item: #1 of 4 id: 36934 author: Lamprey, Louise title: In the Days of the Guild date: None words: 69471 flesch: 86 summary: Although Italian born, he had spent much of his life in France, and had known men of many nations, including the English. By the armorer's tower the fire burned bright In the long black shadows of coming night. keywords: barbara; barty; basil; boy; brother; country; dame; david; day; edrupt; england; english; eyes; fair; father; garden; glass; gold; good; guy; hand; head; home; house; king; leather; london; look; making; man; market; mary; master; men; merchant; mother; new; padraig; people; place; queen; quentin; ranulph; red; richard; rose; saint; saw; set; shop; stone; things; time; tomaso; town; wall; way; wood; wool; work; years; young cache: 36934.txt plain text: 36934.txt item: #2 of 4 id: 39030 author: Hibbert, Francis Aiden title: The Influence and Development of English Gilds As Illustrated by the History of the Craft Gilds of Shrewsbury date: None words: 43867 flesch: 67 summary: Another derivation of _tenser_ has been given. In many places of recent growth, or where the old Gilds had been destroyed without there having been any construction of fresh machinery to take their place, deliberate grants were made of new trade companies. keywords: act; burgesses; century; charters; commercial; companies; company; composition; corporation; country; craft gilds; day; development; drapers; edward; elizabeth; england; english; etc; gilds; good; government; henry; history; ibid; importance; king; life; london; members; men; mercers; merchant; merchant gild; new; period; privileges; procession; public; records; shrewsbury; shrewsbury gilds; sidenote; state; time; town; trade; vol; wardens; welsh; work; years cache: 39030.txt plain text: 39030.txt item: #3 of 4 id: 44966 author: Cunningham, W. (William) title: Craft Gilds date: None words: 6460 flesch: 57 summary: There is no need to idealise the times when they were formed, or the men who composed them; the very records of craft gilds show that the mediæval workman was quite capable of scamping his work and getting drunk when opportunity tempted him. So far for weavers; I wish now to turn to another craft in which we hear of craft gilds very early--the Bakers. keywords: century; coventry; craft; craft gilds; gilds; time; trade; weavers; work cache: 44966.txt plain text: 44966.txt item: #4 of 4 id: 45425 author: Renard, Georges François title: Guilds in the Middle Ages date: None words: 46807 flesch: 64 summary: Such was the case at Florence, where, from the year 1293, twenty-one _Arti_ or unions of craft guilds nominated the Priors and the other supreme magistrates of the city; at Strasburg, where, during the fourteenth century, the City Council was formed from the delegates of twenty-five _Zünfte_, having the same constitution as the Arti of Florence; at Ghent, where at about the time of James van Artevelde the three _members_[80] of the State were formed by the weavers, the fullers, and the small crafts; at Boulogne, Siena, Bruges, Zurich, Liége, Spire, Worms, Ulm, Mayence, Augsburg, Cologne, etc.; where within sixty years similar revolutions occurred, putting the power into the hands of the guilds. In most cases the election was made directly by the masters alone, or indirectly by electors whom they nominated; sometimes, but rarely, the inferior _members_ of the complex guilds, journeymen of the simple guilds, took part, and a certain number of those elected belonged to their group. keywords: 8vo; ages; arte; authority; century; classes; commerce; conditions; corporations; craft; craft guilds; crown; days; des; england; florence; france; guild system; guilds; histoire; industry; labour; life; masters; members; merchants; middle; money; national; order; organization; paris; place; power; production; right; state; statutes; system; time; towns; trade; vol; work; workers; workmen; years cache: 45425.txt plain text: 45425.txt