item: #1 of 65 id: A01406 author: Gainsford, Thomas, d. 1624? title: The vision and discourse of Henry the seuenth Concerning the vnitie of Great Brittaine. Diuided into foure chapters. 1. Containing an introduction. 2. Inducements to vnitie. 3. The policy, deceit, and mischieuous spite of the vnderminers hereof. 4. The danger of diuision. Related by T.G. date: 1610.0 words: 20469 flesch: 74 summary: Beneficijs humana vita constat , et concordia , nec terrore , sed amore muiu● in foedus , auxiliumque commune constringitur . And although the number of Ballad-mongers , and frothy Poems strained for ga●ne to please the vulgar , may seeme to impaire the reputation of the auntient Vates , yet there is no question , but that perspicuous verse well couched , comprising much matter in a narrow roome , full of Historie , naturall Allegories , fit similes , and materiall obseruations , shall alwayes winne respect in the most wa●ward & new-fangled age . keywords: act; aduance; age; alwayes; appeare; armes; ayre; base; beene; best; blisse; bloud; bodies; body; bondage; books; breach; breake; britaines; broyles; cap; care; cause; champions; characters; charge; chiefe; christian; church; churches; ciuill; clergie; coast; concord; constancie; contriue; countries; course; creatures; crowne; daily; danger; day; death; debate; defence; delight; deuoure; discord; discourse; diuided; diuine; diuision; doe; doth; early; earth; earthly; eebo; elements; emperour; empire; endlesse; england; english; euery; eye; eyes; factions; faile; faith; faithfull; families; famous; farre; feare; feele; fit; foes; folly; fond; force; forraine; frame; free; friends; gaine; gaue; generall; giue; glorie; glory; gods; gold; golden; good; great; greatest; greece; greekes; hand; hate; hath; haue; heart; heau'nly; heau'ns; heauie; hee; hellish; henry; highest; himselfe; hist; hold; holy; home; honour; hope; humaine; humors; iames; idle; iehouah; iesuits; ill; images; increase; indies; indure; intent; iudge; iustice; keepe; king; kingdomes; lands; late; lawes; leaue; length; let; lib; life; like; little; liue; long; lord; losse; loue; maintaine; man; mans; meane; men; minde; motions; nature; neuer; new; oft; onely; order; ouer; owne; pag; pardon; passe; peace; plead; pleasure; plots; plutarch; policie; poore; popes; power; practise; praise; preuent; pride; priests; princes; priuate; procure; prooue; protestants; publike; queene; reason; releeue; report; rest; right; romaine; romans; rome; rome doth; romish; romists; royall; ruine; sacred; saints; sarazins; saxons; scorne; sea; seas; second; seeme; selfe; serue; set; seuerall; shee; shew; shewes; shunne; sinne; slaine; slights; soone; sort; soule; sound; spill; spirits; spite; stand; state; store; stormes; strange; strength; strife; strong; subiects; sure; swarmes; tcp; tei; text; thee; themselues; things; thinke; thought; times; true; truth; turkes; turne; valour; verse; vertues; vertuous; view; vision; vnder; vnion; vnited; vnitie; vnto; vpon; vvhich; warres; weale; words; worke; world; worthy; wrong; yeares; yee; ● ● cache: A01406.xml plain text: A01406.txt item: #2 of 65 id: A17962 author: Carier, Benjamin, 1566-1614. title: A treatise, vvritten by M. doctor Carier, vvherein hee layeth downe sundry learned and pithy considerations by which he was moued, to forsake the Protestant congregation, and to betake himselfe to the Catholke Apostolike Roman Church. Agreeing verbatim with the written copye, addressed by the sayd doctor to the King his most excellent Maiestie. date: 1614.0 words: 18055 flesch: 52 summary: Church and state -- Great Britain -- Early works to 1800. Of him I learned that all false religions in the world , were but policies inuented of men for the temporall seruice of Princes and States , and therefore that they were diuers and alwayes changeable , according to the diuers reasons and occasions of State. keywords: able; ancient; appeare; authoritie; beginning; beleeue; best; better; betwixt; blessed; body; booke; caluinists; carier; catholike; catholike church; catholike religion; change; children; christ; christian; church; churches; clergie; comfort; common; confesse; conscience; course; crowne; day; desire; doctor; doctrine; doe; doth; eebo; elizabeth; england; english; enioy; euer; false; fauour; giue; god; goe; good; great; greatest; hath; haue; hauing; heauen; henry; himselfe; hold; honest; honor; hope; iudgement; king; law; lawes; learned; leaue; life; long; lords; maiestie; maiesty; maintaine; man; matter; meanes; men; new; obedience; opinions; owne; peace; people; pope; prayer; preachers; present; priest; princes; principles; purpose; queene; reason; religion; respect; rest; roman; rome; saints; saluation; sauiour; schisme; selfe; serue; seruice; set; shew; soule; state; statute; subiects; tcp; temporall; text; themselues; time; title; treatise; true; truth; turne; vnitie; vntill; vnto; vpon; vse; way; wealth; whatsoeuer; world; yeares cache: A17962.xml plain text: A17962.txt item: #3 of 65 id: A24968 author: Gentleman in communion with the Church of England. title: Sober and serious considerations occasioned by the death of His Most Sacred Majesty, King Charles II (of ever blessed memory), and the serious time of Lent following it together with a brief historical account of the first rise, progress, and increase of phanaticism in England and the fatal consequents thereof : now made publick in tendency to the peace of the kingdom / by a gentleman in communion with the Church of England, as now by law establish'd. date: 1685.0 words: 14342 flesch: 37 summary: For how is it possible that such men , as are unfaithful to God , should be True and Loyal to their Sovereign , his Vicegerent upon Earth ? That such as are men of no Religion , men of no Principles , and walk by no Rule , but are Slaves and Drudges to their Appetites and Lusts , should ever , in time of Danger and Tryal , stick fast to the Crown and Government , and perform the Duties of Loyal and Obedient Subjects , and dye for their Prince . But yet nevertheless ( in midst of Judgment remembring Mercy ) hath richly again supplyed that great Loss unto us , which nothing ( but the furnishing us with such a Just and Gracious Prince we now have upon the Throne ) could have made up to us ; a Prince who hath often ( when a Subject ) hazarded his Life for our Honor and Defence ; and hath freely , of his own good Will and Pleasure , given us such great Assurance of Confirming to us the present Establishments both in Church and State ; such a Prince ( as , I have read , Plato discribes ) keywords: account; author; authority; best; blessed; blood; books; cause; charity; charles; christian; church; communion; consideration; crown; danger; devotions; divine; duties; edition; eebo; end; england; english; evil; excellent; experience; faction; fanaticks; fasting; general; gentleman; god; good; government; gracious; great; greatest; hands; happiness; hath; head; heart; heaven; holy; honest; horrid; judgment; justice; king; kingdom; late; law; lawful; lent; life; lives; long; lord; love; loyal; lusts; majesty; man; matter; means; memory; men; minds; mischief; mother; nation; needs; obedience; observation; order; peace; people; piety; pious; present; pretences; pride; prince; principles; profession; publick; reason; reformation; religion; religious; right; romanists; rome; rule; sacred; said; saith; saviour; schism; scriptures; second; seditious; selves; sense; short; sins; sober; souls; sound; sovereign; state; subjection; subjects; tcp; text; things; thought; time; true; truth; unity; vertue; vice; way; wickedness; wise; words; world; worship; worthy; yea cache: A24968.xml plain text: A24968.txt item: #4 of 65 id: A28205 author: Birkenhead, John, Sir, 1616-1679. title: Cabala, or, An impartial account of the non-conformists private designs, actings and wayes from August 24, 1662 to December 25 in the same year. date: 1663.0 words: 13699 flesch: 53 summary: It was taken into consideration , that all Burroughs , Cities , & Corporations , which have been hitherto supplied by men of honest principles be looked after , and that such moderate men as have a Licence from Mr. Baxter , Mr. Calamy , Dr. Manton , and Mr. Burgesse , to conply , may from time to time be put in those places ; for which Mr. Jenkins offered two Reasons : 1. it is very expedient , for so we are sure to command the choice of honest Parliament men ; for wherever we are , we must preside in that case , as zealous Mr. Fouke at Reading , discreet Mr. Boules at York , publick spirited Mr. Baxter in Worcester-shire , and you know the Burgesses and Citizens are for the major part of the House of Commons , and an honest majority among the Commons , with a moderate House of Lords , may be healing of our breaches , and restorers of paths . Sister Priscilla ; verily Mr. Lewis , Mr. Cave , Mr. Neast , &c. do preach up the comfortable Doctrine of Assurance , the Soul-saving Doctrine of Christ in Believers , the heart-supporting truth of the in-dwelling of the Spirit , which are great refreshings to us , who can hear nothing elsewhere but good works , repentance , obedience , and other legal doctrines of men unacquainted with the sweet Mysteries of the Gospel . keywords: account; act; affected; assembly; august; baxter; beloved; bishops; body; books; brethren; brother; calamy; care; caryl; cause; characters; christian; church; churches; committee; common; communion; confiding; conscience; covenant; day; directory; doctor; eebo; england; english; episcopal; faithful; friends; gain; god; godly; good; goodwyn; gospel; government; great; hath; heart; history; holy; honest; honourable; hour; house; interest; jenkins; king; law; leave; lectures; liberty; little; london; long; lord; lye; man; manton; meeting; men; ministers; ministry; moneth; money; old; owen; parliament; people; persecution; persons; places; power; prayer; present; private; publick; purpose; ready; respective; said; saith; saith mr; september; sermon; service; set; seventh; sisters; sixth; spirit; stand; tcp; tender; text; things; time; viz; way; withall; word; work; year; young cache: A28205.xml plain text: A28205.txt item: #5 of 65 id: A29440 author: Dogerell, Owen. title: A brief dialogve between Zelotopit one of the daughters of a zealous Round-head, and Superstition a holy fryer newly come out of France shewing the zeal of good motions of the one and the idolatry of the other : as also the passages of their holy ones when that they be in their conventicles each one condoling with his holy sister / composed by Owen Dogerell. date: 1642.0 words: 2131 flesch: 80 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A29440 of text R16421 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing B4575). The rate of 32 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the C category of texts with between 10 and 35 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: a29440; books; brief; conventicles; daughters; dogerell; early; english; france; fryer; good; head; holy; leave; new; ones; order; owen; round; sir; sister; spirit; superstition; text; zeal; zealous; zelotopit cache: A29440.xml plain text: A29440.txt item: #6 of 65 id: A29831 author: Browne, John, Jesuit. title: The confession of John Browne, a Iesvite, in the gate-house twice examined by a committee from the honourable House of Commons wherein is discovered the late plots of the Pope and papacy against these kingdomes, England, Scotland, and Ireland : and the manner how he poceeds in his intents to intrude himselfe into the temporall monarchy hereof : with the copy of the Popes Breve, & the fansinesse of his Nuntio with the English ladies : and the event that may preoceed by stopping such proceedings. date: 1641.0 words: 2218 flesch: 62 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A29831 of text R10825 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing B5118). 47 D The rate of 47 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the D category of texts with between 35 and 100 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: a29831; books; breve; browne; committee; commons; confession; early; england; english; father; gate; george; great; himselfe; honourable; house; iesvite; iohn; ireland; jesuit; john; kingdomes; ladies; manner; monarchy; philips; pope; rome; scotland; sir; temporall; text; toby cache: A29831.xml plain text: A29831.txt item: #7 of 65 id: A30405 author: Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715. title: Reflections on Mr. Varillas's history of the revolutions that have happned in Europe in matters of religion and more particularly on his ninth book that relates to England / by G. Burnet ... date: 1686.0 words: 26336 flesch: 46 summary: The Duke of Somerset was his Governour , and for the Duke of Northumberland , thô the last two Years of that Reign , in which that King was past the Age of Tutelage , he bore the chief sway of affairs , yet he had neither the Character of the King's Tutor or Governour , nor any other whatsoever , but only that of a Privy Councellour , that was much considered by him , and he at his Death professed that he had been always a Catholick in his Heart , so that his pretending to be of the Reformed Religion to serve his interests , shews that he belongs no more to our Church , than the now forced Converts belong to that of Rome . Reflections on Mr. Varillas's history of the revolutions that have happned in Europe in matters of religion and more particularly on his ninth book that relates to England / by G. Burnet ... Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715. 1686 Approx. keywords: 5th; 7th; 8th; affairs; anne; archbishop; arthur; author; authority; bishops; boleyn; books; brother; bull; cajetan; canterbury; cantons; cardinal; certain; character; chief; church; clergy; common; conscience; contrary; court; cranmer; credit; crown; daughter; death; degrees; different; dispensation; divorce; duke; easy; emperour; england; english; errours; europe; false; falsehood; father; favours; fit; france; good; great; hands; head; henry; history; honour; ibid; ignorance; interest; judgment; k. henry; king; king henry; known; law; letters; liberty; library; life; like; little; long; love; man; manner; mariage; married; marrying; mary; matter; men; mind; months; nature; necessary; new; occasion; old; order; original; paris; parliament; particular; pass; past; period; person; pope; pretended; princess; proof; proposition; publick; queen; reader; reason; reformation; regard; reign; religion; return; rome; sanders; scotland; second; secret; self; set; sets; shew; sister; son; sort; spain; state; tcp; text; thing; thô; time; true; truth; universities; varillas; vvas; way; wolsey; words; world; writ; writers; writing; years; york cache: A30405.xml plain text: A30405.txt item: #8 of 65 id: A30741 author: Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680. title: The Geneva ballad To the tune of 48. date: 1674.0 words: 1549 flesch: 73 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: ballad; books; butler; characters; creation; data; early; edition; eebo; elements; encoding; english; geneva; henry; image; keying; online; oxford; page; partnership; phase; reel; samuel; tcp; tei; text; tune; works; xml cache: A30741.xml plain text: A30741.txt item: #9 of 65 id: A33368 author: Milton, John, 1608-1674. title: Canterbvries dreame in which the apparition of Cardinall Wolsey did present himselfe unto him on the fourtenth of May last past : it being the third night after my Lord of Strafford had taken his fare-well to the world. date: 1641.0 words: 1719 flesch: 54 summary: Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 66244) Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 253:E158, no 3) Canterbvries dreame in which the apparition of Cardinall Wolsey did present himselfe unto him on the fourtenth of May last past : it being the third night after my Lord of Strafford had taken his fare-well to the world. Canterbvries dreame in which the apparition of Cardinall Wolsey did present himselfe unto him on the fourtenth of May last past : it being the third night after my Lord of Strafford had taken his fare-well to the world. keywords: a33368; apparition; books; c458; canterbvries; cardinall; cardinall wolsey; early; english; fare; fourtenth; great; himselfe; images; lord; man; milton; night; online; past; r173378; strafford; support; tcp; text; wing; wolsey; world cache: A33368.xml plain text: A33368.txt item: #10 of 65 id: A33714 author: Cowley, Abraham, 1618-1667. title: The prologve and epilogve to a comedie presented at the entertainment of the Prince, His Highnesse, by the schollars of Trinity Colledge in Cambridge in March last, 1641 / by Francis Cole. date: 1642.0 words: 974 flesch: 82 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A33714 of text R27611 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing C5022). 47 D The rate of 47 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the D category of texts with between 35 and 100 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: a33714; books; cole; colledge; comedie; early; english; entertainment; epilogve; highnesse; images; play; prince; prologve; text; trinity cache: A33714.xml plain text: A33714.txt item: #11 of 65 id: A34537 author: Corbet, John, 1620-1680. title: The interest of England in the matter of religion the first and second parts : unfolded in the solution of three questions / written by John Corbet. date: 1661.0 words: 43860 flesch: 51 summary: My business is to take things as I find them , and to state the Case between the Dissenters , and to shew how far they agree , and how little they differ , for this end , That Parties ( both Name and Thing ) might cease for ever . At length a full Tide of concurring accidents carries him to a closure with the sober part of the Parliamentary party , who from first to last intended only a Reformation , and due regulation of things in Church and State , but abhorred the thought of destroying the King , or changing the Fundamental Laws of the Kingdom . keywords: able; absolute; accommodation; account; advancement; advantage; affairs; affections; age; agreeable; aim; ancient; army; authority; beginning; best; bishop; body; book; breach; brethren; business; canons; care; carnal; cause; ceremonies; certain; change; character; charity; christ; christian; church; churches; civil; clergy; common; communion; concernments; condition; confidence; conformity; conscience; constant; contrary; controversie; council; court; day; decency; decrees; degree; design; desire; difference; discipline; discourse; divers; divided; divine; division; doctrine; dominion; doth; early; ecclesiastical; end; england; english; episcopal; equal; errour; established; evil; exercise; extreams; faith; favour; fear; firm; force; form; forth; foundation; frame; free; fundamental; general; glory; god; godly; good; gospel; government; gracious; grave; great; greater; greatest; ground; hand; happy; hath; head; heart; height; hierarchy; high; higher; hold; holy; hope; house; humane; humour; influence; institution; interest; judge; judgment; jurisdiction; kind; king; kingdom; knowing; knowledge; known; large; late; law; lawful; learned; length; lesser; liberty; life; like; little; liturgy; long; lord; love; main; majesties; majesty; manifest; matter; means; meer; men; minded; minds; ministers; moderate; moderation; multitude; mystical; nation; national; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; needs; new; non; number; obedience; observed; occasions; offer; opinions; opposition; order; outward; pacification; papists; parliament; partial; particular; parties; party; pass; peace; peculiar; people; perfect; perpetual; persons; perswasion; point; political; popery; popish; possible; power; practice; prayer; preaching; prejudice; prelacy; prelatists; presbyterians; presbytery; present; pretended; primitive; prince; principles; protestant; protestant religion; protestantism; prudence; prudent; publick; puritans; question; reason; reformation; reformed; regard; religion; religious; respect; right; roman; rome; root; rooted; royal; rule; sacred; said; satisfaction; saying; scripture; second; section; security; self; sence; service; set; shew; sides; sober; sole; solid; sort; sound; soveraign; spirit; spiritual; stability; stand; state; strength; subjects; substance; sure; tcp; tearms; temper; temporal; text; things; times; touching; true; truth; turn; uniformity; union; unity; use; way; ways; whatsoever; whereof; willing; wisdom; wise; wit; words; work; world; worship; yea; years cache: A34537.xml plain text: A34537.txt item: #12 of 65 id: A34591 author: Taylor, John, 1580-1653. title: Cornu-copia, or, Roome for a ram-head wherein is described the dignity of the ram-head above the round-head or rattle-head. date: 1642.0 words: 2006 flesch: 79 summary: But vow you shall not , for I take more pleasure and content in them then in any thing in the world beside , esteeming them as a goodly ornament unto me above all other men , 2. as a testification to all the world of my innocency , 3. it is unto me a strong defence against all adverse power , 4. hornes are so serviceable and usefull that no man almost can live without them . H. Because they have no harme in them , for where hornes are there is innocency : As for example , we may see in the very animall , keywords: a34591; books; copia; cornu; dignity; early; english; good; hath; head; horne; john; man; men; paire; ram; rattle; roome; round; taylor; tcp; text; weare; wife; wing; world cache: A34591.xml plain text: A34591.txt item: #13 of 65 id: A34793 author: Carter, Richard, 17th/18th cent. title: The schismatick stigmatized wherein all make-bates are branded : whether they are eves-dropping-newes-carriers, murmurers, complainers, railers, reproachers, revilers, repining reformers, fault-finders, quarrell-pickers and corner-creepers : with all the rabble of brain-sicks who are enemies to old Englands peace / by Richard Carter. date: 1641.0 words: 6639 flesch: 76 summary: And in their Conventicles they pretend nothing but Reformation , humiliation , fasting , and prayer , perswading poore ignorants , that they are all for Reformation , Reformation , and nothing but Reformation , ( forsooth ) hereby they disturbe the peace of our Church wonderfully : as Bullenger saith Lib. I will adde what King Iames of ever blessed memory saith in his learned {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , verbatim his words are these in the 42. page of the said Booke : These are very Pests in Church and Common-weale , whom neither oathes , nor promises can bind , breathing out nothing but sedition and calumnies , aspiring without measure , and rayling without reason : making their owne imaginations ( without any warrant of Gods Word ) the square of their consciences . keywords: asse; bee; benefactors; bishops; blessed; blinde; books; brain; brother; carter; christian; church; common; corner; crosse; devill; divines; doe; doth; enemies; enemy; england; english; eyes; faction; fire; fooles; forsooth; god; gods; good; government; great; hath; head; hearts; hee; hell; helpe; hide; holy; house; iohn; king; lard; latine; like; long; lord; majesty; makers; man; men; newes; nick; non; old; onely; order; owne; peace; poore; prayer; reformation; richard; roman; rome; rout; sacred; said; saith; schismaticall; schismaticks; set; sick; stigma; taile; text; thee; things; thou; thy; time; tom; truth; vor; wee; whore; words; world; zay; zeale cache: A34793.xml plain text: A34793.txt item: #14 of 65 id: A35569 author: Casaubon, Meric, 1599-1671. title: The use of daily pvblick prayers in three positions date: 1641.0 words: 7759 flesch: 61 summary: Mention of those Prayers is made in the Councill of Laodicea , in the eighteenth Canon , {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} : that is , That the forme or Liturgie of Prayers , both at the Nones , and at the Vespers , ought always to be the same . It seemes by him that no small part of that {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , or , good order , required by Saint Paul , ( whose mind he might best know , as one of his Disciples ) 1 Cor. 14.40 doth consist in the due observing of those times and houres , limited and prescribed by authority for our Prayers and Devotions . keywords: a35569; ancient; answer; augustine; authority; authour; best; book; cap; casaubon; christians; church; common; conceived; constantine; cum; daily; day; days; dei; divers; doe; doth; early; end; english; epistle; eusebius; evening; extant; forms; god; gods; good; great; greek; guard; hath; heathen; hee; himselfe; late; latine; liberty; little; long; lord; men; meric; nobis; non; occasions; opinion; oratione; ordinary; origen; owne; particular; passage; people; point; positions; prayers; prescribed; private; pro; probable; publike; publike prayers; purpose; qui; reason; religious; roman; said; saint; saith; sed; service; set; sine; solemne; souldiers; spirit; supplications; tertullian; text; thanks; things; times; true; truth; use; vel; way; wee; words cache: A35569.xml plain text: A35569.txt item: #15 of 65 id: A35734 author: Dering, Edward, Sir, 1598-1644. title: A most worthy speech of the truly honourable and worthy member of the House of Commons Sir Edward Deering knight and baronet spoken in Parliament concerning the lyturgy of the Church of England and for a nationall synod. date: 1642.0 words: 2340 flesch: 66 summary: no A most worthy speech of the truly honourable and worthy member of the House of Commons, Sir Edward Deering knight and baronet. A most worthy speech of the truly honourable and worthy member of the House of Commons Sir Edward Deering knight and baronet spoken in Parliament concerning the lyturgy of the Church of England and for a nationall synod. keywords: a35734; baronet; bee; bold; church; commons; creed; cure; deering; doctrine; doe; edward; england; english; honourable; house; knight; member; nationall; nay; non; parliament; religion; roman; sir; speaker; speech; synod; text; wee; worthy cache: A35734.xml plain text: A35734.txt item: #16 of 65 id: A36495 author: Downing, Calybute, 1606-1644. title: A sermon preached to the renowned company of the artillery, 1 September, 1640 designed to compose the present troubles by discovering the enemies of the peace of the church and state / by Calybute Downing... date: 1641.0 words: 6815 flesch: 51 summary: For when by common consent , men fell upon a Regiment , and at first permitted all , to the wisdome and discretion of Governours , chosen by themselves , and after by experience found , the remedy in this Course , worse then the disease ; they saw , I say , to live by one mans will , was the ground of all mens misery : then they were constrained to Come to Laws , ( not only admit a Councell for assistance : ) and whosoever infringes such Laws , is an absolute , insolent Enemy of the Common good . IT is no mans wisedome , nor businesse , to provoke a quiet enemie ; but it is every wise mans worke ( especially if trusted in any publique way ) to consider , discover , and represent their foes as they finde them affected , which is most assured by their actions . keywords: a36495; amaleck; amalekites; artillery; better; books; businesse; calybute; case; church; civill; close; common; company; conceive; counsels; cruell; david; doe; downing; early; egypt; enemies; enemy; english; execution; faction; future; god; good; great; ground; hatred; hee; home; israel; israelites; king; laws; like; lord; man; men; mistaken; nations; nature; old; particular; party; past; peace; people; petition; power; present; prince; principles; private; reason; religion; renowned; revenge; ruine; sam; september; sermon; state; subjects; text; times; troubles; trust; war; warre; way; wee; wise; words; worke; yea cache: A36495.xml plain text: A36495.txt item: #17 of 65 id: A36912 author: Du Perron, Jacques Davy, 1556-1618. title: The copy of a letter sent from the Cardinall du Perron embassadour for the French king at Rome concerning the divisions of the papists of England their difference in government whether by bishops or Jesuites with the care of His Holinesse in the agreement, and his judgement in placing of bishops in England for making priests to increase the Catholic number : whereunto is added a certaine conjecture of the use both prelates and papists have made of the cardinals counsell to augment and establish their greatnesse. date: 1641.0 words: 3337 flesch: 44 summary: The copy of a letter sent from the Cardinall du Perron embassadour for the French king at Rome concerning the divisions of the papists of England their difference in government whether by bishops or Jesuites with the care of His Holinesse in the agreement, and his judgement in placing of bishops in England for making priests to increase the Catholic number : whereunto is added a certaine conjecture of the use both prelates and papists have made of the cardinals counsell to augment and establish their greatnesse. The copy of a letter sent from the Cardinall du Perron embassadour for the French king at Rome concerning the divisions of the papists of England their difference in government whether by bishops or Jesuites with the care of His Holinesse in the agreement, and his judgement in placing of bishops in England for making priests to increase the Catholic number : whereunto is added a certaine conjecture of the use both prelates and papists have made of the cardinals counsell to augment and establish their greatnesse. keywords: bishops; cardinall; church; conjecture; copy; difference; divers; divisions; embassadour; end; england; english; french; greatnesse; hath; holinesse; increase; jesuites; judgement; king; letter; means; men; negotiations; non; number; onely; papists; perron; pope; prelates; priests; religion; roman; rome; text; things cache: A36912.xml plain text: A36912.txt item: #18 of 65 id: A38449 author: Compassionate conformist. title: Englands vanity or The Voice of God against the monstrous sin of pride, in dress and apparel wherein naked breasts and shoulders, antick and fantastick garbs, patches, and painting, long perriwigs, towers, bulls, shades, curlings, and crispings, with an hundred more fooleries of both sexes, are condemned as notiriously unlawful. With pertinent addresses to the court, nobility, gentry, city and country, directed especially to the professors in London / by a compassionate conformist. date: 1683.0 words: 32376 flesch: 59 summary: The very Devils ( saith he ) first taught the use of Colouring the Eye-brows , and clapping on a false and lying Blush on the Cheeks , so also to change the very natural Colour of the Hair , and to adulterate the true and Naked Complexion of the whole Head and Face , with those cursed Impostures ; ( and again ) God hath said , Come let us make man after our own Image . Truly when I fall into consideration of the wickedness of this world , that all sorts of men fall to sinning with greediness , that in all conditions Iniquity doth abound and Charity wax cold , that the Zeal of God is utterly dried up in the Hearts of Men , that God is served for Fashion sake , and not in truth , what should I think but that God hath gathered his Lap full of Plagues , and is ready to pour them down upon us ? And thus you see how God hath stirred up his Faithful Prophets to drop down their testimony against this poor Sinful Land for the Pride and prophaness thereof in that Age. keywords: age; ages; alas; ancient; angels; apparel; appearance; attire; author; bare; beauty; bed; best; better; bishop; black; blessed; blood; bodies; body; books; breasts; burning; business; care; cause; characters; charity; christian; church; city; cloath; coat; cold; common; confusion; countrey; court; creation; creatures; cross; cursed; custome; cut; dames; danger; dark; daughters; day; days; dead; death; degree; design; destruction; devil; discourse; divine; dress; early; earth; ease; eebo; end; england; english; equal; example; excellent; excess; eyes; face; faithful; fall; fancy; fashion; fathers; fear; feet; fine; fire; fit; flames; flesh; folly; fooleries; french; gallants; garments; general; gentlemen; gentry; glories; glorious; glory; god; gods; gold; golden; good; goodness; gospel; grace; great; greater; guilt; hair; half; hand; happiness; happy; hath; head; heart; heaven; hell; high; higher; hold; holy; home; honour; honourable; hopes; house; humble; hung; idle; ill; image; impudence; impudent; incomparable; innocent; israel; jerome; jesus; jewels; judgment; kindness; king; kingdom; ladies; lady; late; laws; leave; life; light; like; little; locks; long; look; lord; loss; love; lust; lustre; luxury; lye; majesty; maker; man; master; means; men; mercy; mind; miserable; modest; mother; naked; nakedness; nation; natural; nature; nay; near; necks; need; new; nobility; noble; old; onely; open; order; ornaments; page; painting; parts; pass; patches; people; perfect; perfections; persons; place; plagues; plain; poor; present; pride; prince; private; proper; proud; publick; purpose; queen; reader; ready; reason; religion; repentance; respect; rest; rich; roman; royal; ruine; sacred; saith; saviour; scorn; self; selves; service; set; shame; shameless; shew; shine; shoulders; sin; sins; sir; solomon; soul; spirit; state; stately; story; strange; streets; strength; sun; sure; sword; tcp; tears; tender; testimony; text; thee; thing; thou; thought; time; true; truth; universal; unworthy; use; vain; vanity; vertue; view; voice; vvho; want; way; wife; wise; witness; women; words; work; world; wounds; yea; young; zeal cache: A38449.xml plain text: A38449.txt item: #19 of 65 id: A38592 author: Erswicke, John. title: A briefe note of the benefits that grow to this realm by the observation of fish-dayes with a reason and cause wherefore the law in that behalfe made, is ordained : very necessary to bee kept in the houses of all men, especially common victuallers : together with an estimate of what beefes might be spared in a yeare in the citie of London by one dayes abstinence in a weeke : collected out of severall statutes in the reigne of Queen Elizabeth / published by John Erswicke... date: 1642.0 words: 2415 flesch: 53 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A38592 of text R8867 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing E3250). With a reason and cause wherefore the law in that b Erswicke, John 1642 2102 3 0 0 0 0 0 14 C The rate of 14 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the C category of texts with between 10 and 35 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: abstinence; beeves; benefits; briefe; cause; citie; common; dayes; erswicke; expence; fish; flesh; god; great; hath; law; london; men; observation; realme; reason; said; statutes; text; times; weeke; yeare cache: A38592.xml plain text: A38592.txt item: #20 of 65 id: A39222 author: Eliot, John, Sir, 1592-1632. title: Sir Iohn Eliot his grave and learned speech spoken in the high court of Parliament desiring an orderlie proceeding in matters of religion and that it may not be onely disputed of but firmely established as it ought to be : expressing the misprision and errour whereby date: 1641.0 words: 2073 flesch: 64 summary: Desiring an orderlie proceeding in matters of religion, Eliot, John, Sir 1641 1797 4 0 0 0 0 0 22 C The rate of 22 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the C category of texts with between 10 and 35 defects per 10,000 words. Sir Iohn Eliot his grave and learned speech spoken in the high court of Parliament desiring an orderlie proceeding in matters of religion and that it may not be onely disputed of but firmely established as it ought to be : expressing the misprision and errour whereby Grave and learned speech spoken in the High Court of Parliament desiring an orderlie proceeding in matters of religion Eliot, John, Sir, 1592-1632. keywords: a39222; books; court; early; eliot; english; grave; great; high; iohn; john; matters; misprision; orderlie; parliament; princes; proceeding; religion; sir; speech; text; truth; wee cache: A39222.xml plain text: A39222.txt item: #21 of 65 id: A39302 author: Ellwood, Thomas, 1639-1713. title: A discourse concerning riots occasioned by some of the people called Quakers, being imprisoned and indicted for a riot, for only being at a peaceable meeting to worship God / written by one of that people, Thomas Ellwood. date: 1683.0 words: 8982 flesch: 68 summary: It is used again , Tit. 1.6 . where it is required that the Children of such as were to be ordained Elders , should be [ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ] not accused of Riot , that is , of leading a dissolute and profuse life . But on the other hand , if they had gone in privy Coats of Plate , Shirts of Mail , or the like , to the intent to defend themselves from some Adversary , This ( saies he ) seems not punishable within these Statutes ; and the Reason he gives is , For that there is nothing openly done in terrorem populi , to the terrour of the People Keeble ( treating of Riots , and reciting the words of Lambard though he cites Crompton for the Author ) saies , to use Horns on Midsummer-night in London , or on May-day in the Country , for sport only , is no such offence ( that is , is no Riot ) seeing no terrour followeth it ; and the words [ in terrorem populi ] seem , saies he to be material in an Indictment of this kind . Assist. keywords: act; actual; apparent; armata; armour; arms; assembly; books; breach; common; country; dalton; discourse; eebo; english; evil; excess; fact; force; forcible; gesture; god; hurtful; injurious; intent; keeble; lambard; like; manner; meetings; men; nature; number; peace; peaceable; people; persons; possessions; religious; riot; rioting; riotous; rout; saies; self; shew; subject; tcp; terrour; text; thing; thomas; tit; true; turbulent; unlawful; unlawful act; use; verbo; violence; word; worship cache: A39302.xml plain text: A39302.txt item: #22 of 65 id: A45380 author: Hammond, Charles, 17th cent. title: Englnads [sic] alarum-bell to be rung in the eares of all true Christians, to awaken them out of dead sleep of sin and securitie, that they may arme themselves by prayer and repentance, and seek the Lord while he may be found, before the evill day commeth / written by Charles Hammond. date: 1652.0 words: 3874 flesch: 66 summary: Was sin ever at a greater height then it is now at this time in our Land ? and the more God strives to humble us by his judgments & afflictions , ye more do we presume in sin : what sins is there in ye Scriptures to be pronounc'd against , but we are guilty of ? what Nation under ye sun doth more abound in iniquity thē we do , & especially now of late times ? and briefly , these foure sins which I shall name , are like four Load-stones , to draw down ye heavy wrath of God upon us ; that is , Pride , Coveteousnes , Blasphemy , and Drūkēnes ; & indéed Pride & Coveteousnes are ring-leaders of most sins under ye sun : Pride was one of the chief sins of Sodom . The last sin which I have to name : for indéed 't is not for me to number , nor to reckon all the severall sins of this Nation , for I think we exceed Sodom & Gomorrah in our wickednes ; only I have toucht these four sins , as namely , Pride , Covetousnes , Blasphemy , & Drunkennes , which is the foure crying sins of this Nation : my Alarum-Bell rings loud in the ears of all those that loves ye sin of Drunkennesse : sée what ye Lord saith by the mouth of his Prophet Joel , 1.5 . keywords: alarum; bell; charles; christians; day; dead; desire; doth; earth; eclipse; evill; glory; god; great; hammond; hath; indéed; israel; land; lord; men; nation; people; pride; repentance; rung; saith; sin; sins; sun; text; thē; things; thou; times; true; ye lord cache: A45380.xml plain text: A45380.txt item: #23 of 65 id: A45648 author: Harris, John, Gent. title: The Pvritanes impvritie, or, The anatomie of a Puritane of Separatist by name and profession wherein is declared the differences betwixt a true Protestant and a Pvritane, made manifest by the sincerity of the one and hypocrisie of the other : likewise the comelinesse and necessity of reverence used in the performing of the service of God, especially at the receiving of the sacrament / by John Harris Gent. date: 1641.0 words: 3308 flesch: 49 summary: Did they reverence him , did they run to meet him , because they had received temporall Blessings of him , because he had cured their lame and given sight unto the blind , and shall not we reverence him , shall not we earnestly run to meet him that heald our leprous soules , that gave eyes of understanding to our blind judgements , that dyed to redeeme us from eternall death , surely beloved if we shall neglect this gratefull duty , these Jewes , these people of Hierusalem shall rise up in judgement against us , but to my former discourse , our Precisians thinke it to much labour , it savors of superstition to come up to the Communion Table , therefore if the bread and wine which is ye signe of our substantiall Savior be not brought to them , they will rather choose to disturbe the whole Congregation to make a mutenie in the presence of God then be perswaded from their diabolicall opinions , the next point we are to examine is what sort of men they be that are of this opinion , to wit Mechanick persons , for the most part unlectured grooms , Coachmen , Feltmakers , Coblers , Weavers , Glovers , hauking Ironmongers walking after the imaginations of their owne hearts , whose consciences are in a consumption , and wits as rusty as a peece of old Iron which has been broken and throwne on the dunghill , these rusty companions are knowne well enough , in every street their abominations breake forth , and like to spreading Vlcers infect poore innocent soules , this beguiler sells his pils very cheape , you may buy one for a peny , but take heed , taste it not for if you doe , it will spoyle your Common prayer ; but to proceed , that they are ignorant soules , may appeare in this , that they preferre the Discipline of ignorant men of their owne Society , before the Discipline of learned men , they prefer the drosse before the treasure , they prefer a dunce that will flatter and wrest his text according to the fancies of his Auditors , before a learned Divine , that teaches Orthodox Doctrine , that will open with the Key of knowledge , the Cabinet of the Scriptures , alas , Orthodox Doctrine is to cold of disgestion for their queazy stomacks , it is to deepe for them , oh no , it is the language of the beast , and they will not heare it , they will rather forsake the Church , and get under a hedge then endure to be told of their iniquities , so much concerning what sorts of people , they are that think themselves pure , next I come to the effects of their purity , they are proud , they are envious , they are enemies to the Church , they are enemies to learning , they are selfe-wild , selfe-conceited , they are hearers but not doers , they are covetous , they are lyers , they are persecutors of the poore , oppressors of the needy . The Pvritanes impvritie, or, The anatomie of a Puritane of Separatist by name and profession wherein is declared the differences betwixt a true Protestant and a Pvritane, made manifest by the sincerity of the one and hypocrisie of the other : likewise the comelinesse and necessity of reverence used in the performing of the service of God, especially at the receiving of the sacrament / by John Harris Gent. keywords: brother; chap; christ; dead; differences; english; faith; fruit; gent; god; gods; good; great; harris; hate; hearts; john; life; lord; love; man; men; open; opinions; people; performing; poore; protestant; pure; puritane; purity; reverence; sinne; text; true; ver; wicked; workes cache: A45648.xml plain text: A45648.txt item: #24 of 65 id: A46453 author: Abbot, George, 1562-1633. title: King James his letter and directions to the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury concerning preaching and preachers with the Bishop of Canterburies letter to the Bishop of Lincolne, Lord Keeper, desiring him to put in practise the Kings desires that none should preach but in a religious forme : and not that every young man should take to himselfe an exorbitant liberty to preach what he listeth to the offence of His Majesty and the disturbance and disquiet of the church and common-wealth. date: 1642.0 words: 2937 flesch: 49 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A46453 of text R16287 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing J139). Sovereign 1642 2656 2 0 0 0 0 0 8 B The rate of 8 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the B category of texts with fewer than 10 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: a46453; archbishop; bee; bishop; canterburies; canterbury; care; catechisme; church; common; directions; doctrine; doe; england; english; himselfe; homilies; james; keeper; kingdome; letter; lord; majesties; majesty; man; people; preachers; preaching; princely; religion; religious; set; severall; text; wealth; wee; young cache: A46453.xml plain text: A46453.txt item: #25 of 65 id: A47296 author: Kettlewell, John, 1653-1695. title: Five discourses on so many very important points of practical religion by John Kettlewell ... ; with a preface giving some account of the author's life. date: 1696.0 words: 36592 flesch: 60 summary: For there he must needs starve his eager desire , and languish in the pain of an unsatisfied Appetite , the place it self affording no such things , as would content them : In the Resurrection from the dead , says our Saviour , they neither Marry , nor are given in Marriage : That is a Fools wish , and a Mahometan's Paradise ; they neither eat nor drink to sustain them , since they cannot die any more ; being in these respects not like men on Earth , but equal to the Angels of God in Heaven , Luk. 20.35 , 36. And St. Paul tells us plainly , That at the last Day , God will render to all that obey not the truth , but obey unrighteousness , indignation and wrath , tribulation and anguish , and that upon every soul of man , whether he be Jew or Gentile , Rom. 2.6 , 8 , 9 , 10. Our sins then are plainly those Evils , which the Threatnings of the Gospel would fright us from ; and our Deliverance from them is that Salvation which they would enforce upon us . keywords: able; account; act; actions; advantage; best; better; blessed; blessings; books; business; care; careful; cast; cause; children; christ; christian; church; commandments; compass; condition; conscience; constant; course; daily; day; days; death; delay; deliverance; desire; difficulties; difficulty; discourse; doth; duties; duty; ease; effect; end; endeavour; english; eternal; everlasting; evil; fear; fit; forecast; friends; gain; god; good; gospel; grace; grant; great; greater; greatest; hands; happiness; happy; hard; hath; having; heart; heaven; hell; help; holy; honour; hope; ill; innocence; instances; jesus; john; judgment; knowledge; labour; law; laws; life; light; like; little; lives; long; lord; love; luk; lusts; man; mark; matt; matter; means; meekness; men; mercies; mercy; mind; nature; nay; necessary; new; obedience; outward; pains; pardon; particular; patience; paul; penitential; perfect; performance; piety; place; pleasure; point; possible; power; practice; prayers; prepared; present; profession; promises; proper; psal; purpose; ready; reason; reformation; religion; religious; repentance; reserve; resolution; resolve; saith; salvation; saviour; scripture; self; selves; service; set; short; sinful; sins; souls; spirit; spiritual; state; strength; strong; subject; sure; tcp; temporal; temptations; terms; text; things; tho; thou; thro; thy; time; timely; true; truth; turn; use; vertue; vertuous; want; way; ways; wicked; willing; wisdom; wise; words; work; world; worldly; yea cache: A47296.xml plain text: A47296.txt item: #26 of 65 id: A47616 author: D. L. title: The Scots scovts discoveries by their London intelligencer, and presented to the Lords of the covenant of Scotland, 1639. date: 1642.0 words: 12252 flesch: 61 summary: As I came through Kent , I saw much mustering , and preparing of men and Armes to send into Scotland : This had almost made a mutinie amongst them ; some said it was done purposely to weaken the Country , others said it was an il example for other ages : When they had made an end of their Parables , they fell to singing : And askt mee if I could helpe them to sing a three mans song : I told them I would doe my best , then they began , and the bearing of the song was this , with which I end my Relation . keywords: armes; army; bee; better; bishops; body; campe; captaines; castle; cause; chiefe; church; citie; clergy; coat; comming; countrey; court; covenant; covenanters; day; dayes; death; discovery; doe; doth; early; end; england; english; ere; feare; fight; french; generall; george; goe; good; great; hall; hand; hath; hee; high; himselfe; home; honour; hope; house; intelligencer; irish; item; keepe; king; kingdome; lambeth; left; legge; like; little; london; long; lord; lordships; love; majesty; man; marquesse; matter; meane; mee; men; merchants; money; morning; myter; newes; old; paine; papists; peece; people; place; poet; poore; pope; prelates; pride; priests; proclamation; quarrell; rebels; rest; returne; saw; scotland; scots; seas; seene; sermon; service; set; ships; soone; souldiers; text; time; towne; true; verses; vox; way; wee; welsh; whereof; white; wind; words; yorke cache: A47616.xml plain text: A47616.txt item: #27 of 65 id: A47911 author: L'Estrange, Roger, Sir, 1616-1704. title: Remarks on the growth and progress of non-conformity date: 1682.0 words: 17023 flesch: 59 summary: And Mason tells it as a serious thing , Appellant Episcopum Cantuariensem Pseudo-episcopum , Principem Daemoniorum , Caiapham , Esaum , Monstrosum , &c. Alios autem Episcopos Angliae , degeneres , perniciosos , Usurpatores , Lupos , Episcopos Diaboli , &c. Now upon these considerations , judge who will , what reason these men have to charge the Church or Church-men of England as fautoring of Popery , to amuse the People with fears and jealousies concerning it , and to arrogate to themselves the reputation of the most zealous opposers of it , and yet by exerting their zeal these three ways they have strengthened their Faction and promoted their interest in Church and State. What reason then have they so to curse a Church which the Lord hath blessed ? Her Sisters ( the Reformed Churches ) all calling her blessed , and joying to behold her order and stedfastness in Christ ; so to stigmatize with the brand of Popish , all that are not peevish and turbulent like themselves . II. keywords: affected; apostle; appear; archbishop; authority; baxter; beza; bishops; body; books; calvin; cause; ceremonies; characters; charles; christ; christian; church; churches; city; common; conformists; conscience; country; day; design; discipline; disobedience; dissenters; divines; divisions; doth; eebo; enemies; england; english; episcopacy; evil; expedient; faction; factious; fears; french; frequent; geneva; god; good; government; governours; great; greatest; half; hand; hath; history; holy; house; increase; interest; james; judge; king; late; lawful; laws; league; learned; liberty; like; little; london; love; magistrate; malice; man; manner; matters; means; men; ministers; non; number; old; onely; open; order; oxford; papists; parljam; party; peace; people; persecution; plea; plot; popery; popish; popishly; power; practice; pref; presbyterians; presbytery; present; pretence; pretended; principle; protestant; queen; quiet; reason; rebellion; reformation; religion; religious; reputation; rome; rulers; saith; schism; scripture; second; sedition; self; separation; set; shew; sir; state; strength; subjects; taking; tcp; tenderness; text; things; time; toleration; true; viz; way; ways; words; world; worship; zeal; zealous cache: A47911.xml plain text: A47911.txt item: #28 of 65 id: A48307 author: Ley, John, 1583-1662. title: A comparison of the Parliamentary protestation with the late canonicall oath and the difference betwixt them as also the opposition betwixt the doctrine of the Church of England and that of Rome : so cleared that they who made scruple of the oath may cheerfully and without doubt addresse themselves to take the protestation : as also a fvrther discvssion of the case of conscience touching receiving the sacrament of the Lords Supper, when either bread or wine is wanting or when by antipathy or impotence the party that desires it cannot take it : wherein the impiety, injury and absurdity of the popish halfe communion is more fully declared and confuted : both which discourses were occasioned by a letter of a lay-gentle-man, lately written to the authour for his satisfaction touching the matters fore-mentioned / by John Ley ... date: 1641.0 words: 20614 flesch: 71 summary: k Gravissimum vovendi 〈◊〉 fuit cum juramentum adhi●●batur , M●●don . n In my case of conscience , p. 10. the like is proposed by D. Featly in his grand Imposture , p. 200. o Si culpa est respondi●●e , qu●so ut patienter a●dias mul●o maj●● est prov●casse Aug. ●p . keywords: administer; anathema; answer; apostle; apud; art; articles; atque; aug; authority; baptisme; bee; bel; better; betwixt; bin; bishops; blessed; blood; body; books; bread; canon; canonicall; cap; case; ceremonies; ceremony; chamier; christ; christian; church; clergy; col; common; communion; comparison; concil; concomitancy; confess; conscience; constant; contrary; councell; cum; cup; danger; dead; declarat; dei; demand; deo; difference; distinction; divers; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; ecclesia; ecclesiasticall; efficacy; element; england; english; eucharist; exception; expresse; faithfull; farre; fathers; fault; fideles; fol; fore; generall; god; good; grace; grand; great; ground; halfe; hand; hath; high; hoc; hold; holy; honourable; hope; house; ibid; images; innovations; john; judgement; kinde; laity; late; lawfull; lay; lesse; ley; lib; life; like; lord; man; manner; matter; meane; meaning; necessary; necessity; non; note; number; oath; occasion; omnes; opposite; opposition; order; ordinance; originall; owne; pag; panis; papists; parliament; parliamentary; particular; party; people; person; place; point; popery; popish; power; practice; prayers; presence; present; priests; professe; promise; protestant; protestation; publike; purgatory; purpose; qui; quod; reall; reason; received; receiving; religion; religious; repugnant; resolution; respect; right; rites; roman; rome; romish; sacrament; sacramentall; sacriledge; said; saints; saith; salvation; sancta; sanctorum; satisfaction; saying; scandall; scripture; scruple; second; sect; sed; selfe; seminary; sence; ses; sess; set; shall; signes; signified; single; sinne; sir; sixt; solum; specie; spirituall; sub; substance; sunt; supper; synod; synodus; taking; tenet; termes; text; thing; tom; touching; transubstantiation; trent; trid; true; truth; use; utraque; vel; vini; viz; votum; vow; water; way; wherin; white; wine; words; world; worship; ● e; ● r; ● ● cache: A48307.xml plain text: A48307.txt item: #29 of 65 id: A49056 author: City of London (England). title: By the major for as much as the gathering together of persons old and young ... on the Lord's Day ... when they should be exercised publicly or privately in the duties of religion ... date: 1649.0 words: 762 flesch: 68 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A49056 of text R39654 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing L2883B). Second part of title taken from first eight lines of text. keywords: a49056; books; city; day; english; gathering; london; lord; major; old; persons; text; young cache: A49056.xml plain text: A49056.txt item: #30 of 65 id: A50340 author: Basset, Joshua, 1641?-1720. title: Remarks from the country, upon the two letters relating to the convocation and alterations in the liturgy date: 1690.0 words: 7638 flesch: 55 summary: I have some exception against the words in us , because I do not know the Companions of his Mistake ; and I dare be bound to free all Church of England men from the imputation . Therefore to conclude this Point , that there are things in their nature alterable , I would desire this Gentleman to alter these Passages , if he thinks fit in the next Edition of his Letter . keywords: alterations; answer; author; baptism; best; better; bishops; books; characters; church; churches; common; constitution; convocation; country; cross; dissenters; early; eebo; england; english; episcopacy; french; friend; good; great; greater; hopes; house; joyn; king; law; letters; liturgies; liturgy; man; men; minister; moderate; nature; nay; new; number; old; online; partnership; people; perfection; persons; phase; place; point; poor; prayer; presbyterians; present; project; reason; remarks; scotland; scripture; selves; sense; service; short; state; tcp; tei; temper; text; things; time; way cache: A50340.xml plain text: A50340.txt item: #31 of 65 id: A50916 author: Milton, John, 1608-1674. title: Of reformation touching chvrch-discipline in England, and the cavses that hitherto have hindred it two bookes, written to a freind [sic] date: 1641.0 words: 22966 flesch: 43 summary: Sir , AMidst those deepe and retired thoughts , which with every man Christianly instructed , ought to be most frequent , of God , and of his miraculous ways , and works , amongst men , and of our Religion and Worship , to be perform'd to him ; after the story of our Saviour Christ , suffering to the lowest bent of weaknesse , in the Flesh , and presently triumphing to the highest pitch of glory , in the Spirit , which drew up his body also , till we in both be united to him in the Revelation of his Kingdome : I do not know of any thing more worthy to take up the whole passion of pitty , on the one side , and joy on the other , then to consider first , the foule and sudden corruption , and then after many a tedious age , the long-deferr'd , but much more wonderfull and happy re●…ormation of the Church in these latter dayes . But by what example can they shew that the form of Church Discipline must be minted , and modell'd out to secular pretences ? The ancient Republick of the Jews is evident to have run through all the changes of civil estate , if we survey the Story from the giving of the Law to the Herods , yet did one manner of Priestly government serve without inconvenience to all these temporal mutations : it serv'd the mild Aristocracy of elective Dukes , and heads of Tribes joyn'd with them ; the dictatorship of the Judges , the easie , or hard-handed Monarchy's , the domestick , or forrain tyrannies , Lastly the Roman Senat from without , the Jewish Senat at home with the Galilean Te●…rarch , yet the Levites had some right to deal in civil affairs : but seeing the Euangelical precept forbids Church-men to intermeddle with worldly imployments , what interweavings , or interworkings can knit the Minister , and the Magistrate in their several functions to the regard of any precise correspondency ? Seeing that the Churchmans office is only to teach men the Christian Faith , to exhort all , to incourage the good , to admonish the bad , privately the lesse offender , publickly the scandalous and stubborn ; to censure , and separate from the communion of Christs flock , the contagious , and incorrigible , to receive with joy , and fatherly compassion the penitent , all this must be don , and more then this is beyond any Church autority . keywords: a50916; actions; ages; agreeable; ancient; antichrist; antiquity; apostles; appeare; assemblies; authority; bee; best; better; betweene; bible; bin; bishops; blood; body; books; brethren; cast; cause; ceremonies; certaine; changes; children; christ; christian; church; church discipline; churches; civill; come; common; conscience; consent; constantine; corruption; counsell; court; crosse; custome; cyprian; danger; dayes; dearest; death; discipline; divine; doctrine; doe; doubt; early; easie; election; emperour; empire; end; england; english; episcopacie; epist; error; excommunication; eyes; faithfull; fall; farre; fathers; fear'd; feare; fit; follow'd; france; free; freind; friend; function; glorious; glory; god; gods; goe; gold; good; gospel; government; grace; great; greater; greatest; hands; happy; hard; hath; head; heathen; heavenly; hee; henry; high; highest; himselfe; hitherto; hold; holy; home; honour; hope; hot; house; humane; ill; images; inward; italy; john; joy; judge; judgement; justice; kind; king; kingdome; knowledge; large; law; lawfull; learning; leave; liberty; life; like; likely; little; long; lord; lordships; lost; love; magistrate; man; manner; martyrs; masse; matters; members; men; milton; ministers; moderate; monarchy; nation; necessity; need; new; non; number; obedience; occasion; office; old; onely; open; owne; page; papists; parliament; paul; peace; people; places; poore; pope; popish; power; preists; prelates; present; pride; priests; primitive; princes; protestant; pure; purity; realme; reason; reformation; religion; religious; rest; rich; right; roman; rome; rule; sacred; sad; saint; saith; scotland; scriptures; second; selfe; servile; set; severall; shee; shew; short; sir; soule; spirit; spirituall; state; strength; subject; sudden; sulpitius; support; supremacy; temporall; text; thee; themselvs; things; think; thought; time; tradition; true; trust; truth; tyranny; union; unlesse; vertue; way; wealth; wee; wing; wise; withall; words; world; worldly; worship; worthy; writing; yea; yeares; zeale cache: A50916.xml plain text: A50916.txt item: #32 of 65 id: A50967 author: Dissenter. title: The minister's reasons for his not reading the kings declaration, friendly debated by a dissenter. date: 1688.0 words: 13684 flesch: 31 summary: Orders that none should be relieved that fell under Poverty , if they came not to Church and Conformed to your Ceremonies , if they were able of Body so to do ; and many others of like nature : Have all these in your private Judgment been warranted by the Law of God ? Do you Esteem it a light thing to Cast , or Publish any Mans being cast out of all Christian Society , and delivered over to Sathan for such matters as are no crimes against any Divine Law ? I take it ( for ought that ever I saw manifested to the contrary ) that a Subjection to the command of your Superiours , as being onely in such things Ministerial Offices , has been at least your tacite Plea , for not stirring up or troubling your Consciences , to make a Dis●retive Judgment ; whether the Act of your Superiour which you are commanded to Publish , were Lawful , or Unlawful , by the Law either of God , or of the Land ; and to tell you the truth , I do not think you are in the Eye of the Law such Criminals as on this particular occasion you would render your selves to be , in case you should Read the Kings Declaration in Obedience to his Command , though you did not approve the matter of it in your private Judgment ; it not being your Province , positively to determine concerning it in point of Law : You might with better pretence of Conscience , ( if pressed to it in your own mind , as an Act necessary to avoid a Sin against God ) after the Reading of the Declaration , have taken your Exceptions to it in your particular Station , then to have followed the course you have taken , as it were by common consent , one in the name of all the Rest , thus openly to Declaim against it , for that had been an Exercising of such an Act of Judgment , and Reason , if the cause Required it , as a Minister of the Gospel might have done in reference to God , whatever had been the consequence of it in respect to Men : His Majesty , after the suspention of all Penal Laws in matters Ecclesiastical , for not coming to Church , or not Receiving the Sacrament , or for any other Nonconformity to the Religion Established , or for , or by reason of the Exercise of Religion in any manner whatsoever , is pleased to Declare upon what Terms , and in what Manner All His Loving Subjects have Free leave to Meet , and Serve God after their own Way , and Manner . keywords: act; ages; approve; authority; cause; christian; church; churches; civil; clemency; command; common; conscience; consent; constitution; contrary; declaration; dispensing; dissenters; doctrine; eebo; england; english; exercise; fall; fault; free; general; gentry; god; good; great; interest; judgment; king; kings declaration; law; laws; leave; liberty; like; majesty; manner; matter; mention; mind; minister; nature; nobility; onely; order; parliament; particular; penal; penal laws; penalties; people; point; popery; power; prerogative; prince; protestant; question; reading; reason; religion; repeal; royal; self; selves; state; subjects; superiours; tcp; temporal; test; text; thing; time; toleration; true; way; worship cache: A50967.xml plain text: A50967.txt item: #33 of 65 id: A51393 author: Morley, George, 1597-1684. title: A modest advertisement concerning the present controversie about church-government wherein the maine grounds of that booke, intituled The unlawfulnesse and danger of limited prelacie, are calmly examined. date: 1641.0 words: 5460 flesch: 51 summary: And therefore for any man or Church to say , that Episcopacy is A Plant that God had not planted , but that it is Antichristian , is to condemne all Christians as Antichristian ; and to say that Christ has not been rightly worshipped upon the earth , till this last age ; which , whether it be a sober and charitable opinion , I submit to consideration . Notes, typically marginal, from the original text Notes for div A51393e-90 † As that the Lords day be intirely kept holy by publike prayers , hearing the word , and other exercises of Devotion , That pietie and godlinesse ( the substance of Religion ) be more attended than rites and ceremonies , the shadow of it onely , That residence on Benifices with Cure and the instruction of souls be mainely attended ; That the Clergie wait diligently on the Spirituall function without hunting after secular imploiments ; That the censures of the Church be not issued by Lay-men , and that in them reformation of life be more aimed at : Especially that all Church government be by Rule and Canon , and none left Arbitrarie . keywords: advertisement; apostles; author; authority; bee; bishops; booke; christians; church; churches; controversie; danger; desire; discipline; doe; england; english; god; godlinesse; gods; good; government; great; grounds; hands; hee; holy; institution; life; limited; maine; meane; modest; new; pastor; persons; piety; place; presbyteriall; presbyters; present; reason; scripture; sense; text; thing; time; truth; unlawfulnesse; wee cache: A51393.xml plain text: A51393.txt item: #34 of 65 id: A51427 author: Morton, Thomas, 1564-1659. title: The presentment of a schismaticke by Thomas, Lord Bishop of Dvrham ; in his sermon preached at the cathedrall church of Saint Pauls the 19 of Iune, 1642. date: 1642.0 words: 7995 flesch: 50 summary: His Prayer to the Thessalonians is That God would give them peace , {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} alwayes and by all meanes : Peace is a Iewell . For God is not the God {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , that is , of Tumultuousnesse confusednesse : but of peace as in all the Churches of the Saints . keywords: a51427; apostle; appeale; art; augustine; austerity; bee; bishop; body; books; ceremonies; character; charity; christ; christian; church; churches; confutation; constitutions; contentious; corinth; custome; divine; divisions; doctrine; doth; early; end; english; father; forme; god; gods; hath; heaven; hee; himselfe; idolatrous; lord; members; men; non; opinion; order; owne; papists; paul; peace; people; places; pope; popery; popish; prayer; presentment; respect; right; roman; romish; sacrilegious; saint; saith; saviour; saying; schismatick; second; seeme; separation; soule; spirit; steward; superstitious; text; thomas; thou; time; truth; use; wee; words; world; worship; yea cache: A51427.xml plain text: A51427.txt item: #35 of 65 id: A51428 author: Morton, Thomas, 1564-1659. title: A vindication of the Bishop of Dvrham from the vile and scandalovs calvmnies of a libell intitvled The downfall of hierarchie, &c. date: 1641.0 words: 4640 flesch: 66 summary: Was Antipas slaine by the Angel of that Church ? ( whom the Libeller unawares hath stiled Bishop ) the Spirit in the same verse enformes us the contrary , commending the same Angel for holding fast his name , and not denying his faith . Yea rather , was not Antipas himselfe ( as some write ) Bishop of Pergamus , whom the Angel ( there mentioned ) succeeded , and there was put to death by the command of Domitian that persecuting Emperour , if antiquity be of any credit with you ? keywords: a51428; able; altar; answer; antipas; bee; best; better; bishop; books; church; county; diocese; doe; downfall; duresme; durham; early; english; god; gods; good; great; hath; hee; hierarchie; himselfe; knowne; libell; libeller; men; ministers; morton; non; papists; popery; popish; preachers; preaching; prelate; read; reason; roman; said; service; spirit; text; thomas; time; vile; vindication; words cache: A51428.xml plain text: A51428.txt item: #36 of 65 id: A51796 author: Williams, John, 1582-1650. title: The manner of the impeachment of the XII bishops accused of high treason for prefering a petition, and making a protestation to the subverting the fundamentall laws and being of Parliaments whereunto is added the said petition and remonstrance of the said bishops. date: 1642.0 words: 1449 flesch: 64 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A51796 of text R7149 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing M474). Bishops accused of high treason, for preferring a petition, and making a protestation, to the subv [no entry] 1642 1130 2 0 0 0 0 0 18 C The rate of 18 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the C category of texts with between 10 and 35 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: a51796; bishops; books; commons; early; english; fundamentall; high; house; impeachment; laws; lords; majesty; manner; parliament; peers; petition; protestation; text; treason; xii cache: A51796.xml plain text: A51796.txt item: #37 of 65 id: A53040 author: Edmunds, William. title: A letter to Dr. Fowler vicar of St. Giles Cripplegate in answer to his late vindicatory preface by William Newbery & William Edmvnds. date: 1685.0 words: 4691 flesch: 66 summary: And as the rest were Rising to go to Church to Prayers , Mr. W. got him to the Fire in the Chamber , saying ; You that are so hot in Zeal , that can be warmed by Prayers , may go into the Church ; As for my part , they never warmed me in all my Life ; I 'le stay and warm my self by the Fire . Fierce you were upon the Deputy in Doctors Commons , Exclaiming , What had a Deputy of a Ward to do to meddle with Presentments ? and Threatning him , That if the Churchwardens Presented those whose Names he had given , you would Present the Churchwardens for Perjury , and Him for not coming to Church on Holy-days . keywords: answer; books; characters; church; churchwardens; commons; cripplegate; deputy; early; edition; eebo; encoding; english; fault; fowler; good; great; hand; images; letter; london; loyal; man; men; newbery; online; oxford; parish; partnership; phase; pleased; prayers; preface; present; presentments; project; pulpit; self; service; sir; tcp; tei; text; vestry; vindication; william; work; xml cache: A53040.xml plain text: A53040.txt item: #38 of 65 id: A54037 author: Penington, Isaac, 1616-1679. title: The great and sole troubler of the times represented in a mapp of miserie, or, A glimpse of the heart of man which is the fountain from whence all misery flows, and the source into which it runs back. Drawn with a dark pencill, by a dark hand, in the midst of darkness. date: 1649.0 words: 8946 flesch: 73 summary: He speaks not concerning one mans heart , but generally concerning every mans , the heart of the sons of men , and couples evill and them altogether : Nor doth he speak restrainedly concerning some kind of evill , but indefinitely taking in all manner of evill ; there is nothing that is called evill , but is to be found in the heart of man . Wilt thou judg another for murder ? ( I speak not concerning judicial proceedings in Courts of Justice , where Magistrates as they are entrusted with a work beyond man , so they are enstated in a degree above man , I have said , ye are gods ; yet therein they fall short too , because they are but men at bottom , and so at best can judg but according to the sight of the eye , and hearing of the ear , which is opposed to righteous judgment , Isai. 11. 3 , 4. ) keywords: actions; covetousness; cruelty; dark; depth; desires; desperate; doth; enmity; evil; eye; eyes; fountain; god; gods; good; great; hand; hath; heart; isaac; judgest; judgment; kind; little; look; lord; love; madness; man; mans; men; nay; onely; party; penington; pride; pure; reason; religion; root; self; set; sight; sin; sole; spirit; text; thee; thing; thou; thoughts; time; trust; unbelief; way; wicked; wickedness; wilt; work; world cache: A54037.xml plain text: A54037.txt item: #39 of 65 id: A56149 author: Parker, Henry, 1604-1652. title: The altar dispute, or, A discovrse concerning the severall innovations of the altar wherein is discussed severall of the chiefe grounds and foundations whereon our altar champions have erected their buildings / by H. P. date: None words: 25587 flesch: 50 summary: My Lord of Canterbury , and Doctor Pocklington thinke it a good argument for Alta●worship , that 300. yeares agoe the Founders of the Garter did performe their Ceremonies with adoration before the Altar , and that the successors of that Order have continued the same adoration ever since . Leave thy gift at the Altar , and g●e and reconcile thy selfe to thy brother , &c. keywords: aaron; act; adoration; altar; altar posture; ambrose; ancestors; answer; antient; antiquity; appeares; approach; arke; authority; bee; better; betweene; betwixt; bishop; bloody; bodily; body; calvin; case; cathedrals; certainely; chancell; christ; christians; church; churches; civill; command; common; communion; consecration; contrary; crosse; death; deny; devotion; difference; discipline; dispute; distance; divine; doctor; doctrine; doe; downe; east; emperour; end; externall; farre; fathers; feare; fit; forme; god; gods; good; great; ground; hands; heaven; hee; heylin; himselfe; hold; holinesse; holy; honour; honourable; house; innovations; instruments; internall; jewes; jewish; kinde; king; law; lawrence; lay; lesse; like; liturgy; lord; manner; materiall; meere; memorative; mercy; mosaicall; moses; nature; nay; necessary; needs; noah; non; officiate; onely; opinion; oracle; order; papists; parochials; parts; passion; paul; people; place; pocklington; popish; posture; power; presence; present; priest; princes; proofe; proper; quire; read; reall; reason; reformation; relation; relative; religion; reverence; roman; rome; sacrament; sacred; sacrifice; saint; sake; sanctity; saviour; sayes; sayes doctor; scarce; scripture; seate; second; selfe; sense; service; stand; stone; sufficient; superstition; tabernacle; table; temple; text; things; thrones; times; true; truth; typicall; use; vertue; visible; wall; want; wee; west; whereon; word; word altar; worship; ● ● cache: A56149.xml plain text: A56149.txt item: #40 of 65 id: A56256 author: Parker, Henry, 1604-1652. title: The qvestion concerning the divine right of episcopacie truly stated date: 1641.0 words: 3800 flesch: 50 summary: And if we admit the King to be supreme head of the Church , I think no man will deny but that the fittest policie for him to govern the Church by , will be the same pattern by which he governeth the State , making as little difference between them as may be ; for it is the same body of men now , of which both State and Church are compacted , and so it was not in the Apostles times ; and the same body hath the same head now , as it had not in the beginning : for Tiberius was then the head of the Christians , but the enemy of Christian Religion . Of my selfe I rather wish well then ill to Episcopacie , because it is so antient a government ; and for my own interest I have found more friendship then enmity from Bishops , so that I am certain , there is nothing but the simple love of truth , as it is truth , is the bias of my actions at this time . keywords: authority; bilson; bishops; church; clergie; confusion; divine; ecclesiasticall; end; england; english; episcopacie; fit; government; governours; great; head; jurisdiction; keyes; king; lay; meere; men; necessary; necessity; non; power; presbyterians; question; reason; religion; right; roman; self; spirituall; state; subordinate; supreme; temporall; text; use cache: A56256.xml plain text: A56256.txt item: #41 of 65 id: A56413 author: Parkins, William, Sir. title: Sir William Parkins speech to the Hovse of Commons in Parliament concerning the present establishment of church-government, Iuly 5th, 1641. date: 1641.0 words: 1300 flesch: 62 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A56413 of text R11303 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing P496). Parkins, William, Sir 1641 957 1 0 0 0 0 0 10 C The rate of 10 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the C category of texts with between 10 and 35 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: 5th; church; commons; english; establishment; government; great; kingdome; parkins; parliament; present; sir; speaker; speech; text; way; william cache: A56413.xml plain text: A56413.txt item: #42 of 65 id: A56778 author: Peacham, Henry, 1576?-1643? title: A paradox, in the praise of a dunce, to Smectymnuus by H. P. date: 1642.0 words: 2969 flesch: 61 summary: One preached at Barkeway , and after he had read his Text told the people their Towne consisted of many Lordships , and how he was informed of one notable abuse amongst them in that Parish , which was , if a Cow or Oxe of another mans were strayed away and hapned into any of their grounds , they would with a Rie loafe hot out of the Oven bend his hornes which way they listed , so that when the owner came to challenge his owne Cow he knew not whether that were shee or no , for quoth hee my Cowes hornes stood backward , these stand before and hang downe her forehead , surely this is not she ; and thus men were cozened of their Cattell , but the truth was , none in the Town knew this trick before , but after he had preached it amongst them , presently after they began to practise it . Another came by chance as a stranger unto a shire Towne that shall bee namelesse , some day or two before a Visitation in the same Town he sent to the Arch-Deacon residing then in the Towne , that he might have leave to preach , which ( to gratifie him being a stranger and very formall in his habit ) was granted : upon the day , before the whole Clergie , the Arch-Deacon , Chancellor , and most of the officers of the spirituall Court , hee went into the Pulpit , after he had made his prayer , he read his Text , Come and See . My Text divideth it selfe ( quoth he ) most naturally into two parts , the one is Come , the other See , Come I apply to our selves of the Clergie , and See to the Laitie : for the first , Come I divide it into three parts , whither wee Come , then who they be that Come , then how they Come : we Come hither to a Visitation , which is derived from an old Latine Verbe of the first Conjugation Visit● , visit-as , Visitavi , withall he makes an obeisance to the Arch-Deacon , and to visite is a Metaphor borrowed from the visiting of Patients by the Physitian , for they visit them to see whether they bee sicke or sound in the Body , & these Visitations to see whether the Countrey men be sick or sound in the purse or no , &c. who they be that Come , ( for ( quoth he ) I comprehend under the name of Visitation all manner of your Ecclesiasticall Courts ) here come to your Courts and visitations , Swine , men presented for drunkennesse , Goates and Towne Bulls , for lying with their owne maides , or their neighbours Wives , and what become of them after they have dearely paid for their poundage in your spirituall ( or rather fleshly ) , Courts , they run againe into other mens Corne , and doe as much mischiefe as they did before , &c. keywords: a56778; arch; bee; best; bishop; books; church; company; court; day; deacon; dunce; early; end; english; good; hee; henry; latine; learning; living; man; men; non; paradox; peacham; praise; pulpit; quoth; roman; schollers; selfe; smectymnuus; tcp; text; time; towne cache: A56778.xml plain text: A56778.txt item: #43 of 65 id: A56779 author: Peacham, Henry, 1576?-1643? title: Sqvare-caps turned into rovnd-heads, or, The bishops vindication and the brownists conviction being a dialogue between time and opinion : shewing the folly of the one and the worthinesse of the other / by H. P. date: 1642.0 words: 2872 flesch: 76 summary: Since Nature hath made mans head round to stand , Why then do Bishops these square caps command ? But since you speak of Oxford and him , let me tell you what Bishops have done in Oxferd and Cambridge . keywords: a56779; amsterdam; beleeve; bishops; books; brownists; cambridge; caps; church; coll; colledge; common; conviction; dialogue; early; england; english; father; good; great; heads; henry; lincolne; london; long; lord; new; opinion; oxford; round; saint; square; tcp; text; time; vindication; wealth; wheele; world cache: A56779.xml plain text: A56779.txt item: #44 of 65 id: A57650 author: Ross, Alexander, 1591-1654. title: Gods house made a den of theeves delivered in a second sermon in Southampton / by Alexander Rosse ... date: 1642.0 words: 6772 flesch: 63 summary: But to see theeves swagering in Gods owne house , and justling prayers out of doores ( Prayers I say our messengers , Angells , Orators , as St. Austine calls them , our winged advocates which mount up to the throne of grace , and plead for us in his presence which is not visible by mortall eyes nor accessable by gross● & ponderous bodys ) I say to see Prayers either quite thrust out , or else used as Davids servants were by the Ammonites cut short in their garments by the midle , and so packt away , wee must needs lament with Ieremie , and say the beautie of the Daughter of Sion is departed from her ; the Heathen are entred into the Sanctuarie , the Lord hath cast off his altar , he hath abhor●ed his Sanctuarie Lam. It is written , my house shall be called , &c. THe subject of this text is a house ▪ the Tenant prayer , the intruder● , theeves . keywords: a57650; alexander; altar; apostles; art; austin; away; bee; best; blessed; blood; books; christ; christian; church; churches; day; dead; den; doe; doores; eares; early; earth; english; excellencie; faction; faith; glory; god; gods; good; great; hands; hath; heaven; high; himselfe; holy; honour; house; humours; images; keepe; know; life; lord; love; master; men; ministers; non; open; owne; paul; people; peter; place; poyson; prayer; preaching; priests; prison; roman; rosse; saint; sanctuarie; second; sermon; servants; set; southampton; speake; state; steale; sun; sure; temple; tenant; text; theefe; theeves; thou; thy; time; true; truth; wee; wholsome; word; ● e; ● ● cache: A57650.xml plain text: A57650.txt item: #45 of 65 id: A57702 author: Rous, Francis, 1579-1659. title: Mr. Rowse his speech made in the lower House of Parliament the thirtieth of December, 1641 in opposition of the making of Doctor Winniff, Doctor Holsworth, Doctor King, bishops, lately elected by His Majesty, till a setled government in religion be established in this kingdome. date: 1642.0 words: 1608 flesch: 53 summary: Mr. Rowse his speech made in the lower House of Parliament the thirtieth of December, 1641 in opposition of the making of Doctor Winniff, Doctor Holsworth, Doctor King, bishops, lately elected by His Majesty, till a setled government in religion be established in this kingdome. Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 259:E199, no 47) Mr. Rowse his speech made in the lower House of Parliament the thirtieth of December, 1641 in opposition of the making of Doctor Winniff, Doctor Holsworth, Doctor King, bishops, lately elected by His Majesty, till a setled government in religion be established in this kingdome. keywords: bishops; church; december; doctor; doctor winniff; government; great; house; lower; making; master; opposition; parliament; religion; speaker; speech; state; text; thirtieth; winniff cache: A57702.xml plain text: A57702.txt item: #46 of 65 id: A61987 author: Abbot, George, 1562-1633. title: The svpplication of all the papists of England to King James at his first comming to the crowne for a tolleration of their religion wherein, with much impudence, they professe and protest themselves to be the onely obedient one's unto the soveraigne Princes, under whom they live, out of conscience to avoid sin : when not long after they fell upon that un-exampled piece of villany, the Gun-pouder treason : whereunto is added, A letter sent from Bishop Abbot Archbishop of Canterbury to the King : against toleration of the popish religion. date: 1642.0 words: 2169 flesch: 50 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A61987 of text R12076 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing S6189). Great Britain -- Religion -- 17th century. keywords: a61987; abbot; archbishop; bishop; blessed; books; canterbury; catholiques; comming; conscience; crowne; early; england; english; favour; god; hath; highnesse; james; king; letter; long; majesties; majesty; papists; popish; princes; professe; protest; religion; sin; soveraigne; subjects; text; tolleration cache: A61987.xml plain text: A61987.txt item: #47 of 65 id: A64163 author: Taylor, John, 1580-1653. title: The Devil turn'd Round-head, or, Plvto become a Brownist being a just comparison how the Devil is become a round-head : in what manner and how zealously, like them, he is affected with the moving of the Spirit : with the holy sisters of copulation, if he would seem holy, sincere, and pure, were it with the Devill himself : as also the Amsterdammian definition of a Familist. date: 1642.0 words: 1291 flesch: 64 summary: (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A64163) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 64292) This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A64163 of text R19927 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing T449). keywords: a64163; books; brownist; comparison; devil; early; english; head; holy; john; manner; moving; round; sisters; spirit; taylor; tcp; text cache: A64163.xml plain text: A64163.txt item: #48 of 65 id: A64171 author: Taylor, John, 1580-1653. title: Heads of all fashions being a plain defection or definition of diverse and sundry sorts of heads, butting, jetting or pointing at vulgar opinion : and allegorically shewing the diversities of religion in these distempered times : now very lately written, since calves-heads came in season. date: 1642.0 words: 2691 flesch: 85 summary: Heads of all fashions being a plain defection or definition of diverse and sundry sorts of heads, butting, jetting or pointing at vulgar opinion : and allegorically shewing the diversities of religion in these distempered times : now very lately written, since calves-heads came in season. Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 251:E145, no 17) Heads of all fashions being a plain defection or definition of diverse and sundry sorts of heads, butting, jetting or pointing at vulgar opinion : and allegorically shewing the diversities of religion in these distempered times : now very lately written, since calves-heads came in season. keywords: best; books; braines; butting; calves; definition; diverse; doe; doth; early; english; fashions; good; great; halfe; hath; head; hollow; jetting; john; like; little; long; man; men; newes; plaine; pointing; religion; round; sorts; state; sundry; taylor; text; things; times; vulgar; world cache: A64171.xml plain text: A64171.txt item: #49 of 65 id: A64192 author: Taylor, John, 1580-1653. title: A pedlar and a Romish priest in a very hot discourse, full of mirth, truth, wit, folly, and plain-dealing by Iohn Taylor. date: 1641.0 words: 6105 flesch: 74 summary: To draw all backe to that hundred and twentie , Indeed this way should have tongues in plentie , They differ in 12. verses , the Text saies , Besides the time is different full 10. dayes , The first upon the day the Lord ascended , The other when the holy Ghost descended . And so , sir Iohn , to shew you all my packe , And let you see my breast as well as backe ; I wonder yee consider not the end , Why God the Holy Ghost in Tongues did send : Know ye not women are forbidden preaching , Know ye not tongues were onely given for teaching ; Women ( at home ) have hardly leave to speake , But they take leave , and often silence breake ; Their husbands must permit their tongues to walke , And therefore , in Gods House , they may not talke : And then , sir Iohn , what worship doe you win Vnto our Lady , when you bring her in As a Companion with the whole six score , Who gat the Holy Ghost and she no more , And where the Pope hath made her Queen of heaven , You make her here like one of the Eleven , In this , her dignitie doth seeme to fall , You thrust her to the Kitchin from the Hall . keywords: ave; blessed; blest; christ; church; day; dealing; doe; doth; english; folly; ghost; god; good; great; hath; heart; hee; holy; iohn; knight; ladie; lady; language; latin; leafe; like; lord; love; man; mary; masse; men; mirth; mother; onely; pedlar; plain; pope; prayers; priest; romish; said; score; sir; sir iohn; soule; speake; sure; talke; taylor; text; things; thou; thy; time; tongue; true; truth; virgin; wife; wit; word cache: A64192.xml plain text: A64192.txt item: #50 of 65 id: A64201 author: Taylor, John, 1580-1653. title: A reply as true as steele to a rusty, rayling, ridiculous, lying libell which was lately written by an impudent unfoder'd Ironmonger and called by the name of An answer to a foolish pamphlet entituled, A swarme of sectaries and schismatiques / by John Taylovr. date: 1641.0 words: 2225 flesch: 70 summary: 37 D The rate of 37 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the D category of texts with between 35 and 100 defects per 10,000 words. This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A64201 of text R23441 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing T506). keywords: a64201; answer; books; dost; doth; early; english; foolish; good; hell; impudent; ironmonger; john; libell; lines; men; online; pamphlet; r23441; reply; ridiculous; rusty; schismatiques; sectaries; steele; street; swarme; t506; taylovr; text; thou; tongue; true; unfoder'd; verse; walker; wing; words cache: A64201.xml plain text: A64201.txt item: #51 of 65 id: A64583 author: Udall, Ephraim, d. 1647. title: Good workes if they be well handled, or, Certaine projects about maintenance for parochiall ministers provision for and election of lecturers : erection and indowment of new churches in the great out parishes about London. date: 1641.0 words: 3596 flesch: 64 summary: THere is much talke among many men , of advancing the Preaching of the Gospell ; but few doe cast , in their thoughts , how to effect it , unlesse by wayes that may be no cost at all unto themselves , nothing being so base , in their eyes , as the preaching , & Preachers of the Gospell ; wherof for bie and sinister ends , their tongues speak Magnifically : they would have Preachers every houre in their Pulpits , but , as they have Beggers at their doores , cloathed in Rags , and bowing downe to them for morsels of bread , and their Sermons like so many suites for a farthing , their preachers must be all of the mendicant order , and above all other orders and ranks of men , live upon their Almes and Benevolence , that beare no farther goodwill to preaching then as it may be a Shooing-horne to their esteeme and gaine ; this being their godlinesse , and that their God ; more Churches and Preachers they would have , but upon the charge of these they have already by di●iding the mainten●̄ce , that is hardly payed to halves , as if H●nun when he ha● cut o●f Davids servants Garments to the Buttocks , should after have cut them off to the shou●ders , as being long enough to serve , each of them , a man and his fellow : they would serve God abundantly ; but be charged to it very sparingly , esteeming David weake in judgement , for that Speech . To further therefore this purpose , I have drawne a rough Breviate of some things , which may promove that , that many talke much of , but doe little to helpe forward , If my Seed fall into good ground , it may beare desired Fruit , if my Projects come to be managed by good Heads and hearts , they may be very honorable to God , and profitable to men ; for , they be good Workes , if they be well handled . keywords: bee; certaine; chappell; church; churches; city; doe; election; english; farre; fit; god; good; great; hath; house; lecturer; little; london; maintenance; man; men; minister; new; parish; parishes; people; poore; pound; preaching; projects; provision; rent; text; things; times; tythe; workes cache: A64583.xml plain text: A64583.txt item: #52 of 65 id: A67245 author: Walker, Henry, Ironmonger. title: A trve copie of the disputation held betweene Master Walker and a Iesuite in the house of one Thomas Bates in Bishops Court in the Old Baily concerning the ecclesiasticall function date: 1641.0 words: 1813 flesch: 73 summary: Wal. Did not Peter erre when hee was reproved by Christ to speak foolishly ? did he not erre when Christ said to him , Get thee behind me Satan , thou savourest not ? Wal. Did not Iudas erre in discipline , when for thirty peeces of silver hee betrayed Christ into the hands of the High Priests to be crucified ? keywords: apostles; bishops; christ; church; disputation; ecclesiasticall; english; erre; function; ghost; god; hath; henry; ies; peter; power; rome; succession; text; thomas; wal; walker cache: A67245.xml plain text: A67245.txt item: #53 of 65 id: A67885 author: Bristol, George Digby, Earl of, 1612-1677. title: Two letters of his sacred Maiesty, one, in vindication of him, touching the Irish affaires; the other, concerning the late mis-interpretation of one maine passage in his late letters. date: 1645.0 words: 1560 flesch: 58 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A67885 of text R200243 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing C2851). civilwar no Two letters of his sacred Maiesty, one, in vindication of him, touching the Irish affaires; the other, concerning the late mis-interpretatio Bristol, George Digby, Earl of 1645 1148 1 0 0 0 0 0 9 B The rate of 9 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the B category of texts with fewer than 10 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: a67885; affaires; digby; english; george; happie; hee; irish; kingdome; late; letters; maiesty; majestie; mis; rebells; religion; sacred; tcp; text; vindication; wing cache: A67885.xml plain text: A67885.txt item: #54 of 65 id: A69570 author: Bewick, John. title: An antidote against lay-preaching, or, The preachers plea in a discourse answering such objections which were given to a conscientious friend : who for his satisfaction requested a resolution : in which discourse is proved that preaching of the Word is a peculiar calling to be undertaken by none without a speciall call : and that more is required in such who undertake it than abilities : in which likewise other incidentall questions and cases concerning the profession of preachers are discussed. date: 1642.0 words: 15513 flesch: 72 summary: The Reason is given , God is not the author of confusion , but of peace ; which doth prove , as they understand , that when men can prophesie , and doe not , it causeth confusion , and not peace . If men send us to prison , God will send prison-comforts . keywords: abilities; ability; able; acts; answer; apostles; apostolicall; bee; blessed; calling; chap; christ; church; command; confusion; cor; daughters; discourse; divine; doe; door; doth; function; gifts; god; gods; good; gospel; hands; hath; having; heart; hee; himselfe; holy; ioh; jesus; john; knowledge; labour; lawfull; lay; learning; like; lord; man; meanes; men; ministeriall; ministers; ministry; moses; non; notes; objectors; office; paul; people; personall; peter; place; poure; power; preachers; preaching; prison; private; prophesie; prophesying; prophets; proposition; read; reason; requisite; roman; saith; saviour; scattered; scripture; second; severall; spirit; spirituall; talent; teacher; teaching; text; thereunto; things; thou; tim; times; true; truth; uncalled; use; verse; way; wee; word; work cache: A69570.xml plain text: A69570.txt item: #55 of 65 id: A69866 author: Drewrey, H. title: The vindication of the seperate brethren of the spirit, against a libell, called The resolution of the Rovnd-heads and against all slanderous pamphlets, since the time that Symon Magus tempted Symon the Cobler / published by H. Drewrey. date: 1641.0 words: 2126 flesch: 62 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A69866 of text R1942 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing D2167). D The rate of 65 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the D category of texts with between 35 and 100 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: a69866; books; brethren; cobler; commons; d2167; drewrey; early; english; good; heads; images; libell; magus; nose; online; order; pamphlets; r1942; resolution; rovnd; seperate; set; slanderous; spirit; symon; tcp; text; time; vindication; wing cache: A69866.xml plain text: A69866.txt item: #56 of 65 id: A71254 author: Williams, John, 1582-1650. title: An abstract of those ansvvers which were given in the assembly of the Lords in the high court of Parliament unto the nine reasons sent up from the House of Commons against the voting of bishops in Parliament. date: 1641.0 words: 1976 flesch: 68 summary: An abstract of those ansvvers which were given in the assembly of the Lords in the high court of Parliament unto the nine reasons sent up from the House of Commons against the voting of bishops in Parliament. An abstract of those ansvvers which were given in the assembly of the Lords in the high court of Parliament unto the nine reasons sent up from the House of Commons against the voting of bishops in Parliament. keywords: a71254; abstract; ansvvers; answ; argument; assembly; bishops; books; commons; court; early; english; great; high; house; john; lords; parliament; power; reason; text; vote; voting; williams; wing cache: A71254.xml plain text: A71254.txt item: #57 of 65 id: A78034 author: Burton, Henry, 1578-1648. title: Vindiciæ veritatis: truth vindicated against calumny. In a briefe answer to Dr. Bastwicks two late books, entituled, Independency not Gods ordinance, with the second part, styled the postscript, &c. / By Henry Burton, one of his quondam-fellow-sufferers. date: 1645.0 words: 15063 flesch: 66 summary: For in your promised , or rather menaced Postscript , which ( to forestall your Readers with a prejudicate opinion of us ; and old piece of Rhetoricke , as that of Tertullus before Felix , telling him of Paul ; Wee have found this man a pestilent fellow , and a mover of sedition , &c. which he was not able to prove , his best rhetoricall argument being Calumnidre audacter , aliquid haerebit , Calumniate boldly , some thing will sticke ) you both prefix , and for surenesse , affix to your Booke ; you fasten upon us uncharitable dealing , fraud and jugglings of many of our Pastors and Ministers , as misleaders and troublers of Church and State , &c. all which * ( {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} ) hard and harsh termes , wee can no lesse then spread before the Lord the righteous Judge . First , Concerning the Government of the Church , whether it be Presbyterian Dependent , or Presbyterian Independent : Secondly , Concerning gathering of Churches . keywords: acts; answer; apostles; assemblies; bastwick; beard; believers; body; books; brethren; brother; burton; christ; christian; church; churches; civill; confession; congregations; consciences; converted; cor; counsell; covenant; dependent; doctrine; doe; doth; england; faith; fellow; fellowship; finde; gather; gathering; generall; ghost; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; government; great; hath; head; hee; henry; holy; humane; ibid; independents; jerusalem; jewes; john; kingdome; kingly; late; law; lawes; lesse; like; lord; love; mee; members; ministers; new; non; office; old; onely; ordinance; pag; page; parishes; particular; particular church; patterne; paul; peace; people; postscript; power; presbyterian; presbytery; profession; question; reformation; religion; repentance; rest; roman; rule; said; saints; scripture; second; selfe; set; severall; shew; spirit; spirituall; state; text; things; time; true; truth; way; wee; white; witnesse; words; world; yea cache: A78034.xml plain text: A78034.txt item: #58 of 65 id: A81001 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: By His Highness a proclamation prohibiting the disturbing of ministers and other Christians in their assemblies and meetings. date: None words: 1265 flesch: 53 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A81001 of text R212249 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.19[68]). Lord Protector 1655 868 1 0 0 0 0 0 12 C The rate of 12 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the C category of texts with between 10 and 35 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: a81001; assemblies; christians; commonwealth; day; disturbing; english; god; hath; highness; liberty; lord; meetings; ministers; proclamation; religion; text; thomason cache: A81001.xml plain text: A81001.txt item: #59 of 65 id: A83213 author: England and Wales. Parliament. title: An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the more effectuall puting in execution the Directory for publique worship, in all parish churches and chappells within the kingdome of England and dominion of Wales, and for the dispersing of them in all places and parishes within this kindome [sic], and the dominion of Wales. Ordered by the Commons in Parliament, that this ordinance be forthwith printed and published: H. Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com. date: 1645.0 words: 725 flesch: 66 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A83213 of text R200230 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason E298_4). Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 113163) keywords: a83213; commons; directory; dominion; england; english; ordinance; parish; parliament; publique; text; thomason; wales cache: A83213.xml plain text: A83213.txt item: #60 of 65 id: A86673 author: Hall, Anne, 17th cent. title: A brief representation and discovery of the notorious falshood and dissimulation contained in a book styled, The Gospel-way confirmed by miracles. Published by Nicholas Ware, and Matthew Hall, for the use of the Church of Whatfield in Suffolk. Being the substance of the informations, and free consessions of Anne the wife of the above-named Matthew Hall, (formerly called Anne Wells) and others, taken before Brampton Gurdon Esquire, justice of peace of that county; and now (not without the same justice his consent) set forth, for publike satisfaction concerning the same book. Imprimatur. Edm: Calamy, June 4. 1649. date: 1649.0 words: 5694 flesch: 55 summary: Being the substance of the informations, and free consessions of Anne the wife of the above-named Matthew Hall, (formerly called Anne Wells) and others, taken before Brampton Gurdon Esquire, justice of peace of that county; and now (not without the same justice his consent) set forth, for publike satisfaction concerning the same book. Being the substance of the informations, and free consessions of Anne the wife of the above-named Matthew Hall, (formerly called Anne Wells) and others, taken before Brampton Gurdon Esquire, justice of peace of that county; and now (not without the same justice his consent) set forth, for publike satisfaction concerning the same book. keywords: 1649; anne; book; characters; christe; church; day; discovery; eebo; english; free; god; gospel; great; half; hall; holland; husband; informant; informations; jesus; jews; justice; letter; light; lord; love; marriage; married; matthew; members; miracles; nic; notorious; original; peace; people; practices; revelation; said; saith; set; tcp; tei; text; things; time; type; use; vvare; ware; way; wells; whatfield; wife; willing; work; years cache: A86673.xml plain text: A86673.txt item: #61 of 65 id: A87354 author: Jordan, Thomas, 1612?-1685? title: The anarchie or the blessed reformation since 1640. Being a new caroll wherein the people expresse their thankes and pray for the reformers. To be said or sung of all the well affected of the kingdome of England and dominion of Wales, before they eate any plumbroth at Christmasse. To a rare new tune. date: 1648.0 words: 1438 flesch: 80 summary: And thus it shall goe sayes Alice , Nay thus it shall goe sayes Amy ; Nay thus it shall goe sayes Taffie I trow , Nay thus it shall goe sayes Jamy . Well let the Truth be where it will , We 're sure all else is ours , Yet these divisions in our Religions , May chance abate our powers ; Then let 's agree on some one way , It skills not much how true , Take Pryn and his Clubs , or Say and his Tubs , Or any Sect old or new ; The Devils i th' Pack , if choyce you can lack , We 're fourescore Religions strong , Take your choyce , the major voyce Shall carry it right or wrong : Then wee le be of this sayes Megg , Nay wee le be of that sayes Tibb , Nay wee le be of all sayes pityfull Paul , Nay wee le be of none sayes Gibb . keywords: a87354; anarchie; christmasse; doe; end; english; jordan; nay; new; people; rare; reformation; reformers; sayes; text; thankes; thomason; truth; tune; wee cache: A87354.xml plain text: A87354.txt item: #62 of 65 id: A90388 author: Penington, Isaac, 1616-1679. title: Babylon the Great described. The city of confusion. In every part whereof Antichrist reigns. Which knoweth not the order and unity of the spirit, but striveth to set up an order and uniformity according to the wisdom of the flesh, in all her territories atd [sic] dominions. Her sins, her judgements. With some plain queries further to discover her, and some considerations to help out of her suburbs, that her inward building may lye the more open to the breath and spirit of the Lord, from which it is to receiv [sic] its consumption and overthrow. Also, an exhortation to the powers of the earth. By Isaac Penington, the younger. date: 1659.0 words: 27356 flesch: 64 summary: He hath clothed himself like God , he appears like God ( like the holy pure Spirit of life and power ) he appears in the temple of God , he sits there , he rules there , he gives forth laws and ordinances of worship and devotion . He hath exalted himself into the throne above al that is called God , he hath got into the temple , he sitteth there as God , and there he maketh it manifest to al his worshippers that he is the God , in so much as among al the inhabitants of Babylon he is acknowledged and worshipped , and the true Spirit of life is hid from their eyes , and denied and crucified . keywords: able; antichrist; appearance; babylon; beast; bed; blood; building; christ; church; city; come; course; cup; deceit; devotion; doth; dragon; drunk; earth; everlasting; evil; eye; eyes; faith; false; fear; flesh; form; fornication; glory; god; good; gospel; great; hand; hath; heart; heaven; holy; hope; idolatry; image; inhabitants; iniquity; invisible; inward; israel; king; knowledge; lamb; land; laws; life; light; like; likeness; living; long; lord; lord god; love; man; manifest; men; ministry; mistery; nation; new; open; ordinances; outward; paint; people; persons; poor; power; prayer; precious; professors; pure; religion; rev; saints; satan; scriptures; seed; self; set; simplicity; sin; sins; sion; sorts; soul; spirit; spiritual; state; stil; sweet; temple; text; thee; things; thou; thy; time; true; true life; truth; ver; wait; way; wayes; whereof; whore; whorish; wil; wine; wisdom; wise; woman; world; worship; wrath; yea; zeal cache: A90388.xml plain text: A90388.txt item: #63 of 65 id: A93655 author: Saltmarsh, John, d. 1647. title: The opening of Master Prynnes new book, called A vindication: or, light breaking out from a cloud of differences, or late controversies. Wherein are inferences upon the Vindication, and antiqueres to the queres; and by that, the way a little cleared to a further discovery of truth in a church-order, by a conference or discourse. / By John Saltmarsh, preacher at Brasteed in Kent. Published according to order. date: 1645.0 words: 13363 flesch: 59 summary: THere is a spritual Antipathy betwixt Grace and Nature , Flesh and Spirit ; the Flesh lusting against the Spirit , and the Spirit against the Flesh : and the more spiritual , or more carnal , the more these two contrary Natures work , and the more powerfully against each other , as in Sarah and Hagar , Isaac and Ishmael , and the lesse or more they can bear with each other : As for example : While Judas carnal nature or disposition , uninflamed by Satan , boyled and heightned not into any such grosse act as selling and betraying of Christ , the disciples bore with him more , and Christ himself , as he was man , and in a state of Infirmity , could more endure him , then upon the breaking out of his sin : and so in Simon Magus , in Ananias and Sapphira , and others , whom the Apostles could no longer suffer , not by way of discipline , or inflicting Censure , but by way of a spiritual contrarinesse to such grosse hypocrisie and sin discovered : And so the experiences of all that are of a pure Gospel-temper , will witnesse to this very Age , in acts of spiritual fellowship and Community , in all acts of Worship , &c. Ordinances are so few , so plain , and poor to the eye , that the soul may not be taken up with the signe , but with things spiritual : And we may observe , that as little as can be of outward elements are made use on ; as in Baptism , meer water ; and in the Supper , Wine and Bread ; and the first Ordinance is called , The Baptism of the Spirit , not of water ; and the bread and wine , The Communion of the Body and of the Blood of Christ , not bread and wine : keywords: administrations; believers; better; book; brethren; carnal; chap; christ; christians; church; close; communion; contrary; conversion; converted; converting; cor; disciples; doth; end; excommunication; faith; fellowship; flesh; fol; glory; god; gods; gospel; government; grace; ground; inference; institution; john; kinde; kingdom; law; like; lord; man; matth; means; nature; new; onely; order; ordinances; persons; power; preaching; presbytery; principles; pure; reason; right; rule; sacrament; scandalous; scriptures; separation; sinners; soul; spiritual; supper; suspension; text; things; time; truth; vindication; visible; way; word; work; worship cache: A93655.xml plain text: A93655.txt item: #64 of 65 id: A94441 author: England and Wales. Parliament. title: To the high and honourable court of Parliament. The humble petition of sundry of the nobles, knights, gentry, ministers, freeholders, and divers thousands of the inhabitants of the county palatine of Chester, whose names are subscribed to the several schedules hereunto annexed. In answer to a petition delivered on to the Lords Spirituall and Temporall, by Sir Thomas Aston, Baronet, from the county palatine of Chester, concerning episcopacie. date: 1641.0 words: 2968 flesch: 56 summary: And when we consider , that Diocesan Lordly Bishops , superiour to Presbyters , were neither Instituted , nor heard of , in the time of the Apostles , who alwayes ordayned a sundry Bishops in every particulor Congregation , and those all equall in Authority ; not one Bishop over many hundred Churches , and he paramount his fellow Presbyters : That our b Church of England ( with that of Scotland ) from the first plantation of the Gospell here , in the Apostles dayes , for some hundred of yeares after had no Bishops at all to governe it . We have presumed to annex a Copy of severall Petitions exhibited to your Honours against the Prelates this Parliament , and of sundry Positions preached by their instruments in this and other Counties , which we conceive imply matter of dangerous consequence to the peace both of Church and State : together with a briefe Remonstrance of sundry Grievances , Innovations and Persecutions , under which we of this County ( especially those of the City of Chester ) have miserably suffered , by meanes of our now Bishop , and the High-Commissioners at Yorke . keywords: a94441; archbishops; articles; aston; bishop; books; chester; church; common; county; court; divers; early; english; freeholders; gentry; government; high; honourable; honours; humble; innovations; knights; laws; lordly; lords; ministers; nobles; palatine; parliament; people; petition; popery; power; prelates; present; religion; sir; sundry; text; thomas; thousands cache: A94441.xml plain text: A94441.txt item: #65 of 65 id: B01875 author: Butler, Samuel, 1612-1680. title: The Geneva ballad. To the tune of 48. date: 1674.0 words: 1492 flesch: 72 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. B01875) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 181660) keywords: available; ballad; books; butler; characters; creation; data; early; edition; eebo; elements; encoding; english; geneva; image; keying; online; oxford; page; partnership; phase; project; samuel; tcp; tei; text; tune; works; xml cache: B01875.xml plain text: B01875.txt