one twentieth part as great as those of the others) failed to find any. to see how carefully the original observations were made, one has but to read the reports to professor putnam which have from time to time appeared in the proceedings of the peabody museum and of the boston society of natural history,, and which are partially summed up in the thirty-second chapter of dr. abbott's volume on primitive industry. [footnote y: proceedings of the boston society of natural history, vol. xxi, january 19, 1881; report of the peabody museum, vol. ii, pp. 44-47; chap, xxxii of abbott's primitive industry; american geologist, vol. xi, pp. 180-184.] in the case of the discovery at newcomerstown, mr. holmes is peculiarly unfortunate in his efforts to present the facts, since, in endeavouring to represent the conditions under which the implement was found by mr. mills, he has relied upon an imaginary drawing of his own, in which an utterly impossible state of things is pictured. the claim of mr. holmes in this case, as in the other, is that possibly the gravel in which the implements were found had been disturbed. in some cases, as in little falls and at madison ville, he thinks the implements may have worked down to a depth of several feet by the overturning of trees or by the decay of the tap-root of trees. a sufficient answer to these suggestions is, that mr. holmes is able to find no instance in which the overturning of trees has disturbed the soil to a depth of more than three or four feet, while some of the implements in these places had been found buried from eight to sixteen feet. even if, as mr. chamberlin suggests,[z] fifty generations of trees have decayed on the spot since the retreat of the ice, it is difficult to see how that would help the matter, since the effect could not be cumulative, and fifty upturnings of three or four feet would not produce the results of one upturning of eight feet. moreover, at trenton, where the upturning of trees and the decaying of tap-roots would have been as likely as anywhere to bury implements, none of those of flint or jasper (which occur upon the surface by tens of thousands) are buried more than a foot in depth; while the argillite implements occur as low down as fifteen or twenty feet. this limitation of flint and jasper implements to the surface is conclusively shown not only by dr. abbott's discoveries, but also by the extensive excavations at trenton of mr. ernest volk, whose collections formed so prominent a part of professor putnam's palæolithic exhibit at the columbian exposition at chicago. in the village sites explored by mr. volk, argillite was the exclusive material of the implements found in the lower strata of gravel. similar results are indicated by the excavations of mr. h. c. mercer at point pleasant, pa., about twenty miles above trenton, where, in the lower strata, the argillite specimens are sixty-one times more numerous than the jasper are. [footnote z: american geologist, vol. xi, p. 188.] to discredit the discoveries at trenton and newcomerstown, mr. holmes relies largely upon the theory that portions of gravel from the surface had slid down to the bottom of the terrace, carrying implements with them, and forming a talus, which, he thinks, mr. mills, dr. abbott, and the others have mistaken for undisturbed strata of gravel. in his drawings mr. holmes has even represented the gravel at newcomerstown as caving down into a talus without disturbing the strata to any great extent, and at the same time he speaks slightingly of the promise which i had made to publish a photograph of the bank as it really was. in answer, it is sufficient to give, first, the drawing made at the time by mr. mills, to show the general situation of the gravel bank at newcomerstown, in which the implement figured on page 252 was found; and, secondly, an engraving from a photograph of the bank, taken by mr. mills after the discovery of the implement, but before the talus had obscured its face. the implement was found by mr. mills with its point projecting from a fresh exposure of the terrace, just after a mass, loosened by his own efforts, had fallen away. the gravel is of such consistency that every sign of stratification disappears when it falls down, and there could be no occasion for a mistake even by an ordinary observer, while mr. mills was a well-trained geologist and collector, making his notes upon the spot.[aa] [footnote aa: the popular science monthly, vol. xliii, pp. 29-39.] [illustration: height of terrace exposed, 25 feet. palæolith was found 14-3/4 feet from surface.] [illustration: terrace in newcomerstown, showing where w. c. mills found the palæolithic implement.] i had thought at first that mr. holmes had made out a better case against the late miss babbitt's discoveries at little falls (referred to on page 254), but in the american geologist for may, 1894, page 363, mr. warren upham, after going over the evidence, expresses it as still his conviction that mr. holmes's criticism fails to shake the force of the original evidence, so that i do not see any reason for modifying any of the statements made in the body of the book concerning the implements supposed to have been found in glacial deposits. yet if i had expected such an avalanche of criticism of the evidence as has been loosened, i should at the time have fortified my statements by fuller references, and should possibly have somewhat enlarged the discussion. but this seemed then the less necessary, from the fact that mr. mcgee had, in most emphatic manner, indorsed nearly every item of the evidence adduced by me, and much more, in an article which appeared in the popular science monthly four years before the publication of the volume (november, 1888). in this article he had said: "but it is in the aqueo-glacial gravels of the delaware river at trenton, which were laid down contemporaneously with the terminal moraine one hundred miles farther northward, and which have been so thoroughly studied by abbott, that the most conclusive proof of the existence of glacial man is found" (p. 23). "excluding all doubtful cases, there remains a fairly consistent body of testimony indicating the existence of a widely distributed human population upon the north. american continent during the later ice epoch" (p. 24). "however the doubtful cases may be neglected, the testimony is cumulative, parts of it are unimpeachable, and the proof of the existence of glacial man seems conclusive" (p. 25). in view of the grossly erroneous statements made by mr. mcgee concerning the nampa image (described on pages 298, 299), it is necessary for me to speak somewhat more fully of this important discovery. the details concerning the evidence were drawn out by me at length in two communications to the boston society of natural history (referred to on page 297), which fill more than thirty pages of closely printed matter, while two or three years before the appearance of the volume the facts had been widely published in the new york independent, the scientific american, the nation, scribner's magazine, and the atlantic monthly, and in washington at a meeting of the geological society of america in 1890. in the second communication to the boston society of natural history an account was given of a personal visit to the snake river valley, largely for the purpose of further investigation of the evidence brought to my notice by mr. charles francis adams, and of the conditions under which the figurine was found. among the most important results of this investigation was the discovery of numerous shells under the lava deposits, which mr. dall, of the united states geological survey, identified for me as either post-tertiary or late pliocene; thus throwing the superficial lava deposits of the region into the quaternary period, and removing from the evidence the antecedent improbability which would bear so heavily against it if we were compelled to suppose that the lava of the snake river region was all of tertiary or even of early quaternary age. furthermore, the evidence of the occurrence of a great _débâcle_ in the snake river valley during the glacial period, incident upon the bursting of the banks of lake bonneville, goes far to remove antecedent presumptions against the occurrence of human implements in such conditions as those existing at nampa (see below, pp. 233-237). mr. mcgee's misunderstanding of the evidence on one point is so gross, that i must make special reference to it. he says[ab] that this image "is alleged to have been pounded out of volcanic tuff by a heavy drill, ... under a thick tertiary lava bed." the statement of facts on page 298 bears no resemblance to this representation. it is there stated that there were but fifteen feet of lava, and that near the surface; that below this there was nothing but alternating beds of clay and quicksand, and that the lava is post-tertiary. the sand-pump i should perhaps have described more fully in the book, as i had already done in the communication to the boston society of natural history. it was a tube eight feet long, with a valve at the bottom three and a half inches in diameter on the inside. through this it was the easiest thing in the world for the object, which is only one inch and a half long, to be brought up in the quicksand without injury. [footnote ab: literary northwest, vol. ii, p. 275.] the baseless assertions of mr. mcgee, involving the honesty of messrs. kurtz and duffes, are even less fortunate and far more reprehensible. "it is a fact," says mr. mcgee, "that one of the best-known geologists of the world chanced to visit nampa while the boring was in progress, and the figurine and the pretty fiction were laid before him. he recognized the figurine as a toy such as the neighbouring indians give their children, and laughed at the story; whereupon the owner of the object enjoined secrecy, pleading: 'don't give me away; i've fooled a lot of fellows already, and i'd like to fool some more.'"[ac] this well-known geologist, on being challenged by professor claypole[ad] to give "a full, exact, and certified statement of the conversation" above referred to, proved to be major powell, who responded with the following statement: "in the fall of 1889 the writer visited boise city, in idaho [twenty miles from nampa]. while stopping at a hotel, some gentlemen called on him to show him a figurine which they said they had found in sinking an artesian well in the neighbourhood, at a depth, if i remember rightly, of more than three hundred feet.... when this story was told the writer, he simply jested with those who claimed to have found it. he had known the indians that live in the neighbourhood, had seen their children play with just such figurines, and had no doubt that the little image had lately belonged to some indian child, and said the same. while stopping at the hotel different persons spoke about it, and it was always passed off as a jest; and various comments were made about it by various people, some of them claiming that it had given them much sport, and that a good many tenderfeet had looked at it, and believed it to be genuine; and they seemed rather pleased that i had detected the hoax."[ae] [footnote ac: american anthropologist, vol. vi, p. 94: repeated by mr. mcgee in the literary northwest, vol. ii, p. 276.] [footnote ad: the popular science monthly, vol. xlii, p. 773.] [footnote ae: ibid., vol. xliii, pp. 322, 323.] thus it appears that major powell has made no such statement, at least in public, as mr. mcgee attributes to him. it should be said, also, that major powell's memory is very much at fault when he affirms that there is a close resemblance between this figurine and some of the children's playthings among the pocatello indians. on the contrary, it would have been even more of a surprise to find it in the hands of these children than to find it among the prehistoric deposits on the pacific coast. to most well-informed people it is sufficient to know that no less high authorities than mr. charles francis adams and mr. g. m. gumming, general manager for the union pacific line for that district, carefully investigated the evidence at the time of the discovery, and, knowing the parties, were entirely satisfied with its sufficiency. it was also subjected to careful examination by professor f. w. putnam, who discerned, in a deposit of an oxide of iron on various parts of the image, indubitable evidence that it was a relic which had lain for a long time in some such condition as was assigned to it in the bottom of the well--all of which is detailed in the papers referred to below, on page 297. finally, the discovery, both in its character and conditions, is in so many respects analogous to those made under table mountain, near sonora, cal. (described on pages 294-297), that the evidence of one locality adds cumulative force to that of the other. the strata underneath the lava in which these objects were found are all indirectly, but pretty certainly, connected with the glacial period.[af] no student of glacial archæology, therefore, can hereafter afford to disregard these facts from the pacific coast. [footnote af: see below, p. 349.] oberlin, ohio, _june 2, 1894_. preface to the first edition. the wide interest manifested in my treatise upon the ice age in north america and its bearing upon the antiquity of man (of which a third edition was issued a year ago), seemed to indicate the desirability of providing for the public a smaller volume discussing the broader question of man's entire relation to the glacial period in europe as well as in america. when the demand for such a volume became evident, i set about preparing for the task by spending, first, a season in special study of the lava-beds of the pacific coast, whose relations to the glacial period and to man's antiquity are of such great interest; and, secondly, a summer in europe, to enable me to compare the facts bearing upon the subject on both continents. of course, the chapters of the present volume relating to america cover much of the same ground gone over in the previous treatise; but the matter has been entirely rewritten and very much condensed, so as to give due proportions to all parts of the subject. it will interest some to know that most of the new material in this volume was first wrought over in my second course of lowell institute lectures, given in boston during the month of march last. i am under great obligations to mr. charles francis adams for his aid in prosecuting investigations upon the pacific coast of america; and also to dr. h. w. crosskey, of birmingham, england, and to mr. g. w. lamplugh, of bridlington, as well as to mr. c. e. de rance and mr. clement reid, of the british geological survey, besides many others in england who have facilitated my investigations; but pre-eminently to prof. percy f. kendall, of stockport, who consented to prepare for me the portion of chapter vi which relates to the glacial phenomena of the british isles. i have no doubt of the general correctness of the views maintained by him, and little doubt, also, that his clear and forcible presentation of the facts will bring about what is scarcely less than a revolution in the views generally prevalent relating to the subject of which he treats. for the glacial facts relating to france and switzerland i am indebted largely to m. falsan's valuable compendium, la période glaciaire. it goes without saying, also, that i am under the deepest obligation to the works of prof. james geikie upon the great ice age and upon prehistoric europe, and to the remarkable volume of the late mr. james croll upon climate and time, as well as to the recent comprehensive geological treatises of sir archibald geikie and prof. prestwich. finally, i would express my gratitude for the great courtesy of prof. fraipont, of liége, in assisting me to an appreciation of the facts relating to the late remarkable discovery of two entire skeletons of paleolithic man in the grotto of spy. comparative completeness is also given to the volume by the appendix on the question of man's existence during the tertiary period, prepared by the competent hand of prof. henry w. haynes, of boston. i trust this brief treatise will be useful not only in _interesting_ the general public, but in giving a clear view of the present state of progress in one department of the inquiries concerning man's antiquity. if the conclusions reached are not as positive as could be wished, still it is both desirable and important to see what degree of indefiniteness rests upon the subject, in order that rash speculations may be avoided and future investigations directed in profitable lines. g. frederick wright. oberlin, ohio, _may 1, 1892_. contents. pages chapter i. introductory 1-8 chapter ii. existing glaciers 9-42 in europe; in asia; in oceanica; in south america; on the antarctic continent; in north america. chapter iii. glacial motion 43-50 chapter iv. signs of past glaciation 51-65 chapter v. ancient glaciers in the western hemisphere 66-128 new england; new york, new jersey, and pennsylvania; the mississippi basin; west of the rocky mountains. chapter vi. ancient glaciers in the eastern hemisphere 129-192 central and southern europe; the british isles--the preglacial level of the land, the great glacial centres, the confluent glaciers, the east anglian glacier, the so-called great submergence; northern europe; asia; africa. chapter vii. drainage systems in the glacial period 193-241 in america--preglacial erosion, buried outlets and channels, ice-dams, ancient river terraces; in europe. chapter viii. relics of man in the glacial period 242-301 in glacial terraces of the united states; in glacial terraces of europe; in cave deposits in the british isles; in cave deposits on the continent; extinct animals associated with man; earliest man on the pacific coast of north america. chapter ix. the cause of the glacial period 302-331 chapter x. the date of the glacial period 332-364 appendix on the tertiary man 365-374 index 375-385 list of illustrations. fig. page 1. zermatt glacier 2 2. formation of veined structure 3 3, 4. formation of marginal fissures and veins 4 5. fissures and seracs 4 6. section across glacial valley, showing old lateral moraines 5 7. mont blanc glacier region 10 8. svartisen glacier 13 9. floating berg 18 10. iceberg in the antarctic ocean 20 11. map of southeastern alaska 22 12. map of glacier bay, alaska 25 13. front of muir glacier 26 14. map of glaciers in the st. elias alps 31 15. map of greenland 33 16. diagram showing the character of glacial motion 43 17. line of most rapid glacial motion 45 18. diagram showing retardation of the bottom of a glacier 46 19. bed-rock scored with glacial marks 52 20. scratched stone from the till of boston 54 21. typical section of till in seattle, wash. 55 22. ideal section showing how the till overlies the stratified rocks 56 23. vessel rock, a glacial boulder 56 24. map of rhône glacier 58 25. conglomerate boulder found in boone county, ky. 63 26. mohegan rock 72 27. drumlins in goffstown, n. h. 73 28. map of drumlins in the vicinity of boston 75 29. section of kame 77 30. map of kames in andover, mass. 78 31. longitudinal kames near hingham, mass. 79 32. map showing the kames of maine and southeastern new hampshire 81 33. western face of the kettle moraine near eagle, wis. 99 34. section of the east-and-west glacial furrows on kelly's island 103 35. same as the preceding 105 36. section of till near germantown, ohio 108 37. moraines of grape creek, col. 123 38. map of north america in the ice period 127 39. quartzite boulder on mont lachat 128 40. map showing glaciated areas in north america and europe 130 41. maps showing lines of _débris_ extending from the alps into the plains of the po 134 42. section of the cefn cave 148 43. map showing moraine between speeton and flamborough 156 44. diagram-section near cromer 166 45. section through the westerly chalk bluff at trimingham, norfolk 162 46. section across wales 172 47. section of cliff at flamborough head 176 48. enlarged section of the shelly sand and surrounding clay at _b_ in preceding figure 177 49. map showing the glaciated area of europe 184 50. map showing old channel and mouth of the hudson 195 51. new york harbor in preglacial times 197 52. section across the valley of the cuyahoga river 200 53. map of mississippi river from fort snelling to minneapolis 209 54. map showing the effect of the glacial dam at cincinnati 213 55. map of lake erie-ontario 219 56. map of cuyahoga lake 221 57. section of the lake ridges near sandusky, ohio 223 58. map showing stages of recession of the ice in minnesota 225 59. glacial terrace on raccoon creek, in ohio 227 60. ideal section across a river-bed in drift region 229 61. map of lakes bonneville and lahontan 234 62. parallel roads of glen roy 239 63. map showing glacial terraces on the delaware and schuylkill rivers 243 64. palæolith found by abbott in new jersey 244 65. section across the delaware river at trenton, n. j. 245 66. section of the trenton gravel 246 67. face view of argillite implement found by dr. c. c. abbott in 1876. 247 68. argillite implement found by dr. c. c. abbott, march, 1879 248 69. chipped pebble of black chert found by dr. c. l. metz, october, 1885 249 70. map showing glaciated area in ohio 250 71. palæoliths from newcomerstown and amiens (face view) 252 72. edge view of the preceding 253 73. section across the mississippi valley at little falls, minn. 254 74. quartz implement found by miss f. e. babbitt, 1878, at little falls, minn 255 75. argillite implement found by h. t. cresson, 1887 259 76. general view of baltimore and ohio railroad cut, claymont, del. 260 77. section across valley of the somme 262 78. mouth of kent's hole 268 79. engis skull (reduced) 274 80. comparison of forms of skulls 276 81. skull of the man of spy 277 82. tooth of machairodus neogæus 281 83. perfect tooth of an elephas 281 84. skull of hyena spelæa 282 85. celebrated skeleton of mammoth in st. petersburg museum 283 86. molar tooth of mammoth 284 87. tooth of mastodon americanus 284 88. skeleton of mastodon americanus 286 89. skeleton of rhinoceros tichorhinus 287 90. skull of cave-bear 287 91. skeleton of the irish elk 288 92. musk-sheep 289 93. reindeer 290 94. section across table mountain, tuolumne county, cal. 294 95. calaveras skull 295 96. three views of nampa image, drawn to scale 298 97. map showing pocatello, nampa, and the valley of snake river 299 98. section across the channel of the stanislaus river 300 99. diagram showing effect of precession 308 100. map showing course of currents in the atlantic ocean 314 101. map showing how the land clusters about the north pole 319 102. diagram showing oscillations of land-surface and ice-surface during the glacial epoch 323 103. diagram of eccentricity and precession 333 104. map of the niagara river below the falls 334 105. section of strata along the niagara gorge 336 106. map showing the recession of the horseshoe falls since 1842 338 107. section of kettle-hole near pomp's pond, andover, mass. 345 108. flint-flakes collected by abbé bourgeois 368 maps. to face page contour and glacial map of the british isles _frontispiece._ map showing the glacial geology of the united states 66 map of glacial movements in france and switzerland 132 man and the glacial period. chapter i. introductory. that glaciers now exist in the alps, in the scandinavian range, in iceland, in the himalayas, in new zealand, in patagonia, and in the mountains of washington, british columbia, and southeastern alaska, and that a vast ice-sheet envelops greenland and the antarctic continent, are statements which can be verified by any one who will take the trouble to visit those regions. that, at a comparatively recent date, these glaciers extended far beyond their present limits, and that others existed upon the highlands of scotland and british america, and at one time covered a large part of the british isles, the whole of british america, and a considerable area in the northern part of the united states, are inferences drawn from phenomena which are open to every one's observations. that man was in existence and occupied both europe and america during this great expansion of the northern glaciers is proved by evidence which is now beyond dispute. it is the object of the present volume to make a concise presentation of the facts which have been rapidly accumulating during the past few years relating to the glacial period and to its connection with human history. before speaking of the number and present extent of existing glaciers, it will be profitable, however, to devote a little attention to the definition of terms. [illustration: fig. 1.--zermatt glacier (agassiz).] a _glacier_ is a mass of ice so situated and of such size as to have motion in itself. the conditions determining the character and rate of this motion will come up for statement and discussion later. it is sufficient here to say that ice has a capacity of movement similar to that possessed by such plastic substances as cold molasses, wax, tar, or cooling lava. the limit of a glacier's _motion_ is determined by the forces which fix the point at which its final melting takes place. this will therefore depend upon both the warmth of the weather and upon the amount of ice. if the ice is abundant, it will move farther into the region of warm temperature than it will if it is limited in supply. upon ascending a glacier far enough, one reaches a comparatively motionless part corresponding to the lake out of which a river often flows. technically this is called the _névé_. _glacial ice_ is formed from snow where the annual fall is in excess of the melting power of the sun at that point. through the influence of pressure, such as a boy applies to a snow-ball (but which in the _névé_-field arises from the weight of the accumulating mass), the lower strata of the _névé_ are gradually transformed into ice. this process, is also assisted by the moisture which percolates through the snowy mass, and which is furnished both by the melting of the surface snow and by occasional rains. the division between the _névé_ and the glacier proper is not always easily determined. the beginnings of the glacial movement--that is, of the movement of the ice-stream flowing out of the _névé_-field--are somewhat like the beginnings of the movement of the water from a great lake into its outlet. the _névé_ is the reservoir from which the glacier gets both its supply of ice and the impulse which gives it its first movement. there can not be a glacier without a _névé_-field, as there can not be a river without a drainage basin. but there may be a _névé_-field without a glacier--that is, a basin may be partially filled with snow which never melts completely away, while the equilibrium of forces is such that the ice barely reaches to the outlet from which the tongue-like projection (to which the name glacier would be applied) fails to emerge only because of the lack of material. [illustration: fig. 2.--illustrates the formation of veined structure by pressure at the junction of two branches.] a glacier is characterised by both _veins_ and _fissures_. the veins give it a banded or stratified appearance, blue alternating with lighter-coloured portions of ice. as these bands are not arranged with any apparent uniformity in the glacier, their explanation has given rise to much discussion. sometimes the veins are horizontal, sometimes vertical, and at other times at an angle with the line of motion. on close investigation, however, it is found that the veins are always at right angles to the line of greatest pressure. this leads to the conclusion that pressure is the cause of the banded structure. the blue strata in the ice are those from which the particles of air have been expelled by pressure; the lighter portions are those in which the particles are less thoroughly compacted. snow is but pulverized ice, and differs in colour from the compact mass for the same reason that almost all rocks and minerals change their colour when ground into a powder. [illustration: figs. 3, 4.--illustrate the formation of marginal fissures and veins.] [illustration: fig. 5.--_c_, _c_, show fissures and seracs where the glacier moves down the steeper portion of its incline; _s_, _s_, show the vertical structure produced by pressure on the gentler slopes.] the _fissures_, which, when of large size, are called _crevasses_, are formed in those portions of a glacier where, from some cause, the ice is subjected to slight tension. this occurs especially where, through irregularities in the bottom, the slope of the descent is increased. the ice, then, instead of moving in a continuous stream at the top, cracks open along the line of tension, and wedge-shaped fissures are formed extending from the top down to a greater or less distance, according to the degree of tension. usually, however, the ice remains continuous in the lower strata, and when the slope is diminished the pressure reunites the faces of the fissure, and the surface becomes again comparatively smooth. where there are extensive areas of tension, the surface of the ice sometimes becomes exceedingly broken, presenting a tangled mass of towers, domes, and pinnacles of ice called _seracs_. [illustration: fig. 6.--section across glacial valley, showing old lateral moraines.] like running water, moving ice is a powerful agent in _transporting_ rocks and earthy _débris_ of all grades of fineness; but, owing to the different consistencies of ice and water, there are great differences in the mode and result of transportation by them. while water can hold in suspension only the very finest material, ice can bear upon its surface rocks of the greatest magnitude, and can roll or shove along under it boulders and pebbles which would be unaffected except by torrential currents of water. we find, therefore, a great amount of earthy material of all sizes upon the top of a glacier, which has reached it very much as _débris_ reaches the bed of a river, namely, by falling down upon it from overhanging cliffs, or by land-slides of greater or less extent. such material coming into a river would either disappear beneath its surface, or would form a line of _débris_ along the banks; in both cases awaiting the gradual erosion and transportation which running water is able to effect. but, in case of a glacier, the material rests upon the surface of the ice, and at once begins to partake of its motion, while successive accessions of material keep up the supply at any one point, so as to form a train of boulders and other _débris_, extending below the point as far as the glacial motion continues. such a line of _débris_ is called a _moraine_. when it forms along the edge of the ice, it is called a _lateral_ moraine. it is easy to see that, where glaciers come out from two valleys which are tributary to a larger valley, their inner sides must coalesce below the separating promontory, and the two lateral moraines will become united and will move onward in the middle of the surface of the glacier. such lines of _débris_ are called _medial_ moraines. these are characteristic of all extensive glaciers formed by the union of tributaries. there is no limit to the number of medial moraines, except in the number of tributaries. a medial moraine, when of sufficient thickness, protects the ice underneath it from melting; so that the moraine will often appear to be much larger than it really is: what seems to be a ridge of earthy material being in reality a long ridge of ice, thinly covered with earthy _débris_, sliding down the slanting sides as the ice slowly wastes away large blocks of stone in the same manner protect the ice from melting underneath, and are found standing on pedestals of ice, often several feet in height. an interesting feature of these blocks is that, when the pedestal fails, the block uniformly falls towards the sun, since that is the side on which the melting has proceeded most rapidly. if the meteorological forces are so balanced that the foot of a glacier remains at the same place for any great length of time, there must be a great accumulation of earthy _débris_ at the stationary point, since the motion of the ice is constantly bearing its lines of lateral and medial moraine downwards to be deposited, year by year, at the melting line along the front. such accumulations are called _terminal_ moraines, and the process of their formation may be seen at the foot of almost any large glacier. the pile of material thus confusedly heaped up in front of some of the larger glaciers of the world is enormous. the melting away of the lower part of a glacier gives rise also to several other characteristic phenomena. where the foot of a glacier chances to be on comparatively level land, the terminal moraine often covers a great extent of ice, and protects it from melting for an indefinite period of time. when the ice finally melts away and removes the support from the overlying morainic _débris_, this settles down in a very irregular manner, leaving enclosed depressions to which there is no natural outlet. these depressions, from their resemblance to a familiar domestic utensil, are technically known as _kettle-holes_. the terminal moraines of ancient glaciers may often be traced by the relative abundance of these kettle-holes. the streams of water arising both from the rainfall and from the melting of the ice also produce a peculiar effect about the foot of an extensive glacier. sometimes these streams cut long, open channels near the end of the glacier, and sweep into it vast quantities of morainic material, which is pushed along by the torrential current, and, after being abraded, rolled, and sorted, is deposited in a delta about its mouth, or left stranded in long lines between the ice-walls which have determined its course. at other times the stream has disappeared far back in the glacier, and plunged into a crevasse (technically called a _moulin_), whence it flows onwards as a subglacial stream. but in this case the deposits might closely resemble those of the previous description. in both cases, when the ice has finally melted away, peculiar ridge-like deposits of sorted material remain, to mark the temporary line of drainage. these exist abundantly in most regions which have been covered with glacial ice, and are referred to in scotland as _kames_, in ireland as _eskers_, and in sweden as _osars_. in this volume we shall call them _kames_, and the deltas spread out in front of them will be referred to as _kame-plains_. with this preliminary description of glacial phenomena, we will proceed to give, first, a brief enumeration and description of the ice-fields which are still existing in the world; second, the evidences of the former existence of far more extensive ice-fields; and, third, the relation of the glacial period to some of the vicissitudes which have attended the life of man in the world. the geological period of which we shall treat is variously designated by different writers. by some it is simply called the "post-tertiary," or "quaternary"; by others the term "post-pliocene" is used, to indicate more sharply its distinction from the latter portion of the tertiary period; by others this nicety of distinction is expressed by the term "pleistocene." but, since the whole epoch was peculiarly characterised by the presence of glaciers, which have not even yet wholly disappeared, we may properly refer to it altogether under the descriptive name of "glacial" period. chapter ii. existing glaciers. _in europe._--our specific account of existing glaciers naturally begins with those of the alps, where hugi, charpentier, agassiz, forbes, and guyot, before the middle of this century, first brought clearly to light the reality and nature of glacial motion. according to professor heim, of zürich, the total area covered by the glaciers and ice-fields of the alps is upwards of three thousand square kilometres (about eleven hundred square miles). the swiss alps alone contain nearly two-thirds of this area. professor heim enumerates 1,155 distinct glaciers in the region. of these, 144 are in france, 78 in italy, 471 in switzerland, and 462 in austria. desor describes fourteen principal glacial districts in the alps, the westernmost of which is that of mont pelvoux, in dauphiny, and the easternmost that in the vicinity of the gross glockner, in carinthia. the most important of the alpine systems are those which are grouped around mont blanc, monte rosa, and the finsteraarhorn, the two former peaks being upwards of fifteen thousand feet in height, and the latter upwards of fourteen thousand. the area covered by glaciers and snow-fields in the bernese oberland, of which finsteraarhorn is the culminating point, is about three hundred and fifty square kilometres (a hundred square miles), and contains the aletsch glacier, which is the longest in europe, extending twenty-one kilometres (about fourteen miles) from the _névé_-field to its foot. the mer de glace, which descends from mont blanc to the valley of chamounix, has a length of about eight miles below the _névé_-field. in all, there are estimated to be twenty-four glaciers in the alps which are upwards of four miles long, and six which are upwards of eight miles in length. the principal of these are the mer de glace, of chamounix, on mont blanc; the gorner glacier, near zermatt, on monte rosa; the lower glacier of the aar, in the bernese oberland; and the aletsch glacier and glacier of the rhône, in vallais; and the pasterzen, in carinthia. [illustration: fig. 7.--mount blanc glacier region: _m_, mer de glace; _g_, du géant; _l_, leschaux; _t_, taléfre; _b_, bionassay; _b_, bosson.] these glaciers adjust themselves to the width of the valleys down which they flow, in some places being a mile or more in width, and at others contracting into much narrower compass. the greatest depth which agassiz was able directly to measure in the aar glacier was two hundred and sixty metres (five hundred and twenty-eight feet), but at another point the depth was estimated by him to be four hundred and sixty metres (or fifteen hundred and eighty-four feet). the glaciers of the alps are mostly confined to the northern side and to the higher portions of the mountain-chain, none of them descending below the level of four thousand feet, and all of them varying slightly in extent, from year to year, according as there are changes in the temperature and in the amount of snow-fall. the pyrenees, also, still maintain a glacial system, but it is of insignificant importance. this is partly because the altitude is much less than that of the alps, the culminating point being scarcely more than eleven thousand feet in height. doubtless, also, it is partly due to the narrowness of the range, which does not provide gathering-places for the snow sufficiently extensive to produce large glaciers. the snow-fall also is less upon the pyrenees than upon the alps. as a consequence of all these conditions, the glaciers of the pyrenees are scarcely more than stationary _névé_-fields lingering upon the north side of the range. the largest of these is near bagnères de luchon, and sends down a short, river-like glacier. in scandinavia the height of the mountains is also much less than that of the alps, but the moister climate and the more northern latitude favours the growth of glaciers at a much lower level north of the sixty-second degree of latitude, the plateaus over five thousand feet above the sea pretty generally are gathering-places for glaciers. from the justedal a snow-field, covering five hundred and eighty square miles, in latitude 62°, twenty-four glaciers push outwards towards the german sea, the largest of which is five miles long and three-quarters of a mile wide. the fondalen snow-field, between latitudes 66° and 67°, covers an area about equal to that of the justedal; but, on account of its more northern position, its glaciers descend through the valleys quite to the ocean-level. the folgofon snow-field is still farther south, but, though occupying an area of only one hundred square miles, it sends down as many as three glaciers to the sea-level. the total area of the scandinavian snow-fields is about five thousand square miles. in sweden dr. svenonius estimates that there are, between latitudes 67° and 68-1/2°, twenty distinct groups of glaciers, covering an area of four hundred square kilometres (one hundred and forty-four square miles), and he numbers upwards of one hundred distinct glaciers of small size. as is to be expected, the large islands in the polar sea north of europe and asia are, to a great extent, covered with _névé_-fields, and numerous glaciers push out from them to the sea in all directions, discharging their surplus ice as bergs, which float away and cumber the waters with their presence in many distant places. [illustration: fig. 8.--the svartisen glacier on the west coast of norway, just within the arctic circle, at the head of a fiord ten miles from the ocean. the foot of the glacier is one mile wide, and a quarter of a mile back from the water. terminal moraine in front. (photographed by dr. l. c. warner.)] the island of spitzbergen, in latitude 76° to 81°, is favourably situated for the production of glaciers, by reason both of its high northern latitude, and of its relation to the gulf stream, which conveys around to it an excessive amount of moisture, thus ensuring an exceptionally large snow-fall over the island. the mountainous character of the island also favours the concentration of the ice-movement into glaciers of vast size and power. still, even here, much of the land is free from snow and ice in summer. but upon the northern portion of the island there is an extensive table-land, upwards of two thousand feet above the sea, over which the ice-field is continuous. four great glaciers here descend to tide-water in magdalena bay. the largest of these presents at the front a wall of ice seven thousand feet across and three hundred feet high; but, as the depth of the water is not great, few icebergs of large size break off and float away from it. nova zembla, though not in quite so high latitude, has a lower mean temperature upon the coasts than spitzbergen. owing to the absence of high lands and mountains, however, it is not covered with perpetual snow, much less with glacial ice, but its level portions are "carpeted with grasses and flowers," and sustain extensive forests of stunted trees. franz-josef land, to the north of nova zembla, both contains high mountains and supports glaciers of great size. mr. payer conducted a sledge party into this land in 1874, and reported that a precipitous wall of glacial ice, "of more than a hundred feet in height, formed the usual edge of the coast." but the motion of the ice is very slow, and the ice coarse-grained in structure, and it bears a small amount only of morainic material. so low is here the line of perpetual snow, that the smaller islands "are covered with caps of ice, so that a cross-section would exhibit a regular flat segment of ice." it is interesting to note, also, that "many ice-streams, descending from the high _névé_ plateau, spread themselves out over the mountain-slopes," and are not, as in the alps, confined to definite valleys. iceland seems to have been properly named, since a single one of the snow-fields--that of vatnajoküll, with an extreme elevation of only six thousand feet--is estimated by helland to cover one hundred and fifty norwegian square miles (about seven thousand english square miles), while five other ice-fields (the langjoküll, the hofsjoküll, the myrdalsjoküll, the drangajoküll, and the glamujoküll) have a combined area of ninety-two norwegian or about four thousand five hundred english square miles. the glaciers are supposed by whitney to have been rapidly advancing for some time past. _in asia._--notwithstanding its lofty mountains and its great extent of territory lying in high latitudes, glaciers are for two reasons relatively infrequent: 1. the land in the more northern latitudes is low. 2. the dryness of the atmosphere in the interior of the continent is such that it unduly limits the snow-fall. long before they reach the central plateau of asia, the currents of air which sweep over the continent from the indian ocean have parted with their burdens of moisture, having left them in a snowy mantle upon the southern flanks of the himalayas. as a result, we have the extensive deserts of the interior, where, on account of the clear atmosphere, there is not snow enough to resist continuously the intense activity of the unobstructed rays of the sun. in spite of their high latitude and considerable elevation above the sea-level, glaciers are absent from the ural mountains, for the range is too narrow to afford _névé_-fields of sufficient size to produce glaciers of large extent. the caucasus mountains present more favourable conditions, and for a distance of one hundred and twenty miles near their central portion have an average height of 12,000 feet, with individual peaks rising to a height of 16,000 feet or more; but, owing to their low latitude, the line of perpetual snow scarcely reaches down to the 11,000-foot level. so great are the snow-fields, however, above this height that many glaciers push their way down through the narrow mountain-gorges as far as the 6,000-foot level. the himalaya mountains present many favourable conditions for the development of glaciers of large size. the range is of great extent and height, thus affording ample gathering-places for the snows, while the relation of the mountains to the moisture-laden winds from the indian ocean is such that they enjoy the first harvest of the clouds where the interior of asia gets only the gleanings. as is to be expected, therefore, all the great rivers which course through the plains of hindustan have their rise in large glaciers far up towards the summits of the northern mountains. the indus and the ganges are both glacial streams in their origin, as are their larger tributary branches--the basha, the shigar, and the sutlej. many of the glaciers in the higher levels of the himalaya mountains where these streams rise have a length of from twenty-five to forty miles, and some of them are as much as a mile and a half in width and extend for a long distance, with an inclination as small as one degree and a half or one hundred and thirty-eight feet to a mile. in the mustagh range of the western himalayas there are two adjoining glaciers whose united length is sixty-five miles, and another not far away which is twenty-one miles long and from one to two miles wide in its upper portion. its lower portion terminates at an altitude of 16,000 feet above tide, where it is three miles wide and two hundred and fifty feet thick. _oceanica._---passing eastward to the islands of the pacific ocean, new zealand is the only one capable of supporting glaciers. their existence on this island seems the more remarkable because of its low latitude (42° to 45°); but a grand range of mountains rises abruptly from the water on the western coast of the southern island, culminating in mount cook, 13,000 feet above the sea, and extending for a distance of about one hundred miles. the extent and height of this chain, coupled with the moisture of the winds, which sweep without obstruction over so many leagues of the tropical pacific, are specially favourable to the production of ice-fields of great extent. consequently we find glaciers in abundance, some of which are not inferior in extent to the larger ones of the alps. the tasman glacier, described by haas, is ten miles long and nearly two miles broad at its termination, "the lower portion for a distance of three miles being covered with morainic _detritus_." the mueller glacier is about seven miles long and one mile broad in its lower portion. _south america._--in america, existing glaciers are chiefly confined to three principal centres, namely, to the andes, south of the equator; to the cordilleras, north of central california; and to greenland. in south america, however, the high mountains of ecuador sustain a few glaciers above the twelve-thousand-foot level. the largest of these are upon the eastern slope of the mountains, giving rise to some of the branches of the amazon--indeed, on the flanks of cotopaxi, chimborazo, and illinissa there are some glaciers in close proximity to the equator which are fairly comparable in size to those of the alps. in chili, at about latitude 35°, glaciers begin to appear at lower levels, descending beyond the six-thousand-foot line, while south of this both the increasing moisture of the winds and the decreasing average temperature favour the increase of ice-fields and glaciers. consequently, as darwin long ago observed, the line of perpetual snow here descends to an increasingly lower level, and glaciers extend down farther and farther towards the sea, until, in tierra del fuego, at about latitude 45°, they begin to discharge their frozen contents directly into the tidal inlets. darwin's party surveyed a glacier entering the gulf of penas in latitude 46° 50', which was fifteen miles long, and, in one part, seven broad. at eyre's sound, also, in about latitude 48°, they found immense glaciers coming clown to the sea and discharging icebergs of great size, one of which, as they encountered it floating outwards, was estimated to be "_at least_ one hundred and sixty-eight feet in total height." in tierra del fuego, where the mountains are only from three thousand to four thousand feet in height and in latitude less than 55°, darwin reports that "every valley is filled with streams of ice descending to the sea-coast," and that the inlets penetrated by his party presented miniature likenesses of the polar sea. [illustration: fig. 9.--floating berg, showing the proportions above and under the water. about seven feet under water to one above.] _antarctic continent._--of the so-called antarctic continent little is known; but icebergs of great size are frequently encountered up to 58° south latitude, in the direction of cape horn, and as far as latitude 33° in the direction of cape of good hope. nearly all that is known about this continent was discovered by sir j. c. ross during the period extending from 1839 to 1843, when, between the parallels of 70° and 78° south latitude, he encountered in his explorations a precipitous mountain coast, rising from seven thousand to ten thousand feet above tide. through the valleys intervening between the mountain-ranges huge glaciers descended, and "projected in many places several miles into the sea and terminated in lofty, perpendicular cliffs. in a few places the rocks broke through their icy covering, by which alone we could be assured that land formed the nucleus of this, to appearance, enormous iceberg."[ag] [footnote ag: quoted by whitney in climatic changes, p. 314.] again, speaking of the region in the vicinity of the lofty volcanoes terror and erebus, between ten thousand and twelve thousand feet high, the same navigator says: "we perceived a low, white line extending from its extreme eastern point, as far as the eye could discern, to the eastward. it presented an extraordinary appearance, gradually increasing in height as we got nearer to it, and proving at length to be a perpendicular cliff of ice, between one hundred and fifty and two hundred feet above the level of the sea, perfectly flat and level at the top, and without any fissures or promontories on its even, seaward face. what was beyond it we could not imagine; for, being much higher than our mast-head, we could not see anything except the summit of a lofty range of mountains extending to the southward as far as the seventy-ninth degree of latitude. these mountains, being the southernmost land hitherto discovered, i felt great satisfaction in naming after sir edward parry.... whether parry mountains again take an easterly trending and form the base to which this extraordinary mass of ice is attached, must be left for future navigators to determine. if there be land to the southward it must be very remote, or of much less elevation than any other part of the coast we have seen, or it would have appeared above the barrier." this ice-cliff or barrier was followed by captain ross as far as 198° west longitude, and found to preserve very much the same character during the whole of that distance. on the lithographic view of this great ice-sheet given in ross's work it is described as "part of the south polar barrier, one hundred and eighty feet above the sea-level, one thousand feet thick, and four hundred and fifty miles in length." a similar vertical wall of ice was seen by d'urville, off the coast of adelie land. he thus describes it: "its appearance was astonishing. we perceived a cliff having a uniform elevation of from one hundred to one hundred and fifty feet, forming a long line extending off to the west.... thus for more than twelve hours we had followed this wall of ice, and found its sides everywhere perfectly vertical and its summit horizontal. not the smallest irregularity, not the most inconsiderable elevation, broke its uniformity for the twenty leagues of distance which we followed it during the day, although we passed it occasionally at a distance of only two or three miles, so that we could make out with ease its smallest irregularities. some large pieces of ice were lying along the side of this frozen coast; but, on the whole, there was open sea in the offing." [ah] [footnote ah: whitney's climatic changes, pp. 315, 316.] [illustration: fig. 10.--iceberg in the antarctic ocean.] _north america._--in north america living glaciers begin to appear in the sierra nevada mountains, in the vicinity of the yosemite park, in central california. here the conditions necessary for the production of glaciers are favourable, namely, a high altitude, snow-fields of considerable extent, and unobstructed exposure to the moisture-laden currents of air from the pacific ocean. sixteen glaciers of small size have been noted among the summits to the east of the yosemite; but none of them descend much below the eleven-thousand-foot line, and none of them are over a mile in length. indeed, they are so small, and their motion is so slight, that it is a question whether or not they are to be classed with true glaciers. owing to the comparatively low elevation of the sierra nevada north of tuolumne county, california, no other living glaciers are found until reaching mount shasta, in the extreme northern part of the state. this is a volcanic peak, rising fourteen thousand five hundred feet above the sea, and having no peaks within forty miles of it as high as ten thousand feet; yet so abundant is the snow-fall that as many as five glaciers are found upon its northern side, some of them being as much as three miles long and extending as low down as the eight-thousand-foot level. upon the southern side glaciers are so completely absent that professor whitney ascended the mountain and remained in perfect ignorance of its glacial system. in 1870 mr. clarence king first discovered and described them on the northern side. north of california glaciers characterise the cascade range in increasing numbers all the way to the alaskan peninsula. they are to be found upon diamond peak, the three sisters, mount jefferson, and mount hood, in oregon, and appear in still larger proportions upon the flanks of mount rainier (or tacoma) and mount baker, in the state of washington. the glacier at the head of the white river valley is upon the north side of rainier, and is the largest one upon that mountain, reaching down to within five thousand feet of the sea-level, and being ten miles or more in length. all the streams which descend the valleys upon this mountain are charged with the milky-coloured water which betrays their glacial origin. [illustration: fig. 11.--map of southeastern alaska. the arrow-points mark glaciers.] in british columbia, glacier station, upon the canadian pacific railroad, in the selkirk mountains, is within half a mile of the handsome illicilliwaet glacier, while others of larger size are found at no great distance. the interior farther north is unexplored to so great an extent that little can be definitely said concerning its glacial phenomena. the coast of british columbia is penetrated by numerous fiords, each of which receives the drainage of a decaying glacier; but none are in sight of the tourist-steamers which thread their way through the intricate network of channels characterising this coast, until the alaskan boundary is crossed and the mouth of the stickeen river is passed. a few miles up from the mouth of the stickeen, however, glaciers of large size come down to the vicinity of the river, both from the north and from the south, and the attention of tourists is always attracted by the abundant glacial sediment borne into the tide-water by the river itself and discolouring the surface for a long distance beyond the outlet. northward from this point the tourist is rarely out of sight of ice-fields. the auk and patterson glaciers are the first to come into view, but they do not descend to the water-level. on nearing holcomb bay, however, small icebergs begin to appear, heralding the first of the glaciers which descend beyond the water's edge. taku inlet, a little farther north, presents glaciers of great size coming down to the sea-level, while the whole length of lynn canal, from juneau to chilkat, a distance of eighty miles, is dotted on both sides by conspicuous glaciers and ice-fields. the davidson glacier, near the head of the canal, is one of the most interesting for purposes of study. it comes down from an unknown distance in the western interior, bearing two marked medial moraines upon its surface. on nearing tide-level, the valley through which it flows is about three-quarters of a mile in width; but, after emerging from the confinement of the valley, the ice spreads out over a fan-shaped area until the width of its front is nearly three miles. the supply of ice not being sufficient to push the front of the glacier into deep water, equilibrium between the forces of heat and cold is established near the water's edge. here, as from year to year the ice melts and deposits its burdens of earthy _débris_, it has piled up a terminal moraine which rises from two hundred to three hundred feet in height, and is now covered with evergreen trees of considerable size. from chilkat, at the head of lynn canal, to the sources of the yukon river, the distance is only thirty-five miles, but the intervening mountain-chain is several thousand feet in height and bears numerous glaciers upon its seaward side. about forty miles west of lynn canal, and separated from it by a range of mountains of moderate height, is glacier bay, at the head of one of whose inlets is the muir glacier, which forms the chief attraction for the great number of tourists that now visit the coast of southeastern alaska during the summer season. this glacier meets tide-water in latitude 58° 50', and longitude 136° 40' west of greenwich. it received its name from mr. john muir, who, in company with rev. mr. young, made a tour of the bay and discovered the glacier in 1879. it was soon found that the bay could be safely navigated by vessels of large size, and from that time on tourists in increasing number have been attracted to the region. commodious steamers now regularly run close up to the ice-front, and lie-to for several hours, so that the passengers may witness the "calving" of icebergs, and may climb upon the sides of the icy stream and look into its deep crevasses and out upon its corrugated and broken surface. [illustration: fig. 12.--map of glacier bay. alaska, and its surroundings. arrow-points indicate glaciated area.] the first persons who found it in their way to pay more than a tourist's visit to this interesting object were rev. j. l. patton, mr. prentiss baldwin, and myself, who spent the entire month of august, 1886, encamped at the foot of the glacier, conducting such observations upon it as weather and equipment permitted. from that time till the summer of 1890 no one else stopped off from the tourist steamers to bestow any special study upon it. but during this latter season mr. muir returned to the scene of his discovered wonder, and spent some weeks in exploring the interior of the great ice-field. during the same season, also, professors h. f. reid and h. cushing, with a well-equipped party of young men, spent two months or more in the same field, conducting observations and experiments, of various kinds, relating to the extent, the motion, and the general behaviour of the vast mass of moving ice. [illustration: fig. 13.--shows central part of the front of muir glacier one half mile distant. near the lower left hand corner the ice is seen one mile distant resting for about one half mile on gravel which it had overrun. the ice is now retreating in the channel. (from photograph.)] the main body of the muir glacier occupies a vast amphitheatre, with diameters ranging from thirty to forty miles, and covers an area of about one thousand square miles. from one of the low mountains near its mouth i could count twenty-six tributary glaciers which came together and became confluent in the main stream of ice. nine medial moraines marked the continued course of as many main branches, which becoming united formed the grand trunk of the glacier. numerous rocky eminences also projected above the surface of the ice, like islands in the sea, corresponding to what are called "_nunataks_" in greenland. the force of the ice against the upper side of these rocky prominences is such as to push it in great masses above the surrounding level, after the analogy of waves which dash themselves into foam against similar obstructions. in front of the _nunataks_ there is uniformly a depression, like the eddies which appear in the current below obstacles in running water. over some portions of the surface of the glacier there is a miniature river system, consisting of a main stream, with numerous tributaries, but all flowing in channels of deep blue ice. before reaching the front of the glacier, however, each one of these plunges down into a crevasse, or _moulin_, to swell the larger current, which may be heard rushing along in an impetuous course hundreds of feet beneath, and far out of sight. the portion of the glacier in which there is the most rapid motion is characterised by innumerable crags and domes and pinnacles of ice, projecting above the general level, whose bases are separated by fissures, extending in many cases more than a hundred feet below the general level. these irregularities result from the combined effect of the differential motion (as illustrated in the diagram on page 4), and the influence of sunshine and warm air in irregularly melting the unprotected masses. the description given in our introductory chapter of medial moraines and ice-pillars is amply illustrated everywhere upon the surface of the muir glacier. i measured one block of stone which was twenty feet square and about the same height, standing on a pedestal of ice three or four feet high. the mountains forming the periphery of this amphitheatre rise to a height of several thousand feet; mount fairweather, upon the northwest, from whose flanks probably a portion of the ice comes, being, in fact, more than fifteen thousand feet high. the mouth of the amphitheatre is three miles wide, in a line extending from shoulder to shoulder of the low mountains which guard it. the actual water-front where the ice meets tide-water is one mile and a half.[ai] here the depth of the inlet is so great that the front of the ice breaks off in icebergs of large size, which float away to be dissolved at their leisure. at the water's edge the ice presents a perpendicular front of from two hundred and fifty to four hundred feet in height, and the depth of the water in the middle of the inlet immediately in front of the ice is upwards of seven hundred feet; thus giving a total height to the precipitous front of a thousand feet. [footnote ai: these are the measurements of professor reid. in my former volume i have given the dimensions as somewhat smaller.] the formation of icebergs can here be studied to admirable advantage. during the month in which we encamped in the vicinity the process was going on continuously. there was scarcely an interval of fifteen minutes during the whole time in which the air was not rent with the significant boom connected with the "calving" of a berg. sometimes this was occasioned by the separation of a comparatively small mass of ice from near the top of the precipitous wall, which would fall into the water below with a loud splash. at other times i have seen a column of ice from top to bottom of the precipice split off and fall over into the water, giving rise to great waves, which would lash the shore with foam two miles below. this manner of the production of icebergs differs from that which has been ordinarily represented in the text-books, but it conforms to the law of glacial motion, which we will describe a little later, namely, that the upper strata of ice move faster than the lower. hence the tendency is constantly to push the upper strata forwards, so as to produce a perpendicular or even projecting front, after the analogy of the formation of breakers on the shelving shore of a large body of water. evidently, however, these masses of ice which break off from above the water do not reach the whole distance to the bottom of the glacier below the water; so that a projecting foot of ice remains extending to an indefinite distance underneath the surface. but at occasional intervals, as the superincumbent masses of ice above the surface fall off and relieve the strata below of their weight, these submerged masses suddenly rise, often shooting up considerably higher than they ultimately remain when coming to rest. the bergs formed by this latter process often bear much earthy material upon them, which is carried away with the floating ice, to be deposited finally wherever the melting chances to take place. numerous opportunities are furnished about the front and foot of this vast glacier to observe the manner of the formation of _kames_, kettle-holes, and various other irregular forms into which glacial _débris_ is accustomed to accumulate. over portions of the decaying foot of the glacier, which was deeply covered with morainic _débris_, the supporting ice is being gradually removed through the influence of subglacial streams or of abandoned tunnels, which permit the air to exert its melting power underneath. in some places where old _moulins_ had existed, the supporting ice is melting away, so that the superincumbent mass of sand, gravel, and boulders is slowly sliding into a common centre, like grain in a hopper. this must produce a conical hill, to remain, after the ice has all melted away, a mute witness of the impressive and complicated forces which have been so long in operation for its production. in other places i have witnessed the formation of a long ridge of gravel by the gradual falling in of the roof of a tunnel which had been occupied by a subglacial stream, and over which there was deposited a great amount of morainic material. as the roof gave way, this was constantly falling to the bottom, where, being exempt from further erosive agencies, it must remain as a gravel ridge or kame. in other places, still, there were vast masses of ice covering many acres, and buried beneath a great depth of morainic material which had been swept down upon it while joined to the main glacier. in the retreat of the ice, however, these masses had become isolated, and the sand, gravel, and boulders were sliding down the wasting sides and forming long ridges of _débris_ along the bottom, which, upon the final melting of the ice, will be left as a complicated network of ridges and knolls of gravel, enclosing an equally complicated nest of kettle-holes. beyond cross sound the pacific coast is bounded for several hundred miles by the magnificent semicircle of mountains known as the st. elias alps, with mount crillon at the south, having an elevation of nearly sixteen thousand feet, and st. elias in the centre, rising to a greater height. everywhere along this coast, as far as the alaskan peninsula, vast glaciers come down from the mountain-sides, and in many cases their precipitous fronts form the shore-line for many miles at a time. icy bay, just to the south of mount st, elias, is fitly named, on account of the extent of the glaciers emptying into it and the number of icebergs cumbering its waters. in the summer of 1890 a party, under the lead of mr. i. c. russell, of the united states geological survey, made an unsuccessful attempt to scale the heights of mount st. elias; but the information brought back by them concerning the glaciers of the region amply repaid them for their toil and expense, and consoled them for the failure of their immediate object. [illustration: fig. 14.--by the courtesy of the national geographical society.] leaving yakutat bay, and following the route indicated upon the accompanying map, they travelled on glacial ice almost the entire distance to the foot of mount st. elias. the numerous glaciers coming down from the summit of the mountain-ridge become confluent nearer the shore, and spread out over an area of about a thousand square miles. this is fitly named the malaspina glacier, after the spanish explorer who discovered it in 1792. it is not necessary to add further particulars concerning the results of this expedition, since they are so similar to those already detailed in connection with the muir glacier. a feature, however, of special interest, pertains to the glacial lakes which are held in place by the glacial ice at an elevation of thousands of feet above the sea. one of considerable size is indicated upon the map just south of what was called blossom island, which, however, is not an island, but simply a _nunatak_, the ice here surrounding a considerable area of fertile land, which is covered with dense forests and beautified by a brilliant assemblage of flowering plants. in other places considerable vegetation was found upon the surface of moraines, which were probably still in motion with the underlying ice. _greenland._--the continental proportions of greenland, and the extent to which its area is covered by glacial ice, make it by far the most important accessible field for glacial observations. the total area of greenland can not be less than five hundred thousand square miles--equal in extent to the portion of the united states east of the mississippi and north of the ohio. it is now pretty evident that the whole of this area, except a narrow border about the southern end, is covered by one continuous sheet of moving ice, pressing outward on every side towards the open water of the surrounding seas. for a long time it was the belief of many that a large region in the interior of greenland was free from ice, and was perhaps inhabited. it was in part to solve this problem that baron nordenskiöld set out upon his expedition of 1883. ascending the ice-sheet from disco bay, in latitude 69°, he proceeded eastward for eighteen days across a continuous ice-field. rivers were flowing in channels upon the surface like those cut on land in horizontal strata of shale or sandstone, only that the pure deep blue of the ice-walls was, by comparison, infinitely more beautiful. these rivers were not, however, perfectly continuous. after flowing for a distance in channels on the surface, they, one and all, plunged with deafening roar into some yawning crevasse, to find their way to the sea through subglacial channels. numerous lakes with shores of ice were also encountered. [illustration: fig. 15.--map of greenland. the arrow-points mark the margin of the ice-field.] "on bending down the ear to the ice," says this explorer, "we could hear on every side a peculiar subterranean hum, proceeding from rivers flowing within the ice; and occasionally a loud, single report, like that of a cannon, gave notice of the formation of a new glacier-cleft.... in the afternoon we saw at some distance from us a well-defined pillar of mist, which, when we approached it, appeared to rise from a bottomless abyss, into which a mighty glacier-river fell. the vast, roaring water-mass had bored for itself a vertical hole, probably down to the rock, certainly more than two thousand feet beneath, on which the glacier rested."[aj] [footnote aj: geological magazine, vol. ix, pp. 393, 399.] at the end of the eighteen days nordenskiöld found himself about a hundred and fifty miles from his starting-point, and about five thousand feet above the sea. here the party rested, and sent two eskimos forward on _skidor_--a kind of long wooden skate, with which they could move rapidly over the ice, notwithstanding the numerous small, circular holes which everywhere pitted the surface. these eskimos were gone fifty-seven hours, having slept only four hours of the period. it is estimated that they made about a hundred and fifty miles, and attained an altitude of six thousand feet. the ice is reported as rising in distinct terraces, and as seemingly boundless beyond. if this is the case, two hundred miles from disco bay, there would seem little hope of finding in greenland an interior freed from ice. so we may pretty confidently speak of that continental body of land as still enveloped in an ice-sheet. up to about latitude 75°, however, the continent is fringed by a border of islands, over which there is no continuous covering of ice. in south greenland the continuous ice-sheet is reached about thirty miles back from the shore. a summary of the results of greenland exploration was given by dr. kink in 1886, from which it appears that since 1876 one thousand miles of the coast-line have been carefully explored by entering every fiord and attempting to reach the inland ice. according to this authority-we are now able to demonstrate that a movement of ice from the central regions of greenland to the coast continually goes on, and must be supposed to act upon the ground over which it is pushed so as to detach and transport fragments of it for such a distance.... the plainest idea of the ice-formation here in question is given by comparing it with an inundation.... only the marginal parts show irregularity; towards the interior the surface grows more and more level and passes into a plain very slightly rising in the same direction. it has been proved that, ascending its extreme verge, where it has spread like a lava-stream over the lower ground in front of it, the irregularities are chiefly met with up to a height of 2,000 feet, but the distance from the margin in which the height is reached varies much. while under 68-1/2° north latitude it took twenty-four miles before this elevation was attained, in 72-1/2° the same height was arrived at in half the distance.... a general movement of the whole mass from the central regions towards the sea is still continued, but it concentrates its force to comparatively few points in the most extraordinary degree. these points are represented by the ice-fiords, through which the annual surplus ice is carried off in the shape of bergs.... in danish greenland are found five of the first, four of the second, and eight of the third (or least productive) class, besides a number of inlets which only receive insignificant fragments. direct measurements of the velocity have now been applied on three first-rate and one second-rate fiords, all situated between 69° and 71° north latitude. the measurements have been repeated during the coldest and the warmest season, and connected with surveying and other investigations of the inlets and their environs. it is now proved that the glacier branches which produce the bergs proceed incessantly at a rate of thirty to fifty feet per diem, this movement being not at all influenced by the seasons. . . . in the ice-fiord of jakobshavn, which spreads its enormous bergs over disco bay and probably far into the atlantic, the productive part of the glacier is 4,500 metres (about 2-1/2 miles) broad. the movement along its middle line, which is quicker than on the sides nearer the shores, can be rated at fifty feet per diem. the bulk of ice here annually forced into the sea would, if taken on the shore, make a mountain two miles long, two miles broad, and 1,000 feet high. the ice-fiord of torsukatak receives four or five branches of the glacier; the most productive of them is about 9,000 metres broad (five miles), and moves between sixteen and thirty-two feet per diem. the large karajak glacier, about 7,000 metres (four miles) broad, proceeds at a rate of from twenty-two to thirty-eight feet per diem. finally, a glacier branch dipping into the fiord of jtivdliarsuk, 5,800 metres broad (three miles), moved between twenty-four and forty-six feet per diem.[ak] [footnote ak: see transactions of the edinburgh geological society for february 18, 1886, vol. v, part ii, pp. 286-293.] the principal part of our information concerning the glaciers of greenland north of melville bay was obtained by drs. kane and hayes, in 1853 and 1854, while conducting an expedition in search of sir john franklin and his unfortunate crew. dr. hayes conducted another expedition to the same desolate region in 1860, while other explorers have to some extent supplemented their observations. the largest glacier which they saw enters the sea between latitude 79° and 80°, where it presents a precipitous discharging front more than sixty miles in width and hundreds of feet in perpendicular height. dr. kane gives his first impressions of this grand glacier in the following vivid description: "i will not attempt to do better by florid description. men only rhapsodize about niagara and the ocean. my notes speak simply of the 'long, ever-shining line of cliff diminished to a well-pointed wedge in the perspective'; and, again, of 'the face of glistening ice, sweeping in a long curve from the low interior, the facets in front intensely illuminated by the sun.' but this line of cliff rose in a solid, glassy wall three hundred feet above the water-level, with an unknown, unfathomable depth below it; and its curved face, sixty miles in length from cape agassiz to cape forbes, vanished into unknown space at not more than a single day's railroad-travel from the pole. the interior, with which it communicated and from which it issued, was an unsurveyed _mer de glace_--an ice-ocean to the eye, of boundless dimensions. "it was in full sight--the mighty crystal bridge which connects the two continents of america and greenland. i say continents, for greenland, however insulated it may ultimately prove to be, is in mass strictly continental. its least possible axis, measured from cape farewell to the line of this glacier, in the neighbourhood of the eightieth parallel, gives a length of more than 1,200 miles, not materially less than that of australia from its northern to its southern cape. "imagine, now, the centre of such a continent, occupied through nearly its whole extent by a deep, unbroken sea of ice that gathers perennial increase from the water-shed of vast snow-covered mountains and all the precipitations of its atmosphere upon its own surface. imagine this, moving onwards like a great glacial river, seeking outlets at every fiord and valley, rolling icy cataracts into the atlantic and greenland seas; and, having at last reached the northern limit of the land that has borne it up, pouring out a mighty frozen torrent into unknown arctic space! "it is thus, and only thus, that we must form a just conception of a phenomenon like this great glacier. i had looked in my own mind for such an appearance, should i ever be fortunate enough to reach the northern coast of greenland; but, now that it was before me, i could hardly realize it. i had recognized, in my quiet library at home, the beautiful analogies which forbes and studer have developed between the glacier and the river. but i could not comprehend at first this complete substitution of ice for water. "it was slowly that the conviction dawned on me that i was looking upon the counterpart of the great river-system of arctic asia and america. yet here were no water-feeders from the south. every particle of moisture had its origin within the polar circle and had been converted into ice. there were no vast alluvions, no forest or animal traces borne down by liquid torrents. here was a plastic, moving, semi-solid mass, obliterating life, swallowing rocks and islands, and ploughing its way with irresistible march through the crust of an investing sea."[al] [footnote al: arctic explorations in the years 1853, 1854, and 1855, vol. i, pp. 225-228.] much less is known concerning the eastern coast of greenland than about the western coast. for a long time it was supposed that there might be a considerable population in the lower latitudes along the eastern side. but that is now proved to be a mistake. the whole coast is very inhospitable and difficult of approach. from latitude 65° to latitude 69° little or nothing is known of it. in 1822-'23 scoresby, cleavering, and sabine hastily explored the coast from latitude 69° to 76°, and reported numerous glaciers descending to the sea-level through extensive fiords, from which immense icebergs float out and render navigation dangerous. in 1869 and 1870 the second north-german expedition partly explored the coast between latitude 73° and 77°. mr. payer, an experienced alpine explorer, who accompanied the expedition, reports the country as much broken, and the glaciers as "subordinated in position to the higher peaks, and having their moraines, both lateral and terminal, like those of the alpine ranges, and on a still grander scale." petermann peak, in latitude 73°, is reported as 13,000 feet high. captain koldewey, chief of the expedition, found extensive plateaus on the mainland, in latitude 75°, to be "entirely clear of snow, although only sparsely covered with vegetation." the mountains in this vicinity, also, rising to a height of more than 2,000 feet, were free from snow in the summer. some of the fiords in this vicinity penetrate the continent through several degrees of longitude. an interesting episode of this expedition was the experience of the crew of the ship hansa, which was caught in the ice and destroyed. the crew, however, escaped by encamping on the ice-floe which had crushed the ship. from this, as it slowly floated towards the south through several degrees of latitude, they had opportunity to make many important observations upon the continent itself. as viewed from this unique position the coast had the appearance everywhere of being precipitous, with mountains of considerable height rising in the background, from which numerous small glaciers descended to the sea-level. in 1888 dr. f. nansen, with lieutenant sverdrup and four others, was left by a whaler on the ice-pack bordering the east of greenland about latitude 65°, and in sight of the coast. for twelve days the party was on the ice-pack floating south, and so actually reached the coast only about latitude 64°. from this point they attempted to cross the inland ice in a northwesterly direction towards christianshaab. they soon reached a height of 7,000 feet, and were compelled by severe northerly storms to diverge from their course, taking a direction more to the west. the greatest height attained was 9,500 feet, and the party arrived on the western coast at ameralik fiord, a little south of godhaab, about the same latitude at which they entered. it thus appears that subsequent investigations have confirmed in a remarkable manner the sagacious conclusions made by the eminent scotch geologist and glacialist robert brown in 1875, soon after his own expedition to the country. "i look upon greenland and its interior ice-field," he writes, "in the light of a broad-lipped, shallow vessel, but with chinks in the lips here and there, and the glacier like viscous matter in it. as more is poured in, the viscous matter will run over the edges, naturally taking the line of the chinks as its line of outflow. the broad lips of the vessel are the outlying islands or 'outskirts'; the viscous matter in the vessel the inland ice, the additional matter continually being poured in in the form of the enormous snow covering, which, winter after winter, for seven or eight months in the year, falls almost continuously on it; the chinks are the fiords or valleys down which the glaciers, representing the outflowing viscous matter, empty the surplus of the vessel--in other words, the ice floats out in glaciers, overflows the land in fact, down the valleys and fiords of greenland by force of the superincumbent weight of snow, just as does the grain on the floor of a barn (as admirably described by mr. jamieson) when another sackful is emptied on the top of the mound already on the floor. 'the floor is flat, and therefore does not conduct the grain in any direction; the outward motion is due to the pressure of the particles of grain on one another; and, given a floor of infinite extension and a pile of sufficient amount, the mass would move outward to any distance, and with a very slight pitch or slope it would slide forward along the incline.' to this let me add that if the floor on the margin of the heap of grain was undulating the stream of grain would take the course of such undulations. the want, therefore, of much slope in a country and the absence of any great mountain-range are of very little moment to the movement of land-ice, _provided we have snow enough_" on another page dr. brown had well said that "the country seems only a circlet of islands separated from one another by deep fiords or straits, and bound together on the landward side by the great ice covering which overlies the whole interior.... no doubt under this ice there lies land, just as it lies under the sea; but nowadays none can be seen, and as an insulating medium it might as well be water." in his recently published volumes descriptive of the journey across the greenland ice-sheet, alluded to on page 39, dr. nansen sums up his inferences in very much the same way: "the ice-sheet rises comparatively abruptly from the sea on both sides, but more especially on the east coast, while its central portion is tolerably flat. on the whole, the gradient decreases the farther one gets into the interior, and the mass thus presents the form of a shield with a surface corrugated by gentle, almost imperceptible, undulations lying more or less north and south, and with its highest point not placed symmetrically, but very decidedly nearer the east coast than the west." from this rapid glance at the existing glaciers of the world we see that a great ice age is not altogether a strange thing in the world. the lands about the south pole and greenland are each continental in dimensions, and present at the present time accumulations of land-ice so extensive, so deep, and so alive with motion as to prepare our minds for almost anything that may be suggested concerning the glaciated condition of other portions of the earth's surface. the _vera causa_ is sufficient to accomplish anything of which glacialists have ever dreamed. it only remains to enquire what the facts really are and over how great an extent of territory the actual results of glacial action may be found. but we will first direct more particular attention to some of the facts and theories concerning glacial motion. chapter iii. glacial motion. that glacial ice actually moves after the analogy of a semi-fluid has been abundantly demonstrated by observation. in the year 1827 professor hugi, of soleure, built a hut far up upon the aar glacier in switzerland, in order to determine the rate of its motion. after three years he found that it had moved 330 feet; after nine years, 2,354 feet; and after fourteen years louis agassiz found that its motion had been 4,712 feet. in 1841 agassiz began a more accurate series of observation upon the same glacier. boring holes in the ice, he set across it a row of stakes which, on visiting in 1842, he found to be no longer in a straight line. all had moved downwards with varying velocity, those near the centre having moved farther than the others. the displacements of the stakes were in order, from side to side, as follows: 160 feet, 225 feet, 269 feet, 245 feet, 210 feet, and 125 feet. agassiz followed up his observations for six years, and in 1847 published the results in his celebrated work system glacière. [illustration: fig. 16.] but in august, 1841, the distinguished swiss investigator had invited professor j. d. forbes, of edinburgh, to interest himself in solving the problem of glacial motion. in response to this request, professor forbes spent three weeks with agassiz upon the aar glacier. stimulated by the interest of this visit, forbes returned to switzerland in 1842 and began a series of independent investigations upon the mer de glace. after a week's observations with accurate instruments, forbes wrote to professor jameson, editor of the edinburgh new philosophical journal, that he had already made it certain that "the central part of the glacier moves faster than the edges in a very considerable proportion, quite contrary to the opinion generally maintained." this letter was dated july 4, 1842, but was not published until the october following, agassiz's results, so far as then determined, were, however, published in comptes rendus of the 29th of august, 1842, two months before the publication of forbes's letter. but agassiz's letter was dated twenty-seven days later than that of forbes. it becomes certain, therefore, that both agassiz and forbes, independently and about the same time, discovered the fact that the central portion of a glacier moves more rapidly than the sides. in 1857 professor tyndall began his systematic and fruitful observations upon the mer de glace and other alpine glaciers. professor forbes had already demonstrated that, with an accurate instrument of observation, the motion of a line of stakes might be observed after the lapse of a single clay, or even of a few hours. as a result of tyndall's observations, it was found that the most rapid daily motion in the mer de glace in 1857 was about thirty-seven inches. this amount of motion was near the lower end of the glacier on ascending the glacier, the rate was found in general to be diminished; but the diminution was not uniform throughout the whole distance, being affected both by the size and by the contour of the valley. the motion in the tributary glaciers was also much less than that of the main glacier. this diminution of movement in the tributary glaciers was somewhat proportionate to their increase in width. for example, the combined width of the three tributaries uniting to form the mer de glace is 2,597 yards; but a short distance below the junction of these tributaries the total width of the mer de glace itself is only 893 yards, or one-third that of the tributaries combined. yet, though the depth of the ice is probably here much greater than in the tributaries, the rapidity of movement is between two and three times as great as that of any one of the branches.[am] [footnote am: see tyndall's forms of water, pp. 78-82.] from tyndall's observations it appears also that the line of most rapid motion is not exactly in the middle of the channel, but is pushed by its own momentum from one side to the other of the middle, so as always to be nearer the concave side; in this respect conforming, as far as its nature will permit, to the motion of water in a tortuous channel. [illustration: fig. 17.] it is easy to account for this differential motion upon the surface of a glacier, since it is clear that the friction of the sides of the channel must retard the motion of ice as it does that of water. it is clear also that the friction of the bottom must retard the motion of ice even more than it is known to do in the case of water. in the formation of breakers, when the waves roll in upon a shallowing beach, every one is familiar with the effect of the bottom upon the moving mass. here friction retards the lower strata of water, and the upper strata slide over the lower, and, where the water is of sufficient depth and the motion is sufficiently great, the crest breaks down in foam before the ever-advancing tide. a similar phenomenon occurs when dams give way and reservoirs suddenly pour their contents into the restricted channels below. at such times the advancing water rolls onwards like the surf with a perpendicular front, varying in height according to the extent of the flood. seasoning from these phenomena connected with moving water, it was naturally suggested to professor tyndall that an analogous movement must take place in a glacier. choosing, therefore, a favourable place for observation on the mer de glace where the ice emerged from a gorge, he found a perpendicular side about one hundred and fifty feet in height from bottom to top. in this face he drove stakes in a perpendicular line from top to bottom. upon subsequently observing them, tyndall found, as he expected, that there was a differential motion among them as in the stakes upon the surface. the retarding effect of friction upon the bottom was evident. the stake near the top moved forwards about three times as fast as the one which was only four feet from the bottom. [illustration: fig. 18.] the most rapid motion (thirty-seven inches per day) observed by professor tyndall upon the alpine glaciers occurred in midsummer. in winter the rate was only about one-half as great; but in the year 1875 the norwegian geologist, helland, reported a movement of twenty metres (about sixty-five feet) per day in the jakobshavn glacier which enters disco bay, greenland, about latitude 70°. for some time there was a disposition on the part of many scientific men to doubt the correctness of holland's calculations. subsequent observations have shown, however, that from the comparatively insignificant glaciers of the alps they were not justified in drawing inferences with respect to the motion of the vastly larger masses which come down to the sea through the fiords of greenland. the jakobshavn glacier was about two and a half miles in width and its depth very likely more than a thousand feet, making a cross-section of more than 1,400,000 square yards, whereas the cross-section of the mer de glace at montanvert is estimated to be but 190,000 square yards or only about one-seventh the above estimate for the greenland glacier. as the friction of the sides would be no greater upon a large stream than upon a small one, while upon the bottom it would be only in proportion to the area, it is evident that we cannot tell beforehand how rapidly an increase in the volume of the ice might augment the velocity of the glacier. at any rate, all reasonable grounds for distrusting the accuracy of helland's estimates seem to have been removed by later investigations. according to my own observations in the summer of 1886 upon the muir glacier, alaska, the central portions, a mile back from the front of that vast ice-current, were moving from sixty-five to seventy feet per day. these observations were taken with a sextant upon pinnacles of ice recognizable from a baseline established upon the shore. it is fair to add, however, that during the summer of 1890 professor h. f. reid attempted to measure the motion of the same glacier by methods promising greater accuracy than could be obtained by mine. he endeavoured to plant, after the method of tyndall, a line of stakes across the ice-current. but with his utmost efforts, working inwards from both sides, he was unable to accomplish his purpose, and so left unmeasured a quarter of a mile or more of the most rapidly-moving portion of the glacier. his results, therefore, of ten feet per day in the most rapidly-moving portion observed cannot discredit my own observations on a portion of the stream inaccessible by his method. a quarter of a mile in width near the centre of so vast a glacier gives ample opportunity for a much greater rate of motion than that observed by professor reid. especially may this be true in view of tyndall's suggestion that the contour of the bottom over which the ice flows may greatly affect the rate in certain places. a sudden deepening of the channel may affect the motion of ice in a glacier as much as it does that of water in a river. other observations also amply sustain the conclusions of helland. as already stated, the danish surveying party under steenstrup, after several years' work upon the southwestern coast of greenland, have ascertained that the numerous glaciers coming down to the sea in that region and furnishing the icebergs incessantly floating down baffin's bay, move at a rate of from thirty to fifty feet per day, while lieutenants ryder and bloch, of the danish navy, who spent the year 1887 in exploring the coast in the vicinity of upernavik, about latitude 73°, found that the great glacier entering the fiord east of the village had a velocity of ninety-nine feet per day during the month of august.[an] [footnote an: nature, december 29, 1887.] it is easier to establish the fact of glacial motion than to explain how the motion takes place, for ice seems to be as brittle as glass. this, however, is true of it only when compelled suddenly to change its form. when subjected to slow and long-continued pressure it gradually yet readily yields, and takes on new forms. from this capacity of ice, it has come to be regarded by some as a really viscous substance, like tar or cooling lava, and upon that theory professor forbes endeavours to explain all glacial movement. the theory, however, seems to be contradicted by familiar facts; for the iceman, after sawing a shallow groove across a piece of ice, can then split it as easily as he would a piece of sandstone or wood. on the glaciers themselves, likewise, the existence of innumerable crevasses would seem to contradict the plastic theory of glacier motion; for, wherever the slope of the glacier's bed increases, crevasses are formed by the increased strain to which the ice is subjected. crevasses are also formed in rapidly-moving glaciers by the slight strain occasioned by the more rapid motion of the middle portion. still, in the words of tyndall, "it is undoubted that the glacier moves like a viscous body. the centre flows past the sides, the top flows over the bottom, and the motion through a curved valley corresponds to fluid motion."[ao] [footnote ao: forms of water, p. 163.] to explain this combination of the seemingly contradictory qualities of brittleness and viscosity in ice, physicists have directed attention to the remarkable transformations which take place in water at the freezing-point. faraday discovered in 1850 that "when two pieces of thawing ice are placed together they freeze together at the point of contact.[ap] [footnote ap: ibid., p. 164.] "place a number of fragments of ice in a basin of water and cause them to touch each other; they freeze together where they touch. you can form a chain of such fragments; and then, by taking hold of one end of the chain, you can draw the whole series after it. chains of icebergs are sometimes formed in this way in the arctic seas."[aq] [footnote aq: ibid., pp. 164, 165.] this is really what takes place when a hard snow-ball is made by pressure in the hand. so, by subjecting fragments of ice to pressure it is first crumbled to powder, and then, as the particles are pressed together in close contact, it resumes the nature of ice again, though in a different form, taking now the shape of the mould in which it has been pressed. thus it is supposed that, when the temperature of ice is near the melting-point, the pressure of the superincumbent mass may produce at certain points insensible disintegration, while, upon the removal of the pressure by change of position, regulation instantly takes place, and thus the phenomena which simulate plasticity are produced. as the freezing-point of water is, within a narrow range, determined by the amount of pressure to which it is subjected, it is not difficult to see how these changes may occur. pressure slightly lowers the freezing-point, and so would liquefy the portions of ice subjected to greatest pressure, wherever that might be in the mass of the glacier, and thus permit a momentary movement of the particles, until they should recongeal in adjusting themselves to spaces of less pressure.[ar] this is the theory by which professor james thompson would account for the apparent plasticity of glacial ice. [footnote ar: forms of water, p. 168.] chapter iv. signs of past glaciation. the facts from which we draw the inference that vast areas of the earth's surface which are now free from glaciers were, at a comparatively recent time, covered with them, are fourfold, and are everywhere open to inspection. these facts are: 1. scratches upon the rocks. 2. extensive unstratified deposits of clay and sand intermingled with scratched stones and loose fragments of rock. 3. transported boulders left in such positions and of such size as to preclude the sufficiency of water-carriage to account for them. 4. extensive gravel terraces bordering the valleys which emerge from the glaciated areas. we will consider these in their order: 1. the scratches upon the rocks. almost anywhere in the region designated as having been covered with ice during the glacial period, the surface of the rocks when freshly uncovered will be found to be peculiarly marked by grooves and scratches more or less fine, and such as could not be produced by the action of water. but, when we consider the nature of a glacier, these marks seem to be just what would be produced by the pushing or dragging along of boulders, pebbles, gravel, and particles of sand underneath a moving mass of ice. running water does indeed move gravel, pebbles, and boulders along with the current, but these objects are not held by it in a firm grasp, such as is required to make a groove or scratch in the rock. if, also, there are inequalities in the compactness or hardness of the rock, the natural action of running water is to hollow out the soft parts, and leave the harder parts projecting. but, in the phenomena which we are attributing to glacial action, there has been a movement which has steadily planed down the surface of the underlying rock; polishing it, indeed, but also grooving it and scratching it in a manner which could be accomplished only by firmly held graving-tools. [illustration: fig. 19.--bed-rock scored with glacial marks, near amherst, ohio. (from a photograph by chamberlin.)] this polishing and scratching can indeed be produced by various agencies; as, for example, by the forces which fracture the earth's crust, and shove one portion past another, producing what is called a _slicken-side_. or, again, avalanches or land-slides might be competent to produce the results over limited and peculiarly situated areas. icebergs, also, and shore ice which is moved backwards and forwards by the waves, would produce a certain amount of such grooving and scratching. but the phenomena to which we refer are so extensive, and occur in such a variety of situations, that the movement of glacial ice is alone sufficient to afford a satisfactory explanation. moreover, in alaska, greenland, norway, and switzerland, and wherever else there are living glaciers, it is possible to follow up these grooved and striated surfaces till they disappear underneath the existing glaciers which are now producing the phenomena. thus by its tracks we can, as it were, follow this monster to its lair with as great certainty as we could any animal with whose footprints we had become familiar. 2. the till, or boulder-clay. a second sign of the former existence of glaciers over any area consists of an unstratified deposit of earthy material, of greater or less depth, in which scratched pebbles and fragments of rock occur without any definite arrangement. moving water is a most perfect sieve. during floods, a river shoves along over its bed gravel and pebbles of considerable size, whereas in time of low-water the current may be so gentle as to transport nothing but fine sand, and the clay will be carried still farther onwards, to settle in the still water and form a delta about the river's mouth. the transporting capacity of running water is in direct ratio to the sixth power of its velocity. other things being equal, if the velocity be doubled, the size of the grains of sand or gravel which it transports is increased sixty-four fold.[as] so frequent are the changes in the velocity of running water, that the stratification of its deposits is almost necessary and universal. if large fragments of rocks or boulders are found embedded in stratified clay, it is pretty surely a sign that they have been carried to their position by floating ice. a small mountain stream with great velocity may move a good-sized boulder, while the amazon, with its mighty but slow-moving current, would pass by it forever without stirring it from its position. but the vast area which is marked in our map as having been covered with ice during the glacial period is characterised by deep and extensive deposits of loose material devoid of stratification, and composed of soil and rock gathered in considerable part from other localities, and mixed in an indiscriminate mass with material which has originated in the disintegration of the underlying local strata. [footnote as: le conte's geology, p. 19.] [illustration: fig. 20.--scratched stone from the till of boston. natural size about one foot and a half long by ten inches wide. (from photograph.)] [illustration: fig. 21.--typical section of till in seattle. washington state, about two hundred feet above puget sound. this is on the height between the sound and lake washington.] [illustration: fig. 22.--ideal section, showing how the till overlies the stratified rocks.] [illustration: fig. 23.--vessel rock, a glacial boulder in gilsum. n. h. (c. h. hitchcock.)] 3. transported boulders. where there is a current of water deep enough to float large masses of ice, there is scarcely any limit to the size of boulders which may be transported upon them, or to the distance to which the boulders may be carried and dropped upon the bottom. the icebergs which break off from the glaciers of greenland may bear their burdens of rock far down into the atlantic, depositing them finally amidst the calcareous ooze and the fine sediment from the gulf stream which is slowly covering the area between northern america and europe. northern streams like the st. lawrence, which are deeply frozen over with ice in the winter, and are heavily flooded as the ice breaks up in the spring, afford opportunity for much transportation of boulders in the direction of their current. in attributing the transportation of a boulder to glacial ice, it is necessary, therefore, to examine the contour of the country, so as to eliminate from the problem the possibility of the effects having been produced by floating ice. another source of error against which one has to be on his guard arises from the close resemblance of boulders resulting from disintegration to those which have been transported by ice from distant places. owing to the fact that large masses of rocks, especially those which are crystalline, are seldom homogeneous in their structure, it results that, under the slow action of disintegrating and erosive agencies, the softer parts often are completely removed before the harder nodules are sensibly affected, and these may remain as a collection of boulders dotting the surface. such boulders are frequent in the granitic regions of north carolina and vicinity, where there has been no glacial transportation. several localities in pennsylvania, also, south of the line of glacial action as delineated by professor lewis and myself, had previously been supposed to contain transported boulders of large size, but on examination they proved in all cases to be resting upon undisturbed strata of the parent rock, and were evidently the harder portions of the rock left in loco by the processes of erosion spoken of. in new england, also, it is possible that some boulders heretofore attributed to ice-action may be simply the results of these processes of disintegration and erosion. whether they are or not can usually be determined by their likeness or unlikeness to the rocks on which they rest; but oftentimes, where a particular variety of rock is exposed over a broad area, it is difficult to tell whether a boulder has suffered any extensive transportation or not. one of the most interesting and satisfactory demonstrations of the distribution of boulders by glacial ice was furnished by guyot in switzerland in 1845. his observations and argument will be most readily understood by reference to the accompanying map, taken from lyell's clear description.[at] the jura mountains are separated from the alps by a valley, about eighty miles in width, which constitutes the main habitable portion of switzerland, and they rise upwards of two thousand feet above it. but large alpine boulders are found as high as two thousand feet above the lake neufchâtel upon the flanks of the jura mountains beyond chasseron (at the point marked g on the map), and the whole valley is dotted with alpine boulders. upon comparing these with the native rocks in the alps, guyot in many cases was able to determine the exact centres from which they were distributed, and the distribution is such as to demonstrate that glacial ice was the medium of distribution. [footnote at: antiquity of man, p. 299.] [illustration: fig. 24.--map showing the outline and course of flow of the great rhône glacier (after lyell).] for example, the dotted lines upon the map indicate the motion of the transporting medium. on ascending the valley of the rhône to a, the diminutive representative of the ancient glacier is still found in existence, and is at work transporting boulders and moraines according to the law of ice-movement. following down the valley from a, boulders from the head of the rhône valley are found distributed as far as b at martigny, where the valley turns at right angles towards the north. it is evident that floating ice in a stream of water would by its momentum be carried to the left bank, so that if icebergs were the medium of transportation we should expect to find the boulders from the right-hand side of the rhône valley distributed towards the left end of the great valley of switzerland--that is, in the direction of geneva. but, instead, the boulders derived from c, d, and e, on the bernese oberland side, instead of crossing the valley at b, continue to keep on the right-hand side and are distributed over the main valley in the direction of the river aar. as is to be expected also, the direct northward motion of the ice from b is stronger than the lateral movement to the right and left after it emerges from the mouth of the rhône valley, at f, and consequently it has pushed forwards in a straight line, so as to raise the alpine boulders to a greater height upon the jura mountains at g than anywhere else, the upper limit of boulders at g being 1,500 feet higher than the limits at i or k on the left and right, points distant about one hundred miles from each other. all the boulders to the right of the line from b to g have been derived from the right side of the rhône, while all the boulders to the left of that line have been derived from its left side. a boulder of talcose granite containing 61,000 french cubic feet, measuring about forty feet in one direction, came, according to charpentier, from the point _n_, near the head of the rhône valley, and must have travelled one hundred and fifty miles to reach its present position. it scarcely needs to be added that the grooves and scratches upon the rocks over the floor of this great valley of switzerland indicate a direction of the ice-movement corresponding to that implied in the distribution of boulders. thus, at k upon the map referred to, lyell reports that the abundant grooves and striæ upon the polished marble all trend down the valley of the aar.[au] [footnote au: antiquity of man, p. 305.] similar facts concerning the transportation of boulders have been observed at trogen, in appenzel, where boulders derived from trons, one hundred miles distant, are found to keep upon the left bank of the rhine, however much the valley may wind about; and in some places, as at mayenfeld, it turns almost at right angles, as did the rhône at martigny. upon reaching the lower country at lake constance, these granite blocks from the left side of the valley deploy out upon the same side and do not cross over, as they would inevitably have done had they been borne along by currents of water. in america ave do not have quite so easy a field as is presented in switzerland for the discovery of crucial instances showing that boulders have been transported by glacial ice rather than by floating ice, for in switzerland the glaciated area is comparatively small and the diminutive remnants of former glaciers are still in existence, furnishing a comprehensive object-lesson of great interest and convincing power. still, it is not difficult to find decisive instances of glacial transportation even in the broad fields of america which now retain no living remnants of the great continental ice-sheet. as every one who resides in or who visits new england knows, boulders are scattered freely over all parts of that region, but for a long time the theory suggested to account for their distribution was that of floating ice during a period of submergence. one of the most convincing evidences that the boulders were distributed by glacial ice rather than by icebergs is found in professor c. h. hitchcock's discovery of boulders on the summit of mount washington (over 6,000 feet above the sea), which he was able to identify as derived from the ledges of light grey bethlehem gneiss, whose nearest outcrop is in jefferson, several miles to the northwest, and 3,000 or 4,000 feet lower than mount washington. however difficult it may be to explain the movement of these boulders by glacial ice, it is not impossible to do so, but the attempt to account for their transportation by floating ice is utterly preposterous. no iceberg could pick up boulders so far beneath the surface of the water, and even if it could advance thus far in its work it could not by any possibility land them afterwards upon the summit of mount washington. among the most impressive instances of boulders evidently transported by glacial ice, rather than by icebergs, were some which came to my notice when, in company with the late professor h. carvill lewis, i was tracing the glacial boundary across the state of pennsylvania. we had reached the elevated plateau (two thousand feet above the sea) which extends westwards and southwards from the peak of pocono mountain, in monroe county. this plateau consists of level strata of sandstone, the southern part of which is characterised by a thin sandy soil, such as is naturally formed by the disintegration of the underlying rock, and there is no foreign material to be found in it. but, on going northwards to the boundary of tobyhanna township, we at once struck a large line of accumulations, stretching from east to west, and rising to a height of seventy or eighty feet. this was chiefly an accumulation of transported boulders, resembling in its structure the terminal moraines which are found at the front of glaciers in the alps and in alaska, and indeed wherever active glaciers still remain. but here we were upon the summit of the mountain, where there are no higher levels to the north of us, down which the ice could flow. besides, among these boulders we readily recognised many of granite, which must have come either from the adirondack mountains, two hundred miles to the north, or from the canadian highlands, still farther away. limiting our observations simply to the boulders, we should indeed have been at liberty to suppose that they had been transported across the valley of the mohawk or of the great lakes by floating ice during a period of submergence. but we were forbidden to resort to this hypothesis by the abrupt marginal line, running east and west, upon pocono plateau, along which these northern boulders ceased. south of this evident terminal moraine there was no barrier, and there were no northern boulders. on the theory of submergence, there was no reason for the boundary-line so clearly manifested. ice which had floated so far would have floated farther. still further, on going a few miles east of the pocono plateau, one descends into a parallel valley, lying between pocono mountain and blue mountain, and one thousand feet below their level. but our marginal southern boundary of transported granite rocks did not extend much farther south in the valley than it did on the plateau, except where we could trace the action of a running stream, evidently corresponding to the subglacial rivers which pour forth from the front of every extensive glacier. in these facts, therefore, we had a crucial test of the glacial hypothesis, and, in view of them, could maintain, against all objectors, the theory of the distant glacial transportation of boulders, even over vast areas of the north american continent. since that experience, i have traced this limit of southern boulders for thousands of miles across the continent, according to the delineation which may be seen in the map in a later chapter. if necessary, i could indicate hundreds of places where the proof of glacial transportation is almost as clear as that on the pocono plateau in pennsylvania. one of the most interesting of these is on the hills in kentucky, about twelve miles south of the ohio river, at cincinnati, where i discovered boulders of a conglomerate containing many pebbles of red jasper, which can be identified as from a limited formation cropping out in canada, to the north of lake huron, six hundred or seven hundred miles distant. that this was transported by glacial ice, and not by floating ice, is evident from the fact that here, too, there was no barrier to the south, requiring deposits to cease at that point, and from the further fact that boulders of this material are found in increasing frequency all the way from kentucky to the parent ledges in canada. with reference to these boulders, as with reference to those found on the summit of mount washington, we can reason, also, that any northerly subsidence permitting a body of water to occupy the space between kentucky and lake superior, and deep enough to facilitate the movement across it of floating ice, would render it impossible for the ice to have loaded itself with them. [illustration: fig. 25.--conglomerate boulder found in boone county, kentucky. (see text.)] the same line of reasoning is conclusive respecting the innumerable boulders which cover the northern portion of ohio, where i have my residence. the whole state of ohio, and indeed almost the entire mississippi basin between the appalachian and the rocky mountains, is completely covered, and to a great depth, with stratified rocks which have been but slightly disturbed in the elevation of the continent; yet, down to an irregular border-line running east and west, granitic boulders everywhere occur in great numbers. in the locality spoken of in northern ohio the elevation of the country is from two hundred to five hundred feet above the level of lake erie. the nearest outcrops of granitic rock occur about four hundred miles to the north, in canada. after the meeting of the american association for the advancement of science in toronto in the summer of 1889, i had the privilege of joining a company of geologists in an excursion, conducted by members of the canadian survey, to visit the region beyond lake nipissing, north of lake huron, where the ancient laurentian and huronian rocks are most typically developed. i took advantage of the trip to collect specimens of a great variety of the granites and gneisses and metamorphic schists and trap-rock of the region. on bringing them home i turned them over to the professor of geology, who at once set his class at work to see if they could match my fragments from canada with corresponding fragments from the boulders of the vicinity. to the great gratification, both of the pupils and myself, they were able to do so in almost every case; and so they might have done in any county or township to the south until reaching the limit of glacier action which i had previously mapped. here, at oberlin, on the north side of the water-shed, it is possible to imagine that we are on the southern border of an ancient lake upon whose bosom floating ice had brought these objects from their distant home in canada. but this theory would not apply to the portion of the state which is south of the water-shed and which slopes rapidly towards the gulf of mexico. yet the distribution of boulders is practically uniform over the glaciated area on both sides of the water-shed, constituting thus an indisputable proof of the glacial theory. 4th. as the significance of the gravel terraces which mark the lines of outward drainage from the glaciated area cannot well be indicated in a single paragraph, the reader is referred for further information upon this point to the general statements respecting them throughout the next chapter. chapter v. ancient glaciers in the western hemisphere. _new england._ in north america all the indubitable signs of glacial action are found over the entire area of new england, the southern coast being bordered by a double line of terminal moraines. the outermost of these appears in nantucket, martha's vineyard, no man's land, block island, and through the entire length of long island--from montauk point, through the centre of the island, to brooklyn, n. y., and thence across staten island to perth amboy in new jersey. the interior line is nearly parallel with the outer, and, beginning at the east end of cape cod, runs in a westerly direction to falmouth, and thence southwesterly through wood's holl, and the elizabeth islands--these being, indeed, but the unsubmerged portions of the moraine. on the mainland this interior line reappears near point judith, on the south shore of rhode island, and, running slightly south of west, serves to give character to the scenery at watch hill, and thence crops out in the sound as fisher and plum islands, and farther west forms the northern shore of long island to port jefferson. [illustration: map showing the glacial geology of the united states.] in these accumulations bordering the southern shore of new england, the characteristic marks of glacial action can readily be detected even by the casual observer, and prolonged examination will amply confirm the first impression. the material of which they are composed is, for the most part, foreign to the localities, and can be traced to outcrops of rock at the north. the boulders scattered over the surface of long island, for example, consist largely of granite, gneiss, hornblende, mica slate, and red sandstone, which are easily recognised as fragments from well-known quarries in connecticut, rhode island, and massachusetts; yet they have been transported bodily across long island sound, and deposited in a heterogeneous mass through the entire length of the island. not only do they lie upon the surface, but, in digging into the lines of hills which constitute the backbone of long island, these transported boulders are found often to make up a large part of the accumulation. almost any of the railroad excavations in the city of brooklyn present an interesting object-lesson respecting the composition of a terminal moraine. all these things are true also of the lines of moraine farther east, as just described. professor shaler has traced to its source a belt of boulders occurring extensively over southern rhode island, and found that they have spread out pretty evenly over a triangular area to the southward, in accordance with the natural course to be pursued by an ice-movement. nearly all of plymouth county, in southeastern massachusetts, is composed of foreign material, much of which can be traced to the hills and mountains to the north. even plymouth rock is a boulder from the direction of boston, and the "rock-bound" shores upon which the pilgrims are poetically conceived to have landed are known, in scientific prose, as piles of glacial rubbish dumped into the edge of the sea by the great continental ice-sheet. the whole area of southeastern massachusetts is dotted with conical knolls of sand, gravel, and boulders, separated by circular masses of peat or ponds of water, whose origin and arrangement can be accounted for only by the peculiar agency of a decaying ice-front. indeed, this whole line of moraines, from the end of cape cod to brooklyn, n. y., consists of a reticulated network of ridges and knolls, so deposited by the ice as to form innumerable kettle-holes which are filled with water where other conditions are favourable. those which are dry are so because of their elevation above the general level, and of the looseness of the surrounding soil; while many have been filled with a growth of peat, so that their original character as lakelets is disguised. as already described, these depressions, so characteristic of the glaciated region, are, in the majority of cases, supposed to have originated by the deposition of a great quantity of earthy material around and upon the masses of ice belonging to the receding front of the glacier, so that, when at length the ice melted away, a permanent depression in the soil was left, without any outlet. to some extent, however, the kettle-holes may have been formed by the irregular deposition of streams of water whose courses have crossed each other, or where eddies of considerable force have been produced in any way. the ordinary formation of kettle-holes can be observed in progress on the foot of almost any glacier, or, indeed, on a small scale, during the melting away of almost any winter's snow. where, from any cause, a stratum of dirt has accumulated upon a mass of compact snow or ice, it will be found to settle down in an irregular manner; furrows will be formed in various directions by currents of water, so that the melting will proceed irregularly, and produce upon a miniature scale exactly what i have seen on a large scale over whole square miles of the decaying foot of the great muir glacier in alaska. the effects of similar causes and conditions we can see on a most enormous scale in the ten thousand lakes and ponds and peat-bogs of the whole glaciated area both in north america and in europe. in addition to these two lines of evidence of glacial action in new england, we should mention also the innumerable glacial grooves and scratches upon the rocks which can be found on almost any freshly uncovered surface. in new england the direction of these grooves is ordinarily a little east of south. upon the east coast of massachusetts and new hampshire the scratches trend much more to the east than they do over most of the interior. this is as it should be on the glacial theory, since the ice would naturally move outwards in the line of least resistance, which would, of course, be towards the open sea wherever that is near. in the interior of new england the scratches upon the rocks indicate a more southerly movement in the connecticut valley than upon the mountains in the western part of massachusetts. this also is as it should be upon the glacial theory. the scratches upon the mountains were made when the ice was at its greatest depth and when it moved over the country in comparative disregard of minor irregularities of surface, while in the valleys, at least in the later portion of the ice age, the movement would be obstructed except in one direction. in the interpretation of the glacial grooves and scratches it should be borne in mind that they often represent the work done during the closing stages of the period. just as the last shove of the carpenter's plane removes the marks of the previous work, so the last rasping of a glacial movement wears away the surfaces which have been previously polished and striated. in various places of new england it is interesting as well as instructive to trace the direction of the ice-movement by the distribution of boulders. my own attention was early attracted to numerous fragments of gneiss in eastern massachusetts containing beautiful crystals of feldspar, which proved to be peculiar to the region of lake winnepesaukee, a hundred miles to the north, and to a narrow belt stretching thence to the southwestward. in ascending almost any of the lower summits of the white mountains one's attention can scarcely fail of being directed to the difference between the material of which the mountains are composed and that of the numerous boulders which lie scattered over the surface. the local geologist readily recognises these boulders as pilgrims that have wandered far from their homes to the northward. trains of boulders, such as those already described in rhode island, can frequently be traced to some prominent outcrop of the rock in a hill or mountain-peak from which they have been derived. one of the earliest of these to attract attention occurs in the towns of richmond, lenox, and stockbridge, in the western part of massachusetts. here a belt of peculiar boulders about four hundred feet wide is found to originate in the town of lebanon, n. y., and to run continuously to the southeast for a distance of nine miles. west of fry's hill, where the outcrop occurs, no boulders of this variety of rock are to be found, while to the southeast the boulders gradually diminish in size as their distance from the outcrop increases. near the outcrop boulders of thirty feet in diameter occur, while nine miles away two feet is the largest diameter observed. sir charles lyell endeavoured to explain this train of boulders by the action of icebergs during a period of submergence--supposing that, as icebergs floated past or away from this hill in lebanon, n. y., they were the means of the regular distribution described. it is needless to repeat the difficulties arising in connection with such a theory, since now both by observation and experiment we have become more familiar with the movement of glacial ice. what we have already said about the transportation of boulders over switzerland by the alpine glaciers, and what is open to observation at the present time upon the large glaciers of alaska, closely agree with the facts concerning this richmond train of boulders, and we have no occasion to look further for a cause. indeed, trains of boulders ought to appear almost everywhere over the glaciated area; and so they do where all the circumstances are favourable. but, readily to identify the train, requires that to furnish the boulders there should be in the line of the ice-movement a projecting mass of rock hard enough to offer considerable resistance to the abrading agency of the ice and characteristic enough in its composition to be readily recognised. ship rock, in peabody, mass., weighing about eleven hundred tons, and mohegan rock, in montville, conn., weighing about ten thousand tons, have ordinarily been pointed to as boulders illustrating the power of ice-action. their glacial character, however, has been challenged from the fact that the variety of granite to which they belong occurs in the neighbourhood, and indeed constitutes the bed-rock upon which they rest.[av] some would therefore consider them, like some of which we have already spoken, to be boulders which have originated through the disintegration of great masses of rock, of which these were harder nuclei that have longer resisted the ravages of the tooth of time. it must be admitted that possibly this explanation is correct; but it is scarcely probable that, in a region where there are so many other evidences of glacial action, these boulders could have remained immovable in presence of the onward progress of the ice-current that certainly passed over them. [footnote av: popular science monthly, vol. xxxvii, pp. 196-201.] however, as already seen, we are not left to doubt as to the movement of some boulders of great size. that which now claims the reputation of being the largest in new england is in madison, n. h., and measures thirty by forty by seventy-five feet. this can be traced to ledges of conway granite, about two miles away.[aw] many boulders in the vicinity of new haven, conn., can be identified, as from well-known trap-dykes, sixteen miles or more to the north. the so-called judge's cave, on west rock, 365 feet above the adjoining valley and weighing a thousand tons, is one of these. professor edward orton[ax] describes a mass of clinton limestone near freeport, warren county, ohio, as covering an area of three-fourths of an acre, and as sixteen feet in thickness. it overlies glacial clays and gravels, and must have been transported bodily from the elevations containing this rock several miles to the northwest. [footnote aw: see w. 0. crosby's paper in appalachia, vol. vi, pp. 59-70.] [footnote ax: geological survey of ohio, vol. iii, p. 385,] [illustration: fig. 26.--mohegan rock.] portions of new england present the best illustrations anywhere afforded in america of what are called "drumlins." these are "lenticular-shaped" hills, composed of till, and containing, interspersed through their mass, numerous scratched stones of all sizes. they vary in length from a few hundred feet to a mile, and are usually from half to two-thirds as wide as they are long. in height they vary from twenty-five to two hundred feet. but, according to the description of mr. upham, whatever may be their size and height, they are singularly alike in outline and form, usually having steep sides, with gently sloping, rounded tops, and presenting a very smooth and regular contour. from this resemblance in shape to an elliptical convex lens, professor hitchcock has called them lenticular hills to distinguish these deposits of till from the broadly flattened or undulating sheets which are common throughout new england. [illustration: fig. 27.--drumlins in goffstown, n. h. (hitchcock).] the trend, or direction of the longer axis, of these lenticular hills is nearly the same for all of them comprised within any limited area, and is approximately like the course of the striæ or glacial furrows marked upon the neighbouring ledges. in eastern massachusetts and new hampshire, within twenty-five miles of the coast, it is quite uniformly to the southeast, or east-southeast. farther inland, in both of these states, it is generally from north to south, or a few degrees east of south; while in the valley of the connecticut river it is frequently a little to the west of south. in new hampshire, besides its accumulation in these hills, the till is frequently amassed in slopes of similar lenticular form. these have their position almost invariably upon either the south or north side of the ledgy hills against which they rest, showing a considerable deflection towards the southeast and northwest in the east part of the state. it cannot be doubted that the trend of the lenticular hills, and the direction taken by these slopes, have been determined by the glacial current, which produced the striæ with which they are parallel.[ay] [footnote ay: proceedings of the boston society of natural history, vol. xx, pp. 224, 225.] drumlins are abundant in the vicinity of boston, and constitute nearly all the islands in boston harbour. on the mainland, beacon hill, bunker hill, green hill, powderhorn hill, tufts college hill, winter hill, mount ida, corey hill, parker hill, wollaston heights, prospect hill, and telegraph hill are specimens. the northeastern corner of massachusetts and the southeastern corner of new hampshire are largely covered with these peculiar-shaped glacial deposits, while they are numerous as far west as fitchburg, in massachusetts, and ware, n. h., and in the northeastern part of connecticut. a little later, also, we shall refer to an interesting line of them in central new york. elsewhere in america, except in a portion of wisconsin, they rarely occur in such fine development as in new england. in europe they are best developed in portions of ireland. one's first impression in examining an exposed section of a drumlin would lead him to think that the mass was entirely unstratified; but closer examination shows that there is a coarse stratification, but evidently not produced by water-action. the accumulation has probably taken place gradually by successive deposits underneath the glacier itself. professor william m. davis has suggested a plausible explanation which we will briefly state. [illustration: fig. 28.--drumlins in the vicinity of boston (davis).] the frequency with which drumlins are found to rest upon a mass of projecting rock, the general co-ordination of the direction of their axes with the direction of the scratches upon the underlying rock, and the abundance of scratched stones in them, all support the theory that drumlins are formed underneath the ice-sheet, somewhat in the way that islands and bars of silt are formed in the delta of a great river. the movement of ice seems to have been concentrated in pretty definite lines, often determined by the contour of the bottom, leaving a slacker movement in intervening areas, which were evidently protected in some cases by projecting masses of rock. in these areas of slower movement there was naturally an accumulation at the same time that there was vigorous erosion in the lines of more rapid movement. there was doubtless a continual transfer of material from the end of the drumlin which abutted against the moving mass of ice to the lower end, as there is in the formation of an island in a river. if time enough had elapsed, the whole accumulation would have been levelled by the glacier and spread over the broader area where the more rapid lines of movement became confluent, and where the differential motion was less marked. drumlins are thus characteristic of areas in the glaciated region whose floor was originally only moderately irregular, and where there was an excessive amount of ground-moraine to be transported, and where the movement did not continue indefinitely. it has been suggested, also, that some of the long belts of territory in new england and central new york covered by drumlins may represent old terminal moraines which were subsequently surmounted by a readvance of the ice, and partially wrought over into their present shape. it is in new england, also, that kames are to be found in better development than anywhere else in america. these interesting remnants of the glacial age are clearly described by mr. james geikie. his account will serve as well for new england as for scotland. the sands and gravels have a tendency to shape themselves into mounds and winding ridges, which give a hummocky and rapidly undulating outline to the ground. indeed, so characteristic is this appearance, that by it alone we are often able to mark out the boundaries of the deposits with as much precision as we could were all the vegetation and soil stripped away and the various subsoils laid bare. occasionally, ridges may be tracked continuously for several miles, running like great artificial ramparts across the country. these vary in breadth and height, some of the more conspicuous ones being upward of four or five hundred feet broad at the base, and sloping upward at an angle of twenty-five or even thirty-five degrees, to a height of sixty feet and more above the general surface of the ground. it is most common, however, to find mounds and ridges confusedly intermingled, crossing and recrossing each other at all angles, so as to enclose deep hollows and pits between. seen from some dominant point, such an assemblage of kames, as they are called, looks like a tumbled sea--the ground now swelling into long undulations, now rising suddenly into beautiful peaks and cones, and anon curving up in sharp ridges that often wheel suddenly round so as to enclose a lakelet of bright clear water.[az] [footnote az: the great ice age, pp. 210, 211.] [illustration: fig. 29.--section of kame near dover, new hampshire. length, three hundred feet; height, forty feet; base, about forty feet above the cocheco river, or seventy-five feet above the sea. _a_, _a_, gray clay; _b_, fine sand; _c_, _c_, coarse gravel containing pebbles from six inches to one foot and a half in diameter; _d_, _d_, fine gravel (upham).] [illustration: fig. 30.--kames in andover mass.] in new england attention was first directed to kames in 1842, by president edward hitchcock, in a paper before the american association of geologists and naturalists, describing the gravel ridges in andover, mass. in the accompanying plate is shown a portion of this kame system, which has a double interest to me from the fact that it was while living upon the banks of the shawshin river, near where the kames and the river intersect, that i began, in 1874, my special study of glacial deposits. the andover ridges are composed of imperfectly stratified water-worn material, and are very sharply defined, from the town of chelsea, back from the coast into new hampshire, for a distance of twenty-five miles. the base of the ridges does not maintain a uniform level, but the system descends into shallow valleys, and rises over elevations of one hundred to two hundred feet, without interruption. this indifference to slight changes of level is specially noticeable where the system crosses the merrimac river, just above the city of lawrence. it is also represented in the accompanying plate, where the base of the ridges in the immediate valley of the shawshin is fifty feet lower than the base of those a short distance to the north, at the points marked _a_, _b_, and _c_. the ridges here terminate at the surface in a sharp angle, and are above their base forty-one feet at _a_, forty-nine feet at _b_, and ninety-one feet at _c_. between _c_ and _b_ there is an extensive peat-swamp, filling the depression up to the level of an outlet through which the surplus water has found a passage. [illustration: fig. 31.--longitudinal kames near hingham, massachusetts. the parallel ridges of gravel in the foreground run nearly east and west, and coalesce at each end, near the edges of the picture, to form an elongated kettle-hole. the ridges from fifty to sixty feet in height. the kame-stream was here evidently emptying into the ocean a few miles to the east (bouvé).] several systems of kames approximately parallel to this have been traced out in massachusetts and new hampshire, while the remnants of a very extensive system are found in the connecticut valley above the massachusetts line. but they abound in greatest profusion in the state of maine, where professor george h. stone has plotted them with much care. the accompanying map gives only an imperfect representation of the ramifying systems which he has traced out, and of the extent to which they are independent of the present river-channels. one of the longest of these extends more than one hundred miles, crossing the penobscot river nearly opposite grand lake, and terminating in an extensive delta of gravel and sand in cherryfield, nearly north of mount desert. this is represented on our map by the shaded portion west of the machias river. locally these ridges are variously designated as "horsebacks," "hogbacks," or "whalebacks," but that in andover, mass., was for some reason called "indian ridge." nowhere else in the world are these ridges better developed than in new england, except it be in southern sweden, where they have long been known and carefully mapped. [illustration: fig. 32.--the kames of maine and southeastern new hampshire. (stone.)] the investigations of mr. w. 0. crosby upon the composition of till in eastern massachusetts is sufficiently important in its bearings upon the question of glacial erosion to merit notice at this point.[ba] the object of his investigations was to determine how much of the so-called ground moraine, or till, consisted of material disintegrated by mechanical action, and how much by chemical action. the "residuary clay," which has arisen from chemical decomposition, would properly be attributed to the disintegrating agencies of preglacial times, while the clay, which is strictly mechanical in its origin, remains to represent the true "grist" or "rock flour" of the glacial period. [footnote ba: proceedings of the boston society of natural history, vol. xxv (1890), pp. 115-140.] the results of mr. crosby's investigations show that "not more than one-third of the _detritus_ composing the till of the boston basin was in existence before the ice age, and that the remaining two-thirds must be attributed to the mechanical action of the ice-sheet and its accompanying torrents of water. in other words, if we assume the average thickness of the drift as thirty feet, the amount of glacial erosion can scarcely fall below twenty feet. after scraping away the residuary clays and half-decomposed material, the ice-sheet has cut more than an equal depth into the solid rocks." mr. crosby's investigations also convinced him that the movement of the till, or ground moraine, underneath the ice was not _en masse_, but that "it must have experienced differential horizontal movements or flowing, in which, normally, every particle or fragment slipped or was squeezed forward with reference to those immediately below it, the velocity diminishing downward through the friction of the underlying ledges.... the glaciation was not limited to masses which were firmly caught between the ice and the solid ledges, and it was in every case essentially a slipping and not a rolling movement.... these differential horizontal movements mean that the till acted as a lubricant for the ice-sheet; and the clayey element, especially, co-operating in many cases with the pent-up subglacial waters, must have greatly facilitated the onward progress of the ice." he concludes, therefore, that the onward movement of the vast ice-sheet greatly exceeded that of the main part of the ground moraine, the ice-sheet slipping over the till, the whole being in some degree analogous to that of a great land-slip. "in both cases the progress of a somewhat yielding and mobile mass is facilitated by an underlying clayey layer saturated with water." _new york, new jersey, and pennsylvania._ west of new england the glacial phenomena over the northern part of the united states are equally marked all the way to the missouri river, and the boundary-line of the glaciated region can be traced with little difficulty. it emerges from new york bay on staten island and enters new jersey at perth amboy. a well-formed moraine covers the northern part of staten island, and upon the mainland marks the boundary from perth amboy, around through raritan, plainfield, chatham, morris, and hanover, to rockaway, and thence in a southwesterly direction to belvidere, on the delaware river. that portion of new jersey lying north of this serpentine line of moraine hills is characterised by the presence of transported boulders, by numerous lakes of evident glacial origin, and by every other sign of glacial action, while south of it all these peculiar characteristics are absent. the observant passenger upon the railroad trains between new york and philadelphia can easily recognise the moraine as it is passed through on the pennsylvania railroad at metuchen and on the bound brook railroad at plainfield. near drakestown, in morris county, there is a mass of blue limestone measuring, as exposed, thirty-six by thirty feet, and which was quarried for years before discovering that it was a boulder brought with other drift material from many miles to the northwest and lodged here a thousand feet above the sea. across pennsylvania the glacial boundary passes through northampton, monroe, luzerne, columbia, sullivan, lycoming, tioga, and potter counties, where it enters the state of new york, running still in a northwest direction through allegany and cattaraugus counties to the vicinity of salamanca. here it turns to the south nearly at a right angle, running southwestward to chautauqua county and re-entering pennsylvania in warren county, and thence passing onward in the same general direction through crawford, venango, mercer, butler, and lawrence counties to the ohio line in columbiana county, about ten miles north of the ohio river. the occurrence of a well-defined terminal moraine to mark the glacial boundary eastward from pennsylvania led professor lewis and myself, who made the survey of that state in 1880, to be rather too sanguine in our expectations of finding an equally well-marked moraine everywhere along the southern margin of the glaciated area; still, the results are even more interesting than would have been the exact fulfilment of our expectations, since they more fully revealed to us the great complexity of effect which is capable of being brought about by ice-action. before proceeding farther with the details, therefore, it will be profitable at this point to pause in the narrative and briefly record a few generalisations that have forced themselves into prominence during the years in which field-work has been in progress. previous to our explorations in pennsylvania it had been thought that the indications of ice-action would extend much farther south in the valleys than on the mountains, and this indeed would have been the case if the glaciers in northern pennsylvania had been of local origin; but our experience very soon demonstrated that the great gathering-place of the snows which produced the glacial movement in northern pennsylvania could not have been local, but that over the northern part of that state there was distinct evidence of a continental movement of ice whose centre was far beyond the alleghanies. for example, we found that the evidences of direct glacial action extended farther south upon the hills and plateaus than they did in the narrow valleys, while everywhere on the very southern border of glacial indications we found boulders that had been brought from the granitic region of northern new york or central canada. in eastern pennsylvania we found indeed a terminal moraine more or less distinctly marking the southern border over the highlands. this was more specially true in northampton and monroe counties. in northampton county it was very interesting to see long lines of hills, a hundred or more feet in height and lying several hundred feet above the delaware river, composed entirely of glacial _débris_, much of which had been brought bodily over the sharp summit of the blue ridge, or kittatinny mountain, which rises as a continuous wall to the northwest and is everywhere several hundred feet higher than the moraine in northampton county. the summit of blue ridge, also, as far south as the glacial movement extended, shows evident signs of glacial abrasion, some hundreds of feet evidently having been removed by that means, leaving a well-defined shoulder, marking the limits of its southwestern border. resting upon the summit of the glaciated portion of the blue ridge, there are also numerous boulders of helderberg limestone, which must have been brought from ledges at least five hundred feet lower than the places upon which they now lie. in monroe county the terminal moraine marking there the extreme limit of the ice-movement is upon an extensive plateau of pocono sandstone, about eighteen hundred feet above sea-level, and five or six hundred feet lower than the crest of the alleghany mountains, a short distance to the north. the moraine hills are here well marked by the occurrence of circular lakelets and kettle-holes (such as have been described as characteristic of the shores and islands bordering the south of new england); by the occurrence of granitic boulders, which must have been brought from the adirondacks or canada; and by the various other indications referred to on a previous page. as already intimated, the instructive point in our observations is the fact that, between kittatinny mountain, in northampton county, and pocono plateau, in monroe county, there is a longitudinal depression, running northeast by southwest, parallel with the ranges of the mountain system, which is here about a thousand feet below the respective ridges on either side. this, therefore, is one of the places where we should have expected a considerable southern extension of the ice, if it had been largely due to local causes. now, while there is indeed a gradual southern trend down the flanks of the mountain, yet, upon reaching the axis of the valley, there appears at once a very marked change in the character of the deposit, and the influence of powerful streams of water becomes manifest, and it is evident, upon a slight inspection, that we have come upon a line of drainage which sustained a peculiar relation to the continental ice-sheet. from stroudsburg, near the delaware water-gap, to weissport, on the lehigh river, a distance of about thirty miles, the valley between the mountains is continuous, and the elevation at each end very nearly the same. but about half-way between the two places, near saylorsburg, there is a river-parting from which the water now runs on the one hand north to stroudsburg, and thence to the delaware river, and on the other hand south, through big and aquonchichola creeks, to the lehigh river. the river-parting is formed by a great accumulation of gravel, whose summit is about two hundred feet above the level of the valleys into which the creeks empty at either end; and there are numerous kettle-holes and lakelets in the vicinity, such as characterize the glacial region in general. in short, we are, without doubt, here on a well-marked terminal moraine much modified by strong water-action in a valley of glacial drainage. the gravel and boulders are all well water-worn, and the material is of various kinds, including granite boulders from the far north, such as characterise the terminal moraine on the highlands; but the pebbles are not scratched, and the gravel is more or less stratified. it is evident that we are here where a violent stream of water poured forth from that portion of the ice-front which filled this valley, and which found its only outlet in the direction of the lehigh river. the gravel can be traced in diminishing quantities to the southward, in accordance with this theory, while to the northward there extends a series of gravel ridges, or kames, such as we have shown naturally to owe their origin to the accumulations taking place in ice-channels formed near the front of a glacier as it slowly melts away. from similar occurrences of vast gravel accumulations in other valleys stretching southward from the glacial margin, we came to expect that, wherever there was an open, line of drainage from the glaciated region southward, the point of intersection between the glacial margin and the drainage valley would be marked by an excessive accumulation of water-worn gravel, diminishing in coarseness and abundance down the valleys in proportion to the distance from the glacial margin. for example, the delaware river emerges from the glaciated region at belvidere, and there are there vast accumulations of gravel rising a hundred or more feet above the present level of the river, while gravel terraces, diminishing in height, mark the river below to tide-water at trenton. the lehigh river leaves the glaciated region at hickory run, a few miles above mauch chunk, but the gorge is so steep that there was little opportunity either for the accumulation of gravel there or for its preservation. still, the transported gravel and boulders characteristic of the melting floods pouring forth from a glacier, are found lining the banks of the lehigh all along the lower portion of its course. in the susquehanna river we have a better example at beach haven, in luzerne county, where there are very extensive accumulations of gravel resting on the true glacial deposits of the valley, and extending down the river in terraces of regularly diminishing height for many miles, and merging into terraces of moderate elevation which line the susquehanna valley throughout the rest of its course. above beach haven the gravel deposits in the trough of the river valley are more irregular, and betray the modifying influence of the slowly decaying masses of ice which belonged to the enveloping continental glacier. westward from the north fork of the susquehanna, similar extensive accumulations of gravel occur at the intersection of fishing creek in columbia county, muncy, loyalsock, lycoming, and pine creeks in lycoming county, all tributary to the susquehanna river, and all evidently being channels through which the melting floods of the ice-sheet brought vast quantities of gravel down to the main stream. williamsport, on the west branch of the susquehanna, is built upon an extensive terrace containing much granitic material, brought down from the glaciated region by lycoming creek, when it was flooded with the waters melted from the continental ice-sheet which had here surmounted the alleghanies and invaded the valley of the susquehanna. analogous deposits of unusual amounts of gravel, occurring in streams flowing southward from the glaciated region, occur at great valley, little valley, and steamburg in cattaraugus county, new york, and at russelburg and garland in warren county, pennsylvania, also at titusville and franklin in venango county, and at wampum in lawrence county, of the same state. as a rule, professor lewis and myself found it more difficult to determine with accuracy the exact point to which the ice extended in the axis of these south-flowing valleys than we did upon the highlands upon either side; and, in looking for the positive indications of direct ice-action in these lines of drainage, we were almost always led up the valley to a considerable distance inside of the line. this arose from our inexperience in interpreting the phenomena, or rather from our inattention to the well-known determining facts in the problem. on further reflection it readily appeared that this was as it should be. the ice-front, instead of extending farther down in a narrow valley than on the adjoining highlands (where they are of only moderate elevation) ought not to extend so far, for the subglacial streams would not only wear away the ice of themselves, but would admit the air into the tunnels formed by them so as to melt the masses both from below and from above, and thus cause a recession of the front. if we had understood this principle at the beginning of our survey, it would have saved us much perplexity and trouble. a single further illustration of this point will help to an understanding of many references which will hereafter be made to the water deposits which accumulated in the lines of drainage running southward from the glaciated area. at warren, pa., conewango creek, which is the outlet from chautauqua lake, enters the alleghany river after flowing for a number of miles in a deep valley with moderate slopes. in ascending the creek from warren, the gravel terraces, which rise twenty-five or thirty feet above high-water mark, rapidly increase in breadth and height, and the pebbles become more and more coarse. after a certain distance the regular terraces begin to give place to irregular accumulations of gravel in ridges and knobs. in the lower portion of the valley no pebbles could be found which were scratched. up the valley a few miles pebbles were occasionally discovered which showed some slight indications of having been scratched, but which had been subjected to such an amount of abrasion by water-action as almost to erase the scratches. on reaching ackley's station, the stream is found to be cutting through a regular terminal moraine, extending across the valley and full of clearly marked glaciated stones. above this terminal moraine the terraces and gravel ridges which had characterised the valley below disappear, giving place to long stretches of level and swampy land, which had been subject to overflow. something similar to this so often appears, that there can be no question as to its meaning, which is, that during the farthest extent of the ice the front rested for a considerable period of time along the line marked by the terminal moraine. during this period there occurred both the accumulation of the moraine and of the gravel terraces in the valley below, due to the vast flow of water emerging from the ice-front, especially during the period when it was most rapidly melting away. upon the retreat of the ice, the moraine constituted a dam which has not yet been wholly worn away. for a while the water was so effectually ponded back by this as to form a lake, which has since become filled up with sediment and accumulations of peat. from this it is evident, also, that when the ice began to retreat, the retreat was so continuous and rapid that no parallel terminal moraines were formed for many miles. before leaving this section we will summarise the leading facts concerning the glacial phenomena north of pennsylvania and new jersey. from the observations of professor smock, it appears that, from the southern margin the ascent to the summit of the ice-sheet was pretty rapid; the depth one mile back from the margin being not much less than a thousand feet. "northward the angle of the slope diminished, and the glacier surface approximated to a great level plain. the distance between the high southwestern peaks of the catskills and pocono knob in pennsylvania is sixty miles. the difference in the elevation of the glacier could not have exceeded a thousand feet,"[bb] that is, the slope of the surface was about seventeen feet to the mile. [footnote bb: american journal of science, vol. cxxv, 1883, p. 339 _et seq._] professor dana estimates the thickness of the ice in southern connecticut to have been between fifteen hundred and two thousand feet. attempts to calculate the thickness of the ice farther north, except from actual discovery of glacial action on the summits of the mountains, are based upon uncertain data with reference to the slope necessary to secure glacial movement. in the alps the lowest mean slopes down which glaciers move are about two hundred and fifty feet to a mile; but in greenland, jensen found the slope of the frederickshaab glacier to be only seventy-five feet to the mile, while helland found that of the jakobshavn glacier to be only forty-five feet. it is doubtful if even that amount is necessary to secure a continental movement of ice, since, as already remarked, it is unsafe to draw inferences concerning the movements of large masses of ice from those of smaller masses in more constricted areas. we have seen, from the glacial deposits on the top of mount washington, that over the northern part of new england the ice was more than a mile in depth. we have no direct evidence of the depth of the stream which surrounded the adirondack mountains. nor, on the other hand, are we certain that the catskills were not completely enveloped in ice, though most observers, reasoning from negative evidence, have supposed that to be the case. but from the facts stated concerning the boulders along the glacial boundary in pennsylvania, it is certain that the ice was deep enough to surmount the ridge of the alleghanies where they are two thousand and more feet in height. at the least calculation the ice must have been five hundred feet thick, in order to secure the movement of which there is evidence across the appalachian range. supposing this to be the height of the ice above the sea on the crest of the alleghanies, and that the slope of the surface of the ice-sheet was as moderate as professor smock has estimated it (namely seventeen feet to the mile), the ice would be upwards of six thousand feet in thickness in the latitude of the adirondacks, which corresponds closely with the positive evidence ave have from the mountains in new england. a study of the map of new york will make it easy to understand the distribution of some interesting glacial marks over the state. the distance along the hudson from the glacial boundary in the vicinity of new york to the valley of the mohawk is about one hundred and sixty miles. prom the glacial boundary at salamanca, n. y., to the same valley, is not over eighty miles. it is easy to see, therefore, that when, in advancing, the ice moved southward past the adirondacks, the east end of the valley of the mohawk was reached and closed by the ice, while at the west end of lake ontario the ice-front was still in canada. thus the drainage, which naturally followed the course of the st. lawrence, would first be turned through the mohawk. afterwards, when the mohawk had been closed by ice, the vast amount of ponded water was compelled to seek a temporary outlet over the lower passages leading into the susquehanna or into the alleghany. a number of such passages exist. one can be traced along the line of the old canal from utica to binghamton, whose highest level is not far from eleven hundred feet. another lies in a valley leading south of cayuga lake, whose highest point, at wilseyville, is nine hundred and forty feet above tide. another leads south to the chemung river from seneca lake, whose highest point, at horseheads, is less than nine hundred feet above tide. the cols farther west are somewhat more elevated; the one at portage, leading from the genesee river into the canisteo, being upwards of thirteen hundred feet, and that of dayton, leading from cattaraugus creek into the conewango, being about the same. of other southern outlets farther west we will speak later on. fixing our minds now upon the region under consideration, in the southern part of the state of new york, we can readily see that a glacial lake must have existed in front of the ice while it was advancing, until it had reached the river-partings between the mohawk and the st. lawrence rivers on the north and the susquehanna and alleghany rivers on the south. after the ice had attained its maximum extension, and was in process of retreat, there would be a repetition of the phenomena, only they would occur in the reverse order. the glacial markings which we see are, of course, mainly those produced during the general retreat of the ice. the susquehanna river stretching out its arms--the chenango and chemung rivers--to the east and the west, evidently serves as a line of drainage for the vast glacial floods. these floods have left, along their courses, extensive elevated gravel terraces, with much material in them which is not local, but which has been washed out of the direct glacial deposits from the far north. the east-and-west line of the water-parting throughout the state is characterised by excessive accumulations of glaciated material, forming something like a terminal moraine, and is designated by president chamberlin as "the terminal moraine of the second glacial epoch," corresponding, as he thinks, to the interior line already described as characterising the south shore of new england. in the central part of new york the remarkable series of "finger lakes," tributary to lake ontario and emptying into it through the oswego and genesee rivers, all have a glacial origin. probably, however, they are not due in any great degree to glacial erosion, but they seem to occupy north-and-south valleys which had been largely formed by streams running towards the st. lawrence when there was, by some means (probably through the mohawk river), a much deeper outlet than now exists, but which has been filled up and obliterated by glacial _débris_. the ice-movement naturally centred itself more or less in these north-and-south valleys, and hence somewhat enlarged them, but probably did not deepen them. the ice, however, did prevent them from becoming filled with sediment, and on its final retreat gave place to water. between these lakes and lake ontario, also, and extending east and west nearly all the way from syracuse to rochester, there is a remarkable series of hills, from one hundred to two or three hundred feet in height, composed of glacial _débris_. but while the range extends east and west, the axis of the individual hills lies nearly north and south. these are probably remnants of a morainic accumulation which were made during a pause in the first advance of the ice, and were finally sculptured into their present shape by the onward movement of the ice. these are really "drumlins," similar to those already described in northeastern massachusetts and southeastern new hampshire. in the valley of central new york these have determined the lines of drainage of the "finger lakes," and formed dams across the natural outlets of nearly all of them. north of the state of new york the innumerable lakes in canada are all of glacial origin, being mostly due to depressions of the nature of kettle-holes, or to the damming up of old outlets by glacial deposits. a pretty well-marked line of moraine hills, formed probably as terminal deposits in the later stages of the ice age, runs from near the eastern end of lake ontario to the georgian bay, passing south of lake simcoe. _the mississippi basin._ the physical geography of the glaciated region north of the ohio river is so much simpler than that of new england and the middle states, that its characteristics can be briefly stated. ohio, indiana, and illinois are covered with nearly parallel strata of rock mostly of the carboniferous age. in general, the surface slopes gently to the west; the average elevation of ohio being about a thousand feet above tide, while that of the great lakes to the north and of the middle portion of the mississippi valley is less than six hundred feet. the glacial deposits are spread in a pretty even sheet over the area which was reached by the ice in these states, and the lines of moraine, of which a dozen or more have been partially traced in receding order, are much less clearly marked than they are in new england, or in michigan, and the states farther to the northwest. the line marking the southern limit attained by the ice of the glacial period in these three states is as follows: entering ohio in columbiana county, about ten miles north of the ohio river, the glacial boundary runs westward through new lisbon to canton in stark county, and thence to millersburg in holmes county. a few miles west of this place it turns abruptly south, passing through danville in knox county, newark in licking county, lancaster in fairfield county, to adelphi in ross county. thence bearing more westward it passes through chillicothe to southeastern highland county and northwestern adams, reaching the ohio river near ripley, in clermont county. thence, following the north bank of the ohio river to cincinnati, it crosses the river, and after extending through the northern part of boone county, kentucky, and recrossing the river to indiana, not far from rising sun, it again follows approximately the north bank of the river to within about ten miles of louisville, ky., where it bends northward running through clarke, scott, jackson, bartholomew, and brown counties to martinsville, in morgan county, where it turns again west and south and follows approximately the west branch of the white river through owen, greene, and knox counties, where it crosses the main stream of white river, and, continuing through gibson and posey counties, crosses the wabash river near new harmony. in illinois the line still continues southwesterly through white, gallatin, saline, and williamson counties, where it reaches its southern limit near carbondale, in latitude 37° 40', and from this point trends northwestward, approximately following the northeastern bluff of the mississippi river, to the vicinity of carondelet, mo., a short distance south of st. louis. beyond the mississippi the line follows approximately the course of the missouri river across missouri, and continues westward to the vicinity of manhattan, in kansas, where it turns northward, keeping about a hundred miles west of the missouri river, through eastern kansas and nebraska, and striking the river near the mouth of the niobrara, in south dakota. from there the line follows approximately the course of the missouri river to the vicinity of fort benton, in northwestern montana, where the line again bears more northward, running into british america. it is still in dispute whether the ice extended from the eastern centre far enough west to join the ice-movement from the rocky mountain plateau. dr. george m. dawson[bc] is of the opinion that it did not, but that there was a belt of a hundred miles or more, east of the rocky mountains, which was never covered by true glacial ice. mr. upham[bd] is equally confident that the two ice-movements became confluent, and united upon the western plateau of manitoba. the opportunity for such a difference of opinion arises in the difficulty sometimes encountered of distinguishing between a direct glacial deposit and a deposit taking place in water containing boulder-laden icebergs. where mr. upham supposes the ice-fields of the east and of the west to have been confluent in western manitoba, dr. dawson supposes there was an extensive subsidence of the land sufficient to admit the waters of the ocean. leaving this question for the present undetermined, we will now rapidly summarise the glacial phenomena west of the third meridian from washington (which corresponds nearly with the western boundary of pennsylvania), and east of the rocky mountains. [footnote bc: transactions of the royal society of canada, vol. viii, sec. iv, pp. 54-74.] [footnote bd: american geologist, vol. vi, september, 1890; bulletin of the geological society of america, vol. ii, pp. 243-276.] that the glacial movement extended to the southern boundary just delineated is established by the presence down to that line of all the signs of glacial action, and their absence beyond. glacial groovings are found upon the freshly uncovered rock surfaces at frequent intervals in close proximity to the line all along its course, while granitic boulders from the far north are scattered, with more or less regularity, over the whole intervening space between this line and the canadian highlands. i have already referred to a boulder of jasper conglomerate found in boone county, kentucky, which must have come from unique outcroppings of this rock north of lake huron. granitic boulders from the lake superior region are also found in great abundance at the extreme margin mentioned in southern illinois. west of the missouri river it is somewhat more difficult to delineate the boundary with accuracy, on account of an enveloping deposit of fine loam, technically called "loess." loess is very abundant in the whole valley of the missouri river below yankton, south dakota, being for a long distance in the vicinity of the river a hundred feet or more in depth. over northern missouri and southern illinois the deposit is nearly continuous, but less in depth, and everywhere in that region tends to hide from view the unstratified glacial deposit continuously underlying it. a single instance of personal experience will illustrate the condition of things. while going south from chicago, in search of the southern limit of glacial action, i stopped off from the train at du quoin, about forty miles north of where i subsequently found the boundary. here the whole surface was covered with loess, two or three feet in depth. below this was a gravelly soil, three or four feet in thickness, which contained many scratched pebbles of granite. a well which had recently been dug, reached the rock at a depth of twenty feet, and revealed a beautifully polished and scratched surface, betraying, beyond question, the action of glacial ice. as we shall show a little later, it is probable that, about the time the ice of the glacial period had reached its maximum development, this area, which is covered with loess, was depressed in level, and remained under water during a considerable portion of the period when the ice-front was retreating. [illustration: fig. 33.--western face of the kettle-moraine, near eagle, waukesha county, wisconsin. (from a photograph by president t. c. chamberlain, united states geological survey.)] to such an extent is this portion of the area included in southern iowa, northern missouri, southern illinois, and the extreme southern portions of indiana and ohio covered with loess, that it has been difficult to determine the relation of its underlying glacial deposits to the more irregular deposits found farther north. at an early period of recent investigations, while making a geological survey of the state of wisconsin, president t. c. chamberlin fixed upon the line of moraine hills, which can be seen upon our map, running southward between green bay and lake michigan, and sweeping around in a curve to the right, passing south of madison and northward along the line of wisconsin river, and in another curve to the left, around the southern end of lake michigan, as the "terminal moraine of the second glacial epoch." in wisconsin the character of this line of moraine hills had been discovered and described by colonel charles whittlesey, in 1866. it was first named the "kettle-moraine," because of the frequent occurrence in it of "kettle-holes." this line of moraine hills has been traced with a great degree of confidence across the entire glaciated area, as shown upon our map, but it is not everywhere equally distinct, and, as will be observed, follows a very irregular course. beginning in ohio we find it coinciding nearly with the extreme glacial boundary until it reaches the valley of the scioto river, on the sixth meridian west from washington, where it begins to bear northward and continues in that direction for a distance of sixty or seventy miles, and then turns southward again in the valley of the miami, having formed between these two valleys a sort of medial moraine.[be] a similar medial moraine had also been noted by president chamberlin between the valleys of the grand and cuyahoga rivers, in the eastern part of ohio. indeed, for the whole distance across ohio and indiana, this moraine occurs in a series of loops pointing to the south, corresponding in general to the five gentle valleys which mark the territory, namely, those of the grand and mahoning rivers; the sandusky and scioto rivers; the great miami river; the white river; and the maumee and wabash rivers. everywhere, however, over this area these morainic accumulations approximate pretty closely to the extreme boundary of the glaciated region. [footnote be: see map at the beginning of the chapter.] in illinois president chamberlin's original determination of the moraine fixed it near the southern end of lake michigan, as shown upon our map, but mr. frank leverett has subsequently demonstrated that there is a concentric series of moraines south of this, reaching across the state, (but somewhat obscured by superficial accumulations of loess referred to) and extending nearly to the latitude of st. louis. west of wisconsin president chamberlin's "terminal moraine of the second glacial epoch" bends southward through eastern minnesota, and, sweeping down through central iowa, forms, near the middle of the northern part of that state, a loop, having its southern extremity in the vicinity of des moines. the western arm of this loop runs through minnesota in a northwesterly direction nearly parallel with the upper portion of the valley of the minnesota, until reaching the latitude of the head-waters of that river, where, in the vicinity of the sisseton agency, in dakota, it turns to the south by an acute angle, and makes a loop in that state, extending to the vicinity of yankton, and with the valley of the james river as its axis. the western arm of this loop follows pretty closely the line of the eastern edge of the trough of the missouri river, constituting what is called the "missouri coteau," which continues on as a well-marked line of hills running in a northwesterly direction far up into the dominion of canada. one of the most puzzling glacial phenomena in the mississippi valley is the driftless area which occupies the southeastern portion of minnesota, the southwestern part of wisconsin, and the northwestern corner of iowa, as delineated upon our map. this is an area which, while being surrounded on every side by all the characteristic marks of glaciation, is itself conspicuous for their entire absence. its rocks preserve no glacial scratches and are covered by no deposits of till, while northern boulders avoided it in their journey to more southern latitudes. the reason for all this is not evident in the topography of the region. the land is not higher than that to the north of it, nor is there any manifest protection to it by the highlands south of lake superior. nor yet is there any reason to suppose that any extensive changes of level in former times seriously affected its relations to the surrounding country. professor dana, however, has called attention to the fact that even now it is in a region of comparatively light precipitation, suggesting that the snow-fall over it may always have been insignificant in amount. but this could scarcely account for the failure of the great ice-wave of the north to overrun it. we are indebted again to the sagacity of president chamberlin in suggesting the true explanation. by referring to the map it will be noticed that this area sustains a peculiar relation to the troughs of lake michigan and lake superior, while from the arrangements of the moraines in front of these lakes it will be seen that these lake basins were prominent factors in determining the direction of the movement of the surplus ice from the north. it is the more natural that they should do so because of their great depth, their bottoms being in both cases several hundred feet below the present water-level, reaching even below the level of the sea. these broad, deep channels seem to have furnished the readiest outlet for the surplus ice of the north, and so to have carried both currents of ice beyond this driftless area before they became again confluent. the slight elevation south of lake superior served to protect the area on account of the feebleness of direct movement made possible by the strength of these diverging lateral ice-currents. the phenomenon is almost exactly what occurs where a slight obstruction in a river causes an eddy and preserves a low portion of land below it from submergence. a glance at the map will make it easily credible that an ice-movement south of manitoba, becoming confluent with one from lake superior, pushed far down into the missouri valley and spread eastward to the mississippi river, south of the unglaciated driftless area, and there became confluent with a similar movement which had been directed by the valleys of lake michigan and lake erie. there can be little doubt that president chamberlin's explanation is in the main correct, and we have in this another illustration of the analogy between the behaviour of moving ice and that of moving water. [illustration: fig. 34.--section of the east-and-west glacial furrows, on kelly's island, preserved by mr. younglove. fine sediment rests immediately on the rock, with washed pebbles at the surface.] the accompanying illustrations will give a better idea than words can do of the celebrated glacial grooves on the hard limestone islands near sandusky, in the western part of lake erie. through the interest aroused in them by an excursion of the american association for the advancement of science, while meeting in cleveland, ohio, in 1888, the kelly island lime and transport company, of which mr. m. c. younglove is the president, has been induced to deed to the western reserve historical society for preservation a portion of one of the most remarkable of the grooves still remaining. the portion of the groove preserved is thirty-three feet across, and the depth of the cut in the rock is seventeen feet below the line, extending from rim to rim. originally there was probably here a small depression formed by preglacial water erosion, into which the ice crowded the material, which became its graving-tool, and so the rasping and polishing went on in increasing degree until this enormous furrow is the result. the groove, however, is by no means simple, but presents a series of corrugations merging into each other by beautiful curves. when exposed for a considerable length it will resemble nothing else so much as a collection of prostrate corinthian columns lying side by side on a concave surface. the direction of these grooves is a little south of west, corresponding to that of the axis of the lake. this is nearly at right angles to the course of the ice-scratches on the summit of the water-shed south of this, between the lake and the ohio river. the reason for this change of direction can readily be seen by a little attention to the physical geography. the highlands to the south of the lake rise about seven hundred feet above it. when the ice period was at its climax and overran these highlands, the ice took its natural course at right angles to the terminal moraine and flowed southeast according to the direction indicated by the scratches on the summit; but when the supply of ice was not sufficient to overrun the highlands, the obstruction in front turned the course and the resultant was a motion towards toledo and the maumee valley, where in the vicinity of fort wayne an extensive terminal moraine was formed. [illustration: fig. 35.--same as the preceding. (courtesy of m. c. younglove.)] the much-mooted question of a succession of glacial epochs finds the most of its supporting facts in the portion of the glaciated area lying west of pennsylvania. that there have been frequent oscillations of the glacial front over this area is certain. but it is a question whether the glacial deposits south of this distinct line of moraine hills are so different from those to the north of it as to necessitate the supposition of two entirely distinct glacial epochs. this can be considered most profitably here. the following are among the points with reference to which the phenomena south of the moraine just delineated differ from those north of the line: 1. the glacial deposits to the south appear to be distributed more uniformly than those to the north. to the north the drift is often accumulated in hills, and is dotted over with kettle-holes, while to the south these are pretty generally absent. any one travelling upon a line of railroad which traverses these two portions of the glaciated area as indicated upon our map can easily verify these statements. 2. the amount of glacial erosion seems to be much less south of the line of moraine hills delineated than north of them. still, glacial striæ are found, almost everywhere, close down to the extreme margin of the glaciated area. 3. the gravel deposits connected with the drainage of the glacial period are much less abundant south of the so-called "terminal moraine of the second glacial period" than they are north of it. south of this moraine the water deposits attributed to the glacial period are of such fine silt as to indicate slow-moving currents over a gentle low slope of the surface. 4. the glacial deposits to the south are more deeply coloured than those to the north, showing that they have been longer exposed to oxidising agencies. even the granitic boulders show the marks of greater age south of this line, being disintegrated to a greater extent than those to the north. 5. and, finally, there occur, over a wide belt bordering the so-called moraine hills of the second glacial epoch, extensive intercalated beds of vegetal deposits. among the earliest of these to be discovered were those of montgomery county, ohio, where, in 1870, professor orton, of the ohio survey, found at germantown a deposit of peat fourteen feet thick underneath ninety-five feet of till, and there seem also to be glacial deposits underneath the peat as well as over it. the upper portion of the peat contains "much undecomposed sphagnous mosses, grasses, and sedges, and both the peat and the clayey till above it" contain many fragments of coniferous wood which can be identified as red cedar (_juniperus virginianus_). in numerous other places in that portion of ohio fresh-appearing logs, branches, and twigs of wood are found underneath the till, or mingled with it, much as boulders are. near darrtown, in butler county, ohio, red cedar logs were found under a covering of sixty-five feet of till, and so fresh that the perfume of the wood is apparently as strong as ever. similar facts occur in several other counties in the glaciated area of southern ohio and southern indiana. professor collett reports that all over southwestern indiana peat, muck, rotted stumps, branches, and leaves of trees are found from sixty to one hundred and twenty feet below the surface, and that these accumulations sometimes occur to a thickness of from two to twenty feet. [illustration: fig. 36.--section of till near germantown, ohio, overlying thick bed of peat. the man in the picture stands upon a shelf of peat from which the till has been eroded by the stream. the dark spot at the right hand of the picture, just above the water, is an exposure of the peat. the thickness of the till is ninety-five feet. the partial stratification spoken of in the text can be seen about the middle of the picture. the furrows up and down had been made by recent rains. (united states geological survey.) (wright.)] farther to the northwest similar phenomena occur. professor n. h. winchell has described them most particularly in fillmore and mower counties, minnesota, from which they extend through a considerable portion of iowa. in the above counties of minnesota a stratum of peat from eighteen inches to six or eight feet in thickness, with much wood, is pretty uniformly encountered in digging wells, the depth varying from twenty to fifty feet. this county is near the highest divide in the state of minnesota, and from it "flow the sources of the streams to the north, south, and east." the wood encountered in this stratum indicates the prevalence f coniferous trees, and the peat mosses indicate a cool and moist climate. nor are intercalated vegetable deposits absent from the vast region farther north over the area that drains into hudson bay. at barnesville, in clay county, minnesota, which lies in the valley of the red river of the north, and also in wilkin county in the same valley, tamarack wood and sandy black mud containing many snail-shells have been found from eight to twelve feet below a surface of till; and dr. robert bell reports the occurrence of limited deposits of lignite between layers of till, far to the northwest, in canada, and even upon the southern part of hudson bay; while mr. j. b. tyrrell reports[bf] many indications of successive periods of glaciation near the northern end of the duck mountain. the most characteristic indications which he had witnessed consisted of stratified beds of silt, containing fresh-water shells, with fragments of plants and fish similar to those living in the lakes of the region at the present time. [footnote bf: bulletin of the geological society of america, vol. i, pp. 395-410.] reviewing these facts with reference to their bearing upon the point under consideration, we grant, at the outset, that they do indicate a successive retreat and readvance of the ice over extensive areas. this is specially clear with respect to the vegetal deposits interstratified with beds of glacial origin. but the question at issue concerning the interpretation of these phenomena is, do they necessarily indicate absolutely distinct glacial epochs separated by a period in which the ice had wholly disappeared from the glaciated area to the north? that they do, is maintained by president chamberlin and many others who have wide acquaintance with the facts. that they do not certainly indicate a complete disappearance of the ice during an extensive interglacial epoch, is capable, however, of being maintained, without forfeiting one's rights to the respect of his fellow-geologists. the opposite theory is thus stated by dr. robert bell: "it appears as if all the phenomena might be referred to one general glacial period, which was long continued, and consequently accompanied by varying conditions of temperature, regional oscillations of the surface, and changes in the distributions of sea and land, and in the currents in the ocean. these changes would necessarily give rise to local variations in the climate, and might permit of vegetation for a time in regions which need not have been far removed from extensive glaciers."[bg] [footnote bg: bulletin of the geological society of america, vol. i, pp. 287-310.] at my request, professor j. e. todd, of iowa, whose acquaintance with the region is extensive, has kindly written out for me his conclusions upon this subject, which i am permitted to give in his own words: "i am not prepared to write as i would like concerning the forest-beds and old soils. i will, however, offer the following as a partial report. i have come to think that there is considerable confusion on the subject. i believe there are five or six different things classed under one head. "1. _recent much and soils._--the finest example i have found in the whole missouri valley was twenty feet below silt and clay, in a basin inside the outer moraine, near grand view, south dakota. from my examination of the reported old soil near albia, iowa, i think the most rational way of reconciling the conflicting statements concerning it is that it also belongs to this class. "2. _peat or soil under loess._--this does not signify much if the loess was formed in a lake subject to orographic oscillations, or if, as i am coming to believe, it is a fluviatile deposit of an oscillating river like the hoang-ho on the great chinese plain. it at least does not mean an interglacial epoch. "3. _wood and dirt rearranged, not in situ._--this occurs either in subaqueous or in subglacial deposits. i have found drift-wood in the lower layers of the loess here, but not _in situ_. i have frequently found traces of wood in till in dakota, but always in an isolated way. i think, from reading statements about the deposits in eastern iowa, that most if not all of the cases are of this sort. two things have conspired to lead to this error: one, the influence of croll's speculation; and the other, the easy inference of many well-diggers, and especially well-borers, that what they pass through are always in layers. in this way a log becomes a forest-bed. scattered logs and muck fragments occurring frequently in a region, though at different levels, are readily imagined by an amateur geologist to be one continuous stratum antedating the glacier or floods (as the case may be in that particular region), when, in fact, it has been washed down from the margin of the transporting agent and is contemporaneous with it. i suspect the prevalence of wood in eastern iowa may be traced to a depression of the driftless region during the advance of the glacier, so as to bring the western side of that area more into the grasp of glacial agencies. "4. _peat between subglacial tills._--if cases of this sort are found, they are in illinois, indiana, and ohio. professor worthen insisted that there were no interglacial soils or forest-beds in illinois; and in the cases mentioned in the state reports he repeatedly explains the sections given by his assistants, so as to harmonize them with that statement. i think he usually makes his explanations plausible. he was very confident in referring most of them, to preglacial times. his views, i suppose, will be published in the long-delayed volume, now about to be issued. "5. _vegetable matter between glacial till and underlying berg till or other drift deposits._--when one remembers that the front of the great ice-sheet may have been as long in reaching its southern boundary as in receding from it, and with as many advance and retrograde movements, we can easily believe that much drift material would have outrun the ice and have formed deposits so far ahead of it that vegetation would have grown before the ice arrived to bury it. "6. _preglacial soils, etc._--i believe that this will be found to include most in southern ohio, if not in illinois, as worthen claimed." the phenomena of the glacial period are too vast either to have appeared or to have disappeared suddenly. by whatever cause the great accumulation of ice was produced, the advance to the southward must have been slow and its disappearance must have been gradual, though, as we shall show a little later, the final retreat of the ice-front occupied but a short time relatively to the whole period which has elapsed since. as we shall show also, the advent of the ice period was probably preceded and accompanied by a considerable elevation of the northern part of the continent whether this elevation was contemporaneous upon both sides of the continent is perhaps an open question; but with reference to the area east of the rocky mountains, which is now under consideration, the centre of elevation was somewhere south of hudson bay. putting together what we know, from the nature of the case, concerning the accumulation and movement of glacial ice, and what we know from the relics of the great glacial invasion, which have enabled us to determine its extent and the vigour of its action, the course of events seems to have been about as follows: throughout the tertiary period a warm climate had prevailed over british america, greenland, and indeed over all the lands in proximity to the north pole, so far as explorers have been able to penetrate them. the vegetation characterizing these regions during the tertiary period indicates a temperature about like that which now prevails in north carolina and virginia. whatever may be said in support of the theory that the glacial period was produced by astronomical causes, in view of present facts those causes cannot be regarded as predominant; at most they were only co-operative. the predominant cause of the glacial period was probably a late tertiary or post-tertiary elevation of the northern part of the continents, accompanied with a subsidence in the central portion. of such a subsidence in the isthmus of panama indications are thought to be afforded by the occurrence of late tertiary or, more probably, post-tertiary sea-shells at a considerable elevation on the divide along the isthmus of panama, between the atlantic and pacific oceans. of this we shall speak more fully in a later chapter. fixing our thoughts upon what is known as the laurentian plateau, which, though now in the neighbourhood of but two thousand feet above the sea, was then much higher, we can easily depict in imagination the beginnings of the great "laurentide glacier," which eventually extended to the margin already delineated on the south and southwest in the united states, and spread northward and eastward over an undetermined area. year after year and century after century the accumulating snows over this elevated region consolidated into glacial ice and slowly pushed outward the surplus reservoirs of cold. for a long time this process of ice-accumulation may have been accompanied by the continued elevation of the land, which, together with the natural effect of the enlarging area of ice and snow, would tend to lower the temperature around the margin and to increase still more the central area of accumulation. the vigour of movement in any direction was determined partly by the shape of the valleys opening southward in which the ice-streams would naturally concentrate, and partly by those meteorological conditions which determine the extent of snow-fall over the local centres of glacial dispersion. for example, the general map of north america in the ice period indicates that there were two marked subcentres of dispersion for the great laurentide glacier, the eastern one being in labrador and the western one north of lake superior. in a general way the southern boundary of the glaciated region in the united states presents the appearance of portions of two circumferences of circles intersecting each other near the eastern end of lake erie. these circles, i am inclined to believe, represent the areas over which a semi-fluid (or a substance like ice, which flows like a semi-fluid) would disperse itself from the subcentres above mentioned. a study of the contour of the country shows that that also, in a general way, probably had something to do with the lines of dispersion. the western lobe of this glaciated area corresponds in its boundary pretty closely with the mississippi valley, having the ohio river approximately as its eastern arm and the missouri as its western, with the mississippi river nearly in its north and south axis. the eastern lobe has its farthest extension in the axis of the champlain and hudson river valleys, its western boundary being thrown more and more northward as the line proceeds to the west over the alleghany mountains until reaching the longitude of the eastern end of lake erie; but this southern boundary is by no means a water-level, nor is the contour of the country such that it could ever have been a water-level. but it conforms in nearly every particular to what would be the resultant arising from a pretty general southward flow of a semi-fluid from the two subcentres mentioned, meeting with the obstructions of the adirondacks in northern new york and of the broader appalachian uplift in northern pennsylvania. how far south the area of glacial accumulation may have extended cannot be definitely ascertained, but doubtless at an early period of the great ice age the northern portions of the appalachian range in new york, new england, new brunswick, and nova scotia became themselves centres of dispersion, while only at the height of the period did all their glaciers become confluent, so that there was one continuous ice-sheet. in the western portion of the area covered by the laurentide glacier, the depression occupied by the great lakes, especially lakes michigan and superior, evidently had a marked influence in directing the flow of ice during the stages which were midway between the culmination of the ice period and both its beginning and its end. this would follow from the great depth of these lakes, the bottom of lake michigan being 286 feet below sea-level, and that of lake superior 375 feet, making a total depth of water of about 900 and 1,000 feet respectively. into these oblong depressions the ice would naturally gravitate until they were filled, and they would become the natural channels of subsequent movement in the direction of their longest diameters, while the great thickness of ice in them would make them the conservative centres of glacial accumulation and action after the ice had begun to retreat. these deductions from the known nature of ice and the known topography of the region are amply sustained by a study of the detailed map showing the glacial geology in the united states. but on this we can represent indeed only the marks left by the ice at various stages of its retreat, since, as already remarked, the marks of each stage of earlier advance would be obliterated by later forward movements. we may presume, however, that in general the marks left by the retreating ice correspond closely with those actually made and obliterated by the advancing movement. from observations upon the glaciers of switzerland and of alaska, it is found that neither the advance nor the retreat of these glaciers is constant, but that, in obedience to meteorologic agencies not fully understood, they advance and retreat in alternate periods, at one time receding for a considerable distance, and at other times regaining the lost ground and advancing over the area which has been uncovered by their retreat. "m. forel reports, from the data which he has collected with much care, that there have been in this century five periods in the alpine glaciers: of enlargement, from 1800 (?) to 1815; of diminution, from 1815 to 1830; of enlargement, from 1830 to 1845; of diminution, from 1845 to 1875; and of enlargement again, from 1875 onward. he remarks further that these periods correspond with those deduced by mr. c. lang for the variations for the precipitations and temperature of the air; and, consequently, that the enlargement of the glaciers has gone forward in the cold and rainy period, and the diminution in the warm and the dry."[bh] [footnote bh: american journal of science, vol. cxxxii, 1886, p. 77.] when, now, we attentively consider the combination of causes necessary to produce the climatic conditions of the great ice age of north america, we shall be prepared to find far more extensive variations in the progress of the continental glacier, both during its advance and during its retreat, than are to be observed in any existing local glaciers. with respect to the arguments adduced in favor of a succession of glacial epochs in america the following criticisms are pertinent: 1. so far as we can estimate, a temporary retreat of the front, lasting a few centuries, would be sufficient to account for the vegetable accumulations that are found buried beneath the glacial deposits in southern ohio, indiana, central illinois, and iowa, while a temporary readvance of the ice would be sufficient to bury the vegetable remains beneath a freshly accumulated mass of till. thus, as dr. bell suggested, the interglacial vegetal deposits do not necessarily indicate anything more than a temporary oscillation of the ice-front, and do not carry with them the necessity of supposing a disappearance of the ice from the whole glaciated area. thus the introduction of a whole glacial period to account for such limited phenomena is a violation of the well-known law of parsimony, which requires us in our explanations of phenomena to be content with the least cause which is sufficient to produce them. in the present instance a series of comparatively slight oscillations of the ice-front during a single glacial period would seem to be sufficient to account for all the buried forests and masses of vegetal _débris_ that occur either in the united states or in the dominion of canada. 2. another argument for the existence of two absolutely distinct glacial periods in north america has been drawn from the greater oxidation of the clays and the more extensive disintegration of certain classes of the boulders found over the southern part of the glaciated area of the mississippi valley, than has taken place in the more northerly regions. without questioning this statement of fact (which, however, i believe to be somewhat exaggerated), it is not difficult to see that the effects probably are just what would result from a single long glacial period brought about by such causes as we have seen to be probably in operation in america. for if one reflects upon the conditions existing when the glacial period began, he will see that, during the long ages of warm climate which characterised the preceding period, the rocks must have been extensively disintegrated through the action of subaërial agencies. the extent to which this disintegration takes place can be appreciated now only by those who reside outside of the glaciated area, where these agencies have been in uninterrupted action. in the appalachian range south of the glaciated region the granitic masses and strata of gneiss are sometimes found to be completely disintegrated to a depth of fifty or sixty feet; and what seem to be beds of gravel often prove in fact to be horizontal strata of gneiss from which the cementing material has been removed by the slow action of acids brought down by the percolating water. now, there can be no question that this process of disintegration had proceeded to a vast extent before the glacial period, so that, when the ice began to advance, there was an enormous amount of partially oxidised and disintegrated material ready to be scraped off with the first advance of ice, and this is the material which would naturally be transported farthest to the south; and thus, on the theory of a single glacial period, we can readily account for the greater apparent age of the glacial _débris_ near the margin. this _débris_ was old when the glacial period began. 3. with reference to the argument for two distinct glacial periods drawn from the smaller apparent amount of glacial erosion over the southern part of the glaciated area, we have to remark that that would occur in case of a single ice-invasion as well as in case of two distinct ice-invasions, in which the later did not extend so far as the former. from the very necessity of the case, glacial erosion diminishes as the limit of the extent of the glaciation is approached. at the very margin of the glacier, motion has ceased altogether. back one mile from the margin only one mile of ice-motion has been active in erosion, while ten miles back from its front there has been ten times as much moving ice actually engaged in erosion, and in the extreme north several hundred times as much ice, thus it is evident that we do not need to resort to two glacial periods to account for the relatively small amount of erosion exhibited over the southern portion of our glaciated area. at the same time, it should be said that the indications of active glacial erosion near the margin are by no means few or small. in lawrence county, pennsylvania, on the very margin of the glaciated area, mr. max foshay[bi] has discovered very extensive glacial grooves, indicating much vigour of ice-action even beyond the more extensive glacial deposits which professor lewis and myself had fixed upon as the terminal moraine. in highland and butler counties, ohio, and in southwestern indiana and southern illinois, near the glacial margin, glacial grooves and striæ are as clear and distinct in many cases as can anywhere be found; while upon the surface of the limestone rocks within the limits of the city of st. louis, where the glacial covering is thin, and where disintegrating agencies had had special opportunities to work, i found very clear evidences of a powerful ice-movement, which had planed and scratched the rock surface; and at du quoin, illinois, as already related, the fragments thrown up from the surface of the rock, fifty or sixty feet below the top of the soil, were most beautifully planed and striated. it should be observed, also, that this whole area is so deeply covered with _débris_ that the extent of glacial erosion underneath is pretty generally hid from view. [footnote bi: bulletin of the geological society, vol. ii, pp. 457-464.] 4. the uniformity of the distribution of the glacial deposits over the southern portion of the glaciated area in the mississippi valley is partly an illusion, due to the fact that there was a vast amount of deposition by water over that area during the earlier stages of the ice-retreat. this has been due partly to the gentler slope which would naturally characterise the borders of an area of elevation, and partly to an extensive subsidence which seems to have begun soon after the ice had reached its farthest extent of motion. it should be borne in mind that at all times a glacier is accompanied by the issue of vast streams of water from its front, and that these of course increase in volume when the climax has been reached and the ameliorating influences begin to melt away the accumulated mass of ice and to add the volume of its water to that produced by ordinary agencies. as these subglacial streams of water poured out upon the more gentle slopes of the area in front of the ice, they would distribute a vast amount of fine material, which would settle into the hollow places and tend to obscure the irregularities of the previous direct glacial deposit. such an instance came clearly under my own observation in the vicinity of yankton, in south dakota, where, upon visiting a locality some miles from any river, and to which workmen were resorting for sand, i found that the deposit occupied a kettle-hole, filling it to its brim, and had evidently been superimposed by a temporary stream of water flowing over the region while the ice was still in partial occupation of it. thus, no doubt, in many cases, the original irregularities of the direct glacial deposits have been obliterated, even where there has been no general subsidence. but, in the area under consideration, the loess, or loam, is so extensive that it is perhaps necessary to suppose that the central portions of the mississippi valley were subjected to a subsidence amounting to about five hundred feet; so that the glacial streams from the retreating ice-front met the waters of the ocean in southern illinois and indiana; thus accounting for the extensive fine silt which has done so much over that region to obscure the glacial phenomena. _west of the rocky mountains._ the glacial phenomena in the united states west of the rocky mountains must be treated separately, since american geologists have ceased to speak of an all-pervading ice-cap extending from the north pole. but, as already said, the glaciation of north america has proceeded from two definite centres of ice-accumulation, one of which we have been considering in the pages immediately preceding. the great centre of glacial dispersion east of the rocky mountains is the region south of hudson bay, and the vast ice-field spreading out from that centre is appropriately named the laurentide glacier. the movement of ice in this glacial system was outward in all directions from the laurentian hills, and extended west several hundred miles, well on towards the eastern foot of the rocky mountains. the second great centre of glacial dispersion occupies the vast cordilleran region of british columbia, reaching from the rocky mountains on the northeast to the coast range of the pacific on the southwest, a width of four hundred miles. the length is estimated by dr. dawson to be twelve hundred miles. the principal centre of ice-accumulation lies between the fifty-fifth and the fifty-ninth parallel. from this centre the movement was in all directions, but chiefly to the northwest and to the south. the movement of the cordilleran glaciers extended northwest to a distance of three hundred and fifty miles, leaving their moraines far down in the yukon valley on the lewes and pelly rivers.[bj] southward the cordilleran glacier moved to a distance of six hundred miles, extending to the columbia river, in the eastern part of the state of washington. [footnote bj: see george m. dawson, in science, vol. xi, 1888, p. 186, and american geologist, september, 1890, pp. 153-162.] from this centre, also, the ice descended to the sea-level upon the west, and filled all the channels between vancouver's island and the mainland, as well as those in the alexander archipelago of alaska. south of vancouver's island a glacier pushed out through the straits of juan de fuca to an unknown distance. all the islands in puget sound are composed of glacial _débris_, resembling in every respect the terminal moraines which have been described as constituting many of the islands south of the new england coast. the ice-movement in puget sound, however, was probably northward, resulting from glaciers which are now represented by their diminutive descendants on the flanks of mount rainier. south of the columbia river the country was never completely enveloped by the ice, but glaciers extended far down in the valleys from all the lofty mountain-peaks. in idaho there are glacial signs from the summit of the rocky mountains down to the westward of lake pend d'oreille. in the yellowstone park there are clear indications that the whole area was enveloped in glacial ice. an immense boulder of granite, resting upon volcanic deposits, may be found a little west of inspiration point, on the yellowstone cañon. abundant evidences of glacial action are also visible down the yellowstone river to the vicinity of livingston, showing that that valley must have been filled with glacial ice to a depth of sixteen hundred feet. to the west the glaciers from the yellowstone park extended to the border of idaho, where a clearly marked terminal moraine is to be found in the tyghee pass, leading over from the western fork of the madison river into lewis fork of the snake river. south of yellowstone park the teton mountains were an important centre for the dispersion of local glaciers, but they did not descend upon the western side much below the 6,000-foot level, and only barely came to the edge of the great snake river lava plains. to the east the movement from the teton mountains joined that from various other lofty mountains, where altogether they have left a most intricate system of glacial deposits, in whose reticulations jackson's lake is held in place. [illustration: fig. 37.--moraines of grape creek, sangre del cristo mountains, colorado (after stevenson).] in utah extensive glaciers filled all the northern valleys of the uintah mountains, and extended westward in the wahsatch range to the vicinity of salt lake city. the mountain region of colorado, also, had its glaciers, occupying the head-waters of the arkansas, the platte, the gunnison, and the grand rivers. the most southern point in the rocky mountains at which signs of local glaciers have been noted is near the summits of the san juan range, in southwestern colorado. here a surface of about twenty-five square miles, extending from an elevation of 12,000 feet down to 8,000 feet, shows every sign of the former presence of moving ice. the greater part of the glaciation in colorado is confined to elevations above 10,000 feet. the whole range of the sierra nevada through oregon, and as far south as the yosemite valley in california, formerly sustained glaciers of far greater size than any which are now found in those mountains. in general these glaciers were much longer on the western side of the sierra nevada than on the eastern. on the eastern side glaciers barely came down to lake tahoe and lake mono in california. the state of nevada seems to have been entirely free from glaciers, although it contains numerous mountain-peaks more than ten thousand feet high. in the yosemite cañon glaciers extended down the merced river to the mouth of the cañon; while in the tuolumne river, a few miles to the north, the glaciers which still linger about the peaks of mount dana filled the valley for a distance of forty miles. it is a question among geologists whether or not the glaciation west of the rocky mountains was contemporaneous with that of the eastern part of the continent. the more prevalent opinion among those who have made special study of the phenomena is that the development of the cordilleran glaciers was independent of that of the laurentide system. at any rate, the intense glaciation of the pacific coast seems to have been considerably later than that of the atlantic region. of this we will speak more particularly in discussing the questions of the date and the cause of the glacial period. it is sufficient for us here simply to say that, from his extensive field observations throughout the cordilleran region, dr. george m. dawson infers that there have been several successive alternations of level on the pacific coast corresponding to successive glacial and interglacial epochs, and that when there was a period of elevation west of the rocky mountains there was a period of subsidence to the east, and _vice versa_. in short, he supposes that the east and west for a long time played a game of seesaw, with the rocky mountains as the fulcrum. we give his scheme in tabulated form. _scheme of correlation of the phenomena of the glacial period in the cordilleran region and in the region of the great plains._ cordilleran region. region of the great plains. cordilleran zone at a high correlative subsidence and elevation. period of most severe submergence of the great plains, glaciation and maximum development with possible contemporaneous of the great cordilleran glacier. increased elevation of the laurentian axis and maximum development of ice upon it. deposition of the lower boulder-clay of the plains. gradual subsidence of the correlative elevation of the cordilleran region and decay of the western part, at least, of the great glacier, with deposition of great plains, which was probably the boulder-clay of the interior more or less irregular and led to plateau and the yukon basin, of the the production of extensive lakes lower boulder-clay of the littoral in which interglacial deposits, and probably also, at a later stage including peat, were formed. (and with greater submergence), of the interglacial silts of the same region. re-elevation of the cordilleran correlative subsidence of the region to a level probably as high plains, which (at least in the as or somewhat higher than the western part of the region) present. maximum of second period exceeded the first subsidence and of glaciation. extended submergence to the base of the rocky mountains near the forty-ninth parallel. formation of second boulder-clay, and (at a later stage) dispersion of large erratics. partial subsidence of the correlative elevation of the cordilleran region, to a level plains, or at least of their about 2,500 feet lower than the western portion, resulting in a present. long stage of stability. condition of equilibrium as glaciers of the second period between the plains and the considerably reduced. upper cordillera, their _relative_ boulder-clay of the coast probably levels becoming nearly as at formed at this time, though perhaps present. probable formation of the in part during the second maximum missouri coteau along a shore-line of glaciation. during this period of rest. renewed elevation of the simultaneous elevation of the great cordilleran region, with one plains to about their present well-marked pause, during which the level, with final exclusion of littoral stood about 200 feet lower waters in connection with the sea. than at present. glaciers much lake agassiz formed and eventually reduced, and diminishing in drained towards the close of this consequence of general amelioration period. this simultaneous movement of climate towards the close of the in elevation of both great areas glacial period. may probably have been connected with a more general northern elevation of land at the close of the glacial period. in new zealand the marks of the glacial period are unequivocal the glaciers which now come down from the lofty mountains upon the south island of new zealand to within a few hundred feet of the sea then descended to the sea-level. the longest existing glacier in new zealand is sixteen miles, but formerly one of them had a length of seventy-eight miles. one of the ancient moraines contains a boulder from thirty to forty feet in diameter, and the amount of glacial _débris_ covering the mountain-sides is said to be enormous. reports have also been recently brought of signs of ancient glaciers in australia. [illustration: fig. 38.--generalised view of the whole glaciated region of north america. the area of motionless ground-ice is shown by the white lines in northern part of alaska.] according to darwin, there are distinct signs of glaciation upon the plains of patagonia sixty or seventy miles east of the foot of the mountains, and in the straits of magellan he found great masses of unstratified glacial material containing boulders which were at least one hundred and thirty miles away from their parent rock; while upon the island of chiloe he found embedded in "hardened mud" boulders which must have come from the mountain-chains of the continent. agassiz also observed unquestionable glacial phenomena on various parts of the fuegian coast, and indeed everywhere on the continent south of latitude 37°. between concepcion and arauco, in latitude 37°, agassiz observed, near the sea-level, a glacial surface well marked with furrows and scratches, and as well preserved, he says, "as any he had seen under the glaciers of the present day." [illustration: fig. 39.--quartzite boulder of 45 cubic metres, on mont lachat, 800 metres above the valley of the belley, in ain, france (falsan).] chapter vi. ancient glaciers in the eastern hemisphere. about two million square miles of northern europe were covered with perennial ice during the glacial period. from the scratches upon the rocks, and from the direction in which material has been transported, it is evident that the main centre of radiation is to be found in the mountains of scandinavia, and that the glaciers still existing in norway are the lineal descendants of those of the great ice age. so shallow are the baltic sea and the german ocean, that their basins were easily filled with ice, upon which scandinavian boulders could be transported westward to the east shore of england, southward into the plains of germany, and eastward far out upon the steppes of russia. the islands north of scotland bear marks also of an ice-movement from the direction of norway. if scotland itself was not overrun with scandinavian glaciers, the reason was that it had ice enough of its own, and from its highlands set up a counter-movement, which successfully resisted the invasion from the scandinavian peninsula. but, elsewhere in europe, scandinavian ice moved freely outward to the extent of its capacity. then, as now also, the alps furnished centres for ice-movement, but the glaciers were limited to the upper portions of the valleys of the rhône, the rhine, and the danube upon the west and north, and to a still smaller area upon the southern side. [illustration: fig. 40. map showing glaciated areas in north america and europe.] _central and southern europe._ the main centres of ice-movement in the alps during the glacial period are the same as those which furnish the lingering glaciers of the present time. from the water-shed between the rhine, the rhône, and the aar, glaciers of immense size descended all the valleys now occupied by those streams. the valley of the rhône between the bernese and the pennine alps was filled with a glacier of immense depth, which was maintained by fresh supplies from tributaries upon either side as far down as martigny. glacial markings at the head of the rhône valley are found upon the schneestock,[bk] at an elevation above the sea of about 11,500 feet (3,550 metres), or about 1,500 feet above the present surface of the rhône glacier. at fiesch, about twenty miles below, where tributaries from the bernese oberland snow-fields were received, the thickness of the glacier was upwards of 5,000 feet (1,680 metres). near martigny, about fifty miles farther down the valley, where the glacier was abruptly deflected to the north, the depth of the ice was still upwards of 1,600 metres. from martigny northward the thickness of the ice decreased rapidly for a few miles, where, at the enlargement of the valley above the head of lake geneva, it was less than 1,200 metres in thickness, and spread out over the intervening plain as far as chasseron, with a nearly level surface, transporting, as we have before said, alpine boulders to the flanks of the juras, and landing them about 3,000 feet (1,275 metres) above the level of lake geneva. the width of the main valley is here about fifty miles, making the slope of the surface of the ice about twenty feet to the mile. [footnote bk: a. falsan's la période grlaciaire étudiée principalement en france et en suisse, chapitre xv.] from its "vomitory," at the head of lake geneva, the ice of the ancient rhône glacier spread to the right and to the left, while its northern boundary was abruptly terminated by the line of the jura mountains. the law of glacial motion was, however, admirably illustrated in the height to which the ice rose upon the flanks of the jura. at chasseron, in the direct line of its onward motion, it rose to its highest point, while both to the southwest and to the northeast, along the line of the juras, the ice-action was limited to constantly decreasing levels. down the valley of the rhône the direction of motion was determined by the depression of lake geneva, at the lower end of which it received its main tributary from mont blanc, which had come down from chamouni through the valley of the river arve. from this point it was deflected by a spur of the jura mountains more and more southward to the vicinity of culoz, near the mouth of lake bourget. here the glacier coming down from the western flanks of the alps, through the upper valley of the isère, past chambéry, became predominant, and deflected the motion to the west and north, whither the ice extended to a line passing through bourg, lyons, and vienne, leaving upon one of the eminences on which lyons is built a boulder several feet in diameter, which is duly preserved and labelled in the public park in that portion of the city. farther south, glaciers of less extent marked the alps most of the way to the mediterranean, but they were not at all comparable in size to those from the central region. to the right of lake geneva the movement started by the rhône glacier spread eastward, being joined in the vicinity of berne by the confluent ice-stream which descended from the north flank of the bernese oberland, through the valley of the aar. these united streams filled the whole valley with ice as far down as soleure.[bl] [footnote bl: see map of rhône glacier, on p. 58.] [illustration: map of glacial movements in france and switzerland.] farther eastward, other ice-streams from the alps became predominant, one of which, moving down the reuss, deployed out upon the country lying north of lucerne and zug. still farther down, the ancient glacier which descended the limmatt spread itself out over the hills and lowlands about zürich, one of its moraines of retrocession nearly dividing the lake into two portions. guyot and others have shown that the superficial deposits of this portion of switzerland are just such as would be distributed by glaciers coming down from the above-mentioned alpine valleys. uniting together north of zürich, these glaciers pushed onward as far as the rhine below schaffhausen. in frickthal the glacial ice was still 1,200 feet thick, and at kaisterberg between 400 and 500 feet. at lucerne there is a remarkable exposure of pot-holes, and a glaciated surface such as could be produced only by the combined action of moving ice and running water; thus furnishing to tourists an instructive object-lesson. among the remarkable instances of boulders transported a long distance in switzerland, is that of a block of granite carried from the valais to the vicinity of soleure, a distance of one hundred and fifteen miles, which weighs about 4,100 tons. "the celebrated pierre-à-bot, above neufchâtel, measures 50' × 20' × 40', and contains about 40,000 cubic feet of stone; while the pierre-des-marmettes, near monthey, contains no less than 60,840 cubic feet." the ancient glacier of the rhine, receiving its initial impulse in the same centre as that of the rhône, fully equalled it in all its dimensions. descending eastward from its source near the schneestock to chur, a distance of fifty miles, it turned northward and continued forty-five miles farther to the head of lake constance, where it spread out in fan-shape, extending northwest to thiengen, below schaffhausen, and covering a considerable area north and northeastward of the lake, reaching in the latter direction ulm, upon the danube--the whole distance of the movement being more than one hundred and fifty miles. through other valleys tributary to the danube, glaciers descended upon the upper plains of bavaria, from the tyrolese alps to the vicinity of munich. from gross glockner as a centre in the noric alps, vast rivers of ice, of which the pasterzen glacier is the remnant, poured far down into the valleys of the inn and the enns on the north and into that of the drave on the southeast. farther eastward in this part of europe the mountains seem to have been too low to have furnished centres for any general dispersion of glacial ice. [illustration: fig. 41.--map showing the lines of _débris_ extending from the alps into the plains of the po (after lyell). _a._ crest of the alpine water-shed; _b._ névé-fields of the ancient glaciers; _c._ moraines of ancient glaciers.] upon the south side of the alps the ancient glaciers spread far out upon the plains of lombardy, where moraines of vast extent and of every description enable the student to determine the exact limits of the ancient ice-action. from the southern flanks of mont blanc and monte rosa, and from the snow-fields of the western alps, glaciers of great volume descended into the valley of dora baltea (vale of aosta), and on emerging from the mountain valley spread out over the plains around ivrea, leaving moraine hills in some instances 1,500 feet in height. the total length of this glacier was as much as one hundred and twenty miles. from the snow-fields in the vicinity of mont cenis, also, glaciers extended down the dora ripera to the vicinity of turin, and down other valleys to a less extent. the lateral moraines of the diore, on the south side of mont blanc, at the head of the dora baltea, are 2,000 feet above the present river, and extend upon the left bank for a distance of twenty miles. from the eastern alps, glaciers descended through all the valleys of the italian lakes and deposited vast terminal moraines, which still obstruct the drainage, and produce the charming lakes of that region. a special historic interest pertains to the series of concentric moraines south of lake garda, since it was in the reticulations of this glacial deposit that the last great battle for italian liberty was fought on june 24, 1859. defeated in the engagements farther up the valley of the po, the austrian general benedek took his final stand to resist the united forces of france and italy behind an outer semicircle of the moraine hills south of this lake (some of which are 500 or 600 feet above the surrounding country), with his centre at solferino, about ten miles from peschera. here, behind this natural fortification, he awaited the enemy, who was compelled to perform his manoeuvres on the open plain which spread out on every side. but the natural fortifications furnished by the moraine hills were too extensive to be defended by an army of moderate size. the troops of napoleon and victor immanuel concentrated at solferino and broke through the line. thus the day was lost to the austrians, and they retired from lombardy, leaving to italy both the artificial and the natural fortifications that guard the southern end of this important entrance to the tyrolese alps. when once his attention is called to the subject, the traveller upon the railroad cannot fail to notice this series of moraines, as he enters it through a tunnel at lonato on the west, and emerges from it at soma campagna, eighteen or twenty miles distant to the east. a monument celebrating the victory stands upon a moraine hill about half-way between, at martino della battaglie. in other portions of central and southern europe the mountains were too low to furnish important centres for glacial movements. still, to a limited extent, the signs of ancient glaciers are seen in the mountains of the black forest, in the harz and erzgebirge, and in the carpathians on the east and among the apennines on the south. in spain, also, there were limited ice-fields on the higher portions of the sierra nevada and in the mountains of estremadura, and perhaps in some other places. in france, small glaciers were to be found in the higher portions of the auvergne, of the morvan, of the vosges, and of the cevennes; while, from the pyrenees, glaciers extended northward throughout nearly their whole extent. the ice-stream descending from the central mass of maladetta through the upper valley of the garonne, was joined by several tributaries, and attained a length of about forty-five miles. _the british isles._ during the climax of the glacial period the hebrides to the north of scotland were covered with ice to a depth of 1,600 feet. how far westward of this it moved out to the sea, it is of course impossible to tell. but in the channels between the hebrides and scotland it is evident that the water was completely expelled by the ice, and that, from a height of 1,600 feet above the hebrides to the northern shores of scotland, there was a continuous ice-field sloping southward at the rate of about twenty-five feet a mile. scotland itself was completely enveloped in glacial ice. prevented by the scandinavian glacier from moving eastward, the scotch movement was compelled to be westward and southward. on the southwest the ice-stream reached the shores of ireland, and became confluent with the glaciers that enveloped that island, completely filling the irish sea. there are so many controverted points respecting the glacial geology of england, and they have such an important bearing upon the main question of this volume, that a pretty full discussion of them will be necessary. i have recently been over enough of the ground myself to become satisfied of the general correctness of the views entertained by my late colleague, the lamented professor henry carvill lewis, whose death in 1888 took place before the publication of his most mature conclusions. but the lines of investigation to which he gave so powerful an impulse have since been followed out by an active body of scientific observers. to give the statement of facts greater precision and authority, i have committed the preparation of it to the secretary of the northwest of england boulder committee, percy f. kendall, f. g. s., lecturer on geology at the yorkshire college, leeds, and at the stockport technical school, england.[bm] [footnote bm: mr. kendall's contribution extends to page 181.] "all the characteristic evidences of the action of land-ice can be found in the greatest perfection in many parts of england and wales. drumlins, kames, _roches moutonnées_, far-travelled erratics, terminal moraines, and perched blocks, all occur. there are, besides, in the wide-spread deposits of boulder-clay which cover so many thousands of square miles on the low grounds lying on either side of the pennine chain, evidences of the operation of ice-masses of a size far exceeding that of the grandest of existing european glaciers. but, while the proofs of protracted and severe glaciation are thus patent, there are, nevertheless, many apparently anomalous circumstances which arrest the attention when the whole country is surveyed. the glacial phenomena appear to be strictly limited to the country lying to the northward of a line extending from the bristol channel to the mouth of the thames; and within the glaciated area there are many extensive tracts of land devoid of 'drift' or other indications of ice-action. "by comparison with the phenomena displayed in the north american continent, english glacial geology must seem puny and insignificant; but, just as with the features of the 'solid geology,' we have compressed within the narrow limits of our isles an epitome of the features which across the atlantic require a continent for their exposition. it has resulted from this concentration that english geology requires a much closer and more minute investigation. and the difficulty which has been experienced by glacial geologists of dealing with an involved series of facts has, in the absence of any clue leading to the co-ordination of a vast series of more or less disconnected observations, resulted in the adoption, to meet certain local anomalies, of explanations which were very difficult if not impossible of reconciliation with facts observed in adjacent areas. thus, to account for shell-bearing drift extending up to the water-shed on one side of a lofty range of hills, a submergence of the land to a depth of 1,400 feet has been postulated; leaving for independent explanation the fact, that the opposite slopes of the hills and the low ground beyond were absolutely destitute of drift or of any evidence of marine action. "in the following pages i must adopt a somewhat dogmatic tone, in order to confine myself within the limits of space which are imposed; and trust rather to the cohesion and consistency of the explanations offered and to a few pregnant facts than to the weighing and contrasting of rival theories. "the facts point conclusively to the action in the british isles of a series of glaciers radiating outward from the great hill chains or clusters, and, as the refrigeration progressed, becoming confluent and moving though in the same general direction, yet with less regard to the minor inequalities of the ground. during these two stages many glaciers must have debouched upon the sea-coast, with the consequent production of icebergs, which floated off with loads of boulders and dispersed them in the random fashion which is a necessary characteristic of transport by floating ice. "with a further accentuation of the cold conditions the discharge of bergs from terminal fronts which advanced into the extremely shallow seas surrounding the british shores would be quite inadequate to relieve the great press of ice, and a further coalescence of separate elements must have resulted. in the case of enclosed seas--as, for example, the irish sea--the continued inthrust of glacier-ice would expel the water completely; and the conjoined ice-masses would take a direction of flow the resultant of the momentum and direction of the constituent elements. in other cases--as, for example, in the north sea--extraneous ice approaching the shores might cause a deflection of the flow of the native glaciers, even though the foreign ice might never actually reach the shore. "to such a system of confluent glaciers, and to the separate elements out of which they grew, and into which, after the culmination, they were resolved, i attribute the whole of the phenomena of the english and welsh drift. and only at one or two points upon the coast, and raised but little above the sea-level, can i recognise any signs of marine action. "_the preglacial level of the land._--there is very little direct evidence bearing upon this point. in norfolk the famous forest bed, with its associated deposits, stands at almost precisely the level which it occupied in preglacial times. at sewerby, near flamborough head, there is an ancient beach and 'buried cliff' which the sea is now denuding of its swathing of drift-deposits, and its level can be seen to be almost absolutely coincident with the present beach. mr. lamplugh, whose description of the 'drifts of flamborough head,'[bn] constitutes one of the gems of glacial literature, considers that there is clear evidence that the land stood at this level for a long period. the beach is covered by a rain-wash of small extent, and that in turn by an ancient deposit of blown sand, while the lowest member of the drift series of yorkshire covers the whole. mr. lamplugh thinks that the blown sand may indicate a slight elevation of the land; but the beach appears to me to be the storm beach, and the reduction in the force of the waves such as would result from the approach of an ice-front a few miles to the seaward would probably produce the necessary conditions. [footnote bn: quarterly journal of the geological society, vol. xlvii.] "six miles to the northward of flamborough, at speeton, a bed of estuarine silt containing the remains of mollusca in the position of life occurs at an altitude of ninety feet above high-water mark. mr. lamplugh inclines to the opinion that this bed is of earlier date than the 'buried cliff'; he also admits the possibility that its superior altitude may be due to a purely local upward bulging of the soft lower cretaceous clays upon which the estuarine bed rests by the weight of the adjacent lofty chalk escarpment. "the evidence obtained from inland sections and borings in different parts of england has been taken to indicate a greater altitude in preglacial times. thus, in essex, deep-borings have revealed the existence of deep drift-filled valleys, having their floors below sea-level. the valley of the mersey is a still better example. numerous borings have been made in the neighbourhood of widnes and at other places in the lower reaches of the river, making it clear that there is a channel filled with drift and extending to 146 feet below mean sea-level. this, with several other instances, has been taken to indicate a greater altitude for the land in preglacial times, since a river could not erode its channel to such a depth below sea-level. the argument appears inconclusive for one principal reason: no mention is made of any river gravels or other alluvium in the borings. indeed, there is an explicit statement that the deposits are all glacial, showing that the channel must have been cleared out by ice. this, therefore, leaves open the vital question, whether the deposits removed were marine or fluviatile. it may be remarked that the great estuary of the mersey has undoubtedly been produced by a post-glacial (and probably post-roman) movement of depression. "_the preglacial climate._--in all speculations regarding the cause of the glacial epoch, due account must be taken of the undoubted fact that it came on with extreme slowness and departed with comparative suddenness. in the east of england an almost perfect and uninterrupted sequence of deposits is preserved, extending from the early part of the pliocene period down to the present day. "these in descending order are: "1. post-glacial sands, gravels, etc. "2. glacial series. "3. the 'forest bed' and associated marine deposits. "4. chillesford clay and sand. "5. the many successive stages of the red crag. (the norwich crag is a local variation of the upper part of the red crag.) "6. the coralline crag. "the fossils preserved in these deposits, apart from the physical indications, exhibit the climatal changes which accompanied their deposition. the coralline crag contains a fauna consisting mainly of species which now range to the mediterranean, many of them being restricted to the warm southern waters. associated with these are a few boreal forms, but they are represented in general by few individuals. here and there in the deposits of this age far-travelled stones are to be found, but they are always accounted great rarities. "the red crag consists of an irregular assemblage of beaches and sand-banks of widely different ages, but their sequence can be made out with ease by a study of the fauna. in the oldest deposits, mediterranean species are very numerous, while the boreal forms are comparatively rare; but in successive later deposits the proportions are very gradually reversed, and from the overlying chillesford series the mediterranean species are practically absent. the physical indications run _pari passu_ with the paleontological, and in the newer beds of the red crag far-travelled stones are common. "in the forest bed series there is a marine band--the _leda myalis_ bed--which contains an almost arctic assemblage of shells; while at about the same horizon plant remains have been found, including such high northern species as _salix polaris_ and _betula nana_. "the glacial deposits do not, in my opinion, contain anywhere in england or wales a genuine intrinsic fauna, such shells as occur in the east anglian glacial deposits having been derived in part from a contemporary sea-bed, and, for the rest, from the older formations, down perhaps to the coralline crag. in the post-glacial deposits we have hardly any trace of a survival of the boreal forms, and i consider that the whole marine fauna of the north sea was entirely obliterated at the culmination of the glacial epoch, and that the repeopling in post-glacial times proceeded mainly from the english channel, into which the northern forms never penetrated. "_the great glacial centres._ "where such complex interactions have to be described as were produced by the conflicting glaciers of the british isles it is difficult to deal consecutively with the phenomena of any one area, but with short digressions in explanation of special points it may be possible to accomplish a clear presentation of the facts. "_wales._--the phenomena of south wales are comparatively simple. great glaciers travelled due southward from the lofty brecknock beacons, and left the characteristic _moutonnée_ appearance upon the rocky bed over which they moved. the boulder-transport is in entire agreement with the other indications, and there are no shells in the drift. the facts awaiting explanation are the occurrence in the boulder-clays of glamorganshire, at altitudes up to four hundred feet, of flints, and of igneous rocks somewhat resembling those of the archæan series of the wrekin. at clun, in shropshire, a train of erratics (see map) has been traced back to its source to the westward. on the west coast, in cardigan bay, the boulders are all such as might have been derived from the interior of wales. at st. david's peninsula, pembrokeshire, striæ occur coming in from the northwest, and, taken with the discovery of boulders of northern rocks, may point to a southward extension of a great glacier produced by confluent sheets that choked the irish sea. information is very scanty regarding large areas in mid-wales, but such as can be gathered seems to point to ice-shedding having taken place from a north and south parting line. in north wales, much admirable work has been done which clearly indicates the neighbourhood of great arenig (arenig mawr) as the radiant point for a great dispersal of blocks of volcanic rock of a characteristic welsh type. "_ireland._--a brief reference must be made to ireland, as the ice which took origin there played an important part in bringing about some strange effects in english glaciation, which would be inexplicable without a recognition of the causes in operation across the irish sea. ireland is a great basin, surrounded by an almost continuous girdle of hills. the rainfall is excessive, and the snow-fall was probably more than proportionately great; therefore we might expect that an ice-sheet of very large dimensions would result from this combination of favouring conditions. the irish ice-sheet appears to have moved outward from about the centre of the island, but the main flow was probably concentrated through the gaps in the encircling mountains. "_galloway._--the great range of granite mountains in the southwestern corner of scotland seems to have given origin to an immense mass of ice which moved in the main to the southward, and there are good grounds for the belief that the whole ice-drainage of the area, even that which gathered on the northern side of the water-shed, ultimately found its way into the irish sea basin and came down coastwise and across the low grounds of the rinns of galloway, being pushed down by the press of highland ice which entered the firth of clyde. it is a noteworthy fact that marine shells occur in the drift in the course taken by the ice coming on to the extremity of galloway from the clyde. "_the lake district._--a radial flow of ice took place down the valleys from about the centre of the cumbrian hill-plexus, but movement to the eastward was at first forbidden by the great rampart of the cross fell escarpment, which stretches like a wall along the eastern side of the vale of eden. "during the time when the cumbrian glaciers had unobstructed access to the solway frith, to the irish sea, and to morecambe bay, the dispersal of boulders of characteristic local rocks would follow the ordinary drainage-lines; but, as will be shown later, a state of affairs supervened in the irish sea which resulted, in many cases, in a complete reversal of the ice-flow. "_the pennine chain_ was the source of glaciers of majestic dimensions upon both its flanks in the region north of skipton, but to the southward of that breach in the chain (see map) no evidence is obtainable of any local glaciers. "_the confluent glaciers._ "with the growth of ice-caps upon the great centres a condition of affairs was brought about in the irish sea productive of results which will readily be foreseen. the enormous volumes of ice poured into the shallow sea from north, south, east, and west, resulted in such a congestion as to necessitate the initiation of some new systems of drainage. "_the irish sea glacier._--the ice from galloway, cumbria, and ireland became confluent, forming what the late professor carvill lewis termed 'the irish sea glacier,' and took a direction to the southward. here it came in diametrical conflict with the northward-flowing element of the welsh sheet, which it arrested and mastered; and the irish sea glacier bifurcated, probably close upon the precipitous welsh coast to the eastward of the little orme's head, and the two branches flowed coastwise to eastward and westward, keeping near the shore-line. "the westerly branch swept round close to the coast in a southwesterly direction, and completely overrode anglesea; striating the rock-surfaces from northeast to southwest (see map), and strewing the country with its bottom-moraine, containing characteristic northern rocks, such as the galloway granites, the lavas and granites of the central and western portions of the lake district, and fragments of shells derived from shell-banks in the irish sea. one episode of this phase of the ice-movement was the invasion of the first line of hills between the menai straits and snowdon. the gravels and sands of fridd-bryn-mawr, moel tryfaen, and moel-y-cilgwyn, are the coarser washings of the bottom-moraine, and consequently contain such rock-fragments and shells as characterise it. from moel-y-cilgwyn southward, evidence is lacking regarding the course taken by the glacier, but it probably passed over or between the rivals mountains (yr eifl), and down cardigan bay at some distance from the coast in confluence with the ice from mid-wales; and, as i have suggested, may have passed over st. david's head. "returning now towards the head of the glacier we may follow with advantage its left bank downward. the ice-flow on the cumberland coast appears to have resembled very much that in north wales. a great press of ice from the northward (galloway) seems to have had a powerful 'easting' imparted to it by the conjoint influences of the thrust of the irish ice and the inflow of ice from the clyde. whatever may have been the cause, the effect is clear: about ravenglass cleavage took place, and a flow to northward and to southward, each bending easterly. by far the larger mass took a southerly course and bent round black combe, over walney, and a strip of the mainland about barrow in furness, and out into and across morecambe bay. its limits are marked in the field by the occurrence of the same rocks which characterise it in anglesea, viz., the granites of galloway and of west and central cumbria. "the continued thrust shouldered in the glacier upon the mainland of lancashire, but the precise point of emergence has not yet been traced, though it cannot be more than a few miles from the position indicated on the map. i should here remark, that all along the boundaries the irish sea glacier was confluent with local ice, except, probably, in that part of the pennine chain to the southward of skipton. down to skipton there was a great mass of pennine ice which was compelled to take an almost due southerly course, and thus to run directly athwart the direction of the main hills and valleys. a sharp easterly inflection of the irish sea glacier carried it up the valley of the ribble, and thence, under the shoulder of pendle, to burnley, where scottish granites are found in the boulder-clay. "on the summit of the pennine water-shed, at heald moor, near todmorden (1,419 feet), boulder-clay has been found containing erratics belonging to this dispersion; while in the gorge of the yorkshire calder, which flows along the eastern side of the same hill, not a vestige of such a deposit is to be found, saving a few erratic pebbles at a distance of eight or ten miles, which were probably carried down by flood-wash from the edge of the ice. "from this point the limits of the ice may be traced along the flanks of the pennine chain at an average altitude of about 1,100 feet. "at one place the erratics can be traced to a position which would indicate the formation of an extra-morainic lake having its head at a col about 1,000 feet above sea-level, separating it from the valley of an eastward-flowing stream, the wye, about twelve miles down which a few granite blocks have been found. other extra-morainic lakes must have been formed, but very little information has been collected regarding them. the irish sea glacier can be shown to have spread across the whole country to the westward of the line i have traced, and beyond the estuary of the dee. "i may now follow its boundaries on the welsh coast, and pursue the line to the final melting-place of the glacier. from the little orme's head the line of confluence with the native ice is pretty clearly defined. it runs in, perhaps, half a mile from the shore, until the broad low tract of the vale of clwyd is reached. here the northern ice obtained a more complete mastery, and pushed in even as far as denbigh. this extreme limit was probably attained as a mere temporary episode. horizontal striæ on a vertical face of limestone on the crags dominating the mouth of the vale on the eastern side attest beyond dispute the action of a mass of land-ice moving in from the north. "i may here remark, that in this district the deposits furnish a very complete record of the events of the glacial period. in the cliffs on the eastern side of the little orme's head, and at several other points along the coast towards the east, a sequence may be observed as follows: "4. boulder-clay with northern erratics and shells. "3. sands and gravels with northern erratics and shells. "2. boulder-clay with northern erratics and shells. "1. boulder-clay with welsh erratics and no shells. "a similar succession is to be seen in the vale of clwyd. the interpretation is clear: in the early stages of glaciation the welsh ice spread without hindrance to, and laid down, bed no. 1; then the northern ice came down, bringing its typical erratics and the scourings of the sea-bottom, and laid down the variable series of clays, sands, and gravels which constitute nos. 2, 3, and 4 of the section. [illustration: fig. 42.--the cefn cave, in vale of clwyd. (trimmer.) _a_, entrance; _b_, mud with pebbles and wood covered with stalagmite; _c_, mud, bones, and angular fragments of limestone; _d_, sand and silt, with fragments of marine shells; _e_, fissure; _f_, northern drift; _g_, cave cleared of mud; _h_, river elwy, 100 feet below; _i_, limestone rock.] "in the vale of clwyd an additional interest is imparted to the study of the drift from the circumstance that the remains of man have been found in deposits in caves sealed with drift-beds. the best example is the cae gwyn caves, in which flint implements and the bones and teeth of various extinct animals were found embedded in 'cave-earth' which was overlaid by bedded deposits of shell-bearing drift, with erratics of the northern type. "it has been supposed that the drift-deposits were marine accumulations; but it is inconceivable that the cave could ever have been subjected to wave-action without the complete scouring out of its contents. "to resume the delineation of the limits of the great irish sea glacier: from the vale of clwyd the boundary runs along the range of hills parallel to the estuary of the dee at an altitude of about nine hundred feet. as it is traced to the southeast it gradually rises, until at frondeg, a few miles to the northward of the embouchure of the yale of llangollen, it is at a height of 1,450 feet above sea-level. thence it falls to 1,150 feet at gloppa, three miles to the westward of oswestry, and this is the most southerly point to which it has been definitely traced on the welsh border, though scattered boulders of northern rocks are known to occur at church stretton. "along the line from the vale of clwyd to oswestry the boundary is marked by a very striking series of moraine-mounds. they occur on the extreme summits of lofty hills in a country generally almost driftless, and their appearance is so unusual that one--moel-y-crio--at least has been mistaken for an artificial tumulus. the limitation of the dispersal of northern erratics by these mounds is very clear and sharp; and mackintosh, in describing those at frondeg, remarked that, while no northern rocks extended to the westward of them, so no welsh erratics could be found to cross the line to the eastward. there are welsh erratics in the low grounds of cheshire and shropshire, but their distribution is sporadic, and will be explained in a subsequent section. "having thus followed around the edges of this glacier, it remains to describe its termination. it is clear that the ice must have forced its way over the low water-shed between the respective basins of the dee and the severn. so soon as this ridge (less than 500 feet above the sea) is crossed, we find the deposits laid down by the glacier change their character, and sands and gravels attain a great predominance.[bo] near bridgenorth, and, at other places, hills composed of such materials attain an altitude of 200 feet. from shrewsbury _via_ burton, and thence, in a semicircular sweep, through bridgenorth and enville, there is an immense concentration of boulders and pebbles, such as to justify the designation of a terminal moraine. to the southward, down the valley of the severn, existing information points to the occurrence merely of such scattered pebbles as might have been carried down by floods. in the district lying outside this moraine there is a most interesting series of glacial deposits and of boulders of an entirely different character. (see map.) [footnote bo: mackintosh, q. j. g. s.] "from the neighbourhood of lichfield, through some of the suburbs of birmingham, and over frankley hill and the lickey hills to bromsgrove, there is a great accumulation of welsh erratics, from the neighbourhood, probably, of arenig mawr. "the late professor carvill lewis suggested that these arenig rocks might have been derived from some adjacent outcrop of palæozoic rocks--a suggestion having its justification in the discoveries that had been made of cumbrian rocks in the midlands. to test the matter, an excavation was made at a point selected on frankley hill, and a genuine boulder-clay was found, containing erratics of the same type as those found upon the surface. "the explanation has since been offered that this boulder-clay was a marine deposit laid down during a period of submerge nee.[bp] apart from the difficulty that the boulder-clay displays none of the ordinary characteristics of a marine deposition, but possesses a structure, or rather absence of structure, in many respects quite inconsistent with such an origin, and contains no shells or other remains of marine creatures, it must be pointed out that no theory of marine notation will explain the distribution of the erratics, and especially their concentration in such numbers at a station sixty or seventy miles from their source. [footnote bp: proceedings of the birmingham philosophical society, vol. vi, part i, p. 181.] "upon the land-ice hypothesis this difficulty disappears. during the early stages of the glacial period the welsh ice had the whole of the severn valley at its mercy, and a great glacier was thrust down from arenig, or some other point in central wales, having an _initial direction_, broadly speaking, from west to east. this glacier extended across the valley of the severn, sweeping past the wrekin, whence it carried blocks of the very characteristic rocks to be lodged as boulders near lichfield; and it probably formed its terminal moraine along the line indicated. (see lozenge-shaped marks on the map.) as the ice in the north gathered volume it produced the great irish sea glacier, which pressed inland and down the vale of severn in the manner i have described, and brushed the relatively small welsh stream out of its path, and laid down its own terminal moraine in the space between the welsh border and the lickey hills. it seems probable that the welsh stream came mainly down the vale of llangollen, and thence to the lickey hills. boulders of welsh rocks occur in the intervening tract by ones and twos, with occasional large clusters, the preservation of any more connected trail being rendered impossible by the great discharge of water from the front of the irish sea glacier, and the distributing action of the glacier itself. "within the area in england and wales covered by the irish sea glacier all the phenomena point to the action of land-ice, with the inevitable concomitants of subglacial streams, extra-morainic lakes, etc. there is nothing to suggest marine conditions in any form except the occurrence of shells or shell fragments; and these present so many features of association, condition, and position inconsistent with, what we should be led to expect from a study of recent marine life, that conchologists are unanimous in declaring that not one single group of them is on the site whereon the shells lived. it is a most significant fact--one out of a hundred which could be cited did space permit--that in the ten thousand square miles of, as it is supposed, recently elevated sea-bottom, not a single example of a bivalve shell with its valves in apposition has ever been found! nor has a boulder or other stone been found encrusted with those ubiquitous marine parasites, the barnacles. "the evidences of the action of land-ice within the area are everywhere apparent in the constancy of direction of-(1.) striæ upon rock surfaces. (2.) the terminal curvature of rocks. (3.) the 'pull-over' of soft rocks. (4.) the transportal of local boulders. (5.) the orientation of the long axes of large boulders. (6.) the false bedding of sands and gravels. (7.) the elongation of drift-hills. (8.) the relations of 'crag and tail.' there is a similar general constancy, too, in the directions of the striæ upon large boulders. upon the under side they run longitudinally from southeast (or thereabouts) to northwest, while upon the upper surface they originate at the opposite end, showing that the scratches on the under side were produced by the stone being dragged from northwest to southeast, while those on the top were the product of the passage of stone-laden ice over it in the same direction. "such an agreement cannot be fortuitous, but must be attributed to the operation of some agent acting in close parallelism over the whole area. to attribute such regularity to the action of marine currents is to ignore the most elementary principles of marine hydrology. icebergs must, in the nature of things, be the most erratic of all agents, for the direction of drift is determined--among other varying factors--by the draught of the berg. a mass of small draught will be carried by surface currents, while one of greater depth will be brought within the influence of under-currents; and hence it not infrequently happens that while floe-ice is drifting, say, to the southeast, giant bergs will go crashing through it to the northwest. there are tidal influences also to be reckoned with, and it is matter of common knowledge that flotsam and jetsam travel back and forth, as they are alternately affected by ebb and flood tide. "bearing these facts in mind, it is surely too much to expect that marine ice should transport boulders (how it picked up many of them also requires explanation) with such unfailing regularity that it can be said without challenge,[bq] 'boulders in this district [south lancashire and cheshire] never occur to the north or west of the parent rock.' the same rule applies without a single authentic exception to the whole area covered by the eastern branch of the irish sea glacier; and hence it comes about that not a single boulder of welsh rock has ever been recorded from lancashire. [footnote bq: brit. assoc. report, 1890, p. 343.] "_the solway glacier._--the pressure which forced much of the irish sea ice against the cumbrian coast-line caused, as has been described, a cleavage of the flow near ravenglass, and, having followed the southerly branch to its termination in the midlands, the remaining moiety demands attention. "the 'easting' motion carried it up the solway frith, its right flank spreading over the low plain of northern cumberland, which it strewed with boulders of the well-known 'syenite' (granophyre) of buttermere. when this ice reached the foot of the cross fell escarpment, it suffered a second bifurcation, one branch pushing to the eastward up the valley of the irthing and over into tyneside, and the other turning nearly due southward and forcing its way up the broad vale of eden. "under the pressure of an enormous head of ice, this stream rose from sea-level, turned back or incorporated the native cumbrian glacier which stood in its path, and, having arrived almost at the water-shed between the northern and the southern drainage, it swept round to the eastward and crossed over the pennine water-shed; not, however, by the lowest pass, which is only some 1,400 feet above sea-level, but by the higher pass of stainmoor, at altitudes ranging from 1,800 to 2,000 feet. the lower part of the course of this ice-flow is sufficiently well characterised by boulders of the granite of the neighbourhood of dalbeattie in galloway; but on its way up the vale of eden it gathered several very remarkable rocks and posted them as way-stones to mark its course. one of these rocks, the permian brockram, occurs nowhere _in situ_ at altitudes exceeding 700 feet, yet in the course of its short transit it was lifted about a thousand feet above its source. the shap granite (see radiant point on map) is on the northern side of the east and west water-sheds of the lake district, and reaches its extreme elevation, (1,656 feet) on wasdale pike; yet boulders of it were carried over stainmoor, at an altitude of 1,800 feet literally by tens of thousands. "this stainmoor glacier passed directly over the pennine chain, past the mouths of several valleys, and into teesdale, which it descended and spread out in the low grounds beyond. pursuing its easterly course, it abutted upon the lofty cleveland hills and separated into two streams, one of which went straight out to sea at hartlepool, while the other turned to the southward and flowed down the vale of york, being augmented on its way by tributary glaciers coming down wensleydale. the final melting seems to have taken place somewhere a little to the southward of york; but boulders of shap granite by which its extension is characterised have been found as far to the southward as royston, near barnsley. "the other branch of the solway glacier--that which travelled due eastward--passed up the valley of the irthing, and over into that of the tyne, and out to sea at tynemouth. it carried the scottish granites with it, and tributary masses joined on either hand, bringing characteristic boulders with them. "the fate of those elements of the solway frith glacier which reached the sea is not left entirely to conjecture. the striated surfaces near the coast of northumberland indicate a coastwise flow of ice from the northward--probably from the frith of forth--and the glaciers coming out from the tyne and tees were deflected to the southward. "there is conclusive evidence that this ice rasped the cliffs of the yorkshire coast and pressed up into some of the valleys. where it passed the mouth of the tees near whitby it must have had a height of at least 800 feet, but farther down the coast it diminished in thickness. it nowhere extended inland more than a mile or two, and for the most part kept strictly to the coast-line. along the whole coast are scattered erratics derived from galloway and the places lying in the paths of the glaciers. in many places the cliffs exhibit signs of rough usage, the rocks being crumpled and distorted by the violent impact of the ice. at filey brigg a well-scratched surface has been discovered, the striation being from a few degrees east of north. "at speeton the evidence of ice-sheet or glacier-work is of the most striking character. on the top of the cliffs of cretaceous strata a line of moraine-hills has been laid down, extending in wonderful perfection for a distance of six miles. they consist of a mixture of sand, gravel, and a species of clay-rubble, with occasional masses of true boulder-clay, the whole showing the arched bedding so characteristic of such accumulations. at the northerly end the moraine keeps close to the edge of the chalk cliffs, which are there 400 feet high, and the hills are frequently displayed in section; but as the elevation of the cliffs declines they fall back from the edge of the cliffs and run quite across the headland of flamborough, and are again exposed in section in bridlington bay. one remarkable and significant fact is pointed out, namely, that behind this moraine, within half a mile and at a lower level, the country is almost absolutely devoid of any drift whatever. [illustration: fig. 43.--moraine between speeton and flamborough (lamplugh).] "the interpretation of these phenomena is as follows: when the valley-glaciers reached the sea they suffered the deflection which has been mentioned, partly as the result of the interference of ice from the east of scotland, but also influenced directly by the cause which operated upon the scottish ice and gave direction to it--that is, the impact of a great glacier from scandinavia, which almost filled the north sea, and turned in the eastward-flowing ice upon the british coast. "it is easy to see how this pressure must have forced the glacier-ice against the yorkshire coast, but vertical chalk cliffs 400 feet in height are not readily surmounted by ice of any thickness, however great, and so it coasted along and discharged its lateral moraine upon the cliff-tops. as the cliffs diminished in height we find the moraine farther inland, and, as i have pointed out, the ice completely overrode flamborough head. amongst the boulders at flamborough are many of shap granite, a few galloway granites, a profusion of carboniferous rocks, brought by the tyne branch of the sol way glacier as well as by that of stainmoor, and, besides many torn from the cliffs of yorkshire, a few examples of unquestionable scandinavian rocks, such as the well-known _rhomben-porphyr_. it is important to note that about ten to twenty miles from the yorkshire coast there is a tract of sea-bottom called by trawlers 'the rough ground,' in allusion to the fact that it is strewn with large boulders, amongst which are many of shap granite. this probably represents a moraine of the teesdale glacier, laid down at a time when the scandinavian glacier was not at its greatest development. "on the south side of flamborough head the 'buried cliff' previously alluded to occurs. the configuration of the country shows--and the conclusion is established by numerous deep-borings--that the preglacial coast-line takes a great sweep inland from here, and that the plain of holderness is the result of the banking-up of an immense thickness of glacial _débris_. in the whole country reviewed, from tynemouth to bridlington, wherever the ice came on to the land from the seaward, it brought in shells and fragmentary patches of the sea-bottom involved in its ground moraine. space does not permit of a detailed description of the several members of the yorkshire drift, and i pass on to deal in a general way with the glacial phenomena of the eastern side of england. "_the east anglian glacier._--the influence of the scandinavian ice is clearly seen in the fact that the entire ice-movement down the east coast south of bridlington was all from the _seaward_. clays, sands, and gravels, the products of a continuous mass of land-ice coming from the northeast are spread over the whole country, from the trent to the high grounds on the north of london overlooking the thames. "the line of extreme extension of these drift-deposits runs from finchley (near london), in the south across hertfordshire, through cambridgeshire, with outlying patches at gogmagog and near buckingham, and northwestward over a large portion of leicestershire into the upper waters of the trent, embracing the elevated region of palæozoic rocks at charnwood forest, near leicester. "reserving the consideration of the very involved questions connected with the drifts of the upper part of the trent valley, i may pass on to join the phenomena of the southeastern counties with those at flamborough head. from nottinghamshire the limits of the drift of the east anglian glacier seem to run in a direction nearly due west to east, for the great oolitic escarpment upon which lincoln cathedral is built is absolutely driftless to the northward of the breach about sleaford. however, along the western flank of the oolitic range true boulder-clay occurs, bordering and doubtless underlying the great fen-tract of mid-lincolnshire; and the great lincolnshire wolds appear to have been completely whelmed beneath the ice. "the most remarkable of the deposits in this area is the great chalky boulder-clay, which consists of clay containing much ground-up chalk, and literally packed with well-striated boulders of chalk of all sizes, from minute pebbles up to blocks a foot or more in diameter. associated with them are boulders of various foreign rocks, and many flints in a remarkably fresh condition, and still retaining the characteristic white coat, except where partially removed by glacial attrition. "one of the perplexing features of the glacial phenomena in the eastern counties of england is the extension of true chalky boulder-clay to the north london heights at finchley and elsewhere; for only the faintest traces are to be found in the gravel deposits of the thames valley of any wash from such a deposit, or from a glacier carrying such materials. "it has been suggested that the deposit may have been laid down in an extra-morainic lake, or in an extension of the north. sea, but these suggestions leave the difficulty just where it was. if a lake or sea could exist without shores, a glacier-stream might equally dispense with banks. within the area of glaciation, defined above, abundant evidence of the action of land-ice is obtainable, though striated surfaces are extremely rare--a fact attributable to the softness of the chalk and clays which occupy almost the whole area. well-striated surfaces are found on the harder rocks, as, for example, on the oolitic limestone at dunston, near lincoln. "mr. skertchly has remarked that the proofs of the action of land-ice are irrefragable. the great chalky boulder-clay covers an area of 3,000 square miles, and attains an altitude of 500 feet above the sea-level, thus bespeaking, if the product of icebergs, 'an extensive gathering-ground of chalk, having an elevation of more than 500 feet. but where is it? certainly not in western europe, for the chalk does not attain so great an elevation except in a few isolated spots.'[br] [footnote br: geikie's great ice age, p. 360.] [illustration: fig. 44.--diagram-section near cromer (woodward). 6. gravel and sand (middle glacial) resting on contorted drift (loam, sand, and marl, with large included boulders of chalk); 5. cromer till: 4. laminated clay and sands (leda myalis bed); 3. fresh-water loams and sands: 3_a_. black fresh-water bed of runton (upper fresh-water bed); 2. forest bed--laminated clays and sands, with roots and _débris_ of wood, bones of mammalia, estuarine mollusca, etc., the upper part in places penetrated by rootlets (rootlet bed); 2_a_. weybourn crag; 1. chalk with flints; * large included boulder of chalk.] "it has been further pointed out by mr. skertchly, that the condition of the flints in this deposit furnishes strong evidence that they could not have been carried by floating ice nor upon a glacier, for, in either of the latter events, there must have been some exposure to the weather, which, as he remarks, would have rendered them worthless to the makers of gun-flints, whereas they are now regularly collected for their use. "the way in which the boulder-clay is related to the rocks upon which it rests is a conclusive condemnation of any theory of floating ice; for example, where it rests upon oxford clay, it contains the fossils characteristic of that formation, as it is largely made up of the clay itself. the exceptions to this rule are as suggestive as those cases which conform to it. each outcrop yields material to the boulder-clay to the south westward, showing a pull-over from the northeast. "one of the most remarkable features of the drift of this part of england is the inclusion of gigantic masses of rock transported for a short distance from their native outcrop, very often with so small a disturbance that they have been mapped as _in situ_. examples of chalk-masses 800 feet in length, and of considerable breadth and thickness, have been observed in the cliffs near cromer, in norfolk, but they are by no means restricted to situations near the coast. one example is mentioned in which quarrying operations had been carried on for some years before any suspicion was aroused that it was merely an erratic. the huge boulders were probably dislodged from the parent rock by the thrust of a great glacier, which first crumbled the beds, then sheared off a prominent fold and carried it along. this explanation we owe to mr. clement reid.[bs] the drift-deposits of this region frequently contain shells, but they rarely constitute what may be termed a consistent fauna, usually showing such an association as could only be found where some agent had been at work gathering together shells of different habitats and geological age. [footnote bs: see geology of the country around cromer, and geology of holderness, memoirs of geological survey of england and wales.] [illustration: fig. 45.--section at right angles to the cliff through the westerly chalk bluff at trimingham, norfolk, showing the manner in which chalk masses are incorporated into the till (clement reid). scale, 250 fret to an inch. a. level of low-water spring-tides; b. chalk, with sandy bed at *; c. forest-bed series, etc., seen in the cliffs a few yards north and south of this point; d. cromer till, stiff lead-colored boulder-clay; e. fine, chalky sands, much false-bedded; f. contorted drift, brown bouldery-clay with marked beddingor fluxion-structure; g. the bed, above the white line were seen and measured by more snow and measured by mr. reid; * chalk seen _in situ_ on beach. "if the ice-sheet, instead of flowing over the beds, happens to plough into them or abut against them, it would bend up a boss of chalk, as at beeston. a more extensive disturbance, like that at trimingham drives before it a long ridge of the bads, and nips up the chalk, till, like a cloth creased by the sliding of a heavy book, it is folded into an inverted anticlinal. a slight increase of pressure, and the third stage is reached--the top of the anticlinal being entirely sheared off, the chalk boulder driven up an incline, and forced into the overlying boulder-clays." (clement reid.)] "attempts have been made to correlate the deposits over the whole area, but with very indifferent success. a consideration of the consequences of the invasion of the country by an ice-stream from the northeast will prepare us for any conceivable complication of the deposits. "the main movement was against the drainage of the country, so that the ice-front must have been frequently in water. there would be aqueous deposition and erosion; the kneading up of morainic matter into ground-moraine; irregularities of distribution and deposition due to ice floating in an extra-morainic lake; flood-washes at different points of overflow; and other confusing causes, which make it rather matter for surprise that any order whatever is traceable. "i now turn to the valley of the trent. we find that it occupies such a position that it would be exposed, successively or simultaneously, to the action of ice-streams of most diverse origin. i have shown that the area to the westward of lichfield was invaded at one period by a welsh glacier, and at a subsequent one by the irish sea glacier, and both of these streams entered the valley of the trent or some of its affluents. from the eastward, again, the great north sea glacier encroached in like manner, carrying the great chalky boulder-clay even into the drainage area of the westward-flowing rivers near coventry. "the glacial geology of the trent valley from burton to nottingham has been ably dealt with by mr. r. m. deeley,[bt] who recognises a succession which may be generalised as follows: (1.) a lower series containing rocks derived from the pennine chain; (2.) a middle series containing rocks from the eastward (chalky boulder-clay, etc.); and (3.) an upper series with pennine rocks. mr. deeley thinks the pennine _débris_ may have been brought by glaciers flowing down the valleys of the dove, the wye, and the derwent; but, while recognising the importance of the testimony adduced, especially that of the boulders, i am compelled to reserve judgment upon this point until something like moraines or other evidences of local glaciers can be shown in those valleys. in their upper parts there is not a sign of glaciation. some of the deposits described must have been laid down by land-ice; while the conformation of the country shows that during some stages of glaciation a lake must have existed into which the different elements of the converging glaciers must have projected. this condition will account for the remarkable commingling of boulders observed in some of the deposits. welsh, cumbrian, and scottish rocks occur in the western portion of the trent valley. the overflow of the extra-morainic lake would find its way into the valleys of the avon and severn, and may be taken to account for the abundance of flints in some of the gravels. [footnote bt: quarterly journal geological society, vol. xlii, p. 437.] "_the isle of man._--this little island in mid-seas constituted in the early stages of the glacial epoch an independent centre of glaciation, and from some of its valleys ice-streams undoubtedly descended to the sea; but with the growth of the great irish sea glacier the native ice was merged in the invading mass, and at the climax of the period the whole island was completely buried, even to its highest peak (snae fell, 2,054 feet), beneath the ice. the effects of this general glaciation are clearly seen in the mantle of unstratified drift material which overspread the hills; in the _moutonnée_ appearance of the entire island; and in the transport of boulders of local rocks. the striations upon rock surfaces show a constancy of direction in agreement with the boulder-transport which can be ascribed to no other agency than a great continuous sheet of such dimensions as to ignore minor hills and valleys. "the disposition of the striæ is equally conclusive, for we find that on a stepped escarpment of limestone both the horizontal and the vertical faces are striated continuously and obliquely from the one on to the other, showing that the ice had a power of accommodating itself to the surface over which it passed that could not be displayed by floating ice. there is a remarkable fact concerning the distribution of boulders on this island which would strike the most superficial observers, namely, that foreign rocks are confined to the low grounds. it might be argued that the local ice always retained its individuality, and so kept the foreign ice with its characteristic boulders at bay. but, apart from the _a priori_ improbability of so small a hill-cluster achieving what the lake district could not accomplish, the fact that snae fell, an isolated _conical_ hill, is swathed in drift from top to bottom, is quite conclusive that the foreign ice must have got in. why, then, did it carry no stones with it? the following suggestion i make not without misgivings, though there are many facts to which i might appeal that seem strongly corroborative: "the hilly axis of the island runs in a general northeast and southwest direction, and it rises from a great expanse of drift in the north with singular abruptness, some of the hills being almost inaccessible to a direct approach without actual climbing. i imagine that the ice which bore down upon the northern end of the island was, so far as its lower strata were concerned, unable to ascend so steep an acclivity, and was cleft, and flowed to right and left. the upper ice, being of ice-sheet origin, would be relatively clean, and this flowing straight over the top of the obstruction would glaciate the country with such material as was lying loose upon the ground or could be dislodged by mere pressure. it would appear from published descriptions that the isle of arran offers the same problem, and i would suggest the application of the same solution to it. "marine shells occur in the manx drift, but only in such situations as were reached by the ice-laden with foreign stones. they present similar features of association of shells of different habitat, and perhaps of geological age, to those already referred to as being common characteristics of the shell-faunas of the drift of the mainland. four extinct species of mollusca have been recognised by me in the manx drift. "the manx drift is of great interest as showing, perhaps better than any locality yet studied, those features of the distribution of boulders of native rocks which attest so clearly the exclusive action of land-ice. there are in the island many highly characteristic igneous rocks, and i have found that boulders of these rocks never occur to the northward of the parent mass, and very rarely in any direction except to the southwest. "cumming observed in regard to one rock, the foxdale granite, that whereas the highest point at which it occurs _in situ_ was 657 feet above sea-level, boulders of it occurred in profusion within 200 feet of the summit of south barrule (1,585 feet), a hill two miles only, in a southwesterly direction, from the granite outcrop. "they also occur on the summit of cronk-na-irrey-lhaa, 1,449 feet above sea-level. the vertical uplift has been 728 and 792 feet respectively. "in the low grounds of the north of the island a finely developed terminal moraine extends in a great sweep so as to obstruct the drainage and convert thousands of acres of land into lake and morass, which is only now yielding to artificial drainage. many fine examples of drumlin and esker mounds occur at low levels in different parts of the island; and it was remarked nearly fifty years ago by cumming, that their long axes were parallel to the direction of ice-movement indicated by the striated surfaces and the transport of boulders. "the foreign boulders are mainly from the granite mountains of galloway, but there are many flints, presumably from antrim, a very small number of lake district rocks, and a remarkable rock containing the excessively rare variety of hornblende, riebeckite. this has now been identified with a rock on ailsa crag, a tiny islet in the frith of clyde; and a manx geologist, the rev. s. n. harrison, has discovered a single boulder of the highly characteristic pitchstone of corriegills, in the isle of arran. "_the so-called great submergence._ "it may be convenient to adduce some additional facts which render the theory of a great submergence of the country south of the cheviots untenable. "the sole evidence upon which it rests is the occurrence of shells, mostly in an extremely fragmentary condition, in deposits occurring at various levels up to about 1,400 feet above sea-level: a little space may profitably be devoted to a criticism of this evidence. "_moel tryfaen_ ('the hill of the three rocks').--this celebrated locality is on the first rise of the ground between the menai straits and the congeries of hills constituting 'snowdonia'; and when we look to the northward from the top of the hill (1,350 feet) we see the ground rising from the straits in a series of gentle undulations whose smooth contours would be found from a walk across the country to be due to the thick mask of glacial deposits which obliterates the harsher features of the solid rocks. "the deposits on moel tryfaen are exposed in a slate-quarry on the northern aspect of the hill near the summit, and consist of two wedges of structureless boulder-clay, each thinning towards the top of the hill. the lower mass of clay, wherever it rests upon the rock, contains streaks and irregular patches of eccentric form, of sharp, perfectly angular fragments of slate; and the underlying rock may be seen to be crushed and broken, its cleavage-laminæ being thrust over from northwest to southeast--that is, _up-hill_. the famous 'shell-bed' is a thick series of sands and gravels interosculated with the clays on the slope of the hill, but occupying the entire section above the slate towards the top. the bedding shows unmistakable signs of the action of water, both regular stratification and false bedding being well displayed. the stones occurring in the clays are mainly if not entirely welsh, including some from the interior of the country, and they are not infrequently of large size--two or three tons' weight--and well scratched. "the stones found in the sands and gravels include a great majority of local rocks, but besides these there have been recorded the following: rock. source. highest minimum point uplift _in situ_. in feet. granite eskdale, cumberland 1,286 64 granite criffel, galloway ..... ... flint antrim (?) 1,000 350 to these i can add: granophyre buttermere, cumberland ..... ... eurite [bu] ailsa craig, frith of clyde 1,097 253 [footnote bu: the altitude at which this rock occurs on ailsa craig has not been announced, so 1 have put it as the extreme height of the island.] "the shells in the moel tryfaen deposit have been fully described, so far as the enumeration of species and relative frequency are concerned, but little has been said as to their absolute abundance and their condition. the shells are extremely rare, and daring a recent visit a party of five persons, in an assiduous search of about two hours, succeeded in finding _five whole shells_ and about two ounces of fragments. the opportunities for collecting are as good as could be desired. the sections exposed have an aggregate length of about a quarter of a mile, with a height varying from ten to twenty feet of the shelly portion; and besides this there are immense spoil-banks, upon whose rain-washed slopes fossil-collecting can be carried on under the most favorable conditions. "i would here remark, that the occurrence of small seams of shelly material of exceptional richness has impressed collectors with the idea that they were dealing with a veritable shell-bed, when the facts would bear a very different interpretation. a fictitious abundance is brought about by a process of what may be termed 'concentration,' by the action of a gently flowing current of water upon materials of different sizes and different specific gravities. shells when but recently vacated consist of materials of rather high specific gravity, penetrated by pores containing animal matter, so that the density of the whole mass is far below that of rocks in general, and hence a current too feeble to move pebbles would yet carry shells. illustrations of this process may be observed upon any shore in the concentration of fragments of coal, corks, or other light material. "regarding the interpretation of these facts: the commonly received idea is, that the beds were laid down in the sea during a period of submergence, and that the shells lived, not perhaps on the spot, but somewhere near, and that the terminal curvature of the slate was produced by the grounding of icebergs which also brought the boulders. but if this hypothesis were accepted, it would be necessary to invest the flotation of ice with a constancy of direction entirely at variance with observed facts, for the phenomena of terminal curvature is shown" with perfect persistence of direction wherever the boulder-clay rests upon the rock; and, further, there is the highly significant fact, that neither the sands and gravels nor the rock upon which they rest show any signs of disturbance or contortion, such as must have been produced if floating ice had been an operative agent. "the uplift of foreign rocks is equally significant; and when we take into account the great distances from which they have been borne and the frequency with which such an operation must have been repeated, the inadequacy becomes apparent of darwin's ingenious suggestion, that it might have been effected by a succession of uplifts by shore-ice during a period of slow subsidence; while the character and abundance of the molluscan remains invest with a species of irony the application of the term 'shell-bed' to the deposit. "i now turn to the alternative explanation (see _ante_, p. 145), viz., that the whole of the phenomena were produced by a mass of land-ice which was forced in upon moel tryfaen from the north or northwest, overpowering any welsh ice which obstructed its course. this view is in harmony with the observations regarding the 'terminal curvature' of the slates, the occurrence of sharp angular chips of slate in the boulder-clay, and the coincidence of direction of these indications of movement with the carry of foreign stones. the few shells and shell-crumbs in the sands and gravels would, upon this hypothesis, be the infinitesimal relics of huge shell-banks in the irish sea which were destroyed by the glacier and in part incorporated in its ground-moraine or involved in the ice itself. the sands and gravels would represent the wash which would take place wherever, by the occurrence of a 'nunatak' or by approach to the edge of the ice, water could have a free escape. "two principal objections have been urged to the land-ice explanation of the moel tryfaen deposits. an able critic asks, 'can, then, ice walk up-hill?' to this we answer, given a sufficient 'head' behind it, and ice can certainly achieve that feat, as every _roche moutonnée_ proves. if it be granted that ice on the small scale can move up-hill, there is no logical halting-place between the uplift of ten or twenty feet to surmount a _roche moutonnée_, and an equally gradual elevation to the height of moel tryfaen. furthermore, the inland ice of greenland is known to extrude its ground-moraine on the 'weather-side' of the nunataks, and the same action would account for the material uplifted on moel tryfaen. "the second objection brought forward was couched in somewhat these terms: 'if the lake district had its ice-sheet, surely wales had one also. could not snowdonia protect the heart of its own domain?' of course, wales had its ice-sheet, and the question so pointedly raised by the objector needs an answer; and though it is merely a question of how much force is requisite to overcome a certain resistance (both factors being unknown), still there are features in the case which render it specially interesting and at the same time comparatively easy of explanation. it seems rather like stating a paradox, yet the fact is, that it was the proximity of snowdon which, in my opinion, enabled the foreign ice to invade wales at that point. "a glance at the map will show that the 'radiant point' of the welsh ice was situated on or near arenig mawr, and that the great mass of snowdon stands quite on the periphery of the mountainous regions of north wales, so that it would oppose its bulk to fend off the native ice-sheet and prevent it from extending seaward in that direction. [illustration: fig. 46.--section across wales to show the relationship of native to foreign ice.] "as a consequence, the only welsh ice in position to obstruct the onward march of the invader would be such trifling valley-glaciers as could form on the western slopes of snowdon itself. "the peak of snowdon is 3,570 feet above sea-level, and arenig mawr, 2,817 feet high, is eighteen miles to the eastward, and a broad, deep valley with unobstructed access to cardigan bay intervenes; so, if any ice from the central mass made its way over the snowdonian range, it performed a much more surprising feat than that involved in the ascent of moel tryfaen from the westward. "the profile shows in diagrammatic form the probable relations of the foreign to the native ice at the time when the moel tryfaen deposits were laid down. "from what has been said regarding the great glaciers, it would seem that ice advanced upon the land from the seaward in several parts of the coast of england, wales, and the isle of man. now, it is in precisely those parts of the country, and those alone, that the remains of marine animals occur in the glacial deposits. if the dispersal of the shells found in the drift had been effected by the means i have suggested, it would follow, as an inevitable consequence, that wherever shells occur there should also be boulders which have been brought from beyond the sea. this i find to be the case, and in two instances the discovery of shells was preliminary to the extension of the boundaries of the known distribution of boulders of trans-marine origin. "the officers of the geological survey some years ago observed the occurrence of 'obscure fragments of marine shells' in a deposit at whalley, lancashire, in which they could find only local rocks. one case such as this would be fatal to the theory of the _remanié_ origin of the shells, but on visiting the section with mr. w. a. downham, i found, amongst the very few stones which occurred in the shell-bearing sand at the spot indicated, two well-marked examples of cumbrian volcanic rocks, and, at a little distance, large boulders of scottish granites. "the second case is more striking. the announcement was made that shells had been found on a hill called gloppa near oswestry, in shropshire, and, as it lay about five miles to the westward of mackintosh's boundary of the irish sea glacier, and therefore well within the area of exclusively welsh boulders, it furnished an excellent opportunity of putting the theory to the test. an examination of the boulders associated with the shells showed that the whole suite of galloway and cumbrian erratics such as belong to the irish sea glacier were present in great abundance. not only this, but in the midst of the series of shell-bearing gravels i observed a thin lenticular bed of greenish clay, which upon examination was found to be crowded with well-scratched specimens of welsh rocks; but neither a morsel of shell nor a single pebble of a foreign rock could be found, either by a careful examination in the field or by washing the clay at home, and examining with a lens the sand and stones separated out. "the fact that predictions such as these have been verified affords a very striking corroboration of the theory put forward; and, though shells cannot be found in every deposit in which they might, _ex hypothesi_, be found, yet the strict limitation of them to situations which conform to those assigned upon theoretical grounds cannot be ascribed to mere coincidence. if the land had ever been submerged during any part of the glacial epoch to a depth of 1,400 feet, it is inconceivable that clear and indisputable evidence should not be found in abundance in the sheltered valleys of the lake district and wales, which would have been deep, quiet fiords, in which vast colonies of marine creatures would have found harbour, as they do in the deep lochs of scotland to-day. "it has been urged, in explanation of this absence of marine remains in the great hill-centres, that the 'second glaciation' might have destroyed them; but to do this would require that the ice should make a clean and complete sweep of all the loose deposits both in the hollows of the valleys and on the hill-sides, and further that it should destroy all the shells and all the foreign stones which floated in during the submergence. at the same time we should have to suppose that the drift which lay in the paths of the great glaciers was not subjected to any interference whatever. but, assuming that these difficulties were explained, there would still remain the fact that the valleys which have never been glaciated--as, for example, those of derbyshire--show no signs whatever of any marine deposits, nor of marine action in any form whatever. "the sea leaves other traces also, besides shells, of its presence in districts that have really been submerged, yet there are no signs whatever to be found of them in all england, except the _post_-glacial raised beaches. furthermore, in all the area occupied by glacial deposits there are no true sea-beaches, no cliffs nor sea-worn caves, no barnacle-encrusted rocks, nor rocks bored by pholas or saxicava. are we to believe that these never existed; or that, having existed, they have been obliterated by subsequent denudations? to make good the former proposition, it would be necessary as a preliminary to show that the movement of subsidence and re-elevation was so rapid, and the interval between so brief, that no time was allowed for any marine erosion to take place. if this were so, it would be the most stupendous catastrophe of which we have any geological record; but we are not left in doubt regarding the duration of the submerged condition, for the occurrence of forty feet of gravel upon the summits of the hills indicates plainly that, if they were accumulated by the sea, the land must have stood at that level for a very long period, amply sufficient for the formation of a well-marked coast-line. "the alternative proposition, that post-glacial denudation had removed the traces of subsidence, is equally at variance with the evidence. post-glacial denudation has left kames and drumlins, and all the other forms of glacial deposits, in almost perfect integrity; the small kettle-holes are not yet filled up; and it is therefore quite out of the question that the far more enduring features, such as sea-cliffs, shore platforms, and beaches, should have been destroyed. "the only reasonable conclusion is, that these evidences of marine action never existed, because the land in glacial times was never depressed below its present level. if the level were different at all (as i think may have been the case on the western side of england), it was higher, and not lower. "the details of the submergence hypothesis have, so far as i am aware, never been dealt with by its advocates, otherwise i cannot but think that it would have been abandoned long since. it has been stated in general terms that the subsidence was greatest in the north and diminished to zero in the south, but no attempt was made to trace the evidence of extreme subsidence across country and along the principal hill-ranges--in fact, to see how it varied in every direction. "if we take a traverse of england, say from flamborough head upon the east to moel tryfaen on the west, and accept as evidence of submergence any true glacial deposits (except, as in the case of the interior of wales, the deposits are obviously the effects of purely local glaciers and contain, therefore, no shells), we shall find that the subsidence, if any, must have been not simply differential but sporadic. [illustration: fig. 47.--section of the cliff on the east side of south sea landing, flamborough head. scale, 120 feet to 1 inch; length of section 290 yards; average height, 125 feet. (see above map of moraine between speeton and flamborough.) explanation.--_4._ brownish boulder-clay, a band of pebbles; _4a_, in places about seven feet from top. _3._ washed gravel, with thin sand-seams, well-bedded, pebbles chiefly erratics. _2._ "basement" boulder-clay, with many included patches of sand, gravel, and silt; _2a_, at _b_, one of these _2b_ contain shells. _1b_. sand and silt, overlying and in places interbedded with _1_. _1._ rubble of angular and subangular chalk-blocks and gravel, with occasional erratic, passes partly into chalky boulder-clay, _1a_. _x_. white chalk, without flints, surface much shaken.] "at flamborough head shelly drift attains an altitude of 400 feet, but half a mile from the coast the country is practically driftless even at lower levels. the yorkshire wolds were not submerged. on the western flanks of the wolds drift comes in at about 100 to 150 feet, and persists, probably, under the post-glacial warp, from which it again protrudes on the western side of the valley of the ouse, and however the drift between there and the pennine water-shed may be interpreted, it shows not a sign of marine origin; but, even granting that it did, we find that it does not reach within a thousand feet of the water-shed. when the water-shed is crossed, however, abundant glacial deposits are met with which are not to be differentiated from others at slightly lower levels which contain shells. [illustration: fig. 48.--enlarged section of the shelly sand and surrounding clay at _b_ in preceding figure. scale, 4 feet to 1 inch. explanation.--_2._ "basement" boulder-clay. _2a_. pure compact blue and brown clay of aqueous origin, bedding contorted and nearly obliterated, but the mass is cut up by shearing planes. _2b_. irregular seam, and scattered streaks, of greenish-yellow sand with many marine shells. _2c_. patch of pale-yellow sand, different from _2b_, without trace of fossils.] "if we suppose that the line of our traverse crosses the pennine chain at heald moor, we shall find that on the eastern side no traces of drift occur above about 300 feet; while the very summit of the water-shed is occupied by boulder-clay, and thence downward the trace is practically continuous, and at about 1,000 feet and downward the drift contains marine shells. across the great plain of lancashire and cheshire the 'marine' drift is fully developed--though it may be remarked in parentheses that it contains a shallow-water fauna, albeit _ex hypothesi_ deposited, in part at least, in a depth of 200 fathoms of water--and to the welsh border at frondeg, where it again reaches a water-shed at an altitude of 1,450 feet; but at 100 yards to the westward of the summit all traces of subsidence disappear, and through the centre of wales no sign is visible; then we emerge on the western slopes at moel tryfaen, and they assume their fullest dimensions, though only to finish abruptly on the hill-top, and put in no appearance in the lower grounds which extend from there to the sea. "the conclusions pointed to by the evidence (and, as i have endeavoured to show, all the evidence which existed at the close of the glacial period is there still) are, that a subsidence of the yorkshire wolds took place on the east, but not in the centre or west; that the pennine chain was submerged on the western side to a depth of 1,400 feet, and on the east to not more than 300 feet, even on opposite sides of the same individual hill; that all the lowlands between, say, bacup and the welsh border, were submerged, and that the hills near frondeg partook of this movement, but only on their eastern sides; that the centre of wales was exempt, but that the summit of moel tryfaen forms an isolated spot submerged, while the surrounding country escaped. these absurdities might be indefinitely multiplied, and they must follow unless it be admitted that the phenomena are the results of glacial ice, and that ice can move 'up-hill.' "the south of england certainly has partaken of no movement of subsidence. a line drawn from bristol to london will leave all the true glacial deposits to the northward, except a bed of very questionable boulder-clay at watchet, and a peculiar deposit of clayey rubble which has been produced on the flanks of the cornish hills probably, as the late s. v. wood, jr, suggested, by the slipping of material over a permanently frozen subsoil. "for the remainder of the southern area the evidence is plain that there has been no considerable subsidence during glacial times. the presence over large areas of chalk country of the 'clay with flints'--a deposit produced by the gradual solution of the chalk and the accumulation in situ of its insoluble residue--is absolute demonstration that for immense periods of time the country has been exempt from any considerable aqueous action. the enormous accumulations of china clay upon the granite bosses of cornwall and devon tell the same tale. a few erratics have been found at low levels at various points on the southern coasts, usually not above the reach of the waves. these consist of rocks which may have been floated by shore-ice from the channel islands or the french coast. "this imperfect survey of the evidence against the supposed submergence has been rendered the more difficult by the fact that it is not considered necessary to produce the evidence of marine shells in all cases. indeed, it has been argued that post-tertiary beds covering thousands of square miles might be absolutely destitute of shells without prejudice to the theory of their formation in the sea. "but such a suggestion, one would think, could hardly come from anyone familiar with marine tertiary deposits, or even with the appearance of modern sea-beaches. admitting, however, for the purposes of argument, that the beaches along a great extent of coast might be devoid of shells, it cannot be argued that the deep waters were destitute of life; and hence the boulder-clays, if of marine origin, should contain a great abundance of shells and other remains, and, once entombed, it is beyond belief that they could all be removed from such a deposit in the short lapse of post-glacial time. "now, some of the boulder-clays--as, for example, those of lancashire and cheshire--are held to be of marine origin, and this is indeed a vital necessity to the submergence theory; for, if these are not marine deposits, neither are the other shelly deposits; but these boulder-clays are absolutely indistinguishable from those lying within the hill-centres, and, as it passes belief that such deposits could be of diverse origin and yet possess an identical structure and arrangement, then we should have a right to demand that these clays should have enclosed shells and should still contain them, but they do not. "i may here mention that i am informed by mr. w. shone, f. g. s.--and he was good enough to permit me to quote the statement--that the boulder-clay of cheshire and the shelly boulder-clay of caithness are 'as like as two peas.' the importance of this comparison lies in the fact that, since croll's classical description, all observers have agreed that it was the product of land-ice which moved in upon the land out of the dornoch firth. it was pointed out then, as since has been done for england, that it was only where the direction of ice-movement was from the seaward that any shells occur in the boulder-clay. "_the dispersion of erratics of shap granite._--so great a significance attaches to the peculiar distribution of this remarkable rock, that i may add a few details here which could not be conveniently introduced elsewhere. "this granite occupies an area which lies just to the northward of the water-shed between the basins of the lime and the eden, and its extreme elevation is 1,656 feet. boulders occur in large numbers as far to the northward as cross fells, while, as already described, they pass over stainmoor and are dispersed in great numbers along the route taken by the great stainmoor branch of the solway glacier. but a considerable number of the boulders also found their way to the southward, and a well-marked trail can be followed down into morecambe bay; and at hest bank, to the north of lancaster, the boulder-clay contains many examples, together with the 'mica-trap' of the kendal and sedbergh dykes and other local rocks, but no shells or erratics from other sources than the country draining into morecambe bay. to the southward the ice which bore these rocks was deflected by the great irish sea glacier, and, so far as present information enables me to state, the shap granite blocks mark the course of the medial moraine between these two ice-streams. it has been found near garstang, at longridge, and at whalley, this being the exact line of junction of the irish sea glacier with the ice from morecambe bay and the pennine chain. "it is a very remarkable and significant fact, that not a single authentic occurrence of the rock across the boundary indicated has yet been recorded." _northern europe._ on passing over the shallow german sea from england to the continent, the southern border of the scandinavian ice-field is found south of the zuyder zee, between utrecht and arnhem--the moraine hills in the vicinity of arnhem being quite marked, and a barren, sandy plain dotted with boulders and irregular moraine hills extending most of the way to the zuyder zee. from arnhem the southern boundary of the great ice-field runs "eastward across the rhine valley, along the base of the westphalian hills, around the projecting promontory of the hartz, and then southward through saxony to the roots of the erzgebirge. passing next southeastward along the flanks of the riesen and sudeten chain, it sweeps across poland into russia, circling round by kiev, and northward by nijni-novgorod towards the urals."[bv] thence the boundary passes northward to the arctic ocean, a little east of the white sea. [footnote bv: a. geikie's text-book of geology, p. 885.] the depth of this northern ice-sheet is proved to have been upwards of 1,400 feet where it met the hartz mountains, for it has deposited northern _débris_ upon them to that height; while, as already shown, it must have been over 2,000 feet in the main valley of switzerland. in norway it is estimated that the ice was between 6,000 and 7,000 feet thick. the amount of work done by the continental glaciers of europe in the erosion, transportation, and deposition of rock and earthy material is immense. according to helland, the average depth of the glacial deposits over north germany and northwestern russia is 150 german feet, i. e., about 135 english feet. as the deposition towards the margin of a glacier must be commensurate with its erosion near the centre of movement, this vast amount implies a still greater proportionate waste in the mountains of scandinavia, where the area diminishes with every contraction of the circle. two hundred and fifty feet is therefore not an extravagant calculation for the amount of glacial erosion in the scandinavian peninsula. it is not difficult to see how the scandinavian mountains were able to contribute so much soil to the plains of northern germany and northwestern russia. previous to the glacial period, a warm climate extended so far north as to permit the growth of semi-tropical vegetation in spitsbergen, greenland, and the northern shores of british america. such a climate, with its abundant moisture and vegetation, afforded most favourable conditions for the superficial disintegration of the rocks. when, therefore, the cold of the glacial period came on, the moving currents of ice would have a comparatively easy task in stripping the mantle of soil from the hills of norway and sweden, and transporting it towards the periphery of its movement. of course, erosion in scandinavia meant subglacial deposition beyond the baltic. doubtless, therefore, the plains of northern germany, with their great depth of soil, are true glacial deposits, whose inequalities of surface have since been much obliterated, through the general influences of the lapse of time, and by the ceaseless activity of man. an interesting series of moraines in the north of germany, bordering the baltic sea, was discovered in 1888 by professor salisbury, of the united states geological survey. its course lies through schleswig-holstein, mecklenburg, potsdam (about forty miles north of berlin), thence swinging more to the north, and following nearly the line between pomerania and west prussia, crossing the vistula about twenty miles south of dantzic, thence easterly to the spirding see, near the boundary of poland. among the places where this moraine can be best seen are--"1. in province holstein, the region about (especially north of) eutin; 2. province mecklenburg, north of crivitz, and between bütow and kröpelin; 3. province brandenburg, south of reckatel, between strassen and bärenbusch, south of fürstenberg and north of everswalde, and between pyritz and solden; 4. province posen, east of locknitz, and at numerous points to the south, and especially about falkenburg, and between lompelburg and bärwalde. this is one of the best localities. 5. province west preussen, east of bütow; 6. province ost preussen, between horn and widikin." comparing these with the moraines of america, professor salisbury remarks: "in its composition from several members, in its variety of development, in its topographic relations, in its topography, in its constitution, in its associated deposits, and in its wide separation from the outermost drift limit, this morainic belt corresponds to the extensive morainic belt of america, which extends from dakota to the atlantic ocean. that the one formation corresponds to the other does not admit of doubt. in all essential characteristics they are identical in character. what may be their relations in time remains to be determined." [illustration: fig. 49.--map showing the glaciated area of europe according to j. geikie, and the moraines in britain and germany according to lewis and salisbury.] the physical geography of europe is so different from that of america, that there was a marked difference in the secondary or incidental effects of the glacial period upon the two regions. in america the continental area over which the glaciers spread is comparatively simple in its outlines. east of the rocky mountains, as we have seen, the drainage of the glacial period was, for a time, nearly all concentrated in the mississippi basin, and the streams had a free course southward. but in europe there was no free drainage to the south, except over a small portion of the glaciated area in central russia, about the head-waters of the dnieper, the don, and the volga; though the danube and the rhône afforded free course for the waters of a portion of the great alpine glaciers. but all the great rivers of northern europe flow to the northward, and, with the exception of the seine, they all for a time encountered the front of the continental ice-sheet. this circumstance makes it difficult to distinguish closely between the direct glacial deposits in europe and those which are more or less modified by water-action. at first sight it would seem also somewhat hazardous to attempt to correlate with any portion of the glacial period the deposition of the gravelly and loamy deposits in valleys, which, like those of the seine and somme, lie entirely outside of the glaciated area. upon close examination, however, the elements of doubt more and more disappear. the glacial period was one of great precipitation, and it is natural to suppose that the area of excessive snow-fall extended considerably beyond the limit of the ice-front. during that period therefore, the rivers of central france must have been annually flooded to an extent far beyond anything which is known at the present time. since these rivers flowed to the northward, at a period when, during the long and severe winters, the annual accumulation of ice near their mouths was excessive, ice-gorges of immense extent, such as now form about the mouths of the siberian rivers, would regularly occur. we are not surprised, therefore, to find, even in these streams, abundant indications of the indirect influence of the great northern ice-sheet. the indications referred to consist of high-level gravel terraces occasionally containing boulders, of from four to five tons weight, which have been transported for a considerable distance. the elevation of the terraces above the present flood-plains of the seine and somme reaches from 100 to 150 feet. we are not to suppose, however, that even in glacial times the floods of the river seine could have filled its present valley to that height. the highest flood in this river known in historic times rose only to a height of twenty-nine feet. mr. prestwich estimates that, without taking into consideration the more rapid discharge, a flood of sixty times this magnitude would be required to fill the present valley to the level of the ancient gravels, while at amiens the shape of the valley of the somme is such that five hundred times the mean average of the stream would be required to reach the high-level gravels. the conclusion, therefore, is that the troughs of these streams have been largely formed by erosion since the deposition of the high-level gravels. connected with these terrace gravels in northern france is a loamy deposit, corresponding to the loess in other parts of europe, and to a similar deposit to which we have referred in describing the southwestern part of the glaciated area in north america. in northern france this fine silt overlies the high-level gravel deposits, and, as mr. prestwich has pretty clearly shown, was deposited contemporaneously with them during the early inundations and before the stream had eroded its channel to its present level. the distribution of loess in europe was doubtless connected with the peculiar glacial conditions of the continent. its typical development is in the valley of the rhine, where it is described by professor james geikie "as a yellow or pale greyish-brown, fine-grained, and more or less homogeneous, consistent, non-plastic loam, consisting of an intimate admixture of clay and carbonate of lime. it is frequently minutely perforated by long, vertical, root-like tubes which are lined with carbonate of lime--a structure which imparts to the loess a strong tendency to cleave or divide in vertical planes. thus it usually presents upright bluffs or cliffs upon the margins of streams and rivers which intersect it. very often it contains concretions or nodules of irregular form.... land-shells and the remains of land animals are the most common fossils of the loess, but occasionally fresh-water shells and the bones of fresh-water fish occur." "from the margins of the modern alluvial flats which form the bottoms of the valleys it rises to a height of 200 or 300 feet above the streams--sweeping up the slopes of the valleys, and imparting a rich productiveness to many districts which would otherwise be comparatively unfruitful. from the rhienthal itself it extends into all the tributary valleys--those of the neckar, the main, the lahn, the moselle, and the meuse, being more or less abundantly charged with it. it spreads, in short, like a great winding-sheet over the country--lying thickly in the valleys and dying off upon the higher slopes and plateaux. wide and deep accumulations appear likewise in the rhône valley, as also in several other river-valleys of france, as in those of the seine, the saône, and the garonne, and the same is the case with many of the valleys of middle germany, such as those of the fulda, the werra, the weser, and the upper reaches of the great basin of the elbe. it must not be supposed that the loess is restricted to valleys and depressions in the surface of the ground. "it is true that it attains in these its greatest thickness, but extensive accumulations may often be followed far into the intermediate hilly districts and over the neighbouring plateaux. thus the odenwald, the taunus, the vogelgebirge, and other upland tracts, are cloaked with loess up to a considerable height. crossing into the drainage system of the danube, we find that this large river and many of its tributaries flow through vast tracts of loess. lower bavaria is thickly coated with it, and it attains a great development in bohemia, upper and lower austria, and moravia--in the latter country rising to an elevation of 1,300 feet. it is equally abundant in hungary, galicia, bukowina, and transylvania. from the danubian flat lands and the low grounds of galicia it stretches into the valleys of the carpathians, up to heights of 800 and 2,000 feet. in some cases it goes even higher--namely, to 3,000 feet, according to zeuschner, and to 4,000 or 5,000 feet, according to korzistka. these last great elevations, it will be understood, are in the upper valleys of the northern carpathians. in roumania loess is likewise plentiful, but it has not been observed south of the balkans. east of the carpathians--that is to say, in the regions watered by the dniester, the dnieper, and the don--loess appears also to be wanting, and to be represented by those great steppe-deposits which are known as _tchernozen_, or black earth."[bw] [footnote bw: prehistoric europe, pp. 144-146.] the shells found in the loess indicate both a colder and a wetter climate during its deposition than that which now exists. the relics of land animals are infrequently found in the deposit, yet they do occur, but mostly in fragmentary condition--the principal animals represented being the mammoth, the rhinoceros, the reindeer, and the horse; which is about the same variety as is found in the gravel deposits of the glacial period, both in western europe and in america. a species of loess--differing, however, somewhat in color from that on the rhine--covers the plains of northeastern france up to an elevation of 700 feet above the the sea, where, as we have already said, it overlies the high-level gravels of the seine and the somme. above this height the superficial soil in france is evidently merely the decomposed upper surface of the native rock. the probable explanation of all these deposits, included under the term "loess," is the same as that already given by prestwich of the loamy deposits of northern france. but in case of rivers, which, like the rhine, encountered the ice-front in their northward flow, a flooded condition favouring the accumulation of loess was doubtless promoted by the continental ice-barrier. in the case of the danube and the rhône, however, where there was a free outlet away from the glaciated region, the loess in the upper part of the valleys must have accumulated in connection with glacial floods quite similar to those which we have described as spreading over the imperfectly formed water-courses of the mississippi basin during the close of the ice age. that the typical loess is of glacial origin is pretty certainly shown, both by its distribution in front of glaciers and by its evident mechanical origin when studied under the microscope. it is, in short, the fine sediment which gives the milky whiteness to glacial rivers. in central russia there is a considerable area in which the glacial conditions were, in one respect, similar to those in the northern part of the mississippi valley in the united states. in both regions the continental ice-sheet surmounted the river partings, and spread over the upper portion of an extensive plain whose drainage was to the south. the dnieper, the don, and the western branch of the volga, like the ohio and the mississippi, have their head-waters in the glaciated region. in some other respects, also, there is a resemblance between the plains bordering the glaciated region in central russia and those which in america border it in the mississippi valley. mr. james geikie is of the opinion that the extensive belt of black earth adjoining the glaciated area in russia, and constituting the most productive agricultural portion of the country, derives its fertility, as does much of the mississippi valley, from the blanket of glacial silt spread pretty evenly over it. thus it would appear that in europe, as in america, the ice of the glacial period was a most beneficent agent, preparing the face of the earth for the permanent occupation of man. on both continents the seat of empire is in the area once occupied by the advance of the great ice-movements of that desolate epoch. _asia._ east of the urals, in northern asia, there is no evidence of moving ice upon the land during the glacial period; but at yakutsk, in latitude 62° north, the soil is frozen at the present time to an unknown depth, and many of the siberian rivers, as they approach and empty into the arctic sea, flow between cliffs of perpetual ice or frozen ground. the changes that came over this region during the glacial period are impressively indicated by the animal remains which have been preserved in these motionless icy cliffs. in the early part of the period herds of mammoth and woolly rhinoceros roamed over the plains of siberia, and waged an unequal warfare with the slowly converging and destructive forces. the heads and tusks of these animals were so abundant in siberia that they long supplied all russia with ivory, besides contributing no small amount for export to other countries. "in 1872 and 1873 as many as 2,770 mammoth-tusks, weighing from 140 to 160 pounds each, were entered at the london clocks."[bx] so perfectly have the carcasses of these extinct animals been preserved in the frozen soil of northern siberia that when, after the lapse of thousands of years, floods have washed them out from the frozen cliffs, dogs and wolves and bears have fed upon their flesh with avidity. in some instances even "portions of the food of these animals were found in the cavities of the teeth. microscopic examination showed that they fed upon the leaves and shoots of the coniferous trees which then clothed the plains of siberia." a skeleton and parts of the skin, and some of the softer portions of the body of a mammoth, discovered in 1799 in the frozen cliff near the mouth of the lena, was carried to st. petersburg in 1806, from which it was ascertained that this huge animal was "covered with alight-coloured, curly, very thick-set hair one to two inches in length, interspersed with darker-colored hair and bristles from four to eighteen inches long."[by] [footnote bx: prestwich's geology, vol. ii, p. 460.] [footnote by: prestwich's geology, vol. ii, p. 460.] in the valleys of sikkim and eastern nepaul, in northern india, glaciers formerly extended 6,000 feet lower than now, or to about the 5,000-foot level, and in the western himalayas to a still lower level. the higher ranges of mountains in other portions of asia also show many signs of former glaciation. this is specially true of the caucasus, where the ancient glaciers were of vast extent. according, also, to sir joseph hooker, the cedars of lebanon flourish upon an ancient moraine. of the glacial phenomena in other portions of asia little is known. _africa._ northern and even central africa must likewise come in for their share of attention. the atlas mountains, rising to a height of 13,000 feet, though supporting none at the present time, formerly sustained glaciers of considerable size. moraines are found in several places as low as the 4,000-foot level, and one at an altitude of 4,000 feet is from 800 to 900 feet high, and completely crosses and dams up the ravine down which the glacier formerly came. some have supposed that there are indubitable evidences of former glaciation in the mountain-ranges of southwestern africa between latitude 30° and 33°, but the evidence is not as unequivocal as we could wish, and we will not pause upon it. the mountains of _australia_, also, some of which rise to a height of more than 7,000 feet, are supposed to have been once covered with glacial ice down to the level of 5,800 feet, but the evidence is at present too scanty to build upon. but in _new zealand_ the glaciers now clustering about the peaks in the middle of the south island, culminating in mount cook, are but diminutive representatives of their predecessors. this is indicated by extensive moraines in the lower part of the valleys and by the existence of numerous lakes, attributable, like so many in europe and north america, to the irregular deposition of morainic material by the ancient ice-sheet.[bz] [footnote bz: see with axe and rope in the new zealand alps, by g. e. mannering, 1891.] chapter vii. drainage systems and the glacial period. we will begin the consideration of this part of our subject, also, with the presentation of the salient facts in north america, since that field is simpler than any field in the old world. the natural drainage basins of north america east of the rocky mountains are readily described. the mississippi river and its branches drain nearly all the region lying between the appalachian chain and the rocky mountains and south of the dominion of canada and of the great lakes. all the southern tributaries to the great lakes are insignificant, the river partings on the south being reached in a very short distance. the drainage of the rather limited basin of the great lakes is northeastward through the st. lawrence river, leaving nearly all of the dominion of canada east of the rocky mountains to pour its surplus waters northward into hudson bay and the arctic ocean. with the exception of the st. lawrence river, these are essentially permanent systems of drainage. to understand the extent to which the ice of the glacial period modified these systems, we must first get before our minds a picture of the country before the accumulation of ice began. _preglacial erosion._ reference has already been made to the elevated condition of the northern and central parts of north america at the beginning of the glacial period. the direct proof of this preglacial elevation is largely derived from the fiords and great lake basins of the continent. the word "fiord" is descriptive of the deep and narrow inlets of the sea specially characteristic of the coasts of norway, denmark. iceland, and british columbia. usually also fiords are connected with valleys extending still farther inland, and occupied by streams. fiords are probably due in great part to river erosion when the shores stood at considerably higher level than now. slowly, during the course of ages, the streams wore out for themselves immense gorges, and were assisted, perhaps, to some extent by the glaciers which naturally came into existence during the higher continental elevation. the present condition of fiords, occupied as they usually are by great depths of sea-water, would be accounted for by recent subsidence of the land. in short, fiords seem essentially to be submerged river gorges, partially silted up near their mouths, or perhaps partially closed by terminal moraines. it is not alone in northwestern europe and british columbia that fiords are found, but they characterize as well the eastern coast of america north of maine, while even farther south, both on the atlantic and on the pacific coast, some extensive examples exist, whose course has been revealed only to the sounding-line of the government survey. the most remarkable of the submerged fiords in the middle atlantic region of the united states is the continuation of the trough of hudson river beyond new york bay. as long ago as 1844 the work of the united states coast survey showed that there was a submarine continuation of this valley, extending through the comparatively shallow waters eighty miles or more seaward from sandy hook. [illustration: fig. 50.--map showing old channel and mouth of the hudson (dewberry).] the more accurate surveys conducted from 1880 to 1884 have brought to our knowledge the facts about this submarine valley almost as clearly as those relating to the inland portion of it above new york city. according to mr. a. lindenkohl,[ca] this submarine valley began to be noticeable in the soundings ten miles southeast of sandy hook. the depth of the water where the channel begins is nineteen fathoms (114 feet). ten miles out the channel has sunk ninety feet below the general depth of the water on the bank, and continues at this depth for twenty miles farther. this narrow channel continues with more or less variation for a distance of seventy-five miles, where it suddenly enlarges to a width of three miles and to a depth of 200 fathoms, or 1,200 feet, and extends for a distance of twenty-five miles, reaching near that point a depth of 474 fathoms, or 2,844 feet. according to mr. lindenkohl, this ravine maintains for half its length "a vertical depth of more than 2,000 feet, measuring from the top of its banks, and the banks have a nearly uniform slope of about 14°." the mouth of the ravine opens out into the deep basin of the central atlantic. [footnote ca: bulletin of the geological society of america, vol. i, p. 564; american journal of science, june, 1891.] with little question there is brought to light in these remarkable investigations a channel eroded by the extension of the hudson river, into the bordering shelf of the atlantic basin at a time when the elevation of the continent was much greater than now. this is shown to have occurred in late tertiary or post-tertiary times by the fact that the strata through which it is worn are the continuation of the tertiary deposits of new jersey. the subsidence to its present level has probably been gradual, and, according to professor cook, is still continuing at the rate of two feet a century. similar submarine channels are found extending out from the present shore-line to the margin of the narrow shelf bordering the deep water of the central atlantic running from the mouth of the st. lawrence river, through st. lawrence bay, and through delaware and chesapeake bays.[cb] all these submerged fiords on the atlantic coast were probably formed during a continental elevation which commenced late in the tertiary period, and reached the amount of from 2,000 to 3,000 feet in the northern part of the continent. [footnote cb: see lindenkohl in american journal of science, for june, 1891.] [illustration: fig. 51.--new york harbor in preglacial times looking south, from south end of new york island (newberry).] to this period must probably be referred also the formation of the gorge, or more properly fiord, of the saguenay, which joins the st. lawrence below quebec. the great depth of this fiord is certainly surprising, since, according to sir william dawson, its bottom, for fifty miles above the st. lawrence, is 840 feet below the sea-level, while the bordering cliffs are in some places 1,500 feet above the water. the average width is something over a mile. it seems impossible to account for such a deep gorge extending so far below the sea-level, except upon the supposition of a long-continued continental elevation, which should allow the stream to form a cañon to an extent somewhat comparable with that of the cañons of the colorado and other rivers in the far west. then, upon the subsidence of the continent to the present level, it would remain partially or wholly submerged, as we find it at the present time. during the glacial period it was so filled with ice as to prevent silting up. the rivers entering the pacific ocean, both in the united states and in british columbia, are also lost in submerged channels extending out to the deeper waters of the pacific basin in a manner closely similar to the atlantic streams which have been mentioned. during this continental elevation which preceded, accompanied, and perhaps brought on the glacial period, erosion must have proceeded with great intensity along all the lines of drainage, and throughout the whole region which is now covered, and to a considerable extent smoothed over, by glacial deposits, and the whole country must have presented a very different appearance from what it does now. a pretty definite idea of its preglacial condition can probably be formed by studying the appearance of the regions outside of and adjoining that which was covered by the continental glacier. the contrast between the glaciated and the unglaciated region is striking in several respects aside from the presence and absence of transported rocks and other _débris_, but in nothing is it greater than in the extent of river erosion which is apparent upon the surface. for example, upon the western flanks of the alleghanies the regions south of the glacial limit is everywhere deeply channeled by streams. indeed, so long have they evidently been permitted to work in their present channels that, wherever there have been waterfalls, they have receded to the very head-waters, and no cataracts exist in them at the present time. nor are there in the unglaciated region any lakes of importance, such as characterize the glaciated region. if there have been lakes, the lapse of time has been sufficient for their outlets to lower their beds sufficiently to drain the basins dry. on entering the glaciated area all this is changed. the ice-movement has everywhere done much to wear down the hills and fill the valleys, and, where there was _débris_ enough at command, it has obliterated the narrow gorges originally occupied by the preglacial streams. thus it has completely changed the minor lines of superficial drainage, and in many instances has produced most extensive and radical changes in the whole drainage system of the region. in the glaciated area, channels buried beneath glaciated _débris_ are of frequent occurrence, while many of the streams which occupy their preglacial channels are flowing at a very much higher level than formerly, the lower part of the channel having been silted up by the superabundant _débris_ accessible since the glacial movement began. _buried outlets and channels._ it is easy to see how the great number of shallow lakes which frequent the glaciated region were formed by the irregular deposition of glacial _débris_, but it is somewhat more difficult to trace out the connection between the glacial period and the great lakes of north america, several of which are of such depth that their bottoms are some hundreds of feet below the sea-level, lake erie furnishing the only exception. this lake is so shallow that it is easy to see how its basin may have been principally formed by river erosion, while it is evident that such must have been the mode of its formation, since it is surrounded by sedimentary strata lying nearly in a horizontal position. [illustration: fig. 52.--section across the valley of the cuyahoga river, twenty miles above its mouth (claypole).] that lake erie is really nothing but a "glacial mill-pond" is proved also by much direct evidence, especially that derived from the depth of the buried channels of the streams flowing into it from the south. of these, the cuyahoga river, which enters the lake at cleveland, has been most fully investigated. in searching for oil, some years ago, borings were made at many places for twenty-five miles above the mouth of the river. as a result, it appeared that for the whole distance the rocky bottom of the gorge was about two hundred feet below the present bottom of the river, while the river itself is two or three hundred feet below the general level of the country, occupying a trough about half a mile in width, with steep, rocky sides. these facts indicate that at one time the river must have found opportunity to discharge its contents at a level two hundred feet below that of the present lake, while an examination of the material filling up the bottom of the gorge to its present level shows it to be glacial _débris_, thus proving that the silting up was accomplished during the glacial period. as the water of lake erie is for the most part less than one hundred feet in depth, and is nowhere much more than two hundred feet deep, it is clear that the preglacial outlet which drained it down to the level of the rocky bottom of the cuyahoga river must have destroyed the lake altogether. hence ave may be certain that, before the glacial period, the area now covered by the lake was simply a broad, shallow valley through which there coursed a single river of great magnitude, with tributary branches occupying deep gorges. professor j. w. spencer has shown with great probability that the old line of drainage from lake erie passed through the lower part of the valley of grand river, in canada, and entered lake ontario at its western extremity, and that during the great ice age this became so completely obstructed with glacial _débris_ as to form an impenetrable dam, and to cause the pent-up water to flow through the niagara valley, which chanced to furnish the lowest opening. in speaking of the present area of lake erie, however, as being then occupied by a river valley, we do not mean to imply that it was not afterwards greatly modified by glacial erosion; for undoubtedly this was the case, whatever views we may have as to the relative efficiency of ice and water in scooping out lake basins. in the case of lake erie, we need suppose no change of level to account for the erosion of its basin, but only that, since the strata in which it is situated were deposited, time enough had elapsed for a great river to cut a gorge extending from the western end of lake ontario through to the present bed of lake erie, and that here a great enlargement of the valley was occasioned by the existence of deep beds of soft shale which could easily be worn away by a ramifying system of tributary streams. rivers acting at present relative levels would be amply sufficient to produce the results which are here manifest. but in the case of lakes ontario, huron, michigan, and superior, whose depths descend considerably below the sea-level, we must suppose that they were, in the main, eroded when the continent was so much elevated that their bottoms were brought above tide-level. the depth of lake ontario implies the existence of an outlet more than four hundred feet lower than at present, which, of course, could exist only when the general elevation was more than four hundred feet greater than now. the existence of an outlet at that depth seems to be proved also by the fact that at syracuse, where numerous wells have been sunk to obtain brine for the manufacture of salt, deposits of sand, gravel, and rolled stones, four hundred and fifty feet thick, are penetrated without reaching rock. since this lies in the basin of lake ontario, it follows that if the basin itself has been produced by river erosion, the land must have been of sufficient height to permit an outlet through a valley, or cañon, of the required depth, and this outlet must now be buried beneath the abundant glacial _débris_ that covers the region. professor newberry, who has studied the vicinity carefully, is of the opinion that there is ample opportunity for such a line of drainage to have extended through the mohawk valley to the hudson river. but, at little falls, a spur of the adirondack mountains projects into the valley, and the archæan rocks over which the river runs are so prominent and continuous that some have thought it impossible for the requisite channel to have ever existed there. extensive deposits of glacial _débris_, however, are found in the vicinity, especially in places some distance to the north, and in professor newberry's opinion the existence of a buried channel around the obstruction upon the north side is by no means improbable. the preglacial drainage of lake huron has not been determined with any great degree of probability. professor spencer formerly supposed that it passed from the southern end of the lake through london, in the western part of ontario, and reached the erie basin near port stanley, and so augmented the volume of the ancient river which eroded the buried cañon from lake erie to lake ontario. but he now supposes, though the evidence is by no means demonstrative, that the waters of lake huron passed into lake ontario by means of a channel extending from georgian bay to the vicinity of toronto. with a fair degree of probability, the basin of lake superior is supposed by professor newberry to have been joined to that of lake michigan by some passage, now buried, considerably to the west of the strait of mackinac, and thence to have had an outlet southward from the vicinity of chicago directly into the mississippi river. of this there is considerable evidence furnished by deeply buried channels which have been penetrated by borings in various places in kankakee, livingston, and mclean counties, illinois; but the whole area extending from lake michigan to the mississippi is so deeply covered with glacial _débris_ that the surface of the country gives no satisfactory indication of the exact lines of preglacial drainage. some of the most remarkable instances of ancient river channels buried by the glacial deposits have been brought to light in southwestern ohio, where there has been great activity in boring for gas and oil. at st. paris, champaign county, for example, in a locality where the surface of the rock near by was known to be not far below the general level, a boring was begun and continued to a depth of more than five hundred feet without reaching rock, or passing out of glacial _débris_. many years ago professor newberry collected sufficient facts to show that pretty generally the ancient bed of the ohio river was as much as 150 feet below that over which it now flows. during a continental elevation the erosion had proceeded to that extent, and then the channel had been silted up during the glacial period with the abundant material carried down by the streams from the glaciated area. one of the evidences of the preglacial depth of the channel of the ohio was brought to light at cincinnati, where "gravel and sand have been found to extend to a depth of over one hundred feet below low-water mark, and the bottom of the trough has not been reached." in the valley of mill creek, also, "in the suburbs of cincinnati, gravel and sand were penetrated to the depth of 120 feet below the stream before reaching rock." but from the general appearance of the channel, professor j. f. james was led to surmise that a rock bottom extended all the way across the present channel of the ohio, between price hill and ludlow, ky., a short distance below cincinnati, which would preclude the possibility of a preglacial outlet at the depth disclosed in that direction. mr. charles j. bates (who was inspector of the masonry for the cincinnati southern railroad while building the bridge across the ohio at this point) informs me that mr. james's surmise is certainly correct, and that his "in all probability" may be displaced by "certainly," since the bedded rocks supposed by professor james to extend across the river a few feet below its present bottom were found by the engineers to be in actual existence. in looking for an outlet for the waters of the upper ohio which should permit them to flow off at the low level reached in the channel at cincinnati, professor james was led to inspect the valley extending up mill creek to the north towards hamilton, where it joins the great miami. the importance of mill creek valley is readily seen in the fact that the canal and the railroads have been able to avoid heavy grades by following it from cincinnati to hamilton. as a glance at a map will show, it is also practically but a continuation of the northerly course pursued by the ohio for twenty miles before reaching cincinnati. this, therefore, was a natural place in which to look beneath the extensive glacial _débris_ for the buried channel of the ancient ohio, and here in all probability it has been found. the borings which have been made in milk creek valley north of cincinnati, show that the bedded rock lies certainly thirty-four feet below the low-water mark of the ohio just below cincinnati, while at hamilton, twenty-five miles north of cincinnati, where the valley of the great miami is reached, the bedded rock of the valley lies as much as ninety feet below present low-water mark in the ohio. other indications of the greater depth of the preglacial gorge of the ohio are abundant. "at the junction of the anderson with the ohio, in indiana, a well was sunk ninety-four feet below the level of the ohio before rock was found." at louisville, ky., the occurrence of falls in the ohio seemed at first to discredit the theory in question, but professor newberry was able to show that the falls at louisville are produced by the water's being now compelled to flow over a rocky point projecting from the north side into the old valley, while to the south there is ample opportunity for an old channel to have passed around this point underneath the city on the south side. the lowlands upon which the city stands are made lands, where glacial _débris_ has filled up the old channel of the ohio. above cincinnati the tributaries of the ohio exhibit the same phenomena. at new philadelphia, tuscarawas county, the borings for salt-wells show that the tuscarawas is running 175 feet above its ancient bed. the beaver, at the junction of the mahoning and shenango, is flowing 150 feet above the bottom of its old trough, as is demonstrated by a large number of oil-wells bored in the vicinity. oil creek is shown by the same proofs to run from 75 to 100 feet above its old channel, and that channel had sometimes vertical and even overhanging walls.[cc] [footnote cc: geological survey of ohio, vol. ii, pp. 13, 14.] the course of preglacial drainage in the upper basin of the alleghany river is worthy of more particular mention. mr. carll, of the pennsylvania geological survey, has adduced plausible reasons for believing that previous to the glacial period the drainage of the valley of the upper alleghany north of the neighbourhood of tidioute, in warren county, instead of passing southward as now, was collected into one great stream flowing northward through the region of cassadaga lake to enter the lake erie basin at dunkirk, n. y. the evidence is that between tidioute and warren the present alleghany is shallow, and flows over a rocky basin; but from warren northward along the valley of the conewango, the bottom of the old trough lies at a considerably lower level, and slopes to the north. borings show that in thirteen miles the slope of the preglacial floor of conewango creek to the north is 136 feet. the actual height above tide of the old valley floor at fentonville, where the conewango crosses the new york line, is only 964 feet; while that of the ancient rocky floor of the alleghany at great bend, a few miles south of warren, was 1,170 feet. again, going nearer the head-waters of the alleghany, in the neighbourhood of salamanca, it is found that the ancient floor of the alleghany is, at carrollton, 70 feet lower than the ancient bed of the present stream at great bend, about sixty miles to the south; while at cole's spring, in the neighbourhood of steamburg, cattaraugus county, n. y., there has been an accumulation of 315 feet of drift in a preglacial valley whose rocky floor is 155 feet below the ancient rocky floor at great bend. unless there has been a great change in levels, there must, therefore, have been some other outlet than the present for the waters collecting in the drainage basin to the north of great bend.[cd] [footnote cd: for a criticism of mr. carll's views, see an article on pleistocene fluvial planes of western pennsylvania, by mr. frank leverett, in american journal of science, vol. xlii, pp. 200-212.] while there are numerous superficial indications of buried channels running towards lake erie in this region, direct exploration has not been made to confirm these theoretical conclusions. in the opinion of mr. carll, chautauqua lake did not flow directly to the north, but, passing through a channel nearly coincident with that now occupied by it, joined the northerly flowing stream a few miles northeast from jamestown.[ce] it is probable, however, that chautauqua did not then exist as a lake, since the length of preglacial time would have permitted its outlet to wear a continuous channel of great depth corresponding to that known to have existed in the conewango and upper alleghany. [footnote ce: second geological survey of pennsylvania, vol. iii.] the foregoing are but a few of the innumerable instances where the local lines of drainage have been disturbed, and even permanently changed, by the glacial deposits. almost every lake in the glaciated region is a witness to this disturbance of the established lines of drainage by glacial action, while in numerous places where lakes do not now exist they have been so recently drained that their shore-lines are readily discernible. an interesting instance of the recent disappearance of one of these glacial lakes is that of runaway pond, in northern vermont. in the early part of the century the lamoille river had its source in a small lake in craftsbury, orleans county. the sources of the missisquoi river were upon the same level just to the north, and the owner of a mill privilege upon this latter stream, desiring to increase his power by obtaining access to the water of the lake, began digging a ditch to turn it into the missisquoi, but no sooner had he loosened the thin rim of compact material which formed the bottom and the sides of the inclosure, than the water began to rush out through the underlying and adjacent quicksands. this almost instantly enlarged the channel, and drained the whole body of water oft 3 in an incredibly short time. as a consequence, the torrent went rushing down through the narrow valley, sweeping everything before it; and nothing but the unsettled condition of the country prevented a disaster like that which occurred in 1889 at johnstown, pa. doubtless there are many other lakes held in position by equally slender natural embankments. artificial reservoirs are by no means the only sources of such danger. the buried channel of the old mississippi river in the vicinity of minneapolis is another instructive example of the instability of many of the present lines of drainage. the gorge of the mississippi river extending from fort snelling to the falls of st. anthony at minneapolis is of post-glacial origin. one evidence of this is its narrowness when contrasted with the breadth of the valley below fort snelling. below this point the main trough of the mississippi has a width of from two to eight miles, and the faces of the bluffs on either side show the marks of extreme age. the tributary streams also have had time to wear gorges proportionate to that of the main stream, and the agencies which oxidise and discolor the rocks have had time to produce their full effects. but from fort snelling up to minneapolis, a distance of about seven miles, the gorge is scarcely a quarter of a mile in width, and the faces of the high, steep bluffs on either side are remarkably fresh looking by comparison with those below; while the tributary gorges, of which that of the minnehaha river is a fair specimen, are very limited in their extent. upon looking for the cause of this condition of things we observe that the broad trough of the mississippi river, which had characterised it all the way below fort snelling, continues westward, without interruption, up the valley of the present minnesota river, and, what seems at first most singular, it does not cease at the sources of the minnesota, but, through lake traverse and big stone lake, is continuous with the trough of the red river of the north. [illustration: fig. 53.--map of mississippi river from fort snelling to minneapolis and the vicinity, showing the extent of the recession of the falls of st. anthony since the great ice age. notice the greater breadth of the valley of the minnesota river as described in the text (winchell).] deferring, however, for a little the explanation of this, we will go back to finish the history of the preglacial channel around the falls of st. anthony. as early as the year 1876 professor n. h. winchell had collected sufficient evidence from wells, one of which had been sunk to a depth of one hundred and seventy-five feet, to show that the preglacial course of the stream corresponding to the present mississippi river ran to the west of minneapolis and of the falls of minnehaha, and joined the main valley some distance above fort snelling, as shown in the accompanying map. this condition of things was at one time very painfully brought to the notice of the citizens of minneapolis. a large part of the wealth of the city at that time consisted of the commercial value of the water-power furnished by the falls of st. anthony. to facilitate the discharge of the waste water from their wheels, some mill-owners dug a tunnel through the soft sandstone underlying the limestone strata over which the river falls; but it very soon became apparent that the erosion was proceeding with such rapidity that in a few years the recession of the falls would be carried back to the preglacial channel, when the river would soon scour out the channel and destroy their present source of wealth. the citizens rallied to protect their property, and spent altogether as much as half a million dollars in filling up the holes that had been thoughtlessly made; but so serious was the task that they were finally compelled to appeal for aid to the united states government. permanent protection was provided by running a tunnel, some ways back from the falls, completely across the channel, through the soft sandstone underlying the limestone, and filling this up with cement hard enough and compact enough to prevent the further percolation of the water from above. _ice-dams._ the foregoing changes in lines of drainage due to the glacial period were produced by deposits of earthy material in preglacial channels. another class of temporary but equally interesting changes were produced by the ice itself acting directly as a barrier. many such lakes on a small scale are still in existence in various parts of the world. the merjelen see in switzerland is a well-known instance. this is a small body of water held back by the great aletsch glacier, in a little valley leading to that of the fiesch glacier, behind the eggischorn. at irregular intervals the ice-barrier gives way, and allows the water to rush out in a torrent and flood the valley below. afterwards the ice closes up again, and the water reaccumulates in preparation for another flood. other instances in the alps are found in the mattmark see, which fills the portion of the saas valley between monte rosa and the rhône. this body of water is held in place by the allalin glacier, which here crosses the main valley. the lac du combal is held back by the glacier de miage at the southern base of mont blanc. "a more famous case is that of the gietroz glacier in the valley of bagnes, south of martigny. in 1818 this lake had grown to be a mile long, and was 700 feet wide and 200 feet deep. an attempt was made to drain it by cutting through the ice, and about half the water was slowly drawn off in this way; but then the barrier broke, and the rest of the lake was emptied in half an hour, causing a dreadful flood in the valley below. in the tyrol, the vernagt glacier has many times caused disastrous floods by its inability to hold up the lake formed behind it. in the northwestern himalaya, the upper branches of the indus are sometimes held back in this way. a noted flood occurred in 1835; it advanced twenty-five miles in an hour, and was felt three hundred miles down-stream, destroying all the villages on the lower plain, and strewing the fields with stones, sand, and mud."[cf] [footnote cf: professor william m. davis in. proceedings of the boston society of natural history, vol. xxi, pp. 350, 351.] in greenland such temporary obstructions are frequent, forming lakes of considerable size. instances occur, in connection with the jakobshavn and the frederickshaab glaciers, and in the north isortok and alangordlia fiords. frequently, also, bodies of water of considerable size are found in depressions of the ice itself, even at high levels. i have myself seen them covering more than an acre, and as much as a thousand feet above the sea-level, upon the surface of the muir glacier, alaska. they are reported by mr. i. c. russell[cg] of larger size and at still higher elevations upon the glaciers radiating from mount st. elias; while the explorers of greenland mention them of impressive size upon the surface of its continental ice-sheet. [footnote cg: see national geographic magazine, vol. iii, pp. 116-120.] with these facts in mind we can the more readily enter into the description which will now be given of some temporary lakes of vast size which were formed by direct ice-obstructions during portions of the period. one of the most interesting of these is illustrated upon the accompanying map, which will need little description. [illustration: fig. 54.--map showing the effect of the glacial dam at cincinnati (claypole). (from transactions of the edinburgh geological society.)] while tracing the boundary-line of the glaciated area in the mississippi valley during the summer of 1882, i discovered the existence of unmistakable glacial deposits in boone county, kentucky, across the ohio river, from cincinnati.[ch]; these deposits were upon the height of land 550 feet above the ohio river, or nearly 1,000 feet above the sea, which is about the height of the water-shed between the licking and kentucky rivers. as the ohio river occupies a trough of erosion some hundreds of feet in depth, and extending all the way from this point to the mountains of western pennsylvania, it would follow that the ice which conveyed boulders across the ohio river at cincinnati, and deposited them upon the highlands between the licking and kentucky rivers, would so obstruct the channel of the ohio as to pond the water back, and hold it up to the level of the lowest pass into the ohio river farther down. direct evidences of obstruction by glacial ice appear also for a distance of fifty or sixty miles, extending both ways, from cincinnati. [footnote ch: the existence of portions of this evidence had previously been pointed out by mr. robert b. warder and dr. george sutton (see geological reports of indiana, 1872 and 1878).] the consequences connected with this state of things are of the most interesting character. the bottom of the ohio river at cincinnati is 432 feet above the sea-level. a dam of 550 feet would raise the water in its rear to a height of 982 feet above tide. this would produce a long, narrow lake, of the width of the eroded trough of the ohio, submerging the site of pittsburg to a depth of 281 feet, and creating slack water up the monongahela nearly to grafton, west virginia, and up the alleghany as far as oil city. all the tributaries of the ohio would likewise be filled to this level. the length of this slack-water lake in the main valley, to its termination up either the alleghany or the monongahela, was not far from one thousand miles. the conditions were also peculiar in this, that all the northern tributaries rose within the southern margin of the ice-front, which lay at varying distances to the north. down these there must have poured during the summer months immense torrents of water to strand boulder-laden icebergs on the summits of such high hills as were lower than the level of the dam. naturally enough, this hypothesis of a glacial dam at cincinnati aroused considerable discussion, and led to some differences of opinion. professors i. c. white and j. p. lesley, whose field work has made them perfectly familiar with the upper ohio and its tributaries, at once supported the theory, with a great number of facts concerning certain high-level terraces along the alleghany and monongahela rivers; while additional facts of the same character have been brought to light by myself and others. in general, it may be said that in numerous places terraces occur at a height so closely corresponding to that of the supposed dam at cincinnati, that they certainly strongly suggest direct dependence upon it. the upward limit of these terraces in the monongahela river is 1,065 feet, and they are found in various places in situations which indicate that they were formed in still water of such long standing as would require an obstruction below of considerable permanence. one of the most decisive cases adduced by professor white occurs near morgantown, in west virginia, of which he gives the following description: "owing to the considerable elevation--275 feet--of the fifth terrace above the present river-bed in the vicinity of morgantown, its deposits are frequently found far inland from the monongahela, on tributary streams. a very extensive deposit of this kind occurs on a tributary one mile and a half northeast of morgantown; and the region, which includes three or four square miles, is significantly known as the 'flats.' the elevation of the 'flats' is 275 feet above the river, or 1,065 feet above tide. the deposits on this area consist almost entirely of clays and fine, sandy material, there being very few boulders intermingled. the depth of the deposit is unknown, since a well sunk on the land of mr. baker passed through alternate beds of clay, fine sand, and muddy trash, to a depth of sixty-five feet without reaching bed-rock. in some portions of the clays which make up this deposit, the leaves of our common forest-trees are found most beautifully preserved. "at clarksburg, where the river unites with elk creek, there is a wide stretch of terrace deposits, and the upper limit is there about 1,050 feet above tide, or only 130 feet above low-water (920 feet); while at weston, forty miles above (by the river), these deposits cease at seventy feet above low water, which is there 985 feet above tide. it will thus be observed that the upper limit of the deposits retains a practical horizontality from morgantown to weston, a distance of one hundred miles, since the upper limit has the same elevation above tide (1,045 to 1,065 feet) at every locality. "these deposits consist of rounded boulders of sandstone, with a large amount of clay, quicksand, and other detrital matter. the country rock in this region consists of the soft shales and limestones of the upper coal-measures, and hence there are many 'low gaps' from the head of one little stream to that of another, especially along the immediate region of the river; and in every case the summits of these divides, where they do not exceed an elevation of 1,050 feet above tide, are covered with transported or terrace material; but where the summits go more than a few feet above that level we find no transported material upon them, but simply the decomposed country rock." other noteworthy terraces naturally attributable to the cincinnati ice-dam are to be found in the valley of the kanawha, in west virginia, and one of special significance on the pass between the valleys of the ohio and monongahela, west of clarksburg, west virginia. according to professor white, there is at this latter place "a broad, level summit, having an elevation of 1,100 feet, in a gap about 300 feet below the enclosing hills. this gap, or valley, is covered by a deposit of fine clay. the cut through it is about thirty feet, and one can observe the succession of clays of all kinds and of different colours, from yellow on the surface down to the finest white potter's clay at the level of the railway, where the cut reaches bed-rock, thus proving that the region has been submerged."[ci] [footnote ci: bulletin of the geological society of america, vol. i, p. 478.] another crucial case i have myself described at bellevue, in the angle of the ohio and alleghany rivers, about five miles below pittsburg, where the gravel terrace is nearly 300 feet above the river, making it about 1,000 feet above the sea. a significant circumstance connected with this terrace is that not only does its height correspond with that of the supposed obstruction at cincinnati, but it contains many pebbles of canadian origin, which could not have got into the valley of the alleghany before the glacial period, and could only have reached their present position by being brought down the alleghany river upon floating ice, or by the ordinary movement of gravel along the margin of a river. thus this terrace, while corresponding closely with the elevation of those on the monongahela river, is directly connected with the glacial period, and furnishes a twofold argument for our theory. a still stronger case occurs at beech flats, at the head of ohio brush creek, in the northwest corner of pike county, ohio, where, at an elevation of about 950 feet above the sea, there is an extensive flat-topped terrace just in front of the terminal moraine. this terrace consists of fine loam, such as is derived from the glacial streams, but which must have been deposited in still water. the occurrence of still water at that elevation just in front of the continental ice-sheet is best accounted for by the supposed dam at cincinnati. indeed, it is extremely difficult to account for it in any other way. there are, however, two other methods of attempting to account for the class of facts above cited in support of the ice-dam theory, of which the most plausible is, that in connection with the glacial period there was a subsidence of the whole region to an extent of 1,100 feet. the principal objection heretofore alleged against this supposition is that there are not corresponding signs of still-water action at the same level on the other side of the alleghany mountains. this will certainly be fatal to the subsidence theory, if it proves true. but it is possible that sufficient search for such marks has not yet been made on the eastern side of the mountains. the other theory to account for the facts is, that the terraces adduced in proof of the cincinnati ice-dam were left by the streams in the slow process of lowering their beds from their former high levels. this is the view advocated by president t. c. chamberlin. but the freshness of the leaves and fragments of wood, such as were noted by professor white at morgantown, and the great extent of fine silt occasionally resting upon the summits of the water-sheds, as described above, near clarksburg, bear strongly against it. furthermore, to account for the terrace described at bellevue, which contains canadian pebbles, president chamberlin is compelled to connect the deposit with his hypothetical first glacial epoch, and to assume that all the erosion of the alleghany and monongahela rivers, and indeed of the whole trough of the ohio river, took place in the interval between the "first" and the "second" glacial periods (for he would connect the glacial deposits upon the south side of the river at cincinnati with the first glacial epoch)--all of which, it would seem, is an unnecessary demand upon the forces of nature, when the facts are so easily accounted for by the simple supposition of the dam at cincinnati.[cj] [footnote cj: see matter discussed more at length in the lee age, pp. 326-350, 480-500; bulletin of the united states geological survey, no. 58, pp. 76-100; popular science monthly, vol. xlv, pp. 184-199. _per contra_, mr. frank leverett, in american geologist, vol. x, pp. 18-24.] [illustration: fig. 55.--map showing the condition of things when the ice-front had withdrawn about on hundred and twenty miles, and while it still filled the valley of the mohawk. the outlet was then through the wabash. niagara was not yet born (claypole). (transactions of the edinburgh geological society.)] we have already described[ck] the various temporary lakes and lines of drainage caused by the direct obstruction of the northward outlets to the basin of the great lakes. in connection with the map, it will be unnecessary to do anything more here than add a list of such temporary southern outlets from the erie-ontario basin.[cl] the first is at fort wayne, indiana, through a valley connecting the maumee river basin with that of the wabash. the channel here is well defined, and the high-level gravel terraces down the wabash river are a marked characteristic of the valley. the elevation of this col above the sea is 740 feet. similar temporary lines of drainage existed from the st. mary's river to the great miami, at an elevation of 942 feet; from the sandusky river to the scioto, through the tymochtee gap, at an elevation of 912 feet; from black river to the killbuck (a tributary of the muskingum) through the harrisville gap, at 911 feet; from the cuyahoga into the tuscarawas valley, through the akron gap, at 971 feet; from grand river into the mahoning, through the orwell gap, 938 feet; from cattaraugus creek, n. y., into the alleghany valley through the dayton gap, about 1,300 feet; between conneaut creek and shenango river, at summit station, 1,141 feet; from the genesee river, n. y., into the head-waters of the canisteo, a branch of the susquehanna, at portageville, 1,314 feet; from seneca lake to chemung river, at horseheads, 879 feet; from cayuga lake to the valley of cayuga creek, at spencer, n. y., 1,000 feet; from utica, n. y., into the chenango valley at hamilton, about 900 feet. [footnote ck: see pp. 92 seq., 199 _seq._] [footnote cl: see also accompanying map.] [illustration: fig. 56.--map illustrating a stage in the recession of the ice in ohio. for a section of the deposit in the bed of this lakelet, see page 200. the gravel deposits formed at this stage along the outlet into the tuscarawas river are very clearly marked (claypole). (transactions of the edinburgh geological society.)] perhaps it would have been best to give this list in the reverse order, which would be more nearly chronological, since it is clear that the highest outlets are the oldest. we should then have to mention, after the fort wayne outlet, two others at lower levels which are pretty certainly marked by distinct beach ridges upon the south side of lake erie. the first was opened when the ice had melted back from the south peninsula of michigan to the water-shed across from the shiawassee and grand rivers, uncovering a pass which is now 729 feet above the sea. this continued to be the outlet of lake erie-ontario until the ice had further retreated beyond the strait of mackinac, when the water would fall to the level of the old outlet from lake michigan into the illinois river, which is a little less than 600 feet, where it would remain until the final opening of the mohawk river in new york attracted the water in that direction, and lowered the level to that of the pass from lake ontario to the mohawk at rome.[cm] [footnote cm: mr. warren upham, in the bulletin of the geological society of america, vol. ii, p. 259.] a study of these lines of temporary drainage during the glacial period sheds much light upon the long lines of gravel ridges running parallel with the shores of lake erie and lake ontario. south of lake erie a series of four ridges of different elevations can be traced. in lorain county, ohio, the highest of these is 220 feet above the lake; the next 160 feet; the next 118 feet; and the lower one 100 feet, which would make them respectively 795, 755, 715, and 700 feet above tide. these gravel ridges are evidently old beach lines, and indicate the different levels up to which the water was held by ice-obstructions across the various outlets of the drainage valley. the material in the ridges is water-worn and well assorted, and in coarseness ranges from fine sand up to pebbles several inches in diameter. the predominant material in them is of local origin. where the rocks over which they run are sandstone, the material is chiefly sand, and where the outcropping rock is shale, the ridges consist chiefly of the harder nodules of that formation which have successfully resisted the attrition of the waves. ordinarily these ridges are steepest upon the side facing the lake. according to mr. upham, who has driven over them with me, the lake erie ridges correspond, both in general appearance and in all other important respects, to those which he has so carefully surveyed around the shores of the ancient lake agassiz in minnesota and manitoba, an account of which will be given a little farther on in this chapter. [illustration: fig. 57.--section of the lake ridges near sandusky, ohio.] we are not permitted, however, to assume that there have been no changes of level since the deposition of these beaches surrounding the ancient glacial lake erie-ontario. on the contrary, there appears to have been a considerable elevation towards the east and northeast in post-glacial times. the highest ridge south of lake erie, which at fort wayne is about 780 feet high, is now about 795 feet in lorain county. the second of the ridges above-mentioned, which is about 740 feet above tide at cleveland, ohio, rises to 870 feet where the last traces of it have been discovered at hamburg, n. y. the third ridge, which is 673 feet at cleveland, has risen to the height of 860 feet at crittenden, about one hundred miles to the east of buffalo, n. y. a similar eastern increase of elevation is discoverable in the main ridge surrounding lake ontario. what professor spencer calls the iroquois beach, which is 363 feet above tide at hamilton, ontario, has risen to a height of 484 feet near syracuse, n. y.; while farther to the northeast, in the vicinity of watertown, it is upwards of 800 feet above tide. there is also a similar northward increase of elevation in the beaches surrounding the higher lands of ontario eastward of lake huron and georgian bay. all this indicates that at the close of the glacial period there was a subsidence of several hundred feet in the area of greatest ice-accumulation lying to the east and north of the great lake region. the formation of these ridges occurred during that period of subsidence. the re-elevation which followed the disappearance of the ice of course carried with it these ridges, and brought them to their present position.[cn] [footnote cn: see spencer, in bulletin of the geological society of america, vol. ii, pp. 465-476.] in returning to consider more particularly the remarkable gorge joining the minnesota with the red river of the north, we are brought to the largest of the glacial lakes of this class, and to the typical place in america in which to study the temporary changes of drainage produced by the ice itself daring the periods both of its advance and of its retreat. [illustration: fig. 58.--map showing the stages of recession of the ice in minnesota as described in the text (upham).] by turning to our general map of the glaciated region of the united states,[co] one can readily see the relation of the valley between lake traverse and big stone lake to an area marked as the bed of what is called lake agassiz. during the glacial period brown's valley, the depression joining these two lakes, was the outlet of an immense body of water to the north, whose natural drainage was towards hudson bay or the arctic ocean, but which was cut off, by the advancing ice, from access to the ocean-level in that direction, and was compelled to seek an exit to the south. [footnote co: see page 66.] thus for a long period the present minnesota river valley was occupied by a stream of enormous dimensions, and this accounts for the great size of the trough--the present minnesota being but an insignificant stream winding about in this deserted channel of the old "father of waters," and having as much room as a child of tender age would have in his parent's cast-off garments. this glacial stream has been fittingly named river warren, after general warren, who first suggested and proved its existence, and so we have designated it on the accompanying map of minnesota. lake traverse is fifteen miles long, and the water is nowhere more than twenty feet deep. big stone lake is twenty-six miles long, and of about the same depth. brown's valley, which connects the two, is five miles long, and the lakes are so nearly on a level that during floods the water from lake traverse sometimes overflows and runs to the south as well as to the north. [illustration: fig. 59.--glacial terrace near the boundary of the glaciated area, on raccoon creek, a tributary of the licking river, in granville, licking county, ohio. height about fifty feet.] the trough occupied by these lakes and valley is from one mile to one mile and a half in width and about 120 feet in depth. if we had been permitted to stand upon the bluffs overlooking it during the latter part of the glacial period, we should have seen the whole drainage of the north passing by our feet on its way to the gulf of mexico. as lie follows down the valley of the minnesota river, the observant traveller, even now, cannot fail to see in the numerous well-preserved gravel terraces the high-water marks of that stream when flooded with the joint product of the annual precipitation over the vast area to the north, and of the still more enormous quantities set free by the melting of the western part of the great laurentide glacier. numerous other deserted water-ways in the northwestern part of the valley of the mississippi have been brought to light in the more recent geological surveys, both in the united states and in canada. during a considerable portion of the glacial period the saskatchewan, the assiniboine, the pembina, and the cheyenne rivers, whose present drainage is into the red river of the north, were all turned to the south, and their temporary channels can be distinctly traced by deserted water-courses marked by lines of gravel deposits.[cp] [footnote cp: for further particulars, see ice age, pp. 293 _et seq._] in dakota, professor j. e. todd has discovered large deserted channels on the southwestern border of the glaciated region near the missouri river, where evidently streams must have flowed for a long distance in ice-channels when the ice still continued to occupy the valley of the james river. from these channels of ice in which the water was held up to the level of the missouri coteau the water debouched directly into channels with sides and bottom of earthy material, which still show every mark of their former occupation by great streams.[cq] [footnote cq: for particulars, see ice age, p. 292.] in minnesota, also, there is abundant evidence that while the northeastern part of the valley from mankato to st. paul was occupied by ice, the drainage was temporarily turned directly southward across the country through union slough and blue earth river into the head-waters of the des moines river in iowa. _ancient river terraces._ the interest of the whole inquiry respecting the relation of man to the glacial period in america concentrates upon these temporary lines of southern drainage. wherever they existed, the swollen floods of the glacial period have left their permanent marks in the deposition of extensive gravel terraces. the material thus distributed is derived largely from the glacial deposits through which they run and out of which they emerge. while the height of the terraces depended upon various conditions which must be studied in detail, in general it may be said that it corresponds pretty closely with the extent of the area whose drainage was turned through the channel during the prevalence of the ice. the height of the terraces and the coarseness of the material seem also to have been somewhat dependent upon the proximity of their valleys to the areas of most vigorous ice-action, and this, in turn, seems to lie in the rear of the moraines which president chamberlin has attributed to the second glacial epoch. southward from this belt of moraines the terraces uniformly and gradually diminish both in height and in the coarseness of their gravel, until they finally disappear in the present flood-plain of the mississippi river. [illustration: fig. 60.--ideal section across a river-bed in drift region: _b b b_, old river-bed; _r_, the present river; _t t_, upper or older terraces; _t' t'_, lower terraces.] an interesting illustration of this principle is to be observed in the continuous valley of the alleghany and ohio rivers. the trough of this valley was reached by the continental glacier at only a few points, the ice barely touching it at salamanca, n. y., franklin, pa., and cincinnati, ohio. but throughout its whole length the ice-front was approximately parallel to the valley, and occupied the head-waters of nearly all its tributaries. now, wherever tributaries which could be fed by glacial floods, enter the trough of the main stream, they brought down an excessive amount of gravel, and greatly increased the size of the terrace in the trough itself, and from the mouth of each such tributary to that of the next one below there is a gradual decrease in the height of the terrace and in the coarseness of the material. this law is illustrated with special clearness in pennsylvania between franklin and beaver. franklin is upon the alleghany river, at the last point where it was reached directly by the ice. below this point no tributary reaches it from the glaciated region, and none such reaches the ohio after its junction with the alleghany until we come to the mouth of beaver creek, about twenty-five miles below pittsburg. but at this point the ohio is joined by a line of drainage which emerges from the glaciated area only ten or twelve miles to the north, and whose branches occupy an exceptionally large glaciated area. accordingly, there is at beaver a remarkable increase in the size of the glacial terrace on the ohio. in the angle down-stream between the beaver and the ohio there is an enormous accumulation of granitic pebbles, many of them almost large enough to be called boulders, forming the delta terrace, upon which the city is built and rising to a height of 135 feet above the low-water mark in the ohio. in striking confirmation of our theory, also, the terrace in the ohio valley upon the upper side of beaver creek is composed of fine material, largely derived from local rocks and containing but few granitic pebbles. from the mouth of beaver creek, down the ohio, the terrace is constant (sometimes upon one side of the river and sometimes upon the other), but, according to rule, the material of which it is composed gradually grows finer, and the elevation of the terrace decreases. according to rule, also, there is a notable increase in the height of the terrace below each affluent which enters the river from the glaciated region. this is specially noticeable below marietta, at the mouth of the muskingum, whose head-waters drain an extensive portion of the glaciated area. from the mouth of the little beaver to this point the tributaries of the ohio are all small, and none of them rise within the glacial limit. hence they could contribute nothing of the granitic material which enters so largely into the formation of the river terrace; but below the mouth of the muskingum the terrace suddenly ascends to a height of nearly one hundred feet above low-water mark. again, at the mouth of the scioto at portsmouth, there is a marked increase in the size of the terrace, which is readily accounted for by the floods which came down the scioto valley from the glaciated region. the next marked increase is at cincinnati, just below the mouth of the little miami, whose whole course lay in the glaciated region, and whose margin is lined by very pronounced terraces. at cincinnati the upper terrace upon which the city is built is 120 feet above the flood-plain. twenty-five miles farther down the river, near lawrenceburg, these glacial terraces are even more extensive, the valley being there between three and four miles wide, and being nearly filled with gravel deposits to a height of 112 feet above the flood-plain. below this point the terraces gradually diminish in height, and the material becomes finer and more water-worn, until it merges at last in the flood-plain of the mississippi. the course of the wabash river is too long to permit it to add materially to the size of the terraces which characterise the broader valley of the ohio below the illinois line. it is in terraces such as these just described that we find the imbedded relics of man which definitely connect him with the great ice age. these have now been found in the glacial terraces of the delaware river at trenton, n. j.; in similar terraces in the valley of the tuscarawas river at new comerstown, and in the valley of the little miami at loveland and madisonville, in ohio; on the east fork of white river, at medora, ind.; and still, again, at little falls, in the trough of the mississippi, some distance above minneapolis, minn. i append a list of the points at which various streams from the atlantic ocean to the mississippi river emerge from the glacial boundary, and below which the terraces are specially prominent. of course, with the retreat of the ice, the formation of the terraces continued northward in the glaciated area to a greater or less distance, according to the extent of the valley or to the length of time during which the drainage was temporarily turned into it. these points of emergence are: in the delaware valley, at belvidere, n. j.; in the susquehanna, at beach haven, pa.; in the conewango, at ackley, warren county; in oil creek, above titusville: in french creek, a little above franklin; in beaver creek, at chewtown, lawrence county; on the middle fork of little beaver, near new lisbon, ohio; on the east branch of sandy creek, at east rochester, columbiana county; on the nimishillin, at canton, stark county; on the tuscarawas, at bolivar; on sugar creek, at beech city; on the killbuck, at millersburg, holmes county; on the mohican, near the northeast corner of knox county; on the licking river, at newark; on jonathan creek, perry county; on the hocking, at lancaster; on the scioto, at hopetown, just above chillicothe; on paint creek, and its various tributaries, between chillicothe and bainbridge; and on the wabash, above new harmony, ind.; to which may be added the ohio river itself, at its junction with the miami, near lawrenceburg. another class of terraces having most interesting connection with the glacial period is found in the arid basins west of the rocky mountains. over wide areas in utah and nevada the evaporation now just balances the precipitation, and all the streams disappear in shallow bodies of salt water of moderate dimensions, of which great salt lake in utah, and mono, pyramid, and north carson lakes in nevada, are the most familiar examples. these occupy the lowest sinks of enclosed basins of great depth. but there is abundant evidence that in consequence of the increased precipitation and diminished evaporation of the glacial period one of these basins was filled to the brim and the other to a depth of several hundred feet. these former enlargements have been named after the first explorers of the region, captains lahontan and bonneville, and are shown on the accompanying sketch map by the shading surrounding the existing lakes. lake lahontan has been carefully studied by mr. i. c. russell, and has been found to extend from the boundary of oregon to latitude 38° 30' south, a distance of two hundred and sixty miles. the central pacific railroad runs through its dried-up bed from golconda to wadsworth, a distance of one hundred and sixty-five miles. the terraces of the former lake are distinctly traceable at a height of 700 feet above the present level of lake mono. lake bonneville, whose present representative is great salt lake, is the subject of a recent monograph by mr. g. k. gilbert, from which it appears that this ancient body of water occupied 19,750 square miles--an area about ten times that of the present lake. at the time of its maximum extension its depth was 1,000 feet, while great salt lake ranges only from fifteen to fifty feet in depth. the pass through which the discharge finally took place is at red rock, on the utah and northern railroad, at the head of cache valley on the south and the lower part of marsh creek valley on the north. during the long period preceding and accompanying the gradual rise of water in the utah basin to the level of the highest terrace, marsh creek (the upper portion of which comes from the mountains on the east and turns at right angles) had been at work depositing a delta of loose material in the col which separates the two valleys. this deposit rested upon a stratum of limestone at the bottom of the pass, and covered it with sand, clay, and gravel to a depth of 375 feet. thus, when the water was approaching its upper level, the only barrier to prevent its escape was this unstable accumulation of loose material upon top of the rock. it would have required, therefore, no prophet's eye to predict that the way was preparing for a tremendous _débâcle_. [illustration: fig. 61.--map of the quaternary lakes. bonneville and lahontan (after gilbert and russell).] the critical point at length was reached. after remaining nearly at the elevation of the pass for a considerable period, during which the 1,000-foot shore-line was formed, the crisis came when the water began to flow northward towards snake river. once begun in such loose material, the channel rapidly enlarged until soon a stream equal to niagara, and at times probably much larger, was pouring northward through the valley heretofore occupied by the insignificant rivulets of marsh creek and the port neuf. it is impossible to tell how rapidly the loose barrier wore away, but there is abundant evidence in the valley below that not only the present channel of the lower part of marsh creek, but the whole bottom of the valley for a mile or more in width, was for a considerable time covered by a rapid stream from ten to twenty feet in depth, and descending at the rate of thirteen feet to the mile. the continuance of this flood was dependent upon the amount of water to be discharged, which, as we have seen, was that contained in an area of 20,000 square miles, with a depth of 375 feet. a stream of the size of niagara would occupy about twenty-five years in the discharge of such a mass, and this may fairly be taken as a measure of the time through which it lasted. when the loose material lying above the strata of limestone in red rock pass had been washed away, the lake then continued at that level for an indefinite period, with an overflow regulated by the annual precipitation of the drainage basin. this stage of the lake, during which it occupied 13,000 square miles and was 625 feet above its present level, is also marked by an extensive and persistent shore-line all around the basin. but, finally, the balance again turned when the evaporation exceeded the precipitation, and the vast body of water has since dwindled to its present insignificant dimensions. my own interest in this discovery of mr. gilbert is enhanced by the explanation it gives of a phenomenon in the snake river valley which i was unable to solve when on the ground in 1890. the present railroad town of pocatello is situated just where this flood emerged from the narrower valley of marsh creek and the port neuf, and spread itself out upon the broad plain of the snake river basin. the southern edge of the plain upon which the city is built is a vast boulder-bed covered with a thin stratum of sand and gravel. everywhere, in sinking wells and digging ditches on the vacant lots and in the streets of the city, water-worn boulders of a great variety of material and sometimes three or four feet in diameter are encountered. i was debarred from regarding this as a terminal moraine, both by the water-worn character of the boulders and by the absence of any sign of ice-action in the surrounding mountains, and i was equally debarred from attributing it to any ordinary stream of water, both by the size of the boulders and the fact that for a mile or more up the port neuf valley there is an intervale, forty or fifty feet below the surface at pocatello, and occupying the whole width of the valley, in which there is only gravel and fine sand, through which the present port neuf pursues a meandering course. the upper end of this short intervale is bounded by the terminus of a basaltic stream which had flowed down the valley and filled it to a considerable depth, but had subsequently been much eroded by violent water-action. in the light of mr. gilbert's discoveries, however, everything is clear. the tremendous _débâcle_ which he has brought within the range of scientific vision would naturally produce just the condition of things which is so puzzling at pocatello. coming down through the restricted channel with sufficient force to roll along boulders of great size and to clear them all out from the upper portion of the valley, the torrent would naturally deposit them where the current was first checked, a mile below the lava cliffs. the plunge of the water over these cliffs would keep a short space below clear from boulders, and the more moderate stream of subsequent times would fill in the depression with the sand and gravel now occupying it. what other effects of this remarkable outburst may be traced farther down in the snake river valley i cannot say, but it will be surprising if they do not come to light and help to solve some of the many geological problems yet awaiting us in this interesting region. it should have been said that during the formation of the 625-foot, or so-called provo shore-line, glaciers descended from the cañons on the west flank of the wahsatch mountains, and left terminal moraines to mark the coincidence of the glacial period with that stage of the enlargement of the lake. evidences of a similar coincidence are to be found on the high-level terraces surrounding lake mono, to which glaciers formerly descended from the western flanks of the sierra nevada. the ancient shore-lines surrounding lakes bonneville and lahontan bear evidence also of various other episodes in the glacial period. evidently there were two periods of marked increase in the size of the lakes, with an arid period intervening. during the first rise the level of bonneville attained to within ninety feet of the second, and numerous beaches were formed, and a large amount of yellow clay deposited. then it seems to have been wholly evaporated, while its soluble mineral matter was precipitated, and so mingled with silt that it did not readily redissolve during the second great rise of water. partly on this account, and partly through the influence of the outlet into the snake river, the lake was nearly fresh during its second enlargement. _european facts._ in chapter vi it came in place to mention many of the facts connected with the influence of the glacial period upon the drainage systems of europe. we there discussed briefly the probable influence of the ice-obstructions that extended across the mouths of the dwina, the vistula, the oder, the elbe, the weser, and the rhine. the drainage of the obstructed rivers in russia was perhaps turned southward into the caspian and black seas, and then assisted in forming the fertile soil of the plains in the southern part of that empire. the obstructed drainage of the german rivers was probably turned westward in front of the ice through the straits of dover or across the southern part of england. this was during the climax of the glacial period; but later, according to dawkins, during a period in which the land of the british isles stood about 600 feet above its present level, the streams of the eastern coast--namely, "the thames, medway, humber, tyne, and others, joined the rhine, the weser, and the elbe, to form a river flowing through the valley of the ocean. in like manner, the rivers of the south of england and of the north of france formed a great river flowing past the channel islands due west into the atlantic, and the severn united with the rivers of the south of ireland; while those to the east of ireland joined the dee, mersey ribble, and lune, as well as those of western scotland, ultimately reaching the atlantic to the west of the hebrides. the water-shed between the valleys of the british channel and the north sea is represented by a ridge passing due south from folkestone to dieppe, and that between the drainage area and the severn and its tributaries on the one hand, and of the irish channel on the other, by a ridge from holyhead westward to dublin. "this tract of low, undulating land which surrounded britain and ireland on every side consisted not merely of rich hill, valley, and plain, but also of marsh-land studded with lakes, like the meres of norfolk, now indicated by the deeper soundings. these lakes were very numerous to the south of the isle of wight and off the coast of norfolk and suffolk."[cr] [footnote cr: early man in britain, p. 151.] the evidence first regarded by scientific men to be demonstrative of the formation of extensive lakes during the glacial period by the direct influence of ice-dams exists in the parallel roads of glen roy in scotland. [illustration: fig. 62.--parallel roads of glen roy.] according to the description of sir charles lyell, "glen roy is situated in the western highlands, about ten miles north of fort william, near the western end of the great glen of scotland, or caledonian canal, and near the foot of the highest of the grampians, ben nevis. throughout nearly its whole length, a distance of more than ten miles, three parallel roads or shelves are traced along the steep sides of the mountains, each maintaining a perfect horizontality, and continuing at exactly the same level on the opposite sides of the glen. seen at a distance they appear like ledges, or roads, cut artificially out of the sides of the hills; but when we are upon them, we can scarcely recognize their existence, so uneven is their surface and so covered with boulders. they are from ten to sixty feet broad, and merely differ from the side of the mountain by being somewhat less steep. "on closer inspection, we find that these terraces are stratified in the ordinary manner of alluvial or littoral deposits, as may be seen at those points where ravines have been excavated by torrents. the parallel shelves, therefore, have not been caused by denudation, but by the deposition of detritus, precisely similar to that which is dispersed in smaller quantities over the declivities of the hills above. these hills consist of clay-slate, mica-schist, and granite, which rocks have been worn away and laid bare at a few points immediately above the parallel roads. the lowest of these roads is about 850 feet above the level of the sea, and the next about 212 feet higher, and the third 82 feet above the second. there is a fourth shelf, which occurs only in a contiguous valley called glen gluoy, which is twelve feet above the highest of all the glen roy roads, and consequently about 1,156 feet above the level of the sea. one only, the lowest of the three roads of glen roy, is continued through glen spean, a large valley with which glen roy unites. as the shelves, having no slope towards the sea like ordinary river terraces, are always at the same absolute height, they become continually more elevated above the river in proportion as we descend each valley; and they at length terminate very abruptly, without any obvious cause, or any change either in the shape of the ground or in the composition or hardness of the rocks."[cs] [footnote cs: antiquity of man, pp. 252, 253.] early in his career charles darwin studied these ancient beaches, and ascribed them to the action of the sea during a period of continental subsidence. in this view he was supported by the majority of geologists until the region was visited by agassiz, who saw at once the true explanation. if these were really sea-beaches, similar deposits should be found at the same elevation on other mountains than those surrounding glen roy. their absence elsewhere points, therefore, to some local cause, which was readily suggested to the trained eye of one like agassiz, then fresh from the study of alpine glaciers, who saw that these beaches were formed upon the margin of temporary lakes, held back during the glacial period (as the merjelen see now is) by a glacier which came out of one glen and projected itself directly across the course of another, and thus obstructed its drainage. the glacier of glen spean had pushed itself across glen roy, as the great aletsch glacier in switzerland now pushes itself across the little valley behind the eggishorn. chapter viii. relics of man in the glacial period. _in glacial terraces of the united states._ although the first clear evidence of glacial man was discovered in europe, the problem is so much simpler on the western continent that we shall find it profitable to study the american facts first. we will therefore present a summary of them at once, and then proceed to the more obscure problems of european archæology. the first definite discovery of human relics clearly connected with, glacial deposits in america, and of the same age with them, was made by dr. c. c. abbott, at trenton, n. j., in the year 1875. the city of trenton is built upon a delta terrace about three miles wide which occurs at the head of tide-water on the delaware river. this terrace bears every mark of having been deposited by a torrential stream which came down the valley during the closing period of the great ice age. the material of which the terrace consists is all water-worn. according to the description of professor n. s. shaler: [illustration: fig. 63.--the glaciated portion is shaded. the shading on the lehigh and delaware rivers indicates glacial terraces, which are absent from the schuylkill.] "the general structure of the mass is neither that of ordinary boulder-clay nor of stratified gravels, such as are formed by the complete rearrangement by water of the elements of simple drift-deposits. it is made up of boulders, pebbles, and sand, varying in size from masses containing one hundred cubic feet or more to the finest sand of the ordinary sea-beaches. there is little trace of true clay in the deposit; there is rarely enough to give the least trace of cementation to the masses. the various elements are rather confusedly arranged; the large boulders not being grouped on any particular level, and their major axes not always distinctly coinciding with the horizon. all the pebbles and boulders, so far as observed, are smooth and water-worn, a careful search having failed to show evidence of distinct glacial scratching or polishing on their surfaces. the type of pebble is the subovate or discoidal, and though many depart from this form, yet nearly all observed by me had been worn so as to show that their shape had been determined by running water. the materials comprising the deposit are very varied, but all i observed could apparently with reason be supposed to have come from the extensive valley of the river near which they lie, except perhaps the fragments of some rather rare hypogene rocks." [illustration: fig. 64.--palæolith found by abbott in new jersey, slightly reduced.] a conclusive proof of the relation of this trenton delta terrace to the glacial period is found in the fact that the gravel deposit is continuous with terraces extending up the trough of the valley of the delaware to the glaciated area and beyond. as, however, the descent of the river-bed is rapid (about four feet to the mile) from the glacial border down to tide-water, the terrace is not remarkably high, being only about fifteen or twenty feet above the present flood-plain. but it is continuous, and similar in composition with the great enlargement in the delta at trenton. without doubt, therefore, the deposit represents the overwash gravel of the glacial period. fortunately for science, dr. c. c. abbott, whose tastes for archæological investigations were early developed, had his residence upon the border of this glacial delta terrace at trenton, and as early as 1875 began to find rough-stone implements of a peculiar type in the talus of the bank where the river was undermining the terrace. in turning his attention to the numerous fresh exposures of gravel made by railroad and other excavations during the following year, he found several of the implements in undisturbed strata, some of which were sixteen feet below the surface. since that time he has continued to make discoveries at various intervals. in 1888 he had found four hundred implements of the palæolithic type at trenton, sixty of which had been taken from recorded depths in the gravel, two hundred and fifty from the talus at the bluff facing the river, and the remainder from the surface, or derived from collectors who did not record the positions or circumstances under which they were found. [illustration: fig. 65.--section across the delaware river at trenton. new jersey: _a_, _a_, philadelphia red gravel and brick-clay (mcgee's columbia deposit); _b_. _b_, trenton gravel, in which the implements are found: _c_, present flood-plain of the delaware river (after lewis). (from abbott's primitive industry.)] the material from which the implements at trenton are made is argillite--that is, a clay slate which has been so metamorphosed as to be susceptible of fracture, almost like flint. it is, however, by no means capable of being worked into such delicate forms as flint is. but as it is the only material in the vicinity capable of being chipped, prehistoric men of that vicinity were compelled to make a virtue of necessity and use the inferior material. of all the implements found by dr. abbott in the gravel, only one was flint; while upon the surface innumerable arrow-heads of flint have been found. the transition, also, in the type of implements is as sudden as that in the kind of material of which they are made. below the superficial deposit of black soil, extending down to the depth of about one foot, the modern indian flint implements entirely disappear, and implements of palæolithic type only are found. [illustration: fig. 66.--section of the trenton gravel in which the implements described in the text are found. the shelf on which the man stands is made in process of excavation. the gravel is the same above and below (photograph by abbott).] [illustration: fig. 67.--face view of argillite implement, found by dr. c. c. abbott, in 1876, at trenton, new jersey, in gravel, three feet from face of bluff, and twenty-two feet from the surface (no. 10,985) (putnam).] in the year 1882, after i had traced the glacial boundary westward from the delaware river, across the states of pennsylvania, ohio, and indiana, i was struck with the similarity between the terrace at trenton and numerous terraces which i had attributed to the glacial age in ohio and the other states. it adds much to the interest of subsequent discoveries to note that in 1884, in my report to the western reserve historical society upon the glacial boundary of ohio, i wrote as follows: [illustration: fig. 68.--argillite implement found by dr. c. c abbott, march, 1879, at a. k. rowan's farm, trenton, new jersey, in gravel sixteen feet from surface: a, face view; b, side view (no. 11,286) (putnam).] "the gravel in which they [dr. abbott's implements] are found is glacial gravel deposited upon the banks of the delaware when, during the last stages of the glacial period, the river was swollen with vast floods of water from the melting ice. man was on this continent at that period when the climate and ice of greenland extended to the mouth of new york harbor. the probability is, that if he was in new jersey at that time, he was also upon the banks of the ohio, and the extensive terrace and gravel deposits in the southern part of our state should be closely scanned by archæologists. when observers become familiar with the rude form of these palæolithic implements, they will doubtless find them in abundance. but whether we find them or not in this state [ohio], if you admit, as i am compelled to do, the genuineness of those found by dr. abbott, our investigation into the glacial phenomena of ohio must have an important archæological significance, for they bear upon the question of the chronology of the glacial period, and so upon that of man's appearance in new jersey." [illustration: fig. 69.--chipped pebble of black chert, found by dr. c. l. metz. october, 1885, at madisonville, ohio, in gravel eight feet from surface under clay: _a_, face view; _b_, side view.] the expectation of finding evidence of preglacial man in ohio was justified soon after this (in 1885), when dr. c l. metz, while co-co-operating with professor f. w. putnam, of the peabody museum, cambridge, mass., in field work, discovered a flint implement of palæolithic type in undisturbed strata of the glacial terrace of the little miami river, near his residence at madisonville, ohio. in 1887 dr. metz found another implement in the terrace of the same river, at loveland, about twenty-five miles farther up the stream. the implement at madisonville occurred eight feet below the surface, and about a mile back from the edge of the terrace; while that at loveland was found in a coarser deposit, about a quarter of a mile back from the present stream, and thirty feet below the surface. mastodon-bones also were discovered in close proximity to the implement at loveland. [illustration: fig. 70.] interest in these investigations was still further increased by the report of mr. hilborne t. cresson, of philadelphia, that in 1886, with my map of the glaciated region in hand, he had found an implement of palæolithic type in undisturbed strata of the glacial terrace bordering the east branch of white river, near the glacial boundary at medora, jackson county, ind. the terrace was about fifty feet above the flood-plain of the river. later still, in october, 1889, mr. w. c. mills, of newcomerstown, tuscarawas county, ohio, found in that town a finely shaped flint implement sixteen feet below the surface of the terrace of glacial gravel which lines the margin of the tuscarawas valley.[ct] mr. mills was not aware of the importance of this discovery until meeting with me some months later, when he described the situation to me, and soon after sent the implement for examination. in company with judge c. c. baldwin, president of the western reserve historical society, and several others, a visit was made to mr. mills, and we carefully examined the gravel-pit in which the implement occurred, and collected evidence which was abundant to corroborate all his statements. the implement in question is made from a peculiar flint which is found in the lower mercer limestone, of which there are outcrops a few miles distant, and it resembles in so many ways the typical implements found by boucher de perthes, at abbeville, that, except for the difference in the material from which it is made, it would be impossible to distinguish it from them. the similarity of pattern is too minute to have originated except from imitation. [footnote ct: for typical section of a glacial terrace in ohio, see p. 227.] [illustration: fig. 71.--the smaller is the palæolith from newcomerstown, the larger from amiens (face view), reduced one half in diameter.] in 1877, a year after the discoveries by dr. abbott in new jersey, some rude quartz implements were discovered by professor n. h. winchell in the glacial terraces of the upper mississippi, in the vicinity of little falls, morrison county, minn. this locality was afterwards more fully explored by miss franc e. babbitt, who succeeded in finding so large a number of the implements as to set at rest all question concerning their human origin. according to mr. warren upham, the glacial flood-plain of the mississippi is here about three miles wide, with an elevation of from twenty-five to thirty feet above the river. it is in a stream near the bottom of this glacial terrace that the most of miss babbitt's discoveries were made, and mr. upham has pretty clearly shown that the gravel of the terrace overlying them was mostly deposited while the ice-front was still lingering about sixty miles farther north, in the vicinity of itasca lake.[cu] [footnote cu: for a general map, see p. 66; also p. 225.] [illustration: fig. 72.--edge view of the preceding.] [illustration: fig. 73.--section across the mississippi valley at little falls, minnesota, showing the stratum in which chipped quartz fragments were found by miss f. e. babbitt, as described in the text (upham).] up to this time the above are all the instances in which the relics of man are directly and indubitably connected with deposits of this particular period east of the rocky mountains. probably it is incorrect to speak of these as preglacial, for the portion of the period at which the deposits incorporating human relics were made is well on towards the close of the great ice age, since these terraces were, in some cases, and may have been in all cases, deposited after the ice-front had withdrawn nearly, if not quite, to the water-shed of the st lawrence basin. it may be difficult to demonstrate this with reference to the gravel deposits at trenton, madisonville, and medora, but it is evident at a glance in the case of newcomerstown and little falls. that the implement-bearing gravel of trenton, n. j., belongs to the later stages of the glacial period is evident from its relation to what professor h. carvill lewis called "the philadelphia red gravel and brick-clay," but which, from its large development in the district of columbia at washington, is called by mr. mcgee the "columbia deposit." the city of philadelphia is built upon this formation in the delaware valley, and the brick for its houses is obtained from it; the cellar of each house ordinarily furnishing clay enough for its brick walls. this clay is of course a deposit in comparatively still water, which would imply deposition during a period of land subsidence. but that it was ice-laden water which flooded the banks is shown by the frequent occurrence of large blocks of stone in the deposits, such as could have been transported only in connection with floating ice. the boulders in the columbia formation clearly belong to the individual river valleys in which they are found, and doubtless are to be connected with the flooded condition of those valleys when, by means of a northerly subsidence, the gradient of the streams was considerably less than now. [illustration: fig. 74.--quartz implement, found by miss f. e. babbitt, 1878, at little falls, minnesota, in modified drift, fifteen feet below surface: _a_, face view; _b_, profile view. the black represented on the cut is the matrix of the quartz vein (no. 31,323) (putnam).] there is some difference of opinion in respect to the extent of this subsidence, and, indeed, respecting the height attained by the philadelphia brick-clay, or mcgee's columbia deposit. professor lewis (whose residence was at philadelphia, and who had devoted much time to field observations) insisted that the deposit could not be found higher than from 180 to 200 feet above the immediate flood-plain of the river valleys where they occur. but, without entering upon this disputed question, it is sufficient to consider the bearing of the facts that are accepted by all--namely, that towards the close of the glacial period there was a marked subsidence of the land on the eastern coast of north america, increasing towards the north. fully to comprehend the situation, we need to bring before the mind some of the indirect effects of the glacial period in this region. the most important of these was the necessary projection of subglacial conditions over a considerable belt of territory to the south of that actually reached by glacial ice; so that, while there are no clear indications of the existence of local glaciers in the appalachian mountains south of the central part of pennsylvania, there are many indications of increased snow-fall upon the mountains, connected with prolonged winters and with a great increase of spring floods and ice-gorges upon the annual breaking up of winter. these facts have been stated in detail by mr. mcgee,[cv] from whose report it appears that, on the potomac at washington, the surface of the columbia deposit is 150 feet above tide, and that the deposit itself contains many boulders, some of which are as much as two or three feet in diameter. these are mingled with the gravel in such a way as to show that they must have been brought down by floating ice from the head-waters of the potomac when the winters were much more severe than now. that this deposit is properly the work of the river is shown by the entire absence of marine shells. [footnote cv: seventh annual report of the united states geological survey for 1885 and 1886, pp. 537-646.] according to mr. mcgee, also, there is a gradual decrease in the height of these delta terraces of the columbia period as they recede from the glacial boundary--that at the mouth of the susquehanna being 245 feet, that of the potomac 140 feet, that on the rappahannock 125, that on the james 100, and that on the roanoke 75; while the size of the transported boulders along the streams also gradually diminishes in the same order. during the columbia period the susquehanna river transported boulders fifty times the size now transported, while the potomac transported them only up to twenty times, the rappahannock only ten times, the james only five, and the roanoke only two or three times the size of those now transported. this progressive diminution, both in the extent of the deposit and in the coarseness of the material deposited by these rivers at about the time of the maximum portion of the glacial period, is what would naturally be expected under the conditions supposed to exist in connection with the great ice age, and is an important confirmation of the glacial theory. that the period of subsidence and more intense glacial conditions during which the columbia deposits took place, preceded, by a long interval, the deposition of the gravel terraces at trenton, n. j., and the analogous deposits in the mississippi valley where palæolithic implements have been found, is evident enough. the trenton gravel was deposited in a recess in the columbia deposit which had been previously worn out by the stream. indeed, in every place where opportunity offers for direct observation the trenton gravel is seen to be distinctly subsequent to the other. it was not _buried by_ the philadelphia red gravel and brick-clay, but to a limited degree overlies and _buries_ it. the data for measuring the absolute length of time between these two stages of the glacial period are very indefinite. mr. mcgee, however, supposes that since the columbia period a sufficient time has elapsed for the falls of the susquehanna to recede more than twenty miles and for those of the potomac eighteen miles, and this through a rock which is exceedingly obdurate. but, in channels opening, as these do, freely outward, it is difficult to tell in what epochs the erosion has been principally performed, since there are no buried channels, as in the glaciated area, enabling us to determine whether or not much of the eroding work of the river may have been accomplished in preglacial times. the lapse of time which, upon the least calculation, separates the columbia epoch from the trenton, gives unusual importance to any discovery of palæolithic implements which may be made in the earlier deposits. we are bound, therefore, to consider with special caution the reported discovery of an implement in these deposits at claymont, delaware. the discovery was made by dr. hilborne t. cresson, on july 13, 1887, during the progress of an extensive excavation in constructing the baltimore and ohio railroad, nineteen miles south of philadelphia. the implement was from eight to nine feet below the surface. as there is so much chance for error of judgment respecting the undisturbed condition of the strata, and as there was so little opportunity for dr. cresson to verify his conclusion, we may well wait for the cumulative support of other discoveries before building a theory upon it; still, it will be profitable to consider the situation. [illustration: fig. 75.--argillite implement, found by h. t. cresson, 1887, in baltimore and ohio railroad cut, one mile from claymont, delaware, in columbia gravel, eight to nine feet below the overlying clay bed: _a_, face view; _b_, side view (no. 45,726) (putnam).] both mr. mcgee and myself have visited the locality with dr. cresson, and there can be no doubt that the implement occurred underneath the columbia gravel. the line of demarcation is here very sharp between that gravel and the decomposed strata of underlying gneiss rock, which appears in our illustration as a light band in the middle of the section exposed. some large boulders which could have been moved only in connection with floating ice are found in the overlying deposit near by. this excavation is about one mile and a half west of the delaware river, and about 150 feet above it, being nearly at the uppermost limit of the columbia deposit in that vicinity. [illustration: fig. 76.--general section of baltimore and ohio cut, near claymont, delaware, where mr. cresson found palæolithic implements figured in the text (from photograph by cresson).] the age of these deposits in which implements have been found at claymont and at trenton will be referred to again when we come to the specific discussion of the date of the glacial period. it is sufficient here to bring before our minds clearly, first, the fact that this at claymont is connected with the river floods accompanying the ice at its time of maximum extension, and when there was a gradually increasing or differential depression of the country to an unknown extent to the northward. two radically different theories are presented to account for the deposits variously known as the columbia gravel and the philadelphia brick-clay. mr. mcgee, in the monograph above referred to, supposes them to have been deposited during a period of a general subsidence of the coast-line; so that they took place at about tide-level. mr. upham, on the other hand, supposes them to have been deposited during the period of general elevation to whose influence he mainly attributes the glacial period itself. in his view much of the shallow sea-bottom adjoining the present shore off from delaware and chesapeake bays was then a land-surface, and the hudson, the delaware, and the susquehanna rivers, coming down from the still higher elevations of the north, flowed through extensive plains so related to the northern areas of elevation that deposition was occurring in their valleys, owing in part to the flooded condition of the streams, in part to the differential elevation, and in part to the superabundance of silt and other _débris_ furnished by the melting ice-sheet in the head-waters of these streams. the deposits of trenton gravel occurred much later, at a time when the ice had melted far back towards the head-waters of the delaware, and after the land had nearly resumed its present relations of level, if indeed it had not risen northward to a still greater relative height. as would be expected from the climatic conditions accompanying the glacial epoch, man's companions in the animal world were very different during the period when the high-level river gravels of america were forming from those with which he is now associated. from the remains actually discovered, either in these gravels or in close proximity to them, we infer that, while the mastodon was the most frequent of the extinct quadrupeds with which man then had to contend in that region, he must have been familiar also with the walrus, the greenland reindeer, the caribou, the bison, the moose, and the musk ox. _in the glacial terraces of europe._ the existence of glacial man in europe was first determined in connection with the high-level river gravels already described in the valley of the somme, situated in picardy in the northern part of france. here in 1841 boucher de perthes began to discover rudely fashioned stone implements in undisturbed strata of the gravel terraces, whose connection with the glacial period we have already made clear. but for nearly twenty years his discoveries were ignored by scientific men, although he made persistent efforts to get the facts before them, and published a full account of them with illustrations as early as 1847. some suggested fraud on the part of the workmen; others without examination declared that the gravel must have been disturbed; while others, still, denied altogether the artificial character of the implements. [illustration: fig. 77.--section across valley of the somme: 1, peat, twenty to thirty feet thick, resting on gravel, _a_; 2, lower-level gravels, with elephant-bones and flint implements, covered with river-loam twenty to forty feet thick; 3, upper-level gravels, with similar fossils covered with loam, in all, thirty feet thick; 4, upland-loam, five to six feet thick; 5, eocene-tertiary.] at length, dr. regillout, an eminent physician residing at amiens, about forty miles higher up the somme than abbeville, visited boucher de perthes, and, upon seeing the similarity between the gravel terraces at abbeville and amiens, returned home to look for similar implements in the high-level gravel-pits at st. acheul, a suburb of amiens. almost immediately he discovered flint implements there of the same pattern with those at abbeville, and in undisturbed strata of the gravel terrace, where it rested on the original chalk formation, at a height of 90 feet above the river. in the course of four years, dr. regillout found several hundred of these implements, and in 1854 published an illustrated report upon the discoveries. still the scientific world remained incredulous until the years 1858 and 1859, when dr. falconer, mr. prestwich, mr. john evans, mr. flower, sir charles lyell, of england, and mm. pouchet and gaudry, of france, visited abbeville and amiens, and succeeded in making similar discoveries for themselves. additional discoveries at st. acheul have continued up to the present time whenever excavations have gone on at the gravel-pits. mr. prestwich estimates that there is an implement to every cubic metre of gravel, and says that he himself has brought away at different times more than two hundred specimens, and that the total number found in this one locality can hardly be under four thousand. "the gravel-beds are on the brow of a hill 97 feet above the river somme," and besides the relics of man contain numerous fluviatile and land shells together with "teeth and bones of the mammoth, rhinoceros, horse, reindeer, and red deer, but not of the hippopotamus,"[cw] bones of the latter animal being found here only in the gravels of the lower terraces, where they are less than thirty feet above the river, and mark a considerably later stage in the erosion of the valley. while many of the implements found at amiens seem to have been somewhat worn and rolled, "others are as sharp and fresh as when first made.... the bedding of the gravel is extremely irregular and contorted, as though it had been pushed about by a force acting from above; and this, together with the occurrence of blocks of tertiary sandstone of considerable size, leads to the inference that both are due to the action of river-ice. in the seine valley blocks of still larger size, and transported from greater distances, are found in gravels of the same age." [footnote cw: prestwich's geology, vol. ii, p. 481.] "flint implements are found under similar conditions in many of the river-valleys of other parts of france, especially in the neighbourhood of paris; of mons in belgium; in spain, in the neighbourhood of madrid, in portugal, in italy, and in greece; but they have not been discovered in the drift-beds of denmark, sweden, or russia, nor is there any well-authenticated instance of the occurrence of palæoliths in germany."[cx] [footnote cx: prestwich's geology, vol. ii, pp. 481, 482.] when once the fact had been established that man was in northern france at the time of the deposition of the high-level gravels of the somme and the seine, renewed attention was directed to terraces of similar age in southern england. one of these is that upon which the city of london is built, and which, according to lyell's description, "extends from above maidenhead through the metropolis to the sea, a distance from west to east of fifty miles, having a width varying from two to nine miles. its thickness ranges commonly from five to fifteen feet."[cy] [footnote cy: antiquity of man, pp. 154, 155.] for a long time geologists had been familiar with the fact that these terraces of the thames contain the remains of numerous extinct animals, among which are included the mammoth and a species of rhinoceros. upon directing special attention to the subject, it was found that, at various intervals, the remains of man, also, had been reported from the same deposits. as long ago as 1715 mr. conyers discovered a palæolithic implement, in connection with the skeleton of an elephant, at black mary's, near gray's inn lane, london. this implement is preserved in the british museum, and closely resembles typical specimens from the gravel at amiens. other implements of similar character have been found in the valley of the wey near guilford, also in the valley of the darent, near whitstable in kent, and between heme bay and the reculvers. while the exact position of these implements in the gravel had not been so positively noted as in the case of those found at amiens and abbeville, there can be little doubt that man, in company with the extinct animals mentioned, inhabited the valley of the thames at a period when its annual floods spread over the whole terrace-plain upon which the main part of london is built. in the valley of the ouse, however, near bedford, the discovery of palæolithic implements in the gravel terraces connected with the glacial period and in intimate association with bones of the elephant, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, and other extinct animals, has been as fully established as in the valley of the somme. the discoveries here were first made in the year 1860, by mr. james wyatt, in a gravel-pit at biddenham, two miles northwest of bedford. two flint implements were thrown out by workmen in one day from undisturbed strata thirteen feet below the surface, and numerous other specimens have since been found in a similar situation. the valley of the ouse is bordered on either side by sections of a superficial blanket of glacial drift containing many transported boulders of considerable size. the valley is here about two miles wide, and ninety feet deep. the gravel deposit, however, in which the implements were found, is only about thirty feet above the present level of the river, and hence represents the middle period of the work of the river in erosion. another locality in england in which similar discoveries have been made, is at hoxne, about five miles from diss, in suffolk county. like that in the valley of the thames, however, the implements were found a long time before the significance of the discovery was recognized. mr. john frere reported the discovery to the society of antiquaries in 1801, and gave some of the implements both to the society and to the british museum, in whose collections they are still preserved. the implements are of the true palæolithic type, and existed in such abundance, and were so free from signs of wear, that the conclusion seemed probable that a manufactory of them had been uncovered. as many as five or six to the square yard are said to have been found. indeed, their numbers were so great that the workmen "had emptied baskets of them into the ruts of the adjoining road before becoming aware of their value." the deposit in which they are found is situated in the valley of gold brook, a tributary of the waveney. the implements occurred about twelve feet below the surface, in fresh-water deposits, filling a hollow eroded in the glacial deposit covering that part of england. this, therefore, is clearly either of post-glacial or of late glacial age. still another locality in which similar palæolithic implements were found in undisturbed gravel of this same age in eastern england is icklingham, in the valley of the lark, where the situation is quite similar to that already described at bedford, on the ouse. the last place we will stop to mention in england which was visited by palæolithic man, during or soon after the glacial epoch, is to be found in the vicinity of southampton. at this time the isle of wight was joined to the mainland, and not improbably england itself to the continent. the river, then flowing through the depression of the solent and the southampton water, occupied a much higher level than now, leaving terraces along the shore at various places, in which the tools of palæolithic man have been discovered. though these are the best authenticated discoveries connecting man with the glacial period in england, they are by no means the only probable cases. almost every valley of southern england furnishes evidence of a similar but less demonstrative character. _in cave deposits._ the discovery of the remains of man in the high-level river-gravels deposited near the close of the glacial period led to a revision of the evidence which had from time to time been reported connecting the remains of man with those of various extinct animals in cave deposits both in england and upon the continent. _the british isles._ as early as 1826, rev. j. macenery, a roman catholic priest residing near torquay, in devonshire, england, had made some most remarkable discoveries in a cavern at kent's hole, near his home; but, owing to his early death, and to the incredulity of that generation of scientific men, his story was neither credited nor published till 1859. about this time, a new cave having been discovered not far away, at brixham, the best qualified members of the royal society (lyell, phillips, lubbock, evans, vivian, pengelly, busk, dawkins, and sanford) were deputed to see that it was carefully explored. mr. pengelly, who had had twenty years' experience in similar explorations, directed and superintended the work. every portion of the contents was examined with minutest care. kent's hole is "180 to 190 feet above the level of mean tide, and about 70 feet above the bottom of the valley immediately adjacent."[cz] in one chamber the excavation was about sixty feet square. the contents were arranged in the following order: [footnote cz: dawkins's cave-hunting, p. 325.] [illustration: fig. 78.--mouth of kent's hole.] 1. a surface of dark earth a few inches thick, containing roman pottery, iron and bronze spear-heads, together with polished stone weapons. there were, too, in this stratum bones of cows, goats, and horses, mingled with large quantities of charcoal. 2. below this was a stalagmite floor from one to three feet thick, formed by the dripping of lime-water from the roof. 3. under this crust of stalagmite was a compact deposit of red earth, from two to thirteen feet thick.[da] flint implements of various kinds and charcoal were also found at different depths; also an awl, or piercer; a needle with the eye large enough to admit small pack-thread; and three harpoon-heads made out of bone and deer's horn. [footnote da: dawkins's cave-hunting, p. 326; lyell's antiquity of man, p. 101.] 4. flint implements were also obtained in a conglomerate (breccia) still below this. the fossil bones in this cave belonged to the same species of animals as those discovered in a cave near wells. the brixham cave occurs near the small village of that name, not far from torquay. the entrance to it is about ninety-five feet above high water. its deposits, in descending order, are: 1. stalagmitic floor from six to twelve or fifteen inches in thickness. 2. a thin breccia of limestone fragments cemented together by carbonate of lime. this had accumulated about the mouth, so as to fill up the entrance. 3. a layer of blackish earth about one foot in thickness 4. a deposit of from two to four feet thick, consisting of clayey loam, mingled with fragments of limestone, from small bits up to rocks weighing a ton. bounded pebbles of other material were also occasionally met with. 5. shingle consisting of rounded pebbles largely of foreign material. all these strata, except the third, contained fossils of some kind, but the fourth was by far the richest repository. among the bones found are those of the mammoth, the woolly rhinoceros, the horse, the ox, the reindeer, the cave-lion, the cave-hyena, and the cave-bear. associated with these remains a number of worked flints was found. in one place the bones of an entire leg of a cave-bear occurred in such a position as to show that they must have been bound together by the ligaments when they were buried. immediately below these bones a flint implement was found.[db] [footnote db: see pengelly's reports to the devonshire association, 1867.] the hyena's den, at wookey hole, near wells, in somerset, was carefully explored by professor boyd dawkins, who stood by and examined every shovelful of material as it was thrown out. this cave alone yielded 35 specimens of palæolithic art, 467 jaws and teeth of the cave-hyena, 15 of the cave lion, 27 of the cave-bear, 11 of the grizzly bear, 11 of the brown bear, 7 of the wolf, 8 of the fox, 30 of the mammoth, 233 of the woolly rhinoceros, 401 of the horse, 16 of the wild ox, 30 of the bison, 35 of the irish elk, and 30 of the reindeer (jaws and teeth only). in derbyshire numerous caves were explored by professor dawkins at cress well crags, which, in addition to flint implements and the remains of the animals occurring in the brixham cave, yielded the bones of the machairodus, an extinct species of tiger or lion which lived during the tertiary period. the victoria cave, near settle, in west yorkshire, is the only other one in england which we need to mention. in this there were no remains found which could be positively identified as human, but the animal remains in the lower strata of the cave deposit were so different from those in the upper bed as to indicate the great lapse of time which separated the two. this cave is 1,450 feet above the sea-level, and there were found in the upper strata of the floor, down to a depth of from two to ten feet, many remains of existing animals. then, for a distance of twelve feet, there occurred a clay deposit, containing no organic remains whatever, but some well-scratched boulders. below this was a third stratum of earth mingled with limestone fragments, at the base of which were numerous remains of the mammoth, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, bison, hyena, etc. one bone occurred which was by some supposed to be human, but by others to have belonged to a bear. this lower stratum is, without much doubt, preglacial, and the thickness of the deposit intervening between it and the upper fossiliferous bed is taken by some to indicate the great lapse of time separating the period of the mammoth and rhinoceros in england from the modern age. the scratched boulders in the middle stratum of laminated clay, would indicate certainly that the material found its way into the cave during the glacial epoch, when ice filled the whole valley of the ribble, which flows past the foot of the hill, and whose bed is 900 feet below the mouth of the cave. in north wales the vale of clwyd contains numerous caves which were occupied by hyenas in preglacial times and with their bones are associated those of the mammoth, the rhinoceros, the hippopotamus, the cave-lion, the cave-bear, and various other animals. flint implements also were found in the cave at cae gwyn, near the village of tremeirchon, on the eastern side of the valley, opposite cefn, and about four miles distant. we have already given an illustration of the cefn cave (see page 148). it will be observed that this valley of the clwyd opens to the north, and has a pretty rapid descent to the sea from the welsh mountains, and was in position to be obstructed by the irish sea glacier, so as to have been occupied at times by one of the characteristic marginal lakes of the glacial period. it is evident also that the northern ice prevailed over the welsh ice for a considerable portion of the lower part of the valley; for northern drift is the superficial deposit upon the hills on the sides of the valley up to a height of over 500 feet. from the investigations of mr. c. e. de rance, f. g. s.,[dc] it is equally clear also that the northern drift, which until lately sealed up the entrance of the cave, was subsequent to its occupation by man, and this was the opinion formed by sir archibald geikie, director general of the geological survey of the united kingdom, as the result of special investigations which he made of the matter.[dd] [footnote dc: proceedings of the yorkshire geological society for 1888, pp. 1-20.] [footnote dd: see de ranee, as above, p. 17; and article by h. hicks, in quarterly journal of geological society, vol. xlii, p. 3; geological magazine, may, 1885, p. 510.] from the caves in the vale of clwyd as many as 400 teeth of rhinoceros, 500 of horse, 180 of hyena, and 15 of mammoth have been taken. a section of the cave deposits in the cave at cae gwyn is as follows: "below the soil for about eight feet a tolerably stiff boulder-clay, containing many ice-scratched boulders and narrow bands and pockets of sand. below this about seven feet of gravel and sand, with here and there bands of red clay, having also many ice-scratched boulders. the next deposit was a laminated brown clay, and under this was found the bone-earth, a brown, sandy clay with small pebbles and with angular fragments of limestone, stalagmites, and stalactites. during the excavations it became clear that the bones had been greatly disturbed by water action; that the stalagmite floor, in parts more than a foot in thickness, and massive stalactites, had also been broken and thrown about in all positions; and that these had been covered afterwards by clays and sand containing foreign pebbles. this seemed to prove that the caverns, now 400 feet above ordnance datum, must have been submerged subsequently to their occupation by the animals and by man. in dr. hicks's opinion, the contents of the cavern must have been disturbed by marine action during the great submergence in mid-glacial times, and afterwards covered by marine sands and by an upper boulder-clay, identical in character with that found at many points in the vale of clwyd. the paleontological evidence suggests that the deposits in question are not preglacial, but may be equivalent to the pleistocene deposits of our river-valleys."[de] [footnote de: h. b. woodward's geology of england and wales, pp. 543, 544] if the views of professor lewis and mr. kendall are correct concerning the unity of the glacial period in england, the shelly and sandy deposits connected with these clwydian caves at an elevation of 400 feet or more would be explained in connection with the marginal lakes which must have occupied the valley during both the advance and the retreat of the ice-front; the shells having been carried up from the sea-bottom by the ice-movement, after the manner supposed in the case of those at macclesfield and moel tryfaen. if, therefore, the statements concerning the discovery of flint implements in this cae gwyn cave can be relied upon, this is the most direct evidence yet obtained in europe of man's occupation of the island during the continuance of the glacial period. in all these caves it is to be noted that there is a sharp line of demarcation between the strata containing palæolithic implements and those containing only the remains of modern animals. palæolithic implements are confined to the lower strata, which in some of the caves are separated from the upper by a continuous bed of stalagmite, to which reference will be made when discussing the chronology of the glacial period. the remains of extinct animals also are confined to the lower beds. the caves which we have been considering in england are all in limestone strata, and have been formed by streams of water which have enlarged some natural fissures both by mechanical action in wearing away the rocks, and by chemical action in dissolving them. through the lowering of the main line of drainage, caverns with a dry floor are at length left, offering shelter and protection both to man and beast. oftentimes, but not always, some idea of the age of these caverns may be obtained by observing the depth to which the main channel of drainage to which they were tributary has been lowered since their formation. but to this subject also we will return when we come specifically to discuss the chronological question. _the continent._ systematic explorations in the caves of belgium were begun in 1833 by dr. schmerling, in the valley of the meuse, near his residence in liége. the meuse is here bordered by limestone precipices 200 or more feet in height. opening out from these rocky walls are the entrances to the numerous caverns which have rendered the region so famous. to get access to the most important of these, dr. schmerling had to let himself down over a precipice by a rope tied to a tree, and then to creep along on all-fours through intricate channels to reach the larger chambers which it was his object to explore. in the cave at engis, on the left bank of the meuse, about eight miles above liége, he found a human skull deeply buried in breccia in company with many bones of the extinct animals previously stated to have been associated with man during the glacial period. this so-called "engis skull" was by no means apelike in its character, but closely resembled that of the average caucasian man. but this established the association upon the continent of man with some of the extinct animals of the glacial period. [illustration: fig. 79.--engis skull, reduced (after lyell.)] the vicinity of liége has also furnished us another cavern whose contents are of the highest importance, ranking indeed as perhaps the most significant single discovery yet made. the cave referred to is on the property of the count of beauffort, in the commune of spy, in the province of namur in belgium. for the facts relating to it we are indebted to messrs: lohest and fraipont, the former professor of geology and the latter of anatomy in the university of liége. the exploration of the cave was made in 1886, and the full report with illustrations published in the following year in archives de biologie.[df] the significance of this discovery is enhanced by the light it sheds upon and the confirmation it brings to the famous neanderthal skull and others of similar character, which for a long time had been subjects of vigorous discussion. before describing it, therefore, we will give a brief account of the previous discoveries. [footnote df: see pp. 587, 757.] the famous neanderthal skull was brought to light in 1857 by workmen in a limestone-quarry, near düsseldorf, in the valley of the neander, a small tributary to the rhine. by these workmen a cavern was opened upon the southern side of the winding ravine, about sixty feet above the stream and one hundred feet below the top of the cliff. the skull attracted much attention from its supposed possession of many apelike characteristics; indeed, it was represented by some to be a real intermediate link between man and the anthropoid apes. the accompanying cut enables one to compare the outline of the neanderthal skull with that of a chimpanzee on the one hand and of the highly developed european on the other. the apelike peculiarities of this skull appear in its vertical depression, in the enormous thickness of the bony ridges just above the eyes, and in the gradual slope of the back part of the head, together with some other characteristics which can only be described in technical language; so that it was pronounced by the highest authorities the most apelike of human crania which had yet been discovered. unfortunately, the jaw was not found. the capacity of the skull, however, was seventy-five cubic inches, which is far above that of the highest of the apes, being indeed equal to the average capacity of polynesian and hottentot skulls.[dg] huxley well remarks that "so large a mass of brain as this would alone suggest that the pithecoid tendencies indicated by this skull did not extend deep into the organization." [footnote dg: huxley's man's place in nature, p. 181.] [illustration: fig. 80.--comparison of forms of skulls: _a_, european; _b_, the neanderthal man; c, a chimpanzee (after lyell).] [illustration: fig. 81.--skull of the man of spy. (from photograph.)] upon extending inquiries, it was found that the neanderthal type of skull is one which still has representatives in all nations; so that it is unsafe to infer that the individual was a representative of all the individuals living in his time. the skull of bruce, the celebrated scotch hero, was a close reproduction of the neanderthal type; while, according to quatrefages,[dh] the skull of the bishop of toul in the fourth century "even exaggerates some of the most striking features of the neanderthal cranium. the forehead is still more receding, the vault more depressed, and the head so long that the cephalic index is 69-41." the discovery of messrs. fraipont and lohest adds much to our definite knowledge of the neanderthal type of man, since the belgic specimens are far more complete than any others heretofore found, there being in their collection two skulls, together with the jawbones and most of the other parts of the frame. in this case also there is no suspicion that the deposits had been disturbed, so as to admit any intrusion of human relics into the company of relics of an earlier age. according to m, lohest, there were three distinct ossiferous beds, separated by layers of stalagmite. all the ossiferous beds contained the remains of the mammoth, but in the upper stratum they were few, and probably intrusive. the implements found in this were also of a more modern type. in the second stratum from the top numerous hearths were found with burnt wood and ashes, together with the bones of the rhinoceros, the horse, the mammoth, the cave-bear, and the cave-hyena, all of which were abundant, while there were also specimens of the irish elk, the reindeer, the bison, the cave-lion, and several other species. in this layer also there were numerous implements of ivory, together with ornaments and some faint indications of carving upon the rib of a mammoth, besides a few fragments of pottery. [footnote dh: human species, p. 310,] it was in the third, or lowest, of these beds that the skeletons were found. here they were associated with abundant remains of the rhinoceros, the horse, the bison, the mastodon, the cave-hyena, and a few other extinct species. flint implements also, of the "mousterien" pattern (which, according to the opinion of the french archæologists, is characteristic of middle palæolithic times), were abundant neither of the skeletons was complete, but they were sufficiently so to give an adequate idea of the type to which they belong, and one of the skulls is nearly perfect. according to m. fraipont, "one of these skulls is apparently that of an old woman, the other that of a middle-aged man. they are both very thick; the former is clearly dolichocephalic (long-headed, index 70), the other less so. both have very prominent eyebrows and large orbits, with low, retreating foreheads, excessively so in the woman. the lower jaws are heavy. the older has almost no projecting chin. the teeth are large, and the last molar is as large as the others. these points are characteristic of an inferior and the oldest-known race. the bones indicate, like those of the neanderthal and naulette specimens, small, square-shouldered individuals." they were "powerfully built, with strong, curiously curved thigh-bones, the lower ends of which are so fashioned that they must have walked with a bend at the knees."[di] [footnote di: huxley, nineteenth century, vol. xxviii (november, 1890), p. 774.] other crania from various quaternary deposits in europe seem to warrant the inference that this type of man was the prevalent one during the early part of the palæolithic age. as long ago as 1700 a skull of this type was exhumed in canstadt, a village in the neighbourhood of stuttgart, in würtemberg. this was found in coexistence with the extinct animals whose bones we have described as so often appearing in the high-level river-gravel of the glacial age. but the importance of the discovery at canstadt was not appreciated until about the middle of the present century. from the priority of the discovery, and of the discussion among german anthropologists concerning it, it has been thought proper, however, by some to give the name of this village to the race and call it the "canstadt race." but, whatever name prevails, it is important in our reading to keep in mind that the man of canstadt, the man of neanderthal, and the man of spy are identical in type, and probably in age. similar discoveries have been made in various other places. among these are a lower jaw of the same type discovered in 1865 by m. dupont, at naulette, in the valley of the lesse, in belgium, and associated with the remains of extinct animals; a jawbone found in a grotto at arcy; a fragment of a skull found in 1865 by faudel, in the loess of eguisheim, near colmar; a skull at olmo, discovered in 1863, in a compact clayey deposit forty-five feet below the surface; and a skull discovered in 1884 at marcilly. m. dupont has brought to light much additional testimony to glacial man from other caves in different parts of belgium. in all he has explored as many as sixty. three of these, in the valley of the montaigle, situated about one hundred feet above the river, contained both remains of man and many bones of the mammoth and other associated animals, which had evidently been brought in for food. in the hilly parts of germany, also, and in hungary, and even in the ural mountains in russia, and in one of the provinces of siberia, the remains of the rhinoceros, and most of the other animals associated with man in glacial times, have been found in the cave deposits which have been examined. though it can not be directly proved that these animals were associated with man in any of these places, still it is interesting to see how wide-spread the animals were in northern europe and asia during the glacial period. some northern animals, also, spread at this time into southern europe--remains of the reindeer having been discovered on the south slope of the pyrenees, but the remains of the mammoth, the woolly rhinoceros, and the musk ox, have not been found so far south. african species of the elephant, however, seem at one time to have had free range throughout spain, and the hippopotamus roamed in vast herds over the valleys of sicily, while several species of pygmy elephants seem to be peculiar to the island of malta. in the case of all the cave deposits referred to (with possibly the exception of those of victoria, england, and cae gwyn, wales), the evidence of man's existence during the glacial period is inferential, and consists largely in the fact that he was associated with various extinct animals which did not long survive that period, or with animals that have since retired from europe to their natural habitat in mountain-heights or high latitudes. the men whose remains are found in the high-level river-drift, and in the caverns described, were evidently not in possession of domestic animals, as their bones are conspicuous for their absence in all these places. the horse, which would seem to be an exception, was doubtless used for food, and not for service. if we were writing upon the general subject of the antiquity and development of the human race, we should speak here in detail of several other caves and rock shelters in france and southern europe, where remains of man belonging to an earlier period have been found. we should mention the rock shelter of cro-magnon in the valley of vezère, as well as that of mentone, where entire human skeletons were found. but it is doubtful if these and other remains from caves which might be mentioned belong in any proper sense to the glacial period. the same remarks should be made also with reference to the lake-dwellings in switzerland, of which so much has been written in late years. all these belong to a much later age than the river-drift man of whom we are speaking, and of whom we have such abundant evidence both in europe and in america. [illustration: fig. 82.--tooth of machairodus neogæus, × 1/6 (drawn from a cast).] [illustration: fig. 83.--perfect tooth of an elephas, found in stanislaus county, california, 1/8 natural size.] _extinct animals associated with man during the glacial period._ this is the proper place in which to speak more fully of the extinct animals which accompanied man in his earliest occupation of europe and america, and whose remains are so abundant in the river-drift gravel and in the caves of england, in connection with the relics of man. among these animals are the lion, which is now confined, to africa and the warmer portions of asia. but in glacial times a large species of this genus ranged over europe from sicily to central england. the saber-toothed tiger, with tusks ten inches long: (machairodus latidens), is now extinct. this species was in existence during the latter part of the tertiary period, but continued on until after man's appearance in the glacial period. the presence of this animal would seem to indicate a warm climate. the leopard (_felis pardus_) is now confined to africa and southern asia, and the larger islands adjoining; but during man's occupation of europe in the glacial epoch he was evidently haunted at every step by this animal; for his bones are found as far north in england as palæolithic man is known to have ranged. the hyena. two species of this animal are found in the bone-caves of europe. during the glacial epoch they ranged as far up as northern england, but they are now limited to africa and southwestern asia. [illustration: fig. 84.--skull of _hyena spelæa_, × 1/4.] the elephant is represented in the preglacial and glacial epochs by several species, some of which ranged as far north as siberia. the african elephant is not now found north of the pyrenees and the alps. but a species of dwarf elephant, but four or five feet in height, has already been referred to as having occupied malta and sicily; and still another species has been found in malta, whose average height was less than three feet. an extinct species (elephas antiquus), whose remains are found in the river-drift and in the lower strata of sediment in many caverns as far north as yorkshire, england, was of unusual size, and during the glacial period was found on both sides of the mediterranean. but the species most frequently met with in palæolithic times was the mammoth (_elephas primigenius_). this animal, now extinct, accompanied man in nearly every portion both of europe and north america, and lingered far down into post-glacial times before becoming extinct. this animal was nearly twice the weight of the modern elephant, and one third taller. occasionally his tusks were more than twelve feet long, and curved upward in a circle. it is the carcasses of this animal which have been found in the frozen soil of siberia and alaska. it had a thick covering of long, black hair, with a dense matting of reddish wool at the roots. during the glacial period these animals must have roamed in vast herds over the plains of northern france and southern england, and the northern half of north america. [illustration: fig. 85.--celebrated skeleton of mammoth, in st. petersburg museum.] [illustration: fig. 86.--molar tooth of mammoth (_elephas primigenius_): _a_, grinding surface; _b_, side view.] the hippopotamus is at present a familiar animal in the larger rivers of africa, but is not now found in europe. during the glacial period, however, he ranged as far north as yorkshire, england, and his remains were found in close association with those of man, both in europe and on the pacific coast in america. twenty tons of their bones have been taken from a single cave in sicily.[dj] [footnote dj: prestwich's geology, vol. ii, p. 508.] [illustration: fig. 87.--tooth of _mastodon americanus_.] the mammoth and the rhinoceros we know to have been adapted to cold climates by the possession of long hair and thick fur, but the hippopotamus by its love for water would seem to be precluded from the possession of this protective covering. it is suggested, however, by sir william dawson, that he may have been adapted to arctic climates by a fatty covering, as the walrus is at the present time. a difficulty in accounting for many of the remains of the hippopotamus in some of the english caverns is that they are so far away from present or possible water-courses. but it would seem that due credit has not been ordinarily given to the migratory instincts of the animal. in southern africa they are known to "travel speedily for miles over land from one pool of a dried-up river to another; but it is by water that their powers of locomotion are surpassingly great, not only in rivers, but in the sea.... the geologist, therefore, may freely speculate on the time when herds of hippopotami issued from north african rivers, such as the nile, and swam northward in summer along the coasts of the mediterranean, or even occasionally visited islands near the shore. here and there they may have landed to graze or browse, tarrying awhile, and afterwards continuing their course northward. others may have swum in a few summer days from rivers in the south of spain or france to the somme, thames, or severn, making timely retreat to the south before the snow and ice set in."[dk] [footnote dk: lyell, antiquity of man, p. 180,] the mastodon (_mastodon americanus_), (fig. 88), "is probably the largest land mammal known, unless we except the dinotherium. it was twelve to thirteen feet high, and, including the tusks, twenty-four to twenty-five feet long. it differed from the elephant chiefly in the character of its teeth. the difference is seen in figs. 86 and 87. the elephant's tooth given above (fig. 86) is sixteen inches long, and the grinding surface eight inches by four." [illustration: fig. 88.--_mastodon americanus_ (after owen).] the mastodon, together with the mammoth, made their appearance about the middle of the miocene epoch. at the close of the tertiary period the mastodon became extinct on the eastern continent, but continued in north america to be a companion of man well on toward the close of the glacial period. many perfect skeletons have been found in the deposits of this period in north america. "one magnificent specimen was found in a marsh near newburg, new york, with its legs bent under the body, and the head thrown up, evidently in the very position in which it mired. the teeth were still filled with the half-chewed remnants of its food, which consisted of twigs of spruce, fir, and other trees; and within the ribs, in the place where the stomach had been, a large quantity of similar material was found."[dl] [footnote dl: le conte's geology (edition of 1891), p. 582.] the rhinoceros is now confined to africa and southern asia; but the remains of four species have been found in america, europe, and northern asia, in deposits of the glacial period. in company with that of the mammoth, already spoken of, a carcass of the woolly rhinoceros was found in 1771 in the frozen soil of northern siberia. the bones of other species have been found as far north as yorkshire, england. in the valley of the somme there was found "the whole hind limb of a rhinoceros, the bones of which were still in their true relative position. they must have been joined together by ligaments and even surrounded by muscles at the time of their interment." an entire skeleton was found near by. the gravel terrace in which these occurred is about forty feet above the floor of the valley, and must have been formed subsequent to some of the strata which contained the remains of human art. in america the bones are found in the gold-bearing gravels of california, in connection with human remains. [illustration: fig. 89.--skeleton of _rhinoceros tichorhinus_.] [illustration: fig. 90.--skull of cave-bear (_ursus spelæus_),] the bear was represented in europe in palæolithic times by three species, of which only one exists there at the present time. but during the glacial period the grizzly bear, now confined to the western part of america, and the extinct cave-bear were companions, or enemies as the case may be, of man throughout europe. the cave-bear was of large size, and his bones occur almost everywhere in the lower strata of sediment in the caves of england. the great irish elk, or deer, is now extinct, though it is supposed by some to have lingered until historic times. its remains are found widely distributed over middle europe in deposits of palæolithic age. [illustration: fig. 91.--skeleton of the irish elk (_cervus megaceros_).] the horse was also, as we have seen, a very constant associate of man in middle europe during the palæolithic age, but probably not as a domesticated animal. the evidence is pretty conclusive that he was prized chiefly for food. about some of the caves in france such immense quantities of their bones are found that they can be accounted for best as refuse-heaps into which the useless bones had been thrown after their feasts, after the manner of the disposal of shells of shell-fish. in america the horses associated with man were probably of a species now extinct. the skull of one (_equus excelsus_) recently found in texas, in pleistocene deposits, associated with human implements, is, according to cope, intermediate in character between the horse and quagga.[dm] the frontal bone was crushed in in a manner to suggest that it had been knocked in the head with a stone hammer, such as was found in the same bed. possibly, therefore, man's love of horse-flesh may have been an important element in securing the extinction of the species in america. [footnote dm: american naturalist, vol. xxv (october, 1891), p. 912.] besides these animals there were associated with man at this time the musk sheep and the reindeer, both now confined to the regions of the far north, but during the glacial period ranging into southern france, and mingling their bones with those both of man and of the southern species already enumerated. [illustration: fig. 92.--musk-sheep (_ovibos moschatius_).] the wolverine, the arctic fox, the marmot, the lemming--all now confined to colder regions--at that time mingled on the plains of central europe with the species mentioned as belonging now to africa and southern asia. the ibex, also, and the snowy vole and chamois descended to the plains from their mountain-heights, and joined in the strange companionship of animals from the north and from the south. besides these extremes there were associated with man during the glacial period numerous representatives of the temperate group of existing animals, such as the bison, the horse, the stag, the beaver, the hare, the rabbit, the otter, the weasel, the wild-cat, the fox, the wolf, the wild boar, and the brown bear. [illustration: fig. 93.--reindeer.] to account for this strange intermingling of arctic and torrid species of animals, especially in europe, during man's occupancy of the region in glacial times, various theories have been resorted to, but none of them can be said to be altogether satisfactory. one hypothesis is that the bones of these diverse animals became mingled by reason of the great range of the annual migration of the species. the reindeer, for example, still performs extensive annual migrations. in summer it ventures far out upon the _tundras_ of north america and siberia to feed upon the abundant vegetation that springs up like magic under the influence of the long days of sunshine; while, as winter approaches, it returns to the forests of the interior. or in other places this animal and his associates, like birds of passage, move northward in summer to escape the heat, and southward in the winter to escape the extreme cold. many of the other animals also are more or less migratory in their habits. thus it is thought that during the glacial period, when man occupied northern france and southern england, the reindeer, the musk sheep, the arctic fox, and perhaps the hippopotamus and some other animals, annually vibrated between northern england and southern france, a slight elevation of the region furnishing a land passage from england to the continent; while the chamois and other alpine species vibrated as regularly between the valleys in winter and the mountain-heights in summer. the habits of these species are such that it is not difficult to see how in their case this migration could have taken place. professor boyd dawkins attempts to reduce the difficulty by supposing that the glacial epoch was marked by the occurrence of minor periods of climatic variation, during which, in comparatively short periods, the isothermal lines vibrated from north to south, and _vice versa_. in this view the southern species gradually crowded upon the northern during the periods of climatic amelioration, until they reached their limit in central england, and then in turn, as the climate became more rigorous, slowly retreated before the pressure of their northern competitors. meanwhile the hyena sallied forth from his various caves, over this region, at one time of the year to feed upon the reindeer, and at another time of the year upon the flesh of the hippopotamus, in both cases dragging their bones with him to his sheltered retreat in the limestone caverns[dn] which he shared at intervals with palæolithic man. [footnote dn: early man in britain, p. 114.] the theory of mr. james geikie is that the period, while one of great precipitation, was characterised by a climate of comparatively even temperature, in which there was not so great a difference as now between the winters and the summers, the winters not being so cold and the summers not so hot as at present. this is substantially the condition of things in southern alaska at the present time, where extensive glaciers come down to the sea-level, even though the thermometer at sitka rarely goes below zero (fahrenheit). it is, therefore, easy to conceive that if there were extensive plains bordering the alaskan archipelago, so as to furnish ranging grounds for more southern species, the animals of the north and the animals of the south might partially occupy the same belt of territory, and their bones become mingled in the same river deposits. in order to clear the way for either of these hypotheses to account for the mingling of arctic and torrid species characteristic of the period under consideration in europe, we must probably suppose such an elevation of the region to the south as to afford land connection between europe and africa. this would be furnished by only a moderate amount of elevation across the strait of gibraltar and from the south of italy to the opposite shore in africa; and there are many indications, in the distribution of species, of the existence in late geological times of such connection. it should also be observed that the present capacities and habits of species are not a certain criterion of their past habits and capacities. as already remarked, both the rhinoceros and the mammoth of glacial times were probably furnished with a woolly protection, which enabled them to endure more cold than their present descendants could do, while the elephant is even now known to be able to endure the rigors of the climate at great elevations upon the himalaya mountains. we can easily imagine these species to have been adjusted to quite different climatic conditions from those which now seem necessary to their existence. in the case of the hippopotamus, also, it is quite possible, as already suggested, that it is more inclined to migration than is generally supposed. geikie's theory of the prevalence of an equable climate during a portion of the glacial period in europe is thought to be further sustained by the character of the vegetation which then covered the region, as well as by the remains of the mollusks which occupied the waters. then "temperate and southern species like the ash, the poplar, the sycamore, the fig-tree, the judas-tree, the laurel, etc., overspread all the low ground of france, as far north at least as paris.... it was under such conditions," continues geikie, "that the elephants, rhinoceroses, and hippopotamuses, and the vast herds of temperate cervine and bovine species ranged over europe, from the shores of the mediterranean up to the latitude of yorkshire, and probably even farther north still; and from the borders of asia to the western ocean. despite the presence of numerous fierce carnivora--lions, hyenas, tigers, and others--europe at that time, with its shady forests, its laurel-margined streams, its broad and deep-flowing rivers, a country in every way suited to the needs of a race of hunters and fishers--must have been no unpleasant habitation for palæolithic man. "this, however, is only one side of the picture. there was a time when the climate of pleistocene europe presented the strongest contrast to those genial conditions--a time when the dwarf birch of the scottish highlands, and the arctic willow, with their northern congeners, grew upon the low grounds of middle europe. arctic animals, such as the musk sheep and the reindeer, lived then, all the year round, in the south of france; the mammoth ranged into spain and italy; the glutton descended to the shores of the mediterranean; the marmot came down to the low grounds at the foot of the apennines; and the lagomys inhabited the low-lying maritime districts of corsica and sardinia. the land and fresh-water shells of many pleistocene deposits tell a similar tale; boreal, high alpine, and hyperborean forms are characteristic of these accumulations in central europe; even in the southern regions of our continent the shells testify to a former colder and wetter climate."[do] [footnote do: prehistoric europe, p. 67.] in mr. geikie's view these facts indicate two glacial periods, with an intervening epoch of mild climate. in the opinion of others they are readily explainable by the coming on and departure of a single ice age, with its various minor episodes. _earliest remains of man on the pacific coast of north america._ most interesting evidence concerning the antiquity of man in america, and his relation to the glacial period, has come from the pacific coast. during the height of the mining activity in california, from 1850 to 1860, numerous reports were rife that human remains had been discovered in the gold-bearing gravel upon the flanks of the sierra nevada mountains. these reports did not attract much scientific attention until they came to relate to the gravel deposits found deeply buried beneath a flow of lava locally known as the sonora or tuolumne table mountain. this lava issued from a vent near the summit of the mountain-range, and flowed down the valley of the stanislaus river for a distance of fifty or sixty miles, burying everything in the valley beneath it, and compelling the river to seek another channel. the thickness of the lava averages about one hundred feet, and so long a time has elapsed since the eruption that the softer strata on either side of the valley down which it flowed have been worn away to such an extent that the lava now rises nearly everywhere above the general level, and has become a striking feature in the landscape, stretching for many miles as a flat-topped ridge about half a mile in width, and presenting upon the sides a perpendicular face of solid basalt for a considerable distance near the lower end of the flow. [illustration: fig. 94.--section across table mountain, tuolumne county, california: _l_, lava; _g_, gravel; _s_, slate; _r_, old river-bed; _r'_, present river-bed.] [illustration: fig. 95.--calaveras skull. (from whitney.)] it was under this mountain of lava that the numerous implements and remains of man occurred which were reported to professor j. d. whitney when he was conducting the geological survey of california between 1860 and 1870. the implements consisted of stone mortars and pestles, suitable for use in grinding acorns and other coarse articles of food. there were, however, some rude articles of ornament. in one of the mining shafts penetrating the gravel underneath table mountain, near sonora, there was reported to have been discovered, in 1857, a human jawbone, one portion of which was sent by responsible parties to the boston society of natural history, and another part to the philadelphia academy of sciences, in whose collections the fragments can now be seen. interest reached a still higher pitch when, in 1860, an entire human skull with some other human bones was reported to have been discovered under this same lava deposit, a few miles from sonora, at altaville, in calaveras county, and hence known as the "calaveras skull." persistent efforts were made soon after to discredit the genuineness of this discovery. bret harte showered upon it the shafts of his ridicule, and various other persons gave currency to the story that the whole report originated in a joke played by the miners upon unsuspecting geologists. these attacks were so successful that many conservative archæologists and men of science have refused to accept the skull as genuine. recent events, however, have brought such additional evidence[dp] to the support of this discovery that it would seem unreasonable any longer to refuse to credit the testimony. at the meeting of the geological society of america, at washington, in january, 1891, mr. george p. becker, of the united states geological survey, who for some years has had charge of investigations relating to the gold-bearing gravels of the pacific coast, presented the affidavit of mr. j. h. neale, a well-known mining engineer of unquestionable character, stating that he had taken a stone mortar and pestle, together with some spear-heads (which through mr. becker he presented to the society), from undisturbed strata of gravel underneath the lava of table mountain, near rawhide gulch, a few miles from sonora. at the same meeting mr. becker presented a pestle which mr. clarence king, the first director of the united states geological survey, took with his own hands out of undisturbed gravel under this same lava deposit, near tuttletown, a mile or two from the preceding locality mentioned. [footnote dp: see bulletin geological society of america, 1891, pp. 189-200.] i was so fortunate, also, as to be able to report to the society at the same meeting the discovery, in 1887, of a small stone mortar by mr. c. mctarnahan, the assistant surveyor of tuolumne county. this mortar was found by mr. mctarnahan in the empire mine, which penetrates the gravel underneath table mountain, about three miles from sonora, and not far from the other localities above mentioned. the place where the mortar was found is about one hundred and seventy-five feet in from the edge of the superincumbent lava, which is here about one hundred feet in thickness. at my request, this mortar was presented by its owner, mrs. m. j. darwin, to the western reserve historical society of cleveland, ohio, in whose collection it can now be seen. these three independent instances, each of them authenticated by the best of evidence, have such cumulative force that probably few men of science will longer stand out against it. associated with these discoveries, there is to be mentioned another, which was brought to my notice by mr. charles francis adams in october, 1889.[dq] this was a miniature clay image of a female form, about one inch and a half in length, and beautifully formed, which was found, in august, 1889, by mr. m. a. kurtz, while boring an artesian well at nampa, ada county, idaho. the strata passed through included, near the surface, fifteen feet of lava. underneath this, alternating beds of clay and quicksand occurred to a depth of three hundred and twenty feet, where there appeared indications of a former surface soil lying just above the bed-rock, from which the clay image was brought up in the sand-pump. [footnote dq: see proceedings boston society natural history, january, 1890, and february, 1891.] [illustration: fig. 96.--three views of nampa image drawn to scale. the middle one is from a photograph.] i devoted the summer of 1890 to a careful study of the lava deposits both in idaho and in california, with a view to learning their significance with reference to these discoveries. the main facts brought to light by this investigation are that in the snake river valley, idaho, there are not far from twelve thousand square miles of territory covered with a continuous stratum of basaltic lava, extending nearly across the entire diameter of the state from east to west. nampa, where the miniature image was discovered, is within five miles of the western limit of this lava-flow, and where it had greatly thinned out. the relative age of the lava is shown by its relation to tertiary beds of shale and sandstone, containing numerous fossils of late pliocene species. these are overlaid in this vicinity by the lava, thus determining its post-tertiary character. examination with reference to the more precise determination of age reveals channels of erosion formed since the lava-flow took place, which, when studied sufficiently, will probably lead to valuable approximate results. at present i can only say that the amount of erosion since the lava eruptions of western idaho is not excessive, and very likely may be brought within a period of from ten thousand to twenty thousand years. the enormous erosion in the cañon of the snake river, near shoshone falls, in central idaho, is doubtless of a much earlier date than that in the boise river, near nampa. [illustration: fig. 97.--map showing pocatello, nampa, and the valley of snake river.] the disturbances created in this part of the valley by the bursting of the barriers between the glacial lake bonneville and the snake river, already described (see above, page 233), have not been worked out. there can be no doubt, however, that interesting results will come to light in connection with the problem; for pocatello, the point at which the _débâcle_ reached the snake river plain, is about 2,000 feet higher than nampa, and 350 miles distant, and the water must have poured into the valley faster than the river in its upper portion could have discharged it. by just what channels the mighty current worked down to the lower levels on the western borders of the state it would be most interesting as well as instructive to know. a study of the situation in tuolumne and calaveras counties, california, reveals a state of things closely resembling, in important respects, that in western idaho. at first sight the impression is made that an immense lapse of time must have occurred since the volcanic eruption which furnished the lava of table mountain. the stanislaus river flows in a channel of erosion a thousand feet or more lower than the ancient channel filled by lava, and in two or three places cuts directly across it. an immense amount of time, also, would seem to be required to permit the smaller local streams to have worn away so much of the sides of the ancient valley as to allow the lava deposit now so continuously to rise above the general surface. still, the question of absolute time cannot be considered separately without much further study. it is by no means certain that, when the lava-stream poured down the mountain, it always followed the lowest depressions; but at certain points it may have been dammed up in its course by its own accumulations so as to be turned off into what was then an ancient abandoned channel. [illustration: fig. 98.--section along the line, north and south: _r' r'_, old river-beds; _r r_, present river-beds; _l_, lava; _sl_, slate.] the forms of animal and vegetable life with which the remains of man under table mountain are associated, are, indeed, to a considerable extent, species now extinct in california, and some of them no longer exist anywhere in the world. but a suggestion of professor prestwich, in england, made with reference to the extinct forms of life associated with human remains in the glacial deposits in europe, is revived by mr. becker, of the geological survey, with reference to the california discoveries; his inference being, not that man is so extremely ancient in california, but that many of these plants and animals have continued to a more recent date than has ordinarily been supposed. the connection of these lava-flows on the pacific coast with the glacial period is unquestionably close. for some reason which we do not fully understand, the vast accumulation of ice in north america during the glacial period is correlated with enormous eruptions of lava west of the rocky mountains, and, in connection with these events, there took place on the pacific coast an almost entire change in the plants and animals occupying the region. mr. warren upham is of the opinion that on the pacific coast they lingered much later than in the region east of the rocky mountains. indeed, it is pretty certain that not many centuries have elapsed since the glacial phenomena of the sierra nevada mountains were much more pronounced than they are at the present time, and it is equally certain that there have been vast eruptions of lava in california within three hundred years. from these data, therefore, mr. becker has real foundation for his suggestion that perhaps in the glacial period california was a kind of health resort for pliocene animals, as it is at the present time for man; or, at any rate, that the later date of the accumulations permitted the animals to survive there much longer than in the region east of the rocky mountains. further discussion of the preceding facts will profitably be deferred until, in the next two chapters, the questions of the cause and date of the glacial period have been considered. chapter ix. the cause of the glacial period. in searching for the cause of the glacial period, it is evident that we must endeavor to find conditions which will secure over the centre of the glaciated area either a great increase of snow-fall or a great decrease in the mean annual temperature, or both of these conditions combined in greater or less degree. as can be seen, both from the nature of the case and from the unglaciated condition of siberia and northern alaska, a low degree of temperature is not sufficient to produce permanent ice-fields. if the snow-fall is excessively meagre, even the small amount of heat in an arctic summer will be sufficient to melt it all away. from the condition of greenland, however, it appears that a moderate amount of precipitation where it is chiefly in the form of snow may produce enormous glaciers if at the same time the average temperature is low. in southeastern alaska, on the other hand, the glaciers are of enormous size, though the mean annual temperature is by no means low, for there the great amount of snow-fall amply compensates for the higher temperature. snow stores the cold and keeps it in a definite place. if the air becomes chilled, circulation at once sets in, and the cold air is transferred to warmer regions; but if there is moisture in the air, so that snow forms, the cold becomes locked up, as it were, and falls to the earth. the amount of cold thus locked up in snow is enormous. to melt one cubic foot of ice requires as much heat as would raise the temperature of a cubic foot of water 176° fahrenheit. to melt a "layer of ice only one inch and a half thick would require as much heat as would raise a stratum of air eight hundred feet thick from the freezing-point to the tropical heat of 88° fahrenheit." it is the slowness with which ice melts which enables it to accumulate as it does, both in winter and upon high mountains and in arctic regions. captain scoresby relates that when near the north pole the sun would sometimes be so hot as to melt the pitch on the south side of his vessel, while water was freezing on the north side, in the shade, owing to the cooling effect of the masses of ice with which he was surrounded. thus it will appear that a change in the direction of the moist winds blowing from the equator towards the poles might produce a glacial epoch. if snow falls upon the ocean it cools the water, but through the currents, everywhere visible in the sea, the temperature in the water in the different parts soon becomes equalized. if, however, the snow falls upon the land, it must be melted by the direct action of the sun and wind upon the spot where it is. if the heat furnished by these agencies is not sufficient to do it year by year, there will soon be such an accumulation that glaciers will begin to form. it is clear, therefore, that the conditions producing a glacial period are likely to prove very complicated, and we need not be surprised if the conclusions to which we come are incapable of demonstration. theories respecting the cause of the glacial period may be roughly classified as astronomical and geological. among the astronomical theories, one which has sometimes been adduced is that the solar system in its movement through space is subjected to different degrees of heat at different times. according to this theory, the temperate climate which characterised the polar regions during the tertiary period, and continued up to the beginning of the glacial epoch, was produced by the influence of the warmer stretches of space through which the whole solar system was moving at that time; while the glacial period resulted from the influence upon the earth of the colder spaces through which the system subsequently moved. while it is impossible absolutely to disprove this hypothesis, it labors under the difficulty of having little positive evidence in its favor, and thus contravenes a fundamental law of scientific reasoning, that we must have a real cause upon which to rest our theories. in endeavouring to explain the unknown, we should have something known to start with. but in this case we are not sure that there are any such variations in the temperature of the space through which the solar system moves. this theory, therefore, cannot come in for serious consideration until all others have been absolutely disproved. as we shall also more fully see, in the subsequent discussion, the distribution of the ice during the glacial period was not such as to indicate a gradual extension of it from the north pole, but rather the accumulation upon centres many degrees to the south. closely allied with the preceding theory is the supposition broached by some astronomers that the sun is a variable star, dependent to some extent for its heat upon the impact of meteorites, or to the varying rapidity with which the contraction of its volume is proceeding. it is well known that when two solid bodies clash together, heat is produced proportionate to the momentum of the two bodies. in other words, the motion which is arrested is transformed into heat. mr. croll, in his last publication[dr] upon the subject, ingeniously attempted to account for the gaseous condition of the nebulæ and the heat of the sun and other fixed stars by supposing it to be simply transformed motion. according to this theory, the original form of force imparted to the universe was that exerted in setting in motion innumerable dark bodies, which from time to time have collided with each other. the effects of such collisions would be to transform a large amount of motion into heat and its accompanying forms of molecular force. the violence of the compact of two worlds would be so great as to break them up into the original atoms of which they are composed, and the heat set free would be sufficient to keep the masses in a gaseous condition and cause them to swell out into enormous proportions. from that time on, as the heat radiated into space, there would be the gradual contraction which we suppose is going on in all the central suns, accompanied, of course, with a gradual decline of the heat-energy in the system. [footnote dr: stellar evolution and its relation to geological time.] now, it is well known that the earth and the solar system in their onward progress pass through trains of meteorites. the tails of some of the comets are indeed pretty clearly proved to be streams of ponderable matter, through which, from time to time, the minor members of the solar system plunge, and receive some accession to their bulk and weight. the shooting-stars, which occasionally attract our attention in the sky, mark the course of such meteorites as they pass through the earth's atmosphere, and are heated to a glow by the friction with it. it has been suggested, therefore, that the sun itself may at times have its amount of heat sensibly affected by such showers of meteorites or asteroids. upon this theory the warm period of the tertiary epoch, for instance, may have been due to the heat temporarily added to the sun by impact with minor astronomical bodies. when, afterwards, it gradually cooled down, receiving through a long period no more accessions of heat from that source, the way was prepared for the colder epoch of the glacial period, which, in turn, was dispelled by fresh showers of meteorites upon the sun, sufficient to produce the amelioration of climate which we experience at the present time. as intimated, this theory is closely allied to the preceding, the principal difference being that it limits the effects of the supposed cause to the solar system, and looks to our sun as the varying source of heat-supply. it has the advantage over that, however, of possessing a more tangible _vera causa_. meteorites, asteroids, and comets are known to be within this system, and have occasional collisions with other members of it. but the principal objection urged against the preceding theory applies here, also, with equal force. the accumulations of ice during the glacial period were not determined by latitude. in north america the centre of accumulation was south of the arctic circle--a fact which points clearly enough to some other cause than that of a general lowering of the temperature exterior to the earth. the same objections would bear against the theory ably set forth by mr. sereno e. bishop, of honolulu, which, in substance, is that there may be considerable variability in the sun's emission of heat, owing to fluctuations in the rate of the shrinkage of its diameter, brought about by the unequal struggle between the diminishing amount of heat in the interior and the increasing force of the gravitation of its particles, and by the changes in the enveloping atmosphere of the sun, which, like an enswathing blanket, arrests a large portion of the radiant heat from the nucleus, and is itself evidently subject to violent movements, some of which seem to carry it down to the sun's interior. unknown electrical forces, he thinks, may also combine to add an element of variability. these supposed changes may be compared to those which take place upon the surface of the earth when, at irregular intervals, immense sheets of lava, like those upon the pacific coast of north america, are exuded in a comparatively brief time, to be succeeded by a long period of rest. the heat thus brought to the surface of the earth would add perceptibly to that radiated from it into space in ordinary times. something similar to this upon the sun, it is thought, might produce effects perceptible upon the earth, and account for alternate periods of heat and cold. a fourth astronomical theory is that there has been a shifting of the earth's axis; that at the time of the glacial period the north pole, instead of being where it now is, was somewhere in the region of central greenland. this attractive theory has been thought worthy of attention by president t. c. chamberlin and by professor g. c. comstock,[ds] but it likewise labours under a twofold difficulty: first, the shifting of the poles observed (450 feet per year) is too slight to have produced the changes within any reasonable time, and it is not likely to have been continuous for a long period. but still more fatal to the theory is the fact that the warm climate preceding the glacial period seems to have extended towards the present north pole upon every side; a temperate flora having been found in the fossil plants of the tertiary beds in greenland and northern british america, as well as upon nova zembla and spitzbergen. [footnote ds: see papers by these gentlemen read at the meeting of the american association for the advancement of science, in washington, in august, 1891. professor comstock's paper appeared in the american journal of science for january, 1893.] a fifth astronomical theory, and one which has of late years been received with great favour, is that so ably advocated by the late dr. james croll and by professor james geikie. following the suggestions of the astronomer adhémar, these writers have attempted to show that not only one glacial epoch, but a succession of such epochs, has been produced in the world by the effect of the changes which are known to have taken place in the eccentricity of the earth's orbit when combined with the precession of the equinoxes--another calculable astronomical cause. [illustration: fig. 99.--diagram showing effect of precession: _a._ condition of things now; _b._ as it will be 10,500 years hence. the eccentricity is of course greatly exaggerated.] it is well known that the earth's orbit is elliptical; that is, it is longer in one direction than in the other, so that the sun is one side of the centre. during the winter of the northern hemisphere the earth is now about three million miles nearer the sun than in the summer; but the summer makes up for this distance by being about seven days longer than the winter. through the precession of the equinoxes this state of things will be reversed in ten thousand five hundred years; at which time we shall be nearer the sun during our northern summer, and farther away in winter, our winter then being also longer than our summer. besides, through the unequal attraction of the planets the eccentricity of the earth's orbit periodically increases and diminishes, so that there have been periods when the earth was ten million five hundred thousand miles farther from the sun in winter than in summer; at which times, also, the winter was nearly twenty-eight days longer than the summer. such an extreme elongation of the earth's orbit occurred about two hundred and fifty thousand years ago. it is easy to assume that such a change in astronomical conditions would produce great effects upon the earth's climate; and equally easy to connect with those effects the vast extension of ice during the glacial period. since, also, this period of extreme eccentricity terminated only eighty thousand years ago, the close of the glacial period would, perhaps, upon mr. croll's theory, be comparatively a recent event; for if the secular summer of the earth's eccentricity lags relatively as far behind the secular movements as the annual summer does behind the vernal equinox, we should, as professor charles h. hitchcock suggests, have to place the complete breaking up of the ice period as late as forty thousand years ago.[dt] [footnote dt: geology of new hampshire, vol. iii, p.327.] we have no space to indicate, as it deserves, the comparative merits and demerits of this ingenious theory. it would, however, be a great calamity to have geologists accept it without scrutiny. it is, indeed, a part of the business of geologists to doubt such theories until they are verified by a thorough examination of all accessible _terrestrial_ evidence bearing upon the subject. there is no reason to question the reality of the variations in the relative positions of the earth and the sun assumed by mr. croll; though there may be serious doubt whether the effects of those changes upon climate would be all that is surmised, since equal amounts of heat would fall upon the earth during summer, whether made longer or shorter by the cause referred to. during the short summers the earth is so much nearer the sun that it receives each season absolutely as much heat as it does during the longer summers, when it is so much farther away from the sun. thus the theory rests at last upon the question what would become of the heat reaching the earth in these differing conditions. it is plausibly urged by mr. croll that when a hemisphere of the earth is passing through a period of long winters the radiation of heat will be so excessive that the temperature would fall much below what it would during the shorter winters; and so ice and snow would accumulate far beyond the usual amount. it is also supposed that the effect of the summer's sun in melting the ice during the short summer would be diminished through natural increase of the amount of foggy and cloudy weather. adhémar's theory is supposed by sir robert ball, royal astronomer of ireland, to be considerably re-enforced by a discovery which he has made concerning the distribution of heat upon the earth during the seasons culminating in the summer and winter solstices. croll had assumed, on the authority of herschel, that a hemisphere of the earth during the longer winter in aphelion would receive the same actual amount of heat which would fall upon it during the shorter summer in perihelion; whereas, according to dr. ball's discovery, "of the total amount of heat received from the sun on a hemisphere of the earth in the course of a year, sixty-three per cent is received during the summer and thirty-seven per cent during the winter."[du] when, therefore, the summers occur in perihelion the heat is more intense than croll had supposed, and, at the same time, the winters occurring in aphelion are more deficient in heat than he had assumed. this discovery of dr. ball will not, however, materially affect the discussion of croll's theory upon its inherent merits, since it is simply an intensification of the causes invoked by him. we will therefore let it stand or fall in the light of the general considerations hereafter to be adduced. [footnote du: cause of an ice age, p. 90.] the aid of theoretical consequent changes in the volume of the gulf stream, and in the area of the trade-winds, has also to be invoked by mr. croll. the theory likewise receives supposed confirmation from facts alleged concerning the present climate of the southern hemisphere which is passing through the astronomical conditions thought to be favourable to its glaciation. the antarctic continent is completely enveloped in ice, even down to the sixty-seventh degree of latitude. a few degrees nearer the pole sir j. c. boss describes the ice as rising from the water in a precipitous wall one hundred and eighty feet high. in front of such a wall, and nearly twenty degrees from the south pole, this navigator sailed four hundred and fifty miles! voyagers, in general, are said to agree that the summers of the antarctic zone are much more foggy and cold than they are in corresponding latitudes in the northern hemisphere; and this, even though the sun is 3,000,000 miles nearer the earth during the southern summer than it is during the northern. another direction from which evidence is invoked in confirmation of mr. croll's theory is the geological indications of successive glacial epochs in times past. if there be a recurring astronomical cause sufficient of itself to produce glacial periods, such periods should recur as often as the cause exists; but glaciation upon the scale of that which immediately preceded the historic era could hardly have occurred in early geological time without leaving marks which geologists would have discovered. were the "till" now covering the glaciated region to be converted into rock, its character would be unmistakable, and the deposit is so extensive that it could not escape notice. in his inaugural address before the british association in 1880, professor ramsey, director-general of the geological survey of great britain, presented a formidable list of glacial observations in connection with rocks of a remote age.[dv] beginning at the earliest date, he cites professor archibald geikie, one of the most competent judges, as confident that the rounded knobs and knolls of laurentian rocks exposed over a large region in northwestern scotland, together with vast beds of coarse, angular, unstratified conglomerates, are unquestionable evidences of glacial action at that early period. masses of similar conglomerates, resembling consolidated glacial boulder-beds, occur also in the lower silurian formation at corswall, england. in dunbar, scotland, professor forbes also found, in formations of but little later age than the coal period, "brecciated conglomerates, consisting of pebbles and large blocks of stone, generally angular, embedded in a marly paste, in which some of the pebbles are as well scratched as those found in medial moraines." in formations of corresponding antiquity the geologists of india have found similar boulder-beds, in which some of the blocks are polished and striated. [footnote dv: nature (august 26, 1880), vol. xxii, pp. 388, 389.] still, this evidence is less abundant than we should expect, if there had been the repeated glacial epochs supposed by mr. croll's astronomical theory; and it is by no means impossible that the conglomerates of scratched stones described by professor ramsey in great britain, and by messrs. blandford and medlicott in india, may have resulted from local glaciers coming down from mountain-chains which have been since removed by erosion or subsidence. we are not aware that any incontestable evidence has been presented in america of any glaciation previous to that of _the_ glacial period. upon close consideration, also, it appears that mr. croll's theory has not properly taken into account the anomalous distribution of heat which we actually find to take place on the surface of the earth. he has done good service in showing what an enormous transfer of heat there is from the southern to the northern atlantic by means of the gulf stream, estimating that the heat conveyed by the gulf stream into the atlantic ocean is equal to one fifth of all possessed by the waters of the north atlantic; or to the heat received from the sun upon a million and a half square miles at the equator, or two million square miles in the temperate zone. "the stoppage of the gulf stream would deprive the atlantic of 77,479,650,000,000,000,000 foot-pounds of energy in the form of heat per day." among the objections which bear against this ingenious theory is one which will appear with great force when we come to discuss the date of the glacial period, when we shall show that even professor hitchcock's supposition that the lingering effects of the last great eccentricity of the earth's orbit, continued down to forty thousand years ago, is not sufficient to account for the recentness of the close of the period as shown by abundant geological evidence. it is certainly not more than ten or fifteen thousand years ago that the ice finally melted off from the laurentian highlands; while on the pacific coast the period of glaciation was still more recent. from inspection of the accompanying map the main point of mr. croll's reasoning may be understood. it will be seen that the direction of the currents in the central atlantic is largely determined by the contour of the northeastern coast of south america. from some cause the southeast trade-winds are stronger than the northeast, and their force is felt in pushing the superficial currents of warm water farther north than cape st. roque, the eastern extremity of brazil. as the direction of the south american coast trends rapidly westward from this point to the isthmus of panama, the resultant of the forces is a strong current northwestward into the _cul-de-sac_ of the gulf of mexico, from which there is only the one outlet between cuba and the peninsula of florida. through this the warm water is forced into the region where westerly winds prevail, and spreads its genial influence far to the northward, modifying the climate of the british isles, and even of far-off norway. [illustration: fig. 100.--map showing course of currents in the atlantic ocean: _b_ and _b'_ are currents set in motion by opposite trade-winds; meeting, they produce the equatorial current, which divides into _c_ and _c'_, continuing on as _a_ and _a'_ and _e_.] but why are the southeast trade-winds of the atlantic stronger than the northeast? the ultimate reason, of course, is to be found in the fact that the northern hemisphere is warmer than the southern. the atmosphere over the northern-central portion of the atlantic region is more thoroughly rarefied by the sun's heat than is that over the region south of the equator. the strong southeast trades are simply the rush of atmosphere from the south atlantic to fill the vacuum caused by the heat of the sun north of the equator. but, again, why is this? because, says mr. croll, we are now in that stage of astronomical development favourable to the increased warmth of the northern hemisphere. in the northern hemisphere the summers are longer than the winters. perihelion occurs in winter and aphelion in summer. this is the reason why the north atlantic is warmer than the south atlantic, and why the trade-winds of the south are drawn to the north of the equator. ten thousand five hundred years ago, however, the conditions were reversed, and the greater rarefaction of the atmosphere would have taken place south of the equator, thus drawing the trade-winds in that direction. by again inspecting the map, one will see how far-reaching the effect on the climate of northern countries this change in the prevalences of the trades would have been. then, instead of having the northwest current leading along the northeast coast of south america into the gulf of mexico augmented by the warm currents circulating south of the equator, the warm currents of the north would have been pushed down so far that they would augment the current running to the southwest beyond cape st. roque, along the southeast shore of south america; thus the northern portion of the atlantic, instead of robbing the southern portion of heat, would itself be robbed of its warm currents to contribute to the superfluous heat of the south atlantic. this theory is certainly very ingenious. there is a weak point in it, however. mr. croll assumes that when the winters of the northern hemisphere occur in aphelion, they must necessarily be colder than now. but, evidently, this assertion implies a fuller knowledge than we possess of the laws by which the heat received from the sun is distributed over the earth. for it appears from observation that the equator is by no means so hot now as, theoretically, it ought to be, and that the arctic regions are not so cold as, according to theory, they should be, and this in places which could not be affected by oceanic currents. for example, at iquitos, on the amazon, only three hundred feet above tide, three degrees and a half south of the equator, and more than a thousand miles from the atlantic (so that ocean-currents cannot abstract the heat from its vicinity), the mean yearly temperature is but 78° fahr.; while at verkhojansk, in northeast siberia, which is 67° north of the equator, and is situated where it is out of the reach of ocean-currents, and where the conditions for the radiation of heat are most favourable, and where, indeed, the winter is the coldest on the globe (january averaging--56° fahr.), the mean yearly temperature is two degrees and a half above zero; so that the difference between the temperature upon the equator and that at the coldest point on the sixty-seventh parallel is only about 75° fahr.; whereas, if temperature were in proportion to heat received from the sun, the difference ought to be 172°. again, the difference between the actual january temperature on the fiftieth parallel and that upon the sixtieth is but 20° fahr., whereas, the quantity of solar heat received on the fiftieth parallel during the month of january is three times that received upon the sixtieth, and the difference in temperature ought to be about 170° fahr. upon any known law in the case. woeikoff, a russian meteorologist, and one of the ablest critics of mr. croll's theory, and to whom we are indebted for these facts, ascribes the greater present warmth of the northern atlantic basin, not to the astronomical cause invoked by mr. croll, but to the relatively small extent of sea in the middle latitudes of the northern hemisphere. the extent and depth of the oceans of the southern hemisphere would of themselves give greater steadiness and force to its trade-winds, and lead to a general lowering of the temperature; so that it is doubtful if the astronomical causes introduced by mr. croll, even with dr. ball's re-enforcement, would produce any appreciable effect while the distribution of land and water remains substantially what it is at the present time. still another variation in the astronomical theory has been set forth and defended by major-general a. w. drayson, f. r. a. s., instructor in the royal military school at woolwich, england. he contends that what has been called the precession of the equinoxes, and supposed to be "a conical movement of the earth's axis in a circle around a point as a centre, from which it continually decreases its distance,"[dw] is really a second rotation of the earth about its centre. as a consequence of this second rotation, he endeavours to show that the inclination of the earth's axis varies as much as 12°; so that, whereas the arctic and antarctic circles and the tropics extend to only about 23° from the poles and the equator, respectively, about thirteen thousand five hundred years ago they extended more than 35°; thus bringing the frigid zones in both cases 12° nearer the equator than now. this, he contends, would have produced the glacial period at the time now more generally assigned to it by direct geological evidence. [footnote dw: untrodden ground in astronomy and geology, p. 26.] the difficulty with this theory, even if the mathematical calculations upon which it is based are correct, would be substantially the same as those already urged against that of mr. croll. it is specially difficult to see how general drayson would account for the prolonged temperate climate in high northern latitudes during the larger part of the tertiary epoch. it will be best to turn again to the map to observe the possible effect upon the gulf stream of a geological event of which we have some definite evidence, and which is adduced by mr. upham and others as one of the important probable causes of the glacial period, namely, the subsidence of the isthmus of panama and the adjacent narrow neck of land connecting north with south america. it will be seen at a glance that a subsidence sufficient to allow the northwest current of warm water, pushed by the trade-winds along the northeast shore of south america, to pass into the pacific ocean, instead of into the gulf of mexico, would be a cause sufficient to produce the most far-reaching results; it would rob the north atlantic of the immense amount of heat and moisture now distributed over it by the gulf stream, and would add an equal amount to the northern pacific ocean, and modify to an unknown extent the distribution of heat and moisture over the lands of the northern hemisphere. the supposition that a subsidence of the isthmus of panama was among the contributing causes of the glacial period has been often made, but without any positive proof of such subsidence. from evidence which has recently come to light, however, it is certain that there has actually been considerable subsidence there in late tertiary if not in post-tertiary times. this evidence is furnished by dr. g. a. maack and mr. william m. gabb in their report to the united states government in 1874 upon the explorations for a ship-canal across the isthmus, and consists of numerous fossils belonging to existing species which are found at an elevation of 150 feet above tide. as the dividing ridge is more than 700 feet above tide, this does not positively prove the point, but so much demonstrated subsidence makes it easy to believe, in the absence of contradictory evidence, that there was more, and that the isthmus was sufficiently submerged to permit a considerable portion of the warm equatorial current which now passes northward from the caribbean sea and the gulf of mexico to pass into the pacific ocean. [illustration: fig. 101.--map showing how the land clusters about the north pole.] an obvious objection to the theory of a late tertiary or post-tertiary subsidence of the isthmus of panama presents itself in the fact that there is at present a complete diversity of species between the fish inhabiting the waters upon the different sides of the isthmus. if there had been such a subsidence, it seems natural to suppose that atlantic species would have migrated to the pacific side and obtained a permanent lodgment there, and that pacific species would have found a congenial home on the atlantic side. it must be confessed that this is a serious theoretical difficulty, but perhaps not insuperable. for it is by no means certain that colonists from the heated waters of the caribbean sea would become so permanently established upon the pacific side that they could maintain themselves there upon the re-establishment of former conditions. on the contrary, it seems reasonable to suppose that upon the re-elevation of the isthmus the northern currents, which would then resume their course, would bring back with them conditions unfavourable to the atlantic species, and favourable to the competing species which had only temporarily withdrawn from the field, and which might now be better fitted than ever to renew the struggle with their atlantic competitors. it is by no means certain, therefore, that with the re-establishment of the former conditions there would not also be a re-establishment of the former equation of life upon the two sides of the isthmus. mr. upham's theory involves also extensive elevations of land in the northern part of america; in this respect agreeing with the opinions early expressed by professors j. d. dana and j. s. newberry. of the positive indications of such northward elevations of land we have already spoken when treating in a previous chapter of the fiords and submerged channels which characterise northern europe and both the eastern and the western coasts of north america. but in working out the problem the solution is only half reached when we have got the gulf stream into the pacific ocean, and the land in the northern part of the continents elevated to some distance above its present level. there is still the difficulty of getting the moisture-laden currents from the pacific ocean to carry their burdens over the crest of the sierra nevada and rocky mountains and to deposit them in snow upon the laurentian highlands. an ingenious supplement to the theory, therefore, has been brought forward by professor carpenter, who suggests that the immense tertiary and post-tertiary lava-flows which cover so much of the area west of the rocky mountains were the cause of the accumulations of snow which formed the laurentide glacier. this statement, which at first seems so paradoxical as to be absurd, appears less so upon close examination. the extent of the outflows of lava west of the rocky mountains is almost beyond comprehension. literally, hundreds of thousands of square miles have been covered by them to a depth in many places of thousands of feet. these volcanic eruptions are mostly of late date, beginning in the middle of the tertiary and culminating probably about the time of the maximum extent of the laurentide glacier. indeed, so nearly contemporaneous was the growth of the laurentide glacier with these outflows that professor alexander winchell had, with a good deal of plausibility, suggested that the outflows of the eruptions of lava were caused by the accumulation of ice over eastern british america. his theory was that the three million cubic miles of ice which is proved to have been abstracted from the ocean and piled up over that area was so serious a disturbance of the equilibrium of the earth's crust that it caused great fissures to be opened along the lines of weakness west of the rocky mountains, and pressed the liquid lava out, as the juice is pressed out of an orange in one place by pressing upon the rind in another. professor carpenter's view is the exact reverse of professor winchell's. going back to those orographic changes which produced the lava-flows and the elevation of the northern part of british america, he thinks the problem of getting the moisture transferred from the pacific ocean to the canadian highlands is solved by the lava-flows west of the rocky mountains. this immense exudation of molten matter was accompanied by an enormous liberation of heat, which must have produced significant changes in the meteorological conditions. the moisture of the atmosphere is precipitated by means of the condensation connected with a lowering of its temperature. ordinarily, therefore, when moist winds from an oceanic area pass directly over a lofty mountain-chain, the precipitation takes place immediately, and the water finds its way back by a short course to the sea. this is what now actually occurs on the pacific coast. the sierra nevada condense nearly all the moisture; so that very little falls on the vast area extending from their summits eastward to the rocky mountains. all that region is now practically a desert land, where the evaporation exceeds the precipitation. in professor carpenter's view the heat radiated from the freshly exuded lava is supposed to have prevented the precipitation near the coast-line, and to have helped the winds in carrying it farther onward to the northeast, where it would be condensed upon the elevated highlands, upon which the snows of the great laurentide glacier were collected. it is not necessary for us to attempt to measure the amount of truth in this subsidiary hypothesis of professor carpenter, but it illustrates how complicated are the conditions which have to be considered before we rest securely upon any particular hypothesis. the unknown elements of the problem are so numerous, and so far-reaching in their possible scope, that a cautious attitude of agnosticism, with respect to the cause of the glacial period, is most scientific and becoming. still, we are ready to go so far as to say that mr. upham's theory comes nearest to giving a satisfactory account of all the phenomena, and it is to this that professor joseph le conte gives his cautious approval. summarily stated, this theory is, that the passage from the tertiary to the quaternary or glacial period was characterised by remarkable oscillations of land-level, and by corresponding changes of climate, and of ice-accumulation in northern regions; that the northern elevation was connected with subsidence in the equatorial regions; that these changes of land-level were both initiated and, in the main, continued by the interior geological forces of the globe; but that the very continental elevation which mainly brought on the glacial period added at length, in the weight of the ice which accumulated over the elevated region, a new force to hasten and increase the subsidence, which would have taken place in due time in the natural progress of the orographic oscillations already begun. professor le conte illustrates the subject by the following diagram, which, for simplicity's sake, treats the glacial epoch as one; the horizontal line, a b, represents time from the later pliocene until now; but it also represents the present condition of things both as to land-level and as to ice-accumulation. the full line, c d e, represents the oscillations of land (and presumably of temperature) above and below the present condition. the broken line represents the rise, culmination, and decline of ice-accumulation. the dotted line represents the crust-movement as it would have been if there had been no ice-accumulation. [illustration: fig. 102.] _succession of epochs, glacial and fluvial deposits, and_ eastern provinces and middle and southern epochs. new england. atlantic states. recent or rise of the land to its continued subsidence of terrace. present height, or coast at new york and (mostly within somewhat higher, soon southward, and rise of the period of after the departure of the mountainous belt, by traditional the ice. rivers eroding displacement along the and written their glacial fall line of the rivers. history.) flood-plains, leaving much erosion of the remnants as terraces. columbia formation since warmer climate than now, culmination of second probably due to greater glacial epoch; gulf stream, formerly sedimentation in bays, permitted southern sounds, and estuaries. mollusks to extend to gulf of st. lawrence, now represented by isolated colonies. glacial period of ice age. pleistocene period. champlain. land depressed under less subsidence in ice-weight; glacial latitude of new york and (close of the recession; continued southward than at north; second glacial deposition of upper till lower hudson valley, and epoch.) and deep flood-plains of part of its present gravel, sand and clay submarine continuation, (modified drift). above sea-level. gravel terminal moraines marking and sand deposits from pauses or readvance englacial drift in during general retreat of delaware and susquehanna ice. marine submergence. valleys, inclosing 150 to 230 feet on coast abundant human implements of maine, to 520 feet in at trenton, n.j. gulf and valley of st. lawrence. second glacial. second great uplift of renewal of great the land, 3.000 to 4,000 continental elevation feet higher than now; (3.000 feet in latitude snow-fall again all the of new york and year; ice probably two philadelphia), of miles thick on laurentide excessive snow-fall and highlands, and extending rains, and of wide-spread somewhat farther south fluvial deposits, the here than in first columbia formation, on glaciation. lower till the coastal plain, during (ground moraine), and early part of this epoch. upper till (englacial implements of man at drift). terminal claymont, del. moraines, kames, osars, valley drift. inter-glacial. ice-sheet melted here; depression, but generally probably not more ice in not to the present level. (longest epoch arctic regions than now. deep channels cut in the of this era.) bed-rocks by the fluvial and lacustrine delaware, susquehanna, deposits of this time, potomac, and other with those of the first rivers. the appomattox glacial epoch, were deposits much eroded. eroded by the second glaciation. relative length of this epoch made known by mcgee from study of this region. first glacial. begun by high continental continental elevation; uplift, cool climate and erosion of delaware and snow-fall throughout the chesapeake bays, and of year, producing albemarle and pamlico ice-sheet. much glacial sounds. plentiful erosion and snow-fall on the southern transportation; till and appalachian mountains; stratified deposits. snows melted in summer, ended by depression of and heavy rains, land; return of warm producing broad climate, with rain; final river-floods, with melting of the ice. deposition of the isthmus of panama appomattox formation. probably submerged (gulf stream smaller), and again in second glacial epoch. _changes in altitude and climate, during the quaternary era._ mississippi basin and cordilleran region. europe and asia. northward. terracing of river including a stage of erosion and terracing valleys. northward rise considerable uplift, of stratified drift in of area of lake agassiz with return of humid river valleys. land nearly complete before conditions, alpine passage of european the ice was melted on glaciation (third flora to greenland; the country crossed by glacial epoch), and succeeded by subsidence nelson river; but rise the second great rise there, admitting warm about hudson bay is still of lakes bonneville currents to arctic sea. going on; 7,000 to 8,000 and lahontan. very minor climatic changes, years since ice-melting recent subsidence including a warmer uncovered niagara and and change to present stage than now. upper falls of st. anthony. aridity. and outer portions of indo-gangetic alluvial plain; extensive deposits of hwang ho, and destructive changes of its course. abundant deposition of depression probably final departure of the englacial drift. stone almost to the present ice-sheets; glacial implements in river level. restoration of rivers forming eskers gravels of ohio, ind., arid climate; nearly or and kames. loess and minn. laurentian quite complete deposited while the lakes held at higher evaporation of lakes region of the alps was levels, and lake bonneville and lahontan.depressed lower than agassiz formed in red formation of the "adobe"now. upper (englacial) river basin, by continuing through the till, and asar, of barrier of retreating second glacial, sweden. marine ice, with outlets over champlain, and recent submergence 500 to 600 lowest points of their epochs. feet in scotland, present southern scandinavia, and water-shed. marine spitzbergen. submergence 300 to 500 feet on southwest side of hudson bay. ice-sheet here less probable uplift 3,0 second elevation and extensive than in the feet, shown by general glaciation of first glacial epoch, and submerged valleys near northwestern europe; not generally bordered cape mendocino. second the ice-sheets of great as then by lakes in ice-sheet on british britain probably more valleys which now drain columbia and vancouver extensive than in first southward. island; local glacial epoch. glaciation of rocky oscillations of terminal moraines at mountains, cascade and ice-front; british extreme limit of the sierra range, nevada, lower and upper ice-advance, and at ten south to latitude 37°. the chalky, purple, and or more stages of halt or first great rise of bowlder-clays, hessle readvance in its retreat. lakes bonneville bowlder-clays. terminal and lahontan. moraines in germany. depression nearly to continental depression. recession, or probably present level southward; arid climate. long complete departure, of more northward, but continued denudation of the ice-sheets. followed there, by the mountains: differential uplift of resulting very thick land connection between 800 or 1,000 feet. subaërial deposits of europe and africa, great erosion of loess the "adobe." permitting southern and other modified animals to extend far drift, and of "orange intermittent volcanic northward. sand." valleys of this action in various parts epoch, partly filled of this region, erosion of the somme with later till, are throughout the valley below its oldest marked by chains of quaternary era to very implement-bearing lakes in southern recent times, and gravels. minnesota. liable to break forth again. pliocene elevation of latest rise (3.000 uplift and glaciation continent brought to feet) of the colorado of northwestern europe: culmination at cañon district. sierra maximum elevation. beginning of nevada and other great 2,500 feet or more quaternary era; this basin mountain-ranges (depth of the skager whole basin probably formed by immense rack); france and then uplifted 3.000 uplifts, with faulting. britain united with the feet; excessive california river färöe islands, iceland, snow-fall and rain; courses changed; human and greenland. uplifts deposition of the bones and implements in of the himalayas and "orange sand." ice the old river gravels, other mountain-ranges sheet south to lava-covered. ice-sheet attendant on both cincinnati and st. on british columbia; glacial epochs. louis, at length local glaciers depressing the earth's southward. crust beneath it; slackened river floods and shallow lakes, forming the loess. it is seen from the diagram that the ice-accumulation culminated at a time when the land, under the pressure of the ice-load, had already commenced to subside; and that the subsidence was greatest at a time when the pressure had already begun to diminish. but the fact that the land, after the removal of the ice-load, did not return again to its former height in the pliocene, is proof positive that there were other and more fundamental causes of crust-movement at work besides weighting and lightening. the land did not again return to its former level because the cycle of elevation, whatever its cause, which commenced in the pliocene and culminated in the early quaternary, had exhausted itself. if it had not been for the ice-load interfering with and modifying the natural course of the crust-movement determined previously and primarily by other and probably internal causes, the latter would probably have taken the course represented by the dotted line. it would have risen higher and culminated later, and its curve would have been of simpler form. we append a carefully prepared table by mr. warren upham, showing the probable changes in altitude and climate during the quaternary era.[dx] [footnote dx: on page 106 and sequel i have summarised the reasons which lead me to discard the inter-glacial epoch, and to look upon the whole glacial period as constituting a grand unity with minor episodes. it does not yet seem to me that the duality of the period is proved. on the contrary, mr. kendall's chapter on the glacial phenomena of great britain strongly confirms my view.] on the part of many the theory here provisionally adopted will be regarded with disfavour by reason of a disinclination to supposing any great recent changes of level in the continental areas. so firmly established do the continents appear to be, that it seems like invoking an inordinate display of power to have them exalted for the sake of producing a glacial period. due reflection, however, will make it evident that within certain limits the continents are exceedingly unstable, and that they have displayed this instability to as great an extent in recent geological times as they have done in any previous geological periods. when one reflects, also, upon the size of the earth, a continental elevation of 3,000 or 4,000 feet upon a globe whose diameter is more than 40,000,000 feet is an insignificant trifle. on a globe one foot in diameter it would be represented by a protuberance of barely one thousandth of an inch. a corresponding wrinkle upon a large apple would require a magnifying-glass for its detection. moreover, the activity of existing volcanoes, the immense outflows of lava which have taken place in the later geological periods, together with the uniform increase of heat as we penetrate to deeper strata in the crust of the earth--all point to a condition of the earth's interior that would make the elevations of land which we have invoked for the production of the glacial period easily credible. physicists do not, indeed, now hold to the entire fluidity of the earth's interior, but rather to a solid centre, where gravity overcomes the expansive power of heat, and maintains solidity even when the heat is intense. but between the cooling crust of the earth's exterior and a central solid core there is now believed to be a film where the influences of heat and of the pressure of gravity are approximately balanced, and the space is occupied by a half-melted or viscous magma, capable of yielding to a slow pressure, and of moving in response to it from one portion of the enclosed space to another where the pressure is for any cause relieved. as a result of prolonged enquiries respecting the nature of the forces at work both in the interior and upon the exterior of the earth, and of a careful study of the successive changes marking the geological period, we are led to believe that the continental elevations necessary to produce the phenomena of the glacial period are not only entirely possible but easily credible, and in analogy with the natural progress of geological history. in the first place, it is easy to see that two causes are in operation to produce a contraction of the earth's volume and a shortening of its diameter. heat is constantly being abstracted from the earth by conduction and radiation, but perhaps to a greater extent through ceaseless volcanic eruptions which at times are of enormous extent. it requires but a moment's thought to see that contraction of the volume of the earth's interior means that the hardened exterior crust must adjust itself by wrinkles and folds. for a long period this adjustment might show itself principally in gentle swells, lifting portions of the continents to a higher level, accompanied by corresponding subsidence in other places. this gradually accumulating strain would at length be relieved along some line of special weakness in the crust by that folding process which has pushed up the great mountain systems of the world. careful study of the principal mountain systems shows that all the highest of them are of late geological origin. indeed, the latter part of the tertiary period has been the great mountain-building epoch in the earth's history. the principal part of the elevation of the andes and the rocky mountains has taken place since the middle of the tertiary period. in europe there is indubitable evidence that the pyrenees have been elevated eleven thousand feet during the same period, and that the western alps have been elevated thirteen thousand feet in the same time. the carpathians, the western caucasus, and the himalayas likewise bear explicit evidence to the fact that a very considerable portion of their elevation, amounting to many thousand feet, has been effected since the middle of the tertiary period, while a considerable portion of this elevation of the chiefest mountain systems of the world has occurred in what would be called post-tertiary time--that is, has been coincident with a portion of the glacial period. the glacial period, however, we suppose to have been brought about, not by the specific plications in the earth's crust which have produced the mountain-chains, but by the gentler swells of larger continental areas whose strain was at last relieved by the folding and mashing together of the strata along the lines of weakness now occupied by the mountain systems. the formation of the mountains seems to have relieved the accumulating strain connected with the continental elevations, and to have brought about a subsequent subsidence. doubtless, also, correlated subsidences and elevations of the earth's crust have been aided by the transfer of the sediment from continental to oceanic areas, and, as already suggested, during the glacial period by the transfer of water evaporated from the surface of the ocean to the ice-fields of the glaciated area. for example, present erosive agencies are lowering the level of the whole mississippi basin from the alleghanies to the rocky mountains at the rate of a foot in five thousand years. all this sediment removed is being transferred to the ocean-bed. present agencies, therefore, if not counteracted, would remove the whole continent of america (whose average elevation above the sea is only 748 feet) in less than four million years; while the great rivers which descend in all directions from the central plateau of asia are transferring sediment to the ocean from two to four times as fast as the mississippi is, and the po is transferring it from the alps to the adriatic fully seven times as fast as the mississippi is from its basin to the gulf of mexico. this rapid transfer of sediment from the continents to the ocean is producing effects in disturbing the present equilibrium of the earth's crust, which are too complicated for us fully to calculate; but it is by no means improbable that when accumulating for a considerable length of time, the ultimate results may be very marked and perhaps sudden in their appearance. the same may also be said of the accumulation of ice during the glacial period. the glaciated areas of north america and europe combined comprise about six million square miles. at a moderate estimate, the ice was three-quarters of a mile deep. here, therefore, there would be between four and five million cubic miles of water, which had first relieved the ocean-beds of the pressure of its weight, and then concentrated its force over the elevated areas of the northern hemisphere. this disturbance of the equilibrium, by the known transfer of force from one part of the earth's crust to another, certainly gives much plausibility to the theory of jamieson, winchell, le conte, and upham, that the glacial period partly contained in itself its own cure, and by the weight of its accumulated weight of ice helped to produce that depression over the glaciated area which at length rendered the accumulation of ice there impossible. this general view of the known causes in operation during the glacial period will go far towards answering an objection that has probably before this presented itself to the reader's mind. it seems clear that the glacial period in the southern hemisphere has been nearly contemporaneous with that of the northern. the glacial period proper of the southern hemisphere is long since passed. the existing glaciers of new zealand, of the southern portion of the andes mountains, and of the himalaya mountains are but remnants of those of former days. in the light of the considerations just presented, it would not seem improbable that the same causes should produce these similar effects in the northern and the southern hemisphere contemporaneously. at any rate, it would not seem altogether unlikely that the pressure of ice during the climax of the glacial period upon the northern hemisphere (which, as we have seen, there is reason to believe aided in the depression of the continent to below its present level in the latter part of the glacial period) should have contributed towards the elevation of mountains in other parts of the world, and so to the temporary enlargement of the glaciers about their summits. nor are we wholly without evidence that these readjustments of land-level which have been carried on so vigorously since the middle of the tertiary period are still going on with considerable though doubtless with diminished rapidity. there has been a re-elevation of the land in north america since the glacial period amounting to 230 feet upon the coast of maine, 500 feet in the vicinity of montreal, from 1,000 to 1,600 feet in the extreme northern part of the continent, and in scandinavia to the extent of 600 feet. in portions of scandinavia the land is now rising at the rate of three feet in a century. other indications of even the present instability of the earth's surface occur in numbers too numerous to mention.[dy] [footnote dy: for a convincing presentation of the views here outlined, together with abundant references to literature, see mr. warren upham's appendix to the author's ice age in north america.] but, while we are increasingly confident that the main causes of the glacial period have been changes in the relative relation of land-levels connected with diversion of oceanic currents, it is by no means impossible, as wallace[dz] and others have suggested, that these were combined with the astronomical causes urged by drs. croll and geikie. by some this combination is thought to be the more probable, because of the extreme recentness of the close of the glacial period, as shown by the evidence which will be presented in the following chapter. the continuance of glaciers in the highlands of canada, down to within a few thousand years of the present time, coincides in a remarkable manner with the last occurrence of the conditions favourable to glaciation upon mr. croll's theory, which took place about eleven thousand years ago. [footnote dz: see island life, chapters viii and ix.] chapter x. the date of the glacial period. in approaching the subject of glacial chronology, we are compelled to recognise at the outset the approximate character of all our calculations. still, we shall find that there are pretty well-defined limits of time beyond which it is not reasonable to place the date of the close of the glacial period; and, where exact figures cannot be determined, it may yet be of great interest and importance to know something near the limits within which our speculations must range. for many years past mr. croll's astronomical theory as to the cause of the glacial period has been considered in certain circles as so nearly established that it has been adopted by them as a chronological table in which to insert a series of supposed successive glacial epochs which are thought to have characterised not merely the quaternary epoch but all preceding geological eras. what we have already said, however, respecting the weakness of mr. croll's theory is probably sufficient to discredit it as a chronological apparatus. we will therefore turn immediately to the more tangible evidences bearing upon the subject. the data directly relating to the length of time which separates the present from the glacial period are mainly connected with two classes of facts: 1. the amount of erosion which has been accomplished by the river systems since the glacial period; and 2. the amount of sedimentation which has taken place in lakes and kettle-holes. we will consider first the evidence from erosion. [illustration: fig. 103.--diagram of eccentricity and precession: abscissa represents time and ordinates, degrees of eccentricity and also of cold. the dark and light shades show the warmer and colder winters, and therefore indicate each 10,500 years, the whole representing a period of 300,000 years.] the gorge below niagara falls affords an important chronometer for measuring the time which has elapsed since a certain stage in the recession of the great north american ice-sheet. as already shown, the present niagara river is purely a post-glacial line of drainage;[ea] the preglacial outlet to lake erie having been filled up by glacial deposits, so that, on the recession of the ice, the lowest level between lake erie and lake ontario was in the line of the trough of the present outlet. but, from what has already been said, it also appears that the niagara river did not begin to flow until considerably after the ice-front had withdrawn from the escarpment at queenston, where the river now emerges from its cañon to the low shelf which borders lake ontario. for a considerable period afterwards the ice continued to block up the easterly and northerly outlets through the valleys of the mohawk and of the st. lawrence, and held the water in front of the ice up to the level of the passes leading into the mississippi valley. niagara river, of course, was not born until these ice-barriers on the east and northeast melted away sufficiently to allow the drainage to take its natural course. [footnote ea: see above, p. 200 _et seq._] [illustration: fig. 104.--map of the niagara river below the falls, showing the buried channel from the whirlpool to st. davids. small streams, _a_, _b_, _c_, fall into the main gorge over a rocky escarpment. no rock appears in the channel at _d_, but the rocky escarpment reappears at _e_.] of these barriers, that across the mohawk valley doubtless gave way first. this would allow the confluent waters of this great glacial lake to fall down to the level of the old outlet from the basin of lake ontario into the mohawk valley, in the vicinity of home, n. y. the moment, however, that the water had fallen to this level, the plunging torrents of niagara would begin their work; and the gorge extending from queenston up to the present falls is the work done by this great river since that point of time in the glacial period when the ice-barrier across the mohawk valley broke away. the problem is therefore a simple one. considering the length of this gorge as the dividend, the object is to find the rate of annual recession; this will be the divisor. the quotient will be the number of years which have elapsed since the ice first melted away from the mohawk valley. we are favoured in our calculation by the simplicity of the geologic arrangement. the strata at niagara dip slightly to the south, but not enough to make any serious disturbance in the problem. that at the surface, over which the water now plunges, consists of hard limestone, seventy or eighty feet in thickness, and this is continuous from the falls to the face of the escarpment at queenston, where the river emerges from the gorge. immediately underneath this hard superficial stratum there is a stratum of soft rock, of about the same thickness, which disintegrates readily. as a consequence, the plunging water continually undermines the hard stratum at the surface, and prepares the way for it to fall down, from time to time, in huge blocks, which are, in turn, ground to powder by the constant commotion in which they are kept, and thus the channel is cleared of _débris_. [illustration: fig. 105.--section of strata along the niagara gorge from the falls to the lake: 1, 3, strata of hard rock; 2, 4, of soft rock.] below these two main strata there is considerable variation in the hardness of the rock, as shown in the accompanying diagram, where 3 and 5 are hard strata separated by a soft stratum. in view of this fact it seems probable that, for a considerable period in the early part of the recession, instead of there being simply one, there was a succession of cataracts, as the water unequally wore back through the harder strata, numbered 5, 3, and 1; but, after having receded half the distance, these would cease to be disturbing influences, and the problem is thus really the simple one of the recession through the strata numbered 1 and 2, which are continuous. so uniform in consistency are these throughout the whole distance, that the rate of recession could never have been less than it is now. we come, therefore, to the question of the rapidity with which the falls are now receding. in 1841 sir charles lyell and professor james hall (the state geologist of new york) visited the falls together, and estimated that the rate of recession could not be greater than one foot a year, which would make the time required about thirty-five thousand years. but lyell thought this rate was probably three times too large; so that he favoured extending the time to one hundred thousand years. before this the eminent french geologist desor had estimated that the recession could not have been more than a foot in a century, which would throw the beginning of the gorge back more than three million years. but these were mere guesses of eminent men, based on no well-ascertained facts; while mr. bakewell, an eminent english geologist, trusting to the data furnished him by the guides and the old residents of niagara, had, even then, estimated that the rate of recession was as much as three feet a year, which would reduce the whole time required to about ten thousand years. but the visit of lyell and hall in 1841 led to the beginning of more accurate calculations. professor hall soon after had a trigonometrical survey of the falls made, from which a map was published in the state geological report. from this and from the monuments erected, we have had since that time a basis of comparison in which we could place absolute confidence. in recent years three surveys have been made: the first by the new york state geologists, in 1875; and the third by mr. r. s. woodward, the mathematician of the united states geological survey, in 1886. the accompanying map shows the outlines of the falls at the time of these three measurements, from 1842 to 1886. according to mr. woodward, "the length of the front of the horseshoe fall is twenty-three hundred feet. between 1842 and 1875 four and a quarter acres of rock were worn away by the recession of the falls. between 1875 and 1886 a little over one acre and a third disappeared in a similar manner, making in all, from 1842 to 1886, about five and a half acres removed, and giving an annual rate of recession of about two feet and a half per year for the last forty-five years. but in the central parts of the curve, where the water is deepest, the horseshoe fall retreated between two hundred and two hundred and seventy-five feet in the eleven years between 1875 and 1886." [illustration: fig. 106.--map showing the recession of the horseshoe falls since 1842, as by survey mentioned in the text (pohlman). (by courtesy of the american institute of mining engineers.)] it will be perceived that the recession in the centre of the horseshoe is very much more rapid than that nearer the margin; yet this rate at the centre is more nearly the standard of calculation than is that near the margin, for the gorge constantly tends to enlarge itself below the falls, and so gradually to bring itself into line with the full-formed channel. taking all things into account, mr. woodward and the other members of the geological survey thought it not improbable that the average rate of actual recession in the horseshoe fall was as great as five feet per annum; and that, if we can rely upon the uniformity of the conditions in the past, seven thousand years is as long a period as can be assigned to its commencement. the only condition in the problem about which there can be much chance of question relates to the constancy of the volume of water flowing in the niagara channel. mr. gilbert had suggested that, as a consequence of the subsidence connected with the closing portions of the glacial period, the water of the great lakes may have been largely diverted from its present outlet in niagara river and turned northeastward, through georgian bay, french river, and lake nipissing, into a tributary of the ottawa river, and so carried into the st. lawrence below lake ontario. of this theory there is also much direct evidence. a well-defined shore line of rounded pebbles extends, at an elevation of about fifty feet, across the col from lake nipissing to the head-waters of the mattawa, a tributary of the ottawa; while at the junction with the ottawa there is an enormous delta terrace of boulders, forming a bar across the main stream just such as would result from mr. gilbert's supposed outlet. but this outlet was doubtless limited to a comparatively few centuries, and dr. robert bell thinks the evidence still inconclusive.[eb] [footnote eb: see bul. geol. soc. am., vol. iv, pp. 423-427, vol. v, pp. 620-626.] a second noteworthy glacial chronometer is found in the gorge of the mississippi river, extending from the falls of st. anthony, at minneapolis, to its junction with the preglacial trough of the old mississippi, at fort snelling, a distance likewise of about seven miles. above fort snelling the preglacial gorge is occupied by the minnesota river, and, as we have before stated, extends to the very sources of this river, and is continuous with the southern portion of the valley of the trough of the red river of the north. before the glacial period the drainage of the present basin of the upper mississippi joined this main preglacial valley, not at fort snelling, but some little distance above, as shown upon our map.[ec] this part of the preglacial gorge became partially filled up with glacial deposits, but it can be still traced by the lakelets occupying portions of the old depression, and by the records of wells which have been sunk along the line. when the ice-front had receded beyond the site of minneapolis, the only line of drainage left open for the water was along the course of the present gorge from minneapolis to fort snelling. [footnote ec: see above, p. 209.] here, as at niagara, the problem is comparatively simple. the upper strata of rock consist of hard limestone, which is underlaid by a soft sandstone, which, like the underlying shale at niagara, is eroded faster than the upper strata, and so a perpendicular fall is maintained. the strata are so uniform in texture and thickness that, with the present amount of water in the river, the rate of recession of the falls must have been, from the beginning, very constant. if, therefore, the rate can be determined, the problem can be solved with a good degree of confidence. fortunately, the first discoverer of the cataract--the catholic missionary hennepin--was an accurate observer, and was given to recording his observations for the instruction of the outside world and of future generations. from his description, printed in amsterdam in 1704, professor n. h. winchell is able to determine the precise locality of the cataract when discovered in 1680. again, in 1766 the catholic missionary carver visited the falls, and not only wrote a description, but made a sketch (found in an account of his travels, published in london in 1788) which confirms the inferences drawn from hennepin's narrative. the actual period of recession, however (which professor winchell duly takes into account), extends only to the year 1856, at which time such artificial changes were introduced as to modify the rate of recession and disturb further calculations. but between 1680 and 1766 the falls had evidently receded about 412 feet. between 1766 and 1856 the recession had been 600 feet. the average rate is estimated by professor winchell to be about five feet per year, and the total length of time required for the formation of the gorge above fort snelling is a little less than eight thousand years, or about the same as that calculated by messrs. woodward and gilbert for the niagara gorge. to these calculations of professor winchell it does not seem possible to urge any valid objection. it does not seem credible that the amount of water in the mississippi should ever have been less than now, while during the continuance of the ice in the upper portion of the mississippi basin the flow of water was certainly far greater than now. if any one is inclined to challenge professor winchell's interpretation of the facts, even a hasty visit to the locality will suffice to produce conviction. the comparative youth of the gorge from fort snelling up to minneapolis is evident: 1. from its relative narrowness, when compared with the main valley below. this is represented by the shading upon the map. the gorge from fort snelling up is not old enough to have permitted much enlargement by the gradual undermining of the superficial strata on either side, which slowly but constantly goes on. 2. from the abruptness with which it merges into the preglacial valley of the minnesota-mississippi. the opening at fort snelling is not y-shaped, as in gorges where there has been indefinite time for the operation of erosive agencies. 3. furthermore, the precipices lining the post-glacial gorge above fort snelling are far more abrupt than those in the preglacial valley below, and they give far less evidence of weathering. 4. still, again, the tributary streams, like the minnehaha river, which empty into the mississippi between fort snelling and minneapolis, flow upon the surface, and have eroded gorges of very limited extent; whereas, below fort snelling, the small streams have usually either found underground access to the river or occupy gorges of indefinite extent. the above estimates, setting such narrow limits to post-glacial time in america, will seem surprising only to those who have not carefully considered the glacial phenomena of various kinds to be observed all over the glaciated area. as already said, the glaciated portion of north america is a region of waterfalls, caused by the filling up of old channels with glacial _débris_, and the consequent diversion of the water-courses. by this means the streams in countless places have been forced to fall over precipices, and to begin anew their work of erosion. waterfalls abound in the glaciated region because post-glacial time is so short. give these streams time enough, and they will wear their way back to their sources, as the preglacial streams had done over the same area, and as similar streams have done outside the glaciated region. upon close observation, it will be found that the waterfalls in america are nearly all post-glacial, and that their work of erosion has been confined to a very limited time. a fair example is to be seen at elyria, ohio, in the falls of black river, one of the small streams which empty into lake erie from the south. its post-glacial gorge, worn in sandstone which overlies soft shale, is only about two thousand feet in length, and it has as yet made no approach toward a v-shaped outlet. the same impression of recent age is made by examining the outlets of almost any of the lakes which dot the glaciated area. the very reason of the continued existence of these lakes is that they have not had time enough to lower their outlets sufficiently to drain the water off, as has been done in all the unglaciated region. in many cases it is easy to see that the time during which this process of lowering the outlets has been going on cannot have been many thousand years. the same impression is made upon studying the evidences of post-glacial valley erosion. ordinary streams constantly enlarge their troughs by impinging against the banks now upon one side and now upon the other, and transporting the material towards the sea. it is estimated by wallace that nine-tenths of the sedimentary material borne along by rivers is gathered from the immediate vicinity of its current, and goes to enlarge the trough of the stream. upon measuring the cubical contents of many eroded troughs of streams in the glaciated region, and applying the tables giving the average amount of annual transportation of sediment by streams, we arrive at nearly the same results as by the study of the recession of post-glacial waterfalls. professor l. e. hicks, of granville, ohio, has published the results of careful calculations made by him, concerning the valley of raccoon creek in licking county, ohio.[ed] these show that fifteen thousand years would be more than abundant time for the erosion of the immediate valley adjoining that small stream. i have made and published similar calculations concerning plum creek, at oberlin, in lorain county, ohio.[ee] like raccoon creek, this has its entire bed in glacial deposits, and has had nothing else to do since its birth but to enlarge its borders. the drainage basin of the creek covers an area of about twenty-five square miles. its main trough averages about twenty feet in depth by five hundred in width, along a distance of about ten miles. from the rate at which the stream is transporting sediment, it is incredible that it could have been at work at this process more than ten thousand years without producing greater results. [footnote ed: see baptist quarterly for july. 1884.] [footnote ee: see ice age in north america, p. 469.] calculations based upon the amount of sediment deposited since the retreat of the ice-sheet point to a like moderate conclusion. when one looks upon the turbid water of a raging stream in time of flood, and considers that all the sediment borne along will soon settle down upon the bottom of the lake into which the stream empties, he can but feel surprised that the "wash" of the hills has not already filled up the depression of the lake. it certainly would have done so had the present condition of things existed for an indefinite period of time. naturally, while prosecuting the survey of the superficial geology of minnesota, mr. upham was greatly impressed by the continued existence of the innumerable lakelets that give such a charm to the scenery of that state. every day's investigations added to the evidence that the lapse of time since the ice age must have been comparatively brief, since, otherwise, the rains and streams would have filled these basins with sediment, and cut outlets low enough to drain them dry, for in many instances he could see such changes slowly going forward.[ef] [footnote ef: minnesota geological report for 1879, p. 73.] [illustration: fig. 107.--section of kettle-hole near pomp's pond, andover, massachusetts (see text). (for general view of the situation, see fig. 30, p. 78.)] some years ago i myself made a careful estimate of the amount of deposition and vegetable accumulation which had taken place in a kettle-hole near pomp's pond, in andover, mass. the diameter of the depression at the rim was 276 feet. the inclination of the sides was such that the extreme depression of the apex of the inverted cone could not have been more than seventy feet; yet the accumulation of peat and sediment only amounted to a depth of seventeen feet. the total amount of material which had accumulated would be represented by a cone ninety-six feet in diameter at the base and seventeen feet at the apex, which would equal only a deposit of about five feet over the present surface of the bottom. it is easy to see that ten thousand years is a liberal allowance of time for the accumulation of five feet of sediment in the bottom of an enclosure like a kettle-hole, for upon examination it is clear that whatever insoluble material gets into a kettle-hole must remain there, since there is no possible way by which it can get out. now five feet is sixty inches, and if this amount has been six thousand years in accumulating, that would represent a rate of an inch in one hundred years, while, if it has been twelve thousand years in accumulation, the rate will be only one two-hundredth of an inch per year, a film so small as to be almost inappreciable. if we may judge from appearance, the result would not be much different in the case of the tens of thousands of kettle-holes and lakelets which dot the surface of the glaciated region. in the year 1869 dr. e. andrews, of chicago, made an important series of calculations concerning the rate at which the waters of lake michigan are eating into the shores and washing the sediment into deeper water or towards the southern end of the lake. with reference to the erosion of the shores, it appears from the work of the united states coast survey that a shoulder, covered with sixty feet of water, representing the depth at which wave-action is efficient in erosion, extends outward from the west shore a distance of about three miles, where the sounding line reveals the shore of the deeper original lake as it appeared upon the first withdrawal of the ice. from a variety of observations the average rate at which the erosion of the bluffs is proceeding is found to be such that the post-glacial time cannot be more than ten thousand years, and probably not more than seven thousand. an independent mode of calculating this period is afforded by the accumulations of sand at the south end of the lake, to which it is constantly drifting by the currents of water propelled against the shores by the wind; for the body of water in the lake is moving southward along the shores towards the closed end in that direction, there being a returning current along the middle of the lake. all the railroads approaching chicago from the east pass through these sand deposits, and few of the observant travellers passing over the routes can have failed to notice the dunes into which the sand has been drifted by the wind. now, all the material of these dunes and sand-beaches has been washed out of the bluffs to the northward by the process already mentioned, and has been slowly transferred by wave-action to its present position. it is estimated that south of chicago and grand haven, this wave-transported sand amounts to 3,407,451,000 cubic yards. this occupies a belt curving around the south end about ten miles wide and one hundred miles long. the rate at which the sand is moving southward along the shore is found by observing the amount annually arrested by the piers at chicago, grand haven, and michigan city. this equals 129,000 cubic yards for a year, which can scarcely be more than one quarter or one fifth of the total amount in motion. at this rate, the sand accumulations at the southern end of the lake would have been produced in a little less than seven thousand years. "if," says dr. andrews, "we estimate the total annual sand-drift at only twice the amount actually stopped by the very imperfect piers built--which, in the opinion of the engineers, is setting it far too low--and compare it with the capacity of the clay-basin of lake michigan, we shall find that, had this process continued one hundred thousand years the whole south end of lake michigan, up to the line connecting chicago and michigan city, would have been full and converted into dry land twenty-five thousand years ago, and the coast-line would now be found many miles north of chicago."[eg] [footnote eg: southall's recent origin of man, p. 502.] it is proper to add a word in answer co an objection which may arise in the reader's mind, for it will doubtless occur to some to ask why this sand which is washed out by the waves from the bluffs is not carried inward towards the deeper portion of the trough of the lake, thus producing a waste which would partly counteract the forces of accumulation at the south end. the answer is found in the fact that the south end of lake michigan is closed, and that the currents set in motion by the wind are such that there is no off-shore motion sufficient to move sand, and, as a matter of fact, dredgings show that the sand is limited to the vicinity of the shore. by comparing the eroded cliffs upon michigan and the other great lakes with what occurs in similar situations about the glacial lake agassiz, we obtain an interesting means of estimating the comparative length of time occupied by the ice-front in receding from the canadian border to hudson bay. as we have seen, lake agassiz occupied a position quite similar in most respects to lake michigan. its longest diameter was north and south, and the same forces which have eroded the cliffs of lake michigan and piled up sand-dunes at its southern end would have produced similar effects upon the shores of lake agassiz, had its continuance been anywhere near as long as that of the present lake michigan has been. but, according to mr. upham, who has most carefully surveyed the whole region, there are nowhere on the shores of the old lake agassiz any evidence of eroded cliffs at all to be compared with those found upon the present great lakes, while there is almost an entire lack of sand deposits about the south end such as characterise the shore of lake michigan. "the great tracts of dunes about the south end of lake michigan belong," as upham well observes, "wholly to beach accumulations, being sand derived from erosion of the western and eastern shores of the lake.... but none of the beaches of our glacial lakes are large enough to make dunes like those on lake michigan, though the size and depth of lake agassiz, its great extent from north to south, and the character of its shores, seem equally favorable for their accumulation. it is thus again indicated that the time occupied by the recession of the ice-sheet was comparatively brief."[eh] [footnote eh: proceedings of the boston society of natural history, vol. xxiv, p. 454; upham's glacial lakes in canada, in bulletin of the geological society of america, vol. ii, p. 248.] from mr. upham's conclusions it would seem that if ten thousand years be allowed for the post-glacial existence of lake michigan, one tenth of that period would be more than sufficient to account for the cliffs, deltas, beaches, and other analogous phenomena about lake agassiz. in other words, the duration of lake agassiz could not have been more than a thousand years, which gives us a measure of the rate at which the recession of the ice-front went on after it had withdrawn to the international boundary. the distance from there to the mouth of nelson river is about 600 miles. the recession of the ice-front over that area proceeded, therefore, at the average rate of about half a mile per year. there are many evidences that the main period of glaciation west of the rocky mountains was considerably later than that in the eastern part of the continent. a portion of the facts pointing to this conclusion have been well stated by mr. george f. becker, of the united states geological survey. "no one," he says, "who has examined the glaciated regions of the sierra can doubt that the great mass of the ice disappeared at a very recent period. the immense areas of polished surfaces fully exposed to the severe climate of say from 7,000 to 12,000 feet altitude, the insensible erosion of streams running over glaciated rocks, and the freshness of erratic boulders are sufficient evidence of this. there is also evidence that the glaciation began at no very distant geologic date. as professor whitney pointed out, glaciation is the last important geological phenomenon and succeeded the great lava flows. there is also much evidence that erosion has been trifling since the commencement of glaciation, excepting under peculiar circumstances. east of the range, for example, at virginia city, andesites which there is every reason to suppose preglacial have scarcely suffered at all from erosion, so that depressions down which water runs at every shower are not yet marked with water-courses, while older rocks, even of tertiary age and close by, are deeply carved. the rainfall at virginia city is, to be sure, only about ten inches, so that rock would erode only say one third as fast as on the california coast; but even when full allowance is made for this difference, it is clear that these andesites must be much younger than the commencement of glaciation in the northeastern portion of the continent as usually estimated. so, too, the andesites near clear lake, in california, though beyond a doubt preglacial, have suffered little erosion, and one of the masses, mount konocti (or uncle sam), has nearly as characteristic a volcanic form as mount vesuvius."[ei] [footnote ei: bulletin of the geological society of america, vol. ii, pp. 196, 197.] this view of mr. becker is amply sustained by many other obvious facts, some of which may be easily observed by tourists who visit the yosemite park. the freedom of the abutting walls of this cañon from talus, as well as the freshness of the glacial scratches upon both the walls and the floor of the tributary cañons, all indicate a lapse of centuries only, rather than of thousands of years, since their occupation by glacial ice. the freshness of the high-level terraces surrounding the valleys of great salt lake, in utah, and of pyramid and north carson lakes, in nevada, and the small amount of erosion which has taken place since the formation of these terraces, point in the same direction--namely, to a very recent date for the glaciation of the pacific coast. we have already detailed the facts concerning the formation of these terraces and the evidence of their probable connection with the glacial period. it is sufficient, therefore, here to add that, according to mr. russell and mr. gilbert (two of the most eminent members of the united states geological survey, who have each published monographs minutely embodying the results of their extensive observations in this region), the erosion of present streams in the beds which were deposited during the enlargement of the lakes is very slight, and the modification of the shores since the formation of the high terraces has been insignificant. according to mr. gilbert: "the bonneville shores are almost unmodified. intersecting streams, it is true, have scored them and interrupted their continuity for brief spaces; but the beating of the rain has hardly left a trace. the sea-cliffs still stand as they first stood, except that frost has wrought upon their faces so as to crumble away a portion and make a low talus at the base. the embankments and beaches and bars are almost as perfect as though the lake had left them yesterday, and many of them rival in the symmetry and perfection of their contours the most elaborate work of the engineer. there are places where boulders of quartzite or other enduring rock still retain the smooth, glistening surfaces which the waves scoured upon them by clashing against them the sands of the beach. "when this preservation is compared with that of the lowest tertiary rocks of the region--the pliocene beds to which king has given the name humboldt--the difference is most impressive. the pliocene shore-lines have disappeared. "the deposits are so indurated as to serve for building-stone. they have been upturned in many places by the uplifting of mountains. elsewhere they have been divided by faults, and the fragments, dissevered from their continuation in the valley, have been carried high up on the mountain-flanks, where erosion has carved them in typical mountain forms.... the date of the bonneville flood is the geologic yesterday, and, calling it yesterday, we may without exaggeration refer the pliocene of utah to the last decade; the eocene of the colorado basin to the last century, and relegate the laying of the potsdam sandstone to prehistoric times."[ej] [footnote ej: second annual report of the united states geological survey, p. 188.] mr. russell adds to this class of evidence that of the small extent to which the glacial striæ have been effaced since the withdrawal of the ice from the borders of these old lakes: "the smooth surfaces are still scored with fine, hair-like lines, and the eye fails to detect more than a trace of disintegration that has taken place since the surfaces received their polish and striation.... it seems reasonable to conclude that in a severe climate like that of the high sierra it" (the polish) "could not remain unimpaired for more than a few centuries at the most."[ek] [footnote ek: see also mr. upham in american journal of science, vol. xli, pp. 41, 51.] europe does not seem to furnish so favourable opportunities as america for estimating the date of the glacial period; still it is not altogether wanting in data bearing upon the subject. some of the caves in which palæolithic implements were found associated with the bones of extinct animals in southern england contain floors of stalagmite which have been thought by some to furnish a measure of the time separating the deposits underneath from those above. this is specially true in the case of kent's cavern, near torquay, which contains two floors of stalagmite, the upper one almost continuous and varying in thickness from sixteen inches to five feet, the lower one being in places twelve feet thick, underneath which human implements were found. but it is difficult to determine the rate at which stalagmite accumulates. as is well known, this deposit is a form of carbonate of lime, and accumulates when water holding the substance in solution drops down upon the surface, where it is partially evaporated. it then leaves a thin film of the substance upon the floor. the rate of the accumulation will depend upon both the degree to which the water is saturated with the carbonate and upon the quantity of the water which percolates through the roof of the cavern. these factors are so variable, and so dependent upon unknown conditions in the past, that it is very difficult to estimate the result for any long period of time. occasionally a quarter of an inch of stalagmite accretion has been known to take place in a cavern in a single year, while in kent's cavern, over a visitor's name inscribed in the year 1688, a film of stalagmite only a twentieth of an inch in thickness has accumulated. if, therefore, we could reckon upon a uniformity of conditions stretching indefinitely back into the past, we could determine the age of these oldest remains of man in kent's hole by a simple sum in arithmetic, and should infer that the upper layer of stalagmite required 240,000 years, and the lower 576,000 years, for their growth, which would carry us back more than 700,000 years, and some have not hesitated to affix as early a date as this to these lowest implement-bearing gravels. but other portions of the cave show an actual rate of accretion very much larger. six inches of stalagmite is there found overlying some remains of romano-saxon times which cannot be more than 2,000 years old. assuming this as the uniform rate, the total time required for the deposit of the stalagmitic floors would still be about 70,000 years. but, as we have seen, the present rates of deposition are probably considerably less than those which took place during the moister climate of the glacial epoch. still, even by supposing the rate to be increased fourfold, the age of this lower stratum would be reduced to only 12,000 years. so that, as mr. james geikie well maintains, "even on the most extravagant assumption as to the former rate of stalagmitic accretion, we shall yet be compelled to admit a period of many thousands of years for the formation of the stalagmitic pavements in kent's cavern."[el] we should add, however, that there is much well-founded doubt whether the implements found in the lowest stratum were really in place, since, according to dr. evans, "owing to previous excavations and to the presence of burrowing animals, the remains from above and below the stalagmite have become intermingled."[em] [footnote el: prehistoric europe, p. 83.] [footnote em: stone and flint implements, p. 446.] an attempt was made by m. morlot in switzerland to obtain the chronology of the glacial period by studying the deltas of the streams descending the glaciated valleys. he paid special attention to that of the tinière, a stream which flows into lake geneva near villeneuve. the modern delta of this stream consists of gravel and sand deposited in the shape of a flattened cone, and investigations upon it were facilitated by a long railroad cutting through it. "three layers of vegetable soil, each of which must at one time have formed the surface of the cone, have been cut through at different depths."[en] in the upper stratum roman tiles and a coin were found; in the second stratum, unvarnished pottery and implements of bronze; while in the lower stratum, at a depth of nineteen feet from the surface, a human skull was found, to which morlot assigned an age of from 5,000 to 7,000 years. [footnote en: lyell's antiquity of man, p. 28.] but dr. andrews, after carefully revising the data, felt confident that the time required for the whole deposit of this lower delta was not more than 5,000 years, and that the oldest human remains in it, which were about half way from between the base and the surface of the cone, were probably not more than 3,000 years old. still, the significance of this estimate principally arises from the relation of the modern delta to older deltas connected with the glacial period. above this modern delta, formed by the river in its present proportions, there is another, more ancient, about ten times as large, whose accumulation doubtless took place upon the final retreat of the ice from lake geneva. no remains of man have been found in this, but it doubtless corresponds in age with the high-level gravels in the valley of the somme, in which the remains of man and the mammoth, together with other extinct animals, have been found. we do not see, however, that any very definite calculation can be made concerning the time required for its deposition. lyell was inclined to consider it ten times as old as the modern delta, simply upon the ground of its being ten times as large. on morlot's estimate of the age of the modern delta, therefore, the retreat of the ice whose melting torrents deposited the upper delta would be fixed at 100,000 years ago, and upon dr. andrews's calculation, at about 20,000. but it is evident that the problem is not one of simple multiplication. the floods of water which accompanied the melting back of the ice from the upper portions of this valley must have been immensely larger than those of the present streams, and their transporting power immensely greater still. hence we do not see that any conclusions can be drawn from the deltas of the tinière to give countenance to extreme views concerning the date of the close of the glacial period.[eo] [footnote eo: lyell's antiquity of man, p. 321.] in the valley of the somme the chronological data relating to the glacial period, and indicating a great antiquity for man, have been thought to be more distinct than anywhere else in europe. as already stated, it is the prevalent opinion that since man first entered the valley, in connection with the mammoth and the other extinct animals characteristic of the glacial period, the trough of the somme, about a mile in width and a hundred feet in depth, has been eroded by the drainage of its present valley. an extensive accumulation of peat also has taken place along the bottom of the trough of the river since it was originally eroded to its present level. this substance occurs all along the bottom of the valley from far above amiens to the sea, and is in some places more than thirty feet in depth. the animal and vegetable remains in it all belong to species now inhabiting europe. the depth of the peat indicates that when it was formed the land stood at a slightly higher elevation than now, for the base of the stratum is now below the sea-level, while the peat is of fresh-water origin, and, according to dr. andrews,[ep] is formed from the vegetable accumulations connected with forest growths. when, therefore, the country was covered with forests, as it was in prehistoric times, the accumulation must have proceeded with considerable rapidity. this inference is confirmed by the occurrence in the peat of prostrate trunks of oak, four feet in diameter, so sound that they were manufactured into furniture. the stumps of trees, especially of the birch and alder, were also found in considerable number, standing erect where they grew, sometimes to a height of three feet. now, as dr. andrews well remarks, it is evident that, in order to prevent these stumps and prostrate trunks from complete decay, the accumulation of peat must have been rapid. from certain roman remains found six feet and more beneath the surface, he estimates that the accumulation since the roman occupation has been as much as six inches a century, at which rate the whole would take place in somewhat over 5,000 years. [footnote ep: american journal of science, october, 1868.] still, if we accept this estimate, we have obtained but a starting-point from which to estimate the age of the high-level gravels in which palæolithic implements were found; for, if we accept the ordinary theory, we must add to this the time required for the river to lower its bed from eighty to a hundred feet, and to carry out to the sea the contents of its wide trough. but, as already shown, the glacial period was, even in the north of france, a time of great precipitation and of a considerable degree of cold, when ice formed to a much greater extent than now upon the surface of the somme. the direct evidence of this consists in the boulders mingled with the high-level gravel which are of such size as to require floating ice for their transportation. in addition to the natural increase in the eroding power of the somme brought about by the increase in its volume, on account of the greater precipitation in the glacial age, there would also be, as prestwich has well shown, a great increase in rate through the action of ground-ice, which plays a very important part in the river erosion of arctic countries, and in all probability did so during the glacial period in the valley of the somme. "when the water is reduced to and below 32° fahr., although the rapid motion may prevent freezing on the surface for a time, any pointed surfaces at the bottom of the river, such as stones and boulders, will determine (as is the case with a saturated saline solution) a sort of crystallisation, needles of ice being formed, which gradually extend from stone to stone and envelop the bodies with which they are in contact. by this means the whole surface of a gravelly river-bed may become coated with ice, which, on a change of temperature, or of atmospheric pressure, or on acquiring certain dimensions and buoyancy, rises to the surface, bringing with it the loose materials to which it adhered. colonel jackson remarks, in speaking of this bottom-ice, that 'it frequently happens that these pieces, in rising from the bottom, bring up with them sand and stones, which are thus transported by the current.... when the thaw sets in the ice, becoming rotten, lets fall the gravel and stones in places far distant from those whence they came.' "again, baron wrangell remarks that, 'in all the more rapid and rocky streams of this district [northern siberia] the formation of ice takes place in two different manners; a thin crust spreads itself along the banks and over the smaller bays where the current is least rapid; but the greater part is formed in the bed of the river, in the hollows among the stones, where the weeds give it the appearance of a greenish mud. as soon as a piece of ice of this kind attains a certain size, it is detached from the ground and raised to the surface by the greater specific gravity of the water; these masses, containing a quantity of gravel and weeds, unite and consolidate, and in a few hours the river becomes passable in sledges instead of in boats.' similar observations have been made in america; but instances need not be multiplied, as it is a common phenomenon in all arctic countries, and is not uncommon on a small scale even in our latitudes. "the two causes combined--torrential river-floods and rafts of ground-ice, together with the rapid wear of the river cliffs by frost--constituted elements of destruction and erosion of which our present rivers can give a very inadequate conception; and the excavations of the valleys must have proceeded with a rapidity with which the present rate of erosion cannot be compared; and estimates of time founded on this, like those before mentioned on surface denudation, are therefore not to be relied upon."[eq] [footnote eq: prestwich's geology, vol. ii, pp. 471, 472.] speaking a little later of taking the present rates of river erosion as a standard to estimate the chronology of the glacial period, the same high authority remarks: "it no more affords a true and sufficient guide than it would be to take the tottering paces and weakened force of an old man as the measure of what that individual was, and what he could do, in his robust and active youth. it may be right to take the effects at present produced by a given power as the known quantity, a, but it is equally indispensable, in all calculations relative to the degree of those forces in past times, to take notice of the unknown quantity, x, although this, in the absence of actual experience, which cannot be had, can only be estimated by the results and by a knowledge of the contemporaneous physical conditions. it may be a complicated equation, but it is not to be avoided.[er] [footnote er: prestwich's geology, vol. ii, pp. 520, 521.] "in this country and in the north of france broad valleys have been excavated to the depth of from about eighty to a hundred and fifty feet in glacial and post-glacial times. difficult as it is by our present experience to conceive this to have been effected in a comparatively short geological term, it is equally, and to my mind more, difficult to suppose that man could have existed eighty thousand years or more, and that existing forms of our fauna and flora should have survived during two hundred and forty thousand years without modification or change."[es] [footnote es: ibid., p. 533.] the discussion of the age of the high-level river gravels of the somme and other streams in northwestern europe is not complete, however, without considering another possibility as to the mode of their deposition. the conclusion to which mr. alfred tylor arrived, after a prolonged and careful study of the subject, was that the main valleys of the somme and other streams in northern france and southern england were preglacial in their origin, and that the accumulations of gravel at high levels along their margin were due to enormous floods which characterised the closing portion of the great ice age, which he denominated the pluvial period.[et] the credibility of floods large enough to accomplish the results manifest in the valley of the somme is supported by reference to a flood which occurred on the mulleer river, in india, in 1856, when a stream, which is usually insignificant, was so swollen by a rainfall of a single day that it rose high enough to sweep away an iron bridge the bottoms of whose girders were sixty-five feet above high-water mark. one iron girder weighing eighty tons was carried two miles down the river, and nearly buried in sand. the significance of these facts is enhanced by observing also that for fifteen miles above the bridge the fall of the river only averaged ten feet per mile. floods to this extent are not uncommon in india. during the glacial period spring freshets, must have been greatly increased by the melting of a large amount of snow and ice which had accumulated during the winter, and also by the formation of ice-gorges near the mouths of many of the streams. it is probable, also, that the accumulation of ice across the northern part of the german ocean may have permanently flooded the streams entering that body of water; for it is by no means improbable that there was a land connection between england and france across the straits of dover until after the climax of the glacial period. in support of his theory, mr. tylor points to the fact "that the gravel in the valley of the somme at amiens is partly derived from _débris_ brought down by the river somme and by the two rivers the celle and the arve, and partly consists of material from the adjoining higher grounds washed in by land floods," and that the "quaternary gravels of the somme are not separated into two divisions by an escarpment of chalk parallel to the river," but "thin out gradually as they slope from the high land down to the somme." mr. tylor's reasoning seems especially cogent to one who stands on the ground where he can observe the size of the valley and the diminutive proportions of the present stream. even if we do not grant all that is claimed by mr. tylor, it is difficult to resist the main force of his argument, and to avoid the conclusion that the valley of the somme is largely the work of preglacial erosion, and has been, at any rate, only in slight degree deepened and enlarged during post-tertiary time. [footnote et: proceedings of the geological society, london, november 8, 1867, pp. 103-126: quarterly journal of the geological society, february 1, 1869, pp. 57-100.] summary. in briefly summarising our conclusions concerning the question of man's antiquity as affected by his known relations to the glacial period, it is important, first, to remark upon the changes of opinion which have taken place with respect to geological time within the past generation. under the sway of sir charles lyell's uniformitarian ideas, geologists felt themselves at liberty to regard geological time as practically unlimited, and did not hesitate to refer the origin of life upon the globe back to a period of 500,000,000 years. in the first edition of his origin of species charles darwin estimated that the time required for the erosion of the wealden deposits in england was 306,662,400 years, which he spoke of as "a mere trifle" of that at command for establishing his theory of the origin of species through natural selection. in his second edition, however, he confesses that his original statement concerning the length of geological time was rash; while in later editions he quietly omitted it. meanwhile astronomers and physicists have been gradually setting limits to geological time until they have now reached conclusions strikingly in contrast with those held by the mass of english geologists forty years ago. mr. george h. darwin, professor of mathematics at cambridge university, has from a series of intricate calculations shown that between fifty and one hundred million years ago the earth was revolving from six to eight times faster than now, and that the moon then almost touched the earth, and revolved about it once every three or four hours. from this proximity of the moon to the earth, it would result that if the oceans had been then in existence the tides would have been two hundred times as great as now, creating a wave six hundred feet in height, which would sweep around the world every four hours. such a condition of things would evidently be incompatible with geological life, and geology must limit itself to a period which is inside of 100,000,000 years. sir william thomson and professor tait, of great britain, and professor newcomb, of the united states naval observatory, approaching the question from another point of view, seem to demonstrate that the radiation of heat from the sun is diminishing at a rate such that ten or twelve million years ago it must have been so hot upon the earth's surface as to vaporise all the water, and thus render impossible the beginning of geological life until later than that period. indeed, they seem to prove by rigorous mathematical calculations that the total amount of heat originally possessed by the nebula out of which the sun has been condensed would only be sufficient to keep up the present amount of radiation for 18,000,000 years. the late dr. croll, feeling the force of these astronomical conclusions, thought it possible to add sufficiently to the sun's heat to extend its rule backwards approximately 100,000,000 years by the supposition of a collision with it of another moving body of near its own size. professor young and others have thought that possibly the heat of the sun might have been kept up by the aid of the impact of asteroids and meteorites for a period of 30,000,000 years. mr. wallace obtains similar figures by estimating the time required for the deposition of the stratified rocks open to examination upon the land surface of the globe. as a result of his estimates, it would appear that 28,000,000 years is all the time required for the formation of the geological strata. from all this it is evident that geologists are much more restricted in their speculations involving time than they thought themselves to be a half-century ago. taking as our standard the medium results attained by wallace, we shall find it profitable to see how this time can be portioned out to the geological periods, that we may ascertain how much approximately can be left for the glacial epoch. on all hands it is agreed that the geological periods decrease in length as they approach the present time. according to dana's estimates,[eu] the "ratio for the palæozoic, mesozoic, and cenozoic periods would be 12:3:1"--that is, cenozoic time is but one sixteenth of the whole. this embraces the whole of the tertiary period, during which placental mammals have been in existence, together with the post-tertiary or glacial period, extending down to the present time; that is, the time since the beginning of the tertiary period and the existence of the higher animals is considerably less than two million years, even upon mr. wallace's basis of calculation. but if we should be compelled to accept the calculations of sir william thomson, professor tait, and professor newcomb, the cenozoic period would be reduced to considerably less than one million years. it is difficult to tell how much of cenozoic time is to be assigned to the glacial period, since there is, in fact, no sharply drawn line between the two periods. the climax of the glacial period represented a condition of things slowly attained by the changes of level which took place during the latter part of the tertiary epoch. [footnote eu: see revised edition of his geology, p. 586.] in order to estimate the degree of credibility with which we may at the outset regard the theory of mr. prestwich and others, that all the phenomena of the glacial period can be brought within the limits of thirty or forty thousand years, it is important to fix our minds upon the significance of the large numbers with which we are accustomed to multiply and divide geological quantities.[ev] [footnote ev: see croll's climate and time, chap. xx.] few people realise either the rapidity with which geological changes are now proceeding or the small amount of change which might produce a glacial period, and fewer still have an adequate conception of how long a period a million years is, and how much present geological agencies would accomplish in that time. at the present rate at which erosive agencies are now acting upon the alps, their dimensions would be reduced one half in a million years. at the present rate of the recession of the falls of st. anthony, the whole gorge from st. louis to minneapolis would have been produced in a million years. a river lowering its bed a foot in a thousand years would produce a cañon a thousand feet deep in a million years. if we suppose the glacial period to have been brought about by an elevation of land in northern america and northern europe, proceeding at the rate of three feet a century, which is that now taking place in some portions of scandinavia, this would amount to three thousand feet in one hundred thousand years, and that is probably all, and even more than all, which is needed. one hundred thousand years, therefore, or even less, might easily include both the slow coming on of the glacial period and its rapid close. prestwich estimates that the ice now floating away from greenland as icebergs is sufficient if accumulating on a land-surface to extend the borders of a continental glacier about four hundred and fifty feet a year, or one mile in twelve years, one hundred miles in twelve hundred years, and seven hundred miles (about the limit of glacial transportation in america) in less than ten thousand years. after making all reasonable allowances, therefore, prestwich's conclusion that twenty-five thousand years is ample time to allow to the reign of the ice of the glacial period cannot be regarded as by any means incredible or, on _a priori_ grounds, improbable. appendix. the tertiary man. by professor henry w. haynes. "it must not be imagined that it is in any way proved that the palæolithic man was the first human being that existed. we must be prepared to wait, however, for further and better authenticated discoveries before carrying his existence back in time further than the pleistocene or post-tertiary period."[ew] this was the position assumed more than twelve years ago by the eminent english geologist and archæologist, dr. john evans, and it was still maintained in his address before the anthropological section of the british association on september 18, 1890. i believe that the study of all the evidence in favor of the existence of the tertiary man that has been brought forward down to the present time will leave the question in precisely the same state of uncertainty. [footnote ew: _a few words on tertiary man_, trans, of hertfordshire nat. hist. soc, vol. i, p. 150.] "in order to establish the existence of man at such a remote period the proofs must be convincing. it must be shown, first, that the objects found are of human workmanship; secondly, that they are really found as stated; and, thirdly, the age of the beds in which they are found must be clearly ascertained and determined."[ex] these tests i propose to apply to the evidence for the tertiary man recently brought forward in europe, and then to consider the significance of certain discoveries on the pacific coast of our own continent. [footnote ex: ibid., p. 148.] tertiary deposits in europe are alleged to have supplied three sorts of evidence of this fact: _first_, the bones of man himself; _second_, bones of animals showing incisions or fractures supposed to have been produced by human agency; _third_, chipped flints believed to exhibit marks of design in their production. a very complete survey of the question of the antiquity of man was published in 1883 by m. gabriel de mortillet, one of its most eminent investigators, under the title of le préhistorique. in that work he subjected to a most rigid examination all the evidence for tertiary man, coming under either of these three heads, that had been brought forward up to that date. the instances of the discovery of human bones in europe were two--at colle del vento, in savona, and castenedolo, near brescia, both in italy. at the former site, in a pliocene marine deposit abounding in fossil oysters and containing some _scattered_ bones of fossil mammals, a human skeleton was found _with the bones lying in their natural connection_. mortillet, however, and many others regard this as an instance of a subsequent interment rather than as proof that the man lived in pliocene times.[ey] at castenedolo, in a similar marine pliocene formation, on three different occasions human skeletons have been discovered, but in different strata. one investigator has accounted for these as the result of a shipwreck in the pliocene period. this bold hypothesis not only requires that man should have been sufficiently advanced at that very remote period to have navigated the sea, but it calls for two shipwrecks, at different times, at the same point. it has, however, since been abandoned by its author in favor of the presumption of subsequent interments, as in the previous instance.[ez] [footnote ey: this is also the opinion of hamy, _précis de paléontologie humaine_, p. 67. professor le conte, _elements of geology_ (third edition, 1891), p. 609, is wrong in attributing the opposite conclusion to hamy, on the evidence of "flint implements found in this locality."] [footnote ez: bullettino di paletnologia italiana, tome xv, p. 109 (august 18, 1889).] animal bones showing cuts or breaks supposed to be the work of man have been found in seventeen different localities in europe. they can all, however, be accounted for as the result of natural movements or pressure of the soil acting in connection with sharp substances, like fractured flints, or else as having been made by the teeth of sharks, whose fossil remains are found in great abundance in the same formation. all the discoveries of flints supposed to show traces of intentional chipping are pronounced to be unsatisfactory, with the exception of those found in three localities--thenay (near tours) and puy-courny (near aurillac), in france, and otta, in the valley of the tagus, in portugal. as european archæologists at the present time are substantially in accord with mortillet in restricting the discussion to these three places, i will follow their example. but although mortillet believes that flints found at all these localities exhibit marks of intelligent action, he will not admit that they are the work of man. he attributes them to an intelligent ancestor of man, whom he calls by the name of anthropopithecus, or the precursor of man. of this creature he distinguishes three different species, named respectively after the discoverers of the flints in the three localities just mentioned. the precursor, however, has found up to this time only a very limited acceptance among men of science, although a few believe in him on purely theoretical grounds. the discussion generally turns upon the question whether these flints were chipped intentionally or are the result of natural causes; and also upon the determination of the geological age of the formations in which they are found. [illustration: fig. 108.--flint flakes collected by abbé bourgeois from miocene strata at thenay (after gaudry). natural size.] i visited thenay, the most celebrated of these three localities, in 1877, and had the advantage of studying the question there under the guidance of the late abbé bourgeois, the discoverer of the flints, and one of the most prominent advocates of the tertiary man. this was the year before he died, and he showed me at the time his complete collection, and gave me several of the objects he had discovered. geologists are agreed in assigning the deposits in which they occur to the lower miocene or middle tertiary period, which restricts the discussion to the character of the flints themselves. the accompanying woodcut[fa] gives some indication of their appearance, although it is misleading, because the long figure resembling a flint knife is intended to represent a solid nucleus. none of these objects, however, ought to be called "flints flakes," as very few, if any, flakes showing the "bulb of percussion," always seen upon them, have been discovered in the tertiary deposits at thenay,[fb] although i have found them there myself _upon the surface_. the three other figures would be classed by archæologists as "piercers," as bourgeois has himself designated them, and are also solid objects. many of the thenay flints exhibit a "crackled" appearance, due to the action of heat. on this account mortillet maintains that they were splintered by fire, and not formed by percussion, the usual method by which flint implements were fabricated in the stone age. the thenay objects are all of very small dimensions, and are so absolutely unlike the large, rudely-chipped axes of the chellean type, found in so many different parts of the world, and generally accepted as the implement used by palæolithic man, that the question naturally suggests itself, what could have been the purpose for which these little implements were employed? no better answer has been suggested than the ludicrous one that they were used by the hairy anthropopithecus to rid himself of the vermin with which he was infested. [footnote fa: from le conte, _op. cit._, p. 608. the figures are copied from gaudry, who borrowed them from the article by bourgeois, _congrès internat. de bruxelles_, 1872, p. 89, pl. ii; and from his _la question de l'homme tertiare_. revue des questions scientifiques, 1877, p. 15.] [footnote fb: le préhistorique, p. 91.] but, leaving aside the question of their purpose, let us consider the evidence presented by the flints themselves. do they exhibit the unmistakable traces of intentional chipping produced by a series of slight blows or thrusts, delivered in regular succession and in the same direction, with the result of forming a distinctly marked edge? and does the appearance of the action of fire upon their surface imply the intervention of intelligence? to both questions m. adrien arcelin, the well-known geologist of mâcon, has given very sufficient replies in the negative. he has discovered numerous objects of precisely similar appearance in eocene deposits in the neighborhood of mâcon.[fc] but, instead of pushing man back on this account so much further into the past, he accounts for the marks of chipping to be seen on many of these objects as the result of the accidental shocks of one stone against another in the countless overturnings and movements to which the strata have been subjected during the long ages of geological time. he gives photographs of some of these objects, which are to me entirely convincing, and describes how he has surprised nature in the very act of fabricating them in an abandoned quarry worked in an eocene deposit. he thinks the "crackled" surfaces can be readily explained as the result of atmospheric action, or of hot springs charged with silex. numerous examples of similar changes in the surface of flint, that have been noticed by himself and others in different localities, are instanced. even if some have been caused by fire, this does not necessarily imply the intervention of man to have produced it. similar discoveries have also been made by m. d'ault de mesnil, at thenay, in eocene deposits,[fd] and by m. paul cabanne, in the gironde.[fe] my own opinion, based upon the experience of many years spent in the study of flints broken naturally as well as artificially, and upon a careful examination of bourgeois's collections, is that the so-called thenay flints are the result of natural causes. [footnote fc: matériaux pour l'histoire prim, et nat. de l'homme, tome xix, p. 193.] [footnote fd: matériaux, ibid., p. 246.] [footnote fe: id., tome xxii, p. 205.] the second locality where flints alleged to display marks of human action have been found is the vicinity of aurillac, in the auvergne, especially on the flanks of a hill called puy-courny. they occur in a conglomerate of the upper miocene period, and are consequently much later than the thenay flints. in this conglomerate, in 1869, m. tardy discovered a worked flint flake which has every appearance of being artificial.[ff] mortillet, however, says that it was found in the upper surface of the deposit, where there may easily have been a mingling with the quaternary formation; and it certainly resembles worked flakes, which are not uncommon in the quaternary. the geological determination of the find may consequently be regarded as uncertain. [footnote ff: see matériaux, tome vi, p. 94. s. reinach, however, _description raison. du musée de saint-germain-en-laye_, i, p. 107, n. 8, calls it "gravure inexacte."] the flints discovered at puy-courny by m. barnes are of small dimensions, and have all been produced by percussion. many of them are said to bear some resemblance to pointed flakes of artificial origin, and one has been figured, probably selected for its excellence.[fg] it is by no means convincing to me, and i am not at all surprised that so many archæologists question the artificial character of these objects, which exhibit a great variety of forms. upon this point rames does not profess to be qualified to pronounce judgment, limiting himself solely to the geological questions. he argues, however, that the fact that all the objects supposed to be artificial are made of the best qualities of flint, of which implements are ordinarily made, although fragments of inferior quality are abundant in the same formation, implies the intervention of man's judgment in making the selection. but m. boule shows that this is merely the result of the erosion of an ancient river, which operated only upon the upper beds, in which alone the better qualities of flint are to be found; and rames has accepted this explanation.[fh] the flints of puy-courny seem to fall within the same category as those of thenay. they are the product of denudation, have travelled long distances, and have been subjected to the action of powerful agents. these causes are sufficient to account for the shocks of which they show the traces, and to explain the production of splinters arising therefrom. [footnote fg: matériaux, tome xviii, p. 400.] [footnote fh: revue d'anthropologie (third series), tome iv, p. 217.] the last locality in which flints claimed to have been manufactured by the tertiary man are supposed to have been discovered is the so-called desert of otta, in the valley of the tagus, not far from lisbon. the formation there is a lacustrine deposit of great thickness, belonging to the upper miocene, and abounding in flint. here, during the course of twenty years, m. ribeiro discovered, but mostly upon the surface, a large number of flakes of flint and quartzite. after much debate in regard to them, ninety-five of them were finally sent by him to paris, in 1878, and placed in the archæological department of the great exposition. there they were to be submitted to the judgment of the assembled prehistoric archæologists of all nationalities, many of whom, including the writer, availed themselves of the opportunity of carefully studying them. the judgment of mortillet is that twenty-two specimens exhibited unmistakable traces of intentional chipping, in which opinion i entirely concur. only nine, however, were represented as coming from the miocene, some of which showed on their surface an incrustation of grit, which was claimed as proof of their origin. but the opinion was freely expressed that, even if they really came from the miocene deposits, they might have penetrated into them from the surface, through cracks, and thus have become so incrusted. it was accordingly resolved to hold the next international congress of prehistoric archæologists at lisbon, in 1880, mainly for the purpose of settling this question, if possible, by an investigation conducted upon the spot. in the course of a visit made at that time to otta, several artificial specimens were found on the surface by different searchers, but professor bellucci, of perugia, was fortunate enough to discover a flint flake _in situ_, still so closely imbedded in the deposit that it required to be detached by a hammer. there is no question that this object was actually found in a miocene deposit, but unfortunately it belongs to the doubtful category of external flakes, which, although they exhibit the "bulb of percussion," have no other sure indication that they are the work of man.[fi] as such bulbs can be produced by natural causes, some stronger proof than this of the existence of tertiary man is demanded. [footnote fi: it has been figured by bellucci, _archivio per l'anthropologia e la etnologia di firenze_, tome xi, p. 12, tav. iv, fig. 2. to me it possesses no value as evidence.] these are all the localities in europe claimed by mortillet to have furnished such evidence, but he thinks a strong confirmation of it is afforded by certain discoveries made in the auriferous gravels of california. i will not occupy space here in repeating arguments i have brought forward elsewhere to show the utter insufficiency of this evidence to prove the existence of man on the pacific coast of our continent during the pliocene period,[fj] they may all be summed up in the words of le conte: "the doubts in regard to this extreme antiquity of man are of three kinds, viz.: 1. doubts as to the pliocene age of the gravels--they may be early quaternary. 2. doubts as to the authenticity of the finds--no scientist having seen any of them in situ. 3. doubts as to the undisturbed conditions of the gravels, for auriferous gravels are especially liable to disturbance. the character of the implements said to have been found gives peculiar emphasis to this last doubt, _for they are not paleolithic_, but neolithic."[fk] the question has been raised whether this archæological objection is applicable to the stone mortars, numerous examples of which have been found in the gravels, some of them quite recently.[fl] if the evidence brought forward by professor whitney and others were limited to these mortars, it might very well be claimed that they are neither palæolithic nor neolithic; that the smoothness of their surface is owing to their having been hollowed out of pebbles that have been polished and worn by natural forces. but professor whitney has cited numberless instances of "spear-heads," "arrow-heads," "discoidal stones," "stone beads," and "a hatchet" that have been found under precisely similar conditions as the mortars. so mr. becker has recently produced an affidavit of a certain mr. neale that in a tunnel run into the gravel in 1877 "between two hundred and three hundred feet beyond the edge of the solid lava, he saw several spear-heads nearly one foot in length."[fm] now it cannot be questioned that such objects as these clearly belong to the neolithic period, which does not imply that all the objects used at that time were polished, but that together with chipped implements "polished stone implements were also used."[fn] no archæologist will believe that, while palæolithic man has not yet been discovered in the tertiary deposits of western europe, the works of neolithic man have been found in similar deposits in western america. peculiar difficulties seem to surround the evidence brought forward in support of such an assumption. we are told by professor whitney that a stone mortar was "found standing upright, and the pestle was in it, in its proper place, just as it had been left by the owner." he fails, however, to explain how this was brought about in a gravel deposit supposed to have been laid down by great floods of water. so, when mr. neale swears that he saw fifteen years ago in the same gravels spear-heads a great deal larger than those known to archæologists, may we not ask whether reliance can be placed on the memory of witnesses who testify to impossibilities to justify conclusions that rest upon such testimony? i think we shall have to wait for further and better evidence than this before we are called upon to admit that the existence of the tertiary man upon our pacific coast has been established. [footnote fj: _the prehistoric archæology of north america_, narrative and critical history of america, vol. i, pp. 850-356.] [footnote fk: le conte, _op. cit._, p. 614.] [footnote fl: professor george frederick wright, _prehistoric man on the pacific coast_, atlantic monthly, april, 1891, p. 512; _table mountain archæology_, nation, may 21, 1891, p. 419.] [footnote fm: _antiquities from under tuolome table mountain in california_, bulletin of the geological society of america, vol. ii, p. 192.] [footnote fn: le conte, _op. cit._, p. 607.] index. aar glacier, 11, 43, 132. abbeville, france, 251, 263. abbott, c. c, cited, 242, 245. adams, charles francis, cited, 297. adhémar, cited, 307, 310. africa, ancient glaciers of, 191. agassiz, louis, cited, 9, 11, 43, 128, 241. ailsa crag, 167, 168. akron. ohio, 220, 221. alaska, 1, 22, 23 _et seq._, 47, 212, 283; climate of, 291, 302. aletsch glacier, 9, 211, 241. alleghany valley, 206, 214; terraces in, 229. alpine glaciers, existing, 9-11, 43 _et seq._; size and number of, 9; depth of, 11; velocity of, 43 _et seq._; ancient, 58-60, 131-136; advance and retreat of, 116. alps, 1, 9-11, 43 _et seq._, 58 _et seq._, 91, 131 _et seq._, 211; age of, 328. altaville, cal, 296. amazon valley, temperature of, 316. amherst, ohio, glacial marks near, 52. amiens, france, implements from, 252, 263 _et seq._; terraces at, 360. andes, 17, 330; age of, 328. andover, mass., 77 _et seq._, 345. andrews, cited, 345, 347, 354, 356. animals, extinct, associated with man in eastern america, 262; in france, 263; in england, 264 _et seq._; in wales, 272; in belgium, 277 _et seq._; summary concerning, 281-293. animals, relics of, in loess, 188. antarctic continent, existing glaciers of, 1, 18 _et seq._ arcy, belgium, grotto at, 279. arenig mawr, wales, 150, 151, 172. argillite implement, face and side view of, 247, 259. arnhem, holland, moraine at, 181. asia, existing glaciers in, 14 _et seq._; ancient glaciers of, 190. assiniboine river, 228. astronomical theories of the glacial period, 303 _et seq._ atlantic ocean, 314. aurillac, supposed flint-chips near, 367, 370. australia, ancient glaciers of, 126, 192. austria, existing glaciers of, 9. auvergne, 136. babbitt, miss f. e., cited, 253, 254, 255. bakewell on age of niagara gorge, 337. baldwin, c. c, 251. baldwin, p., 25. ball, cited, 310, 317. baltic sea, 129. barnsley, england, 155. bates, cited, 204. bear, 270, 287, 290. bear, grizzly, 270, 288. beaver, 289. beaver creek, pa., 205, 230, 232. becker, cited, 296, 300, 349. bedford, england, 265. beech flats, ohio, terrace at, 217. belgium, human relics in glacial terraces in, 264; caverns of, 274. bell, cited, 109, 117; on unity of the glacial period, 110. bellevue, pa., glacial terrace on the ohio at, 217. bellucci, cited, 372. ben nevis, 240. bernese oberland, 9, 59, 131, 132. big stone lake, 208, 226. birmingham. england, 150. bishop, cited. 306. bison, 262, 270, 271, 278, 289. black forest, the, 136. black river, ohio, 343. black sea, 238. blanc, mont, 1, 9-11, 132, 211. blandford, cited, 312. boone county, ky., glacial deposits in, 212. boston, scratched stone from till of, 54; drumlins in the vicinity of, 75. boston society of natural history, 296. boulder-clay. (see till.) boulders, disintegrated, 57, 71. boulders, distribution of, in new-england, 57, 60, 61, 69 _et seq._; in switzerland, 58 _et seq._, 133. boulders, transportation of, in pennsylvania, 57, 61, 85; in new hampshire, 60, 71; in kentucky, 63, 97; in ohio, 64, 72; in rhode island, 67; in massachusetts, 69 _et seq._; in connecticut, 71, 72; in new jersey, 83; in illinois, 97. bourgeois, abbé, cited, 367. bridgenorth, england, 150. bridlington, england, 156, 158. bristol channel, 138, 178. british columbia, 1, 23, 121 _et seq._, 194, 198. british isles, ancient glaciers of, 136-181; preglacial level of land in, 139-141; preglacial climate in 141, 142; great glacial centres- wales, 143; ireland, 143; galloway, 144; lake district, 144; pennine chain, 144; confluent glaciers- irish sea glacier, 145-153; solway glacier, 153-158; east anglian glacier, 158; isle of man, 164-167; the so-called great submergence, 167-180; dispersion of erratics of shap granite, 180, 181; drainage of, 238; caverns of, 267; climate of, 314. brixham cave, 267 _et seq._ bromsgrove, england, 150. brooklyn, n. y., 66, 67. brown, on glaciers of greenland, 40, 41. brown's valley, 226. bruce, skull of, 276. buried forests in america, 107 _et seq._ buried outlets and channels, 199-210; of lake erie, 201, 333; of lake huron, 202; of lake ontario, 202; of lake superior, 203; of lake michigan, 203; in southwestern ohio, 203; near cincinnati, 203; near louisville, ky., 205; in the tuscarawas valley, 205; in the valley of the beaver, 205; of oil creek, 205; in the valley of the alleghany, 206; of chautauqua lake, 207; near minneapolis, 208. burton, england, 164. busk, cited, 267. buttermere, england, 153, 168. cache valley, utah, 233. cae gwyn cave, 148, 271 _et seq._, 280. caithness, scotland, 180. calaveras skull, 295, 300. california, 21, 124, 281, 287, 294, 358, 372. cambridgeshire, england, 158. canada, 94, 95. canstadt, man of, 279. canton, ohio, 232. cape st. roque, 31 3. caribbean sea, 318. caribou, 262. carll, cited, 205, 207. carpathian mountains, 136, 328. carpenter, f. r., cited, 321, 322. cascade range, 21. caspian sea, 238. cattaraugus creek, n. y., 220. caucasus mountains, 15; age of, 328. cave-bear, 269-271, 278, 280; hyena, 269, 270, 278; lion, 269-271, 278. caverns, british, 267-274; on the continent, 274-281. cefn cave, 148, 271. cenis, mont, 135. centres of glacial dispersion, 304 _et seq._, 323 _et seq._, 328; in america, 113, 121; in europe, 129 _et seq._; in the british isles, 142 _et seq._ cevennes, 136. chamberlin, t. c, terminal moraine of second glacial epoch, 93, 98 _et seq._; on driftless area, 102, 103; cited, 110, 218, 229, 307; on cincinnati ice-dam, 218. chamois, 289, 290. chamouni, 132. charpentier, 9, 59. chasseron, 58, 132. chautauqua lake, buried outlet of, 207. chenango river, 220. cheshire, england, 149,153,178,180. cheyenne river, 228. chicago, ill., 346. chimpanzee, skull of, 276. chur, 133. cincinnati, buried channels near, 203 _et seq._; glacial dam at, 212 _et seq._; terraces at, 231. clarksburg, w. va., 216. claymont, del., 258 _et seq._; view of implement found near, 259. claypole, cited, 200, 219, 221. climate of glacial period, 291. clwyd, vale of, 147 _et seq._. 271 _et seq._ clyde, the, 144. collett, cited, 107. colorado, 123, 124. columbia deposit, 245, 254 _et seq._ columbiana county, ohio, 232. comstock, cited, 307. conewango creek, 232; ancient depth of, 206. connecticut, 71, 72, 74, 91. conyers, cited, 265. cook on subsidence in new jersey, 196. cope, cited, 288. cordilleran glacier, 121 _et seq._ corswall, england, 312. cows, 268. cresson, cited, 251, 258 _et seq._ crevasses. (see fissures.) croll, cited, 304, 307 _et seq._, 332, 362. cro-magnon, rock shelter of, 281. cromer, england, 160. crosby, on composition of till, 81 _et seq._ cross fell escarpment, 153, 180. culoz, 132. cumberland, england, 146, 153, 168, 173. gumming, quoted, 166. gushing, h., 26 cuyahoga river, 220, 221; buried channel of, 200. dana, professor j. d., on depth of ice, 91; on driftless area, 102; cited, 320, 363. danube, ancient glaciers of the, 129, 134, 188. darent, valley of, 265. darrtown, ohio, 107. darwin, charles, cited, 17, 126, 170, 241, 361. darwin, george g., cited, 361. darwin, mrs. m. j., mortar owned by, 297. date of glacial period, chapter on, 332-364. davidson glacier, 23. davis on drumlins, 75. dawkins, cited, 238, 267, 269, 291. dawson, g. m., cited, 121; on ice-movements, 97; on oscillation of land-level, 125, 126. dawson, sir william, on the fiord of the saguenay, 197; cited, 285. dee, the river, 149. deeley, quoted, 164. delaware river, 232, 242 _et seq._, 254, 258; section across the, 245. delta terrace at trenton, n. j., 242 _et seq._; at beaver, pa., 230. de ranee, cited, 272. derbyshire, england, 270. desor on age of niagara gorge, 337. diore, glaciers of the, 135. disintegration, amount of, near glacial margin, 117, 118. diss, england, 266. dnieper, the, 185, 188. don, the, 185, 188. dora baltea, 134. dover, n. h., section of kame near, 77. dover, straits of, 238. drave, glaciers in the, 134. drainage systems in the glacial period, 335, 339, 340, 343, 344; chapter on, 193-241. drayson, cited, 317. driftless area in the mississippi valley, 101, 102. drumlins, description of, 73 _et seq._; view of, 73; occurrence of, in massachusetts, 73; in new hampshire, 74; in connecticut, 74; in new york, 74, 94; in the british isles, 74, 137, 167. dunbar, scotland, 312. dupont, cited, 279. du quoin, ill., 98, 119. d'urville, 20. düsseldorf, 275. eagle, wis., view of kettle-moraine near, 99. east anglian glacier, 158-164. eccentricity of the earth's orbit, 308. eden valley, 180. eggischorn, 211, 241. eguisheim, skull found at, 279. elephant, 265, 280, 282, 283, 292. elevation, preglacial, 112, 194, 198; the cause of the glacial period, 113, 320-331; about the great lakes, 224; in the latitude of new york, 261. elyria, ohio, 342. engis skull, view of, 274. england. (see british isles.) enville, england, 150. erosion, preglacial, 193 _et seq._ erosion in river valleys, 198, 329, 332. erzgebirge, 136, 181. europe, existing glaciers in, 9, _et seq._, 43 _et seq._; ancient glaciers of, 129-190; former elevation of, 238; ice-dams in, 360. evans, cited, 263, 267, 354, 365. falconer, cited, 263. falls of st anthony, 200. faudel, cited, 279. fiesch, switzerland, 131, 211. filey brigs;, eng., 155. finchley, eng., 158, 159. finger lakes, 94. finsteraarhorn, 9. fiords, 194 _et seq._; of greenland, 212. fissures in glacial ice, 3, 48, 49. flamborough, 140, 156, 157, 176. florida, 314. flower, cited 263. forbes, 9, 38, 43, 44, 48. forel, m., cited, 116. fort snelling, mississippi gorge at, 208, 340 _et seq._ fort wayne, incl., 220, 224. foshay, cited, 119. fox, 270, 289, 290. fraipont, cited, 275 _et seq._ france, existing glaciers of, 19; ancient glaciers of, 136; glacial gravels of, 262 _et seq._ frankley hill, england, 150. franklin, pa., 230, 232. franz-josef land, 14. frederickshaab glacier, 91, 212. frere, cited, 266. frickthal, 133. frondeg, wales, 149, 178. gabb, cited, 318. galloway, ancient glaciers of, 144, 145, 154, 157, 167, 168, 173. garda, lake, moraine in front of, 135. garonne, the, 136, 188. gaudry, cited, 263. geikie, archibald, cited, 272, 312. geikie, james, on kames, 76; on loess, 187, 188; cited, 291 _et seq._, 307, 353. genesee river, 220. geological time, 361 _et seq._ georgian bay, 339. german ocean, 129. germantown, ohio, 107, 108. germany, north, moraine in, 181, 183; glacial lakes in, 238; quaternary animals in, 279. gietroz glacier, 211. gilbert, cited, 233 _et seq._, 350 _et seq._; on age of niagara gorge, 339. glacial dispersion. (see centres of glacial dispersion.) glacial boundary in new england, 67; in new jersey, 83; in pennsylvania, 84 _et seq._; in new york, 84; in ohio, 95, 100, 106; in kentucky, 96; in indiana, 96; in illinois, 96, 100; in kansas, nebraska, missouri, montana, south dakota, 96; in minnesota, 101; in british isles, 137, 148, 150, 151, 155, 167; in holland, 181; in germany, 181, 183; in russia, 181, 189. glacial erosion, 118, 119, 182. glacial ice, depth of, in pennsylvania, 90 _et seq._; in connecticut, 91; in new york. 91; in greenland, 91; in the alps, 91, 131, 133, 182; in germany, 182; in norway, 182; amount of, 330. glacial lakes in germany, 283. glacial motion, limit of, 2; chapter on, 43-50; plastic theory of, 48. glacial outlets of the great lakes, 220-222. glacial periods, cause of, 113; chapter on, 302-331; date of, chapter on, 332-364. glacial periods, supposed succession of, 106 _et seq._, 311, 324-326, 332; criticisms of the theory, 116 _et seq._ glacial striæ. (see rock-scoring.) glacial terraces, 229-238; in pennsylvania, 87 _et seq._, 215, 217, 229, 230; in new york, 88; at beech flats, ohio, 217; at granville, ohio, 227; on the minnesota river, 228; around great salt lake, 233 _et seq._; on delaware river, 243 _et seq._; in europe, 238-241; in ohio, 249 _et seq._; human relics in, 241-267; on delaware river, 245; of the mississippi river, 254; in france, 263 _et seq._, 360; in england, 264 _et seq._; in belgium, 264; in spain, 264; in portugal, 264; in italy, 264; in greece, 264. glacial theory, crucial tests of, 62, 65, 257, 302 _et seq._ glaciation, signs of past, chapter on, 51 _et seq._ glacier bay, 24; map of, 25. glacier, denned, 2; formation of, 3; characterised by veins and fissures, 3; advance and retreat of, 116; velocity of, in the alps, 43 _et seq._; in greenland, 36, 46-48; in alaska, 47. glaciers, ancient, in north america, 66-128; in central and northern europe, 58-60, 131-136; in the british isles, 136-181; in northern europe, 181-190; in australia, 126, 192; in asia, 190, 191; in africa. 191, 192. glaciers, existing, in the alps, 9 _et seq._, 43 _et seq._; in scandinavia, 12; in spitzbergen, nova zembla, and franz-josef land, 12; in iceland, 14; in asia, 14 _et seq._; in oceanica, 16; in south america, 17; in antarctic continent, 18 _et seq._; in north america, 20 _et seq._; in greenland, 32 _et seq._, 46, 48, 364. glen roy, parallel roads of, 239. glutton, 293. goat, 268. goffstown, n. h., 73. grafton, w. va., 214. grand haven, mich., 346. granville, ohio, terrace at, 227, 343. grape creek, col., view of moraines of, 123. great bend, pa., depth of river-channel at, 206. great lakes, depth of, 115; formation of, 199 _et seq._; glacial outlets of, 220-222; elevation about, 224. great salt lake, utah, 233 _et seq._, 350. greece, human relics in glacial terraces of, 264. greenland, existing glaciers of, 1, 32 _et seq._, 46, 48,364; map of, 33; climate of, 302. gross glockner, 9, 134. ground ice, 357. gulf of mexico, 313, 318. gulf stream, 13, 311, 313, 317 _et seq._ guyot, 9, 58, 133. haas, 16. hall, on the age of niagara, 336. hare, 289. harrison, quoted, 167. harte, bret, cited, 296. hartz mountains, 136, 181. hayes, 36. haynes on tertiary man, 365-374. heald moor, england, 147. hebrides, the, 136. heim, 9. helland, 14, 46-48. hennepin, cited, 340. heme bay, england, 265. herschel, cited, 310. hertfordshire, england, 158. hicks, dr. ii., cited, 272. hicks, l. e., cited, 343. himalayas, 1,45, 292, 330; age of, 328. hingham, mass., section of kame near, 79. hippopotamus, 263, 265, 271, 280, 284, 285, 290, 292. hitchcock, c. ii., discovery of boulders on mount washington, 60; on drumlins, 73; cited, 309, 313. hitchcock, e., on kames, 77. holland, terminal moraine in, 181. holderness, 157. hooker, cited, 191. horse, 188, 263, 268-270, 272, 278, 280, 288, 289. horseheads, n. y., 220. horseshoe fall, 337 _et seq._ hottentot skull, 276. hoxney, england, 266. hudson river, preglacial channel of, 194 _et seq._ hugi, 9, 43. hungary, quaternary animals in, 279. huxley, cited, 276, 278. hyena, 271, 272, 282, 291, 292. ibex, 289. icebergs, 18, 20; formation of, 28. ice, characteristics of, 2, 48 _et seq._, 302 _et seq._; transporting power of moving, 5. ice-dams, 211-228; in the alps, 211; in the himalayas, 211; in greenland, 212; in alaska, 212; at cincinnati, 213 _et seq._; across the mohawk, 92, 220, 334, 335; in the red river of the north, 225; in europe, 360. iceland, existing glaciers of, 1, 14. ice-pillars, 6, 27. ice-sheet, retreat of, 333 _et seq._ idaho, 122; lava-beds of, 297. illicilliwaet glacier, 23. illinois, 96-98, 100, 119, 121, 345 _et seq._ indiana, 96, 98, 107, 119, 121. indian ridge, 80. iowa, 98, 101. ireland, ancient glaciers of, 143. irish elk, 270, 278, 288. irish sea glacier, 137, 145-153, 164, 271. irthing, valley of the, 153. isère, glaciers of the, 132. isle of man, 164-167. isle of wight, 266. italy, existing glaciers of, 9; ancient glaciers of, 185; human relics in glacial terraces of, 264; supposed tertiary man in, 366. ivrea, 134. jackson, cited, 357. jackson's lake, 123. jakobshavn glacier, velocity of, 46, 47; depth of, 91; ice-dams of, 212. james, cited, 204. james river, dak., 228. james river, va., 257. jamieson, cited, 330. jensen, 91. judge's cave, 72. jura mountains, ancient glaciers of, 58-60, 132. kames, formation of, 7, 76, 77; of muir glacier, 29, 30; in massachusetts, 77 _et seq._; in new hampshire, 80; map of, in maine, 81; in pennsylvania, 87. kanawha river, 216. kane, 36-38. kansas, 96. kelly's island, view of grooves on, 103, 105. kendall, chapter by. 137-181; cited, 273. kent, england, 265. kent's hole, 267 _et seq._, 352 _et seq._ kentucky, 63, 96, 97, 212; view of boulder in, 63. kentucky river, 214. kettle-holes, formation of, 7, 68; of muir glacier, 29, 30; in new england, 66 _et seq._, 344, 345; in pennsylvania, 86; sedimentation of, 333, 344 _et seq._ kettle-moraine in wisconsin, 100. king, 21, 351; implement discovered by, 297. knox county, ohio, 232. kurtz, nam pa image discovered by, 297. lake agassiz, 126, 223, 225; continuance of, 347 _et seq._ lake bonneville, 233 _et seq._, 299, 350 _et seq._ lake constance, 60, 133. lake erie, origin of, 200 _et seq._; ridges around, 222; preglacial outlet of, 200, 333. lake geneva during the glacial period, 131, 132. lake huron, preglacial outlet of, 202; ridges around, 224. lake itasca, 254. lake lahontan, 233, 234. lake michigan, age of, 345 _et seq._ lake nipissing, 339. lake ontario, origin of, 201 _et seq._ lake traverse, 208, 226. lake district, england, the, 144. lake dwellings in switzerland, 281. lake ridges, 222 _et seq._ lakes, sedimentation of, 333, 344 _et seq._ lamplugh, glacial observations of, 140, 196. lancashire, 153, 178, 180. lancaster, ohio, 232. lang, cited, 116. lark, england, valley of the, 266. lateral moraines, 5. laurentide glacier, 113 _et seq._, 121, 321. lava on the pacific coast of north america, 294, 298, 300, 306, 321. lawrence, mass., 80. lawrenceburg, ind., 231, 232. le conte, cited, 286, 322 _et seq._, 330, 372. leicestershire, england, 158. lehigh river, 243. lemming, 289. lenticular hills, 73. leopard, 282. lesley, cited, 215. lesse, belgium, valley of the, 279. leverett, cited, 101, 218. lewis, on transported boulders, 57, 61; work of, in pennsylvania, 84, 119; in great britain, 137; cited, 254 _et seq._, 273. lickey hills, 151. licking river, 214. liége, belgium, 274. lincolnshire, england, 158. lindenkohl on old channel of the hudson, 195 _et seq._ lion, 282, 293. little beaver creek, 231, 232. little falls, minn., 225, 232, 252, 254. little falls, n. y., buried channel near, 202. livingston, mont., 122. llangollen, vale of, 151. loess in the mississippi valley, 98, 119, 120; in europe, 186 _et seq._ lohest, cited, 275 _et seq._ lombardy, 134. london, 158, 159, 178; glacial terrace in, 264. long island, 66, 67. louisville, ky., buried channel near, 205. loveland, ohio, 232, 250. lubbock, cited, 267. lucerne, 133. lyell, on richmond train of boulders, 70; cited, 239, 263, 267, 274, 276, 285, 355, 361; on the age of niagara, 336. lyons, 132. maack, cited, 318. macclesfield, england, 273. macenery, cited, 267. machairodus, 270, 282. mackintosh, quoted, 149, 150, 173. mâcon, france, 369. mctarnahan, mortar discovered, by 297. madison boulder, 71. madisonville, ohio, 232, 250, 254. magdalena bay, 13. mahoning river, 220. maine, 80; re-elevation of, 331. malaspina glacier, map of, 31. mammoth, 188, 190, 263, 265, 269-272, 278, 280, 283-285, 287, 292, 293. man, relics of, in the glacial period, chapter on, 242-301; in glacial terraces of the united states, 242-262; of europe, 262-267; in cave deposits of british isles, 148, 267-274; of the continent, 274-281; under lava-beds of the pacific coast of north america, 294-301; extinct animals associated with, 281-293. manitoba, 97. mankato, minn., 229. marcilly, skull at, 279. marietta, ohio, 231. marmot, 289, 293. marsh creek valley, utah, 233. martigny, ancient glaciers near, 59, 60, 131, 211. massachusetts, 67 _et seq._, 73, 77 _et seq._, 81, 344, 345. mastodon, 262, 278, 285, 286. mattmark see, 211. maumee river, 220. mcgee, cited, 245, 254 _et seq._ medial moraines, formation of, 6; of muir glacier, 27; in ohio, 100. medlicott, cited, 312. medora, ind., 232, 251, 254. menai straits, 145. mentone, skeleton of, 281. mer de glace, 11, 44. merjelen see, 211, 241. mersey, the, 140. meteorites, 305. metz, cited, 250. meuse, valley of, 274 _et seq._ miami, the great, 204, 220. miami, the little, 231, 250. millersburg, ohio, 232. mills, cited, 251. minneapolis, 232; buried outlet near, 208; recession of falls at, 210, 340 _et seq._, 364. minnehaha, falls of, 342. minnesota, 101, 107, 252 _et seq._; lakes of, 344. minnesota river, a glacial outlet, 208, 225, 228, 342. miocene epoch, animals of the, 285. mississippi river, gorge of, at fort snelling, 208, 364; terraces on, 229; erosion by, 329; glacial drainage of, 335, 340. missouri coteau, 101, 126, 228. missouri, 96, 98, 119. moel tryfaen, 145, 167 _et seq._, 178, 273. mohawk river, glacial drainage of, 92, 202, 335; ice-dam across, 220, 334, 335. mohegan bock, 71; view of, 72. monongahela river, 214 _et seq._ montaigle, valley of the, 279. montana, 96. montreal, re-elevation of, 331. moose, 262. moraines, formation of, 6; in wisconsin, 98-100; in italy, 134, 135; between speeton and flamborough, 156; in germany, 183. morecambe bay, 146, 180. morgantown, w. va., 215. morlot, cited, 354. mortillet, cited, 366, 369, 372. morvan, the, 136. moulins, formation of, 7. mount shasta, 21. mount washington, 61. mueller glacier, 17. muir glacier, 24 _et seq._. 47, 68, 212; view of front of, 26. muir, john, 24. muskingum river, 220, 231. musk ox, 262, 280. musk sheep, 289, 290, 293. nampa image, 297 _et seq._ nansen, 39, 41. naulette, jaw found at, 278, 279. neale, implements discovered by, 296, 373. neanderthal skull, 275 _et seq._ nebraska, 96. nelson river, 349. neufchâtel, 133. nevada, 124; lakes of, 233. névé-field defined, 3. newark, ohio, 232. newberry on the preglacial drainage of the hudson, 195 _et seq._; on the formation of the great lakes, 202 _et seq._; cited, 320. newburg, n. y., 286. new comerstown, implement from, 232, 250, 251 _et seq._, 254. new england, 57, 60, 61, 91; ancient glaciers in, 66-83. new hampshire, 69, 71, 74, 80. new harmony, ind., 232. new jersey, 83. new lisbon, ohio, 232. new york, 74, 84, 88, 91, 92 _et seq._ new york bay, 184, 197, 249. new zealand, 1, 126, 192, 330. niagara gorge, age of, 333 _et seq._; section of strata along the, 336. nile river, 285. nordenskiöld, 32, 34. norfolk, england, 161. north america, existing glaciers in, 20 _et seq._ north sea, 238. norway, climate of, 314. nottingham, england, 164. nova zembla, 14. oberlin, ohio, 64, 344. oceanica, existing glaciers of, 16, 17. ohio river, glacial terrace, 217, 229. ohio, 64,72, 95, 98, 100, 103, 106,107-117, 119, 217, 249 _et seq._, 343, 344. oil creek, 205, 232. olmo, skull at, 279. oregon, 21, 124. orme's head, little, 147. orton, cited, 72, 107. oscillations of land-level in america, 124 _et seq._ oswestry. england, 173. ottawa river, 339. otter, 290. ouse, valley of the, 265. ox, 269, 270. pacific coast of america, 349. pacific ocean, 318, 320. panama, isthmus of, 113, 313, 314, 318. parsimony, law of, 117. pasterzen glacier, 134. patagonia, 1. patton, 25. payer, 14, 39. peat-beds, 68, 125; in ohio, 107; in minnesota, 108; in valley of the somme, 355 _et seq._ pembina river, 228. pengelly, cited, 267, 270. pennine chain, glaciation of, 137, 144, 146, 147, 154, 177. pennsylvania, 57, 61, 84 _et seq._, 119, 217. perry county, ohio, 232. perthes, boucher de, 262 _et seq._ philadelphia academy of sciences, 296. philadelphia, red gravel of, 254 _et seq._ phillips, cited, 267. picardy, glacial gravels of, 262. pittsburg, pa., submergence of, 214, 217, 230. plum creek, ohio, 344. po, valley of the, 135; erosion by, 328. pocatello, idaho, 236, 299. pocono mountain, 61. poland, 181. polynesian skull, 276. pomp's pond, section of kettle-hole near, 345. portageville, n. y., 220. port neuf river, idaho, 236. portsmouth, ohio, 231. portugal, human relics in glacial terraces of, 264; supposed tertiary man in, 367, 371 _et seq._ post-glacial erosion, 332 _et seq._; in ohio, 343, 344; in illinois, 345 _et seq._ potomac river, 256 _et seq._ pot-holes in lucerne, 133. pouchet, cited, 263. precession of equinoxes, 308. preglacial climate in england, 141, 142. preglacial levels in england, 139-142. prestwich, cited, 186, 189, 263 _et seq._, 284; on date of glacial period, 354, 357, 363, 364. provo shore-line, 237. putnam, cited, 250. puy-courny, france, supposed tertiary man at, 367, 370, 371. pyramid lake, 350. pyrenees, glaciers of the, 11, 136; quaternary animals of, 280, 282; age of, 328. quaternary animals of california, 281, 287; in germany, 279; in hungary, 279. quatrefages, cited, 276. queenston, canada, 333 _et seq._ rabbit, 289. raccoon creek, 343; view of glacial terrace near, 227. rames, cited, 370, 371. ramsay, cited, 311. rappahannock river, 257. rawhide gulch, cal., 296. recession, rate of, of falls of niagara, 333 _et seq._; of falls of st. anthony, 340 _et seq._, 364; of black river, 342, 343. red deer, 263. red river of the north, 209, 228, 340; ice-dam in, 225. regillout, 263. reid, clement, quoted, 162. reid, h. f., 26, 47. reindeer, 188, 262, 263, 269, 270, 278, 280, 287, 290, 293. rhine, ancient glaciers of the, 129, 133. rhinoceros, 188, 263, 265, 271, 277, 278, 280, 284, 286, 287, 292; woolly, 269, 270, 272, 280, 287. rhode island, 67. rhône, ancient glaciers of, 58-60, 131,132, 185, 188; map of, 58. richmond, mass., train of boulders in, 70, 71. rink, dr., 35. roanoke river, 257. rocky mountains, 320, 322; age of the, 328. rock-scorings, cause of, 51 _et seq._; in new england, 69; on islands of lake erie, 103, 104; in pennsylvania, 119; in ohio, 103, 119; in indiana, 119; in illinois, 119; in missouri, 119. roman remains, 356. rome, n. y., 335. rosa, mount, 9, 134, 211. ross, sir j. c, 18, 19, 311. royston, england, 155. runaway pond, 207. russell, i. c, exploration of mount st. elias by, 30, 212; cited, 233, 350 _et seq._ russia, glacial boundary in, 181, 189; glacial drainage of, 238. saguenay, fiord of the, 197. salamanca, n. y., buried channels near, 206. salisbury, cited, 183, 184. salt lake city, 123. sandusky, ohio, section of the lake ridges near, 223. sandusky river, 220. sanford, cited, 267. saskatchewan river, 228. saxony, 181. scandinavia, existing glaciers of, 2, 12; ancient glaciers of, 129, 136, 157, 181-190; re-elevation of, 331. scioto river, 231. scotland. (see british isles.) seattle, section of till in, 55. second glacial period, 106 _et seq._ section, ideal, across river bed in drift region, 229. sedimentation of lakes, 333. seine, terraces of the, 186, 188, 264. seracs, 4, 5. settle, england, 270. severn, the, 149-151, 285. shaler, 67, 242. shap granite, 154, 157, 180. ship rock, 71. shone, cited, 180. shoshone falls, 299. shrewsbury, england, 150. shropshire, england, 149, 173. siberia, 190; quaternary animals in, 280, 282, 283, 290; climate of, 302, 316. sierra nevada mountains, 21, 294, 301, 320, 322, 349, 352. skertchly, quoted, 159. skipton, 144, 146. skull, comparative study of, 276. slickenside, 53. smock on depth of glacial ice, 90. snake river valley, 236 _et seq._, 298. snowdon, 145, 171. snowy vole, 289. soleure, 133. solferino, 135. solway glacier, 153, 155, 180. somme, terraces of the, 186, 262 _et seq._, 285, 286, 355, 359 _et seq._ sonora, cal., 294 _et seq._ south america, existing glaciers of, 17; ancient glaciers in, 126. southampton, england, 266. south dakota, 96, 98. spain, ancient glaciers of, 136; human relics in glacial terraces of, 264; quaternary animals of, 280. speeton, 140, 155, 156. spencer, cited, 224. spencer, n. y., 220. spitsbergen, 12. spy, man of, 275, 277. st. acheul, 263. stag, 289. stainmoor, england, 154, 157, 180. stalagmite, rate of accumulation of, 352 _et seq._ stanislaus river, cal., 294. st. anthony, falls of, 340 _et seq._, 364. steamburg, n. y., buried channel at, 206. st. elias, 30 _et seq._, 212. st. lawrence river, glacial drainage of, 335, 339. st. louis, mo., 119, 364. st. paul, minn., 228. stone on kames in maine, 80. straits of dover, 360. straits of gibraltar, 292. striæ, direction of, in new hampshire, 69; in lake erie, 104; presence of, in pennsylvania, 85, 119; in ohio, indiana, illinois, and missouri, 119; in stuttgart, 279. subglacial streams, 23, 29, 120. submerged channels on the coasts of america, 194-198. submergence theory, 60-63, 70. subsidence of the isthmus of panama, 113, 318; in mississippi valley, 93, 113, 120, 121; on east coast of north america, 255 _et seq._; about the great lakes, 224, 339; in great britain, 167-181. susquehanna river, glacial drainage of, 93, 232, 257. svartisen glacier, 13. svenonius, dr., 12. sweden, 81. switzerland, existing glaciers of, 9-11; ancient glaciers of, 131-136; lake-dwellings in, 281. table mountain, cal., 294 _et seq._, 300. table of changes during the glacial epochs, 324, 325. tagus, valley of the, 367, 371 _et seq._ tait, cited, 362. tardy, cited, 370. tasman glacier, 16. teesdale, england, 155, 157. terminal moraines, formation of, 6; in pennsylvania, 61, 62, 85 _et seq._; on the southern coast of new england, 66 _et seq._; in ohio, 106; in puget sound, 122; in tyghee pass, 122; in italy, 135. terminal moraines of the second glacial epoch, 93, 100, 101, 106. terraces. (see glacial terraces.) tertiary animals, 286. tertiary man, 365-374. tertiary period, climate of, 113, 117, 182, 305, 307. teton mountains, 123. texas, pleistocene animals of, 288. thames, england, 138, 264, 285. thenay, france, supposed tertiary man in, 367, 371; view of flint-flakes collected at, 368. thompson, 50. thomson, cited, 362. till, description of, 53; composition of, in massachusetts, 81 _et seq._; section of, in ohio, 108; depth of, in germany, scandinavia, and russia, 182. tinière river, 354. titusville, pa., 232. todd, on forest beds and old soils,110 _et seq._; cited, 228. torquay, england, 267. trade-winds of the atlantic, 314, 318. tremeirchon, wales, 271. trenton, n. j., 87, 232, 242 _et seq._, 254, 257; view of implement found at, 247. trenton gravel, section of the, 246. trent, valley of the, 163, 164. trimmer, quoted, 148. trimingham, england, 162. trogen, switzerland, 60. trons, switzerland, 60. tuolumne county, cal., 294, 299. turin, 135. tuscarawas valley, 220, 221, 232, 251; buried channel in, 205. tylor, cited, 359 _et seq._ tyndall, 44-46, 49. tynemouth, england, 155, 157. tyrol, 134, 135, 211. tyrrell, cited, 109. ulm, 134. upham, on drumlins, 73; on two ice-movements, 97; cited, 222, 253 _et seq._, 301, 318, 320 _et seq._, 330, 348; on the columbia gravel, 261; on date of the glacial period, 344. ural mountains, 15, 280. utah, 123; lakes of, 233. utica, n. y., 220. utrecht, moraine near, 181. valais, the, 133. vegetable remains in glacial deposits, 117, 125; in ohio, 107, 117; in indiana, 107; in minnesota, 107, 109; in iowa, 108; in british america, 109. veins in glacial ice, 3. vermont, runaway pond in, 207. vernagt glacier, 211. vessel rock, view of, 56. vezère, valley of, 281. victoria cave, england, 270, 280. virginia city, 349. vivian, cited, 267. volga, the, 185. vosges mountains, 136. wabash river, 220, 231, 232. wahsatch mountains, 237. wales, ancient glaciers of, 143, 150 _et seq._; caverns of, 271. wallace, cited, 331, 343, 362. walrus, 262, 285. warren, pa., buried channel near, 206. warren river, 226. washington, 1, 21, 122. washington, d. c., gravel deposit of, 254. water, transporting power of running, 5, 51-53. waveney, england, valley of the, 266. wealden formation, 361. weasel, 290. wells, england, 270. western reserve historical society, 104. weston, w. va., 216. west virginia, 214 _et seq._; glacial terrace in, 216. wey, valley of the, 265. whitby, england, 155. white, cited, 215 _et seq._ white river, ind., 232, 251. white sea, 181. whitney, 14, 21, 295, 349, 373. whittlesey, 100. wild-boar, 290. wild-cat, 290. winchell, alexander, cited, 321, 330. winchell, n. h., cited, 107, 210, 252; on the falls of st. anthony, 341 _et seq._ wisconsin, 98, 99, 100, 101. woeikoff, cited, 316. wolf, 270, 290. wolverine, 289. wood, cited, 179. woodward, quoted, 160; on age of niagara, 337 _et seq._ wookey hole, england, 270. wrangell, cited, 357. wright, 373. yankton, 120. yellowstone park, 122. yorkshire, 140, 154, 155, 157, 176, 270, 283, 286. yosemite park, 21, 350. young, rev. mr., 24. young, professor, cited, 362. younglove, 104. zermatt glacier, view of, 2. zuyder zee, 181. the end. * * * * * d. appleton & co.'s publications. _the ice age in north america, and its bearings upon the antiquity of man._ by g. frederick wright, d. d., ll. d., f. g. s. a., professor in oberlin theological seminary; assistant on the united states geological survey. with an appendix on "the probable cause of glaciation," by warren upham, f. g. s. a., assistant on the geological surveys of new hampshire, minnesota, and the united states. new and enlarged edition. with 150 maps and illustrations. 8vo, 625 pages, and index. cloth, $5.00. 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"--_saturday review_. _through magic glasses,_ and other lectures. a sequel to "the fairy-land of science." illustrated. 12mo. cloth, $1.50. _contents._ _the magician's chamber by moonlight._ _magic glasses and how to use them._ _fairy rings and how they are made._ _the life-history of lichens and mosses._ _the history of a lava-stream._ _an hour with the sun._ _an evening with the stars._ _little beings from a miniature ocean._ _the dartmoor ponies._ _the magician's dream of ancient days._ _life and her children:_ glimpses of animal life from the amoeba to the insects. with over 100 illustrations. 121110. cloth, gilt, $1.50. "the work forms a charming introduction to the study of zoology--the science of living things--which, we trust, will find its way into many hands."--_nature_. _winners in life's race;_ or, the great backboned family. with numerous illustrations. 12mo. cloth, gilt, $1.50. 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"a little book that proves, with excellent clearness and force, how many and striking are the moral lessons suggested by the study of the life history of the plant or bird, beast or insect."--_london saturday review_. new york: d. appleton & co., 72 fifth avenue. * * * * * d. appleton & co.'s publications. modern science series. edited by sir john lubbock, bart., f. r. s. _the cause of an ice age._ by sir robert ball, ll. d., f. r. s., royal astronomer of ireland; author of "star land," "the story of the sun," etc. "sir robert ball's book is, as a matter of course, admirably written. though but a small one, it is a most important contribution to geology."--_london saturday review_. "a fascinating subject, cleverly related and almost colloquially discussed."--_philadelphia public ledger_. _the horse;_ a study in natural history. by william h. flower, c. b., director in the british natural history museum. with 27 illustrations. "the author admits that there are 3,800 separate treatises on the horse already published, but he thinks that he can add something to the amount of useful information now before the public, and that something not heretofore written will be found in this book. the volume gives a large amount of information, both scientific and practical, on the noble animal of which it treats."--_new york commercial advertiser_. _the oak:_ a study in botany. by h. marshall ward, f. r. s. with 53 illustrations. "from the acorn to the timber which has figured so gloriously in english ships and houses, the tree is fully described, and all its living and preserved beauties and virtues, in nature and in construction, are recounted and pictured."--_brooklyn eagle_. _ethnology in folk lore._ by george l. gomme, f. s. a., president of the folklore society, etc. "the author puts forward no extravagant assumptions, and the method he points out for the comparative study of folk-lore seems to promise a considerable extension of knowledge as to prehistoric times."--_independent_. _the laws and properties of matter._ by r. t. glazebrook, f. r. s., fellow of trinity college, cambridge. "it is astonishing how interesting such a took can be made when the author has a perfect mastery of his subject, as mr. glazebrook has. one knows nothing of the world in which he lives until he has obtained some insight of the properties of matter as explained in this excellent work."--_chicago herald_. _the fauna of the deep sea._ by sydney j. j. hickson, m. a., fellow of downing college, cambridge. with 23 illustrations. "that realm of mystery and wonders at the bottom of the great waters is gradually being mapped and explored and studied until its secrets seem no longer secrets. . . . this excellent book has a score of illustrations and a careful index to add to its value, and in every way is to be commended for its interest and its scientific merit."--_chicago times_. each, 12mo, cloth, $1.00. new york: d. appleton & co., 72 fifth avenue. * * * * * transcriber note figure captions were standardized. all figures were moved to avoid splitting paragraphs. any minor typos were corrected. transcriber's note text emphasis is displayed as _italics_ and =bold= respectively. superscript characters are denoted with the carat character (i.e., 8^e). whole and fractional parts are displayed as 5-1/2. fragments of earth lore [illustration: plate i orographic map of scotland] fragments of earth lore sketches & addresses geological and geographical by james geikie, d.c.l., ll.d., f.r.s., &c. murchison-professor of geology and mineralogy in the university of edinburgh formerly of h.m. geological survey of scotland with maps and illustrations edinburgh john bartholomew & co. london: simpkin, marshall, hamilton, kent & co., ltd. 1893 preface. the articles in this volume deal chiefly with the history of glacial times and the origin of surface-features. as they were not written with any view to their subsequent appearance in a collected form, each is so far independent and complete in itself. under these circumstances some repetition was unavoidable, if the articles were not to be recast, and i did not think it advisable to make such radical alteration. with the exception of verbal changes and some excisions, therefore, the papers remain substantially in their original state. here and there a footnote has been added to indicate where the views expressed in the text have since been modified; but i have not been careful to insert such notes throughout. geologists, like other folk, live and learn, and the reader will probably discover that the opinions set forth in some of the later articles are occasionally in advance of those maintained in the writer's earlier days. i have to thank the publishers of _good words_ for allowing me to republish the articles on the cheviot hills and the outer hebrides. my acknowledgments are also due to mr. bartholomew for the excellent maps with which the volume is so well illustrated. edinburgh, _april 5th, 1893_. list of maps. plate i. physical features of scotland _frontispiece_ " ii. structure of mountains 60 " iii. past and present glaciation of the world 193 " iv. ice age in northern europe 324 " v. the geographical evolution of continents 348 " vi. bathy-hypsometrical map, illustrating development of coast-lines 428 contents. chap. page i. geography and geology 1 ii. the physical features of scotland 14 iii. mountains: their origin, growth, and decay 36 iv. the cheviot hills 62 v. the long island, or outer hebrides 125 vi. the ice age in europe and north america 160 vii. the intercrossing of erratics in glacial deposits 194 viii. recent researches in the glacial geology of the continent 220 ix. the glacial period and the earth-movement hypothesis 248 x. the glacial succession in europe 288 xi. the geographical evolution of europe 326 xii. the evolution of climate 349 xiii. the scientific results of dr. nanssen's expedition 382 xiv. the geographical development of coast-lines 393 i. geography and geology.[a] [a] portion of a lecture given in 1886 to the class of geology in the university of edinburgh. the teaching of geography naturally occupies a prominent place in every school curriculum. it is rightly considered essential that we should from an early age begin to know something of our own and other countries. i am not sure, however, that geography is always taught in the most interesting and effective manner. indeed, according to some geographers, who are well qualified to express an opinion, the manner in which their subject is presented in many of our schools leaves much to be desired. but a decided advance has been made in recent years, and with the multiplication of excellent text-books, maps, and other appliances, i have no doubt that this improvement will continue. when i attended school the text-books used by my teachers were about as repellent as they could be. our most important lesson was to commit to memory a multitude of place-names, and the maps which were supposed to illustrate the text-books were, if possible, less interesting and instructive. nowadays, however, teachers have a number of more or less excellent manuals at their service, and the educational maps issued by our cartographers show in many cases a very great advance on the bald and misleading caricatures which did duty in my young days as pictures of the earth's surface. during the progress of some war we often remark that the task of following the military operations compels us to brush up our geography. i am uncharitable enough to suspect that it would frequently be truer to say that, before these campaigns commenced, we had no such knowledge to brush up. the countries involved in the commotion were probably mere names to many of us. we had no immediate interest in them or their inhabitants, and had we been asked, before the outbreak of hostilities, to indicate the precise positions of the places upon a map, some of us perhaps might have been sorely puzzled to do so. nor is such ignorance always discreditable. one cannot know everything; the land-surface of the globe contains upwards of 50 millions of square miles, and one may surely be excused for not having a detailed knowledge of this vast area. i have referred to the subject simply because i think it gives us a hint as to how the teaching of political geography might be made most instructive and interesting. historical narrative might often be interwoven with the subject in such a way as to fix geographical features indelibly on the memory. striking and picturesque incidents, eventful wars, the rise and progress of particular trades, the routes followed by commerce, the immigration and emigration of races, the gradual development of the existing political divisions of the old world, the story of columbus and the early voyagers, the geographical discoveries of later times--all these, and such as these, might be introduced into our lessons in political geography. the wanderings of a mungo park, a bruce, a livingstone, a stanley, traced on a good map, could not fail to arrest the attention of the youthful student of african geography. in like manner, the campaigns of the great napoleon might be made to do good service in illustrating the geographical features of large portions of our own continent. then, as regards britain, what a world of poetry and romantic story clings to every portion of its surface--why, the very place-names themselves might suggest to any intelligent teacher themes and incidents, the deft treatment of which would make the acquisition of geography a delightful task to the dullest boy or girl. the intimate relation that obtains between political geography and history has indeed long been recognised, and is in fact self-evident. and we are all well aware that in our school manuals of geography it has been usual for very many years to note the scenes of remarkable events. such notes, however, are of necessity extremely brief; and it need hardly be said that to fully incorporate history in a text-book of general geography would be quite impracticable. it might be done to a certain extent for our own and a few of the more important countries; but similar detail need not be attempted in regard to regions which are of less consequence from the political point of view. indeed, i should be inclined to leave the proper application of historical knowledge in the teaching of geography very much to the teacher himself, who would naturally select such themes and incidents as seemed best adapted to attract the attention of his pupils. be that, however, as it may, it is enough for my present purpose if i insist upon the fact that the proper study of political geography involves the acquisition of some historical knowledge. one can hardly conceive the possibility of an intelligent student taking pains to become acquainted with the political geography of a country without at the same time endeavouring to learn something of its history--otherwise, his geographical attainments would hardly surpass those of a commercial traveller, whose geographical studies have been confined to the maps and tables of his bradshaw. but if it be impossible to ignore history in the teaching of political geography, it is just as impossible to exclude from our attention great physical features and characteristics. surface-configuration, climate, and natural products all claim our attention. it is obvious, in fact, that the proper study of political geography must give us at least a general notion of the configuration, the river-systems, and climatic conditions of many different lands. for has not the political development of races depended most largely on the physical conditions and natural resources of the countries occupied by them? so far, then, as these have sensibly influenced the progress of peoples, they come naturally under the consideration of political geography. thus, if political geography be closely connected and interwoven, as it were, with history, not less intimate are its relations to physical geography. it does not embrace all physical geography, but it introduces us to many facts and phenomena, the causes and mutual relations of which we cannot understand without first mastering the teachings of physical geography. in the study of this latter science we come more closely into contact with nature; we cease to think of the surface of the earth as parcelled out into so many lots by its human occupants--we no longer contemplate that surface from the limited point of view of the political geographer--we are now not merely members of one particular community, but have become true citizens of the world. to us north and south, east and west are of equal interest and importance. our desire now is to understand, if haply we may, the complex system of which we ourselves form a part. the distribution of land and water--the configuration of continental areas and oceanic basins--the circulation of oceanic and terrestrial waters--earth-movements and volcanoes--ice-formations--the atmosphere--climatology--the geographical distribution of plants and animals--in a word, _the world as one organic whole_ now forms the subject of our contemplation. such being the scope of physical geography, it is satisfactory to know that its importance as a subject of study in our schools has been fully recognised. this being admitted, i shall now proceed to show that physical geography, although, like political geography, it is a separate and distinct subject, yet, just as the study of the latter involves some knowledge of history, so the prosecution of physical geography compels us to make a certain acquaintance with geology. we cannot, in fact, learn much about the atmosphere, about rain and rivers, glaciers and icebergs, earthquakes and volcanoes, and the causes of climate, without at the same time becoming more or less familiar with the groundwork on which geological investigations are based. and just as a knowledge of history enables us better to understand the facts of political geography, so some acquaintance with the results of geological inquiry are necessary before we can hope to comprehend many of the phenomena of which physical geography treats. let me try to make this plain. the physical geographer, we shall suppose, is considering the subject of terrestrial waters. he tells us what is meant by the drainage-system of a country, points out how the various minor water-courses or brooks and streams unite to form a river, describes for us the shape of the valley through which a typical river makes its way--how the valley-slope diminishes from the mountains onwards to the sea-coast--how, at first, in its upper or mountain-track, the flow of the river is torrential--how, as the slope of the valley decreases, the river begins to wind about more freely, until it reaches the head of its plain-track or delta, when, no longer receiving affluents, it begins to divide, and enters the sea at last by many mouths. he tells us further what proportion of the rainfall of the country passes seawards in our river, and he can measure for us the quantity of water which is actually discharged. all this is purely physical geography; but when we come to ask why some rivers flow in deep cañons, like those of the colorado--why valleys should widen out in one part and contract, as it were, elsewhere--why the courses of some rivers are interrupted by waterfalls and rapids, and many other similar questions, the physical geographer must know something of geology before he can give an answer. he can describe the actual existing conditions; without the aid of geology, he can tell us nothing of their origin and cause. so the political geographer can map out for us the present limits of the various countries of europe, but history must be invoked if we would know how those boundaries came to be determined. the moment, therefore, the physical geographer begins to inquire into the origin of any particular physical feature, he enters upon the domains of the geologist. and as he cannot possibly avoid doing so, it is quite common now to find a good deal of the subject-matter of geology treated of in text-books of physical geography. i state this merely to show how very closely the two sciences are interlocked. take, for example, the configuration of river valleys just referred to. the physical geographer recognises the fact that a river performs work; by means of the sediment which it carries in suspension and rolls along its course, it erodes its bed in many places, and undermines its banks, and thus its channel is deepened and widened. he can measure the amount of sediment which it carries down to the sea, and the quantity of saline matters which its waters hold in solution: and knowing that all these substances have been abstracted from the land, he is able to estimate approximately the amount of material which is annually transferred from the surface of the drainage-area involved. he discovers this to be so relatively enormous that he has no difficulty in believing that the valleys in which rivers flow might have been hollowed out by the rivers themselves. but, without trespassing further into the geologist's domains, he cannot go beyond this: and you will at once perceive that something more is required to prove that any particular valley owes its origin to the erosive action of running water. suppose someone were to suggest to him that his river-valley might be a minor wrinkle in the earth's crust caused by earth-movements, or that it might indicate the line of a fissure or dislocation, due to some comparatively recent convulsion--how could his computation of the amount of material at present carried seawards by the river prove such suggestions to be erroneous? and what light could it throw upon the origin of the varied configuration of the river-valley--how would it explain the presence or absence of cascades and rapids, of narrow gorges and open expanses? none of these phenomena can be interpreted and accounted for without the aid of the geologist: without some knowledge of rocks and rock-structures, the origin of the earth's surface-features is quite inexplicable. to give an adequate explanation of all the surface-features of a country in detail would of course require a profound study of geology; but a general acquaintance only with its elementary facts is quite sufficient to enable us to form a reasonable and intelligent view of the cause and origin of the main features of the land as a whole. thus a few lessons in elementary geology would make clear to any child how rivers have excavated valleys, why cataracts and gorges occur here, and open valleys with gently-flowing waters elsewhere. let me select yet another example to show how dependent physical geography is upon geology. the physical geographer, in describing the features of the land, tells us how the great continental areas are traversed in various directions by what he calls mountain-chains. thus, in speaking of america, he tells us that it may be taken as a type of the continental structure--namely a vast expanse of land, low or basin-like in the interior, and flanked along the maritime regions by elevated mountain borders--the highest border facing the deepest ocean. he points out further that the great continental areas are crossed from west to east by well-marked depressions, to a large extent occupied by water. thus europe is separated from africa by the mediterranean, a depression which is continued eastward through the black sea into the aralo-caspian area. south america is all but cut away from north america, while australia is separated from asia by the east india seas. we find, in fact, all over the world that well-marked natural features are constantly being repeated. not only do the great land-masses of the globe bear certain resemblances to each other, but even in their detailed structure similar parallelisms recur. the physical geographer notes all these remarkable phenomena, but he can give us no clue to their meaning. he may describe with admirable skill the characteristic features of plains and plateaux, of volcanic mountains and mountain-chains, but he cannot tell us why plains should occur here and mountains there; nor can he explain why some mountains, such as those of scotland or norway, differ so much in configuration from the alps and the pyrenees. the answer to all these questions can only be given by geology. it is from this science we learn how continental areas and oceanic basins have been evolved. the patient study of the rocks has revealed the origin of the present configuration of the land. there is not a hill or valley, not a plateau or mountain-region, which does not reveal its own history. the geologist can tell you why continents are bordered by coast-ranges, and why their interiors are generally comparatively low and basin-shaped. the oceanic basins and continental areas, we learn, are primeval wrinkles in the earth's crust, caused by its irregular subsidence upon the gradually cooling and contracting nucleus. the continents are immense plateau-like areas rising more or less abruptly above those stupendous depressions of the earth's crust which are occupied by the ocean. while those depressions are in progress the maritime borders of the land-areas are subjected to enormous squeezing and crushing, and coast-ranges are the result--the elevation of those ranges necessarily holding some relation to the depth of the contiguous ocean. for, the deeper the ocean the greater has been the depression under the sea, and, consequently, the more intense the upheaval along the continental borders. it is for the same reason that destructive earthquakes are most likely to occur in the vicinity of coast-ranges which are of comparatively recent geological age. these, and indeed all, mountains of elevation are lines of weakness along which earth-movements may continue from time to time to take place. but all mountains are not mountains of elevation; many elevated regions owe their mountainous character simply to the erosive action of sub-aërial agents, such as rain, frost, ice, and running water, the forms assumed by the mountains being due to their petrological character and geological structure. there are, for example, no true mountains of elevation in scotland; hence to write of the _chain of the grampians_ or the _range of the lowthers_ is incorrect and actually misleading. without the aid of geology the geographer cannot, in fact, discriminate between mountains of elevation and mountains of denudation; hence geographical terms so constantly in use as _mountain-range_ and _mountain-chain_ are very often applied by writers, ignorant of geological structure, to elevated regions which have no claim to be described either as _chains_ or _ranges_. some knowledge of geology, therefore, is essential to us if we would have correct views of many of the grandest features of the globe. but it will be said that, after all, the physical geographer deals with the earth as we now find it; he does not need to trouble himself with the origin of the phenomena he describes. well, as i have just shown, he cannot, even if he would, escape trenching on geology; and if he could, his subject would be shorn of much of its interest. he recognises that the world he studies has in it the elements of change--the forces of nature are everywhere modifying the earth's surface--considerable changes are sometimes brought about even in one's lifetime, while within the course of historical ages still greater mutations have taken place--he becomes conscious, in short, that the existing state of things is but the latest phase of an interminable series of changes stretching back into the illimitable past, and destined to be prolonged into the indefinite future. thus he gladly welcomes the labours of the geologist, whose researches into the past have thrown such a flood of light upon the present. in fact, he can no more divorce his attention from the results of geological inquiry than the political geographer can shut his eyes to the facts of history. let me, in conclusion, give one further illustration of the close inter-dependence of the two sciences of which i am speaking. one of the subjects treated of by physical geography is the present geographical distribution of plants and animals. the land-surface of the globe has been mapped out into so many biological regions, each of which is characterised by its special fauna and flora. the greatest changes in the flora and fauna of a continent are met with as we pass from south to north, or _vice versa_. proceeding in the direction of the latitude, the changes encountered are much less striking. now, these facts are readily explained by the physical geographer, who points out that the distribution is due chiefly to climatic conditions--a conclusion which is obvious enough. but when we go into details we find that mere latitude will not account for all the phenomena. take, for example, the case of the scandinavian flora of our own continent. it is true that this flora is largely confined to northern latitudes; but isolated colonies occur in our own mountains and in the mountains of middle and southern europe. how are these to be accounted for? the physical geographer says that the plants grow there simply because they obtain at high levels in low latitudes the favourable climatic conditions underneath which they flourish at low levels in high latitudes. he therefore concludes that the distribution of life-forms is due to varying climatic and physical conditions. but if we ask him how those curious colonies of foreigners come to be planted on our mountains, he cannot tell. to get our answer we must come to the geologist; and he will explain that they are, as it were, living fossils--monuments of former great physical and climatic changes. he will prove to us that the climate of europe was at a recent geological period so cold that the scandinavian flora spread south into middle europe, where it occupied the low grounds. when the climate became milder, then the northern invaders gradually retired--the main body migrating back to the north--while some stragglers, retreating before the stronger germanic flora, took shelter in the mountains, whither the latter could not or would not follow, and so there our scandinavians remain, the silent witnesses of a stupendous climatic revolution. now, all the world over, plants and animals have similar wonderful tales to tell of former geographical changes. the flora and fauna of our country, for example, prove that the british islands formed part of the continent at a very recent geological period; and so, from similar evidence, we know that not long ago europe was joined on to africa. on the other hand, the facts connected with the present distribution of life demonstrate that some areas, such as australia, have been separated from the nearest continental land for vastly prolonged periods of time. it would be a very easy matter to adduce many further illustrations to show how close is the connection between the studies of the physical geographer and the geologist. i do not indeed exaggerate when i say that no one can hope to become a geologist who is not well versed in physical geography; nor, on the other hand, can the physical geographer possibly dispense with the aid of geology. the two subjects are as closely related and interwoven, the one with the other, as history is with political geography. i do not see therefore how educationists who have admitted the great importance of physical geography as a branch of general education, can logically exclude geology as a subject of instruction in schools. already, indeed, it has been introduced by many teachers, and i am confident that ere long it will be as generally taught as physical geography. i would not, however, present the subject to young people as a lesson to be learned from books. a good teacher should be able to dispense with these helps, or rather hindrances--for such they really are to a young beginner. his pupils ought to have previously studied the subject of physical geography, and if they have been well taught they ought to have already acquired no mean store of geological knowledge. they ought, in fact, to have learned a good deal about the great forces which are continually modifying the surface of the globe, and what they have now to do is to study more particularly the results which have followed from the constant operation of those forces. we shall suppose, for example, that the teacher has described how rivers erode their channels, and waves tend to cut back a coast-line, and how the products of erosion, consisting of gravel, sand, and mud, are distributed along river-valleys and accumulated in lakes and seas. he now exhibits to his class good-sized fragments of conglomerate, sandstone, and shale, and points out how each of these rocks is of essentially the same character, and must therefore have had the same origin, as modern sedimentary accumulations. his pupils should be encouraged to examine the rocks of their own neighbourhood, whether exhibited in natural sections or artificial exposures, and to compare these with the products of modern geological action. one hour's instruction in the field is, in fact, worth twenty hours of reading or listening to lectures. knowledge at first hand is what is wanted. there are many excellent popular or elementary treatises dealing with historical geology, and these have their uses, and may be read with profit as well as pleasure. but the mere reading of such books, it is needless to say, will never make us geologists. they help no doubt to store the mind with interesting and entertaining knowledge, but they do not cultivate the faculties of observation and reasoning. and unless geology is so taught as to accomplish this result, i do not see why it should enter into any school curriculum. further, i would remark that, however interesting a geological treatise may be, it cannot possibly stimulate the imagination as the practical study of the science is bound to do. one may put into the hands of a youth a clear and well-written description of some particular fossiliferous limestone, and he may by dint of slavish toil be able to repeat verbatim all that he has read. that is how a good deal of book-knowledge of science is acquired. only think, however, of the drudgery it involves--the absolute waste of time and energy. but let us illustrate our lesson by means of a lump of the limestone itself; let us show him the character of the rock and the nature of its fossil contents, and his difficulties disappear. better still--let us take him, if we can, into a limestone quarry, and he will be a dull boy indeed if he fails fully to understand what limestone is, or to realise the fact that the rock he is looking at accumulated slowly, like existing oceanic formations, at the bottom of a sea that teemed with animal life. it is unnecessary, however, that i should illustrate this subject further. i would only repeat that the beginner should be taught from the very first to use his own eyes, and to draw logical conclusions from the facts which he observes. trained after this manner, he would acquire, not only a precise and definite knowledge of what geological data really are, but he would learn also how to interpret those data. he would become familiar, in fact, with the guiding principles of geological inquiry. how much or how little of historical geology should be given in schools will depend upon circumstances. great care, however, should be taken to avoid wearying the youthful student with strings of mere names. what good is gained by learning to repeat the names of fifty or a hundred fossils, if you cannot recognise any one of these when it is put into your hand? with young beginners i should not attempt anything of that kind. if the neighbourhood chanced to be rich in fossils, i should take my pupils out on saturday to the sections where they were found, and let them ply their hammers and collect specimens for themselves. i should describe no fossils which they had not seen and handled. of the more remarkable forms of extinct animals and plants, which are often represented by only fragmentary remains, i should exhibit drawings showing the creatures as they have been restored by the labours of comparative anatomists. such restorations and ideal views of geological scenes like those given by heer, dana, saporta, and others, convey far more vivid impressions of the life of a geological period than the most elaborate description. in fine, the story of our earth should be told much in the same manner as scott wrote the history of scotland for his grandson. there is no more reason for requiring the juvenile student to drudge through minute geological data before introducing him to the grand results of geological investigation, than there is for compelling him to study the manuscripts in our record offices before allowing him to read the history which has been drawn from these and similar sources of information. it is enough if at the beginning of his studies he has already learned the general nature of geological evidence and the method of its interpretation. provided with such a stock of geological knowledge as i have indicated, our youth would leave school with some intelligent appreciation of existing physical conditions, and a not inadequate conception of world-history. ii. the physical features of scotland.[b] [b] _scottish geographical magazine_, vol. i., 1885. scotland, like "all gaul," is divided into three parts, namely, the highlands, the central lowlands, and the southern uplands. these, as a correctly drawn map will show, are natural divisions, for they are in accordance not only with the actual configuration of the surface, but with the geological structure of the country. the boundaries of these principal districts are well defined. thus, an approximately straight or gently undulating line taken from stonehaven, in a south-west direction, along the northern outskirts of strathmore to glen artney, and thence through the lower reaches of loch lomond to the firth of clyde at kilcreggan, marks out with precision the southern limits of the highland area and the northern boundary of the central lowlands. the line that separates the central lowlands from the southern uplands is hardly so prominently marked throughout its entire course, but it follows precisely the same north-east and south-west trend, and may be traced from dunbar along the base of the lammermoor and moorfoot hills, the lowthers, and the hills of galloway and carrick, to girvan. in each of the two mountain-tracts--the highlands and the southern uplands--areas of low-lying land occur, while in the intermediate central lowlands isolated prominences and certain well-defined belts of hilly ground make their appearance. the statement, so frequently repeated in class-books and manuals of geography, that the mountains of scotland consist of three (some writers say five) "ranges" is erroneous and misleading. the original author of this strange statement probably derived his ignorance of the physical features of the country from a study of those antiquated maps upon which the mountains of poor scotland are represented as sprawling and wriggling about like so many inebriated centipedes and convulsed caterpillars. properly speaking, there is not a true mountain-range in the country. if we take this term, which has been very loosely used, to signify a linear belt of mountains--that is, an elevated ridge notched by cols or "passes" and traversed by transverse valleys--then in place of "three" or "five" such ranges we might just as well enumerate fifty or sixty, or more, in the highlands and southern uplands. or, should any number of such dominant ridges be included under the term "mountain-range," there seems no reason why all the mountains of the country should not be massed under one head and styled the "scottish range." a mountain-range, properly so called, is a belt of high ground which has been ridged up by earth-movements. it is a fold, pucker, or wrinkle in the earth's crust, and its general external form coincides more or less closely with the structure or arrangement of the rock-masses of which it is composed. a mountain-range of this characteristic type, however, seldom occurs singly, but is usually associated with other parallel ranges of the same kind--the whole forming together what is called a "mountain-chain," of which the alps may be taken as an example. that chain consists of a vast succession of various kinds of rocks, which at one time were disposed in horizontal layers or strata. but during subsequent earth-movements those horizontal beds were compressed laterally, squeezed, crumpled, contorted, and thrown, as it were, into gigantic undulations and sharper folds and plications. and, notwithstanding the enormous erosion or denudation to which the long parallel ridges or ranges have been subjected, we can yet see that the general contour of these corresponds in large measure to the plications or foldings of the strata. this is well shown in the jura, the parallel ranges and intermediate hollows of which are formed by undulations of the folded strata--the tops of the long hills coinciding more or less closely with the arches, and the intervening hollows with the troughs. now folded, crumpled, and contorted rock-masses are common enough in the mountainous parts of scotland, but the configuration of the surface rarely or never coincides with the inclination of the underlying strata. the mountain-crests, so far from being formed by the tops of great folds of the strata, frequently show precisely the opposite kind of structure. in other words, the rocks, instead of being inclined away from the hill-tops like the roof of a house from its central ridge, often dip into the mountains. when they do so on opposite sides the strata of which the mountains are built up seem arranged like a pile of saucers, one within another. there is yet another feature which brings out clearly the fact that the slopes of the surface have not been determined by the inclination of the strata. the main water-parting that separates the drainage-system of the west from that of the east of scotland does not coincide with any axis of elevation. it is not formed by an anticlinal fold or "saddleback." in point of fact it traverses the strata at all angles to their inclination. but this would not have been the case had the scottish mountains consisted of a chain of true mountain-ranges. our mountains, therefore, are merely monuments of denudation, they are the relics of elevated plateaux which have been deeply furrowed and trenched by running water and other agents of erosion. a short sketch of the leading features presented by the three divisions of the country will serve to make this plain. * * * * * the highlands.--the southern boundary of this, the most extensive of the three divisions, has already been defined. the straightness of that boundary is due to the fact that it coincides with a great line of fracture of the earth's crust--on the north or highland side of which occur slates, schists, and various other hard and tough rocks, while on the south side the prevailing strata are sandstones, etc., which are not of so durable a character. the latter, in consequence of the comparative ease with which they yield to the attacks of the eroding agents--rain and rivers, frost and ice--have been worn away to a greater extent than the former, and hence the highlands, along their southern margin, abut more or less abruptly upon the lowlands. looking across strathmore from the sidlaws or the ochils, the mountains seem to spring suddenly from the low grounds at their base, and to extend north-east and south-west, as a great wall-like rampart. the whole area north and west of this line may be said to be mountainous, its average elevation being probably not less than 1500 feet above the sea. a glance at the contoured or the shaded sheets of the ordnance survey's map of scotland will show better than any verbal description the manner in which our highland mountains are grouped. it will be at once seen that to apply the term "range" to any particular area of those high grounds is simply a misuse of terms. not only are the mountains not formed by plications and folds, but they do not even trend in linear directions. it is true that a well-trained eye can detect certain differences in the form and often in the colouring of the mountains when these are traversed from south-east to north-west. such differences correspond to changes in the composition and structure of the rock-masses, which are disposed or arranged in a series of broad belts and narrower bands, running from south-west to north-east across the whole breadth of the highlands. each particular kind of rock gives rise to a special configuration, or to certain characteristic features. thus, the mountains that occur within a belt of slate, often show a sharply cut outline, with more or less pointed peaks and somewhat serrated ridges--the aberuchill hills, near comrie, are an example. in regions of gneiss and granite the mountains are usually rounded and lumpy in form. amongst the schists, again, the outlines are generally more angular. quartz-rock often shows peaked and jagged outlines; while each variety of rock has its own particular colour, and this in certain states of the atmosphere is very marked. the mode in which the various rocks yield to the "weather"--the forms of their cliffs and corries--these and many other features strike a geologist at once; and therefore, if we are to subdivide the highland mountains into "ranges," a geological classification seems the only natural arrangement that can be followed. unfortunately, however, our geological lines, separating one belt or "range" from another, often run across the very heart of great mountain-masses. our "ranges" are distinguished from each other simply by superficial differences of feature and structure. no long parallel hollows separate a "range" of schist-mountains from the succeeding "ranges" of quartz-rock, gneiss, or granite. and no degree of careful contouring could succeed in expressing the niceties of configuration just referred to, unless the maps were on a very large scale indeed. a geological classification or grouping of the mountains into linear belts cannot therefore be shown upon any ordinary orographical map. such a map can present only the relative heights and disposition of the mountain-masses, and these last, in the case of the highlands, as we have seen, cannot be called "ranges" without straining the use of that term. any wide tract of the highlands, when viewed from a commanding position, looks like a tumbled ocean in which the waves appear to be moving in all directions. one is also impressed with the fact that the undulations of the surface, however interrupted they may be, are broad--the mountains, however they may vary in detail according to the character of the rocks, are massive, and generally round-shouldered and often somewhat flat-topped, while there is no great disparity of height amongst the dominant points of any individual group. let us take, for example, the knot of mountains between loch maree and loch torridon. there we have a cluster of eight pyramidal mountain-masses, the summits of which do not differ much in elevation. thus in liathach two points reach 3358 feet and 3486 feet; in beinn alligin there are also two points reaching 3021 feet and 3232 feet respectively; in beinn dearg we have a height of 2995 feet; in beinn eighe are three dominant points--3188 feet, 3217 feet, and 3309 feet. the four pyramids to the north are somewhat lower--their elevations being 2860 feet, 2801 feet, 2370 feet, and 2892 feet. the mountains of lochaber and the monadhliath mountains exhibit similar relationships; and the same holds good with all the mountain-masses of the highlands. no geologist can doubt that such relationship is the result of denudation. the mountains are monuments of erosion--they are the wreck of an old table-land--the upper surface and original inclination of which are approximately indicated by the summits of the various mountain-masses and the direction of the principal water-flows. if we in imagination fill up the valleys with the rock-material which formerly occupied their place, we shall in some measure restore the general aspect of the highland area before its mountains began to be shaped out by nature's saws and chisels. it will be observed that while streams descend from the various mountains to every point in the compass, their courses having often been determined by geological structure, etc., their waters yet tend eventually to collect and flow as large rivers in certain definite directions. these large rivers flow in the direction of the average slope of the ancient table-land, while the main water-partings that separate the more extensive drainage-areas of the country mark out, in like manner, the dominant portions of the same old land-surface. the water-parting of the north-west highlands runs nearly north and south, keeping quite close to the western shore, so that nearly all the drainage of that region flows inland. the general inclination of the north-west highlands is therefore easterly towards glenmore and the moray firth. in the region lying east of glenmore the average slopes of the land are indicated by the directions of the rivers spey, don, and tay. these two regions--the north-west and south-east highlands--are clearly separated by the remarkable depression of glenmore, which extends through loch linnhe, loch lochy, and loch ness, and the further extension of which towards the north-east is indicated by the straight coast-line of the moray firth as far as tarbat ness. now, this long depression marks a line of fracture and displacement of very great geological antiquity. the old plateau of the highlands was fissured and split in two--that portion which lay to the north-west sinking along the line of fissure to a great but at present unascertained depth. thus the waters that flowed down the slopes of the north-west portion of the broken plateau were dammed by the long wall of rock on the "up-cast," or south-east side of the fissure, and compelled to flow off to north-east and south-west along the line of breakage. the erosion thus induced sufficed in the course of time to hollow out glenmore and all the mountain-valleys that open upon it from the west. the inclination of that portion of the fissured plateau which lay to the south-east is indicated, as already remarked, by the trend of the principal rivers. it was north-east in the spey district, nearly due east in the area drained by the don, east and south-east in that traversed by the tay and its affluents, westerly and south-westerly in the district lying east of loch linnhe.[c] thus, a line drawn from ben nevis through the cairngorm and ben muich dhui mountains to kinnaird point passes through the highest land in the south-east highlands, and probably indicates approximately the dominant portion of the ancient plateau. north of that line the drainage is towards the moray firth; east of it the rivers discharge to the north sea; while an irregular winding line, drawn from ben nevis eastward through the moor of rannoch and southward to ben lomond, forms the water-parting between the north sea and the atlantic, and doubtless marks another dominant area of the old table-land. [c] the geological reader hardly requires to be reminded that many of the minor streams would have their courses determined, or greatly modified, by the geological structure of the ground. thus, such streams often flow along the "strike" and other "lines of weakness," and similar causes, doubtless, influenced the main rivers during the gradual excavation of their valleys. that the valleys which discharge their water-flow north and east to the moray firth and the north sea have been excavated by rivers and the allied agents of erosion, is sufficiently evident. all the large rivers of that wide region are typical. they show the orthodox three courses--namely, a torrential or mountain-track, a middle or valley-track, and a lower or plain-track. the same is the case with some of the rivers that flow east from the great north-and-south water-parting of the north-west highlands, as, for example, those that enter the heads of beauly firth, cromarty firth, and dornoch firth. those, however, which descend to loch lochy and loch linnhe, and the sea-lochs of argyllshire, have no lower or plain-track. when we cross the north-and-south water-parting of the north-west highlands, we find that many of the streams are destitute of even a middle or valley-track. the majority are mere mountain-torrents when they reach the sea. again, on the eastern watershed of the same region, a large number of the valleys contain lakes in their upper and middle reaches, and this is the case also with not a few of the valleys that open upon the atlantic. more frequently, however, the waters flowing west pass through no lakes, but enter the sea at the heads of long sea-lochs or fiords. this striking contrast between the east and west is not due to any difference in the origin of the valleys. the western valleys are as much the result of erosion as those of the east. the present contrast, in fact, is more apparent than real, and arises from the fact that the land area on the atlantic side has been greatly reduced in extent by subsidence. the western fiords are merely submerged land-valleys. formerly the inner and outer hebrides were united to themselves and the mainland, the country of which they formed a part stretching west into the atlantic, as far probably as the present 100 fathoms line. were that drowned land to be re-elevated, each of the great sea-lochs would appear as a deep mountain-valley containing one or more lake-basins of precisely the same character as those that occur in so many valleys on the eastern watershed. thus we must consider all the islands lying off the west coast of the highlands, including the major portions of arran and bute, as forming part and parcel of the highland division of scotland. the presence of the sea is a mere accident; the old lands now submerged were above its level during a very recent geological period--a period well within the lifetime of the existing fauna and flora. the old table-land of which the highlands and islands are the denuded and unsubmerged relics, is of vast geological antiquity. it was certainly in existence, and had even undergone very considerable erosion, before the old red sandstone period, as is proved by the fact that large tracts of the old red sandstone formation are found occupying hollows in its surface. glenmore had already been excavated when the conglomerates of the old red sandstone began to be laid down. some of the low-lying maritime tracts of the highland area in caithness, and the borders of the moray firth, are covered with the sandstones of that age; and there is evidence to show that these strata formerly extended over wide regions, from which they have since been removed by erosion. the fact that the old red sandstone deposits still occupy such extensive areas in the north-east of the mainland, and in orkney, shows that the old table-land shelved away gradually to north and east, and the same conclusion may be drawn, as we have seen, from the direction followed by the main lines of the existing drainage-system. we see, in short, in the table-land of the highlands, one of the oldest elevated regions of europe--a region which has been again and again submerged either in whole or in part, and covered with the deposits of ancient seas and lakes, only to be re-elevated, time after time, and thus to have those deposits in large measure swept away from its surface by the long-continued action of running water and other agents of denudation. * * * * * the central lowlands.--the belt of low-lying ground that separates the highlands from the southern uplands is, as we have seen, very well defined. in many places the uplands rise along its southern margin as abruptly as the highlands in the north. the southern margin coincides, in fact, for a considerable distance (from girvan to the base of the moorfoots) with a great fracture that runs in the same direction as the bounding fracture or fault of the highlands. the central lowlands may be described, in a word, as a broad depression between two table-lands. a glance at the map will show that the principal features of the lowlands have a north-easterly trend--the same trend, in fact, as the bounding lines of the division. to this arrangement there are some exceptions, the principal being the belt of hilly ground that extends from the neighbourhood of paisley, south-east through the borders of renfrewshire and ayrshire, to the vicinity of muirkirk. the major part of the lowlands is under 500 feet in height, but some considerable portions exceed an elevation of 1000 feet, while here and there the hills approach a height of 2000 feet--the two highest points (2352 and 2335 feet) being attained in ben cleugh, one of the ochils, and in tinto. probably the average elevation of the lowland division does not exceed 350 or 400 feet. speaking generally, the belts of hilly ground, and the more or less isolated prominences, are formed of more durable rocks than are met with in the adjacent lower-lying tracts. thus the sidlaws, the ochil hills, and the heights in renfrewshire and ayrshire, are composed chiefly of more or less hard and tough volcanic rocks; and when sandstones enter into the formation of a line of hills, as in the sidlaws, they generally owe their preservation to the presence of the volcanic rocks with which they are associated. this is well illustrated by the lomond hills in fifeshire, the basal and larger portion of which consists chiefly of somewhat soft sandstones, which have been protected from erosion by an overlying sheet of hard basalt-rock. all the isolated hills in the basin of the forth are formed of knobs, bosses, and sheets of various kinds of igneous rock, which are more durable than the sandstones, shales, and other sedimentary strata by which they are surrounded. hence it is very evident that the configuration of the lowland tracts of central scotland is due to denudation. the softer and more readily disintegrated rocks have been worn away to a greater extent than the harder and less yielding masses. only in a few cases do the slopes of the hill-belts coincide with folds of the strata. thus, the northern flanks of the sidlaws and the ochils slope towards the north-west, and this also is the general inclination of the old lavas and other rocks of which those hills are composed. the southern flanks of the same hill-belt slope in fifeshire towards the south-east--this being also the dip or inclination of the rocks. the crest of the ochils coincides, therefore, more or less closely, with an anticlinal arch or fold of the strata. but when we follow the axis of this arch towards the north-east into the sidlaws, we find it broken through by the tay valley--the axial line running down through the carse of gowrie to the north of dundee. from the fact that many similar anticlinal axes occur throughout the lowlands, which yet give rise to no corresponding features at the surface, we may conclude that the partial preservation of the anticline of the ochils and sidlaws is simply owing to the greater durability of the materials of which those hills consist. had the arch been composed of sandstones and shales it would most probably have given rise to no such prominent features as are now visible. another hilly belt, which at first sight appears to correspond roughly to an anticlinal axis, is that broad tract of igneous rocks which separates the kilmarnock coal-field from the coal-fields of the clyde basin. but although the old lavas of that hilly tract slope north-east and south-west, with the same general inclination as the surface, yet examination shows that the hills do not form a true anticline. they are built up of a great variety of ancient lavas and fragmental tuffs or "ashes," which are inclined in many different directions. in short, we have in those hills the degraded and sorely denuded fragments of an ancient volcanic bank, formed by eruptions that began upon the bottom of a shallow sea in early carboniferous times, and subsequently became sub-aërial. and there is evidence to show that after the eruptions ceased the volcanic bank was slowly submerged, and eventually buried beneath the accumulating sediments of later carboniferous times. the exposure of the ancient volcanic bank at the surface has been accomplished by the denudation of the stratified masses which formerly covered it, and its existence as a dominant elevation at the present day is solely due to the fact that it is built up of more resistant materials than occur in the adjacent low-lying areas. the ochils and the sidlaws are of greater antiquity, but have a somewhat similar history. into this, however, it is not necessary to go. the principal hills of the lowlands form two interrupted belts, extending north-east and south-west, one of them, which we may call the northern heights, facing the highlands, and the other, which may in like manner be termed the southern heights, flanking the great uplands of the south. the former of these two belts is represented by the garvock hills, lying between stonehaven and the valley of the north esk; the sidlaws, extending from the neighbourhood of montrose to the valley of the tay at perth; the ochil hills, stretching along the south side of the firth of tay to the valley of the forth at bridge-of-allan; the lennox hills, ranging from the neighbourhood of stirling to dumbarton; the kilbarchan hills, lying between greenock and ardrossan; the cumbrae islands and the southern half of arran; and the same line of heights reappears in the south end of kintyre. a well-marked hollow, trough, or undulating plain of variable width, separates these northern heights from the highlands, and may be followed all the way from near stonehaven, through strathmore, to crieff and auchterarder. between the valleys of the earn and teith this plain attains an abnormal height (the braes of doune); but from the teith, south-west by flanders moss and the lower end of loch lomond to the clyde at helensburgh, it resumes its characteristic features. it will be observed also that a hollow separates the southern portion of arran from the much loftier northern or highland area. the tract known as the braes of doune, extending from glen artney south-east to strath allan, although abutting upon the highlands, is clearly marked off from that great division by geological composition and structure, by elevation and configuration. it is simply a less deeply eroded portion of the long trough or hollow. passing now to the southern heights of the lowlands, we find that these form a still more interrupted belt than the northern heights, and that they are less clearly separated by an intermediate depression from the great uplands which they flank. they begin in the north-east with the isolated garleton hills, between which and the lammermoors a narrow low-lying trough or hollow appears. a considerable width of low ground now intervenes before we reach the pentland hills, which are in like manner separated from the southern uplands by a broad low-lying tract. at their southern extremity, however, the pentlands merge more or less gradually into a somewhat broken and interrupted group of hills which abut abruptly on the southern uplands, in the same manner as the braes of doune abut upon the slate hills of the highland borders. in this region the greatest heights reached are in tinto (2335 feet), and cairntable (1844 feet), and, at the same time, the hills broaden out towards north-west, where they are continued by the belt of volcanic rocks already described as extending between the coal-fields of the clyde and kilmarnock. although the southern heights abut so closely upon the uplands lying to the south, there is no difficulty in drawing a firm line of demarcation between the two areas--geologically and physically they are readily distinguished. no one with any eye for form, no matter how ignorant he may be of geology, can fail to see how strongly contrasted are such hills as tinto and cairntable with those of the uplands, which they face. the southern heights are again interrupted towards the south-east by the valleys of the ayr and the doon, but they reappear in the hills that extend from the heads of ayr to the valley of the girvan. betwixt the northern and southern heights spread the broad lowland tracts that drain towards the forth, together with the lower reaches of the clyde valley, and the wide moors that form the water-parting between that river and the estuary of the forth. the hills that occur within this inner region of the central lowlands are usually more or less isolated, and are invariably formed by outcrops of igneous rock. their outline and general aspect vary according to the geological character of the rocks of which they are composed--some forming more or less prominent escarpments like those of the bathgate hills and the heights behind burntisland and kinghorn, others showing a soft rounded contour like the saline hills in the west of fifeshire. of the same general character as this inner lowland region is the similar tract watered by the irvine, the ayr, and the doon. this tract, as we have seen, is separated from the larger inner region lying to the east by the volcanic hills that extend from the southern heights north-west into renfrewshire. the largest rivers that traverse the central lowlands take their rise, as might be expected, in the mountainous table-lands to the north and south. of these the principal are the north and south esks, the tay and the isla, the earn, and the forth, all of which, with numerous tributaries, descend from the highlands. and it will be observed that they have breached the line of the northern heights in three places--namely, in the neighbourhood of montrose, perth, and stirling. the only streams of importance coming north from the southern uplands are the clyde and the doon, both of which in like manner have broken through the southern heights. now, just as the main water-flows of the highlands indicate the average slope of the ancient land-surface before it was trenched and furrowed by the innumerable valleys that now intersect it, so the direction followed by the greater rivers that traverse the lowlands mark out the primeval slopes of that area. one sees at a glance, then, that the present configuration of this latter division has been brought about by the erosive action of the principal rivers and their countless affluents, aided by the sub-aërial agents generally--rain, frost, ice, etc. the hills rise above the average level of the ground, not because they have been ridged up from below, but simply owing to the more durable nature of their component rocks. that the northern and southern heights are breached only shows that the low grounds, now separating those heights from the adjacent highlands and southern uplands, formerly stood at a higher level, and so allowed the rivers to make their way more or less directly to the sea. thus, for example, the long trough of strathmore has been excavated out of sandstones, the upper surface of which once reached a much greater height, and sloped outwards from the highlands across what is now the ridge of the sidlaw hills. here then, in the central lowlands, as in the highlands, true mountainor hill-ranges are absent. but if we are permitted to term any well-marked line or belt of high ground a "range," then the northern and southern heights of the lowlands are better entitled to be so designated than any series of mountains in the highlands. * * * * * the southern uplands.--the northern margin of this wide division having already been defined, we may now proceed to examine the distribution of its mountain-masses. before doing so, however, it may be as well to point out that considerable tracts in tweeddale, teviotdale, and liddesdale, together with the cheviot hills, do not properly belong to the southern uplands. in fact, the cheviots bear the same relation to those uplands as the northern heights do to the highlands. like them they are separated by a broad hollow from the uplands, which they face--a hollow that reaches its greatest extent in tweeddale, and rapidly wedges out to south-west, where the cheviots abut abruptly on the uplands. even where this abrupt contact takes place, however, the different configuration of the two regions would enable any geologist to separate the one set of mountains from the other. but for geographical purposes we may conveniently disregard these geological contrasts, and include within the southern uplands all the area lying between the central lowlands and the english border. if there are no mountains in the highlands so grouped and arranged as to be properly termed "ranges," this is not less true of the southern uplands. perhaps it is the appearance which those uplands present when viewed from the central lowlands that first suggested the notion that they were ranges. they seem to rise like a wall out of the low grounds at their base, and extend far as eye can reach in an approximately straight line. it seems more probable, however, that our earlier cartographers merely meant, by their conventional hill-shading, to mark out definitely the water-partings. but to do so in this manner now, when the large contour maps of the ordnance survey may be in any one's hands, is inexcusable. a study of those maps, or, better still, a visit to the tops of a few of the dominant points in the area under review, will effectually dispel the idea that the southern uplands consist of a series of ridges zigzagging across the country. like the highlands, the area of the southern uplands is simply an old table-land, furrowed into ravine and valley by the operation of the various agents of erosion. beginning our survey of these uplands in the east, we encounter first the lammermoor hills--a broad undulating plateau--the highest elevations of which do not reach 2000 feet. west of this come the moorfoot hills and the high grounds lying between the gala and the tweed--a tract which averages a somewhat higher elevation--two points exceeding 2000 feet in height. the next group of mountains we meet is that of the moffat hills, in which head a number of important rivers--the tweed, the yarrow, the ettrick, and the annan. many points in this region exceed 2000 feet, others approach 2500 feet; and some reach nearly 3000 feet, such as broad law (2754 feet), and dollar law (2680 feet). in the south-west comes the group of the lowthers, with dominant elevations of more than 2000 feet. then follow the mountain-masses in which the nith, the ken, the cree, the doon, and the girvan take their rise, many of the heights exceeding 2000 feet, and a number reaching and even passing 2500 feet, the dominant point being reached in the noble mountain-mass of the merrick (2764 feet). in the extreme south-west the uplands terminate in a broad undulating plateau, of which the highest point is but little over 1000 feet. all the mountain-groups now referred to are massed along the northern borders of the southern uplands. in the south-west the general surface falls more or less gradually away towards the solway--the 500 feet contour line being reached at fifteen miles, upon an average, from the sea-coast. in the extreme north-east the high grounds descend in like manner into the rich low grounds of the merse. between these low grounds and annandale, however, the uplands merge, as it were, into the broad elevated moory tract that extends south-east, to unite with the cheviots--a belt of hills rising along the english border to heights of 1964 feet (peel fell), and 2676 feet (the cheviot). the general configuration of the main mass of the southern uplands--that is to say, the mountain-groups extending along the northern portion of the area under review, from loch ryan to the coast between dunbar and st. abb's head--is somewhat tame and monotonous. the mountains are flat-topped elevations, with broad, rounded shoulders and smooth grassy slopes. standing on the summits of the higher hills, one seems to be in the midst of a wide, gently undulating plain, the surface of which is not broken by the appearance of any isolated peaks or eminences. struggling across the bogs and peat-mosses that cover so many of those flat-topped mountains, the wanderer ever and anon suddenly finds himself on the brink of a deep green dale. he discovers, in short, that he is traversing an elevated undulating table-land, intersected by narrow and broad trench-like valleys that radiate outwards in all directions from the dominant bosses and swellings of the plateau. the mountains, therefore, are merely broad ridges and banks separating contiguous valleys; in a word, they are, like the mountains of the highlands, monuments of erosion, which do not run in linear directions, but form irregular groups and masses. the rocks that enter into the formation of this portion of the southern uplands have much the same character throughout. consequently there is less variety of contour and colour than in the highlands. the hills are not only flatter atop, but are much smoother in outline, there being a general absence of those beetling crags and precipices which are so common in the highland regions. now and again, however, the mountains assume a rougher aspect. this is especially the case with those of carrick and galloway, amongst which we encounter a wildness and grandeur which are in striking contrast to the gentle pastoral character of the lowthers and similar tracts extending along the northern and higher parts of the southern uplands. descending to details, the geologist can observe also modifications of contour even among those monotonous rounded hills. such modifications are due to differences in the character of the component rocks, but they are rarely so striking as the modifications that arise from the same cause in the highlands. to the trained eye, however, they are sufficiently manifest, and upon a geologically coloured map, which shows the various belts of rock that traverse the uplands from south-west to north-east, it will be found that the mountains occurring within each of those separate belts have certain distinctive features. such features, however, cannot be depicted upon a small orographical map. the separation of those mountains into distinct ranges, by reference to their physical aspect, is even less possible here than in the highlands. now and again, bands of certain rocks, which are of a more durable character than the other strata in their neighbourhood, give rise to pronounced ridges and banks, while hollows and valleys occasionally coincide more or less closely with the outcrops of the more readily eroded strata; but such features are mere minor details in the general configuration of the country. the courses of brooks and streams may have been frequently determined by the nature and arrangement of the rocks, but the general slope of the uplands and the direction of the main lines of water-flow are at right angles to the trend of the strata, and cannot therefore have been determined in that way. the strata generally are inclined at high angles--they occur, in short, as a series of great anticlinal arches and synclinal curves, but the tops of the grand folds have been planed off, and the axes of the synclinal troughs, so far from coinciding with valleys, very often run along the tops of the highest hills. the foldings and plications do not, in a word, produce any corresponding undulations of the surface. mention has been made of the elevated moory tracts that serve to connect the cheviots with the loftier uplands lying to north-west. the configuration of these moors is tamer even than that of the regions just described, but the same general form prevails from the neighbourhood of the moffat hills to the head-waters of the teviot. there, however, other varieties of rock appear, and produce corresponding changes in the aspect of the high grounds. not a few of the hills in this district stand out prominently. they are more or less pyramidal and conical in shape, being built up of sandstones often crowned atop with a capping of some crystalline igneous rock, such as basalt. the maiden paps, leap hill, needs law, and others are examples. the heights draining towards liddesdale and lower reaches of eskdale, composed chiefly of sandstones, with here and there intercalated sheets of harder igneous rock, frequently show escarpments and terraced outlines, but have a general undulating contour; and similar features are characteristic of the sandstone mountains that form the south-west portion of the cheviots. towards the north-east, however, the sandstones give place to various igneous rocks, so that the hills in the north-east section of the cheviots differ very much in aspect and configuration from those at the other extremity of the belt. they have a more varied and broken outline, closely resembling many parts of the ochils and other portions of the northern and southern heights of the central lowlands. the low-lying tracts of roxburghshire and the merse, in like manner, present features which are common to the inner region of the central lowlands. occasional ridges of hills rise above the general level of the land, as at smailholm and stitchell to the north of kelso, while isolated knolls and prominences--some bald and abrupt, others smooth and rounded--help to diversify the surface. bonchester hill, rubers law, the dunian, penielheugh, minto hills, and the eildons may be mentioned as examples. all of these are of igneous origin, some being mere caps of basalt resting upon a foundation of sandstone, while others are the stumps of isolated volcanoes. in the maritime tracts of galloway the low grounds repeat, on a smaller scale, the configuration of the lofty uplands behind, for they are composed of the same kinds of rock. their most remarkable feature is the heavy mountain-mass of criffel, rising near the mouth of the nith to a height of 1800 feet. everywhere, therefore, throughout the region of the southern uplands, in hilly and low-lying tracts alike, we see that the land has been modelled and contoured by the agents of erosion. we are dealing, as in the highlands, with an old table-land, in which valleys have been excavated by running water and its helpmates. nowhere do we encounter any linear banks, ridges, or ranges as we find described in the class-books, and represented upon many general maps of the country. in one of those manuals we read that in the southern district "the principal range of mountains is that known as the lowther hills, which springs off from the cheviots, and, running in a zigzag direction to the south-west, terminates on the west coast near loch ryan." this is quite true, according to many common maps, but unfortunately the "range" exists upon those maps and nowhere else. the zigzag line described is not a range of mountains, but a water-parting, which is quite another matter. the table-land of the southern uplands, like that of the highlands, is of immense antiquity. long before the old red sandstone period, it had been furrowed and trenched by running water. of the original contour of its surface, all we can say is that it formed an undulating plateau, the general slope of which was towards south-east. this is shown by the trend of the more important rivers, such as the nith and the annan, the gala and the leader; and by the distribution of the various strata pertaining to the old red sandstone and later geological periods. thus, strata of old red sandstone and carboniferous age occupy the merse and the lower reaches of teviotdale, and extend up the valleys of the whiteadder and the leader into the heart of the silurian uplands. in like manner permian sandstones are well developed in the ancient hollows of annandale and nithsdale. along the northern borders of the southern uplands we meet with similar evidence to show that even as early as old red sandstone times the old plateau, along what is now its northern margin, was penetrated by valleys that drained towards the north. the main drainage, however, then as now, was directed towards south-east. many geological facts conspire to show that the silurian table-land of these uplands has been submerged, like the highlands, in whole or in part. this happened at various periods, and each time the land went down it received a covering of newer accumulations--patches of which still remain to testify to the former extent of the submergences. from the higher portions of the uplands those accumulations have been almost wholly swept away, but they have not been entirely cleared out of the ancient valleys. they still mantle the borders of the silurian area, particularly in the north-east, where they attain a great thickness in the moors of liddesdale and the cheviot hills. the details of the evolution of the whole area of the southern uplands form an interesting study, but this pertains rather to geology than to physical geography. it is enough, from our present point of view, to be assured that the main features of the country were chalked out, as it were, at a very distant geological period, and that all the infinite variety in the relief of our land has been brought about directly, not by titanic convulsions and earth-movements, but by the long-continued working of rain and rivers--of frost and snow and ice, supplemented from time to time by the action of the sea. the physical features more particularly referred to in this paper are of course only the bolder and more prominent contours--those namely which can be expressed with sufficient accuracy upon sheets of such a size as the accompanying orographical map of scotland (plate i.). with larger maps considerably more detail can be added, and many characteristic and distinguishing features will appear according to the care with which such maps are drawn. in the case of the ordnance survey map, on the scale of 1 inch to a mile, the varying forms of the surface are so faithfully delineated as frequently to indicate to a trained observer the nature of the rocks and the geological structure of the ground. the artists who sketched the hills must indeed have had good eyes for form. so carefully has their work been done, that it is often not difficult to distinguish upon their maps hills formed of such rocks as sandstone from those that are composed of more durable kinds. the individual characteristics of mountains of schist, of granite, of quartz-rock, of slate, are often well depicted: nay, even the varieties of igneous rock which enter into the formation of the numerous hills and knolls of the lowlands can frequently be detected by the features which the artists have so intelligently caught. another set of features which their maps display are those due to glaciation. these are admirably brought out, even down to the smallest details. a glance at such maps as those of teviotdale and the merse, for example, shows at once the direction taken by the old _mer de glace_. the long parallel flutings of the hill-slopes, _roches moutonnées_, projecting knolls and hills with their "tails," the great series of banks and ridges of stony clay which trend down the valley of the tweed--these, and many more details of interest to specialists, are shown upon the maps. all over scotland similar phenomena are common, and have been reproduced with marvellous skill on the shaded sheets issued by the ordnance survey. and yet the artists were not geologists. the present writer is glad of this opportunity of recording his obligations to those gentlemen. their faithful delineations of physical features have given him many valuable suggestions, and have led up to certain observations which might otherwise not have been made. iii. mountains: their origin, growth, and decay.[d] [d] _scottish geographical magazine_, vol. ii., 1886. mountains have long had a fascination for lovers of nature. time was, however, when most civilised folk looked upon them with feelings akin to horror; and good people, indeed, have written books to show that they are the cursed places of the earth--the ruin and desolation of their gorges and defiles affording indubitable proof of the evils which befell the world when man lapsed from his primitive state of innocence and purity. all this has changed. it is the fashion now to offer a kind of worship to mountains; and every year their solitudes are invaded by devotees--some, according to worthy meg dods, "rinning up hill and down dale, knapping the chuckie-stanes to pieces wi' hammers, like sae mony roadmakers run daft--to see, as they say, how the warld was made"--others trying to transfer some of the beauty around them to paper or canvas--yet others, and these perhaps not the least wise, content, as old sir thomas browne has it, "to stare about with a gross rusticity," and humbly thankful that they are beyond the reach of telegrams, and see nothing to remind them of the _fumun et opes strepitumque romæ_. but if the sentiment with which mountains are regarded has greatly changed, so likewise have the views of scientific men as to their origin and history. years ago no one doubted that all mountains were simply the result of titanic convulsions. the crust of the earth had been pushed up from below, tossed into great billows, shivered and shattered--the mountains corresponding to the crests of huge earth-waves, the valleys to the intervening depressions, or to gaping fractures and dislocations. this view of the origin of mountains has always appeared reasonable to those who do not know what is meant by geological structure, and in some cases it is pretty near the truth. a true mountain-chain, like that of the alps, does indeed owe its origin to gigantic disturbances of the earth's crust, and in such a region the larger features of the surface often correspond more or less closely with the inclination of the underlying rocks. but in many elevated tracts, composed of highly disturbed and convoluted strata, no such coincidence of surface-features and underground structure can be traced. the mountains do not correspond to great swellings of the crust--the valleys neither lie in trough-shaped strata, nor do they coincide with gaping fractures. again, many considerable mountains are built up of rocks which have not been convoluted at all, but occur in approximately horizontal beds. evidently, therefore, some force other than subterranean action must be called upon to explain the origin of many of the most striking surface-features of the land. every geologist admits--it is one of the truisms of his science--that corrugations and plications are the result of subterranean action. nor does any one deny that when a true mountain-chain was first upheaved the greater undulations of the folded strata probably gave rise to similar undulations at the surface. some of the larger fractures and dislocations might also have appeared at the surface and produced mural precipices. so long a time, however, has elapsed since the elevation of even the youngest mountain-chains of the globe that the sub-aërial agents of erosion--rain, frost, rivers, glaciers, etc.--have been enabled greatly to modify their primeval features. for these mountains, therefore, it is only partially true that their present slopes coincide with those of the underlying strata. such being the case with so young a chain as the alps, we need not be surprised to meet with modifications on a still grander scale in mountain-regions of much greater antiquity. in many such tracts the primeval configuration due to subterranean action has been entirely remodelled, so that hills now stand where deep hollows formerly existed, while valleys frequently have replaced mountains. and this newer configuration is the direct result of erosion, guided by the mineralogical composition and structural peculiarities of the rocks. it is difficult, or even impossible, for one who is ignorant of geological structure to realise that the apparently insignificant agents of erosion have played so important a _rôle_ in the evolution of notable earth-features. it may be well, therefore, to illustrate the matter by reference to one or two regions where the geological structure is too simple to be misunderstood. the first examples i shall give are from tracts of horizontal strata. many readers are doubtless aware of the fact that our rock-masses consist for the most part of the more or less indurated and compacted sediments of former rivers, lakes, and seas. frequently those ancient water-formed rocks have been very much altered, so as even sometimes to acquire a crystalline character. but it is enough for us now to remember that the crust of the globe, so far as that is accessible to observation, is built up mostly of rocks which were originally accumulated as aqueous sediments. such being the case, it is obvious that our strata of sandstone, conglomerate, shale, limestone, etc., must at first have been spread out in approximately horizontal or gently inclined sheets or layers. we judge so from what we know of sediments which are accumulating at present. the wide flats of our river valleys, the broad plains that occupy the sites of silted-up lakes, the extensive deltas of such rivers as the nile and the po, the narrow and wide belts of low-lying land which within a recent period have been gained from the sea, are all made up of various kinds of sediment arranged in approximately horizontal layers. now, over wide regions of the earth's surface the sedimentary strata still lie horizontally, and we can often tell at what geological period they became converted into dry land. thus, for example, we know that the elevated plateau through which the river colorado flows is built up of a great series of nearly horizontal beds of various sedimentary deposits, which reach a thickness of many thousand feet. it is self-evident that the youngest strata must be those which occur at the surface of the plateau, and they, as we know, are of lacustrine origin and belong to the tertiary period. now, american geologists have shown that since that period several thousands of feet of rock-materials have been removed from the surface of that plateau--the thickness of rock so carried away amounting in some places to nearly 10,000 feet. yet all that prodigious erosion has been effected since early tertiary times. indeed, it can be proved that the excavation of the grand cañon of the colorado, probably the most remarkable river-trench in the world, has been accomplished since the close of the tertiary period, and is therefore a work of more recent date than the last great upheaval of the swiss alps. the origin of the cañon is self-evident--it is a magnificent example of river-erosion, and the mere statement of its dimensions gives one a forcible impression of the potency of sub-aërial denudation. the river-cutting is about 300 miles long, 11 or 12 miles broad, and varies from 3000 to 6000 feet in depth. take another example of what denuding agents have done within a recent geological period. the faröe islands, some twenty in number, extend over an area measuring about 70 miles from south to north, and nearly 50 miles from west to east. these islands are composed of volcanic rocks--beds of basalt with intervening layers of fine fragmental materials, and are obviously the relics of what formerly was one continuous plateau, deeply trenched by valleys running in various directions. subsequent depression of the land introduced the sea to these valleys, and the plateau was then converted into a group of islands, separated from each other by narrow sounds and fiords. were the great plateau through which the colorado flows to be partially submerged, it would reproduce on a larger scale the general phenomena presented by this lonely island-group of the north atlantic. the flat-topped "buttes" and "mesas," and the pyramidal mountains of the colorado district would form islands comparable to those of the faröes. most of the latter attain a considerable elevation above the sea--heights of 1700, 2000, 2500, and 2850 feet being met with in several of the islands. indeed, the average elevation of the land in this northern archipelago can hardly be less than 900 feet. the deep trench-like valleys are evidently only the upper reaches of valleys which began to be excavated when the islands formed part and parcel of one and the same plateau--the lower reaches being now occupied by fiords and sounds. it is quite certain that all these valleys are the work of erosion. one can trace the beds of basalt continuously across the bottoms, and be quite sure that the valleys are not gaping cracks or fractures. now, as the strata are approximately horizontal, it is obvious that the hollows of the surface have nothing whatever to do with undulations produced by earth-movements. the sub-aërial erosion of the islands has resulted in the development of massive flat-topped and pyramidal mountains. these stand up as eminences simply because the rock-material which once surrounded them has been gradually broken up and carried away. nothing can well be more impressive to the student of physical geology than the aspect presented by these relics of an ancient plateau (plate ii. fig. 1). standing on some commanding elevation, such as nakkin in suderöe, one sees rising before him great truncated pyramids--built up of horizontal beds of basalt rising tier above tier--the mountains being separated from each other by wide and profound hollows, across which the basalt-beds were once continuous. owing to the parallel and undisturbed position of the strata, it is not hard to form an estimate of the amount of material which has been removed during the gradual excavation of the valleys. in order to do so we have simply to measure the width, depth, and length of the valleys. thus in suderöe, which is 19 miles long and 6 miles broad, the bottoms of the valleys are 1000 feet at least below the tops of the mountains, and some of the hollows in question are a mile in width. now, the amount of rock worn away from this one little island by sub-aërial erosion cannot be less than that of a mass measuring 10 miles in length by 6 miles in breadth, and 800 feet in thickness. and yet the faröe islands are composed of rocks which had no existence when the soft clays, etc., of the london basin were being accumulated. all the erosion referred to has taken place since the great upheaval of the eocene strata of the swiss alps. but if the evidence of erosion be so conspicuous in regions composed of horizontal strata, it is not less so in countries where the rocks are inclined at various angles to the horizon. indeed, the very fact that inclined strata crop out at the surface is sufficient evidence of erosion. for it is obvious that these outcrops are merely the truncated ends of beds which must formerly have had a wider extension. but while the effects produced by the erosion of horizontal strata are readily perceived by the least-informed observer, it requires some knowledge of geological structure to appreciate the denudation of curved or undulating strata. and yet there is really no mystery in the matter. all we have to do is by careful observation to ascertain the mode of arrangement of the rocks--this accomplished, we have no difficulty in estimating the minimum erosion which any set of strata may have experienced. an illustration may serve to make this plain. here, for example, is a section across a region of undulating strata (fig. 2). let the line _a b_ represent the surface of the ground, and _c d_ be any datum line--say, the sea-level. an observer at _a_, who should walk in the direction of _b_, would cross successively eight outcrops of coal; and, were he incapable of reading the geological structure of the ground, he might imagine that he had come upon eight separate coal-seams. a glance at the section, however, shows that in reality he had met with only two coals, and that the deceptive appearances, which might be misread by an incautious observer, are simply the result of denudation. in this case the tops of a series of curved or arched beds have been removed (as at _e_), and, by protracting the lines of the truncated beds until they meet, we can estimate the minimum amount of erosion they have sustained. thus, if the strata between _o_ and _p_ be 300 feet thick, it is self-evident that a somewhat greater thickness of rock must have been removed from the top of the anticlinal arch or "saddleback" at _e_. again, let us draw a section across strata which have been fractured and dislocated, and we shall see how such fractures likewise enable us to estimate the minimum amount of erosion which certain regions have experienced. in fig. 3 we have a series of strata containing a bed of limestone _l_, and a coal-seam _a_. the present surface of the ground is represented by the line _a b_. at _f_ the strata are traversed by a fault or dislocation--the beds being thrown down for say 500 feet on the low side of the fault--so that the coal at _a^2_ occurs now at a depth of 500 feet below its continuation at _a^1_. at the surface of the ground there is no inequality of level--the beds overlying the coal (_a²_) having been removed by denudation. were the missing rocks to be replaced, they would occupy the space contained within the dotted lines above the present surface _a b_. such dislocations are of common occurrence in our coal-fields, and it is not often that they give rise to any features at the surface. we may thus traverse many level or gently-undulating tracts, and be quite unconscious of the fact that geologically we have frequently leaped up or dropped down for hundreds of feet in a single step. nay, some scottish streams and rivers flow across dislocations by which the strata have been shifted up or down for thousands of feet, and in some places one can have the satisfaction of sitting upon rocks which are geologically 3000 yards below or above those on which he rests his feet. in other words, thousands of feet of strata have been removed by denudation from the high sides of faults. these, as i have said, often give rise to no feature at the surface; but, occasionally, when "soft" rocks have been shifted by dislocations, and brought against "hard" rocks, the latter, by better resisting denudation than the former, cause a more or less well-marked feature at the surface, and thus betray the presence of a fault to the geologist. the phenomena presented by faults, therefore, are just as eloquent of denudation as is the truncated appearance of our strata; and only after we have carefully examined the present extension and mutual relations of our rock-masses, their varied inclination, and the size of the dislocations by which they are traversed, can we properly appreciate the degree of erosion which they have sustained. before we are entitled to express any opinion as to the origin of the surface-features of a country, we must first know its geological structure. until we have attained such knowledge, all our views as to the origin of mountains are of less value than the paper they are written upon. i have spoken of the evidence of denudation which we find in our truncated and dislocated rock-masses; there is yet another line of evidence which i may very shortly point out. as every one knows, there exist in this and many other countries enormous masses of igneous rocks, which have certainly been extruded from below. now, some of these rocks, such as granite, belong to what is called the _plutonic_ class of rocks; they are of deep-seated origin--that is to say, they never were erupted at the surface, but cooled and consolidated at great depths in the earth's crust. i need not go into any detail to show that this is the case--it is a conclusion based upon incontrovertible facts, and accepted by every practical geologist. when, therefore, we encounter at the actual surface of the earth great mountain-masses of granite, we know that in such regions enormous denudation has taken place. the granite appears at the surface simply because the thick rock-masses under which it solidified have been gradually removed by erosion. the facts which i have now briefly passed in review must convince us that erosion is one of the most potent factors with which the geologist has to deal. we have seen what it has been able to effect in certain tracts composed of strata which date back to a recent geological period, such as the plateau of the colorado and the pyramidal mountains of the faröe islands. if in regions built up of strata so young as the rocks of those tracts the amount of erosion be so great, we may well expect to meet with evidence of much more extensive denudation in regions which have been subjected for enormously longer periods to the action of the eroding agents. the study of geological structure, or the architecture of the earth's crust, has enabled us to group all mountains under these three principal heads:- 1. _mountains of accumulation._ 2. _mountains of elevation._ 3. _mountains of circumdenudation._ 1. mountains of accumulation.--volcanoes may be taken as the type of this class of mountains. these are, of course, formed by the accumulation of igneous materials around the focus or foci of eruption, and their mode of origin is so generally understood, and, indeed, so obvious, that i need do no more than mention them. of course, they are all subject to erosion, and many long-extinct volcanoes are highly denuded. some very ancient ones, as those of our own country, have been so demolished that frequently all that remains are the now plugged-up pipes or flues through which the heated materials found a passage to the surface--all those materials, consisting of lavas and ashes, having in many cases entirely disappeared. in former times volcanic eruptions often took place along the line of an extensive fissure--the lava, instead of being extruded at one or more points, welled-up and overflowed along the whole length of the fissure, so as to flood the surrounding regions. and this happening again and again, vast plateaux of igneous rock came to be built up, such as those of the rocky mountains, iceland, the faröes, antrim and mull, abyssinia and the deccan. these are called _plateaux of accumulation_ (see fig. 1), and all of them are more or less highly denuded, so that in many cases the plateaux have quite a mountainous appearance. of course, plateaux of accumulation are not always formed of igneous rocks. any area of approximately horizontal strata of aqueous origin, rising to a height of a thousand feet or more above the sea, would come under this class of plateau--the plateau of the colorado being a good example. although that plateau is of recent origin, yet its surface, as we have seen, has been profoundly modified by superficial erosion; and this is true to a greater extent of plateaux which have been much longer exposed to denudation. it is obvious that even mountains and plateaux of accumulation often owe many of their present features to the action of the surface-agents of change. 2. mountains of elevation.--we have seen that the strata which enter most largely into the composition of the earth's crust, so far as that is open to observation, consist of rocks which must originally have been disposed in horizontal or approximately horizontal layers. but, as every one knows, the stratified rocks are not always horizontally arranged. in scotland they rarely are so. on the contrary, they are inclined at all angles from the horizon, and not infrequently they even stand on end. moreover, they are often traversed by dislocations, large and small. no one doubts that these tilted and disturbed rocks are evidence of wide-spread earth-movements. and it has been long known to geologists that such movements have happened again and again in this and many other countries where similar disturbed strata occur. some of these movements, resulting in the upheaval of enormous mountain-masses, have taken place within comparatively recent geological times. others again date back to periods inconceivably remote. the pyrenees, the alps, the caucasus, the himalaya, which form the back-bone of eurasia, are among the youngest mountains of the globe. the highlands of scotland and scandinavia are immeasurably more ancient; they are, in point of fact, the oldest high grounds in europe, nor are there any mountain-masses elsewhere which can be shown to be older. but while the alps and other recent mountains of elevation still retain much of their original configuration, not a vestige of the primeval configuration of our own highlands has been preserved; their present surface-features have no direct connection with those which must have distinguished them in late silurian times. our existing mountains are not, like those of the alps, mountains of elevation. the structure of a true mountain-chain is frequently very complicated, but the general phenomena can be readily expressed in a simple diagram. let fig. 5 be a section taken across a mountain-chain, _i.e._ at right angles to its trend or direction. the dominant point of the chain is shown at _b_, while _a_ and _c_ represent the low grounds. now, an observer at _a_, advancing towards _b_, would note that the strata, at first horizontal, would gradually become undulating as he proceeded on his way--the undulations getting always more and more pronounced. he would observe, moreover, that the undulations, at first symmetrical, as at _a_, would become less so as he advanced--one limb of an arch or _anticline_, as it is termed, being inclined at a greater angle than the other, as at _b_. approaching still nearer to =b=, the arches or anticlines would be seen eventually to bend over upon each other, so as to produce a general dip or inclination of the strata towards the central axis of the chain. crossing that axis (_b_), and walking in the direction of the low grounds (_c_), the observer would again encounter the same structural arrangement, but of course in reverse order. thus, in its simplest expression, a true mountain-chain consists of strata arranged in a series of parallel undulations--the greater mountain ridges and intervening hollows corresponding more or less closely to the larger undulations and folds of the strata. now, could these plicated strata be pulled out, could the folds and reduplications be smoothed away, so as to cause the strata to assume their original horizontal position, it is obvious that the rocks would occupy a greater superficial area. we see, then, that such a mountain-chain must owe its origin to a process of tangential or lateral thrusting and crushing. the originally horizontal strata have been squeezed laterally, and have yielded to the force acting upon them by folding and doubling up. it seems most probable that the larger contortions and foldings which are visible in all true mountain-chains, owe their origin to the sinking down of the earth's crust upon the cooling and contracting nucleus. during such depressions of the crust the strata are necessarily subjected to enormous lateral compression; they are forced to occupy less space at the surface, and this they can only do by folding and doubling-back upon themselves. if the strata are equally unyielding throughout a wide area, then general undulation may ensue; but should they yield unequally, then folding and contortion will take place along one or more lines of weakness. in other words, the pressure will be relieved by the formation of true mountain-chains. thus, paradoxical as it may seem, the loftiest mountains of the globe bear witness to profound depression or subsidence of the crust. the andes, for example, appear to owe their origin to the sinking down of the earth's crust under the pacific; and so in like manner the alps would seem to have been ridged up by depression of the crust in the area of the mediterranean. mountain-chains, therefore, are true wrinkles in the crust of the earth; they are lines of weakness along which the strata have yielded to enormous lateral pressure. a glance at the geological structure of the alps and the jura shows us that these mountains are a typical example of such a chain; they are mountains of elevation. in the jura the mountains form a series of long parallel ridges separated by intervening hollows; and the form or shape of the ground coincides in a striking manner with the foldings of the strata. in these mountains we see a succession of symmetrical flexures, the beds dipping in opposite directions at the same angle from the axis of each individual anticline. there each mountain-ridge corresponds to an _anticline_, and each valley to a _syncline_, or trough-shaped arrangement of strata. but as we approach the alps the flexures become less and less symmetrical, until in the alps themselves the most extraordinary convolutions and intricate plications appear, the strata being often reversed or turned completely upside down. though it is true that the slopes of this great mountain-chain not infrequently correspond more or less closely to the slope or inclination of the underlying rocks, it must not be supposed that this correspondence is often complete. sometimes, indeed, we find that the mountains, so far from coinciding with anticlines, are in reality built up of synclinal or basin-shaped strata; while in other cases deep and broad valleys run along the lines of anticlinal axes (fig. 6). all this speaks to enormous erosion. a study of the geological structure of the alps demonstrates that thousands of feet of rock have been removed from those mountains since the time of their elevation. a section drawn across any part of the chain would show that the strata have been eroded to such an extent, and the whole configuration so profoundly modified, that it is often difficult, or even impossible, to tell what may have been the original form of the surface when the chain was upheaved. and yet the alps, it must be remembered, are of comparatively recent age, some of their highly-confused and contorted rocks consisting of marine strata which are of no greater antiquity than the incoherent clays and sands of the london tertiary basin. now, when we reflect upon the fact that, in the case of so young a mountain-chain, the configuration due to undulations of the strata has been so greatly modified, and even in many places obliterated, it is not hard to believe that after sufficient time has elapsed--after the alps have existed for as long a period, say, as the mountains of middle germany--every mountain formed of anticlinal strata shall have disappeared, and those synclines which now coincide with valleys shall have developed into hills. the reader who may have paid little or no attention to geological structure and its influence upon the form of the ground, will probably think this a strange and extravagant statement; yet i hope to show presently that it is supported by all that we know of regions of folded strata which have been for long periods of time subjected to denudation. * * * * * 3. mountains of circumdenudation.--in countries composed of undulating and folded strata which have been for long ages exposed to the action of eroding agents, the ultimate form assumed by the ground is directly dependent on the character of the rocks, and the mode of their arrangement. the various rock-masses which occur in such a neighbourhood as edinburgh, for example, differ considerably in their power of resisting denudation. hence the less readily eroded rocks have come in time to form hills of less or greater prominence. such is the case with the castle rock, corstorphine hill, the braids, the pentlands, etc. these hills owe their existence, as such, to the fact that they are composed of more enduring kinds of rock than the softer sandstones and shales by which they are surrounded, and underneath which they were formerly buried to great depths. some hills, again, which are for the most part built up of rocks having the same character as the strata that occur in the adjacent low grounds, stand up as prominences simply because they have been preserved by overlying caps or coverings of harder rocks--rocks which have offered a stronger resistance to the action of the denuding agents. the lomond hills are good examples. those hills consist chiefly of sandstones which have been preserved from demolition by an overlying sheet of basalt-rock. but the mode in which rocks are arranged is a not less important factor in determining the shape which the ground assumes under the action of the agents of erosion. thus, as we have already seen, flat-topped, pyramidal mountains, and more or less steep-sided or trench-like valleys, are characteristic features in regions of horizontal strata. when strata dip or incline in one general direction, then we have a succession of escarpments or dip-slopes, corresponding to the outcrops of harder or less readily eroded beds, and separated from each other by long valleys, hollows, or undulating plains, which have the same trend as the escarpments (fig. 7). this kind of configuration is well exemplified over a large part of england. the general dip or inclination of the mesozoic or secondary strata throughout that country, between the shores of the north sea and the english channel, is easterly and south-easterly--so that the outcrops of the more durable strata form well-defined escarpments that face the west and north-west, and can be followed almost continuously from north to south. passing from the malvern hills in a south-easterly direction, we traverse two great escarpments--the first coinciding with the outcrop of the oolite, and forming the cotswold hills; and the second corresponding to the outcrop of the chalk, and forming the chiltern hills. the plains and low undulating tracts that separate these escarpments mark the outcrops of more yielding strata--the low grounds that intervene between the cotswolds and the malvern hills being composed of liassic and triassic clays and sandstones. in scotland similar escarpments occur, but owing to sudden changes of the dip, and various interruptions of the strata, the scottish escarpments are not so continuous as those of the sister-country. many of the belts of hilly ground in the scottish lowlands, however, exemplify the phenomena of escarpment and dip-slope. thus, the sidlaws in forfarshire consist of a series of hard igneous rocks and interbedded sandstones and flags--the outcrops of which form a succession of escarpments with intervening hollows. the same appearances recur again and again all over the lowlands. wherever, indeed, any considerable bed of hard rock occurs in a series of less enduring strata--the outcrop of the harder rock invariably forms a well-marked feature or escarpment. as examples, i may refer to salisbury crags, craiglockhart hill, dalmahoy crags, the bathgate hills, king alexander's crag, etc. all these are conspicuous examples of the work of denudation--for it can be demonstrated that each of these rock-masses was at one time deeply buried under sandstones and shales, and they now crop out at the surface, and form prominent features simply because the beds which formerly covered and surrounded them have been gradually removed. from what has now been said it will be readily understood that in regions composed of strata the inclination or dip of which is not constant but continually changing in direction, the surface-features must be more or less irregular. if the strata dip east the outcrops of the harder beds will form escarpments facing the west, and the direction of the escarpments will obviously change with the direction of the dip. undulating strata of variable composition will, in short, give rise to an undulating surface, but the superficial undulations will not coincide with those of the strata. on the contrary, in regions consisting of undulating strata of diverse consistency the hills generally correspond with synclinal troughs--or, in other words, trough-shaped strata tend to form hills; while, on the other hand, arch-shaped or anticlinal strata most usually give rise to hollows (see fig. 2). this remarkable fact is one of the first to arrest the attention of every student of physical geology, and its explanation is simple enough. an anticlinal arrangement of strata is a weak structure--it readily succumbs to the attacks of the denuding agents; a synclinal arrangement on the contrary, is a strong structure, which is much less readily broken up. hence it is that in all regions which have been exposed for prolonged periods to sub-aërial denudation synclinal strata naturally come to form hills, and anticlinal strata valleys or low grounds. in the case of a mountain-chain so recently elevated as that of the alps, the mountain-ridges, as we have seen, often coincide roughly with the greater folds of the strata. such anticlinal mountains are weakly built, and consequently rock-falls and landslips are of common occurrence among them--far more common, and on a much larger scale, than among the immeasurably older mountains of scandinavia and scotland. the valleys of the pyrenees, the alps, and the apennines, are cumbered with enormous chaotic heaps of fallen rock-masses. from time to time peaks and whole mountain-sides give way, and slide into the valleys, burying hamlets and villages, and covering wide tracts of cultivated land. hundreds of such disastrous rock-falls have occurred in the alps within historical ages, and must continue to take place until every weakly-formed mountain has been demolished. the hills and mountains of scotland have long since passed through this phase of unstable equilibrium. after countless ages of erosion our higher grounds have acquired a configuration essentially different from that of a true mountain-chain. enormous landslips like that of the rossberg are here impossible, for all such weakly-constructed mountains have disappeared. a little consideration will serve to show how such modifications and changes have come about. when strata are crumpled up they naturally crack across, for they are not elastic. during the great movements which have originated all mountains of elevation, it is evident that the strata forming the actual surface of the ground would often be greatly fissured and shattered along the crests of the sharper anticlinal ridges. in the synclinal troughs, however, although much fissuring would take place, yet the strata would be compelled by the pressure to keep together. now, when we study the structure of such a region as the alps, we find that the tops of the anticlines have almost invariably been removed, so as to expose the truncated ends of the strata--the ruptured and shattered rock-masses having in the course of time been carried away by the agents of erosion. such mountains are pre-eminently weak structures. let us suppose that the mountains represented in the diagram (fig. 8) consist of a succession of strata, some of which are more or less permeable by water, while others are practically impermeable. it is obvious that water soaking down from the surface will find its way through the porous strata (_p_), and come out on the slopes of the mountains along the joints and cracks (_c_) by which all strata are traversed. under the influence of such springs and the action of frost, the rock at the surface will eventually be broken up, and ever and anon larger and smaller portions will slide downwards over the surface of the underlying impermeable stratum. the undermining action of rivers will greatly intensify this disintegrating and disrupting process. as the river deepens and widens its valley (_v_), it is apparent that in doing so it must truncate the strata that are inclined towards it. the beds will then crop out upon the slopes of the valley (as at _b_, _b_), and so the conditions most favourable for a landslip will arise. underground water, percolating through the porous beds (p), and over the surface of the underlying impermeable beds (_i_, _i_, _i_), must eventually bring about a collapse. the rocks forming the surface-slopes of the mountain will from time to time give and slide into the valley, or the whole thickness of the truncated strata may break away and rush downwards; and this process must continue so long as any portion of the anticlinal arch remains above the level of the adjacent synclinal troughs. thus it will be seen that an anticlinal arch is a weak structure--a mountain so constructed falls a ready prey to the denuding agents; and hence in regions which have been exposed to denudation for as long a period as the scottish or scandinavian uplands, a mountain formed of anticlinally arranged strata is of very exceptional occurrence. when it does appear, it is only because the rocks of which it is composed happen to be of a more enduring character than those of the adjacent tracts. the ochil hills exemplify this point. these hills consist of a great series of hard igneous rocks, which are arranged in the form of a depressed anticlinal arch--the low grounds lying to the north and south being composed chiefly of sandstones and shales. here it is owing to the more enduring character of the igneous rocks that the anticlinal arch has not been entirely removed. we know, however, that these igneous rocks were formerly buried under a great thickness of strata, and that their present appearance at the surface is simply the result of denudation. if an anticlinal arch be a weak structure, a synclinal arrangement of strata is quite the opposite. in the case of the former each bed has a tendency to slip or slide away from the axis, while in a syncline it is just the reverse--the strata being inclined towards and not away from the axis. underground water, springs, and frost are enabled to play havoc with anticlinal strata, for the structure is entirely in their favour. but in synclinal beds the action of these powerful agents is opposed by the structure of the rocks--and great rock-falls and landslips cannot take place. synclinal strata therefore endure, while anticlinal strata are worn more readily away. even in a true mountain-range so young as the alps, denudation has already demolished many weakly-built anticlinal mountains, and opened up valleys along their axes; while, on the other hand, synclinal troughs have been converted into mountains. and if this be true of the alps, it is still more so of much older mountain-regions, in which the original contours due to convolutions of the strata have entirely disappeared (see fig. 9). the mountains of such regions, having been carved out and modelled by denuding agents, are rightly termed _mountains of circumdenudation_, for they are just as much the work of erosion as the flat-topped and pyramidal mountains which have been carved out of horizontal strata. the scottish highlands afford us an admirable example of a mountainous region of undulating and often highly-flexed strata, in which the present surface-features are the result of long-continued erosion. as already remarked, this region is one of the oldest land-surfaces in the world. in comparison with it, the pyrenees, the alps, and the himalayas are creations of yesterday. the original surface or configuration assumed by the rocks composing our highland area at the time when these were first crushed and folded into anticlines and synclines had already been demolished at a period inconceivably more remote than the latest grand upheaval of the alps. even before the commencement of old red sandstone times, our archæan, cambrian, and silurian rocks had been planed down for thousands of feet, so that the bottom beds of the old red sandstone were deposited upon a gently undulating surface, which cuts across anticlines and synclines alike. in late silurian and early post-silurian times the north-west highlands probably existed as a true mountain-chain, consisting of a series of parallel ranges formed by the folding and reduplication of the strata. the recent observations of my friends, professor lapworth and messrs. peach and horne, in sutherland, have brought to light the evidence of gigantic earth-movements, by which enormous masses of strata have been convoluted and pushed for miles out of place. we see in that region part of a dissected mountain-chain. the mountain-masses which are there exposed to view are the basal or lower portions of enormous sheets of disrupted rock, the upper parts of which have been removed by denudation. in a word, the mountains of sutherland are mountains of circumdenudation--they have been carved out of elevated masses by the long-continued action of erosion. to prove this, one has only to draw an accurate section across the north-west highlands, when it becomes apparent that the form or shape of the ground does not correspond or coincide with the convolutions of the strata, and that a thickness of thousands of feet of rock has been denuded away since those strata were folded and fractured. all over the highlands we meet with similar evidence of enormous denudation. the great masses of granite which appear at the surface in many places are eloquent of the result produced by erosion continued for immeasurable periods of time. every geologist knows that granite is a rock which could only have been formed and consolidated at great depths. when, therefore, such a rock occurs at the surface, it is evidence beyond all doubt of prodigious erosion. the granite has been laid bare by the removal of the thick rock-masses underneath which it cooled and consolidated. a glance at any map of scotland will show that many river-valleys, and not a few lakes, of the highlands have a north-east and south-west trend. this trend corresponds to what geologists call the _strike_ of the strata. the rocks of the highlands have been compressed into a series of folds or anticlines and synclines, which have the direction just stated--namely, north-east and south-west. a careless observer might therefore rashly conclude that these surface-features resembled those of the jura--in other words, that the long parallel hollows were synclinal troughs, and that the intervening ridges and high grounds were anticlinal arches or saddle-backs. nothing could be further from the truth. a geological examination of the ground would show that the features in question were everywhere the result of denudation, guided by the petrological character and geological structure of the rocks. several of the most marked hollows run along the backs of anticlinal axes, while some of the most conspicuous mountains are built up of synclinal or trough-shaped strata. ben lawers, and the depression occupied by loch tay, are excellent examples; and since that district has recently been mapped in detail by mr. j. grant wilson, of the geological survey, i shall give a section (fig. 10) to show the relation between the form of the ground and the geological structure of the rocks. this section speaks for itself. here evidently is a case where "valleys have been exalted and mountains made low." a well-marked syncline, it will be observed, passes through ben lawers, while loch tay occupies a depression scooped out of an equally well-defined anticline--a structure which is just the opposite of that which we should expect to find in a true mountain-chain. it will be also noted that glen-lyon coincides neither with a syncline nor a fault; it has been eroded along the outcrops of the strata. many of the north-east and south-west hollows of the highlands indeed run along the base of what are really great escarpments--a feature which, as we have seen, is constantly met with in every region where the strata "strike" more or less steadily in one direction. in the highlands the strata are most frequently inclined at considerable angles, so that the escarpments succeed each other more rapidly than would be the case if the strata were less steeply inclined. in no case does any north-east and south-west hollow coincide with a structural cavity. loch awe has been cited as an example of a superficial depression formed by the inward dip of the strata on either side. but, as was shown many years ago by my brother, a. geikie,[e] this lake winds across the _strike_ of the strata. moreover, if it owed its existence to a great synclinal fold, why, he asks, does it not run along the same line as far as the same structure continues? it does not do so: it is not continuous with the synclinal fold, while vertical strata appear in the middle of the lake, where, as my brother remarks, they have clearly no business to be if the sides of the lake are formed by the inward dip of the schists. [e] _trans. edin. geol. soc._ vol. ii. p. 267. the great glen, as i mentioned in the preceding article, coincides with a fracture or dislocation--a line of weakness along which the denuding agents had worked for many ages before the beginning of old red sandstone times; and it is possible that smaller dislocations may yet be detected in other valleys. but in each and every case the valleys as we now see them are valleys of erosion; in each and every case the mountains are mountains of circumdenudation; they project as eminences because the rock-masses which formerly surrounded them have been gradually removed. we have only to protract the outcrops of the denuded strata--to restore their continuations--to form some faint idea of the enormous masses of rock which have been carried away from the surface of the highland area since the strata were folded and fractured. all this erosion speaks to the lapse of long ages. the mountains of elevation which doubtless at one time existed within the highland area had already, as we have seen, suffered extreme erosion before the beginning of old red sandstone times, much of the area having been converted into an undulating plateau or plain, which, becoming submerged in part, was gradually overspread by the sedimentary deposits of the succeeding old red sandstone period. those sediments were doubtless derived in large measure from the denudation of the older rocks of the highlands, and since they attain in places a thickness of 20,000 feet, and cover many square miles, they help us to realise in some measure the vast erosion the highland area had sustained before the commencement of the carboniferous period. nor must we forget that the old red sandstone formation which borders the highlands has itself experienced excessive denudation: it formerly had a much greater extension, and doubtless at one time overspread large tracts of the highlands. again, we have to remember that during the carboniferous and permian periods, and the later mesozoic and cainozoic eras, the highlands probably remained more or less continuously in the condition of land. bearing this in mind, we need not be surprised that not a vestige of the primeval configuration brought about by the great earth-movements of late silurian times has been preserved. indeed, had the highland area, after the disappearance of the old red sandstone inland seas, remained undisturbed by any movement of elevation or depression, it must long ago have been reduced by sub-aërial erosion to the condition of a low-lying undulating plain. but elevation en masse from time to time took place, and so running water and its numerous allies have been enabled to carry on the work of denudation. thus in the geological history of the scottish highlands we may trace the successive phases through which many other elevated tracts have passed. the scandinavian plateau, and many of the mountains of middle germany--such, for example, as the harz, the erzgebirge, the thüringer-wald, etc.--show by their structure that they have undergone similar changes. first we have an epoch of mountain-elevation, when the strata are squeezed and crushed laterally, fractured and shattered--the result being the production of a series of more or less parallel anticlines and synclines, or, in other words, a true mountain-chain. next we have a prolonged period of erosion, during which running water flows through synclinal troughs, works along the backs of broken and shattered anticlines, and makes its way by joints, gaping cracks, and dislocations, to the low grounds. as time goes on, the varying character of the rocks and the mode of their arrangement begin to tell: the weaker structures are broken up; rock-falls and landslips ever and anon take place; anticlinal ridges are gradually demolished, while synclines tend to endure, and thus grow, as it were, into hills, by the gradual removal of the more weakly-constructed rock-masses that surround them. valleys continue to be deepened and widened, while the intervening mountains, eaten into by the rivers and their countless feeders, and shattered and pulverised by springs and frosts, are gradually narrowed, interrupted, and reduced, until eventually what was formerly a great mountain-chain becomes converted into a low-lying undulating plain. should the region now experience a movement of depression, and sink under the sea, new sedimentary deposits will gather over its surface to a depth, it may be, of many hundreds or even thousands of feet. should this sunken area be once more elevated en masse--pushed up bodily until it attains a height of several thousand feet--it will form a plateau, composed of a series of horizontal strata resting on the contorted and convoluted rocks of the ancient denuded mountain-chain. the surface of the plateau will now be traversed by streams and rivers, and in course of time it must become deeply cleft and furrowed, the ground between the various valleys rising into mountain-masses. should the land remain stationary, its former fate shall again overtake it; it will inevitably be degraded and worn down by the sub-aërial agents of erosion, until once more it assumes the character of a low-lying undulating plain. through such phases our highlands have certainly passed. at a very early epoch the archæan rocks of the north-west were ridged up into great mountain-masses, but before the beginning of the pre-cambrian period wide areas of those highly-contorted rocks had already been planed across, so that when subsidence ensued the pre-cambrian sandstones were deposited upon a gently undulating surface of highly convoluted strata. another great epoch of mountain-making took place after lower silurian times, and true mountain-ranges once more appeared in the highland area. we cannot tell how high those mountains may have been, but they might well have rivalled the alps. after their elevation a prolonged period of erosion ensued, and the lofty mountain-land was reduced in large measure to the condition of a plain, wide areas of which were subsequently overflowed by the inland seas of old red sandstone times--so that the sediments of those seas or lakes now rest with a violent unconformity on the upturned and denuded edges of the folded and contorted silurian strata. at a later geological period the whole highland area was elevated _en masse_, forming an undulating plateau, traversed by countless streams and rivers, some of which flowed in hollows that had existed before the beginning of old red sandstone times. since that epoch of elevation the highland area, although subject to occasional oscillations of level, would appear to have remained more or less continuously in the condition of dry land. the result is, that the ancient plateau of erosion has been deeply incised--the denuding agents have carved it into mountain and glen--the forms and directions of which have been determined partly by the original surface-slopes of the plateau, and partly by the petrological character of the rocks and the geological structure of the ground. [illustration: plate ii. influence of rock structure on the form of the ground. fig. 1. plateau of accumulation: horizontal strata, denuded. fig. 2. synclinal (s.o.) and anticlinal (e.) strata, denuded. fig. 3. faulted strata, showing denudation. fig. 4. mountain of accumulation,--volcano. fig. 5. diagrammatic section of a typical mountain chain, or mountains of upheaval. fig. 6. types of rock structure in the alps (after prof. heim) _the dotted lines show portions of strata, denuded._ fig. 7. escarpments (e) and dip slopes (d). fig. 8. erosion of anticlinal mountains. fig. 9. plateau of erosion, showing mountains of circumdenudation (aa). fig 10. section across ben lawers and loch tay, showing mountains of circumdenudation. the edinburgh geographical institute j. g. bartholomew f.r.g.s. ] thus, in the evolution of the surface-features of the earth, the working of two great classes of geological agents is conspicuous--the subterranean and the sub-aërial. the sinking down of the crust upon the cooling nucleus would appear to have given rise to the great oceanic depressions and continental ridges, just as the minor depressions within our continental areas have originated many mountain-chains. in the area undergoing depression the strata are subjected to intense lateral pressure, to which they yield along certain lines by folding up. the strata forming the alps, which are 130 miles broad, originally occupied a width of 200 miles; and similar evidence of enormous compression is conspicuous in the structure of all mountains of elevation. great elevation, however, may take place with little or no disturbance of stratification: wide continental areas have been slowly upheaved _en masse_, and sea-bottoms and low-lying plains have in this way been converted into lofty plateaux.[f] many of the most conspicuous features of the earth's surface, therefore, are due directly to subterranean action. all those features, however, become modified by denudation, and eventually the primeval configuration may be entirely destroyed, and replaced by contours which bear no direct relation to the form of the original surface. (see fig. 9.) in the newer mountain-chains of the globe the surface-features are still largely those due directly to upheaval; so in some recently elevated plateaux the ground has not yet been cut up and converted into irregular mountain-masses. many of the more ancient mountain-chains and ranges, however, have been exposed so long to the abrading action of the denuding agents that all trace of their original contour has vanished. and in like manner plateaux of great age have been so highly denuded, so cut and carved by the tools of erosion, that their plateau character has become obscured. they have been converted into undulating mountainous and hilly regions. everywhere throughout the world we read the same tale of subsidence and accumulation, of upheaval and denudation. the ancient sedimentary deposits which form the major portion of our land-surfaces, are the waste materials derived from the demolition of plains, plateaux, and mountains of elevation. in some mountain-regions we read the evidence of successive epochs of uplift, separated by long intervening periods of erosion, followed by depression and accumulation of newer sediments over the denuded surface. thus the alps began to be elevated towards the close of palæozoic times. erosion followed, and subsequently the land became depressed, and a vast succession of deposits accumulated over its surface during the long-continued mesozoic era into early cainozoic times. again, a great upheaval ensued, and the mesozoic and eocene strata were violently contorted and folded along the flanks of the chain. then succeeded another period of erosion and depression, which was again interrupted by one or more extensive upheavals. away from those lines of weakness which we call mountain-chains, we constantly encounter evidence of widespread movements of elevation, during which broad areas of sea-bottom have been upheaved to the light of day, and, after suffering extensive denudation have subsided, to be again overspread with the spoils of adjacent lands, and then upheaved once more. and such oscillations of level have occurred again and again. looking back through the long vista of the past, we see each continental area in a state of flux--land alternating with sea, and sea with land--mountains and plateaux appearing and disappearing--a constant succession of modifications, brought about by the antagonistic subterranean and sub-aërial agents. the hills are shadows, and they flow from form to form, and nothing stands; they melt like mists, the solid lands, like clouds they shape themselves and go. [f] this is the generally accepted view of modern geologists. it is very difficult, however, to understand how a wide continental area can be vertically upheaved. it seems more probable that the upheaval of the land is only apparent. the land seems to rise because the sea retreats as the result of the subsidence of the crust within the great oceanic basins. see article xiv. (1892.) iv. the cheviot hills.[g] [g] from _good words_ for 1876. i. the ridge of high ground that separates england from scotland is not, like many other hilly districts, the beloved of tourists. no guide-book expatiates upon the attractiveness of the cheviots; no cunningly-worded hotel-puffs lure the unwary vagrant in search of health, or sport, or the picturesque, to the quiet dells and pastoral uplands of the borders. since the biographer of dandie dinmont, of joyous memory, joined the shades, no magic sentences, either in verse or prose, have turned any appreciable portion of the annual stream of tourists in the direction of the cheviots. the scenery is not of a nature to satisfy the desires of those who look for something piquant--something "sensational," as it were. it is therefore highly improbable that the primeval repose of these border uplands will ever be disturbed by inroads of the "travelling public," even should some second burns arise to render the names of hills and streams as familiar as household words. and yet those who can spare the time to make themselves well acquainted with that region should do so; they will have no reason to regret their visit, but very much the reverse. for the scenery is of a kind which grows upon one. it shows no clamant beauties--you cannot have its charms photographed--the passing stranger may see nothing in it to detain him; but only tarry for a while amongst these green uplands, and you shall find a strange attraction in their soft outlines, in their utter quiet and restfulness. for those who are wearied with the crush and din of life, i cannot think of a better retreat. one may wander at will amongst the breezy hills, and inhale the most invigorating air; springs of the coolest and clearest water abound, and there are few of the brooks in their upper reaches which will not furnish natural shower-baths. did the reader ever indulge in such a mountain-bath? if not, then let him on a summer day seek out some rocky pool, sheltered from the sun, if possible, by birch and mountain-ash, and, creeping in below the stream where it leaps from the ledges above, allow the cool water to break upon his head, and he will confess to having discovered a new aqueous luxury. then from the slopes and tops of the hills you have some of the finest panoramic views to be seen in this island. nor are there wanting picturesque nooks, and striking rock scenery amongst the hills themselves: the sides of the cheviot are seamed with some wild, rugged chasms, which are just as weird in their way as many of the rocky ravines that eat into the heart of our highland mountains. the beauty of the lower reaches of some of the streams that issue from the cheviots is well known; and few tourists who enter the vale of the teviot neglect to make the acquaintance of the sylvan jed. but other streams, such as the bowmont, the kale, the oxnam, and the rule will also well repay a visit. in addition to all these natural charms, the cheviot district abounds in other attractions. those who are fond of border lore, who love to seek out the sites of old forays, and battles, and romantic incidents, will find much to engage them; for every stream, and almost every hill, is noted in tale and ballad. or if the visitor have antiquarian tastes, he may rival old monkbarns, and do his best to explain the history of the endless camps, ramparts, ditches, and terraces which abound everywhere, especially towards the heads of the valleys. to the geologist the district is not less interesting, as i hope to be able, in the course of these papers, to show. the geological history of the cheviots might be shortly summed up, and given in a narrative form, but it will perhaps be more interesting, and, at the same time more instructive, if we shall, instead, go a little into detail, and show first what the nature of the evidence is, and, second, how that evidence may be pieced together so as to tell its own story. i may just premise that my descriptions refer almost exclusively to the scottish side of the cheviots--which is not only the most picturesque, but also the most interesting, both from an antiquarian and geological point of view. the cheviots extend from the head of the tyne in northumberland, and of the liddel in roxburghshire, to yeavering bell and the heights in its neighbourhood (near wooler), a distance of upwards of thirty miles. some will have it that the range goes westward so as to include the heights about the source of the teviot, but this is certainly a mistake, for after leaving peel fell and crossing to the heights on the other side of the liddel water, we enter a region which, both in its physical aspect and its geological structure, differs considerably from the hilly district that lies between peel fell and the high-grounds that roll down to the wide plains watered by the glen and the till. the highest point in the range is that which gives its name to the hills--namely, the cheviot--a massive broad-topped hill, which reaches an elevation of 2767 feet above the sea, and from which a wonderful panorama can be scanned on a clear day. the top of the hill is coated with peat, fifteen to twenty feet thick, in some places. a number of deep ravines trench its slopes, the most noted of which are hen hole and the bizzle. peel fell, at the other extremity of the range, is only 1964 feet high, while the dominant points between peel fell and the cheviot are still lower--ranging from 1500 feet to 1800 feet. the general character of the hills is that of smooth rounded masses, with long flowing outlines. there are no peaks, nor serrated ridges, such as are occasionally met with in the northern highlands; and the valleys as a rule show no precipitous crags and rocky precipices, the most conspicuous exceptions being the deep clefts mentioned as occurring in the cheviot. the hills fall away with a long gentle slope into england, while on the scottish side the descent is somewhat abrupt; so that upon the whole the northern or scottish portion of the cheviots has more of the picturesque to commend it than the corresponding districts in england. indeed, the opposite slopes of the range show some rather striking contrasts. the long, flat-topped elevations on the english side, that sweep south and south-west from carter fell and harden edge, and which are drained by the tyne, the rede water, and the coquet, are covered for the most part with peat. sometimes, however, when the slope is too great to admit of its growth, the peat gives place to rough scanty grass and scrubby heath, which barely suffice to hide the underlying barren sandstone rocks. one coming from the scottish side is hardly prepared, indeed, for the dreary aspect of this region as viewed from the dominant ridge of the cheviots. if in their physical aspect the english slopes of these hills are for the most part less attractive than the scottish, it is true also that they offer less variety of interest to the geologist. those who have journeyed in stagecoaching times from england into scotland by carter fell, will remember the relief they felt when, having surmounted the hill above whitelee, and escaped from the dreary barrens of the english border, they suddenly caught a sight of the green slopes of the scottish hills, and the well-wooded vales of edgerston burn and jed water. on a clear day the view from this point is very charming. away to the west stretch in seemingly endless undulations the swelling hills that circle round the upper reaches of teviotdale. to east and north-east the eye glances along the bright-green cheviots of the scottish border, and marks how they plunge, for the most part somewhat suddenly, into the low grounds, save here and there, where they sink in gentler slopes, or throw out a few scattered outposts--abrupt verdant hills that somehow look as if they had broken away from the main mass of the range. from the same standpoint one traces the valleys of the rule and the jed--sweetest of border streams--stretching north into the well-clothed vale of the teviot. indeed, nearly the whole of that highly-cultivated and often richly-wooded country that extends from the base of the cheviots to the foot of the lammermuirs, lies stretched before one. here and there abrupt isolated hills rise up amid the undulating low grounds, to hide the country behind them. of these the most picturesque are dark rubers law, overlooking the rule water; minto crags, and penielheugh with its ugly excrescence of a monument, both on the north side of the teviot; and the eildon hills, which, as all the world knows, are near melrose. after he has sated himself with the rare beauty of this landscape (and still finer panoramic views are to be had from the top of blackhall hill, hownam law, the cheviot, as also from various points on the line of the roman road and other paths across the hills into england), the observer will hardly fail to be struck by the great variety of outlines exhibited. some of the hills, especially those to the west and north-west, are grouped in heavy masses, and present for the most part a soft, rounded contour, the hills being broad atop and flowing into each other with long, smooth slopes. other elevations, such as those to the east and north-east of carter fell, while showing similar long gentle slopes, yet are somewhat more irregular in form and broken in outline, the hills having frequently a lumpy contour. very noteworthy objects in the landscape also are the little isolated hills of the low grounds, such as rubers law, and the dunian, above jedburgh. they rise, as i have said, quite suddenly out of that low gently undulating country that sinks softly into the vales of the teviot and the tweed. this variety arises from the geological structure of the district. the hills vary in outline partly because they are made up of different kinds of rock, and partly owing to the mode in which these rocks have been arranged. but notwithstanding all this variety of outline, one may notice a certain sameness too. flowing outlines are more or less conspicuous all over the landscape. many of the hills, especially as we descend into teviotdale, seem to have been smoothed or rounded off, as it were, so as to present their steepest faces as a rule towards the south-west. and if we take the compass-bearing of the hill-ridges of the same district, we shall find that these generally trend from south-west to north-east so much, then, at present for the surface configuration of the cheviot region. when we come to treat of the various rock-masses, and to describe the superficial accumulations underneath which these are often concealed, we shall be in a better position to give an intelligible account of the peculiar form of the ground, and the causes to which that configuration must be ascribed. the solid rocks which enter into the composition of the cheviots consist mainly of (1) hard grey and blue rocks, called _greywacké_ by geologists, with which are associated blue and grey shale; (2) various old igneous rocks; and (3) sandstones, red and white, interbedded with which occur occasional dark shales. now, before we can make any endeavour towards reconstructing in outline the physical geography of the cheviot hills during past ages, it is necessary that we should discover the order in which the rock-masses just referred to have been amassed. i shall first describe, therefore, some sections where the members of the different series are found in juxtaposition, for the purpose of pointing out which is the lowest-lying, and consequently the oldest, and which occupy the uppermost and intermediate positions. [illustration: fig 1.--conglomerate and red sandstone, etc., _c_, resting on greywacké and shale, _g_.] the first section to which reference may be made is exposed in the course of the river jed, at allars mill, a little above jedburgh. this section is famous in its way as having been described and figured by dr. hutton, who may be said to have founded the present system of physical geology. in the bed of the stream are seen certain confused ridges of a greyish blue rock running right across the river course--that is, in a direction a little north of east and south of west. these ridges are the exposed edges of beds of greywacké and shale, which are here standing on end. the beds are somewhat irregular, being inclined from the vertical, now in one direction and now in another, or, as a geologist would say, the "dip" changes rapidly, sometimes being up the valley and sometimes down. the same beds continue up the steep bank of the river for a yard or two, and are there capped by another set of rocks altogether, namely, by soft red sandy beds which at the bottom become _conglomeratic_--that is to say, they are charged with water-worn stones. the annexed diagram (fig. 1) will show the general appearances presented: _g_ represents the vertical greywacké and shale, and _c_ the overlying deposits of conglomerate and red sandy beds. now let us see what this section means. what, in the first place, is greywacké? the term itself has really no meaning, being a name given by the miners in the harz mountains to the unproductive rocks associated with the vein-stones which they work. when we break the rock we may observe that it is a granular mixture of small particles of quartz, to which sometimes felspar and other minerals are added. the grains are bound together in a hardened matrix of argillaceous or clayey and silicious matter, blue, or grey, or green, or brown and yellow, as the case may be. at allars mill, and generally throughout the cheviot district, the prevailing colour is a pale greyish blue or bluish grey; but shades of green and brown often occur. the component particles of the rock are usually rounded or water-worn. again, we notice that the ridges and bands of rock that traverse the course of the jed at allars mill are merely the outcrops of successive _strata_ or beds. it is clear then that greywacké and the grey shales that accompany it are _aqueous_ rocks--that is to say, they consist of hardened sediment, which has undoubtedly been deposited in successive layers of variable thickness by water in motion. but since the sediments of rivers and currents are laid down in approximately horizontal planes, it is evident that if the greywacké and shale be sedimentary deposits they have suffered considerable disturbance since the time of their formation; for, as we have seen, the beds, instead of being horizontal or only gently inclined, actually approach the vertical. the fact is, that the outcrops which we see are only the truncated portions of what were formerly rapid undulations or folds of the strata, the tops of the folds or arches having been cut away by geological agencies, to which i shall refer by-and-by. what were at one time horizontal strata have been crumpled up into great folds, the folds being squeezed tightly together, and their upper portions planed away before the overlying red sandy beds were laid down. the accompanying diagram (fig. 2) may serve to make all this clearer. let a a represent the present surface of the ground, and b b a depth of say fifty feet or a hundred feet from the surface. the continuous lines between a and b represent the greywacké beds as we now see them in section; the dotted lines above a a indicate the former extension of the strata, and the dotted lines below b b their continuation below that datum line. hence it is obvious that in a succession of vertical or highly inclined beds, we may have the same strata repeated many times, the same beds coming again and again to the surface. thus the stratum at s is evidently the same bed as that at w, x, y, and z. [illustration: fig 2.] such great foldings or redoublings of strata are most probably originated during subsidence of a portion of the earth's crust. while the ground is slowly sinking down, the strata underneath are perforce compelled to occupy less space laterally, and this they can only do by yielding amongst themselves. all folding or contortion on the large scale--that, namely, which has affected areas of strata extending over whole countries--seems to have taken place under great pressure; in other words, to have been produced at considerable depths from the earth's surface. we can conceive, therefore, of a wide tract of land sinking down for hundreds of feet, and producing at the surface comparatively little change. but a depression of a few hundred feet at the surface implies a considerably greater depression at a depth of several thousand feet from the surface, and it is at great depths, therefore, that the most violent folding must take place. consequently considerable contortion, and much folding, and lateral crushing and reduplication of strata may occur, and yet no trace of this be observable at the surface, save only a gentle depression. for example, in greenland, a movement of subsidence has been going on for many years--the land has been slowly sinking down. the rocks at the surface are of course quite undisturbed by this widely-extended movement, but the strata at great depths may be undergoing much compression and contortion. it follows from such considerations, that if we now get highly contorted strata covering wide areas at the surface, we suspect that very considerable _denudation_ has taken place. that is to say, large masses of rock have been removed by the geological agents of change, so as to expose the once deeply-buried tops of the arched or curved and folded strata. we may therefore infer from a study of the phenomena in the jed at allars mill, first, that the red sandy beds are younger than the greywacké and shale, seeing that they rest upon them; and, second, that a very long period of time must have elapsed between the deposition of the older and the accumulation of the younger set of strata; for it is obvious that considerable time was required for the consolidation and folding of the greywacké, and an incalculable lapse of ages was also necessary to allow of the gradual wearing away by rain, frost, and running water of the great thickness of rocks underneath which the greywacké was crumpled. and all this took place before the horizontally-bedded red sandstone and conglomerate gathered over the upturned ends of the underlying strata. the succession of rocks at allars mill is seen in many other places in the cheviot district, but enough has been said to prove that the greywacké beds are the older of the two sets of strata. there is another class of rocks, the relative position of which we must now ascertain, for no one shall wander much or far among the cheviots without becoming aware of the existence of other kinds of rock than greywacké and sandstone. many of the hills east of oxnam and jed waters, for example, are composed of igneous masses--of rocks which have had a volcanic origin. as we shall afterwards see, the whole north-eastern section of the cheviots is built up of such rocks. at present, however, we are only concerned with the relation which these bear to the greywacké and the red sandy beds. now at various localities--for example, in edgerston burn, on the hill-face south of plenderleith, and again along the steep front of hindhope and blackball hills, which are on the crest of the cheviots--we find that the igneous rocks rest upon the greywacké and shale (see fig. 3) precisely in the same way as do the red sandy beds. they therefore belong to a later date than the greywacké. in other places, again, we meet with the conglomerates and red sandstones (_c_, fig. 4) resting upon and wrapping round the igneous rocks, _i_, and thus it becomes quite obvious that the latter occupy an intermediate position between the greywacké and shale on the one hand, and the conglomerate and red sandstone upon the other. [illustration: fig. 3.--igneous rocks (_i_, _a_) resting on greywacké and shale, _g_.] [illustration: fig. 4.--_c_, conglomerate and sandstones, resting on igneous rocks, _i_.] we have now cleared the way so far, preparatory to an attempt to trace the geological history of the cheviots. the three sets of rocks, whose mutual relations we have been studying, are those of which the district is chiefly composed; but, as we shall see in the sequel, there are others, not certainly of much extent, but nevertheless having an interesting story to tell us. nor shall we omit to notice the superficial accumulations of clay, gravel, sand, silt, alluvium, and peat; monuments as they are of certain great changes, climatic and geographical, which have characterised not the cheviots only, but a much wider area. ii. if we draw a somewhat straight line from girvan, on the coast of ayrshire, in a north-east direction to the shores of the north sea, near dunbar, we shall find that south of that line, up to the english border, nearly the whole country is composed of various kinds of greywacké and shale like the basement beds of the cheviot district. here and there, however, especially in certain of the valleys and some of the low-lying portions of this southern section of scotland, one comes upon small isolated patches and occasional wider areas of younger strata, which rest upon and conceal the greywackés and shales. such is the case in teviotdale, the cheviot district, and the country watered by the lower reaches of the tweed, in which regions the bottom beds are hidden for several hundreds of square miles underneath younger rocks. indeed, the greywacké and shale form but a very small portion of the surface in the cheviots, appearing upon a coloured geological map like so many islands or fragments, as it were, which have somehow been detached from the main masses of greywacké of which the lammermuirs and the uplands of dumfries and selkirk shires are composed. although the bottom rocks of the cheviot hills are thus apparently separated from the great greywacké area, there can be no doubt that they are really connected with it, the connection being obscured by the overlying younger strata. for if we could only strip off these latter, if we could only lift aside the great masses of igneous rock and sandstone that are piled up in the cheviot hills and the adjoining districts, we should find that the bottom upon which these rest is everywhere greywacké and shale. in part proof of this it may be mentioned that at various places in those districts which are entirely occupied by sandstone and igneous rock, the streams have cut right down through the younger rocks so as to expose the bottom beds, as in jed water at allars mill. again, when we trace out the boundaries of any detached areas of greywacké we invariably find these bottom beds disappearing on all sides underneath the younger strata by which they are surrounded. one such isolated area occurs in the basin of the oxnam water, between littletonleys and bloodylaws, a section across which would exhibit the general appearance shown in the accompanying diagram (fig. 5). another similarly isolated patch is intersected by edgerston burn and the jed water between paton haugh and dovesford. but the largest of these detached portions appears, forming the crest of the cheviots, at the head of the river coquet. there the basement beds occupy the watershed, extending westward, some three or four miles, as far as the sandstones of hungry law, while to the north and east they plunge under the igneous rocks of brownhart law and the hindhope hills. now it is evident that all those detached and isolated areas of greywacké and shale are really connected underground, and not only so, but they also piece on in the same way to the great belt of similar strata that stretches from sea to sea across the whole breadth of scotland. indeed, we may observe in the cheviot district how long and massive promontories of greywacké jut out from that great belt, and extend often for miles into the areas that are covered with younger strata, as, for example, in the brockilaw and wolfelee hills. a generalised section across the greywacké regions of the cheviot hills would therefore present the appearances shown in the annexed diagram (fig. 6), in which g represents the basement beds, i the igneous rocks, and c the red sandstones, etc. [illustration: fig. 5.--section across greywacké area of oxnam water; g, greywacké and shale; c, sandstone, etc.] [illustration: fig. 6.--diagram section across greywacké districts of cheviot hills.] throughout the whole of the district under review the bottom beds are observed to dip at a high angle--the strata in many places being actually vertical--and the edges or crops of the strata run somewhat persistently in one direction, namely, from south by west to north by east; or, as a geologist would express it, the beds have an approximately south-west and north-east "strike." now as the dip is sometimes to north-west and sometimes to south-east, it is evident that the rocks have been folded up in a series of rapid convolutions, and that some of the beds must be often repeated. from the character of the fossils which the bottom beds have yielded we learn that the strata belong to that division of past time which is known as the silurian age. these fossils appear to be of infrequent occurrence, and the creatures of which they are the relics occupied rather a humble place in the scale of being. they are called _graptolites_ (from their resemblance to pens), an extinct group of hydroid zoophytes, apparently resembling the sertularians of our own seas. the general appearance of the silurian strata of the cheviots is indicative of deposition in comparatively quiet water, but how deep that water was one cannot say. upon the whole, the beds look not unlike the sediments that gather in calm reaches of the sea, such as estuaries, betokening the presence of some not distant land from which fine mud and sand were washed down. another proof that some of the strata at all events were accumulated not far from a shore-line, is found in certain coarse bands of grit and pebbles, which are not likely to have been formed in deep water. this evidence, however, cannot be considered decisive, and in the present state of our knowledge all that we can assert with anything like confidence is simply this:--that during the deposition of the silurian strata the whole of the cheviot area lay under water--existed, in short, as a muddy sea-bottom, in the slime of which flourished here and there, in favourable spots, those minute hydroid animals called _graptolites_. between the deposition of the silurian and the formation of the rocks that come next in order a long interval elapsed, during which the mud, sand, and grit that gathered on the floor of the ancient sea were hardened into solid masses, and eventually squeezed together into great folds and undulations. it has already been pointed out that these changes could hardly have been effected save under extreme pressure, and this consideration leads us to infer that a great thickness of strata has been removed entirely from the cheviot district, so as to leave no trace of its former existence. long before the deposition of the younger strata that now rest upon and conceal the silurian rocks, the action of the denuding forces--the sea, frosts, rain, and rivers--had succeeded in not only sweeping gradually away the strata underneath which the bottom beds were folded, but in deeply scarping and carving these bottom beds themselves. can we form any reasonable conjecture as to the geological age of the strata underneath which the bottom beds of the cheviots were folded, and which, as we have seen, had entirely disappeared before the younger rocks of the district were accumulated? well, it is obvious that the missing strata must have been of later formation than the bottom beds, and it is equally evident that they must have been of much more ancient date than the igneous rocks of the cheviot hills. now, as we shall afterwards see, these igneous rocks belong to the old red sandstone age, that is to say, to the age that succeeded the silurian. how is it then, if the bottom beds be really of silurian and the igneous rocks of old red sandstone age, that a gap is said to exist between them? the explanation of this apparent contradiction is not far to seek. when we compare the fossils that occur in the silurian strata of the cheviot hills and the districts to the west, with the organic remains disinterred from similar strata elsewhere, as in wales for example, we find that the bottom beds of the cheviots were in all probability accumulated at approximately the same time as certain strata that occur in the middle division of the upper silurian. in wales and in cumberland the strata that approximate in age to the silurian of the cheviots are covered by younger strata belonging to the same formation which reach a thickness of several thousand feet. it may quite well be, therefore, that the succession of silurian strata in the cheviots was at one time more complete than it is now. the upper portions of the formation which are so well developed in wales and cumberland, and which are likewise represented to a small extent in scotland, had in all probability their equivalents in what are our border districts. in other words, there are good grounds for believing that the existing silurian rocks of the cheviots were in times preceding the old red sandstone age covered with younger strata belonging to the same great system. the missing silurian strata of the cheviots may have attained a thickness of several thousand feet, and underneath such a mass of solid rock the lower-lying strata might well have been consolidated and subsequently squeezed into folds. we now pass on to consider the next chapter in the geological history of the cheviot hills. as we proceed in our investigations it will be noticed that the evidence becomes more abundant, and we are thus enabled to build up the story of the past with more confidence, and with fuller details. for it is with geological history as with human records--the further back we go in time the scantier do the facts become. the rocks upon which nature writes her own history are palimpsests, on which the later writing is ever the most easily deciphered. nay, she cannot compile her newer records without first destroying some of those compiled in earlier times. the sediments accumulating in modern lake and sea are but the materials derived from the degradation of the rocks we see around us, just as these in like manner have originated from the demolition of yet older strata. thus the further we trace back the history of our earth, the more fragmentary must we expect the evidence to be; and conversely, the nearer we approach to the present condition of things the more abundant and satisfactory must the records become. accordingly, we find that the igneous rocks of the cheviot hills tell us considerably more than the ancient silurian deposits upon which they rest. the surface of the latter appears to be somewhat irregular underneath the igneous rocks, showing that hills and valleys, or an undulating table-land, existed in the cheviot district prior to the appearance of the younger formation. but before we attempt to summarise the history of that formation, it is necessary to give some description, however short, of the rocks that compose it. these consist chiefly of numerous varieties of a rock called porphyrite by geologists, piled in more or less irregular beds, one on top of another, in a somewhat confused manner. the colour of the freshly fractured rocks is very variable, being usually some shade of blue or purple; but pink, red, brown, greenish, and dark grey or almost black varieties also occur. some of the rocks are finely crystalline; others, again, are much coarser, while many are compact, or nearly so, a lens being required to detect a crystalline texture. the mineral called felspar is usually scattered more or less abundantly through the matrix or base, which itself is composed principally of felspathic materials. besides distinct scattered crystals of felspar, other minerals often occur in a similar manner; mica and hornblende being the commonest. occasionally the rocks contain numerous circular, oval, or flattened cavities, which are sometimes so abundant as to give the appearance of a kind of coarse slag to the porphyrite. these little cavities, however, are usually filled up with mineral matter--such as calcspar, calcedony, jasper, quartz, etc. sometimes also cracks, crannies, and crevices of some size have been sealed up with similar minerals. now nearly all these appearances are specially characteristic of rocks which have at one time been in a state of igneous fusion; nor can there be any doubt that the cheviot porphyrites are merely solidified lava-beds, which have been poured out from the bowels of the earth. in modern lavas we may notice not only a crystalline texture, but frequently also we observe those in our porphyrites. such cavities are due to the expansive force of the vapours imprisoned in the molten mass at the time of eruption. they form chiefly towards the upper surface of a lava stream, and are often drawn out or flattened in the direction in which the lava flows. thus a stream of lava, as it creeps on its way, becomes slaggy and scoriaceous or cindery above and in front, and as the molten mass within continues to flow, the slags and cinders that cover its face tumble down before it, and form the pavement upon which the stream advances. in this way slags and cinders become incorporated with the bottom of the lava, and hence it is that so many volcanic rocks are scoriaceous, as well below as above. the vapours which produce the cavities usually contain minerals in solution, and these, as the lava cools, are frequently deposited, partially filling up the vesicles, so as to form what are called geodes. but many of the cavities have been filled in another way--by the subsequent infiltration of water carrying mineral matter in solution. and since we know that all rocks are so permeated by water, it is clear that the cavities may have received their contents during many successive periods, after the solidification of the rock in which they occur. it is in this manner that the jaspers, calcedony, and beautiful agates of commerce have been formed. rocks abundantly charged with cavities are said to be _vesicular_, and when the vesicles are filled with mineral matter, then the mass becomes, in geological language, _amygdaloidal_, from the almond-like shape assumed by the flattened vesicles. now all the appearances described above, and many others hardly less characteristic of true lavas, are to be met with amongst those porphyrites which, as i have said, form the major portion of the cheviot hills. from the valley of the oxnam, east by cessford, morebattle, and hoselaw, and south by edgerston, letham, browndeanlaws, and hindhope, the porphyrites extend over the whole area, sweeping north-east across the border on to the heights above the rivers glen and till. in the hills at hindhope we notice a good display of the oldest beds of the series. at the base occurs a very peculiar rock resting upon the silurian, and thus forming the foundation of the porphyrites. it varies in colour, being pink, grey, green, red, brown, or variously mottled. sometimes it is fine-grained and gritty, like a soft, coarse-grained sandstone; at other times it is not unlike a granular porphyrite; but when most typically developed it consists of a kind of coarse angular gravel embedded in a gritty matrix. the stones sometimes show distinct traces of arrangement into layers; but they are often heaped rudely together with little or no stratification at all. they consist chiefly of fragments of porphyrites; but bits of silurian rocks also occur amongst them. this peculiar deposit unquestionably answers to the heaps of dust, sand, stones, and bombs which are shot out of modern volcanoes; it is a true tuff--that is, a collection of loose volcanic ejectamenta. upon what kind of surface did it fall? long before the eruptions began, the silurian rocks had been sculptured into hills and valleys by the action chiefly of the sub-aërial forces, and it was upon these hills and in these valleys that the igneous materials accumulated. it is difficult to say, however, whether at this period the cheviot district was above or under water. the traces of bedding in the tuff would seem to indicate the assorting power of water; but the evidence is too slight to found upon, because we know that in modern eruptions, loose ejectamenta frequently assume a kind of irregular bedded arrangement. for aught we can say to the contrary, therefore, dry land may have extended across what is now southern scotland and northern england when the first rumblings of volcanic disturbance shook the cheviot area. be that as it may, we know that the volcanic outbursts began in those old times, as they almost invariably commence now, by a discharge of sand, small stones, blocks, and cinders. these, we may infer, covered a wide area round the centre of dispersion--the chief focus of eruption being probably in the vicinity of the big cheviot, where a mass of granite seems to occupy the core or deep-seated portion of the old volcanic centre. the locality where the tuff occurs is some nine miles or so distant from this point, and the intervening ground could hardly have escaped being more or less thickly sprinkled with the same materials. the whole of that intervening ground, however, now lies deeply buried under the massive streams of once-molten rock that followed in succession after the first dispersion of stones and débris. although, as i have said, it may be doubted whether at the beginning of their activity the cheviot volcanoes were sub-aqueous, yet there are not a few facts that lead to the inference that the eruption of the porphyrites took place for the most part, if not exclusively, under water. the beds are occasionally separated by layers of sandstone, grit, and conglomerate; but such beds are rare, and true tuffs are rarer still. if the outbursts had been sub-aërial, we ought surely to have met with these latter in greater abundance, while we should hardly have expected to find such evidently water-arranged strata as do occur here and there. the porphyrites themselves present certain appearances which lead to the same conclusion. thus we may observe how the bottoms of the beds frequently contain baked or hardened sand and mud, showing that the molten rock had been poured out over some muddy or sandy bottom, and had caught up and enclosed the soft, sedimentary materials, which now bear all the marks of having been subjected to the action of intense heat. sometimes, indeed, the old lava-streams seem to have licked up beds of unconsolidated gravel, the water-worn stones being now scattered through their under portions. as no fossils occur in any of the beds associated with the porphyrites, one cannot say whether the latter flowed into the sea or into great freshwater lakes. neither can we be certain that towards their close the eruptions were not sub-aërial. they may quite well have been so. the porphyrites attain a thickness of probably not less than fifteen hundred or two thousand feet, and the beds which we now see are only the basal, and therefore the older portions of the old volcanoes. the upper parts have long since disappeared, the waste of the igneous masses having been so great that only the very oldest portions now remain, and these, again, are hewn and carved into hill and valley. any loose accumulation of stones and débris, therefore, which may have been thrown out in the later stages of the eruptions, must long ere this have utterly disappeared. we can point to the beds which mark the beginning of volcanic activity in the cheviots; we can prove that volcanoes continued in action there for long ages, great streams of lava being poured out--the eruptions of which were preceded and sometimes succeeded by showers of stones and débris; we can show, also, that periods of quiescence, more or less prolonged, occasionally intervened, at which times water assorted the sand and mud, and rounded the stones, spreading them out in layers. but whether this water action took place in the sea or in a lake we cannot tell. indeed, for aught one can say, some of the masses of rounded stones i refer to may point to the action of mountain torrents, and thus be part evidence that the volcanoes were sub-aërial. if we are thus in doubt as to some of the physical conditions that obtained in the cheviot district during the accumulation of the porphyrites and their associated beds, we are left entirely to conjecture when we seek to inquire into the conditions that prevailed towards the close of the volcanic period. for just as we have proof that before this period began the silurian strata had been subjected to the most intense denudation--had, in short, been worn into hill and valley--so do we learn from abundant evidence that the rocks representing the old volcanoes of the cheviots are merely the wrecks of formerly extensive masses. not only have the upper portions of these volcanoes been swept away, but their lower portions, likewise, have been deeply incised, and thousands of feet of solid rock have been carried off by the denuding forces. and by much the greater part of all this waste took place before the accumulation of those sandstones which now rest upon the worn outskirts of the old volcanic region. iii. some reference has already been made (see p. 64) to the general appearance presented by the valleys of the cheviots. in their upper reaches they are often rough and craggy; narrow dells, in fact, flanked with steep shingle-covered slopes, and occasionally overlooked by beetling cliffs, or fringed with lofty scaurs of decomposing rocks. as we follow down the valleys they gradually widen out; the hill-slopes becoming less steep, and retiring from the stream so as to leave a narrow strip of meadow-land through which the clear waters canter gaily on to the low grounds of the teviot. in their middle reaches these upland dales are not infrequently well cultivated to a considerable height, as in the districts between hownam and morebattle, and between belford and yetholm--the former in the valley of the kale, and the latter in that of the bowmont. it is noticeable that all the narrower and steeper reaches lie among silurian strata and old red sandstone porphyrites. no sooner do we leave the regions occupied by these tough and hard rock-masses than the whole aspect of the scenery changes. the surrounding hills immediately lose in height and fall away into a softly undulating country, through which the streams and rivers have dug for themselves deep romantic channels. nevertheless, it is a fact, as we shall see by-and-by, that south-west of the region occupied by the igneous rocks of the cheviot hills, all the higher portions of the range (hungry law, carter fell, peel fell, etc.) are built up of sandstones. for the present, however, i confine attention to those valleys whose upper reaches lie either wholly or in part among igneous rocks or silurian strata. a typical and certainly the most beautiful example is furnished us by the vale of the river jed. this stream rises among the sandstone heights which have just been mentioned as composing the south-west portion of the cheviot range. the first seven or eight miles of its course lead us through a broad open valley, which has been hollowed out almost exclusively in sandstones and shales; by-and-by, however, we are led into a silurian tract, and thereupon the valley contracts and the hill-slopes descend more steeply to the stream. but we soon leave the grassy glades of this silurian tract and enter all at once upon what may be termed the lower reaches of the jed. no longer cooped up in the rocky gully, painfully worn for itself in the hard greywacké and shales, the stream now winds through a much deeper and broader channel which has evidently been excavated with greater ease. precipitous banks and scaurs here overlook the river at every bend, the banks becoming higher and higher and retiring further and further from each other, as the water glides on its way, until at last they fairly open upon the broad vale of the teviot. sometimes the river flows along one side of its valley for a considerable distance, and whenever this is the case, it gives us a line of bold cliffs which are usually flanked on the opposite side by sloping ground. this is the general character of all valleys of erosion, and especially of the lower reaches of the jed. a glance at the cliffs and scaurs of the jed shows that they consist of horizontal or gently undulating strata of soft earthy, friable, shaly sandstone, arranged in thin beds and bands, which alternate rapidly with crumbling, sandy, and earthy shales; the whole forming a loose and unconsolidated mass that readily becomes a prey to the action of the weather, rain, frost, and running water. the prevailing colour is a dull red, but pale yellow, white, green, and purple discolorations are visible when the strata are closely scanned. the finest sections occur between glen douglas and inchbonnie, and at mossburnford, but the cliffs throughout present the same general appearance, and are picturesque in the highest degree. everywhere the banks are thickly wooded, and even the steep red scaurs are dashed and flecked with greenery, which droops and springs from every ledge and crevice in which a root can fix itself. how vivid and striking is the contrast between the fresh delicate green of early summer and the rich warm tint of these rocks, which when lit up by the setting sun seem almost to glow and burn! well may the good folk of jedburgh be proud of the lovely valley in which their lot is cast. in no similar district in scotland will the artist meet with a greater number of such "delicious bits," in which all the charms of wood and water, of meadow and rock are so harmoniously combined. it is not with the scenic beauties of the jed, however, that we have at present to do. i wish the reader to examine with me certain appearances visible at the base of the red beds, where these rest upon those older rocks which have formed the subject of the preceding papers. in the bed of the river at jedburgh, we see the junction between the red beds and the silurian strata, and may observe how the bottom portions of the former, which repose immediately upon the greywackés, are abundantly charged with well-rounded and water-worn stones. many of these stones consist of greywacké, hardened grit, and other kinds of rock, and most of them undoubtedly have been derived from silurian strata. in other districts where the old igneous rocks of the cheviots form the pavement upon which the red beds repose, the stones in the lower portions of the latter are made up chiefly of rounded fragments of the underlying porphyrites. all which clearly shows that the red beds have been built out of the ruins of the older strata of the district. this is unquestionably the origin not only of the conglomerates, but of all the red beds through which the river jed cuts its way from the base of the hills to the teviot. when we trace out the boundary of these beds, we find that this leads us along the base of the hills, close to the hill-foot; and not only so, but it frequently takes us into the hill-valleys also. and this shows that the cheviots had already been deeply excavated by streams before any portion of the red beds was deposited. i have said that the red beds are approximately horizontal; sometimes, however, they have a decided _dip_ or inclination, and when this is continuous, it is invariably in a direction away from the hills. thus as we traverse the ground from the hill-foot to the teviot, we pass over the outcrops of the red beds and slowly rise from a lower to a higher geological position. the strata, however, are generally so flat that their dip is often not greater than the average slope or inclination of the ground. hence when we ascend the valley-slopes from the stream, we soon reach the higher beds of the series, as, for example, in the undulating heights that overlook the jed in the neighbourhood of jedburgh. in that district a number of quarries have been opened, in which the upper beds of the red series are well exposed, as at ferniehirst, tudhope, etc. these consist of thick beds of greyish white, yellowish, and reddish sandstones, which, unlike the crumbling earthy deposits below, are quite suitable for building purposes. scales of fish and plant remains are often met with in the thick sandstones, but the underlying earthy, friable red beds appear to be quite destitute of any organic remains. let us now briefly recapitulate the main facts we have just ascertained. they are these:--1. all the low grounds that abut upon the hills are composed of horizontal or nearly horizontal strata, which consist chiefly of red earthy beds, passing down into conglomerates, and up into whitish and reddish sandstones. 2. the conglomeratic portion forms the boundary of the series, fringing the outskirts of the hills, and resting sometimes upon silurian strata and sometimes upon old red sandstone igneous rocks. 3. fossils occur in the white and red sandstones, but seem to be wanting in the underlying red earthy beds. [illustration: fig. 7.--s, silurian strata; _i_, old red sandstone igneous rocks; _a^1_, conglomerate; _a^2_, red earthy beds; _a^3_, white and red sandstones.] the accompanying diagram (fig. 7) gives a generalised view of the relation borne by the red beds to the older rocks of the cheviots. it will be seen that the former rest _unconformably_ upon the old red sandstone igneous rocks, and also, of course, upon the silurian strata. the section shows that the red beds lie upon a worn and denuded surface. now this speaks to the lapse of a long period of time. it may be remembered that we had some grounds for believing that the latest eruptions of the cheviot volcanoes were sub-aërial. the evidence now enables us to advance further, and to state that after the close of the volcanic period, the whole cheviot district existed as an elevated tract of dry land, from which streams flowed north and south. and for so long a time did these conditions endure, that the rivulets and streams were enabled to scoop out many channels and broad valleys before any of the outlying red beds had come into existence. before the conglomerate beds were laid down, the ancient volcanic bank of the cheviots had thus suffered great erosion. this is what "unconformability" means. it points to the prolonged continuance of a land-surface, subject as that must always be to the wearing action of the sub-aërial forces. rain and frost disintegrate the rocks, and running water rolls the débris from higher to lower levels, and piles it up in the form of gravel, sand, and mud in lakes and the sea. while the old volcanic country of the cheviots was being thus denuded, it would appear that a wide extent of land existed in the northern highlands and southern uplands of scotland, and also in what are now the lake districts of england and the hilly tracts of wales. and in all these regions valleys were formed, which at a subsequent time were more or less filled up with newer deposits. the presence of the red beds that sweep round the base of the cheviot hills shows unmistakably that a period of submergence followed these land conditions. all the low grounds of southern scotland disappeared beneath a wide sheet of water, which stretched from the foot of the lammermuirs up to the base of the cheviots, and here and there entered the valleys, and so extended into the hills. this water, however, does not seem to have been that of an open sea; rather was it portion of a great freshwater lake, brackish lagoon, or inland sea. the lowest beds of the red series are merely hardened layers and masses of gravel and rolled shingle, which would seem at first sight to indicate the former action of waves along a sea-beach. there are certain appearances, however, which lead one to suspect that these ancient shingle beds may have had quite another origin. in some places the stones exactly resemble those which are found so abundantly in glacial deposits. they are sub-angular and blunted, and, like glaciated stones, occasionally show striæ or scratches. this, however, is very rarely the case. most of the stones appear subsequently to have been rolled about in water, and in this process they must have lost any ice-markings they may have had, and become smoothed and rounded like ordinary gravel stones. the same appearances may be noted in the glacier valleys of norway and switzerland, where at the present day the glaciated stones which are pushed out at the lower ends of the glaciers are rolled about in the streams, and soon lose all trace of ice-work. it is impossible, however, to enter here into all the details of the evidence which lead one to suspect that glaciers may have existed at this early period among the cheviot and lammermuir hills. in the latter district, the conglomerates occur in such masses and so exactly resemble the morainic débris and ice-rubbish of modern glacial regions, that the late sir a. c. ramsay long ago suggested their ice-origin. let us conceive, then, that when the ancient lake or inland sea of which i have spoken reached the base of the cheviots, glaciers may have nestled in the valleys. streams issuing from the lower ends of these would sweep great quantities of gravel down the valleys to the margin of the lake, and it is quite possible that there might be enough wave-action to spread the gravel out along the shores. it is evident, however, that the main heaps of shingle would gather opposite what were at that time the mouths of glacier valleys; and it is just in such positions that we now meet with the thickest masses of conglomerate. ere long, however, the supposed glaciers would seem to have melted away, and only fine sand and mud, with here and there small rounded stones and grit, accumulated round the shores of the ancient lake. of course, during all this time fine-grained sediment gathered over the deeper parts of the lake-bottom. we have no evidence to show what kind of creatures, if any, inhabited the land at this time; nor do any fossils occur in the red earthy beds to throw light upon the conditions of life that may have obtained in the lake. if glaciers really existed and sent down ice-cold water, the conditions would hardly be favourable to life of any kind; for glacial lakes are generally barren. but the absence of fossils may be due to other causes than this. it is a remarkable fact, that red strata are, as a rule, unfossiliferous, and the few fossils which they do sometimes yield are generally indicative rather of lacustrine and brackish-water, than marine conditions. the paucity or absence of organic remains seems to have been often due to the presence in the water of a superabundance of salts. now this excessive salinity may have arisen in either of two ways. first, we may suppose some wide reach of the sea to have been cut off from communication with the open ocean by an elevation of a portion of its bed; and in this case we should have a lagoon of saltwater, which evaporation would tend to concentrate to such a degree, that by-and-by nothing would be able to live in its waters. or, again, we may have a lake so poisoned by the influx of springs and streams, carrying various salts in solution, as to render it uninhabitable by life of any kind, either animal or vegetable. many red sandstone deposits, as sir a. c. ramsay has pointed out, are evidently lagoon-formations, which is proved by the presence of associated beds of rock-salt, gypsum, and magnesian limestone. they have slowly accumulated in great inland seas or lakes having no outlet, whose waters were subject to evaporation and concentration, although now and then they seem to have communicated more or less freely with the ocean. the red earthy beds of the jed, however, though unfossiliferous, yet contain no trace of rock-salt or magnesian limestone. the only character they have in common with the salt-bearing strata of the new red sandstone of england is their colour, due to the presence of peroxide of iron, which we can hardly conceive could have been deposited in the mud of a sea communicating freely with the ocean. but a quiet lake, fed by rivulets and streams that drained an old volcanic district, is precisely the kind of water-basin in which highly ferruginous mud and sand might be expected to accumulate. such a lake, tainted with the various salts, etc., carried into it by streams and springs (some of which may have been thermal; for, as we shall see presently, the volcanic forces, although quiescent, were yet not extinct), might well be unfitted for either animal or plant, and probably this is one reason why the red earthy beds of the jed are so unfossiliferous. after some time, the physical conditions in the regions under review experienced some further modification. considerable depression of the land supervened, and the waters of our inland sea or lake rose high on the slopes of the cheviots. mark now how the character of the sediment changes. the prevailing red colour has disappeared, and white, yellow, and pale greenish or grey sand begins to be poured over the bed of the lake. even yet, however, ferruginous matter exists in sufficient quantity to tint the sediment red in some places. with the appearance of these lighter-coloured sandy deposits, the conditions seem to have become better fitted to sustain life. fish of peculiar forms, which, like the gar-pike of north american lakes, were provided with a strong scaly armour of tough bone, began to abound, weeds grew in the water, and the neighbouring land supported a vegetation now very meagrely represented by the few remains of plants which have been preserved. in some places fish-scales are found in considerable abundance. they belong to several genera and species which are more or less characteristic of the old red sandstone formation. the most remarkable form was the _pterichthys_, or wing-finned fish. its blunt-shaped head and the anterior portion of its body were sheathed in a solid case of bone, formed by the union of numerous bony scales or plates. two curious curved spine-like arms occupied the place of pectoral fins, and may have been used by the creature in paddling along the bottom of the sea or lake in which it lived. the posterior part of the body was covered with bony scales, but these were not suturally united. other kinds of fish were the _holoptychius_ and _coccosteus_, both of which were, like the pterichthys, furnished with bony scales. the scales of the former overlapped, and had a curious wrinkled surface. the head of the coccosteus was protected by a large bony shield or buckler, and a similar bony armour covered the ventral region. the organic remains of these fish-bearing strata are too scanty, however, to enable us to form any idea of the kind of climate which characterised the district at this long-past period; but if we rely upon the fossils which have been met with in strata of the same or approximately the same age elsewhere, we may be pretty sure the climate was genial, and nourished on the land an abundant vegetation, consisting of ferns, great reeds, and club-mosses, which attained the dimensions of large trees, conifers, and other strange trees which have no living analogues. it seems most likely that when the land sank down in the cheviot district, so as to allow the old lake to reach as it were a higher level, some communication with the outlying ocean was effected. red ferruginous mud would then cease to accumulate, or gather only now and then; the deposits would for the most part be white or yellow, or pale green; and fish would be able to come in from the sea. the communication with the ocean, however, was probably never very free, but liable to frequent interruption. here, then, ends the third great period of time represented by the rocks of the cheviot district. the first period, as we have seen, closed with the deposition of the silurian strata. thereafter supervened a vast lapse of time, not recorded in the cheviots by the presence of any rocks, but represented in other regions by younger members of the silurian system. during this unrecorded portion of past time, the silurian strata of the cheviots were hardened, compressed, folded, upheaved to the light of day, and worn into hills and valleys by the action of the sub-aërial forces. then began the second period of rock-forming in our district. volcanoes poured out successive beds of molten matter and showers of stones and ashes, and so built up the rock-masses of the highest parts of the cheviot hills. these eruptions belong to the old red sandstone age, and form a portion of what we term the lower old red sandstone. after the extinction of the volcanoes, another prolonged period elapsed, which is not accounted for in the cheviots by the presence of any rocks. then it was, as we know, that the great volcanic bank was denuded and worn into a system of hills and valleys. now, since it is evident that the red beds of the jed and other places are also of old red sandstone age, it follows that they must belong to a higher place in the old red sandstone formation than the much-denuded igneous rocks upon which they rest unconformably. the reasonable conclusion seems to be that the denudation or wearing away of the lower old red sandstone igneous rocks of the cheviots was effected during that period which is represented in other districts of scotland by what is called the middle old red sandstone, so that the jed beds will thus rank as upper old red sandstone. [illustration: fig. 8.--_s_, silurian strata; _i_, cheviot igneous rocks (lower old red sandstone); _r_, upper old red sandstone series; _c_, kelso igneous rocks (lower carboniferous); _d_, lower carboniferous sandstones, shales, etc.] i come now to speak of certain rocks which, although they are developed chiefly beyond the limits of our district, yet require a little consideration before we can complete our account of the geological history of the cheviots. the rocks referred to consist chiefly of old lava-beds, which very closely resemble those of the lower old red sandstone. they appear on the south side of the tweed valley below kelso, whence they extend south-west and west, crossing the river at makerstoun, and sweeping north to form the hills about smailholm, stichill, and hume (fig. 8). all to the east of these rocks, the valley of the tweed is occupied by a great thickness of grey sandstones, and grey and blue shales and clays, with which are associated thin cement-stone bands, and occasional coarse sandy limestones called cornstone. these strata rest upon the outskirts of the kelso igneous rocks, and are clearly of later date than these, since in their lower beds, which are often conglomeratic, we find numerous rounded fragments of the igneous rocks upon which the sandstones and shales abut. the latter have yielded a number of fossils, both animals and plants, to which i shall refer presently. in the bed of the teviot near roxburgh, and elsewhere, the kelso igneous rocks are found reposing upon whitish and reddish sandstones, which are evidently the upper members of the red beds of the jed water and other localities. strata closely resembling the grey sandstones and shales of the tweed valley appear among the cheviot hills at the head of the jed water, where they are marked by the presence of thick massive sandstones, which form all the tops of the hills between hungry law and the heights that overlook the sources of the liddel water--the greatest height reached being at carter fell, which is 1815 feet above the sea-level. the strata at this place contain some impure limestone and thin seams of coal, while beds of lava and tuff appear intercalated in the series. [illustration: fig. 9.--section across old volcanic neck. the dotted line above suggests the original form of the volcano; _b_, plug of igneous rock which rose in a molten state and cooled in the vent.] now let us rapidly sum up what seem to be the inferences suggested by these briefly-stated facts. we have seen that the upper old red sandstone began to be deposited in a lake which, as time wore on, probably communicated with the sea, while the land was undergoing a process of depression, so that the area of deposition was thus widely increased, and sediment gradually accumulated in places and at levels which had existed as land when the ancient lake first appeared in the cheviot district. the old lava-beds of kelso show that the volcanic forces, which had long been quiescent, again became active. great floods of molten matter issued from the bowels of the earth, and poured over the bottom of the inland sea. but all the larger volcanoes of this period were confined to the centre of the tweed valley. not a few little isolated volcanoes, however, seem to have dotted the sea-bottom beyond the limits of the kelso area. from these, showers of stones were ejected, and sometimes also they poured out molten matter. their sites are now represented by rounded hills which stand up, more or less abruptly, above the level of the undulating tracts in which they occur (fig. 9). among the most marked are rubers law, black law, the dunian, and lanton hill. of course it is only the plugged-up vents or necks that now remain; all the loose ejectamenta by which these must at one time have been surrounded have long since been worn and washed away. at last the kelso volcanoes became extinct, and the little ones also probably died out at the same time. another long period now ensued, during which the inland sea disappeared, and its dried-up bed was subjected to the denuding action of the sub-aërial forces. the volcanic rocks of the kelso district suffered considerable erosion, while the softer sandy strata amongst which they were erupted no doubt experienced still greater waste. ere long, however, the scene again changes; and what is now the vale of tweed becomes a wide estuary, the shores of which are formed at first by the kelso igneous rocks. into this estuary, rivers and streams carry the spoil of the southern uplands, and strew its bed with sand and mud. occasionally ferns and large coniferous trees are floated down, and, getting water-logged, sink to the bottom, where they become entombed in the slowly accumulating sediment. the character of these buried plants shows that the climate must have been genial. they belong to species which are characteristic of the carboniferous system, and we look upon them with interest as the forerunners of that vast plant-growth which by-and-by was to cover wide areas in britain, and to give rise to our coal-seams, the source of so much national wealth. in the waters of the estuary, minute crustaceous creatures called _cyprides_ abounded, and with these was associated a number of small molluscs, chiefly univalves. here and there considerable quantities of calcareous mud and sand gathered on the bed of the estuary, and formed in time beds of cement-stone, and impure limestone or cornstone. how long that condition of things obtained in the tweed valley we cannot tell; but we know that after a very considerable thickness of sediment had accumulated, estuarine conditions prevailed over the south-west end of what is now the cheviot range. this points to a considerable depression of the land. in this same region volcanic action appeared, and streams of lava and showers of fragmental materials were ejected--the remains of which are seen in hungry law, catcleugh shin, and the head-waters of the jed. genial climatic conditions continued; and here and there, along what were either low islets or the flat muddy shores of the estuary, plants grew in sufficient quantity to form masses of vegetation which, subsequently buried under mud and sand, were compressed and mineralised, and so became coal. the only place where these are now met with is on the crest of the cheviots at carter fell. the process of depression still continuing, thick sand gradually spread over the site of the submerged forests. to trace the physical history immediately after this, we must go out of the cheviot district; and it may suffice if i merely state that these estuarine or lacustrine conditions, which prevailed for a long time not only over the tweed and cheviot areas but in various other parts of scotland, at last gave place to the sea. in this sea, corals, sea-lilies, and numerous molluscs and fishes abounded--all pointing to the prevalence of genial climatic conditions. the organic remains and the geological position of the estuarine beds of the tweed and the cheviots--resting as they do upon the upper old red sandstone--prove them to belong to the lower series of the great carboniferous system. it was some time during the carboniferous period that wide sheets of melted matter were forcibly intruded among the old red sandstone and the lower carboniferous strata of the cheviot district; but although these are now visible at the surface, as at southdean, bonchester, etc., they never actually reached that surface at the time of their irruption. they cooled in the crust of the earth amongst the strata between which they were intruded, and have only been exposed to view by the action of the denuding forces which have worn away the sedimentary beds by which they were formerly covered. a very wide blank next occurs in the geological history of the cheviots. we have no trace of the many great systems, comprising vast series of strata and representing long eras of time, which we know, from the evidence supplied by other regions, followed after the deposition of the lower carboniferous strata. the middle and upper carboniferous groups are totally wanting, so likewise is the permian system; and all the great series of "secondary" systems, of which the major portion of england is composed, are equally absent. nay, even tertiary accumulations are wanting. there is one very remarkable relic, however, of tertiary times, and that is a long dyke or vertical wall of basalt-rock which traverses the country from east to west, crossing the crest of the cheviots near brownhart law, and striking west by north through belling hill, by the rule water at hallrule mill, on towards hawick. this is one of a series of such dykes, common enough in some parts of scotland, which become more numerous as we approach the west coast, where they are found associated with certain volcanic rocks of tertiary age, in such a way as to lead to the belief that they all belong to the same period. the melted rock seems to have risen and cooled in great cracks or fissures, and seldom to have overflowed at the surface. indeed it is highly probable that many or even most of the dykes never reached the surface at all, but have been exposed by subsequent denudation of the rocks that once overlaid them. such would appear to have been the case with the great dyke of the cheviot district. we can only conjecture what the condition of this part of southern scotland was in the long ages that elapsed between the termination of the lower carboniferous period and the close of the tertiary ages. it is more than likely that it shared in some of the submergences that ensued during the deposition of the upper group of the carboniferous system; but after that it may have remained, for aught we can tell, in the condition of dry land all through those prolonged periods which are unrecorded in the rocks of the cheviot hills, but have left behind them such noteworthy remains in england and other countries. of one thing we may be sure, that during a large part of those unrecorded ages the cheviot district could not have been an area of deposition. rather must it have existed for untold eras as dry land; and this explains and accounts for the enormous denudation which the whole country has experienced; for there can be little doubt that the lower carboniferous strata of carter fell were at one time continuous with the similar strata of the lower reaches of the tweed valley. yet hardly a trace of the missing beds remains in any part of the country between the ridge of the hills at the head of the jed water and the tweed at kelso. only little patches are found capping the high ground opposite jedburgh, as at hunthill, etc. thus more than a thousand feet of lower carboniferous strata, and probably not less than five hundred or six hundred feet of old red sandstone rocks, have been slowly carried away, grain by grain, from the face of the cheviot district since the close of the lower carboniferous period. iv. in the first of these papers some reference was made to the configuration of the ground in the cheviot district. we have seen that the outlines assumed by the country have been determined in large measure by the nature of the rocks. thus where igneous masses abound, the hills present a more or less irregular, and broken or lumpy contour, while the valleys are frequently narrow and deep. in the tracts occupied by silurian strata, we have, as a rule, broad-topped hill-masses with a smoothly-rounded outline, whose slopes generally fall away with a long gentle sweep into soft green valleys, along the bottoms of which the streams often flow in deep gullies and ravines. where the country is formed of sandstones, and other associated strata, the hills are generally broad and well-rounded, but the outline is not infrequently interrupted by lines of cliff and escarpment. these strata, however, are confined chiefly to the low-grounds, where they form a gently-undulating country, broken here and there, as in dunian hill, bonchester hill, rubers law, etc., by abrupt cones and knobs of igneous rock. it is evident, then, that the diversified character of the cheviot hills and the adjoining low-grounds depends on the character of the rocks and also, as we shall see presently, upon geological structure. each kind of rock has its own peculiar mode of weathering. all do not crumble away under the action of rain, frost, and running water in precisely the same manner. some which yield equally and uniformly give rise to smooth outlines, others of more irregular composition, such as many igneous rocks, break up and crumble unequally in a capricious and eccentric way, and these in the course of time present a hummocky, lumpy, and rough irregular configuration. and as soft and readily-weathered rocks must wear away more rapidly than indurated and durable masses, it follows that the former will now be found most abundantly at low levels, while the latter will enter most extensively into the composition of the hills. but the contour of a country depends not only upon the relative durability of the rocks, but also upon the mode of their occurrence in the crust of the earth. strata, as we have seen, do not all lie in one way; some are horizontal, others are inclined to the horizon, while yet others are vertical. again, many rocks are amorphous; that is to say, they occur in somewhat thick masses which show no trace of a bedded arrangement. such differences of structure and arrangement influence in no small degree the weathering and denudation of rocks, and cannot be left out of account when we are seeking to discover the origin of the present configuration of our hills and valleys. thus, escarpments and the terraced aspect of many hill-slopes are due to inequalities in the strata of which such hills are built up. the softer strata crumble away more rapidly under the touch of the atmospheric forces than the harder beds which rest upon them, and hence the latter are undermined, and their exposed ends or crops, losing support, fall away and roll down the slopes. the igneous rocks of the cheviots are arranged in beds; but so massive are these, that frequently a hill proves to be composed from base to summit of one and the same sheet of old lava. hence there is a general absence of that terraced aspect which is so conspicuous in hills that are built up of bedded rock-masses. here and there, however, the beds are not so massive, several cropping out upon a hill-side; and whenever this is the case (as near yetholm) we find the hill-slopes presenting the usual terraced appearance--a series of cliffs and escarpments, separated by intervening slopes, rising one above the other. in the silurian districts no such terraces or escarpments exist, the general high dip of the strata, which often approaches the vertical, precluding any such contour. in a region composed of highly-inclined greywacké and shale, however, we should expect to find that where the strata are of unequal durability, the harder beds will stand up in long narrow ridges, separated by intervening hollows, which have been worn out along the outcrops of the softer and more easily-denuded beds. and such appearances do show themselves in some parts of the silurian area. as a rule, however, the silurian strata are not thick-bedded, and harder and softer bands alternate so rapidly that they yield on the whole a smooth surface under the action of the atmospheric forces. in the low-lying districts, which, as i have said, are mostly occupied by sandstones and shaly beds, all the abrupt isolated hills are formed of igneous rocks, which are much harder and tougher than the strata that surround them. it is quite evident that these hills owe their present appearance to the durable nature of their constituent rocks, which now project above the general level of the surface, simply because they have been better able to resist the denuding agents than the softer rocks that once covered and concealed them. we see, then, that each kind of rock has its own particular mode of weathering, and that the configuration of a country depends primarily upon this and upon geological structure. indeed, so close is the connection between the geology and the surface-outline of a country, that to a practised observer the latter acts as an unfailing index to the general nature of the underlying rocks, and tells him at a glance whether these are igneous like basalt and porphyrite, aqueous like sandstone and shale, or hardened and altered strata like greywacké. but while one cannot help noticing how in the cheviot district the character of the scenery depends largely upon the nature and structure of the rocks, he shall, nevertheless, hardly fail to observe that flowing outlines are more or less conspicuous over all the region. and as he descends into the main valleys, he shall be struck with the fact that the hill-slopes seem to be smoothed off in a direction that coincides with the trend of these valleys. in short, he cannot help noticing that the varied configuration that results from the weathering of different rock-masses has been subsequently modified by some agent which seems to have acted universally over the whole country. in the upper reaches of the cheviot valleys, the rocks have evidently been rounded off by some force pressing upon them in a direction coinciding with that of the valleys; but soon after entering upon their lower reaches, we notice that the denuding or moulding force must have turned gradually away to the north-east--the northern spurs of the cheviots, and the low-grounds that abut upon these being smoothed off in a direction that corresponds exactly with the trend of that great strath through which flow the teviot and the tweed, from melrose downwards. throughout this broad strath, which extends from the base of the lammermuirs to the foot of the cheviots, and includes the whole of teviotdale, the ground presents a remarkable closely-wrinkled surface, the ridges and intervening hollows all coinciding in direction with the general trend of the great strath, which is south-west and north-east; but turning gradually round to east, as we approach the lower reaches of the tweed. passing round the north-eastern extremity of the cheviot range into northumberland, we observe that the same series of ridges and hollows continues to follow an easterly direction until we near the sea-board, when the trend gradually swings round to the south-east, as in the neighbourhood of belford and bamborough, where the ridges run parallel with the coast-line. the ridges and hollows are most conspicuous in the low-grounds of roxburghshire and berwickshire, especially in the regions between kelso and smailholm, and between duns and coldstream. the dwellers along the banks of the tweed are quite familiar with the fact that the roads which run parallel with the river are smooth and level, for they coincide with the trend of the ridges and hollows; whilst those that cross the country at right angles to this direction must of course traverse ridge after ridge, and are therefore exceedingly uneven. in this low-lying district most of the ridges are composed of superficial deposits of stony and gravelly clay and sand, and the same is the case with those that sweep round the north-eastern spurs of the cheviots by coldstream and ancroft. some ridges, however, consist either of solid rock alone, as near stichill, or of rock and overlying masses of clay and stones. in the hilly regions, again, nearly all the ridges are of rock alone, especially in the districts lying between melrose and selkirk and between selkirk and hawick. indeed, the hills drained by the upper reaches of the teviot and its tributaries are more or less fluted and channelled, as it were--many long parallel narrow hollows having been driven out along their slopes and even frequently across their broad tops. this scolloped and ridged aspect of the hills, however, disappears as we approach the upper reaches of the hill-valleys. from skelfhill pen (1745 feet) by windburgh hill (1662 feet), on through the ridge of the cheviot watershed, none of the hills shows any appearance of a uniformly-wrinkled surface. [illustration: fig. 10.--rounded rocks, with superficial deposits, _t_ _t_ _t_, heaped up against steep faces. the arrows indicate direction followed by the smoothing agent.] a close inspection of the rock-ridges satisfies one that they have been smoothed off by some agent pressing upon them in a direction that coincides with their own trend; and not only so, but the smoothing agent, it is clearly seen, must have come from the watersheds and then pressed outwards to the low-grounds which are now watered by the teviot and the tweed. this is shown by the manner in which the rocks have been smoothed off, for their smooth faces look towards the dominant watersheds, while their rough and unpolished sides point away in the opposite direction. sometimes, however, we find that more or less steeply projecting rocks _face_ the dominant watersheds. when such is the case, there is usually a long sloping "tail" behind the crag--a "tail" which is composed chiefly of superficial deposits. the hills between hume and stichill afford some good examples. the two kinds of appearances are exhibited in the accompanying diagram (figs. 10, 11.) the appearance shown in fig. 10 is of most common occurrence in the upland parts of the country, while "crag and tail" (as shown in fig. 11) is seen to greatest advantage in the open low-grounds. in both cases it will be observed that superficial deposits (_t_) nestle behind a more or less steep face of rock. [illustration: fig. 11.--"crag and tail"; boss of hard rock, _c_; intersecting sandstones, _s_; superficial deposits heaped up in rear of crag, _t_. the arrow indicates direction followed by smoothing agent.] when the rocks have not been much exposed to the action of the weather, they often show a polished surface covered with long parallel grooves and striæ or scratches. such polished and scratched surfaces are best seen when the superficial deposits have been only recently removed. often, too, when we tear away the thick turf that mantles the hill-slopes, we find the same phenomena. indeed, wherever the rocks have not been much acted upon by the weather, and thus broken up and decomposed, we may expect to meet with more or less well-marked grooves and stride. now the remarkable circumstance about these scratches is this--they agree in direction with the trend of the rock-ridges and the hollows described above. nor can we doubt that the superficial markings have all been produced by one and the same agent. in the upper valleys of the cheviots, the scratches coincide in direction with the valleys, which is, speaking generally, from south to north, but as we approach the low-grounds they begin to turn more to the east (just, as we have seen, is the case with the ridges and hollows), until we enter england to the east of coldstream, where the striæ point first nearly due east, but eventually swing round to the south-east, as is well seen upon the limestone rocks between lowick and belford. in teviotdale the general trend of the striæ is from south-west to north-east, a direction which continues to hold good until the lower reaches of the tweed are approached, when, as we have just mentioned, they begin to turn more and more to the east. thus it becomes evident that the denuding agent, whatever it was, that gave rise to these ridges and scratched rock-surfaces must have pressed outwards from all the dominant watersheds, and, sweeping down through the great undulating strath that lies between the cheviots and the lammermuirs, must have gradually turned away to the east and south as it rounded the northern spurs of the former range, so as to pass south-east over the contiguous maritime districts of northumberland. a few words now as to the character of the superficial deposits which enter so largely into the composition of the long parallel banks and ridges in the low-grounds of roxburghshire, berwickshire, and the northern part of northumberland. the most conspicuous and noteworthy deposit is a hard tough tenacious clay, which is always more or less well-charged with blunted and sub-angular stones and boulders, scattered pell-mell through the mass. this clay is as a rule quite unstratified--it shows no lines of bedding, and although here and there it contains irregular patches and beds of gravel and sand, yet it evidently does not owe its origin to the action of water. its colour in the upper part of teviotdale and the cheviots is generally a drab-brown, or pale grey and sometimes yellow, while here and there, as in the upper reaches of the jed valley, it is a dark dingy bluish grey. in the lower parts of teviotdale and in the tweed district it is generally red or reddish brown. the stones in the clay have all been derived from the rocks of the region in which it occurs. thus in teviotdale we find that in the higher reaches of the dale which are silurian the stones and boulders consist of various kinds of greywacké, etc. in the lower reaches, however, when we pass into the red sandstone area, we note that the clay begins to contain fragments of red sandstone, while the clay itself takes on a reddish tinge, until we get down to the vale of the tweed, where not only is the clay very decidedly red, but its sandstone boulders also are very numerous. the same appearances present themselves in passing outwards from the cheviots. at first the clay contains only stones that have been derived from the upper parts of the hills, but by-and-by, as we near the low-grounds, other kinds begin to make their appearance, so that by the time we reach the tweed we may obtain from the clay specimens of every kind of rock that occurs within the drainage-area of the teviot and the lower reaches of the river tweed. look at the stones, and you shall observe that all the harder and finer-grained specimens are well-smoothed and covered with striæ or scratches, the best marked of which run parallel with the longer axis of each stone and boulder. these scratches are evidently very similar to those markings that cover the surface of the underlying solid rock, and we may feel sure, therefore, that the denuding agent which smoothed and scratched the solid rocks had also something to do with the stones and boulders of the clay. underneath the stony clay, or _till_, as it is called, we find here and there certain old river gravels. we know that these gravels are river-formations, because not only do they lie at the bottom of the river-valleys, but the stones, we can see, have been arranged by water running in one constant direction, and that direction is always _down_ the valley in which the gravels chance to occur. frequently, however, there is no trace of such underlying gravels, but the till rests directly upon the solid rocks. now what do all these appearances mean? it is clear that there is no natural agent in this country engaged in rounding and scratching the rocks, or in accumulating a stony clay like till. in alpine regions, however, we know that glaciers, as they slowly creep down their valleys, grind and polish and scratch the rocks over which they pass, and that underneath the moving ice one may detect smoothed and striated stones precisely resembling those that occur in till. frost in such alpine regions splits up the rocks of the cliffs and mountain-slopes that overlook a glacier, and immense masses of angular stones and débris, thus loosened, roll down and accumulate along the flanks of the ice-streams. eventually such accumulations are borne slowly down the valley upon the back of the glacier, and are dropped at last over the terminal front of the ice, where they become intermingled with the stones and rubbish, which are pushed or washed out from underneath the ice. these heaps and masses of angular débris and stones are called "moraines," and one can see that in switzerland the glaciers must at some time have been much larger, for ancient moraines occur far down in the low-grounds of that country--the glaciers being now confined to the uppermost reaches of the deep mountain-valleys. moreover, we may note how the mountain-slopes overlooking the present puny glaciers have been rubbed by ice up to a height of sometimes a thousand feet and more above the level of the existing ice-streams. now since the aspect presented by the glaciated rock-surfaces of switzerland is exactly paralleled by the rounded and smoothed rocks of scotland, there can be no doubt that the latter have had a similar origin. again, we find throughout the low-grounds of switzerland a deposit of till precisely resembling that which is so well developed in teviotdale and the valley of the tweed. and as there can be no doubt that the swiss till has been produced by the action of glacier ice, we are compelled to believe the same of the till in scotland. let us further note that in the deep mountain-valleys of switzerland the glacial deposits consist for the most part of coarse morainic débris--of such materials, in short, as the terminal moraines of existing glaciers are mainly composed. not infrequently this morainic débris has been more or less acted upon by the rivers that escape from the glaciers, and the angular stones have been rounded and arranged in bedded masses. it is only when we get out of the mountain-valleys and approach the low-grounds that the till, or stony clay, begins to appear abundantly. the same phenomena characterise the cheviot district. in the upper reaches of the mountain-valleys at the heads of the teviot, the kale, the bowmont, etc., either till does not occur or it is thin and often concealed below masses of rude morainic débris and gravel. out in the low-grounds, however, till, as we have already remarked, is the most conspicuous of all the superficial deposits. from these facts it may be inferred that till indicates the former presence of great confluent glaciers, while morainic débris in hill-valleys points to the action of comparatively small local and isolated glaciers. what, then, are the general conclusions which may be derived from a study of the rock-ridges, flutings, and striæ, and the till of the cheviot district? clearly this: that the whole country has at one time been deeply buried under glacier ice. the evidence shows us that the broad strath stretching between the lammermuirs and the cheviots must have been filled to overflowing with a great mass of ice that descended from the uplands of peebles and selkirk and the broad-topped heights that overlook the sources of the teviot. the cheviots appear to have been quite buried underneath this wide sea of ice, and so likewise were the lammermuirs. at the same time, as we know, all scotland was similarly enveloped in a vast sheet of snow and ice, which streamed out from the main watersheds of the country, and followed the lines of the chief straths--that is to say, the general slope of the ground. the track of the ice in the cheviot district is very distinctly marked. in teviotdale it followed the trend of the valley, and, grinding along the outcrop of the silurian strata, deepened old hollows and scooped out new ones in the soft shaly beds, while the intervening harder strata, which offered greater resistance to the denuding action of the ice, did not wear so easily, and so were rounded off, and formed a series of ridges running parallel to the eroded hollows. the stones and rubbish, dragged along underneath the ice, necessarily increased as the glacier mass crept on its way. the rocks were scratched and grooved by the stones that were forced over them, and the polishing was completed by the finer sand and clay which resulted from the grinding process. wherever a rock projected there would be a tendency for the stones and clay and sand to gather behind it. one may notice the same kind of action upon the bed of a stream, where the sediment tends to collect in the rear of prominent stones and boulders. and we can hardly fail to have observed further that the sediment of a river often arranges itself under the action of the current in long banks, which run parallel to the course of the water. underneath the ice-sheet the stones, sand, and clay behaved in the same way. behind projecting rocks in sheltered nooks and hollows, they accumulated, while in places exposed to the full sweep of the ice-stream they were piled up and drawn out into long parallel banks and ridges, the trend of which coincided with that of the ice-flow. the presence of confused and irregular patches and lenticular beds of sand, clay, and gravel in the till is not difficult to understand when we know that there is always more or less water flowing on underneath a glacier. such streams must assort the débris, and roll angular fragments into rounded stones and pebbles; but the materials thus assorted in layers will ever and anon be crushed up so as to be either partially or wholly obliterated by the slowly moving glacier. as the stones and clay were derived from the underlying rocks, it is no wonder that the colour of the till should vary. in the silurian tracts it is pale yellowish, or bluish grey, and the stones consist chiefly of fragments of silurian rocks, all blunted and smoothed, and often beautifully polished and striated. when we get into the red sandstone region of the low-grounds the colour of the clay begins by-and-by to change, and fragments of red sandstone become commingled with the silurian stones, until ere long the colour of the deposit is decidedly red, and sandstone fragments abound. everywhere the stones show that they have been carried persistently in one direction, and that is _out from the watershed, and down the main valleys_. the direction of the ice-marks upon the solid rocks, and the trend of the "drums," as the parallel ridges of till are termed, show that the ice-sheet of teviotdale and tweed gradually turned away to the east and south-east as it swept round the north-eastern spurs of the cheviots. now we may well ask why the ice did not go right out into the north sea, which is apparently the course it ought to have followed. the same curious deflection affected the great ice-stream that occupied the basin of the forth. when it got past north berwick, that stream, instead of flowing directly east into the north sea, turned away to the south-east and overflowed the northern spurs of the lammermuirs, bringing with it into the valley of the tweed stones and boulders which had travelled all the way from the highlands. it is obvious there must have been some impediment to the flow of the scottish ice into the basin of the north sea. what could have blocked its passage in that direction? at the very time that scotland lay concealed beneath its ice-sheet, norway and sweden were likewise smothered in ice which attained a thickness of not less than five or six thousand feet. the whole basin of the baltic was occupied by a vast glacier which flowed south into northern germany, and this sheet was continuous with glacier-ice that crossed over denmark. when we consider how shallow the north sea is (it does not average more than forty fathoms between scotland and the continent), we cannot doubt that the immense masses of ice descending from norway could not possibly have floated off, but must actually have crept across the bottom of that sea until they abutted upon and coalesced with the scottish ice, so as to form one vast _mer de glace_. thus it was that the scandinavian ice blocked up the path of the scottish glaciers into the basin of the north sea, and compelled them to flow south-east into england.[h] had there been no such obstruction to the passage of the scottish glaciers, it is impossible to believe that snow and ice could ever have accumulated to such a depth in scotland. the scottish ice reached a thickness of some three thousand feet in its deeper parts. it is evident, however, that had there been a free course for the glaciers, they would have moved off before they could have attained this thickness. and we can hardly doubt, therefore, that it was the damming-up of their outlet by the great scandinavian ice-sheet that enabled them to deepen to such an extent in the valleys and low-grounds of scotland. [h] in the extreme north of scotland we find that the scottish ice was, in like manner, compelled to turn aside and overflow caithness from south-east to north-west. when the ice-sheet was at its thickest, the cheviots were completely covered, nevertheless they served to divide the ice-flow between scotland and england, although here and there one finds that the ice passed over some of the lower summits, carrying with it boulders and stones. this is by no means an uncommon circumstance in scotland and other glaciated countries. thus we note that highland boulders have been brought into the vale of the tweed across the lammermuirs; and in the same way boulders from the heights overlooking eskdale have been carried over some of the lower hill-tops into the vale of the teviot. in like manner the swedish ice occasionally overflowed the lower mountain-tops of the dividing ridge or watershed into norway. what wonder now that the cheviot area should exhibit so many flowing outlines, that the hills should be so smoothed and rounded and fluted, that the low-grounds should be cumbered with such heaps of clay and striated stones? long before the great glaciers appeared, the rocks were weathered and worn by the action of the usual atmospheric forces, and each had assumed its own peculiar outline; but how greatly has this been modified by the grinding action of the ice-sheet! to what an extent have projecting rocks been rubbed, and how great is the destruction that has befallen the loose accumulations of river gravel, sand, and clay that gathered in the valleys before the advent of the ice age! all that now remains of these are a few patches preserved here and their underneath the till. the cheviots can tell us nothing of the kinds of plants and animals that clothed and peopled the country in pre-glacial times. all we learn is that streams and rivers flowed as they flow now, and that by-and-by everything was changed, and the land disappeared underneath a vast covering of snow and ice. in my concluding paper i will show how this ice period passed away, and how the present condition of things succeeded. v. i have described the condition of the cheviot district during the climax of the ice age as one of intense arctic cold, the whole ridge of hills being then completely smothered in snow and ice. this excessive climate, however, did not last continuously throughout the so-called glacial period, but was interrupted by more than one mild interglacial epoch. we have evidence in scotland, as in other countries, to show that the great confluent ice-masses melted away so as to uncover all the low-grounds and permit the reappearance of plants and animals. rivers again watered the land, and numerous lakes diversified the face of the country. willows, hazels, and alders grew in the sheltered valleys, oak-trees flourished in the low-grounds, and scots firs clustered upon the hill-slopes. a strong, grassy vegetation covered wide areas, and sedges and rushes luxuriated in marshy places and encroached upon the margins of the lakes. the mammoth, or woolly-coated elephant, roamed over the land, and among its congeners were the extinct ox, the horse, the irish elk, and the reindeer. after such a temperate condition of things had continued for some time--perhaps for thousands of years--the land, during the last interglacial epoch, became gradually submerged to a depth of several hundred feet, and a cold, ungenial sea, in which flourished species of northern and arctic shells, covered the low-grounds of scotland. the cold continuing to increase, our glaciers descended for the last time from the mountains and encroached upon the bed of the sea, until they became confluent, fairly usurping the floor of the german ocean, and pushing back the western seas as far as, and even beyond, the islands of the outer hebrides. there is good reason to believe that such great changes of climate occurred several times during the glacial period, which thus seems to have consisted of an alternation of cold and genial epochs. but as the last phase in this extraordinary series of changes was a cold one, during which great glaciers scoured the face of the country, we now obtain only a few scattered traces of the genial conditions that characterised the preceding mild interglacial epochs. vegetable accumulations, lake and river deposits with mammalian remains, marine beds and their shelly contents, were all ploughed up by the ice, and to a very large extent demolished. here and there, however, we find in the till or boulder-clay that marks the last cold epoch, wasted fragments of trees, tusks of mammoths, and broken sea-shells; while underneath the till we occasionally come upon old lake deposits with vegetable and mammalian remains, or, as the case may be, beds of marine origin well stocked with sea-shells of arctic species. and these freshwater and marine beds repose, in many cases, upon an older accumulation of till, which belongs to an earlier cold epoch of the glacial period. in the cheviot district proper, the traces of mild, interglacial conditions are very slight, but in the immediate neighbourhood we find them more strongly marked. thus, in the valley of the slitrig, near hawick, we notice freshwater beds with peaty matter lying between a lower and an upper till or boulder-clay; and interglacial freshwater beds also appear in the neighbouring county of peebles, particularly in the valley of the leithan water. again, in the valley of the tweed near carham, there occur interglacial beds in which i detected numerous bones of water-rats and frogs. these interglacial remains acquire a peculiar interest when we come to view the "superficial deposits" of scotland in connection with those of england and the continent; for, as i have endeavoured to show elsewhere,[i] it is most likely that the ancient gravels of england, which contain the earliest traces of man, belong for the most part to interglacial times; and the extraordinary changes of climate described above may therefore have been actually witnessed by human eyes. indeed, i believe it was the advent of the last cold epoch of the ice age that drove out the old tribes who used the rude flint implements that are now found in the gravel deposits and caves of england, and who occupied the british area along with hippopotami, rhinoceroses, elephants, lions, hyænas, and other animals. the men who entered britain after the final disappearance of arctic conditions, were more advanced in civilisation, and were accompanied by a very different assemblage of animals--by a group represented by oxen, sheep, dogs, and other creatures, most of which are still indigenous to britain. [i] _great ice age._ but to return to the cheviots. when the final cold epoch had reached its climax, and the ice-sheet began to melt away for the last time, the tops of the hills then once more became uncovered, and large blocks, detached by the action of the frost, fell upon the surface of the glaciers, and were borne down the valleys, some of them to become stranded here and there on hill-slopes, others to be carried far away from the cheviot area and dropped at last over northumberland and durham, or even further south. as the melting of the ice continued, and the glacier of the tweed ceased to reach the sea, great accumulations of gravel and sand were formed. underneath the ice, sub-glacial streams ploughed out the till, and paved their hidden courses with gravel and sand. in summer-time, the whole surface of the tweed glacier was abundantly washed with water, which, pouring down by clefts and holes in the ice, swelled all the sub-glacial streams and rivers. at the same time, floods descending from the lammermuirs and the cheviots, pushed with them vast quantities of shingle, gravel, and sand, part of which was swept upon the surface of the tweed glacier, while much seems to have gathered along its flanks, forming banks and ridges running parallel with the course of the valley. at last the time came when the ice had fairly vanished from the lower reaches of the tweed, and we now walk over its bed and mark the long ridges and banks of shingle and gravel that were formed by the sub-glacial streams and rivers, and the somewhat similar accumulations that gathered along the sides of the glacier at the foot of the lammermuir hills. here and there, also, we note the heaps (_i.e._ moraines) of shingle, earth, clay, and débris, with large erratics which travelled on the surface of the ice, and were dropped upon the ground as that ice melted away. all the loose erratics that lie at the surface in the lower reaches of the tweed valley have come from the west. some of them rest upon hard rock, others upon till, and yet others crown the tops and slopes of gravel and sand hillocks, or appear in low mounds of morainic origin. in the valleys of the cheviot hills one traces the footsteps of the retiring glaciers in mounds and hummocks of rude earthy débris, blocks, and rock-rubbish. these are terminal moraines, and they indicate certain pauses in the recession of the ice. the most remarkable examples occur in the valley of the kale water at blinkbonny, a mile or so above the village of eckford. at that place a bank of morainic matter at one time blocked up the valley of the kale, and thus formed a wide and extensive lake that stretched up to and beyond morebattle. numerous curious hillocks of gravel and sand are banked against the moraine, and point to the action of the flood-waters that escaped from the melting glacier. other gravelly moraine mounds occur higher up the same valley, as near grubbit mill. these last tell us of a time when the kale glacier had retreated still further, so as to have its terminal front near where morebattle now is. wreaths and hummocks of gravel and sand, extending from grubbit to the north-east, along the hollow in the hills that leads to yetholm loch, indicate the course taken by a portion of the torrents that escaped from the ice in summer-time. in other hill-valleys, similar indications of ancient local glaciers may be seen. some of the most conspicuous of these appear upon the slopes and in the high valleys within the drainage-areas of the jed and the kale. they consist chiefly of mounds and hillocks, made up of coarse earthy débris and rock-rubbish; sometimes these are solitary and rest in the throat of a valley, at other times they are scattered all over the hill-slopes and valley-bottom. one can have no doubt as to what they mean: they indicate clearly the presence of insignificant glaciers that were soon to vanish away. the larger and better-defined mounds are true terminal moraines, while the scattered heaps of rubbish point out for us the beds in which the glaciers lay. thus, from the sea-coast up to the highest ridge of this border country, we follow the spoor of the melting ice; passing from massive and wide-spread deposits of till, gravel, and sand, and angular débris in the low-grounds, up to insignificant heaps and scatterings of rock-rubbish and angular boulders at the higher levels of the country. several more or less extensive flats in the hill-valleys indicate the former presence of lakes which have become obliterated by the action of the streams. but by far the most conspicuous example of such silted-up lakes is that of the kale valley, to which reference has already been made. in the later stages of the ice age that river-valley must have existed as a lake from marlfield up to and beyond morebattle. indeed, there is evidence to show that even within historical times a considerable lake overspread the flat grounds in this neighbourhood. the name _morebattle_ is supposed to mean the "village by the lake," and, up to a few years ago, there was a sheet of water called linton loch a little to the east of morebattle. but this has been drained by the proprietor, and is now represented by only two insignificant pools. the present course of the kale between marlfield and kalemouth is of post-glacial age--the old pre-glacial and interglacial course being filled up with drifted materials. as the appearances at this place are somewhat typical of many of the valleys of the cheviot district, i may briefly summarise the history of the morebattle lake. before the advent of the last great age of ice the kale would seem to have flowed from marlfield, close to the line now followed by the turnpike road as far as easter wooden, after which it passed near the present sites of blinkbonny and mosstower, and so on to the teviot, which it joined some little distance above kalemouth. during the ice age many of the old river-courses were completely choked up with clay, stones, and gravel, so that when the ice melted away the rivers did not always or even often regain their old channels. thus, in the case of the kale, we find that the present course of the river below marlfield is of recent or post-glacial age, having been excavated by the river since the close of the glacial epoch. the old or pre-glacial course lies completely choked up and concealed under the rubbish shot into it at a time when glacier-ice filled all the valley of the kale down to marlfield. at this latter place the kale glacier seems to have made a considerable pause--it ceased for some time to retreat--and thus a heavy bank of gravel, sand, shingle, earth, blocks, and angular rubbish gathered in front of it, and obliterated the old river-course into which they were dropped. when the glacier at last disappeared, a lake was formed above the morainic dam that closed the valley below marlfield, and the outflow of the lake took place at a point lying some little distance to the north of the old or pre-glacial course of the kale. by slow degrees the river excavated a new channel for itself in the old red sandstone rocks, and in doing so gradually lowered the level of the waters. this and the silting action of the kale and its feeders slowly converted the lake-hollow into a broad alluvial flat through which the river now winds its way. another extensive lake seems to have occupied the vale of the teviot between jedfoot and eckford, and similar old lake-beds occur in several of the hill-valleys. one good example is seen in the valley of the oxnam water, where the flat tract that extends from the old village of oxnam up to the foot of the row hill indicates the former presence of a lake which has been drained by the stream cutting for itself a gorge in silurian greywackés and shales. in many other valleys it is easy to see that the streams do not always occupy their pre-glacial courses, and some of the old forsaken courses are still patent enough. thus, a glance at the hollow that extends from mossburnford on the jed to hardenpeel on the oxnam is enough to convince one that in pre-glacial, and probably in early post-glacial times also, a considerable stream has flowed from what is now the vale of the jed into the valley of the oxnam. in all the valleys we meet with striking evidence to show that the streams and rivers must formerly have been larger than they are now. certain banks and ridges of gravel fringe the valley-slopes at considerable heights, and indicate the action of deeper and broader currents than now make their way towards the sea. it is probable that these high-level gravel terraces date their existence back to the close of the ice age, when local glaciers still lingered in some of the mountain-valleys, and when in summer-time great floods and torrents descended from the hills. an extremely humid climate seems to have characterised scotland even in post-glacial times, as may be gathered from the phenomena of her peat-mosses. very little peat occurs on the scottish side of the cheviots, and it is conspicuous chiefly on the very crest of the hills, where it attains a thickness that varies from a foot or two up to five or six yards. here and there we detect the remains of birch under the peat, but the peat itself is composed chiefly of bog-moss and heather. the evidence so abundantly supplied by the peat-mosses in other parts of scotland shows that after the ice age had passed away the scottish area became clothed with luxuriant forests of oak, pine, and other trees. at that time the british islands appear to have been joined to themselves and the continent across the upraised beds of the irish sea and the german ocean. races of men who used polished stone implements and sailed in canoes that were hollowed out of single oaks inhabited the country, together with certain species of oxen (now either extinct or domesticated), the elk, the beaver, the wolf, and other animals, such as the dog and the sheep, which are still indigenous. the climate was more excessive then than it is now--the summers being warmer and the winters colder. by-and-by, however, submergence ensued, the great wooded plain that seems once to have extended between britain and the continent disappeared below the waves, and the climate of this country became more humid. the old forests began to decay and the peat-mosses to increase, until by-and-by large areas in the low-grounds passed into the condition of dreary moor and morass, and even the brushwood and stunted trees of the hills died down and became enveloped in a mantle of bog-moss. a study of the present condition of the scottish peat-mosses leads one to believe that the rate of increase is now much exceeded by the rate of decay, and that the eventual disappearance of the peat that clothes hill-tops and valley-bottoms is only a question of time. draining and other agricultural operations have no doubt influenced to some extent this general decay of the peat-mosses; but there is reason to suspect that the change of climate, to which the decay of the peat is due, may really be owing to some cosmical cause. quite recently an accomplished norwegian botanist has come to similar conclusions regarding the peat-mosses of the scandinavian peninsula. we have now traced the geological history of the cheviot district down to the "recent period." from this point the story of the past must be continued by the archæologist, and into his province i will not trespass further than to indicate some of the more remarkable traces which the early human occupants of the upland valleys left behind them. before doing so, however, i may briefly recapitulate the general results we have obtained from our rapid review of the glacial and post-glacial deposits. a study of these has taught us that the cheviot hills and the adjoining low-grounds participated in those arctic conditions under the influence of which all scotland and a large portion of england were buried beneath a wide-spread _mer de glace_. the cheviots themselves were completely smothered under a mass of glacier-ice which extended across the vale of the tweed, and was continuous over the lammermuirs with the vast sheet that filled all the great lowlands of central scotland. but although the cheviots were thus overwhelmed, they yet served to divide the ice-flow, for we find that the gelid masses moved outwards from the hills towards the valley of the tweed, turning gradually away to east and south-east to creep over the north part of england. how far south the ice-sheet reached has not yet been determined, but its _moraine profonde_ or till may be traced to the edge of the thames valley; and i have picked up in norfolk ice-worn fragments of igneous rock, which have been derived from the cheviots themselves, showing that scottish ice actually invaded the low-grounds south of the wash. such severe glacial conditions, after continuing for a long time, were interrupted more than once by intervening periods characterised by a milder and more genial climate. the great _mer de glace_ then melted out of the valleys, and for aught that we can say the snow and ice may even have vanished from the hills themselves. vegetation now covered the country, and herds of the mammoth, the old extinct ox, the irish elk, the reindeer, the horse, and probably other creatures, roamed over the now deserted beds of the glaciers. it was probably at this time that palæolithic man lived in britain. he was contemporaneous with lions, elephants, rhinoceroses, hippopotami, mammoths, reindeer, and other animals of southern and northern habitats, the former living in england when the climate was genial, but being replaced by the northern species when the temperature began again to fall, and snow and glaciers once more reappeared and crept downwards and outwards from the hills. towards the close of the interglacial period the land became submerged to a considerable extent, and species of arctic shells lived over the sites of the drowned land where the mammoth and its congeners had flourished. by-and-by the cold so far increased that another great ice-sheet filled up the shallow sea, and as it slowly ground over the face of the land and the sea-bottom, it scoured out and demolished to a large extent all loose fluviatile, lacustrine, and marine accumulations. when at last the ice melted away, it left the ground cumbered with stony clay, and with much gravel and sand and morainic débris. it is underneath these deposits that we yet obtain now and again fragments of the life of that interglacial epoch. but in all the regions visited by the last great incursion of the _mer de glace_, such relics are comparatively rare; it is only when we get beyond the districts that were overwhelmed that the ancient interglacial remains are well preserved. beyond the southern extremity reached by the latest general ice-sheet--that is to say, in the regions south of the humber, we find the country often sprinkled with tumultuous heaps and wide-spread sheets of gravel and brick-earth, which seem to owe their origin to the floods and torrents that escaped from the melting ice. these waters, sweeping over the land, carried along with them such relics of man and beast as lay at the surface, washing away interglacial river-deposits, and scattering the materials far and wide over the undulating low-grounds of central and eastern england. mr. s. b. j. skertchly, of the geological survey of england, has shown that such is the origin of the so-called "river-gravels" with ancient flint implements and mammalian remains in the districts watered by the little ouse, the waveney, and other rivers in that part of england. these gravels could not possibly have been deposited by the present rivers, for they are found capping the hills at a height of more than eighty feet above the sources of the streams. the whole aspect of the gravels, indeed, betokens the action of rapid floods and torrents, such as must have been discharged abundantly in summer-time from the melting ice-sheet that lay at no great distance to the north. when the ice-sheet vanished away, it left the ground covered thickly in many places with its various deposits. rivers and streams were thus often debarred from their old channels, and were forced to cut out for themselves new courses, partly in drifted materials, and partly in solid rock. a number of lakes then existed which have since been silted up. so long as glaciers lingered in the hill-valleys, the rivers seem to have flowed in greater volume than they now do. by-and-by the bare and treeless country became clothed with a luxuriant forest-growth, and was tenanted by animals, many of which are still indigenous to our country, while others have become locally extinct, such as wolf, beaver, and wild boar. in certain of the old lake-beds of the cheviot district numerous remains of red-deer and other animals have been turned out in the search for marl, and in land drainage and reclamation operations--the red-deer antlers being sometimes of noble dimensions. it seems probable that in early post-glacial times our country was joined to the continent and shared in a continental climate, the summers being then warmer and the winters colder than now. the men who lived in britain after the final disappearance of the great glaciers used stone implements, which were often polished and highly finished, and they sailed in canoes, being probably a race of active hunters and fishers. they belong to the archæologist's "neolithic" or new-stone period--the "palæolithic" or old-stone period being of much older date, and separated, as i believe, from neolithic times by the intervention of the last cold epoch of the ice age. to the forest epoch succeeded a time when the climate became very humid, a result which may have been due in large part to the separation of britain from the continent. it was then that the ancient forests began to decay, and peat-mosses to increase. how long such humid conditions of climate characterised the country we can hardly say, but we know that nowadays our peat-mosses do not grow so rapidly as they once did, and indeed almost everywhere the rate of decay is greater than the rate of increase. this points to a further change of climate, and brings us at once face to face with the present. and now a few words, in conclusion, as to the old camps and other remains that occur so abundantly in the valleys of the cheviot hills. in many of the hill-valleys, especially towards their upper reaches, as in the valleys of the kale and the bowmont, almost every hill is marked by the presence of one or more circular or oval camps or forts. they are generally placed in the most defensible positions, on the very tops of the hills or on projecting spurs and ridges. most of them are of inconsiderable dimensions, and could not have afforded protection to any large number of men, for many hardly exceed one hundred feet in diameter. not a few consist of only a single circular or oval rampart with an external ditch--the rampart being composed of the rude débris which was dug out to form the ditch. others, however, are not only much larger (five to six hundred feet in diameter), but surrounded, in whole or in part, with two or more ramparts separated by intervening ditches; and i have noticed that as a rule the side which must have been most easily assailable was protected by several ramparts rising one above the other. from the extraordinary number of these hill-forts one has the impression that the upper valleys of the cheviots must at one time have been thickly peopled, probably in pre-roman times. it is easy to see that the camps or forts overlooking a valley often bear a certain relation to each other, as if the one had been raised to support the other, and not infrequently we can trace well-marked intrenchments extending across a hill-ridge, or along a hill-slope for a distance of not much short of a mile, and evidently having some strategic connection with the forts or camps in their vicinity. i found no trace of any "dwellings," either near the forts or in the vicinity of the terraces. the only indications of what may have been the walls of such appear within a fortified camp, called the moat hill, at buchtrig. this is an isolated knoll of rock, which has been strongly fortified--large slabs and blocks of the porphyrite of which it is composed having been wedged out with infinite pains to form circular ramparts. the "walls" are of course nearly level with the ground and grassed over, but they indicate little square enclosures, which may very possibly have been huts closely huddled together. this fort is oval, and measures five hundred feet by two hundred and seventy. in the same neighbourhood we also meet with plentiful marks of ancient cultivation and with places of sepulture--all of which may without much doubt be referred to the same period as the camps and forts. the slopes of the hills are often marked with broad horizontal terraces, that remind one strongly of the "lazy-beds" of the hebrides. they are evidently the "cultivated grounds" of the hill-men, and doubtless the hill-slopes were selected for various reasons, chief among which would be their retired and somewhat inaccessible position. the ease with which they could be drained and irrigated would be another of their recommendations; and we must bear in mind that at this early date the low-grounds were covered with forests and morasses, and therefore not so easily cultivated as the hill-slopes. here and there we notice also little conical hillocks or tumuli. they were formerly much more numerous, and by-and-by they will doubtless all disappear. numbers, even within recent years, have been pulled down, partly to clear the ground, and partly for the sake of the stones of which they are composed. this is much to be regretted; for their destruction simply means the obliteration of historical records, the loss of which can never be made good. i asked a farmer what had become of the tumuli which at one time, according to the ordnance survey map, were dotted over the hill behind his house. "if it's the wee knowes (knolls) you mean, i pu'd them down, for they were jist in the way. there was naething o' importance below the stanes, only a wheen worthless bits o' pottery!" and the worthy pointed to a heap of stones behind a neighbouring "dyke," where i afterwards found some fragments of the pottery which had been so ruthlessly demolished. these tumuli are no doubt old burial-places, and much information concerning the habits of our ancient predecessors might often be obtained by a careful examination of the mounds, when it is deemed essential to remove them. but, surely, after all, they might be spared, for they can seldom be so very much "in the way"; and, at all events, if they must be removed, might it not be well to communicate the fact of their approaching demolition to some local archæological society, or to any member of the berwickshire naturalists' club, who for the sake of science would, i feel certain, do what was possible to preserve an accurate account of their contents? "standing-stones" are met with now and again, either singly or in groups, and sometimes they form circles. it is most likely that they were raised by the same people who made the forts and tilled the horizontal "lazy-beds." one can only conjecture that they may have been designed as memorial stones, to mark the place where a chief or person of consequence was slain in battle. they may also mark burial-places, or indicate the site of some deed of prowess or other action or circumstance worthy of being remembered. antiquarians at one time considered that all these stones were relics of druidical worship; but it is needless to say that this view has long been abandoned. that the ancient inhabitants of the cheviots may have had some kind of religion is exceedingly probable, but it must have been of a very primitive kind, not more advanced than that of the north american indians. such are some of the more notable relics of the people who lived in the valleys of the cheviot hills in pre-roman times. these valleys, as i have said, seem to have supported a numerous population, who tilled the slopes and probably hunted in the forests of the adjoining low-grounds. that they lived in fear of foes is sufficiently evident from the number of their intrenchments and fortified camps, to which they would betake themselves whenever their enemies appeared. what effect the roman occupation had on the dwellers among these hills we cannot tell. the great "watling street" passes across the cheviots, and there are some old circular forts and camps quite close to that wonderful road, along which many a battalion of roman soldiers must have marched; and these forts, if of pre-roman age, were not at all likely to have been held by the natives after watling street was made. in the remoter fastnesses of the hills, however, the old tribes may have continued to crop their "lazy-beds," to hunt, and tend their herds, during the roman occupation, and the old forts may have been in requisition long after the last roman had disappeared over the borders. but i have already, i fear, delayed too long over the old history of the cheviot hills, and must now draw my meagre sketches to a close. in my first paper i said that these hills were a _terra incognita_ to the tourist. those who visit the district must not therefore expect to meet with hotel accommodation. but "knowing" pedestrians will not be much disturbed with this information, and will probably find, after they have concluded their wanderings, that the hospitality and general heartiness for which our stalwart borderers were famous in other days are still as noteworthy characteristics as they used to be. v. the long island, or outer hebrides.[j] [j] _good words_, 1879. i. that long range of islands and islets which, extending from latitude 56° 47' n. to latitude 58° 32' n., acts as a great natural breakwater to protect the north-west coast of scotland from the rude assaults of the atlantic billows is not much visited by the ordinary tourist. during "the season" the steamers now and again, it is true, deposit a few wanderers at tarbert and stornoway, some of whom may linger for a shorter or longer time to try a cast for salmon in loch laxdail, while others, on similar piscatorial deeds intent, may venture inland as far as gearaidh nah aimhne (garrynahine). others, again, who are curious in the matter of antiquities, may visit the weird standing-stones of callernish, or even brave the jolting of a "trap" along the somewhat rough road that leads from tarbert to rodel, in order to inspect the picturesque little chapel there, and take rubbings of its quaint tombstones with their recumbent effigies of knights, and crusaders' swords, and somewhat incomprehensible latinity. occasionally a few bolder spirits may be tempted by the guide-books to visit barra head, with its ruddy cliffs and clouds of noisy sea-birds, or even to run north to the extremity of the long island to view the wonders of the butt of lewis. but, as a rule, the few summer visitants who are landed at stornoway content themselves with a general inspection of the grounds about sir james mathieson's residence, while those who are dropped at tarbert on saturday are usually quite ready to depart on monday with the steamer that brought them. the fact is that hotel accommodation in the outer hebrides is rather limited, and the means of locomotion through the islands is on the same slender scale. those, therefore, who are not able and willing to rough it had better not venture far beyond tarbert and stornoway. when the islands are first approached they present, it must be confessed, a somewhat forbidding aspect. bare, bleak rocks, with a monotonous rounded outline, crowd along the shore, and seem to form all but the very highest portions of the land that meet our view, while such areas of low-ground as we can catch a glimpse of appear to be everywhere covered with a dusky mantle of heath and peat. but, although the general character of the scenery is thus tame and sombre, yet there are certain districts which in their wild picturesqueness are hardly surpassed by many places in the northern highlands, while one may search the coast-line of the mainland in vain for cliffs to compare with those gaunt walls of rock, against which the great rollers of the atlantic continually surge and thunder. it is wonderful, too, how, under the influence of a light-blue sky, flecked with shining silvery clouds, the sombre peat-lands lighten up and glow with regal purple and ruddy brown. with such a sky above him, and with a lively breeze fresh from the atlantic and laden with the sweetness of clover and meadow-hay and heather-bloom sweeping gaily past him, what wanderer in the outer hebrides need be pitied? and such days are by no means so rare in these islands as many a jaundiced lowlander has maintained. it is true that heavy mists and drizzling rain are often provokingly prevalent, and i cannot forget the experience of a sad-hearted exile, who had resided continuously for a year in lewis, and who, upon being asked what kind of climate that island enjoyed, replied: "sir, it has no climate. there are nine months of winter, and three months of very bad weather." for myself, i can say that my experience of the climate in june, july, and early august of several years has been decidedly favourable. during those months i found comparatively few days in which a very fair amount of walking and climbing could not be accomplished with ease and pleasure, and that is a good deal more than one could venture to say of skye and many parts of the west coast of the mainland. the greatest drawback to one's comfort are the midges, which in these islands are beyond measure bloodthirsty, and quite as obnoxious as the most carnivorous mosquitoes. smoking, and all the other arts and devices by which the designs of these tiny pests are usually circumvented, have no effect upon the hebridean vampires. in the low-grounds especially they make life a burden. but those who have already become acquainted with the ross-shire midges, and yet have preserved their equanimity, may feel justified in braving the ferocity of the hebridean hosts. and if they do so i believe they will be well repaid for their courage. to the hardy pedestrian, especially, who likes to escape from the beaten track laid down in guide-books, it will be a pleasure in itself to roam over a region which has not yet come entirely under the dominion of mr. cook. if he be simply a lover of the picturesque he will yet not be disappointed, and possibly he may pick up a few hints in these notes as to those districts which are most likely to repay him for his toil in reaching them. but if to his love of the picturesque he joins a taste for archæological pursuits, then i can assure him there is a rich and by no means exhausted field of study in the antiquities of the long island. interesting, however, as are the relics of prehistoric and later times which one meets with, yet it is the geologist, perhaps, who will be most rewarded by a visit to these islands. the physical features of the outer hebrides are, as already stated, somewhat monotonous, but this is quite consistent with considerable variety of scenic effect. all the islands are not equally attractive, although the configuration of hills and low-grounds remains persistently the same from the butt of lewis to barra head. the most considerable island is that of which lewis and harris form the northern and southern portions respectively. by far the larger part of the former is undulating moorland, the only really mountainous district being that which adjoins harris in the south. a good general idea of the moorlands is obtained by crossing the island from stornoway to garrynahine. what appeared at first to be only one vast extended peat-bog is then seen to be a gently-undulating country, coated, it is true, with much peat in the hollows, but clad for the most part with heath, through which ever and anon peer bare rocks and rocky débris. now and again, indeed, especially towards the centre of the island, the ground rises into rough round-topped hills, sprinkled sparingly with vegetation. one of the most striking features of the low-grounds, however, is the enormous number of freshwater lakes, which are so abundant as to form no small proportion of the surface. they are, as a rule, most irregular in outline, but have a tendency to arrange themselves in two directions--one set trending from south-east to north-west, while another series is drawn out, as it were, from south-west to north-east. i am sure that i am within the mark in estimating the freshwater lakes in the low-grounds of lewis to be at least five hundred in number. in the mountain-district the lakes are, of course, confined to the valleys, and vary in direction accordingly. harris and the southern part of lewis are wholly mountainous, and show hardly a single acre of level ground. the mountains are often bold and picturesque, especially those which are over 1600 feet in height. they are also exceedingly bare and desolate, the vegetation on their slopes being poor and scanty in the extreme. some of the hills, indeed, are absolutely barren. in north harris we find the highest peaks of the outer hebrides: these are the clisham, 2622 feet, and the langa, 2438 feet. the glens in this elevated district are often wild and rugged, such as the bealach-miavag and the bealach-na-ciste, both of which open on west loch tarbert. but amid all this ruggedness and wild disorder of broken crag and beetling precipice, even a very non-observant eye can hardly fail to notice that the general contour or configuration of the hills is smooth, rounded, and flowing, up to a rather well-marked level, above which the outline becomes broken and interrupted, and all the rounded and smoothed appearance vanishes. the contrast between the smoothly-flowing contour of the lower elevations and the shattered and riven aspect of the harsh ridges, sharp peaks, and craggy tors above, is particularly striking. the mammillated and dome-shaped masses have a pale, ghastly grey hue, their broad bare surfaces reflecting the light freely, while at higher elevations the abundant irregularities of the rocks throw many shadows, and impart a darker aspect to the mountain-tops. the appearances now described are very well seen along the shores of west loch tarbert. all the hills that abut upon that loch show smoothed and rounded faces, and this character prevails up to a height of 1600 feet, or thereabout, when all at once it gives way, and a broken, interrupted contour succeeds. thus the top of the tarcall ridge in south harris is dark, rough, and irregular, while the slopes below are grey, smooth, and flowing. the same is conspicuously the case with the mountains in north harris, the ruinous and sombre-looking summits of the langa and the clisham soaring for several hundred feet above the pale grey mammillated hills that sweep downwards to the sea. after having familiarised themselves with the aspect of the hills as seen from below, the lover of the picturesque, not less than the geologist, will do well to ascend some dominant point from which an extensive bird's-eye view can be obtained. for such purpose i can recommend the tarcall and roneval in south harris, the clisham and the langa in north harris, and suainabhal in lewis. the view from these hills is wonderfully extensive and very impressive. from suainabhal one commands nearly all lewis; and what a weird picture of desolation it is! an endless succession of bare, grey, round-backed rocks and hills, with countless lakes and lakelets nestling in their hollows, undulates outwards over the districts of uig and pairc. away to the north spread the great moorlands with their lochans, while immediately to the south one catches a fine panoramic view of the mountains of harris. and then those long straggling arms of the sea, reaching into the very heart of the island--how blue, and bright, and fresh they look! i suppose the natives of the lewis must have been fishermen from the very earliest times. it seems hardly possible otherwise to believe that the bare rocks and peat-bogs, which form the major portion of its surface, could ever have supported a large population; and yet there is every evidence to show that this part of the long island was tolerably well populated in very early days. the great standing-stones of callernish and the many other monoliths, both solitary and in groups, that are scattered along the west coast of lewis, surely betoken as much. and those curious round towers, or places of refuge and defence, which are so well represented in the same district, although they may be much younger in date than the monoliths of callernish, tell the same tale. from the summits of the clisham and the langa the view is finer than that obtained from suainabhal. the former overlook all the high-grounds of harris and lewis, and the monotonous moors with their countless straggling lakes and peaty tarns. indeed, they dominate nearly the whole of the long island, the hills of distant barra being quite distinguishable. of course, the lofty island of rum, and skye with its coolins, are both clearly visible, the whole view being framed in to eastward by the mountains of ross and sutherland. on a clear day, which, unfortunately, i did not get, one should be quite able to see st. kilda. hardly less extensive is the view obtained from roneval (1506 feet) in the south of harris. far away to the west lie st. kilda and its little sister islet of borerey. southwards stretch the various islands of the outer hebrides--north uist, benbecula, south uist, and barra. how plainly visible they all are--a screen of high mountains facing the minch, and extending, apparently, along their whole eastern margin--with broad lake-dappled plains sweeping out from the foot-hills to the atlantic. in the east, skye with its spiky coolins spreads before one, and north of skye we easily distinguish ben slioch and the mountains of loch maree and loch torridon. south harris lies, of course, under our feet, and it is hard to give one who has not seen it an adequate notion of its sterile desolation. round-backed hills and rocks innumerable, scraped bare of any soil, and supporting hardly a vestige of vegetation; heavy mountain-masses with a similar rounded contour, and equally naked and desolate; blue lakelets scattered in hundreds among the hollows and depressions of the land: such is the general appearance of the rocky wilderness that stretches inland from the shores of the minch. then all around lies the great blue sea, shining like sapphire in the sun, and flecked with tiny sails, where the fishermen are busy at their calling. from what has now been said, it will readily be understood that there is not much cultivable land in harris and the hilly parts of lewis. what little there is occurs chiefly along the west coast, a character which we shall find is common to most of the islands of the outer hebrides. in the neighbourhood of stornoway, and over considerable areas along the whole west coast of lewis, the moorlands have been broken in upon by spade and plough, with more or less success. but natural meadow-lands, such as are frequently met with on the west side of many of the islands both of the outer and inner hebrides, are not very common in lewis. one of the most notable features of the hillier parts of the long island are the enormous numbers of loose stones and boulders which are everywhere scattered about on hill-top, hill-side, and valley-bottom. harris is literally peppered with them, and they are hardly less abundant in the other islands. they are of all shapes and sizes--round, sub-angular, and angular. one great block in barra i estimated to weigh seven hundred and seventy tons. many measure over three or four yards across, while myriads are much smaller. these boulders are sometimes utilised in a singular way. in harris, there being only one burial-place, the poor people have often to carry their dead a long distance, and this of course necessitates resting on the journey. to mark the spot where they have rested, the mourners are wont to erect little cairns by the road-side, many of which are neatly built in the form of cones and pyramids, while others are mere shapeless heaps of stones thrown loosely together. instead of raising cairns, however, they occasionally select some boulder, and make it serve the purpose by canting it up and inserting one or more stones underneath. occasionally i have seen in various parts of the mainland great boulders cocked up at one end in the same way. some of these may be in their natural position, but as they often occupy conspicuous and commanding situations, i am inclined to think that the cromlech-builders may have tampered with them for memorial purposes. the present custom of the harris men may therefore be a survival from that far-distant period when callernish was in its glory. north uist is truly a land of desolation and dreariness. bare, rocky hills, which are remarkable for their sterile nakedness even in the long island, form the eastern margin, and from the foot of these the low, undulating rocky and peaty land stretches for some ten or twelve miles to the atlantic. the land is everywhere intersected by long, straggling inlets of sea-water, and sprinkled with lakes and peaty tarns innumerable. along the flat atlantic coast, which is overlooked by some sparsely-clad hills, are dreary stretches of yellow sand blown up into dunes. near these are a few huts and a kirk and manse. not a tree, not even a bush higher than heather, is to be seen. peat, and water, and rock; rock, and water, and peat--that is north uist. the neighbourhood of lochmaddy, which is the residence of a sheriff-substitute, and rejoices besides in the possession of a jail, is depressing in the extreme. it is made up of irregular bits of flat land all jumbled about in a shallow sea, so that to get to a place one mile in direct distance you may have to walk five or six miles, or even more. i could not but agree with the natives of the more coherent parts of the long island, who are wont to declare that lochmaddy is only "the clippings of creation"--the odds and ends and scraps left over after the better lands were finished. north uist, however, boasts of some interesting antiquities--picts' houses, and a great cairn called the barp, inside of which, according to tradition, rest the remains of a wicked prince of the "good old days." notwithstanding these, there are probably few visitors who will not pronounce north uist to be a dreary island. benbecula is precisely like north uist, but it lacks the bare mountains of the latter. there is only one hill, indeed, in benbecula; all the rest is morass, peat, and water. massive mountains fringe all the eastern shores of south uist, and send westward numerous spurs and foot-hills that encroach upon the "machars," or good lands, so as to reduce then to a mere narrow strip, bordering on the atlantic. save the summits of beinn mhor (2033 feet) and hecla (1988 feet), which are peaked and rugged, all the hills show the characteristic flowing outline which has already been described in connection with the physical features of harris. the low-grounds are, as usual, thickly studded with lakes, and large loose boulders are scattered about in all directions. barra is wholly mountainous, and, except that it is somewhat less sterile, closely resembles harris in its physical features, the hills being smoothed, rounded, and bare, especially on the side of the island that faces the minch. of the smaller islands that lie to the south, such as papey, miuley, and bearnarey, the most noteworthy features are the lofty cliffs which they present to the atlantic. for the rest, they show precisely the same appearances as the hillier and barer portions of the larger islands--rounded rocks with an undulating outline, dotted over with loose stones and boulders, and now and again half-smothered in yellow sand, which the strong winds blow in upon them. there is thus, as i have said, considerable uniformity and even monotony throughout the whole range of the outer hebrides. i speak, however, chiefly as a geologist. an artist, no doubt, will find infinite variety, and as he wends his way by moorland, or mountain-glen, or sea-shore, scenes are constantly coming into view which he will be fain to transfer to his sketch-book. the colour-effects, too, are often surprisingly beautiful. when the rich meadow-lands of the west coast are in all their glory, they show many dazzling tints and shades, the deep tender green being dashed and flushed with yellow, and purple, and scarlet, and blue, over which the delighted eye wanders to a belt of bright sand upon the shore, and the vast azure expanse of the atlantic beyond. inland are the heath-clad moors, sprinkled with grey boulders and masses of barren rock, and interspersed with lakes, some of which are starred with clusters of lovely water-lilies. behind the moorlands, again, rise the grim, bald mountains, seamed and scarred with gullies, and in their very general nakedness and sterility offering the strongest contrast to the variegated border of russet moor, and green meadow, and yellow beach that fringe the atlantic coast. all through the islands, indeed, the artist will come upon interesting subjects. a most impressive scene may sometimes be witnessed on crossing the north ford, between north uist and benbecula. at low-water, the channel or sound between these two islands, which is five miles in breadth, disappears and leaves exposed a wide expanse of wet sand and silt, dotted with black rocks and low tangle-covered reefs and skerries. on the morning i passed over, ragged sheets of mist hung low down on the near horizon, half-obscuring and half-revealing the stony islets, and crags, and hills that lay between the ford and the minch. seen through such a medium, the rocks assumed the most surprising forms, sometimes towering into great peaks and cliffs, at other times breaking up, as it were, into low reefs and shoals, and anon dissolving in grey mist and vapour. at other times the thin cloud-curtain would lift, and then one fancied one saw some vast city with ponderous walls and battlements, and lofty towers and steeples, rising into the mist-wreaths that hung above it, while from many points on the benbecula coast, where kelp was being prepared, clouds of smoke curled slowly upwards, as if from the camp-fires of some besieging army. the track of the ford winds round and about innumerable rocks, upon which a number of "natives," each stooping solitary and silent to his or her work, were reaping the luxuriant seaweed for kelp-making. their silence was quite in keeping with the general stillness, which would have been unbroken but for the harsh scream of the sea-birds, as they ever and anon rose scared from their favourite feeding-grounds while we plodded and plashed on our way. the artist who could successfully cope with such a scene would paint a singularly weird and suggestive picture. but, to return to the physical features of the long island, what, we may ask, is the cause of that general monotony of outline to which reference has so frequently been made? at first we seem to get an answer to our question when we are told that the islands of the outer hebrides are composed chiefly of one and the same kind of rock. everyone nowadays has some knowledge of the fact that the peculiar features of any given district are greatly due to the character and arrangement of the rock-masses. for example, who is not familiar with the outline of a chalk country, as distinguished from the contour of a region the rocks of which are composed, let us say, of alternating beds of limestone and sandstone and masses of old volcanic material? the chalk country, owing to the homogeneousness of its component strata, has been moulded by the action of weather and running water into an undulating region with a softly-flowing outline, while the district of composite formation has yielded unequally to the action of time's workers--rains, and frosts, and rivers--and so is diversified with ridge, and escarpment, and knolls, and crags. when, therefore, we learn that the outer hebrides are composed for the most part of the rock called _gneiss_ and its varieties, we seem to have at once found the meaning of the uniformity and monotony. it is true that although pink and grey gneiss and schistose rocks prevail from the butt of lewis to barra head, yet there are some other varieties occasionally met with--thus soft red sandstone and conglomerate rest upon the gneissic rocks near stornoway, but they occur nowhere else throughout the long island. now and again, however, the gneiss gives place to granite, as on the west coast of lewis near carloway; and here and there the strata are pierced by vertical dykes and curious twisted and reticulated veins of basalt-rock. all these, however, hold but a minor and unimportant place as constituents of the islands. gneiss is beyond question the most prevalent rock, and we seem justified in assigning the peculiar monotony of the outer hebridean scenery to that fact. but when we come to examine the matter more attentively, we find that there is still some important factor wanting. we have not got quite to the solution of the question. when we study the manner in which the gneiss and gneissic rocks disintegrate and break up at the sea-coast or along the flanks of some rugged mountain-glen, we see they give rise to an irregular uneven surface. they do not naturally decompose and exfoliate into rounded dome-shaped masses, such as are so commonly met with all through the islands, but rather tend to assume the aspect of rugged tors, and peaks, and ridges. the reason for this will be more readily understood when it is learned that the gneissic rocks of the outer hebrides are for the most part arranged in strata, which, notwithstanding their immense antiquity--(they are the oldest rocks in europe)--and the many changes they have undergone, are yet, as a rule, quite distinguishable. the strata are seldom or never horizontal, but are usually inclined at a high angle, either to north-east or south-west, although sometimes, as in the vicinity of stornoway, the "dip" or inclination of the beds is to south-east. throughout the major portion of the long island, however, the outcrop of the strata runs transversely across the land from south-east to north-west. now we know that when this is the case strata of variable composition and character give rise to long escarpments and intervening hollows--the escarpments marking the outcrops of the harder and more durable beds, and the hollows those strata that are softer and more easily eroded by the action of the denuding forces, water and frost. when the dip of the strata is north-east we expect the escarpments to face the south-west, and the reverse will be the case when the strata incline in the opposite direction. seeing then that the outer hebrides are composed chiefly of gneissic rocks and schists which yield unequally to the weather, and which, in the course of time, would naturally give rise to lines of sharp-edged escarpments or ridges and intervening hollows, with now and again massive hills and mountains showing great cliffs and a generally broken and irregular outline, why is it that such rugged features are so seldom present at low levels, and are only conspicuous at the very highest elevations? the rocks of the outer hebrides are of immense antiquity, and there has therefore been time enough for them to assume the irregular contour which we might have expected. but in place of sharp-rimmed escarpments, and tors, and broken shattered ridges, we see everywhere a rounded and smoothly-flowing configuration which prevails up to a height of 1600 feet or thereabout, above which the rocks take on the rugged appearance which is natural to them. by what magic have the strata at the lower levels escaped in such large measure from the action of rain and frost, which have furrowed and shattered the higher mountain-tops? i have said that long lines of escarpment and ridges, corresponding to the outcrops of the harder and more durable strata, are not apparent in these islands. a trained eye, however, is not long in discovering that such features, although masked and obscured, are yet really present. the round-backed rocks are drawn out, as it were, in one persistent direction, which always agrees with the _strike_ or outcrop of the strata; and in many districts one notices also that long hollows traverse the land from south-east to north-west in the same way. such alternating hollows and rounded ridges are very conspicuous in barra and the smaller islands to the south, and they may likewise be noted in most of the larger islands also. looking at these and other features, the geologist has no hesitation in concluding that the whole of the islands have been subjected to some powerful abrading force, which has succeeded to a large extent in obliterating the primary configuration of the land. the rough ridges have been rounded off, the sharp escarpments have been bevelled, the abrupt tors and peaks have been smoothed down. here and there, it is true, the dome-shaped rock-masses are beginning again to break up under the action of the weather so as to resume their original irregular configuration. and, doubtless, after the lapse of many ages, rain and frost will gradually succeed in destroying the present characteristic flowing outlines, and the islands will then revert to their former condition, and rugged escarpments, sharp peaks, and rough broken hummocks and tors will again become the rule. but for a long time to come these grey western islands will continue to present us with some of the most instructive examples of rounded and mammillated rock-masses to be met with in europe. from barra head in bearnarey to the butt of lewis we are constantly confronted by proofs of the former presence of that mysterious abrading power, which has accommodated itself to all the sinuosities of the ground, so that from the sea-level up to a height of 1600 feet at least, the eye rests almost everywhere upon bare round-backed rocks and smoothed surfaces. ii. in the preceding article i have described the peculiar configuration of the long island--rounded and flowing for the most part--and have pointed out how that softened outline is not such as the rocks would naturally assume under the influence of the ordinary agents of erosion with which we are familiar in this country. the present contour has superseded an older set of features, which, although highly modified or disguised, and often well-nigh obliterated, are yet capable of being traced, and are, no doubt, the conformation assumed by the rocks under the long-continued action of rain and frost and running water. we have now to inquire what it was that removed or softened down the primal configuration i refer to, and gave to the islands their present monotonous, undulating contour. any one fresh from the glacier-valleys of switzerland or norway could have little doubt as to the cause of the transformation. the smoothed and rounded masses of the outer hebrides are so exactly paralleled by the ice-worn, dome-shaped rocks over which a glacier has flowed, that our visitor would have small hesitation in ascribing to them a similar origin; and the presence of the countless perched blocks and boulders which are scattered broadcast over the islands would tend to confirm him in his belief. a closer inspection of the phenomena would soon banish all doubt from his mind; for, on the less-weathered surfaces, he would detect those long parallel scratches and furrows which are the sure signs of glacial action, while, in the hollows and over the low-grounds, he would be confronted with that peculiar deposit of clay and sand and glaciated stones and boulders which are dragged on underneath flowing ice. having satisfied ourselves that the rounded outline of the ground is the result of former glacial action, our next step is to discover, if we can, in what direction the abrading agent moved. did the ice, as we might have supposed, come out of the mountain-valleys and overflow the low country? if that had been the case, then we should expect to find the glacial markings radiating outwards in all directions from the higher elevations. thus the low-grounds of uig, in lewis, should give evidence of having been overflowed by ice coming from the forest of harris; the undulating, rocky, and lake-dappled region that extends between loch roag and loch erisort should be abraded and striated from south-west to north-east. instead of this, however, the movement has clearly been from south-east to north-west. all the prominent rock-faces that look towards the minch have been smoothed off and rounded, while in their rear the marks of rubbing and abrading are much less conspicuous. it is evident that the south-east exposure has borne the full brunt of the ice-grinding--the surfaces that are turned in the opposite direction, or towards the atlantic, having been in a measure protected or sheltered by their position. the striations or scratches that are seen upon the less-weathered surfaces point invariably towards the north-west, and from their character and the mode in which they have been graved upon the rock, we are left in no doubt as to the trend of the old ice-plough--which was clearly from south-east to north-west. nor is it only the low-grounds that are marked in this direction. ascend suaina (1300 feet), and you shall find it showing evident signs of having been abraded all over, from base to summit. the same, indeed, is the case with all the hills that stretch from sea to sea between uig and loch seaforth. beinn mheadonach, ceann resort, griosamul, and liuthaid, are all strongly glaciated from south-east to north-west. north and south harris yield unequivocal evidence of having been overflowed by ice which did not stream out of the mountain-valleys, but crossed the island from the minch to the atlantic. a number of mountain-glens, coming down from the forest of harris, open out upon west loch tarbert, and these we see have been crossed at right angles by the ice--the mountains between them being strongly abraded from south-east to north-west. it is the same all over south harris, which affords the geologist every evidence of having been literally smothered in ice, which has moved in the same persistent direction. the rock-faces that look towards the minch are all excessively naked; they have been terribly ground down and scraped, and the same holds good with every part of the island exposed to the south-east. now, the mode in which the rocks have been so ground, scraped, rounded, and smoothed betokens very clearly the action of land-ice, and not of floating-ice or icebergs. the abrading agent has accommodated itself to all the sinuosities of the ground, sliding into hollows and creeping out of them, moulding itself over projecting rocks, so as eventually to grind away all their asperities, and convert rugged tors and peaks into round-backed, dome-shaped masses. it has carried away the sharp edges of escarpments and ridges, and has deepened the intervening hollows in a somewhat irregular way, so that now these catch the drainage of the land and form lakes. steep rocks facing the minch have been bevelled off and rounded atop, while in their rear the ice-plough, not being able to act with effect, has not succeeded in removing the primeval ruggedness of the weathered strata. i have said that the movement of the ice was from south-east to north-west. but a close examination of the ice-markings will show that the flow was very frequently influenced by the form of the ground. minor features it was able to disregard, but some prominent projecting rock-masses succeeded in deflecting the ice that flowed against them. for example, if we study the rocks in north harris, we shall find that the langa and the clisham have served as a wedge to divide the ice, part of which flowed away into lewis, while the other current or stream crept out to sea by west loch tarbert. the langa and the clisham, indeed, raised their heads above the glacier mass--they were islets in a sea of ice. it is for this reason that they and the tarcull ridge in south harris have not been smoothed and abraded, but still preserve their weathered outline. all surfaces below a height of 1600 feet which are exposed to the south-east, and which have not been in recent times broken up by the action of rain and frost, exhibit strongly-marked glaciation. but above that level no signs of ancient ice-work can be recognised. we see now why it is that the hill-slopes opposite the minch should, as a rule, be so much more sterile than those which slope down to the atlantic. the full force of the ice was exerted upon the south-east front, in the rear of which there would necessarily be comparatively "quiet" ice. for the same reason we should expect to find much of the rock débris which the ice swept off the south-east front sheltering on the opposite side. neither clay nor sand nor stones would gather under the ice upon the steep rocks that face the minch. the movement there was too severe to permit of any such accumulation. but stones and clay and sand were carried over and swept round the hills, and gradually accumulated in the rear of the ice-worn rocks, just in the same way as gravel and sand are heaped up behind projecting stones and boulders in the bed of a stream. hence it is that the western margin of harris is so much less bleak than the opposite side. considerable taluses of "till," as the sub-glacial débris is called, gather behind the steeper crags, and ragged sheets of the same material extend over the low-grounds. all the low-grounds of lewis are in like manner sprinkled with till. over that region the ice met with but few obstacles to its course, and consequently the débris it forced along underneath was spread out somewhat equally. but wherever hills and peaks and hummocks of rock broke the regularity of the surface, there great abrasion took place and no till was accumulated. thus the position and distribution of this sub-glacial débris or bottom-moraine tell the same tale as the abraded rocks and glacial striæ, and clearly indicate an ice-flow from the south-east. this is still further proved by the manner in which the upturned ends of the strata are frequently bent over underneath the till in a north-westerly direction, while the fragments dislodged from them and enclosed in the sub-glacial débris stream away as it were to the same point of the compass. not only so, but in the west of lewis, where no red sandstone occurs, we find boulders of red sandstone enclosed in the till, which could not have been derived from any place nearer than stornoway. in other words, these boulders have travelled across the island from the shores of the minch to the atlantic sea-board. having said so much about the glaciation of lewis and harris, i need not do more than indicate very briefly some of the more interesting features of the islands further south. i spent some time cruising up and down the sound of harris, and found that all the islets there had been ground and scraped by ice flowing in the normal north-west direction, and sub-glacial débris occurs on at least one of the little islands--harmetrey. but all the phenomena of glaciation are met with in most abundance in the dreary island of north uist. the ridge of mountains that guards its east coast has been battered, and ground down, and scraped bare in the most wonderful manner, while the melancholy moorlands are everywhere sprinkled with till, full of glaciated stones, many of which have travelled west from the coast range. benbecula shows in like manner a considerable sprinkling of till, and the trend of the glacial striæ is the same there as in north uist, namely, a little north of west. there are no hills of any consequence in benbecula, but the highly-abraded and barren-looking mountains that fringe the eastern margin of north uist are continued south in the islands of roney and fuiey, either of which it would be hard to surpass as examples of the prodigious effect of land-ice in scouring, scraping, and grinding the surface over which it moves. south uist presents the same general configuration as north uist, its east coast being formed of a long range of intensely glaciated mountains, in the rear of which ragged sheets and heaps of sub-glacial débris are thrown and scattered over the low, undulating tract that borders the atlantic. no part of either benbecula or north uist has escaped the action of ice, but in south uist that knot of high-ground which is dominated by the fine mountains of beinn mhor and hecla towered above the level of the glacier-mass, and have thus been the cause of considerable deflection of the ice-flow. the ice-stream divided, as it were, part flowing round the north flank of hecla, and part streaming past the southern slopes of beinn mhor. but the ice-flow thus divided speedily reunited in the rear of the mountains, the southern stream creeping in from the south-east, and the northern stream stealing round hecla towards the south-west. the track of this remarkable deflection and reunion is clearly marked out by numerous striæ all over the low-grounds that slope outwards to the atlantic coast. the till, it need hardly be added, affords the same kind of evidence as the sub-glacial deposits of the other islands, and points unmistakably to a general ice-movement across south uist from the minch to the atlantic. the influence which an irregular surface has in causing local deflections of an ice-flow is also well seen in barra, where the striæ sometimes point some 5° or 10°, and sometimes 25° and even 35° north of west--these variations being entirely due to the configuration of the ground. this island is extremely bare in many places, more especially over all the region that slopes to the minch. the atlantic border is somewhat better covered with soil, as is the case with south uist and the other islands already described. vatersey, saundry, papey, miuley, and bearnarey, are all equally well glaciated; but as they show little or no low-ground with gentle slopes, they have preserved few traces of sub-glacial débris. in this respect they resemble the rockier and hillier parts of the large islands to the north. till, however, is occasionally met with, as for example on the low shores of vatersey bay, and on the southern margin of miuley. doubtless, if it were carefully looked for it would be found sheltering in patches in many nooks and hollows, protected from the grind of the ice that advanced from the south-east. i saw it in several such places in the islet of bearnarey, where the striæ indicated an ice-flow as usual towards the north-west. we have now seen that the whole of the long island has been ground, and rubbed, and scraped by landor glacier-ice which has traversed the ground in a prevalent south-east and north-west direction. we have seen also that this ice attained so great a thickness that it was able to overflow all the hills up to a height of 1600 feet above the sea. it is needless to say that such a mass could not have been nurtured on the islands themselves. they have no gathering grounds of sufficient extent, and if they had, the ice would not have taken the peculiar direction it did. instead of flowing across the islands it would have radiated outwards from the mountain-valleys. where, then, did the ice come from? looking across the minch we see skye and the mountains of the north-west highlands, and those regions, as we know, have also been subjected to extreme glaciation. from the appearances presented by the mountains of ross-shire we are compelled to believe that all that region was buried in ice up to a height of not less than 3000 feet--the ice-sheet was probably even as much as 3500 feet in thickness. the evidence shows that the under portion of this vast ice-sheet flowed slowly off the country into the minch by way of the great sea-lochs. thus we know that an enormous mass crept down loch carron and united with another great stream stealing out from the mountains of skye, to flow north through the hollows of raasay sound and the inner sound into the minch. so deep was the ice that it completely smothered the island of raasay (1272 feet high) and overflowed all the lofty trappean table-lands of skye. from the coolins, as a centre-point, another movement of the ice-sheet was towards the south-west, against the islands of rum, cannay, and eigg. further north similar vast masses of ice streamed out into the minch, from loch torridon, gairloch, loch ewe, and loch broom. the direction of the glaciation in the north of skye, which is towards north-west, shows that the glacier-mass which overflowed that area must eventually have reached the shores of the long island. in short, there cannot be a reasonable doubt that the immense sheet of ice that streamed off the north-west highlands must have filled up entirely the basin of the minch, and thereafter streamed across the outer hebrides. but it may be objected that if the outer hebrides were overflowed by ice that streamed from the mainland across the north end of skye, we ought to get many fragments of skye rocks and ross-shire rocks too in the sub-glacial débris or till of lewis and harris, and the north end of north uist. but all such fragments are apparently wanting. true, there are bits of stone like the igneous rocks of skye often met with in the hebridean till, but as veins or dykes of precisely the same kind of rock occur in the long island itself, we cannot say that the stones referred to are other than native. a little reflection will show us, however, that it is extremely improbable indeed that stones derived from skye and the mainland should ever have been dragged on under the ice, and deposited amongst the till of the long island. there is only one part of the whole outer hebrides where we might have anticipated that fragments from the mainland should occur; and there, sure enough, they put in an appearance. but before i attempt to explain the non-occurrence of skye rocks in the till of the outer hebrides, let me show in a few words what the glaciation of the long island, skye, and the north-west highlands teaches us as to the general aspect presented by the ice-sheet. the height reached by the surface of the ice in ross-shire and the long island respectively indicates of course that the main movement was from the mainland. we must conceive of an immense sheet of solid ice filling up all the inequalities of the land, obliterating the glens, and sweeping across the hill-tops; and not only so, but occupying the wide basin of the minch to the entire exclusion of the sea, the surface of the ice rising so high that it overtopped the whole of the outer hebrides, and left only the tips of a few of the higher mountains uncovered. the slope of the surface was persistently outwards from the mainland, and the striation of the long island indicates clearly that the dip or inclination of that surface was towards the north-west. nay, more than this, we are now enabled for the first time to say with some approach to certainty what was the precise angle of that inclination. if we take the upper surface of the ice in ross-shire to have been 3000 feet (and it was not less), then the slope between the mainland and the outer hebrides was only 25 feet in the mile, or about 1 in 210. it is quite possible, however, and even probable, that the actual height attained by the ice-sheet in the north-west highlands was more than 3000 feet. i think it may yet turn out to have been 3500 feet, and if this were so it would give an inclination for the surface of the ice of about 35 feet in the mile. in either case the slope was so very gentle that to the eye it would have appeared like a level plain. over the surface of this plain would be scattered here and there a solitary big erratic or two, while in other places long trains of large and small angular boulders would stream outwards. all these would be derived from such mountain in skye and the mainland as were able to keep their heads above the level of the ice-flow; while a few also might be dislodged by the frost and rolled down upon the glacier from the tips of the clisham and the langa in harris, and hecla and beinn mhor in south uist. every such block, it is evident, would be carried across the buried hebrides, out into the atlantic in the direction indicated by the glaciation of the long island--that is, towards the north-west. but while the upper strata of the ice doubtless followed that particular course, it is obvious that this could not be the case with the under portion of the great sheet, the path of which would be controlled in large measure by the form of the ground over which the ice moved. the upper strata that overflowed the outer hebrides, as we have seen, were locally deflected again and again by important obstacles, and it is quite certain that the same would take place with the deeper portions of the ice-flow. it is well known that the sea along the inner margin of the long island is very deep. in many places it reaches a depth of 600 feet, and occasionally the sounding-lead plunges down for upwards of 700 feet. it would seem, however, that these great depths did not exist before the advent of the ice-sheet, but that the bottom of the minch along the eastern borders of the long island was then some 250 or 300 feet shallower than now, the floor of the sea having since been excavated in the manner i shall presently describe. it is quite apparent, therefore, that the long ridge of the outer hebrides must have offered an insuperable obstacle to the direct passage of the bottom-ice out to the atlantic. here was a great wall of rock shooting up from the floor of the minch, at a high angle, to a height ranging in elevation from 400 feet to upwards of 3000 feet. it is simply impossible that the lower strata of the ice that occupied the bed of the minch could climb that precipitous barricade. they were necessarily deflected, one portion creeping to north-east and another to south-west, but both hugging the great wall of rock all the way. we see precisely the same result taking place in the bed of every stream. let us stand upon an almost submerged boulder, and note how the water is deflected to right and left, and we shall observe at the same time that the boulder, by obstructing the current, forces the water downwards upon the bed of the stream, the result being that a hollow is dug out in front. now, in a similar manner, the ice, squeezed and pressed against the hebridean ridge by the steady flow of the great current that crossed the minch, necessarily acted with intense erosive force upon its bed. hence in the course of time it scooped out a series of broad deep trenches along the whole inner margin of the long island, the amount of the excavation reaching from 200 to 300 feet. similar excavated basins occur in like positions opposite all the precipitous islands of the inner hebrides. wherever, indeed, the ice-sheet met with any great obstruction to its flow, there excessive erosion took place, and a more or less deep hollow was dug out in front of the opposing cliff, or crag, or precipitous mountain. while, therefore, the upper strata of the ice-sheet overflowed the outer hebrides from south-east to north-west, the under portions of the same great ice-flow were compelled by the contour of the ground to creep away to north-east and south-west, until they could steal round the ridge and so escape outwards to the atlantic. this being the case, we have a very simple and obvious explanation of the absence of skye rocks in the till of the long island. one sees readily enough that the sub-glacial débris dragged across the minch would naturally be carried away to south-west and north-east by the "under-tow" or deflected ice. it is quite impossible that any skye fragments or bits of rock from the mainland could travel over the bed of the minch, and then be pushed up the precipitous rock wall of the long island. there is only one place in all the outer hebrides where we might expect to meet with extraneous boulders in the till, and that is in the north of lewis, where the land shelves gently into the sea, and the great rocky ridge terminates. here the under-strata of the ice would begin to steal up upon the land, favoured by its gentle inclination, and in that very place accordingly we meet with a deposit of till in which are found many boulders of a hard red sandstone, and some of various porphyries which are quite alien to the long island. moreover, the till itself in that locality is much more of a clay than the usual sub-glacial débris in other parts of lewis, and contains numerous fragments of sea-shells. all this is quite in keeping with the other evidence. the extreme north end of lewis was overflowed by the under-current that crept up the bed of the minch, hugging the hebridean ridge, and dragging along with it a muddy mass interspersed with the shells and other marine exuviæ that lay in its path, and numerous stones, some of which may have come from skye, while others were derived from the mainland. i have already said enough, perhaps, about the abrasion of the hebrides, but i may add a few words upon the origin of the freshwater lakes. many of these rest in complete rock-basins; others, again, seem to lie partly upon solid rock and partly upon till; while yet others appear to occupy mere shallow depressions in the surface of the till. all of them thus owe their origin to the action of the ice-sheet. as one might have expected, the great majority lie along the outcrop of the gneissic strata, which, as a rule, corresponds pretty closely to the flow of the ice. hence the general trend of the lakes is from south-east to north-west. in many cases in fashioning these rock-basins the ice has merely deepened in an irregular manner previously existing hollows, which are now, of course, filled with water. in not a few places, however, the lakes are drawn out in other directions--this being due usually to changes in the strike or outcrop of the strata. for example, over a considerable district in the south of lewis many lake-hollows extend from south-west to north-east, or at right angles to the direction of the ice-flow. such lakes are usually dammed up at one or both extremities by glacial débris. thus most of the features characteristic of the outer hebrides owe their origin directly or indirectly to the action of that great sheet of ice which swept over the islands during what is called the glacial period. and there is no region in northern europe where the immensity of the abrading agent can be more vividly realised. from a study of the phenomena there exhibited we for the first time obtain a definite idea of the surface-slope, and are able to plumb the old ice-sheet, and ascertain with some approach to accuracy its exact thickness. in the deeper parts of the area, between the mainland and the long island, its thickness was not less than 3800 feet. of course this great depth of ice could not have been derived exclusively from the snow that fell on the mountains of the north-west highlands. doubtless the precipitation took place over its whole surface, just as is the case in greenland and over the antarctic continent. the winter cold must have been excessive, but the precipitation necessary to sustain such a mass of ice implies great evaporation; in other words, the direct heat of the sun _per diem_ in summer-time was probably considerably in excess of what it is now in these latitudes. the west and south-west winds must have been laden with moisture, the greater portion of which would necessarily fall in the form of snow. we see something analogous to this taking place in the antarctic regions at the present day. that quarter of the globe has its summer in perihelion, and, therefore, must be receiving then more heat _per diem_ than our hemisphere does in its summer season, which, as every one knows, happens when the earth is furthest removed from the sun. but, notwithstanding this, the summer of the antarctic continent is cold and ungenial--the presence of the great ice-sheet there cooling the air and causing most of the moisture to fall as snow. paradoxical as it may seem, therefore great summer heat is almost, if not quite, as necessary as excessive winter cold for the production and maintenance of a wide continental glacier. iii. when we last took a peep at the outer hebrides we found those luckless islands all but obliterated under an immense sheet of ice extending from the mainland out into the atlantic. how far west the great glacier spread itself we cannot as yet positively say; but if the known slope of its surface between the north-west highlands and the long island continued, as there is every reason to believe it would, then it is extremely probable that the ice flowed out to the edge of the great scottish submarine plateau. here the sudden deepening of the atlantic would arrest its progress and cause it to break up into icebergs. in those old times, therefore, a steep wall of ice would extend all along the line of what is now the edge of the 100-fathoms plateau. from this wall large tabular masses would ever and anon break away and float off into the atlantic--a condition of things which is closely paralleled at present along the borders of the ice-drowned antarctic continent. by-and-by, however, a great change took place, and the big ice-sheet melted off the long island and vanished from the minch. we read the evidence for this change of climate in certain interesting deposits which occur in considerable bulk at the northern extremity of lewis, and in smaller patches in the eye peninsula of the same island. in those districts the old sub-glacial débris or till is covered with beds of clay and sand in which many marine exuviæ are found--shells of molluscs, entomostraca, foraminifera, etc. they clearly prove, then, that after the ice-sheet had vanished lewis was submerged in the sea to a depth of not less than 200 feet, and they also prove that the temperature of the sea was much the same then as now, for the shells all belong to species that are still living in these northern waters. it is very remarkable that the marine deposits in question seem to occur nowhere else in any part of the long island. we cannot believe that the submergence was restricted to the very limited areas where the shell-beds are met with: it must, on the contrary, have affected a very large portion, if not the whole, of the outer hebrides. why, then, do not we meet with shelly sands and clays, with raised beaches and other relics of the former occupation of these islands by the sea, covering wide areas in the low-grounds? how can we explain the absence of such relics from all those districts which, being much under the level of 200 feet, must necessarily have at one time formed part of the sea-floor? the explanation is not difficult to discover. resting upon the surface of the shell-beds at ness and garabost we find an upper or overlying accumulation of sub-glacial débris or till. at ness this upper till closely resembles, in general appearance, the lower deposit that rests directly upon the rocks. it is a pell-mell accumulation of silty clay, crammed with glaciated stones, amongst which are many fragments of red sandstone and some extra-hebridean rocks, and interspersed through it occur also broken fragments of sea-shells. the marine deposits lying below are usually much confused and contorted, and here and there they are even violently commingled with the upper till. they show, generally, a most irregular surface under that accumulation, and are evidently only the wreck of what they must at one time have been. now the presence of this upper till proves beyond doubt that the intense arctic conditions of climate once more supervened. a big ice-sheet again filled up the basin of the minch and flowed over the long island--its under-tow creeping along the inner margin of the lofty rock-barrier as before, and eventually stealing over the low-ground at the butt, where its bottom-moraine or till was dragged over the marine deposits, and confusedly commingled with them. the upper strata of the ice that streamed across the islands renewed the work of abrasion, and succeeded in scraping away all traces of the late occupation by the sea. if any such now exist they must lie buried under the till that cloaks the low-ground on the western margins of the islands. hence it is that we find not a vestige of shelly beds in any part of the long island which was exposed to the full brunt of the ice-flow. at garabost they have been ploughed through in the most wonderful manner, and only little patches remain. at ness, however, they are more continuous. this is owing to the circumstance that the ground in that neighbourhood is low-lying and offered no obstacle to the passage of the ice out to sea. hence the shell-beds were not subjected to such excessive erosion as overtook them along the whole eastern border of the long island. eventually, however, this later advance of the ice-sheet ceased. the climate grew less arctic, and the great glacier began to melt away, until the time came that its upper strata ceased to overflow the islands. they then passed away to north and south, along the hollow now occupied by the minch, following the same path as the bottom-ice. considerable snow-fields, however, still covered the outer hebrides, and large local glaciers occupied all the mountain-valleys, and, descending to low levels, piled up their terminal moraines. some of these local glaciers appear to have gone right out into the minch, as in south uist, and may have coalesced with the great glacier that still filled that basin. it was during this condition of things that most of the great perched blocks that are scattered so profusely over the islands began to be dropt into their present positions. during the climax of glacial cold, when the upper strata of the ice-sheet streamed across the hebrides, large fragments of rock would certainly be wrenched off and carried on underneath the ice; but as only a few of the hebridean mountain-tops were then exposed, there would be a general absence of such enormous erratics as are detached by frost and rolled down upon the surface of a glacier, and any such superficially-borne erratics would be transported, of course, far beyond the long island into the atlantic. when the ice had ceased to overflow the islands, boulders derived from skye and the mainland would no longer be carried so directly out to the atlantic, but would travel thither by the more circuitous route, which the now diminished ice-sheet was compelled to follow. as the snow and ice melted off the hebrides, the rocks would begin to be exposed to the action of intense frost, and many fragments, becoming dislodged and falling upon _névé_, small local ice-sheets, and glaciers, would be stranded on hill-slopes and sprinkled over the low-grounds, along with much broken débris and rock-rubbish. eventually all the lower-grounds would be deserted by the ice, glaciers would die out of the less elevated valleys, and linger in only a few of the glens that drain the higher mountain-masses. such local glaciers have flowed often at right angles to the direction followed by the great ice-sheet. thus, the ice-markings in the glens that come down from the forest of harris to west loch tarbert, run from north to south, while the trend of the older glaciation on the intervening high-grounds is from south-east to north-west. the morainic rubbish and erratics of this latest phase in the glacial history of the long island may be traced down almost to the water's edge, showing plainly that there has been no great submergence of that region since the disappearance of glacial conditions. this is somewhat remarkable, because along the shores of central and southern scotland we have indisputable evidence to show that the land was drowned to the depth of at least fifty feet in post-glacial times. in the outer hebrides, however, there are no traces of any post-glacial submergence exceeding a dozen feet or so; that is to say, there is no proof that the outer hebrides have been of much less extent than they are now. on the contrary, we have many reasons for believing that they were within comparatively recent times of considerably larger size, and were even in all probability united to the mainland. the abundance of large trees in the peat-mosses, and the fact that these ancient peat-covered forests extend out to sea, are alone sufficient to convince one that the outer hebrides have been much reduced in area since the close of the glacial period. these now bleak islands at one time supported extensive forests, although nowadays a tree will hardly grow unless it be carefully looked after. that old forest period coincided in all probability with the latest continental condition of the british islands--when the broad plains which are now drowned under the german ocean formed part of a great forest-land, that included all the british islands, and extended west for some distance into tracts over which now roll the waves of the atlantic. the palmy days of the great british forests, however, passed away when the german ocean came into existence. the climatic conditions were then not so favourable for the growth of large trees; and in the uplands of our country, and what are now our maritime districts, the forests decayed, and were gradually overgrown by and buried under peat-mosses. the submergence of the land continued after that, until central and southern scotland were reduced to a considerably smaller size than now, and then by-and-by the process was reversed, and the sea once more retreated, leaving behind it a number of old raised beaches to mark the levels at which it formerly stood. the greatest submergence that overtook central and southern scotland in times posterior to the latest continental condition of britain did not exceed fifty feet, or thereabout; and the extreme limits reached by the sea in the period that supervened between the close of the glacial epoch and the "age of forests" was not more than one hundred feet. the outer hebrides, however, were certainly not smaller in post-glacial times than they are now, and we have no evidence to show that after the "age of forests" had passed away the sea rose higher than a dozen feet or so above its present level. now there are only two ways in which all this can be accounted for. either the hebrides remained stationary, or stood at a level higher than now, while the central and southern parts of scotland were being submerged; or else there has been a very recent depression within the hebridean area, which has carried down below the sea all traces of late glacial and post-glacial raised beaches. all we know for certain is, that the only raised beaches in the long island are met with in low maritime regions at only a few feet above the present high-water mark. my own impression is that the whole district has been submerged within comparatively recent times; for if the present coast-line had endured since the close of the glacial period, or even since the last continental condition of britain, i should have expected the sea to have done more than it has in the way of excavation and erosion. in a former article i have spoken of the sand-dunes and sandy flats of the west coast of the long island. these receive their greatest development in north uist, benbecula, and south uist. along the whole western margin of these islands stretch wide shoals and banks of yellow sand and silt, and similar shoals and banks cover the bed of the shallow sounds or channels. in the middle of the sound of harris one may often touch the bottom with an oar, and even run one's boat aground. it is the same in the sound of barra, while, as i have already mentioned, one may walk at low-water from benbecula into the adjacent islands of north and south uist. where does all this sand come from? certainly not from the degradation of the islands by the sea, for the sounds appear to be silting up, and the general appearance of the sandy flats along the west coast indicates that the land is upon the whole gaining rather than losing. i have no doubt at all that this sand and silt are merely the old sub-glacial débris which the ice-sheet spread over the low shelving plateau that extends west under the atlantic to the 100-fathoms line. that plateau must have been thickly covered with till, and with heaps and sheets of gravel and sand and silt, and it is these deposits, sifted and winnowed by the sea, which the tides and waves sweep up along the atlantic margin of the islands. there are many other points of interest to that i might touch upon, but i have said enough perhaps to indicate to any intelligent observer the kind of country he may be led to expect in the long island. of course the history of the glacial period is very well illustrated in many parts of the mainland, which are much easier of access than the outer hebrides. but these islands contain, at least, one bit of evidence which does not occur anywhere else in britain. in them we obtain, for the first time, data for measuring the actual slope of the ice-sheet. it does not follow, however, that the inclination of the surface towards the atlantic was the same all over the area covered by the ice-sheet. the slope of the sheet that flowed east into the basin of the german ocean, for example, may have been, and probably was, less than that of the hebridean ice-flow. but apart altogether from this particular point, i think there is no part of the british islands where the evidence for the former action of a great ice-sheet is more abundant and more easily read, or where one may realise with such vividness the conditions that obtained during that period of extraordinary climatic vicissitudes, which geologists call the glacial epoch. leaving these old arctic scenes, and coming down to the actual present, no one, i think, can wander much about the outer hebrides without pondering over the fate of the islanders themselves. many writers have asserted that the celt of these rather out-of-the-way places is a lazy, worthless creature, whom we saxons should do our best to weed out. one cannot help feeling that this assertion is unfair and cruel. the fact is, we judge him by a wrong standard. he is by nature and long-inherited habits a fisherman, and has been wont to cultivate only so much land as should suffice for the sustenance of himself and those immediately dependent upon him. in old times he was often enough called upon to fight, wrongly or rightly, and thus acquired that proud bearing which it has taken so many long years of misery to crush out. he is, as a rule, totally unfit for the close confinement and hard work which are the lot of the great mass of our mechanics--does not see the beauty of that, and has rather a kind of contempt for the monotonous drudgery of large manufacturing towns. one of the few situations in town that he cares to fill is that of police-constable. give him a life in the open air, however trying it may be, and he will be quite content if he can make enough to feed himself and family. if the fishing chance to be very profitable he does not, as a rule, think of saving the surplus he has made, but looks forward rather to a spell of idleness, when he can smoke his pipe and talk interminable long talks with his neighbours. no doubt this, judged by our own standard, is all very shocking. why doesn't he put his money in the savings-bank, and by-and-by die and leave it to those who come after him? simply because he is a celt, and not a saxon. of course one knows how it will all end. ere long the unadulterated celt will be driven or improved out of these islands, and will retire to other lands, where, mingling and intermarrying with teutons, he will eventually disappear, but not without leavening the races amongst which he is destined to vanish. and who will take his place in the long island? probably a few farmers, a few shepherds, and a sprinkling of gamekeepers; and it is just possible that a few fishermen also may be allowed to settle down here and there upon the coast. one may see the process going on at present. large tracts that once supported many villages are now quite depopulated. the time will come when somebody in parliament will move for the reduction of the civil service estimates by the amount of the sheriff-substitute's salary, and when the jail at lochmaddy will have nothing higher in the scale of being to imprison than some refractory ram. one may be pardoned for wishing that he could foretell for the islands another fate than this. it is sad to think that a fine race of people is thus surely passing away from amongst us, for, despite all that can be urged against them, they are what i say. the fishermen of lewis and barra are bold, stalwart fellows, whom it would be difficult to peer amongst any similar class of men on the mainland. and all through the island one meets with equally excellent specimens of our kind. many a brave soldier who fought our battles in the great french wars hailed from these outer islands. pity it is that no feasible plan to prevent the threatened scattering of the race has yet been brought forward. some day we may regret this, and come to think that though mutton and wool in the long island are desirable, yet islanders would have been better. [postscript.--on pages 153.4 i have described the second general ice-sheet that overflowed the outer hebrides as having eventually become resolved into a series of local ice-sheets and glaciers. subsequent research, however, has since led me to believe that the district ice-sheets and local glaciers referred to were not the direct descendants of the last great ice-sheet. they appear to have come into existence long after that ice-sheet had entirely disappeared. _see_ article x.] vi. the ice age in europe and north america.[k] [k] address to the geological society of edinburgh, 1884. in casting about for a subject upon which to address you this evening, i thought i could hardly do better than give you the result of a comparison which i have recently been able to make between the glacial phenomena of europe and north america. the subject of glaciation seems to be now somewhat worn; but i gather from the fact that writers can still be found who see in our superficial deposits strong evidence of the deluge, that a short outline of what we really do know may not be unacceptable. in the short time at our disposal, it is obvious that i cannot enter into much detail, and that many interesting questions must remain untouched. it will be as well, therefore, that i should at the outset define the limits of the present inquiry, and state clearly what are the chief points to which i wish to direct your attention. my main object, then, will be to bring into prominence such evidence as seems to betoken in a special manner the uniformity of conditions that obtained in the northern hemisphere during the ice age. in other words, i shall confine myself to a description of certain characteristic and representative phenomena which are common to europe and north america, with the view of showing that the physical conditions of the glacial period were practically the same in both continents. the phenomena which might be considered under this head embrace nearly all the facts with which glacialists are familiar, but i purpose restricting myself to three questions only, viz.:- 1st. _the extent of glaciation._ 2nd. _changes of climate during the ice age._ 3rd. _the results of fluvio-glacial action._ the consideration of these questions, even if it were exhaustive (which it cannot be on this occasion), would still leave the general subject very incomplete, for we must forego the discussion of all such interesting topics as the "connection between glaciation and submergence," "the formation of rock-basins," and the "origin of the geographical distribution of our faunas and floras." confining my inquiry within the limits just specified, i shall begin by sketching broadly the general results obtained by glacialists in europe, and thereafter i shall proceed to give an outline of the corresponding conclusions arrived at by american observers. i. _the extent of glaciation in europe._ to what extent, then, let us ask, has europe been glaciated? what areas have been covered with perennial snow and ice? owing to the fulness and clearness of the evidence, we are able to give a very definite answer to this question. it is hardly too much to say that we are as well acquainted with the distribution of glacier-ice in europe during the ice age as we are with that of existing snow-fields and glaciers. the nature of the evidence upon which our knowledge is based is doubtless familiar to many whom i have the pleasure of now addressing, but for the sake of those who have not such familiarity with the subject i may be allowed to indicate very briefly its general character. a rock-surface over which ice has flowed for any considerable time exhibits either an abraded, worn, and smoothed appearance, or the rocks are disrupted and broken, and larger or smaller fragments are found to have been removed and carried forward in the direction followed by the ice. now, ice-worn and shattered rock-surfaces of this description, such as can be seen underneath existing glaciers, occur more or less abundantly over vast regions in europe. they are met with from the north cape south as far as leipzig, and from the outer hebrides east to the valley of the petchora and the foot-slopes of the ural mountains. nor are they confined to northern europe. they appear again and again in france and spain and italy, and in the low-grounds of middle europe, where they occupy positions now far removed from the influence of glacial action. such ice-worn and disrupted rock-surfaces not only prove that glacier-ice formerly covered large portions of our continent, but they also indicate for us the directions in which that enveloping ice moved. the smoother surfaces in question are very frequently marked with coarse and fine parallel scratches and grooves of precisely the same nature and origin as the scratches and grooves which characterise the rocky bed of a modern glacier. and these markings, having been produced by the sand, grit, and stones which are pushed and dragged over the rocks by flowing ice, necessarily discover for us the path of glacial movement. but all rocks subjected to glacial action are not necessarily smoothed and polished. sometimes, owing to structural peculiarities, and for various other reasons, rocks cannot resist the pressure of the ice, but are crushed and broken, and the resulting fragments are rolled and dragged forward in the direction of ice-flow. in this manner the path of a glacier becomes strewed with débris which has from time to time been forced from its rocky bed. there is really no mystery, therefore in tracking the spoor of extinct glaciers; for we have two sets of facts to aid us, either of which might suffice to indicate the extent and direction of glaciation. consider, however, for a moment, what one observes in connection with rock-striation. we have, in the first place, the rounding and smoothing, and the parallel ruts and striæ. not only so, but we frequently find that one side of prominent projecting knolls and hills is more highly worn and abraded than the other. often, indeed, one side may show no trace whatsoever of abrasion. here, again, we have clear evidence of the direction of ice-flow. who can doubt that the worn and abraded rocks look towards the point whence the ice came, and that the non-glaciated rocks in the rear have been sheltered by the rocks in front? it is for this reason that in the mountainous regions of northern europe the striated and smoothed rock-surfaces invariably look up the valleys, while the broken and unworn rock-ledges face in the opposite direction. once more, note the manner in which the sub-glacial rock-rubbish, consisting of clay, sand, grit, stones, and boulders, has been amassed. in places where the ice must have moved more or less rapidly, as on considerable slopes, no accumulation took place, while in the rear of projecting crags and knobs of rock, sub-glacial materials often gathered deeply. again, over low-lying tracts, where the motion of the ice would necessarily be retarded, clay, sand, and stones tended to collect. and this particularly appears to have been the case in those regions where the slow-creeping and gradually thinning ice-sheet approached its terminal line. hence it is that we encounter such thick and wide-spread sheets of sub-glacial detritus upon the undulating low-grounds and plains of southern sweden, denmark, schleswig-holstein, holland, northern germany, poland, and russia. the sub-glacial débris to which i specially refer is known as _till_ or _boulder-clay_ in this country, as _krosstenslera_ in sweden, as _geschiebelehm_ or _geschiebemergel_ in germany, and as _grundmoräne_ or _moraine profonde_ in switzerland. its general characters are too well known to require more than the briefest summary. in general this peculiar accumulation is an unstratified clay, containing, scattered higgledy-piggledy through it, stones and boulders of all shapes and sizes. many of these rock-fragments are smoothed and striated, and even the smallest particles, when viewed under the microscope, often show delicate scratches. frequently, too, the clay is excessively hard and tough, and in many places it shows a kind of pseudo-lamination, which is generally more or less crumpled, and often highly involved. these appearances prove that the clay has not only been subjected to intense pressure, but has actually been rolled over upon itself. i need only refer to the plentiful occurrence of "slickensides" in such clays--the joints by which the clay is often traversed showing such polishing clearly on their faces. these, and many other facts which time forbids me to mention, have received an explanation which has now been generally adopted by european glacialists. the boulder-clay or till is considered by them to represent the groundor bottom-moraine of glacier-ice. there used to be a notion prevalent amongst geologists in our country that this clay was almost peculiar to these islands. it occurs, however, in most countries of europe. vast regions in the north are more or less continuously covered by it, and we meet with it abundantly also upon the low-grounds of switzerland, from which it may be followed far down the great valley of the rhone into the sunny plains of france. the lower valleys of the pyrenees and other spanish ranges show it well, and it is conspicuous likewise in northern italy, especially over the low tracts at the mouths of the great lake-valleys. in all those places one can see boulder-clay of as pronounced a character as any to be met with in scotland. danish, dutch, german, and russian geologists have of late years devoted much attention to the study of this clay, which is so remarkably developed in their respective countries. it has been long well known that a large proportion of the stones and boulders contained in the till are of northern derivation, but it is only of recent years that we have ascertained the particular routes by which those wanderers or erratics have travelled. the rock-fragments in question have been tracked back, as it were, to their parent masses, and thus, partly in this way, and partly by the evidence of ice-worn surfaces, we have been enabled to follow the spoor of the great northern ice-sheet in a most satisfactory manner. let one or two examples suffice. boulders derived from lapland and finland occur in the till at st. petersburg, and have been traced south-east to moscow. again, fragments carried from gottland, in the baltic, are met with in the boulder-clay of east prussia, and have been followed south to beyond berlin. in like manner boulders of well-known scanian rocks appear in the boulder-clay of leipzig. so also swedish and norwegian rock-fragments are seen in the boulder-clay of denmark, hanover, and holland. very wide areas in northern germany are covered with an almost continuous sheet of glacial detritus, so that it is only occasionally that the underlying rocks crop out at the surface. striated rock-surfaces are therefore by no means so commonly exposed as in regions like the lowlands of scotland. they are not wanting, however, and their evidence is very striking. thus, in the neighbourhood of leipzig and dresden, we find glacial striæ impressed upon certain highly-abraded and ice-worn hillocks of porphyry, the striæ being the work of ice which flowed into saxony from the north. similar striæ;, having a general southerly trend, occur at rüdersdorf, near berlin, at gommern, near magdeburg, at velpke in brunswick, at osnabrück in hanover, and at other places. again, we encounter remarkable evidence of the powerful pressure exerted by the ice in the displacement and removal of huge blocks of strata. in saxony, for example, the tertiary strata are turned up, pushed out of place, and involved in boulder-clay to such an extent that the brown coals have often been mined for in this strange position. witness also the extensive displacements and dislocations of the cretaceous formation in the danish islands of the baltic. so great are the contortions and displacements of the chalk in moen, that these disturbances were formerly attributed to subterranean action. along the north-east coast of that island, cliffs 400 feet in height exhibit the cretaceous beds thrown upon end, twisted, bent, and even inverted, boulder-clay being squeezed into and between the disjointed and ruptured rock-masses. from a study of these and similar phenomena, it has been demonstrated that during the climax of the ice age a very large part of northern europe was buried under a thick covering of glacier-ice. and it has been conclusively shown that this ice-sheet streamed outwards in all directions from the high-grounds of scandinavia, for which reason it is often spoken of as the scandinavian ice-sheet. but as it was fed, not from the snow-fields of scandinavia alone, but from the precipitation of snow over its whole surface, it is better, i think, to speak of it as the northern ice-sheet. in the extreme north of scandinavia the ice flowed northward into the arctic ocean, while south of the dominant watershed of lapland and sweden its course in those high latitudes was east and south-east. it filled up the depressions of the white sea, the gulf of bothnia, and the baltic, extending east to the valley of the petchora and the base of the ural mountains, and south-east to kazan, some 200 miles east of nijnii-novgorod. from this point its terminal front trended a little west of south, until it reached the fiftieth parallel of latitude. undulating a few miles south and north of this parallel, it swept directly west through russia into galicia, till it touched the foot-hills of the carpathian range. after this we follow it along the northern base of the riesen gebirge, the erz gebirge, and the harz, and thence westward through hanover, and into the low countries, as far south at least as the mouth of the rhine. throughout the vast regions lying west and north of this terminal line, the track followed by the ice has been well ascertained. it was east and south-east in russia, southerly in east prussia, south-westerly in denmark, hanover, and holland. the action of a mass of glacier-ice, reaching a thickness of several thousand feet, must necessarily have resulted in extensive erosion of the rocks over which it passed. everywhere, therefore, throughout the vast area just indicated, we meet with evidence of severe erosion. but, as one should expect, such erosion is most marked in the hilly regions--in those areas where steep slopes induced more rapid motion of the ice, and where projecting crags and hills opposed the advance of the eroding agent. all such prominent obstructions were energetically assailed--abraded, rounded, worn, and smoothed, or crushed, shattered, dislocated, and displaced. the high-grounds of scandinavia and finland, formed for the most part of tough, crystalline rocks, or of more or less durable strata, show everywhere _roches moutonnées_--smoothed and rounded rocks--while innumerable rock-basins have been scooped out in front of prominent crags and hills. in denmark and other countries, where less durable rocks prevail, the strata have often been broken and disrupted, and pushed out of place. but as regions formed of such rocks are generally gently-undulating, and seldom show abrupt crags and hills, they oppose few obstructions to the advance of an ice-sheet. when the northern ice-sheet flowed into russia and germany, it crept over a low-lying and, for the most part, gently-undulating surface; and although here and there the form of the ground favoured glacial erosion and disruption, and extensive displacements of rock-masses took place, yet, upon the whole the low-lying regions referred to became areas of accumulation. the sub-glacial detritus--ground out or wrenched away from the rough scandinavian plateau and the uplands of finland--was dragged on underneath the ice, and spread over the great plains lying to the south-east and south, as the gradually attenuated ice-sheet crawled to its terminal line. my friend dr. amund helland, the well-known norwegian geologist, has made an estimate of the amount of rock-débris derived from scandinavia and finland which lies scattered over the low-grounds of northern europe. according to him, the area in denmark, holland, germany, and russia (exclusive of finland), over which northern detritus is scattered, contains about 2,100,000 square kilometres, and the average thickness of the deposits is about 150 feet, of which, however, only two-thirds, or 100 feet, are of northern origin, the remaining third consisting of local materials. taking, then, 100 feet as fairly representing the average thickness of the rock-rubbish derived from finland and scandinavia, the area of which is given as 800,000 square kilometres, there is enough of this material to raise the general surface of those lands by 255 feet. the same amount of material would suffice to fill up all the numerous lakes of finland and sweden sixteen or seventeen times over. or, if tumbled into the baltic, it would fill the basin of that sea one and a half times. in short, enough northern rock-débris lies upon the low-grounds of northern europe, which, were it restored to the countries from which it has been taken, would obliterate all the lake-hollows of finland and sweden, raise the level of those lands by 80 feet, and fill up the entire basin of the baltic, with all its bays. and yet this estimate leaves out of account all the material which the ice-sheet carried away from norway and the british islands. of the glaciation of our own land i need say very little. the configuration of our country necessarily made it a centre of dispersion during the ice age, and the ice which covered ireland, scotland, and the major portion of england radiated outwards from the dominant elevations of the land. but as the ice creeping outwards from those centres became confluent, the directions which it followed were often considerably modified, especially upon the low-grounds. we know that the british ice-sheet not only covered the land up to near the tops of our higher mountains, but filled up all our seas and extended into the atlantic beyond the coasts of ireland and the outer hebrides--these latter islands having been glaciated from the east by the ice that flowed outwards from the mainland. another point upon which we are now well assured is the fact that the british and scandinavian ice-sheets coalesced, so that the basin of the north sea completely brimmed over with glacier-ice. finally, then, in contemplating the physical conditions that obtained in northern europe at the climax of the ice age, we have to picture to ourselves the almost total obliteration under a vast ice-sheet of all the land-features of the british islands, scandinavia, and finland, and the adjacent low-lying tracts of denmark, holland, germany, poland, and russia. if at that distant date a prehistoric man could have stood on the summit of snaehatten, he would have seen an apparently interminable plain of snow and ice, bounded only by the visible horizon. could he have followed the plain southwards in hopes of escaping from it, he would have descended its gently-sloping surface by imperceptible gradations for a distance of 700 miles, before he reached its termination at the foot of the mountains of middle germany. or, could he have set out upon an easterly course, he would have crossed the gulf of bothnia, buried several thousand feet beneath him, and touched the foot-slopes of the ural mountains before he gained the terminal front of the ice-cap, a distance of 1600 miles. on the other hand, had he walked south-west in the direction of ireland, he would have traversed the area of the north sea at a height of several thousand feet above its bed, and, crossing the british area, would only have reached the ice-front at a point some 50 miles beyond the coast of ireland. here he would have seen the ice-sheet presenting a steep face to the assaults of the atlantic, and breaking away in massive tabular bergs, like those which are calved by the ice-cap of the antarctic regions. i must now pass rapidly in review the facts relating to the glaciation of the mountainous regions which lay outside of the area covered by the northern ice-sheet. the glaciers of the alps of switzerland, about which so much has been written, and the study of which first gave venetz, charpentier, and agassiz the clue to the meaning of striated rocks, boulder-clay, and erratics, are, as is well known, the puny descendants of former gigantic ice-flows. at the culmination of the ice age all the mountain-valleys of switzerland and northern italy were choked with glaciers that streamed out upon the low-grounds. along the northern slopes of the alps, as in bavaria and würtemberg, these glaciers coalesced to form a considerable ice-sheet, and so likewise did the glaciers that descended from switzerland, savoy, and dauphiny, into the great valley of the rhone. even in north italy the same was the case with the glaciers that occupied the valleys in which now lie lakes orta, maggiore, varese, lugano, and como--the united ice-flows of those valleys forming a glacier which deployed upon the plains of the po, with a frontage of not less than 40 miles. to the north of the alps, the vosges mountains and the black forest, the harz, the erz gebirge, the riesen gebirge, and the böhmer-wald--all had their perennial ice and glaciers, although none of those elevated tracts now reaches the snow-line. it was the same with the carpathians and the urals, amongst which we meet with relics of much larger ice-streams than any that now exist in the alps. considerably further south were the glaciers of the despoto dagh of roumelia. great glaciers also in former times descended from the caucasus, and in many hilly regions of asia minor indubitable traces of similar large ice-flows have been detected. the high-grounds of central france, and the mountains of beaujolais and lyonnais supported considerable glaciers, while from the pyrenees numerous glaciers of the first class flowed out upon the low-grounds of france, and considerable ice-streams occupied the mountain-valleys on the spanish side. other peninsular chains--the serra da estrella, the sierra guadarama, and the sierra nevada--had likewise their snow-fields and ice-streams. the same was the case with the apennines and the apuan alps of italy, the traces of former glacial action being conspicuous over a considerable part of tuscany. even in corsica we encounter the same evidence of glaciation--striated rock-surfaces and moraines--which point to the former descent of considerable glaciers from monte rotondo. but rock-striæ and moraines are not the only proofs of former cold and humid conditions having prevailed over middle and southern europe at the climax of the glacial period. the limestone-breccias of gibraltar have been described by professor ramsay and myself, and we have shown that these could only have been formed under the influence of excessive frost and melting snows. the limestone of the rock has been broken up along the ridge, and its fragments showered down the slopes, at a time when these were more or less thickly covered with snow. resting upon and imbedded in this snow, the rock-rubbish would be carried downward and outward during the gradual melting that took place in summer. and in this way immense accumulations of débris were borne forwards over the low-grounds that extended from the base of the rock into regions which are now partially submerged. breccias which have probably had a similar origin occur also in corsica, malta, and cyprus, and doubtless they will yet be recognised in many other places. again, over wide areas in northern france and the south of england, we meet with extensive sheets of earthy clay and rock-rubbish, which have certainly been heaped up under very different conditions of climate than obtain now. this stony earth has evidently travelled down the gentle slopes of the land, under the influence of frost and melting snow, in much the same way as ice-driven rock-rubbish and soil move slowly down the slopes of such dreary regions as patagonia and certain low-lying tracts within the arctic circle. ii. _changes of climate in europe during the ice age._ we come next to the very interesting question of alternations of climate during the ice age. the evidence under this head has accumulated to such an extent within recent years as to convince most students of pleistocene geology that very extensive changes of climate characterised the glacial period. how many such changes took place we are not yet in a position to say, but we know that the intensely arctic condition of things which has just been described was interrupted more than once by what have been termed "interglacial epochs," during which a mild and genial climate prevailed over middle and northern europe. for some time it was believed that such "interglacial epochs" had only a local significance, that they bespoke mere transitory retreats of the ice-fields, such as are known to have taken place within historical times in the glacier-valleys of the alps. but increased observation and reflection have shown that this explanation of the phenomena of "interglacial beds" will not suffice. it is impossible to enter here upon details, but i may briefly state that the evidence in question is two-fold. _first_, we have the stratigraphical evidence. we have ascertained the existence, over wide areas in this and other glaciated countries, of several successive sheets of boulder-clay, which are often separated from each other by fossiliferous aqueous strata. it has been demonstrated that each of these sheets of sub-glacial detritus is the accumulation of a separate and distinct ice-flow. _second_, we have the evidence of fossil organic remains. we find, for example, that the flora which covered the low-grounds of middle and temperate europe during a certain stage of the glacial or pleistocene period, consisted of plants which are now restricted to the tops of our mountains and to northern scandinavia. the characteristic fauna associated with that flora embraced the reindeer, glutton, mammoth, woolly rhinoceros, arctic fox lemming, chamois, and so forth. we know, indeed, that man hunted the reindeer and the mammoth in the south of france. similar testimony to the coldness and humidity of the climate is borne by the landand freshwater shells which occur in certain pleistocene deposits in italy, corsica, southern france, switzerland, germany, etc. that this flora and fauna were contemporaneous with the great glaciation of our continent has been as well ascertained as the fact of the roman occupation of britain. but if the evidence of organic remains strongly confirms and supports that supplied by the distribution of glacial deposits in europe, no less forcibly does it corroborate the physical evidence as to the former existence of a warm and genial interglacial climate. during interglacial times a most abundant mammalian fauna roamed over all temperate europe--a fauna comprising such animals as irish deer, urus, bison, horse, stag, saiga, brown bear, grisly bear, several species of elephant, rhinoceros, and hippopotamus, hyæna, lion, leopard, etc. a like tale of genial conditions is told by the landand freshwater shells, which occur in some of the pleistocene deposits of england, france, belgium, germany, switzerland, and italy. the testimony of the associated flora is just as striking. how genial and equable must have been the climate which permitted plants like the canary laurel, the judas-tree, the fig-tree, and others to flourish side by side in the north of france, with such forms as the hazel, willow, ash, and sycamore! the most noteworthy additions to our knowledge of interglacial conditions which have recently been made are the results obtained by m. gaudry in the valley of the seine, and by dr. penck in bavarian tyrol, the latter of whom has shown that there have been at least three great advances of the alpine glaciers, separated by long-continued mild conditions, during which the glaciers receded far into the mountains. it is interesting to observe that we have, especially in our own islands, good evidence to show that during the glacial period considerable oscillations of the relative level of land and sea took place. thus, it has been ascertained, that just before the latest epoch of extensive glaciation, the british islands were largely submerged in the sea. to what depth this remarkable submergence was carried we do not know, because any marine deposits which may have been accumulated at that time over the drowned country were for the most part obliterated by the action of the ice-sheet which subsequently covered and reglaciated our lands.[l] but the few fragments of such marine deposits as have been preserved show us that the depression reached more than 500 feet in scotland (_i.e._, measured from the present sea-level), and exceeding 1000 feet in wales and ireland. we note, then, in passing, that the only great pleistocene submergence of these lands of which geologists have any knowledge took place before the appearance of the last general ice-sheet that overflowed our low-grounds. the submergences of a later date were of inconsiderable importance, hardly exceeding 100 feet or thereabouts below the present sea-level. the latest occupant of our islands and of northern europe was not the sea, but ice. the "palæocrystic sea," which we have been recently assured would account for our glacial phenomena, is of "the stuff that dreams are made of." there is not a jot or tittle of evidence for the former existence of such a sea over any part of britain or the continent of europe. [l] i no longer believe in this "great submergence." the marine shells in the high-level drift-deposits of our islands are "erratics," carried by the ice-sheet which occupied the basin of the irish sea. that the low-grounds were submerged but the amount of the submergence has not been ascertained; probably it did not exceed a few hundred feet. it is not necessary for my present purpose to enter further into the evidence of interglacial conditions. the latest northern ice-sheet was preceded by a long epoch of mild and genial conditions, during which elephants and hippopotami ranged north as far at least as yorkshire; while middle germany, as we know from the testimony of its interglacial deposits, enjoyed a similar delightful climate. and yet the immediately preceding glacial epoch had seen all those fertile regions covered with an ice-sheet that extended south as far as the fiftieth parallel of latitude. now the question with which i am at present concerned is the extent of the latest general glaciation. did the last great ice-sheet reach as far south as its predecessor? it certainly did not. its bottom-moraine has now been mapped out and distinguished from that of the older ice-sheet, and we know that it does not extend so far south as the latter. it is entirely absent over all the region to the west of the river elbe, from near dresden to hamburg and the coast of holland.[m] so that western germany and holland, which were covered by ice during the epoch of greatest glaciation, were not invaded by the ice-sheet underneath which the upper boulder-clay was accumulated. this latest ice-sheet, however, overwhelmed all mecklenburg and mark brandenburg, and streamed south nearly as far as saxony; its southern margin extended east through silesia, by liegnitz and breslau, into poland and russia. but the precise line it followed in the latter country has yet to be ascertained. we may surmise, however, that it nowhere reached so far south or east as the ice-flow of the earlier epoch. i may add that the southern termination of the latest ice-sheet is in many places marked out by heaps, mounds, and ridges of earthy sand, gravel, rolled stones, and erratics; in short, by terminal moraines. these, however, are frequently highly degraded and washed down. [m] klockmann, _jahrb. der k. preuss. geol. landesanstalt für 1883_, p. 330. of the extension of glacier-ice in the british islands at the epoch in question i shall only say that the glaciation of scotland was hardly, if at all, less extensive than during the climax of the ice age. ireland, too, appears to have been almost as thickly mantled; but the ice-sheet that covered england and wales did not extend so far south as that of the penultimate glacial epoch, a considerable area in east anglia and the midland counties remaining apparently free from invasion. the scandinavian and british ice-sheets, however, again coalesced upon the floor of the north sea. iii. _the results of fluvio-glacial action in europe._ the third question which i now proceed to consider is the result produced by the rivers and torrents of the ice age. this, i am aware, is a wide subject, and one upon which much has been written. but there are a few points which may be advantageously discussed for the purpose of bringing into prominent view the conditions which obtained in the river-valleys of europe during the last great extension of glacier-ice. a little consideration will serve to convince one that the intense glacial conditions that obtained in our continent during the cold epochs of the glacial period were due to a low temperature, combined with excessive snow-fall. the winters, we can have no doubt, must have been prolonged and severe. but mere low temperature will not account for the enormous precipitation of snow. for this, great evaporation was required. and we are therefore forced to admit that the direct heat of the sun in summer must have been greater than it is in the same regions at the present day. now, if this were really the case (and i do not see how otherwise the facts can be explained), then we ought to meet with evidence of swollen rivers, torrents, and widespread inundations everywhere outside of the glaciated areas. and this is precisely what we do find. immense accumulations of coarse gravels are widely spread over all the valleys that head in regions which were formerly the sites of snow-fields and glaciers. these gravels are of such a character and are so distributed as to make it certain that they could not have been transported to and deposited in their present positions by rivers like those which now wind their way down the valleys of middle europe. still more remarkable are the enormous sheets of loam which are spread over much wider areas and reach to more considerable heights than the gravels. the origin of the gravels is sufficiently evident; they are simply the coarser detritus, swept along by the enormously flooded rivers of the glacial period, and meet with their analogues in the torrential gravels of modern glacier-valleys in the alps and other elevated regions. the more widely-spread loams, according to the opinion of most glacialists, represent the finer mud and silt deposited from the muddy waters of the same period. but the height to which such gravels and loams ascend is so great that those who hold them to be of fluvio-glacial origin have found it difficult to maintain this view. some writers, indeed, who have not sufficiently considered the weight of the evidence in its favour, have set it aside, and boldly suggested all kinds of wonderful hypotheses in its place. one imaginative author, for example, believes the wide-spread loams to be of volcanic origin, while another finds in the same deposits strong evidence of the deluge. by a well-known and experienced observer, the famous löss of middle europe is considered to be an æolian accumulation--that is to say, a wind-blown deposit--the result of long-continued or frequently-repeated dust-storms. this is the opinion of baron richthofen, whose great work on china is so justly esteemed. he infers that at the time of the formation of our löss central europe was a dry desiccated region, just as wide areas in central asia are in our own day. he does not attempt to show us, however, how such climatic conditions could ever obtain in europe. in point of fact, the geographical conditions of our continent have not changed materially since pleistocene times, and the presence of the wide atlantic ocean, that laves all our western shores, is of itself sufficient to preclude the possibility of such a climate having obtained in middle europe. richthofen's theory likewise fails to account for the geographical distribution of the löss, and for many facts relating to its geology. only one of these last shall i mention. the löss is intimately associated with accumulations, the glacial and fluvio-glacial origin of which cannot be doubted. it belongs, in fact, to the glacial series, and was laid down at a time when vast snow-fields and ice-sheets existed, and when it is quite impossible that a dry climate could have characterised any part of our continent. in common with most geologists, i believe that the löss is simply an inundation-mud, deposited in temporary lakes and over flooded areas during the summer meltings of the snowand ice-fields; and i shall now try to show how the occurrence at high levels of gravels and such loams as the löss may be accounted for without having recourse to volcanic action or to winds, or even to the deluge. i shall invoke no agencies other than those which we are perfectly well assured were in full operation during the ice age. now, i ask you, in the first place, to bear in mind that while a glacial epoch continued, extreme conditions could not have been restricted to the areas undergoing glaciation. there is abundant evidence, indeed, to show that heavy, snows occasionally covered other regions, and that in such places severe frosts acted upon the rocks and soils even of the low-grounds. need we wonder if at a time when the northern ice-sheet approached the fiftieth parallel of latitude in middle europe, when almost every mountain-group of central and southern europe had its snow-fields and glaciers--need we wonder if at such a time the climate of wide areas outside of the glaciated tracts was extremely ungenial? the more closely the superficial accumulations of such areas are studied, the more clearly do we perceive in them the evidence of cold and humid conditions. try, then, to picture to yourselves the probable aspect of those regions during a glacial epoch. immediately south of the northern ice-sheet deep snows must have buried large tracts of country, and such snows may have endured often for long years, notwithstanding the great melting that took place in summer. even much further south, as in spain and italy, deep snows would cover the lesser hills and hill-ranges, while frost would act energetically in many a district where such action is now either inconsiderable or unknown. such being the general conditions that must have obtained in the non-glaciated areas, let us very briefly consider what the results of such conditions must necessarily have been. every one has noticed, during the more or less rapid melting of snow in winter and early spring, that our streams and rivers are then much muddier than when in summer and autumn they are swollen by heavy rains. this of course is due to the action of frost, by means of which rocks are disintegrated and soils are broken up and pulverised, so that when thaw supervenes, the superficial covering becomes soaked with moisture like a sponge. to such an extent does this take place, that one may often see the saturated soil creeping, slipping, and even flowing down the slopes. the effect of mere thaw is of course much intensified when the water derived from melting snows is present. rills and tiny brooks then become converted into dark muddy torrents, and enormous quantities of fine-grained detritus are eventually swept into the rivers. the rivers rise in flood and inundate their plains, over the surface of which considerable deposits of loam and silt often accumulate. we cannot doubt that similar but much more intense action must have taken place over very wide regions in europe during a glacial epoch. such having necessarily been the case, we are not required to suppose that the löss and similar loams have been deposited entirely by rivers flowing from glaciers. it is doubtless true that most of the rivers headed in those days in glacier regions, and must in consequence have been highly discoloured with glacial mud, and probably a very large proportion of the loams in question consists of the fine flour of rocks--the result of glacial grinding. but the action of frost and thaw and melting snow upon the low-grounds, such as i have described, cannot be ignored, and seems to have played a more important _rôle_ than has yet been recognised. i think it helps us better to explain the well-known fact that land-shells are more or less commonly distributed through the löss. one can readily understand, at all events, how snail-shells might be swept down the slopes of the land at the time of the spring thaws, and how large numbers might find their way eventually into the swollen glacial rivers. i have often observed, during the melting of snow and the thawing of soils, quantities of snail-shells in the very act of being swept into our brooks and rills. and we are all familiar with the fact that, after a spring-flood has subsided, snail-shells, along with vegetable débris, are often plentifully stranded upon the valley-slopes and flood-plains of our rivers. admitting, then, that the löss and similar accumulations are simply inundation-loams formed at a time when glaciers were discharging immense volumes of muddy water, and when the low-grounds were liable every summer to the denuding action of melting snows, and so forth, i have yet to account for the fact that these supposed inundation-loams sometimes occur at a height of 100 feet, or even of 300 feet, above the present levels of the rivers. two theories have been advanced in explanation, each of which seems to me to contain an element of truth. it has, in the first place, been maintained, as by prestwich, that the löss at the higher levels was probably deposited long before the rivers had excavated their channels to their present depths. thus, during flood, they would be enabled to overflow tracts which they could not possibly have reached when they had deepened their valleys to a much greater degree. but while we must fully admit that the erosion effected by the rivers of the pleistocene or glacial period was excessive, yet we find it difficult or impossible to believe that great valleys, several miles in width, and two or three hundred feet in depth, were excavated in hard devonian and other equally durable rocks by the swollen and active rivers of the ice age. and although it is extremely probable that the löss at the highest levels is older than the similar deposit at the lowest levels of such a valley as the rhine, yet this does not get us out of our difficulty. the other view to which i have alluded takes little or no account of river-erosion, but maintains that the floods of the ice age were sufficiently great to reach the highest levels at which river-gravels and loams occur. it is likely enough that, under present conditions, we can form but a very inadequate idea of the vast bodies of freshwater which formerly swept down our valleys, but we may be pardoned if we express our inability to conceive of our european rivers flowing with a breadth of many miles, and a depth of two or three hundred feet. a few years before his death, mr. darwin made a suggestion to me, which i think gives us the true solution of the problem. he thought that during an ice age great beds of frozen snow might have accumulated over the low-grounds outside of the glaciated areas (in the manner i have already described), and that many valleys might have been filled to a considerable depth during a large part of the year with blown snow, afterwards congealed. in autumn, when the running water failed, the lines of drainage might in many cases be more or less choked, and it would be a mere chance whether the drainage, together with gravel, sand, and mud, would follow precisely the same lines during the next summer. such action being repeated year after year, it might well happen that many river-valleys might become largely filled with rudely alternating layers of frozen snow and fluviatile detritus. and if this were so, the flooded rivers in summer would be enabled to overflow much wider and more elevated tracts than they could otherwise have reached. as the climate became less excessive, we can conceive of the frozen snows gradually melting, and of river-detritus being deposited at lower and lower levels in the valleys. the probability of such frozen masses having choked up valleys and impeded the drainage during the ice age is not a mere plausible conjecture. in the far north of alaska--in a region which was certainly not overflowed by the north american ice-cap--extensive sheets of ice occur, more or less deeply buried under thick soil. nor can there be much doubt that these ice-masses date back to the glacial period itself, seeing that in the soils which overlie them we meet with remains of the mammoth and other contemporaneous mammalian forms. here, then, we have direct proof of the fact of frozen snow and ice having accumulated in the hollows of the land outside of the glaciated areas.[n] [n] i have given mr. darwin's views, and discussed the origin of the pleistocene fluvio-glacial deposits at some length in _prehistoric europe_, chaps, viii. and ix. to this work i refer for detailed geological evidence in support of the view advocated above. now, if such conditions existed in the valleys of middle europe, the widespread loss of those regions is readily accounted for. the occurrence of irregular sheets and shreds of gravel and loam at heights of more than a hundred feet above a valley-bottom offers no difficulty--it is in fact precisely the kind of phenomenon we might have expected. we are therefore not required to go out of our way to dream about impossible volcanic action, or to call upon the winds of heaven to help us, or upon the waters of the deluge to float us out of our difficulties. but while i believe the views i have now advocated sufficiently account for the appearances presented by the ancient valley-gravels and loams of central europe, there are two very considerable areas of löss which require some further explanation. the first of these is that broad belt of löss which extends from west to east across the plains of northern germany, and the northern boundary of which coincides with the limits reached by the last great ice-sheet, from which it spreads south to the foot-hills of the harz, and other mountains of middle europe. here we have a sheet of löss which bears no apparent relation to the valley-systems of the region in which it occurs. but the fact of its northern boundary being coincident with the terminal front of the last great northern ice-sheet at once suggests its origin. it is evident that this ice-sheet must have blocked the rivers flowing north, and dammed back their waters.[o] a wide sheet of muddy water must therefore have extended east and west over the very area which is now covered by the belt of löss in question. this temporary lake would doubtless be subject to great alternations of level--a portion draining away perhaps under the ice-sheet--but the water would for the most part make its way westward, and eventually escape into the english channel. from the waters of this great lake, fed by many large glacial rivers, abundant precipitation of loam and silt must have taken place. [o] the late mr. belt, as is well known, was of opinion that all the rivers flowing north in europe and asia were dammed back by a great polar glacier, and that all the low-tracts in the northern portions of the two continents were thus covered by wide inland seas of freshwater. as i do not believe that such a polar ice-cap existed during the glacial period, i cannot agree with mr. belt that the alluvial plains of northern siberia mark the sites of ice-dammed lakes. the second and by far the most extensive sheet of löss in europe is the so-called "black earth," or "tchernozem," with which such enormous tracts in southern russia are covered. this widespread löss--for such it really is--i have elsewhere tried to show consists of the flood-loam and inundation-muds laid down by the water escaping along the margin of the northern ice-sheet, which discharged its drainage in the direction of the black sea, its black colour being due to the grinding down and pulverising of the black jurassic shales which extend over such wide regions in middle russia. iv. _the extent of glaciation in north america._ the various phenomena of glaciation which go to prove that a great ice-sheet formerly covered a wide region in northern europe are developed on a still more extensive scale in north america. smoothed and striated rock-surfaces, crushed and dislocated rock-masses, and enormous accumulations of morainic débris and fluvio-glacial detritus, all combine to tell the same tale. the morainic accumulations of north america have been distributed upon the same principles as the similar deposits of our own continent. boulder-clay of precisely the same character as that of scotland and scandinavia, of switzerland and north italy, covers vast tracts in the low-grounds of the british possessions and the northern states of the union, where it forms enormous sheets, varying in thickness from 30 or 50 up to 100 feet or more. in the rough laurentian high-lands, however, it is more sparingly developed, and the same is the case in the hilly regions of new england. in short, it thickens out upon the low-grounds, and thins off upon the steeper slopes, while it attains its greatest thickness and forms the most continuous sheets in the country that lies south of the great lakes. the southern limits of this deposit form a kind of rude semi-circle. from new york the boundary-line has been followed north-west through new jersey and pennsylvania to beyond the forty-second parallel, after which it turns to the south-west, passing down through ohio to cincinnati (39°); then, striking west and south-west through indiana, it traverses the southern portion of illinois. its course after it reaches the valley of the missouri has been only approximately determined, but it turns at last rather abruptly to the north-west, sweeping away in that direction through kansas, nebraska, dakota, and montana. the general course followed by the ice-sheet underneath which this boulder-clay was formed has been well ascertained, partly by the evidence of the clay and its contents, and partly by that of _roches moutonnées_ and striated rocks. the observations of geologists in canada and the states leave it in no doubt that an enormous sheet of ice flowed south over all the tracts which are now covered with boulder-clay. during a recent visit to canada and the states, i had opportunities of examining the glacial deposits at various points over a somewhat extensive area, and everywhere i found the exact counterparts of our own accumulations. in minnesota, wisconsin, iowa, illinois, indiana, and ohio, and again in new york, connecticut, and massachusetts, and the low-grounds of canada, i recognised boulder-clay of precisely the same character as that with which we are familiar at home. the glacial phenomena of the hudson valley and of the lower part of the connecticut river were especially interesting. in those regions the evidence of a southward flow of the ice is most conspicuous, and the phenomena, down to the smallest details, exactly recalled those of many parts of europe. professor dana, under whose guidance i visited the connecticut valley, showed me, at a considerable height upon the valley-slope, an ancient water-course, charged with gravel and shingle, which could not possibly have been laid down under present conditions. it was, in fact, a sub-glacial water-course, and resembled the similar water-courses which are associated with boulder-clay in our own country. if i met with only familiar glacial phenomena in the low-lying tracts traversed by me, i certainly saw nothing strange or abnormal in the hillier tracts. in passing over the dreary regions between the valley of the red river and lake superior i was constantly reminded of the bleak tracts of archæan gneiss in the north-west of scotland, and of the similar rough broken uplands in many parts of scandinavia and finland. the whole of that wild land is _moutonnée_. rough tors and crags are smoothed off, while boulder-clay nestles on the lee-side. in the hollows between the _roches moutonnées_ are straggling lakes and pools and bogs innumerable. frequently, too, one comes upon rounded cones and smooth banks of morainic gravel and sand, and heaps of coarse shingle and boulders, while erratics in thousands are scattered over the whole district. if you wish to have a fair notion of the geological aspect of the region i refer to, you will find samples of it in many parts of the outer hebrides and western ross-shire and sutherland. cover those latter districts with scraggy pines, and their resemblance to the uplands of canada will be complete. from descriptions given by travellers it would appear that morainic detritus--mounds and sheets of stony clay, gravel and sand, shingle, boulders, and erratics--are more or less plentifully sprinkled over all the british possessions and the islands of the arctic archipelago; so that we have every reason to believe that the ice-sheet which left its moraines at new york and cincinnati extended northwards to the arctic ocean. nor can there be much doubt that this same _mer de glace_ became confluent in the west with the great glaciers that streamed outwards from the rocky mountains; while we know for a certainty that the southern portion of alaska, together with british columbia and vancouver island, were buried in ice that flowed outwards into the pacific. along the eastern sea-board north of new york city there is no tract which has not been overflowed by ice. the islands in boston harbour are made up for the most part of tough boulder-clay; and boulder-clay and striated rocks occur also in maine, new brunswick, nova scotia, and newfoundland. thus we may say that the ice-covered region of north america was bounded on the north by the arctic, on the west by the pacific, and on the east by the atlantic oceans. the rocky mountains, however, divided the great _mer de glace_ that overflowed canada and the states from the ice that streamed outwards to the pacific. measured from the base of the rockies to the atlantic, the _mer de glace_ of canada and the states must have exceeded 2500 miles in width, and it stretched from north to south over 40 degrees of latitude. outside of this vast region and the great mountain-ranges of the far west, there are few hilly areas in the states which reach any considerable elevation. south of the _mers de glace_ of the north and west, no such mountain-groups as those of middle and southern europe occur, and consequently we do not expect to meet with many traces of local glaciation. nevertheless, these have been recognised in the alleghany mountains, west virginia, and in the unaka mountains, between tennessee and north carolina. but the glaciers of those minor hill-ranges were of course mere pigmies in comparison with the enormous ice-streams that flowed down the valleys of the rocky mountains and the sierra nevada. even as far south as the sierra madre of mexico glaciers seem formerly to have existed; and mr. belt has described the occurrence of what he considered to be boulder-clays at a height of 2000 to 3000 feet in nicaragua. i have mentioned the fact that in europe we have, outside of the glaciated areas, certain accumulations (such as the gibraltar breccias) which could only have been formed under the influence of extreme cold. similar accumulations occur in north carolina, where they have been carefully studied by mr. w. c. kerr. according to mr. kerr, these deposits have crept down the declivities of the ground under the influence of successive freezings and thawings; and now that attention has been called to such phenomena, our american friends will doubtless detect similar appearances in many other places. the facts which i have now briefly indicated suffice to show that during the climax of glaciation north america must have presented very much the same appearance as europe. each continent had its great northern ice-sheet, south of which local glaciers existed in hilly districts, many of which are now far below the limits of perennial snow. we may note, also, that in each continent the _mers de glace_ attained their greatest development over those regions which at the present day have the largest rainfall. following the southern limits of glaciation in europe, we are led at first directly east, until we reach central russia, when the line we follow trends rapidly away to the north-east. the like is the case with north america. trace the southern boundary of the ice-sheet west of new york, and you find, when you reach the valley of the missouri, that it bends away to the north-west. now we can hardly doubt that one principal reason for the non-appearance of the _mer de glace_ in the far east of europe and the far west of america was simply a diminishing snow-fall. those non-glaciated regions which lay north of the latitudes reached by the ice-sheets were dry regions in glacial times for the same reasons that they are dry still. the only differences between glacial europe and america were differences due to geographical position and physical features. the glaciation of the urals was comparatively unimportant, because those mountains, being flanked on either side by vast land-areas, could have had only a limited snow-fall; while the mountain-ranges of western north america, on the other hand, being situated near the pacific, could not fail to be copiously supplied. for obvious reasons, also, the north american ice-sheet greatly exceeded that of europe. in all other respects the conditions were similar in both continents. v. _changes of climate in north america during the ice age._ american geologists are now pretty well agreed that their "interglacial deposits"--the existence of which is not disputed--have precisely the same meaning as the similar deposits which occur in europe. they tell of great climatic changes. at present, however, there is no certain evidence in the american deposits of more than one interglacial epoch; but the proofs of such an epoch having obtained are overwhelming. the occurrence again and again of fossiliferous beds intercalated between two separate and distinct sheets of boulder-clay and morainic accumulations, leaves us in no doubt that we are dealing with precisely the same phenomena which confront us in europe. no mere partial recession and re-advance of the _mer de glace_ will account for the facts. we have seen that during the culmination of the glacial period the american ice-sheet overflowed ohio, indiana, and illinois. now interglacial deposits occur as far north as the canadian shores of lakes ontario and superior, so that all the country to the south must have been uncovered by ice before those interglacial deposits were laid down. but the evidence entitles us to say much more than this. the interglacial beds of ohio, indiana, illinois, and other states, afford abundant evidence of a great forest-growth having covered the regions vacated by the ice of the penultimate glacial epoch. the trees of this forest-land included sycamore, beech, hickory, red-cedar, and others; and amongst the plants were grape vines of enormous growth, which, according to professor cox, "indicate perhaps the luxuriance of a warmer climate." at all events, the climate that nourished such a forest-growth could not have been less genial than the present. and such being the case, we may reasonably infer that the vast regions to the north of the lakes were no more inhospitable then than they are now. to this genial interglacial epoch succeeded the last glacial epoch, when a great ice-sheet once more enveloped a wide area. in the extreme east this latest _mer de glace_ appears to have reached as far south as that of the earlier epoch; but as we follow its terminal moraines westward they lead us further and further away from the southern limits attained by the preceding ice-sheet. these great terminal moraines form an interesting study, and the general results obtained by american observers have been very carefully put together by professor chamberlin. i traversed wide regions of those moraines in indiana, illinois, wisconsin, and minnesota, and, so far as my observations went, i could only confirm the conclusions arrived at by professor chamberlin and others. the mounds, banks, cones, and ridges are unquestionably moraines--of enormous dimensions, no doubt, but in all their phenomena strictly analogous to similar gravelly moraines in our own country and the continent. many of the american moraines consist almost entirely of water-worn material--sand, gravel, shingle, and boulders, together with large angular and sub-angular erratics. these deposits are generally stratified, and frequently show diagonal or false-bedding. in this and other respects they exactly reproduce--but of course on a much larger scale--our scottish kames, and the similar accumulations of north germany and finland, and the low-grounds of italy opposite the mouths of the great alpine lakes. the kames of wisconsin again and again reminded me of the gravelly moraines that cover the ground for many miles round the lower end of lake garda. it is this gravelly and sandy aspect of the american moraines that is most conspicuous, water-assorted materials seeming everywhere to form their upper and outer portions. now and again, however, a deep cutting discloses underneath and behind such water-worn detritus a mass of confused materials, consisting of clay, sand, gravel, shingle, and boulders, which are angular and sub-angular, often smoothed and striated, and of all shapes and sizes. according to mr. chamberlin, this unstratified material "is indistinguishable from true till, and is doubtless to be regarded as till pushed up into corrugations by the mechanical action of the ice." this grand series of moraines stretches from the peninsula of cape cod across the northern states, and passes in a north-westerly direction into the british possessions, over which it has been followed for some 400 miles. the disposition of the moraines, forming as they do a series of great loops, shows that the ice-sheet terminated in a number of lobes or gigantic tongue-like processes. nothing seen by me suggested any marine action; on the contrary, every appearance, as i have said, betokened the morainic origin of the mounds; and mr. chamberlin assured me that their peculiar distribution was everywhere suggestive of this origin. no one who has traversed the regions i refer to is at all likely to agree with sir w. dawson's view, that the american mounds, etc., are the shore-accumulations of an ice-laden sea. the morainic origin of these accumulations having been demonstrated by american geologists, we are now able to draw another parallel between the european and american glacial deposits. we have seen that in europe the ice-sheet of the latest glacial epoch was by no means so extensive as that of the preceding glacial epoch. the same was the case in north america. moreover, in america, just as in europe, the latest occupant of the land was not the sea, but glacier-ice. in scotland and scandinavia the gradual disappearance of the latest ice-sheets was marked by a partial submergence, which in the former country did not greatly exceed 100 feet, and in the latter 700 feet. in america, in like manner, we find traces of a similar partial submergence. in connecticut this did not exceed 40 or 50 feet, but increased to some 500 feet in the st. lawrence, and to over 1000 feet in the arctic regions. if there ever was during the glacial period a greater submergence than this in north america it must have taken place in earlier glacial or interglacial times, but of such a submergence no trace has yet been recognised. in this respect the american record differs somewhat from our own, for in britain we have evidence of a submergence of over 1000 feet, which supervened in times immediately preceding the latest great extension of continental ice.[p] but nowhere in middle europe, and nowhere in north america, in the region south and west of the great lakes, is there any trace of a general marine submergence. the "palæocrystic sea" is as idle a dream for the northern states of america as it is for any part of europe. [p] see footnote, p. 173. vi. _the results of fluvio-glacial action in north america._ the close analogies which obtain between the glacial and interglacial deposits of europe and north america are equally characteristic of the fluvio-glacial accumulations of the two continents. as in europe, so in america we meet with considerable sheets of gravel and shingle, sand, fine clay, and loam, which are evidently of freshwater origin. in the gently-undulating tracts of the northern states those deposits often spread continuously over wide regions; in the hillier districts, however, they are most characteristic of the valleys. they are very well represented, for example, in the connecticut valley, where they have been carefully studied by professor dana. like the similar deposits of our own continent, they have been laid down by the torrents and swollen rivers of the glacial period. the great range of moraines which marks the extreme limits reached by the latest ice-sheet is generally associated with sheets of gravel and sand, which one can see at a glance are of contemporaneous origin, having been spread out by the water escaping from the melting ice. nor can one doubt that the vast sheets of löss in the missouri and mississippi valleys are strictly analogous in origin, as they are in structure and disposition, to the löss of europe. i have spoken of the probable existence of a glacial lake formed by the damming back of the rhine and other rivers by the european ice-sheet. now, in north america we meet with evidence of the same phenomenon. when the last ice-sheet of that continent attained its maximum development, all the water escaping from its margin in the north states necessarily flowed south into the mississippi and missouri rivers. but in course of time the ice melted away beyond the drainage-area of those rivers, and disappeared from the valley of the red river of the north, which, it will be remembered, empties itself northward into lake winnipeg. when the ice-front had retired so far it naturally impeded the drainage of the red river basin, and thus formed a vast glacial lake, the limits of which have been approximately mapped out by mr. upham, by whom the ancient lake has been designated lake agassiz. the deposits laid down in this lake consist of finely laminated clays, etc., which resemble in every particular the similar unfossiliferous clays so frequently found associated with glacial accumulations in europe. had the drainage of the red river valley been south instead of north, the clays and loams of the far north-west would not have been arrested and spread out where they now are, and manitoba would have been covered for the most part with loose shingle, gravel, and sand. thus the final disappearance of the american ice-sheet was marked by the formation not only of moraines, but of flood-gravels and torrentialand inundation-deposits of the same character as those with which we are familiar at home. wherever similar geographical conditions prevailed, there similar geological results followed. vii. _conclusion._ there are many other points of resemblance between the glacial and fluvio-glacial accumulations of the two continents, but to these time forbids any reference. indeed, i cannot recall any signal difference. such differences as do occur are due simply to the varying conditions of the two continental areas. the glacial phenomena of north america are a repetition of those of europe, but upon a much grander scale. the boulder-clays of the former continent, in their composition, structure, and distribution, exactly recall our own. interglacial beds occur under similar circumstances in both continents; and the same is the case with the gravelly moraines and fluvio-glacial accumulations. we are driven, then, to the conclusion that the physical conditions of the glacial period were practically the same in europe and north america. what those conditions were i have already indicated, and have shown that the results arrived at by geologists are not vague dreams and speculations, but a logical induction from well-ascertained facts. before we can believe that volcanic eruptions, a general deluge, or a palæocrystic sea have produced the many varied phenomena of our glacial formations, either in whole or in part, we must first shut our eyes and then erase from our minds all knowledge of the facts which have been so laboriously gathered by a long succession of competent observers. [illustration: plate iii distribution of ice past and present. polar view of the world on lamberts equal area projection ] vii. the intercrossing of erratics in glacial deposits.[q] [q] _the scottish naturalist_, 1881. among the many phenomena connected with the glacial deposits of this country which have puzzled geologists there is none more remarkable than the "intercrossing of erratics." the fact that such wandered blocks have apparently crossed each other's tracks in their journeys appears at first sight inexplicable on the assumption that their transport has been effected by land-ice. the phenomena in question, therefore, have always been appealed to by those who uphold the iceberg origin of our boulder-clays, etc., as evidence decisively in favour of their views. no one can deny that any degree and amount of intercrossing might take place in the case of icebergs. we can readily conceive how floating ice, detached from a long line of coast, might be compelled by shifting winds and changing currents to tack about again and again, so as to pursue the most devious course, and scatter their stony burdens in the most erratic manner over the sea-bottom; while, on the other hand, it is quite impossible to understand how a similar irregular distribution of erratics could take place under one and the same glacier flowing in a determinate direction. it is little wonder, then, that the curious phenomena of the intercrossing of erratics should have had much importance attached to it by the upholders of the iceberg theory, seeing that all the other proofs which have been adduced in favour of this theory have only served to demonstrate its insufficiency. upon the facts connected with the intercrossing of erratics, the supporters of this time-honoured theory are now making what i must believe is their last stand. i purpose therefore, in this paper, to give a short outline of those facts, with the view of showing that so far from being antagonistic to the land-ice theory, they are in complete harmony with it; and indeed must be considered as affording an additional demonstration of its truth. some years ago i called attention to the fact that in the middle districts of scotland the boulder-clay not infrequently contains a curious commingling of northern and southern erratics.[r] i showed that this was the case throughout a belt of country extending from the sea-coast near ayr, north-east to the valley of the irvine, and thence across the watershed into the avon, and east to lesmahagow, then down the valley of the clyde to carluke, stretching away to the east by wilsontown, and thereafter continuing along the crest of the pentlands and the northern slopes of the lammermuir hills, by reston and ayton, to the sea. "all along this line," i remarked, "we have a 'debatable ground' of variable breadth, throughout which we find a commingling in the till of stones which have come from north and from south. south of it, characteristic highland stones do not occur, and north of it stones derived from the south are similarly absent." the explanation of these facts is obvious. the belt of ground referred to was evidently the meeting-place of the highland and southern _mers de glace_. here the two opposing ice-flows coalesced and became deflected by their mutual pressure to right and left--one great current going east and another west. it is evident that the line of junction between the two _mers de glace_ could not be rigorously maintained in one and the same position during a period of glaciation, but would tend to oscillate backwards and forwards, according as one or the other ice-sheet prevailed. sometimes the southern ice-sheet would be enabled to push back the northern _mer de glace_, while at other times the converse would take place. nor is it necessary to suppose that the advance of one ice-sheet was general along the whole line. on the contrary, it is most likely that the movement was quite irregular--an ice-sheet advancing in some places, while at other points its line of junction with the opposing ice-sheet remained stationary, or even retrograded. such movements would obviously give rise to oscillations in the sub-glacial débris of clay and stones; and thus we have a simple and natural explanation of those intercrossings of erratics which are so characteristic of that region which i have termed the "debatable ground." and this conclusion is borne out by the fact that the glacial striæ of the same "debatable ground" afford like evidence of oscillation in the trend of the ice-flow. [r] _great ice age_, 2nd edit., p. 609. along the base of the highland mountains in forfarshire, etc., we meet with similar intercrossings of erratics. thus we occasionally encounter in the boulder-clays overlying the silurian regions erratics of old red sandstone rocks which have come from the east or south-east; while the abundant presence of erratics of silurian origin, on the other hand, bespeak an ice-flow from the west towards the low-grounds. in some places within the silurian area we encounter a greyish-blue boulder-clay containing silurian fragments only, while in other places within the same area the boulder-clay becomes reddish, and is charged with many boulders of old red sandstone rocks. now the greyish-blue till could only have been laid down by glacier-ice descending from the silurian high-grounds to strathmore, while the red boulder-clay points to a partial invasion of the silurian regions by land-ice, which had previously traversed the lower-lying old red sandstone areas. these apparently contradictory movements are readily accounted for by the former presence in the area of the north sea of the great scandinavian _mer de glace_. dr. james croll was the first to point out that the glacial phenomena of caithness and the shetlands could only be accounted for by the advance of the scandinavian ice-sheet towards our coasts, where it encountered and deflected the scottish ice-sheet out of its normal course--a sagacious induction, which the admirable and exhaustive researches of my colleagues, messrs. b. n. peach and j. horne, have now firmly established. the lower blue boulder-clay was evidently accumulated at a time when the scottish ice was able to flow more or less directly east or south-east towards what is now the coast-line; while the overlying red boulder-clay points to a subsequent period when the presence of the scandinavian _mer de glace_ was sufficiently great to compel the scottish ice out of its normal course, and cause it to flow in a north-easterly direction. in doing so it now and again passed from tracts of old red sandstone to invade the silurian area, and thus an overlying red boulder-clay was here and there accumulated upon the surface of a greyish-blue till in which not a single fragment of any old red sandstone rock occurs. recently messrs. b. n. peach and j. horne, in a most instructive paper on the "glaciation of caithness,"[s] have described some remarkable comminglings of material which occur in a region where the glacial striæ afford equally striking evidence of conflicting ice-movements. these phenomena are developed here and there along a line which indicates the meeting-place of two rival ice-streams, on each side of which the boulder-clay presents different characteristics--the one boulder-clay being the _moraine profonde_ of the ice that flowed ene. and nne. towards the caithness plain, while the other is an accumulation formed underneath the ice that streamed across that plain from se. to nw. these phenomena are thus, as my colleagues remark, quite analogous to those met with in the middle districts of scotland, as described by me, and referred to in a preceding paragraph. now it is obvious that while these examples of "intercrossings" of erratics and "cross-hatching" of striæ all go strongly to support the land-ice theory of the glacial phenomena, they at the same time negative the notion of floating-ice having had anything to do with the production of the phenomena under review. [s] _proceedings royal physical society_, edinburgh, 1881. before considering the evidence adduced by mr. mackintosh and others as to the intercrossings of erratics in the drift-deposits of england, i shall mention some of the more remarkable examples of the same phenomena which have been noticed by continental geologists. the first cases i shall cite are those which have been observed in the glacial accumulations of the rhone valley in eastern france. the land-ice origin of these accumulations has never been called in question, and as the intercrossings of erratics in that region are not only more common, but much more striking and apparently inexplicable than any which have been noticed elsewhere, it will be admitted that they of themselves afford a strong presumption that the conflicting courses followed by the erratics in certain regions of our own country are the result rather of oscillations in the flow of land-ice than of the random and eccentric action of icebergs. the researches of swiss and french glacialists have proved that during the climax of the glacial period an enormous area in the low-grounds of eastern france was covered with a huge _mer de glace_, formed by the union of the great rhone glacier with the glaciers descending from the mountains of savoy and dauphiny. a line drawn from bourg by way of chatillon, villeneuve, trévoux, and lyons to vienne, and thence south-east by beaurepaire to the valley of the isère, a few miles above st. marcellin, indicates roughly the furthest limits reached by the _mer de glace_. over all the low-grounds between that terminal line and the mountains are found widespread sheets of boulder-clay and sand and gravel, together with loose erratics. now and again, too, well-marked terminal moraines make their appearance, while the rock-surfaces, when these are visible and capable of bearing and retaining glacial markings, present the usual aspect of _roches moutonnées_. the same kinds of morainic materials and ice-markings may of course be followed up into the valleys not only of the alps properly so-called, but also into those of the hills of bugey and the secondary mountain-chain of savoy and dauphiny. it has indeed long been known that local glaciers formerly occupied the mountain-valleys of bugey. for example, a number of small glaciers have descended from the slopes of the mountains west of belley (such as bois de la morgue, bois de lind, etc.) to the rhone, and again from mont du chat to the north-west. these glaciers were quite independent of the greater ice-streams of the neighbouring alps of savoy, and the same was the case with the glaciers of that mountainous tract which extends from nantua south to culoz, between the valleys of the ain and the rhone. from this elevated region many local glaciers descended, such as that of the valromey, which flowed for a distance of some twenty miles from north to south. again, similar local glaciers have left abundant traces of their former presence throughout the mountainous belt of land that stretches between chambery and grenoble to the west of the valley of the isère. the moraines of all those local glaciers, charged as they are with the débris of the neighbouring heights, clearly indicate that the local glaciers flowed each down its own particular valley. there are certain other appearances, however, which seem at first sight to contradict this view. sometimes, for example, we encounter in the same valleys erratics which do not belong to the drainage-system within which they occur, but have without doubt been derived from the higher alps of switzerland and savoy. and the course followed by these foreign erratics has crossed at all angles that which the local glaciers have certainly pursued--occasionally, indeed, the one set of erratics has travelled in a direction exactly opposed to the trend taken by the others. as examples, i may cite the case of the erratics which occur in petit bugey. in this district we encounter many locally-derived erratics which have come from mont du chat to the west of the lac du bourget--that is to say, they have travelled in a north-westerly direction. but in the same neighbourhood are found many erratics of alpine origin which have been carried from north-east to south-west, or at right angles to the course followed by the local erratics. again, in the valley of the seran we have evidence in erratics and terminal moraines of a local glacier which flowed south as far as the lyons and geneva railway, in the neighbourhood of which, a few miles to the west of culoz, its terminal moraines may be observed. this is the extinct glacier du valromey of mm. falsan and chantre. now it is especially worthy of note that in the same valley we have distinct evidence of an ice-flow from south to north--_i.e._, _up_ the valley. erratics and morainic materials which are unquestionably of alpine origin have been followed a long way up the seran valley--for two-thirds of its length at least. before they could have entered that valley and approached the slopes of romey, they must have travelled down the valley of the rhone from the higher alps of savoy in a _south-west_ and _south_ direction until they rounded the montagne du grand colombier. it was only after they had rounded this massive mountain-ridge that they could pursue their course up the valley of the seran, in a direction precisely opposite to that which they had previously followed. these and many similar and even more remarkable examples of the "intercrossings" of streams of erratics are described by mm. falsan and chantre, and graphically portrayed in their beautiful and instructive work on the "ancient glaciers and erratic deposits of the basin of the rhone"; and the explanation of the phenomena given by them is extremely simple and convincing. the local erratics and moraines pertain partly to the commencement and partly to the closing stage of the glacial period. long before the south branch of the great glacier of the rhone had united with the glacier of the arve, and this last with the glaciers of annecy and beaufurt, and before these had become confluent with the glacier of the isère, etc., the secondary mountain-ranges of savoy and dauphiny and the hills of bugey were covered with very considerable snow-fields, from which local glaciers descended all the valleys to the low-ground. but when the vast ice-flows of switzerland, upper savoy, etc., at last became confluent, they completely overflowed many of the hilly districts which had formerly supported independent snow-fields and glaciers, and deposited their bottom-moraines over the morainic débris of the local glaciers. in other cases, where the secondary hill-ranges were too lofty to be completely drowned in the great _mer de glace_, long tongues of ice dilated into the valleys, and compelled the local ice out of its course; sometimes, as in the case of the valromey, forcing it backward up the valleys down which it formerly flowed. but when once more the mighty _mer de glace_ was on the wane, then the local glaciers came again into existence, and reoccupied their old courses. and thus it is that in the hilly regions at the base of the higher alps, and even out upon the low-grounds and plains, we encounter that remarkable commingling of erratics which has been described above. not infrequently, indeed, we find one set of moraines superposed upon another, just as in the low-grounds of northern germany, etc., we may observe one boulder-clay overlying another, the erratics in which give evidence of transport in different directions. the observations recorded by mm. falsan and chantre, and their colleagues, thus demonstrate that "intercrossings" of erratics of the most pronounced character have been brought about solely by the action of glaciers. in the case of the erratics and morainic accumulations of the basin of the rhone, the action of icebergs is entirely precluded. i may now mention some of the more remarkable examples of intercrossings of erratics which have been recorded from the glacial accumulations of north germany, etc. an examination of the glacial striæ, _roches moutonnées_, and boulder-clays of saxony leads to the conviction, according to credner, penck, torell, helland, and others, that the whole of that region has been invaded by the great scandinavian _mer de glace_ which flowed into saxony from nne. to ssw. erratics from southern sweden and gothland occur in the boulder-clay, and the presence of these, taken in connection with the direction of the glaciation, leaves us no alternative but to agree with the conclusions arrived at by the saxon geologists. but, apparently in direct contradiction of this conclusion, we have evidence to show that boulders of the same kinds of rock occur in denmark and holland, pointing to a former ice-flow from north-east to south-west and west. thus boulders derived from gothland occur at gröningen in holland, while fragments from the island of öland are met with in faxö; and erratics from the borders of the gulf of finland are encountered at hamburg. indeed, when geologists come to examine the erratics in north germany and poland generally, they find evidence of apparently two ice-flows--one of which went south-south-west, south, and south-east--spreading out, as it were, in a fan-shape towards the southern limits reached by the great "northern drift,"--while the other seems to have followed the course of the baltic depression, overflowing the low-grounds of northern prussia, holland, etc., in a south-west and west direction. now, it is quite evident that no one _mer de glace_ could have followed these various directions at one and the same time. the explanation of the apparent anomaly, however, is not far to seek. it is reasonable to infer that long before the _mer de glace_ had attained its maximum dimensions, when as yet it was confined to the basin of the baltic and was only able to overflow the northern regions of prussia, etc., its course would be determined by the contour of the pavement upon which it advanced. it would, therefore, be compelled to follow the baltic depression, and for a long time it would carry erratics from finland, the baltic islands, and eastern sweden in a south-west and west-south-west direction. and this would continue to be the direction even after a considerable portion of the low-grounds of prussia, etc., had been overflowed. but when the ice-sheet was enabled to advance south into saxony, poland, and lithuania, erratics from finland, the baltic islands, etc., would necessarily cease to travel towards the west, and hold on a south-south-east, south, and south-south-west course. again, when the _mer de glace_ was on the decline, a time would return when the ice, as before, would be controlled in its flow by the baltic depression, and this would give rise to a further distribution of erratics in a prevalent west-by-south direction.[t] [t] for a fuller discussion of the distribution of erratics on the continent, i may refer to appendix, note b, in _prehistoric europe_, where the reader will find references to the literature of this interesting subject. [continental geologists now recognise a distinct stage of the ice age, during which their "upper diluvium" was deposited by a great glacier that occupied the basin of the baltic. this "great baltic glacier" appears to have been contemporaneous with the local ice-sheets and valley-glaciers of the highlands and other mountain-tracts of our island. see article x. 1892.] no one of late years has been more assiduous in the collection of facts relating to the intercrossing of erratics in the drift-deposits of england than mr. d. mackintosh.[u] he has written many instructive and interesting descriptions of the phenomena in question, which he justly thinks are of prime importance from a theoretical point of view. in a recent paper[v] he presents us with the results of a systematic survey of the direction and limits of dispersion of the erratics of the west of england and east of wales, which he evidently is of opinion afford strong support to the iceberg theory, while at the same time they are directly opposed to the theory of transport by land-ice. i have attentively considered all the arguments advanced by mr. mackintosh in favour of his views--the one upon which he apparently lays most stress being that of the intercrossings of erratics observed by him--and i shall now proceed to point out how the phenomena described by him are most satisfactorily explained by the land-ice theory. they seem to me, indeed, to lend additional support to that theory, in the same manner as the intercrossings of boulders observed in scotland, northern germany, etc., and sub-alpine regions of france. mr. mackintosh calls attention to the fact that erratics of the well-known criffel granite are found scattered over a large part of the plain of cumberland, from which they extend south along the coast to near the mouth of the estuary of the duddon. they reappear on the coast in the neighbourhood of blackpool and liverpool, and again at intervals on the coasts of north wales from flint to colwyn bay, and thence to penmaenmawr and the neighbourhood of beaumaris. they are dispersed over the peninsula of wirral and the cheshire plain, etc., and they have been followed south-east as far as the neighbourhood of cardington, near church stretton, burton, wolverhampton, stafford, hare castle, macclesfield, and manchester. this great stream of boulders, therefore, spreads out to south-east, south, and south-west: the erratics, to quote mr. mackintosh, "have radiated from an area much smaller than their terminal breadth." the same is the case, i may remark in passing, with erratics in the boulder-clays of scotland, scandinavia, north germany, etc., as also with those in the drift-deposits of the great rhone glacier and other ancient glaciers both on the north and south side of the alps. now, the course followed by the criffel erratics is crossed at an acute angle by the path pursued by many boulders of eskdale granite, and various felspathic rocks derived from the cumberland mountains. for example, cumberland erratics of the kinds mentioned occur near st. asaph and moel-y-tryfane and in anglesey, and they have been followed over a wide district in cheshire, etc., extending as far south as church stretton and wolverhampton, and as far east as rochdale. more than this, we find that numerous erratics of felstone, derived from the mountain of great arenig, in north wales, have gone to north-east as far as halkin mountain, in flintshire, eryrys, near llanarmon, and chirk, from which last-named place they have been traced in a south-easterly direction to birmingham, bromsgrove, etc. a glance at the map of england will show that this south-easterly drift of erratics crosses at an acute angle the paths followed by the criffel granite boulders and the erratics derived from cumberland, so that we have now several intercrossings to account for. how can this be done by the land-ice theory? [u] this enthusiastic geologist died in 1891. [v] _quart. journ. geol. soc._, vol. xxxv. p. 425 the explanation seems to me obvious, for the phenomena are, after all, less striking than similar appearances which have been observed in scotland, especially by my colleagues, messrs. peach and horne, in caithness and the orkney and shetland islands; and they are certainly less intricate than the facts recorded by mm. falsan and chantre concerning the intercrossing, interosculation, and direct opposition of erratic paths in savoy and dauphiny. we have only to reflect that the great _mer de glace_--to which, as i believe, all the english phenomena are due--did not come into existence and attain its maximum dimensions in the twinkling of an eye, nor could it afterwards have disappeared in the same sudden manner. on the contrary, a period of local glaciation must have preceded the appearance of the great ice-sheet. at first, and for a long time, permanent snow would be confined to the higher elevations of the land, and glaciers would be limited to mountain-valleys; but as the temperature fell the snow-line would gradually descend, until at last, probably after a prolonged period, it reached what is now the sea-level. thus the formation of _névé_ and glacier-ice would eventually take place over what are now our low-grounds, and other tracts also, which are now submerged. it is quite impossible that the vast sheets of ice which can be demonstrated to have covered scotland, a large part of england, ireland, scandinavia, and north germany, and even the limited area of the faröe islands, could possibly have been fed by the snow-fields of mountain-heights only. the precipitation and accumulation of snow, and the formation of _névé_ and glacier-ice, must have taken place over enormous regions in what are now the temperate latitudes of europe. it is obvious that the direction of ice-flow in the basin of the irish sea opposite the south of scotland and the west of england, while preserving a general southerly trend, would vary at different periods. before the _mer de glace_ in that basin had attained its climax there must have been a time when the ice, streaming outwards from the high-grounds of cumberland, was enabled to push its way far westward out into the basin of the irish sea. at that time it was still able to hold its own against the pressure exerted by the scottish ice. but as the general _mer de glace_ increased in thickness, the course of the cumberland ice would be diverted ever further and further to the south-east, until, eventually, the scottish ice came to hug the coast of cumberland, and to overflow lancashire in its progress towards the south-east. so gorged with ice did the basin of the irish sea become, that a portion of the scottish ice was forced over the plain of cumberland and up the valley of the eden, where it coalesced with the ice coming north from the shap district, and thereafter flowed in an easterly direction to join the great _mer de glace_ of the north sea basin. thus the intercrossings of the criffel and cumberland erratics described by mr. mackintosh receive a ready explanation by the land-ice theory. nor do the intercrossings of the welsh erratics with those derived from scotland and cumberland offer any difficulty. the ice coming from the welsh mountains would naturally be deflected towards south-east by the _mer de glace_ that streamed in that direction, and might quite well have carried its characteristic boulders as far as birmingham before the general _mer de glace_ had attained its greatest dimensions. but when that period of maximum glaciation arrived, the welsh boulders would be unable to travel so far towards the east, and the scottish and cumberland boulders would then cross the path formerly followed by the felstone erratics from great arenig. again, it is evident that when the _mer de glace_ was gradually decreasing similar oscillations of the ice-flow would take place, but in reverse order, and thus would give rise to a second series of intercrossings. moreover, we must remember that the glacial period was characterised by several great changes of climate. it was not one continuous and prolonged period of cold conditions, but consisted rather of a succession of arctic and genial climates; so that the same countries were overrun at different epochs by successive _mers de glace_, each of which would rework, denude, and redistribute to a large extent the morainic materials of its predecessor, and thus might well cause even greater complexity in the dispersion of erratics than has yet been recognised anywhere in these islands. mr. mackintosh refers to the occurrence of chalk-flints and lias fossils associated with northern erratics in the drift-deposits of the west of england, the presence of which, he thinks, is fatal to the theory of transport by land-ice. thus, he says, chalk-flints, etc., have been met with at lillieshall (east of wellington), at strethill (near ironbridge), at seisdon (between wolverhampton and bridgenorth), at wolverhampton, near stafford, and near bushbury. chalk-flints have also been found as far west as malvern and hatfield camp, south of ledbury. all these erratics have crossed england from the east, according to mr. mackintosh and other observers. not only so, but, as mr. mackintosh remarks, those found at wolverhampton, birmingham, etc., "must have _crossed the course_ of the northern boulders near its southerly termination." and since both northern and eastern erratics are found associated in the same drift-deposit, it seems to him "impossible to explain the intercrossing by land-ice or glaciers." now, on the contrary, those eastern erratics are scattered over the very districts where i should have expected to find them. the observations of geologists in east anglia have shown that that region has been invaded by the _mer de glace_ of the north sea basin.[w] this remarkable glacial invasion is proved not only by the direction followed by stones of local derivation, and by boulders which have come south from scotland and the northern counties, but by the occurrence in the boulder-clay at carnelian bay and holderness of erratics of certain well-known norwegian rocks, which have been recognised by mr. amund helland. the occurrence of chalk-flints and fragments of oolitic rocks in the neighbourhoods mentioned by mr. mackintosh thus only affords additional evidence in favour of the land-ice origin of the drift-deposits described by him. the _mer de glace_ that flowed down the east coast of england seems to have encroached more and more upon the land, until eventually it swept over the low-lying midlands in a south-westerly direction, and coalesced with the _mer de glace_ that streamed inland from the basin of the irish sea, and the ice that flowed outwards from the high-grounds of wales. the united ice-stream would thereafter continue on its south-westerly course down the severn valley to the bristol channel. i have no doubt that mr. mackintosh will yet chronicle the occurrence of chalk-flints and other eastern erratics from localities much further to the south than ledbury. [w] see mr. skertchly's description of east anglian deposits in _great ice age_, 2nd edit., p. 358. again, considerable stress has been laid by mr. mackintosh upon the occurrence of chalk-flints in the drift-deposits of blackpool, dawpool, parkgate, halkin mountain, wrexham, the peninsula of wirral, runcorn, delamere, crewe, leylands, piethorne (near rochdale), and other places. "all these flints," mr. mackintosh remarks, "belong to the basin of the irish sea, and have almost certainly crossed the general course of the northern boulders on their way from ireland." here, unfortunately, the irish sea intervenes to conceal the evidence that is needed to enable us to track the exact path followed by the erratics in question. i am not so certain as mr. mackintosh that the chalk-flints he refers to came from the north of ireland. chalk-flints occur pretty numerously in the drift-deposits in the maritime districts of north-eastern scotland, which we have every reason to believe have been derived from an area of cretaceous rocks covering the bottom of the adjacent sea; and for aught one can say to the contrary, patches of chalk-with-flints may occur in like manner in the bed of the irish sea. i cannot at present remember whether any boulders of the basalt-rocks, which are associated with the chalk in the north of ireland, have been recognised in the drifts of the west of england; but if the chalk-flints really came from antrim, it is more than probable that they would be accompanied by fragments of the hard igneous rocks which overlie the cretaceous strata of north ireland. chalk and chalk-flints occur in the boulder-clay of the isle of man, where they are associated, mr. horne tells us, with criffel granite and fragments of a dark trap-rock.[x] possibly these last are basalt-rocks from antrim. it seems reasonable, therefore, to believe that erratics of irish origin have found their way to the isle of man; and if this be so, it may be permissible to assume that the chalk-flints of blackpool, etc. (and perhaps also some of the basalt-rocks), have come from the same quarter. mr. horne has no doubt that the irish erratics were brought to the isle of man by land-ice. referring to the conclusion arrived at by mr. close that the irish _mer de glace_ "was probably not less than 3000 feet in depth," he remarks: "it is highly probable that this great mass of irish ice succeeded, after a hard battle (_i.e._, with the scottish ice-sheet), in reaching the manx coast-line. it is not to be supposed that the normal momentum of the respective ice-sheets remained constant. the moving force must have varied with changing conditions. on the other hand, it is quite possible that there may have been an 'under-tow' of the ice from the north-east coast of ireland, which would easily account for antrim chalk and chalk-flints in the manx till." i would go further, and state my conviction that before the united ice-sheets had attained their maximum development, it is almost certain that the ice flowing into the irish sea basin by the north channel would for a long time exceed in mass the coalescent glaciers that descended from the southern uplands of scotland, and would therefore be enabled to extend much further to the east than it could at a later date, when the general _mer de glace_ had reached its climax. it might thus have advanced as far as and even beyond the isle of man. this inference is based upon the simple fact that the area drained by the _mer de glace_ of the north channel was very much greater than the area extending from the watershed of the southern uplands of scotland to the isle of man. erratics from the north of ireland would thus travel down the bed of the north channel, and eventually be distributed over a wide area up to and possibly even some distance beyond the isle of man. but as the scottish and cumbrian ice-flows gradually increased in importance, the _mer de glace_ coming from the north channel would be forced further and further to the west, until the ice-flow issuing from the high-grounds of kirkcudbright at last succeeded in reaching the middle of the irish sea basin. this gradual modification of the general ice-flow in that basin would of course give rise to a redistribution of the ground-moraine, and the irish erratics would then travel onwards underneath the scottish ice, and eventually reach the low-grounds of lancashire and cheshire, along with erratics from criffel and the cumbrian mountains. it is, therefore, quite unnecessary to suppose that the _mer de glace_ of the north channel actually crossed the whole breadth of the basin of the irish sea to invade lancashire, cheshire, and north wales. had this been the case, chalk-flints, chalk, and many other kinds of rock derived from the north of ireland, and even from arran and argyll, would have abounded in the drifts of the west of england. erratics coming from ireland could not possibly have travelled underneath irish ice further east than the isle of man. there or thereabouts, as i have said, the _mer de glace_ of the north channel would begin to encounter the ice streaming down from the uplands of galloway and the mountains of cumberland: and as the ice from these quarters increased in thickness, it would gradually override what had formerly been the bottom-moraine or till of the north channel _mer de glace_. thus irish erratics would become commingled with erratics from criffel, etc., and be carried forward in a southerly and south-easterly direction. the chalk-flints in the drifts of lancashire, cheshire, etc., are probably therefore _remaniés_--the relics of the bottom-moraine of the north channel _mer de glace_ rearranged and redistributed. and this is why they and other irish rocks are so comparatively rare in the glacial accumulations of the west of england. [x] _trans. edin. geol. soc._, vol. ii., 1874. thus all the instances of intercrossings adduced by mr. mackintosh as favouring the iceberg theory, and condemning its rival, i would cite as proving exactly the opposite. so far from presenting any real difficulty to an upholder of the land-ice theory, they, in point of fact, as i have already remarked, lend that view additional support. it is not my purpose to criticise all the arguments and reasons advanced by mr. mackintosh in favour of his special views, but i may be allowed a few remarks on the somewhat extraordinary character of the agents which, according to him, were mainly instrumental in producing the drift-phenomena of western england. before doing so, however, i may point out that, in ascribing the transport of erratics in that region (and, by implication, the formation of the boulder-clays, etc., with which most of these erratics are associated) to floating-ice and sea-currents, mr. mackintosh has failed to furnish us with any "fossil evidence" to show that western england was under water at the time the boulder-clays and erratics were being accumulated. he speaks of cold and warm currents, but where do we find any traces of the marine organisms which must have abounded in those waters? where are the raised sea-beaches which must have marked the retreat of the sea? where do we encounter any organic relics that might help us to map out the zones of shallow and deep water? the sea-shells, etc., which occur in the boulder-clays are undeniably _remaniés_; they are erratics just as much as the rock-fragments with which they are associated. similar assemblages of organic remains are met with in the till of caithness, where shallow-water and deep-sea shells, and shells indicative of genial and again of cold conditions, are all confusedly distributed throughout one and the same deposit. the same or analogous facts are encountered in the _blocklehm_ of some parts of prussia, marine and freshwater shells occurring commingled in the boulder-clay. nay, even in the _moraine profonde_ of the ancient rhone glacier, broken and well-preserved shells of miocene and pliocene species appear enclosed in the tumultuous accumulation of clay, sand, and erratics. and precisely similar phenomena confront us in the glacial deposits of the neighbourhood of lago lugano. mr. mackintosh refers to the so-called "stratification" of the boulder-clay, as if that were a proof of accumulation in water. but a rude kind of bedding, generally marked by differences of colour, and sometimes by lines of stones, was the inevitable result of the sub-glacial formation of the boulder-clay. the "lines of bedding" are due to the shearing of the clay under great pressure, and may be studied in the boulder-clay of switzerland and italy, and in the till not only of the lowlands but of the highlands of scotland. occasionally the "lines" are so close that the clay sometimes presents the appearance of rude and often wavy and irregular lamination--a section of such a boulder-clay reminding one sometimes of that of a gnarled gneiss or crumpled schist. and these appearances may be noted in boulder-clays which occupy positions that preclude the possibility of their being marine--as in certain valleys of the highlands, such as strathbraan, and in the neighbourhood of como, in italy. this "lamination" is merely indicative of the intense pressure to which the till was subjected during its gradual accumulation under the ice. it is assuredly not the result of aqueous action. aqueous lamination is due to sifting and winnowing--the coarser or heavier and finer or lighter particles being separated in obedience to their different specific gravity, and arranged in layers of more or less regularity according to circumstances. there is nothing of this kind of arrangement, however, in the so-called stratified boulder-clay. if the clay of an individual lamina be washed and carefully sifted, it will be found to be composed of grains of all shapes, sizes, and weights, down to the finest and most impalpable flour. it is impossible to believe that such a heterogeneous assemblage of grains could have been dropt into water without the particles being separated and sifted in their progress to the bottom. of course, every one knows that patches and beds of laminated clay and sand of veritable aqueous origin occur now and again in boulder-clay. i suppose there is no boulder-clay without them. i have seen them in the till of italy and switzerland, where they show precisely the same features as the similar laminated clays in the till of our own islands. but these included patches and beds point merely to the action of sub-glacial waters, such as we know circulate under the glaciers of the alps, of norway, and of greenland. again, i would remark that mr. mackintosh has ignored all the evidence which has been brought forward from time to time to demonstrate the sub-glacial origin of boulder-clay, and to prove the utter insufficiency of floating-ice to account for the phenomena. and he adduces no new facts in support of the now discredited iceberg theory, unless it be his statement that _flat_ striated rock-surfaces (such as those near birkenhead) have been caused by floating-ice--the dome-shaped _roches moutonnées_ being, on the other hand the work of land-ice. as a matter of personal observation, i can assure mr. mackintosh that _flat_ striated surfaces are by no means uncommonly associated in one and the same region with _roches moutonnées_. what are _roches moutonnées_ but the rounded relics of what were formerly rough uneven tors, projecting bosses, and prominent rocks? the general tendency of glacial action is to reduce the asperities of a land-surface; hence projecting points are rounded off, while flat surfaces are simply, as a rule, planed smoother. mr. mackintosh might traverse acres of such smoothed rock-surfaces in regions where the strata are comparatively horizontal--for example, in the case of the basaltic plateaux of the faröes and of iceland, which have certainly been glaciated by land-ice. similar flat glaciated surfaces are met with again and again both in the highlands and lowlands of scotland, occupying positions and associated with _roches moutonnées_ and till of such a character as to prove beyond any doubt that they no less certainly are the result of the action of land-ice. but it is needless to discuss the probability or possibility of glaciation of any kind being due to floating-ice. we know that glaciers can and do polish and striate rock-surfaces; no one, however, can say the same of icebergs: and until some one can prove to us that icebergs have performed this feat, or can furnish us with well-considered reasons for believing them to be capable of it, glacialists will continue sceptical. but leaving these and other points which serve to show the weakness of the cause which mr. mackintosh supports with such keen enthusiasm, i may, in conclusion, draw attention to certain very remarkable theoretical views of his which seem to me to be not only self-contradictory, but opposed to well-known natural laws. briefly stated, his general view is that the erratics of the west of england have been distributed by floating-ice during a period of submergence--the scattering of erratics and the accumulation of the associated glacial deposits having commenced at or about the time when the land began to sink, and continued until the submergence reached some 2000 feet below the present sea-level. in applying this hypothesis to explain the phenomena, mr. mackintosh makes rather free use of sea-currents and winds. for example, he holds that a current coming from criffel carried with it boulder-laden ice which flowed south-west to the isle of man, south to north wales, and south-east in the direction of blackpool and manchester, liverpool and wolverhampton, dawpool and church stretton. now, in the first place, it is very strange that there is not a vestige or trace of any such submergence, either in the neighbourhood of criffel itself or in the region to the north of it. the whole of that region has been striated and rubbed by land-ice coming down from the watershed of the galloway mountains, to the north of which the striæ, _roches moutonnées_, and tracks followed by erratics, indicate an ice-flow _towards_ the north-west, north, and north-east. it is, therefore, absolutely certain that at the time the granite erratics are supposed to have sailed away from criffel on floating-ice, the whole of the southern uplands of scotland were covered with a great ice-field extending from wigtown to berwickshire; so that, according to mr. mackintosh's hypothesis, we should be forced to believe that an ocean-current originated in criffel itself! but waiving this and other insuperable objections which will occur to any geologist who is familiar with the glacial phenomena of the south of scotland, and confining myself to the evidence supplied by the english drifts, i would remark that mr. mackintosh's hypothesis is not consistent with itself. a current flowing in the direction supposed could not possibly have permitted floating-ice to sail from cumbria to the isle of man, to moel-y-tryfane and colwyn bay. mr. mackintosh admits this himself, but infers that the transport of the cumbrian erratics may have taken place at a different time. but how could this be, seeing that the criffel and cumbrian erratics occur side by side in one and the same deposit? again, the hypothesis of an ocean-current coming from criffel is inconsistent with the presence of the irish chalk-flints in the drifts of the west of england. did these also come at a different time? and what about the dispersion of erratics from great arenig, which have gone north-east and north-north-east, almost exactly in the face of the supposed criffel current? here an ocean-current is obviously out of the question; and accordingly we are told that this dispersion of welsh boulders was probably the result of wind. but why should this wind have propelled the floating-ice so far and no further in an easterly direction? surely if floating-ice was swept outwards from great arenig as far as eryrys, bergs must have been carried now and again much further to the east. and if they did not sail eastwards, what became of them? did they all melt away immediately when they came into the ice-laden current that flowed towards the south-east?[y] a still greater difficulty remains. the criffel and cumbrian erratics suddenly cease when they are followed to the south, great quantities of them being accumulated over a belt of country extending from beyond wolverhampton to bridgenorth. what was it that defined the southern limits of these northern boulders? it is clear that it could not have been high-ground, for the severn valley, not to speak of low-lying regions further to the north-east, must have been submerged according to mr. mackintosh's hypothesis. there was therefore plenty of sea-room for the floating-ice to escape southwards. and yet, notwithstanding this, vast multitudes of bergs and floes, as soon as they arrived at certain points, suddenly melted away and dropt their burdens! in what region under the sun does anything like that happen at the present day? mr. mackintosh thinks that the more or less sharply-defined boundary-line reached by the erratics "could only have resulted from close proximity to a persistent current of water (or air?) sufficiently warm to melt the boulder-laden ice." he does not tell us, however, where this warm current of water or air came from, or in what direction it travelled. he forgets some of his own facts connected with the appearance of erratics of eastern derivation, and which, according to him, point to an ocean-current that flowed across from lincolnshire into the very sea in which the criffel granite and cumbrian boulders were being dropt. the supposed warm ocean-current, then, if such it was rather than air, could hardly have come from the east. neither is it at all likely that it could have come from the west, sheltered as the region of the severn valley must have been by the ice-laden mountains of wales. again, the south is shut to us; for there are no erratics in the south of england from which to infer a submergence of that district. if it be true that all the northern erratics which are scattered over the low-grounds of england, denmark, holland, germany, poland, and russia, owe their origin to boulder-laden ice carried by ocean-currents, no such warm water as mr. mackintosh desiderates could possibly have come from the east or south-east. we are left, then, to infer that the supposed warm current[z] must have flowed up the severn valley directly in the face of the criffel current, underneath which it suddenly plunged at a high temperature, the line of junction between it and the cold water being sharply defined, and retaining its position unchanged for a long period of time! however absurd this conclusion may be, it is forced upon us if we admit the hypothesis at present under review. for we must remember that the floating-ice is supposed to have melted whenever it came into contact with the warm current. the erratics occur up to a certain boundary-line, where they are concentrated in enormous numbers, and south of which they do not appear. here, then, large and small floes alike must have vanished at once! certainly a very extraordinary case of dissolution. [y] mr. mackintosh says nothing about the "carry" or direction of the erratics in west and south wales. were the paths of these erratics delineated upon a map, we should find it necessary to suppose that the windor sea-current by which the floating-ice was propelled had flowed outwards in all directions from the dominant heights! [z] it must have likewise flowed in more or less direct opposition to the current which, in accordance with the iceberg hypothesis, transported boulders southwards from the high-grounds of south wales! if we dismiss the notion of a warm ocean-current for that of a warm wind, we do not improve our position a whit. where did the warm wind come from? not, certainly, from the ice-laden seas to the east. are we to suppose, then, that it flowed in from the south or south-west? if so, we might well ask how it came to pass that in the immediate proximity of such a very warm wind as the hypothesis demands, great snow-fields and glaciers were allowed to exist in wales? passing that objection, we have still to ask how this wind succeeded in melting large and small masses of floating-ice with such rapidity that it prevented any of them ever trespassing south of a certain line? it is obvious that it must have been an exceedingly hot wind; and that, just as the hypothetical warm ocean-current must have suddenly dived under the cold water coming from the north, so the hot wind, after passing over the surface of the sea until it reached a certain more or less well-defined line, must have risen all at once and flowed vertically upwards into the cold regions above. thus, in seeking to escape from what he doubtless considers the erroneous and extravagant views of "land-glacialists," mr. mackintosh adopts a hypothesis which lands him in self-contradictions and a perfect "sea of troubles"--a kind of chaos, in fact. in attempting to explain the drifts of western england and east wales he has ignored the conditions that must have obtained in contiguous regions--thus forgetting that "nothing in the world is single," and that one ought not to infer physical conditions for one limited area without stopping to inquire whether these are in consonance with what is known of adjacent districts, or in harmony with the existing phenomena of nature. i have so strongly opposed mr. mackintosh's explanation of the sudden termination of the northern erratics in the neighbourhood of wolverhampton and elsewhere, that perhaps i ought to offer an explanation of my own, that it may, in its turn, undergo examination. i labour under the disadvantage, however, of not having studied the drifts in and around wolverhampton, etc., and the suggestion which i shall throw out must therefore be taken for what it is worth. it seems to me, then, that the concentration of boulders in the neighbourhood of wolverhampton, and the limits reached by the northern erratics generally, mark out, in all probability, the line of junction between the _mer de glace_ coming from the basin of the irish sea and that flowing across the country from the vast _mer de glace_ that occupied the basin of the german ocean. along this line the southerly transport of the northern boulders would cease, and here they would therefore tend to become concentrated. but it is most likely that now and again they would get underneath the ice-flow that set down the severn valley, and i should anticipate that they will yet be detected, along with erratics of eastern origin, as far south even as the bristol channel. if it be objected to this view that erratics from great arenig have been met with south of wolverhampton, at birmingham and bromsgrove, i would reply that these erratics were probably carried south either before or after the general _mer de glace_ had attained its climax--at a period when the welsh ice was able to creep out further to the east than it could when the invasion of the north sea ice was at its height. i cannot conclude this paper without expressing my admiration for the long-continued and successful labours of the well-known geologist whose views i have been controverting. although i have entered my protest against his iceberg hypothesis, and have freely criticised his theoretical opinions, i most willingly admit that the practical results of his unwearied devotion to the study of those interesting phenomena with which he is so familiar have laid all his fellow-workers under a debt of gratitude. viii. recent researches in the glacial geology of the continent.[aa] [aa] presidential address to the geological section of the british association, newcastle, 1889. the president of this section must often have some difficulty in selecting a subject for his address. it is no longer possible to give an interesting and instructive summary of the work done by the devotees of our science during even one year. so numerous have the students of geological science become--so fertile are the fields they cultivate--so abundant the harvests they reap, that one in my present position may well despair of being able to take stock of the numerous additions to our knowledge which have accumulated within the last twelve months. neither is there any burning question which at this time your president need feel called upon to discuss. true, there are controversies that are likely to remain unsettled for years to come--there are still not a few matters upon which we must agree to differ--we do not yet see eye to eye in all things geological. but experience has shown that as years advance truth is gradually evolved, and old controversies die out, and so doubtless it will continue to be. the day when controversies shall cease, however, is yet, i hope, far in the future; for should that dull and unhappy time ever arrive, it is quite certain that mineralogists, petrologists, palæontologists, and geologists shall have died out of the world. following the example of many of my predecessors, i shall confine my remarks to certain questions in which i have been specially interested; and in doing so i shall endeavour to steer clear, as far as i can, of controversial matters. my purpose, then, is to give an outline of some of the results obtained during the last few years by continental workers in the domain of glacial geology. those who are not geologists will probably smile when they hear one declare that wielders of the hammer are extremely conservative--that they are slow to accept novel views, and very tenacious of opinions which have once found favour in their eyes. nevertheless, such is the case, and well for us that it is so. however captivating, however imposing, however strongly supported by evidence a new view may appear to be, we do well to criticise, to sift the evidence, and to call for more facts and experiments, if such are possible, until the proofs become so strong as to approach as near a demonstration as geologists can in most cases expect such proofs to go. the history of our science, and indeed of most sciences, affords abundant illustration of what i say. how many long years were the views of sub-aërial erosion, as taught by hutton and playfair, canvassed and controverted before they became accepted! and even after their general soundness had been established, how often have we heard nominal disciples of these fathers of physical geology refuse to go so far as to admit that the river-valleys of our islands have been excavated by epigene agents! if, as a rule, it takes some time for a novel view to gain acceptance, it is equally true that views which have long been held are only with difficulty discarded. between the new and the old there is a constant struggle for existence, and if the latter should happen to survive, it is only in a modified form. i have often thought that a history of the evolution of geological theories would make a very entertaining and instructive work. we should learn from it, amongst other things, that the advance of our science has not always been continuous--now and again, indeed, it has almost seemed as if the movement had been retrograde. knowledge has not come in like an overwhelming flood--as a broad majestic river--but rather like a gently-flowing tide, now advancing, now retiring, but ever, upon the whole, steadily gaining ground. the history i speak of would also teach us that many of the general views and hypotheses which have been from time to time abandoned as unworkable, are hardly deserving of the reproach and ridicule which we in these latter days may be inclined to cast upon them. as the scots proverb says: "it is easy to be wise behindhand." it could be readily shown that not a few discarded notions and opinions have frequently worked for good, and have rather stimulated than checked inquiry. such reflections should be encouraging to every investigator, whether he be a defender of the old or an advocate of the new. time tries all, and each worker may claim a share in the final establishment of the truth. perhaps there is no department of geological inquiry that has given rise to more controversy than that which i have selected for the subject of this address. hardly a single step in advance has been taken without vehement opposition. but the din of contending sides is not so loud now--the dust of the conflict has to some extent cleared away, and the positions which have been lost or maintained, as the case may be, can be readily discerned. the glacialist who can look back over the last twenty-five years of wordy conflict has every reason to be jubilant and hopeful. many of those who formerly opposed him have come over to his side. it is true he has not had everything his own way. some extreme views have been abandoned in the struggle; that of a great polar ice-sheet, for example, as conceived of by agassiz. i am not aware, however, that many serious students of glacial geology ever adopted that view. but it was quite an excusable hypothesis, and has been abundantly suggestive. had agassiz lived to see the detailed work of these later days, he would doubtless have modified his notion and come to accept the view of large continental glaciers which has taken its place. the results obtained by geologists who have been studying the peripheral areas of the drift-covered regions of our continent, are such as to satisfy us that the drifts of those regions are not iceberg-droppings, as we used to suppose, but true morainic matter and fluvio-glacial detritus. geologists have not jumped to this conclusion--they have only accepted it after laborious investigation of the evidence. since dr. otto torell, in 1875, first stated his belief that the diluvium of north germany was of glacial origin a great literature on the subject has sprung up, a perusal of which will show that with our german friends glacial geology has passed through much the same succession of controversial phases as with us. at first icebergs are appealed to as explaining everything--next we meet with sundry ingenious attempts at a compromise between floating-ice and a continuous ice-sheet. as observations multiply, however, the element of floating-ice is gradually eliminated, and all the phenomena are explained by means of land-ice and "schmelz-wasser" alone. it is a remarkable fact that the iceberg hypothesis has always been most strenuously upheld by geologists whose labours have been largely confined to the peripheral areas of drift-covered countries. in the upland and mountainous tracts, on the other hand, that hypothesis has never been able to survive a moderate amount of accurate observation. even in switzerland--the land of glaciers--geologists at one time were of opinion that the boulder-clays of the low-grounds had a different origin from those which occur in the mountain-valleys. thus, it was supposed that at the close of the pleistocene period the alps were surrounded by great lakes or by gulfs of some inland sea, into which the glaciers of the high valleys flowed and calved their icebergs--these latter scattering erratics and earthy débris over the drowned areas. sartorius von waltershausen[ab] set forth this view in an elaborate and well-illustrated paper. unfortunately for his hypothesis no trace of the supposed great lakes or the inland sea has ever been detected: on the contrary, the character of the morainic accumulations, and the symmetrical grouping and radiation of the erratics and perched blocks over the foot-hills and low-grounds, show that these last have been invaded and overflowed by the glaciers themselves. even the most strenuous upholders of the efficacy of icebergs as originators of some boulder-clays, admit that the boulder-clay or till, of what we may call the inner or central region of a glaciated tract is the product of land-ice. under this category comes the boulder-clay of norway, sweden, and finland, and of the alpine lands of central europe, not to speak of the hilly parts of our own islands. [ab] "untersuchungen über die klimate der gegenwart und der vorwelt," etc.--_natuurkundige verhandelingen v. d. holland. maatsch. d. wetensch. te haarlem_, 1865. when we come to study the drifts of the peripheral areas, it is not difficult to see why these should be considered to have had a different origin. they present certain features which, although not absent from the glacial deposits of the inner region, are not nearly so characteristic of such upland tracts. i refer especially to the frequent interstratification of boulder-clays with well-bedded deposits of clay, sand, and gravel; and to the fact that these boulder-clays are often less compressed than those of the inner region, and have even occasionally a silt-like character. such appearances do seem at first to be readily explained on the assumption that the deposits have been accumulated in water opposite the margin of a continental glacier or ice-sheet--and this was the view which several able investigators in germany were for some time inclined to adopt. but when the phenomena came to be studied in greater detail, and over a wider area, this preliminary hypothesis did not prove satisfactory. it was discovered, for example, that "giants' kettles"[ac] were more or less commonly distributed under the glacial deposits, and such "kettles" could only have originated at the bottom of a glacier. again, it was found that pre-glacial accumulations were plentifully developed in certain places below the drift, and were often involved with the latter in a remarkable way. the "brown-coal formation" in like manner was violently disturbed and displaced, to such a degree that frequently the boulder-clay is found to underlie it. similar phenomena were encountered in regions where the drift overlies the chalk--the latter presenting the appearance of having been smashed and shattered--the fragments having often been dragged some distance, so as to form a kind of friction-breccia underlying the drift, while large masses are often included in the clay itself. all the facts pointed to the conclusion that these disturbances were due to tangential thrusting or crushing, and were not the result of vertical displacements, such as are produced by normal faulting, for the disturbances in question die out from above downwards. evidence of similar thrusting or crushing is seen in the remarkable faults and contortions that so often characterise the clays and sands that occur in the boulder-clay itself. the only agent that could produce the appearances, now briefly referred to, is land-ice, and we must therefore agree with german geologists that glacier-ice has overflowed all the drift-covered regions of the peripheral area. no evidence of marine action in the formation of the stony clays is forthcoming--not a trace of any sea-beach has been detected. and yet, if these clays had been laid down in the sea during the retreat of the ice-sheet from germany, surely such evidence as i have indicated ought to be met with. to the best of my knowledge the only particular facts which have been appealed to, as proofs of marine action, are the appearance of bedded deposits in the boulder-clays, and the occasional occurrence in the clays themselves of a sea-shell. but other organic remains are also met with now and again in similar positions, such as mammalian bones and freshwater shells. all these, however, have been shown to be derivative in their origin--they are just as much erratics as the stones and boulders with which they are associated. the only phenomena, therefore, that the glacialist has to account for are the bedded deposits which occur so frequently in the boulder-clays of the peripheral regions, and the occasional silty and uncompressed character of the clays themselves. [ac] these appear to have been first detected by professor berendt and professor e. geinitz. the intercalated beds are, after all, not hard to explain. if we consider for a moment the geographical distribution of the boulder-clays, and their associated aqueous deposits, we shall find a clue to their origin. speaking in general terms, the stony clays thicken out as they are followed from the mountainous and high-lying tracts to the low-grounds. thus they are of inconsiderable thickness in norway, the higher parts of sweden, and in finland, just as we find is the case in scotland, northern england, wales, and the hilly parts of ireland. traced south from the uplands of scandinavia and finland, they gradually thicken out as the low-grounds are approached. thus in southern sweden they reach a thickness of 43 metres or thereabout, and of 80 metres in the northern parts of prussia, while over the wide low-lying regions to the south they attain a much greater thickness--reaching in holstein, mecklenburg, pomerania, and west prussia, a depth of 120 to 140 metres, and still greater depths in hanover, mark brandenburg, and saxony. in those regions, however, a considerable portion of the diluvium consists, as we shall see presently, of water-formed beds. the geographical distribution of the aqueous deposits, which are associated with the stony clays, is somewhat similar. they are very sparingly developed in districts where the boulder-clays are thin. thus they are either wanting, or only occur sporadically in thin irregular beds, in the high-grounds of northern europe generally. further south, however, they gradually acquire more importance, until in the peripheral regions of the drift-covered tracts they come to equal and eventually to surpass the boulder-clays in prominence. these latter, in fact, at last cease to appear, and the whole bulk of the diluvium, along the southern margin of the drift area, appears to consist of aqueous accumulations alone. the explanations of these facts advanced by german geologists are quite in accordance with the views which have long been held by glacialists elsewhere, and have been tersely summed up by dr. jentzsch.[ad] the northern regions, he says, were the feeding-grounds of the inland-ice. in those regions melting was at a minimum, while the grinding action of the ice was most effective. here, therefore, erosion reached its maximum--ground-moraine or boulder-clay being unable to accumulate to any thickness. further south melting greatly increased, while ground-moraine at the same time tended to accumulate--the conjoint action of glacier-ice and sub-glacial water resulting in the complex drifts of the peripheral area. in the disposition and appearance of the aqueous deposits of the diluvium we have evidence of an extensive sub-glacial water-circulation--glacier-mills that gave rise to "giants' kettles"--chains of sub-glacial lakes in which fine clays gathered--streams and rivers that flowed in tunnels under the ice, and whose courses were paved with sand and gravel. nowhere do german geologists find any evidence of marine action. on the contrary, the dovetailing and interosculation of boulder-clay with aqueous deposits are explained by the relation of the ice to the surface over which it flowed. throughout the peripheral area it did not rest so continuously upon the ground as was the case in the inner region of maximum erosion. in many places it was tunnelled by rapid streams and rivers, and here and there it arched over sub-glacial lakes, so that accumulation of ground-moraine proceeded side by side with the formation of aqueous sediments. much of that ground-moraine is of the usual tough and hard-pressed character, but here and there it is somewhat less coherent and even silt-like. now a study of the ground-moraines of modern glaciers affords us a reasonable explanation of such differences. dr. brückner[ae] has shown that in many places the ground-moraine of the alpine glaciers is included in the bottom of the ice itself. the ground-moraine, he says, frequently appears as an ice-stratum abundantly impregnated with silt and rock-fragments--it is like a conglomerate or breccia which has ice for its binding material. when this ground-moraine melts out of the ice--no running water being present--it forms a layer of unstratified silt or clay, with stones scattered irregularly through it. such being the case in modern glaciers, we can hardly doubt that over the peripheral areas occupied by the old northern ice-sheet boulder-clay must frequently have been accumulated in the same way. nay, when the ground-moraine melted out and dropt here and there into quietly-flowing water it might even acquire in part a bedded character. [ad] _jahrb. d. königl. preuss. geologischen landesanstalt für 1884_, p. 438. [ae] "die vergletscherung des salzachgebietes, etc.": _geographische abhandlungen herausgegeben v. a. penck_, band i. heft 1. the limits reached by the inland-ice during its greatest extension are becoming more and more clearly defined, although its southern margin will probably never be so accurately determined as that of the latest epoch of general glaciation. the reasons for this are obvious. when the inland-ice flowed south to the harz and the hills of saxony it formed no great terminal moraines. doubtless many erratics and much rock-rubbish were showered upon the surface of the ice from the higher mountains of scandinavia, but owing to the fanning-out of the ice on its southward march, such superficial débris was necessarily spread over a constantly-widening area. it may well be doubted, therefore, whether it ever reached the terminal front of the ice-sheet in sufficient bulk to form conspicuous moraines. it seems most probable that the terminal moraines of the great inland-ice would consist of low banks of boulder-clay and aqueous materials-the latter, perhaps, strongly predominating, and containing here and there larger and smaller angular erratics which had travelled on the surface of the ice. however that may be, it is certain that the whole region in question has been considerably modified by subsequent denudation, and to a large extent is now concealed under deposits belonging to later stages of the pleistocene period. the extreme limits reached by the ice are determined rather by the occasional presence of rock-striæ and _roches moutonnées_, of boulder-clay and northern erratics, than by recognisable terminal moraines. the southern limits reached by the old inland-ice appear in this way to have been tolerably well ascertained over a considerable portion of central europe. some years ago i published a small sketch-map[af] showing the extent of surface formerly covered by ice. on this map i did not venture to draw the southern margin of the ice-sheet in belgium further south than antwerp, where northern erratics were known to occur, but the more recent researches of belgian geologists show that the ice probably flowed south for some little distance beyond brussels.[ag] here and there in other parts of the continent the southern limits reached by the northern drift have also been more accurately determined, but, so far as i know, none of these later observations involves any serious modification of the sketch-map referred to. [af] _prehistoric europe_, 1881. [ag] see a paper by m. e. delvaux: _ann. de la. soc. géol. de belg._, t. xiii. p. 158. i have now said enough, however, to show that the notion of a general ice-sheet having covered so large a part of europe, which a few years ago was looked upon as a wild dream, has been amply justified by the labours of those who are so assiduously investigating the peripheral areas of the "great northern drift." and perhaps i may be allowed to express my own belief that the drifts of middle and southern england, which exhibit the same complexity as the lower diluvium of the continent, will eventually be generally acknowledged to have had a similar origin. i have often thought that whilst politically we are happy in having the sea all round us, geologically we should have gained perhaps by its greater distance. at all events we should have been less ready to invoke its assistance to explain every puzzling appearance presented by our glacial accumulations. i now pass on to review some of the general results obtained by continental geologists as to the extent of area occupied by inland-ice during the last great extension of glacier-ice in europe. it is well known that this latest ice-sheet did not overflow nearly so wide a region as that underneath which the lowest boulder-clay was accumulated. this is shown not only by the geographical distribution of the youngest boulder-clay, but by the direction of rock-striæ, the trend of erratics, and the position of well-marked terminal moraines. gerard de geer has given a summary[ah] of the general results obtained by himself and his fellow-workers in sweden and norway; and these have been supplemented by the labours of berendt, e. geinitz, hauchecorne, keilhack, klockmann, schröder, wahnschaffe, and others in germany, and by sederholm in finland.[ai] from them we learn that the end-moraines of the ice circle round the southern coasts of norway, from whence they sweep south-east by east across the province of gottland in sweden, passing through the lower ends of lakes wener and wetter, while similar moraines mark out for us the terminal front of the inland-ice in finland--at least two parallel frontal moraines passing inland from hango head on the gulf of finland through the southern part of that province to the north of lake ladoga. further north-east than this they have not been traced; but, from some observations by helmersen, sederholm thinks it probable that the terminal ice-front extended north-east by the north of lake onega to the eastern shores of the white sea. between sweden and finland lies the basin of the baltic, which at the period in question was filled with ice, forming a great baltic glacier which overflowed the öland islands, gottland, and öland, and which, fanning-out as it passed towards the south-west, invaded, on the south side, the baltic provinces of germany, while, on the north, it crossed the southern part of scania in sweden and the danish islands to enter jutland. [ah] _zeitschrift d. deutsch. geolog. ges._, bd. xxxvii., p. 177. [ai] for papers by berendt and his associates see especially the _jahrbuch d. k. preuss. geol. landesanstalt_, and the _zaitschr. d. deutsch. geol. ges._ for the past few years. geinitz: _forsch. z. d. landsu. volkskunde_, i. 5; _leopoldina_, xxii., p. 37; i. _beitrag z. geologie mecklenburgs_, 1880, pp. 46, 56. sederholm: _fennia_, i. no. 7. the upper boulder-clay of those regions is now recognised as the ground-moraine of this latest ice-sheet. in many places it is separated from the older boulder-clay by interglacial deposits--some of which are marine, while others are of freshwater and terrestrial origin. during interglacial times the sea that overflowed a considerable portion of north germany was evidently continuous with the north sea, as is shown not only by the geographical distribution of the interglacial marine deposits, but by their north sea fauna. german geologists generally group all the interglacial deposits together, as if they belonged to one and the same interglacial epoch. this perhaps we must look upon as only a provisional arrangement. certain it is that the freshwater and terrestrial beds which frequently occur on the same or a lower level, and at no great distance from the marine deposits, cannot in all cases be contemporaneous with the latter. possibly, however, such discordances may be accounted for by oscillations in the level of the interglacial sea--land and water having alternately prevailed over the same area. two boulder-clays, as we have seen, have been recognised over a wide region in the north of germany. in some places, however, three or more such boulder-clays have been observed overlying one another throughout considerable areas, and these clays are described as being distinctly separate and distinguishable the one from the other.[aj] whether they, with their intercalated aqueous deposits, indicate great oscillations of one and the same ice-sheet--now advancing, now retreating--or whether the stony clays may not be the ground-moraines of so many different ice-sheets, separated the one from the other by true interglacial conditions, future investigations must be left to decide. [aj] h. schröder: _jahrb. d. k. preuss. geol. landesanstalt für 1887_ , p. 360. the general conclusions arrived at by those who are at present investigating the glacial accumulations of northern europe may be summarised as follows:-1. before the invasion of northern germany by the inland-ice the low-grounds bordering on the baltic were overflowed by a sea which contained a boreal and arctic fauna. these marine conditions are indicated by the presence under the lower boulder-clay of more or less well-bedded fossiliferous deposits. on the same horizon occur also beds of sand, containing freshwater shells, and now and again mammalian remains, some of which imply cold and others temperate climatic conditions. obviously all these deposits may pertain to one and the same period, or more properly to different stages of the same period--some dating back to a time when the climate was still temperate, while others clearly indicate the prevalence of cold conditions, and are therefore probably somewhat younger. 2. the next geological horizon in ascending order is that which is marked by the lower diluvium--the glacial and fluvio-glacial detritus of the great ice-sheet which flowed south to the foot of the harz mountains. the boulder-clay on this horizon now and again contains marine, freshwater, and terrestrial organic remains--derived undoubtedly from the so-called pre-glacial beds already referred to. these latter, it would appear, were ploughed up and largely incorporated with the old ground-moraine. 3. the interglacial beds which next succeed contain remains of a well-marked temperate fauna and flora, which point to something more than a mere partial or local retreat of the inland-ice. the geographical distribution of the beds, and the presence in these of such forms as _elephas antiquus_, _cervus elephas_, _c. megaceros_, and a flora comparable to that now existing in northern germany, justify geologists in concluding that the interglacial epoch was one of long duration, and characterised in germany by climatic conditions apparently not less temperate than those that now obtain. one of the phases of that interglacial epoch, as we have seen, was the overflowing of the baltic provinces by the waters of the north sea. 4. to this well-marked interglacial epoch succeeded another epoch of arctic conditions, when the scandinavian inland-ice once more invaded germany, ploughing through the interglacial deposits, and working these up in its ground-moraine. so far as i can learn, the prevalent belief among geologists in north germany is that there was only one interglacial epoch; but, as already stated, doubt has been expressed whether all the facts can be thus accounted for. there must always be great difficulty in the correlation of widely-separated interglacial deposits, and the time does not seem to me to have yet come when we can definitely assert that all those interglacial beds belong to one and the same geological horizon. i have dwelt upon the recent work of geologists in the peripheral areas of the drift-covered regions of northern europe, because i think the results obtained are of great interest to glacialists in this country. and for the same reason i wish next to call attention to what has been done of late years in elucidating the glacial geology of the alpine lands of central europe--and more particularly of the low-grounds that stretch out from the foot of the mountains. any observations that tend to throw light upon the history of the complex drifts of our own peripheral areas cannot but be of service. it is quite impossible to do justice in this brief sketch to the labours of the many enthusiastic geologists who within recent years have increased our knowledge of the glaciation of the alpine lands. at present, however, i am not so much concerned with the proofs of general glaciation as with the evidence that goes to show how the alpine ground-moraines have been formed, and with the facts which have led certain observers to conclude that the alps have endured several distinct glaciations within pleistocene times. swiss geologists are agreed that the ground-moraines which clothe the bottoms of the great alpine valleys, and extend outwards sometimes for many miles upon the low-grounds beyond, are of true glacial origin. now these ground-moraines are closely similar to the boulder-clays of this country and northern europe--like them, they are frequently tough and hard-pressed, but now and again somewhat looser, and less firmly coherent. frequently also they contain lenticular beds, and more or less thick sheets of aqueous deposits--in some places the stony clays even exhibiting a kind of stratification--and ever and anon such water-assorted materials are commingled with stony clay in the most complex manner. these latter appearances are, however, upon the whole best developed upon the low-grounds that sweep out from the base of the alps. the only question concerning the ground-moraines that has recently given rise to much discussion is the origin of the materials themselves. it is obvious that there are only three possible modes in which those materials could have been introduced to the ground-moraine: either they consist of superficial morainic débris which has found its way down to the bottom of the old glaciers by crevasses; or they may be made up of the rock-rubbish, shingle, gravel, etc., which doubtless strewed the valleys before these were occupied by ice; or, lastly, they may have been derived in chief measure from the underlying rocks themselves by the action of the ice that overflowed them. the investigations of penck, blaas, böhm, and brückner appear to me to have demonstrated that the ground-moraines are composed mostly of materials which have been detached from the underlying rocks by the erosive action of the glaciers themselves. their observations show that the regions studied by them in great detail were almost completely buried under ice--so that the accumulation of superficial moraines was for the most part impossible; and they advance a number of facts which prove positively that the ground-moraines were formed and accumulated under ice. i cannot here recapitulate the evidence, but must content myself by a reference to the papers in which this is fully discussed.[ak] these geologists do not deny that some of the material may occasionally have come from above, nor do they doubt that pre-existing masses of rock-rubbish and alluvial accumulations may also have been incorporated with the ground-moraines; but the enormous extent of the latter, and the direction of transport and distribution of the erratics which they contain cannot be thus accounted for, while all the facts are readily explained by the action of the ice itself, which used its sub-glacial débris as tools with which to carry on the work of erosion. [ak] penck: _die vergletscherung der deutschen alpen._ blaas: _zeitschrift d. ferdinandeums_, 1885. böhm: _jahrb. d. k. k. geol. reichsanstalt_, 1885, bd. xxxv., heft 3. brückner: _die vergletscherung d. salzachgebietes, etc._, 1886. professor heim and others have frequently asserted that glaciers have little or no eroding power, since at the lower ends of existing glaciers we find no evidence of such erosion being in operation. but the chief work of a glacier cannot be carried on at its lower end, where motion is reduced to a minimum, and where the ice is perforated by sub-glacial tunnels and arches, underneath which no glacial erosion can possibly take place; and yet it is upon observations made in just such places that the principal arguments against the erosive action of glaciers have been based. if all that we could ever know of glacial action were confined to what we can learn from peering into the grottoes at the terminal fronts of existing glaciers, we should indeed come to the conclusion that glaciers do not erode their rocky beds to any appreciable extent. but as we do not look for the strongest evidence of fluviatile erosion at the mouth of a river, but in its valley--and mountain-tracks, so if we wish to learn what glacier-ice can accomplish, we must study in detail some wide region from which the ice has completely disappeared. when this plan has been followed, it has happened that some of the strongest opponents of glacial erosion have been compelled by the force of the evidence to go over to the other camp. dr. blaas, for example, has been led by his observations on the glacial formations of the inn valley to recant his former views, and to become a formidable advocate of the very theory which he formerly opposed. to his work and the memoirs by penck, brückner, and böhm already cited, and especially to the admirable chapter on glacier-erosion by the last-named author, i would refer those who may be anxious to know the last word on this much-debated question. the evidence of interglacial conditions within the alpine lands continues to increase. these are represented by alluvial deposits of silt, sand, gravel, conglomerate, breccia, and lignites. penck, böhm, and brückner find evidence of two interglacial epochs, and maintain that there have been three distinct and separate epochs of glaciation in the alps. no mere temporary retreat and re-advance of the glaciers, according to them, will account for the various phenomena presented by the interglacial deposits and associated morainic accumulations. during interglacial times the glaciers disappeared from the lower valleys of the alps--the climate was temperate, and probably the snow-fields and glaciers approximated in extent to those of the present day. all the evidence conspires to show that an interglacial epoch was of prolonged duration. dr. brückner has observed that the moraines of the last glacial epoch rest here and there upon löss, and he confirms penck's observations in south bavaria that this remarkable formation never overlies the morainic accumulations of the latest glacial epoch. according to penck and brückner, therefore, the löss is of interglacial age. there can be little doubt, however, that löss does not belong to any one particular horizon. wahnschaffe[al] and others have shown that throughout wide areas in north germany it is the equivalent in age of the upper diluvium, while schumacher[am] points out that in the rhine valley it occurs on two separate and distinct horizons. professor andreæ has likewise shown[an] that there is an upper and lower löss in alsace--each characterised by its own special fauna. [al] _abhandl. z. geol. specialkarte v. preussen_, etc., bd. vii. heft 1; _zeitschr. d. zeutsch. geol. ges._, 1885, p. 904; 1886, p. 367. [am] _hygienische topographie von strassburg i. e._, 1885. [an] _abhandl. z. geol. specialkarte a. elsass-lothringen_, bd. iv. heft 2. there is still considerable difference of opinion as to the mode of formation of this remarkable accumulation. by many it is considered to be an aqueous deposit; others, following richthofen, are of opinion that it is a wind-blown accumulation; while some incline to the belief that it is partly the one and partly the other. nor do the upholders of these various hypotheses agree amongst themselves as to the precise manner in which water or wind has worked to produce the observed results. thus, amongst the supporters of the aqueous origin of the löss, we find this attributed to the action of heavy rains washing over and rearranging the material of the boulder-clays.[ao] many, again, have held it probable that löss is simply the finest loam distributed over the low-grounds by the flood-waters that escaped from the northern inland-ice and the _mers de glace_ of the alpine lands of central europe. another suggestion is that much of the material of the löss may have been derived from the denudation of the boulder-clays by flood-water, during the closing stages of the last cold period. it is pointed out that in some regions, at least, the löss is underlaid by a layer of erratics, which are believed to be the residue of the denuded boulder-clay. we are reminded by klockmann[ap] and wahnschaffe[aq] that the inland-ice must have acted as a great dam, and that wide areas in germany, etc., would be flooded, partly by water derived from the melting inland-ice, and partly by waters flowing north from the hilly tracts of middle germany. in the great basins thus formed there would be a commingling of fine silt material derived from north and south, which would necessarily come to form a deposit having much the same character throughout. [ao] laspeyres: _erläuterungen z. geol specialkaret v preussen_, etc., _blatt. gröbzig, zörbig, und petersberg_. [ap] klockmann: _jahrb. d. k. preuss. geol. landesanstalt für 1883_, p. 262. [aq] wahnschaffe: _op. cit._, and _zeitschr. d. deutsch. geol. ges._, 1886, p. 367. from what i have myself seen of the löss in various parts of germany, and from all that i have gathered from reading and in conversation with those who have worked over löss-covered regions, i incline to the opinion that löss is for the most part of aqueous origin. in many cases this can be demonstrated, as by the occurrence of bedding and the intercalation of layers of stones, sand, gravel, etc., in the deposit; again, by the not infrequent appearance of freshwater shells; but, perhaps, chiefly by the remarkable uniformity of character which the löss itself displays. it seems to me reasonable also to believe that the flood-waters of glacial times must needs have been highly charged with finely-divided sediment, and that such sediment would be spread over wide regions in the low-grounds--in the slackwaters of the great rivers and in the innumerable temporary lakes which occupied, or partly occupied, many of the valleys and depressions of the land. there are different kinds of löss or löss-like deposits, however, and all need not have been formed in the same way. probably some may have been derived, as wahnschaffe has suggested, from denudation of boulder-clay. possibly also, some löss may owe its origin to the action of rain on the stony clays, producing what we in this country would call "rain-wash." there are other accumulations, however, which no aqueous theory will satisfactorily explain. under this category comes much of the so-called _berglöss_, with its abundant land-shells, and its generally unstratified character. it seems likely that such löss is simply the result of sub-aërial action, and owes its origin to rain, frost, and wind acting upon the superficial formations, and rearranging their finer-grained constituents. and it is quite possible that the upper portion of much of the löss of the lower-grounds may have been re-worked in the same way. but i confess i cannot yet find in the facts adduced by german geologists any evidence of a dry-as-dust epoch having obtained in europe during any stage of the pleistocene period. the geographical position of our continent seems to me to forbid the possibility of such climatic conditions, while all the positive evidence we have points to humidity rather than dryness as the prevalent feature of pleistocene climates. it is obvious, however, that after the flood-waters had disappeared from the low-grounds of the continent, sub-aërial action would come into play over the wide regions covered by the glacial and fluvio-glacial deposits. thus, in the course of time, these deposits would become modified,--just as similar accumulations in these islands have been top-dressed, as it were, and to some extent even rearranged. i am strengthened in these views by the conclusions arrived at by m. falsan--the eminent french glacialist. covering the plateaux of the dombes, and widely spread throughout the valleys of the rhone, the ain, the isère, etc., in france there is a deposit of löss, he says, which has been derived from the washing of the ancient moraines. at the foot of the alps, where black schists are largely developed, the löss is dark grey, but west of the secondary chain the same deposit is yellowish, and composed almost entirely of silicious materials, with only a very little carbonate of lime. this _limon_ or löss, however, is very generally modified towards the top by the chemical action of rain--the yellow löss acquiring a red colour. sometimes it is crowded with calcareous concretions, but at other times it has been deprived of its calcareous element and converted into a kind of pulverulent silica or quartz. this, the true löss, is distinguished from another _lehm_, which falsan recognises as the product of atmospheric action--formed, in fact, _in situ_, from the disintegration and decomposition of the subjacent rocks. even this lehm has been modified by running water--dispersed or accumulated locally, as the case may be.[ar] [ar] falsan: _la période glaciaire_, p. 81. all that we know of the löss and its fossils compels us to include this accumulation as a product of the pleistocene period. it is not of post-glacial age--even much of what one may call the "remodified löss" being of late glacial or pleistocene age. i cannot attempt to give here a summary of what has been learned within recent years as to the fauna of the löss. the researches of nehring and liebe have familiarised us with the fact that, at some particular stage in the pleistocene period, a fauna like that of the alpine steppe-lands of western asia was indigenous to middle europe, and the recent investigations by woldrich have increased our knowledge of this fauna. at what horizon, then, does this steppe-fauna make its appearance? at thiede dr. nehring discovered in so-called löss three successive horizons, each characterised by a special fauna. the lowest of these faunas was decidedly arctic in type; above that came a steppe-fauna, which last was succeeded by a fauna comprising such forms as mammoth, woolly rhinoceros, _bos_, _cervus_, horse, hyæna, and lion. now, if we compare this last fauna with the forms which have been obtained from true post-glacial deposits--those deposits, namely, which overlie the younger boulder-clays and flood-accumulations of the latest glacial epoch, we find little in common. the lion, the mammoth, and the rhinoceros are conspicuous by their absence from the post-glacial beds of europe. in place of them we meet with a more or less arctic fauna, and a high-alpine and arctic flora, which as we all know eventually gave place to the flora and fauna with which neolithic man was contemporaneous. as this is the case throughout north-western and central europe, we seem justified in assigning the thiede beds to the pleistocene period, and to that interglacial stage which preceded and gradually merged into the last glacial epoch. that the steppe-fauna indicates relatively drier conditions of climate than obtained when perennial snow and ice covered wide areas of the low-ground goes without saying, but i am unable to agree with those who maintain that it implies a dry-as-dust climate, like that of some of the steppe-regions of our own day. the remarkable commingling of arcticand steppe-faunas discovered in the böhmer-wald[as] by woldrich shows, i think, that the jerboas, marmots, and hamster-rats were not incapable of living in the same regions contemporaneously with lemmings, arctic hares, siberian social voles, etc. but when a cold epoch was passing away the steppe-forms probably gradually replaced their arctic congeners, as these migrated northwards during the continuous amelioration of the climate. [as] woldrich: _sitzungsb. d. kais. akad. d. w. math. nat. cl._, 1880, p. 7; 1881, p. 177; 1883, p. 978. if the student of the pleistocene faunas has certain advantages in the fact that he has to deal with forms many of which are still living, he labours at the same time under disadvantages which are unknown to his colleagues who are engaged in the study of the life of far older periods. the pleistocene period was distinguished above all things by its great oscillations of climate--the successive changes being repeated and producing correlative migrations of floras and faunas. we know that arctic and temperate faunas and floras flourished during interglacial times, and a like succession of life-forms followed the final disappearance of glacial conditions. a study of the organic remains met with in any particular deposit will not necessarily, therefore, enable us to assign these to their proper horizon. the geographical position of the deposit, and its relation to pleistocene accumulations elsewhere, must clearly be taken into account. already, however, much has been done in this direction, and it is probable that ere long we shall be able to arrive at a fair knowledge of the various modifications which the pleistocene floras and faunas experienced during that protracted period of climatic changes of which i have been speaking. we shall even possibly learn how often the arctic, steppe-, prairie-, and forest-faunas, as they have been defined by woldrich, replaced each other. even now some approximation to this better knowledge has been made. dr. pohlig,[at] for example, has compared the remains of the pleistocene faunas obtained at many different places in europe, and has presented us with a classification which, although confessedly incomplete, yet serves to show the direction in which we must look for further advances in this department of inquiry. [at] pohlig: _sitzungsb. d. niederrheinischen gesellschaft zu bonn_, 1884; _zeitschr. d. deutsch. geolog. ges._, 1887, p. 798. for a very full account of the diluvial european and northern asiatic mammalian faunas by woldrich, see _mém. de l'acad. des sciences de st. pétersbourg_, vii^e sér., t. xxxv., 1887. during the last twenty years the evidence of interglacial conditions both in europe and america has so increased that geologists generally no longer doubt that the pleistocene period was characterised by great changes of climate. the occurrence at many different localities on the continent of beds of lignite and freshwater alluvia, containing remains of pleistocene mammalia, intercalated between separate and distinct boulder-clays has left us no other alternative. the interglacial beds of the alpine lands of central europe are paralleled by similar deposits in britain, scandinavia, germany, and france. but opinions differ as to the number of glacial and interglacial epochs--many holding that we have evidence of only two cold stages and one general interglacial stage. this, as i have said, is the view entertained by most geologists who are at work on the glacial accumulations of scandinavia and north germany. on the other hand, dr. penck and others, from a study of drifts of the german alpine lands, believe that they have met with evidence of three distinct epochs of glaciation, and two epochs of interglacial conditions. in france, while some observers are of opinion that there have been only two epochs of general glaciation, others, as, for example, m. tardy, find what they consider to be evidence of several such epochs. others again, as m. falsan, do not believe in the existence of any interglacial stages, although they readily admit that there were great advances and retreats of the ice during the glacial period. m. falsan, in short, believes in oscillations, but is of opinion that these were not so extensive as others have maintained. it is, therefore, simply a question of degree, and whether we speak of oscillations or of epochs, we must needs admit the fact that throughout all the glaciated tracts of europe, fossiliferous deposits occur intercalated among glacial accumulations. the successive advance and retreat of the ice, therefore, was not a local phenomenon, but characterised all the glaciated areas. and the evidence shows that the oscillations referred to were on a gigantic scale. the relation borne to the glacial accumulations by the old river alluvia which contain relics of palæolithic man early attracted attention. from the fact that these alluvia in some places overlie glacial deposits, the general opinion (still held by some) was that palæolithic man must needs be of post-glacial age. but since we have learned that all boulder-clay does not belong to one and the same geological horizon--that, in short, there have been at least two, and probably more, epochs of glaciation--it is obvious that the mere occurrence of glacial deposits underneath palæolithic gravels does not prove these latter to be post-glacial. all that we are entitled in such a case to say is simply that the implement-bearing beds are younger than the glacial accumulations upon which they rest. their horizon must be determined by first ascertaining the relative position in the glacial series of the underlying deposits. now, it is a remarkable fact that the boulder-clays which underlie such old alluvia belong, without exception, to the earlier stages of the glacial period. this has been proved again and again, not only for this country but for europe generally. i am sorry to reflect that some twenty years have now elapsed since i was led to suspect that the palæolithic deposits were not of post-glacial but of glacial and interglacial age. in 1871-72 i published a series of papers in the _geological magazine_ in which were set forth the views i had come to form upon this interesting question. in these papers it was maintained that the alluvia and cave-deposits could not be of post-glacial age, but must be assigned to pre-glacial and interglacial times, and in chief measure to the latter. evidence was led to show that the latest great development of glacier-ice in europe took place after the southern pachyderms and palæolithic man had vacated england--that during this last stage of the glacial period man lived contemporaneously with a northern and alpine fauna in such regions as southern france--and lastly, that palæolithic man and the southern mammalia never revisited north-western europe after extreme glacial conditions had disappeared. these conclusions were arrived at after a somewhat detailed examination of all the evidence then available--the remarkable distribution of the palæolithic and ossiferous alluvia having, as i have said, particularly impressed me. i coloured a map to show at once the areas covered by the glacial and fluvio-glacial deposits of the last glacial epoch, and the regions in which the implement-bearing and ossiferous alluvia had been met with, when it became apparent that the latter never occurred at the surface within the regions occupied by the former. if ossiferous alluvia did here and there appear within the recently glaciated areas it was always either in caves, or as infraor interglacial deposits. since the date of these researches our knowledge of the geographical distribution of pleistocene deposits has greatly increased, and implements and other relics of palæolithic man have been recorded from many new localities throughout europe. but none of this fresh evidence contradicts the conclusions i had previously arrived at; on the contrary, it has greatly strengthened my general argument. professor penck was, i think, the first on the continent to adopt the views referred to. he was among the earliest to recognise the evidence of interglacial conditions in the drift-covered regions of northern germany, and it was the reflections which those remarkable interglacial beds were so well calculated to suggest that led him into the same path as myself. dr. penck has published a map[au] showing the areas covered by the earlier and later glacial deposits in northern europe and the alpine lands, and indicating at the same time the various localities where palæolithic finds have occurred, and in not a single case do any of the latter appear within the areas covered by the accumulations of the last glacial epoch. [au] _archiv für anthropologie_, bd. xv. heft 3, 1884. a glance at the papers which have been published in germany within the last few years will show how greatly students of the pleistocene ossiferous beds have been influenced by what is now known of the interglacial deposits and their organic remains. professors rothpletz[av] and andreæ,[aw] dr. pohlig[ax] and others, do not now hesitate to correlate with those beds the old ossiferous and implement-bearing alluvia which lie altogether outside of glaciated regions. [av] rothpletz: _denkschrift d. schweizer. ges. für d. gesammt. nat._, bd. xxviii. 1881. [aw] andreæ: _abhandl. z. geolog. specialkarte v. elsass-lothringen_, bd. iv. heft 2, 1884. [ax] pohlig: _op. cit._ the relation of the pleistocene alluvia of france to the glacial deposits of that and other countries has been especially canvassed. rothpletz, in the paper i have cited, includes these alluvia amongst the interglacial deposits, and in the present year (1889) we have an interesting essay on the same subject by the accomplished secretary of the anthropological and archæological congress which met recently in paris. m. boule[ay] correlates the palæolithic caveand river-deposits of france with those of other countries, and shows that they must be of interglacial age. his classification, i am gratified to find, does not materially differ from that given by myself a number of years ago. he is satisfied that in france there is evidence of three glacial epochs and two well-marked interglacial horizons. the oldest of the palæolithic stages of mortillet (chelléenne) culminated according to boule during the last interglacial epoch, while the more recent palæolithic stages (moustérienne, solutréenne, and magdalénienne) coincided with the last great development of glacier-ice. the palæolithic age, so far as europe is concerned, came to a close during this last cold phase of the glacial period. [ay] boule: _revue d'anthropologie_, 1889, t. 1. there are many other points relating to glacial geology which have of late years been canvassed by continental workers, but these i cannot discuss here. i have purposely indeed restricted my remarks to such parts of a wide subject as i thought might have interest for glacialists in this country, some of whom may not have had their attention directed to the results which have recently been attained by their fellow-labourers in other lands. had time permitted i should gladly have dwelt upon the noteworthy advances made by our american brethren in the same department of inquiry. especially should i have wished to direct attention to the remarkable evidence adduced in favour of the periodicity of glacial action. thus messrs. chamberlin and salisbury, after a general review of that evidence, maintain that the ice age was interrupted by one chief interglacial epoch and also by three interglacial sub-epochs or episodes of deglaciation. these authors discuss at some length the origin of the löss, and come to the general conclusion that while deposits of this character may have been formed at different stages of the glacial period, and under different conditions, yet upon the whole they are best explained by aqueous action. indeed a perusal of the recent geological literature of america shows a close accord between the theoretical opinions of many transatlantic and european geologists. thus as years advance the picture of pleistocene times becomes more and more clearly developed. the conditions under which our old palæolithic predecessors lived--the climatic and geographical changes of which they were the witnesses--are gradually being revealed with a precision that only a few years ago might well have seemed impossible. this of itself is extremely interesting, but i feel sure that i speak the conviction of many workers in this field of labour when i say that the clearing up of the history of pleistocene times is not the only end which they have in view. one can hardly doubt that when the conditions of that period and the causes which gave rise to these have been more fully and definitely ascertained we shall have advanced some way towards the better understanding of the climatic conditions of still earlier periods. for it cannot be denied that our knowledge of palæozoic, mesozoic, and even early cainozoic climates is unsatisfactory. but we may look forward to the time when much of this uncertainty will disappear. meteorologists are every day acquiring a clearer conception of the distribution of atmospheric pressure and temperature and the causes by which that distribution is determined, and the day is approaching when we shall be better able than we are now to apply this extended meteorological knowledge to the explanation of the climates of former periods in the world's history. one of the chief factors in the present distribution of atmospheric temperature and pressure is doubtless the relative position of the great landand water-areas; and if this be true of the present, it must be true also of the past. it would almost seem, then, as if all one had to do to ascertain the climatic conditions of any particular period, was to prepare a map depicting with some approach to accuracy the former relative position of land and sea. with such a map could our meteorologists infer what the climatic conditions must have been? yes, provided we could assure them that in other respects the physical conditions did not differ from the present. now there is no period in the past history of our globe the geographical conditions of which are better known than the pleistocene. and yet, when we have indicated these upon a map, we find that they do not give the results which we might have expected. the climatic conditions which they seem to imply are not such as we know did actually obtain. it is obvious, therefore, that some additional and perhaps exceptional factor was at work to produce the recognised results. what was this disturbing element, and have we any evidence of its interference with the operation of the normal agents of climatic change in earlier periods of the world's history? we all know that various answers have been given to such questions. whether amongst these the correct solution of the enigma is to be found, time will show. meanwhile, as all hypothesis and theory must starve without facts to feed on, it behoves us as working geologists to do our best to add to the supply. the success with which other problems have been attacked by geologists forbids us to doubt that ere long we shall have done much to dispel some of the mystery which still envelopes the question of geological climates. ix. the glacial period and the earth-movement hypothesis.[az] [az] this article contains the substance of two papers, one read before the victoria institute, in 1892; the other an address delivered to the geological society of edinburgh, in 1891. perhaps no portion of the geological record has been more assiduously studied during the last quarter of a century than its closing chapters. we are now in possession of manifold data concerning the interpretation of which there seems to be general agreement. but while that is the case, there remain, nevertheless, certain facts or groups of facts which are variously accounted for. nor have all the phenomena of the pleistocene period received equal attention from those who have recently speculated and generalised on the subject of pleistocene climate and geography. yet, we may be sure, geologists are not likely to arrive at any safe conclusions as to the conditions that obtained in pleistocene times, unless the evidence be candidly considered in all its bearings. no interpretation of that evidence which does not recognise every outstanding group of facts can be expected to endure. it may be possible to frame a plausible theory to account for some particular conspicuous phenomena, but should that theory leave unexplained a residuum of less conspicuous but nevertheless well-proved facts, then, however strongly it may be fortified, it must assuredly fall. as already remarked, there are many phenomena in the interpretation of which geologists are generally agreed. it is, for example, no longer disputed that in pleistocene times vast sheets of ice--continental _mers de glace_--covered broad areas in europe and north america, and that extensive snow-fields and large local glaciers existed in many mountain-regions where snow-fields and glaciers are now unknown, or only meagrely developed. it is quite unnecessary, however, that i should give even the slightest sketch of the aspect presented by the glaciated tracts of our hemisphere at the climax of the ice age. the geographical distribution and extent of the old snow-fields, glaciers, and ice-sheets is matter now of common knowledge. it will be well, however, to understand clearly the nature of the conditions which obtained at the climax of glacial cold--at that stage, namely, when the alpine glaciers reached their greatest development, and when so much of europe was cased in snow and ice. this we shall best do by comparing the present with the past. now in our day the limits of perennial snow are attained at heights that necessarily vary with the latitude. this is shown as follows:- _region._ _n. lat._ _height of snow-line._ iceland, 65° 3,070 feet. norway, 61° 5,180-5,570 " n. urals, 59° 30' 4,790 " alps, 46° 8,884 or 9,000 " caucasus, 43° 10,600-11,000 " apennines, 42° 30' 9,520 " etna, 37° 30' 9,530 " sierra nevada, 37° 11,187 " thus in traversing europe from north to south the snow-line may be said to rise from 3000 feet to 11,000 feet in round numbers. it is possible from such data to draw across the map a series of isochional lines, or lines of equal perennial snow, and this has been done by my friend, professor penck of vienna.[ba] it will be understood that each isochional line traverses those regions above which the line of névé is estimated to occur at the same height. thus the isochional line of 1000 metres (3280 feet) runs from the north of norway down to lat. 64° on the west coast, whence it must pass west to the south of iceland. the line of 1500 metres (4920 ft.) is traced from the north end of the urals in a westerly direction. it then follows the back-bone of the scandinavian peninsula, passes over to scotland, and thence strikes west along lat. 55°. for each of these lines good data are obtainable. the line of 2000 metres (6560 ft.) is, however, hypothetical. it is estimated to extend from the ural mountains, about the lat. of 57°, over the mountains of middle germany and above the north of france. the line of 2500 metres (8200 ft.) passes from the southern termination of the urals, in lat. 51°, to the east carpathians, thence along the north face of the alps, thereafter south-west across the cevennes to the north-west end of the pyrenees; and thence above the cantabrian and the portuguese highlands to the coast in lat. 39°. the line of 3000 metres (9840 ft.) is estimated to occur above the caspian sea, near lat. 44°, and extends west through the north end of the caucasus to the balkans. thence it is traced north-west to the alps, south-west to the pyrenees, which range it follows to the west, and thereafter sweeps south above the coast at cadiz. the line of 3500 metres (11,480 ft.) runs from the caucasus south-west across asia minor to the lebanon mountains; thence it follows the direction of the mediterranean, and traverses morocco above the north face of the atlas range. finally the line of 4000 metres (13,120 feet) is estimated to trend in the same general direction as the last-mentioned line, but, of course, further to the south. although these isochional lines are to some extent conjectural, yet the data upon which they are based are sufficiently numerous and well-known to prevent any great error, and we may admit that the lines represent with tolerable accuracy the general position of the snow-line over our continent. so greatly has our knowledge of the glaciation of europe increased during recent years, that the height of the snow-line of the glacial period has been determined by mm. simony, partsch, penck, and höfer. their method is simple enough. they first ascertain the lowest parts of a glaciated region from which independent glaciers have flowed. this gives the maximum height of the old snow-line. next they determine the lowest point reached by such glaciers. it is obvious that the snow-line would occur higher up than that, but at a lower level than the actual source of the glaciers; and thus the minimum height of the former snow-line is approximately ascertained. the lowest level from which independent glaciers formerly flowed, and the terminal point reached by the highest-lying glaciers having been duly ascertained, it is possible to determine with sufficient accuracy the mean height of the old snow-line. the required data are best obtained, as one might have expected, in the pyrenees and amongst the mountains of middle and southern europe. in those regions the snow-line would seem to have been some 3000 feet or so lower than now. from such data professor penck has constructed a map showing the isochional lines of the glacial period. these lines are, i need hardly say, only approximations, but they are sufficiently near the truth to bring out the contrast between the ice age and the present. thus the isochional of 1000 metres, which at present lies above northern scandinavia, was pushed south to the latitude of southern france and north italy; while the isochional of 2000 metres (now overlying the extreme north of france and north germany) passed in glacial times over the northern part of the mediterranean.[bb] [ba] "geographische wirkungen der eiszeit," _verhandl. d. vierten deutschen geographentages zu münchen_, 1884. [bb] it is interesting to note that while in the tatra (north carpathians) the snow-line was depressed in glacial times to the extent of 2700 feet only, in the alps it descended some 4000 feet or more below its present level. with the snow-line of that great chain at such an elevation it is obvious that only a few of the higher points of the apennines could rise into the region of _névé_. this is the reason why moraines are met with in only the higher valleys of that range. isochional lines are not isotherms. their height and direction are determined not only by temperature, but by the amount and distribution of the snow-fall. nevertheless, the position of the snow-line in europe during the ice age enables us to form a rough estimate of the temperature. at present in middle europe the temperature falls 1° f. for every 300 feet of ascent. hence if we take the average depression of the snow-line in glacial times at 3000 feet, that would correspond approximately to a lowering of the temperature by 10°.[bc] this may not appear to be much, but, as penck points out, were the mean annual temperature to be lowered to that extent it would bring the climate of northern norway down to southern germany, and the climate of sweden to austria and moravia, while that of the alps would be met with over the basin of the mediterranean. [bc] professor brückner thinks the general lowering of temperature may not have exceeded 5-1/2° to 7° f. _verhandlungen der 73 jahresversammlung der schweizerischen naturforschenden gesellschaft in davos_, 1890. let it be noted further that this lowering of the temperature--this displacement of climatic zones, was experienced over the whole continent--extending on the one hand south into africa, and on the other east into asia. but while the conditions in northern and central europe were markedly glacial, further south only more or less isolated snow-capped mountains and local glaciers appeared--such, for example, as those of the sierra nevada, the apennines, corsica, the atlas, the lebanon, etc. in connection with these facts we may note also that the azores were reached by floating ice; and i need only refer in a word to the evidence of cold wet conditions as furnished by the plant and animal remains of the pleistocene tufas, alluvia, and peat of southern europe. again in north africa and syria we find, in desiccated regions, widespread fluviatile accumulations, which, in the opinion of a number of competent observers, are indicative of rainy conditions contemporaneous with the glacial period of europe. when we compare the conditions of the ice age with those of the present we are struck with the fact that the former were only an exaggeration of the latter. the development of glaciation was in strict accordance with existing conditions. thus in pleistocene times north america was more extensively glaciated than northern europe, just as to-day greenland shows more snow and ice than scandinavia. no traces of glaciation have been observed as yet in northern asia or in northern alaska, and to-day the only glaciers and ice-sheets that exist in northern regions are confined to the formerly glaciated areas. again, in pleistocene europe glacial phenomena were more strongly developed in the west than in the east. large glaciers, for example, existed in central france, and a considerable ice-flow poured into the basin of the douro. but in the same latitudes of eastern europe we meet with few or no traces of ice-action. again, the vosges appear to have been more severely glaciated than the mountains of middle germany; and so likewise the old glaciers of the western alps were on a much more extensive scale than those towards the east end of the chain. similar contrasts may be noted at the present day. thus we find glaciers in norway under lat. 60°, while in the ural mountains in the same latitude there is none. the glaciers of the western alps, again, are larger than those in the eastern part of the chain. the caucasus region, it is true, has considerable glaciers, but then the mountains are higher. now turn for a moment to north america. the eastern area was covered by one immense ice-sheet, while in the mountainous region of the west gigantic glaciers existed. in our own day we see a similar contrast. in the north-east lies greenland well-nigh drowned in ice, while the north-west region on the other hand, although considerably higher and occurring in the same latitude, holds only local glaciers. we may further note that at the present day very dry regions, even when these are relatively lofty and in high latitudes, such as the uplands of siberia, contain no glaciers. and the same was the case in the glacial period. these facts are sufficient to show that the conditions of glacial times bore an intimate relation to those that now obtain. could the requisite increase of precipitation and lowering of temperature take place, we cannot doubt that ice-sheets and glaciers would reappear in precisely the same regions where they were formerly so extensively developed. no change in the relative elevation of the land would be required--increased precipitation accompanied by a general lowering of the snow-line for 3000 or 3500 feet would suffice to reintroduce the ice age. from the foregoing considerations we may conclude:--(1) that the cold of the glacial period was a general phenomenon, due to some widely-acting cause--a cause sufficient to influence contemporaneously the climate of europe and north america; (2) that glaciation in our continent increased in intensity from east to west, and from south to north; (3) that where now we have the greatest rainfall, in glacial times the greatest snow-fall took place, and the snow tended most to accumulate; (4) that in the extreme south of europe, and in north africa and west asia, increased rain precipitation accompanied lowering of temperature, from which it may be inferred that precipitation in glacial times was greater generally than it is now. having considered the climatic conditions that obtained at the climax of the glacial period, i have next to recapitulate what is known as to the climatic changes of pleistocene times. it is generally admitted that the glacial conditions of which i have been speaking were repeated twice, some say three times, during the pleistocene period; while others maintain that even a larger number of glacial episodes may have occurred. two glacial epochs, at all events, have been recognised generally both in europe and north america. these were separated by an interglacial stage of more genial conditions, the evidence for which is steadily increasing. no one now calls in question the existence of interglacial deposits, but, as their occurrence is rather a stumbling-block in the way of certain recently resuscitated hypotheses, some attempt has been made to minimise their importance--to explain them away, in fact. it has been suggested, for example--(and the suggestion is by no means new)--that the deposits in question only show that there were local oscillations during the advance and retreat of the old ice-sheets and glaciers. this, however, is not the view of those who have observed and described interglacial beds--who know the nature of the organic remains which they have yielded, and the conditions under which the beds must have been accumulated. i need not refer to the interglacial deposits of our own country further than to remark that they certainly cannot be explained away in that summary fashion. the peat and freshwater beds that lie between the lower and upper tills in the neighbourhood of edinburgh, for example, are of themselves sufficient to prove a marked and decided change of climate. no mere temporary retreat and re-advance of the ice-sheet will account for their occurrence. the lower till is unquestionably the bottom-moraine of an ice-sheet which, in that region, flowed towards the east. when the geographical position of the deposits in question is considered it becomes clear that an easterly flow of ice in mid-lothian proves beyond gainsaying that during the accumulation of the lower till all scotland was drowned in ice. but when water once more flowed over the land-surface--when a temperate flora, composed of hazels and other plants, again appeared, it is obvious that the ice-sheet had already vanished from central scotland. this is not the case of a mere temporary recession of the ice-front. it is impossible to believe that a temperate or even cold-temperate flora could have flourished in central scotland at a period when thick glacier-ice mantled any portion of our lowlands. again, in the upper till we read the evidence of a recurrence of extreme glacial conditions--when central scotland was once more overwhelmed by confluent ice-streams coming from the highlands and the southern uplands. similar evidence of recurrent glacial conditions, i need hardly remind you, has been detected in other parts of the country. we are justified, then, in maintaining that our interglacial beds point to distinct oscillations of climate--oscillations which imply a long lapse of time. continental observers are equally convinced that the interglacial epoch, of which so many interesting relics have been preserved over a wide region, was marked at its climax by a temperate climate and endured for a long period. the interglacial beds of northern and central europe form everywhere marked horizons in the glacial series. geologists sometimes forget that in every region where glacial accumulations are well developed, good observers had recognised an upper and lower series of "drift-deposits" long before the idea of two separate glacial epochs had presented itself. thus, in north germany, so clearly is the upper differentiated from the lower diluvium that the two series had been noted and mapped as separate accumulations for years before geologists had formulated the theory of successive ice-epochs.[bd] the division of the german diluvium into an upper and a lower series is as firmly established as any other well-marked division in historical geology. the stratigraphical evidence has been much strengthened, however, by the discovery between upper and lower boulder-clays of true interglacial beds, containing lignite, peat, diatomaceous earth, and marine, brackish, and freshwater molluscs, fish, etc., and now and again bones of pleistocene mammals.[be] a similar strongly-marked division characterises the glacial accumulations of sweden, as has been clearly shown by de geer,[bf] who thinks that the older and younger epochs of glaciation were separated by a protracted period of interglacial conditions. in short, evidence of a break in the glacial succession has been traced at intervals across the whole width of the continent, from the borders of the north sea to central russia. m. krischtafowitsch has recently detected in the neighbourhood of moscow[bg] certain fossiliferous interglacial beds, the flora and fauna of which indicate a warmer and moister climate than the present. the interglacial stage, he says, must have been of long duration, and separated in russia as in western europe two distinct epochs of glaciation. [bd] wahnschaffe: _forschungen zur deutschen landesund volkskunde von dr. a. kirchhoff_, bd. vi., heft 1. [be] for interglacial beds of north germany see helland: _zeitschr. d. deutsch. geol._ ges., xxxi., 879; penck: _ibid._, xxxi., 157; _länderkunde von europa_ (das deutsche reich), 1887, 512; dames: _samml. gemeinverständl. wissensch. vorträge, von virchow u. holtzendorff:_ xx. ser., 479 heft; schröder: _jahrb. d. k. geol. landensanst. f._ 1885, p. 219. for further references see wahnschaffe, _op. cit._ i have not thought it worth while in this paper to refer to the interglacial deposits of our own islands. a general account of them will be found in my _great ice age_, and _prehistoric europe_. the interglacial phenomena of the continent seem to be less known here than they ought to be. [bf] _zeitschrift d. deutsch. geolog. gesellschaft_, bd. xxxvii, p. 197. [bg] _anzeichen einer interglaziären epoche in central-russland_, moskau, 1891. no mere temporary retreat and re-advance of the ice-front can account for these phenomena. the occurrence of remains of the great pachyderms at rixdorf, near berlin, and the character of the flora met with in the interglacial beds of north germany and russia are incompatible with glacial conditions in the low-grounds of northern europe. the interglacial beds, described by dr. c. weber[bh] as occurring near grünenthal, in holstein, are among the more recent discoveries of this kind. these deposits rest upon boulder-clay, and are overlaid by another sheet of the same character, and belong, according to weber, to "that great interglacial period which preceded the last ice-sheet of northern europe." the section shows 8 feet of peat resting on freshwater clay, 2 feet thick, which is underlaid by some 10 feet of "coral sand," with bryozoa. the flora and fauna have a distinctly temperate facies. it is no wonder, then, that continental geologists are generally inclined to admit that north germany and the contiguous countries have been invaded at least twice by the ice-sheets of two separate and distinct glacial epochs. this is not all, however. while every observer acknowledges that the diluvium is properly divided into an upper and a lower series, there are some geologists who have described the occurrence of three, and even more boulder-clays--the one clearly differentiated from the other, and traceable over wide areas. is each of these to be considered the product of an independent ice-sheet, or do they only indicate more or less extensive oscillations of the ice-front? the boulder-clays are parted from each other by thick beds of sand and clay, in some of which fossils have occasionally been detected. it is quite possible that such stratified beds were deposited during a temporary retreat of the ice-front, which when it re-advanced covered them up with its bottom-moraine. on the other hand, the phenomena are equally explicable on the assumption that each boulder-clay represents a separate epoch of glaciation. until the stratified beds have yielded more abundant traces of the life of the period, our judgment as to the conditions implied by them must be suspended. it is worthy of note in this connection, however, that in north america the existence of one prolonged interglacial epoch has been well established, while distinct evidence is forthcoming of what chamberlin discriminates as "stages of deglaciation and re-advancing ice."[bi] [bh] _neues jahrbuch f. mineralogie, geologie, u. palæontologie_, 1891, bd. ii., pp. 62, 228; 1892, bd. i., p. 114. [bi] _sixth annual report, u. s. geol. survey_, 1884-5, p. 315. when we turn to the alpine lands, we find that there also the occurrence of former interglacial conditions has been recognised. the interglacial deposits, as described by heer and others, are well known. these form as definite a geological horizon as the similar fossiliferous zone in the diluvium of northern germany. the lignites, as heer pointed out, represent a long period of time, and this is still further illustrated by the fact that considerable fluviatile erosion supervened between the close of the first and the advent of the later glacial epoch. no mere temporary retreat and re-advance of the ice will account for the phenomena. let us for a moment consider the conditions under which the accumulations in question were laid down. the glacial deposits underlying the lignite beds contain, amongst other erratics, boulders which have come from the upper valley of the rhine. this means, of course, that the ancient glacier of the rhine succeeded in reaching the lake of zurich; and it is well known that it extended at the same time to lake constance. that glacier, therefore exceeded sixty miles in length. one cannot doubt that the climatic conditions implied by this great extension were excessive, and quite incompatible with the appearance in the low-grounds of switzerland of such a flora as that of the lignites. the organic remains of the lignite beds indicate a climate certainly not less temperate than that which at present characterises the district round the lake of zurich. we may safely infer, therefore, that during interglacial times the glaciers of the alps were not more extensively developed than at present. again, as the lignites are overlaid by glacial deposits, it is obvious that the rhine glacier once more reached lake zurich--in other words, there was a return of the excessive climate that induced the first great advance of that and other swiss glaciers. that these advances were really due to extreme climatic conditions is shown by the fact that it was only under such conditions that the scandinavian flora could have invaded the low-grounds of europe, and entered switzerland. it is impossible, therefore, that the interglacial flora could have flourished in switzerland while the immigration of these northern plants was taking place. lignites of the same age as those of dürnten and utznach occur in many places both on the north and south sides of the alpine chain. at imberg, near sonthofen, in bavaria, for example, they are described by penck[bj] as being underlaid and overlaid by thick glacial accumulations. the deposits in question form a terrace along the flanks of the hills, at a height of 700 feet above the iller. the flora of the lignite has not yet been fully studied, but it is composed chiefly of conifers, which must have grown near where their remains now occur--that is at 3000 feet, or thereabout, above the sea. it is incredible that coniferous forests could have flourished at that elevation during a glacial epoch. a lowering of the mean annual temperature by 3° c. only would render the growth of trees at that height almost impossible, and certainly would be insufficient to cause the glaciers of algau to descend to the foot of the mountains, as we know they did--a distance of at least twenty-four miles. the imberg lignites, therefore, are evidence of a climate not less temperate than the present. more than this, there is clear proof that the interglacial stage was long continued, for during that epoch the iller had time to effect very considerable erosion. the succession of changes shown by the sections near sonthofen are as follows. 1. the iller valley is filled with glacier-ice which flows out upon the low-grounds at the base of the alps. 2. the glacier retreats, and great sheets of shingle and gravel are spread over the valley. 3. coniferous forests now grow over the surface of the gravels; and as the lignite formed of their remains attains a thickness of ten feet in all, it obviously points to the lapse of some considerable time. 4. eventually the forests decay, and their débris is buried under new accumulations of shingle and gravel. 5. the iller cuts its way down through all the deposits to depths of 680 to 720 feet. 6. a glacier again descends and fills the valley, but does not flow so far as that of the earlier glacial stage. [bj] _die vergletscherung der deutschen alpen_, 1882, p. 256. in this section, as in those at dürnten and utznach, we have conclusive evidence of two glacial epochs, sharply marked off the one from the other. nor does that evidence stand alone, for at various points between lake geneva and the lower valley of the inn similar interglacial deposits occur. sometimes these appear at the foot of the mountains, as at mörschweil on lake constance; sometimes just within the mountain area, as at imberg; sometimes far in the heart of the alpine lands, as at innsbruck. professor penck has further shown, and his observations have been confirmed by brückner, blaas, and böhm, that massive sheets of fluviatile gravel are frequently met with throughout the valleys of the alps, occupying interglacial positions. these gravels are exactly comparable to the interglacial gravels of the sonthofen sections. and it has been demonstrated that they occur on two horizons, separated the one from the other by characteristic ground-moraine, or boulder-clay. the lower gravels rest on ground-moraine, and the upper gravels are overlaid by sheets of the same kind of glacial detritus. in short, three separate and distinct ground-moraines are recognised. the gravels, one cannot doubt, are simply the torrential and fluviatile deposits laid down before advancing and retreating glaciers; and it is especially to be noted that each sheet of gravel, after its accumulation, was much denuded and cut through by river-action. in a word, as penck and others have shown, the valleys of upper bavaria have been occupied by glaciers at three successive epochs--each separated from the other by a period during which much river-gravel was deposited and great erosion of the valley-bottoms was effected. on the italian side of the alps, similar evidence of climatic changes is forthcoming. the lignites and lacustrine strata of val gandino, and of val borlezza, as i have elsewhere shown,[bk] are clearly of interglacial age. from these deposits many organic remains have been obtained--amongst the animals being _rhinoceros hemitoechus_ and _r. leptorhinus_. according to sordelli, the plants indicate a climate as genial as that of the plains of lombardy and venetia, and warmer therefore than that of the upland valleys in which the interglacial beds occur. professor penck informs me that some time ago he detected evidence in the district of lake garda of three successive glacial epochs--the evidence being of the same character as that recognised in the valleys of the bavarian alps. [bk] _prehistoric europe_, p. 303. in the glaciated districts of france similar phenomena are met with. thus in cantal, according to m. rames,[bl] the glacial deposits belong to two separate epochs. the older morainic accumulations are scattered over the surface of the plateau of archæan schistose rocks, and extend up the slopes of the great volcanic cone of that region to heights of 2300 to 3300 feet. one of the features of these accumulations are the innumerable gigantic erratics, known to the country folk as _cimetière des enragés_. sheets of fluvio-glacial gravel are also associated with the moraines, and it is worthy of note that both have the aspect of considerable age--they have evidently been subjected to much denudation. in the valleys of the same region occurs a younger series of glacial deposits, consisting of conspicuous lateral and terminal moraines, which, unlike the older accumulations, have a very fresh and well-preserved appearance. with them, as with the older moraines, fluvio-glacial gravels are associated. m. rames shows that the interval that supervened between the formation of the two series of glacial deposits must have been prolonged, for the valleys during that interval were in some places eroded to a depth of 900 feet. not only was the volcanic _massif_ deeply incised, but even the old plateau of crystalline rocks on which the volcanic cone reposes suffered extensive denudation in interglacial times. m. rames further recognises that the second glacial epoch was marked by two advances of the valley-glaciers, separated by a marked episode of fusion, the evidence for which is conspicuous in the valley of the cère. [bl] _bull. soc. géol. de france_, 1884. the glacial and interglacial phenomena of auvergne are quite analogous to those of cantal. dr. julien has described the morainic accumulations of a large glacier that flowed from mont dore. after that glacier had retreated a prolonged period of erosion followed, when the morainic deposits were deeply trenched, and the underlying rocks cut into. in the valleys and hollows thus excavated freshwater beds occur, containing the relics of an abundant flora, together with the remains of elephant (_e. meridionalis_), rhinoceros (_r. leptorhinus_), hippopotamus, horse, cave-bear, hyæna, etc.--a fauna comparable to that of the italian interglacial deposits. after the deposition of the freshwater beds, glaciers again descended the auvergne valleys and covered the beds in question with their moraines.[bm] [bm] _des phénomènes glaciaires dans le plateau central de france, etc._ according to the researches of martins, collomb, garrigou, piette, and penck, there is clear evidence in the pyrenees of two periods of glaciation, separated by an interval of much erosion and valley-excavation. penck, indeed, has shown that the valleys of the pyrenees have been occupied at three successive epochs by glaciers--each epoch being represented by its series of moraines and by terraces of fluvio-glacial detritus, which occur at successively lower levels. i have referred in some detail to these discoveries of interglacial phenomena because they so strongly corroborate the conclusions arrived at a number of years ago by glacialists in our own country. many additional examples might be cited from other parts of europe, but those already given may serve to show that at least one epoch of interglacial conditions supervened during the pleistocene period. before leaving this part of my subject, however, i may point out the significant circumstance that long before much was known of glaciation, and certainly before the periodicity of ice-epochs had been recognised, collomb had detected in the vosges conspicuous evidence of two successive glaciations.[bn] [bn] _preuves de l'existence d'anciens glaciers dans les vallées des vosges_, 1847, p. 141. having shown that alike in the regions formerly occupied by the great northern ice-sheet, and in the alpine lands of central and southern europe, alternations of cold and genial conditions characterised the so-called glacial period, we may now glance at the evidence supplied by those pleistocene deposits that lie outside of the glaciated areas. of these we have a typical example in the river-accumulations of the rhine valley between bâle and bingen. here and there these deposits have yielded remains of extinct and no longer indigenous mammals and relics of palæolithic man--one of the most interesting deposits from which mammalian remains have been obtained being the sands of mosbach, between wiesbaden and mayence. the fauna in question is characteristically pleistocene, nor can it be doubted that the mosbach sands belong to the same geological horizon as the similar fluviatile deposits of the seine, the thames, and other river-valleys in western europe. dr. kinkelin has shown,[bo] and with him dr. schumacher agrees,[bp] that the mosbach deposits are of interglacial age; while dr. pohlig has no hesitation in assigning them to the same horizon.[bq] it is true there are no glacial accumulations in the region where they occur, but they rest upon a series of unfossiliferous gravels which are recognised as the equivalents of the fluvio-glacial and glacial deposits of the vosges, the black forest, the alps, etc. these gravels are traced at intervals up to considerable heights above the rhine, and contain numerous erratics, some of which are several feet in diameter, while a large proportion are not at all water-worn, but roughly and sharply angular. the blocks have unquestionably been transported by river-ice, and imply therefore cold climatic conditions. the overlying mosbach sands have yielded not only _elephas antiquus_ and _hippopotamus major_, but the reindeer, the mammoth, and the marmot--two strongly contrasted faunas, betokening climatic changes similar to those that marked the accumulation of the river-deposits of the thames, the seine, etc. of younger date than the mosbach sands is another series of unfossiliferous gravels, which, like the older series, are charged with ice-floated erratics. the beds at mosbach are thus shown to be of interglacial age: they occupy the same geological horizon as the interglacial beds of switzerland and other glaciated tracts in central and northern europe. [bo] kinkelin: _bericht über die senckenberg. naturf. ges. in frankfurt a. m._, 1889. [bp] schumacher: _mittheilungen d. commission für d. geolog. landes-untersuch. v. elsass-lothringen_, bd. ii., 1890, p. 184. [bq] _zeitschr. d. deutsch. geolog. ges._, 1887, p. 806. to this position must likewise be assigned the pleistocene river-alluvia of other districts. there is no other horizon, indeed, on which these can be placed. that they are not of post-glacial age is shown by the fact that in many places the angular gravels and flood-loams of the glacial period overlie them. and that they cannot all belong to pre-glacial times is proved by the frequent occurrence underneath them of glacial or fluvio-glacial accumulations. it is quite possible, of course, that here and there in the valleys of western and southern europe some of the pleistocene alluvia may be of pre-glacial age. but in the main these alluvia must be regarded as the equivalents of the glacial and interglacial deposits of northern and alpine districts. this will appear a reasonable conclusion when we bear in mind that long before the pliocene period came to a close the climate of europe had begun to deteriorate. in england, as we know, glacial conditions supervened almost at the advent of the pleistocene period. and the same was the case in the alpine lands of the south. again, in the glaciated areas of north and south alike, the closing stage of the pleistocene was characterised by cold climatic conditions. and thus in those regions the glacial and interglacial epochs were co-extensive with that period. it follows, therefore, that the pleistocene deposits of extra-glacial areas must be the equivalents of the glacial and interglacial accumulations elsewhere. if we refused to admit this we should be puzzled indeed to tell what the rivers of western and southern europe were doing throughout the long-continued glacial period. there is no escape from the conclusion that the pleistocene river-alluvia and cave-accumulations must be assigned to the same general horizon as the glacial and interglacial deposits. this is now admitted by continental palæontologists who find in the character of pleistocene organic remains abundant proof that the old river-alluvia and cave-accumulations were laid down under changing climatic conditions. did neither glacial nor interglacial deposits exist, the relics of the pleistocene flora and fauna met with in extra-glacial regions would yet lead us to the conclusion that after the close of the pliocene period, extremely cold and very genial climates alternated up to the dawn of the present. thus during one stage of the pleistocene "clement winters and cool summers permitted the wide diffusion and intimate association of plants which have now a very different range. temperate and southern species like the ash, the poplar, the sycamore, the fig-tree, the judas-tree, etc., overspread all the low-grounds of france as far north at least as paris. it was under such conditions that the elephants, rhinoceroses, hippopotamuses, and the vast herds of temperate cervine and bovine species ranged over europe, from the shores of the mediterranean up to the latitude of yorkshire, and probably even further north still, and from the borders of asia to the western ocean. despite the presence of numerous fierce carnivora--lions, hyænas, tigers, and others--europe at that time, with its shady forests, its laurel-margined streams, its broad and deep-flowing rivers--a country in every way suited to the needs of a race of hunters and fishers--must have been no unpleasant habitation for palæolithic man." but during another stage of the pleistocene period, the climate of our continent presented the strongest contrast to those genial conditions. at that time "the dwarf birch of the scottish highlands, and the arctic willow, with their northern congeners, grew upon the low-grounds of middle europe. arctic animals, such as the musk-sheep and the reindeer, lived then, all the year round, in the south of france; the mammoth ranged into spain and italy; the glutton descended to the shores of the mediterranean; the marmot came down to the low-grounds at the foot of the apennines; and the lagomys inhabitated the low-lying maritime districts of corsica and sardinia. the land and freshwater molluscs of many pleistocene deposits tell a similar tale: high alpine, boreal, and hyperborean forms are characteristic of those deposits in central europe; even in the southern regions of our continent the shells testify to a former colder and wetter climate. it was during the climax of these conditions that the caves of aquitaine were occupied by those artistic men who appear to have delighted in carving and engraving."[br] such, in brief, is the testimony of the pleistocene flora and fauna of extra-glacial regions. it is from the deposits in these regions, therefore, that we derive our fullest knowledge of the life of the period. but a comparison of their organic remains with those that occur in the glacial and interglacial deposits of alpine and northern lands shows us that the pleistocene accumulations of glacial and extra-glacial countries are contemporaneous--for there is not a single life-form obtained from interglacial beds which does not also occur in the deposits of extra-glacial regions. the converse is not true--nor is that to be wondered at, for interglacial deposits have only been sparingly preserved. in regions liable to glaciation such superficial accumulations must frequently have been ploughed up and incorporated with ground-moraine. it was only in the extra-glacial tracts that alluvia of interglacial age were at all likely to be preserved in any abundance. to appreciate fully the climatic conditions of the pleistocene period, therefore, it is necessary to combine the evidence derived from the glaciated areas with that obtained from the lands that lay beyond the reach of the ice-plough. the one is the complement of the other, and this being so, it is obvious that any attempted explanation of the origin of the glacial period which does not fully realise the importance of the interglacial phase of that period cannot be accepted. [br] _prehistoric europe_, p. 67. but if the climatic changes of pleistocene times are the most important phenomena which the geologist who essays to trace the history of that period is called upon to consider, he cannot ignore the evidence of contemporaneous geographical mutations. these are so generally admitted, however, that it is only necessary here to state the well-known fact that everywhere throughout the maritime tracts of the glaciated lands of europe and north america frequent changes in the relative level of land and sea took place during pleistocene and post-glacial times. i must now very briefly review the evidence bearing on the climatic conditions of post-glacial times. and first, let it be noted that the closing stage of the pleistocene period was one of cold conditions, accompanied in north-western europe by partial depression of the land below its present level. this is shown by the late-glacial marine deposits of central scotland and the coast-lands of scandinavia. the historical records of the succeeding post-glacial period are furnished chiefly by raised beaches, riverand lake-alluvia, calcareous tufas, and peat-bogs. an examination of these has shown that the climate, at first cold, gradually became less ungenial, so that the arctic-alpine flora and northern fauna were eventually supplanted in our latitude by those temperate forms which, as a group, still occupy this region. the amelioration of the climate was accompanied by striking geographical changes, the british islands becoming united with themselves and the opposite coasts of the continent. the genial character of the climate at this time is shown by the great development of forests, the remains of which occur under our oldest peat-bogs. not only did trees then grow at greater altitudes in these regions than is at present the case, but forests ranged much further north, and flourished in lands where they cannot now exist. in orkney and shetland, in the far north of norway, and even in the faröe islands and in iceland relics of this old forest-epoch are met with. in connection with these facts reference may be made to the evidence obtained from certain raised beaches on both sides of the n. atlantic, and from recent dredgings in the intervening sea. the occurrence of isolated colonies of southern molluscs in our northern seas, and the appearance in raised beaches of many forms which are now confined to the waters of more southern latitudes, seem to show that in early post-glacial times the seas of these northern latitudes were warmer than now. and it is quite certain that the southern forms referred to are not the relics of any pre-glacial or interglacial immigration. they could only have entered our northern seas after the close of the glacial period, and their evidence taken in connection with that furnished by the buried trees of our peat-bogs, leads to the conclusion that a genial climate supervened after the cold of the last glacial epoch and of earliest post-glacial times had passed away. to this genial stage succeeded an epoch of cold humid conditions, accompanied by geographical changes which resulted in the insulation of britain and ireland--the sea encroaching to some extent on what are now our maritime regions. the climate was less favourable to the growth of forests, which began to decay and to become buried under widespread accumulations of growing peat. at this time glaciers reappeared in the glens of the scottish highlands, and here and there descended to the sea. the evidence for these is quite conspicuous, for the moraines are found resting on the surface of post-glacial beaches. thus my friend mr. l. hinxman, of the geological survey, tells us that at the foot of glen thraill well-formed moraines are seen in section reposing on beach-deposits at the distance of about three-quarters of a mile above the head of loch torridon.[bs] the evidence of this recrudescence of glacial conditions in post-glacial times is not confined to scotland. i believe it will yet be recognised in many other mountain-regions; but already prof. penck has detected it in the valleys of the pyrenees.[bt] dr. kerner von marilaun has also described similar phenomena in the higher valleys of tyrol, while professor brückner has obtained like evidence in the salzach region.[bu] [bs] for scottish post-glacial glaciers see j. geikie: _scottish naturalist_, jan., 1880; _prehistoric europe_, pp. 386,407; penck: _deutsche geographische blätter_, bd. vi., p. 323; _verhand. d. ges. f. erdkunde, berlin_, 1884, heft 1; hinxman: _trans. edin. geol. soc._, vol. vi., p. 249. [bt] "die eiszeit in den pyrenäen": _mitth. d. vereins. f. erdkunde_, leipzig, 1883. [bu] kerner: _mitth. k. k. geograph. ges. wien_, 1890, p. 307; _sitzungsb. d. kais. akad. d. wissensch. in wien_, bd. c., abth. i., 1891; brückner: _x. jahresbericht d. geograph. ges. v. bern_, 1891. i have elsewhere traced the history of the succeeding stages of the post-glacial period, and brought forward evidence of similar but less strongly-marked climatic changes having followed upon those just referred to, and my conclusions, i may add, have been supported by the independent researches of professor blytt in norway. but these later changes need not be considered here, and i shall leave them out of account in the discussion that follows. it is sufficient for my present purpose to confine attention to the well-proved conclusion that in early post-glacial times genial climatic conditions obtained, and that these were followed by cold and humid conditions, during the prevalence of which considerable local glaciers reappeared in certain mountain-valleys.[bv] [bv] for a full statement of the evidence see _prehistoric europe_, chaps. xvi., xvii. we speak of pleistocene or glacial and of post-glacial periods as if the one were more or less sharply marked off from the other. of course, that is not the case, and in point of fact it would be for many reasons preferable to include them under some general term. taken together they form one tolerably well-defined cycle of time, characterised above all by its remarkable climatic changes--by alternations of cold and genial conditions, which were most strongly contrasted in the earlier stages of the period. it is further worthy of note that various oscillations of the sea-level appear to have taken place again and again both in the earlier and later stages of the cycle. we may now proceed to inquire whether the phenomena we have been considering can be accounted for by movements of the earth's crust--a view which has recently received considerable support, more especially in america. i need hardly say that the view in question is no novelty. many years ago, while our knowledge of the pleistocene phenomena was somewhat rudimentary, it was usual to infer that glaciation had been induced by elevation of the land. this did not seem an unreasonable conclusion, for above our heads, at a less or greater elevation, according to latitude, an arctic climate prevails. one could not doubt, therefore, that if a land-surface were only sufficiently uplifted it would reach the snow-line, and become more or less extensively glaciated. but with the increase of our knowledge of pleistocene and post-glacial conditions, such a ready interpretation failed to satisfy, although not a few geologists have continued to defend the "earth-movement hypothesis," as accounting fairly well for the phenomena of the glacial period. by these staunch believers in the adequacy of that view, it has been pointed out that elevation might not only lift lands into the region of eternal snow, but, by converting large areas of the sea-bed into land, would greatly modify the direction of ocean-currents, and thus influence the climate. what might not be expected to happen were the gulf stream to be excluded from northern regions? what would be the fate of the temperate latitudes of north america and europe were that genial ocean-river to be deflected into the pacific across a submerged isthmus of panama? the possibility of such changes having supervened in pleistocene times has often been present to my mind, but i long ago came to the conclusion that they could not account for the facts. moreover, i have never been able to meet with any evidence in favour of the postulated "earth-movements." having carefully studied all that has been advanced of late years in support of the hypothesis in question i find myself more than ever constrained to oppose it, not only because it is grounded on no basis of fact, but because it altogether fails to explain the conditions that obtained in pleistocene and post-glacial times. there are various forms in which the hypothesis has appeared, and these i shall now consider seriatim, and with such brevity as may be. it has been maintained, for example, that at the advent of the glacial period vast areas of northern and north-western europe, together with enormous regions in the corresponding latitudes of north america, stood several thousand feet higher than at present. but when we ask what evidence can be adduced to prove this we get no satisfactory reply. we are simply informed that a glacial climate must have resulted from great elevation, and that the latter, therefore, must have taken place at the beginning of the glacial period. some writers, however, have ventured to give reasons for their faith. thus mr. w. upham, pointing to the evidence of the fiords of north america, and to the fact that drowned river-valleys have been traced outwards across the 100-fathoms line of the marginal plateau to depths of over 3500 feet, maintains that the whole continent north of the gulf of mexico stood at the commencement of the glacial period some 3000 feet at least higher than now. of course he cites the fiords of europe as evidence of a similar great upheaval for the northern and north-western regions of our continent. mr. upham even favours the notion that during glacial times a land-connection probably existed between north america and europe, by way of the british islands, iceland, and greenland. when "this uplifting attained its maximum, and brought on the glacial period," he says, "north america and north-western europe stood 2500 to 3000 feet above their present height."[bw] [bw] _american geologist_, vi., p. 327. that fiords are simply submerged land-valleys has long been recognised: that they have been formed mainly by the action of running water--just in the same way as the mountain-valleys of norway and scotland--has been the belief for many years of most students of physical geology. but it is hard to understand why they should have been cited by mr. upham in support of his contention, seeing that their evidence seems to militate strongly against the very hypothesis he strives to maintain. no one acquainted with the physical features and geological structure of scotland and norway can doubt that the valleys which terminate in fiords are of great geological antiquity. their excavation by fluviatile action certainly dates back to a period long anterior to the advent of the ice age. and a like tale is told by the fiords and drowned valley-troughs of north america, which cannot be referred to so recent a period as post-tertiary times. those who are convinced that our continental areas have persisted throughout long æons of geological time, and that rivers frequently have survived great geological revolutions--cutting their way across mountain-elevations as fast as these were uplifted--will readily believe that some of the submarine river-troughs of north america, such as that of the hudson, may belong even to secondary times.[bx] it would be hard to say at what particular date the excavation of the scottish highland valleys commenced--but it was probably during the later part of the palæozoic era. the process has doubtless been retarded and accelerated frequently enough, during successive movements of depression and elevation, but it was practically completed before the beginning of pleistocene times, and that is all that we may trouble about here. precisely the same conclusion holds good for norway: and such being the case it is obvious that the question of the origin and age of the fiords has no bearing on the problem of the glacial climate and its cause. in point of fact the evidence, as already remarked, tells against the "earth-movement hypothesis," for it shows us that, during a period when europe and north america stood several thousand feet higher, and extended much further seawards, rivers, and not glaciers, were the occupants of our mountain-valleys. it was not until all those valleys had come to assume much the appearance they now present that general glaciation supervened. [bx] professor dana inclines to date the erosion of the hudson trough so far back as the jura-trias period.--_american journ. science_, xl., p. 435. we are not without direct evidence, however, as to the geographical conditions that obtained in the ages that immediately preceded the pleistocene period. the distribution of the pliocene marine beds of britain entitles us to assume that at the time of their accumulation our lands did not extend quite so far to the south and east as now. the absence of similar deposits from the coast-lands of north america is supposed to support the view of great continental elevation in pre-glacial times. all it seems to prove, however, is that in pliocene times the north american continent was not less extensive than it is at present. it is even quite possible that in glacial times pre-existing pliocene beds may have been ploughed out by the ice, just as seems to have been the case in the north-east of scotland. but without going so far back as pliocene times, we meet with evidence almost everywhere throughout the maritime regions of the glaciated areas of europe and north america, to show that immediately before those tracts became swathed in ice the geographical conditions were much the same as at present. the shelly boulder-clays in various parts of our islands, and the similar occurrence of marine and brackish-water shells in and underneath the diluvium of north germany, etc., prove clearly enough that just before the coming-on of glacial conditions neither britain nor the present maritime lands of the continent were far removed from the sea. it is true that the buried river-channels of scotland indicate a pre-glacial elevation of some 200 or 300 feet above the existing sea-level, but it is quite certain that the minch, st. george's channel, the irish sea, the north sea, and the baltic were all in existence at the commencement of the glacial period. and we are led to similar conclusions with regard to the geographical conditions of north america at that time, from the occurrence of marine shells in the boulder-clays of canada and new england. we note indeed that there is abundant evidence of land-submergence during glacial times. indeed, we may say that the pleistocene marine deposits of northern latitudes are almost invariably indicative of colder conditions than now obtain. if it be true that cold climatic conditions were contemporaneous in our latitude with submergence, it is equally true that an extensive land-surface in north-west europe has, sometimes at least, co-existed with markedly genial conditions. in tertiary times, for example, as the oligocene deposits of scotland, the faröe islands, iceland, and greenland testify, a land-connection existed between europe and the north american continent. again, it has been shown that during the interglacial phase of the pleistocene period britain was continental, and enjoyed at the time a peculiarly genial climate. and somewhat similar geographical and climatic conditions again supervened in post-glacial times. in other words, when the land was more elevated and extensive than now, it enjoyed a warmer climate. nor can we escape the conclusion that the excavation of the fiord-valleys of northern latitudes, which is a very old story (far older than the pleistocene), was the work not of glaciers but of running water, at a time when north-western europe and the corresponding regions of america were much more elevated than they are now. thus there appears to be no evidence either direct or indirect in favour of the view that glacial conditions were superinduced by great continental elevation. but it may be argued that even although no evidence can be cited in proof of such elevation, still, if the glacial phenomena can be well explained by its means, we may be justified in admitting it as a working hypothesis. movements of elevation and depression have frequently taken place--the pleistocene marine deposits themselves testify to oscillations of the sea-level--and there can be no objection, therefore, to such postulations as are made by the hypothesis under review. all this is readily granted, but i deny that the conditions that obtained in pleistocene times can be accounted for by elevation and depression. let us see how the desiderated elevation of northern lands would work. were north-western europe and the corresponding latitudes of north america to be upheaved for 3000 feet, and a land-passage to obtain between the two continents by way of the faröe islands, iceland, and greenland, how would the climate be affected? it is obvious that under such changed conditions the elevated lands in higher latitudes might well be subjected to more or less extensive glaciation. norway would become uninhabitable and glaciers might well appear in the mountain-valleys of scotland. but it may be doubted whether the climate of france and spain, or the corresponding latitudes of north america, would be much affected. for were a land-passage to appear between britain and greenland no arctic current would flow into the north atlantic, while no portion of the gulf stream would be lost in arctic seas. the north atlantic would then form a great gulf round which a warm ocean-current would circulate. the temperature of that sea, therefore, would be raised and the prevailing westerly and south-westerly winds of europe would be warmer than now. however much such warm moist winds might increase the snow-fall in north britain and scandinavia, we cannot suppose they could have much influence in central and southern europe, and in north africa; and still less could they affect the climate of asia minor and the mountainous regions of the far east, in most of which evidence of extensive glaciation occurs. and how, we may ask, could the postulated geographical changes bring about the glaciation of the mountainous tracts on the pacific sea-board? in fine, we may conclude that however much the geographical changes referred to might affect north-western europe and north-eastern america, they are wholly insufficient to account for the glacial phenomena of other regions. the continuous research of recent years has shown that the lowering of temperature of glacial times was not limited to the lands which would be affected by any such elevation as that we are considering. a marked and general displacement of climatic zones took place over the whole continent of europe; and similar changes supervened in north america and asia. are we then to suppose that all the lands within the northern hemisphere were extensively and contemporaneously upheaved? we may now consider another form of the "earth-movement hypothesis." it has frequently been suggested that our glacial phenomena may have been caused by the submergence of the isthmus of panama, and the deflection of the equatorial current into the pacific. but it may be doubted whether a submergence of that isthmus, unless very extensive indeed, would result in more than a partial escape of atlantic water into the pacific basin. the counter current of the pacific which now strikes against the isthmus might even sweep into the caribbean sea, and join the equatorial on its way to the gulf of mexico. but putting that consideration aside, what evidence have we that the isthmus of panama was submerged during the glacial epoch? none whatsoever, it may be replied. it is only a pious opinion. considerable movements of elevation and depression of the islands in the caribbean sea would seem to have taken place at a comparatively recent date, but those movements may quite well belong to pliocene times. whether they be of pliocene or pleistocene age, however, no one has yet proved that the isthmus of panama was sufficiently submerged, either at the one time or the other, to permit the escape of the atlantic equatorial into the pacific basin. but let it be supposed that the isthmus has become so deeply submerged that the equatorial current is wholly deflected, and that no gulf stream issues through the straits of florida to temper the climate of higher latitudes. what would result from such an unhappy change? can any one conversant with the geographical distribution of the glacial phenomena imagine that the conditions of the glacial period could be thus reproduced? norway might indeed become a second south greenland, and perennial snow and ice might appear in the mountainous tracts of the british islands. the climate of hudson's bay and the surrounding lands might be experienced in the baltic and its neighbourhood, and what are now the temperate latitudes of europe, north of the 50th parallel, would possibly approach siberia in character. but surely these changes are not comparable to the conditions of the glacial period. the absence of a gulf stream would not sensibly affect the climate of south-eastern europe and asia, and could not have the smallest influence on that of the pacific coast-lands of north america. yes, but if we conceive the submergence of the isthmus of panama to coincide with great elevation of northern lands, would not such geographical conditions bring about a glacial epoch comparable to that of pleistocene times? it is hard to see how they could. no doubt the climate of all those regions that would be affected by the withdrawal of the gulf stream alone would become still more deteriorated if they stood some 3000 feet higher than now. a vast area in the north-west of europe would certainly be uninhabitable, but it is for the advocates of the "earth-movement hypothesis" to explain why those inhospitable regions should necessarily be covered with an ice-sheet. for the production of great snow-fields and continental ice-sheets, considerable precipitation, no less than a low temperature, is requisite. under the conditions we have been imagining, however, precipitation would probably be much less than it is at present. but to whatever extent north-west europe might be glaciated, it is obvious that the geographical revolutions referred to could have little influence on the climate of south-eastern europe, not to mention central and eastern asia. nor could they possibly influence the climate of the pacific coast-lands of north america. and yet, as is well known, the climate of all those regions was more or less profoundly affected during the glacial period. to account for the widespread evidences of glaciation by means of elevation it would therefore seem necessary to infer that all the affected areas were in pleistocene times uplifted _en masse_ into the arctic zone that stretches above our heads. now it seems easier to believe that the snow-line was lowered by several thousand feet than that the continents were elevated to the same extent. glaciation, as we have seen, was developed in the same directions and over the same areas as we should expect it to be were the snow-line to be generally depressed. to put it in another way, were the snow-line by some means or other to be lowered over europe, asia, and north america, then, with sufficient precipitation, great ice-fields and glaciers would reappear in the very regions which they visited during pleistocene times. neither elevation nor depression of the land would be required to bring about such a result. certain advocates of the "earth-movement hypothesis," however, do not maintain that all the glaciated areas were uplifted at one and the same time. the glaciation of the alps, they think, may have taken place earlier or later than that of north-western europe, while the ice-period of the rocky mountains may not have coincided with that of eastern north america. it is not impossible, they suppose, that the glaciation of the himalayas may have been caused by an uplifting of that great chain, quite independent of similar earth-movements in other places. it can be demonstrated, however, that the glaciation of the alps and of northern europe were contemporaneous, and the facts go far to prove that the glaciers of the rocky mountains and the inland-ice of north-east america likewise co-existed. at all events all the old glacial accumulations of our hemisphere are of pleistocene age, and it is for the advocates of the hypothesis under review to prove that they are not contemporaneous. their doubts on the subject probably arise from the simple fact that they are well aware how highly improbable or even impossible it is that all those glaciated lands could have been pushed up within the snow-line at one and the same time. let me, however, advance to another objection. we know that the glacial period was interrupted by at least one interglacial epoch of temperate and even genial conditions. two glacial epochs with one protracted interglacial epoch are now generally admitted. how do the supporters of the "earth-movement hypothesis" explain this remarkable succession of climatic changes? their views as to the cause of glacial conditions we have considered. if we can believe that the glacial phenomena were due to elevation of the land, then we need have no difficulty in understanding how glacial conditions would disappear when the continents again subsided to a lower level. not only did north america and europe lose all their early glacial elevation, but by a lucky coincidence the isthmus of panama reappeared, and the gulf stream resumed its beneficent course into the north atlantic. this we are to suppose was the cause of the interglacial epoch. but i would point out that the geographical conditions which are thus inferred to have brought about the disappearance of the glacial climate, and to have ushered in the interglacial epoch, are precisely those that now obtain--and, nevertheless, we are not yet in the enjoyment of a climate like that of interglacial times. the strangely equable conditions that permitted the development of the remarkable pleistocene flora and fauna are not experienced in the europe of our day. and what about the second glacial epoch? are we to suppose that once more the lands were greatly uplifted, and that convenient isthmus of panama was again depressed? did the alps, the pyrenees, and the plateau of central france--in all of which we have distinct evidence of at least two glacial epochs--did these heights, one may ask, rise up to bring about their earlier glaciation, sink down again to induce interglacial conditions, and once more become uplifted at the succeeding cold epoch, to subside eventually in order to cause a final retreat of their glaciers? but the climatic changes to be accounted for were in all probability more numerous and complex than those just referred to. competent observers have adduced unmistakable evidence of three epochs of glaciation in the alpine lands of europe. and we are not without distinct hints that similar changes have taken place in northern and western europe. nor in this connection can we ignore the evidence of several interglacial episodes which mr. chamberlin and others have detected in the glaciated tracts of north america. even this is not all, for the upholders of the "earth-movement hypothesis" have still further to account for the climatic oscillations of post-glacial times. if it be hard enough to allow the possibility of one great movement of elevation having affected so enormous an area of our hemisphere, if we find it extremely difficult to believe either that one such widespread movement, or that a multitude of local movements, each more or less independent of the other, could have lifted the glaciated regions successively within reach of the snow-line--we shall yet find it impossible to admit that such remarkable upheavals could be repeated again and again. we seem driven to conclude, therefore, that the "earth-movement hypothesis" fails to explain the phenomena of pleistocene times. one cannot deny, indeed, that glaciation might be induced locally by elevation of the land. it is quite conceivable that mountains now below the limits of perennial snow might come to be ridged up to such an extent as to be capable of sustaining snow-fields and glaciers. and such local movements may possibly have happened here and there during the long-continued pleistocene period. but the glacial phenomena of that period are on much too grand a scale and far too widely distributed to be accounted for in that way. and if the occurrence of even one glacial epoch cannot be thus explained, we may leave the supporters of the "earth-movement hypothesis" to show us what light is thrown by their urim and thummim on the origin of succeeding interglacial and glacial climates. there is yet another physical condition of the pleistocene and post-glacial periods which any adequate explanation must embrace. i refer to the oscillation of sea-level, of which so many proofs are forthcoming. it is very remarkable that almost everywhere throughout the maritime regions of formerly glaciated areas we find evidence of submergence. so commonly is this the case, that geologists have long suspected that the connection between glaciation and submergence might be one of cause and effect. the possible influence of great ice-sheets in disturbing the relative level of land and sea is a question, therefore, of very great importance. it is one, however, which must be solved by physicists. croll and others have advocated the view that the great accumulations of ice of the glacial period may have displaced the earth's centre of gravity, and thus caused the sea to rise upon the glaciated hemisphere. the various results arrived at by physicists are hardly comparable, because each has used different data, but it seems probable that we have in this view a _vera causa_ of oscillations of the sea-level. another hypothesis would explain the rise of the sea as due to the attractive influence of the great ice-masses, but dr. drygalski's and mr. woodward's elaborate investigations would seem to have demonstrated that this notion does not account for the facts. yet another speculation has been advanced. mr. jamieson has suggested that the mere weight of the ice-sheets would suffice to press down the earth's crust into a supposed liquid substratum, and this explanation has met with much acceptance. unfortunately our knowledge of the condition of the earth's interior is so very limited that we cannot be certain as to how the crust would be affected by the weight of an ice-sheet. no doubt mr. jamieson's hypothesis gives a specious explanation of certain geological phenomena, but if there be no liquid substratum underlying a thin crust it cannot be true. at present the prevalent view of physicists appears to be that the earth is substantially solid. professor george darwin has shown that the prominent inequalities of the earth's surface could not be sustained unless the crust be as rigid as granite for a depth of 1000 miles. "if the earth be solid throughout," he remarks, "then at 1000 miles from the surface the material must be as strong as granite. if it be fluid or gaseous inside, and the crust 1000 miles thick, that crust must be stronger than granite, and if only 200 or 300 miles in thickness, much stronger than granite." this conclusion is obviously strongly confirmatory of sir william thomson's view, that the earth is solid throughout. but many geologists find it hard to account for the convolutions of strata and other structural phenomena on the supposition that the earth is entirely solid, and they are inclined, therefore, to adopt the hypothesis of a sub-crust layer of liquid matter. whether this be actually the condition or not physicists must be left to determine. all that we need note is, that if there be any force in professor darwin's argument, it is obvious that the crust is possessed of great rigidity, and could not be readily deformed by the mere weight of an ice-sheet. according to dr. drygalski, however, the presence of an ice-sheet, by reducing the temperature of the underlying crust, would bring about contraction, and in this way cause the surface to sink. when the ice-sheet had disappeared, then free radiation of earth-heat would be resumed, the depressed isogeotherms would rise, and a general warming of the upper portion of the lithosphere would take place. but the space occupied by the depressed section, owing to the spheroidal form of the earth, would be smaller than that which it occupied before sinking had commenced, and consequently when the ice vanished expansion of the crust would follow, and the land-surface would then rise again. the whole question is one for physicists to decide upon, but i may point out that if drygalski's explanation be well founded, then it is obvious that it throws no light upon the origin and subsequent disappearance of an ice-sheet. somehow or other this ice-sheet comes into existence, and the cooling and contracting crust sinks below it; and that depressed condition of the glaciated area must continue so long as the ice-sheet remains unmelted. re-elevation can only take place when, owing to some other cause or causes, the climate changes and the ice-sheet vanishes. those who advocate the "earth-movement hypothesis" as an explanation of the origin of extensive glaciation have welcomed mr. jamieson's view as harmonising well with their conclusions. they contend, as we have seen, that glacial conditions were induced by an extensive upheaval of the crust in northern latitudes, accompanied by a depression of the isthmus of panama. they then proceed to point out that the ice-sheets brought about their own dissolution by pressing down the crust, and introducing with submergence a disappearance of glacial conditions. see now how much they take for granted. in the first place, they assume an amount of pre-glacial or early glacial elevation of northern regions for which not a scrap of evidence can be adduced, while they can give no proof of contemporaneous depression of the isthmus of panama. next, relying on mr. jamieson's hypothesis, they take for granted that the ice-sheets, called into existence by their postulated earth-movements, succeeded in depressing the earth's surface even below its present level. that is to say, the land, which, according to them, was in glacial times some 3000 feet higher than now, sank down under the weight of its glacial covering for, say, 3600 feet in north-western europe. in north america, in like manner, all the pre-glacial elevation was lost--the land sinking below its present level for some 200 feet in new england, for 520 feet at montreal, for 1000 to 1500 feet in labrador, and for 1000 to 2000 feet in the arctic regions. now, even if we concede the reasonableness of mr. jamieson's hypothesis, and admit that a certain degree of deformation may take place under the mere weight of an ice-sheet, it is difficult to believe that the crust can be so readily deformed as the supporters of the "earth-movement hypothesis" seem to imply. if it could yield so readily to pressure, one is at a loss to understand how a great ice-sheet could accumulate--the ice would simply float off as the land subsided. take the case of north-western europe. the ice-sheet that covered scotland did not attain, on the average, 3000 feet in thickness, and yet we are to suppose that it was able to depress the land for some 600 feet below its present level--that is to say, for 3600 feet below its assumed pre-glacial elevation. either the ice depressed the crust to that remarkable extent, or the land upon which the ice accumulated was not nearly so high as the advocates of the "earth-movement hypothesis" have supposed. but the average i have taken for the thickness of the scottish ice-sheet is excessive, for it was only in the low-grounds that the _mer de glace_ attained such a depth. a large part of our country, however, is mountainous, and the mountain-tops were, of course, not nearly so thickly mantled with ice as the valleys. and the same to even a larger extent holds good for the scandinavian peninsula. if we take the thickness of the scandinavian ice-sheet that coalesced with that of scotland as 4000 feet, we shall be over the mark. now, i ask, is it possible to believe that a sheet of ice of that thickness actually pressed down the crust of the earth for not less than 3600 feet? but if we accept the "earth-movement hypothesis," as it has been recently advocated, that is what we must believe. if we cannot do so, then we cannot accept the assumption of great elevation of the land in pre-glacial and glacial times. let me put the case shortly: if the glacial marine beds and raised beaches of the atlantic borders of europe and north america owe their origin to depression induced by the weight of an ice-sheet, then it is quite certain that at the advent of glacial conditions the land could not have been so highly elevated as the advocates of the "earth-movement hypothesis" suppose. but if we are to accept the notion of great elevation of the land, then we must conclude that the submergence to which the raised beaches testify cannot have been caused by the pressure of ice-sheets. it is hardly necessary to pursue this particular subject further, but before leaving it, attention may be drawn for a moment to the curious conclusion that the ice-sheets were self-destructive. one is left to guess at what particular stage the sinking process began, but if the earth's crust were as readily deformed as the extreme views i have been examining would compel one to imply, then depression must have commenced almost immediately with the accumulation of snow and ice. the several ice-sheets must soon have attained their maximum thickness, and their disappearance must have been correspondingly rapid. and yet all the evidence goes to show that a glacial epoch endured for a comparatively long time--for a time sufficient to account for a prodigious amount of rock-erosion, and for the accumulation of vast sheets of glacial débris and fluvio-glacial detritus.[by] [by] it must not be inferred from the above remarks that i deny the possibility of deformation of the crust having been induced by the old ice-sheets. the geological evidence is certainly suggestive of such having been the case. but i much doubt whether the sinking of the surface was brought about by the mere weight of the ice pressing the crust down into a subjacent liquid layer. dr. drygalski's explanation would better account for the geological phenomena, but, according to rev. osmond fisher, it cannot be maintained. if it be difficult to understand how the "earth-movement hypothesis" can account for the origin of one glacial epoch, the difficulty is not lessened when we remember that there are two or more such epochs to account for. and until the advocates of that hypothesis can furnish us with some reliable evidence, they can hardly expect us to believe in their mysterious upheavals and depressions of northern and temperate regions, and in the no less wonderfully rhythmic movements of the isthmus of panama. in fine, the views which i have been controverting seem to me to be untenable, inasmuch as they are founded on mere assumptions, and do not even give a reasonable and intelligible explanation of the phenomena of glaciated regions, while they practically ignore or leave unsolved the problem of interglacial conditions. some five-and-twenty years have now elapsed since my lamented friend and colleague, james croll, published his well-known physical theory of the glacial period. that theory, as you all know, has been frequently criticised by physicists and others, to whose objections croll made a final reply in his _climate and cosmology_. in that work he has successfully defended his views, and even added considerably to the strength of his general argument. i am not aware that since then any serious objections to croll's theory have appeared. the only one indeed that seems to have attracted attention is that which has been urged especially by certain american geologists. their belief is that the close of the glacial period must have taken place at a much more recent date than croll has inferred. and this belief of theirs is based upon various estimates which have been made as to the time required for the erosion of valleys and the accumulation of alluvial deposits since the glacial period. thus, according to mr. gilbert, the post-glacial gorge of niagara, at the present rate of erosion, must have been excavated within 7000 years; while mr. winchell, from similar measurements of the post-glacial erosion of the falls of st. anthony, concludes that 8000 years have elapsed since the close of the ice age. i might cite a number of similar estimates that tend to show that since the close of the glacial period only 7000 or 10,000 years have elapsed. what will archæologists say to this conclusion? we know that egypt was already occupied by a civilised people nearly 6000 years ago, and their marvellously advanced civilisation at that time presupposes, according to egyptologists, many thousands of years of development. are we, then, prepared to admit that the close of the ice age coincided with the dawn of egyptian civilisation? but all american observers are not so parsimonious with regard to post-glacial time. thus professor spencer has given the age of the falls of niagara as 24,000 years, and he informed me recently that this does not represent half of the time since the formation of the third great series of glacial deposits of the canadian uplands. in our own continent similar estimates have been based on the rate of erosion of river-valleys, the rate of accumulation of alluvial deposits, of peat-bogs, of stalagmite in caves, and what not, with results that, to say the least, are rather discordant. the fact is that all such measurements and estimates, however carefully conducted and cautiously made, are in the nature of things unreliable. we are insufficiently acquainted with all the factors of the problem to be solved, and i cannot therefore agree with those who attribute much weight to conclusions based on such uncertain data. dr. croll's theory may eventually be modified, but i feel sure that it will not be overturned by the inconclusive and unsatisfactory estimates to which i have referred. moreover, opponents of that theory may be reminded that its truth does not rest on the accuracy of its author's conclusion as to the date of the last ice age. that periods of high eccentricity of the earth's orbit have occurred is beyond all doubt, but whether the formulæ employed by croll in calculating the date of the last great cycle can be relied upon for that purpose is quite another question. at present, so far as i understand the facts, the glacial and the interglacial phenomena are explained by the astronomical theory, and by no other. it gives a simple, coherent, and consistent interpretation of the climatic vicissitudes of the pleistocene and post-glacial periods, and in especial it is the only theory that throws any light on the very remarkable climates of interglacial times. x. the glacial succession in europe.[bz] [bz] _trans. royal soc. edinburgh_, vol. xxxvii. (1892). for many years geologists have recognised the occurrence of at least two boulder-clays in the british islands and the corresponding latitudes of the continent. it is no longer doubted that these are the products of two separate and distinct glacial epochs. this has been demonstrated by the appearance of intercalated deposits of terrestrial, freshwater, or, as the case may be, marine origin. such interglacial accumulations have been met with again and again in britain, and they have likewise been detected at many places on the continent, between the border of the north sea and the heart of russia. their organic contents indicate in some cases cold climatic conditions; in others, they imply a climate not less temperate or even more genial than that which now obtains in the regions where they occur. nor are such interglacial beds confined to northern and north-western europe. in the alpine lands of the central and southern regions of our continent they are equally well developed. impressed by the growing strength of the evidence, it is no wonder that geologists, after a season of doubt, should at last agree in the conclusion that the glacial conditions of the pleistocene period were interrupted by at least one protracted interglacial epoch. not a few observers go further, and maintain that the evidence indicates more than this. they hold that three or even more glacial epochs supervened in pleistocene times. this is the conclusion i reached many years ago, and i now purpose reviewing the evidence which has accumulated since then, in order to show how far it goes to support that conclusion. in our islands we have, as already remarked, two boulder-clays, of which the lower or older has the wider extension southwards, for it has been traced as far as the valley of the thames. the upper boulder-clay, on the other hand, does not extend south of the midlands of england. in the north of england, and throughout scotland and the major portion of ireland, it is this upper boulder-clay which usually shows at the surface. the two clays, however, frequently occur together, and are exposed again and again in deep artificial and natural sections, as in pits, railway-cuttings, quarries, river-banks, and sea-cliffs. sometimes the upper clay rests directly upon the lower; at other times they are separated by alluvial and peaty accumulations or by marine deposits. the wider distribution of the lower till, the direction of transport of its included erratics, and the trend of the underlying _roches moutonnées_ and rock-striæ, clearly show that the earlier _mer de glace_ covered a wider area than its successor, and was confluent on the floor of the north sea with the scandinavian ice-sheet. it was during the formation of the lower till, in short, that glaciation in these islands attained its maximum development. the interglacial beds, which in many places separate the lower from the upper till, show that after the retreat of the earlier _mer de glace_ the climate became progressively more temperate, until eventually the country was clothed with a flora essentially the same as the present. wild oxen, the great irish deer, and the horse, elephant, rhinoceros, and other mammals then lived in britain. from the presence of such a flora and fauna we may reasonably infer that the climate during the climax of interglacial times was as genial as now. the occurrence of marine deposits associated with some of the interglacial peaty beds shows that eventually submergence ensued; and as the shells in some of the marine beds are boreal and arctic forms, they prove that cold climatic conditions accompanied the depression of the land. to what extent the land sank under water we cannot tell. it may have been 500 feet or not so much, for the evidence is somewhat unsatisfactory. the upper boulder-clay of our islands is the product of another _mer de glace_, which in scotland would seem to have been hardly less thick and extensive than its predecessor. like the latter, it covered the whole country, overflowed the outer hebrides, and became confluent with the scandinavian inland-ice on the bed of the north sea. but it did not flow so far to the south as the earlier ice-sheet. it is well known that this later _mer de glace_ was succeeded in our mountain-regions by a series of large local glaciers, which geologists generally believe were its direct descendants. it is supposed, in short, that the inland-ice, after retreating from the low-grounds, persisted for a time in the form of local glaciers in mountain-valleys. this view i also formerly held, although there were certain appearances which seemed to indicate that, after the ice-sheet had melted away from the lowlands and shrunk far into the mountains, a general advance of great valley-glaciers had taken place. i had observed, for example, that the upper boulder-clay is often well developed in the lower reaches of our mountain-valleys--that, in fact, it may be met with more or less abundantly up to the point at which large terminal moraines are encountered. more than this, i had noticed that upland valleys, in which no local or terminal moraines occur, are usually clothed and paved with boulder-clay throughout. again, the aspect of valleys which have been occupied by large local glaciers is very suggestive. above the point at which terminal moraines occur only meagre patches of till are met with on the bottoms of the valleys. the adjacent hill-slopes up to a certain line may show bare rock, sprinkled perchance with erratics and superficial morainic detritus; but above this line, if the acclivity be not too great, boulder-clay often comes on again. these appearances are most conspicuously displayed in the southern uplands of scotland, particularly in south ayrshire and galloway, and long ago they led me to suspect that the local glaciers into which our latest _mer de glace_ was resolved, after retreating continuously towards the heads of their valleys, so as to leave the boulder-clay in a comparatively unmodified condition, had again advanced and ploughed this out, down to the point at which they dropped their terminal moraines. subsequent observations in the highlands and the inner and outer hebrides confirmed me in my suspicion, for in all those regions we meet with phenomena of precisely the same kind. my friends and colleagues, messrs. peach and horne, had independently come to a similar conclusion; and the more recent work of the geological survey in the north-west highlands, as they inform me, has demonstrated that after the dissolution of the general ice-sheet underneath which the upper boulder-clay was accumulated, a strong recrudescence of glacial conditions supervened, and a general advance of great valley-glaciers took place--the glaciers in many places coalescing upon the low-grounds to form united _mers de glace_ of considerable extent. the development of these large glaciers, therefore, forms a distinct stage in the history of the glacial period. they were of sufficient extent to occupy all the fiords of the northern and western highlands, at the mouths of which they calved their icebergs, and they descended the valleys on the eastern slopes of the land into the region of the great lakes, at the lower ends of which we encounter their outermost terminal moraines. the shetland and orkney islands and the inner and outer hebrides at the same time nourished local glaciers, not a few of which flowed into the sea. such, for example, was the case in skye, harris, south uist, and arran. the broad uplands of the south were likewise clothed with snow-fields that fed numerous glaciers. these were especially conspicuous in the wilds of galloway, but they appeared likewise in the peeblesshire hills; and even in less elevated tracts they have left more or less well-marked traces of their former presence. it is to this third epoch of glaciation that i would assign the final scooping out of our lake-basins and the completion of the deep depressions in the beds of our highland fiords. all the evidence, indeed, leads to the conviction that the epoch was one of long duration. it goes without saying that what holds good for scotland must, within certain limits, hold good also for ireland and england. in wales and the cumberland lake district, and in the mountain-regions of the sister island, we meet with evidence of similar conditions. each of those areas has obviously experienced intense local glaciation subsequent to the disappearance of the last big ice-sheet. attention must now be directed to another series of facts which help us to realise the general conditions that obtained during the epoch of local glaciation. in the basin of the estuary of the clyde, and at various other places both on the west and east coasts of scotland, occur certain clays and sands, which overlie the upper boulder-clay, and in some places are found wrapping round the kames and osar of the last great ice-sheet. these beds are charged with the relics of a boreal and arctic fauna, and indicate a submergence of rather more than 100 feet. in the lower reaches of the rivers clyde, forth, and tay the clays and sands form a well-marked terrace, and a raised sea-beach, containing similar organisms, occurs here and there on the sea-coast, as between dundee and arbroath, on the southern shores of the moray firth, and elsewhere. when the terraces are traced inland they are found to pass into high-level fluviatile gravels, which may be followed into the mountain-valleys, until eventually they shade off into fluvio-glacial detritus associated with the terminal moraines of the great local glaciers. it is obvious, in short, that the epoch of local ice-sheets and large valley-glaciers was one also of partial submergence. this is further shown by the fact that in some places the glaciers that reached the sea threw down their moraines on the 100-feet beach. it must have been an epoch of much floating ice, as the marine deposits contain now and again many erratics, large and small, and are, moreover, frequently disturbed and contorted as if from the grounding of pack-ice. the phenomena which i have thus briefly sketched suffice to show that the epoch of local glaciation is to be clearly distinguished from that of the latest general _mer de glace_. i have long suspected, indeed, that the two may have been separated by as wide an interval of time as that which divided the earlier from the later epoch of general glaciation. again and again i have searched underneath the terminal moraines, in the faint hope of detecting interglacial accumulations. my failure to discover these, however, did not weaken my conviction, for it was only by the merest chance that interglacial beds could ever have been preserved in such places. i feel sure, however, that they must occur among the older alluvia of our lowlands. indeed, as i shall point out in the sequel, it is highly probable that they are already known, and that we have hitherto failed to recognise their true position in the glacial series. although we have no direct evidence to prove that a long interglacial epoch of mild conditions immediately preceded the advent of our local ice-sheets and large valley-glaciers, yet the indirect evidence is so strong that we seem driven to admit that such must have been the case. to show this i must briefly recapitulate what is now known as to the glacial succession on the continent. it has been ascertained, then, that the scandinavian ice has invaded the low-grounds of germany on two separate occasions, which are spoken of by continental geologists as the "first" and "second" glacial epochs. the earlier of these was the epoch of maximum glaciation, when the inland ice flowed south into saxony, and overspread a vast area between the borders of the north sea and the base of the ural mountains. this ice-sheet unquestionably coalesced with the _mer de glace_ of the british islands. its bottom-moraine and the associated fluvio-glacial detritus are known in germany as "lower diluvium," and the various phenomena connected with it clearly show that the inland-ice radiated outwards from the high-grounds of scandinavia. the terminal front of that vast _mer de glace_ is roughly indicated by a line drawn from the south coast of belgium round the north base of the harz, and by leipzig and dresden to krakow, thence north-east to nijnii novgorod, and further north to the head-waters of the dvina and the shores of the arctic sea near the tcheskaia gulf. the lower diluvium is covered in certain places by interglacial deposits and an overlying upper diluvium--a succession clearly indicative of climatic changes. in the interglacial beds occur remains of _elephas antiquus_ and other pleistocene mammals, and a flora which denotes a genial temperate climate. one of the latest discoveries of interglacial remains is that of two peat-beds lying between the lower and upper diluvium near grünenthal in holstein.[ca] among the abundant plant-relics are pines and firs (no longer indigenous to schleswig-holstein), aspen, willow, white birch, hazel, hornbeam, oak, and juniper. associated with these are _ilex_ and _trapa natans_, the presence of which, as dr. weber remarks, betokens a climate like that of western middle germany. amongst the plants is a water-lily, which occurs also in the interglacial beds of switzerland, but is not now found in europe. the evidence furnished by this and other interglacial deposits in north germany shows that, after the ice-sheet of the lower diluvium had melted away, the climate became as temperate as that now experienced in europe. another recent find of the same kind[cb] is the "diluvial" peat, etc., of klinge, in brandenburg, described by professor nehring. these beds have yielded remains of elk (_cervus alces_), rhinoceros (species not determined), a small fox (?), and megaceros. this latter is not the typical great irish deer, but a variety (_c. megaceros_, var. _ruffii_, nehring). the plant-remains include pine, fir (_picea excelsa_), hornbeam, warty birch (_betula verrucosa_), various willows (_salix repens_, _s. aurita_, _s. caprea_ [?], _s. cinerea_), hazel, poplar (?), common holly, etc. it is worthy of note that here also the interglacial water-lily (_cratopleura_) of schleswig-holstein and switzerland makes its appearance. dr. weber writes me that the facies of this flora implies a well-marked temperate insular climate (seeklima). the occurrence of holly in the heart of the continent, where it no longer grows wild, is particularly noteworthy. the evidence furnished by such a flora leads one to conclude that at the climax of the genial interglacial epoch, the scandinavian snow-fields and glaciers were not more extensive than they are at present. [ca] _neues jahrbuch f. min. geol. u. palæont._, 1891, ii., pp. 62, 228; _ibid._, 1892, i., p. 114. [cb] _naturwissenschaftliche wochenschrift_, bd. vii. (1892), no. 4, p. 31. the plants were determined by dr. weber, professor wittmack, and herr warnstorf. [more recent investigations have considerably increased our knowledge of this flora. see _naturwissenschaftliche wochenschrift_, bd. vii. (1892), nr. 24, 25. _ausland_, 1892, nr. 20; _neues jahrb. f. min., etc._, 1893, bd. i., p. 95.] the presence of the upper diluvium, however, proves that such genial conditions eventually passed away, and that an ice-sheet again invaded north germany. but this later invasion was not on the same scale as that of the preceding one. the geographical distribution of the upper diluvium and the position of large terminal moraines put this quite beyond doubt. the boulder-clay in question spreads over the baltic provinces of germany, extending south as far as berlin,[cc] and west into schleswig-holstein and denmark. at the climax of this later cold epoch glaciers occupied all the fiords of norway, but did not advance beyond the general coast-line. norway at that time must have greatly resembled greenland--the inland-ice covering the interior of the country, and sending seawards large glaciers that calved their icebergs at the mouths of the great fiords. in the extreme south, however, the glaciers did not quite reach the sea, but piled up large terminal moraines on the coast-lands, which may be followed thence into sweden in an easterly direction by the lower end of lake wener and through lake wetter. a similar belt of moraines marks out the southern termination of the ice-sheet in finland. between sweden and finland lies the basin of the baltic, which, at the epoch in question was filled with ice, forming a great baltic glacier. this glacier overflowed the öland islands, gottland, and öland, fanning out as it passed towards the south-west and west, so as to invade on the south the baltic provinces of germany, while in the north it traversed the southern part of scania, and overwhelmed the danish islands as it spread into jutland and schleswig-holstein. the course of this second ice-sheet is indicated by the direction of transport of erratics, etc., and by the trend of rock-striæ and _roches moutonnées_, as well as by the position of its terminal and lateral moraines. [cc] not quite so far south. there is no reason to believe that the ice-sheet of the so-called great baltic glacier advanced beyond the baltic ridge. the upper boulder-clay south of that ridge is the ground-moraine of an earlier glaciation--the equivalent of our upper boulder-clay. see note, page 324. nov. 1, 1892. such, then, is the glacial succession which has been established by geologists in scandinavia, north germany, and finland. the occurrence of two glacial epochs, separated by a long interval of temperate conditions, has been proved. the evidence, however, does not show that there may not have been more than two glacial epochs. there are certain phenomena, indeed, connected with the glacial accumulations of the regions in question which strongly suggest that the succession of changes was more complex than is generally understood. several years ago dr. a. g. nathorst adduced evidence to show that a great baltic glacier, similar to that underneath which the upper diluvium was amassed, existed before the advent of the vast _mer de glace_ of the so-called "first glacial epoch,"[cd] and his observations have been confirmed and extended by h. lundbohm.[ce] the facts set forth by them prove beyond doubt that this early baltic glacier smoothed and glaciated the rocks in southern sweden in a direction from south-east to north-west, and accumulated a bottom-moraine whose included erratics are equally cogent evidence as to the trend of glaciation. that old moraine is overlaid by the lower diluvium--_i.e._, the boulder-clay, etc., of the succeeding vast _mer de glace_ that flowed south to the foot of the harz--the transport of the stones in the superjacent clay indicating a movement from nne. to ssw., or nearly at right angles to the trend of the earlier baltic glacier. it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that we have here to do with the products of two distinct ice-epochs. but hitherto no interglacial deposits have been detected between the boulder-clays in question. it might, therefore, be held that the early baltic glacier was separated by no long interval of time from the succeeding great _mer de glace_, but may have been merely a stage in the development of the latter. it is at all events conceivable that before the great _mer de glace_ attained its maximum extension, it might have existed for a time as a large baltic glacier. i would point out, however, that if no interglacial beds had been recognised between the lower and the upper diluvium, geologists would probably have considered that the last great baltic glacier was simply the attenuated successor of the preceding continental _mer de glace_. but we know this was not so; the two were actually separated by a long epoch of genial temperate conditions. [cd] "beskrifning. till geol. kartbl. trolleholm": _sveriges geologiska undersökning_, ser. aa., nr. 87. [ce] "om de äldre baltiska isströmmen i södra sverige": _geolog. förening. i stockholm förhandl._, bd. x., p. 157. there are certain other facts that may lead us to doubt whether in the glacial phenomena of the baltic coast-lands we have not the evidence of more than two glacial epochs. three, and even four, boulder-clays have been observed in east and west prussia. they are separated, the one from the other, by extensive aqueous deposits, which are sometimes fossiliferous. moreover, the boulder-clays in question have been followed continuously over considerable areas. it is quite possible, of course, that all those boulder-clays may be the product of one epoch, laid down during more or less considerable oscillations of an ice-sheet. in this view of the case the intercalated aqueous deposits would indicate temporary retreats, while the boulder-clays would represent successive re-advances of one and the same _mer de glace_. on the other hand, it is equally possible, if not more probable, that the boulder-clays and intercalated beds are evidence of so many separate glacial and interglacial epochs. we cannot yet say which is the true explanation of the facts. but these being as they are, we may doubt if german glacialists are justified in so confidently maintaining that their lower and upper diluvial accumulations are the products of the "first" and "second" glacial epochs. indeed, as i shall show presently, the upper diluvium of north germany and finland cannot represent the second glacial epoch of other parts of europe. for a long time it has been supposed that the glacial deposits of the central regions of russia were accumulated during the advance and retreat of one and the same ice-sheet. in 1888, however, professor pavlow brought forward evidence to show that the province of nijnii novgorod had been twice invaded by a general _mer de glace_. during the first epoch of glaciation the ice-sheet overflowed the whole province, while only the northern half of the same region was covered by the _mer de glace_ of the second invasion. again, professor armachevsky has pointed out that in the province of tchernigow two types of glacial deposits appear, so unlike in character and so differently distributed that they can hardly be the products of one and the same ice-sheet. but until recently no interglacial deposits had been detected, and the observations just referred to failed, therefore, to make much impression. the missing link in the material evidence has now happily been supplied by m. krischtafowitsch.[cf] at troïzkoje, in the neighbourhood of moscow, occur certain lacustrine formations which have been long known to russian geologists. these have been variously assigned to tertiary, lower glacial, post-glacial, and pre-glacial horizons. they are now proved, however, to be of interglacial age, for they rest upon and are covered by glacial accumulations. amongst their organic remains are oak (_quercus pedunculata_), alder (_alnus glutinosa_, _a. incana_), white birch, hazel, norway maple (_acer platanoides_), scots fir, willow, water-lilies (_nuphar_, _nymphæa_), mammoth, pike, perch, _anadonta_, wing-cases of beetles, etc. the character of the plants shows that the climate of central russia was milder and more humid than it is to-day. [cf] _bull. de la soc. impér. des naturalistes de moskau_, no. 4, 1890. it is obvious that the upper and lower glacial deposits of central russia cannot be the equivalents of the upper and lower diluvium of the baltic coast-lands. the upper diluvium of those regions is the bottom-moraine of the so-called great baltic glacier. at the time that glacier invaded north germany, finland was likewise covered with an ice-sheet, which flowed towards the south-east, but did not advance quite so far as the northern shores of lake ladoga. a double line of terminal moraines, traced from hango head on the gulf of finland, north-east to beyond joensuu, puts this beyond doubt.[cg] the morainic deposits that overlie the interglacial beds of central russia cannot, therefore, belong to the epoch of the great baltic glacier. they are necessarily older. in short, it is obvious that the upper and lower glacial accumulations near moscow must be on the horizon of the lower diluvium of north germany. and if this be so, then it is clear that the latter cannot be entirely the product of one and the same _mer de glace_. when the several boulder-clays described by schröder and others as occurring in the baltic provinces of germany are reinvestigated, they may prove to be the bottom-moraines of as many distinct and separate glacial epochs. [cg] sederholm, _fennia_, i., no. 7; frosterus, _ibid._, iii., no. 8; ramsay, _ibid._, iv., no. 2. it may be contended that the glacial and interglacial deposits of central russia are perhaps only local developments--that their evidence may be accounted for by the oscillations of one single _mer de glace_. this explanation, as already pointed out, has been applied to the boulder-clays and intercalated aqueous beds of the lower diluvium of north germany, and the prevalent character of the associated organic remains makes it appear plausible. it is quite inapplicable, however, to the similar accumulations in central russia. during the formation of the freshwater beds of troïzkoje, no part of russia could have been occupied by an ice-sheet; the climate was more genial and less "continental" than the present. yet that mild interglacial epoch was preceded and succeeded by extremely arctic conditions. it is impossible that such excessive changes could have been confined to central russia. germany, and indeed all northern and north-western europe, must have participated in the climatic revolutions. so far, then, as the evidence has been considered, we may conclude that three glacial and two interglacial epochs at least have been established for northern europe. if this be the case, then a similar succession ought to occur in our own islands; and a little consideration of the evidence already adduced will suffice to show that it does. it will be remembered that the lower and upper boulder-clays of the british islands are the bottom-moraines of two separate and distinct ice-sheets, each of which in its time coalesced on the floor of the north sea with the inland-ice of scandinavia. it is obvious, therefore, that our upper boulder-clay cannot be the equivalent of the upper diluvium of the baltic coast-lands, of sweden, denmark, and schleswig-holstein. de geer and others have shown that while the great baltic glacier was accumulating the upper diluvium of north germany, etc., the inland-ice of norway calved its icebergs at the mouths of the great fiords. thus, during the so-called "second" glacial epoch of scandinavian and german geologists, the norwegian inland-ice did not coalesce with any british _mer de glace_. the true equivalent in this country of the upper diluvium is not our upper boulder-clay, but the great valley-moraines of our mountain-regions. it is our epoch of large valley-glaciers which corresponds to that of the great baltic ice-flow. our upper and lower boulder-clays are on the horizon of the lower diluvium of germany and the glacial deposits of central russia. it will now be seen that the evidence in britain is fully borne out by what is known of the glacial succession in the corresponding latitudes of the continent. i had inferred that our epoch of large valley-glaciers formed a distinct stage by itself, and was probably separated from that of the preceding ice-sheet by a prolonged interval of interglacial conditions. one link in the chain of evidence, however, was wanting: i could not point to the occurrence of interglacial deposits underneath the great valley-moraines. but these, as we have seen, form a well-marked horizon on the continent, and we cannot doubt that a similar interglacial stage obtained in these islands. we may feel confident, in fact, that genial climatic conditions supervened on the dissolution of the last great _mer de glace_ in britain, and that the subsequent development of extensive snow-fields and glaciers in our mountain-regions was contemporaneous with the appearance of the last great baltic glacier. we need not be surprised that interglacial beds should be well developed underneath the bottom-moraine of that great glacier, while they have not yet been recognised below the corresponding morainic accumulations of our highlands and uplands. the conditions in the low-grounds of the baltic coast-lands favoured their preservation, for the ice in those regions formed a broad _mer de glace_, under the peripheral areas of which sub-glacial erosion was necessarily at a minimum and the accumulation at a maximum. in our scottish mountain-valleys, however, the very opposite was the case. the conditions obtaining there were not at all comparable to those that characterised the low-grounds of northern germany, etc., but were quite analogous to those of norway, where, as in our own mountain-regions, interglacial beds are similarly wanting. it is quite possible, however, that patches of such deposits may yet be met with underneath our younger moraines, and they ought certainly to be looked for. but whether they occur or not in our mountain-valleys, it is certain that some of the older alluvia of our lowlands must belong to this horizon. hitherto all alluvial beds that overlie our upper boulder-clay have been classified as post-glacial; but since we have ascertained that our latest _mer de glace_ was succeeded by genial interglacial conditions, we may be sure that records of that temperate epoch will yet be recognised in such lowland tracts as were never reached by the glaciers of the succeeding cold epoch. hence, i believe that some of our so-called "post-glacial" alluvia will eventually be assigned to an interglacial horizon. amongst these may be cited the old peat and freshwater beds that rest upon the upper boulder-clay at hailes quarry, near edinburgh. to the same horizon, in all probability, belong the clays, with megaceros, etc., which occur so frequently underneath the peat-bogs of ireland. an interesting account of these was given some years ago by mr. williams,[ch] who, as a collector of megaceros remains, had the best opportunity of ascertaining the nature of the deposits in which these occur. he gives a section of ballybetagh bog, nine miles south-east of dublin, which is as follows:- 1. boulder-clay. 2. fine tenacious clay, without stones. 3. yellowish clay, largely composed of vegetable matter. 4. brownish clay, with remains of megaceros. 5. greyish clay. 6. peat. [ch] _geol. mag._, 1881, p. 354. the beds overlying the boulder-clay are evidently of lacustrine origin. the fine clay (no. 2), according to mr. williams, is simply reconstructed boulder-clay. after the disappearance of the _mer de glace_ the land would for some time be practically destitute of any vegetable covering, and rain would thus be enabled to wash down the finer ingredients of the boulder-clay that covered the adjacent slopes, and sweep them into the lake. the clay formed in this way is described as attaining a considerable thickness near the centre of the old lake, but it thins off towards the sides. the succeeding bed (no. 3) consists so largely of vegetable débris that it can hardly be called a clay. mr. williams describes it as a "bed of pure vegetable remains that has been ages under pressure." he notes that there is a total absence in this bed of any tenacious clay like that of the underlying stratum, and infers, therefore, that the rainfall during the growth of the lacustrine vegetation was not so great as when the subjacent clay was being accumulated. the remains of megaceros occur resting on the surface of the plant-bed and at various levels in the overlying brownish clay, which attains a thickness of three to four feet. the latter is a true lacustrine sediment, containing a considerable proportion of vegetable matter, interstratified with seams of clay and fine quartz-sand. according to mr. williams, it was accumulated under genial or temperate climatic conditions like the present. between this bed and the overlying greyish clay (from 30 inches to 3 feet thick) there is always in all the bog deposits examined by mr. williams a strongly-marked line of separation. the greyish clay consists exclusively of mineral matter, and has evidently been derived from the disintegration of the adjacent granitic hills. mr. williams is of opinion that this clay is of aqueo-glacial formation. this he infers from its nature and texture, and from its abundance. "why," he asks, "did not this mineral matter come down in like quantity all the time of the deposit of the brown clay which underlies it? simply because, during the genial conditions which then existed, the hills were everywhere covered with vegetation; when the rain fell it soaked into the soil, and the clay being bound together by the roots of the grasses, was not washed down, just as at the present time, when there is hardly any degradation of these hills taking place." he mentions, further, that in the grey clay he obtained the antler of a reindeer, and that in one case the antlers of a megaceros, found embedded in the upper surface of the brown clay, immediately under the grey clay, were scored like a striated boulder, while the under side showed no markings. mr. williams also emphasises the fact that the antlers of megaceros frequently occur in a broken state--those near the surface of the brown clay being most broken, while those at greater depths are much less so. he shows that this could not be the result of tumultuous river-action--the elevation of the valley precluding the possibility of its receiving a river capable of producing such effects. moreover, the remains show no trace of having been water-worn, the edges of the teeth of the great deer being as sharp as if the animal had died but yesterday. mr. williams thinks that the broken state of the antlers is due to the "pressure of great masses of ice on the surface of the clay in which they were embedded, the wide expanse of the palms of the antlers exposing them to pressure and liability to breakage; and even, in many instances, when there was 12 or 14 inches in circumference of solid bone almost as hard and sound as ivory, it was snapped across." it is remarkable that in this one small bog nearly one hundred heads of megaceros have been dug up. mr. williams' observations show us that the megaceros-beds are certainly older than the peat-bogs with their buried timber. when he first informed me of the result of his researches (1880), i did not believe the megaceros-beds could be older than the latest cold phase of the ice age. i thought that they were later in date than our last general _mer de glace_, and i think so still, for they obviously rest upon its ground-moraine. but since i now recognise that our upper boulder-clay is not the product of the last glacial epoch, it seems to me highly probable that the megaceros-beds are of interglacial age--that, in short, they occupy the horizon of the interglacial deposits of north germany, etc. the appearances described by mr. williams in connection with the "grey clay" seem strongly suggestive of ice-action. ballybetagh bog occurs at an elevation of 800 feet above the sea, in the neighbourhood of the three rock mountain (1479 feet), and during the epoch of great valley-glaciers the climatic conditions of that region must have been severe. but without having visited the locality in question i should hesitate to say that the phenomena necessarily point to local glaciation. probably frost, lake-ice, and thick accumulations of snow and _névé_ might suffice to account for the various facts cited by mr. williams. i have called special attention to these irish lacustrine beds, because it is highly probable that the post-glacial age of similar alluvia occurring in many other places in these islands has hitherto been assumed and not proved. now that we know, however, that a long interglacial stage succeeded the disappearance of the last general _mer de glace_, we may feel sure that the older alluvia of our lowland districts cannot belong exclusively to post-glacial times. the local ice-sheets and great glaciers of our "third" glacial epoch were confined to our mountain-regions; and in the lowlands, therefore, which were not invaded, we ought to have the lacustrine and fluviatile accumulations of the preceding interglacial stage. a fresh interest now attaches to our older alluvia, which must be carefully re-examined in the new light thus thrown upon them. turning next to the alpine lands of central europe, we find that geologists there have for many years recognised two glacial epochs. hence, like their _confrères_ in northern europe, they speak of "first" and "second" glacial epochs.[ci] within recent years, however, professor penck has shown that the alps have experienced at least three separate periods of glaciation. he describes three distinct ground-moraines, with associated river-terraces and interglacial deposits in the valleys of the bavarian alps, and his observations have been confirmed by professor brückner and dr. böhm.[cj] the same glacialists, i understand, have nearly completed an elaborate survey of the eastern alps, of which they intend shortly to publish an extended account. the results obtained by them are very interesting, and fully bear out the conclusions already arrived at from their exploration of the bavarian alps.[ck] a similar succession of glacial epochs has quite recently been determined by dr. du pasquier in north switzerland.[cl] nor is this kind of evidence confined to the north side of the alps. on the shores of lake garda, between salò and brescia, three ground-moraines, separated by interglacial accumulations, are seen in section. the interglacial deposits consist chiefly of loams--the result of sub-aërial weathering--and attain a considerable thickness. from this penck infers that the time which has elapsed since the latest glaciation is less than that required for the accumulation of either of the two interglacial series--a conclusion which, he says, is borne out by similar observations in other parts of the alpine region.[cm] [ci] morlot: _bulletin de la soc. vaud. d. sciences nat._, 1854, 1858, 1860. deicke: _bericht. d. st. gall. naturf. ges._, 1858. heer: _urwelt der schweiz._ mühlberg: _festschrift d. aarg. naturf. ges. z. feier ihrer 500 sitz._, 1869. rothpletz: _denkschr. d. schweizer. ges. f. d. ges. naturwissensch._, bd. xxviii., 1881. wettstein: _geologie v. zurich u. umgebung_, 1885. baltzer: _mitteil. d. naturf. ges. bern_, 1887. renevier: _bull. de la soc. helvèt. d. sciences nat._, 1887. [cj] penck: _die vergletscherung d. deutschen alpen_, 1882. brückner: "die vergletscherung des salzachgebietes," _geogr. abhandl. wien_, bd. i. böhm: _jahrb. der k. k. geol. reichsanst._, 1884, 1885. see also o. fraas, _neues jahrb. f. min. geol. u. palæont._, 1880, bd. i. p. 218; e. fugger and c. kastner, _verhandl. d. k. k. geol. reichsanst._, 1883, p. 136. [ck] _mittheil. des deutsch. u. oesterreich. alpenvereins_, 1890, no. 20 u. 23. [cl] _beiträge z. geolog. karte der schweiz_, 31 lief., 1891; _archiv. d. sciences phys. et nat._, 1891, p. 44. [cm] "die grosse eiszeit," _himmel u. erde_. although the occurrence of such sub-äerial products intercalated between separate morainic accumulations is evidence of climatic changes, still it does not tell us how far the glaciers retreated during an interglacial stage. fortunately, however, lignite beds and other deposits charged with plant remains are met with occupying a similar position, and from these we gather that during interglacial times the glaciers sometimes retired to the very heads of the mountain-valleys, and must have been smaller than their present representatives. of such interglacial plant-beds, which have been met with in some twenty localities, the most interesting, perhaps, is the breccia of hötting, in the neighbourhood of innsbruck.[cn] this breccia rests upon old morainic accumulations, and is again overlaid by the later moraines of the great inn glacier. from the fact that the breccia yielded a number of supposed extinct species of plants, palæontologists were inclined to assign it to the pliocene. professor penck, however, prefers to include it in the pleistocene system, along with all the glacial and interglacial deposits of the alpine lands. according to dr. von wettstein, the flora in question is not alpine but pontic. at the time of the formation of the breccia the large-leaved _rhododendron ponticum_ flourished in the inn valley at a height of 1200 metres above the sea; the whole character of the flora, in short, indicates a warmer climate than is now experienced in the neighbourhood of innsbruck. it is obvious, therefore, that in interglacial times the glaciers must have shrunk back, as professor penck remarks, to the highest ridges of the mountains. [cn] penck: _die vergletscherung der deutschen alpen_, p. 228. _verhandl. d. k. k. geol. reichsanst._, 1887, no. 5; _himmel und erde_, 1891. böhm: _jahrb. d. k. k. geol. reichsanst._, 1884, p. 147. blaas: _ferdinandeums zeitschr._, iv. folge; _bericht. d. naturwissensch. vereins_, 1889, p. 97. we may now glance at the glacial succession which has been established for central france. more than twenty years ago dr. julien brought forward evidence to show that the region of the puy de dôme had witnessed two glacial epochs.[co] during the first of these epochs a large glacier flowed from mont dore. after its retreat a prolonged interglacial epoch followed, during which the old morainic deposits and the rocks they rest upon were much eroded. in the valleys and hollows thus excavated freshwater beds occur which have yielded relics of an abundant flora, together with the remains of _elephas meridionalis_, _rhinoceros leptorhinus_, etc. after the deposition of these freshwater alluvia, glaciers again descended the valleys and covered the interglacial beds with their moraines. similar results have been obtained by m. rames from a study of the glacial phenomenon of cantal, which he shows belong to two separate epochs.[cp] the interval between the formation of the two series of glacial accumulations must have been prolonged, for the valleys during that interval were in some places eroded to a depth of 900 feet. m. rames further recognises that the second glacial epoch was distinguished by two advances of valley-glaciers, separated by a marked episode of fusion. dr. julien has likewise noted the evidence for two episodes of fusion during the first extension of the glaciers of the puy de dôme. [co] _des phénomènes glaciaires dans le plateau central de la france_, &c.; paris, 1869. [cp] bull. _soc. géol. de france_, 1884; see also m. boule, _bull. de la soc. philomath. de paris_, 8^e sér. i., p. 87. two glacial epochs have similarly been admitted for the pyrenees;[cq] but dr. penck some years ago brought forward evidence to show that these mountains, like the alps, have experienced three separate and distinct periods of glaciation.[cr] [cq] garrigou: _bull. soc. géol. de france_, 2^e sér. xxiv., p. 577. jeanbernat: _bull. de soc. d'hist. nat. de toulouse_, iv., pp. 114, 138. piette: _bull. soc. géol. de france_, 3^e sér. ii., pp. 503, 507. [cr] _mitteilungen d. vereins f. erdkunde zu leipzig_, 1883. we may now return to scotland, and consider briefly the changes that followed upon the disappearance of the local ice-sheets and large valley-glaciers of our mountain-regions. the evidence is fortunately clear and complete. in the valley of the tay, for example, at and below perth, we encounter the following succession of deposits:- 6. recent alluvia. 5. carse-deposits, 45 feet above sea-level. 4. peat and forest bed. 3. old alluvia. 2. clays, etc., of 100-feet beach. 1. boulder-clay. the old alluvia (3) are obviously of fluviatile origin, and show us that after the deposition of the clays, etc., of the 100-feet beach the sea retreated, and allowed the tay and its tributaries to plough their way down through the marine and estuarine deposits of the "third" glacial epoch. these deposits would appear to have extended at first as a broad and approximately level plain over all the lower reaches of the valleys. through this plain the tay and the earn cut their way to a depth of more than 100 feet, and gradually removed all the material over a course which can hardly be less than 2 miles in breadth below the bridge of earn, and considerably exceeds that in the carse of gowrie. no organic remains occur in the "old alluvia," but the deposits consist principally of gravel and sand, and show not a trace of ice-action. immediately overlying them comes the well-known peat-bed (4). this is a mass of vegetable matter, varying in thickness from a few inches up to 3 or 4 feet. in some places it seems to be made up chiefly of reed-like plants and sedges and occasional mosses, commingled with which are abundant fragments of birch, alder, willow, hazel, and pine. in other places it contains trunks and stools of oak and hazel, with hazel-nuts--the trees being rooted in the subjacent deposits. it is generally highly compressed and readily splits into laminæ, upon the surface of which many small reeds, and now and again wing-cases of beetles, may be detected. a large proportion of the woody débris--twigs, branches, and trunks--appears to have been drifted. a "dug-out" canoe of pine was found, along with trunks of the same tree, in the peat at perth. the carse-deposits (5), consisting principally of clay and silt, rest upon the peat-bed. the occurrence in these deposits of _scrobicularia piperata_ and oyster-shells leaves us in no doubt as to their marine origin. they vary in thickness from 10 up to fully 40 feet.[cs] [cs] for a particular account of the tay-valley succession, see _prehistoric europe_, p. 385. a similar succession of deposits is met with in the valley of the forth,[ct] and we cannot doubt that these tell precisely the same tale. i have elsewhere[cu] adduced evidence to show that the peat-bed, with drifted vegetable débris, which underlies the carse accumulations of the forth and tay is on the same horizon as the "lower buried forest" of our oldest peat-bogs, and the similar bogs that occur in norway, sweden, denmark, schleswig-holstein, holland, etc. underneath the "lower buried forest" of those regions occur now and again freshwater clays, charged with the relics of an arctic-alpine flora; and quite recently similar plant remains have been detected in old alluvia at corstorphine, near edinburgh. when the beds below our older peat-bogs are more carefully examined, traces of that old arctic flora will doubtless be met with in many other parts of these islands. it was this flora that clothed north-western europe during the decay of the last district ice-sheets of britain and the disappearance of the great baltic glacier. [ct] _proc. roy. soc. edin._ 1883-84, p. 745; _mem. geol. survey, scotland_, explanation of sheet 31. [cu] _prehistoric europe_, chaps. xvi., xvii. the dissolution of the large valley-glaciers of this country was accompanied by a general retreat of the sea--all the evidence leading to the conviction that our islands eventually became united to the continent. the climatic conditions, as evidenced by the flora of the "lower buried forest," were decidedly temperate--probably even more genial than they are now, for the forests attained at that time a much greater horizontal and vertical range. this epoch of mild climate and continental connection was eventually succeeded by one of submergence, accompanied by colder conditions. britain was again insulated--the sea-level in scotland reaching a height of 45-50 feet above present high-water. to this epoch pertain the carse-clays of the forth and tay. a few erratics occur in these deposits, probably betokening the action of floating ice, but the beds more closely resemble the modern alluvial silts of our estuaries than the tenacious clays of the 100-feet terrace. when the carse-clays are followed inland, however, they pass into coarse river-gravel and shingle, forming a well-marked high-level alluvial terrace of much the same character as the yet higher-level fluviatile terrace which is associated in like manner with the marine deposits of the 100-feet beach. of contemporaneous age with the carse-clays, with which indeed they are continuous, are the raised beaches at 45-50 feet. these beaches occur at many places along the scottish coasts, but they are seldom seen at the heads of our sea-lochs. when the sea stood at this level, glaciers of considerable size occupied many of our mountain-valleys. in the west they came down in places to the sea-coast, and dropped their terminal moraines upon the beach-deposits accumulating there. thus, in arran[cv] and in sutherland,[cw] these moraines are seen reposing on the raised beaches of that epoch. and i think it is probable that the absence of such beaches at the heads of many of the sea-lochs of the highland area is to be explained by the presence there of large glaciers, which prevented their formation. [cv] _british association reports_ (1854): trans. of sections, p. 78. [cw] l. hinxman: paper read before edin. geol. soc., april 1892. thus, there is clear evidence to show that after the genial epoch represented by the "lower buried forest," a recrudescence of glacial conditions supervened in scotland. many of the small moraines that occur at the heads of our mountain-valleys, both in the highlands and southern uplands, belong in all probability to this epoch. they are characterised by their very fresh and well-preserved appearance.[cx] it is not at all likely that these later climatic changes could have been confined to scotland. other regions must have been similarly affected. but the evidence will probably be harder to read than it is with us. had it not been for the existence of our "lower buried forest," with the overlying carse-deposits, we could hardly have been able to distinguish so readily between the moraines of our "third" glacial epoch and those of the later epoch to which i now refer. the latter, we might have supposed, simply marked a stage in the final retreat of the antecedent great valley-glaciers. [cx] _prehistoric europe_ (chaps. xvi., xvii.) gives a fuller statement of the evidence. i have elsewhere traced the history of the succeeding stages of the pleistocene period, and adduced evidence of similar, but less strongly-marked, climatic changes having followed upon those just referred to, and my conclusions have been supported by the independent researches of professor blytt in norway. but these later changes need not be considered here. it is sufficient for my general purpose to confine attention to the well-proved conclusion that after the decay of the last district ice-sheets and great glaciers of our "third" glacial epoch genial conditions obtained, and that these were followed by cold and humid conditions, during the prevalence of which glaciers reappeared in many mountain-valleys. we have thus, as it seems to me, clear evidence in europe of four glacial epochs, separated the one from the other by protracted intervals of genial temperate conditions. so far, one's conclusions are based on data which cannot be gainsaid, but there are certain considerations which lead to the suspicion that the whole of the complex tale has not yet been unravelled, and that the climatic changes were even more numerous than those that i have indicated. let it be noted that glacial conditions attained their maximum during the earliest of our recognised glacial epochs. with each recurring cold period the ice-sheets and glaciers successively diminished in importance. that is one of the outstanding facts with which we have to deal. whatever may have been the cause or causes of glacial and interglacial conditions, it is obvious that those causes, after attaining a maximum influence, gradually became less effective in their operation. such having been the case, one can hardly help suspecting that our epoch of greatest glaciation may have been preceded by an alternation of cold and genial stages analogous to those that followed it. if three cold epochs of progressively diminished severity succeeded the epoch of maximum glaciation, the latter may have been preceded by one or more epochs of progressively increased severity. that something of the kind may have taken place is suggested by the occurrence of the old moraine of that great baltic glacier that preceded the appearance of the most extensive _mer de glace_ of northern europe. the old moraine in question, it will be remembered, underlies the lower diluvium. unfortunately, the very conditions that attended the glaciation of europe render it improbable that any conspicuous traces of glacial epochs that may have occurred prior to the period of maximum glaciation could have been preserved within the regions covered by the great inland-ice. their absence, therefore, cannot be held as proving that the lower boulder-clays of britain and northern europe are the representatives of the earliest glacial epoch. the lowest boulder-clay, i believe, has yet to be discovered. it is in the alpine lands that we encounter the most striking evidence of glacial conditions anterior to the epoch of maximum glaciation. the famous breccia of hötting has already been referred to as of interglacial age. from the character of its flora, ettinghausen considered this accumulation to be of tertiary age. the assemblage of plants is certainly not comparable to the well-known interglacial flora of dürnten. according to the researches of dr. r. von wettstein,[cy] the hötting flora has most affinity with that of the pontic mountains, the caucasus, and southern spain, and implies a considerably warmer climate than is now experienced in the inn valley. this remarkable deposit, as dr. penck pointed out some ten years ago, is clearly of interglacial age. his conclusions were at once challenged, on the ground that the flora had a tertiary and not a pleistocene facies; consequently, it was urged that, as all glacial deposits were of pleistocene age, this particular breccia could not be interglacial. but in this, as in similar cases, the palæontologist's contention has not been sustained by the stratigraphical evidence, and dr. penck's observations have been confirmed by several highly-competent geologists, as by mm. böhm and du pasquier. the breccia is seen in several well-exposed sections resting upon the moraine of a local glacier which formerly descended the northern flanks of the inn valley, opposite innsbruck, where the mountain-slopes under existing conditions are free from snow and ice. nor is this all, for certain erratics appear in the breccia, which could only have been derived from pre-existing glacial accumulations, and their occurrence in this accumulation at a height of 1150 metres shows that before the advent of the hötting flora the whole inn valley must have been filled with ice. the plant-bearing beds are in their turn covered by the ground-moraine of a later and more extensive glaciation. to bring about the glacial conditions that obtained before the formation of the breccia, the snow-line, according to penck, must have been at least 1000 metres lower than now; while, to induce the succeeding glaciation, the depression of the snow-line could not have been less than 1200 metres. these observations have been extended to many other parts of the alps, and the conclusion arrived at by professor penck and his colleagues, professor brückner and dr. böhm, is briefly this--that the maximum glaciation of those regions did not fall in the "first" but in the "second" alpine glacial epoch. [cy] _sitzungsberichte d. kais. acad. d. wissensch. in wien, mathem.-naturw. classe_, bd. xcvii. abth. i., 1888. the glacial phenomena of northern and central europe are so similar--the climatic oscillations which appear to have taken place had so much in common, and were on so grand a scale--that we cannot doubt they were synchronous. we may feel sure, therefore, that the epoch of maximum glaciation in the alps was contemporaneous with the similar epoch in the north. and if this be so, then in the oldest ground-moraines of the alps we have the records of an earlier glacial epoch than that which is represented by the lower boulder-clays of britain and the corresponding latitudes of the continent. in other words, the hötting flora belongs to an older stage of the glacial period than any of the acknowledged interglacial accumulations of northern europe. the character of the plants is in keeping with this conclusion. the flora has evidently much less connection with the present flora of the alps than the interglacial floras of britain and northern europe have with those that now occupy their place. the hötting flora, moreover, implies a considerably warmer climate than now obtains in the alpine regions, while that of our interglacial beds indicates a temperate insular climate, apparently much like the present. the high probability that oscillations of climate preceded the advent of the so-called "first" _mer de glace_ of northern europe must lead to a re-examination of our pliocene deposits, with a view to see whether these yield conclusive evidence against such climatic changes having obtained immediately before pleistocene times. by drawing the line of separation between the pleistocene and the pliocene at the base of our glacial series, the two systems in britain are strongly marked off the one from the other. there is, in short, a distinct "break in the succession." from the cromer forest-bed, with its abundant mammalian fauna and temperate flora, we pass at once to the overlying arctic freshwater bed and the superjacent boulder-clay that marks the epoch of maximum glaciation.[cz] amongst the mammalian fauna of the forest-bed are elephants (_elephas meridionalis_, _e. antiquus_), hippopotamus, rhinoceros, (_r. etruscus_), horses, bison, boar, and many kinds of deer, together with such carnivores as bears, _machærodus_, spotted hyæna, etc. the freshwater and estuarine beds which contain this extensive fauna rest immediately upon marine deposits (weybourn crag), the organic remains of which have a decidedly arctic facies. here, then, we have what at first sight would seem to be another break in the succession. the forest-bed, one might suppose, indicated an interglacial epoch, separating two cold epochs. but mr. clement reid, who has worked out the geology of the pliocene with admirable skill,[da] has another explanation of the phenomena. it has long been known that the organic remains of the marine pliocene of britain denote a progressive lowering of temperature. the lower member of the system is crowded with southern forms, which indicate warm-temperate conditions. but when we leave the older and pass upwards into the newer pliocene those southern forms progressively disappear, while at the same time immigrants from the north increase in numbers, until eventually, in the beds immediately underlying the forest-bed, the fauna presents a thoroughly arctic facies. during the formation of the older pliocene with its southern fauna our area was considerably submerged, so that the german ocean had then a much wider communication with the seas of lower latitudes. at the beginning of newer pliocene times, however, the land emerged to some extent, and all connection between the german ocean and more southern seas was cut off. when at last the "forest-bed series" began to be accumulated, the southern half of the north sea basin had become dry land, and was traversed by the rhine in its course towards the north, the forest-bed representing the alluvial and estuarine deposits of that river. [cz] in some places, however, certain marine deposits (_leda myalis_ bed) immediately overlie the forest-bed. [da] _mem. of geol. survey_, "pliocene deposits of britain." _see postea_, footnote, p. 317. mr. reid, in referring to the progressive change indicated by the pliocene marine fauna, is inclined to agree with professor prestwich that this was not altogether the result of a general climatic change. he thinks the successive dying out of southern forms and the continuous arrival of boreal species was principally due to the north sea remaining fully open to the north, while all connection with southern seas was cut off. under such conditions, he says, "there was a constant supply of arctic species brought by every tide or storm, while at the same time the southern forms had to hold their own without any aid from without; and if one was exterminated it could not be replaced." doubtless the isolation of the north sea must have hastened the extermination of the southern forms, but the change could not have been wholly due to such local causes. similar, if less strongly-marked, changes characterise the marine pliocene of the mediterranean area, while the freshwater alluvia of france, etc., furnish evidence in the same direction. the cromer forest-bed overlies the weybourn crag, the marine fauna of which has a distinctly arctic facies. the two cannot, therefore, be exactly contemporaneous: the marine equivalents of the forest-bed are not represented. but mr. reid points out that several arctic marine shells of the weybourn crag occur also in the forest-bed, while certain southern freshwater and terrestrial shells common in the latter are met with likewise in the former, commingled with the prevailing arctic marine species. he thinks, therefore, that we may fairly conclude that the two faunas occupied adjacent areas. one can hardly accept this conclusion without reserve. it is difficult to believe that a temperate flora and mammalian fauna like those of the forest-bed clothed and peopled eastern england when the adjacent sea was occupied by arctic molluscs, etc. surely the occurrence of a few forms, which are common to the forest-bed and the underlying crag, does not necessarily prove that the two faunas occupied adjacent districts. mr. reid, indeed, admits that some of the marine shells in the forest-bed series may have been derived from the underlying crag. were the marine equivalents of the forest-bed forthcoming we might well expect them to contain many crag forms, but the facies of the fauna would most probably resemble that of the existing north sea fauna. again, the appearance in the weybourn crag of a few southern shells common to the forest-bed does not seem to prove more than that such shells were contemporaneous somewhere with an arctic marine fauna. but it is quite possible that they might have been carried for a long distance from the south; and, even if they actually existed in the near neighbourhood of an arctic marine fauna, we may easily attach too much importance to their evidence.[db] i cannot think, therefore, that mr. reid's conclusion is entirely satisfactory. after all, the cromer forest-bed rests upon the weybourn crag, and the evidence as it stands is explicable in another way. it is quite possible, for example, that the forest-bed really indicates an epoch of genial or temperate conditions, preceded, as it certainly was eventually succeeded, by colder conditions. [db] the inference that the forest-bed occupies an interglacial position is strengthened by the evidence of certain marine deposits which immediately overlie it. these (known collectively as the _leda myalis_ bed) occur in irregular patches, which, from the character of their organic remains, cannot all be precisely of the same age. in one place, for example, they are abundantly charged with oysters, having valves united, and with these are associated other species of molluscs that still live in british seas. at another place no oysters occur, but the beds yield two arctic shells, _leda myalis_ and _astarte borealis_, and some other forms which have no special significance. professor otto torell pointed out to mr. reid that these separate deposits could not be of the same age, for the oyster is sensitive to cold and does not inhabit the seas where _leda myalis_ and _astarte borealis_ flourish. from a consideration of this and other evidence mr. reid concludes that it is possible that the deposits indicate a period of considerable length, during which the depth of water varied and the climate changed. two additional facts may be noted: _leda myalis_ does not occur in any of the underlying pliocene beds, while the oyster is not found in the weybourn and chillesford crag, though common lower down in the pliocene series. these facts seem to me to have a strong bearing on the climatic conditions of the forest-bed epoch. they show us that the oyster flourished in the north sea before the period of the weybourn crag--that it did not live side by side with the arctic forms of that period--and that it reappeared in our seas when favourable conditions returned. when the climate again became cold an arctic fauna (including a new-comer, _leda myalis_) once more occupied the north sea. if it be objected that this would include as interglacial what has hitherto been regarded by most as a pliocene mammalian fauna,[dc] i would reply that the interglacial age of that fauna has already been proved in central france. the interglacial beds of auvergne, with _elephas meridionalis_, rest upon and are covered by moraines,[dd] and with these have been correlated the deposits of saint-prest. again, in northern italy the lignites of leffe and pianico, which, as i showed a number of years ago,[de] occupy an interglacial position, have likewise yielded _elephas meridionalis_ and other associated mammalian forms. [dc] _elephas meridionalis_ is usually regarded as a type-form of the newer pliocene, but long ago dr. fuchs pointed out that in hungary this species is of quaternary age: _verhandl. d. k. k. geolog. reichsanstalt_, 1879, pp. 49, 270. it matters little whether we relegate to the top of the pliocene or to the base of the pleistocene the beds in which this species occurs. that it is met with upon an interglacial horizon is certain; and if we are to make the pleistocene co-extensive with the glacial and interglacial series we shall be compelled to include in that system some portion of the newer pliocene. [dd] julien: _des phènoménes glaciaires dans le plateau central_, etc., 1869. boule: _revue d'anthropologie_, 1879. [de] _prehistoric europe_, p. 306. professor penck writes me that he and the swiss glacialist, dr. du pasquier, have recently examined these deposits, and are able to confirm my conclusion as to their interglacial position. there can be no doubt, then--indeed it is generally admitted--that the cold conditions that culminated in our glacial period began to manifest themselves in pliocene times. moreover, as it can be shown that _elephas meridionalis_ and its congeners lived in central europe after an epoch of extensive glaciation, it is highly probable that the forest-bed, which contains the relics of the same mammalian fauna, is equivalent in age to the early interglacial beds of france and the alpine lands. we seem, therefore, justified in concluding that the alternation of genial and cold climates that succeeded the disappearance of the greatest of our ice-sheets was preceded by analogous climatic changes in late pliocene times. i shall now briefly summarise what seems to have been the glacial succession in europe:- {1. weybourn crag; ground-moraine of great baltic { glacier underlying lower diluvium; the oldest { recognised ground-moraines of central europe. { glacial { these accumulations represent the earliest { glacial epoch of which any trace has been { discovered. it would appear to have been one of { considerable severity, but not so severe as the { cold period that followed. {2. forest-bed of cromer; hötting breccia; lignites { of leffe and pianico; interglacial beds of interglacial { central france. { { earliest recognised interglacial epoch; climate { very genial. {3. lower boulder-clays of britain; lower diluvium { of scandinavia and north germany (in part); { lower glacial deposits of south germany and { central russia; ground-moraines and high-level { gravel-terraces of alpine lands, etc.; glacial { terminal moraines of outer zone. { { the epoch of maximum glaciation; the { british and scandinavian ice-sheets confluent; { the alpine glaciers attain their greatest development. {4. interglacial freshwater alluvia, peat, lignite, etc., { with mammalian remains (britain, germany, { etc., central russia, alpine lands, etc.); and { marine deposits (britain, baltic coast-lands). interglacial { { continental condition of british area; climate { at first cold, but eventually temperate. submergence { ensued towards close of the period, { with conditions passing from temperate to { arctic. {5. upper boulder-clay of britain; lower diluvium { of scandinavia, germany, etc., in part; upper { glacial series in central russia; ground-moraines { and gravel-terraces in alpine lands. { { scandinavian and british ice-sheets again glacial { confluent, but _mer de glace_ does not extend { quite so far as that of the preceding cold epoch. { conditions, however, much more severe than { those of the next succeeding cold epoch. { alpine glaciers deposit the moraines of the { inner zone. {6. freshwater alluvia, lignite, peat, etc. (some of the { so-called post-glacial alluvia of britain; { interglacial beds of north germany, etc.; alpine { lands(?); marine deposits of britain and baltic { coast-lands). interglacial { { britain probably again continental; climate at { first temperate and somewhat insular; submergence { ensues with cold climatic conditions--scotland { depressed for 100 feet; baltic provinces { of germany, etc., invaded by the waters of { the north sea. {7. ground-moraines, terminal moraines, etc., of the { mountain regions of britain; upper diluvium { of scandinavia, finland, north germany, etc.; { great terminal moraines of same regions; terminal { moraines in the large longitudinal valleys { of the alps (penck). { { major portion of scottish highlands covered glacial { by ice-sheet; local ice-sheets in southern uplands { of scotland and mountain districts in { other parts of britain; great valley-glaciers { sometimes coalesce on low-grounds; icebergs { calved at mouths of highland sea-lochs; terminal { moraines dropped upon marine deposits { then forming (100-feet beach). scandinavia { shrouded in a great ice-sheet, which broke { away in icebergs along the whole west coast of { norway. epoch of the last great baltic glacier. {8. freshwater alluvia (with arctic plants); "lower { buried forest and peat" (britain and north-west { europe generally). carse-clays and raised { beaches of 45 to 50-feet level in scotland. interglacial { { britain again continental; climate at first { cold, subsequently becoming temperate: great { forests. eventual insulation of britain; climate { humid, and probably colder than now. {9. local moraines in mountain-valleys of britain, { here and there resting on 45 to 50-feet beach; { so-called "post-glacial" moraines in the upper { valleys of the alps. { { probably final appearance of glaciers in our glacial { islands. some of these glaciers attained a { considerable size, reaching the sea and shedding { icebergs. it may be noted here that the decay { of these latest glaciers was again followed by { emergence of the land and a recrudescence of { forest-growth ("upper buried forest"). a word of reference may now be made to that remarkable association of evidence of submergence, with proofs of glacial conditions, which has so frequently been noted by geologists. take, for example, the succession in scotland, and observe how each glacial epoch was preceded and apparently accompanied by partial submergence of the land:- 1. _epoch of greatest mer de glace_ (lower boulder-clay); british and scandinavian ice-sheets coalescent. followed by wide land-surface = continental britain, with genial climate. submergence of land--to what extent is uncertain, but apparently to 500 feet or so. 2. _epoch of lesser mer de glace_ (upper boulder-clay); british and scandinavian ice-sheets coalescent. followed by wide land-surface = continental britain, with genial climate. submergence of land for 100 feet or thereabout. 3. _epoch of local ice-sheets in mountain districts;_ glaciers here and there coalesce on the low-grounds; icebergs calved at mouths of highland sea-lochs (moraines on 100-feet beach). followed by wide land-surface = continental britain, with genial climate. submergence of land for 50 feet or thereabout. 4. _epoch of small local glaciers_, here and there descending to sea (moraines on 50-feet beach). these oscillations of the sea-level did not terminate with the emergence of the land after the formation of the 50-feet beach. there is evidence to show that subsequent to the retreat of the small local glaciers (4) and the emergence of the land, our shores extended seawards beyond their present limits, but how far we cannot tell. with this epoch of re-emergence the climate again became more genial, our forests once more attaining a greater vertical and horizontal range. submergence then followed (the 25 to 30-feet beach), accompanied by colder and more humid conditions, which, while unfavourable to forest-growth, tended greatly to increase the spread of peat-bogs. we have no evidence, however, to show that small local glaciers again appeared. finally the sea retired, and the present conditions ensued. it will be seen that the submergence which preceded and probably accompanied the advent of the lesser _mer de glace_ (2) was greater than that which heralded the appearance of the local ice-sheets (3), as that in turn exceeded the depression that accompanied the latest local glaciers (4). there would seem, therefore, to be some causal connection between cold climatic conditions and submergence. this is shown by the fact that not only did depression immediately precede and accompany the appearance of ice-sheets and glaciers, but the degree of submergence bore a remarkable relation to the extent of glaciation. many speculations have been indulged in as to the cause of this curious connection between glaciation and depression; these, however, i will not consider here. none of the explanations hitherto advanced is satisfactory, but the question is one well deserving the attention of physicists, and its solution would be of great service to geology. a still larger question which the history of these times suggests is the cause of climatic oscillations. i have maintained that the well-known theory advanced by james croll is the only one that seems to throw any light upon the subject, and the observations which have been made since i discussed the question at length, some fifteen years ago, have added strength to that conviction. as sir robert ball has remarked, the astronomical theory is really much stronger than croll made it out to be. in his recently-published work, _the cause of an ice age_, sir robert says that the theory is so thoroughly well based that there is no longer any ground for doubting its truth. "we have even shown," he continues, "that the astronomical conditions are so definite that astronomers are entitled to direct that vigorous search be instituted on this globe to discover the traces of those vast climatic changes through which astronomy declares that our earth must have passed." in concluding this paper, therefore, i may shortly indicate how far the geological evidence seems to answer the requirements of the theory. following croll, we find that the last period of great eccentricity of the earth's orbit extended over 160,000 years--the eccentricity reaching its highest value in the earlier stages of the cycle. it is obvious that during this long cycle the precession of the equinox must have completed seven revolutions. we might therefore expect to meet with geological evidence of recurrent cold or glacial and genial or interglacial epochs; and not only so, but the records ought to show that the earlier glacial epoch or epochs were colder than those that followed. now we find that the epoch of maximum glaciation supervened in early pleistocene times, and that three separate and distinct glacial epochs of diminished severity followed. of these three, the first would appear to have been almost as severe as that which preceded it, and it certainly much surpassed in severity the cold epochs of the later stages. but the epoch of maximum glaciation, or the first of the pleistocene series, was not the earliest glacial epoch. it seems to have been preceded by one of somewhat less severity than itself, but which nevertheless, as we gather from the observations of penck and his collaborators, was about as important as that which came after the epoch of maximum glaciation. hence it would appear that the correspondence of the geological evidence with the requirements of the astronomical theory is as close as we could expect it to be. four glacial with intervening genial epochs appear to have fallen within pleistocene times; while towards the close of the pliocene, or at the beginning of the pleistocene period, according as we choose to classify the deposits, an earlier glacial epoch followed by genial interglacial conditions, supervened. in this outline of a large subject it has not been possible to do more than indicate very briefly the general nature of the evidence upon which the chief conclusions are based. i hope, however, to have an opportunity ere long of dealing with the whole question in detail. [note.--since the original publication of this essay, renewed investigation and study have led me to conclude that the correlation of the british and continental glacial series is even more simple than i had supposed. i believe the use of the terms "lower" and "upper" in connection with the "diluvial" deposits of the continent has hitherto blinded us to the obvious succession of the boulder-clays. in britain we have, as shown above, a "lower boulder-clay," an "upper boulder-clay," and the still younger boulder-clays (ground-moraines), and terminal moraines of our district ice-sheets and valley-glaciers. in the low-grounds of the continent the succession is precisely similar. thus the lower boulder-clay that sweeps south into saxony represents the lower boulder-clay of britain. in like manner, the upper boulder-clay of western and middle germany, of poland, and western and north-western russia, is the equivalent of our own upper boulder-clay. lastly, the so-called "upper diluvium" and the great terminal moraines of the baltic coast-lands are on the horizon of the younger boulder-clays and terminal moraines of the mountainous areas of the british islands. the so-called "lower diluvium" of the baltic coast-lands thus represents not the _lower_ but the _upper_ diluvium of western and middle germany, poland, etc. german geologists are of opinion that the upper boulder-clays of the baltic coast-lands and of the valley of the elbe are the ground-moraines of one and the same ice-sheet, which, on its retreat, piled up the terminal moraines of the baltic ridge. i believe the two boulder-clays in question are quite distinct, and that the terminal moraines referred to mark the furthest advance of the last great baltic glacier. the contemporaneity of the two boulder-clays has been taken for granted simply because they are each underlaid by a lower boulder-clay. but, as we have seen, the upper boulder-clay of the baltic coast-lands is underlaid not by one only, but by two, and in some places even by three other boulder-clays--phenomena which never present themselves in the regions not invaded by the last great baltic glacier. three or four boulder-clays occur in the coast-lands of the baltic because those regions were overflowed successively by three or four separate ice-sheets. only two boulder-clays are met with south and east of the baltic ridge, because the tracts lying south and south-east of that ridge were traversed by only two _mers de glace_--namely, by that of the epoch of maximum glaciation and by the less extensive ice-sheet of the next succeeding cold period. in the region between the elbe and the mountains of middle germany only one boulder-clay appears, because that region has never been invaded by more than one ice-sheet. the succession thus indicated may be tabulated as follows:- 1. _epoch of earliest baltic glacier._ lowest boulder-clay of southern sweden; lowest boulder-clay of baltic provinces of prussia; horizon of the weybourn crag. 2. _epoch of greatest mer de glace._ lower boulder-clays of middle and southern germany, central russia, british islands; second boulder-clay of baltic provinces of prussia. 3. _epoch of lesser mer de glace._ upper boulder-clay of western and middle germany, poland, and west central russia; upper boulder-clay of britain; third boulder-clay of baltic provinces of prussia. 4. _epoch of last great baltic glacier._ upper boulder-clay and terminal moraines of baltic coast-lands; district and valley-moraines of highlands and uplands of british islands. 5. _epoch of small local glaciers._ valley-moraines in mountainous regions of britain, etc. the evidence on which these conclusions are based is set forth at some length in a forthcoming re-issue of my _great ice age_.--nov. 1, 1892.] [illustration: plate iv sketch map of northern europe showing areas covered by ice during the epoch of maximum glaciation, and by the great baltic glacier and the local ice-sheets of britain at a later date. the edinburgh geographical institute j. g. bartholomew f.r.g.s ] * * * * * explanation of plate iv. map of europe showing the areas occupied by ice during the epoch of maximum glaciation (second glacial epoch), and the extent of glaciation in scandinavia, finland, baltic coast-lands, etc., and the british islands during the fourth glacial epoch. for the limits of the greater glaciation on the continent, habenicht, penck, nikitin, and nathorst have been followed. the great baltic glacier is chiefly after de geer. xi. the geographical evolution of europe.[df] [df] _the scottish geographical magazine_, vol. ii., 1886. it is one of the commonplaces of geology that the present is built up out of the ruins of the past. every rock beneath our feet has its story of change to tell us. mountains, valleys, and plains, continents and islands, have passed through vicissitudes innumerable, and bear within them the evidence of a gradual development or evolution. looking back through the vista of the past one sees the dry lands gradually separating from the ocean, and gathering together into continental masses according to a definite plan. it is this slow growth, this august evolution, carried on through countless æons, which most impresses the student of physical geology. the earth seems for the time as if endowed with life, and like a plant or animal to pass through its successive stages of development until it culminates in the present beautiful world. this conception is one of comparatively recent growth in the history of geological science. hutton, the father of physical geology, had indeed clearly perceived that the dry lands of the globe were largely composed of the débris of former land-surfaces--that there had been alternate elevations and depressions of the earth's crust, causing now sea and now land to predominate over given areas. but the facts known in this day could not possibly have suggested those modern ideas of geographical evolution, which are the outcome of the multifarious observation and research of later years. it is to professor dana, the eminent american geologist, that we are indebted for the first clear enunciation of the views which i am now about to illustrate. according to him the great oceanic basins and continental ridges are of primeval antiquity--their origin is older than that of our oldest sedimentary formations. it is not maintained that the present lands have always continued above the level of the sea. on the contrary, it can be proved that many oscillations of level have taken place within each continental area, by which the extent and outline of the land have been modified again and again. notwithstanding such changes, however, the great continental ridges would appear to have persisted from the earliest geological times as dominant elevations of the earth's crust. some portions of these, as dana remarks, may have been submerged for thousands of feet, but the continents have never changed places with the oceans. i shall presently indicate the nature of the evidence by which it is sought to prove the vast age of our continental masses, but before doing so it will be well to give an outline of the facts which go to show that the oceanic depressions of the globe are likewise of primeval antiquity. the memorable voyage of the _challenger_ has done much to increase our knowledge of the deep seas and the accumulations forming therein. the researches of the scientific staff of the expedition, and more particularly those of mr. murray, have indeed given a new impulse to the study of the larger questions of physical geology, and have lent strong support to the doctrine of the permanence of the oceanic basins and continental ridges. one of the most important facts brought before our attention by mr. murray is the absence of any land-derived materials from the sediments now gathering in the deeper abysses of the ocean. the coasts of continents and continental islands are strewn, as every one knows, with the wreck of the land--with gravel, sand, and mud, derived from the demolition of our rocks and soils. the coarser débris accumulates upon beaches and in shallow littoral waters, while the finer materials are swept further out to sea by tidal and other currents--the sediment being gradually sifted as it is borne outwards into deeper water, until only the finest mud and silt remain to be swept forward. as the floor of the ocean shelves down to greater depths the transporting power of currents gradually lessens, and finally land-derived sediment ceases to appear. such terrigenous materials may be said to extend from the littoral zone down to depths of 2000 feet and more, and to a distance of 60 to 300 miles from shore. they are confined, therefore, to a comparatively narrow belt round the margins of continents and islands. and thus there are vast regions of the oceanic depressions over which no terrigenous or land-derived materials are accumulating. instead of these we meet with a remarkable red clay and various kinds of ooze, made up largely of the shells of foraminifera, pelagic mollusca, and radiolarians, and the frustules of diatoms. the red clay is the most widely distributed of abysmal deposits. indeed, it seems to form a certain proportion of all the deep-sea organic oozes, and may be said, therefore, to exist everywhere in the abysmal regions of the oceanic basins. it is extremely fine-grained, and owes its deep brown or red colour to the presence of the oxides of manganese and iron. scattered through the deposit occur particles of various minerals of volcanic origin, together with lapilli and fragments of pumice, _i.e._, volcanic _ejectamenta_. such materials may have been thrown out from terrestrial volcanoes and carried by the winds or floated by currents until they became water-logged and sank; or they may to some extent be the relics of submarine eruptions. whatever may have been their immediate source, they are unquestionably of volcanic origin, and are not associated with any truly terrigenous sediment. the red clay is evidently the result of the chemical action of sea-water on volcanic products; and many facts conspire to show that its formation is an extremely slow process. thus, remains of vertebrates, consisting of the ear-bones of whales, beaks of ziphius, and teeth of sharks, are often plentifully present, and there is no reason to suppose, as mm. murray and renard point out, that the parts of the ocean where these remains occur are more frequented by whales and sharks than other regions where similar relics are rarely or never dredged up. of these remains some have all the appearance of having lain upon the sea-bottom for a very long time, for they belong to extinct species, and are either partially coated or entirely surrounded with thick layers of manganese-iron. in the same red clay occur small metallic spherules which are of cosmic origin--in other words, meteoric dust. the accumulation of all these substances in such relatively great abundance shows us that the oceanic basins have remained unchanged for a vast period of time, and assures us that the formation of the abysmal red clay is extremely slow. when we come to examine the rocks which enter into the framework of our continents, we find that they may be roughly classed under these heads:- 1st, terrestrial and aqueous rocks. 2d, igneous rocks. 3d, crystalline schists. by far the largest areas of land are composed of rocks belonging to the first class. these consist chiefly of the more or less indurated sediments of ancient rivers, lakes, and seas--namely, conglomerate, sandstone, shale, limestone, etc. and now and again, interstratified with such aqueous beds, we meet with rocks of terrestrial origin, such as lignite, coal, and the débris of former glacial action. now, most of our aqueous rocks have been accumulated in the sea, and thus we arrive at the conclusion that the present continental areas have from time to time been largely submerged--that the sea has frequently covered what are now the dry lands of the globe. but one remarkable fact stands out, and it is this: nowhere amongst the sedimentary rocks of the earth's crust do we meet with any ancient sediments which can be likened to the red clay now slowly accumulating in the deeper abysses of the ocean. there are no rocks of abysmal origin. many of our limestones have undoubtedly formed in deep, clear water, but none of these is abysmal. portions of europe may now and again have been submerged for several thousand feet, but no part of this or any other continent, so far as we yet know, has within geological time been depressed to depths comparable to those of the present oceanic basins. nay, by far the larger portions of our marine formations have accumulated in comparatively shallow water--sandstones and shales (sand and mud) being by far the most common kinds of rock that we encounter. in short, aqueous strata have, as a rule, been deposited at no great depth and at no great distance from dry land; the rocks are built up mostly of terrigenous material; and even the purer limestones and chalks, which we may suppose accumulated in seas of moderate depth, not infrequently contain some terrestrial relic which has been drifted out to sea, and afford other evidence to show that the nearest land was never very far away. followed along their outcrop such rocks sooner or later become mixed and interbedded with ordinary sedimentary matter. thus, for example, the thick carboniferous limestone of wales and the midlands of england must have accumulated in the clear water of a moderately deep sea. but when this limestone is traced north into northumberland it begins to receive intercalations of sandstone and shale, which become more and more important, until in scotland they form by much the larger portion of the series--the enormous thick limestones of the south being represented by only a few inconsiderable beds, included, along with seams of ironstone and coal, in a thick succession of sandstones and shales. of the igneous rocks and the crystalline schists i need not speak at present, but i shall have something to say about them before i have done. having learned that no truly abysmal rocks enter into the composition of our continents, of what kind of rocks, we may ask, are the islands composed? well, some of those islands are built up of precisely the same materials as we find in the continents. this is the case with most islands which are not separated from continental areas by profoundly deep seas. thus our own islands with their numerous satellites are geologically one with the adjacent continent. their present separation is a mere accident. were the european area, with the adjacent sea-bed, to be elevated for a few hundred feet we should find that britain and ireland form geologically part and parcel of the continent. and the same is the case with nova zembla and spitzbergen in the north, and with the mediterranean islands in the south. there is another large class of islands, however, which are characterised by the total absence of any of those sedimentary rocks of which, as i have just said, our continents and continental islands are chiefly built up. the islands referred to are scattered over the bosom of the great ocean, and are surrounded by profoundly deep water. some are apparently composed entirely of coral, others are of volcanic origin, and yet others are formed partly of volcanic rock and partly of coral. thus we have two distinct kinds of island:- 1st, islands which have at one time evidently been connected with adjacent continents, and which are therefore termed _continental islands_; and 2d, _oceanic islands_, which rise, as it were, from profound depths in the sea, and which have never formed part of the continents. the fauna and flora of the former class agree with those of the neighbouring continents, although some modifications are met with, especially when the insulation has been of long standing. when such has been the case the species of plants and animals may be almost entirely distinct. nevertheless, such ancient continental islands agree with those which have been separated in more recent geological times in containing both indigenous amphibians and mammals. oceanic islands, on the other hand, contain no indigenous mammals or amphibians, their life consisting chiefly of insects and birds, and usually some reptiles--just such a fauna as might have been introduced by the influence of winds and of oceanic currents carrying driftwood. such facts, as have now been briefly summarised, point clearly to the conclusion that the oceanic basins and continental areas are of primeval antiquity. all the geological facts go to prove that abysmal waters have never prevailed over the regions now occupied by dry land; nor is there any evidence to show that continental land-masses ever existed in what are now the deepest portions of the ocean. the islets dotted over the surface of the pacific and the other great seas are not the relics of a vast submerged continent. they are either the tops of submarine volcanic mountains, or they are coral structures founded upon the shoulders of degraded volcanoes and mountain-chains, and built up to the surface by the indefatigable labours of the humble polyp. we come then to the general conclusion that oceanic basins and intervening continental ridges are great primeval wrinkles in the earth's crust--that they are due to the sinking down of that crust upon the cooling and contracting nucleus. these vast wrinkles had come into existence long before the formation of our oldest geological strata. all our rocks may, in short, be looked upon as forming a mere superficial skin covering and concealing the crystalline materials which no doubt formed the original surface of the earth's crust. having premised so much, let me now turn to consider the geological history of our own continent, and endeavour to trace out the various stages in its evolution. of course i can only do so in a very brief and general manner; it is impossible to go into details. we shall find, however, that the history of the evolution of europe, even when sketched in outline, is one full of instruction for students of physical geography, and that it amply bears out the view of the permanency of the greater features of the earth's surface. the oldest rocks that we know of are the crystalline schists and gneiss, belonging to what is called the archæan system. the origin of these rocks is still a matter of controversy--some holding them to be part of the primeval crust of the globe, or the chemical precipitates of a primeval ocean, others maintaining that they are altered or metamorphosed rocks of diverse origin, a large proportion having consisted originally of aqueous or sedimentary rocks, such as sandstone and shale; while not a few are supposed to have been originally eruptive igneous rocks. according to some geologists, therefore, the archæan rocks represent the earliest sediments deposited over the continental ridges. it is supposed that here and there those ridges rose above the surface of what may have been a boiling or highly-heated ocean, from whose waters copious chemical precipitations took place, while gravel and shingle gathered around the shores of the primeval lands. according to other writers, however, the archæan rocks were probably accumulated under normal conditions. they consist, it is contended, partly of sediment washed down from some ancient land-surface, and distributed over the floor of an old sea (just as sediments are being transported and deposited in our own day), and partly of ancient igneous rocks. their present character is attributed to subsequent changes, superinduced by heat and pressure, at a time when the masses in question were deeply buried under later formations, which have since been washed away. in a word, we are still quite uncertain as to the true origin of the archæan rocks. not infrequently they show a bedded structure, and in that respect they simulate the appearance of strata of sedimentary origin. it is very doubtful, however, whether this "bedded structure" is any evidence of an original aqueous arrangement. we know now that an appearance of bedding has been induced in originally amorphous rocks during great earth-movements. granite masses, for example, have been so crushed and squeezed as to assume a bedded aspect, and a similar structure has been developed in many other kinds of rock subjected to enormous pressure. whatever may have been the origin of the bedded structure of the archæan rocks, it is certain that the masses have been tilted up and convoluted in the most remarkable manner. hitherto they have yielded no unequivocal trace of organic remains--the famous _eozoon_ being now generally considered as of purely mineral origin. the physical conditions under which the archæan gneiss and schist came into existence are thus quite undetermined, but geologists are agreed that the earliest land-surfaces, of the former existence of which we can be quite certain, were composed of rocks. and this brings us to the beginning of reliable geological history. all subsequent geological time--that, namely, of which we have any record preserved in the fossiliferous strata--is divided into four great eras, namely the palæozoic, the mesozoic, the cainozoic, and the post-tertiary eras, each of which embraces various periods, as follows:- post-tertiary {recent. {pleistocene. {pliocene. tertiary or {miocene. cainozoic {oligocene. {eocene. {cretaceous. secondary or {jurassic. mesozoic {triassic. {permian. {carboniferous. primary or {devonian and old red sandstone. palæozoic {silurian. {cambrian. archæan, fundamental gneiss. leaving the archæan, we find that the next oldest strata are those which were accumulated during the cambrian period, to which succeeded the silurian, the devonian and old red sandstone, the carboniferous, and the permian periods--all represented by great thicknesses of strata, which overspread wide regions. now, at the beginning of the cambrian period, we have evidence to show that the primeval continental ridge was still largely under water, the dry land being massed chiefly in the north. at that distant date a broad land-surface extended from the outer hebrides north-eastwards through scandinavia, finland, and northern russia. how much further north and north-west of the present limits of europe that ancient land may have extended we cannot tell, but it probably occupied wide regions which are now submerged in the shallow waters of the arctic ocean. in the north of scotland a large inland sea or lake existed in cambrian times,[dg] and there is some evidence to suggest that similar lacustrine conditions may have obtained in the welsh area at the beginning of the period. south of the northern land lay a shallow sea covering all middle and southern europe. that sea, however, was dotted here and there with a few islands of archæan rocks, occupying the site of what are now some of the hills of middle germany, such as the riesen gebirge, the erz gebirge, the fichtel gebirge, etc., and possibly some of the archæan districts of france and the iberian peninsula. [dg] the red sandstones of the north-west highlands are now believed to be of pre-cambrian age. the succeeding period was one of eminently marine conditions, the wide distribution of silurian strata showing that during the accumulation of these, enormous tracts of our continent were overflowed by the sea. none of these deposits, however, is of truly oceanic origin. they appear for the most part to have been laid down in shallow seas, which here and there may have been moderately deep. during the formation of the lower silurian the whole of the british area, with the exception perhaps of some of the archæan tracts of the north-west, seems to have been under water. the submergence had commenced in cambrian times, and was continued up to the close of the lower silurian period. during this long-continued period of submergence volcanic activity manifested itself at various points--our country being represented at that time by groups of volcanic islands, scattered over the site of what is now wales, and extending westward into the irish region, and northwards into the districts of cumberland and south ayrshire. towards the close of the lower silurian period considerable earth-movements took place, which had the effect of increasing the amount of dry land, the most continuous mass or masses of which still occupied the northern and north-western part of our continent. in the beginning of upper silurian times a broad sea covered the major portion of middle and probably all southern europe. numerous islands, however, would seem to have existed in such regions as wales, and the various tracts of older palæozoic and archæan rocks of middle germany. many of these islands, however, were partially and some entirely submerged before the close of silurian times. the next great period--that, namely, which witnessed the accumulation of the devonian and old red sandstone strata--was in some respects strongly contrasted to the preceding period. the silurian rocks, as i have said, are eminently marine. the old red sandstones, on the other hand, appear to have been accumulated chiefly in great lakes or inland seas, and they betoken therefore the former existence of extensive lands, while the contemporaneous devonian strata are of marine origin. towards the close of the upper silurian period, then, we know that considerable upheavals ensued in western and north-western europe, and wide stretches of the silurian sea-bottom were converted into dry land. the geographical distribution of the devonian in europe, and the relation of that system to the silurian, show that the devonian sea did not cover so broad an expanse as that of the upper silurian. the sea had shallowed, and the area of dry land had increased when the devonian strata began to accumulate. in trying to realise the conditions that obtained during the formation of the devonian and the old red sandstone, we may picture to ourselves a time when the atlantic ocean extended eastwards over the south of england and the north-east of france, and occupied the major portion of central europe, sweeping north-east into russia, and how much further we cannot tell. north of that sea stretched a wide land-surface, in the hollows of which lay great lakes or inland seas, which seem now and again to have had communication with the open ocean. it was in these lakes that the old red sandstone was accumulated, while the devonian or marine rocks were formed in the wide waters lying to the south. submarine volcanoes were active at that time in germany; and similarly in scotland numerous volcanoes existed, such as those of the sidlaw hills and the cheviots. the carboniferous system contains the record of a long and complex series of geographical changes, but the chief points of importance in the present rapid review may be very briefly summed up. in the earlier part of the period marine conditions prevailed. thus we find evidence to show that the sea extended further north than it did during the preceding devonian period. during the formation of the mountain-limestone, a deep sea covered the major portion of ireland and england, but shallowed off as it entered the scottish area. a few rocky islets were all that represented ireland and england at that time. passing eastwards, the carboniferous sea appears to have covered the low-grounds of middle europe and enormous tracts in russia. the deepest part of the sea lay over the anglo-hibernian and franco-belgian areas; towards the east it became shallower. probably the same sea swept over all southern europe, but many islands may have diversified its surface, as in brittany and central france, in spain and portugal, and in the various areas of older palæozoic and archæan rocks in central and south-west europe. in the latter stages of the carboniferous period, the limits of the sea were much circumscribed, and wide continental conditions supervened. enormous marshes, jungles, and forests now overspread the newly-formed lands. another feature of the carboniferous was the great number of volcanoes--submarine and sub-aërial--which were particularly abundant in scotland, especially during the earlier stages of the period. the rocks of the permian period seem to have been deposited chiefly in closed basins. when, owing to the movement of elevation or upheaval which took place in late carboniferous times, the carboniferous limestone sea had been drained away from extensive areas in central europe, wide stretches of sea still covered certain considerable tracts. these, however, as time went on, were cut off from the main ocean and converted into great salt lakes. such inland seas overspread much of the low-lying tracts of britain and middle germany, and they also extended over a broad space in the north-east of russia. it was in these seas that the permian strata were accumulated. the period, it may be added, was marked by the appearance of volcanic action in scotland and germany. so far, then, as our present knowledge goes, that part of the european continent which was the earliest to be evolved lay towards the north-west and north. all through the palæozoic era a land-surface would seem to have endured in that direction--a land-surface from the denudation or wearing down of which the marine sedimentary formations of the bordering regions were derived. but when we reflect on the great thickness and horizontal extent of those sediments, we can hardly doubt that the primeval land must have had a much wider range towards the north and north-west than is the case with modern europe. the lands, from which the older palæozoic marine sediments of the british islands and scandinavia were obtained, must, for the most part, be now submerged. in later palæozoic times land began to extend in the spanish peninsula, northern france, and middle europe, the denudation of which doubtless furnished materials for the elaboration of the contemporaneous strata of those regions. southern europe is so largely composed of mesozoic and cainozoic rocks that we can say very little as to the condition of that area in palæozoic times, but the probabilities are that it continued for the most part under marine conditions. in few words, then, we may conclude that while after archæan times dry land prevailed in the north and north-west, marine conditions predominated further south. ever and anon, however, the sea vanished from wide regions in central europe, and was replaced by terrestrial and lacustrine conditions. further, as none of the palæozoic marine strata indicates a deep ocean, but all consist for the most part of accumulations formed at moderate depths, it follows that there must have been a general subsidence of our area to allow of their successive deposition--a subsidence, however, which was frequently interrupted by long pauses, and sometimes by movements in the opposite direction. the first period of the mesozoic era, namely, the triassic, was characterised by much the same kind of conditions as obtained towards the close of palæozoic times. a large inland sea then covered a considerable portion of england, and seems to have extended north into the south of scotland, and across the area of the irish sea into the north-east of ireland. another inland sea extended westward from the thüringer-wald across the vosges into france, and stretched northwards from the confines of switzerland over what are now the low-grounds of holland and northern germany. in this ancient sea the harz mountains formed a rocky island. while terrestrial and lacustrine conditions thus obtained in central and northern europe, an open sea existed in the more southerly regions of the continent. towards the close of the period submergence ensued in the english and german areas, and the salt lakes became connected with the open sea. during the jurassic period the regions now occupied in britain and ireland by the older rocks appear to have been chiefly dry land. scotland and ireland, for the most part, stood above the sea-level, while nearly all england was under water--the hills of cumberland and westmoreland, the pennine chain, wales, the heights of devon and cornwall, and a ridge of palæozoic rocks which underlies london, being the chief lands in south britain. the same sea overflowed an extensive portion of what is now the continent. the older rocks in the north-west and north-east of france, and the central plateau of the same country, formed dry land; all the rest of that country was submerged. in like manner the sea covered much of eastern spain. in middle europe it overflowed nearly all the low-grounds of north germany, and extended far east into the heart of russia. it occupied the site of the jura mountains, and passed eastward into bohemia, while on the south side of the alps it spread over a large part of italy, extending eastward so as to submerge a broad area in austria-hungary and the turkish provinces. thus the northern latitudes of europe continued to be the site of the chief land-masses, what are now the central and southern portions of the continent being a great archipelago with numerous islands, large and small. the jurassic rocks, attaining as they do a thickness of several thousand feet, point to very considerable subsidence. the movement, however, was not continuous, but ever and anon was interrupted by pauses. taken as a whole, the strata appear to have accumulated in a comparatively shallow sea, which, however, was sufficiently deep in places to allow of the growth, in clear water, of coral-reefs. towards the close of the jurassic period a movement of elevation ensued, which caused the sea to retreat from wide areas, and thus when the cretaceous period began the british region was chiefly dry land. middle europe would seem also to have participated in this upward movement. eventually, however, subsidence again ensued. most of what are now the low-grounds of britain were submerged, the sea stretching eastwards over a vast region in middle europe, as far as the slopes of the urals. the deepest part of this sea, however, was in the west, and lay over england and northern france. further east, in what are now saxony and bohemia, the waters were shallow, and gradually became silted up. in the mediterranean basin a wide open sea existed, covering large sections of eastern spain and southern france, overflowing the site of the jura mountains, drowning most of the alpine lands, the italian peninsula, the eastern borders of the adriatic, and greece. in short, there are good grounds for believing that the cretaceous mediterranean was not only much broader than the present sea, but that it extended into asia, overwhelming vast regions there, and communicated with the indian ocean. summing up what we know of the principal geographical changes that took place during the mesozoic era, we are impressed with the fact that, all through those changes, a wide land-surface persisted in the north and north-west of the european area, just as was the case in palæozoic times. the highest grounds were the urals and the uplands of scandinavia and britain. in middle europe the pyrenees and the alps were as yet inconsiderable heights, the loftiest lands being those of the harz, the riesen gebirge, and other regions of palæozoic and archæan rocks. the lower parts of england and the great plains of central europe were sometimes submerged in the waters of a more or less continuous sea; but ever and anon elevation ensued, and the sea was divided, as it were, into a series of great lakes. in the south of europe a mediterranean sea would appear to have endured all through the mesozoic era--a mediterranean of considerably greater extent, however, than the present. thus we see the main features of our continent were already clearly outlined before the close of the cretaceous period. the continental area then, as now, consisted of a wide belt of high-ground in the north, extending roughly from south-west to north-east; south of this a vast stretch of low-grounds, sweeping from west to east up to the foot of the urals, and bounded on the south by an irregular zone of elevated land having approximately the same trend; still further south, the maritime tracts of the mediterranean basin. during periods of depression the low-grounds of central europe were invaded by the sea, and the mediterranean at the same time extended north over many regions which are now dry land. it is in these two low-lying tracts, therefore, and the country immediately adjoining them, that the mesozoic strata of europe are chiefly developed. a general movement of upheaval[dh] supervened at the close of the cretaceous period, and the sea which, during that period, overflowed so much of middle europe had largely disappeared before the beginning of eocene times. the southern portions of the continent, however, were still mostly under water, while great bays and arms of the sea extended northwards now and again into central europe. on to the close of the miocene period, indeed, southern and south-eastern europe consisted of a series of irregular straggling islands and peninsulas washed by the waters of a genial sea. towards the close of early cainozoic times, the alps, which had hitherto been of small importance, were greatly upheaved, as were also the pyrenees and the carpathians. the floor of the eocene sea in the alpine region was ridged up for many thousands of feet, its deposits being folded, twisted, inverted, and metamorphosed. another great elevation of the same area was effected after the miocene period, the accumulations of that period now forming considerable mountains along the northern flanks of the alpine chain. notwithstanding these gigantic elevations in south-central europe--perhaps in consequence of them--the low-lying tracts of what is now southern europe continued to be largely submerged, and even the middle regions of the continent were now and again occupied by broad lakes which sometimes communicated with the sea. in miocene times, for example, an arm of the mediterranean extended up the rhone valley, and stretched across the north of switzerland to the basin of the danube. after the elevation of the miocene strata these inland stretches of sea disappeared, but the mediterranean still overflowed wider areas in southern europe than it does in our day. eventually, however, in late pliocene times, the bed of that sea experienced considerable elevation, newer pliocene strata occurring in sicily up to a height of 3000 feet at least. it was probably at or about that period that the black sea and the sea of asov retreated from the wide low-grounds of southern russia, and that the inland seas and lakes of austria-hungary finally vanished. [dh] i now doubt whether any vertical upheaval of a wide continental area is possible. the so-called "continental uplifts" are probably in most cases rather negative than positive elevations. in other words, the land seems to rise simply because the sea retreats owing perhaps to the sinking of the crust within the great oceanic basins. see on this subject, article xiii. the cainozoic era is distinguished in europe for its volcanic phenomena. the grandest eruptions were those of oligocene times. to that date belong the basalts of antrim, mull, skye, the faröe islands, and the older series of volcanic rocks in iceland. these basalts speak to us of prodigious fissure eruptions, when molten rock welled up along the lines of great cracks in the earth's crust, flooding wide regions, and building up enormous plateaux, of which we now behold the merest fragments. the ancient volcanoes of central france, those of the eifel country and many other places in germany, and the volcanic rocks of hungary, are all of cainozoic age; while, in the south of europe, etna, vesuvius, and other italian volcanoes date their origin to the later stages of the same great era. thus before the beginning of pleistocene times all the main features of europe had come into existence. since the close of the pliocene period there have been many great revolutions of climate; several very considerable oscillations of the sea-level have taken place, and the land has been subjected to powerful and long-continued erosion. but the greater contours of the surface which began to appear in palæozoic times, and which in mesozoic times were more strongly pronounced, had been fully evolved by the close of the pliocene period. the most remarkable geographical changes which have taken place since then have been successive elevations and depressions, in consequence of which the area of our continent has been alternately increased and diminished. at a time well within the human period our own islands have been united to themselves and the continent, and the dry land has extended north-west and north, so as to include spitzbergen, the faröe islands, and perhaps iceland. on the other hand, our islands have been within a recent period largely submerged. the general conclusion, then, to which we are led by a review of the greater geographical changes through which the european continent has passed is simply this--that the substructure upon which all our sedimentary strata repose is of primeval antiquity. our dry lands are built up of rocks which have been accumulated over the surface of a great wrinkle of the earth's crust. there have been endless movements of elevation and depression, causing minor deformations, as it were, of that wrinkle, and inducing constant changes in the distribution of land and water; but no part of the continental ridge has ever been depressed to an abysmal depth. the ridge has endured through all geological time. we can see also that the land has been evolved according to a definite plan. certain marked features begin to appear very early in palæozoic times, and become more and more pronounced as the ages roll on. all the countless oscillations of level, all the myriad changes in the distribution of land and water, all the earthquake disturbances and volcanic eruptions--in a word, all the complex mutations to which the geological record bears witness--have had for their end the completion of one grand design. a study of the geological structure of europe--an examination of the manner in which the highly folded and disturbed strata are developed--throws no small light upon the origin of the larger or dominant features of our continent. the most highly convoluted rocks are those of archæan and palæozoic age, and these are developed chiefly in the north-western and western parts of the continent. highly contorted strata likewise appear in all the mountain-chains of central europe--some of the rocks being of palæozoic, while others are of mesozoic and of cainozoic age. leaving these mountains for the moment out of account, we find that it is along the western and north-western sea-board where we encounter the widest regions of highly-disturbed rocks. the highlands of scandinavia and britain are composed, for the most part, of highly-flexed and convoluted rocks, which speak to titanic movements of the crust; and similar much-crushed and tilted rock-masses occur in north-west france, in portugal, and in western spain. but when we follow the highly-folded palæozoic strata of scandinavia into the low-grounds of the great plains, they gradually flatten out, until in russia they occur in undisturbed horizontal positions. over thousands of square miles in that country the palæozoic rocks are just as little altered and disturbed as strata pertaining to mesozoic and cainozoic times. these facts can have but one meaning. could we smooth out all the puckerings, creases, foldings, and flexures which characterise the archæan and palæozoic rocks of western and north-western europe, it is certain that these strata would stretch for many miles out into the atlantic. obviously they have been compressed and crumpled up by some force acting upon them from the west. now, if it be true that the basin of the atlantic is of primeval origin, then it is obvious that the sinking down of the crust within that area would exert enormous pressure upon the borders of our continental area. as cooling and contracting of the nucleus continued, subsidence would go on under the oceanic basin, depression taking place either slowly and gradually, during protracted periods, or now and again more or less suddenly. but whether gradually or suddenly effected, the result of the subsidence would be the same upon the borders of our continent; the strata along the whole western and north-western margins of the european ridge would necessarily be flexed and disturbed. away to the east, however, the strata, not being subject to the like pressure, would be left in their original horizontal positions. now it can be shown that the mountains of scandinavia and the british islands are much older than the alps, the pyrenees, and many other conspicuous ranges in central and southern europe. our mountains and those of scandinavia are the mere wrecks of their former selves. originally they may have rivaled--they probably exceeded--the alps in height and extent. it is most likely, indeed, that the areas of palæozoic rocks in france, portugal, and spain also attained mountainous elevations. but the principal upheaval of the western margins of our continent was practically completed before the close of the palæozoic period, and since that time those elevated regions have been subjected to prodigious erosion, the later formations being in large measure composed of their débris. i do not, of course, wish it to be understood that there has been no upheaval affecting the west of europe since palæozoic times. the tilted position of many of our mesozoic strata clearly proves the contrary. but undoubtedly the main disturbances which produced the folding, fracturing, and contortion of the palæozoic strata of western europe took place before the close of the palæozoic period. the mountains of britain and scandinavia are amongst the oldest in europe. when we come to inquire into the origin of the mountains of central europe we have little difficulty in detecting the chief factors in their formation. an examination of the pyrenees, the alps, and other hill-ranges having the same general trend shows us that they consist of flexed and convoluted rocks. they are, in short, mountains of elevation, ridged up by tangential thrusts. of this we need not have the slightest doubt. if, for example, we approach the alps from the low-grounds of france, we observe the strata as we come towards the jura beginning to undulate--the undulations becoming more and more marked, and passing into sharp folds and plications, until, in the alps, the beds become twisted, convoluted, and bent back upon themselves in the wildest confusion. now, speaking in general terms, we may say that similar facts confront us in connection with every true mountain-range in central europe. let it be noted, further, that all those ranges have the same trend, which we may take to be approximately east and west, or nearly at right angles to the trend of the palæozoic high-grounds of western and north-western europe. looked at broadly, our continental ridge may be said to be traversed from west to east by two wide depressions or troughs, separated by the intervening belt of higher grounds just referred to. the former of these troughs corresponds to the great central plain, which passes through the south of england, north-east france, the low countries, and denmark, whence it sweeps east through germany, and expands into the wide low-grounds of russia. the southern trough or depression embraces the maritime tracts of the mediterranean and the regions which that sea covers. such, then, are the dominant features of our continent, to which all others are of subordinate importance. now it cannot be doubted that the two great troughs are belts of subsidence in the continental ridge itself. and their existence explains the origin of the mountain-ranges which separate them. we know that the northern trough is of extreme antiquity; it is older, at all events, than the silurian period. even at that distant date its southern limits were marked out by ridges of archæan rocks, which seem to have formed islands in what is now middle germany, and probably also in switzerland and central france. the appearance of those archæan rocks in central europe was doubtless due to a ridging up of the crust induced by those parallel movements of subsidence which produced the northern and southern troughs. the northern trough was probably always the shallower depression of the two, for we have evidence to show that, again and again in mesozoic and later times, the seas which overflowed what are now the central plains of europe were of less considerable depth than that which occupied the mediterranean trough. as time rolled on, therefore, the northern trough eventually became silted up; but so low even now is the level of that trough that a relatively slight depression would cause the sea to inundate most extensive regions in middle europe. in cainozoic times, as we have seen, the last great elevation of the alps was effected--an elevation which can hardly have been due to any other cause than the more or less abrupt depression of the earth's crust under the mediterranean basin. the area of that sea is now much less considerable than it was in tertiary times--a change due in part to silting up, but chiefly perhaps to the sinking down of its bed to profounder depths. thus we may conclude that from a very early period--a period ante-dating the formation of our oldest fossiliferous strata--the physical structure of our continent had already been planned. the dominant features of the primeval continental ridge are those which have endured through all geological time. they are the lines along which the beautiful lands in which we dwell have been constructed. tilted and convoluted, broken and crushed by myriad earth-movements--scarred, furrowed, worn and degraded by the frosts, the rains, the rivers, and the seas of countless ages--the rocks of our continent are yet eloquent of design. where the ignorant sees nothing save confusion and discord, the thoughtful student beholds everywhere the evidence of a well-ordered evolution. such is the conclusion to which we are led by all geological research. [illustration: sketch-maps illustrating the geographical evolution of continental areas by professor james geikie, ll.d., d.c.l., f.r.s. plate v +-----------------------------+------------------------------+ | map showing the | map showing the | | area of continental plateau | area of continental plateau | | occupied by sea in | occupied by sea in | | palæozoic times. | tertiary times. | +-----------------------------+------------------------------+ | map showing the | map showing the | | area of continental plateau | areas of dominant depression | | occupied by sea in | and elevation. | | mesozoic times. | (below & above the 1000 | | | fathom contour line) | +-----------------------------+------------------------------+ the edinburgh geographic institute j. g. bartholomew, f.r.g.s. ] xii. the evolution of climate.[di] [di] address delivered before the royal physical society at the opening of the session 1889-90. one of the most interesting questions with which geological science has to deal is that of the evolution of climate. although there is no general agreement as to how former climatic fluctuations came about, yet the prevalent opinion is that in the past, just as in the present, the character of the climate must have depended mainly on latitude and the relative position of the great landand water-areas. this was the doctrine taught by lyell, and its cogency none will venture to dispute. it is true he postulated a total redistribution of oceans and continents--a view which the progress of science has shown to be untenable. we can no longer speculate with him on the possibility of all the great land-areas having been grouped at one time round the equator, and at some other period about the poles. on the contrary, the evidence goes to show that the continents have never changed places with the ocean--that the dominant features of the earth's crust are of primeval antiquity, and ante-date the oldest of the fossiliferous formations. the whole question of climatic changes, therefore, must be reconsidered from the point of view of the modern doctrine of the permanency of continental and oceanic areas. but before proceeding to this discussion, it may be well to glance for a moment at the evidence from which it has been inferred that the climate of the world has varied. among the chief proofs of climatic fluctuations are the character and the distribution of former floras and faunas. it is true, fossils are, for the most part, relics of extinct forms, and we cannot assert of any one of these that its environment must have been the same as that of some analogous living type. but, although we can base no argument on individual extinct forms, it does not follow that we are precluded from judging of the conditions under which a whole suite of extinct organisms may have lived. doubtless, we can only reason from the analogy of the present; but, when we take into account all the forms met with in some particular geological system, we seem justified in drawing certain conclusions as to the conditions under which they flourished. thus, should we encounter in some great series of strata many reef-building corals, associated with large cephalopods and the remains of tree-ferns and cycads, which last from their perfect state of preservation could not have drifted far before they became buried in sediment, we should surely be entitled to conclude that the strata in question had been deposited in the waters of a genial sea, and that the neighbouring land likewise enjoyed a warm climate. again should a certain system, characterised by the presence of some particular and well-marked flora and fauna, be encountered not only in sub-tropical and temperate latitudes but also far within the arctic circle, we should infer that such a flora and fauna lived under climatic conditions of a very different kind from any that now exist. the very presence, in the far north, of fossils having such a geographical distribution would show that the temperature of polar seas and lands could not have been less than temperate. when such broad methods of interpretation are applied to the problems suggested by former floras and faunas, we seem compelled to conclude that the conditions which determined the distribution of life in bygone ages must have been, upon the whole, more uniform and equable than they are now. it is unnecessary that i should go into detailed proof; but i may refer, by way of illustration, to what is known of the silurian and carboniferous fossils of the arctic regions. most of these occur also in the temperate latitudes of europe and north america, while many are recognised as distinctive types of the same strata nearly all the world over. as showing how strongly the former broad distribution of life-forms is contrasted with their present restricted range, professor heilprin has cited the brachiopoda. taking existing species and varieties as being 135 in number, he remarks that "there is scarcely a single species which can be said to be strictly cosmopolitan in its range, although not a few are very widely distributed; and, if we except boreal and hyperboreal forms, but a very limited number whose range embraces opposite sides of the same ocean. on the other hand, if we accept the data furnished by richthofen concerning the chinese brachiopoda we find that out of a total of thirteen silurian and twenty-four devonian species, no less than ten of the former and sixteen of the latter recur in the equivalent deposits of western europe: and, further, that the devonian species furnish eleven, or nearly 50 per cent. of the entire number, which are cosmopolitan or nearly so. again, of the twenty-five carboniferous species, north america holds fully fifteen, or 60 per cent., and a very nearly equal number are cosmopolitan." the same palæontologist reminds us that by far the greater number of fossils which occur in the palæozoic strata of australia are present also in regions lying well within the limits of the north temperate zone. "in fact," he continues, "the relationship between this southern fauna and the faunas of europe and north america is so great as to practically amount to identity." but, side by side with such evidence of broad distribution, we are confronted with facts which go to show that, even at the dawn of palæozoic times, the oceanic areas at all events had their more or less distinct life-provinces. while many of the old forms were cosmopolitan, others were apparently restricted in their range. it would be strange, indeed, had it been otherwise; for, however uniform the climatic conditions may have been, still that uniformity was only comparative. an absolutely uniform world-climate is well-nigh inconceivable. all we can maintain is that the conditions during certain prolonged periods were so equable as to allow of the general diffusion of species over vastly greater areas than now; and that such conditions extended from low latitudes up to polar regions. now, among the chief factors which in our day determine the limitation of faunas and floras, we must reckon latitude and the geographical position of land and water. what, then, it may be asked, were the causes which allowed of the much broader distribution of species in former ages? it is obvious that before a completely satisfactory answer to that question can be given, our knowledge of past geographical conditions must be considerably increased. if we could prepare approximately correct maps and charts to indicate the position of land and sea during the formation of the several fossiliferous systems, we should be able to reason with some confidence on the subject of climate. but, unfortunately, the preparation of such correct maps and charts is impossible. the data for compilations of the kind required are still inadequate, and it may well be doubted whether, in the case of the older systems, we shall ever be able to arrive at any detailed knowledge of their geographical conditions. nevertheless, the geological structure of the earth's crust has been so far unravelled as to allow us to form certain general conceptions of the conditions that must have attended the evolution of our continents. and it is with such general conceptions only that i have at present to deal. i said a little ago that the question of geological climates must now be considered from the point of view of the permanency of the great dominant features of the earth's crust. i need not recapitulate the evidence upon which dana and his followers have based this doctrine of the primeval antiquity of our continental and oceanic areas. it is enough if i remind you that by continental areas we simply mean certain extensive regions in which elevation has, upon the whole, been in excess of depression; by oceanic area, on the other hand, is meant that vast region throughout which depression has exceeded elevation. thus, while the area of permanent or preponderating depression has, from earliest geological times, been occupied by the ocean, the continental areas have been again and again invaded by the sea--and even now extensive portions are under water. it is not only the continental dry land, therefore, but all the bordering belt of sea-floor which does not exceed 1000 fathoms or so in depth, that must be included in the region of dominant elevation. were the whole of this region to be raised above the level of the sea, the present continents would become connected so as to form one vast land-mass, or continental plateau. (d, plate iv.) all the sedimentary strata with which we are acquainted have been accumulated over the surface of that great plateau, and consequently are of comparatively shallow-water origin. they show us, in fact, that at no time in geological history has that plateau ever been drowned in depths at all comparable to those of the deeper portions of our oceanic troughs. the stratified rocks teach us, moreover, that the present land-areas have been gradually evolved, and that, notwithstanding many oscillations of level, these areas have continued to increase in extent--so that there is probably more land-surface now than at any previous era in the history of our globe. to give even a meagre outline of the evidence bearing upon this interesting subject is here impossible. all that i can do is to indicate very briefly some of the general results to which that evidence seems to lead. the oldest rocks with which we are acquainted are the so-called archæan schists[dj] but these have hitherto yielded no unequivocal traces of organic life, and as their origin is still doubtful, it would obviously be futile to speculate upon the geographical conditions of the earth's surface at the time of their formation. reliable geological history only begins with the fossiliferous strata of the palæozoic era. from these we learn that in the european area the archæan rocks of britain, scandinavia, and finland formed, at that time, the most extensive tract of dry land in our part of the world. how far beyond the present limits of europe that ancient northern land extended we cannot tell; but it probably occupied considerable regions which are now submerged in the waters of the arctic ocean. further south, the continental plateau appears to have been, for the most part, overflowed by a shallow sea, the surface of which was dotted by a few islands of archæan rocks, occupying the sites of what are now some of the hills of middle germany and the archæan districts of france and the iberian peninsula. archæan rocks occur likewise in corsica and sardinia, and again in turkey: they also form the nuclei of most of the great european mountain-chains, as the pyrenees, the alps, the carpathians, and the urals. these areas of crystalline schists may not, it is true, have existed as islands at the beginning of palæozoic times, for they were doubtless ridged up by successive elevations at later dates; but their very presence as mountain-nuclei is sufficient to show that at a very early geological period, the continental plateau could not have been covered by any great depth of sea. we can go further than this--for all the evidence points to the conclusion that, even so far back as cambrian times, the dominant features of the present european continent had been, as it were, sketched out. looked at broadly, that part of the great continental plateau upon which our european lands have been gradually built up may be said to be traversed from west to east by two wide depressions, separated by an intervening elevated tract. the former of these depressions corresponds to the great central plain which passes through the south of england, north-east of france, and the low countries, whence it sweeps through germany, to expand into the extensive low-grounds of central and northern russia. the southern depression embraces the maritime tracts of the mediterranean, and the regions which that sea covers. to these dominant features all the others are of subordinate importance. the two great troughs are belts of depression in the continental plateau itself. the northern one is of extreme antiquity--it is older, at all events, than the cambro-silurian period. even at that distant date its southern limits were marked out by ridges of archæan rock, which, as i have said, seem to have formed islands in what is now central europe. it was probably always the shallower depression of the two, for we have evidence to show that again and again, in mesozoic and later times, the sea that overflowed what are now the central lowlands of europe was of less considerable depth than that which occupied the mediterranean trough. [dj] i need hardly remind geologists that some of the so-called "archæan schists" may really be the highly altered accumulations of later geological periods. if we turn to north america, we find similar reason to conclude, with professor dana, that the general topography of that region had likewise been foreshadowed as far back as the beginning of the palæozoic era. dana tells us that even then the formation of its chief mountain-chains had been commenced, and its great intermediate basins were already defined. the oldest lands of north america were built up, as in europe, of azoic rocks, and were grouped chiefly in the north. archæan masses extend over an enormous region, from the shores of the arctic ocean down to the great lake country, and they are seen likewise in greenland and many of the arctic islands. they appear also in the long mountain-chains that run parallel with the coast-lines of the continent. in a word, the present distribution of the archæan rocks, and their relation to overlying strata, lead to the belief that in north america, just as in europe, they form the foundation-stones of that continent, and stretch continuously throughout its whole extent. we know comparatively little of the geology of the other great land-masses of the globe, but from such evidence as we have there is reason to believe that these in their general structure have much the same story to tell as europe and north america. in south america, archæan rocks extend over vast areas in the east and north-east, and reappear in the lofty mountain-chains of the pacific border. they have been recognised also in various parts of africa, alike in the north and east, in the interior, and in the west and south. in asia, again, they occupy wide areas in the indian peninsula; they are well developed in the himalaya, while in china and the mountains and plateaux of central asia, azoic rocks, which are probably of archæan age, are well developed. the crystalline schists, which cover extensive tracts in australia and in the northern island of new zealand, have also been referred to the same age. thus, all the world over, archæan rocks seem to form the surface of the ancient continental plateau upon which all other sedimentary strata have been accumulated. and in every region where palæozoic rocks occur, we have evidence to prove that at the time these last were formed vast areas of the old continental plateau were under water. the geological structure of the palæozoic tracts of europe and america has shown us that, during the protracted period of their accumulation, and notwithstanding many oscillations of level, the land-surface continued to increase. the same growth of dry land characterised mesozoic and cainozoic times--the primeval depressions that traverse the continental plateau became more and more silted up, and the sea eventually disappeared from extensive regions which it had overflowed in palæozoic ages. this land-growth, of course, was not everywhere continuous. again and again, throughout wide tracts, depression was in excess of sedimentation and elevation. even at the present time, broad tracts of what was once dry land are submerged. but the simple fact that the younger fossiliferous strata do not extend over such wide areas as the older systems, is sufficient proof that our land-masses have all along tended to grow, and to become more and more consolidated. reference has already been made to the remarkable fact that no abysmal accumulations have yet been detected amongst the stratified rocks of the earth's crust. ordinary clastic rocks, such as shale, sandstone, and conglomerate--altered or unaltered, as the case may be--form by far the largest proportion of our aqueous strata, and speak to us only of shallow waters. it is true that some of our limestones must have accumulated in moderately deep clear seas, yet none of these limestones is of abysmal origin. they prove that portions of the continental plateau have now and again been submerged for several thousand feet, but afford no evidence of depths comparable to those of the present oceanic basins. the enormous thickness obtained by the sedimentary strata can only be explained on the supposition that deposition took place over a gradually sinking area. and thus it can be shown that, within the continental plateau, movements of depression have been carried on more or less continuously during vast periods of time--and yet so gradually, that sedimentation was able to keep pace with them. take, for example, the cambrian strata of wales and shropshire--all, apparently, shallow-water deposits--which attain a thickness of 30,000 feet, or thereabout; or the silurian strata of the same regions, which are not much less than 20,000 feet thick; and similar great depths of sedimentary rocks might be cited from north america. passing on to later periods, we find like evidence of long-continued depression in the thick sediments of the younger palæozoic systems. it is noteworthy, however, that when we come down to still later ages, the movements of depression, as measured by the depths of the strata, appear to have become less and less extensive and profound. each such movement of depression was eventually brought to a close by one or more movements of upheaval--slowly or more rapidly effected, as the case may have been. here, then, we are confronted with the striking fact that the continental plateau has, from time to time, sunk down over wide areas to depths exceeding those of existing oceans, and yet at so slow a rate, that sedimentation prevented the depressed regions from becoming abysmal. it is obvious, then, that such areas are now dry land simply because, in the long-run, sedimentation and upheaval have been in excess of depression. and yet, notwithstanding the numerous upheavals which have taken place over the continental plateau, these have succeeded in doing little more than drain away the sea more or less completely from the great primeval depressions by which that plateau is traversed. if it be true, therefore, that the continental plateau owes its existence to the sinking down of the earth's crust within the oceanic basins--if the continents have been squeezed up by the tangential thrusts exerted by the sinking areas that surround them--then it follows that while lands have been gradually extending over the continental plateau, the bed of the ocean has been sinking to greater and greater depths. if this general conclusion holds good, it is obvious that the oceanic troughs of early geological times could not have been so deep as they are now. during the palæozoic period, the most continuous areas of dry land, as we have seen, were distributed over the northern parts of our hemisphere, while, further south, groups of islands indicated the continuation of the continental plateau. doubtless south america, africa, asia, and australia were, at that distant date, represented by similar detached areas of dry land. in a word, the primeval continental plateau was still largely under water. judging from the character and broad distribution of the palæozoic marine faunas the temperature of the sea was wonderfully uniform. there is certainly nothing to indicate the existence of such climatic zones as those of the present. we know very little of the terrestrial life of early palæozoic times--the cambro-silurian strata are essentially marine. land-plants, however, become more numerous in the old red sandstone, and, as every one knows, they abound in the succeeding carboniferous and permian systems. and the testimony of these floras points to the same conclusion as that furnished by the marine faunas. the carboniferous floras of the arctic regions, and of temperate europe and america, not only have the same _facies_, but a considerable number of the species is common to both areas; while many european species occur in the carboniferous strata of australia and other distant lands. this common _facies_, and the presence of numerous cosmopolitan forms, surely indicate the former prevalence of remarkably uniform climatic conditions. the conditions, of course, need not--indeed, could not--have been absolutely uniform. at present the various climates which our globe experiences depend upon the amount of heat received directly and indirectly from the sun--oceanic and aërial currents everywhere modifying the results that are due to latitude. it cannot have been otherwise in former times. in all ages the tropics must have received more direct sun-heat than temperate and polar regions; and however much the climatic conditions of the palæozoic era may have differed from the present--however uniformly temperature may have been distributed--still, as i have said, absolute uniformity was impossible. it was doubtless owing to the fact that the dry lands of palæozoic times were not only much less extensive than now, but more interrupted, straggling, and insular, that the climate of the globe was so equable. under such geographical conditions, great oceanic currents would have a much freer course than is now possible, and warm water would find its way readily across wide regions of the submerged continental plateau into the highest latitudes. the winds blowing athwart the land would everywhere be moist and warm, and no such marked differences of temperature, such as now obtain, would distinguish the arctic seas from those of much lower latitudes. at the same time, the comparatively shallow water overlying the submerged areas of the continental plateau would favour the distribution of species, and thus bring about that wide distribution of cosmopolitan forms and general similarity of _facies_, which are such marked features of the palæozoic faunas. it is even quite possible that migration may have taken place here and there across the great oceanic depression itself; for it may well be doubted whether, at so early a period, the depression had sunk down to its present depth below the level of the continental plateau. yet, notwithstanding such facilities for migration, and the consequent similarity of _facies_ i have referred to, the palæozoic faunas of different regions have usually certain distinctive characters. even at the very dawn of the era the marine faunas were already grouped into provinces, sometimes widely separated from one another, at other times closely adjacent, so that it is evident that barriers to migration here and there existed. it could hardly have been otherwise; for local and more widely-spread movements of elevation and depression took place again and again during palæozoic times. while the younger palæozoic systems were being accumulated, excess of upheaval over depression resulted in the gradual increase of the land.[dk] the continental plateau came more and more to the surface, in spite of many oscillations of level. it is quite possible, nay, even probable that this persistent growth of land, and consequent modification of oceanic currents may have rendered the climatic conditions of later palæozoic times less uniform: but, if so, such diminished uniformity has left no recognisable impress on either faunas or floras; for fossils characteristic of the devonian and carboniferous strata of temperate latitudes occur far within the arctic circle. [dk] see footnote p. 341. descending to the mesozoic era, we find that the character and distribution of marine faunas are still indicative of uniformity. there could have been little difference of temperature at that time between arctic seas and those of our own latitude. cosmopolitan species abounded in the jurassic waters, but were relatively less numerous in those of the cretaceous period. professor neumayr maintains that already, in the jurassic period, the climate had become differentiated into zones. this, he thinks, is indicated by the fact that coral reefs abound in the jurassic strata of central europe, while they are wanting in the contemporaneous deposits of boreal regions. dr. heilprin, on the other hand, is of opinion that this and certain other distinctive features of separate jurassic life-provinces may not have been due to differences of temperature, but rather to varying physical conditions, such as character of the sea-bottom, depth of water, and so forth. perhaps the safest conclusion we can come to, in the present state of the evidence, is that the climatic conditions of the mesozoic era were, upon the whole, less obviously uniform than those of earlier ages, but that marked zones of climate like the present had not as yet been evolved. at the same time, when we consider how many great geographical revolutions took place during the period in question, we must be prepared to admit that these could hardly fail to influence the climate, and thus to have induced modifications in the distribution of faunas and floras. and probably evidence of such modifications will yet be recognised, if indeed the phenomena referred to by neumayr be not a case in point. it may be noted, further, that while, according to many botanists, the plants of the palæozoic periods bespeak not only uniform climatic conditions but the absence of marked seasonal changes, those of late mesozoic times are indicative of less uniformity. the cretaceous conifers, for example, show regular rings of growth, and betoken the existence of seasons, which were less marked, however, than is now the case. the geographical changes of mesozoic times were notable in many respects. the dominant features of europe, already foreshadowed in early palæozoic times, had become more clearly outlined before the close of the cretaceous period. notwithstanding many movements of depression, the chief land-areas continued to show themselves in the north and north-west. the highest grounds were the urals, and the uplands of scandinavia and britain. in middle europe the pyrenees and the alps were as yet inconsiderable heights, the loftiest lands in that region being those of the harz, the riesen gebirge, and other tracts of archæan and palæozoic rocks. the lower parts of england and the great lowland plains of central europe were sometimes submerged in the waters of a wide, shallow sea, but ever and anon elevation ensued, new lands appeared, and these waters became divided into a series of large inland seas and lakes. in the south, a deep mediterranean sea would appear to have persisted all through the mesozoic era--a sea of considerably greater extent, however, than the present. while in europe the dominant features of the continental plateau run approximately east and west, in north america they follow nearly the opposite direction. in early mesozoic times, vast tracts of dry land extended across the northern and eastern sections of the latter area. over the rocky mountain region, low lands and saline lakes appear to have stretched, while further west the area of the great plateau and the pacific slope were covered by the sea. towards the end of the mesozoic era, the land in the far west became more continuous--a broad belt extending in the direction of the pacific coast-line from mexico up to high northern latitudes. in short, before the cretaceous period closed, the major portion of north america had been evolved. a considerable tract of what is now the western margin of the continent, however, was still under water, while from the gulf of mexico (then much wider than now) a broad mediterranean sea swept north and north-west through texas and the rocky mountain region to communicate with the arctic ocean. all to the east of this inland sea was then, as it is now, dry land. thus, up to the close of the cretaceous period, in america and europe alike, oceanic currents coming from the south had ready access across the primeval continental plateau to the higher latitudes. southern europe indeed, during mesozoic times, was simply a great archipelago, having free communication on the one hand across the low-grounds of central and northern russia with the arctic seas, and, on the other, across vast regions in asia with the indian ocean. of the other great land-masses of the globe our knowledge is too limited to allow us to trace their geographical evolution with any confidence. but from the very wide distribution of mesozoic strata in south america, africa, asia, and australia, there can be no doubt that, at the time of their accumulation, enormous tracts in those regions were then under water. the land-masses, in short, were not so continuous and compact as they are at present. and although we must infer that considerable areas of mesozoic land are now submerged, yet these cannot but bear a very small proportion to the wide regions which have been raised above the sea-level since mesozoic times. in short, from what we do know of the geological structure of the continents in question, we can hardly doubt that they have passed through geographical revolutions of a like kind with those of europe and north america. everywhere over the great continental plateau elevation appears, in the long-run, to have been in excess of depression, so that, in spite of many subsidences, the tendency of the land throughout the world has been to extend its margins, and to become more and more consolidated. the mesozoic lands were larger than those of the preceding palæozoic era, but they were still penetrated in many places by the sea, and warm currents could make their way over wide tracts that are now raised above the sea-level. under such circumstances approximately uniform conditions of climate could not but obtain. great geographical changes supervened upon the close of the cretaceous period. north america then acquired nearly its present outline. its mediterranean sea had vanished, but the gulf of mexico still overflowed a considerably wider region than now, while a narrow margin of the pacific border of the continent continued submerged. in europe elevation ensued, and the sea which had overspread so much of the central and eastern portions of our continent disappeared. southern europe, however, was still largely under water, while bays and inlets extended northwards into what are now the central regions of the continent. on to the close of the miocene period, indeed, the southern and south-eastern tracts of europe were represented by straggling islands. in middle cainozoic times the alps, which had hitherto been of small importance, were considerably upheaved, as were also the pyrenees and the carpathians; and a subsequent great elevation of the alpine area was effected after the miocene period. notwithstanding these gigantic movements, the low-lying tracts of what is now southern europe continued to be largely submerged, and even the central regions of the continent were now and again occupied by broad lakes, which sometimes communicated with the sea. after the elevation of the miocene strata, these inland seas disappeared, but the mediterranean still overflowed wider areas than it does to-day. eventually, however, in late pliocene times, the bed of that sea experienced considerable elevation; and it was probably at or about this stage that the black sea and the sea of asov retreated from the broad low-grounds of southern russia, and that the inland seas and lakes of austria-hungary finally vanished. the movements of upheaval, which caused the cretaceous seas to disappear from such broad areas of the continental plateau, induced many changes in the floras and faunas of the globe. a notable break in the succession occurs between the cretaceous and the eocene, hardly one species of higher grade than the protozoa passing from one system to the other. in the cainozoic deposits we are no longer confronted with numerous cosmopolitan species--the range of marine forms has become much more restricted. nevertheless, the faunas and floras continue to be indicative of much warmer climates for arctic and temperate latitudes than now obtain. but, at the same time, differentiation of climate into zones is distinctly marked. in the early cainozoic period, our present temperate latitudes supported a flora of decidedly tropical affinities, while the fauna of the adjacent seas had a similar character. later on the climate of the same latitudes appears to have passed successively through sub-tropical and temperate stages. in short, a gradual lowering of the temperature is evinced by the character and distribution both of floras and faunas. the differentiation of the climate during one stage of the cainozoic era is well illustrated by the miocene flora. thus, at a time when italy was clothed with a tropical vegetation, in which palm-trees predominated, middle europe had its extensive forests of evergreens and conifers, while in the region of the baltic conifers and deciduous trees were the prevalent forms. when one takes into consideration the fact that, notwithstanding many oscillations of level, the land during cainozoic times was gradually extending, and the sea disappearing from wide regions which it had formerly covered, one can hardly doubt that the seemingly gradual change from tropical to temperate conditions was due, in large measure, to that persistent continental growth. i confess, however, that it is difficult to account for the very genial climate which continued to prevail over the arctic regions. so far as one can gather from the evidence at present available, some of the marine approaches to those latitudes had been cut off by the movements of elevation which brought the cainozoic era to a close, while the arctic lands were perhaps more extensive than they are now. the cretaceous mediterranean sea of north america had vanished, and we cannot prove that the tertiary sea of southern europe communicated across the low-grounds of russia with the arctic ocean. we know, however, that the archipelago of southern europe was in direct connection with the indian ocean, and it is most probable that a wide arm of the same sea stretched north from the aralo-caspain area through siberia. indeed, much of what are now the lowlands of western and northern asia was probably sea in tertiary times. it seems likely, therefore, that, even at this late period, marine currents continued to reach the arctic zone across the continental plateau. when the warm waters of the indian ocean eventually ceased to invade europe, and the mediterranean became much restricted in area, the climate of the whole continent could not fail to be profoundly affected. there is yet another line of evidence to which brief reference may be made. i have spoken of the remarkable uniformity of climatic conditions which obtained in palæozoic times, and of the gradual modification of these conditions which subsequently supervened. now, it is worthy of note that in their lithological characters the oldest sedimentary strata themselves likewise exhibit a prevalent uniformity which in later systems becomes less and less conspicuous. the cambro-silurian mechanical sediments, for example, maintain much the same character all the world over; and the like is true, although in a less degree, of the marine accumulations of the devonian period. the corresponding mechanical deposits of later palæozoic ages continue to show more and more diversity, but at the same time they preserve a similarity of character over much more extensive areas than is found to be the case with the analogous sediments of the mesozoic era. finally, these last are more or less strongly contrasted with the marine mechanical accumulations of cainozoic times, which are altogether more local in character. this increasing differentiation is quite in keeping with what we know of the evolution of our land-areas. in early palæozoic ages, when insular conditions prevailed and the major portion of the primeval continental plateau was covered by shallow seas, it is obvious that mechanical sediments would be swept by tidal and other currents over enormous areas, and that these sediments would necessarily assume a more or less uniform character. indeed, i suspect that much of the sediment of those early seas may have been the result of tidal scour, and that marine erosion was more generally effective then than it is now. with the gradual growth of the land and the consequent deflection and limitation of currents, marine mechanical sediments would tend to become more and more local in character. thus the increasing differentiation which we observe in passing from the earlier to the later geological systems is just what might have been expected. summing up, now, the results of this rapid review of the evidence, we seem justified in coming to the following conclusions:-(1.) in palæozoic times, europe and north america were represented by considerable areas of dry land, massed chiefly in the higher latitudes, while further south groups of smaller islands were scattered over the submerged surface of the primeval continental plateau. the other continents appear, in like manner, to have been represented by islands--some of which may have reached continental dimensions. a very remarkable uniformity of climate accompanied these peculiar geographical conditions. (2.) in mesozoic times, the primeval continental plateau came more and more to the surface, but the land-areas were still much interrupted, so that currents from tropical regions continued to have ready access to high latitudes. the climate of the whole globe, therefore, was still uniform, but apparently not so markedly as in the preceding era. (3.) in cainozoic times, the land-masses continued to extend, and the sea to retreat from hitherto submerged areas of the continental plateau; and this persistent land-growth was accompanied by a gradual lowering of the temperature of northern and temperate latitudes, and a more and more marked differentiation of climate into zones. having thus very briefly sketched the geographical evolution of the land during palæozoic, mesozoic, and tertiary times, and come to the general conclusion that climate has varied according to the relative position of land and sea, i have next to consider the geographical and climatic conditions of the quaternary period. these, however, are now so well known, that i need to no more than remind you that, so far as the chief features of our lands are considered, all these had come into existence before the dawn of the ice age. the greater contours of the surface, which were foreshadowed in palæozoic times, and which in mesozoic times were more clearly indicated, had been fully evolved by the close of the pliocene period. the connection between the mediterranean and the indian ocean probably ceased in late pliocene times. the most remarkable geographical changes which have taken place since then within european regions have been successive elevations and depressions, in consequence of which the area of our continent has been alternately increased and diminished. at a time well within the human period, our own islands have been united to themselves and the continent, and the dry land has extended north-west and north, so as to include spitzbergen, the faröe islands, and perhaps iceland. on the other hand, our islands have been within a recent period largely submerged. similarly, in north america, we are furnished with many proofs of like oscillations of level having taken place in quaternary times. is it possible, then, to explain the climatic vicissitudes of the pleistocene period by means of such oscillations? many geologists have tried to do so, but all these attempts have failed. it is quite true that a general elevation of the land in high latitudes would greatly increase the ice-fields of arctic regions, and might even give rise to perennial snow and glaciers in the mountain-districts of our islands. but it is inconceivable that any such geographical change could have brought about that general lowering of temperature over the whole northern hemisphere which took place in pleistocene times. for we have to account not only for the excessive glaciation of northern and north-western europe, and of the northern parts of north america, but for the appearance of snow-fields and glaciers in much more southern latitudes, and in many parts of asia where no perennial snow now exists. moreover, we have to remember that arctic conditions of climate obtained in north-western europe even when the land was relatively much lower than it is at present. the arctic shell-beds of our own and other temperate regions sufficiently prove that geographical conditions were not the only factor concerned in bringing about the peculiar climate of the pleistocene period. then, again, we must not forget that at certain stages of the same period genial conditions of climate were coincident with a much wider land-surface in north-western europe than now exists. the very fact that interglacial deposits occur in every glaciated region is enough of itself to show that the arctic conditions of the pleistocene could not have resulted entirely from a mere elevation of land in the northern parts of our hemisphere. the only explanation of the peculiar climatic vicissitudes in question which seems to meet the facts, so far as these have been ascertained, is the well-known theory advanced by dr. croll. after carefully considering all the objections which have been urged against that theory, there is only one, as it seems to me, that is deserving of serious attention. this objection is not based on any facts connected with the pleistocene deposits themselves, but on evidence of quite another kind. it is admitted that were the pleistocene deposits alone considered, croll's theory would fully account for the phenomena. but, it is argued, we cannot take the pleistocene by itself, for if that theory be true, then climatic conditions similar to those of the pleistocene must have supervened again and again during the past. where, then, we are asked, is there any evidence in palæozoic, mesozoic, or cainozoic strata of former widespread glacial conditions? if continental ice-sheets, comparable to those of the pleistocene, ever existed in the earlier ages, surely we ought to find more or less unmistakable traces of them. now, at first sight, this looks a very plausible objection, but it has always seemed to me to be based upon an assumption that is not warranted by our knowledge of geographical evolution. dr. croll always admitted implicitly that high eccentricity of the earth's orbit might have happened again and again without inducing glacial conditions like those of the pleistocene. the objection takes no account of the fact that the excessive climate of the glacial period was only possible because of special geographical conditions--conditions that do not appear to have been fully evolved before pliocene times. no one has seen this more clearly than mr. wallace,[dl] with the general drift of whose argument i am quite at one. in earlier ages, the warm water of the tropics overflowed wide areas of our present continents--most of the dry land was more or less insular, and the seas within the arctic circle were certainly not cold as at present, but temperate and even genial. if we go back to cambro-silurian times, we find only the nuclei, as it were, of our existing continents appearing above the surface of widespread shallow seas. it is quite impossible, therefore, that under such geographical conditions, great continuous ice-sheets, like those of the pleistocene, could have existed--no matter how high the eccentricity of the earth's orbit may have been. the most that could have happened during such a period of eccentricity would be the accumulation of snow-fields on mountains and plateaux of sufficient height, the formation here and there of local glaciers, and the descent of these in some places to the sea. and what evidence of such local glaciation might we now expect to find? no old land-surface of that far-distant period has come down to us: we look in vain for cambro-silurian _roches moutonnées_ and boulder-clay or moraines. the only evidence we could expect is just that which actually occurs, namely, erratics (some of them measuring five feet and more in diameter) embedded in marine deposits. it may be said that a few erratics are hardly sufficient to prove that a true glacial period supervened in cambro-silurian times, and i do not insist that they are. but i certainly maintain that if any lowering of the temperature were induced by high eccentricity of the earth's orbit during cambro-silurian times, then ice-floated erratics are the only evidence of refrigeration that we need ever hope to find. the geographical conditions of early palæozoic times forbade the formation of enormous ice-sheets like those of the pleistocene period. extreme climatic changes were then impossible, and periods of high eccentricity might have come and gone without inducing any modifications of flora and fauna which we could now recognise. we are ignorant of the terrestrial life of the globe at that distant period, and our knowledge of the marine fauna is not sufficient to enable us to deny the possibility of moderate fluctuations in the temperature of the seas of early palæozoic times. moreover, we must not forget there were then no such barriers to migration as now exist. if the conditions became temporarily unsuitable, marine organisms were free to migrate into more genial waters, and to return to their former habitats when the unfavourable conditions had passed away. [dl] see _island life_. the uniform climate so characteristic of the cambro-silurian period appears to have prevailed likewise during the later stages of the palæozoic era. this we gather from a general consideration of the floras and faunas, and their geographical distribution. the dry land, as we have seen, continued to increase in extent; but vast areas of the primeval continental plateau of the globe still continued under water, and currents from southern latitudes flowed unrestricted into polar regions. during the protracted lapse of time required for the formation of the later palæozoic systems several periods of high eccentricity must have occurred. but, so far as one can judge, the disposition of the larger land-areas was never such as to induce a true ice age. nevertheless we are not without evidence of ice-action in old red sandstone, carboniferous, and permian strata. and it seems to me probable that the erratic accumulations referred to may really indicate local action, of more or less intensity, brought about by such lowering of the temperature as would supervene during a period of high eccentricity. it is true we may explain the phenomena by inferring the existence of mountains of sufficient elevation--and this, indeed, is the usual explanation. but it is doubtful whether those who adopt that view have fully considered what it involves. take, for example, the case of the breccias and conglomerates of the lammermuir hills, which have all the appearance of being glacial and fluvio-glacial detritus. these deposits overlie the highly-denuded silurian greywackés of haddingtonshire in the north and of berwickshire in the south, and have evidently been derived from the intervening high-grounds--the width of which between the old red sandstone accumulations in question does not exceed eight or nine miles. the breccias reach a height of 1300 feet, while the dominating point of the intervening uplands is 1700 feet. under present geographical conditions it is doubtful whether perennial snow and glaciers of any size at all could exist in the region of the lammermuirs at a less altitude than 7000 feet or more. but between the breccias of haddingtonshire and the equivalent deposits in berwickshire there is no space for any intermediate range of mountains of circumdenudation of such a height. moreover, we must remember that under the extremely uniform conditions which obtained in palæozoic times the snow-line could not possibly have been attained even at that elevation. when the devonian coral-reefs described by dupont were growing in the sea that overflowed western europe, to what height must the southern uplands of scotland have been elevated in order to reach the snow-line! we may make what allowance we choose for the denudation which the silurian rocks of the lammermuirs must have experienced since the deposition of the old red sandstone, but it is simply a physical impossibility that mountains of circumdenudation of the desiderated height could ever have existed in the lammermuir region at the time the coarse breccias were being accumulated.[dm] it seems to me, then, that these breccias are in every way better accounted for by a lowering of temperature due to increased eccentricity of the orbit. this view frees us from the necessity of postulating excessive upheavals over very restricted areas, and of creating alps where no alps could have existed. [dm] it may be objected that the conglomerates were probably not marine, but deposited in lakes, the beds of which may have been much above sea-level. but from all that we know of the old red sandstone of scotland it would appear that the lakes of the period now and again communicated with the sea, and were probably never much above its level. when we consider the enormous thickness of the strata that constitute any of our larger coal-fields, we can hardly doubt that one or more periods of high eccentricity must have occurred during their accumulation. it does not follow, however, that we should be able to detect in these strata any evidence of alternating cold and warm epochs. so long as ocean-currents from the tropics found ready entrance to polar regions across vast tracts of what is now dry land, extreme and widespread glacial conditions were impossible. any lowering of temperature due to cosmical causes might indeed induce new snow-fields and glaciers to appear, or existing ones to extend themselves in northern regions and the most elevated lands of lower latitudes; but such local glaciation need not have seriously affected any of the areas in which coal-seams were being formed. for nothing appears more certain than this--that our coal-seams as a rule were formed over broad, low-lying alluvial lands, and in swamps and marshes, along the margins of estuaries or shallow bays of the sea. some seams, it is true, are evidently formed of drifted vegetable débris, but the majority point to growth _in situ_. the strata with which they are associated are shallow-water sediments which could only have been deposited at some considerable distance from any mountain-regions in which glaciers were likely to exist. it is idle, therefore, to ask for evidence of glacial action amongst strata formed under such conditions. the only evidence of ice-work we are likely to get is that of erratics. and these are not wanting, although it is probable that most of those which are found embedded in coals have been transported by rafts of vegetable matter or in the roots of trees. the same explanation, however, will not account for the boulders which sir william dawson has recorded from the coal-fields of nova scotia. he describes them as occurring on the outside of a gigantic esker of carboniferous age, and thinks they were probably dropped there by floating-ice at a time when coal-plants were flourishing in the swamps on the other side of the gravel embankment. if the disposition of the land-areas in carboniferous times rendered such an ice-age as that of the pleistocene impossible--in other words, if the effects flowing from high eccentricity of the orbit must to a large extent have been neutralised--the flora and fauna of the period can hardly be expected to yield any recognisable evidence of fluctuating climatic conditions. when our winter happened in aphelion new snow-fields might have appeared, or already existing glaciers might have increased in size; while, with the winter in perihelion, the temperature in northern latitudes would doubtless be raised. but the general result would simply be an alternation of warm and somewhat cooler conditions. and such fluctuations of climate might readily have taken place without materially modifying; the life of the period. the breccias of the permian system have been described by ramsay as of glacial origin. some geologists agree with him, while others do not--and many have been the ingenious suggestions which these last have advanced in explanation of the phenomena. some have tried to show how the stones and blocks in the breccias may have been striated without having recourse to the agency of glacier-ice, but they cannot explain away the fact that many of the stones (which vary in size from a few inches to three or four feet in diameter) have travelled distances of thirty or forty miles from the parent rocks. similar erratic accumulations, which may belong to the same system or to the carboniferous, occur in india and australia. according to dr. blanford, the indian boulder-beds are clearly indicative of ice-action, and he does not think that they can be explained by an assumed former elevation of the himalaya. on the contrary, he is of opinion that the facts are best accounted for by a general lowering of the temperature, due probably to the action of cosmical causes. daintree, wilkinson, r. oldham, and others who have studied the australian erratic beds have likewise stated their belief that these are of true glacial origin. i may pass rapidly over the mesozoic systems, taking note, however, of the fact that in them we encounter evidence of ice-action of much the same kind as that met with in palæozoic strata. while, on the one hand, the mesozoic floras and faunas bespeak climatic conditions similar to those of earlier ages, but probably not quite so uniform; on the other, the occurrence of erratics in various marine accumulations is sufficient to show that now and again ice floated across seas, the floors of which were tenanted by reef-building corals. the geographical conditions continued unfavourable to the formation of extensive ice-sheets in temperate latitudes, no matter how high the eccentricity of the orbit might have been. the erratics which occur in certain jurassic and cretaceous deposits are admitted by most geologists to have been ice-borne. now, it is highly improbable that the transporting agent could have been coast-ice, for it is hardly possible to conceive of ice forming on the surface of a sea in which flourished an abundant mesozoic fauna. the erratics, therefore, seem to imply the existence in mesozoic times of local glaciers, which here and there descended to the sea, as in the north-east of scotland. the erratics in the scottish jurassic are evidently of native origin, and it is most improbable that those which have been met with in the chalk of england and france could have floated from any very great distance. how, then, can we explain the appearance of local glaciers in these latitudes during mesozoic times? the geographical conditions of the period could not have favoured the formation of perennial snow and ice in our area, unless our lands were at that time much more elevated than now. and this is the usual explanation. it is supposed that mountains much higher than any we now possess probably existed in such regions as the scottish highlands. it is easy to imagine the former existence of such mountains. so long a time has elapsed since the jurassic period, that the archæan and palæozoic areas cannot but have suffered prodigious denudation in the interval. but, when one considers how very lofty, indeed, those mountains must have been, in order to reach the snow-line of jurassic times, one may be excused for expressing a doubt as to whether the suggested explanation is reasonable. at all events, the phenomena are, to say the least, as readily explicable on the supposition that the snow-line was temporarily lowered by cosmical causes. even with eccentricity at a high value, no great ice-sheets, indeed, could have existed, but local snow-fields and glaciers might have appeared in such mountain-regions as were of sufficient height. and this might have happened without producing any great difference in the temperature of the sea, or any marked modification in the distribution of life. in short, we should simply have, as before, an alternation of warm and somewhat cooler climates, but nothing approaching to the glacial and interglacial epochs of the pleistocene. these conclusions seem to me to be strongly supported by the evidence of ice-action during tertiary times. the gigantic erratics of the alpine eocene do not appear to have been derived from the alps, but rather from the archæan area of southern bohemia. the strata in which they occur are, for the most part, unfossiliferous; they contain only fucoidal remains, and are presumably marine. how is it possible to account for the appearance of these erratics in marine deposits in central europe at a time when, as evidenced by the eocene flora and fauna the climate was warm? are we to infer the former existence of an extremely lofty range of bohemian alps which has since vanished? is it not more probable that here, too, we have evidence of a lowering of the snow-line, induced by cosmical causes, which brought about the appearance of snow-fields and glaciers in a mountain-tract of much less elevation than would have been required in the absence of high eccentricity of the orbit? if it be objected that such cosmical causes must have had some effect upon the distribution of life, i reply that very probably they had, although not to any extreme extent. the researches of mr. starkie gardner have shown that the flora of the english eocene affords distinct evidence of climatic changes. but as the geographical conditions of that period precluded the possibility of extensive glaciation, and could only, at the most, have induced local glaciers to appear in elevated mountain-regions, it seems idle to cite the non-occurrence of erratics and morainic accumulations in the eocene of england and france as an argument against the application of croll's theory to the case of the erratics of the flysch. i repeat, then, that under the geographical conditions of the eocene, all the more obvious effects likely to have resulted from the passage of a period of high eccentricity would be the appearance of a few local glaciers, the existence of which could have had no more influence on the climate of adjacent lowlands than is notable in similar circumstances in our own day. it is absurd, therefore, to expect to find evidence in eocene strata of as strongly contrasted climates as those of the glacial and interglacial deposits of the pleistocene. there must, doubtless, have been alternations of climate in our hemisphere; but these would consist simply of passages from warm to somewhat cooler conditions--just such changes, in fact, as are suggested by the plants of the english eocene. the evidence of ice-action in the miocene strata is even more striking than that of which i have just been speaking. the often-cited case of the erratics of the superga near turin i need do little more than mention. these erratics were undoubtedly carried by icebergs, calved from alpine glaciers at a time when northern italy was largely submerged. the erratic deposits are unfossiliferous, and are underlaid and overlaid by fossiliferous strata, in none of which are any erratics to be found. what is the meaning of these intercalated glacial accumulations? can we believe it possible that the miocene glaciers were enabled to reach the sea in consequence of a sudden movement of elevation, which must have been confined to the alps themselves? then, if this be so, we must go a step further, and suppose that, after some little time, the alps were again suddenly depressed, so that the glaciers at once ceased to reach the sea-coast. for, as dr. croll has remarked, "had the lowering of the alps been effected by the slow process of denudation, it must have taken a long course of ages to have lowered them to the extent of bringing the glacial state to a close." and we should, in such a case, find a succession of beds indicating a more or less protracted continuance of glacial conditions, and not one set of erratic accumulations intercalated amongst strata, the organic remains in which are clearly suggestive of a warm climate. the occurrence of erratics in the miocene of italy is all the more interesting from the fact that in the miocene of france and spain similar evidence of ice-action is forthcoming. opponents of dr. croll's theory have made much of baron nordenskiöld's statement that he could find no trace of former glacial action in any of the fossiliferous formations within the arctic regions. he is convinced that "an examination of the geognostic condition, and an investigation of the fossil flora and fauna of the polar lands, show no signs of a glacial era having existed in those parts before the termination of the miocene period." well, as we have seen, there is no reason to believe that the geographical conditions in our hemisphere, at any time previous to the close of the pliocene period, could have induced glacial conditions comparable to those of the pleistocene ice age. the strata referred to by nordenskiöld, are, for the most part, of marine origin, and their faunas are sufficient to show us that the arctic seas were formerly temperate and genial. if any ice existed then, it could only have been in the form of glaciers on elevated lands. and it is quite possible that these, during periods of high eccentricity, may have descended to the sea and calved their icebergs; and, if so, erratics may yet be found embedded here and there in the arctic fossiliferous formations, although nordenskiöld failed to see them. one might sail all round the palæozoic coast-lines of scotland without being able to observe erratics in the strata, and yet, as we know, these have been encountered in the interior of the country. the wholesale scattering of erratics at any time previous to the pleistocene, must have been exceptional even in arctic regions, and consequently one is not surprised that they do not everywhere stare the observer in the face. the general conclusion, then, to which i think we may reasonably come, is simply this:--that geological climate has been determined chiefly by geographical conditions. so long as the lands of the globe were discontinuous and of relatively small extent, warm ocean-currents reaching polar regions produced a general uniformity of temperature--the climate of the terrestrial areas being more or less markedly insular in character. under these conditions, the sea would nowhere be frozen. but when the land-masses became more and more consolidated, when owing to the growth of the continents the warm ocean-currents found less ready access to arctic regions, then the temperature of those regions was gradually lowered, until eventually the seas became frost-bound, and the lands were covered with snow and ice. but while the chief determining cause of climate has been the relative distribution of land and water, it is impossible to doubt that during periods of high eccentricity of the orbit, the climate must have been modified to a greater or less extent. in our own day the geographical conditions are such that, were eccentricity to attain a high value, the climate of the pleistocene would be reproduced, and our hemisphere would experience a succession of alternating cold and genial epochs. but in earlier stages of the world's history, the geographical conditions were not of a kind to favour the accumulation of vast ice-fields. during a period of extreme eccentricity, there would probably be fluctuations of temperature in high latitudes; but nothing like the glacial and interglacial epochs of the pleistocene could have occurred. at most, there would be a general lowering of the temperature, sufficient to render the climate of arctic seas and lands somewhat cooler, and probably to induce the appearance in suitable places of local glaciers; and, owing to precession of the equinox, these cooler conditions would be followed by a general elevation of the temperature above the normal for the geographical conditions of the period. in palæozoic and mesozoic times, the effects of high eccentricity of the orbit appear to have been, in a great measure, neutralised by the geographical conditions, with a possible exception in the permian period. but in tertiary times, when the land-masses had become more continuous, the cosmical causes of change referred to must have had greater influence. and i cannot help agreeing with dr. croll that the warm climates of the arctic regions during that era were, to some extent, the result of high eccentricity. in concluding this discussion, i readily admit that our knowledge of geographical evolution is as yet in its infancy. we have still very much to learn, and no one will venture to dogmatise upon the subject. but i hope i have made it clear that the evidence, so far as it goes, does not justify the confident assertions of dr. croll's opponents, that his theory is contradicted by what we know of the climatic conditions of palæozoic, mesozoic, and cainozoic times. on the contrary, it seems to me to gain additional support from the very evidence to which nordenskiöld and others have appealed. note.--the accompanying sketch-maps (plate iv.) require a few words of explanation. the geology of the world is still so imperfectly known that any attempt at graphic representation of former geographical conditions cannot but be unsatisfactory. the approximate positions of the chief areas of predominant elevation and depression during stated periods of the past may have been ascertained in a general way; but when we try to indicate these upon a map, such provisional reconstructions are apt to suggest a more precise and definite knowledge than is at present attainable. for it must be confessed that there is hardly a line upon the small maps (a, b, c) which might not have been drawn differently. this, of course, is more especially true of south america, africa, asia--of large areas of which the geological structure is unknown. but although the boundaries of the land-masses shown upon the maps referred to are thus confessedly provisional, the maps nevertheless bring out the main fact of a gradual growth and consolidation of the land-areas--a passage from insular to continental conditions. i need hardly say this is no novel idea. it was clearly set forth by professor dana upwards of forty years ago (_silliman's journal_, 1846, p. 352; 1847, pp. 176, 381), and it received some years later further illustration from professor guyot, who insisted upon the insular character of the climate during palæozoic times (_the earth and man_, 1850). it must be understood that the maps (a, b, c) are not meant to exhibit the geographical conditions of the world at any one point of time. in map a, for example, the area coloured blue was not necessarily covered by sea at any particular stage in the palæozoic era. it simply represents approximately the regions tended. but, as already stated, numerous oscillations of level occurred in palæozoic times, so that many changes in the distribution of land and water must have taken place down to the close of the permian period. the land-areas shown upon the map are simply those which appear to have been more or less persistent through all the geographical changes referred to. similar remarks apply to the other maps representing the more or less persistent land-areas of mesozoic and tertiary times. thus, for example, there are reasons for believing that madagascar was joined to the mainland of africa at some stage of the mesozoic era, but was subsequently insulated before tertiary times. again, as mesozoic era a land-connection obtained between new zealand and australia. the same naturalist also points out that a chain of islands, now represented by numerous islets and shoals, served in tertiary times to link madagascar to india. map d shows the areas of predominant elevation and depression. the area coloured brown represents the great continental plateau, which extends downwards to 1000 fathoms or so below the present sea-level. the area tinted blue is the oceanic depression. from the present distribution of plants and animals, we infer that considerable tracts which are now submerged have formerly been dry land--some of these changes having taken place in very recent geological times. and the same conclusions are frequently suggested by geological evidence. there can be little doubt that europe in tertiary times extended further into the northern ocean than it does now. and it is quite possible that in the mesozoic and palæozoic eras considerable land-areas may likewise have appeared here and there in those northern regions which are at present under water. there is, indeed, hardly any portion of the continental plateau which is now submerged that may not have been land at some time or other. but after making all allowance for such possibilities, the geological evidence, as far as it goes, nevertheless leads to the conclusion that upon the whole a wider expense of primeval continental plateau has come to the surface since tertiary times than was ever exposed during any former period of the world's history. [mr. marcou states (_american geologist_, 1890, p. 229) that the idea of a gradual growth of land-areas originated with elie de beaumont, who was in the habit of showing such maps, and used them in his lectures at paris as early as 1836. professor beudant published three of these same maps for the jurassic, cretaceous, and tertiary seas in his _cours élémentaire de géologie_ (1841); and professor carl vogt in his _lehrbuch der geologie und petrefactenkunde_ (1845), which was confessedly based on elie de beaumont's lectures during 1844-46, gives four maps of the carboniferous, jurassic, cretaceous, and tertiary seas.] xiii. the scientific results of dr. nansen's expedition.[dn] [dn] from _the scottish geographical magazine_, 1891. in the appendix to his most interesting and instructive work, _the first crossing of greenland_, dr. nansen treats of the scientific results of his remarkable journey. the detailed enumeration of these results, he tells us, would have been out of place in a general account of his expedition, but will appear in due time elsewhere. hence he confines attention in his present work to such questions as are of most obvious interest, such as the extent, outward form, and elevation of the inland-ice of greenland. by way of introduction his readers are presented with some account of the geological history of the country, which, although it contains nothing that was not already familiar to geologists, will doubtless prove interesting to others. after indicating that greenland would appear to be composed almost exclusively of archæan schists and granitoid eruptive rocks, the author glances at the evidence which the mesozoic and cainozoic strata of the west coast have supplied as to the former prevalence of genial climatic conditions. heer is cited to show that during the formation of the cretaceous beds the mean temperature of north greenland was probably between 70° and 72° f., while in later cainozoic times it could not have been less than 55° f., in 70° n.l. these conclusions are based on the character of the fossil floras. now the mean annual temperature on the west coast of greenland, where the relics of these old floras occur, is about 15° f., from which it is inferred that there has been a decrease of 40° since cainozoic times. in those times, says dr. nansen, "the country must have rejoiced in a climate similar to that of naples, while in the earlier cretaceous period it must have resembled that of egypt." he then refers to the well-known fact that, long after the deposition of the cainozoic beds of greenland, intensely arctic conditions supervened, when the inland-ice of that country extended much beyond its present limits. this was the glacial period of geologists, during which all the northern regions of america and europe, down to what are now temperate latitudes were likewise swathed in ice. various hypotheses have been advanced in explanation of these strange climatic vicissitudes, and some of them are very briefly discussed by dr. nansen. none of the suggested solutions of the problem quite satisfies him; but he appears to look with most favour on the view that great climatic revolutions in what are now polar regions may have resulted from movements of the earth's axis. he admits, however, that there are certain strong objections to this hypothesis, and concludes that we have not yet got any satisfactory explanation to cover all the facts of the case. in discussing the question of a possible wandering of the pole, the author cites certain astronomical observations to show that the position of the axis is even now slowly changing, the movement amounting to half a second in six months. this is not much; but if the change, as he remarks, were to continue at the same rate for 3600 years, the shift would amount to one degree. thus in a period of no more than 72,000 to 108,000 years greenland might be brought into the latitude required for the growth of such floras as those of cainozoic and mesozoic times. geologists will readily concede these or longer periods if they be required, but they will have graver doubts than dr. nansen as to whether any such great changes in the axis are possible. the astronomical observations referred to, even if they were fully confirmed, do not show that the movement is constant in one direction. they indicated, as he mentions, a slight increase of latitude during the first quarter of 1889, followed in the second quarter of the same year by a decrease, which continued to january, 1890. since the publication of professor george darwin's masterly paper on the influence of geological changes on the earth's axis of rotation, geologists have felt assured that the great climatic revolutions to which the stratified rocks bear witness must be otherwise explained than by a wandering of the pole. indeed, the geological evidence alone is enough to show that profound climatic changes have taken place while the pole has occupied its present position. thus, there is no reasonable grounds for doubting that during the glacial period the pole was just where we find it to-day. for, under existing geographical conditions, could a sufficient lowering of temperature be brought about, snow-fields and ice-sheets would gather and increase over the very same areas as we know were glaciated in pleistocene times. still further, we have only to recall the fact that several extreme revolutions of climate supervened during the so-called glacial period, to see how impossible it is to account for the phenomena by movements of the earth's axis. if it be true that the great climatic changes of the pleistocene period did not result from a wandering to and fro of the pole, then it is not at all likely that the mesozoic and cainozoic climates of greenland were induced by any such movement. but does the geological evidence justify us in believing that the climates in greenland during cretaceous and tertiary times really resembled those of egypt and southern italy? it may be strongly doubted if it does. palæontologists, like other mortals, find it hard to escape the influence of environment. they are apt to project the actual present into the past, without, perhaps, fully considering how far they are justified in doing so. because there occur in cretaceous and tertiary strata, within arctic regions, certain assemblages of plants which find their nearest representatives in southern italy and egypt, surely it is rather rash to conclude that greenland has experienced climates like those now characteristic of mediterranean lands. all that the evidence really entitles us to assume is simply that the _winter temperature_ of greenland was formerly much higher than it is now. that great caution is required in comparing past with present climatological conditions may be seen by glancing for a moment at the character of the flora which lived in europe during the interglacial phase of the pleistocene period. the plants of that period are for the most part living species, so that while dealing with these we are on safer ground than when we are treating of the floras of periods so far removed from us as those of tertiary and cretaceous times. now, in the pleistocene flora of europe we find a strange commingling of species, such as we nowhere see to-day over any equally wide area of the earth's surface. during pleistocene times many plants which are still indigenous to southern france flourished side by side in that area with species which are no longer seen in the same region; some of these last having retreated because unable to support the cold of winter, while others have retired to the mountains to escape the dryness of the summer. similar evidence is forthcoming from the pleistocene accumulations of italy, northern france, and germany. in a word, clement winters and relatively cool and humid summers permitted the wide diffusion and intimate association of plants which have now a very different distribution, temperate and southern species formerly flourishing together over vast areas of southern and central europe. and similarly we find that during the same period the regions in question were tenanted by southern and temperate forms of animal life--elephants, rhinoceroses, and hippopotamuses, together with cervine, bovine, and other forms, not a few of which are still indigenous to our continent--that ranged from the shores of the mediterranean up to our own latitudes. we cannot doubt, indeed, that the present geographical distribution of plants and animals differs markedly from anything that has yet been disclosed by the researches of geologists. the climatic conditions of our day are exceptional as compared with those of earlier times, and the occurrence in greenland of southern types of plants, therefore, does not justify us in concluding that climates like those of southern italy and egypt were ever characteristic of arctic regions. it is a low winter temperature rather than a want of great summer heat that restricts the range northward of southern floras. if greenland could be divested of its inland-ice--if its winter temperature never fell below that of our own island--it would doubtless become clothed in time with an abundant temperate flora. judging from what is known of the various floras and faunas that have successively clothed and peopled the world, from palæozoic down to the close of cainozoic times, the general climatic conditions of the globe, prior to the glacial period, would seem to have been prevalently insular rather than continental as they are now. the lands appear to have been formerly much less continuous, and ocean currents from southern latitudes had consequently freer access to high northern regions than is at present possible. in no other way can we account for the facts connected with the geographical distribution and extent of the fossiliferous formations. but are we to infer, from the occurrence of similar assemblages of marine organic remains in arctic, temperate, and tropical latitudes, that the shores of primeval greenland were washed by waters as warm as those of the tropics? surely not: an absence of very cold water in the far north is all that we seem justified in assuming. and so, in like manner, the presence in greenland of fossil floras having the same general facies as those that occur in the corresponding strata of more southern latitudes, does not compel us to believe that conditions at all similar to what are now met with in warm-temperate and sub-tropical lands ever obtained in arctic regions. a relatively high winter temperature alone would permit the range northward of many tribes of plants which are now restricted to southern latitudes. yet, under the most uniform insular climatic conditions that we can conceive of, there must always have been differences due to latitude--although such differences were never apparently so marked as they are now. in order to appreciate the character of the climate which must have prevailed when the lands of the globe were much more interrupted and insular than at present, we have only to consider how greatly isothermal lines, even under existing continental conditions, are deflected by ocean-currents. in the north atlantic, for example, the winter isotherm of 32° f. is deflected northward from the parallel of new york to that of hammerfest--a displacement of at least 30° of latitude. the arctic sea now occupies a partially closed basin, into which only one considerable current enters from the south. but in earlier ages the case was otherwise, and there was often communication across what are now our continental areas. instead of being girdled, as at present, by an almost continuous land-mass, the arctic sea seems to have formed with the circumjacent ocean one great archipelago. thus freely open to the influx of southern currents, it is not difficult to believe that the seas of the far north might never be frozen, and that an "inland-ice" like that of greenland would be impossible. the present cold summers of that country, as the late dr. croll has insisted, are due not so much to high latitude as to the presence of snow and ice. could these be removed, the summers would be as warm at least as those of england. now the occurrence in arctic regions of palæozoic and mesozoic marine faunas is strongly suggestive of the former presence there of genial waters having free communication with lower latitudes; and it is to the presence of these warm currents, flowing uninterruptedly through polar regions, that we would attribute the high winter temperature and uniform climate to which the fossil floras and faunas of greenland bear testimony. if these views be at all reasonable, it seems unnecessary to call to our aid hypothetical changes in the position of the earth's axis. it may be admitted, however, that the climate of the arctic regions must have been from time to time more or less affected by those cosmical causes to which croll has appealed. so long, however, as insular conditions prevailed, the changes induced by a great increase in the eccentricity of the earth's orbit would not necessarily be strongly marked. dr. nansen objects to croll's well-known theory that "it cannot account for the recurrence of conditions so favourable as to explain the existence in greenland of a climate comparable to what we now find in tropical regions." no doubt it cannot, but, as we maintain, there is no good reason for supposing that tropical or sub-tropical climates ever characterised any area within the arctic circle. the remarkable association in europe, during so recent a period as the pleistocene, of southern and temperate species of plants and animals, ought to warn us against taking the present distribution of life-forms as an exact type of the kind of distribution which characterised earlier ages. it is safe to say that were our present continental areas to become broken up into groups of larger and smaller islands, so as to allow of a much less impeded oceanic circulation, the resulting climatic conditions would offer the strongest contrast to the present. and as the lands of the globe were apparently in former times more insular than they are now, it is hazardous to compare the climates of the present with those of the past. it is reasonable to infer, from the occurrence in greenland of fossil floras which find their nearest representatives in southern europe and north africa, that the winters of the far north were formerly mild and clement. but we cannot conclude, from the same evidence, that the arctic summers were ever as hot as those of our present warm-temperate and sub-tropical zones. but if the recent expedition has thrown no new light on the disputed question as to the cause of the high temperature which formerly prevailed in greenland, it is needless to say that it has added considerably to our knowledge of the present physical conditions of that country. the view held by many that greenland must be wrapped in ice has been amply justified, and we can now no longer doubt that the inland-ice covers the whole country from the 75th parallel southwards. a section of greenland in the latitude at which it was crossed by nansen and his comrades "gives an almost exact mathematical curve, approximating very closely to the arc of a circle described with a radius of about 6500 miles. the whole way across the surface coincides tolerably accurately with this arc, though it falls away somewhat abruptly at the coasts, and a little more abruptly on the east side than the west." taking the observations of other arctic travellers with his own, nansen is led to the conclusion that "the surface of the inland-ice forms part of a remarkably regular cylinder, the radius of which nevertheless varies not a little at different latitudes, increasing markedly from the south, and consequently making the arc of the surface flatter and flatter as it advances northwards." he points out that this remarkable configuration must to a certain extent be independent of the form of the underlying land-surface, which, to judge from the character of the wild and mountainous coast-lands, probably resembles norway in its general configuration--if, indeed it be not a group of mountainous islands. the buried interior of greenland must in fact be a region of high mountains and deep valleys, all of which have totally disappeared under the enveloping _mer de glace_. it is obvious, as dr. nansen remarks, that the minor irregularities of the land "have had no influence whatever upon the form of the upper surface of the ice-sheet." that surface-form has simply been determined by the force of pressure--the quasi-viscous mass attaining its maximum thickness towards the central line of the country, where resistance to the movement due to pressure must necessarily have been greatest. thus although the larger features of the ice-drowned land may have had some influence in determining the position of the ice-shed, it is not by any means certain that this central line coincides with the dominant ridge or watershed of the land itself. for, as nansen reminds us, the ice-shed of the scandinavian inland-ice of glacial times certainly lay about 100 miles to the east of the main water-parting of norway and sweden. similar facts, we may add, have been noticed in connection with the old ice-sheets of scotland and ireland. the greatest elevation attained by the expedition was 9000 feet. how deeply buried the dominating parts of the land-surface may be at that elevation one cannot tell. it is obvious, however, that the _mer de glace_ must be very unequal in thickness. according to dr. nansen the average elevation of the valleys in the interior cannot much exceed 2300 or 3300 feet, so that the ice lying above such depressions must have a thickness of 5700 to 6700 feet. it cannot, of course, lie so deeply over mountain-ridges. the eroding power of such a glacier-mass must be enormous, and dr. nansen does not doubt that the buried valleys of greenland are being widened and deepened by the grinding of the great ice-streams that are ever advancing towards the sea. the expedition met with no streams of surface-water on the inland-ice; indeed, the amount of superficial melting in the interior was quite insignificant. and yet, as is well known, many considerable streams and rivers flow out from underneath the inland-ice all the year round. it is obvious, therefore, that this water-supply does not come from superficial sources, as, according to dr. nansen, it is usually supposed to do. but surely it has long been recognised that such rivers as the mary minturn must be derived from sub-glacial melting. and the various causes to which our author attributes this melting have already frequently been pointed out. earth-heat--the influence of pressure in lowering the melting-point of ice--and the friction induced by the movement of the ice itself have all long ago been recognised as factors tending to produce the sub-glacial water-drainage of an ice-sheet. dr. nansen's speculations on the origin of the "drumlins" and "kames" of formerly glaciated areas will interest geologists, but are not so novel as he supposes. his description of what are known as "drumlins" is not quite correct. these long lenticular banks cannot be said to lie upon boulder-clay, but are merely a structural form of that accumulation. and it is hardly the case that geologists have "performed the most acrobatic feats" in trying to explain the origin of the banks in question. the usual explanation is that they have been formed underneath the ice as ground-moraine--the upper surface of which varies in configuration--being sometimes approximately even, as in broad mountain-valleys; at other times ridged and corrugated, as in open lowlands. and these modifications of surface are supposed to have resulted from the varying movement and pressure of the overlying ice-sheet. the drumlins, in fact, would appear to be analogous to the banks that accumulate in the beds of rivers. many drumlins, indeed, are composed partly of solid rock and partly of boulder-clay, which would seem to have accumulated in the lee of the projecting rock, much in the same way as gravel and sand gather behind any large boulder in a stream-course. dr. nansen, apparently, to some extent confounds drumlins with "kames" and "åsar," of which certainly many strange and conflicting explanations have been hazarded. these, however, differ essentially from drumlins, for they consist exclusively, or almost exclusively, of water-worn and more or less water-assorted materials. and one widely-accepted view of their origin is that they have accumulated in tunnels underneath an ice-sheet. this is practically the same view as dr. nansen's. he thinks that when an ice-sheet has its under-surface furrowed by running water, the ground-moraine will tend to be pressed up into the river-channels. the water will, in this way, be compelled to hollow out the roof of its tunnel to a greater degree, and as the stream continues to work upwards the moraine will follow it, so as to partially fill the tunnel and form a ridge along the back of which the sub-glacial stream will run. the material forming the upper portion of the ridge will thus come to be composed mainly of water-worn and stratified detritus, derived from the erosion of the ground-moraine. this is an ingenious suggestion which may be of good service in some cases, but it is certainly inapplicable to most kames and åsar. if it were a complete explanation we ought to find these ridges consisting of an upper water-assorted portion and a lower unmodified morainic portion (boulder-clay). but this is not the case, for most kames consist entirely, from top to bottom, of water-assorted materials. they are found running across an even or gently-undulating surface of boulder-clay, and sometimes they rest not on boulder-clay but solid rock. dr. nansen considers another geological question which has given rise to much controversy, and is still far from being settled--namely, whether the oscillations of level which have left such conspicuous traces in northern regions are in any way connected with the appearance and disappearance of great ice-sheets. can a big ice-sheet push down the earth's crust by its weight? and does the crust rise again as the ice melts away? could a thick ice-sheet exercise sufficient attraction upon the sea to cause it to rise upon the land, and thus explain the origin of some of the so-called raised beaches of this and other formerly glaciated lands? can the weight of a great ice-sheet shift the earth's centre of gravity, and, if so, to what extent? each of these questions has been answered in the affirmative and the negative by controversialists, and, until the geological evidence has been completely sifted, each, doubtless, will continue to be alternately affirmed and denied. all that need be pointed out here is that some of the movements which occurred during the pleistocene period were on much too large a scale to be explicable by any of the hypotheses referred to. xiv. the geographical development of coast-lines.[do] [do] presidential address to the geographical section of the british association, edinburgh, 1892. amongst the many questions upon which of late years light has been thrown by deep-sea exploration and geological research, not the least interesting is that of the geographical development of coast-lines. how is the existing distribution of land and water to be accounted for? are the revolutions in the relative position of land and sea, to which the geological record bears witness, due to movements of the earth's crust or of the hydrosphere? why are coast-lines in some regions extremely regular, while elsewhere they are much indented? about 150 years ago the prevalent belief was that ancient sea-margins indicated a formerly higher ocean-level. such was the view held by celsius, who, from an examination of the coast-lands of sweden, attributed the retreat of the sea to a gradual drying up of the latter. but this desiccation hypothesis was not accepted by playfair, who thought it much more likely that the land had risen. it was not, however, until after von buch had visited sweden (1806-1808), and published the results of his observations, that playfair's suggestion received much consideration. von buch concluded that the apparent retreat of the sea was not due to a general depression of the ocean-level, but to elevation of the land--a conclusion which subsequently obtained the strong support of lyell. the authority of these celebrated men gained for the elevation theory more or less complete assent, and for many years it has been the orthodox belief of geologists that the ancient sea-margins of sweden and other lands have resulted from vertical movements of the crust. it has long been admitted, however, that highly-flexed and disturbed strata require some other explanation. obviously such structures are the result of lateral compression and crumpling. hence geologists have maintained that the mysterious subterranean forces have affected the crust in different ways. mountain-ranges, they conceive, are ridged up by tangential thrusts and compression, while vast continental areas slowly rise and fall, with little or no disturbance of the strata. from this point of view it is the lithosphere that is unstable, all changes in the relative level of land and sea being due to crustal movements. of late years, however, trautschold and others have begun to doubt whether this theory is wholly true, and to maintain that the sea-level may have changed without reference to movements of the lithosphere. thus hilber has suggested that sinking of the sea-level may be due, in part at least, to absorption, while schmick believes that the apparent elevation and depression of continental areas are really the results of grand secular movements of the ocean. the sea, according to him, periodically attains a high level in each hemisphere alternately, the waters being at present heaped up in the southern hemisphere. professor suess, again, believing that in equatorial regions the sea is, on the whole, gaining on the land, while in other latitudes the reverse would appear to be the case, points out this is in harmony with his view of a periodical flux and reflux of the ocean between the equator and the poles. he thinks we have no evidence of any vertical elevation affecting wide areas, and that the only movements of elevation that take place are those by which mountains are upheaved. the broad invasions and transgressions of the continental areas by the sea, which we know have occurred again and again, are attributed by him to secular movements of the hydrosphere itself. apart from all hypothesis and theory, we learn that the surface of the sea is not exactly spheroidal. it reaches a higher level on the borders of the continents than in mid-ocean, and it varies likewise in height at different places on the same coast. the attraction of the himalaya, for example, suffices to cause a difference of 300 feet between the level of the sea at the delta of the indus and on the coast of ceylon. the recognition of such facts has led penck to suggest that the submergence of the maritime regions of north-west europe and the opposite coasts of north america, which took place at a recent geological date, and from which the lands in question have only partially recovered, may have been brought about by the attraction exerted by the vast ice-sheets of the glacial period. but, as drygalski, woodward, and others have shown, the heights at which recent marine deposits occur in the regions referred to are much too great to be accounted for by any possible distortion of the hydrosphere. the late james croll had previously endeavoured to show that the accumulation of ice over northern lands during glacial times would suffice to displace the earth's centre of gravity, and thus cause the sea to rise upon the glaciated tracts. more recently other views have been advanced to explain the apparently causal connection between glaciation and submergence, but these need not be considered here. whatever degree of importance may attach to the various hypotheses of secular movements of the sea, it is obvious that the general trends of the world's coast-lines are determined in the first place by the position of the dominant wrinkles of the lithosphere. even if we concede that all "raised beaches," so-called, are not necessarily the result of earth-movements, and that the frequent transgressions of the continental areas by oceanic waters in geological times may possibly have been due to independent movements of the sea, still we must admit that the solid crust of the globe has always been subject to distortion. and this being so, we cannot doubt that the general trends of the world's coast-lines must have been modified from time to time by movements of the lithosphere. as geographers we are not immediately concerned with the mode of origin of those vast wrinkles, nor need we speculate on the causes which may have determined their direction. it seems, however, to be the general opinion that the configuration of the lithosphere is due simply to the sinking-in and doubling-up of the crust on the cooling and contracting nucleus. but it must be admitted that neither physicists nor geologists are prepared with a satisfactory hypothesis to account for the prominent trends of the great world-ridges and troughs. according to the late professor alexander winchell, these trends may have been the result of primitive tidal action. he was of opinion that the transmeridional progress of the tidal swell in early incrustive times on our planet would give the forming crust structural characteristics and aptitudes trending from north to south. the earliest wrinkles to come into existence, therefore, would be meridional or submeridional, and such, certainly, is the prevalent direction of the most conspicuous earth-features. there are many terrestrial trends, however, as professor winchell knew, which do not conform to the requirements of his hypothesis; but such transmeridional features, he thought, could generally be shown to be of later origin than the others. this is the only speculation, so far as i know, which attempts, perhaps not altogether unsuccessfully, to explain the origin of the main trends of terrestrial features. according to other authorities, however, the area of the earth's crust occupied by the ocean is denser than that over which the continental regions are spread. the depressed denser part balances the lighter elevated portion. but why these regions of different densities should be so distributed no one has yet told us. neither does le conte's view, that the continental areas and the oceanic depressions owe their origin to unequal radial contraction of the earth in its secular cooling, help us to understand why the larger features of the globe should be disposed as they are. geographers must for the present be content to take the world as they find it. what we do know is that our lands are distributed over the surface of a great continental plateau of irregular form, the bounding slopes of which plunge down more or less steeply into a vast oceanic depression. so far as geological research has gone, there is reason to believe that these elevated and depressed areas are of primeval antiquity--that they ante-date the very oldest of the sedimentary formations. there is abundant evidence, however, to show that the relatively elevated or continental area has been again and again irregularly submerged under tolerably deep and wide seas. but all historical geology seems to assure us that the continental plateau and the oceanic hollows have never changed places, although from time to time portions of the latter have been ridged up and added to the margins of the former, while ever and anon marginal portions of the plateau have sunk to very considerable depths. we may thus speak of the great world-ridges as regions of dominant elevation, and of the profound oceanic troughs as areas of more or less persistent depression. from one point of view, it is true, no part of the earth's surface can be looked upon as a region of dominant elevation. our globe is a cooling and contracting body, and depression must always be the prevailing movement of the lithosphere. the elevation of the continental plateau is thus only relative. could we conceive the crust throughout the deeper portions of the oceanic depression to subside to still greater depths, while at the same time the continental plateau remained stationary, or subsided more slowly, the sea would necessarily retreat from the land, and the latter would then appear to rise. it is improbable, however, that any extensive subsidence of the crust under the ocean could take place without accompanying disturbance of the continental plateau; and in this case the latter might experience in places not only negative but positive elevation. during the evolution of our continents, crustal movements have again and again disturbed the relative level of land and sea; but since the general result has been to increase the land-surface and to contract the area occupied by the sea, it is convenient to speak of the former as the region of dominant elevation, and of the latter as that of prevalent depression. properly speaking, both are sinking regions, the rate of subsidence within the oceanic trough being in excess of that experienced over the continental plateau. the question of the geographical development of coast-lines is therefore only that of the dry lands themselves. the greater land-masses are all situated upon, but are nowhere co-extensive with, the area of dominant elevation, for very considerable portions of the continental plateau are still covered by the sea. opinions may differ as to which fathoms-line we should take as marking approximately the boundary between that region and the oceanic depression; and it is obvious, indeed, that any line selected must be arbitrary and more or less misleading, for it is quite certain that the true boundary of the continental plateau cannot lie parallel to the surface of the ocean. in some regions it approaches within a few hundreds of fathoms of the sea-level; in other places it sinks for considerably more than 1000 fathoms below that level. thus, while a very moderate elevation would in certain latitudes cause the land to extend to the edge of the plateau, an elevation of at least 10,000 feet would be required in some other places to bring about a similar result. although it is true that the land-surface is nowhere co-extensive with the great plateau, yet the existing coast-lines may be said to trend in the same general direction as its margins. so abruptly does the continental plateau rise from the oceanic trough, that a depression of the sea-level, or an elevation of the plateau, for 10,000 feet, would add only a narrow belt to the pacific coast between alaska and cape horn, while the gain of land on the atlantic slope of america between 30° n.l. and 40° s.l. would not be much greater. in the higher latitudes of the northern hemisphere, however, very considerable geographical changes would be accomplished by a much less amount of elevation of the plateau. were the continental plateau to be upheaved for 3000 feet, the major portion of the arctic sea would become land. thus, in general terms, we may say that the coast-lines of arctic and temperate north america and eurasia are further withdrawn from the edge of the continental plateau than those of lower latitudes. in regions where existing coast-lines approach the margin of the plateau, they are apt to run for long distances in one determinate direction, and, whether the coastal area be high or not, to show a gentle sinuosity. their course is seldom interrupted by bold projecting headlands or peninsulas, or by intruding inlets, while fringing or marginal islands rarely occur. to these appearances the northern regions, as every one knows, offer the strongest contrast. not only do they trend irregularly, but their continuity is constantly interrupted by promontories and peninsulas, by inlets and fiords, while fringing islands abound. but an elevation of some 400 or 500 fathoms only would revolutionise the geography of those regions, and confer upon the northern coast-lines of the world the regularity which at present characterises those of western africa. it is obvious, therefore, that the coast-lines of such lands as africa owe their regularity primarily to their approximate coincidence with the steep boundary-slopes of the continental plateau, while the irregularities characteristic of the coast-line of north-western europe and the corresponding latitudes of north america are determined by the superficial configuration of the same plateau, which in those regions is relatively more depressed. i have spoken of the general contrast between high and low northern latitudes; but it is needless to say that in southern regions the coast-lines exhibit similar contrasts. the regular coast-lines of africa and south america have already been referred to; but we cannot fail to recognise in the much-indented sea-board and the numerous coastal islands of southern chile a complete analogy to the fiord regions of high northern latitudes. both are areas of comparatively recent depression. again, the manifold irregularities of the coasts of south-eastern asia, and the multitudes of islands that serve to link that continent to australia and new zealand, are all evidence that the surface of the continental plateau in those regions is extensively invaded by the sea. a word or two now as to the configuration of the oceanic trough. there can be no doubt that this differs very considerably from that of the land-surface. it is, upon the whole, flat or gently-undulating. here and there it swells gently upwards into broad elevated banks, some of which have been traced for great distances. in other places narrower ridges and abrupt mountain-like elevations diversify its surface, and project again and again above the level of the sea, to form the numerous islets of oceania. once more, the sounding-line has made us acquainted with the notable fact that numerous deep depressions--some long and narrow, others relatively short and broad--stud the floor of the great trough. i shall have occasion to refer again to these remarkable depressions, and need at present only call attention to the fact that they are especially well-developed in the region of the western pacific, where the floor of the sea, at the base of the bounding slopes of the continental plateau, sinks in places to depths of three and even of five miles below the existing coast-lines. one may further note the fact that the deepest areas of the atlantic are met with in like manner close to the walls of the plateau--a long ridge, which rises midway between the continents and runs in the same general direction as their coast-lines, serving to divide the trough of the atlantic into two parallel hollows. but, to return to our coast-lines and the question of their development, it is obvious that their general trends have been determined by crustal movements. their regularity is in direct proportion to the closeness of their approach to the margin of the continental plateau. the more nearly they coincide with the edge of that plateau, the fewer irregularities do they present; the further they recede from it, the more highly are they indented. various other factors, it is true, have played a more or less important part in their development, but their dominant trends were undoubtedly determined at a very early period in the world's history--their determination necessarily dates back, in short, to the time when the great world-ridges and oceanic troughs came into existence. so far as we can read the story told by the rocks, however, it would seem that in the earliest ages of which geology can speak with any confidence, the coast-lines of the world must have been infinitely more irregular than now. in palæozoic times, relatively small areas of the continental plateau appeared above the level of the sea. insular conditions everywhere prevailed. but as ages rolled on, wider and wider tracts of the plateau were exposed, and this notwithstanding many oscillations of level. so that one may say there has been, upon the whole, a general advance from insular to continental conditions. in other words, the sea has continued to retreat from the surface of the continental plateau. to account for this change, we must suppose that depression of the crust has been in excess within the oceanic area, and that now and again positive elevation of the continental plateau has taken place, more especially along its margins. that movements of elevation, positive or negative, have again and again affected our land-areas can be demonstrated, and it seems highly probable, therefore, that similar movements may have been experienced within the oceanic trough. two kinds of crustal movement, as we have seen, are recognised by geologists. sometimes the crust appears to rise, or, as the case may be, to sink over wide regions, without much disturbance or tilting of strata, although these are now and again more or less extensively fractured and displaced. it may conduce to clearness if we speak of these movements as regional. the other kind of crustal disturbance takes place more markedly in linear directions, and is always accompanied by abrupt folding and mashing together of strata, along with more or less fracturing and displacement. the plateau of the colorado has often been cited as a good example of regional elevation, where we have a wide area of approximately horizontal strata apparently uplifted without much rock-disturbance, while the alps or any other chain of highly-flexed and convoluted strata will serve as an example of what we may term axial or linear uplifts. it must be understood that both regional and axial movements result from the same cause--the adjustment of the solid crust to the contracting nucleus--and that the term _elevation_, therefore, is only relative. sometimes the sinking crust gets relief from the enormous lateral pressure to which it is subjected by crumpling up along lines of weakness, and then mountains of elevation are formed; at other times, the pressure is relieved by the formation of broader swellings, when wide areas become uplifted relatively to surrounding regions. geologists, however, are beginning to doubt whether upheaval of the latter kind can affect a broad continental area. probably, in most cases, the apparent elevation of continental regions is only negative. the land appears to have risen because the floor of the oceanic basin has become depressed. even the smaller plateau-like elevations which occur within some continental regions may in a similar way owe their dominance to the sinking of contiguous regions. in the geographical development of our land, movements of elevation and depression have played an important part. but we cannot ignore the work done by other agents of change. if the orographical features of the land everywhere attest the potency of plutonic agents, they no less forcibly assure us that the inequalities of surface resulting from such movements are universally modified by denudation and sedimentation. elevated plains and mountains are gradually demolished, and the hollows and depressions of the great continental plateau become slowly filled with their detritus. thus inland-seas tend to vanish, inlets and estuaries are silted up, and the land in places advances seaward. the energies of the sea, again, come in to aid those of rain and rivers, so that under the combined action of all the superficial agents of change, the irregularities of coast-lines become reduced, and, were no crustal movement to intervene, would eventually disappear. the work accomplished by those agents upon a coast-line is most conspicuous in regions where the surface of the continental plateau is occupied by comparatively shallow seas. here full play is given to sedimentation and marine erosion, while the latter alone comes into prominence upon shores that are washed by deeper waters. when the coast-lines advance to the edge of the continental plateau, they naturally trend, as we have seen, for great distances in some particular direction. should they preserve that position, undisturbed by crustal oscillation, for a prolonged period of time, they will eventually be cut back by the sea. in this way a shelf or terrace will be formed, narrow in some places, broader in others, according to the resistance offered by the varying character of the rocks. but no long inlets or fiords can result from such action. at most the harder and less readily demolished rocks will form headlands, while shallow bays will be scooped out of the more yielding masses. in short, between the narrower and broader parts of the eroded shelf or terrace a certain proportion will tend to be preserved. as the shelf is widened, sedimentation will become more and more effective, and in places may come to protect the land from further marine erosion. this action is especially conspicuous in tropical and sub-tropical regions, which are characterised by well-marked rainy seasons. in such regions immense quantities of sediment are washed down from the land to the sea, and tend to accumulate along shore, forming low alluvial flats. all long-established coast-lines thus acquire a characteristically sinuous form, and perhaps no better examples could be cited than those of western africa. to sum up, then, we may say that the chief agents concerned in the development of coast-lines are crustal movements, sedimentation, and marine erosion. all the main trends are the result of elevation and depression. considerable geographical changes, however, have been brought about by the silting up of those shallow and sheltered seas which, in certain regions, overflow wide areas of the continental plateau. throughout all the ages, indeed, epigene agents have striven to reduce the superficial inequalities of that plateau, by levelling heights and filling up depressions, and thus, as it were, flattening out the land-surface and causing it to extend. the erosive action of the sea, from our present point of view, is of comparatively little importance. it merely adds a few finishing touches to the work performed by the other agents of change. a glance at the geographical evolution of our own continent will render this sufficiently evident. viewed in detail, the structure of europe is exceedingly complicated, but there are certain leading features in its architecture which no profound analysis is required to detect. we note, in the first place, that highly-disturbed rocks of archæan and palæozoic age reach their greatest development along the north-western and western borders of our continent, as in scandinavia, the british islands, north-west france, and the iberian peninsula. another belt of similarly disturbed strata of like age traverses central europe from west to east, and is seen in the south of ireland, cornwall, north-west france, the ardennes, the thüringer-wald, the erz gebirge, the riesen gebirge, the böhmer-wald, and other heights of middle and southern germany. strata of mesozoic and cainozoic age rest upon the older systems in such a way as to show that the latter had been much folded, fractured, and denuded before they came to be covered with younger formations. north and north-east of the central belt of ancient rocks just referred to, the sedimentary strata that extend to the shores of the baltic and over a vast region in russia, range in age from palæozoic down to cainozoic times, and are disposed for the most part in gentle undulations--they are either approximately horizontal or slightly inclined. unlike the disturbed rocks of the maritime regions and of central europe, they have obviously been subjected to comparatively little folding since the time of their deposition. to the south of the primitive back-bone of central europe succeeds a region composed superficially of mesozoic and cainozoic strata for the most part, which, along with underlying palæozoic and archæan rocks, are often highly-flexed and ridged up, as in the chains of the jura, the alps, the carpathians, etc. one may say, in general terms, that throughout the whole mediterranean area archæan and palæozoic rocks appear at the surface only when they form the nuclei of mountains of elevation, into the composition of which rocks of younger age largely enter. from this bald and meagre outline of the general geological structure of europe, we may gather that the leading orographical features of our continent began to be developed at a very early period. unquestionably the oldest land-areas are represented by the disturbed archæan and palæozoic rocks of the atlantic sea-board and central europe. examination of those tracts shows that they have experienced excessive denudation. the archæan and palæozoic masses, distributed along the margin of the atlantic, are the mere wrecks of what, in earlier ages, must have been lofty regions, the mountain-chains of which may well have rivalled or even exceeded in height the alps of to-day. they, together with the old disturbed rocks of central europe, formed for a long time the only land in our area. between the ancient scandinavian tract in the north and a narrow interrupted belt in central europe, stretched a shallow sea, which covered all the regions that now form our great plain; while immediately south of the central belt lay the wide depression of the mediterranean--for as yet the pyrenees, the alps, and the carpathians were not. both the mediterranean and the russo-germanic sea communicated with the atlantic. as time went on land continued to be developed along the same lines, a result due partly to crustal movements, partly to sedimentation. thus the relatively shallow russo-germanic sea became silted up, while the mediterranean shore-line advanced southwards. it is interesting to note that the latter sea, down to the close of tertiary times, seems always to have communicated freely with the atlantic, and to have been relatively deep. the russo-germanic sea, on the contrary, while now and again opening widely into the atlantic, and attaining considerable depths in its western reaches, remained on the whole shallow, and ever and anon vanished from wide areas to contract into a series of inland-seas and large salt lakes. reduced to its simplest elements, therefore, the structure of europe shows two primitive ridges--one extending with some interruptions along the atlantic sea-board, the other traversing central europe from west to east, and separating the area of the great plain from the mediterranean basin. the excessive denudation which the more ancient lands have undergone, and the great uplifts of mesozoic and of cainozoic times, together with the comparatively recent submergence of broad tracts in the north and north-west, have not succeeded in obscuring the dominant features in the architecture of our continent. i now proceed to trace, as rapidly as i can, the geographical development of the coast-lines of the atlantic as a whole, and to point out the chief contrasts between them and the coast-lines of the pacific. the extreme irregularity of the arctic and atlantic shores of europe at once suggests to a geologist a partially-drowned land, the superficial inequalities of which are accountable for the vagaries of the coast-lines. the fiords of norway and scotland occupy what were at no distant date land-valleys, and the numerous marginal islands of those regions are merely the projecting portions of a recently-sunken area. the continental plateau extends up to and a little beyond the one hundred fathoms line, and there are many indications that the land formerly reached as far. thus the sunken area is traversed by valley-like depressions, which widen as they pass outwards to the edge of the plateau, and have all the appearance of being hollows of sub-aërial erosion. i have already mentioned the fact that the scandinavian uplands and the scottish highlands are the relics of what were at one time true mountains of elevation, corresponding in the mode of their formation to those of switzerland, and, like these, attaining a great elevation. during subsequent stages of palæozoic time, that highly-elevated region was subjected to long-continued and profound erosion--the mountain-country was planed down over wide regions to sea-level, and broad stretches of the reduced land-surface became submerged. younger palæozoic formations then accumulated upon the drowned land, until eventually renewed crustal disturbance supervened, and the marginal areas of the continental plateau again appeared as dry land, but not, as before, in the form of mountains of elevation. lofty table-lands now took the place of abrupt and serrated ranges and chains--table-lands which, in their turn, were destined in the course of long ages to be deeply sculptured and furrowed by sub-aërial agents. during this process the european coast-line would seem to have coincided more or less closely with the edge of the continental plateau. finally, after many subsequent movements of the crust in these latitudes, the land became partially submerged--a condition from which north-western and northern europe would appear in recent times to be slowly recovering. thus the highly-indented coast-line of those regions does not coincide with the edge of the plateau, but with those irregularities of its upper surface which are the result of antecedent sub-aërial erosion. mention has been made of the russo-germanic plain and the mediterranean as representing original depressions in the continental plateau, and of the high-grounds that extend between them as regions of dominant elevation, which, throughout all the manifold revolutions of the past, would appear to have persisted as a more or less well-marked boundary, separating the northern from the southern basin. during certain periods it was no doubt in some degree submerged, but never apparently to the same extent as the depressed areas it served to separate. from time to time uplifts continued to take place along this central belt, which thus increased in breadth, the younger formations, which were accumulated along the margins of the two basins, being successively ridged up against nuclei of older rocks. the latest great crustal movements in our continent, resulting in the uplift of the alps and other east and west ranges of similar age, have still further widened that ancient belt of dominant elevation which in our day forms the most marked orographical feature of europe. the russo-germanic basin is now for the most part land, the baltic and the north sea representing its still submerged portions. this basin, as already remarked, was probably never so deep as that of the mediterranean. we gather as much from the fact that, while mechanical sediments of comparatively shallow-water origin predominate in the former area, limestones are the characteristic features of the southern region. its relative shallowness helps us to understand why the northern depression should have been silted up more completely than the mediterranean. we must remember also that for long ages it received the drainage of a much more extensive land-surface than the latter--the land that sloped towards the mediterranean in palæozoic and mesozoic times being of relatively little importance. thus the crustal movements which ever and anon depressed the russo-germanic area were, in the long-run, counterbalanced by sedimentation. the uplift of the alps, the atlas, and other east and west ranges, has greatly contracted the area of the mediterranean, and sedimentation has also acted in the same direction, but it is highly probable that that sea is now as deep as, or even deeper than, it has ever been. it occupies a primitive depression in which the rate of subsidence has exceeded that of sedimentation. in many respects, indeed, this remarkable transmeridional hollow--continued eastward in the red sea, the black sea, and the aralo-caspian depression--is analogous, as we shall see, to the great oceanic trough itself. in the earlier geological periods linear or axial uplifts and volcanic action again and again marked the growth of land on the atlantic sea-board. but after palæozoic times, no great mountains of elevation came into existence in that region, while volcanic action almost ceased. in tertiary times, it is true, there was a remarkable recrudescence of volcanic activity, but the massive eruptions of antrim and western scotland, of the faröe islands and iceland, must be considered apart from the general geology of our continent. from mesozoic times onwards it was along the borders of the mediterranean depression that great mountain uplifts and volcanoes chiefly presented themselves; and as the land-surface extended southwards from central europe, and the area of the mediterranean was contracted, volcanic action followed the advancing shore-lines. the occurrence of numerous extinct and of still existing volcanoes along the borders of this inland-sea, the evidence of recent crustal movements so commonly met with upon its margins, the great irregularities of its depths, the proximity of vast axial uplifts of late geological age, and the frequency of earthquake phenomena, all indicate instability, and remind us strongly of similarly constructed and disturbed regions within the area of the vast pacific. let us now look at the arctic and atlantic coast-lines of north america. from the extreme north down to the latitude of new york the shores are obviously those of a partially-submerged region. they are of the same type as the coasts of north-western europe. we have every reason to believe also that the depression of greenland and north-east america, from which these lands have only partially recovered, dates back to a comparatively recent period. the fiords and inlets, like those of europe, are merely half-drowned land-valleys, and the continental shelf is crossed by deep hollows which are evidently only the seaward continuations of well-marked terrestrial features. such, for example, is the case with the valleys of the hudson and the st. lawrence, the submerged portions of which can be followed out to the edge of the continental plateau, which is notched by them at depths of 474 and 622 fathoms respectively. there is, in short, a broad resemblance between the coasts of the entire arctic and north atlantic regions down to the latitudes already mentioned. everywhere they are irregular and fringed with islands in less or greater abundance--highly-denuded and deeply-incised plateaux being penetrated by fiords, while low-lying and undulating lands that shelve gently seaward are invaded by shallow bays and inlets. comparing the american with the opposite european coasts one cannot help being struck with certain other resemblances. thus hudson bay at once suggests the baltic, and the gulf of mexico, with the caribbean sea, recalls the mediterranean. but the geological structure of the coast-lands of greenland and north america betrays a much closer resemblance between these and the opposite shores of europe than appears on a glance at the map. there is something more than a mere superficial similarity. in eastern north america and greenland, just as in western europe, no grand mountain uplifts have taken place for a prodigious time. the latest great upheavals, which were accompanied by much folding and flexing of strata, are those of the appalachian chain and of the coastal ranges extending through new england, nova scotia, and newfoundland, all of which are of palæozoic age. considerable crustal movements affected the american coast-lines in mesozoic times, and during these uplifts the strata suffered fracture and displacement, but were subjected to comparatively little folding. again, along the maritime borders of north-east america, as in the corresponding coast-lines of europe, igneous action, more or less abundant in palæozoic and early mesozoic times, has since been quiescent. from the mouth of the hudson to the straits of florida the coast-lines are composed of tertiary and quaternary deposits. this shows that the land has continued down to recent times to gain upon the sea--a result brought about partly by quiet crustal movements, but to a large extent by sedimentation, aided, on the coasts of florida, by the action of reef-building corals. although volcanic action has long ceased on the american sea-board, we note that in greenland, as in the west of scotland and north of ireland, there is abundant evidence of volcanic activity at so late a period as the tertiary. it would appear that the great plateau-basalts of those regions, and of iceland and the faröe islands, were contemporaneous, and were possibly connected with an important crustal movement. it has long been suggested that at a very early geological period europe and north america may have been united. the great thickness attained by the palæozoic rocks in the eastern areas of the latter implies the existence of a wide land-surface from which ancient sediments were derived. that old land must have extended beyond the existing coast-line, but how far we cannot tell. similarly in north-west europe, during early palæozoic times, the land probably stretched further into the atlantic than at present. but whether, as some think, an actual land-connection subsisted between the two continents it is impossible to say. some such connection was formerly supposed necessary to account for life common to the palæozoic strata of both continents, and which, as they were probably denizens of comparatively shallow water, could only have crossed from one area to another along a shore-line. it is obvious, indeed, that if the oceanic troughs in those early days were of an abysmal character, a belt of shallow water would be required to explain the geographical distribution of cosmopolitan marine life-forms. but if it be true that subsidence of the crust has been going on through all geological time, and that the land-areas have nothwithstanding continued to extend over the continental plateau, then it follows that the oceanic trough must be deeper now than it was in palæozoic times. there are, moreover, certain geological facts which seem hardly explicable on the assumption that the seas of past ages attained abysmal depths over any extensive areas. the palæozoic strata which enter so largely into the framework of our lands have much the same appearance all the world over, and were accumulated for the most part in comparatively shallow water. a petrographical description of the palæozoic mechanical sediments of europe would serve almost equally well for those of america, of asia, or of australia. take in connection with this the fact that palæozoic faunas had a very much wider range than those of mesozoic and later ages, and were characterised above all by the presence of many cosmopolitan species, and we can hardly resist the conclusion that it was the comparative shallowness of the ancient seas that favoured that wide dispersal of species, and enabled currents to distribute sediments the same in kind over such vast regions. as the oceanic area deepened and contracted, and the land-surface increased, marine faunas were gradually restricted in their range, and the cosmopolitan marine forms diminished in numbers, while sediments, gathering in separate regions, became more and more differentiated. for these and other reasons which need not be entered upon here, i see no necessity for supposing that a palæozoic atlantis connected europe with north america. the broad ridge upon which the faröe islands and iceland are founded seems to pertain as truly to the oceanic depression as the long dolphin ridge of the south atlantic. the trend of the continental plateau in high latitudes is shown, as i think, by the general direction of the coast-lines of north-western europe and east greenland, the continental shelf being submerged in those regions for a few hundred fathoms only. how the icelandic ridge came into existence, and what its age may be, we can only conjecture. it may be a wrinkle as old as the oceanic trough which it traverses, or its origin may date back to a much more recent period. we may conceive it to be an area which has subsided more slowly than the floor of the ocean to the north and south; or, on the other hand, it may be a belt of positive elevation. perhaps the latter is the more probable supposition, for it seems very unlikely that crustal disturbances, resulting in axial and regional uplifts, should have been confined to the continental plateau only. be that as it may, there is little doubt that land-connection did obtain between greenland and europe in the cainozoic times along this icelandic ridge, for relics of the same tertiary flora are found in scotland, the faröe islands, iceland, and greenland. the deposits in which these plant-remains occur are associated with great sheets of volcanic rocks, which in the faröe islands and iceland reach a thickness of many thousand feet. of the same age are the massive basalts of jan mayen, spitzbergen, franz-joseph land, and greenland. these lavas seem seldom to have issued from isolated foci in the manner of modern eruptions, but rather to have welled up along the lines of rectilineal fissures. from the analogy of similar phenomena in other parts of the world it might be inferred that the volcanic action of these northern regions may have been connected with a movement of elevation, and that the icelandic ridge, if it did not come into existence during the tertiary period, was at all events greatly upheaved at that time. it would seem most likely, in short, that the volcanic action in question was connected mainly with crustal movements in the oceanic trough. similar phenomena, as is well known, are met with further south in the trough of the atlantic. thus the volcanic azores rise like iceland from the surface of a broad ridge which is separated from the continental plateau by wide and deep depressions. and so again, from the back of the great dolphin ridge, spring the volcanic islets of st. paul's, ascension, and tristan d'acunha. i have treated of the icelandic bank at some length for the purpose of showing that its volcanic phenomena do not really form an exception to the rule that such eruptions ceased after palæozoic or early mesozoic times to disturb the atlantic coast-lines of europe and north america. as the bank in question extends between greenland and the british islands, it was only natural that both those regions should be affected by its movements. but its history pertains essentially to that of the atlantic trough; and it seems to show us how transmeridional movements of the crust, accompanied by vast discharges of igneous rock, may come in time to form land-connections between what are now widely-separated areas. let us next turn our attention to the coast-lines of the gulf of mexico and the caribbean sea. these enclosed seas have frequently been compared to the mediterranean, and the resemblance is self-evident. indeed, it is so close that one may say the mexican-caribbean sea and the mediterranean are rather homologous than simply analogous. the latter, as we have seen, occupies a primitive depression, and formerly covered a much wider area. it extended at one time over much of southern europe and northern africa, and appears to have had full communication across asia minor with the indian ocean, and with the arctic ocean athwart the low-lying tracts of north-western asia. similarly, it would seem, the mexican-caribbean sea is the remaining portion of an ancient inland-sea which formerly stretched north through the heart of north america to the arctic ocean. like its european parallel, it has been diminished by sedimentation and crustal movements. it resembles the latter also in the greatness and irregularity of its depths, and in the evidence which its islands supply of volcanic action as well as of very considerable crustal movements within recent geological times. along the whole northern borders of the gulf of mexico the coast-lands, like those on the atlantic sea-board of the southern states, are composed of tertiary and recent accumulations, and the same is the case with yucatan; while similar young formations are met with on the borders of the caribbean sea and in the antilles. the bahamas and the windward islands mark out for us the margin of the continental plateau, which here falls away abruptly to profound depths. one feels assured that this portion of the plateau has been ridged up to its present level at no distant geological date. but notwithstanding all the evidence of recent extensive crustal movements in this region, it is obvious that the mexican-caribbean depression, however much it may have been subsequently modified, is of primitive origin.[dp] [dp] professor suess thinks it is probable that the caribbean sea and the mediterranean are portions of one and the same primitive depression which traversed the atlantic area in early cretaceous times. he further suggests that it may have been through the gradual widening of the central mediterranean that the atlantic in later times came into existence. before we leave the coast-lands of north america, i would again point out their leading geological features. in a word, then, they are composed for the most part of archæan and palæozoic rocks; no great linear or axial uplifts marked by much flexure of strata have taken place in those regions since palæozoic times; while igneous action virtually ceased about the close of the palæozoic or the commencement of the mesozoic period. it is not before we reach the shores of the southern states and the coast-lands of the mexican-caribbean sea that we encounter notable accumulations of mesozoic, tertiary, and younger age. these occur in approximately horizontal positions round the gulf of mexico; but in the sierra nevada of northern colombia and the cordilleras of venezuela the tertiary strata enter into the formation of true mountains of elevation. thus the mexican-caribbean depression, like that of the mediterranean, is characterised not only by its irregular depths and its volcanic phenomena, but by the propinquity of recent mountains of upheaval, which bear the same relation to the caribbean sea as the mountains of north africa do to the mediterranean. we may now compare the atlantic coasts of south america with those of africa. the former coincide in general direction with the edge of the continental plateau, to which they closely approach between cape st. roque and cape frio. in the north-east, between cape paria, opposite trinidad, and cape st. roque, the continental shelf attains a considerably greater breadth, while south of cape frio it gradually widens until, in the extreme south, it runs out towards the east in the form of a narrow ridge, upon the top of which rise the falkland islands and south georgia. excluding from consideration for the present all recent alluvial and tertiary deposits, we may say that the coast-lands from venezuela down to the south of brazil are composed principally of archæan rocks; the eastern borders of the continent further south being formed of quaternary and tertiary accumulations. so far as we know, igneous rocks are of rare occurrence on the atlantic sea-board. palæozoic strata approach the coast-lands at various points between the mouths of the amazons and la plata, and these, with the underlying and surrounding archæan rocks, are more or less folded and disturbed, while the younger strata of mesozoic and cainozoic age (occupying wide regions in the basin of the amazons, and here and there fringing the sea-coast) occur in approximately horizontal positions. it would appear, therefore, that no great axial uplifts have taken place in those regions since palæozoic times. the crustal movements of later ages were regional rather than axial; the younger rocks are not flexed and mashed together, and their elevation (negative or positive) does not seem to have been accompanied by conspicuous volcanic action. the varying width of the continental shelf is due to several causes. the orinoco, the amazons, and other rivers descending to the north-east coast, carry enormous quantities of sediment, much of which comes to rest on the submerged slopes of the continental plateau, so that the continental shelf tends to extend seawards. the same process takes place on the south-east coast, where the rio de la plata discharges its muddy waters. south of latitude 40° s., however, another cause has come into play. from the mouth of the rio negro to the terminal point of the continent the whole character of the coast betokens a geologically recent emergence, accompanied and followed by considerable marine erosion. so that in this region the continental shelf increases in width by the retreat of the coast-line, while in the north-east it gains by advancing seawards. it is to be noted, however, that even there, in places where the shores are formed of alluvia, the sea tends to encroach upon the land. the atlantic coast of africa resembles that of south america in certain respects, but it also offers some important contrasts. as the northern coasts of venezuela and colombia must be considered in relation rather to the caribbean depression than to the atlantic, so the african sea-board between cape spartel and cape nun pertains structurally to the mediterranean region. from the southern limits of morocco to cape colony the coastal heights are composed chiefly of archæan and palæozoic rocks, the low shore-lands showing here and there strata of mesozoic and tertiary age together with still more recent deposits. the existing coast-lines everywhere advance close to the edge of the continental plateau, so that the submarine shelf is relatively narrower than that of eastern south america. the african coast is still further distinguished from that of south america by the presence of several groups of volcanic islands--fernando po and others in the gulf of guinea, and cape verde and canary islands. the last-named group, however, notwithstanding its geographical position, is probably related rather to the mediterranean depression than to the atlantic trough. the geological structure of the african coast-lands shows that the earliest to come into existence were those that extend between cape nun and the cape of good hope. the coastal ranges of that section are much denuded, for they are of very great antiquity, having been ridged up in palæozoic times. the later uplifts (negative or positive) of the same region were not attended by tilting and folding of strata, for the mesozoic and tertiary deposits, like those of south america, lie in comparatively horizontal positions. between cape nun and cape spartel the rocks of the maritime tracts range in age from palæozoic to cainozoic, and have been traced across morocco into algeria and tunis. they all belong to the mediterranean region, and were deposited at a time when the southern shores of that inland sea extended from a point opposite the canary islands along what is now the southern margin of morocco, algeria, and tunis. towards the close of the tertiary period the final upheaval of the atlas took place, and the mediterranean, retreating northwards, became an almost land-locked sea. i need hardly stop to point out how the african coast-lines have been modified by marine erosion and the accumulation of sediment upon the continental shelf. the extreme regularity of the coasts is due partly to the fact that the land is nearly co-extensive with the continental plateau, but it also results in large measure from the extreme antiquity of the land itself. this has allowed of the cutting-back of headlands and the rilling up of bays and inlets, a process which has been going on between morocco and cape colony with probably little interruption for a very prolonged period of time. we may note also the effect of the heavy rains of the equatorial region in washing down detritus to the shores, and in this way protecting the land to some extent from the erosive action of the sea. what now, let us ask, are the outstanding features of the coast-lines of the atlantic ocean? we have seen that along the margins of each of the bordering continents the last series of great mountain-uplifts took place in palæozoic times. this is true alike for north and south america, for europe and africa. later movements which have added to the extent of land were not marked by the extreme folding of strata which attended the early upheavals. the mesozoic and cainozoic rocks, which now and again form the shore-lands, occur in more or less undisturbed condition. the only great linear uplifts or true mountains of elevation which have come into existence in western europe and northern africa since the palæozoic period trend approximately at right angles to the direction of the atlantic trough, and are obviously related to the primitive depression of the mediterranean. the pyrenees and the atlas, therefore, although their latest elevation took place in tertiary times, form no exceptions to the rule that the extreme flexing and folding of strata which is so conspicuous a feature in the geological structure of the atlantic sea-board dates back to the palæozoic era. and the same holds true of north and south america. there all the coastal ranges of highly flexed and folded strata are of palæozoic age. the cordilleras of venezuela are no doubt a tertiary uplift, but they are as obviously related to the caribbean depression as the atlas ranges are to that of the mediterranean. again, we note that volcanic activity along the borders of the atlantic was much less pronounced during the mesozoic period than it appears to have been in the earlier ages. indeed, if we except the great tertiary basalt-flows of the icelandic ridge and the arctic regions, we may say that volcanic action almost ceased after the palæozoic era to manifest itself upon the atlantic coast-lands of north america and europe. but while volcanic action has died out upon the atlantic margins of both continents, it has continued during a prolonged geological period within the area of the mediterranean depression. and in like manner the corresponding depression between north and south america has been the scene of volcanic disturbances from mesozoic down to recent times. along the african coasts the only displays of recent volcanic action that appertain to the continental margin are those of the gulf of guinea and the cape de verde islands. the canary islands and madeira may come under the same category, but, as we have seen, they appear to stand in relationship to the mediterranean depression and the tertiary uplift of north africa. of iceland and the azores i have already spoken, and of ascension and the other volcanic islets of the south atlantic it is needless to say that they are related to wrinkles in the trough of the ocean, and therefore have no immediate connection with the continental plateau. thus in the geographical development of the atlantic coast-lines we may note the following stages:--_first_, in palæozoic times the formation of great mountain-uplifts, frequently accompanied by volcanic action. _second_, a prolonged stage of comparative coastal tranquillity, during which the maritime ranges referred to were subject to such excessive erosion that they were planed down to low levels, and in certain areas even submerged. _third_, renewed elevation (negative or positive) whereby considerable portions of the much-denuded archæan and palæozoic rocks, now largely covered by younger deposits, were converted into high-lands. during this stage not much rock-folding took place, nor were any true mountains of elevation formed parallel to the atlantic margins. it was otherwise, however, in the mediterranean and caribbean depressions, where coastal movements resulted in the formation of enormous linear uplifts. moreover, volcanic action is now and has for a long time been more characteristic of these depressions than of the atlantic coast-lands. i must now ask you to take a comprehensive glance at the coast-lines of the pacific ocean. in some important respects these offer a striking contrast to those we have been considering. time will not allow me to enter into detailed description, and i must therefore confine attention to certain salient features. examining first the shores of the americas, we find that there are two well-marked regions of fiords and fringing islands--namely, the coasts of alaska and british columbia, and of south america from 40° s.l. to cape horn. although these regions may be now extending seawards in places, it is obvious that they have recently been subject to submergence. when the fiords of alaska and british columbia existed as land-valleys it is probable that a broad land-connection obtained between north america and asia. the whole pacific coast is margined by mountain-ranges, which in elevation and boldness far exceed those of the atlantic sea-board. the rocks entering into their formation range in age from archæan and palæozoic down to cainozoic, and they are almost everywhere highly disturbed and flexed. it is not necessary, even if it were possible, to consider the geological history of all those uplifted masses. it is enough for my purpose to note the fact that the coastal ranges of north america and the principal chain of the andes were all elevated in tertiary times. it may be remarked further that, from the mesozoic period down to the present, the pacific borders of america have been the scene of volcanic activity far in excess of what has been experienced on the atlantic sea-board. geographically the asiatic coasts of the pacific offer a strong contrast to those of the american borders. the latter, as we have seen, are for the most part not far removed from the edge of the continental plateau. the coasts of the mainland of asia, on the other hand, retire to a great distance, the true margin of the plateau being marked out by that great chain of islands which extends from kamchatka south to the philippines and new guinea. the seas lying between those islands and the mainland occupy depressions in the continental plateau. were that plateau to be lifted up for 6000 or 7000 feet the seas referred to would be enclosed by continuous land, and all the principal islands of the east indian archipelago--sumatra, java, celebes, and new guinea, would become united to themselves as well as to australia and new zealand. in short, it is the relatively depressed condition of the continental plateau along the western borders of the pacific basin that causes the asiatic coast-lines to differ so strikingly from those of america. from a geological point of view the differences are less striking than the resemblances. it is true that we have as yet a very imperfect knowledge of the geological structure of eastern asia, but we know enough to justify the conclusion that in its main features that region does not differ essentially from western north america. during mesozoic and cainozoic times the sea appears to have overflowed vast tracts of manchooria and china, and even to have penetrated into what is now the great desert of gobi. subsequent crustal movements revolutionised the geography of all those regions. great ranges of linear uplifts came into existence, and in these the younger formations, together with the foundations on which they rested, were squeezed into folds and ridged up against the nuclei of palæozoic and archæan rocks which had hitherto formed the only dry land. the latest of these grand upheavals are of tertiary age, and, like those of the pacific slope of america, they were accompanied by excessive volcanic action. the long chains of islands that flank the shores of asia we must look upon as a series of partially submerged or partially emerged mountain-ranges, analogous geographically to the coast-ranges of north and central america, and to the youngest cordilleras of south america. the presence of numerous active and recently extinct volcanoes, taken in connection with the occurrence of many great depressions which furrow the floor of the sea in the east indian archipelago, and the profound depths attained by the pacific trough along the borders of japan and the kurile and aleutian islands--all indicate conditions of very considerable instability of the lithosphere. we are not surprised, therefore, to meet with much apparently conflicting evidence of elevation and depression in the coast-lands of eastern asia, where in some places the sea would seem to be encroaching, while in other regions it is retreating. in all earthquake-ridden and volcanic areas such irregular coastal changes may be looked for. so extreme are the irregularities of the sea-floor in the area lying between australia, the solomon islands, the new hebrides, and new zealand, and so great are the depths attained by many of the depressions, that the margins of the continental plateau are harder to trace here than anywhere else in the world. the bottom of the oceanic trough throughout a large portion of the southern and western pacific is, in fact, traversed by many great mountain-ridges, the summits of which approach the surface again and again to form the numerous islets of polynesia. but notwithstanding the considerable depths that separate australia from new zealand there is geological evidence to show that a land-connection formerly linked both to asia. the continental plateau, therefore, must be held to include new caledonia and new zealand. hence the volcanic islets of the solomon and new hebrides groups are related to australia in the same way as the liu-kiu, japanese, and kurile islands are to asia. having rapidly sketched the more prominent features of the pacific coast-lines, we are in a position to realise the remarkable contrast they present to the coast-lines of the atlantic. the highly-folded strata of the atlantic sea-board are the relics of great mountains of upheaval, the origin of which cannot be assigned to a more recent date than palæozoic times. during subsequent crustal movements no mountains of corrugated strata were uplifted along the atlantic margins, the mesozoic and cainozoic strata of the coastal regions showing little or no disturbance. it is quite in keeping with all this that volcanic action appears to have been most strongly manifested in palæozoic times. so many long ages have passed since the upheaval of the archæan and palæozoic mountains of the atlantic sea-board that these heights have everywhere lost the character of true mountains of elevation. planed down to low levels, partially submerged and covered to some extent by newer formations, they have in many places been again converted into dry lands, forming plateaux--now sorely denuded and cut up into mountains and valleys of erosion. why the later movements along the borders of the atlantic basin should not have resulted in the wholesale plication of the younger sedimentary rocks is a question for geologists. it would seem as if the atlantic margins had reached a stage of comparative stability long before the grand tertiary uplifts of the pacific borders had taken place; for, as we have seen, the mesozoic and the cainozoic strata of the atlantic coast-lands show little or no trace of having been subjected to tangential thrusting and crushing. hence one cannot help suspecting that the retreat of the sea during mesozoic and cainozoic ages may have been due rather to subsidence of the oceanic trough and to sedimentation within the continental area than to positive elevation of the land. over the pacific trough, likewise, depression has probably been in progress more or less continuously since palæozoic times, and this movement alone must have tended to withdraw the sea from the surface of the continental plateau in asia and america. but by far the most important coastal changes in those regions have been brought about by the crumpling-up of the plateau, and the formation of gigantic mountains of upheaval along its margins. from remotest geological periods down almost to the present, the land-area has been increased from time to time by the doubling-up and consequent elevation of coastal accumulations, and by the eruption of vast masses of volcanic materials. it is this long-continued activity of the plutonic forces within the pacific area which has caused the coast-lands of that basin to contrast so strongly with those of the atlantic. the latter are incomparably older than the former--the heights of the atlantic borders being mountains of denudation of vast geological antiquity, while the coastal ranges of the pacific slope are creations but of yesterday as it were. it may well be that those cordilleras and mountain-chains reach a greater height than was ever attained by any palæozoic uplifts of the atlantic borders. but the marked disparity in elevation between the coast-lands of the pacific and the atlantic is due chiefly to a profound difference in age. had the pacific coast-lands existed for as long a period and suffered as much erosion as the ancient rocks of the atlantic sea-board, they would now have little elevation to boast of. the coast-lines of the indian ocean are not, upon the whole, far removed from the margin of the continental plateau. the elevation of east africa for 6000 feet would add only a narrow belt to the land. this would still leave madagascar an island, but there are geological reasons for concluding that this island was at a far distant period united to africa, and it must therefore be considered as forming a portion of the continental plateau. the great depths which now separate it from the mainland are probably due to local subsidence, connected with volcanic action in madagascar itself and in the comoro islands. the southern coasts of asia, like those of east africa, approach the edge of the continental plateau, so that an elevation of 6000 feet would make little addition to the land-area. with the same amount of upheaval, however, the malay peninsula, sumatra, java, and west australia would become united, but without extending much further seawards. land-connection, as we know, existed in mesozoic times between asia, australia, and new zealand, but the coast-lines of that distant period must have differed considerably from those that would appear were the regions in question to experience now a general elevation. the archæan and the palæozoic rocks of the malay peninsula and sumatra are flanked on the side of the indian ocean by great volcanic ridges, and by uplifts of tertiary strata, which continue along the line of the nicobar and the andaman islands into burma. thus the coast-lines of that section of the indian ocean exhibit a geographical development similar to that of the pacific sea-board. elsewhere, as in hindustan, arabia, and east africa, the coast-lines appear to have been determined chiefly by regional elevations of the land or subsidence of the oceanic trough in mesozoic and cainozoic times, accompanied by the out-welling of enormous floods of lava. seeing, then, that the pacific and the indian oceans are pre-eminently regions which, down to a recent date, have been subject to great crustal movements and to excessive volcanic action, we may infer that in the development of their coast-lines the sea played a very subordinate part. the shores, indeed, are largely protected from marine erosion by partially emerged volcanic ridges and by coral islands and reefs, and to a considerable extent also by the sediment which in tropical regions especially is swept down to the coast in great abundance by rains and rivers. moreover, as the geological structure of these regions assures us, the land would appear seldom to have remained sufficiently long at one level to permit of much destruction by waves and tidal currents. in fine, then, we arrive at the general conclusion that the coast-lines of the globe are of very unequal age. those of the atlantic were determined as far back as palæozoic times by great mountain-up lifts along the margin of the continental plateau. since the close of that period many crustal oscillations have taken place, but no grand mountain-ranges have again been ridged up on the atlantic sea-board. meanwhile the palæozoic mountain-chains, as we have seen, have suffered extensive denudation, have been planed down to sea-level, and even submerged. subsequently converted into land, wholly or partially as the case may have been, they now present the appearance of plains and plateaux of erosion, often deeply indented by the sea. no true mountains of elevation are met with anywhere in the coast-lands of the atlantic, while volcanic action has well-nigh ceased. in short, the atlantic margins have reached a stage of comparative stability. the trough itself, however, is traversed by at least two well-marked banks of upheaval--the great meridional dolphin ridge, and the approximately transmeridional faröe-icelandic belt--both of them bearing volcanic islands. but while all the coast-lands of the atlantic proper attained relative stability at an early period, those of the mediterranean and caribbean depressions have up to recent times been the scenes of great crustal disturbance. gigantic mountain-chains were uplifted along their margins at so late a period as the tertiary, and their shores still witness volcanic activity. it is upon the margins and within the trough of the pacific ocean, however, that subterranean action is now most remarkably developed. the coast-lines of that great basin are everywhere formed of grand uplifts and volcanic ranges, which, broadly speaking, are comparable in age to those of the mediterranean and caribbean depressions. along the north-eastern margin of the indian ocean the coast-lines resemble those of the pacific, being of like recent age, and similarly marked by the presence of numerous volcanoes. the northern and western shores, however (as in hindustan, arabia, and east africa), have been determined rather by regional elevation or by subsidence of the ocean-floor than by axial uplifts--the chief crustal disturbances dating back to an earlier period than those of the east indian archipelago. it is in keeping with this greater age of the western and northern coast-lands of the indian ocean that volcanic action is now less strongly manifested in their vicinity. i have spoken of the comparative stability of the earth's crust within the atlantic area as being evidenced by the greater age of its coastal ranges and the declining importance of its volcanic phenomena. this relative stability is further shown by the fact that the atlantic sea-board is not much disturbed by earthquakes. this, of course, is what might have been expected, for earthquakes are most characteristic of volcanic regions and of those areas in which mountain-uplifts of recent geological age occur. hence the coast-lands of the pacific and the east indies, the borders of the caribbean sea, the volcanic ridges of the atlantic basin, the lands of the mediterranean, the black sea, and the aralo-caspian depressions, the shores of the red sea, and vast tracts of southern asia, are the chief earthquake regions of the globe. it may be noted, further, that shocks are not only most frequent but most intense in the neighbourhood of the sea. they appear to originate sometimes in the volcanic ridges and coastal ranges, sometimes under the floor of the sea itself. now earthquakes, volcanoes, and uplifts are all expressions of the one great fundamental fact that the earth is a cooling and contracting body, and they indicate the lines of weakness along which the enormous pressures and strains induced by the subsidence of the crust upon its nucleus find relief. we cannot tell why the coast-lands of the atlantic should have attained at so early a period a stage of relative stability--why no axial uplifts should have been developed along their margins since palæozoic times. it may be that relief has been found in the wrinkling-up of the floor of the oceanic trough, and consequent formation of the dolphin ridge and other great submarine foldings of the crust; and it is possible that the growth of similar great ridges and wrinkles upon the bed of the pacific may in like manner relieve the coast-lands of that vast ocean, and prevent the formation of younger uplifts along their borders. i have already remarked that two kinds of elevatory movements of the crust are recognised by geologists--namely, axial and regional uplifts. some, however, are beginning to doubt, with professor suess, whether any vast regional uplifts are possible. yet the view that would attribute all such apparent elevations of the land to subsidence of the crust under the great oceanic troughs is not without its difficulties. former sea-margins of very recent geological age occur in all latitudes, and if we are to explain these by sub-oceanic depression, this will compel us to admit, as suess has remarked, a general lowering of the sea-level of upwards of 1000 feet. but it is difficult to believe that the sea-floor could have subsided to such an extent in recent times. suess thinks it is much more probable that the high-level beaches of tropical regions are not contemporaneous with those of higher latitudes, and that the phenomena are best explained by his hypothesis of a secular movement of the ocean--the water being, as he contends, alternately heaped up at the equator and the poles. the strand-lines in high latitudes, however, are certainly connected with glaciation in some way not yet understood; and if it cannot be confidently affirmed that they indicate regional movements of the land, the evidence, nevertheless, seems to point in that direction. in concluding this imperfect outline-sketch of a large subject, i ought perhaps to apologise for having trespassed so much upon the domains of geology. but in doing so i have only followed the example of geologists themselves, whose divagations in territories adjoining their own are naturally not infrequent. from much that i have said, it will be gathered that with regard to the causes of many coastal changes we are still groping in the dark. it seems not unlikely, however, that as light increases we may be compelled to modify the view that all oscillations of the sea-level are due to movements of the lithosphere alone. that is a very heretical suggestion; but that a great deal can be said for it any one will admit after a candid perusal of suess's monumental work, _das antlitz der erde_. [illustration: plate vi bathy-hypsometrical map of the world note _the map is coloured to show the surface relief of the globe without water in the ocean basins._ explanation of colouring _the colouring is graded from the darkest tint at the highest level to the lightest tint on the lowest._ the edinburgh geographical institute j. g. bartholomew f.r.g.s. ] edinburgh printed by st giles' printing company, 32 york place. the end. other works by professor james geikie. +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | =the great ice age.= (new edition in preparation.) | | medium 8vo. maps and illustrations. price, 24s. | | | | =prehistoric europe=: a geological sketch. | | demy 8vo. maps and illustrations. price, 25s. | | | | =outlines of geology=: for junior students and general readers. | | post 8vo. illustrations. price, 12s. | | | | =songs and lyrics, by heinrich heine and other | | german poets=; done into english verse. price, 4s. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ * * * * * transcriber's note hyphenation was not standardized. the section labeled "explanation of plate iii." (p. 325) in the original printed version appears to describe plate iv and changed accordingly. paragraphs split by illustrations were rejoined. some plates were moved to end of the chapter. the geological evidence of the antiquity of man by sir charles lyell, bt., f.r.s., etc. london: published by j.m. dent & sons ltd. and in new york by e.p. dutton & co. with introduction and notes by r.h. rastall, m.a., f.g.s. everyman i will go with thee & be thy guide in thy most need to go by thy side. everyman's library edited by ernest rhys. science. hoc solum scio quod nihil scio. introduction. the "antiquity of man" was published in 1863, and ran into a third edition in the course of that year. the cause of this is not far to seek. darwin's "origin of species" appeared in 1859, only four years earlier, and rapidly had its effect in drawing attention to the great problem of the origin of living beings. the theories of darwin and wallace brought to a head and presented in a concrete shape the somewhat vague speculations as to development and evolution which had long been floating in the minds of naturalists. in the actual working out of darwin's great theory it is impossible to overestimate the influence of lyell. this is made abundantly clear in darwin's letters, and it must never be forgotten that darwin himself was a geologist. his training in this science enabled him to grasp the import of the facts so ably marshalled by lyell in the "principles of geology," a work which, as professor judd has clearly shown,* contributed greatly to the advancement of evolutionary theory in general. (* judd "the coming of evolution" ("cambridge manuals of science and literature") cambridge 1910 chapters 6 and 7.) from a study of the evolution of plants and of the lower animals it was an easy and obvious transition to man, and this step was soon taken. since in his physical structure man shows so close a resemblance to the higher animals it was a natural conclusion that the laws governing the development of the one should apply also to the other, in spite of preconceived opinions derived from authority. unfortunately the times were then hardly ripe for a calm and logical treatment of this question: prejudice in many cases took the place of argument, and the result was too often an undignified squabble instead of a scientific discussion. however, the dogmatism was not by any means all on one side. the disciples as usual went farther than the master, and their teaching when pushed to extremities resulted in a peculiarly dreary kind of materialism, a mental attitude which still survives to a certain extent among scientific and pseudo-scientific men of the old school. in more recent times this dogmatic agnosticism of the middle victorian period has been gradually replaced by speculations of a more positive type, such as those of the mendelian school in biology and the doctrines of bergson on the philosophical side. with these later developments we are not here concerned. in dealing with the evolution and history of man as with that of any other animal, the first step is undoubtedly to collect the facts, and this is precisely what lyell set out to do in the "antiquity of man." the first nineteen chapters of the book are purely an empirical statement of the evidence then available as to the existence of man in pre-historic times: the rest of the book is devoted to a consideration of the connection between the facts previously stated and darwin's theory of the origin of species by variation and natural selection. the keynote of lyell's work, throughout his life, was observation. lyell was no cabinet geologist; he went to nature and studied phenomena at first hand. possessed of abundant leisure and ample means he travelled far and wide, patiently collecting material and building up the modern science of physical geology, whose foundations had been laid by hutton and playfair. from the facts thus collected he drew his inferences, and if later researches showed these inferences to be wrong, unlike some of his contemporaries, he never hesitated to say so. thus and thus only is true progress in science attained. lyell is universally recognised as the leader of the uniformitarian school of geologists, and it will be well to consider briefly what is implied in this term. the principles of uniformitarianism may be summed up thus: the present is the key to the past. that is to say, the processes which have gone on in the past were the same in general character as those now seen in operation, though probably differing in degree. this theory is in direct opposition to the ideas of the catastrophic school, which were dominant at the beginning of the nineteenth century. the catastrophists attributed all past changes to sudden and violent convulsions of nature, by which all living beings were destroyed, to be replaced by a fresh creation. at least such were the tenets of the extremists. in opposition to these views the school of hutton and lyell introduced the principle of continuity and development. there is no discrepancy between uniformitarianism and evolution. the idea of uniformitarianism does not imply that things have always been the same; only that they were similar, and between these two terms there is a wide distinction. evolution of any kind whatever naturally implies continuity, and this is the fundamental idea of lyellian geology. in spite, however, of this clear and definite conception of natural and organic evolution, in all those parts of his works dealing with earth-history, with the stratified rocks and with the organisms entombed in them, lyell adopted a plan which has now been universally abandoned. he began with the most recent formations and worked backwards from the known to the unknown. to modern readers this is perhaps the greatest drawback to his work, since it renders difficult the study of events in their actual sequence. however, it must be admitted that, taking into account the state of geological knowledge before his time, this course was almost inevitable. the succession of the later rocks was fairly well known, thanks to the labours of william smith and others, but in the lower part of the sequence of stratified rocks there were many gaps, and more important still, there was no definite base. although this want of a starting point has been largely supplied by the labours of sedgwick, murchison, de la beche, ramsay, and a host of followers, still considerable doubt prevails as to which constitutes the oldest truly stratified series, and the difficulty has only been partially circumvented by the adoption of an arbitrary base-line, from which the succession is worked out both upwards and downwards. so the problem is only removed a stage further back. in the study of human origins a similar difficulty is felt with special acuteness; the beginnings must of necessity be vague and uncertain, and the farther back we go the fainter will naturally be the traces of human handiwork and the more primitive and doubtful those traces when discovered. the reprinting of the "antiquity of man" is particularly appropriate at the present time, owing to the increased attention drawn to the subject by recent discoveries. ever since the publication of the "origin of species" and the discussions that resulted from that publication, the popular imagination has been much exercised by the possible existence of forms intermediate between the apes and man; the so-called "missing link." much has been written on this subject, some of it well-founded and some very much the reverse. the discovery of the neanderthal skull is fully described in this volume, and this skull is certainly of a low type, but it is more human than ape-like. the same remark applies still more strongly to the engis skull, the man of spy, the recently discovered sussex skull, and other well-known examples of early human remains. the pithecanthropus of java alone shows perhaps more affinity to the apes. the whole subject has been most ably discussed by professor sollas in his recent book entitled "ancient hunters." the study of palaeolithic flint implements has been raised to a fine art. both in england and france a regular succession of primitive types has been established and correlated with the gravel terraces of existing rivers, and even with the deposits of rivers no longer existing and with certain glacial deposits. but with all of these the actual bodily remains of man are comparatively scanty. from this it may be concluded that primitive methods of burial were such as to be unfavourable to the actual preservation of human remains. attempts have also been made to prove the existence of man in pre-glacial times, but hitherto none of these have met with general acceptance, since in no case is the evidence beyond doubt. one of the most important results of recent research in the subject has been the establishment of the existence of man in interglacial times. when lyell wrote, it was not fully recognised that the glaciation of europe was not one continuous process, but that it could be divided into several episodes, glaciations, or advances of the ice, separated by a warm interglacial period. the monumental researches of penck and bruckner in the alps have there established four glaciations with mild interglacial periods, but all of these cannot be clearly traced in britain. one very important point also is the recognition of the affinities of certain types of palaeolithic man to the eskimo, the australians, and the bushmen of south africa. however, it is impossible to give here a review of the whole subject. full details of recent researches will be found in the works mentioned in the notes at the end of the book. another point of great interest and importance, arising directly from the study of early man is the nature of the events constituting the glacial period in britain and elsewhere. this has been for many years a fertile subject of controversy, and is likely to continue such. lyell, in common with most of the geologists of his day, assumes that during the glacial period the british isles were submerged under the sea to a depth of many hundreds of feet, at any rate as regards the region north of a line drawn from london to bristol. later authors, however, explained the observed phenomena on the hypothesis of a vast ice-sheet of the greenland type, descending from the mountains of scotland and scandinavia, filling up the north sea and spreading over eastern england. this explanation is now accepted by the majority, but it must be recognised that it involves enormous mechanical difficulties. it is impossible to pursue the subject here; for a full discussion reference may be made to professor bonney's presidential address to the british association at sheffield in 1910. it will be seen, therefore, that the "antiquity of man" opens up a wide field of speculation into a variety of difficult and obscure though interesting subjects. in the light of modern research it would be an easy task to pile up a mountain of criticism on points of detail. but, though easy, it would be a thankless task. it is scarcely too much to say that the dominant impression of most readers after perusing this book will be one of astonishment and admiration at the insight and breadth of view displayed by the author. when it was written the subject was a particularly thorny one to handle, and it undoubtedly required much courage to tackle the origin and development of the human race from a purely critical and scientific standpoint. it must be admitted on all hands that the result was eminently successful, taking into account the paucity of the available material, and the "antiquity of man" must ever remain one of the classics of prehistoric archaeology. this edition of the "antiquity of man" has been undertaken in order to place before the public in an easily accessible form one of the best known works of the great geologist sir charles lyell; the book had an immense influence in its own day, and it still remains one of the best general accounts of an increasingly important branch of knowledge. in order to avoid a multiplicity of notes and thus to save space, the nomenclature has been to a certain extent modernised: a new general table of strata has been inserted in the first chapter, in place of the one originally there printed, which was cumbrous and included many minor subdivisions of unnecessary minuteness. the notes have been kept as short as possible, and they frequently contain little more than references to recent literature elucidating the points under discussion in the text. r.h. rastall. 1914. bibliography. the passage of the beresina (in verse), 1815. principles of geology, being an attempt to explain the former changes of the earth's surface, by reference to causes now in operation, 1830-33 (third edition, 1834; fourth, 1835; fifth, 1837; sixth, 1840; seventh, 1847; ninth, entirely revised edition, 1853; tenth, entirely revised edition, 1867, 1868; eleventh, entirely revised edition, 1872; twelfth, edited by l. lyell, 1875). elements of geology, 1838 (second edition, 1841). a manual of elementary geology (third and entirely revised edition of the former work, 1851; fourth and entirely revised edition, 1852; fifth, enlarged edition, 1855; supplement to the fifth edition, 1857; second edition of the supplement, revised, 1857). elements of geology, sixth edition, greatly enlarged, 1865. travels in north america, with geological observations on the united states, canada, and nova scotia, 1845. a second visit to the united states of north america, 1849. the students' elements of geology, 1871 (second edition, revised and corrected, 1874; third, revised, with a table of british fossils [by r. etheridge], 1878; fourth, revised by p.m. duncan, with a table of british fossils [by r. etheridge], 1884). the geological evidences of the antiquity of man, with remarks on theories of the origin of species by variation, 1863; (second edition, revised, 1863; third edition, revised, 1863; fourth edition, revised, 1873). there has also been published the student's lyell: a manual of elementary geology, edited by j.w. judd, 1896 (second edition revised and enlarged, 1911). lectures, addresses, and articles: on a recent formation of freshwater limestone in forfarshire ("transactions of the geological society" 2nd series, volume 2, 1826, part 1). on a dike of serpentine in the county of forfar ("edinburgh journal of science" 1825). english scientific societies ("quarterly review" volume 34; three papers with sir roderick and mrs. murchison; "edinburgh philosophical journal," 1829; abstract in "proceedings of the geological society" 1; "annales des sciences naturelles" 1829; abstract in "proceedings of the geological society" 1). address delivered at the geological society of london, 1836. lectures on geology--eight lectures on geology, delivered at the broadway tabernacle, new york ("new york tribune" 1842). a paper on madeira ("quarterly journal of the geological society" 10, 1853). on the structure of lavas which have consolidated on steep slopes ("philosophical transactions" 1858). address (to the british association) 1864. translations: antiquity of man, translated into french by m. chaper, 1864; and into german by l. buchner, 1874. elements of geology (sixth edition), translated into french by m. j. gineston, 1867. report, extracted from the "aberdeen free press" and translated into french, of sir c. lyell's address before the british association, 1859, under the title of antiquities antediluviennes: l'homme fossile. life: life, letters and journals of sir charles lyell, edited by his sister-in-law, mrs. lyell, 1881. see also: life and letters of charles darwin, 1887. life and letters of sedgwick, by clark and hughes, 1890. list of contents. chap. 1. introductory. preliminary remarks on the subjects treated of in this work. definition of the terms recent and pleistocene. tabular view of the entire series of fossiliferous strata. chap. 2. recent period--danish peat and shell mounds- swiss lake-dwellings. works of art in danish peat-mosses. remains of three periods of vegetation in the peat. ages of stone, bronze, and iron. shell-mounds or ancient refuse-heaps of the danish islands. change in geographical distribution of marine mollusca since their origin. embedded remains of mammalia of recent species. human skulls of the same period. swiss lake-dwellings built on piles. stone and bronze implements found in them. fossil cereals and other plants. remains of mammalia, wild and domesticated. no extinct species. chronological computations of the date of the bronze and stone periods in switzerland. lake-dwellings, or artificial islands called "crannoges," in ireland. chap. 3. fossil human remains and works of art of the recent period--continued. delta and alluvial plain of the nile. burnt bricks in egypt before the roman era. borings in 1851-54. ancient mounds of the valley of the ohio. their antiquity. sepulchral mound at santos in brazil. delta of the mississippi. ancient human remains in coral reefs of florida. changes in physical geography in the human period. buried canoes in marine strata near glasgow. upheaval since the roman occupation of the shores of the firth of forth. fossil whales near stirling. upraised marine strata of sweden on shores of the baltic and the ocean. attempts to compute their age. chap. 4. pleistocene period--bones of man and extinct mammalia in belgian caverns. earliest discoveries in caves of languedoc of human remains with bones of extinct mammalia. researches in 1833 of dr. schmerling in the liege caverns. scattered portions of human skeletons associated with bones of elephant and rhinoceros. distribution and probable mode of introduction of the bones. implements of flint and bone. schmerling's conclusions as to the antiquity of man ignored. present state of the belgian caves. human bones recently found in cave of engihoul. engulfed rivers. stalagmitic crust. antiquity of the human remains in belgium how proved. chap. 5. pleistocene period--fossil human skulls of the neanderthal and engis caves. human skeleton found in cave near dusseldorf. its geological position and probable age. its abnormal and ape-like characters. fossil human skull of the engis cave near liege. professor huxley's description of these skulls. comparison of each, with extreme varieties of the native australian race. range of capacity in the human and simian brains. skull from borreby in denmark. conclusions of professor huxley. bearing of the peculiar characters of the neanderthal skull on the hypothesis of transmutation. chap. 6. pleistocene alluvium and cave deposits with flint implements. general position of drift with extinct mammalia in valleys. discoveries of m. boucher de perthes at abbeville. flint implements found also at st. acheul, near amiens. curiosity awakened by the systematic exploration of the brixham cave. flint knives in same, with bones of extinct mammalia. superposition of deposits in the cave. visits of english and french geologists to abbeville and amiens. chap. 7. peat and pleistocene alluvium of the valley of the somme. geological structure of the valley of the somme and of the surrounding country. position of alluvium of different ages. peat near abbeville. its animal and vegetable contents. works of art in peat. probable antiquity of the peat, and changes of level since its growth began. flint implements of antique type in older alluvium. their various forms and great numbers. chap. 8. pleistocene alluvium with flint implements of the valley of the somme--concluded. fluvio-marine strata, with flint implements, near abbeville. marine shells in same. cyrena fluminalis. mammalia. entire skeleton of rhinoceros. flint implements, why found low down in fluviatile deposits. rivers shifting their channels. relative ages of higher and lower-level gravels. section of alluvium of st. acheul. two species of elephant and hippopotamus coexisting with man in france. volume of drift, proving antiquity of flint implements. absence of human bones in tool-bearing alluvium, how explained. value of certain kinds of negative evidence tested thereby. human bones not found in drained lake of haarlem. chap. 9. works of art in pleistocene alluvium of france and england. flint implements in ancient alluvium of the basin of the seine. bones of man and of extinct mammalia in the cave of arcy. extinct mammalia in the valley of the oise. flint implement in gravel of same valley. works of art in pleistocene drift in valley of the thames. musk ox. meeting of northern and southern fauna. migrations of quadrupeds. mammals of mongolia. chronological relation of the older alluvium of the thames to the glacial drift. flint implements of pleistocene period in surrey, middlesex, kent, bedfordshire, and suffolk. chap. 10. cavern deposits, and places of sepulture of the pleistocene period. flint implements in cave containing hyaena and other extinct mammalia in somersetshire. caves of the gower peninsula in south wales. rhinoceros hemitoechus. ossiferous caves near palermo. sicily once part of africa. rise of bed of the mediterranean to the height of three hundred feet in the human period in sardinia. burial-place of pleistocene date of aurignac in the south of france. rhinoceros tichorhinus eaten by man. m. lartet on extinct mammalia and works of art found in the aurignac cave. relative antiquity of the same considered. chap. 11. age of human fossils of le puy in central france and of natchez on the mississippi discussed. question as to the authenticity of the fossil man of denise, near le puy-en-velay, considered. antiquity of the human race implied by that fossil. successive periods of volcanic action in central france. with what changes in the mammalian fauna they correspond. the elephas meridionalis anterior in time to the implement-bearing gravel of st. acheul. authenticity of the human fossil of natchez on the mississippi discussed. the natchez deposit, containing bones of mastodon and megalonyx, probably not older than the flint implements of st. acheul. chap. 12. antiquity of man relatively to the glacial period and to the existing fauna and flora. chronological relation of the glacial period, and the earliest known signs of man's appearance in europe. series of tertiary deposits in norfolk and suffolk immediately antecedent to the glacial period. gradual refrigeration of climate proved by the marine shells of successive groups. marine newer pliocene shells of northern character near woodbridge. section of the norfolk cliffs. norwich crag. forest bed and fluvio-marine strata. fossil plants and mammalia of the same. overlying boulder clay and contorted drift. newer freshwater formation of mundesley compared to that of hoxne. great oscillations of level implied by the series of strata in the norfolk cliffs. earliest known date of man long subsequent to the existing fauna and flora. chap. 13. chronological relations of the glacial period and the earliest signs of man's appearance in europe. chronological relations of the close of the glacial period and the earliest geological signs of the appearance of man. effects of glaciers and icebergs in polishing and scoring rocks. scandinavia once encrusted with ice like greenland. outward movement of continental ice in greenland. mild climate of greenland in the miocene period. erratics of recent period in sweden. glacial state of sweden in the pleistocene period. scotland formerly encrusted with ice. its subsequent submergence and re-elevation. latest changes produced by glaciers in scotland. remains of the mammoth and reindeer in scotch boulder clay. parallel roads of glen roy formed in glacier lakes. comparatively modern date of these shelves. chap. 14. chronological relations of the glacial period and the earliest signs of man's appearance in europe--continued. signs of extinct glaciers in wales. great submergence of wales during the glacial period proved by marine shells. still greater depression inferred from stratified drift. scarcity of organic remains in glacial formations. signs of extinct glaciers in england. ice action in ireland. maps illustrating successive revolutions in physical geography during the pleistocene period. southernmost extent of erratics in england. successive periods of junction and separation of england, ireland, and the continent. time required for these changes. probable causes of the upheaval and subsidence of the earth's crust. antiquity of man considered in relation to the age of the existing fauna and flora. chap. 15. extinct glaciers of the alps and their chronological relation to the human period. extinct glaciers of switzerland. alpine erratic blocks on the jura. not transported by floating ice. extinct glaciers of the italian side of the alps. theory of the origin of lake-basins by the erosive action of glaciers considered. successive phases in the development of glacial action in the alps. probable relation of these to the earliest known date of man. correspondence of the same with successive changes in the glacial condition of the scandinavian and british mountains. cold period in sicily and syria. chap. 16. human remains in the loess, and their probable age. nature, origin, and age of the loess of the rhine and danube. impalpable mud produced by the grinding action of glaciers. dispersion of this mud at the period of the retreat of the great alpine glaciers. continuity of the loess from switzerland to the low countries. characteristic organic remains not lacustrine. alpine gravel in the valley of the rhine covered by loess. geographical distribution of the loess and its height above the sea. fossil mammalia. loess of the danube. oscillations in the level of the alps and lower country required to explain the formation and denudation of the loess. more rapid movement of the inland country. the same depression and upheaval might account for the advance and retreat of the alpine glaciers. himalayan mud of the plains of the ganges compared to european loess. human remains in loess near maestricht, and their probable antiquity. chap. 17. post-glacial dislocations and foldings of cretaceous and drift strata in the island of moen, in denmark. geological structure of the island of moen. great disturbances of the chalk posterior in date to the glacial drift, with recent shells. m. puggaard's sections of the cliffs of moen. flexures and faults common to the chalk and glacial drift. different direction of the lines of successive movement, fracture, and flexure. undisturbed condition of the rocks in the adjoining danish islands. unequal movements of upheaval in finmark. earthquake of new zealand in 1855. predominance in all ages of uniform continental movements over those by which the rocks are locally convulsed. chap. 18. the glacial period in north america. post-glacial strata containing remains of mastodon giganteus in north america. scarcity of marine shells in glacial drift of canada and the united states. greater southern extension of ice-action in north america than in europe. trains of erratic blocks of vast size in berkshire, massachusetts. description of their linear arrangement and points of departure. their transportation referred to floating and coast ice. general remarks on the causes of former changes of climate at successive geological epochs. supposed effects of the diversion of the gulf stream in a northerly instead of north-easterly direction. development of extreme cold on the opposite sides of the atlantic in the glacial period not strictly simultaneous. effect of marine currents on climate. pleistocene submergence of the sahara. chap. 19. recapitulation of geological proofs of man's antiquity. recapitulation of results arrived at in the earlier chapters. ages of stone and bronze. danish peat and kitchen-middens. swiss lake-dwellings. local changes in vegetation and in the wild and domesticated animals and in physical geography coeval with the age of bronze and the later stone period. estimates of the positive date of some deposits of the later stone period. ancient division of the age of stone of st. acheul and aurignac. migrations of man in that period from the continent to england in post-glacial times. slow rate of progress in barbarous ages. doctrine of the superior intelligence and endowments of the original stock of mankind considered. opinions of the greeks and romans, and their coincidence with those of the modern progressionist. chap. 20. theories of progression and transmutation. antiquity and persistence in character of the existing races of mankind. theory of their unity of origin considered. bearing of the diversity of races on the doctrine of transmutation. difficulty of defining the terms "species" and "race." lamarck's introduction of the element of time into the definition of a species. his theory of variation and progression. objections to his theory, how far answered. arguments of modern writers in favour of progression in the animal and vegetable world. the old landmarks supposed to indicate the first appearance of man, and of different classes of animals, found to be erroneous. yet the theory of an advancing series of organic beings not inconsistent with facts. earliest known fossil mammalia of low grade. no vertebrata as yet discovered in the oldest fossiliferous rocks. objections to the theory of progression considered. causes of the popularity of the doctrine of progression as compared to that of transmutation. chap. 21. on the origin of species by variation and natural selection. mr. darwin's theory of the origin of species by natural selection. memoir by mr. wallace. manner in which favoured races prevail in the struggle for existence. formation of new races by breeding. hypotheses of definite and indefinite modifiability equally arbitrary. competition and extinction of races. progression not a necessary accompaniment of variation. distinct classes of phenomena which natural selection explains. unity of type, rudimentary organs, geographical distribution, relation of the extinct to the living fauna and flora, and mutual relations of successive groups of fossil forms. light thrown on embryological development by natural selection. why large genera have more variable species than small ones. dr. hooker on the evidence afforded by the vegetable kingdom in favour of creation by variation. steenstrup on alternation of generations. how far the doctrine of independent creation is opposed to the laws now governing the migration of species. chap. 22. objections to the hypothesis of transmutation considered. statement of objections to the hypothesis of transmutation founded on the absence of intermediate forms. genera of which the species are closely allied. occasional discovery of the missing links in a fossil state. davidson's monograph on the brachiopoda. why the gradational forms, when found, are not accepted as evidence of transmutation. gaps caused by extinction of races and species. vast tertiary periods during which this extinction has been going on in the fauna and flora now existing. genealogical bond between miocene and recent plants and insects. fossils of oeningen. species of insects in britain and north america represented by distinct varieties. falconer's monograph on living and fossil elephants. fossil species and genera of the horse tribe in north and south america. relation of the pliocene mammalia of north america, asia, and europe. species of mammalia, though less persistent than the mollusca, change slowly. arguments for and against transmutation derived from the absence of mammalia in islands. imperfection of the geological record. intercalation of newly discovered formation of intermediate age in the chronological series. reference of the st. cassian beds to the triassic periods. discovery of new organic types. feathered archaeopteryx of the oolite. chap. 23. origin and development of languages and species compared. aryan hypothesis and controversy. the races of mankind change more slowly than their languages. theory of the gradual origin of languages. difficulty of defining what is meant by a language as distinct from a dialect. great number of extinct and living tongues. no european language a thousand years old. gaps between languages, how caused. imperfection of the record. changes always in progress. struggle for existence between rival terms and dialects. causes of selection. each language formed slowly in a single geographical area. may die out gradually or suddenly. once lost can never be revived. mode of origin of languages and species a mystery. speculations as to the number of original languages or species unprofitable. chap. 24. bearing of the doctrine of transmutation on the origin of man, and his place in the creation. whether man can be regarded as an exception to the rule if the doctrine of transmutation be embraced for the rest of the animal kingdom. zoological relations of man to other mammalia. systems of classification. term quadrumanous, why deceptive. whether the structure of the human brain entitles man to form a distinct sub-class of the mammalia. intelligence of the lower animals compared to the intellect and reason of man. grounds on which man has been referred to a distinct kingdom of nature. immaterial principle common to man and animals. non-discovery of intermediate links among fossil anthropomorphous species. hallam on the compound nature of man, and his place in the creation. great inequality of mental endowment in different human races and individuals developed by variation and ordinary generation. how far a corresponding divergence in physical structure may result from the working of the same causes. concluding remarks. notes. plates and figures. plate 1. a village built on piles in a swiss lake. figure 1. section of the neanderthal cave. figure 2. side view of the cast of part of a human skull found by dr. schmerling embedded amongst the remains of extinct mammalia in the cave of engis. figure 3. side view of the cast of a part of a human skull from a cave in the neanderthal. figure 4. outline of the skull of an adult chimpanzee, of that from the neanderthal, and of that of a european. figure 5. skull associated with ground flint implements. figure 6. outlines of the skull from the neanderthal, of an australian skull from port adelaide, and of the skull from the cave of engis. figure 7. section across the valley of the somme in picardy. figure 8. flint implement from st. acheul, near amiens, of the spear-head shape. figure 9. oval-shaped flint hatchet from mautort. figure 10. flint tool from st. acheul. figures 11, 12 and 13. dendrites on surfaces of flint hatchets in the drift of st. acheul. figure 14. flint knife or flake from below the sand containing cyrena fluminalis. figure 15. fossils of the white chalk. figure 16. section of fluvio-marine strata, containing flint implements and bones of extinct mammalia. figure 17. cyrena fluminalis, o.f. muller, sp. figure 18. elephas primigenius. figure 19. elephas antiquus, falconer. figure 20. elephas meridionalis, nesti. figure 21. section of gravel pit containing flint implements at st. acheul. figure 22. contorted fluviatile strata at st. acheul. figure 23. section across the valley of the ouse. figure 24. section showing the position of the flint weapons at hoxne. figure 25. section of part of the hill of fajoles. figure 26. section through the alluvial plain of the mississippi. figure 27. diagram to illustrate the general succession of the strata in the norfolk cliffs. figure 28. cyclas (pisidium) amnica var.(?) figure 29. cliff 50 feet high between bacton gap and mundesley. figure 30. folding of the strata between east and west runton. figure 31. section of concentric beds west of cromer. figure 32. included pinnacle of chalk at old hythe point. figure 33. section of the newer fresh-water formation in the cliffs at mundesley. figure 34. paludina marginata, michaud (p. minuta, strickland). hydrobia marginata. figure 35. oval and flattish pebbles. plate 2. view of the mouths of glen roy and glen spean. figure 36. map of the parallel roads of glen roy. figure 37. section through side of loch. figure 38. dome-shaped rocks, or "roches moutonees." figure 39. map of the british isles and part of the north-west of europe, showing the great amount of supposed submergence of land beneath the sea during part of the glacial period. figure 40. map showing what parts of the british islands would remain above water after a subsidence of the area to the extent of 600 feet. figure 41. map of part of the north-west of europe, including the british isles, showing the extent of sea which would become land if there were a general rise of the area to the extent of 600 feet. figure 42. map showing the supposed course of the ancient and now extinct glacier of the rhone. figure 43. map of the moraines of extinct glaciers extending from the alps into the plains of the po near turin. figure 44. succinea oblonga. figure 45. pupa muscorum. figure 46. helix hispida, lin.; h. plebeia, drap. figure 47. southern extremity of moens klint. figure 48. section of moens klint. figure 49. post-glacial disturbances of vertical, folded, and shifted strata of chalk and drift, in the dronningestol. figure 50. map showing the relative position and direction of seven trains of erratic blocks in berkshire, massachusetts, and in part of the state of new york. figure 51. erratic dome-shaped block of compact chloritic rock. figure 52. section showing the position of the block in figure 51. figure 53. section through canaan and richmond valleys at a time when they were marine channels. figure 54. upper surface of brain of chimpanzee, distorted. figure 55. side view of brain of chimpanzee, distorted. figure 56. correct side view of chimpanzee's brain. figure 57. correct view of upper surface of chimpanzee's brain. figure 58. side view of human brain.) geological evidence of the antiquity of man. chapter 1. -introductory. preliminary remarks on the subjects treated of in this work. definition of the terms recent and pleistocene. tabular view of the entire series of fossiliferous strata. no subject has lately excited more curiosity and general interest among geologists and the public than the question of the antiquity of the human race--whether or no we have sufficient evidence in caves, or in the superficial deposits commonly called drift or "diluvium," to prove the former co-existence of man with certain extinct mammalia. for the last half-century the occasional occurrence in various parts of europe of the bones of man or the works of his hands in cave-breccias and stalagmites, associated with the remains of the extinct hyaena, bear, elephant, or rhinoceros, has given rise to a suspicion that the date of man must be carried farther back than we had heretofore imagined. on the other hand extreme reluctance was naturally felt on the part of scientific reasoners to admit the validity of such evidence, seeing that so many caves have been inhabited by a succession of tenants and have been selected by man as a place not only of domicile, but of sepulture, while some caves have also served as the channels through which the waters of occasional land-floods or engulfed rivers have flowed, so that the remains of living beings which have peopled the district at more than one era may have subsequently been mingled in such caverns and confounded together in one and the same deposit. but the facts brought to light in 1858, during the systematic investigation of the brixham cave, near torquay in devonshire, which will be described in the sequel, excited anew the curiosity of the british public and prepared the way for a general admission that scepticism in regard to the bearing of cave evidence in favour of the antiquity of man had previously been pushed to an extreme. since that period many of the facts formerly adduced in favour of the co-existence in ancient times of man with certain species of mammalia long since extinct have been re-examined in england and on the continent, and new cases bearing on the same question, whether relating to caves or to alluvial strata in valleys, have been brought to light. to qualify myself for the appreciation and discussion of these cases, i have visited in the course of the last three years many parts of england, france, and belgium, and have communicated personally or by letter with not a few of the geologists, english and foreign, who have taken part in these researches. besides explaining in the present volume the results of this inquiry, i shall give a description of the glacial formations of europe and north america, that i may allude to the theories entertained respecting their origin, and consider their probable relations in a chronological point of view to the human epoch, and why throughout a great part of the northern hemisphere they so often interpose an abrupt barrier to all attempts to trace farther back into the past the signs of the existence of man upon the earth. in the concluding chapters i shall offer a few remarks on the recent modifications of the lamarckian theory of progressive development and transmutation, which are suggested by mr. darwin's work on the "origin of species by variation and natural selection," and the bearing of this hypothesis on the different races of mankind and their connection with other parts of the animal kingdom. nomenclature. some preliminary explanation of the nomenclature adopted in the following pages will be indispensable, that the meaning attached to the terms recent, pleistocene, and post-tertiary may be correctly understood. [1] previously to the year 1833, when i published the third volume of the "principles of geology," the strata called tertiary had been divided by geologists into lower, middle, and upper; the lower comprising the oldest formations of the environs of paris and london, with others of like age; the middle, those of bordeaux and touraine; and the upper, all that lay above or were newer than the last-mentioned group. when engaged in 1828 in preparing for the press the treatise on geology above alluded to, i conceived the idea of classing the whole of this series of strata according to the different degrees of affinity which their fossil testacea bore to the living fauna. having obtained information on this subject during my travels on the continent, i learnt that m. deshayes of paris, already celebrated as a conchologist, had been led independently by the study of a large collection of recent and fossil shells to very similar views respecting the possibility of arranging the tertiary formations in chronological order, according to the proportional number of species of shells identical with living ones, which characterised each of the successive groups above mentioned. after comparing 3000 fossil species with 5000 living ones, the result arrived at was, that in the lower tertiary strata there were about 3 1/2 per cent identical with recent; in the middle tertiary (the faluns of the loire and gironde), about 17 per cent; and in the upper tertiary, from 35 to 50, and sometimes in the most modern beds as much as 90 to 95 per cent. for the sake of clearness and brevity, i proposed to give short technical names to these sets of strata, or the periods to which they respectively belonged. i called the first or oldest of them eocene, the second miocene, and the third pliocene. the first of the above terms, eocene, is derived from greek eos, dawn, and greek kainos, recent; because an extremely small proportion of the fossil shells of this period could be referred to living species, so that this era seemed to indicate the dawn of the present testaceous fauna, no living species of shells having been detected in the antecedent or secondary rocks. some conchologists are now unwilling to allow that any eocene species of shell has really survived to our times so unaltered as to allow of its specific identification with a living species. i cannot enter in this place into this wide controversy. it is enough at present to remark that the character of the eocene fauna, as contrasted with that of the antecedent secondary formations, wears a very modern aspect, and that some able living conchologists still maintain that there are eocene shells not specifically distinguishable from those now extant; though they may be fewer in number than was supposed in 1833. the term miocene (from greek meion, less; and greek kainos, recent) is intended to express a minor proportion of recent species (of testacea); the term pliocene (from greek pleion, more; and greek kainos, recent), a comparative plurality of the same. it has sometimes been objected to this nomenclature that certain species of infusoria found in the chalk are still existing, and, on the other hand, the miocene and older pliocene deposits often contain the remains of mammalia, reptiles, and fish, exclusively of extinct species. but the reader must bear in mind that the terms eocene, miocene, and pliocene were originally invented with reference purely to conchological data, and in that sense have always been and are still used by me. since the first introduction of the terms above defined, the number of new living species of shells obtained from different parts of the globe has been exceedingly great, supplying fresh data for comparison, and enabling the palaeontologist to correct many erroneous identifications of fossil and recent forms. new species also have been collected in abundance from tertiary formations of every age, while newly discovered groups of strata have filled up gaps in the previously known series. hence modifications and reforms have been called for in the classifications first proposed. the eocene, miocene, and pliocene periods have been made to comprehend certain sets of strata of which the fossils do not always conform strictly in the proportion of recent to extinct species with the definitions first given by me, or which are implied in the etymology of those terms. these innovations have been treated of in my "elements or manual of elementary geology," and in the supplement to the fifth edition of the same, published in 1859, where some modifications of my classification, as first proposed, are introduced; but i need not dwell on these on the present occasion, as the only formations with which we shall be concerned in the present volume are those of the most modern date, or the post-tertiary. it will be convenient to divide these into two groups, the recent and the pleistocene. in the recent we may comprehend those deposits in which not only all the shells but all the fossil mammalia are of living species; in the pleistocene those strata in which, the shells being recent, a portion, and often a considerable one, of the accompanying fossil quadrupeds belongs to extinct species. cases will occur where it may be scarcely possible to draw the line of demarcation between the newer pliocene and pleistocene, or between the latter and the recent deposits; and we must expect these difficulties to increase rather than diminish with every advance in our knowledge, and in proportion as gaps are filled up in the series of geological records. the annexed tabular view (table 1/1) of the whole series of fossiliferous strata will enable the reader to see at a glance the chronological relation of the recent and pleistocene to the antecedent periods. [2] table 1/1. stratified rocks. kainozoic or tertiary: pleistocene and recent. pliocene. miocene. oligocene. eocene. mesozoic or secondary: cretaceous. jurassic. triassic. palaeozoic or primary: permian. carboniferous. devonian or old red sandstone. silurian. ordovician. cambrian. precambrian or archaean. chapter 2. -recent period--danish peat and shell mounds--swiss lake-dwellings. [illustration: plate 1. a village built on piles in a swiss lake] (restored by dr. f. keller, partly from dumont d'urville's sketch of similar habitations in new guinea.) works of art in danish peat-mosses. remains of three periods of vegetation in the peat. ages of stone, bronze, and iron. shell-mounds or ancient refuse-heaps of the danish islands. change in geographical distribution of marine mollusca since their origin. embedded remains of mammalia of recent species. human skulls of the same period. swiss lake-dwellings built on piles. stone and bronze implements found in them. fossil cereals and other plants. remains of mammalia, wild and domesticated. no extinct species. chronological computations of the date of the bronze and stone periods in switzerland. lake-dwellings, or artificial islands called "crannoges," in ireland. works of art in danish peat. when treating in the "principles of geology" of the changes of the earth which have taken place in comparatively modern times, i have spoken of the embedding of organic bodies and human remains in peat, and explained under what conditions the growth of that vegetable substance is going on in northern and humid climates. of late years, since i first alluded to the subject, more extensive investigations have been made into the history of the danish peat-mosses. of the results of these inquiries i shall give a brief abstract in the present chapter, that we may afterwards compare them with deposits of older date, which throw light on the antiquity of the human race. the deposits of peat in denmark,* varying in depth from 10 to 30 feet, have been formed in hollows or depressions in the northern drift or boulder formation hereafter to be described. (* an excellent account of these researches of danish naturalists and antiquaries has been drawn up by an able swiss geologist, m.a. morlot, and will be found in the "bulletin de la societe vaudoise des sci. nat." tome 6 lausanne 1860.) the lowest stratum, 2 to 3 feet thick, consists of swamp-peat composed chiefly of moss or sphagnum, above which lies another growth of peat, not made up exclusively of aquatic or swamp plants. around the borders of the bogs, and at various depths in them, lie trunks of trees, especially of the scotch fir (pinus sylvestris), often 3 feet in diameter, which must have grown on the margin of the peat-mosses, and have frequently fallen into them. this tree is not now, nor has ever been in historical times, a native of the danish islands, and when introduced there has not thriven; yet it was evidently indigenous in the human period, for steenstrup has taken out with his own hands a flint instrument from below a buried trunk of one of these pines. it appears clear that the same scotch fir was afterwards supplanted by the sessile variety of the common oak, of which many prostrate trunks occur in the peat at higher levels than the pines; and still higher the pedunculated variety of the same oak (quercus robur, l.) occurs with the alder, birch (betula verrucosa, ehrh.), and hazel. the oak has now in its turn been almost superseded in denmark by the common beech. other trees, such as the white birch (betula alba), characterise the lower part of the bogs, and disappear from the higher; while others again, like the aspen (populus tremula), occur at all levels, and still flourish in denmark. all the land and freshwater shells, and all the mammalia as well as the plants, whose remains occur buried in the danish peat, are of recent species. [3] it has been stated, that a stone implement was found under a buried scotch fir at a great depth in the peat. by collecting and studying a vast variety of such implements, and other articles of human workmanship preserved in peat and in sand-dunes on the coast, as also in certain shell-mounds of the aborigines presently to be described, the danish and swedish antiquaries and naturalists, mm. nilsson, steenstrup, forchhammer, thomsen, worsaae, and others, have succeeded in establishing a chronological succession of periods, which they have called the ages of stone, of bronze, and of iron, named from the materials which have each in their turn served for the fabrication of implements. the age of stone in denmark coincided with the period of the first vegetation, or that of the scotch fir, and in part at least with the second vegetation, or that of the oak. but a considerable portion of the oak epoch coincided with "the age of bronze," for swords and shields of that metal, now in the museum of copenhagen, have been taken out of peat in which oaks abound. the age of iron corresponded more nearly with that of the beech tree.* (* morlot "bulletin de la societe vaudoise des sci. nat." tome 6 page 292.) [4] m. morlot, to whom we are indebted for a masterly sketch of the recent progress of this new line of research, followed up with so much success in scandinavia and switzerland, observes that the introduction of the first tools made of bronze among a people previously ignorant of the use of metals, implies a great advance in the arts, for bronze is an alloy of about nine parts of copper and one of tin; and although the former metal, copper, is by no means rare, and is occasionally found pure or in a native state, tin is not only scarce but never occurs native. to detect the existence of this metal in its ore, then to disengage it from the matrix, and finally, after blending it in due proportion with copper, to cast the fused mixture in a mould, allowing time for it to acquire hardness by slow cooling, all this bespeaks no small sagacity and skilful manipulation. accordingly, the pottery found associated with weapons of bronze is of a more ornamental and tasteful style than any which belongs to the age of stone. some of the moulds in which the bronze instruments were cast, and "tags," as they are called, of bronze, which are formed in the hole through which the fused metal was poured, have been found. the number and variety of objects belonging to the age of bronze indicates its long duration, as does the progress in the arts implied by the rudeness of the earlier tools, often mere repetitions of those of the stone age, as contrasted with the more skilfully worked weapons of a later stage of the same period. it has been suggested that an age of copper must always have intervened between that of stone and bronze; but if so, the interval seems to have been short in europe, owing apparently to the territory occupied by the aboriginal inhabitants having been invaded and conquered by a people coming from the east, to whom the use of swords, spears, and other weapons of bronze was familiar. hatchets, however, of copper have been found in the danish peat. the next stage of improvement, or that manifested by the substitution of iron for bronze, indicates another stride in the progress of the arts. iron never presents itself, except in meteorites, in a native state, so that to recognise its ores, and then to separate the metal from its matrix, demands no inconsiderable exercise of the powers of observation and invention. to fuse the ore requires an intense heat, not to be obtained without artificial appliances, such as pipes inflated by the human breath, or bellows, or some other suitable machinery. danish shell-mounds, or kjokkenmodding.* (* mr. john lubbock published, after these sheets were written, an able paper on the danish "shell-mounds" in the october number of the "natural history review" 1861 page 489, in which he has described the results of a recent visit to denmark, made by him in company with mr. busk.) in addition to the peat-mosses, another class of memorials found in denmark has thrown light on the pre-historical age. at certain points along the shores of nearly all the danish islands, mounds may be seen, consisting chiefly of thousands of cast-away shells of the oyster, cockle, and other molluscs of the same species as those which are now eaten by man. these shells are plentifully mixed up with the bones of various quadrupeds, birds, and fish, which served as the food of the rude hunters and fishers by whom the mounds were accumulated. i have seen similar large heaps of oysters, and other marine shells with interspersed stone implements, near the seashore, both in massachusetts and in georgia, u.s.a., left by the native north american indians at points near to which they were in the habit of pitching their wigwams for centuries before the white man arrived. such accumulations are called by the danes, kjokkenmodding, or "kitchen-middens." scattered all through them are flint knives, hatchets, and other instruments of stone, horn, wood, and bone, with fragments of coarse pottery, mixed with charcoal and cinders, but never any implements of bronze, still less of iron. the stone hatchets and knives had been sharpened by rubbing, and in this respect are one degree less rude than those of an older date, associated in france with the bones of extinct mammalia, of which more in the sequel. the mounds vary in height from 3 to 10 feet, and in area are some of them 1000 feet long, and from 150 to 200 wide. they are rarely placed more than 10 feet above the level of the sea, and are confined to its immediate neighbourhood, or if not (and there are cases where they are several miles from the shore), the distance is ascribable to the entrance of a small stream, which has deposited sediment, or to the growth of a peaty swamp, by which the land has been made to advance on the baltic, as it is still doing in many places, aided, according to puggaard, by a very slow upheaval of the whole country at the rate of 2 or 3 inches in a century. there is also another geographical fact equally in favour of the antiquity of the mounds, namely, that they are wanting on those parts of the coast which border the western ocean, or exactly where the waves are now slowly eating away the land. there is every reason to presume that originally there were stations along the coast of the north sea as well as that of the baltic, but by the gradual undermining of the cliffs they have all been swept away. another striking proof, perhaps the most conclusive of all, that the "kitchen-middens" are very old, is derived from the character of their embedded shells. these consist entirely of living species; but, in the first place, the common eatable oyster is among them, attaining its full size, whereas the same ostrea edulis cannot live at present in the brackish waters of the baltic except near its entrance, where, whenever a north-westerly gale prevails, a current setting in from the ocean pours in a great body of salt water. yet it seems that during the whole time of the accumulation of the "kitchen-middens" the oyster flourished in places from which it is now excluded. in like manner the eatable cockle, mussel, and periwinkle (cardium edule, mytilus edulis, and littorina littorea), which are met with in great numbers in the "middens," are of the ordinary dimensions which they acquire in the ocean, whereas the same species now living in the adjoining parts of the baltic only attain a third of their natural size, being stunted and dwarfed in their growth by the quantity of fresh water poured by rivers into that inland sea.* (* see "principles of geology" chapter 30.) hence we may confidently infer that in the days of the aboriginal hunters and fishers, the ocean had freer access than now to the baltic, communicating probably through the peninsula of jutland, jutland having been at no remote period an archipelago. even in the course of the nineteenth century, the salt waters have made one irruption into the baltic by the lymfiord, although they have been now again excluded. it is also affirmed that other channels were open in historical times which are now silted up.* (* see morlot "bulletin de la societe vaudoise des sci. nat." tome 6.) if we next turn to the remains of vertebrata preserved in the mounds, we find that here also, as in the danish peat-mosses, all the quadrupeds belong to species known to have inhabited europe within the memory of man. no remains of the mammoth, or rhinoceros, or of any extinct species appear, except those of the wild bull (bos urus, linn., or bos primigenius, bojanus), which are in such numbers as to prove that the species was a favourite food of the ancient people. but as this animal was seen by julius caesar, and survived long after his time, its presence alone would not go far to prove the mounds to be of high antiquity. the lithuanian aurochs or bison (bos bison, l., bos priscus, boj.), which has escaped extirpation only because protected by the russian czars, surviving in one forest in lithuania) has not yet been met with, but will no doubt be detected hereafter, as it has been already found in the danish peat. the beaver, long since destroyed in denmark, occurs frequently, as does the seal (phoca gryppus, fab.), now very rare on the danish coast. with these are mingled bones of the red deer and roe, but the reindeer has not yet been found. there are also the bones of many carnivora, such as the lynx, fox, and wolf, but no signs of any domesticated animals except the dog. the long bones of the larger mammalia have been all broken as if by some instrument, in such a manner as to allow of the extraction of the marrow, and the gristly parts have been gnawed off, as if by dogs, to whose agency is also attributed the almost entire absence of the bones of young birds and of the smaller bones and softer parts of the skeletons of birds in general, even of those of large size. in reference to the latter, it has been proved experimentally by professor steenstrup, that if the same species of birds are now given to dogs, they will devour those parts of the skeleton which are missing, and leave just those which are preserved in the old "kitchen-middens." the dogs of the mounds, the only domesticated animals, are of a smaller race than those of the bronze period, as shown by the peat-mosses, and the dogs of the bronze age are inferior in size and strength to those of the iron age. the domestic ox, horse, and sheep, which are wanting in the mounds, are confined to that part of the danish peat which was formed in the ages of bronze and iron. among the bones of birds, scarcely any are more frequent in the mounds than those of the auk (alca impennis), now extinct. the capercailzie (tetrao urogallus) is also met with, and may, it is suggested, have fed on the buds of the scotch fir in times when that tree flourished around the peat-bogs. the different stages of growth of the roedeer's horns, and the presence of the wild swan, now only a winter visitor, have been appealed to as proving that the aborigines resided in the same settlements all the year round. that they also ventured out to sea in canoes such as are now found in the peat-mosses, hollowed out of the trunk of a single tree, to catch fish far from land, is testified by the bony relics of several deep-sea species, such as the herring, cod, and flounder. the ancient people were not cannibals, for no human bones are mingled with the spoils of the chase. skulls, however, have been obtained not only from peat, but from tumuli of the stone period believed to be contemporaneous with the mounds. these skulls are small and round, and have a prominent ridge over the orbits of the eyes, showing that the ancient race was of small stature, with round heads and overhanging eyebrows--in short, they bore a considerable resemblance to the modern laplanders. the human skulls of the bronze age found in the danish peat, and those of the iron period, are of an elongated form and larger size. there appear to be very few well-authenticated examples of crania referable to the bronze period--a circumstance no doubt attributable to the custom prevalent among the people of that era of burning their dead and collecting their bones in funeral urns. no traces of grain of any sort have hitherto been discovered, nor any other indication that the ancient people had any knowledge of agriculture. the only vegetable remains in the mounds are burnt pieces of wood and some charred substance referred by dr. forchhammer to the zostera marina, a sea plant which was perhaps used in the production of salt. what may be the antiquity of the earliest human remains preserved in the danish peat cannot be estimated in centuries with any approach to accuracy. in the first place, in going back to the bronze age, we already find ourselves beyond the reach of history or even of tradition. in the time of the romans the danish isles were covered, as now, with magnificent beech forests. nowhere in the world does this tree flourish more luxuriantly than in denmark, and eighteen centuries seem to have done little or nothing towards modifying the character of the forest vegetation. yet in the antecedent bronze period there were no beech trees, or at most but a few stragglers, the country being then covered with oak. in the age of stone again, the scotch fir prevailed, and already there were human inhabitants in those old pine forests. how many generations of each species of tree flourished in succession before the pine was supplanted by the oak, and the oak by the beech, can be but vaguely conjectured, but the minimum of time required for the formation of so much peat must, according to the estimate of steenstrup and other good authorities, have amounted to at least 4000 years; and there is nothing in the observed rate of the growth of peat opposed to the conclusion that the number of centuries may not have been four times as great, even though the signs of man's existence have not yet been traced down to the lowest or amorphous stratum. as to the "kitchen-middens," they correspond in date to the older portion of the peaty record, or to the earliest part of the age of stone as known in denmark. ancient swiss lake-dwellings, built on piles. [illustration: plate 1. swiss lake-dwellings] in the shallow parts of many swiss lakes, where there is a depth of no more than from 5 to 15 feet of water, ancient wooden piles are observed at the bottom sometimes worn down to the surface of the mud, sometimes projecting slightly above it. these have evidently once supported villages, nearly all of them of unknown date, but the most ancient of which certainly belonged to the age of stone, for hundreds of implements resembling those of the danish shell-mounds and peat-mosses have been dredged up from the mud into which the piles were driven. the earliest historical account of such habitations is that given by herodotus of a thracian tribe, who dwelt, in the year 520 b.c., in prasias, a small mountain-lake of paeonia, now part of modern roumelia.* (* herodotus lib. 5 cap. 16. rediscovered by m. de ville "natural history review" volume 2 1862 page 486.) their habitations were constructed on platforms raised above the lake, and resting on piles. they were connected with the shore by a narrow causeway of similar formation. such platforms must have been of considerable extent, for the paeonians lived there with their families and horses. their food consisted largely of the fish which the lake produced in abundance. in rude and unsettled times, such insular sites afforded safe retreats, all communication with the mainland being cut off, except by boats, or by such wooden bridges as could be easily removed. the swiss lake-dwellings seem first to have attracted attention during the dry winter of 1853-54, when the lakes and rivers sank lower than had ever been previously known, and when the inhabitants of meilen, on the lake of zurich, resolved to raise the level of some ground and turn it into land, by throwing mud upon it obtained by dredging in the adjoining shallow water. during these dredging operations they discovered a number of wooden piles deeply driven into the bed of the lake, and among them a great many hammers, axes, celts, and other instruments. all these belonged to the stone period with two exceptions, namely, an armlet of thin brass wire, and a small bronze hatchet. fragments of rude pottery fashioned by the hand were abundant, also masses of charred wood, supposed to have formed parts of the platform on which the wooden cabins were built. of this burnt timber, on this and other sites, subsequently explored, there was such an abundance as to lead to the conclusion that many of the settlements must have perished by fire. herodotus has recorded that the paeonians, above alluded to, preserved their independence during the persian invasion, and defied the attacks of darius by aid of the peculiar position of their dwellings. "but their safety," observes mr. wylie,* "was probably owing to their living in the middle of the lake, (greek) en mese te limne, whereas the ancient swiss settlers were compelled by the rapidly increasing depth of the water near the margins of their lakes to construct their habitations at a short distance from the shore, within easy bowshot of the land, and therefore not out of reach of fiery projectiles, against which thatched roofs and wooden walls could present but a poor defence." (* w.m. wylie "archaeologia" volume 38 1859, a valuable paper on the swiss and irish lake-habitations.) to these circumstances and to accidental fires we are probably indebted for the frequent preservation, in the mud around the site of the old settlements, of the most precious tools and works of art, such as would never have been thrown into the danish "kitchen-middens," which have been aptly compared to a modern dusthole. dr. ferdinand keller of zurich has drawn up a series of most instructive memoirs, illustrated with well-executed plates, of the treasures in stone, bronze, and bone brought to light in these subaqueous repositories, and has given an ideal restoration of part of one of the old villages (see plate 1 above),* such as he conceives may have existed on the lakes of zurich and bienne. (*keller "pfahlbauten, antiquarische gesellschaft in zurich" bd. 12 and 13 1858-1861. in the fifth number of the "natural history review" january 9, 1862, mr. lubbock has published an excellent account of the works of the swiss writers on their lake-habitations.) in this view, however, he has not simply trusted to his imagination, but has availed himself of a sketch published by m. dumont d'urville, of similar habitations of the papuans in new guinea in the bay of dorei. it is also stated by dr. keller, that on the river limmat, near zurich, so late as the last century, there were several fishing-huts constructed on this same plan.* (* keller "pfahlbauten, antiquarische gesellschaft in zurich" bd. 9 page 81 note.) it will be remarked that one of the cabins is represented as circular. that such was the form of many in switzerland is inferred from the shape of pieces of clay which lined the interior, and which owe their preservation apparently to their having been hardened by fire when the village was burnt. in the sketch (plate 1), some fishing-nets are seen spread out to dry on the wooden platform. the swiss archaeologist has found abundant evidence of fishing-gear, consisting of pieces of cord, hooks, and stones used as weights. a canoe also is introduced, such as are occasionally met with. one of these, made of the trunk of a single tree, fifty feet long and three and a half feet wide, was found capsized at the bottom of the lake of bienne. it appears to have been laden with stones, such as were used to raise the foundation of some of the artificial islands. it is believed that as many as 300 wooden huts were sometimes comprised in one settlement, and that they may have contained about 1000 inhabitants. at wangen, m. lohle has calculated that 40,000 piles were used, probably not all planted at one time nor by one generation. among the works of great merit devoted specially to a description of the swiss lake-habitations is that of m. troyon, published in 1860.* (* "sur les habitations lacustres.") the number of sites which he and other authors have already enumerated in switzerland is truly wonderful. they occur on the large lakes of constance, zurich, geneva, and neufchatel, and on most of the smaller ones. some are exclusively of the stone age, others of the bronze period. of these last more than twenty are spoken of on the lake of geneva alone, more than forty on that of neufchatel, and twenty on the small lake of bienne. one of the sites first studied by the swiss antiquaries was the small lake of moosseedorf, near berne, where implements of stone, horn, and bone, but none of metal, were obtained. although the flint here employed must have come from a distance (probably from the south of france), the chippings of the material are in such profusion as to imply that there was a manufactory of implements on the spot. here also, as in several other settlements, hatchets and wedges of jade have been observed of a kind said not to occur in switzerland or the adjoining parts of europe, and which some mineralogists would fain derive from the east; amber also, which, it is supposed, was imported from the shores of the baltic. at wangen near stein, on the lake of constance, another of the most ancient of the lake-dwellings, hatchets of serpentine and greenstone, and arrow-heads of quartz have been met with. here also remains of a kind of cloth, supposed to be of flax, not woven but plaited, have been detected. professor heer has recognised lumps of carbonised wheat, triticum vulgare, and grains of another kind, t. dicoccum, and barley, hordeum distichum, and flat round cakes of bread; and at robbenhausen and elsewhere hordeum hexastichum in fine ears, the same kind of barley which is found associated with egyptian mummies, showing clearly that in the stone period the lake-dwellers cultivated all these cereals, besides having domesticated the dog, the ox, the sheep, and the goat. carbonised apples and pears of small size, such as still grow in the swiss forests, stones of the wild plum, seeds of the raspberry and blackberry, and beech-nuts, also occur in the mud, and hazel-nuts in great plenty. near morges, on the lake of geneva, a settlement of the bronze period, no less than forty hatchets of that metal have been dredged up, and in many other localities the number and variety of weapons and utensils discovered, in a fine state of preservation, is truly astonishing. it is remarkable that as yet all the settlements of the bronze period are confined to western and central switzerland. in the more eastern lakes those of the stone period alone have as yet been discovered. the tools, ornaments, and pottery of the bronze period in switzerland bear a close resemblance to those of corresponding age in denmark, attesting the wide spread of a uniform civilisation over central europe at that era. in some few of the swiss aquatic stations a mixture of bronze and iron implements has been observed, but no coins. at tiefenau, near berne, in ground supposed to have been a battle-field, coins and medals of bronze and silver, struck at marseilles, and of greek manufacture, and iron swords, have been found, all belonging to the first and pre-roman division of the age of iron. in the settlements of the bronze era the wooden piles are not so much decayed as those of the stone period; the latter having wasted down quite to the level of the mud, whereas the piles of the bronze age (as in the lake of bienne, for example) still project above it. professor rutimeyer of basle, well-known to palaeontologists as the author of several important memoirs on fossil vertebrata, has recently published a scientific description of great interest of the animal remains dredged up at various stations where they had been embedded for ages in the mud into which the piles were driven.* (* "die fauna der pfahlbauten in der schweiz" basel 1861.) these bones bear the same relation to the primitive inhabitants of switzerland and some of their immediate successors as do the contents of the danish "kitchen-middens" to the ancient fishing and hunting tribes who lived on the shores of the baltic. the list of wild mammalia enumerated in this excellent treatise contains no less than twenty-four species, exclusive of several domesticated ones: besides which there are eighteen species of birds, the wild swan, goose, and two species of ducks being among them; also three reptiles, including the eatable frog and freshwater tortoise; and lastly, nine species of freshwater fish. all these (amounting to fifty-four species) are with one exception still living in europe. the exception is the wild bull (bos primigenius), which, as before stated, survived in historical times. the following are the mammalia alluded to:--the bear (ursus arctos), the badger, the common marten, the polecat, the ermine, the weasel, the otter, wolf, fox, wild cat, hedgehog, squirrel, field-mouse (mus sylvaticus), hare, beaver, hog (comprising two races, namely, the wild boar and swamp-hog), the stag (cervus elaphus), the roe-deer, the fallow-deer, the elk, the steinbock (capra ibex), the chamois, the lithuanian bison, and the wild bull. the domesticated species comprise the dog, horse, ass, pig, goat, sheep, and several bovine races. the greater number, if not all, of these animals served for food, and all the bones which contained marrow have been split open in the same way as the corresponding ones found in the shell-mounds of denmark before mentioned. the bones both of the wild bull and the bison are invariably split in this manner. as a rule, the lower jaws with teeth occur in greater abundance than any other parts of the skeleton--a circumstance which, geologists know, holds good in regard to fossil mammalia of all periods. as yet the reindeer is missing in the swiss lake-settlements as in the danish "kitchen-middens," although this animal in more ancient times ranged over france, together with the mammoth, as far south as the pyrenees. a careful comparison of the bones from different sites has shown that in settlements such as wangen and moosseedorf, belonging to the earliest age of stone, when the habits of the hunter state predominated over those of the pastoral, venison, or the flesh of the stag and roe, was more eaten than the flesh of the domestic cattle and sheep. this was afterwards reversed in the later stone period and in the age of bronze. at that later period also the tame pig, which is wanting in some of the oldest stations, had replaced the wild boar as a common article of food. in the beginning of the age of stone, in switzerland, the goats outnumbered the sheep, but towards the close of the same period the sheep were more abundant than the goats. the fox in the first era was very common, but it nearly disappears in the bronze age, during which period a large hunting-dog, supposed to have been imported into switzerland from some foreign country, becomes the chief representative of the canine genus. a single fragment of the bone of a hare (lepus timidus) has been found at moosseedorf. the almost universal absence of this quadruped is supposed to imply that the swiss lake-dwellers were prevented from eating that animal by the same superstition which now prevails among the laplanders, and which julius caesar found in full force amongst the ancient britons.* (* "commentaries" lib 5 chapter 12.) that the lake-dwellers should have fed so largely on the fox, while they abstained from touching the hare, establishes, says rutimeyer, a singular contrast between their tastes and ours. even in the earliest settlements, as already hinted, several domesticated animals occur, namely, the ox, sheep, goat, and dog. of the three last, each was represented by one race only; but there were two races of cattle, the most common being of small size, and called by rutimeyer bos brachyceros (bos longifrons, owen), or the marsh cow, the other derived from the wild bull; though, as no skull has yet been discovered, this identification is not so certain as could be wished. it is, however, beyond question that at a later era, namely, towards the close of the stone and beginning of the bronze period, the lake-dwellers had succeeded in taming that formidable brute the bos primigenius, the urus of caesar, which he described as very fierce, swift, and strong, and scarcely inferior to the elephant in size. in a tame state its bones were somewhat less massive and heavy, and its horns were somewhat smaller than in wild individuals. still in its domesticated form, it rivalled in dimensions the largest living cattle, those of friesland, in north holland, for example. when most abundant, as at concise on the lake of neufchatel, it had nearly superseded the smaller race, bos brachyceros, and was accompanied there for a short time by a third bovine variety, called bos trochoceros, an italian race, supposed to have been imported from the southern side of the alps. (caesar "commentaries" lib 5 chapter 12.) this last-mentioned race, however, seems only to have lasted for a short time in switzerland. the wild bull (bos primigenius) is supposed to have flourished for a while in a wild and tame state, just as now in europe the domestic pig co-exists with the wild boar; and rutimeyer agrees with cuvier and bell,* in considering our larger domestic cattle of northern europe as the descendants of this wild bull, an opinion which owen disputes.** (* "british quadrupeds" page 415.) (** "british fossil mammal." page 500.) in the later division of the stone period, there were two tame races of the pig, according to rutimeyer; one large, and derived from the wild boar, the other smaller, called the "marsh-hog," or sus scrofa palustris. it may be asked how the osteologist can distinguish the tame from the wild races of the same species by their skeletons alone. among other characters, the diminished thickness of the bones and the comparative smallness of the ridges, which afford attachment to the muscles, are relied on; also the smaller dimensions of the tusks in the boar, and of the whole jaw and skull; and, in like manner, the diminished size of the horns of the bull and other modifications, which are the effects of a regular supply of food, and the absence of all necessity of exerting their activity and strength to obtain subsistence and defend themselves against their enemies. a middle-sized race of dogs continued unaltered throughout the whole of the stone period; but the people of the bronze age possessed a larger hunting-dog, and with it a small horse, of which genus very few traces have been detected in the earlier settlements--a single tooth, for example, at wangen, and only one or two bones at two or three other places. in passing from the oldest to the most modern sites, the extirpation of the elk and beaver, and the gradual reduction in numbers of the bear, stag, roe, and freshwater tortoise are distinctly perceptible. the aurochs, or lithuanian bison, appears to have died out in switzerland about the time when weapons of bronze came into use. it is only in a few of the most modern lake-dwellings, such as noville and chavannes in the canton de vaud (which the antiquaries refer to the sixth century), that some traces are observable of the domestic cat, as well as of a sheep with crooked horns and with them bones of the domestic fowl. after the sixth century, no extinction of any wild quadruped nor introduction of any tame one appears to have taken place, but the fauna was still modified by the wild species continuing to diminish in number and the tame ones to become more diversified by breeding and crossing, especially in the case of the dog, horse, and sheep. on the whole, however, the divergence of the domestic races from their aboriginal wild types, as exemplified at wangen and moosseedorf, is confined, according to professor rutimeyer, within narrow limits. as to the goat, it has remained nearly constant and true to its pristine form, and the small race of goat-horned sheep still lingers in some alpine valleys in the upper rhine; and in the same region a race of pigs, corresponding to the domesticated variety of sus scrofa palustris, may still be seen. amidst all this profusion of animal remains extremely few bones of man have been discovered; and only one skull, dredged up from meilen, on the lake of zurich, of the early stone period, seems as yet to have been carefully examined. respecting this specimen, professor his observes that it exhibits, instead of the small and rounded form proper to the danish peat-mosses, a type much more like that now prevailing in switzerland, which is intermediate between the long-headed and short-headed form. (rutimeyer "die fauna der pfahlbauten in der schweiz" page 181.) so far, therefore, as we can draw safe conclusions from a single specimen, there has been no marked change of race in the human population of switzerland during the periods above considered. it is still a question whether any of these subaqueous repositories of ancient relics in switzerland go back so far in time as the kitchen-middens of denmark, for in these last there are no domesticated animals except the dog, and no signs of the cultivation of wheat or barley; whereas we have seen that, in one of the oldest of the swiss settlements, at wangen, no less than three cereals make their appearance, with four kinds of domestic animals. yet there is no small risk of error in speculating on the relative claims to antiquity of such ancient tribes, for some of them may have remained isolated for ages and stationary in their habits, while others advanced and improved. we know that nations, both before and after the introduction of metals, may continue in very different stages of civilisation, even after commercial intercourse has been established between them, and where they are separated by a less distance than that which divides the alps from the baltic. the attempts of the swiss geologists and archaeologists to estimate definitely in years the antiquity of the bronze and stone periods, although as yet confessedly imperfect, deserve notice, and appear to me to be full of promise. the most elaborate calculation is that made by m. morlot, respecting the delta of the tiniere, a torrent which flows into the lake of geneva near villeneuve. this small delta, to which the stream is annually making additions, is composed of gravel and sand. its shape is that of a flattened cone, and its internal structure has of late been laid open to view in a railway cutting 1000 feet long and 32 feet deep. the regularity of its structure throughout implies that it has been formed very gradually, and by the uniform action of the same causes. three layers of vegetable soil, each of which must at one time have formed the surface of the cone, have been cut through at different depths. the first of these was traced over a surface of 15,000 square feet, having an average thickness of 5 inches, and being about 4 feet below the present surface of the cone. this upper layer belonged to the roman period, and contained roman tiles and a coin. the second layer, followed over a surface of 25,000 square feet, was 6 inches thick, and lay at a depth of 10 feet. in it were found fragments of unvarnished pottery and a pair of tweezers in bronze, indicating the bronze epoch. the third layer, followed for 35,000 square feet, was 6 or 7 inches thick and 19 feet deep. in it were fragments of rude pottery, pieces of charcoal, broken bones, and a human skeleton having a small, round and very thick skull. m. morlot, assuming the roman period to represent an antiquity of from sixteen to eighteen centuries, assigns to the bronze age a date of between 3000 and 4000 years, and to the oldest layer, that of the stone period, an age of from 5000 to 7000 years. another calculation has been made by m. troyon to obtain the approximate date of the remains of an ancient settlement built on piles and preserved in a peat-bog at chamblon, near yverdun, on the lake of neufchatel. the site of the ancient roman town of eburodunum (yverdun), once on the borders of the lake, and between which and the shore there now intervenes a zone of newly-gained dry land, 2500 feet in breadth, shows the rate at which the bed of the lake has been filled up with river sediment in fifteen centuries. assuming the lake to have retreated at the same rate before the roman period, the pile-works of chamblon, which are of the bronze period, must be at the least 3300 years old. for the third calculation, communicated to me by m. morlot, we are indebted to m. victor gillieron, of neuveville, on the lake of bienne. it relates to the age of a pile-dwelling, the mammalian bones of which are considered by m. rutimeyer to indicate the earliest portion of the stone period of switzerland, and to correspond in age with the settlement of moosseedorf. the piles in question occur at the pont de thiele, between the lakes of bienne and neufchatel. the old convent of st. jean, founded 750 years ago, and built originally on the margin of the lake of bienne, is now at a considerable distance from the shore, and affords a measure of the rate of the gain of land in seven centuries and a half. assuming that a similar rate of the conversion of water into marshy land prevailed antecedently, we should require an addition of sixty centuries for the growth of the morass intervening between the convent and the aquatic dwelling of pont de thiele, in all 6750 years. m. morlot, after examining the ground, thinks it highly probable that the shape of the bottom on which the morass rests is uniform; but this important point has not yet been tested by boring. the result, if confirmed, would agree exceedingly well with the chronological computation before mentioned of the age of the stone period of tiniere. as i have not myself visited switzerland since these chronological speculations were first hazarded, i am unable to enter critically into a discussion of the objections which have been raised to the two first of them, or to decide on the merits of the explanations offered in reply. irish lake-dwellings or crannoges. the lake-dwellings of the british isles, although not explored as yet with scientific zeal, as those of switzerland have been in the last ten years, are yet known to be very numerous, and when carefully examined will not fail to throw great light on the history of the bronze and stone periods. in the lakes of ireland alone, no less than forty-six examples of artificial islands, called crannoges, have been discovered. they occur in leitrim, roscommon, cavan, down, monaghan, limerick, meath, king's county, and tyrone.* (* w.m. wylie "archaeologia" volume 38 1859 page 8.) one class of these "stockaded islands," as they have been sometimes called, was formed, according to mr. digby wyatt, by placing horizontal oak beams at the bottom of the lake, into which oak posts, from 6 to 8 feet high, were mortised, and held together by cross beams, till a circular enclosure was obtained. a space of 520 feet diameter, thus enclosed at lagore, was divided into sundry timbered compartments, which were found filled up with mud or earth, from which were taken "vast quantities of the bones of oxen, swine, deer, goats, sheep, dogs, foxes, horses, and asses." all these were discovered beneath 16 feet of bog, and were used for manure; but specimens of them are said to be preserved in the museum of the royal irish academy. from the same spot were obtained a great collection of antiquities, which, according to lord talbot de malahide and mr. wylie, were referable to the ages of stone, bronze, and iron.* (* w.m. wylie "archaeologia" volume 38 1859 page 8, who cites "archaeological journal" volume 6 page 101.) in ardekillin lake, in roscommon, an islet of an oval form was observed, made of a layer of stones resting on logs of timber. round this artificial islet or crannoge thus formed was a stone wall raised on oak piles. a careful description has been put on record by captain mudge, r.n., of a curious log-cabin discovered by him in 1833 in drumkellin bog, in donegal, at a depth of 14 feet from the surface. it was 12 feet square and 9 feet high, being divided into two stories each 4 feet high. the planking was of oak split with wedges of stone, one of which was found in the building. the roof was flat. a staked enclosure had been raised round the cabin, and remains of other similar huts adjoining were seen but not explored. a stone celt, found in the interior of the hut, and a piece of leather sandal, also an arrow-head of flint, and in the bog close at hand a wooden sword, give evidence of the remote antiquity of this building, which may be taken as a type of the early dwellings on the crannoge islands. "the whole structure," says captain mudge, "was wrought with the rudest kind of implements, and the labour bestowed on it must have been immense. the wood of the mortises was more bruised than cut, as if by a blunt stone chisel."* (* mudge "archaeologia" volume 26.) such a chisel lay on the floor of the hut, and by comparing it with the marks of the tool used in forming the mortises, they were found "to correspond exactly, even to the slight curved exterior of the chisel; but the logs had been hewn by a larger instrument, in the shape of an axe. on the floor of the dwelling lay a slab of freestone, 3 feet long and 14 inches thick, in the centre of which was a small pit three quarters of an inch deep, which had been chiselled out. this is presumed to have been used for holding nuts to be cracked by means of one of the round shingle stones, also found there, which had served as a hammer. some entire hazel-nuts and a great quantity of broken shells were strewed about the floor." the foundations of the house were made of fine sand, such as is found with shingle on the seashore about 2 miles distant. below the layer of sand the bog or peat was ascertained, on probing it with an instrument, to be at least 15 feet thick. although the interior of the building when discovered was full of "bog" or peaty matter, it seems when inhabited to have been surrounded by growing trees, some of the trunks and roots of which are still preserved in their natural position. the depth of overlying peat affords no safe criterion for calculating the age of the cabin or village, for i have shown in the "principles of geology" that both in england and ireland, within historical times, bogs have burst and sent forth great volumes of black mud, which has been known to creep over the country at a slow pace, flowing somewhat at the rate of ordinary lava-currents, and sometimes overwhelming woods and cottages, and leaving a deposit upon them of bog-earth 15 feet thick. none of these irish lake-dwellings were built, like those of helvetia, on platforms supported by piles deeply driven into the mud. "the crannoge system of ireland seems," says mr. wylie, "well nigh without a parallel in swiss waters." chapter 3. -fossil human remains and works of art of the recent period--continued. delta and alluvial plain of the nile. burnt bricks in egypt before the roman era. borings in 1851-54. ancient mounds of the valley of the ohio. their antiquity. sepulchral mound at santos in brazil. delta of the mississippi. ancient human remains in coral reefs of florida. changes in physical geography in the human period. buried canoes in marine strata near glasgow. upheaval since the roman occupation of the shores of the firth of forth. fossil whales near stirling. upraised marine strata of sweden on shores of the baltic and the ocean. attempts to compute their age. delta and alluvial plain of the nile. some new facts of high interest illustrating the geology of the alluvial land of egypt were brought to light between the years 1851 and 1854, in consequence of investigations suggested to the royal society by mr. leonard horner, and which were partly carried out at the expense of the society. the practical part of the undertaking was entrusted by mr. horner to an armenian officer of engineers, hekekyan bey, who had for many years pursued his scientific studies in england, and was in every way highly qualified for the task. it was soon found that to obtain the required information respecting the nature, depth, and contents of the nile mud in various parts of the valley, a larger outlay was called for than had been originally contemplated. this expense the late viceroy, abbas pasha, munificently undertook to defray out of his treasury, and his successor, after his death, continued the operations with the same princely liberality. several engineers and a body of sixty workmen were employed under the superintendence of hekekyan bey, men inured to the climate and able to carry on the sinking of shafts and borings during the hot months, after the waters of the nile had subsided, and in a season which would have been fatal to europeans. the results of chief importance arising out of this inquiry were obtained from two sets of shafts and borings sunk at intervals in lines crossing the great valley from east to west. one of these consisted of no fewer than fifty-one pits and artesian borings, made where the valley is 16 miles wide from side to side between the arabian and libyan deserts, in the latitude of heliopolis, about 8 miles above the apex of the delta. the other line of borings and pits, twenty-seven in number, was in the parallel of memphis, where the valley is only five miles broad. everywhere in these sections the sediment passed through was similar in composition to the ordinary nile mud of the present day, except near the margin of the valley, where thin layers of quartzose sand, such as is sometimes blown from the adjacent desert by violent winds, were observed to alternate with the loam. a remarkable absence of lamination and stratification was observed almost universally in the sediment brought up from all points except where the sandy layers above alluded to occurred. mr. horner attributes this want of all indication of successive deposition to the extreme thinness of the film of matter which is thrown down annually on the great alluvial plain during the season of inundation. the tenuity of this layer must indeed be extreme, if the french engineers are tolerably correct in their estimate of the amount of sediment formed in a century, which they suppose not to exceed on the average 5 inches. when the waters subside, this thin layer of new soil, exposed to a hot sun, dries rapidly, and clouds of dust are raised by the winds. the superficial deposit, moreover, is disturbed almost everywhere by agricultural labours, and even were this not the case, the action of worms, insects, and the roots of plants would suffice to confound together the deposits of two successive years. all the remains of organic bodies, such as land-shells, and the bones of quadrupeds, found during the excavations belonged to living species. bones of the ox, hog, dog, dromedary and ass were not uncommon, but no vestiges of extinct mammalia. no marine shells were anywhere detected; but this was to be expected, as the borings, though they sometimes reached as low as the level of the mediterranean, were never carried down below it--a circumstance much to be regretted, since where artesian borings have been made in deltas, as in those of the po and ganges, to the depth of several hundred feet below the sea level it has been found, contrary to expectation, that the deposits passed through were fluviatile throughout, implying, probably, that a general subsidence of those deltas and alluvial formations has taken place. whether there has been in like manner a sinking of the land in egypt, we have as yet no means of proving; but sir gardner wilkinson infers it from the position in the delta on the shore near alexandria of the tombs commonly called cleopatra's baths, which cannot, he says, have been originally built so as to be exposed to the sea which now fills them, but must have stood on land above the level of the mediterranean. the same author adduces, as additional signs of subsidence, some ruined towns, now half under water, in the lake menzaleh, and channels of ancient arms of the nile submerged with their banks beneath the waters of that same lagoon. in some instances, the excavations made under the superintendence of hekekyan bey were on a large scale for the first 16 or 24 feet, in which cases jars, vases, pots and a small human figure in burnt clay, a copper knife, and other entire articles were dug up; but when water soaking through from the nile was reached the boring instrument used was too small to allow of more than fragments of works of art being brought up. pieces of burnt brick and pottery were extracted almost everywhere, and from all depths, even where they sank 60 feet below the surface towards the central parts of the valley. in none of these cases did they get to the bottom of the alluvial soil. it has been objected, among other criticisms, that the arabs can always find whatever their employers desire to obtain. even those who are too well acquainted with the sagacity and energy of hekekyan bey to suspect him of having been deceived, have suggested that the artificial objects might have fallen into old wells which had been filled up. this notion is inadmissible for many reasons. of the ninety-five shafts and borings, seventy or more were made far from the sites of towns or villages; and allowing that every field may once have had its well, there would be but small chance of the borings striking upon the site even of a small number of them in seventy experiments. others have suggested that the nile may have wandered over the whole valley, undermining its banks on one side and filling up old channels on the other. it has also been asked whether the delta with the numerous shifting arms of the river may not once have been at every point where the auger pierced.* (* for a detailed account of these sections, see mr. horner's paper in the "philosophical transactions" for 1855 to 1858.) to all these objections there are two obvious answers:--first, in historical times the nile has on the whole been very stationary, and has not shifted its position in the valley; secondly, if the mud pierced through had been thrown down by the river in ancient channels, it would have been stratified, and would not have corresponded so closely with inundation mud, we learn from captain newbold that he observed in some excavations in the great plain alternations of sand and clay, such as are seen in the modern banks of the nile; but in the borings made by hekekyan bey, such stratification seems scarcely in any case to have been detected. the great aim of the criticisms above enumerated has been to get rid of the supposed anomaly of finding burnt brick and pottery at depths and places which would give them claim to an antiquity far exceeding that of the roman domination in egypt. for until the time of the romans, it is said, no clay was burnt into bricks in the valley of the nile. but a distinguished antiquary, mr. s. birch, assures me that this notion is altogether erroneous, and that he has under his charge in the british museum, first, a small rectangular baked brick, which came from a theban tomb which bears the name of thothmes, a superintendent of the granaries of the god amen ra, the style of art, inscription, and name, showing that it is as old as the 18th dynasty (about 1450 b.c.); secondly, a brick bearing an inscription, partly obliterated, but ending with the words "of the temple of amen ra." this brick, decidedly long anterior to the roman dominion, is referred conjecturally, by mr. birch, to the 19th dynasty, or 1300 b.c. sir gardner wilkinson has also in his possession pieces of mortar, which he took from each of the three great pyramids, in which bits of broken pottery and of burnt clay or brick are embedded. m. girard, of the french expedition to egypt, supposed the average rate of the increase of nile mud on the plain between assouan and cairo to be five english inches in a century. this conclusion, according to mr. horner, is very vague, and founded on insufficient data; the amount of matter thrown down by the waters in different parts of the plain varying so much that to strike an average with any approach to accuracy must be most difficult. were we to assume six inches in a century, the burnt brick met with at a depth of 60 feet would be 12,000 years old. another fragment of red brick was found by linant bey, in a boring 72 feet deep, being 2 or 3 feet below the level of the mediterranean, in the parallel of the apex of the delta, 200 metres distant from the river, on the libyan side of the rosetta branch.* (* horner "philosophical transactions" 1858.) m. rosiere, in the great french work on egypt, has estimated the mean rate of deposit of sediment in the delta at 2 1/4 inches in a century;* were we to take 2 1/2 inches, a work of art 72 feet deep must have been buried more than 30,000 years ago. (* description de l'egypte "histoire naturelle" tome 2 page 494.) but if the boring of linant bey was made where an arm of the river had been silted up at a time when the apex of the delta was somewhat farther south, or more distant from the sea than now, the brick in question might be comparatively very modern. the experiments instituted by mr. horner at the pedestal of the fallen statue of king rameses at memphis, in the hope of obtaining an accurate chronometric scale for testing the age of a given thickness of nile sediment, are held by some experienced egyptologists not to be satisfactory, on the ground of the uncertainty of the rate of deposit accumulated at that locality. the point sought to be determined was the exact amount of nile mud which had accumulated there since the time when that statue is supposed by some antiquaries to have been erected. could we have obtained possession of such a measure, the rate of deposition might be judged of, approximately at least, whenever similar mud was observed in other places, or below the foundations of those same monuments. but the ancient egyptians are known to have been in the habit of enclosing with embankments the areas on which they erected temples, statues, and obelisks, so as to exclude the waters of the nile; and the point of time to be ascertained, in every case where we find a monument buried to a certain depth in mud, as at memphis and heliopolis, is the era when the city fell into such decay that the ancient embankments were neglected, and the river allowed to inundate the site of the temple, obelisk, or statue. even if we knew the date of the abandonment of such embankments, the enclosed areas would not afford a favourable opportunity for ascertaining the average rate of deposit in the alluvial plain; for herodotus tells us that in his time those spots from which the nile waters had been shut out for centuries appeared sunk, and could be looked down into from the surrounding grounds, which had been raised by the gradual accumulation over them of sediment annually thrown down. if the waters at length should break into such depressions, they must at first carry with them into the enclosure much mud washed from the steep surrounding banks, so that a greater quantity would be deposited in a few years than perhaps in as many centuries on the great plain outside the depressed area, where no such disturbing causes intervened. ancient mounds of the valley of the ohio. as i have already given several european examples of monuments of prehistoric date belonging to the recent period, i will now turn to the american continent. before the scientific investigation by messrs. squier and davis of the "ancient monuments of the mississippi valley",* no one suspected that the plains of that river had been occupied, for ages before the french and british colonists settled there, by a nation of older date and more advanced in the arts than the red indians whom the europeans found there. (* "smithsonian contributions" volume 1 1847.) there are hundreds of large mounds in the basin of the mississippi, and especially in the valleys of the ohio and its tributaries, which have served, some of them for temples, others for outlook or defence, and others for sepulture. the unknown people by whom they were constructed, judging by the form of several skulls dug out of the burial-places, were of the mexican or toltec race. some of the earthworks are on so grand a scale as to embrace areas of 50 or 100 acres within a simple enclosure, and the solid contents of one mould are estimated at 20 million of cubic feet, so that four of them would be more than equal in bulk to the great pyramid of egypt, which comprises 75 million. from several of these repositories pottery and ornamental sculpture have been taken, and various articles in silver and copper, also stone weapons, some composed of hornstone unpolished, and much resembling in shape some ancient flint implements found near amiens and other places in europe, to be alluded to in the sequel. it is clear that the ohio mound-builders had commercial intercourse with the natives of distant regions, for among the buried articles some are made of native copper from lake superior, and there are also found mica from the alleghenies, sea-shells from the gulf of mexico, and obsidian from the mexican mountains. the extraordinary number of the mounds implies a long period, during which a settled agricultural population had made considerable progress in civilisation, so as to require large temples for their religious rites, and extensive fortifications to protect them from their enemies. the mounds were almost all confined to fertile valleys or alluvial plains, and some at least are so ancient that rivers have had time since their construction to encroach on the lower terraces which support them, and again to recede for the distance of nearly a mile, after having undermined and destroyed a part of the works. when the first european settlers entered the valley of the ohio, they found the whole region covered with an uninterrupted forest, and tenanted by the red indian hunter, who roamed over it without any fixed abode, or any traditionary connection with his more civilised predecessors. the only positive data as yet obtained for calculating the minimum of time which must have elapsed since the mounds were abandoned, have been derived from the age and nature of the trees found growing on some of these earthworks. when i visited marietta in 1842, dr. hildreth took me to one of the mounds, and showed me where he had seen a tree growing on it, the trunk of which when cut down displayed eight hundred rings of annual growth.* (* lyell's "travels in north america" volume 2 page 29.) but the late general harrison, president in 1841 of the united states, who was well skilled in woodcraft, has remarked, in a memoir on this subject, that several generations of trees must have lived and died before the mounds could have been overspread with that variety of species which they supported when the white man first beheld them, for the number and kinds of trees were precisely the same as those which distinguished the surrounding forest. "we may be sure," observed harrison, "that no trees were allowed to grow so long as the earthworks were in use; and when they were forsaken, the ground, like all newly cleared land in ohio, would for a time be monopolised by one or two species of tree, such as the yellow locust and the black or white walnut. when the individuals which were the first to get possession of the ground had died out one after the other, they would in many cases, instead of being replaced by the same species, be succeeded (by virtue of the law which makes a rotation of crops profitable in agriculture) by other kinds, till at last, after a great number of centuries (several thousand years, perhaps), that remarkable diversity of species characteristic of north america, and far exceeding what is seen in european forests, would be established." mounds of santos in brazil. i will next say a few words respecting certain human bones embedded in a solid rock at santos in brazil, to which i called attention in my "travels in north america" in 1842.* (* volume 1 page 200.) i then imagined the deposit containing them to be of submarine origin--an opinion which i have long ceased to entertain. we learn from a memoir of dr. meigs that the river santos has undermined a large mound, 14 feet in height, and about 3 acres in area, covered with trees, near the town of st. paul, and has exposed to view many skeletons, all inclined at angles between 20 and 25 degrees, and all placed in a similar east and west position.* (* meigs "transactions of the american philosophical society" 1828 page 285.) seeing, in the museum of philadelphia, fragments of the calcareous stone or tufa from this spot, containing a human skull with teeth, and in the same matrix, oysters with serpulae attached, i at first concluded that the whole deposit had been formed beneath the waters of the sea, or at least, that it had been submerged after its origin, and again upheaved; also, that there had been time since its emergence for the growth on it of a forest of large trees. but after reading again, with more care, the original memoir of dr. meigs, i cannot doubt that the shells, like those of eatable kinds, so often accumulated in the mounds of the north american indians not far from the sea, may have been brought to the place and heaped up with other materials at the time when the bodies were buried. subsequently, the whole artificial earthwork, with its shells and skeletons, may have been bound together into a solid stone by the infiltration of carbonate of lime, and the mound may therefore be of no higher antiquity than some of those above alluded to on the ohio, which, as we have seen, have in like manner been exposed in the course of ages to the encroachments and undermining action of rivers. delta of the mississippi. i have shown in my "travels in north america" that the deposits forming the delta and alluvial plain of the mississippi consist of sedimentary matter, extending over an area of 30,000 square miles, and known in some parts to be several hundred feet deep. although we cannot estimate correctly how many years it may have required for the river to bring down from the upper country so large a quantity of earthy matter--the data for such a computation being as yet incomplete--we may still approximate to a minimum of the time which such an operation must have taken, by ascertaining experimentally the annual discharge of water by the mississippi, and the mean annual amount of solid matter contained in its waters. the lowest estimate of the time required would lead us to assign a high antiquity, amounting to many tens of thousands of years (probably more than 100,000) to the existing delta. whether all or how much of this formation may belong to the recent period, as above defined, i cannot pretend to decide, but in one part of the modern delta near new orleans, a large excavation has been made for gas-works, where a succession of beds, almost wholly made up of vegetable matter, has been passed through, such as we now see forming in the cypress swamps of the neighbourhood, where the deciduous cypress (taxodium distichum), with its strong and spreading roots, plays a conspicuous part. in this excavation, at the depth of sixteen feet from the surface, beneath four buried forests superimposed one upon the other, the workmen are stated by dr. b. dowler to have found some charcoal and a human skeleton, the cranium of which is said to belong to the aboriginal type of the red indian race. as the discovery in question had not been made when i saw the excavation in progress at the gas-works in 1846, i cannot form an opinion as to the value of the chronological calculations which have led dr. dowler to ascribe to this skeleton an antiquity of 50,000 years. in several sections, both natural in the banks of the mississippi and its numerous arms, and where artificial canals had been cut, i observed erect stumps of trees, with their roots attached, buried in strata at different heights, one over the other. i also remarked, that many cypresses which had been cut through, exhibited many hundreds of rings of annual growth, and it then struck me that nowhere in the world could the geologist enjoy a more favourable opportunity for estimating in years the duration of certain portions of the recent epoch.* (* dowler cited by dr. w. usher in nott and gliddon's "types of mankind" page 352.) coral reefs of florida. professor agassiz has described a low portion of the peninsula of florida as consisting of numerous reefs of coral, which have grown in succession so as to give rise to a continual annexation of land, gained gradually from the sea in a southerly direction. this growth is still in full activity, and assuming the rate of advance of the land to be one foot in a century, the reefs being built up from a depth of 75 feet, and that each reef has in its turn added ten miles to the coast, professor agassiz calculates that it has taken 135,000 years to form the southern half of this peninsula. yet the whole is of post-tertiary origin, the fossil zoophytes and shells being all of the same species as those now inhabiting the neighbouring sea.* (* agassiz in nott and gliddon ibid. page 352.) in a calcareous conglomerate forming part of the above-mentioned series of reefs, and supposed by agassiz, in accordance with his mode of estimating the rate of growth of those reefs, to be about 10,000 years old, some fossil human remains were found by count pourtales. they consisted of jaws and teeth, with some bones of the foot. recent deposits of seas and lakes. i have shown, in the "principles of geology," where the recent changes of the earth illustrative of geology are described at length, that the deposits accumulated at the bottom of lakes and seas within the last 4000 or 5000 years can neither be insignificant in volume or extent. they lie hidden, for the most part, from our sight; but we have opportunities of examining them at certain points where newly-gained land in the deltas of rivers has been cut through during floods, or where coral reefs are growing rapidly, or where the bed of a sea or lake has been heaved up by subterranean movements and laid dry. as examples of such changes of level by which marine deposits of the recent period have become accessible to human observation, i have adduced the strata near naples in which the temple of serapis at pozzuoli was entombed.* (* "principles of geology" index "serapis.") these upraised strata, the highest of which are about 25 feet above the level of the sea, form a terrace skirting the eastern shore of the bay of baiae. they consist partly of clay, partly of volcanic matter, and contain fragments of sculpture, pottery, and the remains of buildings, together with great numbers of shells, retaining in part their colour, and of the same species as those now inhabiting the neighbouring sea. their emergence can be proved to have taken place since the beginning of the sixteenth century. [5] in the same work, as an example of a freshwater deposit of the recent period, i have described certain strata in cashmere, a country where violent earthquakes, attended by alterations in the level of the ground, are frequent, in which freshwater shells of species now inhabiting the lakes and rivers of that region are embedded, together with the remains of pottery, often at the depth of fifty feet, and in which a splendid hindoo temple has lately been discovered, and laid open to view by the removal of the lacustrine silt which had enveloped it for four or five centuries. in the same treatise it is stated that the west coast of south america, between the andes and the pacific, is a great theatre of earthquake movements, and that permanent upheavals of the land of several feet at a time have been experienced since the discovery of america. in various parts of the littoral region of chile and peru, strata have been observed enclosing shells in abundance, all agreeing specifically with those now swarming in the pacific. in one bed of this kind, in the island of san lorenzo, near lima, mr. darwin found, at the altitude of 85 feet above the sea, pieces of cotton-thread, plaited rush, and the head of a stalk of indian corn, the whole of which had evidently been embedded with the shells. at the same height, on the neighbouring mainland, he found other signs corroborating the opinion that the ancient bed of the sea had there also been uplifted 85 feet since the region was first peopled by the peruvian race. but similar shelly masses are also met with at much higher elevations, at innumerable points between the chilean and peruvian andes and the sea-coast, in which no human remains have as yet been observed. the preservation for an indefinite period of such perishable substances as thread is explained by the entire absence of rain in peru. the same articles, had they been enclosed in the permeable sands of an european raised beach, or in any country where rain falls even for a small part of the year, would probably have disappeared entirely [6] in the literature of the eighteenth century, we find frequent allusion to the "era of existing continents," a period supposed to have coincided in date with the first appearance of man upon the earth, since which event it was imagined that the relative level of the sea and land had remained stationary, no important geographical changes having occurred, except some slight additions to the deltas of rivers, or the loss of narrow strips of land where the sea had encroached upon its shores. but modern observations have tended continually to dispel this delusion, and the geologist is now convinced that at no given era of the past have the boundaries of land and sea, or the height of the one and depth of the other, or the geographical range of the species inhabiting them, whether of animals or plants, become fixed and unchangeable. of the extent to which fluctuations have been going on since the globe had already become the dwelling-place of man, some idea may be formed from the examples which i shall give in this and the next nine chapters. upheaval since the human period of the central district of scotland. [7] it has long been a fact familiar to geologists, that, both on the east and west coasts of the central part of scotland, there are lines of raised beaches, containing marine shells of the same species as those now inhabiting the neighbouring sea.* (* r. chambers "sea margins" 1848 and papers by mr. smith of jordan hill "memoirs of the wernerian society" volume 8 and by mr. c. maclaren. ) the two most marked of these littoral deposits occur at heights of about 50 and 25 feet above high-water mark, that of 50 feet being considered as the more ancient, and owing its superior elevation to a continuance of the upheaving movement. they are seen in some places to rest on the boulder clay of the glacial period, which will be described in future chapters. in those districts where large rivers, such as the clyde, forth, and tay, enter the sea, the lower of the two deposits, or that of 25 feet, expands into a terrace fringing the estuaries, and varying in breadth from a few yards to several miles. of this nature are the flat lands which occur along the margin of the clyde at glasgow, which consist of finely laminated sand, silt, and clay. mr. john buchanan, a zealous antiquary, writing in 1855, informs us that in the course of the eighty years preceding that date, no less than seventeen canoes had been dug out of this estuarine silt, and that he had personally inspected a large number of them before they were exhumed. five of them lay buried in silt under the streets of glasgow, one in a vertical position with the prow uppermost as if it had sunk in a storm. in the inside of it were a number of marine shells. twelve other canoes were found about 100 yards back from the river, at the average depth of about 19 feet from the surface of the soil, or 7 feet above high-water mark; but a few of them were only 4 or 5 feet deep, and consequently more than 20 feet above the sea-level. one was sticking in the sand at an angle of 45 degrees, another had been capsized and lay bottom uppermost; all the rest were in a horizontal position, as if they had sunk in smooth water.* (* j. buchanan "report of the british association" 1855 page 80; also "glasgow, past and present" 1856.) almost every one of these ancient boats was formed out of a single oak-stem, hollowed out by blunt tools, probably stone axes, aided by the action of fire; a few were cut beautifully smooth, evidently with metallic tools. hence a gradation could be traced from a pattern of extreme rudeness to one showing great mechanical ingenuity. two of them were built of planks, one of the two, dug up on the property of bankton in 1853, being 18 feet in length, and very elaborately constructed. its prow was not unlike the beak of an antique galley; its stern, formed of a triangular-shaped piece of oak, fitted in exactly like those of our day. the planks were fastened to the ribs, partly by singularly shaped oaken pins, and partly by what must have been square nails of some kind of metal; these had entirely disappeared, but some of the oaken pins remained. this boat had been upset, and was lying keel uppermost, with the prow pointing straight up the river. in one of the canoes, a beautifully polished celt or axe of greenstone was found, in the bottom of another a plug of cork, which, as mr. geikie remarks, "could only have come from the latitudes of spain, southern france, or italy."* (* geikie, "quarterly journal of the geological society" volume 18 1862 page 224.) there can be no doubt that some of these buried vessels are of far more ancient date than others. those most roughly hewn, may be relics of the stone period; those more smoothly cut, of the bronze age; and the regularly built boat of bankton may perhaps come within the age of iron. the occurrence of all of them in one and the same upraised marine formation by no means implies that they belong to the same era, for in the beds of all great rivers and estuaries, there are changes continually in progress brought about by the deposition, removal, and redeposition of gravel, sand, and fine sediment, and by the shifting of the channel of the main currents from year to year, and from century to century. all these it behoves the geologist and antiquary to bear in mind, so as to be always on their guard, when they are endeavouring to settle the relative date, whether of objects of art or of organic remains embedded in any set of alluvial strata. some judicious observations on this head occur in mr. geikie's memoir above cited, which are so much in point that i shall give them in full, and in his own words. "the relative position in the silt, from which the canoes were exhumed, could help us little in any attempt to ascertain their relative ages, unless they had been found vertically above each other. the varying depths of an estuary, its banks of silt and sand, the set of its currents, and the influence of its tides in scouring out alluvium from some parts of its bottom and redepositing it in others, are circumstances which require to be taken into account in all such calculations. mere coincidence of depth from the present surface of the ground, which is tolerably uniform in level, by no means necessarily proves contemporaneous deposition. nor would such an inference follow even from the occurrence of the remains in distant parts of the very same stratum. a canoe might be capsized and sent to the bottom just beneath low-water mark; another might experience a similar fate on the following day, but in the middle of the channel. both would become silted up on the floor of the estuary; but as that floor would be perhaps 20 feet deeper in the centre than towards the margin of the river, the one canoe might actually be twenty feet deeper in the alluvium than the other; and on the upheaval of the alluvial deposits, if we were to argue merely from the depth at which the remains were embedded, we should pronounce the canoe found at the one locality to be immensely older than the other, seeing that the fine mud of the estuary is deposited very slowly and that it must therefore have taken a long period to form so great a thickness as 20 feet. again, the tides and currents of the estuary, by changing their direction, might sweep away a considerable mass of alluvium from the bottom, laying bare a canoe that may have foundered many centuries before. after the lapse of so long an interval, another vessel might go to the bottom in the same locality and be there covered up with the older one on the same general plane. these two vessels, found in such a position, would naturally be classed together as of the same age, and yet it is demonstrable that a very long period may have elapsed between the date of the one and that of the other. such an association of these canoes, therefore, cannot be regarded as proving synchronous deposition; nor, on the other hand, can we affirm any difference of age from mere relative position, unless we see one canoe actually buried beneath another."* (* geikie, "quarterly journal of the geological society" volume 18 1862, page 222.) at the time when the ancient vessels, above described, were navigating the waters where the city of glasgow now stands, the whole of the low lands which bordered the present estuary of the clyde formed the bed of a shallow sea. the emergence appears to have taken place gradually and by intermittent movements, for mr. buchanan describes several narrow terraces one above the other on the site of the city itself, with steep intervening slopes composed of the laminated estuary formation. each terrace and steep slope probably mark pauses in the process of upheaval, during which low cliffs were formed, with beaches at their base. five of the canoes were found within the precincts of the city at different heights on or near such terraces. as to the date of the upheaval, the greater part of it cannot be assigned to the stone period, but must have taken place after tools of metal had come into use. until lately, when attempts were made to estimate the probable antiquity of such changes of level, it was confidently assumed, as a safe starting-point, that no alteration had occurred in the relative level of land and sea, in the central district of scotland, since the construction of the roman or pictish wall (the "wall of antonine"), which reached from the firth of forth to that of the clyde. the two extremities, it was said, of this ancient structure, bear such a relation to the present level of the two estuaries, that neither subsidence nor elevation of the land could have occurred for seventeen centuries at least. but mr. geikie has lately shown that a depression of 25 feet on the forth would not lay the eastern extremity of the roman wall at carriden under water, and he was therefore desirous of knowing whether the western end of the same would be submerged by a similar amount of subsidence. it has always been acknowledged that the wall terminated upon an eminence called the chapel hill, near the village of west kilpatrick, on the clyde. the foot of this hill, mr. geikie estimates to be about 25 or 27 feet above high-water mark, so that a subsidence of 25 feet could not lay it under water. antiquaries have sometimes wondered that the romans did not carry the wall farther west than this chapel hill; but mr. geikie now suggests, in explanation, that all the low land at present intervening between that point and the mouth of the clyde, was sixteen or seventeen centuries ago, washed by the tides at high water. the wall of antonine, therefore, yields no evidence in favour of the land having remained stationary since the time of the romans, but on the contrary, appears to indicate that since its erection the land has actually risen. recent explorations by mr. geikie and dr. young, of the sites of the old roman harbours along the southern margin of the firth of forth, lead to similar inferences. in the first place, it has long been known that there is a raised beach containing marine shells of living littoral species, at a height of about 25 feet, at leith, as well as at other places along the coast above and below edinburgh. inveresk, a few miles below that city, is the site of an ancient roman port, and if we suppose the sea at high water to have washed the foot of the heights on which the town stood, the tide would have ascended far up the valley of the esk, and would have made the mouth of that river a safe and commodious harbour; whereas, had it been a shoaling estuary, as at present, it is difficult to see how the romans should have made choice of it as a port. at cramond, at the mouth of the river almond, above edinburgh, was alaterva, the chief roman harbour on the southern coast of the forth, where numerous coins, urns, sculptured stones and the remnant of a harbour have been detected. the old roman quays built along what must then have been the sea margin, have been found on what is now dry land, and although some silt carried down in suspension by the waters of the forth may account for a part of the gain of low land, we yet require an upward movement of about 20 feet to explain the growth of the dreary expanse of mud now stretching along the shore and extending outwards, where it attains its greatest breadth, well-nigh two miles, across which vessels, even of light burden, can now only venture at full tide. had these shoals existed eighteen centuries ago, they would have prevented the romans from selecting this as their chief port; whereas, if the land were now to sink 20 feet, cramond would unquestionably be the best natural harbour along the whole of the south side of the forth.* (* geikie, "edinburgh new philosophical journal" for july 1861.) corresponding in level with the raised beach at leith, above mentioned (or about 25 feet above high-water mark), is the carse of stirling, a low tract of land consisting of loamy and peaty beds, in which several skeletons of whales of large size have been found. one of these was dug up at airthrie,* near stirling, about a mile from the river, and 7 miles from the sea. (* bald, "edinburgh philosophical journal" 1 page 393 and "memoirs of the wernerian society" 3 page 327.) mr. bald mentions that near it were found two pieces of stag's horn, artificially cut, through one of which a hole, about an inch in diameter, had been perforated. another whale, 85 feet long, was found at dunmore, a few miles below stirling,* which, like that of airthrie, lay about 20 feet above high-water mark. (* "edinburgh philosophical journal" 11 pages 220, 415.) three other skeletons of whales were found at blair drummond, between the years 1819 and 1824, 7 miles up the estuary above stirling,* also at an elevation of between 20 and 30 feet above the sea. near two of these whales, pointed instruments of deer's horn were found, one of which retained part of a wooden handle, probably preserved by having been enclosed in peat. this weapon is now in the museum at edinburgh. (* "memoirs of the wernerian society" volume 5 page 440.) the position of these fossil whales and bone implements, and still more of an iron anchor found in the carse of falkirk, below stirling, shows that the upheaval by which the raised beach of leith was laid dry extended far westward probably as far as the clyde, where, as we have seen, marine strata containing buried canoes rise to a similar height above the sea. the same upward movement which reached simultaneously east and west from sea to sea was also felt as far north as the estuary of the tay. this may be inferred from the celtic name of inch being attached to many hillocks, which rise above the general level of the alluvial plains, implying that these eminences were once surrounded by water or marshy ground. at various localities also in the silt of the carse of gowrie iron implements have been found. the raised beach, also containing a great number of marine shells of recent species, traced up to a height of 14 feet above the sea by mr. w.j. hamilton at elie, on the southern coast of fife, is doubtless another effect of the same extensive upheaval.* (* "proceedings of the geological society" volume 2 1833 page 280.) a similar movement would also account for some changes which antiquaries have recorded much farther south, on the borders of the solway firth; though in this case, as in that of the estuary of the forth, the conversion of sea into land has always been referred to the silting up of estuaries, and not to upheaval. thus horsley insists on the difficulty of explaining the position of certain roman stations, on the solway, the forth, and the clyde, without assuming that the sea has been excluded from certain areas which it formerly occupied.* (* "britannia" page 157 1860.) on a review of the whole evidence, geological and archaeological, afforded by the scottish coast-line, we may conclude that the last upheaval of 25 feet took place not only since the first human population settled in the island; but long after metallic implements had come into use, and there seems even a strong presumption in favour of the opinion that the date of the elevation may have been subsequent to the roman occupation. but the 25 feet rise is only the last stage of a long antecedent process of elevation, for examples of recent marine shells have been observed 40 feet and upwards above the sea in ayrshire. at one of these localities, mr. smith of jordanhill informs me that a rude ornament made of cannel coal has been found on the coast in the parish of dundonald, lying 50 feet above the sea-level, on the surface of the boulder-clay or till, and covered with gravel containing marine shells. if we suppose the upward movement to have been uniform in central scotland before and after the roman era, and assume that as 25 feet indicate seventeen centuries, so 50 feet imply a lapse of twice that number, or 3400 years, we should then carry back the date of the ornament in question to fifteen centuries before our era, or to the days of pharaoh, and the period usually assigned to the exodus of the israelites from egypt. [8] but all such estimates must be considered, in the present state of science, as tentative and conjectural, since the rate of movement of the land may not have been uniform, and its direction not always upwards, and there may have been long stationary periods, one of which of more than usual duration seems indicated by the 50-foot raised beach, which has been traced for vast distances along the western coast of scotland. coast of cornwall. sir h. de la beche has adduced several proofs of changes of level, in the course of the human period, in his "report on the geology of cornwall and devon," 1839. he mentions (page 406) that several human skulls and works of art, buried in an estuary deposit, were found in mining gravel for tin at pentuan, near st. austell, the skulls lying at the depth of 40 feet from the surface, and others at carnon at the depth of 53 feet. the overlying strata were marine, containing sea-shells of living species, and bones of whales, besides the remains of several living species of mammalia. other examples of works of art, such as stone hatchets, canoes, and ships, buried in ancient river-beds in england, and in peat and shell-marl, i have mentioned in my work before cited. sweden and norway. in the same work i have shown that near stockholm, in sweden, there occur, at slight elevations above the sea-level, horizontal beds of sand, loam, and marl, containing the same peculiar assemblage of testacea which now live in the brackish waters of the baltic. mingled with these, at different depths, have been detected various works of art implying a rude state of civilization, and some vessels built before the introduction of iron, and even the remains of an ancient hut, the marine strata containing it, which had been formed during a previous depression, having been upraised, so that the upper beds are now 60 feet higher than the surface of the baltic. in the neighbourhood of these recent strata, both to the north-west and south of stockholm, other deposits similar in mineral composition occur, which ascend to greater heights, in which precisely the same assemblage of fossil shells is met with, but without any intermixture, so far as is yet known, of human bones or fabricated articles. on the opposite or western coast of sweden, at uddevalla, post-tertiary strata, containing recent shells, not of that brackish water character peculiar to the baltic, but such as now live in the northern ocean, ascend to the height of 200 feet; and beds of clay and sand of the same age attain elevations of 300 and even 600 feet in norway, where they have been usually described as "raised beaches." they are, however, thick deposits of submarine origin, spreading far and wide, and filling valleys in the granite and gneiss, just as the tertiary formations, in different parts of europe, cover or fill depressions in the older rocks. although the fossil fauna characterising these upraised sands and clays consists exclusively of existing northern species of testacea, it is more than probable that they may not all belong to that division of the pleistocene strata which we are now considering. if the contemporary mammalia were known, they would, in all likelihood, be found to be referable, at least in part, to extinct species; for, according to loven (an able living naturalist of norway), the species do not constitute such an assemblage as now inhabits corresponding latitudes in the north sea. on the contrary, they decidedly represent a more arctic fauna. in order to find the same species flourishing in equal abundance, or in many cases to find them at all, we must go northwards to higher latitudes than uddevalla in sweden, or even nearer the pole than central norway. judging by the uniformity of climate now prevailing from century to century, and the insensible rate of variation in the geographical distribution of organic beings in our own times, we may presume that an extremely lengthened period was required even for so slight a modification in the range of the molluscous fauna, as that of which the evidence is here brought to light. there are also other independent reasons for suspecting that the antiquity of these deposits may be indefinitely great as compared to the historical period. i allude to their present elevation above the sea, some of them rising, in norway, to the height of 600 feet or more. the upward movement now in progress in parts of norway and sweden extends, as i have elsewhere shown,* throughout an area about 1000 miles north and south, and for an unknown distance east and west, the amount of elevation always increasing as we proceed towards the north cape, where it is said to equal 5 feet in a century. (* "principles" 9th edition chapter 30.) if we could assume that there had been an average of 2 1/2 feet in each hundred years for the last fifty centuries, this would give an elevation of 125 feet in that period. in other words, it would follow that the shores, and a considerable area of the former bed of the north sea, had been uplifted vertically to that amount, and converted into land in the course of the last 5000 years. a mean rate of continuous vertical elevation of 2 1/2 feet in a century would, i conceive, be a high average; yet, even if this be assumed, it would require 24,000 years for parts of the sea-coast of norway, where the pleistocene marine strata occur, to attain the height of 600 feet. [9] chapter 4. -pleistocene period--bones of man and extinct mammalia in belgian caverns. earliest discoveries in caves of languedoc of human remains with bones of extinct mammalia. researches in 1833 of dr. schmerling in the liege caverns. scattered portions of human skeletons associated with bones of elephant and rhinoceros. distribution and probable mode of introduction of the bones. implements of flint and bone. schmerling's conclusions as to the antiquity of man ignored. present state of the belgian caves. human bones recently found in cave of engihoul. engulfed rivers. stalagmitic crust. antiquity of the human remains in belgium how proved. having hitherto considered those formations in which both the fossil shells and the mammalia are of living species, we may now turn our attention to those of older date, in which the shells being all recent, some of the accompanying mammalia are extinct, or belong to species not known to have lived within the times of history or tradition. discoveries of mm. tournal and christol in 1828 in the south of france. in the "principles of geology," when treating of the fossil remains found in alluvium and the mud of caverns, i gave an account in 1832 of the investigations made by mm. tournal and christol in the south of france.* (* 1st edition volume 2 chapter 14 1832, and 9th edition page 738, 1853.) m. tournal stated in his memoir that in the cavern of bize, in the department of the aude, he had found human bones and teeth, together with fragments of rude pottery, in the same mud and breccia cemented by stalagmite in which land-shells of living species were embedded, and the bones of mammalia, some of extinct, others of recent species. the human bones were declared by his fellow-labourer, m. marcel de serres, to be in the same chemical condition as those of the accompanying quadrupeds.* (* "annales des sciences naturelles" tome 15 1828 page 348.) speaking of these fossils of the bize cavern five years later, m. tournal observed that they could not be referred, as some suggested, to a "diluvial catastrophe," for they evidently had not been washed in suddenly by a transient flood, but must have been introduced gradually, together with the enveloping mud and pebbles, at successive periods.* (* "annales de chimie et de physique" 1833 page 161.) m. christol, who was engaged at the same time in similar researches in another part of languedoc, published an account of them a year later, in which he described some human bones, as occurring in the cavern of pondres, near nimes, in the same mud with the bones of an extinct hyaena and rhinoceros.* (* christol, "notice sur les ossements humains des cavernes du gard" montpellier 1829.) the cavern was in this instance filled up to the roof with mud and gravel, in which fragments of two kinds of pottery were detected, the lowest and rudest near the bottom of the cave, below the level of the extinct mammalia. it has never been questioned that the hyaena and rhinoceros found by m. christol were of extinct species; but whether the animals enumerated by m. tournal might not all of them be referred to quadrupeds which are known to have been living in europe in the historical period seems doubtful. they were said to consist of a stag, an antelope, and a goat, all named by m. marcel de serres as new; but the majority of palaeontologists do not agree with this opinion. still it is true, as m. lartet remarks, that the fauna of the cavern of bize must be of very high antiquity, as shown by the presence, not only of the lithuanian aurochs (bison europaeus), but also of the reindeer, which has not been an inhabitant of the south of france in historical times, and which, in that country, is almost everywhere associated, whether in ancient alluvium or in the mud of caverns, with the mammoth. in my work before cited,* i stated that m. desnoyers, an observer equally well versed in geology and archaeology, had disputed the conclusion arrived at by mm. tournal and christol, that the fossil rhinoceros, hyaena, bear, and other lost species had once been inhabitants of france contemporaneously with man. (* "principles" 9th edition page 739.) "the flint hatchets and arrow-heads," he said, "and the pointed bones and coarse pottery of many french and english caves, agree precisely in character with those found in the tumuli, and under the dolmens (rude altars of unhewn stone) of the primitive inhabitants of gaul, britain, and germany. the human bones, therefore, in the caves which are associated with such fabricated objects, must belong not to antediluvian periods, but to a people in the same stage of civilization as those who constructed the tumuli and altars." "in the gaulish monuments," he added, "we find, together with the objects of industry above mentioned, the bones of wild and domestic animals of species now inhabiting europe, particularly of deer, sheep, wild boars, dogs, horses, and oxen. this fact has been ascertained in quercy and other provinces; and it is supposed by antiquaries that the animals in question were placed beneath the celtic altars in memory of sacrifices offered to the gaulish divinity hesus, and in the tombs to commemorate funeral repasts, and also from a superstition prevalent among savage nations, which induces them to lay up provisions for the manes of the dead in a future life. but in none of these ancient monuments have any bones been found of the elephant, rhinoceros, hyaena, tiger, and other quadrupeds, such as are found in caves, which might certainly have been expected had these species continued to flourish at the time that this part of gaul was inhabited by man."* (* desnoyers, "bulletin de la societe geologique de france" tome 2 page 252; and article on caverns, "dictionnaire universelle d'histoire naturelle" paris 1845.) after giving no small weight to the arguments of m. desnoyers, and the writings of dr. buckland on the same subject, and myself visiting several caves in germany, i came to the opinion that the human bones mixed with those of extinct animals, in osseous breccias and cavern mud, in different parts of europe, were probably not coeval. the caverns having been at one period the dens of wild beasts, and having served at other times as places of human habitation, worship, sepulture, concealment, or defence, one might easily conceive that the bones of man and those of animals, which were strewed over the floors of subterranean cavities, or which had fallen into tortuous rents connecting them with the surface, might, when swept away by floods, be mingled in one promiscuous heap in the same ossiferous mud or breccia.* (* "principles" 9th edition page 740.) that such intermixtures have really taken place in some caverns, and that geologists have occasionally been deceived, and have assigned to one and the same period fossils which had really been introduced at successive times, will readily be conceded. but of late years we have obtained convincing proofs, as we shall see in the sequel, that the mammoth, and many other extinct mammalian species very common in caves, occur also in undisturbed alluvium, embedded in such a manner with works of art, as to leave no room for doubt that man and the mammoth coexisted; such discoveries have led me, and other geologists, to reconsider the evidence previously derived from caves brought forward in proof of the high antiquity of man. with a view of re-examining this evidence, i have lately explored several caverns in belgium and other countries, and re-read the principal memoirs and treatises treating of the fossil remains preserved in them, the results of which inquiries i shall now proceed to lay before the reader. researches, in 1833-1834, of dr. schmerling in the caverns near liege. the late dr. schmerling of liege, a skilful anatomist and palaeontologist, after devoting several years to the exploring of the numerous ossiferous caverns which border the valleys of the meuse and its tributaries, published two volumes descriptive of the contents of more than forty caverns. one of these volumes consisted of an atlas of plates, illustrative of the fossil bones.* (* "recherches sur les ossements fossiles decouverts dans les cavernes de la province de liege", liege 1833-1834.) many of the caverns had never before been entered by scientific observers, and their floors were encrusted with unbroken stalagmite. at a very early stage of his investigations, dr. schmerling found the bones of man so rolled and scattered as to preclude all idea of their having been intentionally buried on the spot. he also remarked that they were of the same colour, and in the same condition as to the amount of animal matter contained in them, as those of the accompanying animals, some of which, like the cave-bear, hyaena, elephant, and rhinoceros, were extinct; others, like the wild cat, beaver, wild boar, roe-deer, wolf, and hedgehog, still extant. the fossils were lighter than fresh bones, except such as had their pores filled with carbonate of lime, in which case they were often much heavier. the human remains of most frequent occurrence were teeth detached from the jaw, and the carpal, metacarpal, tarsal, metatarsal, and phalangeal bones separated from the rest of the skeleton. the corresponding bones of the cave-bear, the most abundant of the accompanying mammalia, were also found in the liege caverns more commonly than any others, and in the same scattered condition. occasionally, some of the long bones of mammalia were observed to have been first broken across, and then reunited or cemented again by stalagmite, as they lay on the floor of the cave. no gnawed bones nor any coprolites were found by schmerling. he therefore inferred that the caverns of the province of liege had not been the dens of wild beasts, but that their organic and inorganic contents had been swept into them by streams communicating with the surface of the country. the bones, he suggested, may often have been rolled in the beds of such streams before they reached their underground destination. to the same agency the introduction of many land-shells dispersed through the cave-mud was ascribed, such as helix nemoralis, h. lapicida, h. pomatia, and others of living species. mingled with such shells, in some rare instances, the bones of freshwater fish, and of a snake (coluber), as well as of several birds, were detected. the occurrence here and there of bones in a very perfect state, or of several bones belonging to the same skeleton in natural juxtaposition, and having all their most delicate apophyses uninjured, while many accompanying bones in the same breccia were rolled, broken, or decayed, was accounted for by supposing that portions of carcasses were sometimes floated in during floods while still clothed with their flesh. no example was discovered of an entire skeleton, not even of one of the smaller mammalia, the bones of which are usually the least injured. the incompleteness of each skeleton was especially ascertained in regard to the human subjects, dr. schmerling being careful, whenever a fragment of such presented itself, to explore the cavern himself, and see whether any other bones of the same skeleton could be found. in the engis cavern, distant about eight miles to the south-west of liege, on the left bank of the meuse, the remains of at least three human individuals were disinterred. the skull of one of these, that of a young person, was embedded by the side of a mammoth's tooth. it was entire but so fragile, that nearly all of it fell to pieces during its extraction. another skull, that of an adult individual, and the only one preserved by dr. schmerling in a sufficient state of integrity to enable the anatomist to speculate on the race to which it belonged, was buried 5 feet deep in a breccia, in which the tooth of a rhinoceros, several bones of a horse, and some of the reindeer, together with some ruminants, occurred. this skull, now in the museum of the university of liege, is figured in chapter 5 (figure 2), where further observations will be offered on its anatomical character, after a fuller account of the contents of the liege caverns has been laid before the reader. on the right bank of the meuse, on the opposite side of the river to engis, is the cavern of engihoul. bones of extinct animals mingled with those of man were observed to abound in both caverns; but with this difference, that whereas in the engis cave there were several human crania and very few other bones, in engihoul there occurred numerous bones of the extremities belonging to at least three human individuals, and only two small fragments of a cranium. the like capricious distribution held good in other caverns, especially with reference to the cave-bear, the most frequent of the extinct mammalia. thus, for example in the cave of chokier, skulls of the bear were few, and other parts of the skeleton abundant, whereas in several other caverns these proportions were exactly reversed, while at goffontaine skulls of the bear and other parts of the skeleton were found in their natural numerical proportions. speaking generally, it may be said that human bones, where any were met with, occurred at all depths in the cave-mud and gravel, sometimes above and sometimes below those of the bear, elephant, rhinoceros, hyaena, etc. some rude flint implements of the kind commonly called flint knives or flakes, of a triangular form in the cross section (as in figure 14), were found by schmerling dispersed generally through the cave-mud, but he was too much engrossed with his osteological inquiries to collect them diligently. he preserved some few of them, however, which i have seen in the museum at liege. he also discovered in the cave of chokier, 2 1/2 miles south-west from liege, a polished and jointed needle-shaped bone, with a hole pierced obliquely through it at the base; such a cavity, he observed, as had never given passage to an artery. this instrument was embedded in the same matrix with the remains of a rhinoceros.* (* schmerling part 2 page 177.) another cut bone and several artificially-shaped flints were found in the engis cave, near the human skulls before alluded to. schmerling observed, and we shall have to refer to the fact in the sequel (chapter 8), that although in some forty fossiliferous caves explored by him human bones were the exception, yet these flint implements were universal, and he added that "none of them could have been subsequently introduced, being precisely in the same position as the remains of the accompanying animals." "i therefore," he continues, "attach great importance to their presence; for even if i had not found the human bones under conditions entirely favourable to their being considered as belonging to the antediluvian epoch, proofs of man's existence would still have been supplied by the cut bones and worked flints."* (* schmerling, part 2 page 179.) dr. schmerling, therefore, had no hesitation in concluding from the various facts ascertained by him, that man once lived in the liege district contemporaneously with the cave-bear and several other extinct species of quadrupeds. but he was much at a loss when he attempted to invent a theory to explain the former state of the fauna of the region now drained by the meuse; for he shared the notion, then very prevalent among naturalists, that the mammoth and the hyaena* were beasts of a warmer climate than that now proper to western europe. (* ibid. part 2 pages 70 and 96.) in order to account for the presence of such "tropical species," he was half-inclined to imagine that they had been transported by a flood from some distant region; then again he raised the question whether they might not have been washed out of an older alluvium, which may have pre-existed in the neighbourhood. this last hypothesis was directly at variance with his own statements, that the remains of the mammoth and hyaena were identical in appearance, colour, and chemical condition with those of the bear and other associated fossil animals, none of which exhibited signs of having been previously enveloped in any dissimilar matrix. another enigma which led schmerling astray in some of his geological speculations was the supposed presence of the agouti, a south american rodent, "proper to the torrid zone." my friend m. lartet, guided by schmerling's figures of the teeth of this species, suggests, and i have little doubt with good reason, that they appertain to the porcupine, a genus found fossil in pleistocene deposits of certain caverns in the south of france. in the year 1833, i passed through liege, on my way to the rhine, and conversed with dr. schmerling, who showed me his splendid collection, and when i expressed some incredulity respecting the alleged antiquity of the fossil human bones, he pointedly remarked that if i doubted their having been contemporaneous with the bear or rhinoceros, on the ground of man being a species of more modern date, i ought equally to doubt the co-existence of all the other living species, such as the red deer, roe, wild cat, wild boar, wolf, fox, weasel, beaver, hare, rabbit, hedgehog, mole, dormouse, field-mouse, water-rat, shrew, and others, the bones of which he had found scattered everywhere indiscriminately through the same mud with the extinct quadrupeds. the year after this conversation i cited schmerling's opinions, and the facts bearing on the antiquity of man, in the 3rd edition of my "principles of geology" (page 161, 1834), and in succeeding editions, without pretending to call in question their trustworthiness, but at the same time without giving them the weight which i now consider they were entitled to. he had accumulated ample evidence to prove that man had been introduced into the earth at an earlier period than geologists were then willing to believe. one positive fact, it will be said, attested by so competent a witness, ought to have outweighed any amount of negative testimony, previously accumulated, respecting the non-occurrence elsewhere of human remains in formations of the like antiquity. in reply, i can only plead that a discovery which seems to contradict the general tenor of previous investigations is naturally received with much hesitation. to have undertaken in 1832, with a view of testing its truth, to follow the belgian philosopher through every stage of his observations and proofs, would have been no easy task even for one well-skilled in geology and osteology. to be let down, as schmerling was, day after day, by a rope tied to a tree, so as to slide to the foot of the first opening of the engis cave,* where the best-preserved human skulls were found; and, after thus gaining access to the first subterranean gallery, to creep on all fours through a contracted passage leading to larger chambers, there to superintend by torchlight, week after week and year after year, the workmen who were breaking through the stalagmitic crust as hard as marble, in order to remove piece by piece the underlying bone-breccia nearly as hard; to stand for hours with one's feet in the mud, and with water dripping from the roof on one's head, in order to mark the position and guard against the loss of each single bone of a skeleton; and at length, after finding leisure, strength, and courage for all these operations, to look forward, as the fruits of one's labour, to the publication of unwelcome intelligence, opposed to the prepossessions of the scientific as well as of the unscientific public--when these circumstances are taken into account, we need scarcely wonder, not only that a passing traveller failed to stop and scrutinise the evidence, but that a quarter of a century should have elapsed before even the neighbouring professors of the university of liege came forth to vindicate the truthfulness of their indefatigable and clear-sighted countryman. (* schmerling part 1 page 30.) in 1860, when i revisited liege, twenty-six years after my interview with schmerling, i found that several of the caverns described by him had in the interval been annihilated. not a vestige, for example, of the caves of engis, chokier, and goffontaine remained. the calcareous stone, in the heart of which the cavities once existed, had been quarried away, and removed bodily for building and lime-making. fortunately, a great part of the engihoul cavern, situated on the right bank of the meuse, was still in the same state as when schmerling delved into it in 1831, and drew from it the bones of three human skeletons. i determined, therefore, to examine it, and was so fortunate as to obtain the assistance of a zealous naturalist of liege, professor malaise, who accompanied me to the cavern, where we engaged some workmen to break through the crust of stalagmite, so that we could search for bones in the undisturbed earth beneath. bones and teeth of the cave-bear were soon found, and several other extinct quadrupeds which schmerling has enumerated. my companion, continuing the work perseveringly for weeks after my departure, succeeded at length in extracting from the same deposit, at the depth of 2 feet below the crust of stalagmite, three fragments of a human skull, and two perfect lower jaws with teeth, all associated in such a manner with the bones of bears, large pachyderms, and ruminants, and so precisely resembling these in colour and state of preservation, as to leave no doubt in his mind that man was contemporary with the extinct animals. professor malaise has given figures of the human remains in the "bulletin" of the royal academy of belgium for 1860.* (* volume 10 page 546.) the rock in which the liege caverns occur belongs generally to the carboniferous or mountain limestone, in some few cases only to the older devonian formation. whenever the work of destruction has not gone too far, magnificent sections, sometimes 200 and 300 feet in height, are exposed to view. they confirm schmerling's doctrine, that most of the materials, organic and inorganic, now filling the caverns, have been washed into them through narrow vertical or oblique fissures, the upper extremities of which are choked up with soil and gravel, and would scarcely ever be discoverable at the surface, especially in so wooded a country. among the sections obtained by quarrying, one of the finest which i saw was in the beautiful valley of fond du foret, above chaudefontaine, not far from the village of magnee, where one of the rents communicating with the surface has been filled up to the brim with rounded and half-rounded stones, angular pieces of limestone and shale, besides sand and mud, together with bones, chiefly of the cave-bear. connected with this main duct, which is from 1 to 2 feet in width, are several minor ones, each from 1 to 3 inches wide, also extending to the upper country or table-land, and choked up with similar materials. they are inclined at angles of 30 and 40 degrees, their walls being generally coated with stalactite, pieces of which have here and there been broken off and mingled with the contents of the rents, thus helping to explain why we so often meet with detached pieces of that substance in the mud and breccia of the belgian caves. it is not easy to conceive that a solid horizontal floor of hard stalagmite should, after its formation, be broken up by running water; but when the walls of steep and tortuous rents, serving as feeders to the principal fissures and to inferior vaults and galleries are encrusted with stalagmite, some of the incrustation may readily be torn up when heavy fragments of rock are hurried by a flood through passages inclined at angles of 30 or 40 degrees. the decay and decomposition of the fossil bones seem to have been arrested in most of the caves by a constant supply of water charged with carbonate of lime, which dripped from the roofs while the caves were becoming gradually filled up. by similar agency the mud, sand, and pebbles were usually consolidated. the following explanation of this phenomenon has been suggested by the eminent chemist liebig. on the surface of franconia, where the limestone abounds in caverns, is a fertile soil in which vegetable matter is continually decaying. this mould or humus, being acted on by moisture and air, evolves carbonic acid, which is dissolved by rain. the rain water, thus impregnated, permeates the porous limestone, dissolves a portion of it, and afterwards, when the excess of carbonic acid evaporates in the caverns, parts with the calcareous matter and forms stalactite. so long as water flows, even occasionally, through a suite of caverns, no layer of pure stalagmite can be produced; hence the formation of such a layer is generally an event posterior in date to the cessation of the old system of drainage, an event which might be brought about by an earthquake causing new fissures, or by the river wearing its way down to a lower level, and thenceforth running in a new channel. in all the subterranean cavities, more than forty in number, explored by schmerling, he only observed one cave, namely that of chokier, where there were two regular layers of stalagmite, divided by fossiliferous cave-mud. in this instance, we may suppose that the stream, after flowing for a long period at one level, cut its way down to an inferior suite of caverns, and, flowing through them for centuries, choked them up with debris; after which it rose once more to its original higher level: just as in the mountain limestone district of yorkshire some rivers, habitually absorbed by a "swallow hole," are occasionally unable to discharge all their water through it; in which case they rise and rush through a higher subterranean passage, which was at some former period in the regular line of drainage, as is often attested by the fluviatile gravel still contained in it. there are now in the basin of the meuse, not far from liege, several examples of engulfed brooks and rivers: some of them, like that of st. hadelin, east of chaudefontaine, which reappears after an underground course of a mile or two; others, like the vesdre, which is lost near goffontaine, and after a time re-emerges; some, again, like the torrent near magnee, which, after entering a cave, never again comes to the day. in the season of floods such streams are turbid at their entrance, but clear as a mountain-spring where they issue again; so that they must be slowly filling up cavities in the interior with mud, sand, pebbles, snail-shells, and the bones of animals which may be carried away during floods. the manner in which some of the large thigh and shank bones of the rhinoceros and other pachyderms are rounded, while some of the smaller bones of the same creatures, and of the hyaena, bear, and horse, are reduced to pebbles, shows that they were often transported for some distance in the channels of torrents, before they found a resting-place. when we desire to reason or speculate on the probable antiquity of human bones found fossil in such situations as the caverns near liege, there are two classes of evidence to which we may appeal for our guidance. first, considerations of the time required to allow of many species of carnivorous and herbivorous animals, which flourished in the cave period, becoming first scarce, and then so entirely extinct as we have seen that they had become before the era of the danish peat and swiss lake dwellings; secondly, the great number of centuries necessary for the conversion of the physical geography of the liege district from its ancient to its present configuration; so many old underground channels, through which brooks and rivers flowed in the cave period, being now laid dry and choked up. the great alterations which have taken place in the shape of the valley of the meuse and some of its tributaries are often demonstrated by the abrupt manner in which the mouths of fossiliferous caverns open in the face of perpendicular precipices 200 feet or more in height above the present streams. there appears also, in many cases, to be such a correspondence in the openings of caverns on opposite sides of some of the valleys, both large and small, as to incline one to suspect that they originally belonged to a series of tunnels and galleries which were continuous before the present system of drainage came into play, or before the existing valleys were scooped out. other signs of subsequent fluctuations are afforded by gravel containing elephant's bones at slight elevations above the meuse and several of its tributaries. it may be objected that, according to the present rate of change, no lapse of ages would suffice to bring about such revolutions in physical geography as we are here contemplating. this may be true. it is more than probable that the rate of change was once far more active than it is now in the basin of the meuse. some of the nearest volcanoes, namely, those of the lower eifel about 60 miles to the eastward, seem to have been in eruption in pleistocene times, and may perhaps have been connected and coeval with repeated risings or sinkings of the land in the liege district. it might be said, with equal truth, that according to the present course of events, no series of ages would suffice to reproduce such an assemblage of cones and craters as those of the eifel (near andernach, for example); and yet some of them may be of sufficiently modern date to belong to the era when man was contemporary with the mammoth and rhinoceros in the basin of the meuse. but, although we may be unable to estimate the minimum of time required for the changes in physical geography above alluded to, we cannot fail to perceive that the duration of the period must have been very protracted, and that other ages of comparative inaction may have followed, separating the pleistocene from the historical periods, and constituting an interval no less indefinite in its duration. chapter 5. -pleistocene period--fossil human skulls of the neanderthal and engis caves. human skeleton found in cave near dusseldorf. its geological position and probable age. its abnormal and ape-like characters. fossil human skull of the engis cave near liege. professor huxley's description of these skulls. comparison of each, with extreme varieties of the native australian race. range of capacity in the human and simian brains. skull from borreby in denmark. conclusions of professor huxley. bearing of the peculiar characters of the neanderthal skull on the hypothesis of transmutation. fossil human skeleton of the neanderthal cave near dusseldorf. before i speak more particularly of the opinions which anatomists have expressed respecting the osteological characters of the human skull from engis, near liege, mentioned in the last chapter and described by dr. schmerling, it will be desirable to say something of the geological position of another skull, or rather skeleton, which, on account of its peculiar conformation, has excited no small sensation in the last few years. i allude to the skull found in 1857 in a cave situated in that part of the valley of the dussel, near dusseldorf, which is called the neanderthal. the spot is a deep and narrow ravine about 70 english miles north-east of the region of the liege caverns treated of in the last chapter, and close to the village and railway station of hochdal between dusseldorf and elberfeld. the cave occurs in the precipitous southern or left side of the winding ravine, about sixty feet above the stream, and a hundred feet below the top of the cliff. the accompanying section (figure 1.) will give the reader an idea of its position. [illustration: figure 1] when dr. fuhlrott of elberfeld first examined the cave, he found it to be high enough to allow a man to enter. the width was 7 or 8 feet, and the length or depth 15. i visited the spot in 1860, in company with dr. fuhlrott, who had the kindness to come expressly from elberfeld to be my guide, and who brought with him the original fossil skull, and a cast of the same, which he presented to me. in the interval of three years, between 1857 and 1860, the ledge of rock, f, on which the cave opened, and which was originally 20 feet wide, had been almost entirely quarried away, and, at the rate at which the work of dilapidation was proceeding, its complete destruction seemed near at hand. (figure 1. section of the neanderthal cave near dusseldorf. a. cavern 60 feet above the dussel, and 100 feet below the surface of the country at c. b. loam covering the floor of the cave near the bottom of which the human skeleton was found. b, c. rent connecting the cave with the upper surface of the country. d. superficial sandy loam. e. devonian limestone. f. terrace, or ledge of rock.) in the limestone are many fissures, one of which, still partially filled with mud and stones, is represented in the section at a c as continuous from the cave to the upper surface of the country. through this passage the loam, and possibly the human body to which the bones belonged, may have been washed into the cave below. the loam, which covered the uneven bottom of the cave, was sparingly mixed with rounded fragments of chert, and was very similar in composition to that covering the general surface of that region. there was no crust of stalagmite overlying the mud in which the human skeleton was found, and no bones of other animals in the mud with the skeleton; but just before our visit in 1860 the tusk of a bear had been met with in some mud in a lateral embranchment of the cave, in a situation precisely similar to b, figure 1, and on a level corresponding with that of the human skeleton. this tusk, shown us by the proprietor of the cave, was 2 1/2 inches long and quite perfect; but whether it was referable to a recent or extinct species of bear, i could not determine. from a printed letter of dr. fuhlrott we learn that on removing the loam, which was five feet thick, from the cave, the human skull was first noticed near the entrance, and, further in, the other bones lying in the same horizontal plane. it is supposed that the skeleton was complete, but the workmen, ignorant of its value, scattered and lost most of the bones, preserving only the larger ones.* (* fuhlrott, letter to professor schaaffhausen, cited "natural history review" number 2 page 156. see also "naturhistorischer verein" bonn 1859.) the cranium, which dr. fuhlrott showed me, was covered both on its outer and inner surface, and especially on the latter, with a profusion of dendritical crystallisations, and some other bones of the skeleton were ornamented in the same way. these markings, as dr. hermann von meyer observes, afford no sure criterion of antiquity, for they have been observed on roman bones. nevertheless, they are more common in bones that have been long embedded in the earth. the skull and bones, moreover, of the neanderthal skeleton had lost so much of their animal matter as to adhere strongly to the tongue, agreeing in this respect with the ordinary condition of fossil remains of the pleistocene period. on the whole, i think it probable that this fossil may be of about the same age as those found by schmerling in the liege caverns; but, as no other animal remains were found with it, there is no proof that it may not be newer. its position lends no countenance whatever to the supposition of its being more ancient. when the skull and other parts of the skeleton were first exhibited at a german scientific meeting at bonn, in 1857, some doubts were expressed by several naturalists, whether it was truly human. professor schaaffhausen, who, with the other experienced zoologists, did not share these doubts, observed that the cranium, which included the frontal bone, both parietals, part of the squamous, and the upper third of the occipital, was of unusual size and thickness, the forehead narrow and very low, and the projection of the supra-orbital ridges enormously great. he also stated that the absolute and relative length of the thigh bone, humerus, radius, and ulna, agreed well with the dimensions of a european individual of like stature at the present day; but that the thickness of the bones was very extraordinary, and the elevations and depressions for the attachment of muscles were developed in an unusual degree. some of the ribs, also, were of a singularly rounded shape and abrupt curvature, which was supposed to indicate great power in the thoracic muscles.* (* professor schaaffhausen's "memoir" translated "natural history review" april 1861.) in the same memoir, the prussian anatomist remarks that the depression of the forehead (see figure 3.), is not due to any artificial flattening, such as is practised in various modes by barbarous nations in the old and new world, the skull being quite symmetrical, and showing no indication of counter-pressure at the occiput; whereas, according to morton, in the flat-heads of the columbia, the frontal and parietal bones are always unsymmetrical.* (* "natural history review" number 2 page 160.) on the whole, professor schaaffhausen concluded that the individual to whom the neanderthal skull belonged must have been distinguished by small cerebral development, and uncommon strength of corporeal frame. when on my return to england i showed the cast of the cranium to professor huxley, he remarked at once that it was the most ape-like skull he had ever beheld. mr. busk, after giving a translation of professor schaaffhausen's memoir in the "natural history review," added some valuable comments of his own on the characters in which this skull approached that of the gorilla and chimpanzee. professor huxley afterwards studied the cast with the object of assisting me to give illustrations of it in this work, and in doing so discovered what had not previously been observed, that it was quite as abnormal in the shape of its occipital as in that of its frontal or superciliary region. before citing his words on the subject, i will offer a few remarks on the engis skull which the same anatomist has compared with that of the neanderthal. [10] fossil skull of the engis cave near liege. among six or seven human skeletons, portions of which were collected by dr. schmerling from three or four caverns near liege, embedded in the same matrix with the remains of the elephant, rhinoceros, bear, hyaena, and other extinct quadrupeds, the most perfect skull, as i have before stated, was that of an adult individual found in the cavern of engis. this skull, dr. schmerling figured in his work, observing that it was too imperfect to enable the anatomist to determine the facial angle, but that one might infer, from the narrowness of the frontal portion, that it belonged to an individual of small intellectual development. he speculated on its ethiopian affinities, but not confidently, observing truly that it would require many more specimens to enable an anatomist to arrive at sound conclusions on such a point. m. geoffroy st. hilaire and other osteologists, who examined the specimen, denied that it resembled a negro's skull. when i saw the original in the museum at liege, i invited dr. spring, one of the professors of the university, to whom we are indebted for a valuable memoir on the human bones found in the cavern of chauvaux, near namur, to have a cast made of this engis skull. he not only had the kindness to comply with my request, but rendered a service to the scientific world by adding to the original cranium several detached fragments which dr. schmerling had obtained from engis, and which were found to fit in exactly, so that the cast represented at figure 2 is more complete than that given in the first plate of schmerling's work. it exhibits on the right side the position of the auditory foramen (see figure 6), which was not included in schmerling's figure. mr. busk, when he saw this cast, remarked to me that, although the forehead was, as schmerling had truly stated, somewhat narrow, it might nevertheless be matched by the skulls of individuals of european race, an observation since fully borne out by measurements, as will be seen in the sequel. observations by professor huxley on the human skulls of engis and the neanderthal. [illustration: figure 2] "the engis skull, as originally figured by professor schmerling, was in a very imperfect state; but other fragments have since been added to it by the care of dr. spring, and the cast upon which my observations are based (figure 2) exhibits the frontal, parietal, and occipital regions, as far as the middle of the occipital foramen, with the squamous and mastoid portions of the right temporal bone entire, or nearly so, while the left temporal bone is wanting. from the middle of the occipital foramen to the middle of the roof of each orbit, the base of the skull is destroyed, and the facial bones are entirely absent. "the extreme length of the skull is 7.7 inches, and as its extreme breadth is not more than 5.25, its form is decidedly dolichocephalic. at the same time its height (4 3/4 inches from the plane of the glabello-occipital line (a d) to the vertex) is good, and the forehead is well arched; so that while the horizontal circumference of the skull is about 20 1/2 inches, the longitudinal arc from the nasal spine of the frontal bone to the occipital protuberance (d) measures about 13 3/4 inches. the transverse arc from one auditory foramen to the other across the middle of the sagittal suture measures about 13 inches. the sagittal suture (b c) is 5 1/2 inches in length. the superciliary prominences are well, but not excessively, developed, and are separated by a median depression in the region of the glabella. they indicate large frontal sinuses. if a line joining the glabella and the occipital protuberance (a d) be made horizontal, no part of the occiput projects more than 1/10th of an inch behind the posterior extremity of that line; and the upper edge of the auditory foramen is almost in contact with the same line, or rather with one drawn parallel to it on the outer surface of the skull. (figure 2. side view of the cast of part of a human skull found by dr. schmerling embedded amongst the remains of extinct mammalia in the cave of engis, near liege. a. superciliary ridge and glabella. b. coronal suture. c. the apex of the lamboidal suture. d. the occipital protuberance.) "the neanderthal skull, with which also i am acquainted only by means of professor schaaffhausen's drawings of an excellent cast and of photographs, is so extremely different in appearance from the engis cranium, that it might well be supposed to belong to a distinct race of mankind. it is 8 inches in extreme length and 5.75 inches in extreme breadth, but only measures 3.4 inches from the glabello-occipital line to the vertex. the longitudinal arc, measured as above, is 12 inches; the transverse arc cannot be exactly ascertained, in consequence of the absence of the temporal bones, but was probably about the same, and certainly exceeded 10 1/4 inches. the horizontal circumference is 23 inches. this great circumference arises largely from the vast development of the superciliary ridges, which are occupied by great frontal sinuses whose inferior apertures are displayed exceedingly well in one of dr. fuhlrott's photographs, and form a continuous transverse prominence, somewhat excavated in the middle line, across the lower part of the brows. in consequence of this structure, the forehead appears still lower and more retreating than it really is. to an anatomical eye the posterior part of the skull is even more striking than the anterior. the occipital protuberance occupies the extreme posterior end of the skull when the glabello-occipital line is made horizontal, and so far from any part of the occipital region extending beyond it, this region of the skull slopes obliquely upward and forward, so that the lambdoidal suture is situated well upon the upper surface of the cranium. at the same time, notwithstanding the great length of the skull, the sagittal suture is remarkably short (4 1/2 inches), and the squamosal suture is very straight. [illustration: figure 3. cast of human skull] (figure 3. side view of the cast of a part of a human skull from a cave in the neanderthal, near dusseldorf. a. superciliary ridge and glabella. b. the coronal suture. c. the apex of the lamboidal suture. d. the occipital protuberance.) "in human skulls, the superior curved ridge of the occipital bone and the occipital protuberance correspond, approximatively, with the level of the tentorium and with the lateral sinuses, and consequently with the inferior limit of the posterior lobes of the brain. at first, i found some difficulty in believing that a human brain could have its posterior lobes so flattened and diminished as must have been the case in the neanderthal man, supposing the ordinary relation to obtain between the superior occipital ridges and the tentorium; but on my application, through sir charles lyell, dr. fuhlrott, the possessor of the skull, was good enough not only to ascertain the existence of the lateral sinuses in their ordinary position, but to send convincing proofs of the fact, in excellent photographic views of the interior of the skull, exhibiting clear indications of these sinuses. "there can be no doubt that, as professor schaaffhausen and mr. busk have stated, this skull is the most brutal of all known human skulls, resembling those of the apes not only in the prodigious development of the superciliary prominences and the forward extension of the orbits, but still more in the depressed form of the brain-case, in the straightness of the squamosal suture, and in the complete retreat of the occiput forwards and upward, from the superior occipital ridges. [illustration: figure 4. skull of chimpanzee] (figure 4. outline of the skull of an adult chimpanzee, of that from the neanderthal, and of that of a european, drawn to the same absolute size, in order better to exhibit their relative differences. the superciliary region of the neanderthal skull appears less prominent than in figure 3, as the contours are all taken along the middle line where the superciliary projection of the neanderthal skull is least marked. a. the glabella. b. the occipital protuberance, or the point on the exterior of each skull which corresponds roughly with the attachment of the tentorium, or with the inferior boundary of the posterior cerebral lobes.) "but the cranium, in its present condition, is stated by professor schaaffhausen to contain 1033.24 cubic centimetres of water, or, in other words, about 63 english cubic inches. as the entire skull could hardly have held less than 12 cubic inches more, its minimum capacity may be estimated at 75 cubic inches. the most capacious healthy european skull yet measured had a capacity of 114 cubic inches, the smallest (as estimated by weight of brain) about 55 cubic inches, while, according to professor schaaffhausen, some hindoo skulls have as small a capacity as about 46 cubic inches (27 ounces of water). the largest cranium of any gorilla yet measured contained 34.5 cubic inches. the neanderthal cranium stands, therefore, in capacity, very nearly on a level with the mean of the two human extremes, and very far above the pithecoid maximum. [illustration: figure 5. skull] (figure 5. skull associated with ground flint implements, from a tumulus at borreby in denmark, after a camera lucida drawing by mr. g. busk, f.r.s. the thick dark line indicates so much of the skull as corresponds with the fragment from the neanderthal. a. superciliary ridge. b. coronal suture. c. the apex of the lamboidal suture. d. the occipital protuberance. e. the auditory foramen.) "hence, even in the absence of the bones of the arm and thigh, which, according to professor schaaffhausen, had the precise proportions found in man, although they were stouter than ordinary human bones, there could be no reason for ascribing this cranium to anything but a man; while the strength and development of the muscular ridges of the limb-bones are characters in perfect accordance with those exhibited, in a minor degree, by the bones of such hardy savages, exposed to a rigorous climate, as the patagonians. "the neanderthal cranium has certainly not undergone compression, and, in reply to the suggestion that the skull is that of an idiot, it may be urged that the onus probandi lies with those who adopt the hypothesis. idiotcy is compatible with very various forms and capacities of the cranium, but i know of none which present the least resemblance to the neanderthal skull; and, furthermore, i shall proceed to show that the latter manifests but an extreme degree of a stage of degradation exhibited, as a natural condition, by the crania of certain races of mankind. "mr. busk drew my attention, some time ago, to the resemblance between some of the skulls taken from tumuli of the stone period at borreby in denmark, of which mr. busk possesses numerous accurate figures, and the neanderthal cranium. one of the borreby skulls in particular (figure 5) has remarkably projecting superciliary ridges, a retreating forehead, a low flattened vertex, and an occiput which shelves upward and forward. but the skull is relatively higher and broader, or more brachycephalic, the sagittal suture longer, and the superciliary ridges less projecting, than in the neanderthal skull. nevertheless, there is, without doubt, much resemblance in character between the two skulls--a circumstance which is the more interesting, since the other borreby skulls have better foreheads and less prominent superciliary ridges, and exhibit altogether a higher conformation. "the borreby skulls belong to the stone period of denmark, and the people to whom they appertained were probably either contemporaneous with, or later than, the makers of the 'refuse-heaps' of that country. in other words, they were subsequent to the last great physical changes of europe, and were contemporaries of the urus and bison, not of the elephas primigenius, rhinoceros tichorhinus, and hyaena spelaea. "supposing for a moment, what is not proven, that the neanderthal skull belonged to a race allied to the borreby people and was as modern as they, it would be separated by as great a distance of time as of anatomical character from the engis skull, and the possibility of its belonging to a distinct race from the latter might reasonably appear to be greatly heightened. "to prevent the possibility of reasoning in a vicious circle, however, i thought it would be well to endeavour to ascertain what amount of cranial variation is to be found in a pure race at the present day; and as the natives of southern and western australia are probably as pure and homogeneous in blood, customs, and language, as any race of savages in existence, i turned to them, the more readily as the hunterian museum contains a very fine collection of such skulls. "i soon found it possible to select from among these crania two (connected by all sorts of intermediate gradations), the one of which should very nearly resemble the engis skull, while the other should somewhat less closely approximate the neanderthal cranium in form, size, and proportions. and at the same time others of these skulls presented no less remarkable affinities with the low type of borreby skull. "that the resemblances to which i allude are by no means of a merely superficial character, is shown by the accompanying diagram (figure 6), which gives the contours of the two ancient and of one of the australian skulls, and by the following table of measurements. table 5/1. column 1: type of skull. column 2 (a): the horizontal circumference in the plane of a line joining the glabella with the occipital protuberance. column 3 (b): the longitudinal arc from the nasal depression along the middle line of the skull to the occipital tuberosity. column 4 (c): from the level of the glabello-occipital line on each side, across the middle of the sagittal suture to the same point on the opposite side. column 5 (d): the vertical height from the glabello-occipital line. column 6 (e): the extreme longitudinal measurement. column 7 (f): the extreme transverse measurement.* (* i have taken the glabello-occipital line as a base in these measurements, simply because it enables me to compare all the skulls, whether fragments or entire, together. the greatest circumference of the english skull lies in a plane considerably above that of the glabello-occipital line, and amounts to 22 inches.) engis : 20 1/2: 13 3/4: 12 1/2: 4 3/4: 7 3/4: 5 1/4. australian, number 1: 20 1/2: 13 : 12 : 4 3/4: 7 1/2: 5 4/10. australian, number 2: 22 : 12 1/2: 10 3/4: 3 8/10: 7.9: 5 3/4. neanderthal: 23 : 12 : 10 : 3 3/4: 8 : 5 3/4. "the question whether the engis skull has rather the character of one of the high races or of one of the lower has been much disputed, but the following measurements of an english skull, noted in the catalogue of the hunterian museum as typically caucasian (see figure 4) will serve to show that both sides may be right, and that cranial measurements alone afford no safe indication of race. english : 21 : 13 3/4: 12 1/2: 4 4/10: 7 7/8: 5 1/3. "in making the preceding statement, it must be clearly understood that i neither desire to affirm that the engis and neanderthal skulls belong to the australian race, nor to assert even that the ancient skulls belong to one and the same race, so far as race is measured by language, colour of skin, or character of hair. against the conclusion that they are of the same race as the australians various minor anatomical differences of the ancient skulls, such as the great development of the frontal sinuses, might be urged; while against the supposition of either the identity, or the diversity, of race of the two arises the known independence of the variation of cranium on the one hand, and of hair, colour, and language on the other. "but the amount of variation of the borreby skulls, and the fact that the skulls of one of the purest and most homogeneous of existing races of men can be proved to differ from one another in the same characters, though perhaps not quite to the same extent, as the engis and neanderthal skulls, seem to me to prohibit any cautious reasoner from affirming the latter to have been necessarily of distinct races. [illustration: figure 6. outlines of skulls] (figure 6. outlines of the skull from the neanderthal, of an australian skull from port adelaide, and of the skull from the cave of engis, drawn to the same absolute length, in order the better to contrast their proportions. a. the glabella. b. the occipital protuberance, or the point on the exterior of each skull which corresponds roughly with the attachment of the tentorium, or with the inferior boundary of the posterior cerebral lobes. e. the position of the auditory foramen of the engis skull.) "the marked resemblances between the ancient skulls and their modern australian analogues, however, have a profound interest, when it is recollected that the stone axe is as much the weapon and the implement of the modern as of the ancient savage; that the former turns the bones of the kangaroo and of the emu to the same account as the latter did the bones of the deer and the urus; that the australian heaps up the shells of devoured shellfish in mounds which represent the "refuse-heaps" or "kjokkenmodding," of denmark; and, finally, that, on the other side of torres straits, a race akin to the australians are among the few people who now build their houses on pile-works, like those of the ancient swiss lakes. "that this amount of resemblance in habit and in the conditions of existence is accompanied by as close a resemblance in cranial configuration, illustrates on a great scale that what cuvier demonstrated of the animals of the nile valley is no less true of men; circumstances remaining similar, the savage varies little more, it would seem, than the ibis or the crocodile, especially if we take into account the enormous extent of the time over which our knowledge of man now extends, as compared with that measured by the duration of the sepulchres of egypt. "finally, the comparatively large cranial capacity of the neanderthal skull, overlaid though it may be by pithecoid bony walls, and the completely human proportions of the accompanying limb-bones, together with the very fair development of the engis skull, clearly indicate that the first traces of the primordial stock whence man has proceeded need no longer be sought, by those who entertain any form of the doctrine of progressive development, in the newest tertiaries; but that they may be looked for in an epoch more distant from the age of the elephas primigenius than that is from us." the two skulls which form the subject of the preceding comments and illustrations have given rise to nearly an equal amount of surprise for opposite reasons; that of engis because being so unequivocally ancient, it approached so near to the highest or caucasian type; that of the neanderthal, because, having no such decided claims to antiquity, it departs so widely from the normal standard of humanity. professor huxley's observation regarding the wide range of variation, both as to shape and capacity, in the skulls of so pure a race as the native australian, removes to no small extent this supposed anomaly, assuming what though not proved is very probable, that both varieties co-existed in the pleistocene period in western europe. as to the engis skull, we must remember that although associated with the elephant, rhinoceros, bear, tiger, and hyaena, all of extinct species, it nevertheless is also accompanied by a bear, stag, wolf, fox, beaver, and many other quadrupeds of species still living. indeed many eminent palaeontologists, and among them professor pictet, think that, numerically considered, the larger portion of the mammalian fauna agrees specifically with that of our own period, so that we are scarcely entitled to feel surprised if we find human races of the pleistocene epoch undistinguishable from some living ones. it would merely tend to show that man has been as constant in his osteological characters as many other mammalia now his contemporaries. the expectation of always meeting with a lower type of human skull, the older the formation in which it occurs, is based on the theory of progressive development, and it may prove to be sound; nevertheless we must remember that as yet we have no distinct geological evidence that the appearance of what are called the inferior races of mankind has always preceded in chronological order that of the higher races. it is now admitted that the differences between the brain of the highest races of man and that of the lowest,* though less in degree, are of the same order as those which separate the human from the simian brain; and the same rule holds good in regard to the shape of the skull. (* "natural history review" 1861 page 8.) the average negro skull differs from that of the european in having a more receding forehead, more prominent superciliary ridges, and more largely developed prominences and furrows for the attachment of muscles; the face also, and its lines, are larger proportionally. the brain is somewhat less voluminous on the average in the lower races of mankind, its convolutions rather less complicated, and those of the two hemispheres more symmetrical, in all which points an approach is made to the simian type. it will also be seen, by reference to the late dr. morton's works, and by the foregoing statements of professor huxley, that the range of size or capacity between the highest and lowest human brain is greater than that between the highest simian and lowest human brain; but the neanderthal skull, although in several respects it is more ape-like than any human skull previously discovered, is, in regard to volume, by no means contemptible. eminent anatomists have shown that in the average proportions of some of the bones the negro differs from the european, and that in most of these characters, he makes a slightly nearer approach to the anthropoid quadrumana;* but professor schaaffhausen has pointed out that in these proportions the neanderthal skeleton does not differ from the ordinary standard, so that the skeleton by no means indicates a transition between homo and pithecus. (* "the inferior races of mankind exhibit proportions which are in many respects intermediate between the higher, or european, orders, and the monkeys. in the negro, for instance, the stature is less than in the european. the cranium, as is well known, bears a small proportion to the face. of the extremities the upper are proportionately longer, and there is, in both upper and lower, a less marked preponderance of the proximal over the distal segments. for instance, in the negro, the thigh and arm are rather shorter than in the european; the leg is actually of equal length in both races, and is therefore, relatively, a little longer in the negro; the fore-arm in the latter is actually, as well as relatively, a little longer; the foot is an eighth, and the hand a twelfth longer than in the european. it is well known that the foot is less well formed in the negro than in the european. the arch of the instep, the perfect conformation of which is essential to steadiness and ease of gait, is less elevated in the former than in the latter. the foot is thereby rendered flatter as well as longer, more nearly resembling the monkey's, between which and the european there is a marked difference in this particular."--from "a treatise on the human skeleton" by dr. humphry, lecturer on surgery and anatomy in the cambridge university medical school, page 91.) there is doubtless, as shown in the diagram figure 4, a nearer resemblance in the outline of the neanderthal skull to that of a chimpanzee than had ever been observed before in any human cranium; and professor huxley's description of the occipital region shows that the resemblance is not confined to the mere excessive prominence of the superciliary ridges. the direct bearing of the ape-like character of the neanderthal skull on lamarck's doctrine of progressive development and transmutation, or on that modification of it which has of late been so ably advocated by mr. darwin, consists in this, that the newly observed deviation from a normal standard of human structure is not in a casual or random direction, but just what might have been anticipated if the laws of variation were such as the transmutationists require. for if we conceive the cranium to be very ancient, it exemplifies a less advanced stage of progressive development and improvement. if it be a comparatively modern race, owing its peculiarities of conformation to degeneracy, it is an illustration of what botanists call "atavism," or the tendency of varieties to revert to an ancestral type, which type, in proportion to its antiquity, would be of lower grade. to this hypothesis, of a genealogical connection between man and the lower animals, i shall again allude in the concluding chapters. [11] chapter 6. -pleistocene alluvium and cave deposits with flint implements. general position of drift with extinct mammalia in valleys. discoveries of m. boucher de perthes at abbeville. flint implements found also at st. acheul, near amiens. curiosity awakened by the systematic exploration of the brixham cave. flint knives in same, with bones of extinct mammalia. superposition of deposits in the cave. visits of english and french geologists to abbeville and amiens. pleistocene alluvium containing flint implements in the valley of the somme. throughout a large part of europe we find at moderate elevations above the present river-channels, usually at a height of less than 40 feet, but sometimes much higher, beds of gravel, sand, and loam containing bones of the elephant, rhinoceros, horse, ox, and other quadrupeds, some of extinct, others of living, species, belonging for the most part to the fauna already alluded to in the fourth chapter as characteristic of the interior of caverns. the greater part of these deposits contain fluviatile shells, and have undoubtedly been accumulated in ancient river-beds. these old channels have long since been dry, the streams which once flowed in them having shifted their position, deepening the valleys, and often widening them on one side. it has naturally been asked, if man co-existed with the extinct species of the caves, why were his remains and the works of his hands never embedded outside the caves in ancient river-gravel containing the same fossil fauna? why should it be necessary for the geologist to resort for evidence of the antiquity of our race to the dark recesses of underground vaults and tunnels which may have served as places of refuge or sepulture to a succession of human beings and wild animals, and where floods may have confounded together in one breccia the memorials of the fauna of more than one epoch? why do we not meet with a similar assemblage of the relics of man, and of living and extinct quadrupeds, in places where the strata can be thoroughly scrutinised in the light of day? recent researches have at length demonstrated that such memorials, so long sought for in vain, do in fact exist, and their recognition is the chief cause of the more favourable reception now given to the conclusions which mm. tournal, christol, schmerling, and others, arrived at thirty years ago respecting the fossil contents of caverns. [12] a very important step in this new direction was made thirteen years after the publication of schmerling's researches, by m. boucher de perthes, who found in ancient alluvium at abbeville, in picardy, some flint implements, the relative antiquity of which was attested by their geological position. the antiquarian knowledge of their discoverer enabled him to recognise in their rude and peculiar type a character distinct from that of the polished stone weapons of a later period, usually called "celts." in the first volume of his "antiquites celtiques," published in 1847, m. boucher de perthes styled these older tools "antediluvian," because they came from the lowest beds of a series of ancient alluvial strata bordering the valley of the somme, which geologists had termed "diluvium." he had begun to collect these implements in 1841. from that time they had been annually dug out of the drift or deposits of gravel and sand, of which fine sections were laid open from 20 to 35 feet in depth, whenever excavations were made in repairing the fortifications of abbeville; or as often as flints were wanted for the roads, or loam for making bricks. for years previously bones of quadrupeds of the genera elephant, rhinoceros, bear, hyaena, stag, ox, horse, and others, had been collected there, and sent from time to time to paris to be examined and named by cuvier, who had described them in his ossements fossiles. a correct account of the associated flint tools and of their position was given in 1847 by m. boucher de perthes in his work above cited, and they were stated to occur at various depths, often 20 or 30 feet from the surface, in sand and gravel, especially in those strata which were nearly in contact with the subjacent white chalk. but the scientific world had no faith in the statement that works of art, however rude, had been met with in undisturbed beds of such antiquity. few geologists visited abbeville in winter, when the sand-pits were open, and when they might have opportunities of verifying the sections, and judging whether the instruments had really been embedded by natural causes in the same strata with the bones of the mammoth, rhinoceros, and other extinct mammalia. some of the tools figured in the "antiquites celtiques" were so rudely shaped, that many imagined them to have owed their peculiar forms to accidental fracture in a river's bed; others suspected frauds on the part of the workmen, who might have fabricated them for sale, or that the gravel had been disturbed, and that the worked flints had got mingled with the bones of the mammoth long after that animal and its associates had disappeared from the earth. no one was more sceptical than the late eminent physician of amiens, dr. rigollot, who had long before (in the year 1819) written a memoir on the fossil mammalia of the valley of the somme. he was at length induced to visit abbeville, and, having inspected the collection of m. boucher de perthes, returned home resolved to look for himself for flint tools in the gravel-pits near amiens. there, accordingly, at a distance of about 30 miles from abbeville, he immediately found abundance of similar flint implements, precisely the same in the rudeness of their make, and the same in their geological position; some of them in gravel nearly on a level with the somme, others in similar deposits resting on chalk at a height of about 90 feet above the river. dr. rigollot having in the course of four years obtained several hundred specimens of these tools, most of them from st. acheul in the south-east suburbs of amiens, lost no time in communicating an account of them to the scientific world, in a memoir illustrated by good figures of the worked flints and careful sections of the beds. these sections were executed by m. buteux, an engineer well qualified for the task, who had written a good description of the geology of picardy. dr. rigollot, in this memoir, pointed out most clearly that it was not in the vegetable soil, nor in the brick-earth with land and freshwater shells next below, but in the lower beds of coarse flint-gravel, usually 12, 20, or 25 feet below the surface, that the implements were met with, just as they had been previously stated by m. boucher de perthes to occur at abbeville. the conclusion, therefore, which was legitimately deduced from all the facts, was that the flint tools and their fabricators were coeval with the extinct mammalia embedded in the same strata. brixham cave, near torquay, devonshire. four years after the appearance of dr. rigollot's paper, a sudden change of opinion was brought about in england respecting the probable co-existence, at a former period, of man and many extinct mammalia, in consequence of the results obtained from a careful exploration of a cave at brixham, near torquay, in devonshire. as the new views very generally adopted by english geologists had no small influence on the subsequent progress of opinion in france, i shall interrupt my account of the researches made in the valley of the somme, by a brief notice of those which were carried on in 1858 in devonshire with more than usual care and scientific method. dr. buckland, in his celebrated work, entitled "reliquiae diluvianae," published in 1823, in which he treated of the organic remains contained in caves, fissures, and "diluvial gravel" in england, had given a clear statement of the results of his own original observations, and had declared that none of the human bones or stone implements met with by him in any of the caverns could be considered to be as old as the mammoth and other extinct quadrupeds. opinions in harmony with this conclusion continued until very lately to be generally in vogue in england; although about the time that schmerling was exploring the liege caves, the reverend mr. mcenery, a catholic priest, residing near torquay, had found in a cave one mile east of that town, called "kent's hole," in red loam covered with stalagmite, not only bones of the mammoth, tichorhine rhinoceros, hippopotamus, cave-bear, and other mammalia, but several remarkable flint tools, some of which he supposed to be of great antiquity, while there were also remains of man in the same cave of a later date.* (* the manuscript and plates prepared for a joint memoir on kent's hole, by mr. mcenery and dr. buckland, have recently been published by mr. vivian of torquay, from which, as well as from some of the unprinted manuscript, i infer that mr. mcenery only refrained out of deference to dr. buckland from declaring his belief in the contemporaneousness of certain flint implements of an antique type and the bones of extinct animals. two of these implements from kent's hole, figured in plate 12 of the posthumous work above alluded to, approach very closely in form and size to the common abbeville implements.) about ten years afterwards, in a "memoir on the geology of south devon," published in 1842 by the geological society of london,* an able geologist, mr. godwin-austen, declared that he had obtained in the same cave (kent's hole) works of man from undisturbed loam or clay, under stalagmite, mingled with the remains of extinct animals, and that all these must have been introduced "before the stalagmite flooring had been formed." he maintained that such facts could not be explained away by the hypothesis of sepulture, as in dr. buckland's well-known case of the human skeleton of paviland, because in the devon cave the flint implements were widely distributed through the loam, and lay beneath the stalagmite. (* "transactions of the geological society" 2nd series volume 6 page 444.) as the osseous and other contents of kent's hole had, by repeated diggings, been thrown into much confusion, it was thought desirable in 1858, when a new and intact bone-cave was discovered at brixham, about four miles south of torquay, to have a thorough and systematic examination made of it. the royal society, chiefly at the instance of dr. falconer, made two grants towards defraying the expenses, and miss burdett-coutts contributed liberally towards the same object. a committee of geologists was charged with the investigations, among whom dr. falconer and mr. prestwich took a prominent part, visiting torquay while the excavations were in progress. mr. pengelly, another member of the committee, well qualified for the task by nearly twenty years' previous experience in cave explorations, zealously directed and superintended the work. by him, in 1859, i was conducted through the subterranean galleries after they had been cleared out; and dr. falconer, who was also at torquay, showed me the numerous fossils which had been discovered, and which he was then studying, all numbered and labelled, with reference to a journal in which the geological position of each specimen was recorded with scrupulous care. the discovery of the existence of this suite of caverns near the sea at brixham was made accidentally by the roof of one of them being broken through in quarrying. none of the four external openings now exposed to view in steep cliffs or in the sloping side of a valley were visible before the breccia and earthy matter which blocked them up were removed during the late exploration. according to a ground-plan drawn up by professor ramsay, it appears that some of the passages which run nearly north and south are fissures connected with the vertical dislocation of the rocks, while another set, running nearly east and west, are tunnels, which have the appearance of having been to a great extent hollowed out by the action of running water. the central or main entrance, leading to what is called the "reindeer gallery," because a perfect antler of that animal was found sticking in the stalagmitic floor, is 95 feet above the level of the sea, being also 78 above the bottom of the adjoining valley. the united length of the galleries which were cleared out amounted to several hundred feet. their width never exceeded 8 feet. they were sometimes filled up to the roof with mud, but occasionally there was a considerable space between the roof and floor. the latter, in the case of the fissure-caves, was covered with stalagmite, but in the tunnels it was usually free from any such incrustation. the following was the general succession of the deposits forming the contents of the underground passages and channels:-first. at the top, a layer of stalagmite varying in thickness from 1 to 15 inches, which sometimes contained bones, such as the reindeer's horn, already mentioned, and an entire humerus of the cave-bear. secondly. next below, loam or bone-earth, of an ochreous red colour, with angular stones and some pebbles, from 2 to 13 feet in thickness. thirdly. at the bottom of all, gravel with many rounded pebbles in it. this was everywhere removed so long as the tunnels which narrowed downwards were wide enough to be worked. it proved to be almost entirely barren of fossils. the mammalia obtained from the bone-earth consisted of elephas primigenius, or mammoth; rhinoceros tichorhinus; ursus spelaeus; hyaena spelaea; felis spelaea, or the cave-lion; cervus tarandus, or the reindeer; a species of horse, ox, and several rodents, and others not yet determined. no human bones were obtained anywhere during these excavations, but many flint knives, chiefly from the lowest part of the bone-earth; and one of the most perfect lay at the depth of 13 feet from the surface, and was covered with bone-earth of that thickness. neglecting the less perfect specimens, some of which were met with even in the lowest gravel, about fifteen knives, recognised as artificially formed by the most experienced antiquaries, were taken from the bone-earth, and usually from near the bottom. such knives, considered apart from the associated mammalia, afford in themselves no safe criterion of antiquity, as they might belong to any part of the age of stone, similar tools being sometimes met with in tumuli posterior in date to the era of the introduction of bronze. but the contemporaneity of those at brixham with the extinct animals is demonstrated not only by the occurrence at one point in overlying stalagmite of the bone of a cave-bear, but also by the discovery at the same level in the bone-earth, and in close proximity to a very perfect flint tool, of the entire left hind-leg of a cave-bear. this specimen, which was shown me by dr. falconer and mr. pengelly, was exhumed from the earthy deposit in the reindeer gallery, near its junction with the flint-knife gallery, at the distance of about sixty-five feet from the main entrance. the mass of earth containing it was removed entire, and the matrix cleared away carefully by dr. falconer in the presence of mr. pengelly. every bone was in its natural place, the femur, tibia, fibula, ankle-bone, or astragalus, all in juxtaposition. even the patella or detached bone of the knee-pan was searched for, and not in vain. here, therefore, we have evidence of an entire limb not having been washed in a fossil state out of an older alluvium, and then swept afterwards into a cave, so as to be mingled with flint implements, but having been introduced when clothed with its flesh, or at least when it had the separate bones bound together by their natural ligaments, and in that state buried in mud. if they were not all of contemporary date, it is clear from this case, and from the humerus of the ursus spelaeus, before cited, as found in a floor of stalagmite, that the bear lived after the flint tools were manufactured, or in other words, that man in this district preceded the cave-bear. a glance at the position of windmill hill, in which the caverns are situated, and a brief survey of the valleys which bound it on three sides, are enough to satisfy a geologist that the drainage and geographical features of this region have undergone great changes since the gravel and bone-earth were carried by streams into the subterranean cavities above described. some worn pebbles of haematite, in particular, can only have come from their nearest parent rock, at a period when the valleys immediately adjoining the caves were much shallower than they now are. the reddish loam in which the bones are embedded is such as may be seen on the surface of limestone in the neighbourhood, but the currents which were formerly charged with such mud must have run at a level 78 feet above that of the stream now flowing in the same valley. it was remarked by mr. pengelly that the stones and bones in the loam had their longest axes parallel to the direction of the tunnels and fissures, showing that they were deposited by the action of a stream.* (* pengelly, "geologist" volume 4 1861 page 153.) it appears that so long as the flowing water had force enough to propel stony fragments, no layer of fine mud could accumulate, and so long as there was a regular current capable of carrying in fine mud and bones, no superficial crust of stalagmite. in some passages, as before stated, stalagmite was wanting, while in one place seven or eight alternations of stalagmite and loam were observed, seeming to indicate a prevalence of more rainy seasons, succeeded by others, when the water was for a time too low to flood the area where the calcareous incrustation accumulated. if the regular sequence of the three deposits of pebbles, mud, and stalagmite was the result of the causes above explained, the order of superposition would be constant, yet we could not be sure that the gravel in one passage might not sometimes be coeval with the bone-earth or stalagmite in another. if therefore the flint knives had not been very widely dispersed, and if one of them had not been at the bottom of the bone-earth, close to the leg of the bear above described, their antiquity relatively to the extinct mammalia might have been questioned. no coprolites were found in the brixham excavations, and very few gnawed bones. these few may have been brought from some distance before they reached their place of rest. upon the whole, the same conclusion which dr. schmerling came to, respecting the filling up of the caverns near liege, seems applicable to the caves of brixham. dr. falconer, after aiding in the investigations above alluded to near torquay, stopped at abbeville on his way to sicily, in the autumn of 1858, and saw there the collection of m. boucher de perthes. being at once satisfied that the flints called hatchets had really been fashioned by the hand of man, he urged mr. prestwich, by letter, thoroughly to explore the geology of the valley of the somme. this he accordingly accomplished, in company with mr. john evans [13], of the society of antiquaries, and, before his return that same year, succeeded in dissipating all doubts from the minds of his geological friends by extracting, with his own hands, from a bed of undisturbed gravel, at st. acheul, a well-shaped flint hatchet. this implement was buried in the gravel at a depth of 17 feet from the surface, and was lying on its flat side. there were no signs of vertical rents in the enveloping matrix, nor in the overlying beds of sand and loam, in which were many land and freshwater shells; so that it was impossible to imagine that the tool had gradually worked its way downwards, as some had suggested, through the incumbent soil, into an older formation.* (* prestwich, "proceedings of the royal society" 1859 and "philosophical transactions" 1860.) there was no one in england whose authority deserved to have so much weight in overcoming incredulity in regard to the antiquity of the implements in question. for mr. prestwich, besides having published a series of important memoirs on the tertiary formations of europe, had devoted many years specially to the study of the drift and its organic remains. his report, therefore, to the royal society, accompanied by a photograph showing the position of the flint tool in situ before it was removed from its matrix, not only satisfied many inquirers, but induced others to visit abbeville and amiens; and one of these, mr. flower, who accompanied mr. prestwich on his second excursion to st. acheul, in june 1859, succeeded, by digging into the bank of gravel, in disinterring, at the depth of 22 feet from the surface, a fine, symmetrically-shaped weapon of an oval form, lying in and beneath strata which were observed by many witnesses to be perfectly undisturbed.* (* "quarterly journal of the geological society" volume 16 1860 page 190.) shortly afterwards, in the year 1859, i visited the same pits, and obtained seventy flint tools, one of which was taken out while i was present, though i did not see it before it had fallen from the matrix. i expressed my opinion in favour of the antiquity of the flint tools to the meeting of the british association at aberdeen, in the same year.* (* see "report of british association" for 1859. ) on my way through rouen, i stated my convictions on this subject to m. george pouchet, who immediately betook himself to st. acheul, commissioned by the municipality of rouen, and did not quit the pits till he had seen one of the hatchets extracted from gravel in its natural position.* (* "actes du musee d'histoire naturelle de rouen" 1860 page 33.) m. gaudry also gave the following account of his researches in the same year to the royal academy of sciences at paris. "the great point was not to leave the workmen for a single instant, and to satisfy oneself by actual inspection whether the hatchets were found in situ. i caused a deep excavation to be made, and found nine hatchets, most distinctly in situ in the diluvium, associated with teeth of equus fossilis and a species of bos, different from any now living, and similar to that of the diluvium and of caverns."* (* "comptes rendus" september 26 and october 3, 1859.) in 1859, m. hebert, an original observer of the highest authority, declared to the geological society of france that he had, in 1854, or four years before mr. prestwich's visit to st. acheul, seen the sections at abbeville and amiens, and had come to the opinion that the hatchets were imbedded in the "lower diluvium," and that their origin was as ancient as that of the mammoth and the rhinoceros. m. desnoyers also made excavations after m. gaudry, at st. acheul, in 1859, with the same results.* (* "bulletin" volume 17 page 18.) after a lively discussion on the subject in england and france, it was remembered, not only that there were numerous recorded cases leading to similar conclusions in regard to cavern deposits, but, also, that mr. frere had, so long ago as 1797, found flint weapons, of the same type as those of amiens, in a freshwater formation in suffolk, in conjunction with elephant remains; and nearly a hundred years earlier (1715), another tool of the same kind had been exhumed from the gravel of london, together with bones of an elephant; to all which examples i shall allude more fully in the sequel. i may conclude this chapter by quoting a saying of professor agassiz, "that whenever a new and startling fact is brought to light in science, people first say, 'it is not true,' then that 'it is contrary to religion,' and lastly, 'that everybody knew it before.'" if i were considering merely the cultivators of geology, i should say that the doctrine of the former co-existence of man with many extinct mammalia had already gone through these three phases in the progress of every scientific truth towards acceptance. but the grounds of this belief have not yet been fully laid before the general public, so as to enable them fairly to weigh and appreciate the evidence. i shall therefore do my best in the next three chapters to accomplish this task. chapter 7. -peat and pleistocene alluvium of the valley of the somme. geological structure of the valley of the somme and of the surrounding country. position of alluvium of different ages. peat near abbeville. its animal and vegetable contents. works of art in peat. probable antiquity of the peat, and changes of level since its growth began. flint implements of antique type in older alluvium. their various forms and great numbers. geological structure of the somme valley. the valley of the somme in picardy, alluded to in the last chapter, is situated geologically in a region of white chalk with flints, the strata of which are nearly horizontal. the chalk hills which bound the valley are almost everywhere between 200 and 300 feet in height. on ascending to that elevation, we find ourselves on an extensive table-land, in which there are slight elevations and depressions. the white chalk itself is scarcely ever exposed at the surface on this plateau, although seen on the slopes of the hills, as at b and c (figure 7). the general surface of the upland region is covered continuously for miles in every direction by loam or brick-earth (number 4), about 5 feet thick, devoid of fossils. to the wide extent of this loam the soil of picardy chiefly owes its great fertility. here and there we also observe, on the chalk, outlying patches of tertiary sand and clay (number 5, figure 7), with eocene fossils, the remnants of a formation once more extensive, and which probably once spread in one continuous mass over the chalk, before the present system of valleys had begun to be shaped out. it is necessary to allude to these relics of tertiary strata, of which the larger part is missing, because their denudation has contributed largely to furnish the materials of gravels in which the flint implements and bones of extinct mammalia are entombed. from this source have been derived not only the regular-formed egg-shaped pebbles, so common in the old fluviatile alluvium at all levels, but those huge masses of hard sandstone, several feet in diameter, to which i shall allude in the sequel. the upland loam also (number 4) has often, in no slight degree, been formed at the expense of the same tertiary sands and clays, as is attested by its becoming more or less sandy or argillaceous, according to the nature of the nearest eocene outlier in the neighbourhood. the average width of the valley of the somme between amiens and abbeville is one mile. the height, therefore, of the hills, in relation to the river-plain, could not be correctly represented in the annexed diagram (figure 7), as they would have to be reduced in altitude; or if not, it would be necessary to make the space between c and b four times as great. the dimensions also of the masses, of drift or alluvium, 2 and 3, have been exaggerated, in order to render them sufficiently conspicuous; for, all important as we shall find them to be as geological monuments of the pleistocene period, they form a truly insignificant feature in the general structure of the country, so much so, that they might easily be overlooked in a cursory survey of the district, and are usually unnoticed in geological maps not specially devoted to the superficial formations. [illustration: figure 7. valley of the somme] (figure 7. section across the valley of the somme in picardy. 1. peat, 20 to 30 feet thick, resting on gravel, a. 2. lower level gravel with elephants' bones and flint tools, covered with fluviatile loam, 20 to 40 feet thick. 3. higher level gravel with similar fossils, and with overlying loam, in all 30 feet thick. 4. upland loam without shells (limon des plateaux), 5 or 6 feet thick. 5. eocene strata, resting on the chalk in patches.) it will be seen by the description given of the section (figure 7) that number 2 indicates the lower level gravels, and number 3 the higher ones, or those rising to elevations of 80 or 100 feet above the river. newer than these is the peat number 1, which is from 10 to 30 feet in thickness, and which is not only of later date than the alluvium, 2 and 3, but is also posterior to the denudation of those gravels, or to the time when the valley was excavated through them. underneath the peat is a bed of gravel, a, from 3 to 14 feet thick, which rests on undisturbed chalk. this gravel was probably formed, in part at least, when the valley was scooped out to its present depth, since which time no geological change has taken place, except the growth of the peat, and certain oscillations in the general level of the country, to which we shall allude by and by. a thin layer of impervious clay separates the gravel a from the peat number 1, and seems to have been a necessary preliminary to the growth of the peat. peat of the valley of the somme. as hitherto, in our retrospective survey, we have been obliged, for the sake of proceeding from the known to the less known, to reverse the natural order of history, and to treat of the newer before the older formations, i shall begin my account of the geological monuments of the valley of the somme by saying something of the most modern of all of them, the peat. this substance occupies the lower parts of the valley far above amiens, and below abbeville as far as the sea. it has already been stated to be in some places 30 feet thick, and is even occasionally more than 30 feet, corresponding in that respect to the danish mosses before described (chapter 2). like them, it belongs to the recent period; all the embedded mammalia, as well as the shells, being of the same species as those now inhabiting europe. the bones of quadrupeds are very numerous, as i can bear witness, having seen them brought up from a considerable depth near abbeville, almost as often as the dredging instrument was used. besides remains of the beaver, i was shown, in the collection of m. boucher de perthes, two perfect lower jaws with teeth of the bear, ursus arctos; and in the paris museum there is another specimen, also from the abbeville peat. the list of mammalia already comprises a large proportion of those proper to the swiss lake-dwellings, and to the shell-mounds and peat of denmark; but unfortunately as yet no special study has been made of the french fauna, like that by which the danish and swiss zoologists and botanists have enabled us to compare the wild and tame animals and the vegetation of the age of stone with that of the age of iron. notwithstanding the abundance of mammalian bones in the peat, and the frequency of stone implements of the celtic and gallo-roman periods, m. boucher de perthes has only met with three or four fragments of human skeletons. at some depth in certain places in the valley near abbeville, the trunks of alders have been found standing erect as they grew, with their roots fixed in an ancient soil, afterwards covered with peat. stems of the hazel, and nuts of the same, abound; trunks, also, of the oak and walnut. the peat extends to the coast, and is there seen passing under the sand-dunes and below the sea-level. at the mouth of the river canche, which joins the sea near the embouchure of the somme, yew trees, firs, oaks, and hazels have been dug out of peat, which is there worked for fuel, and is about three feet thick.* (* d'archiac, "histoire des progres" volume 2 page 154.) during great storms, large masses of compact peat, enclosing trunks of flattened trees, have been thrown up on the coast at the mouth of the somme; seeming to indicate that there has been a subsidence of the land and a consequent submergence of what was once a westward continuation of the valley of the somme into what is now a part of the english channel. whether the vegetation of the lowest layers of peat differed as to the geographical distribution of some of the trees from the middle, and this from the uppermost peat, as in denmark, has not yet been ascertained; nor have careful observations been made with a view of calculating the minimum of time which the accumulation of so dense a mass of vegetable matter must have taken. a foot in thickness of highly compressed peat, such as is sometimes reached in the bottom of the bogs, is obviously the equivalent in time of a much greater thickness of peat of spongy and loose texture, found near the surface. the workmen who cut peat, or dredge it up from the bottom of swamps and ponds, declare that in the course of their lives none of the hollows which they have found, or caused by extracting peat, have ever been refilled, even to a small extent. they deny, therefore, that the peat grows. this, as m. boucher de perthes observes, is a mistake; but it implies that the increase in one generation is not very appreciable by the unscientific. the antiquary finds near the surface gallo-roman remains, and still deeper celtic weapons of the stone period. [14] but the depth at which roman works of art occur varies in different places, and is no sure test of age; because in some parts of the swamps, especially near the river, the peat is often so fluid that heavy substances may sink through it, carried down by their own gravity. in one case, however, m. boucher de perthes observed several large flat dishes of roman pottery, lying in a horizontal position in the peat, the shape of which must have prevented them from sinking or penetrating through the underlying peat. allowing about fourteen centuries for the growth of the superincumbent vegetable matter, he calculated that the thickness gained in a hundred years would be no more than three centimetres.* (* "antiquites celtiques" volume 2 page 134.) this rate of increase would demand so many thousands of years for the formation of the entire thickness of 30 feet that we must hesitate before adopting it as a chronometric scale. yet, by multiplying observations of this kind, and bringing one to bear upon and check another, we may eventually succeed in obtaining data for estimating the age of the peaty deposit. [15] the rate of increase in denmark may not be applicable to france; because differences in the humidity of the climate, or in the intensity and duration of summer's heat and winter's cold, as well as diversity in the species of plants which most abound, would cause the peat to grow more or less rapidly, not only when we compare two distinct countries in europe, but the same country at two successive periods. i have already alluded to some facts which favour the idea that there has been a change of level on the coast since the peat began to grow. this conclusion seems confirmed by the mere thickness of peat at abbeville, and the occurrence of alder and hazel-wood near the bottom of it. if 30 feet of peat were now removed, the sea would flow up and fill the valley for miles above abbeville. yet this vegetable matter is all of supra-marine origin, for where shells occur in it they are all of terrestrial or fluviatile kinds, so that it must have grown above the sea-level when the land was more elevated than now. we have already seen what changes in the relative level of sea and land have occurred in scotland subsequently to the time of the romans, and are therefore prepared to meet with proofs of similar movements in picardy. in that country they have probably not been confined simply to subsidence, but have comprised oscillations in the level of the land, by which marine shells of the pleistocene period have been raised some 10 feet or more above the level of the sea. small as is the progress hitherto made in interpreting the pages of the peaty record, their importance in the valley of the somme is enhanced by the reflection that, whatever be the number of centuries to which they relate, they belong to times posterior to the ancient implement-bearing beds, which we are next to consider, and are even separated from them, as we shall see, by an interval far greater than that which divides the earliest strata of the peat from the latest. flint implements of the pleistocene period in the valley of the somme. the alluvium of the valley of the somme exhibits nothing extraordinary or exceptional in its position or external appearance, nor in the arrangement or composition of its materials, nor in its organic remains; in all these characters it might be matched by the drift of a hundred other valleys in france or england. its claim to our peculiar attention is derived from the wonderful number of flint tools, of a very antique type, which, as stated in the last chapter, occur in undisturbed strata, associated with the bones of extinct quadrupeds. as much doubt has been cast on the question, whether the so-called flint hatchets have really been shaped by the hands of man, it will be desirable to begin by satisfying the reader's mind on that point, before inviting him to study the details of sections of successive beds of mud, sand, and gravel, which vary considerably even in contiguous localities. since the spring of 1859, i have paid three visits to the valley of the somme, and examined all the principal localities of these flint tools. in my excursions around abbeville, i was accompanied by m. boucher de perthes, and during one of my explorations in the amiens district, by mr. prestwitch. the first time i entered the pits at st. acheul, i obtained seventy flint instruments, all of them collected from the drift in the course of the preceding five or six weeks. the two prevailing forms of these tools are represented in the annexed figures 8 and 9, each of which are half the size of the originals; the first being the spear-headed form, varying in length from six to eight inches; the second, the oval form, which is not unlike some stone implements, used to this day as hatchets and tomahawks by natives of australia, but with this difference, that the edge in the australian weapons (as in the case of those called celts in europe) has been produced by friction, whereas the cutting edge in the old tools of the valley of the somme was always gained by the simple fracture of the flint, and by the repetition of many dexterous blows. the oval-shaped australian weapons, however, differ in being sharpened at one end only. the other, though reduced by fracture to the same general form, is left rough, in which state it is fixed into a cleft stick, which serves as a handle. to this it is firmly bound by thin straps of opossum's hide. one of these tools, now in my possession, was given me by mr. farquharson of haughton, who saw a native using it in 1854 on the auburn river, in burnet district, north australia. out of more than a hundred flint implements which i obtained at st. acheul, not a few had their edges more or less fractured or worn, either by use as instruments before they were buried in gravel, or by being rolled in the river's bed. some of these tools were probably used as weapons, both of war and of the chase, others to grub up roots, cut down trees, and scoop out canoes. some of them may have served, as mr. prestwich has suggested, for cutting holes in the ice both for fishing and for obtaining water, as will be explained in the eighth chapter when we consider the arguments in favour of the higher level drift having belonged to a period when the rivers were frozen over for several months every winter. [illustration: figure 8. flint implement] (figure 8. flint implement from st. acheul, near amiens, of the spear-head shape (half the size of the original, which is 7 1/2 inches long). a. side view. b. same seen edgewise. these spear-headed implements have been found in greater number, proportionally to the oval ones, in the upper level gravel at st. acheul, than in any of the lower gravels in the valley of the somme. in these last the oval form predominates, especially at abbeville.) when the natural form of a chalk-flint presented a suitable handle at one end, as in the specimen, figure 10, that part was left as found. the portion, for example, between b and c has probably not been altered; the protuberances which are fractured having been broken off by river action before the flint was chipped artificially. the other extremity, a, has been worked till it acquired a proper shape and cutting edge. [illustration: figures 9 and 10. flint implements] (figures 9 and 10. flint implements from the pleistocene drift of abbeville and amiens. figure 9. a. oval-shaped flint hatchet from mautort, near abbeville, half size of original, which is 5 1/2 inches long, from a bed of gravel underlying the fluvio-marine stratum. b. same seen edgewise. c. shows a recent fracture of the edge of the same at the point a, or near the top. this portion of the tool, c, is drawn of the natural size, the black central part being the unaltered flint, the white outer coating, the layer which has been formed by discoloration or bleaching since the tool was first made. the entire surface of number 9 must have been black when first shaped, and the bleaching to such a depth must have been the work of time, whether produced by exposure to the sun and air before it was embedded, or afterwards when it lay deep in the soil. figure 10. flint tool from st. acheul, seen edgewise; original 6 1/2 inches long, and 3 inches wide. b, c. portion not artificially shaped. a, b. part chipped into shape, and having a cutting edge at a.) many of the hatchets are stained of an ochreous-yellow colour, when they have been buried in yellow gravel, others have acquired white or brown tints, according to the matrix in which they have been enclosed. this accordance in the colouring of the flint tools with the character of the bed from which they have come, indicates, says mr. prestwich, not only a real derivation from such strata, but also a sojourn therein of equal duration to that of the naturally broken flints forming part of the same beds.* (* "philosophical transactions" 1861 page 297.) [illustration: figures 11, 12 and 13. dendrites on fling hatchets] (figures 11, 12 and 13. dendrites on surfaces of flint hatchets in the drift of st. acheul, near amiens. figure 11. a. natural size. figure 12. b. natural size. c. magnified. figure 13. d. natural size. e. magnified.) the surface of many of the tools is encrusted with a film of carbonate of lime, while others are adorned by those ramifying crystallisations called dendrites (see figures 11, 12 and 13), usually consisting of the mixed oxides of iron and manganese, forming extremely delicate blackish brown sprigs, resembling the smaller kinds of sea weed. they are a useful test of antiquity when suspicions are entertained of the workmen having forged the hatchets which they offer for sale. the most general test, however, of the genuineness of the implements obtained by purchase is their superficial varnish-like or vitreous gloss, as contrasted with the dull aspect of freshly fractured flints. i also remarked, during each of my three visits to amiens, that there were some extensive gravel-pits, such as those of montiers and st. roch, agreeing in their geological character with those of st. acheul, and only a mile or two distant, where the workmen, although familiar with the forms, and knowing the marketable value of the articles above described, assured me that they had never been able to find a single implement. respecting the authenticity of the tools as works of art, professor ramsay, than whom no one could be a more competent judge, observes: "for more than twenty years, like others of my craft, i have daily handled stones, whether fashioned by nature or art; and the flint hatchets of amiens and abbeville seem to me as clearly works of art as any sheffield whittle."* (* "athenaeum" july 16, 1859.) mr. evans classifies the implements under three heads, two of which, the spear heads and the oval or almond-shaped kinds, have already been described. the third form (figure 14) consists of flakes, apparently intended for knives or some of the smaller ones for arrow heads. [illustration: figure 14. flint knife or flake] (figure 14. flint knife or flake from below the sand containing cyrena fluminalis. menchecourt, abbeville. d. transverse section along the line of fracture, b, c. size, two-thirds of the original.) in regard to their origin, mr. evans observes that there is a uniformity of shape, a correctness of outline, and a sharpness about the cutting edges and points, which cannot be due to anything but design.* (* "archaeologia" volume 38.) of these knives and flakes, i obtained several specimens from a pit which i caused to be dug at abbeville, in sand in contact with the chalk, and below certain fluvio-marine beds, which will be alluded to in the next chapter. between the spear-head and oval shapes, there are various intermediate gradations, and there are also a vast variety of very rude implements, many of which may have been rejected as failures, and others struck off as chips in the course of manufacturing the more perfect ones. some of these chips can only be recognised by an experienced eye as bearing marks of human workmanship. it has often been asked, how, without the use of metallic hammers, so many of these oval and spear-headed tools could have been wrought into so uniform a shape. mr. evans, in order experimentally to illustrate the process, constructed a stone hammer, by mounting a pebble in a wooden handle, and with this tool struck off flakes from the edge on both sides of a chalk flint, till it acquired precisely the same shape as the oval tool, figure 9. if i were invited to estimate the probable number of the more perfect tools found in the valley of the somme since 1842, rejecting all the knives, and all that might be suspected of being spurious or forged, i should conjecture that they far exceeded a thousand. yet it would be a great mistake to imagine that an antiquary or geologist, who should devote a few weeks to the exploration of such a valley as that of the somme, would himself be able to detect a single specimen. but few tools were lying on the surface. the rest have been exposed to view by the removal of such a volume of sand, clay, and gravel, that the price of the discovery of one of them could only be estimated by knowing how many hundred labourers have toiled at the fortifications of abbeville, or in the sand and gravel pits near that city, and around amiens, for road materials and other economic purposes, during the last twenty years. [illustration: figure 15. fossils of the white chalk] (figure 15. fossils of the white chalk. a, b. coscinopora globularis, d'orbigny. orbitolina concava, parker and jones. c. part of same magnified.) in the gravel pits of st. acheul, and in some others near amiens, small round bodies, having a tubular cavity in the centre, occur. they are well known as fossils of the white chalk. dr. rigollot suggested that they might have been strung together as beads, and he supposed the hole in the middle to have been artificial. some of these round bodies are found entire in the chalk and in the gravel, others have naturally a hole passing through them, and sometimes one or two holes penetrating some way in from the surface, but not extending to the other side. others, like b, figure 15, have a large cavity, which has a very artificial aspect. it is impossible to decide whether they have or have not served as personal ornaments, recommended by their globular form, lightness, and by being less destructible than ordinary chalk. granting that there were natural cavities in the axis of some of them, it does not follow that these may not have been taken advantage of for stringing them as beads, while others may have been artificially bored through. dr. rigollot's argument in favour of their having been used as necklaces or bracelets, appears to me a sound one. he says he often found small heaps or groups of them in one place, all perforated, just as if, when swept into the river's bed by a flood, the bond which had united them together remained unbroken.* (* rigollot, "memoire sur des instruments en silex" etc., amiens 1854 page 16.) chapter 8. -pleistocene alluvium with flint implements of the valley of the somme--concluded. fluvio-marine strata, with flint implements, near abbeville. marine shells in same. cyrena fluminalis. mammalia. entire skeleton of rhinoceros. flint implements, why found low down in fluviatile deposits. rivers shifting their channels. relative ages of higher and lower-level gravels. section of alluvium of st. acheul. two species of elephant and hippopotamus coexisting with man in france. volume of drift, proving antiquity of flint implements. absence of human bones in tool-bearing alluvium, how explained. value of certain kinds of negative evidence tested thereby. human bones not found in drained lake of haarlem. in the section of the valley of the somme given in figure 7, the successive formations newer than the chalk are numbered in chronological order, beginning with the most modern, or the peat, which is marked number 1, and which has been treated of in the last chapter. next in the order of antiquity are the lower-level gravels, number 2, which we have now to describe; after which the alluvium, number 3, found at higher levels, or about 80 and 100 feet above the river-plain, will remain to be considered. i have selected, as illustrating the old alluvium of the somme occurring at levels slightly elevated above the present river, the sand and gravel-pits of menchecourt, in the northwest suburbs of abbeville, to which, as before stated, attention was first drawn by m. boucher de perthes, in his work on celtic antiquities. here, although in every adjoining pit some minor variations in the nature and thickness of the superimposed deposits may be seen, there is yet a general approach to uniformity in the series. the only stratum of which the relative age is somewhat doubtful, is the gravel marked a, underlying the peat, and resting on the chalk. it is only known by borings, and some of it may be of the same age as number 3; but i believe it to be for the most part of more modern origin, consisting of the wreck of all the older gravel, including number 3, and formed during the last hollowing out and deepening of the valley immediately before the commencement of the growth of peat. the greater number of flint implements have been dug out of number 3, often near the bottom, and twenty-five, thirty, or even more than thirty feet below the surface of number 1. a geologist will perceive by a glance at the section that the valley of the somme must have been excavated nearly to its present depth and width when the strata of number 3 were thrown down, and that after the deposits numbers 3, 2, and 1 had been formed in succession, the present valley was scooped out, patches only of numbers 3 and 2 being left. for these deposits cannot originally have ended abruptly as they now do, but must have once been continuous farther towards the centre of the valley. [illustration: figure 16. fluvio-marine strata] (figure 16. section of fluvio-marine strata, containing flint implements and bones of extinct mammalia, at menchecourt, abbeville.* (* for detailed sections and maps of this district, see prestwich, "philosophical transactions" 1860 page 277.) 1. brown clay with angular flints, and occasionally chalk rubble, unstratified, following the slope of the hill, probably of subaerial origin, of very varying thickness, from 2 to 5 feet and upwards. 2. calcareous loam, buff-coloured, resembling loess, for the most part unstratified, in some places with slight traces of stratification, containing freshwater and land shells, with bones of elephants, etc.; thickness about 15 feet. 3. alternations of beds of gravel, marl, and sand, with freshwater and land shells, and, in some of the lower sands, a mixture of marine shells; also bones of elephant, rhinoceros, etc., and flint implements; thickness about 12 feet. a. gravel underlying peat, age undetermined. b. layer of impervious clay, separating the gravel from the peat.) to begin with the oldest, number 3, it is made up of a succession of beds, chiefly of freshwater origin, but occasionally a mixture of marine and fluviatile shells is observed in it, proving that the sea sometimes gained upon the river, whether at high tides or when the fresh water was less in quantity during the dry season, and sometimes perhaps when the land was slightly depressed in level. all these accidents might occur again and again at the mouth of any river, and give rise to alternations of fluviatile and marine strata, such as are seen at menchecourt. in the lowest beds of gravel and sand in contact with the chalk, flint hatchets, some perfect, others much rolled, have been found; and in a sandy bed in this position some workmen, whom i employed to sink a pit, found four flint knives. above this sand and gravel occur beds of white and siliceous sand, containing shells of the genera planorbis, limnea, paludina, valvata, cyclas, cyrena, helix, and others, all now natives of the same part of france, except cyrena fluminalis (figure 17), which no longer lives in europe, but inhabits the nile, and many parts of asia, including cashmere, where it abounds. no species of cyrena is now met with in a living state in europe. mr. prestwich first observed it fossil at menchecourt, and it has since been found in two or three contiguous sand-pits, always in the fluvio-marine bed. [16] [illustration: figure 17. cyrena fluminalis] (figure 17. cyrena fluminalis, o.f. muller, sp.* (* for synonyms, see s. woodward "tibet shells" "proceedings of the zoological society" july 8, 1856.) a. interior of left valve, from gray's thurrock, essex. b. hinge of the same magnified. c. interior of right valve of a small specimen, from shacklewell, london. d. outer surface of right valve, from erith, kent.) table 8/1. dates of specific names. column 1: species. column 2: date. living: tellina fluminalis, o.f. muller: 1774. venus fluminalis euphratis, chemnitz: 1782. cyclas euphratica, lam.: 1806. cyrena cor, lam. (nile): 1818. cyrena consobrina, caillaud (nile): 1823. cyrena cashmiriensis, desh.: corbicuia fluminalis, muhlfeldt.: 1811. fossil: cyrena trigonula, s. woodward: 1834. cyrena gemmellarii, philippi: 1836. cyrena duchastelii, nyst: 1838. the following marine shells occur mixed with the freshwater species above enumerated:--buccinum undatum, littorina littorea, nassa reticulata, purpura lapillus, tellina solidula, cardium edule, and fragments of some others. several of these i have myself collected entire, though in a state of great decomposition, lying in the white sand called "sable aigre" by the workmen. they are all littoral species now proper to the contiguous coast of france. their occurrence in a fossil state associated with freshwater shells at menchecourt had been noticed as long ago as 1836 by mm. ravin and baillon, before m. boucher de perthes commenced the researches which have since made the locality so celebrated.* (* d'archiac, "histoire des progres" etc. volume 2 page 154.) the numbers since collected preclude all idea of their having been brought inland as eatable shells by the fabricators of the flint hatchets found at the bottom of the fluvio-marine sands. from the same beds, and in marls alternating with the sands, remains of the elephant, rhinoceros, and other mammalia have been exhumed. above the fluvio-marine strata are those designated number 2 in the section (figure 16), which are almost devoid of stratification, and probably formed of mud or sediment thrown down by the waters of the river when they overflowed the ancient alluvial plain of that day. some land shells, a few river shells, and bones of mammalia, some of them extinct, occur in number 2. its upper surface has been deeply furrowed and cut into by the action of water, at the time when the earthy matter of number 1 was superimposed. the materials of this uppermost deposit are arranged as if they had been the result of land floods, taking place after the formations 2 and 3 had been raised, or had become exposed to denudation. the fluvio-marine strata and overlying loam of menchecourt recur on the opposite or left bank of the alluvial plain of the somme, at a distance of 2 or 3 miles. they are found at mautort, among other places, and i obtained there the flint hatchet shown in figure 9, of an oval form. it was extracted from gravel, above which were strata containing a mixture of marine and freshwater shells, precisely like those of menchecourt. in the alluvium of all parts of the valley, both at high and low levels, rolled bones are sometimes met with in the gravel. some of the flint tools in the gravel of abbeville have their angles very perfect, others have been much triturated, as if in the bed of the main river or some of its tributaries. the mammalia most frequently cited as having been found in the deposits numbers 2 and 3 at menchecourt, are the following:- elephas primigenius. rhinoceros tichorhinus. equus fossilis, owen. bos primigenius. cervus somonensis, cuvier. c. tarandus priscus, cuvier. felis spelaea. hyaena spelaea. the ursus spelaeus has also been mentioned by some writers; but m. lartet says he has sought in vain for it among the osteological treasures sent from abbeville to cuvier at paris, and in other collections. the same palaeontologist, after a close scrutiny of the bones sent formerly to the paris museum from the valley of the somme, observed that some of them bore the evident marks of an instrument, agreeing well with incisions such as a rude flint-saw would produce. among other bones mentioned as having been thus artificially cut, are those of a rhinoceros tichorhinus, and the antlers of cervus somonensis.* (* "quarterly journal of the geological society" volume 16 1860 page 471.) the evidence obtained by naturalists that some of the extinct mammalia of menchecourt really lived and died in this part of france, at the time of the embedding of the flint tools in fluviatile strata, is most satisfactory; and not the less so for having been put on record long before any suspicion was entertained that works of art would ever be detected in the same beds. thus m. baillon, writing in 1834 to m. ravin, says: "they begin to meet with fossil bones at the depth of 10 or 12 feet in the menchecourt sand-pits, but they find a much greater quantity at the depth of 18 and 20 feet. some of them were evidently broken before they were embedded, others are rounded, having, without doubt, been rolled by running water. it is at the bottom of the sand-pits that the most entire bones occur. here they lie without having undergone fracture or friction, and seem to have been articulated together at the time when they were covered up. i found in one place a whole hind limb of a rhinoceros, the bones of which were still in their true relative position. they must have been joined together by ligaments, and even surrounded by muscles at the time of their interment. the entire skeleton of the same species was lying at a short distance from the spot."* (* "societe roy. d'emulation d'abbeville" 1834 page 197.) if we suppose that the greater number of the flint implements occurring in the neighbourhood of abbeville and amiens were brought by river action into their present position, we can at once explain why so large a proportion of them are found at considerable depths from the surface, for they would naturally be buried in gravel and not in fine sediment, or what may be termed "inundation mud," such as number 2 (figure 16), a deposit from tranquil water, or where the stream had not sufficient force or velocity to sweep along chalk flints, whether wrought or unwrought. hence we have almost always to pass down through a mass of incumbent loam with land shells, or through fine sand with freshwater molluscs, before we get into the beds of gravel containing hatchets. occasionally a weapon used as a projectile may have fallen into quiet water, or may have dropped from a canoe to the bottom of the river, or may have been floated by ice, as are some stones occasionally by the thames in severe winters, and carried over the meadows bordering its banks; but such cases are exceptional, though helping to explain how isolated flint tools or pebbles and angular stones are now and then to be seen in the midst of the finest loams. the endless variety in the sections of the alluvium of the valley of the somme, may be ascribed to the frequent silting up of the main stream and its tributaries during different stages of the excavation of the valley, probably also during changes in the level of the land. as a rule, when a river attacks and undermines one bank, it throws down gravel and sand on the opposite side of its channel, which is growing somewhere shallower, and is soon destined to be raised so high as to form an addition to the alluvial plain, and to be only occasionally inundated. in this way, after much encroachment on cliff or meadow at certain points, we find at the end of centuries that the width of the channel has not been enlarged, for the new made ground is raised after a time to the average height of the older alluvial tract. sometimes an island is formed in midstream, the current flowing for a while on both sides of it, and at length scooping out a deeper channel on one side so as to leave the other to be gradually filled up during freshets and afterwards elevated by inundation mud, or "brick-earth." during the levelling up of these old channels, a flood sometimes cuts into and partially removes portions of the previously stratified matter, causing those repeated signs of furrowing and filling up of cavities, those memorials of doing and undoing, of which the tool-bearing sands and gravels of abbeville and amiens afford such reiterated illustrations, and of which a parallel is furnished by the ancient alluvium of the thames valley, where similar bones of extinct mammalia and shells, including cyrena fluminalis, are found. professor noeggerath, of bonn, informs me that, about the year 1845, when the bed of the rhine was deepened artificially by the blasting and removal of rock in the narrows at bingerloch, not far from bingen, several flint hatchets and an extraordinary number of iron weapons of the roman period were brought up by the dredge from the bed of the great river. the decomposition of the iron had caused much of the gravel to be cemented together into a conglomerate. in such a case we have only to suppose the rhine to deviate slightly from its course, changing its position, as it has often done in various parts of its plain in historical times, and then tools of the stone and iron periods would be found in gravel at the bottom with a great thickness of sand and overlying loam deposited above them. changes in a river plain, such as those above alluded to, give rise frequently to ponds, swamps, and marshes, marking the course of old beds or branches of the river not yet filled up, and in these depressions shells proper both to running and stagnant water may be preserved, and quadrupeds may be mired. the latest and uppermost deposit of the series will be loam or brick-earth, with land and amphibious shells (helix and succinea), while below will follow strata containing freshwater shells, implying continuous submergence; and lowest of all in most sections will be the coarse gravel accumulated by a current of considerable strength and velocity. when the st. katharine docks were excavated at london, and similar works executed on the banks of the mersey, old ships were dug out, as i have elsewhere noticed,* showing how the thames and mersey have in modern times been shifting their channels. (* "principles of geology" 10th edition volume 2 page 547.) recently, an old silted-up bed of the thames has been discovered by boring at shoeburyness at the mouth of the river opposite sheerness, as i learn from mr. mylne. the old deserted branch is separated from the new or present channel of the thames, by a mass of london clay which has escaped denudation. the depth of the old branch, or the thickness of fluviatile strata with which it has been filled up, is 75 feet. the actual channel in the neighbourhood is now 60 feet deep, but there is probably 10 or 15 feet of stratified sand and gravel at the bottom; so that, should the river deviate again from its course, its present bed might be the receptacle of a fluvio-marine formation 75 feet thick, equal to the former one of shoeburyness, and more considerable than that of abbeville. it would consist both of freshwater and marine strata, as the salt water is carried by the tide far up above sheerness; but in order that such deposits should resemble, in geological position, the menchecourt beds, they must be raised 10 or 15 feet above their present level, and be partially eroded. such erosion they would not fail to suffer during the process of upheaval, because the thames would scour out its bed, and not alter its position relatively to the sea, while the land was gradually rising. before the canal was made at abbeville, the tide was perceptible in the somme for some distance above that city. it would only require, therefore, a slight subsidence to allow the salt water to reach menchecourt, as it did in the pleistocene period. as a stratum containing exclusively land and freshwater shells usually underlies the fluvio-marine sands at menchecourt, it seems that the river first prevailed there, after which the land subsided; and then there was an upheaval which raised the country to a greater height than that at which it now stands, after which there was a second sinking, indicated by the position of the peat, as already explained. all these changes happened since man first inhabited this region. at several places in the environs of abbeville there are fluviatile deposits at a higher level by 50 feet than the uppermost beds at menchecourt, resting in like manner on the chalk. one of these occurs in the suburbs of the city at moulin quignon, 100 feet above the somme and on the same side of the valley as menchecourt, and containing flint implements of the same antique type and the bones of elephants; but no marine shells have been found there, nor in any gravel or sand at higher elevations than the menchecourt marine shells. it has been a matter of discussion among geologists whether the higher or the lower sands and gravels of the somme valley are the more ancient. as a general rule, when there are alluvial formations of different ages in the same valley, those which occupy a more elevated position above the river plain are the oldest. in auvergne and velay, in central france, where the bones of fossil quadrupeds occur at all heights above the present rivers from 10 to 1000 feet, we observe the terrestrial fauna to depart in character from that now living in proportion as we ascend to higher terraces and platforms. we pass from the lower alluvium, containing the mammoth, tichorhine rhinoceros, and reindeer, to various older groups of fossils, till, on a tableland 1000 feet high (near le puy, for example), the abrupt termination of which overlooks the present valley, we discover an old extinct river-bed covered by a current of ancient lava, showing where the lowest level was once situated. in that elevated alluvium the remains of a tertiary mastodon and other quadrupeds of like antiquity are embedded. if the menchecourt beds had been first formed, and the valley, after being nearly as deep and wide as it is now, had subsided, the sea must have advanced inland, causing small delta-like accumulations at successive heights, wherever the main river and its tributaries met the sea. such a movement, especially if it were intermittent, and interrupted occasionally by long pauses, would very well account for the accumulation of stratified debris which we encounter at certain points in the valley, especially around abbeville and amiens. but we are precluded from adopting this theory by the entire absence of marine shells, and the presence of freshwater and land species, and mammalian bones, in considerable abundance, in the drift both of higher and lower levels above abbeville. had there been a total absence of all organic remains, we might have imagined the former presence of the sea, and the destruction of such remains might have been ascribed to carbonic acid or other decomposing causes; but the pleistocene and implement-bearing strata can be shown by their fossils to be of fluviatile origin. flint implements in gravel near amiens. gravel of st. acheul. when we ascend the valley of the somme, from abbeville to amiens, a distance of about 25 miles, we observe a repetition of all the same alluvial phenomena which we have seen exhibited at menchecourt and its neighbourhood, with the single exception of the absence of marine shells and of cyrena fluminalis. we find lower-level gravel, such as number 2, figure 7, and higher-level alluvium, such as number 3, the latter rising to 100 feet above the plain, which at amiens is about 50 feet above the level of the river at abbeville. in both the upper and lower gravels, as dr. rigollot stated in 1854, flint tools and the bones of extinct animals, together with river shells and land shells of living species, abound. [illustration: figures 18, 19 and 20. elephas] (figure 18.* elephas primigenius. penultimate molar, lower jaw, right side, one-third of natural size, pleistocene. co-existed with man.) (figure 19.* elephas antiquus, falconer. penultimate molar, lower jaw, right side, one-third of natural size, pleistocene and newer pliocene. co-existed with man.) (figure 20.* elephas meridionalis, nesti. penultimate molar, lower jaw, right side, one-third of natural size, newer pliocene, saint prest, near chartres, and norwich crag. not yet proved to have coexisted with man.) (* for figure 20 i am indebted to m. lartet, and figure 18 will be found in his paper in "bulletin de la societe geologique de france" march 1859. figure 19 is from falconer and cautley "fauna sivalensis.") immediately below amiens, a great mass of stratified gravel, slightly elevated above the alluvial plain of the somme, is seen at st. roch, and half a mile farther down the valley at montiers. between these two places a small tributary stream, called the celle, joins the somme. in the gravel at montiers, mr. prestwich and i found some flint knives, one of them flat on one side, but the other carefully worked, and exhibiting many fractures, clearly produced by blows skilfully applied. some of these knives were taken from so low a level as to satisfy us that this great bed of gravel at montiers, as well as that of the contiguous quarries of st. roch, which seems to be a continuation of the same deposit, may be referred to the human period. dr. rigollot had already mentioned flint hatchets as obtained by him from st. roch, but as none have been found there of late years, his statement was thought to require confirmation. the discovery, therefore, of these flint knives in gravel of the same age was interesting, especially as many tusks of a hippopotamus have been obtained from the gravel of st. roch--some of these recently by mr. prestwich; while m. garnier of amiens has procured a fine elephant's molar from the same pits, which dr. falconer refers to elephas antiquus, see figure 19. hence i infer that both these animals co-existed with man. the alluvial formations of montiers are very instructive in another point of view. if, leaving the lower gravel of that place, which is topped with loam or brick-earth (of which the upper portion is about 30 feet above the level of the somme), we ascend the chalk slope to the height of about 80 feet, another deposit of gravel and sand, with fluviatile shells in a perfect condition, occurs, indicating most clearly an ancient river-bed, the waters of which ran habitually at that higher level before the valley had been scooped out to its present depth. this superior deposit is on the same side of the somme, and about as high, as the lowest part of the celebrated formation of st. acheul, 2 or 3 miles distant, to which i shall now allude. the terrace of st. acheul may be described as a gently sloping ledge of chalk, covered with gravel, topped as usual with loam or fine sediment, the surface of the loam being 100 feet above the somme, and about 150 above the sea. many stone coffins of the gallo-roman period have been dug out of the upper portion of this alluvial mass. the trenches made for burying them sometimes penetrate to the depth of 8 or 9 feet from the surface, entering the upper part of number 3 of the sections figures 21 and 22. they prove that when the romans were in gaul they found this terrace in the same condition as it is now, or rather as it was before the removal of so much gravel, sand, clay, and loam, for repairing roads, and for making bricks and pottery. [illustration: figure 21. section of gravel pit] (figure 21. section of gravel pit containing flint implements at st. acheul, near amiens, observed in july 1860. 1. vegetable soil and made ground, 2 to 3 feet thick. 2. brown loam with some angular flints, in parts passing into ochreous gravel, filling up indentations on the surface of number 3, 3 feet thick. 3. white siliceous sand with layers of chalky marl, and included fragments of chalk, for the most part unstratified, 9 feet. 4. flint-gravel, and whitish chalky sand, flints subangular, average size of fragments, 3 inches diameter, but with some large unbroken chalk flints intermixed, cross stratification in parts. bones of mammalia, grinder of elephant at b, and flint implement at c, 10 to 14 feet. 5. chalk with flints. a. part of elephant's molar, 11 feet from the surface. b. entire molar of elephas primigenius, 17 feet from the surface. c. position of flint hatchet, 18 feet from the surface.) in the annexed section (figure 21), which i observed during my last visit in 1860, it will be seen that a fragment of an elephant's tooth is noticed as having been dug out of unstratified sandy loam at the point a, 11 feet from the surface. this was found at the time of my visit; and at a lower point, at b, 18 feet from the surface, a large nearly entire and unrolled molar of the same species was obtained, which is now in my possession. it has been pronounced by dr. falconer to belong to elephas primigenius. a stone hatchet of an oval form, like that represented at figure 9, was discovered at the same time, about one foot lower down, at c, in densely compressed gravel. the surface of the fundamental chalk is uneven in this pit, and slopes towards the valley-plain of the somme. in a horizontal distance of 20 feet, i found a difference in vertical height of 7 feet. in the chalky sand, sometimes occurring in interstices between the separate fragments of flint, constituting the coarse gravel number 4, entire as well as broken freshwater shells are often met with. to some it may appear enigmatical how such fragile objects could have escaped annihilation in a river-bed, when flint tools and much gravel were shoved along the bottom; but i have seen the dredging instrument employed in the thames, above and below london bridge, to deepen the river, and worked by steam power, scoop up gravel and sand from the bottom, and then pour the contents pell-mell into the boat, and still many specimens of limnaea, planorbis, paludina, cyclas, and other shells might be taken out uninjured from the gravel. it will be observed that the gravel number 4 is obliquely stratified, and that its surface had undergone denudation before the white sandy loam number 3 was superimposed. the materials of the gravel at d must have been cemented or frozen together into a somewhat coherent mass to allow the projecting ridge, d, to stand up 5 feet above the general surface, the sides being in some places perpendicular. in number 3 we probably behold an example of a passage from river-silt to inundation mud. in some parts of it, land shells occur. it has been ascertained by mm. buteux, ravin, and other observers conversant with the geology of this part of france, that in none of the alluvial deposits, ancient or modern, are there any fragments of rocks foreign to the basin of the somme--no erratics which could only be explained by supposing them to have been brought by ice, during a general submergence of the country, from some other hydrographical basin. but in some of the pits at st. acheul there are seen in the beds number 4, figure 21, not only well-rounded tertiary pebbles, but great blocks of hard sandstone, of the kind called in the south of england "greywethers," some of which are 3 or 4 feet and upwards in diameter. they are usually angular, and when spherical owe their shape generally to an original concretionary structure, and not to trituration in a river's bed. these large fragments of stone abound both in the higher and lower level gravels round amiens and at the higher level at abbeville. they have also been traced far up the valley above amiens, wherever patches of the old alluvium occur. they have all been derived from the tertiary strata which once covered the chalk. their dimensions are such that it is impossible to imagine a river like the present somme, flowing through a flat country, with a gentle fall towards the sea, to have carried them for miles down its channel unless ice co-operated as a transporting power. their angularity also favours the supposition of their having been floated by ice, or rendered so buoyant by it as to have escaped much of the wear and tear which blocks propelled along the bottom of a river channel would otherwise suffer. we must remember that the present mildness of the winters in picardy and the northwest of europe generally is exceptional in the northern hemisphere, and that large fragments of granite, sandstone, and limestone are now carried annually by ice down the canadian rivers in latitudes farther south than paris.* (* "principles of geology" 9th edition page 220.) [illustration: figure 22. contorted strata] (figure 22. contorted fluviatile strata at st. acheul (prestwich, "philosophical transactions" 1861, page 299). 1. surface soil. 2. brown loam as in figure 21, thickness, 6 feet. 3. white sand with bent and folded layers of marl, thickness, 6 feet. 4. gravel, as in figure 21, with bones of mammalia and flint implements. a. graves filled with made ground and human bones. b and c. seams of laminated marl often bent round upon themselves. d. beds of gravel with sharp curves.) another sign of ice agency, of which mr. prestwich has given a good illustration in one of his published sections, and which i myself observed in several pits at st. acheul, deserves notice. it consists in flexures and contortions of the strata of sand, marl, and gravel (as seen at b, c, and d, figure 22), which they have evidently undergone since their original deposition, and from which both the underlying chalk and part of the overlying beds of sand number 3 are usually exempt. in my former writings i have attributed this kind of derangement to two causes; first, the pressure of ice running aground on yielding banks of mud and sand; and, secondly, the melting of masses of ice and snow of unequal thickness, on which horizontal layers of mud, sand, and other fine and coarse materials had accumulated. the late mr. trimmer first pointed out in what manner the unequal failure of support caused by the liquefaction of underlying or intercalated snow and ice might give rise to such complicated foldings.* (* see chapter 12.) when "ice-jams" occur on the st. lawrence and other canadian rivers (latitude 46 degrees north), the sheets of ice, which become packed or forced under or over one another, assume in most cases a highly inclined and sometimes even a vertical position. they are often observed to be coated on one side with mud, sand, or gravel frozen on to them, derived from shallows in the river on which they rested when congelation first reached the bottom. as often as portions of these packs melt near the margin of the river, the layers of mud, sand, and gravel, which result from their liquefaction, cannot fail to assume a very abnormal arrangement--very perplexing to a geologist who should undertake to interpret them without having the ice-clue in his mind. mr. prestwich has suggested that ground-ice may have had its influence in modifying the ancient alluvium of the somme.* (* prestwich, memoir read to royal society, april 1862.) it is certain that ice in this form plays an active part every winter in giving motion to stones and gravel in the beds of rivers in european russia and siberia. it appears that when in those countries the streams are reduced nearly to the freezing point, congelation begins frequently at the bottom; the reason being, according to arago, that the current is slowest there, and the gravel and large stones, having parted with much of their heat by radiation, acquire a temperature below the average of the main body of the river. it is, therefore, when the water is clear, and the sky free from clouds, that ground ice forms most readily, and oftener on pebbly than on muddy bottoms. fragments of such ice, rising occasionally to the surface, bring up with them gravel, and even large stones. without dwelling longer on the various ways in which ice may affect the forms of stratification in drift, so as to cause bendings and foldings in which the underlying or over-lying strata do not participate, a subject to which i shall have occasion again to allude in the sequel, i will state in this place that such contortions, whether explicable or not, are very characteristic of glacial formations. they have also no necessary connection with the transportation of large blocks of stone, and they therefore afford, as mr. prestwich remarks, independent proof of ice-action in the pleistocene gravel of the somme. let us, then, suppose that, at the time when flint hatchets were embedded in great numbers in the ancient gravel which now forms the terrace of st. acheul, the main river and its tributaries were annually frozen over for several months in winter. in that case, the primitive people may, as mr. prestwich hints, have resembled in their mode of life those american indians who now inhabit the country between hudson's bay and the polar sea. the habits of those indians have been well described by hearne, who spent some years among them. as often as deer and other game become scarce on the land, they betake themselves to fishing in the rivers; and for this purpose, and also to obtain water for drinking, they are in the constant practice of cutting round holes in the ice, a foot or more in diameter, through which they throw baited hooks or nets. often they pitch their tent on the ice, and then cut such holes through it, using ice-chisels of metal when they can get copper or iron, but when not, employing tools of flint or hornstone. the great accumulation of gravel at st. acheul has taken place in part of the valley where the tributary streams, the noye and the arve, now join the somme. these tributaries, as well as the main river, must have been running at the height first of 100 feet, and afterwards at various lower levels above the present valley-plain, in those earlier times when the flint tools of the antique type were buried in successive river beds. i have said at various levels, because there are, here and there, patches of drift at heights intermediate between the higher and lower gravel, and also some deposits, showing that the river once flowed at elevations above as well as below the level of the platform of st. acheul. as yet, however, no patch of gravel skirting the valley at heights exceeding 100 feet above the somme has yielded flint tools or other signs of the former sojourn of man in this region. possibly, in the earlier geographical condition of this country, the confluence of tributaries with the somme afforded inducements to a hunting and fishing tribe to settle there, and some of the same natural advantages may have caused the first inhabitants of amiens and abbeville to fix on the same sites for their dwellings. if the early hunting and fishing tribes frequented the same spots for hundreds or thousands of years in succession, the number of the stone implements lost in the bed of the river need not surprise us. ice-chisels, flint hatchets, and spear-heads may have slipped accidentally through holes kept constantly open, and the recovery of a lost treasure once sunk in the bed of the ice-bound stream, inevitably swept away with gravel on the breaking up of the ice in the spring, would be hopeless. during a long winter, in a country affording abundance of flint, the manufacture of tools would be continually in progress; and, if so, thousands of chips and flakes would be purposely thrown into the ice-hole, besides a great number of implements having flaws, or rejected as too unskilfully made to be worth preserving. as to the fossil fauna of the drift, considered in relation to the climate, when, in 1859, i took a collection which i had made of all the more common species of land and freshwater shells from the amiens and abbeville drift, to my friend m. deshayes at paris, he declared them to be, without exception, the same as those now living in the basin of the seine. this fact may seem at first sight to imply that the climate had not altered since the flint tools were fabricated; but it appears that all these species of molluscs now range as far north as norway and finland, and may therefore have flourished in the valley of the somme when the river was frozen over annually in winter.* (* see prestwich, paper read to the royal society in 1862.) in regard to the accompanying mammalia, some of them, like the mammoth and tichorhine rhinoceros, may have been able to endure the rigours of a northern winter as well as the reindeer, which we find fossil in the same gravel. it is a more difficult point to determine whether the climate of the lower gravels (those of menchecourt, for example) was more genial than that of the higher ones. mr. prestwich inclines to this opinion. none of those contortions of the strata above described have as yet been observed in the lower drift. it contains large blocks of tertiary sandstone and grit, which may have required the aid of ice to convey them to their present sites; but as such blocks already abounded in the older and higher alluvium, they may simply be monuments of its destruction, having been let down successively to lower and lower levels without making much seaward progress. the cyrena fluminalis of menchecourt and the hippopotamus of st. roch seem to be in favour of a less severe temperature in winter; but so many of the species of mammalia, as well as of the land and freshwater shells, are common to both formations, and our information respecting the entire fauna is still so imperfect, that it would be premature to pretend to settle this question in the present state of our knowledge. we must be content with the conclusion (and it is one of no small interest), that when man first inhabited this part of europe, at the time that the st. acheul drift was formed, the climate as well as the physical geography of the country differed considerably from the state of things now established there. among the elephant remains from st. acheul, in m. garnier's collection, dr. falconer recognised a molar of the elephas antiquus, figure 19, the same species which has been already mentioned as having been found in the lower-level gravels of st. roch. this species, therefore, endured while important changes took place in the geographical condition of the valley of the somme. assuming the lower-level gravel to be the newer, it follows that the elephas antiquus and the hippopotamus of st. roch continued to flourish long after the introduction of the mammoth, a well characterised tooth of which, as i before stated, was found at st. acheul at the time of my visit in 1860. as flint hatchets and knives have been discovered in the alluvial deposits both at high and low levels, we may safely affirm that man was as old an inhabitant of this region as were any of the fossil quadrupeds above enumerated, a conclusion which is independent of any difference of opinion as to the relative age of the higher and lower gravels. the disappearance of many large pachyderms and beasts of prey from europe has often been attributed to the intervention of man, and no doubt he played his part in hastening the era of their extinction; but there is good reason for suspecting that other causes co-operated to the same end. no naturalist would for a moment suppose that the extermination of the cyrena fluminalis throughout the whole of europe--a species which co-existed with our race in the valley of the somme, and which was very abundant in the waters of the thames at the time when the elephant, rhinoceros, and hippopotamus flourished on its banks--was accelerated by human agency. the great modification in climate and in other conditions of existence which affected this aquatic mollusc, may have mainly contributed to the gradual dying out of many of the large mammalia. we have already seen that the peat of the valley of the somme is a formation which, in all likelihood, took thousands of years for its growth. but no change of a marked character has occurred in the mammalian fauna since it began to accumulate. the contrast of the fauna of the ancient alluvium, whether at high or low levels, with the fauna of the oldest peat is almost as great as its contrast with the existing fauna, the memorials of man being common to the whole series; hence we may infer that the interval of time which separated the era of the large extinct mammalia from that of the earliest peat, was of far longer duration than that of the entire growth of the peat. yet we by no means need the evidence of the ancient fossil fauna to establish the antiquity of man in this part of france. the mere volume of the drift at various heights would alone suffice to demonstrate a vast lapse of time during which such heaps of shingle, derived both from the eocene and the cretaceous rocks, were thrown down in a succession of river-channels. we observe thousands of rounded and half-rounded flints, and a vast number of angular ones, with rounded pieces of white chalk of various sizes, testifying to a prodigious amount of mechanical action, accompanying the repeated widening and deepening of the valley, before it became the receptacle of peat; and the position of many of the flint tools leaves no doubt in the mind of the geologist that their fabrication preceded all this reiterated denudation. on the absence of human bones in the alluvium of the somme. it is naturally a matter of no small surprise that, after we have collected many hundred flint implements (including knives, many thousands), not a single human bone has yet been met with in the old alluvial sand and gravel of the somme. this dearth of the mortal remains of our species holds true equally, as yet, in all other parts of europe where the tool-bearing drift of the pleistocene period has been investigated in valley deposits. yet in these same formations there is no want of bones of mammalia belonging to extinct and living species. in the course of the last quarter of a century, thousands of them have been submitted to the examination of skilful osteologists, and they have been unable to detect among them one fragment of a human skeleton, not even a tooth. yet cuvier pointed out long ago, that the bones of man found buried in ancient battle-fields were not more decayed than those of horses interred in the same graves. we have seen that in the liege caverns, the skulls, jaws, and teeth, with other bones of the human race, were preserved in the same condition as those of the cave-bear, tiger, and mammoth. that ere long, now that curiosity has been so much excited on this subject, some human remains will be detected in the older alluvium of european valleys, i confidently expect. in the meantime, the absence of all vestige of the bones which belonged to that population by which so many weapons were designed and executed, affords a most striking and instructive lesson in regard to the value of negative evidence, when adduced in proof of the non-existence of certain classes of terrestrial animals at given periods of the past. it is a new and emphatic illustration of the extreme imperfection of the geological record, of which even they who are constantly working in the field cannot easily form a just conception. we must not forget that dr. schmerling, after finding extinct mammalia and flint tools in forty-two belgian caverns, was only rewarded by the discovery of human bones in three or four of those rich repositories of osseous remains. in like manner, it was not till the year 1855 that the first skull of the musk ox (bubalus moschatus) was detected in the fossiliferous gravel of the thames, and not till 1860, as will be seen in the next chapter, that the same quadruped was proved to have co-existed in france with the mammoth. the same theory which will explain the comparative rarity of such species would no doubt account for the still greater scarcity of human bones, as well as for our general ignorance of the pleistocene terrestrial fauna, with the exception of that part of it which is revealed to us by cavern researches. in valley drift we meet commonly with the bones of quadrupeds which graze on plains bordering rivers. carnivorous beasts, attracted to the same ground in search of their prey, sometimes leave their remains in the same deposits, but more rarely. the whole assemblage of fossil quadrupeds at present obtained from the alluvium of picardy is obviously a mere fraction of the entire fauna which flourished contemporaneously with the primitive people by whom the flint hatchets were made. instead of its being part of the plan of nature to store up enduring records of a large number of the individual plants and animals which have lived on the surface, it seems to be her chief care to provide the means of disencumbering the habitable areas lying above and below the waters of those myriads of solid skeletons of animals, and those massive trunks of trees, which would otherwise soon choke up every river, and fill every valley. to prevent this inconvenience she employs the heat and moisture of the sun and atmosphere, the dissolving power of carbonic and other acids, the grinding teeth and gastric juices of quadrupeds, birds, reptiles, and fish, and the agency of many of the invertebrata. we are all familiar with the efficacy of these and other causes on the land; and as to the bottoms of seas, we have only to read the published reports of mr. macandrew, the late edward forbes, and other experienced dredgers, who, while they failed utterly in drawing up from the deep a single human bone, declared that they scarcely ever met with a work of art even after counting tens of thousands of shells and zoophytes, collected on a coast line of several hundred miles in extent, where they often approached within less than half a mile of a land peopled by millions of human beings. lake of haarlem. it is not many years since the government of holland resolved to lay dry that great sheet of water formerly called the lake of haarlem, extending over 45,000 acres. they succeeded, in 1853, in turning it into dry land, by means of powerful pumps constantly worked by steam, which raised the water and discharged it into a canal running for 20 or 30 miles round the newly-gained land. this land was depressed 13 feet beneath the mean level of the ocean. i travelled, in 1859, over part of the bed of this old lake, and found it already converted into arable land, and peopled by an agricultural population of 5000 souls. mr. staring, who had been for some years employed by the dutch government in constructing a geological map of holland, was my companion and guide. he informed me that he and his associates had searched in vain for human bones in the deposits which had constituted for three centuries the bed of the great lake. there had been many a shipwreck, and many a naval fight in those waters, and hundreds of dutch and spanish soldiers and sailors had met there with a watery grave. the population which lived on the borders of this ancient sheet of water numbered between thirty and forty thousand souls. in digging the great canal, a fine section had been laid open, about 30 miles long, of the deposits which formed the ancient bottom of the lake. trenches, also, innumerable, several feet deep, had been freshly dug on all the farms, and their united length must have amounted to thousands of miles. in some of the sandy soil recently thrown out of the trenches, i observed specimens of freshwater and brackish-water shells, such as unio and dreissena, of living species; and in clay brought up from below the sand, shells of tellina, lutraria, and cardium, all of species now inhabiting the adjoining sea. as the dreissena is believed by conchologists to have been introduced into western europe in very modern times, brought with foreign timber in the holds of vessels from the rivers flowing into the black sea, the layer of sand containing it in the haarlem lake is probably not more than a hundred years old. one or two wrecked spanish vessels, and arms of the same period, have rewarded the antiquaries who had been watching the draining operations in the hope of a richer harvest, and who were not a little disappointed at the result. in a peaty tract on the margin of one part of the lake a few coins were dug up; but if history had been silent, and if there had been a controversy whether man was already a denizen of this planet at the time when the area of the haarlem lake was under water, the archaeologist, in order to answer this question, must have appealed, as in the case of the valley of the somme, not to fossil bones, but to works of art embedded in the superficial strata. mr. staring, in his valuable memoir on the "geological map of holland," has attributed the general scarcity of human bones in dutch peat, notwithstanding the many works of art preserved in it, to the power of the humic and sulphuric acids to dissolve bones, the peat in question being plentifully impregnated with such acids. his theory may be correct, but it is not applicable to the gravel of the valley of the somme, in which the bones of fossil mammalia are frequent, nor to the uppermost freshwater strata forming the bottom of a large part of the haarlem lake, in which it is not pretended that such acids occur. the primitive inhabitants of the valley of the somme may have been too wary and sagacious to be often surprised and drowned by floods, which swept away many an incautious elephant or rhinoceros, horse and ox. but even if those rude hunters had cherished a superstitious veneration for the somme, and had regarded it as a sacred river (as the modern hindoos revere the ganges), and had been in the habit of committing the bodies of their dead or dying to its waters--even had such funeral rites prevailed, it by no means follows that the bones of many individuals would have been preserved to our time. a corpse cast into the stream first sinks, and must then be almost immediately overspread with sediment of a certain weight, or it will rise again when distended with gases, and float perhaps to the sea before it sinks again. it may then be attacked by fish of marine species, some of which are capable of digesting bones. if, before being carried into the sea and devoured, it is enveloped with fluviatile mud and sand, the next flood, if it lie in mid-channel, may tear it out again, scatter all the bones, roll some of them into pebbles, and leave others exposed to destroying agencies; and this may be repeated annually, till all vestiges of the skeleton may disappear. on the other hand, a bone washed through a rent into a subterranean cavity, even though a rarer contingency, may have a greater chance of escaping destruction, especially if there be stalactite dropping from the roof of the cave or walls of a rent, and if the cave be not constantly traversed by too strong a current of engulfed water. chapter 9. -works of art in pleistocene alluvium of france and england. flint implements in ancient alluvium of the basin of the seine. bones of man and of extinct mammalia in the cave of arcy. extinct mammalia in the valley of the oise. flint implement in gravel of same valley. works of art in pleistocene drift in valley of the thames. musk ox. meeting of northern and southern fauna. migrations of quadrupeds. mammals of mongolia. chronological relation of the older alluvium of the thames to the glacial drift. flint implements of pleistocene period in surrey, middlesex, kent, bedfordshire, and suffolk. flint implements in pleistocene alluvium in the basin of the seine. in the ancient alluvium of the valleys of the seine and its principal tributaries, the same assemblage of fossil animals, which has been alluded to in the last chapter as characterising the gravel of picardy, has long been known; but it was not till the year 1860, and when diligent search had been expressly made for them, that flint implements of the amiens type were discovered in this part of france. in the neighbourhood of paris deposits of drift occur answering both to those of the higher and lower levels of the basin of the somme before described.* (* prestwich, "proceedings of the royal society" 1862.) in both are found, mingled with the wreck of the tertiary and cretaceous rocks of the vicinity, a large quantity of granitic sand and pebbles, and occasionally large blocks of granite, from a few inches to a foot or more in diameter. these blocks are peculiarly abundant in the lower drift commonly called the "diluvium gris." the granitic materials are traceable to a chain of hills called the morvan, where the head waters of the yonne take their rise, 150 miles to the south-south-east of paris. it was in this lowest gravel that m. h.t. gosse, of geneva, found, in april 1860, in the suburbs of paris, at la motte piquet, on the left bank of the seine, one or two well-formed flint implements of the amiens type, accompanied by a great number of ruder tools or attempts at tools. i visited the spot in 1861 with m. hebert, and saw the stratum from which the worked flints had been extracted, 20 feet below the surface, and near the bottom of the "grey diluvium," a bed of gravel from which i have myself, in and near paris, frequently collected the bones of the elephant, horse, and other mammalia. more recently, m. lartet has discovered at clichy, in the environs of paris, in the same lower gravel, a well-shaped flint implement of the amiens type, together with remains both of elephas primigenius and e. antiquus. no tools have yet been met with in any of the gravels occurring at the higher levels of the valley of the seine; but no importance can be attached to this negative fact, as so little search has yet been made for them. mr. prestwich has observed contortions indicative of ice-action, of the same kind as those near amiens, in the higher-level drift of charonne, near paris; but as yet no similar derangement has been seen in the lower gravels--a fact, so far as it goes, in unison with the phenomena observed in picardy. in the cavern of arcy-sur-yonne a series of deposits have lately been investigated by the marquis de vibraye, who discovered human bones in the lowest of them, mixed with remains of quadrupeds of extinct and recent species. this cavern occurs in jurassic limestone, at a slight elevation above the cure, a small tributary of the yonne, which last joins the seine near fontainebleau about 40 miles south of paris. the lowest formation in the cavern resembles the "diluvium gris" of paris, being composed of granitic materials, and like it derived chiefly from the waste of the crystalline rocks of the morvan. in it have been found the two branches of a human lower jaw with teeth well-preserved, and the bones of the elephas primigenius, rhinoceros tichorhinus, ursus spelaeus, hyaena spelaea, and cervus tarandus, all specifically determined by m. lartet. i have been shown this collection of fossils by m. de vibraye, and remarked that the human and other remains were in the same condition and of the same colour. above the grey gravel is a bed of red alluvium, made up of fragments of jurassic limestone, in a red argillaceous matrix, in which were embedded several flint knives, with bones of the reindeer and horse, but no extinct mammalia. over this, in a higher bed of alluvium, were several polished hatchets of the more modern type called "celts," and above all loam or cave-mud, in which were gallo-roman antiquities.* (* "bulletin de la societe geologique de france" 1860.) the french geologists have made as yet too little progress in identifying the age of the successive deposits of ancient alluvium of various parts of the basin of the seine, to enable us to speculate with confidence as to the coincidence in date of the granitic gravel with human bones of the grotte d'arcy and the stone-hatchets buried in "grey diluvium" of la motte piquet, before mentioned; but as the associated extinct mammalia are of the same species in both localities, i feel strongly inclined to believe that the stone hatchets found by m. gosse at paris, and the human bones discovered by m. de vibraye, may be referable to the same period. valley of the oise. a flint hatchet, of the old abbeville and amiens type, was found lately by m. peigne delacourt at precy, near creil, on the oise, in gravel, resembling, in its geological position, the lower-level gravels of montiers, near amiens, already described. i visited these extensive gravel-pits in 1861, in company with mr. prestwich; but we remained there too short a time to entitle us to expect to find a flint implement, even if they had been as abundant as at st. acheul. in 1859, i examined, in a higher part of the same valley of the oise, near chauny and noyon, some fine railway cuttings, which passed continuously through alluvium of the pleistocene period for half a mile. all this alluvium was evidently of fluviatile origin, for, in the interstices between the pebbles, the ancylus fluviatilis and other freshwater shells were abundant. my companion, the abbe e. lambert, had collected from the gravel a great many fossil bones, among which m. lartet has recognised both elephas primigenius and e. antiquus, besides a species of hippopotamus (h. major?), also the reindeer, horse, and the musk ox (bubalus moschatus). the latter seems never to have been seen before in the old alluvium of france.* (* lartet, "annales des sciences naturelles zoologiques" tome 15 page 224.) over the gravel above mentioned, near chauny, are seen dense masses of loam like the loess of the rhine, containing shells of the genera helix and succinea. we may suppose that the gravel containing the flint hatchet at precy is of the same age as that of chauny, with which it is continuous, and that both of them are coeval with the tool-bearing beds of amiens, for the basins of the oise and the somme are only separated by a narrow water-shed, and the same fossil quadrupeds occur in both. the alluvium of the seine and its tributaries, like that of the somme, contains no fragments of rocks brought from any other hydrographical basin; yet the shape of the land, or fall of the river, or the climate, or all these conditions, must have been very different when the grey alluvium in which the flint tools occur at paris was formed. the great size of some of the blocks of granite, and the distance which they have travelled, imply a power in the river which it no longer possesses. we can hardly doubt that river-ice once played a much more active part than now in the transportation of such blocks, one of which may be seen in the museum of the ecole des mines at paris, 3 or 4 feet in diameter. pleistocene alluvium of england, containing works of art. in the ancient alluvium of the basin of the thames, at moderate heights above the main river and its tributaries, we find fossil bones of the same species of extinct and living mammalia, accompanied by recent species of land and freshwater shells, as we have shown to be characteristic of the basins of the somme and the seine. we can scarcely therefore doubt that these quadrupeds, during some part of the pleistocene period, ranged freely from the continent of europe to england, at a time when there was an uninterrupted communication by land between the two countries. the reader will not therefore be surprised to learn that flint implements of the same antique type as those of the valley of the somme have been detected in british alluvium. the most marked feature of this alluvium in the thames valley is that great bed of ochreous gravel, composed chiefly of broken and slightly worn chalk flints, on which a great part of london is built. it extends from above maidenhead through the metropolis to the sea, a distance from west to east of 50 miles, having a width varying from 2 to 9 miles. its thickness ranges commonly from 5 to 15 feet.* (* prestwich, "quarterly journal of the geological society" volume 12 1856 page 131.) interstratified with this gravel, in many places, are beds of sand, loam, and clay, the whole containing occasionally remains of the mammoth and other extinct quadrupeds. fine sections have been exposed to view, at different periods, at brentford and kew bridge, others in london itself, and below it at erith in kent, on the right bank of the thames, and at ilford and gray's thurrock in essex, on the left bank. the united thickness of the beds of sand, gravel, and loam amounts sometimes to 40 or even 60 feet. they are for the most part elevated above, but in some cases they descend below, the present level of the overflowed plain of the thames. if the reader will refer to the section of the pleistocene sands and gravels of menchecourt, near abbeville, given at page 96, he will perfectly understand the relations of the ancient thames alluvium to the modern channel and plain of the river, and their relation, on the other hand, to the boundary formations of older date, whether tertiary or cretaceous. so far as they are known, the fossil mollusca and mammalia of the two districts also agree very closely, the cyrena fluminalis being common to both, and being the only extra-european shell, this and all the species of testacea being recent. of this agreement with the living fauna there is a fine illustration in essex; for the determination of which we are indebted to the late mr. john brown, f.g.s., who collected at copford, in essex, from a deposit containing bones of the mammoth, a large bear (probably ursus spelaeus), a beaver, stag, and aurochs, no less than sixty-nine species of land and freshwater shells. forty-eight of these were terrestrial, and two of them, helix incarnata and h. ruderata, no longer inhabit the british isles, but are still living on the continent, ruderata in high northern latitudes.* (* "quarterly journal of the geological society" volume 8 1852 page 190. mr. brown calls them extinct species, which may mislead some readers, but he merely meant extinct in england. see also jeffreys, "brit. conch." page 174.) the cyrena fluminalis and the unio littoralis, to which last i shall presently allude, were not among the number. i long ago suggested the hypothesis, that in the basin of the thames there are indications of a meeting in the pleistocene period of a northern and southern fauna. to the northern group may have belonged the mammoth (elephas primigenius) and the rhinoceros tichorhinus, both of which pallas found in siberia, preserved with their flesh in the ice. with these are occasionally associated the reindeer. in 1855 the skull of the musk ox (bubalus moschatus) was also found in the ochreous gravel of maidenhead, by the reverend c. kingsley and mr. lubbock; the identification of this fossil with the living species being made by professor owen. a second fossil skull of the same arctic animal was afterwards found by mr. lubbock near bromley, in the valley of a small tributary of the thames; and two other skulls, those of a bull and a cow were dug up near bath easton from the gravel of the valley of the avon by mr. charles moore. professor owen has truly said, that "as this quadruped has a constitution fitting it at present to inhabit the high northern regions of america, we can hardly doubt that its former companions, the warmly-clad mammoth and the two-horned woolly rhinoceros (r. tichorhinus), were in like manner capable of supporting life in a cold climate."* (* "quarterly journal of the geological society" volume 12 1856 page 124.) i have already alluded to the recent discovery of this same ox near chauny, in the valley of the oise, in france; and in 1856 i found a skull of it preserved in the museum at berlin, which professor quenstedt, the curator, had correctly named so long ago as 1836, when the fossil was dug out of drift, in the hill called the kreuzberg, in the southern suburbs of that city. by an account published at the time, we find that the mammalia which accompanied the musk ox were the mammoth and tichorhine rhinoceros, with the horse and ox;* but i can find no record of the occurrence of a hippopotamus, nor of elephas antiquus or rhinoceros leptorhinus, in the drift of the north of germany, bordering the baltic. (* "leonhard and bronn's jahrbuch" 1836 page 215.) on the other hand, in another locality in the same drift of north germany, dr. hensel, of berlin, detected, near quedlinburg, the norwegian lemming (myodes lemmus), and another species of the same family called by pallas myodes torquatus (by hensel, misothermus torquatus)--a still more arctic quadruped, found by parry in latitude 82 degrees, and which never strays farther south than the northern borders of the woody region. professor beyrich also informs me that the remains of the rhinoceros tichorhinus were obtained at the same place.* (* "zeitschrift der deutschen geologischen gesellschaft" volume 7 1855 page 497 etc.) as an example of what may possibly have constituted a more southern fauna in the valley of the thames, i may allude to the fossil remains found in the fluviatile alluvium of gray's thurrock, in essex, situated on the left bank of the river, 21 miles below london. the strata of brick-earth, loam, and gravel exposed to view in artificial excavations in that spot, are precisely such as would be formed by the silting up of an old river channel. among the mammalia are elephas antiquus, rhinoceros leptorhinus (r. megarhinus, christol), hippopotamus major, species of horse, bear, ox, stag, etc., and, among the accompanying shells, cyrena fluminalis, which is extremely abundant, instead of being scarce, as at abbeville. it is associated with unio littoralis also in great numbers and with both valves united. this conspicuous freshwater mussel is no longer an inhabitant of the british isles, but still lives in the seine, and is still more abundant in the loire. another freshwater univalve (paludina marginata, michaud), not british, but common in the south of france, likewise occurs, and a peculiar variety of cyclas amnica, which by some naturalists has been regarded as a distinct species. with these, moreover, is found a peculiar variety of valvata piscinalis. if we consult dr. von schrenck's account of the living mammalia of mongolia, lying between latitude 45 and 55 degrees north, we learn that, in that part of north-eastern asia recently annexed to the russian empire, no less than thirty-four out of fifty-eight living quadrupeds are identical with european species, while some of those which do not extend their range to europe are arctic, others tropical forms. the bengal tiger ranges northwards occasionally to latitude 52 degrees north, where he chiefly subsists on the flesh of the reindeer, and the same tiger abounds in latitude 48 degrees, to which the small tailless hare or pika, a polar resident, sometimes wanders southwards.* (* mammalia of amoorland, "natural history review" volume 1 1861 page 12.) we may readily conceive that the countries now drained by the thames, the somme, and the seine, were, in the pleistocene period, on the borders of two distinct zoological provinces, one lying to the north, the other to the south, in which case many species belonging to each fauna endowed with migratory habits, like the living musk-ox or the bengal tiger, may have been ready to take advantage of any, even the slightest, change in their favour to invade the neighbouring province, whether in the summer or winter months, or permanently for a series of years, or centuries. the elephas antiquus and its associated rhinoceros leptorhinus may have preceded the mammoth and tichorhine rhinoceros in the valley of the thames, or both may have alternately prevailed in the same area in the pleistocene period. in attempting to settle the chronology of fluviatile deposits, it is almost equally difficult to avail ourselves of the evidence of organic remains and of the superposition of the strata, for we may find two old river-beds on the same level in juxtaposition, one of them perhaps many thousands of years posterior in date to the other. i have seen an example of this at ilford, where the thames, or a tributary stream, has at some former period cut through sands containing cyrena fluminalis, and again filled up the channel with argillaceous matter, evidently derived from the waste of the tertiary london clay. such shiftings of the site of the main channel of the river, the frequent removal of gravel and sand previously deposited, and the throwing down of new alluvium, the flooding of tributaries, the rising and sinking of the land, fluctuations in the cold and heat of the climate--all these changes seem to have given rise to that complexity in the fluviatile deposits of the thames, which accounts for the small progress we have hitherto made in determining their order of succession, and that of the imbedded groups of quadrupeds. it may happen, as at brentford and ilford, that sand-pits in two adjoining fields may each contain distinct species of elephant and rhinoceros; and the fossil remains in both cases may occur at the same depth from the surface, yet may be severally referable to different parts of the pleistocene epoch, separated by thousands of years. the relation of the glacial period to alluvial deposits, such as that of gray's thurrock, where the cyrena fluminalis, unio littoralis, and the hippopotamus seem rather to imply a warmer climate, has been a matter of long and animated discussion. patches of the northern drift, at elevations of about 200 feet above the thames, occur in the neighbourhood of london, as at muswell hill, near highgate. in this drift, blocks of granite, syenite, greenstone, coal-measure sandstone with its fossils, and other palaeozoic rocks, and the wreck of chalk and oolite, occur confusedly mixed together. the same glacial formation is also found capping some of the essex hills farther to the east, and extending some way down their southern slopes towards the valley of the thames. although no fragments washed out of these older and upland drifts have been found in the gravel of the thames containing elephants' bones, it is fair to presume, as mr. prestwich has contended,* that the glacial formation is the older of the two. (* prestwich, "quarterly journal of the geological society" volume 11 1855 page 110; ibid. volume 12 1856 page 133; ibid. volume 17 1861 page 446.) in short, we must suppose that the basin of the thames and all its fluviatile deposits are post-glacial, in the modified sense of that term; i.e. that they were subsequent to the drift of the central and northern counties. having offered these general remarks on the alluvium of the thames, i may now say something of the implements hitherto discovered in it. in the british museum there is a flint weapon of the spear-headed form, such as is represented in figure 8, which we are told was found with an elephant's tooth at black mary's, near gray's inn lane, london. in a letter dated 1715, printed in herne's edition of "leland's collectanea," volume 1 page 73, it is stated to have been found in the presence of mr. conyers, with the skeleton of an elephant.* (* evans, "archaeologia" 1860.) so many bones of the elephant, rhinoceros, and hippopotamus have been found in the gravel on which london stands, that there is no reason to doubt the statement as handed down to us. fossil remains of all these three genera have been dug up on the site of waterloo place, st. james's square, charing cross, the london docks, limehouse, bethnal green, and other places within the memory of persons now living. in the gravel and sand of shacklewell, in the north-east district of london, i have myself collected specimens of the cyrena fluminalis in great numbers (see figure 17 c), with the bones of deer and other mammalia. in the alluvium also of the wey, near guildford, in a place called pease marsh, a wedge-shaped flint implement, resembling one brought from st. acheul by mr. prestwich, and compared by some antiquaries to a sling-stone, was obtained in 1836 by mr. whitburn, 4 feet deep in sand and gravel, in which the teeth and tusks of elephants had been found. the wey flows through the gorge of the north downs at guildford to join the thames. mr. austen has shown that this drift is so ancient that one part of it had been disturbed and tilted before another part was thrown down.* (* "quarterly journal of the geological society" volume 7 1851 page 278.) among other places where flint tools of the antique type have been met with in the course of the last three years, i may mention one of an oval form found by mr. whitaker in the valley of the darent, in kent, and another which mr. evans found lying on the shore at swalecliff, near whitstable, in the same county, where mr. prestwich had previously described a freshwater deposit, resting on the london clay, and consisting chiefly of gravel, in which an elephant's tooth and the bones of a bear were embedded. the flint implement was deeply discoloured and of a peculiar bright light-brown colour, similar to that of the old fluviatile gravel in the cliff. another flint implement was found in 1860 by mr. t. leech, at the foot of the cliff between herne bay and the reculvers, and on further search five other specimens of the spear-head pattern so common at amiens. messrs. prestwich and evans have since found three other similar tools on the beach, at the base of the same wasting cliff, which consists of sandy eocene strata, covered by a gravelly deposit of freshwater origin, about 50 feet above the sea-level, from which the flint weapons must have been derived. such old alluvial deposits now capping the cliffs of kent seem to have been the river-beds of tributaries of the thames before the sea encroached to its present position and widened its estuary. on following up one of these freshwater deposits westward of the reculvers, mr. prestwich found in it, at chislet, near grove ferry, the cyrena fluminalis among other shells. the changes which have taken place in the physical geography of this part of england during, or since, the pleistocene period, have consisted partly of such encroachments of the sea on the coast as are now going on, and partly of a general subsidence of the land. among the signs of the latter movement may be mentioned a freshwater formation at faversham, below the level of the sea. the gravel there contains exclusively land and fluviatile shells of the same species as those of other localities of the pleistocene alluvium before mentioned, and must have been formed when the river was at a higher level and when it extended farther east. at that era it was probably a tributary of the rhine, as represented by mr. trimmer in his ideal restoration of the geography of the olden time.* (* "quarterly journal of the geological society" volume 9 1853 plate 8 number 4.) for england was then united to the continent, and what is now the north sea was land. it is well known that in many places, especially near the coast of holland, elephants' tusks and other bones are often dredged up from the bed of that shallow sea, and the reader will see in the map given in chapter 13 how vast would be the conversion of sea into land by an upheaval of 600 feet. vertical movements of much less than half that amount would account for the annexation of england to the continent, and the extension of the thames and its valley far to the north-east, and the flowing of rivers from the easternmost parts of kent and essex into the thames, instead of emptying themselves into its estuary. more than a dozen flint weapons of the amiens type have already been found in the basin of the thames; but the geological position of no one of them has as yet been ascertained with the same accuracy as that of many of the tools dug up in the valley of the somme. flint implements of the valley of the ouse, near bedford. the ancient fluviatile gravel of the valley of the ouse, around bedford, has been noted for the last thirty years for yielding to collectors a rich harvest of the bones of extinct mammalia. by observations made in 1854 and 1858, mr. prestwich had ascertained that the valley was bounded on both sides by oolitic strata, capped by boulder clay, and that the gravel number 3, figure 23, contained bones of the elephant, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, ox, horse, and deer, which animals he therefore inferred must have been posterior in date to the boulder clay, through which, as well as the subjacent oolite, the valley had been excavated. mr. evans had found in the same gravel many land and freshwater shells, and these discoveries induced mr. james wyatt, of bedford, to pay two visits to st. acheul in order to compare the implement-bearing gravels of the somme with the drift of the valley of the ouse. after his return he resolved to watch carefully the excavation of the gravel-pits at biddenham, 2 miles west-north-west of bedford, in the hope of finding there similar works of art. with this view he paid almost daily visits for months in succession to those pits, and was at last rewarded by the discovery of two well-formed implements, one of the spear-head and the other of the oval shape, perfect counterparts of the two prevailing french types. both specimens were thrown out by the workmen on the same day from the lowest bed of stratified gravel and sand, 13 feet thick, containing bones of the elephant, deer, and ox, and many freshwater shells. the two implements occurred at the depth of 13 feet from the surface of the soil, and rested immediately on solid beds of oolitic limestone, as represented in the accompanying section (figure 23). having been invited by mr. wyatt to verify these facts, i went to biddenham within a fortnight of the date of his discovery (april 1861), and, for the first time, saw evidence which satisfied me of the chronological relations of those three phenomena, the antique tools, the extinct mammalia, and the glacial formation. on that occasion i examined the pits in company with messrs. prestwich, evans, and wyatt, and we collected ten species of shells from the stratified drift number 3, or the beds overlying the lowest gravel from which the flint implements had been exhumed. they were all of common fluviatile and land species now living in the same part of england. since our visit, mr. wyatt has added to them paludina marginata, michaud (hydrobia of some authors), a species of the south of france no longer inhabiting the british isles. the same geologist has also found, since we were at biddenham, several other flint tools of corresponding type, both there and at other localities in the valley of the ouse, near bedford. [figure 23. valley of the ouse] (figure 23. section across the valley of the ouse, two miles west-north-west of bedford.* (* prestwich, "quarterly journal of the geological society" volume 17 1861 page 364; and wyatt, "geologist" 1861 page 242.) 1. oolitic strata. 2. boulder clay, or marine northern drift, rising to about ninety feet above the ouse. 3. ancient gravel, with elephant bones, freshwater shells, and flint implements. 4. modern alluvium of the ouse. a. biddenham gravel pits, at the bottom of which flint tools were found.) the boulder clay number 2 extends for miles in all directions, and was evidently once continuous from b to c before the valley was scooped out. it is a portion of the great marine glacial drift of the midland counties of england, and contains blocks, some of large size, not only of the oolite of the neighbourhood, but of chalk and other rocks transported from still greater distances, such as syenite, basalt, quartz, and new red sandstone. these erratic blocks of foreign origin are often polished and striated, having undergone what is called glaciation, of which more will be said by and by. blocks of the same mineral character, embedded at biddenham in the gravel number 3, have lost all signs of this striation by the friction to which they were subjected in the old river bed. the great width of the valley of the ouse, which is sometimes 2 miles, has not been expressed in the diagram. it may have been shaped out by the joint action of the river and the tides when this part of england was emerging from the waters of the glacial sea, the boulder clay being first cut through, and then an equal thickness of underlying oolite. after this denudation, which may have accompanied the emergence of the land, the country was inhabited by the primitive people who fashioned the flint tools. the old river, aided perhaps by the continued upheaval of the whole country, or by oscillations in its level, went on widening and deepening the valley, often shifting its channel, until at length a broad area was covered by a succession of the earliest and latest deposits, which may have corresponded in age to the higher and lower gravels of the valley of the somme, already described. at biddenham, and elsewhere in the same gravel, remains of elephas antiquus have been discovered, and mr. wyatt obtained, january 1863, a flint implement associated with bones and teeth of hippopotamus from gravel at summerhouse hill, which lies east of bedford, lower down the valley of the ouse, and 4 miles from biddenham. one step at least we gain by the bedford sections, which those of amiens and abbeville had not enabled us to make. they teach us that the fabricators of the antique tools, and the extinct mammalia coeval with them, were all post-glacial. flint implements in a freshwater deposit at hoxne in suffolk [17]. so early as the first year of the nineteenth century, a remarkable paper was communicated to the society of antiquaries by mr. john frere, in which he gave a clear description of the discovery at hoxne, near diss, in suffolk, of flint tools of the type since found at amiens, adding at the same time good geological reasons for presuming that their antiquity was very great, or, as he expressed it, beyond that of the present world, meaning the actual state of the physical geography of that region. "the flints," he said, "were evidently weapons of war, fabricated and used by a people who had not the use of metals. they lay in great numbers at the depth of about 12 feet in a stratified soil which was dug into for the purpose of raising clay for bricks. under a foot and a half of vegetable earth was clay 7 1/2 feet thick, and beneath this one foot of sand with shells, and under this 2 feet of gravel, in which the shaped flints were found generally at the rate of 5 or 6 in a square yard. in the sandy beds with shells were found the jawbone and teeth of an enormous unknown animal. the manner in which the flint weapons lay would lead to the persuasion that it was a place of their manufacture, and not of their accidental deposit. their numbers were so great that the man who carried on the brick-work told me that before he was aware of their being objects of curiosity, he had emptied baskets full of them into the ruts of the adjoining road." mr. frere then goes on to explain that the strata in which the flints occur are disposed horizontally, and do not lie at the foot of any higher ground, so that portions of them must have been removed when the adjoining valley was hollowed out. if the author had not mistaken the freshwater shells associated with the tools for marine species, there would have been nothing to correct in his account of the geology of the district, for he distinctly perceived that the strata in which the implements were embedded had, since that time, undergone very extensive denudation.* (* frere, "archaeologia" volume 13 1800 page 206.) specimens of the flint spear-heads, sent to london by mr. frere, are still preserved in the british museum, and others are in the collection of the society of antiquaries. [illustration: figure 24. position of flint weapons] (figure 24. section showing the position of the flint weapons at hoxne, near diss, suffolk. see prestwich "philosophical transactions" plate 11 1860.) 1. gravel of gold brook, a tributary of the waveney. 2. higher-level gravel overlying the freshwater deposit. 3 and 4. sand and gravel, with freshwater shells, and flint implements, and bones of mammalia. 5. peaty and clayey beds, with same fossils. 6. boulder clay or glacial drift. 7. sand and gravel below boulder clay. 8. chalk with flints.) mr. prestwich's attention was called by mr. evans to these weapons, as well as to mr. frere's memoir after his return from amiens in 1859, and he lost no time in visiting hoxne, a village five miles eastward of diss. it is not a little remarkable that he should have found, after a lapse of sixty years, that the extraction of clay was still going on in the same brick-pit. only a few months before his arrival, two flint instruments had been dug out of the clay, one from a depth of 7 and the other of 10 feet from the surface. others have since been disinterred from undisturbed beds of gravel in the same pit. mr. amyot of diss has also obtained from the underlying freshwater strata the astragalus of an elephant, and bones of the deer and horse; but although many of the old implements have recently been discovered in situ in regular strata and preserved by sir edward kerrison, no bones of extinct mammalia seem as yet to have been actually seen in the same stratum with one of the tools. by reference to the annexed section, the geologist will see that the basin-shaped hollow a, b, c has been filled up gradually with the freshwater strata 3, 4, 5, after the same cavity a, b, c had been previously excavated out of the more ancient boulder clay number 6. the relative position of these formations will be better understood when i have described in the twelfth chapter the structure of norfolk and suffolk as laid open in the sea-cliffs at mundesley, about 30 miles distant from hoxne, in a north-north-east direction. i examined the deposits at hoxne in 1860, when i had the advantage of being accompanied by the reverend j. gunn and the reverend s.w. king. in the loamy beds 3 and 4, figure 24, we observed the common river shell valvata piscinalis in great numbers. with it, but much more rare, were limnaea palustris, planorbis albus, p. spirorbis, succinea putris, bithynia tentaculata, cyclas cornea; and mr. prestwich mentions cyclas amnica and fragments of a unio, besides several land shells. in the black peaty mass number 5, fragments of wood of the oak, yew, and fir have been recognised. the flint weapons which i have seen from hoxne are so much more perfect, and have their cutting edge so much sharper than those from the valley of the somme, that they seem neither to have been used by man, nor to have been rolled in the bed of a river. the opinion of mr. frere, therefore, that there may have been a manufactory of weapons on the spot, appears probable. flint implements at icklingham in suffolk. in another part of suffolk, at icklingham, in the valley of the lark, below bury st. edmund's, there is a bed of gravel, in which teeth of elephas primigenius and several flint tools, chiefly of a lance-head form, have been found. i have twice visited the spot, which has been correctly described by mr. prestwich.* (* "quarterly journal of the geological society" volume 17 1861, page 364.) the section of the bedford tool-bearing alluvium, given in figure 23, may serve to illustrate that of icklingham, if we substitute chalk for oolite, and the river lark for the ouse. in both cases, the present bed of the river is about 30 feet below the level of the old gravel, and the chalk hill, which bounds the valley of the lark on the right side, is capped like the oolite of biddenham by boulder clay, which rises to the height of 100 feet above the lark. about twelve years ago, a large erratic block, above 4 feet in diameter, was dug out of the boulder clay at icklingham, which i found to consist of a hard siliceous schist, which must have come from a remote region. the tool-bearing gravel here, as in the case to which it has been compared near bedford, is proved to be newer than the glacial drift, by containing pebbles of basalt and other rocks derived from that formation. chapter 10. -cavern deposits, and places of sepulture of the pleistocene period. flint implements in cave containing hyaena and other extinct mammalia in somersetshire. caves of the gower peninsula in south wales. rhinoceros hemitoechus. ossiferous caves near palermo. sicily once part of africa. rise of bed of the mediterranean to the height of three hundred feet in the human period in sardinia. burial-place of pleistocene date of aurignac in the south of france. rhinoceros tichorhinus eaten by man. m. lartet on extinct mammalia and works of art found in the aurignac cave. relative antiquity of the same considered. works of art associated with extinct mammalia in a cavern in somersetshire. the only british cave from which implements resembling those of amiens have been obtained, since the attention of geologists has been awakened to the importance of minutely observing the position of such relics relatively to the associated fossil mammalia, is that recently opened near wells in somersetshire. it occurs near the cave of wookey hole, from the mouth of which the river axe issues on the southern flanks of the mendips. no one had suspected that on the left side of the ravine, through which the river flows after escaping from its subterranean channel, there were other caves and fissures concealed beneath the green sward of the steep sloping bank. about ten years ago, a canal was made, several hundred yards in length, for the purpose of leading the waters of the axe to a paper-mill, now occupying the middle of the ravine. in carrying out this work, about 12 feet of the left bank was cut away, and a cavernous fissure, choked up to the roof with ossiferous loam, was then, for the first time, exposed to view. this great cavity, originally 9 feet high and 36 wide, traversed the dolomitic conglomerate; and fragments of that rock, some angular and others water-worn, were scattered through the red mud of the cave, in which fossil remains were abundant. for an account of them and the position they occupied we are indebted to mr. dawkins, f.g.s., who, in company with mr. williamson, explored the cavern in 1859, and obtained from it the bones of the hyaena spelaea in such numbers as to lead him to conclude that the cavern had for a long time been a hyaena's den. among the accompanying animals found fossil in the same bone-earth, were observed elephas primigenius, rhinoceros tichorhinus, ursus spelaeus, bos primigenius, megaceros hibernicus, cervus tarandus (and other species of cervus), felis spelaea, canis lupus, canis vulpes, and teeth and bones of the genus equus in great numbers. intermixed with the above fossil bones were some arrowheads, made of bone, and many chipped flints, and chipped pieces of chert, a white or bleached flint weapon of the spearhead amiens type, which was taken out of the undisturbed matrix by mr. williamson himself, together with a hyaena's tooth, showing that man had either been contemporaneous with or had preceded the extinct fauna. after penetrating 34 feet from the entrance, mr. dawkins found the cave bifurcating into two branches, one of which was vertical. by this rent, perhaps, some part of the contents of the cave may have been introduced.* (* boyd dawkins, "proceedings of the geological society" january 1862.) when i examined the spot in 1860, after i had been shown some remains of the hyaena collected there, i felt convinced that a complete revolution must have taken place in the topography of the district since the time of the extinct quadrupeds. i was not aware at the time that flint tools had been met with in the same bone-deposit. caves of gower in glamorganshire, south wales. the ossiferous caves of the peninsula of gower in glamorganshire have been diligently explored of late years by dr. falconer and lieutenant-colonel e.r. wood, who have thoroughly investigated the contents of many which were previously unknown. among these dr. falconer's skilled eye has recognised the remains of almost every quadruped which he had elsewhere found fossil in british caves: in some places the elephas primigenius, accompanied by its usual companion, the rhinoceros tichorhinus, in others elephas antiquus, associated with rhinoceros hemitoechus, falconer; the extinct animals being often embedded, as in the belgian caves, in the same matrix with species now living in europe, such as the common badger (meles taxus), the common wolf, and the fox. in a cavernous fissure called the raven's cliff, teeth of several individuals of hippopotamus major, both young and old, were found; and this in a district where there is now scarce a rill of running water, much less a river in which such quadrupeds could swim. in one of the caves, called spritsail tor, bones of the elephants above named were observed, with a great many other quadrupeds of recent and extinct species. from one fissure, called bosco's den, no less than one thousand antlers of the reindeer, chiefly of the variety called cervus guettardi, were extracted by the persevering exertions of colonel wood, who estimated that several hundred more still remained in the bone-earth of the same rent. they were mostly shed horns, and of young animals; and had been washed into the rent with other bones, and with angular fragments of limestone, and all enveloped in the same ochreous mud. among the other bones, which were not numerous, were those of the cave-bear, wolf, fox, ox, stag, and field-mouse. but the discovery of most importance, as bearing on the subject of the present work, is the occurrence in a newly-discovered cave, called long hole, by colonel wood, in 1861, of the remains of two species of rhinoceros, r. tichorhinus and r. hemitoechus, falconer, in an undisturbed deposit, in the lower part of which were some well-shaped flint knives, evidently of human workmanship. it is clear from their position that man was coeval with these two species. we have elsewhere independent proofs of his co-existence with every other species of the cave-fauna of glamorganshire; but this is the first well-authenticated example of the occurrence of r. hemitoechus in connection with human implements. in the fossil fauna of the valley of the thames, rhinoceros leptorhinus was mentioned as occurring at gray's thurrock with elephas antiquus. dr. falconer, in a memoir which he is now preparing for the press on the european pliocene and pleistocene species of the genus rhinoceros, has shown that, under the above name of r. leptorhinus, three distinct species have been confounded by cuvier, owen, and other palaeontologists:-1. r. megarhinus, christol, being the original and typical r. leptorhinus of cuvier, founded on cortesi's monte zago cranium, and the only pliocene, or pleistocene european species, that had not a nasal septum.--gray's thurrock, etc. 2. r. hemitoechus, falconer, in which the ossification of the septum dividing the nostrils is incomplete in the middle, besides other cranial and dental characters distinguishing it from r. tichorhinus, accompanies elephas antiquus in most of the oldest british bone-caves, such as kirkdale, cefn, durdham down, minchin hole, and other gower caverns--also found at clacton, in essex, and in northamptonshire. 3. r. etruscus, falconer, a comparatively slight and slender form, also with an incomplete bony septum,* occurs deep in the val d'arno deposits, and in the "forest bed," and superimposed blue clays, with lignite, of the norfolk coast, but nowhere as yet found in the ossiferous caves in britain. (* falconer, "quarterly journal of the geological society" volume 15 1859 page 602.) dr. falconer announced in 1860 his opinion that the filling up of the gower caves in south wales took place after the deposition of the marine boulder clay,* an opinion in harmony with what we have since learnt from the section of the gravels near bedford, given above (figure 23), where a fauna corresponding to that of the welsh caves characterises the ancient alluvium, and is shown to be clearly post-glacial, in the sense of being posterior in date to the boulder-clay of the midland counties. (* ibid. volume 16 1860 page 491.) in the same sense the late edward forbes declared, in 1846, his conviction that not only the cervus megaceros, but also the mammoth and other extinct pachyderms and carnivora, had lived in britain in post-glacial times.* (* "memoir of the geological survey" pages 394 to 397.) the gower caves in general have their floors strewed over with sand, containing marine shells, all of living species; and there are raised beaches on the adjoining coast, and other geological signs of great alteration in the relative level of land and sea, since that country was inhabited by the extinct mammalia, some of which, as we have seen, were certainly coeval with man. ossiferous caves in the north of sicily. geologists have long been familiar with the fact that on the northern coast of sicily, between termini on the east, and trapani on the west, there are several caves containing the bones of extinct animals. these caves are situated in rocks of hippurite limestone, a member of the cretaceous series, and some of them may be seen on both sides of the bay of palermo. if in the neighbourhood of that city we proceed from the sea inland, ascending a sloping terrace, composed of the marine newer pliocene strata, we reach about a mile from the shore, and at the height of about 180 feet above it a precipice of limestone, at the base of which appear the entrances of several caves. in that of san ciro, on the east side of the bay, we find at the bottom sand with marine shells, forty species of which have been examined, and found almost all to agree specifically with mollusca now inhabiting the mediterranean. higher in position, and resting on the sand, is a breccia, composed of pieces of limestone, quartz, and schist in a matrix of brown marl, through which land shells are dispersed, together with bones of two species of hippopotamus, as determined by dr. falconer. certain bones of the skeleton were counted in such numbers as to prove that they must have belonged to several hundred individuals. with these were associated the remains of elephas antiquus, and bones of the genera bos, cervus, sus, ursus, canis, and a large felis. some of these bones have been rolled as if partially subjected to the action of water, and may have been introduced by streams through rents in the hippurite limestone; but there is now no running water in the neighbourhood, no river such as the hippopotamus might frequent, not even a small brook, so that the physical geography of the district must have been altogether changed since the time when such remains were swept into fissures, or into the channels of engulfed rivers. no proofs seem yet to have been found of the existence of man at the period when the hippopotamus and elephas antiquus flourished at san ciro. but there is another cave called the grotto di maccagnone, which much resembles it in geological position, on the opposite or west side of the bay of palermo, near carini. in the bottom of this cave a bone deposit like that of san ciro occurs, and above it other materials reaching to the roof, and evidently washed in from above, through crevices in the limestone. in this upper and newer breccia dr. falconer discovered flint knives, bone splinters, bits of charcoal, burnt clay, and other objects indicating human intervention, mingled with entire land shells, teeth of horses, coprolites of hyaenas, and other bones, the whole agglutinated to one another and to the roof by the infiltration of water holding lime in solution. the perfect condition of the large fragile helices (helix vermiculata) afforded satisfactory evidence, says dr. falconer, that the various articles were carried into the cave by the tranquil agency of water, and not by any tumultuous action. at a subsequent period other geographical changes took place, so that the cave, after it had been filled, was washed out again, or emptied of its contents with the exception of those patches of breccia which, being cemented together by stalactite, still adhere to the roof.* (* "quarterly journal of the geological society" volume 16 1860 page 105.) baron anca, following up these investigations, explored, in 1859, another cave at mondello, west of palermo, and north of mount gallo, where he discovered molars of the living african elephant, and afterwards additional specimens of the same species in the neighbouring grotto of olivella. in reference to this elephant, dr. falconer has reminded us that the distance between the nearest part of sicily and the coast of africa, between marsala and cape bon, is not more than 80 miles, and admiral smyth, in his memoir on the mediterranean, states (page 499) that there is a subaqueous plateau, named by him adventure bank, uniting sicily to africa by a succession of ridges which are not more than from 40 to 50 fathoms under water.* (* cited by horner, "presidential address to the geological society" 1861 page 42.) sicily therefore might be re-united to africa by movements of upheaval not greater than those which are already known to have taken place within the human period on the borders of the mediterranean, of which i shall now proceed to cite a well-authenticated example, observed in sardinia. rise of the bed of the sea to the height of 300 feet, in the human period, in sardinia. count albert de la marmora, in his description of the geology of sardinia,* has shown that on the southern coast of that island, at cagliari and in the neighbourhood, an ancient bed of the sea, containing marine shells of living species, and numerous fragments of antique pottery, has been elevated to the height of from 230 to 324 feet above the present level of the mediterranean. (* "partie geologique" volume 1 pages 382 and 387.) oysters and other shells, of which a careful list has been published, including the common mussel (mytilus edulis), many of them having both valves united, occur, embedded in a breccia in which fragments of limestone abound. the mussels are often in such numbers as to impart, when they have decomposed, a violet colour to the marine stratum. besides pieces of coarse pottery, a flattened ball of baked earthenware, with a hole through its axis, was found in the midst of the marine shells. it is supposed to have been used for weighting a fishing net. of this and of one of the fragments of ancient pottery count de la marmora has given figures. the upraised bed of the sea probably belongs in this instance to the pleistocene period, for in a bone breccia, filling fissures in the rocks around cagliari, the remains of extinct mammalia have been detected; among which is a new genus of carnivorous quadruped, named cynotherium by m. studiati, and figured by count de la marmora in his atlas (plate 7), also an extinct species of lagomys, determined by cuvier in 1825. embedded in the same bone-breccia, and enveloped with red earth like the mammalian remains, were detected shells of the mytilus edulis before mentioned, implying that the marine formation containing shells and pottery had been already upheaved and exposed to denudation before the remains of quadrupeds were washed into these rents and included in the red earth. in the vegetable soil covering the upraised marine stratum, fragments of roman pottery occur. if we assume the average rate of upheaval to have been, as before hinted, 2 1/2 feet in a century, 300 feet would give an antiquity of 12,000 years to the cagliari pottery, even if we simply confine our estimate to the upheaval above the sea-level, without allowing for the original depth of water in which the mollusca lived. even then our calculation would merely embrace the period during which the upward movement was going on; and we can form at present no conjecture as to the probable era of its commencement or termination. i learn from captain spratt, r.n., that the island of crete or candia, about 135 miles in length, has been raised at its western extremity about 25 feet; so that ancient ports are now high and dry above the sea, while at its eastern end it has sunk so much that the ruins of old towns are seen under water. revolutions like these in the physical geography of the countries bordering the mediterranean, may well help us to understand the phenomena of the palermo caves, and the presence in sicily of african species of mammalia. climate and habits of the hippopotamus. as i have alluded more than once in this chapter to the occurrence of the remains of the hippopotamus in places where there are now no rivers, not even a rill of water, and as other bones of the same genus have been met with in the lower-level gravels of the somme where large blocks of sandstone seem to imply that ice once played a part in their transportation, it may be well to consider, before proceeding farther, what geographical and climatal conditions are indicated by the presence of these fossil pachyderms. it is now very generally conceded that the mammoth and tichorhine rhinoceros were fitted to inhabit northern regions, and it is therefore natural to begin by asking whether the extinct hippopotamus may not in like manner have flourished in a cold climate. in answer to this inquiry, it has been remarked that the living hippopotami, anatomically speaking so closely allied to the extinct species, are so aquatic and fluviatile in their habits as to make it difficult to conceive that their congeners could have thriven all the year round in regions where, during winter, the rivers were frozen over for months. moreover, i have been unable to learn that, in any instance, bones of the hippopotamus have been found in the drift of northern germany associated with the remains of the mammoth, tichorhine rhinoceros, musk-ox, reindeer, lemming, and other arctic quadrupeds before alluded to; yet, though not proved to have ever made a part of such a fauna, the presence of the fossil hippopotamus north of the fiftieth parallel of latitude naturally tempts us to speculate on the migratory powers and instincts of some of the extinct species of the genus. they may have resembled, in this respect, the living musk-ox, herds of which pass for hundreds of miles over the ice to the rich pastures of melville island, and then return again to southern latitudes before the ice breaks up. we are indebted to sir andrew smith,* an experienced zoologist, for having given us an account of the migratory habits of the living hippopotamus of southern africa (h. amphibius, linn.). (* "illustrations of the zoology of south africa": article "hippopotamus.") he states that, when the dutch first colonised the cape of good hope, this animal abounded in all the great rivers, as far south as the land extends; whereas, in 1849, they had all disappeared, scarcely one remaining even within a moderate distance of the colony. he also tells us that this species evinces great sagacity in changing its quarters whenever danger threatens, quitting every district invaded by settlers bearing fire-arms. bulky as they are, they can travel speedily for miles over land from one pool of a dried-up river to another; but it is by water that their powers of locomotion are surpassingly great, not only in rivers, but in the sea, for they are far from confining themselves to fresh water. indeed, sir a. smith finds it "difficult to decide whether, during the daytime and when not feeding, they prefer the pools of rivers or the waters of the ocean for their abode." in districts where they have been disturbed by man, they feed almost entirely in the night, chiefly on certain kinds of grass, but also on brushwood. sir a. smith relates that, in an expedition which he made north of port natal, he found them swarming in all the rivers about the tropic of capricorn. here they were often seen to have left their footprints on the sands, entering or coming out of the salt water; and on one occasion smith's party tried in vain to intercept a female with her young as she was making her way to the sea. another female, which they had wounded on her precipitate retreat to the sea, was afterwards shot in that element. the geologist, therefore, may freely speculate on the time when herds of hippopotami issued from north african rivers, such as the nile, and swam northwards in summer along the coasts of the mediterranean, or even occasionally visited islands near the shore. here and there they may have landed to graze or browse, tarrying awhile and afterwards continuing their course northwards. others may have swum in a few summer days from rivers in the south of spain or france to the somme, thames, or severn, making timely retreat to the south before the snow and ice set in. burial-place at aurignac, in the south of france, of pleistocene date. i have alluded in the beginning of the fourth chapter to a custom prevalent among rude nations of consigning to the tomb works of art, once the property of the dead, or objects of their affection, and even of storing up, in many cases, animal food destined for the manes of the defunct in a future life. i also cited m. desnoyers' comments on the absence among the bones of wild and domestic animals found in old gaulish tombs of all intermixture of extinct species of quadrupeds, as proving that the oldest sepulchral monuments then known in france (1845) had no claims to high antiquity founded on palaeontological data. m. lartet, however, has recently published a circumstantial account of what seems clearly to have been a sepulchral vault of the pleistocene period, near aurignac, not far from the foot of the pyrenees. i have had the advantage of inspecting the fossil bones and works of art obtained by him from that grotto, and of conversing and corresponding with him on the subject, and can see no grounds for doubting the soundness of his conclusions.* (* see lartet, "annales des sci. nat." 4mo. ser. zoologie volume 15 page 177 translated in "natural history review" london january 1862.) [illustration: figure 25. hill of fajoles] (figure 25. section of part of the hill of fajoles passing through the sepulchral grotto of aurignac (e. lartet). a. part of the vault in which the remains of seventeen human skeletons were found. b. layer of made ground, two feet thick, inside the grotto in which a few human bones, with entire bones of extinct and living species of animals, and many works of art were embedded. c. layers of ashes and charcoal, six inches thick, with broken, burnt, and gnawed bones of extinct and recent mammalia; also hearth-stones and works of art; no human bones. d. deposit with similar contents and a few scattered cinders. e. talus of rubbish washed down from the hill above. f, g. slab of rock which closed the vault, not ascertained whether it extended to h. f i. rabbit burrow which led to the discovery of the grotto. h, k. original terrace on which the grotto opened. n. nummulitic limestone of hill of fajoles.) the town of aurignac is situated in the department of the haute-garonne, near a spur of the pyrenees; adjoining it is the small flat-topped hill of fajoles, about 60 feet above the brook called rodes, which flows at its foot on one side. it consists of nummulitic limestone, presenting a steep escarpment towards the north-west, on which side in the face of the rock, about 45 feet above the brook, is now visible the entrance of a grotto a, figure 25, which opened originally on the terrace h, c, k, which slopes gently towards the valley. until the year 1852, the opening into this grotto was masked by a talus of small fragments of limestone and earthy matter e, such as the rain may have washed down the slope of the hill. in that year a labourer named bonnemaison, employed in repairing the roads, observed that rabbits, when hotly pursued by the sportsman, ran into a hole which they had burrowed in the talus, at i f, figure 25. on reaching as far into the opening as the length of his arm, he drew out, to his surprise, one of the long bones of the human skeleton; and his curiosity being excited, and having a suspicion that the hole communicated with a subterranean cavity, he commenced digging a trench through the middle of the talus, and in a few hours found himself opposite a large heavy slab of rock f h, placed vertically against the entrance. having removed this, he discovered on the other side of it an arched cavity a, 7 or 8 feet in its greatest height, 10 in width, and 7 in horizontal depth. it was almost filled with bones, among which were two entire skulls, which he recognised at once as human. the people of aurignac, astonished to hear of the occurrence of so many human relics in so lonely a spot, flocked to the cave, and dr. amiel, the mayor, ordered all the bones to be taken out and reinterred in the parish cemetery. but before this was done, having as a medical man a knowledge of anatomy, he ascertained by counting the homologous bones that they must have formed parts of no less than seventeen skeletons of both sexes, and all ages; some so young that the ossification of some of the bones was incomplete. unfortunately the skulls were injured in the transfer; and what is worse, after the lapse of eight years, when m. lartet visited aurignac, the village sexton was unable to tell him in what exact place the trench was dug, into which the skeletons had been thrown, so that this rich harvest of ethnological knowledge seems for ever lost to the antiquary and geologist. m. lartet having been shown, in 1860, the remains of some extinct animals and works of art, found in digging the original trench made by bonnemaison through the bed d under the talus, and some others brought out from the interior of the grotto, determined to investigate systematically what remained intact of the deposits outside and inside the vault, those inside, underlying the human skeletons, being supposed to consist entirely of made ground. having obtained the assistance of some intelligent workmen, he personally superintended their labours, and found outside the grotto, resting on the sloping terrace h k, the layer of ashes and charcoal c, about 6 inches thick, extending over an area of 6 or 7 square yards, and going as far as the entrance of the grotto and no farther, there being no cinders or charcoal in the interior. among the cinders outside the vault were fragments of fissile sandstone, reddened by heat, which were observed to rest on a levelled surface of nummulitic limestone and to have formed a hearth. the nearest place from whence such slabs of sandstone could have been brought was the opposite side of the valley. among the ashes, and in some overlying earthy layers, d, separating the ashes from the talus e, were a great variety of bones and implements; amongst the latter not fewer than a hundred flint articles--knives, projectiles, sling stones, and chips, and among them one of those siliceous cores or nuclei with numerous facets, from which flint flakes or knives had been struck off, seeming to prove that some instruments were occasionally manufactured on the very spot. among other articles outside the entrance was found a stone of a circular form, and flattened on two sides, with a central depression, composed of a tough rock which does not belong to that region of the pyrenees. this instrument is supposed by the danish antiquaries to have been used for removing by skilful blows the edges of flint knives, the fingers and thumb being placed in the two opposite depressions during the operation. among the bone instruments were arrows without barbs, and other tools made of reindeer horn, and a bodkin formed out of the more compact horn of the roedeer. this instrument was well shaped, and sharply pointed, and in so good a state of preservation that it might still be used for piercing the tough skins of animals. scattered through the same ashes and earth were the bones of the various species of animals enumerated in the subjoined lists, with the exception of two, marked with an asterisk, which only occurred in the interior of the grotto:-table 10/1. numbers of individuals, bones of which were found in the aurignac cave. column 1: name of species. column 2: number of individuals. 1. carnivora 1. ursus spelaeus (cave-bear): 5 to 6. 2. ursus arctos? (brown bear): 1. 3. meles taxus (badger): 1 to 2. 4. putorius vulgaris (polecat): 1. 5. *felis spelaea (cave-lion): 1. 6. felis catus ferus (wild cat): 1. 7. hyaena spelaea (cave-hyaena): 5 to 6. 8. canis lupus (wolf): 3. 9. canis vulpes (fox): 18 to 20. 2. herbivora. 1. elephas primigenius (mammoth, two molars). 2. rhinoceros tichorhinus (siberian rhinoceros): 1. 3. equus caballus (horse): 12 to 15. 4. equus asinus (?) (ass): 1. 5. *sus scrofa (pig, two incisors). 6. cervus elaphus (stag): 1. 7. megaceros hibernicus (gigantic irish deer): 1. 8. c. capreolus (roebuck): 3 to 4. 9. c. tarandus (reindeer): 10 to 12. 10. bison europaeus (aurochs): 12 to 15. the bones of the herbivora were the most numerous, and all those on the outside of the grotto which had contained marrow were invariably split open, as if for its extraction, many of them being also burnt. the spongy parts, moreover, were wanting, having been eaten off and gnawed after they were broken, the work, according to m. lartet, of hyaenas, the bones and coprolites of which were mixed with the cinders, and dispersed through the overlying soil d. these beasts of prey are supposed to have prowled about the spot and fed on such relics of the funeral feasts as remained after the retreat of the human visitors, or during the intervals between successive funeral ceremonies which accompanied the interment of the corpses within the sepulchre. many of the bones were also streaked, as if the flesh had been scraped off by a flint instrument. among the various proofs that the bones were fresh when brought to the spot, it is remarked that those of the herbivora not only bore the marks of having had the marrow extracted and having afterwards been gnawed and in part devoured as if by carnivorous beasts, but that they had also been acted upon by fire (and this was especially noticed in one case of a cave-bear's bone), in such a manner as to show that they retained in them at the time all their animal matter. among other quadrupeds which appear to have been eaten at the funeral feasts, and of which the bones occurred among the ashes, were those of a young rhinoceros tichorhinus, the bones of which had been, like those of the accompanying herbivora, broken and gnawed by a beast of prey at both extremities. outside of the great slab of stone forming the door, not one human bone occurred; inside of it there were found, mixed with loose soil, the remains of as many as seventeen human individuals, besides some works of art and bones of animals. we know nothing of the arrangement of these bones when they were first broken into. m. lartet inferred at first that the bodies were bent down upon themselves in a squatting attitude, a posture known to have been adopted in most of the sepulchres of primitive times; and he has so represented them in his restoration of the cave: but this opinion he has since retracted. his artist also has inadvertently, in the same drawing, delineated the arched grotto as if it were shaped very regularly and smoothly, like a finished piece of masonry, whereas the surface was in truth as uneven and irregular as are the roofs of all natural grottos. there was no stalagmite in the grotto, and m. lartet, an experienced investigator of ossiferous caverns in the south of france, came to the conclusion that all the bones and soil found in the inside were artificially introduced. the substratum b, figure 25, which remained after the skeletons had been removed, was about 2 feet thick. in it were found about ten detached human bones, including a molar tooth; and m. delesse ascertained by careful analysis of one of these, as well as of the bones of a rhinoceros, bear, and some other extinct animals, that they all contained precisely the same proportion of nitrogen, or had lost an equal amount of their animal matter. my friend mr. evans, before cited, has suggested to me that such a fact, taken alone, may not be conclusive in favour of the equal antiquity of the human and other remains. no doubt, had the human skeletons been found to contain more gelatine than those of the extinct mammalia, it would have shown that they were the more modern of the two; but it is possible that after a bone has gone on losing its animal matter up to a certain point, it may then part with no more so long as it continues enveloped in the same matrix. if this be so, it follows that bones of very different degrees of antiquity, after they have lain for many thousands of years in a particular soil, may all have reached long ago the maximum of decomposition attainable in such a matrix. in the present case, however, the proof of the contemporaneousness of man and the extinct animals does not depend simply on the identity of their mineral condition. the chemical analysis of m. delesse is only a fact in corroboration of a great mass of other evidence. mixed with the human bones inside the grotto first removed by bonnemaison, were eighteen small, round, and flat plates of a white shelly substance, made of some species of cockle (cardium), pierced through the middle as if for being strung into a bracelet. in the substratum also in the interior examined by m. lartet was found the tusk of a young ursus spelaeus, the crown of which had been stripped of its enamel, and which had been carved perhaps in imitation of the head of a bird. it was perforated lengthwise as if for suspension as an ornament or amulet. a flint knife also was found in the interior which had evidently never been used; in this respect, unlike the numerous worn specimens found outside, so that it is conjectured that it may, like other associated works of art, have been placed there as part of the funeral ceremonies. a few teeth of the cave-lion, felis spelaea, and two tusks of the wild boar, also found in the interior, were memorials perhaps of the chase. no remains of the same animals were met with among the external relics. on the whole, the bones of animals inside the vault offer a remarkable contrast to those of the exterior, being all entire and uninjured, none of them broken, gnawed, half-eaten, scraped, or burnt like those lying among the ashes on the other side of the great slab which formed the portal. the bones of the interior seem to have been clothed with their flesh when buried in the layer of loose soil strewed over the floor. in confirmation of this idea, many bones of the skeleton were often observed to be in juxtaposition, and in one spot all the bones of the leg of an ursus spelaeus were lying together uninjured. add to this, the entire absence in the interior of cinders and charcoal, and we can scarcely doubt that we have here an example of an ancient place of sepulture, closed at the opening so effectually against the hyaenas or other carnivora that no marks of their teeth appear on any of the bones, whether human or brute. john carver, in his travels in the interior of north america in a 1766-68 (chapter 15.), gave a minute account of the funeral rites of an indian tribe which inhabited the country now called iowa, at the junction of the st. peter's river with the mississippi; and schiller, in his famous "nadowessische todtenklage," has faithfully embodied in a poetic dirge all the characteristic features of the ceremonies so graphically described by the english traveller, not omitting the many funeral gifts which, we are told, were placed "in a cave" with the bodies of the dead. the lines beginning, "bringet her die letzten gaben," have been thus translated, truthfully, and with all the spirit of the original, by sir e. l. bulwer*:- "here bring the last gifts!--and with these the last lament be said; let all that pleased, and yet may please, be buried with the dead. "beneath his head the hatchet hide, that he so stoutly swung; and place the bear's fat haunch beside- the journey hence is long! "and let the knife new sharpened be that on the battle-day shore with quick strokes--he took but three- the foeman's scalp away! "the paints that warriors love to use, place here within his hand, that he may shine with ruddy hues amidst the spirit-land." (* "poems and ballads of schiller.") if we accept m. lartet's interpretation of the ossiferous deposits of aurignac, both inside and outside the grotto, they add nothing to the palaeontological evidence in favour of man's antiquity, for we have seen all the same mammalia associated elsewhere with flint implements, and some species, such as the elephas antiquus, rhinoceros hemitoechus, and hippopotamus major, missing here, have been met with in other places. an argument, however, having an opposite leaning may perhaps be founded on the phenomena of aurignac. it may--indeed it has been said, that they imply that some of the extinct mammalia survived nearly to our times: first--because of the modern style of the works of art at aurignac. secondly--because of the absence of any signs of change in the physical geography of the country since the cave was used for a place of sepulture. in reference to the first of these propositions, the utensils, it is said, of bone and stone indicate a more advanced state of the arts than the flint implements of abbeville and amiens. m. lartet, however, is of opinion that they do not, and thinks that we have no right to assume that the fabricators of the various spear-headed and other tools of the valley of the somme possessed no bone instruments or ornaments resembling those discovered at aurignac. these last, moreover, he regards as extremely rude in comparison with others of the stone period in france, which can be proved palaeontologically, at least by strong negative evidence, to be of subsequent date. thus, for example, at savigne, near civray, in the department of vienne, there is a cave in which there are no extinct mammalia, but where remains of the reindeer abound. the works of art of the stone period found there indicate considerable progress in skill beyond that attested by the objects found in the aurignac grotto. among the savigne articles, there is the bone of a stag, on which figures of two animals, apparently meant for deer, are engraved in outline, as if by a sharp-pointed flint. in another cave, that of massat, in the department of ariege, which m. lartet ascribes to the period of the aurochs, a quadruped which survived the reindeer in the south of france, there are bone instruments of a still more advanced state of the arts, as, for example, barbed arrows with a small canal in each, believed to have served for the insertion of poison; also a needle of bird's bone, finely shaped, with an eye or perforation at one end, and a stag's horn, on which is carved a representation of a bear's head, and a hole at one end as if for suspending it. in this figure we see, says m. lartet, what may perhaps be the earliest known example of lines used to express shading. the fauna of the aurochs (bison europaeus) agrees with that of the earlier lake dwellings in switzerland, in which hitherto the reindeer is wanting; whereas the reindeer has been found in a swiss cave, in mont saleve, supposed by lartet to be more ancient than the lake dwellings. according to this view, the mammalian fauna has undergone at least two fluctuations since the remains of some extinct quadrupeds were eaten, and others buried as funeral gifts in the sepulchral vault of aurignac. as to the absence of any marked changes in the physical configuration of the district since the same grotto was a place of sepulture, we must remember that it is the normal state of the earth's surface to be undergoing great alterations in one place, while other areas, often in close proximity, remain for ages without any modification. in one region, rivers are deepening and widening their channels, or the waves of the sea are undermining cliffs, or the land is sinking beneath or rising above the waters, century after century, or the volcano is pouring forth torrents of lava or showers of ashes; while, in tracts hard by, the ancient forest, or extensive heath, or the splendid city continue scatheless and motionless. had the talus which concealed from view the ancient hearth with its cinders and the massive stone portal of the aurignac grotto escaped all human interference for thousands of years to come, there is no reason to suppose that the small stream at the foot of the hill of fajoles would have undermined it. at the end of a long period the only alteration might have been the thickening of the talus which protected the loose cinders and bones from waste. we behold in many a valley of auvergne, within 50 feet of the present river channel, a volcanic cone of loose ashes, with a crater at its summit, from which powerful currents of basaltic lava have poured, usurping the ancient bed of the torrent. by the action of the stream, in the course of ages, vast masses of the hard columnar basalt have been removed, pillar after pillar, and much vesicular lava, as in the case, for example, of the puy rouge, near chalucet, and of the puy de tartaret, near nechers.* (* scrope's "volcanoes of central france" 1858 page 97.) the rivers have even in some cases, as the sioule, near chalucet, cut through not only the basalt which dispossessed them of their ancient channels, but have actually eaten 50 feet into the subjacent gneiss; yet the cone, an incoherent heap of scoriae and spongy ejectamenta, stands unmolested. had the waters once risen, even for a day, so high as to reach the level of the base of one of these cones--had there been a single flood 50 or 60 feet in height since the last eruption occurred, a great part of these volcanoes must inevitably have been swept away as readily as all traces of the layer of cinders; and the accompanying bones would have been obliterated by the rodes near aurignac, had it risen, since the days of the mammoth, rhinoceros, and cave-bear, 50 feet above its present level. the aurignac cave adds no new species to the list of extinct quadrupeds, which we have elsewhere, and by independent evidence, ascertained to have once flourished contemporaneously with man. but if the fossil memorials have been correctly interpreted--if we have here before us at the northern base of the pyrenees a sepulchral vault with skeletons of human beings, consigned by friends and relatives to their last resting-place--if we have also at the portal of the tomb the relics of funeral feasts, and within it indications of viands destined for the use of the departed on their way to a land of spirits; while among the funeral gifts are weapons wherewith in other fields to chase the gigantic deer, the cave-lion, the cave-bear, and woolly rhinoceros--we have at last succeeded in tracing back the sacred rites of burial, and, more interesting still, a belief in a future state, to times long anterior to those of history and tradition. rude and superstitious as may have been the savage of that remote era, he still deserved, by cherishing hopes of a hereafter, the epithet of "noble," which dryden gave to what he seems to have pictured to himself as the primitive condition of our race, "as nature first made man when wild in woods the noble savage ran."* (* "siege of granada" part 1 act 1 scene 1.) chapter 11. -age of human fossils of le puy in central france and of natchez on the mississippi discussed. question as to the authenticity of the fossil man of denise, near le puy-en-velay, considered. antiquity of the human race implied by that fossil. successive periods of volcanic action in central france. with what changes in the mammalian fauna they correspond. the elephas meridionalis anterior in time to the implement-bearing gravel of st. acheul. authenticity of the human fossil of natchez on the mississippi discussed. the natchez deposit, containing bones of mastodon and megalonyx, probably not older than the flint implements of st. acheul. among the fossil remains of the human species supposed to have claims to high antiquity, and which have for many years attracted attention, two of the most prominent examples are:-first--"the fossil man of denise," comprising the remains of more than one skeleton, found in a volcanic breccia near the town of le puy-en-velay, in central france. secondly--the fossil human bone of natchez, on the mississippi, supposed to have been derived from a deposit containing remains of mastodon and megalonyx. having carefully examined the sites of both of these celebrated fossils, i shall consider in this chapter the nature of the evidence on which the remote date of their entombment is inferred. fossil man of denise. an account of the fossil remains, so called, was first published in 1844 by m. aymard of le puy, a writer of deservedly high authority both as a palaeontologist and archaeologist.* (* "bulletin de la societe geologique de france" 1844, 1845, 1847.) m. pictet, after visiting le puy and investigating the site of the alleged discovery, was satisfied that the fossil bones belonged to the period of the last volcanic eruptions of velay; but expressly stated in his important treatise on palaeontology that this conclusion, though it might imply that man had co-existed with the extinct elephant, did not draw with it the admission that the human race was anterior in date to the filling of the caverns of france and belgium with the bones of extinct mammalia.* (* "traite de paleontologie" volume 1 1853 page 152.) at a meeting of the "scientific congress" of france, held at le puy in 1856, the question of the age of the denise fossil bones was fully gone into, and in the report of their proceedings published in that year, the opinions of some of the most skilful osteologists respecting the point in controversy are recorded. the late abbe croizet, a most experienced collector of fossil bones in the volcanic regions of central france, and an able naturalist, and the late m. laurillard, of paris, who assisted cuvier in modelling many fossil bones, and in the arrangement of the museum of the jardin, declared their opinion that the specimen preserved in the museum of le puy is no counterfeit. they believed the human bones to have been enveloped by natural causes in the tufaceous matrix in which we now see them. in the year 1859, professor hebert and m. lartet visited le puy, expressly to investigate the same specimen, and to inquire into the authenticity of the bones and their geological age. later in the same year, i went myself to le puy, having the same object in view, and had the good fortune to meet there my friend mr. poulett scrope, with whom i examined the montagne de denise, where a peasant related to us how he had dug out the specimen with his own hands and in his own vineyard, not far from the summit of the volcano. i employed a labourer to make under his directions some fresh excavations, following up those which had been made a month earlier by mm. hebert and lartet, in the hope of verifying the true position of the fossils, but all of us without success. we failed even to find in situ any exact counterpart of the stone of the le puy museum. the osseous remains of that specimen consist of a frontal and some other parts of the skull, including the upper jaw with teeth, both of an adult and young individual; also a radius, some lumbar vertebrae, and some metatarsal bones. they are all embedded in a light porous tuff, resembling in colour and mineral composition the ejectamenta of several of the latest eruptions of denise. but none of the bones penetrate into another part of the same specimen, which consists of a more compact rock thickly laminated. nevertheless, i agree with the abbe croizet and m. aymard, that it is not conceivable even that the less coherent part of the museum specimen which envelopes the human bones should have been artificially put together, whatever may have been the origin of certain other slabs of tuff which were afterwards sold as coming from the same place, and which also contained human remains. whether some of these were spurious or not is a question more difficult to decide. one of them, now in the possession of m. pichot-dumazel, an advocate of le puy, is suspected of having had some plaster of paris introduced into it to bind the bones more firmly together in the loose volcanic tuff. i was assured that a dealer in objects of natural history at le puy had been in the habit of occasionally securing the cohesion in that manner of fragments of broken bones, and the juxtaposition of uninjured ones found free and detachable in loose volcanic tuffs. from this to the fabrication of a factitious human fossil was, it is suggested, but a short step. but in reference to m. pichot's specimen, an expert anatomist remarked to me that it would far exceed the skill, whether of the peasant who owned the vineyard or of the dealer above mentioned, to put together in their true position all the thirty-eight bones of the hand and fingers, or the sixteen of the wrist, without making any mistake, and especially without mixing those of the right with the homologous bones of the left hand, assuming that they had brought bones, from some other spot, and then artificially introduced them into a mixture of volcanic tuff and plaster of paris. granting, however, that the high prices given for "human fossils" at le puy may have led to the perpetration of some frauds, it is still an interesting question to consider whether the admission of the genuineness of a single fossil, such as that now in the museum at le puy, would lead us to assign a higher antiquity to the existence of man in france than is deducible from many other facts explained in the last seven chapters. in reference to this point, i may observe that although i was not able to fix with precision the exact bed in the volcanic mountain from which the rock containing the human bones was taken, m. felix robert has, nevertheless, after studying "the volcanic alluviums" of denise, ascertained that, on the side of cheyrac and the village of malouteyre, blocks of tuff frequently occur exactly like the one in the museum. that tuff he considers a product of the latest eruption of the volcano. in it have been found the remains of hyaena spelaea and hippopotamus major. the eruptions of steam and gaseous matter which burst forth from the crater of denise broke through laminated tertiary clays, small pieces of which, some of them scarcely altered, others half converted into scoriae, were cast out in abundance, while other portions must have been in a state of argillaceous mud. showers of such materials would be styled by the neapolitans "aqueous lava" or "lava d'aqua," and we may well suppose that some human individuals, if any existed, would, together with wild animals, be occasionally overwhelmed in these tuffs. from near the place on the mountain whence the block with human bones now in the museum is said to have come, a stream of lava, well marked by its tabular structure, flowed down the flanks of the hill, within a few feet of the alluvial plain of the borne, a small tributary of the loire, on the opposite bank of which stands the town of le puy. its continuous extension to so low a level clearly shows that the valley had already been deepened to within a few feet of its present depth at the time of the flowing of the lava. we know that the alluvium of the same district, having a similar relation to the present geographical outline of the valleys, is of pleistocene date, for it contains around le puy the bones of elephas primigenius and rhinoceros tichorhinus; and this affords us a palaeontological test of the age of the human skeleton of denise, if the latter be assumed to be coeval with the lava stream above referred to. it is important to dwell on this point, because some geologists have felt disinclined to believe in the genuineness of the "fossil man of denise," on the ground that, if conceded, it would imply that the human race was contemporary with an older fauna, or that of the elephas meridionalis. such a fauna is found fossil in another layer of tuff covering the slope of denise, opposite to that where the museum specimen was exhumed. the quadrupeds obtained from that more ancient tuff comprise elephas meridionalis, hippopotamus major, rhinoceros megarhinus, antilope torticornis, hyaena brevirostris, and twelve others of the genera horse, ox, stag, goat, tiger, etc., all supposed to be of extinct species. this tuff, found between malouteyre and polignac, m. robert regards as the product of a much older eruption, and referable to the neighbouring montagne de st. anne, a volcano in a much more wasted and denuded state than denise, and classed by m. bertrand de doue as of intermediate age between the ancient and modern cones of velay. the fauna to which elephas meridionalis and its associates belong, can be shown to be of anterior date, in the north of france, to the flint implements of st. acheul, by the following train of reasoning. the valley of the seine is not only geographically contiguous to the valley of the somme, but its ancient alluvium contains the same mammoth and other fossil species. the eure, one of the tributaries of the seine, in its way to join that river, flows in a valley which follows a line of fault in the chalk; and this valley is seen to be comparatively modern, because it intersects at st. prest, 4 miles below chartres, an older valley belonging to an anterior system of drainage, which has been filled by a more ancient fluviatile alluvium, consisting of sand and gravel, 90 feet thick. i have examined the site of this older drift, and the fossils have been determined by dr. falconer. they comprise elephas meridionalis, a species of rhinoceros (not r. tichorhinus), and other mammalia differing from those of the implement-bearing gravels of the seine and somme. the latter, belonging to the period of the mammoth, might very well have been contemporary with the modern volcanic eruptions of central france; and we may presume, even without the aid of the denise fossil, that man may have witnessed these. but the tuffs and gravels in which the elephas meridionalis are embedded were synchronous with an older epoch of volcanic action, to which the cone of st. anne, near le puy, and many other mountains of m. bertrand de doue's middle period belong, having cones and craters, which have undergone much waste by aqueous erosion. we have as yet no proof that man witnessed the origin of these hills of lava and scoriae of the middle phase of volcanic action. some surprise was expressed in 1856, by several of the assembled naturalists at le puy, that the skull of the "fossil man of denise," although contemporary with the mammoth, and coeval with the last eruptions of the le puy volcanoes [18], should be of the ordinary caucasian or european type; but the observations of professor huxley on the engis skull, cited in the fifth chapter, showing the near approach of that ancient cranium to the european standard, will help to remove this source of perplexity. human fossil of natchez on the mississippi. i have already alluded to dr. dowler's attempt to calculate, in years, the antiquity of the human skeleton said to have been buried under four cypress forests in the delta of the mississippi, near new orleans (see above, chapter 3). in that case no remains of extinct animals were found associated with those of man: but in another part of the basin of the mississippi, a human bone, accompanied by bones of mastodon and megalonyx, is supposed to have been washed out of a more ancient alluvial deposit. after visiting the spot in 1846, i described the geological position of the bones, and discussed their probable age, with a stronger bias, i must confess, as to the antecedent improbability of the contemporaneous entombment of man and the mastodon than any geologist would now be justified in entertaining. [illustration: figure 26. alluvial plain of the mississippi] (figure 26. section through the alluvial plain of the mississippi. 1. modern alluvium of the mississippi. 2. loam or loess. 3. f. eocene. 4. cretaceous.) in the latitude of vicksburg, 32 degrees 50 minutes north, the broad, flat, alluvial plain of the mississippi, a b, figure 26, is bounded on its eastern side by a table-land d e, about 200 feet higher than the river, and extending 12 miles eastward with a gentle upward slope. this elevated platform ends abruptly at d, in a line of perpendicular cliffs or bluffs, the base of which is continually undermined by the great river. the table-land d-e consists at vicksburg, through which the annexed section, figure 26, passes, of loam, overlying the tertiary strata f-f. between the loam and the tertiary formation there is usually a deposit of stratified sand and gravel, containing large fragments of silicified corals and the wreck of older palaeozoic rocks. the age of this underlying drift, which is 140 feet thick at natchez, has not yet been determined; but it may possibly belong to the glacial period. natchez is about 80 miles in a straight line south of vicksburg, on the same left bank of the mississippi. here there is a bluff, the upper 60 feet of which consists of a continuous portion of the same calcareous loam as at vicksburg, equally resembling the rhenish loess in mineral character and in being sometimes barren of fossils, sometimes so full of them that bleached land-shells stand out conspicuously in relief in the vertical and weathered face of cliffs which form the banks of streams, everywhere intersecting the loam. so numerous are the shells that i was able to collect at natchez, in a few hours, in 1846, no less than twenty species of the genera helix, helicina, pupa, cyclostoma, achatina, and succinea, all identical with shells now living in the same country; and in one place i observed (as happens also occasionally in the valley of the rhine) a passage of the loam with land-shells into an underlying marly deposit of subaqueous origin, in which shells of the genera limnaea, planorbis, paludina, physa, and cyclas were embedded, also consisting of recent american species. such deposits, more distinctly stratified than the loam containing land-shells, are produced, as before stated, in all great alluvial plains, where the river shifts its position, and where marshes, ponds, and lakes are formed in its old deserted channels. in this part of america, however, it may have happened that some of these lakes were caused by partial subsidences, such as were witnessed, during the earthquakes of 1811-12, around new madrid, in the valley of the mississippi. owing to the destructible nature of the yellow loam, d e, figure 26, every streamlet flowing over the platform has cut for itself, in its way to the mississippi, a deep gully or ravine; and this erosion has of late years, especially since 1812, proceeded with accelerated speed, ascribable in some degree to the partial clearing of the native forest, but partly also to the effects of the earthquake of 1811-12. by that convulsion the region around natchez was rudely shaken and much fissured. one of the narrow valleys near natchez, due to this fissuring, is now called the mammoth ravine. though no less than 7 miles long, and in some parts 60 feet deep, i was assured by a resident proprietor, colonel wiley, that it had no existence before 1812. with its numerous ramifications, it is said to have been entirely formed since the earthquake at new madrid. before that event, colonel wiley had ploughed some of the land exactly over a spot now traversed by part of this water-course. i satisfied myself that the ravine had been considerably enlarged and lengthened a short time before my visit, and it was then freshly undermined and undergoing constant waste. from a clayey deposit immediately below the yellow loam, bones of the mastodon ohioticus, a species of megalonyx, bones of the genera equus, bos, and others, some of extinct and others presumed to be of living species, had been detached, and had fallen to the base of the cliffs. mingled with the rest, the pelvic bone of a man, os innominatum, was obtained by dr. dickeson of natchez, in whose collection i saw it. it appeared to be quite in the same state of preservation, and was of the same black colour as the other fossils, and was believed to have come like them from a depth of about 30 feet from the surface. in my "second visit to america," in 1846, i suggested, as a possible explanation of this association of a human bone with remains of mastodon and megalonyx, that the former may possibly have been derived from the vegetable soil at the top of the cliff, whereas the remains of extinct mammalia were dislodged from a lower position, and both may have fallen into the same heap or talus at the bottom of the ravine. the pelvic bone might, i conceived, have acquired its black colour by having lain for years or centuries in a dark superficial peaty soil, common in that region. i was informed that there were many human bones, in old indian graves in the same district, stained of as black a dye. on suggesting this hypothesis to colonel wiley of natchez, i found that the same idea had already occurred to his mind. no doubt, had the pelvic bone belonged to any recent mammifer other than man, such a theory would never have been resorted to; but so long as we have only one isolated case, and are without the testimony of a geologist who was present to behold the bone when still engaged in the matrix, and to extract it with his own hands, it is allowable to suspend our judgment as to the high antiquity of the fossil. if, however, i am asked whether i consider the natchez loam, with land-shells and the bones of mastodon and megalonyx, to be more ancient than the alluvium of the somme containing flint implements and the remains of the mammoth and hyaena, i must declare that i do not. both in europe and america the land and freshwater shells accompanying the extinct pachyderms are of living species, and i could detect no shell in the natchez loam so foreign to the basin of the mississippi as is the cyrena fluminalis to the rivers of modern europe. if, therefore, the relative ages of the picardy and natchez alluvium were to be decided on conchological data alone, the fluvio-marine beds of abbeville might rank as a shade older than the loess of natchez. my reluctance in 1846 to regard the fossil human bone as of pleistocene date arose in part from the reflection that the ancient loess of natchez is anterior in time to the whole modern delta of the mississippi. the table-land, d e, figure 26, was, i believe, once a part of the original alluvial plain or delta of the great river before it was upraised. it has now risen more than 200 feet above its pristine level. after the upheaval, or during it, the mississippi cut through the old fluviatile formation of which its bluffs are now formed, just as the rhine has in many parts of its valley excavated a passage through the ancient loess. if i was right in calculating that the present delta of the mississippi must have required many tens of thousands of years for its growth, and if the claims of the natchez man to have co-existed with the mastodon are admitted, it would follow that north america was peopled by the human race many tens of thousands of years before our time. but even were that true, we could not presume, reasoning from ascertained geological data, that the natchez bone was anterior in date to the antique flint hatchets of st. acheul. when we ascend the mississippi from natchez to vicksburg, and then enter the ohio, we are accompanied everywhere by a continuous fringe of terraces of sand and gravel at a certain height above the alluvial plain, first of the great river, and then of its tributary. we also find that the older alluvium contains the remains of mastodon everywhere, and in some places, as at evansville, those of the megalonyx. as in the valley of the somme in europe, those old pleistocene gravels often occur at more than one level, and the ancient mounds of the ohio, with their works of art, are newer than the old terraces of the mastodon period, just as the gallo-roman tombs of st. acheul or the celtic weapons of the abbeville peat are more modern than the tools of the mammoth-bearing alluvium. in the first place, i may remind the reader that the vertical movement of 250 feet, required to elevate the loess of natchez to its present height, is exceeded by the upheaval which the marine stratum of cagliari, containing pottery, has been ascertained by count de la marmora to have experienced. such changes of level, therefore, have actually occurred in europe in the human epoch, and may therefore have happened in america. in the second place, i may observe that if, since the natchez mastodon was embedded in clay, the delta of the mississippi has been formed, so, since the mammoth and rhinoceros of abbeville and amiens were enveloped in fluviatile mud and gravel, together with flint tools, a great thickness of peat has accumulated in the valley of the somme; and antecedently to the first growth of peat, there had been time for the extinction of a great many mammalia, requiring, perhaps, a lapse of ages many times greater than that demanded for the formation of 30 feet of peat, for since the earliest growth of the latter there has been no change in the species of mammalia in europe. should future researches, therefore, confirm the opinion that the natchez man co-existed with the mastodon, it would not enhance the value of the geological evidence in favour of man's antiquity, but merely render the delta of the mississippi available as a chronometer, by which the lapse of pleistocene time could be measured somewhat less vaguely than by any means of measuring which have as yet been discovered or rendered available in europe. chapter 12. -antiquity of man relatively to the glacial period and to the existing fauna and flora. chronological relation of the glacial period, and the earliest known signs of man's appearance in europe. series of tertiary deposits in norfolk and suffolk immediately antecedent to the glacial period. gradual refrigeration of climate proved by the marine shells of successive groups. marine newer pliocene shells of northern character near woodbridge. section of the norfolk cliffs. norwich crag. forest bed and fluvio-marine strata. fossil plants and mammalia of the same. overlying boulder clay and contorted drift. newer freshwater formation of mundesley compared to that of hoxne. great oscillations of level implied by the series of strata in the norfolk cliffs. earliest known date of man long subsequent to the existing fauna and flora. frequent allusions have been made in the preceding pages to a period called the glacial, to which no reference is made in the chronological table of formations given above (chapter 1). it comprises a long series of ages, during which the power of cold, whether exerted by glaciers on the land, or by floating ice on the sea, was greater in the northern hemisphere, and extended to more southern latitudes than now. [19] it often happens that when in any given region we have pushed back our geological investigations as far as we can in search of evidence of the first appearance of man in europe, we are stopped by arriving at what is called the "boulder clay" or "northern drift." this formation is usually quite destitute of organic remains, so that the thread of our inquiry into the history of the animate creation, as well as of man, is abruptly cut short. the interruption, however, is by no means encountered at the same point of time in every district. in the case of the danish peat, for example, we get no farther back than the recent period of our chronologic table, and then meet with the boulder clay; and it is the same in the valley of the clyde, where the marine strata contain the ancient canoes before described (chapter 3), and where nothing intervenes between that recent formation and the glacial drift. but we have seen that, in the neighbourhood of bedford the memorials of man can be traced much farther back into the past, namely, into the pleistocene epoch, when the human race was contemporary with the mammoth and many other species of mammalia now extinct. nevertheless, in bedfordshire as in denmark, the formation next antecedent in date to that containing the human implements is still a member of the glacial drift, with its erratic blocks. if the reader remembers what was stated in the eighth chapter as to the absence or extreme scarcity of human bones and works of art in all strata, whether marine or freshwater, even in those formed in the immediate proximity of land inhabited by millions of human beings, he will be prepared for the general dearth of human memorials in glacial formations, whether recent, pleistocene, or of more ancient date. if there were a few wanderers over lands covered with glaciers, or over seas infested with ice-bergs, and if a few of them left their bones or weapons in moraines or in marine drift, the chances, after the lapse of thousands of years, of a geologist meeting with one of them must be infinitesimally small. it is natural, therefore, to encounter a gap in the regular sequence of geological monuments bearing on the past history of man, wherever we have proofs of glacial action having prevailed with intensity, as it has done over large parts of europe and north america, in the pleistocene period. as we advance into more southern latitudes approaching the 50th parallel of latitude in europe, and the 40th in north america, this disturbing cause ceases to oppose a bar to our inquiries; but even then, in consequence of the fragmentary nature of all geological annals, our progress is inevitably slow in constructing anything like a connected chain of history, which can only be effected by bringing the links of the chain found in one area to supply the information which is wanting in another. the least interrupted series of consecutive documents to which we can refer in the british islands, when we desire to connect the pliocene with the pleistocene periods, are found in the counties of norfolk, suffolk, and essex; and i shall speak of them in this chapter, as they have a direct bearing on the relations of the human and glacial periods, which will be the subject of several of the following chapters. the fossil shells of the deposits in question clearly point to a gradual refrigeration of climate, from a temperature somewhat warmer than that now prevailing in our latitudes to one of intense cold; and the successive steps which have marked the coming on of the increasing cold are matters of no small geological interest. [20] it will be seen in the chronological table, that next before the pleistocene period stands the pliocene. the shelly and sandy beds representing these periods in norfolk and suffolk are termed provincially crag, having under the name been long used in agriculture to fertilise soils deficient in calcareous matter, or to render them less stiff and impervious. in suffolk, the older pliocene strata called crag are divisible into the coralline and the red crags, the former being the older of the two. in norfolk, a more modern formation, commonly termed the "norwich," or sometimes the "mammaliferous" crag, which is referable to the newer pliocene period, occupies large areas. we are indebted to mr. searles wood, f.g.s., for an admirable monograph on the fossil shells of these british pliocene formations. he has not himself given us an analysis of the results of his treatise, but the following tables have been drawn up for me by mr. s.p. woodward, the well-known author of the "manual of mollusca, recent and fossil" (london 1851-56), in order to illustrate some of the general conclusions to which mr. wood's careful examination of 442 species of mollusca has led. table 12/1. number of known species of marine testacea in the three english pliocene deposits, called the norwich, the red, and the coralline crags. column 1: name. column 2: number. brachiopoda: 6. lamellibranchia: 206. gasteropoda: 230. total: 442. table 12/2. distribution of the above marine testacea. column 1: name. column 2: number. norwich crag: 81. red crag: 225. coralline crag: 327. species common to the norwich and red crag (not in coralline): 33. species common to the norwich and coralline (not in red): 4. species common to the red and coralline (not in norwich): 116. species common to the norwich, red, and coralline: 19.* (* these 19 species must be added to the numbers 33, 4, and 116 respectively, in order to obtain the full amount of common species in each of those cases.) table 12/3. proportion of recent to extinct species. column 1: name. column 2: number of recent. column 3: number of extinct. column 4: percentage of recent. norwich crag: 69: 12: 85%. red crag: 130: 95: 57%. coralline crag: 168: 159: 51%. table 12/4. recent species not living now in british seas. column 1: name. column 2: number of northern. column 3: number of southern. norwich crag: 12: 0. red crag: 8: 16. coralline crag: 2: 27. in the above list i have not included the shells of the glacial beds of the clyde and of several other british deposits of newer origin than the norwich crag, in which nearly all--perhaps all--the species are recent. the land and freshwater shells, thirty-two in number, have also been purposely omitted, as well as three species of london clay shells, suspected by mr. wood himself to be spurious. by far the greater number of the living marine species included in these tables are still inhabitants of the british seas; but even these differ considerably in their relative abundance, some of the commonest of the crag shells being now extremely scarce; as, for example, buccinopsis dalei; and others, rarely met with in a fossil state, being now very common, as murex erinaceus and cardium echinatum. the last table throws light on a marked alteration in the climate of the three successive periods. it will be seen that in the coralline crag there are twenty-seven southern shells, including twenty-six mediterranean, and one west indian species (erato maugeriae). of these only thirteen occur in the red crag, associated with three new southern species, while the whole of them disappear from the norwich beds. on the other hand, the coralline crag contains only two shells closely related to arctic forms of the genera admete and limopsis. the red crag contains, as stated in the table, eight northern species, all of which recur in the norwich crag, with the addition of four others, also inhabitants of the arctic regions; so that there is good evidence of a continual refrigeration of climate during the pliocene period in britain. the presence of these northern shells cannot be explained away by supposing that they were inhabitants of the deep parts of the sea; for some of them, such as tellina calcarea and astarte borealis, occur plentifully, and sometimes, with the valves united by their ligament, in company with other littoral shells, such as mya arenaria and littorina rudis, and evidently not thrown up from deep water. yet the northern character of the norwich crag is not fully shown by simply saying that it contains twelve northern species. it is the predominance of certain genera and species, such as tellina calcarea, astarte borealis, scalaria groenlandica, and fusus carinatus, which satisfies the mind of a conchologist as to the arctic character of the norwich crag. in like manner, it is the presence of such genera as pyrula, columbella, terebra, cassidaria, pholadomya, lingula, discina, and others which give a southern aspect to the coralline crag shells. the cold, which had gone on increasing from the time of the coralline to that of the norwich crag, continued, though not perhaps without some oscillations of temperature, to become more and more severe after the accumulation of the norwich crag, until it reached its maximum in what has been called the glacial epoch. the marine fauna of this last period contains, both in ireland and scotland, recent species of mollusca now living in greenland and other seas far north of the areas where we find their remains in a fossil state. the refrigeration of climate from the time of the older to that of the newer pliocene strata is not now announced for the first time, as it was inferred from a study of the crag shells in 1846 by the late edward forbes.* (* "memoirs of the geological survey" london 1846 page 391.) the most southern point to which the marine beds of the norwich crag have yet been traced is at chillesford, near woodbridge, in suffolk, about 80 miles north-east of london, where, as messrs. prestwich and searles wood have pointed out,* they exhibit decided marks of having been deposited in a sea of a much lower temperature than that now prevailing in the same latitude. (* "quarterly journal of the geological society" volume 5 1849 page 345.) out of twenty-three shells obtained in that locality from argillaceous strata 20 feet thick, two only, namely, nucula cobboldiae and tellina obliqua, are extinct, and not a few of the other species, such as leda lanceolata, cardium groenlandicum, lucina borealis, cyprina islandica, panopaea norvegica, and mya truncata, betray a northern, and some of them an arctic character. these chillesford beds are supposed to be somewhat more modern than any of the purely marine strata of the norwich crag exhibited by the sections of the norfolk cliffs north-west of cromer, which i am about to describe. yet they probably preceded in date the "forest bed" and fluvio-marine deposits of those same cliffs. they are, therefore, of no small importance in reference to the chronology of the glacial period, since they afford evidence of an assemblage of fossil shells with a proportion of between eight and nine in a hundred of extinct species occurring so far south as latitude 53 degrees north, and indicating so cold a climate as to imply that the glacial period commenced before the close of the pliocene era. [illustration: figure 27. succession of strata] (figure 27. diagram to illustrate the general succession of the strata in the norfolk cliffs, extending several miles north-west and south-east of cromer. a. site of cromer jetty. 1. upper chalk with flints in regular stratification. 2. norwich crag, rising from low water at cromer to the top of the cliffs at weybourn, seven miles distant. 3. "forest bed," with stumps of trees in situ and remains of elephas meridionalis, e. primigenius, e. antiquus, rhinoceros etruscus, etc. this bed increases in depth and thickness eastward. no crag (number 2) known east of cromer jetty. 3 prime. fluvio-marine series. at cromer and eastward, with abundant lignite beds and mammalian remains, and with cones of the scotch and spruce firs and wood. at runton, north-west of cromer, expanding into a thick freshwater deposit, with overlying marine strata, elsewhere consisting of alternating sands and clays, tranquilly deposited, some with marine, others with freshwater shells. 4. boulder clay of glacial period, with far transported erratics, some of them polished and scratched, 20 to 80 feet in thickness. 5. contorted drift. 6. superficial gravel and sand with covering of vegetable soil.) the annexed section (figure 27) will give a general idea of the ordinary succession of the pliocene and pleistocene strata which rest upon the chalk in the norfolk and suffolk cliffs. these cliffs vary in height from fifty to above three hundred feet. at the north-western extremity of the section at weybourn (beyond the limits of the annexed diagram), and from thence to cromer, a distance of 7 miles, the norwich crag, a marine deposit, reposes immediately upon the chalk. a vast majority of its shells are of living species such as cardium edule, cyprina islandica, scalaria groenlandica, and fusus antiquus, and some few extinct, as tellina obliqua, and nucula cobboldiae. at cromer jetty this formation thins out, as expressed in the diagram at a; and to the south we find number 3, or what is commonly called the "forest bed," reposing immediately upon the chalk, and occupying, as it were, the place previously held by the marine crag number 2. this buried forest has been traced for more than 40 miles, being exposed at certain seasons and states of the beach between high and low water mark. it extends from cromer to near kessingland, and consists of the stumps of numerous trees standing erect, with their roots attached to them, and penetrating in all directions into the loam or ancient vegetable soil on which they grew. they mark the site of a forest which existed there for a long time, since, besides the erect trunks of trees, some of them 2 and 3 feet in diameter, there is a vast accumulation of vegetable matter in the immediately overlying clays. thirty years ago, when i first examined this bed, i saw many trees, with their roots in the old soil, laid open at the base of the cliff near happisburgh; and long before my visit, other observers, and among them the late mr. j.c. taylor, had noticed the buried forest. of late years it has been repeatedly seen at many points by mr. gunn, and, after the great storms of the autumn of 1861, by mr. king. in order to expose the stumps to view, a vast body of sand and shingle must be cleared away by the force of the waves. [21] as the sea is always gaining on the land, new sets of trees are brought to light from time to time, so that the breadth as well as length of the area of ancient forest land seems to have been considerable. next above number 3, we find a series of sands and clays with lignite (number 3 prime), sometimes 10 feet thick, and containing alternations of fluviatile and marine strata, implying that the old forest land, which may at first have been considerably elevated above the level of the sea, had sunk down so as to be occasionally overflowed by a river, and at other times by the salt waters of an estuary. there were probably several oscillations of level which assisted in bringing about these changes, during which trees were often uprooted and laid prostrate, giving rise to layers of lignite. occasionally marshes were formed and peaty matter accumulated, after which salt water again predominated, so that species of mytilus, mya, leda, and other marine genera, lived in the same area where the unio, cyclas, and paludina had flourished for a time. that the marine shells lived and died on the spot, and were not thrown up by the waves during a storm, is proved, as mr. king has remarked, by the fact that at west runton, north-west of cromer, the mya truncata and leda myalis are found with both valves united and erect in the loam, all with their posterior or siphuncular extremities uppermost. this attitude affords as good evidence to the conchologist that those mollusca lived and died on the spot as the upright position of the trees proves to the botanist that there was a forest over the chalk east of cromer. between the stumps of the buried forest, and in the lignite above them, are many well-preserved cones of the scotch and spruce firs, pinus sylvestris, and pinus abies. the specific names of these fossils were determined for me in 1840, by a botanist of no less authority than the late robert brown; and professor heer has lately examined a large collection from the same stratum, and recognised among the cones of the spruce some which had only the central part or axis remaining, the rest having been bitten off, precisely in the same manner as when in our woods the squirrel has been feeding on the seeds. there is also in the forest-bed a great quantity of resin in lumps, resembling that gathered for use, according to professor heer, in switzerland, from beneath spruce firs. the following is a list of some of the plants and seeds which were collected by the reverend s.w. king, in 1861, from the forest bed at happisburgh, and named by professor heer:-plants and seeds of the forest and lignite beds below the glacial drift of the norfolk cliffs. pinus sylvestris, scotch fir. pinus abies, spruce fir. taxus baccata, yew. nuphar luteum, yellow water-lily. ceratophyllum demersum, hornwort. potamogeton, pondweed. prunus spinosus, common sloe. menyanthes trifoliata, buckbean. nymphaea alba, white water-lily. alnus, alder. quercus, oak. betula, birch. the insects, so far as they are known, including several species of donacia, are, like the plants and freshwater shells, of living species. it may be remarked, however, that the scotch fir has been confined in historical times to the northern parts of the british isles, and the spruce fir is nowhere indigenous in great britain. the other plants are such as might now be found in norfolk, and many of them indicate fenny or marshy ground.* (* mr. king discovered in 1863, in the forest bed, several rhizomes of the large british fern osmunda regalis, of such dimensions as they are known to attain in marshy places. they are distinguishable from those of other british ferns by the peculiar arrangement of the vessels, as seen under the microscope in a cross section.) when we consider the familiar aspect of the flora, the accompanying mammalia are certainly most extraordinary. there are no less than three elephants, a rhinoceros and hippopotamus, a large extinct beaver, and several large estuarine and marine mammalia, such as the walrus, the narwhal, and the whale. the following is a list of some of the species of which the bones have been collected by messrs. gunn and king. those marked (asterisk) have been recorded by professor owen in his british fossil mammalia. those marked (dagger) have been recognised by the same authority in the cabinets of messrs. gunn and king, or in the norwich museum; the other three are given on the authority of dr. falconer. mammalia of the forest and lignite beds below the glacial drift of the norfolk cliffs. elephas meridionalis. (asterisk) elephas primigenius. elephas antiquus. rhinoceros etruscus. (asterisk) hippopotamus (major?). (asterisk) sus scrofa. (asterisk) equus (fossilis?). (asterisk) ursus (sp.?). (dagger) canis lupus. (dagger) bison priscus. (dagger) megaceros hibernicus. (asterisk) cervus capreolus. (dagger) cervus tarandus. (dagger) cervus sedgwickii. (asterisk) arvicola amphibia. (asterisk) castor (trogontherium) cuvieri. (asterisk) castor europaeus. (asterisk) palaeospalax magnus. (dagger) trichecus rosmarus, walrus. (dagger) monodon monoceros, narwhal. (dagger) balaenoptera. mr. gunn informs me that the vertebrae of two distinct whales were found in the fluvio-marine beds at bacton, and that one of them, shown to professor owen, is said by him to imply that the animal was 60 feet long. a narwhal's tusk was discovered by mr. king near cromer, and the remains of a walrus. no less than three species of elephant, as determined by dr. falconer, have been obtained from the strata 3 and 3 prime, of which, according to mr. king, e. meridionalis is the most common, the mammoth next in abundance, and the third, e. antiquus, comparatively rare. the freshwater shells accompanying the fossil quadrupeds, above enumerated, are such as now inhabit rivers and ponds in england; but among them, as at runton, between the "forest bed" and the glacial deposits, a remarkable variety of the cyclas amnica occurs (figure 28), identical with that which accompanies the elephas antiquus at ilford and grays in the valley of the thames. all the freshwater shells of the beds intervening between the forest-bed number 3, and the glacial formation 4, figure 27, are of recent species. as to the small number of marine shells occurring in the same fluvio-marine series, i have seen none which belonged to extinct species, although one or two have been cited by authors. i am in doubt, therefore, whether to class the forest bed and overlying strata as pleistocene, or to consider them as beds of passage between the pliocene and pleistocene periods. the fluvio-marine series usually terminates upwards in finely laminated sands and clays without fossils, on which reposes the boulder clay. [illustration: figure 28. cyclas] (figure 28. cyclas (pisidium) amnica var.? the two middle figures are of the natural size.) this formation, number 4, is of very varying thickness. its glacial character is shown, not only by the absence of stratification, and the great size and angularity of some of the included blocks of distant origin, but also by the polished and scratched surfaces of such of them as are hard enough to retain any markings. near cromer, blocks of granite from 6 to 8 feet in diameter have been met with, and smaller ones of syenite, porphyry, and trap, besides the wreck of the london clay, chalk, oolite, and lias, mixed with more ancient fossiliferous rocks. erratics of scandinavian origin occur chiefly in the lower portions of the till. i came to the conclusion in 1834, that they had really come from norway and sweden, after having in that year traced the course of a continuous stream of such blocks from those countries to denmark, and across the elbe, through westphalia, to the borders of holland. it is not surprising that they should then reappear on our eastern coast between the tweed and the thames, regions not half so remote from parts of norway as are many russian erratics from the sources whence they came. [22] [illustration: figure 29. cliff] (figure 29. cliff 50 feet high between bacton gap and mundesley. section through gravel (top), sand, loam and till (bottom).) according to the observations of the reverend j. gunn and the late mr. trimmer, the glacial drift in the cliffs at lowestoft consists of two divisions, the lower of which abounds in the scandinavian blocks, supposed to have come from the north-east; while the upper, probably brought by a current from the north-west, contains chiefly fragments of oolitic rocks, more rolled than those of the lower deposit. the united thickness of the two divisions, without reckoning some interposed laminated beds, is 80 feet, but it probably exceeds 100 feet near happisburgh.* (* "quarterly journal of the geological society" volume 7 1851 page 21.) although these subdivisions of the drift may be only of local importance, they help to show the changes of currents and other conditions, and the great lapse of time which the accumulation of so varied a series of deposits must have required. the lowest part of the glacial till, resting on the laminated clays before mentioned, is very even and regular, while its upper surface is remarkable for the unevenness of its outline, owing partly, in all likelihood, to denudation, but still more to other causes presently to be discussed. the overlying strata of sand and gravel, number 5, figure 27, often display a most singular derangement in their stratification, which in many places seems to have a very intimate relation to the irregularities of outline in the subjacent till. there are some cases, however, where the upper strata are much bent, while the lower beds of the same series have continued horizontal. thus the annexed section (figure 29) represents a cliff about 50 feet high, at the bottom of which is till, or unstratified clay, containing boulders, having an even horizontal surface, on which repose conformably beds of laminated clay and sand about 5 feet thick, which, in their turn, are succeeded by vertical, bent, and contorted layers of sand and loam 20 feet thick, the whole being covered by flint gravel. the curves of the variously coloured beds of loose sand, loam, and pebbles, are so complicated that not only may we sometimes find portions of them which maintain their verticality to a height of 10 or 15 feet, but they have also been folded upon themselves in such a manner that continuous layers might be thrice pierced in one perpendicular boring. [illustration: figures 30 and 31. strata] (figure 30. folding of the strata between east and west runton.) (figure 31. section of concentric beds west of cromer. 1. blue clay. 2. white sand. 3. yellow sand. 4. striped loam and clay. 5. laminated blue clay.) at some points there is an apparent folding of the beds round a central nucleus, as at a, figure 30, where the strata seem bent round a small mass of chalk, or, as in figure 31, where the blue clay number 1 is in the centre; and where the other strata 2, 3, 4, 5 are coiled round it; the entire mass being 20 feet in perpendicular height. this appearance of concentric arrangement around a nucleus is, nevertheless, delusive, being produced by the intersection of beds bent into a convex shape; and that which seems the nucleus being, in fact, the innermost bed of the series, which has become partially visible by the removal of the protuberant portions of the outer layers. to the north of cromer are other fine illustrations of contorted drift reposing on a floor of chalk horizontally stratified and having a level surface. these phenomena, in themselves sufficiently difficult of explanation, are rendered still more anomalous by the occasional enclosure in the drift of huge fragments of chalk many yards in diameter. one striking instance occurs west of sheringham, where an enormous pinnacle of chalk, between 70 and 80 feet in height, is flanked on both sides by vertical layers of loam, clay, and gravel (figure 32). [illustration: figure 32. pinnacle of chalk] (figure 32. included pinnacle of chalk at old hythe point, west of sheringham. d. chalk with regular layers of flints. c. layer called "the pan," of chalk, flints, and marine shells of recent species, cemented by oxide of iron.) this chalky fragment is only one of many detached masses which have been included in the drift, and forced along with it into their present position. the level surface of the chalk in situ (d) may be traced for miles along the coast, where it has escaped the violent movements to which the incumbent drift has been exposed.* (* for a full account of the drift of east norfolk, see a paper by the author, "philosophical magazine" number 104 may 1840.) we are called upon, then, to explain how any force can have been exerted against the upper masses, so as to produce movements in which the subjacent strata have not participated. it may be answered that, if we conceive the till and its boulders to have been drifted to their present place by ice, the lateral pressure may have been supplied by the stranding of ice-islands. we learn, from the observations of messrs. dease and simpson in the polar regions, that such islands, when they run aground, push before them large mounds of shingle and sand. it is therefore probable that they often cause great alterations in the arrangement of pliant and incoherent strata forming the upper part of shoals or submerged banks, the inferior portions of the same remaining unmoved. or many of the complicated curvatures of these layers of loose sand and gravel may have been due to another cause, the melting on the spot of ice-bergs and coast ice in which successive deposits of pebbles, sand, ice, snow, and mud, together with huge masses of rock fallen from cliffs, may have become interstratified. ice-islands so constituted often capsize when afloat, and gravel once horizontal may have assumed, before the associated ice was melted, an inclined or vertical position. the packing of ice forced up on a coast may lead to a similar derangement in a frozen conglomerate of sand or shingle, and, as mr. trimmer has suggested,* alternate layers of earthy matter may have sunk down slowly during the liquefaction of the intercalated ice so as to assume the most fantastic and anomalous positions, while the strata below, and those afterwards thrown down above, may be perfectly horizontal (see above). (* "quarterly journal of the geological society" volume 7 1851 pages 22, 30.) in most cases where the principal contortions of the layers of gravel and sand have a decided correspondence with deep indentations in the underlying till, the hypothesis of the melting of large lumps and masses of ice once mixed up with the till affords the most natural explanation of the phenomena. the quantity of ice now seen in the cliffs near behring's straits, in which the remains of fossil elephants are common, and the huge fragments of solid ice which meyendorf discovered in siberia, after piercing through a considerable thickness of incumbent soil, free from ice, is in favour of such an hypothesis, the partial failure of support necessarily giving rise to foldings in the overlying and previously horizontal layers, as in the case of creeps in coal mines.* (* see "manual of geology" by the author, page 51.) in the diagram of the cliffs at page 167, the bent and contorted beds number 5, last alluded to, are represented as covered by undisturbed beds of gravel and sand number 6. these are usually destitute of organic remains; but at some points marine shells of recent species are said to have been found in them. they afford evidence at many points of repeated denudation and redeposition, and may be the monuments of a long series of ages. mundesley post-glacial freshwater formation. in the range of cliffs above described at mundesley, about 8 miles south-east of cromer, a fine example is seen of a freshwater formation, newer than all those already mentioned, a deposit which has filled up a depression hollowed out of all the older beds 3, 4, and 5 of the section figure 27. [illustration: figure 33. newer freshwater formation] (figure 33. section of the newer freshwater formation i n the cliffs at mundesley, eight miles south-east of cromer, drawn up by the reverend s.w. king. height of cliff where lowest, 35 feet above high water. older series. 1. fundamental chalk, below the beach line. 3. forest bed, with elephant, rhinoceros, stag, etc., and with tree roots and stumps, also below the beach line. 3 prime. finely laminated sands and clays, with thin layer of lignite, and shells of cyclas and valvata, and with mytilus in some beds. 4. glacial boulder till. 5. contorted drift. 6. gravel overlying contorted drift. n.b.--number 2 of the section, figure 27, is wanting here. newer freshwater beds. a. coarse river gravel, with shells of anodon, valvata, cyclas, succinea, limnaea, paludina, etc., seeds of ceratophyllum demersum, nuphar lutea, scales and bones of pike, perch, salmon, etc., elytra of donacia, copris, harpalus, and other beetles. c. yellow sands. d. drift gravel.) when i examined this line of coast in 1839, the section alluded to was not so clearly laid open to view as it has been of late years, and finding at that period not a few of the fossils in the lignite beds number 3 prime above the forest bed, identical in species with those from the post-glacial deposits b c, i supposed the whole to have been of contemporaneous origin, and so described them in my paper on the norfolk cliffs.* (* "philosophical magazine" volume 16 1840 page 345.) mr. gunn was the first to perceive this mistake, which he explained to me on the spot when i revisited mundesley in the autumn of 1859 in company with dr. hooker and mr. king. the last-named geologist has had the kindness to draw up for me the annexed diagram (figure 33) of the various beds which he has recently studied in detail.* (* mr. prestwich has given a correct account of this section in a paper read to the british association, oxford, 1860. see "the geologist" volume 4 1861.) the formations 3, 4, and 5 already described, figure 27, were evidently once continuous, for they may be followed for miles north-west and south-east without a break, and always in the same order. a valley or river channel was cut through them, probably during the gradual upheaval of the country, and the hollow became afterwards the receptacle of the comparatively modern freshwater beds a, b, c, and d. they may well represent a silted up river-channel, which remained for a time in the state of a lake or mere, and in which the black peaty mass b accumulated by a very slow growth over the gravel of the river-bed a. in b we find remains of some of the same plants which were enumerated as common in the ancient lignite in 3 prime, such as the yellow water-lily and hornwort, together with some freshwater shells which occur in the same fluvio-marine series 3 prime. [illustration: figure 34. paludina marginata] (figure 34. paludina marginata, michaud (p. minuta, strickland). hydrobia marginata.* (* this shell is said to have a sub-spiral operculum (not a concentric one, as in paludina), and therefore to be referable to the hydrobia, a sub-genus of rissoa. but this species is always associated with freshwater shells, while the rissoae frequent marine and brackish waters.) the middle figure is of the natural size.) the only shell which i found not referable to a british species is the minute paludina, figure 34, already alluded to. when i showed the scales and teeth of the pike, perch, roach, and salmon, which i obtained from this formation, to m. agassiz, he thought they varied so much from their nearest living representatives that they might rank as distinct species; but mr. yarrell doubted the propriety of so distinguishing them. the insects, like the shells and plants, are identical, so far as they are known, with living british species. no progress has yet been made at mundesley in discovering the contemporary mammalia. by referring to the description and section before given of the freshwater deposit at hoxne, the reader will at once perceive the striking analogy of the mundesley and hoxne deposits, the latter so productive of flint implements of the amiens type. both of them, like the bedford gravel with flint tools and the bones of extinct mammalia, are post-glacial. it will also be seen that a long series of events, accompanied by changes in physical geography, intervened between the "forest bed," number 3, figure 27, when the elephas meridionalis flourished, and the period of the mundesley fluviatile beds a, b, c; just as in france i have shown that the same e. meridionalis belonged to a system of drainage different from and anterior to that with which the flint implements of the old alluvium of the somme and the seine were connected. before the growth of the ancient forest, number 3, figure 33, the mastodon arvernensis, a large proboscidian, characteristic of the norwich crag, appears to have died out, or to have become scarce, as no remains of it have yet been found in the norfolk cliffs. there was, no doubt, time for other modifications in the mammalian fauna between the era of the marine beds, number 2, figure 27 (the shells of which imply permanent submergence beneath the sea), and the accumulation of the uppermost of the fluvio-marine, and lignite beds, number 3 prime, which overlie both numbers 3 and 2, or the buried forest and the crag. in the interval we must suppose repeated oscillations of level, during which land covered with trees, an estuary with its freshwater shells, and the sea with its mya truncata and other mollusca still retaining their erect position, gained by turns the ascendency. these changes were accompanied by some denudation followed by a grand submergence of several hundred feet, probably brought about slowly, and when floating ice aided in transporting erratic blocks from great distances. the glacial till number 4 then originated, and the gravel and sands number 5 were afterwards superimposed on the boulder clay, first in horizontal beds, which became subsequently contorted. these were covered in their turn by other layers of gravel and sand, number 6, figures 27 and 33, the downward movement still continuing. the entire thickness of the beds above the chalk at some points near the coast, and the height at which they now are raised, are such as to show that the subsidence of the country after the growth of the forest bed exceeded 400 feet. the re-elevation must have amounted to nearly as many feet, as the site of the ancient forest, originally sub-aerial, has been brought up again to within a few feet of high-water mark. lastly, after all these events, and probably during the final process of emergence, the valley was scooped out in which the newer freshwater strata of mundesley, figure 33, were gradually deposited. throughout the whole of this succession of geographical changes, the flora and invertebrate fauna of europe appear to have undergone no important revolution in their specific characters. the plants of the forest bed belonged already to what has been called the germanic flora. the mollusca, the insects, and even some of the mammalia, such as the european beaver and roebuck, were the same as those now co-existing with man. yet the oldest memorials of our species at present discovered in great britain are post-glacial, or posterior in date to the boulder clay, number 4, figures 27 and 33. the position of the hoxne flint implements corresponds with that of the mundesley beds, from a to d, figure 33, and the most likely stratum in which to find hereafter flint tools is no doubt the gravel a of that section, which has all the appearance of an old river-bed. no flint tools have yet been observed there, but had the old alluvium of amiens or abbeville occurred in the norfolk cliffs instead of the valley of the somme, and had we depended on the waves of the sea instead of the labour of many hundred workmen continued for twenty years, for exposing the flint implements to view, we might have remained ignorant to this day of the fossil relics brought to light by m. boucher de perthes and those who have followed up his researches. neither need we despair of one day meeting with the signs of man's existence in the forest bed number 3, or in the overlying strata 3 prime, on the ground of any uncongeniality in the climate or incongruity in the state of the animate creation with the well-being of our species. for the present we must be content to wait and consider that we have made no investigations which entitle us to wonder that the bones or stone weapons of the era of the elephas meridionalis have failed to come to light. if any such lie hid in those strata, and should hereafter be revealed to us, they would carry back the antiquity of man to a distance of time probably more than twice as great as that which separates our era from that of the most ancient of the tool-bearing gravels yet discovered in picardy, or elsewhere. but even then the reader will perceive that the age of man, though pre-glacial, would be so modern in the great geological calendar, as given in chapter 1, that he would scarcely date so far back as the commencement of the pleistocene period. chapter 13. -chronological relations of the glacial period and the earliest signs of man's appearance in europe. chronological relations of the close of the glacial period and the earliest geological signs of the appearance of man. effects of glaciers and icebergs in polishing and scoring rocks. scandinavia once encrusted with ice like greenland. outward movement of continental ice in greenland. mild climate of greenland in the miocene period. erratics of recent period in sweden. glacial state of sweden in the pleistocene period. scotland formerly encrusted with ice. its subsequent submergence and re-elevation. latest changes produced by glaciers in scotland. remains of the mammoth and reindeer in scotch boulder clay. parallel roads of glen roy formed in glacier lakes. comparatively modern date of these shelves. the chronological relations of the human and glacial periods were frequently alluded to in the last chapter, and the sections obtained near bedford, and at hoxne, in suffolk, and a general view of the norfolk cliffs, have taught us that the earliest signs of man's appearance in the british isles, hitherto detected, are of post-glacial date. we may now therefore inquire whether the peopling of europe by the human race and by the mammoth and other mammalia now extinct, was brought about during the concluding phases of the glacial epoch. although it may be impossible in the present state of our knowledge to come to a positive conclusion on this head, i know of no inquiry better fitted to clear up our views respecting the geological state of the northern hemisphere at the time when the fabricators of the flint implements of the amiens type flourished. i shall therefore now proceed to consider the chronological relations of that ancient people with the final retreat of the glaciers from the mountains of scandinavia, scotland, wales, and switzerland. superficial markings and deposits left by glaciers and icebergs. in order fully to discuss this question, i must begin by referring to some of the newest theoretical opinions entertained on the glacial question. when treating of this subject in the "principles of geology," chapter 15, and in the "manual (or elements) of geology," chapter 11, i have stated that the whole mass of the ice in a glacier is in constant motion, and that the blocks of stone detached from boundary precipices, and the mud and sand swept down by avalanches of snow, or by rain from the surrounding heights, are lodged upon the surface and slowly borne along in lengthened mounds, called in switzerland moraines. these accumulations of rocky fragments and detrital matter are left at the termination of the glacier, where it melts in a confused heap called the "terminal moraine," which is unstratified, because all the blocks, large and small, as well as the sand and the finest mud, are carried to equal distances and quietly deposited in a confused mass without being subjected to the sorting power of running water, which would convey the finer materials farther than the coarser ones, and would produce, as the strength of the current varied from time to time in the same place, a stratified arrangement. in those regions where glaciers reach the sea, and where large masses of ice break off and float away, moraines, such as i have just alluded to, may be transported to indefinite distances, and may be deposited on the bottom of the sea wherever the ice happens to melt. if the liquefaction take place when the berg has run aground and is stationary, and if there be no current, the heap of angular and rounded stones, mixed with sand and mud, may fall to the bottom in an unstratified form called "till" in scotland, and which has been shown in the last chapter to abound in the norfolk cliffs; but should the action of a current intervene at certain points or at certain seasons, then the materials will be sorted as they fall, and arranged in layers according to their relative weight and size. hence there will be passages from till to stratified clay, gravel, and sand. some of the blocks of stone with which the surfaces of glaciers are loaded, falling occasionally through fissures in the ice, get fixed and frozen into the bottom of the moving mass, and are pushed along under it. in this position, being subjected to great pressure, they scoop out long rectilinear furrows or grooves parallel to each other on the subjacent solid rock. smaller scratches and striae are made on the polished surface by crystals or projecting edges of the hardest minerals, just as a diamond cuts glass. in all countries the fundamental rock on which the boulder formation reposes, if it consists of granite, gneiss, marble, or other hard stone capable of permanently retaining any superficial markings which may have been imprinted upon it, is smoothed or polished, and exhibits parallel striae and furrows having a determinate direction. this prevailing direction, both in europe and north america, is evidently connected with the course taken by the erratic blocks in the same district, and is very commonly from north to south, or if it be twenty or thirty or more degrees to the east or west of north, still always corresponds to the direction in which the large angular and rounded stones have travelled. these stones themselves also are often furrowed and scratched on more than one side, like those already spoken of as occurring in the glacial drift of bedford, and in that of norfolk. when we contemplate the area which is now exposed to the abrading action of ice, or which is the receptacle of moraine matter thrown down from melting glaciers or bergs, we at once perceive that the submarine area is the most extensive of the two. the number of large icebergs which float annually to great distances in the northern and southern hemispheres is extremely great, and the quantity of stone and mud which they carry about with them enormous. some floating islands of ice have been met with from 2 to 5 miles in length, and from 100 to 225 feet in height above water, the submerged portion, according to the weight of ice relatively to sea water, being from six to eight times more considerable than the part which is visible. such masses, when they run aground on the bottom of the sea, must exert a prodigious mechanical power, and may polish and groove the subjacent rocks after the manner of glaciers on the land. hence there will often be no small difficulty in distinguishing between the effects of the submarine and supramarine agency of ice. scandinavia once covered with ice, and a centre of dispersion of erratics. in the north of europe, along the borders of the baltic, where the boulder formation is continuous for hundreds of miles east and west, it has been long known that the erratic blocks, often of very large size, are of northern origin. some of them have come from norway and sweden, others from finland, and their present distribution implies that they were carried southwards, for a part at least of their way, by floating ice, at a time when much of the area over which they are scattered was under water. but it appears from the observations of boetlingk, in 1840, and those of more recent inquirers, that while many blocks have travelled to the south, others have been carried northwards, or to the shores of the polar sea, and others north-eastward, or to those of the white sea. in fact, they have wandered towards all points of the compass, from the mountains of scandinavia as a centre, and the rectilinear furrows imprinted by them on the polished surfaces of the mountains where the rocks are hard enough to retain such markings, radiate in all directions, or point outwards from the highest land, in a manner corresponding to the course of the erratics above mentioned.* (* sir r.i. murchison, in his "russia and the ural mountains" (1845) has indicated on a map not only the southern limits of the scandinavian drift, but by arrows the direction in which "it proceeded eccentrically from a common central region.") before the glacial theory was adopted, the swedish and norwegian geologists speculated on a great flood, or the sudden rush of an enormous body of water charged with mud and stones, descending from the central heights or watershed into the adjoining lower lands. the erratic blocks were supposed in their downward passage to have smoothed and striated the rock surfaces over which they were forced along. it would be a waste of time, in the present state of science, to controvert this hypothesis, as it is now admitted that even if the rush of a diluvial current, invented for the occasion and wholly without analogy in the known course of nature, be granted, it would be inadequate to explain the uniformity, parallelism, persistency, and rectilinearity of the so-called glacial furrows. it is moreover ascertained that heavy masses of rock, not fixed in ice, and moving as freely as they do when simply swept along by a muddy current, do not give rise to such scratches and furrows. m. kjerulf of christiania, in a paper lately communicated to the geological society of berlin,* has objected, and perhaps with reason, to what he considers the undue extent to which i have, in some of my writings, supposed the mountains of northern europe, to have been submerged during the glacial period. (* "zeitschrift der deutschen geologischen gesellschaft" berlin 1860.) he remarks that the signs of glacial action on the scandinavian mountains ascend as high as 6000 feet, whereas fossil marine shells of the same period never reach elevations exceeding 600 feet. the land, he says, may have been much higher than it now is, but it has evidently not been much lower since the commencement of the glacial period, or marine shells would be traceable to more elevated points. in regard to the absence of marine shells, i shall point out in the sequel how small is the dependence we can place on this kind of negative evidence, if we desire to test by it the extent to which the land has been submerged. i cannot therefore consent to limit the probable depression and re-elevation of scandinavia to 600 feet. but that the larger part of the glaciation of that country has been supramarine, i am willing to concede. in support of this view m. kjerulf observes that the direction of the furrows and striae, produced by glacial abrasion, neither conforms to a general movement of floating ice from the polar regions, nor to the shape of the existing valleys, as it would do if it had been caused by independent glaciers generated in the higher valleys after the land had acquired its actual shape. their general arrangement and apparent irregularities are, he contends, much more in accordance with the hypothesis of there having been at one time a universal covering of ice over the whole of norway and sweden, like that now existing in greenland, which, being annually recruited by fresh falls of snow, was continually pressing outwards and downwards to the coast and lower regions, after crossing many of the lower ridges, and having no relation to the minor depressions, which were all choked up with ice and reduced to one uniform level. continental ice of greenland. in support of this view, he appeals to the admirable description of the continental ice of greenland, lately published by dr. h. rink of copenhagen,* who resided three or four years in the danish settlements in baffin's bay, on the west coast of greenland, between latitudes 69 and 73 degrees north. (* "journal of royal geographical society" volume 23 1853 page 145.) "in that country, the land," says dr. rink, "may be divided into two regions, the 'inland' and the 'outskirts.' the 'inland,' which is 800 miles from west to east, and of much greater length from north to south, is a vast unknown continent, buried under one continuous and colossal mass of permanent ice, which is always moving seaward, but a small proportion only of it in an easterly direction, since nearly the whole descends towards baffin's bay." at the heads of the fjords which intersect the coast, the ice is seen to rise somewhat abruptly from the level of the sea to the height of 2000 feet, beyond which the ice of the interior rises continuously as far as the eye can reach, and to an unknown altitude. all minor ridges and valleys are levelled and concealed, but here and there steep mountains protrude abruptly from the icy slope, and a few superficial lines of stones or moraines are visible at seasons when no recent snow has fallen. [23] although all the ice is moving seaward, the greatest quantity is discharged at the heads of certain large fjords, usually about 4 miles wide, which, if the climate were milder, would be the outlet of as many great rivers. through these the ice is now protruded in huge blocks, several miles wide, and from 1000 to 1500 feet in height or thickness. when these masses reach the fjords, they do not melt or break up into fragments, but continue their course in a solid form in the salt water, grating along the rocky bottom, which they must polish and score at depths of hundreds and even of more than 1000 feet. at length, when there is water enough to float them, huge portions, having broken off, fill baffin's bay with icebergs of a size exceeding any which could be produced by ordinary valley glaciers. stones, sand, and mud are sometimes included in these bergs which float down baffin's bay. at some points, where the ice of the interior of greenland reaches the coast, dr. rink saw mighty springs of clayey water issuing from under the edge of the ice even in winter, showing the grinding action of the glacial mass mixed with sand on the subjacent surface of the rocks. the "outskirts," where the danish colonies are stationed, consist of numerous islands, of which disco island is the largest in latitude 70 degrees north, and of many peninsulas, with fjords from 50 to 100 miles long, running into the land, and through which the ice above alluded to passes on its way to the bay. this area is 30, 000 square miles in extent, and contains in it some mountains 4000 feet to 5000 feet high. the perpetual snow usually begins at the height of 2000 feet, below which level the land is for the most part free from snow between june and august, and supports a vegetation of several hundred species of flowering plants, which ripen their seeds before the winter. there are even some places where phanerogamous plants have been found at an elevation of 4500 feet; a fact which, when we reflect on the immediate vicinity of so large and lofty a region of continental ice in the same latitude, well deserves the attention of the geologist, who should also bear in mind, that while the danes are settled to the west in the "outskirts," there exists, due east of the most southern portion of this ice-covered continent, at the distance of about 1200 miles, the home of the laplanders with their reindeer, bears, wolves, seals, walruses, and whales. if, therefore, there are geological grounds for suspecting that scandinavia or scotland or wales was ever in the same glacial condition as greenland now is, we must not imagine that the contemporaneous fauna and flora were everywhere poor and stunted, or that they may not, especially at the distance of a few hundred miles in a southward direction, have been very luxuriant. [24] another series of observations made by captain graah, during a survey of greenland between 1823 and 1829, and by dr. pingel in 1830-32, adds not a little to the geological interest of the "outskirts," in their bearing on glacial phenomena of ancient date. those danish investigators, with one of whom, dr. pingel, i conversed at copenhagen in 1834, ascertained that the whole coast from latitude 60 to about 70 degrees north has been subsiding for the last four centuries, so that some ancient piles driven into the beach to support the boats of the settlers have been gradually submerged, and wooden buildings have had to be repeatedly shifted farther inland.* (* "principles of geology" chapter 30.) in norway and sweden, instead of such a subsiding movement, the land is slowly rising; but we have only to suppose that formerly, when it was covered like greenland with continental ice, it sank at the rate of several feet in a century, and we shall be able to explain why marine deposits are found above the level of the sea, and why these generally overlie polished and striated surfaces of rock. we know that greenland was not always covered with snow and ice, for when we examine the tertiary strata of disco island (of the upper miocene period) we discover there a multitude of fossil plants, which demonstrate that, like many other parts of the arctic regions, it formerly enjoyed a mild and genial climate. among the fossils brought from that island, latitude 70 degrees north, professor heer has recognised sequoia langsdorfii, a coniferous species which flourished throughout a great part of europe in the miocene period, and is very closely allied to the living sequoia sempervirens of california. the same plant has been found fossil by sir john richardson within the arctic circle, far to the west on the mackenzie river, near the entrance of bear river, also by some danish naturalists in iceland to the east. the icelandic surturbrand, or lignite, of this age has also yielded a rich harvest of plants, more than thirty-one of them, according to steenstrup and heer, in a good state of preservation, and no less than fifteen specifically identical with miocene plants of europe. thirteen of the number are arborescent; and amongst others is a tulip-tree (liriodendron), with its fruit and characteristic leaves, a plane (platanus), a walnut, and a vine, affording unmistakable evidence of a climate in the parallel of the arctic circle which precludes the supposition of glaciers then existing in the neighbourhood, still less any general crust of continental ice, like that of greenland.* (* heer, "recherches sur la vegetation du pays tertiaire" etc. 1861 page 178.) as the older pliocene flora of the tertiary strata of italy, like the shells of the coralline crag, before adverted to, chapter 12, indicate a temperature milder than that now prevailing in europe, though not so warm as that of the upper miocene period, it is probable that the accumulation of snow and glaciers on the mountains and valleys of greenland did not begin till after the commencement of the pliocene period, and may not have reached its maximum until the close of that period. norway and sweden appear to have passed through all the successive phases of glaciation which greenland has experienced, and others which that country will one day undergo, if the climate which it formerly enjoyed should ever be restored to it. there must have been first a period of separate glaciers in scandinavia, then a greenlandic state of continental ice, and thirdly, when that diminished, a second period of enormous separate glaciers filling many a valley now wooded with fir and birch. lastly, under the influence of the gulf stream, and various changes in the height and extent of land in the arctic circle, a melting of nearly all the permanent ice between latitudes 60 and 70 north, corresponding to the parallels of the continental ice of greenland, has occurred, so that we have now to go farther north than latitude 70 degrees before we encounter any glacier coming down to the sea coast. among other signs of the last retreat of the extinct glaciers, kjerulf and other authors describe large transverse moraines left in many of the norwegian and swedish glens. chronological relations of the human and glacial periods in sweden. we may now consider whether any, and what part, of these changes in scandinavia may have been witnessed by man. in sweden, in the immediate neighbourhood of upsala, i observed, in 1834, a ridge of stratified sand and gravel, in the midst of which occurs a layer of marl, evidently formed originally at the bottom of the baltic, by the slow growth of the mussel, cockle, and other marine shells of living species intermixed with some proper to fresh water. the marine shells are all of dwarfish size, like those now inhabiting the brackish waters of the baltic; and the marl, in which myriads of them are embedded, is now raised more than 100 feet above the level of the gulf of bothnia. upon the top of this ridge (one of those called osars in sweden) repose several huge erratics consisting of gneiss, for the most part unrounded, from 9 to 16 feet in diameter, and which must have been brought into their present position since the time when the neighbouring gulf was already characterised by its peculiar fauna. here, therefore, we have proof that the transport of erratics continued to take place, not merely when the sea was inhabited by the existing testacea, but when the north of europe had already assumed that remarkable feature of its physical geography, which separates the baltic from the north sea, and causes the gulf of bothnia to have only one-fourth of the saltness belonging to the ocean. i cannot doubt that these large erratics of upsala were brought into their present position during the recent period, not only because of their moderate elevation above the sea-level in a country where the land is now rising every century, but because i observed signs of a great oscillation of level which had taken place at sodertelje, south of stockholm (about 45 miles distant from upsala), after the country had been inhabited by man. i described, in the "philosophical transactions" for 1835, the section there laid open in digging a level in 1819, which showed that a subsidence followed by a re-elevation of land, each movement amounting to more than 60 feet, had occurred since the time when a rude hut had been built on the ancient shore. the wooden frame of the hut, with a ring of hearthstones on the floor, and much charcoal, were found, and over them marine strata, more than 60 feet thick, containing the dwarf variety of mytilus edulis, and other brackish-water shells of the bothnian gulf. some vessels put together with wooden pegs, of anterior date to the use of metals, were also embedded in parts of the same marine formation, which has since been raised, so that the upper beds are more than 60 feet above the sea-level, the hut being thus restored to about its original position relatively to the sea. we have seen in the account of the danish kitchen-middens of the recent period that even at the comparatively late period of their origin the waters of the baltic had been rendered more salt than they are now. the upsala erratics may belong to nearly the same era as these. but were we to go back to a long antecedent epoch, or to that of the belgian and british caves with their extinct animals, and the signs they afford of a state of physical geography departing widely from the present, or to the era of the implement-bearing alluvium of st. acheul, we might expect to find scandinavia overwhelmed with glaciers, and the country uninhabitable by man. at a much remoter period the same country was in the state in which greenland now is, overspread with one uninterrupted coating of continental ice, which has left its peculiar markings on the highest mountains. this period, probably anterior to the earliest traces yet brought to light of the human race, may have coincided with the submergence of england, and the accumulation of the boulder-clay of norfolk, suffolk, and bedfordshire, before mentioned. it has already been stated that the syenite and some other rocks of the norfolk till seem to have come from scandinavia, and there is no era when icebergs are so likely to have floated them so far south as when the whole of sweden and norway were enveloped in a massive crust of ice; a state of things the existence of which is deduced from the direction of the glacial furrows, and their frequent unconformity to the shape of the minor valleys. glacial period in scotland [25]. professor agassiz, after his tour in scotland in 1840, announced the opinion that erratic blocks had been dispersed from the scottish mountains as from an independent centre, and that the capping of ice had been of extraordinary thickness.* (* agassiz, "proceedings of the geological society" 1840 and "edinburgh philosophical journal" 49 page 79.) mr. robert chambers, after visiting norway and sweden, and comparing the signs of glacial action observed there with similar appearances in the grampians, came to the conclusion that the highlands both of scandinavia and scotland had once been "moulded in ice," and that the outward and downward movement and pressure of the frozen mass had not only smoothed, polished, and scratched the rocks, but had, in the course of ages, deepened and widened the valleys, and produced much of that denudation which has commonly been ascribed exclusively to aqueous action. the glaciation of the scotch mountains was traced by him to the height of at least 3000 feet.* (* "ancient sea margins" edinburgh 1848. glacial phenomena "edinburgh new philosophical journal" april 1853 and january 1855.) mr. t.f. jamieson, of ellon, in aberdeenshire, has recently brought forward an additional body of facts in support of this theory. according to him the grampians were at the period of extreme cold enveloped "in one great winding sheet of snow and ice," which reached everywhere to the coast-line, the land being then more elevated than it is now. he describes the glacial furrows sculptured on the solid rocks as pointing in aberdeenshire to the south-east, those of the valley of the forth at edinburgh, from west to east, and higher up the same valley at stirling, from north-west to south-east, as they should do if the ice had followed the lines of what is now the principal drainage. the observations of sir james hall, mr. maclaren, mr. chambers, and dr. fleming, are cited by him in confirmation of this arrangement of the glacial markings, while in sutherland and ross-shire he shows that the glacial furrows along the north coast point northwards, and in argyleshire westwards, always in accordance with the direction of the principal glens and fjords. another argument is also adduced by him in proof of the ice having exerted its mechanical force in a direction from the higher and more inland country to the lower region and sea-coast. isolated hills and minor prominences of rock are often polished and striated on the land side, while they remain rough and jagged on the side fronting the sea. this may be seen both on the east and west coast. mention is also made of blocks of granite which have travelled from south to north in aberdeenshire, of which there would have been no examples had the erratics been all brought by floating ice from the arctic regions when scotland was submerged. it is also urged against the doctrine of attributing the general glaciation to submergence, that the glacial grooves, instead of radiating as they do from a centre, would, if they had been due to ice coming from the north, have been parallel to the coast-line, to which they are now often almost at right angles. the argument, moreover, which formerly had most weight in favour of floating ice, namely, that it explained why so many of the stones did not conform to the contour and direction of the minor hills and valleys, is now brought forward, and with no small effect, in favour of the doctrine of continental ice on the greenlandic scale, which, after levelling up the lesser inequalities, would occasionally flow in mighty ice-currents, in directions often at a high angle to the smaller ridges and glens. the application to scandinavia and scotland of this theory makes it necessary to reconsider the validity of the proofs formerly relied on as establishing the submergence of a great part of scotland beneath the sea, at some period subsequent to the commencement of the glacial period. in all cases where marine shells overlie till, or rest on polished and striated surfaces of rock, the evidence of the land having been under water, and having been since upheaved, remains unshaken; but this special proof rarely extends to heights exceeding 500 feet. in the basin of the clyde we have already seen that recent strata occur 25 feet above the sea-level, with existing species of marine testacea, and with buried canoes, and other works of art. at the higher level of 50 feet occurs the well-known raised beach of the western coast, which, according to mr. jamieson, contains, near fort william and on loch fyne and elsewhere, an assemblage of shells implying a colder climate than that of the 25-foot terrace, or that of the present sea; just as, in the valley of the somme, the higher-level gravels are supposed to belong to a colder period than the lower ones, and still more decidedly than that of the present era. at still greater elevations, older beds containing a still more arctic group of shells have been observed at airdrie, 14 miles south-east of glasgow, 524 feet above the level of the sea. they were embedded in stratified clays, with the unstratified boulder till both above and below them, and in the overlying unstratified drift were some boulders of granite which must have come from distances of 60 miles at the least.* (* smith of jordanhill, "quarterly journal of the geological society" volume 6 1850 page 387.) the presence of tellina calcarea, and several other northern shells, implies a climate colder than that of the present scottish seas. in the north of scotland, marine shells have been found in deposits of the same age in caithness and in aberdeenshire at heights of 250 feet, and on the shores of the moray firth, as at gamrie in banff, at an elevation of 350 feet; and the stratified sands and beds of pebbles which belong to the same formation ascend still higher--to heights of 500 feet at least.* (* prestwich, "proceedings of the geological society" volume 2 page 545; jamieson, "quarterly journal of the geological society" volume 16 1860.) at much greater heights, stratified masses of drift occur in which hitherto no organic remains, whether of marine or freshwater animals, have ever been found. it is still an undecided question whether the origin of all such deposits in the grampians can be explained without the intervention of the sea. one of the most conspicuous examples has been described by mr. jamieson as resting on the flank of a hill called meal uaine, in perthshire, on the east side of the valley of the tummel, just below killiecrankie. it consists of perfectly horizontal strata, the lowest portion of them 300 feet above the river and 600 feet above the sea. from this elevation to an altitude of nearly 1200 feet the same series of strata is traceable, continuously, up the slope of the mountain, and some patches are seen here and there even as high as 1550 feet above the sea. they are made up in great part of finely laminated silt, alternating with coarser materials, through which stones from 4 to 5 feet in length are scattered. these large boulders, and some smaller ones, are polished on one or more sides, and marked with glacial striae. the subjacent rocks, also, of gneiss, mica slate, and quartz, are everywhere grooved and polished as if by the passage of a glacier.* (* jamieson, "quarterly journal of the geological society" volume 16 1860 page 360.) at one spot a vertical thickness of 130 feet of this series of strata is exposed to view by a mountain torrent, and in all more than 2000 layers of clay, sand, and gravel were counted, the whole evidently accumulated under water. some beds consist of an impalpable mud, like putty, apparently derived from the grinding down of felspar, and resembling the mud produced by the grinding action of modern glaciers. mr. jamieson, when he first gave an account of this drift, inferred, in spite of the absence of marine shells, that it implied the submergence of scotland beneath the ocean after the commencement of the glacial period, or after the era of continental ice indicated by the subjacent floor of polished and grooved rock. this conclusion would require a submergence of the land as far up as 1550 feet above the present sea-level, after which a great re-upheaval must have occurred. but the same author, having lately revisited the valley of the tummel, suggests another possible, and i think probable, explanation of the same phenomena. the stratified drift in question is situated in a deep depression between two buttresses of rock, and if an enormous glacier be supposed to have once filled the valley of the tummel to the height of the stratified drift, it may have dammed up the mouth of a mountain torrent by a transverse barrier, giving rise to a deep pond, in which beds of clay and sand brought down by the waters of the torrent were deposited. charpentier in his work on the swiss glaciers has described many such receptacles of stratified matter now in progress, and due to such blockages, and he has pointed out the remnants of ancient and similar formations left by extinct glaciers of an earlier epoch. he specially notices that angular stones of various dimensions, often polished and striated, which rest on the glacier and are let fall when the torrent undermines the side of the moving ice, descend into the small lake and become interstratified with the gravel and fine sediment brought down by the torrent into the same.* (* charpentier, "essai sur les glaciers" page 63 1841.) the evidence of the former sojourn of the sea upon the land after the commencement of the glacial period was formerly inferred from the height to which erratic blocks derived from distant regions could be traced, besides the want of conformity in the glacial furrows to the present contours of many of the valleys. some of these phenomena may now, as we have seen, be accounted for by assuming that there was once a crust of ice resembling that now covering greenland. the grampians in forfarshire and in perthshire are from 3000 to 4000 feet high. to the southward lies the broad and deep valley of strathmore, and to the south of this again rise the sidlaw hills to the height of 1500 feet and upwards. on the highest summits of this chain, formed of sandstone and shale, and at various elevations, i have observed huge angular fragments of mica-schist, some 3 and others 15 feet in diameter, which have been conveyed for a distance of at least 15 miles from the nearest grampian rocks from which they could have been detached. others have been left strewed over the bottom of the large intervening vale of strathmore.* (* "proceedings of the geological society" volume 3 page 344.) it may be argued that the transportation of such blocks may have been due not to floating ice, but to a period when strathmore was filled up with land ice, a current of which extended from the perthshire highlands to the summit of the sidlaw hills, and the total absence of marine or freshwater shells from all deposits, stratified or unstratified, which have any connection with these erratics in forfarshire and perthshire may be thought to favour such a theory. but the same mode of transport can scarcely be imagined for those fragments of mica-schist, one of them weighing from 8 to 10 tons, which were observed much farther south by mr. maclaren on the pentland hills, near edinburgh, at the height of 1100 feet above the sea, the nearest mountain composed of this formation being 50 miles distant.* (* maclaren, "geology of fife" etc. page 220.) on the same hills, also, at all elevations, stratified gravels occur which, although devoid of shells, it seems hardly possible to refer to any but a marine origin. although i am willing, therefore, to concede that the glaciation of the scotch mountains, at elevations exceeding 2000 feet, may be explained by land ice, it seems difficult not to embrace the conclusion that a subsidence took place not merely of 500 or 600 feet, as demonstrated by the marine shells, but to a much greater amount, as shown by the present position of erratics and some patches of stratified drift. the absence of marine shells at greater heights than 525 feet above the sea, will be treated of in a future chapter. it may in part, perhaps, be ascribed to the action of glaciers, which swept out marine strata from all the higher valleys, after the re-emergence of the land. latest changes produced by glaciers in scotland. we may next consider the state of scotland after its emergence from the glacial sea, when we cannot fail to be approaching the time when man co-existed with the mammoth and other mammalia now extinct. in a paper which i published in 1840, on the ancient glaciers of forfarshire, i endeavoured to show that some of these existed after the mountains and glens had acquired precisely their present shape,* and had left moraines even in the minor valleys, just where they would now leave them were the snow and ice again to gain ground. (* "proceedings of the geological society" volume 3 page 337.) i described also one remarkable transverse mound, evidently the terminal moraine of a retreating glacier, which crosses the valley of the south esk, a few miles above the point where it issues from the grampians, and about 6 miles below the kirktown of clova. its central part, at a place called glenarm, is 800 feet above the level of the sea. the valley is about half a mile broad, and is bounded by steep and lofty mountains, but immediately above the transverse barrier it expands into a wide alluvial plain, several miles broad, which has evidently once been a lake. the barrier itself, about 150 feet high, consists in its lower part of till with boulders, 50 feet thick, precisely resembling the moraine of a swiss glacier, above which there is a mass of stratified sand, varying in thickness from 50 to 100 feet, which has the appearance of consisting of the materials of the moraine rearranged in a stratified form, possibly by the waters of a glacier lake. the structure of the barrier has been laid open by the esk, which has cut through it a deep passage about 400 yards wide. i have also given an account of another striking feature in the physical geography of perthshire and forfarshire, which i consider to belong to the same period; namely, a continuous zone of boulder clay, forming ridges and mounds from 50 to 70 feet high (the upper part of the mounds usually stratified), enclosing numerous lakes, some of them several miles long, and many ponds and swamps filled with shell-marl and peat. this band of till, with grampian boulders and associated river-gravel, may be traced continuously for a distance of 34 miles, with a width of 3 1/2 miles, from near dunkeld, by coupar, to the south of blairgowrie, then through the lowest part of strathmore, and afterwards in a straight line through the greatest depression in the sidlaw hills, from forfar to lunan bay. although no great river now takes its course through this line of ancient lakes, moraines, and river gravel, yet it evidently marks an ancient line by which, first, a great glacier descended from the mountains to the sea, and by which, secondly, at a later period, the principal water drainage of this country was effected. the subsequent modification in geography is comparable in amount to that which has taken place since the higher level gravels of the valley of the somme were formed, or since the belgian caves were filled with mud and bone-breccia. [illustration: figure 35. oval and flattish pebbles in deserted channels] (figure 35. oval and flattish pebbles in deserted channels.) mr. jamieson has remarked, in reference to this and some other extinct river-channels of corresponding date, that we have the means of ascertaining the direction in which the waters flowed by observing the arrangement of the oval and flattish pebbles in their deserted channels; for in the bed of a fast-flowing river such pebbles are seen to dip towards the current, as represented in figure 35, such being the position of greatest resistance to the stream.* (* jamieson, "quarterly journal of the geological society" volume 16 1860 page 349.) if this be admitted, it follows that the higher or mountainous country bore the same relation to the lower lands, at the time when a great river passed through this chain of lakes, as it does at present. we also seem to have a test of the comparatively modern origin of the mounds of till which surround the above-mentioned chain of lakes (of which that of forfar is one), in the species of organic remains contained in the shell-marl deposited at their bottom. all the mammalia as well as shells are of recent species. unfortunately, we have no information as to the fauna which inhabited the country at the time when the till itself was formed. there seem to be only three or four instances as yet known in all scotland of mammalia having been discovered in boulder clay. mr. r. bald has recorded the circumstances under which a single elephant's tusk was found in the unstratified drift of the valley of the forth, with the minuteness which such a discovery from its rarity well deserved. he distinguishes the boulder clay, under the name of "the old alluvial cover," from that more modern alluvium, in which the whales of airthrie, described in chapter 3, were found. this cover he says is sometimes 160 feet thick. having never observed any organic remains in it, he watched with curiosity and care the digging of the union canal between edinburgh and falkirk, which passed for no less than 28 miles almost continuously through it. mr. baird, the engineer who superintended the works, assisted in the inquiry, and at one place only in this long section did they meet with a fossil, namely, at cliftonhall, in the valley of the almond. it lay at a depth of between 15 and 20 feet from the surface, in very stiff clay, and consisted of an elephant's tusk, 39 inches long and 13 in circumference, in so fresh a state that an ivory turner purchased it and turned part of it into chessmen before it was rescued from destruction. the remainder is still preserved in the museum at edinburgh, but by exposure to the air it has shrunk considerably.* (* "memoirs of the wernerian society" edinburgh volume 4 page 58.) in 1817, two other tusks and some bones of the elephant, as we learn from the same authority (mr. bald), were met with, 3 1/2 feet long and 13 inches in circumference, lying in an horizontal position, 17 feet deep in clay, with marine shells, at kilmaurs, in ayrshire. the species of shells are not given.* (* ibid. volume 4 page 63.) in another excavation through the scotch boulder clay, made in digging the clyde and forth junction railway, the antlers of a reindeer were found at croftamie, in dumbartonshire, in the basin of the river endrick, which flows into loch lomond. they had cut through 12 feet of till with angular and rounded stones, some of large size, and then through 6 feet of underlying clay, when they came upon the deer's horns, 18 feet from the surface, and within a foot of the sandstone on which the till rested. at the distance of a few yards, and in the same position, but a foot or two deeper, were observed marine shells, cyprina islandica, astarte elliptica, a. compressa, fusus antiquus, littorina littorea, and a balanus. the height above the level of the sea was between 100 and 103 feet. the reindeer's horn was seen by professor owen, who considered it to be that of a young female of the large variety, called by the hudson's bay trappers the caribou. the remains of elephants, now in the museums of glasgow and edinburgh, purporting to come from the superficial deposits of scotland have been referred to elephas primigenius. in cases where tusks alone have been found unaccompanied by molar teeth, such specific determinations may be uncertain; but if any one specimen be correctly named, the occurrence of the mammoth and reindeer in the scotch boulder-clay, as both these quadrupeds are known to have been contemporary with man, favours the idea which i have already expressed, that the close of the glacial period in the grampians may have coincided in time with the existence of man in those parts of europe where the climate was less severe, as, for example, in the basins of the thames, somme, and seine, in which the bones of many extinct mammalia are associated with flint implements of the antique type. parallel roads of glen roy in scotland. [illustration: plate 2. glen roy and glen spean] (plate 2. view of the mouths of glen roy and glen spean, by sir t. dick lauder. vv. hill of bohuntine. vvv. glen roy. v(inverted)v. mealderry. v. entrance of glen spean vv(superscript)v. point of division between glens roy and spean.) perhaps no portion of the superficial drift of scotland can lay claim to so modern an origin on the score of the freshness of its aspect, as that which forms what are called the parallel roads of glen roy. if they do not belong to the recent epoch, they are at least posterior in date to the present outline of mountain and glen, and to the time when every one of the smaller burns ran in their present channels, though some of them have since been slightly deepened. the almost perfect horizontality, moreover, of the roads, one of which is continuous for about 20 miles from east to west, and 12 miles from north to south, shows that since the era of their formation no change has taken place in the relative levels of different parts of the district. [illustration: figure 36. map of glen roy] (figure 36. map of the parallel roads of glen roy or lochaber. a. five miles distant south-west from this point is fort william, where the lochy joins an arm of the sea, called loch eil. vertical lines. cols or watersheds at the heads of the glens--once the westward outlet of the lakes. dots. conspicuous delta deposits as laid down by mr. t.f. jamieson.) glen roy is situated in the western highlands, about 10 miles east-north-east of fort william, near the western end of the great glen of scotland, or caledonian canal, and near the foot of the highest of the grampians, ben nevis. (see map, figure 36.) throughout nearly its whole length, a distance of more than 10 miles, three parallel roads or shelves are traced along the steep sides of the mountains, as represented in the annexed view, plate 2, by the late sir t. dick lauder, each maintaining a perfect horizontality, and continuing at exactly the same level on the opposite sides of the glen. seen at a distance, they appear like ledges, or roads, cut artificially out of the sides of the hills; but when we are upon them, we can scarcely recognise their existence, so uneven is their surface, and so covered with boulders. they are from 10 to 60 feet broad, and merely differ from the side of the mountain by being somewhat less steep. on closer inspection, we find that these terraces are stratified in the ordinary manner of alluvial or littoral deposits, as may be seen at those points where ravines have been excavated by torrents. the parallel shelves, therefore, have not been caused by denudation, but by the deposition of detritus, precisely similar to that which is dispersed in smaller quantities over the declivities of the hills above. these hills consist of clay-slate, mica schist, and granite, which rocks have been worn away and laid bare at a few points immediately above the parallel roads. the lowest of these roads is about 850 feet above the level of the sea, the next about 212 feet higher, and the third 82 feet above the second. there is a fourth shelf, which occurs only in a contiguous valley called glen gluoy, which is 12 feet above the highest of all the glen roy roads, and consequently about 1156 feet above the level of the sea.* (* another detached shelf also occurs at kilfinnan. (see map, figure 36.)) one only, the lowest of the three roads of glen roy, is continued throughout glen spean, a large valley with which glen roy unites. (see plate 2 and map, figure 36.) as the shelves, having no slope towards the sea like ordinary river terraces, are always at the same absolute height, they become continually more elevated above the river in proportion as we descend each valley; and they at length terminate very abruptly, without any obvious cause, or any change either in the shape of the ground or in the composition or hardness of the rocks. i should exceed the limits of this work, were i to attempt to give a full description of all the geographical circumstances attending these singular terraces, or to discuss the ingenious theories which have been severally proposed to account for them by dr. macculloch, sir t. lauder, and messrs. darwin, agassiz, milne, and chambers. there is one point, however, on which all are agreed, namely, that these shelves are ancient beaches, or littoral formations, accumulated round the edges of one or more sheets of water which once stood for a long time successively at the level of the several shelves. [illustration: figure 37. section through side of loch] (figure 37. section through side of loch. ab. supposed original surface of rock. cd. roads or shelves in the outer alluvial covering of the hill.) it is well known, that wherever a lake or marine fjord exists surrounded by steep mountains subject to disintegration by frost or the action of torrents, some loose matter is washed down annually, especially during the melting of snow, and a check is given to the descent of this detritus at the point where it reaches the waters of the lake. the waves then spread out the materials along the shore, and throw some of them upon the beach; their dispersing power being aided by the ice, which often adheres to pebbles during the winter months, and gives buoyancy to them. the annexed diagram (figure 37) illustrates the manner in which dr. macculloch and mr. darwin suppose "the roads" to constitute mere excrescences of the superficial alluvial coating which rests upon the hillside, and consists chiefly of clay and sharp unrounded stones. among other proofs that the parallel roads have really been formed along the margin of a sheet of water, it may be mentioned, that wherever an isolated hill rises in the middle of the glen above the level of any particular shelf, as in mealderry, plate 2, a corresponding shelf is seen at the same level passing round the hill, as would have happened if it had once formed an island in a lake or fjord. another very remarkable peculiarity in these terraces is this; each of them comes in some portion of its course to a col, or parting ridge, between the heads of glens, the explanation of which will be considered in the sequel. those writers who first advocated the doctrine that the roads were the ancient beaches of freshwater lakes, were unable to offer any probable hypothesis respecting the formation and subsequent removal of barriers of sufficient height and solidity to dam up the water. to introduce any violent convulsion for their removal was inconsistent with the uninterrupted horizontality of the roads, and with the undisturbed aspect of those parts of the glens where the shelves come suddenly to an end. mr. agassiz and dr. buckland, desirous, like the defenders of the lake theory, to account for the limitation of the shelves to certain glens, and their absence in contiguous glens, where the rocks are of the same composition, and the slope and inclination of the ground very similar, first started the theory that these valleys were once blocked up by enormous glaciers descending from ben nevis, giving rise to what are called, in switzerland and in the tyrol, glacier-lakes. in corroboration of this view, they contended that the alluvium of glen roy, as well as of other parts of scotland, agrees in character with the moraines of glaciers seen in the alpine valleys of switzerland. it will readily be conceded that this hypothesis was preferable to any previous lacustrine theory, by accounting more easily for the temporary existence and entire disappearance of lofty transverse barriers, although the height required for the supposed dams of ice appeared very enormous. before the idea of glacier-lakes had been suggested by agassiz, mr. darwin examined glen roy, and came to the opinion that the shelves were formed when the glens were still arms of the sea, and, consequently, that there never were any seaward barriers. according to him, the land emerged during a slow and uniform upward movement, like that now experienced throughout a large part of sweden and finland; but there were certain pauses in the upheaving process, at which times the waters of the sea remained stationary for so many centuries as to allow of the accumulation of an extraordinary quantity of detrital matter, and the excavation, at many points immediately above the sea-level, of deep notches and bare cliffs in the hard and solid rock. this theory i adopted in 1841 ("elements," 2nd edition), as appearing to me less objectionable than any other then proposed. the phenomena most difficult to reconcile with it are, first, the abrupt cessation of the roads at certain points in the different glens; secondly, their unequal number in different valleys connecting with each other, there being three, for example, in glen roy, and only one in glen spean; thirdly, the precise horizontality of level maintained by the same shelf over a space many leagues in length, requiring us to assume, that during a rise of 1156 feet no one portion of the land was raised even a few yards above another; fourthly, the coincidence of level already alluded to of each shelf with a col, or the point forming the head of two glens, from which the rain-waters flow in opposite directions. this last-mentioned feature in the physical geography of lochaber mr. darwin endeavoured to explain in the following manner. he called these cols "land-straits," and regarding them as having been anciently sounds or channels between islands, he pointed out that there is a tendency in such sounds to be silted up, and always the more so in proportion to their narrowness. in a chart of the falkland islands, by captain sulivan, r.n., it appears that there are several examples there of straits where the soundings diminish regularly towards the narrowest part. one is so nearly dry that it can be walked over at low water, and another, no longer covered by the sea, is supposed to have recently dried up in consequence of a small alteration in the relative level of sea and land. "similar straits," observes mr. chambers, "hovering, in character, between sea and land, and which may be called fords, are met with in the hebrides. such, for example, is the passage dividing the islands of lewis and harris, and that between north uist and benbecula, both of which would undoubtedly appear as cols, coinciding with a terrace or raised beach, all round the islands if the sea were to subside."* (* r. chambers, "ancient sea margins" page 114.) the first of the difficulties above alluded to, namely, the non-extension of the shelves over certain parts of the glens, might be explained, said mr. darwin, by supposing in certain places a quick growth of green turf on a good soil, which prevented the rain from washing away any loose materials lying on the surface. but wherever the soil was barren, and where green sward took long to form, there may have been time for the removal of the gravel. in one case an intermediate shelf appears for a short distance (three quarters of a mile) on the face of the mountain called tombhran, between the two upper shelves, and is seen nowhere else. it occurs where there was the longest space of open water, and where the waves may have acquired a more than ordinary power to heap up detritus. the unequal number of the shelves in valleys communicating with each other, and in which the boundary rocks are similar in composition, and the general absence of any shelves at corresponding altitudes in glens on the opposite watershed, like that of the spey, and in valleys where the waters flow eastward, are difficulties attending the marine theory which have never yet been got over. mr. t.f. jamieson, before cited, has, during a late visit to lochaber, in 1861, observed many facts highly confirmatory of the hypothesis of glacier-lakes which, as i have already stated, was originally advanced by mr. agassiz. in the first place, he found much superficial scoring and polishing of rocks, and accumulation of boulders at those points where signs of glacial action ought to appear, if ice had once dammed up the waters of the glens in which the "roads" occur. ben nevis may have sent down its glaciers from the south, and glen arkaig from the north, for the mountains at the head of the last-mentioned glen are 3000 feet high, and may, together with other tributary glens, have helped to choke up the great caledonian valley with ice, so as to block up for a time the mouths of the spean, roy, and gluoy. the temporary conversion of these glens into glacier-lakes is the more conceivable, because the hills at their upper ends not being lofty nor of great extent, they may not have been filled with ice at a time when great glaciers were generated in other adjoining and much higher regions. secondly. the shelves, says mr. jamieson, are more precisely defined and unbroken than any of the raised beaches or acknowledged ancient coast-lines visible on the west of scotland, as in argyllshire, for example. thirdly. at the level of the lower shelf in glen roy, at points where torrents now cut channels through the shelf as they descend the hill-side, there are small delta-like extensions of the shelf, perfectly preserved, as if the materials, whether fine or coarse, had originally settled there in a placid lake, and had not been acted upon by tidal currents, mingling them with the sediment of other streams. these deltas are too entire to allow us to suppose that they have at any time since their origin been exposed to the waves of the sea. fourthly. the alluvium on the cols or watersheds, before alluded to, is such as would have been formed if the waters of the rivers had been made to flow east, or out of the upper ends of the supposed glacier-lakes, instead of escaping at the lower ends, in a westerly direction, where the great blockages of ice are assumed to have occurred. in addition to these arguments of mr. jamieson, i may mention that in switzerland, at present, no testacea live in the cold waters of glacier-lakes; so that the entire absence of fossil shells, whether marine or freshwater, in the stratified materials of each shelf, would be accounted for if the theory above mentioned be embraced. when i examined "the parallel roads" in 1825, in company with dr. buckland, neither this glacier theory nor mr. darwin's suggestion of ancient sea-margins had been proposed, and i have never since revisited lochaber. but i retain in my memory a vivid recollection of the scenery and physical features of the district, and i now consider the glacier-lake theory as affording by far the most satisfactory solution of this difficult problem. the objection to it, which until lately appeared to be the most formidable, and which led mr. robert chambers in his "sea margins," to reject it entirely, was the difficulty of conceiving how the waters could be made to stand so high in glen roy as to allow the uppermost shelf to be formed. grant a barrier of ice in the lower part of the glen of sufficient altitude to stop the waters from flowing westward, still, what prevented them from escaping over the col at the head of glen glaster? this col coincides exactly in level, as mr. milne home first ascertained, with the second or middle shelf of glen roy. the difficulty here stated appears now to be removed by supposing that the higher lines or roads were formed before the lower ones, and when the quantity of ice was most in excess. we must imagine that at the time when the uppermost shelf of glen roy was forming in a shallow lake, the lower part of that glen was filled up with ice, and, according to mr. jamieson, a glacier from loch treig then protruded itself across glen spean and rested on the flank of the hill on the opposite side in such a manner as effectually to prevent any water from escaping over the glen glaster col. the proofs of such a glacier having actually existed at the point in question consist, he says, in numerous cross striae observable in the bottom of glen spean, and in the presence of moraine matter in considerable abundance on the flanks of the hill extending to heights above the glen glaster col. when the ice shrank into less dimensions the second shelf would be formed, having its level determined by the col last mentioned, glen spean in the meantime being filled with a glacier. finally, the ice blockage common to glens roy, spean, and laggan, which consisted probably of a glacier from ben nevis, gave rise to the lowest and most extensive lake, the waters of which escaped over the pass of muckul or the col at the head of loch laggan, which, as mr. jamieson has now ascertained: agrees precisely in level with the lowest of all the shelves, and where there are unequivocal signs of a river having flowed out for a considerable period. dr. hooker has described some parallel terraces, very analogous in their aspect to those of glen roy, as existing in the higher valleys of the himalaya, of which his pencil has given us several graphic illustrations. he believes these indian shelves to have originated on the borders of glacier-lakes, the barriers of which were usually formed by the ice and moraines of lateral or tributary glaciers, which descended into and crossed the main valley, as we have supposed in the case of glen roy; but others he ascribes to the terminal moraine of the principal glacier itself, which had retreated during a series of milder seasons, so as to leave an interval between the ice and the terminal moraine. this interspace caused by the melting of ice becomes filled with water and forms a lake, the drainage of which usually takes place by percolation through the porous parts of the moraine, and not by a stream overflowing that barrier. such a glacier-lake dr. hooker actually found in existence near the head of the yangma valley in the himalaya. it was moreover partially bounded by recently formed marginal terraces or parallel roads, implying changes of level in the barrier of ice and moraine matter.* (* hooker, "himalayan journal" volume 1 page 242; 2 pages 119, 121, 166. i have also profited by the author's personal explanations.) it has been sometimes objected to the hypothesis of glacier-lakes, as applied to the case of glen roy, that the shelves must have taken a very long period for their formation. such a lapse of time, it is said, might be consistent with the theory of pauses or stationary periods in the rise of the land during an intermittent upward movement, but it is hardly compatible with the idea of so precarious and fluctuating a barrier as a mass of ice. but the reader will have seen that the permanency of level in such glacier-lakes has no necessary connection with minor changes in the height of the supposed dam of ice. if a glacier descending from higher mountains through a tributary glen enters the main valley in which there happens to be no glacier, the river is arrested in its course and a lake is formed. the dam may be constantly repaired and may vary in height several hundreds of feet without affecting the level of the lake, so long as the surplus waters escape over a col or parting ridge of rock. the height at which the waters remain stationary is determined solely by the elevation of the col, and not by the barrier of ice, provided the barrier is higher than the col. but if we embrace the theory of glacier-lakes, we must be prepared to assume not only that the sea had nothing to do with the original formation of the "parallel roads," but that it has never, since the disappearance of the lakes, risen in any one of the glens up to the level of the lowest shelf, which is about 850 feet high; for in that case the remarkable persistency and integrity of the roads and deltas, before described, must have been impaired. we have seen that 50 miles to the south of lochaber, the glacier formations of lanarkshire with marine shells of arctic character have been traced to the height of 524 feet. about 50 miles to the south-east in perthshire are those stratified clays and sands, near killiecrankie, which were once supposed to be of submarine origin, and which in that case would imply the former submergence of what is now dry land to the extent of 1550 feet, or several hundred feet beyond the highest of the parallel roads. even granting that these laminated drifts may have had a different origin, as above suggested, there are still many facts connected with the distribution of erratics and the striation of rocks in scotland which are not easily accounted for without supposing the country to have sunk, since the era of continental ice, to a greater depth than 525 feet, the highest point to which marine shells have yet been traced. after what was said of the pressure and abrading power of a general crust of ice, like that now covering greenland, it is almost superfluous to say that the parallel roads must have been of later date than such a state of things, for every trace of them must have been obliterated by the movement of such a mass of ice. it is no less clear that as no glacier-lakes can now exist in greenland [26], so there could have been none in scotland, when the mountains were covered with one great crust of ice. it may, however, be contended that the parallel roads were produced when the general crust of ice first gave place to a period of separate glaciers, and that no period of deep submergence ever intervened in lochaber after the time of the lakes. even in that case, however, it is difficult not to suppose that the glen roy country participated in the downward movement which sank part of lanarkshire 525 feet beneath the sea, subsequently to the first great glaciation of scotland. yet that amount of subsidence might have occurred, and even a more considerable one, without causing the sea to rise to the level of the lowest shelf, or to a height of 850 feet above the present sea-level. this is a question on which i am not prepared at present to offer a decided opinion. whether the horizontality of the shelves or terrace-lines is really as perfect as has been generally assumed is a point which will require to be tested by a more accurate trigonometrical survey than has yet been made. the preservation of precisely the same level in the lowest line throughout the glens of roy, spean, and laggan, for a distance of 20 miles east and west, and 10 or 12 miles north and south, would be very wonderful if ascertained with mathematical precision. mr. jamieson, after making in 1862 several measurements with a spirit-level, has been led to suspect a rise in the lowest shelf of one foot in a mile in a direction from west to east, or from the mouth of glen roy to a point 6 miles east of it in glen spean. to confirm such observations, and to determine whether a similar rate of rise continues eastward, as far as the pass of muckul, would be most important. on the whole, i conclude that the glen roy terrace-lines and those of some neighbouring valleys, were formed on the borders of glacier-lakes, in times long subsequent to the principal glaciation of scotland. they may perhaps have been nearly as late, especially the lowest of the shelves, as that portion of the pleistocene period in which man co-existed in europe with the mammoth. chapter 14. -chronological relations of the glacial period and the earliest signs of man's appearance in europe--continued. signs of extinct glaciers in wales. great submergence of wales during the glacial period proved by marine shells. still greater depression inferred from stratified drift. scarcity of organic remains in glacial formations. signs of extinct glaciers in england. ice action in ireland. maps illustrating successive revolutions in physical geography during the pleistocene period. southernmost extent of erratics in england. successive periods of junction and separation of england, ireland, and the continent. time required for these changes. probable causes of the upheaval and subsidence of the earth's crust. antiquity of man considered in relation to the age of the existing fauna and flora. extinct glaciers in wales. the considerable amount of vertical movement in opposite directions, which was suggested in the last chapter, as affording the most probable explanation of the position of some of the stratified and fossiliferous drifts of scotland, formed since the commencement of the glacial period, will appear less startling if it can be shown that independent observations lead us to infer that a geographical revolution of still greater magnitude accompanied the successive phases of glaciation through which the welsh mountains have passed. that wales was once an independent centre of the dispersion of erratic blocks has long been acknowledged. dr. buckland published in 1842 his reasons for believing that the snowdonian mountains in caernarvonshire were formerly covered with glaciers, which radiated from the central heights through the seven principal valleys of that chain, where striae and flutings are seen on the polished rocks directed towards as many different points of the compass. he also described the "moraines" of the ancient glaciers, and the rounded masses of polished rock, called in switzerland "roches moutonnees." his views respecting the old extinct glaciers of north wales were subsequently confirmed by mr. darwin, who attributed the transport of many of the larger erratic blocks to floating ice. much of the welsh glacial drift had already been shown by mr. trimmer to have had a submarine origin, and mr. darwin maintained that when the land rose again to nearly its present height, glaciers filled the valleys, and "swept them clean of all the rubbish left by the sea."* (* "philosophical magazine" series 3 volume 21 page 180.) professor ramsay, in a paper read to the geological society in 1851, and in a later work on the glaciation of north wales, described three successive glacial periods, during the first of which the land was much higher than it now is, and the quantity of ice excessive; secondly, a period of submergence when the land was 2300 feet lower than at present, and when the higher mountain tops only stood out of the sea as a cluster of low islands, which nevertheless were covered with snow; and lastly, a third period when the marine boulder drift formed in the middle period was ploughed out of the larger valleys by a second set of glaciers, smaller than those of the first period. this last stage of glaciation may have coincided with that of the parallel roads of glen roy, spoken of in the last chapter. in wales it was certainly preceded by submergence, and the rocks had been exposed to glacial polishing and friction before they sank. fortunately the evidence of the sojourn of the welsh mountains beneath the waters of the sea is not deficient, as in scotland, in that complete demonstration which the presence of marine shells affords. the late mr. trimmer discovered such shells on moel tryfan, in north wales, in drift elevated more than 1300 feet above the level of the sea. it appears from his observations, and those of the late edward forbes, corroborated by others of professor ramsay and mr. prestwich, that about twelve species of shells, including fusus bamfius, f. antiquus, venus striatula (forbes and hanley), have been met with at heights of between 1000 and 1400 feet, in drift, reposing on a surface of rock which had been previously exposed to glacial friction and striation.* (* ramsay, "quarterly journal of the geological society" volume 8 1852 page 372.) the shells, as a whole, are those of the glacial period, and not of the norwich crag. two localities of these shells in wales, in addition to that first pointed out by mr. trimmer, have since been observed by professor ramsay, who, however, is of opinion that the amount of submergence can by no means be limited to the extreme height to which the shells happen to have been traced; for drift of the same character as that of moel tryfan extends continuously to the height of 2300 feet. [27] rarity of organic remains in glacial formations. the general dearth of shells in such formations, below as well as above the level at which mr. trimmer first found them, deserves notice. whether we can explain it or not, it is a negative character which seems to belong very generally to deposits formed in glacial seas. the porous nature of the strata, and the length of time during which they have been permeated by rain-water, may partly account, as we hinted in a former chapter, for the destruction of organic remains. but it is also possible that they were originally scarce, for we read of the waters of the sea being so freshened and chilled by the melting of ice-bergs in some norwegian and icelandic fjords, that the fish are driven away, and all the mollusca killed. the moraines of glaciers are always from the first devoid of shells, and if transported by ice-bergs to a distance, and deposited where the ice melts, may continue as barren of every indication of life as they were when they originated. nevertheless, it may be said, on the other hand, that herds of seals and walruses crowd the floating ice of spitzbergen in latitude 80 degrees north, of which mr. lamont has recently given us a lively picture,*nand huge whales fatten on myriads of pteropods in polar regions. (* "seasons with the sea-horses" 1861.) it had been suggested that the bottom of the sea, at the era of extreme submergence in scotland and wales, was so deep as to reach the zero of animal life, which, in part of the mediterranean (the aegean, for example), the late edward forbes fixed, after a long series of dredgings, at 300 fathoms. but the shells of the glacial drift of scotland and wales, when they do occur, are not always those of deep seas; and, moreover, our faith in the uninhabitable state of the ocean at great depths has been rudely shaken, by the recent discovery of captain mcclintock and dr. wallich, of starfish in water more than a thousand fathoms deep (7560 feet!), midway between greenland and iceland. that these radiata were really dredged up from the bottom, and that they had been living and feeding there, appeared from the fact that their stomachs were full of globigerina, of which foraminiferous creatures, both living and dead, the oozy bed of the ocean at that vast depth was found to be exclusively composed. [28] whatever may be the cause, the fact is certain, that over large areas in scotland, ireland, and wales, i might add throughout the northern hemisphere on both sides of the atlantic, the stratified drift of the glacial period is very commonly devoid of fossils, in spite of the occurrence here and there, at the height of 500, 700, and even 1400 feet, of marine shells. these, when met with, belong, with few exceptions, to known living species. i am therefore unable to agree with mr. kjerulf that the amount of former submergence can be measured by the extreme height at which shells happen to have been found. glacial formations in england. [illustration: figure 38. dome-shaped rocks] (figure 38. dome-shaped rocks, or "roches moutonees," in the valley of the rothay, near ambleside, from a drawing by e. hull, f.g.s.* (* "edinburgh new philosophical journal" volume 11 plate 1 page 31 1860.)) the mountains of cumberland and westmorland, and the english lake district, afford equally unequivocal vestiges of ice-action not only in the form of polished and grooved surfaces, but also of those rounded bosses before mentioned as being so abundant in the alpine valleys of switzerland, where glaciers exist, or have existed. mr. hall has lately published a faithful account of these phenomena, and has given a representation of some of the english "roches moutonnees," which precisely resemble hundreds of dome-shaped protuberances in north wales, sweden, and north america.* (* hull, "edinburgh new philosophical journal" july 1860.) the marks of glaciation on the rocks, and the transportation of erratics from cumberland to the eastward, have been traced by professor phillips over a large part of yorkshire, extending to a height of 1500 feet above the sea; and similar northern drift has been observed in lancashire, cheshire, derbyshire, shropshire, staffordshire, and worcestershire. it is rare to find marine shells, except at heights of 200 or 300 feet; but a few instances of their occurrence have been noticed, especially of turritella communis (a gregarious shell), far in the interior, at elevations of 500 feet, and even of 700 in derbyshire, and some adjacent counties, as i learn from mr. binney and mr. prestwich. such instances are of no small theoretical interest, as enabling us to account for the scattering of large erratic blocks at equal or much greater elevations, over a large part of the northern and midland counties, such as could only have been conveyed to their present sites by floating ice. of this nature, among others, is a remarkable angular block of syenitic greenstone, 4 1/2 feet by 4 feet square, and 2 feet thick, which mr. darwin describes as lying on the summit of ashley heath, in staffordshire, 803 feet above the sea, resting on new red sandstone.* (* ancient glaciers of caernarvonshire, "philosophical magazine" series 3, 21 page 180.) signs of ice-action and submergence in ireland during the glacial period. in ireland we encounter the same difficulty as in scotland in determining how much of the glaciation of the higher mountains should be referred to land glaciers, and how much to floating ice, during submergence. the signs of glacial action have been traced by professor jukes to elevations of 2500 feet in the killarney district, and to great heights in other mountainous regions; but marine shells have rarely been met with higher than 600 feet above the sea, and that chiefly in gravel, clay, and sand in wicklow and wexford. they are so rare in the drift east of the wicklow mountains, that an exception to the rule, lately observed at ballymore eustace, by professor jukes, is considered as a fact of no small geological interest. the wide extent of drift of the same character, spread over large areas in ireland, shows that the whole island was, in some part of the glacial period, an archipelago, as represented in the maps, figures 39 and 40. speaking of the wexford drift, the late professor e. forbes states that sir h. james found in it, together with many of the usual glacial shells, several species which are characteristic of the crag; among others the reversed variety of fusus antiquus, called f. contrarius, and the extinct species nucula cobboldiae, and turritella incrassata. perhaps a portion of this drift of the south of ireland may belong to the close of the pliocene period, and may be of a somewhat older date than the shells of the clyde, alluded to in chapter 13. they may also correspond still more nearly in age with the fauna of the uppermost strata of the norwich crag, occurring at chillesford. [29] the scarcity of mammalian remains in the irish drift favours the theory of its marine origin. in the superficial deposits of the whole island, i have only met with three recorded examples of the mammoth, one in the south near dungarvan, where the bones of elephas primigenius, two species of bear (ursus arctos and ursus spelaeus?), the reindeer, horse, etc., were found in a cave;* another in the centre of the island near belturbet, in the county of cavan. (* e. brenan and dr. carte, dublin 1859.) perhaps the conversion into land of the bed of the glacial sea, and the immigration into the newly upheaved region of the elephant, rhinoceros, and hippopotamus, which co-existed with the fabricators of the st. acheul flint hatchets, were events which preceded in time the elevation of the irish drift, and the union of that island with england. ireland may have continued for a longer time in the state of an archipelago, and was therefore for a much shorter time inhabited by the large extinct pleistocene pachyderms. in one of the reports of the geological survey of ireland, published in 1859, professor jukes, in explanation of sheet 184 of the maps, alludes to beds of sand and gravel, and signs of the polishing and furrowing of the rocks in the counties of kerry and killarney, as high as 2500 feet above the sea, and supposes (perhaps with good reason) that the land was depressed even to that extent. he observes that above that elevation (2500 feet) the rocks are rough, and not smoothed, as if by ice. some of the drift was traced as high as 1500 feet, the highest hills there exceeding 3400 feet. mr. jukes, however, is by no means inclined to insist on submergence to the extent of 2500 feet, as he is aware that ice, like that now prevailing in greenland, might explain most, if not all, the appearances of glaciation in the highest regions. although the course taken by the irish erratics in general is such that their transportation seems to have been due to floating ice or coast-ice, yet some granite blocks have travelled from south to north, as recorded by sir r. griffiths, namely, those of the ox mountains in sligo; a fact from which mr. jamieson infers that those mountains formed at one time a centre of dispersion. in the same part of ireland, the general direction in which the boulders have travelled is everywhere from north-west to south-east, a course directly at right angles to the prevailing trend of the present mountain ridges. maps illustrating successive revolutions in physical geography during the pleistocene period. [illustration: figure 39. map of the british isles] (figure 39. map of the british isles and part of the north-west of europe, showing the great amount of supposed submergence of land beneath the sea during part of the glacial period. the submergence of scotland is to the extent of 2000 feet, and of other parts of the british isles, 1300. in the map, the dark shade expresses the land which alone remained above water. the area shaded by diagonal lines is that which cannot be shown to have been under water at the period of floating ice by the evidence of erratics, or by marine shells of northern species. how far the several parts of the submerged area were simultaneously or successively laid under water, in the course of the glacial period, cannot, in the present state of our knowledge, be determined.) [illustration: figure 40. map british islands] (figure 40. map showing what parts of the british islands would remain above water after a subsidence of the area to the extent of 600 feet. the authorities to whom i am indebted for the information contained in this map are--for: scotland: a. geikie, esquire, f.g.s., and t.f. jamieson, esquire, of ellon, aberdeenshire. england: for the counties of: yorkshire, lancashire, and durham: colonel sir henry james, r.e. dorsetshire, hampshire, and isle of wight: h.w. bristow, esquire. gloucestershire, somersetshire, and part of devon: r. etheridge, esquire. kent and sussex: frederick drew, esquire. isle of man: w. whitaker, esquire. ireland: reduced from a contour map constructed by lieutenant larcom, r.e., in 1837, for the railway commissioners.) [illustration: figure 41. map of part of the north-west of europe] (figure 41. map of part of the north-west of europe, including the british isles, showing the extent of sea which would become land if there were a general rise of the area to the extent of 600 feet. the darker shade expresses what is now land, the lighter shade the space intervening between the present coastline and the 100 fathom line, which would be converted by such a movement into land. the original of this map will be found in sir h. de la beche's "theoretical researches" page 190, 1834, but several important corrections have been introduced into it from recently published admiralty surveys, especially: 1st. a deep channel passing from the north sea into the entrance of the baltic. 2nd. the more limited westerly extension of the west coast of ireland.) the late mr. trimmer, before referred to, has endeavoured to assist our speculations as to the successive revolutions in physical geography, through which the british islands have passed since the commencement of the glacial period, by four "sketch maps" as he termed them, in the first of which he gave an ideal restoration of the original continental period, called by him the first elephantine period, or that of the forest of cromer, before described. he was not aware that the prevailing elephant of that era (e. meridionalis) was distinct from the mammoth. at this era he conceived ireland and england to have been united with each other and with france, but much of the area represented as land in the map, figure 41, was supposed to be under water. his second map, of the great submergence of the glacial period, was not essentially different from our map, figure 39. his third map expressed a period of partial re-elevation, when ireland was reunited to scotland and the north of england; but england still separated from france. this restoration appears to me to rest on insufficient data, being constructed to suit the supposed area over which the gigantic irish deer, or megaceros, migrated from east to west, also to explain an assumed submergence of the district called the weald, in the south-east of england, which had remained land during the grand glacial submergence. the fourth map is a return to nearly the same continental conditions as the first--ireland, england, and the continent being united. this he called the second elephantine period; and it would coincide very closely with that part of the pleistocene era in which man co-existed with the mammoth, and when, according to mr. trimmer's hypothesis previously indicated by mr. godwin-austen, the thames was a tributary of the rhine.* (* joshua trimmer, "quarterly journal of the geological society" volume 9 1853, plate 13, and godwin-austen, ibid. volume 7 1851 page 134 and plate 7.) these geographical speculations were indulged in ten years after edward forbes had published his bold generalisations on the geological changes which accompanied the successive establishment of the scandinavian, germanic, and other living floras and faunas in the british islands, and, like the theories of his predecessor, were the results of much reflection on a vast body of geological facts. it is by repeated efforts of this kind, made by geologists who are prepared for the partial failure of some of their first attempts, that we shall ultimately arrive at a knowledge of the long series of geographical revolutions which have followed each other since the beginning of the pleistocene period. the map, figure 39, will give some idea of the great extent of land which would be submerged, were we to infer, as many geologists have done, from the joint evidence of marine shells, erratics, glacial striae and stratified drift at great heights, that scotland was, during part of the glacial period, 2000 feet below its present level, and other parts of the british isles, 1300 feet. a subsidence to this amount can be demonstrated in the case of north wales by marine shells. in the lake district of cumberland, in yorkshire, and in ireland, we must depend on proofs derived from glacial striae and the transportation of erratics for so much of the supposed submergence as exceeds 600 feet. as to central england, or the country north of the thames and bristol channel, marine shells of the glacial period sometimes reach as high as 600 and 700 feet, and erratics still higher, as we have seen above. but this region is of such moderate elevation above the sea, that it would be almost equally laid under water, were there a sinking of no more than 600 feet. to make this last proposition clear, i have constructed, from numerous documents, many of them unpublished, the map, figure 40, which shows how that small amount of subsidence would reduce the whole of the british isles to an archipelago of very small islands, with the exception of parts of scotland, and the north of england and wales, where four islands of considerable dimensions would still remain. the map does not indicate a state of things supposed to have prevailed at any one moment of the past, because the district south of the thames and the bristol channel seems to have remained land during the whole of the glacial period, at a time when the northern area was under water. the map simply represents the effects of a downward movement of a hundred fathoms, or 600 english feet, assumed to be uniform over the whole of the british isles. it shows the very different state of the physical geography of the area in question, when contrasted with the results of an opposite movement, or one of upheaval, to an equal amount, of which sir henry de la beche had already given us a picture, in his excellent treatise called "theoretical researches."* (* also repeated in de la beche's "geological observer.") his map i have borrowed (figure 41), after making some important corrections in it. if we are surprised when looking at the first map, figure 40, at the vast expanse of sea which so moderate a subsidence as 600 feet would cause, we shall probably be still more astonished to perceive, in figure 41, that a rise of the same number of feet would unite all the british isles, including the hebrides, orkneys, and shetlands, with one another and the continent, and lay dry the sea now separating great britain from sweden and denmark. it appears from soundings made during various admiralty surveys, that the gained land thus brought above the level of the sea, instead of presenting a system of hills and valleys corresponding with those usually characterising the interior of most of our island, would form a nearly level terrace, or gently inclined plane, sloping outwards like those terraces of denudation and deposition which i have elsewhere described as occurring on the coasts of sicily and the morea.* (* "manual of geology" page 74.) it seems that, during former and perhaps repeated oscillations of level undergone by the british isles, the sea has had time to cut back the cliffs for miles in many places, while in others the detritus derived from wasting cliffs drifted along the shores, together with the sediment brought down by rivers and swept by currents into submarine valleys, has exerted a levelling power, filling up such depressions as may have pre-existed. owing to this twofold action few marked inequalities of level have been left on the sea-bottom, the "silver-pits" off the mouth of the humber offering a rare exception to the general rule, and even there the narrow depression is less than 300 feet in depth. beyond the 100 fathom line, the submarine slope surrounding the british coast is so much steeper that a second elevation of equal amount (or of 600 feet) would add but slightly to the area of gained land; in other words, the 100 and 200 fathom lines run very near each other.* (* de la beche, "geological researches" page 191.) the naturalist would have been entitled to assume the former union, within the pleistocene period, of all the british isles with each other and with the continent, as expressed in the map, figure 41, even if there had been no geological facts in favour of such a junction. for in no other way would he be able to account for the identity of the fauna and flora found throughout these lands. had they been separated ever since the miocene period, like madeira, porto santo, and the desertas, constituting the small madeiran archipelago, we might have expected to discover a difference in the species of land-shells, not only when ireland was compared to england, but when different islands of the hebrides were contrasted one with another, and each of them with england. it would not, however, be necessary, in order to effect the complete fusion of the animals and plants which we witness, to assume that all parts of the area formed continuous land at one and the same moment of time, but merely that the several portions were so joined within the pleistocene era as to allow the animals and plants to migrate freely in succession from one district to another. southernmost extent of erratics in england. in reference to that portion of the south of england which is marked by diagonal lines in figure 39, the theory of its having been an area of dry land during the period of great submergence and floating ice does not depend merely on negative evidence, such as the absence of the northern drift or boulder clay on its surface; but we have also, in favour of the same conclusion, the remarkable fact of the presence of erratic blocks on the southern coast of sussex, implying the existence there of an ancient coast-line at a period when the cold must have been at its height. these blocks are to be seen in greatest number at pagham and selsea, 15 miles south of chichester, in latitude 50 degrees 40 minutes north. they consist of fragments of granite, syenite and greenstone, as well as of devonian and silurian rocks, some of them of large size. i measured one of granite at pagham, 27 feet in circumference. they are not of northern origin, but must have come from the coast of normandy or brittany, or from land which may once have existed to the south-west, in what is now the english channel. they were probably drifted into their present site by coast ice, and the yellow clay and gravel in which they are embedded are a littoral formation, as shown by the shells. beneath the gravel containing these large erratics, is a blue mud in which skeletons of elephas antiquus, and other mammalia, have been observed. still lower occurs a sandy loam, from which mr. r.g. austen* has collected thirty-eight species of marine shells, all recent, but forming an assemblage differing as a whole from that now inhabiting the english channel. (* "quarterly journal of the geological society" volume 13 1857 page 50.) the presence among them of lutraria rugosa and pecten polymorphus, not known to range farther north in the actual seas than the coast of portugal, indicates a somewhat warmer temperature at the time when they flourished. subsequently, there must have been great cold when the selsea erratics were drifted into their present position, and this cold doubtless coincided in time with a low temperature farther north. [30] these transported rocks of sussex are somewhat older than a sea-beach with recent marine shells which at brighton is covered by chalk rubble, called the "elephant-bed" which i cannot describe in this place, but i allude to it as one of many geological proofs of the former existence of a seashore in this region, and of ancient cliffs bounding the channel between france and england, all of older date than the close of the glacial period. [31] in order to form a connected view of the most simple series of changes in physical geography which can possibly account for the phenomena of the glacial period, and the period of the establishment of the present provinces of animals and plants, the following geographical states of the british and adjoining areas may be enumerated. first, a continental period, towards the close of which the forest of cromer flourished: when the land was at least 500 feet above its present level, perhaps much higher, and its extent probably greater than that given in the map, figure 41. secondly, a period of submergence, by which the land north of the thames and bristol channel, and that of ireland, was gradually reduced to such an archipelago as is pictured in map, figure 40; and finally to such a general prevalence of sea as is seen in map, figure 39. this was the period of great submergence and of floating ice, when the scandinavian flora, which occupied the lower grounds during the first continental period, may have obtained exclusive possession of the only lands not covered with perpetual snow. thirdly, a second continental period when the bed of the glacial sea, with its marine shells and erratic blocks, was laid dry, and when the quantity of land equalled that of the first period, and therefore probably exceeded that represented in the map, figure 41. during this period there were glaciers in the higher mountains of scotland and wales, and the welsh glaciers, as we have seen, pushed before them and cleared out the marine drift with which some valleys had been filled during the period of submergence. the parallel roads of glen roy are referable to some part of the same era. as a reason for presuming that the land which in map, figure 41, is only represented as 600 feet above its present level, was during part of this period much higher, professor ramsay has suggested that, as the previous depression far exceeded 100 fathoms (amounting in wales to 1400 feet, as shown by marine shells, and to 2300, by stratified drift), it is not improbable that the upward movement was on a corresponding scale. in passing from the period of chief submergence to this second continental condition of things, we may conceive a gradual change first from that of map 39 to map 40, then from the latter phase to that of map 41, and finally to still greater accessions of land. during this last period the passage of the germanic flora into the british area took place, and the scandinavian plants, together with northern insects, birds, and quadrupeds, retreated into the higher grounds. judging from the evidence at present before us, the first appearance of man, when, together with the mammoth and woolly rhinoceros, or with the elephas antiquus, rhinoceros hemitoechus, and hippopotamus major, he ranged freely from all parts of the continent into the british area, took place during this second continental period. fourthly, the next and last change comprised the breaking up of the land of the british area once more into numerous islands, ending in the present geographical condition of things. there were probably many oscillations of level during this last conversion of continuous land into islands, and such movements in opposite directions would account for the occurrence of marine shells at moderate heights above the level of the sea, notwithstanding a general lowering of the land. to the close of this era belong the marine deposits of the clyde and the carses of the tay and forth, before alluded to. in a memoir by professor e. forbes, before cited, he observes, that the land of passage by which the plants and animals migrated into ireland consisted of the upraised marine drift which had previously formed the bottom of the glacial sea. portions of this drift extend to the eastern shores of wicklow and wexford, others are found in the isle of man full of arctic shells, others on the british coast opposite ireland. the freshwater marl, containing numerous skeletons of the great deer, or megaceros, overlie in the isle of man that marine glacial drift. professor forbes also remarks that the subsequent disjunction of ireland from england, or the formation of the irish channel, which is less than 400 feet in its greatest depth, preceded the opening of the straits of dover, or the final separation of england from the continent. this he inferred from the present distribution of species both in the animal and vegetable kingdoms. thus, for example, there are twice as many reptiles in belgium as in england, and the number inhabiting england is twice that found in ireland. yet the irish species are all common to england, and all the english to belgium. it is therefore assumed that the migration of species westward having been the work of time, there was not sufficient lapse of ages to complete the fusion of the continental and british reptilian fauna, before france was separated from england and england from ireland. for the same reason there are also a great number of birds of short flight, and small quadrupeds, inhabiting england which do not cross to ireland, the irish channel seeming to have arrested them in their westward course.* (* e. forbes, fauna and flora of british isles, "memoir of the geological survey" volume 1 1846 page 344.) the depth of the irish channel in the narrower parts is only 360 feet, and the english channel between dover and calais less than 200, and rarely anywhere more than 300 feet; so that vertical movements of slight amount compared to some of those previously considered, with the aid of denuding operations or the waste of sea cliffs, and the scouring out of the channel, might in time effect the insulation of the lands above alluded to. time required for successive changes in physical geography in the pleistocene period. the time which it would require to bring about such changes of level, according to the average rate assumed in chapter 3, however vast, will not be found to exceed that which would best explain the successive fluctuations in terrestrial temperature, the glaciation of solid rocks, the transportation of erratics above and below the sea-level, the height of arctic shells above the sea, and last, not least, the migration of the existing species of animals and plants into their actual stations, and the extinction of some conspicuous forms which flourished during the pleistocene ages. when we duly consider all these changes which have taken place since the beginning of the glacial epoch, or since the forest of cromer and the elephas meridionalis flourished, we shall find that the phenomena become more and more intelligible in proportion to the slowness of the rate of elevation and depression which we assume. the submergence of wales to the extent of 1400 feet, as proved by glacial shells, would require 56,000 years, at the rate of 2 1/2 feet per century; but taking professor ramsay's estimate of 800 feet more, that depression being implied by the position of some of the stratified drift, we must demand an additional period of 32,000 years, amounting in all to 88,000; and the same time would be required for the re-elevation of the tract to its present height. but if the land rose in the second continental period as much as 600 feet above its present level, as in figure 41, this 600 feet, first of rising and then of sinking, would require 48,000 years more; the whole of the grand oscillation, comprising the submergence and re-emergence, having taken about 224,000 years for its completion; and this, even if there were no pause or stationary period, when the downward movement ceased, and before it was converted into an upward one. i am aware that it may be objected that the average rate here proposed is a purely arbitrary and conjectural one, because, at the north cape, it is supposed that there has been a rise of about 5 feet in a century, and at spitsbergen, according to mr. lamont, a still faster upheaval during the last 400 years.* (* "seasons with the sea-horses" page 202.) but, granting that in these and some exceptional cases (none of them as yet very well established) the rising or sinking has, for a time, been accelerated, i do not believe the average rate of motion to exceed that above proposed. mr. darwin, i find, considers that such a mean rate of upheaval would be as high as we could assume for the west coast of south america, where we have more evidence of sudden changes of level than anywhere else. he has not, however, attempted to estimate the probable rate of secular elevation in that or any other region. little progress has yet been made in divining the most probable causes of these great movements of the earth's crust; yet what little we know of the state of the interior leads us to expect that the gradual expansion or contraction of large portions of the solid crust may be the result of fluctuations in temperature, with which the existence of hundreds of active and thousands of extinct volcanoes is probably connected. it is ascertained that solid rocks, such as granite and sandstone, expand and contract annually, even under such a moderate range of temperature as that of a canadian winter and summer. if the heat should go on increasing through a thickness, say only of 10 miles of the earth's crust, the gradual upheaval of the incumbent mass may amount to many hundreds of feet; and the elevation may be carried still farther, by the complete fusion of part of the inferior rocks. according to the experiments of deville, the contraction of granite, in passing from a melted, or as some would say its plastic condition, to a solid state, must be more than 10 per cent.* (* "bull. societe geologique france" 2nd series volume 4 page 1312.) so that we have at our command a source of depression on a grand scale, at every period when granitic rocks have originated in the interior of the earth's crust. all mineralogists are agreed that the passage of voluminous masses, from a liquid or pasty to a solid and crystalline state, must be an extremely slow process. it may often happen that, in the same series of superimposed rocks, some are expanding while still solid or while partially melting, while others are at the same time crystallising and contracting; so that the alterations of level at the surface may be the result of complicated and often of conflicting agencies. the more gradually we conceive such changes to take place, the more comprehensible they become in the eyes of the chemist and natural philosopher who speculates on the changes of the earth's interior; and the more fertile are they in the hands of the geologist in accounting for revolutions on the habitable surface. we may presume, that after the movement has gone on for a long time in one determinate direction, whether of elevation or depression, the change to an opposite movement, implying the substitution of a heating for a refrigerating operation, or the reverse, would not take place suddenly; but would be marked by a period of inaction, or of slight movement, or such a state of quiescence, as prevails throughout large areas of dry land in the normal condition of the globe. i see no reason for supposing that any part of the revolutions in physical geography, to which the maps above described have reference, indicate any catastrophes greater than those which the present generation has witnessed. if man was in existence when the cromer forest was becoming submerged, he would have felt no more alarm than the danish settlers on the east coast of baffin's bay, when they found the poles, which they had driven into the beach to secure their boats, had subsided below their original level. already, perhaps, the melting ice has thrown down till and boulders upon those poles, a counterpart of the boulder clay which overlies the forest-bed on the norfolk cliffs. we have seen that all the plants and shells, marine and freshwater, of the forest bed, and associated fluvio-marine strata of norfolk, are specifically identical with those of the living european flora and fauna; so that if upon such a stratum a deposit of the present period, whether freshwater or marine, should be thrown down, it might lie conformably over it, and contain the same invertebrate fauna and flora. the strata so superimposed would, in ordinary geological language, be called contemporaneous, not only as belonging to the same epoch, but as appertaining strictly to the same subdivision of one and the same epoch; although they would in fact have been separated by an interval of several hundred thousand years. if, in the lower of the two formations, some of the mammalia of the genera elephant and rhinoceros were found to be distinct in species from those of the same genera in the upper or "recent" stratum, it might appear as though there had been a sudden coming in of new forms, and a sudden dying out of old ones; for there would not have been time in the interval for any perceptible change in the invertebrate fauna, by which alone we usually measure the lapse of time in the older formations. when we are contrasting the vertebrate contents of two sets of superimposed strata of the cretaceous, oolitic, or any other ancient formation in which the shells are identical in species, we ought never to lose sight of the possibility of their having been separated by such intervals or by two or three thousand centuries. that number of years may sometimes be of small moment in reference to the rate of fluctuation of species in the lower animals, but very important when the succession of forms in the highest classes of vertebrata is concerned. if we reflect on the long series of events of the pleistocene and recent periods contemplated in this chapter, it will be remarked that the time assigned to the first appearance of man, so far as our geological inquiries have yet gone, is extremely modern in relation to the age of the existing fauna and flora, or even to the time when most of the living species of animals and plants attained their actual geographical distribution. at the same time it will also be seen, that if the advent of man in europe occurred before the close of the second continental period, and antecedently to the separation of ireland from england and of england from the continent, the event would be sufficiently remote to cause the historical period to appear quite insignificant in duration, when compared to the antiquity of the human race. chapter 15. -extinct glaciers of the alps and their chronological relation to the human period. extinct glaciers of switzerland. alpine erratic blocks on the jura. not transported by floating ice. extinct glaciers of the italian side of the alps. theory of the origin of lake-basins by the erosive action of glaciers considered. successive phases in the development of glacial action in the alps. probable relation of these to the earliest known date of man. correspondence of the same with successive changes in the glacial condition of the scandinavian and british mountains. cold period in sicily and syria. extinct glaciers of switzerland. we have seen in the preceding chapters that the mountains of scandinavia, scotland, and north wales have served, during the glacial period, as so many independent centres for the dispersion of erratic blocks, just as at present the ice-covered continent of north greenland is sending down ice in all directions to the coast, and filling baffin's bay with floating bergs, many of them laden with fragments of rocks. another great european centre of ice-action during the pleistocene period was the alps of switzerland, and i shall now proceed to consider the chronological relations of the extinct alpine glaciers to those of more northern countries previously treated of. [32] the alps lie far south of the limits of the northern drift described in the foregoing pages, being situated between the 44th and 47th degrees of north latitude. on the flanks of these mountains, and on the sub-alpine ranges of hills or plains adjoining them, those appearances which have been so often alluded to, as distinguishing or accompanying the drift, between the 50th and 70th parallels of north latitude, suddenly reappear and assume, in a southern region, a truly arctic development. where the alps are highest, the largest erratic blocks have been sent forth; as, for example, from the regions of mont blanc and monte rosa, into the adjoining parts of switzerland and italy; while in districts where the great chain sinks in altitude, as in carinthia, carniola, and elsewhere, no such rocky fragments, or a few only and of smaller bulk, have been detached and transported to a distance. in the year 1821, m. venetz first announced his opinion that the alpine glaciers must formerly have extended far beyond their present limits, and the proofs appealed to by him in confirmation of this doctrine were afterwards acknowledged by m. charpentier, who strengthened them by new observations and arguments, and declared in 1836 his conviction that the glaciers of the alps must once have reached as far as the jura, and have carried thither their moraines across the great valley of switzerland. m. agassiz, after several excursions in the alps with m. charpentier, and after devoting himself some years to the study of glaciers, published in 1840 an admirable description of them and of the marks which attest the former action of great masses of ice over the entire surface of the alps and the surrounding country.* (* agassiz, "etudes sur les glaciers et systeme glaciaire.") he pointed out that the surface of every large glacier is strewed over with gravel and stones detached from the surrounding precipices by frost, rain, lightning, or avalanches. and he described more carefully than preceding writers the long lines of these stones, which settle on the sides of the glacier, and are called the lateral moraines; those found at the lower end of the ice being called terminal moraines. such heaps of earth and boulders every glacier pushes before it when advancing, and leaves behind it when retreating. when the alpine glacier reaches a lower and a warmer situation, about 3000 or 4000 feet above the sea, it melts so rapidly that, in spite of the downward movement of the mass, it can advance no farther. its precise limits are variable from year to year, and still more so from century to century; one example being on record of a recession of half a mile in a single year. we also learn from m. venetz, that whereas, between the eleventh and fifteenth centuries, all the alpine glaciers were less advanced than now, they began in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries to push forward, so as to cover roads formerly open, and to overwhelm forests of ancient growth. these oscillations enable the geologist to note the marks which a glacier leaves behind it as it retrogrades; and among these the most prominent, as before stated, are the terminal moraines, or mounds of unstratified earth and stones, often divided by subsequent floods into hillocks, which cross the valley like ancient earthworks, or embankments made to dam up a river. some of these transverse barriers were formerly pointed out by saussure below the glacier of the rhone, as proving how far it had once transgressed its present boundaries. on these moraines we see many large angular fragments, which, having been carried along the surface of the ice, have not had their edges worn off by friction; but the greater number of the boulders, even those of large size, have been well rounded, not by the power of water, but by the mechanical force of the ice, which has pushed them against each other, or against the rocks flanking the valley. others have fallen down the numerous fissures which intersect the glacier, where, being subject to the pressure of the whole mass of ice, they have been forced along, and either well rounded or ground down into sand, or even the finest mud, of which the moraine is largely constituted. as the terminal moraines are the most prominent of all the monuments left by a receding glacier, so are they the most liable to obliteration; for violent floods or debacles are sometimes occasioned in the alps by the sudden bursting of glacier-lakes, or those temporary sheets of water before alluded to which are caused by the damming up of a river by a glacier which has increased during a succession of cold seasons, and descending from a tributary into the main valley, has crossed it from side to side. on the failure of this icy barrier the accumulated waters, being let loose, sweep away and level many a transverse mound of gravel and loose boulders below, and spread their materials in confused and irregular beds over the river-plain. another mark of the former action of glaciers in situations where they exist no longer, is the polished, striated, and grooved surfaces of rocks before described. stones which lie underneath the glacier and are pushed along by it sometimes adhere to the ice, and as the mass glides slowly along at the rate of a few inches, or at the utmost 2 or 3 feet per day, abrade, groove, and polish the rock, and the larger blocks are reciprocally grooved and polished by the rock on their lower sides. as the forces both of pressure and propulsion are enormous, the sand acting like emery polishes the surface; the pebbles, like coarse gravers, scratch and furrow it; and the large stones scoop out grooves in it. lastly, projecting eminences of rock, called "roches moutonnees," are smoothed and worn into the shape of flattened domes where the glaciers have passed over them. although the surface of almost every kind of rock when exposed to the open air wastes away by decomposition, yet some retain for ages their polished and furrowed exterior: and if they are well protected by a covering of clay or turf, these marks of abrasion seem capable of enduring for ever. they have been traced in the alps to great heights above the present glaciers, and to great horizontal distances beyond them. another effect of a glacier is to lodge a ring of stones round the summit of a conical peak which may happen to project through the ice. if the glacier is lowered greatly by melting, these circles of large angular fragments, which are called "perched blocks," are left in a singular situation near the top of a steep hill or pinnacle, the lower parts of which may be destitute of boulders. alpine erratic blocks on the jura. now some or all the marks above enumerated,--the moraines, erratics, polished surfaces, domes, striae, and perched rocks--are observed in the alps at great heights above the present glaciers and far below their actual extremities; also in the great valley of switzerland, 50 miles broad; and almost everywhere on the jura, a chain which lies to the north of this valley. the average height of the jura is about one-third that of the alps, and it is now entirely destitute of glaciers; yet it presents almost everywhere moraines, and polished and grooved surfaces of rocks. the erratics, moreover, which cover it present a phenomenon which has astonished and perplexed the geologist for more than half a century. no conclusion can be more incontestable than that these angular blocks of granite, gneiss, and other crystalline formations, came from the alps, and that they have been brought for a distance of 50 miles and upwards across one of the widest and deepest valleys of the world; so that they are now lodged on the hills and valleys of a chain composed of limestone and other formations, altogether distinct from those of the alps. their great size and angularity, after a journey of so many leagues, has justly excited wonder, for hundreds of them are as large as cottages; and one in particular, composed of gneiss, celebrated under the name of pierre a bot, rests on the side of a hill about 900 feet above the lake of neufchatel, and is no less than 40 feet in diameter. but there are some far-transported masses of granite and gneiss which are still larger, and which have been found to contain 50,000 and 60,000 cubic feet of stone; and one limestone block at devens, near bex, which has travelled 30 miles, contains 161,000 cubic feet, its angles being sharp and unworn. von buch, escher, and studer inferred, from an examination of the mineral composition of the boulders, that those resting on the jura, opposite the lakes of geneva and neufchatel, have come from the region of mont blanc and the valais, as if they had followed the course of the rhone to the lake of geneva, and had then pursued their way uninterruptedly in a northerly direction. m. charpentier, who conceived the alps in the period of greatest cold to have been higher by several thousand feet than they are now, had already suggested that the alpine glaciers once reached continuously to the jura, conveying thither the large erratics in question.* (* d'archiac, "histoire des progres" etc. volume 2 page 249.) m. agassiz, on the other hand, instead of introducing distinct and separate glaciers, imagined that the whole valley of switzerland might have been filled with ice, and that one great sheet of it extended from the alps to the jura, the two chains being of the same height as now relatively to each other. to this idea it was objected that the difference of altitude, when distributed over a space of 50 miles, would give an inclination of two degrees only, or far less than that of any known glacier. in spite of this difficulty, the hypothesis has since received the support of professor james forbes in his very able work on the alps published in 1843. in 1841, i advanced jointly with mr. darwin* the theory that the erratics may have been transferred by floating ice to the jura, at the time when the greater part of that chain and the whole of the swiss valley to the south was under the sea. (* see "elements of geology" 2nd edition 1841.) we pointed out that if at that period the alps had attained only half their present altitude they would yet have constituted a chain as lofty as the chilean andes, which in a latitude corresponding to switzerland now send down glaciers to the head of every sound, from which icebergs covered with blocks of granite are floated seaward. opposite that part of chile where the glaciers abound is situated the island of chiloe 100 miles in length with a breadth of 30 miles, running parallel to the continent. the channel which separates it from the main land is of considerable depth and 25 miles broad. parts of its surface, like the adjacent coast of chile, are overspread with recent marine shells, showing an upheaval of the land during a very modern period; and beneath these shells is a boulder deposit in which mr. darwin found large blocks of granite and syenite which had evidently come from the andes. a continuance in future of the elevatory movement now observed to be going on in this region of the andes and of chiloe might cause the former chain to rival the alps in altitude and give to chiloe a height equal to that of the jura. the same rise might dry up the channel between chiloe and the main land so that it would then represent the great valley of switzerland. sir roderick i. murchison, after making several important geological surveys of the alps, proposed in 1849 a theory agreeing essentially with that suggested by mr. darwin and myself, namely that the erratics were transported to the jura at a time when the great strath of switzerland and many valleys receding far into the alps were under water. he thought it impossible that the glacial detritus of the rhone could ever have been carried to the lake of geneva and beyond it by a glacier, or that so vast a body of ice issuing from one narrow valley could have spread its erratics over the low country of the cantons of vaud, fribourg, berne, and soleure, as well as the slopes of the jura, comprising a region of about 100 miles in breadth from south-west to north-east, as laid down in the map of charpentier. he therefore imagined the granitic blocks to have been translated to the jura by ice-floats when the intermediate country was submerged.* (* "quarterly journal of the geological society" volume 6 1850 page 65.) it may be remarked that this theory, provided the water be assumed to have been salt or brackish, demands quite as great an oscillation in the level of the land as that on which charpentier had speculated, the only difference being that the one hypothesis requires us to begin with a subsidence of 2500 or 3000 feet, and the other with an elevation to the same amount. we should also remember that the crests or watersheds of the alps and jura are about 80 miles apart, and if once we suppose them to have been in movement during the glacial period it is very probable that the movements at such a distance may not have been strictly uniform. if so the alps may have been relatively somewhat higher, which would have greatly facilitated the extension of alpine glaciers to the flanks of the less elevated chain. five years before the publication of the memoir last mentioned, m. guyot had brought forward a great body of new facts in support of the original doctrine of charpentier, that the alpine glaciers once reached as far as the jura and that they had deposited thereon a portion of their moraines.* (* "bulletin de la societe des sciences naturelles de neufchatel" 1845.) the scope of his observations and argument was laid with great clearness before the british public in 1852 by mr. charles maclaren, who had himself visited switzerland for the sake of forming an independent opinion on a theoretical question of so much interest and on which so many eminent men of science had come to such opposite conclusions.* (* "edinburgh new philosophical magazine" october 1852.) m. guyot had endeavoured to show that the alpine erratics, instead of being scattered at random over the jura and the great plain of switzerland, are arranged in a certain determinate order strictly analogous to that which ought to prevail if they had once constituted the lateral, medial, and terminal moraines of great glaciers. the rocks chiefly relied on as evidence of this distribution consist of three varieties of granite, besides gneiss, chlorite-slate, euphotide, serpentine, and a peculiar kind of conglomerate, all of them foreign alike to the great strath between the alps and jura and to the structure of the jura itself. in these two regions limestones, sandstones, and clays of the secondary and tertiary formations alone crop out at the surface, so that the travelled fragments of alpine origin can easily be distinguished and in some cases the precise localities pointed out from whence they must have come. [illustration: figure 42. map of ancient glacier] (figure 42. map showing the supposed course of the ancient and now extinct glacier of the rhone, and the distribution of the erratic blocks and drift conveyed by it to the great valley of switzerland and the jura.) the accompanying map or diagram (figure 42) slightly altered from one given by mr. maclaren will enable the reader more fully to appreciate the line of argument relied on by m. guyot. the dotted area is that over which the alpine fragments were spread by the supposed extinct glacier of the rhone. the site of the present reduced glacier of that name is shown at a. from that point the boulders may first be traced to b, or martigny, where the valley takes an abrupt turn at right angles to its former course. here the blocks belonging to the right side of the river or derived from c d e have not crossed over to the left side at b, as they should have done had they been transported by floating ice, but continue to keep to the side to which they belonged, assuming that they once formed part of a right lateral moraine of a great extinct glacier. that glacier, after arriving at the lower end of the long narrow valley of the upper rhone at f, filled the lake of geneva, f, i, with ice. from f, as from a great vomitory, it then radiated in all directions bearing along with it the moraines with which it was loaded and spreading them out on all sides over the great plain. but the principal icy mass moved straight onwards in a direct line towards the hill of chasseron, g (precisely opposite f), where the alpine erratics attain their maximum of height on the jura, that is to say 2015 english feet above the level of the lake of neufchatel or 3450 feet above the sea. the granite blocks which have ascended to this eminence g came from the east shoulder of mont blanc h, having travelled in the direction b, f, g. when these and the accompanying blocks resting on the south-eastern declivity of the jura are traced from their culminating point g in opposite directions, whether westward towards geneva or eastwards towards soleure, they are found to decline in height from the middle of the arc g towards the two extremities i and k, both of which are at a lower level than g, by about 1500 feet. in other words the ice of the extinct glacier, having mounted up on the sloping flanks of the jura in the line of greatest pressure to its highest elevation, began to decline laterally in the manner of a pliant or viscous mass with a gentle inclination till it reached two points distant from each other no less than 100 miles. [33] in further confirmation of this theory m. guyot observed that fragments derived from the right bank of the great valley of the rhone c d e are found on the right side of the great swiss basin or strath as at l and m, while those derived from the left bank p h occur on the left side of the basin or on the jura between g and i; and those again derived from places farthest up on the left bank and nearest the source of the rhone, as n o, occupy the middle of the great basin, constituting between m and k what m. guyot calls the frontal or terminal moraine of the eastern prolongation of the old glacier. a huge boulder of talcose granite, now at steinhoff, 10 miles east from k, or soleure, containing 61,000 french cubic feet, or equal in bulk to a mass measuring 40 feet in every direction, was ascertained by charpentier from its composition to have been derived from n, one of the highest points on the left side of the rhone valley far above martigny. from this spot it must have gone all round by f, which is the only outlet to the deep valley, so as to have performed a journey of no less than 150 miles! general transportation of erratics in switzerland due to glaciers and not to floating ice. it is evident that the above described restriction of certain fragments of peculiar lithological character to that bank of the rhone where the parent rocks are alone met with and the linear arrangement of the blocks in corresponding order on the opposite side of the great plain of switzerland, are facts which harmonise singularly well with the theory of glaciers while they are wholly irreconcilable with that of floating ice. against the latter hypothesis all the arguments which charpentier originally brought forward in opposition to the first popular doctrine of a grand debacle or sudden flood rushing down from the alps to the jura might be revived. had there ever been such a rush of muddy water, said he, the blocks carried down the basins of the principal swiss rivers, such as the rhone, aar, reuss, and limmat, would all have been mingled confusedly together instead of having each remained in separate and distinct areas as they do and should do according to the glacial hypothesis. m. morlot presented me in 1857 with an unpublished map of switzerland in which he had embodied the results of his own observations and those of mm. guyot, escher, and others, marking out by distinct colours the limits of the ice-transported detritus proper to each of the great river-basins. the arrangement of the drift and erratics thus depicted accords perfectly well with charpentier's views and is quite irreconcilable with the supposition of the scattered blocks having been dispersed by floating ice when switzerland was submerged. as opposed to the latter hypothesis, i may also state that nowhere as yet have any marine shells or other fossils than those of a terrestrial character, such as the bones of the mammoth and a few other mammalia and some coniferous wood, been detected in those drifts, though they are often many hundreds of feet in thickness. a glance at m. morlot's map, above mentioned,* will show that the two largest areas, indicated by a single colour, are those over which the rhone and the rhine are supposed to have spread out in ancient times their enormous moraines. (* see map, "quarterly journal of the geological society" volume 18 1862 page 185 plate 18.) one of these only, that of the rhone, has been exhibited in our diagram, figure 42. the distinct character of the drift in the two cases is such as it would be if two colossal glaciers should now come down from the higher alps through the valleys traversed by those rivers, leaving their moraines in the low country. the space occupied by the glacial drift of the rhine is equal in dimensions or rather exceeds that of the rhone, and its course is not interfered with in the least degree by the lake of constance, 45 miles long, any more than is the dispersion of the erratics of the rhone by the lake of geneva, about 50 miles in length. the angular and other blocks have in both instances travelled on precisely as if those lakes had no existence, or as if, which was no doubt the case, they had been filled with solid ice. during my last visit to switzerland in 1857, i made excursions, in company with several distinguished geologists, for the sake of testing the relative merits of the two rival theories above referred to, and i examined parts of the jura above neufchatel in company with m. desor, the country round soleure with m. langen, the southern side of the great strath near lausanne with m. morlot, the basin of the aar around berne with m. escher von der linth; and having satisfied myself that all the facts which i saw north of the alps were in accordance with m. guyot's views, i crossed to the italian side of the great chain and became convinced that the same theory was equally applicable to the ancient moraines of the plains of the po. m. escher pointed out to me at trogen in appenzel on the left bank of the rhine fragments of a rock of a peculiar mineralogical character, commonly called the granite of pontelyas, the natural position of which is well known near trons, 100 miles from trogen, on the left bank of the rhine about 30 miles from the source of that river. all the blocks of this peculiar granite keep to the left bank, even where the valley turns almost at right angles to its former course near mayenfeld below chur, making a sharp bend resembling that of the valley of the rhone at martigny. the granite blocks, where they are traced to the low country, still keep to the left side of the lake of constance. that they should not have crossed over to the opposite river-bank below chur is quite inexplicable if, rejecting the aid of land-ice, we appeal to floating ice as the transporting power. in m. morlot's map already cited we behold between the areas occupied by the glacial drift of the rhine and rhone three smaller yet not inconsiderable spaces distinguished by distinct colours, indicating the peculiar detritus brought down by the three great rivers, the aar, reuss, and limmat. the ancient glacier of the first of these, the aar, has traversed the lakes of brienz and thun and has borne angular, polished, and striated blocks of limestone and other rocks as far as berne and somewhat below that city. the reuss has also stamped the lithological character of its own mountainous region upon the lower part of its hydrographical basin by covering it with its peculiar alpine drift. in like manner the old extinct glacier of the limmat during its gradual retreat has left monuments of its course in the lake of zurich in the shape of terminal moraines, one of which has almost divided that great sheet of water into two lakes. the ice-work done by the extinct glaciers, as contrasted with that performed by their dwarfed representatives of the present day, is in due proportion to the relative volume of the supposed glaciers, whether we measure them by the distances to which they have carried erratic blocks or the areas which they have strewed over with drift or the hard surfaces of rock and number of boulders which they have polished and striated. instead of a length of 5, 10, or 20 miles and a thickness of 200, 300, or at the utmost 800 feet, those giants of the olden time must have been from 50 to 150 miles long and between 1000 and 3000 feet deep. in like manner the glaciation although identical in kind is on so small a scale in the existing alpine glaciers as at first sight to disappoint a swedish, scotch, welsh, or north american geologist. when i visited the terminal moraine of the glacier of the rhone in 1859 and tried to estimate the number of angular or rounded pebbles and blocks which exhibited glacial polishing or scratches as compared to those bearing no such markings, i found that several thousand had to be reckoned before i arrived at the first which was so striated or polished as to differ from the stones of an ordinary torrent-bed. even in the moraines of the glaciers of zermatt, viesch, and others, in which fragments of limestone and serpentine are abundant (rocks which most readily receive and most faithfully retain the signs of glaciation), i found, for one which displayed such indications, several hundreds entirely free from them. of the most opposite character were the results obtained by me from a similar scrutiny of the boulders and pebbles of the terminal moraine of one of the old extinct glaciers, namely, that of the rhone in the suburbs of soleure. thus at the point k in the map, figure 42, i observed a mass of unstratified clay or mud, through which a variety of angular and rubbed stones were scattered and a marked proportion of the whole were polished and scratched and the clay rendered so compact, as if by the incumbent pressure of a great mass of ice, that it has been found necessary to blow it up with gunpowder in making railway cuttings through part of it. a limestone of the age of our portland stone on which this old moraine rests, has its surface polished like a looking-glass, displaying beautiful sections of fossil shells of the genera nerinaea and pteroceras, while occasionally, besides finer striae, there are deep rectilinear grooves, agreeing in direction with the course in which the extinct glacier would have moved according to the theory of m. guyot, before explained. extinct glaciers of the italian side of the alps. [illustration: figure 43. map of the moraines of extinct glaciers] (figure 43. map of the moraines of extinct glaciers extending from the alps into the plains of the po near turin. from map of the ancient glaciers of the italian side of the alps by signor gabriel de mortillet. a. crest or watershed of the alps. b. snow-covered alpine summits which fed the ancient glaciers. c. moraines of ancient or extinct glaciers.) to select another example from the opposite or southern side of the alps. it will be seen in the elaborate map recently executed by signor gabriel de mortillet of the ancient glaciers of the italian flank of the alps that the old moraines descend in narrow strips from the snow-covered ridges through the principal valleys to the great basin of the po, on reaching which they expand and cover large circular or oval areas. each of these groups of detritus is observed (see map, figure 43) to contain exclusively the wreck of such rocks as occur in situ on the alpine heights of the hydrographical basins to which the moraines respectively belong. i had an opportunity of verifying this fact, in company with signor gastaldi as my guide, by examining the erratics and boulder formation between susa and turin, on the banks of the dora riparia, which brings down the waters from mont cenis and from the alps south-west of it. i there observed striated fragments of dolomite and gypsum, which had come down from mont cenis and had travelled as far as avigliana; also masses of serpentine brought from less remote points, some of them apparently exceeding in dimensions the largest erratics of switzerland. i afterwards visited, in company with signori gastaldi and michelotti, a still grander display of the work of a colossal glacier of the olden time, 20 miles north-east of turin, the moraine of which descended from the two highest of the alps, mont blanc and monte rosa, and after passing through the valley of aosta, issued from a narrow defile above ivrea (see map, figure 43). from this vomitory the old glacier poured into the plains of the po that wonderful accumulation of mud, gravel, boulders, and large erratics, which extend for 15 miles from above ivrea to below caluso and which when seen in profile from turin have the aspect of a chain of hills. in many countries, indeed, they might rank as an important range of hills, for where they join the mountains they are more than 1500 feet high, and retain more than half that height for a great part of their course, rising very abruptly from the plain, often with a slope of from 20 to 30 degrees. this glacial drift reposes near the mountains on ancient metamorphic rocks and farther from them on marine pliocene strata. portions of the ridges of till and stratified matter have been cut up into mounds and hillocks by the action of the river, the dora baltea, and there are numerous lakes, so that the entire moraine much resembles, except in its greater height and width, the line of glacial drift of perthshire and forfarshire before described. its complicated structure can only be explained by supposing that the ancient glacier advanced and retreated several times and left large lateral moraines, the more modern mounds within the limits of the older ones, and masses of till thrown down upon the rearranged and stratified materials of the first set of moraines. such appearances accord well with the hypothesis of the successive phases of glacial action in switzerland, to which i shall presently advert. contorted strata of glacial drift south of ivrea. at mazze near caluso (see figure 43), the southern extremity of this great moraine has recently been cut through in making a tunnel for the railway which runs from turin to ivrea. in the fine section thus exposed signor gastaldi and i had an opportunity of observing the internal structure of the glacial formation. in close juxtaposition to a great mass of till with striated boulders, we saw stratified beds of alternating gravel, sand, and loam, which were so sharply bent that many of them had been twice pierced through in the same vertical cutting. whether they had been thus folded by the mechanical power of an advancing glacier, which had pushed before it a heap of stratified matter, as the glacier of zermatt has been sometimes known to shove forward blocks of stone through the walls of houses, or whether the melting of masses of ice, once interstratified with sand and gravel, had given rise to flexures in the manner before suggested; it is at least satisfactory to have detected this new proof of a close connection between ice-action and contorted stratification, such as has been described as so common in the norfolk cliffs and which is also very often seen in scotland and north america, where stratified gravel overlies till. i have little doubt that if the marine pliocene strata which underlie a great part of the moraine below ivrea were exposed to view in a vertical section, those fundamental strata would be found not to participate in the least degree in the plications of the sands and gravels of the overlying glacial drift. to return to the marks of glaciation: in the moraine at mazze there are many large blocks of protogine and large and small ones of limestone and serpentine which have been brought down from monte rosa, through the gorge of ivrea, after having travelled for a distance of 50 miles. confining my attention to a part of the moraine where pieces of limestone and serpentine were very numerous, i found that no less than one-third of the whole number bore unequivocal signs of glacial action; a state of things which seems to bear some relation to the vast volume and pressure of the ice which once constituted the extinct glacier and to the distance which the stones had travelled. when i separated the pebbles of quartz, which were never striated, and those of granite, mica-schist, and diorite, which do not often exhibit glacial markings, and confined my attention to the serpentine alone i found no less than nineteen in twenty of the whole number polished and scratched; whereas in the terminal moraines of some modern glaciers, where the materials have travelled not more than 10 or 15, instead of 100 miles, scarce one in twenty even of the serpentine pebbles exhibit glacial polish and striation. theory of the origin of lake-basins by the erosive action of glaciers, considered. geologists are all agreed that the last series of movements to which the alps owe their present form and internal structure occurred after the deposition of the miocene strata; and it has been usual to refer the origin of the numerous lake-basins of alpine and sub-alpine regions both in switzerland and northern italy to the same movements; for it seemed not unnatural to suppose, that forces capable of modifying the configuration of the greatest european chain, by uplifting some of its component tertiary strata (those of marine origin of the miocene period) several thousand feet above their former level, after throwing them into vertical and contorted positions, must also have given rise to many superficial inequalities, in some of which large bodies of water would collect. m. desor, in a memoir on the swiss and italian lakes, suggested that they may have escaped being obliterated by sedimentary deposition by having been filled with ice during the whole of the glacial period. subsequently to the retreat of the great glaciers we know that the lake-basins have been to a certain extent encroached upon and turned into land by river deltas; one of which, that of the rhone at the head of the lake of geneva, is no less than 12 miles long and several miles broad, besides which there are many torrents on the borders of the same lake, forming smaller deltas. m. gabriel de mortillet after a careful study of the glacial formations of the alps agreed with his predecessors that the great lakes had existed before the glacial period, but came to the opinion in 1859 that they had all been first filled up with alluvial matter and then re-excavated by the action of ice, which during the epoch of intense cold had by its weight and force of propulsion scooped out the loose and incoherent alluvial strata, even where they had accumulated to a thickness of 2000 feet. besides this erosion, the ice had carried the whole mass of mud and stones up the inclined planes, from the central depths to the lower outlets of the lakes and sometimes far beyond them. as some of these rock-basins are 500, others more than 2000 feet deep, having their bottoms in some cases 500, in others 1000 feet below the level of the sea, and having areas from 20 to 50 miles in length and from 4 to 12 in breadth, we may well be startled at the boldness of this hypothesis. the following are the facts and train of reasoning which induced m. de mortillet to embrace these views. at the lower ends of the great italian lakes, such as maggiore, como, garda, and others, there are vast moraines which are proved by their contents to have come from the upper alpine valleys above the lakes. such moraines often repose on an older stratified alluvium, made up of rounded and worn pebbles of precisely the same rocks as those forming the moraines, but not derived from them, being small in size, never angular, polished, or striated, and the whole having evidently come from a great distance. these older alluvial strata must, according to m. de mortillet, be of pre-glacial date and could not have been carried past the sites of the lakes, unless each basin had previously been filled and levelled up with mud, sand, and gravel, so that the river channel was continuous from the upper to the lower extremity of each basin. professor ramsay, after acquiring an intimate knowledge of the glacial phenomena of the british isles, had taught many years before that small tarns and shallow rock-basins such as we see in many mountain regions owe their origin to glaciers which erode the softer rocks, leaving the harder ones standing out in relief and comparatively unabraded. following up this idea after he had visited switzerland and without any communication with m. de mortillet or cognisance of his views, he suggested in 1859 that the lake-basins were not of pre-glacial date, but had been scooped out by ice during the glacial period, the excavation having for the most part been effected in miocene sandstone, provincially called, on account of its softness, "molasse." by this theory he dispensed with the necessity of filling up pre-existing cavities with stratified alluvium, in the manner proposed by m. de mortillet. i will now explain to what extent i agree with, and on what points i feel compelled to differ from the two distinguished geologists above cited. first. it is no doubt true, as professor ramsay remarks, that heavy masses of ice, creeping for ages over a surface of dry land (whether this comprise hills, plateaus, and valleys, as in the case of greenland, before described, or be confined to the bottoms of great valleys, as now in the higher alps), must often by their grinding action produce depressions, in consequence of the different degrees of resistance offered by rocks of unequal hardness. thus, for example, where quartzose beds of mica-schist alternate with clay-slate, or where trap-dykes, often causing waterfalls in the courses of torrents, cut through sandstone or slate--these and innumerable other common associations of dissimilar stony compounds must give rise to a very unequal amount of erosion and consequently to lake-basins on a small scale. but the larger the size of any lake, the more certain it will be to contain within it rocks of every degree of hardness, toughness, and softness; and if we find a gradual deepening from the head towards the central parts and a shallowing again from the middle to the lower end, as in several of the great swiss and italian lakes, which are 30 or 40 miles in length, we require a power capable of acting with a considerable degree of uniformity on these masses of varying powers of resistance. secondly. several of the great lakes are by no means in the line of direction which they ought to have taken had they been scooped out by the pressure and onward movement of the extinct glaciers. the lake of geneva, for instance, had it been the work of ice, would have been prolonged from the termination of the upper valley of the rhone towards the jura, in the direction from f to g of the map, figure 42, instead of running from f to i. thirdly. it has been ascertained experimentally, that in a glacier, as in a river, the rate of motion is accelerated or lessened, according to the greater or less slope of the ground; also, that the lower strata of ice, like those of water, move more slowly than those above them. in the lago maggiore, which is more than 2600 feet deep (797 metres), the ice, says professor ramsay, had to descend a slope of about 3 degrees for the first 25 miles, and then to ascend for the last 12 miles (from the deepest part towards the outlet) at an angle of 5 degrees. it is for those who are conversant with the dynamics of glacier motion to divine whether in such a case the discharge of ice would not be entirely effected by the superior and faster moving strata, and whether the lowest would not be motionless or nearly so, and would therefore exert very little, if any, friction on the bottom. fourthly. but the gravest objection to the hypothesis of glacial erosion on so stupendous a scale is afforded by the entire absence of lakes of the first magnitude in several areas where they ought to exist if the enormous glaciers which once occupied those spaces had possessed the deep excavating power ascribed to them. thus in the area laid down on the map, figure 43, or that covered by the ancient moraine of the dora baltea, we see the monuments of a colossal glacier derived from mont blanc and monte rosa, which descended from points nearly 100 miles distant, and then emerging from the narrow gorge above ivrea deployed upon the plains of the po, advancing over a floor of marine pliocene strata of no greater solidity than the miocene sandstone and conglomerate in which the lake-basins of geneva, zurich, and some others are situated. why did this glacier fail to scoop out a deep and wide basin rivalling in size the lakes of maggiore or como, instead of merely giving rise to a few ponds above ivrea, which may have been due to ice action? there is one lake, it is true--that of candia, near the southern extremity of the moraine--which is larger; but even this, as will be seen by the map, is quite of subordinate importance, and whether it is situated in a rock basin or is simply caused by a dam of moraine matter has not yet been fully made out. there ought also to have been another great lake, according to the theory under consideration, in the space now occupied by the moraine of the dora riparia, between susa and turin (see map, figure 43). signor gastaldi has shown that all the ponds in that area consist exclusively of what m. de mortillet has denominated morainic lakes, i.e. caused by barriers of glacier-mud and stones. fifthly. in proof of the great lakes having had no existence before the glacial period, professor ramsay observes that we do not find in the alps any freshwater strata of an age intermediate between "the close of the miocenic and the commencement of the glacial epoch."* (* "quarterly journal of the geological society" volume 18 1862.) but although such formations are scarce, they are by no means wholly wanting; and if it can be shown that any one of the principal lakes, that of zurich for example, existed prior to the glacial era it will follow that in the alps the erosive power of ice was not required to produce lake-basins on a large scale. the deposits alluded to on the borders of the lake of zurich are those of utznach and durnten, situated each about 350 feet above the present level of the lake and containing valuable beds of lignite. the first of them, that of utznach, is a delta formed at the head of the ancient and once more extensive lake. the argillaceous and lignite-bearing strata, more than 100 feet in thickness, rest unconformably on highly inclined and sometimes vertical miocene molasse. these clays are covered conformably by stratified sand and gravel 60 feet thick, partly consolidated, in which the pebbles are of rocks belonging to the upper valleys of the limmat and its tributaries, all of them small and not glacially striated and wholly without admixture of large angular stones. on the top of all repose very large erratic blocks, affording clear evidence that the colossal glacier which once filled the valley of the limmat covered the old littoral deposit. the great age of the lignite is partly indicated by the bones of elephas antiquus found in it. i visited utznach in company with m. escher von der linth in 1857, and during the same year examined the lignite of durnten, many miles farther down on the right bank of the lake, in company with professor heer and m. marcou. the beds there are of the same age and within a few feet of the same height above the level of the lake. they might easily have been overlooked or confounded with the general glacial drift of the neighbourhood, had not the bed of lignite, which is from 5 to 12 feet thick, been worked for fuel, during which operation many organic remains came to light. among these are the teeth of elephas antiquus, determined by dr. falconer, and rhinoceros leptorhinus? (r. megarhinus, christol), the wild bull and red deer (bos primigenius, boj., and cervus elaphus, l.), the last two determined by professor rutimeyer. in the same beds i found many freshwater shells of the genera paludina, limnaea, etc., all of living species. the plants named by professor heer are also recent and agree singularly with those of the cromer buried forest, before described. among them are the scotch and spruce firs, pinus sylvestris and pinus abies, and the buckbean, or menyanthes trifoliata, etc., besides the common birch and other european plants. overlying this lignite are first, as at utznach, stratified gravel not of glacial origin, about 30 feet thick; and secondly, highest of all, huge angular erratic blocks clearly indicating the presence of a great glacier posterior in date to all the organic remains above enumerated. if any one of the existing swiss lakes were now lowered by deepening its outlet, or by raising the higher portion of it relatively to the lower, we should see similar deltas of comparatively modern date exposed to view, some of them with embedded trunks of pines of the same species drifted down during freshets. such deposits would be most frequent at the upper ends of the lakes, but a few would occur on either bank not far from the shore where torrents once entered, agreeing in geographical position with the lignite formations of utznach and durnten. there are other freshwater formations with lignite, besides those on the lake of zurich, as those of wetzikon near the pfaffikon lake, of kaltbrunnen, of buchberg, and that of morschweil between st. gall and rorschach, but none probably older than the durnten beds. like the buried forest of cromer they are all pre-glacial, yet they by no means represent the older nor even the newer pliocene period, but rather the beginning of the pleistocene. it is therefore true, as professor ramsay remarks, that, as yet, no strata "of the age of the english crag" have been detected in any alpine valley. in other words, there are no freshwater formations yet known corresponding in date to the pliocene beds of the upper val d'arno, above florence--a fact from which we may infer (though with diffidence, as the inference is based on negative evidence), that, although the great alpine valleys were eroded in pliocene times, the lake-basins were, nevertheless, of pleistocene date--some of them formed before, others during, the glacial epoch. sixthly. in what manner then did the great lake-basins originate if they were not hollowed out by ice? my answer is, they are all due to unequal movements of upheaval and subsidence. we have already seen that the buried forest of cromer, which by its organic contents seems clearly to be of the same age as the lignite of durnten, was pre-glacial and that it has undergone a great oscillation of level (about 500 feet in both directions) since its origin, having first sunk to that extent below the sea and then been raised up again to the sea-level. in the countless post-miocene ages which preceded the glacial period there was ample time for the slow erosion by water of all the principal hydrographical basins of the alps, and the sites of all the great lakes coincide, as professor ramsay truly says, with these great lines of drainage. the lake-cavities do not lie in synclinal troughs, following the strike and foldings of the strata, but often, as the same geologist remarks, cross them at high angles; nor are they due to rents or gaping fissures, although these, with other accidents connected with the disturbing movements of the alps, may sometimes have determined originally the direction of the valleys. the conformity of the lake-basins to the principal watercourses is explicable if we assume them to have resulted from inequalities in the upward and downward movements of the whole country in pleistocene times, after the valleys were eroded. we know that in sweden the rate of the rise of the land is far from uniform, being only a few inches in a century near stockholm, while north of it and beyond gefle it amounts to as many feet in the same number of years. let us suppose with charpentier that the alps gained in height several thousand feet at the time when the intense cold of the glacial period was coming on. this gradual rise would be an era of aqueous erosion and of the deepening, widening, and lengthening of the valleys. it is very improbable that the elevation would be everywhere identical in quantity, but if it was never in excess in the outskirts as compared to the central region or crest of the chain, it would not give rise to lakes. when, however, the period of upheaval was followed by one of gradual subsidence, the movement not being everywhere strictly uniform, lake-basins would be formed wherever the rate of depression was in excess in the upper country. let the region, for example, near the head waters of the great rivers sink at the rate of from 4 to 6 feet per century, while only half as much subsidence occurs towards the circumference of the mountains--the rate diminishing about an inch per mile in a distance, say of 40 miles--this might convert many of the largest and deepest valleys at their lower ends into lakes. we have no certainty that such movements may not now be in progress in the alps; for if they are as slow as we have assumed, they would be as insensible to the inhabitants as is the upheaval of scandinavia or the subsidence of greenland to the swedes and danes who dwell there. they only know of the progress of such geographical revolutions because a slight change of level becomes manifest on the margin of the sea. the lines of elevation or depression above supposed might leave no clear geological traces of their action on the high ridges and table-lands separating the valleys of the principal rivers; it is only when they cross such valleys that the disturbance caused in the course of thousands of years in the drainage becomes apparent. if there were no ice, the sinking of the land might not give rise to lakes. to accomplish this in the absence of ice, it is necessary that the rate of depression should be sufficiently fast to make it impossible for the depositing power of the river to keep pace with it, or in other words to fill up the incipient cavity as fast as it begins to form. such levelling operations once complete, the running water, aided by sand and pebbles, will gradually cut a gorge through the newly raised rock so as to prevent it from forming a barrier. but if a great glacier fill the lower part of the valley all the conditions of the problem are altered. instead of the mud, sand, and stones drifted down from the higher regions being left behind in the incipient basin, they all travel onwards in the shape of moraines on the top of the ice, passing over and beyond the new depression, so that when at the end of fifty or a thousand centuries the glacier melts, a large and deep basin representing the difference in the movement of two adjoining mountain areas--namely, the central and the circumferential--is for the first time rendered visible. by adopting this hypothesis, we concede that there is an intimate connection between the glacial period and a predominance of lakes, in producing which the action of ice is threefold; first, by its direct power in scooping out shallow basins where the rocks are of unequal hardness; an operation which can by no means be confined to the land, for it must extend to below the level of high water a thousand feet and more in such fjords as have been described as filled with ice in greenland. secondly. the ice will act indirectly by preventing cavities caused by inequalities of subsidence or elevation from becoming the receptacles first of water and then of sediment, by which the cavities would be levelled up and the lakes obliterated. thirdly. the ice is also an indirect cause of lakes, by heaping up mounds of moraine matter and thus giving rise to ponds and even to sheets of water several miles in diameter. the comparative scarcity, therefore, of lakes of pleistocene date in tropical countries, and very generally south of the fortieth and fiftieth parallels of latitude, may be accounted for by the absence of glacial action in such regions. post-glacial lake-dwelling in the north of italy. we learn from m. de mortillet that in the peat which has filled up one of the "morainic lakes" formed by the ancient glacier of the ticino, m. moro has discovered at mercurago the piles of a lake-dwelling like those of switzerland, together with various utensils and a canoe hollowed out of the trunk of a tree. from this fact we learn that south of the alps as well as north of them a primitive people having similar habits flourished after the retreat of the great glaciers. successive phases of glacial action in the alps, and their relation to the human period [34]. according to the geological observations of m. morlot, the following successive phases in the development of ice-action in the alps are plainly recognisable:-first. there was a period when the ice was in its greatest excess, when the glacier of the rhone not only reached the jura, but climbed to the height of 2015 feet above the lake of neufchatel, and 3450 feet above the sea, at which time the alpine ice actually entered the french territory at some points, penetrating by certain gorges, as through the defile of the fort de l'ecluse, among others. second. to this succeeded a prolonged retreat of the great glaciers, when they evacuated not only the jura and the low country between that chain and the alps, but retired some way back into the alpine valleys. m. morlot supposes their diminution in volume to have accompanied a general subsidence of the country to the extent of at least 1000 feet. the geological formations of the second period consist of stratified masses of sand and gravel, called the "ancient alluvium" by mm. necker and favre, corresponding to the "older or lower diluvium" of some writers. their origin is evidently due to the action of rivers, swollen by the melting of ice, by which the materials of parts of the old moraines were rearranged and stratified and left usually at considerable heights above the level of the present valley plains. third. the glaciers again advanced and became of gigantic dimensions, though they fell far short of those of the first period. that of the rhone, for example, did not again reach the jura, though it filled the lake of geneva and formed enormous moraines on its borders and in many parts of the valley between the alps and jura. fourth. a second retreat of the glaciers took place when they gradually shrank nearly into their present limits, accompanied by another accumulation of stratified gravels which form in many places a series of terraces above the level of the alluvial plains of the existing rivers. in the gorge of the dranse, near thonon, m. morlot discovered no less than three of these glacial formations in direct superposition, namely, at the bottom of the section, a mass of compact till or boulder-clay (number 1) 12 feet thick, including striated boulders of alpine limestone, and covered by regularly stratified ancient alluvium (number 2) 150 feet thick, made up of rounded pebbles in horizontal beds. this mass is in its turn overlaid by a second formation (number 3) of unstratified boulder clay, with erratic blocks and striated pebbles, which constituted the left lateral moraine of the great glacier of the rhone when it advanced for the second time to the lake of geneva. at a short distance from the above section terraces (number 4) composed of stratified alluvium are seen at the heights of 20, 50, 100, and 150 feet above the lake of geneva, which by their position can be shown to be posterior in date to the upper boulder-clay and therefore belong to the fourth period, or that of the last retreat of the great glaciers. in the deposits of this fourth period the remains of the mammoth have been discovered, as at morges, for example, on the lake of geneva. the conical delta of the tiniere, mentioned in chapter 2 as containing at different depths monuments of the roman as well as of the antecedent bronze and stone ages, is the work of alluvial deposition going on when the terrace of 50 feet was in progress. this modern delta is supposed by m. morlot to have required 10,000 years for its accumulation. at the height of 150 feet above the lake, following up the course of the same torrent, we come to a more ancient delta, about ten times as large, which is therefore supposed to be the monument of about ten times as many centuries, or 100,000 years, all referable to the fourth period mentioned in the preceding page, or that which followed the last retreat of the great glaciers.* (* morlot, terrain quaternaire du bassin de leman "bulletin de la societe vaudoise des sciences naturelles" number 44.) if the lower flattened cone of tiniere be referred in great part to the age of the oldest lake-dwellings, the higher one might perhaps correspond with the pleistocene period of st. acheul, or the era when man and the elephas primigenius flourished together; but no human remains or works of art have as yet been found in deposits of this age or in any alluvium containing the bones of extinct mammalia in switzerland. upon the whole, it is impossible not to be struck with an apparent correspondence in the succession of events of the glacial period of switzerland and that of the british isles before described. the time of the first alpine glaciers of colossal dimensions, when that chain perhaps was several thousand feet higher than now, may have agreed with the first continental period when scotland was invested with a universal crust of ice. the retreat of the first alpine glaciers, caused partly by a lowering of that chain, may have been synchronous with the period of great submergence and floating ice in england. the second advance of the glaciers may have coincided in date with the re-elevation of the alps, as well as of the scotch and welsh mountains; and lastly, the final retreat of the swiss and italian glaciers may have taken place when man and the extinct mammalia were colonising the north-west of europe and beginning to inhabit areas which had formed the bed of the glacial sea during the era of chief submergence. but it must be confessed that in the present state of our knowledge these attempts to compare the chronological relations of the periods of upheaval and subsidence of areas so widely separated as are the mountains of scandinavia, the british isles, and the alps, or the times of the advance and retreat of glaciers in those several regions and the greater or less intensity of cold, must be looked upon as very conjectural. we may presume with more confidence that when the alps were highest and the alpine glaciers most developed, filling all the great lakes of northern italy and loading the plains of piedmont and lombardy with ice, the waters of the mediterranean were chilled and of a lower average temperature than now. such a period of refrigeration is required by the conchologist to account for the prevalence of northern shells in the sicilian seas about the close of the pliocene or commencement of the pleistocene period. for such shells as cyprina islandica, panopoea norvegica (= p. bivonae, philippi), leda pygmaea, munst, and some others, enumerated among the fossils of the latest tertiary formations of sicily by philippi and edward forbes, point unequivocally to a former more severe climate. dr. hooker also in his late journey to syria (in the autumn of 1860) found the moraines of extinct glaciers, on which the whole of the ancient cedars of lebanon grow, to descend 4000 feet below the summit of that chain. the temperature of syria is now so much milder that there is no longer perpetual snow even on the summit of lebanon, the height of which was ascertained to be 10,200 feet above the mediterranean.* (* hooker, "natural history review" number 5 january 1862 page 11.) such monuments of a cold climate in latitudes so far south as syria and the north of sicily, between 33 and 38 degrees north, may be confidently referred to an early part of the glacial period, or to times long anterior to those of man and the extinct mammalia of abbeville and amiens. chapter 16. -human remains in the loess, and their probable age. nature, origin, and age of the loess of the rhine and danube. impalpable mud produced by the grinding action of glaciers. dispersion of this mud at the period of the retreat of the great alpine glaciers. continuity of the loess from switzerland to the low countries. characteristic organic remains not lacustrine. alpine gravel in the valley of the rhine covered by loess. geographical distribution of the loess and its height above the sea. fossil mammalia. loess of the danube. oscillations in the level of the alps and lower country required to explain the formation and denudation of the loess. more rapid movement of the inland country. the same depression and upheaval might account for the advance and retreat of the alpine glaciers. himalayan mud of the plains of the ganges compared to european loess. human remains in loess near maestricht, and their probable antiquity. nature and origin of the loess. intimately connected with the subjects treated of in the last chapter, is the nature, origin, and age of certain loamy deposits, commonly called loess, which form a marked feature in the superficial deposits of the basins of the rhine, danube, and some other large rivers draining the alps, and which extend down the rhine into the low countries, and were once perhaps continuous with others of like composition in the north of france. [35] it has been reported of late years that human remains have been detected at several points in the loess of the meuse around and below maestricht. i have visited the localities referred to; but, before giving an account of them, it will be desirable to explain what is meant by the loess, a step the more necessary as a french geologist for whose knowledge and judgment i have great respect, tells me he has come to the conclusion that "the loess" is "a myth," having no real existence in a geological sense or as holding a definite place in the chronological series. no doubt it is true that in every country, and at all geological periods, rivers have been depositing fine loam on their inundated plains in the manner explained above in chapter 3, where the nile mud was spoken of. this mud of the plains of egypt, according to professor bischoff's chemical analysis agrees closely in composition with the loess of the rhine.* (* "chemical and physical geology" volume 1 page 132.) i have also shown when speaking of the fossil man of natchez, how identical in mineral character and in the genera of its terrestrial and amphibious shells is the ancient fluviatile loam of the mississippi with the loess of the rhine. but granting that loam presenting the same aspect has originated at different times and in distinct hydrographical basins, it is nevertheless true that during the glacial period the alps were a great centre of dispersion, not only of erratics, as we have seen in the last chapter, and of gravel which was carried farther than the erratics, but also of very fine mud which was transported to still greater distances and in greater volume down the principal river-courses between the mountains and the sea. mud produced by glaciers. they who have visited switzerland are aware that every torrent which issues from an icy cavern at the extremity of a glacier is densely charged with an impalpable powder, produced by the grinding action to which the subjacent floor of rock and the stones and sand frozen into the ice are exposed in the manner before described. we may therefore readily conceive that a much greater volume of fine sediment was swept along by rivers swollen by melting ice at the time of the retreat of the gigantic glaciers of the olden time. the fact that a large proportion of this mud, instead of being carried to the ocean where it might have formed a delta on the coast or have been dispersed far and wide by the tides and currents, has accumulated in inland valleys, will be found to be an additional proof of the former occurrence of those grand oscillations in the level of the alps and parts of the adjoining continent which were required to explain the alternate advance and retreat of the glaciers, and the superposition of more than one boulder clay and stratified alluvium. the position of the loess between basle and bonn is such as to imply that the great valley of the rhine had already acquired its present shape, and in some places, perhaps more than its actual depth and width, previously to the time when it was gradually filled up to a great extent with fine loam. the greater part of this loam has been since removed, so that a fringe only of the deposit is now left on the flanks of the boundary hills, or occasionally some outliers in the middle of the great plain of the rhine where it expands in width. these outliers are sometimes on such a scale as to admit of minor hills and valleys, having been shaped out of them by the action of rain and small streamlets, as near freiburg in the breisgau and other districts. fossil shells of the loess. [illustration: figures 44, 45, and 46] (figure 44. succinea oblonga.) (figure 45. pupa muscorum.) (figure 46. helix hispida, lin.; h. plebeia, drap.) the loess is generally devoid of fossils, although in many places they are abundant, consisting of land-shells, all of living species, and comprising no small part of the entire molluscous fauna now inhabiting the same region. the three shells most frequently met with are those represented in the annexed figures (44, 45 and 46). the slug, called succinea, is not strictly aquatic, but lives in damp places, and may be seen in full activity far from rivers, in meadows where the grass is wet with rain or dew; but shells of the genera limnaea, planorbis, paludina, cyclas, and others, requiring to be constantly in the water, are extremely exceptional in the loess, occurring only at the bottom of the deposit where it begins to alternate with ancient river-gravel on which it usually reposes. this underlying gravel consists in the valley of the rhine for the most part of pebbles and boulders of alpine origin, showing that there was a time when the rivers had power to convey coarse materials for hundreds of miles northwards from switzerland towards the sea; whereas at a later period an entire change was brought about in the physical geography of the same district, so that the same river deposited nothing but fine mud, which accumulated to a thickness of 800 feet or more above the original alluvial plain. but although most of the fundamental gravel was derived from the alps, there has been observed in the neighbourhood of the principal mountain chains bordering the great valley, such as the black forest, vosges, and odenwald, an admixture of detritus characteristic of those several chains. we cannot doubt therefore that as some of these mountains, especially the vosges, had during the glacial period their own glaciers, a part of the fine mud of their moraines must have been mingled with loess of alpine origin; although the principal mass of the latter must have come from switzerland, and can in fact be traced continuously from basle to belgium. geographical distribution of the loess. it was stated in the last chapter that at the time of the greatest extension of the swiss glaciers the lake of constance and all the other great lakes were filled with ice, so that gravel and mud could pass freely from the upper alpine valley of the rhine to the lower region between basle and the sea, the great lake intercepting no part of the moraines whether fine or coarse. on the other hand the aar with its great tributaries the limmat and the reuss does not join the rhine till after it issues from the lake of constance; and by their channels a large part of the alpine gravel and mud could always have passed without obstruction into the lower country, even after the ice of the great lake had melted. it will give the reader some idea of the manner in which the rhenish loess occurs, if he is told that some of the earlier scientific observers imagined it to have been formed in a vast lake which occupied the valley of the rhine from basle to mayence, sending up arms or branches into what are now the valleys of the main, neckar, and other large rivers. they placed the barrier of this imaginary lake in the narrow and picturesque gorge of the rhine between bingen and coblenz: and when it was objected that the lateral valley of the lahn, communicating with that gorge, had also been filled with loess, they were compelled to transfer the great dam farther down and to place it below bonn. strictly speaking it must be placed much farther north, or in the 51st parallel of latitude, where the limits of the loess have been traced out by mm. omalius d'halloy, dumont, and others, running east and west by cologne, juliers, louvain, oudenarde, and courtrai in belgium to cassel, near dunkirk in france. this boundary line may not indicate the original seaward extent of the formation, as it may have stretched still farther north and its present abrupt termination may only show how far it was cut back at some former period by the denuding action of the sea. even if the imbedded fossil shells of the loess had been lacustrine, instead of being, as we have seen, terrestrial and amphibious, the vast height and width of the required barrier would have been fatal to the theory of a lake: for the loess is met with in great force at an elevation of no less than 1600 feet above the sea, covering the kaiserstuhl, a volcanic mountain which stands in the middle of the great valley of the rhine, near freiburg in breisgau. the extent to which the valley has there been the receptacle of fine mud afterwards removed is most remarkable. the loess of belgium was called "hesbayan mud" in the geological map of the late m. dumont, who, i am told, recognised it as being in great part composed of alpine mud. m. d'archiac, when speaking of the loess, observes that it envelopes hainault, brabant, and limburg like a mantle everywhere uniform and homogeneous in character, filling up the lower depressions of the ardennes and passing thence into the north of france, though not crossing into england. in france, he adds, it is found on high plateaus 600 feet above some of the rivers, such as the marne; but as we go southwards and eastwards of the basin of the seine, it diminishes in quantity, and finally thins out in those directions.* (* d'archiac, "histoire des progres" volume 2 pages 169, 170.) it may even be a question whether the "limon des plateaux," or upland loam of the somme valley, before alluded to,* may not be a part of the same formation. (* number 4 figure 7.) as to the higher and lower level gravels of that valley, which, like that of the seine, contain no foreign rocks, we have seen that they are each of them covered by deposits of loess or inundation-mud belonging respectively to the periods of the gravels, whereas the upland loam is of much older date, more widely spread, and occupying positions often independent of the present lines of drainage. to restore in imagination the geographical outline of picardy, to which rivers charged with so much homogeneous loam and running at such heights may once have belonged is now impossible.* (* see above, chapter 8. ) in the valley of the rhine, as i before observed, the body of the loess, instead of having been formed at successively lower and lower levels as in the case of the basin of the somme, was deposited in a wide and deep pre-existing basin, or strath, bounded by lofty mountain chains such as the black forest, vosges, and odenwald. in some places the loam accumulated to such a depth as first to fill the valley and then to spread over the adjoining table-lands, as in the case of the lower eifel, where it encircled some of the modern volcanic cones of loose pumice and ashes. in these instances it does not appear to me that the volcanoes were in eruption during the time of the deposition of the loess, as some geologists have supposed. the interstratification of loam and volcanic ejectamenta was probably occasioned by the fluviatile mud having gradually enveloped the cones of loose scoriae after they were completely formed. i am the more inclined to embrace this view after having seen the junction of granite and loess on the steep slopes of some of the mountains bounding the great plain of the rhine on its right bank in the bergstrasse. thus between darmstadt and heidelberg perpendicular sections are seen of loess 200 feet thick, at various heights above the river, some of them at elevations of 800 feet and upwards. in one of these may be seen, resting on the hill side of melibocus in the odenwald, the usual yellow loam free from pebbles at its contact with a steep slope of granite, but divided into horizontal layers for a short distance from the line of junction. in these layers, which abut against the granite, a mixture of mica and of unrounded grains of quartz and felspar occur, evidently derived from the disintegration of the crystalline rock, which must have decomposed in the atmosphere before the mud had reached this height. entire shells of helix, pupa, and succinea, of the usual living species, are embedded in the granitic mixture. we may therefore be sure that the valley bounded by steep hills of granite existed before the tranquil accumulation of this vast body of loess. during the re-excavation of the basin of the rhine successive deposits of loess of newer origin were formed at various heights; and it is often difficult to distinguish their relative ages, especially as fossils are often entirely wanting, and the mineral composition of the formation is so uniform. the loess in belgium is variable in thickness, usually ranging from 10 to 30 feet. it caps some of the highest hills or table-land around brussels at the height of 300 feet above the sea. in such places it usually rests on gravel and rarely contains shells, but when they occur they are of recent species. i found the succinea oblonga, before mentioned, and helix hispida in the belgian loess at neerepen, between tongres and hasselt, where m. bosquet had previously obtained remains of an elephant referred to e. primigenius. this pachyderm and rhinoceros tichorhinus are cited as characterising the loess in various parts of the valley of the rhine. several perfect skeletons of the marmot have been disinterred from the loess of aix-la-chapelle. but much remains to be done in determining the species of mammalia of this formation and the relative altitudes above the valley-plain at which they occur. if we ascend the basin of the neckar, we find that it is filled with loess of great thickness, far above its junction with the rhine. at canstadt near stuttgart, loess resembling that of the rhine contains many fossil bones, especially those of elephas primigenius, together with some of rhinoceros tichorhinus, the species having been lately determined by dr. falconer. at this place the loess is covered by a thick bed of travertine, used as a building stone, the product of a mineral spring. in the travertine are many fossil plants, all recent except two, an oak and poplar, the leaves of which professor heer has not been able to identify with any known species. below the loess of canstadt, in which bones of the mammoth are so abundant, is a bed of gravel evidently an old river channel now many feet above the level of the neckar, the valley having there been excavated to some depth below its ancient channel so as to lie in the underlying red sandstone of keuper. although the loess, when traced from the valley of the rhine into that of the neckar, or into any other of its tributaries, often undergoes some slight alteration in its character, yet there is so much identity of composition as to suggest the idea that the mud of the main river passed far up the tributary valleys, just as that of the mississippi during floods flows far up the ohio, carrying its mud with it into the basin of that river. but the uniformity of colour and mineral composition does not extend indefinitely into the higher parts of every basin. in that of the neckar, for example, near tubingen, i found the fluviatile loam or brick-earth, enclosing the usual helices and succineae, together with the bones of the mammoth, very distinct in colour and composition from ordinary rhenish loess, and such as no one could confound with alpine mud. it is mottled with red and green, like the new red sandstone or keuper, from which it has clearly been derived. such examples, however, merely show that where a basin is so limited in size that the detritus is derived chiefly or exclusively from one formation, the prevailing rock will impart its colour and composition in a very decided manner to the loam; whereas, in the basin of a great river which has many tributaries, the loam will consist of a mixture of almost every variety of rock, and will therefore exhibit an average result nearly the same in all countries. thus, the loam which fills to a great depth the wide valley of the saone, which is bounded on the west side by an escarpment of inferior oolite, and by the chain of the jura on the east, is very like the loess found in the continuation of the same great basin after the junction of the rhone, by which a large supply of alpine mud has been added and intermixed. in the higher parts of the basin of the danube, loess of the same character as that of the rhine, and which i believe to be chiefly of alpine origin, attains a far greater elevation above the sea than any deposits of rhenish loess; but the loam which, according to m. stur, fills valleys on the north slope of the carpathians almost up to the watershed between galicia and hungary, may be derived from a distinct source. oscillations of level required to explain the accumulation and denudation of the loess. a theory, therefore, which attempts to account for the position of the loess cannot be satisfactory unless it be equally applicable to the basins of the rhine and danube. so far as relates to the source of so much homogeneous loam, there are many large tributaries of the danube which, during the glacial period, may have carried an ample supply of moraine-mud from the alps to that river; and in regard to grand oscillations in the level of the land, it is obvious that the same movements both downward and upward of the great mountain-chain would be attended with analogous effects, whether the great rivers flowed northwards or eastwards. in each case fine loam would be accumulated during subsidence and removed during the upheaval of the land. changes, therefore, of level analogous to those on which we have been led to speculate when endeavouring to solve the various problems presented by the glacial phenomena, are equally available to account for the nature and geological distribution of the loess. but we must suppose that the amount of depression and re-elevation in the central region was considerably in excess of that experienced in the lower countries, or those nearer the sea, and that the rate of subsidence in the latter was never so considerable as to cause submergence, or the admission of the sea into the interior of the continent by the valleys of the principal rivers. we have already assumed that the alps were loftier than now, when they were the source of those gigantic glaciers which reached the flanks of the jura. at that time gravel was borne to the greatest distances from the central mountains through the main valleys, which had a somewhat steeper slope than now, and the quantity of river-ice must at that time have aided in the transportation of pebbles and boulders. to this state of things gradually succeeded another of an opposite character, when the fall of the rivers from the mountains to the sea became less and less, while the alps were slowly sinking, and the first retreat of the great glaciers was taking place. suppose the depression to have been at the rate of 5 feet in a century in the mountains and only as many inches in the same time nearer the coast, still, in such areas as the eye could survey at once, comprising a small part only of switzerland or of the basin of the rhine, the movement might appear to be uniform and the pre-existing valleys and heights might seem to remain relatively to each other as before. such inequality in the rate of rising or sinking, when we contemplate large continental spaces, is quite consistent with what we know of the course of nature in our own times as well as at remote geological epochs. thus in sweden, as before stated, the rise of land now in progress is nearly uniform as we proceed from north to south for moderate distances; but it greatly diminishes southwards if we compare areas hundreds of miles apart; so that instead of the land rising about 5 feet in a hundred years as at the north cape, it becomes less than the same number of inches at stockholm, and farther south the land is stationary, or, if not, seems rather to be descending than ascending.* (* "principles of geology" chapter 30 9th edition page 519 et seq.) to cite an example of high geological antiquity, m. hebert has demonstrated that, during the oolitic and cretaceous periods, similar inequalities in the vertical movements of the earth's crust took place in switzerland and france. by his own observations and those of m. lory he has proved that the area of the alps was rising and emerging from beneath the ocean towards the close of the oolitic epoch, and was above water at the commencement of the cretaceous era; while, on the other hand, the area of the jura, about 100 miles to the north, was slowly sinking at the close of the oolitic period, and had become submerged at the commencement of the cretaceous. yet these oscillations of level were accomplished without any perceptible derangement in the strata, which remained all the while horizontal, so that the lower cretaceous or neocomian beds were deposited conformably on the oolitic.* (* "bulletin de la societe geologique de france" 2 series volume 16 1859 page 596.) taking for granted then that the depression was more rapid in the more elevated region, the great rivers would lose century after century some portion of their velocity or carrying power, and would leave behind them on their alluvial plains more and more of the moraine-mud with which they were charged, till at length, in the course of thousands or some tens of thousands of years, a large part of the main valleys would begin to resemble the plains of egypt where nothing but mud is deposited during the flood season. the thickness of loam containing shells of land and amphibious mollusca might in this way accumulate to any extent, so that the waters might overflow some of the heights originally bounding the valley and deposits of "platform mud," as it has been termed in france, might be extensively formed. at length, whenever a re-elevation of the alps at the time of the second extension of the glaciers took place, there would be renewed denudation and removal of such loess; and if, as some geologists believe, there has been more than one oscillation of level in the alps since the commencement of the glacial period, the changes would be proportionally more complicated and terraces of gravel covered with loess might be formed at different heights and at different periods. himalayan mud of the ganges compared to european loess. some of the revolutions in physical geography above suggested for the continent of europe during the pleistocene epoch, may have had their counterparts in india in the recent period. the vast plains of bengal are overspread with himalayan mud, which as we ascend the ganges extends inland for 1200 miles from the sea, continuing very homogeneous on the whole, though becoming more sandy as it nears the hills. they who sail down the river during a season of inundation see nothing but a sheet of water in every direction, except here and there where the tops of trees emerge above its level. to what depth the mud extends is not known, but it resembles the loess in being generally devoid of stratification, and of shells, though containing occasionally land shells in abundance, as well as calcareous concretions, called kunkur, which may be compared to the nodules of carbonate of lime sometimes observed to form layers in the rhenish loess. i am told by colonel strachey and dr. hooker that above calcutta, in the hooghly, when the flood subsides, the gangetic mud may be seen in river cliffs 80 feet high, in which they were unable to detect organic remains, a remark which i found to hold equally in regard to the recent mud of the mississippi. dr. wallich, while confirming these observations, informs me that at certain points in bengal, farther inland, he met with land-shells in the banks of the great river. borings have been made at calcutta, beginning not many feet above the sea-level, to the depth of 300 and 400 feet; and wherever organic remains were found in the strata pierced through they were of a fluviatile or terrestrial character, implying that during a long and gradual subsidence of the country the sediment thrown down by the ganges and brahmaputra had accumulated at a sufficient rate to prevent the sea from invading that region. at the bottom of the borings, after passing through much fine loam, beds of pebbles, sand, and boulders were reached, such as might belong to an ancient river channel; and the bones of a crocodile and the shell of a freshwater tortoise were met with at the depth of 400 feet from the surface. no pebbles are now brought down within a great distance of this point, so that the country must once have had a totally different character and may have had its valleys, hills, and rivers, before all was reduced to one common level by the accumulation upon it of fine himalayan mud. if the latter were removed during a gradual re-elevation of the country, many old hydrographical basins might reappear, and portions of the loam might alone remain in terraces on the flanks of hills, or on platforms, attesting the vast extent in ancient times of the muddy envelope. a similar succession of events has, in all likelihood, occurred in europe during the deposition and denudation of the loess of the pleistocene period, which, as we have seen in a former chapter, was long enough to allow of the gradual development of almost any amount of such physical changes. human remains in the loess near strasburg. m. ami boue, well known by his numerous works on geology and a well-practised observer in every branch of the science, disinterred in the year 1823 with his own hands many bones of a human skeleton from ancient undisturbed loess at lahr, nearly opposite strasburg, on the right side of the great valley of the rhine. no skull was detected, but the tibia, fibula, and several other bones were obtained in a good state of preservation and shown at the time to cuvier, who pronounced them to be human. human remains in loess near maestricht. the banks of the meuse at maestricht, like those of the rhine at bonn and cologne, are slightly elevated above the level of the alluvial plain. on the right bank of the meuse, opposite maestricht, the difference of level is so marked that a bridge with many arches has been constructed to keep up, during the flood season, a communication between the higher parts of the alluvial plain and the hills or bluffs which bound it. this plain is composed of modern loess, undistinguishable in mineral character from that of higher antiquity, before alluded to, and entirely without signs of successive deposition and devoid of terrestrial or fluviatile shells. it is extensively worked for brick-earth to the depth of about 8 feet. the bluffs before alluded to often consist of a terrace of gravel, from 30 to 40 feet in thickness, covered by an older loess, which is continuous as we ascend the valley to liege. in the suburbs of that city patches of loess are seen at the height of 200 feet above the level of the meuse. the table-land in that region, composed of carboniferous and devonian rocks, is about 450 feet high, and is not overspread with loess. a terrace of gravel covered with loess has been mentioned as existing on the right bank of the meuse at maestricht. answering to it another is also seen on the left bank below that city, and a promontory of it projecting into the alluvial plain of the meuse and approaching to within a hundred yards of the river, was cut through during the excavation of a canal running from maestricht to hocht, between the years 1815 and 1823. this section occurs at the village of smeermass, and is about 60 feet deep, the lower 40 feet consisting of stratified gravel and the upper of 20 feet of loess. the number of molars, tusks, and bones (probably parts of entire skeletons) of elephants obtained during these diggings, was extraordinary. not a few of them are still preserved in the museums of maestricht and leyden, together with some horns of deer, bones of the ox-tribe and other mammalia, and a human lower jaw, with teeth. according to professor crahay, who published an account of it at the time, this jaw, which is now preserved at leyden, was found at the depth of 19 feet from the surface, where the loess joins the underlying gravel, in a stratum of sandy loam resting on gravel and overlaid by some pebbly and sandy beds. the stratum is said to have been intact and undisturbed, but the human jaw was isolated, the nearest tusk of an elephant being six yards removed from it in horizontal distance. most of the other mammalian bones were found; like these human remains, in or near the gravel, but some of the tusks and teeth of elephants were met with much nearer the surface. i visited the site of these fossils in 1860 in company with m. van binkhorst, and we found the description of the ground, published by the late professor crahay of louvain, to be very correct.* (* m. van binkhorst has shown me the original manuscript read to the maestricht athenaeum in 1823. the memoir was published in 1836 in the "bulletin de l'academie royale de belgique" volume 3 page 43.) the projecting portion of the terrace, which was cut through in making the canal, is called the hill of caberg, which is flat-topped, 60 feet high, and has a steep slope on both sides towards the alluvial plain. m. van binkhorst (who is the author of some valuable works on the palaeontology of the maestricht chalk) has recently visited leyden, and ascertained that the human fossil above mentioned is still entire in the museum of the university. although we had no opportunity of verifying the authenticity of professor crahay's statements, we could see no reason for suspecting the human jaw to belong to a different geological period from that of the extinct elephant. if this were granted, it might have no claims to a higher antiquity than the human remains which dr. schmerling disentombed from the belgian caverns; but the fact of their occurring in a pleistocene alluvial deposit in the open plains, would be one of the first examples of such a phenomenon. the top of the hill of caberg is not so high above the meuse as is the terrace of st. acheul with its flint implements above the somme, but at st. acheul no human bones have yet been detected. in the museum at maestricht are preserved a human frontal and a pelvic bone, stained of a dark peaty colour; the frontal very remarkable for its lowness and the prominence of the superciliary ridges, which resemble those of the borreby skull, figure 5. these remains may be the same as those alluded to by professor crahay in his memoir, where he says that in a black deposit in the suburbs of hocht were found leaves, nuts, and freshwater shells in a very perfect state, and a human skull of a dark colour. they were of an age long posterior to that of the loess containing the bones of elephants and in which the human jaw now at leyden is said to have been embedded. chapter 17. -post-glacial dislocations and foldings of cretaceous and drift strata in the island of moen, in denmark. geological structure of the island of moen. great disturbances of the chalk posterior in date to the glacial drift, with recent shells. m. puggaard's sections of the cliffs of moen. flexures and faults common to the chalk and glacial drift. different direction of the lines of successive movement, fracture, and flexure. undisturbed condition of the rocks in the adjoining danish islands. unequal movements of upheaval in finmark. earthquake of new zealand in 1855. predominance in all ages of uniform continental movements over those by which the rocks are locally convulsed. in the preceding chapters i have endeavoured to show that the study of the successive phases of the glacial period in europe, and the enduring marks which they have left on many of the solid rocks and on the character of the superficial drift are of great assistance in enabling us to appreciate the vast lapse of ages which are comprised in the pleistocene epoch. they enlarge at the same time our conception of the antiquity, not only of the living species of animals and plants but of their present geographical distribution, and throw light on the chronological relations of these species to the earliest date yet ascertained for the existence of the human race. that date, it will be seen, is very remote if compared to the times of history and tradition, yet very modern if contrasted with the length of time during which all the living testacea, and even many of the mammalia, have inhabited the globe. in order to render my account of the phenomena of the glacial epoch more complete, i shall describe in this chapter some other changes in physical geography and in the internal structure of the earth's crust, which have happened in the pleistocene period, because they differ in kind from any previously alluded to, and are of a class which were thought by the earlier geologists to belong exclusively to epochs anterior to the origin of the existing fauna and flora. of this nature are those faults and violent local dislocations of the rocks, and those sharp bendings and foldings of the strata, which we so often behold in mountain chains, and sometimes in low countries also, especially where the rock-formations are of ancient date. post-glacial dislocations and foldings of cretaceous and drift strata in the island of moen, denmark. a striking illustration of such convulsions of pleistocene date may be seen in the danish island of moen, which is situated about 50 miles south of copenhagen. the island is about 60 miles in circumference, and consists of white chalk, several hundred feet thick, overlaid by boulder clay and sand, or glacial drift which is made up of several subdivisions, some unstratified and others stratified, the whole having a mean thickness of 60 feet, but sometimes attaining nearly twice that thickness. in one of the oldest members of the formation fossil marine shells of existing species have been found. throughout the greater part of moen the strata of the drift are undisturbed and horizontal, as are those of the subjacent chalk; but on the north-eastern coast they have been throughout a certain area bent, folded, and shifted, together with the beds of the underlying cretaceous formation. within this area they have been even more deranged than is the english chalk-with-flints along the central axis of the isle of wight in hampshire, or of purbeck in dorsetshire. the whole displacement of the chalk is evidently posterior in date to the origin of the drift, since the beds of the latter are horizontal where the fundamental chalk is horizontal, and inclined, curved, or vertical where the chalk displays signs of similar derangement. although i had come to these conclusions respecting the structure of moen in 1835, after devoting several days in company with dr. forchhammer to its examination,* (* lyell, "geological transactions" 2nd series volume 2 page 243.) i should have hesitated to cite the spot as exemplifying convulsions on so grand a scale, of such extremely modern date, had not the island been since thoroughly investigated by a most able and reliable authority, the danish geologist, professor puggaard, who has published a series of detailed sections of the cliffs. these cliffs extend through the north-eastern coast of the island, called moens klint,* where the chalk precipices are bold and picturesque, being 300 and 400 feet high, with tall beech-trees growing on their summits, and covered here and there at their base with huge taluses of fallen drift, verdant with wild shrubs and grass, by which the monotony of a continuous range of white chalk cliffs is prevented. (* puggaard, "geologie d. insel moen" bern 1851; and "bulletin de la societe geologique de france" 1851.) [illustration: figure 47 and 48. southern extremity of moens klint] (figure 47. southern extremity of moens klint (puggaard). a. horizontal drift. b. chalk and overlying drift beginning to rise. c. first flexure and fault. height of cliff at this point, 180 feet.) (figure 48. section of moens klint (puggaard), continued from figure 47. s. fossil shells of recent species in the drift at this point. g. greatest height near g, 280 feet.) in the low part of the island, at a, figure 47, or the southern extremity of the line of section above alluded to, the drift is horizontal, but when we reach b, a change, both in the height of the cliffs and in the inclination of the strata, begins to be perceptible, and the chalk number 1 soon makes its appearance from beneath the overlying members of the drift numbers 2, 3, 4, and 5. this chalk, with its layers of flints, is so like that of england as to require no description. the incumbent drift consists of the following subdivisions, beginning with the lowest: number 2. stratified loam and sand, 5 feet thick, containing at one spot near the base of the cliff, at s, figure 48, cardium edule, tellina solidula, and turritella, with fragments of other shells. between number 2 and the chalk number 1, there usually intervenes a breccia of broken flints. number 3. unstratified blue clay or till, with small pebbles and fragments of scandinavian rocks occasionally scattered through it, 20 feet thick. number 4. a second unstratified mass of yellow and more sandy clay 40 feet thick, with pebbles and angular polished and striated blocks of granite and other scandinavian rocks, transported from a distance. number 5. stratified sands and gravel, with occasionally large erratic blocks; the whole mass varying from 40 to 100 feet in thickness, but this only in a few spots. the angularity of many of the blocks in numbers 3 and 4, the glaciated surfaces of others, and the transportation from a distance attested by their crystalline nature, prove them to belong to the northern drift or glacial period. it will be seen that the four subdivisions 2, 3, 4, and 5 begin to rise at b, figure 47, and that at c, where the cliff is 180 feet high, there is a sharp flexure shared equally by the chalk and the incumbent drift. between d and g, figure 48, we observe a great fracture in the rocks with synclinal and anticlinal folds, exhibited in cliffs nearly 300 feet high, the drift beds participating in all the bendings of the chalk; that is to say, the three lower members of the drift, including number 2, which, at the point s in this diagram, contains the shells of recent species before alluded to. near the northern end of the moens klint, at a place called "taler," more than 300 feet high, are seen similar folds, so sharp that there is an appearance of four distinct alternations of the glacial and cretaceous formations in vertical or highly inclined beds; the chalk at one point bending over so that the position of all the beds is reversed. [illustration: figure 49. post-glacial disturbances] (figure 49. post-glacial disturbances of vertical, folded, and shifted strata of chalk and drift, in the dronningestol, moen, height 400 feet (puggaard). 1. chalk with flints. 2. marine stratified loam, lowest member of glacial formation. 3. blue clay or till, with erratic blocks unstratified. 4. yellow sandy till, with pebbles and glaciated boulders. 5. stratified sand and gravel with erratics.) but the most wonderful shiftings and faultings of the beds are observable in the dronningestol part of the same cliff, 400 feet in perpendicular height, where, as shown in figure 49, the drift is thoroughly entangled and mixed up with the dislocated chalk. if we follow the lines of fault, we may see, says m. puggaard, along the planes of contact of the shifted beds, the marks of polishing and rubbing which the chalk flints have undergone, as have many stones in the gravel of the drift, and some of these have also been forced into the soft chalk. the manner in which the top of some of the arches of bent chalk have been cut off in this and several adjoining sections, attests the great denudation which accompanied the disturbances, portions of the bent strata having been removed, probably while they were emerging from beneath the sea. m. puggaard has deduced the following conclusions from his study of these cliffs. first. the white chalk, when it was still in horizontal stratification, but after it had suffered considerable denudation, subsided gradually, so that the lower beds of drift number 2, with their littoral shells, were superimposed on the chalk in a shallow sea. second. the overlying unstratified boulder clays 3 and 4 were thrown down in deeper water by the aid of floating ice coming from the north. third. irregular subsidences then began, and occasionally partial failures of support, causing the bending and sometimes the engulfment of overlying masses both of the chalk and drift, and causing the various dislocations above described and depicted. the downward movement continued till it exceeded 400 feet, for upon the surface even of number 5, in some parts of the island, lie huge erratics 20 feet or more in diameter, which imply that they were carried by ice in a sea of sufficient depth to float large icebergs. but these big erratics, says puggaard, never enter into the fissures as they would have done had they been of date anterior to the convulsions. fourth. after this subsidence, the re-elevation and partial denudation of the cretaceous and glacial beds took place during a general upward movement, like that now experienced in parts of sweden and norway. in regard to the lines of movement in moen, m. puggaard believes, after an elaborate comparison of the cliffs with the interior of the island, that they took at least three distinct directions at as many successive eras, all of post-glacial date; the first line running from east-south-east to west-north-west, with lines of fracture at right angles to them; the second running from south-south-east to north-north-west, also with fractures in a transverse direction; and lastly, a sinking in a north and south direction, with other subsidences of contemporaneous date running at right angles or east and west. when we approach the north-west end of moens klint, or the range of coast above described, the strata begin to be less bent and broken, and after travelling for a short distance beyond we find the chalk and overlying drift in the same horizontal position as at the southern end of the moens klint. what makes these convulsions the more striking is the fact that in the other adjoining danish islands, as well as in a large part of moen itself, both the secondary and tertiary formations are quite undisturbed. it is impossible to behold such effects of reiterated local movements, all of post-tertiary date, without reflecting that, but for the accidental presence of the stratified drift, all of which might easily have been missing, where there has been so much denudation, even if it had once existed, we might have referred the verticality and flexures and faults of the rocks to an ancient period, such as the era between the chalk with flints and the maestricht chalk, or to the time of the latter formation, or to the eocene, or miocene, or pliocene eras, even the last of them long prior to the commencement of the glacial epoch. hence we may be permitted to suspect that in some other regions, where we have no such means at our command for testing the exact date of certain movements, the time of their occurrence may be far more modern than we usually suppose. in this way some apparent anomalies in the position of erratic blocks, seen occasionally at great heights above the parent rocks from which they have been detached, might be explained, as well as the irregular direction of certain glacial furrows like those described by professor keilhau and mr. horbye on the mountains of the dovrefjeld in latitude 62 degrees north, where the striation and friction is said to be independent of the present shape and slope of the mountains.* (* "observations sur les phenomenes d'erosion en norwege" 1857.) although even in such cases it remains to be proved whether a general crust of continental ice, like that of greenland described by rink (see above, chapter 13), would not account for the deviation of the furrows and striae from the normal directions which they ought to have followed had they been due to separate glaciers filling the existing valleys. it appears that in general the upward movements in scandinavia, which have raised sea-beaches containing marine shells of recent species to the height of several hundred feet, have been tolerably uniform over very wide spaces; yet a remarkable exception to this rule was observed by m. bravais at altenfjord in finmark, between latitude 70 and 71 degrees north. an ancient water-level, indicated by a sandy deposit forming a terrace and by marks of the erosion of the waves, can be followed for 30 miles from south to north along the borders of a fjord rising gradually from a height of 85 feet to an elevation of 220 feet above the sea, or at the rate of about 4 feet in a mile.* (* "proceedings of the geological society" 1845 volume 4 page 94.) to pass to another and very remote part of the world, we have witnessed so late as january 1855 in the northern island of new zealand a sudden and permanent rise of land on the northern shores of cook's straits, which at one point, called muko-muka, was so unequal as to amount to 9 feet vertically, while it declined gradually from this maximum of upheaval in a distance of about 23 miles north-west of the greatest rise, to a point where no change of level was perceptible. mr. edward roberts of the royal engineers, employed by the british government at the time of the shock in executing public works on the coast, ascertained that the extreme upheaval of certain ancient rocks followed a line of fault running at least 90 miles from south to north into the interior; and what is of great geological interest, immediately to the east of this fault the country, consisting of tertiary strata, remained unmoved or stationary; a fact well established by the position of a line of nullipores marking the sea-level before the earthquake, both on the surface of the tertiary and palaeozoic rocks.* (* "bulletin de la societe geologique de france" volume 13 1856 page 660, where i have described the facts communicated to me by messrs. roberts and walter mantell.) the repetition of such unequal movements, especially if they recurred at intervals along the same lines of fracture, would in the course of ages cause the strata to dip at a high angle in one direction, while towards the opposite point of the compass they would terminate abruptly in a steep escarpment. but it is probable that the multiplication of such movements in the post-tertiary period has rarely been so great as to produce results like those above described in moen, for the principal movements in any given period seem to be of a more uniform kind, by which the topography of limited districts and the position of the strata are not visibly altered except in their height relatively to the sea. were it otherwise we should not find conformable strata of all ages, including the primary fossiliferous of shallow-water origin, which must have remained horizontal throughout vast areas during downward movements of several thousand feet going on at the period of their accumulation. still less should we find the same primary strata, such as the carboniferous, devonian, or silurian, still remaining horizontal over thousands of square leagues, as in parts of north america and russia, having escaped dislocation and flexure throughout the entire series of epochs which separate palaeozoic from recent times. not that they have been motionless, for they have undergone so much denudation, and of such a kind, as can only be explained by supposing the strata to have been subjected to great oscillations of level, and exposed in some cases repeatedly to the destroying and planing action of the waves of the sea. it seems probable that the successive convulsions in moen were contemporary with those upward and downward movements of the glacial period which were described in the thirteenth and some of the following chapters, and that they ended before the upper beds of number 5, figure 49, with its large erratic blocks, were deposited, as some of those beds occurring in the disturbed parts of moen appear to have escaped the convulsions to which numbers 2, 3, and 4 were subjected. if this be so, the whole derangement, although pleistocene, may have been anterior to the human epoch, or rather to the earliest date to which the existence of man has as yet been traced back. chapter 18. -the glacial period in north america. post-glacial strata containing remains of mastodon giganteus in north america. scarcity of marine shells in glacial drift of canada and the united states. greater southern extension of ice-action in north america than in europe. trains of erratic blocks of vast size in berkshire, massachusetts. description of their linear arrangement and points of departure. their transportation referred to floating and coast ice. general remarks on the causes of former changes of climate at successive geological epochs. supposed effects of the diversion of the gulf stream in a northerly instead of north-easterly direction. development of extreme cold on the opposite sides of the atlantic in the glacial period not strictly simultaneous. effect of marine currents on climate. pleistocene submergence of the sahara. on the north american continent, between the arctic circle and the 42nd parallel of latitude, we meet with signs of ice-action on a scale as grand as, if not grander than, in europe; and there also the excess of cold appears to have been first felt at the close of the tertiary, and to have continued throughout a large portion of the pleistocene period. [36] the general absence of organic remains in the north american glacial formation makes it as difficult as in europe to determine what mammalia lived on the continent at the time of the most intense refrigeration, or when extensive areas were becoming strewed over with glacial drift and erratic blocks, but it is certain that a large proboscidean now extinct, the mastodon giganteus, cuv., together with many other quadrupeds, some of them now living and others extinct, played a conspicuous part in the post-glacial era. by its frequency as a fossil species, this pachyderm represents the european elephas primigenius, although the latter also occurs fossil in the united states and canada, and abounds, as i learn from sir john richardson, in latitudes farther north than those to which the mastodon has been traced. in the state of new york, the mastodon is not unfrequently met with in bogs and lacustrine deposits formed in hollows in the drift, and therefore, in a geological position, much resembling that of recent peat and shell-marl in the british isles, denmark, or the valley of the somme, as before described. sometimes entire skeletons have been discovered within a few feet of the surface, in peaty earth at the bottom of small ponds, which the agriculturists had drained. the shells in these cases belong to freshwater genera, such as limnaea, physa, planorbis, cyclas, and others, differing from european species, but the same as those now proper to ponds and lakes in the same parts of america. i have elsewhere given an account of several of these localities which i visited in 1842,* and can state that they certainly have a more modern aspect than almost all the european deposits in which remains of the mammoth occur, although a few instances are cited of elephas primigenius having been dug out of peat in great britain. (* "travels in north america" volume 1 page 55 london 1845; and "manual of geology" chapter 12 5th edition page 144.) thus i was shown a mammoth's tooth in the museum at torquay in devonshire which is believed to have been dredged up from a deposit of vegetable matter now partially submerged beneath the sea. a more elevated part of the same peaty formation constitutes the bottom of the valley in which tor abbey stands. this individual elephant must certainly have been of more modern date than his fellows found fossil in the gravel of the brixham cave, before described, for it flourished when the physical geography of devonshire, unlike that of the cave period, was almost identical with that now established. i cannot help suspecting that many tusks and teeth of the mammoth, said to have been found in peat, may be as spurious as are the horns of the rhinoceros cited more than once in the "memoirs of the wernerian society" as having been obtained from shell-marl in forfarshire and other scotch counties; yet, between the period when the mammoth was most abundant and that when it died out, there must have elapsed a long interval of ages when it was growing more and more scarce; and we may expect to find occasional stragglers buried in deposits long subsequent in date to others, until at last we may succeed in tracing a passage from the pleistocene to the recent fauna, by geological monuments, which will fill up the gap before alluded to as separating the era of the flint tools of amiens and abbeville from that of the peat of the valley of the somme. how far the lacustrine strata of north america above mentioned may help to lessen this hiatus, and whether some individuals of the mastodon giganteus may have come down to the confines of the historical period, is a question not so easily answered as might at first sight be supposed. a geologist might naturally imagine that the fluviatile formation of goat island, seen at the falls of niagara, and at several points below the falls,* was very modern, seeing that the fossil shells contained in it are all of species now inhabiting the waters of the niagara, and seeing also that the deposit is more modern than the glacial drift of the same locality. (* "travels in north america" by the author, volume 1 chapter 2 and volume 2 chapter 19.) in fact, the old river bed, in which bones of the mastodon occur, holds the same position relatively to the boulder formation as the strata of shell-marl and bog-earth with bones of mastodon, so frequent in the state of new york, bear to the glacial drift, and all may be of contemporaneous date. but in the case of the valley of the niagara we happen to have a measure of time which is wanting in the other localities, namely, the test afforded by the recession of the falls, an operation still in progress, by which the deep ravine of the niagara, 7 miles long, between queenstown and goat island has been hollowed out. this ravine is not only post-glacial, but also posterior in date to the fluviatile or mastodon-bearing beds. the individual therefore found fossil near goat island flourished before the gradual excavation of the deep and long chasm, and we must reckon its antiquity, not by thousands, but by tens of thousands of years, if i have correctly estimated the minimum of time which was required for the erosion of that great ravine.* (* "principles of geology" 9th edition page 2; and "travels in north america" volume 1 page 32 1845.) the stories widely circulated of bones of the mastodon having been observed with their surfaces pierced as if by arrow-heads or bearing the marks of wounds inflicted by some stone implement, must in future be more carefully inquired into, for we can scarcely doubt that the mastodon in north america lived down to a period when the mammoth co-existed with man in europe. but i need say no more on this subject, having already explained my views in regard to the evidence of the antiquity of man in north america when treating of the human bone discovered at natchez on the mississippi. in canada and the united states we experience the same difficulty as in europe when we attempt to distinguish between glacial formations of submarine and those of supra-marine origin. in the new world, as in scotland and england, marine shells of this era have rarely been traced higher than 500 feet above the sea, and 700 feet seems to be the maximum to which at present they are known to ascend. in the same countries, erratic blocks have travelled from north to south, following the same direction as the glacial furrows and striae imprinted almost everywhere on the solid rocks underlying the drift. their direction rarely deviates more than fifteen degrees east or west of the meridian, so that we can scarcely doubt, in spite of the general dearth of marine shells, that icebergs floating in the sea and often running aground on its rocky bottom were the instruments by which most of the blocks were conveyed to southern latitudes. there are, nevertheless, in the united states, as in europe, several groups of mountains which have acted as independent centres for the dispersion of erratics, as, for example, the white mountains, latitude 44 degrees north, the highest of which, mount washington, rises to about 6300 feet above the sea; and according to professor hitchcock some of the loftiest of the hills of massachusetts once sent down their glaciers into the surrounding lower country. great southern extension of trains of erratic blocks in berkshire, massachusetts, u.s., latitude 42 degrees north. having treated so fully in this volume of the events of the glacial period, i am unwilling to conclude without laying before the reader the evidence displayed in north america of ice-action in latitudes farther south by about ten degrees than any seen on an equal scale in europe. this extension southwards of glacial phenomena in regions where there are no snow-covered mountains like the alps to explain the exception, nor any hills of more than moderate elevation, constitutes a feature of the western as compared to the eastern side of the atlantic, and must be taken into account when we speculate on the causes of the refrigeration of the northern hemisphere during the pleistocene period. [illustration: figure 50. erratic blocks in berkshire, massachusetts] (figure 50. map showing the relative position and direction of seven trains of erratic blocks in berkshire, massachusetts, and in part of the state of new york. distance in a straight line, between the mountain ranges a and c, about eight miles. a. canaan range, in the state of new york. the crest consists of green chloritic rock. b. richmond range, the western division of which consists in merriman's mount of the same green rock as a, but in a more schistose form, while the eastern division is composed of slaty limestone. c. the lenox range, consisting in part of mica-schist, and in some districts of crystalline limestone. d. knob in the range a, from which most of the train number 6 is supposed to have been derived. e. supposed starting point of the train number 5 in the range a. f. hiatus of 175 yards, or space without blocks. g. sherman's house. h. perry's peak. k. flat rock. l. merriman's mount. m. dupey's mount. n. largest block of train, number 6. see figures 51 and 52. p. point of divergence of part of the train number 6, where a branch is sent off to number 5. number 1. the most southerly train examined by messrs. hall and lyell, between stockbridge and richmond, composed of blocks of black slate, blue limestone and some of the green canaan rock, with here and there a boulder of white quartz. number 2. train composed chiefly of large limestone masses, some of them divided into two or more fragments by natural joints. number 3. train composed of blocks of limestone and the green canaan rock; passes south of the richmond station on the albany and boston railway; is less defined than numbers 1 and 2. number 4. train chiefly of limestone blocks, some of them thirty feet in diameter, running to the north-west of the richmond station, and passing south of the methodist meeting-house, where it is intersected by a railway cutting. number 5. south train of dr. reid, composed entirely of large blocks of the green chloritic canaan rock; passes north of the old richmond meeting-house, and is three-quarters of a mile north of the preceding train (number 4). number 6. the great or principal train (north train of dr. reid), composed of very large blocks of the canaan rock, diverges at p, and unites by a branch with train number 5. number 7. a well-defined train of limestone blocks, with a few of the canaan rock, traced from the richmond to the slope of the lenox range.) in 1852, accompanied by mr. james hall, state geologist of new york, author of many able and well-known works on geology and palaeontology, i examined the glacial drift and erratics of the county of berkshire, massachusetts, and those of the adjoining parts of the state of new york, a district about 130 miles inland from the atlantic coast and situated due west of boston in latitude 42 degrees 25 minutes north. this latitude corresponds in europe to that of the north of portugal. here numerous detached fragments of rock are seen, having a linear arrangement or being continuous in long parallel trains, running nearly in straight lines over hill and dale for distances of 5, 10, and 20 miles, and sometimes greater distances. seven of the more conspicuous of these trains, from 1 to 7 inclusive, figure 50, are laid down in the accompanying map or ground plan.* (* this ground plan, and a farther account of the berkshire erratics was given in an abstract of a lecture delivered by me to the royal institution of great britain, april 27, 1855 and published in their proceedings.) it will be remarked that they run in a north-west and south-east direction, or almost transversely to the ranges of hills a, b, and c, which run north-north-east and south-south-west. the crests of these chains are about 800 feet in height above the intervening valleys. the blocks of the northernmost train, number 7, are of limestone derived from the calcareous chain b; those of the two trains next to the south, numbers 6 and 5, are composed exclusively in the first part of their course of a green chloritic rock of great toughness, but after they have passed the ridge b, a mixture of calcareous blocks is observed. after traversing the valley for a distance of 6 miles these two trains pass through depressions or gaps in the range c, as they had previously done in crossing the range b, showing that the dispersion of the erratics bears some relation to the acutal inequalities of the surface, although the course of the same blocks is perfectly independent of the more leading features of the geography of the country, or those by which the present lines of drainage are determined. the greater number of the green chloritic fragments in trains 5 and 6 have evidently come from the ridge a, and a large proportion of the whole from its highest summit d, where the crest of the ridge has been worn into those dome-shaped masses called "roches moutonnees," already alluded to, and where several fragments having this shape, some of them 30 feet long, are seen in situ, others only slightly removed from their original position, as if they had been just ready to set out on their travels. although smooth and rounded on their tops they are angular on their lower parts, where their outline has been derived from the natural joints of the rock. had these blocks been conveyed from d by glaciers, they would have radiated in all directions from a centre, whereas not one even of the smaller ones is found to the westward of a, though a very slight force would have made them roll down to the base of that ridge, which is very steep on its western declivity. it is clear, therefore, that the propelling power, whatever it may have been, acted exclusively in a south-easterly direction. professor hall and i observed one of the green blocks--24 feet long, poised upon another about 19 feet in length. the largest of all on the west flank of m, or dupey's mount, called the alderman, is above 90 feet in diameter, and nearly 300 feet in circumference. we counted at some points between forty and fifty blocks visible at once, the smallest of them larger than a camel. [illustration: figure 51. dome-shaped block] (figure 51. erratic dome-shaped block of compact chloritic rock (n in map in figure 50), near the richmond meeting-house, berkshire, massachusetts, latitude 42 degrees 25 minutes north. length, 52 feet; width, 40 feet; height above the soil, 15 feet.) the annexed drawing (figure 51) represents one of the best known of train number 6, being that marked n on the map (figure 50). according to our measurement it is 52 feet long by 40 in width, its height above the drift in which it is partially buried being 15 feet. at the distance of several yards occurs a smaller block, 3 or 4 feet in height, 20 feet long, and 14 broad, composed of the same compact chloritic rock, and evidently a detached fragment from the bigger mass, to the lower and angular part of which it would fit on exactly. this erratic n has a regularly rounded top, worn and smoothed like the "roches moutonnees" before mentioned, but no part of the attrition can have occurred since it left its parent rock, the angles of the lower portion being quite sharp and unblunted. [illustration: figure 52. position of block in figure 51] (figure 52. section showing the position of the block in figure 51. a. the large block in figure 51 and n in the map in figure 50. b. fragment detached from the same. c. unstratified drift with boulders. d. silurian limestone in inclined stratification.) from railway cuttings through the drift of the neighbourhood and other artificial excavations, we may infer that the position of the block n, if seen in a vertical section, would be as represented in figure 52. the deposit c in that section consists of sand, mud, gravel, and stones, for the most part unstratified, resembling the till or boulder clay of europe. it varies in thickness from 10 to 50 feet, being of greater depth in the valleys. the uppermost portion is occasionally, though rarely, stratified. some few of the imbedded stones have flattened, polished, striated, and furrowed sides. they consist invariably, like the seven trains above mentioned, of kinds of rock confined to the region lying to the north-west, none of them having come from any other quarter. whenever the surface of the underlying rock has been exposed by the removal of the superficial detritus, a polished and furrowed surface is seen, like that underneath a glacier, the direction of the furrows being from north-west to south-east, or corresponding to the course of the large erratics. as all the blocks, instead of being dispersed from a centre, have been carried in one direction and across the ridges a, b, c and the intervening valleys, the hypothesis of glaciers is out of the question. i conceive, therefore, that the erratics were conveyed to the places they now occupy by coast ice, when the country was submerged beneath the waters of a sea cooled by icebergs coming annually from arctic regions. [illustration: figure 53. canaan and richmond valleys] (figure 53. section through canaan and richmond valleys at a time when they were marine channels. d, e. masses of floating ice carrying fragments of rock.) suppose the highest peaks of the ridges a, b, c in the annexed diagram (figure 53) to be alone above water, forming islands, and d e to be masses of floating ice, which drifted across the canaan and richmond valleys at a time when they were marine channels, separating islands or rather chains of islands, having a north-north-east and south-south-west direction. a fragment of ice such as d, freighted with a block from a, might run aground and add to the heap of erratics at the north-west base of the island (now ridge) b, or, passing through a sound between b and the next island of the same group, might float on till it reached the channel between b and c. year after year two such exposed cliffs in the canaan range as d and e of the map, figure 50, undermined by the waves, might serve as the points of departure of blocks, composing the trains numbers 5 and 6. it may be objected that oceanic currents could not always have had the same direction; this may be true, but during a short season of the year when the ice was breaking up the prevailing current may have always run south-east. if it be asked why the blocks of each train are not more scattered, especially when far from their source, it may be observed that after passing through sounds separating islands, they issued again from a new and narrow starting-point; moreover, we must not exaggerate the regularity of the trains, as their width is sometimes twice as great in one place in as another; and number 6 sends off a branch at p, which joins number 5. there are also stragglers, or large blocks here and there in the spaces between the two trains. as to the distance to which any given block would be carried, that must have depended on a variety of circumstances; such as the strength of the current, the direction of the wind, the weight of the block or the quantity and draught of the ice attached to it. the smaller fragments would, on the whole, have the best chance of going farthest; because, in the first place, they were more numerous, and then, being lighter, they required less ice to float them, and would not ground so readily on shoals, or if stranded, would be more easily started again on their travels. many of the blocks, which at first sight seem to consist of single masses, are found when examined to be made up of two, three, or more pieces divided by natural joints. in the case of a second removal by ice, one or more portions would become detached and be drifted to different points further on. whenever this happened, the original size would be lessened, and the angularity of the block previously worn by the breakers would be restored, and this tendency to split may explain why some of the far-transported fragments remain very angular. these various considerations may also account for the fact that the average size of the blocks of all the seven trains laid down on the plan, figure 50, lessens sensibly in proportion as we recede from the principal points of departure of particular kinds of erratics, yet not with any regularity, a huge block now and then recurring when the rest of the train consists of smaller ones. all geologists acquainted with the district now under consideration are agreed that the mountain ranges a, b, and c, as well as the adjoining valleys, had assumed their actual form and position before the drift and erratics accumulated on and in them and before the surface of the fixed rocks was polished and furrowed. i have the less hesitation in ascribing the transporting power to coast-ice, because i saw in 1852 an angular block of sandstone, 8 feet in diameter, which had been brought down several miles by ice only three years before to the mouth of the petitcodiac estuary, in nova scotia, where it joins the bay of fundy; and i ascertained that on the shores of the same bay, at the south joggins, in the year 1850, much larger blocks had been removed by coast-ice, and after they had floated half a mile, had been dropped in salt water by the side of a pier built for loading vessels with coal, so that it was necessary at low tide to blast these huge ice-borne rocks with gunpowder in order that the vessels might be able to draw up alongside the pier. these recent exemplifications of the vast carrying powers of ice occurred in latitude 46 degrees north (corresponding to that of bordeaux), in a bay never invaded by icebergs. i may here remark that a sheet of ice of moderate thickness, if it extend over a wide area, may suffice to buoy up the largest erratics which fall upon it. the size of these will depend, not on the intensity of the cold but on the manner in which the rock is jointed, and the consequent dimensions of the blocks into which it splits when falling from an undermined cliff. when i first endeavoured in the "principles of geology" in 1830,* to explain the causes, both of the warmer and colder climates which have at former periods prevailed on the globe, i referred to successive variations in the height and position of the land and its extent relatively to the sea in polar and equatorial latitudes--also to fluctuations in the course of oceanic currents and other geographical conditions, by the united influence of which i still believe the principal revolutions in the meteorological state of the atmosphere at different geological periods have been brought about. (* 1st edition chapter 7; 9th edition ibid.) the gulf stream was particularly alluded to by me as moderating the winter climate of northern europe and as depending for its direction on temporary and accidental peculiarities in the shape of the land, especially that of the narrow straits of bahama, which a slight modification in the earth's crust would entirely alter. mr. hopkins, in a valuable essay on the causes of former changes of climate,*nhas attempted to calculate how much the annual temperature of europe would be lowered if this gulf stream were turned in some other and new direction, and estimates the amount at about six or seven degrees of fahrenheit. (* hopkins, "quarterly journal of the geological society" volume 8 1852 page 56.) he also supposes that if at the same time a considerable part of northern and central europe were submerged, so that a cold current from the arctic seas should sweep over it, an additional refrigeration of three or four degrees would be produced. he has speculated in the same essay on the effects which would be experienced in the eastern hemisphere if the same mighty current of warm water, instead of crossing the atlantic, were made to run northwards from the gulf of mexico through the region now occupied by the valley of the mississippi, and so onwards to the arctic regions. after reflecting on what has been said in the thirteenth chapter of the submergence and re-elevation of the british isles and the adjoining parts of europe, and the rising and sinking of the alps and the basins of some of the great rivers flowing from that chain, since the commencement of the glacial period, a geologist will not be disposed to object to the theory above adverted to, on the score of its demanding too much conversion of land into sea, or almost any amount of geographical change in pleistocene times. but a difficulty of another kind presents itself. we have seen that, during the glacial period, the cold in europe extended much farther south than it does at present, and in this chapter we have demonstrated that in north america the cold also extended no less than 10 degrees of latitude still farther southwards than in europe; so that if a great body of heated water, instead of flowing north-eastward, were made to pass through what is now the centre of the american continent towards the arctic circle, it could not fail to mitigate the severity of the winter's cold in precisely those latitudes where the cold was greatest and where it has left monuments of ice-action surpassing in extent any exhibited on the european side of the ocean. in the actual state of the globe, the isothermal lines, or lines of equal winter temperature when traced westward from europe to north america bend 10 degrees south, there being a marked excess of winter cold in corresponding latitudes west of the atlantic. during the glacial period, viewing it as a whole, we behold signs of a precisely similar deflection of these same isothermal lines when followed from east to west; so that if, in the hope of accounting for the former severity of glacial action in europe, we suppose the absence of the gulf stream and imagine a current of equivalent magnitude to have flowed due north from the gulf of mexico, we introduce, as we have just hinted, a source of heat into precisely that part of the continent where the extreme conditions of refrigeration are most manifest. viewed in this light, the hypothesis in question would render the glacial phenomena described in the present chapter more perplexing and anomalous than ever. but here another question arises, whether the eras at which the maximum of cold was attained on the opposite sides of the atlantic were really contemporaneous? we have now discovered not only that the glacial period was of vast duration, but that it passed through various phases and oscillations of temperature; so that, although the chief polishing and furrowing of the rocks and transportation of erratics in europe and north america may have taken place contemporaneously, according to the ordinary language of geology, or when the same testacea and the same pleistocene assemblage of mammalia flourished, yet the extreme development of cold on the opposite sides of the ocean may not have been strictly simultaneous, but on the contrary the one may have preceded or followed the other by a thousand or more than a thousand centuries. it is probable that the greatest refrigeration of norway, sweden, scotland, wales, the vosges, and the alps coincided very nearly in time; but when the scandinavian and scotch mountains were encrusted with a general covering of ice, similar to that now enveloping greenland, this last country may not have been in nearly so glacial a condition as now, just as we find that the old icy crust and great glaciers, which have left their mark on the mountains of norway and sweden, have now disappeared, precisely at a time when the accumulation of ice in greenland is so excessive. in other words, we see that in the present state of the northern hemisphere, at the distance of about 1500 miles, two meridional zones enjoying very different conditions of temperature may co-exist, and we are, therefore, at liberty to imagine some former alternations of colder and milder climates on the opposite sides of the ocean throughout the pleistocene era of a compensating kind, the cold on the one side balancing the milder temperature on the other. by assuming such a succession of events we can more easily explain why there has not been a greater extermination of species, both terrestrial and aquatic, in polar and temperate regions during the glacial epoch, and why so many species are common to pre-glacial and post-glacial times. the numerous plants which are common to the temperate zones north and south of the equator have been referred by mr. darwin and dr. hooker to migrations which took place along mountain chains running from north to south during some of the colder phases of the glacial epoch.* (* darwin, "origin of species" chapter 11 page 365; hooker, "flora of australia" introduction page 18 1859.) such an hypothesis enables us to dispense with the doctrine that the same species ever originated independently in two distinct and distant areas; and it becomes more feasible if we admit the doctrine of the co-existence of meridional belts of warmer and colder climate, instead of the simultaneous prevalence of extreme cold both in the eastern and western hemisphere. it also seems necessary, as colder currents of water always flow to lower latitudes, while warmer ones are running towards polar regions, that some such compensation should take place, and that an increase of cold in one region must to a certain extent be balanced by a mitigation of temperature elsewhere. sir john f. herschel, in his recent work on "physical geography," when speaking of the open sea which is caused in part of the polar regions by the escape of ice through behring's straits, and the flow of warmer water northwards through the same channel, observes that these straits, by which the continents of asia and north america are now parted, "are only thirty miles broad where narrowest and only twenty-five fathoms in their greatest depth." but "this narrow channel," he adds, "is yet important in the economy of nature, inasmuch as it allows a portion of the circulating water from a warmer region to find its way into the polar basin, aiding thereby not only to mitigate the extreme rigour of the polar cold, but to prevent in all probability a continual accretion of ice, which else might rise to a mountainous height."* (* herschel's "physical geography" page 41 1861.) behring's straits, here alluded to, happen to agree singularly in width and depth with the straits of dover, the difference in depth not being more than 3 or 4 feet; so that at the rate of upheaval, which is now going on in many parts of scandinavia, of 2 1/2 feet in a century, such straits might be closed in 3000 years, and a vast accumulation of ice to the northward commence forthwith. but, on the other hand, although such an accumulation might spread its refrigerating influence for many miles southwards beyond the new barrier, the warm current which now penetrates through the straits, and which at other times is chilled by floating ice issuing from them, would when totally excluded from all communication with the icy sea have its temperature raised and its course altered, so that the climate of some other area must immediately begin to improve. there is still another probable cause of a vast change in the temperature of central europe in comparatively modern times, to which no allusion has yet been made; namely, the conversion of the great desert of the sahara from sea into land since the commencement of the pleistocene period. when that vast region was still submerged, no sirocco blowing for days in succession carried its hot blasts from a wide expanse of burning sand across the mediterranean. the south winds were comparatively cool, allowing the snows of the alps to augment to an extent which the colossal dimensions of the moraines of extinct glaciers can alone enable us to estimate. the scope and limits of this volume forbid my pursuing these speculations and reasonings farther; but i trust i have said enough to show that the monuments of the glacial period, when more thoroughly investigated, will do much towards expanding our views as to the antiquity of the fauna and flora now contemporary with man, and will therefore enable us the better to determine the time at which man began in the northern hemisphere to form part of the existing fauna. [37] chapter 19. -recapitulation of geological proofs of man's antiquity. recapitulation of results arrived at in the earlier chapters. ages of stone and bronze. danish peat and kitchen-middens. swiss lake-dwellings. local changes in vegetation and in the wild and domesticated animals and in physical geography coeval with the age of bronze and the later stone period. estimates of the positive date of some deposits of the later stone period. ancient division of the age of stone of st. acheul and aurignac. migrations of man in that period from the continent to england in post-glacial times. slow rate of progress in barbarous ages. doctrine of the superior intelligence and endowments of the original stock of mankind considered. opinions of the greeks and romans, and their coincidence with those of the modern progressionist. the ages of stone and bronze, so called by archaeologists, were spoken of in the earlier chapters of this work. that of bronze has been traced back to times anterior to the roman occupation of helvetia, gaul, and other countries north of the alps. when weapons of that mixed metal were in use, a somewhat uniform civilisation seems to have prevailed over a wide extent of central and northern europe, and the long duration of such a state of things in denmark and switzerland is shown by the gradual improvement which took place in the useful and ornamental arts. such progress is attested by the increasing variety of the forms, and the more perfect finish and tasteful decoration of the tools and utensils obtained from the more modern deposits of the bronze age, those from the upper layers of peat, for example, as compared to those found in the lower ones. the great number also of the swiss lake-dwellings of the bronze age (about seventy villages having been already discovered), and the large population which some of them were capable of containing, afford indication of a considerable lapse of time, as does the thickness of the stratum of mud in which in some of the lakes the works of art are entombed. the unequal antiquity, also, of the settlements is occasionally attested by the different degrees of decay which the wooden stakes or piles have undergone, some of them projecting more above the mud than others, while all the piles of the antecedent age of stone have rotted away quite down to the level of the mud, such part of them only as was originally driven into the bed of the lake having escaped decomposition.* (* troyon, "habitations lacustres" lausanne 1860.) among the monuments of the stone period, which immediately preceded that of bronze, the polished hatchets called celts are abundant, and were in very general use in europe before metallic tools were introduced. we learn, from the danish peat and shell-mounds, and from the older swiss lake-settlements, that the first inhabitants were hunters who fed almost entirely on game, but their food in after ages consisted more and more of tamed animals and still later a more complete change to a pastoral state took place, accompanied as population increased by the cultivation of some cereals. both the shells and quadrupeds belonging to the later stone period and to the age of bronze consist exclusively of species now living in europe, the fauna being the same as that which flourished in gaul at the time when it was conquered by julius caesar, even the bos primigenius, the only animal of which the wild type is lost, being still represented, according to cuvier, bell, and rutimeyer, by one of the domesticated races of cattle now in europe. these monuments, therefore, whether of stone or bronze, belong to what i have termed geologically the recent period, the definition of which some may think rather too dependent on negative evidence, or on the non-discovery hitherto of extinct mammalia, such as the mammoth, which may one day turn up in a fossil state in some of the oldest peaty deposits, as indeed it is already said to have done at some spots, though i have failed as yet to obtain authentic evidence of the fact.* (* a molar of e. primigenius, in a very fresh state, in the museum at torquay, believed to have been washed up by the waves of the sea out of the submerged mass of vegetable matter at the extremity of the valley in which tor abbey stands, is the best case i have seen. see above, chapter 18.) no doubt some such exceptional cases may be met with in the course of future investigations, for we are still imperfectly acquainted with the entire fauna of the age of stone in denmark as we may infer from an opinion expressed by steenstrup, that some of the instruments exhumed by antiquaries from the danish peat are made of the bones and horns of the elk and reindeer. yet no skeleton or uncut bone of either of those species has hitherto been observed in the same peat. nevertheless, the examination made by naturalists of the various danish and swiss deposits of the recent period has been so searching, that the finding in them of a stray elephant or rhinoceros, should it ever occur, would prove little more than that some few individuals lingered on, when the species was on the verge of extinction, and such rare exceptions would not render the classification above proposed inappropriate. at the time when many wild quadrupeds and birds were growing scarce and some of them becoming locally extirpated in denmark, great changes were taking place in the vegetation. the pine, or scotch fir, buried in the oldest peat, gave place at length to the oak, and the oak, after flourishing for ages, yielded in its turn to the beech, the periods when these three forest trees predominated in succession tallying pretty nearly with the ages of stone, bronze, and iron in denmark. in the same country also, during the stone period, various fluctuations, as we have seen, occurred in physical geography. thus, on the ocean side of certain islands, the old refuse-heaps, or "kitchen-middens," were destroyed by the waves, the cliffs having wasted away, while on the side of the baltic, where the sea was making no encroachment or where the land was sometimes gaining on the sea, such mounds remained uninjured. it was also shown that the oyster, which supplied food to the primitive people, attained its full size in parts of the baltic where it cannot now exist owing to a want of saltness in the water, and that certain marine univalves and bivalves, such as the common periwinkle, mussel, and cockle, of which the castaway shells are found in the mounds, attained in the olden time their full dimensions, like the oysters, whereas the same species, though they still live on the coast of the inland sea adjoining the mounds, are dwarfed and never half their natural size, the water being rendered too fresh for them by the influx of so many rivers. some archaeologists and geologists of merit have endeavoured to arrive at positive dates, or an exact estimate of the minimum of time assignable to the later age of stone. these computations have been sometimes founded on changes in the level of the land, or on the increase of peat, as in the danish bogs, or on the conversion of water into land by alluvial deposits, since certain lake-settlements in switzerland were abandoned. alterations also in the geographical distribution or preponderance of certain living species of animals and plants have been taken into account in corroboration, as have the signs of progress in human civilisation, as serving to mark the lapse of time during the stone and bronze epochs. m. morlot has estimated with care the probable antiquity of three superimposed vegetable soils cut open at different depths in the delta of the tiniere, each containing human bones or works of art, belonging successively to the roman, bronze, and later stone periods. according to his estimate, an antiquity of 7000 years at least must be assigned to the oldest of these remains, though believed to be long posterior in date to the time when the mammoth and other extinct mammalia flourished together with man in europe. such computations of past time must be regarded as tentative in the present state of our knowledge and much collateral evidence will be required to confirm them; yet the results appear to me already to afford a rough approximation to the truth. between the newer or recent division of the stone period and the older division, which has been called the pleistocene, there was evidently a vast interval of time--a gap in the history of the past, into which many monuments of intermediate date will one day have to be intercalated. of this kind are those caves in the south of france, in which m. lartet has lately found bones of the reindeer, associated with works of art somewhat more advanced in style than those of st. acheul or of aurignac. in the valley of the somme we have seen that peat exists of great thickness, containing in its upper layers roman and celtic memorials, the whole of which has been of slow growth, in basins or depressions conforming to the present contour and drainage levels of the country, and long posterior in date to older gravels, containing bones of the mammoth and a large number of flint implements of a very rude and antique type. some of those gravels were accumulated in the channels of rivers which flowed at higher levels by 100 feet than the present streams, and before the valley had attained its present depth and form. no intermixture has been observed in those ancient river beds of any of the polished weapons, called "celts," or other relics of the more modern times, or of the second or recent stone period, nor any interstratified peat; and the climate of those pleistocene ages, when man was a denizen of the north-west of france and of southern and central england, appears to have been much more severe in winter than it is now in the same region, though far less cold than in the glacial period which immediately preceded. we may presume that the time demanded for the gradual dying out or extirpation of a large number of wild beasts which figure in the pleistocene strata and are missing in the recent fauna was of protracted duration, for we know how tedious a task it is in our own times, even with the aid of fire-arms, to exterminate a noxious quadruped, a wolf, for example, in any region comprising within it an extensive forest or a mountain chain. in many villages in the north of bengal, the tiger still occasionally carries off its human victims, and the abandonment of late years by the natives of a part of the sunderbunds or lower delta of the ganges, which they once peopled, is attributed chiefly to the ravages of the tiger. it is probable that causes more general and powerful than the agency of man, alterations in climate, variations in the range of many species of animals, vertebrate and invertebrate, and of plants, geographical changes in the height, depth, and extent of land and sea, some or all of these combined, have given rise in a vast series of years to the annihilation, not only of many large mammalia, but to the disappearance of the cyrena fluminalis, once common in the rivers of europe, and to the different range or relative abundance of other shells which we find in the european drifts. that the growing power of man may have lent its aid as the destroying cause of many pleistocene species, must, however, be granted; yet, before the introduction of fire-arms, or even the use of improved weapons of stone, it seems more wonderful that the aborigines were able to hold their own against the cave-lion, hyaena, and wild bull, and to cope with such enemies, than that they failed to bring about their speedy extinction. it is already clear that man was contemporary in europe with two species of elephant, now extinct, e. primigenius and e. antiquus, two also of rhinoceros, r. tichorhinus and r. hemitoechus (falc.), at least one species of hippopotamus, the cave-bear, cave-lion, and cave-hyaena, various bovine, equine, and cervine animals now extinct, and many smaller carnivora, rodentia, and insectivora. while these were slowly passing away, the musk ox, reindeer, and other arctic species which have survived to our times were retreating northwards from the valleys of the thames and seine to their present more arctic haunts. the human skeletons of the belgian caverns of times coeval with the mammoth and other extinct mammalia do not betray any signs of a marked departure in their structure, whether of skull or limb, from the modern standard of certain living races of the human family. as to the remarkable neanderthal skeleton (chapter 5), it is at present too isolated and exceptional, and its age too uncertain, to warrant us in relying on its abnormal and ape-like characters, as bearing on the question whether the farther back we trace man into the past, the more we shall find him approach in bodily conformation to those species of the anthropoid quadrumana which are most akin to him in structure. in the descriptions already given of the geographical changes which the british isles have undergone since the commencement of the glacial period (as illustrated by several maps, figures 39 to 41), it has been shown that there must have been a free communication by land between the continent and these islands, and between the several islands themselves, within the pleistocene epoch, in order to account for the germanic fauna and flora having migrated into every part of the area, as well as for the scandinavian plants and animals to have retreated into the higher mountains. during some part of the pleistocene ages, the large pachyderms and accompanying beasts of prey, now extinct, wandered from the continent to england; and it is highly probable that france was united with some part of the british isles as late as the period of the gravels of st. acheul and the era of those engulfed rivers which, in the basin of the meuse near liege, swept into many a rent and cavern the bones of man and of the mammoth and cave-bear. there have been vast geographical revolutions in the times alluded to, and oscillations of land, during which the english channel, which can be shown by the pagham erratics and the old brighton beach (chapter 14), to be of very ancient origin, may have been more than once laid dry and again submerged. during some one of these phases, man may have crossed over, whether by land or in canoes, or even on the ice of a frozen sea (as mr. prestwich has hinted), for the winters of the period of the higher-level gravels of the valley of the somme were intensely cold. the primitive people, who co-existed with the elephant and rhinoceros in the valley of the ouse at bedford, and who made use of flint tools of the amiens type, certainly inhabited part of england which had already emerged from the waters of the glacial sea and the fabricators of the flint tools of hoxne, in suffolk, were also, as we have seen, post-glacial. we may likewise presume that the people of pleistocene date, who have left their memorials in the valley of the thames, were of corresponding antiquity, posterior to the boulder clay but anterior to the time when the rivers of that region had settled into their present channels. the vast distance of time which separated the origin of the higher and lower gravels of the valley of the somme, both of them rich in flint implements of similar shape (although those of oval form predominate in the newer gravels), leads to the conclusion that the state of the arts in those early times remained stationary for almost indefinite periods. there may, however, have been different degrees of civilisation and in the art of fabricating flint tools, of which we cannot easily detect the signs in the first age of stone, and some contemporary tribes may have been considerably in advance of others. those hunters, for example, who feasted on the rhinoceros and buried their dead with funeral rites at aurignac may have been less barbarous than the savages of st. acheul, as some of their weapons and utensils have been thought to imply. to a european who looks down from a great eminence on the products of the humble arts of the aborigines of all times and countries, the stone knives and arrows of the red indian of north america, the hatchets of the native australian, the tools found in the ancient swiss lake-dwellings or those of the danish kitchen-middens and of st. acheul, seem nearly all alike in rudeness and very uniform in general character. the slowness of the progress of the arts of savage life is manifested by the fact that the earlier instruments of bronze were modelled on the exact plan of the stone tools of the preceding age, although such shapes would never have been chosen had metals been known from the first. the reluctance or incapacity of savage tribes to adopt new inventions has been shown in the east by their continuing to this day to use the same stone implements as their ancestors, after that mighty empires, where the use of metals in the arts was well known, had flourished for three thousand years in their neighbourhood. we see in our own times that the rate of progress in the arts and sciences proceeds in a geometrical ratio as knowledge increases, and so when we carry back our retrospect into the past, we must be prepared to find the signs of retardation augmenting in a like geometrical ratio; so that the progress of a thousand years at a remote period may correspond to that of a century in modern times, and in ages still more remote man would more and more resemble the brutes in that attribute which causes one generation exactly to imitate in all its ways the generation which preceded it. the extent to which even a considerably advanced state of civilisation may become fixed and stereotyped for ages, is the wonder of europeans who travel in the east. one of my friends declared to me, that whenever the natives expressed to him a wish "that he might live a thousand years," the idea struck him as by no means extravagant, seeing that if he were doomed to sojourn for ever among them, he could only hope to exchange in ten centuries as many ideas, and to witness as much progress as he could do at home in half a century. it has sometimes happened that one nation has been conquered by another less civilised though more warlike, or that during social and political revolutions, people have retrograded in knowledge. in such cases, the traditions of earlier ages, or of some higher and more educated caste which has been destroyed, may give rise to the notion of degeneracy from a primaeval state of superior intelligence, or of science supernaturally communicated. but had the original stock of mankind been really endowed with such superior intellectual powers and with inspired knowledge and had possessed the same improvable nature as their posterity, the point of advancement which they would have reached ere this would have been immeasurably higher. we cannot ascertain at present the limits, whether of the beginning or the end, of the first stone period when man co-existed with the extinct mammalia, but that it was of great duration we cannot doubt. during those ages there would have been time for progress of which we can scarcely form a conception, and very different would have been the character of the works of art which we should now be endeavouring to interpret--those relics which we are now disinterring from the old gravel-pits of st. acheul, or from the liege caves. in them, or in the upraised bed of the mediterranean, on the south coast of sardinia, instead of the rudest pottery or flint tools so irregular in form as to cause the unpractised eye to doubt whether they afford unmistakable evidence of design, we should now be finding sculptured forms surpassing in beauty the masterpieces of phidias or praxiteles; lines of buried railways or electric telegraphs from which the best engineers of our day might gain invaluable hints; astronomical instruments and microscopes of more advanced construction than any known in europe, and other indications of perfection in the arts and sciences such as the nineteenth century has not yet witnessed. still farther would the triumphs of inventive genius be found to have been carried, when the later deposits, now assigned to the ages of bronze and iron, were formed. vainly should we be straining our imaginations to guess the possible uses and meaning of such relics--machines, perhaps, for navigating the air or exploring the depths of the ocean, or for calculating arithmetical problems beyond the wants or even the conception of living mathematicians. the opinion entertained generally by the classical writers of greece and rome, that man in the first stage of his existence was but just removed from the brutes, is faithfully expressed by horace in his celebrated lines, which begin:-quum prorepserunt primis animalia terris.--sat. lib. 1, 3, 99. the picture of transmutation given in these verses, however severe and contemptuous the strictures lavishly bestowed on it by christian commentators, accords singularly with the train of thought which the modern doctrine of progressive development has encouraged. "when animals," he says, "first crept forth from the newly formed earth, a dumb and filthy herd, they fought for acorns and lurking-places with their nails and fists, then with clubs, and at last with arms, which, taught by experience, they had forged. they then invented names for things and words to express their thoughts, after which they began to desist from war, to fortify cities and enact laws." they who in later times have embraced a similar theory, have been led to it by no deference to the opinions of their pagan predecessors, but rather in spite of very strong prepossessions in favour of an opposite hypothesis, namely, that of the superiority of their original progenitors, of whom they believe themselves to be the corrupt and degenerate descendants. so far as they are guided by palaeontology, they arrive at this result by an independent course of reasoning; but they have been conducted partly to the same goal as the ancients by ethnological considerations common to both, or by reflecting in what darkness the infancy of every nation is enveloped and that true history and chronology are the creation, as it were, of yesterday. chapter 20. -theories of progression and transmutation. antiquity and persistence in character of the existing races of mankind. theory of their unity of origin considered. bearing of the diversity of races on the doctrine of transmutation. difficulty of defining the terms "species" and "race." lamarck's introduction of the element of time into the definition of a species. his theory of variation and progression. objections to his theory, how far answered. arguments of modern writers in favour of progression in the animal and vegetable world. the old landmarks supposed to indicate the first appearance of man, and of different classes of animals, found to be erroneous. yet the theory of an advancing series of organic beings not inconsistent with facts. earliest known fossil mammalia of low grade. no vertebrata as yet discovered in the oldest fossiliferous rocks. objections to the theory of progression considered. causes of the popularity of the doctrine of progression as compared to that of transmutation. when speaking in a former work of the distinct races of mankind,* i remarked that, "if all the leading varieties of the human family sprang originally from a single pair" (a doctrine, to which then, as now, i could see no valid objection), "a much greater lapse of time was required for the slow and gradual formation of such races as the caucasian, mongolian, and negro, than was embraced in any of the popular systems of chronology." (* "principles of geology" 7th edition page 637, 1847; see also 9th edition page 660.) in confirmation of the high antiquity of two of these, i referred to pictures on the walls of ancient temples in egypt, in which, a thousand years or more before the christian era, "the negro and caucasian physiognomies were portrayed as faithfully, and in as strong contrast, as if the likenesses of these races had been taken yesterday." in relation to the same subject, i dwelt on the slight modification which the negro has undergone, after having been transported from the tropics and settled for more than two centuries in the temperate climate of virginia. i therefore concluded that, "if the various races were all descended from a single pair, we must allow for a vast series of antecedent ages, in the course of which the long-continued influence of external circumstances gave rise to peculiarities increased in many successive generations and at length fixed by hereditary transmission." so long as physiologists continued to believe that man had not existed on the earth above six thousand years, they might with good reason withhold their assent from the doctrine of a unity of origin of so many distinct races but the difficulty becomes less and less, exactly in proportion as we enlarge our ideas of the lapse of time during which different communities may have spread slowly, and become isolated, each exposed for ages to a peculiar set of conditions, whether of temperature, or food, or danger, or ways of living. the law of the geometrical rate of the increase of population which causes it always to press hard on the means of subsistence, would ensure the migration in various directions of offshoots from the society first formed abandoning the area where they had multiplied. but when they had gradually penetrated to remote regions by land or water--drifted sometimes by storms and currents in canoes to an unknown shore--barriers of mountains, deserts, or seas, which oppose no obstacle to mutual intercourse between civilised nations, would ensure the complete isolation for tens or thousands of centuries of tribes in a primitive state of barbarism. some modern ethnologists, in accordance with the philosophers of antiquity, have assumed that men at first fed on the fruits of the earth, before even a stone implement or the simplest form of canoe had been invented. they may, it is said, have begun their career in some fertile island in the tropics, where the warmth of the air was such that no clothing was needed and where there were no wild beasts to endanger their safety. but as soon as their numbers increased they would be forced to migrate into regions less secure and blest with a less genial climate. contests would soon arise for the possession of the most fertile lands, where game or pasture abounded and their energies and inventive powers would be called forth, so that at length they would make progress in the arts. but as ethnologists have failed, as yet, to trace back the history of any one race to the area where it originated, some zoologists of eminence have declared their belief that the different races, whether they be three, five, twenty, or a much greater number (for on this point there is an endless diversity of opinion),* have all been primordial creations, having from the first been stamped with the characteristic features, mental and bodily, by which they are now distinguished, except where intermarriage has given rise to mixed or hybrid races. (* see "transactions of the ethnological society" volume 1 1861.) were we to admit, say they, a unity of origin of such strongly marked varieties as the negro and european, differing as they do in colour and bodily constitution, each fitted for distinct climates and exhibiting some marked peculiarities in their osteological, and even in some details of cranial and cerebral conformation, as well as in their average intellectual endowments--if, in spite of the fact that all these attributes have been faithfully handed down unaltered for hundreds of generations, we are to believe that, in the course of time, they have all diverged from one common stock, how shall we resist the arguments of the transmutationist, who contends that all closely allied species of animals and plants have in like manner sprung from a common parentage, albeit that for the last three or four thousand years they may have been persistent in character? where are we to stop, unless we make our stand at once on the independent creation of those distinct human races, the history of which is better known to us than that of any of the inferior animals? so long as geology had not lifted up a part of the veil which formerly concealed from the naturalist the history of the changes which the animate creation had undergone in times immediately antecedent to the recent period, it was easy to treat these questions as too transcendental, or as lying too far beyond the domain of positive science to require serious discussion. but it is no longer possible to restrain curiosity from attempting to pry into the relations which connect the present state of the animal and vegetable worlds, as well as of the various races of mankind, with the state of the fauna and flora which immediately preceded. in the very outset of the inquiry, we are met with the difficulty of defining what we mean by the terms "species" and "race;" and the surprise of the unlearned is usually great, when they discover how wide is the difference of opinion now prevailing as to the significance of words in such familiar use. but, in truth, we can come to no agreement as to such definitions, unless we have previously made up our minds on some of the most momentous of all the enigmas with which the human intellect ever attempted to grapple. it is now thirty years since i gave an analysis in the first edition of my "principles of geology" (volume 2 1832) of the views which had been put forth by lamarck, in the beginning of the century, on this subject. in that interval the progress made in zoology and botany, both in augmenting the number of known animals and plants, and in studying their physiology and geographical distribution and above all in examining and describing fossil species, is so vast that the additions made to our knowledge probably exceed all that was previously known; and what lamarck then foretold has come to pass; the more new forms have been multiplied, the less are we able to decide what we mean by a variety, and what by a species. in fact, zoologists and botanists are not only more at a loss than ever how to define a species, but even to determine whether it has any real existence in nature, or is a mere abstraction of the human intellect, some contending that it is constant within certain narrow and impassable limits of variability, others that it is capable of indefinite and endless modification. before i attempt to explain a great step, which has recently been made by mr. darwin and his fellow-labourers in this field of inquiry, i think it useful to recapitulate in this place some of the leading features of lamarck's system, without attempting to adjust the claims of some of his contemporaries (geoffroy st. hilaire in particular) to share in the credit of some of his original speculations. from the time of linnaeus to the commencement of the present century, it seemed a sufficient definition of the term species to say that "a species consisted of individuals all resembling each other, and reproducing their like by generation." but lamarck after having first studied botany with success, had then turned his attention to conchology, and soon became aware that in the newer (or tertiary) strata of the earth's crust there were a multitude of fossil species of shells, some of them identical with living ones, others simply varieties of the living, and which as such were entitled to be designated, according to the ordinary rules of classification, by the same names. he also observed that other shells were so nearly allied to living forms that it was difficult not to suspect that they had been connected by a common bond of descent. he therefore proposed that the element of time should enter into the definition of a species, and that it should run thus: "a species consists of individuals all resembling each other, and reproducing their like by generation, so long as the surrounding conditions do not undergo changes sufficient to cause their habits, characters, and forms to vary." he came at last to the conclusion that none of the animals and plants now existing were primordial creations, but were all derived from pre-existing forms, which, after they may have gone on for indefinite ages reproducing their like, had at length, by the influence of alterations in climate and in the animate world been made to vary gradually, and adapt themselves to new circumstances, some of them deviating in the course of ages so far from their original type as to have claims to be regarded as new species. in support of these views, he referred to wild and cultivated plants and to wild and domesticated animals, pointing out how their colour, form, structure, physiological attributes and even instincts were gradually modified by exposure to new soils and climates, new enemies, modes of subsistence, and kinds of food. nor did he omit to notice that the newly acquired peculiarities may be inherited by the offspring for an indefinite series of generations, whether they be brought about naturally--as when a species, on the extreme verge of its geographical range, comes into competition with new antagonists and is subjected to new physical conditions; or artificially--as when by the act of the breeder or horticulturist peculiar varieties of form or disposition are selected. but lamarck taught not only that species had been constantly undergoing changes from one geological period to another, but that there also had been a progressive advance of the organic world from the earliest to the latest times, from beings of the simplest to those of more and more complex structure, and from the lowest instincts up to the highest, and finally from brute intelligence to the reasoning powers of man. the improvement in the grade of being had been slow and continuous, and the human race itself was at length evolved out of the most highly organised and endowed of the inferior mammalia. in order to explain how, after an indefinite lapse of ages, so many of the lowest grades of animal or plant still abounded, he imagined that the germs or rudiments of living things, which he called monads, were continually coming into the world and that there were different kinds of these monads for each primary division of the animal and vegetable kingdoms. this last hypothesis does not seem essentially different from the old doctrine of equivocal or spontaneous generation; it is wholly unsupported by any modern experiments or observation, and therefore affords us no aid whatever in speculating on the commencement of vital phenomena on the earth. some of the laws which govern the appearance of new varieties were clearly pointed out by lamarck. he remarked, for example, that as the muscles of the arm become strengthened by exercise or enfeebled by disuse, some organs may in this way, in the course of time, become entirely obsolete, and others previously weak become strong and play a new or more leading part in the organisation of a species. and so with instincts, where animals experience new dangers they become more cautious and cunning, and transmit these acquired faculties to their posterity. but not satisfied with such legitimate speculations, the french philosopher conceived that by repeated acts of volition animals might acquire new organs and attributes, and that in plants, which could not exert a will of their own, certain subtle fluids or organising forces might operate so as to work out analogous effects. after commenting on these purely imaginary causes, i pointed out in 1832, as the two great flaws in lamarck's attempt to explain the origin of species, first, that he had failed to adduce a single instance of the initiation of a new organ in any species of animal or plant; and secondly, that variation, whether taking place in the course of nature or assisted artificially by the breeder and horticulturist, had never yet gone so far as to produce two races sufficiently remote from each other in physiological constitution as to be sterile when intermarried, or, if fertile, only capable of producing sterile hybrids, etc.* (* "principles of geology" 1st edition volume 2 chapter 2.) to this objection lamarck would, no doubt, have answered that there had not been time for bringing about so great an amount of variation; for when cuvier and some other of his contemporaries appealed to the embalmed animals and plants taken from egyptian tombs, some of them 3000 years old, which had not experienced in that long period the slightest modification in their specific characters, he replied that the climate and soil of the valley of the nile had not varied in the interval, and that there was therefore no reason for expecting that we should be able to detect any change in the fauna and flora. "but if," he went on to say, "the physical geography, temperature, and other conditions of life had been altered in egypt as much as we know from geology has happened in other regions, some of the same animals and plants would have deviated so far from their pristine types as to be thought entitled to take rank as new and distinct species." although i cited this answer of lamarck in my account of his theory,* i did not at the time fully appreciate the deep conviction which it displays of the slow manner in which geological changes have taken place and the insignificance of thirty or forty centuries in the history of a species, and that, too, at a period when very narrow views were entertained of the extent of past time by most of the ablest geologists, and when great revolutions of the earth's crust, and its inhabitants, were generally attributed to sudden and violent catastrophes. (* ibid. page 587.) while in 1832 i argued against lamarck's doctrine of the gradual transmutation of one species into another, i agreed with him in believing that the system of changes now in progress in the organic world would afford, when fully understood, a complete key to the interpretation of all the vicissitudes of the living creation in past ages. i contended against the doctrine, then very popular, of the sudden destruction of vast multitudes of species and the abrupt ushering into the world of new batches of plants and animals. i endeavoured to sketch out (and it was, i believe, the first systematic attempt to accomplish such a task) the laws which govern the extinction of species, with a view of showing that the slow but ceaseless variations now in progress in physical geography, together with the migration of plants and animals into new regions, must in the course of ages give rise to the occasional loss of some of them and eventually cause an entire fauna and flora to die out; also that we must infer from geological data that the places thus left vacant from time to time are filled up without delay by new forms adapted to new conditions, sometimes by immigration from adjoining provinces, sometimes by new creations. among the many causes of extinction enumerated by me were the power of hostile species, diminution of food, mutations in climate, the conversion of land into sea and of sea into land, etc. i firmly opposed brocchi's hypothesis of a decline in the vital energy of each species;* maintaining that there was every reason to believe that the reproductive powers of the last surviving representatives of a species were as vigorous as those of their predecessors, and that they were as capable, under favourable circumstances, of repeopling the earth with their kind. (* "principles of geology" 1st edition volume 2 chapter 8; and 9th edition page 668.) the manner in which some species are now becoming scarce and dying out, one after the other, appeared to me to favour the doctrine of the fixity of the specific character, showing a want of pliancy and capability of varying, which ensured their annihilation whenever changes adverse to their well-being occurred; time not being allowed for such a transformation as might be conceived capable of adapting them to the new circumstances, and of converting them into what naturalists would call new species.* (* laws of extinction, "principles of geology" 1st edition 1832 volume 2 chapters 5 to 11 inclusive; and 9th edition chapters 37 to 42 inclusive 1853.) but while rejecting transmutation, i was equally opposed to the popular theory that the creative power had diminished in energy, or that it had been in abeyance ever since man had entered upon the scene. that a renovating force which had been in full operation for millions of years should cease to act while the causes of extinction were still in full activity, or even intensified by the accession of man's destroying power, seemed to me in the highest degree improbable. the only point on which i doubted was whether the force might not be intermittent instead of being, as lamarck supposed, in ceaseless operation. might not the births of new species, like the deaths of old ones, be sudden? might they not still escape our observation? if the coming in of one new species, and the loss of one other which had endured for ages, should take place annually, still, assuming that there are a million of animals and plants living on the globe, it would require, i observed, a million of years to bring about a complete revolution in the fauna and flora. in that case, i imagined that, although the first appearance of a new form might be as abrupt as the disappearance of an old one, yet naturalists might never yet have witnessed the first entrance on the stage of a large and conspicuous animal or plant, and as to the smaller kinds, many of them may be conceived to have stolen in unseen, and to have spread gradually over a wide area, like species migrating into new provinces.* (* "principles of geology" 1st edition 1832 volume 2 chapter 11; and 9th edition page 706.) it may now be useful to offer some remarks on the very different reception which the twin branches of lamarck's development theory, namely, progression and transmutation, have met with, and to inquire into the causes of the popularity of the one and the great unpopularity of the other. we usually test the value of a scientific hypothesis by the number and variety of the phenomena of which it offers a fair or plausible explanation. if transmutation, when thus tested, has decidedly the advantage over progression and yet is comparatively in disfavour, we may reasonably suspect that its reception is retarded, not so much by its own inherent demerits, as by some apprehended consequences which it is supposed to involve and which run counter to our preconceived opinions. theory of progression. in treating of this question, i shall begin with the doctrine of progression, a concise statement of which, so far as it relates to the animal kingdom, was thus given twelve years ago by professor sedgwick, in the preface to his "discourse on the studies of the university of cambridge." "there are traces," he says, "among the old deposits of the earth of an organic progression among the successive forms of life. they are to be seen in the absence of mammalia in the older, and their very rare appearance in the newer secondary groups; in the diffusion of warm-blooded quadrupeds (frequently of unknown genera) in the older tertiary system, and in their great abundance (and frequently of known genera) in the upper portions of the same series; and lastly, in the recent appearance of man on the surface of the earth." "this historical development," continues the same author, of the forms and functions of organic life during successive epochs, "seems to mark a gradual evolution of creative power, manifested by a gradual ascent towards a higher type of being." "but the elevation of the fauna of successive periods was not made by transmutation, but by creative additions; and it is by watching these additions that we get some insight into nature's true historical progress, and learn that there was a time when cephalopoda were the highest types of animal life, the primates of this world; that fishes next took the lead, then reptiles; and that during the secondary period they were anatomically raised far above any forms of the reptile class now living in the world. mammals were added next, until nature became what she now is, by the addition of man."* (* professor sedgwick's "discourse on the studies of the university of cambridge" preface to 5th edition pages 44, 154, 216, 1850.) although in the half century which has elapsed between the time of lamarck and the publication of the above summary, new discoveries have caused geologists to assign a higher antiquity both to man and the oldest fossil mammalia, fish, and reptiles than formerly, yet the generalisation, as laid down by the woodwardian professor, as to progression, still holds good in all essential particulars. the progressive theory was propounded in the following terms by the late hugh miller in his "footprints of the creator." "it is of itself an extraordinary fact without reference to other considerations, that the order adopted by cuvier in his "animal kingdom," as that in which the four great classes of vertebrate animals, when marshalled according to their rank and standing, naturally range, should be also that in which they occur in order of time. the brain, which bears an average proportion to the spinal cord of not more than two to one, comes first--it is the brain of the fish; that which bears to the spinal cord an average proportion of two and a half to one succeeded it--it is the brain of the reptile; then came the brain averaging as three to one--it is that of the bird. next in succession came the brain that averages as four to one--it is that of the mammal; and last of all there appeared a brain that averages as twenty-three to one--reasoning, calculating man had come upon the scene."* (* "footprints of the creator" edinburgh 1849 page 283.) m. agassiz, in his "essay on classification," has devoted a chapter to the "parallelism between the geological succession of animals and plants and their present relative standing;" in which he has expressed a decided opinion that within the limits of the orders of each great class there is a coincidence between their relative rank in organisation and the order of succession of their representatives in time.* (* "contributions to the natural history of the united states" part 1.--essay on classification page 108.) professor owen, in his palaeontology, has advanced similar views, and has remarked, in regard to the vertebrata that there is much positive as well as negative evidence in support of the doctrine of an advance in the scale of being, from ancient to more modern geological periods. we observe, for example, in the triassic, oolitic, and cretaceous strata, not only an absence of placental mammalia, but the presence of innumerable reptiles, some of large size, terrestrial and aquatic, herbivorous and predaceous, fitted to perform the functions now discharged by the mammalia. the late professor bronn, of heidelberg, after passing in review more than 24,000 fossil animals and plants, which he had classified and referred each to their geological position in his "index palaeontologicus," came to the conclusion that, in the course of time, there had been introduced into the earth more and more highly organised types of animal and vegetable life; the modern species being, on the whole, more specialised, i.e. having separate organs, or parts of the body, to perform different functions, which, in the earlier periods and in beings of simpler structure, were discharged in common by a single part or organ. professor adolphe brongniart, in an essay published in 1849 on the botanical classification and geological distribution of the genera of fossil plants,* arrives at similar results as to the progress of the vegetable world from the earliest periods to the present. (* tableau des genres de vegetaux fossiles, etc. "dictionnaire universel d'histoire naturelle" paris 1849.) he does not pretend to trace an exact historical series from the sea-weed to the fern, or from the fern again to the conifers and cycads, and lastly from those families to the palms and oaks, but he, nevertheless, points out that the cryptogamic forms, especially the acrogens, predominate among the fossils of the primary formations, the carboniferous especially, while the gymnosperms or coniferous and cycadeous plants abound in all the strata, from the trias to the wealden inclusive; and lastly, the more highly developed angiosperms, both monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous, do not become abundant until the tertiary period. it is a remarkable fact, as he justly observes, that the angiospermous exogens, which comprise four-fifths of living plants--a division to which all our native european trees, except the coniferae, belong, and which embrace all the compositae, leguminosae, umbelliferae, cruciferae, heaths, and so many other families--are wholly unrepresented by any fossils hitherto discovered in the primary and secondary formations from the silurian to the oolitic inclusive. it is not till we arrive at the cretaceous period that they begin to appear, sparingly at first, and only playing a conspicuous part, together with the palms and other endogens, in the tertiary epoch. when commenting on the eagerness with which the doctrine of progression was embraced from the close of the last century to the time when i first attempted, in 1830, to give some account of the prevailing theories in geology, i observed that far too much reliance was commonly placed on the received dates of the first appearances of certain orders or classes of animals or plants, such dates being determined by the age of the stratum in which we then happened to have discovered the earliest memorials of such types. at that time (1830), it was taken for granted that man had not co-existed with the mammoth and other extinct mammalia, yet now that we have traced back the signs of his existence to the pleistocene era, and may anticipate the finding of his remains on some future day in the pliocene period, the theory of progression is not shaken; for we cannot expect to meet with human bones in the miocene formations, where all the species and nearly all the genera of mammalia belong to types widely differing from those now living; and had some other rational being, representing man, then flourished, some signs of his existence could hardly have escaped unnoticed, in the shape of implements of stone or metal, more frequent and more durable than the osseous remains of any of the mammalia. in the beginning of this century it was one of the canons of the popular geological creed that the first warm-blooded quadrupeds which had inhabited this planet were those derived from the eocene gypsum of montmartre in the suburbs of paris, almost all of which cuvier had shown to belong to extinct genera. this dogma continued in force for more than a quarter of a century, in spite of the discovery in 1818 of a marsupial quadruped in the stonesfield strata, a member of the lower oolite, near oxford. some disputed the authority of cuvier himself as to the mammalian character of the fossil; others, the accuracy of those who had assigned to it so ancient a place in the chronological series of rocks. in 1832 i pointed out that the occurrence of this single fossil in the oolite was "fatal to the theory of successive development" as then propounded.* (* "principles of geology" 2nd edition 1 173.) since that period great additions have been made to our knowledge of the existence of land quadrupeds in the olden times. we have ascertained that, in eocene strata older than the gypsum of paris, no less than four distinct sets of placental mammalia have flourished; namely, first, those of the headon series in the isle of wight, from which fourteen species have been procured; secondly, those of the antecedent bagshot and bracklesham beds, which have yielded, together with the contemporaneous "calcaire grossier" of paris, twenty species; thirdly, the still older beds of kyson, near ipswich, and those of herne bay, at the mouth of the thames, in which seven species have been found; and fourthly, the woolwich and reading beds, which have supplied ten species.* (* lyell's supplement to 5th edition of "elements" 1857.) we can scarcely doubt that we should already have traced back the evidence of this class of fossils much farther had not our inquiries been arrested, first by the vast gap between the tertiary and secondary formations, and then by the marine nature of the cretaceous rocks. the mammalia next in antiquity, of which we have any cognisance, are those of the upper oolite of purbeck, discovered between the years 1854 and 1857, and comprising no less than fourteen species, referable to eight or nine genera; one of them, plagiaulax, considered by dr. falconer to have been a herbivorous marsupial. the whole assemblage appear, from the joint observations of professor owen and dr. falconer, to indicate a low grade of quadruped, probably of the marsupial type. they were, for the most part, diminutive, the two largest not much exceeding our common hedgehog and polecat in size. next anterior in age are the mammalia of the lower oolite of stonesfield, of which four species are known, also very small and probably marsupial, with one exception, the stereognathus ooliticus, which, according to professor owen's conjecture, may have been a hoofed quadruped and placental, though, as we have only half of the lower jaw with teeth, and the molars are unlike any living type, such an opinion is of course hazarded with due caution. still older than the above are some fossil quadrupeds of small size, found in the upper trias of stuttgart in germany, and more lately by mr. c. moore in beds of corresponding age near frome, which are also of a very low grade, like the living myrmecobius of australia. beyond this limit our knowledge of the highest class of vertebrata does not as yet extend into the past, but the frequent shifting back of the old landmarks, nearly all of them once supposed in their turn to indicate the date of the first appearance of warm-blooded quadrupeds on this planet, should serve as a warning to us not to consider the goal at present reached by palaeontology as one beyond which they who come after us are never destined to pass. on the other hand, it may be truly said in favour of progression that after all these discoveries the doctrine is not gainsaid, for the less advanced marsupials precede the more perfect placental mammalia in the order of their appearance on the earth. if the three localities where the most ancient mammalia have been found--purbeck, stonesfield, and stuttgart--had belonged all of them to formations of the same age, we might well have imagined so limited an area to have been peopled exclusively with pouched quadrupeds, just as australia now is, while other parts of the globe were inhabited by placentals, for australia now supports one hundred and sixty species of marsupials, while the rest of the continents and islands are tenanted by about seventeen hundred species of mammalia, of which only forty-six are marsupial, namely, the opossums of north and south america. but the great difference of age of the strata in each of these three localities seems to indicate the predominance throughout a vast lapse of time (from the era of the upper trias to that of the purbeck beds) of a low grade of quadrupeds; and this persistency of similar generic and ordinal types in europe while the species were changing, and while the fish, reptiles, and mollusca were undergoing vast modifications, raises a strong presumption that there was also a vast extension in space of the same marsupial forms during that portion of the secondary epoch which has been termed "the age of reptiles." as to the class reptilia, some of the orders which prevailed when the secondary rocks were formed are confessedly much higher in their organisation than any of the same class now living. if the less perfect ophidians, or snakes, which now abound on the earth had taken the lead in those ancient days among the land reptiles, and the deinosaurians had been contemporary with man, there can be no doubt that the progressionist would have seized upon this fact with unfeigned satisfaction as confirmatory of his views. now that the order of succession is precisely reversed, and that the age of the iguanodon was long anterior to that of the eocene palaeophis and living boa, while the crocodile is in our own times the highest representative of its class, a retrograde movement in this important division of the vertebrata must be admitted. it may perhaps be accounted for by the power acquired by the placental mammalia, when they became dominant, a power before which the class of vertebrata next below them, as coming most directly in competition with them, may more than any other have given way. for no less than thirty-four years it had been a received axiom in palaeontology that reptiles had never existed before the permian or magnesian limestone period, when at length in 1844 this supposed barrier was thrown down, and carboniferous reptiles, terrestrial and aquatic, of several genera were brought to light; and discussions are now going on as to whether some remains of an enaliosaur (perhaps a large labyrinthodon) have not been detected in the coal of nova scotia, and whether certain sandstones near elgin in scotland, containing the bones of lacertian, crocodilian, and rhynchosaurian reptiles, may not be referable to the "old red" or devonian group. still, no traces of this class have yet been detected in rocks as ancient as those in which the oldest fish have been found. [38] as to fossil representatives of the ichthyic type, the most ancient were not supposed before 1838 to be of a date anterior to the coal, but they have since been traced back, first to the devonian, and then to the silurian rocks. no remains, however, of them or of any vertebrate animal have yet been discovered in the ordovician strata, rich as these are in invertebrate fossils, nor in the still older cambrian; so that we seem authorised to conclude, though not without considerable reserve, that the vertebrate type was extremely scarce, if not wholly wanting, in those epochs often spoken of as "primitive," but which, if the development theory be true, were probably the last of a long series of antecedent ages in which living beings flourished. as to the mollusca, which afford the most unbroken series of geological medals, the highest of that class, the cephalopoda, abounded in older silurian times, comprising several hundred species of chambered univalves. had there been strong prepossessions against the progressive theory, it would probably have been argued that when these cephalopods abounded, and the siphonated gasteropods were absent, a higher order of zoophagous mollusca discharged the functions afterwards performed by an inferior order in the secondary, tertiary, and post-tertiary seas. but i have never seen this view suggested as adverse to the doctrine of progress, although much stress has been laid on the fact that the silurian brachiopoda, creatures of a lower grade, formerly discharged the functions of the existing lamellibranchiate bivalves, which are higher in the scale. it is said truly that the ammonite, orthoceras, and nautilus of these ancient rocks were of the tetrabranchiate division, and none of them so highly organised as the belemnite and other dibranchiate cephalopods which afterwards appeared, and some of which now flourish in our seas. therefore, we may infer that the simplest forms of the cephalopoda took precedence of the more complex in time. but if we embrace this view, we must not forget that there are living cephalopoda, such as the octopods, which are devoid of any hard parts, whether external or internal, and which could leave behind them no fossil memorials of their existence, so that we must make a somewhat arbitrary assumption, namely, that at a remote era, no such dibranchiata were in being, in order to avail ourselves of this argument in favour of progression. on the other hand, it is true that in the lower cambrian not even the shell-bearing tetrabranchiates have yet been discovered. in regard to plants, although the generalisation above cited of m. adolphe brongniart is probably true, there has been a tendency in the advocates of progression to push the inferences deducible from known facts, in support of their favourite dogma, somewhat beyond the limits which the evidence justifies. dr. hooker observes, in his recent "introductory essay to the flora of australia," that it is impossible to establish a parallel between the successive appearances of vegetable forms in time, and their complexity of structure or specialisation of organs as represented by the successively higher groups in the natural method of classification. he also adds that the earliest recognisable cryptogams are not only the highest now existing, but have more highly differentiated vegetative organs than any subsequently appearing, and that the dicotyledonous embryo and perfect exogenous wood, with the highest specialised tissue known (the coniferous with glandular tissue), preceded the monocotyledonous embryo and endogenous wood in date of appearance on the globe--facts wholly opposed to the doctrine of progression, and which can only be set aside on the supposition that they are fragmentary evidence of a time farther removed from the origin of vegetation than from the present day.* (* "introductory essay to the flora of australia," page 31 london 1859. published separately.) [39] it would be an easy task to multiply objections to the theory now under consideration; but from this i refrain, as i regard it not only as a useful, but rather in the present state of science as an indispensable hypothesis, and one which though destined hereafter to undergo many and great modifications will never be overthrown. it may be thought almost paradoxical that writers who are most in favour of transmutation (mr. c. darwin and dr. j. hooker, for example) are nevertheless among those who are most cautious, and one would say timid, in their mode of espousing the doctrine of progression; while, on the other hand, the most zealous advocates of progression are oftener than not very vehement opponents of transmutation. we might have anticipated a contrary leaning on the part of both, for to what does the theory of progression point? it supposes a gradual elevation in grade of the vertebrate type in the course of ages from the most simple ichthyic form to that of the placental mammalia and the coming upon the stage last in the order of time of the most anthropomorphous mammalia, followed by the human race--this last thus appearing as an integral part of the same continuous series of acts of development, one link in the same chain, the crowning operation as it were of one and the same series of manifestations of creative power. if the dangers apprehended from transmutation arise from the too intimate connection which it tends to establish between the human and merely animal natures, it might have been expected that the progressive development of organisation, instinct, and intelligence might have been unpopular, as likely to pioneer the way for the reception of the less favoured doctrine. but the true explanation of the seeming anomaly is this, that no one can believe in transmutation who is not profoundly convinced that all we know in palaeontology is as nothing compared with what we have yet to learn, and they who regard the record as so fragmentary, and our acquaintance with the fragments which are extant as so rudimentary, are apt to be astounded at the confidence placed by the progressionists in data which must be defective in the extreme. but exactly in proportion as the completeness of the record and our knowledge of it are overrated, in that same degree are many progressionists unconscious of the goal towards which they are drifting. their faith in the fullness of the annals leads them to regard all breaks in the series of organic existence, or in the sequence of the fossiliferous rocks, as proofs of original chasms and leaps in the course of nature--signs of the intermittent action of the creational force, or of catastrophes which devastated the habitable surface. they do not doubt that there is a continuity of plan, but they believe that it exists in the divine mind alone, and they are therefore without apprehension that any facts will be discovered which would imply a material connection between the outgoing organisms and the incoming ones. chapter 21. -on the origin of species by variation and natural selection. mr. darwin's theory of the origin of species by natural selection. memoir by mr. wallace. manner in which favoured races prevail in the struggle for existence. formation of new races by breeding. hypotheses of definite and indefinite modifiability equally arbitrary. competition and extinction of races. progression not a necessary accompaniment of variation. distinct classes of phenomena which natural selection explains. unity of type, rudimentary organs, geographical distribution, relation of the extinct to the living fauna and flora, and mutual relations of successive groups of fossil forms. light thrown on embryological development by natural selection. why large genera have more variable species than small ones. dr. hooker on the evidence afforded by the vegetable kingdom in favour of creation by variation. steenstrup on alternation of generations. how far the doctrine of independent creation is opposed to the laws now governing the migration of species. for many years after the promulgation of lamarck's doctrine of progressive development, geologists were much occupied with the question whether the past changes in the animate and inanimate world were brought about by sudden and paroxysmal action, or gradually and continuously, by causes differing neither in kind nor degree from those now in operation. the anonymous author of "the vestiges of creation" published in 1844 a treatise, written in a clear and attractive style, which made the english public familiar with the leading views of lamarck on transmutation and progression, but brought no new facts or original line of argument to support those views, or to combat the principal objections which the scientific world entertained against them. no decided step in this direction was made until the publication in 1858 of two papers, one by mr. darwin and another by mr. wallace, followed in 1859 by mr. darwin's celebrated work on "the origin of species by means of natural selection; or, the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life." the author of this treatise had for twenty previous years strongly inclined to believe that variation and the ordinary laws of reproduction were among the secondary causes always employed by the author of nature, in the introduction from time to time of new species into the world, and he had devoted himself patiently to the collecting of facts and making of experiments in zoology and botany, with a view of testing the soundness of the theory of transmutation. part of the manuscript of his projected work was read to dr. hooker as early as 1844 and some of the principal results were communicated to me on several occasions. [40] dr. hooker and i had repeatedly urged him to publish without delay, but in vain, as he was always unwilling to interrupt the course of his investigations; until at length mr. alfred r. wallace, who had been engaged for years in collecting and studying the animals of the east indian archipelago, thought out independently for himself one of the most novel and important of mr. darwin's theories. this he embodied in an essay "on the tendency of varieties to depart indefinitely from the original type." it was written at ternate in february 1858, and sent to mr. darwin with a request that it might be shown to me if thought sufficiently novel and interesting. dr. hooker and i were of opinion that it should be immediately printed, and we succeeded in persuading mr. darwin to allow one of the manuscript chapters of his "origin of species," entitled "on the tendency of species to form varieties, and on the perpetuation of species and varieties by natural means of selection," to appear at the same time.* (* see "proceedings of the linnaean society" 1858.) by reference to these memoirs it will be seen that both writers begin by applying to the animal and vegetable worlds the malthusian doctrine of population, or its tendency to increase in a geometrical ratio, while food can only be made to augment even locally in an arithmetical one. there being therefore no room or means of subsistence for a large proportion of the plants and animals which are born into the world, a great number must annually perish. hence there is a constant struggle for existence among the individuals which represent each species and the vast majority can never reach the adult state, to say nothing of the multitudes of ova and seeds which are never hatched or allowed to germinate. of birds it is estimated that the number of those which die every year equals the aggregate number by which the species to which they respectively belong is on the average permanently represented. the trial of strength which must decide what individuals are to survive and what to succumb occurs in the season when the means of subsistence are fewest, or enemies most numerous, or when the individuals are enfeebled by climate or other causes; and it is then that those varieties which have any, even the slightest, advantage over others come off victorious. they may often owe their safety to what would seem to a casual observer a trifling difference, such as a darker or lighter shade of colour rendering them less visible to a species which preys upon them, or sometimes to attributes more obviously advantageous, such as greater cunning or superior powers of flight or swiftness of foot. these peculiar qualities and faculties, bodily and instinctive, may enable them to outlive their less favoured rivals, and being transmitted by the force of inheritance to their offspring will constitute new races, or what mr. darwin calls "incipient species." if one variety, being in other respects just equal to its competitors, happens to be more prolific, some of its offspring will stand a greater chance of being among those which will escape destruction, and their descendants, being in like manner very fertile, will continue to multiply at the expense of all less prolific varieties. as breeders of domestic animals, when they choose certain varieties in preference to others to breed from, speak technically of their method as that of "selecting," mr. darwin calls the combination of natural causes, which may enable certain varieties of wild animals or plants to prevail over others of the same species, "natural selection." a breeder finds that a new race of cattle with short horns or without horns may be formed in the course of several generations by choosing varieties having the most stunted horns as his stock from which to breed; so nature, by altering in the course of ages, the conditions of life, the geographical features of a country, its climate, the associated plants and animals, and consequently the food and enemies of a species and its mode of life, may be said, by this means to select certain varieties best adapted for the new state of things. such new races may often supplant the original type from which they have diverged, although that type may have been perpetuated without modification for countless anterior ages in the same region, so long as it was in harmony with the surrounding conditions then prevailing. lamarck, when speculating on the origin of the long neck of the giraffe, imagined that quadruped to have stretched himself up in order to reach the boughs of lofty trees, until by continued efforts and longing to reach higher he obtained an elongated neck. mr. darwin and mr. wallace simply suppose that, in a season of scarcity, a longer-necked variety, having the advantage in this respect over most of the herd, as being able to browse on foliage out of their reach, survived them and transmitted its peculiarity of cervical conformation to its successors. by the multiplying of slight modifications in the course of thousands of generations and by the handing down of the newly-acquired peculiarities by inheritance, a greater and greater divergence from the original standard is supposed to be effected, until what may be called a new species, or in a greater lapse of time a new genus will be the result. every naturalist admits that there is a general tendency in animals and plants to vary; but it is usually taken for granted, though he have no means of proving the assumption to be true, that there are certain limits beyond which each species cannot pass under any circumstances or in any number of generations. mr. darwin and mr. wallace say that the opposite hypothesis, which assumes that every species is capable of varying indefinitely from its original type, is not a whit more arbitrary, and has this manifest claim to be preferred, that it will account for a multitude of phenomena which the ordinary theory is incapable of explaining. we have no right, they say, to assume, should we find that a variable species can no longer be made to vary in a certain direction, that it has reached the utmost limit to which it might under more favourable conditions or if more time were allowed be made to diverge from the parent type. hybridisation is not considered by mr. darwin as a cause of new species, but rather as tending to keep variation within bounds. varieties which are nearly allied cross readily with each other, and with the parent stock, and such crossing tends to keep the species true to its type, while forms which are less nearly related, although they may intermarry, produce no mule offspring capable of perpetuating their kind. the competition of races and species, observes mr. darwin, is always most severe between those which are most closely allied and which fill nearly the same place in the economy of nature. hence when the conditions of existence are modified the original stock runs great risk of being superseded by some one of its modified offshoots. the new race or species may not be absolutely superior in the sum of its powers and endowments to the parent stock, and may even be more simple in structure and of a lower grade of intelligence, as well as of organisation, provided on the whole it happens to have some slight advantage over its rivals. progression, therefore, is not a necessary accompaniment of variation and natural selection, though when a higher organisation happens to be coincident with superior fitness to new conditions, the new species will have greater power and a greater chance of permanently maintaining and extending its ground. one of the principal claims of mr. darwin's theory to acceptance is that it enables us to dispense with a law of progression as a necessary accompaniment of variation. it will account equally well for what is called degradation, or a retrograde movement towards a simpler structure, and does not require lamarck's continual creation of monads; for this was a necessary part of his system, in order to explain how, after the progressive power had been at work for myriads of ages, there were as many beings of the simplest structure in existence as ever. mr. darwin argues, and with no small success, that all true classification in zoology and botany is in fact genealogical, and that community of descent is the hidden bond which naturalists have been unconsciously seeking, while they often imagined that they were looking for some unknown plan of creation. as the "origin of species"* is in itself a condensed abstract of a much larger work not yet published [41] i could not easily give an analysis of its contents within narrower limits than those of the original, but it may be useful to enumerate briefly some of the principal classes of phenomena on which the theory of "natural selection" would throw light. (* "origin of species" page 121.) in the first place it would explain, says mr. darwin, the unity of type which runs through the whole organic world, and why there is sometimes a fundamental agreement in structure in the same class of beings which is quite independent of their habits of life, for such structure, derived by inheritance from a remote progenitor, has been modified in the course of ages in different ways according to the conditions of existence. it would also explain why all living and extinct beings are united, by complex radiating and circuitous lines of affinity with one another into one grand system;* also, there having been a continued extinction of old races and species in progress and a formation of new ones by variation, why in some genera which are largely represented, or to which a great many species belong, many of these are closely but unequally related; also, why there are distinct geographical provinces of species of animals and plants, for after long isolation by physical barriers each fauna and flora by varying continually must become distinct from its ancestral type, and from the new forms assumed by other descendants which have diverged from the same stock. (* "origin" page 498.) the theory of indefinite modification would also explain why rudimentary organs are so useful in classification, being the remnants preserved by inheritance of organs which the present species once used--as in the case of the rudiments of eyes in insects and reptiles inhabiting dark caverns, or of the wings of birds and beetles which have lost all power of flight. in such cases the affinities of species are often more readily discerned by reference to these imperfect structures than by others of much more physiological importance to the individuals themselves. the same hypothesis would explain why there are no mammalia in islands far from continents, except bats, which can reach them by flying; and also why the birds, insects, plants, and other inhabitants of islands, even when specifically unlike, usually agree generically with those of the nearest continent, it being assumed that the original stock of such species came by migration from the nearest land. variation and natural selection would also afford a key to a multitude of geological facts otherwise wholly unaccounted for, as for example why there is generally an intimate connection between the living animals and plants of each great division of the globe and the extinct fauna and flora of the post-tertiary or tertiary formations of the same region; as, for example, in north america, where we not only find among the living mollusca peculiar forms foreign to europe, such as gnathodon and fulgur (a subgenus of fusus), but meet also with extinct species of those same genera in the tertiary fauna of the same part of the world. in like manner, among the mammalia we find in australia not only living kangaroos and wombats, but fossil individuals of extinct species of the same genera. so also there are recent and fossil sloths, armadilloes and other edentata in south america, and living and extinct species of elephant, rhinoceros, tiger, and bear in the great europeo-asiatic continent. the theory of the origin of new species by variation will also explain why a species which has once died out never reappears and why the fossil fauna and flora recede farther and farther from the living type in proportion as we trace them back to remoter ages. it would also account for the fact that when we have to intercalate a new set of fossiliferous strata between two groups previously known, the newly discovered fossils serve to fill up gaps between specific or generic types previously familiar to us, supplying often the missing links of the chain, which, if transmutation is accepted, must once have been continuous. one of the most original speculations in mr. darwin's work is derived from the fact that, in the breeding of animals, it is often observed that at whatever age any variation first appears in the parent, it tends to reappear at a corresponding age in the offspring. hence the young individuals of two races which have sprung from the same parent stock are usually more like each other than the adults. thus the puppies of the greyhound and bull-dog are much more nearly alike in their proportions than the grown-up dogs, and in like manner the foals of the carthorse and racehorse than the adult individuals. for the same reason we may understand why the species of the same genus, or genera of the same family, resemble each other more nearly in their embryonic than in their more fully developed state, or how it is that in the eyes of most naturalists the structure of the embryo is even more important in classification than that of the adult, "for the embryo is the animal in its less modified state, and in so far it reveals the structure of its progenitor. in two groups of animals, however much they may at present differ from each other in structure and habits, if they pass through the same or similar embryonic stages, we may feel assured that they have both descended from the same or nearly similar parents, and are therefore in that degree closely related. thus community in embryonic structure reveals community of descent, however much the structure of the adult may have been modified."* (* darwin, "origin" etc. page 448.) if then there had been a system of progressive development, the successive changes through which the embryo of a species of a high class, a mammifer for example, now passes, may be expected to present us with a picture of the stages through which, in the course of ages, that class of animals has successively passed in advancing from a lower to a higher grade. hence the embryonic states exhibited one after the other by the human individual bear a certain amount of resemblance to those of the fish, reptile, and bird before assuming those of the highest division of the vertebrata. mr. darwin, after making a laborious analysis of many floras, found that those genera which are represented by a large number of species contain a greater number of variable species, relatively speaking, than the smaller genera or those less numerously represented. this fact he adduces in support of his opinion that varieties are incipient species, for he observes that the existence of the larger genera implies that the manufacturing of species has been active in the period immediately preceding our own, in which case we ought generally to find the same forces still in full activity, more especially as we have every reason to believe the process by which new species are produced is a slow one.* (* "origin of species" chapter 2 page 56.) dr. hooker tells us that he was long disposed to doubt this result, as he was acquainted with so many variable small genera, but after examining mr. darwin's data, he was compelled to acquiesce in his generalisation.* (* "introductory essay to the flora of australia" page 6.) it is one of those conclusions, to verify which requires the investigation of many thousands of species, and to which exceptions may easily be adduced both in the animal and vegetable kingdoms, so that it will be long before we can expect it to be thoroughly tested, and if true, fairly appreciated. among the most striking exceptions will be some genera still large, but which are beginning to decrease, the conditions favourable to their former predominance having already begun to change. to many, this doctrine of "natural selection," or "the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life," seems so simple, when once clearly stated, and so consonant with known facts and received principles, that they have difficulty in conceiving how it can constitute a great step in the progress of science. such is often the case with important discoveries, but in order to assure ourselves that the doctrine was by no means obvious, we have only to refer back to the writings of skilful naturalists who attempted in the earlier part of the nineteenth century to theorise on this subject, before the invention of this new method of explaining how certain forms are supplanted by new ones and in what manner these last are selected out of innumerable varieties and rendered permanent. dr. hooker on the theory of "creation by variation" as applied to the vegetable kingdom. of dr. hooker, whom i have often cited in this chapter, mr. darwin has spoken in the introduction to his "origin of species," as one "who had, for fifteen years, aided him in every possible way, by his large stores of knowledge, and his excellent judgment." this distinguished botanist published his "introductory essay to the flora of australia" in december 1859, the year after the memoir on "natural selection" was communicated to the linnaean society, and a month after the appearance of the "origin of species." having, in the course of his extensive travels, studied the botany of arctic, temperate, and tropical regions, and written on the flora of india, which he had examined at all heights above the sea from the plains of bengal to the limits of perpetual snow in the himalaya, and having specially devoted his attention to "geographical varieties," or those changes of character which plants exhibit when traced over wide areas and seen under new conditions; being also practically versed in the description and classification of new plants, from various parts of the world, and having been called upon carefully to consider the claims of thousands of varieties to rank as species, no one was better qualified by observation and reflection to give an authoritative opinion on the question, whether the present vegetation of the globe is or is not in accordance with the theory which mr. darwin has proposed. we cannot but feel, therefore, deeply interested when we find him making the following declaration: "the mutual relations of the plants of each great botanical province, and, in fact, of the world generally, is just such as would have resulted if variation had gone on operating throughout indefinite periods, in the same manner as we see it act in a limited number of centuries, so as gradually to give rise in the course of time, to the most widely divergent forms." in the same essay, this author remarks, "the element of mutability pervades the whole vegetable kingdom; no class, nor order, nor genus of more than a few species claims absolute exemption from it, whilst the grand total of unstable forms, generally assumed to be species, probably exceeds that of the stable." yet he contends that species are neither visionary, nor even arbitrary creations of the naturalist, but realities, though they may not remain true for ever. the majority of them, he remarks, are so far constant, "within the range of our experience," and their forms and characters so faithfully handed down through thousands of generations, that they admit of being treated as if they were permanent and immutable. but the range of "our experience" is so limited, that it will "not account for a single fact in the present geographical distribution, or origin of any one species of plant, nor for the amount of variation it has undergone, nor will it indicate the time when it first appeared, nor the form it had when created."* (* hooker, "introductory essay to the flora of australia.") to what an extent the limits of species are indefinable, is evinced, he says, by the singular fact that, among those botanists who believe them to be immutable, the number of flowering plants is by some assumed to be 80,000, and by others over 150,000. the general limitation of species to certain areas suggests the idea that each of them, with all their varieties, have sprung from a common parent and have spread in various directions from a common centre. the frequency also of the grouping of genera within certain geographical limits is in favour of the same law, although the migration of species may sometimes cause apparent exceptions to the rule and make the same types appear to have originated independently at different spots.* (* ibid. page 13.) certain genera of plants, which, like the brambles, roses, and willows in europe, consist of a continuous series of varieties between the terms of which no intermediate forms can be intercalated, may be supposed to be newer types and on the increase, and therefore undergoing much variation; whereas genera which present no such perplexing gradations may be of older date and may have been losing species and varieties by extinction. in this case, the annihilation of intermediate forms which once existed makes it an easy task to distinguish those which remain. it had usually been supposed by the advocates of the immutability of species that domesticated races, if allowed to run wild, always revert to their parent type. mr. wallace had said in reply that a domesticated species, if it loses the protection of man, can only stand its ground in a wild state by resuming those habits and recovering those attributes which it may have lost when under domestication. if these faculties are so much enfeebled as to be irrecoverable it will perish; if not and if it can adapt itself to the surrounding conditions, it will revert to the state in which man first found it: for in one, two, or three thousand years, which may have elapsed since it was originally tamed, there will not have been time for such geographical, climatal, and organic changes as would only be suited to a new race or a new and allied species. but in regard to plants dr. hooker questions the fact of reversion. according to him, species in general do not readily vary, but when they once begin to do so the new varieties, as every horticulturist knows, show a great inclination to go on departing more and more from the old stock. as the best marked varieties of a wild species occur on the confines of the area which it inhabits, so the best marked varieties of a cultivated plant are those last produced by the gardener. cabbages, for example, wall fruits, and cereal, show no disposition, when neglected, to assume the characters of the wild states of these plants. hence the difficulty of determining what are the true parent species of most of our cultivated plants. thus the finer kinds of apples, if grown from seed, degenerate and become crabs, but in so doing they do not revert to the original wild crab-apple, but become crab states of the varieties to which they belong.* (* "introductory essay to the flora of australia" page 9.) it would lead me into too long a digression were i to attempt to give a fuller analysis of this admirable essay; but i may add that none of the observations are more in point, as bearing on the doctrine of what hooker terms "creation by variation," than the great extent to which the internal characters and properties of plants, or their physiological constitution, are capable of being modified, while they exhibit externally no visible departure from the normal form. thus, in one region a species may possess peculiar medicinal qualities which it wants in another, or it may be hardier and better able to resist cold. the average range in altitude, says hooker, of each species of flowering plant in the himalayan mountains, whether in the tropical, temperate, or alpine region, is 4000 feet, which is equivalent to twelve degrees of isothermals of latitude. if an individual of any of these species be taken from the upper limits of its range and carried to england, it is found to be better able to stand our climate than those from the lower or warmer stations. when several of these internal or physiological modifications are accompanied by variation in size, habits of growth, colour of the flowers, and other external characters, and these are found to be constant in successive generations, botanists may well begin to differ in opinion as to whether they ought to regard them as distinct species or not. alternation of generations. hitherto, no rival hypothesis has been proposed as a substitute for the doctrine of transmutation; for what we term "independent creation," or the direct intervention of the supreme cause, must simply be considered as an avowal that we deem the question to lie beyond the domain of science. the discovery by steenstrup of alternate generation enlarges our views of the range of metamorphosis through which a species may pass, so that some of its stages (as when a sertularia and a medusa interchange) deviate so far from others as to have been referred by able zoologists to distinct genera, or even families. but in all these cases the organism, after running through a certain cycle of change, returns to the exact point from which it set out, and no new form or species is thereby introduced into the world. the only secondary cause therefore which has as yet been even conjecturally brought forward, to explain how in the ordinary course of nature a new specific form may be generated is, as lamarck declared, "variation," and this has been rendered a far more probable hypothesis by the way in which "natural selection" is shown to give intensity and permanency to certain varieties. independent creation. when i formerly advocated the doctrine that species were primordial creations and not derivative, i endeavoured to explain the manner of their geographical distribution, and the affinity of living forms to the fossil types nearest akin to them in the tertiary strata of the same part of the globe, by supposing that the creative power, which originally adapts certain types to aquatic and others to terrestrial conditions, has at successive geological epochs introduced new forms best suited to each area and climate, so as to fill the places of those which may have died out. in that case, although the new species would differ from the old (for these would not be revived, having been already proved by the fact of their extinction to be incapable of holding their ground), still they would resemble their predecessors generically. for, as mr. darwin states in regard to new races, those of a dominant type inherit the advantages which made their parent species flourish in the same country, and they likewise partake in those general advantages which made the genus to which the parent species belonged a large genus in its own country. we might therefore, by parity of reasoning, have anticipated that the creative power, adapting the new types to the new combination of organic and inorganic conditions of a given region, such as its soil, climate, and inhabitants, would introduce new modifications of the old types--marsupials, for example, in australia, new sloths and armadilloes in south america, new heaths at the cape, new roses in the northern and new calceolarias in the southern hemisphere. but to this line of argument mr. darwin and dr. hooker reply that when animals or plants migrate into new countries, whether assisted by man or without his aid, the most successful colonisers appertain by no means to those types which are most allied to the old indigenous species. on the contrary it more frequently happens that members of genera, orders, or even classes, distinct and foreign to the invaded country, make their way most rapidly and become dominant at the expense of the endemic species. such is the case with the placental quadrupeds in australia, and with horses and many foreign plants in the pampas of south america, and numberless instances in the united states and elsewhere which might easily be enumerated. hence the transmutationists infer that the reason why these foreign types, so peculiarly fitted for these regions, have never before been developed there is simply that they were excluded by natural barriers. but these barriers of sea or desert or mountain could never have been of the least avail had the creative force acted independently of material laws or had it not pleased the author of nature that the origin of new species should be governed by some secondary causes analogous to those which we see preside over the appearance of new varieties, which never appear except as the offspring of a parent stock very closely resembling them. chapter 22. -objections to the hypothesis of transmutation considered. statement of objections to the hypothesis of transmutation founded on the absence of intermediate forms. genera of which the species are closely allied. occasional discovery of the missing links in a fossil state. davidson's monograph on the brachiopoda. why the gradational forms, when found, are not accepted as evidence of transmutation. gaps caused by extinction of races and species. vast tertiary periods during which this extinction has been going on in the fauna and flora now existing. genealogical bond between miocene and recent plants and insects. fossils of oeningen. species of insects in britain and north america represented by distinct varieties. falconer's monograph on living and fossil elephants. fossil species and genera of the horse tribe in north and south america. relation of the pliocene mammalia of north america, asia, and europe. species of mammalia, though less persistent than the mollusca, change slowly. arguments for and against transmutation derived from the absence of mammalia in islands. imperfection of the geological record. intercalation of newly discovered formation of intermediate age in the chronological series. reference of the st. cassian beds to the triassic periods. discovery of new organic types. feathered archaeopteryx of the oolite. theory of transmutation--absence of intermediate links. the most obvious and popular of the objections urged against the theory of transmutation may be thus expressed: if the extinct species of plants and animals of the later geological periods were the progenitors of the living species, and gave origin to them by variation and natural selection, where are all the intermediate forms, fossil and living, through which the lost types must have passed during their conversion into the living ones? and why do we not find almost everywhere passages between the nearest allied species and genera, instead of such strong lines of demarcation and often wide intervening gaps? we may consider this objection under two heads:-first. to what extent are the gradational links really wanting in the living creation or in the fossil world, and how far may we expect to discover such as are missing by future research? secondly. are the gaps more numerous than we ought to anticipate, allowing for the original defective state of the geological records, their subsequent dilapidation and our slight acquaintance with such parts of them as are extant, and allowing also for the rate of extinction of races and species now going on, and which has been going on since the commencement of the tertiary period? first. as to the alleged absence of intermediate varieties connecting one species with another, every zoologist and botanist who has engaged in the task of classification has been occasionally thrown into this dilemma--if i make more than one species in this group, i must, to be consistent, make a great many. even in a limited region like the british isles this embarrassment is continually felt. scarcely any two botanists, for example, can agree as to the number of roses, still less as to how many species of bramble we possess. of the latter genus, rubus, there is one set of forms respecting which it is still a question whether it ought to be regarded as constituting three species or thirty-seven. mr. bentham adopts the first alternative and mr. babington the second, in their well-known treatises on british plants. we learn from dr. hooker that at the antipodes, both in new zealand and australia, this same genus rubus is represented by several species rich in individuals and remarkable for their variability. when we consider how, as we extend our knowledge of the same plant over a wider area, new geographical varieties commonly present themselves, and then endeavour to imagine the number of forms of the genus rubus which may now exist, or probably have existed, in europe and in regions intervening between europe and australia, comprehending all which may have flourished in tertiary and post-tertiary periods, we shall perceive how little stress should be laid on arguments founded on the assumed absence of missing links in the flora as it now exists. if in the battle of life the competition is keenest between closely allied varieties and species, as mr. darwin contends, many forms can never be of long duration, nor have a wide range, and these must often pass away without leaving behind them any fossil memorials. in this manner we may account for many breaks in the series which no future researches will ever fill up. davidson on fossil brachiopoda. it is from fossil conchology more than from any other department of the organic world that we may hope to derive traces of a transition from certain types to others, and fossil memorials of all the intermediate shades of form. we may especially hope to gain this information from the study of some of the lower groups, such as the brachiopoda, which are persistent in type, so that the thread of our inquiry is less likely to be interrupted by breaks in the sequence of the fossiliferous rocks. the splendid monograph just concluded by mr. davidson on the british brachiopoda, illustrates, in the first place, the tendency of certain generic forms in this division of the mollusca to be persistent throughout the whole range of geological time yet known to us; for the four genera, rhynchonella, crania, discina, and lingula, have been traced through the silurian, devonian, carboniferous, permian, jurassic, cretaceous, tertiary, and recent periods, and still retain in the existing seas the identical shape and character which they exhibited in the earliest formations. on the other hand, other brachiopoda have gone through in shorter periods a vast series of transformations, so that distinct specific and even generic names have been given to the same varying form, according to the different aspects and characters it has put on in successive sets of strata. in proportion as materials of comparison have accumulated, the necessity of uniting species previously regarded as distinct under one denomination has become more and more apparent. mr. davidson, accordingly, after studying not less than 260 reputed species from the british carboniferous rocks, has been obliged to reduce that number to 100, to which he has added 20 species either entirely new or new to the british strata; but he declares his conviction that, when our knowledge of these 120 brachiopoda is more complete, a further reduction of species will take place. speaking of one of these forms, which he calls spirifer trigonalis, he says that it is so dissimilar to another extreme of the series, s. crassa, that in the first part of his memoir (published some ten years ago) he described them as distinct, and the idea of confounding them together must, he admits, appear absurd to those who have never seen the intermediate links, such as are presented by s. bisulcata, and at least four others with their varieties, most of them shells formerly recognised as distinct by the most eminent palaeontologists, but respecting which these same authorities now agree with mr. davidson in uniting them into one species.* (* "monograph on british brachiopoda" palaeontographical society page 222.) the same species has sometimes continued to exist under slightly modified forms throughout the whole of the ordovician and silurian as well as the entire devonian and carboniferous periods, as in the case of the shell generally known as leptaena rhomboidalis, wahlenberg. no less than fifteen commonly received species are demonstrated by mr. davidson by the aid of a long series of transitional forms, to appertain to this one type; and it is acknowledged by some of the best writers that they were induced on purely theoretical grounds to give distinct names to some of the varieties now suppressed, merely because they found them in rocks so widely remote in time that they deemed it contrary to analogy to suppose that the same species could have endured so long: a fallacious mode of reasoning, analogous to that which leads some zoologists and botanists to distinguish by specific names slight varieties of living plants and animals met with in very remote countries, as in europe and australia, for example; it being assumed that each species has had a single birthplace or area of creation, and that they could not by migration have gone from the northern to the southern hemisphere across the intervening tropics. examples are also given by mr. davidson of species which pass from the devonian into the carboniferous, and from that again into the permian rocks. the vast longevity of such specific forms has not been generally recognised in consequence of the change of names which they have undergone when derived from such distant formations, as when atrypa unguicularis assumes, when derived from a carboniferous rock, the name of spirifer urei, besides several other synonyms, and then, when it reaches the permian period, takes the name of spirifer clannyana, king; all of which forms the author of the monograph, now under consideration, asserts to be one and the same. no geologist will deny that the distance of time which separates some of the eras above alluded to, or the dates of the earliest and latest appearances of some of the fossils above mentioned, must be reckoned by millions of years. according to mr. darwin's views, it is only by having at our command the records of such enormous periods that we can expect to be able to point out the gradations which unite very distinct specific forms. but the advocate of transmutation must not be disappointed if, when he has succeeded in obtaining some of the proofs which he was challenged to produce, they make no impression on the mind of his opponent. all that will be conceded is that specific variation in the brachiopoda, at least, has a wider range than was formerly suspected. so long as several allied species were brought nearer and nearer to each other, considerable uneasiness might have been felt as to the reality of species in general, but when fifteen or more are once fairly merged in one group, constituting in the aggregate a single species, one and indivisible, and capable of being readily distinguished from every other group at present known, all misgivings are at an end. implicit trust in the immutability of species is then restored, and the more insensible the shades from one extreme to the other, in a word, the more complete the evidence of transition, the more nugatory does the argument derived from it appear. it then simply resolves itself into one of those exceptional instances of what is called a protean form. thirty years ago a great london dealer in shells, himself an able naturalist, told me that there was nothing he had so much reason to dread, as tending to depreciate his stock in trade, as the appearance of a good monograph on some large genus of mollusca; for, in proportion as the work was executed in a philosophical spirit, it was sure to injure him, every reputed species pronounced to be a mere variety becoming from that time unsaleable. fortunately, so much progress has since been made in england in estimating the true ends and aims of science, that specimens indicating a passage between forms usually separated by wide gaps, whether in the recent or fossil fauna, are eagerly sought for, and often more prized than the mere normal or typical forms. it is clear that the more ancient the existing mollusca, or the farther back into the past we can trace the remains of shells still living, the more easy it becomes to reconcile with the doctrine of transmutation the distinctness in character of the majority of living species. for, what we want is time, first, for the gradual formation, and then for the extinction of races and allied species, occasioning gaps between the survivors. in the year 1830 i announced, on the authority of m. deshayes, that about one-fifth of the mollusca of the falunian or upper miocene strata of europe, belonged to living species. although the soundness of that conclusion was afterwards called in question by two or three eminent conchologists (and by the late m. alcide d'orbigny among others), it has since been confirmed by the majority of living naturalists and is well borne out by the copious evidence on the subject laid before the public in the magnificent work edited by dr. hoernes, and published under the auspices of the austrian government, "on the fossil shells of the vienna basin." the collection of tertiary shells from which those descriptions and beautiful figures were taken is almost unexampled for the fine state of preservation of the specimens, and the care with which all the varieties have been compared. it is now admitted that about one-third of these miocene forms, univalves and bivalves included, agree specifically with living mollusca, so that much more than the enormous interval which divides the miocene from the recent period must be taken into our account when we speculate on the origin by transmutation of the shells now living, and the disappearance by extinction of intermediate varieties and species. miocene plants and insects related to recent species. geologists were acquainted with about three hundred species of marine shells from the falunian strata on the banks of the loire, before they knew anything of the contemporary insects and plants. at length, as if to warn us against inferring from negative evidence the poverty of any ancient set of strata in organic remains proper to the land, a rich flora and entomological fauna was suddenly revealed to us characteristic of central europe during the upper miocene period. this result followed the determination of the true position of the oeningen beds in switzerland, and of certain formations of "brown coal" in germany. professor heer, who has described nearly five hundred species of fossil plants from oeningen, besides many more from other miocene localities in switzerland,* estimates the phanerogamous species which must have flourished in central europe at that time at 3000, and the insects as having been more numerous in the same proportion as they now exceed the plants in all latitudes. (* heer, "flora tertiaria helvetiae" 1859; and gaudin's french translation, with additions, 1861.) this european miocene flora was remarkable for the preponderance of arborescent and shrubby evergreens, and comprised many generic types no longer associated together in any existing flora or geographical province. some genera, for example, which are at present restricted to america, co-existed in switzerland with forms now peculiar to asia, and with others at present confined to australia. professor heer has not ventured to identify any of this vast assemblage of miocene plants and insects with living species, so far at least as to assign to them the same specific names, but he presents us with a list of what he terms homologous forms, which are so like the living ones that he supposes the one to have been derived genealogically from the others. he hesitates indeed as to the manner of the transformation or the precise nature of the relationship, "whether the changes were brought about by some influence exerted continually for ages, or whether at some given moment the old types were struck with a new image." among the homologous plants alluded to are forty species, of which both the leaves and fruits are preserved, and thirty others, known at present by their leaves only. in the first list we find many american types, such as the tulip tree (liriodendron), the deciduous cypress (taxodium), the red maple and others, together with japanese forms, such as a cinnamon, which is very abundant. and what is worthy of notice, some of these fossils so closely allied to living plants occur not only in the upper, but even some few of them as far back in time as the lower miocene formations of switzerland and germany, which are probably as distant from the upper miocene or oeningen beds as are the latter from our own era. some of the fossil plants to which professor heer has given new names have been regarded as recent species by other eminent naturalists. thus, one of the trees allied to the elm unger had called planera richardi, a species which now flourishes in the caucasus and crete. professor heer had attempted to distinguish it from the living tree by the greater size of its fruit, but this character he confessed did not hold good, when he had an opportunity (1861) of comparing all the varieties of the living planera richardi which dr. hooker laid before him in the rich herbarium of kew. as to the "homologous insects" of the upper miocene period in switzerland, we find among them, mingled with genera now wholly foreign to europe, some very familiar forms, such as the common glowworm, lampyris noctiluca, linn., the dung-beetle, geotrupes stercorarius, linn., the ladybird, coccinella septempunctata, linn., the ear-wig, forficula auricularia, linn., some of our common dragon-flies, as libellula depressa, linn., the honey-bee, apis mellifera, linn., the cuckoo spittle insect, aphrophora spumaria, linn., and a long catalogue of others, to all of which professor heer had given new names, but which some entomologists may regard as mere varieties until some stronger reasons are adduced for coming to a contrary opinion. several of the insects above enumerated, like the common ladybird, are well known at present to have a very wide range over nearly the whole of the old world, for example, without varying, and might therefore be expected to have been persistent throughout many successive changes of the earth's surface and climate. yet we may fairly anticipate that even the most constant types will have undergone some modifications in passing from the miocene to the recent epoch, since in the former period the geography and climate of europe, the height of the alps, and the general fauna and flora were so different from what they now are. but the deviation may not exceed that which would generally be expressed by what is called a well-marked variety. before i pass on to another topic, it may be well to answer a question which may have occurred to the reader; how it happens that we remained so long ignorant of the vegetation and insects of the upper miocene period in europe? the answer may be instructive to those who are in the habit of underrating the former richness of the organic world wherever they happen to have no evidence of its condition. a large part of the upper miocene insects and plants alluded to have been met with at oeningen, near the lake of constance, in two or three spots embedded in thinly laminated marls, the entire thickness of which scarcely exceeds 3 or 4 feet, and in two quarries of very limited dimensions. the rare combination of causes which seems to have led to the faithful preservation of so many treasures of a perishable nature in so small an area, appear to have been the following: first, a river flowing into a lake; secondly, storms of wind, by which leaves and sometimes the boughs of trees were torn off and floated by the stream into the lake; thirdly, mephitic gases rising from the lake, by which insects flying over its surface were occasionally killed: and fourthly, a constant supply of carbonate of lime in solution from mineral springs, the calcareous matter when precipitated to the bottom mingling with fine mud and thus forming the fossiliferous marls. species of insects in britain and north america, represented by distinct varieties. if we compare the living british insects with those of the american continent, we frequently find that even those species which are considered to be identical, are nevertheless varieties of the european types. i have noticed this fact when speaking of the common english butterfly, vanessa atalanta, or "red admiral," which i saw flying about the woods of alabama in mid-winter. i was unable to detect any difference myself, but all the american specimens which i took to the british museum were observed by mr. doubleday to exhibit a slight peculiarity in the colouring of a minute part of the anterior wing,* a character first detected by mr. t.f. stephens, who has also discovered that similar slight, but equally constant variations, distinguish other lepidoptera now inhabiting the opposite sides of the atlantic, insects which, nevertheless, he and mr. westwood and the late mr. kirby, have always agreed to regard as mere varieties of the same species. (* lyell's "second visit to the united states" volume 2 page 293.) mr. t.v. wollaston, in treating of the variation of insects in maritime situations and small islands, has shown how the colour, growth of the wings, and many other characters, undergo modification under the influence of local conditions, continued for long periods of time;* and mr. brown has lately called our attention to the fact that the insects of the shetland isles present slight deviations from the corresponding types occurring in great britain, but far less marked than those which distinguish the american from the european varieties.** in the case of shetland, mr. brown remarks, a land communication may well be supposed to have prevailed with scotland at a more modern era than that between europe and america. in fact, we have seen that shetland can hardly fail to have been united with scotland after the commencement of the glacial period (see map, figure 41); whereas a communication between the north of europe by iceland and greenland (which, as before stated, once enjoyed a genial climate) must have been anterior to the glacial epoch. a much larger isolation, and the impossibility of varieties formed in the two separated areas crossing with each other, would account, according to mr. darwin's theory, for the much wider divergence observed in the specific types of the two regions. (* wollaston, "on the variation of species" etc. london 1856.) (** "transactions of northern entomological society" 1862.) the reader will remember that at the commencement of the glacial period there was scarcely any appreciable difference between the molluscous fauna and that now living. when therefore the events of the glacial period, as described in the earlier part of this volume, are duly pondered on, and when we reflect that in the upper miocene period the living species of mollusca constitute only one-third of the whole fauna, we see clearly by how high a figure we must multiply the time in order to express the distance between the miocene period and our own days. species of mammalia recent and fossil--proboscidians. but it may perhaps be said that the mammalia afford more conspicuous examples than do the mollusca, insects, or plants of the wide gaps which separate species and genera, and that if in this higher class such a multitude of transitional forms had ever existed as would be required to unite the tertiary and recent species into one series or net-work of allied or transitional forms, they could not so entirely have escaped observation whether in the fossil or living fauna. a zoologist who entertains such an opinion would do well to devote himself to the study of some one genus of mammalia, such as the elephant, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, bear, horse, ox, or deer; and after collecting all the materials he can get together respecting the extinct and recent species, decide for himself whether the present state of science justifies his assuming that the chain could never have been continuous, the number of the missing links being so great. among the extinct species formerly contemporary with man, no fossil quadruped has so often been alluded to in this work as the mammoth, elephas primigenius. from a monograph on the proboscidians by dr. falconer, it appears that this species represents one extreme of a type of which the pliocene mastodon borsoni represents the other. between these extremes there are already enumerated by dr. falconer no less than twenty-six species, some of them ranging as far back in time as the miocene period, others still living, like the indian and african forms. two of these species, however, he has always considered as doubtful, stegodon ganesa, probably a mere variety of one of the others, and elephas priscus of goldfuss, founded partly on specimens of the african elephant, assumed by mistake to be fossil, and partly on some aberrant forms of e. antiquus. the first effect of the intercalation of so many intermediate forms between the two most divergent types, has been to break down almost entirely the generic distinction between mastodon and elephas. dr. falconer, indeed, observes that stegodon (one of several subgenera which he has founded) constitutes an intermediate group, from which the other species diverge through their dental characters, on the one side into the mastodons, and on the other into the elephants.* (* "quarterly journal of the geological society" volume 13 1857 page 314.) the next result is to diminish the distance between the several members of each of these groups. dr. falconer has discovered that no less than four species of elephant were formerly confounded together under the title of elephas primigenius, whence its supposed ubiquity in pleistocene times, or its wide range over half the habitable globe. but even when this form has been thus restricted in its specific characters, it has still its geographical varieties; for the mammoth's teeth brought from america may in most instances, according to dr. falconer, be distinguished from those proper to europe. on this american variety dr. leidy has conferred the name of e. americanus. another race of the same mammoth (as determined by dr. falconer) existed, as we have seen, before the glacial period, or at the time when the buried forest of cromer and the norfolk cliffs was deposited; and the swiss geologists have lately found remains of the mammoth in their country, both in pre-glacial and post-glacial formations. since the publication of dr. falconer's monograph, two other species of elephant, f. mirificus, leidy, and f. imperator, have been obtained from the pliocene formations of the niobrara valley in nebraska, one of which, however, may possibly be found hereafter to be the same as e. columbi, falc. a remarkable dwarf species also (elephas melitensis) has been discovered, belonging, like the existing e. africanus, to the group loxodon. this species has been established by dr. falconer on remains found by captain spratt r.n. in a cave in malta.* (* "proceedings of the geological society" london 1862.) how much the difficulty of discriminating between the fossil representatives of this genus may hereafter augment, when all the species with their respective geographical varieties are known, may be inferred from the following fact--professor h. schlegel, in a recently published memoir, endeavours to show that the living elephant of sumatra agrees with that of ceylon, but is a distinct species from that of continental india, being distinguishable by the number of its dorsal vertebrae and ribs, the form of its teeth, and other characteristics.* (* schlegel, "natural history review" number 5 1862 page 72.) dr. falconer, on the other hand, considers these two living species as mere geographical varieties, the characters referred to not being constant, as he has ascertained, on comparing different individuals of e. indicus in different parts of bengal in which the ribs vary from nineteen to twenty, and different varieties of e. africanus in which they vary from twenty to twenty-one. an inquiry into the various species of the genus rhinoceros, recent and fossil, has led dr. falconer to analogous results, as might be inferred from what was said in chapter 10, and as a forthcoming memoir by the same writer will soon more fully demonstrate. among the fossils brought in 1858 by mr. hayden from the niobrara valley, dr. leidy describes a rhinoceros so like the asiatic species, r. indicus, that he at first referred it to the same, and, what is most singular, he remarks generally of the pliocene fauna of that part of north america that it is far more related in character to the pleistocene and recent fauna of europe than to that now inhabiting the american continent. it seems indeed more and more evident that when we speculate in future on the pedigree of any extinct quadruped which abounds in the drift or caverns of europe, we shall have to look to north and south america as a principal source of information. thirty years ago, if we had been searching for fossil types which might fill up a gap between two species or genera of the horse tribe (or great family of the solipedes), we might have thought it sufficient to have got together as ample materials as we could obtain from the continents of europe, africa, and asia. we might have presumed that as no living representative of the equine family, whether horse, ass, zebra, or quagga, had been furnished by north or south america when those regions were first explored by europeans, a search in the transatlantic world for fossil species might be dispensed with. but how different is the prospect now opening before us! mr. darwin first detected the remains of a fossil horse during his visit to south america, since which two other species have been met with on the same continent, while in north america, in the valley of the nebraska alone, mr. hayden, besides a species not distinguishable from the domestic horse, has obtained, according to dr. leidy, representatives of five other fossil genera of solipedes. these he names, hipparion, protohippus, merychippus, hypohippus, and parahippus. on the whole, no less than twelve equine species, belonging to seven genera (including the miocene anchitherium of nebraska), being already detected in the tertiary and post-tertiary formations of the united states.* (* "proceedings of the academy of natural science" philadelphia for 1858 page 89.) professors unger* and heer** have advocated, on botanical grounds, the former existence of an atlantic continent during some part of the tertiary period, as affording the only plausible explanation that can be imagined, of the analogy between the miocene flora of central europe and the existing flora of eastern america. professor oliver, on the other hand, after showing how many of the american types found fossil in europe are common to japan, inclines to the theory, first advanced by dr. asa gray, that the migration of species, to which the community of types in the eastern states of north america and the miocene flora of europe is due, took place when there was an overland communication from america to eastern asia between the fiftieth and sixtieth parallels of latitude, or south of behring straits, following the direction of the aleutian islands.*** by this course they may have made their way, at any epoch, miocene, pliocene, or pleistocene, antecedently to the glacial epoch, to mongolia, on the east coast of northern asia. (* "die versunkene insel atlantis.") (** "flora tertiaria helvetiae.") (*** oliver, lecture at the royal institution, march 7, 1862.) we have already seen that a large proportion of the living quadrupeds of mongolia (34 out of 48) are specifically identical with those at present inhabiting the continent of western europe and the british isles. a monograph on the hippopotamus, bear, ox, stag, or any other genus of mammalia common in the european drift or caverns, might equally well illustrate the defective state of the materials at present at our command. we are rarely in possession of one perfect skeleton of any extinct species, still less of skeletons of both sexes, and of different ages. we usually know nothing of the geographical varieties of the pleistocene and pliocene species, least of all, those successive changes of form which they must have undergone in the preglacial epoch between the upper miocene and pleistocene eras. such being the poverty of our palaeontological data, we cannot wonder that osteologists are at variance as to whether certain remains found in caverns are of the same species as those now living; whether, for example, the talpa fossilis is really the common mole, the meles morreni the common badger, lutra antiqua the otter of europe, sciurus priscus the squirrel, arctomys primigenia the marmot, myoxus fossilis the dormouse, schmerling's felis engihoulensis the european lynx, or whether ursus spelaeus and ursus priscus are not extinct races of the living brown bear (ursus arctos). if at some future period all the above-mentioned species should be united with their allied congeners, it cannot fail to enlarge our conception of the modifications which a species is capable of undergoing in the course of time, although the same form may appear absolutely immutable within the narrow range of our experience. longevity of species in the mammalia. in the "principles of geology," in 1833,* i stated that the longevity of species in the class mollusca exceeded that in the mammalia. it has been since found that this generalisation can be carried much farther, and that in fact the law which governs the changes in organic being is such that the lower their place in a graduated scale, or the simpler their structure, the more persistent are they in form and organisation. i soon became aware of the force of this rule in the class mollusca, when i first attempted to calculate the numerical proportion of recent species in the newer pliocene formations as compared to the older pliocene, and of them again as contrasted with the miocene; for it appeared invariably that a greater number of the lamellibranchs could be identified with living species than of the gasteropods, and of these last a greater number in the lower division, that of entire-mouthed univalves, than in that of the siphonated. in whatever manner the changes have been brought about, whether by variation and natural selection, or by any other causes, the rate of change has been greater where the grade of organisation is higher. (* 1st edition volume 3 pages 48 and 140.) it is only, therefore, where there is a full representation of all the principal orders of mollusca, or when we compare those of corresponding grade, that we can fully rely on the percentage test, or on the proportion of recent to extinct species as indicating the relation of two groups to the existing fauna. the foraminifera which exemplify the lowest stage of animal existence exhibit, as we learn from the researches of dr. carpenter and of messrs. jones and parker, extreme variability in their specific forms, and yet these same forms are persistent throughout vast periods of time, exceeding, in that respect, even the brachiopods before mentioned. dr. hooker observes, in regard to plants of complex floral structure, that they manifest their physical superiority in a greater extent of variation and in thus better securing a succession of race, an attribute which in some senses he regards as of a higher order than that indicated by mere complexity or specialisation of organ.* (* "introductory essay to the flora of australia" page 7.) as one of the consequences of this law, he says that species, genera, and orders are, on the whole, best limited in plants of higher grade, the dicotyledons better than the monocotyledons, and the dichlamydeae better than the achlamydeae. mr. darwin remarks, "we can, perhaps, understand the apparently quicker rate of change in terrestrial, and in more highly organised productions, compared with marine and lower productions, by the more complex relations of the higher beings to their organic and inorganic conditions of life."* (* "origin of species" 3rd edition page 340.) if we suppose the mammalia to be more sensitive than are the inferior classes of the vertebrata, to every fluctuation in the surrounding conditions, whether of the animate or inanimate world, it would follow that they would oftener be called upon to adapt themselves by variation to new conditions, or if unable to do so, to give place to other types. this would give rise to more frequent extinction of varieties, species, and genera, whereby the surviving types would be better limited, and the average duration of the same unaltered specific types would be lessened. absence of mammalia in islands considered in reference to transmutation. but if mammalia vary upon the whole at a more rapid rate than animals lower in the scale of being, it must not be supposed that they can alter their habits and structures readily, or that they are convertible in short periods into new species. the extreme slowness with which such changes of habits and organisation take place, when new conditions arise, appears to be well exemplified by the absence even of small warm-blooded quadrupeds in islands far from continents, however well such islands may be fitted by their dimensions to support them. mr. darwin has pointed to this absence of mammalia as favouring his views, observing that bats, which are the only exceptions to the rule, might have made their way to distant islands by flight, for they are often met with on the wing far out at sea. unquestionably, the total exclusion of quadrupeds in general, which could only reach such isolated habitations by swimming, seems to imply that nature does not dispense with the ordinary laws of reproduction when she peoples the earth with new forms; for if causes purely immaterial were alone at work, we might naturally look for squirrels, rabbits, polecats, and other small vegetable feeders and beasts of prey, as often as for bats, in the spots alluded to. on the other hand, i have found it difficult to reconcile the antiquity of certain islands, such as those of the madeiran archipelago, and those of still larger size in the canaries, with the total absence of small indigenous quadrupeds, for, judging by ancient deposits of littoral shells, now raised high above the level of the sea, several of these volcanic islands (porto santo and the grand canary among others) must have existed ever since the upper miocene period. but, waiving all such claims to antiquity, it is at least certain that since the close of the newer pliocene period, madeira, and porto santo have constituted two separate islands, each in sight of the other, and each inhabited by an assemblage of land shells (helix, pupa, clausilia, etc.), for the most part different or proper to each island. about thirty-two fossil species have been obtained in madeira, and forty-two in porto santo, only five of the whole being common to both islands. in each the living land-shells are equally distinct, and correspond, for the most part, with the species found fossil in each island respectively. among the fossil species, one or two appear to be entirely extinct, and a larger number have disappeared from the fauna of the madeiran archipelago, though still extant in africa and europe. many which were amongst the most common in the pliocene period, have now become the scarcest, and others formerly scarce, are now most numerously represented. the variety-making force has been at work with such energy--perhaps we ought to say, has had so much time for its development--that almost every isolated rock within gun-shot of the shores has its peculiar living forms, or those very marked races to which mr. lowe, in his excellent description of the fauna, has given the name of "sub-species." since the fossil shells were embedded in sand near the coast, these volcanic islands have undergone considerable alterations in size and shape by the wasting action of the waves of the atlantic beating incessantly against the cliffs, so that the evidence of a vast lapse of time is derivable from inorganic as well as from organic phenomena. during this period no mammalia, not even of small species, excepting bats, have made their appearance, whether in madeira and porto-santo or in the larger and more numerous islands of the canarian group. it might have been expected, from some expressions met with here and there in the "origin of species," though not perhaps from a fair interpretation of the whole tenor of the author's reasoning, that this dearth of the highest class of vertebrata is inconsistent with the powers of mammalia to accommodate their habits and structures to new conditions. why did not some of the bats, for example, after they had greatly multiplied, and were hard pressed by a scarcity of insects on the wing, betake themselves to the ground in search of prey, and, gradually losing their wings, become transformed into non-volant insectivora? mr. darwin tells me that he has learnt that there is a bat in india which has been known occasionally to devour frogs. one might also be tempted to ask, how it has happened that the seals which swarmed on the shores of madeira and the canaries, before the european colonists arrived there, were never induced, when food was scarce in the sea, to venture inland from the shores, and begin in teneriffe, and the grand canary especially, and other large islands, to acquire terrestrial habits, venturing first a few yards inland, and then farther and farther until they began to occupy some of the "places left vacant in the economy of nature." during these excursions, we might suppose some varieties, which had the skin of the webbed intervals of their toes less developed, to succeed best in walking on the land, and in the course of several generations they might exchange their present gait or manner of shuffling along and jumping by aid of the tail and their fin-like extremities, for feet better adapted for running. it is said that one of the bats in the island of palma (one of the canaries) is of a peculiar species, and that some of the cheiroptera of the pacific islands are even of peculiar genera. if so, we seem, on organic as well as on geological grounds, to be precluded from arguing that there has not been time for great divergence of character. we seem also entitled to ask why the bats and rodents of australia, which are spread so widely among the marsupials over that continent, have never, under the influence of the principle of progression, been developed into higher placental types, since we have now ascertained that that continent was by no means unfitted to sustain such mammalia, for these when once introduced by man have run wild and become naturalised in many parts. the following answers may perhaps be offered to the above criticisms of some of mr. darwin's theoretical views. first, as to the bats and seals: they are what zoologists call aberrant and highly specialised types, and therefore precisely those which might be expected to display a fixity and want of pliancy in their organisation, or the smallest possible aptitude for deviating in new directions towards new structures, and the acquisition of such altered habits as a change from aquatic to terrestrial or from volant to non-volant modes of living would imply. secondly, the same powers of flight which enabled the first bats to reach madeira or the canaries, would bring others from time to time from the african continent, which, mixing with the first emigrants and crossing with them, would check the formation of new races, or keep them true to the old types, as is found to be actually the case with the birds of madeira and the bermudas. this would happen the more surely, if, as mr. darwin has endeavoured to prove, the offspring of races slightly varying are usually more vigorous than the progeny of parents of the same race, and would be more prolific, therefore, than the insular stock which had been for a long time breeding in and in. the same cause would tend in a still more decided manner to prevent the seals from diverging into new races or "incipient species," because they range freely over the wide ocean, and, may therefore have continual intercourse with all other individuals of their species. thirdly, as to peculiar species, and even genera of bats in islands, we are perhaps too little acquainted at present with all the species and genera of the neighbouring continents to be able to affirm, with any degree of confidence, that the forms supposed to be peculiar do not exist elsewhere: those of the canaries in africa, for example. but what is still more important, we must bear in mind how many species and genera of pleistocene mammalia have everywhere become extinct by causes independent of man. it is always possible, therefore, that some types of cheiroptera, originally derived from the main land, have survived in islands, although they have gradually died out on the continents from whence they came; so that it would be rash to infer that there has been time for the creation, whether by variation or other agency, of new species or genera in the islands in question. as to the rodents and cheiroptera of australia, we are as yet too ignorant of the pleistocene and pliocene fauna of that part of the world, to be able to decide whether the introduction of such forms dates from a remote geological time. we know, however, that, before the recent period, that continent was peopled with large kangaroos, and other herbivorous and carnivorous marsupials, of species long since extinct, their remains having been discovered in ossiferous caverns. the preoccupancy of the country by such indigenous tribes may have checked the development of the placental rodents and cheiroptera, even were we to concede the possibility of such forms being convertible by variation and progressive development into higher grades of mammalia. imperfection of the geological record [42]. when treating in the eighth chapter of the dearth of human bones in alluvium containing flint implements in abundance, i pointed out that it is not part of the plan of nature to write everywhere, and at all times, her autobiographical memoirs. on the contrary, her annals are local and exceptional from the first, and portions of them are afterwards ground into mud, sand, and pebbles, to furnish materials for new strata. even of those ancient monuments now forming the crust of the earth, which have not been destroyed by rivers and the waves of the sea, or which have escaped being melted by volcanic heat, three-fourths lie submerged beneath the ocean, and are inaccessible to man; while of those which form the dry land, a great part are hidden for ever from our observation by mountain masses, thousands of feet thick, piled over them. mr. darwin has truly said that the fossiliferous rocks known to geologists consist, for the most part, of such as were formed when the bottom of the sea was subsiding. this downward movement protects the new deposits from denudation, and allows them to accumulate to a great thickness; whereas sedimentary matter, thrown down where the sea-bottom is rising, must almost invariably be swept away by the waves as fast as the land emerges. when we reflect, therefore, on the fractional state of the annals which are handed down to us, and how little even these have as yet been studied, we may wonder that so many geologists should attribute every break in the series of strata and every gap in the past history of the organic world to catastrophes and convulsions of the earth's crust or to leaps made by the creational force from species to species, or from class to class. for it is clear that, even had the series of monuments been perfect and continuous at first (an hypothesis quite opposed to the analogy of the working of causes now in action), it could not fail to present itself to our eyes in a broken and disconnected state. those geologists who have watched the progress of discovery during the last half century can best appreciate the extent to which we may still hope by future exertion to fill up some of the wider chasms which now interrupt the regular sequence of fossiliferous rocks. the determination, for example, of late years of the true place of the hallstadt and st. cassian beds on the north and south flanks of the austrian alps, has revealed to us, for the first time, the marine fauna of a period (that of the upper trias) of which, until lately, but little was known. in this case, the palaeontologist is called upon suddenly to intercalate about 800 species of mollusca and radiata, between the fauna of the lower lias and that of the middle trias. the period in question was previously believed, even by many a philosophical geologist, to have been comparatively barren of organic types. in england, france, and northern germany, the only known strata of upper triassic date had consisted almost entirely of fresh or brackish-water beds, in which the bones of terrestrial and amphibious reptiles were the most characteristic fossils. the new fauna was, as might have been expected, in part peculiar, not a few of the species of mollusca being referable to new genera; while some species were common to the older, and some to the newer rocks. on the whole, the new forms have helped greatly to lessen the discordance, not only between the lias and trias, but also generally between palaeozoic and mesozoic formations. thus the genus orthoceras has been for the first time recognised in a mesozoic deposit, and with it we find associated, for the first time, large ammonites with foliated lobes, a form never seen before below the lias; also the ceratites, a family of cephalopods never before met with in the upper trias, and never before in the same stratum with such lobed ammonites. we can now no longer doubt that should we hereafter have an opportunity of studying an equally rich marine fauna of the age of the lower trias (or bunter sandstein), the marked hiatus which still separates the triassic and permian eras would almost disappear. archaeopteryx macrurus, owen. i could readily add a copious list of minor deposits, belonging to the primary, secondary and tertiary series, which we have been called upon in like manner to intercalate in the course of the last quarter of a century into the chronological series previously known; but it would lead me into too long a digression. i shall therefore content myself with pointing out that it is not simply new formations which are brought to light from year to year, reminding us of the elementary state of our knowledge of palaeontology, but new types also of structure are discovered in rocks whose fossil contents were supposed to be peculiarly well known. the last and most striking of these novelties is "the feathered fossil" from the lithographic stone of solenhofen. until the year 1858, no well-determined skeleton of a bird had been detected in any rocks older than the tertiary. in that year, mr. lucas barrett found in the cambridge greensand of the cretaceous series, the femur, tibia, and some other bones of a swimming bird, supposed by him to be of the gull tribe. his opinion as to the ornithic character of the remains was afterwards confirmed by professor owen. the archaeopteryx macrurus, owen, recently acquired by the british museum, affords a second example of the discovery of the osseous remains of a bird in strata older than the eocene. it was found in the great quarries of lithographic limestone at solenhofen in bavaria, the rock being a member of the upper oolite. it was at first conjectured in germany, before any experienced osteologist had had an opportunity of inspecting the original specimen, that this fossil might be a feathered pterodactyl (flying reptiles having been often met with in the same stratum), or that it might at least supply some connecting links between a reptile and a bird. but professor owen, in a memoir lately read to the royal society (november 20, 1862), has shown that it is unequivocally a bird, and that such of its characters as are abnormal are by no means strikingly reptilian. the skeleton was lying on its back when embedded in calcareous sediment, so that the ventral part is exposed to view. it is about 1 foot 8 inches long, and 1 foot across, from the apex of the right to that of the left wing. the furculum, or merry-thought, which is entire, marks the fore part of the trunk; the ischium, scapula, and most of the wing and leg bones are preserved, and there are impressions of the quill feathers and of down on the body. the vanes and shafts of the feathers can be seen by the naked eye. fourteen long quill feathers diverge on each side of the metacarpal and phalangial bones, and decrease in length from 6 inches to 1 inch. the wings have a general resemblance to those of gallinaceous birds. the tarso-metatarsal, or drumstick, exhibits at its distal end a trifid articular surface supporting three toes, as in birds. the furculum, pelvis, and bones of the tail are in their natural position. the tail consists of twenty vertebrae, each of which supports a pair of plumes. the length of the tail with its feathers is 11 1/2 inches, and its breadth 3 1/2. it is obtusely truncated at the end. in all living birds the tail-feathers are arranged in fan-shaped order and attached to a coccygean bone, consisting of several vertebrae united together, whereas in the embryo state these same vertebrae are distinct. the greatest number is seen in the ostrich, which has eighteen caudal vertebrae in the foetal state, which are reduced to nine in the adult bird, many of them having been anchylosed together. professor owen therefore considers the tail of the archaeopteryx as exemplifying the persistency of what is now an embryonic character. the tail, he remarks, is essentially a variable organ; there are long-tailed bats and short-tailed bats, long-tailed rodents and short-tailed rodents, long-tailed pterodactyls and short-tailed pterodactyls. the archaeopteryx differs from all known birds, not only in the structure of its tail, but in having two, if not three, digits in the hand; but there is no trace of the fifth digit of the winged reptile. the conditions under which the skeleton occurs are such, says professor owen, as to remind us of the carcass of a gull which has been a prey to some carnivore, which had removed all the soft parts, and perhaps the head, nothing being left but the bony legs and the indigestible quill-feathers. but since professor owen's paper was read, mr. john evans, whom i have often had occasion to mention in the earlier chapters of this work, seems to have found what may indicate a part of the missing cranium. he has called our attention to a smooth protuberance on the otherwise even surface of the slab of limestone which seems to be the cast of the brain or interior of the skull. some part even of the cranial bone itself appears to be still buried in the matrix. mr. evans has pointed out the resemblance of this cast to one taken by himself from the cranium of a crow, and still more to that of a jay, observing that in the fossil the median line which separates the two hemispheres of the brain is visible. to conclude, we may learn from this valuable relic how rashly the existence of birds at the epoch of the secondary rocks has been questioned, simply on negative evidence, and secondly, how many new forms may be expected to be brought to light in strata with which we are already best acquainted, to say nothing of the new formations which geologists are continually discovering. chapter 23. -origin and development of languages and species compared [43]. aryan hypothesis and controversy. the races of mankind change more slowly than their languages. theory of the gradual origin of languages. difficulty of defining what is meant by a language as distinct from a dialect. great number of extinct and living tongues. no european language a thousand years old. gaps between languages, how caused. imperfection of the record. changes always in progress. struggle for existence between rival terms and dialects. causes of selection. each language formed slowly in a single geographical area. may die out gradually or suddenly. once lost can never be revived. mode of origin of languages and species a mystery. speculations as to the number of original languages or species unprofitable. the supposed existence, at a remote and unknown period, of a language conventionally called the aryan, has of late years been a favourite subject of speculation among german philologists, and professor max muller has given us lately the most improved version of this theory, and has set forth the various facts and arguments by which it may be defended, with his usual perspicuity and eloquence. he observes that if we know nothing of the existence of latin--if all historical documents previous to the fifteenth century had been lost--if tradition even was silent as to the former existence of a roman empire, a mere comparison of the italian, spanish, portuguese, french, wallachian, and rhaetian dialects would enable us to say that at some time there must have been a language from which these six modern dialects derive their origin in common. without this supposition it would be impossible to account for their structure and composition, as, for example, for the forms of the auxiliary verb "to be," all evidently varieties of one common type, while it is equally clear that no one of the six affords the original form from which the others could have been borrowed. so also in none of the six languages do we find the elements of which these verbal and other forms could have been composed; they must have been handed down as relics from a former period, they must have existed in some antecedent language, which we know to have been the latin. but, in like manner, he goes on to show, that latin itself, as well as greek, sanscrit, zend (or bactrian), lithuanian, old sclavonic, gothic, and armenian are also eight varieties of one common and more ancient type, and no one of them could have been the original from which the others were borrowed. they have all such an amount of mutual resemblance as to point to a more ancient language, the aryan, which was to them what latin was to the six romance languages. the people who spoke this unknown parent speech, of which so many other ancient tongues were off-shoots, must have migrated at a remote era to widely separated regions of the old world, such as northern asia, europe, and india south of the himalaya.* (* max muller, "comparative mythology" oxford essays 1856.) the soundness of some parts of this aryan hypothesis has lately been called in question by mr. crawfurd, on the ground that the hindoos, persians, turks, scandinavians, and other people referred to as having derived not only words but grammatical forms from an aryan source, belong each of them to a distinct race, and all these races have, it is said, preserved their peculiar characters unaltered from the earliest dawn of history and tradition. if, therefore, no appreciable change has occurred in three or four thousand years, we should be obliged to assume a far more remote date for the first branching off of such races from a common stock than the supposed period of the aryan migrations, and the dispersion of that language over many and distant countries. but mr. crawfurd has, i think, himself helped us to remove this stumbling-block, by admitting that a nation speaking a language allied to the sanscrit (the oldest of the eight tongues alluded to), once probably inhabited that region situated to the north-west of india, which within the period of authentic history has poured out its conquering hordes over a great extent of western asia and eastern europe. the same people, he says, may have acted the same part in the long, dark night which preceded the dawn of tradition.* (* crawfurd, "transactions of the ethnological society" volume 1 1861.) these conquerors may have been few in number when compared to the populations which they subdued. in such cases the new settlers, although reckoned by tens of thousands, might merge in a few centuries into the millions of subjects which they ruled. it is an acknowledged fact that the colour and features of the negro or european are entirely lost in the fourth generation, provided that no fresh infusion of one or other of the two races takes place. the distinctive physical features, therefore, of the aryan conquerors might soon wear out and be lost in those of the nations they overran; yet many of the words, and, what is more in point, some of the grammatical forms of their language, might be retained by the masses which they had governed for centuries, these masses continuing to preserve the same features of race which had distinguished them long before the aryan invasions. there can be no question that if we could trace back any set of cognate languages now existing to some common point of departure, they would converge and meet sooner in some era of the past than would the existing races of mankind; in other words, races change much more slowly than languages. but, according to the doctrine of transmutation, to form a new species would take an incomparably longer period than to form a new race. no language seems ever to last for a thousand years, whereas many a species seems to have endured for hundreds of thousands. a philologist, therefore, who is contending that all living languages are derivative and not primordial, has a great advantage over a naturalist who is endeavouring to inculcate a similar theory in regard to species. it may not be uninstructive, in order fairly to appreciate the vast difficulty of the task of those who advocate transmutation in natural history, to consider how hard it would be even for a philologist to succeed, if he should try to convince an assemblage of intelligent but illiterate persons that the language spoken by them, and all those talked by contemporary nations, were modern inventions, moreover that these same forms of speech were still constantly undergoing change, and none of them destined to last for ever. we will suppose him to begin by stating his conviction, that the living languages have been gradually derived from others now extinct, and spoken by nations which had immediately preceded them in the order of time, and that those again had used forms of speech derived from still older ones. they might naturally exclaim, "how strange it is that you should find records of a multitude of dead languages, that a part of the human economy which in our own time is so remarkable for its stability, should have been so inconstant in bygone ages! we all speak as our parents and grandparents spoke before us, and so, we are told, do the germans and french. what evidence is there of such incessant variation in remoter times? and, if it be true, why not imagine that when one form of speech was lost, another was suddenly and supernaturally created by a gift of tongues or confusion of languages, as at the building of the tower of babel? where are the memorials of all the intermediate dialects, which must have existed, if this doctrine of perpetual fluctuation be true? and how comes it that the tongues now spoken do not pass by insensible gradations the one into the other, and into the dead languages of dates immediately antecedent? "lastly, if this theory of indefinite modifiability be sound, what meaning can be attached to the term language, and what definition can be given of it so as to distinguish a language from a dialect?" in reply to this last question, the philologist might confess that the learned are not agreed as to what constitutes a language as distinct from a dialect. some believe that there are 4000 living languages, others that there are 6000, so that the mode of defining them is clearly a mere matter of opinion. some contend, for example, that the danish, norwegian, and swedish form one scandinavian tongue, others that they constitute three different languages, others that the danish and norwegian are one--mere dialects of the same language, but that swedish is distinct. the philologist, however, might fairly argue that this very ambiguity was greatly in favour of his doctrine, since if languages had all been constantly undergoing transmutation, there ought often to be a want of real lines of demarcation between them. he might, however, propose that he and his pupils should come to an understanding that two languages should be regarded as distinct whenever the speakers of them are unable to converse together, or freely to exchange ideas, whether by word or writing. scientifically speaking, such a test might be vague and unsatisfactory, like the test of species by their capability of producing fertile hybrids; but if the pupil is persuaded that there are such things in nature as distinct languages, whatever may have been their origin, the definition above suggested might be of practical use, and enable the teacher to proceed with his argument. he might begin by undertaking to prove that none of the languages of modern europe were a thousand years old. no english scholar, he might say, who has not specially given himself up to the study of anglo-saxon, can interpret the documents in which the chronicles and laws of england were written in the days of king alfred, so that we may be sure that none of the english of the nineteenth century could converse with the subjects of that monarch if these last could now be restored to life. the difficulties encountered would not arise merely from the intrusion of french terms, in consequence of the norman conquest, because that large portion of our language (including the articles, pronouns, etc.), which is saxon has also undergone great transformations by abbreviation, new modes of pronunciation, spelling, and various corruptions, so as to be unlike both ancient and modern german. they who now speak german, if brought into contact with their teutonic ancestors of the ninth century, would be quite unable to converse with them, and, in like manner, the subjects of charlemagne could not have exchanged ideas with the goths of alaric's army, or with the soldiers of arminius in the days of augustus caesar. so rapid indeed has been the change in germany, that the epic poem called the nibelungen lied, once so popular, and only seven centuries old, cannot now be enjoyed, except by the erudite. if we then turn to france, we meet again with similar evidence of ceaseless change. there is a treaty of peace still extant a thousand years old, between charles the bald and king louis of germany (dated a.d. 841), in which the german king takes an oath in what was the french tongue of that day, while the french king swears in the german of the same era, and neither of these oaths would now convey a distinct meaning to any but the learned in these two countries. so also in italy, the modern italian cannot be traced back much beyond the time of dante, or some six centuries before our time. even in rome, where there had been no permanent intrusion of foreigners, such as the lombard settlers of german origin in the plains of the po, the common people of the year 1000 spoke quite a distinct language from that of their roman ancestors or their italian descendants, as is shown by the celebrated chronicle of the monk benedict, of the convent of st. andrea on mount soracte, written in such barbarous latin, and with such strange grammatical forms, that it requires a profoundly skilled linguist to decipher it.* (* see g. pertz, "monumenta germanica" volume 3.) having thus established the preliminary fact, that none of the tongues now spoken were in existence ten centuries ago, and that the ancient languages have passed through many a transitional dialect before they settled into the forms now in use, the philologist might bring forward proofs of the great numbers both of lost and living forms of speech. strabo tells us that in his time, in the caucasus alone (a chain of mountains not longer than the alps, and much narrower), there were spoken at least seventy languages. at the present period the number, it is said, would be still greater if all the distinct dialects of those mountains were reckoned. several of these caucasian tongues admit of no comparison with any known living or lost asiatic or european language. others which are not peculiar are obsolete forms of known languages, such as the georgian, mongolian, persian, arabic, and tartarian. it seems that as often as conquering hordes swept over that part of asia, always coming from the north and east, they drove before them the inhabitants of the plains, who took refuge in some of the retired valleys and high mountain fastnesses, where they maintained their independence, as do the circassians in our time in spite of the power of russia. in the himalayan mountains, from assam to its extreme north-western limit, and generally in the more hilly parts of british india, the diversity of languages is surprisingly great, impeding the advance of civilisation and the labours of the missionary. in south america and mexico, alexander humboldt reckoned the distinct tongues by hundreds, and those of africa are said to be equally numerous. even in china, some eighteen provincial dialects prevail, almost all deviating so much from others that the speakers are not mutually intelligible, and besides these there are other distinct forms of speech in the mountains of the same empire. the philologist might next proceed to point out that the geographical relations of living and dead languages favour the hypothesis of the living ones having been derived from the extinct, in spite of our inability, in most instances, to adduce documentary evidence of the fact or to discover monuments of all the intermediate and transitional dialects which must have existed. thus he would observe that the modern romance languages are spoken exactly where the ancient romans once lived or ruled, and the greek of our days where the older classical greek was formerly spoken. exceptions to this rule might be detected, but they would be explicable by reference to colonisation and conquest. as to the many and wide gaps sometimes encountered between the dead and living languages, we must remember that it is not part of the plan of any people to preserve memorials of their forms of speech expressly for the edification of posterity. their manuscripts and inscriptions serve some present purpose, are occasional and imperfect from the first, and are rendered more fragmentary in the course of time, some being intentionally destroyed, others lost by the decay of the perishable materials on which they are written; so that to question the theory of all known languages being derivative on the ground that we can rarely trace a passage from the ancient to the modern through all the dialects which must have flourished one after the other in the intermediate ages, implies a want of reflection on the laws which govern the recording as well as the obliterating processes. but another important question still remains to be considered, namely, whether the trifling changes which can alone be witnessed by a single generation, can possibly represent the working of that machinery which, in the course of many centuries, has given rise to such mighty revolutions in the forms of speech throughout the world. everyone may have noticed in his own lifetime the stealing in of some slight alterations of accent, pronunciation or spelling, or the introduction of some words borrowed from a foreign language to express ideas of which no native term precisely conveyed the import. he may also remember hearing for the first time some cant terms or slang phrases, which have since forced their way into common use, in spite of the efforts of the purist. but he may still contend that "within the range of his experience," his language has continued unchanged, and he may believe in its immutability in spite of minor variations. the real question, however, at issue is, whether there are any limits to this variability. he will find on farther investigation, that new technical terms are coined almost daily in various arts, sciences, professions, and trades, that new names must be found for new inventions, that many of these acquire a metaphorical sense, and then make their way into general circulation, as "stereotyped," for instance, which would have been as meaningless to the men of the seventeenth century as would the new terms and images derived from steamboat and railway travelling to the men of the eighteenth. if the numerous words, idioms, and phrases, many of them of ephemeral duration, which are thus invented by the young and old in various classes of society, in the nursery, the school, the camp, the fleet, the courts of law and the study of the man of science or literature, could all be collected together and put on record, their number in one or two centuries might compare with the entire permanent vocabulary of the language. it becomes, therefore, a curious subject of inquiry, what are the laws which govern not only the invention, but also the "selection" of some of these words or idioms, giving them currency in preference to others?--for as the powers of the human memory are limited, a check must be found to the endless increase and multiplication of terms, and old words must be dropped nearly as fast as new ones are put into circulation. sometimes the new word or phrase, or a modification of the old ones, will entirely supplant the more ancient expressions, or, instead of the latter being discarded, both may flourish together, the older one having a more restricted use. although the speakers may be unconscious that any great fluctuation is going on in their language--although when we observe the manner in which new words and phrases are thrown out, as if at random or in sport, while others get into vogue, we may think the process of change to be the result of mere chance--there are nevertheless fixed laws in action, by which, in the general struggle for existence, some terms and dialects gain the victory over others. the slightest advantage attached to some new mode of pronouncing or spelling, from considerations of brevity or euphony, may turn the scale, or more powerful causes of selection may decide which of two or more rivals shall triumph and which succumb. among these are fashion, or the influence of an aristocracy, whether of birth or education, popular writers, orators, preachers--a centralised government organising its schools expressly to promote uniformity of diction, and to get the better of provincialisms and local dialects. between these dialects, which may be regarded as so many "incipient languages," the competition is always keenest when they are most nearly allied, and the extinction of any one of them destroys some of the links by which a dominant tongue may have been previously connected with some other widely distinct one. it is by the perpetual loss of such intermediate forms of speech that the great dissimilarity of the languages which survive is brought about. thus, if dutch should become a dead language, english and german would be separated by a wider gap. some languages which are spoken by millions, and spread over a wide area, will endure much longer than others which have never had a wide range, especially if the tendency to incessant change in one of these dominant tongues is arrested for a time by a standard literature. but even this source of stability is insecure, for popular writers themselves are great innovators, sometimes coining new words, and still oftener new expressions and idioms, to embody their own original conceptions and sentiments, or some peculiar modes of thought and feeling characteristic of their age. even when a language is regarded with superstitious veneration as the vehicle of divine truths and religious precepts, and which has prevailed for many generations, it will be incapable of permanently maintaining its ground. hebrew had ceased to be a living language before the christian era. sanscrit, the sacred language of the hindoos, shared the same fate, in spite of the veneration in which the vedas are still held, and in spite of many a sanscrit poem once popular and national. the christians of constantinople and the morea still hear the new testament and their liturgy read in ancient greek, while they speak a dialect in which paul might have preached in vain at athens. so in the catholic church, the italians pray in one tongue and talk another. luther's translation of the bible acted as a powerful cause of "selection," giving at once to one of many competing dialects (that of saxony) a prominent and dominant position in germany; but the style of luther has, like that of our english bible, already become somewhat antiquated. if the doctrine of gradual transmutation be applicable to languages, all those spoken in historical times must each of them have had a closely allied prototype; and accordingly, whenever we can thoroughly investigate their history, we find in them some internal evidence of successive additions by the invention of new words or the modification of old ones. proofs also of borrowing are discernible, letters being retained in the spelling of some words which have no longer any meaning as they are now pronounced--no connection with any corresponding sounds. such redundant or silent letters, once useful in the parent speech, have been aptly compared by mr. darwin to rudimentary organs in living beings, which, as he interprets them, have at some former period been more fully developed, having had their proper functions to perform in the organisation of a remote progenitor. if all known languages are derivative and not primordial creations, they must each of them have been slowly elaborated in a single geographical area. no one of them can have had two birthplaces. if one were carried by a colony to a distant region, it would immediately begin to vary unless frequent intercourse was kept up with the mother country. the descendants of the same stock, if perfectly isolated, would in five or six centuries, perhaps sooner, be quite unable to converse with those who remained at home, or with those who may have migrated to some distant region, where they were shut out from all communication with others speaking the same tongue. a norwegian colony which settled in iceland in the ninth century, maintained its independence for about 400 years, during which time the old gothic which they at first spoke became corrupted and considerably modified. in the meantime the natives of norway, who had enjoyed much commercial intercourse with the rest of europe, acquired quite a new speech, and looked on the icelandic as having been stationary, and as representing the pure gothic original of which their own was an offshoot. a german colony in pennsylvania was cut off from frequent communication with europe for about a quarter of a century, during the wars of the french revolution between 1792 and 1815. so marked had been the effect even of this brief and imperfect isolation, that when prince bernhard of saxe-weimar travelled among them a few years after the peace, he found the peasants speaking as they had done in germany in the preceding century,*) and retaining a dialect which at home had already become obsolete. (* "travels of prince bernhard of saxe-weimar, in north america, in 1825 and 1826", page 123.) even after the renewal of the german emigration from europe, when i travelled in 1841 among the same people in the retired valleys of the alleghenies, i found the newspapers full of terms half english and half german, and many an anglo-saxon word, which had assumed a teutonic dress, as "fencen," to fence, instead of umzaunen, "flauer" for flour, instead of mehl, and so on. what with the retention of terms no longer in use in the mother country, and the borrowing of new ones from neighbouring states, there might have arisen in pennsylvania in five or six generations, but for the influx of newcomers from germany, a mongrel speech equally unintelligible to the anglo-saxon and to the inhabitants of the european fatherland. if languages resemble species in having had each their "specific centre" or single area of creation, in which they have been slowly formed, so each of them is alike liable to slow or to sudden extinction. they may die out very gradually in consequence of transmutation, or abruptly by the extermination of the last surviving representatives of the unaltered type. we know in what century the last dodo perished, and we know that in the seventeenth century the language of the red indians of massachusetts, into which father eliot had translated the bible, and in which christianity was preached for several generations, ceased to exist, the last individuals by whom it was spoken having at that period died without issue.* (* lyell, "travels in north america" volume 1 page 260 1845.) but if just before that event the white man had retreated from the continent, or had been swept off by an epidemic, those indians might soon have repeopled the wilderness, and their copious vocabulary and peculiar forms of expression might have lasted without important modification to this day. the extinction, however, of languages in general is not abrupt, any more than that of species. it will also be evident from what has been said, that a language which has once died out can never be revived, since the same assemblage of conditions can never be restored even among the descendants of the same stock, much less simultaneously among all the rounding nations with whom they may be in contact. we may compare the persistency of languages, or the tendency of each generation to adopt without change the vocabulary of its predecessor, to the force of inheritance in the organic world, which causes the offspring to resemble its parents. the inventive power which coins new words or modifies old ones, and adapts them to new wants and conditions as often as these arise, answers to the variety-making power in the animate creation. progressive improvement in language is a necessary consequence of the progress of the human mind from one generation to another. as civilisation advances, a greater number of terms are required to express abstract ideas, and words previously used in a vague sense, so long as the state of society was rude and barbarous, gradually acquire more precise and definite meanings, in consequence of which several terms must be employed to express ideas and things, which a single word had before signified, though somewhat loosely and imperfectly. the farther this subdivision of function is carried, the more complete and perfect the language becomes, just as species of higher grade have special organs, such as eyes, lungs, and stomach, for seeing, breathing, and digesting, which in simple organisms are all performed by one and the same part of the body.* (* see herbert spencer's "psychology" and "scientific essays.") when we had satisfied ourselves that all the existing languages, instead of being primordial creations, or the direct gifts of a supernatural power, have been slowly elaborated, partly by the modification of pre-existing dialects, partly by borrowing terms at successive periods from numerous foreign sources, and partly by new inventions made some of them deliberately, and some casually and as it were fortuitously--when we have discovered the principal causes of selection, which have guided the adoption or rejection of rival names for the same things and ideas, rival modes of pronouncing the same words and provincial dialects competing one with another--we are still very far from comprehending all the laws which have governed the formation of each language. it was a profound saying of william humboldt, that "man is man only by means of speech, but in order to invent speech he must be already man." other animals may be able to utter sounds more articulate and as varied as the click of the bushman, but voice alone can never enable brute intelligence to acquire language. when we consider the complexity of every form of speech spoken by a highly civilised nation, and discover that the grammatical rules and the inflections which denote number, time, and equality are usually the product of a rude state of society--that the savage and the sage, the peasant and man of letters, the child and the philosopher, have worked together, in the course of many generations, to build up a fabric which has been truly described as a wonderful instrument of thought, a machine, the several parts of which are so well adjusted to each other as to resemble the product of one period and of a single mind--we cannot but look upon the result as a profound mystery, and one of which the separate builders have been almost as unconscious as are the bees in a hive of the architectural skill and mathematical knowledge which is displayed in the construction of the honeycomb. in our attempts to account for the origin of species, we find ourselves still sooner brought face to face with the working of a law of development of so high an order as to stand nearly in the same relation as the deity himself to man's finite understanding, a law capable of adding new and powerful causes, such as the moral and intellectual faculties of the human race, to a system of nature which had gone on for millions of years without the intervention of any analogous cause. if we confound "variation" or "natural selection" with such creational laws, we deify secondary causes or immeasurably exaggerate their influence. yet we ought by no means to undervalue the importance of the step which will have been made, should it hereafter become the generally received opinion of men of science (as i fully expect it will), that the past changes of the organic world have been brought about by the subordinate agency of such causes as "variation" and "natural selection." all our advances in the knowledge of nature have consisted of such steps as these, and we must not be discouraged because greater mysteries remain behind wholly inscrutable to us. if the philologist is asked whether in the beginning of things there was one or five, or a greater number of languages, he may answer that, before he can reply to such a question, it must be decided whether the origin of man was single, or whether there were many primordial races. but he may also observe, that if mankind began their career in a rude state of society, their whole vocabulary would be limited to a few words, and that if they then separated into several isolated communities, each of these would soon acquire an entirely distinct language, some roots being lost and others corrupted and transformed beyond the possibility of subsequent identification, so that it might be hopeless to expect to trace back the living and dead languages to one starting point, even if that point were of much more modern date than we have now good reason to suppose. in like manner it may be said of species, that if those first formed were of very simple structure, and they began to vary and to lose some organs by disuse and acquire new ones by development, they might soon differ as much as so many distinctly created primordial types. it would therefore be a waste of time to speculate on the number of original monads or germs from which all plants and animals were subsequently evolved, more especially as the oldest fossiliferous strata known to us may be the last of a long series of antecedent formations, which once contained organic remains. it was not till geologists ceased to discuss the condition of the original nucleus of the planet, whether it was solid or fluid, and whether it owed its fluidity to aqueous or igneous causes, that they began to achieve their great triumphs; and the vast progress which has recently been made in showing how the living species may be connected with the extinct by a common bond of descent, has been due to a more careful study of the actual state of the living world, and to those monuments of the past in which the relics of the animate creation of former ages are best preserved and least mutilated by the hand of time. chapter 24. -bearing of the doctrine of transmutation on the origin of man, and his place in the creation. whether man can be regarded as an exception to the rule if the doctrine of transmutation be embraced for the rest of the animal kingdom. zoological relations of man to other mammalia. systems of classification. term quadrumanous, why deceptive. whether the structure of the human brain entitles man to form a distinct sub-class of the mammalia. intelligence of the lower animals compared to the intellect and reason of man. grounds on which man has been referred to a distinct kingdom of nature. immaterial principle common to man and animals. non-discovery of intermediate links among fossil anthropomorphous species. hallam on the compound nature of man, and his place in the creation. great inequality of mental endowment in different human races and individuals developed by variation and ordinary generation. how far a corresponding divergence in physical structure may result from the working of the same causes. concluding remarks. some of the opponents of transmutation, who are well versed in natural history, admit that though that doctrine is untenable, it is not without its practical advantages as a "useful working hypothesis," often suggesting good experiments and observations and aiding us to retain in the memory a multitude of facts respecting the geographical distribution of genera and species, both of animals and plants, the succession in time of organic remains, and many other phenomena which, but for such a theory, would be wholly without a common bond of relationship. it is in fact conceded by many eminent zoologists and botanists, as before explained, that whatever may be the nature of the species-making power or law, its effects are of such a character as to imitate the results which variation, guided by natural selection, would produce, if only we could assume with certainty that there are no limits to the variability of species. but as the anti-transmutationists are persuaded that such limits do exist, they regard the hypothesis as simply a provisional one, and expect that it will one day be superseded by another cognate theory, which will not require us to assume the former continuousness of the links which have connected the past and present states of the organic world, or the outgoing with the incoming species. in like manner, many of those who hesitate to give in their full adhesion to the doctrine of progression, the other twin branch of the development theory, and who even object to it, as frequently tending to retard the reception of new facts supposed to militate against opinions solely founded on negative evidence, are nevertheless agreed that on the whole it is of great service in guiding our speculations. indeed it cannot be denied that a theory which establishes a connection between the absence of all relics of vertebrata in the oldest fossiliferous rocks, and the presence of man's remains in the newest, which affords a more than plausible explanation of the successive appearance in strata of intermediate age of the fish, reptile, bird, and mammal, has no ordinary claims to our favour as comprehending the largest number of positive and negative facts gathered from all parts of the globe, and extending over countless ages, that science has perhaps ever attempted to embrace in one grand generalisation. but will not transmutation, if adopted, require us to include the human race in the same continuous series of developments, so that we must hold that man himself has been derived by an unbroken line of descent from some one of the inferior animals? we certainly cannot escape from such a conclusion without abandoning many of the weightiest arguments which have been urged in support of variation and natural selection considered as the subordinate causes by which new types have been gradually introduced into the earth. many of the gaps which separate the most nearly allied genera and orders of mammalia are, in a physical point of view, as wide as those which divide man from the mammalia most nearly akin to him, and the extent of his isolation, whether we regard his whole nature or simply his corporeal attributes, must be considered before we can discuss the bearing of transmutation upon his origin and place in the creation. systems of classification. in order to qualify ourselves to judge of the degree of affinity in physical organisation between man and the lower animals, we cannot do better than study those systems of classification which have been proposed by the most eminent teachers of natural history. of these an elaborate and faithful summary has recently been drawn up by the late isidore geoffroy st. hilaire, which the reader will do well to consult.* (* "histoire naturale generale des regnes organiques" paris volume 2 1856.) he begins by passing in review numerous schemes of classification, each of them having some merit, and most of them having been invented with a view of assigning to man a separate place in the system of nature, as, for example, by dividing animals into rational and irrational, or the whole organic world into three kingdoms, the human, the animal, and the vegetable--an arrangement defended on the ground that man is raised as much by his intelligence above the animals as are these by their sensibility above plants. admitting that these schemes are not unphilosophical, as duly recognising the double nature of man (his moral and intellectual, as well as his physical attributes), isidore g. st. hilaire observes that little knowledge has been imparted by them. we have gained, he says, much more from those masters of the science who have not attempted any compromise between two distinct orders of ideas, the physical and psychological, and who have confined their attention strictly to man's physical relation to the lower animals. linnaeus led the way in this field of inquiry by comparing man and the apes, in the same manner as he compared these last with the carnivores, ruminants, rodents, or any other division of warm-blooded quadrupeds. after several modifications of his original scheme, he ended by placing man as one of the many genera in his order primates, which embraced not only the apes and lemurs, but the bats also, as he found these last to be nearly allied to some of the lowest forms of the monkeys. but all modern naturalists, who retain the order primates, agree to exclude from it the bats or cheiroptera; and most of them class man as one of several families of the order primates. in this, as in most systems of classification, the families of modern zoologists and botanists correspond with the genera of linnaeus. blumenbach, in 1779, proposed to deviate from this course, and to separate man from the apes as an order apart, under the name of bimana, or two-handed. in making this innovation he seems at first to have felt that it could not be justified without calling in psychological considerations to his aid, to strengthen those which were purely anatomical; for, in the earliest edition of his "manual of natural history," he defined man to be "animal rationale, loquens, erectum, bimanum," whereas in later editions he restricted himself entirely to the two last characters, namely, the erect position and the two hands, or "animal erectum, bimanum." the terms "bimanous" and "quadrumanous" had been already employed by buffon in 1766, but not applied in a strict zoological classification till so used by blumenbach. twelve years later, cuvier adopted the same order bimana for the human family, while the apes, monkeys, and lemurs constituted a separate order called quadrumana. respecting this last innovation, isidore g. st. hilaire asks, "how could such a division stand, repudiated as it was by the anthropologists in the name of the moral and intellectual supremacy of man; and by the zoologists, on the ground of its incompatibility with natural affinities and with the true principles of classification? separated as a group of ordinal value, placed at the same distance from the ape as the latter from the carnivore, man is at once too near and too distant from the higher mammalia--too near if we take into account those elevated faculties, which, raising man above all other organised beings, accord to him not only the first, but a separate place in the creation--too far if we merely consider the organic affinities which unite him with the quadrumana; with the apes especially, which, in a purely physical point of view, approach man more nearly than they do the lemurs." "what, then, is this order of bimana of blumenbach and cuvier? an impracticable compromise between two opposite and irreconcilable systems--between two orders of ideas which are clearly expressed in the language of natural history by these two words: the human kingdom and the human family. it is one of those would-be via media propositions which, once seen through, satisfy no one, precisely because they are intended to please everybody; half-truths, perhaps, but also half-falsehoods; for what, in science, is a half-truth but an error?" isidore g. st. hilaire then proceeds to show how, in spite of the great authority of blumenbach and cuvier, a large proportion of modern zoologists of note have rejected the order bimana, and have regarded man simply as a family of one and the same order, primates. term "quadrumanous," why deceptive. even the term "quadrumanous" has lately been shown by professor huxley, in a lecture delivered by him in the spring of 1860-61, which i had the good fortune to hear, to have proved a fertile source of popular delusion, conveying ideas which the great anatomists blumenbach and cuvier never entertained themselves, namely, that in the so-called quadrumana the extremities of the hind-limbs bear a real resemblance to the human hands, instead of corresponding anatomically with the human feet. as this subject bears very directly on the question, how far man is entitled, in a purely zoological classification, to rank as an order apart, i shall proceed to cite, in an abridged form, the words of the lecturer above alluded to.* (* professor huxley's third lecture "on the motor organs of man compared with those of other animals," delivered in the royal school of mines, in jermyn street (march 1861) has been embodied with the rest of the course in his work entitled "evidence as to man's place in nature.") "to gain," he observes, "a precise conception of the resemblances and differences of the hand and foot, and of the distinctive characters of each, we must look below the skin, and compare the bony framework and its motor apparatus in each. "the foot of man is distinguished from his hand by:-"1. the arrangement of the tarsal bones. "2. by having a short flexor and a short extensor muscle of the digits. "3. by possessing the muscle termed peronaeus longus. "and if we desire to ascertain whether the terminal division of a limb in other animals is to be called a foot or a hand, it is by the presence or absence of these characters that we must be guided, and not by the mere proportions, and greater or lesser mobility of the great toe, which may vary indefinitely without any fundamental alteration in the structure of the foot. keeping these considerations in mind, let us now turn to the limbs of the gorilla. the terminal division of the fore-limb presents no difficulty--bone for bone, and muscle for muscle, are found to be arranged precisely as in man, or with such minute differences as are found as varieties in man. the gorilla's hand is clumsier, heavier, and has a thumb somewhat shorter in proportion than that of man; but no one has ever doubted its being a true hand. "at first sight, the termination of the hind-limb of the gorilla looks very hand-like, and as it is still more so in the lower apes, it is not wonderful that the appellation 'quadrumana,' or four-handed creatures, adopted from the older anatomists by blumenbach, and unfortunately rendered current by cuvier, should have gained such wide acceptance as a name for the ape order. but the most cursory anatomical investigation at once proves that the resemblance of the so-called 'hindhand' to a true hand is only skin deep, and that, in all essential respects, the hind-limb of the gorilla is as truly terminated by a foot as that of man. the tarsal bones, in all important circumstances of number, disposition, and form, resemble those of man. the metatarsals and digits, on the other hand, are proportionally longer and more slender, while the great toe is not only proportionally shorter and weaker, but its metatarsal bone is united by a far more movable joint with the tarsus. at the same time, the foot is set more obliquely upon the leg than in man. "as to the muscles, there is a short flexor, a short extensor, and a peronaeus longus, while the tendons of the long flexors of the great toe and of the other toes are united together and into an accessory fleshy bundle. "the hind-limb of the gorilla, therefore, ends in a true foot with a very movable great toe. it is a prehensile foot, if you will, but is in no sense a hand: it is a foot which differs from that of man in no fundamental character, but in mere proportions--degree of mobility--and secondary arrangement of its parts. "it must not be supposed, however, that because i speak of these differences as not fundamental, that i wish to underrate their value. they are important enough in their way, the structure of the foot being in strict correlation with that of the rest of the organism; but after all, regarded anatomically, the resemblances between the foot of man and the foot of the gorilla are far more striking and important than the differences."* (* professor huxley, ibid.) after dwelling on some points of anatomical detail, highly important, but for which i have not space here, the professor continues--"throughout all these modifications, it must be recollected that the foot loses no one of its essential characters. every monkey and lemur exhibits the characteristic arrangement of tarsal bones, possesses a short flexor and short extensor muscle, and a peronaeus longus. varied as the proportions and appearance of the organ may be, the terminal division of the hind-limb remains in plan and principle of construction a foot, and never in the least degree approaches a hand."* (* ibid.) for these reasons, professor huxley rejects the term "quadrumana," as leading to serious misconception, and regards man as one of the families of the primates. this method of classification he shows to be equally borne out by an appeal to another character on which so much reliance has always been placed in classification, as affording in the mammalia the most trustworthy indications of affinity, namely, the dentition. "the number of teeth in the gorilla and all the old world monkeys, except the lemurs, is thirty-two, the same as in man, and the general pattern of their crowns the same. but besides other distinctions, the canines in all but man project in the upper or lower jaws almost like tusks. but all the american apes have four more teeth in their permanent set, or thirty-six in all, so that they differ in this respect more from the old world apes than do these last from man." if therefore, by reference to this character, we place man in a separate order, we must make several orders for the apes, monkeys, and lemurs, and so, in regard to the structure of the hands and feet before alluded to, "the gorilla differs far more from some of the quadrumana than he differs from man." indeed, professor huxley contends that there is more difference between the hand and foot of the gorilla and those of the orang, one of the anthropomorphous apes, than between those of the gorilla and man, for "the thumb of the orang differs by its shortness and by the absence of any special long flexor muscle from that of the gorilla more than it differs from that of man." the carpus also of the orang, like that of most lower apes, contains nine bones, while in the gorilla, as in man and the chimpanzee, there are only eight." other characters are also given to show that the orang's foot separates it more widely from the gorilla than that of the gorilla separates that ape from man. in some of the lower apes, the divergence from the human type of hand and foot, as well as from those of the gorilla, is still greater, as, for example, in the spider-monkey and marmoset."* (* huxley, ibid. page 29.) if the muscles, viscera, or any other part of the animal fabric, including the brain, be compared, the results are declared to be similar. whether the structure of the human brain entitles man to form a distinct sub-class of the mammalia. in consequence of these and many other zoological considerations, the order bimana had already been declared, in 1856, by isidore g. st. hilaire in his history of the science above quoted "to have become obsolete," even though sanctioned by the great names of blumenbach and cuvier. but in opposition to the new views professor owen announced, the year after the publication of g. st. hilaire's work, that he had been led by purely anatomical considerations to separate man from the other primates and from the mammalia generally as a distinct sub-class, thus departing farther from the classification of blumenbach and cuvier than they had ventured to do from that of linnaeus. the proposed innovation was based chiefly on three cerebral characters belonging, it was alleged, exclusively to man and thus described in the following passages of a memoir communicated to the linnaean society in 1857, in which all the mammalia were divided, according to the structure of the brain, into four sub-classes, represented by the kangaroo, the beaver, the ape, and man respectively:-"in man, the brain presents an ascensive step in development, higher and more strongly marked than that by which the preceding sub-class was distinguished from the one below it. not only do the cerebral hemispheres overlap the olfactory lobes and cerebellum, but they extend in advance of the one and farther back than the other. their posterior development is so marked that anatomists have assigned to that part the character of a third lobe; it is peculiar to the genus homo, and equally peculiar is the 'posterior horn of the lateral ventricle' and the 'hippocampus minor' which characterises the hind-lobe of each hemisphere. the superficial grey matter of the cerebrum, through the number and depth of its convolutions, attains its maximum of extent in man. "peculiar mental powers are associated with this highest form of brain, and their consequences wonderfully illustrate the value of the cerebral character; according to my estimate of which i am led to regard the genus homo as not merely a representative of a distinct order, but of a distinct sub-class of the mammalia, for which i propose the name of 'archencephala.'"* (* owen, "proceedings of the linnaean society" london volume 8 page 20.) the above definition is accompanied in the same memoir by the following note:--"not being able to appreciate, or conceive, of the distinction between the psychical phenomena of a chimpanzee and of a boschisman, or of an aztec with arrested brain-growth, as being of a nature so essential as to preclude a comparison between them, or as being other than a difference of degree, i cannot shut my eyes to the significance of that all-pervading similitude of structure--every tooth, every bone, strictly homologous--which makes the determination of the difference between homo and pithecus the anatomist's difficulty; and therefore, with every respect for the author of the records of creation,* i follow linnaeus and cuvier in regarding mankind as a legitimate subject of zoological comparison and classification." (* the late archbishop of canterbury, dr. sumner.) [illustration: figure 54, 55 and 56. brain of chimpanzee] (figure 54. upper surface of brain of chimpanzee, distorted (from schroeder van der kolk and vrolik.) scale half the diameter of the natural size. a. left cerebral hemisphere. b. right cerebral hemisphere. c. cerebellum displaced.) (figure 55. side view of brain of chimpanzee, distorted (from schroeder van der kolk and vrolik.) scale half the diameter of the natural size. e. the extension of the displaced cerebellum beyond the cerebrum at d.) (figure 56. correct side view of chimpanzee's brain (from gratiolet). scale half the diameter of the natural size. d. backward extension of the cerebrum, beyond the cerebellum at e. f. fissure of sylvius.) [illustration: figure 57 and 58. chimpanzee and human brain] (figure 57. correct view of upper surface of chimpanzee's brain (from gratiolet), in which the cerebrum covers and conceals the cerebellum. scale half the diameter of the natural size.) (figure 58. side view of human brain (from gratiolet), namely, that of the bushwoman called the hottentot venus. scale half the diameter of the natural size. a. left cerebral hemisphere. c. cerebellum. ff. fissure of sylvius.) to illustrate the difference between the human and simian brain, professor owen gave figures of the negro's brain as represented by tiedemann, an original one of a south american monkey, midas rufimanus, and one of the chimpanzee (figure 54), from a memoir published in 1849 by mm. schroeder van der kolk and m. vrolik.* (* "comptes rendus de l'academie royale des sciences" amsterdam volume 13.) the selection of figure 54 was most unfortunate, for three years before, m. gratiolet, the highest authority in cerebral anatomy of our age, had, in his splendid work on "the convolutions of the brain in man and the primates" (paris, 1854), pointed out that, though this engraving faithfully expressed the cerebral foldings as seen on the surface, it gave a very false idea of the relative position of the several parts of the brain, which, as very commonly happens in such preparations, had shrunk and greatly sunk down by their own weight.* (* gratiolet's words are: "les plis cerebraux du chimpanze y sont fort bien etudies, malheureusement le cerveau qui leur a servi de modele etait profondement affaisse, aussi la forme generale du cerveau est-elle rendue, dans leurs planches, d'une maniere tout-a-fait fausse." ibid. page 18.) anticipating the serious mistakes which would arise from this inaccurate representation of the brain of the ape, published under the auspices of men so deserving of trust as the two above-named dutch anatomists, m. gratiolet thought it expedient, by way of warning to his readers, to repeat their incorrect figures (figures 54 and 55), and to place by the side of them two correct views (figures 56 and 57) of the brain of the same ape. by reference to these illustrations, as well as to figure 58, the reader will see not only the contrast of the relative position of the cerebrum and cerebellum, as delineated in the natural as well as in the distorted state, but also the remarkable general correspondence between the chimpanzee brain and that of the human subject in everything save in size. the human brain (figure 58) here given, by gratiolet, is that of an african bushwoman, called the hottentot venus, who was exhibited formerly in london, and who died in paris. respecting this striking analogy of cerebral structure in man and the apes, gratiolet says, in the work above cited: "the convoluted brain of man and the smooth brain of the marmoset resemble each other by the quadruple character of a rudimentary olfactory lobe, a posterior lobe completely covering the cerebellum, a well-defined fissure of sylvius (ff, figure 56), and lastly a posterior horn in the lateral ventricle. these characters are not met with together except in man and the apes."* (* gratiolet, ibid. avant-propos page 2 1854.) in reference to the other figure of a monkey given by professor owen, namely, that of the midas, one of the marmosets, he states, in 1857 as he had done in 1837, that the posterior part of the cerebral hemispheres "extends, as in most of the quadrumana, over the greater part of the cerebellum."* (* "proceedings of the linnaean society" 1857 page 18 note, and "philosophical transactions" 1837 page 93.) in 1859, in his rede lecture, delivered to the university of cambridge, the same illustrations of the ape's brain were given, namely, that of the midas and the distorted one of the dutch anatomists already cited (figure 54).* (* see appendix m.) two years later, professor huxley, in a memoir "on the zoological relations of man with the lower animals," took occasion to refer to gratiolet's warning, and to cite his criticism on the dutch plates;* but this reminder appears to have been overlooked by professor owen, who six months later came out with a new paper on "the cerebral character of man and the ape," in which he repeated the incorrect representation of schroeder van der kolk and vrolik, associating it with tiedemann's figure of a negro's brain, expressly to show the relative and different extent to which the cerebellum is overlapped by the cerebrum in the two cases respectively.** in the ape's brain as thus depicted, the portion of the cerebellum left uncovered is greater than in the lemurs, the lowest type of primates, and almost as large as in the rodentia, or some of the lowest grades of the mammalia. (* huxley, "natural history review" january 7, 1861 page 76.) (** "annals and magazine of natural history" volume 7 1861 page 456 and plate 20.) when the dutch naturalists above mentioned found their figures so often appealed to as authority, by one the weight of whose opinion on such matters they well knew how to appreciate, they resolved to do their best towards preventing the public from being misled. accordingly, they addressed to the royal academy of amsterdam a memoir "on the brain of an orang-outang" which had just died in the zoological gardens of that city.* (* this paper is reprinted in the original french in the "natural history review" volume 2 1862 page 111.) the dissection of this ape, in 1861, fully bore out the general conclusions at which they had previously arrived in 1849, as to the existence both in the human and the simian brain of the three characters, which professor owen had represented as exclusively appertaining to man, namely, the occipital or posterior lobe, the hippocampus minor, and the posterior cornu. these last two features consist of certain cavities and furrows in the posterior lobes, which are caused by the foldings of the brain, and are only visible when it is dissected. mm. schroeder van der kolk and vrolik took this opportunity of candidly confessing that m. gratiolet's comments on the defects of their two figures (figures 54 and 55) were perfectly just, and they expressed regret that professor owen should have overstated the differences existing between the brain of man and the quadrumana, "led astray, as they supposed, by his zeal to combat the darwinian theory respecting the transformation of species," a doctrine against which they themselves protested strongly, saying that it belongs to a class of speculations which are sure to be revived from time to time, and are always "peculiarly seductive to young and sanguine minds."* (* ibid. page 114.) as the two memoirs before alluded to by us, the one by mr. darwin on "natural selection," and the other by mr. wallace "on the tendency of varieties to depart indefinitely from the original type," did not appear till 1858, a year after professor owen's classification of the mammalia, and as darwin's "origin of species" was not published till another year had elapsed, we cannot accept the explanation above offered to us of the causes which led the founder of the sub-class archencephala to seek for new points of distinction between the human and simian brains; but the dutch anatomists may have fallen into this anachronism by having just read, in the paper by professor owen in the "annals," some prefatory allusions to "the vestiges of creation," "natural selection, and the question whether man be or be not a descendant of the ape." the number of original and important memoirs to which this discussion on the cerebral relations of man to the primates has already given rise in less than five years, must render the controversy for ever memorable in the history of comparative anatomy.* (* rolleston, "natural history review" april 1861. huxley, on "brain of ateles" "proceedings of the zoological society" 1861. flower, "posterior lobe in quadrumana" etc., "philosophical transactions" 1862. id. "javan loris" "proceedings of the zoological society" 1862. id. on "anatomy of pithecia" ibid. 1862.) in england alone, no less than fifteen genera of the primates (the subjects having been almost all furnished by that admirable institution the zoological gardens of london) have been anatomically examined, and they include nearly all the leading types of structure of the old and new world apes and monkeys, from the most anthropoid form to that farthest removed from man; in other words, from the chimpanzee to the lemur. these are:- troglodytes (chimpanzee). pithecus (orang). hylobates (gibbon). semnopithecus. cercopithecus. macacus. cynocephalus (baboon). ateles (spider monkey). cebus (capuchin monkey). pithecia (saki). nyctipithecus (douricouli). hapale (marmoset). otolicnus. stenops. lemur. in july 1861 mr. marshall, in a paper on the brain of a young chimpanzee, which he had dissected immediately after its death, gave a series of photographic drawings, showing that when the parts are all in a fresh state, the posterior lobe of the cerebrum, instead of simply covering the cerebellum, is prolonged backwards beyond it even to a greater extent than in gratiolet's figure, 56, and, what is more in point, in a greater degree relatively speaking (at least in the young state of the animal) than in man. in fact, "the projection is to the extent of about one-ninth of the total length of the cerebrum, whereas the average excess of overlapping is only one-eleventh in the human brain."* (* marshall, "natural history review" july 1861. see also on this subject professor rolleston on the slight degree of backward extension of the cerebrum in some races of man. "medical times" october 1862, page 419.) the same author gives an instructive account of the manner in which displacement and distortion take place when such brains are preserved in spirits as in the ordinary preparations of the anatomist. mr. flower, in a recent paper on the posterior lobe of the cerebrum in the quadrumana,* remarks, that although tiedemann had declared himself unable in 1821 to detect the hippocampus minor or the posterior cornu of the lateral ventricle in the brain of a macacus dissected by him, cuvier, nevertheless, mentions the latter as characteristic of man and the apes, and m. serres in his well-known work on the brain in 1826, has shown in at least four species of apes the presence of both the hippocampus minor and the posterior cornu. (* "philosophical transactions" 1862 page 185.) tiedemann had expressly stated that "the third or hinder lobe in the ape covered the cerebellum as in man,"* and as to his negative evidence in respect to the internal structure of that lobe, it can have no weight whatever against the positive proofs obtained to the contrary by a host of able observers. even before tiedemann's work was published, kuhl had dissected, in 1820, the brain of the spider-monkey (ateles beelzebuth), and had given a figure of a long posterior cornu to the lateral ventricle, which he had described as such.** (* tiedemann, "icones cerebri simiarum" etc. page 48.) (** "beitrage zur zoologie" etc. frankfurt am main 1820.) the general results arrived at by the english anatomists already cited, and by professor rolleston in various papers on the same subject, have thus been briefly stated by professor huxley:-"every lemur which has yet been examined has its cerebellum partially visible from above, and its posterior lobe, with the contained posterior cornu and hippocampus minor, more or less rudimentary. every marmoset, american monkey, old world monkey, baboon, or man-like ape, on the contrary, has its cerebellum entirely hidden, and possesses a large posterior cornu, with a well-developed hippocampus minor. "in many of these creatures, such as the saimiri (chrysothrix), the cerebral lobes overlap and extend much farther behind the cerebellum in proportion than they do in man."* (* huxley, "evidence as to man's place in nature" page 97.) it is by no means pretended that these conclusions of british observers as to the affinity in cerebral structure of man and the primates are new, but on the contrary that they confirm the inductions previously made by the principal continental teachers of the last and present generations, such as tiedemann, cuvier, serres, leuret, wagner, schroeder van der kolk, vrolik, gratiolet, and others. at a late meeting of the british association (1862), professor owen read a paper "on the brain and limb characters of the gorilla as contrasted with those of man"* in which, he observes, that in the gorilla the cerebrum "extends over the cerebellum, not beyond it." (* medical times and gazette" october 1862 page 373.) this statement, although slightly at variance with one published the year before (1861) by professor huxley, who maintains that it does project beyond, is interesting as correcting the description of the same brain given by professor owen in that year, in a lecture to the royal institution, in which a considerable part of the cerebellum of the gorilla was represented as uncovered.* (* "athenaeum" report of royal institution lecture, march 23, 1861, and reference to it by professor owen as to gorilla, ibid. march 30 page 434.) in the same memoir, it is remarked that in the maimon baboon the cerebrum not only covers but "extends backwards even beyond the cerebellum."* (* for report of professor owen's cambridge british association paper see "medical times" october 11, 1862 page 373.) this baboon, therefore, possesses a posterior lobe, according to every description yet given of such a lobe, including a new definition of the same lately proposed by professor owen. for the posterior lobe was formerly considered to be that part of the cerebrum which covers the cerebellum, whereas professor owen defines it as that part which covers the posterior third of the cerebellum, and extends beyond it. we may, therefore, consider the attempt to distinguish the brain of man from that of the ape on the ground of newly-discovered cerebral characters, presenting differences in kind, as virtually abandoned by its originator, and if the sub-class archencephala is to be retained, it must depend on differences in degree, as, for example, the vast increase of the brain in man, as compared with that of the highest ape, "in absolute size, and the still greater superiority in relative size to the bulk and weight of the body."* (* owen, ibid. page 373.) if we ask why this character, though well known to cuvier and other great anatomists before our time, was not considered by them to entitle man, physically considered, to claim a more distinct place in the group called primates than that of a separate order, or, according to others, a separate genus or family only, we shall find the answer thus concisely stated by professor huxley in his new work, before cited:-"so far as i am aware, no human cranium belonging to an adult man has yet been observed with a less cubical capacity than 62 cubic inches, the smallest cranium observed in any race of men, by morton, measuring 63 cubic inches; while on the other hand, the most capacious gorilla skull yet measured has a content of not more than 34 1/2 cubic inches. let us assume for simplicity's sake, that the lowest man's skull has twice the capacity of the highest gorilla's. no doubt this is a very striking difference, but it loses much of its apparent systematic value, when viewed by the light of certain other equally indubitable facts respecting cranial capacities. "the first of these is, that the difference in the volume of the cranial cavity of different races of mankind is far greater, absolutely, than that between the lowest man and the highest ape, while, relatively, it is about the same; for the largest human skull measured by morton contained 114 cubic inches, that is to say, had very nearly double the capacity of the smallest, while its absolute preponderance of over 50 cubic inches is far greater than that by which the lowest adult male human cranium surpasses the largest of the gorillas (62 minus 34 1/2 = 27 1/2). secondly, the adult crania of gorillas which have as yet been measured, differ among themselves by nearly one-third, the maximum capacity being 34.5 cubic inches, the minimum 24 cubic inches; and, thirdly, after making all due allowance for difference of size, the cranial capacities of some of the lower apes fall nearly as much relatively below those of the higher apes, as the latter fall below man."* (* huxley, "evidence as to man's place in nature" london 1863 page 78. ) are we then to conclude that differences in mental power have no intimate connection with the comparative volume of the brain? we cannot draw such an inference, because the highest and most civilised races of man exceed in the average of their cranial capacity the lowest races, the european brain, for example, being larger than that of the negro, and somewhat more convoluted and less symmetrical, and those apes, on the other hand, which approach nearest to man in the form and volume of their brain being more intelligent than the lemurs, or still lower divisions of the mammalia, such as the rodents and marsupials, which have smaller brains. but the extraordinary intelligence of the elephant and dog, so far exceeding that of the larger part of the quadrumana, although their brains are of a type much more remote from the human, may serve to convince us how far we are as yet from understanding the real nature of the dependence of intellectual superiority on cerebral structure. professor rolleston, in reference to this subject, remarks, that "even if it were to be proved that the differences between man's brain and that of the ape are differences entirely of quantity, there is no reason, in the nature of things, why so many and such weighty differences in degree should not amount to a difference in kind. "differences of degree and differences of kind are, it is true, mutually exclusive terms in the language of the schools; but whether they are so also in the laboratory of nature, we may very well doubt."* (* report of a lecture delivered at the royal institution by professor george rolleston "on the brain of man and animals" "medical gazette" march 15, 1862 page 262.) the same physiologist suggests, that as there is considerable plasticity in the human frame, not only in youth and during growth, but even in the adult, we ought not always to take for granted, as some advocates of the development theory seem to do, that each advance in psychical power depends on an improvement in bodily structure, for why may not the soul, or the higher intellectual and moral faculties, play the first instead of the second part in a progressive scheme? intelligence of the lower animals compared to that of man. ever since the days of leibnitz, metaphysicians who have attempted to draw a line of demarcation between the intelligence of the lower animals and that of man, or between instinct and reason, have experienced difficulties analogous to those which the modern anatomist encounters when he tries to distinguish the brain of an ape from that of man by some characters more marked than those of mere size and weight, which vary so much in individuals of the same species, whether simian or human. professor agassiz, after declaring that as yet we scarcely possess the most elementary information requisite for a scientific comparison of the instincts and faculties of animals with those of man, confesses that he cannot say in what the mental faculties of a child differ from those of a young chimpanzee. he also observes, that "the range of the passions of animals is as extensive as that of the human mind, and i am at a loss to perceive a difference of kind between them, however much they may differ in degree and in the manner in which they are expressed. the gradations of the moral faculties among the higher animals and man are, moreover, so imperceptible, that to deny to the first a certain sense of responsibility and consciousness would certainly be an exaggeration of the difference between animals and man. there exists, besides, as much individuality within their respective capabilities among animals as among man, as every sportsman, or every keeper of menageries, or every farmer and shepherd can testify, who has had a large experience with wild, or tamed, or domesticated animals. this argues strongly in favour of the existence in every animal of an immaterial principle, similar to that which, by its excellence and superior endowments, places man so much above animals. yet the principle exists unquestionably, and whether it be called soul, reason, or instinct, it presents, in the whole range of organised beings, a series of phenomena closely linked together, and upon it are based not only the higher manifestations of the mind, but the very permanence of the specific differences which characterise every organ. most of the arguments of philosophy in favour of the immortality of man apply equally to the permanency of this principle in other living beings."* (* contributions to the "natural history of the united states of north america" volume 1 part 1 pages 60 and 64.) professor huxley, when commenting on a passage in professor owen's memoir, above cited, argues that there is a unity in psychical as in physical plan among animated beings, and adds, that although he cannot go so far as to say that "the determination of the difference between homo and pithecus is the anatomist's difficulty," yet no impartial judge can doubt that the roots, as it were, of those great faculties which confer on man his immeasurable superiority above all other animate things are traceable far down into the animate world. the dog, the cat, and the parrot, return love for our love and hatred for our hatred. they are capable of shame and of sorrow, and though they may have no logic nor conscious ratiocination, no one who has watched their ways can doubt that they possess that power of rational cerebration which evolves reasonable acts from the premises furnished by the senses--a process which takes fully as large a share as conscious reason in human activity.* (* "natural history review" number 1 january 1861 page 68.) grounds for referring man to a distinct kingdom of nature. few if any of the authors above cited, while they admit so fully the analogy which exists between the faculties of man and the inferior animals, are disposed to underrate the enormous gap which separates man from the brutes, and if they scarcely allow him to be referable to a distinct order, and much less to a separate sub-class, on purely physical grounds, it does not follow that they would object to the reasoning of m. quatrefages, who says, in his work on the "unity of the human species," that man must form a kingdom by himself if once we permit his moral and intellectual endowments to have their due weight in classification. as to his organisation, he observes, "we find in the mammalia nearly absolute identity of anatomical structure, bone for bone, muscle for muscle, nerve for nerve--similar organs performing like functions. it is not by a vertical position on his feet, the os sublime of ovid, which he shares with the penguin, nor by his mental faculties, which, though more developed, are fundamentally the same as those of animals, nor by his powers of perception, will, memory, and a certain amount of reason, nor by articulate speech, which he shares with birds and some mammalia, and by which they express ideas comprehended not only by individuals of their own species but often by man, nor is it by the faculties of the heart, such as love and hatred, which are also shared by quadrupeds and birds, but it is by something completely foreign to the mere animal, and belonging exclusively to man, that we must establish a separate kingdom for him (page 21). these distinguishing characters," he goes on to say, "are the abstract notion of good and evil, right and wrong, virtue and vice, or the moral faculty, and a belief in a world beyond ours, and in certain mysterious beings, or a being of a higher nature than ours, whom we ought to fear or revere; in other words, the religious faculty."--page 23. by these two attributes the moral and the religious, not common to man and the brutes, m. quatrefages proposes to distinguish the human from the animal kingdom. but he omits to notice one essential character, which dr. sumner, the late archbishop of canterbury, brought out in strong relief fifty years ago in his "records of creation." "there are writers," he observes, "who have taken an extraordinary pleasure in levelling the broad distinction which separates man from the brute creation. misled to a false conclusion by the infinite variety of nature's productions, they have described a chain of existence connecting the vegetable with the animal world, and the different orders of animals one with another, so as to rise by an almost imperceptible gradation from the tribe of simiae to the lowest of the human race, and from these upwards to the most refined. but if a comparison were to be drawn, it should be taken, not from the upright form, which is by no means confined to mankind, nor even from the vague term reason, which cannot always be accurately separated from instinct, but from that power of progressive and improvable reason, which is man's peculiar and exclusive endowment." "it has been sometimes alleged, and may be founded on fact, that there is less difference between the highest brute animal and the lowest savage than between the savage and the most improved man. but, in order to warrant the pretended analogy, it ought to be also true that this lowest savage is no more capable of improvement than the chimpanzee or orang-outang." "animals," he adds, "are born what they are intended to remain. nature has bestowed upon them a certain rank, and limited the extent of their capacity by an impassable decree. man she has empowered and obliged to become the artificer of his own rank in the scale of beings by the peculiar gift of improvable reason."* (* "records of creation" volume 2 chapter 2 2nd edition 1816.) we have seen that professor agassiz, in his "essay on classification," above cited, speaks of the existence in every animal of "an immaterial principle similar to that which, by its excellence and superior endowments, places man so much above animals;" and he remarks, "that most of the arguments of philosophy in favour of the immortality of man, apply equally to the permanency of this principle in other living beings." although the author has no intention by this remark to impugn the truth of the great doctrine alluded to, it may be well to observe, that if some of the arguments in favour of a future state are applicable in common to man and the lower animals, they are by no means those which are the weightiest and most relied on. it is no doubt true that, in both, the identity of the individual outlasts many changes of form and structure which take place during the passage from the infant to the adult state, and from that to old age, and the loss again and again of every particle of matter which had entered previously into the composition of the body during its growth, and the substitution of new elements in their place, while the individual remains always the same, carries the analogy a step farther. but beyond this we cannot push the comparison. we cannot imagine this world to be a place of trial and moral discipline for any of the inferior animals, nor can any of them derive comfort and happiness from faith in a hereafter. to man alone is given this belief, so consonant to his reason, and so congenial to the religious sentiments implanted by nature in his soul, a doctrine which tends to raise him morally and intellectually in the scale of being, and the fruits of which are, therefore, most opposite in character to those which grow out of error and delusion. the opponents of the theory of transmutation sometimes argue that, if there had been a passage by variation from the lower primates to man, the geologist ought ere this to have detected some fossil remains of the intermediate links of the chain. but what we have said respecting the absence of gradational forms between the recent and pliocene mammalia may serve to show the weakness in the present state of science of any argument based on such negative evidence, especially in the case of man, since we have not yet reached those pages of the great book of nature, in which alone we have any right to expect to find records of the missing links alluded to. the countries of the anthropomorphous apes are the tropical regions of africa, and the islands of borneo and sumatra, lands which may be said to be quite unknown in reference to their pliocene and pleistocene mammalia. man is an old-world type, and it is not in brazil, the only equatorial region where ossiferous caverns have yet been explored, that the discovery, in a fossil state, of extinct forms allied to the human, could be looked for. lund, a danish naturalist, found in brazil, not only extinct sloths and armadilloes, but extinct genera of fossil monkeys, but all of the american type, and, therefore, widely departing in their dentition and some other characters from the primates of the old world. at some future day, when many hundred species of extinct quadrumana may have been brought to light, the naturalist may speculate with advantage on this subject; at present we must be content to wait patiently, and not to allow our judgment respecting transmutation to be influenced by the want of evidence, which it would be contrary to analogy to look for in pleistocene deposits in any districts, which as yet we have carefully examined. for, as we meet with extinct kangaroos and wombats in australia, extinct llamas and sloths in south america, so in equatorial africa, and in certain islands of the east indian archipelago, may we hope to meet hereafter with lost types of the anthropoid primates, allied to the gorilla, chimpanzee, and orang-outang. [44] europe, during the pliocene period, seems not to have enjoyed a climate fitting it to be the habitation of the quadrumanous mammalia; but we no sooner carry back our researches into miocene times, where plants and insects, like those of oeningen, and shells, like those of the faluns of the loire, would imply a warmer temperature both of sea and land, than we begin to discover fossil apes and monkeys north of the alps and pyrenees. among the few species already detected, two at least belong to the anthropomorphous class. one of these, the dryopithecus of lartet, a gibbon or long-armed ape, about equal to man in stature, was obtained in the year 1856 in the upper miocene strata at sansan, near the foot of the pyrenees in the south of france, and one bone of the same ape is reported to have been since procured from a deposit of corresponding age at eppelsheim, near darmstadt, in a latitude answering to that of the southern counties of england.* (* owen, "geologist" november 1862.) but according to the doctrine of progression it is not in these miocene strata, but in those of pliocene and pleistocene date, in more equatorial regions, that there will be the greatest chance of discovering hereafter some species more highly organised than the gorilla and chimpanzee. the only reputed fossil monkey of eocene date, namely, that found in 1840 at kyson, in suffolk, and so determined by professor owen, has recently been pronounced by the same anatomist, after re-examination, and when he had ampler materials at his command, to be a pachyderm. m. rutimeyer,* however, an able osteologist, referred to in the earlier chapters of this work, has just announced the discovery in eocene strata, in the swiss jura, of a monkey allied to the lemurs, but as he has only obtained as yet a small fragment of a jaw with three molar teeth, we must wait for fuller information before we confidently rely on the claims of his coenopithecus lemuroides to take rank as one of the primates. (* rutimeyer, "eocene saugethiere" zurich 1862.) hallam on man's place in the creation. hallam, in his "literature of europe," after indulging in some profound reflections on "the thoughts of pascal," and the theological dogmas of his school respecting the fallen nature of man, thus speaks of man's place in the creation--"it might be wandering from the proper subject of these volumes if we were to pause, even shortly, to inquire whether, while the creation of a world so full of evil must ever remain the most inscrutable of mysteries, we might not be led some way in tracing the connection of moral and physical evil in mankind, with his place in that creation, and especially, whether the law of continuity, which it has not pleased his maker to break with respect to his bodily structure, and which binds that, in the unity of one great type, to the lower forms of animal life by the common conditions of nourishment, reproduction, and self-defence, has not rendered necessary both the physical appetites and the propensities which terminate in self; whether again the superior endowments of his intellectual nature, his susceptibility of moral emotion, and of those disinterested affections which, if not exclusively, he far more intensely possesses than an inferior being--above all, the gifts of conscience and a capacity to know god, might not be expected, even beforehand, by their conflict with the animal passions, to produce some partial inconsistencies, some anomalies at least, which he could not himself explain in so compound a being. every link in the long chain of creation does not pass by easy transition into the next. there are necessary chasms, and, as it were, leaps from one creature to another, which, though no exceptions to the law of continuity, are accommodations of it to a new series of being. if man was made in the image of god, he was also made in the image of an ape. the framework of the body of him who has weighed the stars and made the lightning his slave, approaches to that of a speechless brute, who wanders in the forests of sumatra. thus standing on the frontier land between animal and angelic natures, what wonder that he should partake of both!"* (* hallam, "introduction to the literature of europe" etc. volume 4 page 162.) the law of continuity here spoken of, as not being violated by occasional exceptions, or by leaps from one creature to another, is not the law of variation and natural selection above explained (chapter 21), but that unity of plan supposed to exist in the divine mind, whether realised or not materially and in the visible creation, of which the "links do not pass by an easy transition" the one into the other, at least as beheld by us. dr. asa gray, an eminent american botanist, to whom we are indebted for a philosophical essay of great merit on the "origin of species by variation and natural selection," has well observed, when speaking of the axiom of leibnitz, "natura non agit saltatim," that nature secures her ends and makes her distinctions, on the whole, manifest and real, but without any important breaks or long leaps. "we need not wonder that gradations between species and varieties should occur, or that genera and other groups should not be absolutely limited, though they are represented to be so in our systems. the classifications of the naturalist define abruptly where nature more or less blends. our systems are nothing if not definite." the same writer reminds us that "plants and animals are so different, that the difficulty of the ordinary observer would be to find points of comparison, whereas, with the naturalist, it is all the other way. all the broad differences vanish one by one as we approach the lower confines of the animal and vegetable kingdoms, and no absolute distinction whatever is now known between them."* (* gray, "natural selection not inconsistent with natural theology" trubner & co. london 1861 page 55.) the author of an elaborate review of darwin's "origin of species," himself an accomplished geologist, declares that if we embrace the doctrine of the continuous variation of all organic forms from the lowest to the highest, including man as the last link in the chain of being, there must have been a transition from the instinct of the brute to the noble mind of man; and in that case, "where," he asks, "are the missing links, and at what point of his progressive improvement did man acquire the spiritual part of his being, and become endowed with the awful attribute of immortality?"* (* physical theories of the phenomena of life "fraser's magazine" july 1860 page 88.) before we raise objections of this kind to a scientific hypothesis, it would be well to pause and inquire whether there are no analogous enigmas in the constitution of the world around us, some of which present even greater difficulties than that here stated. when we contemplate, for example, the many hundred millions of human beings who now people the earth, we behold thousands who are doomed to helpless imbecility, and we may trace an insensible gradation between them and the half-witted, and from these again to individuals of perfect understanding, so that tens of thousands must have existed in the course of ages, who in their moral and intellectual condition, have exhibited a passage from the irrational to the rational, or from the irresponsible to the responsible. moreover we may infer from the returns of the registrar general of births and deaths in great britain, and from quetelet's statistics of belgium, that one-fourth of the human race die in early infancy, nearly one-tenth before they are a month old; so that we may safely affirm that millions perish on the earth in every century, in the first few hours of their existence. to assign to such individuals their appropriate psychological place in the creation is one of the unprofitable themes on which theologians and metaphysicians have expended much ingenious speculation. the philosopher, without ignoring these difficulties, does not allow them to disturb his conviction that "whatever is, is right," nor do they check his hopes and aspirations in regard to the high destiny of his species; but he also feels that it is not for one who is so often confounded by the painful realities of the present, to test the probability of theories respecting the past, by their agreement or want of agreement with some ideal of a perfect universe which those who are opposed to opinions may have pictured to themselves. we may also demur to the assumption that the hypothesis of variation and natural selection obliges us to assume that there was an absolutely insensible passage from the highest intelligence of the inferior animals to the improvable reason of man. the birth of an individual of transcendent genius, of parents who have never displayed any intellectual capacity above the average standard of their age or race, is a phenomenon not to be lost sight of, when we are conjecturing whether the successive steps in advance by which a progressive scheme has been developed may not admit of occasional strides, constituting breaks in an otherwise continuous series of psychical changes. the inventors of useful arts, the poets and prophets of the early stages of a nation's growth, the promulgators of new systems of religion, ethics, and philosophy, or of new codes of laws, have often been looked upon as messengers from heaven, and after their death have had divine honours paid to them, while fabulous tales have been told of the prodigies which accompanied their birth. nor can we wonder that such notions have prevailed when we consider what important revolutions in the moral and intellectual world such leading spirits have brought about; and when we reflect that mental as well as physical attributes are transmissible by inheritance, so that we may possibly discern in such leaps the origin of the superiority of certain races of mankind. in our own time the occasional appearance of such extraordinary mental powers may be attributed to atavism; but there must have been a beginning to the series of such rare and anomalous events. if, in conformity with the theory of progression, we believe mankind to have risen slowly from a rude and humble starting point, such leaps may have successively introduced not only higher and higher forms and grades of intellect, but at a much remoter period may have cleared at one bound the space which separated the highest stage of the unprogressive intelligence of the inferior animals from the first and lowest form of improvable reason manifested by man. to say that such leaps constitute no interruption to the ordinary course of nature is more than we are warranted in affirming. in the case of the occasional birth of an individual of superior genius there is certainly no break in the regular genealogical succession; and when all the mists of mythological fiction are dispelled by historical criticism, when it is acknowledged that the earth did not tremble at the nativity of the gifted infant and that the face of heaven was not full of fiery shapes, still a mighty mystery remains unexplained, and it is the order of the phenomena, and not their cause, which we are able to refer to the usual course of nature. dr. asa gray, in the excellent essay already cited, has pointed out that there is no tendency in the doctrine of variation and natural selection to weaken the foundations of natural theology, for, consistently with the derivative hypothesis of species, we may hold any of the popular views respecting the manner in which the changes of the natural world are brought about. we may imagine "that events and operations in general go on in virtue simply of forces communicated at the first, and without any subsequent interference, or we may hold that now and then, and only now and then, there is a direct interposition of the deity; or, lastly, we may suppose that all the changes are carried on by the immediate orderly and constant, however infinitely diversified, action of the intelligent, efficient cause." they who maintain that the origin of an individual, as well as the origin of a species or a genus, can be explained only by the direct action of the creative cause, may retain their favourite theory compatibly with the doctrine of transmutation. professor agassiz, having observed that, "while human thought is consecutive, divine thought is simultaneous," dr. asa gray has replied that, "if divine thought is simultaneous, we have no right to affirm the same of divine action." the whole course of nature may be the material embodiment of a preconcerted arrangement; and if the succession of events be explained by transmutation, the perpetual adaptation of the organic world to new conditions leaves the argument in favour of design, and therefore of a designer, as valid as ever; "for to do any work by an instrument must require, and therefore presuppose, the exertion rather of more than of less power, than to do it directly."* (* asa gray, "natural selection not inconsistent with natural theology" trubner & co. london 1861 page 55.) as to the charge of materialism brought against all forms of the development theory, dr. gray has done well to remind us that "of the two great minds of the seventeenth century, newton and leibnitz, both profoundly religious as well as philosophical, one produced the theory of gravitation, the other objected to that theory, that it was subversive of natural religion."* (* ibid. page 31.) it may be said that, so far from having a materialistic tendency, the supposed introduction into the earth at successive geological periods of life--sensation--instinct--the intelligence of the higher mammalia bordering on reason--and lastly the improvable reason of man himself, presents us with a picture of the ever-increasing dominion of mind over matter. notes. [footnote 1: the classification of the strata above the chalk, as at present employed by the majority of british geologists, is merely a slight modification of that proposed by lyell in 1833. the subdivisions generally recognised are as follows (lake and rastall, "textbook of geology," london, 1910, page 438):- neogene: pleistocene pliocene miocene. palaeogene: oligocene eocene. this differs chiefly from lyell's classification in the introduction of the term oligocene for the upper part of the original eocene, which was somewhat unwieldy. in the earlier editions of the "antiquity of man" and of the "principles of geology," the strata here classed as pleistocene were designated as post-pliocene. the term "diluvium," now obsolete in britain but still lingering on the continent, is equivalent to pleistocene. this subdivision is still sometimes separated from the tertiary, as the quaternary epoch. this, however, is unnecessary and indeed objectionable, as attributing too great importance to relatively insignificant deposits. there is no definite break, either stratigraphical or palaeontological, at the top of the pliocene, and it is most natural to regard the tertiary epoch as still in progress. equally unnecessary is the separation of the post-glacial deposits as "recent," a distinction which still prevails in many quarters, apparently with the sole object of adding another name to an already over-burdened list.] [footnote 2: the table of strata here printed is not that given by lyell in the later editions of the "antiquity of man." this would have required so much explanation in the light of modern work that it was thought better to abolish it altogether and to substitute an entirely new table, which is to some extent a compromise between the numerous classifications now in vogue. in this form it is only strictly applicable to the british isles, though the divisions adopted in other countries are generally similar, and in many cases identical.] [footnote 3: a similar succession of forest-beds, five in number, has been observed in the peat of the fenland, near ely. each bed consists for the most part of a single species of tree, and a definite succession of oak, yew, scotch fir, alder, and willow has been made out. the forest beds are supposed to indicate temporarily drier conditions, due either to changes of climate or to slight uplift of the land, the growth of peat being renewed during periods of damp climate or of depression of the land. (see clement reid, "submerged forests," cambridge, 1913.)] [footnote 4: since the "stone age," in the sense in which the term is here employed, obviously occupied an enormous lapse of time and embraced very different stages of culture, it has been found convenient to subdivide it into two primary subdivisions. for these lord avebury proposed in 1865 the terms palaeolithic and neolithic. (" prehistoric times," london, 1865, page 60.) the first comprises the ages during which man fabricated flint implements solely by chipping, whereas the implements of neolithic age are polished by rubbing. but there is another and more fundamental distinction. palaeolithic man was exclusively a hunter, and consequently nomadic in his habits; neolithic man possessed domesticated animals and cultivated crops. a pastoral and agricultural life implies a settled abode, and these are found, for example, in the lake-villages of switzerland. the "kitchen-middens" of denmark also indicate long continuance in one place, in this instance the seashore.] [footnote 5: the famous case of the so-called temple of serapis at pozzuoli, has given rise to a considerable literature. the subject is discussed by suess at length ("des antlitz der erde," vienna, 1888, volume 2 page 463, or english translation, "the face of the earth," oxford, 1904). this author shows that the whole region is highly volcanic, and consequently very liable to disturbance, much relative movement of land and sea having occurred within historic times. hence the facts here observed cannot be taken as evidence for any general upward or downward movement of wide-spread or universal extent.] [footnote 6: darwin, "voyage of the beagle," chapter 14, and a much fuller account in the same author's "geological observations on the volcanic islands and parts of south america visited during the voyage of h.m.s. beagle," chapter 9.] [footnote 7: for a full discussion of the evidence for and against continental elevation and subsidence in general, and as affecting the british isles and scandinavia in particular, see sir a. geikie's presidential address to the geological society for 1904 (" proceedings of the geological society"' volume 60, 1904, pages 80 to 104.). here it is shown that the oldest raised beaches of scotland are pre-glacial, and the same also holds for the south of ireland.] [footnote 8: the argument here employed is fallacious, since the mere existence of a distinct beach implies a pause in the movement and a long continuance at one level. it is impossible to form any estimate of the lapse of time necessary for the building up of a beach-terrace. we can only, in some cases, obtain a measure of the time that elapsed between the formation of two successive beaches, as in this instance.] [footnote 9: the "strand lines," or raised beaches of norway, have given rise to much discussion, of which a summary will be found in the address cited in note 7.] [footnote 10: a considerable number of skulls and skeletons of the neanderthal type have now been found in different parts of southern europe, extending from belgium to gibraltar and croatia, and it is now known that this type of skull is associated with flint implements of mousterian age. (see note 12.)] [footnote 11: the most important discovery of recent years in this connection is that made in sussex by mr. c. dawson and dr. a. smith woodward; this find is described in great detail in the "quarterly journal of the geological society," volume 69, 1913, pages 117 to 151. at a height of about 80 feet above the present level of the river ouse, at piltdown, near uckfield, is a gravel, containing many brown flints of peculiar character, some of which are implements of chellean or earlier type, associated with some remains of pleistocene animals and a few of older date, derived from pliocene deposits. embedded in this gravel were found fragments of a human skull and lower jaw of very remarkable type, showing in some respects distinctly simian characters, while in other respects it is less ape-like than the mousterian skulls of neanderthal and other localities. for this form the name of eoanthropus has been proposed, thus constituting a new genus of the hominidae.] [footnote 12: it will be well at this point to give a brief summary of the modern classification of the palaeolithic implement-bearing deposits of europe. from the labours of many geologists and prehistoric archaeologists, especially in france, a definite succession of types of implement has been established, and in some cases it has been found possible to correlate these with actual human remains and with certain well-marked events in the physical history of pleistocene times, especially with the advance and retreat of ice-sheets. the present state of our knowledge is admirably summarised by professor sollas ("ancient hunters," london, 1911), and from that work the following note is condensed. the stages of palaeolithic culture now recognised are as follows:- azilian magdalenian solutrean aurignacian mousterian acheulean chellean strepyan mesvinian. below the mesvinian comes the nebulous region of "eoliths," which are not yet definitely proved to be of human workmanship. the neanderthal skull belongs to the mousterian stage, but the oldest known definitely human remain, the jaw from the mauer sands near heidelberg, may be older than any of these, indeed by some it is assigned to the first interglacial period of penck and bruckner (see note 32). for figures of the types of implement characterising each period, see "guide to the antiquities of the stone age in the department of british and medieval antiquities," british museum, 2nd edition, london, 1911, pages 1 to 74. this publication gives an admirable summary of recent knowledge on this subject. for an excellent and critical summary of the latest researches on palaeolithic man up till the end of the aurignacian period, see duckworth, "prehistoric man," cambridge, 1912. see also note 44.] [footnote 13: sir john evans, k.c.b. (1823-1908), was one of the foremost authorities on prehistoric archaeology and a prolific writer on the subject. his best known work is "the ancient stone implements, weapons, and ornaments of great britain," 2nd edition, 1897.] [footnote 14: by the expression "celtic weapons of the stone period" is presumably meant neolithic implements, with polished surfaces.] [footnote 15: it has recently been shown that the growth of peat is a very slow process, and at the present time it is in many places either at a standstill or even in a state of retrogression. in the peat-mosses of scotland, lewis has traced nine successive layers, marked by different floras. the lowest of these and another at a higher level are distinctly of an arctic character, the intermediate forest beds, on the other hand, indicate periods of milder climate, when the limit of the growth of trees was at a higher level in scotland than is now the case. from these facts it is certain that the peat-mosses of scotland and northern england date back at least as far as the later stages of the glacial period, and indicate at least one mild interglacial episode, when the climate was somewhat warmer than it now is. (see lewis, "science progress," volume 2, 1907, page 307.) hence the statements of the french workmen, here quoted, do not possess much significance.] [footnote 16: cyrena fluminalis is very abundant in the gravels of an old terrace of the river cam, at barnwell, in the suburbs of cambridge, and also in glacial gravels at kelsey hill in holderness. it is a very remarkable fact that this shell, now an inhabitant of warm regions, should be so abundant in these pleistocene deposits, in close association with glacial accumulations.] [footnote 17: the implement-bearing deposits of hoxne, in suffolk, were investigated with great care by a committee of the british association, and the results were published in a special and detailed report ("the relation of palaeolithic man to the glacial epoch," "report of the british association," liverpool, 1896, pages 400 to 415). the deposit consists of a series of lacustrine or fluviatile strata with plant remains, some being arctic in character, resting on chalky boulder clay, and this again on sand. the palaeolithic deposits are all clearly later than the latest boulder-clay of east anglia, and between their formation and that of the glacial deposits at least two important climatic changes took place, indicating a very considerable lapse of time. mention may conveniently be made here of the supposed discovery of the remains of pre-glacial man at ipswich, which appears to be founded on errors of observation. the boulder-clay above the interment is, according to the best authorities, merely a landslip or flow.] [footnote 18: it has been suggested with a considerable degree of probability, that in auvergne volcanic eruptions persisted even into historic times. the subject is obscure, depending on the interpretation of difficult passages in two latin chronicles of the fifth century. the most obvious meaning of both passages would certainly appear to be the occurrence of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, but attempts have been made to explain them as referring to some artificial conflagration, possibly the burning of a town by an invader. (see bonney, "volcanoes," 3rd edition, london, 1913, page 129.)] [footnote 19: in the early days of glacial geology in britain, it was commonly accepted that the phenomena could be most satisfactorily explained on the hypothesis of a general submergence of the northern parts of the country to a depth of many hundreds of feet, and this in spite of the original comparison by agassiz of the glacial deposits of britain to those of the alps. in later times, however, a school of geologists arose who attributed the glaciation of britain to land-ice of the continental or greenland type. of late years this school has been dominant in british geology, with a few notable exceptions, of whom the most important is professor bonney. the difficulties presented by both theories are almost equally great, and at the present time, in spite of the vehemence of the supporters of the land-ice theory, it is impossible to hold any dogmatic views on the subject. against the doctrine of submergence is the absence of glacial deposits in places where they would naturally be expected to occur if the whole of the british isles north of the thames and bristol channel had been covered by the sea, together with the very general absence of sea-shells in the deposits. the objections to the land-ice hypothesis are largely of a mechanical nature. if we take into account the lateral extent and the thickness that can be assigned to the ice-sheet, we are at once confronted by very considerable difficulties as to the sufficiency of the driving-power behind the ice. another great difficulty is the shallowness of the north sea, in which a comparatively thin mass of ice would run aground at almost any point. it has been calculated that the maximum slope of the surface of the ice from norway to the english coast could not exceed half a degree, and it is therefore difficult to see what force could compel it to move forward at all, much less to climb steep slopes in the way postulated by the extremists of this school.] [footnote 20: the most complete account of the geology of the norfolk coast is contained in "the geology of cromer," by clement reid ("memoir of the geological survey"). (see also harmer, "the pleistocene period in the eastern counties of england," "geology in the field, the jubilee volume of the geologists association," 1909, chapter 4.). above the norwich crag several more subdivisions are now recognised, and the complete succession of the pliocene and pleistocene strata of east anglia may be summarised as follows:- pleistocene: peat and alluvium gravel terraces of the present river systems gravels of the old river-systems plateau gravels chalky boulder-clay interglacial sands and gravels and contorted drift cromer till arctic plant bed. pliocene: cromer forest series weybourn crag chillesford crag norwich crag red crag coralline crag. [footnote 21: it is now generally agreed that the tree-stumps in the cromer forest bed are not in the position of growth. many of them are upside down or lying on their sides, and they were probably floated into their present position by the waters of a river flowing to the north. this river was a tributary of the rhine which then flowed for several hundred miles over a plain now forming the bed of the north sea, collecting all the drainage of eastern england, and debouching into the north atlantic somewhere to the south of the faroe isles. (see harmer, "the pleistocene period in the eastern counties of england," "geological association jubilee volume," london, 1909, pages 103 to 123.)] [footnote 22: of late years an enormous number of characteristic rocks from norway and sweden have been recognised in the drifts of eastern england, as far south as essex and middlesex. one of the most easily identifiable types is the well-known rhombporphyry of the christiania fjord, a rock which occurs nowhere else in the world, and is quite unmistakable in appearance. along with it are many of the distinctive soda-syenites found in the same district, the granites of southern sweden, and many others. the literature of the subject is very large, but many details may be found in the annual reports of the british association for the last twenty years.] from a study of these erratics it has been found possible to draw important conclusions as to the direction and sequence of the ice streams which flowed over these regions during the different stages of the glacial period.] [footnote 23: during his first crossing of greenland from east to west, nansen attained a height of 9000 feet on a vast expanse of frozen snow, and it is believed that towards the north the surface of this great snow-plateau rises to even greater elevations. the surface of the snow is perfectly clean and free from moraine-material. no rock in situ has been seen in the interior of greenland at a distance greater than 75 miles from the coast. a great amount of valuable information concerning the glacial conditions of greenland is to be found in the "meddelelser om gronland," a danish publication, but containing many summaries in french or english. for a good account of the phenomena seen in the coastal region of the west coast, see drygalski, "gronland-expedition," a large monograph published by the gesellschaft fur physischen erdkunde, berlin, 1897.] [footnote 24: the argument is here considerably understated. the southern point of greenland, cape farewell, is in the same latitude as the shetland islands and christiania, and only one degree north of stockholm; disko is in about the same latitude as the north cape. hence the inhabited portion of greenland is in the same latitude as norway and sweden, both fertile and well-populated countries. even in central norway, in the gudbrandsdal and romsdal, thick forests grow up to a height of at least 3000 feet above sea-level, a much greater elevation than trees now attain in the british isles. this latter fact is probably to be attributed to the protective effect of thick snow lying throughout the winter.] [footnote 25: for a summary of the most recent views as to the classification and succession of the glacial deposits of the british isles, see lake an rastall, "textbook of geology," london, 1910, pages 466 to 473. reference may also be made to jukes-browne, "the building of the british isles," london, 1912, pages 430 to 440.] [footnote 26: glacier-lakes are fairly common among the fjords of the west coast of greenland, and illustrate very well what must have been the state of affairs in glen roy at the time of formation of the parallel roads.] [footnote 27: the high-level shell-bearing deposits of moel tryfan, gloppa, near oswestry, and macclesfield, have given rise to much controversy between the supporters of submergence and of land-ice. at moel tryfan certain sands and gravels, with erratics, at a height of about 1350 feet, contain abundant marine shells, generally much broken. the northern or seaward face of the hill is much plastered with drift, but none is to be found on the landward side, and it is suggested that the shell-bearing material is the ground-moraine of a great ice-sheet that came in from the irish sea, and was forced up on to the welsh coast, just reaching the watershed, but failing to overtop it. with regard to the explanation by submergence, the great objection is the absence of marine drift on the landward side, which is very difficult to explain if the whole had been submerged sufficiently to allow of normal marine deposits at such a great height. the shell beds of macclesfield and gloppa are at a less elevation but of essentially similar character. the shell-bearing deposits of moel tryfan were examined by a committee of the british association. (see "report of the british association" dover, 1899, pages 414 to 423.) at the end of this report is an extensive bibliography.] [footnote 28: during the last forty years the deep-sea dredging expeditions of h. m.s. challenger and others have shown the abundance and variety of animal life at great depths, especially in the arctic and antarctic seas. for a recent summary, see murray and hjort, "the depths of the ocean," london, 1912.] [footnote 29: it is now generally admitted that these shell-beds in wexford are of pliocene age, and they therefore have no bearing on the subject under discussion.] [footnote 30: the boulder deposit at selsey has been described by mr. clement reid ("quarterly journal of the geological society," volume 48, 1892, page 355). immediately above the tertiary beds is a hard greenish clay, full of derived tertiary fossils and pleistocene shells with large flints and erratic blocks, some of the latter weighing several tons. they include granite, greenstone, schist, slate, quartzite, and sandstone, and most of them must have been transported for a long distance. above them are black muds with marine shells, then a shingle beach, and above all the coombe rock. (see next note.)] [footnote 31: the brighton elephant-bed and its equivalent, the coombe rock, are fully described by clement reid ("on the origin of dry chalk valleys and the coombe rock," "quarterly journal of the geological society," volume 43, 1887, page 364). the coombe rock is a mass of unstratified flints and chalk debris filling the lower parts of the dry valleys (coombes) of the south downs and gradually passing into the brick-earth (loam) of the coastal plain. it is clearly a torrential accumulation, and is supposed to have been formed while the chalk was frozen, thus preventing percolation of water and causing the surface water to run off as strong streams. this must have occurred during some part of the glacial period, which would naturally be a period of heavy precipitation. of very similar origin is the "head" of cornwall, a surface deposit often rich in tinstone and other minerals of economic value. the coombe rock has recently been correlated with deposits of mousterian age.] [footnote 32: the former extension of the alpine glaciers and the deposits formed by them have been exhaustively investigated by penck and bruckner ("die alpen im eiszeitalter," 3 volumes, leipzig, 1901 to 1909). in this monumental work the authors claim to have established the occurrence of four periods of advance of the ice, to which they give the names of gunz, mindel, riss, and wurm glaciations, with corresponding interglacial genial episodes, when the climate was possibly even somewhat warmer than now. their conclusions and the data on which they are established are summarised by sollas (" ancient hunters," london, 1911, especially pages 18 to 28). for a general account of the glaciers of the alps and their accompanying phenomena, see bonney, "the building of the alps," london, 1912, pages 103 to 151.] [footnote 33: at the time of the maximum advance of the ice, during the riss period of penck and bruckner, the terminal moraine of the great glacier of the rhone extended as far as the city of lyon, and towards the north-east it became continuous with the similar moraine of the rhine glacier.] [footnote 34: for the successive phases of advance and retreat of the alpine glaciers, see the works quoted in note 32.] [footnote 35: the loess of central europe includes deposits of two different ages. according to penck the "older loess" was formed in the period of warm and dry climate that intervened between the third and fourth glacial episodes, while the "younger loess" is post-glacial. both divisions are for the most part aeolian deposits, formed by the redistribution of fine glacial mud originally laid down in water and carried by the wind often to considerable heights. a part, however, of the so-called loess of northern france, e.g. in the valley of the somme, is rain-wash, similar in character to the brick-earth of parts of south-eastern england. the older loess contains acheulean implements, while the younger loess is of aurignacian age. the greatest development of the loess is in central asia and in china. (see richthofen, "china," berlin, 1877.) in china the loess reaches a thickness of several thousand feet, and whole mountain-ranges are sometimes almost completely buried in it. in the deserts of central asia the formation of the loess is still in progress. a very similar deposit, called adobe, is also found in certain parts of the mississippi valley. the loess is a fine calcareous silt or clay of a yellowish colour, quite soft and crumbling between the fingers. however, it resists denudation in a remarkable manner, and in china it often stands up in vertical walls hundreds of feet in height. this property is probably assisted by the presence of numerous fine tubes arranged vertically and lined with calcium carbonate; these are supposed to have been formed in the first place by fibrous rootlets.] [footnote 36: although highly probable, it cannot yet be regarded as conclusively demonstrated that the pleistocene glaciations of europe and of north america were exactly contemporaneous. the ice--sheets in each case radiated from independent centres which were not in the extreme north of either continent, and were not in any way connected with a general polar ice-cap. the european centre was over the baltic region or the south of scandinavia, and the american centre in the neighbourhood of hudson's bay. the southern margin of the american ice-sheet extended about as far south as latitude 38 degrees north in the area lying south of the great lakes, whereas the north european ice barely passed the limit of 50 degrees north in central europe. this greater southward extension in america was doubtless correlated with the same causes as now produce the low winter temperatures of the eastern states, especially the cold newfoundland current. the literature of north american glacial geology has now attained colossal dimensions, and it is impossible to give here even a short abstract of the main conclusions. for a general summary reference may be made to chamberlin and salisbury, "geology," volume 3; "earth history," london and new york, 1905; or the same authors' "geology, shorter course," london and new york, 1909.] [footnote 37: during the last fifty years scarcely any geological subject has given rise to a greater amount of speculation than the cause of the ice age, and the solution of the problem is still apparently far off. the theories put forward may for convenience be divided into three groups, namely astronomical, geographical, and meteorological. as examples of astronomical explanation, we may take the well-known theory of adhemar and crohl, which is founded on changes in the ellipticity of the earth's orbit. this is expounded and amplified by sir robert ball in his "cause of an ice age." the weak point of this theory, which is mathematically unassailable, is that it proves too much, and postulates a constant succession of glacial periods throughout earth-history, and for this there is no evidence. the geographical explanations are chiefly founded on supposed changes in the distribution of sea and land, with consequent diversion of cold and warm currents. another suggestion is that the glaciated areas had undergone elevation into mountain regions, but this is in conflict with evidence for submergence beneath the sea in certain cases. meteorological hypotheses, such as that of harmer, founded on a different arrangement of air pressures and wind-directions, seem to offer the most promising field for exploration and future work, but it is clear that much still remains to be explained.] [footnote 38: the reptile-bearing elgin sandstones are of triassic age, and they contain a most remarkable assemblage of strange and eccentric forms, especially anomodont reptiles resembling those found in the karroo formation of south africa.] [footnote 39: the meaning of this statement is not very clear. the conifers are not dicotyledons: their seeds contain numerous cotyledons, up to twenty in number, and the whole plant, and especially the reproductive system, belongs to a lower stage of development. the argument here employed is therefore fallacious, and in point of fact the different groups actually appeared in the order postulated by the theory of evolution, namely: (1) gymnosperms, (2) monocotyledons, (3) dicotyledons. see arber, "the origin of gymnosperms," "science progress," volume 1, 1906, pages 222 to 237.] [footnote 40: the part of the manuscript read to dr. hooker in 1844 was undoubtedly the "essay of 1844," forming the second part of the "foundations of the origin of species," a volume published by sir francis darwin on the occasion of the darwin centenary at cambridge in 1909. (see also darwin's "life and letters," volume 2 pages 16 to 18.)] [footnote 41: this projected larger work, which is often referred to in the "origin of species," was never published as such, but darwin's views on various aspects of evolution were set forth in several later books, such as "the variation of animals and plants under domestication," "the descent of man," "various contrivances by which orchids are fertilised by insects," "movements and habits of climbing plants," "insectivorous plants," and others.] [footnote 42: with this section compare the famous chapter with the same title in the "origin of species."] [footnote 43: no attempt has been made to annotate this chapter, owing to the impossibility of doing so within reasonable compass. many of the theories here quoted, and the conclusions drawn from them, have not stood the test of time, and recent philological and ethnographical research have clearly shown the danger of attempting to infer the relationships of different peoples from their languages. the modifications undergone by the languages themselves are also subject to influences of such complex character, so largely artificial in their origin, that any attempt to compare them with natural evolution in the organic world must lead to false analogies. the chapter must be regarded as an interesting exposition of one phase of mid-victorian scientific thought, but having little real bearing on the subjects discussed in the rest of the book.] [footnote 44: that the prophecy here given was justified is shown by the discovery in java in 1891, of the skull and parts of the skeleton of pithecanthropus erectus, a form which, according to the best authorities, must be regarded as in many ways intermediate between man and the apes, though perhaps with more human than ape-like characteristics. for an account of the circumstances of its discovery and a general description of the remains, see sollas, "ancient hunters," london, 1911, pages 30 to 39 (with many references). within the last year or two interest in the ancestry of man has been greatly increased, especially by the piltdown discovery (see note 11). this has led to a revision of the whole subject, and the views formerly held have undergone a certain amount of modification. it now seems certain that the different types of culture as represented by the succession of stages given in note 12 do not correspond to a continuous development of one single race of mankind. there is, undoubtedly, a great break between the mousterian and aurignacian. mousterian or neanderthal man appears to have become extinct, possibly having been exterminated by a migration of the more highly developed aurignacian race, which may be regarded as the ancestor of modern man in europe. it appears, therefore, that the really important line of division comes, not as was formerly thought between palaeolithic and neolithic, but in the middle of the palaeolithic between mousterian and aurignacian. hence it appears that our classification will in the near future have to undergo revision, since the stages of culture from aurignacian to azilian show a much closer affinity to the neolithic than they do to the earlier palaeolithic. at the present time scarcely sufficient data are available to determine the relationship of pithecanthropus and eoanthropus to the later types of man. for an excellent summary of the most recent views see thacker, "the significance of the piltdown discovery," "science progress," volume 8, 1913, page 275.] transcriber's note: a few typographical errors have been corrected: they are listed at the end of the text. * * * * * frontispiece [illustration] island life or the phenomena and causes of insular faunas and floras including a revision and attempted solution of the problem of geological climates by alfred russel wallace author of "the malay archipelago," "the geographical distribution of animals," "darwinism," etc. _second and revised edition_ london macmillan and co. and new york 1895 _the right of translation and reproduction is reserved_ * * * * * richard clay and sons, limited, london and bungay. _first edition printed 1880 (med. 8vo). second edition 1892 (extra cr. 8vo). reprinted 1895._ * * * * * to sir joseph dalton hooker, k.c.s.i., c.b., f.r.s., etc., etc. who, more than any other writer, has advanced our knowledge of the geographical distribution of plants, and especially of insular floras, i dedicate this volume; on a kindred subject, as a token of admiration and regard. * * * * * {vi} corrections in present issue. the first issue of this edition being exhausted, the opportunity is taken of making a few corrections, the most important of which are here stated:-_page_ 163. statement modified as to supposed glaciation of south africa. _pages_ 174 and 338. many geologists now hold that there was no great submergence during the glacial epoch. the passages referring to it have therefore been re-written. _page_ 182. colonel fielden's explanation of the occurrence of large trees on shores and in recent drift in high latitudes, is now added. " 272. a species of carex peculiar to bermuda is now given. " 356. _geomalacus maculosus_, as a peculiar british species, is now omitted. verbal alterations have also been made at pages 41, 105, 356, and 360. * * * * * {vii} preface to the second edition this edition has been carefully revised throughout, and owing to the great increase to our knowledge of the natural history of some of the islands during the last twelve years considerable additions or alterations have been required. the more important of these changes are the following:-chapter vii. the account of the migrations of animals and plants during and since the glacial epoch, has been modified to accord with newer information. chapters viii and ix. the discussion of the causes of glacial epochs and mild arctic climates has been somewhat modified in view of the late dr. croll's remarks, and the argument rendered clearer. chapter xiii. several additions to the fauna of the galapagos have been noted. chapter xv. considerable additions have been made to this chapter embodying the recent discoveries of birds and insects new to the sandwich islands, while a much fuller account has been given of its highly peculiar and very interesting flora. chapter xvi. important additions and corrections have been made in the lists of peculiar british animals and plants embodying the most recent information. chapter xvii. very large additions have been made to the mammalia and birds of borneo, and full lists of the peculiar species are given. {viii} chapter xviii. a more accurate account is given of the birds of japan. chapter xix. the recent additions to the mammals and birds of madagascar are embodied in this chapter, and a fuller sketch is given of the rich and peculiar flora of the island. chapter xxi. and xxii. some important additions have been made to these chapters owing to more accurate information as to the depth of the sea around new zealand, and to the discovery of abundant remains of fossil plants of the tertiary and cretaceous periods both in new zealand and australia. in the body of the work i have in each case acknowledged the valuable information given me by naturalists of eminence in their various departments, and i return my best thanks to all who have so kindly assisted me. i am however indebted in a special manner to one gentleman--mr. theo. d. a. cockerell, now curator of the museum of the jamaica institute--who supplied me with a large amount of information by searching the most recent works in the scientific libraries, by personal inquiries among naturalists, and also by giving me the benefit of his own copious notes and observations. without his assistance it would have been difficult for me to have made the present edition so full and complete as i hope it now is. in a work of such wide range, and dealing with so large a body of facts some errors will doubtless be detected, though, i trust few of importance. parkstone, dorset, _december, 1891_. * * * * * {ix} preface to the first edition the present volume is the result of four years' additional thought and research on the lines laid down in my _geographical distribution of animals_, and may be considered as a popular supplement to and completion of that work. it is, however, at the same time a complete work in itself: and, from the mode of treatment adopted, it will, i hope, be well calculated to bring before the intelligent reader the wide scope and varied interest of this branch of natural history. although some of the earlier chapters deal with the same questions as my former volumes, they are here treated from a different point of view; and as the discussion of them is more elementary and at the same time tolerably full, it is hoped that they will prove both instructive and interesting. the plan of my larger work required that _genera_ only should be taken account of; in the present volume i often discuss the distribution of _species_, and this will help to render the work more intelligible to the unscientific reader. the full statement of the scope and object of the present essay given in the "introductory" chapter, together with the "summary" of the whole work and the general view of the more important arguments given in the "conclusion," render it unnecessary for me to offer any further remarks on these points. i may, however, state {x} generally that, so far as i am able to judge, a real advance has here been made in the mode of treating problems in geographical distribution, owing to the firm establishment of a number of preliminary doctrines or "principles," which in many cases lead to a far simpler and yet more complete solution of such problems than have been hitherto possible. the most important of these doctrines are those which establish and define--(1) the former wide extension of all groups now discontinuous, as being a necessary result of "evolution"; (2) the permanence of the great features of the distribution of land and water on the earth's surface; and, (3) the nature and frequency of climatal changes throughout geological time. i have now only to thank the many friends and correspondents who have given me information or advice. besides those whose assistance is acknowledged in the body of the work, i am especially indebted to four gentlemen who have been kind enough to read over the proofs of chapters dealing with questions on which they have special knowledge, giving me the benefit of valuable emendations and suggestions. mr. edward r. alston has looked over those parts of the earlier chapters which relate to the mammals of europe and the north temperate zone; mr. s. b. j. skertchley, of the geological survey, has read the chapters which discuss the glacial epoch and other geological questions; professor a. newton has looked over the passages referring to the birds of the madagascar group; while sir joseph d. hooker has given me the invaluable benefit of his remarks on my two chapters dealing with the new zealand flora. croydon, _august, 1880_. * * * * * {xi} contents part i the dispersal of organisms; its phenomena, laws, and causes chapter i introductory remarkable contrasts in the distribution of animals--britain and japan--australia and new zealand--bali and lombok--florida and bahama islands--brazil and africa--borneo, madagascar, and celebes--problems in distribution to be found in every country--can be solved only by the combination of many distinct lines of inquiry, biological and physical--islands offer the best subjects for the study of distribution--outline of the subjects to be discussed in the present volume. _pages_ 3-11 chapter ii the elementary facts of distribution. importance of locality as an essential character of species--areas of distribution--extent and limitations of specific areas--specific range of birds--generic areas--separate and overlapping areas--the species of tits as illustrating areas of distribution--the distribution of the species of jays--discontinuous generic areas--peculiarities of generic and family distribution--general features of overlapping and discontinuous areas--restricted areas of families--the distribution of orders _pages_ 12-30 {xii} chapter iii classification of the facts of distribution.--zoological regions the geographical divisions of the globe do not correspond to zoological divisions--the range of british mammals as indicating a zoological region--range of east asian and north african mammals--the range of british birds--range of east asian birds--the limits of the palæarctic region--characteristic features of the palæarctic region--definition and characteristic groups of the ethiopian region--of the oriental region--of the australian region--of the nearctic region--of the neotropical region--comparison of zoological regions with the geographical divisions of the globe _pages_ 31-54 chapter iv evolution as the key to distribution importance of the doctrine of evolution--the origin of new species--variation in animals--the amount of variation in north american birds--how new species arise from a variable species--definition and origin of genera--cause of the extinction of species--the rise and decay of species and genera--discontinuous specific areas, why rare--discontinuity of the area of parus palustris--discontinuity of emberiza schoeniclus--the european and japanese jays--supposed examples of discontinuity among north american birds--distribution and antiquity of families--discontinuity a proof of antiquity--concluding remarks _pages_ 55-71 chapter v the powers of dispersal of animals and plants statement of the general question of dispersal--the ocean as a barrier to the dispersal of mammals--the dispersal of birds--the dispersal of reptiles--the dispersal of insects--the dispersal of land mollusca--great antiquity of land-shells--causes favouring the abundance of land-shells--the dispersal of plants--special adaptability of seeds for dispersal--birds as agents in the dispersal of seeds--ocean currents as agents in plant dispersal--dispersal along mountain chains--antiquity of plants as effecting their distribution _pages_ 72-82 chapter vi geographical and geological changes: the permanence of continents changes of land and sea, their nature and extent--shore-deposits and stratified rocks--the movements of continents--supposed oceanic {xiii} formations; the origin of chalk--fresh-water and shore-deposits as proving the permanence of continents--oceanic islands as indications of the permanence of continents and oceans--general stability of continents with constant change of form--effect of continental changes on the distribution of animals--changed distribution proved by the extinct animals of different epochs--summary of evidence for the general permanence of continents and oceans. _pages_ 83-105 chapter vii changes of climate which have influenced the dispersal of organisms: the glacial epoch proofs of the recent occurrence of a glacial epoch--moraines--travelled blocks--glacial deposits of scotland: the "till"--inferences from the glacial phenomena of scotland--glacial phenomena of north america--effects of the glacial epoch on animal life--warm and cold periods--palæontological evidence of alternate cold and warm periods--evidence of interglacial warm periods on the continent and in north america--migrations and extinctions of organisms caused by the glacial epoch _pages_ 106-124 chapter viii the causes of glacial epochs various suggested causes--astronomical causes of changes of climate--difference of temperature caused by varying distances of the sun--properties of air and water, snow and ice, in relation to climate--effects of snow on climate--high land and great moisture essential to the initiation of a glacial epoch--perpetual snow nowhere exists on lowlands--conditions determining the presence or absence of perpetual snow--efficiency of astronomical causes in producing glaciation--action of meteorological causes in intensifying glaciation--summary of causes of glaciation--effect of clouds and fog in cutting off the sun's heat--south temperate america as illustrating the influence of astronomical causes on climate--geographical changes how far a cause of glaciation--land acting as a barrier to ocean-currents--the theory of interglacial periods and their probable character--probable effect of winter in _aphelion_ on the climate of britain--the essential principle of climatal change restated--probable date of the last glacial epoch--changes of the sea-level dependent on glaciation--the planet mars as bearing on the theory of excentricity as a cause of glacial epochs _pages_ 125-168 {xiv} chapter ix ancient glacial epochs, and mild climates in the arctic regions mr. croll's views on ancient glacial epochs--effects of denudation in destroying the evidence of remote glacial epochs--rise of sea-level connected with glacial epochs a cause of further denudation--what evidence of early glacial epochs may be expected--evidences of ice-action during the tertiary period--the weight of the negative evidence--temperate climates in the arctic regions--the miocene arctic flora--mild arctic climates of the cretaceous period--stratigraphical evidence of long-continued mild arctic conditions--the causes of mild arctic climates--geographical conditions favouring mild northern climates in tertiary times--the indian ocean as a source of heat in tertiary times--condition of north america during the tertiary period--effect of high excentricity on warm polar climates--evidences as to climate in the secondary and palæozoic epochs--warm arctic climates in early secondary and palæozoic times--conclusions as to the climates of secondary and tertiary periods--general view of geological climates as dependent on the physical features of the earth's surface--estimate of the comparative effects of geographical and physical causes in producing changes of climate. _pages_ 169-209 chapter x the earth's age, and the rate of development of animals and plants various estimates of geological time--denudation and deposition of strata as a measure of time--how to estimate the thickness of the sedimentary rocks--how to estimate the average rate of deposition of the sedimentary rocks--the rate of geological change probably greater in very remote times--value of the preceding estimate of geological time--organic modification dependent on change of conditions--geographical mutations as a motive power in bringing about organic changes--climatal revolutions as an agent in producing organic changes--present condition of the earth one of exceptional stability as regards climate--date of last glacial epoch and its bearing on the measurement of geological time--concluding remarks _pages_ 210-237 {xv} part ii insular faunas and floras chapter xi the classification of islands importance of islands in the study of the distribution of organisms--classification of islands with reference to distribution--continental islands--oceanic islands _pages_ 241-245 chapter xii oceanic islands:--the azores and bermuda _the azores, or western islands_ position and physical features--chief zoological features of the azores--birds--origin of the azorean bird-fauna--insects of the azores--land-shells of the azores--the flora of the azores--the dispersal of seeds--birds as seed-carriers--facilities for dispersal of azorean plants--important deduction from the peculiarities of the azorean fauna and flora _pages_ 246-262 _bermuda_ position and physical features--the red clay of bermuda--zoology of bermuda--birds of bermuda--comparison of the bird-faunas of bermuda and the azores--insects of bermuda--land mollusca--flora of bermuda--concluding remarks on the azores and bermuda _pages_ 263-274 chapter xiii the galapagos islands position and physical features--absence of indigenous mammalia and amphibia--reptiles--birds--insects and land-shells--the keeling islands as illustrating the manner in which oceanic islands are peopled--flora of the galapagos--origin of the flora of the galapagos--concluding remarks _pages_ 273-291 chapter xiv st. helena position and physical features of st. helena--change effected by european occupation--the insects of st. helena--coleoptera--peculiarities and origin of the coleoptera of st. helena--land-shells of st. helena--absence of fresh-water organisms--native vegetation of st. helena--the relations of the st. helena compositæ--concluding remarks on st. helena _pages_ 292-309 {xvi} chapter xv the sandwich islands position and physical features--zoology of the sandwich islands--birds--reptiles--land-shells--insects--vegetation of the sandwich islands--peculiar features of the hawaiian flora--antiquity of the hawaiian fauna and flora--concluding observations on the fauna and flora of the sandwich islands--general remarks on oceanic islands _pages_ 310-330 chapter xvi continental islands of recent origin: great britain characteristic features of recent continental islands--recent physical changes of the british isles--proofs of former elevation--submerged forests--buried river channels--time of last union with the continent--why britain is poor in species--peculiar british birds---fresh-water fishes--cause of great speciality in fishes--peculiar british insects--lepidoptera confined to the british isles--peculiarities of the isle of man lepidoptera--coleoptera confined to the british isles--trichoptera peculiar to the british isles--land and fresh-water shells--peculiarities of the british flora--peculiarities of the irish flora--peculiar british mosses and hepaticæ--concluding remarks on the peculiarities of the british fauna and flora _pages_ 331-372 chapter xvii borneo and java position and physical features of borneo--zoological features of borneo: mammalia--birds--the affinities of the borneo fauna--java, its position and physical features--general character of the fauna of java--differences between the fauna of java and that of the other malay islands--special relations of the javan fauna to that of the asiatic continent--past geographical changes of java and borneo--the philippine islands--concluding remarks on the malay islands _pages_ 373-390 chapter xviii japan and formosa japan, its position and physical features--zoological features of japan--mammalia--birds--birds common to great britain and japan--birds peculiar to japan--japan birds recurring in distant areas--formosa--physical features of formosa--animal life of formosa--mammalia--land birds peculiar to formosa--formosan birds recurring in india or malaya--comparison of faunas of hainan, formosa, and japan--general remarks on recent continental islands _pages_ 391-410 {xvii} chapter xix ancient continental islands: the madagascar group remarks on ancient continental islands--physical features of madagascar--biological features of madagascar--mammalia--reptiles--relation of madagascar to africa--early history of africa and madagascar--anomalies of distribution and how to explain them--the birds of madagascar as indicating a supposed lemurian continent--submerged islands between madagascar and india--concluding remarks on "lemuria"--the mascarene islands--the comoro islands--the seychelles archipelago--birds of the seychelles--reptiles and amphibia--fresh-water fishes--land shells--mauritius, bourbon, and rodriguez--birds--extinct birds and their probable origin--reptiles--flora of madagascar and the mascarene islands--curious relations of mascarene plants--endemic genera of mauritius and seychelles--fragmentary character of the mascarene flora--flora of madagascar allied to that of south africa--preponderance of ferns in the mascarene flora--concluding remarks on the madagascar group _pages_ 411-449 chapter xx anomalous islands: celebes anomalous relations of celebes--physical features of the island--zoological character of the islands around celebes--the malayan and australian banks--zoology of celebes: mammalia--probable derivation of the mammals of celebes--birds of celebes--bird-types peculiar to celebes--celebes not strictly a continental island--peculiarities of the insects of celebes--himalayan types of birds and butterflies in celebes--peculiarities of shape and colour of celebesian butterflies--concluding remarks--appendix on the birds of celebes _pages_ 450-470 chapter xxi anomalous islands: new zealand position and physical features of new zealand--zoological character of new zealand--mammalia--wingless birds living and extinct--recent existence of the moa--past changes of new zealand deduced from its wingless birds--birds and reptiles of new zealand--conclusions from the peculiarities of the new zealand fauna _pages_ 471-486 {xviii} chapter xxii the flora of new zealand: its affinities and probable origin relations of the new zealand flora to that of australia--general features of the australian flora--the floras of south-eastern and south-western australia--geological explanation of the differences of these two floras--the origin of the australian element in the new zealand flora--tropical character of the new zealand flora explained--species common to new zealand and australia mostly temperate forms--why easily dispersed plants have often restricted ranges--summary and conclusion on the new zealand flora _pages_ 487-508 chapter xxiii on the arctic element in south temperate floras european species and genera of plants in the southern hemisphere--aggressive power of the scandinavian flora--means by which plants have migrated from north to south--newly moved soil as affording temporary stations to migrating plants--elevation and depression of the snow-line as aiding the migration of plants--changes of climate favourable to migration--the migration from north to south has been long going on--geological changes as aiding migration--proofs of migration by way of the andes--proofs of migration by way of the himalayas and southern asia--proofs of migration by way of the african highlands--supposed connection of south africa and australia--the endemic genera of plants in new zealand--the absence of southern types from the northern hemisphere--concluding remarks on the new zealand and south temperate floras _pages_ 509-530 chapter xxiv summary and conclusion the present volume is the development and application of a theory--statement of the biological and physical causes of dispersal--investigation of the facts of dispersal--of the means of dispersal--of geographical changes affecting dispersal--of climatal changes affecting dispersal--the glacial epoch and its causes--alleged ancient glacial epochs--warm polar climates and their causes--conclusions as to geological climates--how far different from those of mr. croll--supposed limitations of geological time--time amply sufficient both for geological and biological development--insular faunas and floras--the north atlantic islands--the galapagos--st. helena and the sandwich islands--great britain as a recent continental island--borneo and java--japan and formosa--madagascar as an ancient continental island--celebes and new zealand as anomalous islands--the flora of new zealand and its origin--the european element in the south temperate floras--concluding remarks _pages_ 531-545 * * * * * {xix} maps and illustrations page 1. map showing the distribution of the true jays _frontispiece._ 2. map showing the zoological regions _to face_ 31 3. map showing the distribution of _parus palustris_ _to face_ 66 4. a glacier with moraines (from sir c. lyell's _principles of geology_) 109 5. map of the ancient rhone glacier (from sir c. lyell's _antiquity of man_) 110 6. diagram showing the effects of excentricity and precession on climate 127 7. diagram of excentricity and precession 129 8. map showing the extent of the north and south polar ice 138 9. diagram showing changes of excentricity during three million years 171 10. outline map of the azores 248 11. map of bermuda and the american coast 263 12. section of bermuda and adjacent sea-bottom 264 {xx} 13. map of the galapagos and adjacent coasts of south america 276 14. map of the galapagos 277 15. map of the south atlantic, showing position of st. helena 293 16. map of the sandwich islands 311 17. map of the north pacific, with its submerged banks 312 18. map showing the bank connecting britain with the continent 333 19. map of borneo and java, showing the great submarine bank of south-eastern asia 373 20. map of japan and formosa 392 21. physical sketch map of madagascar (from _nature_) 413 22. map of madagascar group, showing depths of sea 415 23. map of the indian ocean 424 24. map of celebes and the surrounding islands 451 25. map showing depths of sea around australia and new zealand 471 26. map showing the probable condition of australia during the cretaceous epoch 496 * * * * * island life part i _the dispersal of organisms_ _its phenomena, laws, and causes_ {3} chapter i introductory remarkable contrasts in distribution of animals--britain and japan--australia and new zealand--bali and lombok--florida and bahama islands--brazil and africa--borneo, madagascar, and celebes--problems in distribution to be found in every country--can be solved only by the combination of many distinct lines of inquiry, biological and physical--islands offer the best subjects for the study of distribution--outline of the subjects to be discussed in the present volume. when an englishman travels by the nearest sea-route from great britain to northern japan he passes by countries very unlike his own, both in aspect and natural productions. the sunny isles of the mediterranean, the sands and date-palms of egypt, the arid rocks of aden, the cocoa groves of ceylon, the tiger-haunted jungles of malacca and singapore, the fertile plains and volcanic peaks of luzon, the forest-clad mountains of formosa, and the bare hills of china, pass successively in review; till after a circuitous voyage of thirteen thousand miles he finds himself at hakodadi in japan. he is now separated from his starting-point by the whole width of europe and northern asia, by an almost endless succession of plains and mountains, arid deserts or icy plateaux, yet when he visits the interior of the country he sees so many familiar natural objects that he can hardly help fancying he is close to his home. he finds the woods and fields tenanted by tits, hedge-sparrows, wrens, wagtails, larks, redbreasts, {4} thrushes, buntings, and house-sparrows, some absolutely identical with our own feathered friends, others so closely resembling them that it requires a practised ornithologist to tell the difference. if he is fond of insects he notices many butterflies and a host of beetles which, though on close examination they are found to be distinct from ours, are yet of the same general aspect, and seem just what might be expected in any part of europe. there are also of course many birds and insects which are quite new and peculiar, but these are by no means so numerous or conspicuous as to remove the general impression of a wonderful resemblance between the productions of such remote islands as britain and yesso. now let an inhabitant of australia sail to new zealand, a distance of less than thirteen hundred miles, and he will find himself in a country whose productions are totally unlike those of his own. kangaroos and wombats there are none, the birds are almost all entirely new, insects are very scarce and quite unlike the handsome or strange australian forms, while even the vegetation is all changed, and no gum-tree, or wattle, or grass-tree meets the traveller's eye. but there are some more striking cases even than this, of the diversity of the productions of countries not far apart. in the malay archipelago there are two islands, named bali and lombok, each about as large as corsica, and separated by a strait only fifteen miles wide at its narrowest part. yet these islands differ far more from each other in their birds and quadrupeds than do england and japan. the birds of the one are extremely _unlike_ those of the other, the difference being such as to strike even the most ordinary observer. bali has red and green woodpeckers, barbets, weaver-birds, and black-and-white magpie-robins, none of which are found in lombok, where, however, we find screaming cockatoos and friar-birds, and the strange mound-building megapodes, which are all equally unknown in bali. many of the kingfishers, crow-shrikes, and other birds, though of the same general form, are of very distinct species; and though a considerable number of birds are the same in both islands the difference {5} is none the less remarkable--as proving that mere distance is one of the least important of the causes which have determined the likeness or unlikeness in the animals of different countries. in the western hemisphere we find equally striking examples. the eastern united states possess very peculiar and interesting plants and animals, the vegetation becoming more luxuriant as we go south but not altering in essential character, so that when we reach alabama or florida we still find ourselves in the midst of pines, oaks, sumachs, magnolias, vines, and other characteristic forms of the temperate flora; while the birds, insects, and land-shells are of the same general character with those found further north.[1] but if we now cross over the narrow strait, about fifty miles wide, which separates florida from the bahama islands, we find ourselves in a totally different country, surrounded by a vegetation which is essentially tropical and generally identical with that of cuba. the change is most striking, because there is little difference of climate, of soil, or apparently of position, to account for it; and when we find that the birds, the insects, and especially the land-shells of the bahamas are almost all west indian, while the north american types of plants and animals have almost all completely disappeared, we shall be convinced that such differences and resemblances cannot be due to existing conditions, but must depend upon laws and causes to which mere proximity of position offers no clue. hardly less uncertain and irregular are the effects of climate. hot countries usually differ widely from cold ones in all their organic forms; but the difference is by no means constant, nor does it bear any proportion to difference of temperature. between frigid canada and sub-tropical florida there are less marked differences in the animal productions than between florida and cuba or yucatan, so much more alike in climate and so much nearer together. so the differences between the birds and quadrupeds of temperate tasmania and tropical north {6} australia are slight and unimportant as compared with the enormous differences we find when we pass from the latter country to equally tropical java. if we compare corresponding portions of different continents, we find no indication that the almost perfect similarity of climate and general conditions has any tendency to produce similarity in the animal world. the equatorial parts of brazil and of the west coast of africa are almost identical in climate and in luxuriance of vegetation, but their animal life is totally diverse. in the former we have tapirs, sloths, and prehensile-tailed monkeys; in the latter elephants, antelopes, and man-like apes; while among birds, the toucans, chatterers, and humming-birds of brazil are replaced by the plantain-eaters, bee-eaters, and sun-birds of africa. parts of south-temperate america, south africa, and south australia, correspond closely in climate; yet the birds and quadrupeds of these three districts are as completely unlike each other as those of any parts of the world that can be named. if we visit the great islands of the globe, we find that they present similar anomalies in their animal productions, for while some exactly resemble the nearest continents others are widely different. thus the quadrupeds, birds and insects of borneo correspond very closely to those of the asiatic continent, while those of madagascar are extremely unlike african forms, although the distance from the continent is less in the latter case than in the former. and if we compare the three great islands sumatra, borneo, and celebes--lying as it were side by side in the same ocean--we find that the two former, although furthest apart, have almost identical productions, while the two latter, though closer together, are more unlike than britain and japan situated in different oceans and separated by the largest of the great continents. these examples will illustrate the kind of questions it is the object of the present work to deal with. every continent, every country, and every island on the globe, offers similar problems of greater or less complexity and interest, and the time has now arrived when their solution can be attempted with some prospect of success. many {7} years study of this class of subjects has convinced me that there is no short and easy method of dealing with them; because they are, in their very nature, the visible outcome and residual product of the whole past history of the earth. if we take the organic productions of a small island, or of any very limited tract of country, such as a moderate-sized country parish, we have, in their relations and affinities--in the fact that they are _there_ and others are _not_ there, a problem which involves all the migrations of these species and their ancestral forms--all the vicissitudes of climate and all the changes of sea and land which have affected those migrations--the whole series of actions and reactions which have determined the preservation of some forms and the extinction of others,--in fact the whole history of the earth, inorganic and organic, throughout a large portion of geological time. we shall perhaps better exhibit the scope and complexity of the subject, and show that any intelligent study of it was almost impossible till quite recently, if we concisely enumerate the great mass of facts and the number of scientific theories or principles which are necessary for its elucidation. we require then in the first place an adequate knowledge of the fauna and flora of the whole world, and even a detailed knowledge of many parts of it, including the islands of more special interest and their adjacent continents. this kind of knowledge is of very slow growth, and is still very imperfect;[2] and in many cases it can {8} never now be obtained owing to the reckless destruction of forests and with them of countless species of plants and animals. in the next place we require a true and natural classification of animals and plants, so that we may know their real affinities; and it is only now that this is being generally arrived at. we further have to make use of the theory of "descent with modification" as the only possible key to the interpretation of the facts of distribution, and this theory has only been generally accepted within the last twenty years. it is evident that, so long as the belief in "special creations" of each species prevailed, no explanation of the complex facts of distribution _could_ be arrived at or even conceived; for if each species was created where it is now found no further inquiry can take us beyond that fact, and there is an end of the whole matter. another important factor in our interpretation of the phenomena of distribution, is a knowledge of the extinct forms that have inhabited each country during the tertiary and secondary periods of geology. new facts of this kind are daily coming to light, but except as regards europe, north america, and parts of india, they are extremely scanty; and even in the best-known countries the record itself is often very defective and fragmentary. yet we have already obtained remarkable evidence of the migrations of many animals and plants in past ages, throwing an often unexpected light on the actual distribution of many groups.[3] by this means alone can we obtain positive evidence of the past migrations of organisms; and when, as too frequently is the case, this is altogether wanting, we {9} have to trust to collateral evidence and more or less probable hypothetical explanations. hardly less valuable is the evidence of stratigraphical geology; for this often shows us what parts of a country have been submerged at certain epochs, and thus enables us to prove that certain areas have been long isolated and the fauna and flora allowed time for special development. here, too, our knowledge is exceedingly imperfect, though the blanks upon the geological map of the world are yearly diminishing in extent. lastly, as a most valuable supplement to geology, we require to know approximately, the depth and contour of the ocean-bed, since this affords an important clue to the former existence of now-submerged lands, uniting islands to continents, or affording intermediate stations which have aided the migrations of many organisms. this kind of information has only been partially obtained during the last few years; and it will be seen in the latter part of this volume, that some of the most recent deep-sea soundings have afforded a basis for an explanation of one of the most difficult and interesting questions in geographical biology--the origin of the fauna and flora of new zealand. such are the various classes of evidence that bear directly on the question of the distribution of organisms; but there are others of even a more fundamental character, and the importance of which is only now beginning to be recognised by students of nature. these are, firstly, the wonderful alterations of climate which have occurred in the temperate and polar zones, as proved by the evidences of glaciation in the one and of luxuriant vegetation in the other; and, secondly, the theory of the permanence of existing continents and oceans. if glacial epochs in temperate lands and mild climates near the poles have, as now believed by men of eminence, occurred several times over in the past history of the earth, the effects of such great and repeated changes, both on the migration, modification, and extinction, of species, must have been of overwhelming importance--of more importance perhaps than even the geological changes of sea and land. it is therefore necessary to consider the evidence for these climatal changes; {10} and then, by a critical examination of their possible causes, to ascertain whether they were isolated phenomena, were due to recurrent cosmical actions, or were the result of a great system of terrestrial development. the latter is the conclusion we arrive at; and this conclusion brings with it the conviction, that in the theory which accounts for both glacial epochs and warm polar climates, we have the key to explain and harmonize many of the most anomalous biological and geological phenomena, and one which is especially valuable for the light it throws on the dispersal and existing distribution of organisms. the other important theory, or rather corollary from the preceding theory--that of the permanence of oceans and the general stability of continents throughout all geological time, is as yet very imperfectly understood, and seems, in fact, to many persons in the nature of a paradox. the evidence for it, however, appears to me to be conclusive; and it is certainly the most fundamental question in regard to the subject we have to deal with: since, if we once admit that continents and oceans may have changed places over and over again (as many writers maintain), we lose all power of reasoning on the migrations of ancestral forms of life, and are at the mercy of every wild theorist who chooses to imagine the former existence of a now-submerged continent to explain the existing distribution of a group of frogs or a genus of beetles. as already shown by the illustrative examples adduced in this chapter, some of the most remarkable and interesting facts in the distribution and affinities of organic forms are presented by islands in relation to each other and to the surrounding continents. the study of the productions of the galapagos--so peculiar, and yet so decidedly related to the american continent--appears to have had a powerful influence in determining the direction of mr. darwin's researches into the origin of species; and every naturalist who studies them has always been struck by the unexpected relations or singular anomalies which are so often found to characterize the fauna and flora of islands. yet their full importance in connection with the history of the earth and its inhabitants has hardly yet {11} been recognised; and it is in order to direct the attention of naturalists to this most promising field of research, that i restrict myself in this volume to an elucidation of some of the problems they present to us. by far the larger part of the islands of the globe are but portions of continents undergoing some of the various changes to which they are ever subject; and the correlative proposition, that every portion of our continents has again and again passed through insular conditions, has not been sufficiently considered, but is, i believe, the statement of a great and most suggestive truth, and one which lies at the foundation of all accurate conception of the physical and organic changes which have resulted in the present state of the earth. the indications now given of the scope and purpose of the present volume renders it evident that, before we can proceed to the discussion of the remarkable phenomena presented by insular faunas and floras, and the complex causes which have produced them, we must go through a series of preliminary studies, adapted to give us a command of the more important facts and principles on which the solution of such problems depends. the succeeding eight chapters will therefore be devoted to the explanation of the mode of distribution, variation, modification, and dispersal, of species and groups, illustrated by facts and examples; of the true nature of geological change as affecting continents and islands; of changes of climate, their nature, causes, and effects; of the duration of geological time and the rate of organic development. * * * * * {12} chapter ii the elementary facts of distribution importance of locality as an essential character of species--areas of distribution--extent and limitations of specific areas--specific range of birds--generic areas--separate and overlapping areas--the species of tits as illustrating areas of distribution--the distribution of the species of jays--discontinuous generic areas--peculiarities of generic and family distribution--general features of overlapping and discontinuous areas--restricted areas of families--the distribution of orders. so long as it was believed that the several species of animals and plants were "special creations," and had been formed expressly to inhabit the countries in which they are now found, their habitat was an ultimate fact which required no explanation. it was assumed that every animal was _exactly_ adapted to the climate and surroundings amid which it lived, and that the only, or, at all events, the chief reason why it did not inhabit another country was, that the climate or general conditions of that country were not suitable to it, but in what the unsuitability consisted we could rarely hope to discover. hence the exact locality of any species was not thought of much importance from a scientific point of view, and the idea that anything could be learnt by a comparative study of different floras and faunas never entered the minds of the older naturalists. but so soon as the theory of evolution came to be generally adopted, and it was seen that each animal could only have come into existence in some area where ancestral {13} forms closely allied to it already lived, a real and important relation was established between an animal and its native country, and a new set of problems at once sprang into existence. from the old point of view the _diversities_ of animal life in the separate continents, even where physical conditions were almost identical, was the fact that excited astonishment; but seen by the light of the evolution theory, it is the _resemblances_ rather than the diversities in these distant continents and islands that are most difficult to explain. it thus comes to be admitted that a knowledge of the exact area occupied by a species or a group is a real portion of its natural history, of as much importance as its habits, its structure, or its affinities; and that we can never arrive at any trustworthy conclusions as to how the present state of the organic world was brought about, until we have ascertained with some accuracy the general laws of the distribution of living things over the earth's surface. _areas of distribution._--every species of animal has a certain area of distribution to which, as a rule, it is permanently confined, although, no doubt, the limits of its range fluctuate somewhat from year to year, and in some exceptional cases may be considerably altered in a few years or centuries. each species is moreover usually limited to one continuous area, over the whole of which it is more or less frequently to be met with, but there are many apparent and some real exceptions to this rule. some animals are so adapted to certain kinds of country--as to forests or marshes, mountains or deserts--that they cannot, permanently, live elsewhere. these may be found scattered over a wide area in suitable spots only, but can hardly on that account be said to have several distinct areas of distribution. as an example we may name the chamois, which lives only on high mountains, but is found in the pyrenees, the alps, the carpathians, in some of the greek mountains and the caucasus. the variable hare is another and more remarkable case, being found all over northern europe and asia beyond lat. 55°, and also in scotland and ireland. in central europe it is unknown till we come to the alps, the pyrenees, and the caucasus, where it again appears. this is one of the best cases known of the {14} discontinuous distribution of a _species_, there being a gap of about a thousand miles between its southern limits in russia, and its reappearance in the alps. there are of course numerous instances in which species occur in two or more islands, or in an island and continent, and are thus rendered discontinuous by the sea, but these involve questions of changes in sea and land which we shall have to consider further on. other cases are believed to exist of still wider separation of a species, as with the marsh titmice and the reed buntings of europe and japan, where similar forms are found in the extreme localities, while distinct varieties or sub-species, inhabit the intervening districts. _extent and limitations of specific areas._--leaving for the present these cases of want of continuity in a species, we find the most wide difference between the extent of country occupied, varying in fact from a few square miles to almost the entire land surface of the globe. among the mammalia, however, the same species seldom inhabits both the old and new worlds, unless they are strictly arctic animals, as the reindeer, the elk, the arctic fox, the glutton, the ermine, and some others. the common wolf of europe and northern asia is thought by many naturalists to be identical with the variously coloured wolves of north america extending from the arctic ocean to mexico, in which case this will have perhaps the widest range of any species of mammal. little doubt exists as to the identity of the brown bears and the beavers of europe and north america; but all these species range up to the arctic circle, and there is no example of a mammal universally admitted to be identical yet confined to the temperate zones of the two hemispheres. among the undisputed species of mammalia the leopard has an enormous range, extending all over africa and south asia to borneo and the east of china, and thus having probably the widest range of any known mammal. the winged mammalia have not usually very wide ranges, there being only one bat common to the old and new worlds. this is a british species, _vesperugo serotinus_, which is found over the larger part of north america, europe and asia, as far {15} as pekin, and even extends into tropical africa, thus rivalling the leopard and the wolf in the extent of country it occupies. of very restricted ranges there are many examples, but some of these are subject to doubts as to the distinctness of the species or as to its geographical limits being really known. in europe we have a distinct species of ibex (_capra pyrenaica_) confined to the pyrenean mountains, while the true marmot is restricted to the alpine range. more remarkable is the pyrenean water-mole (_mygale pyrenaica_), a curious small insectivorous animal found only in a few places in the northern valleys of the pyrenees. in islands there are many cases of undoubted restriction of species to a small area, but these involve a different question from the range of species on continents where there is no _apparent_ obstacle to their wider extension. _specific range of birds._--among birds we find instances of much wider range of species, which is only what might be expected considering their powers of flight; but, what is very curious, we also find more striking (though perhaps not more frequent) examples of extreme limitation of range among birds than among mammals. of the former phenomenon perhaps the most remarkable case is that afforded by the osprey or fishing-hawk, which ranges over the greater portion of all the continents, as far as brazil, south africa, the malay islands, and tasmania. the barn owl (_strix flammea_) has nearly as wide a range, but in this case there is more diversity of opinion as to the specific difference of many of the forms inhabiting remote countries, some of which seem undoubtedly to be distinct. among passerine birds the raven has probably the widest range, extending from the arctic regions to texas and new mexico in america, and to north india and lake baikal in asia; while the little northern willow-wren (_phylloscopus borealis_) ranges from arctic norway across asia to alaska, and southward to ceylon, china, borneo, and timor. of very restricted continental ranges the best examples in europe are, the little blue magpie (_cyanopica cooki_) confined to the central portions of the spanish peninsula; and the italian sparrow found only in italy and corsica. {16} in asia, palestine affords some examples of birds of very restricted range--a beautiful sun-bird (_nectarinea osea_) a peculiar starling (_amydrus tristramii_) and some others, being almost or quite confined to the warmer portions of the valley of the jordan. in the himalayas there are numbers of birds which have very restricted ranges, but those of the neilgherries are perhaps better known, several species of laughing thrushes and some other birds being found only on the summits of these mountains. the most wonderfully restricted ranges are, however, to be found among the humming-birds of tropical america. the great volcanic peaks of chimborazo and pichincha have each a peculiar species of humming-bird confined to a belt just below the limits of perpetual snow, while the extinct volcano of chiriqui in veragua has a species confined to its wooded crater. one of the most strange and beautiful of the humming-birds (_loddigesia mirabilis_) was obtained once only, more than forty years ago, near chachapoyas in the andes of northern peru; and though mr. gould sent many drawings of the bird to people visiting the district and for many years offered a high reward for a specimen, no other has ever been seen![4] the above details will sufficiently explain what is meant by the "specific area" or range of a species. the very wide and very narrow ranges are exceptional, the great majority of species both of mammals and birds ranging over moderately wide areas, which present no striking contrasts in climate and physical conditions. thus a large proportion of european birds range over the whole continent in an east and west direction, but considerable numbers are restricted either to the northern or the southern half. in africa some species range over all the continent south of the desert, while large numbers are restricted to the equatorial forests, or to the upland plains. in north america, if we exclude the tropical and the arctic portions, a considerable number of species range over all the temperate parts of the continent, while still {17} more are restricted to the east, the centre, or the west, respectively. _generic areas._--having thus obtained a tolerably clear idea of the main facts as to the distribution of isolated species, let us now consider those collections of closely-allied species termed genera. what a genus is will be sufficiently understood by a few illustrations. all the different kinds of dogs, jackals, and wolves belong to the dog genus, canis; the tiger, lion, leopard, jaguar, and the wild cats, to the cat genus, felis; the blackbird, song-thrush, missel-thrush, fieldfare, and many others to the thrush genus, turdus; the crow, rook, raven, and jackdaw, to the crow genus, corvus; but the magpie belongs to another, though closely-allied genus, pica, distinguished by the different form and proportions of its wings and tail from all the species of the crow genus. the number of species in a genus varies greatly, from one up to several hundreds. the giraffe, the glutton, the walrus, the bearded reedling, the secretary-bird, and many others, have no close allies, and each forms a genus by itself. the beaver genus, castor, and the camel genus, camelus, each consist of two species. on the other hand, the deer genus, cervus has forty species; the mouse and rat genus, mus more than a hundred species; and there is about the same number of the thrush genus; while among the lower classes of animals genera are often very extensive, the fine genus papilio, or swallow-tailed butterflies, containing more than four hundred species; and cicindela, which includes our native tiger beetles, has about the same number. many genera of shells are very extensive, and one of them--the genus helix, including the commonest snails, and ranging all over the world--is probably the most extensive in the animal kingdom, numbering about two thousand described species.[5] _separate and overlapping areas._--the species of a genus are distributed in two ways. either they occupy distinct areas which do not touch each other and are sometimes widely separated, or they touch and occasionally overlap {18} each other, each species occupying an area of its own which rarely coincides exactly with that of any other species of the same genus. in some cases, when a river, a mountain-chain, or a change of conditions as from pasture to desert or forest, determines the range of species, the areas of two species of the same genus may just meet, one beginning where the other ends; but this is comparatively rare. it occurs, however, in the amazon valley, where several species of monkeys, birds, and insects come up to the south bank of the river but do not pass it, while allied species come to the north bank, which in like manner forms their boundary. as examples we may mention that one of the saki monkeys (_pithecia monachus?_) comes up to the south bank of the upper amazon, while immediately we cross over to the north bank we find another species (_pithecia rufibarbata?_). among birds we have the green jacamar (_galbula viridis_), abundant on the north bank of the lower amazon, while on the south bank we have two allied species (_galbula rufoviridis_ and _g. cyaneicollis_); and among insects we have at santarem on the south bank of the amazon, the beautiful blue butterfly, _callithea sapphira_, while almost opposite to it, at monte-alegre, an allied species, _callithea leprieuri_ is alone found. perhaps the most interesting and best known case of a series of allied species, whose ranges are separate but conterminous, is that of the beautiful south american wading birds, called trumpeters, and forming the genus psophia. there are five species, all found in the amazon valley, but each limited to a well-marked district bounded by great rivers. on the north bank of the amazon there are two species, one in its lower valley extending up to the rio negro; and the other in the central part of the valley beyond that river; while to the south of the amazon there are three, one above the madeira, one below it, and a third near para, probably separated from the last by the tocantins river. overlapping areas among the species of a genus is a more common phenomenon, and is almost universal where these species are numerous in the same continent. it is, however, exceedingly irregular, so that we often find one {19} species extending over a considerable portion of the area occupied by the genus and including the entire areas of some of the other species. so little has been done to work out accurately the limits of species that it is very difficult to give examples. one of the best is to be found in the genus _dendroeca_, a group of american wood-warblers. these little birds all migrate in the winter into the tropical regions, but in the summer they come north, each having its particular range. thus, _d. dominica_ comes as far as the middle eastern states, _d. coerulea_ keeps west of the alleghanies, _d. discolor_ comes to michigan and new england; four other species go farther north in canada, while several extend to the borders of the arctic zone. _the species of tits as illustrating areas of distribution._--in our own hemisphere the overlapping of allied species may be well illustrated by the various kinds of titmice, constituting the genus parus, several of which are among our best known english birds. the great titmouse (_parus major_) has the widest range of all, extending from the arctic circle to algeria, palestine, and persia, and from ireland right across siberia to the ochotsk sea, probably following the great northern forest belt. it does not extend into china and japan, where distinct species are found. next in extent of range is the coal tit (_parus ater_) which inhabits all europe from the mediterranean to about 64° n. latitude, in asia minor to the lebanon and caucasus, and across siberia to amoorland and japan. the marsh tit (_parus palustris_) inhabits temperate and south europe from 61° n. latitude in norway to poland and south-west russia, and in the south from spain to asia minor. closely allied to this--of which it is probably only a variety or sub-species--is the northern marsh tit (_parus borealis_), which overlaps the last in norway and sweden, and also in south russia and the alps, but extends further north into lapland and north russia, and thence probably in a south-easterly direction across central asia to north china. yet another closely-allied species (_parus camtschatkensis_) ranges from north-eastern russia across northern siberia to lake baikal and to hakodadi in japan, thus overlapping _parus borealis_ in the {20} western portion of its area. our little favourite, the blue tit (_parus coeruleus_) ranges over all europe from the arctic circle to the mediterranean, and on to asia minor and persia, but does not seem to pass beyond the ural mountains. its lovely eastern ally the azure tit (_parus cyaneus_) overlaps the range of _p. coeruleus_ in western europe as far as st. petersburg and austria, rarely straggling to denmark, while it stretches all across central asia between the latitudes 35° and 56° n. as far as the amoor valley. besides these wide-ranging species there are several others which are more restricted. _parus teneriffæ_, a beautiful dark blue form of our blue tit, inhabits north-west africa and the canaries; _parus ledouci_, closely allied to our coal tit, is found only in algeria; _parus lugubris_, allied to the marsh tit, is confined to south-east europe and asia minor, from hungary and south russia to palestine; and _parus cinctus_, another allied form, is confined to the extreme north in lapland, finland, and perhaps northern russia and siberia. another beautiful little bird, the crested titmouse (_parus cristatus_) is sometimes placed in a separate genus. it inhabits nearly all central and south europe, wherever there are pine forests, from 64° n. latitude to austria and north italy, and in the west to spain and gibraltar, while in the east it does not pass the urals and the caucasus range. its nearest allies are in the high himalayas. these are all the european tits, but there are many others inhabiting asia, africa, and north america; so that the genus parus has a very wide range, in asia to ceylon and the malay islands, in africa to the cape, and in north america to the highlands of mexico. _the distribution of the species of jays._--owing to the very wide range of several of the tits, the uncertainty of the specific distinction of others, and the difficulty in many cases of ascertaining their actual distribution, it has not been found practicable to illustrate this genus by means of a map. for this purpose we have chosen the genus garrulus or the jays, in which the species are less numerous, the specific areas less extensive, and the species generally better defined; while being large and handsome {21} birds they are sure to have been collected, or at least noticed, wherever they occur. there are, so far as yet known, twelve species of true jays, occupying an area extending from western europe to eastern asia and japan, and nowhere passing the arctic circle to the north, or the tropic of cancer to the south, so that they constitute one of the most typical of the palæarctic[6] genera. the following are the species, beginning with the most westerly and proceeding towards the east. the numbers prefixed to each species correspond to those on the coloured map which forms the frontispiece to this volume. 1. _garrulus glandarius._--the common jay, inhabits the british isles and all europe except the extreme north, extending also into north africa, where it has been observed in many parts of algeria. it occurs near constantinople, but apparently not in asia minor; and in russia, up to, but not beyond, the urals. the jays being woodland birds are not found in open plains or barren uplands, and their distribution is hence by no means uniform within the area they actually occupy. 2. _garrulus cervicalis._--the algerian jay, is a very distinct species inhabiting a limited area in north africa, and found in some places along with the common species. 3. _garrulus krynicki._--the black-headed jay, is closely allied to the common species, but quite distinct, inhabiting a comparatively small area in south-eastern europe, and western asia. 4. _garrulus atricapillus._--the syrian jay, is very closely allied to the last, and inhabits an adjoining area in syria, palestine, and southern persia. 5. _garrulus hyrcanus._--the persian jay, is a small species allied to our jay and only known from the elburz mountains in the north of persia. 6. _garrulus brandti._--brandt's jay, is a very distinct species, having an extensive range across asia from the ural mountains to north china, mandchuria, and the northern island of japan, and also crossing the urals into {22} russia where it has been found as far west as kazan in districts where the common jay also occurs. 7. _garrulus lanceolatus._--the black-throated jay, is a very distinct form known only from the north-western himalayas and nepal, common about simla, and extending into cashmere beyond the range of the next species. 8. _garrulus bispecularis._--the himalayan jay is also very distinct, having the head coloured like the back, and not striped as in all the western species. it inhabits the himalayas east of cashmere, but is more abundant in the western than the eastern division, though according to the abbé david it reaches moupin in east thibet. 9. _garrulus sinensis._--the chinese jay, is very closely allied to the himalayan, of which it is sometimes classed as a sub-species. it seems to be found in all the southern mountains of china, from foochow on the east to sze-chuen and east thibet on the west, as it is recorded from moupin by the abbé david as well as the himalayan bird--a tolerable proof that it is a distinct form. 10. _garrulus taivanus._--the formosan jay is a very close ally of the preceding, confined to the island of formosa. 11. _garrulus japonicus._--the japanese jay is nearly allied to our common british species, being somewhat smaller and less brightly coloured, and with black orbits; yet these are the most widely separated species of the genus. according to mr. seebohm this species is equally allied to the chinese and siberian jays. in the accompanying map (see frontispiece) we have laid down the distribution of each species so far as it can be ascertained from the works of sharpe and dresser for europe, jerdon for india, swinhoe for china, and mr. seebohm's recent work for japan. there is, however, much uncertainty in many places, and gaps have to be filled up conjecturally, while such a large part of asia is still very imperfectly explored, that considerable modifications may have to be made when the country becomes more accurately known. but though details may be modified we can hardly suppose that the great features of the several specific areas, or their relations to each other {23} will be much affected; and these are what we have chiefly to consider as bearing on the questions here discussed. the first thing that strikes us on looking at the map, is, the small amount of overlapping of the several areas, and the isolation of many of the species; while the next most striking feature is the manner in which the asiatic species almost surround a vast area in which no jays are found. the only species with large areas, are the european _g. glandarius_ and the asiatic _g. brandti_. the former has three species overlapping it--in algeria, in south-eastern and north-eastern europe respectively. the syrian jay (no. 4), is not known to occur anywhere with the black-headed jay (no. 3), and perhaps the two areas do not meet. the persian jay (no. 5), is quite isolated. the himalayan and chinese jays (nos. 7, 8, and 9) form a group which are isolated from the rest of the genus; while the japanese jay (no. 11), is also completely isolated as regards the european jays to which it is nearly allied. these peculiarities of distribution are no doubt in part dependent on the habits of the jays, which live only in well-wooded districts, among deciduous trees, and are essentially non-migratory in their habits, though sometimes moving southwards in winter. this will explain their absence from the vast desert area of central asia, but it will not account for the gap between the north and south chinese species, nor for the absence of jays from the wooded hills of turkestan, where mr. n. a. severtzoff collected assiduously, obtaining 384 species of birds but no jay. these peculiarities, and the fact that jays are never very abundant anywhere, seem to indicate that the genus is now a decaying one, and that it has at no very distant epoch occupied a larger and more continuous area, such as that of the genus parus at the present day. _discontinuous generic areas._--it is not very easy to find good examples of genera whose species occupy two or more quite disconnected areas, for though such cases may not be rare, we are seldom in a position to mark out the limits of the several species with sufficient accuracy. the best and most remarkable case among european birds is {24} that of the blue magpies, forming the genus cyanopica. one species (_c. cooki_) is confined (as already stated) to the wooded and mountainous districts of spain and portugal, while the only other species of the genus (_c. cyanus_) is found far away in north-eastern asia and japan, so that the two species are separated by about 5,000 miles of continuous land. another case is that of the curious little water-moles forming the genus mygale, one species _m. muscovitica_, being found only on the banks of the volga and don in south-eastern russia, while the other, _m. pyrenaica_, is confined to streams on the northern side of the pyrenees. in tropical america there are four different kinds of bell-birds belonging to the genus chasmorhynchus, each of which appears to inhabit a restricted area completely separated from the others. the most northerly is _c. tricarunculatus_ of costa rica and veragua, a brown bird with a white head and three long caruncles growing upwards at the base of the beak. next comes _c. variegatus_, in venezuela, a white bird with a brown head and numerous caruncles on the throat, perhaps conterminous with the last; in guiana, extending to near the mouth of the rio negro, we have _c. niveus_, the bell-bird described by waterton, which is pure white, with a single long fleshy caruncle at the base of the beak; the last species, _c. nudicollis_, inhabits south-east brazil, and is also white, but with black stripes over the eyes, and with a naked throat. these birds are about the size of thrushes, and are all remarkable for their loud, ringing notes, like a bell or a blow on an anvil, as well as for their peculiar colours. they are therefore known to the native indians wherever they exist, and we may be the more sure that they do not spread over the intervening areas where they have never been found, and where the natives know nothing of them. a good example of isolated species of a group nearer home, is afforded by the snow-partridges of the genus tetraogallus. one species inhabits the caucasus range and nowhere else, keeping to the higher slopes from 6,000 to 11,000 feet above the sea, and accompanying the ibex in its wanderings, as both feed on the same plants. another {25} has a wider range in asia minor and persia, from the taurus mountains to the south-east corner of the caspian sea; a third species inhabits the western himalayas, between the forests and perpetual snow, extending eastwards to nepal; while a fourth is found on the north side of the mountains in thibet, and the ranges of these two perhaps overlap; the last species inhabit the altai mountains, and like the two first appears to be completely separated from all its allies. there are some few still more extraordinary cases in which the species of one genus are separated in remote continents or islands. the most striking of these is that of the tapirs, forming the genus tapirus, of which there are two or three species in south america, and one very distinct species in malacca and borneo, separated by nearly half the circumference of the globe. another example among quadrupeds is a peculiar genus of moles named urotrichus, of which one species inhabits japan and the other british columbia. the cuckoo-like honey-guides, forming the genus indicator, are tolerably abundant in tropical africa, but there are two outlying species, one in the eastern himalaya mountains, the other in borneo, both very rare, and recently an allied species has been found in the malay peninsula. the beautiful blue and green thrush-tits forming the genus cochoa, have two species in the eastern himalayas and eastern china, while the third is confined to java; the curious genus eupetes, supposed to be allied to the dippers, has one species in sumatra and malacca, while four other species are found two thousand miles distant in new guinea; lastly, the lovely ground-thrushes of the genus pitta, range from hindostan to australia, while a single species, far removed from all its near allies, inhabits west africa. _peculiarities of generic, and family distribution._--the examples now given sufficiently illustrate the mode in which the several species of a genus are distributed. we have next to consider genera as the component parts of families, and families of orders, from the same point of view. {26} all the phenomena presented by the species of a genus are reproduced by the genera of a family, and often in a more marked degree. owing, however, to the extreme restriction of genera by modern naturalists, there are not many among the higher animals that have a world-wide distribution. among the mammalia there is no such thing as a truly cosmopolitan genus. this is owing to the absence of all the higher orders except the mice from australia, while the genus mus, which occurs there, is represented by a distinct group, hesperomys, in america. if, however, we consider the australian dingo as a native animal we might class the genus canis as cosmopolite, but the wild dogs of south america are now formed into separate genera by some naturalists. many genera, however, range over three or more continents, as felis (the cat genus) absent only from australia; ursus (the bear genus) absent from australia and tropical africa; cervus (the deer genus) with nearly the same range; and sciurus (the squirrel genus) found in all the continents but australia. among birds turdus, the thrush, and hirundo, the swallow genus, are the only perching birds which are truly cosmopolites; but there are many genera of hawks, owls, wading and swimming birds, which have a world-wide range. as a great many genera consist of single species there is no lack of cases of great restriction, such as the curious lemur called the "potto," which is found only at sierra leone, and forms the genus perodicticus; the true chinchillas found only in the andes of peru and chili south of 9° s. lat. and between 8,000 and 12,000 feet elevation; several genera of finches each confined to limited portions of the higher himalayas, the blood-pheasants (ithaginis) found only above 10,000 feet from nepal to east thibet; the bald-headed starling of the philippine islands, the lyre-birds of east australia, and a host of others. it is among the different genera of the same family that we meet with the most striking examples of discontinuity, although these genera are often as unmistakably allied as are the species of a genus; and it is these cases that furnish the most interesting problems to the student of distribution. {27} we must therefore consider them somewhat more fully. among mammalia the most remarkable of these divided families is that of the camels, of which one genus camelus, the true camels, comprising the camel and dromedary, is confined to asia, while the other auchenia, comprising the llamas and alpacas, is found only in the high andes and in the plains of temperate south america. not only are these two genera separated by the atlantic and by the greater part of the land of two continents, but one is confined to the northern and the other to the southern hemisphere. the next case, though not so well known, is equally remarkable; it is that of the centetidæ, a family of small insectivorous animals, which are wholly confined to madagascar and the large west indian islands cuba and hayti, the former containing five genera and the latter a single genus with a species in each island. here again we have the whole continent of africa as well as the atlantic ocean separating allied genera. two families (or subfamilies) of rat-like animals, octodontidæ and echimyidæ, are also divided by the atlantic. both are mainly south american, but the former has two genera in north and east africa, and the latter also two in south and west africa. two other families of mammalia, though confined to the eastern hemisphere, are yet markedly discontinuous. the tragulidæ are small deer-like animals, known as chevrotains or mouse-deer, abundant in india and the larger malay islands and forming the genus tragulus; while another genus, hyomoschus, is confined to west africa. the other family is the simiidæ or anthropoid apes, in which we have the gorilla and chimpanzee confined to west and central africa, while the allied orangs are found only in the islands of sumatra and borneo, the two groups being separated by a greater space than the echimyidæ and other rodents of africa and south america. among birds and reptiles we have several families, which, from being found only within the tropics of asia, africa, and america, have been termed tropicopolitan groups. the megalæmidæ or barbets are gaily coloured {28} fruit-eating birds, almost equally abundant in tropical asia and africa, but less plentiful in america, where they probably suffer from the competition of the larger sized toucans. the genera of each country are distinct, but all are closely allied, the family being a very natural one. the trogons form a family of very gorgeously coloured and remarkable insect-eating birds very abundant in tropical america, less so in asia, and with a single genus of two species in africa. among reptiles we have two families of snakes--the dendrophidæ or tree-snakes, and the dryiophidæ or green whip-snakes--which are also found in the three tropical regions of asia, africa, and america, but in these cases even some of the genera are common to asia and africa, or to africa and america. the lizards forming the family amphisbænidæ are divided between tropical africa and america, a few species only occurring in the southern portion of the adjacent temperate regions; while even the peculiarly american family of the iguanas is represented by two genera in madagascar, and one in the fiji and friendly islands. passing on to the amphibians the worm-like cæciliadæ are tropicopolitan, as are also the toads of the family engystomatidæ. insects also furnish some analogous cases, three genera of cicindelidæ, (pogonostoma, ctenostoma, and peridexia) showing a decided connection between this family in south america and madagascar; while the beautiful family of diurnal moths, uraniidæ, is confined to the same two countries. a somewhat similar but better known illustration is afforded by the two genera of ostriches, one confined to africa and arabia, the other to the plains of temperate south america. _general features of overlapping and discontinuous areas._--these numerous examples of discontinuous genera and families form an important section of the facts of animal dispersal which any true theory must satisfactorily account for. in greater or less prominence they are to be found all over the world, and in every group of animals, and they grade imperceptibly into those cases of conterminous and overlapping areas which we have seen to {29} prevail in most extensive groups of species, and which are perhaps even more common in those large families which consist of many closely allied genera. a sufficient proof of the overlapping of generic areas is the occurrence of a number of genera of the same family together. thus in france or italy about twenty genera of warblers (sylviadæ) are found, and as each of the thirty-three genera of this family inhabiting temperate europe and asia has a different area, a great number must here overlap. so, in most parts of africa, at least ten or twelve genera of antelopes may be found, and in south america a large proportion of the genera of monkeys of the family cebidæ occur in many districts; and still more is this the case with the larger bird families, such as the tanagers, the tyrant shrikes, or the tree-creepers, so that there is in all these extensive families no genus whose area does not overlap that of many others. then among the moderately extensive families we find a few instances of one or two genera isolated from the rest, as the spectacled bear, tremarctos, found only in chili, while the remainder of the family extends from europe and asia over north america to the mountains of mexico, but no further south; the bovidæ, or hollow-horned ruminants, which have a few isolated genera in the rocky mountains and the islands of sumatra and celebes; and from these we pass on to the cases of wide separation already given. _restricted areas of families._--as families sometimes consist of single genera and even single species, they often present examples of very restricted range; but what is perhaps more interesting are those cases in which a family contains numerous species and sometimes even several genera, and yet is confined to a narrow area. such are the golden moles (chrysochloridæ) consisting of two genera and three species, confined to extratropical south africa; the hill-tits (liotrichidæ), a family of numerous genera and species mainly confined to the himalayas, but with a few straggling species in the malay countries and the mountains of china; the pteroptochidæ, large wren-like birds, consisting of eight genera and nineteen species, almost entirely confined to temperate south america and {30} the andes; and the birds-of-paradise, consisting of nineteen or twenty genera and about thirty-five species, almost all inhabitants of new guinea and the immediately surrounding islands, while a few, doubtfully belonging to the family, extend to east australia. among reptiles the most striking case of restriction is that of the rough-tailed burrowing snakes (uropeltidæ), the five genera and eighteen species being strictly confined to ceylon and the southern parts of the indian peninsula. _the distribution of orders._--when we pass to the larger groups, termed orders, comprising several families, we find comparatively few cases of restriction and many of worldwide distribution; and the families of which they are composed are strictly comparable to the genera of which families are composed, inasmuch as they present examples of overlapping, or conterminous, or isolated areas, though the latter are comparatively rare. among mammalia the insectivora offer the best example of an order, several of whose families inhabit areas more or less isolated from the rest; while the marsupialia have six families in australia, and one, the opossums, far off in america. perhaps, more important is the limitation of some entire orders to certain well-defined portions of the globe. thus the proboscidea, comprising the single family and genus of the elephants, and the hyracoidea, that of the hyrax or syrian coney, are confined to parts of africa and asia; the marsupials to australia and america; and the monotremata, the lowest of all mammals--comprising the duck-billed platypus and the spiny echidna, to australia and new guinea. among birds the struthiones or ostrich tribe are almost confined to the three southern continents, south america, africa and australia; and among amphibia the tailed batrachia--the newts and salamanders--are similarly restricted to the northern hemisphere. these various facts will receive their explanation in a future chapter. * * * * * [illustration] {31} chapter iii classification of the facts of distribution.--zoological regions the geographical divisions of the globe do not correspond to zoological divisions--the range of british mammals as indicating a zoological region--range of east asian and north african mammals--the range of british birds--range of east asian birds--the limits of the palæarctic region--characteristic features of the palæarctic region--definition and characteristic groups of the ethiopian region--of the oriental region--of the australian region--of the nearctic region--of the neotropical region--comparison of zoological regions with the geographical divisions of the globe. having now obtained some notion of how animals are dispersed over the earth's surface, whether as single species or as collected in those groups termed genera, families, and orders, it will be well, before proceeding further, to understand something of the classification of the facts we have been considering, and some of the simpler conclusions these facts lead to. we have hitherto described the distribution of species and groups of animals by means of the great geographical divisions of the globe in common use; but it will have been observed that in hardly any case do these define the limits of anything beyond species, and very seldom, or perhaps never, even those accurately. thus the term "europe" will not give, with any approach to accuracy, the range of any one genus of mammals or birds, and {32} perhaps not that of half-a-dozen species. either they range into siberia, or asia minor, or palestine, or north africa; and this seems to be always the case when their area of distribution occupies a large portion of europe. there are, indeed, a few species limited to central or western or southern europe, and these are almost the only cases in which we can use the word for zoological purposes without having to add to it some portion of another continent. still less useful is the term asia for this purpose, since there is probably no single animal or group confined to asia which is not also more or less nearly confined to the tropical or the temperate portion of it. the only exception is perhaps the tiger, which may really be called an asiatic animal, as it occupies nearly two-thirds of the continent; but this is an unique example, while the cases in which asiatic animals and groups are strictly limited to a portion of asia, or extend also into europe or into africa or to the malay islands, are exceedingly numerous. so, in africa, very few groups of animals range over the whole of it without going beyond either into europe or asia minor or arabia, while those which are purely african are generally confined to the portion south of the tropic of cancer. australia and america are terms which better serve the purpose of the zoologist. the former defines the limit of many important groups of animals; and the same may be said of the latter, but the division into north and south america introduces difficulties, for almost all the groups especially characteristic of south america are found also beyond the isthmus of panama, in what is geographically part of the northern continent. it being thus clear that the old and popular divisions of the globe are very inconvenient when used to describe the range of animals, we are naturally led to ask whether any other division can be made which will be more useful, and will serve to group together a considerable number of the facts we have to deal with. such a division was made by mr. p. l. sclater more than twenty years ago, and it has, with some slight modifications, come into pretty general use in this country, and to some extent also {33} abroad; we shall therefore proceed to explain its nature and the principles on which it is established, as it will have to be often referred to in future chapters of this work, and will take the place of the old geographical divisions whose inconvenience has already been pointed out. the primary zoological divisions of the globe are called "regions," and we will begin by ascertaining the limits of the region of which our own country forms a part. _the range of british mammals as indicating a zoological region._--we will first take our commonest wild mammalia and see how far they extend, and especially whether they are confined to europe or range over parts of other continents: 1. wild cat | europe | n. africa | siberia, afghanistan. 2. fox | europe | n. africa | central asia to amoor. 3. weasel | europe | n. africa | central asia to amoor. 4. otter | europe | n. africa | siberia. 5. badger | europe | n. africa | central asia to amoor. 6. stag | europe | n. africa | central asia to amoor. 7. hedgehog | europe | - | central asia to amoor. 8. mole | europe | - | central asia. 9. squirrel | europe | - | central asia to amoor. 10. dormouse | europe | - | - 11. water-rat | europe | - | central asia to amoor. 12. hare | europe | - | w. siberia, persia. 13. rabbit | europe | n. africa | -we thus see that out of thirteen of our commonest quadrupeds only one is confined to europe, while seven are found also in northern africa, and eleven range into siberia, most of them stretching quite across asia to the valley of the amoor on the extreme eastern side of that continent. two of the above-named british species, the fox and weasel, are also inhabitants of the new world, being as common in the northern parts of north america as they are with us; but with these exceptions the entire range of our commoner species is given, and they clearly show that all northern asia and northern africa must be added to europe in order to form the region which they collectively inhabit. if now we go into central europe and take, for example, the quadrupeds of germany, we shall find that these too, although much more numerous, are confined to the same limits, except that some of the {34} more arctic kinds, as already stated, extend into the colder regions of north america. _range of east asian and north african mammals._--let us now pass to the other side of the great northern continent, and examine the list of the quadrupeds of amoorland, in the same latitude as germany. we find that there are forty-four terrestrial species (omitting the bats, the seals, and other marine animals), and of these no less than twenty-six are identical with european species, and twelve or thirteen more are closely allied representatives, leaving only five or six which are peculiarly asiatic. we can hardly have a more convincing proof of the essential oneness of the mammalia of europe and northern asia. in northern africa we do not find so many european species (though even here they are very numerous) because a considerable number of west asiatic and desert forms occur. having, however, shown that europe and western asia have almost identical animals, we may treat all these as really european, and we shall then be able to compare the quadrupeds of north africa with those of europe and west asia. taking those of algeria as the best known, we find that there are thirty-three species identical with those of europe and west asia, while twenty-four more, though distinct, are closely allied, belonging to the same genera; thus making a total of fifty-seven of european type. on the other hand, we have seven species which are either identical with species of tropical africa or allied to them, and six more which are especially characteristic of the african and asiatic deserts which form a kind of neutral zone between the temperate and tropical regions. if now we consider that algeria and the adjacent countries bordering the mediterranean form part of africa, while they are separated from europe by a wide sea and are only connected with asia by a narrow isthmus, we cannot but feel surprised at the wonderful preponderance of the european and west asiatic elements in the mammalia which inhabit the district. _the range of british birds._--as it is very important that no doubt should exist as to the limits of the zoological {35} region of which europe forms a part, we will now examine the birds, in order to see how far they agree in their distribution with the mammalia. of late years great attention has been paid to the distribution of european and asiatic birds, many ornithologists having travelled in north africa, in palestine, in asia minor, in persia, in siberia, in mongolia, and in china; so that we are now able to determine the exact ranges of many species in a manner that would have been impossible a few years ago. these ranges are given for all british species in the new edition of yarrell's _history of british birds_ edited by professor newton, while those of all european birds are given in still more detail in mr. dresser's beautiful work on the birds of europe. in order to confine our examination within reasonable limits, and at the same time give it the interest attaching to familiar objects, we will take the whole series of british passeres or perching birds given in professor newton's work (118 in number) and arrange them in series according to the extent of their range. these include not only the permanent residents and regular migrants to our country, but also those which occasionally straggle here, so that it really comprises a large proportion of all european birds. i. british birds which extend to north africa and central or north-east asia. 1. _lanius collurio_ red backed shrike (also all africa). 2. _oriolus galbula_ golden oriole (also all africa). 3. _turdus musicus_ song-thrush. 4. ,, _iliacus_ red-wing. 5. ,, _pilaris_ fieldfare. 6. _monticola saxatilis_ blue rock thrush. 7. _ruticilla suecica_ bluethroat (also india in winter). 8. _saxicola rubicola_ stonechat (also india in winter). 9. ,, _oenanthe_ wheatear (also n. america). 10. _acrocephalus arundinaceus_ great reed-warbler. 11. _sylvia curruca_ lesser whitethroat. 12. _parus major_ great titmouse. 13. _motacilla sulphurea_ grey wagtail (also china and malaya). 14. ,, _raii_ yellow wagtail. 15. _anthus trivialis_ tree pipit. 16. ,, _spiloletta_ water pipit. 17. ,, _campestris_ tawny pipit. 18. _alauda arvensis_ skylark. 19. ,, _cristata_ crested lark. {36} 20. _emberiza schoeniclus_ reed bunting. 21. ,, _citrinella_ yellow-hammer. 22. _fringilla montifringilla_ brambling. 23. _passer montanus_ tree sparrow (also s. asia). 24. ,, _domesticus_ house sparrow. 25. _coccothraustes vulgaris_ hawfinch. 26. _carduelis spinus_ siskin (also china). 27. _loxia curvirostra_ crossbill. 28. _sturnus vulgaris_ starling. 29. _pyrrhocorax graculus_ chough. 30. _corvus corone_ crow. 31. _hirundo rustica_ swallow (all africa and asia). 32. _cotyle riparia_ sand martin (also india and n. america). ii. british birds which range to central or north-east asia. 1. _lanius excubitor_ great grey shrike. 2. _turdus varius_ white's thrush (also to japan). 3. ,, _atrigularis_ black-throated thrush. 4. _acrocephalus nævius_ grasshopper warbler. 5. _phylloscopus superciliosus_ yellow-browed warbler. 6. _certhia familiaris_ tree-creeper. 7. _parus coeruleus_ blue titmouse. 8. ,, _ater_ coal titmouse. 9. ,, _palustris_ marsh titmouse. 10. _acredula caudata_ long-tailed titmouse. 11. _ampelis garrulus_ wax-wing. 12. _anthus richardi_ richard's pipit. 13. _alauda alpestris_ shore lark (also n. america). 14. _plectrophanes nivalis_ snow-bunting (also n. america). 15. ,, _lapponicus_ lapland bunting. 16. _emberiza rustica_ rustic bunting (also china). 17. ,, _pusilla_ little bunting. 18. _linota linaria_ mealy redpole (also n. america). 19. _pyrrhula erythrina_ scarlet grosbeak (also n. india, china). 20. ,, _enucleator_ pine grosbeak (also n. america). 21. _loxia bifasciata_ two-barred crossbill. 22. _pastor roseus_ rose-coloured starling (also india). 23. _corvus corax_ raven (also n. america). 24. _pica rustica_ magpie. 25. _nucifraga caryocatactes_ nutcracker. iii. british birds ranging into n. africa and w. asia. 1. _lanius minor_ lesser grey shrike. 2. ,, _auriculatus_ woodchat (also tropical africa). 3. _muscicapa grisola_ spotted flycatcher (also e. and s. africa). 4. ,, _atricapilla_ pied flycatcher (also central africa). 5. turdus _viscivorus_ mistletoe-thrush (n. india in winter). 6. ,, _merula_ blackbird. 7. ,, _torquatus_ ring ouzel. 8. _accentor modularis_ hedge sparrow. 9. _erithacus rubecula_ redbreast. 10. _daulias luscinia_ nightingale. {37} 11. _ruticilla phænicurus_ redstart. 12. ,, _tithys_ black redstart. 13. _saxicola rubetra_ whinchat. 14. _aëdon galactodes_ rufous warbler. 15. _acrocephalus streperus_ reed warbler. 16. ,, _schænobenus_ sedge warbler. 17. _melizophilus undatus_ dartford warbler. 18. _sylvia rufa_ greater whitethroat. 19. ,, _salicaria_ garden warbler. 20. ,, _atricapilla_ blackcap. 21. ,, _orphea_ orphean warbler. 22. _phylloscopus sibilatrix_ wood wren. 23. ,, _trochilus_ willow wren. 24. ,, _collybita_ chiffchaff. 25. _regulus cristatus_ golden-crested wren. 26. ,, _ignicapillus_ fire-crested wren. 27. _troglodytes parvulus_ wren. 28. _sitta cæsia_ nuthatch. 29. _motacilla alba_ white wagtail (also w. africa). 30. ,, _flava_ blue-headed wagtail. 31. _anthus pratensis_ meadow-pipit. 32. _alauda arborea_ woodlark. 33. _calandrella brachydactyla_ short-toed lark. 34. _emberiza miliaria_ common bunting. 35. ,, _cirlus_ cirl bunting. 36. ,, _hortulana_ ortolan. 37. _fringilla coelebs_ chaffinch. 38. _coccothraustes chloris_ greenfinch. 39. _serinus hortulanus_ serin. 40. _carduelis elegans_ goldfinch. 41. _linota cannabina_ linnet. 42. _corvus monedula_ jackdaw. 43. _chelidon urbica_ house-martin. iv. british birds ranging to north africa. 1. _hypolais icterina_ icterine warbler. 2. _acrocephalus aquaticus_ aquatic warbler. 3. ,, _luscinioides_ savi's warbler. 4. _motacilla lugubris_ pied wagtail. 5. _pyrrhula europæa_ bullfinch. 6. _garrulus glandarius_ jay. v. british birds ranging to west asia only. 1. _accentor collaris_ alpine accentor. 2. _muscicapa parva_ red-breasted flycatcher (to n. w. india). 3. _panurus biarmicus_ bearded titmouse. 4. _melanocorypha sibirica_ white-winged lark. 5. _euspiza melanocephala_ black-headed bunting. 6. _linota flavirostris_ twite. 7. _corvus frugilegus_ rook. vi. british birds confined to europe. 1. _cinclus aquaticus_ dipper (closely allied races inhabit other parts of the palæarctic region). 2. _parus cristatus_ crested titmouse. {38} 3. _anthus obscurus_ rock pipit. 4. _linota rufescens_ lesser redpoll (closely allied races in n. asia and n. america). 5. _loxia pityopsittacus_ parrot crossbill (a closely allied form in n. asia). we find, that out of a total of 118 british passeres there are: 32 species which range to north africa and central or east asia. 25 species which range to central or east asia, but not to north africa. 43 species which range to north africa and western asia. 6 species which range to north africa, but not at all into asia. 7 species which range to west asia, but not to north africa. 5 species which do not range out of europe. these figures agree essentially with those furnished by the mammalia, and complete the demonstration that all the temperate portions of asia and north africa must be added to europe to form a natural zoological division of the earth. we must also note how comparatively few of these overpass the limits thus indicated; only seven species extending their range occasionally into tropical or south africa, eight into some parts of tropical asia, and six into arctic or temperate north america. _range of east asian birds._--to complete the evidence we only require to know that the east asiatic birds are as much like those of europe, as we have already shown to be the case when we take the point of departure from our end of the continent. this does not follow necessarily, because it is possible that a totally distinct north asiatic fauna might there prevail; and, although our birds go eastward to the remotest parts of asia, their birds might not come westward to europe. the birds of eastern siberia have been carefully studied by russian naturalists and afford us the means of making the required comparison. there are 151 species belonging to the orders passeres and picariæ (the perching and climbing birds), and of these no less than 77, or more than half, are absolutely identical {39} with european species; 63 are peculiar to north asia, but all except five or six of these are allied to european forms; the remaining 11 species are migrants from south-eastern asia. the resemblance is therefore equally close whichever extremity of the euro-asiatic continent we take as our starting point, and is equally remarkable in birds as in mammalia. we have now only to determine the limits of this, our first zoological region, which has been termed the "palæarctic" by mr. sclater, meaning the "northern old-world" region--a name now well known to naturalists. _the limits of the palæarctic region._--the boundaries of this region, as nearly as they can be ascertained, are shown on our general map at the beginning of this chapter, but it will be evident on consideration, that, except in a few places, its limits can only be approximately defined. on the north, east, and west it extends to the ocean, and includes a number of islands whose peculiarities will be pointed out in a subsequent chapter; so that the southern boundary alone remains, but as this runs across the entire continent from the atlantic to the pacific ocean, often traversing little-known regions, we may perhaps never be able to determine it accurately, even if it admits of such determination. in drawing the boundary line across africa we meet with our first difficulty. the euro-asiatic animals undoubtedly extend to the northern borders of the sahara, while those of tropical africa come up to its southern margin, the desert itself forming a kind of sandy ocean between them. some of the species on either side penetrate and even cross the desert, but it is impossible to balance these with any accuracy, and it has therefore been thought best, as a mere matter of convenience, to consider the geographical line of the tropic of cancer to form the boundary. we are thus enabled to define the palæarctic region as including all north temperate africa; and, a similar intermingling of animal types occurring in arabia, the same boundary line is continued to the southern shore of the persian gulf. persia and afghanistan undoubtedly belong to the palæarctic region, and baluchistan should probably go with these. the boundary in the north-western part of india is again difficult to determine, but it {40} cannot be far one way or the other from the river indus as far up as attock, opposite the mouth of the cabool river. here it will bend to the south-east, passing a little south of cashmeer, and along the southern slopes of the himalayas into east thibet and china, at heights varying from 9,000 to 11,000 feet according to soil, aspect, and shelter. it may, perhaps, be defined as extending to the upper belt of forests as far as coniferous trees prevail; but the temperate and tropical faunas are here so intermingled that to draw any exact parting line is impossible. the two faunas are, however, very distinct. in and above the pine woods there are abundance of warblers of northern genera, with wrens, numerous titmice, and a great variety of buntings, grosbeaks, bullfinches and rosefinches, all more or less nearly allied to the birds of europe and northern asia; while a little lower down we meet with a host of peculiar birds allied to those of tropical asia and the malay islands, but often of distinct genera. there can be no doubt, therefore, of the existence here of a pretty sharp line of demarkation between the temperate and tropical faunas, though this line will be so irregular, owing to the complex system of valleys and ridges, that in our present ignorance of much of the country it cannot be marked in detail on any map. further east in china it is still more difficult to determine the limits of the region, owing to the great intermixture of migrating birds; tropical forms passing northwards in summer as far as the amoor river, while the northern forms visit every part of china in winter. from what we know, however, of the distribution of some of the more typical northern and southern species, we are able to fix the limits of the palæarctic region a little south of shanghai on the east coast. several tropical genera come as far north as ningpo or even shanghai, but rarely beyond; while in formosa and amoy tropical forms predominate. such decidedly northern forms as bullfinches and hawfinches are found at shanghai; hence we may commence the boundary line on the coast between shanghai and ningpo, but inland it probably bends a little southward, and then northward to the mountains and valleys of west {41} china and east thibet in about 32° n. latitude; where, at moupin, a french missionary, père david, made extensive collections showing this district to be at the junction of the tropical and temperate faunas. japan, as a whole, is decidedly palæarctic, although its extreme southern portion, owing to its mild insular climate and evergreen vegetation, gives shelter to a number of tropical forms. _characteristic features of the palæarctic region._--having thus demonstrated the unity of the palæarctic region by tracing out the distribution of a large proportion of its mammalia and birds, it only remains to show how far it is characterised by peculiar groups such as genera and families, and to say a few words on the lower forms of life which prevail in it. taking first the mammalia, we find this region distinguished by possessing two peculiar genera of talpidæ or moles, the family being confined to the palæarctic and nearctic regions. the true hedgehogs (erinaceus) are also characteristic, being only found elsewhere in south africa and in the northern part of the oriental region. among carnivora, the racoon-dog (nyctereutes) of north-eastern asia, and the true badgers of the genus meles are peculiar, most other parts of the world possessing distinct genera of badgers. it has six peculiar genera, or subgenera, of deer; seven peculiar genera of bovidæ, chiefly antelopes; while the entire group of goats and sheep, comprising twenty-two species, is almost confined to it, one species only occurring in the rocky mountains of north america and another in the nilgiris of southern india. among the rodents there are nine genera with twenty-seven species wholly confined to it, while several others, as the hamsters, the dormice, and the pikas, have only a few species elsewhere. in birds there are a large number of peculiar genera of which we need mention only a few of the more important, as the grass-hopper warblers (locustella) with seven species, the accentors with twelve species, and about a dozen other genera of warblers, including the robins; the bearded titmouse and several allied genera; the long-tailed titmice forming the genus acredula; the magpies, choughs, and nut-crackers; a host of finches, among which the bullfinches (pyrrhula) and the buntings (emberiza) are the {42} most important. the true pheasants (phasianus) are wholly palæarctic, except one species in formosa, as are several genera of wading birds. though the reptiles of cold countries are few as compared with those of the tropics, the palæarctic region in its warmer portions has a considerable number, and among these are many which are peculiar to it. such are four genera of snakes, seven of lizards, five of frogs and toads, and twelve of newts and salamanders; while of fresh-water fishes there are about twenty peculiar genera.[7] among insects we may mention the elegant apollo butterflies of the alps as forming a peculiar genus (parnassius), only found elsewhere in the rocky mountains of north america, while the beautiful genus thais of the south of europe and sericinus of north china are equally remarkable. among other insects we can only now refer to the great family of carabidæ, or predaceous ground-beetles, which are immensely numerous in this region, there being about fifty peculiar genera; while the large and handsome genus carabus, with its allies procerus and procrustes, containing nearly 300 species, is almost wholly confined to this region, and would alone serve to distinguish it zoologically from all other parts of the globe. {43} having given so full an exposition of the facts which determine the extent and boundaries of the palæarctic region, there is less need of entering into much detail as regards the other regions of the eastern hemisphere; their boundaries being easily defined, while their forms of animal life are well marked and strongly contrasted. _definition and characteristic groups of the ethiopian region._--the ethiopian region consists of all tropical and south africa, to which are appended the large island of madagascar and the mascarene islands to the east and north of it, though these differ materially from the continent, and will have to be discussed in a separate chapter. for the present, then, we will take africa south of the tropic of cancer, and consider how far its animals are distinct from those of the palæarctic region. taking first the mammalia, we find the following remarkable animals at once separating it from the palæarctic and every other region. the gorilla and chimpanzee, the baboons, numerous lemurs, the spotted hyæna, the aard-wolf and hyæna-dog, zebras, the hippopotamus, giraffe, and more than seventy peculiar antelopes. here we have a wonderful collection of large and peculiar quadrupeds, but the ethiopian region is also characterised by the absence of others which are not only abundant in the palæarctic region but in many tropical regions as well. the most remarkable of these deficiencies are the bears the deer and the wild oxen, all of which abound in the tropical parts of asia while bears and deer extend into both north and south america. besides the large and conspicuous animals mentioned above, africa possesses a number of completely isolated groups; such are the potamogale, a curious otter-like water-shrew, discovered by du chaillu in west africa, so distinct as to constitute a new family, potamogalidæ; the goldenmoles, also forming a peculiar family, chrysochloridæ; as do the elephant-shrews, macroscelididæ; the singular aard-varks, or earth-pigs, forming a peculiar family of edentata called orycteropodidæ; while there are numerous peculiar genera of monkeys, swine, civets, and rodents. among birds the most conspicuous and remarkable are, the great-billed vulture-crows (corvultur), the long-tailed {44} whydah finches (vidua), the curious ox-peckers (buphaga), the splendid metallic starlings (lamprocolius), the handsome plantain-eaters (musophaga), the ground-hornbills (bucorvus), the numerous guinea-fowls belonging to four distinct genera, the serpent-eating secretary-bird (serpentarius), the huge boat-billed heron (balæniceps), and the true ostriches. there are also three quite peculiar african families, the musophagidæ or plantain-eaters, including the elegant crested touracos; the curious little finch-like colies (coliidæ), and the irrisoridæ, insect-eating birds allied to the hoopoes but with glossy metallic plumage and arboreal habits. in reptiles, fishes, insects, and land-shells, africa is very rich, and possesses an immense number of peculiar forms. these are not sufficiently familiar to require notice in a work of this character, but we may mention a few as mere illustrations: the puff-adders, the most hideous of poisonous snakes; the chameleons, the most remarkable of lizards; the goliath-beetles, the largest and handsomest of the cetoniidæ; and some of the achatinæ, which are the largest of all known land-shells. _definition and characteristic groups of the oriental region._--the oriental region comprises all asia south of the palæarctic limits, and along with this the malay islands as far as the philippines, borneo, and java. it was called the indian region by mr. sclater, but this term has been objected to because the indo-chinese and malayan districts are the richest and most characteristic, while the peninsula of india is the poorest portion of it. the name "oriental" has therefore been adopted in my work on _the geographical distribution of animals_ as preferable to either malayan or indo-australian, both of which have been proposed, but are objectionable, as being already in use in a different sense. the great features of the mammals of the oriental region are, the long-armed apes, the orang-utans, the tiger, the sun-bears and honey-bears, the tapir, the chevrotains or mouse-deer, and the indian elephant. its most conspicuous birds are the immense number and variety of babbling-thrushes (timaliidæ), its beautiful little hill-tits (liotrichidæ), its green bulbuls (phyllornithidæ), its many varieties {45} of the crow-family, its beautiful gapers and pittas adorned with the most delicate colours, its great variety of hornbills, and its magnificent phasianidæ, comprising the peacocks, argus-pheasants, fire-backed pheasants, and jungle-fowl. many of these are, it is true, absent from the peninsula of hindostan, but sufficient remain there to ally it with the other parts of the region. among the remarkable but less conspicuous forms of mammalia which are peculiar to this region are, monkeys of the genus presbyter, extending to every part of it; lemurs of three peculiar genera--nycticebus and loris (slow lemurs) and tarsius (spectre lemurs); the flying lemur (galeopithecus), now classed as a peculiar family of insectivora and found only in the malay islands; the family of the tupaias, or squirrel-shrews, curious little arboreal insectivora somewhat resembling squirrels; no less than twelve peculiar genera of the civet family, three peculiar antelopes, five species of rhinoceros, and the round-tailed flying squirrels forming the genus pteromys. of the peculiar groups of birds we can only mention a few. the curious little tailor-birds of the genus orthotomus are found over the whole region and almost alone serve to characterise it, as do the fine laughing-thrushes, forming the genus garrulax; while the beautiful grass-green fruit-thrushes (phyllornis), and the brilliant little minivets (pericrocotus), are almost equally universal. woodpeckers are abundant, belonging to a dozen peculiar genera; while gaudy barbets and strange forms of cuckoos and hornbills are also to be met with everywhere. among game birds, the only genus that is universally distributed, and which may be said to characterise the region, is gallus, comprising the true jungle-fowl, one of which, gallus bankiva, is found from the himalayas and central india to malacca, java, and even eastward to timor, and is the undoubted origin of almost all our domestic poultry. southern india and ceylon each possesses distinct species of jungle-fowl, and a third very handsome green bird (gallus æneus inhabits java.) reptiles are as abundant as in africa, but they present no well-known groups which can be considered as specially characteristic. among insects we may notice the {46} magnificent golden and green papilionidæ of various genera as being unequalled in the world; while the great atlas moth is probably the most gigantic of lepidoptera, being sometimes ten inches across the wings, which are also very broad. among the beetles the strange flat-bodied malayan mormolyce is the largest of all the carabidæ, while the catoxantha is equally a giant among the buprestidæ. on the whole, the insects of this region probably surpass those of any other part of the world, except south america, in size, variety, and beauty. _definition and characteristic groups of the australian region._--the australian region is so well marked off from the oriental, as well as from all other parts of the world, by zoological peculiarities, that we need not take up much time in describing it, especially as some of its component islands will come under review at a subsequent stage of our work. its most important portions are australia and new guinea, but it also includes all the malayan and pacific islands to the east of borneo, java, and bali, the oriental region terminating with the submarine bank on which those islands are situated. the island of celebes is included in this region from a balance of considerations, but it almost equally well belongs to the oriental, and must be left out of the account in our general sketch of the zoological features of the australian region. the great feature of the australian region is the almost total absence of all the forms of terrestrial mammalia which abound in the rest of the world, their place being supplied by a great variety of marsupials. in australia and new guinea there are no insectivora, carnivora, nor ungulata, while even the rodents are only represented by a few small rats and mice. in the remoter pacific islands mammals are altogether absent (except perhaps in new zealand), but in the moluccas and other islands bordering on the oriental region the higher mammals are represented by a few deer, civets, and pigs, though it is doubtful whether the two former may not have been introduced by man, as was almost certainly the case with the semi-domesticated dingo of australia.[8] these peculiarities in the mammalia {47} are so great that every naturalist agrees that australia must be made a separate region, the only difference of opinion being as to its extent, some thinking that new zealand should form another separate region; but this question need not now delay us. in birds australia is by no means so isolated from the rest of the world, as it contains great numbers of warblers, thrushes, flycatchers, shrikes, crows, and other familiar types of the eastern hemisphere; yet a considerable number of the most characteristic oriental families are absent. thus there are no vultures, woodpeckers, pheasants, bulbuls, or barbets in the australian region; and the absence of these is almost as marked a feature as that of cats, deer, or monkeys, among mammalia. the most conspicuous and characteristic birds of the australian region are, the piping crows; the honey-suckers (meliphagidæ), a family quite peculiar to the region; the lyre-birds; the great terrestrial kingfishers (dacelo); the great goat-suckers called more-porks in australia and forming the genus podargus; the wonderful abundance of parrots, including such remarkable forms as the white and black cockatoos, and the gorgeously coloured brush-tongued lories; the almost equal abundance of fine pigeons more gaily coloured than any others on the globe; the strange brush-turkeys and mound-builders, the only birds that {48} never sit upon their eggs, but allow them to be hatched, reptile-like, by the heat of the sand or of fermenting vegetable matter; and lastly, the emus and cassowaries, in which the wings are far more rudimentary than in the ostriches of africa and south america. new guinea and the surrounding islands are remarkable for their tree-kangaroos, their birds-of-paradise, their raquet-tailed kingfishers, their great crown-pigeons, their crimson lories, and many other remarkable birds. this brief outline being sufficient to show the distinctness and isolation of the australian region, we will now pass to the consideration of the western hemisphere. _definition and characteristic groups of the nearctic region._--the nearctic region comprises all temperate and arctic north america, including greenland, the only doubt being as to its southern boundary, many northern types penetrating into the tropical zone by means of the highlands and volcanic peaks of mexico and guatemala, while a few which are characteristic of the tropics extend northward into texas and california. there is, however, considerable evidence showing that on the east coast the rio grande del norte, and on the west a point nearly opposite cape st. lucas, form the most natural boundary; but instead of being drawn straight across, the line bends to the south-east as soon as it rises on the flanks of the table-land, forming a deep loop which extends some distance beyond the city of mexico, and perhaps ought to be continued along the higher ridges of guatemala. the nearctic region is so similar to the palæarctic in position and climate, and the two so closely approach each other at behring straits, that we cannot wonder at there being a certain amount of similarity between them--a similarity which some naturalists have so far over-estimated as to think that the two regions ought to be united. let us therefore carefully examine the special zoological features of this region, and see how far it resembles, and how far differs from, the palæarctic. at first sight the mammalia of north america do not seem to differ much from those of europe or northern asia. there are cats, lynxes, wolves and foxes, weasels, bears, elk and deer, voles, beavers, squirrels, marmots, and {49} hares, all very similar to those of the eastern hemisphere, and several hardly distinguishable. even the bison or "buffalo" of the prairies, once so abundant and characteristic, is a close ally of the now almost extinct "aurochs" of lithuania. here, then, we undoubtedly find a very close resemblance between the two regions, and if this were all, we should have great difficulty in separating them. but along with these, we find another set of mammals, not quite so conspicuous but nevertheless very important. we have first, three peculiar genera of moles, one of which, the star-nosed mole, is a most extraordinary creature, quite unlike anything else. then there are three genera of the weasel family, including the well-known skunk (mephitis), all quite different from eastern forms. then we come to a peculiar family of carnivora, the racoons, very distinct from anything in europe or asia; and in the rocky mountains we find the prong-horn antelope (antilocapra) and the mountain goat of the trappers (aplocerus), both peculiar genera. coming to the rodents we find that the mice of america differ in some dental peculiarities from those of the rest of the world, and thus form several distinct genera; the jumping mouse (xapus) is a peculiar form of the jerboa family, and then we come to the pouched rats (geomyidæ), a very curious family consisting of four genera and nineteen species, peculiar to north america, though not confined to the nearctic region. the prairie dogs (cynomys), the tree porcupine (erethizon), the curious sewellel (haploodon), and the opossum (didelphys) complete the list of peculiar mammalia which distinguish the northern region of the new world from that of the old. we must add to these peculiarities some remarkable deficiencies. the nearctic region has no hedgehogs, nor wild pigs, nor dormice, and only one wild sheep in the rocky mountains as against twenty species of sheep and goats in the palæarctic region. in birds also the similarities to our own familiar songsters first strike us, though the differences are perhaps really greater than in the quadrupeds. we see thrushes and wrens, tits and finches, and what seem to be warblers and flycatchers and starlings in abundance; but a closer examination shows the ornithologist that what he took for the {50} latter are really quite distinct, and that there is not a single true flycatcher of the family muscicapidæ, or a single starling of the family sturnidæ in the whole continent, while there are very few true warblers (sylviidæ), their place being taken by the quite distinct families mniotiltidæ or wood-warblers, and vireonidæ or greenlets. in like manner the flycatchers of america belong to the totally distinct family of tyrant-birds, tyrannidæ, and those that look like starlings to the hang-nests, icteridæ; and these four peculiar families comprise about a hundred and twenty species, and give a special character to the ornithology of the country. add to these such peculiar birds as the mocking thrushes (mimus), the blue jays (cyanocitta), the tanagers, the peculiar genera of cuckoos (coccygus and crotophaga), the humming-birds, the wild turkeys (meleagris), and the turkey-buzzards (cathartes), and we see that if there is any doubt as to the mammals of north america being sufficiently distinct to justify the creation of a separate region, the evidence of the birds would alone settle the question. the reptiles, and some others of the lower animals, add still more to this weight of evidence. the true rattlesnakes are highly characteristic, and among the lizards are several genera of the peculiar american family, the iguanidæ. nowhere in the world are the tailed batrachians so largely developed as in this region, the sirens and the amphiumidæ forming two peculiar families, while there are nine peculiar genera of salamanders, and two others allied respectively to the proteus of europe and the sieboldia or giant salamander of japan. there are seven peculiar families and about thirty peculiar genera of fresh-water fishes; while the fresh-water molluscs are more numerous than in any other region, more than thirteen hundred species and varieties having been described. combining the evidence derived from all these classes of animals, we find the nearctic region to be exceedingly well characterised, and to be amply distinct from the palæarctic. the few species that are common to the two are almost all arctic, or, at least, northern types, and may be compared with those desert forms which occupy the debatable ground between the palæarctic, ethiopian, and oriental regions. {51} if, however, we compare the number of species, which are common to the nearctic and palæarctic regions with the number common to the western and eastern extremities of the latter region, we shall find a wonderful difference between the two cases; and if we further call to mind the number of important groups characteristic of the one region but absent from the other, we shall be obliged to admit that the relation that undoubtedly exists between the faunas of north america and europe is of a very distinct nature from that which connects together western europe and north-eastern asia in the bonds of zoological unity. _definition and characteristic groups of the neotropical region._--the neotropical region requires very little definition, since it comprises the whole of america south of the nearctic region, with the addition of the antilles or west indian islands. its zoological peculiarities are almost as marked as those of australia, which, however, it far exceeds in the extreme richness and variety of all its forms of life. to show how distinct it is from all the other regions of the globe, we need only enumerate some of the best known and more conspicuous of the animal forms which are peculiar to it. such are, among mammalia--the prehensile-tailed monkeys and the marmosets, the blood-sucking bats, the coati-mundis, the peccaries, the llamas and alpacas, the chinchillas, the agoutis, the sloths, the armadillos, and the ant-eaters; a series of types more varied, and more distinct from those of the rest of the world than any other continent can boast of. among birds we have the charming sugar-birds, forming the family coerebidæ; the immense and wonderfully varied group of tanagers; the exquisite little manakins, and the gorgeously-coloured chatterers; the host of tree-creepers of the family dendrocolaptidæ; the wonderful toucans; the puff-birds, jacamars, todies and motmots; the marvellous assemblage of four hundred distinct kinds of humming-birds; the gorgeous macaws; the curassows, the trumpeters, and the sun-bitterns. here again there is no other continent or region that can produce such an assemblage of remarkable and perfectly distinct groups of birds; and no less wonderful is its richness in species, since these fully equal, if they do not surpass, those of the {52} two great tropical regions of the eastern hemisphere (the ethiopian and the oriental) combined. as an additional indication of the distinctness and isolation of the neotropical region from all others, and especially from the whole eastern hemisphere, we must say something of the otherwise widely distributed groups which are absent. among mammalia we have first the order insectivora, entirely absent from south america, though a few species are found in central america and the west indies; the viverridæ or civet family is wholly wanting, as are every form of sheep, oxen, or antelopes; while the swine, the elephants, and the rhinoceroses of the old world are represented by the diminutive peccaries and tapirs. among birds we have to notice the absence of tits, true flycatchers, shrikes, sunbirds, starlings, larks (except a solitary species in the andes), rollers, bee-eaters, and pheasants, while warblers are very scarce, and the almost cosmopolitan wagtails are represented by a single species of pipit. we must also notice the preponderance of low or archaic types among the animals of south america. edentates, marsupials, and rodents form the majority of the terrestrial mammalia; while such higher groups as the carnivora and hoofed animals are exceedingly deficient. among birds a low type of passeres, characterised by the absence of the singing muscles, is excessively prevalent, the enormous groups of the ant-thrushes, tyrants, tree-creepers, manakins, and chatterers belonging to it. the picariæ (a lower group) also prevail to a far greater extent than in any other regions, both in variety of forms and number of species; and the chief representatives of the gallinaceous birds--the curassows and tinamous, are believed to be allied, the former to the brush-turkeys of australia, the latter (very remotely) to the ostriches, two of the least developed types of birds. whether, therefore, we consider its richness in peculiar forms of animal life, its enormous variety of species, its numerous deficiencies as compared with other parts of the world, or the prevalence of a low type of organisation among its higher animals, the neotropical region stands out as undoubtedly the most remarkable of the great zoological divisions of the earth. in reptiles, amphibia, fresh-water fishes, and insects, {53} this region is equally peculiar, but we need not refer to these here, our only object now being to establish by a sufficient number of well-known and easily remembered examples, the distinctness of each region from all others, and its unity as a whole. the former has now been sufficiently demonstrated, but it may be well to say a few words as to the latter point. the only outlying portions of the region about which there can be any doubt are--central america, or that part of the region north of the isthmus of panama, the antilles or west indian islands, and the temperate portion of south america including chili and patagonia. in central america, and especially in mexico, we have an intermixture of south american and north american animals, but the former undoubtedly predominate, and a large proportion of the peculiar neotropical groups extend as far as costa rica. even in guatemala and mexico we have howling and spider-monkeys, coati-mundis, tapirs, and armadillos; while chatterers, manakins, ant-thrushes, and other peculiarly neotropical groups of birds are abundant. there is therefore no doubt as to mexico forming part of this region, although it is comparatively poor, and exhibits the intermingling of temperate and tropical forms. the west indies are less clearly neotropical, their poverty in mammals as well as in most other groups being extreme, while great numbers of north american birds migrate there in winter. the resident birds, however, comprise trogons, sugar-birds, chatterers, with many humming-birds and parrots, representing eighteen peculiar neotropical genera; a fact which decides the region to which the islands belong. south temperate america is also very poor as compared with the tropical parts of the region, and its insects contain a considerable proportion of north temperate forms. but it contains armadillos, cavies and opossums; and its birds all belong to american groups, though, owing to the inferior climate and deficiency of forests, a number of the families of birds peculiar to tropical america are wanting. thus there are no manakins, chatterers, toucans, trogons, or motmots; but there are abundance of hang-nests, tyrant-birds, ant-thrushes, tree-creepers, and a fair {54} proportion of humming-birds, tanagers and parrots. the zoology is therefore thoroughly neotropical, although somewhat poor; and it has a number of peculiar forms of strictly neotropical types--as the chinchillas, alpacas, &c., which are not found in the tropical regions except in the high andes. _comparison of zoological regions with the geographical divisions of the globe._--having now completed our survey of the great zoological regions of the globe, we find that they do not differ so much from the old geographical divisions as our first example might have led us to suppose. europe, asia, africa, australia, north america, and south america, really correspond, each to a zoological region, but their boundaries require to be modified more or less considerably; and if we remember this, and keep their extensions or limitations always in our mind, we may use the terms "south american" or "north american," as being equivalent to neotropical and nearctic, without much inconvenience, while "african" and "australian" equally well serve to express the zoological type of the ethiopian and australian regions. europe and asia require more important modifications. the european fauna does indeed well represent the palæarctic in all its main features, and if instead of asia we say tropical asia we have the oriental region very fairly defined; so that the relation of the geographical with the zoological primary divisions of the earth is sufficiently clear. in order to make these relations visible to the eye and more easily remembered, we will put them into a tabular form: regions. geographical equivalent. palæarctic europe, with north temperate africa and asia. ethiopian africa (south of the sahara) with madagascar. oriental tropical asia, to philippines and java. australian australia, with pacific islands, moluccas, &c. nearctic north america, to north mexico. neotropical south america, with tropical n. america and w. indies. the following arrangement of the regions will indicate their geographical position, and to a considerable extent their relation to each other. n e a r c t i c--p a l æ a r c t i c | | | | | oriental | ethiopian | neo | tropical australian may 4th. diameter of spot 31° 24' june 4th. ,, ,, 28° 0' ,, 17th. ,, ,, 22° 54' july 4th. ,, ,, 18° 24' ,, 12th. ,, ,, 15° 20' ,, 20th. ,, ,, 18° 0' we thus see that mars has two permanent snow-caps, of nearly equal size in winter but diminishing very unequally {55} in summer, when the southern cap is reduced to nearly one third the size of the northern; and this fact is held by mr. carpenter, as it was by the late mr. belt, to be opposed to the view of the hemisphere which has winter in _aphelion_ (as the southern now has both in the earth and mars), having been alone glaciated during periods of high excentricity.[9] before, however, we can draw any conclusion from the case of mars, we must carefully scrutinise the facts, and the conditions they imply. in the first place, there is evidently this radical difference between the state of mars now and of the earth during a glacial period--that mars has no great ice-sheets spreading over its temperate zone, as the earth undoubtedly had. this we know from the fact of the _rapid_ disappearance of the white patches over a belt three degrees wide in a fortnight (equal to a width of about 100 miles of our measure), and in the northern hemisphere of eight degrees wide (about 280 miles) between may 4th and july 12th. even with our much more powerful sun, which gives us more than twice as much heat as mars receives, no such diminution of an ice-sheet, or of glaciers of even moderate thickness, could possibly occur; but the phenomenon is on the contrary exactly analogous to what actually takes place on the plains of siberia in summer. these, as i am informed by mr. seebohm, are covered with snow during winter and spring to a depth of six or eight feet, which diminishes very little even under the hot suns of may, till warm winds combine with the sun in june, when in about a fortnight the whole of it disappears, and a little later the whole of northern asia is free from its winter covering. as, however, the sun of mars is so much less powerful than ours, we may be {56} sure that the snow (if it is real snow) is much less thick--a mere surface-coating in fact, such as occurs in parts of russia where the precipitation is less, and the snow accordingly does not exceed two or three feet in thickness. we now see the reason why the _southern_ pole of mars parts with its white covering so much more quickly and to so much greater an extent than the _northern_, for the south pole during summer is nearest the sun, and, owing to the great excentricity of mars, would have about one-third more heat than during the summer of the northern hemisphere; and this greater heat would cause the winds from the equator to be both warmer and more powerful, and able to produce the same effects on the scanty martian snows as they produce on our northern snow-plains. the reason why both poles of mars are almost equally snow-covered in winter is not difficult to understand. owing to the greater obliquity of the ecliptic, and the much greater length of the year, the polar regions will be subject to winter darkness fully twice as long as with us, and the fact that one pole is nearer the sun during this period than the other at a corresponding period, will therefore make no perceptible difference. it is also probable that the two poles of mars are approximately alike as regards their geographical features, and that neither of them is surrounded by very high land on which ice may accumulate. with us at the present time, on the other hand, geographical conditions completely mask and even reverse the influence of excentricity, and that of winter in _perihelion_ in the northern, and summer in _perihelion_ in the southern, hemisphere. in the north we have a preponderance of sea within the arctic circle, and of lowlands in the temperate zone. in the south exactly opposite conditions prevail, for there we have a preponderance of land (and much of it high land) within the antarctic circle, and of sea in the temperate zone. ice, therefore, accumulates in the south, while a thin coating of snow, easily melted in summer, is the prevalent feature in the north; and these contrasts react upon climate to such an extent, that in the southern ocean, islands in the latitude of ireland have glaciers descending to the level of the sea, and constant snowstorms {57} in the height of summer, although the sun is then actually nearer the earth than it is during our northern summer! it is evident, therefore, that the phenomena presented by the varying polar snows of mars are in no way opposed to that modification of dr. croll's theory of the conditions which brought about the glacial epochs of our northern hemisphere, which is here advocated; but are perfectly explicable on the same general principles, if we keep in mind the distinction between an ice-sheet--which a summer's sun cannot materially diminish, but may even increase by bringing vapour to be condensed into snow--and a thin snowy covering which may be annually melted and annually renewed, with great rapidity and over large areas. except within the small circles of perpetual polar snow there can at the present time be no ice-sheets in mars; and the reason why this permanent snowy area is more extensive around the northern than around the southern pole may be partly due to higher land at the north, but is perhaps sufficiently explained by the diminished power of the summer sun, owing to its greatly increased distance at that season in the northern hemisphere, so that it is not able to melt so much of the snow which has accumulated during the long night of winter. * * * * * {58} chapter ix ancient glacial epochs, and mild climates in the arctic regions dr. croll's views on ancient glacial epochs--effects of denudation in destroying the evidence of remote glacial epochs--rise of sea-level connected with glacial epochs a cause of further denudation--what evidence of early glacial epochs may be expected--evidences of ice-action during the tertiary period--the weight of the negative evidence--temperate climates in the arctic regions--the miocene arctic flora--mild arctic climates of the cretaceous period--stratigraphical evidence of long-continued mild arctic conditions--the causes of mild arctic climates--geographical conditions favouring mild northern climates in tertiary times--the indian ocean as a source of heat in tertiary times--condition of north america during the tertiary period--effect of high excentricity on warm polar climates--evidences as to climate in the secondary and palæozoic epochs--warm arctic climates in early secondary and palæozoic times--conclusions as to the climates of secondary and tertiary periods--general view of geological climates as dependent on the physical features of the earth's surface--estimate of the comparative effects of geographical and physical causes in producing changes of climate. if we adopt the view set forth in the preceding chapter as to the character of the glacial epoch and of the accompanying alternations of climate, it must have been a very important agent in producing changes in the distribution of animal and vegetable life. the intervening mild periods, which almost certainly occurred during its earlier and later phases, may have been sometimes more equable than even our present insular climate, and severe frosts were probably then unknown. during the four or five {59} thousand years that each specially mild period may have lasted, some portions of the north temperate zone, which had been buried in snow or ice, would become again clothed with vegetation and stocked with animal life, both of which, as the cold again came on, would be driven southward, or perhaps partially exterminated. forms usually separated would thus be crowded together, and a struggle for existence would follow, which must have led to the modification or the extinction of many species. when the survivors in the struggle had reached a state of equilibrium, a fresh field would be opened to them by the later ameliorations of climate; the more successful of the survivors would spread and multiply; and after this had gone on for thousands of generations, another change of climate, another southward migration, another struggle of northern and southern forms would take place. but if the last glacial epoch has coincided with, and has been to a considerable extent caused by, a high excentricity of the earth's orbit, we are naturally led to expect that earlier glacial epochs would have occurred whenever the excentricity was unusually large. dr. croll has published tables showing the varying amounts of excentricity for three million years back; and from these it appears that there have been many periods of high excentricity, which has often been far greater than at the time of the last glacial epoch.[10] the accompanying diagram has been drawn from these tables, and it will be seen that the highest excentricity occurred 850,000 years ago, at which time the difference between the sun's distance at _aphelion_ and _perihelion_ was thirteen and a half millions of miles, whereas during the last glacial period the maximum difference was ten and a half million miles. [illustration: diagram showing the changes of excentricity during the last three million years.] now, judging by the amount of organic and physical change that occurred during and since the glacial epoch, and that which has occurred since the miocene period, it is considered probable that this maximum of excentricity coincided with some part of the latter period; and dr. croll maintains that a glacial epoch must then have {60} occurred surpassing in severity that of which we have such convincing proofs, and consisting like it of alternations of cold and warm phases every 10,500 years. the diagram also shows us another long-continued period of high excentricity from 1,750,000 to 1,950,000 years ago, and yet another almost equal to the maximum 2,500,000 years back. these may perhaps have occurred during the eocene and cretaceous epochs respectively, or all may have been included within the limits of the tertiary period. as two of these high excentricities greatly exceed that which caused our glacial epoch, while the third is almost equal to it and of longer duration, they seem to afford us the means of testing rival theories of the causes of glaciation. if, as dr. croll argues, high excentricity is the great and dominating agency in bringing on glacial epochs, geographical changes being subordinate, then there must have been glacial epochs of great severity at all these three periods; while if he is also correct in supposing that the alternate phases of precession would inevitably produce glaciation in one hemisphere, and a proportionately mild and equable climate in the opposite hemisphere, then we should have to look for evidence of exceptionally warm and exceptionally cold periods, occurring {61} alternately and with several repetitions, within a space of time which, geologically speaking, is very short indeed. let us then inquire first into the character of the evidence we should expect to find of such changes of climate, if they have occurred; we shall then be in a better position to estimate at its proper value the evidence that actually exists, and, after giving it due weight, to arrive at some conclusion as to the theory that best explains and harmonises it. _effects of denudation in destroying the evidence of remote glacial epochs._--it may be supposed, that if earlier glacial epochs than the last did really occur, we ought to meet with some evidence of the fact corresponding to that which has satisfied us of the extensive recent glaciation of the northern hemisphere; but dr. croll and other writers have ably argued that no such evidence is likely to be found. it is now generally admitted that sub-aërial denudation is a much more powerful agent in lowering and modifying the surface of a country than was formerly supposed. it has in fact been proved to be so powerful that the difficulty now felt is, not to account for the denudation which can be proved to have occurred, but to explain the apparent persistence of superficial features which ought long ago to have been destroyed. a proof of the lowering and eating away of the land-surface which every one can understand, is to be found in the quantity of solid matter carried down to the sea and to low grounds by rivers. this is capable of pretty accurate measurement, and it has been carefully measured for several rivers, large and small, in different parts of the world. the details of these measurements will be given in a future chapter, and it is only necessary here to state that the average of them all gives us this result--that one foot must, on an average, be taken off the entire surface of the land each 3,000 years in order to produce the amount of sediment and matter in solution which is actually carried into the sea. to give an idea of the limits of variation in different rivers it may be mentioned that the mississippi is one which denudes its valley at a slow rate, taking 6,000 {62} years to remove one foot; while the po is the most rapid, taking only 729 years to do the same work in its valley. the cause of this difference is very easy to understand. a large part of the area of the mississippi basin consists of the almost rainless prairie and desert regions of the west, while its sources are in comparatively arid mountains with scanty snow-fields, or in a low forest-clad plateau. the po, on the other hand, is wholly in a district of abundant rainfall, while its sources are spread over a great amphitheatre of snowy alps nearly 400 miles in extent, where the denuding forces are at a maximum. as scotland is a mountain region of rather abundant rainfall, the denuding power of its rains and rivers is probably rather above than under the average, but to avoid any possible exaggeration we will take it at a foot in 4,000 years. now if the end of the glacial epoch be taken to coincide with the termination of the last period of high excentricity, which occurred about 80,000 years ago (and no geologist will consider this too long for the changes which have since taken place), it follows that the entire surface of scotland must have been since lowered an average amount of twenty feet. but over large areas of alluvial plains, and wherever the rivers have spread during floods, the ground will have been raised instead of lowered; and on all nearly level ground and gentle slopes there will have been comparatively little denudation; so that proportionally much more must have been taken away from mountain sides and from the bottoms of valleys having a considerable downward slope. one of the very highest authorities on the subject of denudation, mr. archibald geikie, estimates the area of these more rapidly denuded portions as only one-tenth of the comparatively level grounds, and he further estimates that the former will be denuded about ten times as fast as the latter. it follows that the valleys will be deepened and widened on the average about five feet in the 4,000 years instead of one foot; and thus many valleys must have been deepened and widened 100 feet, and some even more, since the glacial epoch, while the more level portions of the country will have been lowered on the average only about two feet. {63} now dr. croll gives us the following account of the present aspect of the surface of a large part of the country:-"go where one will in the lowlands of scotland and he shall hardly find a single acre whose upper surface bears the marks of being formed by the denuding agents now in operation. he will observe everywhere mounds and hollows which cannot be accounted for by the present agencies at work.... in regard to the general surface of the country the present agencies may be said to be just beginning to carve a new line of features out of the old glacially-formed surface. but so little progress has yet been made, that the kames, gravel-mounds, knolls of boulder clay, &c., still retain in most cases their original form."[11] the facts here seem a little inconsistent, and we must suppose that dr. croll has somewhat exaggerated the universality and complete preservation of the glaciated surface. the amount of average denudation, however, is not a matter of opinion but of measurement; and its consequences can in no way be evaded. they are, moreover, strictly proportionate to the time elapsed; and if so much of the old surface of the country has certainly been remodelled or carried into the sea since the last glacial epoch, it becomes evident that any surface-phenomena produced by still earlier glacial epochs _must_ have long since entirely disappeared. _rise of the sea-level connected with glacial epochs, a cause of further denudation._--there is also another powerful agent that must have assisted in the destruction of any such surface deposits or markings. during the last glacial epoch itself there were several minor oscillations of the land, without counting the great submergence of over 1,300 feet, supposed to be indicated by patches of shelly clays and gravels in wales and ireland, and also in a few localities in england and scotland, since these are otherwise explained by many geologists. other subsidences have no doubt occurred in the same areas during the tertiary epoch, and some writers connect these subsidences with the glacial {64} period itself, the unequal amount of ice at the two poles causing the centre of gravity of the earth to be displaced when, of course, the surface of the ocean will conform to it and appear to rise in the one hemisphere and sink in the other. if this is the case, subsidences of the land are natural concomitants of a glacial period, and will powerfully aid in removing all evidence of its occurrence. we have seen reason to believe, however, that during the height of the glacial epoch the extreme cold persisted through the successive phases of precession, and if so, both polar areas would probably be glaciated at once. this would cause the abstraction of a large quantity of water from the ocean, and a proportionate elevation of the land, which would react on the accumulation of snow and ice, and thus add another to that wonderful series of physical agents which act and react on each other so as to intensify glacial epochs. but whether or not these causes would produce any important fluctuations of the sea-level is of comparatively little importance to our present inquiry, because the wide extent of marine tertiary deposits in the northern hemisphere and their occurrence at considerable elevations above the present sea-level, afford the most conclusive proofs that great changes of sea and land have occurred throughout the entire tertiary period; and these repeated submergences and emergences of the land combined with sub-aërial and marine denudation, would undoubtedly destroy all those superficial evidences of ice-action on which we mainly depend for proofs of the occurrence of the last glacial epoch. _what evidence of early glacial epochs may be expected._--although we may admit the force of the preceding argument as to the extreme improbability of our finding any clear evidence of the superficial action of ice during remote glacial epochs, there is nevertheless one kind of evidence that we ought to find, because it is both wide-spread and practically indestructible. one of the most constant of all the phenomena of a glaciated country is the abundance of icebergs produced by the breaking off of the ends of glaciers which terminate {65} in arms of the sea, or of the terminal face of the ice-sheet which passes beyond the land into the ocean. in both these cases abundance of rocks and _débris_, such as form the terminal moraines of glaciers on land, are carried out to sea and deposited over the sea-bottom of the area occupied by icebergs. in the case of an ice-sheet it is almost certain that much of the ground-moraine, consisting of mud and imbedded stones, similar to that which forms the "till" when deposited on land, will be carried out to sea with the ice and form a deposit of marine "till" near the shore. it has indeed been objected that when an ice-sheet covered an entire country there would be no moraines, and that rocks or _débris_ are very rarely seen on icebergs. but during every glacial epoch there will be a southern limit to the glaciated area, and everywhere near this limit the mountain-tops will rise far above the ice and deposit on it great masses of _débris_; and as the ice-sheet spreads, and again as it passes away, this moraine-forming area will successively occupy the whole country. but even such an ice-clad country as greenland is now known to have protruding peaks and rocky masses which give rise to moraines on its surface;[12] and, as rocks from cumberland and ireland were carried by the ice-sheet to the isle of man, there must have been a very long period during which the ice-sheets of britain and ireland terminated in the ocean and sent off abundance of rock-laden bergs into the surrounding seas; and the same thing must have occurred along all the coasts of northern europe and eastern america. we cannot therefore doubt that throughout the greater part of the duration of a glacial epoch the seas adjacent to the glaciated countries would receive continual deposits of large rocks, rock-fragments, and gravel, similar to the material of modern and ancient moraines, and analogous to the drift and the numerous travelled blocks which the ice has undoubtedly scattered broadcast over every glaciated country; and these rocks and boulders would be imbedded in whatever deposits were then forming, either from the matter carried down by rivers or from the mud ground off {66} the rocks and carried out to sea by the glaciers themselves. moreover, as icebergs float far beyond the limits of the countries which gave them birth, these ice-borne materials would be largely imbedded in deposits forming from the denudation of countries which had never been glaciated, or from which the ice had already disappeared. but if every period of high excentricity produced a glacial epoch of greater or less extent and severity, then, on account of the frequent occurrence of a high phase of excentricity during the three million years for which we have the tables, these boulder and rock-strewn deposits would be both numerous and extensive. four hundred thousand years ago the excentricity was almost exactly the same as it is now, and it continually increased from that time up to the glacial epoch. now if we take double the present excentricity as being sufficient to produce some glaciation in the temperate zone, we find (by drawing out the diagram at p. 171 on a larger scale) that during 1,150,000 years out of the 2,400,000 years immediately preceding the last glacial epoch, the excentricity reached or exceeded this amount, consisting of sixteen separate epochs, divided from each other by periods varying from 30,000 to 200,000 years. but if the last glacial epoch was at its maximum 200,000 years ago, a space of three million years will certainly include much, if not all, of the tertiary period; and even if it does not, we have no reason to suppose that the character of the excentricity would suddenly change beyond the three million years. it follows, therefore, that if periods of high excentricity, like that which appears to have been synchronous with our last glacial epoch and is generally admitted to have been one of its efficient causes, always produced glacial epochs (with or without alternating warm periods), then the whole of the tertiary deposits in the north temperate and arctic zones should exhibit frequent alternations of boulder and rock-bearing beds, or coarse rock-strewn gravels analogous to our existing glacial drift, and with some corresponding change of organic remains. let us then see what evidence can be adduced of the existence of such deposits, and whether it is adequate to support the {67} theory of repeated glacial epochs during the tertiary period. _evidences of ice-action during the tertiary period._--the tertiary fossils both of europe and north america indicate throughout warm or temperate climates, except those of the more recent pliocene deposits which merge into the earlier glacial beds. the miocene deposits of central and southern europe, for example, contain marine shells of some genera now only found farther south, while the fossil plants often resemble those of madeira and the southern states of north america. large reptiles, too, abounded, and man-like apes lived in the south of france and in germany. yet in northern italy, near turin, there are beds of sandstone and conglomerate full of characteristic miocene shells, but containing in an intercalated deposit angular blocks of serpentine and greenstone often of enormous size, one being fourteen feet long, and another twenty-six feet. some of the blocks were observed by sir charles lyell to be faintly striated and partly polished on one side, and they are scattered through the beds for a thickness of nearly 150 feet. it is interesting that the particular bed in which the blocks occur yields no organic remains, though these are plentiful both in the underlying and overlying beds, as if the cold of the icebergs, combined with the turbidity produced by the glacial mud, had driven away the organisms adapted to live only in a comparatively warm sea. rock similar in kind to these erratics occurs about twenty miles distant in the alps. the eocene period is even more characteristically tropical in its flora and fauna, since palms and cycadaceæ, turtles, snakes, and crocodiles then inhabited england. yet on the north side of the alps, extending from switzerland to vienna, and also south of the alps near genoa, there is a deposit of finely-stratified sandstone several thousand feet in thickness, quite destitute of organic remains, but containing in several places in switzerland enormous blocks either angular or partly rounded, and composed of oolitic limestone or of granite. near the lake of thun some of the granite blocks found in this deposit are of enormous size, one of them being 105 feet long, ninety feet wide, {68} and forty-five feet thick! the granite is red, and of a peculiar kind which cannot be matched anywhere in the alps, or indeed elsewhere. similar erratics have also been found in beds of the same age in the carpathians and in the apennines, indicating probably an extensive inland european sea into which glaciers descended from the surrounding mountains, depositing these erratics, and cooling the water so as to destroy the mollusca and other organisms which had previously inhabited it. it is to be observed that wherever these erratics occur they are always in the vicinity of great mountain ranges; and although these can be proved to have been in great part elevated during the tertiary period, we must also remember that they must have been since very much lowered by denudation, of the amount of which, the enormously thick eocene and miocene beds now forming portions of them is in some degree a measure as well as a proof. it is not therefore at all improbable that during some part of the tertiary period these mountains may have been far higher than they are now, and this we know might be sufficient for the production of glaciers descending to the sea-level, even were the climate of the lowlands somewhat warmer than at present.[13] _the weight of the negative evidence._--but when we proceed to examine the tertiary deposits of other parts of {69} europe, and especially of our own country, for evidence of this kind, not only is such evidence completely wanting, but the facts are of so definite a character as to satisfy most geologists that it can never have existed; and the same maybe said of temperate north america and of the arctic regions generally. in his carefully written paper on "the climate controversy" the late mr. searles v. wood, jun., remarks on this point as follows: "now the eocene formation is complete in england, and is exposed in continuous section along the north coast of the isle of wight from its base to its junction with the oligocene (or lower miocene according to some), and along the northern coast of kent from its base to the lower bagshot sand. it has been intersected by railway and other cuttings in all directions and at all horizons, and pierced by wells innumerable; while from its strata in england, france, and belgium, the most extensive collections of organic remains have been made of any formation yet explored, and from nearly all its horizons, for at one place or another in these three countries nearly every horizon may be said to have yielded fossils of some kind. these fossils, however, whether they be the remains of a flora such as that of sheppey, or of a vertebrate fauna containing the crocodile and alligator, such as is yielded by beds indicative of terrestrial conditions, or of a molluscan assemblage such as is present in marine or fluvio-marine beds of the formation, are of unmistakably tropical or sub-tropical character throughout; and no trace whatever has appeared of the intercalation of a glacial period, much less of successive intercalations indicative of more than one period of 10,500 years' glaciation. nor can it be urged that the glacial epochs of the eocene in england were intervals of dry land, and so have left no evidence of their existence behind them, because a large part of the continuous sequence of eocene deposits in this country consists of alternations of fluviatile, fluvio-marine, and purely marine strata; so that it seems impossible that during the accumulation of the eocene formation in england a glacial period could have occurred without its evidences being {70} abundantly apparent. the oligocene of northern germany and belgium, and the miocene of those countries and of france, have also afforded a rich molluscan fauna, which, like that of the eocene, has as yet presented no indication of the intrusion of anything to interfere with its uniformly sub-tropical character."[14] this is sufficiently striking; but when we consider that this enormous series of deposits, many thousand feet in thickness, consists wholly of alternations of clays, sands, marls, shales, or limestones, with a few beds of pebbles or conglomerate, not one of the whole series containing irregular blocks of foreign material, boulders or gravel, such as we have seen to be the essential characteristic of a glacial epoch; and when we find that this same general character pervades all the extensive tertiary deposits of temperate north america, we shall, i think, be forced to the conclusion that no general glacial epochs could have occurred during their formation. it must be remembered that the "imperfection of the geological record" will not help us here, because the series of tertiary deposits is unusually complete, and we must suppose some destructive agency to have selected all the intercalated glacial beds and to have so completely made away with them that not a fragment remains, while preserving all or almost all the _interglacial_ beds; and to have acted thus capriciously, not in one limited area only, but over the whole northern hemisphere, with the local exceptions on the flanks of great mountain ranges already referred to. _temperate climates in the arctic regions._--as we have just seen, the geological evidence of the persistence of sub-tropical or warm climates in the north temperate zone during the greater part of the tertiary period is almost irresistible, and we have now to consider the still more extraordinary series of observations which demonstrate that this amelioration of climate extended into the arctic zone, and into countries now almost wholly buried in snow and ice. these warm arctic climates have been explained by dr. croll as due to periods of high excentricity with winter in _perihelion_, a theory which implies alternating {71} epochs of glaciation far exceeding what now prevails; and it is therefore necessary to examine the evidence pretty closely in order to see if this view is more tenable in the case of the north polar regions than we have found it to be in that of the north temperate zone. the most recent of these milder climates is perhaps indicated by the abundant remains of large mammalia--such as the mammoth, woolly rhinoceros, bison and horse, in the icy alluvial plains of northern siberia, and especially in the liakhov islands in the same latitude as the north cape of asia. these remains occur not in one or two spots only, as if collected by eddies at the mouth of a river, but along the whole borders of the arctic ocean; and it is generally admitted that the animals must have lived upon the adjacent plains, and that a considerably milder climate than now prevails could alone have enabled them to do so. how long ago this occurred we do not know, but one of the last intercalated mild periods of the glacial epoch itself seems to offer all the necessary conditions. again, sir edward belcher discovered on the dreary shores of wellington channel in 75½° n. lat. the trunk and root of a fir tree which had evidently grown where it was found. it appeared to belong to the species _abies alba_, or white fir, which now reaches 68° n. lat. and is the most northerly conifer known. similar trees, one four feet in circumference and thirty feet long, were found by lieut. mecham in prince patrick's island in lat. 76° 12' n., and other arctic explorers have found remains of trees in high latitudes.[15] similar indications of a recent milder climate are found in spitzbergen. professor nordenskjöld says: "at various places on spitzbergen, at the bottom of lomme bay, at cape thordsen, in blomstrand's strata in advent bay, there are found large and well-developed shells of a bivalve, _mytilus edulis_, which is not now found living on the coast of spitzbergen, though on the west coast of scandinavia it everywhere covers the rocks near the sea-shore. these shells occur most plentifully in the bed of a river which runs through reindeer valley at cape thordsen. they {72} are probably washed out of a thin bed of sand at a height of about twenty or thirty feet above the present sea-level, which is intersected by the river. the geological age of this bed cannot be very great, and it has clearly been formed since the present basin of the ice sound, or at least the greater part of it, has been hollowed out by glacial action."[16] _the miocene arctic flora._--one of the most startling and important of the scientific discoveries of the last forty years has been that of the relics of a luxuriant miocene flora in various parts of the arctic regions. it is a discovery that was totally unexpected, and is even now considered by many men of science to be completely unintelligible; but it is so thoroughly established, and it has such a direct and important bearing on the subjects we are discussing in the present volume, that it is necessary to lay a tolerably complete outline of the facts before our readers. the miocene flora of temperate europe was very like that of eastern asia, japan, and the warmer part of eastern north america of the present day. it is very richly represented in switzerland by well preserved fossil remains, and after a close comparison with the flora of other countries professor heer concludes that the swiss lower miocene flora indicates a climate corresponding to that of louisiana, north africa, and south china, while the upper miocene climate of the same country would correspond to that of the south of spain, southern japan, and georgia (u.s. of america). of this latter flora, found chiefly at oeninghen in the northern extremity of switzerland, 465 species are known, of which 166 species are trees or shrubs, half of them being evergreens. they comprise sequoias like the californian giant trees, camphor-trees, cinnamons, sassafras, bignonias, cassias, gleditschias, tulip-trees, and many other american genera, together with maples, ashes, planes, oaks, poplars, and other familiar european trees represented by a variety of extinct species. if we now go to the west coast of greenland in 70° n. lat. we find abundant remains of a flora of the same general {73} type as that of oeninghen but of a more northern character. we have a sequoia identical with one of the species found at oeninghen, a chestnut, salisburia, liquidambar, sassafras, and even a magnolia. we have also seven species of oaks, two planes, two vines, three beeches, four poplars, two willows, a walnut, a plum, and several shrubs supposed to be evergreens; altogether 137 species, mostly well and abundantly preserved! but even further north, in spitzbergen, in 78° and 79° n. lat. and one of the most barren and inhospitable regions on the globe, an almost equally rich fossil flora has been discovered including several of the greenland species, and others peculiar, but mostly of the same genera. there seem to be no evergreens here except coniferæ, one of which is identical with the swamp-cypress (_taxodium distichum_) now found living in the southern united states! there are also eleven pines, two libocedrus, two sequoias, with oaks, poplars, birches, planes, limes, a hazel, an ash, and a walnut; also water-lilies, pond-weeds, and an iris--altogether about a hundred species of flowering plants. even in grinnell land, within 8¼ degrees of the pole, a similar flora existed, twenty-five species of fossil plants having been collected by the last arctic expedition, of which eighteen were identical with the species from other arctic localities. this flora comprised poplars, birches, hazels, elms, viburnums, and eight species of conifers including the swamp cypress and the norway spruce (_pinus abies_) which last does not now extend beyond 69½° n. fossil plants closely resembling those just mentioned have been found at many other arctic localities, especially in iceland, on the mackenzie river in 65° n. lat. and in alaska. as an intermediate station we have, in the neighbourhood of dantzic in lat. 55° n., a similar flora, with the swamp-cypress, sequoias, oaks, poplars, and some cinnamons, laurels, and figs. a little further south, near breslau, north of the carpathians, a rich flora has been found allied to that of oeninghen, but wanting in some of the more tropical forms. again, in the isle of mull in scotland, in about 56½° n. lat., a plant-bed has been discovered {74} containing a hazel, a plane, and a sequoia, apparently identical with a swiss miocene species. we thus find one well-marked type of vegetation spread from switzerland and vienna to north germany, scotland, iceland, greenland, alaska, and spitzbergen, some few of the species even ranging over the extremes of latitude between oeninghen and spitzbergen, but the great majority being distinct, and exhibiting decided indications of a decrease of temperature according to latitude, though much less in amount than now exists. some writers have thought that the great similarity of the floras of greenland and oeninghen is a proof that they were not contemporaneous, but successive; and that of greenland has been supposed to be as old as the eocene. but the arguments yet adduced do not seem to prove such a difference of age, because there is only that amount of specific and generic diversity between the two which might be produced by distance and difference of temperature, under the exceptionally equable climate of the period. we have even now examples of an equally wide range of well-marked types; as in temperate south america, where many of the genera and some of the species range from the straits of magellan to valparaiso--places differing as much in latitude as switzerland and west greenland; and the same may be said of north australia and tasmania, where, at a greater latitudinal distance apart, closely allied forms of eucalyptus, acacia, casuarina, stylidium, goodenia, and many other genera would certainly form a prominent feature in any fossil flora now being preserved. _mild arctic climates of the cretaceous period._--in the upper cretaceous deposits of greenland (in a locality not far from those of the miocene age last described) another remarkable flora has been discovered, agreeing generally with that of europe and north america of the same geological age. sixty-five species of plants have been identified, of which there are fifteen ferns, two cycads, eleven coniferæ, three monocotyledons, and thirty-four dicotyledons. one of the ferns is a tree-fern with thick stems, which has also been found in the upper greensand of england. among the conifers the giant sequoias are found, and among {75} the dicotyledons the genera populus, myrica, ficus, sassafras, andromeda, diospyros, myrsine, panax, as well as magnolias, myrtles, and leguminosæ. several of these groups occur also in the much richer deposits of the same age in north america and central europe; but all of them evidently afford such fragmentary records of the actual flora of the period, that it is impossible to say that any genus found in one locality was absent from the other merely because it has not yet been found there. on the whole, there seems to be less difference between the floras of arctic and temperate latitudes in upper cretaceous than in miocene times. in the same locality in greenland (70° 33' n. lat. and 52° w. long.), and also in spitzbergen, a more ancient flora, of lower cretaceous age, has been found; but it differs widely from the other in the great abundance of cycads and conifers and the scarcity of exogens, which latter are represented by a single poplar. of the thirty-eight ferns, fifteen belong to the genus gleichenia now almost entirely tropical. there are four genera of cycads, and three extinct genera of conifers, besides glyptostrobus and torreya now found only in china and california, six species of true pines, and five of the genus sequoia, one of which occurs also in spitzbergen. the european deposits of the same age closely agree with these in their general character, conifers, cycads, and ferns forming the mass of the vegetation, while exogens are entirely absent, the above-named greenland poplar being the oldest known dicotyledonous plant.[17] if we take these facts as really representing the flora of the period, we shall be forced to conclude that, measured by the change effected in its plants, the lapse of time between the lower and upper cretaceous deposits was far greater than between the upper cretaceous and the miocene--a conclusion quite opposed to the indications afforded by the mollusca and the higher animals of the two periods. it seems probable, therefore, that these lower cretaceous plants represent local peculiarities of {76} vegetation such as now sometimes occur in tropical countries. on sandy or coralline islands in the malay archipelago there will often be found a vegetation consisting almost wholly of cycads, pandani, and palms, while a few miles off, on moderately elevated land, not a single specimen of either of these families may be seen, but a dense forest of dicotyledonous trees covering the whole country. a lowland vegetation, such as that above described, might be destroyed and its remains preserved by a slight depression, allowing it to be covered up by the detritus of some adjacent river, while not only would the subsidence of high land be a less frequent occurrence, but when it did occur the steep banks would be undermined by the waves, and the trees falling down would be floated away, and would either be cast on some distant shore or slowly decay on the surface or in the depths of the ocean. from the remarkable series of facts now briefly summarized, we learn, that whenever plant-remains have been discovered within the arctic regions, either in tertiary or cretaceous deposits, they show that the climate was one capable of supporting a rich vegetation of trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants, similar in general character to that which prevailed in the temperate zone at the same periods, but showing the influence of a less congenial climate. these deposits belong to at least four distinct geological horizons, and have been found widely scattered within the arctic circle, yet nowhere has any proof been obtained of intercalated cold periods, such as would be indicated by the remains of a stunted vegetation, or a molluscan fauna similar to that which now prevails there. _stratigraphical evidence of long-continued mild arctic conditions._--let us now turn to the stratigraphical evidence, which, as we have already shown, offers a crucial test of the occurrence or non-occurrence of glaciation during any extensive geological period; and here we have the testimony of perhaps the greatest living authority on arctic geology--professor nordenskjöld. in his lecture on "the former climate of the polar regions," he says: "the character of the coasts in the arctic regions is especially favourable to geological investigations. while the valleys are for the {77} most part filled with ice, the sides of the mountains in summer, even in the 80th degree of latitude, and to a height of 1,000 or 1,500 feet above the level of the sea, are almost wholly free from snow. nor are the rocks covered with any amount of vegetation worth mentioning; and, moreover, the sides of the mountains on the shore itself frequently present perpendicular sections, which everywhere expose their bare surfaces to the investigator. the knowledge of a mountain's geognostic character, at which one, in the more southerly countries, can only arrive after long and laborious researches, removal of soil and the like, is here gained almost at the first glance; and as we have never seen in spitzbergen nor in greenland, in these sections often many miles in length, and including one may say all formations from the silurian to the tertiary, any boulders even as large as a child's head, there is not the smallest probability that strata of any considerable extent, containing boulders, are to be found in the polar tracts previous to the middle of the tertiary period. since, then, both an examination of the geognostic condition, and an investigation of the fossil flora and fauna of the polar lands, show no signs of a glacial era having existed in those parts before the termination of the miocene period, we are fully justified in rejecting, on the evidence of actual observation, the hypotheses founded on purely theoretical speculations, which assume the many times repeated alternation of warm and glacial climates between the present time and the earliest geological ages."[18] and again, in his _sketch of the geology of spitzbergen_, after describing the various formations down to the miocene, he says: "all the fossils found in the foregoing strata show that spitzbergen, during former geological ages, enjoyed a magnificent climate, which indeed was somewhat colder during the miocene period, but was still favourable for an extraordinarily abundant vegetation, much more luxuriant than that which now occurs even in the southern part of scandinavia: and i have in those strata sought in vain for any sign, that, as some geologists have of late endeavoured to render probable, these favourable climatic conditions have been broken off {78} by intervals of ancient glacial periods. the profiles i have had the opportunity to examine during my various spitzbergen expeditions would certainly, if laid down on a line, occupy an extent of _a thousand english miles_; and if any former glacial period had existed in this region, there ought to have been some trace to be observed of erratic blocks, or other formations which distinguish glacial action. but this has not been the case. in the strata, whose length i have reckoned alone, i have not found a single fragment of a foreign rock so large as a child's head."[19] now it is quite impossible to ignore or evade the force of this testimony as to the continuous warm climates of the north temperate and polar zones throughout tertiary times. the evidence extends over a vast area, both in space and time, it is derived from the work of the most competent living geologists, and it is absolutely consistent in its general tendency. we have in the lower cretaceous period an almost tropical climate in france and england, a somewhat lower temperature in the united states, and a mild insular climate in the arctic regions. in each successive period the climate becomes somewhat less tropical; but down to the upper miocene it remains warm temperate in central europe, and cold temperate within the polar area, with not a trace of any intervening periods of arctic cold. it then gradually cools down and merges through the pliocene into the glacial epoch in europe, while in the arctic zone there is a break in the record between the miocene and the recent glacial deposits.[20] {79} accepting this as a substantially correct account of the general climatic aspect of the tertiary period in the northern hemisphere, let us see whether the principles we have already laid down will enable us to give a satisfactory explanation of its causes. _the causes of mild arctic climates._--in his remarkable series of papers on "ocean currents," the late dr. james croll has proved, with a wealth of argument and illustration whose cogency is irresistible, that the very habitability of our globe is due to the equalizing climatic effects of the waters of the ocean; and that it is to the same cause that we owe, either directly or indirectly, almost all the chief diversities of climate between places situated in the same latitude. owing to the peculiar distribution of land and sea upon the globe, more than its fair proportion of the warm equatorial waters is directed towards the western shores of europe, the result being that the british isles, norway, and spitzbergen, have all a milder climate than any other parts of the globe in corresponding latitudes. a very small portion of the arctic regions, however, obtains this benefit, and it thus remains, generally speaking, a land of snow and ice, with too short a summer to nourish more than a very scanty and fugitive vegetation. the only other opening than that between iceland and britain by which warm water penetrates within the arctic circle, is through behring's straits; but this is both shallow and limited in width, and the consequence is that the larger part of the warm currents of the pacific turns back along the shores of the aleutian islands and north-west america, while a very small quantity enters the icy ocean. but if there were other and wider openings into the arctic ocean, a vast quantity of the heated water which is now turned backward would enter it, and would produce an amelioration of the climate of which we can hardly form a conception. a great amelioration of climate would also be caused by the breaking up or the lowering of such {80} arctic highlands as now favour the accumulation of ice; while the interpenetration of the sea into any part of the great continents in the tropical or temperate zones would again tend to raise the winter temperature, and render any long continuance of snow in their vicinity almost impossible. now geologists have proved, quite independently of any such questions as we are here discussing, that changes of the very kinds above referred to have occurred during the tertiary period; and that there has been, speaking broadly, a steady change from a comparatively fragmentary and insular condition of the great north temperate lands in early tertiary times, to that more compact and continental condition which now prevails. it is, no doubt, difficult and often impossible to determine how long any particular geographical condition lasted, or whether the changes in one country were exactly coincident with those in another; but it will be sufficient for our purpose briefly to indicate those more important changes of land and sea during the tertiary period, which must have produced a decided effect on the climate of the northern hemisphere. _geographical changes favouring mild northern climates in tertiary times._--the distribution of the eocene and miocene formations shows, that during a considerable portion of the tertiary period, an inland sea, more or less occupied by an archipelago of islands, extended across central europe between the baltic and the black and caspian seas, and thence by narrower channels south-eastward to the valley of the euphrates and the persian gulf, thus opening a communication between the north atlantic and the indian oceans. from the caspian also a wide arm of the sea extended during some part of the tertiary epoch northwards to the arctic ocean, and there is nothing to show that this sea may not have been in existence during the whole tertiary period. another channel probably existed over egypt[21] into the eastern {81} basin of the mediterranean and the black sea; while it is probable that there was a communication between the baltic and the white sea, leaving scandinavia as an extensive island. turning to india, we find that an arm of the sea of great width and depth extended from the bay of bengal to the mouths of the indus; while the enormous depression indicated by the presence of marine fossils of eocene age at a height of 10,500 feet in western tibet, renders it not improbable that a more direct channel across afghanistan may have opened a communication between the west asiatic and polar seas. it may be said that the changes here indicated are not warranted by an actual knowledge of continuous tertiary deposits over the situations of the alleged marine channels; but it is no less certain that the seas in which any particular strata were deposited were _always_ more extensive than the fragments of those strata now existing, and _often_ immensely more extensive. the eocene deposits of europe, for example, have certainly undergone enormous denudation both marine and subaërial, and may have once covered areas where we now find older deposits (as the chalk once covered the weald), while a portion of them may lie concealed under miocene, pliocene, or recent beds. we find them widely scattered over europe and asia, and often elevated into lofty mountain ranges; and we should certainly err far more seriously in confining the eocene seas to the exact areas where we now find eocene rocks, than in liberally extending them, so as to connect the several detached portions of the formation whenever there is no valid argument against our doing so. considering then, that some one or more of the sea-communications here indicated almost certainly existed during eocene and miocene times, let us endeavour to estimate the probable effect such communications would have upon the climate of the northern hemisphere. _the indian ocean as a source of heat in tertiary times._--if we compare the indian ocean with the south atlantic we shall see that the position and outline of the former are very favourable for the accumulation of a large body of warm water moving northwards. its southern {82} opening between south africa and australia is very wide, and the tendency of the trade-winds would be to concentrate the currents towards its north-western extremity, just where the two great channels above described formed an outlet to the northern seas. as will be shown in our nineteenth chapter, there was probably, during the earlier portion of the tertiary period at least, several large islands in the space between madagascar and south india; but these had wide and deep channels between them, and their existence may have been favourable to the conveyance of heated water northward, by concentrating the currents, and thus producing massive bodies of moving water analogous to the gulf stream of the atlantic.[22] less heat would thus be lost by evaporation and radiation in the tropical zone, and an impulse would be acquired which would carry the warm water into the north polar area. about the same period australia was probably divided into two islands, separated by a wide channel in a north and south direction (see chapter xxii.), and through this another current would almost certainly set northwards, and be directed to the north-west by the southern extension of malayan asia. the more insular condition at this period of australia, india, and north africa, with the depression and probable fertility of the central asiatic plateau, would lead to the indian ocean being traversed by regular trade-winds instead of by variable monsoons, and thus the constant _vis a tergo_, which is so efficient in the atlantic, would keep up a steady and powerful current towards the northern parts of the indian ocean, and thence through the midst of the european archipelago to the northern seas. now it is quite certain that such a condition as we have here sketched out would produce a wonderful effect on the climate of central europe and western and northern asia. owing to the warm currents being concentrated in inland seas instead of being dispersed over a wide ocean like the {83} north atlantic, much more heat would be conveyed into the arctic ocean, and this would altogether prevent the formation of ice on the northern shores of asia, which continent did not then extend nearly so far north and was probably deeply inter-penetrated by the sea. this open ocean to the north, and the warm currents along all the northern lands, would so equalise temperature, that even the northern parts of europe might then have enjoyed a climate fully equal to that of the warmer parts of new zealand at the present day, and might have well supported the luxuriant vegetation of the miocene period, even without any help from similar changes in the western hemisphere.[23] _condition of north america during the tertiary period._--but changes of a somewhat similar character have also taken place in america and the pacific. an enormous area west of the mississippi, extending over much of the rocky mountains, consists of marine cretaceous beds 10,000 feet thick, indicating great and long-continued subsidence, and an insular condition of western america with a sea probably extending northwards to the arctic ocean. as marine tertiary deposits are found conformably overlying these cretaceous strata, professor dana is of opinion that the great elevation of this part of america did not begin till early tertiary times. other tertiary beds in california, alaska, kamschatka, the mackenzie river, the parry islands, and greenland, indicate partial submergence {84} of all these lands with the possible influx of warm water from the pacific; and the considerable elevation of some of the miocene beds in greenland and spitzbergen renders it probable that these countries were then much less elevated, in which case only their higher summits would be covered with perpetual snow, and no glaciers would descend to the sea. in the pacific there was probably an elevation of land counterbalancing, to some extent, the great depression of so much of the northern continents. our map in chapter xv. shows the islands that would be produced by an elevation of the great shoals under a thousand fathoms deep, and it is seen that these all trend in a south-east and north-west direction, and would thus facilitate the production of definite currents impelled by the south-east trades towards the north-west pacific, where they would gain access to the polar seas through behring's straits, which were, perhaps, sometimes both wider and deeper than at present. _effect of these changes on the climate of the arctic regions._--these various changes of sea and land, all tending towards a transference of heat from the equator to the north temperate zone, were not improbably still further augmented by the existence of a great inland south american sea occupying what are now the extensive valleys of the amazon and orinoco, and forming an additional reservoir of super-heated water to add to the supply poured into the north atlantic. it is not of course supposed that all the modifications here indicated co-existed at the same time. we have good reason to believe, from the known distribution of animals in the tertiary period, that land-communications have at times existed between europe or asia and north america, either by way of behring's straits, or by iceland, greenland, and labrador. but the same evidence shows that these land-communications were the exception rather than the rule, and that they occurred only at long intervals and for short periods, so as at no time to bring about anything like a complete interchange of the productions of the two continents.[24] we may therefore admit that the {85} communication between the tropical and arctic oceans was occasionally interrupted in one or other direction; but if we look at a globe instead of a mercator's chart of the world, we shall see that the disproportion between the extent of the polar and tropical seas is so enormous that a single wide opening, with an adequate impulse to carry in a considerable stream of warm water, would be amply sufficient for the complete abolition of polar snow and ice, when aided by the absence of any great areas of high land within the polar circle, such high land being, as we have seen, essential to the production of perpetual snow even at the present time. those who wish to understand the effect of oceanic currents in conveying heat to the north temperate and polar regions, should study the papers of dr. croll already referred to. but the same thing is equally well shown by the facts of the actual distribution of heat due to the gulf stream. the difference between the mean annual temperatures of the opposite coasts of europe and america is well known and has been already quoted, but the difference of their mean _winter_ temperature is still more striking, and it is this which concerns us as more especially affecting the distribution of vegetable and animal life. our mean winter temperature in the west of england is the same as that of the southern united states, as well as that of shanghai in china, both about twenty degrees of latitude further south; and as we go northward the difference increases, so that the winter climate of nova scotia in lat. 45° is found within the arctic circle on the coast of norway; and if the latter country did not consist almost wholly of precipitous snow-clad mountains, it would be capable of supporting most of the vegetable products of the american coast in the latitude of bordeaux.[25] {86} with these astounding facts before us, due wholly to the transference of a portion of the warm currents of the atlantic to the shores of europe, even with all the disadvantages of an icy sea to the north-east and ice-covered greenland to the north-west, how can we doubt the enormously greater effect of such a condition of things as has been shown to have existed during the tertiary epoch? instead of _one_ great stream of warm water spreading widely over the north atlantic and thus losing the greater part of its store of heat _before_ it reaches the arctic seas, we should have _several_ streams conveying the heat of far more extensive tropical oceans by comparatively narrow inland channels, thus being able to transfer a large proportion of their heat _into_ the northern and arctic seas. the heat that they gave out during the passage, instead of being widely dispersed by winds and much of it lost in the higher atmosphere, would directly ameliorate the climate of the continents they passed through, and prevent all accumulation of snow except on the loftiest mountains. the formation of ice in the arctic seas would then be impossible; and the mild winter climate of the latitude of north {87} carolina, which by the gulf stream is transferred 20° northwards to our islands, might certainly, under the favourable conditions which prevailed during the cretaceous, eocene, and miocene periods, have been carried another 20° north to greenland and spitzbergen; and this would bring about exactly the climate indicated by the fossil arctic vegetation. for it must be remembered that the arctic summers are, even now, really hotter than ours, and if the winter's cold were abolished and all ice-accumulation prevented, the high northern lands would be able to support a far more luxuriant summer vegetation than is possible in our unequal and cloudy climate.[26] _effect of high excentricity on the warm polar climates._--if the explanation of the cause of the glacial epoch given in the last chapter is a correct one, it will, i believe, follow that changes in the amount of excentricity will produce no important alteration of the climates of the temperate and arctic zones so long as favourable geographical conditions, such as have been now sketched out, render the accumulation of ice impossible. the effect of a high excentricity in producing a glacial epoch was shown to be due to the capacity of snow and ice for storing up cold, and its singular power (when in large masses) of preserving itself unmelted under a hot sun by itself causing the interposition of a protective covering of cloud and vapour. but mobile currents of water have no such power of {88} accumulating and storing up heat or cold from one year to another, though they do in a pre-eminent degree possess the power of equalising the temperature of winter and summer and of conveying the superabundant heat of the tropics to ameliorate the rigour of the arctic winters. however great was the difference between the amount of heat received from the sun in winter and summer in the arctic zone during a period of high excentricity and winter in _aphelion_, the inequality would be greatly diminished by the free ingress of warm currents to the polar area; and if this was sufficient to prevent any accumulation of ice, the summers would be warmed to the full extent of the powers of the sun during the long polar day, which is such as to give the pole at midsummer actually more heat during the twenty-four hours than the equator receives during its day of twelve hours. the only difference, then, that would be directly produced by the changes of excentricity and precession would be, that the summers would be at one period almost tropical, at the other of a more mild and uniform temperate character; while the winters would be at one time somewhat longer and colder, but never, probably, more severe than they are now in the west of scotland. but though high excentricity would not directly modify the mild climates produced by the state of the northern hemisphere which prevailed during cretaceous, eocene, and miocene times, it might indirectly affect it by increasing the mass of antarctic ice, and thus increasing the force of the trade-winds and the resulting northward-flowing warm currents. now there are many peculiarities in the distribution of plants and of some groups of animals in the southern hemisphere, which render it almost certain that there has sometimes been a greater extension of the antarctic lands during tertiary times; and it is therefore not improbable that a more or less glaciated condition may have been a long persistent feature of the southern hemisphere, due to the peculiar distribution of land and sea which favours the production of ice-fields and glaciers. and as we have seen that during the last three million years the excentricity has been almost always much higher than {89} it is now, we should expect that the quantity of ice in the southern hemisphere will usually have been greater, and will thus have tended to increase the force of those oceanic currents which produce the mild climates of the northern hemisphere. _evidences of climate in the secondary and palæozoic epochs._--we have already seen, that so far back as the cretaceous period there is the most conclusive evidence of the prevalence of a very mild climate not only in temperate but also in arctic lands, while there is no proof whatever, or even any clear indication, of early glacial epochs at all comparable in extent and severity with that which has so recently occurred; and we have seen reason to connect this state of things with a distribution of land and sea highly favourable to the transference of warm water from equatorial to polar latitudes. so far as we can judge by the plant-remains of our own country, the climate appears to have been almost tropical in the lower eocene period; and as we go further back we find no clear indications of a higher, but often of a lower temperature, though always warmer or more equable than our present climate. the abundant corals and reptiles of the oolite and lias indicate equally tropical conditions; but further back, in the trias, the flora and fauna, in the british area, become poorer, and there is nothing incompatible with a climate no warmer than that of the upper miocene. this poverty is still more marked in the permian formation, and it is here that some indications of ice-action are found in the lower permian conglomerates of the west of england. these beds contain abundant fragments of various rocks, often angular and sometimes weighing half a ton, while others are partially rounded, and have polished and striated surfaces, just like the stones of the "till." they lie confusedly bedded in a red unstratified marl, and some of them can be traced to the welsh hills from twenty to fifty miles distant. this remarkable formation was first pointed out as proving a remote glacial period, by professor ramsay; and sir charles lyell agreed that this is the only possible explanation that, with our present knowledge, we can give of them. permian breccias are also found in ireland, containing {90} blocks of silurian and old red sandstone rocks which professor hull believes could only have been carried by floating ice. similar breccias occur in the south of scotland, and these are stated to be "overlain by a deposit of glacial age, so similar to the breccia below as to be with difficulty distinguished from it."[27] these numerous physical indications of ice-action over a considerable area during the same geological period, coinciding with just such a poverty of organic remains as might be produced by a very cold climate, are very important, and seem clearly to indicate that at this remote period geographical conditions were such as to bring about a glacial epoch, or perhaps only local glaciation, in our part of the world. boulder-beds also occur in the carboniferous formation, both in scotland, on the continent of europe, and in north america; and professor dawson considers that he has detected true glacial deposits of the same age in nova scotia. boulder-beds also occur in the silurian rocks of scotland and north america, and according to professor dawson, even in the huronian, older than our cambrian. none of these indications are however so satisfactory as those of permian age, where we have the very kind of evidence we looked for in vain throughout the whole of the tertiary and secondary periods. its presence in several localities in such ancient rocks as the permian is not only most important as indicating a glacial epoch of some kind in palæozoic times, but confirms us in the validity of our conclusion, that the _total_ absence of any such evidence throughout the tertiary and secondary epochs demonstrates the absence of recurring glacial epochs in the northern hemisphere, notwithstanding the frequent recurrence of periods of high excentricity. _warm arctic climates in early secondary and palæozoic times._--the evidence we have already adduced of the mild climates prevailing in the arctic regions throughout the miocene, eocene, and cretaceous periods is supplemented by a considerable body of facts relating to still earlier epochs. {91} in the jurassic period, for example, we have proofs of a mild arctic climate, in the abundant plant-remains of east siberia and amurland, with less productive deposits in spitzbergen, and at ando in norway just within the arctic circle. but even more remarkable are the marine remains found in many places in high northern latitudes, among which we may especially mention the numerous ammonites and the vertebræ of huge reptiles of the genera ichthyosaurus and teleosaurus found in the jurassic deposits of the parry islands in 77° n. lat. in the still earlier triassic age, nautili and ammonites inhabited the seas of spitzbergen, where their fossil remains are now found. in the carboniferous formation we again meet with plant-remains and beds of true coal in the arctic regions. lepidodendrons and calamites, together with large spreading ferns, are found at spitzbergen, and at bear island in the extreme north of eastern siberia; while marine deposits of the same age contain abundance of large stony corals. lastly, the ancient silurian limestones, which are widely spread in the high arctic regions, contain abundance of corals and cephalopodous mollusca resembling those from the same deposits in more temperate lands. _conclusions as to the climates of tertiary and secondary periods._--if now we look at the whole series of geological facts as to the animal and vegetable productions of the arctic regions in past ages, it is certainly difficult to avoid the conclusion that they indicate a climate of a uniformly temperate or warm character. whether in miocene, upper or lower cretaceous, jurassic, triassic, carboniferous or silurian times, and in all the numerous localities extending over more than half the polar regions, we find one uniform climatic aspect in the fossils. this is quite inconsistent with the theory of alternate cold and mild epochs during phases of high excentricity, and persistent cold epochs when the excentricity was as low as it is now or lower, for that would imply that the duration of cold conditions was _greater_ than that of warm. why then should the fauna and flora of the cold epochs _never_ be {92} preserved? mollusca and many other forms of life are abundant in the arctic seas, and there is often a luxuriant dwarf woody vegetation on the land, yet in no one case has a single example of such a fauna or flora been discovered of a date anterior to the last glacial epoch. and this argument is very much strengthened when we remember that an exactly analogous series of facts is found over all the temperate zones. everywhere we have abundant floras and faunas indicating warmer conditions than such as now prevail, but never in a single instance one which as clearly indicates colder conditions. the fact that drift with arctic shells was deposited during the last glacial epoch, as well as gravels and crag with the remains of arctic animals and plants, shows us that there is nothing to prevent such deposits being formed in cold as well as in warm periods; and it is quite impossible to believe that in every place and at all epochs all records of the former have been destroyed, while in a considerable number of instances those of the latter have been preserved. when to this uniform testimony of the palæontological evidence we add the equally uniform absence of any indication of those ice-borne rocks, boulders, and drift, which are the constant and necessary accompaniment of every period of glaciation, and which must inevitably pervade all the marine deposits formed over a wide area so long as the state of glaciation continues, we are driven to the conclusion that the last glacial epoch of the northern hemisphere was exceptional, and was not preceded by numerous similar glacial epochs throughout tertiary and secondary time. but although glacial epochs (with the one or two exceptions already referred to) were certainly absent, considerable changes of climate may have frequently occurred, and these would lead to important changes in the organic world. we can hardly doubt that some such change occurred between the lower and upper cretaceous periods, the floras of which exhibit such an extraordinary contrast in general character. we have also the testimony of mr. j. s. gardner, who has long worked at the fossil floras of the tertiary deposits, and who states, that {93} there is strong negative and some positive evidence of alternating warmer and colder conditions, not glacial, contained not only in english eocene, but all tertiary beds throughout the world.[28] in the case of marine faunas it is more difficult to judge, but the numerous changes in the fossil remains from bed to bed only a few feet and sometimes a few inches apart, may be sometimes due to change of climate; and when it is recognised that such changes have probably occurred at all geological epochs and their effects are systematically searched for, many peculiarities in the distribution of organisms through the different members of one deposit may be traced to this cause. _general view of geological climates as dependent on the physical features of the earth's surface._--in the preceding chapters i have earnestly endeavoured to arrive at an explanation of geological climates in the temperate and arctic zones, which should be in harmony with the great body of geological facts now available for their elucidation. if my conclusions as here set forth diverge considerably from those of dr. croll, it is not from any want of appreciation of his facts and arguments, since for many years i have upheld and enforced his views to the best of my ability. but a careful re-examination of the whole question has now convinced me that an error has been made in estimating the comparative effect of geographical and astronomical causes on changes of climate, and that, while the latter have undoubtedly played an important part in bringing about the glacial epoch, it is to the former that the mild climates of the arctic regions are almost entirely due. if i have now succeeded in approaching to a true solution of this difficult problem, i owe it mainly to the study of dr. croll's writings, since my theory is entirely based on the facts and principles so clearly set forth in his admirable papers on "ocean currents in relation to the distribution of heat over the globe." the main features of this theory as distinct from that of dr. croll i will now endeavour to summarise. looking at the subject broadly, we see that the climatic {94} condition of the northern hemisphere is the result of the peculiar distribution of land and water upon the globe; and the general permanence of the position of the continental and oceanic areas--which we have shown to be proved by so many distinct lines of evidence--is also implied by the general stability of climate throughout long geological periods. the land surface of our earth appears to have always consisted of three great masses in the north temperate zone, narrowing southward, and terminating in three comparatively narrow extremities represented by southern america, south africa, and australia. towards the north these masses have approached each other, and have sometimes become united; leaving beyond them a considerable area of open polar sea. towards the south they have never been much further prolonged than at present, but far beyond their extremities an extensive mass of land has occupied the south polar area. this arrangement is such as would cause the northern hemisphere to be always (as it is now) warmer than the southern, and this would lead to the preponderance of northward winds and ocean currents, and would bring about the concentration of the latter in three great streams carrying warmth to the north-polar regions. these streams would, as dr. croll has so well shown, be greatly increased in power by the glaciation of the south polar land; and whenever any considerable portion of this land was elevated, such a condition of glaciation would certainly be brought about, and would be heightened whenever a high degree of excentricity prevailed. it is now the general opinion of geologists that the great continents have undergone a process of development from earlier to later times. professor dana appears to have been the first who taught it explicitly in the case of the north american continent, and he has continued the development of his views from 1856, when he discussed the subject in the _american journal_, to the later editions of his _manual of geology_ in which the same views are extended to all the great continents. he says:-"the north american continent, which since early {95} time had been gradually expanding in each direction from the northern azoic, eastward, westward, and southward, and which, after the palæozoic, was finished in its rocky foundation, excepting on the borders of the atlantic and pacific and the area of the rocky mountains, had reached its full expansion at the close of the tertiary period. the progress from the first was uniform and systematic: the land was at all times simple in outline; and its enlargement took place with almost the regularity of an exogenous plant."[29] a similar development undoubtedly took place in the european area, which was apparently never so compact and so little interpenetrated by the sea as it is now, while europe and asia have only become united into one unbroken mass since late tertiary times. if, however, the greater continents have become more compact and massive from age to age, and have received their chief extensions northward at a comparatively recent period, while the antarctic lands had a corresponding but somewhat earlier development, we have all the conditions requisite to explain the persistence, with slight fluctuations, of warm climates far into the north-polar area throughout palæozoic, mesozoic, and tertiary times. at length, during the latter part of the tertiary epoch, a considerable elevation took place, closing up several of the water passages to the north, and raising up extensive areas in the arctic regions to become the receptacle of snow and ice-fields. this elevation is indicated by the abundance of miocene and the absence of pliocene deposits in the arctic zone and the considerable altitude of many miocene rocks in europe and north america; and the occurrence at this time of a long-continued period of high excentricity necessarily brought on the glacial epoch in the manner already described in our last chapter. a depression seems to have occurred during the glacial period itself in north america as in britain, but this may have been due partly to the weight of the ice and partly to a rise of the ocean {96} level caused by the earth's centre of gravity being shifted towards the north. we thus see that the last glacial epoch was the climax of a great process of continental development which had been going on throughout long geological ages; and that it was the direct consequence of the north temperate and polar land having attained a great extension and a considerable altitude just at the time when a phase of very high excentricity was coming on. throughout earlier tertiary and secondary times an equally high excentricity often occurred, but it never produced a glacial epoch, because the north temperate and polar areas had less high land, and were more freely open to the influx of warm oceanic currents. but wherever great plateaux with lofty mountains occurred in the temperate zone a considerable _local_ glaciation might be produced, which would be specially intense during periods of high excentricity; and it is to such causes we must impute the indications of ice-action in the vicinity of the alps during the tertiary period. the permian glaciation appears to have been more extensive, and it is quite possible that at this remote epoch a sufficient mass of high land existed in our area and northwards towards the pole, to have brought on a true glacial period comparable with that which has so recently passed away. _estimate of the comparative effects of geographical and astronomical causes in producing changes of climate._--it appears then, that while geographical and physical causes alone, by their influence on ocean currents, have been the main agents in producing the mild climates which for such long periods prevailed in the arctic regions, the concurrence of astronomical causes--high excentricity with winter in _aphelion_--was necessary to the production of the great glacial epoch. if we reject this latter agency, we shall be obliged to imagine a concurrence of geographical changes at a very recent period of which we have no evidence. we must suppose, for example, that a large part of the british isles--scotland, ireland, and wales at all events--were simultaneously elevated so as to bring extensive areas above the line of perpetual snow; that {97} about the same time scandinavia, the alps, and the pyrenees received a similar increase of altitude; and that, almost simultaneously, eastern north america, the sierra nevada of california, the caucasus, lebanon, the southern mountains of spain, the atlas range, and the himalayas, were each some thousands of feet higher than they are now; for all these mountains present us with indications of a recent extension of their glaciers, in superficial phenomena so similar to those which occur in our own country and in western europe, that we cannot suppose them to belong to a different epoch. such a supposition is rendered more difficult by the general concurrence of scientific testimony to a partial submergence during the glacial epoch, not only in all parts of britain, but in north america, scandinavia, and, as shown by the wide extension of the drift, in northern europe; and when to this we add the difficulty of understanding how any probable addition to the altitude of our islands could have brought about the extreme amount of glaciation which they certainly underwent, and when, further, we know that a phase of very high excentricity did occur at a period which is generally admitted to agree well with physical evidence of the time elapsed since the cold passed away, there seems no sufficient reason why such an agency should be ignored. no doubt a prejudice has been excited against it in the minds of many geologists, by its being thought to lead _necessarily_ to frequently recurring glacial epochs throughout all geological time. but i have here endeavoured to show that this is _not_ a necessary consequence of the theory, because a concurrence of favourable geographical conditions is essential to the initiation of a glaciation, which when once initiated has a tendency to maintain itself throughout the varying phases of precession occurring during a period of high excentricity. when, however, geographical conditions favour warm arctic climates--as it has been shown they have done throughout the larger portion of geological time--then changes of excentricity, to however great an extent, have no tendency to bring about a state of glaciation, because warm oceanic currents have a {98} preponderating influence, and without very large areas of high northern land to act as condensers, no perpetual snow is possible, and hence the initial process of glaciation does not occur. the theory as now set forth should commend itself to geologists, since it shows the direct dependence of climate on physical processes, which are guided and modified by those changes in the earth's surface which geology alone can trace out. it is in perfect accord with the most recent teachings of the science as to the gradual and progressive development of the earth's crust from the rudimentary formations of the azoic age, and it lends support to the view that no inportant[**important] departure from the great lines of elevation and depression originally marked out on the earth's surface has ever taken place. it also shows us how important an agent in the production of a habitable globe with comparatively small extremes of climates over its whole area, is the great disproportion between the extent of the land and the water surfaces. for if these proportions had been reversed, large areas of land would necessarily have been removed from the beneficial influence of aqueous currents or moisture-laden winds; and slight geological changes might easily have led to half the land surface becoming covered with perpetual snow and ice, or being exposed to extremes of summer heat and winter cold, of which our water-permeated globe at present affords no example. we thus see that what are usually regarded as geographical anomalies--the disproportion of land and water, the gathering of the land mainly into one hemisphere, and the singular arrangement of the land in three great southward-pointing masses--are really facts of the greatest significance and importance, since it is to these very anomalies that the universal spread of vegetation and the adaptability of so large a portion of the earth's surface for human habitation is directly due. * * * * * {99} chapter x the earth's age, and the rate of development of animals and plants various estimates of geological time--denudation and deposition of strata as a measure of time--how to estimate the thickness of the sedimentary rocks--how to estimate the average rate of deposition of the sedimentary rocks--the rate of geological change probably greater in very remote times--value of the preceding estimate of geological time--organic modification dependent on change of conditions--geographical mutations as a motive power in bringing about organic changes--climatal revolutions as an agent in producing organic changes--present condition of the earth one of exceptional stability as regards climate--date of last glacial epoch and its bearing on the measurement of geological time--concluding remarks. the subjects discussed in the last three chapters introduce us to a difficulty which has hitherto been considered a very formidable one--that the maximum age of the habitable earth, as deduced from physical considerations, does not afford sufficient time either for the geological or the organic changes of which we have evidence. geologists continually dwell on the slowness of the processes of upheaval and subsidence, of denudation of the earth's surface, and of the formation of new strata; while on the theory of development, as expounded by mr. darwin, the variation and modification of organic forms is also a very slow process, and has usually been considered to require an {100} even longer series of ages than might satisfy the requirements of physical geology alone. as an indication of the periods usually contemplated by geologists, we may refer to sir charles lyell's calculation in the tenth edition of his _principles of geology_ (omitted in later editions), by which he arrived at 240 millions of years as having probably elapsed since the cambrian period--a very moderate estimate in the opinion of most geologists. this calculation was founded on the rate of modification of the species of mollusca; but much more recently professor haughton has arrived at nearly similar figures from a consideration of the rate of formation of rocks and their known maximum thickness, whence he deduces a maximum of 200 millions of years for the whole duration of geological time, as indicated by the series of stratified formations.[30] but in the opinion of all our first naturalists and geologists, the period occupied in the formation of the known stratified rocks only represents a portion, and perhaps a small portion, of geological time. in the sixth edition of the _origin of species_ (p. 286), mr. darwin says: "consequently, if the theory be true, it is indisputable that before the lowest cambrian stratum was deposited long periods elapsed, as long as, or probably far longer than, the whole interval from the cambrian age to the present day; and that during these vast periods the world swarmed with living creatures." professor huxley, in his anniversary address to the geological society in 1870, adduced a number of special cases showing that, on the theory of development, almost all the higher forms of life must have existed during the palæozoic period. thus, from the fact that almost the whole of the tertiary period has been required to convert the ancestral orohippus into the true horse, he believes that, in order to have time for the much greater change of the ancestral ungulata into the two great odd-toed and even-toed divisions (of which change there is no trace even among the earliest eocene mammals), we should require a large portion, if not the whole, of the mesozoic or secondary period. another case is furnished by the bats and whales, both of which strange modifications of the {101} mammalian type occur perfectly developed in the eocene formation. what countless ages back must we then go for the origin of these groups, the whales from some ancestral carnivorous animal, and the bats from the insectivora! and even then we have to seek for the common origin of carnivora, insectivora, ungulata, and marsupials at a far earlier period; so that, on the lowest estimate, we must place the origin of the mammalia very far back in palæozoic times. similar evidence is afforded by reptiles, of which professor huxley says: "if the very small differences which are observable between the crocodiles of the older secondary formations and those of the present day furnish any sort of an approximation towards an estimate of the average rate of change among reptiles, it is almost appalling to reflect how far back in palæozoic times we must go before we can hope to arrive at that common stock from which the crocodiles, lizards, _ornithoscelida_, and _plesiosauria_, which had attained so great a development in the triassic epoch, must have been derived." professor ramsay has expressed similar views, derived from a general study of the whole series of geological formations and their contained fossils. he says, speaking of the abundant, varied, and well-developed fauna of the cambrian period: "in this earliest known _varied_ life we find no evidence of its having lived near the beginning of the zoological series. in a broad sense, compared with what must have gone before, both biologically and physically, all the phenomena connected with this old period seem, to my mind, to be of quite a recent description; and the climates of seas and lands were of the very same kind as those the world enjoys at the present day."[31] these opinions, and the facts on which they are founded, are so weighty, that we can hardly doubt that, if the time since the cambrian epoch is correctly estimated at 200 millions of years, the date of the commencement of life on the earth cannot be much less than 500 millions; while it may not improbably have been longer, because the reaction of {102} the organism under changes of the environment is believed to have been less active in low and simple, than in high and complex forms of life, and thus the processes of organic development may for countless ages have been excessively slow. but according to the physicists, no such periods as are here contemplated can be granted. from a consideration of the possible sources of the heat of the sun, as well as from calculations of the period during which the earth can have been cooling to bring about the present rate of increase of temperature as we descend beneath the surface, sir william thomson concludes that the crust of the earth cannot have been solidified much longer than 100 million years (the maximum possible being 400 millions), and this conclusion is held by dr. croll and other men of eminence to be almost indisputable.[32] it will therefore be well to consider on what data the calculations of geologists have been founded, and how far the views here set forth, as to frequent changes of climate throughout all geological time, may affect the rate of biological change. _denudation and deposition of strata as a measure of time._--the materials of all the stratified rocks of the globe have been obtained from the dry land. every point of the surface is exposed to the destructive influences of sun and wind, frost, snow, and rain, which break up and wear away the hardest rocks as well as the softer deposits, and by means of rivers convey the worn material to the sea. the existence of a considerable depth of soil over the greater part of the earth's surface; of vast heaps of rocky _débris_ at the foot of every inland cliff; of enormous deposits of gravel, sand, and loam; as well as the shingle, pebbles, sand or mud, of every sea-shore, alike attest the universality of this destructive agency. it is no less clearly shown by the way in which almost every drop of running water--whether in gutter, brooklet, stream or large river--becomes discoloured after each heavy rainfall, since the matter which causes this discolouration must be derived from the surface {103} of the country, must always pass from a higher to a lower level, and must ultimately reach the sea, unless it is first deposited in some lake, or by the overflowing of a river goes to form an alluvial plain. the universality of this subaërial denudation, both as regards space and time, renders it certain that its cumulative effects must be very great; but no attempt seems to have been made to determine the magnitude of these effects till mr. alfred tylor, in 1853,[33] pointed out that by measuring the quantity of solid matter brought down by rivers (which can be done with considerable accuracy), we may obtain the amount of lowering of the land-area, and also the rise of the ocean level, owing to the quantity of matter deposited on its floor. a few years later dr. croll applied the same method in more detail to an estimate of the amount by which the land is lowered in a given period; and the validity of this method has been upheld by sir a. geikie, sir charles lyell, and all our best geologists, as affording a means of actually determining with some approach to accuracy, the time occupied by one important phase of geological change. the quantity of matter carried away from the land by a river is greater than at first sight appears, and is more likely to be underthan over-estimated. by taking samples of water near the mouth of a river (but above the influence of the tide) at a sufficient number of points in its channel and at different depths, and repeating this daily or at other short intervals throughout the year, it is easy to determine the quantity of solid matter held in suspension and solution; and if corresponding observations determine the quantity of water that is discharged, the total amount of solid matter brought down annually may be calculated. but besides this, a considerable quantity of sand or even gravel is carried along the bottom or bed of the river, and this has rarely been estimated, so that the figures hitherto obtained are usually under the real quantities. there is also another source of error caused by the quantity of matter the river may deposit in lakes or in flooded lands during its course, for this adds to the amount of denudation performed by the river, although {104} the matter so deposited does not come down to the sea. after a careful examination of all the best records, sir a. geikie arrives at the following results, as to the quantity of matter removed by seven rivers from their basins, estimated by the number of years required to lower the whole surface an average of one foot: the mississippi removes one foot in 6,000 years. ,, ganges ,, ,, 2,358 ,, ,, hoang ho ,, ,, 1,464 ,, ,, rhone ,, ,, 1,528 ,, ,, danube ,, ,, 6,846 ,, ,, po ,, ,, 729 ,, ,, nith ,, ,, 4,723 ,, here we see an intelligible relation between the character of the river basin and the amount of denudation. the mississippi has a large portion of its basin in an arid country, and its sources are either in forest-clad plateaux or in mountains free from glaciers and with a scanty rainfall. the danube flows through eastern europe where the rainfall is considerably less than in the west, while comparatively few of its tributaries rise among the loftiest alps. the proportionate amounts of denudation being then what we might expect, and as all are probably under rather than over the truth, we may safely take the average of them all as representing an amount of denudation which, if not true for the whole land surface of the globe, will certainly be so for a very considerable proportion of it. this average is almost exactly one foot in three thousand years.[34] the mean altitude of the several {105} continents has been recently estimated by mr. john murray,[35] to be as follows: europe 939 feet, asia 3,189 feet, africa 2020 feet, north america 1,888 feet, and south america 2,078 feet. at the rate of denudation above given, it results that, were no other forces at work, europe would be planed down to the sea-level in about two million eight hundred thousand years; while if we take a somewhat slower rate for north america, that continent might last about four or five million years.[36] this also implies that the mean height of these continents would have been about double what it is now three million and five million years ago respectively: and as we have no reason to suppose this to have been the case, we are led to infer the constant action of that upheaving force which the presence of sedimentary formations even on the highest mountains also demonstrates. we have already discussed the unequal rate of denudation on hills, valleys, and lowlands, in connection with the evidence of remote glacial epochs (p. 173); what we have now to consider is, what becomes of all this denuded matter, and how far the known rate of denudation affords us a measure of the rate of deposition, and thus gives us some indication of the lapse of geological time from a comparison of this rate with the observed thickness of stratified rocks on the earth's surface. {106} _how to estimate the thickness of the sedimentary rocks._--the sedimentary rocks of which the earth's crust is mainly composed consist, according to sir charles lyell's classification, of fourteen great formations, of which the most ancient is the laurentian, and the most recent the post-tertiary or pleistocene; with thirty important subdivisions, each of which again consists of a more or less considerable number of distinct beds or strata. thus, the silurian formation is divided into upper and lower silurian, each characterized by a distinct set of fossil remains, and the upper silurian again consists of a large number of separate beds, such as the wenlock limestone, the upper llandovery sandstone the lower llandovery slates, &c., each usually characterised by a difference of mineral composition or mechanical structure, as well as by some peculiar fossils. these beds and formations vary greatly in extent, both above and beneath the surface, and are also of very various thicknesses in different localities. a thick bed or series of beds often thins out in a given direction, and sometimes disappears altogether, so that two beds which were respectively above and beneath it may come into contact. as an example of this thinning out, american geologists adduce the palæozoic formations of the appalachian mountains, which have a total thickness of 42,000 feet, but as they are traced westward thin out till they become only 4,000 feet in total thickness. in like manner the carboniferous grits and shales are 18,000 feet thick in yorkshire and lancashire, but they thin out southwards, so that in leicestershire they are only 3,000 feet thick; and similar phenomena occur in all strata and in every part of the world. it must be observed that this thinning out has nothing to do with denudation (which acts upon the surface of a country so as to produce great irregularities of contour), but is a regular attenuation of the layers of rock, due to a deficiency of sediment in certain directions at the original formation of the deposit. owing to this thinning out of stratified rocks, they are on the whole of far less extent than is usually supposed. when we see a geological map showing successive formations following each other in long irregular belts across the country (as is well {107} seen in the case of the secondary rocks of england), and a corresponding section showing each bed dipping beneath its predecessor, we are apt to imagine that beneath the uppermost bed we should find all the others following in succession like the coats of an onion. but this is far from being the case, and a remarkable proof of the narrow limitation of these formations has been recently obtained by a boring at ware through the chalk and gault clay, which latter immediately rests on the upper silurian wenlock limestone full of characteristic fossils, at a depth of only 800 feet. here we have an enormous gap, showing that none of earlier secondary or late palæozoic formations extend to this part of england, unless indeed they had been all once elevated and entirely swept away by denudation.[37] but if we consider how such deposits are now forming, we shall find that the thinning out of the beds of each formation, and their restriction to irregular bands and patches, is exactly what we should expect. the enormous quantity of sediment continually poured into the sea by rivers, gradually subsides to the bottom as soon as the motion of the water is checked. all the heavier material must be deposited near the shore or in those areas over which it is first spread by the tides or currents of the ocean; while only the very fine mud and clay is carried out to considerable distances. thus all stratified deposits {108} will form most quickly near the shores, and will thin out rapidly at greater distances, little or none being formed in the depths of the great oceans. this important fact was demonstrated by the specimens of sea-bottom examined during the voyage of the _challenger_, all the "shore deposits" being usually confined within a distance of 100 or 150 miles from the coast; while the "deep-sea deposits" are either purely organic, being formed of the calcareous or siliceous skeletons of globigerinæ, radiolarians, and diatomaceæ, or are clays formed of undissolved portions of these, together with the disintegrated or dissolved materials of pumice and volcanic dust, which being very light are carried by wind or by water over the widest oceans. from the preceding considerations we shall be better able to appreciate the calculations as to the thickness of stratified deposits made by geologists. professor ramsay has calculated that the sedimentary rocks of britain alone have a total _maximum_ thickness of 72,600 feet; while professor haughton, from a survey of the whole world, estimates the _maximum_ thickness of the known stratified rocks at 177,200 feet. now these _maximum_ thicknesses of each deposit will have been produced only where the conditions were exceptionally favourable, either in deep water near the mouths of great rivers, or in inland seas, or in places to which the drainage of extensive countries was conveyed by ocean currents; and this great thickness will necessarily be accompanied by a corresponding thinness, or complete absence of deposit, elsewhere. how far the series of rocks found in any extensive area, as europe or north america, represents the whole series of deposits which have been made there we cannot tell; but there is no reason to think that it is a very inadequate representation of their _maximum_ thickness, though it undoubtedly is of their _extent_ and _bulk_. when we see in how many distinct localities patches of the same formation occur, it seems improbable that the whole of the deposits formed during any one period should have been destroyed, even in such an area as europe, while it is still more improbable that they should be so destroyed over the whole world; and {109} if any considerable portion of them is left, that portion may give a fair idea of their average, or even of their maximum, thickness. in his admirable paper on "the mean thickness of the sedimentary rocks,"[38] dr. james croll has dwelt on the extent of denudation in diminishing the mean thickness of the rocks that have been formed, remarking, "whatever the present mean thickness of all the sedimentary rocks of our globe may be, it must be small in comparison to the mean thickness of all the sedimentary rocks which have been formed. this is obvious from the fact that the sedimentary rocks of one age are partly formed from the destruction of the sedimentary rocks of former ages. from the laurentian age down to the present day the stratified rocks have been undergoing constant denudation." this is perfectly true, and yet the mean thickness of that portion of the sedimentary rocks which remains may not be very different from that of the entire mass, because denudation acts only on those rocks which are exposed on the surface of a country, and most largely on those that are upheaved; while, except in the rare case of an extensive formation being _quite horizontal_, and wholly exposed to the sea or to the atmosphere, denudation can have no tendency to diminish the thickness of any entire deposit.[39] unless, therefore, a formation is completely destroyed by denudation in every part of the world (a thing very improbable), we may have in existing rocks a not very inadequate representation of the _mean thickness_ of all that have been formed, and even of the _maximum_ thickness of the larger portion. this will be the more likely because it is almost certain that many rocks contemporaneously formed are counted by geologists as distinct formations, whenever they differ in lithological character or in organic remains. but we know that limestones, sandstones, and shales, are always forming at the same time; {110} while a great difference in organic remains may arise from comparatively slight changes of geographical features, or from difference in the depth or purity of the water in which the animals lived.[40] _how to estimate the average rate of deposition of the sedimentary rocks._--but if we take the estimate of professor haughton (177,200 feet), which, as we have seen, is probably excessive, for the maximum thickness of the sedimentary rocks of the globe of all known geological ages, can we arrive at any estimate of the rate at which they were formed? dr. croll has attempted to make such an estimate, but he has taken for his basis the _mean_ thickness of the rocks, which we have no means whatever of arriving at, and which he guesses, allowing for denudation, to be equal to the _maximum_ thickness as measured by geologists. the land-area of the globe is, according to dr. croll, 57,000,000[41] square miles, and he gives the coast-line as 116,000 miles. this, however, is, for our purpose, rather too much, as it allows for bays, inlets, and the smaller islands. an approximate measurement on a globe shows that 100,000 miles will be nearer the mark, and this has the advantage of being an easily remembered even number. the distance from the coast, to which shore-deposits usually extend, may be reckoned at about 100 or 150 miles, but by far the larger portion of the matter brought down from the land will be deposited comparatively close to the shore; that is, within twenty or thirty miles. if we suppose the portion deposited beyond thirty miles to be added to the deposits within that distance, and the whole reduced to a uniform thickness in a direction at right angles to the coast, we should probably include all areas where deposits of the maximum thickness {111} are forming at the present time, along with a large but unknown proportion of surface where the deposits were far below the maximum thickness. this follows, if we consider that deposit must go on very unequally along different parts of a coast, owing to the distance from each other of the mouths of great rivers and the limitations of ocean currents; and because, compared with the areas over which a thick deposit is forming annually, those where there is little or none are probably at least twice as extensive. if, therefore, we take a width of thirty miles along the whole coast-line of the globe as representing the area over which deposits are forming, corresponding to the maximum thickness as measured by geologists, we shall certainly over rather than under-estimate the possible rate of deposit.[42] now a coast line of 100,000 miles with a width of 30 gives an area of 3,000,000 square miles, on which the denuded matter of the whole land-area of 57,000,000 square {112} miles is deposited. as these two areas are as 1 to 19, it follows that deposition, as measured by _maximum_ thickness, goes on at least nineteen times as fast as denudation--probably very much faster. but the mean rate of denudation over the whole earth is about one foot in three thousand years; therefore the rate of maximum deposition will be at least 19 feet in the same time; and as the total maximum thickness of all the stratified rocks of the globe is, according to professor haughton, 177,200 feet, the time required to produce this thickness of rock, at the present rate of denudation and deposition, is only 28,000,000 years.[43] _the rate of geological change probably greater in very remote times._--the opinion that denudation and deposition went on more rapidly in earlier times owing to the frequent occurrence of vast convulsions and cataclysms was strenuously opposed by sir charles lyell, who so well showed that causes of the very same nature as those now in action were sufficient to account for all the phenomena presented by the rocks throughout the whole series of geological formations. but while upholding the soundness of the views of the "uniformitarians" as opposed to the "convulsionists," we must yet admit that there is reason for believing in a gradually increasing intensity of all telluric action as we go back into past time. this subject has been well treated by mr. w. j. sollas,[44] who shows that, if, as all physicists maintain, the sun gave out perceptibly more heat in past ages than now, this alone would cause an increase in almost all the forces that have brought about geological phenomena. with greater heat there would be a more extensive aqueous atmosphere, and, perhaps, a greater difference between equatorial and polar temperatures; hence more violent winds, heavier rains and snows, {113} and more powerful oceanic currents, all producing more rapid denudation. at the same time, the internal heat of the earth being greater, it would be cooling more rapidly, and thus the forces of contraction--which cause the upheaving of mountains, the eruption of volcanoes, and the subsidence of extensive areas--would be more powerful and would still further aid the process of denudation. yet again, the earth's rotation was certainly more rapid in very remote times, and this would cause more impetuous tides and still further add to the denuding power of the ocean. it thus appears that, as we go back into the past, _all_ the forces tending to the continued destruction and renewal of the earth's surface would be in more powerful action, and must therefore tend to reduce the time required for the deposition and upheaval of the various geological formations. it may be true, as many geologists assert, that the changes here indicated are so slow that they would produce comparatively little effect within the time occupied by the known sedimentary rocks, yet, whatever effect they did produce would certainly be in the direction here indicated, and as several causes are acting together, their combined effects may have been by no means unimportant. it must also be remembered that such an increase of the primary forces on which all geologic change depends would act with great effect in still further intensifying those alternations of cold and warm periods in each hemisphere, or, more frequently, of excessive and equable seasons, which have been shown to be the result of astronomical, combined with geographical, revolutions; and this would again increase the rapidity of denudation and deposition, and thus still further reduce the time required for the production of the known sedimentary rocks. it is evident therefore that these various considerations all combine to prove that, in supposing that the rate of denudation has been on the average only what it is now, we are almost certainly over-estimating the _time_ required to have produced the whole series of formations from the cambrian upwards. _value of the preceding estimate of geological time._--it is not of course supposed that the calculation here given {114} makes any approach to accuracy, but it is believed that it does indicate the _order_ of magnitude of the time required. we have a certain number of data, which are not guessed but the result of actual measurement; such are, the amount of solid matter carried down by rivers, the width of the belt within which this matter is mainly deposited, and the maximum thickness of the known stratified rocks.[45] a considerable but unknown amount of denudation is effected by the waves of the ocean eating away coast lines. this was once thought to be of more importance than sub-aërial denudation, but it is now believed to be comparatively slow in its action.[46] whatever it may be, however, it adds to the rate of formation of new strata, and its omission from the calculation is again on the side of making the lapse of time greater rather than less than the true amount. even if a considerable modification should be needed in some of the assumptions it has been necessary to make, the result must still show that, so far as the time required for the formation of the known stratified rocks, the hundred million years allowed by physicists is not only ample, but will permit of even more than an equal period anterior to the lowest cambrian rocks, as demanded by mr. darwin--a demand supported and enforced by the arguments, taken from independent standpoints, of professor huxley and professor ramsay. _organic modification dependent on change of conditions._--having {115} thus shown that the physical changes of the earth's surface may have gone on much more rapidly and occupied much less time than has generally been supposed, we have now to inquire whether there are any considerations which lead to the conclusion that organic changes may have gone on with corresponding rapidity. there is no part of the theory of natural selection which is more clear and satisfactory than that which connects changes of specific forms with changes of external conditions or environment. if the external world remains for a moderate period unchanged, the organic world soon reaches a state of equilibrium through the struggle for existence; each species occupies its place in nature, and there is then no inherent tendency to change. but almost any change whatever in the external world disturbs this equilibrium, and may set in motion a whole series of organic revolutions before it is restored. a change of climate in any direction will be sure to injure some and benefit other species. the one will consequently diminish, the other increase in number; and the former may even become extinct. but the extinction of a species will certainly affect other species which it either preyed upon, or competed with, or served for food; while the increase of any one animal may soon lead to the extinction of some other to which it was inimical. these changes will in their turn bring other changes; and before an equilibrium is again established, the proportions, ranges, and numbers, of the species inhabiting the country may be materially altered. the complex manner in which animals are related to each other is well exhibited by the importance of insects, which in many parts of the world limit the numbers or determine the very existence of some of the higher animals. mr. darwin says:--"perhaps paraguay offers the most curious instance of this; for here neither cattle, nor horses, nor dogs have ever run wild, though they swarm southward and northward in a wild state; and azara and rengger have shown that this is caused by the greater number in paraguay of a certain fly, which lays its eggs in the navels of these animals when first born. the increase of these flies, numerous as they are, must be {116} habitually checked by some means, probably by other parasitic insects. hence, if certain insectivorous birds were to decrease in paraguay, the parasitic insects would probably increase; and this would lessen the number of navel-frequenting flies--then cattle and horses would run wild; and this would certainly alter (as indeed i have observed in parts of south america) the vegetation: this again would largely affect the insects, and this, as we have seen in staffordshire, the insectivorous birds, and so onwards in ever increasing circles of complexity." geographical changes would be still more important, and it is almost impossible to exaggerate the modifications of the organic world that might result from them. a subsidence of land separating a large island from a continent would affect the animals and plants in a variety of ways. it would at once modify the climate, and so produce a series of changes from this cause alone; but more important would be its effect by isolating small groups of individuals of many species and thus altering their relations to the rest of the organic world. many of these would at once be exterminated, while others, being relieved from competition, might flourish and become modified into new species. even more striking would be the effects when two continents, or any two land areas which had been long separated, were united by an upheaval of the strait which divided them. numbers of animals would now be brought into competition for the first time. new enemies and new competitors would appear in every part of the country; and a struggle would commence which, after many fluctuations, would certainly result in the extinction of some species, the modification of others, and a considerable alteration in the proportionate numbers and the geographical distribution of almost all. any other changes which led to the intermingling of species whose ranges were usually separate would produce corresponding results. thus, increased severity of winter or summer temperature, causing southward migrations and the crowding together of the productions of distinct regions, must inevitably produce a struggle for existence, which would lead to many changes both in the characters and {117} the distribution of animals. slow elevations of the land would produce another set of changes, by affording an extended area in which the more dominant species might increase their numbers; and by a greater range and variety of alpine climates and mountain stations, affording room for the development of new forms of life. _geographical mutations as a motive power in bringing about organic changes._--now, if we consider the various geographical changes which, as we have seen, there is good reason to believe have ever been going on in the world, we shall find that the motive power to initiate and urge on organic changes has never been wanting. in the first place, every continent, though permanent in a general sense, has been ever subject to innumerable physical and geographical modifications. at one time the total area has increased, and at another has diminished; great plateaus have gradually risen up, and have been eaten out by denudation into mountain and valley; volcanoes have burst forth, and, after accumulating vast masses of eruptive matter, have sunk down beneath the ocean, to be covered up with sedimentary rocks, and at a subsequent period again raised above the surface; and the _loci_ of all these grand revolutions of the earth's surface have changed their position age after age, so that each portion of every continent has again and again been sunk under the ocean waves, formed the bed of some inland sea, or risen high into plateaus and mountain ranges. how great must have been the effects of such changes on every form of organic life! and it is to such as these we may perhaps trace those great changes of the animal world which have seemed to revolutionise it, and have led us to class one geological period as the age of reptiles, another as the age of fishes, and a third as the age of mammals. but such changes as these must necessarily have led to repeated unions and separations of the land masses of the globe, joining together continents which were before divided, and breaking up others into great islands or extensive archipelagoes. such alterations of the means of transit would probably affect the organic world even more profoundly than the changes of area, of altitude, or {118} of climate, since they afforded the means, at long intervals, of bringing the most diverse forms into competition, and of spreading all the great animal and vegetable types widely over the globe. but the isolation of considerable masses of land for long periods also afforded the means of preservation to many of the lower types, which thus had time to become modified into a variety of distinct forms, some of which became so well adapted to special modes of life that they have continued to exist to the present day, thus affording us examples of the life of early ages which would probably long since have become extinct had they been always subject to the competition of the more highly organised animals. as examples of such excessively archaic forms, we may mention the mud-fishes and the ganoids, confined to limited fresh-water areas; the frogs and toads, which still maintain themselves vigorously in competition with higher forms; and among mammals the ornithorhynchus and echidna of australia; the whole order of marsupials--which, out of australia, where they are quite free from competition, only exist abundantly in south america, which was certainly long isolated from the northern continents; the insectivora, which, though widely scattered, are generally nocturnal or subterranean in their habits; and the lemurs, which are most abundant in madagascar, where they have long been isolated, and almost removed from the competition of higher forms. _climatal revolutions as an agent in producing organic changes._--the geographical and geological changes we have been considering are probably those which have been most effective in bringing about the great features of the distribution of animals, as well as the larger movements in the development of organised beings; but it is to the alternations of warm and cold, or of uniform and excessive climates--of almost perpetual spring in arctic as well as in temperate lands, with occasional phases of cold culminating at remote intervals in glacial epochs,--that we must impute some of the more remarkable changes both in the specific characters and in the distribution of organisms.[47] {119} although the geological evidence is opposed to the belief in early glacial epochs except at very remote and distant intervals, there is nothing which contradicts the occurrence of repeated changes of climate, which, though too small in amount to produce any well-marked physical or organic change, would yet be amply sufficient to keep the organic world in a constant state of movement, and which, by subjecting the whole flora and fauna of a country at comparatively short intervals to decided changes of physical conditions, would supply that stimulus and motive power which, as we have seen, is all that is necessary to keep the processes of "natural selection" in constant operation. the frequent recurrence of periods of high and of low excentricity must certainly have produced changes of climate of considerable importance to the life of animals and plants. during periods of high excentricity with summer in _perihelion_, that season would be certainly very much hotter, while the winters would be longer and colder than at present; and although geographical conditions might prevent any permanent increase of snow and ice even in the extreme north, yet we cannot doubt that the whole northern hemisphere would then have a very different climate than when the changing phase of precession brought a very cool summer and a very mild winter--a perpetual spring, in fact. now, such a change of climate would certainly be calculated to bring about a considerable change of _species_, both by modification and migration, without any such decided change of _type_ either in the vegetation or the animals that we could say from their fossil remains that any change of climate had taken place. let us suppose, for instance, that the climate of england and that of canada were to be mutually exchanged, and that the change took five or six thousand years to bring about, it cannot be doubted that considerable modifications in the fauna and flora of both countries would be the result, although it is impossible to predict {120} what the precise changes would be. we can safely say, however, that some species would stand the change better than others, while it is highly probable that some would be actually benefited by it, and that others would be injured. but the benefited would certainly increase, and the injured decrease, in consequence, and thus a series of changes would be initiated that might lead to most important results. again, we are sure that some species would become modified in adaptation to the change of climate more readily than others, and these modified species would therefore increase at the expense of others not so readily modified; and hence would arise on the one hand extinction of species, and on the other the production of new forms. but this is the very least amount of change of climate that would certainly occur every 10,500 years when there was a high excentricity, for it is impossible to doubt that a varying distance of the sun in summer from 86 to 99 millions of miles (which is what occurred during--as supposed--the miocene period, 850,000 years ago) would produce an important difference in the summer temperature and in the actinic influence of sunshine on vegetation. for the intensity of the sun's rays would vary as the square of the distance, or nearly as 74 to 98, so that the earth would be actually receiving one-fourth less sun-heat during summer at one time than at the other. an equally high excentricity occurred 2,500,000 years back, and no doubt was often reached during still earlier epochs, while a lower but still very high excentricity has frequently prevailed, and is probably near its average value. changes of climate, therefore, every 10,500 years, of the character above indicated and of varying intensity, have been the rule rather than the exception in past time; and these changes must have been variously modified by changing geographical conditions so as to produce climatic alterations in different directions, giving to the ancient lands either dry or wet seasons, storms or calms, equable or excessive temperatures, in a variety of combinations of which the earth perhaps affords no example under the present low phase of {121} excentricity and consequent slight inequality of sun-heat. _present condition of the earth one of exceptional stability as regards climate._--it will be seen, by a reference to the diagram at page 171, that during the last three million years the excentricity has been _less_ than it is now on eight occasions, for short periods only, making up a total of about 280,000 years; while it has been _more_ than it is now for many long periods, of from 300,000 to 700,000 years each, making a total of 2,720,000 years; or nearly as 10 to 1. for nearly half the entire period, or 1,400,000 years, the excentricity has been nearly double what it is now, and this is not far from its mean condition. we have no reason for supposing that this long period of three million years, for which we have tables, was in any way exceptional as regards the degree or variation of excentricity; but, on the contrary, we may pretty safely assume that its variations during this time fairly represent its average state of increase and decrease during all known geological time. but when the glacial epoch ended, 72,000 years ago, the excentricity was about double its present amount; it then rapidly decreased till, at 60,000 years back, it was very little greater than it is now, and since then it has been uniformly small. it follows that, for about 60,000 years before our time, the mutations of climate every 10,500 years have been comparatively unimportant, and that the temperate zones have enjoyed _an exceptional stability of climate_. during this time those powerful causes of organic change which depend on considerable changes of climate and the consequent modifications, migrations, and extinctions of species, will not have been at work; the slight changes that did occur would probably be so slow and so little marked that the various species would be able to adapt themselves to them without much disturbance; and the result would be _an epoch of exceptional stability of species_. but it is from this very period of _exceptional stability_ that we obtain our only _scale_ for measuring the rate of organic change. it includes not only the historical period, {122} but that of the swiss lake dwellings, the danish shell-mounds, our peat-bogs, our sunken forests, and many of our superficial alluvial deposits--the whole in fact, of the iron, bronze, and neolithic ages. even some portion of the palæolithic age, and of the more recent gravels and cave-earths may come into the same general period if they were formed when the glacial epoch was passing away. now throughout all these ages we find no indication of change of species, and but little, comparatively, of migration. we thus get an erroneous idea of _the permanence and stability of specific forms_, due to the period immediately antecedent to our own being a _period of exceptional permanence and stability_ as regards climatic and geographical conditions.[48] _date of last glacial epoch and its bearing on the measurement of geological time._--directly we go back from this stable period we come upon changes both in the forms and in the distribution of species; and when we pass beyond the last glacial epoch into the pliocene period we find ourselves in a comparatively new world, surrounded by a considerable number of species altogether different from any which now exist, together with many others which, though still living, now inhabit distant regions. it seems not improbable that what is termed the pliocene period, was really the coming on of the glacial epoch, and this is the opinion of professor jules marcou.[49] according to our views, a considerable amount of geographical change must have occurred at the change from the miocene to the pliocene, favouring the refrigeration of the northern hemisphere, and leading, in the way already pointed out, to the glacial epoch whenever a high degree of excentricity {123} prevailed. as many reasons combine to make us fix the height of the glacial epoch at the period of high excentricity which occurred 200,000 years back, and as the pliocene period was probably not of long duration, we must suppose the next great phase of very high excentricity (850,000 years ago) to fall within the miocene epoch. dr. croll believes that this must have produced a glacial period, but we have shown strong reasons for believing that, in concurrence with favourable geographical conditions, it led to uninterrupted warm climates in the temperate and northern zones. this, however, did not prevent the occurrence of local glaciation wherever other conditions led to its initiation, and the most powerful of such conditions is a great extent of high land. now we know that the alps acquired a considerable part of their elevation during the latter part of the miocene period, since miocene rocks occur at an elevation of over 6,000 feet, while eocene beds occur at nearly 10,000 feet. but since that time there has been a vast amount of denudation, so that these rocks may have been at first raised much higher than we now find them, and thus a considerable portion of the alps may have been more elevated than they are now. this would certainly lead to an enormous accumulation of snow, which would be increased when the excentricity reached a maximum, as already fully explained, and may then have caused glaciers to descend into the adjacent sea, carrying those enormous masses of rock which are buried in the upper miocene of the superga in northern italy. an earlier epoch of great altitude in the alps coinciding with the very high excentricity 2,500,000 years ago, may have caused the local glaciation of the middle eocene period when the enormous erratics of the flysch conglomerate were deposited in the inland seas of northern switzerland, the carpathians, and the apennines. this is quite in harmony with the indications of an uninterrupted warm climate and rich vegetation during the very same period in the adjacent low countries, just as we find at the present day in new zealand a delightful climate and a rich vegetation of metrosideros, {124} fuchsias and tree-ferns on the very borders of huge glaciers, descending to within 700 feet of the sea-level. it is not pretended that these estimates of geological time have any more value than probable guesses; but it is certainly a curious coincidence that two remarkable periods of high excentricity should have occurred, at such periods and at such intervals apart, as very well accord with the comparative remoteness of the two deposits in which undoubted signs of ice-action have been found, and that both these are localised in the vicinity of mountains which are known to have acquired a considerable elevation at about the same period of time. in the tenth edition of the _principles of geology_, sir charles lyell, taking the amount of change in the species of mollusca as a guide, estimated the time elapsed since the commencement of the miocene as one-third that of the whole tertiary epoch, and the latter at one-fourth that of geological time since the cambrian period. professor dana, on the other hand, estimates the tertiary as only one-fifteenth of the mesozoic and palæozoic combined. on the estimate above given, founded on the dates of phases of high excentricity, we shall arrive at about four million years for the tertiary epoch, and sixteen million years for the time elapsed since the cambrian, according to lyell, or sixty millions according to dana. the estimate arrived at from the rate of denudation and deposition (twenty-eight million years) is nearly midway between these, and it is, at all events, satisfactory that the various measures result in figures of the same order of magnitude, which is all one can expect when discussing so difficult and exceedingly speculative a subject. the only value of such estimates is to define our notions of geological time, and to show that the enormous periods, of hundreds of millions of years, which have sometimes been indicated by geologists, are neither necessary nor warranted by the facts at our command; while the present result places us more in harmony with the calculations of physicists, by leaving a very wide margin between geological time as defined by the fossiliferous rocks, and that {125} far more extensive period which includes all possibility of life upon the earth. _concluding remarks._--in the present chapter i have endeavoured to show that, combining the measured rate of denudation with the estimated thickness and probable extent of the known series of sedimentary rocks, we may arrive at a rude estimate of the time occupied in the formation of those rocks. from another point of departure--that of the probable date of the miocene period, as determined by the epoch of high excentricity supposed to have aided in the production of the alpine glaciation during that period, and taking the estimate of geologists as to the proportionate amount of change in the animal world since that epoch--we obtain another estimate of the duration of geological time, which, though founded on far less secure data, agrees pretty nearly with the former estimate. the time thus arrived at is immensely less than the usual estimates of geologists, and is so far within the limits of the duration of the earth as calculated by sir william thomson, as to allow for the development of the lower organisms an amount of time anterior to the cambrian period several times greater than has elapsed between that period and the present day. i have further shown that, in the continued mutations of climate produced by high excentricity and opposite phases of precession, even though these did not lead to glacial epochs, we have a motive power well calculated to produce far more rapid organic changes than have hitherto been thought possible; while in the enormous amount of specific variation (as demonstrated in an earlier chapter), we have ample material for that power to act upon, so as to keep the organic world in a state of rapid change and development proportioned to the comparatively rapid changes in the earth's surface. we have now finished the series of preliminary studies of the biological conditions and physical changes which have affected the modification and dispersal of organisms, and have thus brought about their actual distribution on {126} the surface of the earth. these studies will, it is believed, place us in a condition to solve most of the problems presented by the distribution of animals and plants, whenever the necessary facts, both as to their distribution and their affinities, are sufficiently well known; and we now proceed to apply the principles we have established to the interpretation of the phenomena presented by some of the more important and best known of the islands of our globe, limiting ourselves to these for reasons which have been already sufficiently explained in our preface. * * * * * part ii _insular faunas and floras_ {241} chapter xi the classification of islands importance of islands in the study of the distribution of organisms--classification of islands with reference to distribution--continental islands--oceanic islands. in the preceding chapters, forming the first part of our work, we have discussed, more or less fully, the general features presented by animal distribution, as well as the various physical and biological changes which have been the most important agents in bringing about the present condition of the organic world. we now proceed to apply these principles to the solution of the numerous problems presented by the distribution of animals; and in order to limit the field of our inquiry, and at the same time to deal only with such facts as may be rendered intelligible and interesting to those readers who have not much acquaintance with the details of natural history, we propose to consider only such phenomena as are presented by the islands of the globe. _importance of islands in the study of the distribution of organisms._--islands possess many advantages for the study of the laws and phenomena of distribution. as compared with continents they have a restricted area and definite boundaries, and in most cases their geographical and biological limits coincide. the number of species and of genera they contain is always much smaller than in the {242} case of continents, and their peculiar species and groups are usually well defined and strictly limited in range. again, their relations with other lands are often direct and simple, and even when more complex are far easier to comprehend than those of continents; and they exhibit besides certain influences on the forms of life and certain peculiarities in their distribution which continents do not present, and whose study offers many points of interest. in islands we have the facts of distribution presented to us, sometimes in their simplest forms, in other cases becoming gradually more and more complex; and we are therefore able to proceed step by step in the solution of the problems they present. but as in studying these problems we have necessarily to take into account the relations of the insular and continental faunas, we also get some knowledge of the latter, and acquire besides so much command over the general principles which underlie all problems of distribution, that it is not too much to say that when we have mastered the difficulties presented by the peculiarities of island life we shall find it comparatively easy to deal with the more complex and less clearly defined problems of continental distribution. _classification of islands with reference to distribution._--islands have had two distinct modes of origin--they have either been separated from continents of which they are but detached fragments, or they have originated in the ocean and have never formed part of a continent or any large mass of land. this difference of origin is fundamental, and leads to a most important difference in their animal inhabitants; and we may therefore first distinguish the two classes--oceanic and continental islands. mr. darwin appears to have been the first writer who called attention to the number and importance, both from a geological and biological point of view, of oceanic islands. he showed that with very few exceptions all the remoter islands of the great oceans were of volcanic or coralline formation, and that none of them contained indigenous mammalia or amphibia. he also showed the connection of these two phenomena, and maintained that none of the islands so characterised had ever formed {243} part of a continent. this was quite opposed to the opinions of the scientific men of the day, who almost all held the idea of continental extensions, and of oceanic islands being their fragments, and it was long before mr. darwin's views obtained general acceptance. even now the belief still lingers; and we continually hear of old atlantic or pacific continents, of "atlantis" or "lemuria," of which hypothetical lands many existing islands, although wholly volcanic, are thought to be the remnants. we have already seen that darwin connected the peculiar geological structure of oceanic islands with the permanence of the great oceans which contain them, and we have shown that several distinct lines of evidence all point to the same conclusion. we may therefore define oceanic islands, as follows:--islands of volcanic or coralline formation, usually far from continents and always separated from them by very deep sea, entirely without indigenous land mammalia or amphibia, but with a fair number of birds and insects, and usually with some reptiles. this definition will exclude only two islands which have been sometimes classed as oceanic--new zealand and the seychelles. rodriguez, which was once thought to be another exception, has been shown by the explorations during the transit of venus expedition to be essentially volcanic, with some upraised coralline limestone. _continental islands._--continental islands are always more varied in their geological formation, containing both ancient and recent stratified rocks. they are rarely very remote from a continent, and they always contain some land mammals and amphibia, as well as representatives of the other classes and orders in considerable variety. they may, however, be divided into two well-marked groups--ancient and recent continental islands--the characters of which may be easily defined. recent continental islands are always situated on submerged banks connecting them with a continent, and the depth of the intervening sea rarely exceeds 100 fathoms. they resemble the continent in their geological structure, while their animal and vegetable productions are either almost identical with those of the continent, or if {244} otherwise, the difference consists in the presence of closely allied species of the same types, with occasionally a very few peculiar genera. they possess in fact all the characteristics of a portion of the continent, separated from it at a recent geological period. ancient continental islands differ greatly from the preceding in many respects. they are not united to the adjacent continent by a shallow bank, but are usually separated from it by a depth of sea of several hundreds to more than a thousand fathoms. in geological structure they agree generally with the more recent islands; like them they possess mammalia and amphibia, usually in considerable abundance, as well as all other classes of animals; but these are highly peculiar, almost all being distinct species, and many forming distinct and peculiar genera or families. they are also well characterised by the fragmentary nature of their fauna, many of the most characteristic continental orders or families being quite unrepresented, while some of their animals are allied, not to such forms as inhabit the adjacent continent, but to others found only in remote parts of the world. this very remarkable set of characters marks off the islands which exhibit them as a distinct class, which often present the greatest anomalies and most difficult problems to the student of distribution. _oceanic islands._--the total absence of warm-blooded terrestrial animals in an island otherwise well suited to maintain them, is held to prove that such island is no mere fragment of any existing or submerged continent, but one that has been actually produced in mid-ocean. it is true that if a continental island were to be completely submerged for a single day and then again elevated, its higher terrestrial animals would be all destroyed, and if it were situated at a considerable distance from land it would be reduced to the same zoological condition as an oceanic island. but such a complete submergence and re-elevation appears never to have taken place, for there is no single island on the globe which has the physical and geological features of a continental, combined with the zoological features of an oceanic island. it is true that some of the coral-islands may be formed upon submerged lands {245} of a continental character, but we have no proof of this; and even if it were so, the existing islands are to all intents and purposes oceanic. we will now pass on to a consideration of some of the more interesting examples of these three classes, beginning with oceanic islands. all the animals which now inhabit such oceanic islands must either themselves have reached them by crossing the ocean, or be the descendants of ancestors who did so. let us then see what are, in fact, the animal and vegetable inhabitants of these islands, and how far their presence can be accounted for. we will begin with the azores, or western islands, because they have been thoroughly well explored by naturalists, and in their peculiarities afford us an important clue to some of the most efficient means of distribution among several classes of animals. * * * * * {246} chapter xii oceanic islands:--the azores and bermuda the azores, or western islands position and physical features--chief zoological features of the azores--birds--origin of the azorean bird fauna--insects of the azores--land-shells of the azores--the flora of the azores--the dispersal of seeds--birds as seed-carriers--facilities for dispersal of azorean plants--important deduction from the peculiarities of the azorean fauna and flora. bermuda position and physical features--the red clay of bermuda--zoology of bermuda--birds of bermuda--comparison of the bird faunas of bermuda and the azores--insects of bermuda--land mollusca--flora of bermuda--concluding remarks on the azores and bermuda. we will commence our investigation into the phenomena presented by oceanic islands, with two groups of the north atlantic, in which the facts are of a comparatively simple nature and such as to afford us a valuable clue to a solution of the more difficult problems we shall have to deal with further on. the azores and bermuda offer great contrasts in physical features, but striking similarities in geographical position. the one is volcanic, the other coralline; but both are surrounded by a wide expanse of ocean of enormous depth, the one being about as far from europe as the other is from america. both are situated in the {247} temperate zone, and they differ less than six degrees in latitude, yet the vegetation of the one is wholly temperate, while that of the other is almost tropical. the productions of the one are related to europe, as those of the other are to america, but they present instructive differences; and both afford evidence of the highest value as to the means of dispersal of various groups of organisms across a wide expanse of ocean. the azores, or western islands. these islands, nine in number, form a widely scattered group, situated between 37° and 39° 40' n. lat. and stretching in a south-east and north-west direction over a distance of nearly 400 miles. the largest of the islands, san miguel, is about forty miles long, and is one of the nearest to europe, being rather under 900 miles from the coast of portugal, from which it is separated by an ocean 2,500 fathoms deep. the depth between the islands does not seem to be known, but the 1,000 fathom line encloses the whole group pretty closely, while a depth of about 1,800 fathoms is reached within 300 miles in all directions. these great depths render it in the highest degree improbable that the azores have ever been united with the european continent; while their being wholly volcanic is equally opposed to the view of their having formed part of an extensive atlantis including madeira and the canaries. the only exception to their volcanic structure is the occurrence in one small island only (santa maria) of some marine deposits of upper miocene age--a fact which proves some alterations of level, and perhaps a greater extension of this island at some former period, but in no way indicates a former union of the islands, or any greater extension of the whole group. it proves, however, that the group is of considerable antiquity, since it must date back to miocene times; and this fact may be of importance in considering the origin and peculiar features of the fauna and flora. it thus appears that in all physical features the azores correspond strictly with our physical definition of "oceanic islands," while their great distance {248} from any other land, and the depth of the ocean around them, make them typical examples of the class. we should therefore expect them to be equally typical in their fauna and flora; and this is the case as regards the most important characteristics, although in some points of detail they present exceptional phenomena. [illustration: outline map of the azores.] note.- the light tint shows where the sea is less than 1,000 fathoms deep. the dark tint " " " more than 1,000 fathoms deep. the figures show depths in fathoms. _chief zoological features of the azores._[50]--the great feature of oceanic islands--the absence of all indigenous land-mammalia and amphibia--is well shown in this {249} group; and it is even carried further, so as to include all terrestrial vertebrata, there being no snake, lizard, frog, or fresh-water fish, although the islands are sufficiently extensive, possess a mild and equable climate, and are in every way adapted to support all these groups. on the other hand, flying creatures, as birds and insects, are abundant; and there is also one flying mammal--a small european bat. it is true that rabbits, weasels, rats and mice, and a small lizard peculiar to madeira and teneriffe, are now found wild in the azores, but there is good reason to believe that these have all been introduced by human agency. the same may be said of the gold-fish and eels now found in some of the lakes, there being not a single fresh-water fish which is truly indigenous to the islands. when we consider that the nearest part of the group is about 900 miles from portugal, and more than 550 miles from madeira, it is not surprising that none of these terrestrial animals can have passed over such a wide expanse of ocean unassisted by man. let us now see what animals are believed to have reached the group by natural means, and thus constitute its indigenous fauna. these consist of birds, insects, and land-shells, each of which must be considered separately. _birds._--fifty-three species of birds have been observed at the azores, but the larger proportion (thirty-one) are either aquatic or waders--birds of great powers of flight, whose presence in the remotest islands is by no means remarkable. of these two groups twenty are residents, breeding in the islands, while eleven are stragglers only visiting the islands occasionally, and all are common european species. the land-birds, twenty-two in number, are more interesting, four only being stragglers, while eighteen are permanent residents. the following is a list of these resident land-birds:- 1. common buzzard (_buteo vulgaris_) 2. long-eared owl (_asio otus_) 3. barn owl (_strix flammea_) 4. blackbird (_turdus merula_) 5. robin (_erythacus rubecula_) 6. blackcap (_sylvia atricapilla_) {250} 7. gold-crest (_regulus cristatus_) 8. wheatear (_saxicola oenanthe_) 9. grey wagtail (_motacilla sulphurea_) 10. atlantic chaffinch (_fringilla tintillon_) 11. azorean bullfinch (_pyrrhula murina_) 12. canary (_serinus canarius_) 13. common starling (_sturnus vulgaris_) 14. lesser spotted woodpecker (_dryobates minor_) 15. wood-pigeon (_columba palumbus_) 16. rock dove (_columba livia_) 17. red-legged partridge (_caccabis rufa_) 18. common quail (_coturnix communis_) all the above-named birds are common in europe and north africa except three--the atlantic chaffinch and the canary which inhabit madeira and the canary islands, and the azorean bullfinch, which is peculiar to the islands we are considering. _origin of the azorean bird-fauna._--the questions we have now before us are--how did these eighteen species of birds first reach the azores, and how are we to explain the presence of a single peculiar species while all the rest are identical with european birds? in order to answer them, let us first see what stragglers now actually visit the azores from the nearest continents. the four species given in mr. godman's list are the kestrel, the oriole, the snow-bunting, and the hoopoe; but he also tells us that there are certainly others, and adds: "scarcely a storm occurs in spring or autumn without bringing one or more species foreign to the islands; and i have frequently been told that swallows, larks, grebes, and other species not referred to here, are not uncommonly seen at those seasons of the year." we have, therefore, every reason to believe that the birds which are now residents originated as stragglers, which occasionally found a haven in these remote islands when driven out to sea by storms. some of them, no doubt, still often arrive from the continent, but these cannot easily be distinguished as new arrivals among those which are permanent inhabitants. many facts mentioned by mr. godman show that this is the case. a barn-owl, much exhausted, flew on board a whaling-ship when 500 miles s.w. of the azores; and even if it had come from {251} madeira it must have travelled quite as far as from portugal to the islands. mr. godman also shot a single specimen of the wheatear in flores after a strong gale of wind, and as no one on the island knew the bird, it was almost certainly a recent arrival. subsequently a few were found breeding in the old crater of corvo, a small adjacent island; and as the species is not found in any other island of the group, we may infer that this bird is a recent immigrant in process of establishing itself. another fact which is almost conclusive in favour of the bird-population having arrived as stragglers is, that they are most abundant in the islands nearest to europe and africa. the azores consist of three divisions--an eastern, consisting of two islands, st. michael's and st. mary's; a central of five, terceira, graciosa, st. george's, pico, and fayal; and a western of two, flores and corvo. now had the whole group once been united to the continent, or even formed parts of one extensive atlantic island, we should certainly expect the central group, which is more compact and has a much larger area than all the rest, to have the greatest number and variety of birds. but the fact that birds are most numerous in the eastern group, and diminish as we go westward, is entirely opposed to this theory, while it is strictly in accordance with the view that they are all stragglers from europe, africa, or the other atlantic islands. omitting oceanic wanderers, and including all birds which have probably arrived involuntarily, the numbers are found to be forty species in the eastern group, thirty-six in the central, and twenty-nine in the western. to account for the presence of one peculiar species--the bullfinch (which, however, does not differ from the common european bullfinch more than do some of the varieties of north american birds from their type-species) is not difficult; the wonder rather being that there are not more peculiar forms. in our third chapter we have seen how great is the amount of individual variation in birds, and how readily local varieties become established wherever the physical conditions are sufficiently distinct. now we can hardly have a greater difference of conditions {252} than between the continent of europe or north africa, and a group of rocky islands in mid-atlantic, situated in the full course of the gulf stream and with an excessively mild though stormy climate. we have every reason to believe that special modifications would soon become established in any animals completely isolated under such conditions. but they are not, as a rule, thus completely isolated, because, as we have seen, stragglers arrive at short intervals; and these, mixing with the residents, keep up the purity of the breed. it follows, that only those species which reach the azores at very remote intervals will be likely to acquire well-marked distinctive characters; and this appears to have happened with the bullfinch alone, a bird which does not migrate, and is therefore less likely to be blown out to sea, more especially as it inhabits woody districts. a few other azorean birds, however, exhibit slight differences from their european allies. there is another reason for the very slight amount of peculiarity presented by the fauna of the azores as compared with many other oceanic islands, dependent on its comparatively recent origin. the islands themselves may be of considerable antiquity, since a few small deposits, believed to be of miocene age, have been found on them, but there can be little doubt that their present fauna, at all events as concerns the birds, had its origin since the date of the last glacial epoch. even now icebergs reach the latitude of the azores but a little to the west of them; and when we consider the proofs of extensive ice-action in north america and europe, we can hardly doubt that these islands were at that time surrounded with pack-ice, while their own mountains, reaching 7,600 feet high in pico, would almost certainly have been covered with perpetual snow and have sent down glaciers to the sea. they might then have had a climate almost as bad as that now endured by the prince edward islands in the southern hemisphere, nearly ten degrees farther from the equator, where there are no land-birds whatever, although the distance from africa is not much greater than that of the azores from europe, while the vegetation is limited to a few alpine plants and mosses. this recent origin of the {253} birds accounts in a great measure for their identity with those of europe, because, whatever change has occurred must have been effected in the islands themselves, and in a time limited to that which has elapsed since the glacial epoch passed away. _insects of the azores._--having thus found no difficulty in accounting for the peculiarities presented by the birds of these islands, we have only to see how far the same general principles will apply to the insects and land-shells. the butterflies, moths, and hymenoptera, are few in number, and almost all seem to be common european species, whose presence is explained by the same causes as those which have introduced the birds. beetles, however, are more numerous, and have been better studied, and these present some features of interest. the total number of species yet known is 212, of which 175 are european; but out of these 101 are believed to have been introduced by human agency, leaving seventy-four really indigenous. twenty-three of these indigenous species are not found in any of the other atlantic islands, showing that they have been introduced directly from europe by causes which have acted more powerfully here than farther south. besides these there are thirty-six species not found in europe, of which nineteen are natives of madeira or the canaries, three are american, and fourteen are altogether peculiar to the azores. these latter are mostly allied to species found in europe or in the other atlantic islands, while one is allied to an american species, and two are so distinct as to constitute new genera. the following list of these peculiar species will be interesting:- carabidæ. _anchomenus aptinoides_ allied to a species from the canaries. _bembidium hesperus_ allied to the european _b. lætum_. dytiscidæ. _agabus godmanni_ allied to the european _a. dispar_. colydiidæ. _tarphius wollastoni_ a genus almost peculiar to the atlantic islands. {254} elateridæ. _heteroderes azoricus_ allied to a brazilian species. _elastrus dolosus_ belongs to a peculiar madagascar genus! melyridæ. _attalus miniaticollis_ allied to a canarian species. rhyncophora. _phlæophagus variabilis_ allied to european and atlantic species. _acalles droueti_ a mediterranean and atlantic genus. _laparocerus azoricus_ allied to madeiran species. _asynonychun godmansi_ a peculiar genus, allied to _brachyderes_, of the south of europe. _neocnemis occidentalis_ a peculiar genus, allied to the european genus _strophosomus_. heteromera. _helops azoricus_ allied to _h. vulcanus_ of madeira. staphylinidæ. _xenomma melanocephala_ allied to _x. filiforme_ from the canaries. this greater amount of speciality in the beetles than in the birds may be due to two causes. in the first place many of these small insects have no doubt survived the glacial epoch, and may, in that case, represent very ancient forms which have become extinct in their native country; and in the second place, insects have many more chances of reaching remote islands than birds, for not only may they be carried by gales of wind, but sometimes, in the egg or larva state or even as perfect insects, they may be drifted safely for weeks over the ocean, buried in the light stems of plants or in the solid wood of trees in which many of them undergo their transformations. thus we may explain the presence of three common south american species (two elaters and a longicorn), all wood-eaters, and therefore liable to be occasionally brought in floating timber by the gulf stream. but insects are also immensely more numerous in species than are land-birds, and their transmission would be in most cases quite involuntary, and not dependent on their own powers of flight as with birds; and thus the chances against the same species being frequently carried to the same island would be considerable. if we add to this the dependence of so {255} many insects on local conditions of climate and vegetation, and their liability to be destroyed by insectivorous birds, we shall see that, although there may be a greater probability of insects as a whole reaching the islands, the chance against any particular species arriving there, or against the same species arriving frequently, is much greater than in the case of birds. the result is, that (as compared with britain for example) the birds are, proportionately, much more numerous than the beetles, while the peculiar species of beetles are much more numerous than among birds, both facts being quite in accordance with what we know of the habits of the two groups. we may also remark, that the small size and obscure characters of many of the beetles renders it probable that species now supposed to be peculiar, really inhabit some parts of europe or north africa. it is interesting to note that the two families which are pre-eminently wood, root, or seed eaters, are those which present the greatest amount of speciality. the two elateridæ alone exhibit remote affinities, the one with a brazilian the other with a madagascar group; while the only peculiar genera belong to the rhyncophora, but are allied to european forms. these last almost certainly form a portion of the more ancient fauna of the islands which migrated to them in pre-glacial times, while the brazilian elater appears to be the solitary example of a living insect brought by the gulf stream to these remote shores. the elater, having its nearest living ally in madagascar (_elastrus dolosus_), cannot be held to indicate any independent communication between these distant islands; but is more probably a relic of a once more widespread type which has only been able to maintain itself in these localities. mr. crotch states that there are some _species_ of beetles common to madagascar and the canary islands, while there are several _genera_, common to madagascar and south america, and some to madagascar and australia. the clue to these apparent anomalies is found in other genera being common to madagascar, africa, and south america, while others are asiatic or australian. madagascar, in fact, has insect relations with every part of {256} the globe, and the only rational explanation of such facts is, that they are indications of very ancient and once widespread groups, maintaining themselves only in a few widely separated portions of what was at one time or another the area of their distribution. _land-shells of the azores._--like the insects and birds, the land-shells of these islands have a generally european aspect, but with a larger proportion of peculiar species. this was to be expected, because the means by which molluscs are carried over the sea are far less numerous and varied than in the case of insects;[51] and we may therefore conclude that their introduction is a very rare event, and that a species once arrived remains for long periods undisturbed by new arrivals, and is therefore more likely to become modified by the new conditions, and then fixed as a distinct type. out of the sixty-nine known species, thirty-seven are common to europe or the other atlantic islands, while thirty-two are peculiar, though almost all are distinctly allied to european types. the majority of these shells, especially the peculiar forms, are very small, and many of them may date back to beyond the glacial epoch. the eggs of these would be exceedingly minute, and might occasionally be carried on leaves or other materials during gales of exceptional violence and duration, while others might be conveyed with the earth that often sticks to the feet of birds. there are also, probably, other unknown means of conveyance; but however this may be, the general character of the land-molluscs is such as to confirm the conclusions we have arrived at from a study of the birds and insects,--that these islands have never been connected with a continent, and have been peopled with living things by such forms only as in some way or other have been able to reach them across many hundred miles of ocean. _the flora of the azores._--the flowering-plants of the azores have been studied by one of our first botanists, mr. h. c. watson, who has himself visited the islands and made extensive collections; and he has given a complete catalogue of the species in mr. godman's volume. as our {257} object in the present work is to trace the past history of the more important islands by means of the forms of life that inhabit them, and as for this purpose plants are sometimes of more value than any class of animals, it will be well to take advantage of the valuable materials here available, in order to ascertain how far the evidence derived from the two organic kingdoms agrees in character; and also to obtain some general results which may be of service in our discussion of more difficult and more complex problems. there are in the azores 480 known species of flowering-plants and ferns, of which no less than 440 are found also in europe, madeira, or the canary islands; while forty are peculiar to the azores, but are more or less closely allied to european species. as botanists are no less prone than zoologists to invoke former land-connections and continental extensions to account for the wide dispersal of objects of their study, it will be well to examine somewhat closely what these facts really imply. _the dispersal of seeds._--the seeds of plants are liable to be dispersed by a greater variety of agents than any other organisms, while their tenacity of life, under varying conditions of heat and cold, drought and moisture, is also exceptionally great. they have also an advantage, in that the great majority of flowering plants have the sexes united in the same individual, so that a single seed in a state fit to germinate may easily stock a whole island. the dispersal of seeds has been studied by sir joseph hooker, mr. darwin, and many other writers, who have made it sufficiently clear that they are in many cases liable to be carried enormous distances. an immense number are specially adapted to be carried by the wind, through the possession of down or hairs, or membranous wings or processes; while others are so minute, and produced in such profusion, that it is difficult to place a limit to the distance they might be carried by gales of wind or hurricanes. another class of somewhat heavier seeds or dry fruits are capable of being exposed for a long time to sea-water without injury. mr. darwin made many experiments on this point, and he found that many seeds, especially of atriplex, {258} beta, oats, capsicum, and the potato, grew after 100 days' immersion, while a large number survived fifty days. but he also found that most of them sink after a few days' immersion, and this would certainly prevent them being floated to very great distances. it is very possible, however, that dried branches or flower-heads containing seeds would float longer, while it is quite certain that many tropical seeds do float for enormous distances, as witness the double cocoa-nuts which cross the indian ocean from the seychelle islands to the coast of sumatra, and the west indian beans which frequently reach the west coast of scotland. there is therefore ample evidence of the possibility of seeds being conveyed across the sea for great distances by winds and surface currents.[52] _birds as seed-carriers._--the great variety of fruits that are eaten by birds afford a means of plant-dispersal in the fact that seeds often pass through the bodies of birds in a state well-fitted for germination; and such seeds may occasionally be carried long distances by this means. of the twenty-two land-birds found in the azores, half are, more or less, fruit-eaters, and these may have been the means of introducing many plants into the islands. birds also frequently have small portions of earth on their feet; and mr. darwin has shown by actual experiment that almost all such earth contains seeds. thus in {259} nine grains of earth on the leg of a woodcock a seed of the toad-rush was found which germinated; while a wounded red-legged partridge had a ball of earth weighing six and a half ounces adhering to its leg, and from this earth mr. darwin raised no less than eighty-two separate plants of about five distinct species. still more remarkable was the experiment with six and three-quarter ounces of mud from the edge of a little pond, which, carefully treated under glass, produced 537 distinct plants! this is equal to a seed for every six grains of mud, and when we consider how many birds frequent the edges of ponds in search of food, or come there to drink, it is evident that great numbers of seeds may be dispersed by this means. many seeds have hispid awns, hooks, or prickles which readily attach them to the feathers of birds, and a great number of aquatic birds nest inland on the ground; and as these are pre-eminently wanderers, they must often aid in the dispersal of such plants.[53] {260} _facilities for dispersal of azorean plants._--now in the course of very long periods of time the various causes here enumerated would be sufficient to stock the remotest islands with vegetation, and a considerable part of the azorean flora appears well adapted to be so conveyed. of the 439 flowering-plants in mr. watson's list, i find that about forty-five belong to genera that have either pappus or winged seeds; sixty-five to such as have very minute seeds; thirty have fleshy fruits such as are greedily eaten by birds; several have hispid seeds; and eighty-four are glumaceous plants, which are all probably well-adapted for being carried partly by winds and partly by currents, as well as by some of the other causes mentioned. on the other hand we have a very suggestive fact in the absence from the azores of most of the trees and shrubs with large and heavy fruits, however common they may be in europe. such are oaks, chestnuts, hazels, apples, beeches, alders, and firs; while the only trees or large shrubs are the portugal laurel, myrtle, laurestinus, elder, _laurus canariensis_, _myrica faya_, and a doubtfully peculiar juniper--all small berry-bearers, and therefore likely to have been conveyed by one or other of the modes suggested above. there can be little doubt that the truly indigenous flora of the islands is far more scanty than the number of plants recorded would imply, because a large but unknown proportion of the species are certainly importations, voluntary or involuntary, by man. as, however, the general character of the whole flora is that of the south-western peninsula of europe, and as most of the introduced plants have come from the same country, it is almost impossible now to separate them, and mr. watson has not attempted to do so. the whole flora contains representatives of eighty natural orders and 250 genera: and even if we suppose that one-half the species only are truly indigenous, {261} there will still remain a wonderfully rich and varied flora to have been carried, by the various natural means above indicated, over 900 miles of ocean, more especially as the large proportion of species identical with those of europe shows that their introduction has been comparatively recent, and that it is, probably (as in the case of the birds) still going on. we may therefore feel sure that we have here by no means reached the limit of distance to which plants can be conveyed by natural means across the ocean; and this conclusion will be of great value to us in investigating other cases where the evidence at our command is less complete, and the indications of origin more obscure or conflicting. of the forty species which are considered to be peculiar to the islands, all are allied to european plants except six, whose nearest affinities are in the canaries or madeira. two of the compositæ are considered to be distinct genera, but in this order generic divisions rest on slight technical distinctions; and the _campanula vidalii_ is very distinct from any other known species. with these exceptions, most of the peculiar azorean species are closely allied to european plants, and are in several cases little more than varieties of them. while therefore we may believe that the larger part of the existing flora reached the islands since the glacial epoch, a portion of it may be more ancient, as there is no doubt that a majority of the species could withstand some lowering of temperature; while in such a warm latitude and surrounded with sea, there would always be many sunny and sheltered spots in which even tender plants might flourish. _important deduction from the peculiarities of the azorean fauna and flora._--there is one conclusion to be drawn from the almost wholly european character of the azorean fauna and flora which deserves special attention, namely, that the peopling of remote islands is not due so much to ordinary or normal, as to extraordinary and exceptional causes. these islands lie in the course of the south-westerly return trades and also of the gulf stream, and we should therefore naturally expect that american birds, insects, and plants would preponderate if they were {262} conveyed by the regular winds and currents, which are both such as to prevent european species from reaching the islands. but the violent storms to which the azores are liable blow from all points of the compass; and it is evidently to these, combined with the greater proximity and more favourable situation of the coasts of europe and north africa, that the presence of a fauna and flora so decidedly european is to be traced. the other north atlantic islands--madeira, the canaries, and the cape de verdes--present analogous phenomena to those of the azores, but with some peculiarities dependent on their more southern position, their richer vegetation, and perhaps their greater antiquity. these have been sufficiently discussed in my _geographical distribution of animals_ (vol. i. pp. 208-215); and as we are now dealing with what may be termed typical examples of oceanic islands, for the purpose of illustrating the laws, and solving the problems presented by the dispersal of animals, we will pass on to other cases which have been less fully discussed in that work. bermuda. the bermudas are a small group of low islands formed of coral, and blown coral-sand consolidated into rock. they are situated in 32° n. lat., about 700 miles from north carolina, and somewhat farther from the bahama islands, and are thus rather more favourably placed for receiving immigrants from america and its islands than the azores are with respect to europe. there are about 100 islands and islets in all, but their total area does not exceed fifty square miles. they are surrounded by reefs, some at a distance of thirty miles from the main group; and the discovery of a layer of earth with remains of cedar-trees forty-eight feet below the present high-water mark shows that the islands have once been more extensive and probably included the whole area now occupied by shoals and reefs.[54] immediately beyond these reefs, {263} however, extends a very deep ocean, while about 450 miles distant in a south-east direction, the deepest part of the north atlantic is reached, where soundings of 3,825 and 3,875 fathoms have been obtained. it is clear therefore that these islands are typically oceanic. [illustration: map of bermuda and the american coast.] note.--the light tint indicates sea less than 1,000 fathoms deep. the dark tint ,, ,, more than 1,000 fathoms deep. the figures show the depth in fathoms. soundings were taken by the _challenger_ in four {264} different directions around bermuda, and always showed a rapid deepening of the sea to about 2,500 fathoms. this was so remarkable, that in his reports to the admiralty, captain nares spoke of bermuda as "a solitary peak rising abruptly from a base only 120 miles in diameter;" and in another place as "an isolated peak rising abruptly from a very small base." these expressions show that bermuda is looked upon as a typical example of an "oceanic peak"; and on examining the series of official reports of the _challenger_ soundings, i can find no similar case, although some coasts, both of continents and islands, descend more abruptly. in order to show, therefore, what is the real character of this peak, i have drawn a section of it on a true scale from the soundings taken in a north and south direction where the descent is steepest. it will be seen that the slope is on both sides very easy, being 1 in 16 on the south, and 1 in 19 on the north. the portion nearest the islands will slope more rapidly, perhaps reaching in places 1 in 10; but even this is not steeper than many country roads in hilly countries, while the remainder would be a hardly perceptible slope. although generally very low, some parts of these islands rise to 250 feet above the sea-level, consisting of various kinds of limestone rock, sometimes soft and friable, but often very hard and even crystalline. it consists of beds which sometimes dip as much as 30°, and which also show great contortions, so that at first sight the islands appear to exhibit on a small scale the phenomena of a disturbed palæozoic district. it has however long been known that these rocks are all due to the wind, {265} which blows up the fine calcareous sand, the product of the disintegration of coral, shells, serpulæ, and other organisms, forming sand-hills forty and fifty feet high, which move gradually along, overwhelming the lower tracts of land behind them. these are consolidated by the percolation of rain-water, which dissolves some of the lime from the more porous tracts and deposits it lower down, filling every fissure with stalagmite. [illustration: section of bermuda and adjacent sea bottom. the figures show the depth in fathoms at fifty-five miles north and forty-six miles south of the islands respectively.] _the red clay of bermuda._--besides the calcareous rocks there is found in many parts of the islands a layer of red earth or clay, containing about thirty per cent. of oxide of iron. this very closely resembles, both in colour and chemical composition, the red clay of the ocean floor, found widely spread in the atlantic at depths of from 2,300 to 3,150 fathoms, and occurring abundantly all round bermuda. it appears, therefore, at first sight, as if the ocean bed itself has been here raised to the surface, and a portion of its covering of red clay preserved; and this is the view adopted by mr. jones in his paper on the "botany of bermuda." he says, after giving the analysis: "this analysis tends to convince us that the deep chocolate-coloured red clay of the islands found in the lower levels, and from high-water mark some distance into the sea, originally came from the ocean floor, and that when by volcanic agency the bermuda column was raised from the depths of the sea, its summit, most probably broken in outline, appeared above the surface covered with this red mud, which in the course of ages has but slightly changed its composition, and yet possesses sufficient evidence to prove its identity with that now lying contiguous to the base of the bermuda column." but in his _guide to bermuda_ mr. jones tells us that this same red earth has been found, two feet thick, under coral rock at a depth of forty-two feet below low-water mark, and that it "rested on a bed of compact calcareous sandstone." now it is quite certain that this "calcareous sandstone" was never formed at the bottom of the deep ocean 700 miles from land; and the occurrence of the red earth at different levels upon coralline sand rock is therefore more probably due to some process of decomposition of the rock itself, {266} or of the minute organisms which abound in the blown sand.[55] _zoology of bermuda._--as might be expected from their extreme isolation, these islands possess no indigenous terrestrial mammalia, frogs, or snakes.[56] there is however one lizard, which professor cope considers to be distinct from any american species, and which he has named _plestiodon (eumeces) longirostris_. it is said to be most nearly allied to _eumeces quinquelineatus_ of the south-eastern states, from which it differs in having nearly ten more rows of scales, the tail thicker, and the muzzle longer. in colour it is ashy brown above, greenish blue beneath, with a white line black-margined on the sides, and it seems to be tolerably abundant in the islands. this lizard is especially interesting as being the only vertebrate animal which exhibits any peculiarity. _birds._--notwithstanding its small size, low altitude and {267} remote position, a great number of birds visit bermuda annually, some in large numbers, others only as accidental stragglers. altogether, over 180 species have been recorded, rather more than half being wading and swimming birds, whose presence is not so much to be wondered at as they are great wanderers; while about eighty-five are land birds, many of which would hardly be supposed capable of flying so great a distance. of the 180 species, however, about thirty have only been seen once, and a great many more are very rare; but about twenty species of land birds are recorded as tolerably frequent visitors, and nearly half these appear to come every year. there are only eleven species which are permanent residents on the island--eight land, and three water birds, and of these one has been almost certainly introduced. these resident birds are as follows:- 1. _galeoscoptes carolinensis._ (the cat bird.) migrates along the east coast of the united states. 2. _sialia sialis._ (the blue bird.) migrates along the east coast. 3. _vireo novæboracensis._ (the white-eyed green tit.) migrates along the east coast. 4. _passer domesticus._ (the english sparrow.) ? introduced. 5. _corvus americanus._ (the american crow.) common over all north america. 6. _cardinalis virginianus._ (the cardinal bird.) migrates from carolina southward. 7. _chamoepelia passerina._ (the ground dove.) louisiana, w. indies, and mexico. 8. _ortyx virginianus._ (the american quail.) new england to florida. 9. _ardea herodias._ (the great blue heron.) all north america. 10. _gailinula galeata._ (the florida gallinule.) temperate and tropical north america. 11. _phäeton flavirostris._ (the tropic bird.) it will be seen that these are all very common north american birds, and most of them are constant visitors from the mainland, so that however long they may have inhabited the islands there has been no chance for them to have acquired any distinctive characters owing to the want of isolation. among the most regular visitants which are not resident, are the common n. american kingfisher (_ceryle alcyon_), {268} the night-hawk (_chordeiles virginianus_), the wood wagtail (_siurus novæboracensis_), the snow-bunting (_plectrophanes nivalis_), and the wide-ranging rice-bird (_dolichonyx oryzivora_), all very common and widespread in north america. _comparison of the bird-faunas of bermuda and the azores._--the bird-fauna of bermuda thus differs from that of the azores, in the much smaller number of resident species, and the presence of several regular migrants. this is due, first, to the small area and little varied surface of these islands, as well as to their limited flora and small supply of insects not affording conditions suitable for the residence of many species all the year round; and, secondly, to the peculiarity of the climate of north america, which causes a much larger number of its birds to be migratory than in europe. the northern united states and canada, with a sunny climate, luxuriant vegetation, and abundant insect-life during the summer, supply food and shelter to an immense number of insectivorous and frugivorous birds; so that during the breeding season canada is actually richer in bird-life than florida. but as the severe winter comes on all these are obliged to migrate southward, some to carolina, georgia, and florida, others as far as the west indies, mexico, or even to guatemala and south america. every spring and autumn, therefore a vast multitude of birds, belonging to more than a hundred distinct species, migrate northward or southward in eastern america. a large proportion of these pass along the atlantic coast, and it has been observed that many of them fly some distance out to sea, passing straight across bays from headland to headland by the shortest route. now as the time of these migrations is the season of storms, especially the autumnal one, which nearly coincides with the hurricanes of the west indies and the northerly gales of the coast of america, the migrating birds are very liable to be carried out to sea. sometimes they may, as mr. jones suggests, be carried up by local whirlwinds to a great height, where meeting with a westerly or north-westerly gale, they are rapidly driven sea-ward. the great majority no doubt perish, but some reach the bermudas {269} and form one of its most striking autumnal features. in october, mr. jones tells us, the sportsman enjoys more shooting than at any other time. the violent revolving gales, which occur almost weekly, bring numbers of birds of many species from the american continent, the different members of the duck tribe forming no inconsiderable portion of the whole; while the canada goose, and even the ponderous american swan, have been seen amidst the migratory host. with these come also such delicate birds as the american robin (_turdus migratorius_), the yellow-rumped warbler (_dendroeca coronata_), the pine warbler (_dendroeca pinus_), the wood wagtail (_siurus novæboracensis_), the summer red bird (_pyranga æstiva_), the snow-bunting (_plectrophanes nivalis_), the red-poll (_ægiothus linarius_), the king bird (_tyrannus carolinensis_), and many others. it is no doubt in consequence of this repeated immigration that none of the bermuda birds have acquired any special peculiarity constituting even a distinct variety; for the few species that are resident and breed in the islands are continually crossed by individual immigrants of the same species from the mainland. four european birds also have occurred in bermuda;--the wheatear (_saxicola oenanthe_), which visits iceland and lapland and sometimes the northern united states; the skylark (_alauda arvensis_), but this was probably an imported bird or an escape from some ship; the land-rail (_crex pratensis_), which also wanders to greenland and the united states; and the common snipe (_scolopax gallinago_), which occurs not unfrequently in greenland but has not yet been noticed in north america. it is however so like the american snipe (_s. wilsoni_), that a straggler might easily be overlooked. two small bats of n. american species also occasionally reach the island, while two others from the west indies have more rarely occurred, and these are the only wild mammalia except rats and mice. _insects of bermuda._--insects appear to be very scarce; but it is evident from the lists given by mr. jones, and more recently by professor heilprin, that only the more conspicuous species have been yet collected. these {270} comprise nineteen beetles, eleven bees and wasps, twenty-six butterflies and moths, nine flies, and the same number of hemiptera, orthoptera, and neuroptera respectively. all appear to be common north american or west indian species; but until some competent entomological collector visits the islands it is impossible to say whether there are or are not any peculiar species.[57] _land mollusca._--the land-shells of the bermudas are somewhat more interesting, as they appear to be the only group of animals except reptiles in which there are any peculiar species. the following list was kindly furnished me by mr. thomas bland of new york, who has made a special study of the terrestrial molluscs of the west indian islands, from which those of the bermudas have undoubtedly been derived. the nomenclature has been corrected in accordance with the list given in professor heilprin's work on the islands. the species which are peculiar to the islands are indicated by italics. list of the land-shells of bermuda. 1. succinea fulgens. (lea.) also in cuba. 2. ,, bermudensis. (pfeiffer.) ,, barbadoes (?) 3. ,, margarita. (pfr.) ,, haiti. 4. _poecilozonites bermudensis._ (pfr.) a peculiar form, which, according to mr. binney, "cannot be placed in any recognised genus." a larger sub-fossil variety also occurs, named _h. nelsoni_, by mr. bland, and which appears sufficiently distinct to be classed as another species. 5. ,, _circumfirmatas_ (redfield.) 6. ,, _discrepans._ (pfr.) 7. ,, _reinianus._ (pfr.) 8. patula (thysanophora) hypolepta (shuttleworth.) 9. ,, vortex. (pfr.) southern florida and west indies. 10. helix microdonta. (desh.) bahama islands, florida, texas. 11. ,, appressa. (say.) virginia and adjacent states; perhaps introduced into bermuda. {271} 12. ,, pulchella. (müll.) europe; very close to _h. minuta_ (say) of the united states. introduced into bermuda (?) 13. ,, ventricosa. (drap.) azores, canary islands, and south europe. 14. bulimulus nitidulus. (pfr.) cuba, haiti, &c. 15. stenogyra octona. (ch.) west indies and south america. 16. stenogyra decollata (linn.) a south european species. introduced. 17. coecilianella acicula. (müll.) florida, new jersey, and europe. 18. pupa pellucida. (pfr.) west indies, and yucatan. 19. ,, barbadensis. (pfr.) barbadoes (?) 20. ,, jamaicensis. (c. b. ad.) jamaica. 21. helicina convexa. (pfr.) barbuda.[58] mr. bland indicates only four species as certainly peculiar to bermuda, and another sub-fossil species; while one or two of the remainder are indicated as doubtfully identical with those of other countries. we have thus about one-fifth of the land-shells peculiar, while almost all the other productions of the islands are identical with those of the adjacent continent and islands. this corresponds, however, with what occurs generally in islands at some distance from continents. in the azores only one land-bird is peculiar out of eighteen resident species; the beetles show about one-eighth of the probably non-introduced species as peculiar; the plants about one-twentieth; while the land-shells have about half the species peculiar. this difference is well explained by the much greater difficulty of transmission over wide seas, in the case of land-shells, than of any other terrestrial organisms. it thus happens that when a species has once been conveyed it may remain isolated for unknown ages, and has time to become modified by local conditions unchecked by the introduction of other individuals of the original type. _flora of bermuda._--unfortunately no good account of the plants of these islands has yet been published. mr. {272} jones, in his paper "on the vegetation of the bermudas" gives a list of no less than 480 species of flowering plants; but this number includes all the culinary plants, fruit-trees, and garden flowers, as well as all the ornamental trees and shrubs from various parts of the world which have been introduced, mixed up with the european and american weeds that have come with agricultural or garden seeds, and the really indigenous plants, in one undistinguished series. it appears too, that the late governor, major-general lefroy, "has sown and distributed throughout the islands packets of seeds from kew, representing no less than 600 species, principally of trees and shrubs suited to sandy coast soils"--so that it will be more than ever difficult in future years to distinguish the indigenous from the introduced vegetation. from the researches of dr. rein and mr. moseley there appear to be about 250 flowering plants in a wild state, and of these mr. moseley thinks less than half are indigenous. the majority are tropical and west indian, while others are common to the southern states of north america; the former class having been largely brought by means of the gulf stream, the latter by the agency of birds or by winds. mr. jones tells us that the currents bring numberless objects animate and inanimate from the carribean sea, including the seeds of trees, shrubs, and other plants, which are continually cast ashore and sometimes vegetate. the soap-berry tree (_sapindus saponaria_) has been actually observed to originate in this way. the only _species_ of flowering plant peculiar to bermuda is _carex bermudiana_ (hemsley), which is said to be allied to a species found only in st. helena; but there are some local forms of continental species, among which are _sisyrinchium bermudianum_ and a variety of _rhus toxicodendron_. there are, however, two ferns--an adiantum and a nephrodium, which are unknown from any other locality. the juniper, which is so conspicuous a feature of the islands, is said to be a west indian species (_juniperus barbadensis_) found in jamaica and the bahamas, not the north american red {273} cedar; but there seems to be still some doubt about this common plant. mr. moseley, who visited bermuda in the _challenger_, has well explained the probable origin of the vegetation. the large number of west indian plants is no doubt due to the gulf stream and constant surface drift of warm water in this direction, while others have been brought by the annual cyclones which sweep over the intervening ocean. the great number of american migratory birds, including large flocks of the american golden plover, with ducks and other aquatic species, no doubt occasionally bring seeds, either in the mud attached to their feet or in their stomachs.[59] as these causes are either constantly in action or recur annually, it is not surprising that almost all the species should be unchanged owing to the frequent intercrossing of freshly-arrived specimens. if a competent botanist were thoroughly to explore bermuda, eliminate the species introduced by human agency, and investigate the source from whence the others were derived and the mode by which they had reached so remote an island, we should obtain important information as to the dispersal of plants, which might afford us a clue to the solution of many difficult problems in their geographical distribution. _concluding remarks._--the two groups of islands we have now been considering furnish us with some most instructive facts as to the power of many groups of organisms to pass over from 700 to 900 miles of open sea. there is no doubt whatever that all the indigenous species have thus reached these islands, and in many cases the process may be seen going on from year to year. we find that, as regards birds, migratory habits and the liability to be caught by violent storms are the conditions which determine the island-population. in both islands the land-birds are almost exclusively migrants; and in both, the non-migratory groups--wrens, tits, creepers, and nuthatches--are absent; while the number of annual visitors is greater in proportion as the migratory habits and prevalence of storms afford more efficient means for their introduction. {274} we find also, that these great distances do not prevent the immigration of some insects of most of the orders, and especially of a considerable number and variety of beetles; while even land-shells are fairly represented in both islands, the large proportion of peculiar species clearly indicating that, as we might expect, individuals of this group of organisms arrive only at long and irregular intervals. plants are represented by a considerable variety of orders and genera, most of which show some special adaptation for dispersal by wind or water, or through the medium of birds; and there is no reason to doubt that besides the species that have actually established themselves, many others must have reached the islands, but were either not suited to the climate and other physical conditions, or did not find the insects necessary to their fertilisation, and were therefore unable to maintain themselves. if now we consider the extreme remoteness and isolation of these islands, their small area and comparatively recent origin, and that, notwithstanding all these disadvantages, they have acquired a very considerable and varied flora and fauna, we shall, i think, be convinced, that with a larger area and greater antiquity, mere separation from a continent by many hundred miles of sea would not prevent a country from acquiring a very luxuriant and varied flora, and a fauna also rich and peculiar as regards all classes except terrestrial mammals, amphibia, and some groups of reptiles. this conclusion will be of great importance in those cases where the evidence as to the exact origin of the fauna and flora of an island is less clear and satisfactory than in the case of the azores and bermuda. * * * * * {275} chapter xiii the galapagos islands position and physical features--absence of indigenous mammalia and amphibia--reptiles--birds--insects and land-shells--the keeling islands as illustrating the manner in which oceanic islands are peopled--flora of the galapagos--origin of the flora of the galapagos--concluding remarks. the galapagos differ in many important respects from the islands we have examined in our last chapter, and the differences are such as to have affected the whole character of their animal inhabitants. like the azores, they are volcanic, but they are much more extensive, the islands being both larger and more numerous; while volcanic action has been so recent that a large portion of their surface consists of barren lava-fields. they are considerably less distant from a continent than either the azores or bermuda, being about 600 miles from the west coast of south america and a little more than 700 from veragua, with the small cocos islands intervening; and they are situated on the equator instead of being in the north temperate zone. they stand upon a deeply submerged bank, the 1,000 fathom line encircling all the more important islands at a few miles distance, whence there appears to be a comparatively steep descent all round to the average depth of that portion of the pacific, between 2,000 and 3,000 fathoms. {276} [illustration: map of the galapagos and adjacent coasts of south america.] the light tint shows where the sea is less than 1,000 fathoms deep. the figures show the depth in fathoms. the whole group occupies a space of about 300 by 200 miles. it consists of five large and twelve small islands; the largest (albemarle island) being about eighty miles long and of very irregular shape, while the four next in importance--chatham, indefatigable, james, and narborough islands, are each about twenty-five or thirty miles {277} long, and of a rounded or elongate form. the whole are entirely volcanic, and in the western islands there are numerous active volcanoes. unlike the other groups of islands we have been considering, these are situated in a comparatively calm sea, where storms are of rare occurrence and even strong winds almost unknown. they are traversed by ocean currents which are strong and constant, flowing towards the north-west from the coast of peru; {278} and these physical conditions have had a powerful influence on the animal and vegetable forms by which the islands are now inhabited. the galapagos have also, during three centuries, been frequently visited by europeans, and were long a favourite resort of buccaneers and traders, who found an ample supply of food in the large tortoises which abound there; and to these visits we may perhaps trace the introduction of some animals whose presence it is otherwise difficult to account for. the vegetation is generally scanty, but still amply sufficient for the support of a considerable amount of animal life, as shown by the cattle, horses, asses, goats, pigs, dogs, and cats, which now run wild in some of the islands. [illustration: map of the galapagos.] the light tint shows a depth of less than 1,000 fathoms. the figures show the depth in fathoms. _absence of indigenous mammalia and amphibia._--as in all other oceanic islands, we find here no truly indigenous mammalia, for though there is a mouse of the american genus hesperomys, which differs somewhat from any known species, we can hardly consider this to be indigenous; first, because these creatures have been little studied in south america, and there may yet be many undescribed species, and in the second place because even had it been introduced by some european or native vessel, there is ample time in two or three hundred years for the very different conditions to have established a marked diversity in the characters of the species. this is the more probable because there is also a true rat of the old world genus mus, which is said to differ slightly from any known species; and as this genus is not a native of the american continents we are sure that it must have been recently introduced into the galapagos. there can be little doubt therefore that the islands are completely destitute of truly indigenous mammalia; and frogs and toads, the only tropical representatives of the amphibia, are equally unknown. _reptiles._--reptiles, however, which at first sight appear as unsuited as mammals to pass over a wide expanse of ocean, abound in the galapagos, though the species are not very numerous. they consist of land-tortoises, lizards and snakes. the tortoises consist of two peculiar species, _testudo microphyes_, found in most of the islands, and _t. {279} abingdonii_ recently discovered on abingdon island, as well as one extinct species, _t. ephippium_, found on indefatigable island. these are all of very large size, like the gigantic tortoises of the mascarene islands, from which, however, they differ in structural characters; and dr. günther believes that they have been originally derived from the american continent.[60] considering the well known tenacity of life of these animals, and the large number of allied forms which have aquatic or sub-aquatic habits, it is not a very extravagant supposition that some ancestral form, carried out to sea by a flood, was once or twice safely drifted as far as the galapagos, and thus originated the races which now inhabit them. the lizards are five in number; a peculiar species of gecko, _phyllodactylus galapagensis_, and four species of the american family iguanidæ. two of these are distinct species of the genus tropidurus, the other two being large, and so very distinct as to be classed in peculiar genera. one of these is aquatic and found in all the islands, swimming in the sea at some distance from the shore and feeding on seaweed; the other is terrestrial, and is confined to the four central islands. these last were originally described as _amblyrhynchus cristatus_ by mr. bell, and _a. subcristatus_ by gray; they were afterwards placed in two other genera trachycephalus and oreocephalus (_see_ brit. mus. catalogue of lizards), while in a recent paper by dr. steindachner, the marine species is again classed as amblyrhynchus, while the terrestrial form is placed in another genus conolophus, both genera being peculiar to the galapagos. how these lizards reached the islands we cannot tell. the fact that they all belong to american genera or families indicates their derivation from that continent, while their being all distinct species is a proof that their arrival took place at a remote epoch, under conditions perhaps somewhat different from any which now prevail. it is certain that animals of this order have some means of crossing the sea not possessed by any other land vertebrates, {280} since they are found in a considerable number of islands which possess no mammals nor any other land reptiles; but what those means are has not yet been positively ascertained. it is unusual for oceanic islands to possess snakes, and it is therefore somewhat of an anomaly that two species are found in the galapagos. both are closely allied to south american forms, and one is hardly different from a chilian snake, so that they indicate a more recent origin than in the case of the lizards. snakes it is known can survive a long time at sea, since a living boa-constrictor once reached the island of st. vincent from the coast of south america, a distance of two hundred miles by the shortest route. snakes often frequent trees, and might thus be conveyed long distances if carried out to sea on a tree uprooted by a flood such as often occurs in tropical climates and especially during earthquakes. to some such accident we may perhaps attribute the presence of these creatures in the galapagos, and that it is a very rare one is indicated by the fact that only two species have as yet succeeded in obtaining a footing there. _birds._--we now come to the birds, whose presence here may not seem so remarkable, but which yet present features of interest not exceeded by any other group. about seventy species of birds have now been obtained on these islands, and of these forty-one are peculiar to them. but all the species found elsewhere, except one, belong to the aquatic tribes or the waders which are pre-eminently wanderers, yet even of these eight are peculiar. the true land-birds are forty-two in number, and all but one are entirely confined to the galapagos; while three-fourths of them present such peculiarities that they are classed in distinct genera. all are allied to birds inhabiting tropical america, some very closely; while one--the common american rice-bird which ranges over the whole northern and part of the southern continents--is the only land-bird identical with those of the mainland. the following is a list of these land-birds taken from mr. salvin's memoir in the _transactions of the zoological society_ for the year 1876, to which are added nine species collected in 1888 and {281} described by mr. ridgway in the _proceedings of the u.s. national museum_ (xii. p. 101) and some additional species obtained in 1889. turdidæ. 1. nesomimus trifasciatus } this and the two allied species 2. ,, melanotus } are related to a peruvian bird 3. ,, parvulus } _mimus longicaudus_. 4. ,, macdonaldi (ridg.) 5. ,, personatus (ridg.) mniotiltidæ. 6. dendroeca aureola { closely allied to the wide-ranging { _d. æstiva_. hirundinidæ. 7. progne concolor { allied to _p. purpurea_ of north { and south america. coerebidæ. 8. certhidea olivacea } a peculiar genus allied to the 9. ,, fusca } andean genus conirostrum. 10. ,, cinerascens } fringillidæ. 11. geospiza magnirostris 12. ,, strenua 13. ,, dubia a distinct genus, but allied to the 14. ,, fortis south american genus guiraca. 15. ,, nebulosa 16. ,, fuliginosa 17. ,, parvula 18. ,, dentirostris 19. ,, conirostris (ridg.) 20. ,, media (ridg.) 21. ,, difficilis (sharpe) 22. cactornis scandens 23. ,, assimilis 24. ,, abingdoni 25. ,, pallida a genus allied to the last. 26. ,, brevirostris (ridg.) 27. ,, hypoleuca (ridg.) a very peculiar genus allied to 28. camarhynchus psittaculus neorhynchus of the west coast 29. ,, crassirostris of peru. 30. ,, variegatus 31. ,, prosthemelas 32. ,, habeli 33. ,, townsendi (ridg.) 34. ,, pauper (ridg.) {282} icteridæ. 35. dolichonyx oryzivorus ranges from canada to paraguay. tyrannidæ. 36. pyrocephalus nanus 37. p. minimus (ridg.) allied to _p. rubincus_ of ecuador. 38. myiarchus magnirostris allied to west indian species. columbidæ. 39. zenaida galapagensis { a peculiar species of a s. { american genus. falconidæ. 40. buteo galapagensis a buzzard of peculiar coloration. strigidæ. 41. asio galapagensis } hardly distinct from the widespread } _a. brachyotus._ 42. strix punctatissima allied to _s. flammea_ but quite distinct. we have here every gradation of difference from perfect identity with the continental species to genera so distinct that it is difficult to determine with what forms they are most nearly allied; and it is interesting to note that this diversity bears a distinct relation to the probabilities of, and facilities for, migration to the islands. the excessively abundant rice-bird, which breeds in canada and swarms over the whole united states, migrating to the west indies and south america, visiting the distant bermudas almost every year, and extending its range as far as paraguay, is the only species of land-bird which remains completely unchanged in the galapagos; and we may therefore conclude that some stragglers of the migrating host reach the islands sufficiently often to keep up the purity of the breed. next, we have the almost cosmopolite short-eared owl (_asio brachyotus_), which ranges from china to ireland, and from greenland to the straits of magellan, and of this the galapagos bird is probably only one of the numerous varieties. the little wood warbler (_dendroeca aureola_) is closely allied to a species which {283} ranges over the whole of north america and as far south as new grenada. it has also been occasionally met with in bermuda, an indication that it has considerable powers of flight and endurance. the more distinct _species_--as the tyrant fly-catchers (pyrocephalus and myiarchus), the ground-dove (zenaida), and the buzzard (buteo), are all allied to non-migratory species peculiar to tropical america, and of a more restricted range; while the distinct _genera_ are allied to south american groups of thrushes, finches, and sugar-birds which have usually restricted ranges, and whose habits are such as not to render them likely to be carried out to sea. the remote ancestral forms of these birds which, owing to some exceptional causes, reached the galapagos, have thus remained uninfluenced by later migrations, and have, in consequence, been developed into a variety of distinct types adapted to the peculiar conditions of existence under which they have been placed. sometimes the different species thus formed are confined to one or two of the islands only, as the three species of certhidea, which are divided between the islands but do not appear ever to occur together. _nesomimus parvulus_ is confined to albemarle island, and _n. trifasciatus_ to charles island; _cactornis pallida_ to indefatigable island, _c. brevirostris_ to chatham island, and _c. abingdoni_ to abingdon island. now all these phenomena are strictly consistent with the theory of the peopling of the islands by accidental migrations, if we only allow them to have existed for a sufficiently long period; and the fact that volcanic action has ceased on many of the islands, as well as their great extent, would certainly indicate a considerable antiquity. the great difference presented by the birds of these islands as compared with those of the equally remote azores and bermudas, is sufficiently explained by the difference of climatal conditions. at the galapagos there are none of those periodic storms, gales, and hurricanes which prevail in the north atlantic, and which every year carry some straggling birds of europe or north america to the former islands; while, at the same time, the majority of the tropical american birds are {284} nonmigratory, and thus afford none of the opportunities presented by the countless hosts of migrants which pass annually northward and southward along the european, and especially along the north american coasts. it is strictly in accordance with these different conditions that we find in one case an almost perfect identity with, and in the other an almost equally complete diversity from, the continental species of birds. _insects and land-shells._--the other groups of land-animals add little of importance to the facts already referred to. the insects are very scanty; the most plentiful group, the beetles, only furnishing about forty species belonging to thirty-two genera and nineteen families. the species are almost all peculiar, as are some of the genera. they are mostly small and obscure insects, allied either to american or to world-wide groups. the carabidæ and the heteromera are the most abundant groups, the former furnishing six and the latter nine species.[61] {285} the land-shells are not abundant--about twenty in all, most of them peculiar species, but not otherwise remarkable. the observation of captain collnet, quoted by mr. darwin in his _journal_, that drift-wood, bamboos, canes, and the nuts of a palm, are often washed on the south-eastern shores of the islands, furnishes an excellent clue to the manner in which many of the insects and land-shells may have reached the galapagos. whirlwinds also have been known to carry quantities of leaves and other vegetable _débris_ to great heights in the air, and these might be then carried away by strong upper currents and dropped at great distances, and with them small insects and mollusca, or their eggs. we must also remember that volcanic islands are subject to subsidence as well as elevation; and it is quite possible that during the long period the galapagos have existed some islands may have intervened between them and the coast, and have served as stepping-stones by which the passage to them of various organisms would be greatly facilitated. sunken banks, the relics of such islands, are known to exist in many parts of the ocean, and countless others, no doubt, remain undiscovered. _the keeling islands as illustrating the manner in which oceanic islands are peopled._--that such causes as have been here adduced are those by which oceanic islands have been peopled, is further shown by the condition of equally remote islands which we know are of comparatively recent origin. such are the keeling or cocos islands in the indian ocean, situated about the same distance from sumatra as the galapagos from south america, but mere coral reefs, supporting abundance of cocoa-nut palms as their chief vegetation. these islands were visited by mr. {286} darwin, and their natural history carefully examined. the only mammals are rats, brought by a wrecked vessel and said by mr. waterhouse to be common english rats, "but smaller and more brightly coloured;" so that we have here an illustration of how soon a difference of race is established under a constant and uniform difference of conditions. there are no true land-birds, but there are snipes and rails, both apparently common malayan species. reptiles are represented by one small lizard, but no account of this is given in the _zoology of the voyage of the beagle_, and we may therefore conclude that it was an introduced species. of insects, careful collecting only produced thirteen species belonging to eight distinct orders. the only beetle was a small elater, the orthoptera were a gryllus and a blatta; and there were two flies, two ants, and two small moths, one a diopæa which swarms everywhere in the eastern tropics in grassy places. all these insects were no doubt brought either by winds, by floating timber (which reaches the islands abundantly), or by clinging to the feathers of aquatic or wading birds; and we only require more time to introduce a greater variety of species, and a better soil and more varied vegetation, to enable them to live and multiply, in order to give these islands a fauna and flora equal to that of the bermudas. of wild plants there were only twenty species, belonging to nineteen genera and to no less than sixteen natural families, while all were common tropical shore plants.[62] these islands are thus evidently stocked by waifs and strays brought by the winds and waves; but their scanty vegetation is mainly due to unfavourable conditions--the barren coral rock and sand, of which they are wholly composed, together with exposure to sea-air, being suitable to a very limited number of species which soon monopolise the surface. with more variety of soil and aspect a greater variety of plants would establish themselves, and these would favour the preservation and increase of more insects, birds, and {287} other animals, as we find to be the case in many small and remote islands.[63] _flora of the galapagos._--the plants of these islands are so much more numerous than the known animals, even including the insects, they have been so carefully studied by eminent botanists, and their relations throw so much light on the past history of the group, that no apology is needed for giving a brief outline of the peculiarities and affinities of the flora. the statements we shall make on this subject will be taken from the memoir of sir joseph hooker in the _linnæan transactions_ for 1851, founded on mr. darwin's collections, and a later paper by n. j. andersson in the _linnæa_ of 1861, embodying more recent discoveries. {288} the total number of flowering plants known at the latter date was 332, of which 174 were peculiar to the islands, while 158 were common to other countries.[64] of these latter about twenty have been introduced by man, while the remainder are all natives of some part of america, though about a third part are species of wide range extending into both hemispheres. of those confined to america, forty-two are found in both the northern and southern continents, twenty-one are confined to south america, while twenty are found only in north america, the west indies, or mexico. this equality of north american and south american species in the galapagos is a fact of great significance in connection with the observation of sir joseph hooker that the _peculiar_ species are allied to the plants of temperate america or to those of the high andes, while the non-peculiar species are mostly such as inhabit the hotter regions of the tropics near the level of the sea. he also observes that the seeds of this latter class of galapagos plants often have special means of transport, or belong to groups whose seeds are known to stand long voyages and to possess great vitality. mr. bentham also, in his elaborate account of the compositæ,[65] remarks on the decided central american or mexican affinities of the galapagos species, so that we may consider this to be a thoroughly well-established fact. the most prevalent families of plants in the galapagos are the compositæ (40 sp.), gramineæ (32 sp.), leguminosæ (30 sp.), and euphorbiaceæ (29 sp.). of the compositæ most of the species, except such as are common weeds or shore plants, are peculiar, but there are only two peculiar genera, allied to mexican forms and not very distinct; while the genus lipochæta, represented here by a single species, is only found elsewhere in the sandwich islands though it has american affinities. _origin of the galapagos flora._--these facts are explained by the past history of the american continent, its {289} separation at various epochs by arms of the sea uniting the two oceans across what is now central america (the last separation being of recent date, as shown by the considerable number of identical species of fishes on both sides of the isthmus), and the influence of the glacial epoch in driving the temperate american flora southward along the mountain plateaus.[66] at the time when the two oceans were united a portion of the gulf stream may have been diverted into the pacific, giving rise to a current, some part of which would almost certainly have reached the galapagos, and this may have helped to bring about that singular assemblage of west indian and mexican plants now found there. and as we now believe that the duration of the last glacial epoch in its successive phases was much longer than the time which has elapsed since it finally passed away, while throughout the miocene epoch the snow-line would often be lowered during periods of high excentricity, we are enabled to comprehend the nature of the causes which may have led to the islands being stocked with those north tropical or mountain types which are so characteristic a feature of that portion of the galapagos flora which consists of peculiar species. on the whole, the flora agrees with the fauna in indicating a moderately remote origin, great isolation, and changes of conditions affording facilities for the introduction of organisms from various parts of the american coast, and even from the west indian islands and gulf of mexico. as in the case of the birds, the several islands differ considerably in their native plants, many species being limited to one or two islands only, while others extend to several. this is, of course, what might be expected on any theory of their origin; because, even if the whole of the islands had once been united and afterwards separated, long continued isolation would often lead to the differentiation of species, while the varied conditions to be found upon islands differing in size and altitude as well as in luxuriance of vegetation, would often lead to the extinction of a species on one island and its preservation on another. if the several islands had been equally well {290} explored, it might be interesting to see whether, as in the case of the azores, the number of species diminished in those more remote from the coast; but unfortunately our knowledge of the productions of the various islands of the group is exceedingly unequal, and, except in those cases in which representative species inhabit distinct islands, we have no certainty on the subject. all the more interesting problems in geographical distribution, however, arise from the relation of the fauna and flora of the group as a whole to those of the surrounding continents, and we shall therefore for the most part confine ourselves to this aspect of the question in our discussion of the phenomena presented by oceanic or continental islands. _concluding remarks._--the galapagos offer an instructive contrast with the azores, showing how a difference of conditions that might be thought unimportant may yet produce very striking results in the forms of life. although the galapagos are much nearer a continent than the azores, the number of species of plants common to the continent is much less in the former case than in the latter, and this is still more prominent a characteristic of the insect and the bird faunas. this difference has been shown to depend, almost entirely, on the one archipelago being situated in a stormy, the other in a calm portion of the ocean; and it demonstrates the preponderating importance of the atmosphere as an agent in the dispersal of birds, insects, and plants. yet ocean-currents and surface-drifts are undoubtedly efficient carriers of plants, and, with plants, of insects and shells, especially in the tropics; and it is probably to this agency that we may impute the recent introduction of a number of common peruvian and chilian littoral species, and also of several west indian types at a more remote period when the isthmus of panama was submerged. in the case of these islands we see the importance of taking account of past conditions of sea and land and past changes of climate, in order to explain the relations of the peculiar or endemic species of their fauna and flora; and we may even see an indication of the effects of climatal changes in the northern hemisphere, in the north {291} temperate or alpine affinities of many of the plants, and even of some of the birds. the relation between the migratory habits of the birds and the amount of difference from continental types is strikingly accordant with the fact that it is almost exclusively migratory birds that annually reach the azores and bermuda; while the corresponding fact that the seeds of those plants, which are common to the galapagos and the adjacent continent, have all--as sir joseph hooker states--some special means of dispersal, is equally intelligible. the reason why the galapagos possess four times as many peculiar species of plants as the azores is clearly a result of the less constant introduction of seeds, owing to the absence of storms; the greater antiquity of the group, allowing more time for specific change; and the influence of cold epochs and of alterations of sea and land, in bringing somewhat different sets of plants at different times within the influence of such modified winds and currents as might convey them to the islands. on the whole, then, we have no difficulty in explaining the probable origin of the flora and fauna of the galapagos, by means of the illustrative facts and general principles already adduced. * * * * * {292} chapter xiv st. helena position and physical features of st. helena--change effected by european occupation--the insects of st. helena--coleoptera--peculiarities and origin of the coleoptera of st. helena--land-shells of st. helena--absence of fresh-water organisms--native vegetation of st. helena--the relations of the st. helena compositæ--concluding remarks on st. helena. in order to illustrate as completely as possible the peculiar phenomena of oceanic islands, we will next examine the organic productions of st. helena and of the sandwich islands, since these combine in a higher degree than any other spots upon the globe, extreme isolation from all more extensive lands, with a tolerably rich fauna and flora whose peculiarities are of surpassing interest. both, too, have received considerable attention from naturalists; and though much still remains to be done in the latter group, our knowledge is sufficient to enable us to arrive at many interesting results. {293} [illustration: map of the south atlantic ocean showing the position of st. helena.] the light tint shows depths of less than 1,000 fathoms. the figures show depths of the sea in fathoms. _position and physical features of st. helena._--this island is situated nearly in the middle of the south atlantic ocean, being more than 1,100 miles from the coast of africa, and 1,800 from south america. it is about ten miles long by eight wide, and is wholly volcanic, consisting of ancient basalts, lavas, and other volcanic products. it is very mountainous and rugged, bounded for {294} the most part by enormous precipices, and rising to a height of 2,700 feet above the sea-level. an ancient crater, about four miles across, is open on the south side, and its northern rim forms the highest and central ridge of the island. many other hills and peaks, however, are more than two thousand feet high, and a considerable portion of the surface consists of a rugged plateau, having an elevation of about fifteen hundred to two thousand feet. everything indicates that st. helena is an isolated volcanic mass built up from the depths of the ocean. mr. wollaston remarks: "there are the strongest reasons for believing that the area of st. helena was never _very_ much larger than it is at present--the comparatively shallow sea-soundings within about a mile and a half from the shore revealing an abruptly defined ledge, _beyond_ which no bottom is reached at a depth of 250 fathoms; so that the original basaltic mass, which was gradually piled up by means of successive eruptions from beneath the ocean, would appear to have its limit definitely marked out by this suddenly-terminating submarine cliff--the space between it and the existing coast-line being reasonably referred to that slow process of disintegration by which the island has been reduced, through the eroding action of the elements, to its present dimensions." if we add to this that between the island and the coast of africa, in a south-easterly direction, is a profound oceanic gulf known to reach a depth of 2,860 fathoms, or 17,160 feet, while an equally deep, or perhaps deeper, ocean, extends to the west and south-west, we shall be satisfied that st. helena is a true oceanic island, and that it owes none of its peculiarities to a former union with any continent or other distant land. _change effected by european occupation._--when first discovered, in the year 1501, st. helena was densely covered with a luxuriant forest vegetation, the trees overhanging the seaward precipices and covering every part of the surface with an evergreen mantle. this indigenous vegetation has been almost wholly destroyed; and although an immense number of foreign plants have been introduced, and have more or less completely established themselves, {295} yet the general aspect of the island is now so barren and forbidding that some persons find it difficult to believe that it was once all green and fertile. the cause of the change is, however, very easily explained. the rich soil formed by decomposed volcanic rock and vegetable deposits could only be retained on the steep slopes so long as it was protected by the vegetation to which it in great part owed its origin. when this was destroyed, the heavy tropical rains soon washed away the soil, and has left a vast expanse of bare rock or sterile clay. this irreparable destruction was caused in the first place by goats, which were introduced by the portuguese in 1513, and increased so rapidly that in 1588, they existed in thousands. these animals are the greatest of all foes to trees, because they eat off the young seedlings, and thus prevent the natural restoration of the forest. they were, however, aided by the reckless waste of man. the east india company took possession of the island in 1651, and about the year 1700 it began to be seen that the forests were fast diminishing, and required some protection. two of the native trees, redwood and ebony, were good for tanning, and to save trouble the bark was wastefully stripped from the trunks only, the remainder being left to rot; while in 1709 a large quantity of the rapidly disappearing ebony was used to burn lime for building fortifications! by the mss. records quoted in mr. melliss' interesting volume on st. helena,[67] it is evident that the evil consequences of allowing the trees to be destroyed were clearly foreseen, as the following passages show: "we find the place called the great wood in a flourishing condition, full of young trees, where the hoggs (of which there is a great abundance) do not come to root them up. but the great wood is miserably lessened and destroyed within our memories, and is not near the circuit and length it was. but we believe it does not contain now less than fifteen hundred acres of fine woodland and good ground, but no springs of water but what is salt or brackish, which we take to be the reason that that part was not inhabited when the people first {296} chose out their settlements and made plantations; but if wells could be sunk, which the governor says he will attempt when we have more hands, we should then think it the most pleasant and healthiest part of the island. but as to healthiness, we don't think it will hold so if the wood that keeps the land warm were destroyed, for then the rains, which are violent here, would carry away the upper soil, and it being a clay marl underneath would produce but little; as it is, we think in case it were enclosed it might be greatly improved" ... "when once this wood is gone the island will soon be ruined" ... "we viewed the wood's end which joins the honourable company's plantation called the hutts, but the wood is so destroyed that the beginning of the great wood is now a whole mile beyond that place, and all the soil between being washed away, that distance is now entirely barren." (mss. records, 1716.) in 1709 the governor reported to the court of directors of the east india company that the timber was rapidly disappearing, and that the goats should be destroyed for the preservation of the ebony wood, and because the island was suffering from droughts. the reply was, "the goats are not to be destroyed, being more valuable than ebony." thus, through the gross ignorance of those in power, the last opportunity of preserving the peculiar vegetation of st. helena, and preventing the island from becoming the comparatively rocky desert it now is, was allowed to pass away.[68] even in a mere {297} pecuniary point of view the error was a fatal one, for in the next century (in 1810) another governor reports the total destruction of the great forests by the goats, and that in consequence the cost of importing fuel for government use was 2,729l. 7s. 8d. for a single year! about this time large numbers of european, american, australian, and south african plants were imported, and many of these ran wild and increased so rapidly as to drive out and exterminate much of the relics of the native flora; so that now english broom gorse and brambles, willows and poplars, and some common american, cape, and australian weeds, alone meet the eye of the ordinary visitor. these, in sir joseph hooker's opinion, render it absolutely impossible to restore the native flora, which only lingers in a few of the loftiest ridges and most inaccessible precipices, and is rarely seen except by some exploring naturalist. this almost total extirpation of a luxuriant and highly peculiar vegetation must inevitably have caused the destruction of a considerable portion of the lower animals which once existed on the island, and it is rather singular that so much as has actually been discovered should be left to show us the nature of the aboriginal fauna. many naturalists have made small collections during short visits, but we owe our present complete knowledge of the two most interesting groups of animals, the insects, and the land-shells, mainly to the late mr. t. vernon wollaston, who, after having thoroughly explored madeira and the canaries, undertook a voyage to st. helena for the express purpose of studying its terrestrial fauna, and resided for six months (1875-76) in a high central position, whence the loftiest peaks could be explored. the results of his labours are contained in two volumes,[69] which, like all that he wrote, are models of accuracy and research, and it is to these volumes that we are indebted for the interesting and suggestive facts which we here lay before our readers. {298} _insects--coleoptera._--the total number of species of beetles hitherto observed at st. helena is 203, but of these no less than seventy-four are common and wide-spread insects, which have certainly, in mr. wollaston's opinion, been introduced by human agency. there remain 129 which are believed to be truly aborigines, and of these all but one are found nowhere else on the globe. but in addition to this large amount of specific peculiarity (perhaps unequalled anywhere else in the world) the beetles of this island are equally remarkable for their generic isolation, and for the altogether exceptional proportion in which the great divisions of the order are represented. the species belong to thirty-nine genera, of which no less than twenty-five are peculiar to the island; and many of these are such isolated forms that it is impossible to find their allies in any particular country. still more remarkable is the fact, that more than two-thirds of the whole number of indigenous species are rhyncophora or weevils, while more than two-fifths (fifty-four species) belong to one family, the cossonidæ. now although the rhyncophora are an immensely numerous group and always form a large portion of the insect population, they nowhere else approach such a proportion as this. for example, in madeira they form one-sixth of the whole of the indigenous coleoptera, in the azores less than one-tenth, and in britain one-seventh. even more interesting is the fact that the twenty genera to which these insects belong are every one of them peculiar to the island, and in many cases have no near allies elsewhere, so that we cannot but look on this group of beetles as forming the most characteristic portion of the ancient insect fauna. now, as the great majority of these are wood borers, and all are closely attached to vegetation and often to particular species of plants, we might, as mr. wollaston well observes, deduce the former luxuriant vegetation of the island from the great preponderance of this group, even had we not positive evidence that it was at no distant epoch densely forest-clad. we will now proceed briefly to indicate the numbers and peculiarities of each of the families of beetles which enter into the st. helena fauna, taking them, not in {299} systematic order, but according to their importance in the island. 1. rhyncophora.--this great division includes the weevils and allied groups, and, as above stated, exceeds in number of species all the other beetles of the island. four families are represented; the cossonidæ, with fifteen peculiar genera comprising fifty-four species, and one minute insect (_stenoscelis hylastoides_) forming a peculiar genus, but which has been found also at the cape of good hope. it is therefore impossible to say of which country it is really a native, or whether it is indigenous to both, and dates back to the remote period when st. helena received its early emigrants. all the cossonidæ are found in the highest and wildest parts of the island where the native vegetation still lingers, and many of them are only found in the decaying stems of tree-ferns, box-wood, arborescent compositæ, and other indigenous plants. they are all pre-eminently peculiar and isolated, having no direct affinity to species found in any other country. the next family, the tanyrhynchidæ, has one peculiar genus in st. helena, with ten species. this genus (nesiotes) is remotely allied to european, australian, and madeiran insects of the same family: the habits of the species are similar to those of the cossonidæ. the trachyphloeidæ are represented by a single species belonging to a peculiar genus not very remote from a european form. the anthribidæ again are highly peculiar. there are twenty-six species belonging to three genera, all endemic, and so extremely peculiar that they form two new subfamilies. one of the genera, acarodes, is said to be allied to a madeiran genus. 2. geodephaga.--these are the terrestrial carnivorous beetles, very abundant in all parts of the world, especially in the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. in st. helena there are fourteen species belonging to three genera, one of which is peculiar. this is the _haplothorax burchellii_, the largest beetle on the island, and now very rare. it resembles a large black carabus. there is also a peculiar calosoma, very distinct, though resembling in some respects certain african species. the rest of the {300} geodephaga, twelve in number, belong to the wide-spread genus bembidium, but they are altogether peculiar and isolated, except one, which is of european type, and alone has wings, all the rest being wingless. 3. heteromera.--this group is represented by three peculiar genera containing four species, with two species belonging to european genera. they belong to the families opatridæ, mordellidæ, and anthicidæ. 4. brachyelytra.--of this group there are six peculiar species belonging to four european genera--homalota, philonthus, xantholinus, and oxytelus. 5. priocerata.--the families elateridæ and anobiidæ are each represented by a peculiar species of a european genus. 6. phytophaga.--there are only three species of this tribe, belonging to the european genus longitarsus. 7. lamellicornis.--here are three species belonging to two genera. one is a peculiar species of trox, allied to south african forms; the other two belong to the peculiar genus melissius, which mr. wollaston considers to be remotely allied to australian insects. 8. pseudo-trimera.--here we have the fine lady-bird _chilomenus lunata_, also found in africa, but apparently indigenous in st. helena; and a peculiar species of euxestes, a genus only found elsewhere in madeira. 9. trichopterygidæ.--these, the minutest of beetles, are represented by one species of the european and madeiran genus ptinella. 10. necrophaga.--one indigenous species of cryptophaga inhabits st. helena, and this is said to be very closely allied to a cape species. _peculiarities and origin of the coleoptera of st. helena._--we see that the great mass of the indigenous species are not only peculiar to the island, but so isolated in their characters as to show no close affinity with any existing insects; while a small number (about one-third of the whole) have some relations, though often very remote, with species now inhabiting europe, madeira, or south africa. these facts clearly point to the very great antiquity of the insect fauna of st. helena, which has allowed {301} time for the modification of the originally introduced species, and their special adaptation to the conditions prevailing in this remote island. this antiquity is also shown by the remarkable specific modification of a few types. thus the whole of the cossonidæ may be referred to three types, one species only (_hexacoptus ferrugineus_) being allied to the european cossonidæ though forming a distinct genus; a group of three genera and seven species remotely allied to the _stenoscelis hylastoides_, which occurs also at the cape; while a group of twelve genera with forty-six species have their only (remote) allies in a few insects widely scattered in south africa, new zealand, europe, and the atlantic islands. in like manner, eleven species of bembidium form a group by themselves; and the heteromera form two groups, one consisting of three genera and species of opatridæ allied to a type found in madeira, the other, anthicodes, altogether peculiar. now each of these types may well be descended from a single species which originally reached the island from some other land; and the great variety of generic and specific forms into which some of them have diverged is an indication, and to some extent a measure, of the remoteness of their origin. the rich insect fauna of miocene age found in switzerland consists mostly of genera which still inhabit europe, with others which now inhabit the cape of good hope or the tropics of africa and south america; and it is not at all improbable that the origin of the st. helena fauna dates back to at least as remote, and not improbably to a still earlier, epoch. but if so, many difficulties in accounting for its origin will disappear. we know that at that time many of the animals and plants of the tropics, of north america, and even of australia, inhabited europe; while during the changes of climate, which, as we have seen, there is good reason to believe periodically occurred, there would be much migration from the temperate zones towards the equator, and the reverse. if, therefore, the nearest ally of any insular group now inhabits a particular country, we are not obliged to suppose that it reached the island from that country, since we know that most groups have ranged in past times over {302} wider areas than they now inhabit. neither are we limited to the means of transmission across the ocean that now exist, because we know that those means have varied greatly. during such extreme changes of conditions as are implied by glacial periods and by warm polar climates, great alterations of winds and of ocean-currents are inevitable, and these are, as we have already proved, the two great agencies by which the transmission of living things to oceanic islands has been brought about. at the present time the south-east trade-winds blow almost constantly at st. helena, and the ocean-currents flow in the same direction, so that any transmission of insects by their means must almost certainly be from south africa. now there is undoubtedly a south african element in the insect-fauna, but there is no less clearly a european, or at least a north-temperate element, and this is very difficult to account for by causes now in action. but when we consider that this northern element is chiefly represented by remote generic affinity, and has therefore all the signs of great antiquity, we find a possible means of accounting for it. we have seen that during early tertiary times an almost tropical climate extended far into the northern hemisphere, and a temperate climate to the arctic regions. but if at this time (as is not improbable) the antarctic regions were as much ice-clad as they are now it is certain that an enormous change must have been produced in the winds. instead of a great difference of temperature between each pole and the equator, the difference would be mainly between one hemisphere and the other, and this might so disturb the trade winds as to bring st. helena within the south temperate region of storms--a position corresponding to that of the azores and madeira in the north atlantic, and thus subject it to violent gales from all points of the compass. at this remote epoch the mountains of equatorial africa may have been more extensive than they are now, and may have served as intermediate stations by which some northern insects may have migrated to the southern hemisphere. we must remember also that these peculiar forms are said to be northern only because their nearest allies are {303} now found in the north atlantic islands and southern europe; but it is not at all improbable that they are really widespread miocene types, which have been preserved mainly in favourable insular stations. they may therefore have originally reached st. helena from southern africa, or from some of the atlantic islands, and may have been conveyed by oceanic currents as well as by winds.[70] this is the more probable, as a large proportion of the st. helena beetles live even in the perfect state within the stems of plants or trunks of trees, while the eggs and larvæ of a still larger number are likely to inhabit similar stations. drift-wood might therefore be one of the most important agencies by which these insects reached the island. let us now see how far the distribution of other groups support the conclusions derived from a consideration of the beetles. the hemiptera have been studied by dr. f. buchanan white, and though far less known than the beetles, indicate somewhat similar relations. eight out of twenty-one genera are peculiar, and the thirteen other genera are for the most part widely distributed, while one of the peculiar genera is of african type. the other orders of insects have not been collected or studied with {304} sufficient care to make it worth while to refer to them in detail; but the land-shells have been carefully collected and minutely described by mr. wollaston himself, and it is interesting to see how far they agree with the insects in their peculiarities and affinities. _land-shells of st. helena._--the total number of species is only twenty-nine, of which seven are common in europe or the other atlantic islands, and are no doubt recent introductions. two others, though described as distinct, are so closely allied to european forms, that mr. wollaston thinks they have probably been introduced and have become slightly modified by new conditions of life; so that there remain exactly twenty species which may be considered truly indigenous. no less than thirteen of these, however, appear to be extinct, being now only found on the surface of the ground or in the surface soil in places where the native forests have been destroyed and the land not cultivated. these twenty peculiar species belong to the following genera: hyalina (3 sp.), patula (4 sp.), bulimus (7 sp.), subulina (3 sp.), succinea (3 sp.); of which, one species of hyalina, three of patula, all the bulimi, and two of subulina are extinct. the three hyalinas are allied to european species, but all the rest appear to be highly peculiar, and to have no near allies with the species of any other country. two of the bulimi (_b. auris vulpinæ_ and _b. darwinianus_) are said to somewhat resemble brazilian, new zealand, and solomon island forms, while neither bulimus nor succinea occur at all in the madeira group. omitting the species that have probably been introduced by human agency, we have here indications of a somewhat recent immigration of european types which may perhaps be referred to the glacial period; and a much more ancient immigration from unknown lands, which must certainly date back to miocene, if not to eocene, times. _absence of fresh-water organisms._--a singular phenomenon is the total absence of indigenous aquatic forms of life in st. helena. not a single water-beetle or fresh-water shell has been discovered; neither do there seem to be any water-plants in the streams, except the common {305} water-cress, one or two species of cyperus, and the australian _isapis prolifera_. the same absence of fresh-water shells characterises the azores, where, however, there is one indigenous water-beetle. in the sandwich islands also recent observations refer to the absence of water-beetles, though here there are a few fresh-water shells. it would appear therefore that the wide distribution of the same generic and specific forms which so generally characterises fresh-water organisms, and which has been so well illustrated by mr. darwin, has its limits in the _very remote_ oceanic islands, owing to causes of which we are at present ignorant. the other classes of animals in st. helena need occupy us little. there are no indigenous mammals, reptiles, fresh-water fishes or true land-birds; but there is one species of wader--a small plover (_ægialitis sanctæ-helenæ_)--very closely allied to a species found in south africa, but presenting certain differences which entitle it to the rank of a peculiar species. the plants, however, are of especial interest from a geographical point of view, and we must devote a few pages to their consideration as supplementing the scanty materials afforded by the animal life, thus enabling us better to understand the biological relations and probable history of the island. _native vegetation of st. helena._--plants have certainly more varied and more effectual means of passing over wide tracts of ocean than any kinds of animals. their seeds are often so minute, of such small specific gravity, or so furnished with downy or winged appendages, as to be carried by the wind for enormous distances. the bristles or hooked spines of many small fruits cause them to become easily attached to the feathers of aquatic birds, and they may thus be conveyed for thousands of miles by these pre-eminent wanderers; while many seeds are so protected by hard outer coats and dense inner albumen, that months of exposure to salt water does not prevent them from germinating, as proved by the west indian seeds that reach the azores or even the west coast of scotland, and, what is more to the point, by the fact stated by mr. melliss, that large seeds which have floated from {306} madagascar or mauritius round the cape of good hope, have been thrown on the shores of st. helena and have then sometimes germinated! we have therefore little difficulty in understanding _how_ the island was first stocked with vegetable forms. _when_ it was so stocked (generally speaking), is equally clear. for as the peculiar coleopterous fauna, of which an important fragment remains, is mainly composed of species which are specially attached to certain groups of plants, we may be sure that the plants were there long before the insects could establish themselves. however ancient then is the insect fauna the flora must be more ancient still. it must also be remembered that plants, when once established in a suitable climate and soil, soon take possession of a country and occupy it almost to the complete exclusion of later immigrants. the fact of so many european weeds having overrun new zealand and temperate north america may seem opposed to this statement, but it really is not so. for in both these cases the native vegetation has first been artificially removed by man and the ground cultivated; and there is no reason to believe that any similar effect would be produced by the scattering of any amount of foreign seed on ground already completely clothed with an indigenous vegetation. we might therefore conclude _à priori_, that the flora of such an island as st. helena would be of an excessively ancient type, preserving for us in a slightly modified form examples of the vegetation of the globe at the time when the island first rose above the ocean. let us see then what botanists tell us of its character and affinities. the truly indigenous flowering plants are about fifty in number, besides twenty-six ferns. forty of the former and ten of the latter are absolutely peculiar to the island, and, as sir joseph hooker tells us, "with scarcely an exception, cannot be regarded as very close specific allies of any other plants at all. seventeen of them belong to peculiar genera, and of the others, all differ so markedly as species from their congeners, that not one comes under the category of being an insular form of a continental species." the affinities of this flora are, sir joseph hooker thinks, {307} mainly african and especially south african, as indicated by the presence of the genera phylica, pelargonium, mesembryanthemum, oteospermum, and wahlenbergia, which are eminently characteristic of southern extra-tropical africa. the sixteen ferns which are not peculiar are common either to africa, india, or america, a wide range sufficiently explained by the dust-like spores of ferns, capable of being carried to unknown distances by the wind, and the great stability of their generic and specific forms, many of those found in the miocene deposits of switzerland, being hardly distinguishable from living species. this shows, that identity of _species_ of ferns between st. helena and distant countries does not necessarily imply a recent origin. _the relation of the st. helena compositæ._--in an elaborate paper on the compositæ,[71] mr. bentham gives us some valuable remarks on the affinities of the seven endemic species belonging to the genera commidendron, melanodendron, petrobium, and pisiadia, which forms so important a portion of the existing flora of st. helena. he says: "although nearer to africa than to any other continent, those composite denizens which bear evidence of the greatest antiquity have their affinities for the most part in south america, while the colonists of a more recent character are south african." ... "commidendron and melanodendron are among the woody asteroid forms exemplified in the andine diplostephium, and in the australian olearia. petrobium is one of three genera, remains of a group probably of great antiquity, of which the two others are podanthus in chile and astemma in the andes. the pisiadia is an endemic species of a genus otherwise mascarene or of eastern africa, presenting a geographical connection analogous to that of the st. helena melhaniæ,[72] with the mascarene trochetia." whenever such remote and singular cases of geographical affinity as the above are pointed out, the first {308} impression is to imagine some mode by which a communication between the distant countries implicated might be effected; and this way of viewing the problem is almost universally adopted, even by naturalists. but if the principles laid down in this work and in my _geographical distribution of animals_ are sound, such a course is very unphilosophical. for, on the theory of evolution, nothing can be more certain than that groups now broken up and detached were once continuous, and that fragmentary groups and isolated forms are but the relics of once widespread types, which have been preserved in a few localities where the physical conditions were especially favourable, or where organic competition was less severe. the true explanation of all such remote geographical affinities is, that they date back to a time when the ancestral group of which they are the common descendants had a wider or a different distribution; and they no more imply any closer connection between the distant countries the allied forms now inhabit, than does the existence of living equidæ in south africa and extinct equidæ in the pliocene deposits of the pampas, imply a continent bridging the south atlantic to allow of their easy communication. _concluding remarks on st. helena._--the sketch we have now given of the chief members of the indigenous fauna and flora of st. helena shows, that by means of the knowledge we have obtained of past changes in the physical history of the earth, and of the various modes by which organisms are conveyed across the ocean, all the more important facts become readily intelligible. we have here an island of small size and great antiquity, very distant from every other land, and probably at no time very much less distant from surrounding continents, which became stocked by chance immigrants from other countries at some remote epoch, and which has preserved many of their more or less modified descendants to the present time. when first visited by civilised man it was in all probability far more richly stocked with plants and animals, forming a kind of natural museum or vivarium in which ancient types, perhaps dating back to the miocene {309} period, or even earlier, had been saved from the destruction which has overtaken their allies on the great continents. unfortunately many, we do not know how many, of these forms have been exterminated by the carelessness and improvidence of its civilised but ignorant rulers; and it is only by the extreme ruggedness and inaccessibility of its peaks and crater-ridges that the scanty fragments have escaped by which alone we are able to obtain a glimpse of this interesting chapter in the life-history of our earth. * * * * * {310} chapter xv the sandwich islands position and physical features--zoology of the sandwich islands--birds--reptiles--land-shells--insects--vegetation of the sandwich islands--peculiar features of the hawaiian flora--antiquity of the hawaiian fauna and flora--concluding observations on the fauna and flora of the sandwich islands--general remarks on oceanic islands. the sandwich islands are an extensive group of large islands situated in the centre of the north pacific, being 2,350 miles from the nearest part of the american coast--the bay of san francisco, and about the same distance from the marquesas and the samoa islands to the south, and the aleutian islands a little west of north. they are, therefore, wonderfully isolated in mid-ocean, and are only connected with the other pacific islands by widely scattered coral reefs and atolls, the nearest of which, however, are six or seven hundred miles distant, and are all nearly destitute of animal or vegetable life. the group consists of seven large inhabited islands besides four rocky islets; the largest, hawaii, being seventy miles across and having an area 3,800 square miles--being somewhat larger than all the other islands together. a better conception of this large island will be formed by comparing it with devonshire, with which it closely agrees both in size and shape, though its enormous volcanic mountains rise to nearly 14,000 feet high. {311} three of the smaller islands are each about the size of hertfordshire or bedfordshire, and the whole group stretches from north-west to south-east for a distance of about 350 miles. though so extensive, the entire archipelago is volcanic, and the largest island is rendered sterile and comparatively uninhabitable by its three active volcanoes and their widespread deposits of lava. [illustration: map of the sandwich islands.] the light tint shows where the sea is less than 1,000 fathoms deep. the figures show the depth in fathoms. the ocean depths by which these islands are separated from the nearest continents are enormous. north, east, and south, soundings have been obtained a little over or under three thousand fathoms, and these profound deeps extend over a large part of the north pacific. we may {312} be quite sure, therefore, that the sandwich islands have, during their whole existence, been as completely severed from the great continents as they are now; but on the west and south there is a possibility of more extensive islands having existed, serving as stepping-stones to the island groups of the mid-pacific. this is indicated by a few widely-scattered coral islets, around which extend {313} considerable areas of less depth, varying from two hundred to a thousand fathoms, and which _may_ therefore indicate the sites of submerged islands of considerable extent. when we consider that east of new zealand and new caledonia, all the larger and loftier islands are of volcanic origin, with no trace of any ancient stratified rocks (except, perhaps, in the marquesas, where, according to jules marcou, granite and gneiss are said to occur) it seems probable that the innumerable coral-reefs and atolls, which occur in groups on deeply submerged banks, mark the sites of bygone volcanic islands, similar to those which now exist, but which, after becoming extinct, have been lowered or destroyed by denudation, and finally have altogether disappeared except where their sites are indicated by the upward-growing coral-reefs. if this view is correct we should give up all idea of there ever having been a pacific continent, but should look upon that vast ocean as having from the remotest geological epochs been the seat of volcanic forces, which from its profound depths have gradually built up the islands which now dot its surface, as well as many others which have sunk beneath its waves. the number of islands, as well as the total quantity of land-surface, may sometimes have been greater than it is now, and may thus have facilitated the transfer of organisms from one group to another, and more rarely even from the american, asiatic, or australian continents. keeping these various facts and considerations in view, we may now proceed to examine the fauna and flora of the sandwich islands, and discuss the special phenomena they present. [illustration: map of the north pacific with its submerged banks.] the light tint shows where the sea is less than 1,000 fathoms deep. the dark tint ,, ,, ,, more than 1,000 fathoms deep. the figures show the depths in fathoms. _zoology of the sandwich islands: birds._--it need hardly be said that indigenous mammalia are quite unknown in the sandwich islands, the most interesting of the higher animals being the birds, which are tolerably numerous and highly peculiar. many aquatic and wading birds which range over the whole pacific visit these islands, twenty-five species having been observed, but even of these six are peculiar--a coot, _fulica alai_; a moorhen, _gallinula galeata_ var _sandvichensis_; a rail with rudimentary wings, _pennula millei_; a stilt-plover, _himantopus knudseni_; and {314} two ducks, _anas wyvilliana_ and _bernicla sandvichensis_. the birds of prey are also great wanderers. four have been found in the islands--the short-eared owl, _otus brachyotus_, which ranges over the greater part of the globe, but is here said to resemble the variety found in chile and the galapagos; the barn owl, _strix flammea_, of a variety common in the pacific; a peculiar sparrow-hawk, _accipiter hawaii_; and _buteo solitarius_, a buzzard of a peculiar species, and coloured so as to resemble a hawk of the american subfamily polyborinæ. it is to be noted that the genus buteo abounds in america, but is not found in the pacific; and this fact, combined with the remarkable colouration, renders it almost certain that this peculiar species is of american origin. the passeres, or true perching birds, are especially interesting, being all of peculiar species, and, all but one, belonging to peculiar genera. their numbers have been greatly increased since the first edition of this work appeared, partly by the exertions of american naturalists, and very largely by the researches of mr. scott b. wilson, who visited the sandwich islands for the purpose of investigating their ornithology, and collected assiduously in the various islands of the group for a year and a half. this gentleman is now publishing a finely illustrated work on hawaiian birds, and he has kindly furnished me with the following list. passeres of the sandwich islands. muscicapidæ (flycatchers). 1. _chasiempis ridgwayi_ hawaii. 2. ,, _sclateri_ kauai. 3. ,, _dolei_ kauai. 4. ,, _gayi_ oahu. 5. ,, _ibidis_ oahu. 6. _phæornis obscura_ hawaii. 7. ,, _myadestina_ kauai. meliphagidæ (honeysuckers). 8. _acrulocercus nobilis_ hawaii. 9. ,, _braccalus_ kauai. 10. ,, _apicalis_ (extinct) oahu or maui. 11. _chætoptila angustipluma_ (extinct) hawaii. {315} drepanididæ. 12. _drepanis pacifica_ (extinct) hawaii. 13. _vastiaria coccinea_ all the islands. 14. _hiniatione vireus_ hawaii. 15. ,, _dolii_ maui. 16. ,, _sanguinea_ all the islands. 17. ,, _montana_ lanai. 18. ,, _chloris_ oahu. 19. ,, _maculata_ oahu. 20. ,, _parva_ kauai. 21. ,, _stejnegeri_ kauai. 22. _oreomyza bairdi_ kauai. 23. _hemignathus obscurus_ hawaii. 24. ,, _olivaceus_ hawaii. 25. ,, _lichtensteini_ oahu. 26. ,, _lucidus_ oahu. 27. ,, _stejnegeri_ kauai. 28. ,, _hanapepe_ kauai. 29. _loxops coccinea_ hawaii. 30. ,, _flammea_ molokai. 31. ,, _aurea_ maui. 32. _chrysomitridops coeruleorostris_ kaui. 33. ,, _anna_ (extinct) fringillidæ (finches). 34. _loxioides bailleni_ hawaii. 35. _psittirostra psittacea_ all the islands. 36. _chloridops kona_ hawaii. corvidæ (crows). 37. _corvus hawaiiensis_ hawaii. many of the birds recently described are representative forms found in the several islands of the group. taking the above in the order here given, we have, first, two peculiar genera of true flycatchers, a family confined to the old world, but extending over the pacific as far as the marquesas islands. next we have two peculiar genera (with four species) of honeysuckers, a family confined to the australian region, and also ranging over all the pacific islands to the marquesas. we now come to the most important group of birds in the sandwich islands, comprising seven or eight peculiar genera, and twenty-two species which are believed to form a peculiar family allied to the oriental flower-peckers (diceidæ), and perhaps remotely to the american greenlets (vireonidæ), or {316} tanagers (tanagridæ). they possess singularly varied beaks, some having this organ much thickened like those of finches, to which family some of them have been supposed to belong. in any case they form a most peculiar group, and cannot be associated with any other known birds. the last species, and the only one not belonging to a peculiar genus, is the hawaiian crow, belonging to the almost universally distributed genus corvus. on the whole, the affinities of these birds are, as might be expected, chiefly with australia and the pacific islands; but they exhibit in the buzzard, one of the owls, and perhaps in some of the drepanididæ, slight indications of very rare or very remote communication with america. the amount of speciality is, however, wonderful, far exceeding that of any other islands; the only approach to it being made by new zealand and madagascar, which have a much more varied bird fauna and a smaller _proportionate_ number of peculiar genera. the galapagos, among the true oceanic islands, while presenting many peculiarities have only four out of the ten genera of passeres peculiar. these facts undoubtedly indicate an immense antiquity for this group of islands, or the vicinity of some very ancient land (now submerged), from which some portion of their peculiar fauna might be derived. for further details as to the affinities and geographical distribution of the genera and species, the reader must consult mr. scott wilson's work _the birds of the sandwich islands_, already alluded to. _reptiles._--the only other vertebrate animals are two lizards. one of these is a very widespread species, _ablepharus poecilopleurus_, ranging from the pacific islands to west africa. the other is said to form a peculiar genus of geckoes, but both its locality and affinities appear to be somewhat doubtful. _land-shells._--the only other group of animals which has been carefully studied, and which presents features of especial interest, are the land-shells. these are very numerous, about thirty genera, and between three and four hundred species having been described; and it is remarkable that this single group contains as many species of {317} land-shells as all the other polynesian islands from the pelew islands and samoa to the marquesas. all the species are peculiar, and about three-fourths of the whole belong to peculiar genera, fourteen of which constitute the subfamily achatinellinæ, entirely confined to this group of islands and constituting its most distinguishing feature. thirteen genera (comprising sixty-four species) are found also in the other polynesian islands, but three genera of auriculidæ (plecotrema, pedipes, and blauneria) are not found in the pacific, but inhabit--the former genus australia, china, bourbon, and cuba, the two latter the west indian islands. another remarkable peculiarity of these islands is the small number of operculata, which are represented by only one genus and five species, while the other pacific islands have twenty genera and 115 species, or more than half the number of the inoperculata. this difference is so remarkable that it is worth stating in a comparative form:- inoperculata. operculata. auriculidæ. sandwich islands 332 5 9 rest of pacific islands 200 115 16 when we remember that in the west indian islands the operculata abound in a greater proportion than even in the pacific islands generally, we are led to the conclusion that limestone, which is plentiful in both these areas, is especially favourable to them, while the purely volcanic rocks are especially unfavourable. the other peculiarities of the sandwich islands, however, such as the enormous preponderance of the strictly endemic achatinellinæ, and the presence of genera which occur elsewhere only beyond the pacific area in various parts of the great continents, undoubtedly point to a very remote origin, at a time when the distribution of many of the groups of mollusca was very different from that which now prevails. a very interesting feature of the sandwich group is the extent to which the species and even the genera are confined to separate islands. thus the genera carelia and catinella with eight species are peculiar to the island of kaui; bulimella, apex, frickella, and blauneria, to oahu; perdicella to maui; and eburnella to lanai. {318} the rev. john t. gulick, who has made a special study of the achatinellinæ, informs us that the average range of the species in this sub-family is five or six miles, while some are restricted to but one or two square miles, and only very few have the range of a whole island. each valley, and often each side of a valley, and sometimes even every ridge and peak possesses its peculiar species.[73] the island of oahu, in which the capital is situated, has furnished about half the species already known. this is partly due to its being more forest-clad, but also, no doubt, in part to its being better explored, so that notwithstanding the exceptional riches of the group, we have no reason to suppose that there are not many more species to be found in the less explored islands. mr. gulick tells us that the forest region that covers one of the mountain ranges of oahu is about forty miles in length, and five or six miles in width, yet this small territory furnishes about 175 species of achatinellidæ, represented by 700 or 800 varieties. the most important peculiar genus, not belonging to the achatinella group, is carelia, with six species and several named varieties, all peculiar to kaui, the most westerly of the large islands. this would seem to show that the small islets stretching westward, and situated on an extensive bank with less than a thousand fathoms of water over it, may indicate the position of a large submerged island whence some portion of the sandwich island fauna was derived. _insects._--owing to the researches of the rev. t. blackburn we have now a fair knowledge of the coleopterous fauna of these islands. unfortunately some of the most productive islands in plants--kaui and maui--were very little explored, but during a residence of six years the equally rich oahu was well worked, and the general character of the beetle fauna must therefore be considered to be pretty accurately determined. out of 428 species collected, many being obviously recent introductions, no {319} less than 352 species and 99 of the genera appear to be quite peculiar to the archipelago. sixty of these species are carabidæ, forty-two are staphylinidæ, forty are nitidulidæ, twenty are ptinidæ, twenty are ciodidæ, thirty are aglycyderidæ, forty-five are curculionidæ, and fourteen are cerambycidæ, the remainder being distributed among twenty-two other families. many important families, such as cicindelidæ, scaraboeidæ, buprestidæ, and the whole of the enormous series of the phytophaga are either entirely absent or are only represented by a few introduced species. in the eight families enumerated above most of the species belong to peculiar genera which usually contain numerous distinct species; and we may therefore consider these to represent the descendants of the most ancient immigrants into the islands. two important characteristics of the coleopterous fauna are, the small size of the species, and the great scarcity of individuals. dr. sharp, who has described many of them,[74] says they are "mostly small or very minute insects," and that "there are few--probably it would be correct to say absolutely none--that would strike an ordinary observer as being beautiful." mr. blackburn says that it was not an uncommon thing for him to pass a morning on the mountains and to return home with perhaps two or three specimens, having seen literally nothing else except the few species that are generally abundant. he states that he "has frequently spent an hour sweeping flower-covered herbage, or beating branches of trees over an inverted white umbrella without seeing the sign of a beetle of any kind." to those who have collected in any tropical or even temperate country on or near a continent, this poverty of insect life must seem almost incredible; and it affords us a striking proof of how erroneous are those now almost obsolete views which imputed the abundance, variety, size, and colour of insects to the warmth and sunlight and luxuriant vegetation of the tropics. the facts become quite intelligible, however, if we consider that only {320} minute insects of certain groups could ever reach the islands by natural means, and that these, already highly specialised for certain defined modes of life, could only develop slowly into slightly modified forms of the original types. some of the groups, however, are considered by dr. sharp to be very ancient generalised forms, especially the peculiar family aglycyderidæ, which he looks upon as being "absolutely the most primitive of all the known forms of coleoptera, it being a synthetic form linking the isolated rhynchophagous series of families with the clavicorn series. about thirty species are known in the hawaiian islands, and they exhibit much difference _inter se_." a few remarks on each of the more important of the families will serve to indicate their probable mode and period of introduction into the islands. the carabidæ consist chiefly of seven peculiar genera of anchomenini comprising fifty-one species, and several endemic species of bembidiinæ. they are highly peculiar and are all of small size, and may have originally reached the islands in the crevices of the drift wood from n.w. america which is still thrown on their shores, or, more rarely, by means of a similar drift from the n.-western islands of the pacific.[75] it is interesting to note that peculiar species of the same groups of carabidæ are found in the azores, canaries, and st. helena, indicating that they possess some special facilities for transmission across wide oceans and for establishing themselves upon oceanic islands. the staphylinidæ present many peculiar species of known genera. being still more minute and usually more ubiquitous than the carabidæ, there is no difficulty in accounting for their presence in the islands by the same means of dispersal. the nitidulidæ, ptinidæ, and ciodidæ being very small and of varied habits, either the perfect insects, their eggs or larvæ, may have been introduced either by water or wind carriage, or through the agency of birds. the curculionidæ, being wood bark or nut borers, would have considerable facilities for transmission by floating timber, fruits, or nuts; and the eggs or larvæ of the {321} peculiar cerambycidæ must have been introduced by the same means. the absence of so many important and cosmopolitan groups whose size or constitution render them incapable of being thus transmitted over the sea, as well as of many which seem equally well adapted as those which are found in the islands, indicate how rare have been the conditions for successful immigration; and this is still further emphasized by the extreme specialisation of the fauna, indicating that there has been no repeated immigration of the same species which would tend, as in the case of bermuda, to preserve the originally introduced forms unchanged by the effects of repeated intercrossing. _vegetation of the sandwich islands._--the flora of these islands is in many respects so peculiar and remarkable, and so well supplements the information derived from its interesting but scanty fauna, that a brief account of its more striking features will not be out of place; and we fortunately have a pretty full knowledge of it, owing to the researches of the german botanist dr. w. hildebrand.[76] considering their extreme isolation, their uniform volcanic soil, and the large proportion of the chief island which consists of barren lava-fields, the flora of the sandwich islands is extremely rich, consisting, so far as at present known, of 844 species of flowering plants and 155 ferns. this is considerably richer than the azores (439 phanerogams and 39 ferns), which though less extensive are perhaps better known, or than the galapagos (332 phanerogams), which are more strictly comparable, being equally volcanic, while their somewhat smaller area may perhaps be compensated by their proximity to the american continent. even new zealand with more than twenty times the area of the sandwich group, whose soil and climate are much more varied and whose botany has been thoroughly explored, has not a very much larger number of flowering plants (935 species), while in ferns it is barely equal. {322} the following list gives the number of indigenous species in each natural order. _number of species in each natural order in the hawaiian flora, excluding the introduced plants._ dicotyledons. 48. gentianaceæ (erythræa) 1 49. loganiaceæ 7 1. ranunculaceæ 2 50. apocynaceæ 4 2. menispermaceæ 4 51. hydrophyllaceæ (nama ... 3. papaveraceæ 1 allies andes) 1 4. cruciferæ 3 52. oleaceæ 1 5. capparidaceæ 2 53. solanaceæ 12 6. violaceæ 8 54. convolvulaceæ 14 7. bixaceæ 2 55. boraginaceæ 3 8. pittosporaceæ 10 56. scrophulariaceæ 2 9. caryophyllaceæ 23 57. gesneriaceæ 24 10. portulaceæ 3 58. myoporaceæ 1 11. guttiferæ 1 59. verbenaceæ 1 12. ternstræmiaceæ 1 60. labiatæ 39 13. malvaceæ 14 61. plantaginaceæ 2 14. sterculiaceæ 2 62. nyctaginaceæ 5 15. tiliaceæ 1 63. amarantaceæ 9 16. geraniaceæ 6 64. phytolaccaceæ 1 17. zygophyllaceæ 1 65. polygonaceæ 3 18. oxalidaceæ 1 66. chenopodiaceæ 2 19. rutaceæ 30 67. lauraceæ 2 20. ilicineæ 1 68. thymelæaceæ 7 21. celastraceæ 1 69. santalaceæ 5 22. rhamnaceæ 7 70. loranthaceæ 1 23. sapindaceæ 6 71. euphorbiaceæ 12 24. anacardiaceæ 1 72. urticaceæ 15 25. leguminosæ 21 73. piperaceæ 20 26. rosaceæ 6 27. saxifragaceæ (trees) 2 monocotyledons. 28. droseraceæ 1 29. halorageæ 1 74. orchidaceæ 3 30. myrtaceæ 6 75. scitaminaceæ 4 31. lythraceæ 1 76. iridaceæ 1 32. onagraceæ 1 77. taccaceæ 1 33. cucurbitaceæ 8 78. dioscoreaceæ 2 34. ficoideæ 1 79. liliaceæ 7 35. begoniaceæ 1 80. commelinaceæ 1 36. umbelliferæ 5 81. flagellariaceæ 1 37. araliaceæ 12 82. juncaceæ 1 38. rubiaceæ 49 83. palmaceæ 3 39. compositæ 70 84. pandanaceæ 2 40. lobeliaceæ 58 85. araceæ 2 41. goodeniaceæ 8 86. naiadaceæ 4 42. vaccinaceæ 2 87. cyperaceæ 47 43. epacridaceæ 2 88. graminaceæ 57 44. sapotaceæ 3 45. myrsinaceæ 5 vascular cryptogams. 46. primulaceæ (lysimachia) shrubs 6 ferns 136 47. plumbaginaceæ 1 lycopodiaceæ 17 rhizocarpeæ 2 {323} _peculiar features of the flora._--this rich insular flora is wonderfully peculiar, for if we deduct 115 species, which are believed to have been introduced by man, there remain 705 species of flowering plants of which 574, or more than four-fifths, are quite peculiar to the islands. there are no less than 38 peculiar genera out of a total of 265 and these 38 genera comprise 254 species, so that the most isolated forms are those which most abound and thus give a special character to the flora. besides these peculiar types, several genera of wide range are here represented by highly peculiar species. such are the hawaiian species of lobelia which are woody shrubs either creeping or six feet high, while a species of one of the peculiar genera of lobeliaceæ is a tree reaching a height of forty feet. shrubby geraniums grow twelve or fifteen feet high, and some vacciniums grow as epiphytes on the trunks of trees. violets and plantains also form tall shrubby plants, and there are many strange arborescent compositæ, as in other oceanic islands. the affinities of the flora generally are very wide. although there are many polynesian groups, yet australian, new zealand, and american forms are equally represented. dr. pickering notes the total absence of a large number of families found in southern polynesia, such as dilleniceæa, anonaceæ, olacaceæ, aurantiaceæ, guttiferæ, malpighiaceæ, meliaceæ, combretaceæ, rhizophoraceæ, melastomaceæ, passifloraceæ, cunoniaceæ, jasminaceæ, acanthaceæ, myristicaceæ, and casuaraceæ, as well as the genera clerodendron, ficus, and epidendric orchids. australian affinities are shown by the genera exocarpus, cyathodes, melicope, pittosporum, and by a phyllodinous acacia. new zealand is represented by ascarina, coprosma, acæna, and several cyperaceæ; while america is represented by the genera nama, gunnera, phyllostegia, sisyrinchium, and by a red-flowered rubus and a yellow-flowered sanicula allied to oregon species. there is no true alpine flora on the higher summits, but several of the temperate forms extend to a great elevation. thus mr. pickering records vaccinium, ranunculus, silene, gnaphalium and geranium, as occurring above ten {324} thousand feet elevation; while viola, drosera, acæna, lobelia, edwardsia, dodonæa, lycopodium, and many compositæ, range above six thousand feet. vaccinium and silene are very interesting, as they are almost peculiar to the north temperate zone; while many plants allied to antarctic species are found in the bogs of the high plateaux. the proportionate abundance of the different families in this interesting flora is as follows:- 1. compositæ 70 species, 12. urticaceæ 15 species, 2. lobeliaceæ 58 ,, 13. malvaceæ 14 ,, 3. graminaceæ 57 ,, 14. convolvulaceæ 14 ,, 4. rubiaceæ 49 ,, 15. araliaceæ 12 ,, 5. cyperaceæ 47 ,, 16. solanaceæ 12 ,, 6. labiatæ 39 ,, 17. euphorbiaceæ 12 ,, 7. rutaceæ 30 ,, 18. pittosporaceæ 10 ,, 8. gesneriaceæ 24 ,, 19. amarantaceæ 9 ,, 9. caryophyllaceæ 23 ,, 20. violaceæ 8 ,, 10. leguminosæ 21 ,, 21. goodeniaceæ 8 ,, 11. piperaceæ 20 ,, nine other orders, geraniaceæ, rhamnaceæ, rosaceæ, myrtaceæ, primulaceæ, loganiaceæ, liliaceæ, thymelaceæ, and cucurbitaceæ, have six or seven species each; and among the more important orders which have less than five species each are ranunculaceæ, cruciferæ, vaccinacæ, apocynaceæ, boraginaceæ, scrophulariaceæ, polygonaceæ, orchidaceæ, and juncaceæ. the most remarkable feature here is the great abundance of lobeliaceæ, a character of the flora which is probably unique; while the superiority of labiatæ to leguminosæ and the scarcity of rosaceæ and orchidaceæ are also very unusual. composites, as in most temperate floras, stand at the head of the list, and it will be interesting to note the affinities which they indicate. omitting eleven species which are cosmopolitan, and have no doubt entered with civilised man, there remain nineteen genera and seventy species of compositæ in the islands. sixty-one of the species are peculiar, as are eight of the genera; while the genus lipochæta with eleven species is only known elsewhere in the galapagos, where a single species occurs. we may therefore consider that nine out of the nineteen genera of hawaiian {325} compositæ are really confined to the archipelago. the relations of the peculiar genera and species are indicated in the following table.[77] _affinities of hawaiian composites._ no. of peculiar genera. species. external affinities of the genus. remya 2 very peculiar. allied to the north american genus grindelia. tetramolobium 7 south temperate america and australia. lipochæta 11 allied to american genera. campylothæca 12 with tropical american species of bidens and coreopsis. argyroxiphium 2 with the mexican madieæ. wilkesia 2 same affinities. dubantia 6 with the mexican raillardella. raillardia 12 same affinities. hesperomannia 2 allied to stifftia and wunderlichia of brazil. peculiar species. lagenophora 1 australia, new zealand, antarctic america, fiji islands. senecio 2 universally distributed. artemisia 2 north temperate regions. the great preponderance of american relations in the compositæ, as above indicated, is very interesting and suggestive, since the compositæ of tahiti and the other pacific islands are allied to malaysian types. it is here that we meet with some of the most isolated and remarkable forms, implying great antiquity; and when we consider the enormous extent and world-wide distribution of this order (comprising about ten thousand species), its distinctness from all others, the great specialisation of its flowers to attract insects, and of its seeds for dispersal by wind and other means, we can hardly doubt that its origin dates back to a very remote epoch. we may therefore look upon the compositæ as representing the most ancient portion of the existing flora of the sandwich islands, carrying us back to a very remote period when the facilities for communication with america were greater than they are now. this may be indicated by the two deep submarine banks in the north pacific, between the sandwich islands and san francisco, which, from an ocean floor {326} nearly 3,000 fathoms deep, rise up to within a few hundred fathoms of the surface, and seem to indicate the subsidence of two islands, each about as large as hawaii. the plants of north temperate affinity may be nearly as old, but these may have been derived from northern asia by way of japan and the extensive line of shoals which run north-westward from the sandwich islands, as shown on our map. those which exhibit polynesian or australian affinities, consisting for the most part of less highly modified species, usually of the same genera, may have had their origin at a later, though still somewhat remote period, when large islands, indicated by the extensive shoals to the south and south-west, offered facilities for the transmission of plants from the tropical portions of the pacific ocean. it is in the smaller and most woody islands in the westerly portion of the group, especially in kauai and oahu, that the greatest number and variety of plants are found and the largest proportion of peculiar species and genera. these are believed to form the oldest portion of the group, the volcanic activity having ceased and allowed a luxuriant vegetation more completely to cover the islands, while in the larger and much newer islands of hawaii and maui the surface is more barren and the vegetation comparatively monotonous. thus while twelve of the arborescent lobeliaceæ have been found on hawaii no less than seventeen occur on the much smaller oahu, which has even a genus of these plants confined to it. it is interesting to note that while the non-peculiar genera of flowering plants have little more than two species to a genus, the endemic genera average six and three-quarter species to a genus. these may be considered to represent the earliest immigrants which became firmly established in the comparatively unoccupied islands, and have gradually become modified into such complete harmony with their new conditions that they have developed into many diverging forms adapting them to different _habitats_. the following is a list of the peculiar genera with the number of species in each. {327} _peculiar hawaiian genera of flowering plants._ genus. no. of species. natural order. 1. isodendrion 3 violaceæ. 2. schiedea (seeds rugose or muricate) 17 caryophyllaceæ. 3. alsinidendron 1 ,, 4. pelea 20 rutaceæ. 5. platydesma 4 ,, 6. mahoe 1 sapindaceæ. 7. broussaisia 2 saxifragaceæ. 8. hildebrandia 1 begoniaceæ. 9. cheirodendron (fleshy fruit) 2 araliaceæ. 10. pterotropia (succulent) 3 ,, 11. triplasandra (drupe) 4 ,, 12. kadua (small, flat, winged seeds) 16 rubiaceæ. 13. gouldia (berry) 5 ,, 14. bobea (drupe) 5 ,, 15. straussia (drupe) 5 ,, 16. remya 2 compositæ. 17. tetramolobium 7 ,, 18. lipochæta 11 ,, 19. campylotheca 12 ,, 20. argyroxiphium 2 ,, 21. wilkesia 2 ,, 22. dubautia 6 ,, 23. raillardia 12 ,, 24. hesperomannia 2 ,, 25. brighamia 1 lobeliaceæ. 26. clermontia (berry) 11 ,, 27. rollandia 6 ,, 28. delissea 7 ,, 29. cyanea 28 ,, 30. labordea 9 loganiaceæ. 31. nothocestrum 4 solanaceæ. 32. haplostachys (nucules dry) 3 labiatæ. 33. phyllostegia (nucules fleshy) 16 ,, 34. stenogyne (nucules fleshy) 16 ,, 35. nototrichium 3 amarantaceæ. 36. charpentiera 2 ,, 37. touchardia 1 urticaceæ. 38. neraudia 2 ,, --- total 254 species. the great preponderance of the two orders compositæ and lobeliaceæ are what first strike us in this list. in the former case the facilities for wind-dispersal afforded by the structure of so many of the seeds render it comparatively easy to account for their having reached the islands at an early period. the lobelias, judging from hildebrand's descriptions, may have been transported in several {328} different ways. most of the endemic genera are berry-bearers and thus offer the means of dispersal by fruit-eating birds. the endemic species of the genus lobelia have sometimes very minute seeds, which might be carried long distances by wind, while other species, especially lobelia gaudichaudii, have a "hard, almost woody capsule which opens late," apparently well adapted for floating long distances. afterwards "the calycine covering withers away, leaving a fenestrate woody network" enclosing the capsule, and the seeds themselves are "compressed, reniform, or orbicular, and margined," and thus of a form well adapted to be carried to great heights and distances by gales or hurricanes. in the other orders which present several endemic genera indications of the mode of transit to the islands are afforded us. the araliaceæ are said to have fleshy fruits or drupes more or less succulent. the rubiaceæ have usually berries or drupes, while one genus, kadua, has "small, flat, winged seeds." the two largest genera of the labiatæ are said to have "fleshy nucules," which would no doubt be swallowed by birds.[78] _antiquity of the hawaiian fauna and flora._--the great antiquity implied by the peculiarities of the fauna and flora, no less than by the geographical conditions and surroundings, of this group, will enable us to account for another peculiarity of its flora--the absence of so many families found in other pacific islands. for the earliest immigrants would soon occupy much of the surface, and become specially modified in accordance with the conditions of the locality, and these would serve as a barrier against the intrusion of many forms which at a later {329} period spread over polynesia. the extreme remoteness of the islands, and the probability that they have always been more isolated than those of the central pacific, would also necessarily result in an imperfect and fragmentary representation of the flora of surrounding lands. _concluding observations on the fauna and flora of the sandwich islands._--the indications thus afforded by a study of the flora seem to accord well with what we know of the fauna of the islands. plants having so much greater facilities for dispersal than animals, and also having greater specific longevity and greater powers of endurance under adverse conditions, exhibit in a considerable degree the influence of the primitive state of the islands and their surroundings; while members of the animal world, passing across the sea with greater difficulty and subject to extermination by a variety of adverse conditions, retain much more of the impress of a recent state of things, with perhaps here and there an indication of that ancient approach to america so clearly shown in the compositæ and some other portions of the flora. general remarks on oceanic islands. we have now reviewed the main features presented by the assemblages of organic forms which characterise the more important and best known of the oceanic islands. they all agree in the total absence of indigenous mammalia and amphibia, while their reptiles, when they possess any, do not exhibit indications of extreme isolation and antiquity. their birds and insects present just that amount of specialisation and diversity from continental forms which may be well explained by the known means of dispersal acting through long periods; their land shells indicate greater isolation, owing to their admittedly less effective means of conveyance across the ocean; while their plants show most clearly the effects of those changes of conditions which we have reason to believe have occurred during the tertiary epoch, and preserve to us in highly specialised and archaic forms some record of the primeval immigration by which the islands were originally {330} clothed with vegetation. but in every case the series of forms of life in these islands is scanty and imperfect as compared with far less favourable continental areas, and no one of them presents such an assemblage of animals or plants as we always find in an island which we know has once formed part of a continent. it is still more important to note that none of these oceanic archipelagoes present us with a single type which we may suppose to have been preserved from mesozoic times; and this fact, taken in connection with the volcanic or coralline origin of all of them, powerfully enforces the conclusion at which we have arrived in the earlier portion of this volume, that during the whole period of geologic time as indicated by the fossiliferous rocks, our continents and oceans have, speaking broadly, been permanent features of our earth's surface. for had it been otherwise--had sea and land changed place repeatedly as was once supposed--had our deepest oceans been the seat of great continents while the site of our present continents was occupied by an oceanic abyss--is it possible to imagine that no fragments of such continents would remain in the present oceans, bringing down to us some of their ancient forms of life preserved with but little change? the correlative facts, that the islands of our great oceans are all volcanic (or coralline built probably upon degraded volcanic islands or extinct submarine volcanoes), and that their productions are all more or less clearly related to the existing inhabitants of the nearest continents, are hardly consistent with any other theory than the permanence of our oceanic and continental areas. we may here refer to the one apparent exception, which, however, lends additional force to the argument. new zealand is sometimes classed as an oceanic island, but it is not so really; and we shall discuss its peculiarities and probable origin further on. * * * * * {331} chapter xvi continental islands of recent origin: great britain characteristic features of recent continental islands--recent physical changes of the british isles--proofs of former elevation--submerged forests--buried river channels--time of last union with the continent--why britain is poor in species--peculiar british birds--freshwater fishes--cause of great speciality in fishes--peculiar british insects--lepidoptera confined to the british isles--peculiarities of the isle of man--lepidoptera--coleoptera confined to the british isles--trichoptera peculiar to the british isles--land and freshwater shells--peculiarities of the british flora--peculiarities of the irish flora--peculiar british mosses and hepaticæ--concluding remarks on the peculiarities of the british fauna and flora. we now proceed to examine those islands which are the very reverse of the "oceanic" class, being fragments of continents or of larger islands from which they have been separated, by subsidence of the intervening land at a period which, geologically, must be considered recent. such islands are always still connected with their parent land by a shallow sea, usually indeed not exceeding a hundred fathoms deep; they always possess mammalia and reptiles either wholly or in large proportion identical with those of the mainland; while their entire flora and fauna is characterised either by the total absence or comparative scarcity of those endemic or peculiar species and genera which are so striking a feature of almost all oceanic islands. such islands will, of course, differ from each {332} other in size, in antiquity, and in the richness of their respective faunas, as well as in their distance from the parent land and the facilities for intercommunication with it; and these diversities of conditions will manifest themselves in the greater or less amount of speciality of their animal productions. this speciality, when it exists, may have been brought about in two ways. a species or even a genus may on a continent have had a very limited area of distribution, and this area may be wholly or almost wholly contained in the separated portion or island, to which it will henceforth be peculiar. even when the area occupied by a species is pretty equally divided at the time of separation between the island and the continent, it may happen that it will become extinct on the latter, while it may survive on the former, because the limited number of individuals after division may be unable to maintain themselves against the severer competition or more contrasted climate of the continent, while they may flourish, under the more favourable insular conditions. on the other hand, when a species continues to exist in both areas, it may on the island be subjected to some modifications by the altered conditions, and may thus come to present characters which differentiate it from its continental allies and constitute it a new species. we shall in the course of our survey meet with cases illustrative of both these processes. the best examples of recent continental islands are great britain and ireland, japan, formosa, and the larger malay islands, especially borneo, java, and celebes; and as each of these presents special features of interest, we will give a short outline of their zoology and past history in relation to that of the continents from which they have recently been separated, commencing with our own islands, to which the present chapter will be devoted. _recent physical changes in the british isles._--great britain is perhaps the most typical example of a large and recent continental island now to be found upon the globe. it is joined to the continent by a shallow bank which extends from denmark to the bay of biscay, the 100 fathom line from these extreme points receding from the {333} coasts so as to include the whole of the british isles and about fifty miles beyond them to the westward. (_see_ map.) [illustration: map showing the shallow bank connecting the british isles with the continent.] the light tint indicates a depth of less than 100 fathoms. the figures show the depth in fathoms. the narrow channel between norway and denmark is 2,580 feet deep. beyond this line the sea deepens rapidly to the 500 and 1,000 fathom lines, the distance between 100 and 1,000 {334} fathoms being from twenty to fifty miles, except where there is a great outward curve to include the porcupine bank 170 miles west of galway, and to the north-west of caithness where a narrow ridge less than 500 fathoms below the surface joins the extensive bank under 300 fathoms, on which are situated the faroe islands and iceland, and which stretches across to greenland. in the north channel between ireland and scotland, and in the minch between the outer hebrides and skye, are a series of hollows in the sea-bottom from 100 to 150 fathoms deep. these correspond exactly to the points between the opposing highlands where the greatest accumulations of ice would necessarily occur during the glacial epoch, and they may well be termed submarine lakes, of exactly the same nature as those which occur in similar positions on land. _proofs of former elevation--submerged forests._--what renders britain particularly instructive as an example of a recent continental island is the amount of direct evidence that exists, of several distinct kinds, showing that the land has been sufficiently elevated (or the sea depressed) to unite it with the continent,--and this at a very recent period. the first class of evidence is the existence, all round our coasts, of the remains of submarine forests often extending far below the present low-water mark. such are the submerged forests near torquay in devonshire, and near falmouth in cornwall, both containing stumps of trees in their natural position rooted in the soil, with deposits of peat, branches, and nuts, and often with remains of insects and other land animals. these occur in very different conditions and situations, and some have been explained by changes in the height of the tide, or by pebble banks shutting out the tidal waters from estuaries; but there are numerous examples to which such hypotheses cannot apply, and which can only be explained by an actual subsidence of the land (or rise of the sea-level) since the trees grew. we cannot give a better idea of these forests than by quoting the following account by mr. pengelly of a visit to one which had been exposed by a violent storm on the coast of devonshire, at blackpool near dartmouth:-{335} "we were so fortunate as to reach the beach at spring-tide low-water, and to find, admirably exposed, by far the finest example of a submerged forest which i have ever seen. it occupied a rectangular area, extending from the small river or stream at the western end of the inlet, about one furlong eastward; and from the low-water line thirty yards up the strand. the lower or seaward portion of the forest area, occupying about two-thirds of its entire breadth, consisted of a brownish drab-coloured clay, which was crowded with vegetable _débris_, such as small twigs, leaves, and nuts. there were also numerous prostrate trunks and branches of trees, lying partly imbedded in the clay, without anything like a prevalent direction. the trunks varied from six inches to upwards of two feet in diameter. much of the wood was found to have a reddish or bright pink hue, when fresh surfaces were exposed. some of it, as well as many of the twigs, had almost become a sort of ligneous pulp, while other examples were firm, and gave a sharp crackling sound on being broken. several large stumps projected above the clay in a vertical direction, and sent roots and rootlets into the soil in all directions and to considerable distances. it was obvious that the movement by which the submergence was effected had been so uniform as not to destroy the approximate horizontality of the old forest ground. one fine example was noted of a large prostrate trunk having its roots still attached, some of them sticking up above the clay, while others were buried in it. hazelnuts were extremely abundant--some entire, others broken, and some obviously gnawed.... it has been stated that the forest area reached the spring-tide low-water line; hence as the greatest tidal range on this coast amounts to eighteen feet, we are warranted in inferring that the subsidence amounted to eighteen feet as a minimum, even if we suppose that some of the trees grew in a soil the surface of which was not above the level of high water. there is satisfactory evidence that in torbay it was not less than forty feet, and that in falmouth harbour it amounted to at least sixty-seven feet."[79] {336} on the coast of the bristol channel similar deposits occur, as well as along much of the coast of wales and in holyhead harbour. it is believed by geologists that the whole bristol channel was, at a comparatively recent period, an extensive plain, through which flowed the river severn; for in addition to the evidence of submerged forests there are on the coast of glamorganshire numerous caves and fissures in the face of high sea cliffs, in one of which no less than a thousand antlers of the reindeer were found, the remains of animals which had been devoured there by bears and hyænas; facts which can only be explained by the existence of some extent of dry land stretching seaward from the present cliffs, but since submerged and washed away. this plain may have continued down to very recent times, since the whole of the bristol channel to beyond lundy island is under twenty-five fathoms deep. in the east of england we have a similar forest-bed at cromer in norfolk; and in the north of holland an old land surface has been found fifty-six feet below high-water mark. _buried river channels._--still more remarkable are the buried river channels which have been traced on many parts of our coasts. in order to facilitate the study of the glacial deposits of scotland, dr. james croll obtained the details of about 250 bores put down in all parts of the mining districts of scotland for the purpose of discovering minerals.[80] these revealed the interesting fact that there are ancient valleys and river channels at depths of from 100 to 260 feet below the present sea-level. these old rivers sometimes run in quite different directions from the present lines of drainage, connecting what are now distinct valleys; and they are so completely filled up and hidden by boulder clay, drift, and sands, that there is no indication of their presence on the surface, which often consists of mounds or low hills more than 100 feet high. one of these old valleys connects the clyde near dumbarton with the forth at grangemouth, and appears to have contained two streams flowing in opposite directions from a watershed about midway at kilsith. at {337} grangemouth the old channel is 260 feet below the sea-level. the watershed at kilsith is now 160 feet above the sea, the old valley bottom being 120 feet deep or forty feet above the sea. in some places the old valley was a ravine with precipitous rocky walls, which have been found in mining excavations. sir a. geikie, who has himself discovered many similar buried valleys, is of opinion that "they unquestionably belong to the period of the boulder clay." we have here a clear proof that, when these rivers were formed, the land must have stood in relation to the sea _at least_ 260 feet higher than it does now, and probably much more; and this is sufficient to join england to the continent. supporting this evidence, we have freshwater or littoral shells found at great depths off our coasts. mr. godwin austen records the dredging up of a freshwater shell (_unio pictorum_) off the mouth of the english channel between the fifty fathom and 100 fathom lines, while in the same locality gravel banks with littoral shells now lie under sixty or seventy fathoms water.[81] more recently mr. gwyn jeffreys has recorded the discovery of eight species of fossil arctic shells off the shetland isles in about ninety fathoms water, all being characteristic shallow water species, so that their association at this great depth is a distinct indication of considerable subsidence.[82] _time of last union with the continent._--the period when this last union with the continent took place was comparatively recent, as shown by the identity of the shells with living species, and the fact that the buried river channels are all covered with clays and gravels of the glacial period, of such a character as to indicate that most of them were deposited above the sea-level. from these and various other indications geologists are all agreed that the last continental period, as it is called, was subsequent to the greatest development of the ice, but probably before the cold epoch had wholly passed away. but if so recent, we should naturally expect our land still {338} to show an almost perfect community with the adjacent parts of the continent in its natural productions; and such is found to be the case. all the higher and more perfectly organised animals are, with but few exceptions, identical with those of france and germany; while the few species still considered to be peculiar may be accounted for either by an original local distribution, by preservation here owing to favourable insular conditions, or by slight modifications having been caused by these conditions resulting in a local race, sub-species, or species. _why britain is poor in species._--the former union of our islands with the continent, is not, however, the only recent change they have undergone. there have been partial submergences to the depth of from one hundred to perhaps three hundred feet over a large part of our country; while during the period of maximum glaciation the whole area north of the thames was buried in snow and ice. even the south of england must have suffered the rigour of an almost arctic climate, since mr. clement reid has shown that floating ice brought granite blocks from the channel islands to the coast of sussex. such conditions must have almost exterminated our preexisting fauna and flora, and it was only during the subsequent union of britain with the continent that the bulk of existing animals and plants could have entered our islands. we know that just before and during the glacial period we possessed a fauna almost or quite identical with that of adjacent parts of the continent and equally rich in species. the glaciation and submergence destroyed much of this fauna; and the permanent change of climate on the passing away of the glacial conditions appears to have led to the extinction or migration of many species in the adjacent continental areas, where they were succeeded by the assemblage of animals now occupying central europe. when england became continental, these entered our country; but sufficient time does not seem to have elapsed for the migration to have been completed before subsidence again occurred, cutting off the further influx of purely terrestrial animals, and leaving us without the number of species which our favourable climate and varied surface entitle us to. {339} to this cause we must impute our comparative poverty in mammalia and reptiles--more marked in the latter than the former, owing to their lower vital activity and smaller powers of dispersal. germany, for example, possesses nearly ninety species of land mammalia, and even scandinavia about sixty, while britain has only forty, and ireland only twenty-two. the depth of the irish sea being somewhat greater than that of the german ocean, the connecting land would there probably be of small extent and of less duration, thus offering an additional barrier to migration, whence has arisen the comparative zoological poverty of ireland. this poverty attains its maximum in the reptiles, as shown by the following figures:- belgium has 22 species of reptiles and amphibia. britain ,, 13 ,, ,, ,, ireland ,, 4 ,, ,, ,, where the power of flight existed, and thus the period of migration was prolonged, the difference is less marked; so that ireland has seven bats to twelve in britain, and about 110 as against 130 land-birds. plants, which have considerable facilities for passing over the sea, are somewhat intermediate in proportionate numbers, there being about 970 flowering plants and ferns in ireland to 1,425 in great britain,--or almost exactly two-thirds, a proportion intermediate between that presented by the birds and the mammalia. _peculiar british birds._--among our native mammalia, reptiles, and amphibia, it is the opinion of the best authorities that we possess neither a distinct species nor distinguishable variety. in birds, however, the case is different, since some of our species, in particular our coal-tit and long-tailed tit, present well-marked differences of colour as compared with continental specimens; and in mr. dresser's work on the _birds of europe_ they are considered to be distinct species, while professor newton, in his new edition of yarrell's _british birds_, does not consider the difference to be sufficiently great or sufficiently constant to warrant this, and therefore classes {340} them as insular races of the continental species. we have, however, one undoubted case of a bird peculiar to the british isles, in the red grouse (_lagopus scoticus_), which abounds in scotland, ireland, the north of england, and wales, and is very distinct from any continental species, although closely allied to the willow grouse of scandinavia. this latter species resembles it considerably in its summer plumage, but becomes pure white in winter; whereas our species retains its dark plumage throughout the year, becoming even darker in winter than in summer. we have here therefore a most interesting example of an insular form in our own country; but it is difficult to determine how it originated. on the one hand, it may be an old continental species which during the glacial epoch found a refuge here when driven from its native haunts by the advancing ice; or, on the other hand, it may be a descendant of the northern willow grouse, which has lost its power of turning white in winter owing to its long residence in the lowlands of an island where there is little permanent snow, and where assimilation in colour to the heather among which it lurks is at all times its best protection. in either case it is equally interesting, as the one large and handsome bird which is peculiar to our islands notwithstanding their recent separation from the continent. the following is a list of the birds now held to be peculiar to the british isles:- 1. parus ater, _sub. sp._ britannicus closely allied to _p. ater_ of the continent; a local race or sub-species. 2. acredula caudata, _sub. sp._ rosea allied to _a. caudata_ of the continent. 3. lagopus scoticus allied to _l. albus_ of scandinavia, a distinct species. _freshwater fishes._--although the productions of fresh waters have generally, as mr. darwin has shown, a wide range, fishes appear to form an exception, many of them being extremely limited in distribution. some are confined to particular river valleys or even to single rivers, others inhabit the lakes of a limited district only, while some are {341} confined to single lakes, often of small area, and these latter offer examples of the most restricted distribution of any organisms whatever. cases of this kind are found in our own islands, and deserve our especial attention. it has long been known that some of our lakes possessed peculiar species of trout and charr, but how far these were unknown on the continent, and how many of those in different parts of our islands were really distinct, had not been ascertained till dr. günther, so well known for his extensive knowledge of the species of fishes, obtained numerous specimens from every part of the country, and by comparison with all known continental species determined their specific differences. the striking and unexpected result has thus been attained, that no less than fifteen well-marked species of freshwater fishes are altogether peculiar to the british islands. the following is the list, with their english names and localities:--[83] _freshwater fishes peculiar to the british isles._ _latin name._ | _english name._ | _locality._ | | 1. salmo brachypoma |short-headed salmon|firth of forth, tweed, | |ouse. | | 2. ,, gallivensis |galway sea-trout |galway, west ireland. | | 3. ,, orcadensis |loch stennis trout |lakes of orkney. | | 4. ,, ferox |great lake trout |larger lakes of scotland, | |ireland, the n. of england, | |and wales. | | 5. ,, stomachicus |gillaroo trout |lakes of ireland. | | 6. ,, nigripinnis |black-finned trout |mountain lochs of wales | |and scotland. | | 7. ,, levenensis |loch leven trout |loch leven, loch lomond, | |windermere. | | 8. ,, perisii |welsh charr |llanberris lakes, n. | |wales. | | 9. ,, willughbii |windermere charr |lake windermere and | |others in n. of england, | |and lake bruiach in | |scotland. | | 10. ,, killinensis |lock killin charr |killin lake in | |inverness-shire. | | 11. ,, colii |cole's charr |lough eske and lough | |dan, ireland. | | 12. ,, grayi |gray's charr |lough melvin, leitrim, | |n.w. ireland. | | {342} 13. coregonus clupeoides |the gwyniad, or |loch lomond, ulleswater, |schelly |derwentwater, | |haweswater, and bala | |lake. | | 14. ,, vandesius |the vendace |loch maben, dumfriesshire. | | 15. ,, pollan |the pollan |lough neagh and lough | |earne, n. of ireland. these fifteen peculiar fishes differ from each other and from all british and continental species, not in colour only, but in such important structural characters as the number and size of the scales, form and size of the fins, and the form or proportions of the head, body, or tail. some of them, like _s. killinensis_ and the coregoni are in fact, as dr. günther assures me, just as good and distinct species as any other recognised species of fish. it may indeed be objected that, until all the small lakes of scandinavia are explored, and their fishes compared with ours, we cannot be sure that we have any peculiar species. but this objection has very little weight if we consider how our own species vary from lake to lake and from island to island, so that the orkney species is not found in scotland, and only one of the peculiar british species extends to ireland, which has no less than five species altogether peculiar to it. if the species of our own two islands are thus distinct, what reason have we for believing that they will be otherwise than distinct from those of scandinavia? at all events, with the amount of evidence we already possess of the very restricted ranges of many of our species, we must certainly hold them to be peculiar till they have been proved to be otherwise. the great speciality of the irish fishes is very interesting, because it is just what we should expect on the theory of evolution. in ireland the two main causes of specific change--isolation and altered conditions--are each more powerful than in britain. whatever difficulty continental fishes may have in passing over to britain, that difficulty will certainly be increased by the second sea passage to ireland; and the latter country has been longer isolated, for the irish sea with its northern and southern channels is considerably deeper than the german ocean and the {343} eastern half of the english channel, so that, when the last subsidence occurred, ireland would have been an island for some length of time while england and scotland still formed part of the continent. again, whatever differences have been produced by the exceptional climate of our islands will have been greater in ireland, where insular conditions are at a maximum, the abundance of moisture and the equability of temperature being far more pronounced than in any other part of europe. among the remarkable instances of limited distribution afforded by these fishes, we have the loch stennis trout confined to the little group of lakes in the mainland of orkney, occupying altogether an area of about ten miles by three; the welsh charr confined to the llanberris lakes, about three miles in length; gray's charr confined to lough melvin, about seven miles long; while the loch killin charr, known only from a small mountain lake in inverness-shire, and the vendace, from the equally small lakes at loch maben in scotland, are two examples of restricted distribution which can hardly be surpassed. _cause of great speciality in fishes._--the reason why fishes alone should exhibit such remarkable local modifications in lakes and islands is sufficiently obvious. it is due to the extreme rarity of their transmission from one lake to another. just as we found to be the case in oceanic islands, where the means of transmission were ample hardly any modification of species occurred, while where these means were deficient and individuals once transported remained isolated during a long succession of ages, their forms and characters became so much changed as to bring about what we term distinct species or even distinct genera,--so these lake fishes have become modified because the means by which they are enabled to migrate so rarely occur. it is quite in accordance with this view that some of the smaller lakes contain no fishes, because none have ever been conveyed to them. others contain several; and some fishes which have peculiarities of constitution or habits which render their transmission somewhat less difficult occur in several lakes over a wide area of country, though only one appears to be common to the british and irish lakes. {344} the manner in which fishes are enabled to migrate from lake to lake is unknown, but many suggestions have been made. it is a fact that whirlwinds and waterspouts sometimes carry living fish in considerable numbers and drop them on the land. here is one mode which might certainly have acted now and then in the course of thousands of years, and the eggs of fishes may have been carried with even greater ease. again we may well suppose that some of these fish have once inhabited the streams that enter or flow out of the lakes as well as the lakes themselves; and this opens a wide field for conjecture as to modes of migration, because we know that rivers have sometimes changed their courses to such an extent as to form a union with distinct river basins. this has been effected either by floods rising over low watersheds, by elevations of the land changing lines of drainage, or by ice blocking up valleys and compelling the streams to flow over watersheds to find an outlet. this is known to have occurred during the glacial epoch, and is especially manifest in the case of the parallel roads of glenroy, and it probably affords the true solution of many of the cases in which existing species of fish inhabit distinct river basins whether in streams or lakes. if a fish thus wandered out of one river-basin into another, it might then retire up the streams to some of the lakes, where alone it might find conditions favourable to it. by a combination of the modes of migration here indicated it is not difficult to understand how so many species are now common to the lakes of wales, cumberland, and scotland, while others less able to adapt themselves to different conditions have survived only in one or two lakes in a single district; or these last may have been originally identical with other forms, but have become modified by the particular conditions of the lake in which they have found themselves isolated. _peculiar british insects._--we now come to the class of insects, and here we have much more difficulty in determining what are the actual facts, because new species are still being yearly discovered and considerable portions of europe are but imperfectly explored. it often happens that an insect is discovered in our islands, and for some {345} years britain is its only recorded locality; but at length it is found on some part of the continent, and not unfrequently has been all the time known there, but disguised by another name, or by being classed as a variety of some other species. this has occurred so often that our best entomologists have come to take it for granted that _all_ our supposed peculiar british species are really natives of the continent and will one day be found there; and owing to this feeling little trouble has been taken to bring together the names of such as from time to time remain known from this country only. the view of the probable identity of our entire insect-fauna with that of the continent has been held by such well-known authorities as the late mr. e. c. rye and dr. d. sharp for the beetles, and by mr. h. t. stainton for butterflies and moths; but as we have already seen that among two orders of vertebrates--birds and fishes--there are undoubtedly peculiar british species, it seems to me that all the probabilities are in favour of there being a much larger number of peculiar species of insects. in every other island where some of the vertebrates are peculiar--as in the azores, the canaries, the andaman islands, and ceylon--the insects show an equal if not a higher proportion of speciality, and there seems no reason whatever why the same law should not apply to us. our climate is undoubtedly very distinct from that of any part of the continent, and in scotland, ireland, and wales we possess extensive tracts of wild mountainous country where a moist uniform climate, an alpine or northern vegetation, and a considerable amount of isolation, offer all the conditions requisite for the preservation of some species which may have become extinct elsewhere, and for the slight modification of others since our last separation from the continent. i think, therefore, that it will be very interesting to take stock, as it were, of our recorded peculiarities in the insect world, for it is only by so doing that we can hope to arrive at any correct solution of the question on which there is at present so much difference of opinion. for the list of coleoptera with the accompanying notes i was originally indebted to the late mr. e. c. rye; and dr. sharp also gave me valuable information as to the recent {346} occurrence of some of the supposed peculiar species on the continent. the list has now been revised by the rev. canon fowler, author of the best modern work on the british coleoptera, who has kindly furnished some valuable notes. for the lepidoptera i first noted all the species and varieties marked as british only in staudinger's catalogue of european lepidoptera. this list was carefully corrected by mr. stainton, who weeded out all the species known by him to have been since discovered, and furnished me with valuable information on the distribution and habits of the species. this information often has a direct bearing on the probability of the insect being peculiar to britain, and in some cases may be said to explain why it should be so. for example, the larvæ of some of our peculiar species of tineina feed during the winter, which they are enabled to do owing to our mild and insular climate, but which the severer continental winters render impossible. a curious example of the effect this habit may have on distribution is afforded by one of our commonest british species, _elachista rufocinerea_, the larva of which mines in the leaves of _holcus mollis_ and other grasses from december to march. this species, though common everywhere with us, extending to scotland and ireland, is quite unknown in similar latitudes on the continent, but appears again in italy, the south of france, and dalmatia, where the mild winters enable it to live in its accustomed manner. such cases as this afford an excellent illustration of those changes of distribution, dependent probably on recent changes of climate, which may have led to the restriction of certain species to our islands. for should any change of climate lead to the extinction of the species in south europe, where it is far less abundant than with us, we should have a common and wide-spread species entirely restricted to our islands. other species feed in the larva state on our common gorse, a plant found only in limited portions of western and southern europe; and the presence of this plant in a mild and insular climate such as ours may well be supposed to have led to the preservation of some of the numerous species which are or have been dependent on it. since the first edition was {347} published many new british species have been discovered, while some of the supposed peculiar species have been found on the continent. information as to these has been kindly furnished by mr. w. warren, mr. c. g. barrett, lord walsingham, and other students of british lepidoptera, and the first-named gentleman has also looked over the proofs. mr. mclachlan has kindly furnished me with some valuable information on certain species of trichoptera or caddis flies which seem to be peculiar to our islands; and this completes the list of orders which have been studied with sufficient care to afford materials for such a comparison. we will now give the list of peculiar british insects, beginning with the lepidoptera and adding such notes as have been supplied by the gentlemen already referred to. _list of the species or varieties of lepidoptera which, so far as at present known, are confined to the british islands. (the figures show the dates when the species was first described. species added since the first edition are marked with an asterisk.)_ diurni. 1. polyommatus dispar. "the large copper." this fine insect, once common in the fens, but now extinct owing to extensive drainage, is generally admitted to be peculiar to our island, at all events as a variety or local form. its continental ally differs constantly in being smaller and in having smaller spots; but the difference, though constant, is so slight that it is now classed as a variety under the name of _rutilus_. our insect may therefore be stated to be a well-marked local form of a continental species. 2. lycæna astrarche, _var._ artaxerxes. this very distinct form is confined to scotland and the north of england. the species of which it is considered a variety (more generally known to english entomologists as _p. agestis_) is found in the southern half of england, and almost everywhere on the continent. bombyces. 3. lithosia complana, _var._ sericea. north of england (1861). 4. hepialus humuli, _var._ hethlandica. shetland islands (1865). a remarkable form, in which the male is usually yellow and buff instead of pure white, as in the common form, but exceedingly variable in tint and markings. 5. epichnopteryx reticella. sheerness, gravesend, and other localities along the thames (1847); hayling island, sussex. 6. e. pulla, _var._ radiella. near london, rare (1830?); the species in central and southern europe. (doubtfully peculiar in mr. stainton's opinion.) {348} noctuæ. 7. acronycta euphorbiæ, _var._ myricæ. scotland only (1852). a melanic form of a continental species. 8. agrotis subrosea. cambridgeshire and huntingdonshire fens, perhaps extinct (1835). the _var._ _subcærulea_ is found in finland and livonia. 9. agrotis candelarum _var._ ashworthii. south and west (1855). distinct and not uncommon. 10. luperina luteago, _var._ barretti. ireland (1864). 11. aporophyla australis, _var._ pascuea. south of england (1830). a variety of a species otherwise confined to south europe. 12. hydræcia nictitans, _var._ paludris. geometræ. 13. boarmia gemmaria, _var._ perfumaria. near london and elsewhere. a large dark variety of a common species. 14. *b. repandata, _var._ sodorensium. outer hebrides. 15. *emmelesia albulata, _var._ hebridium. outer hebrides. 16. *e. albulata, _var._ thules. shetland islands. 17. *melanippe montanata, _var._ shetlandica. shetland islands. 18. *m. sociata, _var._ obscurata. outer hebrides. a dark form. 19. cidaria albulata, _var._ griseata. east of england (1835). a variety of a species otherwise confined to central and southern europe. 20. eupithecia constrictata.. widely spread, but local (1835). larva on thyme. 21. *e. satyrata, _var._ curzoni. n. scotland. 22. *e. nanata _var._ curzoni. shetland islands. pyralidina. 23. aglossa pinguinalis, _var._ streatfieldi. mendip hills (1830). a remarkable variety of the common "tabby." 24. *scoparia cembræ, _var._ scotica. scotland (1872). 25. *myelois ceratoniæ, _var._ pryerella. north london (1871). 26. *howoeosoma nimbella, _var._ saxicola. england, scotland, isle of man (1871). 27. *epischnia bankesiella. isle of portland (1888). tortricina. 28. aphelia nigrovittana. scotland (1852). a local form of the generally distributed _a. lanceolana_. 29. grapholita parvulana. isle of wight (1858). rare. a distinct species. 30. conchylis erigerana. south-east of england (1866). 31. *brachytænia woodiana. herefordshire (1882). 32. *eupoecilia angustana, _var._ thuleana. shetland islands. 33. *tortrix donelana. connemara, ireland (1890). tineina. 34. tinea cochylidella. sanderstead, near croydon (1854). unique! 35. acrolepia betulætella. yorkshire and durham (1840). rare. 36. argyresthia semifusca. north and west of england (1829). rather scarce. a distinct species. 37. gelechia divisella. a fen insect (1856). rare. {349} 38. g. celerella. west of england (1854). a doubtful species. 39. *g. tetragonella. yorkshire. norfolk. salt marshes. 40. *g. sparsiciliella. pembroke. 41. *g. plantaginella. a salt-marsh species. 42. g. ocellatella (barrett _nec_ stainton). bred from _beta maritima_. very distinct. 43. bryotropha politella. moors of north of england. norfolk (1854). 44. *b. portlandicella. isle of portland (1890). 45. lita fraternella. widely scattered (1834). larva feeds on shoots of _stellaria uliginosa_ in spring. 46. l. blandulella. kent. 47. anacampsis sircomella. north and west england (1854). perhaps a melanic variety of the more widely spread _a. tæniolella_. 48. a. immaculatella. west wickham (1834). unique! a distinct species. 49. *oecophora woodiella? 50. glyphipteryx cladiella. eastern counties (1859). abundant. 51. g. schoenicolella. in several localities (1859). 52. gracilaria stramineella. (1850). on birch. perhaps a local form of _g. elongella_, found on alder. 53. ornix loganella. scotland (1848). abundant, and a distinct species. 54. o. devoniella. in devonshire (1854). unique! 55. coleophora saturatella. south of england (1850). abundant on broom. 56. c. inflatæ. south and east of england. on _silene inflata._ ? continental. 57. c. squamosella. surrey (1856). very rare, but an obscure species. 58. c. salinella. on sea-coast (1859). abundant. 59. *c. potentillæ. south of england. 60. *c. adjunctella. essex salt marshes. ? lancashire (1882). 61. *c. limoniella. isle of wight. feeds on _statice limonium_. 62. elachista flavicomella. dublin (1856). excessively rare, two specimens only known. 63. *e. scirpi. wales and sussex. salt marshes. 64. e. consortella. scotland (1854). a doubtful species. 65. e. megerlella. widely distributed (1854). common. larva feeds in grass during winter and early spring. 66. e. obliquella. near london (1854). unique! 67. e. triseriatella. south of england (1854). very local; an obscure species. 68. *tinagma betulæ. east dorset (1891). 69. lithocolletis nigrescentella. northumberland (1850). rare; a dark form of _l. bremiella_, which is widely distributed. 70. *l. anderidæ. sussex. dorset (1886). 71. l. irradiella. north britain (1854). a northern form of the more southern and wide-spread _l. lautella_. 72. l. triguttella. sanderstead, near croydon (1848). unique! very peculiar. 73. l. ulicicolella. in a few wide-spread localities (1854). a peculiar form. 74. l. caledoniella. north britain (1854). a local variety of the more widespread _l. corylifoliella_. {350} 75. l. dunningiella. north of england (1852). a somewhat doubtful species. 76. bucculatrix demaryella. widely distributed (1848). rather common. 77. trifurcula squamatella. south of england (1854). a doubtful species. 78. nepticula ignobiliella. widely scattered (1854). on hawthorn, not common. ? on continent. 79. n. poterii. south of england (1858). bred from larvæ in _poterium sanguisorba_. 80. n. quinquella. south of england (1848). on oak leaves, very local. ? continental. 81. n. apicella. local (1854). probably confused with allied species on the continent. 82. n. headleyella. local (1854). a rare species. 83. *n. hodgkinsoni. lancashire. 84. *n. woolhopiella. herefordshire. 85. *n. serella. westmoreland and s. england. 86. *n. auromarginella. dorset (1890). 87. *micropteryx sangii. (1891). 88. *m. salopiella. pterophorina. 89. agdistis bennetti. east coast. i. of wight (1840). common on _statice limonium_. we have here a list of eighty-nine species, which, according to the best authorities, are, in the present state of our knowledge, peculiar to britain. it is a curious fact that no less than fifty of these have been described more than twenty-five years; and as during all that time they have not been recognised on the continent, notwithstanding that good coloured figures exist of almost all of them, it seems highly probable that many of them are really confined to our island. at the same time we must not apply this argument too rigidly, for the very day before my visit to mr. stainton he had received a letter from professor zeller announcing the discovery on the continent of a species of our last family, pterophorina, which for more than forty years had been considered to be exclusively british. this insect, _platyptilia similidactyla_ (_pterophorus isodactylus_, stainton's _manual_), had been taken rarely in the extreme north and south of our islands--teignmouth and orkney, a fact which seemed somewhat indicative of its being a straggler. again, seven of the species are unique, that is, have only been captured once; and it may be supposed that, as they are so rare as to have been found only once in england, they may be all {351} equally rare and not yet found on the continent. but this is hardly in accordance with the laws of distribution. widely scattered species are generally abundant in some localities; while, when a species is on the point of extinction, it must for a time be very rare in the single locality where it last maintains itself. it is then more probable that some of these unique species represent such as are almost extinct, than that they have a wide range and are equally rare everywhere; and the peculiarity of our insular climate, combined with our varied soil and vegetation, offer conditions which may favour the survival of some species with us after they have become extinct on the continent. of the sixty-nine species recorded in my first edition fourteen have been since discovered on the continent, while no less than twenty-two species and eleven varieties have been added to the list. as we can hardly suppose continental entomologists to be less thorough collectors than ourselves, it ought to be more and more difficult to find any insects which are unknown on the continent if all ours really exist there; and the fact that the list of apparently peculiar british species is an increasing one renders it probable that many of them are not only apparently but really so. both general considerations dependent on the known laws of distribution, and the peculiar habits, conspicuous appearance, and restricted range, of many of our species, alike indicate that some considerable proportion of them will remain permanently as peculiar british species. we will now pass on to the coleoptera, or beetles, an order which has been of late years energetically collected and carefully studied by british entomologists. _list of the species and varieties of beetles which, so far as at present known, are confined to the british islands. those added since the first edition are marked with an asterisk._ carabidæ. 1. *bembidium saxatile, _var._ vectensis (fowler). isle of wight. 2. dromius vectensis (rye). common in the isle of wight, also in kent, and at weymouth and seaton. closely allied to _d. sigma_. 3. harpalus latus, _var._ metallescens (rye). unique, but very marked! south coast. "perhaps a sport or a hybrid" (fowler). 4. acupalpus derelictus (dawson). unique! north kent. canon fowler thinks it may be a variety of _a. dorsalis_. {352} dyticidæ. 5. *acilius sulcatus, _var._ scoticus (curtis). scotland. a melanic variety. helophoridæ. 6. ochthebius poweri (rye). very marked. s. coast. a few specimens only. 7. *o. æneus (steph). brachyelytra. 8. ocyusa hibernica (rye). ireland, mountain tops, and at braemar. 9. *oxypoda tarda (sharp). 10. ,, pectita (sharp). scotland. 11. ,, verecunda (sharp). scotland, also london districts. 12. homalota diversa (sharp). 13. ,, fulvipennis (rye). 14. ,, oblongiuscula (sharp). scotland, also england and ireland. 15. ,, princeps (sharp). a coast insect. 16. ,, curtipennis (sharp). scotland and near birmingham. 17. h. levana, _var._ setigera (sharp). 18. stenus oscillator (rye). unique! south coast. may be a hybrid. 19. trogophlæus spinicollis (rye). mersey estuary, unique! most distinguishable, nothing like it in europe. perhaps imported from another continent. 20. eudectus whitei (sharp). scotch hills. a variety of _e. giraudi_ of germany (the only european species) _fide_ kraatz (sharp). 21. homalium rugulipenne (rye). exceedingly marked form. northern and western coasts; rare. 22. *mycetoporus monticola (fowler). cheviots and inverness-shire. scydmænidæ. 23. *scydmænus poweri (fowler) s. england. a recent discovery. 24. *s. planifrons (fowler). ,, ,, pselaphidæ. 25. bryaxis cotus (de sauley). scotland. 26. bythinus glabratus (rye). sussex coast; also isle of wight; a few specimens; very distinguishable; myrmecophilous (lives in ants' nests). trichopterygidæ. 27. ptinella maria (matthews) derbyshire. 28. trichopteryx saræ ( ,, ) notts. 29. ,, poweri ( ,, ) oxon. 30. ,, edithia ( ,, ) kent. 31. ,, *angusta ( ,, ) leicestershire. 32. ,, kirbii ( ,, ) norfolk. 33. ,, fratercula ( ,, ) 34. ,, waterhousii ( ,, ) 35. ,, championis ( ,, ) wicken fen. 36. ,, jansoni ( ,, ) leicestershire. 37. ,, suffocata (haliday). ireland, co. cork. 38. ,, carbonaria (matthews). notts. {353} 39. ptilium halidayi (matthews). sherwood forest. 40. ,, caledonicum (sharp). scotland; very marked form. 41. ,, insigne (matthews). london district. 42. *orthoperus mundus (matthews). oxfordshire. 43. *o. punctulatus (matthews). lincolnshire. anisotomidæ. 44. agathidium rhinoceros (sharp). old fir-woods in perthshire; local, many specimens; a very marked species. 45. anisotoma similata (rye). south of england. two specimens. 46. ,, lunicollis (rye). north-east and south of england, a very marked form; several specimens. phalacridæ. 47. phalacrus brisouti (rye). south of england. rare. "perhaps a small form of _p. coruscus_" (fowler). cryptophagidæ. 48. atomaria divisa (rye). unique! south of england. lathridiidæ. 49. melanopthalma transversalis, _var._ wollastoni (waterhouse). south coast, and lincolnshire. byrrhidæ. 50. syncalypta hirsuta (sharp). south of england, local. "closely allied to _s. setigera_" (fowler). mordellidæ. 51. *anaspis septentrionalis. scotland (1891). (champion.) 52. * ,, garneysi (fowler). london district. (1890.) telephoridæ. 53. telephorus darwinianus (sharp). scotland, sea-coast. a stunted form of abnormal habits. perhaps a variety of _t. lituratus_. cyphonidæ. 54. cyphon punctipennis (sharp). scotland. anthicidæ. 55. anthicus salinus (crotch). south coast. 56. ,, scoticus (rye). loch leven; very distinct; many specimens. cioidæ. 57. *cis bilamellatus (wood). west wickham, kent. "perhaps imported. has the appearance of an exotic cis" (fowler). tomicidæ. 58. *pityopthorus lichtensteinii, _var._ scoticus (blandford). scotland. curculionidæ. 59. ceuthorhynchus contractus, _var._ pallipes (crotch). lundy island; several specimens. a curious variety only known from this island. 60. liosomus troglodytes (rye). a very queer form. two or three specimens. south of england. 61. *orcheites ilicis, _var._ nigripes (fowler). london district. (1890.) {354} 62. apion ryei (blackburn). shetland islands. several specimens. perhaps a _var._ of _a. fagi_. chrysomelidæ. 63. chrysomela staphylea, _var._ sharpi (fowler). solway district. halticidæ. 64. longitarsus agilis (rye). south of england; many specimens. 65. ,, distinguenda (rye). south of england; many specimens. 66. psylliodes luridipennis (kutschera). lundy island. a very curious form, not uncommon in this small island, to which it appears to be confined. "an extreme and local variety of _p. chrysocephala_" (fowler). coccinellidæ. 67. scymnus lividus (bold). northumberland. a doubtful species. of the sixty-seven species and varieties of beetles in the preceding list, a considerable number no doubt owe their presence there to the fact that they have not yet been discovered or recognised on the continent. this is almost certainly the case with many of those which have been separated from other species by very minute and obscure characters, and especially with the excessively minute trichopterygidæ described by mr. matthews. there are others, however, to which this mode of getting rid of them will not apply, as they are so marked as to be at once recognised by any competent entomologist, and often so plentiful that they can be easily obtained when searched for. the peculiar species of apion in the shetland islands is interesting, and may be connected with the very peculiar climatal conditions there prevailing, which have led in some cases to a change of habits, so that a species of weevil (_otiorhynchus maurus_) always found on mountain sides in scotland here occurs on the sea-shore. still more curious is the occurrence of two distinct forms (a species and a well-marked variety) on the small granitic lundy island in the bristol channel. this island is about three miles long and twelve from the coast of devonshire, consisting mainly of granite with a little of the devonian formation, and the presence here of peculiar insects can only be due to isolation with special conditions, and immunity from enemies or competing forms. when we consider the similar islands off {355} the coast of scotland and ireland, with the isle of man and the scilly islands, none of which have been yet thoroughly explored for beetles, it is probable that many similar examples of peculiar isolated forms remain to be discovered. looking, then, at what seem to me the probabilities of the case from the standpoint of evolution and natural selection, and giving due weight to the facts of local distribution as they are actually presented to us, i am forced to differ from the opinion held by our best entomological authorities, and to believe that some at least, perhaps many, of the species which, in the present state of our knowledge, appear to be peculiar to our islands, are, not only apparently, but really, so peculiar. i am indebted to mr. robert mclachlan for the following information on certain trichopterous neuroptera (or caddis-flies) which appear to be confined to our islands. the peculiar aquatic habits of the larvæ of these insects, some living in ponds or rivers, others in lakes, and others again only in clear mountain streams, render it not improbable that some of them should have become isolated and preserved in our islands, or that they should be modified owing to such isolation. _trichoptera peculiar to the british isles._ 1. philopotamus insularis. (? a variety of _p. montanus_.)--this can hardly be termed a british species or variety, because, so far as at present known, it is peculiar to the island of guernsey. it agrees structurally with _p. montanus_, a species found both in britain and on the continent, but it differs in its strikingly yellow colour, and less pronounced markings. all the specimens from guernsey are alike, and resident entomologists assured mr. mclachlan that no other kind is known. strange to say, some examples from jersey differ considerably, resembling the common european and british form. even should this peculiar variety be at some future time found on the continent it would still be a remarkable fact that the form of insect inhabiting two small islands only twenty miles apart should constantly differ; but as jersey is between guernsey and the coast, it seems just possible that the more insular conditions, and perhaps some peculiarity of the soil and water in the former island, have really led to the production or preservation of a well-marked variety of insect. in the first edition of this work two other species were named as then, peculiar to britain--setodes argentipunctella and rhyacophila munda, but both have now been taken on the continent. 2. mesophylax impunctatus, _var._ zetlandicus.--a variety of a south and central european species, one specimen of which has been found in dumfriesshire. the variety is distinguished by its small size and dark colour. {356} _land and freshwater shells._--in the first edition of this work four species were noted as being, so far as was then known, exclusively british. two of these, _cyclas pisidioides_ (now called _sphærium pisidioides_) and _geomalacus maculosus_, have been discovered on the continent, but the other two remain still apparently confined to these islands; and to these another has been added by the discovery of a new species of hydrobia in the estuary of the thames. the peculiar species now stands as follows:- 1. limnea involuta.--a pond snail with a small polished amber-coloured shell found only in a small alpine lake and its inflowing stream on cromagloun mountain near the lakes of killarney. it was discovered in 1838, and has frequently been obtained since in the same locality. it is sometimes classed as a variety of _limnea peregra_, and is at all events closely allied to that species. 2. hydrobia jenkinsii.--a small shell of the family rissoidæ inhabiting the thames estuary both in essex and kent. it was discovered only a few years ago, and was first described in 1889. 3. assiminea grayana.--a small estuarine pulmonobranch found on the banks of the thames between greenwich and gravesend, on mud at the roots of aquatic plants. it has been discovered more than sixty years. but besides the above-named species there are a considerable number of well-marked varieties of shells which seem to be peculiar to our islands. a list of these has been kindly furnished me by mr. theo. d. a. cockerell, who has paid much attention to the subject; and after omitting all those whose peculiarities are very slight or whose absence from the continent is doubtful, there remain a series of forms some of which are in all probability really endemic with us. this is the more probable from the fact that an introduced colony of _helix nemoralis_ at lexington, virginia, presents numerous varieties among which are several which do not occur in europe.[84] the following list is therefore given in the hope that it may be useful in calling attention to those varieties which are not yet positively known to occur elsewhere than in our islands, and {357} thus lead, ultimately, to a more accurate knowledge of the facts. it is only by obtaining a full knowledge of varieties, their distribution and their comparative stability, that we can ever hope to detect the exact process by which nature works in the formation of species. list of the species and varieties of land and freshwater shells which, so far as at present known, are believed to be peculiar to the british isles or not found on the continent. limacidæ. 1. limax marginatus, _var._ maculatus. ireland; frequent, very distinct. 2. ,, ,, ,, decipiens. ireland and england. 3. ,, flavus, _var._ suffusus. england; melanic form. 4. ,, ,, ,, griseus. england; melanic form. 5. agriolimax agrestis, _var._ niger. yorkshire. melanic. azores. 6. ,, ,, ,, griseus. england. melanic. 7. amalia gagates, _var._ rava. w. of england. 8. ,, sowerbyi, _var._ rustica. england. 9. ,, ,, ,, nigrescens. surrey and middlesex. 10. ,, ,, ,, bicolor. ealing. 11. hyalina crystallina, _var._ complanata. near bristol. 12. ,, fulva, _var._ alderi. 13. vitrina pellucida, _var._ depressiuscula. s. england, wales. helicidæ. 14. arion ater, _var._ albo-lateralis. england, wales, isle of man; very distinct. 15. ,, hortensis, _var._ fallax. england. common at boxhill. 16. geomalacus maculosus. kerry and cork. three varieties have been described, one of which occurs in portugal. 17. helix aspersa, _var._ lutescens. england. not rare perhaps in france. 18. ,, nemoralis, _var._ hibernica. ireland. 19. ,, rufescens, _var._ manchesteriensis. england. 20. ,, hispida, _var._ subglobosa. england. 21. ,, ,, ,, depilata. england. 22. ,, ,, ,, minor. england, ireland. 23. ,, granulata, _var._ cornea. lulworth, dorset. 24. ,, virgata, _var._ subaperta. bath. 25. ,, ,, ,, subglobosa. england, wales, bantry bay. 26. ,, ,, ,, carinata. wareham, dorset. 27. ,, caperata, _var._ major. england, wales, scotland. distinct. 28. ,, ,, ,, nana. england. 29. ,, ,, ,, subscalaris. wales, ireland. 30. ,, ,, ,, alternata. england, kent. 31. ,, acuta, _var._ nigrescens. england. pupidæ. 32. pupa anglica, _var._ pallida. not rare. 33. ,, lilljeborgi, _var._ bidentata. ireland. {358} 34. ,, pygmea, _var._ pallida. dorset and devon. 35. clausilia rugosa, _var._ parvula. ireland. stenogyridæ. 36. cochlicopa lubrica, _var._ hyalina. wales, scotland. 37. coecilianella acicula, _var._ anglica. england. succineidæ. 38. succinea putris, _var._ solidula. wiltshire. 39. ,, virescens, _var._ aurea. ireland. 40. ,, pfeifferi, ,, rufescens. england, ireland. 41. ,, ,, ,, minor. england. limnæidæ. 42. planorbis fontanus, _var._ minor. england. 43. ,, carinatus, ,, disciformis. england. 44. ,, contortus, ,, excavatus. ireland. 45. ,, ,, ,, minor. 46. physa fontinalus, _var._ oblonga. england, wales, ireland. 47. limnæa involuta. ireland. 48. limnæa glutinosa, _var._ mucronata. 49. ,, peregra, _var._ burnetti. scotland. very distinct. 50. ,, ,, ,, lacustris. perhaps in c. verde islands. 51. ,, ,, ,, maritima. great britain. 52. ,, ,, ,, lineata. england. 53. ,, ,, ,, stagnaliformis. england. 54. ,, stagnalis, _var._ elagantula. curious. in a pond at chislehurst. 55. ,, palustris, _var._ conica. england, ireland. 56. ,, ,, ,, tincta. england, wales. 57. ,, ,, ,, albida. england. 58. ,, truncatula, _var._ elegans. england, ireland. distinct. 59. ,, ,, ,, fusca. wales. 60. ancylus lacustris, _var._ compressus. england. paludinidæ. 61. paludina vivipara, _var._ efasciata. england. not uncommon. 62. ,, ,, ,, atropurpurea. pontypool. rissoidæ. 63. hydrobia jenkinsii. thames estuary. 64. ,, ventrosa, _var._ minor. 65. ,, ,, ,, decollata. 66. ,, ,, ,, ovata. 67. ,, ,, ,, elongata. 68. ,, ,, ,, pellucida. cyrenidæ. 69. sphærium corneum, _var._ compressum. 70. ,, ,, ,, minor. 71. ,, ,, ,, stagnicola. 72. ,, ovale, _var._ pallidum. england. 73. ,, lacustre, _var._ rotundum. wales. 74. pisidium pusillum, _var._ grandis. 75. ,, ,, ,, circulare. wales. 76. ,, nitidum, _var._ globosum. {359} unionidæ. 77. unio tumidus, _var._ richensis. regent's park. peculiar form. 78. ,, pictorum, _var._ latior. england. 79. ,, ,, ,, compressus. england. 80. ,, margaritifer, _var._ olivaceus. 81. anodonta cygnæa, _var._ incrassata. england. 82. ,, ,, ,, pallida. england, ireland. estuarine or marine pulmonotranchs. 83. assiminea grayana. thames estuary. _peculiarities of the british flora._--thinking it probable that there must also be some peculiar british plants, but not finding any enumeration of such in the _british floras_ of babington, hooker, or bentham, i applied to the greatest living authority on the distribution of british plants--the late mr. h. c. watson, who very kindly gave me the information i required, and i cannot do better than quote his words: "it may be stated pretty confidently that there is no 'species' (generally accepted among botanists as a good species) peculiar to the british isles. true, during the past hundred years, nominally new species have been named and described on british specimens only, from time to time. but these have gradually come to be identified with species described elsewhere under other names--or they have been reduced in rank by succeeding botanists, and placed or replaced as varieties of more widely distributed species. in his _british rubi_ professor babington includes as good species, some half-dozen which he has, apparently, not identified with any foreign species or variety. none of these are accepted as 'true species,' nor even as 'sub-species' in the _students' flora_, where the brambles are described by baker, a botanist well acquainted with the plants of britain. and as all these nominal species of rubi are of late creation, they have truly never been subjected to real or critical tests as 'species.'" in my first edition i was only able to name four species, sub-species, or varieties of flowering plants which were believed to be unknown on the continent. but much attention has of late years been paid to the critical examination of british plants in comparison with continental specimens, and i am now enabled to give a much more {360} extensive list of the species or forms which at present seem to be peculiar. for the following list i am primarily indebted to mr. arthur bennett of croydon. sir joseph hooker has been so kind as to examine it carefully and to give me his conclusions on the relative value of the differences of the several forms, and mr. baker, of kew, has also assisted with his extensive knowledge of british plants. list of species, sub-species, and varieties of flowering plants found in great britain or ireland, but not at present known in continental europe. by arthur bennett, f.l.s. the most distinct and best determined forms are marked with an asterisk. 1. *caltha radicans (forst.). "a much disputed species, or form of _c. palustris_. it is a relatively rare plant." (j. d. h.) "certainly distinct from the scandinavian form." (ar. bennett.) 2. *arabis petræa (lam.) _var._ grandifolia (druce). scotch mountains. "the larger flowers alone distinguish this." (j. d. h.) 3. arabis ciliata (r. br.). in nyman's _conspectus floræ europææ_ this species is given as found in england and ireland only. "a very much disputed form of a plant of very wide distribution in europe and north america." (j. d. h.) 4. brassica monensis (huds.). "this and the continental _b. cheiranthus_ (also found in cornwall) are barely distinguishable from one another." (j. d. h.) 5. diplotaxis muralis (d. c.) _var._ babingtonii (syme). south of england. "a biennial or perennial form; considered to be a denizen by watson." (j. d. h.) 6. *helianthemum guttatum (mill), _var._ breweri (planch). anglesea. "very doubtful local plant. _h. guttatum_ (true) has lately been found in the same locality." (j. d. h.) 7. *polygala vulgaris (l.), _var._ grandiflora (bab). sligo, ireland. "a very distinct variety." (j. d. h.) 8. viola lutea (huds.), _var._ amoena (symons). "_v. lutea_ itself is considered to be a form of _v. tricolor_, and _v. amoena_ the better coloured of the two forms of _v. lutea_." (j. d. h.) 9. *cerastium arcticum (lange), _var._ edmonstonii (beeby). shetland is. "but _c. arcticum_ is referable to the very variable _c. alpinum_." (j. d. h.) "near to the european _c. latifolium_." (ar. bennett.) 10. *geranium sanguineum (l.), _var._ lancastriense (with.). lancashire. "a prostrate local form growing out of its native soil in sand by the sea." (j. d. h.) mr. bennett writes: "i have grown _g. sanguineum_ and its prostrate variety in sand, and neither became lancastriense." 11. genista tinctoria (l.), _var._ humifusa (dickson). cornwall. "a decumbent hairy form confined to the lizard." (j. d. h.) 12. cytisus scoparius (link.), _var._ prostratus (bailey). cornwall. "a prostrate form." (j. d. h.) 13. anthyllis vulneraria (l.), _var._ ovata (bab.). shetland is. "a slight variety." (j. d. h.) 14. *trifolium repens (l.), _var._ townsendii (bab.). scilly isles. "a {361} well-marked form by its rose-purple flowers. confined to the scilly isles." (j. d. h.) 15. *rosa involuta (sm.), _var._ wilsoni. (borrer.) wales. "there are a multitude of forms or varieties of _r. involuta_, and _r. wilsoni_ is one of the best-marked, found on the menai straits and derry." (j. d. h.) 16. rosa involuta _var._ gracilis (woods). "this is considered by many as one of the commonest forms of _r. involuta_." (j. d. h.) 17. rosa involuta _var._ nicholsoni (crepin). "another slight variety of _r. involuta_." (j. d. h.) 18. rosa involuta _var._ woodsiana (groves). "a wimbledon common variety of _r. villosa_." (j. d. h.) 19. rosa involuta _var._ grovesii (baker). "mr. baker thinks this of no account." (j. d. h.) 20. rubus echinatus (lind.). "a variety of the widely spread _r. radula_, itself a form of _r. fruticosus_." (j. d. h.) 21. *rubus longithyrsiger (lees). "mr. baker informs me that this is a very distinct plant never yet found on the continent." (j. d. h.) 22. pyrus aria (sm.) _var._ rupicola (syme). "a very local form, confined to gt. britain, and owing its characters to its starved position." (baker.) 23. callitriche obtusangula (le gall), _var._ lachii (warren). cheshire. "this is intermediate between two sub-species of _c. verna_." (j. d. h.) 24. *oenanthe fluviatilis (coleman). south of england. "the fluitant form of _æ. phellandrium_." (j. d. h.) 25. anthemis arvensis (l.), _var._ anglica (spreng). n. coast of england. "a maritime form with more fleshy leaves formerly found near durham. it has other very trifling characters." (j. d. h.) 26. arctium intermedium (bab.). "there are two sub-species of _a. lappa_, _majus_ and _minus_, each with varieties, and this is one of the intermediates." (j. d. h.) 27. hieracium holosericium (backh.). scotch alps. 28. h. gracilentum (backh.). ,, 29. h. lingulatum (backh.). ,, a var. of this in scandinavia. 30. h. senescens (backh.). ,, 31. h. chrysanthenum (backh.). ,, 32. h. iricum (fr.). teesdale and scotland. 33. h. gibsoni (backh.). yorkshire and westmoreland. 34. hieracium nitidum (backh.). lower glens of the scotch alps. mr. bennett writes:--"the following hieracia have been named by mr. f. j. hanbury _as endemic forms_. one can only safely say they are certainly not known in scandinavia, as they have all been submitted to dr. lindeberg. but usually scotch species are not represented in central europe to any great extent, though several do occur. still these new forms ought to be critically compared with all dr. peters' new species." 35. h. langewellense (hanb.). caithness. 36. h. pollinarium (hanb.). sutherland. 37. h. scoticum (hanb.). sutherland and caithness. 38. h. backhousei (hanb.). aberdeen, banff, inverness. 39. h. caledonicum (hanb.). caithness and sutherland. 40. h. farrense (hanb.). sutherland and shetland is. 41. h. proximum (hanb.). caithness. with regard to all these {362} hieracia sir joseph hooker and mr. baker say:--"no case can be made of these. they are local forms with the shadowest of shady characters." mr. bennett writes: "h. iricum and h. gibsoni are the best marked forms." 42. *campanula rotundifolia (l.), _var._ speciosa (a. g. more). w. ireland. "very well distinguished by its large flowers and small calyx lobes, approaching the swiss c. scheuzeri." (j. d. h.) 43. statice reticulata (sm.). "baker agrees with me that this is also a mediterranean species." (j. d. h.) 44. erythræa capitata (willd.), _var._ sphærocephala (towns.). isle of wight. "a form of _e. centaurium_ utterly anomalous in its genus in the insertion of the stamens. a monster rather than a species." (j. d. h.) 45. *erythræa latifolia (sm.). on the sandy dunes near liverpool. "a local form." (j. d. h.) 46. myosotis collina (hoffim.), _var._ mittenii (baker). sussex. 47. veronica officinalis (l.), _var._ hirsuta (hopk.). ayr, scotland. 48. veronica arvensis (l.), _var._ eximia (towns.). hampshire. 49. mentha alopecuroides (hull). nearest to _m. dulcissima_ (dum.). 50. mentha pratensis (sole). only once found. 51. chenopodium rubrum (l.), _var._ pseudobotryoides (h. c. watson). 52. salix ferruginea (forbes). england, scotland. "probably a hybrid between _s. viminalis_ and _s. cinerea_." (j. d. h.) 53. salix grahami (borr.). sutherland, perth. "a hybrid?" (j. d. h.) 54. salix sadleri (syme). aberdeen. "a hybrid?" (j. d. h.) 55. *spiranthes romanzoviana (cham.). ireland (n. america). 56. *sisyrinchium angustifolium (mill.). ireland. (arctic and temp. n. america.) 57. allium babingtonii (borrer). west england, west ireland. "a form of _a. ampeloprasum_, itself a naturalised species." (j. d. h.) 58. *potamogeton lanceolatus (sm.). anglesea, cambridgeshire, ireland. mr. bennett writes:--"endemic! i have taken a good amount of trouble to ascertain this. nearly 400 specimens i have distributed all over the world with requests for information as to anything like it. the response is everywhere the same, 'nothing.' the nearest to it occurs in the duchy of lauenberg but is referable to _p. heterophyllus_." 59. potamogeton griffithii (ar. bennett). carnarvon. "nearest to this is a probable hybrid from n. america, but not identical." (ar. bennett.) 60. potamogeton pusillus (l.), _sub-sp._ sturrockii (ar. benn.). perth. 61. potamogeton pusillus (l.), _var._ rigidus (ar. benn.). orkneys, shetlands. 62. ruppia rostellata (koch.), _var._ nana (bosw.). orkneys. 63. *eriocaulon septangulare (with.). hebrides, ireland. n. america. 64. scirpus uniglumis (link), _var._ watsoni (bab.). scotland, england. "this is a variety of a sub-species of the common _s. palustris_." (j. d. h.) 65. luzula pilosa (willd.), _var._ borreri (bromf). 66. *carex involuta (bab.). cheshire. "a distinct enough plant but probably a hybrid between _c. vesicaria_ and _c. ampullacea_, found in one place only." (j. d. h.) 67. carex glauca (murr.), _var._ stictocarpa (sm.). scotland. {363} 68. carex precox (jacq.), _var._ capitata (ar. benn.). ireland. "a remarkable plant (monstrosity?) simulating _c. capitata_ (l.)." (ar. bennett.) 69. *carex grahami (boott). "a mountain form of _c. vesicaria_." (j. d. h.) 70. *spartina townsendi (groves). hampshire. "a distinct but very local form of _s. stricta_, found in one place only." (j. d. h.) 71. agrostis nigra (with.). 72. deschampsia flexuosa (trin.), _var._ voirlichensis (j. c. melvill). perth. 73. *deyeuxia neglecta (kunth), _var._ hookeri (syme). ireland. "a distinct variety confined to lough neagh." (j. d. h.) 74. glyceria maritima (willd.), _var._ riparia (towns.). hampshire. 75. poa balfouri (bab.). scotland. "an alpine sub-variety of a variety of the protean _p. nemoralis_." (j. d. h.) in his comments on this extensive list of supposed peculiar british plants, sir joseph hooker arrives at the following conclusions:- 1. there are four unquestionably distinct species which do not occur in continental europe: viz.- _one_ absolutely endemic species, potamogeton lanceolatus. _three_ american species, sisyrinchium angustifolium, spiranthes romanzoviana, eriocaulon septangulare. 2. there are sixteen endemic varieties of british species, viz.- _eleven_ of more or less variable species, caltha palustris, _var._ radicans; polygala vulgaris, _var._ grandiflora; cerastium arcticum, _var._ edmonstonii; trifolium repens, _var._ townsendii; rosa involuta, _var._ wilsoni; rubus fruticosus, _sub-sp._ longithyrsiger; campanula rotundifolia, _var._ speciosa; erythræa centaurium, _sub-sp._ latifolia; carex involuta, (? hyb.); carex vesicaria, _var._ grahami; deyeuxia neglecta, _var._ hookeri. _five_ of comparatively well limited species. arabis petræa, _var._ grandifolia; helianthemum guttatum, _var._ breweri; geranium sanguineum, _var._ lancastriense; oenanthe phellandrium, _var._ fluviatilis; spartium stricta, _var._ townsendi. the above twenty species are marked in the list with an asterisk. of the remaining fifty-five, sir joseph hooker says, "that for various reasons it would not be safe to rely on them as evidence. in most cases the varietal form is so very trifling a departure from the type that this may be safely set down to a local cause, and is probably not constant. in others the plant is doubtfully endemic; in still others a hybrid." even should it ultimately prove that of the whole number of the fifty-five doubtful forms none are established as peculiar british varieties, the number admitted after so {364} rigorous an examination is about what we should expect in comparison with the limited amount of speciality we have seen to exist in other groups. the three american species which inhabit the extreme west and north-west of the british isles, but are not found on the continent of europe are especially interesting, because they demonstrate the existence of some peculiar conditions such as would help to explain the presence of the other peculiar species. whether we suppose these american forms to have migrated from america to europe before the glacial epoch, or to be the remnants of a vegetation once spread over the north temperate zone, we can only explain their presence with us and not further east by something favourable either in our insular climate or in the limited competition due to our comparative poverty in species. about half of the peculiar forms are found in the extreme west or north of britain or in ireland, where peculiar insular conditions are at a maximum; and the influence of these conditions is further shown by the number of species of west or south european plants which occur in the same districts. we may here notice the interesting fact that ireland possesses no less than twenty species or sub-species of flowering plants not found in britain, and some of these _may_ be altogether peculiar. as a whole they show the effect of the pre-eminently mild and insular climate of ireland in extending the range of some south european species. the following list of these plants, for which i am indebted to mr. a. g. more, with a few remarks on their distribution, will be found interesting:-list of irish flowering plants which are not found in britain. 1. _polygala vulgaris_ (_var._ grandiflora). sligo. 2. _campanula rotundifolia_ (_var._ speciosa). w. ireland. 3. _arenaria ciliata._ w. ireland (also auvergne, pyrenees, crete). 4. _saxifraga umbrosa._ w. ireland (also pyrenees, n. spain, portugal). 5. ,, _geum._ s. w. ireland (also pyrenees). 6. ,, _hirsuta._ s. w. ireland (also pyrenees). 7. _inula salicina._ w. ireland (scandinavia, middle and south europe). 8. _erica mediterranea._ w. ireland (w. france, spain, portugal). 9. ,, _mackaiana_ (_tetralix_ sub.-sp.) w. ireland (spain). 10. _arbutus unedo._ s. w. ireland (w. of france, spain, portugal and shores of mediterranean). 11. _dabeocia polifolia._ w. ireland (w. of france, spain and portugal). {365} 12. _pinguicula grandiflora._ s. w. ireland (spain, pyrenees, alps of france and switzerland). 13. _neotinea intacta._ w. ireland (s. france, portugal, spain, and shores of mediterranean). 14. _spiranthes romanzoviana._ s. w. ireland (north america). 15. _sisyrinchium angustifolium._ w. ireland (north america, arctic and temp.). 16. _potamogeton lonchites._ ireland, mr. arthur bennett informs me that this is certainly not british or european, but may possibly be identical with _p. fluitans_ _var._ _americanus_ of the u. states. 17. _potamogeton kirkii_ (_natans_ sub.-sp.). w. ireland. (arctic europe?) 18. _eriocaulon septangulare._ w. ireland, skye, hebrides (north america). 19. _carex buxbaumii._ n. e. ireland, on an island in lough neagh (arctic and alpine europe, north america). 20. _deyeuxia neglecta_ (_var._ _hookeri_). on the shores and islands of lough neagh. (and in germany, arctic europe, and north america.) we find here nine south-west european species which probably had a wider range in mild preglacial times, and have been preserved in the south and west of ireland owing to its milder climate. it must be remembered that during the height of the glacial epoch ireland was continental, so that these plants may have followed the retreating ice to their present stations and survived the subsequent depression. this seems more probable than that so many species should have reached ireland for the first time during the last union with the continent subsequent to the glacial epoch. the arctic, alpine, and american plants may all be examples of species which once had a wider range, and which, owing to the more favourable conditions, have continued to exist in ireland while becoming extinct in the adjacent parts of britain and western europe. as contrasted with the extreme scarcity of peculiar species among the flowering plants, it is the more interesting and unexpected to find a considerable number of peculiar mosses and hepaticæ, some of which present us with phenomena of distribution of a very remarkable character. for the following lists and the information as to the distribution of the genera and species i am indebted to mr. william mitten, one of the first authorities on these beautiful little plants. that of the mosses has been corrected for this edition by dr. r. braithwaite, and several species of hepaticæ have been added by mr. mitten. {366} list of the species of mosses and hepaticæ which are peculiar to the british isles (or not found in europe). (_those belonging to non-european genera in italics._) mosses. 1. systegium mittenii south england. 2. campylopus shawii north britain. 3. ,, setifolius ireland, wales, and hebrides. 4. seligeria calcicola south england. 5. pottia viridifolia south england. 6. leptodontium recurvifolium ireland and scotland. 7. tortula hybernica ireland. 8. _streptopogon gemmascens_ sussex. 9. bryum barbatum scotland. 10. _bartramidula wilsoni_ ireland, wales, and scotland. 11. _daltonia splachnoides_ ireland, antilles, and mexico. 12. _hookeria laetevirens_ ireland, cornwall, and madeira. 13. hypnum micans ireland. 14. myurium hebridarium hebrides and atlantic islands. 15. hedwigia ciliata _var._ striata wales and scotland. hepaticæ. 1. frullania germana ireland. 2. ,, hutchinsiæ ireland, scotland, wales, devon, tropical regions. 3. lejeunia flava ireland, atlantic islands, s. america, africa, &c. 4. ,, microscopica ireland, wales, cumberland, madeira. 5. ,, holtii ireland (killarney). 6. ,, diversiloba ireland (killarney), mexico? 7. ,, patens ireland. 8. radula tenax ireland. 9. ,, holtii ireland. 10. ,, voluta ireland, wales, cumberland, mexico? 11. ,, carringtonii ireland. 12. lepidozia pearsoni wales. 13. adilocolia decipiens ireland, wales, africa, and s. america. 14. cephalozia aeraria wales. 15. lophocolia spicata ireland, cornwall, anglesea. 16. martinellia nimbosa ireland (brandon mountain). 17. plagiochila spinulosa wales, ireland, and scotland, atlantic islands. 18. ,, ambagiosa ireland, india. 19. jamesoniella carringtonii scotland. 20. gymnocolea nevicensis scotland. 21. jungermannia doniana scotland. 22. cesia crenulata ireland, wales. 23. chasmatocolea cuneifolia ireland. 24. aerobolbus wilsoni ireland, s. america, new zealand. 25. petalophyllum ralfsii ireland, cornwall, devon. {367} many of the above are minute or obscure plants, and are closely allied to other european species with which they may have been confounded. we cannot therefore lay any stress on these individually as being absent from the continent of europe so much of which is imperfectly explored, though it is probable that several of them are really confined to britain. but there are a few--indicated by italics--which are in a very different category; for they belong to genera which are altogether unknown in any other part of europe, and their nearest allies are to be found in the tropics or in the southern hemisphere. the four non-european genera of mosses to which we refer all have their maximum of development in the andes, while the three non-european hepaticæ appear to have their maximum in the temperate regions of the southern hemisphere. mr. mitten has kindly furnished me with the following particulars of the distribution of these genera:- bartramidula. asia, africa, s. america and australia, but not europe or n. america. streptopogon is a comparatively small genus, with seven species in the andes, one in the himalayas, and three in the south temperate zone, besides our english species. daltonia is a large genus of inconspicuous mosses, having seventeen species in the andes, two in brazil, two in mexico, one in the galapagos, six in india and ceylon, five in java, two in africa, and three in the antarctic islands, and one in ireland. hookeria (restricting that term to the species referable to cyclodictyon) is still a large genus of handsome and remarkable mosses, having twenty-six species in the andes, eleven in brazil, eight in the antilles, one in mexico, two in the pacific islands, one in new zealand, one in java, one in india, and five in africa--besides our british species, which is found also in madeira and the azores but in no part of europe proper. these last two are very remarkable cases of distribution, since mr. mitten assures me that the plants are so markedly different from all other mosses that they would scarcely be overlooked in europe. the distribution of the non-european genera of hepaticæ is as follows:- chasmatocolia. south america and ireland. acrobolbus. a small genus found only in new zealand and the adjacent islands, besides ireland. {368} petalophyllum. a small genus confined to australia and new zealand in the southern hemisphere, algeria, and ireland in the northern. we have also one of the hepaticæ--_mastigophora woodsii_--found in ireland and the himalayas, but unknown in any part of continental europe. the genus is most developed in new zealand. these are certainly very interesting facts, but they are by no means so exceptional in this group of plants as to throw any doubt upon their accuracy. the atlantic islands present very similar phenomena in the _rhamphidium purpuratum_, whose nearest allies are in the west indies and south america; and in three species of sciaromium, whose only allies are in new zealand, tasmania, and the andes of bogota. an analogous and equally curious fact is the occurrence in the drontheim mountains in central norway, of a little group of four or five peculiar species of mosses of the genus mnium, which are found nowhere else; although the genus extends over europe, india, and the southern hemisphere, but always represented by a very few wide-ranging species except in this one mountain group![85] such facts show us the wonderful delicacy of the balance of conditions which determine the existence of particular species in any locality. the spores of mosses and hepaticæ are so minute that they must be continually carried through the air to great distances, and we can hardly doubt that, so far as its powers of diffusion are concerned, any species which fruits freely might soon spread itself over the whole world. that they do not do so must depend on peculiarities of habit and constitution, which fit the different species for restricted stations and special climatic conditions; and according as the adaptation is more general, or the degree of specialisation extreme, species will have wide or restricted ranges. although their fossil remains have been rarely detected, we can hardly doubt that mosses have as high an antiquity as ferns or lycopods; and coupling this antiquity with their great powers of dispersal we may understand how many of the genera have come to occupy a number of detached areas scattered over the whole earth, but {369} always such as afford the peculiar conditions of climate and soil best suited to them. the repeated changes of temperature and other climatic conditions, which, as we have seen, occurred through all the later geological epochs, combined with those slower changes caused by geographical mutations, must have greatly affected the distribution of such ubiquitous yet delicately organised plants as mosses. throughout countless ages they must have been in a constant state of comparatively rapid migration, driven to and fro by every physical and organic change, often subject to modification of structure or habit, but always seizing upon every available spot in which they could even temporarily maintain themselves.[86] here then we have a group in which there is no question of the means of dispersal; and where the difficulties that present themselves are not how the species reached the remote localities in which they are now found, but rather why they have not established themselves in {370} many other stations which, so far as we can judge, seem equally suitable to them. yet it is a curious fact, that the phenomena of distribution actually presented by this group do not essentially differ from those presented by the higher flowering plants which have apparently far less diffusive power, as we shall find when we come to treat of the floras of oceanic islands; and we believe that the explanation of this is, that the life of _species_, and especially of _genera_, is often so prolonged as to extend over whole cycles of such terrestrial mutations as we have just referred to; and that thus the majority of plants are afforded means of dispersal which are usually sufficient to carry them into all suitable localities on the globe. hence it follows that their actual existence in such localities depends mainly upon vigour of constitution and adaptation to conditions just as it does in the case of the lower and more rapidly diffused groups, and only partially on superior facilities for diffusion. this important principle will be used further on to afford a solution of some of the most difficult problems in the distribution of plant life.[87] _concluding remarks on the peculiarities of the british fauna and flora._--the facts, now i believe for the first time brought together, respecting the peculiarities of the british fauna and flora, are sufficient to show that there is considerable scope for the study of geographical distribution even in so apparently unpromising a field as one of the most recent of continental islands. looking at the general bearing of these facts, they prove, that the idea so generally entertained as to the biological identity of the british isles with the adjacent continent is not altogether correct. among birds we have undoubted peculiarities in at least three instances; peculiar fishes are much more numerous, and in this case the fact that the irish species {371} are almost all different from the british, and those of the orkneys distinct from those of scotland, renders it almost certain that the great majority of the fifteen peculiar british fishes are really peculiar and will never be found on the european continent. the mosses and hepaticæ also have been sufficiently collected in europe to render it pretty certain that the more remarkable of the peculiar british forms are not found there; why therefore, it may be well asked, should there not be a proportionate number of peculiar british insects? it is true that numerous species have been first discovered in britain, and, subsequently, on the continent; but we have many species which have been known for twenty, thirty, or forty years, some of which are not rare with us, and yet have never been found on the continent. we have also the curious fact of our outlying islands, such as the shetland isles, the isle of man, and the little lundy island, possessing each some peculiar forms which, _certainly_, do not exist on our principal island which has been so very thoroughly worked. analogy, therefore, would lead us to conclude that many other species or varieties would exist on our islands and not on the continent; and when we find that a very large number (150) in three orders only, are so recorded, we may i think be sure that some considerable portion of these (though how many we cannot say) are really endemic british species. the general laws of distribution also lead us to expect such phenomena. very rare and very local species are such as are becoming extinct; and it is among insects, which are so excessively varied and abundant, which present so many isolated forms, and which, even on continents, afford numerous examples of very rare species confined to restricted areas, that we should have the best chance of meeting with every degree of rarity down to the point of almost complete extinction. but we know that in all parts of the world islands are the refuge of species or groups which have become extinct elsewhere; and it is therefore in the highest degree probable that some species which have ceased to exist on the continent should be preserved in some part or other of our islands, especially {372} as these present favourable climatic conditions such as do not exist elsewhere. there is therefore a considerable amount of harmony in the various facts adduced in this chapter, as well as a complete accordance with what the laws of distribution in islands would lead us to expect. in proportion to the species of birds and fresh-water fishes, the number of insect-forms is enormously great, so that the numerous species or varieties here recorded as not yet known on the continent are not to be wondered at; while it would, i think, be almost an anomaly if, with peculiar birds and fishes there were _not_ a fair proportion of peculiar insects. our entomologists should, therefore, give up the assumption, that all our insects do exist on the continent, and will some time or other be found there, as not in accordance either with the evidence or the probabilities of the case; and when this is done, and the interesting peculiarities of some of our smaller islands are remembered, the study of our native animals and plants, in relation to those of other countries, will acquire a new interest. the british isles are said to consist of more than a thousand islands and islets. how many of these have ever been searched for insects? with the case of lundy island before us, who shall say that there is not yet scope for extensive and interesting investigations into the british fauna and flora? * * * * * {373} chapter xvii borneo and java position and physical features of borneo--zoological features of borneo: mammalia--birds--the affinities of the bornean fauna--java, its position and physical features--general character of the fauna of java--differences between the fauna of java and that of the other malay islands--special relations of the javan fauna to that of the asiatic continent--past geographical changes of java and borneo--the philippine islands--concluding remarks on the malay islands. as a representative of recent continental islands situated in the tropics, we will take borneo, since, although perhaps not much more ancient than great britain, it presents a considerable amount of speciality; and, in its relations to the surrounding islands and the asiatic continent, offers us some problems of great interest and considerable difficulty. the accompanying map shows that borneo is situated on the eastern side of a submarine bank of enormous extent, being about 1,200 miles from north to south, and 1,500 from east to west, and embracing java, sumatra, and the malay peninsula. this vast area is all included within the 100 fathom line, but by far the larger part of it--from the gulf of siam to the java sea--is under fifty fathoms, or about the same depth as the sea that separates our own island from the continent. the distance from borneo to the southern extremity of the malay peninsula is about 350 miles, and it is nearly as far from sumatra and java, while it is more than 600 miles from the siamese peninsula, opposite to which its long northern coast extends. there is, i believe, nowhere else upon the globe, an island so far from a continent, yet separated from it by so shallow a sea. recent changes of sea and land must have occurred here on a grand scale, and this adds to the interest attaching to the study of this large island. {374} [illustration: map of borneo and java, showing the great submarine bank of south-eastern asia.] the light tint shows a less depth than 100 fathoms. the figures show the depth of the sea in fathoms. {375} the internal geography of borneo is somewhat peculiar. a large portion of its surface is lowland, consisting of great alluvial valleys which penetrate far into the interior; while the mountains except in the north, are of no great elevation, and there are no extensive plateaux. a subsidence of 500 feet would allow the sea to fill the great valleys of the pontianak, banjarmassing, and coti rivers, almost to the centre of the island, greatly reducing its extent, and causing it to resemble in form the island of celebes to the east of it. in geological structure borneo is thoroughly continental, possessing formations of all ages, with basalt and crystalline rocks, but no recent volcanoes. it possesses vast beds of coal of tertiary age; and these, no less than the great extent of alluvial deposits in its valleys, indicate great changes of level in recent geological times. having thus briefly indicated those physical features of borneo which are necessary for our inquiry, let us turn to the organic world. neither as regards this great island nor those which surround it, have we the amount of detailed information in a convenient form that is required for a full elucidation of its past history. we have, however, a tolerable acquaintance with the two higher groups--mammalia and birds, both of borneo and of all the surrounding countries, and to these alone will it be necessary to refer in any detail. the most convenient course, and that which will make the subject easiest for the reader, will be to give, first, a connected sketch of what is known of the zoology of borneo itself, with the main conclusions to which they point; and then to discuss the mutual relations of some of {376} the adjacent islands, and the series of geographical changes that seem required to explain them. zoological features of borneo. _mammalia._--nearly a hundred and forty species of mammalia have been discovered in borneo, and of these more than three-fourths are identical with those of the surrounding countries, and more than one half with those of the continent. among these are two lemurs, nine civets, five cats, five deer, the tapir, the elephant, the rhinoceros, and many squirrels, an assemblage which could certainly only have reached the country by land. the following species of mammalia are supposed to be peculiar to borneo:- quadrumana. 1. simia morio. a small orangutan with large incisor teeth. 2. hylobates mulleri. 3. nasalis larvatus. 4. semnopithecus rubicundus. 5. " chrysomelas. 6. " frontatus. 7. " hosei. (thomas.) kini balu. carnivora. 8. herpestes semitorquatus. 9. felis badia. ungulata. 10. sus barbatus. rodentia. 11. pteromys phæomelas. 12. sciurus jentinki. (th.) kini balu. 13. sciurus whiteheadi. (th.) kini balu. 14. " everetti. 15. rheithrosciurus macrotis. 16. hystrix crassispinis. 17. trichys guentheri. 18. mus infraluteus. (th.) kini balu. 19. " alticola. (th.) kini balu. insectivora. 20. tupaia splendidula. 21. " minor. 22. " dorsalis. 23. dendrogale murina. chiroptera. 24. vesperugo stenopterus. 25. " doriæ 26. cynopterus brachyotus. 27. " lucasii. 28. " spadiceus. 29. hipposideros doriæ. of the twenty-nine peculiar species here enumerated it is possible that a few may be found to be identical with those of malacca or sumatra; but there are also four peculiar genera which are less likely to be discovered elsewhere. these are nasalis, the remarkable long-nosed monkey; rheithrosciurus, a peculiar form of squirrel; and trichys, a tailless porcupine. these peculiar forms do not, however, imply that the separation of the island from the continent is of very ancient date, for the country is so vast and {377} so much of the once connecting land is covered with water, that the amount of speciality is hardly, if at all, greater than occurs in many continental areas of equal extent and remoteness. this will be more evident if we consider that borneo is as large as the indo-chinese peninsula, or as the indian peninsula south of bombay, and if either of these countries were separated from the continent by the submergence of the whole area north of them as far as the himalayas, they would be found to contain quite as many peculiar genera and species as borneo actually does now. a more decisive test of the lapse of time since the separation took place is to be found in the presence of a number of representative species closely allied to those of the surrounding countries, such as the tailed monkeys and the numerous squirrels. these relationships, however, are best seen among the birds, which have been more thoroughly collected and more carefully studied than the mammalia. _birds._--about 580 species of birds are now known to inhabit borneo, of which 420 species are land-birds.[88] one hundred and eight species are supposed to be peculiar to the island, and of these one half have been noted, either by count salvadori or mr. everett, as being either representative species of, or closely allied to birds inhabiting other islands or countries. the majority of these are, as might be expected, allied to species inhabiting the surrounding countries, especially sumatra, the malay peninsula, or java, a smaller number having their representative forms in the philippine islands or celebes. but there is another group of eight species whose nearest allies are found in such remote lands as ceylon, north india, burma, or china. these last have been indicated in the following list by a double star (**) while those which are representative of forms found in the immediately surrounding area, and are in many cases very slightly differentiated from their allies, are indicated by a single star (*). {378} list of birds which are supposed to be peculiar to borneo. turdidæ (thrushes). 1. **cettia oreophila. 2. *merula seebohmi. 3. **geocichla aurata. 4. **myiophoneus borneensis. 5. brachypteryx erythrogyna. 6. copsychus niger. 7. *cittocincla suavis. 8. * ,, stricklandi. 9. *henicurus borneensis. 10. *phyllergates cinereicollis. 11. burnesia superciliaris. timeliidæ (babbling thrushes). 12. *garrulax schistochlamys. 13. rhinocichla treacheri. 14. allocotops calvus. 15. **stachyris borneensis. 16. cyanoderma bicolor. 17. chlorocharis æmiliæ. 18. androphilus accentor. 19. malacopterum cinereocapillum. 20. **staphidia everetti. 21. *herporius brunnescens. 22. *mixornis borneensis. 23. * ,, montana. 24. *turdinus canicapillus. 25. ,, atrigularis. 26. *drymocataphus capistratoides. 27. ptilophaga rufiventris. 28. ,, leucogrammica. 29. *corythocichla crassa. 30. *turdinulus exsul. 31. orinthocichla whiteheadi. brachypodidæ (bulbuls). 32. *hemixus connectens. 33. criniger diardi. 34. * ,, ruficrissus. 35. tricophoropsis typus. 36. oreostictes leucops. 37. rubigula montis. 38. * ,, paroticalis. 39. chloropsis kinabaluensis. 40. * ,, irridinucha. oriolidæ (orioles). 41. oriolus consobrinus. 42. *oriolus vulneratus. paridæ (tits). 43. parus sarawakensis. 44. *dendrophila corallipes. laniidæ (shrikes). 45. pityriasis gymnocephala. 46. *hyloterpe hypoxantha. dicruridæ (drongo-shrikes). 47. *chibia borneensis. campophagidæ (caterpillar-catchers). 48. chlamodychæra jeffreyi. 49. *artamides normani. 50. pericrocotus cinereigula. muscicapidæ (flycatchers). 51. **hemichelidon cinereiceps. 52. *rhinomyias gularis. 53. * ,, ruficrissa. 54. cryptolopha schwaneri. 55. ,, montis. 56. *stoparola cerviniventris. 57. siphia coeruleata. 58. ,, beccariana. 59. ,, clopurensis. 60. ,, obscura. 61. ,, everetti. 62. ,, nigrogularis. nectarineidæ (sun-birds). 63. arachnothera juliæ. {379} dicæidæ (flower-peckers). 64. *diceum monticolum. 65. * ,, pryeri. 66. *prionochilus xanthopygius. 67. **prionochilus everetti. 68. *zosterops clara. ploceidæ (weavers). 69. chlorura borneensis. 70. munia fuscans. corvidæ (crows). 71. *dendrocitta cinerascens. 72. cissa jeffreyi. 73. *platysmurus aterrimus. pittidæ (ground thrushes). 74. pitta bertæ. 75. ,, arcuata. 76. ,, baudi. 77. *pitta usheri. 78. * ,, granatina. 79. * ,, schwaneri. eurylæmidæ (gapers). 80. calyptomena whiteheadi. cypselidæ (swifts). 81. cypselus lowi. podargidæ (frogmouths). 82. *batrachostomus adspersus. caprimulgidae (goatsuckers). 83. caprimulgus borneensis. 84. caprimulgus concretus. picidæ (woodpeckers). 85. *jyngipicus aurantiiventris. 86. ,, picatus. 87. *micropternus badiosus. 88. sasia everetti. alcedinidæ (kingfishers). 89. *pelargopsis leucocephala. 90. *carcineutes melanops. trogonidæ (trogons). 91. harpactes whiteheadi. cuculidæ (cuckoos). 92. *rhopodytes borneensis. capitonidæ (barbets). 93. cyanops pulcherrimus. 94. ,, monticulus. 95. *megalæma chrysopsis. bubonidæ (owls). 96. heteroscops luciæ. 97. *syrnium leptogrammicum. falconidæ (hawks, &c.). 98. spilornis pallidus. 99. *accipiter nigrotibialis. 100. microhierax latifrons. phasianidæ (pheasants). 101. polyplectron schliermacheri. 102. lobiophasis bulweri. 103. *argusianus grayi. 104. *euplocamus pyrronotus. {380} tetraonidæ (grouse, &c.). 105. bambusicola hyperythra. 106. ,, erythrophrys. 107. hæmatortyx sanguiniceps. rallidæ (rails). 108. rallina rufigenys. representative forms of the same character as those noted above are found in all extensive continental areas, but they are rarely so numerous. thus, in mr. elwes' paper on the "distribution of asiatic birds," he states that 12.5 per cent. of the land birds of burmah and tenasserim are peculiar species, whereas we find that in borneo they are about 25 per cent., and the difference may fairly be imputed to the greater proportion of slightly modified representative species due to a period of complete isolation. of peculiar genera, the indo-chinese peninsula has one--ampeliceps, a remarkable yellow-crowned starling, with bare pink-coloured orbits; while two others, temnurus and crypsirhina--singular birds allied to the jays--are found in no other part of the asiatic continent though they occur in some of the malay islands. borneo has seven peculiar genera of passeres,[89] as well as hæmatortyx, a crested partridge; and lobiophasis, a pheasant hardly distinct from euplocamus; while two others, pityriasis, an extraordinary bare-headed bird between a jay and a shrike, and carpococcyx, a pheasant-like ground cuckoo formerly thought to be peculiar, are said to have been discovered also in sumatra. the insects and land-shells of borneo and of the surrounding countries are too imperfectly known to enable us to arrive at any accurate results with regard to their distribution. they agree, however, with the birds and mammals in their general approximation to malayan forms, but the number of peculiar species is perhaps larger. the proportion here shown of less than one-fourth peculiar species of mammalia and fully one-fourth peculiar species of land-birds, teaches us that the possession of the power of flight affects but little the distribution of {381} land-animals, and gives us confidence in the results we may arrive at in those cases where we have, from whatever cause, to depend on a knowledge of the birds alone. and if we consider the wide range of certain groups of powerful flight--as the birds of prey, the swallows and swifts, the king-crows, and some others, we shall be forced to conclude that the majority of forest-birds are restricted by even narrow watery barriers, to an even greater extent than mammalia. _the affinities of the bornean fauna._--the animals of borneo exhibit an almost perfect identity in general character, and a close similarity in species, with those of sumatra and the malay peninsula. so great is this resemblance that it is a question whether it might not be quite as great were the whole united; for the extreme points of borneo and sumatra are 1,500 miles apart--as far as from madrid to constantinople, or from the missouri valley to california. in such an extent of country we always meet with some local species, and representative forms, so that we hardly require any great lapse of time as an element in the production of the peculiarities we actually find. so far as the forms of life are concerned, borneo, as an island, may be no older than great britain; for the time that has elapsed since the glacial epoch would be amply sufficient to produce such a redistribution of the species, consequent on their mutual relations being disturbed, as would bring the islands into their present zoological condition. there are, however, other facts to be considered, which seem to imply much greater and more complex revolutions than the recent separation of borneo from sumatra and the malay peninsula, and that these changes must have been spread over a considerable lapse of time. in order to understand what these changes probably were, we must give a brief sketch of the fauna of java, the peculiarities of which introduce a new element into the question we have to discuss. {382} java. the rich and beautiful island of java, interesting alike to the politician, the geographer, and the naturalist, is more especially attractive to the student of geographical distribution, because it furnishes him with some of the most curious anomalies and difficult problems in a place where such would be least expected. as java forms with sumatra one almost unbroken line of volcanoes and volcanic mountains, interrupted only by the narrow straits of sunda, we should naturally expect a close resemblance between the productions of the two islands. but in point of fact there is a much greater difference between them than between sumatra and borneo, so much further apart, and so very unlike in physical features.[90] java differs from the three great land masses--borneo, sumatra, and the malay peninsula, far more than either of these do from each other; and this is the first anomaly we encounter. but a more serious difficulty than this remains to be stated. java has certain close resemblances to the siamese peninsula, and also to the himalayas, which borneo and sumatra do not exhibit to so great a proportionate extent; and looking at the relative position of these lands respectively, this seems most incomprehensible. in order fully to appreciate the singularity and difficulty of the problem, it will be necessary to point out the exact nature and amount of these peculiarities in the fauna of java. _general character of the fauna of java._--if we were only to take account of the number of peculiar species in java, and the relations of its fauna generally to that of the surrounding lands, we might pass it over as a less interesting island than borneo or sumatra. its mammalia (ninety species) are nearly as numerous as those of borneo, but are apparently less peculiar, none of the genera and only five or six of the species being confined to the island. in land-birds it is decidedly less rich, having only 300 species, of which about forty-five are peculiar, and only one {383} or two belong to peculiar genera; so that here again the amount of speciality is considerably less than in borneo. it is only when we proceed to analyse the species of the javan fauna, and trace their distribution and affinities, that we discover its interesting nature. _difference between the fauna of java and that of the other great malay islands._--comparing the fauna of java with that which may be called the typical malayan fauna as exhibited in borneo, sumatra, and the malay peninsula, we find the following differences. no less than thirteen genera of mammalia, each of which is known to inhabit at least two, and generally all three, of the above-named malayan countries, are totally absent from java; and they include such important forms as the elephant, the tapir, and the malay bear. it cannot be said that this difference depends on imperfect knowledge, for java is one of the oldest european settlements in the east, and has been explored by a long succession of dutch and english naturalists. every part of it is thoroughly well known, and it would be almost as difficult to find a new mammal of any size in europe as in java. of birds there are twenty-five genera, all typically malayan and occurring at least in two, and for the most part in all three of the malay countries, which are yet absent from java. most of these are large and conspicuous forms, such as jays, gapers, bee-eaters, woodpeckers, hornbills, cuckoos, parrots, pheasants, and partridges, as impossible to have remained undiscovered in java as the large mammalia above referred to. besides these absent _genera_ there are some curious illustrations of javan isolation in the _species_; there being several cases in which the same species occurs in all three of the typical malay countries, while in java it is represented by an allied species. these occur chiefly among birds, there being no less than seven species which are common to the three great malay countries but are represented in java by distinct though closely allied species. from these facts it is impossible to doubt that java has had a history of its own, quite distinct from that of the other portions of the malayan area. {384} _special relations of the javan fauna to that of the asiatic continent._--these relations are indicated by comparatively few examples, but they are very clear and of great importance. among mammalia, the genus helictis is found in java but in no other malay country, though it inhabits also north india; while two species, _rhinoceros javanicus_ and _lepus kurgosa_, are natives of indo-chinese countries and java, but not of typical malaya. in birds there are five genera or sub-genera--zoothera, notodela, crypsirhina, allotrius, and cochoa, which inhabit java, the himalayas, and indo-china, all but the last extending south to tenasserim, but none of them occurring in malacca, sumatra, or borneo. there are also two species of birds--a trogon (_harpactes oreskios_), and the javanese peacock (_pavo muticus_), which inhabit only java and the indo-chinese countries, the former reaching tenasserim and the latter perak in the malay peninsula. here, then, we find a series of remarkable similarities between java and the asiatic continent, quite independent of the typical malay countries--borneo, sumatra, and the malay peninsula, which latter have evidently formed one connected land, and thus appear to preclude any independent union of java and siam. the great difficulty in explaining these facts is, that all the required changes of sea and land must have occurred within the period of existing species of mammalia. sumatra, borneo, and malacca have, as we have seen, a great similarity as regards their species of mammals and birds, while java, though it differs from them in so curious a manner, has no greater degree of speciality, since its species, when not malayan, are almost all north indian or siamese. there is, however, one consideration which may help us over this difficulty. it seems highly probable that in the equatorial regions species have changed less rapidly than in the north temperate zone, on account of the equality and stability of the equatorial climate. we have seen, in chapter x., how important an agent in producing extinction and modification of species must have been the repeated changes from cold to warm, and from warm to cold {385} conditions, with the migrations and crowding together that must have been their necessary consequence. but in the lowlands, near the equator, these changes would be very little if at all felt, and thus one great cause of specific modification would be wanting. let us now see whether we can sketch out a series of not improbable changes which may have brought about the existing relations of java and borneo to the continent. _past geographical changes of java and borneo._--although java and sumatra are mainly volcanic, they are by no means wholly so. sumatra possesses in its great mountain masses ancient crystalline rocks with much granite, while there are extensive tertiary deposits of eocene age, overlying which are numerous beds of coal now raised up many thousand feet above the sea.[91] the volcanoes appear to have burst through these older mountains, and to have partly covered them as well as great areas of the lowlands with the products of their eruptions. in java either the fundamental strata were less extensive and less raised above the sea, or the period of volcanic action has been of longer duration; for here no crystalline rocks have been found except a few boulders of granite in the western part of the island, perhaps the relics of a formation destroyed by denudation or covered up by volcanic deposits. in the southern part of java, however, there is an extensive range of low mountains, about 3,000 feet high, consisting of basalt with limestone, apparently of miocene age. during this last named period, then, java would have been at least 3,000 feet lower than it is now, and such a depression would probably extend to considerable parts of sumatra and borneo, so as to reduce them all to a few small islands. at some later period a gradual elevation occurred, which ultimately united the whole of the islands with the continent. this may have continued till the glacial period of the northern hemisphere, during the severest part of which a few himalayan species of birds and mammals may have been driven southward, and {386} have ranged over suitable portions of the whole area. java then became separated by subsidence, and these species were imprisoned in the island; while those in the remaining part of the malayan area again migrated northward when the cold had passed away from their former home, the equatorial forests of borneo, sumatra, and the malay peninsula being more especially adapted to the typical malayan fauna which is there developed in rich profusion. a little later the subsidence may have extended farther north, isolating borneo and sumatra, in which a few other indian or indo-chinese forms have been retained, but probably leaving the malay peninsula as a ridge between them as far as the islands of banca and biliton. other slight changes of climate followed, when a further subsidence separated these last-named islands from the malay peninsula, and left them with two or three species which have since become slightly modified. we may thus explain how it is that a species is sometimes common to sumatra and borneo, while the intervening island (banca) possesses a distinct form.[92] in my _geographical distribution of animals_, vol. i., p. 357, i have given a somewhat different hypothetical explanation of the relations of java and borneo to the continent, in which i took account of changes of land and sea only; but a fuller consideration of the influence of changes of climate on the migration of animals, has led me to the much simpler, and, i think, more probable, explanation above given. the amount of the relationship between java and siam, as well as of that between java and the himalayas, is too small to be well accounted for by an independent geographical connection in which borneo and sumatra did not take part. it is, at the same time, too distinct and indisputable to be ignored; and a change of climate which should drive a portion of the himalayan fauna southward, leaving a few species in java and borneo from which they could not return owing to the subsequent isolation of those islands by subsidence, seems {387} to be a cause exactly adapted to produce the kind and amount of affinity between these distant countries that actually exists. the philippine islands. a general account of the fauna of these islands, and of their biological relations to the countries which form the subject of this chapter, has been given in my _geographical distribution of animals_, vol. i. pp. 345-349; but since the publication of that work considerable additions have been made to their fauna, having the effect of somewhat diminishing their isolation from the other islands. four genera have been added to the terrestrial mammalia--crocidura, felis, pteromys, and mus, as well as two additional squirrels; while the black ape (_cynopithecus niger_) has been struck out as not inhabiting the philippines. this brings the true land mammalia to twenty-one species, of which fourteen are peculiar to the islands; but to these we must add no less than thirty-three species of bats of which only ten are peculiar.[93] in these estimates the palawan {388} group has been omitted as these islands contain so many bornean species that if included they obscure the special features of the fauna. _birds._--the late marquis of tweeddale made a special study of philippine birds, and in 1873 published a catalogue in the _transactions of the zoological society_ (vol. ix. pt. 2, pp. 125-247). but since that date large collections have been made by everett, steere, and other travellers, the result of which has been to more than double the known species, and to render the ornithological fauna an exceedingly rich one. many of the malayan genera which were thought to be absent when the first edition of this work was published have since been discovered, among which are phyllornis, criniger, diceum, prionochilus, and batrachostomus. but there still remain a large number of highly characteristic malayan genera whose absence gives a distinctive feature to the philippine bird fauna. among these are tiga and meiglyptes, genera of woodpeckers; phænicophaes and centropus, remarkable cuckoos; the long-tailed paroquets, palæornis; all the genera of barbets except xantholæma; the small but beautiful family eurylæmidæ; many genera allied to timalia and ixos; the mynahs, gracula; the long-tailed flycatchers, tchitrea; the fire-backed pheasants, euplocamus; the argus pheasants, the jungle-fowl, and many others. the following tabular statement will illustrate the rapid growth of our knowledge of the birds of the philippines:- |land-birds.|water-birds.|total. +-----------+------------+----- lord tweeddale's catalogue (1873) | 158 | 60 | 218 mr. wardlaw ramsay's list (1881) | 265 | 75 | 340 mr. everett's mss. list of additions (1891)| 370 | 102 | 472 the number of peculiar species is very large, there being about 300 land and forty-two water birds, which are not {389} known to occur beyond the group. we have here, still more pronounced than in the case of borneo, the remarkable fact of the true land birds presenting a larger amount of speciality than the land mammals; for while more than four-fifths of the birds are peculiar, only a little more than half the mammals are so, and if we exclude the bats only two-thirds. the general character of the fauna of this group of islands is evidently the result of their physical conditions and geological history. the philippines are almost surrounded by deep sea, but are connected with borneo by means of two narrow submarine banks, on the northern of which is situated palawan, and on the southern the sulu islands. two small groups of islands, the bashees and babuyanes, have also afforded a partial connection with the continent by way of formosa. it is evident that the philippines once formed part of the great malayan extension of asia, but that they were separated considerably earlier than java; and having been since greatly isolated and much broken up by volcanic disturbances, their species have for the most part become modified into distinct local forms, representative species often occurring in the different islands of the group. they have also received a few chinese types by the route already indicated, and a few australian forms owing to their proximity to the moluccas. their comparative poverty in genera and species of the mammalia is perhaps due to the fact that they have been subjected to a great amount of submersion in recent times, greatly reducing their area and causing the extinction of a considerable portion of their fauna. this is not a mere hypothesis, but is supported by direct evidence; for i am informed by mr. everett, who has made extensive explorations in the islands, that almost everywhere are found large tracts of elevated coral-reefs, containing shells similar to those living in the adjacent seas, an indisputable proof of recent elevation. _concluding remarks on the malay islands._--this completes our sketch of the great malay islands, the seat of the typical malayan fauna. it has been shown that the peculiarities presented by the individual islands may be all {390} sufficiently well explained by a very simple and comparatively unimportant series of geographical changes, combined with a limited amount of change of climate towards the northern tropic. beginning in late miocene times when the deposits on the south coast of java were upraised, we suppose a general elevation of the whole of the extremely shallow seas uniting what are now sumatra, java, borneo, and the philippines with the asiatic continent, and forming that extended equatorial area in which the typical malayan fauna was developed. after a long period of stability, giving ample time for the specialisation of so many peculiar types, the philippines were first separated; then at a considerably later period java; a little later sumatra and borneo; and finally the islands south of singapore to banca and biliton. this one simple series of elevations and subsidences, combined with the changes of climate already referred to, and such local elevations and depressions as must undoubtedly have occurred, appears sufficient to have brought about the curious, and at first sight puzzling, relations, of the faunas of java and the philippines, as compared with those of the larger islands. we will now pass on to the consideration of two other groups which offer features of special interest, and which will complete our illustrative survey of recent continental islands. * * * * * {391} chapter xviii japan and formosa japan, its position and physical features--zoological features of japan--mammalia--birds--birds common to great britain and japan--birds peculiar to japan--japan birds recurring in distant areas--formosa--physical features of formosa--animal life of formosa--mammalia--land-birds peculiar to formosa--formosan birds recurring in india or malaya--comparison of faunas of hainan, formosa, and japan--general remarks on recent continental islands. japan. the japanese islands occupy a very similar position on the eastern shore of the great euro-asiatic continent to that of the british islands on the western, except that they are about sixteen degrees further south, and having a greater extension in latitude enjoy a more varied as well as a more temperate climate. their outline is also much more irregular and their mountains loftier, the volcanic peak of fusiyama being 14,177 feet high; while their geological structure is very complex, their soil extremely fertile, and their vegetation in the highest degree varied and beautiful. like our own islands, too, they are connected with the continent by a marine bank less than a hundred fathoms below the surface--at all events towards the north and south; but in the intervening space the sea of japan opens out to a width of six hundred miles, and in its central portion is very deep, and this may be an indication that the connection between the islands and the continent is of rather ancient date. at the straits of corea the distance from the main land is about 120 miles, while at the northern extremity of yesso it is about 200. the island of saghalien, however, separated from yesso by a strait only twenty-five miles wide, forms a connection with amoorland in about 52° n. lat. a southern warm current flowing a little to the eastward of the islands, ameliorates their climate much in the same way as the gulf stream does ours, and added to their insular position enables them to support a more tropical vegetation and more varied forms of life than are found at corresponding latitudes in china. {392} [illustration: map of japan and formosa (with depths in fathoms). light tint, sea under 100 fathoms. medium tint, under 1,000 fathoms. dark tint, over 1,000 fathoms. the figures show the depth in fathoms.] {393} _zoological features of japan._--as we might expect from the conditions here sketched out, japan exhibits in all its forms of animal life a close general resemblance to the adjacent continent, but with a considerable element of specific individuality; while it also possesses some remarkable isolated groups. its fauna presents indications of there having been two or more lines of migration at different epochs. the majority of its animals are related to those of the temperate or cold regions of the continent, either as identical or allied species; but a smaller number have a tropical character, and these have in several instances no allies in china but occur again only in northern india or the malay archipelago. there is also a slight american element in the fauna of japan, a relic probably of the period when a land communication existed between the two continents over what are now the shallow seas of japan, ochotsk, and kamschatka. we will now proceed to examine the peculiarities and relations of the fauna. _mammalia._--the mammalia of japan at present known are forty in number; not very many when compared with the rich fauna of china and manchuria, but containing monkeys, bears, deer, wild goats and wild boars, as well as foxes, badgers, moles, squirrels, and hares, so that there can be no doubt whatever that they imply a land connection with the continent. no complete account of japan mammals has been given by any competent zoologist since the publication of von siebold's _fauna japonica_ in 1844, {394} but by collecting together most of the scattered observations since that period the following list has been drawn up, and will, it is hoped, be of use to naturalists. the species believed to be peculiar to japan are printed in italics. these are very numerous, but it must be remembered that corea and manchuria (the portions of the continent opposite japan) are comparatively little known, while in very few cases have the species of japan and of the continent been critically compared. where this has been done, however, the peculiar species established by the older naturalists have been in many cases found to be correct. list of the mammalia of the japanese islands. 1. _macacus speciosus._ a monkey with rudimentary tail and red face, allied to the barbary ape. it inhabits the island of niphon up to 41° n. lat., and has thus the most northern range of any living monkey. 2. _pteropus dasymallus._ a peculiar fruit-bat, found in kiusiu island only (lat. 33° n.), and thus ranging further north of the equator than any other species of the genus. 3. rhinolophus ferrum-equinum. the great horse-shoe bat, ranges from britain across europe and temperate asia to japan. it is the _r. nippon_ of the fauna japonica according to mr. dobson's _monograph of asiatic bats_. 4. r. minor. found also in burma, yunan, java, borneo, &c. 5. vesperugo pipistrellus. from britain across europe and asia. 6. v. abramus. also in india and china. 7. v. noctula. from britain across europe and asia. 8. v. molossus. also in china. 9. vespertilio capaccinii. philippine islands, and italy! this is _v. macrodactylus_ of the fauna japonica according to mr. dobson. 10. miniopterus schreibersii. philippines, burma, malay islands. this is _vespertilio blepotis_ of the fauna japonica. 11. _talpa wogura._ closely resembles the common mole of europe, but has six incisors instead of eight in the lower jaw. 12. _talpa mizura._ günth. allied to _t. wogura_. 13. _urotrichus talpoides._ a peculiar genus of moles confined to japan. an american species has been named _urotrichus gibsii_, and mr. lord after comparing the two says that he "can find no difference whatever, either generic or specific. in shape, size, and colour, they are exactly alike." but dr. günther (_p. z. s._ 1880, p. 441) states that _u. gibsii_ differs so much in dentition from the japanese species that it should be placed in a distinct genus, which he calls neurotrichus. 14. sorex myosurus. a shrew, found also in india and malaya. 15. _sorex dzi-nezumi._ 16. _s. umbrinus._ 17. _s. platycephalus._ {395} 18. ursus arctos. var. a peculiar variety of the european brown bear which inhabits also amoorland and kamschatka. it is the _ursus ferox_ of the fauna japonica. 19. _ursus japonicus._ a peculiar species allied to the himalayan and formosan species. named _u. tibetanus_ in the fauna japonica. 20. _meles anakuma._ differs from the european and siberian badgers in the form of the skull. 21. _mustela brachyura._ a peculiar martin found also in the kurile islands. 22. _mustela melanopus._ the japanese sable. 23. _m. japonica._ a peculiar martin (see _proc. zool. soc._ 1865, p. 104). 24. _m. sibericus._ also siberia and china. this is the _m. italsi_ of the fauna japonica according to dr. gray. 25. _lutronectes whiteleyi._ a new genus and species of otter (_p. z. s._ 1867, p. 180). in the fauna japonica named _lutra vulgaris_. 26. enhydris marina. the sea-otter of california and kamschatka. 27. _canis hodophylax._ according to dr. gray allied to _cuon sumatranus_ of the malay islands, and _c. alpinus_ of siberia, if not identical with one of them (_p. z. s._ 1868, p. 500). 28. _vulpes japonica._ a peculiar fox. _canis vulpes_ of fauna japonica. 29. nyctereutes procyonoides. the racoon-dog of n. china and amoorland. 30. _lepus brachyurus._ a peculiar hare. 31. _sciurus lis._ a peculiar squirrel. 32. _pteromys leucogenys._ the white-cheeked flying squirrel. 33. _p. momoga._ perhaps identical with a cambojan species (_p. z. s._ 1861, p. 137). 34. _myoxus japonicus._ a peculiar dormouse. _m. elegans_ of the fauna japonica; _m. javanicus_, schinz (_synopsis mammalium_, ii. p. 530). 35. _mus argenteus._ china. 36. _mus molossinus._ 37. _m. nezumi._ 38. _m. speciosus._ 39. _cervus sika._ a peculiar deer allied to _c. pseudaxis_ of formosa and _c. mantchuricus_ of northern china. 40. _nemorhedus crispa._ a goat-like antelope allied to _n. sumatranus_ of sumatra, and _n. swinhoei_ of formosa. 41. _sus leucomystax._ a wild boar allied to _s. taeranus_ of formosa. we thus find that no less than twenty-six out of the forty-one japanese mammals are peculiar, and if we omit the aërial bats (nine in number), as well as the marine sea-otter, we shall have remaining only thirty strictly land mammalia, of which twenty-five are peculiar, or five-sixths of the whole. nor does this represent all their speciality; for we have a mole differing in its dentition from the european mole; another superficially resembling but quite distinct from an american species; a peculiar genus of otters; and an antelope whose nearest allies are in formosa and sumatra. the importance of these facts will {396} be best understood when we have examined the corresponding affinities of the birds of japan. _birds._--owing to the recent researches of some english residents we have probably a fuller knowledge of the birds than of the mammalia; yet the number of true land-birds ascertained to inhabit the islands either as residents or migrants is only 200, which is less than might be expected considering the highly favourable conditions of mild climate, luxuriant vegetation, and abundance of insect-life, and the extreme riches of the adjacent continent,--mr. swinhoe's list of the birds of china containing more than 400 land species, after deducting all which are peculiar to the adjacent islands. only seventeen species, or about one-twelfth of the whole, are now considered to be peculiar to japan proper; while seventeen more are peculiar to the various outlying small islands constituting the bonin and loo choo groups. even of these, six or seven are classed by mr. seebohm as probably sub-species or slightly modified forms of continental birds, so that ten only are well-marked species, undoubtedly distinct from those of any other country. the great majority of the birds are decidedly temperate forms identical with those of northern asia and europe; while no less than forty of the species of land-birds are also found in britain, or are such slight modifications of british species that the difference is only perceptible to a trained ornithologist. the following list of the land-birds common to britain and japan is very interesting, when we consider that these countries are separated by the whole extent of the european and asiatic continents, or by almost exactly one-fourth of the circumference of the globe:-land birds common to great britain and japan.[94] (_either identical species or representative sub-species._) 1. goldcrest _regulus cristatus_ sub-sp. _orientalis_. 2. marsh tit _parus palustris_ sub-sp. _japonicus_. 3. coal tit _parus ater_ sub-sp. _pekinensis_. 4. long-tailed tit _acredula caudata_ (the sub-sp. _rosea_, is british). {397} 5. common creeper _certhia familiaris._ 6. nuthatch _sitta europæa_ sub-sp. _amurensis._ 7. carrion crow _corvus corone._ 8. nutcracker _nucifraga caryocatactes._ 9. magpie _pica caudata._ 10. pallass' grey shrike _lanius excubitor_ sub-sp. _major._ 11. waxwing _ampelis garrulus._ 12. grey wagtail _motacilla boarula_ sub-sp. _melanope._ 13. alpine pipit _anthus spinoletta_ sub-sp. _japonicus._ 14. skylark _alauda arvensis_ sub-sp. _japonica._ 15. common hawfinch _coccothraustes vulgaris._ 16. common crossbill _loxia curvirostra._ 17. siskin _fringilla spinus._ 18. mealy redpole ,, _linaria._ 19. brambling ,, _montifringilla._ 20. tree sparrow _passer montanus._ 21. reed bunting _emberiza schoeniculus_ sub-sp. _palustris._ 22. rustic bunting ,, _rustica._ 23. snow bunting ,, _nivalis._ 24. chimney swallow _hirundo rustica_ sub-sp. _gutturalis._ 25. sand martin _cotyle riparia._ 26. great spotted woodpecker _picus major_ sub-sp. _japonicus._ 27. lesser spotted woodpecker ,, _minor._ 28. wryneck _jynx torquilla._ 29. hoopoe _upupa epops._ 30. blue rock pigeon _columba livia._ 31. cuckoo _cuculus canorus._ 32. kingfisher _alcedo ispida_ sub-sp. _bengalensis._ 33. eagle owl _bubo maximus._ 34. snowy owl _surnia nyctea._ 35. long-eared owl _strix otus._ 36. short-eared owl ,, _brachyotus._ 37. scops owl _scops scops._ 38. jer falcon _falco gyrfalco._ 39. peregrine falcon ,, _peregrinus._ 40. hobby ,, _subbuteo._ 41. merlin _falco æsalon._ 42. kestrel _tinnunculus alaudarius_ sub-sp. _japonicus._ 43. osprey _pandion haliäctus._ 44. honey-buzzard _pernis apivorus._ 45. white-tailed eagle _haliäetus albicilla._ 46. golden eagle _aquila chrysäetus._ 47. common buzzard _buteo vulgaris_ sub-sp. _plumipes._ 48. hen-harrier _circus cyaneus._ 49. marsh-harrier ,, _æruginosus._ 50. gos-hawk _astur palumbarius._ 51. sparrow-hawk _accipiter nisus._ 52. ptarmigan _tetrao mutus._ 53. common quail _coturnix communis._ but even these fifty-three species by no means fairly represent the amount of _resemblance_ between britain and {398} japan as regards birds; for there are also thrushes, robins, stonechats, wrens, hedge-sparrows, sedge-warblers, jays, starlings, swifts, goatsuckers, and some others, which, though distinct _species_ from our own, have the same general appearance, and give a familiar aspect to the ornithology. there remains, however, a considerable body of chinese and siberian species, which link the islands to the neighbouring parts of the continent; and there are also a few which are malayan or himalayan rather than chinese, and thus afford us an interesting problem in distribution. the seventeen species and sub-species which are altogether peculiar to japan proper, are for the most part allied to birds of north china and siberia, but three are decidedly tropical, and one of them--a fruit pigeon (_treron sieboldi_)--has no close ally nearer than burmah and the himalayas. in the following list the affinities of the species are indicated wherever they have been ascertained:-list of the species of land birds peculiar to japan. 1. _accentor rubidus._ nearly allied to our hedge-sparrow, and less closely to the central asian _a. immaculatus._ (1a. _hypsipetes amaurotis._ migrates to the corea, otherwise peculiar.) 2. _zosterops japonica._ allied to two chinese species. 3. _lusciniola pryeri._ 4. _garrulus japonicus._ allied to the siberian and british jays. 5. _fringilla kawarahiba._ allied to the chinese greenfinch. 6. _emberiza ciopsis._ allied to the e. siberian bunting _e. cioides_, of which it may be considered a sub-species. 7. ,, _yessoensis._ a distinct species. 8. ,, _personata._ a sub-species of _e. spodocephala._ 9. _gecinus awokera._ a distinct species of green woodpecker. 10. _picus namiyei._ allied to a formosan species. 11. _treron sieboldi._ allied to _t. sphenura_ of the himalayas, and to a formosan species. 12. _carpophaga ianthina._ a distinct species of fruit-pigeon. 13. _bubo blakistoni._ allied to a philippine eagle-owl. 14. _scops semitorgues._ a distinct species. 15. _phasianus versicolor._ a distinct species. 16. ,, _soemmeringi._ a distinct species. 17. ,, _scintillaus._ a sub-species of the last. the large number of seventeen peculiar species in the outlying bonin and loo choo islands is an interesting feature of japanese ornithology. the comparative remoteness of {399} these islands, their mild sub-tropical climate and luxuriant vegetation, and perhaps the absence of violent storms and their being situated out of the line of continental migration, seem to be the conditions that have favoured the specialisation of modified types adapted to the new environment. _japan birds recurring in distant areas._--the most interesting feature in the ornithology of japan is, undoubtedly, the presence of several species which indicate an alliance with such remote districts as the himalayas, the malay islands, and europe. among the peculiar species, the most remarkable of this class are,--the fruit-pigeon of the genus treron, entirely unknown in china, but reappearing in formosa and japan; the hypsipetes, whose nearest ally is in south china at a distance of nearly 500 miles; and the jay (_garrulus japonicus_), whose near ally (_g. glandarius_) inhabits europe only, at a distance of 3,700 miles. but even more extraordinary are the following non-peculiar species:--_spizaetus orientalis_, a crested eagle, inhabiting the himalayas, formosa, and japan, but unknown in southern or eastern china; _ceryle guttata_, a spotted kingfisher, almost confined to the himalayas and japan, though occurring rarely in central china; and _halcyon coromanda_, a brilliant red kingfisher inhabiting northern india, the malay islands to celebes, formosa, and japan. we have here an excellent illustration of the favourable conditions which islands afford both for species which elsewhere live further south (_halcyon coromanda_), and for the preservation in isolated colonies of species which are verging towards extinction; for such we must consider the above-named eagle and kingfisher, both confined to a very limited area on the continent, but surviving in remote islands. referring to our account of the birth, growth, and death of a species (in chapter iv.) it can hardly be doubted that the _ceryle guttata_ formerly ranged from the himalayas to japan, and has now almost died out in the intervening area owing to geographical and physical changes, a subject which will be better discussed when we have examined the interesting fauna of the island of formosa. {400} the other orders of animals are not yet sufficiently known to enable us to found any accurate conclusions upon them. the main facts of their distribution have already been given in my _geographical distribution of animals_ (vol i., pp. 227-231), and they sufficiently agree with the birds and mammalia in showing a mixture of temperate and tropical forms with a considerable proportion of peculiar species. owing to the comparatively easy passage from the northern extremity of japan through the island of saghalien to the mainland of asia, a large number of temperate forms of insects and birds are still able to enter the country, and thus diminish the proportionate number of peculiar species. in the case of mammals this is more difficult; and the large proportion of specific difference in their case is a good indication of the comparatively remote epoch at which japan was finally separated from the continent. how long ago this separation took place we cannot of course tell, but we may be sure it was much longer than in the case of our own islands, and therefore probably in the earlier portion of the pliocene period. formosa. among recent continental islands there is probably none that surpasses in interest and instructiveness the chinese island named by the portuguese, formosa, or "the beautiful." till quite recently it was a _terra incognita_ to naturalists, and we owe almost all our present knowledge of it to a single man, the late mr. robert swinhoe, who, in his official capacity as one of our consuls in china, visited it several times between 1856 and 1866, besides residing on it for more than a year. during this period he devoted all his spare time and energy to the study of natural history, more especially of the two important groups, birds and mammals; and by employing a large staff of native collectors and hunters, he obtained a very complete knowledge of its fauna. in this case, too, we have the great advantage of a very thorough knowledge of the adjacent parts of the continent, in great part due to mr. swinhoe's own exertions during the twenty years of his service in {401} that country. we possess, too, the further advantage of having the whole of the available materials in these two classes collected together by mr. swinhoe himself after full examination and comparison of specimens; so that there is probably no part of the world (if we except europe, north america, and british india) of whose warm-blooded vertebrates we possess fuller or more accurate knowledge than we do of those of the coast districts of china and its islands.[95] _physical features of formosa._--the island of formosa is nearly half the size of ireland, being 220 miles long, and from twenty to eighty miles wide. it is traversed down its centre by a fine mountain range, which reaches an altitude of about 8,000 feet in the south and 12,000 feet in the northern half of the island, and whose higher slopes and valleys are everywhere clothed with magnificent forests. it is crossed by the line of the tropic of cancer a little south of its centre; and this position, combined with its lofty mountains, gives it an unusual variety of tropical and temperate climates. these circumstances are all highly favourable to the preservation and development of animal life, and from what we already know of its productions, it seems probable that few, if any islands of approximately the same size and equally removed from a continent will be found to equal it in the number and variety of their higher animals. the outline map (at page 392) shows that formosa is connected with the mainland by a submerged bank, the hundred-fathom line including it along with hainan to the south-west and japan on the north-east; while the line of two-hundred fathoms includes also the madjico-sima and loo-choo islands, and may, perhaps, mark out approximately the last great extension of the asiatic continent, the submergence of which isolated these islands from the mainland. _animal life of formosa._--we are at present acquainted {402} with 35 species of mammalia, and 128 species of land-birds from formosa, fourteen of the former and forty-three of the latter being peculiar, while the remainder inhabit also some part of the continent or adjacent islands. this proportion of peculiar species is perhaps (as regards the birds) the highest to be met with in any island which can be classed as both continental and recent, and this, in all probability, implies that the epoch of separation is somewhat remote. it was not, however, remote enough to reach back to a time when the continental fauna was very different from what it is now, for we find all the chief types of living asiatic mammalia represented in this small island. thus we have monkeys; insectivora; numerous carnivora; pigs, deer, antelopes, and cattle among ungulata; numerous rodents, and the edentate manis,--a very fair representation of asiatic mammals, all being of known genera, and of species either absolutely identical with some still living elsewhere or very closely allied to them. the birds exhibit analogous phenomena, with the exception that we have here two peculiar and very interesting genera. but besides the amount of specific and generic modification that has occurred, we have another indication of the lapse of time in the peculiar relations of a large proportion of the formosan animals, which show that a great change in the distribution of asiatic species must have taken place since the separation of the island from the continent. before pointing these out it will be advantageous to give lists of the mammalia and peculiar birds of the island, as we shall have frequent occasion to refer to them. list of the mammalia of formosa. (the peculiar species are printed in italics.) 1. _macacus cyclopis._ a rock-monkey more allied to _m. rhesus_ of india than to _m. sancti-johannis_ of south china. 2. _pteropus formosus._ a fruit-bat closely allied to the japanese species. none of the genus are found in china. 3. vesperugo abramus. china. 4. vespertilio formosus. black and orange bat. china. 5. nyctinomus cestonii. large-eared bat. china, s. europe. 6. _talpa insularis._ a blind mole of a peculiar species. {403} 7. sorex murinus. musk rat. china. 8. sorex sp. a shrew, undescribed. 9. erinaceus sp. a hedgehog, undescribed. 10. ursus tibetanus. the tibetan bear. himalayas and north china. 11. _helictis subaurantiaca._ the orange-tinted tree civet. allied to _h. nipalensis_ of the himalayas more than to _h. moschata_ of china. 12. martes flavigula, var. the yellow-necked marten. india, china. 13. felis macroscelis. the clouded tiger of siam and malaya. 14. felis viverrina. the asiatic wild cat. himalayas and malacca. 15. felis chinensis. the chinese tiger cat. china. 16. viverricula malaccensis. spotted civet. china, india. 17. paguma larvata. gem-faced civet. china. 18. _sus taivanus._ allied to the wild pig of japan. 19. cervulus reevesii. reeve's muntjac. china. 20. _cervus pseudaxis._ formosan spotted deer. allied to _c. sika_ of japan. 21. _cervus swinhoii._ swinhoe's rusa deer. allied to indian and malayan species. 22. _nemorhedus swinhoii._ swinhoe's goat-antelope. allied to the species of sumatra and japan. 23. bos chinensis. south china wild cow. 24. mus bandicota. the bandicoot rat. perhaps introduced from india. 25. mus indicus. indian rat. 26. _mus coxinga._ spinous country-rat. 27. _mus canna._ silken country-rat. 28. _mus losca_. brown country-rat. 29. sciurus castaneoventris. chestnut-bellied squirrel. china and hainan. 30. sciurus m'clellandi. mcclelland's squirrel. himalayas, china. 31. _sciuropterus kaleensis._ small formosan flying squirrel. allied to _s. alboniger_ of nepal. 32. _pteromys grandis._ large red flying squirrel. allied to himalayan and bornean species. from north formosa. 33. _pteromys pectoralis._ white-breasted flying squirrel. from south formosa. 34. lepus sinensis. chinese hare. inhabits south china. 35. manis dalmanni. scaly ant-eater. china and the himalayas. the most interesting and suggestive feature connected with these formosan mammals is the identity or affinity of several of them, with indian or malayan rather than with chinese species. we have the rock-monkey of formosa allied to the rhesus monkeys of india and burma, not to those of south china and hainan. the tree civet (_helictis subaurantiaca_), and the small flying squirrel (_sciuropterus kaleensis_), are both allied to himalayan species. swinhoe's deer and goat-antelope are nearest to malayan species, as are the red and white-breasted flying squirrels; while the fruit-bat, the wild pig, {404} and the spotted deer are all allied to peculiar japanese species. the clouded tiger is a malay species unknown in china, while the asiatic wild cat is a native of the himalayas and malacca. it is clear, therefore, that before formosa was separated from the mainland the above named animals or their ancestral types must have ranged over the intervening country as far as the himalayas on the west, japan on the north, and borneo or the philippines on the south; and that after that event occurred, the conditions were so materially changed as to lead to the extinction of these species in what are now the coast provinces of china, while they or their modified descendants continued to exist in the dense forests of the himalayas and the malay islands, and in such detached islands as formosa and japan. we will now see what additional light is thrown upon this subject by an examination of the birds. list of the land birds peculiar to formosa. turdidæ (thrushes). 1. _turdus albiceps._ allied to chinese species. sylvidiæ (warblers). 2. _cisticola volitans._ allied to _c. schoenicola_ of india and china. 3. _herbivox cantans._ sub-species of _h. cantillaus_ of n. china and japan. 4. _notodela montium._ allied to _n. leucura_ of the himalayas; no ally in china. timaliidæ (babblers). 5. _pomatorhinus musicus._ allies in s. china and the himalayas. 6. _p. erythroenemis._ do. do. 7. _garrulax ruficeps._ allied to _g. albogularis_ of n. india and east thibet, not to the species of s. china (_g. sannio_). 8. _janthocincla poecilorhyncha._ allied to _j. coerulata_ of the himalayas. none of the genus in china. 9. _trochalopteron taivanus._ allied to a chinese species. 10. _alcippe morrisoniana._} near the himalayan _a. nipalensis_. 11. _a. brunnea._ } none of the genus in china. 12. _sibia auricularis._ allied to the himalayan _s. capistrata_. the genus not known in china. panuridæ (bearded tits, &c.). 13. _suthora bulomachus._ allied to the chinese _s. suffusa_. cinclidæ (dippers and whistling thrushes). 14. _myiophoneus insularis._ allied to _m. horsfieldi_ of south india. {405} paridæ (tits). 15. _parus insperatus._ sub-species of _p. monticola_ of the himalayas and east thibet. 16. _p. castaneiventris._ allied to _p. varius_ of japan. liotrichidæ (hill tits). 17. _liocichla steerii._ a peculiar genus of a specially himalayan family, quite unknown in china. pycnonotidæ (bulbuls). 18. _pycnonotus (spizixos) cinereicapillus_. very near _p. semitorques_ of china. 19. _hypsipetes nigerrimus._ allied to _h. concolor_ of assam, not to _h. macclellandi_ of china. oriolidæ (orioles). 20. _analcipus ardens._ allied to _a. traillii_ of the himalayas and tenasserim. campephagidæ (caterpillar shrikes). 21. _graucalus rex-pineti._ closely allied to the indian _g. macei_. no ally in china. dicruridæ (king crows). 22. _chaptia brauniana._ closely allied to _c. ænea_ of assam. no ally in china. muscicapidæ (flycatchers). 23. _cyornis vivida._ allied to _c. rubeculoides_ of india. corvidæ (jays and crows). 24. _garrulus taivanus._ allied to _g. sinensis_ of s. china. 25. _urocissa coerulea._ a very distinct species from its indian and chinese allies. 26. _dendrocitta formosæ._ a sub-species of the chinese _d. sinensis_. ploceidæ (weaver finches). 27. _munia formosana._ allied to _m. rubronigra_ of india and burmah. alaudidæ (larks). 28. _alauda sala._}allies in south china. 29. _a. wattersi._} pittidæ (pittas). 30. _pitta oreas._ allied to _p. cyanoptera_ of malaya and s. china. picidæ (woodpeckers). 31. _picus insularis._ allied to _p. leuconotus_ of japan and siberia. megalæmidæ. 32. _megalæma nuchalis._ allied to _m. oortii_ of sumatra and _m. faber_ of hainan. no allies in china. caprimulgidæ (goatsuckers). 33. _caprimulgus stictomus._ a sub-species of _c. monticolus_ of india and china. {406} columbidæ (pigeons). 34. _treron formosæ._ allied to malayan species. 35. _sphenocercus sororius._ allied to malay species and to _s. sieboldi_ of japan. no allies of these two birds inhabit china. 36. _chalcophaps formosana._ allied to the indian species which extends to tenasserim and hainan. tetraonidæ (grouse and partridges). 37. _orcoperdix crudigularis._ a peculiar genus of partridges. 38. _bambusicola sonorivox._ allied to the chinese _b. thoracica_. 39. _arcoturnix rostrata._ allied to the chinese _a. blakistonii_. phasianidæ (pheasants). 40. _phasianus formosanus._ allied to _p. torquatus_ of china. 41. _euplocamus swinhoii._ a very peculiar and beautiful species allied to the tropical fire-backed pheasants, and to the silver pheasant of north china. strigidæ (owls). 42. _athene pardalota._ closely allied to a chinese species. 43. _lempigius hambroekii._ allied to a chinese species. this list exhibits to us the marvellous fact that more than half the peculiar species of formosan birds have their nearest allies in such remote regions as the himalayas, south india, the malay islands, or japan, rather than in the adjacent parts of the asiatic continent. fourteen species have himalayan allies, and six of these belong to genera which are unknown in china. one has its nearest ally in the nilgherries, and five in the malay islands; and of these six, four belong to genera which are not chinese. two have their only near allies in japan. perhaps more curious still are those cases in which, though the genus is chinese, the nearest allied species is to be sought for in some remote region. thus we have the formosan babbler (_garrulax ruficeps_) not allied to the species found in south china, but to one inhabiting north india and east thibet; while the black bulbul (_hypsipetes nigerrimus_), is not allied to the chinese species but to an assamese form. in the same category as the above we must place eight species not peculiar to formosa, but which are indian or malayan rather than chinese, so that they offer examples of discontinuous distribution somewhat analogous to what {407} we found to occur in japan. these are enumerated in the following list. species of birds common to formosa and india or malaya, but not found in china. 1. _siphia superciliaris._ the rufous-breasted flycatcher of the s. e. himalayas. 2. _halcyon coromanda._ the great red kingfisher of india, malaya, and japan. 3. _palumbus pulchricollis._ the darjeeling wood-pigeon of the s. e. himalayas. 4. _turnix dussumieri._ the larger button-quail of india. 5. _spizaetus nipalensis._ the spotted hawk-eagle of nepal and assam. 6. _lophospiza trivirgata._ the crested gos-hawk of the malay islands. 7. _bulaca newarensis._ the brown wood-owl of the himalayas. 8. _strix candida._ the grass-owl of india and malaya. the most interesting of the above are the pigeon and the flycatcher, both of which are, so far as yet known, strictly confined to the himalayan mountains and formosa. they thus afford examples of discontinuous specific distribution exactly parallel to that of the great spotted kingfisher, already referred to as found only in the himalayas and japan. _comparison of the faunas of hainan, formosa, and japan._--the island of hainan on the extreme south of china, and only separated from the mainland by a strait fifteen miles wide, appears to have considerable similarity to formosa, inasmuch as it possesses seventeen peculiar land-birds (out of 130 obtained by mr. swinhoe), two of which are close allies of formosan species, while two others are identical. we also find four species whose nearest allies are in the himalayas. our knowledge of this island and of the adjacent coast of china is not yet sufficient to enable us to form an accurate judgment of its relations, but it seems probable that it was separated from the continent at, approximately, the same epoch as formosa and japan, and that the special features of each of these islands are mainly due to their geographical position. formosa, being more completely isolated than either of the others, possesses a larger proportion of peculiar species of birds, while its tropical situation and lofty mountain ranges {408} have enabled it to preserve an unusual number of himalayan and malayan forms. japan, almost equally isolated towards the south, and having a much greater variety of climate as well as a much larger area, possesses about an equal number of mammalia with formosa, and an even larger proportion of peculiar species. its birds, however, though more numerous are less peculiar; and this is probably due to the large number of species which migrate northwards in summer, and find it easy to enter japan through the kurile isles or saghalien.[96] japan too, is largely peopled by those northern types which have an unusually wide range, and which, being almost all migratory, are accustomed to cross over seas of moderate extent. the regular or occasional influx of these species prevents the formation of special insular races, such as are almost always produced when a portion of the population of a species remains for a considerable time completely isolated. we thus have explained the curious fact, that while the mammalia of the two islands are almost equally peculiar, (those of japan being most so in the present state of our knowledge), the birds of formosa show a far greater number of peculiar species than those of japan. _general remarks on recent continental islands._--we have now briefly sketched the zoological peculiarities of an illustrative series of recent continental islands, commencing with one of the most recent--great britain--in which the process of formation of peculiar species has only just commenced, and terminating with formosa, probably one of the most ancient of the series, and which accordingly presents us with a very large proportion of peculiar species, not only in its mammalia, which have no means of crossing the wide strait which separates it from the mainland, but also in its birds, many of which are quite able to cross over. here, too, we obtain a glimpse of the way in which {409} species die out and are replaced by others, which quite agrees with what the theory of evolution assures us must have occurred. on a continent, the process of extinction will generally take effect on the circumference of the area of distribution, because it is there that the species comes into contact with such adverse conditions or competing forms as prevent it from advancing further. a very slight change will evidently turn the scale and cause the species to contract its range, and this usually goes on till it is reduced to a very restricted area, and finally becomes extinct. it may conceivably happen (and almost certainly has sometimes happened) that the process of restriction of range by adverse conditions may act in one direction only, and over a limited district, so as ultimately to divide the specific area into two separated parts, in each of which a portion of the species will continue to maintain itself. we have seen that there is reason to believe that this has occurred in a very few cases both in north america and in northern asia. (_see_ pp. 65-68.) but the same thing has certainly occurred in a considerable number of cases, only it has resulted in the divided areas being occupied by _representative forms_ instead of by the very same species. the cause of this is very easy to understand. we have already shown that there is a large amount of local variation in a considerable number of species, and we may be sure that were it not for the constant intermingling and intercrossing of the individuals inhabiting adjacent localities this tendency to local variation in adaptation to slightly different conditions, would soon form distinct races. but as soon as the area is divided into two portions the intercrossing is stopped, and the usual result is that two closely allied races, classed as representative species, become formed. such pairs of allied species on the two sides of a continent, or in two detached areas, are very numerous; and their existence is only explicable on the supposition that they are descendants of a parent form which once occupied an area comprising that of both of them,--that this area then became discontinuous,--and, lastly, that, as a consequence of the discontinuity, the two sections of the parent species became segregated into distinct races or new species. {410} now, when the division of the area leaves one portion of the species in an island, a similar modification of the species, either in the island or in the continent, occurs, resulting in closely-allied but distinct forms; and such forms are, as we have seen, highly characteristic of island-faunas. but islands also favour the occasional preservation of the unchanged species--a phenomenon which very rarely occurs in continents. this is probably due to the absence of competition in islands, so that the parent species there maintains itself unchanged, while the continental portion, by the force of that competition, is driven back to some remote mountain area, where it also obtains a comparative freedom from competition. thus may be explained the curious fact, that the species common to formosa and india are generally confined to limited areas in the himalayas, or in other cases are found only in remote islands, as japan or hainan. the distribution and affinities of the animals of continental islands thus throws much light on that obscure subject--the decay and extinction of species; while the numerous and delicate gradations in the modification of the continental species, from perfect identity, through slight varieties, local forms, and insular races, to well-defined species and even distinct genera, afford an overwhelming mass of evidence in favour of the theory of "descent with modification." we shall now pass on to another class of islands, which, though originally forming parts of continents, were separated from them at very remote epochs. this antiquity is clearly manifested in their existing faunas, which present many peculiarities, and offer some most curious problems to the student of distribution. * * * * * {411} chapter xix ancient continental islands: the madagascar group remarks on ancient continental islands--physical features of madagascar--biological features of madagascar--mammalia--reptiles--relation of madagascar to africa--early history of africa and madagascar--anomalies of distribution and how to explain them--the birds of madagascar as indicating a supposed lemurian continent--submerged islands between madagascar and india--concluding remarks on "lemuria"--the mascarene islands--the comoro islands--the seychelles archipelago--birds of the seychelles--reptiles and amphibia--freshwater fishes--land shells--mauritius, bourbon, and rodriguez--birds--extinct birds and their probable origin--reptiles--flora of madagascar and the mascarene islands--curious relations of mascarene plants--endemic genera of mauritius and seychelles--fragmentary character of the mascarene flora--flora of madagascar allied to that of south africa--preponderance of ferns in the mascarene flora--concluding remarks on the madagascar group. we have now to consider the phenomena presented by a very distinct class of islands--those which, although once forming part of a continent, have been separated from it at a remote epoch when its animal forms were very unlike what they are now. such islands preserve to us the record of a by-gone world,--of a period when many of the higher types had not yet come into existence and when the distribution of others was very different from what prevails at the present day. the problem presented by these ancient islands is often complicated by the changes they themselves have undergone since the period of their separation. a partial subsidence will have led to the {412} extinction of some of the types that were originally preserved, and may leave the ancient fauna in a very fragmentary state; while subsequent elevations may have brought it so near to the continent that some immigration even of mammalia may have taken place. if these elevations and subsidences occurred several times over, though never to such an extent as again to unite the island with the continent, it is evident that a very complex result might be produced; for besides the relics of the ancient fauna, we might have successive immigrations from surrounding lands reaching down to the era of existing species. bearing in mind these possible changes, we shall generally be able to arrive at a fair conjectural solution of the phenomena of distribution presented by these ancient islands. undoubtedly the most interesting of such islands, and that which exhibits their chief peculiarities in the greatest perfection, is madagascar, and we shall therefore enter somewhat fully into its biological and physical history. _physical features of madagascar._--this great island is situated about 250 miles from the east coast of africa, and extends from 12° to 25½° s. lat. it is almost exactly 1,000 miles long, with an extreme width of 360 and an average width of more than 260 miles. a lofty granitic plateau, from eighty to 160 miles wide and from 3,000 to 5,000 feet high, occupies its central portion, on which rise peaks and domes of basalt and granite to a height of nearly 9,000 feet; and there are also numerous extinct volcanic cones and craters. all round the island, but especially developed on the south and west, are plains of a few hundred feet elevation, formed of rocks which are shown by their fossils to be of jurassic age, or at all events to belong to somewhere near the middle portion of the secondary period. the higher granitic plateau consists of bare undulating moors, while the lower secondary plains are more or less wooded; and there is here also a continuous belt of dense forest, varying from six or eight to fifty miles wide, encircling the whole island, usually at about thirty miles distance from the coast but in the north-east coming down to the sea-shore. {413} [illustration] {414} the sea around madagascar, when the shallow bank on which it stands is passed, is generally deep. this 100-fathom bank is only from one to three miles wide on the east side, but on the west it is much broader, and stretches out opposite mozambique to a distance of about eighty miles. the mozambique channel is rather more than 1,000 fathoms deep, but there is only a narrow belt of this depth opposite mozambique, and still narrower where the comoro islands and adjacent shoals seem to form stepping-stones to the continent of africa. the 1,000-fathom line includes aldabra and the small farquhar islands to the north of madagascar; while to the east the sea deepens rapidly to the 1,000-fathom line and then more slowly, a profound channel of 2,400 fathoms separating madagascar from bourbon and mauritius. to the north-east of mauritius are a series of extensive shoals forming four large banks less than 100 fathoms below the surface, while the 1,000-fathom line includes them all, with an area about half that of madagascar itself. a little further north is the seychelles group, also standing on an extensive 1,000-fathom bank, while all round the sea is more than 2,000 fathoms deep. it seems probable, then, that to the north-east of madagascar there was once a series of very large islands, separated from it by not very wide straits; while eastward across the indian ocean we find the chagos and maldive coral atolls, perhaps marking the position of other large islands, which together would form a line of communication, by comparatively easy stages of 400 or 500 miles each between madagascar and india. these submerged islands, as shown in our map at p. 424, are of great importance in explaining some anomalous features in the zoology of this great island. if the rocks of secondary age which form a belt around the island are held to indicate that madagascar was once of less extent than it is now (though this by no means necessarily follows), we have also evidence that it has recently been considerably larger; for along the east coast there is an extensive barrier coral-reef about 350 miles in length, and varying in distance from the land from a quarter of a mile to three or four miles. this seems to indicate recent subsidence; while we have no record of raised coral rocks inland which would certainly mark any recent elevation, though fringing coral reefs surround a considerable portion of the northern, eastern, and south-western coasts. we may therefore conclude that during tertiary times the island was usually as large as, and often probably much larger than, it is now. {415} [illustration: map of the madagascar group, showing depths of sea.] in this map the depth of the sea is shown by three tints; the lightest tint indicating from 0 to 100 fathoms, the medium tint from 100 to 1,000 fathoms, the dark tint more than 1,000 fathoms. {416} _biological features of madagascar._--madagascar possesses an exceedingly rich and beautiful fauna and flora, rivalling in some groups most tropical countries of equal extent, and even when poor in species, of surpassing interest from the singularity, the isolation, or the beauty of its forms of life. in order to exhibit the full peculiarity of its natural history and the nature of the problems it offers to the biological student, we must give an outline of its more important animal forms in systematic order. _mammalia._--madagascar possesses no less than sixty-six species of mammals--a certain proof in itself that the island has once formed part of a continent; but the character of these animals is very extraordinary and altogether different from the assemblage now found in africa or in any other existing continent. africa is now most prominently characterised by its monkeys, apes, and baboons; by its lions, leopards, and hyænas; by its zebras, rhinoceroses, elephants, buffaloes, giraffes, and numerous species of antelopes. but no one of these animals, nor any thing like them, is found in madagascar, and thus our first impression would be that it could never have been united with the african continent. but, as the tigers, the bears, the tapirs, the deer, and the numerous squirrels of asia are equally absent, there seems no probability of its having been united with that continent. let us then see to what groups the mammalia of madagascar belong, and where we must look for their probable allies. first and most important are the lemurs, consisting of six genera and thirty-three species, thus comprising just half the entire mammalian population of the island. this group of lowly-organised and very ancient creatures {417} still exists scattered over a wide area; but they are nowhere so abundant as in the island of madagascar. they are found from west africa to india, ceylon, and the malay archipelago, consisting of a number of isolated genera and species, which appear to maintain their existence by their nocturnal and arboreal habits, and by haunting dense forests. it can hardly be said that the african forms of lemurs are more nearly allied to those of madagascar than are the asiatic, the whole series appearing to be the disconnected fragments of a once more compact and extensive group of animals. next, we have about a dozen species of insectivora, consisting of one shrew, a group distributed over all the great continents; and five genera of a peculiar family, centetidæ, which family exists nowhere else on the globe except in the two largest west indian islands, cuba and hayti, thus adding still further to our embarrassment in seeking for the original home of the madagascar fauna. we then come to the carnivora, which are represented by a peculiar cat-like animal, cryptoprocta, forming a distinct family, and having no close allies in any part of the globe; and eight civets belonging to four peculiar genera. here we first meet with some decided indications of an african origin; for the civet family is more abundant in this continent than in asia, and some of the madagascar genera seem to be decidedly allied to african groups--as, for example, eupleres to suricata and crossarchus.[97] the rodents consist only of four rats and mice of peculiar genera, one of which is said to be allied to an american genus; and lastly we have a river-hog of the african genus potamochærus, and a small sub-fossil hippopotamus, both of which being semi-aquatic animals might easily have reached the island from africa, by way of the comoros, without any actual land connection.[98] _reptiles of madagascar._--passing over the birds for the present, as not so clearly demonstrating {418} land-connection, let us see what indications are afforded by the reptiles. the large and universally distributed family of colubrine snakes is represented in madagascar, not by african or asiatic genera, but by two american genera--philodryas and heterodon, and by herpetodryas, a genus found in america and china. the other genera are all peculiar, and belong mostly to widespread tropical families; but two families--lycodontidæ and viperidæ, both abundant in africa and the eastern tropics--are absent. lizards are mostly represented by peculiar genera of african or tropical families, but several african genera are represented by peculiar species, and there are also some species belonging to two american genera of the iguanidæ, a family which is exclusively american; while a genus of geckoes, inhabiting america and australia, also occurs in madagascar. _relation of madagascar to africa._--these facts taken all together are certainly very extraordinary, since they show in a considerable number of cases as much affinity with america as with africa; while the most striking and characteristic groups of animals now inhabiting africa are entirely wanting in madagascar. let us first deal with this fact, of the absence of so many of the most dominant african groups. the explanation of this deficiency is by no means difficult, for the rich deposits of fossil mammals of miocene or pliocene age in france, germany, greece, and north-west india, have demonstrated the fact that all the great african mammals then inhabited europe and temperate asia. we also know that a little earlier (in eocene times) tropical africa was cut off from europe and asia by a sea stretching from the atlantic to the bay of bengal, at which time africa must have formed a detached island-continent such as australia is now, and probably, like it, very poor in the higher forms of life. coupling these two facts, the inference seems clear, that all the higher types of mammalia were developed in the great euro-asiatic continent (which then included northern africa), and that they only migrated into tropical africa when the two continents became united by the upheaval of the sea-bottom, probably {419} in the latter portion of the miocene or early in the pliocene period.[99] it is clear, therefore, that if madagascar had once formed part of africa, but had been separated from it before africa was united to europe and asia, it would not contain any of those kinds of animals which then first entered the country. but, besides the african mammals, we know that some birds now confined to africa then inhabited europe, and we may therefore fairly assume that all the more important groups of birds, reptiles, and insects, now abundant in africa but absent from madagascar, formed no part of the original african fauna, but entered the country only after it was joined to europe and asia. _early history of africa and madagascar._--we have seen that madagascar contains an abundance of mammals, and that most of them are of types either peculiar to, or existing also in, africa; it follows that that continent must have had an earlier union with europe, asia, or america, or it could never have obtained any mammals at all. {420} now these ancient african mammals are lemurs, insectivora, and small carnivora, chiefly viverridæ; and all these groups are known to have inhabited europe in eocene and miocene times; and that the union was with europe rather than with america is clearly proved by the fact that even the insectivorous centetidæ, now confined to madagascar and the west indies, inhabited france in the lower miocene period, while the viverridæ, or civets, which form so important a part of the fauna of madagascar as well as of africa, were abundant in europe throughout the whole tertiary period, but are not known to have ever lived in any part of the american continent. we here see the application of the principle which we have already fully proved and illustrated (chapter iv., p. 60), that all extensive groups have a wide range at the period of their maximum development; but as they decay their area of distribution diminishes or breaks up into detached fragments, which one after another disappear till the group becomes extinct. those animal forms which we now find isolated in madagascar and other remote portions of the globe all belong to ancient groups which are in a decaying or nearly extinct condition, while those which are absent from it belong to more recent and more highly-developed types, which range over extensive and continuous areas, but have had no opportunity of reaching the more ancient continental islands. _anomalies of distribution and how to explain them._--if these considerations have any weight, it follows that there is no reason whatever for supposing any former direct connection between madagascar and the greater antilles merely because the insectivorous centetidæ now exist only in these two groups of islands; for we know that the ancestors of this family must once have had a much wider range, which almost certainly extended over the great northern continents. we might as reasonably suppose a land-connection across the pacific to account for the camels of asia having their nearest existing allies in the llamas and alpacas of the peruvian andes, and another between sumatra and brazil, in order that the ancestral tapir of one country might have passed over to the other. in both {421} these cases we have ample proof of the former wide extension of the group. extinct camels of numerous species abounded in north america in miocene, pliocene, and even post-pliocene times, and one has also been found in north-western india, but none whatever among all the rich deposits of mammalia in europe. we are thus told, as clearly as possible, that from the north american continent as a centre the camel tribe spread westward, over now-submerged land at the shallow behring straits and kamschatka sea, into asia, and southward along the andes into south america. tapirs are even more interesting and instructive. their remotest known ancestors appear in western europe in the early portion of the eocene period; in the latter eocene and the miocene other forms occur both in europe and north america. these seem to have become extinct in north america, while in europe they developed largely into many forms of true tapirs, which at a much later period found their way again to north, and thence to south, america, where their remains are found in caves and gravel deposits. it is an instructive fact that in the eastern continent, where they were once so abundant, they have dwindled down to a single species, existing in small numbers in the malay peninsula, sumatra, and borneo only; while in the western continent, where they are comparatively recent immigrants, they occupy a much larger area, and are represented by three or four distinct species. who could possibly have imagined such migrations, and extinctions, and changes of distribution as are demonstrated in the case of the tapirs, if we had only the distribution of the existing species to found an opinion upon? such cases as these--and there are many others equally striking--show us with the greatest distinctness how nature has worked in bringing about the examples of anomalous distribution that everywhere meet us; and we must, on every ground of philosophy and common sense, apply the same method of interpretation to the more numerous instances of anomalous distribution we discover among such groups as reptiles, birds, and insects, where we rarely have any direct evidence of their past migrations through the discovery of {422} fossil remains. whenever we can trace the past history of any group of terrestrial animals, we invariably find that its actual distribution can be explained by migrations effected by means of comparatively slight modifications of our existing continents. in no single case have we any direct evidence that the distribution of land and sea has been radically changed during the whole lapse of the tertiary and secondary periods, while, as we have already shown in our fifth chapter, the testimony of geology itself, if fairly interpreted, upholds the same theory of the stability of our continents and the permanence of our oceans. yet so easy and pleasant is it to speculate on former changes of land and sea with which to cut the gordian knot offered by anomalies of distribution, that we still continually meet with suggestions of former continents stretching in every direction across the deepest oceans, in order to explain the presence in remote parts of the globe of the same genera even of plants or of insects--organisms which possess such exceptional facilities both for terrestrial, aërial, and oceanic transport, and of whose distribution in early geological periods we generally know little or nothing. _the birds of madagascar, as indicating a supposed lemurian continent._--having thus shown how the distribution of the land mammalia and reptiles of madagascar may be well explained by the supposition of a union with africa before the greater part of its existing fauna had reached it, we have now to consider whether, as some ornithologists think, the distribution and affinities of the birds present an insuperable objection to this view, and require the adoption of a hypothetical continent--lemuria--extending from madagascar to ceylon and the malay islands. there are about one hundred and fifty land birds known from the island of madagascar, of which a hundred and twenty-seven are peculiar; and about half of these peculiar species belong to peculiar genera, many of which are extremely isolated, so that it is often difficult to class them in any of the recognised families, or to determine their affinities to any living birds.[100] among the other moiety, {423} belonging to known genera, we find fifteen which have undoubted african affinities, while five or six are as decidedly oriental, the genera or nearest allied species being found in india or the malay islands. it is on the presence of these peculiar indian types that dr. hartlaub, in his recent work on the _birds of madagascar and the adjacent islands_, lays great stress, as proving the former existence of "lemuria"; while he considers the absence of such peculiar african families as the plantain-eaters, glossy-starlings, ox-peckers, barbets, honey-guides, hornbills, and bustards--besides a host of peculiar african genera--as sufficiently disproving the statement in my _geographical distribution of animals_ that madagascar is "more nearly related to the ethiopian than to any other region," and that its fauna was evidently "mainly derived from africa." but the absence of the numerous peculiar groups of african birds is so exactly parallel to the same phenomenon among mammals, that we are justified in imputing it to the same cause, the more especially as some of the very groups that are wanting--the plantain-eaters and the trogons, for example,--are actually known to have inhabited europe along with the large mammalia which subsequently migrated to africa. as to the peculiarly eastern genera--such as copsychus and hypsipetes, with a dicrurus, a ploceus, a cisticola, and a scops, all closely allied to indian or malayan species--although very striking to the ornithologist, they certainly do not outweigh the fourteen african genera found in madagascar. their presence may, moreover, be accounted for more satisfactorily than by means of an ancient lemurian continent, which, even if granted, would not explain the very facts adduced in its support. let us first prove this latter statement. the supposed "lemuria" must have existed, if at all, at so remote a period that the higher animals did not then inhabit either africa or southern asia, and it must have {424} become partially or wholly submerged before they reached those countries; otherwise we should find in madagascar many other animals besides lemurs, insectivora, and viverridæ, especially such active arboreal creatures as monkeys and squirrels, such hardy grazers as deer or antelopes, or such wide-ranging carnivores as foxes or bears. this obliges us to date the disappearance of the hypothetical continent about the earlier part of the miocene epoch at latest, for during the latter part of that period we know that such animals existed in abundance in every part of the great northern continents wherever we have found organic remains. but the oriental birds in madagascar, by whose presence dr. hartlaub upholds the theory of a lemuria, are slightly modified forms of _existing indian genera_, or sometimes, as dr. hartlaub himself points out, _species hardly distinguishable from those of india_. now all the evidence at our command leads us to conclude that, even if these genera and species were in existence in the early miocene period, they must have had a widely different distribution from what they have now. along with so many african and indian genera of mammals they then probably inhabited europe, which at that epoch enjoyed a sub-tropical climate; and this is rendered almost certain by the discovery in the miocene of france of fossil remains of trogons and jungle-fowl. if, then, these indian birds date back to the very period during which alone lemuria could have existed, that continent was quite unnecessary for their introduction into madagascar, as they could have followed the same track as the mammalia of miocene europe and asia; while if, as i maintain, they are of more recent date, then lemuria had ceased to exist, and could not have been the means of their introduction. _submerged islands between madagascar and india._--looking at the accompanying map of the indian ocean, we see that between madagascar and india there are now extensive shoals and coral reefs, such as are usually held to indicate subsidence; and we may therefore fairly postulate the former existence here of several large islands, some of them not much inferior to madagascar itself. these reefs are all separated from each other by very deep {425} sea--much deeper than that which divides madagascar from africa, and we have therefore no reason to imagine their former union. but they would nevertheless greatly facilitate the introduction of indian birds into the mascarene islands and madagascar; and these facilities existing, such an immigration would be sure to take place, just as surely as american birds have entered the galapagos and juan fernandez, as european birds now reach the azores, and as australian birds reach such a distant island as new zealand. this would take place the more certainly because the indian ocean is a region of violent periodical storms at the changes of the monsoons, and we have seen in the case of the azores and bermuda how important a factor this is in determining the transport of birds across the ocean. [illustration: map of the indian ocean. showing the position of banks less than 1,000 fathoms deep between africa and the indian peninsula.] {426} the final disappearance of these now sunken islands does not, in all probability, date back to a very remote epoch; and this exactly accords with the fact that some of the birds, as well as the fruit-bats of the genus pteropus, are very closely allied to indian species, if not actually identical, others being distinct species of the same genera. the fact that not one closely-allied species or even genus of indian or malayan mammals is found in madagascar, sufficiently proves that it is no land-connection that has brought about this small infusion of indian birds and bats; while we have sufficiently shown, that, when we go back to remote geological times no land-connection in this direction was necessary to explain the phenomena of the distribution of the lemurs and insectivora. a land-connection with _some_ continent was undoubtedly necessary, or there would have been no mammalia at all in madagascar; and the nature of its fauna on the whole, no less than the moderate depth of the intervening strait and the comparative approximation of the opposite shores, clearly indicate that the connection was with africa. _concluding remarks on "lemuria."_--i have gone into this question in some detail, because dr. hartlaub's criticism on my views has been reproduced in a scientific periodical,[101] and the supposed lemurian continent is constantly referred to by quasi-scientific writers, as well as by naturalists and geologists, as if its existence had been demonstrated by facts, or as if it were absolutely necessary to postulate such a land in order to account for the entire series of phenomena connected with the madagascar fauna, and especially with the distribution of the lemuridæ.[102] i {427} think i have now shown, on the other hand, that it was essentially a provisional hypothesis, very useful in calling attention to a remarkable series of problems in geographical distribution, but not affording the true solution of those problems, any more than the hypothesis of an atlantis solved the problems presented by the atlantic islands and the relations of the european and north american flora and fauna. the atlantis is now rarely introduced seriously except by the absolutely unscientific, having received its death-blow by the chapter on oceanic islands in the _origin of species_, and the researches of professor asa gray on the affinities of the north american and asiatic floras. but "lemuria" still keeps its place--a good example of the survival of a provisional hypothesis which offers what seems an easy solution of a difficult problem, and has received an appropriate and easily remembered name, long after it has been proved to be untenable. it is now more than fifteen years since i first showed, by a careful examination of all the facts to be accounted for, that the hypothesis of a lemurian continent was alike unnecessary to explain one portion of the facts, and inadequate to explain the remaining portion.[103] since that time i have seen no attempt even to discuss the question on general grounds in opposition to my views, nor on the other hand have those who have hitherto supported the hypothesis taken any opportunity of acknowledging its weakness and inutility. i have therefore here explained my reasons for rejecting it somewhat more fully and in a more popular form, in the hope that a check may thus be placed on the continued re-statement of this unsound theory as if it were one of the accepted conclusions of modern science. {428} _the mascarene islands._[104]--in the _geographical distribution of animals_, a summary is given of all that was known of the zoology of the various islands near madagascar, which to some extent partake of its peculiarities, and with it form the malagasy sub-region of the ethiopian region. as no great additions have since been made to our knowledge of the fauna of these islands, and my object in this volume being more especially to illustrate the mode of solving distributional problems by means of the most suitable examples, i shall now confine myself to pointing out how far the facts presented by these outlying islands support the views already enunciated with regard to the origin of the madagascar fauna. _the comoro islands._--this group of islands is situated nearly midway between the northern extremity of madagascar and the coast of africa. the four chief islands vary between sixteen and forty miles in length, the largest being 180 miles from the coast of africa, while one or two smaller islets are less than 100 miles from madagascar. all are volcanic, great comoro being an active volcano 8,500 feet high; and, as already stated, they are situated on a submarine bank with less than 500 fathoms soundings, connecting madagascar with africa. there is reason to believe, however, that these islands are of comparatively recent origin, and that the bank has been formed by matter ejected by the volcanoes or by upheaval. anyhow, there is no indication whatever of there having been here a land-connection between madagascar and africa; while the islands themselves have been mainly colonised from madagascar, some of them making a near approach to the 100-fathom bank which surrounds that island. the comoros contain two land mammals, a lemur and a civet, both of madagascar genera and the latter an identical species, and there is also a peculiar species of fruit-bat (_pteropus comorensis_), a group which ranges from australia to asia and madagascar but is unknown in africa. of land-birds forty-one species are known, of {429} which sixteen are peculiar to the islands, twenty-one are found also in madagascar, and three found in africa and not in madagascar; while of the peculiar species, six belong to madagascar or mascarene genera. a species of chameleon is also peculiar to the islands. these facts point to the conclusion that the comoro islands have been formerly more nearly connected with madagascar than they are now, probably by means of intervening islets and the former extension of the latter island to the westward, as indicated by the extensive shallow bank at its northern extremity, so as to allow of the easy passage of birds, and the occasional transmission of small mammalia by means of floating trees.[105] _the seychelles archipelago._--this interesting group consists of about thirty small islands situated 700 miles n.n.e. of madagascar, or almost exactly in the line formed by continuing the central ridge of that great island. the seychelles stand upon a rather extensive shallow bank, the 100-fathom line around them enclosing an area nearly 200 miles long by 100 miles wide, while the 500-fathom line shows an extension of nearly 100 miles in a southern direction. all the larger islands are of granite, with mountains rising to 3,000 feet in mahé, and to from 1,000 to 2,000 feet in several of the other islands. we can therefore hardly doubt that they form a portion of the great line of upheaval which produced the central granitic mass of madagascar, intervening points being indicated by the amirantes, the providence, and the farquhar islands, which, though all coralline, probably rest on a granitic basis. deep channels of more than 1,000 fathoms now separate these islands from each other, and if they were ever sufficiently elevated to be united, it was probably at a very remote epoch. the seychelles may thus have had ample facilities for receiving from madagascar such immigrants as can pass over narrow seas; and, on the other hand, they were equally favourably situated as regards the extensive saya de malha and cargados banks, which were probably once {430} large islands, and may have supported a rich insular flora and fauna of mixed mascarene and indian type. the existing fauna and flora of the seychelles must therefore be looked upon as the remnants which have survived the partial submergence of a very extensive island; and the entire absence of non-aërial mammalia may be due, either to this island having never been actually united to madagascar, or to its having since undergone so much submergence as to have led to the extinction of such mammals as may once have inhabited it. the birds and reptiles, however, though few in number, are very interesting, and throw some further light on the past history of the seychelles. _birds of the seychelles._--fifteen indigenous land-birds are known to inhabit the group, thirteen of which are peculiar species,[106] belonging to genera which occur also in madagascar or africa. the genera which are more peculiarly indian are,--copsychus and hypsipetes, also found in madagascar; and palæornis, which has species in mauritius and rodriguez, as well as one on the continent of africa. a black parrot (coracopsis), congeneric with two species that inhabit madagascar and with one that is peculiar to the comoros; and a beautiful red-headed blue pigeon (_alectorænas pulcherrimus_) allied to those of madagascar and mauritius, but very distinct, are the most remarkable species characteristic of this group of islands. _reptiles and amphibia of the seychelles._--the reptiles and amphibia are rather numerous and very interesting, indicating clearly that the islands can hardly be classed as oceanic. there are seven species of lizards, three being peculiar to the islands, while the others have rather a wide range. the first is a chameleon--defenceless {431} slow-moving lizards, especially abundant in madagascar, from which no less than eighteen species are now known, about the same number as on the continent of africa. the seychelles species (_chamæleon tigris_) also occurs at zanzibar. the next are skinks (scincidæ), small ground-lizards with a wide distribution in the eastern hemisphere. two species are however peculiar to the islands--_mabuia seychellensis_ and _m. wrightii_. the other peculiar species is one of the geckoes (geckotidæ) named _æluronyx seychellensis_, and there are also three other geckoes, _phelsuma madagascarensis_, _gehyra mutilata_ and _hemidactylus frenatus_, the two latter having a wide distribution in the tropical regions of both hemispheres. these lizards, clinging as they do to trees and timber, are exceedingly liable to be carried in ships from one country to another, and i am told by dr. günther that some are found almost every year in the london docks. it is therefore probable, that when species of this family have a very wide range they have been assisted in their migrations by man, though their habit of clinging to trees also renders them likely to be floated with large pieces of timber to considerable distances. dr. percival wright, to whom i am indebted for much information on the productions of the seychelles archipelago, informs me that the last-named species varies greatly in colour in the different islands, so that he could always tell from which particular island a specimen had been brought. this is analogous to the curious fact of certain lizards on the small islands in the mediterranean being always very different in colour from those of the mainland, usually becoming rich blue or black (see _nature_, vol. xix. p. 97); and we thus learn how readily in some cases differences of colour are brought about, either directly or indirectly, by local conditions. snakes, as is usually the case in small or remote islands, are far less numerous than lizards, only two species being known. one, _dromicus seychellensis_, is a peculiar species of the family colubridæ, the rest of the genus being found in madagascar and south america. the other, _boodon geometricus_, one of the lycodontidæ, or fanged ground-snakes, is also peculiar. so far, then, as the reptiles are {432} concerned, there is nothing but what is easily explicable by what we know of the general means of distribution of these animals. we now come to the amphibia, which are represented in the seychelles by two tailless and two serpent-like forms. the frogs are _rana mascareniensis_, found also in mauritius, bourbon, angola, and abyssinia, and probably all over tropical africa; and _megalixalus seychellensis_ a peculiar tree-frog having allies in madagascar and tropical africa. it is found, dr. wright informs me, on the pandani or screw-pines; and as these form a very characteristic portion of the vegetation of the mascarene islands, all the species being peculiar and confined each to a single island or small group, we may perhaps consider it as a relic of the indigenous fauna of that more extensive land of which the present islands are the remains. the serpentine amphibia are represented by two species of cæcilia. these creatures externally resemble large worms, except that they have a true head with jaws and rudimentary eyes, while internally they have of course a true vertebrate skeleton. they live underground, burrowing by means of the ring-like folds of the skin which simulate the jointed segments of a worm's body, and when caught they exude a viscid slime. the young have external gills which are afterwards replaced by true lungs, and this peculiar metamorphosis shows that they belong to the amphibia rather than to the reptiles. the cæcilias are widely but very sparingly distributed through all the tropical regions; a fact which may, as we have seen, be taken as an indication of the great antiquity of the group, and that it is now verging towards extinction. in the seychelles islands there appear to be three species of these singular animals. _cryptopsophis multiplicatus_ is confined to the islands; _herpele squalostoma_ is found also in western india and in africa; while _hypogeophis rostratus_ inhabits both west africa and south america.[107] this last is certainly one of the most remarkable cases of the wide and discontinuous distribution of a species; and {433} when we consider the habits of life of these animals and the extreme slowness with which it is likely they can migrate into new areas, we can hardly arrive at any other conclusion than that this species once had an almost world-wide range, and that in the process of dying out it has been left stranded, as it were, in these three remote portions of the globe. the extreme stability and long persistence of specific form which this implies is extraordinary, but not unprecedented, among the lower vertebrates. the crocodiles of the eocene period differ but slightly from those of the present day, while a small freshwater turtle from the pliocene deposits of the siwalik hills is absolutely identical with a still living indian species, _emys tectus_. the mud-fish of australia, _ceratodus forsteri_ is a very ancient type, and may well have remained specifically unchanged since early tertiary times. it is not, therefore, incredible that this seychelles cæcilia may be the oldest land vertebrate now living on the globe; dating back to the early part of the tertiary period, when the warm climate of the northern hemisphere in high latitudes and the union of the asiatic and american continents allowed of the migration of such types over the whole northern hemisphere, from which they subsequently passed into the southern hemisphere, maintaining themselves only in certain limited areas, where the physical conditions were especially favourable, or where they were saved from the attacks of enemies or the competition of higher forms. _fresh-water fishes._--the only other vertebrates in the seychelles are two fresh-water fishes abounding in the streams and rivulets. one, _haplochilus playfairii_ is peculiar to the islands, but there are allied species in madagascar. it is a pretty little fish about four inches long, of an olive colour, with rows of red spots, and is very abundant in some of the mountain streams. the fishes of this genus, as i am informed by dr. günther, often inhabit both sea and fresh water, so that their migration from {434} madagascar to the seychelles and subsequent modification, offers no difficulty. the other species is _fundulus orthonotus_, found also on the east coast of africa; and as both belong to the same family--cyprinodontidæ--this may possibly have migrated in a similar manner. _land-shells._--the only other group of animals inhabiting the seychelles which we know with any approach to completeness, are the land and fresh-water mollusca, but they do not furnish any facts of special interest. about forty species are known, and mr. geoffrey nevill, who has studied them, thinks their meagre number is chiefly owing to the destruction of so much of the forests which once covered the islands. seven of the species--and among them one of the most conspicuous, _achatina fulica_--have almost certainly been introduced; and the remainder show a mixture of madagascar and indian forms, with a preponderance of the latter. five genera--streptaxis, cyathoponea, onchidium, helicina and paludomus, are mentioned as being especially indian, while only two--tropidophora and gibbus, are found in madagascar but not in india.[108] about two-thirds of the species appear to be peculiar to the islands. _mauritius, bourbon and rodriguez._--these three islands are somewhat out of place in this chapter, because they really belong to the oceanic group, being of volcanic formation, surrounded by deep sea, and possessing no indigenous mammals or amphibia. yet their productions are so closely related to those of madagascar, to which they may be considered as attendant satellites, that it is absolutely necessary to associate them together if we wish to comprehend and explain their many interesting features. mauritius and bourbon are lofty volcanic islands, evidently of great antiquity. they are about 100 miles apart, and the sea between them is less than 1,000 fathoms deep, while on each side it sinks rapidly to depths of 2,400 and 2,600 fathoms. we have therefore no reason to believe that they have ever been connected with {435} madagascar, and this view is strongly supported by the character of their indigenous fauna. of this, however, we have not a very complete or accurate knowledge, for though both islands have long been occupied by europeans, the study of their natural products was for a long time greatly neglected, and owing to the rapid spread of sugar cultivation, the virgin forests, and with them no doubt many native animals, have been almost wholly destroyed. there is, however, no good evidence of there ever having been any indigenous mammals or amphibia, though both are now found and are often recorded among the native animals.[109] the smaller and more remote island, rodriguez, is also volcanic; but it has, besides a good deal of coralline rock, an indication of partial submergence helping to account for the poverty of its fauna and flora. it stands on a 100-fathom bank of considerable extent, but beyond this the {436} sea rapidly deepens to more than 2,000 fathoms, so that it is truly oceanic like its larger sister isles. _birds._--the living birds of these islands are few in number and consist mainly of peculiar species of mascarene types, together with two peculiar genera--oxynotus belonging to the campephagidæ or caterpillar-catchers, a family abundant in the old-world tropics; and a dove, trocazza, forming a peculiar sub-genus. the origin of these birds offers no difficulty, looking at the position of the islands and of the surrounding shoals and islets. _extinct birds._--these three islands are, however, preeminently remarkable as having been the home of a group of large ground-birds, quite incapable of flight, and altogether unlike anything found elsewhere on the globe; and which, though once very abundant, have become totally extinct within the last two hundred years. the best known of these birds is the dodo, which inhabited mauritius; while allied species certainly lived in bourbon and rodriguez, abundant remains of the species of the latter island--the "solitaire," having been discovered, corresponding with the figure and description given of it by legouat, who resided in rodriguez in 1692. these birds constitute a distinct family, dididæ, allied to the pigeons but very isolated. they were quite defenceless, and were rapidly exterminated when man introduced dogs, pigs, and cats into the island, and himself sought them for food. the fact that such perfectly unprotected creatures survived in great abundance to a quite recent period in these three islands only, while there is no evidence of their ever having inhabited any other countries whatever, is itself almost demonstrative that mauritius, bourbon, and rodriguez are very ancient but truly oceanic islands. from what we know of the general similarity of miocene birds to living genera and families, it seems clear that the origin of so remarkable a type as the dodos must date back to early tertiary times. if we suppose some ancestral ground-feeding pigeon of large size to have reached the group by means of intervening islands afterwards submerged, and to have thenceforth remained to increase and multiply unchecked by the attacks of any more {437} powerful animals, we can well understand that the wings, being useless, would in time become almost aborted.[110] it is also not improbable that this process would be aided by natural selection, because the use of wings might be absolutely prejudicial to the birds in their new home. those that flew up into trees to roost, or tried to cross over the mouths of rivers, might be blown out to sea and destroyed, especially during the hurricanes which have probably always more or less devastated the islands; while on the other hand the more bulky and short-winged individuals, who took to sleeping on the ground in the forest, would be preserved from such dangers, and perhaps also from the attacks of birds of prey which may always have visited the islands. but whether or no this was the mode by which these singular birds acquired their actual form and structure, it is perfectly certain that their existence and development depended on complete isolation and on freedom from the attacks of enemies. we have no single example of such defenceless birds having ever existed on a continent at any geological period, whereas analogous though totally distinct forms do exist in new zealand, where enemies are equally wanting. on the other hand, every continent has always produced abundance of carnivora adapted to prey upon the herbivorous animals inhabiting it at the same period; and we may therefore be sure that {438} these islands have never formed part of a continent during any portion of the time when the dodos inhabited them. it is a remarkable thing that an ornithologist of dr. hartlaub's reputation, looking at the subject from a purely ornithological point of view, should yet entirely ignore the evidence of these wonderful and unique birds against his own theory, when he so confidently characterises lemuria as "that sunken land, which, containing parts of africa, must have extended far eastward over southern india and ceylon, and the highest points of which we recognise in the volcanic peaks of bourbon and mauritius, and in the central range of madagascar itself--the last resorts of the mostly extinct lemurine race which formerly peopled it."[111] it is here implied that lemurs formerly inhabited bourbon and mauritius, but of this there is not a particle of evidence, and we feel pretty sure that had they done so the dodos would never have been developed there. in madagascar there are no traces of dodos, while there are remains of extinct gigantic struthious birds of the genus æpyornis, which were no doubt as well able to protect themselves against the smaller carnivora as are the ostriches, emus, and cassowaries in their respective countries at the present day. the whole of the evidence at our command, therefore, tends to establish in a very complete manner the "oceanic" character of the three islands--mauritius, bourbon, and rodriguez, and that they have never formed part of "lemuria" or of any continent. _reptiles._--mauritius, like bourbon, has lizards, some of which are peculiar species; but no snakes, and no frogs or toads but such as have been introduced.[112] strange to say, however, a small islet called round island, only about a mile across, and situated about fourteen miles north-east of mauritius, possesses a snake which is not only unknown in mauritius, but also in any other part of the world, being {439} altogether confined to this minute islet! it belongs to the boa family, and forms a peculiar and very distinct genus, casaria, whose nearest allies seem to be the ungalia of cuba and bolyeria of australia. it is hardly possible to believe that this serpent has very long maintained itself on so small an island; and though we have no record of its existence on mauritius, it may very well have inhabited the lowland forests without being met with by the early settlers; and the introduction of swine, which soon ran wild and effected the final destruction of the dodo, may also have been fatal to this snake. it is, however, now almost certainly confined to the one small islet, and is probably the land-vertebrate of most restricted distribution on the globe. on the same island there is a small lizard, _scelotes bojeri_, recorded also from mauritius and bourbon, though it appears to be rare in both islands; but a gecko, _phelsuma guentheri_, is restricted to the island. as round island is connected with mauritius by a bank under a hundred fathoms below the surface, it has probably been once joined to it, and when first separated would have been both much larger and much nearer the main island, circumstances which would greatly facilitate the transmission of these reptiles to their present dwelling-place, where they have been able to maintain themselves owing to the complete absence of competition, while some of them have become extinct in the larger island. _flora of madagascar and the mascarene islands._--the botany of the great island of madagascar has been perhaps more thoroughly explored than that of the opposite coasts of africa, so that its peculiarities may not be really so great as they now appear to be. yet there can be no doubt of its extreme richness and grandeur, its remarkable speciality, and its anomalous external relations. it is characterised by a great abundance of forest-trees and shrubs of peculiar genera or species, and often adorned with magnificent flowers. some of these are allied to african forms, others to those of asia, and it is said that of the two affinities the latter preponderates. but there are also, as in the animal world, some decided south {440} american relations, while other groups point to australia, or are altogether isolated. no less than 3,740 flowering plants are now known from madagascar with 360 ferns and fern-allies. the most abundant natural orders are the following: species. leguminosæ 346 ferns 318 compositæ 281 euphorbiaceæ 228 orchideæ 170 cyperaceæ 160 rubiaceæ 147 acanthaceæ 131 gramineæ 130 the flora contains representatives of 144 natural orders and 970 genera, one of the former and 148 of the latter being peculiar to the island. the peculiar order, chælnaceæ, comprises seven genera and twenty-four species; while rubiaceæ and compositæ have the largest number of peculiar genera, followed by leguminosæ and melastomaceæ. nearly three-fourths of the species are endemic. beautiful flowers are not conspicuous in the flora of madagascar, though it contains several magnificent flowering plants. a shrub with the dreadful name _harpagophytum grandidieri_ has bunches of gorgeous red flowers; _tristellateia madagascariensis_ is a climbing plant with spikes of rich yellow flowers; while _poinciana regia_, a tall tree, _rhodolæna altivola_ and _astrapoea wallichii_, shrubs, are among the most magnificent flowering plants in the world. _disa buchenaviana_, _commelina madagascarica_, and _tachiadenus platypterus_ are fine blue-flowered plants, while the superb orchid _angræcum sesquipedale_, _vinca rosea_, _euphorbia splendens_, and _stephanotis floribunda_, have been long cultivated in our hot-houses. there are also many handsome combretaceæ, rubiaceæ, and leguminosæ; but, as in most tropical regions, this wealth of floral beauty has to be searched for, and produces little effect in the landscape. the affinities of the madagascar flora are to a great extent in accordance with those of the fauna. the tropical portion of the flora agrees closely with that of tropical africa, while the plants of the highlands are {441} equally allied to those of the cape and of the mountains of central africa. some asiatic types are present which do not occur in africa; and even the curious american affinities of some of the animals are reproduced in the vegetable kingdom. these last are so interesting that they deserve to be enumerated. an american genus of euphorbiaceæ, omphalea, has one species in madagascar, and pedilanthus, another genus of the same natural order, has a similar distribution. myrosma, an american genus of scitamineæ has one madagascar species; while the celebrated "travellers' tree," _ravenala madagascariensis_, belonging to the order musaceæ, has its nearest ally in a plant inhabiting n. brazil and guiana. echinolæna, a genus of grasses, has the same distribution.[113] of the flora of the smaller madagascarian islands we possess a fuller account, owing to the recent publication of mr. baker's _flora of the mauritius and the seychelles_, including also rodriguez. the total number of species in this flora is 1,058, more than half of which (536) are exclusively mascarene--that is, found only in some of the islands of the madagascar group, while nearly a third (304) are endemic or confined to single islands. of the widespread plants sixty-six are found in africa but not in asia, and eighty-six in asia but not in africa, showing a similar asiatic preponderance to what is said to occur in madagascar. with the genera, however, the proportions are different, for i find by going through the whole of the generic distributions as given by mr. baker, that out of the 440 genera of wild plants fifty are endemic, twenty-two are asiatic but not african, while twenty-eight are african but not asiatic. this implies that the more ancient connection has been on the side of africa, while a more recent immigration, shown by identity of species, has come from the side of asia; and it is already certain that when the flora of madagascar is more thoroughly worked out, a still greater african preponderance will be found in that island. {442} a few mascarene genera are found elsewhere only in south america, australia, or polynesia; and there are also a considerable number of genera whose metropolis is south america, but which are represented by one or more species in madagascar, and by a single often widely distributed species in africa. this fact throws light upon the problem offered by those mammals, reptiles, and insects of madagascar which now have their only allies in south america, since the two cases would be exactly parallel were the african plants to become extinct. plants, however, are undoubtedly more long-lived specifically than animals--especially the more highly organised groups, and are less liable to complete extinction through the attacks of enemies or through changes of climate or of physical geography; hence we find comparatively few cases in which groups of madagascar plants have their _only_ allies in such distant regions as america and australia, while such cases are numerous among animals, owing to the extinction of the allied forms in intervening areas, for which extinction, as we have already shown, ample cause can be assigned. _curious relations of mascarene plants._--among the curious affinities of mascarene plants we have culled the following from mr. baker's volume. trochetia, a genus of sterculiaceæ, has four species in mauritius, one in madagascar, and one in the remote island of st. helena. mathurina, a genus of turneraceæ, consisting of a single species peculiar to rodriguez, has its nearest ally in another monotypic genus, erblichia, confined to central america. siegesbeckia, one of the compositæ, consists of two species, one inhabiting the mascarene islands, the other peru. labourdonasia, a genus of sapotaceæ, has two species in mauritius, one in natal, and one in cuba. nesogenes, belonging to the verbena family, has one species in rodriguez and one in polynesia. mespilodaphne, an extensive genus of lauraceæ, has six species in the mascarene islands, and all the rest (about fifty species) in south america. nepenthes, the well-known pitcher plants, are found chiefly in the malay islands, south china, and ceylon, with species in the seychelles islands, {443} and in madagascar. milla, a large genus of liliaceæ, is exclusively american, except one species found in mauritius and bourbon. agauria, a genus of ericaceæ, is found in madagascar, the mascarene islands, the plateau of central africa, and the camaroon mountains in west africa. an acacia, found in mauritius and bourbon (_a. heterophylla_), can hardly be separated specifically from _acacia koa_ of the sandwich islands. the genus pandanus, or screw-pine, has sixteen species in the three islands--mauritius, rodriguez, and the seychelles--all being peculiar, and none ranging beyond a single island. of palms there are fifteen species belonging to ten genera, and all these genera are peculiar to the islands. we have here ample evidence that plants exhibit the same anomalies of distribution in these islands as do the animals, though in a smaller proportion; while they also exhibit some of the transitional stages by which these anomalies have, in all probability, been brought about, rendering quite unnecessary any other changes in the distribution of sea and land than physical and geological evidence warrants.[114] {444} _fragmentary character of the mascarene flora._--although the peculiar character and affinities of the vegetation of these islands is sufficiently apparent, there can be little doubt that we only possess a fragment of the rich flora which once adorned them. the cultivation of sugar, and other tropical products, has led to the clearing away of the virgin forests from all the lowlands, plateaus, and accessible slopes of the mountains, so that remains of the aboriginal woodlands only linger in the recesses of the hills, and numbers of forest-haunting plants must inevitably have been exterminated. the result is, that nearly three hundred species of foreign plants have run wild in mauritius, and have in their turn helped to extinguish the native {445} species. in the seychelles, too, the indigenous flora has been almost entirely destroyed in most of the islands, although the peculiar palms, from their longevity and comparative hardiness, have survived. mr. geoffrey nevill tells us, that at mahé, and most of the other islands visited by him, it was only in a few spots near the summits of the hills that he could perceive any remains of the ancient flora. pine-apples, cinnamon, bamboos, and other plants have obtained a firm footing, covering large tracts of country and killing the more delicate native flowers and ferns. the pine-apple, especially, grows almost to the tops of the mountains. where the timber and shrubs have been destroyed, the water falling on the surface immediately cuts channels, runs off rapidly, and causes the land to become dry and arid; and the same effect is largely seen both in mauritius and bourbon, where, originally, dense forest covered the entire surface, and perennial moisture, with its ever-accompanying luxuriance of vegetation, prevailed. _flora of madagascar allied to that of south africa._--in my _geographical distribution of animals_ i have remarked on the relation between the insects of madagascar and those of south temperate africa, and have speculated on a great _southern_ extension of the continent at the time when madagascar was united with it. as supporting this view i now quote mr. bentham's remarks on the compositæ. he says: "the connections of the mascarene endemic compositæ, especially those of madagascar itself, are eminently with the southern and sub-tropical african races; the more tropical races, plucheineæ, &c., may be rather more of an asiatic type." he further says that the composite flora is almost as strictly endemic as that of the sandwich islands, and that it is much diversified, with evidences of great antiquity, while it shows insular characteristics in the tendency to tall shrubby or arborescent forms in several of the endemic or prevailing genera. _preponderance of ferns in the mascarene flora._--a striking character of the flora of these smaller mascarene islands is the great preponderance of ferns, and next to them of orchideæ. the following figures are taken from {446} mr. baker's _flora_ for mauritius and the seychelles, and from an estimate by m. frappier of the flora of bourbon given in maillard's volume already quoted:- _mauritius, &c._ _bourbon._ ferns 168 ferns 240 orchideæ 79 orchideæ 120 gramineæ 69 gramineæ 60 cyperaceæ 62 compositæ 60 rubiaceæ 57 leguminosæ 36 euphorbiaceæ 45 rubiaceæ 24 compositæ 43 cyperaceæ 24 leguminosæ 41 euphorbiaceæ 18 the cause of the great preponderance of ferns in oceanic islands has already been discussed in my book on _tropical nature_; and we have seen that mauritius, bourbon, and rodriguez must be classed as such, though from their proximity to madagascar they have to be considered as satellites to that great island. the abundance of orchids, the reverse of what occurs in remoter oceanic islands, may be in part due to analogous causes. their usually minute and abundant seeds would be as easily carried by the wind as the spores of ferns, and their frequent epiphytic habit affords them an endless variety of stations on which to vegetate, and at the same time removes them in a great measure from the competition of other plants. when, therefore, the climate is sufficiently moist and equable, and there is a luxuriant forest vegetation, we may expect to find orchids plentiful on such tropical islands as possess an abundance of insects adapted to fertilise them, and which are not too far removed from other lands or continents from which their seeds might be conveyed. _concluding remarks on madagascar and the mascarene islands._--there is probably no portion of the globe that contains within itself so many and such varied features of interest connected with geographical distribution, or which so well illustrates the mode of solving the problems it presents, as the comparatively small insular region which comprises the great island of madagascar and the smaller islands and island-groups which immediately surround it. in madagascar we have a continental island of the first rank, and undoubtedly of immense antiquity; we have detached fragments of this island in the comoros and {447} aldabra; in the seychelles we have the fragments of another very ancient island, which may perhaps never have been continental; in mauritius, bourbon, and rodriguez we have three undoubtedly oceanic islands; while in the extensive banks and coral reefs of cargados, saya de malha, the chagos, and the maldive isles, we have indications of the submergence of many large islands which may have aided in the transmission of organisms from the indian peninsula. but between and around all these islands we have depths of 2,500 fathoms and upwards, which renders it very improbable that there has ever been here a continuous land surface, at all events during the tertiary or secondary periods of geology. it is most interesting and satisfactory to find that this conclusion, arrived at solely by a study of the form of the sea-bottom and the general principle of oceanic permanence, is fully supported by the evidence of the organic productions of the several islands; because it gives us confidence in those principles, and helps to supply us with a practical demonstration of them. we find that the entire group contains just that amount of indian forms which could well have passed from island to island; that many of these forms are slightly modified species, indicating that the migration occurred during late tertiary times, while others are distinct genera, indicating a more ancient connection; but in no one case do we find animals which necessitate an actual land-connection, while the numerous indian types of mammalia, reptiles, birds, and insects, which must certainly have passed over had there been such an actual land-connection, are totally wanting. the one fact which has been supposed to require such a connection--the distribution of the lemurs--can be far more naturally explained by a general dispersion of the group from europe, where we know it existed in eocene times; and such an explanation applies equally to the affinity of the insectivora of madagascar and cuba; the snakes (herpetodryas, &c.) of madagascar and america; and the lizards (cryptoblepharus) of mauritius and australia. to suppose, in all these cases, and in many others, a direct land-connection, is really absurd, because {448} we have the evidence afforded by geology of wide differences of distribution directly we pass beyond the most recent deposits; and when we go back to mesozoic--and still more to palæozoic--times, the majority of the groups of animals and plants appear to have had a world-wide range. a large number of our european miocene genera of vertebrates were also indian or african, or even american; the south american tertiary fauna contained many european types; while many mesozoic reptiles and mollusca ranged from europe and north america to australia and new zealand. by very good evidence (the occurrence of wide areas of marine deposits of eocene age), geologists have established the fact that africa was cut off from europe and asia by an arm of the sea in early tertiary times, forming a large island-continent. by the evidence of abundant organic remains we know that all the types of large mammalia now found in africa (but which are absent from madagascar) inhabited europe and asia, and many of them also north america, in the miocene period. at a still earlier epoch africa may have received its lower types of mammals--lemurs, insectivora, and small carnivora, together with its ancestral struthious birds, and its reptiles and insects of american or australian affinity; and at this period it was joined to madagascar. before the later continental period of africa, madagascar had become an island; and thus, when the large mammalia from the northern continent overran africa, they were prevented from reaching madagascar, which thenceforth was enabled to develop its singular forms of low-type mammalia, its gigantic ostrich-like æpyornis, its isolated birds, its remarkable insects, and its rich and peculiar flora. from it the adjacent islands received such organisms as could cross the sea; while they transmitted to madagascar some of the indian birds and insects which had reached them. the method we have followed in these investigations is to accept the results of geological and palæontological science, and the ascertained facts as to the powers of dispersal of the various animal groups; to take full account of the laws of evolution as affecting distribution, {449} and of the various ocean depths as implying recent or remote union of islands with their adjacent continents; and the result is, that wherever we possess a sufficient knowledge of these various classes of evidence, we find it possible to give a connected and intelligible explanation of all the most striking peculiarities of the organic world. in madagascar we have undoubtedly one of the most difficult of these problems; but we have, i think, fairly met and conquered most of its difficulties. the complexity of the organic relations of this island is due, partly to its having derived its animal forms from two distinct sources--from one continent through a direct land-connection, and from another by means of intervening islands now submerged; but, mainly to the fact of its having been separated from a continent which is now, zoologically, in a very different condition from that which prevailed at the time of the separation; and to its having been thus able to preserve a number of types which may date back to the eocene, or even to the cretaceous, period. some of these types have become altogether extinct elsewhere; others have spread far and wide over the globe, and have survived only in a few remote countries--and especially in those which have been more or less secured by their isolated position from the incursions of the more highly-developed forms of later times. this explains why it is that the nearest allies of the madagascar fauna and flora are now so often to be found in south america or australia--countries in which low forms of mammalia and birds still largely prevail;--it being on account of the long-continued isolation of all these countries that similar forms (descendants of ancient types) are preserved in them. had the numerous suggested continental extensions connecting these remote continents at various geological periods been realities, the result would have been that all these interesting archaic forms, all these defenceless insular types, would long ago have been exterminated, and one comparatively monotonous fauna have reigned over the whole earth. so far from explaining the anomalous facts, the alleged continental extensions, had they existed, would have left no such facts to be explained. * * * * * {450} chapter xx anomalous islands: celebes anomalous relations of celebes--physical features of the island--zoological character of the islands around celebes--the malayan and australian banks--zoology of celebes: mammalia--probable derivation of the mammals of celebes--birds of celebes--bird-types peculiar to celebes--celebes not strictly a continental island--peculiarities of the insects of celebes--himalayan types of birds and butterflies in celebes--peculiarities of shape and colour of celebesian butterflies--concluding remarks--appendix on the birds of celebes. the only other islands of the globe which can be classed as "ancient continental" are the larger antilles (cuba, haiti, jamaica, and porto rico), iceland, and perhaps celebes. the antilles have been so fully discussed and illustrated in my former work, and there is so little fresh information about them, that i do not propose to treat of them here, especially as they fall short of madagascar in all points of biological interest, and offer no problems of a different character from such as have already been sufficiently explained. iceland, also, must apparently be classed as belonging to the "ancient continental islands," for though usually described as wholly volcanic, it is, more probably, an island of varied geological structure buried under the lavas of its numerous volcanoes. but of late years extensive tertiary deposits of miocene age have been discovered, showing that it is not a mere congeries of {451} volcanoes; it is connected with the british islands and with greenland by seas less than 500 fathoms deep; and it possesses a few mammalia, one of which is peculiar, and at least three peculiar species of birds. it was therefore almost certainly united with greenland, and probably with europe by way of britain, in the early part of the tertiary period, and thus afforded one of the routes by which that intermigration of american and european animals and plants was effected which we know occurred during some portion of the eocene and miocene periods, and probably also in the pliocene. the fauna and flora of this island are, however, so poor, and offer so few peculiarities, that it is unnecessary to devote more time to their consideration. there remains the great malay island--celebes, which, owing to its possession of several large and very peculiar mammalia, must be classed, zoologically, as "ancient continental"; but whose central position and relations both to asia and to australia render it very difficult to decide in which of the primary zoological regions it ought to be placed, or whether it has ever been united with either of the great continents. although i have pretty fully discussed its zoological peculiarities and past history in my _geographical distribution of animals_, it seems advisable to review the facts on the present occasion, more especially as the systematic investigation of the characteristics of continental islands we have now made will place us in a better position for determining its true zoo-geographical relations. _physical features of celebes._--this large and still comparatively unexplored island is interesting to the geographer on account of its remarkable outline, but much more so to the zoologist for its curious assemblage of animal forms. the geological structure of celebes is almost unknown. the extremity of the northern peninsula is volcanic; while in the southern peninsula there are extensive deposits of a crystalline limestone, in some places overlying basalt. gold is found in the northern peninsula and in the central mass, as well as iron, tin, and copper in small quantities; so that there can be little {452} doubt that the mountain ranges of the interior consist of ancient stratified rocks. [illustration: map of celebes and the surrounding islands. the depth of sea is shown by three tints: the lightest indicating less than 100 fathoms, the medium tint less than 1,000 fathoms, and the dark tint more than 1,000 fathoms. the figures show depths in fathoms.] it is not yet known whether celebes is completely separated from the surrounding islands by a deep sea, but {453} the facts at our command render it probable that it is so. the northern and eastern portions of the celebes sea have been ascertained to be from 2,000 to 2,600 fathoms deep, and such depths may extend over a considerable portion of it, or even be much exceeded in the centre. in the molucca passage a single sounding on the gilolo side gave 1,200 fathoms, and a large part of the molucca and banda seas probably exceed 2,000 fathoms. the southern portion of the straits of macassar is full of coral reefs, and a shallow sea of less than 100 fathoms extends from borneo to within about forty miles of the western promontory of celebes; but farther north there is deep water close to the shore, and it seems probable that a deep channel extends quite through the straits, which have no doubt been much shallowed by the deposits from the great bornean rivers as well as by those of celebes itself. southward again, the chain of volcanic islands from bali to timor appears to rise out of a deep ocean, the few soundings we possess showing depths of from 670 to 1,300 fathoms almost close to their northern shores. we seem justified, therefore, in concluding that celebes is entirely surrounded by a deep sea, which has, however, become partially filled up by river deposits, by volcanic upheaval, or by coral reefs. such shallows, where they exist, may therefore be due to antiquity and isolation, instead of being indications of a former union with any of the surrounding islands. _zoological character of the islands around celebes._--in order to have a clear conception of the peculiar character of the celebesian fauna, we must take into account that of the surrounding countries from which we may suppose it to have received immigrants. these we may divide broadly into two groups, those on the west belonging to the oriental region of our zoological geography, and those on the east belonging to the australian region. of the first group borneo is a typical representative; and from its proximity and the extent of its opposing coasts it is the island which we should expect to show most resemblance to celebes. we have already seen that the fauna of borneo is essentially the same as that of southern asia, and that it is excessively rich in all the malayan types of {454} mammalia and birds. java and bali closely resemble borneo in general character, though somewhat less rich and with several peculiar forms; while the philippine islands, though very much poorer, and with a greater amount of speciality, yet exhibit essentially the same character. these islands, taken as a whole, may be described as having a fauna almost identical with that of southern asia; for no family of mammalia is found in the one which is absent from the other, and the same may be said, with very few and unimportant exceptions, of the birds; while hundreds of genera and of species are common to both. in the islands east and south of celebes--the moluccas, new guinea, and the timor group from lombok eastward--we find, on the other hand, the most wonderful contrast in the forms of life. of twenty-seven families of terrestrial mammals found in the great malay islands, all have disappeared but four, and of these it is doubtful whether two have not been introduced by man. we also find here four families of marsupials, all totally unknown in the western islands. even birds, though usually more widely spread, show a corresponding difference, about eleven malayan families being quite unknown east of celebes, where six new families make their appearance which are equally unknown to the westward.[115] we have here a radical difference between two sets of islands not very far removed from each other, the one set belonging zoologically to asia, the other to australia. the asiatic or malayan group is found to be bounded strictly by the eastward limits of the great bank (for the most part less than fifty fathoms below the surface) which {455} stretches out from the siamese and malayan peninsula as far as java, sumatra, borneo, and the philippines. to the east another bank unites new guinea and the papuan islands as far as aru, mysol, and waigiou, with australia; while the moluccas and timor groups are surrounded by much deeper water, which forms, in the banda and celebes seas and perhaps in other parts of this area, great basins of enormous depths (2,000 to 3,000 fathoms or even more) enclosed by tracts under a thousand fathoms, which separate the basins from each other and from the adjacent pacific and indian oceans (see map). this peculiar formation of the sea-bottom probably indicates that this area has been the seat of great local upheavals and subsidences; and it is quite in accordance with this view that we find the moluccas, while closely agreeing with new guinea in their forms of life, yet strikingly deficient in many important groups, and exhibiting an altogether poverty-stricken appearance as regards the higher animals. it is a suggestive fact that the philippine islands bear an exactly parallel relation to borneo, being equally deficient in many of the higher groups; and here too, in the sooloo sea, we find a similar enclosed basin of great depth. hence we may in both cases connect, on the one hand, the extensive area of land-surface and of adjacent shallow sea with a long period of stability and a consequent rich development of the forms of life; and, on the other hand, a highly broken land-surface with the adjacent seas of great but very unequal depths, with a period of disturbance, probably involving extensive submersions of the land, resulting in a scanty and fragmentary vertebrate fauna. _zoology of celebes._--the zoology of celebes differs so remarkably from that of both the great divisions of the archipelago above indicated, that it is very difficult to decide in which to place it. it possesses only about sixteen species of terrestrial mammalia, so that it is at once distinguished from borneo and java by its extreme poverty in this class. of this small number four belong to the moluccan and australian fauna--there being two marsupials of the genus cuscus, and two forest rats said to be allied to australian types. {456} the remaining twelve species are, generally speaking, of malayan or asiatic types, but some of them are so peculiar that they have no near allies in any part of the world; while the rest are of the ordinary malay type or even identical with malayan species, and some of these may be recent introductions through human agency. these twelve species of asiatic type will be now enumerated. they consist of five peculiar squirrels--a group unknown farther east; a peculiar species of wild pig; a deer so closely allied to the _cervus hippelaphus_ of borneo that it may well have been introduced by man both here and in the moluccas; a civet, _viverra tangalunga_, common in all the malay islands, and also perhaps introduced; the curious malayan tarsier (_tarsius spectrum_) said to be only found in a small island off the coast;--and besides these, three remarkable animals, all of large size and all quite unlike anything found in the malay islands or even in asia. these are a black and almost tailless baboon-like ape (_cynopithecus nigrescens_); an antelopean buffalo (_anoa depressicornis_), and the strange babirusa (_babirusa alfurus_). none of these three animals last mentioned has any close allies elsewhere, and their presence in celebes may be considered the crucial fact which must give us the clue to the past history of the island. let us then see what they teach us. the ape is apparently somewhat intermediate between the great baboons of africa and the short-tailed macaques of asia, but its cranium shows a nearer approach to the former group, in its flat projecting muzzle, large superciliary crests, and maxillary ridges. the anoa, though anatomically allied to the buffaloes, externally more resembles the bovine antelopes of africa; while the babirusa is altogether unlike any other living member of the swine family, the canines of the upper jaws growing directly upwards like horns, forming a spiral curve over the eyes, instead of downwards, as in all other mammalia. an approach to this peculiarity is made by the african wart-hogs, in which the upper tusk grows out laterally and then curves up; but these animals are not otherwise closely allied to the babirusa. {457} _probable derivation of the mammals of celebes._--it is clear that we have here a group of extremely peculiar, and, in all probability, very ancient forms, which have been preserved to us by isolation in celebes, just as the monotremes and marsupials have been preserved in australia, and so many of the lemurs and insectivora in madagascar. and this compels us to look upon the existing island as a fragment of some ancient land, once perhaps forming part of the great northern continent, but separated from it far earlier than borneo, sumatra, and java. the exceeding scantiness of the mammalian fauna, however, remains to be accounted for. we have seen that formosa, a much smaller island, contains more than twice as many species; and we may be sure that at the time when such animals as apes and buffaloes existed, the asiatic continent swarmed with varied forms of mammals to quite as great an extent as borneo does now. if the portion of separated land had been anything like as large as celebes now is, it would certainly have preserved a far more abundant and varied fauna. to explain the facts we have the choice of two theories:--either that the original island has since its separation been greatly reduced by submersion, so as to lead to the extinction of most of the higher land animals; or, that it originally formed part of an independent land stretching eastward, and was only united with the asiatic continent for a short period, or perhaps even never united at all, but so connected by intervening islands separated by narrow straits that a few mammals might find their way across. the latter supposition appears best to explain the facts. the three animals in question are such as might readily pass over narrow straits from island to island; and we are thus better enabled to understand the complete absence of the arboreal monkeys, of the insectivora, and of the very numerous and varied carnivora and rodents of borneo, all of which except the squirrels are entirely unrepresented in celebes by any peculiar and ancient forms. the question at issue can only be finally determined by geological investigations. if celebes has once formed part of asia, and participated in its rich mammalian fauna, which has been since destroyed by submergence, then some {458} remains of this fauna must certainly be preserved in caves or late tertiary deposits, and proofs of the submergence itself will be found when sought for. if, on the other hand, the existing animals fairly represent those which have ever reached the island, then no such remains will be discovered, and there need be no evidence of any great and extensive subsidence in late tertiary times. _birds of celebes._--having thus clearly placed before us the problem presented by the mammalian fauna of celebes, we may proceed to see what additional evidence is afforded by the birds and any other groups of which we have sufficient information. about 164 species of true land-birds are now known to inhabit the island of celebes itself. considerably more than half of these (ninety-four species) are peculiar to it; twenty-nine are found also in borneo and the other malay islands, to which they specially belong; while sixteen are common to the moluccas or other islands of the australian region; the remainder being species of wide range and not characteristic of either division of the archipelago. we have here a large preponderance of western over eastern species of birds inhabiting celebes, though not to quite so great an extent as in the mammalia; and the inference to be drawn from this fact is, simply, that more birds have migrated from borneo than from the moluccas--which is exactly what we might expect both from the greater extent of the coast of borneo opposite that of celebes, and also from the much greater richness in species of the bornean than the moluccan bird-fauna. it is, however, to the relations of the peculiar species of celebesian birds that we must turn, in order to ascertain the origin of the fauna in past times; and we must look to the source of the generic types which they represent to give us this information. the ninety-four peculiar species above noted belong to about sixty-six genera, of which about twenty-three are common to the whole archipelago, and have therefore little significance. of the remainder, twelve are altogether peculiar to celebes; twenty-one are malayan, but not moluccan or australian; while ten are moluccan or australian, but not malayan. this {459} proportion does not differ much from that afforded by the non-peculiar species; and it teaches us that, for a considerable period, celebes has been receiving immigrants from all sides, many of which have had time to become modified into distinct representative species. these evidently belong to the period during which borneo on the one side, and the moluccas on the other, have occupied very much the same relative position as now. there remain the twelve peculiar celebesian genera, to which we must look for some further clue as to the origin of the older portion of the fauna; and as these are especially interesting we must examine them somewhat closely. _bird-types peculiar to celebes._--first we have artamides, one of the campephaginæ or caterpillar-shrikes--a not very well-marked genus, and which may have been derived, either from the malayan or the moluccan side of the archipelago. two peculiar genera of kingfishers--monachalcyon and cittura--seem allied, the former to the widespread todiramphus and to the caridonax of lombok, the latter to the australian melidora. another kingfisher, ceycopsis, combines the characters of the malayan ceyx and the african ispidina, and thus forms an example of an ancient generalised form analogous to what occurs among the mammalia. streptocitta is a peculiar form allied to the magpies; while basilornis (found also in ceram), enodes, and scissirostrum, are very peculiar starlings, the latter altogether unlike any other bird, and perhaps forming a distinct sub-family. meropogon is a peculiar bee-eater, allied to the malayan nyctiornis; rhamphococyx is a modification of phænicophaes, a malayan genus of cuckoos; prioniturus (found also in the philippines) is a genus of parrots distinguished by raquet-formed tail feathers, altogether unique in the order; while megacephalon is a remarkable and very isolated form of the australian megapodiidæ, or mound-builders. omitting those whose affinity may be pretty clearly traced to groups still inhabiting the islands of the western or the eastern half of the archipelago, we find four birds which have no near allies at all, but appear to be either ancestral forms, or extreme modifications, of asiatic or {460} african birds--basilornis, enodes, scissirostrum, ceycopsis. these may fairly be associated with the baboon-ape, anoa, and babirusa, as indicating extreme antiquity and some communication with the asiatic continent at a period when the forms of life and their geographical distribution differed considerably from what they are at the present time. but here again we meet with exactly the same difficulty as in the mammalia, in the comparative poverty of the types of birds now inhabiting celebes. although the preponderance of affinity, especially in the case of its more ancient and peculiar forms, is undoubtedly with asia rather than with australia; yet, still more decidedly than in the case of the mammalia, are we forbidden to suppose that it ever formed a part of the old asiatic continent, on account of the _total_ absence of so many important and extensive groups of asiatic birds. it is not single species or even genera, but whole families that are thus absent, and among them families which are pre-eminently characteristic of all tropical asia. such are the timaliidæ, or babblers, of which there are twelve genera in borneo, and nearly thirty genera in the oriental region, but of which one species only, hardly distinguishable from a malayan form, inhabits celebes; the phyllornithidæ, or green bulbuls, and the pycnonotidæ, or bulbuls, both absolutely ubiquitous in tropical asia and malaya, but unknown in celebes; the eurylæmidæ, or gapers, found everywhere in the great malay islands; the megalæmidæ, or barbets; the trogonidæ, or trogons; and the phasianidæ, or pheasants, all pre-eminently asiatic and malayan but all absent from celebes, with the exception of the common jungle-fowl, which, owing to the passion of malays for cock-fighting, may have been introduced. to these important _families_ may be added asiatic and malayan _genera_ by the score; but, confining ourselves to these seven ubiquitous families, we must ask,--is it possible, that, at the period when the ancestors of the peculiar celebes mammals entered the island, and when the forms of life, though distinct, could not have been quite unlike those now living, it could have actually formed a part of the continent without {461} possessing representatives of the greater part of these extensive and important families of birds? to get rid altogether of such varied and dominant types of bird-life by any subsequent process of submersion is more difficult than to exterminate mammalia; and we are therefore again driven to our former conclusion--that the present land of celebes has never (in tertiary times) been united to the asiatic continent, but has received its population of asiatic forms by migration across narrow straits and intervening islands. taking into consideration the amount of affinity on the one hand, and the isolation on the other, of the celebesian fauna, we may probably place the period of this earlier migration in the early part of the latter half of the tertiary period, that is, in middle or late miocene times. _celebes not strictly a continental island._--a study of the mammalian and of the bird-fauna of celebes thus leads us in both cases to the same conclusion, and forbids us to rank it as a strictly continental island on the asiatic side. but facts of a very similar character are equally opposed to the idea of a former land-connection with australia or new guinea, or even with the moluccas. the numerous marsupials of those countries are all wanting in celebes, except the phalangers of the genus cuscus, and these arboreal creatures are very liable to be carried across narrow seas on trees uprooted by earthquakes or floods. the terrestrial cassowaries are equally absent; and thus we can account for the presence of all the moluccan or australian types actually found in celebes without supposing any land-connection on this side during the tertiary period. the presence of the celebes ape in the island of batchian, and of the babirusa in bouru, can be sufficiently explained by a somewhat closer approximation of the respective lands, or by a few intervening islands which have since disappeared, or it may even be due to human agency. if the explanation now given of the peculiar features presented by the fauna of celebes be the correct one, we are fully justified in classing it as an "anomalous island," since it possesses a small but very remarkable mammalian fauna, without ever having been directly united with any {462} continent or extensive land; and, both by what it has and what it wants, occupies such an exactly intermediate position between the oriental and australian regions that it will perhaps ever remain a mere matter of opinion with which it should properly be associated. forming, as it does, the western limit of such typical australian groups as the marsupials among mammalia, and the trichoglossidæ and meliphagidæ among birds, and being so strikingly deficient in all the more characteristic oriental families and genera of both classes, i have always placed it in the australian region; but it may perhaps with equal propriety be left out of both till a further knowledge of its geology enables us to determine its early history with more precision. _peculiarities of the insects of celebes._--the only other class of animals in celebes, of which we have a tolerable knowledge, is that of insects, among which we meet with peculiarities of a very remarkable kind, and such as are found in no other island on the globe. having already given a full account of some of these peculiarities in a paper read before the linnean society--republished in my _contributions to the theory of natural selection_,--while others have been discussed in my _geographical distribution of animals_ (vol. i. p. 434)--i will only here briefly refer to them in order to see whether they accord with, or receive any explanation from, the somewhat novel view of the past history of the island here advanced. the general distribution of the two best known groups of insects--the butterflies and the beetles--agrees very closely with that of the birds and mammalia, inasmuch as celebes forms the eastern limit of a number of asiatic and malayan genera, and at the same time the western limit of several moluccan and australian genera, the former perhaps preponderating as in the higher animals. _himalayan types of birds and butterflies in celebes._--a curious fact of distribution exhibited both among butterflies and birds, is the occurrence in celebes of species and genera unknown to the adjacent islands, but only found again when we reach the himalayan mountains or the indian peninsula. among birds we have a small yellow {463} flycatcher (_myialestes helianthea_), a flower-pecker (_pachyglossa aureolimbata_), a finch (_munia brunneiceps_), and a roller (_coracias temminckii_), all closely allied to indian (not malayan) species,--all the genera, except munia, being, in fact, unknown in any malay island. an exactly parallel case is that of a butterfly of the genus dichorrhagia, which has a very close ally in the himalayas, but nothing like it in any intervening country. these facts call to mind the similar case of formosa, where some of its birds and mammals occurred again, under identical or closely allied forms, in the himalayas; and in both instances they can only be explained by going back to a period when the distribution of these forms was very different from what it is now. _peculiarities of shape and colour in celebesian butterflies._--even more remarkable are the peculiarities of shape and colour in a number of celebesian butterflies of different genera. these are found to vary all in the same manner, indicating some general cause of variation able to act upon totally distinct groups, and produce upon them all a common result. nearly thirty species of butterflies, belonging to three different families, have a common modification in the shape of their wings, by which they can be distinguished at a glance from their allies in any other island or country whatever; and all these are larger than the representative forms inhabiting most of the adjacent islands.[116] no such remarkable local modification as this is known to occur in any other part of the globe; and whatever may have been its cause, that cause must certainly have been long in action, and have been confined to a limited area. we have here, therefore, another argument in favour of the long-continued isolation of celebes from all the surrounding islands and continents--a hypothesis which we have seen to afford the best, if not the only, explanation of its peculiar vertebrate fauna. _concluding remarks._--if the view here given of the origin of the remarkable celebesian fauna is correct, we have in this island a fragment of the great eastern {464} continent which has preserved to us, perhaps from miocene times, some remnants of its ancient animal forms. there is no other example on the globe of an island so closely surrounded by other islands on every side, yet preserving such a marked individuality in its forms of life; while, as regards the special features which characterise its insects, it is, so far as yet known, absolutely unique. unfortunately very little is known of the botany of celebes, but it seems probable that its plants will to some extent partake of the speciality which so markedly distinguishes its animals; and there is here a rich field for any botanist who is able to penetrate to the forest-clad mountains of its interior. {465} appendix to chapter xx the following list of the land birds of celebes and the adjacent islands which partake of its zoological peculiarities, in which are incorporated all the species discovered up to 1890, has been drawn up from the following sources:- 1. a list of the birds known to inhabit the island of celebes, by arthur, viscount walden, f.r.s. (trans. zool. soc. 1872. vol. viii. pt. ii.) 2. intorno al genere hermotimia. (rchb.) nota di tommaso salvadori. (atti della reale accademia delle scienze di torino. vol x. 1874.) 3. intorno a due collezioni di ucelli di celebes--note di tommaso salvadori. (annali del mus. civ. di st. nat. di genova. vol. vii. 1875.) 4. beiträge zur ornithologie von celebes und sangir. von dr. friedrich brüggemann. bremen, 1876. 5. intorno a due piccole collezioni di ucelli di isole sanghir e di tifore. nota di tommaso salvadori. (annali del mus. civ. di st. nat. di genova. vol. ix. 1876-77.) 6. intorno alle specie di nettarinie delle molucche e del gruppo di celebes. note di tommaso salvadori. (atti della reale accad. delle scienze di torino. vol. xii. 1877.) 7. descrizione di tre nuove specie di ucelli, e note intorno ad altre poco conosciute delle isole sanghir. per tommaso salvadori. (l. c. vol. xiii. 1878.) 8. field notes on the birds of celebes. by a. b. meyer, m.d., &c. (ibis, 1879.) 9. on the collection of birds made by dr. meyer during his expedition to new guinea and some neighbouring islands. by r. boulder sharpe. (mitth. d. kgl. zool. mus. dresden, 1878. heft 3.) new species from the sula and sanghir islands are described. 10. list of birds from the sula islands (east of celebes) with descriptions of the new species. by alfred russel wallace, f.z.s. (_proc. zool. soc._ 1862, p. 333.) 11. the zoological record, and "the ibis" to 1890. {466} list of land birds of celebes _n.b.--the species marked with an * are not included in viscount walden's list. for these only, an authority is usually given._ --------------------------------+-------+-------+-------+------------ |celebes| sula |sanghir| range and | | is. | is. | remarks --------------------------------+-------+-------+-------+------------ turdidæ. | | | | 1. geocichla erythronota | x | | | 2. monticola solitaria | x | | x |phil., china, | | | | japan | | | | sylviidæ. | | | | 3. cisticola cursitans | x | | |assam 4 ,, grayi | x | | | 5. acrocephalus orientalis | x | | |china, japan *6. ,, insularis | - | - | x |moluccas | | |(salv.)| 7. pratincola caprata | x | | |asia, java, | | | | timor *8. gerygone flaveola (cab.) | x | | |(near g. |(meyer)| | |_sulphurea_, | | | |timor) | | | | timaliidæ. | | | | 9. trichostoma celebense | x | | | | | | | pycnonotidæ. | | | | *10. criniger longirostris | | | | (wall.) | | x | |oriental | | | | genus (near | | | | bouru sp.) 11. ,, aureus (wald.) | x | | | | | | | oriolidæ. | | | | 12. oriolus celebensis | x | | |(var of o. | | | | _coronatus_, | | | | java) 13. ,, formosus (cab.) | - | - | x |(var. of | | |(brugg.) philipp. | | | | sp.) 14. ,, frontalis (wall.) | - | x | | | | | | campephagidæ. | | | | 15. graucalus atriceps | x | | |ceram, flores 16. ,, leucopygius | x | | | 17. ,, temminckii | x | x | | 18. campephaga morio | x | | | *19. ,, melanotis | - | x | |moluccas *20. ,, salvadorii | |(wall.)| | (sharpe) | - | - | x | 21. lalage leucopygialis | x | | | *22. ,, dominica | x | - | - |java |(meyer)| | | 23. artamides bicolor | x | | | *24. ,, schistaceus | | | | (sharpe) | - | x | | | | | | dicruridæ. | | | | 25. dicrurus leucops | x | | | *26. ,, axillaris (salv.) | - | - | x | *27. ,, pectoralis (wall.) | | x | | {467} | | | | muscicapidæ. | | | | 28. cyornis rufigula | x | | | 29. ,, banyumas | x | | |java and borneo 30. myialestes helianthea | x | | |(indian ally) 31. hypothymis puella | x | x | | 32. ,, menadensis? | x | | | *33. monarcha commutata | | | | (brugg.) | x | | | *34. ,, cinerascens | - | x | |moluccas | |(wall.)| | pachycephalidæ. | | | | 35. hylocharis sulfuriventra | x | | | *36. pachycephala lineolata | | | | (wall.) | - | x | - |bouru *37. pachycephala rufescens | | | | (wall.) | - | x | - |bouru *38. pachycephala clio (wall.) | - | x | - |bouru | | | | laniidæ. | | | | *39. lanius magnirostris (meyer)| x | - | - |java | | | | corvidæ. | | | | 40. corvus enca | x | x var.| |java *41. ,, annectens (brugg.) | x | | | 42. ,,(gazzola) typica | x | | | 43. streptocitta caledonica | x | | | 44. ,, torquata | x | | | *45(charitornis) albertiæ(schl.)| - | x | | | | | | meliphagidæ. | | | | 46. myzomela chloroptera | x | | |(nearest _m. | | | |sanguinolenta_ | | | |of australia) nectariniidæ. | | | | 47. anthreptes celebensis | | | | (shelley) | x | x | x |siam, malaya 48. chalcostethia porphyolæma | x | | | *49. ,, auriceps | - | x | - |ternate | |(wall.)| | *50. ,, sangirensis | - | - | x | (meyer) | | | | 51. cyrtostomus frenatus | x | x | - |moluccas and n. | | | | guinea 52. nectarophila grayi | x | | | 53. æthopyga flavostriata | x | | |(an oriental | | | | genus) *54. ,, beccarii (salv.) | x | | | *55. ,, duyvenbodei (schl.)| - | - | x | | | | | dicæidæ. | | | | 56. zosterops intermedia | x | | |lombock 57. ,, atrifrons | x | | | 58. dicæum celebicum | x | x | | *59. ,, sanghirense (salv.) | - | - | x | *60. ,, nehrkorni (blas.) | x | | | 61. pachyglossa aureolimbata | x | - | x | | | | | hirundinidæ. | | | | 62. hirundo gutturalis | x | | x |indian region 63. ,, javanica | x | x | |indo-malaya | | | | ploceidæ. | | | | 64. munia oryzivora | x | | |java 65. ,, nisoria | x | | |java 66. ,, molucca | x | | |moluccas {468} 67. ,, brunneiceps | x | | |(near _m. | | | |rubronigra_, | | | |india) *68. ,, jagori | x | | |philippines |(meyer)| | | sturnidæ. | | | | 69. basilornis celebensis | x | | | 70. acridotheres cinereus | x | | | 71. sturnia pyrrhogenys | x | | |malaya 72. calornis neglecta | x | x | x var.| *73. ,, metallica | x | x | |moluccas |(brugg.)(wall.)| | 74. enodes crythrophrys | x | | | 75. scissirostrum pagei | x | | | | | | | artamidæ. | | | | 76. artamus monachus | x | x | | 77. ,, leucorhynchus | x | | |malay archipel. | | | | motacillidæ. | | | | 78. corydalla gustavi | x | | | 79. budytes viridis | x | | |java, moluccas *80. calobates melanope | | | | (= motac. sulfurea, brugg.) | x | | |china, phillipp. | | | | pittidæ. | | | | 81. pitta forsteni | x | | | *82. ,, sanghirana (schl.) | | | x | 83. ,, celebensis | x | | | *84. ,, palliceps (brugg.) | | | x | *85. ,, coeruleitorques (salv.) | | x | *86. ,, irena (= crassirostris) | x | |timor, ternate? | |(wall.)| | picidæ. | | | | 87. alophonerpes fulvus | x | | | *88. ,, wallacei | | | | 89. yungipicus temminckii | x | | | | | | | cuculidæ. | | | | 90. rhamphococcyx calorhynchus | x | | | 91. pyrrhocentor celebensis | x | | | 92. centropus affinis | x | | |java 93. ,, javanensis | x | | |java, borneo 94. cuculus canorus | x | | | 95. cacomantes lanceolatus | x | | |java 96. ,, sepulchralis | x | | | 97. hierococcyx crassirostris | x | | | 98. eudynamis melanorhyncha | x | | | *99. ,, facialis (wall.) | | x | | *100. ,, orientalis | | | x |moluccas? | | |(brugg.) 101. scythrops novæhollandiæ | x | | |moluccas, &c. | | | | coraciidæ. | | | | 102. coracias temminckii | x | | | 103. eurystomus orientalis | x | x | x |asia | | | | meropidæ. | | | | 104. meropogon forsteni | x | | | 105. merops philippinus | x | | |oriental region 106. ,, ornatus | x | x | |java, australia | | | | alcedinidæ. | | | | 107. alcedo moluccensis | x | | x |moluccas 108. ,, asiatica | x | | |indo-malaya {469} 109. pelargopsis melanorhyncha | x | x | | *110. ceyx wallacei (sharpe) | | x | |(allied to mol. | | | | sp.) 111. ceycopsis fallax | x | | | 112. halcyon chloris | x | x | x |all archipel. 113. ,, sancta | x | x | |all archipel. 114. ,, forsteni | x | | | 115. ,, rufa | x | x | | 116. monachalcyon princeps | x | | | *117. ,, cyanocephala (brugg.) | x | | | 118. cittura cyanotis | x | | | *119. ,, sanghirensis (schl.)| | | x | | | | | bucerotidæ. | | | | 120. hydrocissa exarata | x | | | 121. cranorhinus cassidix | x | | | | | | | caprimulgidæ. | | | | 122. caprimulgus affinis | x | | | 123. ,, sp. | x | | | 124. lyncornis macropterus. | x | | | | | | | cypselidæ. | | | | 125. dendrochelidon wallacei | x | x | | 126. collocalia esculenta | x | | |mol. to arn is. 127. ,, fuciphaga | x | | |india, java 128. chætura gigantea | x | | |india, java | | | | psittaci. | | | | 129. cacatua sulphurea | x | | |lombock, flores 130. prioniturus platurus | x | | | 131. ,, flavicans | x | | | *132. platycercus dorsalis, var.| | x | |n. guinea? | |(wall.)| | 133. tanygnathus mulleri | x | x | | *134. ,, megalorhynchus | x | | x |moluccas. an | | | |island near | | | |menado (meyer) *135. ,, luzoniensis | | | x | | | |(brugg.) 136. loriculus stigmatus | x | | | *137. ,, quadricolor (wald.)| x | | |togian is., gulf | | | |of tomini 138. ,, sclateri | ? | x | | 139. ,, exilis | x | | | *140. ,, catamene (schl.) | | | x | 141. trichoglossus ornatus | x | | | *142. ,, flavoviridis (wall.)| | x | | 143. ,, meyeri | x | | | *144. eos histrio = e. coccinea | | | x | | | | | columbæ. | | | | 145. treron vernans | x | | |malacca, java, | | | |philipp. 146. ,, griseicauda | x | x | x var.| | | |sanghir | | | ensis | 147. ptilopus formosus | x | | | 148. ,, melanocephalus | x | x | x var.|java, lombock | | |xantho-| | | | rrhoa,| | | |salv. | 149. ,, gularis | x | | | *150. ,, fischeri (brugg.)| x | | | 151. carpophaga paulina | x | x | | {470} *152. ,, pulchella | x | | |togian is. (wald.) | | | |(_ann. and | | | |mag. nat. hst._, | | | |1874.) 153. ,, concinna | | | x |ké goram | | |(salv.)| 154. ,, rosacea | x | | |gilolo, timor *155. ,, pæcilorrhoa (brugg) | x | | | 156. ,, luctuosa | x | x | | *157. ,, bicolor | x | | x |new guin., |(meyer)| | |moluccas 158. ,, radiata | x | | x | 159. ,, forsteni | x | | | 160. macropygia albicapilla | x | x | | 161. ,, macassariensis | x | | | *162. ,, sanghirensis (salv.) | | | x | 163. turacoena menadensis | x | x | | *164. reinwardtænas reinwardti |x meyer| | |moluccas & new | | | |guin. 165. turtur tigrina | x | | |malaya, moluccas 166. chalcophaps stephani | x | | |new guinea 167. ,, indica | x | x var.| x |india and | | | |archipel. 168. phlogænas tristigmata | x | | | 169. geopelia striata | x | | |china, java, | | | |lombock 170. calænas nicobarica | x | | |malacca and new | | | |guinea | | | | gallinæ. | | | | 171. gallus bankiva | x | | |java, timor 172. coturnix minima | x | | |(var. of _c. | | | |chinensis_) 173. turnix rufilatus | x | | | *174. ,, beccarii (salv.) | x | | | 175. megapodius gilberti | x | | | 176. megacephalon malleo | x | | x | | | | | accipitres. | | | | 177. circus assimilis | x | | |australia 178. astur griseiceps | x | | | *179. ,, tenuirostris (brugg.) x | | | 180. ,, rhodogastra | x | | | 181. ,, trinotata | x | | | 182. accipiter sulaensis (schl.) x | | | 183. ,, soloensis | x | | |malacca & new | | | |guin. 184. neopus malayensis | x | | |nepaul, sum., | | | |java, moluccas 185. spizaetus lanceolatus | x | x | | 186. haliactus leucogaster | x | | |oriental region 187. spilornis rufipectus | x | x | | 188. butastur liventer | x | | |java, timor 189. ,, indicus | x | | x |india, java 190. haliastur leucosternus | x | | |moluccas, new | | | |guin. 191. milvus affinis | x | | |australia 192. elanus hypoleucus | x | | |? java, borneo 193. pernis ptilorhyncha (var. | | | | celebensis) | x | | |(var. java, &c.) 194. baza erythrothorax | x | x | | 195. falco severus | x | | |all archipel. 196. cerchneis moluccensis | x | | |java, moluccas 197. polioaetus humilis | x | | |india, malaya | | | | strigidæ. | | | | 198. athene punctulata | x | | | 199. ,, ochracea | x | | | 200. scops magicus | x | | |amboyna, &c.? 201. ,, menadensis | x | | |flores, | | | |madagascar 202. ninox japonicus | x | | |china, japan *203. ,, scutulata | | | x |malacca | | |(salv.)| 204. strix rosenbergi | x | | | --------------------------------+-------+-------+-------+------------------- * * * * * {471} chapter xxi anomalous islands: new zealand position and physical features of new zealand--zoological character of new zealand--mammalia--wingless birds living and extinct--recent existence of the moa--past changes of new zealand deduced from its wingless birds--birds and reptiles of new zealand--conclusions from the peculiarities of the new zealand fauna. the fauna of new zealand has been so recently described, and its bearing on the past history of the islands so fully discussed in my large work already referred to, that it would not be necessary to introduce the subject again, were it not that we now approach it from a somewhat different point of view, and with some important fresh material, which will enable us to arrive at more definite conclusions as to the nature and origin of this remarkable fauna and flora. the present work is, besides, addressed to a wider class of readers than my former volumes, and it would be manifestly incomplete if all reference to one of the most remarkable and interesting of insular faunas was omitted. the two great islands which mainly constitute new zealand are together about as large as the kingdom of italy. they stretch over thirteen degrees of latitude in the warmer portion of the south-temperate zone, their extreme points corresponding to the latitudes of vienna and cyprus. their climate throughout is mild and {472} equable, their vegetation is luxuriant, and deserts or uninhabitable regions are as completely unknown as in our own islands. the geological structure of these islands has a decidedly continental character. ancient sedimentary rocks, granite, and modern volcanic formations abound; gold, silver, copper, tin, iron, and coal are plentiful; and there are also some considerable deposits of early or late tertiary age. the secondary rocks alone are very scantily developed, and such fragments as exist are chiefly of cretaceous age, often not clearly separated from the succeeding eocene beds. [illustration: map showing depths of sea around australia and new zealand.] the light tint indicates a depth of less than 1,000 fathoms. the dark tint ,, ,, more than 1,000 fathoms. the position of new zealand, in the great southern ocean, about 1,200 miles distant from the australian {473} continent, is very isolated. it is surrounded by a moderately deep ocean; but the form of the sea-bottom is peculiar, and may help us in the solution of some of the anomalies presented by its living productions. the line of 200 fathoms encloses the two islands and extends their area considerably; but the 1,000-fathom line, which indicates the land-area that would be produced if the sea-bottom were elevated 6,000 feet, has a very remarkable conformation, extending in a broad mass westward and northward, then sending out a great arm reaching to beyond lord howe's island. norfolk island is situated on a moderate-sized bank, while two others, much more extensive, to the north-west approach the great barrier reef, which here carries the 1,000-fathom line more than 300 miles from the coast. it is probable that a bank, less than 1,500 fathoms below the surface, extends over this area, thus forming a connection with tropical australia and new guinea. temperate australia, on the other hand, is divided from new zealand by an oceanic gulf about 700 miles wide and between 2,000 and 3,000 fathoms deep. the 2,000-fathom line embraces all the islands immediately round new zealand as far as the fijis to the north, while a submarine plateau at a depth somewhere between one and two thousand fathoms stretches southward to the antarctic continent. judging from these indications, we should say that the most probable ancient connections of new zealand were with tropical australia, new caledonia, and the fiji islands, and perhaps at a still more remote epoch, with the great southern continent by means of intervening lands and islands; and we shall find that a land-connection or near approximation in these two directions, at remote periods, will serve to explain many of the remarkable anomalies which these islands present. _zoological character of new zealand._--we see, then, that both geologically and geographically new zealand has more of the character of a "continental" than of an "oceanic" island, yet its zoological characteristics are such as almost to bring it within the latter category--and it is this which gives it its anomalous character. it is usually {474} considered to possess no indigenous mammalia; it has no snakes, and only one frog; it possesses (living or quite recently extinct) an extensive group of birds incapable of flight; and its productions generally are wonderfully isolated, and seem to bear no predominant or close relation to those of australia or any other continent. these are the characteristics of an oceanic island; and thus we find that the inferences from its physical structure and those from its forms of life directly contradict each other. let us see how far a closer examination of the latter will enable us to account for this apparent contradiction. _mammalia of new zealand._--the only undoubtedly indigenous mammalia appear to be two species of bats, one of which (_scotophilus tuberculatus_) is, according to mr. dobson, identical with an australian form, while the other (_mystacina tuberculata_) forms a very remarkable and isolated genus of emballonuridæ, a family which extends throughout all the tropical regions of the globe. the genus mystacina was formerly considered to belong to the american phyllostomidæ, but this has been shown to be an error.[117] the poverty of new zealand in bats is very remarkable when compared with our own islands where there are at least twelve distinct species, though we have a far less favourable climate. of the existence of truly indigenous land mammals in new zealand there is at present no positive evidence, but there is some reason to believe that one if not two species may be found there. the maoris say that before europeans came to their country a forest-rat abounded and was largely used for food. they believe that their ancestors brought it with them when they first came to the country; but it has now become almost, if not quite, exterminated by the european brown rat. what this native animal was is still somewhat doubtful. several specimens have been caught at different times which have been declared by the natives to be the true _kiore maori_--as they term it, but these have usually proved on examination to be either the european black rat or some of the native australian rats which now {475} often find their way on board ships. but within the last few years many skulls of a rat have been obtained from the old maori cooking-places, and from a cave associated with moa bones; and captain hutton, who has examined them, states that they belong to a true mus, but differ from the _mus rattus_. this animal might have been on the islands when the maoris first arrived, and in that case would be truly indigenous; while the maori legend of their "ancestors" bringing the rat from their polynesian home may be altogether a myth invented to account for its presence in the islands, because the only other land mammal which they knew--the dog--was certainly so brought. the question can only be settled by the discovery of remains of a rat in some deposit of an age decidedly anterior to the first arrival of the maori race in new zealand.[118] much more interesting is the reported existence in the mountains of the south island of a small otter-like animal. dr. haast has seen its tracks, resembling those of our european otter, at a height of 3,000 feet above the sea in a region never before trodden by man; and the animal itself was seen by two gentlemen near lake heron, about seventy miles due west of christchurch. it was described as being dark brown and the size of a large rabbit. on being struck at with a whip, it uttered a shrill yelping sound and disappeared in the water.[119] an animal seen so closely as to be struck at with a whip could hardly have been mistaken for a dog--the only other animal that it could possibly be supposed to have been, and a dog would certainly not have "disappeared in the water." this account, as well as the footsteps, point to an aquatic animal; and if it now frequents only the high alpine lakes and streams, this might explain why it has never yet been captured. hochstetter also states that it has a native name--waitoteke--a striking evidence of its actual existence, while a gentleman who lived many years in the district assures me that {476} it is universally believed in by residents in that part of new zealand. the actual capture of this animal and the determination of its characters and affinities could not fail to aid us greatly in our speculations as to the nature and origin of the new zealand fauna.[120] _wingless birds, living and extinct._--almost equally valuable with mammalia in affording indications of geographical changes are the wingless birds for which new zealand is so remarkable. these consist of four species of apteryx, called by the natives "kiwis,"--creatures which hardly look like birds owing to the apparent absence (externally) of tail or wings and the dense covering of hair-like feathers. they vary in size from that of a small fowl up to that of a turkey, and have a long slightly curved bill, somewhat resembling that of the snipe or ibis. two species appear to be confined to the south island, and one to the north island, but all are becoming scarce, and they will no doubt gradually become extinct. these birds are generally classed with the struthiones or ostrich tribe, but they form a distinct family, and in many respects differ greatly from all other known birds. but besides these, a number of other wingless birds, called "moas," inhabited new zealand during the period of human occupation, and have only recently become extinct. these were much larger birds than the kiwis, and some of them were even larger than the ostrich, a specimen {477} of _dinornis maximus_ mounted in the british museum in its natural attitude being eleven feet high. they agreed, however, with the living apteryx in the character of the pelvis and some other parts of the skeleton, while in their short bill and in some important structural features they resembled the emu of australia and the cassowaries of new guinea.[121] no less than eleven distinct species of these birds have now been discovered; and their remains exist in such abundance--in recent fluviatile deposits, in old native cooking places, and even scattered on the surface of the ground--that complete skeletons of several of them have been put together, illustrating various periods of growth from the chick up to the adult bird. feathers have also been found attached to portions of the skin, as well as the stones swallowed by the birds to assist digestion, and eggs, some containing portions of the embryo bird; so that everything confirms the statements of the maoris--that their ancestors found these birds in abundance on the islands, that they hunted them for food, and that they finally exterminated them only a short time before the arrival of europeans.[122] bones of apteryx are also found fossil, but apparently of the same species as the living birds. {478} how far back in geological time these creatures or their ancestral types lived in new zealand we have as yet no evidence to show. some specimens have been found under a considerable depth of fluviatile deposits which may be of quaternary or even of pliocene age; but this evidently affords us no approximation to the time required for the origin and development of such highly peculiar insular forms. _past changes of new zealand deduced from its wingless birds._--it has been well observed by captain hutton, in his interesting paper already referred to, that the occurrence of such a number of species of struthious birds living together in so small a country as new zealand is altogether unparalleled elsewhere on the globe. this is even more remarkable when we consider that the species are not equally divided between the two islands, for remains of no less than ten out of the eleven known species of dinornis have been found in a single swamp in the south island, where also three of the species of apteryx occur. the new zealand struthiones, in fact, very nearly equal in number those of all the rest of the world, and nowhere else do more than three species occur in any one continent or island, while no more than two ever occur in the same district. thus, there appear to be two closely allied species of ostriches inhabiting africa and south-western asia respectively. south america has three species of rhea, each in a separate district. australia has an eastern and a western variety of emu, and a cassowary in the north; while eight other cassowaries are known from the islands north of australia--one from ceram, two from the aru islands, one from jobie, one from new britain, and three from new guinea--but of these last one is confined to the northern and another to the southern part of the island. this law, of the distribution of allied species in separate areas--which is found to apply more or less accurately to all classes of animals--is so entirely opposed to the crowding together of no less that fifteen species of wingless birds in the small area of new zealand, that the idea is at once suggested of great geographical changes. captain hutton points out that if the islands from ceram to new britain {479} were to become joined together, we should have a large number of species of cassowary (perhaps several more than are yet discovered) in one land area. if now this land were gradually to be submerged, leaving a central elevated region, the different species would become crowded together in this portion just as the moas and kiwis were in new zealand. but we also require, at some remote epoch, a more or less complete union of the islands now inhabited by the separate species of cassowaries, in order that the common ancestral form which afterwards became modified into these species, could have reached the places where they are now found; and this gives us an idea of the complete series of changes through which new zealand is believed to have passed in order to bring about its abnormally dense population of wingless birds. first, we must suppose a land connection with some country inhabited by struthious birds, from which the ancestral forms might be derived; secondly, a separation into many considerable islands, in which the various distinct species might become differentiated; thirdly, an elevation bringing about the union of these islands to unite the distinct species in one area; and fourthly, a subsidence of a large part of the area, leaving the present islands with the various species crowded together. if new zealand has really gone through such a series of changes as here suggested, some proofs of it might perhaps be obtained in the outlying islands which were once, presumably, joined with it. and this gives great importance to the statement of the aborigines of the chatham islands, that the apteryx formerly lived there but was exterminated about 1835. it is to be hoped that some search will be made here and also in norfolk island, in both of which it is not improbable remains either of apteryx or dinornis might be discovered. so far we find nothing to object to in the speculations of captain hutton, with which, on the contrary, we almost wholly concur; but we cannot follow him when he goes on to suggest an antarctic continent uniting new zealand and australia with south america, and probably also with south africa, in order to explain the existing distribution {480} of struthious birds. our best anatomists, as we have seen, agree that both dinornis and apteryx are more nearly allied to the cassowaries and emus than to the ostriches and rheas; and we see that the form of the sea-bottom suggests a former connection with north australia and new guinea--the very region where these types most abound, and where in all probability they originated. the suggestion that all the struthious birds of the world sprang from a common ancestor at no very remote period, and that their existing distribution is due to direct land communication between the countries they _now_ inhabit, is one utterly opposed to all sound principles of reasoning in questions of geographical distribution. for it depends upon two assumptions, both of which are at least doubtful, if not certainly false--the first, that their distribution over the globe has never in past ages been very different from what it is now; and the second, that the ancestral forms of these birds never had the power of flight. as to the first assumption, we have found in almost every case that groups now scattered over two or more continents formerly lived in intervening areas of existing land. thus the marsupials of south america and australia are connected by forms which lived in north america and europe; the camels of asia and the llamas of the andes had many extinct common ancestors in north america; the lemurs of africa and asia had their ancestors in europe, as had the trogons of south america, africa, and tropical asia. but besides this general evidence we have direct proof that the struthious birds had a wider range in past times than now. remains of extinct rheas have been found in central brazil, and those of ostriches in north india; while remains, believed to be of struthious birds, are found in the eocene deposits of england; and the cretaceous rocks of north america have yielded the extraordinary toothed bird, hesperornis, which professor o. marsh declares to have been "a carnivorous swimming ostrich." as to the second point, we have the remarkable fact that all known birds of this group have not only the rudiments of wing-bones, but also the rudiments of wings, that is, an external limb bearing rigid quills or largely-developed {481} plumes. in the cassowary these wing-feathers are reduced to long spines like porcupine-quills, while even in the apteryx, the minute external wing bears a series of nearly twenty stiff quill-like feathers.[123] these facts render it almost certain that the struthious birds do not owe their imperfect wings to a direct evolution from a reptilian type, but to a retrograde development from some low form of winged birds, analogous to that which has produced the dodo and the solitaire from the more highly-developed pigeon-type. professor marsh has proved, that so far back as the cretaceous period, the two great forms of birds--those with a keeled sternum and fairly-developed wings, and those with a convex keel-less sternum and rudimentary wings--already existed side by side; while in the still earlier archæopteryx of the jurassic period we have a bird with well-developed wings, and therefore probably with a keeled sternum. we are evidently, therefore, very far from a knowledge of the earliest stages of bird life, and our acquaintance with the various forms that have existed is scanty in the extreme; but we may be sure that birds acquired wings, and feathers, and some power of flight, before they developed a keeled sternum, since we see that bats with no such keel fly very well. since, therefore, the struthious birds all have perfect feathers, and all have rudimentary wings, which are anatomically those of true birds, not the rudimentary fore-legs of reptiles, and since we know that in many higher groups of birds--as the pigeons and the rails--the wings have become more or less aborted, and the keel of the sternum greatly reduced in size by disuse, it seems probable that the very remote ancestors of the rhea, the cassowary, and the apteryx, were true flying birds, although not perhaps provided with a keeled sternum, or possessing very great powers of flight. but in addition to the possible ancestral power of flight, we have the undoubted fact that the rhea and the emu both swim freely, the former having been seen swimming from island to island off the coast of patagonia. this, taken in connection with the wonderful aquatic ostrich of the cretaceous period discovered by professor marsh, opens {482} up fresh possibilities of migration; while the immense antiquity thus given to the group and their universal distribution in past time, renders all suggestions of special modes of communication between the parts of the globe in which their scattered remnants _now_ happen to exist, altogether superfluous and misleading. the bearing of this argument on our present subject is, that so far as accounting for the presence of wingless birds in new zealand is concerned, we have nothing whatever to do with any possible connection, by way of a southern continent or antarctic islands, with south america and south africa, because the nearest allies of its moas and kiwis are the cassowaries and emus, and we have distinct indications of a former land extension towards north australia and new guinea, which is exactly what we require for the original entrance of the struthious type into the new zealand area. _winged birds and lower vertebrates of new zealand._--having given a pretty full account of the new zealand fauna elsewhere[124] i need only here point out its bearing on the hypothesis now advanced, of the former land-connection having been with north australia, new guinea, and the western pacific islands, rather than with the temperate regions of australia. of the australian genera of birds, which are found also in new zealand, almost every one ranges also into new guinea or the pacific islands, while the few that do not extend beyond australia are found in its northern districts. as regards the peculiar new zealand genera, all whose affinities can be traced are allied to birds which belong to the tropical parts of the australian region; while the starling family, to which four of the most remarkable new zealand birds belong (the genera creadion, heterolocha, and callæas), is totally wanting in temperate australia and is comparatively scarce in the entire australian region, but is abundant in the oriental region, with which new guinea and the moluccas are in easy communication. it is certainly a most suggestive fact that there are more than sixty {483} genera of birds peculiar to the australian continent (with tasmania), many of them almost or quite confined to its temperate portions, and that no single one of these should be represented in temperate new zealand.[125] the affinities of the living and more highly organised, no less than those of the extinct and wingless birds, strikingly accord with the line of communication indicated by the deep submarine bank connecting these temperate islands with the tropical parts of the australian region. the reptiles, so far as they go, are quite in accordance with the birds. the lizards belong to two genera, lygosoma, which has a wide range in all the tropics as well as in australia; and naultinus, a genus peculiar to new zealand, but belonging to a family--geckonidæ--spread over the whole of the warmer parts of the world. australia, with new guinea, on the other hand, has a peculiar family, and no less than twenty-one peculiar genera of lizards, many of which are confined to its temperate regions, but no one of them extends to temperate new zealand.[126] the extraordinary lizard-like _hatteria punctata_ of new zealand forms of itself a distinct order of reptiles, in some respects intermediate between lizards and crocodiles, and having therefore no affinity with any living animal. the only representative of the amphibia in new zealand is a solitary frog of a peculiar genus (_liopelma hochstetteri_); but it has no affinity for any of the australian frogs, which are numerous, and belong to eleven different families; while the liopelma belongs {484} to a very distinct family (discoglossidæ), confined to the palæarctic region. of the fresh-water fishes we need only say here, that none belong to peculiar australian types, but are related to those of temperate south america or of asia. the invertebrate classes are comparatively little known, and their modes of dispersal are so varied and exceptional that the facts presented by their distribution can add little weight to those already adduced. we will, therefore, now proceed to the conclusions which can fairly be drawn from the general facts of new zealand natural history already known to us. _deductions from the peculiarities of the new zealand fauna._--the total absence (or extreme scarcity) of mammals in new zealand obliges us to place its union with north australia and new guinea at a very remote epoch. we must either go back to a time when australia itself had not yet received the ancestral forms of its present marsupials and monotremes, or we must suppose that the portion of australia with which new zealand was connected was then itself isolated from the mainland, and was thus without a mammalian population. we shall see in our next chapter that there are certain facts in the distribution of plants, no less than in the geological structure of the country, which favour the latter view. but we must on any supposition place the union very far back, to account for the total want of identity between the winged birds of new zealand and those peculiar to australia, and a similar want of accordance in the lizards, the fresh-water fishes, and the more important insect-groups of the two countries. from what we know of the long geological duration of the generic types of these groups we must certainly go back to the earlier portion of the tertiary period at least, in order that there should be such a complete disseverance as exists between the characteristic animals of the two countries; and we must further suppose that, since their separation, there has been no subsequent union or sufficiently near approach to allow of any important intermigration, even of winged birds, between them. it seems probable, therefore, that {485} the bampton shoal west of new caledonia, and lord howe's island further south, formed the western limits of that extensive land in which the great wingless birds and other isolated members of the new zealand fauna were developed. whether this early land extended eastward to the chatham islands and southward to the macquaries we have no means of ascertaining, but as the intervening sea appears to be not more than about 1,500 fathoms deep it is quite possible that such an amount of subsidence may have occurred. it is possible, too, that there may have been an extension northward to the kermadec islands, and even further to the tonga and fiji islands, though this is hardly probable, or we should find more community between their productions and those of new zealand. a southern extension towards the antarctic continent at a somewhat later period seems more probable, as affording an easy passage for the numerous species of south american and antarctic plants, and also for the identical and closely allied fresh-water fishes of these countries. the subsequent breaking up of this extensive land into a number of separate islands in which the distinct species of moa and kiwi were developed--their union at a later period, and the final submergence of all but the existing islands, is a pure hypothesis, which seems necessary to explain the occurrence of so many species of these birds in a small area but of which we have no independent proof. there are, however, some other facts which would be explained by it, as the presence of three peculiar but allied genera of starlings, the three species of parrots of the genus nestor, and the six distinct rails of the genus ocydromus, as well as the numerous species in some of the peculiar new zealand genera of plants, which seem less likely to have been developed in a single area than when isolated, and thus preserved from the counteracting influence of intercrossing. in the present state of our knowledge these seem all the conclusions we can arrive at from a study of the new zealand fauna; but as we fortunately possess a tolerably {486} full and accurate knowledge of the flora of new zealand, as well as of that of australia and the south temperate lands generally, it will be well to see how far these conclusions are supported by the facts of plant distribution, and what further indications they afford us of the early history of these most interesting countries. this inquiry is of sufficient importance to occupy a separate chapter. * * * * * {487} chapter xxii the flora of new zealand: its affinities and probable origin relations of the new zealand flora to that of australia--general features of the australian flora--the floras of south-eastern and south-western australia--geological explanation of the differences of these two floras--the origin of the australian element in the new zealand flora--tropical character of the new zealand flora explained--species common to new zealand and australia mostly temperate forms--why easily dispersed plants have often restricted ranges--summary and conclusion on the new zealand flora. although plants have means of dispersal far exceeding those possessed by animals, yet as a matter of fact comparatively few species are carried for very great distances, and the flora of a country taken as a whole usually affords trustworthy indications of its past history. plants, too, are more numerous in species than the higher animals, and are almost always better known; their affinities have been more systematically studied; and it may be safely affirmed that no explanation of the origin of the fauna of a country can be sound, which does not also explain, or at least harmonise with, the distribution and relations of its flora. the distribution of the two may be very different, but both should be explicable by the same series of geographical changes. the relations of the flora of new zealand to that of australia have long formed an insoluble enigma for {488} botanists. sir joseph hooker, in his most instructive and masterly essay on the flora of australia, says:--"under whatever aspect i regard the flora of australia and of new zealand, i find all attempts to theorise on the possible causes of their community of feature frustrated by anomalies in distribution, such as i believe no two other similarly situated countries in the globe present. everywhere else i recognise a parallelism or harmony in the main common features of contiguous floras, which conveys the impression of their generic affinity, at least, being affected by migration from centres of dispersion in one of them, or in some adjacent country. in this case it is widely different. regarding the question from the australian point of view, it is impossible in the present state of science to reconcile the fact of acacia, eucalyptus, casuarina, callitris, &c., being absent in new zealand, with any theory of transoceanic migration that may be adopted to explain the presence of other australian plants in new zealand; and it is very difficult to conceive of a time or of conditions that could explain these anomalies, except by going back to epochs when the prevalent botanical as well as geographical features of each were widely different from what they are now. on the other hand, if i regard the question from the new zealand point of view, i find such broad features of resemblance, and so many connecting links that afford irresistible evidence of a close botanical connection, that i cannot abandon the conviction that these great differences will present the least difficulties to whatever theory may explain the whole case." i will now state, as briefly as possible, what are the facts above referred to as being of so anomalous a character, and there is little difficulty in doing so, as we have them fully set forth, with admirable clearness, in the essay above alluded to, and in the same writer's _introduction to the flora of new zealand_, only requiring some slight modifications, owing to the later discoveries which are given in the _handbook of the new zealand flora_. confining ourselves always to flowering plants, we find that the flora of new zealand is a very poor one, considering the extent of surface, and the favourable conditions of {489} soil and climate. it consists of 1,085 species (our own islands possessing about 1,500), but a very large proportion of these are peculiar, there being no less than 800 endemic species, and thirty-two endemic genera. out of the 285 species not peculiar to new zealand, no less than 215 are australian, but a considerable number of these are also antarctic, south american, or european; so that there are only about 100 _species_ absolutely confined to new zealand and australia, and, what is important as indicating a somewhat recent immigration, only some half-dozen of these belong to _genera_ which are peculiar to the two countries, and hardly any to the larger and more important australian genera. many, too, are rare species in both countries and are often alpines. far more important are the relations of the genera and families of the two countries. all the natural orders of new zealand are found in australia except three--coriariæ, a widely-scattered group found in south europe, the himalayas, and the andes; escallonieæ, a widely distributed group; and chloranthaceæ, found in tropical asia, japan, polynesia, and south america. out of a total of 310 new zealand genera, no less than 248 are australian, and sixty of these are almost peculiar to the two countries, only thirty-two however being absolutely confined to them.[127] in the three large orders--compositæ, orchideæ, and gramineæ, the genera are almost identical in the two countries, while the species--in the two former especially--are mostly distinct. here then we have apparently a wonderful resemblance between the new zealand flora and that of australia, indicated by more than two-thirds of the non-peculiar species, and more than nine-tenths of the non-peculiar genera (255) being australian. but now let us look at the other side of the question. there are in australia seven great genera of plants, each containing more than 100 species, all widely spread over {490} the country, and all highly characteristic australian forms,--acacia, eucalyptus, melaleuca, leucopogon, stylidium, grevillea, and hakea. these are entirely absent from new zealand, except one species of leucopogon, a genus which also has representatives in the malayan and pacific islands. sixteen more australian genera have over fifty species each, and of these eight are totally absent from new zealand, five are represented by one or two species, and only two are fairly represented; but these two--drosera and helichrysum--are very widespread genera, and might have reached new zealand from other countries than australia. but this by no means exhausts the differences between new zealand and australia. no less than seven australian natural orders--dilleniaceæ, buettneriaceæ, polygaleæ, tremandreæ, casuarineæ, hæmodoraceæ, and xyrideæ are entirely wanting in new zealand, and several others which are excessively abundant and highly characteristic of the former country are very poorly represented in the latter. thus, leguminosæ are extremely abundant in australia, where there are over 1,000 species belonging to about 100 genera, many of them altogether peculiar to the country; yet in new zealand this great order is most scantily represented, there being only five genera and thirteen species; and only two of these genera, swainsonia and clianthus, are australian, and as the latter consists of but two species it may as well have passed from new zealand to australia as the other way, or more probably from some third country to them both.[128] goodeniaceæ with ten genera and 220 species australian, has but two species in new zealand--and one of these is a salt-marsh plant found also in tasmania and in chile; and four other large australian orders--rhamneæ, myoporineæ, proteaceæ and santalaceæ, have very few representatives in new zealand. we find, then, that the great fact we have to explain and account for is, the undoubted affinity of the new {491} zealand flora to that of australia, but an affinity almost exclusively confined to the least predominant and least peculiar portion of that flora, leaving the most predominant, most characteristic, and most widely distributed portion absolutely unrepresented. we must however be careful not to exaggerate the amount of affinity with australia, apparently implied by the fact that nearly six-sevenths of the new zealand genera are also australian, for, as we have already stated, a very large number of these are european, antarctic, south american or polynesian genera, whose presence in the two contiguous areas only indicates a common origin. about one-eighth, only, are absolutely confined to australia and new zealand (thirty-two genera), and even of these several are better represented in new zealand than in australia, and may therefore have passed from the former to the latter. no less than 174 of the new zealand genera are temperate south american, many being also antarctic or european; while others again are especially tropical or polynesian; yet undoubtedly a larger proportion of the natural orders and genera are common to australia than to any other country, so that we may say that the basis of the flora is australian with a large intermixture of northern and southern temperate forms and others which have remote world-wide affinities. _general features of the australian flora and its probable origin._--before proceeding to point out how the peculiarities of the new zealand flora may be best accounted for, it is necessary to consider briefly what are the main peculiarities of australian vegetation, from which so important a part of that of new zealand has evidently been derived. the actual australian flora consists of two great divisions--a temperate and a tropical, the temperate being again divisible into an eastern and a western portion. all that is most characteristic of the australian flora belongs to the temperate division (though these often overspread the whole continent), in which are found almost all the remarkable australian types of vegetation and the numerous genera peculiar to this part of the world. contrary to what occurs in most other countries, the {492} tropical appears to be less rich in species and genera than the temperate region, and what is still more remarkable it contains fewer peculiar species, and very few peculiar genera. although the area of tropical australia is about equal to that of the temperate portions, and it has now been pretty well explored botanically, it has probably not more than half as many species.[129] nearly 500 of its species are identical with indian or malayan plants, or are very close representatives of them; while there are more than 200 indian genera, confined for the most part to the tropical portion of australia. the remainder of the tropical flora consists of a few species and many genera of temperate {493} australia which range over the whole continent, but these form only a small portion of the peculiarly australian genera. these remarkable facts clearly point to one conclusion--that the flora of tropical australia is, comparatively, recent and derivative. if we imagine the greater part of north australia to have been submerged beneath the ocean, from which it rose in the middle or latter part of the tertiary period, offering an extensive area ready to be covered by such suitable forms of vegetation as could first reach it, something like the present condition of things would inevitably arise. from the north, widespread indian and malay plants would quickly enter, while from the south the most dominant forms of warm-temperate australia, and such as were best adapted to the tropical climate and arid soil, would intermingle with them. even if numerous islands had occupied the area of northern australia for long periods anterior to the final elevation, very much the same state of things would result. the existence in north and north-east australia of enormous areas covered with cretaceous and other secondary deposits, as well as extensive tertiary formations, lends support to the view, that during very long epochs temperate australia was cut off from all close connection with the tropical and northern lands by a wide extent of sea; and this isolation is exactly what was required, in order to bring about the wonderful amount of specialisation and the high development manifested by the typical australian flora. before proceeding further, however, let us examine this flora itself, so far as regards its component parts and probable past history. _the floras of south-eastern and south-western australia._--the peculiarities presented by the south-eastern and south-western subdivisions of the flora of temperate australia are most interesting and suggestive, and are, perhaps, unparalleled in any other part of the world. south-west australia is far less extensive than the south-eastern division--less varied in soil and climate, with no lofty mountains, and much sandy desert; yet, strange to say, it contains an equally rich flora and a far greater proportion of peculiar species and genera of plants. as sir {494} joseph hooker remarks:--"what differences there are in conditions would, judging from analogy with other countries, favour the idea that south-eastern australia, from its far greater area, many large rivers, extensive tracts of mountainous country and humid forests, would present much the most extensive flora, of which only the drier types could extend into south-western australia. but such is not the case; for though the far greater area is much the best explored, presents more varied conditions, and is tenanted by a larger number of natural orders and genera, these contain fewer species by several hundreds."[130] the fewer genera of south-western australia are due almost wholly to the absence of the numerous european, antarctic, and south-american types found in the south-eastern region, while in purely australian types it is far the richer, for while it contains most of those found in the east it has a large number altogether peculiar to it; and sir joseph hooker states that "there are about 180 genera, out of 600 in south-western australia, that are either not found at all in south-eastern, or that are represented there by a very few species only, and these 180 genera include nearly 1,100 species." _geological explanation of the differences of these two floras._--these facts again clearly point to the conclusion that south-western australia is the remnant of the more extensive and more isolated portion of the continent in which the peculiar australian flora was principally developed. the existence there of a very large area of granite--800 miles in length by nearly 500 in maximum width with detached masses 200 miles to the north and 500 miles to the east--indicates such an extension; for these {495} granitic masses were certainly once buried under piles of stratified rock, since denuded, and then formed the nucleus of the old western australian continent. if we take the 1000-fathom line around the southern part of australia to represent the probable extension of this old land we shall see that it would give a wide additional area south of the great australian bight, and form a continent which, even if the greater part of tropical australia were submerged, would be sufficient for the development of a peculiar and abundant flora. we must also remember that an elevation of 6000 feet, added to the vast amount which has been taken away by denudation, would change the whole country, including what are now the deserts of the interior, into a mountainous and well-watered region. but while this rich and peculiar flora was in process of formation, the eastern portion of the continent must either have been widely separated from the western or had perhaps not yet risen from the ocean. the whole of this part of the country consists of palæozoic and secondary formations with granite and metamorphic rocks, the secondary deposits being largely developed on both sides of the central range, extending the whole length of the continent from tasmania to cape york, and constituting the greater part of the plateau of the blue mountains and other lofty ranges. during some portion of the secondary and tertiary periods therefore, this side of australia must have been almost wholly submerged beneath the ocean; and if we suppose that during this time the western part of the continent was at nearly its maximum extent and elevation, we shall have a sufficient explanation of the great difference between the flora of western and eastern australia, since the latter would only have been able to receive immigrants from the former, at a later period, and in a more or less fragmentary manner. if we examine the geological map of australia (given in stanford's compendium of geography and travel, volume _australasia_), we shall see good reason to conclude that the eastern and the western divisions of the country first existed as separate islands, and only became united at a comparatively recent epoch. this is indicated by an {496} enormous stretch of cretaceous and tertiary formations extending from the gulf of carpentaria completely across the continent to the mouth of the murray river. during the cretaceous period, therefore, and probably throughout a considerable portion of the tertiary epoch,[131] there must have been a wide arm of the sea occupying this area, dividing the great mass of land on the west--the true seat and origin of the typical australian flora--from a long but narrow belt of land on the east, indicated by the continuous mass of secondary and palæozoic formations already referred to which extend uninterruptedly from tasmania to cape york. whether this formed one continuous land, or was broken up into islands, cannot be positively determined; but the fact that no marine tertiary beds occur in the whole of this area, renders it probable that it was almost, if not quite, continuous, and that it not improbably extended across to what is now new guinea. at this epoch, then (as shown in the accompanying map), australia may, not improbably, have consisted of a very large and fertile western island, almost or quite extratropical, and extending from the silurian rocks of the flinders range in south australia, to about 150 miles west of the present west coast, and southward to about 350 miles south of the great australian bight. to the east of this, at a distance of from 250 to 400 miles, extended in a north and south direction a long but comparatively narrow island, stretching from far south of tasmania to new guinea; while the crystalline and secondary formations of central north australia probably indicate the existence of one or more large islands in that direction. {497} the white portions represent land; the shaded parts sea. the existing land of australia is shown in outline.] the eastern and the western islands--with which we are now chiefly concerned--would then differ considerably in their vegetation and animal life. the western and more ancient land already possessed, in its main features, the peculiar australian flora, and also the ancestral forms of its strange marsupial fauna, both of which it had probably received at some earlier epoch by a temporary union with the asiatic continent over what is now the java sea. eastern australia, on the other hand, possessed only the rudiments of its existing mixed flora, derived from three distinct sources. some important fragments of the typical australian vegetation had reached it across the marine {498} strait, and had spread widely owing to the soil, climate and general conditions being exactly suited to it: from the north and north-east a tropical vegetation of polynesian type had occupied suitable areas in the north; while the extension southward of the tasmanian peninsula, accompanied, probably, as now, with lofty mountains, favoured the immigration of south-temperate forms from whatever antarctic lands or islands then existed. this supposition is strikingly in harmony with what is known of the ancient flora of this portion of australia. in deposits supposed to be of eocene age in new south wales and victoria fossil plants have been found showing a very different vegetation from that now existing. along with a few australian types--such as pittosporum, knightia, and eucalyptus, there occur birches, alders, oaks, and beeches; while in tasmania in freshwater limestone, apparently of miocene age, are found willows, alders, birches, oaks, and beeches,[132] all except the latter genus (fagus) now quite extinct in australia.[133] these temperate forms probably indicate a more oceanic climate, cooler and moister than at present. the union with western australia and the establishment of an arid interior by modifying the climate may have led to the extinction of many of these forms and their replacement by special australian types more suited to the new conditions. at this time the marsupial fauna had not yet reached this eastern land, which was, however, occupied in the north by some ancestral struthious birds, which had entered it by way of new guinea through some very ancient continental extension, and of which the emu, the cassowaries, the extinct dromornis of queensland, and the moas and kiwis of new zealand, are the modified descendants. _the origin of the australian element in the new zealand flora._--we have now brought down the history of australia, as deduced from its geological structure and the main features of its existing and tertiary flora, to the period {499} when new zealand was first brought into close connection with it, by means of a great north-western extension of that country, which, as already explained in our last chapter, is so clearly indicated by the form of the sea bottom (see map, p. 471). the condition of new zealand previous to this event is very obscure. that it had long existed as a more or less extensive land is indicated by its ancient sedimentary rocks; while the very small areas occupied by jurassic and cretaceous deposits, imply that much of the present land was then also above the sea-level. the country had probably at that time a scanty vegetation of mixed antarctic and polynesian origin; but now, for the first time, it would be open to the free immigration of such australian types as were suitable to its climate, and which _had already reached the tropical and sub-tropical portions of the eastern australian island_. it is here that we obtain the clue to those strange anomalies and contradictions presented by the new zealand flora in its relation to australia, which have been so clearly set forth by sir joseph hooker, and which have so puzzled botanists to account for. but these apparent anomalies cease to present any difficulty when we see that the australian plants in new zealand were acquired, not directly, but, as it were, at second hand, by union with an island which itself had as yet only received a portion of its existing flora. and then, further difficulties were placed in the way of new zealand receiving such an adequate representation of that portion of the flora which had reached east australia as its climate and position entitled it to, by the fact of the union being, not with the temperate, but with the tropical and sub-tropical portions of that island, so that only those groups could be acquired which were less exclusively temperate, and had already established themselves in the warmer portion of their new home.[134] {500} it is therefore no matter of surprise, but exactly what we should expect, that the great mass of pre-eminently temperate australian genera should be absent from new zealand, including the whole of such important families as, dilleniaceæ, tremandreæ, buettneriacæ, polygaleæ, casuarineæ and hæmodoraceæ; while others, such as rutaceæ, stackhousieæ, rhamneæ, myrtaceæ, proteaceæ, and santalaceæ, are represented by only a few species. thus, too, we can explain the absence of _all_ the peculiar australian leguminosæ; for these were still mainly confined to the great western island, along with the peculiar acacias and eucalypti, which at a later period spread over the whole continent. it is equally accordant with the view we are maintaining, that among the groups which sir joseph hooker enumerates as "keeping up the features of extra tropical australia in its tropical quarter," several should have reached new zealand, such as drosera, some pittosporeæ and myoporineæ, with a few proteaceæ, loganiaceæ, and restiaceæ; for most of these are not only found in tropical australia, but also in the malayan and pacific islands. _tropical character of the new zealand flora explained._--in this origin of the new zealand fauna by a north-western route from north-eastern australia, we find also an explanation of the remarkable number of tropical groups of plants found there: for though, as sir joseph hooker has {501} shown, a moist and uniform climate favours the extension of tropical forms in the temperate zone, yet some means must be afforded them for reaching a temperate island. on carefully going through the _handbook_, and comparing its indications with those of bentham's _flora australiensis_, i find that there are in new zealand thirty-eight thoroughly tropical genera, thirty-three of which are found in australia--mostly in the tropical portion of it, though a few are temperate, and these may have reached it through new zealand[135]. to these we must add thirty-two more genera, which, though chiefly developed in temperate australia, extend into the tropical or sub-tropical portions of it, and may well have reached new zealand by the same route. on the other hand we find but few new zealand genera certainly derived from australia which are especially temperate, and it may be as well to give a list of such as {502} do occur with a few remarks. they are sixteen in number, as follows:- 1. pennantia (1 sp.). this genus has a species in norfolk island, indicating perhaps its former extension to the north-west. 2. pomaderris (3 sp.). one _species_ inhabits victoria and new zealand, indicating recent trans-oceanic migration. 3. quintinia (2 sp.). this genus has winged seeds facilitating migration. 4. olearia (20 sp.). seeds with pappus. 5. craspedia (2 sp.). seeds with pappus. alpine; identical with australian species, and therefore of comparatively recent introduction. 6. celmisia (25 sp.). seeds with pappus. only three australian species, two of which are identical with new zealand forms, probably therefore derived from new zealand. 7. ozothamnus (5 sp.). seeds with pappus. 8. epacris (4 sp.). minute seeds. some species are sub-tropical, and they are all found in the northern (warmer) island of new zealand. 9. archeria (2 sp.). minute seeds. a species common to e. australia and new zealand. 10. logania (3 sp.). small seeds. alpine plants. 11. hedycarya (1 sp.). 12. chiloglottis (1 sp.). minute seeds. in auckland islands; alpine in australia. 13. prasophyllum (1 sp.). minute seeds. identical with australian species, indicating recent transmission. 14. orthoceras (1 sp.). minute seeds. identical with an australian species. 15. alepyrum (1 sp.). alpine, moss-like. an antarctic type. 16. dichelachne (3 sp.). identical with australian species. an awned grass. we thus see that there are special features in most of these plants that would facilitate transmission across the sea between temperate australia and new zealand, or to both from some antarctic island; and the fact that in several of them the species are absolutely identical shows that such transmission has occurred in geologically recent times. _species common to new zealand and australia mostly temperate forms._--let us now take the _species_ which are common to new zealand and australia, but found nowhere else, and which must therefore have passed from one country to the other at a more recent period than the mass of _genera_ with which we have hitherto been dealing. these are ninety-six in number, and they present a striking contrast to the similarly restricted _genera_ in being wholly temperate in character, the entire list presenting only a {503} single species which is confined to sub-tropical east australia--a grass (_apera arundinacea_) only found in a few localities on the new zealand coast. now it is clear that the larger portion, if not the whole, of these plants must have reached new zealand from australia (or in a few cases australia from new zealand), by transmission across the sea, because we know there has been no actual land connection during the tertiary period, as proved by the absence of all the australian mammalia, and almost all the most characteristic australian birds, insects, and plants. the form of the sea-bed shows that the distance could not have been less than 600 miles, even during the greatest extension of southern new zealand and tasmania; and we have no reason to suppose it to have been less, because in other cases an equally abundant flora of identical species has reached islands at a still greater distance--notably in the case of the azores and bermuda. the character of the plants is also just what we should expect: for about two-thirds of them belong to genera of world-wide range in the temperate zones, such as ranunculus, drosera, epilobium, gnaphalium, senecio, convolvulus, atriplex, luzula, and many sedges and grasses, whose exceptionally wide distribution shows that they possess exceptional powers of dispersal and vigour of constitution, enabling them not only to reach distant countries, but also to establish themselves there. another set of plants belong to especially antarctic or south temperate groups, such as colobanthus, acæna, gaultheria, pernettya, and muhlenbeckia, and these may in some cases have reached both australia and new zealand from some now submerged antarctic island. again, about one-fourth of the whole are alpine plants, and these possess two advantages as colonisers. their lofty stations place them in the best position to have their seeds carried away by winds; and they would in this case reach a country which, having derived the earlier portion of its flora from the side of the tropics, would be likely to have its higher mountains and favourable alpine stations to a great extent unoccupied, or occupied by plants unable to compete with specially adapted alpine groups. {504} fully one-third of the exclusively australo-new zealand species belong to the two great orders of the sedges and the grasses; and there can be no doubt that these have great facilities for dispersion in a variety of ways. their seeds, often enveloped in chaffy glumes, would be carried long distances by storms of wind, and even if finally dropped into the sea would have so much less distance to reach the land by means of surface currents; and mr. darwin's experiments show that even cultivated oats germinated after 100 days' immersion in sea-water. others have hispid awns by which they would become attached to the feathers of birds, and there is no doubt this is an effective mode of dispersal. but a still more important point is, probably, that these plants are generally, if not always, wind-fertilised, and are thus independent of any peculiar insects, which might be wanting in the new country. _why easily-dispersed plants have often restricted ranges._--this last consideration throws light on a very curious point, which has been noted as a difficulty by sir joseph hooker, that plants which have most clear and decided powers of dispersal by wind or other means, have _not_ generally the widest specific range; and he instances the small number of compositæ common to new zealand and australia. but in all these cases it will, i think, be found that although the _species_ have not a wide range the _genera_ often have. in new zealand, for instance, the compositæ are very abundant, there being no less than 167 species, almost all belonging to australian genera, yet only about one-sixteenth of the whole are identical in the two countries. the explanation of this is not difficult. owing to their great powers of dispersal, the australian compositæ reached new zealand at a very remote epoch, and such as were adapted to the climate and the means of fertilisation established themselves; but being highly organised plants with great flexibility of organisation, they soon became modified in accordance with the new conditions, producing many special forms in different localities; and these, spreading widely, soon took possession of all suitable stations. henceforth immigrants from australia had to compete {505} with these indigenous and well-established plants, and only in a few cases were able to obtain a footing; whence it arises that we have many australian types, but few australian species, in new zealand, and both phenomena are directly traceable to the combination of great powers of dispersal with a high degree of adaptability. exactly the same thing occurs with the still more highly specialised orchideæ. these are not proportionally so numerous in new zealand (thirty-eight species), and this is no doubt due to the fact that so many of them require insect-fertilisation often by a particular family or genus (whereas almost any insect will fertilise compositæ), and insects of all orders are remarkably scarce in new zealand.[136] this would at once prevent the establishment of many of the orchids which may have reached the islands, while those which did find suitable fertilisers and other favourable conditions would soon become modified into new species. it is thus quite intelligible why only three species of orchids are identical in australia and new zealand, although their minute and abundant seeds must be dispersed by the wind almost as readily as the spores of ferns. another specialised group--the scrophularineæ--abounds in new zealand, where there are sixty-two species; but though almost all the genera are australian only three species are so. here, too, the seeds are usually very small, and the powers of dispersal great, as shown by several european genera--veronica, euphrasia, and limosella, being found in the southern hemisphere. looking at the whole series of these australo-new zealand plants, we find the most highly specialised groups--compositæ, scrophularineæ, orchideæ--with a small proportion of identical species (one-thirteenth to one twentieth), the less highly specialised--ranunculaceæ, onagrariæ and ericeæ--with a higher proportion (one-ninth to one-sixth), and the least specialised--junceæ, {506} cyperaceæ and gramineæ--with the high proportion in each case of one-fourth. these nine are the most important new zealand orders which contain species common to that country and australia and confined to them; and the marked correspondence they show between high specialisation and want of _specific_ identity, while the _generic_ identity is in all cases approximately equal, points to the conclusion that the means of diffusion are, in almost all plants ample, when long periods of time are concerned, and that diversities in this respect are not so important in determining the peculiar character of a derived flora, as adaptability to varied conditions, great powers of multiplication, and inherent vigour of constitution. this point will have to be more fully discussed in treating of the origin of the antarctic and north temperate members of the new zealand flora. _summary and conclusion on the new zealand flora._--confining ourselves strictly to the direct relations between the plants of new zealand and of australia, as i have done in the preceding discussion, i think i may claim to have shown that the union between the two countries in the latter part of the secondary epoch at a time when eastern australia was widely separated from western australia (as shown by its geological formation and by the contour of the sea-bottom) does sufficiently account for all the main features of the new zealand flora. it shows why the basis of the flora is fundamentally australian both as regards orders and genera, for it was due either to a direct land connection or a somewhat close approximation between the two countries. it shows also why the great mass of typical australian forms are unrepresented, for the australian flora is typically _western_ and _temperate_, and new zealand received its immigrants from the _eastern_ island which had itself received only a fragment of this flora, and from the _tropical_ end of this island, and thus could only receive such forms as were not exclusively temperate in character. it shows, further, why new zealand contains such a very large proportion of tropical forms, for we see that it derived the main portion of its flora directly from the tropics. again, this hypothesis shows us why, though {507} the specially australian _genera_ in new zealand are largely tropical or sub-tropical, the specially australian _species_ are wholly temperate or alpine; for these are comparatively recent arrivals, they must have migrated across the sea in the temperate zone, and these temperate and alpine forms are exactly such as would be best able to establish themselves in a country already stocked mainly by tropical forms and their modified descendants. this hypothesis further fulfils the conditions implied in sir joseph hooker's anticipation that--"these great differences (of the floras) will present the least difficulties to whatever theory may explain the whole case,"--for it shows that these differences are directly due to the history and development of the australian flora itself, while the resemblances depend upon the most certain cause of all such broad resemblances--close proximity or actual land connection. one objection will undoubtedly be made to the above theory,--that it does not explain why some species of the prominent australian genera acacia, eucalyptus, melaleuca, grevillea, &c., have not reached new zealand in recent times along with the other temperate forms that have established themselves. but it is doubtful whether any detailed explanation of such a negative fact is possible, while general explanations sufficient to cover it are not wanting. nothing is more certain than that numerous plants never run wild and establish themselves in countries where they nevertheless grow freely if cultivated; and the explanation of this fact given by mr. darwin--that they are prevented doing so by the competition of better adapted forms--is held to be sufficient. in this particular case, however, we have some very remarkable evidence of the fact of their non-adaptation. the intercourse between new zealand and europe has been the means of introducing a host of common european plants,--more than 150 in number, as enumerated at the end of the second volume of the _handbook_; yet, although the intercourse with australia has probably been greater, only two or three australian plants have similarly established themselves. more remarkable still, sir joseph hooker states: {508} "i am informed that the late mr. bidwell habitually scattered australian seeds during his extensive travels in new zealand." we may be pretty sure that seeds of such excessively common and characteristic groups as _acacia_ and _eucalyptus_ would be among those so scattered, yet we have no record of any plants of these or other peculiar australian genera ever having been found wild, still less of their having spread and taken possession of the soil in the way that many european plants have done. we are, then, entitled to conclude that the plants above referred to have not established themselves in new zealand (although their seeds may have reached it) because they could not successfully compete with the indigenous flora which was already well established and better adapted to the conditions of climate and of the organic environment. this explanation is so perfectly in accordance with a large body of well-known facts, including that which is known to every one--how few of our oldest and hardiest garden plants ever run wild--that the objection above stated will, i feel convinced, have no real weight with any naturalists who have paid attention to this class of questions. * * * * * {509} chapter xxiii on the arctic element in south temperate floras european species and genera of plants in the southern hemisphere--aggressive power of the scandinavian flora--means by which plants have migrated from north to south--newly moved soil as affording temporary stations to migrating plants--elevation and depression of the snow-line as aiding the migration of plants--changes of climate favourable to migration--the migration from north to south has been long going on--geological changes as aiding migration--proofs of migration by way of the andes--proofs of migration by way of the himalayas and southern asia--proofs of migration by way of the african highlands--supposed connection of south africa and australia--the endemic genera of plants in new zealand--the absence of southern types from the northern hemisphere--concluding remarks on the new zealand and south temperate floras. we have now to deal with another portion of the new zealand flora which presents perhaps equal difficulties--that which appears to have been derived from remote parts of the north and south temperate zones; and this will lead us to inquire into the origin of the northern or arctic element in all the south temperate floras. more than one-third of the entire number of new zealand genera (115) are found also in europe, and even fifty-eight species are identical in these remote parts of the world. temperate south america has seventy-four genera in common with new zealand, and there are even eleven species identical in the two countries, as well as thirty-two which are close allies or representative species. {510} a considerable number of these northern or antarctic plants and many more which are representative species, are found also in tasmania and in the mountains of temperate australia; and sir joseph hooker gives a list of thirty-eight species very characteristic of europe and northern asia, but almost or quite unknown in the warmer regions, which yet reappear in temperate australia. other genera seem altogether antarctic--that is, confined to the extreme southern lands and islands; and these often have representative species in southern america, tasmania, and new zealand, while others occur only in one or two of these areas. many north temperate genera also occur in the mountains of south africa. on the other hand, few if any of the peculiar australian or antarctic types have spread northwards, except some of the former which have reached the mountains of borneo, and a few of the latter which spread along the andes to mexico. on these remarkable facts, of which i have given but the barest outline, sir joseph hooker makes the following suggestive observations:-"when i take a comprehensive view of the vegetation of the old world, i am struck with the appearance it presents of there being a continuous current of vegetation (if i may so fancifully express myself) from scandinavia to tasmania; along, in short, the whole extent of that arc of the terrestrial sphere which presents the greatest continuity of land. in the first place scandinavian genera, and even species, reappear everywhere from lapland and iceland to the tops of the tasmanian alps, in rapidly diminishing numbers it is true, but in vigorous development throughout. they abound on the alps and pyrenees, pass on to the caucasus and himalayas, thence they extend along the khasia mountains, and those of the peninsulas of india to those of ceylon and the malayan archipelago (java and borneo), and after a hiatus of 30° they appear on the alps of new south wales, victoria, and tasmania, and beyond these again on those of new zealand and the antarctic islands, many of the species remaining unchanged throughout! it matters not what the vegetation of the bases and flanks of these mountains may be; the northern species may be {511} associated with alpine forms of germanic, siberian, oriental, chinese, american, malayan, and finally australian, and antarctic types; but whereas these are all, more or less, local assemblages, the scandinavian asserts his prerogative of ubiquity from britain to beyond its antipodes."[137] it is impossible to place the main facts more forcibly before the reader than in the above striking passage. it shows clearly that this portion of the new zealand flora is due to wide-spread causes which have acted with even greater effect in other south temperate lands, and that in order to explain its origin we must grapple with the entire problem of the transfer of the north temperate flora to the southern hemisphere. taking, therefore, the facts as given by sir joseph hooker in the works already referred to, i shall discuss the whole question broadly, and shall endeavour to point out the general laws and subordinate causes that, in my opinion, have been at work in bringing about the anomalous phenomena of distribution he has done so much to make known and to elucidate. _aggressive power of the scandinavian flora._--the first important fact bearing upon this question is the wonderful aggressive and colonising power of the scandinavian flora, as shown by the way in which it establishes itself in any temperate country to which it may gain access. about 150 species have thus established themselves in new zealand, often taking possession of large tracts of country; about the same number are found in australia, and nearly as many in the atlantic states of america, where they form the commonest weeds. whether or not we accept mr. darwin's explanation of this power as due to development in the most extensive land area of the globe where competition has been most severe and long-continued, the fact of the existence of this power remains, and we can see how important an agent it must be in the formation of the floras of any lands to which these aggressive plants have been able to gain access. but not only are these plants pre-eminently capable of holding their own in any temperate country in the world, but they also have exceptional powers of migration and {512} dispersal over seas and oceans. this is especially well shown by the case of the azores, where no less than 400 out of a total of 478 flowering plants are identical with european species. these islands are more than 800 miles from europe, and, as we have already seen in chapter xii., there is no reason for supposing that they have ever been more nearly connected with it than they are now, since an extension of the european coast to the 1,000-fathom line would very little reduce the distance. now it is a most interesting and suggestive fact that more than half the european genera which occur in the australian flora occur also in the azores, and in several cases even the species are identical in both.[138] the importance of such a case as this cannot be exaggerated, because it affords a demonstration of the power of the very plants in question to pass over wide areas of sea, some no doubt wholly through the air, carried by storms in the same way as the european birds and insects which annually reach the azores, others by floating on the waters, or by a combination of the two methods; while some may have been carried by aquatic birds, to whose feathers many seeds have the power of attaching themselves, and some even in the stomachs of fruit or seed eating birds. we have in such facts as these a complete disproof of the necessity for those great changes of sea and land which are continually appealed to by those who think land-connection the only efficient means of accounting for the migration of animals or plants; but at the same time we do not neglect to make the fullest use of such moderate changes as all the evidence at our command leads us to believe have actually occurred, and especially of the former existence of intermediate islands, so often indicated by shoals in the midst of the deepest oceans. _means by which plants have migrated from north to south._--but if plants can thus pass in considerable numbers and variety over wide seas and oceans, it must be yet more easy for them to traverse continuous areas of land, whereever mountain-chains offer suitable stations at moderate {513} intervals on which they might temporarily establish themselves. the facilities afforded for the transmission of plants by mountains has hardly received sufficient attention. the numerous land-slips, the fresh surfaces of broken rock and precipice, the _debris_ of torrents, and the moraines deposited by glaciers, afford numerous unoccupied stations on which wind-borne seeds have a good chance of germinating. it is a well-known fact that fresh surfaces of soil or rock, such as are presented by railway cuttings and embankments, often produce plants strange to the locality, which survive for a few years, and then disappear as the normal vegetation gains strength and permanence.[139] but such a surface {514} will, in the meantime, have acted as a fresh centre of dispersal; and thus a plant might pass on step by step, by means of stations temporarily occupied, till it reached a district {515} where, the general conditions being more favourable, it was able to establish itself as a permanent member of the flora. such, generally speaking, was probably the process by which the scandinavian flora has made its way to the southern hemisphere; but it could hardly have done so to any important extent without the aid of those powerful causes explained in our eighth chapter--causes which acted as a constantly recurrent motive-power to produce that "continuous current of vegetation" from north to south across the whole width of the tropics referred to by sir joseph hooker. those causes were, the repeated changes {516} of climate which, during all geological time, appear to have occurred in both hemispheres, culminating at rare intervals in glacial epochs, and which have been shown to depend upon changes of excentricity of the earth's orbit and the occurrence of summer or winter in _aphelion_, in conjunction with the slower and more irregular changes of geographical conditions; these combined causes acting chiefly through the agency of heat-bearing oceanic currents, and of snowand ice-collecting highlands. let us now briefly consider how such changes would act in favouring the dispersal of plants. _elevation and depression of the snow line as aiding the migration of plants._--we have endeavoured to show (in an earlier portion of this volume) that wherever geographical or physical conditions were such as to produce any considerable amount of perpetual snow, this would be increased whenever a high degree of excentricity concurred with winter in _aphelion_, and diminished during the opposite phase. on all mountain ranges, therefore, which reached above the snow-line, there would be a periodical increase and decrease of snow, and when there were extensive areas of plateau at about the same level, the lowering of the snow-line might cause such an increased accumulation of snow as to produce great glaciers and ice-fields, such as we have seen occurred in south africa during the last period of high excentricity. but along with such depression of the line of perpetual snow there would be a corresponding depression of the alpine and sub-alpine zones suitable for the growth of an arctic and temperate vegetation, and, what is perhaps more important, the depression would necessarily produce a great _extension_ of the area of these zones on all high mountains, because as we descend the average slopes become less abrupt,--thus affording a number of new stations suitable for such temperate plants as might first reach them. but just above and below the snow-line is the area of most powerful disintegration and denudation, from the alternate action of frost and sun, of ice and water; and thus the more extended area would be subject to the constant occurrence of land-slips, berg-falls, and floods, with their {517} accompanying accumulations of _débris_ and of alluvial soil, affording innumerable stations in which solitary wind-borne seeds might germinate and temporarily establish themselves. this lowering and rising of the snow-line each 10,500 years during periods of high excentricity, would occur in the northern and southern hemispheres alternately; and where there were high mountains within the tropics the two would probably overlap each other, so that the northern depression would make itself felt in a slight degree even across the equator some way into the southern hemisphere, and _vice versâ_; and even if the difference of the height of perpetual snow at the two extremes did not average more than a few hundred feet, this would be amply sufficient to supply the new and unoccupied stations needful to facilitate the migration of plants. it is well known that all great mountain ranges have undergone such fluctuations, as proved by ice-marks below the present level of snow and ice. but the differences of temperature in the two hemispheres caused by the sun being in _perihelion_ in the winter of the one while it was in _aphelion_ during the same season in the other, would necessarily lead to increased aërial and marine currents, as already explained; and whenever geographical conditions were such as to favour the production of glaciation in any area these effects would become more powerful, and would further aid in the dispersal of the seeds of plants. _changes of climate favourable to migration._--it is clear then, that during periods when no glacial epochs were produced in the northern hemisphere, and even when a mild climate extended over the whole polar area, alternate changes of climate favouring the dispersal of plants would occur on all high mountains, and with particular force on such as rise above the snow-line. but during that long-continued, though comparatively recent, phase of high excentricity which produced an extensive glaciation in the northern hemisphere and local glaciations in the southern, these risings and lowerings of the snow-line on all mountain ranges would have been at a maximum, and {518} would have been increased by the depression of the ocean which must have arisen from such a vast bulk of water being locked up in land-ice, and which depression would have produced the same effect as a general elevation of all the continents. at this time, too, aërial currents would have attained their maximum of force in both hemispheres; and this would greatly facilitate the dispersal of all wind-borne seeds as well as of those carried in the plumage or in the stomachs of birds, since we have seen, by the cases of the azores and bermuda, how vastly the migratory powers of birds are increased by a stormy atmosphere. _migration from north to south has been long going on._--now, if each phase of colder and warmer mountain-climate--each alternate depression and elevation of the snow-line, only helped on the migration of a few species some stages of the long route from the north to the south temperate regions, yet, during the long course of the tertiary period there might well have arisen that representation of the northern flora in the southern hemisphere which is now so conspicuous. for it is very important to remark that it is not the existing flora alone that is represented, such as might have been conveyed during the last glacial epoch only; but we find a whole series of northern types evidently of varying degrees of antiquity, while even some genera characteristic of the southern hemisphere appear to have been originally derived from europe. thus eucalyptus and metrosideros have been determined by dr. ettingshausen from their fruits in the eocene beds of sheppey, while pimelea, leptomeria and four genera of proteaceæ have been recognised by professor heer in the miocene of switzerland; and the former writer has detected fifty-five australian forms in the eocene plant beds of häring (? belgium).[140] then we have such peculiar genera {519} as pachychladon and notothlaspi of new zealand said to have affinities with arctic plants, while stilbocarpa--another peculiar new zealand genus--has its nearest allies in the himalayan and chinese aralias. following these are a whole host of very distinct species of northern genera which may date back to any part of the tertiary period, and which occur in every south temperate land. then we have closely allied representative species of european or arctic plants; and, lastly, a number of identical species,--and these two classes are probably due entirely to the action of the last great glacial epoch, whose long continuance, and the repeated fluctuations of climate with which it commenced and terminated, rendered it an agent of sufficient power to have brought about this result. here, then, we have that constant or constantly recurrent process of dispersal acting throughout long periods with varying power--that "continuous current of vegetation" as it has been termed, which the facts demand; and the extraordinary phenomenon of the species and genera of european and even of arctic plants being represented abundantly in south america, australia, and new zealand, thus adds another to the long series of phenomena which are rendered intelligible by frequent alternations of warmer and colder climates in either hemisphere, culminating, at long intervals and in favourable situations, in actual glacial epochs. _geological changes as aiding migration._--it will be well also to notice here, that there is another aid to dispersion dependent upon the changes effected by denudation during the long periods included in the duration of the species and genera of plants. a considerable number of {520} the plants of the miocene period of europe were so much like existing species that although they have generally received fresh names they may well have been identical; and a large proportion of the vegetation during the whole tertiary period consisted of genera which are still living.[141] but from what is now known of the rate of sub-aërial denudation, we are sure, that during each division of this period many mountain chains must have been considerably lowered, while we know that some of the existing ranges have been greatly elevated. ancient volcanoes, too, have been destroyed by denudation, and new ones have been built up, so that we may be quite sure that ample means for the transmission of temperate plants across the tropics, may have existed in countries where they are now no longer to be found. the great mountain masses of guiana and brazil, for example, must have been far more lofty before the sedimentary covering was denuded from their granitic bosses and metamorphic peaks, and may have aided the southern migration of plants before the final elevation of the andes. and if africa presents us with an example of a continent of vast antiquity, we may be sure that its great central plateaux once bore far loftier mountain ranges before they were reduced to their present condition by long ages of denudation. _proofs of migration by way of the andes._--we are now prepared to apply the principles above laid down to the explanation of the character and affinities of the various portions of the north temperate flora in the southern hemisphere, and especially in australia and new zealand. at the present time the only unbroken chain of highlands and mountains connecting the arctic and north temperate with the antarctic lands is to be found in the american continent, the only break of importance being the comparatively low isthmus of panama, where there is {521} a distance of about 300 miles occupied by rugged forest-clad hills, between the lofty peaks of veragua and the northern extremity of the andes of new grenada. such distances are, as we have already seen, no barrier to the diffusion of plants; and we should accordingly expect that this great continuous mountain-chain has formed the most effective agent in aiding the southward migration of the arctic and north temperate vegetation. we do find, in fact, not only that a large number of northern genera and many species are scattered all along this line of route, but that at the end of the long journey, in southern chile and fuegia, they have established themselves in such numbers as to form an important part of the flora of those countries. from the lists given in the works already referred to, it appears that there are between sixty and seventy northern genera in fuegia and southern chile, while about forty of the species are absolutely identical with those of europe and the arctic regions. considering how comparatively little the mountains of south temperate america are yet known, this is a very remarkable result, and it proves that the transmission of species must have gone on up to comparatively recent times. yet, as only a few of these species are now found along the line of migration, we see that they only occupied such stations temporarily; and we may connect their disappearance with the passing away of the last glacial period which, by raising the snow-line, reduced the area on which alone they could exist, and exposed them to the competition of indigenous plants from the belt of country immediately below them. now, just as these numerous species and genera have undoubtedly passed along the great american range of mountains, although only now found at its two extremes, so others have doubtless passed on further; and have found more suitable stations or less severe competition in the antarctic continent and islands, in new zealand, in tasmania, and even in australia itself. the route by which they may have reached these countries is easily marked out. immediately south of cape horn, at a distance of only 500 miles, are the south shetland islands and graham's land, whence the antarctic continent or a {522} group of large islands probably extends across or around the south polar area to victoria land and thence to adélie land. the outlying young island, 12,000 feet high, is about 750 miles south of the macquarie islands, which may be considered a southern outlier of the new zealand group; and the macquarie islands are about the same distance from the 1,000-fathom line at a point marking the probable southern extension of tasmania. other islands may have existed at intermediate points; but, even as it is, these distances are not greater than we know are traversed by plants both by flotation and by aërial currents, especially in such a stormy atmosphere as that of the antarctic regions. now, we may further assume, that what we know occurred within the arctic circle also took place in the antarctic--that is, that there have been alternations of climate during which some portion of what are now ice-clad lands became able to support a considerable amount of vegetation.[142] during such periods there would be a steady migration of plants from all southern circumpolar countries to people the comparatively unoccupied continent, and the southern extremity of america being considerably the nearest, and also being the best stocked with those northern types which have such great powers of migration and colonisation, such plants would form the bulk of the antarctic vegetation, and during the continuance of the milder southern climate would occupy the whole area. when the cold returned and the land again became ice-clad, these plants would be crowded towards the outer margins of the antarctic land and its islands, and some of them would find their way across the sea to such countries as offered on their mountain summits suitable cool stations; and as this process of alternately receiving plants from chile and fuegia and transmitting them in all directions from the central antarctic land may have been {523} repeated several times during the tertiary period, we have no difficulty in understanding the general community between the european and antarctic plants found in all south temperate lands. kerguelen's land and the crozets are within about the same distance from the antarctic continent as new zealand and tasmania, and we need not therefore be surprised at finding in each of these islands some fuegian species which have not reached the others. of course, there will remain difficulties of detail, as there always must remain, so long as our knowledge of the past changes of the earth's surface and the history of the particular plants concerned is so imperfect. sir joseph hooker notes, for example, the curious fact that several compositæ common to three such remote localities as the auckland islands, fuegia, and kerguelen's land, have no pappus or seed-down, while such as have pappus are in no case common even to two of these islands. without knowing the exact history and distribution of the genera to which these plants belong it would be useless to offer any conjecture, except that they are ancient forms which may have survived great geographical changes, or may have some peculiar and exceptional means of dispersion. _proofs of migration by way of the himalayas and southern asia._--but although we may thus explain the presence of a considerable portion of the european element in the floras of new zealand and australia, we cannot account for the whole of it by this means, because australia itself contains a host of european and asiatic genera of which we find no trace in new zealand or south america, or any other antarctic land. we find, in fact, in australia two distinct sets of european plants. first we have a number of species identical with those of northern europe or asia (of the most characteristic of which--thirty-eight in number--sir joseph hooker gives a list); and in the second place a series of european genera usually of a somewhat more southern character, mostly represented by very distinct species, and all absent from new zealand; such as clematis, papaver, cleome, polygala, lavatera, ajuga, &c. now of the first set--the north european _species_--about three-fourths occur in some parts of america, {524} and about half in south temperate america or new zealand; whence we may conclude that most of these, as well as some others, have reached australia by the route already indicated. the second set of australo-european genera, however, and many others characteristic of the south european or the himalayan flora, have probably reached australia by way of the mountains of southern asia, borneo, the moluccas, and new guinea, at a somewhat remote period when loftier ranges and some intermediate peaks may have existed, sufficient to carry on the migration by the aid of the alternate climatal changes which are known to have occurred. the long belt of secondary and palæozoic formations in east australia from tasmania to cape york continued by the lofty ranges of new guinea, indicates the route of this immigration, and sufficiently explains how it is that these northern types are almost wholly confined to this part of the australian continent. some of the earlier immigrants of this class no doubt passed over to new zealand and now form a portion of the peculiar genera confined to these two countries; but most of them are of later date, and have thus remained in australia only. _proofs of migration by way of the african highlands._--it is owing to this twofold current of vegetation flowing into australia by widely different routes that we have in this distant land a better representation of the european flora, both as regards species and genera, than in any other part of the southern hemisphere; and, so far as i can judge of the facts, there is no general phenomenon--that is, nothing in the distribution of genera and other groups of plants as opposed to cases of individual species--that is not fairly accounted for by such an origin. it further receives support from the case of south africa, which also contains a large and important representation of the northern flora. but here we see no indications (or very slight ones) of that southern influx which has given australia such a community of vegetation with the antarctic lands. there are no less than sixty _genera_ of strictly north temperate plants in south africa, none of which occur in australia; while very few of the _species_, so characteristic of australia, new zealand, and fuegia, are found there. it {525} is clear, therefore, that south africa has received its european plants by the direct route through the abyssinian highlands and the lofty equatorial mountains, and mostly at a distant period when the conditions for migration were somewhat more favourable than they are now. the much greater directness of the route from northern europe to south africa than to australia; and the existence even now of lofty mountains and extensive highlands for a large portion of the distance, will explain (what sir joseph hooker notes as "a very curious fact") why south africa has more very northern european _genera_ than australia, while australia has more identical _species_ and a better representation on the whole of the european flora--this being clearly due to the large influx of species it has received from the antarctic islands, in addition to those which have entered it by way of asia. the greater distance of south africa even now from any of these islands, and the much deeper sea to the south of the african continent, than in the case of tasmania and new zealand, indicating a smaller recent extension southward, is all quite in harmony with the facts of distribution of the northern flora above referred to. _supposed connection of south africa and australia._--there remains, however, the small amount of direct affinity between the vegetation of south africa and that of australia, new zealand, and temperate south america, consisting in all of fifteen genera, five of which are confined to australia and south africa, while several natural orders are better represented in these two countries than in any other part of the world. this resemblance has been supposed to imply some former land-connection of all the great southern lands, but it appears to me that any such supposition is wholly unnecessary. the differences between the faunas and floras of these countries are too great and too radical to render it possible that any such connection should have existed except at a very remote period. but if we have to go back so far for an explanation, a much simpler one presents itself, and one more in accordance with what we have learnt of the general permanence of deep oceans and the great changes that have taken place {526} in the distribution of all forms of life. just as we explain the presence of marsupials in australia and america and of centetidæ in madagascar and the antilles, by the preservation in these localities of remnants of once wide-spread types, so we should prefer to consider the few genera common to australia and south africa as remnants of an ancient vegetation, once spread over the northern hemisphere, driven southward by the pressure of more specialised types, and now finding a refuge in these two widely separated southern lands. it is suggestive of such an explanation that these genera are either of very ancient groups--as conifers and cycads--or plants of low organisation as the restiaceæ--or of world-wide distribution, as melanthaceæ. _the endemic genera of plants in new zealand._--returning now to the new zealand flora, with which we are more especially concerned, there only remains to be considered the peculiar or endemic genera which characterise it. these are thirty-two in number, and are mostly very isolated. a few have affinities with arctic groups, others with himalayan, or australian genera; several are tropical forms, but the majority appear to be altogether peculiar types of world-wide groups--as leguminosæ, saxifrageæ, compositæ, orchideæ, &c. we must evidently trace back these peculiar forms to the earliest immigrants, either from the north or from the south; and the great antiquity we are obliged to give to new zealand--an antiquity supported by every feature in its fauna and flora, no less than by its geological structure, and its extinct forms of life[143]--affords ample time for the changes in the general distribution of plants, and for those due to isolation and modification under {527} the influence of changed conditions, which are manifested by the extreme peculiarity of many of these interesting endemic forms. _the absence of southern types from the northern hemisphere._--we have now only to notice the singular want of reciprocity in the migrations of northern and southern types of vegetation. in return for the vast number of european plants which have reached australia, not one single australian plant has entered any part of the north temperate zone, and the same may be said of the typical southern vegetation in general, whether developed in the antarctic lands, new zealand, south america, or south africa. the furthest northern outliers of the southern flora are a few genera of antarctic type on the bornean alps; the genus acæna which has a species in california; two representatives of the australian flora--casuarina and stylidium, in the peninsula of india; while china and the philippines have two strictly australian genera of orchideæ--microtis and thelymitra, as well as a restiaceous genus. several distinct causes appear to have combined to produce this curious inability of the southern flora to make its way into the northern hemisphere. the primary cause is, no doubt, the totally different distribution of land in the two hemispheres, so that in the south there is the minimum of land in the colder parts of the temperate zone and in the north the maximum. this is well shown by the fact that on the parallel of lat. 50° n. we pass over 240° of land or shallow sea, while on the same parallel of south latitude we have only 4°, where we cross the southern part of patagonia. again the three most important south temperate land-areas--south temperate america, south africa, and australia--are widely separated from each other, and have in all probability always been so; whereas the whole of the north temperate lands are practically continuous. it follows that, instead of the enormous northern area, in which highly organised and dominant groups of plants have been developed gifted with great colonising and aggressive powers, we have in the south three comparatively small and detached areas, in which rich floras have been developed with _special_ {528} adaptations to soil, climate, and organic environment, but comparatively impotent and inferior beyond their own domain. another circumstance which makes the contest between the northern and southern forms still more unequal, is the much greater hardiness of the former, from having been developed in a colder region, and one where alpine and arctic conditions extensively prevail; whereas the southern floras have been mainly developed in mild regions to which they have been altogether confined. while the northern plants have been driven north or south by each succeeding change of climate, the southern species have undergone comparatively slight changes of this nature, owing to the areas they occupy being unconnected with the ice-bearing antarctic continent. it follows, that whereas the northern plants find in all these southern lands a milder and more equable climate than that to which they have been accustomed, and are thus often able to grow and flourish even more vigorously than in their native land, the southern plants would find in almost every part of europe, north america or northern asia, a more severe and less equable climate, with winters that usually prove fatal to them even under cultivation. these causes, taken separately, are very powerful, but when combined they must, i think, be held to be amply sufficient to explain why examples of the typical southern vegetation are almost unknown in the north temperate zone, while a very few of them have extended so far as the northern tropic.[144] {529} _concluding remarks on the last two chapters._--our inquiry into the external relations and probable origin of the fauna and flora of new zealand, has thus led us on to a general theory as to the cause of the peculiar biological relations between the northern and the southern hemispheres; and no better or more typical example could be found of the wide range and great interest of the study of the geographical distribution of animals and plants. the solution which has here been given of one of the most difficult of this class of problems, has been rendered possible solely by the knowledge very recently obtained of the form of the sea-bottom in the southern ocean, and of the geological structure of the great australian continent. without this knowledge we should have nothing but a series of guesses or probabilities on which to found our hypothetical explanation, which we have now been able to build up on a solid foundation of fact. the complete separation of east from west australia during a portion of the cretaceous and tertiary periods, could never have been guessed till it was established by the laborious explorations of the australian geologists; while the hypothesis of a comparatively shallow sea, uniting new zealand by a long route with tropical australia, while a profoundly deep ocean always separated it from temperate australia, would have been rejected as too improbable a supposition for the foundation of even the most enticing theory. yet it is mainly by means of these two facts, that we are enabled to give an adequate explanation of the strange anomalies in the flora of australia and its relation to that of new zealand. in the more general explanation of the relations of the various northern and southern floras, i have shown what an important aid to any such explanation is the theory of repeated changes of climate, not necessarily of great amount, given in chapters viii. and ix.; while the whole discussion justifies the importance attached to the theory of the general permanence of continents and oceans, as demonstrated in chapter vi., since any rational explanation based upon facts (as opposed to mere unsupported {530} conjecture) must take such general permanence as a starting-point. the whole inquiry into the phenomena presented by islands, which forms the main subject of the present volume has, i think, shown that this theory does afford a firm foundation for the discussion of questions of distribution and dispersal; and that by its aid, combined with a clear perception of the wonderful powers of dispersion and modification in the organic world when long periods are considered, the most difficult problems connected with this subject cease to be insoluble. * * * * * {531} chapter xxiv summary and conclusion the present volume is the development and application of a theory--statement of the biological and physical causes of dispersal--investigation of the facts of dispersal--of the means of dispersal--of geographical changes affecting dispersal--of climatal changes affecting dispersal--the glacial epoch and its causes--alleged ancient glacial epochs--warm polar climates and their causes--conclusions as to geological climates--how far different from those of mr. croll--supposed limitations of geological time--time amply sufficient both for geological and biological development--insular faunas and floras--the north atlantic islands--the galapagos--st. helena and the sandwich islands--great britain as a recent continental island--borneo and java--japan and formosa--madagascar as an ancient continental island--celebes and new zealand as anomalous islands--the flora of new zealand and its origin--the european element in the south temperate floras--concluding remarks. the present volume has gone over a very wide field both of facts and theories, and it will be well to recall these to the reader's attention and point out their connection with each other, in a concluding chapter. i hope to be able to show that, although at first sight somewhat fragmentary and disconnected, this work is really the development of a clear and definite theory, and its application to the solution of a number of biological problems. that theory is, briefly, that the distribution of the various species and groups of living things over the earth's surface, and their aggregation in definite assemblages in certain areas, is the {532} direct result and outcome of a complex set of causes, which may be grouped as "biological" and "physical." the biological causes are mainly of two kinds--firstly, the constant tendency of all organisms to increase in numbers and to occupy a wider area, and their various powers of dispersion and migration through which, when unchecked, they are enabled to spread widely over the globe; and, secondly, those laws of evolution and extinction which determine the manner in which groups of organisms arise and grow, reach their maximum, and then dwindle away, often breaking up into separate portions which long survive in very remote regions. the physical causes are also mainly of two kinds. we have, first, the geographical changes which at one time isolate a whole fauna and flora, at another time lead to their dispersal and intermixture with adjacent faunas and floras--and it was here important to ascertain and define the exact nature and extent of these changes, and to determine the question of the general stability or instability of continents and oceans; in the second place, it was necessary to determine the exact nature, extent and frequency of the changes of climate which have occurred in various parts of the earth,--because such changes are among the most powerful agents in causing the dispersal and extinction of plants and animals. hence the importance attached to the question of geological climates and their causes, which have been here investigated at some length with the aid of the most recent researches of geologists, physicists, and explorers. these various inquiries led on to an investigation of the mode of formation of stratified deposits, with a view to fix within some limits their probable age; and also to an estimate of the probable rate of development of the organic world; and both these processes are shown to involve, so far as we can judge, periods of time less vast than have generally been thought necessary. the numerous facts and theories established in the first part of the work are then applied to explain the phenomena presented by the floras and faunas of the chief islands of the globe, which are classified, in accordance with their physical origin, in three groups or classes, each {533} of which are shown to exhibit certain well-marked biological features. having thus shown that the work is a connected whole, founded on the principle of tracing out the more recondite causes of the distribution of organisms, we will briefly indicate the scope and object of the several chapters, by means of which this general conception has been carried out. beginning with simple and familiar facts relating to british and european quadrupeds and birds, i have defined and shown the exact character of "areas of distribution," as applied to species, genera, and families, and have illustrated the subject by maps showing the peculiarities of distribution of some well-known groups of birds. taking then our british mammals and land-birds, i follow them over the whole area they inhabit, and thus obtain a foundation for the establishment of "zoological regions," and a clear insight into their character as distinct from the usual geographical divisions of the globe. the facts thus far established are then shown to be necessary results of the "law of evolution." the nature and amount of "variation" is exhibited by a number of curious examples; the origin, growth, and decay of species and genera are traced, and all the interesting phenomena of isolated groups and discontinuous generic and specific areas are shown to follow as logical consequences. the next subject investigated is the means by which the various groups of animals are enabled to overcome the natural barriers which often seem to limit them to very restricted areas, how far those barriers are themselves liable to be altered or abolished, and what is the exact nature and amount of the changes of sea and land which our earth has undergone in past times. this latter part of the inquiry is shown to be the most important as it is the most fundamental; and as it is still a subject of controversy, and many erroneous views prevail in regard to it, it is discussed at some length. several distinct classes of evidence are adduced to prove that the grand features of our globe--the position of the great oceans {534} and the chief land-areas--have remained, on the whole, unchanged throughout geological time. our continents are shown to be built up mainly of "shore-deposits"; and even the chalk, which is so often said to be the exact equivalent of the "globigerina ooze" now forming in mid-atlantic, is shown to be a comparatively shallow-water deposit formed in inland seas, or in the immediate vicinity of land. the general stability of continents has, however, been accompanied by constant changes of form, and insular conditions have prevailed over every part in succession; and the effect of such changes on the distribution of organisms is pointed out. we then approach the consideration of another set of changes--those of climate--which have probably been agents of the first importance in modifying the specific forms as well as the distribution of animals. here again we find ourselves in the midst of fierce controversies. the occurrence of a recent glacial epoch of great severity in the northern hemisphere is now universally admitted, but the causes which brought it on are matter of dispute. but unless we can arrive at these causes, as well as at those which produced the equally well demonstrated mild climate in the arctic regions, we shall be quite unable to determine the nature and amount of the changes of climate which have occurred throughout past ages, and shall thus be left without a most important clue to the explanation of many of the anomalies in the distribution of animals and plants. i have therefore devoted three chapters to a full investigation of this question. i have first given such a sketch of the most salient facts as to render the phenomena of the glacial epoch clear and intelligible. i then review the various suggested explanations, and, taking up the two which alone seem tenable, i endeavour to determine the true principles of each. while adopting generally mr. croll's views as to the causes of the "glacial epoch," i have introduced certain limitations and modifications. i have pointed out, i believe, more clearly than has hitherto been done, the very different effects on climate of water in the liquid and in the solid state; and i have {535} shown, by a variety of evidence, that without high land there can be no permanent snow and ice. from these facts and principles the very important conclusion is reached, that the alternate phases of precession--causing the winter of each hemisphere to be in _aphelion_ and _perihelion_ each 10,500 years--would produce a complete change of climate only where a country was _partially_ snow-clad; while, whenever a large area became almost _wholly_ buried in snow and ice--as was certainly the case with northern europe and america during the glacial epoch--then the glacial conditions would be continued and perhaps even intensified when the sun approached nearest to the earth in winter, instead of there being at that time, as mr. croll maintains, an almost perpetual spring. this important result is supported by reference to the existing differences between the climates of the northern and southern hemispheres, and by what is known to have occurred during the last glacial epoch; and it is shown to be in complete harmony with the geological evidence as to interglacial mild periods. discussing next the evidence for glacial epochs in earlier times, it is shown that mr. croll's views are opposed by a vast body of facts, and that the geological evidence leads irresistibly to the conclusion that during a large portion of the secondary and tertiary periods, uninterrupted warm climates prevailed in the north temperate zone, and so far ameliorated the climate of the arctic regions as to admit of the growth of a luxuriant vegetation in the highest latitudes yet explored. the geographical condition of the northern hemisphere at these periods is then investigated, and it is shown to have been probably such as to admit the warm tropical waters freely to penetrate the land, and to reach the arctic seas by several channels; and, adopting mr. croll's calculations as to the enormous quantity of heat that would thus be conveyed northwards, it is maintained that the mild arctic climates are amply accounted for. with such favourable geographical conditions, it is shown, that changes of excentricity and of the phases of precession would have no other effect than to cause greater differences {536} of temperature between summer and winter; but, wherever there was a considerable extent of very lofty mountains the snow-line would be lowered, and the snow-collecting area being thus largely increased a considerable amount of local glaciation might result. thus may be explained the presence of enormous ice-borne rocks in eocene and miocene times in central europe, while at the very same period all the surrounding country enjoyed a tropical or sub-tropical climate. the general conclusion is thus reached, that geographical conditions are the essential causes of great changes of climate, and that the radically different distribution of land and sea in the northern and southern hemispheres has generally led to great diversity of climate in the arctic and antarctic regions. the form and arrangement of the continents is shown to be such as to favour the transfer of warm oceanic currents to the north far in excess of those which move towards the south, and whenever these currents had free passage _through_ the northern land-masses to the polar area, a mild climate must have prevailed over the whole northern hemisphere. it is only in very recent times that the great northern continents have become so completely consolidated as they now are, thus shutting out the warm water from their interiors, and rendering possible a wide-spread and intense glacial epoch. but this great climatal change was actually brought about by the high excentricity which occurred about 200,000 years ago; and it is doubtful if a similar glaciation in equally low latitudes could be produced by means of any such geographical combinations as actually occur, without the concurrence of a high excentricity. a survey of the present condition of the earth supports this view, for though we have enormous mountain ranges in every latitude, there is no glaciated country south of greenland in n. lat. 61°. but directly we go back a very short period, we find the superficial evidences of glaciation to an enormous extent over three-fourths of the globe. in the alps and pyrenees, in the british isles and scandinavia, in spain and the atlas, in the caucasus {537} and the himalayas, in eastern north america and west of the rocky mountains, in the andes of south temperate america, in south africa, and in new zealand, huge moraines and other unmistakable ice-marks attest the universal descent of the snow-line for several thousand feet below its present level. if we reject the influence of high excentricity as the cause of this almost universal glaciation, we must postulate a general elevation of _all_ these mountains about the same time, geologically speaking--for the general similarity in the state of preservation of the ice-marks and the known activity of denudation as a destroying agent, forbid the idea that they belong to widely separated epochs. it has, indeed, been suggested, that denudation alone has lowered these mountains so much during the post-tertiary epoch, that they were previously of sufficient height to account for the glaciation of all of them; but this hardly needs refutation, for it is clear that denudation could not at the same time have removed some thousands of feet of rock from many hundreds of square miles of lofty snow-collecting plateaus, and yet have left moraines, and blocks, and even glacial striæ, undisturbed and uneffaced on the slopes and in the valleys of these same mountains. the theory of geological climates set forth in this volume, while founded on mr. croll's researches, differs from all that have yet been made public, in clearly tracing out the comparative influence of geographical and astronomical revolutions, showing that, while the former have been the chief, if not the exclusive, causes of the long-continued mild climates of the arctic regions, the concurrence of the latter has been essential to the production of glacial epochs in the temperate zones, as well as of those local glaciations in low latitudes, of which there is such an abundance of evidence. the next question discussed is that of geological time as bearing on the development of the organic world. the periods of time usually demanded by geologists have been very great, and it was often assumed that there was no occasion to limit them. but the theory of development demands far more; for the earliest fossiliferous rocks {538} prove the existence of many and varied forms of life which require unrecorded ages for their development--ages probably far longer than those which have elapsed from that period to the present day. the physicists, however, deny that any such indefinitely long periods are available. the sun is ever losing heat far more rapidly than it can be renewed from any known or conceivable source. the earth is a cooling body, and must once have been too hot to support life; while the friction of the tides is checking the earth's rotation, and this cannot have gone on indefinitely without making our day much longer than it is. a limit is therefore placed to the age of the habitable earth, and it has been thought that the time so allowed is not sufficient for the long processes of geological change and organic development. it is therefore important to inquire whether these processes are either of them so excessively slow as has been supposed, and i devote a chapter to the inquiry. geologists have measured with some accuracy the maximum thickness of all the known sedimentary rocks. the rate of denudation has also been recently measured by a method which, if not precise, at all events gives results of the right order of magnitude and which err on the side of being too slow rather than too fast. if, then, the _maximum_ thickness of the _known_ sedimentary rocks is taken to represent the _average_ thickness of _all_ the sedimentary rocks, and we also know the _amount_ of sediment carried to the sea or lakes, and the _area_ over which that sediment is spread, we have a means of calculating the _time_ required for the building up of all the sedimentary rocks of the geological system. i have here inquired how far the above suppositions are correct, or on which side they probably err; and the conclusion arrived at is, that the time required is very much less than has hitherto been supposed. another estimate is afforded by the date of the last glacial epoch if coincident with the last period of high excentricity, while the alpine glaciation of the miocene period is assumed to have been caused by the next earlier phase of very high excentricity. taking these as data, the {539} proportionate change of the species of mollusca affords a means of arriving at the whole lapse of time represented by the fossiliferous rocks; and these two estimates agree in the _order_ of their magnitudes. it is then argued that the changes of climate every 10,500 years during the numerous periods of high excentricity have acted as a motive power in hastening on both geological and biological change. by raising and lowering the snow-line in all mountain ranges it has caused increased denudation; while the same changes have caused much migration and disturbance in the organic world, and have thus tended to the more rapid modification of species. the present epoch being a period of very low excentricity, the earth is in a phase of _exceptional stability_ both physical and organic; and it is from this period of exceptional stability that our notions of the very slow rate of change have been derived. the conclusion is, on the whole, that the periods allowed by physicists are not only far in excess of such as are required for geological and organic change, but that they allow ample margin for a lapse of time anterior to the deposit of the earliest fossiliferous rocks several times longer than the time which has elapsed since their deposit to the present day. having thus laid the foundation for a scientific interpretation of the phenomena of distribution, we proceed to the second part of our work--the discussion of a series of typical insular faunas and floras with a view to explain the interesting phenomena they present. taking first two north atlantic groups--the azores and bermuda--it is shown how important an agent in the dispersal of most animals and plants is a stormy atmosphere. although 900 and 700 miles respectively from the nearest continents, their productions are very largely identical with those of europe and america; and, what is more important, fresh arrivals of birds, insects, and plants, are now taking place almost annually. these islands afford, therefore, test examples of the great dispersive powers of certain groups of organisms, and thus serve as a basis on which to found our explanations of many anomalies of distribution. passing {540} on to the galapagos we have a group less distant from a continent and of larger area, yet, owing to special conditions, of which the comparatively stormless equatorial atmosphere is the most important, exhibiting far more speciality in its productions than the more distant azores. still, however, its fauna and flora are as unmistakably derived from the american continent as those of the azores are from the european. we next take st. helena and the sandwich islands, both wonderfully isolated in the midst of vast oceans, and no longer exhibiting in their productions an exclusive affinity to one continent. here we have to recognise the results of immense antiquity, and of those changes of geography, of climate, and in the general distribution of organisms which we know have occurred in former geological epochs, and whose causes and consequences we have discussed in the first part of our volume. this concludes our review of the oceanic islands. coming now to continental islands we consider first those of most recent origin and offering the simplest phenomena; and begin with the british isles as affording the best example of very recent and well known continental islands. reviewing the interesting past history of britain, we show why it is comparatively poor in species and why this poverty is still greater in ireland. by a careful examination of its fauna and flora it is then shown that the british isles are not so completely identical, biologically, with the continent as has been supposed. a considerable amount of speciality is shown to exist, and that this speciality is real and not apparent is supported by the fact, that small outlying islands, such as the isle of man, the shetland isles, lundy island, and the isle of wight, all possess certain species or varieties not found elsewhere. borneo and java are next taken, as illustrations of tropical islands which may be not more ancient than britain, but which, owing to their much larger area, greater distance from the continent, and the extreme richness of the equatorial fauna and flora, possess a large proportion of peculiar species, though these are in general very closely allied to those of the adjacent parts of asia. the {541} preliminary studies we have made enable us to afford a simpler and more definite interpretation of the peculiar relations of java to the continent and its differences from borneo and sumatra, than was given in my former work (_the geographical distribution of animals_). japan and formosa are next taken, as examples of islands which are decidedly somewhat more ancient than those previously considered, and which present a number of very interesting phenomena, especially in their relations to each other, and to remote rather than to adjacent parts of the asiatic continent. we now pass to the group of ancient continental islands, of which madagascar is the most typical example. it is surrounded by a number of smaller islands which may be termed its satellites since they partake of many of its peculiarities; though some of these--as the comoros and seychelles--may be considered continental, while others--as bourbon, mauritius, and rodriguez--are decidedly oceanic. in order to understand the peculiarities of the madagascar fauna we have to consider the past history of the african and asiatic continents, which it is shown are such as to account for all the main peculiarities of the fauna of these islands without having recourse to the hypothesis of a now-submerged lemurian continent. considerable evidence is further adduced to show that "lemuria" is a myth, since not only is its existence unnecessary, but it can be proved that it would not explain the actual facts of distribution. the origin of the interesting mascarene wingless birds is discussed, and the main peculiarities of the remarkable flora of madagascar and the mascarene islands pointed out; while it is shown that all these phenomena are to be explained on the general principles of the permanence of the great oceans and the comparatively slight fluctuations of the land area, and by taking account of established palæontological facts. there remain two other islands--celebes and new zealand--which are classed as "anomalous," the one because it is almost impossible to place it in any of the six zoological regions, or determine whether it has ever been actually joined to a continent--the other because it {542} combines the characteristics of continental and oceanic islands. the peculiarities of the celebesian fauna have already been dwelt upon in several previous works, but they are so remarkable and so unique that they cannot be omitted in a treatise on "insular faunas"; and here, as in the case of borneo and java, fuller consideration and the application of the general principles laid down in our first part, lead to a solution of the problem at once more simple and more satisfactory than any which have been previously proposed. i now look upon celebes as an outlying portion of the great asiatic continent of miocene times, which either by submergence or some other cause had lost the greater portion of its animal inhabitants, and since then has remained more or less completely isolated from every other land. it has thus preserved a fragment of a very ancient fauna along with a number of later types which have reached it from surrounding islands by the ordinary means of dispersal. this sufficiently explains all the peculiar _affinities_ of its animals, though the peculiar and distinctive _characters_ of some of them remain as mysterious as ever. new zealand is shown to be so completely continental in its geological structure, and its numerous wingless birds so clearly imply a former connection with some other land (as do its numerous lizards and its remarkable reptile, the hatteria), that the total absence of indigenous land-mammalia was hardly to be expected. some attention is therefore given to the curious animal which has been seen but never captured, and this is shown to be probably identical with an animal referred to by captain cook. the more accurate knowledge which has recently been obtained of the sea bottom around new zealand enables us to determine that the former connection of that island with australia was towards the north, and this is found to agree well with many of the peculiarities of its fauna. the flora of new zealand and that of australia are now both so well known, and they present so many peculiarities, and relations of so anomalous a character, {543} as to present in sir joseph hooker's opinion an almost insoluble problem. much additional information on the physical and geological history of these two countries has, however, been obtained since the appearance of sir joseph hooker's works, and i therefore determined to apply to them the same method of discussion and treatment which has been usually successful with similar problems in the case of animals. the fact above noted, that new zealand was connected with australia in its northern and tropical portion only, of itself affords a clue to one portion of the specialities of the new zealand flora--the presence of an unusual number of tropical families and genera, while the temperate forms consist mainly of species either identical with those found in australia or closely allied to them. but a still more important clue is obtained in the geological structure of australia itself, which is shown to have been for long periods divided into an eastern and a western island, in the latter of which the highly peculiar flora of temperate australia was developed. this is found to explain with great exactness the remarkable absence from new zealand of all the most abundant and characteristic australian genera, both of plants and of animals, since these existed at that time only in the _western_ island, while new zealand was in connection with the _eastern_ island alone and with the tropical portion of it. from these geological and physical facts, and the known powers of dispersal of plants, all the main features, and many of the detailed peculiarities of the new zealand flora are shown necessarily to result. our last chapter is devoted to a wider, and if possible more interesting subject--the origin of the european element in the floras of new zealand and australia, and also in those of south america and south africa. this is so especially a botanical question, that it was with some diffidence i entered upon it, yet it arose so naturally from the study of the new zealand and australian floras, and seemed to have so much light thrown upon it by our preliminary studies as to changes of climate and the causes which have favoured the distribution of plants, that i felt my work would be incomplete without a consideration of {544} it. the subject will be so fresh in the reader's mind that a complete summary of it is unnecessary. i venture to think, however, that i have shown, not only the several routes by which the northern plants have reached the various southern lands, but have pointed out the special aids to their migration, and the motive power which has urged them on. in this discussion, if nowhere else, will be found a complete justification of that lengthy investigation of the exact nature of past changes of climate, which to some readers may have seemed unnecessary and unsuited to such a work as the present. without the clear and definite conclusions arrived at by that discussion, and those equally important views as to the permanence of the great features of the earth's surface, and the wonderful dispersive powers of plants which have been so frequently brought before us in our studies of insular floras, i should not have ventured to attack the wide and difficult problem of the northern element in southern floras. in concluding a work dealing with subjects which have occupied my attention for many years, i trust that the reader who has followed me throughout will be imbued with the conviction that ever presses upon myself, of the complete interdependence of organic and inorganic nature. not only does the marvellous structure of each organised being involve the whole past history of the earth, but such apparently unimportant facts as the presence of certain types of plants or animals in one island rather than in another, are now shown to be dependent on the long series of past geological changes--on those marvellous astronomical revolutions which cause a periodic variation of terrestrial climates--on the apparently fortuitous action of storms and currents in the conveyance of germs--and on the endlessly varied actions and reactions of organised beings on each other. and although these various causes are far too complex in their combined action to enable us to follow them out in the case of any one species, yet their broad results are clearly recognisable; and we are thus encouraged to study more completely every detail and {545} every anomaly in the distribution of living things, in the firm conviction that by so doing we shall obtain a fuller and clearer insight into the course of nature, and with increased confidence that the "mighty maze" of being we see everywhere around us is "not without a plan." {549} index a. acacia, wide range of in australia, 185 _acacia heterophylla_, and _acacia koa_, 443 acæna in california, 527 _accipiter hawaii_, 314 achatinellinæ, average range of, 317 _ægialitis sanctæ-helenæ_, 305 africa, characteristic mammalia of, 416 former isolation of, 418 africa and madagascar, relations of, 418 early history of, 419 african highlands as aiding the migration of plants, 524 african reptiles absent from madagascar, 418 aggressive power of the scandinavian flora, 511 air and water, properties of, in relation to climate, 131 _alectorænas pulcherrimus_, 429 allen, mr. j. a., on variation, 58 allied species occupy separate areas, 478 alpine plants, their advantages as colonisers, 503 alternations of climate in switzerland and north america, 121 alternations of climate, palæontological evidence of, 119 amazon, limitation of species by, 18 _amblyrhynchus cristatus_, 279 american genera of reptiles in madagascar, 417 amphibia, dispersal of, 76 of the seychelles, 432 introduced, of mauritius, 435 of new zealand, 483 amphioxus, 63 amphisbænidæ, 28 _amydrus tristramii_, restricted range of, 16 _anas wyvilliana_, 314 ancient continental islands, 244, 411 ancient glacial epochs, 169 what evidence of may be expected, 175 ancient groups in madagascar, 419 andersson, n. j., on the flora of the galapagos, 287 andes, migration of plants along the, 520 _angræcum sesquipedale_, 440 animal life, effects of glacial epoch on, 117 animal life of formosa, 401 _anoa depressicornis_, 456 antarctic continent as a means of plant-dispersion, 521 antarctic islands, with perpetual snow, 136 antelopes, overlapping genera of, 29 antiquity of hawaiian fauna and flora, 328 of land-shells, 79 of new zealand, 526 of plants as affecting their dispersal, 82 _apera arundinacea_, 503 _apium graveolens_ in new zealand, 515 apteryx, species of, 476 _arabis hirsuta_ on railway arch, 514 archaic forms still existing, 229 arctic and antarctic regions, contrasts of, 135 arctic current, effects of a stoppage of, 150 arctic plants in the southern hemisphere, 509 arctic regions, mild climates of, 181 recent interglacial mild period in, 182 arctic warm climates of secondary and palæozoic times, 201 areas of distribution, 13 separate and overlapping, 17, 28 ascension, former climate and productions of, 303 astronomical and geographical causes, comparative effects of, on climate, 207 astronomical causes of change of climate, 126 of glaciation, 140 atlantic isles, peculiar mosses of, 368 atlantosaurus, the largest land-animal, 98 _atriplex patula_ on a railway bank, 515 auchenia, 27 austen, mr. godwin, on littoral shells in deep water, 337 australia, two sets of northern plants in, 523 south european plants in, 523 australia and south africa, supposed connection of, 525 {550} australian alps, indications of glaciation in, 163 birds absent from new zealand, 483 flora, general features of, 491 richest in temperate zone, 491 recent and derivative in the tropics, 492 its south-eastern and south-western divisions, 493 sir joseph hooker on, 494 geological explanation of, 494 its presence in new zealand, 498 natural orders of, wanting in new zealand, 490 orchideæ in china, 527 genera of plants in india, 524 plants absent from new zealand, 488, 490 none in north temperate zone, 527 running wild in neilgherrie mountains, 528 region, definition of, 45 mammals and birds of, 46 seeds scattered in new zealand, 508 aylward, captain, on glaciation of south africa, 163 azores, 247 absence from, of large-fruited trees or shrubs, 260 zoological features of, 248 birds of, 249 insects of, 253 beetles of, 253 land-shells of, 256 flora of, 256 azores and new zealand, identical plants in both, 512 azorean bird-fauna, origin of, 250 fauna and flora, deductions from, 261 plants, facilities for the dispersal of, 260 b. _babirusa alfurus_ in celebes, 456 badgers, 41 bahamas contrasted with florida, 5 baker, mr., on flora of mauritius and the seychelles, 441 bali and lombok, contrasts of, 4 banca, peculiar species of, 386 _barbarea precox_ on railway bank, 514 barn-owl, wide range of, 15 baron, rev. r., on the flora of madagascar, 441 barriers to dispersal, 73 batrachia, 30 bats in bermuda, 269 bears of europe and america, 14 beaver of europe and america, 14 beetles of the azores, 253 remote affinities of some of, 255 of the galapagos, 284 of st. helena, 298 of the sandwich islands, 318 peculiar british species of, 351 bell-birds, distribution of, 24 bennett, mr. arthur, on peculiar british plants, 360 on the vegetation of railway banks, 514 bentham, mr., on the compositæ of the galapagos, 288 on the compositæ of st. helena, 307 on the mascarene compositæ, 445 on sandwich island compositæ, 325 bermuda, 262 soundings around, 263 red clay of, 265 zoology of, 266 reptiles of, 266 birds of, 266 insects of, 269 land-mollusca of, 270 flora of, 271 bermuda and azores, comparison of bird-faunas of, 268 _bernicla sandvichensis_, 314 biological causes which determine distribution, 532 biological features of madagascar, 416 birds as plant-dispersers, 81 as seed-carriers, 81, 258 common to great britain and japan, 396 common to india and japan, 399 specific range of, 15 range of british, 34 range of east asian, 38 variation in n. american, 58 dispersal of, 75 of the azores, 249 of bermuda, 266 of bermuda and azores compared, 268 of the galapagos, 280 of the sandwich islands, 313 peculiar to britain, 340 of borneo, 377 of java, 382 of the philippines, 388 of japan, 396 peculiar to japan, 398 peculiar to formosa, 404 common to formosa and india or malaya, 407 of madagascar, and their teachings, 422 of comoro islands, 429 of the seychelles, 430 of the mascarene islands, 436 of islands east and west of celebes, 454 of celebes, 458 peculiar to celebes, 459 himalayan types of, in celebes, 462 list of, in celebes, 466 of new zealand, 476, 482 wingless, of new zealand, 476 blackburn, mr. t., on the beetles of the sandwich islands, 318 blakiston and pryer on birds of japan, 396 {551} bland, mr., on land-shells of bermuda, 270 blanford, mr. w. t., on small effect of marine denudation, 225 blanford, mr. h. f., on former connection of africa and india, 426 blocks, travelled and perched, 109 blue magpies, range of, 15 borneo, geology of, 375 mammalia of, 376 birds of, 377 affinities of fauna of, 381 borneo and asia, resemblance of, 6 borneo and java, 373 boulder-beds of the carboniferous formation, 201 boulder clays of east of england, 118 bovidæ, 29 brady, mr. h. b., on habitat of globigerinæ, 92 braithwaite, dr. r., on peculiar british mosses, 365 britain, probable climate of, with winter in _aphelion_, 156 british birds, range of, 34-38 british columbia, interglacial warm periods in, 121 british fauna and flora, peculiarities of, 370 british isles, recent changes in, 332 proofs of former elevation of, 334 submerged forests of, 335 buried river channels of, 336 last union of, with continent, 337 why poor in species, 338 peculiar birds of, 339 fresh-water fishes of, 340 peculiar insects of, 344 peculiar lepidoptera of, 347 peculiar coleoptera of, 351 peculiar trichoptera of, 355 peculiar land and fresh-water shells of, 356 peculiarities of the flora of, 360 peculiar mosses and hepaticæ of, 366 british mammals as indicating a zoological region, 33 buller, sir w. l., on the new zealand rat, 475 buried river-channels, 336 _buteo solitarius_, 314 butterflies of celebes, peculiar shape of, 463 butterflies, peculiar british, 347 c. caddis-flies peculiar to britain, 355 cæcilia, species of, in the seychelles, 432 wide distribution of, 432 cæciliadæ, 28 _callithea leprieuri_, distribution of, 18 _callithea sapphira_, 18 camels as destroyers of vegetation, 296 former wide distribution of, 421 camelus, 17, 27 _campanula vidalii_, 261 canis, 17, 26 carabus, numerous species of, 42 carboniferous boulder-beds, 201 warm arctic climate, 201 carnivora in madagascar, 417 carpenter, dr., on habitat of globigerinæ, 92 carpenter, mr. edward, on mars and glacial periods, 164 _carduus marianus_ in new zealand, 515 _carpodacus purpureus_ and _p. californicus_, 68 castor, 17 casuarina, 185 in india, 527 cause of extinction, 63 caves of glamorganshire, 336 cebibæ, overlapping genera of, 29 celebes, physical features of, 451 islands around, 452 zoology of, 455 derivation of mammals of, 457 birds of, 458 not a continental island, 461 insect peculiarities of, 462 himalayan types in, 462 peculiarity of butterflies of, 463 list of land-birds of, 466 centetidæ, 27 centetidæ, formerly inhabited europe, 420 central america, mixed fauna of, 53 ceratodus, or mud-fish, 69 cervus, 17, 26 chalk a supposed oceanic formation, 89 chalk at oahu, analysis of, 90 chalk, analysis of, 91 chalk mollusca indicative of shallow water, 93 chalk sea, extent of, in europe, 93 chalk-formation, land-plants found in, 94 deposited in an inland sea, 93 of faxoe an ancient coral-reef, 94 modern formation of, 95 supposed oceanic origin of, erroneous, 96 "challenger" soundings and shore-deposits, 86 "challenger" ridge in the atlantic, 101 chameleons very abundant in madagascar, 430 chamois, distribution of, 13 changes of land and sea, 83 chasmorhynchus, distribution of, 24 _c. nudicollis_, 24 _c. tricarunculatus_, 24 _c. variegatus_, 24 _c. niveus_, 24 _chilomenus lunata_, 300 chinchillas, 26 chrysochloridæ, 29 cicindela, 17 cicindelidæ common to south america and madagascar, 28 clay, red, of bermuda, 265 climate, astronomical causes of changes of, 126 {552} properties of snow and ice in relation to, 131 of britain with winter in _aphelion_, 156 of tertiary period in europe and n. america, 178 temperate in arctic regions, 181 causes of mild arctic, 190 of tertiary and secondary periods, 199, 202 of the secondary and palæozoic epochs, 200 change of, during tertiary and secondary periods, 200 affected by arrangement of the great continents, 205 nature of changes of, caused by high excentricity, 230 exceptional stability of the present, 232 changes of, as affecting migration of plants, 517 climatal changes, 106 change, its essential principle restated, 158 changes as modifying organisms, 229 clouds cut off the sun's heat, 145 coal in sumatra, 385 coast line of globe, extent of, 221 cochoa, distribution of, 25 cockerell, mr. th. d. a., on slugs of bermuda, 271 on british land and fresh-water shells, 356 cold alone does not cause glaciation, 135 how it can be stored up, 133 coleoptera of the azores, 253 of st. helena, 298 of the sandwich islands, 318 peculiar british species of, 351 comoro islands, 428 mammals and birds of, 428 compositæ of the galapagos, 288 of st. helena, 307 of the sandwich islands, 325 of the mascarene islands, 445 species often have restricted ranges, 504 conclusions on the new zealand flora, 506 contemporaneous formation of lower greensand and wealden, 221 continental conditions throughout geological time, 97-99 changes and animal distribution, 102 extensions will not explain anomalous facts of distribution, 449 continental islands, 243 of recent origin, 331 general remarks on recent, 408 ancient, 411 continental period, date of, 337 continents, movements of, 88 permanence of, 97 general stability of, 101, 103 geological development of, 205 continuity of land, 74 continuity of now isolated groups, proof of, 70 cook, captain, on a native quadruped in new zealand, 476 cope, professor, on the bermuda lizard, 266 _coracias temminckii_, in celebes, 463 corvus, 17 cossonidæ, in st. helena, 299 cretaceous deposits in north australia, 493, 496 cretaceous flora of greenland, 185 of the united states, 189 croll, dr. james, on antarctic icebergs, 136 on winter temperature of britain in glacial epoch, 141 on diversion of gulf-stream during the glacial epoch, 143 on loss of heat by clouds and fogs, 145 on geographical causes as affecting climate, 148 on ancient glacial epochs, 170 on universality of glacial markings in scotland, 174 on mild climates of arctic regions, 189 on ocean-currents, 190, 204 on age of the earth, 213 on mean thickness of sedimentary rocks, 220 on small amount of marine denudation, 225 on buried river-channels, 336 ctenodus, 69 cyanopica, distribution of, 24 _cyanopica cooki_, restricted range of, 15, 24 _cyanopica cyanus_, 24 _cynopithecus nigrescens_, in celebes, 456 d. dacelo, 47 dana on continental upheavals, 88 on chalk in the sandwich islands, 90 on elevation of land causing the glacial epoch, 152 on elevation of western america, 194 on the development of continents, 205 on shore-deposits, 222 on life extermination by cold epochs, 230 darwin, experiment on _helix pomatia_, 78 on the permanence of oceans, 100 on cloudy sky of antarctic regions, 146 on glaciers of the southern andes, 147 on geological time, 211 on complex relations of organisms, 226 on oceanic islands, 242 on seeds carried by birds, 257 {553} experiments on seed-dispersal, 258 on natural history of the keeling islands, 286 theory of formation of atolls, 397 on cultivated plants not running wild, 507 dawkins, professor boyd, on animal migrations during the glacial epoch, 120 dawson, mr. g. m., on alternations of climate in british columbia, 121 professor, on palæozoic boulder-beds in nova scotia, 201 de candolle on dispersal of seeds, 80 deep-sea deposits, 219 deer in celebes, 456 _delphinium ajacis_, on a railway bank, 515 _dendroeca_, 19 _d. coerulea_, 19 _d. discolor_, 19 _d. dominica_, 19 _dendroeca coronata_, variation of, 58 dendrophidæ, 29 denudation destroys the evidences of glaciation, 172 denudation and deposition as a measure of time, 213 denudation in river basins, measurement of, 215 denudation, marine as compared with sub-aerial, 225 deposition of sediments, how to estimate the average, 221 deserts, cause of high temperature of, 132 diagram of excentricity and precession, 129 diagram of excentricity for three million years, 171 dididæ, how exterminated, 436 didunculus, keeled sternum of, 437 diospyros, in upper greensand of greenland, 186 _diplotaxis muralis_, on railway banks, 513 dipnoi, discontinuity of, 69 dipterus, 69 discontinuity among north american birds, 67 discontinuity a proof of antiquity, 69 discontinuous generic areas, 23 discontinuous areas, 64 why rare, 64 dispersal of animals, 72 of land animals, how effected, 73, 76 along mountain-chains, 81 of seeds by wind, 80, 257 by birds, 81, 258 by ocean-currents, 81, 258 of azorean plants, facilities for, 260 distribution, changes of, shown by extinct animals, 102 how to explain anomalies of, 420 drontheim mountains, peculiar mosses of, 368 dobson, mr., on bats of japan, 394 on the affinities of _mystacina tuberculata_, 474 dodo, the, 436 aborted wings of, 437 dryiophidæ, 28 dumeril, professor, on lizards of bourbon, 435 duncan, professor p. m., on ancient sea of central australia, 496 e. early history of new zealand, 484 earth's age, 210 east asian birds, range of, 38 east and west australian floras, geological explanation of, 494 echidna, 30 echimyidæ, 27 elevation of north america during glacial period, 154 causing diversion of gulf-stream, 154 elwes, mr. h. j., on distribution of asiatic birds, 380 _emberiza schoeniclus_, discontinuity of, 66 _e. passerina_, range of, 66 _e. pyrrhulina_, 66 endemic genera of plants in mauritius, &c., 443 endemic genera of plants in new zealand, 526 english plants in st. helena, 297 environment, change of, as modifying organisms, 225 _eriocaulon septangulare_, 363 ethiopian region, definition of, 42 birds of, 43 ettingshausen, baron von, on the fossil flora of new zealand, 499 on australian plants in england, 518 eucalyptus, wide range of, in australia, 185 eucalyptus and acacia, why not in new zealand, 507 eucalyptus in eocene of sheppey, 518 eupetes, distribution of, 25 europe, asia, &c., as zoological terms, 32 european birds, range of, 16 in bermuda, 269 european occupation, effects of, in st. helena, 294 european plants in new zealand, 507 in chile and fuegia, 521 everett, mr., on bornean birds, 377 on mammalia of the philippines, 387 on philippine birds, 388 on raised coral-reefs in the philippines, 389 evolution necessitates continuity, 70 excentricity and precession, diagram of, 129 excentricity, variations of, during three million years, 171 excentricity a test of rival theories of climate, 171 excentricity, high, its effects on warm and cold climates, 198 explanation of peculiarities of the fauna of celebes, 460 {554} extinct animals showing changes of distribution, 102 extinct birds of the mascarene islands, 436 of new zealand, 476 extinction caused by glacial epoch, 122 f. families, restricted areas of, 29 distribution and antiquity of, 68 fauna and flora, peculiarities of british, 370 fauna of borneo, affinities of, 381 of java, 382 of java and asia compared, 384 faunas of hainan, formosa, and japan compared, 407 felis, 17, 26 ferns, abundance of, in mascarene flora, 445 ficus, fossil arctic, 186 fire-weed, the, of tasmania, 513 fisher, rev. o., on temperature of space, 131 fishes, dispersal of, 76 peculiar british, 340 cause of great speciality in, 343 mode of migration of fresh-water, 344 fresh-water, of new zealand, 484 floating islands, and the dispersal of animals, 74 flora of the azores, 256 of bermuda, 271 of the galapagos, 287 of st. helena, 305 of the sandwich islands, 321; peculiar features of, 323 peculiarities of the british, 360 of madagascar and the mascarene islands, 439 of madagascar and south africa allied, 445 of new zealand, 487 very poor, 488 its resemblance to the australian, 489 its differences from the australian, 490 origin of australian element in, 498 tropical character of, explained, 500 summary and conclusion on, 506 floras of new zealand and australia, summary of conclusion as to, 542 florida and canada, resemblances of, 5 and bahamas, contrasts of, 5 fogs cut off the sun's heat in glaciated countries, 145 forbes, mr. d., analysis of chalk, 91 forbes, mr. h. o., on plants of the keeling islands, 286 formosa, 400 physical features of, 401 animal life of, 401 list of mammalia of, 402 list of land-birds peculiar to, 404 forests, submerged, 335 fowler, rev. canon, on peculiar british coleoptera, 346, 351 freezing water liberates low-grade heat, 145 fresh-water deposits, extent of, 97 organisms absent in st. helena, 304 snail peculiar to ireland, 356 fishes of the seychelles, 433 frogs of the seychelles, 432 of new zealand, 483 fuegia, european plants in, 521 _fulica alai_, 313 g. galapagos islands, 275 galapagos, absence of mammalia and amphibia from, 278 reptiles of, 278 birds of, 280 insects of, 284 land-shells of, 285 flora of, 287 and azores contrasted, 290 _galbula cyaneicollis_, distribution of, 18 _rufoviridis_, 18 _viridis_, 18 galeopithecus, 63 _gallinula sandvichensis_, 313 gardner, mr. j. s., on tertiary changes of climate, 203 garrulus, distribution of species of, 20 _garrulus glandarius_, 21, 23, 65 _g. cervicalis_, 21 _g. krynicki_, 21 _g. atricapillus_, 21 _g. hyrcanus_, 21 _g. brandti_, 21, 23 _g. lanceolatus___, 22 _g. bispecularis_, 22 _g. sinensis_, 22 _g. taivanus_, 22 _g. japonicus_, 22, 65 geikie, dr. james, on interglacial deposits, 121 sir archibald, on age of buried river-channels, 337 on stratified rocks being found near shores, 87 on formation of chalk in shallow water, 96 on permanence of continents, 104 on variation in rate of denudation, 173 on the rate of denudation, 215 on small amount of marine denudation, 225 genera, extent of, 17 origin of, 61 rise and decay of, 64 generic areas, 17 generic and family distribution, 25 genus, defined and illustrated, 17 geographical change as a cause of glaciation, 148 changes, influence of, on climate, 150, 152 {555} changes, effect of, on arctic climates, 195 changes of java and borneo, 385 changes as modifying organisms, 228 geological climates and geographical conditions, 204 time, 210 change, probably quicker in remote times, 223 time, value of the estimate of, 224 time, measurement of, 235 changes as aiding the migration of plants, 519 climates as affecting distribution, 534 climates, summary of causes of, 536 time, summary of views on, 539 geology of borneo, 375 of madagascar, 412 of celebes, 451 of new zealand, 472 of australia, 494 _geomalacus maculcosus_, 356 glacial climate not local, 113 deposits of scotland, 112 glacial epoch, proofs of, 107 effects of, on animal life, 117 alternations of climate during, 118 as causing migration and extinction, 122 causes of, 125 the essentials to the production of, 136 probable date of the, 160 and the climax of continental development, 206 date of last, 233 glacial phenomena in north america, 116 glaciation was greatest where rainfall is now greatest, 139 action of meteorological causes on, 142 summary of chief causes of, 144 in northern hemisphere, the only efficient cause of, 144 of new zealand and south africa, 162 local, due to high excentricity, 207 widespread in recent times, 536 gleichenia in greenland, 186 in relation to chalk, 89 globigerina-ooze, analysis of, 91 globigerinæ, where found, 92 glyptostrobus, fossil, 186 goats, destructiveness of, in st. helena, 295 godman, mr., on birds reaching the azores, 248, 250 gray, professor asa, on extinction of european plants by the glacial epoch, 123 great britain and japan, birds common to, 396 greene, dr. j. reay, on chameleons in bourbon and mauritius, 435 greenland, loss of sun-heat by clouds in, 147 an anomaly in the northern hemisphere, 154 miocene flora of, 183 cretaceous flora of, 186 flora of ice-surrounded rocks of, 522 grinnell land, fossil flora of, 184 guernsey, peculiar caddis-fly in, 355 gulick, rev. j. t., on achatinellinæ, 318 günther, dr., on gigantic tortoises, 279 on peculiar british fishes, 341 on _urotrichus gibsii_, 394 on lizards in the london docks, 431 on indian toads in mauritius, 438 guppy, mr., on chalk of solomon islands, 91 h. haast, dr., on otter-like mammal in new zealand, 475 habitability of globe due to disproportion of land and water, 209 _haplothorax burchellii_, 299 hartlaub, dr., on "lemuria," 423, 426 _hatteria punctata_, 483 haughton, professor, on heat carried by ocean-currents, 194 comparison of miocene and existing climates, 197 on geological time, 211, 219 on thickness of sedimentary rocks, 219 hawaiian fauna and flora, antiquity of, 328 heat and cold, how dispersed or stored up, 131 heat required to melt snow, 134 evolved by frozen water, its nature and effects, 145 cut off by cloud and fogs, 145 hector, dr., on triassic and jurassic flora of new zealand, 526 heer, professor, on chalk sea in central europe, 93 heilprin, professor, on insects of bermuda, 269 on land-shells of bermuda, 270 _helianthemum breweri_, 360, 363 heliodus, an american fossil, 69 helix, 17 hemiptera of st. helena, 303 hepaticæ, peculiar british, 366 non-european genera of, in britain, 367 hesperomys, 26 hesperornis allied to ostriches, 481 _hieracium iricum_, 362 high land essential to the production of a glacial epoch, 195 hildebrand, dr. w., on flora of the sandwich islands, 321 himalayan birds and insects in celebes, 462 hippopotamus in yorkshire as proving a mild climate, 119 hochstetter on the aquatic mammal of new zealand, 475 {556} hooker, sir joseph, on the galapagos flora, 287 on affinities of st. helena plants, 306 on peculiar british plants, 360, 363 on the flora of new zealand, 488 on proportion of temperate and tropical australian floras, 492 on current of vegetation from north to south, 510 on supposed occurrence of australian plants in england in the tertiary period, 518 horne, mr. john, on ice-sheet covering the isle of man, 115 hull, professor, on permian breccias in ireland indicating ice-action, 201 humming-birds, restricted ranges of, 16 hutton, captain, on struthious birds of new zealand, 479 huxley, professor, on geological time, 211 on european origin of african animals, 419 hyomoschus, 27 hyracoidea, restricted range of, 30 i. ice-action, what evidences of, during the tertiary period, 178 indications of ancient, 200 ice-borne rocks, a test of a glacial epoch, 176 in miocene of n. italy, 178 in eocene of alps, 178 in eocene of carpathians and apennines, 179 absence of, in english and n. american tertiaries, 180 ice-cap, why improbable or impossible, 161 iceland, a continental island, 450 icteridæ, 50 iguanidæ, 50 indian birds in formosa, 407 indian ocean as a source of heat in tertiary times, 192 indian genera of plants in australia, 492 indicator, distribution of, 25 insectivora in madagascar, 417 insects, dispersal of, 77 of the miocene period, 77 restriction of range of, 78 of the azores, 253 of bermuda, 269 of the galapagos, 284 of st. helena, 298 of the sandwich islands, 318 peculiar british, 344 of celebes, peculiarities of, 462 scarcity of, in new zealand, 505 insular faunas, summary of conclusions as to, 539, 542 interglacial warm periods on the continent and in north america, 121 interglacial periods and their probable character, 152 interglacial periods will not occur during an epoch of extreme glaciation, 155 interglacial climates never very warm, 159 ireland, poverty of, in reptiles, 339 in plants, 339 peculiar fishes of, 342 plants of, not found in great britain, 364 islands, classification of, 242 importance of, in study of distribution, 241 remote, how stocked with plants and animals, 261 submerged between madagascar and india, 425 isle of wight, peculiar beetle of, 351 _isatis tinctoria_, on railway bank, 513 ithaginis, 26 j. japan, zoological features of, 393 mammalia of, 394 birds of, 396 birds peculiar to, 398 birds in distant areas, 399 japan and formosa, 391 java, fauna of, 382 asiatic species in, 384 java and borneo, past changes of, 385 jays, distribution of species of, 20 of europe and japan, 67 jeffreys, dr. gwyn, on shallow-water mollusca in chalk, 92 on fossil shallow-water shells in deep water, 337 jones, mr., on migration of birds to bermuda, 268 on vegetation of the bermudas, 272 juan fernandez, flora and fauna of, 287 judd, prof. j. w., on absence of glaciation in east europe, 139 on glaciation of the alps produced by elevation, 179 _juniperus barbadensis_, 272 jura, travelled blocks on, 110 jurassic warm arctic climate, 202 k. keeling islands, animals of, 286 kirk, mr. t., on temporary introduced plants, 515 knowledge of various kinds required for study of geographical distribution, 7, 9 l. _lagopus scoticus_, 340 land as a barrier to ocean-currents, 150 {557} land and sea, changes of, 83 how changes of, affect climate, 148, 150 land and water, disproportion of, renders globe habitable, 209 land-birds of celebes, list of, 466 land-connection, how far necessary to dispersal of mammals, 73 land-shells, great antiquity of, 79 universal distribution of, 79 causes favouring the abundance of, 79 of the azores, 256 of bermuda, 270 of the galapagos, 284 of st. helena, 304 of the sandwich islands, 316 of the seychelles, 434 _laurus canariensis_, 260 leguat on animals of bourbon, 435 on the solitaire, 436 leguminosæ, abundance of, in australia, 490 "lemuria," a supposed submerged continent, 422-426 lemurs in madagascar, 416 lendenfeld, dr. r. von, on glaciation in the australian alps, 163 leopard, enormous range of, 14 lepidoptera, list of peculiar british, 347 lepidosiren, 63 _lepidosiren paradoxa_ and _l. annectens_, 69 lepidosternidæ, 27 limestone as indicating change of sea and land, 84 _limnæa involuta_, 356 _linaria purpurea_, on railway bank, 514 _liopelma hochstetteri_, in new zealand, 483 liotrichidæ, 29 list of the land-birds of celebes, 466 lizard peculiar to the mascarene islands, 438 lizards of the galapagos, 278 local variation of colour of, 431 of new zealand, 483 lobeliaceæ, abundance of, in the sandwich islands, 324 locality of a species, importance of, 12 _loddigesia mirabilis_, rarity of, 16 lord, mr., on species of urotrichus, 394 low-grade and high-grade heat, 145 lowlands nowhere covered with perpetual snow, 136 lundy island, peculiar beetles of, 354 lyell, sir charles, on permanence of continents, 84 on calcareous mud, 90 on the distribution of chalk, 93 on geographical causes as modifying climate, 148 on estimate of geological time, 211, 235 on classification of sedimentary rocks, 217 lynxes, a palæarctic group, 41 m. mclachlan, mr., on peculiar british caddis-flies, 355 madagascar, physical features of, 412 former condition of, 414 biological features of, 416 mammalia of, 416 reptiles of, 417 relation of, to africa, 418 early history of, 419 birds of, in relation to "lemuria," 422 flora of, 439 conclusion on fauna and flora of, 446 great antiquity of, 446 madagascar and africa, contrast of, 6 maillard on animals of bourbon, 435 malay islands, local peculiarities of flora in, 187 past history of, 389 malayan birds in formosa, 406 mammalia of east asia, range of, 34 of north africa, range of, 34 mammalia, dispersal of, 73 of britain, range of, 33 poverty of, 329 of borneo, 376 of java, 382 of the philippines, 387 of japan, 393 of formosa, 402 common to formosa and india, 403 of madagascar, 416 of comoro islands, 428 of celebes, 455; whence derived, 457 of new zealand, 474 maori legend of origin of the forest-rat, 475 maoris, their accounts of the moa, 477 map of the old rhone glacier, 110 of north and south polar regions, 138 of the azores, 248 of bermuda, 263 of the galapagos, 276, 277 of the south atlantic ocean, 293 of the sandwich islands, 311 of the north pacific with its submerged banks, 312 of british isles and the 100-fathom bank, 333 of borneo and java, 374 of japan and formosa, 392 physical, of madagascar, 413 of the madagascar group, 415 of the indian ocean, 425 of celebes, 452 of sea-bottom around new zealand, 472 of australia in cretaceous period, 497 marcou, professor jules, on the pliocene and glacial epochs, 233 marmot, range of, 15 mars as illustrating glacial theories, 164, 168 {558} mars, no true ice-cap on, 166 marsupials, range of, 30 marsh, prof. o. c., on the atlantosaurus, 98 on hesperornis, 481 marsh, mr., on camels as desert-makers, 296 mascarene islands, 428-445 mascarene plants, curious relations of, 442 endemic genera of, 443 mascarene flora, fragmentary character of, 444 abundance of ferns in, 445 mauritius, bourbon, and rodriguez, 434 measurements of geological time, 233 agreement of various estimates of, 235 concluding remarks on, 236 _medicago sativa_ in new zealand, 515 megalæmidæ, 27 meleagris, 50 _melilotus vulgaris_, on railway banks, 513 meliphagidæ, 47 melliss, mr., on the early history of st. helena, 295 _melospiza melodia_, variation of, 58 merycotherium, 123 meteorological causes as intensifying glaciation, 142 migration caused by glacial epoch, 122 of birds to bermuda, 267 of plants from north to south, 512 of plants and alterations of snow line, 516 of plants due to changes of climate, 517 of plants from north to south, long continued, 518 of plants aided by geological changes, 519 of plants by way of the andes, 520 of plants by way of himalayas and south asia, 523 of plants through africa, 524 mild arctic climates, stratigraphical evidence of, 187 causes of, 190 dependent on geographical changes, 191 effects of high excentricity on, 198 summary of causes of, 537 miocene arctic flora, 183 flora of europe, 123 or eocene floras, 185 deposits of java, 385 fauna of europe and north india, 419 mississippi, matter carried away by, 172 mitten, mr. william, on peculiar british mosses and hepaticæ, 365, 368 on temporary appearance of plants, 513 mniotiltidæ, a nearctic group, 49 mnium, peculiar species of, in the drontheim mountains, 368 moas of new zealand, 476 mollusca, dispersal of, 78 monotremata, restricted range of, 30 moraines, 108 of ivrea, 116 more, mr. a. g., on peculiar irish plants, 364 morgan, mr. c. lloyd, on thickness of formations not affected by denudation, 220 moseley, mr. h. n., on seeds carried by birds, 259 on the flora of bermuda, 272 mosses, peculiar british, 366 non-european genera of, in britain, 367 how diffused and why restricted, 368 mt. st. elias, why not ice-clad, 154 mountain chains aiding the dispersal of plants, 81 as aids to migration of plants, 513 mueller, baron von, census of australian plants, 492 _munia brunneiceps_, in celebes, 463 murray, mr. j., on oceanic deposits, 86 on chalk-like globigerina-ooze, 92 on mean height of continents, 216 on land-area of the globe, 221 mus, 17, 26 _mygale pyrenaica_, range of, 15, 24 _m. muscovitica_, 24 _myialestes helianthea_ in celebes, 463 _myrica faya_, 260 myrsine, fossil in greenland, 186 _mytilus edulis_, sub-fossil in spitzbergen, 182 n. nares, capt. sir g., on snow and ice in high latitudes, 135 on abrupt elevation of bermuda, 264 nearctic region, definition of, 48 mammalia of, 48 birds of, 49 reptiles of, 50 _nectarinea osea_, restricted range of, 16 neilgherries, australian plants naturalized in, 528 neotropical region, definition of, 51 low types of, 52 nevill, mr. geoffrey, on land-shells of the seychelles, 434 on destruction of seychelles flora, 445 new species, origin of, 56 newton, mr. e., on short wings of the seychelles dove, 437 newton, professor, on recently extinct birds, 437 newts, restricted range of, 30 new zealand, recent glaciation of, 163 new zealand, 471 geology of, 472 form of sea-bottom around, 473 zoological character of, 473 mammalia of, 474 {559} wingless birds of, 476 past changes of, 478 winged birds and lower vertebrates of, 482 deductions from peculiarities of fauna of, 484 period of its union with n. australia, 484 the flora of, 487, 506 origin of australian element in the flora of, 498 tropical character of flora, 500 tropical genera common to australia, 501 temperate species common to australia, 502 route of arctic plants to, 521 european plants in, 509 endemic genera of plants in, 526 great antiquity of, 526 nordenskjöld, prof., on absence of perpetual snow in n. asia, 135 on recent milder climate in spitzbergen, 182 on former polar climates, 187 on geology of spitzbergen, 188 north america, glacial phenomena in, 116 interglacial warm periods in, 121 condition of, in tertiary period, 194 northern genera of plants in s. temperate america, 521 hemisphere, absence of southern plants from, 527 flora, hardiness of, 528 o. ocean-currents as carriers of plants, 81 as affecting interglacial periods, 152 as determining climate, 153 effects of, in tertiary times, 196 ocean, darwin on permanence of, 100 oceanic and continental islands, 242 oceanic islands a proof of the permanence of oceans, 100 oceanic islands, 244 --the azores, 247 general remarks on, 329 octodontidæ, 27 _oenanthe fluviatilis_, 361 oeninghen, miocene flora of, 183 _oenothera odorata_, on a railway bank, 514 oliver, professor, on peculiar bermudan plants, 272 operculata, scarcity of, in the sandwich islands, 317 _ophrys apifera_, temporary appearance of, 514 orchideæ, species have restricted ranges, 505 orchids, abundance of, in bourbon and mauritius, 446 why almost universal in the tropics, 446 orders, distribution of, 30 organic change dependent on change of conditions, 225, 228 oriental region, definition of, 44 mammals and birds of, 44 reptiles of, 45 insects of, 45 origin of new species, 56, 60 of new genera, 61 of the galapagos flora, 288 of the beetles of st. helena, 298 of australian element in the new zealand flora, 498 orkney, peculiar fishes of, 341 orthonyx not a new zealand genus, 483 osprey, wide range of, 15 ostriches, limitation of, 30 otter-like mammal in new zealand, 475 overlapping and discontinuous areas, 28 p. _pachyglossa aureolimbata_, in celebes, 463 palæarctic region, limits of, 39 characteristic features of, 41 palæozoic formations, depth of, round london, 218 palm confined to round island, 444 panax, fossil in greenland, 186 papilio, 17 paraguay, no wild horses or cattle in, 226 parnassius, palæarctic, 42 _parus ater_, 19 _p. borealis_, 19, 64 _p. britannicus_, 321 _p. camtschatkensis_, 19 _p. cinctus_, 20 _p. coeruleus_, 20 _p. cyaneus_, 20 _p. cristatus_, 20 _p. ledouci_, 20 _p. lugubris_, 20 _p. major_, 19 _p. palustris_, 19; discontinuous area of, 65 _p. rosea_, 340 _p. teneriffæ_, 20 passeres of the sandwich islands, 314 past changes of new zealand, 478 payer, lieut., on evaporation of ice during the arctic summer, 140 peculiar fauna of new zealand, deductions from, 484 pengelly, mr., on submerged forests, 335 _pennula millei_, in sandwich islands, 313 permanence of continents, summary of evidence for, 103 permian formation, indications of ice-action in, 200 perodicticus, a local genus, 26 _petroselinum segetum_, on railway bank, 514 {560} philippine islands, 387 mammalia of, 387 birds of, 388 past history of, 389 _phyllodactylus galapagensis_, 279 _phylloscopus borealis_, range of, 15 physical causes which determine distribution, 533 features of formosa, 401 pica, 17 pickering, dr., on the flora of the sandwich islands, 323 on temperate forms on mountains of the sandwich islands, 323 _pithecia monachus_, distribution of, 18 _p. rufibarbata_, 18 pitta, distribution of, 25 plants, dispersal of, 80 seeds of, adapted for dispersal, 80 wide range of species and genera of, 185 poverty of, in ireland, 339 peculiar british, 359 of ireland not in great britain, 364 cause of their wide diffusion and narrow restriction, 369 easily dispersed often have restricted ranges, 504 how they migrate from north to south, 512 of existing genera throughout the tertiary period, 520 southern migration of, by way of the himalayas, 523 southern migration of, through africa, 524 endemic genera of, in new zealand, 526 platypus, 30 _plestiodon longirostris_ of bermuda, 266 po, matter carried away by, 173 podargus, australian genus, 47 poecilozonites, peculiar to bermuda, 270 _poinciana regia_ in madagascar, 440 populus, fossil in spitzbergen, 184 pourtales, count, on modern formation of chalk, 95 on sedimentary deposits in gulf of mexico, 222 poverty in species of britain, 338 precession of equinoxes, influence of, on climate, 126 preservation of species, 63 proboscidea, range of, 30 proteus, why preserved, 63 psophia, range of species of, 18 pteroptochidæ, 29 pyrenean ibex, restricted range of, 15 r. railways, new plants on, 513 ramsay, mr. wardlaw, on philippine birds, 388 professor, on ancient land surfaces, 99 on geological time 212 on thickness of sedimentary rocks, 219 rat, native, of new zealand, 475 rate of organic change usually measured by an incorrect scale, 232 rats in the galapagos, 278 raven, wide range of, 15 reade, t. mellard, on changes of sea and land, 84 recent continental islands, 243, 331 red clay of bermuda, 265 reptiles, dispersal of, 75 of the galapagos, 278 of the sandwich islands, 316 cause of scarcity of, in british isles, 339 of madagascar, 417 of the seychelles, 430 of mauritius and round island, 438 of new zealand, 483 _rhodolæna altivola_ in madagascar, 440 _rhus toxicodendron_ in bermuda, 272 ridgway, mr., on birds of galapagos, 281 river-channels, buried, 336 _roches moutonnées_, 108 rodents in madagascar, 417 round island, a snake and a palm peculiar to, 438, 444 _rumex pulcher_ in new zealand, 515 rye, mr. e. c., on peculiar british insects, 345, 351 s. st. helena, 292 effects of european occupation on the vegetation of, 294 insects of, 298 land-shells of, 304 absence of fresh-water organisms in, 304 native vegetation of, 305 salvin, mr., on the birds of the galapagos, 280 sandwich islands, the, 310 zoology of, 313 birds of, 313 reptiles of, 316 land-shells of, 316 insects of, 318 vegetation of, 321 antiquity of fauna and flora of, 328 sassafras, in swiss miocene, 183 scandinavian flora, aggressive power of, 511 scientific voyages, comparative results of, 7 sciurus, 26 sclater, mr. p. l., on zoological region, 32, 39 scotland, glacial deposits of, 112-115 probable rate of denudation in, 173 miocene flora of, 184 peculiar fishes of, 341 {561} _scotophilus tuberculatus_ in new zealand, 474 scrophularincæ, why few species are common to australia and new zealand, 505 sea, depth of, around madagascar, 414 depth of, around celebes, 452 sea-bottom around new zealand and australia, 473 sea-level, changes of, dependent on glaciation, 161 complex effects of glaciation on, 162, 164 rise of, a cause of denudation, 174 seas, inland, in tertiary period, 191 section of sea-bottom near bermuda, 264 sedges and grasses common to australia and new zealand, 504 sedimentary rocks, how to estimate thickness of, 217 thinning out of, 217 how formed, 218 thickness of, 217, 221 summary of conclusions on the rate of formation of the, 221 seebohm, mr., on _parus palustris_, 65 on _emberiza schoeniclus_, 66 on snow in siberia, 166 on birds of japan, 396 seeds, dispersal of, 257 carried by birds, 258 _senecio australis_, on burnt ground, 513 sericinus, palæarctic, 42 seychelles archipelago, 429 birds of, 430 reptiles and amphibia of, 430 fresh-water fishes of, 433 land-shells of, 434 sharp, dr. d., on beetles of the sandwich islands, 319 on peculiar british beetles, 345 shells, peculiar to britain, 356 shetland isles, peculiar beetle of, 354 shore deposits, 85, 211 proving the permanence of continents, 97 distance from coast of, 221 _sialia sialis_, variation of, 58 siberia, amount of snow and its sudden disappearance in, 166 silurian boulder-beds, 201 warm arctic climate, 202 simiidae, 27 _sisyrinchium bermudianum_, 272 skertchley, mr., on four distinct boulder-clays, 118 on tertiary deposits in egypt and nubia, 191 on climatic stability of present epoch, 233 slug peculiar to ireland, 356 snake peculiar to round island, 438 snakes of the galapagos, 280 of the seychelles, 431 snow and ice, properties of, in relation to climate, 131 snow, effects of, on climate, 133 snow, quantity of heat required to melt, 134 often of small amount in high latitudes, 135 never perpetual on lowlands, 136 conditions determining perpetual, 137 maintains cold by reflecting the solar heat, 144 snow-line, alterations of, causing migration of plants, 516 sollas, mr. j. w., on greater intensity of telluric action in past time, 223 south africa, recent glaciation of, 163 many northern genera of plants in, 524 its supposed connection with australia, 525 south american plants in new zealand, 521 south temperate america, poor in species, 53 climate of, 146 southern flora, comparative tenderness of, 528 southern plants, why absent in the northern hemisphere, 527 space, temperature of, 129 specialisation antagonistic to diffusion of _species_, 505 species, origin of new, 56 extinction of, 63 rise and decay of, 64 epoch of exceptional stability of, 232 dying out and replacement of, 409 preservation of, in islands, 410 specific areas, 14; discontinuous, 64 _spiranthes romanzoviana_, 364 spitzbergen, miocene flora of, 184 absence of boulder-beds in, 187 spruce, dr. richard, on the dispersion of hepaticæ, 309 stability of extreme glacial conditions, 159 stainton, mr. h. t., on peculiar british moths, 346-350 stanivoi mountains, why not ice-clad, 154 starlings, genera of, in new zealand, 482 _stellaria media_, temporary appearance of, 515 sternum, process of abortion of keel of, 437 stow, mr. g. w., on glacial phenomena in south africa, 163 stratified rocks formed near shores, 85, 87 deposits, how formed, 218 striated rocks, 107 blocks in the permian formation, 200 _striæ flammea_, range of, 15 struthiones, 30 struthious birds of new zealand as indicating past changes, 478 stylidium, wide range of, 185 submerged forests, 334 {562} subsidence of isthmus of panama, 151 sumatra, geology of, 385 sweden, two deposits of "till" in, 121 swimming powers of mammalia, 74 swinhoe, mr. robert, researches in formosa, 400 switzerland, interglacial warm periods in, 121 sylviadæ, overlapping genera of, 29 t. talpidæ, a palæarctic group, 41 tapirs, distribution of, 25 former wide range of, 393 tarsius, 63 _tarsius spectrum_ in celebes, 456 tasmania and north australia, resemblance of, 5 route of arctic plants to, 520 _taxodium distichum_ in spitzbergen, 184 temperate climates in arctic regions, 181 australian genera of plants in new zealand, 502 australian species of plants in new zealand, 502 temperature, how dependent on sun's distance, 129 of space, 129 tertiary glacial epochs, evidence against, 179 warm climates, continuous, 187 test of glaciation at any period, 175 _testudo abingdonii_, 279 _t. microphyes_, 278 tetraogallus, distribution of, 24 thais, a palæarctic genus, 42 thomson, sir william, on age of the earth, 213 sir wyville, on organisms in the globigerina-ooze, 89 analysis of globigerina-ooze, 91 _thryothorus bewickii_, discontinuity of, 68 "till" of scotland, 112 several distinct formations of, 121 tits, distribution of species of, 19 torreya, fossil in spitzbergen, 186 tortoises of the galapagos, 278 trade-winds, how modified by a glacial epoch, 142 tragulidæ, 27 travelled blocks, 109 tremarctos, an isolated genus, 29 triassic warm arctic climate, 200 tribonyx not a new zealand genus, 483 trichoptera peculiar to britain, 355 trogons, distribution of, 28 tropical affinities of new zealand birds, 483 character of the new zealand flora, cause of, 500 genera common to new zealand and australia, 501 turdus, 17, 26 _turdus fuscescens_, variation of, 58, 59 tylor, a., on estimating the rate of denudation, 214 tyrannidæ, an american family, 50 u. uraniidæ, 28 uropeltidæ, 30 urotrichus, distribution of, 25 ursus, 26 v. variation in animals, 57 amount of, in n. american birds, 58 vegetation, local peculiarities of, 185 effects of polar night on, 198 _vesperugo serotinus_, range of, 14 _vireo bellii_, supposed discontinuity of, 68 vireonidæ, an american family, 49 w. wallich, dr., on habitat of globigerinæ, 92 warren, mr. w., information on british lepidoptera, 347 water, properties of, in relation to climate, 131, 133 waterhouse, mr., on galapagos beetles, 284 wales, peculiar fish of, 341 warm climates of northern latitudes, long persistence of, 201 watson, mr. h. c., on the flora of the azores, 256 on peculiar british plants, 359 on vegetation of railway banks, 513 webb, mr., on comparison of mars and the earth, 166 west australia, rich flora of, 494 former extent and isolation of, 497 west indies, a neotropical district, 53 white, dr. f. buchanan, on the hemiptera of st. helena, 303 mr. john, on native accounts of the moa, 477 whitehead, mr. john, on bornean birds, 377 wilson, mr. scott b., on birds of the sandwich islands, 314 winged birds of new zealand, 482 wingless birds never inhabit continents, 437 their evidence against "lemuria," 438 of new zealand, 476 wings of struthious birds show retrograde development, 437 {563} winter temperature of europe and america, 196 wolf, range of, 14 wollaston, mr. t. v., on insular character of st. helena, 294 on st. helena shells and insects, 297 wood, mr. searles v., jun., on formation of "till," 114 on alternations of climate, 118 on causes of glacial epochs, 125 conclusive objection to the excentricity theory, 160 on continuous warm tertiary climates, 180 woodward, dr. s. p., on ammonites living in shallow water, 95 woodward, mr., on "lemuria," 426 wright, dr. percival, on lizards of the seychelles, 431 y. young, professor j., on contemporaneous formation of deposits, 221 young island, lofty antarctic, 522 z. zoology of the azores, 248 of bermuda, 262 of the sandwich islands, 313 of borneo, 376 of madagascar, 416 of islands round celebes, 453 of celebes, 455 zoological and geographical regions compared, 32, 54 zoological features of japan, 393 character of new zealand, 473 the end {564} richard clay and sons, limited, london and bungay. * * * * * [1] a small number of species belonging to the west indies are found in the extreme southern portion of the florida peninsula. [2] i cannot avoid here referring to the enormous waste of labour and money with comparatively scanty and unimportant results to natural history of most of the great scientific voyages of the various civilized governments during the present century. all these expeditions combined have done far less than private collectors in making known the products of remote lands and islands. they have brought home fragmentary collections, made in widely scattered localities, and these have been usually described in huge folios or quartos, whose value is often in inverse proportion to their bulk and cost. the same species have been collected again and again, often described several times over under new names, and not unfrequently stated to be from places they never inhabited. the result of this wretched system is that the productions of some of the most frequently visited and most interesting islands on the globe are still very imperfectly known, while their native plants and animals are being yearly exterminated, and this is the case even with countries under the rule or protection of european governments. such are the sandwich islands, tahiti, the marquesas, the philippine islands, and a host of smaller ones; while bourbon and mauritius, st. helena, and several others, have only been adequately explored after an important portion of their productions has been destroyed by cultivation or the reckless introduction of goats and pigs. the employment in each of our possessions, and those of other european powers, of a resident naturalist at a very small annual expense, would have done more for the advancement of knowledge in this direction than all the expensive expeditions that have again and again circumnavigated the globe. [3] the general facts of palæontology, as bearing on the migrations of animal groups, are summarised in my _geographical distribution of animals_, vol. i. chapters vi., vii., and viii. [4] since these lines were written, a fine series of specimens of this rare humming-bird has been obtained from the same locality. (see _proc. zool. soc._ 1881, pp. 827-834.) [5] many of these large genera are now subdivided, the divisions being sometimes termed genera, sometimes sub-genera. [6] the palæarctic region includes temperate asia and europe, as will be explained in the next chapter. [7] the following list of the genera of reptiles and amphibia peculiar to the palæarctic region has been furnished me by mr. g. a. boulenger, of the british museum:- snakes. frogs and toads. _achalinus_--china, japan. _pelobates_--eur., s.w. asia. _coelopeltis_--s. eur., n. af., _pelodytes_--w. europe. s.w. asia. _discoglossus_--s. eur., n.w. af. _macroprotodon_--s. eur., n. af. _bombinator_--eur., temp. asia. _taphrometopon_--cent. asia. _alytus_--cent. and w. eur. lizards. newts. _phrynocephalus_--cent. and s.w. _salamandra_--eur., n. af., s.w. asia. asia. _anguis_--europe, w. asia. _chioglossa_--spain and portugal. _blanus_--s.w. eur., n.w. africa, _salamandrina_--italy. s.w. asia. _pachytriton_--east thibet. _trogonophis_--n.w. africa. _hynobius_--china and japan. _lacerta_--eur., temp. asia, n. _geomolge_--e. manchuria. africa (one sp. in _onychodactylus_--japan. w. af.). _salamandrella_--siberia. _psammodromus_--s.w. eur., n.w. _ranidens_--siberia. africa. _batrachyperus_--east thibet. _algiroides_--s. eur. _myalobatrachus_--china, japan. _proteus_--caverns of s. austria. [8] remains of the dingo have been found fossil in pleistocene deposits but the antiquity of man in australia is not known. it is not, however, improbable that it may be as great as in europe. my friend a. c. swinton, esq., while working in the then almost unknown gold-field of maryborough, victoria, in january, 1855, found a fragment of a well-formed stone axe resting on the metamorphic schistose bed-rock about five feet beneath the surface. it was overlain by the compact gravel drift called by the miners "cement," and by an included layer of hard iron-stained sandstone. the fragment is about an inch and three-eighths wide and the same length, and is of very hard fine-grained black basalt. one side is ground to a very smooth and regular surface, terminating in a well-formed cutting edge more than an inch long, the return face of the cutting part being about a quarter of an inch wide. the other side is a broken surface. the weapon appears to have been an axe or tomahawk closely resembling that figured at p. 335 of lumholtz's _among cannibals_, from central queensland. the fragment was discovered by mr. swinton and the late mr. mackworth shore, one of the discoverers of the gold-field, before any rush to it had taken place, and it seems impossible to avoid the conclusion that it was formed prior to the deposit of the gravel drift and iron-stained sandstone under which it lay. this would indicate a great antiquity of man in australia, and would enable us to account for the fossilised remains of the dingo in pleistocene deposits as those of an animal introduced by man. [9] these facts are taken from a memoir on _the mammals and winter birds of florida_, by j. a. allen; forming vol. ii., no. 3, of the bulletin of the museum of comparative zoology at harvard college, cambridge, massachusetts. [10] the great variation in wild animals is more fully discussed and illustrated in the author's _darwinism_ (chapter iii.). [11] see _ibis_, 1879, p. 32. [12] in mr. seebohm's latest work, _birds of the japanese empire_ (1890), he says, "examples from north china are indistinguishable from those obtained in greece" (p. 82). [13] _ibis_, 1879, p. 40. in his _birds of the japanese empire_ (1890), mr. seebohm classes the japanese and european forms as _e. schoeniclus_, and thinks that their range is probably continuous across the two continents. [14] lyell's _principles of geology_, ii., p. 369. [15] mr. darwin found that the large _helix pomatia_ lived after immersion in sea-water for twenty days. it is hardly likely that this is the extreme limit of their powers of endurance, but even this would allow of their being floated many hundred miles at a stretch, and if we suppose the shell to be partially protected in the crevice of a log of wood, and to be thus out of water in calm weather, the distance might extend to a thousand miles or more. the eggs of fresh-water mollusca, as well as the young animals, are known to attach themselves to the feet of aquatic birds, and this is probably the most efficient cause of their very wide diffusion. [16] _principles of geology_, 11th ed., vol. i., p. 258. [17] on limestone as an index of geological time. [18] in his _preliminary report on oceanic deposit_, mr. murray says:--"it has been found that the deposits taking place near continents and islands have received their chief characteristics from the presence of the _debris_ of adjacent lands. in some cases these deposits extend to a distance of over 150 miles from the coast." (_proceedings of the royal society_, vol. xxiv. p. 519.) "the materials in suspension appear to be almost entirely deposited within 200 miles of the land." (_proceedings of the royal society of edinburgh_, 1876-77, p. 253.) [19] _geographical evolution. (proceedings of the royal geographical society._ 1879, p. 426.) [20] professor dana was, i believe, the first to point out that the regions which, after long undergoing subsidence and accumulating vast piles of sedimentary deposit have been elevated into mountain ranges, thereby become stiff and unyielding, and that the next depression and subsequent upheaval will be situated on one or the other sides of it; and he has shown that, in north america, this is the case with all the mountains of the successive geological formations. thus, depressions, and elevations of extreme slowness but often of vast amount, have occurred successively in restricted adjacent areas; and the effect has been to bring each portion in succession beneath the ocean but always bordered on one or both sides by the remainder of the continent, from the denudation of which the deposits are formed which, on the subsequent upheaval, become mountain ranges. (_manual of geology_, 2nd ed., p. 751.) [21] _nature_, vol. ii., p. 297. [22] sir w. thomson, _voyage of challenger_, vol. ii., p. 374. [23] the following is the analysis of the chalk at oahu:- carbonate of lime 92.800 per cent. carbonate of magnesia 2.385 ,, alumina 0.250 ,, oxide of iron 0.543 ,, silica 0.750 ,, phosphoric acid and fluorine 2.113 ,, water and loss 1.148 ,, this chalk consists simply of comminuted corals and shells of the reef. it has been examined microscopically and found to be destitute of the minute organisms abounding in the chalk of england. (_geology of the united states exploring expedition_, p. 150.) mr. guppy also found chalk-like coral limestones containing 95 p.c. of carbonate of lime in the solomon islands. the absence of _globigerinæ_ is a local phenomenon. they are quite absent in the arafura sea, and no _globigerina_-ooze was found in any of the enclosed seas of the pacific, but with these exceptions the _globigerinæ_ "are really found all over the bottom of the ocean." (murray on oceanic deposits--_proceedings of royal society_, vol. xxiv., p. 523.) the above analysis shows a far closer resemblance to chalk than that of the _globigerina_-ooze of the atlantic, four specimens of which given by sir w. thomson (_voyage of the challenger_ vol. ii. appendix, pp. 374-376, nos. 9, 10, 11 and 12) from the mid-atlantic, show the following proportions:- carbonate of lime 43.93 to 79.17 per cent. carbonate of magnesia 1.40 to 2.58 ,, alumina and oxide of iron 6.00? to 32.98 ,, silica 4.60 to 11.23 ,, in addition to the above there is a quantity of insoluble residue consisting of small particles of sanidine, augite, hornblende, and magnetite, supposed to be the product of volcanic dust or ashes carried either in the air or by ocean currents. this volcanic matter amounts to from 4.60 to 8.33 per cent. of the _globigerina_-ooze of the mid-atlantic, where it seems to be always present; and the small proportion of similar matter in true chalk is another proof that its origin is different, and that it was deposited far more rapidly than the oceanic ooze. the following analysis of chalk by mr. d. forbes will show the difference between the two formations:- grey chalk, white chalk, _folkestone_. _shoreham_. carbonate of lime 94.09 98.40 carbonate of magnesia 0.31 0.08 alumina and phosphoric acid a trace 0.42 chloride of sodium 1.29 - insoluble débris 3.61 1.10 (from _quarterly journal of the geological society_, vol. xxvii.) the large proportion of carbonate of lime, and the very small quantity of silica, alumina, and insoluble _débris_, at once distinguish true chalk from the _globigerina_-ooze of the deep ocean bed. [24] notes on reticularian rhizopoda; in _microscopical journal_, vol. xix., new series, p. 84. [25] _proceedings of the royal society_, vol. xxiv. p. 532. [26] see presidential address in sect. d. of british association at plymouth, 1877. [27] _geological magazine_, 1871, p. 426. [28] in his lecture on _geographical evolution_ (which was published after the greater part of this chapter had been written) sir archibald geikie expresses views in complete accordance with those here advocated. he says:--"the next long era, the cretaceous, was more remarkable for slow accumulation of rock under the sea than for the formation of new land. during that time the atlantic sent its waters across the whole of europe and into asia. but they were probably nowhere more than a few hundred feet deep over the site of our continent, even at their deepest part. upon their bottom there gathered a vast mass of calcareous mud, composed in great part of foraminifera, corals, echinoderms, and molluscs. our english chalk, which ranges across the north of france, belgium, denmark, and the north of germany, represents a portion of the deposits of that sea-floor." the weighty authority of the director-general of the geological survey may perhaps cause some geologists to modify their views as to the deep-sea origin of chalk, who would have treated any arguments advanced by myself as not worthy of consideration. [29] _introduction and succession of vertebrate life in america_, by professor o. c. marsh. reprinted from the _popular science monthly_, march, april, 1878. [30] _physical geography and geology of great britain_, 5th ed. p. 61. [31] of late it has been the custom to quote the so-called "ridge" down the centre of the atlantic as indicating an extensive ancient land. even professor judd at one time adopted this view, speaking of the great belt of tertiary volcanoes "which extended through greenland, iceland, the faroe islands, the hebrides, ireland, central france, the iberian peninsula, the azores, madeira, canaries, cape de verde islands, ascension, st. helena, and tristan d'acunha, and which constituted as shown by the recent soundings of h.m.s. _challenger_ a mountain-range, comparable in its extent, elevation, and volcanic character with the andes of south america" (_geological mag._ 1874, p. 71). on examining the diagram of the atlantic ocean in the _challenger reports_, no. 7, a considerable part of this ridge is found to be more than 1,900 fathoms deep, while the portion called the "connecting ridge" seems to be due in part to the deposits carried out by the river amazon. in the neighbourhood of the azores, st. paul's rocks, ascension, and tristan d'acunha are considerable areas varying from 1,200 to 1,500 fathoms deep, while the rest of the ridge is usually 1,800 or 1,900 fathoms. the shallower water is no doubt due to volcanic upheaval and the accumulation of volcanic ejections, and there may be many other deeply submerged old volcanoes on the ridge; but that it ever formed a chain of mountains "comparable in elevation with the andes," there seems not a particle of evidence to prove. it is however probable that this ridge indicates the former existence of some considerable atlantic islands, which may serve to explain the presence of a few identical genera, and even species of plants and insects in africa and south america, while the main body of the fauna and flora of these two continents remains radically distinct. in my _darwinism_ (pp. 344-5) i have given an additional argument founded on the comparative height and area of land with the depth and area of ocean, which seems to me to add considerably to the weight of the evidence here submitted for the permanence of oceanic and continental areas. [32] in a review of mr. t. mellard reade's _chemical denudation and geological time_, in _nature_ (oct. 2nd, 1879), the writer remarks as follows:--"one of the funny notions of some scientific thinkers meets with no favour from mr. reade, whose geological knowledge is practical as well as theoretical. they consider that because the older rocks contain nothing like the present red clays, &c., of the ocean floor, that the oceans have always been in their present positions. mr. reade points out that the first proposition is not yet proved, and the distribution of animals and plants and the fact that the bulk of the strata on land are of marine origin are opposed to the hypothesis." we must leave it to our readers to decide whether the "notion" developed in this chapter is "funny," or whether such hasty and superficial arguments as those here quoted from a "practical geologist" have any value as against the different classes of facts, all pointing to an opposite conclusion, which have now been briefly laid before them, supported as they are by the expressed opinion of so weighty an authority as sir archibald geikie, who, in the lecture already quoted says:--"from all this evidence we may legitimately conclude that the present land of the globe, though formed in great measure of marine formations, has never lain under the deep sea; but that its site must always have been near land. even its thick marine limestones are the deposits of comparatively shallow water." [33] _antiquity of man_, 4th ed. pp. 340-348. [34] _the great ice age and its relation to the antiquity of man._ by james geikie, f.r.s. (isbister and co., 1874.) [35] this view of the formation of "till" is that adopted, by dr. geikie, and upheld by almost all the scotch, swiss, and scandinavian geologists. the objection however is made by many eminent english geologists, including the late mr. searles v. wood, jun., that mud ground off the rocks cannot remain beneath the ice, forming sheets of great thickness, because the glacier cannot at the same time grind down solid rock and yet pass over the surface of soft mud and loose stones. but this difficulty will disappear if we consider the numerous fluctuations in the glacier with increasing size, and the additions it must have been constantly receiving as the ice from one valley after another joined together, and at last produced an ice-sheet covering the whole country. the grinding power is the motion and pressure of the ice, and the pressure will depend on its thickness. now the points of maximum thickness must have often changed their positions, and the result would be that the matter ground out in one place would be forced into another place where the pressure was less. if there were no lateral escape for the mud, it would necessarily support the ice over it just as a water-bed supports the person lying on it; and when there was little drainage water, and the ice extended, say, twenty miles in every direction from a given part of a valley where the ice was of less than the average thickness, the mud would necessarily accumulate at this part simply because there was no escape for it. whenever the pressure all round any area was greater than the pressure on that area, the _débris_ of the surrounding parts would be forced into it, and would even raise up the ice to give it room. this is a necessary result of hydrostatic pressure. during this process the superfluous water would no doubt escape through fissures or pores of the ice, and would leave the mud and stones in that excessively compressed and tenacious condition in which the "till" is found. the unequal thickness and pressure of the ice above referred to would be a necessary consequence of the inequalities in the valleys, now narrowing into gorges, now opening out into wide plains, and again narrowed lower down; and it is just in these openings in the valleys that the "till" is said to be found, and also in the lowlands where an ice-sheet must have extended for many miles in every direction. in these lowland valleys the "till" is both thickest and most wide-spread, and this is what we might expect. at first, when the glaciers from the mountains pushed out into these valleys, they would grind out the surface beneath them into hollows, and the drainage-water would carry away the _débris_. but when they spread all over the surface from sea to sea, and there was little or no drainage water compared to the enormous area covered with ice, the great bulk of the _débris_ must have gathered under the ice wherever the pressure was least, and the ice would necessarily rise as it accumulated. some of the mud would no doubt be forced out along lines of least resistance to the sea, but the friction of the stone-charged "till" would be so enormous that it would be impossible for any large part of it to be disposed of in this way. [36] that the ice-sheet was continuous from scotland to ireland is proved by the glacial phenomena in the isle of man, where "till" similar to that in scotland abounds, and rocks are found in it which must have come from cumberland and scotland, as well as from the north of ireland. this would show that glaciers from each of these districts reached the isle of man, where they met and flowed southwards down the irish sea. ice-marks are traced over the tops of the mountains which are nearly 2,000 feet high. (see _a sketch of the geology of the isle of man_, by john horne, f.g.s. _trans. of the edin. geol. soc._ vol. ii. pt. 3, 1874.) [37] _the great ice age_, p. 177. [38] these are named, in descending order, hessle boulder clay, purple boulder clay, chalky boulder clay, and lower boulder clay--below which is the norwich crag. [39] "on the climate of the post-glacial period." _geological magazine_, 1872, pp. 158, 160. [40] _geological magazine_, 1876, p. 396. [41] _early man in britain and his place in the tertiary period_, p. 113. [42] heer's _primæval world of switzerland_ vol. ii., pp. 148-168. [43] dr. james geikie in _geological magazine_, 1878, p. 77. [44] this subject is admirably discussed in professor asa gray's lecture on "forest geography and archæology" in the _american journal of science and arts_, vol. xvi. 1878. [45] in a letter to _nature_ of october 30th, 1879, the rev. o. fisher calls attention to a result arrived at by pouillet, that the temperature which the surface of the ground would assume if the sun were extinguished would be -128° f. instead of -239° f. if this corrected amount were used in our calculations, the january temperature of england during the glacial epoch would come out 17° f., and this mr. fisher thinks not low enough to cause any extreme difference from the present climate. in this opinion, however, i cannot agree with him. on the contrary, it would, i think, be a relief to the theory were the amounts of decrease of temperature in winter and increase in summer rendered more moderate, since according to the usual calculation (which i have adopted) the differences are unnecessarily great. i cannot therefore think that this modification of the temperatures, should it be ultimately proved to be correct (which is altogether denied by dr. croll), would be any serious objection to the adoption of dr. croll's theory of the astronomical and physical causes of the glacial epoch. the reason of the theoretical increase of summer heat being greater than the decrease of winter cold is because we are now nearest the sun in winter and farthest in summer, whereas we calculate the temperatures of the glacial epoch for the phase of precession when the _aphelion_ was in winter. a large part of the increase of temperature would no doubt be used up in melting ice and evaporating water, so that there would be a much less increase of sensible heat; while only a portion of the theoretical lowering of temperature in winter would be actually produced owing to equalising effect of winds and currents, and the storing up of heat by the earth and ocean. [46] dr. croll says this "is one of the most widespread and fundamental errors within the whole range of geological climatology." the temperature of the snow itself is, he says, one of the main factors. (_climate and cosmology_, p. 85.) but surely the temperature of the snow must depend on the temperature of the air through which it falls. [47] in an account of prof. nordenskjöld's recent expedition round the northern coast of asia, given in _nature_, november 20th, 1879, we have the following passage, fully supporting the statement in the text. "along the whole coast, from the white sea to behring's straits, no glacier was seen. during autumn the siberian coast is nearly free of ice and snow. there are no mountains covered all the year round with snow, although some of them rise to a height of more than 2,000 feet." it must be remembered that the north coast of eastern siberia is in the area of supposed greatest winter cold on the globe. [48] dr. croll objects to this argument on the ground that greenland and the antarctic continent are probably lowlands or groups of islands. (_climate and cosmology_, chap. v.) [49] "on the glacial epoch," by james croll. _geol. mag._ july, august, 1874. [50] "the general absence of recent marks of glacial action in eastern europe is well known; and the series of changes which have been so well traced and described by prof. szabó as occurring in those districts seems to leave no room for those periodical extensions of 'ice-caps' with which some authors in this country have amused themselves and their readers. mr. campbell, whose ability to recognise the physical evidence of glaciers will scarcely be questioned, finds quite the same absence of the proof of extensive ice-action in north america, westward of the meridian of chicago." (prof. j. w. judd in _geol. mag._ 1876, p. 535.) the same author notes the diminution of marks of ice-action on going eastward in the alps; and the altai mountains far in central asia show no signs of having been largely glaciated. west of the rocky mountains, however, in the sierra nevada and the coast ranges further north, signs of extensive old glaciers again appear; all which phenomena are strikingly in accordance with the theory here advocated, of the absolute dependence of glaciation on abundant rainfall and elevated snow-condensers and accumulators. [51] i have somewhat modified this whole passage in the endeavour to represent more accurately the difference between the views of dr. croll and sir charles lyell. [52] for numerous details and illustrations see the paper--"on ocean currents in relation to the physical theory of secular changes of climate"--in the _philosophical magazine_, 1870. [53] see _darwin's naturalist's voyage round the world_, 2nd edition, pp. 244-251. [54] the influence of geographical changes on climate is now held by many geologists who oppose what they consider the extravagant hypotheses of dr. croll. thus, prof. dana imputes the glacial epoch chiefly, if not wholly, to elevation of the land caused by the lateral pressure due to shrinking of the earth's crust that has caused all other elevations and depressions. he says: "now, that elevation of the land over the higher latitudes which brought on the glacial era is a natural result of the same agency, and a natural, and almost necessary, counterpart of the coral-island subsidence which must have been then in progress. the accumulating, folding, solidification, and crystallisation of rocks attending all the rock-making and mountain-making through the palæozoic, mesozoic, and cenozoic eras, had greatly stiffened the crust in these parts; and hence in after times, the continental movements resulting from the lateral pressure necessarily appeared over the more northern portions of the continent, where the accumulations and other changes had been relatively small. to the subsidence which followed the elevation the weight of the ice-cap may have contributed in some small degree. but the great balancing movements of the crust of the continental and oceanic areas then going forward must have had a greatly preponderating effect in the oscillating agency of all time--lateral pressure within the crust." (_american journal of science and arts_, 3rd series, vol. ix. p. 318.) "in the 2nd edition of his _manual of geology_, professor dana suggests elevation of arctic lands sufficient to exclude the gulf stream, as a source of cold during glacial epochs. this, he thinks, would have made an epoch of cold at any era of the globe. a deep submergence of behring's strait, letting in the pacific warm current to the polar area, would have produced a mild arctic climate like that of the miocene period. when the warm current was shut out from the polar area it would yet reach near to it, and bring with it that abundant moisture necessary for glaciation." (_manual of geology_, 2nd edition, pp. 541-755, 756.) [55] dana's _manual of geology_, 2nd edition, p. 540. [56] dr. croll says that i here assume an impossible state of things. he maintains "that the change from the distant sun in winter, and near sun in summer to the near sun in winter and distant sun in summer, aided by the change in the physical causes which this would necessarily bring about, would certainly be sufficient to cause the snow and ice to disappear." (_climate and cosmology_, p. 106.) but i demur to his "necessarily." it is not the _direct_ effect of the nearer sun in winter that is supposed to melt the snow and ice, but the "physical causes," such as absence of fogs and increase of warm equatorial currents. but the near sun in winter acting on an ice-clad surface would only increase the fogs and snow, while the currents could only change if a large portion of the ice were first melted, in which case they would no doubt be modified so as to cause a further melting of the ice. dr. croll says: "the warm and equable conditions of climate which would then prevail, and the enormous quantity of intertropical water carried into the southern ocean, would soon produce a melting of the ice." (_loc. cit._ p. 111.) this seems to me to be assuming the very point at issue. he has himself shown that the presence of large quantities of ice prevents "a warm and equable climate" however great may be the sun-heat; the ice therefore would _not_ be melted, and there would be no increased flow of intertropical water to the southern ocean. the ocean currents are mainly due to the difference of temperature of the polar and equatorial areas combined with the peculiar form and position of the continents, and some one or more of these factors must be altered _before_ the ocean currents towards the north pole can be increased. the only factor available is the antarctic ice, and if this were largely increased, the northward-flowing currents might be so increased as to melt some of the arctic ice. but the very same argument applies to both poles. without some geographical change the antarctic ice could not materially diminish during its winter in _perihelion_, nor increase to any important extent during the opposite phase. we therefore seem to have no available agency by which to get rid of the ice over a glaciated hemisphere, _so long as the geographical conditions remained unchanged and the excentricity continued high_. [57] in the _geological magazine_, april, 1880, mr. searles v. wood adduces what he considers to be the "conclusive objection" to dr. croll's excentricity theory, which is, that during the last glacial epoch europe and north america were glaciated very much in proportion to their respective climates now, which are generally admitted to be due to the distribution of oceanic currents. but dr. croll admits his theory "to be baseless unless there was a complete diversion of the warm ocean currents from the hemisphere glaciated," in which case there ought to be no difference in the extent of glaciation in europe and north america. whether or not this is a correct statement of dr. croll's theory, the above objection certainly does not apply to the views here advocated; but as i also hold the "excentricity theory" in a modified form, it may be as well to show why it does not apply. in the first place i do not believe that the gulf stream was "completely diverted" during the glacial epoch, but that it was diminished in force, and (as described at p. 144) _partly_ diverted southward. a portion of its influence would, however, still remain to cause a difference between the climates of the two sides of the atlantic; and to this must be added two other causes--the far greater penetration of warm sea-water into the european than into the north american continent, and the proximity to america of the enormous ice-producing mass of greenland. we have thus three distinct causes, all combining to produce a more severe winter climate on the west than on the east of the atlantic during the glacial epoch, and though the first of these--the gulf stream--was not nearly so powerful as it is now, neither is the difference indicated by the ice-extension in the two countries so great as the present difference of winter-temperature, which is the essential point to be considered. the ice-sheet of the united states is usually supposed to have extended about ten, or, at most, twelve, degrees further south than it did in western europe, whereas we must go twenty degrees further south in the former country to obtain the same mean winter-temperature we find in the latter, as may be seen by examining any map of winter isothermals. this difference very fairly corresponds to the difference of conditions existing during the glacial epoch and the present time, so far as we are able to estimate them, and it certainly affords no grounds of objection to the theory by which the glaciation is here explained. [58] dr. croll objects to this argument, and adduces the case of greenland as showing that ice may accumulate far from sea. but the width of greenland is small compared with that of the supposed antarctic ice-cap. (_climate and cosmology_, p. 78.) [59] the recent extensive glaciation of new zealand is generally imputed by the local geologists to a greater elevation of the land; but i cannot help believing that the high phase of excentricity which caused our own glacial epoch was at all events an assisting cause. this is rendered more probable if taken in connection with the following very definite statement of glacial markings in south africa. captain aylward in his _transvaal of to-day_ (p. 171) says:--"it will be interesting to geologists and others to learn that the entire country, from the summits of the quathlamba to the junction of the vaal and orange rivers, shows marks of having been swept over, and that at no very distant period, by vast masses of ice from east to west. the striations are plainly visible, scarring the older rocks, and marking the hill-sides--getting lower and lower and less visible as, descending from the mountains, the kopjies (small hills) stand wider apart; but wherever the hills narrow towards each other, again showing how the vast ice-fields were checked, thrown up, and raised against their eastern extremities." this passage is evidently written by a person familiar with the phenomena of glaciation, and as captain aylward's preface is dated from edinburgh, he has probably seen similar markings in scotland. the country described consists of the most extensive and lofty plateau in south africa, rising to a mountain knot with peaks more than 10,000 feet high, thus offering an appropriate area for the condensation of vapour and the accumulation of snow. at present, however, the mountains do not reach the snow-line, and there is no proof that they have been much higher in recent times, since the coast of natal is now said to be rising. it is evident that no slight elevation would now lead to the accumulation of snow and ice in these mountains, situated as they are between 27° and 30° s. lat.; since the andes, which in 32° s. lat. reach 23,300 feet high, and in 28° s. lat. 20,000, with far more extensive plateaus, produce no ice-fields. we cannot, therefore, believe that a few thousand feet of additional elevation, even if it occurred so recently as indicated by the presence of striations, would have produced the remarkable amount of glaciation above described; while from the analogy of the northern hemisphere, we may well believe that it was mainly due to the same high excentricity that led to the glaciation of western and central europe, and eastern north america. these observations confirm those of mr. g. w. stow, who, in a paper published in the _quarterly journal of the geological society_ (vol. xxvii. p. 539), describes similar phenomena in the same mountains, and also mounds and ridges of unstratified clay packed with angular boulders; while further south the stormberg mountains are said to be similarly glaciated, with immense accumulations of morainic matter in all the valleys. we have here most of the surface phenomena characteristic of a glaciated country, only a few degrees south of the tropic; and taken in connection with the indications of recent glaciation in new zealand, and those discovered by dr. r. von lendenfeld in the australian alps between 6,000 and 7,000 feet elevation (_nature_, vol. xxxii. p. 69), we can hardly doubt the occurrence of some general and wide-spread cause of glaciation in the southern hemisphere at a period so recent that the superficial phenomena are almost as well preserved as in europe. other geologists however deny that there are any distinct indications of glacial action in south africa; but the recent discovery by dr. j. w. gregory, f.g.s., of the former extension of glaciers on mount kenya 5,000 feet below their present limits, renders probable the former glaciation of the south african highlands. [60] the astronomical facts connected with the motions and appearance of the planet are taken from a paper by mr. edward carpenter, m.a., in the _geological magazine_ of march, 1877, entitled, "evidence afforded by mars on the subject of glacial periods," but i arrive at somewhat different conclusions from those of the writer of the paper. [61] in an article in _nature_ of jan. 1, 1880, the rev. t. w. webb states that in 1877 the pole of mars (? the south pole) was, according to schiaparelli, entirely free of snow. he remarks also on the regular contour of the supposed snows of mars as offering a great contrast to ours, and also the strongly marked dark border which has often been observed. on the whole mr. webb seems to be of opinion that there can be no really close resemblance between the physical condition of the earth and mars, and that any arguments founded on such supposed similarity are therefore untrustworthy. [62] _london, edinburgh and dublin philosophical magazine_, vol. xxxvi., pp. 144-150 (1868). [63] _climate and time in their geological relations_, p. 341. [64] _nature_, vol. xxi., p. 345, "the interior of greenland." [65] prof. j. w. judd says: "in the case of the alps i know of no glacial phenomena which are not capable of being explained, like those of new zealand, by a great extension of the area of the tracts above the snow-line which would collect more ample supplies for the glaciers protruded into surrounding plains. and when we survey the grand panoramas of ridges, pinnacles, and peaks produced for the most part by sub-aërial action, we may well be prepared to admit that before the intervening ravines and valleys were excavated, the glaciers shed from the elevated plateaux must have been of vastly greater magnitude than at present." (contributions to the study of volcanoes, _geological magazine_, 1876, p. 536.) professor judd applies these remarks to the last as well as to previous glacial periods in the alps; but surely there has been no such extensive alteration and lowering of the surface of the country since the erratic blocks were deposited on the jura and the great moraines formed in north italy, as this theory would imply. we can hardly suppose wide areas to have been lowered thousands of feet by denudation, and yet have left other adjacent areas apparently untouched; and it is even very doubtful whether such an extension of the snow-fields would alone suffice for the effects which were certainly produced. [66] _geological magazine_, 1876, p. 392. [67] colonel fielden thinks that these trees have all been brought down by rivers, and have been stranded on shores which have been recently elevated. see _trans. of norfolk nat. hist. soc., vol. iii._, 1880. [68] _geological magazine_, 1876, "geology of spitzbergen," p. 267. [69] the preceding account is mostly derived from professor heer's great work _flora fossilis arctica_. [70] _geological magazine_, 1875, p. 531. [71] _geological magazine_, 1876, p. 266. in his recent work--_climate and cosmology_ (pp. 164, 172)--the late dr. croll has appealed to the imperfection of the geological record as a reply to these arguments; in this case, as it appears to me, a very unsuccessful one. [72] it is interesting to observe that the cretaceous flora of the united states (that of the dakota group), indicates a somewhat cooler climate than that of the following eocene period. mr. de rance (in the geological appendix to capt. sir g. nares's _narrative of a voyage to the polar sea_) remarks as follows: "in the overlying american eocenes occur types of plants occurring in the european miocenes and still living, proving the truth of professor lesquereux's postulate, that the plant types appear in america a stage in advance of their advent in europe. these plants point to a far higher mean temperature than those of the dakota group, to a dense atmosphere of vapour, and a luxuriance of ferns and palms." this is very important as adding further proof to the view that the climates of former periods are not due to any general refrigeration, but to causes which were subject to change and alternation in former ages as now. [73] mr. s. b. j. skertchley informs me that he has himself observed thick tertiary deposits, consisting of clays and anhydrous gypsum, at berenice on the borders of egypt and nubia, at a height of about 600 feet above the sea-level; but these may have been of fresh-water origin. [74] by referring to our map of the indian ocean showing the submarine banks indicating ancient islands (chap. xix.), it will be evident that the south-east trade-winds--then exceptionally powerful--would cause a vast body of water to enter the deep arabian sea. [75] in his recently published _lectures on physical geography_, professor haughton calculates, that more than half the solar heat of the torrid zone is carried to the temperate zones by ocean currents. the gulf stream itself carries one-twelfth of the total amount, but it is probable that a very small fraction of this quantity of heat reaches the polar seas owing to the wide area over which the current spreads in the north atlantic. the corresponding stream of the indian ocean in miocene times would have been fully equal to the gulf stream in heating power, while, owing to its being so much more concentrated, a large proportion of its heat may have reached the polar area. but the arctic ocean occupies less than one-tenth of the area of the tropical seas; so that, whatever proportion of the heat of the tropical zone was conveyed to it, would, by being concentrated into one-tenth of the surface, produce an enormously increased effect. taking this into consideration, we can hardly doubt that the opening of a sufficient passage from the indian ocean to the arctic seas would produce the effects above indicated. [76] for an account of the resemblances and differences of the mammalia of the two continents during the tertiary epoch, see my _geographical distribution of animals_, vol. i. pp. 140-156. [77] professor haughton has made an elaborate calculation of the difference between existing climates and those of miocene times, for all the places where a miocene flora has been discovered, by means of the actual range of corresponding species and genera of plants. although this method is open to the objection that the ranges of plants and animals are not determined by temperature only, yet the results may be approximately correct, and are very interesting. the following table which summarizes these results is taken from his lectures on physical geography (p. 344):- _______________________________________________________________________ | | | present | miocene | | | |latitude.|temperature.|temperature.|difference.| |_____________________|_________|____________|____________|___________| | 1. switzerland | 47d.00 | 53d.6 f | 69d.8 f | 16d.2 f | | 2. dantzig | 54d.21 | 45d.7 ,, | 62d.6 ,, | 16d.9 ,, | | 3. iceland | 65d.30 | 35d.6 ,, | 48d.2 ,, | 12d.6 ,, | | 4. mackenzie river | 65d.00 | 19d.4 ,, | 48d.2 ,, | 28d.8 ,, | | 5. disco (greenland)| 70d.00 | 19d.6 ,, | 55d.6 ,, | 36d.0 ,, | | 6. spitzbergen | 78d.00 | 16d.5 ,, | 51d.8 ,, | 35d.3 ,, | | 7. grinnell land | 81d.44 | 1d.7 ,, | 42d.3 ,, | 44d.0 ,, | |_____________________|_________|____________|____________|___________| it is interesting to note that iceland, which is now exposed to the full influence of the gulf stream, was only 12°.6 f. warmer in miocene times, while mackenzie river, now totally removed from its influence was 28° warmer. this, as well as, the greater increase of temperature as we go northward and the polar area becomes more limited, is quite in accordance with the view of the causes which brought about the miocene climate which is here advocated. [78] the objection has been made, that the long polar night would of itself be fatal to the existence of such a luxuriant vegetation as we know to have existed as far as 80° n. lat., and that there must have been some alteration of the position of the pole, or diminution of the obliquity of the ecliptic, to permit such plants as magnolias and large-leaved maples to flourish. but there appears to be really no valid grounds for such an objection. not only are numbers of alpine and arctic evergreens deeply buried in the snow for many months without injury, but a variety of tropical and sub-tropical plants are preserved in the hot-houses of st. petersburg and other northern cities, which are closely matted during winter, and are thus exposed to as much darkness as the night of the arctic regions. we have besides no proof that any of the arctic trees or large shrubs were evergreens, and the darkness would certainly not be prejudical to deciduous plants. with a suitable temperature there is nothing to prevent a luxuriant vegetation up to the pole, and the long continued day is known to be highly favourable to the development of foliage, which in the same species is larger and better developed in norway than in the south of england. [79] _geological magazine_, 1873, p. 320. [80] _geological magazine_, 1877, p. 137. [81] _manual of geology_, 2nd ed. p. 525. see also letter in _nature_, vol. xxiii. p. 410. [82] _nature_, vol. xviii. (july, 1878), p. 268. [83] "on the comparative value of certain geological ages considered as items of geological time." (_proceedings of the royal society_, 1874, p. 334.) [84] _trans. royal society of edinburgh_, vol. xxiii. p. 161. _quarterly journal of science_, 1877. (croll on the "probable origin and age of the sun.") [85] _philosophical magazine_, april, 1853. [86] it has usually been the practice to take the amount of denudation in the mississippi valley, or one foot in six thousand years, as a measure of the rate of denudation in europe, from an idea apparently of being on the "safe side," and of not over-estimating the rate of change. but this appears to me a most unphilosophical mode of proceeding and unworthy of scientific inquiry. what should we think of astronomers if they always took the lowest estimates of planetary or stellar distances, instead of the mean results of observation, "in order to be on the safe side!"? as if error in one direction were any worse than error in another. yet this is what geologists do systematically. whenever any calculations are made involving the antiquity of man, it is those that give the _lowest_ results that are always taken, for no reason apparently except that there was, for so long a time, a prejudice, both popular and scientific, against the great antiquity of man; and now that a means has been found of measuring the rate of denudation, they take the slowest rate instead of the mean rate, apparently only because there is now a scientific prejudice in favour of extremely slow geological change. i take the mean of the whole; and as this is almost exactly the same as the mean of the three great european rivers--the rhone, danube, and po--i cannot believe that this will not be nearer the truth for europe than taking one north american river as the standard. [87] "on the height of the land and the depth of the ocean," in the _scottish geographical magazine_, 1888. [88] these figures are merely used to give an idea of the rate at which denudation is actually going on now; but if no elevatory forces were at work, the rate of denudation would certainly diminish as the mountains were lowered and the slope of the ground everywhere rendered flatter. this would follow not only from the diminished power of rain and rivers, but because the climate would become more uniform, the rainfall probably less, and no rocky peaks would be left to be fractured and broken up by the action of frosts. it is certain, however, that no continent has ever remained long subject to the influences of denudation alone, for, as we have seen in our sixth chapter, elevation and depression have always been going on in one part or other of the surface. [89] the following statement of the depths at which the palæozoic formations have been reached in various localities in and round london was given by mr. h. b. woodward in his address to the norwich geological society in 1879:- _deep wells through the tertiary and cretaceous formations._ harwich at 1,022 feet reached carboniferous rock. kentish town ,, 1,114 ,, ,, old red sandstone. tottenham court road ,, 1,064 ,, ,, devonian. blackwall ,, 1,004 ,, ,, devonian or old red sandstone. ware ,, 800 ,, ,, silurian (wenlock shale). we thus find that over a wide area, extending from london to ware and harwich, the whole of the formations from the oolite to the permian are wanting, the cretaceous resting on the carboniferous or older palæozoic rocks; and the same deficiency extends across to belgium, where the tertiary beds are found resting on carboniferous at a depth of less than 400 feet. [90] _geological magazine_, vol. viii., march, 1871. [91] mr. c. lloyd morgan has well illustrated this point by comparing the generally tilted-up strata denuded on their edges, to a library in which a fire had acted on the exposed edges of the books, destroying a great mass of literature but leaving a portion of each book in its place, which portion represents the thickness but not the size of the book. (_geological magazine_, 1878, p. 161.) [92] professor j. young thinks it highly probable that--"the lower greensand is contemporaneous with part of the chalk, so were parts of the wealden; nay, even of the purbeck a portion must have been forming while the cretaceous sea was gradually deepening southward and westward." yet these deposits are always arranged successively, and their several thicknesses added together to obtain the total thickness of the formations of the country. (see presidential address, sect. c. british association, 1876.) [93] mr. john murray in his more careful estimate makes it about 51½ millions. [94] as by far the larger portion of the denuded matter of the globe passes to the sea through comparatively few great rivers, the deposits must often be confined to very limited areas. thus the denudation of the vast mississippi basin must be almost all deposited in a limited portion of the gulf of mexico, that of the nile within a small area of the eastern mediterranean, and that of the great rivers of china--the hoang ho and yang-tse-kiang, in a small portion of the eastern sea. enormous lengths of coast, like those of western america and eastern africa, receive very scanty deposits; so that thirty miles in width along the whole of the coasts of the globe will probably give an area greater than that of the area of _average_ deposit, and certainly greater than that of _maximum_ deposit, which is the basis on which i have here made my estimates. in the case of the mississippi, it is stated by count pourtales that along the plateau between the mouth of the river and the southern extremity of florida for two hundred and fifty miles in width the bottom consists of clay with some sand and but few rhizopods; but beyond this distance the soundings brought up either rhizopod shells alone, or these mixed with coral sand, nullipores, and other calcareous organisms (dana's _manual of geology_, 2nd ed. p. 671). it is probable, therefore, that a large proportion of the entire mass of sediment brought down by the mississippi is deposited on the limited area above indicated. professor dana further remarks: "over interior oceanic basins as well as off a coast in quiet depths, fifteen or twenty fathoms and beyond, the deposits are mostly of fine silt, fitted for making fine argillaceous rocks, as shales or slates. when, however, the depth of the ocean falls off below a hundred fathoms, the deposition of silt in our existing oceans mostly ceases, unless in the case of a great bank along the border of a continent." [95] from the same data professor haughton estimates a minimum of 200 million years for the duration of geological time; but he arrives at this conclusion by supposing the products of denudation to be uniformly spread over the _whole sea-bottom_ instead of over a narrow belt near the coasts, a supposition entirely opposed to all the known facts, and which had been shown by dr. croll, five years previously, to be altogether erroneous. (see _nature_, vol. xviii., p. 268, where professor haughton's paper is given as read before the royal society.) [96] see _geological magazine_ for 1877, p. 1. [97] in his reply to sir w. thomson, professor huxley _assumed_ one foot in a thousand years as a not improbable rate of deposition. the above estimate indicates a far higher rate; and this follows from the well-ascertained fact, that the area of deposition is many times smaller than the area of denudation. [98] dr. croll and sir archibald geikie have shown that marine denudation is very small in amount as compared with sub-aërial, since it acts only locally on the _edge_ of the land, whereas the latter acts over every foot of the _surface_. mr. w. t. blanford argues that the difference is still greater in tropical than in temperate latitudes, and arrives at the conclusion that--"if over british india the effects of marine to those of fresh-water denudation in removing the rocks of the country be estimated at 1 to 100, i believe that the result of marine action will be greatly overstated" (_geology and zoology of abyssinia_, p. 158, note). now, as our estimate of the rate of sub-aërial denudation cannot pretend to any precise accuracy, we are justified in neglecting marine denudation altogether, especially as we have no method of estimating it for the whole earth with any approach to correctness. [99] agassiz appears to have been the first to suggest that the principal epochs of life extermination were epochs of cold; and dana thinks that two at least such epochs may be recognised, at the close of the palæozoic and of the cretaceous periods--to which we may add the last glacial epoch. [100] this view was, i believe, first put forth by myself in a paper read before the geological section of the british association in 1869, and subsequently in an article in _nature_, vol. i. p. 454. it was also stated by mr. s. b. j. skertchley in his _physical system of the universe_, p. 363 (1878); but we both founded it on what i now consider the erroneous doctrine that actual glacial epochs recurred each 10,500 years during periods of high excentricity. [101] explication d'une seconde édition de la _carte géologique de la terre_ (1875), p. 64. [102] for most of the facts as to the zoology and botany of these islands, i am indebted to mr. godman's valuable work--_natural history of the azores or western islands_, by frederick du cane godman, f.l.s., f.z.s., &c., london, 1870. [103] see chap. v. p. 78. [104] some of mr. darwin's experiments are very interesting and suggestive. ripe hazel-nuts sank immediately, but when dried they floated for ninety days, and afterwards germinated. an asparagus-plant with ripe berries, when dried, floated for eighty-five days, and the seeds afterwards germinated. out of ninety-four dried plants experimented with, eighteen floated for more than a month, and some for three months, and their powers of germination seem never to have been wholly destroyed. now, as oceanic currents vary from thirty to sixty miles a day, such plants under the most favourable conditions might be carried 90 x 60 = 5,400 miles! but even half of this is ample to enable them to reach any oceanic island, and we must remember that till completely water-logged they might be driven along at a much greater rate by the wind. mr. darwin calculates the distance by the average time of flotation to be 924 miles; but in such a case as this we are entitled to take the extreme cases, because such countless thousands of plants and seeds must be carried out to sea annually that the extreme cases in a single experiment with only ninety-four plants, must happen hundreds or thousands of times and with hundreds or thousands of species, naturally, and thus afford ample opportunities for successful migration. (see _origin of species_, 6th edition, p. 325.) [105] the following remarks, kindly communicated to me by mr. h. n. moseley, naturalist to the _challenger_, throw much light on the agency of birds in the distribution of plants:--"grisebach (_veg. der erde_, vol. ii. p. 496) lays much stress on the wide ranging of the albatross (diomedea) across the equator from cape horn to the kurile islands, and thinks that the presence of the same plants in arctic and antarctic regions may be accounted for, possibly, by this fact. i was much struck at marion island of the prince edward group, by observing that the great albatross breeds in the midst of a dense, low herbage, and constructs its nest of a mound of turf and herbage. some of the indigenous plants, _e.g._ acæna, have flower-heads which stick like burrs to feathers, &c., and seem specially adapted for transposition by birds. besides the albatrosses, various species of procellaria and puffinus, birds which range over immense distances may, i think, have played a great part in the distribution of plants, and especially account, in some measure, for the otherwise difficult fact (when occurring in the tropics), that widely distant islands have similar mountain plants. the procellaria and puffinus in nesting, burrow in the ground, as far as i have seen choosing often places where the vegetation is the thickest. the birds in burrowing get their feathers covered with vegetable mould, which must include spores, and often seeds. in high latitudes the birds often burrow near the sea-level, as at tristan d'acunha or kerguelen's land, but in the tropics they choose the mountains for their nesting-place (finsch and hartlaub, _orn. der vitiund tonga-inseln_, 1867, einleitung, p. xviii.). thus, _puffinus megasi_ nests at the top of the korobasa basaga mountain, viti levu, fifty miles from the sea. a procellaria breeds in like manner in the high mountains of jamaica, i believe at 7,000 feet. peale describes the same habit of _procellaria rostrata_ at tahiti, and i saw the burrows myself amidst a dense growth of fern, &c., at 4,400 feet elevation in that island. phaethon has a similar habit. it nests at the crater of kilauea, hawaii, at 4,000 feet elevation, and also high up in tahiti. in order to account for the transportation of the plants, it is not of course necessary that the same species of procellaria or diomedea should now range between the distant points where the plants occur. the ancestor of the now differing species might have carried the seeds. the range of the genus is sufficient." [106] _nature_, vol. vi. p. 262, "recent observations in the bermudas," by mr. j. matthew jones. [107] "the late sir c. wyville thomson was of opinion that the 'red earth' which largely forms the soil of bermuda had an organic origin, as well as the 'red clay' which the _challenger_ discovered in all the greater depths of the ocean basins. he regarded the red earth and red clay as an ash left behind after the gradual removal of the lime by water charged with carbonic acid. this ash he regarded as a constituent part of the shells of foraminifera, skeletons of corals, and molluscs, [_vide_ _voyage of the challenger_, atlantic, vol. i. p. 316]. this theory does not seem to be in any way tenable. analysis of carefully selected shells of foraminifera, heteropods, and pteropods, did not show the slightest trace of alumina, and none has as yet been discovered in coral skeletons. it is most probable that a large part of the clayey matter found in red clay and the red earth of bermuda is derived from the disintegration of pumice, which is continually found floating on the surface of the sea. [see murray, "on the distribution of volcanic débris over the floor of the ocean;" _proc. roy. soc. edin._ vol. ix. pp. 247-261. 1876-1877.] the naturalists of the _challenger_ found it among the floating masses of gulf weed, and it is frequently picked up on the reefs of bermuda and other coral islands. the red earth contains a good many fragments of magnetite, augite, felspar, and glassy fragments, and when a large quantity of the rock of bermuda is dissolved away with acid, a small number of fragments are also met with. these mineral particles most probably came originally from the pumice which had been cast up on the island for long ages (for it is known that these minerals are present in pumice), although possibly some of them may have come from the volcanic rock, which is believed to form the nucleus of the island." _the voyage of h.m.s. challenger_, narrative of the cruise, vol. i. 1885, pp. 141-142. [108] four bats occur rarely, two being n. american, and two west indian species. _the bermuda islands_, by angelo heilprin, philadelphia, 1889. [109] fourteen species of spiders were collected by prof. a. heilprin, all american or cosmopolitan species except one, _lycosa atlantica_, which dr. marx of washington describes as new and as peculiar to the islands. (heilprin's _the bermudas_, p. 93.) [110] mr. theo. d. a. cockerell informs me that there are two slugs in bermuda of which specimens exist in the british museum,--_amalia gagates_ drap. common in europe, and _agriolimax campestris_ of the united states. both may therefore have been introduced by human agency. also _vaginulus morelete var. schivelyæ_ which seems to be a variety of a mexican species; perhaps imported. [111] "notes on the vegetation of bermuda," by h. n. moseley. (_journal of the linnean society_, vol. xiv., _botany_, p. 317.) [112] _gigantic land tortoises living and extinct in the collection of the british museum._ by a. c. l. g. günther, f.r.s. 1877. [113] the following list of the beetles yet known from the galapagos shows their scanty proportions and accidental character; the forty species belonging to thirty-three genera and eighteen families. it is taken from mr. waterhouse's enumeration in the _proceedings of the zoological society_ for 1877 (p. 81), with a few additions collected by the u. s. fish commission steamer _albatross_, and published by the u. s. national museum in 1889. carabidæ. elateridæ. feronia calathoides. physorhinus galapagoensis ,, insularis. heteromera. ,, galapagoensis. allecula n. s. amblygnathus obscuricornis. stomion helopoides. solenophorus galapagoensis. ,, lævigatum. notaphus galapagoensis. ammophorus obscurus. dytiscidæ. ,, cooksoni. eunectes occidentalis. ,, bifoveatus. acilius incisus. pedonoeces galapagoensis. copelatus galapagoensis. ,, pubescens. palpicornes. phaleria manicata. tropisternus lateralis. curculionidæ. philhydrus sp. otiorhynchus cuneiformis. staphylinidæ. anchonus galapagoensis. creophilus villosus. longicornia. necrophaga. mallodou sp. acribis serrativentris. eburia amabilis. phalacrus darwinii. anthribidæ. dermestes vulpinus. ormiscus variegatus. malacoderms. phytophaga ablechrus darwinii. diabrotica limbata. corynetes rufipes. docema galapagoensis. bostrichus unciniatus. longitarsus lunatus. tetrapriocerca sp. securipalpes. lamellicornes. scymuns galapagoensis. copris lugubris. oryctes galapagoensis. [114] mr. h. o. forbes, who visited these islands in 1878, increased the number of wild plants to thirty-six, and these belonged to twenty-six natural orders. [115] juan fernandez is a good example of a small island which, with time and favourable conditions, has acquired a tolerably rich and highly peculiar flora and fauna. it is situated in 34° s. lat., 400 miles from the coast of chile, and so far as facilities for the transport of living organisms are concerned is by no means in a favourable position, for the ocean-currents come from the south-west in a direction where there is no land but the antarctic continent, and the prevalent winds are also westerly. no doubt, however, there are occasional storms, and there may have been intermediate islands, but its chief advantages are its antiquity, its varied surface, and its favourable soil and climate, offering many chances for the preservation and increase of whatever plants and animals have chanced to reach it. the island consists of basalt, greenstone, and other ancient rocks, and though only about twelve miles long its mountains are three thousand feet high. enjoying a moist and temperate climate it is especially adapted to the growth of ferns, which are very abundant; and as the spores of these plants are as fine as dust, and very easily carried for enormous distances by winds, it is not surprising that there are nearly fifty species on the island, while the remote period when it first received its vegetation may be indicated by the fact that nearly half the species are quite peculiar; while of 102 species of flowering plants seventy are peculiar, and there are ten peculiar genera. the same general character pervades the fauna. for so small an island it is rich, containing four true land-birds, about fifty species of insects, and twenty of land-shells. almost all these belong to south american genera, and a large proportion are south american species; but several of the insects, half the birds, and the whole of the land-shells are peculiar. this seems to indicate that the means of transmission were formerly greater than they are now, and that in the case of land-shells none have been introduced for so long a period that all have become modified into distinct forms, or have been preserved on the island while they have become extinct on the continent. for a detailed examination of the causes which have led to the modification of the humming birds of juan fernandez see the chapter on humming birds in the author's _natural selection and tropical nature_, p. 324; while a general account of the fauna of the island is given in his _geographical distribution of animals_, vol. ii. p. 49. [116] no additions appear to have been made to this flora down to 1885, when mr. hemsley published his _report on the present state of our knowledge of insular floras_. [117] _journal of the linnean society_, vol. xiii., "botany," p. 556. [118] _geographical distribution of animals_, vol. ii. p. 81. [119] _st. helena: a physical, historical, and topographical description of the island, &c._ by john charles melliss, f.g.s., &c. london: 1875. [120] mr. marsh in his interesting work entitled _the earth as modified by human action_ (p. 51), thus remarks on the effect of browsing quadrupeds in destroying and checking woody vegetation.--"i am convinced that forests would soon cover many parts of the arabian and african deserts if man and domestic animals, especially the goat and the camel, were banished from them. the hard palate and tongue, and strong teeth and jaws of this latter quadruped enable him to break off and masticate tough and thorny branches as large as the finger. he is particularly fond of the smaller twigs, leaves, and seed-pods of the _sont_ and other acacias, which, like the american robinia, thrive well on dry and sandy soils, and he spares no tree the branches of which are within his reach, except, if i remember right, the tamarisk that produces manna. young trees sprout plentifully around the springs and along the winter water-courses of the desert, and these are just the halting stations of the caravans and their routes of travel. in the shade of these trees annual grasses and perennial shrubs shoot up, but are mown down by the hungry cattle of the bedouin as fast as they grow. a few years of undisturbed vegetation would suffice to cover such points with groves, and these would gradually extend themselves over soils where now scarcely any green thing but the bitter colocynth and the poisonous foxglove is ever seen." [121] _coleoptera sanctæ helenæ_, 1877; _testacea atlantica_, 1878. [122] on petermann's map of africa, in _stieler's hand-atlas_ (1879), the island of ascension is shown as seated on a much larger and shallower submarine bank than st. helena. the 1,000 fathom line round ascension encloses an oval space 170 miles long by 70 wide, and even the 300 fathom line, one over 60 miles long; and it is therefore probable that a much larger island once occupied this site. now ascension is nearly equidistant between st. helena and liberia, and such an island might have served as an intermediate station through which many of the immigrants to st. helena passed. as the distances are hardly greater than in the case of the azores, this removes whatever difficulty may have been felt of the possibility of _any_ organisms reaching so remote an island. the present island of ascension is probably only the summit of a huge volcanic mass, and any remnant of the original fauna and flora it might have preserved may have been destroyed by great volcanic eruptions. mr. darwin collected some masses of tufa which were found to be mainly organic, containing, besides remains of fresh-water infusoria, the siliceous tissue of plants! in the light of the great extent of the submarine bank on which the island stands, mr. darwin's remark, that--"we may feel sure, that at some former epoch, the climate and productions of ascension were very different from what they are now,"--has received a striking confirmation. (see _naturalist's voyage round the world_, p. 495.) [123] "notes on the classification, history, and geographical distribution of compositæ."--_journal of the linnean society_, vol. xiii. p. 563 (1873). [124] the melhaniæ comprise the two finest timber trees of st. helena, now almost extinct, the redwood and native ebony. [125] _journal of the linnean society_, 1873, p. 496. "on diversity of evolution under one set of external conditions." _proceedings of the zoological society of london_, 1873, p. 80. "on the classification of the achitinellidæ." [126] "memoirs on the coleoptera of the hawaiian islands." by the rev. t. blackburn, b.a., and dr. d. sharp. _scientific transactions of the royal dublin society._ vol. iii. series ii. 1885. [127] see hildebrand's _flora of the hawaiian islands_, introduction, p. xiv. [128] _flora of the hawaiian islands_, by w. hildebrand, m.d., annotated and published after the author's death by w. f. hildebrand, 1888. [129] these are obtained from hildebrand's _flora_ supplemented by mr. bentham's paper in the _journal of the linnean society_. [130] among the curious features of the hawaiian flora is the extraordinary development of what are usually herbaceous plants into shrubs or trees. three species of viola are shrubs from three to five feet high. a shrubby silene is nearly as tall; and an allied endemic genus, schiedea, has numerous shrubby species. _geranium arboreum_ is sometimes twelve feet high. the endemic compositæ are mostly shrubs, while several are trees reaching twenty or thirty feet in height. the numerous lobeliaceæ, all endemic, are mostly shrubs or trees, often resembling palms or yuccas in habit, and sometimes twenty-five or thirty feet high. the only native genus of primulaceæ--lysimachia--consists mainly of shrubs; and even a plantain has a woody stem sometimes six feet high. [131] _geological magazine_, 1870, p. 155. [132] _transactions of the edinburgh geological society_, vol. i. p. 330. [133] _quarterly journal of geological society_, 1850, p. 96. [134] _british association report_, dundee, 1867, p. 431. [135] the list of names was furnished to me by dr. günther, and i have added the localities from the papers containing the original descriptions, and from dr. haughton's _british freshwater fishes_. [136] see "the virginia colony of helix nemoralis," t. d. a. cockerell, in _the nautilus_, vol. iii. no. 7, p. 73. [137] i am indebted to mr. mitten for this curious fact. [138] the following remarks by dr. richard spruce, who has made a special study of mosses and especially of hepaticæ, are of interest. "from what precedes, i conclude that no existing agency is capable of transporting the germs of our hepatics of tropical type from the torrid zone to britain, and i venture to suppose that their existence at killarney dates from the remote period when the vegetation of the whole northern hemisphere partook of a tropical character. if i am challenged to account for their survival through the last glacial period, i reply that, granting even the existence of a universal ice-cap down to the latitude of 40° in america and 50° in europe, it is not to be assumed that the whole extent, even of land, was _perennially_ entombed 'in thrilling regions of thick-ribbed ice.' towards the southern margin of the ice the climate was probably very similar to that of greenland and the northern part of norway at the present day. the summer sun would have great power, and on the borders of sheltered fjords the frozen snow would disappear completely, if only for a very short period, and i ask only for a month or two, not doubting the capacity of our hepatics to survive in a dormant state under the snow for at least ten months in the year. i have gathered mosses in the pyrenees where the snow had barely left them on august 2nd; by september 25th they were re-covered with snow, and would not be again uncovered till the following year. the mosses of killarney might even enjoy a longer summer than this; for the gulf-stream laves both sides of the south-western angle of ireland, and its tepid waters would exert great melting power on the ice-bound coast, preventing at the same time any formation of ice in the sea itself." this passage is the conclusion of a very interesting discussion on the distribution of hepaticæ in a paper on "a new hepatic from killarney," in the _journal of botany_, vol. 25, (feb. 1887), pp. 33-82, in which many curious facts are given as to the habits and distribution of these curious and beautiful little plants. [139] while these pages are passing through the press i am informed by my friend mr. w. h. beeby that in the shetland isles, where he has been collecting for five summers, he has found several plants new to the british flora, and a few altogether undescribed. among these latter is a very distinct species of hieracium (_h. zetlandicum_), which is quite unknown in scandinavia, and is almost certainly peculiar to the british islands. here we have another proof that entirely new species are still to be discovered in the remoter portions of our country. [140] in the first edition of this work the numbers were 400 and 340, showing the great increase of our knowledge during the last ten years, chiefly owing to the researches of mr. a. h. everett in sarawak and mr. john whitehead in north borneo and the great mountain kini balu. [141] these are allocotops, chlorocharis, androphilus, and ptilopyga, among the timeliidæ; tricophoropsis and oreoctistes among the brachypodidæ; chlamydochoera among the campophagidæ. [142] in a letter from darwin he says:--"hooker writes to me, 'miguel has been telling me that the flora of sumatra and borneo are identical, and that of java quite different.'" [143] "on the geology of sumatra," by m. r. d. m. verbeck. _geological magazine_, 1877. [144] _pitta megarhynchus_ (banca) allied to _p. brachyurus_ (borneo, sumatra, malacca); and _pitta bangkanus_ (banca) allied to _p. sordidus_ (borneo and sumatra). [145] the following list of the mammalia of the philippines and the sulu islands has been kindly furnished me by mr. everett. quadrumana. 1. macacus cynomolgus. 2. tarsius spectrum. carnivora. 3. viverra tangalunga. 4. paradoxurus philippinensis. also in palawan. 5. felis bengalensis. in negros island. ungulata. 6. bubalus mindorensis. peculiar species. 7. cervus philippinus. peculiar species. 8. " alfredi. peculiar species. 9. " nigricans. peculiar species. 10. " pseudaxis. sulu only. probably introduced. 11. sus marchesi. peculiar species. rodentia. 12. sciurus philippinensis. peculiar species. 13. sciurus cagos. peculiar species. 14. " concinnus. peculiar. mindanao and basilan. 15. phlæomys cummingi. peculiar genus. 16. mus ephippium. 17. " everetti. peculiar species. insectivora. 18. crocidura luzoniensis. peculiar species. 19. crocidura edwardsiana. peculiar species. 20. dendrogale sp. 21. galeopithecus philippinensis. peculiar species. chiroptera. 22. pteropus leucopterus. 23. " edulis. 24. " hypomelanus. 25. " jubatus. 26. xantharpyia amplexicaule. 27. cynopterus marginatus. 28. " jagorii. peculiar species. 29. carponycteris australis. 30. rhinolophus luctus. 31. " philippinensis. peculiar species. 32. rhinolophus rufus. peculiar species. 33. hipposideros diadema. 34. " pygmæus. peculiar species. 35. hipposideros larvatus. 36. " obscurus. peculiar species. 37. hipposideros coronatus. peculiar species. 38. hipposideros bicolor. 39. megaderma spasma. 40. vesperugo pachypus. 41. " tenuis. 42. vesperugo abramus. 43. nycticejus kuhlii. 44. vespertilio macrotarsus. peculiar species. 45. vespertilio capaccinii. 46. harpiocephalus cyclotis. 47. kerivoula hardwickii. 48. kerivoula pellucida. peculiar species. 49. " jagorii. peculiar species. 50. miniopterus schreibersii. 51. " tristis. peculiar species. 52. emballonura monticola. 53. taphyzous melanopogon. 54. nyctinomus plicatus. [146] extracted from messrs. blakiston and pryer's _catalogue of birds of japan_ (_ibis_, 1878, p. 209), with mr. seebohm's additions and corrections in his _birds of the japanese empire_ 1890. accidental stragglers are not reckoned as british birds. [147] mr. swinhoe died in october, 1877, at the early age of forty-two. his writings on natural history are chiefly scattered through the volumes of the _proceedings of the zoological society_ and _the ibis_; the whole being summarised in his _catalogue of the mammals of south china and formosa_ (_p. z. s._, 1870, p. 615), and his _catalogue of the birds of china and its islands_ (_p. z. s._, 1871, p. 337). [148] captain blakiston has shown that the northern island--yezo--is much more temperate and less peculiar in its zoology than the central and southern islands. this is no doubt dependent chiefly on the considerable change of climate that occurs on passing the tsu-garu strait. [149] see dr. j. e. gray's "revision of the viverridæ," in _proc. zool. soc._ 1864, p. 507. [150] some of the bats of madagascar and east africa are said to have their nearest allies in australia. (see dobson in _nature_, vol. xxx. p. 575.) [151] this view was, i believe, first advanced by professor huxley in his "anniversary address to the geological society," in 1870. he says:--"in fact the miocene mammalian fauna of europe and the himalayan regions contain, associated together, the types which are at present separately located in the south african and indian provinces of arctogæa. now there is every reason to believe, on other grounds, that both hindostan south of the ganges, and africa south of the sahara, were separated by a wide sea from europe and north asia during the middle and upper eocene epochs. hence it becomes highly probable that the well-known similarities, and no less remarkable differences, between the present faunæ of india and south africa have arisen in some such fashion as the following: some time during the miocene epoch, the bottom of the nummulitic sea was upheaved and converted into dry land in the direction of a line extending from abyssinia to the mouth of the ganges. by this means the dekkan on the one hand and south africa on the other, became connected with the miocene dry land and with one another. the miocene mammals spread gradually over this intermediate dry land; and if the condition of its eastern and western ends offered as wide contrasts as the valleys of the ganges and arabia do now, many forms which made their way into africa must have been different from those which reached the dekkan, while others might pass into both these sub-provinces." this question is fully discussed in my _geographical distribution of animals_ (vol. i., p. 285), where i expressed views somewhat different from those of professor huxley, and made some slight errors which are corrected in the present work. as i did not then refer to professor huxley's prior statement of the theory of miocene immigration into africa (which i had read but the reference to which i could not recall) i am happy to give his views here. [152] the total number of madagascar birds is 238, of which 129 are absolutely peculiar to the island, as are thirty-five of the genera. all the peculiar birds but two are land birds. these are the numbers given in m. grandidier's great work on madagascar. [153] _the ibis_, 1877, p. 334. [154] in a paper read before the geological society in 1874, mr. h. f. blanford, from the similarity of the fossil plants and reptiles, supposed that india and south africa had been connected by a continent, "and remained so connected with some short intervals from the permian up to the end of the miocene period," and mr. woodward expressed his satisfaction with "this further evidence derived from the fossil flora of the mesozoic series of india in corroboration of the former existence of an old submerged continent--lemuria." those who have read the preceding chapters of the present work will not need to have pointed out to them how utterly inconclusive is the fragmentary evidence derived from such remote periods (even if there were no evidence on the other side) as indicating geographical changes. the notion that a similarity in the productions of widely separated continents at any past epoch is only to be explained by the existence of a _direct_ land-connection, is entirely opposed to all that we know of the wide and varying distribution of _all_ types at different periods, as well as to the great powers of dispersal over moderate widths of ocean possessed by all animals except mammalia. it is no less opposed to what is now known of the general permanency of the great continental and oceanic areas; while in this particular case it is totally inconsistent (as has been shown above) with the actual facts of the distribution of animals. [155] _geographical distribution of animals_, vol. i., pp. 272-292. [156] the term "mascarene" is used here in an extended sense, to include all the islands near madagascar which resemble it in their animal and vegetable productions. [157] for the birds of the comoro islands see _proc. zool. soc._, 1877, p. 295, and 1879, p. 673. [158] the following is a list of these peculiar birds. (see the _ibis_, for 1867, p. 359; and 1879, p. 97.) passeres. _ellisia seychelensis._ _copsychus seychellarum._ _hypsipetes crassirostris._ _tchitrea corvina._ _nectarinia dussumieri._ _zosterops modesta._ " _semiflava._ _foudia seychellarum._ psittaci. _coracopsis barklyi._ _palæornis wardi._ columbæ. _alectorænas pulcherrimus._ _turtur rostratus._ accipitres. _tinnunculus gracilis._ [159] specimens are recorded from west africa in the _proceedings of the academy of natural science_, philadelphia, 1857, p. 72, while specimens in the paris museum were brought by d'orbigny from s. america. dr. wright's specimens from the seychelles have, as he informs me, been determined to be the same species by dr. peters of berlin. [160] "additional notes on the land-shells of the seychelles islands." by geoffrey nevill, c.m.z.s. _proc. zool. soc._ 1869, p. 61. [161] in maillard's _notes sur l'isle de réunion_, a considerable number of mammalia are given as "wild," such as _lemur mongoz_ and _centetes setosus_, both madagascar species, with such undoubtedly introduced animals as a wild cat, a hare, and several rats and mice. he also gives two species of frogs, seven lizards, and two snakes. the latter are both indian species and certainly imported, as are most probably the frogs. legouat, who resided some years in the island nearly two centuries ago, and who was a closer observer of nature, mentions numerous birds, large bats, land-tortoises, and lizards, but no other reptiles or venomous animals except scorpions. we may be pretty sure, therefore, that the land-mammalia, snakes, and frogs, now found wild, have all been introduced. of lizards, on the other hand, there are several species, some peculiar to the island, others common to africa and the other mascarene islands. the following list by prof. dumeril is given in maillard's work:- _platydactylus cepedianus._ " _ocellatus._ _hemidactylus peronii._ " _mutilatus._ _hemidactylus frenatus._ _gongylus bojerii._ _ablepharus peronii._ four species of chameleon are now recorded from bourbon and one from mauritius (j. reay greene, m.d., in _pop. science rev._ april, 1880), but as they are not mentioned by the old writers, it is pretty certain that these creatures are recent introductions, and this is the more probable as they are favourite domestic pets. darwin informed me that in a work entitled _voyage à l'isle de france, par un officier du roi_, published in 1770, it is stated that a fresh-water fish had been introduced from batavia and had multiplied. the writer also says (p. 170): "_on a essayé, mais sans succcès, d'y transporter des grenouilles qui mangent les oeufs que les moustigues deposent sur les eaux stagnantes._" it thus appears that there were then no frogs on the island. [162] that the dodo is really an abortion from a more perfect type, and not a direct development from some lower form of wingless bird, is shown by its possessing a keeled sternum, though the keel is exceedingly reduced, being only three-quarters of an inch deep in a length of seven inches. the most terrestrial pigeon--the didunculus of the samoan islands, has a far deeper and better developed keel, showing that in the case of the dodo the degradation has been extreme. we have also analogous examples in other extinct birds of the same group of islands, such as the flightless rails--aphanapteryx of mauritius and erythromachus of rodriguez, as well as the large parrot--lophopsittacus of mauritius, and the night heron, _nycticorax megacephala_ of rodriguez, the last two birds probably having been able to fly a little. the commencement of the same process is to be seen in the peculiar dove of the seychelles, _turtur rostratus_, which, as mr. edward newton has shown, has much shorter wings than its close ally, _t. picturatus_, of madagascar. for a full and interesting account of these and other recently extinct birds see professor newton's article on "fossil birds" in the _encyclopædia britannica_, ninth edition, vol. iii., p. 732; and that on "the extinct birds of rodriguez," by dr. a. günther and mr. e. newton, in the royal society's volume on the transit of venus expedition. [163] see _ibis_, 1877, p. 334. [164] a common indian and malayan toad (_bufo melanostictus_) has been introduced into mauritius and also some european toads, as i am informed by dr. günther. [165] this brief account of the madagascar flora has been taken from a very interesting paper by the rev. richard baron, f.l.s., f.g.s., in the _journal of the linnean society_, vol. xxv., p. 246; where much information is given on the distribution of the flora within the island. [166] it may be interesting to botanists and to students of geographical distribution to give here an enumeration of the endemic genera of the _flora of the mauritius and the seychelles_, as they are nowhere separately tabulated in that work. aphloia (bixaceæ) 1 sp., a shrub, maur., rod., sey., also madagascar. medusagyne (ternströmiaceæ) 1 sp., a shrub, seychelles. astiria (sterculiaceæ) 1 sp., a shrub, mauritius. quivisia (meliaceæ) 3 sp., shrubs, mauritius (2 sp.), rodriguez (1 sp.), also bourbon. cossignya (sapindaceæ) 1 sp., a shrub, mauritius, also bourbon. hornea ,, 1 sp., a shrub, mauritius. stadtmannia ,, 1 sp., a shrub, mauritius. doratoxylon ,, 1 sp., a shrub, mauritius and bourbon. gagnebina (leguminosæ) 1 sp., a shrub, mauritius, also madagascar. roussea (saxifragaceæ) 1 sp., a climbing shrub, mauritius and bourbon. tetrataxis (lythraceæ) 1 sp., a shrub, mauritius. psiloxylon ,, 1 sp., a shrub, mauritius and bourbon. mathurina (turneraceæ) 1 sp., a shrub, rodriguez. foetidia (myrtaceæ) 1 sp., a tree, mauritius. danais (rubiaceæ) 4 sp., climbing shrubs, maur. (1 sp.), rodr. (1 sp.), also bourbon and madagascar. fernelia (rubiaceæ) 1 sp., a shrub, mauritius and rodriguez. pyrostria ,, 6 sp., shrubs, mauritius (3 sp.), also bourbon and madagascar. scyphochlamys (rubiaceæ) 1 sp., a shrub, rodriguez. myonima ,, 3 sp., shrubs, mauritius, also bourbon. cylindrocline (compositæ) 1 sp., a shrub, mauritius. monarrhenus ,, 2 sp., shrubs, mauritius, also bourbon and madagascar. faujasia (compositæ) 3 sp., shrubs, mauritius, also bourbon and madagascar. heterochænia (campanulaceæ) 1 sp., a shrub, mauritius, also bourbon. tanulepis (asclepiadaceæ) 1 sp., a climber, rodriguez. decanema ,, 1 sp., a climber, mauritius, also madagascar. nicodemia (loganiaceæ) 2 sp., shrubs, mauritius (1 sp.), also comoro islands and madagascar. bryodes (scrophulariaceæ) 1 sp., herb, mauritius. radamæa ,, 2 sp., herb, seychelles (1 sp.), and madagascar. colea (bignoniaceæ) 10 sp., mauritius (1 sp.), seychelles (1 sp.), also bourbon and madagascar. (shrubs, trees, or climbers.) obetia (urticaceæ) 2 sp., shrubs, mauritius, seychelles, and madagascar. bosquiea (moreæ) 3 sp., trees, seychelles (1 sp.), also madagascar. monimia (monimiaceæ) 3 sp., trees, mauritius (2 sp.), also bourbon. cynorchis (orchideæ) 3 sp., herb, ter., mauritius. amphorchis ,, 1 sp., herb, ter., mauritius, also bourbon. arnottia ,, 2 sp., herb, ter., mauritius, also bourbon. aplostellis ,, 1 sp., herb, ter., mauritius. cryptopus ,, 1 sp., herb, epiphyte, mauritius, also bourbon and madagascar. lomatophyllum (liliaceæ) 3 sp., shrubs (succulent), mauritius, also bourbon. lodoicea (palmæ) 1 sp., tree, seychelles. latania ,, 3 sp., trees, mauritius (2 sp.), rodriguez, also bourbon. hyophorbe ,, 3 sp., trees, mauritius (2 sp.), rodriguez, also bourbon. dictyosperma ,, 1 sp., tree, mauritius, rodriguez, also bourbon. acanthophænix ,, 2 sp., trees, mauritius, also bourbon. deckenia ,, 1 sp., tree, seychelles. nephrosperma ,, 1 sp., tree, seychelles. roscheria ,, 1 sp., tree, seychelles. verschaffeltia ,, 1 sp., tree, seychelles. stevensonia ,, 1 sp., tree, seychelles. ochropteris (filices) 1 sp., herb, mauritius, also bourbon and madagascar. among the curious features in this list are the great number of endemic shrubs in mauritius, and the remarkable assemblage of five endemic genera of palms in the seychelles islands. we may also notice that one palm (_latania loddigesii_) is confined to round island and two other adjacent islets offering a singular analogy to the peculiar snake also found there. [167] _families of malayan birds not found in islands east of celebes._ troglodytidæ. sittidæ. paridæ. liotrichidæ. phyllornithidæ. eurylæmidæ. picidæ. indicatoridæ. megalænidæ. trogonidæ. phasianidæ. _families of moluccan birds not found in islands west of celebes._ paradiseidæ. meliphagidæ. cacatuidæ. platycercidæ. trichoglossidæ. nestoridæ. [168] for outline figures of the chief types of these butterflies, see my _malay archipelago_, vol. i. p. 441, or p. 216 of the tenth edition. [169] dobson on the classification of chiroptera (_ann. and mag. of nat. hist._ nov. 1875). [170] see buller, "on the new zealand rat," _trans. of the n. z. institute_ (1870), vol. iii. p. 1, and vol. ix. p. 348; and hutton, "on the geographical relations of the new zealand fauna," _trans. n. z. instit._ 1872, p. 229. [171] hochstetter's _new zealand_, p. 161, note. [172] the animal described by captain cook as having been seen at pickersgill harbour in dusky bay (cook's 2nd voyage, vol. i. p. 98) may have been the same creature. he says, "a four-footed animal was seen by three or four of our people, but as no two gave the same description of it, i cannot say what kind it is. all, however, agreed that it was about the size of a cat, with short legs, and of a mouse colour. one of the seamen, and he who had the best view of it, said it had a bushy tail, and was the most like a jackal of any animal he knew." it is suggestive that, so far as the points on which "all agreed"--the size and the dark colour--this description would answer well to the animal so recently seen, while the "short legs" correspond to the otter-like tracks, and the thick tail of an otter-like animal may well have appeared "bushy" when the fur was dry. it has been suggested that it was only one of the native dogs; but as none of those who saw it took it for a dog, and the points on which they all agreed are not dog-like, we can hardly accept this explanation; while the actual existence of an unknown animal in new zealand of corresponding size and colour is confirmed by this account of a similar animal having been seen about a century ago. [173] owen, "on the genus dinornis," _trans. zool. soc._ vol. x. p. 184. mivart, "on the axial skeleton of the struthionidæ," _trans. zool. soc._ vol. x. p. 51. [174] the recent existence of the moa and its having been exterminated by the maoris appears to be at length set at rest by the statement of mr. john white, a gentleman who has been collecting materials for a history of the natives for thirty-five years, who has been initiated by their priests into all their mysteries, and is said to "know more about the history, habits, and customs of the maoris than they do themselves." his information on this subject was obtained from old natives long before the controversy on the subject arose. he says that the histories and songs of the maoris abound in allusions to the moa, and that they were able to give full accounts of "its habits, food, the season of the year it was killed, its appearance, strength, and all the numerous ceremonies which were enacted by the natives before they began the hunt, the mode of hunting, how cut up, how cooked, and what wood was used in the cooking, with an account of its nest, and how the nest was made, where it usually lived, &c." two pages are occupied by these details, but they are only given from memory, and mr. white promises a full account from his mss. many of the details given correspond with facts ascertained from the discovery of native cooking places with moas' bones; and it seems quite incredible that such an elaborate and detailed account should be all invention. (see _transactions of the new zealand institute_, vol. viii. p. 79.) [175] see fig. in _trans. of n. z. institute_, vol. iii., plate 12_b._ fig. 2. [176] _geographical distribution of animals_, vol. i., p. 450. [177] in my _geographical distribution of animals_ (i. p. 541) i have given two peculiar australian genera (_orthonyx_ and _tribonyx_) as occurring in new zealand. but the former has been found in new guinea, while the new zealand bird is considered to form a distinct genus, _clitonyx_; and the latter inhabits tasmania, and was recorded from new zealand through an error. (see _ibis_, 1873, p. 427.) [178] the peculiar genera of australian lizards according to boulenger's british museum catalogue, are as follows:--family geckonidæ: nephrurus, rhynchoedura, heteronota, diplodactylus, oedura. family pygopodidæ (peculiar): pygopus, cryptodelma, delma, pletholax, aprasia. family agamidæ: chelosania, amphibolurus, tympanocryptis, diporophora, chlamydosaurus, moloch, oreodeira. family scincidæ: egerina, trachysaurus, hemisphænodon. family doubtful: ophiopsiseps. [179] these figures are taken from mr. g. m. thomson's address "on the origin of the new zealand flora," _trans. n. z. institute_, xiv. (1881), being the latest that i can obtain. they differ somewhat from those given in the first edition, but not so as to affect the conclusions drawn from them. [180] this accords with the general scarcity of leguminosæ in oceanic islands, due probably to their usually dry and heavy seeds, not adapted to any of the forms of aërial transmission; and it would indicate either that new zealand was never absolutely united with australia, or that the union was at a very remote period when leguminosæ were either not differentiated or comparatively rare. [181] sir joseph hooker informs me that the number of tropical australian plants discovered within the last twenty years is very great, and that the statement as above made may have to be modified. looking, however, at the enormous disproportion of the figures given in the "introductory essay" in 1859 (2,200 tropical to 5,800 temperate species) it seems hardly possible that a great difference should not still exist, at all events as regards species. in baron von müeller's latest summary of the australian flora (_second systematic census of australian plants_, 1889), he gives the total species at 8,839, of which 3,560 occur in west australia, and 3,251 in new south wales. on counting the species common to these two colonies in fifty pages of the _census_ taken at random, i find them to be about one-tenth of the total species in both. this would give the number of distinct species in these areas as about 6,130. adding to these the species peculiar to victoria and south australia, we shall have a flora of near 6,500 in the temperate parts of australia. it is true that west australia extends far into the tropics, but an overwhelming majority of the species have been discovered in the south-western portion of the colony, while the species that may be exclusively tropical will be more than balanced by those of temperate queensland, which have not been taken account of, as that colony is half temperate and half tropical. it thus appears probable that full three fourths of the species of australian plants occur in the temperate regions, and are mainly characteristic of it. sir joseph hooker also doubts the generally greater richness of tropical over temperate floras which i have taken as almost an axiom. he says: "taking similar areas to australia in the western world, _e.g._, tropical africa north of 20° s. lat. as against temperate africa and europe up to 47°--i suspect that the latter would present more genera and species than the former." this, however, appears to me to be hardly a case in point, because europe is a distinct continent from africa and has had a very different past history, and it is not a fair comparison to take the tropical area in one continent while the temperate is made up of widely separated areas in two continents. a closer parallel may perhaps be found in equal areas of brazil and south temperate america, or of mexico and the southern united states, in both of which cases i suppose there can be little doubt that the tropical areas are far the richest. temperate south africa is, no doubt, always quoted as richer than an equal area of tropical africa or perhaps than any part of the world of equal extent, but this is admitted to be an exceptional case. [182] sir joseph hooker thinks that later discoveries in the australian alps and other parts of east and south australia may have greatly modified or perhaps reversed the above estimate, and the figures given in the preceding note indicate that this is so. but still, the small area of south-west australia will be, proportionally, far the richer of the two. it is much to be desired that the enormous mass of facts contained in mr. bentham's _flora australiensis_ and baron von müeller's _census_ should be tabulated and compared by some competent botanist, so as to exhibit the various relations of its wonderful vegetation in the same manner as was done by sir joseph hooker with the materials available twenty-one years ago. [183] from an examination of the fossil corals of the south-west of victoria, professor p. m. duncan concludes--"that, at the time of the formation of these deposits the central area of australia was occupied by sea, having open water to the north, with reefs in the neighbourhood of java." the age of these fossils is not known, but as almost all are extinct species, and some are almost identical with european pliocene and miocene species, they are supposed to belong to a corresponding period. (_journal of geol. soc._, 1870.) [184] "on the origin of the fauna and flora of new zealand," by captain f. w. hutton, in _annals and mag. of nat. hist._ fifth series, p. 427 (june, 1884). [185] to these must now be added the genera sequoia, myrica, aralia, and acer, described by baron von ettingshausen. (_trans. n.z. institute_, xix., p. 449.) [186] the large collection of fossil plants from the tertiary beds of new zealand which have been recently described by baron von ettingshausen (_trans. n. z. inst._, vol. xxiii., pp. 237-310), prove that a change in the vegetation has occurred similar to that which has taken place in eastern australia, and that the plants of the two countries once resembled each other more than they do now. we have, first, a series of groups now living in australia, but which have become extinct in new zealand, as cassia, dalbergia, eucalyptus, diospyros, dryandra, casuarina, and ficus; and also such northern genera as acer, planera, ulmus, quercus, alnus, myrica, and sequoia. all these latter, except ulmus and planera, have been found also in the eastern-australian tertiaries, and we may therefore consider that at this period the northern temperate element in both floras was identical. if this flora entered both countries from the south, and was really antarctic, its extinction in new zealand may have been due to the submergence of the country to the south, and its elevation and extension towards the tropics, admitting of the incursion of the large number of polynesian and tropical australian types now found there; while the australian portion of the same flora may have succumbed at a somewhat later period, when the elevation of the cretaceous and tertiary sea united it with western australia, and allowed the rich typical australian flora to overrun the country. of course we are assuming that the identification of these genera is for the most part correct, though almost entirely founded on leaves only. fuller knowledge, both of the extinct flora itself and of the geological age of the several deposits, is requisite before any trustworthy explanation of the phenomena can be arrived at. [187] the following are the tropical genera common to new zealand and australia:- 1. _melicope._ queensland, pacific islands. 2. _eugenia._ eastern and tropical australia, asia, and america. 3. _passiflora._ n.s.w. and queensland, tropics of old world and america. 4. _myrsine._ tropical and temperate australia, tropical and sub-tropical regions. 5. _sapota._ australia, norfolk islands, tropics. 6. _cyathodes._ australia and pacific islands. 7. _parsonsia._ tropical australia and asia. 8. _geniostoma._ queensland, polynesia, asia. 9. _mitrasacme._ tropical and temperate australia, india. 10. _ipomoea._ tropical australia, tropics. 11. _mazus._ temperate australia, india, china. 12. _vitex._ tropical australia, tropical and sub-tropical. 13. _pisonia._ tropical australia, tropical and sub-tropical. 14. _alternanthera._ tropical australia, india, and s. america. 15. _tetranthera._ tropical australia, tropics. 16. _santalum._ tropical and sub-tropical australia, pacific, malay islands. 17. _carumbium._ tropical and sub-tropical australia, pacific islands. 18. _elatostemma._ sub-tropical australia, asia, pacific islands. 19. _peperomia._ tropical and sub-tropical australia, tropics. 20. _piper._ tropical and sub-tropical australia, tropics. 21. _dacrydium._ tasmania, malay, and pacific islands. 22. _dammara._ tropical australia, malay, and pacific islands. 23. _dendrobium._ tropical australia, eastern tropics. 24. _bolbophyllum._ tropical and sub-tropical australia, tropics. 25. _sarcochilus._ tropical and sub-tropical australia, fiji, and malay islands. 26. _freycinetia._ tropical australia, tropical asia. 27. _cordyline._ tropical australia, pacific islands. 28. _dianella._ australia, india, madagascar, pacific islands. 29. _cyperus._ australia, tropical regions mainly. 30. _fimbristylis._ tropical australia, tropical regions. 31. _paspalum._ tropical and sub-tropical grasses. 32. _isachne._ tropical and sub-tropical grasses. 33. _sporobolus._ tropical and sub-tropical grasses. [188] insects are tolerably abundant in the open mountain regions, but very scarce in the forests. mr. meyrick says that these are "strangely deficient in insects, the same species occurring throughout the islands;" and mr. pascoe remarked that "the forests of new zealand were the most barren country, entomologically, he had ever visited." (_proc. ent. soc._, 1883. p. xxix.) [189] introductory essay _on the flora of australia_, p. 130. [190] hooker, _on the flora of australia_, p. 95.--h. c. watson, in godman's _azores_, pp. 278-286. [191] as this is a point of great interest in its bearing on the dispersal of plants by means of mountain ranges, i have endeavoured to obtain a few illustrative facts:-1. mr. william mitten, of hurstpierpoint, sussex, informs me that when the london and brighton railway was in progress in his neighbourhood, _melilotus vulgaris_ made its appearance on the banks, remained for several years, and then altogether disappeared. another case is that of _diplotaxis muralis_, which formerly occurred only near the sea-coast of sussex, and at lewes; but since the railway was made has spread along it, and still maintains itself abundantly on the railway banks though rarely found anywhere else. 2. a correspondent in tasmania informs me that whenever the virgin forest is cleared in that island there invariably comes up a thick crop of a plant locally known as fire-weed--a species of senecio, probably _s. australis_. it never grows except where the fire has gone over the ground, and is unknown except in such places. my correspondent adds:--"this autumn i went back about thirty-five miles through a dense forest, along a track marked by some prospectors the year before, and in one spot where they had camped, and the fire had burnt the fallen logs, &c., there was a fine crop of 'fire-weed.' all around for many miles was a forest of the largest trees and dense scrub." here we have a case in which burnt soil and ashes favour the germination of a particular plant, whose seeds are easily carried by the wind, and it is not difficult to see how this peculiarity might favour the dispersal of the species for enormous distances, by enabling it temporarily to grow and produce seeds on burnt spots. 3. in answer to an inquiry on this subject, mr. h. c. watson has been kind enough to send me a detailed account of the progress of vegetation on the railway banks and cuttings about thames ditton. this account is written from memory, but as mr. watson states that he took a great interest in watching the process year by year, there can be no reason to doubt the accuracy of his memory. i give a few extracts which bear especially on the subject we are discussing. "one rather remarkable biennial plant appeared early (the second year, as i recollect) and renewed itself either two or three years, namely, _isatis tinctoria_--a species usually supposed, to be one of our introduced, but pretty well naturalised, plants. the nearest stations then or since known to me for this _isatis_ are on chalk about guildford, twenty miles distant. there were two or three plants of it at first, never more than half a dozen. once since i saw a plant of _isatis_ on the railway bank near vauxhall. "close by ditton station three species appeared which may be called interlopers. the biennial _barbarea precox_, one of these, is the least remarkable, because it might have come as seed in the earth from some garden, or possibly in the thames gravel (used as ballast). at first it increased to several plants, then became less numerous, and will soon, in all probability, become extinct, crowded out by other plants. the biennial _petroselinum segetum_ was at first one very luxuriant plant on the slope of the embankment. it increased by seed into a dozen or a score, and is now nearly if not quite extinct. the third species is _linaria purpurea_, not strictly a british plant, but one established in some places on old walls. a single root of it appeared on the chalk facing of the embankment by ditton station. it has remained there several years and grown into a vigorous specimen. two or three smaller examples are now seen by it, doubtless sprung from some of the hundreds or thousands of seeds shed by the original one plant. the species is not included in salmon and brewer's _flora of surrey_. "the main line of the railway has introduced into ditton parish the perennial _arabis hirsuta_, likely to become a permanent inhabitant. the species is found on the chalk and greensand miles away from thames ditton; but neither in this parish nor in any adjacent parish, so far as known to myself or to the authors of the flora of the county, does it occur. some years after the railway was made a single root of this _arabis_ was observed in the brickwork of an arch by which the railway is carried over a public road. a year or two afterwards there were three or four plants. in some later year i laid some of the ripened seed-pods between the bricks in places where the mortar had partly crumbled out. now there are several scores of specimens in the brickwork of the arch. it is presumable that the first seed may have been brought from guildford. but how could it get on to the perpendicular face of the brickwork? "the bee orchis (_ophrys apifera_), plentiful on some of the chalk lands in surrey, is not a species of thames ditton, or (as i presume) of any adjacent parish. thus, i was greatly surprised some years back to see about a hundred examples of it in flower in one clayey field either on the outskirts of thames ditton or just within the limits of the adjoining parish of cobham. i had crossed this same field in a former year without observing the ophrys there. and on finding it in the one field i closely searched the surrounding fields and copses, without finding it anywhere else. gradually the plants became fewer and fewer in that one field, and some six or eight years after its first discovery there the species had quite disappeared again. i guessed it had been introduced with chalk, but could obtain no evidence to show this." 4. mr. a. bennett, of croydon, has kindly furnished me with some information on the temporary vegetation of the banks and cuttings on the railway from yarmouth to caistor in norfolk, where it passes over extensive sandy denes with a sparse vegetation. the first year after the railway was made the banks produced abundance of _oenothera odorata_ and _delphinium ajacis_ (the latter only known thirty miles off in cornfields in cambridgeshire), with _atriplex patula_ and _a. deltoidea_. gradually the native sand plants--carices, grasses, _galium verum_, &c., established themselves, and year by year covered more ground till the new introductions almost completely disappeared. the same phenomenon was observed in cambridgeshire between chesterton and newmarket, where, the soil being different, _stellaria media_ and other annuals appeared in large patches; but these soon gave way to a permanent vegetation of grasses, composites, &c., so that in the third year no _stellaria_ was to be seen. 5. mr. t. kirk (writing in 1878) states that--"in auckland, where a dense sward of grass is soon formed, single specimens of the european milk thistle (_carduus marianus_) have been known for the past fifteen years; but although they seeded freely, the seeds had no opportunity of germinating, so that the thistle did not spread. a remarkable exception to this rule occurred during the formation of the onehunga railway, where a few seeds fell on disturbed soil, grew up and flowered. the railway works being suspended, the plant increased rapidly, and spread wherever it could find disturbed soil." again:--"the fiddle-dock (_rumex pulcher_) occurs in great abundance on the formation of new streets, &c., but soon becomes comparatively rare. it seems probable that it was one of the earliest plants naturalised here, but that it partially died out, its buried seeds retaining their vitality." _medicago sativa_ and _apium graveolens_, are also noted as escapes from cultivation which maintain themselves for a time but soon die out. (_transactions of the new zealand institute_, vol. x. p. 367.) the preceding examples of the _temporary_ establishment of plants on newly exposed soil, often at considerable distances from the localities they usually inhabit, might, no doubt, by further inquiry be greatly multiplied; but, unfortunately, the phenomenon has received little attention, and is not even referred to in the elaborate work of de candolle (_géographie botanique raisonnée_) in which almost every other aspect of the dispersion and distribution of plants is fully discussed. enough has been advanced, however, to show that it is of constant occurrence, and from the point of view here advocated it becomes of great importance in explaining the almost world-wide distribution of many common plants of the north temperate zone. [192] sir joseph hooker informs me that he considers these identifications worthless, and mr. bentham has also written very strongly against the value of similar identifications by heer and unger. giving due weight to the opinions of these eminent botanists we must admit that australian genera have not yet been _demonstrated_ to have existed in europe during the tertiary period; but, on the other hand, the evidence that they did so appears to have some weight, on account of the improbability that the numerous resemblances to australian plants which have been noticed by different observers should _all_ be illusory; while the well established fact of the former wide distribution of many tropical or now restricted types of plants and animals, so frequently illustrated in the present volume, removes the antecedent improbability which is supposed to attach to such identifications. i am myself the more inclined to accept them, because, according to the views here advocated, such migrations must have taken place at remote as well as at recent epochs; and the preservation of some of these types in australia while they have become extinct in europe, is exactly paralleled by numerous facts in the distribution of animals which have been already referred to in chapter xix., and elsewhere in this volume, and also repeatedly in my larger work. [193] out of forty-two genera from the eocene of sheppey enumerated by dr. ettingshausen in the _geological magazine_ for january 1880, only two or three appear to be extinct, while there is a most extraordinary intermixture of tropical and temperate forms--musa, nipa, and victoria, with corylus, prunus, acer, &c. the rich miocene flora of switzerland, described by professor heer, presents a still larger proportion of living genera. [194] the recent discovery by lieutenant jensen of a rich flora on rocky peaks rising out of the continental ice of greenland, as well as the abundant vegetation of the highest northern latitudes, renders it possible that even now the antarctic continent may not be wholly destitute of vegetation, although its climate and physical condition are far less favourable than those of the arctic lands. (see _nature_, vol. xxi. p. 345.) [195] dr. hector notes the occurrence of the genus _dammara_ in triassic deposits, while in the jurassic period new zealand possessed the genera _palæozamia_, _oleandrium_, _alethopteris_, _camptopteris_, _cycadites_, _echinostrobus_, &c., all indian forms of the same age. neocomian beds contain a true dicotyledonous leaf with _dammara_ and _araucaria_. the cretaceous deposits have produced a rich flora of dicotyledonous plants, many of which are of the same genera as the existing flora; while the miocene and other tertiary deposits produce plants almost identical with those now inhabiting the country, together with many north temperate genera which have since become extinct. (see p. 499, footnote, and _trans. new zealand inst._, vol. xi. 1879, p. 536.) [196] the fact stated in the last edition of the _origin of species_ (p. 340) on the authority of sir joseph hooker, that australian plants are rapidly sowing themselves and becoming naturalised on the neilgherrie mountains in the southern part of the indian peninsula, though an exception to the rule of the inability of australian plants to become naturalised in the northern hemisphere, is yet quite in harmony with the hypothesis here advocated. for not only is the climate of the neilgherries more favourable to australian plants than any part of the north temperate zone, but the entire indian peninsula has existed for unknown ages as an _island_ and thus possesses the "insular" characteristic of a comparatively poor and less developed flora and fauna as compared with the truly "continental" malayan and himalayan regions. australian plants are thus enabled to compete with those of the indian peninsula highlands with a fair chance of success. * * * * * corrections made to printed original. page 10. "the general stability of continents": 'sontinents' in original. pages 35, 250, 361, 363 "oenanthe" read for "ænanthe" throughout for consistency page 50. "some others of the lower animals": 'animials' in original. page 82. "transmission along mountain chains": 'mountains chains' in original. page 99. "our present land masses": 'massses' in original. page 149. "the whole earth should theoretically be": 'thoretically' in original. page 200. "the flora and fauna, in the british area": 'brittish' in original. page 234. "the indications of an uninterrupted warm climate": 'indic-tions' on line break in original. page 306. "artificially removed by man": 'artifically' in original. page 346. "elachista rufocinerea, the larva of which ...": 'lava' in original. page 456. "cynopithecus nigrescens": 'cynopitheus' in original. footnote 100. "s. b. j. skertchley": 's. b. k.' in original. i have left the name as skertchley as wallace uses this spelling almost consistently, although skertchly (as on p. 118) appears to be correct.--tr. footnote 105. "the transportation of the plants": 'transporation' in original. footnote 110. "agriolimax campestris": 'agriolimaoe' (ligand oe) in original.