item: #1 of 7 id: 11020 author: Housman, Laurence title: Angels and Ministers, and Other Victorian Plays date: None words: 41872 flesch: 92 summary: Poor Laura! (_She puts out her hand for her crochet, when it is arrested by the sound of a knock, rather rapacious in character_.) G. Have I? MORLEY. keywords: chamberlain; collings; come; day; dear; dist; doctor; gladstone; good; jesse; julia; katharine; laura; look; lord; ma'am; man; martha; morley; mrs; parnell; queen; things; time; tumulty; william cache: 11020.txt plain text: 11020.txt item: #2 of 7 id: 12933 author: Hubbard, Elbert title: Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great - Volume 01 Little Journeys to the Homes of Good Men and Great date: None words: 72765 flesch: 78 summary: THOMAS CARLYLE One comfort is that great men taken up in any way are profitable company. Occasionally these articles were duly fathered by great men, as this gave them the required specific gravity. keywords: america; author; beauty; books; boy; carlyle; children; church; country; day; death; dickens; dollars; edison; england; fact; father; form; friend; genius; george; gladstone; god; goldsmith; good; grave; great; green; half; hand; head; heart; home; house; hugo; ireland; left; life; little; london; look; love; man; men; mind; mother; mrs; new; night; number; people; place; plain; play; poet; public; read; room; ruskin; shakespeare; shop; sir; street; swift; thackeray; things; think; thought; time; truth; turner; victor; village; way; white; wife; william; woman; work; world; years; young cache: 12933.txt plain text: 12933.txt item: #3 of 7 id: 20012 author: Gladstone, William Henry title: The Hawarden Visitors' Hand-Book Revised Edition, 1890 date: None words: 9910 flesch: 73 summary: The Ruins of Hawarden Castle occupy a lofty eminence, guarded on the S. by a steep ravine, and on the other sides by artificial banks and ditches, partly favoured by the formation of the ground. On Nov. 11th, 1643, Sir William Brereton, who had declared for the Parliament, appeared with his adherents at Hawarden Castle, where he was welcomed by Robert Ravenscroft and John Aldersey, who had charge of it in the name of the King. keywords: castle; chester; church; earl; feet; gladstone; glynne; hall; hawarden; henry; house; john; king; park; place; pounds; present; sir; son; william; work; year cache: 20012.txt plain text: 20012.txt item: #4 of 7 id: 21091 author: Morley, John title: The Life of William Ewart Gladstone, Vol. 1 (of 3) 1809-1859 date: None words: 256546 flesch: 67 summary: This injunction represents my own clear view of the spirit in which the history of a career so memorable as Mr. Gladstone's should be composed. It is true that what interests the world in Mr. Gladstone is even more what he was, than what he did; his brilliancy, charm, and power; the endless surprises; his dualism or more than dualism; his vicissitudes of opinion; his subtleties of mental progress; his strange union of qualities never elsewhere found together; his striking unlikeness to other men in whom great and free nations have for long periods placed their trust. keywords: affairs; april; bill; book; business; cabinet; canning; case; catholic; change; character; church; circumstances; close; colonial; committee; commons; confidence; conservative; conversation; corn; country; course; day; days; death; debate; degree; desire; disraeli; doubt; duke; duties; duty; effect; end; england; english; fact; father; feb; feeling; force; free; friends; general; gladstone; god; good; government; graham; great; ground; half; hand; having; head; heart; herbert; high; history; home; hope; hours; house; human; idea; interest; john gladstone; july; june; kind; language; law; left; letter; liberal; life; lord; lord aberdeen; lord derby; lord john; lord palmerston; majority; man; manner; march; matter; means; measure; member; mind; minister; moment; motion; nature; new; office; opinion; oxford; parliament; party; peel; people; period; place; point; policy; position; power; present; principles; public; queen; question; read; reform; relations; religion; respect; right; robert; russell; school; second; sense; set; sir; speech; spirit; spoke; stanley; state; strength; subject; support; system; tax; things; thought; time; trade; truth; university; view; war; way; words; work; world; years; young cache: 21091.txt plain text: 21091.txt item: #5 of 7 id: 43036 author: Morley, John title: The Life of William Ewart Gladstone: Index date: None words: 40534 flesch: 72 summary: Venetia transferred to, ii. 214. Ithaca, i. 603. Jackson, Dean, i. 49 _and note 2_. Jacobson, Bp., i. 457; ii. 148. Liddon, Canon, ii. 433; iii. 421. Lieven, Madame de, i. 270, 397, 401, 469. Life-insurance duty, i. 462. Lightfoot, Bp., ii. 433. Lincoln, Lord, _see_ Newcastle, 5th Duke of. Lincoln, President, ii. 75; iii. 235. Liquor interest, influence of, on election of 1874, ii. 495. keywords: 200; 401; 420; act; attitude; bill; budget; cabinet; case; church; commission; death; derby; disraeli; election; estimate; gladstone; government; home; i. 248; i. ii; iii; ireland; irish; leadership; letter; lord; note; oxford; palmerston; parnell; party; peel; policy; position; queen; question; reform; rule; secretary; seq; sir; speech; views; visit; war cache: 43036.txt plain text: 43036.txt item: #6 of 7 id: 47862 author: Gladstone, W. E. (William Ewart) title: Chapter of Autobiography date: None words: 17389 flesch: 59 summary: My valued friend, Sir R. Palmer, has done me the favour, of his own motion, to state in public that I then apprised him of my state of mind:-- There had been people who had said, 'You would never have heard anything about the Irish Church question from Mr. Gladstone if the Tories had not been in power, and he had not wanted to get their place.' The powerful Government of 1843 also failed to carry a measure of Factory Education, because of the preference it was thought to give to the Established Church. keywords: act; church; country; establishment; government; ireland; life; man; people; principle; public; question; religion; state; think; time; work; years cache: 47862.txt plain text: 47862.txt item: #7 of 7 id: 9900 author: Cook, Richard B. (Richard Briscoe) title: The Grand Old Man Or, the Life and Public Services of the Right Honorable William Ewart Gladstone, Four Times Prime Minister of England date: None words: 116737 flesch: 59 summary: With the life of Mr. Gladstone in his hand, the student of history or the young statesman has a light to guide him and to help him solve those intricate problems now perplexing the nations, and upon the right solution of which depends Christian civilization--the liberties, progress, prosperity and happiness of the human race. There are few, even among those who differed from him, who would deny to Mr. Gladstone the title of a great statesman: and in order to appreciate his wonderful career, it is necessary to realize the condition of the world of thought, manners and works at the time when he entered public life. keywords: address; administration; bill; british; cabinet; castle; character; church; commons; country; day; debate; disraeli; duke; duty; election; england; english; eton; europe; ewart gladstone; following; friends; general; gladstone; gladstone family; good; government; great; hand; hawarden; high; history; home; house; ireland; irish; john gladstone; law; laws; leader; liberal; life; london; long; lord; majority; man; measure; members; minister; ministry; mrs; new; office; opposition; oxford; palmerston; parliament; party; peel; people; place; policy; power; premier; present; prime; principles; public; queen; question; reform; right; robert; russell; session; sir; speech; state; statesman; subject; thought; time; trade; war; way; william; work; world; years cache: 9900.txt plain text: 9900.txt