item: #1 of 7 id: 15348 author: Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael) title: Blown to Bits; or, The Lonely Man of Rakata date: None words: 111712 flesch: 83 summary: Mr.---- Mr.---- I beg pardon, may I-- My name is Van der Kemp, said the hermit quietly. He saw that Van der Kemp, returning to the other end of the cave, sat down beside the lamp, the blaze of which fell full on his fine calm countenance. keywords: 16mo; 8vo; air; boat; book; canoe; captain; cave; children; close; course; crown; crown 8vo; dat; day; deck; der; der kemp; eyes; face; father; feet; friend; girl; good; got; hand; head; hermit; home; illustrations; island; kemp; know; krakatoa; left; life; long; look; man; massa; men; miles; mind; moment; morning; moses; mrs; negro; new; nigel; night; people; place; point; poor; professor; rakata; rev; round; roy; sea; short; son; story; tale; tell; thought; time; tone; tree; van; van der; volcano; water; way; winnie; work; young; youth; zee cache: 15348.txt plain text: 15348.txt item: #2 of 7 id: 15808 author: Benson, Robert Hugh title: The History of Richard Raynal, Solitary date: None words: 36473 flesch: 84 summary: *.*.*. ET CVIDAM.NESCIENTI HVNC.LIBRVM D. CONTENTS: Introduction How Sir John visited Master Hermit: and found him in contemplation Of the Word from God that came to Master Hermit: and of his setting out How Master Richard fared: how he heard Mass in Saint Pancras' Church: how he came to Westminster: and of his colloquy with the Ankret How Master Richard saw the King in Westminster Hall: and of the Mass at Saint Edward's Altar How Master Richard cried out in Westminster Hall: and of his coming to a Privy Parlour Of Master Richard's speaking with the King's Grace: and how he was taken for it Of Master Richard's second speaking with his Grace: and of his detention Of the Parson's Disquisition on the whole matter How Master Richard took his meat: and of Master Lieutenant's whipping of him Of the Second Temptation of Master Richard: and how he overcame it Of the Dark Night of the Soul How Sir John went again to the cell: and of what he saw there How one came to Master Priest: how Master Priest came to the King's Bedchamber: and of what he heard of the name of Jesus Of Sir John's Meditations in Westminster Palace How Master Richard went to God Of his Burying Introduction In the winter of 1903-4 I had occasion to pass several months in Rome. keywords: body; cardinal; day; door; end; eyes; face; god; hand; head; heart; holy; john; king; little; lord; man; master richard; men; priest; saint; sir; soul; things; thought; time; way; words cache: 15808.txt plain text: 15808.txt item: #3 of 7 id: 23371 author: Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael) title: Blown to Bits: The Lonely Man of Rakata, the Malay Archipelago date: None words: 97105 flesch: 78 summary: Leaving this village immediately after the slaying of the tiger, the party continued to journey almost by forced marches, for not only was Nigel Roy very anxious to keep tryst with his father, and to settle the question of Kathleen's identity by bringing father and daughter together, but Van der Kemp himself, strange to say, was filled with intense and unaccountable anxiety to get back to his island-home. After eating for some time in silence, and having tried to draw out his host without success, Nigel changed his tactics and said-- You were so kind as to speak of me as your guest, Mr--Mr--I beg pardon, may I-- My name is Van der Kemp, said the hermit quietly. keywords: air; boat; canoe; captain; cave; close; course; dark; dat; day; deck; der; der kemp; eyes; face; father; feet; friend; girl; good; got; hand; head; hermit; island; kemp; know; krakatoa; left; life; look; man; massa; men; miles; mind; moment; moses; negro; nigel; night; party; place; point; poor; professor; round; roy; sea; short; son; tell; thought; tiger; time; tree; van; van der; volcano; water; way; winnie; youth; zee cache: 23371.txt plain text: 23371.txt item: #4 of 7 id: 30372 author: Alger, Horatio, Jr. title: Robert Coverdale's Struggle; Or, on the Wave of Success date: None words: 66450 flesch: 89 summary: CHAPTER XI A FRIEND GOES TO THE RESCUE Leaving Robert for a time, we will accompany George Randolph on his homeward trip. John Trafton, I charge you with the death of poor Robert! keywords: 12mo; andrew; aunt; badger; bill; boat; boy; boys; cloth; dollars; fisherman; george; good; henty; herbert; hermit; hero; home; island; john; jones; life; man; mean; money; mrs; new; pay; price; right; robert; sir; story; thought; time; trafton; uncle; want; way; wife; work; young cache: 30372.txt plain text: 30372.txt item: #5 of 7 id: 43509 author: Young, Clarence title: The Motor Boys Across the Plains; or, The Hermit of Lost Lake date: None words: 49350 flesch: 92 summary: But at last Jerry shut off the power and the machine came to a halt not far from the creek. No further explanation was needed, for all knew what Jerry meant. keywords: auto; bell; big; bob; boys; cabin; car; gang; good; hermit; jerry; lake; machine; man; men; motor; ned; nestor; place; professor; right; road; snodgrass; time; tommy; travelers; want; water; way; woman cache: 43509.txt plain text: 43509.txt item: #6 of 7 id: 52130 author: Gordon, Frederick title: Fairview Boys at Camp Mystery; or, the Old Hermit and His Secret date: None words: 29985 flesch: 97 summary: proposed Sammy. yelled Sammy. keywords: bob; boys; chums; frank; good; hermit; island; jed; jessup; look; man; right; room; sammy; snow cache: 52130.txt plain text: 52130.txt item: #7 of 7 id: 62313 author: Winterbotham, R. R. (Russell Robert) title: Oridin's Formula date: None words: 2591 flesch: 86 summary: Caddo removed his helmet and holstered his blaster, but Oridin noted that the terrestrial giant did not move the firing button to safety. Caddo halted Oridin. keywords: caddo; certainty; formula; oridin cache: 62313.txt plain text: 62313.txt