item: #1 of 15 id: A02192 author: Greenwood, Henry, b. 1544 or 5. title: Tormenting Tophet: or A terrible description of Hel able to breake the hardest heart, and cause it quake and tremble. Preached at Paules Crosse the 14. of Iune 1614. By Henry Greenvvood, Master of Arts, and preacher of the word of God. date: 1615 words: 16598 flesch: 75 summary: This great destruction of the damned in hell , is liuelily shadowed out vnto vs in the iudgements of God on earth , mingled with mercy ; as in the destruction of the olde world by water , how few escaped there aliue ? only Noah with his Family : in the destruction of Sodome by fire , how few escaped there aliue ? only Lot vvith his daughters : in the destruction of Iericho by the sword , how few escaped there aliue ? only Rahab with her family , that intertained the Israeliticall Spies . Sinne is like oyle , and the wrath of God like fire : as long as the oile lasteth so long the fire burneth : and so long as they are sinnefull , so long for sinne tormented ; therefore for euer damned . keywords: able; aboue; act; aliue; angels; bee; bitternesse; blessed; bodies; body; booke; breath; brimstone; burne; burneth; burning; calleth; cause; children; christ; christian; conscience; corporall; counsell; cursed; damnation; damned; damni; darkenesse; day; dead; death; deepe; description; destruction; deuill; diues; doe; doth; early; earth; edition; eebo; election; end; english; esai; esay; est; eternall; euen; euerlasting; euermore; euery; eyes; fall; father; feare; fearefull; fire; giue; giueth; glorious; glory; god; gods; goe; good; grace; gracious; great; greatest; hands; hath; haue; heart; heauen; hee; hell; hell fire; henry; himselfe; iewes; ignis; iniquity; iudgement; iudges; iustice; kindle; king; kingdome; lake; lamentable; large; law; learned; life; light; like; long; lord; lymbus; maiesty; man; mat; men; mercies; mercy; multitude; nature; neuer; neyther; non; number; olde; owne; paines; people; perpetuity; persons; place; pleasure; poena; poore; power; prepared; presence; present; prophet; psal; psalmist; punishment; quake; reason; regard; reu; riuer; saint; saluation; sayd; saying; sayth; screeching; scriptures; second; sensus; set; sheol; simile; sinne; soules; spirituall; tcp; terrible; text; thee; themselues; things; thou; thy; time; tophet; torment; tormenting; true; truth; vae; vermis; vnder; vnto; vpon; vse; water; way; wee; wicked; wood; word; worme; yea; yee cache: A02192.xml plain text: A02192.txt item: #2 of 15 id: A02904 author: Rowlands, Samuel, 1570?-1630? title: Hels torments, and heavens glorie date: 1601 words: 16484 flesch: 54 summary: I know not whether I may truly tearme thee , either life or death : for if thou be life , why dost thou kill ? Nowe tell mee ( Christian brother ) what a day of glorious shine shall that bee unto thee ( if thou lead thy life in Gods feare ) when after the course of this pilgrimage , thou shalt passe from death to immortallitie ; and in that passage , when others shall begin to feare , thou shalt begin to rejoyce , and lift up thyhead because the day of thy deliverance is at hand ? Come foorth a little ( sayth S. Ierome unto the Virgine Eustochia ) out of the prison of this body , and when thou art before the gate of this ▪ Tabernacle , set before thy eyes the reward that thou hopest to have for thy present labours . keywords: account; afraid; almightie; almightie god; almighty; angels; art; bee; beleeve; benefits; better; blessed; bodie; case; certaine; christian; comfort; companie; conscience; damned; darkenesse; day; death; desire; doe; dooth; dreadfull; earth; eebo; end; english; eternall; everie; everlasting; eyes; faith; feare; fire; flames; gate; glorie; god; gods; good; grace; great; greater; greefe; hand; happie; hast; hath; head; heart; heaven; hee; hell; himselfe; holy; hope; horrible; houre; judgement; justice; kind; lie; life; light; little; long; lord; love; man; manner; meat; mee; men; mind; miserable; miseries; multitude; onely; owne; paines; past; peradventure; place; pleasures; poore; precious; prepared; present; prophet; punishments; reason; request; rest; reward; saints; saviour; saying; sayth; sea; service; set; shouldest; sinfull; sinne; sinners; sort; soule; sweet; tast; tcp; terrible; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thou art; thou bee; thy; time; torments; treasures; true; turne; understanding; vertue; water; way; wee; whereof; wicked; wilt; wise; works; world; worme; wrath; yea; yeares cache: A02904.xml plain text: A02904.txt item: #3 of 15 id: A03406 author: Bancroft, Thomas, fl. 1633-1658. title: The gluttons feauer. VVritten by Thomas Bancroft date: 1633 words: 11729 flesch: 68 summary: And doe I here , empal'd in floods of fire , That trembles to behold the farthest light , Struggle with dying panges , and nere expire ; Yet arm'd with rage , my miseries to right , Confound not Heauen , and Earth in fell despight ; That I might see , though in ●he ruin'd skie , Some sparkes of ioy , before all comfort die ? Those sacred sages , that to Heauen did lend New light , that clear'd all misteries diuine , That into leaues did golden truth extend , And vnto God drew soules with euery line , Haue open set so full , so rich a mine Of pretious weal●h , as may each soule suffice , That at iust rate doth heauenly treasures prize . keywords: aboue; againe; ayre; bancroft; banefull; base; beames; beauties; behold; blacke; blest; blind; blisse; blood; books; breath; bright; bring; caue; celestiall; center; change; characters; cleare; climbe; cloudy; cold; comfort; confound; creature; cries; crown'd; crowne; cursed; curst; darkenesse; day; deare; death; deepe; desire; despaire; didst; dire; diuine; doe; dost; doth; dreadfull; drown'd; early; earth; eebo; english; eternall; euery; eyes; face; fall; fate; feares; fill; fire; flames; flaming; flow; force; glorious; glory; god; gold; golden; grace; great; hallowed; happinesse; happy; hath; haue; headlong; heart; heauen; heauenly; height; hell; high; highest; horrour; hot; infernall; ioyes; ioyfull; king; language; lazarus; leaues; lies; life; light; lord; loue; lust; man; mercy; mischiefe; mongst; mortall; mount; muse; nature; nere; neuer; new; paine; pale; plagues; pleasures; poore; power; precious; pride; proud; pure; rage; ray; rest; rich; ruine; sacred; sad; sea; seeme; sense; set; sharpe; shine; shooke; sinnes; skies; sleepe; sorrowes; soule; sound; spend; spheares; spring; stand; starres; state; storme; straight; strike; strong; sunne; sweet; tcp; tei; text; thee; thomas; thou; thought; throne; thunder; thy; time; tongue; torments; treasures; truth; turne; vast; vengeance; vnto; vpon; way; woe; woes; works; world; worth; wretched; yeeres; zeale cache: A03406.xml plain text: A03406.txt item: #4 of 15 id: A16979 author: Broughton, Hugh, 1549-1612. title: An explication of the article katēlthen eis haidoū of our Lordes soules going from his body to paradise; touched by the Greek, generally haidou, the vvorld of the soules; termed Hel by the old Saxon, & by all our translations; vvith a defense of the Q. of Englands religion: to, & against the Archb. of Canterbury: vvho is blamed for turning the Q auctority against her ovvne faith. Sundry epistles are prefixed and affixed. by H. Br. date: 1605 words: 21341 flesch: 76 summary: Eta : 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 . For Hell in our Diuinity & translations of the old testament signifieth but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Sheol , that vvhich requireth all to come to it : and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Haiden , the vvorld vnseen . keywords: abraham; achilles; adam; angels; ansvver; apostles; archb; article; auctority; bare; bene; best; better; bible; bodies; body; book; cause; characters; christ; church; clear; cometh; comon; course; crede; creed; daniel; darknes; dauid; dayes; dead; dealing; death; deep; destruction; difference; divinity; doth; earth; ebrevv; eebo; end; england; english; epistle; eternal; faith; force; frō; ful; gates; gehenna; general; god; godly; gods; going; good; grace; great; greek; hades; hand; hart; hath; haue; head; heathen; heauen; hell; high; holy; homer; honours; house; hovv; ibid; ievves; infinite; iob; israel; iudgement; king; kingdom; knovven; knovving; language; later; latin; lavv; leaue; lerning; life; like; line; litle; lodging; lords; man; maner; matter; meaning; moses; mynd; myne; nation; neuer; nevv; novv; old; open; opinion; ovvne; page; paradise; party; paul; paynes; people; peter; phrase; place; plain; print; prophets; propre; read; realm; reason; recompense; religion; rest; resurrection; sayd; sayth; scripture; seing; self; sense; sheol; shevved; shevveth; signifieth; sin; sonnes; sort; soules; spake; speach; speaketh; spirit; state; story; studies; study; style; sure; tabernacle; tcp; telleth; tenour; term; testament; text; theyr; thē; thing; thither; times; tongue; torment; translations; trueth; tvvo; vnder; vnto; vpon; vse; vvas; vvent; vvere; vvhat; vvhen; vvhether; vvhich; vvho; vvhole; vvicked; vvilbe; vvill; vvith; vvithout; vvords; vvork; vvorld; vvrote; yeres cache: A16979.xml plain text: A16979.txt item: #5 of 15 id: A16998 author: Broughton, Hugh, 1549-1612. title: Positions of the vvord Hades that it is the generall place of soules: and holdeth as vvell the godly vvhich are in paradise, as the vvicked that are in Tartarus. With a catalogue of our heresies, from which one word handled by a right Grecian would haue saued vs. To the BB. of England. By Hugh Broughton 1605. date: 1605 words: 2708 flesch: 76 summary: Positions of the vvord Hades that it is the generall place of soules: and holdeth as vvell the godly vvhich are in paradise, as the vvicked that are in Tartarus. Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1475-1640 ; 1340:26) Positions of the vvord Hades that it is the generall place of soules: and holdeth as vvell the godly vvhich are in paradise, as the vvicked that are in Tartarus. keywords: books; broughton; characters; dead; early; eebo; encoding; english; fathers; gehenna; generall; god; godly; greek; hades; haue; hell; hugh; ievves; images; online; oxford; paradise; partnership; phase; place; soules; speach; tcp; tei; text; vpon; vvas; vvell; vvhich; vvho; vvicked; vvith; vvord; vvould; word; works cache: A16998.xml plain text: A16998.txt item: #6 of 15 id: A30203 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: Sighs from hell, or, The groans of a damned soul discovering from the 16th of Luke the lamentable state of the damned : and may fitly serve as a warning-word to sinners, both old and young, by faith in Jesus Christ, to avoid the same place of torment : with a discovery of the usefulness of the Scriptures as our safe conduct for avoiding the torments of hell / by John Bunyan. date: 1666 words: 54622 flesch: 76 summary: Which is this , That God would shew thee , that as thou being man , hast sinned against God ; so Christ being God Man , hath ●●ought thee again , and with his most pretious bloud set thee free from the bondage thou wast fallen into by thy sins ; and that not upon condition , that thou wilt do thus and thus , this and the other good work ; but rather , that thou being first justified freely by meer grace , through the bloud of Jesus , shouldest also receive thy strength from him who hath bought thee , to walk before him in all well pleasing , being inabled thereto by vertue of his Spirit , which hath revealed to thy soul , that thou art delivered already from wrath to come , by the obedience , not of thee , but of another man , ( viz. ) Jesus Christ. But that thou mightest be sure to escape these dangerous looks on the right hand , and on the left , see that thy faith be such , as spoken of in S●●●pture , and that thou be not satisfied without th●t ▪ which is a faith wrought by the mighty operation of God , revealing Christ to , and in thee , as having wholly freed thee from thy sins by his most pretious bloud . keywords: abraham; angels; answer; beggar; believe; better; blessed; bloud; body; brethren; care; cause; certain; children; christ; christian; close; comfort; coming; companions; company; compare; condition; conscience; content; cool; cor; cry; cursed; damnation; damned; day; dead; death; depart; desire; destruction; devil; didst; didst thou; doctrine; dogs; dost; doth; drop; earth; ease; eternal; eternity; everlasting; eyes; fall; father; fear; finger; fire; forth; friends; gate; glad; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; goodness; gospel; grace; great; hadst; hand; hath; heart; heaven; heb; hell; hold; holy; hope; house; ignorant; isa; jesus; jesus christ; joh; john; joy; judgment; labour; law; lazarus; left; life; like; little; long; lord; love; luke; lusts; lye; man; mark; means; men; mercy; mind; miserable; misery; moses; nature; nay; neighbours; observe; onely; outward; parable; people; place; pleasures; poor; portion; power; promises; prophets; prov; psal; read; regard; rest; rev; rich; righteousness; rom; sad; saints; saith; salvation; saying; scriptures; self; set; short; sinners; sins; slight; slighted; son; sores; soul; speak; spend; spirit; stand; state; sure; thee; thine; things; thou; thou art; thou wilt; thoughts; thy; time; time thou; tip; tongue; torment; tormented; true; truth; turn; ungodly; unto; vengeance; verse; wast; water; way; wert; wicked; wilt; wise; words; work; world; wouldest thou; wrath; yea; years; ● ● cache: A30203.xml plain text: A30203.txt item: #7 of 15 id: A32543 author: Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. title: By the King, a proclamation for the discovery and apprehension of Don Philip Hellen, alias Fitz-gerald date: 1675 words: 1551 flesch: 59 summary: Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 105640) Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 1611:48) By the King, a proclamation for the discovery and apprehension of Don Philip Hellen, alias Fitz-gerald England and Wales. By the King, a proclamation for the discovery and apprehension of Don Philip Hellen, alias Fitz-gerald England and Wales. keywords: alias; alias fitz; apprehension; books; characters; discovery; don; don philip; early; eebo; english; fitz; gerald; governour; hellen; king; philip; philip hellen; proclamation; said; ship; tcp; text cache: A32543.xml plain text: A32543.txt item: #8 of 15 id: A36410 author: Eleanor, Lady, d. 1652. title: Hells destruction. By the Lady Eleanor Douglas date: 1651 words: 2164 flesch: 60 summary: Behold , the Devil shall cast some of you into Prison , that ye may be tryed ; and ye shall have Tribulation Ten days , &c. Apoc. MOst Learned and Honored Iudges , with whom so precious restles Time , of which as who can be over frugal , shunning therefore Multiplicity ; long process but wearisom to the wise : Seeing then our Laws how ballanced with Gods Law its profound Precepts , said to be founded thereon , and Reason in its purity consonant thereto , otherwise hath with it no affinity . As these inform , accords with the former , the Iudge of quick and dead ; where demanded first , What his Name was ? before obtain'd a pass for that Baptized Herd the Gentiles Prototype doubtless , the Devil his Godfather ; who made answer , saying , Legion , for they were many ; he resident ( as it were ) in Hell , among the Graves distracted , &c. keywords: a36410; alias; books; certain; d1995; davers; days; dead; destruction; devil; douglas; early; eleanor; english; false; god; hells; images; lady; law; like; long; lord; major; names; online; printer; r215001; rev; said; stead; tcp; text; throat; time; tribulation; wing; works; year cache: A36410.xml plain text: A36410.txt item: #9 of 15 id: A45396 author: Hammond, Henry, 1605-1660. title: Hagieā theoū krisis Iudgment worthy of God, or, An assertion of the existence and duration of hell torments, in two occasional letters, written several years since / by ... Henry Hammond ; to which is added an accordance of St. Paul with St. James, in the great point of faith and works by the same author. date: 1665 words: 24157 flesch: 50 summary: And 1. for the use of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 : It is acknowledg'd that these words properly signify the same that in English death or dying doth . Mean while it is evident that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 life belongs not to being simply ; for all Ents have not life : or to miserable being ; non est vivere sed valere vita ; but to greater or lesser degrees of happy and joyfull being , the utmost of which is so naturally expressed by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , that it wants not the addition of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ( oft times ) to do it : keywords: absolute; act; adde; advantage; angels; annihilation; answer; apostles; argument; ashes; author; beast; believing; better; bodies; body; books; brimstone; burning; capable; cause; certain; characters; choice; christ; condition; consequent; contrary; cor; day; dead; death; deem'd; degree; denote; desire; destroy'd; destruction; disputer; doctrine; doom; doth; doubt; duration; eebo; effect; end; english; eternal; eternity; everlasting; evident; faith; false; farther; fear; fire; fit; flames; followes; force; future; general; god; godly; gods; good; grace; great; hades; hath; heaven; hell; ill; importance; interpretation; james; joyes; judgment; justice; lake; life; like; little; long; man; matter; meaning; men; mercy; miserable; motive; nature; nay; necessary; night; non; notion; obedience; opinion; opposite; oxford; paines; parable; paul; person; pet; phrase; places; portion; positive; possible; present; promises; punishment; question; real; reason; reasonable; reply; respect; rest; resurrection; revel; scripture; second; self; sence; sentence; separation; set; severity; signifies; sin; sins; soul; state; sufficient; sure; tares; tcp; testimonies; text; thing; time; torments; true; truth; union; us'd; use; utter; viz; way; wicked; works; world; worse; years cache: A45396.xml plain text: A45396.txt item: #10 of 15 id: A57245 author: Richardson, Samuel, fl. 1643-1658. title: A discourse of the torments of hell The foundation and pillars thereof discovered, searched, shaken and removed. With many infallible proofs, that there is not to be a punishment after this life for any to endure that shall never end. By S. Richardson. date: 1660 words: 26147 flesch: 73 summary: God willed and decreed his glory and mans happiness ; therefore he willed and decreed the means to it : the end and moving cause of his willing sin to be , is for his glory , which cause it was necessary for sin to be ; if sinne had not been , how should the goodness of God in giving man eternal life in glory appeared , his love in sending Christ to die ? if there had not been sinne , there had been no need of Christs coming , nor of his death and righteousness ; most of the great works of God in this world and that to come , have dependence or reference to sin ; how should we have lived by Faith , exercised the fruits of the Spirit , or have any happinesse or glory in the world to come , if it had not been for Christ ? and Christ had not been , if there had been no sinne : he that willeth the end , willeth those things that are necessarily referred to that end ; taking away sin was decreed before the world , therefore the being of sinne was decreed ; Christ's death was determined before the world ; for the end of Christ was to restore Adam's fall ; if Adam had not fallen , there had been no need of a Christ to restore him : The Saints were chosen to life before the world ; choice hath reference to the fall , therefore the fall of Adam was decreed : If the will of man had been the first and chief cause of the being of sin , then the will of man should be the cause of Gods will , and so man shall be the originall cause of the salvation of himself , and so much the cause of it , that without his will it could not have been : and so the determination of God what to do , shall not be from himself , but from the will of man , which is contrary to Eph. 1. 11. if man should will sin before God willed it , then shall the will of God depend and wait upon the will of man : as if God should say , If man will sin , then I will will his salvation : and if God should first will to send Christ to save man , and leave it to mans will and power whether he shall fall or no , then it was possible for man to stand , and so to frustrate the decree of God : for if man had not sinned , Gods decree of sending Christ had been void and of none effect : Mr. Perkins saith , God decreed the fall of Adam ; if the fall was decreed , if man had power to stand , then he had power to frustrate Gods decree , which no wise man will affirm ; and then that saying that Adam had power to keep the Law , is without truth ; if he had , consider Ezek. keywords: abraham; adam; alledge; anger; answer; bible; body; cause; causeth; children; christ; comfort; confesse; conscience; contrary; corporal; creature; darkness; day; dead; death; decreed; deliverance; desire; destruction; deut; dives; doctor; doctrine; doe; doth; earth; end; english; eternal; everlasting; evil; ezek; face; fall; far; father; fear; fire; flesh; forth; fulk; gen; glory; god; gods; good; grave; great; greater; greatest; greek; ground; hand; hath; heart; heaven; hebrew; hell; hinnom; holy; infinite; isa; jer; jewes; job; joh; john; judgement; law; learned; leigh; lesse; liberty; life; light; like; long; lord; love; luke; man; mat; mercy; miles; mind; misery; nature; onely; opinion; pag; people; pet; place; power; priests; proof; prov; psal; punishment; reason; resurrection; rom; said; saints; saith; satisfaction; satisfied; scripture; second; set; sheol; signification; sin; sinne; sinners; sins; soul; spirit; suffering; testimony; text; thee; thing; thou; tophet; torments; translation; true; truth; valley; way; wicked; willet; word; works; wrath cache: A57245.xml plain text: A57245.txt item: #11 of 15 id: A64987 author: Vincent, Thomas, 1634-1678. title: Fire and brimstone from heaven, from earth, in hell, or, Three discourses I. Concerning the burning of Sodom and Gomorrah formerly, II. Concerning the burning of Æetna, or Mount Gibel more lately, III. Concerning the burning of the wicked eternally, with fire and brimstone / by Thomas Vincent ... date: 1670 words: 40943 flesch: 56 summary: I might here further reprove the Ungodly of this generation , for some Sins which the Sodomits did fall short in ; namely , the hideous Oaths and blasphemy of some profane wretches , who hereby b●…lch out their professed enmity against the God of Heaven , and offer so open indignity unto him , that we may wonder he is not provoked to rain down Fire and Brimstone upon them , or to cause the Earth to open its mouth to devour them , unto which I might add the aggravation , which the Sins of nominal Christians receive from the Gospel light , which shineth about them , beyond what the Sodomits Sins were capable of , which rendereth their Sins the more inexcusable and abominable in the sight of God : but I hasten II. God will either keep you from the judgement it self which befalleth others , or else he will keep you in it , and from that fiery indignation , which is mingled with it ; be sure you shall be kept from the horrible Tempest of Fire and Brimstone , which shall beat upon the head of the wicked at last , when the Heavens shall be on Fire , and pass away with a great noise , and the Elements shall be on Fire , and melt with fervent h●…at , and the Earth shall be on Fire , and all things here below in flames ; when the wrath of the Sin-revenging God shall break forth like a Deluge upon the Ungodly World , and they shall be cast together into the Lake , which burneth with Fire and Brimstone ; Heaven shall be you●… Ark , your Zoar , where you shall be in safety , and made happy in the full enjoyment of God unto 〈◊〉 eternity . keywords: abomination; abraham; abundance; aetna; aggravation; air; angels; anger; anguish; ashes; babylon; bear; better; black; bodies; body; book; bowels; break; breath; brimstone; burning; cause; chap; chief; children; christ; cities; city; coming; comparison; conscience; consideration; course; cry; cup; cut; damned; day; days; death; deep; description; destruction; devils; devouring; doth; dreadful; dreadful fire; drink; dye; early; earth; eebo; end; enemies; english; eruption; escape; eternal; eternity; everlasting; everlasting fire; evil; example; eye; eyes; faith; fall; family; fear; fearful; feirce; fiery; fire; flames; flaming; flesh; flood; force; fornication; forth; furnace; fury; future; general; gibel; glory; god; gods; gomorrah; good; grace; great; greater; greatest; grievous; guilt; hands; hath; head; hearts; heat; heaven; hell; hell fire; help; high; hold; holy; horrible; horrour; houses; image; immediate; indignation; infinite; inhabitants; iniquity; isa; judgement; kings; known; lake; large; late; leave; length; life; light; like; likely; little; london; long; look; lord; lot; lusts; man; math; matter; mean; mercy; midst; misery; morning; mountain; mouth; nations; nature; near; new; noise; notice; number; old; open; pain; particular; parts; people; persons; pit; place; poor; portion; power; pride; punishment; rain; real fire; reason; relation; rev; righteous; roaring; rome; room; ruine; saints; salvation; scripture; sea; second; secure; security; self; selves; set; sides; sin; sinners; sins; sleep; smoke; sodom; sodomits; soul; spirit; state; stones; strange; streams; subject; subterranean fire; sun; tcp; tempest; terrour; text; things; thorow; thousand; threatned; time; torment; trouble; ungodly; unquenchable fire; vast; vengeance; voice; water; way; ways; wicked; wickedness; work; world; worse; wrath; yea; years; zoar cache: A64987.xml plain text: A64987.txt item: #12 of 15 id: A67506 author: Ward, Edward, 1667-1731. title: A journey to Hell, or, A visit paid to the Devil a poem. date: 1700 words: 13984 flesch: 67 summary: Therefore , since it as essentially relates to the Comforts of the Life of Man , to know what other People are , as well as what he himself should be , I thought it no Ill Task to Communicate to the World what knowledge of Mankind I have gather'd from my own Experience ; the Good wont hurt us , 't is the Bad we must be Cautious how we deal with ; for which reason , I have herein separated the Wicked from the Godly , representing only the former , to show Youth what Monsters in Humane Shape they must expect to meet with in this World , tho' of the most Noble Professions : Therefore , my whole Design is only to make Men careful with what Priests they trust their Souls ; with what Lawyers their Estates ; and with what Physicians their Bodies . Till to a Bar at th' upper-end I came , Gilded with Fire , and burnish'd o'er with Flame ; Within whose Bounds was held th' Infernal Court , Without stood ghastly Prisoners All-a-mort ; keywords: abus'd; abuse; advice; angry; appear'd; arms; ask'd; author; bad; bailiffs; bar; base; better; black; blame; blood; boat; call'd; canto; care; cause; characters; charge; charon; church; close; common; country; court; crew; crimes; crowd; cry'd; cure; damn'd; day; decree; deep; deny'd; design; despair; devil; distance; doctor; doom; early; earth; eebo; encrease; english; ev'ry; eye; fare; fate; fear; fed; fee; fiery; fire; fools; god; gods; gold; good; grave; great; greater; hands; hard; hate; heads; heaven; hell; high; human; hung; ill; ills; infernal; jest; journey; judge; justice; knowledge; lake; large; laws; learn'd; life; light; like; little; lives; london; long; looks; lord; lordship; low; man; means; men; mercenary; mercy; mix'd; nature; ne'er; new; o'er; oft; old; oxford; pains; parts; patient; physicians; physick; pluto; poem; poor; praise; priests; print; pris'ners; punishment; quack; rais'd; read; reason; rest; reward; rich; round; sad; satyr; scarce; selves; set; shame; shop; short; shou'd; sinful; slaves; small; souls; spirits; state; sundry; tcp; tei; text; things; tho; thro; throng; time; title; trade; true; turn'd; unknown; upper; want; way; wine; wise; wit; words; work; world; wou'd; wretches; writ; wrong cache: A67506.xml plain text: A67506.txt item: #13 of 15 id: A67772 author: Younge, Richard. title: A serious and pathetical description of heaven and hell according to the pencil of the Holy Ghost, and the best expositors: sufficient (with the blessing of God) to make the worst of men hate sin, and love holiness. Being five chapters taken out of a book entituled, The whole duty of a Christian: composed by R. Younge, late of Roxwell in Essex, florilegus. date: 1677 words: 15472 flesch: 73 summary: For as St. Paul tells us , The heart of man is not able to conceive those joyes ; which being so , How should I be able to express them in words ? And yet though we cannot comprehend this glory , this far most excellent , exceeding , and eternal weight of transcendent glory ; yet may and ought we to admire the never enough to be admired bounty and goodness of God and our Redeemer , in crying out , O the depth , &c. O the sweetness of his love , how unsearchable are his thoughts , and intendments to man-ward ? ( once miserably forlorn , lost and undone ) and his ways past finding out , Rom. 11. 33. CHAP. But I may appeal to any mans conscience , that hath been softned with the unction of grace , and truly tasted the powers of the World to come ; To him that hath the love of God shed abroad in his heart by the holy Ghost ; in whose Soul the light of grace shines , whether his whole life be not a perpetual Hallelujah , in comparison of his natural condition ? keywords: angels; believe; best; better; body; book; brimstone; burning; case; chap; christ; christian; city; comfort; condition; conscience; cor; darkness; day; death; deut; devil; earth; ease; end; eternal; eternity; everlasting; fear; fire; flames; fulness; ghost; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; grace; great; hath; heart; heaven; heb; hell; holy; isai; john; joy; joys; judgment; kingdom; kings; knowledge; life; light; like; long; lord; love; luke; man; mat; measure; men; mercy; millions; misery; number; pain; peace; perfection; pet; pleasure; prov; psal; rejoyce; rev; rom; saints; saith; satan; sect; self; set; short; sin; sins; sorrow; soul; spiritual; suffer; sweet; taste; text; thee; things; thou; thy; time; torments; wicked; works; world; worst; wrath; yea; years cache: A67772.xml plain text: A67772.txt item: #14 of 15 id: A81066 author: Crouch, Humphrey, fl. 1635-1671. title: The Lady Pecunia's journey unto hell with her speech to Pluto, maintaining that she sends more soules to hell then all his fiends: with Pluto's answer and applause. date: 1654 words: 1655 flesch: 78 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A81066 of text R211785 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.17[75]). 38 D The rate of 38 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the D category of texts with between 35 and 100 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: a81066; answer; applause; day; english; fiends; great; hell; humphrey; journey; lady; love; men; nay; pecunia; pluto; prince; quoth; revenge; soules; speech; text; thomason cache: A81066.xml plain text: A81066.txt item: #15 of 15 id: A86127 author: Hayward, John, D.D. title: Hell's everlasting flames avoided, and heaven's eternal felicities injoyed containing the penitent sinner's sad lamentation for the deplorableness of his impious life ... : also holy preparations to a worthy receiving of the Lord's Supper ... / by John Hayward, D.D. date: 1696 words: 25928 flesch: 66 summary: And , most merciful Father ; favourably govern , help , instruct , guide , and teach me by thy Wisdom to magnifie thy Name , and preserve me in all my Ways and Work● and all about me . Remember thy po● Flock ; build up thy Church in the mo● holy Faith ; Comfort Sion ; govern an● assist all painful Pastors and Teachers ▪ teach them and us rightly to know thee ▪ and truly to follow thee in all the Paths o● Righteousness and true Holiness . O Glorious Lord God and everlastin● Father , I a wretched and an u●done Sinner without thy Mercy , a● come before thee to beg favour of thee fo● all my Offences ; begging , praying , de●ring , and beseeching thy heavenly Majest● that thou would'st in Mercy look dow● upon me ; I cannot but confess , were not for the hope I have of thy Mercy a● the hold of thy Comfort , and the rene●ing Graces I sometimes receive from th● and that sweet rellish I have of thy goo● Gifts , and thy Heavenly Word , I sink in●● Despair , for my sins are continually b●fore me ; if I go , they follow me ; if run , they fly after ; if I look back , the sta●e upon me ; if I go forward , they me me ; if I turn to the right-hand , they terifie me ; if to the left-hand , they torme● me : If I look down into the Earth , H● is ready to devour me : Now I have ● way but to look up to thee ; help me , good God , save me dear Father ; succour me ●weet Redeemer ; assist me , merciful Crea●or , that my Prayers may be so servent , so ●ealous , so affectionate towards thee , that ●hey may draw down thy Mercies upon me : Power down thy Blessings , showre ●own thy Graces , open thy hand of Mer●y , and restore joy and consolation to my ●eavy-laden Soul ; wash away my Sins ; ●ipe away my Iniquities , heal my Infir●ities ; purge my wicked Mind of all ill ●houghts ; pardon all my Damnable Deeds ●nd detestable Dealings ; take all hardness ●● heart from me , and according to thy ●ood promise , renew a right Spirit within ●e ; send the Joys of thy holy Comforts ●●on me : O Lord let me have some taste ●●d some sense of thy most glorious and ●ost comfortable Presence ; let me be re●ewed by thy Grace , and established in ●y Service , that I may never back-slide ●om thee : But grant , O most merciful ●ther , that my whole dependance may be ●on thee , so that in all my Thoughts , ●ords and Actions , I may rejoyce in ser●●g , fearing and obeying of thee , that I ●y spend the residue of my Days in thy ●vice , seeking thy Honour and Glory . keywords: actions; almighty; altho; angels; art; beauty; beseech; blessed; blessings; blood; bodies; body; bread; cast; cause; change; children; christ; comfort; commandments; conscience; creatures; cup; damned; day; days; de ●; dear; death; deep; delight; desire; dost; doth; earth; ease; eebo; end; enemies; english; enjoy; eternal; eternity; everlasting; evermore; evil; eyes; face; faith; far; father; fear; fire; fit; flames; flesh; friends; glorious; glory; god; good; goodness; grace; gracious; grant; great; greater; guilty; hand; happy; hath; heart; heaven; heavenly; hell; help; high; holy; honour; hope; house; immortal; infinite; intolerable; jesus; john; joys; kingdom; land; life; light; like; live; long; look; lord god; love; loving; m ●; majesty; man; meat; men; mercies; merciful; mercy; mind; nature; new; o lord; o thou; pains; peace; people; perfect; pleased; pleasures; poor; portion; power; praise; prayer; precious; prepared; presence; present; psal; punishment; ready; reason; receiving; resolution; rest; return; righteous; safe; saints; sake; salvation; satisfaction; saviour; sea; self; sense; service; set; shall; short; sinful; sinner; sins; son; song; soul; spirit; spiritual; strength; strong; sun; sweet; tcp; text; th ●; thanks; thee; thine; things; thou; thou art; thou lord; thoughts; throne; thy; time; torment; trouble; true; view; way; ways; wicked; wisdom; works; world; worthy; wrath; ● d; ● e; ● f; ● ing; ● lord; ● nd; ● t; ● y; ● ● cache: A86127.xml plain text: A86127.txt