item: #1 of 5 id: 32021 author: Wallace, Alfred Russel title: Island Life; Or, The Phenomena and Causes of Insular Faunas and Floras date: None words: 167433 flesch: 61 summary: Thus, _D. dominica_ comes as far as the middle Eastern States, _D. coerulea_ keeps west of the Alleghanies, _D. discolor_ comes to Michigan and New England; four other species go farther north in Canada, while several extend to the borders of the Arctic zone. _V. lutea_ itself is considered to be a form of _V. tricolor_, and _V. amoena_ keywords: account; africa; america; animals; arctic; area; asia; australia; azores; bermuda; birds; borneo; britain; british; case; causes; celebes; central; changes; chapter; character; china; climate; coast; common; conditions; continent; countries; country; denudation; deposits; dispersal; distinct; distribution; earth; east; eastern; england; epoch; europe; european; evidence; excentricity; extent; facts; families; family; fathoms; fauna; features; feet; flora; forms; genera; genus; geographical; geological; glacial; globe; great; groups; having; helena; hemisphere; ice; indian; insects; ireland; islands; japan; java; list; long; madagascar; mammalia; mauritius; means; miles; miocene; mountains; new; new zealand; north; north america; northern; number; occur; ocean; oceanic; origin; parts; peculiarities; period; physical; plants; portion; present; range; region; remote; rocks; sandwich islands; scotland; sea; seeds; shells; snow; south; southern; species; sub; surface; temperate; tertiary; time; tropical; types; var; variety; vegetation; warm; water; west; western; world; x |; years; zealand; | | cache: 32021.txt plain text: 32021.txt item: #2 of 5 id: 33050 author: Harvey, Ruth Sawyer title: Drainage Modifications and Glaciation in the Danbury Region Connecticut State of Connecticut State Geological and Natural History Survey Bulletin No. 30 date: None words: 17826 flesch: 68 summary: ----------- To Face Page PLATE I View south on the Highland northeast of Neversink Pond 14 II A. View up the valley of Umpog Creek 40 B. View down the valley of Umpog Creek 40 III Limestone plain southwest of Danbury, in which are situated Lake Kanosha and the Danbury Fair Grounds 44 IV A. View down the Housatonic Valley from a point one-half mile below Stillriver Station 52 B. Part of the morainal ridge north of Danbury 52 V A. Kames in Still River valley west of Brookfield Junction 54 Geological map of Still River valley 17 3. keywords: connecticut; course; danbury; deposits; divide; drainage; drift; feet; fig; housatonic; limestone; north; present; river valley; rock; south; stream; swamp; umpog cache: 33050.txt plain text: 33050.txt item: #3 of 5 id: 47119 author: Geikie, James title: Fragments of Earth Lore: Sketches & Addresses Geological and Geographical date: None words: 153156 flesch: 59 summary: It might, therefore, be held that the early Baltic glacier was separated by no long interval of time from the succeeding great _mer de glace_, but may have been merely a stage in the development of the latter. The ice coming from the Welsh mountains would naturally be deflected towards south-east by the _mer de glace_ that streamed in that direction, and might quite well have carried its characteristic boulders as far as Birmingham before the general _mer de glace_ had attained its greatest dimensions. keywords: accumulations; action; areas; atlantic; beds; boulder; case; central; clay; climate; coast; conditions; continental; country; deposits; depression; direction; earth; east; elevation; epoch; erosion; erratics; europe; evidence; fact; features; feet; find; form; general; geographical; glacial; glaciation; glaciers; great; grounds; hills; ice; ice age; islands; land; level; line; masses; moraines; mountains; north; north america; north sea; northern; origin; palæozoic; period; phenomena; place; plateau; pleistocene; present; red; regions; rocks; scotland; sea; sheet; snow; south; southern; strata; surface; time; upper; valleys; water; west cache: 47119.txt plain text: 47119.txt item: #4 of 5 id: 50957 author: Wright, G. Frederick (George Frederick) title: Man and the Glacial Period date: None words: 122647 flesch: 64 summary: These exist abundantly in most regions which have been covered with glacial ice, and are referred to in Scotland as _kames_, in Ireland as _eskers_, and in Sweden as _osars_. Owing to the absence of high lands and mountains, however, it is not covered with perpetual snow, much less with glacial ice, but its level portions are carpeted with grasses and flowers, and sustain extensive forests of stunted trees. keywords: action; america; ancient; animals; area; boulders; channel; clay; coast; county; course; deposits; depth; direction; distance; drainage; drift; earth; east; elevation; england; erosion; europe; evidence; extensive; extent; facts; feet; fig; footnote; general; geological; glacial; glacier; gravel; great; height; high; ice; ice age; illustration; implements; lake; level; line; little; man; map; material; miles; moraine; motion; mountains; movement; near; new; north; northern; ohio; period; place; point; portion; present; professor; region; remains; river; rock; sea; seq; size; south; southern; stream; surface; terraces; tertiary; theory; time; upper; valley; vol; water; west; western; years cache: 50957.txt plain text: 50957.txt item: #5 of 5 id: 6335 author: Lyell, Charles, Sir title: The Antiquity of Man date: None words: 168792 flesch: 55 summary: We know that Greenland was not always covered with snow and ice, for when we examine the Tertiary strata of Disco Island (of the Upper Miocene period) we discover there a multitude of fossil plants, which demonstrate that, like many other parts of the arctic regions, it formerly enjoyed a mild and genial climate. Among the accompanying animals found fossil in the same bone-earth, were observed Elephas primigenius, Rhinoceros tichorhinus, Ursus spelaeus, Bos primigenius, Megaceros hibernicus, Cervus tarandus (and other species of Cervus), Felis spelaea, Canis lupus, Canis vulpes, and teeth and bones of the genus Equus in great numbers. keywords: account; alluvium; alps; animals; antiquity; beds; blocks; bones; british; cave; chalk; changes; chapter; character; clay; coast; common; country; course; date; deposits; drift; east; england; europe; evidence; extinct; fauna; feet; figure; flint; formation; forms; fossil; freshwater; general; geological; glacial; glaciers; gravel; height; human; ice; implements; lake; land; level; living; loam; loess; mammalia; man; marine; miles; modern; mud; near; new; north; number; origin; page; parts; peat; period; place; plants; pleistocene; point; position; present; professor; remains; rhinoceros; river; rocks; sand; sea; series; shells; skull; society; somme; south; species; state; stone; strata; surface; theory; time; valley; volume; water; west; years cache: 6335.txt plain text: 6335.txt