item: #1 of 68 id: A02058 author: Gray, Robert, 16th/17th cent. title: An alarum to England sounding the most fearefull and terrible example of Gods vengeance, that euer was inflicted in this world vpon mankind for sinne: seruing generally as a warning for all people to eschew sinne, lest they partake of the like vengeance. By Robert Gray, preacher of the Word of God. date: 1609.0 words: 25336 flesch: 68 summary: MAny and fearefull haue bene the iudgements , which Almighty God from time to time hath executed vpon man for sinne : But of all the examples of Gods vengeance , this which he shewed vpon Sodom and Gomorrha for their impiety is most horrible and dreadfull : for whose eares do not tingle , whose flesh doth not tremble , whose hart doth not melt , to heare of such a sudden , strange , and mercilesse fire as this was , which like a showre of raine fell vpon these cities and destroyed them ? Wée read of the torments of hell , that they are vnspeakeable , and as the heart of man cannot imagine the ioyes which are prepared for the godly , no more can the heart of man imagine the miseries which are reserued in hell for the wicked and vngodly . But as for him that dyes suddenly , he can do none of these things , and therefore he leaues a suspition behind him , neyther can the iudging Nature of man hardly beléeue charitably of him : For indéed , to say the truth , where God will haue mercy , he commonly giues time to craue mercy : but when he strikes suddenly , it is a fearefull signe that he meanes to haue no mercy ; for so he threatens to the vngodly : His destruction shall come suddenly , he shal be destroyed speedily without recouery . keywords: brimstone; cause; cities; countrey; cry; day; death; destruction; doe; doth; earth; euen; fire; god; good; hath; haue; heauen; iudgement; land; lord; man; men; nature; neuer; people; place; pride; sinne; sodom; things; time; vnto; vpon; wee; world cache: A02058.xml plain text: A02058.txt item: #2 of 68 id: A09984 author: Preston, John, 1587-1628. title: Mount Ebal, or A heavenly treatise of divine love Shewing the equity and necessity of his being accursed that loves not the Lord Iesus Christ. Together with the motives meanes markes of our love towards him. By that late faithfull and worthy divine, John Preston, Doctor in Divinitie, chaplaine in ordinary to his Majestie, master of Emmanuel Colledge in Cambridge, and sometimes preacher of Lincolnes Inne. date: 1638.0 words: 14525 flesch: 65 summary: But now we must take Christ as an husband takes a wife , or a wife an husband , out of love to their persons , not to their portions , and then shall we be the better subject unto him ; but except we be first humbled ( as was before said ) for our sinnes , and consider in what neede thou standest of him , how that without him thou must perish ; till then ( I say ) Now if we love him , we will desire ( as was said but a little before ) to be joyned unto him , and to have his company , for how can that woman be said to love her husband that cares not for his company ; so how canst thou say thou lovest the Lord Iesus Christ when thou lovest not his society ? Againe , if we love him , we will be content to have him upon any condition ; for love is impulsive , the love of Christ constraines us ( as the Apostle speakes ) to doe what it desires ; yet , so as not against , but with our wills , which it inclines thereunto : now if we doe not finde these things in us , we doe not love the , &c. And therefore this Doctrine that he that loves him not is &c. it should teach us to consider our owne conditions , how we stand affected towards him , and whether we love him or not ; and wee shall know it for certaine whether we doe , or doe not , by examining our selves by these quaeries . keywords: againe; christ; doe; god; good; hath; iesus; lord; love; man; selfe; thee; things; thou; thy; wilt cache: A09984.xml plain text: A09984.txt item: #3 of 68 id: A12168 author: Sibbes, Richard, 1577-1635. title: A breathing after God. Or a Christians desire of Gods presence. By the late reverent and worthy divine Richard Sibs, Doctor in Divinity, master of Katherine Hall in Cambridge, and sometime preacher of Graies-Inne date: 1639.0 words: 12495 flesch: 75 summary: 2. The spirit of God in the hearts of his children is effectuall in stirring up holy desires . 42 Trial of desires whether true By their obiect . It is a promise in the Covenant of grace , saith God , I will give you one heart , as soone as a man becomes a Christian , he hath one heart , his heart before was divided , there was variety of objects it was set upon , God had the least piece , the slesh had a piece , and this delight , and that delight had a piece : but saith God , I will give you one heart , that is , a heart uniting it selfe in desire to the best things , and regulating all things , so as all shall be but one , that a man shall use the world as though hee used it not ; so as it shall helpe to the maine . keywords: church; desire; dwell; god; gods; good; hee; house; lord; man; soule; spirit; thing; wee cache: A12168.xml plain text: A12168.txt item: #4 of 68 id: A12191 author: Sibbes, Richard, 1577-1635. title: The riches of mercie In two treatises: 1 Lydia's conversion. 2. A rescue from death. By the late learned, and reverend divine, Richard Sibbs, Doctor in Divinitie. Published by the authors own appointment, and subscribed with his owne hand to prevent imperfect copies. date: 1638.0 words: 27054 flesch: 75 summary: Why doth hee begin with transgressions against the first table , and then iniquities the breach of the second ? Because all breaches of the second table issue from the breach of the first a man is never vniust to his neighbours , that doth not rebell against Gods will in the first table , and the foundation of obedience , & dutie to man , it riseth from mans obedience to God. THIS is one branch of the extremitie of the sicknesse , the loathing of meate , for God hath put a correspondencie , betweene food that is necesary for man , and mans relish : for man being in this world to be supported , the naturall moysture being to be supplied , and repayred by nourishment as it is spent by the naturall heate which feeds upon it , therefore God hath put a sweetnesse into meate that man might delight to doe that which is necessary : for who would care for meate if it were not necessary ? keywords: bee; christ; death; doe; faith; god; gods; good; grace; hath; haue; heart; hee; lord; man; men; owne; prayse; shee; sinne; soule; spirit; things; thou; time; wee; word cache: A12191.xml plain text: A12191.txt item: #5 of 68 id: A13993 author: Tuke, Thomas, d. 1657. title: The Christians looking glasse wherein hee may cleerely see, his loue to God liuely expressed, his fidelity truely discouered, and pride against God and man, anatomised. Whereby the hypocrisie of the times is notoriously manifested. By Thomas Tuke, minister of Gods word at Saint Giles in the Fields. date: 1615.0 words: 29162 flesch: 84 summary: Meate vndigested breeds corruption , but being digested , it affoordeth nourishment and strength : so knowledge , vnlesse it bee boyled and concocted in the stomacke of the soule , with this sacred fi●e of loue to GOD , and of man for GOD , it engendreth crudities , windinesse , and diseases , euen corrupt conditions in heart and life ; but being by loue digested it is very nourishable and of great vse . So the Language and discourse of loue to him , that loues not , is but barbarous and vnpleasing , as sounding Brasse , and a tinckling Cymball : T●erefore that wee may conceiu● and reape profite by these things , which shall bee deliuered concerning our loue of GOD , it behoues vs to blow vp the dying and fainting coales of this heauenly and holy fire within our breasts : And seeing that the eare tasteth words , as the palate doth meate , let vs haue vnderstanding and attentiue eares , that discerning the things , we shall heare , to bee good , wee may receiue and digest them , and like prudent hearers shewforth the fruits therof in our liues & conuersations . keywords: bee; christ; doth; euen; faithfull; god; god doth; gods; good; hath; haue; heart; hee; himselfe; life; lord; loue; loue god; man; men; pag; pride; proud; reason; saint; saith; selues; soule; thee; things; thou; thy; vnto; vnto god; vpon; wee; world; ● ● cache: A13993.xml plain text: A13993.txt item: #6 of 68 id: A19906 author: Davies, John, 1565?-1618. title: Yehovah summa totalis or, All in all, and, the same for euer: or, an addition to Mirum in modum. / By the first author, Iohn Dauies. date: 1607.0 words: 19874 flesch: 80 summary: Nor yet , by locall motion are we brought To God , when , to himselfe he vs doth bring ; Because without his Compasse there is nought : For , all that is , is compast in that RING ; This motion then , is not by altering The Place , but Person of the altered ; Yet , that not altred , but by gouerning , The wil'de Affections , erst vngouerned ; So , moues this vnmou'd Motion , motioned ! So then we must obserue a difference Betweene the knowledge of what once shall Be , And that which shall not : for , as t' wer , by sence God sees the first , the last he doth not see But as they are in Possibility . keywords: cause; doth; essence; euer; god; gods; good; grace; hath; haue; hee; himselfe; ill; iustice; know; like; man; nature; nought; owne; povv'r; pow'r; rest; sith; sonne; soule; things; thou; thy; time; truth cache: A19906.xml plain text: A19906.txt item: #7 of 68 id: A20674 author: Doughty, John, 1598-1672. title: A discourse concerning the abstrusenesse of divine mysteries together with our knowledge of them May 1. 1627. Another touching church-schismes but the unanimity of orthodox professors Feb. 17. 1628. By I.D. Mr of Arts and fellow of Merton Colledge in Oxford. date: 1628.0 words: 15597 flesch: 66 summary: St Ignatius for this termes them sometimes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , creatures hauing though no more , yet a Christian outside ; elsewhere 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , exact and able counterfeits . Ia. 1. 17. and for this the Philosopher in his Ethicks maketh his felicity or chiefe good 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a gift of God ; Now there is no endowment of the minde more excellent then this of knowledge ; it is the eye and guide of the rest , if wee doe not abuse it through selfe-conceipt : if , as venemous beasts wont to doe by nutriture , we turne not that to poyson and our hurt , which of it selfe is good . keywords: bee; church; doe; doth; finde; god; good; hath; haue; hee; knowledge; man; men; mysteries; nature; point; reason; religion; saith; schismes; selfe; text; truth; vpon; way; wee; word cache: A20674.xml plain text: A20674.txt item: #8 of 68 id: A20960 author: Du Moulin, Pierre, 1568-1658. title: Theophilus, or Loue diuine A treatise containing fiue degrees, fiue markes, fiue aides, of the loue of God. Translated by Richard Goring, out of the third French edition: renewed, corrected and augmented by the author M. Peter Moulin, preacher the reformed Church of Paris. date: 1610.0 words: 26470 flesch: 74 summary: In our priuate prayers , the faithfull man being hidden from mans eies , discouereth himselfe vnto God , maketh his complaints to him with a child-like familiaritie , prayeth vnto him , not of custome , but with affectiō , with words broken off with sighes , which are vsed euen in the midst of businesse , through a gentle distraction and wholesom interruption : which prayers haue no other motiue but loue , nor other subiect but necessitie , or other eloquence but affection . For sithence Sathan by seducing Adam hath disfigured the Image of God in man , mans desires haue turned towards the world , and in a maner our loue hath bene fallen headlong downe from heauen to earth . keywords: apostle; children; christ; doth; end; euen; feare; god; gods; good; hath; haue; hauing; heauen; hee; himselfe; iesus; let; life; loue; loue god; loueth; man; men; saith; selues; things; time; vnto; vnto god; vpon; wee; world; yea cache: A20960.xml plain text: A20960.txt item: #9 of 68 id: A25344 author: Anderdon, John, 1624?-1685. title: Against Babylon and her merchants in England one groan more breathed forth from the grief of the spirit, for the sufferings of the saints ... / written by one that travels in spirit for Sions deliverance, John Anderdon. date: 1660.0 words: 5933 flesch: 10 summary: Nay verily , ye also that repent not shall know , that it shall be more tollerable for Sodome and Gomorrah in the day of Gods Judgements than for you , who have had so much & large experience of the Lords wayes & dealings towards you and the people of these Nations , of what the Lord required at your hands in the day of your visitation , which ye have not regarded , but have cast the Lords Counsel behind your backs , and would not come to him who is the New and living Way , the Truth and the Life ; CHRIST JESUS the Light of the world , the rightful King and Law-giver of Nations , that ye might in him have found peace and rest in the Land of your Nativity ; that ye might have eaten the good of the Land , and prospered as the glory of Nations ; but ye have revolted and rebelled against the God of Heaven yet more and more ; and though he hath smitten you , ye have not regarded , but have forgotten him dayes without number ; and though he hath waited long also to be gracious unto you , to have gathered you , but ye would not , but are gone back again into Sodom and Egypt , into your bad old wayes of Sin and Iniquity , Superstition and Vanity , in the lusts of the flesh , the lust of the eye , and pride of life ; that your wickednesses and abominations are abounding in the Land more than ever , as if ye had said in your hearts , that God sees you not , and that the Lord hath forsaken the Earth , because his Judgements are not speedily executed upon such evil-doers as these are , that sit down to eat and drink , and rise up to play , and commit Whoredoms , and say , to morrow shall be as this day , and much more abundant ; as if your Return and all the strange Arts and Works of Wonder which the Lord hath wrought and brought to pass in this Nation , were even to this very end , that you might live at ease in the flesh in your pleasures , pride and vanities , and in cruelties and oppressions , to triumph over the just on your old dregs and lees of corruption , settled as if ye could not be moved . But blindness and security in judgement is happened unto you , that ye having eyes might not see , and hearts , and might not perceive , that the Lord God Omnipotent ruleth and reigneth in the Kingdoms of men , and giveth them unto whomsoever he will , that in the Clouds he is come to judgement , Yea and he will arise and plead the cause of the innocent , and by no means acquit the guilty : He will make Inquisition for the blood of the slain , and certainly avenge the blood of the Righteous , which cries loud from the Earth for vengeance upon Cain that hath slain his Brother , and his cruelty shall not passe unpunished , but he that hath done this wickednesse in the Land , with Gods Mark is he Marked , and shall become a Fugitive and Vagabond in the Earth , and shall seek to hide himself from the avenger of blood , but sin shall lie at his door , and Gods Righteous Judgements shall overtake him wheresoever he flies , because of his Brothers innocent blood , that ceaseth not to cry Day & Night for Justice to be done upon the Murderer , that hath slain the Just ; Yea and God shall multiply his Plagues and Judgements upon them that have shed Innocent Blood in the Land , and no Coverings shall hide them from the fiercenesse of Gods wrath ; neither shall the City that Cain hath built with Blood , nor the Towers of Babel , though never so lofty be able to shelter the wicked from the terrible stroak of Gods anger and just Judgements which hasten to be accomplished in this Nation ; for they are a Rebellious and Gain-saying people , with whom the Love and Mercies , the Patience and Long-Suffering of our God prevails not : But ye have hardned your Hearts , and stiffned your Necks even for a Day of Slaughter , that the Lord is weary to bear Your Iniquities , and to suffer with your sins any longer ; And therefore hath determined to cut short the work in Righteousnesse for the Elects sake , who are made as the dung of the Earth , and off-scouring of all things ; but the meek of the Earth the Lood will exalt , and the High and Lofty ones he will bring down from their Seats ; the wicked will he scatter in their imaginations . keywords: day; god; gods; hath; land; lord; people; spirit cache: A25344.xml plain text: A25344.txt item: #10 of 68 id: A26344 author: Adams, Thomas, fl. 1612-1653. title: God's anger ; and, Man's comfort two sermons / preached and published by Tho. Adams. date: 1652.0 words: 23892 flesch: 79 summary: God -- Wrath -- Sermons. God -- Goodness -- Sermons. keywords: anger; bee; comforts; delight; doth; earth; faith; god; gods; good; hath; heart; heaven; hee; like; lord; man; peace; people; prayer; repentance; shall; sin; sins; sorrow; sorrowes; soul; tears; thoughts; thy; wee; world; wrath; yea cache: A26344.xml plain text: A26344.txt item: #11 of 68 id: A26782 author: Bates, William, 1625-1699. title: Considerations of the existence of God and of the immortality of the soul, with the recompences of the future state for the cure of infidelity, the hectick evil of the times / by William Bates ... date: 1676.0 words: 41899 flesch: 63 summary: Nature under another name is the ordinary Power of God , that by its intimate concourse with Second-Causes produces and supports things . How often are they forc't to take refuge in occult qualities when prest with difficulties ? or only assign universal causes of things , and sometimes the same for operations extreamly contrary ? How many mysteries of Nature are still vaild and hid in those deep recesses where we can go only in the dark ? How much remains undiscover'd that is truly wonderful in the Works of God ? They are the Objects of the Eye and Mind , but what is visible to the Eye is least worthy of admiration . keywords: actions; body; cause; chap; creatures; death; deity; earth; effects; end; evil; faculties; future; god; good; immortality; justice; life; light; love; man; men; mind; motion; nature; objects; operations; order; parts; power; present; providence; reason; respect; self; sense; sin; soul; state; sun; things; time; truth; understanding; wisdom; works; world cache: A26782.xml plain text: A26782.txt item: #12 of 68 id: A26896 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The Christians converse with God, or, The insufficiency and uncertainty of human friendship and the improvement of solitude in converse with God with some of the author's breathings after him / by Richard Baxter ... date: 1693.0 words: 37126 flesch: 67 summary: 4. Christ would permit his Disciples thus far to forsake him , because he would have no support from man , in his sufferings for man : This was part of his voluntary humiliation , to ●e deprived of all earthly comforts , and to be●r affliction even from those few , that b●t lately were his faithful servants : that men dealing like men , and sinners , while he was doing like God , and as a Saviour , no man might challenge to himself the honour of contributing to the Redemption of the world , so much as by encouraging the Redeemer . Who would not justifie them , if they can but prove , that God requireth them , and Religion o●ligeth th●m to forsake you f●r your faults ? There are few crimes in the world that by some are not fathered on God ( that most hateth them ) as thinking no name can so much honour them . keywords: christ; converse; death; doth; earth; enemies; friends; god; good; grace; hath; heart; heaven; life; lord; love; man; men; place; self; selves; sin; solitude; soul; thee; thou; thy; time; use; work; world; ● ● cache: A26896.xml plain text: A26896.txt item: #13 of 68 id: A26935 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Gods goodness vindicated for the help of such (especially in melancholy) as are tempted to deny it, and think him cruel, because of the present and future misery of mankind, with respect to the doctrine of reprobation and damnation / by Richard Baxter ... ; published and prefaced by a friend at whose desire it was written, and to whom it was committed. date: 1671.0 words: 10945 flesch: 64 summary: If they that hold no Grace but what is universal , and left , as to the success , to the will of man , as the determining cause , do think that this is well consistent with the mercifulness of God ; surely they that hold as much universal Grace as the former ; and that indeed all have so much as bringeth and leaveth the success to mans will , and deny to no man any thing which the other give , do make God no less merciful tha● they , but more , if they moreover assert a special Decree and Grace of God , which with a chosen number shall antecedently Infallibly secure his Ends in their repentance , faith , perseverance and salvation ; Is this any detraction from , or diminution of , his universal Grace ? or rather a higher Demonstration of his Godness ? HOW much the Glory of God and the Salvation of men is concerned in the right understanding of his Goodness in all his wayes and counsels towards them , is evidently seen by all that have any true notion of the Divine excellency and mans felicity . keywords: earth; god; gods; goodness; hath; man; melancholy; men; mercy; power; quest; self; sin; world cache: A26935.xml plain text: A26935.txt item: #14 of 68 id: A27200 author: R. B. title: A caveat for sinners, or, a warning for swearers, blasphemers, and adulterers. Shewing, the vengeance of the almighty, inflicted upon several, whose habital custom to the afore-mentioned and horrid sins, rendred them the objects of God's vvrath; as you may hear by the sequel. Very necessary to be placed up in the houses of every good Christian, that they may avoid the like crimes. Written by that reverend divine, Mr. R.B. date: 1683.0 words: 2489 flesch: 70 summary: Yet this beloved Sin too much is us'd , Man's Soul is wrong'd , and God himself abus'd ; While the poor Sinner little thinks upon The pains that follow , if they will run on Till Judgements overtake , and then too late Perhaps they may repent their wretched State ; And when they 'r overwhelm'd with fear and pain , Of time mispent , perhaps they may complain : Their Consciences in their faces then will flye , Horrour surprize them when they come to dye ; Their Charming Kisses turn to deadly frights , And change to fearful pains , their chief Delights : eng God -- Wrath -- Early works to 1800. keywords: doth; eebo; god; tcp; text cache: A27200.xml plain text: A27200.txt item: #15 of 68 id: A27353 author: Bell, Thomas, fl. 1672-1692. title: Nehemiah the Tirshatha, or, The character of a good commissioner to which is added Grapes in the wilderness / by Mr. Thomas Bell ... date: 1692.0 words: 72352 flesch: 71 summary: 2. Understanding lodged high●● in the upper room of the speculative judgement , and reaching deeper , discovereth things in ●●eir original , and taketh them up in their causes , ●●d how they are . Why is it ●at the Lord gives many of his finest and most ●oly Saints , such a sad inward life of desertions , ●ears , Tentations , that are able to distract even a ●ise Heman from his youth ? and to make them ●iferenters also of such Exercises ? Answer , I find ●is Question made by Heman Psal. 88 , 14. keywords: affliction; case; chap; christ; church; david; dispensations; doth; evil; fear; god; gods; good; great; hand; hath; heart; heaven; hope; house; israel; life; light; like; lord; love; man; men; mercy; o lord; o ●; people; place; psal; ruler; saints; scripture; self; sin; soul; spirit; thee; things; thou; thy; time; use; verse; way; wilderness; word; works; yea; ● d; ● e; ● s; ● t; ● ● cache: A27353.xml plain text: A27353.txt item: #16 of 68 id: A28286 author: Blackborow, Sarah. title: Herein is held forth the gift and good-will of God to the world and how it is tendered. date: 1659.0 words: 3311 flesch: 54 summary: Many are now Witnesses of it with him , ( praised by the Lord ) and he said , That the life of Christ was the light of men ; [ mark ] It is the life of Christ is the light of men , and this is it that lighteth every man that comes into the World , ( according to the measure of life received ) and I bring in my Testimonie ▪ ( though one of the least who witness life ) according to the measure of life received , That it is light , and doth enlighten , and gave light to me , in which I saw all things that acted in me contrary to the life of Christ ; and being believed in , and obeyed , it hath led me out of the Devils Kingdom , into Christ , and so to God the Father of Spirits , and truly people , there is no other way to Christ , but by owning that vvhich checks and reproves you in secret ; therefore I beseech you return to the light every one who are quarrelling against it , living in the careless mind so long until you say you know no such thing in you ; that is a dreadful state , near the Reprobate who knows not Christ in thee ; for they that knows not that which reproves or shews sin , knows nothing of Gods gift , nor of his good will to man , and so are walking in the beastly state , without bit or bridle ; the love of God cries Wo , Wrath , and Vengeance to such a one , and that man hath shut himself out from the salvation of God , and hath no way to come near it again , but by waiting to feel God's reproof by his Witness ; for man being given over to the power of the Devil , and his Vessel being filled with his spirit , can easily sin against Gods Witness , and with his will and great delight , easily join himself to the Transgressor , against the light , the life of Christ , and willingly lye down in Transgression , and in this state the God whom he serves ( which is the Prince of the Air ) will furnish him with a hope which must perish , and give him a faith which may exercise his tongue to talk of , but will never make him perfect as pertaining to the conscience . So now the voice hearken diligently to hear , which calls out of the earthly , out of the changeable , out of the mortal , that to the Immortal Word all may come , where the immortal birth is known , and the Babe of glory seen and enjoyed , and man by him , and in him , come to possess the power of God , by which power the power of death comes to be destroyed , and all which hath subjected man under it , and man by it brought to be free again , in the pure life which is endless ; And truly sadness often possesses my heart when I behold the World in the alienation , out from the power and pure life , driven from the presence of the living God , into the earthly nature and carnal mind , there labouring and seeking , professing , getting into Church-fellowships , and all acting in that which adulterates from God , both Priest and people . keywords: christ; god; life; man cache: A28286.xml plain text: A28286.txt item: #17 of 68 id: A29013 author: Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691. title: Of the high veneration man's intellect owes to God, peculiarly for his wisedom and power by a Fellow of the Royal Society. date: 1685.0 words: 20990 flesch: 49 summary: But not to insist on Conjectures ; the Scripture it self that brings so much Light to things Divine , that the Gospel is called Light in the Abstract , the Scripture , I say , informs us , that in this Life we know but in part , and see things but darkly as in a Glass ; and that we are so far from being able to find out God to perfection , as to his Nature and Attributes , that even the ways of his Providence are to us untraceable . The Scripture in one place exhorts us to grow not onely in Grace , but in the Knowledge of Christ ; and in another to add to our Vertue Knowledge ; and when Moses beg'd to be bless'd with a nearer and more particular view of God , though part of His request was refus'd , because the grant of it was unsutable to his mortal State , and perhaps must have prov'd fatal to him whilst he was in it ; yet God vouchsafed so Gratious a return to his petition , as shews He was not displeas'd with the supplicant . keywords: angels; attributes; creatures; divers; earth; god; knowledge; man; men; motion; nature; parts; perfections; power; scripture; self; things; wisedom; works; world cache: A29013.xml plain text: A29013.txt item: #18 of 68 id: A29608 author: D. B. (Daniel Baker), fl. 1650-1660. title: Oh! the day, the dreadful and terrible day of God date: 1660.0 words: 1068 flesch: 70 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A29608 of text R209016 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing B483). [London : 1660] Title from beginning of text. keywords: day; text cache: A29608.xml plain text: A29608.txt item: #19 of 68 id: A30577 author: Burroughs, Jeremiah, 1599-1646. title: The glorious name of God, The Lord of Hosts opened in two sermons, at Michaels Cornhill, London, vindicating the Commission from this Lord of Hosts, to subjects, in some case, to take up arms : with a post-script, briefly answering a late treatise by Henry Ferne, D.D. / by Jer. Burroughes. date: 1643.0 words: 53823 flesch: 74 summary: Oh that now some Prophet of the Lord might have accesse to His Majesty , and tell him that hee must not goe this way he doth , that he is drawn aside by evill men about him , that there is a misunderstanding betweene him and his people , that nothing is done by us but according to the minde of God , that we doe not endeavour to deprive him of any lawfull power he hath given him by God or man , but onely to preserve our lawfull liberties as truly ours as he is born unto the Crown , and that we might with peace enjoy the Gospell , and serve the Lord and His Majesty in our own Land. 11. The providence of God in war is great , in removing it from one place to another : The Lord of Hosts gives the sword commission to ride circuite from one Land to another Countrey , and from one part of a Kingdome unto another . Ezech. 14. 17. Or if I bring a sword upon that Land , and say , Sword goe through the Land , so that I cut off man and beast in it : The sword hath beene in many parts of our Land already , even in the utmost parts , Northumberland and Cornwall , the two extremities of the Land , as Dan and Bersheba in the Land of Canaan . keywords: ans; army; authority; cause; church; doe; doth; enemies; glory; god; gods; goe; good; hath; hearts; himselfe; hosts; king; kingdome; law; lord; lord god; man; men; parliament; peace; people; power; sayes; scripture; spirit; things; thou; thy; time; ver; way; world; yea cache: A30577.xml plain text: A30577.txt item: #20 of 68 id: A30629 author: Burthogge, Richard, 1638?-ca. 1700. title: Cavsa dei, or, An apology for God wherein the perpetuity of infernal torments is evidenced and divine both goodness and justice, that notwithstanding, defended : the nature of punishments in general, and of infernal ones in particular displayed : the evangelical righteousness explicated and setled : the divinity of the Gentiles both as to things to be believed, and things to be practised, adumbrated, and the wayes whereby it was communicated, plainly discover'd / by Richard Burthogge ... date: 1675.0 words: 69702 flesch: 67 summary: l. 13. for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , r. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 : p. 133. In the Text , p. 33. l. 22. r. — 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 : p. 35. keywords: anger; answer; antient; apud; body; christ; christian; consideration; day; design; divine; doctrine; doth; earth; end; est; evil; father; fire; general; gentiles; glory; god; gods; good; goodness; hath; heathen; heaven; hell; holy; honour; humane; infinite; jesus; justice; knowledge; law; laws; life; light; lord; man; matter; mind; nature; non; notion; opinion; order; persons; philosophers; place; plato; plutarch; power; present; principle; punishment; pythagoras; quae; question; qui; reason; religion; revenge; righteousness; saith; sayes; second; self; seneca; sense; sin; soul; spirit; things; think; thou; thought; thy; time; torments; tradition; truth; use; vid; way; wicked; wisdom; world; wrath; ● ● cache: A30629.xml plain text: A30629.txt item: #21 of 68 id: A30636 author: Burthogge, Richard, 1638?-ca. 1700. title: Tagathon, or, Divine goodness explicated and vindicated from the exceptions of the atheist wherein also the consent of the gravest philosophers with the holy and inspired penmen in many of the most important points of Christian doctrine is fully evinced / by Richard Burthogge. date: 1672.0 words: 25129 flesch: 72 summary: 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 So Pythagoras in Iamblicus . — 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 For this shall every one , that is Godly Pray . So Porphyrie . — 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Believe it all our Melancholly , Fear , and Apprehension , saving onely so much of it , as is constitutional , proceedeth from our ignorance of God , and of the Gospel liberty we are redeemed into , that we don't consider ( and perhaps distemper will not let us ) that we have not now receiv'd the Spirit of Bondage keywords: adam; atheist; cap; cicero; divine; doth; earth; end; esse; est; evil; father; glory; god; good; goodness; grace; hath; heaven; humane; law; lib; life; love; man; men; natural; nature; nec; non; plutarch; praise; providence; quae; quid; quod; reason; sect; sed; self; text; things; world cache: A30636.xml plain text: A30636.txt item: #22 of 68 id: A30637 author: Burthogge, Richard, 1638?-ca. 1700. title: Vindiciæ pædo-baptismi, or, A confirmation of an argument lately emitted for infants baptism in a letter to a reverend divine of the Church of England / by R.B. ... date: 1685.0 words: 17432 flesch: 55 summary: The Ground I go upon is this , That the Covenant Established by God with Abraham , and with his Seed , in Genesis 17. 7 , 8 , 9. is the Covenant of Grace ; or that Original Grant , and Great Charter , by which Believing Gentiles always did , and do Claim both Heaven and Earth , and all the Promises they have Title to ; As also , that Abraham is The Person By , From , and Vnder whom they Claim ; as being his Seed . doth that make it Tripartite ? are not Christ and Believers considered as one Party ? ) you see how Theologically and how Divine-like he speaks ( if this be he that speaks and not some Supervisor ) as if the Covenant of Redemption , which yet ( to Note it by the by ) is never called , in Express Terms , a Covenant , in all the Scripture ; as if that Covenant were the same ( Covenant ) with the Covenant of Grace , and that what passed Between God the Father and the Son before the Worlds were , was the very same with what passed between God and Abraham and his seed , in time . keywords: abraham; argument; baptism; believing; covenant; doth; duty; genesis; gentiles; god; letter; promise; seed; sign; text; thou cache: A30637.xml plain text: A30637.txt item: #23 of 68 id: A30672 author: Bury, Arthur, 1624-1713. title: Not fear, but love a sermon preached before the governors of the Charity for Relief of Poor Widows and Orphans of Clergy-men, at St. Mary le Bow, on the 7th day of Decemb., 1682 / by Ar. Bury ... date: 1683.0 words: 16250 flesch: 60 summary: Yea , we need look no farther for a good light , whereby to see the meaning of this phrase in That his exhortation to the Philippians , than the encoragement wherewith he quickneth them in the words immediately following : For it is God which worketh in you both to Will and to Do of his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , good will. That we may not seem bent wholely to pull down the obvios sence without bringing a better in place , this we offer as the Apostl's meaning : It was only the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , the loving kindness of God , which wrought in you the desire of salvation : and the same loving kindness will crown That desire with success , if it be attended with endeavor : do you therefor your part with such affection , as shall make you even Tremble again . keywords: apost'l; bicause; christ; fear; god; good; gospel; grief; hath; joy; lord; love; man; reason; repentance; selvs; spirit; text; words cache: A30672.xml plain text: A30672.txt item: #24 of 68 id: A31078 author: Barrow, Isaac, 1630-1677. title: Of the love of God and our neighbour, in several sermons : the third volume by Isaac Barrow ... date: 1680.0 words: 64893 flesch: 61 summary: This is a peculiar advantage of this Rule ( inferring the excellent wisedom and goodness of him who framed it ) that by it very easily and certainly we may discern all the specialties of our duty , without looking abroad or having recourse to external instruction ; so that by it we may be perfect Law-givers , and skilfull Judges , and faithfull Monitours to our selves of what in any case we should do : for every one by internal experience knoweth what it is to love himself , every one is conscious how he useth to treat himself ; each one consequently can prescribe and decide for himself , what he ought to doe toward his neighbour ; so that we are not onely 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , taught of God , as the Apostle saith , to love one another , but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , taught of our selves how to exercise that duty ; whence our Lord otherwhere doth propose the Law of charity in these terms , Whatsoever ye would that men should doe unto you , doe ye even so unto them , for this is the law and the prophets ; that is , unto this Rule all the special precepts of charity proposed in Holy Scripture , may be reduced . This is that duty , which is so frequently inculcated ; when we are charged to put on bowels of pity , to be ( 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ) tender-hearted , to be ( 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ) compassionate one toward another . keywords: affection; care; charity; charity doth; cor; desire; divine; doe; doth; duty; esteem; favour; god; good; goodness; hath; heart; holy; joh; kind; law; life; lord; love; man; manner; matt; means; men; mind; nature; neighbour; object; paul; peace; practice; prov; psal; reason; regard; rom; saint; saith; self; selves; soul; things; vertue; welfare; world cache: A31078.xml plain text: A31078.txt item: #25 of 68 id: A35841 author: Dewsbury, William, 1621-1688. title: A general epistle to be read in the fear of God in and amongst the assemblies of his people by William Dewsbury. date: 1682.0 words: 2957 flesch: 59 summary: Here is first a passing Through the Great Tribulation , and to be made of the Number of the Slain of the Lord ; and being truly Humbled into his Blessed Will , in the Deed Sense of the Poverty of Spirit , there Wait upon the Lord , until he Create you to a lively Hope , and give you a Possession of his Blessed Life , that is Hid with Christ in God , and so marry you to himself in his own Righteousness , which he gives you for to be your Wedding Garment . And now this Love of God constrains you to walk in all Strict Observations that are Required of you to be done ; but no more to Lean upon them for Life , but have now all your Obediences accepted of God through Faith in the Light , Life , and Name of Christ , in whom you now are the Righteousness of God for ever , in Giving up Freely to be Guided by his Spirit in Faithfulness to the end . keywords: christ; god; lord; spirit; tcp; text cache: A35841.xml plain text: A35841.txt item: #26 of 68 id: A37077 author: Dury, John, 1596-1680. title: A motion tending to the publick good of this age and of posteritie, or, The coppies of certain letters written by Mr. John Dury to a worthy Knight at his earnest desire shewing briefly vvhat a publik good is and how by the best means of reformation in learning and religion it may be advanced to some perfection / published by Samuel Hartlib ... date: 1642.0 words: 17984 flesch: 53 summary: Now he doth , and none but he doth the will of God , which abideth in his love and life , according to Christs exhortation , Iohn 15. This is the will of the Father , that of all which he hath given me , I should lose nothing ; and that every one who seeth the Sonne , and beleeveth on him , may have everlasting life ; therefore all things which are , and every one who is not in the love and life of the Father , shall perish ; because it is not according to the will of God , whichis onely good , & remaineth for ever . keywords: bee; christ; doth; glory; god; good; himselfe; knowledge; learning; life; light; lord; men; spirit; spirituall; things; use; way; world cache: A37077.xml plain text: A37077.txt item: #27 of 68 id: A41978 author: Green, William, 17th Cent. title: Good council and advice unto all professors in vvhom there is any tenderness and breathings after the Lord, and the knowledge of his way. By one that hath in the light of the Lord seen through them all, into the resting-place that is prepared for them that truly fear the Lord. date: 1661.0 words: 2194 flesch: 59 summary: Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A41978) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 35803) keywords: hath; light; lord; tcp; text cache: A41978.xml plain text: A41978.txt item: #28 of 68 id: A42475 author: Gauden, John, 1605-1662. title: Causa Dei: = Gods pleading his own cause set forth in two sermons preached at the Temple in November, 1659. By Dr. Gauden, Bishop of Excester. date: 1661.0 words: 35505 flesch: 55 summary: In these , many times prejudices and presumptions of men do much mistake and run on the fallacy of Non causa pro causa ; crying things up or down , either for or against the cause of God ( just as they interpret Prophesies in Scripture ) according to their own presumptions and passions , which like Optick glasses , do multiply or magnifie them in their fancies , agreeable to their factions and interests ; wherein once engaged , they may have such a pride , obstinacy and ambition as affects to do and suffer much for their cause , as they truly call it , which is not Gods , but their own ; There that old Maxim of Martyrdom is true , Non poena ▪ sed causa facit martyrem ; No sufferings can transmute an ill Cause to the honor of martyrdom : Mens private and petty causes , like the small by as of a bowl , do too often seek to over sway the great Cause of the great God , which consists 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , not in meats and drinks , or any minute business and observation , but in Righteousness , Even this cause ( I say ) is now ●ick and ashamed of it self , so decayed , disparaged , and divided , that it is next degree to being destroyed , and despised by all , unless God arise by some extraordinary way of his providence to plead and assert this his own cause of a just and due reformation , against the factious policies and Fanatick fallacies of unreasonable men , whose ( 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ) immoderations and transports have marred all by their King killing , rapine and sacriledg , unless God arise to judge the earth . § . keywords: best; bishops; cause; charity; christ; christian; church; churches; enemies; england; evil; faith; glory; god; gods; good; great; hath; holy; honor; justice; laws; lord; man; men; mens; nation; order; patience; peace; people; plead; pleading; power; reformed; religion; self; set; spirit; state; things; time; truth; way; world; yea; ● ● cache: A42475.xml plain text: A42475.txt item: #29 of 68 id: A42490 author: Gauden, John, 1605-1662. title: Megaleia theou, Gods great demonstrations and demands of iustice, mercy, and humility set forth in a sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons, at their solemn fast, before their first sitting, April 30, 1660 / by John Gauden ... date: 1660.0 words: 21579 flesch: 51 summary: Thirdly , Humility ; there is ( as Calvin and others observe ) an ( {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} ) inverting of the Primacy and order due to that dignity which humility ( as the summary of all Religion , or piety to God ) justly requires before that of justice toward man ; yet this is placed first , as most obvious for mans advantages and discerning , though not as most eminent in nature ; as if the Lord more minded the welfare of mankind than his own service ; importuning first for Justice and Mercy , and last for humble walking with himself ; not but that religion toward God is and ought to be the chief intention ; but Justice and Mercy may go before in the execution , especially in case of eminent danger and distress private and publick ; here ( necessitas pellit Sabbatum ) the Sacrifice , Shew-bread and Sabboth yeild to necessity , not immoral ; God will have Justice and Mercy rather then burnt-offerings ; yea in cases of fire , shipwrack , or sickness , and like exigencies of life and safety ; it is venial to break off fastings , prayings , preachings , and communicating at the Lords Table , in order to save others or our selves . If you intend to walk with God , and hope that God should go along with you ; you must not only ( vos totos subigere , sed & in nihilum redigere , as Calvin on the place ) deny , but so far utterly renounce and annihilate your selves , as not to trust in or to seek your selves , but the living God ; the less you lean to your own understandings , and the more you attend ( {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} ) the divine dictates of Justice , Mercy , and Humility ( without Pharisaick boastings , popular complyings , and Popish presumptions ) the more blessed you will be of God , and the greater blessing to your Country . keywords: best; christ; church; divine; glory; god; gods; good; hath; humility; justice; laws; lord; love; man; men; mercy; non; order; peace; people; power; pride; religion; right; self; selves; souls; state; text; thee; things; thy; way; yea cache: A42490.xml plain text: A42490.txt item: #30 of 68 id: A44220 author: Hale, Matthew, Sir, 1609-1676. title: Magnetismus magnus, or, Metaphysical and divine contemplations on the magnet, or loadstone written by Sir Matthew Hale. date: 1695.0 words: 33827 flesch: 45 summary: The First Instance Page 37 The Wonderful Wisdom and Power of God appearing in the admirable and various Motions of the Magnet Page 52 Touching the Reason and Method of the ensuing Discourse Page 64 Concerning Divine Magnetism Page 68 Concerning the several Instances and Means of the Conversion of the Soul to God Page 74 Concerning the Natural Means of the Soul's Conversion to Almighty God Page 77 Concerning the Reasonable or Intellectual Means of Converting the Soul to God Page 83 Touching the Rational Instances and Motives of the Conversion of the Soul to God , upon the Account of the Works of Nature and Providence Page 88 Touching the Second Means of Conversion of the Soul to God , namely Divine Revelation Page 101 Touching the Reasonableness of the Christian Religion , and the sutableness thereof to the Reduction of the Soul to its due State , Position and Happiness Page 120 Concerning the Supernatural Means of retaining the Soul in its due Respect and Position to Almighty God , and of the Reduction thereof unto it Page 131 The Conclusion Page 141 Upon Psal . 86.8 . X. Touching the Rational Instances and Motives of the Conversion of the Soul to God upon the Account of the Works of Nature and Providence . keywords: almighty; bodies; cause; doth; earth; god; goodness; hath; humane; life; love; magnet; man; mankind; means; men; motions; nature; position; power; principle; reason; self; soul; state; things; use; wisdom; works; world cache: A44220.xml plain text: A44220.txt item: #31 of 68 id: A44674 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: A discourse of an unconverted man's enmity, against God Preached to a country congregation, by J.H. And publish'd by one who wrote it from his mouth. date: 1700.0 words: 10192 flesch: 79 summary: Men in their unconverted state are strangers to God. Men in their unconverted state , are not only strangers to God , but enemies against God , and that in their minds . keywords: enmity; god; love; man; men; mind; spirit; things; wicked; works; world cache: A44674.xml plain text: A44674.txt item: #32 of 68 id: A44686 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: A post-script to the late letter of the reconcileableness of God's prescience, &c. by John Howe ... date: 1677.0 words: 7256 flesch: 61 summary: But he doth also by these powers thus habilitated for action , love wickednes , and hate God. Yea and tho there be never so many instances of merciful surprisals , preventive of all our own consideration and care , Yet those are still to be accounted the Ordinary Methods which are so de jure , which would actually be so , if Men did their duty , and which God hath obliged us to observe and attend unto as such . 8. That in reference to all other actions which are not sinful , tho there be not a sinful disinclination to them , yet because there may be a sluggishnes , and ineptitude to some purposes God intends to serve by them , This influence is also alwaies determinative thereunto ; whensoever to the immense Wisdom of God shall seem meet , and conducing to his own great and holy ends . keywords: actions; concourse; god; good; hath; influence; letter; men; tcp; text cache: A44686.xml plain text: A44686.txt item: #33 of 68 id: A44691 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: Self-dedication discoursed in the anniversary thanksgiving of a person of honour for a great deliverance. By J.H. date: 1682.0 words: 17077 flesch: 75 summary: For a Morticinum , any thing dead of it self , the Israelites were not to eat themselves , because they were an holy People ( though they might give it to a stranger ) much more had it been detestable , as a sacrifice to God. 'T is remote from me to intend the pressing of a Covenant , that contains any disputable , or doubtfull matters ; or any other than the substance of our baptismal Covenant it self ; consisting of the known essentials of our Christianity ; all summ'd up in taking God in Christ for our God , and resigning our selves to him to be inviolably his . keywords: christ; day; god; hath; holy; life; lord; love; man; mercies; present; sacrifice; self; selves; sense; text; thing; time cache: A44691.xml plain text: A44691.txt item: #34 of 68 id: A45500 author: Hannott, James. title: The right way of seeking God a sermon preach'd at Great Yarmouth on the 11th of May, 1692, being the day of the monthly fast / by James Hannott ... date: 1692.0 words: 12622 flesch: 70 summary: And these , to do justly , to love mercy , and to walk humbly with God , are all of them things that have a real and transcendent worth in them ; such things as do approve themselves to be Good and excellent to an enlightened mind , and a well-disposed heart . They are such things , wherein the Perfection of our Nature , as it lies in a conformity to God , and subjection to him , does consist ; They are also Lovely in the Eyes of others , and things of good Report , that cause Religion to be well spoken of . keywords: day; duties; god; good; lord; love; man; mercy; obedience; sacrifices; sin; thee; things; worship cache: A45500.xml plain text: A45500.txt item: #35 of 68 id: A45570 author: Hardy, Nathaniel, 1618-1670. title: Wisdomes character and counterfeit deliniated in two sermons : the one on the epistle of St. James, chap. 3.17 ; the other on the gospel of St. Matth., chap. 2.8 / by Nath. Hardy. date: 1656.0 words: 22794 flesch: 65 summary: Finally , ●hat which is asserted in the close concerning wisdome , is , that she is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , without Hypocrisie ●he Greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , is properly used de histrionibus , of Stage-Players , and indeed a Stage-Player is a fi embleme of an Hypocrite , especially in two things , both which wisdome abhorreth . In this sence it is well joyned with 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , inconstancy being the daughter of Hypocrisie , Nil fictum diuturnum , paint is easily washed off , and that which is fained must needs be fading ; besides this is a proper effect of wisdome , that she is stedfast in her profession , and maintenance of the Faith , notwithstanding the greatest persecution she abhorreth the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of the Gnosticks , who hold it an indifferent thing to forswear Christianity in time of persecution , and therefore having chosen the way of truth , she resolveth with David , to stick to Gods Testimonies . keywords: apostle; bethlehem; childe; christ; church; come; doe; doth; fruits; god; gods; goe; good; hand; hath; heart; herod; himselfe; hypocrisie; king; life; light; like; man; men; mercy; non; partiality; peace; purity; religion; saith; selfe; text; things; use; wicked; wisdome; word; worship; yea; ● ● cache: A45570.xml plain text: A45570.txt item: #36 of 68 id: A47528 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: God acknowledged, or, The true interest of the nation and all that fear God opened in a sermon preached December the 11th, 1695 : being the day appointed by the king for publick prayer and humiliation / by Benjamin Keach. date: 1696.0 words: 19163 flesch: 69 summary: 2. To Acknowledge God , is not only to Acknowledge his Being , his Holy Essence , or Deity ; but also that he is the Absolute Soveraign of the whole World , and Sole Governour of all things in Heaven and Earth : I know the Lord is great , and that our Lord is above all Gods. But , 3. To Acknowledge God , Is to Own and Acknowledge that all things come to pass by his All-wise Providence : keywords: acknowledge; christ; counsel; glory; god; good; hath; lord; man; men; people; power; things; thou; thy; trust; way; wisdom cache: A47528.xml plain text: A47528.txt item: #37 of 68 id: A49838 author: Laythes, Thomas, d. 1701. title: Some questions and answers concerning religion and the worship of God. date: 1691.0 words: 1816 flesch: 67 summary: — And the Ground and Foundation of false Religion , is Darkness , Ignorance and Unbelief , Pride , Blind-zeal and Self-conceitedness , begotten by the Spirit of Enmity in the Hearts of the Children of Darkness and Disobedience to the Light and Grace of God ; and from this ground ariseth all that confusion in Religion and Worship , and those many Inventions and Traditions in pretence of the service of God : And from this vain Religion , and unbridled Tongue , ariseth much Discord , Strife and Contention , from such as conceit they know that which they rightly know not , and so are wise in their own Imaginations , and puft up with their own Conceivings , to contend and dispute in the Spirit of Enmity , and not of Love ; and when this doth not prevail , then sometimes they go on to Persecution , Imposition and other Cruelties , about Religion and Worship ; and such are not conscientious for any Religion at all , but can easily comply and conform to any Religion and Worship whatsoever , being from the meek and peaceable Spirit of Christ Jesus . Some questions and answers concerning religion and the worship of God. keywords: god; religion; tcp; text; worship cache: A49838.xml plain text: A49838.txt item: #38 of 68 id: A50172 author: Mather, Cotton, 1663-1728. title: The way to prosperity a sermon / preached to the honourable convention of the governour, council, and representatives of the Massachuset-Colony in New-England on May 23, 1690 by Cotton Mather. date: 1690.0 words: 11613 flesch: 74 summary: We find them in the Sacred Book of Chronicles , which Chronicles are not the Civil Records , in other parts of the Bible refer'd unto ; but an Inspired History of things that concerned the Line of Christ and the Church of God for five hundred more than Three Thousand years . 6. The Lord is on my side , I will not fear ; what can man do unto me ? We may then defie , even the Gates of Hell it self , for , Cur metuat hominem homo in sinu Dei positus ? and tho' abroad at this day , The earth is removing , and the Waters roar , and are troubled , and the mountains are shaking , splitting , tumbling , with the swelling thereof ; Tho' the great and the terrible God be at this Day , coming out of His place , to make all Europe a stage of blood and fire , and make the Nations everywhere drink deep of the Cup that shall make them giddy with all manner of Confusion & Astonishment ; Yet WE shall be helped right early , for God is in the midst of us . keywords: countrey; day; england; english; god; lord; man; new; peace; people; presence; tcp; text; things; world cache: A50172.xml plain text: A50172.txt item: #39 of 68 id: A52424 author: Astell, Mary, 1668-1731. title: Letters concerning the love of God between the author of the Proposal to the ladies and Mr. John Norris, wherein his late discourse, shewing that it ought to be intire and exclusive of all other loves, is further cleared and justified / published by J. Norris. date: 1695.0 words: 51535 flesch: 55 summary: The more we have of Love , the nearer Advances we make to GOD , who is Love it self , and who breaths forth from him essential and substantial Love , the more fit we are to taste the Sweetness of Divine Communion and religious walking with him here , and the better prepared to relish and enjoy the fuller Display of his sovereign Excellence hereafter . And indeed , nothing does so much greaten and inlarge the Mind as the Love of GOD ; for when it has so vast a good before it , it must needs stretch it self to receive the Fullest Draught that ever it can , and to be covetous and ambitious of the supreme Good are very laudable Qualities . keywords: account; author; benevolence; bodies; body; cause; creature; desire; evil; god; good; happiness; heart; love; man; motion; nature; neighbour; object; pain; perfection; pleasure; present; reason; self; sensations; sin; soul; thing; thought; thy; way; world cache: A52424.xml plain text: A52424.txt item: #40 of 68 id: A52712 author: Naylor, James, 1617?-1660. title: A psalm of thanksgiving to God for his mercies, by James Naylor, published by him after his fall, 1659 date: 1659.0 words: 1329 flesch: 75 summary: Let me never forget thee , what thou hast been to me in the Night , by thy Presence in the Day of Trial ; when I was beset in Darkness , when I was cast out as a wandering Bird , when I was assaulted with strong Temptations , then thy Presence in secret did preserve me , and in a low Estate I felt thee near me ; when the Floods sought to sweep me away , thou didst set a Compass for them how far they should pass over ; when my Way was through the Sea , and when I passed under the Mountains , there was thou present with me ; when the Weight of the Hills was upon me , thou upheldest me , else had I sunk under the earth ; when I was as one altogether helpless , when Tribulation and Anguish was upon me Day and Night , and the Earth without Foundation ; when I went on the Way of Wrath , and passed by the Gates of Hell ; when all comforts stood afar off , and he that is mine Enemy had Dominion ; when I was cast into the Pit , and was as one appointed to Death ; when I was between the Millstones , and as one crushed with the Weight of his Adversary , as a Father thou wast with me , and the Rock of thy Presence . Then didst thou lay the Foundation of the Earth , and ledst me under the Waters , and in the Deep didst thou shew me Wonders , and the Forming of the World . keywords: text; thou; thy cache: A52712.xml plain text: A52712.txt item: #41 of 68 id: A54029 author: Penington, Isaac, 1616-1679. title: Concerning the worship of the living God which he teacheth Israel his people who know him to be the only true God, and the worship which he teacheth them, to be the only true spiritual worship with some questions and answers relating to conversion, and to tenderness of conscience. date: 1661.0 words: 3885 flesch: 75 summary: Hath it relation to any outward place ? Or is it in the building , which God hath reared up in my heart by his Spirit ? which building stands in , and is comprehended in his Spirit . So the Word of God ( whether of Exhortation or Instruction ) is a Gift , which is to be waited for , and then to be given forth in the life and strength of that Spirit , which causeth it to spring . keywords: answ; god; power; quest; spirit; worship cache: A54029.xml plain text: A54029.txt item: #42 of 68 id: A54833 author: Pierce, Thomas, 1622-1691. title: A correct copy of some notes concerning Gods decrees especially of reprobation / written for the private use of a friend in Northamptonshire ; and now published to prevent calumny. date: 1655.0 words: 33263 flesch: 75 summary: So that here is no matter for man to boast on ; he having nothing which he hath not received , no not so much as his {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} It is God that makes the difference , as well as God that chooseth . For the very same Letter which threatens the publishing of papers falsly bearing my Name , cals me the Grandchilde of Pelagius , the Enemy of God , of Christ , and of his Church , with more such {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , then I will ever repay in kinde . keywords: absolute; adam; austin; beleeve; betwixt; cause; christ; death; decree; deus; doth; election; end; est; fall; god; god doth; gods; good; grace; hath; lesse; man; men; nature; necessity; non; power; praescience; punishment; reason; reprobation; respect; rom; scripture; second; sed; self; sin; sins; thing; way; word cache: A54833.xml plain text: A54833.txt item: #43 of 68 id: A56856 author: Quarles, John, 1624-1665. title: Gods love and mans unworthiness whereunto is annexed a discourse between the soul & Satan : with several divine ejaculations / written by John Quarles. date: 1651.0 words: 30201 flesch: 79 summary: 131. Kindle O Lord , my love with zeal , Light my affections with thy flame Give my tongue courage to reveal The secret glory of the name Be thou my God , in all distresse , And let thy hand be my ●●d●●s●e ▪ Ejaculat. 132. Alas , thy base condition M●●●s the●●●capable of a Petition : Prepare thy self , see if thou canst invade His Soul with pray'rs ▪ see if thou canst perswade His ●eart to yield unto thy sad request , And ●●inth one thee with thy former rest ; D●●●●ct thy Soul with groans , anatomize Thy heart with sighs , and let thy winged cries Fly through the angles of his sacred ear , And breed a harmony within the sphere Of his blest Soul ; be circumspect , and lay The best foundation ; hear what Heav'n will say . keywords: brest; canst; death; earth; ejaculat; fear; foes; god; good; great; grief; hand; hast; heart; heav'n; know; lord; love; man; power; praise; self; sin; soul; thee; thine; thou; thou art; thoughts; thy; tongue; wilt; ● o; ● s; ● t; ● ● cache: A56856.xml plain text: A56856.txt item: #44 of 68 id: A57648 author: Ross, Alexander, 1591-1654. title: A centurie of divine meditations upon predestination and its adjuncts wherein are shewed the comfortable uses of this doctrine : to which are annexed sixteen meditations upon Gods justice and mercy / Alexander Ross. date: 1646.0 words: 17932 flesch: 62 summary: God gave to Adam sufficient grace to stand , but not to persist ; he permitted him to fall , who by the grace he received might have stood ; he gave him sufficiencie of grace , not permanencie in grace : by the one God is cleared from iniquitie , and by the other he manifests his justice and mercie : if man had not been a sinner , God had not been a Saviour ; we had not known Emanuel , God with us , if Adam by sin had not separated God from us ; we had known him as Jehova , but not as Jesus . Though God acts not sin , nor is willing it should be acted by man , yet he is willing to permit it . keywords: cause; doe; god; gods; good; goodnesse; grace; hath; justice; lord; love; man; mercy; power; sin; thee; thou; thy cache: A57648.xml plain text: A57648.txt item: #45 of 68 id: A59663 author: Shepard, Thomas, 1605-1649. title: The first principles of the oracles of God collected by Thomas Shephard ... date: 1655.0 words: 7161 flesch: 84 summary: Q. By what attr●…butes know you what God is ? A. By these . Q. By what attributes do you understand who God is ? A. By his Essentiall properties , which shew to us : keywords: christ; god; gods; psal; rom; sin cache: A59663.xml plain text: A59663.txt item: #46 of 68 id: A59820 author: Sherlock, William, 1641?-1707. title: A discourse concerning the object of religious worship, or, A Scripture proof of the unlawfulness of giving any religious worship to any other being besides the one supreme God part I. date: 1685.0 words: 27093 flesch: 54 summary: The Jews were expresly commanded to worship no other Being , but the Lord Jehovah , as I have already proved , which Law appropriates all the acts of Religious Worship to one God ; and therefore all those , who were under the obligation of this Law ( as to be sure all natural Jews were ) could not without the guilt of Idolatry give any Religious Worship to any other Being , till this Law were expresly repealed , and express leave given to worship some other Divine Beings besides the Supreme God ; so that at least our Saviour himself , while he was on Earth , and subject to the Law , and his Apostles , and all believing Jews , were obliged by this Law to worship none but God , unless we can shew where Christ by his Legislative Authority , or his Apostles by Commission from him , have expresly repealed this Law ; nay , indeed ▪ unless we can shew , that Christ himself repealed this Law , and taught the worship of Saints and Angels , the Apostles themselves could have no authority to do it , for their Commission was onely to teach what Christ had commanded them , which though it does not extend to matters of order and discipline , and the external circumstances of worship , yet it does to all the essentials of Faith and Worship , and I think the right object of Worship is the most essential thing in Religious Worship . God -- Worship and love. keywords: angels; christ; church; god; gods; good; heaven; inferiour worship; law; lord; men; prayers; reason; rome; saints; supreme god; temple; thou; worship cache: A59820.xml plain text: A59820.txt item: #47 of 68 id: A60590 author: Smith, Thomas, 1638-1710. title: Two compendious discourses the one concerning the power of God, the other about the certainty and evidence of a future state : published in opposition to the growing atheism and deism of the age. date: 1699.0 words: 20527 flesch: 39 summary: Things relating to God are above the level of our understanding ; most of our little knowledge being derived from sense , which cannot reach those objects , that are altogether abstracted from it : whereas this falls under the examination of our senses and reason : they are things we every day converse with : things we may safely pretend to judge of , as being every way proportionable to our faculties . For want of this rightful method and just principle in examining the truth of things , many are very apt and very willing to cheat themselves , and out of a lazy kind of ignorance , and a foolish belief , that all things are , and must be , as they phansie , take up idle and false opinions , and that not only concerning things of nature , ( of which be our perceptions true or false , it matters not much in things purely speculative , if they have no influence upon life , manners , or government ; and a latitude of opinion is justly allowable in such things also , as are not capable of a clear and satisfactory decision , either by sense , experiment , or demonstration ) but also concerning religion : opinions , which contradict its holy designs , and directions , and commands : such too , as are derogatory to the nature and attributes of God ; such , as are altogether dishonourable and unworthy of him , and inconsistent with his divine perfections . keywords: belief; doctrine; evidence; future; god; good; infinite; life; man; matter; men; nature; non; power; pretend; reason; religion; self; sense; state; things; tho; time; truth; understanding; world cache: A60590.xml plain text: A60590.txt item: #48 of 68 id: A61386 author: Steele, Richard, 1629-1692. title: An antidote against distractions, or, An indeavour to serve the church, in the daily case of wandrings in the worship of God by Richard Steele M.A. and minister of the Gospel. date: 1667.0 words: 56667 flesch: 82 summary: O who can see the face of God , and not be ravished therewith● who can behold the beauty of the Lord , and not chuse to dwell in his presence all the days of a mans life ? 'T is communion with Christ Iesus , that will warm your love to him , and when the King brings you into his chambers , you will be glad and rejoyce in him , you will remember his love more than wine . This is to w●lk with God all the day long . keywords: body; business; cause; christ; christian; come; day; distractions; doth; duties; duty; earth; est; evil; eye; faith; find; god; good; grace; hand; hath; heart; heaven; holy; life; look; lord; love; man; mind; nature; non; ordinance; prayer; presence; psal; religion; satan; sect; self; service; set; sin; sins; soul; spirit; strength; thee; things; thou; thoughts; thy; time; vain; wandring; watch; way; words; work; world; worship; yea; ● ● cache: A61386.xml plain text: A61386.txt item: #49 of 68 id: A61415 author: Chillingworth, William, 1602-1644. title: An admonition concerning a publick fast the just causes we have for it, from the full growth of sin, and the near approaches of God's judgments : and the manner of performance to obtain the desired effects thereof, which ought to be other than our Common Forms, and with stricter acts of moritication than is usual amongst us : with an abstract of Mr. Chillingworth's judgement of the state of religion in this nation in his time : and of a letter from the Hague concerning two sermons preached there in the French church at which were present divers of the English nobility. date: 1691.0 words: 17084 flesch: 46 summary: For the King himself , if I , and many others , be not mistaken , hath already suffer'd some Diminution in some Essentials of his Majesty , Honour , and most Prevalent Powers and is in Danger to fall lower , from being a Glorious Instrument of God for Good and Happiness to this and many other Nations , into the deplorable and despicable condition of being an occasion of Confusion and Misery : only there seems a door of Hope still open for him , upon one Consideration , if the Opportunity be not neglected ; of which more presently : but first I think fit to say something briefly concerning The present State of Things in the World , and what may be expected from it . In matters of Prudence , none but weak and dull , or depraved Souls will expect Mathematical Demonstrations and Sensible Evidences , for all their Actions : God by his Providence hath purposely so ordered the Course of things , that his Rational Creatures , Mankind , should be often necessitated to a Close Application of their Minds , and a kind of Spiritual Discerning , in the Management of their own Affairs . keywords: duty; god; good; hath; judgments; king; manner; means; nation; people; persons; present; publick; religion; service; sins; things; time; world cache: A61415.xml plain text: A61415.txt item: #50 of 68 id: A61876 author: Stubbes, Henry, 1606?-1678. title: A disswasive from conformity to the world as also God's severity against impenitent sinners : with a farewel sermon lately preached to a congregation in London / by Henry Stubs. date: 1675.0 words: 43677 flesch: 94 summary: This is a taking of Gods name i● vain , which God will not suffer to go unpunished , Exod. A lot is a Religious ordinance of God , because it is an ap●ealing to Divine providence , what ever the matter be about which 't is conversant , Prov. 16. 33. keywords: beseech; c. god; christ; conform; cor; god; gods; good; hath; isa; jer; joh; lord; people; pet; presence; prov; psal; rom; sin; thee; things; thou; thy; wicked; world cache: A61876.xml plain text: A61876.txt item: #51 of 68 id: A62579 author: Barker, Ralph, 1648-1708, publisher. title: The remaining discourses, on the attributes of God Viz. his Goodness. His mercy. His patience. His long-suffering. His power. His spirituality. His immensity. His eternity. His incomprehensibleness. God the first cause, and last end. By the most reverend Dr. John Tillotson, late Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury. Being the seventh volume; published from the originals, by Ralph Barker, D.D. chaplain to his Grace. date: 1700.0 words: 78805 flesch: 66 summary: But it is very probable , that neither of these are the meaning of this Text , which may be rendered with much better sense , and nearer to the Hebrew , thus , God hath ordained every thing , to that which is fit for it , and he wicked hath he ordained for the day of evil ; that is , the Wisdom of God hath fitted one thing to another , punishment to sin , the evil day to the evil doers . What ever right and power God hath reserved to himself about the execution of his threatnings , he hath plainly declared , that of all others , those who encourage themselves in a sinful course from the hopes of God's Mercy , notwithstanding his threatnings , shall find no favour and mercy at his hand ; whatever he may remit of his threatnings to others , he will certainly not spare those , who believe so largely concerning the Mercy of God , not with a mind to submit to the terms of it , but to presume so much the more upon it . keywords: creatures; day; end; evil; glory; god; god doth; goodness; happiness; hath; judgment; knowledge; life; lord; lord god; man; men; mercy; nature; patience; perfection; power; psal; reason; repentance; scripture; self; sin; sinners; spirit; suffering; thee; things; thou; thy; time; world cache: A62579.xml plain text: A62579.txt item: #52 of 68 id: A62636 author: Barker, Ralph, 1648-1708. title: Several discourses upon the attributes of God viz. Concerning the perfection of God. Concerning our imitation of the divine perfections. The happiness of God. The unchangeableness of God. The knowledge of God. The wisdom, glory, and soveraignty of God. The wisdom of God, in the creation of the world. The wisdom of God, in his providence. The wisdom of God, in the redemption of mankind. The justice of God, in the distribution of rewards and punishments. The truth of God. The holiness of God. To which is annexed a spital sermon, of doing good. By the most reverend Dr. John Tillotson, late Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury. Being the sixth volume; published from the originals, by Raph Barker, D.D. chaplain to his grace. date: 1699.0 words: 86963 flesch: 65 summary: The Knowledge of God only implies his bare Understanding of Things ; but his Wisdom implies the Skill of ordering and disposing things to the best Ends and Purposes , to make every thing , and to govern and administer all things in Number , Weight , and Measure . The Knowledge of God rather considers things absolutely , and in themselves : The Wisdom of God considers rather the Respects and Relations of Things , looks upon things under the Notion of Means , and Ends ; accordingly I described them thus . keywords: care; charity; christ; consider; creatures; divine; evil; glory; god; god doth; good; goodness; happiness; hath; hearts; holiness; holy; justice; knowledge; life; light; lord; lord god; love; man; men; mercy; mind; nature; perfection; power; providence; psal; reason; religion; scripture; self; selves; sin; things; thou; thoughts; truth; way; wicked; wisdom; world cache: A62636.xml plain text: A62636.txt item: #53 of 68 id: A63049 author: Hickes, George, 1642-1715. title: A serious and pathetical contemplation of the mercies of God in several most devout and sublime thanksgivings for the same / published by the Reverend Doctor Hicks at the request of a friend of the authors. date: 1699.0 words: 29065 flesch: 76 summary: Couldst thou not have made us immortal Souls , and seated us immediately in the throne of Glory ? O Lord , thou lover of Righteousness , Whose Kingdom is everlasting ; Who lovest to govern thy Subjects by Laws , and takest delight to distribute Rewards and Punishments according to right . For thou 〈◊〉 made him a little lower than the Angels , and hast crowned him with glory and honour . keywords: angels; blessed; delight; earth; glory; god; goodness; heaven; holy; infinite; joy; love; men; o lord; power; praise; self; soul; thee; thine; things; thou; thy; treasures; wisdom; works; world cache: A63049.xml plain text: A63049.txt item: #54 of 68 id: A65000 author: Vincent, William, 1631 or 2-1678. title: Strange and true nevvs from Staffordshire, or, A true narrative concerning a young man lying under almighty Gods just vengeance, for imprecating God's judgment upon himself, and pleading his innocency though he knew himself guilty Written by W. Vincent Minister of God's word at Bednall, in the county of Stafford aforesaid; who saw and discoursed the said person upon the 26. day of April, 1677. The saddest spectacle that ever eyes beheld. Licensed, May 11. 1677. Roger L'Estrange. date: 1677.0 words: 2300 flesch: 67 summary: eng Judgment of God -- Early works to 1800. God -- Wrath -- Early works to 1800. keywords: god; minister; person; tcp; text cache: A65000.xml plain text: A65000.txt item: #55 of 68 id: A65701 author: Whitby, Daniel, 1638-1726. title: A discourse of the love of God shewing that it is well consistent with some love or desire of the creature, and answering all the arguments of Mr. Norris in his sermon on Matth. 22, 37, and of the letters philosohical and divine to the contrary / by Daniel Whitby ... date: 1697.0 words: 53290 flesch: 69 summary: 3. Thirdly , That the Love of our selves , our Relatives , our Neighbour , and our Friend ( all which , saith Mr. N. is love of Benevolence only ) is indeed that Love which chiefly opposes , and obstructs our Love to God , and is the rise of our inordinate Affections to the World , § . 2 dly , Though Mr. N. saith , 'T is most undoubtedly so , that my Love of my self is not Love of Desire : Both Scripture and Reason most undoubtedly declare the contrary ; for Self-Preservation , and the continuance of Life , are the natural Desires of all Men : Now these are truly a Desire of our selves , that is of something of our selves which we have not already , and yet this desire of Life , and love of many Days , being only the desire of what God doth promise as the Reward of our Obedience ; it is unquestionably the Desire of something Good for us , and so of something which Self-love doth prompt us to desire . keywords: affection; benevolence; cause; command; creature; desire; doth; god; god doth; good; hath; heart; life; lord; love; man; men; nature; neighbour; object; pleasure; reason; saith; self; selves; sense; soul; things; thou; thy; thy god; words; world cache: A65701.xml plain text: A65701.txt item: #56 of 68 id: A66381 author: Bagshaw, Edward, 1629-1671. title: The case of indifferent things used in the worship of God proposed and stated, by considering these questions : Qu. I. Whether things indifferent used in divine worship (or, whether there be any things indifferent in the worship of God?) : Qu. II. Whether a restraint of our liberty in the use of such indifferent things be a violation of it? date: None words: 17944 flesch: 63 summary: Whether a restraint of our liberty in the use of such indifferent things be a violation of it? Whether a restraint of our liberty in the use of such indifferent things be a violation of it? keywords: case; church; doth; edification; god; law; nature; order; reason; things; use; worship cache: A66381.xml plain text: A66381.txt item: #57 of 68 id: A66434 author: Bagshaw, Edward, 1629-1671. title: A vindication of The case of indifferent things used in the worship of God in answer to a book intituled The case of indifferent things used in the worship of God, examined, stated on the behalf of the dissenters and calmly argued. date: 1684.0 words: 20983 flesch: 71 summary: Surely it can be no Guilt at all to do a thing not commanded , if not also forbidden , because ( as he owns ) there are Indifferent Things in the Worship of God ; and what are indifferent Things , but Things not commanded , as well as not forbidden ? If things Indifferent be such as are neither Commanded nor Forbidden , and that things are not unlawful because not Commanded , then things thus Indifferent and not commanded are not additions to the Word of God : and the places usually insisted upon must be understood , according to the sence I gave of them ; and which may serve as a sufficient reply to what he hath said upon that Head. keywords: author; case; church; doth; god; hath; institution; nature; pag; reason; saith; things; use; worship cache: A66434.xml plain text: A66434.txt item: #58 of 68 id: A66687 author: Winstanley, Gerrard, b. 1609. title: The new law of righteousnes budding forth, in restoring the whole creation from the bondage of the curse. Or A glimpse of the new heaven, and new earth, wherein dwels righteousnes. Giving an alarm to silence all that preach or speak from hear-say, or imagination. By Gerrard Winstanley date: 1649.0 words: 41888 flesch: 64 summary: But when man began to ●all out of his Maker , and to leave his joy and rest which he had in the spirit of Righteousnesse , and sought content from creatures and outward objects , then he lost his dominion , and the creature fell out of him , and became enemies and apposers of him , and then rise up mountaines , and valleys , and hils , and all unevennesse , both in mans heart , and in mans actions . And this now is the Curse , Man is gone out of his Maker , to live upon objects ; and the creatures are gone out of man , to seek delight in pushing and devouring one another , and the whole Creation of fire , and water , earth and air ; and all bodies made of these are put out of order , through mans rejecting the Spirit to live upon objects . keywords: adam; body; bondage; christ; creation; creatures; curse; earth; father; flesh; hath; heart; king; law; light; lord; love; man; men; peace; people; power; righteousnesse; self; shal; spirit; time; wil cache: A66687.xml plain text: A66687.txt item: #59 of 68 id: A67569 author: Ward, Seth, 1617-1689. title: A philosophicall essay towards an eviction of the being and attributes of God. Immortality of the souls of men. Truth and authority of Scripture. together with an index of the heads of every particular part. date: 1652.0 words: 26836 flesch: 38 summary: Men usually consider whether or no the things be such as may be certainly and evidently known , and whether these parties had sufficient means to come to the certain knowledge of them , and whether they contain themselves in their relations within the bounds of things liable to certain knowledge : thus then those things which may be certainly known they are the outward events of things , whereas the secret causes may lie concealed , the former are such as are the objects of common sence , and come within the cognizance of all : the later are such as are indiscoverable by any man , they being oftentimes made up of a complexion of actions and dispositions of multitudes of men ; or things perfectly to be known , onely of him that sees all things in speculo aeternitatis . But if this were so , beside that no reason could be given why with both our eyes and two images of it , we see but one thing : it would necessarily follow that we could not see any quantity bigger then our eye in its naturall scituation , for if Images were seen in the eye , they would be seen as they are in the eye , but in the bottom of the eye the images of things are inverted , and consequently the things themselves would seem to be inverted , men would seem to us with their heads below and their feet above , that which is on the right hand would seem to be on the left . keywords: authority; beleeve; books; doe; doth; god; hath; holy; infinite; man; men; necessity; power; reason; religion; sect; self; souls; testament; things; time; truth; way; world cache: A67569.xml plain text: A67569.txt item: #60 of 68 id: A67748 author: Younge, Richard. title: Englands unthankfulness striving with Gods goodness, for the victory as Abaslom [sic] strove with David, whether the father should be more kinde to the son; or the son more unkinde to the father. Or, enough (being wel weighed) to melt an heart of adamant. By R. Younge, florilegus. In reference to Leviticus 19.17 and Isaiah 58.1. In reading whereof, reflect upon your selves; hearken to conscience; and what concerns you, apply it to others, as David did Nathans parable, 2 Sam. 12.1, to 8. And Ahab the prophets, 1 King.20. 39, to 43. Want of application makes all means ineffectual; and therefore are we Christians in name only, because we think out selves Christians indeed, and already good enough. date: 1643.0 words: 40681 flesch: 76 summary: admi●…ing the same , and his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ; and being accordingly thankfull for it , and keeping a 〈◊〉 , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●…all ●…cies , and deliverances ; a●…d o thy 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 great provoca●…s . D●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 thy sal●…tion with s●…e and trembling ? not t●…g in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , 〈◊〉 being e●… jealous , and su●… 〈◊〉 ●…hy 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 thee , 〈◊〉 pre●…g a●… hu●… 〈◊〉 , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 co●…e . keywords: art; believe; christ; conscience; d ●; doe; dost thou; evill; god; gods; good; hast; hath; heart; heaven; hell; himselfe; holy; life; lord; love; m ●; man; men; o ●; owne; religion; s ●; satan; selfe; sinne; soule; t ●; th ●; thee; things; think; thou; thou art; thy; way; wilt; world; yea; ● ● cache: A67748.xml plain text: A67748.txt item: #61 of 68 id: A67750 author: Younge, Richard. title: An experimental index of the heart in which (as in a looking-glass) both profane and civil men may see enough, to make them in love with religion, being a most happie and providential conference between two friends (after the ones heart was changed) the which may both provoke and incourage all sorts of sinners to read the same, that (in the least) love themselves : drawn up and published for the good of all / by R. Younge ... ; add this as a second part to those three fundamental principles of Christian religion, intituled, A short and sure way to grace and salvation. date: 1658.0 words: 10306 flesch: 75 summary: For ( being like Cain , Ishmael , Eliab , Michol , Pharaoh , and Festus , I thought their Religion Puritanisme , their conscience of sin , hypocrisie ; their profession , ●issimul●tion their prudence , policie ; their faith and confidence , presumption ; their zeal of God's glory , to be p●ide and ma●ice ; their obedience to God's laws , rebellion to P●iaces ; their execution of ju●ice , cruelty , &c. As if I would send challenges into Heaven , and make love to destruction ; and yet did applaud my self , and prefer my own condition before other men's : saying , I was no di●●embler ; yea , I hated the hypocrisie of Professors : I do not justifie my self , and despise others , like the Puritanes : I am not factious , schismatical , singular , censorious , &c. keywords: christ; conscience; god; good; grace; hath; heart; life; love; man; men; self; sin; sins; yea; ● ● cache: A67750.xml plain text: A67750.txt item: #62 of 68 id: A76775 author: Digby, Kenelm, Sir, 1603-1665. title: The black and terrible vvarning piece: or, a scourge to Englands rebellion. Truly representing, the horrible iniquity of the times; the dangerous proceedings of the ranters, and the holding of no Resurrection by the shakers, in Yorkshire and elsewhere. With the several judgements of the most high and eternal Lord God, upon all usurpers, who deny His law, and His truth; and the manner how 130 children were taken away by the devil, and never seen no more; and divers others taken, rent, torn, and cast up and down from room to room, by strange and dreadfull spirits, appearing in the shapes of, a black boar, a roaring lyon, an English statesman, and a Roman fryer. Extracted out of the elaborate works of Bishop Hall, and Sir Kenelm Digby; and published for general satisfaction, to all Christian princes, states, and common-wealths in Europe. date: 1653.0 words: 2886 flesch: 57 summary: Textual changes and metadata enrichments aim at making the text more computationally tractable, easier to read, and suitable for network-based collaborative curation by amateur and professional end users from many walks of life. This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A76775 of text R207217 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason E721_7). keywords: devil; english; god; man; room; text; times cache: A76775.xml plain text: A76775.txt item: #63 of 68 id: A84836 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: A vvarning to all in this proud city called London to call them to repentance least the wrath of the Lord break out against them; this is the day of your visitation if you will own it. date: 1654.0 words: 1080 flesch: 72 summary: VVO unto thee O London , ( so called by name ) who hast made a profession of Christ ; but hast cleared thy self from Christ , who lives in the affections of lusts , for who are Christs have Crucified the flesh , with the affections and lusts ; your pride stinks before the Lord , your glory and renown must wither : plagues , wo and misery , and vengeance from God , is coming upon you all , you proud and lofty ones , who have been the Adversaries of God , your profession stinks before the Lord , pride and hardheartedness abounds , cruelty and oppression grows & abounds in your Streets , and such are you that would know meanings to the Scriptures , and cries for meanings , meanings , and which lives in your conceivings , which must be scattered from the Lord God , and from the Life which gave forth the Scriptures , for you have here cleared your selves from the life which was in them which gave forth the Scriptures , for the Life which gave forth the Scriptures , hews down pride and oppression , and envious ones , and lusts hardheartedness , which thy streets are ful of : And O London thou art full of Inventions , and full of Images and Image-makers , Pictures , glassed hoods , vails , and round atire like the Moon ; let the Life which gave forth the Scriptures search thee , and Judg thee , and bring thee under Conedmnation , for these things art thou guilty of , O how doth all excess abound , and pride and lusts , and filthiness , which stinks before the Lord God , and the smell of it is come up amongst his children , Plagues , plagues , plagues , is to be poured upon thee ; how beautiful art thou in thy colours , and in thy changeable suits of Apparrel , and thy dainty dishes , Dives like , who was turned into Hell ; the Life which gave forth the Scriptures , shall Judg thee Eternally , and the Life it lyes upon thee Judging thee : Over all the heads of the wicked , heads of the oppressors , heads of the proud , the Devil is King ; wo is pronounced from the Life of God upon thee , who hath drawn out his Sword , to hew thee to peices , and to thresh thee ; to scatter you all as chaff with the wind , to burn you as stubble with the fire , The Mouth of the Lord hath spoken it ; this is the portion of all the wicked . This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A84836 of text R211903 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.17[82]). keywords: lord; text; thee cache: A84836.xml plain text: A84836.txt item: #64 of 68 id: A86947 author: Hyde, Edward, 1607-1659. title: The mystery of Christ in us, with the mystery of the Father, Word, and holy Ghost or Spirit, opened also, the parable of the rich man's flocks and herds, and the poor man's ewe-lamb, explicated. Likewise, the way that Christ takes to undo a man, and take away his life. Together with a discovery of the neerness of Christs coming, and of those glorious things which are to be fulfilled in these later days. Set forth and published by Ed. Hide jun. date: 1651.0 words: 41557 flesch: 84 summary: His righteousness consisteth in this , in that he can remit sin , and yet be faithful ; in that he can justifie the ungodly , and yet be just : or the righteousness of Faith is the righteousness of Christ ; for Faith is called Christ , as I said before ; He is made of God unto us , Wisdom , Sanctification , Justification , Redemption , Righteousness , and the like . But why is Christ called the Word of God in Scripture ? Because , as the word of a man is that whereby a man expresseth himself , his minde : keywords: christ; day; father; glory; god; hath; heaven; holy; light; lord; lord god; man; righteousness; saith; spirit; thee; thing; thou; truth cache: A86947.xml plain text: A86947.txt item: #65 of 68 id: A87056 author: Hammond, Samuel, d. 1665. title: Gods judgements upon drunkards, swearers, and sabbath-breakers. In a collection of the most remarkable examples of Gods revealed wrath upon these sins with their aggravations, as well from scripture, as reason. And a caution to authority, lest the impunity of these evils bring a scourge upon the whole nation. By W. L. date: 1659.0 words: 30737 flesch: 64 summary: 1. That Gods judgments are not not like arrows shot into the Aire at randome , he does not {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , God hath blessed ends , either to reclaim the party smitten , i● judgements short of death seize on them , or to be ● Pillar of salt to others , that they may hear , fear , and do n● more so : those Jews that exemplarily fell in the wildernesse ; they are said 1 Cor. 10.6 . to be {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , types to future generations ; they are engraven characters of divine vengeance , that we should read their punishment , and avoid their sin . Magistrates are not to beare the Sword in vain ; if you do not quarrel with sin , God will with you ; you are , or should ●e , the Banks of the Common-wealth , to keep us from a Land-flood , and Torrent of confusion ; you are the Hed●es to prophanesse : The life of the Law is executions ; It s a principle in Moral Policy , That not to execute the Lawes , is worse than to break them , Acts and Ordinances will not beat down prophanesse , unlesse the first be throughly acted , and the last set on fire by authority : many take encouragement by the slack execution of Justice , which otherwise might with care prove a hinderance , not onely from sin , but punishment , nay , it may be , from Eternal flames . keywords: body; day; death; devill; drink; drunkennesse; examples; fire; god; gods; gods judgements; good; hand; hath; house; judgements; justice; life; like; lords; lords day; man; nation; oathes; people; place; reason; sabbath; said; sayes; sin; sins; soul; thou; thy; time; word; ● ● cache: A87056.xml plain text: A87056.txt item: #66 of 68 id: A94378 author: H. T. title: The Parliament of instrvctjons; for, the relief of afflicted, persecuted, and plundered Christians. / Written by H.T. one of the Parliaments soldiers, who hath since lost his life in the service. date: 1645.0 words: 4353 flesch: 86 summary: 1. 12. ) 6 Pray and sue and intreat evermore , for the favour of God ; it wil be intolerable to apprehend the wrath of God and the wrath of man both at once ; God hath promised , that if we cal upon him in the time of trouble , he wil hear . eng God -- Worship and love -- Early works to 1800. keywords: god; life; lord; man; text; world cache: A94378.xml plain text: A94378.txt item: #67 of 68 id: A95388 author: Tustin, John. title: Tustins observations, or Conscience embleme the watch of God, similized by the wakefull dog. / By me John Tustin, who hath beene plundered and spoyled by the Patentees for white and gray Soape eighteene severall times to his utter undoing. date: 1646.0 words: 1011 flesch: 81 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A95388 of text R210584 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.10[80]). F The rate of 101 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the F category of texts with 100 or more defects per 10,000 words. keywords: text; thee; thou cache: A95388.xml plain text: A95388.txt item: #68 of 68 id: A96652 author: Wilson, John, of Breedon, Leicestershire. title: A good and seasonable caveat for Christians. Delivered in a sermon at the funerall of the right worshipfull Sir Charles Shirley, Knight and baronet, in the parish church of Breedon, in Leicester-Shire. / By John Wilson, Master of Arts, and preacher of Gods word in the sayd parish. 7. Octob. 1646. Imprimatur, Jo. Downame. date: 1646.0 words: 14208 flesch: 70 summary: 6. l ●e exhortor moneoque libelle , ut docto placeas Apolli●●● . ●●ject . keywords: bee; body; death; doe; god; good; hath; heaven; heede; keepe; lord; men; non; owne; roman; salvation; selves; soule; text; things; thou; thy; want; wee; words; world; ● ● cache: A96652.xml plain text: A96652.txt