item: #1 of 11 id: 10754 author: Unknown title: Little Sarah date: None words: 488 flesch: 95 summary: [Illustration] The ploughman he ploughed, and the grain it was sown, And the sun shed his rays till the corn was all grown; It was ground at the mill, and again in her bed These words to poor Sarah the grandmother said: You shall get me a Johnny-cake--quickly go make it, [Illustration] Little Sarah she stood by her grandmother's bed, And what shall I get for your breakfast? keywords: minutes cache: 10754.txt plain text: 10754.txt item: #2 of 11 id: 20699 author: May, Sophie title: Dotty Dimple at Her Grandmother's date: None words: 25424 flesch: 94 summary: They went into the house, the trail of Susy's long wrapper following after little Dotty Dimple like the closing feet in one of Polly's long-metre verses. After her grandmother had left the room, Miss Dotty lay on the sofa for five minutes, thinking. keywords: aunt; charlie; children; dear; dimple; dotty; grandma; gray; home; house; jennie; katie; milk; miss; mrs; parlin; polly; prudy; thought; time; vance cache: 20699.txt plain text: 20699.txt item: #3 of 11 id: 20963 author: Molesworth, Mrs. title: Grandmother Dear: A Book for Boys and Girls date: None words: 56231 flesch: 88 summary: You naughty girl, she said, to go and frighten dear little grandmother like that. They just kissed her and said, Thank you, _dear_ grandmother, and that was all. keywords: aunty; away; boy; children; day; dear; door; eyes; father; girl; good; grandmother; grandmother dear; head; home; house; jack; little; mary; molly; morning; poor; ralph; room; sawyer; sylvia; things; thought; time; way; woman cache: 20963.txt plain text: 20963.txt item: #4 of 11 id: 21105 author: Hutcheson, John C. (John Conroy) title: Teddy The Story of a Little Pickle date: None words: 36549 flesch: 66 summary: You gie him to me! Impressed with his words, and knowing besides now from long acquaintance that Jupp was what she called a knowledgeable man, Mary accordingly surrendered the apparently lifeless body of little Teddy; whereupon the porter incontinently began to strip off all the boy's clothing, which of course was wringing wet like his own. Swimming on his side, however, and striking out grandly, Jupp succeeded at length in vanquishing the current, or rather made it serve his purpose; and, presently, grasping hold of the branch of an alder that hung over the river at the point of the bend, he drew himself up on the bank with one hand, holding poor Teddy still with the other, to find himself at the same moment confronted by Nurse Mary, with Cissy and Liz, who had all hurried down the slope to the scene of the disaster. keywords: captain; cissy; conny; doctor; face; father; good; hands; home; jack; jupp; lennard; liz; look; looking; man; mary; master; master teddy; miss; mite; moment; old; poor; porter; puck; round; ship; sir; teddy; thought; time; uncle; vicar; water; way cache: 21105.txt plain text: 21105.txt item: #5 of 11 id: 34335 author: Diaz, Abby Morton title: The William Henry Letters date: None words: 73657 flesch: 96 summary: Said he planted a hill of potatoes in his father's garden, last summer, with their eyes all down, and waited and waited, but they didn't come up. Said he'd lain awake in the morning and heard 'em say, just as plain as day, If you do, I'll give it to you! keywords: aunt; believe; billy; boy; boys; bubby; day; dear; dorry; eyes; father; girls; good; grandmother; guess; head; henry; home; house; jacob; lady; letter; look; lucy; man; maria; mean; phebe; right; room; round; school; set; short; things; thought; time; tommy; uncle; way; white; william cache: 34335.txt plain text: 34335.txt item: #6 of 11 id: 35281 author: Richards, Laura Elizabeth Howe title: The Joyous Story of Toto date: None words: 35595 flesch: 91 summary: It grew brighter and brighter; and at last Toto emerged from the passage, and found himself in a large cave, which in one part was high enough to allow him to stand upright. Poor Toto was very disconsolate. keywords: away; bear; boy; bruin; cracker; day; dear; good; grandmother; great; head; king; man; nose; pigeon; pokey; raccoon; round; squirrel; story; thought; time; toto; way; wood cache: 35281.txt plain text: 35281.txt item: #7 of 11 id: 39081 author: Wells, Carolyn title: The Dorrance Domain date: None words: 53563 flesch: 84 summary: And so, when Mrs. Dorrance informed Mr. Hickox that Miss Dorothy was the housekeeper, and was in authority, Dorothy rose to the occasion and assumed at once a certain little air of dignity and responsibility that sat well upon her. I am Dorothy Dorrance, Dorothy responded, by way of her own introduction, and my grandfather was Robert Hampton Dorrance. keywords: big; black; children; course; day; domain; dorothy; dorrance; fairy; faulkner; good; grandma; grandmother; help; hickox; hotel; house; lady; lake; leicester; lilian; look; miss; mrs; people; right; room; summer; table; tessie; things; think; thought; time; want; way; work cache: 39081.txt plain text: 39081.txt item: #8 of 11 id: 41603 author: Richards, Laura Elizabeth Howe title: Toto's Merry Winter date: None words: 49736 flesch: 90 summary: Said it in a very rude way, you know. and off ran boy Toto, with his basket of eggs, leaving the two old hens to scratch about in the hay, clucking rather sadly over the memories of their own chickenhood, when they, too, went to parties, instead of laying eggs for other people's festivities. keywords: air; bear; black; boy; bruin; comet; coon; cracker; day; dear; door; eily; eyes; fire; good; grandmother; great; hand; head; hermit; kettle; king; life; little; man; moment; owld; raccoon; saw; squirrel; story; tail; thought; time; toto; way; yer cache: 41603.txt plain text: 41603.txt item: #9 of 11 id: 52608 author: Saunders, Marshall title: For His Country, and Grandmother and the Crow date: None words: 7654 flesch: 85 summary: As for old George, after that one miserable night in the stable, and his utter contrition in the morning, he lived only for grandmother, and died looking lovingly in her face. On my twelfth birthday I was driving with her through a thick wood, when we heard in front of us the loud shouting and laughing of boys. keywords: boy; children; country; crow; george; grandmother; illustration; polly; princess; story cache: 52608.txt plain text: 52608.txt item: #10 of 11 id: 5271 author: Wells, Carolyn title: Marjorie's Vacation date: None words: 50659 flesch: 86 summary: But I'll tell you what: whenever Stella comes over here again, I'll try to be SPECIALLY kind to her, to make up for saying boo! CHAPTER VII A BOAT-RIDE Great was the rejoicing of the whole household when at last Marjorie was able to come downstairs once more. At last Marjorie began to realize that they were in a difficulty. keywords: carter; children; course; day; fun; girls; good; grandma; home; house; little; marjorie; midge; miss; molly; mother; mrs; paper; read; room; sherwood; stella; steve; things; thought; time; uncle; uncle steve; water; way cache: 5271.txt plain text: 5271.txt item: #11 of 11 id: 9382 author: Brine, Mary D. (Mary Dow) title: Grandma's Memories date: None words: 3719 flesch: 86 summary: She is seeing dear faces, and clasping the hand Of many a friend in the shadowy land, And the ghosts of old years she has watched in and out, Come forth from the shadows and hedge her about. on this night while old Grandma is sitting Alone in the gloaming, while moments are flitting And bearing on wings that are sure and so fast The year that now _is_, to the years that are past-- keywords: baby; dear; grandma; illustration; lullaby; mother cache: 9382.txt plain text: 9382.txt