item: #1 of 4 id: A06471 author: Lupton, Donald, d. 1676. title: Emblems of rarities: or Choyce observations out of worthy histories of many remarkable passages, and renowned actions of divers princes and severall nations With exquisite variety, and speciall collections of the natures of most sorts of creatures: delightfull and profitable to the minde. Collected by D.L. date: 1636 words: 62547 flesch: 61 summary: Mathyas , after the ascension 〈◊〉 Christ , chosen by the Apostle● to supply Iudas roome , wa● borne at Bethlehem , and descended of the Tribe of Iuda : He preached altogether in Iud●● where lastly he was accused b● his enemies of perjury , or ra●ther blasphemy ; and therefor● he was condemned to be stone● to death by two men : duri●● which torment , one smote hi● with a hatchet , and so hee suffred martyrdome . He that is reprehended ●s a false witnesse , hath the tops ●f his fingers cut off , hee that ●epriveth any man of any mem●er , hath the law Talio , that is , ●o lose the like member , and al●o his hand is cut off . keywords: able; acts; affrica; age; al ●; alexander; alwayes; ancient; apes; apparrell; ar ●; arch; armes; army; ashes; asia; assyrians; authors; ayre; babylon; banquets; bare; bathes; beasts; bee; beganne; beginning; behold; belly; benefit; best; better; betwixt; birth; bishop; blacke; blood; bodies; body; bones; booke; bread; brimstone; britaine; broken; burning; caesar; calechut; care; cast; cattell; cause; celebrated; ceremonies; certaine; chaines; chiefe; childe; children; christ; christians; church; churches; citties; citty; cleane; cold; colour; com ●; commeth; comming; common; company; compasse; con ●; continuall; coronation; coun ●; countrey; countries; cruell; custome; cyrus; danger; day; dayes; dayly; de ●; dead; death; desire; destruction; divers; doe; doth; dragon; drinke; duke; dye; dyeth; eagle; eares; earth; eebo; egges; egypt; election; electors; elephants; emperour; empire; en ●; end; enemies; england; english; equall; evill; exercise; eyes; face; fall; famine; famous; father; feast; feete; female; fields; fift; filthy; fire; fish; flames; flesh; flowers; foot; force; forth; foure; fowles; france; free; friends; fruit; funerall; games; garments; generall; gentle; germany; getteth; gifts; glory; god; gods; goe; goeth; gold; golden; good; goodly; grave; great; greater; greatest; grecians; greece; ground; haires; hand; happy; hard; hath; head; heaven; hee; height; helpe; hi ●; high; hill; himselfe; hinder; history; ho ●; hold; hollow; holy; honour; honoured; hope; hornes; horrible; hou ●; house; husband; ierusalem; iewes; images; inauguration; india; invention; iohn; iron; isle; italy; judgement; justice; juyce; keepe; kinde; king; kingdome; knights; labour; land; large; law ●; lawes; lawfull; lay; lead; left; length; lesse; letters; li ●; liberty; life; like; little; living; long; lord; love; lyon; ma ●; magistrates; mahomet; making; man; manner; marke; marvellous; master; meanes; meate; mee; memory; men; mens; merchandize; mice; middest; miles; milke; miserable; moneth; money; monstrous; mother; mountaines; mouth; multitude; muscovia; nations; nativity; naturall; nature; nero; new; night; nobility; noble; notable; number; o ●; oath; observe; office; oftentimes; onely; open; opinion; order; owne; oxe; parents; parliament; parthians; parts; passages; passe; past; peeres; people; persians; philip; picture; place; playes; pleasure; plenty; pliny; pompe; poore; prayers; precious; present; prey; priests; prince; privy; profit; properties; prophet; punishment; purple; reason; red; reeds; reigne; religion; religious; remembrance; respect; rest; reward; rich; rites; river; romans; rome; romulus; rule; running; sacred; sacrifice; said; saint; saith; salt; sand; saxon; saying; scotland; sea; second; secret; seene; selfe; sent; set; seventh; severall; shal; sharpe; shee; shew; shoulders; signes; silver; simple; sitting; sixe; sixt; skinne; sleepe; small; solemne; solemnity; sonne; sort; souldiers; space; spaine; spring; st ●; stone; strange; strangers; strength; strong; sugar; sundry; sweet; sword; t ●; tcp; teeth; temple; terrible; text; th ●; thee; therfore; things; thought; time; titus; tongue; torneyment; tower; travaile; tree; triumphs; true; turkes; un ●; unto; use; variety; virgin; voyce; walls; warlike; warre; water; waxe; way; wealth; weapons; whereof; wherewith; white; whosoever; wi ●; wife; wilde; wine; wit; wives; women; words; worke; world; worthy; writeth; yeare; yearely; yong; ● aine; ● ay; ● d; ● e; ● ed; ● ee; ● ent; ● escription; ● eth; ● f; ● hall; ● hat; ● heir; ● hem; ● hemselves; ● hes; ● hey; ● hing; ● ill; ● ing; ● ings; ● ke; ● ll; ● ly; ● nd; ● ng; ● ny; ● ome; ● ons; ● ore; ● ow; ● r; ● ring; ● s; ● ther; ● y; ● ● cache: A06471.xml plain text: A06471.txt item: #2 of 4 id: A16676 author: Brathwaite, Richard, 1588?-1673. title: The schollers medley, or, an intermixt discourse vpon historicall and poeticall relations A subiect of it selfe well meriting the approbation of the iudicious, who best know how to confirme their knowledge, by this briefe suruey, or generall table of mixed discourses. ... By Richard Brathvvayte Oxon. date: 1614 words: 41586 flesch: 52 summary: Thus much I haue writ briefly ( by way of inference ) to caution such as by their labours ere●…t a Throne for impiety to sit in : these Humor-mongers , that can with Caesar the Dictator , Atros dies albos facere , make blacke white , and maske Vice with a vaile better suiting with Vertue : Now will I discend to their opposite , and that is , the Satyricall Writer , or Historiomastix . Of Mine●…als . keywords: aboue; achilles; actions; acts; admirable; admiration; affaires; affected; affections; age; aime; alasse; alexander; ambitious; ancient; annals; appetite; apprehension; approbation; approuing; apt; argument; armes; army; art; aspiring; atchieued; athens; attaine; attention; authors; authour; b ●; base; beasts; beauty; bee; beneficiall; benefite; best; better; betwixt; birds; blind; bloud; bodies; body; booke; bounds; bounty; braine; branch; briefe; caesar; causes; caution; censure; certaine; characters; chiefest; children; christian; circumstances; citty; ciuill; co ●; command; common; conclusions; confesse; conquered; conscience; consequence; consideration; conuersant; countrey; countries; creatures; curious; cyrus; daies; dangerous; dangers; day; dead; death; defect; delight; delighted; delightfull; description; deserue; deseruing; designes; desire; di ●; digression; direct; discipline; discourse; discursiue; disposed; disposition; distinct; distinguishing; diuers; diuine; diuision; doe; doth; drawne; early; earth; eebo; effects; eminence; eminent; emperours; empire; end; ends; english; enmity; entreate; equall; errors; errour; especiall; euen; euents; euer; exact; examples; exceeding; excellent; excite; expert; explanation; exploits; expresse; externall; eye; eyes; fabius; fabulous; fall; fame; family; famous; father; feare; flourishing; fore; fortunes; foundation; friends; friuolous; fruitfull; fruitlesse; fruits; generall; generous; giue; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; gouernment; graue; great; greater; greatest; greatnesse; ground; hand; happy; harbour; hath; haue; hauing; head; heauen; hee; heere; height; heroicke; herselfe; hi ●; himselfe; histo ●; historian; historicall; histories; history; home; honest; honour; hopes; humane; husband; ignorance; ill; illimited; image; imitation; impression; inclined; infallible; instruction; intellectuall; intimate; inuention; inward; issue; iudgement; iudicious; iustice; kind; kings; knowledge; knowne; l ●; labours; law; lawes; learning; lesse; lib; liberall; life; like; little; liues; liuing; long; loose; lord; loue; lust; m ●; maiesty; maine; maister; man; mans; matter; maximus; meanes; memorable; memory; men; meriting; methode; minde; miserable; mixed; mixt; moderate; moderne; modest; monument; morall; motiues; moue; mouing; n ●; naked; narrations; natiue; naturall; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; need; new; noble; non; o ●; obseruance; obseruation; obserue; obserueth; occasion; occurrents; oft; old; onely; open; opinion; order; ouer; outward; owne; p ●; pagan; particular; parts; passage; passe; passions; peculiar; people; perfect; person; physicall; piety; place; planting; plants; pleasant; pleasure; poeticall; poore; popular; power; powerfull; precedent; precepts; present; pretty; princes; priuate; probable; proceeding; profest; profitable; profite; prophane; proportion; prosperous; proud; publicke; publique; purchase; pure; purposes; quae; question; qui; r ●; rare; reader; reading; ready; reason; receiue; records; relations; religion; renowned; reputation; resemblance; resolution; rest; retired; returne; rich; ripe; romane; rome; royall; ruine; s ●; sacred; saith; salust; saue; scope; search; second; secure; security; seeme; sentences; serpents; seruitude; set; seuerall; shadow; shame; shew; singularity; small; smooth; sonne; sort; soueraigne; soule; sound; speake; speech; spirit; state; stones; strange; strength; studies; study; subiect; subuersion; successe; sufficient; superficiall; suruey; t ●; table; taste; tcp; teares; temple; terrible; text; th ●; thee; themselues; thine; things; thou; thought; thy; time; title; tongue; touch; treasure; trees; triumph; troubled; troy; true; truth; tyrant; v ●; valiant; valour; variety; vertue; vertuous; vice; vid; vnderstanding; vnhappy; vnto; vnworthy; vpon; vse; vsuall; wa ●; want; warre; way; weales; wee; whereof; whosoeuer; wi ●; wise; wisedome; wits; wonderfull; words; workes; world; worme; worst; worthy; write; writings; y ●; yea; yeeld; yong; youth cache: A16676.xml plain text: A16676.txt item: #3 of 4 id: A26482 author: Aelian, Claudius. title: Claudius Ælianus, his various history date: 1666 words: 55576 flesch: 77 summary: A●… to the shaving of his Hair , he did in my o●… pinion like a Greek●… : but in throwing dow●… the Walls , he exprest his mourning like ●… Barbarian . The Cretans are excellent Archers ; they shoot the Goats which feed on the tops of mountains , which being hurt , immediately eat of the herb D●…ttany , which as soon as they have tasted , the Arrow drops out . CHAP. keywords: able; achilles; actions; addicted; admired; aegyptian; aelian; affairs; agatho; age; agesilaus; alcibiades; alexander; altar; alwaies; anger; angry; answer; antigonus; apollo; archelaus; aristides; aristotle; armed; arms; art; artaxerxes; aspasia; athenians; athens; barbarians; bear; beasts; beautiful; beauty; benefit; best; better; betwixt; body; book; boy; brother; buried; business; care; cast; cause; cean; certain; chap; chariot; chief; children; cities; citizens; city; command; common; contrary; country; courage; creatures; crown; cruelty; curtizan; custome; cyrus; daies; darius; daughter; day; dead; death; delight; delphi; demetrius; demosthenes; diet; diogenes; dionysius; discourse; divine; doe; dogs; drink; drinking; drunkenness; embassadours; eminent; enemy; epaminondas; estate; esteemed; euripides; excellent; exercise; extraordinary; eyes; fall; fame; farre; father; fear; feast; fight; fire; fit; flesh; flute; fortune; free; friends; friendship; games; gelo; general; gifts; gods; goe; gold; golden; good; government; great; greater; greatest; grecians; greece; greeks; grief; ground; hair; hand; hath; having; head; hearing; hercules; hiero; high; history; homer; honour; house; ill; image; judges; jupiter; kind; king; lacedemonians; law; laws; learned; learning; left; liberty; life; like; little; living; locrians; long; look; love; lutenist; luxury; lysander; macedonians; madness; man; manner; means; men; midas; milo; mind; money; mother; nature; need; number; occasion; old; olympick; onely; opinion; oracle; oxe; painter; pausanias; people; pericles; persian; persons; philip; philosophy; phocion; phrygian; physician; picture; pigeons; pindar; pisistratus; place; plato; play; pleased; pleasure; poet; poor; poverty; power; present; pride; proper; proud; ptolemee; publick; punishment; pythagoras; ready; reason; report; respect; rest; rich; river; robe; romans; sacrifice; saith; saying; sea; second; self; servant; set; shew; ships; shoes; sick; sickness; silver; simonides; slain; slew; socrates; solon; son; sound; sparta; statue; strength; sweet; taking; tarentines; tcp; temple; text; thebans; themistocles; theophrastus; things; think; thou; thought; time; timotheus; trees; troubled; truth; tyrant; understanding; verses; vertue; vest; victory; viii; want; war; water; way; wealth; whilest; wife; wine; wise; wisedome; wives; women; wood; work; worsted; worthy; wrastler; xenocrates; xenophon; xii; xiii; xiv; xix; xvi; xvii; xxi; years; young; zeuxis cache: A26482.xml plain text: A26482.txt item: #4 of 4 id: A50874 author: Milner, John, 1628-1702. title: A view of the dissertation upon the epistles of Phalaris, Themistocles, &c lately publish'd by the Reverend Dr. Bentley ; also of the examination of that dissertation by the Honourable Mr. Boyle, in order to the manifesting the incertitude of heathen chronology. date: 1698 words: 17006 flesch: 80 summary: 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , p. 22. l. 3. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , p. 24. tho' Pausanias doth affirm positively that he was ; for in the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , in Scaliger we read , thus , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 . keywords: account; aesop; alex; anaxilaus; ancient; archelaus; archon; arund; athenaeus; authority; authors; banishment; beginning; bentley; boyle; call'd; certainty; change; chronicon; chronologers; chronology; clemens; croesus; crown; death; diodorus; diog; dissert; dissertation; doctor; doth; dy'd; epistles; euripides; eusebius; expedition; famous; gelo; government; greece; hath; herodotus; hiero; laertius; later; life; little; liv'd; long; messana; old; olymp; olympiad; pausanias; phalaris; pisistratus; place; plato; plutarch; pythagoras; reign; reign'd; scaliger; sets; sic; socrates; solon; stesichorus; suidas; tcp; testimony; text; themistocles; thespis; things; thucydides; time; tragedy; true; tyranny; uncertain; viz; words; xerxes; years; zancle cache: A50874.xml plain text: A50874.txt