item: #1 of 27 id: A02746 author: Harsnett, Adam, 1579 or 80-1639. title: A touch-stone of grace Discouering the differences betweene true and counterfeit grace: laying downe infallible euidences and markes of true grace: seruing for the triall of a mans spirituall estate. By A.H. Bachelor in Diuinitie, and Minister of Gods Word at Cranham in Essex. date: 1630 words: 37505 flesch: 79 summary: A touch-stone of grace Discouering the differences betweene true and counterfeit grace: laying downe infallible euidences and markes of true grace: seruing for the triall of a mans spirituall estate. A touch-stone of grace Discouering the differences betweene true and counterfeit grace: laying downe infallible euidences and markes of true grace: seruing for the triall of a mans spirituall estate. keywords: bee; christ; doe; doth; euery; faith; god; gods; good; grace; hath; haue; heart; himselfe; knowledge; life; lord; loue; man; neuer; obedience; owne; power; psal; rom; sinne; soule; spirit; strength; thee; things; thou; thy; truth; vnto; vpon; way; wee; word cache: A02746.xml plain text: A02746.txt item: #2 of 27 id: A09274 author: Capel, Richard, 1586-1656. title: Vindiciae fidei, or A treatise of iustification by faith wherein that point is fully cleared, and vindicated from the cauils of it's aduersaries. Deliuered in certaine lectures at Magdalen Hall in Oxford, by William Pemble, Master of Arts of the same house: and now published since his death for the publique benefit. date: 1625 words: 84546 flesch: 75 summary: Therfo●e followes the other meanes of salvation ( viz. ) our Iustification , by the free grace of God which vtterly frees vs from all blame whatsoever , both of obedience to the law and satisfaction for Sins against the law ; that thus being Regenerate and Iustified we might obtaine the end of our salvation , eternall Life . ] Can there be any other meaning of Iustification here● : but this onely ? That God is then iustified , when his workes , his wisedome , his sacred ordinances , being accused by prophane men , as vntrue , vnequall , vn●ust , and foolish , are by the Godly acknowledged , or any other meanes evidently cleared vnto all men , to be full of all Truth , Equity , Wisedome , and Holinesse ? 2 Man and that 1 Before Man in things betweene Man and Man. keywords: abraham; according; aduersaries; againe; apostle; argument; bee; beleeue; cap; charity; christ; death; doctrine; doe; doth; ergo; euery; euill; faith; fault; giuen; god; gods; gods law; good; gospell; grace; hath; haue; heart; hee; himselfe; holy; iames; iustice; iustification; law; life; loue; man; meanes; men; morall law; nature; obedience; owne; place; point; power; promise; proue; punishment; reason; regenerate; righteousnesse; rom; satisfaction; scriptures; sinne; soule; spirit; strength; themselues; things; thou; thy; time; viz; vnto; vnto god; vpon; way; wee; word; workes; ● ● cache: A09274.xml plain text: A09274.txt item: #3 of 27 id: A39366 author: Elys, Edmund, ca. 1634-ca. 1707. title: Reflections upon a pamphlet, entituled, John Elliot's Saving grace in all men proved to be no grace and his increased being in all a great nothing by Edmund Elys ... date: 1695 words: 2001 flesch: 64 summary: Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). EEBO-TCP is a partnership between the Universities of Michigan and Oxford and the publisher ProQuest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by ProQuest via their Early English Books Online (EEBO) database ( keywords: god; grace; john; tcp; text cache: A39366.xml plain text: A39366.txt item: #4 of 27 id: A41124 author: Fenner, William, 1600-1640. title: The riches of grace a treatise shewing the value and excellency of a gracious spirit by comparing it with the nature and spirits of wicked and ungodly men, which desire not the wayes of the Lord Jesus / by that reverend and faithfull minister of Gods word, William Fenner ... date: 1641 words: 14517 flesch: 64 summary: but if one should come to this man , and tell him what it is to be a child of God , to have Christ and Grace , that thus and thus hee must be qualified , hee must take up the crosse of Christ , and follow the precise and strict rules of Christ , and the directions of grace ; this man then would even hate those conditions and so consequently his former wishes , Amos 5. 18. 4 Because nature in a wicked man is in its full strength , now if nature in the Childe of God in whom it is in some measure mottified , and subdued , be such an opposite and enemie to the working of grace , stirring up cursed lusts , and the like , to quench the motions and comfortable living of grace ; how much more when nature is itsin ful power and force where there is no thing else ? Put meate into a dead mans mouth , and there is no absolute resistance . keywords: bee; christ; desire; god; good; grace; hath; heart; hee; lord; man; men; soule; thee; things; thou; world cache: A41124.xml plain text: A41124.txt item: #5 of 27 id: A41521 author: Goodwin, Thomas, 1600-1680. title: A discourse of the true nature of the Gospel demonstrating that it is no new law, but a pure doctrine of grace : in answer to the Reverend Mr. Lorimer's Apology / by Tho. Goodwin ... date: 1695 words: 41182 flesch: 71 summary: What I have proposed to my self to debate in the present Discourse , is , Whether the Gospel be a new Law ? Without multiplying words , which doth but obscure the clearness of Things , the Question in dispute is not , Whether the Gospel be a new Law , if by that Word is meant a Doctrine of Grace newly reveal'd , after the Covenant of Works was broken , wherein God hath declared in what Order and Manner he will save guilty condemned Sinners . Having first divided the whole Word of God into two Parts , Law and Gospel , and not to confound the Natures of Things so distinct , having describ'd the Law in its Being , Properties and Office , that 't is peculiar to it , to instruct us what Duties to perform , what Sins to avoid ; that it points to us what is a Crime , and shews what it deserves , and accuseth Sinners , and reveals the Wrath of God , and threatens the merited Punishment : keywords: apostle; brother; christ; commands; condition; covenant; design; doctrine; doth; duty; edit; est; faith; god; gospel; grace; hath; justification; law; laws; lex; lib; life; lord; love; man; meaning; men; mind; nature; new; non; obedience; oper; pag; precepts; promises; repentance; reverend; righteousness; rule; salvation; sense; sinners; testament; text; things; tho; tom; truth; word law; works; world cache: A41521.xml plain text: A41521.txt item: #6 of 27 id: A43821 author: Hill, Thomas, d. 1653. title: The spring of strengthning grace in the Rock of Ages, Jesus Christ demonstrated in a plain and short sermon / preached at Twickenham in Middlesex, near Hampton-Court, April 16, 1648, by Thomas Hill ... date: 1648 words: 24613 flesch: 65 summary: The spring of strengthning grace in the Rock of Ages, Jesus Christ demonstrated in a plain and short sermon / preached at Twickenham in Middlesex, near Hampton-Court, April 16, 1648, by Thomas Hill ... The spring of strengthning grace in the Rock of Ages, Jesus Christ demonstrated in a plain and short sermon / preached at Twickenham in Middlesex, near Hampton-Court, April 16, 1648, by Thomas Hill ... keywords: body; christ; faith; fulness; god; good; gospel; grace; hath; head; jesus christ; lord; love; man; men; ministery; saints; spirit; strength; things; thou; thy; truth; word cache: A43821.xml plain text: A43821.txt item: #7 of 27 id: A45400 author: Hammond, Henry, 1605-1660. title: Charis kai eirēnē, or, A pacifick discourse of Gods grace and decrees in a letter of full accordance / written to the reverend and most learned Dr. Robert Sanderson by Henry Hammond ... ; to which are annexed the extracts of three letters concerning Gods prescience reconciled with liberty and contingency ; together with two sermons preached before these evil times, the one to the clergy, the other to the citizens of London. date: 1660 words: 53653 flesch: 59 summary: On the other side , if our nature being universally corrupted by Adam's fall , all possibility of rising out of that grave of sin be the effect and benefit of the Grace , as that is of the death of Christ , if it be God that worketh in us both to will and to do , of his good pleasure , the first by his preventing , the second by his assisting Grace , and both those bottom'd meerly in his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 good pleasure , nothing in us any way meriting the first act , or purpose of Giving Grace , any farther then our wants and miseries rendered us the proper objects of his compassions and reliefs ; and the subsequent aids in like manner challengeable , onely from his promise , and the purport of the parable of the Talents , of Giving to him that hath , rewarding the use of the lower , with the gift of an higher degree of Grace , then still is this , the attributing nothing to our selves , but demerits , and provocations , and giving the whole glory to God. § . 12. And then to put any man in hope , that what is not ordinarily revealed in the Gospel , may yet be laid up for him in the cabinet of Gods secret counsels with this seal upon it , The Lord knoweth those that are his , as if they might be his still in Gods acceptation , which walk most contrarily to him , this may prove a most dangerous snare of souls , and it is strange it should seek shelter in that Text 2. Tim. 2. 19. which was most expresly designed to the contrary , as is evident both by the notation of the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the beginning of the verse , which in all probability signifies the Covenant of God , the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 stability whereof , there prest , must assure us that there is no salvation to be expected , but according to the contents of that great indenture , once for all sealed in the blood of Christ , of which as that indeed is one part , which is inscribed on one side of the seal [ The Lord knoweth those that are his ] i. e. he will never fail to own those that continue faithfull to him ; so the other , on the other side , is most emphatical , [ Let every man that nameth the name of Christ , depart from iniquity ] which if he do not , he hath forfeited all the Priviledges of his Christianity . keywords: aeterno; answer; christ; decrees; degree; doth; election; fall; free; future; god; gods; gods grace; good; gospel; grace; hath; infinite; man; men; power; prescience; present; question; reason; scripture; second; self; set; things; time; truth; use; way; words; work cache: A45400.xml plain text: A45400.txt item: #8 of 27 id: A49244 author: Cross, Thomas, fl. 1632-1682, engraver. title: Grace: the truth and growth and different degrees thereof. The summe and substance of XV. sermons. Preached by that faithful and painful servant of Jesus Christ, Mr. Christopher Love, late minister of Lawrence Jury, London. They being his last sermons. To which is added a funerall sermon, being the very last sermon he ever preached. date: 1652 words: 63766 flesch: 81 summary: It is true , it is not with Regeneration as it was in the Creation ; it is not with the Trees of Righteousnesse , as it was with the Trees of Paradise , which were created all perfect at the first : but it is not so in the Work of Grace , we are not perfectly sanctified , nor at once , but we perfect holinesse in the fear of God , and that by degrees ; and God hath given to some of his people but small beginnings and measures of grace , and that for these Reasons . 2. That Christ is the purchase of grace , so that all the grace that is bestowed upon us by God , it is through Christ , and for his sake ; Grace is from Christ as a fountain , and by Christ as a Conduit . keywords: affections; answ; children; christ; christians; comfort; cor; death; doth; faith; gifts; god; gods; good; grace; hath; heart; heaven; holy; house; jesus; jesus christ; knowledge; lord; love; man; measure; men; people; reason; sin; soul; spirit; strength; temptations; thee; things; thou; thy; time; truth; want; wil; work; young cache: A49244.xml plain text: A49244.txt item: #9 of 27 id: A53731 author: Owen, John, 1616-1683. title: A treatise of the dominion of sin and grace wherein sin's reign is discovered, in whom it is, and in whom it is not : how the law supports it, how grace delivers from it, by setting up its dominion the heart / by John Owen ... date: 1688 words: 31615 flesch: 72 summary: The appearing evidences of it , are their adding drunkenness unto thirst ; one kind of sin unto another , making a visible Progress in sinning , adding boasting and a profane Contempt of all things Sacred , unto their Course in Sin. Convictions on the one hand , will make a great Pretence and Appearance of an Opposition in the Will unto Sin , by their unavoidable Impressions on it , when it is not so . And disturbed Affections under Temptations , will plead , that the Will it self is given up unto the choice and service of sin , when it is not so . keywords: christ; dominion; doth; duties; faith; god; gospel; grace; hath; heart; law; men; mind; power; rule; self; sin; soul; state; things cache: A53731.xml plain text: A53731.txt item: #10 of 27 id: A55751 author: Preston, John, 1587-1628. title: The position of John Preston, Doctor in Divinity ... concerning the irresistiblenesse of converting grace date: 1654 words: 8320 flesch: 63 summary: On the other side , we say , that stocks and stones have no power to act , being acted ; but that men are free Agents , and therefore have a power by vertue of which they act , being acted by God , and therefore may be said truly to act , and turne themselves ; for the will being changed from evill unto good , and of unwilling made willing , hath in it selfe an inward principle of willing well ; from whence the dominion of its owne act , whereby it turnes unto God , may properly be given unto it ; for although the grace of God is the principle by which , yet the will of man is the principle which worketh all . Hee hath mercy on whom he will have mercy , and whom he will he hardeneth : which could not be truly said , if a man at his owne freedome and pleasure , allowing all the actions of God requisite to conversion , might receive the quickning grace of God in vaine , and make it void ( as Arminius speaks . ) And let it be observed from these words , That this mans repenting , and that mans hardening , is not only attributed to God alone , but the will and endeavours of man , is utterly excluded from having any part in this businesse . keywords: act; conversion; god; good; grace; hath; man; things cache: A55751.xml plain text: A55751.txt item: #11 of 27 id: A61014 author: Saltmarsh, John, d. 1647. title: The fountaine of free grace opened by questions and answers proving the foundation of faith to consist only in Gods free love, in giving Christ to dye for the sins of all, and objections to the contrary answered by the congregation of Christ in London, constituted by baptisme upon the profession of faith, falsly called Anabaptists : wherein they vindicate themselves from the scandalous aspersions of holding free-will, and denying a free election by grace. date: 1648 words: 7752 flesch: 82 summary: Q. VVhat are those glad tydings ? A. Peace and remission of sins by Christ , Rom : 10 15. Ephes. Luke 2. 10. 14. & 10. 5. 24. 47. Acts 13. 38. Q. Ought al men to believe remission of sins in Christ ? A. Yea surely , in as much as Christ hath required remission of sins to be preached to all in his name , and nothing is required of any to be made partakers of that remission but only faith to believe it , Rom. 3. 28. Gal. 2. 16. Q. Are all mens sins then remitted in Christ , as a truth to be preached to , and to be observed by al though men be not yet believers . keywords: christ; faith; god; rom; sins cache: A61014.xml plain text: A61014.txt item: #12 of 27 id: A61026 author: Saltmarsh, John, d. 1647. title: Free grace, or, The flowings of Christs blood free to sinners being an experiment of Jesus Christ upon one who hath been in the bondage of a troubled conscience ... / by John Saltmarsh. date: 1646 words: 40033 flesch: 69 summary: and all these several parcels of Law , Gospel , Sin , Righteousnesse , Free-grace , Election , &c. go to the making up this Body of Christ the Elect ; the law could not have been wanting , for then there had been no transgression ; and sin could not , for then there had been no free-grace ; and righteousnesse could not , for then there had been no redemption ; and free-grace could not , for then there had been no mercy ; and election could not , for then there had been no everlastingnesse of purpose of God . 1. That they are not therefore beloved of God or in Christ , because they fell back again into sin . keywords: beleeve; christ; faith; god; gospel; grace; hath; jesus christ; law; life; love; man; power; righteousnesse; salvation; sin; sinners; soul; spirit; way; word; work cache: A61026.xml plain text: A61026.txt item: #13 of 27 id: A61473 author: Sterry, Peter, 1613-1672. title: Free grace exalted, and thence deduced evangelical rules for evangelical sufferings : in two discourses made 29 March, and 10 May 1670, from Rom. 5, 21. date: 1670 words: 13110 flesch: 46 summary: My design is to speak to the last part of this verse , So might Grace &c. where you have all the treasures of the Gospel richly pointed at in the compass of two lines ; First , you have here a King , Grace , this King is on the Throne , grace reigns ; it reigns over sin and death ; 2ly , you have the Scepter of this King righteousness , grace reigns through righteousness , he reigns to righteousness , or by righteousness , righteousness is the Scepter of the kingdome of grace ; 3ly , you have the effect or end of this reign , how blessed is it to be Subjects to this King ? how good and blessed is this Kings reign to all his Subjects , for 't is to eternal life , a life of grace and of glory , a life that is begun here in earth and flesh by grace , that is perfected in the spirit and in heaven by glory ; then 4ly , here is the great Minister of this great King , by Jesus Christ our Lord , grace reigns by Jesus Christ ▪ as great Kings ; First , they make their Ministers of State ▪ they first raise them , then use them , and reign by them , as Pharaoh by Joseph , so Jesus Christ is both the gift of this grace , and the Minister of this grace , free grace raised Jesus Christ up to be a Mediator in the Covenant of grace , to be a Minister in this kingdome of grace , and then reigns by him to eternal life ; Jesus Christ is the Minister of grace by both righteousnesses , the righteousness of justification , which is the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ , resting as a Crown on the head of a Soul to justifie him , and he is the righteousness of Sanctification , the righteousness of God by Jesus Christ as a root of holiness in the heart of a Saint , springing up into all holiness and spirituality there ; how full is this blessedness ? how full is the Covenant of grace ? so many words as be here , so many heavens open themselves in fulness of grace and glory ; Grace , Righteousness , Eternal life , Jesus Christ our Lord , every one comprehends all . As a Fountain is a treasury of water which continually sends out living streams , as the Sun is a body of light which from the beginning of the world to the end sends out millions of beams every moment , yet it remains still full and undeminish'd , such is free grace , or God the Fountain of free grace ; our God is a treasury of love , a composure of love and sweetness that freely from himself every moment , from eternity to eternity , sends out millions of millions of streams and of beams of glorious love , yet still remains a Fountain , a Sun of richest love undeminish'd ; how pleasant , and pure , and powerful , is free grace ? how sweet is it to rest in the bosome and lye in the arms of free grace ? it is to lye in the bosome and arms of God , as in an unlimited treasury of the highest love and sweetness , where love is springing with millions of springs and communications of its self in all forms of grace , comfort , strength , joy , and glory everlastingly , without any cessation or diminution . keywords: christ; eternal; glory; god; grace; jesus; jesus christ; joy; life; lord; love; righteousness; spirit; thee cache: A61473.xml plain text: A61473.txt item: #14 of 27 id: A62005 author: Knollys, Hanserd, 1599?-1691. title: A Christian womans experiences of the glorious working of Gods free grace Published for the edification of others, by Katherine Sutton. date: 1663 words: 23421 flesch: 67 summary: And often in prayer I did cry unto God , saying , speak Lord , for thy servant desires to hear ; and was very desirous to know , what the Lord would have me to understand by this word ; and when I had considered I found some thing in my imployment sinsul , and a hinderance unto my spiritual injoyments , to convince mee of which , the Lord wa● pleased to with hold his blessing upon that imployment , which before I had found therein ; to the convincing and converting of some to himself , so finding something in it contrary to his will , I was constreined to leave it of , and after much seeking of the Lord for councel , these Scriptures were much with mee , Math. 7 : 7. Ask , and it shall be given you : seek , and ye shall find : how greatly he commended her faith , and answered her desire , though her words were but few , onely , Lord help mee , &c. And Hannahs prayer was heard , who did but move her lips : And although she was a woman of a sorrowful spirit before , yet she went away believing , and also rejoycing that God had heard her prayer . keywords: christ; come; day; god; good; grace; hath; heart; lord; love; mee; prayer; self; set; sin; soul; spirit; thee; things; thou; thy; time; vvas; vvith; work cache: A62005.xml plain text: A62005.txt item: #15 of 27 id: A64251 author: Taylor, Thomas, 1576-1632. title: Peter his repentance shewing, among other things, these two points for edification I. what weakenes remaines in Gods owne children, especially in times of triall and danger, and to, what little cause they have to trust their hearts, or be confident of themselves, but get to be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. II. what is the power of Gods grace and covenant, for renewing His children by repentance, and so, what encouragement they have to return after every fall, and goe on in their course of watchfulnesse, humiliation, prayer, and magnifying of Jesus Christ / by Dr. Thomas Taylor. date: 1653 words: 51553 flesch: 76 summary: I shall be this night smitten with reproach , ignomy , and the sharpest sword of God and men , even to the death ; and now whereas soundnesse of Faith would make you cleave unto me in life and death , you shall forsake me ; some of you shall deny and forsweare me , and all flye from me , and be scattered every one his way , as if you were deceived and deluded in me ; yea , every one of you shall shift for his owne safety , and fall both from me , and one from another , as Sheepe are dispersed and scattered , when the Shepherd is slaine and taken from them . 3. Pride is a rocke against which grace makes Shipwrack ; walke therefore humbly before God ; for , when pride commeth then commeth shame , Prov. 11. 2. and where pride is , there is folly and ignorance of a mans selfe , and his owne estate ; so our proverbe calleth him a proud foole , &c. 1. David professeth his heart was not haughty , but as a child , Psal. 131. 1. keywords: againe; christ; company; disciples; doe; evill; faith; fall; feare; god; godly; gods; goe; good; grace; hath; heart; himselfe; life; lord; love; man; master; men; night; note; owne; peter; psal; repentance; shepherd; sin; sinne; spirit; strength; temptation; thee; things; thou; thy; time; vse; way; wicked; word cache: A64251.xml plain text: A64251.txt item: #16 of 27 id: A65659 author: Pearson, John, 1613-1686. title: A short treatise of the great worth and best kind of nobility Wherein, that of nature is highly commended, that of grace is justly preferred; the one from humane experience, the other upon divine evidence. / By Henry Whiston, rector of Balcomb in Sussex. date: 1661 words: 46806 flesch: 79 summary: Nor do we approve the practise of (u) Clisthenes , who called the men of his own Tribe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , that is , Rulers of the people ; but nicknamed other Tribes by the name of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Swineheards , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Assekeepers , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Hoggards , and the like . Curteous Reader , THat which the Poet looks upon as a sign of a coy and squeamish stomach , let me beg as a favour of thee , which is , that in the first place spectares 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , and that before thou takest notice of mine , thou wouldest correct the Printers error in page 44. keywords: act; birth; cap; children; christian; church; commend; cum; day; dead; death; doth; earth; epist; esse; est; father; flesh; gentlemen; glory; god; godly; gods; good; grace; hath; heart; heaven; honour; ibid; kinde; king; learning; lib; life; lord; love; man; matter; mean; men; mens; mother; nature; nec; nobility; non; ones; parents; people; persons; piety; place; plut; praise; princes; pro; psal; quae; quam; qui; quod; quàm; reason; religion; respect; rest; saith; sed; seed; self; set; sic; sit; sort; speak; spirit; stand; sunt; things; thou; thy; times; use; vel; vertue; vit; way; wisdom; words; work; world; worth; ● ● cache: A65659.xml plain text: A65659.txt item: #17 of 27 id: A67000 author: H. W. title: The freeness of Gods grace in the forgiveness of sins by Jesus Christ, vindicated. Against the doctrine of Mr. Fergusson, in his sermon preached at the morning lecture, the fifth of August 1668. in a letter to a friend. By H. W. a lover of the truth that is according to Godliness. date: 1668 words: 8636 flesch: 72 summary: But secondly , How doth it arise from this Text , That Christ made full satisfaction to the Justice of God ? As if for God to make Christ perfect through sufferings , and for Christ to make satisfaction to the Justice of God were all one . keywords: christ; doctrine; god; grace; justice; punishment; saith; satisfaction; sins; text cache: A67000.xml plain text: A67000.txt item: #18 of 27 id: A67095 author: Walker, George, 1581?-1651. title: The manifold vvisedome of God In the divers dispensation of grace by Iesus Christ, In the Old New Testament. In the covenant of faith. workes. Their agreement and difference. By G. Walker, B.D. pastor of Saint Iohn the Evangelist in Watlingstreet. date: 1641 words: 32822 flesch: 61 summary: It justly challengeth the first place , because the first receiving of men into the Church of God to be visible members of Christ , is by their baptisme , which is the Sacrament of initiation , and their entring into covenant with God in Christ ; which Covenant is here in this treatise plainly described , and the agreement and difference shewed betweene it , and the old Covenant of workes , as also between the old and new Testament , and betweene the Law and the Gospel . The reasons why God in making it did renue the Covenant of Workes , and mingle it with the Covenant of Grace made with man in Christ after his fall . keywords: betweene; christ; covenant; covenant god; death; difference; doe; doth; faith; fathers; god; gods; gospell; grace; hath; law; life; man; nature; promises; righteousnesse; spirit; testament; word; workes cache: A67095.xml plain text: A67095.txt item: #19 of 27 id: A67743 author: Younge, Richard. title: The cause and cure of ignorance, error, enmity, atheisme, prophanesse, &c., or, A most hopefull and speedy way to grace and salvation, by plucking up impediments by the roote reduced to explication, confirmation, application, tending to illumination, sanctification, devotion / by R. Younge ... date: 1648 words: 58085 flesch: 80 summary: Againe , search the whole Bible over and you shall not finde one holy man mentioned , without mention of something hee suffered from ungodly men ; as it were easie to instance , how Abel , Lot , Noah , Righteous men Abraham the Father of the faithfull , Isaac , Iacob , Ioseph Patriarches and Fathers of the Church , meek Moses , upright Sam●●l , holy David , wise Solomon , all the Lords Priests , Prophets , Apostles ; yea the harmlesse Babes and our Saviour Christ himselfe , did severally suffer from wicked and ungodly men , yea , never man came to Heaven , but first hee passed through this Purgatory : God had one Sonne without sinne , but never any one without suffering ; which makes our Saviour say , Woe be to you , when all men speake well of you , that is , when evill men speake well of you , for so did the Iews of the false Prophets , Luke 6.26 . And because hee cannot force men against their wills ; ( which leaves us without excuse ) for though that old Sheba , blowes many an inticing blast , to carry us away from our true allegiance to Christ Iesus our King : yet the minde of man is not capable of a violation , either from man or Sathan : therefore he useth his utmost pollicy to perswade us . keywords: acts; bee; beleeve; cause; children; christ; christians; cor; death; doe; enmity; evill; god; godly; gods; good; hate; hath; hatred; heart; heaven; hee; hell; himselfe; holy; iohn; know; knowledge; life; like; lord; love; man; matth; men; owne; paul; reason; religion; saith; satan; sect; seed; servants; sin; things; thinke; thou; time; true; truth; way; wee; wicked; wisdome; wise; words; world; yea; ● ● cache: A67743.xml plain text: A67743.txt item: #20 of 27 id: A67756 author: Younge, Richard. title: The hearts-index, or, Self-knowledg [sic] together with I. the wonderful change that the word and spirit do work upon the heart when a sinner is converted II. the excellency of grace above nature III. the safety and calm of such as have sued out their pardon in Christ / by R. Younge ... date: 1667 words: 14904 flesch: 74 summary: so the heart of man is deceitful above all things : even so deceitful , that none but God alone can know it , as the Prophet shews , Jer. 17.10 . It was horrid ingratitude in the Jews , to scourge and crucifie Christ , who did them good every way ; for he healed their diseases fed their bodies , enlightned their minds , of God became man , and lived miserably amongst them many years , that he might save their souls : but they fell short of my ingratitude to God , in that most of them were not in the least convinced , that he was the Messias sent from God , and promised from the beginning . keywords: christ; conscience; evil; god; gods; good; grace; hath; heart; life; man; men; sect; self; sin; sins; spirit; thought; word; yea cache: A67756.xml plain text: A67756.txt item: #21 of 27 id: A67781 author: Younge, Richard. title: The tryall of true wisdom, with how to become wise indeed, or, A choice and cheap gift for a friend both to please and pleasure him, be he inferior or superior, sinful or faithful, ignorant or intelligent / By R. Younge ... ; add this as an appendix, or third part, to The hearts index, and, A short and sure way, to grace and salvation. date: 1658 words: 18508 flesch: 77 summary: These ensuing Notions ( which I have purposely taken , as a handful out of the whole sack , to squander away amongst my acquaintance ) are such Nuts , as will discover not a few ( who are men in appearance , and their own opinion ) to be as wise , and well affected as Aesops Cock ; that preferred a barley Corn , before a Pearl : or Plinies Moal , that would dig under ground with great dexterity : but was blind , it brought into the Sun . Or Diaphontus , that refused his mothers blessing , to hear a song : Or the Israelites , who preferred Garlick and Onions , before Quails and manna . Men no more differ from Beasts , Plants , Stones ; in speech , reason , shape , than some differ from others , in heart , in brain , in life . keywords: christ; end; faith; fools; god; gods; good; grace; hath; holy; knowledge; let; light; man; men; reason; saving; soul; things; way; wisdom; world; yea cache: A67781.xml plain text: A67781.txt item: #22 of 27 id: A70256 author: Hooke, William, 1600 or 1601-1678. title: The priveledge of the saints on earth beyond those in heaven in respect of gifts and graces exercised, duties and services performed, sufferings and tryals undergone by them which the glorified are not capable of : being the sum of a discourse upon a part of Hezekiah's Song of thanksgiving ... : to which is added A short discourse of the nature and extent of the Gospel-day : reaching from the destruction of the old to the erection of the new Jerusalem out of Zech. 14, 6, 7 / by William Hooke. date: 1673 words: 34391 flesch: 81 summary: Herein do we communicate with Angels , whose glory it is that they are Ministring Spirits , always beholding the face of God our Father for this very purpose . The Son of God hath given us a glorious pattern herein , I must work the work of him that hath sent me , &c. Christ Jesus our Master improved all opportunities , went up and down doing good , filling all places where he came with the favour of his Doctrine and Miracles , because he knew his time was short , and the recompence of reward at hand . keywords: children; christ; church; darkness; day; earth; evening; glory; god; good; gospel; hath; heaven; life; light; lord; love; men; saints; saith; time; truth; way; work; world cache: A70256.xml plain text: A70256.txt item: #23 of 27 id: A85412 author: Goodwin, John, 1594?-1665. title: The remedie of unreasonableness. Or The substance of a speech intended at a conference or dispute, in Al-hallows the Great, London. Feb. 11. 1649. Exhibiting the brief heads of Mr John Goodwin's judgement, concerning the freeness fulness effectualness of the grace of God. As also concerning the bondage or servility of the will of man. Occasioned by an undue aspersion cast upon him; as (viz.) that he held free-will in opposition to free-grace. date: 1650 words: 6390 flesch: 60 summary: Yea whensoever his opinion and mine , touching the freedom of the will in man , and of the Grace of God in Jesus Christ towards men , shall come into a clear light , and be duly compared together . For 1. My opinion makes the Grace of God so free , as to enrich the whole world , and all that is called man in it ; and that without the least engagement upon God from men thereunto : keywords: christ; god; grace; hath; man; means; men; opinion; present; text; words cache: A85412.xml plain text: A85412.txt item: #24 of 27 id: A85542 author: Graunt, John, of Bucklersbury. title: Christians liberty to the Lords table, discovered by eight arguments, therby proving, that the Sacrament of the body and blood of our Lord, doth as well teach to grace, as strengthen and confirm grace, and so is common, as well to the outward Christian as to the inward Christian: occasioned by the contrary doctrine, taught by a strange minister in Woolchurch, on the 29th of June last. / By I.G a parishioner there. Imprimatur, James Cranford. date: 1645 words: 10055 flesch: 53 summary: 7. 29. God hath made man upright , but hee ( that is man ) hath found many inventions , th●se and many other Scriptures make it cleer , that naturall men , as they are born of their mothers into the world , are called men , and therefore the ground and foundation of his doctrine is false , as the doctrine is false : And so likewise I shall prove in the second place , that such a generall or unregenerate believing man , may discern ordinary bread and wine that is ordained to feed and sustain our natures , from the Sacrament of bread and wine that are signes of Christs body and blood the only spirituall food of our soules , and so communicate of them also in this different respect whereunto they are appointed ; and to this doctrine the Apostle points in these words , 1 Cor. 11. 22. What have yee not houses to eat and drink in ? that is , for your ordinary food , for you shame the Church of God , to come to the Table of the Lord to eat to gluttony , and to drink to drunkennesse , What shall I say to you ? This mans answer to this Scripture , is like the answer that an Arrian made me not long ago , to another Scripture I alledged against his blasphemous position of Arrianisme , he maintaining that Christ was a meere man , and that to affirm a Trinity in Unity of the Godhead , was nonsense and ridiculous , and contrary to reason , nature , learning and Scripture : Will you be judged by Scripture ? said I , yes said he : whereupon I demanded what he thought of 1 Joh. 5. 7. There are three that beare record in heaven , the Father , the Word , and the Holy Ghost , and these three are one , here said I the Scripture affirms the Trinity in Unity . keywords: answer; argument; christ; god; hee; lord; man; sacrament; saith; word cache: A85542.xml plain text: A85542.txt item: #25 of 27 id: A85704 author: Griffith, John, 1622?-1700. title: A treatise touching falling from grace. Or Thirteen arguments tending to prove that believers cannot fall from grace, as they were laid down at a conference at Yalding in Kent, examined and answered, with many absurdities of that doctrine shewed. Whereunto is added thirteen reasons to prove that believers may fall totally and finally from grace, and many profitable uses flowing from that doctrine. By John Griffith. date: 1653 words: 20822 flesch: 74 summary: If I were your lord you would keep my words , my commandements , you would set an high esteem of my ordinances , and the like , how many is there at this day that call Christ lord , and yet have no love to his testimonies ? how many that have owned Christ in his institutions , and yet have transgressed and abide not in his doctrine but slight his ordinances saying they are low things , as if they were too high to submit to them , or having submitted to them were grown too high to continue in them ? and yet they call him Lord , the Apostle Paul prais'd the Corinthians for keeping the ordinances as he had delivered them unto them ▪ let this use be made therefore of this truth seeing if we transgresse and abide not in the doctrine of Christ we have not God . The reason of my appearing in this matter so publikely is onely and alone the glory of God , the love I bear to Religion , and the benifit of the Church of Christ . keywords: believers; christ; doth; faith; fall; god; grace; hath; heed; let; lord; men; pet; thou; word cache: A85704.xml plain text: A85704.txt item: #26 of 27 id: A90296 author: Owen, John, 1616-1683. title: A vision of vnchangeable free mercy, in sending the means of grace to undeserved sinners: wherein Gods uncontrollable eternall purpose, in sending, and continuing the gospel unto this nation, in the middest of oppositions and contingencies, is discovered: his distinguishing mercy, in this great work, exalted, asserted, against opposers, repiners: in a sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons, April. 29. being the day of publike humiliation. Whereunto is annexed, a short defensative about church-government, (with a countrey essay for the practice of church-government there) toleration and petitions about these things. / By Iohn Owen, minister of the gospel at Coggeshall in Essex. date: 1646 words: 24364 flesch: 68 summary: If a man in those daies had gone about to perswade us , that all our pressures were good omens , that they all wrought together for our good , we could have been ready to cry with the woman , who when she had recount●d her griefs ●o the Physicians and he still replied , they were good signes , {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , good signes have undone me , these good signes will be our ruin ; yet behold ( we hope ) the contrary . Now truly after my best search , and inquiry , into the first Churches and their constitution , framing an Idea and exemplar of them , this poor heap following , seems to me , as like one of them , as any thing that yet I have seen : nothing at all doubting , but that if a more skilfull hand had the limning of it , the proportions , features and lines , would be very exact , equall and paralell : yea , did not extream haste , now call it from me , so that I have no leisure , so much as to transcribe the first draught , I doubt not but , by Gods assistance , it might be so set forth , as not to be thought altogether undesirable ; if men would but a little lay aside beloved preconceptions : but the Printer staies for every line : only I must intreat every one that shall cast a candid eye , on this unwillingly exposed Embryo , and rude abortion , that he would assume in his minde , any particular Church mentioned in the Scripture , as of H●erusalem , Corinth , Ephesus , or the like , consider the way and state they were th●n , and some ages after , in respect of outward immunities and enjoyments , and tell me , whether any rationall man can suppose , that either there were in those places , sundry particular Churches , with their distinct peculiar officers , acting in most pastorall duties severally in them , as distinguished and divided into entire societies , but ruling them in respect of some particulars loyally in combination , considered as distinct bodies ; or else , that they were such single Congregations , as that all that power and authority which was in them , may seem fitly and conveniently to be entrusted , with a small handfull of men , combined under one single Pastour , with one , two , or perhaps no associated Elders . keywords: cause; christ; church; darknes; day; england; eternall; god; gods; good; gospel; government; grace; hath; jesus; life; light; lord; love; means; men; mercy; nation; non; people; power; purpose; roman; rule; self; sending; things; time; truth; vision; want; way; world; ● ● cache: A90296.xml plain text: A90296.txt item: #27 of 27 id: A93608 author: Saltmarsh, John, d. 1647. title: The fountaine of free grace opened by questions and answers: proving the foundation of faith to consist only in Gods free love in giving Christ to dye for the sins of all, and objections to the contrary answered by the Congregation of Christ in London, constituted by baptisme upon the profession of faith, falsly called Anabaptists. Wherein they vindicate themselves from the scandalous aspersions of holding free-will, and denying a free election by grace. date: 1645 words: 7484 flesch: 83 summary: A●s 13. 38. Q. Ought all men to beleive remission of sins in Christ ? A. Yea surely , in as much as Christ hath required remission of sins to be preached to all in his name , and nothing is required of any to be made partakers of that remission but only faith to beleive it , Rom. A. It doth not follow , for though our sins are punished in Christ , yet they are not pardoned in us unlesse we beleeve : hence it is that we are justified by faith in Christ , nor without : for he that beleeveth not shall be damned Mar. 16. and the reason is because else Christ hath not the Honour of Mediatourship as means of pardon of sins , and secondly , he that trusts not in Christ trusts in himselfe , and must be tried according to his t●n● whereon he leaneth . keywords: christ; faith; god; sins cache: A93608.xml plain text: A93608.txt