item: #1 of 13 id: A02904 author: Rowlands, Samuel, 1570?-1630? title: Hels torments, and heavens glorie date: 1601 words: 16484 flesch: 54 summary: I know not whether I may truly tearme thee , either life or death : for if thou be life , why dost thou kill ? Nowe tell mee ( Christian brother ) what a day of glorious shine shall that bee unto thee ( if thou lead thy life in Gods feare ) when after the course of this pilgrimage , thou shalt passe from death to immortallitie ; and in that passage , when others shall begin to feare , thou shalt begin to rejoyce , and lift up thyhead because the day of thy deliverance is at hand ? Come foorth a little ( sayth S. Ierome unto the Virgine Eustochia ) out of the prison of this body , and when thou art before the gate of this ▪ Tabernacle , set before thy eyes the reward that thou hopest to have for thy present labours . keywords: account; afraid; almightie; almightie god; almighty; angels; art; bee; beleeve; benefits; better; blessed; bodie; case; certaine; christian; comfort; companie; conscience; damned; darkenesse; day; death; desire; doe; dooth; dreadfull; earth; eebo; end; english; eternall; everie; everlasting; eyes; faith; feare; fire; flames; gate; glorie; god; gods; good; grace; great; greater; greefe; hand; happie; hast; hath; head; heart; heaven; hee; hell; himselfe; holy; hope; horrible; houre; judgement; justice; kind; lie; life; light; little; long; lord; love; man; manner; meat; mee; men; mind; miserable; miseries; multitude; onely; owne; paines; past; peradventure; place; pleasures; poore; precious; prepared; present; prophet; punishments; reason; request; rest; reward; saints; saviour; saying; sayth; sea; service; set; shouldest; sinfull; sinne; sinners; sort; soule; sweet; tast; tcp; terrible; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thou art; thou bee; thy; time; torments; treasures; true; turne; understanding; vertue; water; way; wee; whereof; wicked; wilt; wise; works; world; worme; wrath; yea; yeares cache: A02904.xml plain text: A02904.txt item: #2 of 13 id: A12185 author: Seaman, Lazarus, d. 1675. title: A glance of Heaven, or, A pretious taste of a glorious feast wherein thou mayst taste and see those things which God hath prepared for them that love him / By R. Sibs ... date: 1638 words: 34996 flesch: 74 summary: Now they see that they were in the darke , that they were in a dampe before , that they conceived things to be so and so , and thought themselves some body ; but when God opens their eyes , and takes away the skales , and lets them see things in their proper light , heavenly things , by a heavenly light , and with a heavenly eye ; they wonder at their former foolishnesse in divinity , especially so farre as concernes the Gospell : for there is more in the Scripture then pure supernaturall divinity , there are many other arts in the Scripture . What a pittifull case is this , that God should give us our understandings for better things then wee can see or heare in this world , yet we imploy thē in things of the world wholly ? keywords: actions; affection; againe; apostle; base; bee; best; best things; better; carnall; cause; children; christ; christian; church; cold; comfort; common; communion; condition; conscience; contentment; creature; delight; desire; disposition; divine; divine things; doe; doth; eare; earth; enemies; esteeme; excellencie; excellent; excellent things; eye; eye hath; eyes; faith; farre; father; fire; glorious; glory; god; god hath; gods; goe; good; good things; goodnesse; gospell; grace; great; great things; greatest; ground; hand; happinesse; happy; hath; hearing; heart; heaven; heavenly; heavenly things; hee; hidden; himselfe; holy; holy things; hope; inheritance; joy; joyes; kingdome; knowes; knowledge; labour; life; light; like; little; live; lord; love; love god; loving; man; matters; meanes; mee; men; merit; mysteries; naturall; nature; new; onely; owne; particular; paul; people; persons; place; poore; prepared; proud; qualification; reason; religion; reserved; rest; revelation; riches; salvation; sayth; scripture; second; seene; selves; set; sets; sinne; soule; speake; spirit; spirituall; spring; state; supernaturall; sweet; talke; taste; tcp; text; thee; therfore; things; thinke; thou; thy; time; true; truth; understanding; union; use; vse; way; wee; wee love; whatsoever; wil; wisedome; words; worke; world cache: A12185.xml plain text: A12185.txt item: #3 of 13 id: A14380 author: Vicars, John, 1579 or 80-1652. title: A prospectiue glasse to looke into heauen, or The cœlestiall Canaan described Together with the soules sacred soliloquie, and most ardent desire to be inuested into the same. Sung in a most heauenly hymne, to the great comfort of all good Christians, by the Muses most vnworthy, Iohn Vicars. date: 1618 words: 24230 flesch: 74 summary: A current Riuer , not a Poole with soile , Not ●oul● or troubled like Aegyptian Nile ; Or bill ●wing Euphrates ; but sweet and faire With delectable streames , smooth , cleere and rare . Wi●h warbling noates wau'ring i th lofty Skies , Earth hauing op't her Shop of sweet Perfumes Of fragrant flowres , herbs , plants , and pleasant bloomes , A gentle Wind fannes coolenesse through the Aire , The Suns increasing heate thus to impaire , Each Creature much delighted at the heart , To see this Sight ; now ready to take part Of pleasure , in this pleasant Day begun , When as vpon a sudden , o're the Sun A mightie Raine-swolne-Cloud begins to spred , And furious Winds through th' Ayre are nimbly fled From forth their Stations , blustring vp and downe , The angry Heauens vpon the Earth ' gin frowne , And frō their Spouts powre downe great streaming Showers , Dashing and washing Trees , keywords: admirable; admiration; againe; alwaies; amiable; angelicall; angels; annoy; apostles; appeare; beautie; bee; blessed; blest; blisse; body; booke; bright; bring; building; canaan; care; cause; cease; certayne; chiefe; children; christ; christian; church; churches; citie; cleere; coelestiall; colour; come; comfort; constant; contemplation; content; courage; course; crowne; danger; day; death; deitie; delight; description; desire; dignitie; dire; diuine; doctrine; doe; doth; downe; dwell; earth; earthly; eebo; elect; end; endlesse; endure; english; enioy; eternall; eternitie; euen; euermore; euery; excellent; expresse; exprest; eye; eyes; face; faire; faith; faithfull; father; feare; felicitie; fill; firme; fit; flesh; flow; foes; fold; forth; foundation; foure; frame; free; fruition; gates; gifts; giue; glasse; glorie; glorious; glory; god; godly; gods; goe; gold; golden; good; grace; great; greene; ground; guide; habitation; hand; happie; happinesse; happy; hast; hath; haue; hauing; head; heart; heau'nly; heau'ns; heauen; hell; helpe; high; hill; himselfe; holy; hope; house; humane; iasper; ierusalem; iesus; infinite; inuested; iohn; ioy; ioyes; iust; keepe; kind; king; kingdome; knowledge; lambe; land; leaue; length; life; like; little; liue; liuing; long; lord; loue; lustre; maiestie; man; manna; mans; martyrs; matter; measure; mee; men; mightie; mind; moone; mortall; names; ne're; need; neuer; new; nought; number; o lord; o're; oft; onely; paine; past; pearle; perfect; perfection; place; pleasant; pleasure; poore; possesse; power; praise; precious; presence; princely; prophets; proud; pure; rare; reason; renowne; respect; rest; rich; riches; riuer; run; sacred; saints; saluation; satan; sauiour; sea; seene; selfe; set; shall; showne; sight; signifie; simile; sin; sincere; soueraigne; soule; specious; spirit; spirituall; spring; stand; starres; state; stay; stones; strong; subiect; sunne; sure; sweet; tcp; temple; text; thee; thine; things; thirst; thou; throne; thy; time; treasure; tree; trinitie; true; truth; twelue; vicars; vnder; vnto; voyce; vpon; vse; wall; water; way; weake; wealth; whereof; white; wicked; wilt; wise; worke; world; worldly; worship; yea; zeale; ● e; ● ● cache: A14380.xml plain text: A14380.txt item: #4 of 13 id: A19494 author: Andrewes, John, fl. 1615. title: A celestiall looking-glasse to behold the beauty of heauen. Directed vnto all the elect children of God, very briefly composed, and authentically penned, that it may be effectually gained. date: 1621 words: 6467 flesch: 73 summary: OF all the workes of God , Heauen is the most ancient ; a it was made at the beginning of the world , and it was the first of all Gods works : b the felicity thereof cannot bee imagined , c neither the blessings numbered : so incomparable as cannot be equalled ; of such value as none can comprize it , so great ae cannot bee measured , d and of such eternity , as neuer can be ended , The very name of heauen to all is louely , because it is a hauen e for rest , f a Paradise for pleasure , g a City for beauty , h a Kingdome of state , i a Crowne of glory , k a Throne of Maiesty , l & life euerlasting : it is desired of all , hoped for of many , m but onely enioyed of the best . To set forth heauen more fully to our vnderstanding , it hath diuers glorious Titles , and names in the holy Scriptures : it is called an heauenly Kingdome , a blessed and euerlasting Kingdome , a Celestiall and heauenly Ierusalem , a Kingdome of glory , a Throne of Maiesty , a Paradise of pleasure , the glory of God , and life euerlasting . keywords: angels; author; beauty; bee; blessed; body; books; bée; celestiall; children; christ; city; cor; doe; doth; early; eebo; elect; end; english; eternall; eternity; euer; euerlasting; expresse; father; felicity; glasse; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; grace; great; hath; haue; heauen; heauenly; hee; holy; honorable; iesus; inheritance; ioh; ioyes; kingdome; large; life; like; looking; lord; loue; man; mat; mee; number; onely; pet; place; presence; psal; reigne; reu; right; saints; saith; sauiour; tcp; text; things; thy; twelue; vnto; vpon; wall; wee; works; world cache: A19494.xml plain text: A19494.txt item: #5 of 13 id: A26807 author: Bates, William, 1625-1699. title: A short description of the blessed place and state of the saints above in a discourse upon the words of Our Blessed Saviour, John XIV, 2, in my father's house are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you / by William Bates. date: 1687 words: 17390 flesch: 64 summary: But in Heaven , those most divine and amiable Titles , that God is Light , and that God is Love , are most fully exhibited , and experimentally understood by the Saints . But how distant is the greatest Monarch in the World from the Eternal Son of God , the Prince of the Kings of the Earth ? Love brought him down from his Throne in Heaven , where he was ador'd by the Angels , and united him to our nature in our lowly state , in order to the raising us to his Kingdom , and uniting us to himself in Glory . keywords: affections; angels; apostle; assurance; beauty; believers; best; blessed; body; books; carnal; change; characters; children; christ; christian; church; communion; creation; creature; day; death; degrees; delight; desires; disciples; discourse; divine; doth; earth; earthly; eebo; end; english; eternal; eternity; everlasting; excellencies; excellent; faith; father; felicity; flesh; free; friends; glorified; glorious; glory; god; good; goodness; gospel; gracious; great; greatness; guilty; habitation; happiness; happy; hath; hearts; heaven; heavenly; highest; holiness; holy; hope; house; infallible; infinite; inheritance; interest; jesus; john; joy; joyful; justice; kingdom; knowledg; life; light; little; living; lord; love; majesty; maker; man; manner; mansions; men; mercy; mind; natural; nature; new; object; order; original; paradise; parts; people; perfections; person; place; possession; power; praises; precious; presence; present; promises; pure; relation; respect; rest; rich; sacred; saints; satisfied; saviour; scripture; secure; self; sensible; servants; service; set; short; son; sorrow; soul; spirit; spiritual; state; sun; supreme; tcp; temple; text; thee; things; thoughts; throne; thy; time; title; true; truth; universal; wisdom; wise; words; work; world cache: A26807.xml plain text: A26807.txt item: #6 of 13 id: A30209 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: The strait gate, or, Great difficulty of going to Heaven plainly proving by the Scriptures that not only the rude and profane, but many great professors will come short of that Kingdom / by John Bunyan. date: 1676 words: 28156 flesch: 78 summary: Str●igh● is the gate and narr●w is the way t●●t leadeth un●o life , and few there 〈◊〉 th● finde it ; M●● . The text calls for ▪ sharpness , so do the times , ye● , the faithful discharge of my duty towards thee , hath put me upon it . keywords: able; angels; answer; carnal; cast; chap; children; christ; christian; church; claim; company; conscience; convictions; cor; cry; damnation; damned; day; death; devil; door; doth; dross; earth; elect; end; enter; entrance; eternal; everlasting; eye; faith; fall; fire; gate; ghost; glory; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; hand; hath; heart; heaven; heb; hell; help; holy; house; ignorant; inheritance; isa; jesus; joh; judgment; kingdom; law; left; life; like; little; lord; love; luk; man; matt; means; men; mercy; miss; ones; open; parable; people; perish; pet; place; poor; profane; profession; professors; prophet; psal; question; reade; religion; remnant; repentance; rest; revel; right; run; salvation; saved; saving; scriptures; self; shew; short; silver; sin; sinner; sins; sodom; son; soul; strait; strive; striving; tcp; tears; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thy; time; true; truth; ungodly; virgins; way; wicked; wilt; wit; words; work; world; wrath; yea; ● ● cache: A30209.xml plain text: A30209.txt item: #7 of 13 id: A40150 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: Concerning the upright and good conversation of the saints in Christ and in Heaven date: 1682 words: 1537 flesch: 62 summary: And the Apostle exhorted Timothy , and said , Be thou an Example of the Believers in Word , in Conversation , in Charity , in Spirit , in Faith , in Purity : which is a Good Corversation to be followed . And Peter in his General Epistle admonishes the Church to be as Obedient Children , not fashioning your selves according to the former Lusts in your Ignorance , but as he which hath called you is Holy , so be ye Holy in all manner of Conversation [ Mark , all manner of Conversation ] forasmuch as ye know , that ye were not redeemed with Corruptible Things , a● Silver and Gold , from your Vain Conversation , received by Tradition from your Fathers , but with the Precious Blood of Christ , as of a Lamb without Blemish and without Spot , &c. And likewise ye Wives be subject to your own Husbands , that if any obey not the Word they also may without the Word be won by the Conversation of the Wives , while they behold your Chaste Conversation , coupled with Fear , &c. having a good Conscience , tha● whereas they speak Evil of you , as of Evil Doers , they may be ashamed that falsly accuse your Good Conversation in Christ . keywords: books; characters; christ; conversation; early; eebo; english; fox; george; god; good; grace; heaven; online; saints; saith; tcp; tei; text; upright; works cache: A40150.xml plain text: A40150.txt item: #8 of 13 id: A43583 author: Heywood, Oliver, 1629-1702. title: Meetness for heaven promoted in some brief meditations upon Colos. 1. 12. discovering the nature and necessity of habitual and actual meetness for heaven here, in all that hope for heaven hereafter. Designed for a funeral legacy. By O.H. an unworthy minister of the Gospel of Christ. date: 1679 words: 33817 flesch: 77 summary: The Lord looked down from Heaven upon the Children of Men , to see if there were any that did understand and seek God. And I solemnly require you that have a principle of Grace , gird up your Loins , trim your Lamps , and observe these few Rules , and the dispositions mentioned in this small Treatise : I only hint further ; Be much in the love of God : Dayly act Faith on Christ : Walk in the Spirit : Design Gods Glory : Intermit not holy duties : Be not content therein without communion with God : Mingle Religion with civil acts : Increase every Grace : Redeem time : Profitably converse with Gods Children : Aim at perfection : Maintain tender Consciences : Keep strict accounts : Study the life of Heaven : Be still doing or getting good : Set God before your eyes : Trample on worldly things : Live in dayly view of death : Be nothing in your own eyes : Be much in heavenly praises : Say , O Lord , who am I , and what is my Fathers house , that thou hast brought me hitherto ? What is man , what am I , the least and worst of the children of men , that the heart of God should be working for me , and towards me , in infinite bowels of eternal love ! keywords: acts; actual; alas; angels; answer; assurance; bear; bed; beloved; best; better; blessed; body; business; case; cast; change; chap; children; christ; christian; clear; coming; company; conscience; content; conversion; cor; cost; covenant; day; dead; dear; death; design; devils; difference; divine; doct; door; doth; drink; duties; duty; dye; earth; eebo; end; english; enter; eph; eternal; eternity; evidence; exercise; eyes; face; fall; far; father; fear; felicity; fire; fit; fruit; future; ghost; glorious; glory; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; grace; graceless; gracious; great; guilt; habitual; hands; happiness; happy; hast; hath; head; heart; heaven; heavenly; heb; heirs; hell; high; hold; holiness; holy; home; honour; hope; house; infinite; inheritance; isa; jam; jesus; job; joh; joy; judge; kingdom; land; life; light; like; little; long; lord; love; man; mat; matter; matth; means; meet; meetness; men; mercies; mercy; mind; mouth; natural; nature; nay; nearer; necessary; need; new; non; objects; observe; order; ordinances; paul; people; perfect; perfection; persons; pet; place; pleasure; point; poor; praise; prayer; present; priviledges; promise; psal; purchase; ready; real; reason; relative; religion; rest; rev; righteousness; rom; safe; saints; saith; salvation; self; selves; sense; set; sin; sincere; sinners; sins; sirs; son; soul; spirit; spiritual; state; suitable; sun; sure; sweet; tcp; text; thankfulness; thee; things; thou; thy; time; title; true; truth; vain; ver; way; weary; wicked; woe; work; working; world; worldly; worth; wrath; yea cache: A43583.xml plain text: A43583.txt item: #9 of 13 id: A49864 author: Lead, Jane, 1623-1704. title: The ascent to the mount of vision where many things were shewn, concerning I. The first resurrection; II. The state of separated souls; III. The patriarchal life; IV. The kingdom of Christ: with an account of the approaching blessed state of this nation. date: 1699 words: 16156 flesch: 68 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. The kingdom of Christ: with an account of the approaching blessed state of this nation. keywords: age; ages; angel; appearance; birth; blessed; body; bright; certain; children; christ; court; creation; dark; day; days; dead; death; degrees; divine; dominion; earth; eebo; end; english; eternal; everlasting; expectation; faith; father; flaming; foundation; fruits; gates; generation; gift; glorified; glorious; glory; god; golden; good; government; great; ground; hand; hath; healing; heart; heavenly; heavens; hereof; hereunto; high; higher; hold; holy; kingdom; known; life; light; little; live; long; lord; love; manifest; manner; mighty; mind; mountain; nations; nature; near; new; number; open; open'd; order; original; outward; paradisical; perfect; person; place; power; present; prophecy; pure; regions; reign; rest; resurrection; saints; self; set; shewn; souls; sphear; spirit; spiritual; springing; stand; state; stones; tcp; temple; text; things; time; tree; true; vision; way; wisdom; wonderful; wonders; work; world; worldly; worthy; years cache: A49864.xml plain text: A49864.txt item: #10 of 13 id: A65777 author: White, Thomas, 1543-1676. title: A contemplation of heaven with an exercise of love, and a descant on the prayer in the garden. By a Catholick gent. date: 1654 words: 34073 flesch: 63 summary: The greedy thirst of One ( now inebriated above ) obtain'd for Her self some yeares since this Elixir ; which the choaking necessity of these hot Times has at length dissolv'd into a charitable diffusion of it self to the wide world . Whereas for Reason , Grace never contradicts it , but guides it , and shewes it that many things ( which otherwise it would never have attain'd to ) are very reasonable , and by force of reason it self ought to be enacted and put in execution . keywords: able; acquaintance; actions; affections; ages; aim; aire; almighty; angels; apprehension; beasts; beauty; behold; beloved; best; better; blessed; blisse; bloud; bodies; body; books; bread; breath; canst; care; causes; change; command; common; company; comparison; conceit; confesse; consequence; consideration; contemplation; content; creatures; darknesse; day; dear; death; deep; degree; delight; delighted; desire; different; discourse; disposition; doubt; dull; eares; earth; eebo; effects; english; essence; esteem; eternall; eternity; excellent; excesse; experience; expresse; expressions; eyes; face; far; farre; father; fear; fire; flesh; force; frame; friends; garden; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; goodnesse; grace; great; greater; greatest; hand; happinesse; happy; hard; hast; hath; head; heart; heaven; heavenly; height; hell; hidden; high; higher; highest; holy; honour; hope; house; ignorance; impossible; indivisible; infinite; jerusalem; joy; judgement; kind; knowledge; lesse; life; light; like; little; long; lord; love; low; making; man; manner; masters; means; measure; men; mind; mother; motion; motives; multitude; naturall; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; need; noble; number; object; onely; open; order; particular; parts; passe; passion; people; peradventure; perfections; persons; place; pleas'd; pleasure; poor; power; prayer; prepar'd; present; principall; proportion; pure; quality; quick; reason; reasonable; respect; rest; saviour; sea; secret; seeing; self; selves; set; share; shew; short; small; soul; spirit; spouse; state; strange; strength; strong; subject; substance; sweet; tcp; tender; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thoughts; thy; time; true; truth; turn; understanding; unlesse; variety; vertue; want; water; way; weak; whereof; white; wills; wisdome; wish; words; work; world; worth cache: A65777.xml plain text: A65777.txt item: #11 of 13 id: A67772 author: Younge, Richard. title: A serious and pathetical description of heaven and hell according to the pencil of the Holy Ghost, and the best expositors: sufficient (with the blessing of God) to make the worst of men hate sin, and love holiness. Being five chapters taken out of a book entituled, The whole duty of a Christian: composed by R. Younge, late of Roxwell in Essex, florilegus. date: 1677 words: 15472 flesch: 73 summary: For as St. Paul tells us , The heart of man is not able to conceive those joyes ; which being so , How should I be able to express them in words ? And yet though we cannot comprehend this glory , this far most excellent , exceeding , and eternal weight of transcendent glory ; yet may and ought we to admire the never enough to be admired bounty and goodness of God and our Redeemer , in crying out , O the depth , &c. O the sweetness of his love , how unsearchable are his thoughts , and intendments to man-ward ? ( once miserably forlorn , lost and undone ) and his ways past finding out , Rom. 11. 33. CHAP. But I may appeal to any mans conscience , that hath been softned with the unction of grace , and truly tasted the powers of the World to come ; To him that hath the love of God shed abroad in his heart by the holy Ghost ; in whose Soul the light of grace shines , whether his whole life be not a perpetual Hallelujah , in comparison of his natural condition ? keywords: angels; believe; best; better; body; book; brimstone; burning; case; chap; christ; christian; city; comfort; condition; conscience; cor; darkness; day; death; deut; devil; earth; ease; end; eternal; eternity; everlasting; fear; fire; flames; fulness; ghost; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; grace; great; hath; heart; heaven; heb; hell; holy; isai; john; joy; joys; judgment; kingdom; kings; knowledge; life; light; like; long; lord; love; luke; man; mat; measure; men; mercy; millions; misery; number; pain; peace; perfection; pet; pleasure; prov; psal; rejoyce; rev; rom; saints; saith; satan; sect; self; set; short; sin; sins; sorrow; soul; spiritual; suffer; sweet; taste; text; thee; things; thou; thy; time; torments; wicked; works; world; worst; wrath; yea; years cache: A67772.xml plain text: A67772.txt item: #12 of 13 id: A86127 author: Hayward, John, D.D. title: Hell's everlasting flames avoided, and heaven's eternal felicities injoyed containing the penitent sinner's sad lamentation for the deplorableness of his impious life ... : also holy preparations to a worthy receiving of the Lord's Supper ... / by John Hayward, D.D. date: 1696 words: 25928 flesch: 66 summary: And , most merciful Father ; favourably govern , help , instruct , guide , and teach me by thy Wisdom to magnifie thy Name , and preserve me in all my Ways and Work● and all about me . Remember thy po● Flock ; build up thy Church in the mo● holy Faith ; Comfort Sion ; govern an● assist all painful Pastors and Teachers ▪ teach them and us rightly to know thee ▪ and truly to follow thee in all the Paths o● Righteousness and true Holiness . O Glorious Lord God and everlastin● Father , I a wretched and an u●done Sinner without thy Mercy , a● come before thee to beg favour of thee fo● all my Offences ; begging , praying , de●ring , and beseeching thy heavenly Majest● that thou would'st in Mercy look dow● upon me ; I cannot but confess , were not for the hope I have of thy Mercy a● the hold of thy Comfort , and the rene●ing Graces I sometimes receive from th● and that sweet rellish I have of thy goo● Gifts , and thy Heavenly Word , I sink in●● Despair , for my sins are continually b●fore me ; if I go , they follow me ; if run , they fly after ; if I look back , the sta●e upon me ; if I go forward , they me me ; if I turn to the right-hand , they terifie me ; if to the left-hand , they torme● me : If I look down into the Earth , H● is ready to devour me : Now I have ● way but to look up to thee ; help me , good God , save me dear Father ; succour me ●weet Redeemer ; assist me , merciful Crea●or , that my Prayers may be so servent , so ●ealous , so affectionate towards thee , that ●hey may draw down thy Mercies upon me : Power down thy Blessings , showre ●own thy Graces , open thy hand of Mer●y , and restore joy and consolation to my ●eavy-laden Soul ; wash away my Sins ; ●ipe away my Iniquities , heal my Infir●ities ; purge my wicked Mind of all ill ●houghts ; pardon all my Damnable Deeds ●nd detestable Dealings ; take all hardness ●● heart from me , and according to thy ●ood promise , renew a right Spirit within ●e ; send the Joys of thy holy Comforts ●●on me : O Lord let me have some taste ●●d some sense of thy most glorious and ●ost comfortable Presence ; let me be re●ewed by thy Grace , and established in ●y Service , that I may never back-slide ●om thee : But grant , O most merciful ●ther , that my whole dependance may be ●on thee , so that in all my Thoughts , ●ords and Actions , I may rejoyce in ser●●g , fearing and obeying of thee , that I ●y spend the residue of my Days in thy ●vice , seeking thy Honour and Glory . keywords: actions; almighty; altho; angels; art; beauty; beseech; blessed; blessings; blood; bodies; body; bread; cast; cause; change; children; christ; comfort; commandments; conscience; creatures; cup; damned; day; days; de ●; dear; death; deep; delight; desire; dost; doth; earth; ease; eebo; end; enemies; english; enjoy; eternal; eternity; everlasting; evermore; evil; eyes; face; faith; far; father; fear; fire; fit; flames; flesh; friends; glorious; glory; god; good; goodness; grace; gracious; grant; great; greater; guilty; hand; happy; hath; heart; heaven; heavenly; hell; help; high; holy; honour; hope; house; immortal; infinite; intolerable; jesus; john; joys; kingdom; land; life; light; like; live; long; look; lord god; love; loving; m ●; majesty; man; meat; men; mercies; merciful; mercy; mind; nature; new; o lord; o thou; pains; peace; people; perfect; pleased; pleasures; poor; portion; power; praise; prayer; precious; prepared; presence; present; psal; punishment; ready; reason; receiving; resolution; rest; return; righteous; safe; saints; sake; salvation; satisfaction; saviour; sea; self; sense; service; set; shall; short; sinful; sinner; sins; son; song; soul; spirit; spiritual; strength; strong; sun; sweet; tcp; text; th ●; thanks; thee; thine; things; thou; thou art; thou lord; thoughts; throne; thy; time; torment; trouble; true; view; way; ways; wicked; wisdom; works; world; worthy; wrath; ● d; ● e; ● f; ● ing; ● lord; ● nd; ● t; ● y; ● ● cache: A86127.xml plain text: A86127.txt item: #13 of 13 id: A87177 author: Downame, John, d. 1652. title: The everlasting joys of heaven: or, The blessed life of a Christian, in grace here; and in glory here-after. Set forth for the comfort and encouragement of all those that desire to fear the Lord; / by John Hart, a servant of Jesus Christ. Recommended to the reader, by Obadiah Sedgewick, and Iohn Downam, ministers of the Gospel. date: 1656 words: 25513 flesch: 66 summary: To discover his comforts afresh , that things and promises beleeved , are truly so indeed ; that we are the children of God ; that flesh and blood hath not revealed these things unto us , but God by the habitation of his spirit ; that those supernatural endowments , and habits of grace we have attained , as they are from Heaven , so they shall at length bring us thither ; and that we shall grow in Grace , from Grace to Grace , and be transformed from Glory to Glory , by the self-same spirit . all which things are wrought by one and the self-same spirit ( as Paul speaks ) distributing to every man severally as he will , 1 Cor. 12 11. and guiding them with his counsel , until he bring them unto glory . Psal. 37.24 And thus not onely ( We know ) and ( Know that we know ) that this knowledg of our assurance of a better life to come is not counterfeit , by Gods spirit witnessing with Our spirits , that we are the children of God : sometimes in a more high lofty and rare immediate strain of ravishing joy by himself ( as it were ) from heaven : and alwaies ( when he pleaseth to join with the witnesse of our spirits , sometimes again in a sweet , more often and lasting manner unto the end . keywords: able; afflictions; angels; assurance; better; blessed; body; building; burthen; case; certainty; children; christ; clear; cloathing; comfort; contented; cor; creature; david; day; death; degree; delight; desire; doth; dwelling; earth; earthly; end; enjoying; estate; eternal; eternity; everlasting; excellency; extent; eye; far; father; fear; flesh; friends; fulnesse; future; garment; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; grace; great; groan; hands; hath; heart; heaven; heavenly; heb; height; help; high; holy; hope; house; immediate; inheritance; iohn; isa; jesus; john; joy; joys; know; knowledge; length; life; light; like; little; long; lord; love; making; man; measure; meditations; mortality; nature; new; onely; paul; people; perfection; place; possession; power; prayer; presence; promises; psal; regard; rest; resurrection; rich; saints; saith; salvation; sanctification; self; selves; set; shew; short; sigh; sighing; sin; sins; soul; spirit; strength; strong; subject; suitable; sweet; text; things; thou; thoughts; thy; time; trials; true; understanding; unto; vision; water; way; whatsoever; whereof; witnesse; wonderfull; work; world; yea cache: A87177.xml plain text: A87177.txt