item: #1 of 5 id: 21698 author: Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael) title: Rivers of Ice date: None words: 96505 flesch: 75 summary: Captain Wopper grasped the other end, and, between them, with much puffing, pushing, and squeezing, they thrust the box through the trap to the upper regions, whither the Captain followed it by means of the same gymnastic feat that he performed on his first ascent. It's a bad look-out, murmured Captain Wopper, when he observed that Dr Lawrence turned deliberately to converse with the Professor, leaving Lewis to assist Emma to alight, even although he, the Captain, had, by means of laboured contrivance and vast sagacity, brought the Doctor and the mule into close juxtaposition at the right time. keywords: antoine; blue; boy; captain; captain wopper; count; course; day; doctor; emma; eyes; face; fire; friend; gillie; glacier; gold; good; great; guide; half; hand; having; head; ice; lawrence; lay; left; lewis; look; looking; man; men; mind; moment; mother; mountain; mrs; nita; party; place; point; poor; professor; right; roby; round; sir; slingsby; smile; snow; stoutley; surprise; susan; thought; time; way; white; willum; woman; young cache: 21698.txt plain text: 21698.txt item: #2 of 5 id: 34192 author: Tyndall, John title: The Glaciers of the Alps Being a narrative of excursions and ascents, an account of the origin and phenomena of glaciers and an exposition of the physical principles to which they are related date: None words: 146689 flesch: 66 summary: 299 Character of Rendu; his Essay entitled 'Théorie des Glaciers de la Savoie;' extracts from the essay; he ascribes circulation to natural forces; classifies glaciers; assigns the cause of the conversion of snow into ice; notices Veined Structure; time and affinity; notices Regelation; diminution of _glaciers réservoirs_; Remarkable Passage; announces Swifter Motion of Centre; North British Review; Discrepancies explained by Rendu; Liquid Motion ascribed to glacier; all the phenomena of a River reproduced upon the Mer de Glace; Ratio of Side and Central velocities; Errors removed 15. 308 Anticipations of Rendu confirmed by Agassiz and Forbes; analogies with Liquid Motion established by Forbes; his Measurements in 1842; measurements in 1844 and 1846; Measurements of Agassiz and Wild in 1842, 1843, 1844, and 1845; Numerous other illustrations of the law might, I doubt not, be discovered, and it would be a pleasant and useful occupation to one who takes an interest in the subject, to determine, by strict measurements upon other glaciers, the locus of the point of maximum motion, and to observe the associated mechanical effects. keywords: action; air; bands; base; blue; case; centre; cleavage; clouds; colour; crevasses; day; deep; direction; dirt; distance; effect; end; eye; fact; fall; feet; fig; forbes; force; form; glacier; glacier ice; guide; géant; half; heat; ice; left; length; light; line; liquid; mass; mer; montanvert; moraines; motion; mountain; particles; place; point; portion; position; pressure; professor; rays; rocks; second; sidenote; sides; slope; snow; sound; stake; structure; summit; sun; surface; theory; time; valley; view; water; way; white; work cache: 34192.txt plain text: 34192.txt item: #3 of 5 id: 42314 author: None title: Mount Rainier, a Record of Exploration date: None words: 108889 flesch: 73 summary: This grand mountain is not, like Mount Blanc, merely the dominant peak of a chain of snow mountains; it is the only snow peak in view, Mount St. Helens and Mount Adams being, like it, isolated and many miles distant. I made preparations after the best authorities I could find, from reading accounts of the ascent of Mont Blanc and other snow mountains. keywords: allen; ascent; base; boundary; camp; carbon; carbon glacier; central; cliffs; common; course; cowlitz; cowlitz glacier; crater; creek; day; deep; distance; east; falls; family; feet; feet altitude; feet elevation; fields; flowers; foot; forest; form; general; glacier; gray; great; ground; half; head; height; high; horses; ice; indian; lake; lava; leaves; left; level; line; longmire; man; mass; miles; morning; mount rainier; mountain; night; nisqually; north; northwestern; origin; paradise; park; party; peak; place; plant; point; portion; prairie; professor; range; region; ridge; river; rock; sea; slope; snow; sound; south; southern; species; states; steep; stream; summit; surface; tacoma; takhoma; tamanoüs; time; trail; trees; trump; united; valley; van; view; washington; water; way; west; white; work cache: 42314.txt plain text: 42314.txt item: #4 of 5 id: 43374 author: Allen, Willis Boyd title: Gulf and Glacier; or, The Percivals in Alaska date: None words: 45679 flesch: 82 summary: Certainly Tom Percival was not occupied with philosophical meditation, as he stood on the lowest step of the car Kamloops, looking out eagerly over the crowd that surged to and fro on the platform beside the train. Tom Percival and Fred Seacomb. keywords: away; bear; bell; bess; boys; car; chapter; day; eyes; father; feet; fire; forest; fred; girls; glacier; good; half; hand; head; home; hour; kittie; left; little; look; miles; morning; mountain; new; night; party; people; percival; pet; queen; randolph; rest; river; selborne; solomon; steamer; story; time; tom; train; water; way; white; winthrop cache: 43374.txt plain text: 43374.txt item: #5 of 5 id: 52216 author: Balch, Edwin Swift title: Glacières; or, Freezing Caverns date: None words: 82501 flesch: 78 summary: On Spruce Creek, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, about four kilometers north of the Pennsylvania Railroad depot, is an ice bearing talus, known locally as the Ice Holes or Ice Caves. Mr. Ira C. Chatham, postmaster at Farrandsville, wrote to me on the 19th of October, 1898, as follows: Your paper on Ice Caves [Journal of the Franklin Institute, March, 1897] at pp. 177 and 178 describes the Farrandsville Cave as near as is possible, as the ice forms in the spring from the snow melting and dropping through the rocks into the cave, and the rocks face directly north as stated. keywords: air; altitude; august; base; cave de; cavern; caves; cold; current; depth; des; draughts; eishöhlen; end; entrance; evaporation; fact; freezing; fugger; glacière; glacière cave; great; guide; half; heat; hole; ice; ice cave; ice floor; ice formations; ice forms; ice house; ice mass; ice sheet; ice slope; ice stalagmites; ice wall; july; kilometers; left; les; limestone; melting; meters; mountain; near; new; north; observations; outside; page; pit; place; point; professor; river; rock; roof; saint; snow; spring; subterranean; summer; surface; talus; temperature; time; vol; water; way; winter; year cache: 52216.txt plain text: 52216.txt