item: #1 of 17 id: A07819 author: Morton, Thomas, 1564-1659. title: A sermon preached before the Kings most excellent Majestie, in the cathedrall church of Durham Upon Sunday, being the fifth day of May. 1639. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Thomas Lord Bishop of Duresme. Published by his Majesties speciall command. date: 1639.0 words: 9811 flesch: 65 summary: * Sit Cautio ad●ibenda , ut vires 〈…〉 nt ad ●oc idon●a● s●bd●●● , alioqu● in ●eli●ion●● Catholicae praej●●i●tum ●●d 〈…〉 . ●gaine , Sub●●●● Obe●i●n●●am s●am praeb●ant R●●i●ae pro praesent●●●●u● statu . keywords: answer; apostle; armes; bee; books; briefe; calvin; canon; case; characters; christian; church; command; conclusion; conscience; conspirators; damnation; day; defence; divers; divine; doctrine; doe; doth; early; eebo; emperour; english; epistle; example; excellent; father; fight; force; generall; god; gods; good; government; governours; higher; highest; himselfe; holy; humane; judgement; king; kingdome; lawfull; lib; like; lord; magistrates; majestie; man; martyrs; mortall; needs; notwithstanding; ordinance; owne; paul; people; persecution; persons; peter; place; point; pope; powers; princes; profession; professors; publike; purpose; question; reason; religion; religious; resistance; resisteth; resisting; romish; said; saint; saith; sake; saying; second; seditious; self; soul; spirituall; subject; subjection; sword; tcp; teacheth; tei; text; thomas; time; true; tyrannous; tyrants; unjust; violence; violent; whatsoever; works; world; worldly; yeers; ● ● cache: A07819.xml plain text: A07819.txt item: #2 of 17 id: A29535 author: Bainbrigg, Thomas, 1636-1703. title: Seasonable reflections on a late pamphlet entituled A history of passive obedience since the Reformation wherein the true notion of passive obedience is settled and secured from the malicious interpretations of ill-designing men. date: None words: 23333 flesch: 57 summary: But after all the praises and commendations of the generality of Mankind , and those coming freely and sincerely upon the supposition of true Interest , without design of daubing or flattering the great and the proud : must ( I say ) this Man after all this be thrown into Hell , and damned as one of the worst of Miscreants ? Such judgments as these will confound the genuine and most delightful Idea's that Men have of God's Goodness , and Wisdom ; they may serve perhaps to adorn a Discourse for absolute Reprobation , or upon the excellency of damning for damnings sake , without regard to Sin ; but they can have little other use for glory to God , or Man ; for good of King or People . If then men will have us to say , that Power comes from God , and only from God , we may well allow it ; because we know that Nature , and an inclination to sociable living , and Order come from God , and only from him ; all these are good , and God is the Giver of all good things ; and besides , we find so much of goodness both for King and People in this National Constitution , that we may well think that God , himself , by his Providence ▪ did influence our Fore-Fathers to agree , and fix upon it . keywords: account; actions; active; affairs; answer; author; base; bellarmine; best; better; blame; books; care; case; certain; christian; chron; church; clear; command; conscience; constitution; contrary; damnation; david; deliverance; design; divines; doctrine; duties; duty; eebo; effects; enemies; england; english; evil; excellent; exercise; fault; fear; free; god; good; goodness; government; grant; great; grounds; hard; hell; historian; history; hope; human; ill; interests; james; justice; king; late; late king; law; laws; like; likely; little; lives; long; man; means; men; methods; nation; national; nature; new; non; obedience; opinion; particular; passive; passive obedience; paul; people; persons; point; pope; possible; power; preachers; preface; prince; proper; punishment; reason; reformation; religion; resistance; right; righteousness; rom; rule; sake; sam; saul; secure; self; sense; sin; slaves; stop; subjects; submission; suffering; tcp; text; thee; things; thought; time; true; use; vertue; way; ways; willing; wisdom; words; world; wrong cache: A29535.xml plain text: A29535.txt item: #3 of 17 id: A30362 author: Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715. title: An enquiry into the measures of submission to the supream [sic] authority and of the grounds upon which it may be lawful or necessary for subjects to defend their religion. date: 1688.0 words: 6934 flesch: 46 summary: And these Laws have been put in the form of an Oath , which all that have born any Imployment either in Church or State ●ave sworn ; And ther●fore ●h●se Laws , ●or the assu●eing ●ur Liberties , do indeed bind the Kings conscience , and may af●●ct his Ministers ; y●t since it is a M●x●m of our Law , t●at the King can do no wrong , these cannot be carried so far as to justifie our taking Arms against him , be the trans●r●ssions of Law e●er so many and so manifest : And since this has be●n the consta●t Doctrine of the Church of England , it will be a very h●avy Imputation on us , if it appears , that tho we held these opinions , as long as the Court and the Crown have favoured us , ●et as soon as the Court turns against us , we change o●r Principles . 1. It is certain that the Law of Nature has put no difference nor subordina●ion among Men , except it be that of Children to Parents , or of Wives to their Husbands ; So that with Relation to the Law of Nature , all Men a●e born free ; And this Libert● must still be supposed Entire , unless so far as it is limited by Contracts , Provisions and Laws ; For a Man can ei●her bind himsel● to be a Servant , or sell himself to be a Slave , by which he becomes in the power of another , only so far as it was provided by the Contract : keywords: authority; books; case; certain; characters; church; civil; clear; consequence; considerations; constitution; court; divine; early; eebo; england; english; executive; form; free; general; god; government; great; grounds; justice; king; law; lawful; laws; liberties; liberty; matter; measures; nation; natural; nature; new; order; parliament; persons; plain; power; princes; principles; private; property; religion; resistance; right; rules; self; sense; set; state; subjects; submission; supream; taking; tcp; tei; testament; text; things; time; title; true; use; ● ● cache: A30362.xml plain text: A30362.txt item: #4 of 17 id: A33923 author: Collier, Jeremy, 1650-1726. title: Vindiciæ juris regii, or Remarques upon a paper, entitled, An enquiry into the measures of submission to the supream authority date: 1689.0 words: 22838 flesch: 60 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. Now it is generally acknowledged , that Adam was her King , as well as her Husband . keywords: act; acts; add; advantage; allegiance; answer; appears; argument; arms; authority; barons; best; body; book; case; charter; children; church; civil; common; conqueror; conquest; conscience; consent; consequence; considerable; consideration; constitution; contract; contrary; country; crown; dangerous; design; doctrine; duty; edward; eebo; end; england; english; enquirer; evident; express; farther; favour; fit; fol; force; fourth; free; general; god; good; government; grant; great; greater; grievances; hard; henry; hold; honour; ibid; imaginable; instance; interest; judges; justice; king; kingdom; large; law; lawful; laws; legislative; liberties; liberty; little; long; majesty; man; mankind; manner; matter; means; measures; militia; nation; natural; nature; non; oath; obedience; occasion; original; ought; parliament; people; person; place; plain; pleasure; point; possible; power; prerogative; present; preservation; pretence; prince; principles; private; priviledge; property; publick; purpose; rate; reason; reign; religion; resistance; right; roman; said; second; sect; section; security; self; selves; short; society; soveraign; state; subjects; submission; succession; sufficient; supream; taking; tcp; text; things; thought; till; time; title; true; trust; unlawful; use; viz; war; way; william; words; world cache: A33923.xml plain text: A33923.txt item: #5 of 17 id: A35697 author: Denton, William, 1605-1691. title: Jus regiminis, being a justification of defensive arms in general and consequently, of our revolutions and transactions to be the just right of the kingdom. date: 1689.0 words: 79935 flesch: 61 summary: And farther he affirms , That if they wink at Kings wilfully ranging over and treading down the poor Commonalty , their dissembling is not without wicked breach of Faith , because they deceitfully betray the Liberty of the People , whereof they know themselves to be Protectors , appointed by the Ordinance of God. AN ADMONITION TO ALL Christian EMPERORS , KINGS , PRINCES , &c. ALL Emperors , Kings , Princes and Governors , ought most seriously to consider , That tho' by the Providence of God , and good will and choice of Men , they are set on high , yet they are not Kings and Lords and Princes in their own right , and in such manner as that they are not obliged to acknowledge a Superior Dominion . keywords: absolute; abuse; accountable; act; acts; allegiance; almighty; ancient; angels; anno; anointed; apparent; appeal; appointment; approbation; arms; authority; bear; beasts; benefit; best; better; bishop; blood; body; book; bounds; breach; breaking; brethren; brother; captains; care; cases; cause; certain; chap; charles; chief; children; choice; chosen; christ; christian; chron; church; cities; citizens; city; civil; comfort; command; commandment; common; common people; commonwealth; conditions; congregation; conscience; consent; constituted; consul; contrary; council; courts; covenant; creation; creatures; crime; crown; cry; custom; david; david king; day; days; death; declare; defence; deputies; destruction; deut; difference; divine; doctrine; dominion; doth; doth god; doubt; duke; duties; duty; dyets; earth; egypt; elders; emperor; empire; end; endeavour; ends; enemies; england; english; ephori; equal; equity; est; esteem; evil; examples; exod; eyes; faith; faithful; false; family; farther; fathers; favour; fear; fire; force; form; france; free; general; glory; god; god kings; gods; good; good laws; gospel; governing; government; governors; great; great god; greater; greatest; guilty; hand; happiness; happy; hath; head; heart; heathen; heaven; high; hold; holy; honour; house; human; ill; images; immediate; impery; inferior; infinite; inheritance; injury; innocent; interest; isaiah; israel; israelites; jer; jerusalem; jews; john; joshua; judah; judges; judgment; jure; justice; justification; kingdom; kingly; kings; kings reign; known; land; lawful; lawful power; laws; left; lewis; lex; liberties; liberty; licet; life; like; little; lives; living; long; lord; lord god; lords people; love; magistrates; majesty; making; man; manifest; mankind; manner; master; means; mercy; mind; ministers; moses; nations; natural; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; new; nobles; non; nursing; oaths; obedience; obligation; obliged; officers; old; opinion; oppress; oppressed; oppression; order; ordinance; parliaments; particular; parts; pass; passive; peculiar people; people; pepin; performance; perjury; persons; piety; place; plain; pleased; pleasure; politick; poor; pope; populi; power; power god; power kings; practice; precept; prerogatives; present; priests; princes; principles; private; promise; prophets; proud; prov; prudent; psalm; publick; punish; punishment; quam; quod; race; reason; reasonable; rebellion; rebels; reciprocal; regni; rehoboam; reign; religion; remedy; resistance; respect; rex; right; righteous; righteousness; roman; rome; royal; rule; rulers; sacred; safety; saints; sake; sam; samuel; saul; scripture; self; selves; senate; sense; sentence; servants; service; set; share; shew; sin; sinful; single; sins; sit; slavery; slaves; societies; soever; solomon; soul; sound; sovereign; spirit; states; statutes; subjection; subjects; succession; suffrages; summ; superior; support; supreme; sword; tcp; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thrones; thy; time; title; tribes; tribunes; tribute; true; truth; turn; tyranny; tyrants; understanding; ungrateful; unjust; unlawful; unto; vain; verse; vicegerents; violence; viz; voice; war; warrant; way; ways; welfare; whereof; wicked; wickedness; wisdom; wise; witness; words; work; world; worship; wrath; writ; wrong; ye kings; years; yee; ● ● cache: A35697.xml plain text: A35697.txt item: #6 of 17 id: A40101 author: Fowler, Edward, 1632-1714. title: A vindication of the divines of the Church of England who have sworn allegiance to K. William & Q. Mary, from the imputations of apostasy and perjury, which are cast upon them upon that account, in the now publish'd History of passive obedience / by one of those divines. date: 1689.0 words: 4274 flesch: 54 summary: (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A40101) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 55746) 'T was such a Conquest in all its Circumstances , as hath ever been acknowledged to give an unquestionably Just Title as far as concerns the Conquered Prince . keywords: allegiance; apostasy; books; characters; church; community; conquered; conquest; consent; crown; divines; doctrine; early; eebo; england; english; fare; god; government; great; hath; history; iames; king; kingdoms; mary; means; nation; oaths; obedience; passive; people; prince; religion; right; tcp; tei; text; time; title; vindication; william; world cache: A40101.xml plain text: A40101.txt item: #7 of 17 id: A43548 author: Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662. title: The rebells catechism composed in an easy and familiar way to let them see the heinousness of their offence, the weakness of their strongest subterfuges, and to recal them to their duties both to God and man. date: 1643.0 words: 12126 flesch: 70 summary: And finally witness the example of Mr. Williams o a Barrister of the Middle Temple , who was executed in King Iames his Reign for writing a defamatory Book , against the said King and his Posterity . St. Gregory of Tours understood this rightly , when he did thus address himself to a King of France , Si quis de nobis , &c. s If any of us ( O King ) do transgress the Laws , thou hast power to punish him ; but it thou goest beyond thy limits , who can punish thee ? We tell thee of thy faults as occasion serves , and when thou listest to give ear , thou dost hearken to us : Which if thou shouldest refuse to do , who shall judg thee for it , but he that calls himself by the name of Justice . keywords: act; acts; answ; answer; arms; authority; better; body; book; bracton; case; catechism; christians; civil; common; consent; contrary; court; david; death; defence; defensive; doth; earl; end; enemies; england; english; evil; familiar; force; god; good; government; great; hands; hath; heart; high; homilies; houses; ibid; inferiour; king; kingdom; laws; liberties; life; like; lord; magistrates; majesty; non; obedience; occasion; offence; parliament; party; paul; people; person; place; power; present; pretence; princes; private; publick; purpose; queen; quest; question; qui; realm; reason; rebellion; rebels; religion; resistance; roman; sam; saying; second; sovereign; subject; supreme; text; thou; thought; time; tongue; tyrant; violence; war; way; weakness; words cache: A43548.xml plain text: A43548.txt item: #8 of 17 id: A45421 author: Hammond, Henry, 1605-1660. title: Of resisting the lavvfull magistrate under colour of religion and appendant to it, of the word keima, rendred damnation, Rom. 13, reprinted : also, [brace] of zelots among the Jewes, of taking up the crosse, a vindication of Christs reprehending St. Peter, from the exceptions of Mr. Marshall. date: 1644.0 words: 36448 flesch: 47 summary: Notes for div A45421e-5570 {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} . Here , say they , {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} judgement , is that that befalls the house of God , the godly ; therefore but temporall judgements . keywords: able; acknowledged; act; adde; againe; answer; antichrist; apostle; appeare; argument; armes; authority; beare; beleeve; better; bloud; body; book; businesse; case; christ; christianity; christians; church; cleare; colour; command; common; conclusion; confesse; conscience; contrary; crime; crosse; damnation; dayes; death; defence; defensive; desire; destruction; disciples; divine; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; earth; elias; end; enemies; eternall; evill; example; fact; farre; father; fire; followes; force; gladium; god; gods; good; gospel; government; great; greater; grotius; ground; guilty; hand; hath; heaven; hee; help; high; himselfe; hope; humane; inferiour; interpretation; jewes; john; judgement; jure; king; kingdome; know; land; lawes; lawfull; legall; lesse; liberty; life; like; little; long; lord; luk; luke; magistrate; making; manner; marshall; master; mat; meanes; meaning; meeknesse; men; mens; nature; nay; necessary; new; non; obedience; objecter; observation; occasion; old; onely; opinion; ordinary; origen; owne; particular; patience; paul; people; persons; pertinent; peter; phrase; place; plaine; point; possible; power; practice; present; private; probable; profession; proofe; protestant; providence; punishment; purpose; question; qui non; reader; reason; religion; resistance; resisting; resolve; revel; revenge; roman; roman empire; roman sword; rule; saint; saith; scripture; second; sed; sed non; selves; sense; set; signifies; sinne; spirit; state; strength; subjects; suffering; sufficient; superiour; supreme; sure; temporall; tertullian; testament; text; theophylact; thing; thought; time; title; true; truth; unlawfull; unlesse; use; vers; violence; want; way; wee; words; world; wrath; writers; yea; zeale; zealots cache: A45421.xml plain text: A45421.txt item: #9 of 17 id: A45461 author: Hammond, Henry, 1605-1660. title: The Scriptures plea for magistrates vvherein is shewed the unlawfulnesse of resisting the lawfull magistrate, under colour of religion. date: 1643.0 words: 20699 flesch: 44 summary: 2 ▪ 6. and {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , v. 7. that hindred , or let Antichrist , and was like to do so still , till he were taken out of the way , was by the Fathers commonly resolved to be the Roman empire or imperiall Soveraignty of Rome , see Tert. And ● Of Christianity , which as it differs from the Lawes both of Moses and Nature , so it constantly reformes and perfects those ( dissolves not any thing that was morall in them , nor promises impunity for non-performance , but upon repentance and reformation ) elevates and raises them to an higher pitch , at least th●● Jew● or naturall men had conceived or understood themselves obliged to , which the ancient ●athers generally resolve to be the meaning of his {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , Mat. 5.17 . keywords: able; act; answer; antichrist; argument; armes; authority; body; book; case; christ; christianity; christians; church; colour; command; conclusion; confesse; conscience; contrary; damnation; death; desire; doctrine; doth; earth; end; english; eternall; evill; exercise; forcible; god; gods; good; government; great; greater; ground; hand; hath; himselfe; hope; inferiour; judgement; king; kingdome; land; lawfull; legall; lesse; liberty; life; light; like; little; magistrate; making; master; meanes; meeknesse; nature; nay; necessary; new; non; non resistance; obedience; objecter; old; onely; opinion; ordinary; particular; patience; people; persons; peter; phrase; place; point; possible; posterity; power; present; primitive; probable; professe; profession; protestant; punishment; purpose; reason; religion; resistance; resisting; resolve; revelation; roman; roman empire; saint; saith; scripture; second; section; sence; set; signifies; sin; spirit; state; strength; subjects; sufficient; superiour; sure; temporall; tertullian; testament; text; thing; thought; time; title; true; truth; turne; unlawfull; unlesse; use; vers; want; war; way; wit; word; wrath; ● ● cache: A45461.xml plain text: A45461.txt item: #10 of 17 id: A47289 author: Kettlewell, John, 1653-1695. title: Christianity, a doctrine of the cross, or, Passive obedience, under any pretended invasion of legal rights and liberties date: 1691.0 words: 36104 flesch: 71 summary: † On the Authority of Law hangs our Authority : So that 't is a Voice worthy of the Majesty of one that reigns , to profess himself tyed to Laws , say the Emperors Theodosius and Valentinian . And , indeed , since the Romans were such unmeasurable Affecters of Liberty , and prided themselves above all the World on the score of their Freedoms and Privileges : when , on Augustus's offer , to restore the Power and Authority back into their hands , both Arms , Laws , and Provinces , as ‖ Dio says , they chose rather to erect the Imperial Power by the Lex Regia : no man can imagine , that by this Law they would pass away , not only their former Power as Rulers , but also their Freedoms and Immunities , as Subjects , and make themselves and their Posterities , instead of priviledg'd and Free-born Romans , to be all thenceforward mere Slaves . keywords: absolute; account; acts; advocates; ages; allegiance; apol; apostles; arbitrary; arms; augustus; autority; bear; benefit; best; better; blood; breach; call'd; care; case; chap; chief; christianity; christians; church; city; civil; civil rights; clear; common; conscience; constitution; contrary; cor; course; courts; criminals; cross; crosses; cum; days; defence; defensible; difference; dio; discretion; divine; doctrine; doth; duties; duty; eebo; emperors; empire; end; english; equity; external; faith; father; forbid; force; free; freedoms; galerius; general; god; gods; good; gospel; government; governors; great; greater; ground; guard; hands; having; hearts; higher; hist; holy; honor; human; i.e.; illegal; immunities; imperial; invaders; invasion; jews; judge; judgment; justice; keeping; kings; lactantius; land; lawful; laws; leave; left; legal; legal rights; legibus; lex; liberties; liberty; life; like; limited; lives; loose; lord; love; magistrates; man; martyrs; mat; men; mere; mind; ministers; natural; nature; nay; needs; new; non; notes; obedience; obligation; orat; order; ordinance; original; outward; parliament; particular; passive; patience; paul; people; persecutions; persons; place; plain; plea; point; popular; power; practice; precepts; pretence; primitive; prince; private; privileges; professors; properties; property; protection; providence; prudence; publick; realm; reason; redress; regard; regia; religion; religious; resistance; resisting; rightful; rights; rise; roman; rule; rulers; saints; sake; saying; says; scriptures; self; selves; senate; sentence; set; setting; slaves; sovereign; spiritual; state; strength; subjection; subjects; submission; suffering; sufficient; support; supreme; taking; tcp; tertullian; testament; text; things; tho; thou; tiberius; time; title; torture; true; trust; truth; tryal; unjust; use; violence; viz; war; warlike; way; ways; wisdom; wise; worldly; worship; worthy; xiii; yea cache: A47289.xml plain text: A47289.txt item: #11 of 17 id: A59571 author: Sharp, John, 1645-1714. title: A sermon preached before the Lords spiritual and temporal in Parliament assembled in the abbey-church at Westminster, on the thirtieth of January, 1699/700 / by the Most Reverend Father in God, John, Lord Arch-bishop of York. date: 1700.0 words: 5934 flesch: 64 summary: Obedience -- Religious aspects. For by the design of keeping it , the business that the Preacher hath to do , is to press Obedience and Subjection to the Government we live under , and to Preach against Faction and Rebellion . keywords: authority; christ; church; clergy; constitution; contrary; day; doctrine; doth; doubt; duty; eebo; english; general; god; good; government; governours; great; hath; instances; king; laws; lord; magistrates; man; matters; mind; obedience; office; paul; people; person; powers; prince; principalities; reason; religion; selves; state; subject; subjection; supreme; tcp; text; thing; work cache: A59571.xml plain text: A59571.txt item: #12 of 17 id: A59793 author: Sherlock, William, 1641?-1707. title: The case of resistance of the supreme powers stated and resolved according to the doctrine of the Holy Scriptures by Will. Sherlock ... date: 1684.0 words: 46181 flesch: 53 summary: Indeed I find some Learned men mistaken in this matter ; for they take it for granted , that what Samuel here calls the manner of the King , is such an abuse of power , as God had expresly forbid to Kings in the 17 of Deuter. Had the Apostle exhorted the Romans after this manner : Let no private and single man be so foolish , as to rebel against his Prince , who will be too strong for him : but if you can raise sufficient forces to oppose against him , if you can all consent to Depose or Murder him , this is very innocent and justifiable , nay an Heroical Atchievement , which becomes a free-born people : How would this secure the peace and quiet of the world ? how would this have agreed with what follows , that Princes are advanced by God , and that to resist our Prince , is to resist the Ordinance of God , and that such men shall be severely punisht for it in this world or the next ? for can the Apostle be thought absolutely to condemn resistance , if he makes it only unlawful to resist when we want power to conquer ? Which yet is all that can be made of it , if by every Soul the Apostle means only particular men , not the united force and power of Subjects . Nor can there be any reason assigned , why the Apostle should lay so strict a command on particular Christians to be subject to the higher Powers , which does not equally concern whole Nations . keywords: absolute; abuse; account; act; acts; answer; apostle; appointment; argument; authority; best; care; case; charge; christ; christians; church; civil; civil power; coesar; commands; conscience; contrary; crown; david; days; death; decree; defence; difference; disciples; divine; doctrine; dutie; duty; emperours; end; england; evident; evil; example; exercise; express; external; far; father; fear; fit; forbid; force; free; general; god; gods; good; gospel; government; governours; grant; great; greater; greatest; hands; higher; humane; iews; illegal; image; inferiour; irresistible; israel; iudges; judge; justice; king; kingdom; kingly; known; law; lawful; laws; libertie; liberty; life; lord; magistrates; man; mankind; manner; master; means; men; ministers; moses; nation; natural; nature; nay; necessary; need; new; non; obedience; obligation; onely; ordinance; particular; paul; peace; people; person; peter; plain; power; pretence; priest; prince; private; providence; publick; punishment; reason; rebel; rebellion; religion; resistance; resisteth; reverence; right; roman; rule; rulers; sacred; sake; samuel; saul; saviour; scriptures; self; sentence; servants; signifie; sin; single; soul; soveraign; soveraign power; soveraign princes; state; subjection; subjects; sufferings; sufficient; supreme; supreme power; sword; tcp; text; thing; thou; throne; time; tribute; true; tyrannical; tyrant; unaccountable; unjust; unlawful; use; violence; war; way; weak; words; world cache: A59793.xml plain text: A59793.txt item: #13 of 17 id: A70226 author: Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715. title: A word to the wavering, or, An answer to the enquiry into the present state of affairs whether we owe allegiance to the King in these circumstances? &c. : with a postscript of subjection to the higher powers / by G.B. date: 1689.0 words: 4705 flesch: 60 summary: The King never ceases to be a King till he ceases to be a Man ; and it is a contradiction in terminis , that the next Heir , should be at the same time King : For if he be actually King , he is no Heir ; and while he is an Heir , he is no King. Besides , considering the distance of time between Richard II. and Edward IV. which was 60 Yeras probably erasing them would not quit Cost , nor be tanti , in comparison of the Smoak and Puther those Agitations might raise , between King and People ; to prevent which , the Wisdom of those latter Definitions ( you speak of ) is Conspicuous , and has been Successfull to the Peace and Welfare of the Kingdom . keywords: allegiance; answer; authority; books; characters; church; circumstances; david; duty; early; edward; eebo; english; enquiry; father; god; good; great; higher; king; kingdom; law; lord; loyalty; magistrate; man; obedience; online; pag; parliament; partnership; people; person; phase; power; prince; religion; richard; right; set; state; subject; tcp; tei; text; wavering; wing; word cache: A70226.xml plain text: A70226.txt item: #14 of 17 id: A78910 author: England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) title: His Majesties message to the House of Peers April 22. 1642. date: 1642.0 words: 769 flesch: 70 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A78910 of text R210461 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.5[6]). Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) 1 sheet ([1] p.) by Robert Barker, printer to the Kings most excellent Majestie: and by the assignes of John Bill, Imprinted at London : 1642. keywords: april; books; england; english; government; house; laws; majestie; message; online; peers; sovereign; text; thomason; wales cache: A78910.xml plain text: A78910.txt item: #15 of 17 id: A91196 author: Prynne, William, 1600-1669. title: Independency examined, vnmasked, refuted, by twelve new particular interrogatories: detecting both the manifold absurdities, inconveniences that must necessarily attend it, to the great disturbance of church, state, the diminution, subversion of the lawfull undoubted power of all christian magistrates, parliaments, synods: and shaking the chiefe pillars, wherwith its patrons would support it. / By William Prynne of Lincolnes Inne, Esquier. date: 1644.0 words: 7829 flesch: 53 summary: If the people alone without the Minister , or both conjoyned , then you invest every Independent Conventicle , consisting of never so few inconsiderable ignorant members , with a greater legislative power , and ecclesiasticall authority , then you allow to whole Nationall Parliaments , Councels , consisting of most eminent , learned , pious persons of all sorts ; who by your New doctrine have no jurisdiction at all to make or enjoyne any forme of church-government , covenant , ecclesiasticall lawes or canons , to any particular churches : as if the eminentest Ministers and members of churches , by becomming members of Parliaments or Councels , did thereby forfeit and lose the right or exercise of that power , in those great representative bodies of the whole Kingdome and church of England , which you readily allow both them and others in every private church or Conventicle : A most strange and senselesse whimsie . Independent churches -- England -- Early works to 1800. keywords: acts; apostles; assembly; authority; brethren; canons; christian; chro; church; churches; city; civill; coercive; common; congregation; conscience; contrary; cor; councell; covenants; discipline; divine; doe; ecclesiasticall; elders; erect; god; gods; government; great; himselfe; independent; independent churches; kingdome; kings; lawes; lawfull; liberty; magistrates; members; ministers; nationall; new; old; opinions; owne; parishes; parliament; particular; peace; people; persons; pet; power; present; princes; private; prynne; psal; reply; rom; sacrament; schismes; scripture; set; severall; spirituall; state; support; synods; temporall; text; things; tit; william; word; yea cache: A91196.xml plain text: A91196.txt item: #16 of 17 id: A95883 author: Vicars, John, 1579 or 80-1652. title: Dagon demolished: or, Twenty admirable examples of Gods severe justice and displeasure against the subscribers of the late engagement, against our lawfull soveraign King Charls the second; and the whole House of Peeres, in these words. I do declare and promise, that I will be true and faithfull to the common-wealth of England, as it is now established without a King or House of Lords. Also against some of the judges of the late King in the high court of injustice. Published, to reclaim such fanatique persons, who have been too forward to promote this wicked, destructive engagement; and still designe it, which hath wounded the consciences of so many Godly Christians in this kingdome. By that late worthy patriot of his country, Mr. John Vicars. date: 1660.0 words: 4605 flesch: 51 summary: Published, to reclaim such fanatique persons, who have been too forward to promote this wicked, destructive engagement; and still designe it, which hath wounded the consciences of so many Godly Christians in this kingdome. Published, to reclaim such fanatique persons, who have been too forward to promote this wicked, destructive engagement; and still designe it, which hath wounded the consciences of so many Godly Christians in this kingdome. keywords: a95883; admirable; aforesaid; assizes; church; common; conscience; constantine; dagon; day; dead; death; desperate; displeasure; eminent; engagement; engager; england; english; examples; fall; gentleman; godly; gods; great; hand; house; john; judges; justice; king; late; life; living; london; lords; minister; parliament; peace; persons; said; set; severe; stickler; subscribers; taking; text; thomason; time; true; vicars; wealth; westminster; wife cache: A95883.xml plain text: A95883.txt item: #17 of 17 id: B02107 author: Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. title: By the King. A proclamation containing His Majesties gracious pardon and indemnity date: None words: 1911 flesch: 55 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: andrew; arms; books; characters; charles; day; early; eebo; encoding; english; image; indemnity; judicatures; king; late; majesties; online; oxford; pardon; partnership; phase; proclamation; rebellion; royal; scotland; subjects; tcp; tei; text; works cache: B02107.xml plain text: B02107.txt