item: #1 of 9 id: A20674 author: Doughty, John, 1598-1672. title: A discourse concerning the abstrusenesse of divine mysteries together with our knowledge of them May 1. 1627. Another touching church-schismes but the unanimity of orthodox professors Feb. 17. 1628. By I.D. Mr of Arts and fellow of Merton Colledge in Oxford. date: 1628 words: 15597 flesch: 66 summary: St Ignatius for this termes them sometimes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , creatures hauing though no more , yet a Christian outside ; elsewhere 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , exact and able counterfeits . Ia. 1. 17. and for this the Philosopher in his Ethicks maketh his felicity or chiefe good 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a gift of God ; Now there is no endowment of the minde more excellent then this of knowledge ; it is the eye and guide of the rest , if wee doe not abuse it through selfe-conceipt : if , as venemous beasts wont to doe by nutriture , we turne not that to poyson and our hurt , which of it selfe is good . keywords: able; aboue; agreement; alwaies; apostle; apt; argument; arts; austin; bee; best; better; betweene; blisse; body; books; braine; cause; certaine; characters; christian; church; churches; common; conceipt; confesse; cor; course; danger; deale; discourse; disputes; divine; divisions; doctrine; doe; doth; early; earth; eebo; encrease; english; errors; errour; especiall; essence; euen; euery; fall; falshood; fancy; farre; farther; fathers; finde; gift; giue; god; gods; good; grace; great; greater; ground; hand; hath; haue; hauing; hee; helpe; heresies; high; himselfe; holy; humane; iohn; john; knowe; knowledge; lawes; length; lesse; life; light; like; little; long; lord; loue; man; manner; mans; marke; matters; meere; men; moses; mysteries; nature; nay; neuer; new; nigh; non; note; occasion; old; opinion; orthodox; ouer; owne; oxford; paul; perchance; place; point; power; professors; proper; reason; religion; respect; rest; rom; rule; sacred; saint; saith; schismaticks; schismes; science; search; second; secrets; seeme; selfe; sense; shew; speake; spirit; state; straight; strength; subiect; tcp; tei; tenents; text; themselues; things; thou; times; touch; true; truth; vnderstanding; vnity; vnto; vpon; vse; way; weaknesse; wee; wisdome; wise; wit; word; works; worth; writ; yea cache: A20674.xml plain text: A20674.txt item: #2 of 9 id: A27527 author: Best, Paul, 1590?-1657. title: Mysteries discovered, or, A mercuriall picture pointing out the way from Babylon to the holy city for the good of all such as during that night of generall errour and apostasie, 2 Thes. 2.3. Revel. 3.10 have been so long misted with Romes hobgoblin / by me Paul Best ... date: 1647 words: 5740 flesch: 76 summary: As for that common evasion , applyed to Christ as he is God , and as he is man , it is contrary both to reason and Scripture , to limitate by so great a disparity , as Hos. 11. 9. for I am God and not man , Isa. 31. 3. 40. 17. implying contradiction , as he is , and as he is not , and is but a presumptuous begging of that which is in question , and if it be illogicall to limitate by a superiour , or subordinate ( as the Pope errs , not as he is Pope , but as he is man ) it is much more absurd to limitate by a disparate , and that of infinite disparity , to omit that Luke 2. 40. this I say to the shame of such as shut their eyes against the most illustrious and authenticall testimonies of all or the most memorable and approved times , places , and persons ; hardly to be brought that ever they had greater grand Fathers , &c. not allowing any more of authentick and classick testimonies , then the most vain and improbable traditions amongst men ; nor to beleeve the Histories of Moses , Christ , &c. because they had not the happy houre of St. Thomas , or others to be seeing , and sensible witnesses , as Iohn 20. 27. 1 Iohn 1. 1. The Lord God of his most gracious goodnesse grant , that the more able and ingenuous , like true and trusty souldiers of Jesus Christ , whose eyes the God of this world hath not blinded ; would do their utmost endevour to reduce the rest from that long captivity of our spirituall Babylon , under that Man of sin ; and that God would prosper their endevours that are studious of the sincere Truth ; and strive for the same to death , as the son of Syrach , 4. 28 ; and defend justice for their life , to the exaltation of their Nation , as Prov. 14. 34 ; that releeve the oppressed , &c. as Isa. 1. 7 ; that so wee may enjoy the good things of the Land . keywords: a27527; apostle; babylon; best; books; chap; christ; church; city; coequall; common; contrary; english; ephes; errour; exod; false; father; gal; generall; god; gods; good; great; heb; holy; iob; iohn; isa; john; king; life; like; long; lord; man; matth; mercuriall; mysteries; new; paul; persons; picture; psal; revel; rom; saviour; scripture; son; sonne; spirit; subject; text; thess; things; tim; trinity; truth; unity; verse; way; wee; word cache: A27527.xml plain text: A27527.txt item: #3 of 9 id: A36460 author: Dowell, John, ca. 1627-1690. title: The Leviathan heretical, or, The charge exhibited in Parliament against M. Hobbs justified by the refutation of a book of his entituled The historical narration of heresie and the punishments thereof by John Dowel. date: 1683 words: 15730 flesch: 58 summary: A 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is a Greek word , and the derivations that are given of Heresie from other words then 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Greek or Latine , are fond and spurious . It was a word amongst the Philosophers , Greek and Latine , us'd for any Sect promiscuously , and so the acception is indifferent ; but 't is otherwise in sacred Scripture , in Ecclesiastical Writers , Fathers , and Historians , amongst whom 't is alwaies us'd in an evil sense , the Acts of the Apostles being excepted , where 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is alwaies translated Sect , only Acts 24. 14. keywords: account; apostles; appears; article; author; authority; beings; bishop; body; book; cap; cause; christ; christian; church; churches; civil; clear; commission; common; conception; constantine; contrary; corporeal; council; court; creed; crime; criminal; discourse; dispute; distinction; divine; doctrine; doth; ecclesiastical; eebo; emperor; england; english; essence; eternal; evil; excommunication; false; father; general; ghost; god; good; great; greek; hath; heresie; heresy; heretical; hereticks; high; hobs; holy; infinite; john; king; latine; law; laws; leviathan; liberty; magnitude; man; matter; men; nature; necessary; new; nicene; onely; opinion; parliament; parts; pastors; peace; people; persons; philosophers; philosophy; power; principles; punishment; queen; reason; religion; sacred; saith; scripture; self; sence; sin; statute; subject; substance; synod; tcp; text; thing; time; trinity; true; truth; wise; word; writ cache: A36460.xml plain text: A36460.txt item: #4 of 9 id: A67122 author: Gataker, Thomas, 1574-1654. title: Mr. Anthony Wotton's defence against Mr. George Walker's charge, accusing him of Socinian heresie and blasphemie written by him in his life-time, and given in at an hearing by Mr. Walker procured ; and now published out of his own papers by Samuel Wotton his sonne ; together with a preface and postcript, briefly relating the occasion and issue thereof, by Thomas Gataker ... date: 1641 words: 13944 flesch: 74 summary: Who albeit they agreed not with M r Wotton in all particulars ; and in some things then debated were not all of one mind , as in that question occasioned by M r Wotton's answer to one branch of the last Article , to wit , Whether in the work of redemption the faithfull be considered as one with Christ , or no : or in plainer terms , Whether our insition into Christ in the order of Nature be deemed to precede the work of our redemption , or the work of our redemption in the order of nature to go before it : concerning which , being somewhat a nice subtiltie , they were divided ; some holding the one part , and some the other : IT hath ever been and is generally held a breach , not of Charity alone , but even of * Piety too , to insult over and trample upon persons deceased : which if in any sort of men doth well deserve such a censure , surely among Christian men especially it may justly be so deemed for any in that manner to deal with their Christian brethren , such as have lived and died in the profession of the same common Faith in Christ , and in the fellowship of the same Church of God with themselves . keywords: a67122; abeilard; able; abraham; answer; anthony; art; aug; believing; better; bishop; blasphemous; blasphemy; books; businesse; c. 2; cause; chap; charge; christ; christian; church; col; condition; confidence; de christ; deceased; deemed; defence; deus; doctrine; doth; eebo; end; english; errour; est; eternall; faith; fides; god; gods; good; gospel; guilty; haer; hath; hearing; heresie; hereticks; hold; ibid; idem; imputation; issue; john; justice; justification; justifie; law; life; little; m r; man; men; nature; non; obedience; obtaining; occasion; onely; opinion; pag; paper; pardon; parts; peccatorum; perswasion; place; points; power; proposition; question; r walker; r wotton; remission; repentance; rest; righteousnesse; rom; satisfaction; saviour; second; sect; self; servetus; set; sinnes; socinian; socinus; sonne; spirit; tcp; terms; text; thes; things; time; treat; true; trust; walker; way; word; works; wotton cache: A67122.xml plain text: A67122.txt item: #5 of 9 id: A67894 author: D'Ewes, Simonds, Sir, 1602-1650. title: The primitive practise for preserving truth. Or An historicall narration, shewing what course the primitive church anciently, and the best reformed churches since have taken to suppresse heresie and schisme. And occasionally also by way of opposition discovering the papall and prelaticall courses to destroy and roote out the same truth; and the judgements of God which have ensued upon persecuting princes and prelates. / By Sir Simonds D'Ewes. date: 1645 words: 27603 flesch: 32 summary: This Heroick action of the Turkish Monarch , was not much short of that policie of one of the ancient Christian Emperours , who having his Army mixed of Christians and Pagans , and desiring to discover who of the first were little better then those of the latter , made , like another Jehu : a publike Declaration for the restoring of Paganisme , upon which , divers of the Christian Commanders shewing themselves forward to desert the truth , and to follow the stream and time , he presently reproved and cashier'd them ; alledging , that all such were unworthy to serve any Prince that had proved unfaithfull to that divine Majesty , by which Princes rule . The second , in the manner of his first wound , which was given him in his throat , and caused immediately the bloud so abundantly to stream out of his mouth , as he never had time once to call on God for mercy or forgivenesse , but spent the last minute of his life , in the revenging himself on his murtherers . keywords: absolute; advice; age; anabaptists; ancient; archbishop; armes; arminius; army; barbarous; best; better; bishop; bloody; bloud; body; bowing; brave; brother; cardinall; castellio; castle; cause; charles; chief; christendome; christians; christs; church; churches; committed; conde; confession; conscience; contrary; councell; course; cousin; crime; crown; cruell; cruelties; cruelty; dangerous; daughter; day; dayes; death; divers; divine; doctrine; doe; dominions; doth; doubtlesse; duke; earle; eighth; emperour; empire; end; ends; enemies; enemy; england; english; errors; estates; execution; faith; false; far; fatall; father; fellow; ferdinand; fifth; france; francis; free; french; generall; germany; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; governour; great; greater; guise; hand; hath; hee; helvetick; henry; heresie; heretiques; himselfe; history; holy; horrible; house; idolatry; images; inhumane; innocent; issue; james; john; judgement; katherine; king; kingdome; large; lawfull; left; liberty; life; like; little; lives; long; lorainer; lord; lust; lutherans; malice; manner; mary; massacre; masse; matter; means; medices; men; monsieur; mother; murther; nay; necessary; neer; new; ninth; noble; number; old; onely; open; orthodox; outward; papists; paris; particular; party; peace; people; persecute; persecution; philip; pious; places; pope; popish; posterity; power; practise; prelates; present; priest; primitive; prince; prophane; protestants; pseudo; publike; punishment; queen; raign; reason; religion; respect; rest; romanists; rome; romish; root; royall; ruine; sacrament; said; saints; second; secret; sect; seeing; self; servetus; set; severall; shedding; shee; short; sin; sir; sister; slaughter; sober; son; sonne; spain; state; story; subjects; sudden; sword; text; thou; time; true; truth; turks; utter; varlets; vertuous; violent; way; wee; wicked; wife; words; world; worship; yeare; yeeld; yeer cache: A67894.xml plain text: A67894.txt item: #6 of 9 id: A77000 author: Bacon, Nathaniel, 1593-1660. title: An ordinance presented to the Honorable House of Commons, by Mr. Bacon, a lawyer in Suffolk, and Mr Taet, both of them members of the same house, and by their means was twice read, and referred to a committee For the preventing of the growing and spreading of heresies. date: 1646 words: 1367 flesch: 56 summary: That God is present in all places , That God Is , or that he is One in three Persons , Or doth know or fore-know all things ; Or that he is Almighty , Or that he is perfectly Holy , Or that he is Eternall . Or that shall publish or maintain , as aforesaid , that Christ is not the Son of God , Or that the Holy Ghost is not God , Or that the Scriptures are not the Word of God , Or that the Bodies of Men shall not rise after they be dead , Or that there is no day of judgement after death . keywords: a77000; bacon; christ; commons; death; god; honorable; house; lawyer; members; publish; said; suffolk; taet; text; thomason; word cache: A77000.xml plain text: A77000.txt item: #7 of 9 id: A85416 author: Goodwin, John, 1594?-1665. title: Some modest and humble queries concerning a printed paper, intituled, An ordinance presented to the Honourable House of Commons, &c. for the preventing of the growing and spreading of heresies, &c. date: 1646 words: 4952 flesch: 43 summary: Whether is not the said Ordinance , in the example of it , a direct incouragement and confirmation to Popish Magistrates , to persecute the faithfull servants of God , who live in their territories with fire & sword , for professing the truth of God amongst them ? And whether doe not they , who here seeke to plucke up the tares , by such an Ordinance , plucke up the wheat also there , by the same ? Whether was there ever any such Ordinance , or State act , ever heard of , or knowne , in any the Reformed Churches ? I meane , which was so apparently bent against the faces , if not of the greatest part , yet of so considerable a part of the best and most conscientious men amongst them , as this is ? Whether was there ever any thing done in the Bishops times , or any thing attempted to be done by this generation of men in the day of their greatest interest and power in the Kingdome , of that bloudy consequence to those godly persons , Ministers , or others , whom they most hated , and sought to crush , as this Ordinance , if once established , is like to be , to surre greater numbers of truely pious and conscientious men ? Whether the said Ordinance ministreth not an advantage , of opportunity to the worst and wickedest of men , who commonly hate the best and faithfullest Ministers most , to accuse them unduly of such things , which according to the ordinary course of Law , may touch their lives , or otherwise bring much affliction , and vexation to them ? WHether it be agreeable to the Spirit of Christ , ( who came into the world , as himself saith not to destroy mens lives , but to save them a , ) to make snares of any of his Doctrines for the destruction of the lives of men ? Whether it be agreeable to the mind of Christ , for men to inflict the heavie censure of death upon their Brethren , for holding forth such Doctrines , or opinions in Religion , suppose contrary to admonition , which , for ought the said inflicters know , except they make themselves infallible , may be the sacred Truths of God ? keywords: admonition; case; christ; christian; church; commons; conscientious; contrary; day; death; doth; error; farre; free; god; heresies; hold; honourable; house; imprisonment; judgement; kinde; law; life; like; man; mean; men; ministers; non; opinions; ordinance; paper; publique; publishing; punishable; queries; reason; religion; said; sense; sin; text; things; thomason; truth; word; works; yea cache: A85416.xml plain text: A85416.txt item: #8 of 9 id: A85988 author: Gilbert, Claudius, d. 1696? title: A soveraign antidote against sinful errors, the epidemical plague of these latter dayes. Extracted out of divine records, the dispensatory of Christianity: for the prevention and cure of our spiritual distempers. By Claudius Gilbert, B.D. and minister of the Gospel at Limrick in Ireland. date: 1658 words: 71022 flesch: 81 summary: 1. WIcked Ones are called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i. e. Lawless , or boundless ; ab 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Privative , & adversative , & 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Lex , Law. Iohn 15. 2 , 3 , &c. * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 inter vos , among you , as the same phrase imports , 1 Pet. keywords: absolute; abuse; acquaintance; act; active; acts; adam; affections; age; ages; angels; answ; antidote; apostacy; apostles; application; aright; attributes; authority; baxter; bear; beloved; best; better; beware; blessed; blessing; blind; blood; bodies; bodily; body; books; calvin; care; carnal; cause; chamier; characters; charge; chief; children; choice; chosen; christ; christians; church; churches; civil; clear; close; col; comfort; coming; common; condition; conjugal; conscience; considerable; conversion; cor; corruption; covenant; creature; credit; cure; daily; dangerous; darkness; david; day; dayes; dead; death; degrees; delight; desire; desperate; deut; devils; diligence; disease; distempers; distinct; divers; divine; doctrine; dost; doth; dreadful; duty; earth; effects; effectual; elect; end; enemies; enemy; english; eph; epiphan; error; esa; esay; eternal; eternity; evil; excellent; exercise; exod; experience; eyes; ezek; faculties; fair; faith; fall; false; far; father; favour; fear; find; fire; fit; flesh; following; folly; food; fore; free; friends; fruit; fulness; gal; gen; general; german; ghost; gifts; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; gracious; great; ground; grow; growing; growth; hand; hath; head; health; heart; heaven; heb; hell; help; high; history; hold; holiness; holy; honour; hope; house; humane; humble; iam; ibid; ier; ierem; ignorance; ill; image; improved; improvement; increase; infinite; influence; insufficiency; interest; internal; iob; iohn; israel; jesus; jesus christ; jewel; john; joy; judgement; justice; kingdom; knowledge; known; labour; large; late; lately; law; lawless; left; lies; life; light; like; little; lively; living; long; look; lord; lost; love; luke; lusts; maist; making; mal; man; manner; mans; mark; marriage; matter; matth; meet; members; men; mens; mercy; merits; method; mind; ministers; ministry; moral; motions; nations; natural; nature; necessity; need; neglect; new; non; notionists; obedience; object; oblation; observed; office; old; ones; orderly; ordinances; original; papists; pardon; parts; paul; peace; peculiar; people; perfect; perfection; person; personal; pet; peter; phil; physick; physitian; places; plague; plants; pleasure; point; poison; power; precious; price; progress; promises; proper; properties; prophets; providence; psal; publique; purchase; purpose; quakers; rational; real; reason; records; redeemed; redemption; regenerate; relation; religion; renewing; rest; resurrection; rev; revel; righteousness; rom; root; royal; rule; sabbath; sad; said; saints; sake; salvation; satan; satisfaction; saving; saviour; scripture; second; seed; self; selves; sense; sensible; servants; set; sets; setting; shame; shew; sickness; sin; sinful; singular; sinners; sins; slighted; slighting; socinians; sorrow; sorts; soul; soveraign; special; spirit; spiritual; state; stedfastness; stil; stone; strength; strong; study; subject; substance; substantial; suffer; sufficient; sun; sure; table; tcp; terms; text; thee; thereto; thes; thine; things; thou; thy; tim; time; tit; touch; trouble; true; truth; turn; union; unto; use; utmost; vain; value; variety; venom; vertue; vse; want; warning; watch; water; way; ways; weak; weeds; wicked; wilt; wisdom; wise; witness; woful; word; work; worse; worship; worth; yea; zeal cache: A85988.xml plain text: A85988.txt item: #9 of 9 id: A90607 author: Pagitt, Ephraim, 1574 or 5-1647. title: The tryall of trueth: or, a discovery of false prophets. Containing a plaine and short discovery of the chiefest points of the doctrine of the great Antichrist, and of his adherents the false teachers and hereticks of these last times. / By E.P. date: 1645 words: 675 flesch: 75 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A90607 of text R212353 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason E270_17). 175 F The rate of 175 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the F category of texts with 100 or more defects per 10,000 words. keywords: chiefest; discovery; false; plaine; points; prophets; short; text; thomason; times; wolfe cache: A90607.xml plain text: A90607.txt