item: #1 of 27 id: 10477 author: Lord, John title: Beacon Lights of History, Volume 01: The Old Pagan Civilizations date: None words: 77998 flesch: 60 summary: These issued, he took up again the line of great men and movements, and brought it down to modern days. I have not aimed to be exhaustive, or to give minute criticism on comparatively unimportant points; but the passions and interests which have agitated nations, the ideas which great men have declared, and the institutions which have grown out of them, have not, I trust, been uncandidly described, nor deductions from them illogically made. keywords: age; antiquity; art; b.c; beauty; character; cicero; confucius; day; death; deities; deity; divine; egypt; form; genius; god; gods; good; greece; greek; history; human; ideas; india; influence; knowledge; language; life; literature; love; man; men; mind; modern; moral; nature; people; philosophers; philosophy; plato; poetry; poets; power; principles; religion; romans; self; socrates; soul; state; style; sun; supreme; system; things; thought; time; truth; virtue; wisdom; world; worship; years cache: 10477.txt plain text: 10477.txt item: #2 of 27 id: 10478 author: Lord, John title: Beacon Lights of History, Volume 02: Jewish Heroes and Prophets date: None words: 95975 flesch: 60 summary: It must need be that he pass through a period of preparation, learn patience, mature his knowledge, and gain moral force, which preparation could be best made in severe contemplation; for it is in retirement and study that great men forge the weapons which demolish principalities and powers, and master those _principia_ which are the foundation of thrones and empires. And all nations shall serve him, till the time of his own land comes; and then many nations and great kings shall make him their servant. keywords: abraham; age; ahab; babylon; character; cities; city; country; david; day; days; death; divine; earth; egypt; elijah; faith; father; future; general; glory; god; history; idolatry; isaiah; israel; israelites; jehovah; jeremiah; jerusalem; jews; joseph; judah; king; kingdom; land; law; life; lord; man; men; monarch; moses; nation; new; paul; people; power; priests; prophet; reign; religion; royal; sacred; samuel; saul; solomon; son; sons; soul; temple; thou; thy; time; voice; war; way; wisdom; world; worship; years cache: 10478.txt plain text: 10478.txt item: #3 of 27 id: 12745 author: None title: The World's Greatest Books — Volume 11 — Ancient and Mediæval History date: None words: 104613 flesch: 63 summary: On great days of festival or sacrifice they laid aside all insignia of royalty and were clad as ordinary priests. On his arrival being known, the Sotiates assembled great forces, and the battle that followed was long and vigorously contested. keywords: arms; army; athenians; athens; authority; b.c; babylon; battle; capital; century; christian; church; cities; citizens; city; conquest; constantinople; country; crown; cyrus; cæsar; days; death; dynasty; east; egypt; emperor; empire; end; enemy; england; english; europe; father; fleet; force; gaul; general; god; gods; government; great; greeks; hands; harold; head; henry; high; history; house; italy; jerusalem; jews; king; kingdom; left; life; march; men; order; people; period; persian; place; position; power; public; queen; reign; revolt; roman; rome; rule; sea; second; senate; set; slain; soldiers; son; sons; state; struggle; syria; system; temple; throne; time; title; troops; war; way; west; william; work; world; years cache: 12745.txt plain text: 12745.txt item: #4 of 27 id: 12976 author: Sayce, A. H. (Archibald Henry) title: Early Israel and the Surrounding Nations date: None words: 77945 flesch: 74 summary: He was by far the most munificent patron of learning Assyria ever produced; in fact, he stands alone in this respect among Assyrian kings. We now know that long before the days of Abraham not only did Babylonian armies march to the shores of the Mediterranean, but that Canaan was a Babylonian province, and that Amraphel, the ally of Chedor-laomer, actually entitles himself king of it in one of his inscriptions. keywords: age; amon; army; asia; assur; assyrian; b.c; babylonian; bel; canaan; capital; cities; city; country; david; days; desert; dynasty; east; edom; egypt; egyptian; empire; gods; history; hittites; iii; israel; israelites; jerusalem; judah; king; kingdom; land; lord; men; merodach; north; northern; palestine; people; pharaoh; place; population; power; prince; race; sea; semitic; son; southern; thee; thou; throne; thy; time; tribes; war; western; world; years cache: 12976.txt plain text: 12976.txt item: #5 of 27 id: 17324 author: Maspero, G. (Gaston) title: History of Egypt, Chaldæa, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, Volume 4 (of 12) date: None words: 98990 flesch: 62 summary: The meaning of �Nunima,� �Ilamma,� �Ilamtu,� in the group of words used to indicate Elam, had been recognised even by the earliest Assyriologists; the name originally referred to the hilly country on the north and east of Susa. The name seems, in fact, to be derived from a word which meant �to rob,� �to pillage. keywords: ahmosis; ancient; army; baal; babylon; chaldæa; cities; city; coast; country; date; day; dynasty; east; egyptian; enemy; euphrates; fact; father; feet; form; god; goddess; gods; gold; half; head; hyksôs; iii; illustration; inhabitants; inscriptions; king; lake; land; lebanon; left; length; life; long; men; modern; monuments; mountains; museum; names; near; nile; north; order; origin; orontes; people; period; pharaoh; phoenician; photograph; place; plain; power; present; princes; queen; race; region; reign; river; royal; sea; set; son; south; southern; syria; temple; theban; thebes; thûtmosis; time; town; tribes; valley; walls; war; water; way; west; work; world; year cache: 17324.txt plain text: 17324.txt item: #6 of 27 id: 17325 author: Maspero, G. (Gaston) title: History of Egypt, Chaldæa, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, Volume 5 (of 12) date: None words: 90086 flesch: 64 summary: �� �On the third day, when it was morning, there were thunders and lightnings, and a thick cloud upon the mount, and the voice of a trumpet exceeding loud; and all the people that were in the camp trembled. �� When at last, towards evening, the army again rallies round the king, and finds the enemy completely defeated, the men hang their heads with mingled shame and admiration as the Pharaoh reproaches them: �What will the whole earth say when it is known that you left me alone, and without any to succour me? keywords: amarna; amenôthes; amenôthes iii; amon; asia; campaign; chief; country; court; day; dynasty; egypt; egyptian; empire; end; father; god; gods; gold; hand; harmhabî; head; iii; illustration; karnak; khâti; king; land; left; life; lord; monuments; names; nile; north; order; people; period; pharaoh; photograph; place; power; present; prince; ramses; ramses ii; reign; royal; sea; seti; soldiers; son; south; sovereign; statue; syria; tel; temple; theban; thebes; thee; thou; thy; thûtmosis; time; tomb; town; tribes; troops; walls; way; work; years cache: 17325.txt plain text: 17325.txt item: #7 of 27 id: 17326 author: Maspero, G. (Gaston) title: History of Egypt, Chaldæa, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, Volume 6 (of 12) date: None words: 114566 flesch: 63 summary: **** Belit is called by Tiglath-pileser I. �the great spouse beloved of Assur,� but Belit, �the lady,� is here merely an epithet used for Ishtar: the Assyrian Ishtar, Ishtar of Assur, Ishtar of Nineveh, or rather--especially from the time of the Sargonids--Ishtar of Arbeles, is almost always a fierce and warlike Ishtar, the �lady of combat, who directs battles,� �whose heart incites her to the combat and the struggle. He took vengeance upon the two peoples who had refused to give him bread, and having thus fulfilled his vow, he began to question his prisoners, the two chiefs: �What manner of men were they whom ye slew at Tabor?� �As thou art, so were they; each one resembled the children of a king. keywords: account; amon; ancient; army; assur; assyrian; babylon; boudier; chariots; chief; cities; city; country; david �; day; dead; death; dynasty; east; egypt; egyptian; end; euphrates; father; form; god; gods; half; hand; head; hebrews; history; house; iii; illustration; inhabitants; israel; jerusalem; judah; judges; king; kingdom; land; left; length; life; lord; man; men; monuments; near; north; order; people; period; pharaoh; philistines; photograph; pileser; place; position; power; priests; ramses; reign; right; royal; said; sam; saul �; sea; set; solomon �; son; south; sovereign; state; temple; territory; text; theban; thou; tiglath; tigris; time; tomb; town; tribes; troops; war; way; work; years cache: 17326.txt plain text: 17326.txt item: #8 of 27 id: 17327 author: Maspero, G. (Gaston) title: History of Egypt, Chaldæa, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, Volume 7 (of 12) date: None words: 108285 flesch: 61 summary: The line of Assyrian kings after Assurirba, and the Babylonian dynasties: the war between Rammân-nirâri III. [Illustration: 006.jpg TABLE OF KINGS] Five or six of his descendants had passed away, and a certain Shamash-mudammiq was feebly holding the reins of government, when the expeditions of Rammân-nirâri III. keywords: account; ancient; army; assur; assyrian; attack; b.c; babylon; banks; bît; campaign; capital; century; cities; city; country; damascus; day; death; district; dynasty; east; egypt; empire; end; euphrates; events; frontier; god; hand; iii; illustration; inhabitants; inscriptions; israel; jahveh; judah; king; kingdom; left; men; mount; mountain; nazir; near; new; nineveh; north; northern; order; pal; people; pileser; place; point; position; power; present; princes; provinces; reign; right; river; royal; rule; samaria; sargon; set; shalmaneser; son; south; states; temple; territory; throne; tiglath; tigris; time; town; tribes; tribute; troops; urartu; walls; war; way; years cache: 17327.txt plain text: 17327.txt item: #9 of 27 id: 17328 author: Maspero, G. (Gaston) title: History of Egypt, Chaldæa, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, Volume 8 (of 12) date: None words: 119286 flesch: 58 summary: The existence of such a goddess may be deduced from the passage in which Dionysius of Halicarnassus states that Manes, first king of the Phrygians, was the son of Zeus and Demeter. He pursued the inhabitants into the narrow valleys and forests of the Khoatras, where his chariots were unable to follow: proceeding with his troops, sometimes on horseback, at other times on foot, he reduced Bît-kilamzak, Khardishpi, and Bît-kubatti to ashes, and annexed the territories of the Cossoans and the Yasubigallâ to the prefecture of Arrapkha. keywords: army; asia; assur; assyrian; attack; b.c; babylon; bani; battle; campaign; century; cimmerians; cities; city; country; course; court; cyaxares; day; days; death; desert; east; egypt; egyptian; elam; empire; end; esarhaddon; euphrates; events; fact; father; frontier; gods; good; greek; hand; herodotus; illustration; inhabitants; jahveh; jerusalem; judah; king; kingdom; land; left; lord; marduk; medes; men; nations; nebuchadrezzar; necho; nineveh; north; number; order; pal; people; place; power; princes; psammetichus; reign; royal; scythians; sea; second; sennacherib; set; shamash; son; south; sovereign; temple; territory; thee; thou; throne; thy; time; town; tribes; troops; tyre; walls; war; way; work; years cache: 17328.txt plain text: 17328.txt item: #10 of 27 id: 17329 author: Maspero, G. (Gaston) title: History of Egypt, Chaldæa, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, Volume 9 (of 12) date: None words: 102720 flesch: 56 summary: The Creator was described as �the whole circle of the heavens,� �the most steadfast among the gods,� for �he clothes himself with the solid vault of the firmament as his raiment,� �the most beautiful, the most intelligent, he whose members are most harmoniously proportioned; his body was the light and the sovereign glory, the sun and the moon were his eyes. � �Whereupon,� it is recorded, �they drew their swords and slew him. keywords: account; ahura; amasis; army; artaxerxes; asia; athens; attack; b.c; babylon; battle; body; cambyses; campaign; cities; city; country; court; croesus; cyrus; darius; days; death; egypt; egyptian; empire; end; enemy; events; fact; fate; fleet; force; form; general; god; gods; good; greece; greek; hand; herodotus; illustration; inhabitants; king; land; left; length; man; memphis; men; minor; moment; nabonidus; new; nile; number; ochus; order; people; persian; place; position; power; priests; reign; revolt; royal; said; sardes; satrap; sea; second; son; sovereign; state; taking; temple; time; town; troops; vessels; war; way; world; years cache: 17329.txt plain text: 17329.txt item: #11 of 27 id: 19400 author: Maspero, G. (Gaston) title: History Of Egypt, Chaldæa, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, Volume 1 (of 12) date: None words: 95343 flesch: 65 summary: The study of simples and other _materiæ medicæ_ would furnish these; Thot had revealed himself to man as the first magician, he became in like manner for them the first physician and the first surgeon. Flesh taken from the living subject, the heart, the liver, the gall, the blood--either dried or liquid--of animals, the hair and horn of stags, were all customarily used in many cases where the motive determining their preference above other _materiæ medicæ_ is unknown to us. keywords: age; animals; body; children; city; country; creation; day; days; dead; death; delta; desert; divine; double; dynasties; dynasty; earth; egypt; egyptians; end; ennead; existence; fact; father; form; god; goddess; gods; good; hand; head; heart; heliopolis; history; horus; human; illustration; isis; king; land; left; life; light; living; man; means; men; monuments; museum; names; nile; north; number; nûît; old; order; origin; osiris; people; period; photograph; place; present; river; shû; sit; sky; son; soul; south; sun; temple; thot; time; tomb; valley; vol; water; way; work; world; year cache: 19400.txt plain text: 19400.txt item: #12 of 27 id: 22799 author: Baikie, James title: Peeps at Many Lands: Ancient Egypt date: None words: 27366 flesch: 78 summary: Egypt, in fact, is a land of great temples and great tombs. Not far from Memphis, three great pyramid-shaped masses of stone rise up on the river-bank, looking almost like mountains; and the pilot tells us that these are the tombs of some of the great Kings of long past days, and that all around them lie smaller pyramids and other tombs of Kings and great men. keywords: book; country; day; days; egypt; egyptian; god; house; king; land; life; man; men; people; pharaoh; plate; prince; river; round; story; temple; thee; thou; time; world; years cache: 22799.txt plain text: 22799.txt item: #13 of 27 id: 2456 author: Herodotus title: The History of Herodotus — Volume 2 date: None words: 148385 flesch: 57 summary: In the following point also the Lacedemonians resemble the Egyptians; that is to say, their heralds and fluteplayers and cooks inherit the crafts of their fathers, and a fluteplayer is the son of a fluteplayer, a cook of a cook, and a herald of a herald; other men do not lay hands upon the office because they have loud and clear voices, and so shut them out of it, but they practise their craft by inheritance from their fathers. These are the cities which occupy Athos: and they dug as follows, the country being divided among the Barbarians by nations for the work:--at the city of Sane they drew a straight line across the isthmus, and when the channel became deep, those who stood lowest dug, while others delivered the earth as it was dug out to other men who stood above, as upon steps, and they again to others when it was received, until they came to those that were highest; and these bore it away and cast it forth. keywords: army; athenians; athens; barbarians; battle; body; cities; city; cleomenes; come; commander; counsel; dareios; day; editors; eginetans; enemy; expedition; fight; fighting; follows; force; good; hellas; hellenes; ionians; king; lacedemonians; land; left; making; man; manner; march; mardonios; matter; means; medes; men; money; mss; number; opinion; oracle; order; pass; people; persians; place; power; reason; report; rest; river; round; salamis; saying; sea; seeing; ships; son; sons; spartans; temple; thee; things; thou; thought; thy; time; war; way; words; xerxes cache: 2456.txt plain text: 2456.txt item: #14 of 27 id: 2707 author: Herodotus title: The History of Herodotus — Volume 1 date: None words: 162966 flesch: 60 summary: He set forth therefore from Taras, 19 and as he had faith in Corinthians more than in other men, he hired a ship with a crew of Corinthians. Now the Magians are distinguished in many ways from other men, as also from the priests in Egypt: for these last esteem it a matter of purity to kill no living creature except the animals which they sacrifice; but the Magians kill with their own hands all creatures except dogs and men, and they even make this a great end to aim at, killing both ants and serpents and all other creeping and flying things. keywords: account; amasis; army; asia; body; cambyses; city; country; croesus; cut; cyrus; dareios; daughter; day; days; death; dwell; editors; egypt; egyptians; father; follows:; god; gods; gold; good; hellenes; house; ionians; island; king; lake; land; left; length; libya; life; lydians; man; manner; matter; medes; men; mss; nile; number; opinion; oracle; order; parts; pass; people; persians; place; power; race; reason; region; rest; river; round; rule; saying; scythians; sea; set; size; son; temple; thee; things; thou; thy; time; water; way; wife; women; words; years cache: 2707.txt plain text: 2707.txt item: #15 of 27 id: 28871 author: Rawlinson, George title: The Seven Great Monarchies of the Ancient Asian World A Linked Index to the Project Gutenberg Editions date: None words: 1118 flesch: 83 summary: CHAPTER I. GENERAL VIEW OF THE COUNTRY CHAPTER II. CLIMATE AND PRODUCTIONS CHAPTER III. Nebo (drawn by the Author from a statue in the British Museum) Page 99 Page 113�Table of Chaldaean Kings Assyria THE SECOND MONARCHY CHAPTER I. DESCRIPTION OF THE COUNTRY CHAPTER II. CLIMATE AND PRODUCTIONS CHAPTER III. keywords: chapter; ditto; page; phoenicia; plate cache: 28871.txt plain text: 28871.txt item: #16 of 27 id: 28876 author: Maspero, G. (Gaston) title: History of Egypt, Chaldæa, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria A Linked Index to the Project Gutenberg Editions date: None words: 1413 flesch: 57 summary: CHAPTER I�ANCIENT CHALDÆA CHAPTER II�THE TEMPLES AND THE GODS OF CHALDÆA CHAPTER III�CHALDÆAN CIVILIZATION APPENDIX�THE PHARAOHS OF THE ANCIENT AND MIDDLE EMPIRES Listing of Special Color Plates and Photographs The Charioteer The Plenisphere Wrappings of a Mummy Manuscript on Papyrus Egyptian Slave Merchant Egyptian Manuscript Astronomical Tablet Volume IV. PART I. EGYPT AND MESOPOTAMIA CHAPTER I�THE DISCOVERY OF PREHISTORIC EGYPT CHAPTER II�ABYDOS AND THE FIRST THREE DYNASTIES PART II. CHAPTER III�MEMPHIS AND THE PYRAMIDS CHAPTER IV�RECENT EXCAVATIONS IN WESTERN ASIA AND THE DAWN OF CHALDÆAN HISTORY PART III. keywords: chapter; egypt; egypt chapter; iii; tomb; volume cache: 28876.txt plain text: 28876.txt item: #17 of 27 id: 31413 author: Anderson, Robert E. (Robert Edward), M.A., F.A.S. title: The Story of Extinct Civilizations of the West date: None words: 47514 flesch: 65 summary: Landing at Tabasco, where Grijalva had found the natives friendly, Cortés found that the Yucatans had resolved to oppose him, and were presently assembled in great numbers. The king is served with great state, and his behavior is so decent that it is pleasant to see him. keywords: america; ancient; army; atlantic; aztec; balboa; capital; century; chief; city; civilization; coast; columbus; continent; cortés; country; cuba; day; days; discovery; emperor; europe; feet; general; god; gold; greenland; human; indians; island; king; lake; land; men; mexican; mexico; montezuma; natives; new; north; ocean; people; peru; pizarro; place; soldiers; south; spain; spaniards; spanish; stone; sun; temple; time; west; work; world; years cache: 31413.txt plain text: 31413.txt item: #18 of 27 id: 38209 author: Duncker, Max title: The History of Antiquity, Vol. 5 (of 6) date: None words: 123400 flesch: 70 summary: If on the Indus invocations were addressed to Vritrahan, Vayu, the Maruts, and Mitra, in Iran men prayed to Verethraghna, Vayu, and Mithra. If a man dies, or a dog--and in this matter dogs are put quite on a level with men--and other men and women are in the same house--two, five, fifty, or a hundred--the Druj Naçu comes immediately from the north in the form of a fly, and settles on all the inhabitants of the house and makes them impure with infection, pollution, and uncleanness.[372] In the first instance she is to be met by incantations--the Gathas, Bisamruta, Thrisamruta, Chathrasamruta, must be repeated; then the fiend falls to pieces like grass that has been dead a year.[373] keywords: achæmenids; arians; astyages; auramazda; avesta; b.c; bactria; battle; book; century; cyrus; daevas; darius; day; death; doctrine; dominion; earth; east; eastern; empire; evil; father; fire; form; gods; good; great; greeks; herodotus; horses; i.e.; inscriptions; iran; king; kingdom; land; law; life; magians; man; medes; media; men; mithra; mountain; nations; nature; new; north; order; persians; place; power; priests; princes; sacred; sacrifice; son; spirits; strabo; thou; time; tribes; vend; vistaçpa; water; way; west; world; worship; yasht; years; yima; zarathrustra; zoroaster cache: 38209.txt plain text: 38209.txt item: #19 of 27 id: 38297 author: Duncker, Max title: The History of Antiquity, Vol. 6 (of 6) date: None words: 127228 flesch: 72 summary: Tablet 906 explains this eleventh year; it runs as follows: Babylon month Kislev, day 25, year 1 of Cambyses king of Babylon, at that time Cyrus king of the lands. Hence in Babylon dates were sometimes fixed by the years of Cyrus king of Babylon, and sometimes by the years of the viceroy. keywords: account; army; asia; attack; b.c; babylon; battle; brother; cambyses; citadel; cities; city; court; croesus; cyrus; danube; darius; day; days; death; doubt; east; egypt; egyptians; empire; fall; father; god; greeks; hand; herodotus; i.e.; inscription; king; king darius; kingdom; land; left; lydians; magian; man; march; medes; media; men; nations; new; north; order; persians; place; power; princes; rebellion; return; river; royal; sardis; scythians; sea; second; son; temple; throne; time; walls; war; way; west; xenoph; year cache: 38297.txt plain text: 38297.txt item: #20 of 27 id: 38677 author: Duncker, Max title: The History of Antiquity, Vol. 1 (of 6) date: None words: 182872 flesch: 73 summary: But as to the building of the pyramids, there is no agreement either among the Egyptians or their historians; some ascribe them to the kings I have mentioned; some to other kings. Then the priest bids the four geese belonging to the four spirits of the quarters of the sky to fly south, north, east, and west, in order to announce to the gods of each quarter, that Horus the son of Osiris, that king Ramses, established by Ra, has put on the double crown. keywords: abraham; account; ammon; animals; arabia; b.c; babylon; babylonia; canaan; century; children; cities; city; coast; day; days; dead; death; desert; diodorus; earth; east; egypt; egyptians; euphrates; father; feet; form; god; goddess; gods; gold; greeks; hand; head; hebrews; height; herodotus; history; i.e.; iii; inscriptions; israel; israelites; jacob; jehovah; joseph; joshua; king; kingdom; lake; land; left; lepsius; life; loc; lord; manetho; memphis; men; monuments; moses; mountain; names; nations; nature; new; nile; north; number; order; osiris; people; period; place; power; priests; princes; ramses; reign; ruins; sacred; sea; second; set; son; sons; south; stone; strabo; sun; syria; temple; text; thee; thy; time; tradition; tribes; upper; valley; walls; war; water; way; west; wife; work; world; worship; writing; years cache: 38677.txt plain text: 38677.txt item: #21 of 27 id: 39006 author: Duncker, Max title: The History of Antiquity, Vol. 2 (of 6) date: None words: 108014 flesch: 73 summary: And the men of Judah there anointed David king of the house of Judah, for only the house of Judah adhered to David. And the strife was hot against the Philistines so long as Saul lived, and king Saul was brave and delivered Israel from the hand of the robbers, is the older of the two statements preserved in the Books of Samuel. keywords: ahab; army; asshur; assyria; b.c; babylon; bin; century; cities; city; coast; damascus; david; death; east; egypt; euphrates; father; god; gold; greeks; hand; head; house; i.e.; inscriptions; island; israel; israelites; jehovah; judah; king; kingdom; land; law; life; man; men; new; north; number; order; people; phenicians; philistines; place; power; priests; princes; reign; sacrifice; sam; samuel; saul; sea; semiramis; shalmanesar; silver; solomon; son; sons; south; temple; throne; thy; tiglath; time; trade; tribes; tribute; tyre; war; west; worship; year cache: 39006.txt plain text: 39006.txt item: #22 of 27 id: 39747 author: Heeren, A. H. L. (Arnold Hermann Ludwig) title: A Manual of Ancient History Particularly with Regard to the Constitutions, the Commerce, and the Colonies, of the States of Antiquity date: None words: 151347 flesch: 64 summary: The part appropriated to ancient history, in the general treatises on universal history; _b._ Works exclusively devoted to ancient history. _b._ Argos. keywords: 8vo; affairs; africa; alexander; alliance; ancient; antigonus; antiochus; army; asia; athens; augustus; battle; brother; carthage; cities; city; cleopatra; colonies; command; conquest; consequence; constitution; countries; country; cæsar; death; demetrius; division; dominion; east; egypt; egyptian; empire; end; expedition; family; form; foundation; general; government; great; grecian; greece; greek; hands; head; herodotus; history; iii; importance; inhabitants; italy; king; kingdom; land; law; league; life; long; macedonia; means; military; minor; mithridates; national; nations; north; object; party; peace; people; period; persian; philip; pompey; possession; power; powerful; prince; principal; provinces; ptolemy; reign; republic; rise; roman; rome; sea; second; senate; son; south; sparta; spirit; state; syracuse; syria; territory; thebes; throne; time; trade; tribes; victory; vols; war; wars; west; work; world; years; | | cache: 39747.txt plain text: 39747.txt item: #23 of 27 id: 40864 author: Duncker, Max title: The History of Antiquity, Vol. 3 (of 6) date: None words: 147350 flesch: 74 summary: [122] Ahaz sent messengers to Tiglath Pilesar, king of Assyria, so the Books of Kings tell us, saying, I am thy servant and thy son; come up and save me out of the hands of the king of Aram (of Damascus) and the king of Israel. According to the Books of Kings he set on foot a conspiracy, slew Pekah, and became king in his place; according to the inscriptions of Tiglath Pilesar, Tiglath made him king over Israel. keywords: army; asia; asshur; assurbanipal; assyria; assyrians; b.c; babylon; babylonia; battle; bit; cities; city; death; dominion; east; egypt; elam; end; esarhaddon; euphrates; fall; father; feet; god; gods; great; greeks; gyges; hand; herodotus; house; i.e.; inscription; israel; jehovah; jerusalem; judah; king; kingdom; land; life; loc; man; medes; media; men; merodach; ménant; nations; nebuchadnezzar; new; nineveh; north; order; people; pilesar; place; position; power; princes; psammetichus; reign; sargon; scoloti; sea; sennacherib; smith; son; south; temple; throne; thy; tiglath; time; tribes; tribute; tyre; walls; war; way; west; year cache: 40864.txt plain text: 40864.txt item: #24 of 27 id: 40960 author: Duncker, Max title: The History of Antiquity, Vol. 4 (of 6) date: None words: 176702 flesch: 69 summary: Some fast, others sit between four fires, others perpetually hold their hands above their heads, others lie on hot ashes, others on a wooden bed covered with sharp points.[390] Other Brahmans, and it would appear a considerable number, wander as mendicants through the land; others pursue the newly-discovered avocations of astrology and sooth-saying;[391] In the three first of the five courts of this citadel, young soldiers kept watch; in the two last, where the king and his wives dwelt, were old men. keywords: alexander; aryas; açoka; b.c; bharatas; body; book; brahmans; buddha; buddhists; burnouf; castes; century; cit; city; day; death; divine; doctrine; doubt; duties; earth; east; end; epos; evil; existence; fact; family; father; fire; form; ganges; gods; good; great; greeks; hand; heaven; holy; horses; i.e.; indians; indra; indus; king; kingdom; kshatriyas; land; lassen; law; life; light; loc; magadha; manu; men; muir; nations; nature; new; order; people; place; position; power; priests; princes; rigveda; sacrifice; second; son; sons; soul; spirit; strabo; system; thou; throne; time; tribes; veda; view; vishnu; war; water; way; wife; world; worship; year cache: 40960.txt plain text: 40960.txt item: #25 of 27 id: 46379 author: Laing, S. (Samuel) title: Human Origins date: None words: 120495 flesch: 49 summary: That is to say, he makes excerpts from the sources at his disposal; sometimes inserts them consecutively and without alteration; at other times makes additions and changes of his own; and, in Canon Driver's words, does not scruple to omit what is not required for his purpose, and in fact treats his authorities with considerable freedom. In Syria and Palestine, the Phoenicians, Canaanites, and Hebrews were all immigrants from the Persian Gulf or Arabian frontier, either directly or through the medium of Egypt and Assyria, who did not even pretend to be the earliest inhabitants, but found other races, as the Amorites and Hittites, in possession, whose traditions again went back to barbarous aborigines of Zammumim, who seemed to them to stammer their unintelligible language. keywords: accadian; account; age; ancient; animals; antiquity; asia; b.c; case; chaldæa; civilization; date; day; days; deluge; discovery; doubt; dynasty; earth; egypt; egyptian; empire; europe; evidence; evolution; existence; fact; feet; find; form; glacial; god; gods; great; history; human; ice; implements; kings; land; language; life; long; man; miocene; monuments; nations; neolithic; new; north; number; origin; palæolithic; people; period; pliocene; present; quaternary; question; races; records; religion; remains; science; sea; south; state; stone; sun; temple; tertiary; theory; time; traditions; type; world; years cache: 46379.txt plain text: 46379.txt item: #26 of 27 id: 7960 author: Webster, Hutton title: Early European History date: None words: 230018 flesch: 71 summary: Thus, _damask_ comes from Damascus, _muslin_ from Mosul, _gauze_ from Gaza, _cordovan_ The ancient Arabs, like many other peoples, seem to have set no limit to the number of wives a man might possess. keywords: a.d; africa; ages; alexander; ancient; arabs; army; art; asia; athenian; athens; authority; b.c; battle; caesar; capital; center; central; centuries; century; chapter; charlemagne; charles; chief; christian; christianity; church; churches; cities; city; civilization; coast; common; conquest; constantinople; countries; country; day; days; death; early; east; eastern; egypt; emperor; empire; end; england; english; europe; european; feet; feudal; form; france; french; general; germany; god; good; government; great; greece; greek; head; henry; history; holy; house; illustration; imperial; influence; inhabitants; italian; italy; king; kingdom; lands; language; latin; law; life; literature; little; london; lord; louis; map; medieval; mediterranean; men; middle; minor; modern; money; museum; near; new; nobles; north; northern; northmen; number; old; order; page; papacy; parliament; parts; people; period; persian; philip; place; pope; power; provinces; public; reign; religion; right; roman; roman empire; rome; royal; rule; sea; second; sicily; soldiers; son; southern; spain; spanish; spread; state; stone; system; time; trade; united; use; walls; war; way; western; william; work; world; years cache: 7960.txt plain text: 7960.txt item: #27 of 27 id: 9991 author: Van Loon, Hendrik Willem title: Ancient Man: The Beginning of Civilizations date: None words: 27064 flesch: 79 summary: In ancient Egypt, every village recognized the authority of the Village-Elders, who were old men and possessed greater experience than the young ones. Suddenly, however, other people in a different part of the world entered the race. keywords: asia; b.c; city; country; desert; egypt; egyptian; good; great; home; illustration; jews; king; land; life; man; men; mesopotamia; new; nile; people; race; stone; time; valley; way; world; years cache: 9991.txt plain text: 9991.txt