item: #1 of 6 id: A06911 author: Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637. title: The complete farriar, or The kings high-way to horsmanship Experimentally unfolding 1. The dyeting and governing of the running horse. 2. How to order, feed, and keep any horse for war, pleasure, hunting, or travell. 3. How to know the age of any horse. Lastly, certaine rare and approved secrets for the cure of the worst infirmities in horses. By G. Markam. date: 1639 words: 24588 flesch: 57 summary: It cures all diseases of the 〈…〉 as Glaunders , and Rotten●●●● gives ease to all gripings , and ●●Spam●● dinesse of the belly , provoketh 〈◊〉 rine , takes away infection , and 〈…〉 wormes . Thus I have shewed you ●●●● shapes , and true deformities ; yo● may in your choice please your owne fancie . keywords: againe; age; ale; anoynt; balls; beans; bee; beere; best; better; blacke; blood; bodie; body; bread; bridle; broken; case; chap; characters; cleane; clock; close; cloth; cold; course; cure; cut; daies; dangerous; day; divers; doe; dresse; drie; dung; dust; early; eebo; eies; emptie; end; english; evening; excellent; exercise; eye; face; fat; feed; feeding; feet; fine; fire; flat; flesh; fortnight; foule; foulnesse; gallop; generall; good; grasse; grease; great; haire; halfe; handfull; hands; hard; hath; hay; head; heart; heate; hee; helps; high; himselfe; hinder; hollow; home; horse; horse hath; hot; houres; hunting; ill; inward; keeper; keeping; labour; leave; legs; lesse; like; litter; little; long; loose; making; manner; match; meat; medicine; molten; moneths; moosell; morning; motion; mouth; nape; naturall; nature; neck; new; oats; observations; occasion; offence; old; onely; order; ordinary; ounce; outward; owne; oyle; oyntment; pinte; place; pleasure; poultus; powder; pretty; quantity; quart; rack; reasonable; rest; ride; rough; round; running; saddle; salve; scowring; second; selfe; set; severall; shewes; short; sicknesse; signes; small; smooth; soft; space; stable; stand; straight; straine; strength; strong; sweet; swelling; t ●; tayle; tcp; teeth; text; thick; thing; time; travell; true; tushes; use; vrine; want; warme; washt; water; way; wet; wheat; white; wholsome; wine; work; yeares; ● e; ● ing; ● o; ● ● cache: A06911.xml plain text: A06911.txt item: #2 of 6 id: A06940 author: Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637. title: Markhams faithfull farrier wherein the depth of his skill is layd open in all those principall and approued secrets of horsemanship, which the author neuer published, but hath kept in his brest, and hath beene the glory of his practise. date: 1630 words: 16539 flesch: 55 summary: This Simple Conscrue is of excellent vse , and taketh away any ordinary Cold , or stopping ; it comforteth the Lungs , inlargeth th● Wind , purgeth the Head of all fil●thy matter , and dissolueth man● other obstructions ; yet is not th● the best Conserue , neither worket● the best effect , if the infirmitie b● old and dangerous , or if there b● any attainture in the Lungs or L●uer , therefore in that case you sha● flye to the Compound Conseru● which is made in this maner . The second putrefies the blood , and turnes all nourishment into corrup●ion , from whence proceedes the Yellowes , and other such like pestilent diseases , which suffocating the heart , spreads it selfe vniuersally ouer the whole body , and confounds euery faculty and member . Or lastly , by Accidents , as when a horse receiueth some grleuous and deepe wound , either in his body , or else in some other vitall and dangerous part , by which , nature is so offended , that instantly a generall sickenesse seazeth vpon the horse , and ( if not preuented ) death suddenly followeth ; and these sicknesses , are called Accidentall-Feauers ; for if you obserue it , you shall finde the horse sometimes trembling , sometimes sweating , sometimes cold , and sometimes burning . keywords: accident; ale; alteration; backe; bals; bee; best; better; betweene; blood; body; boyle; bread; candy; certaine; characters; cleane; cloathes; close; cold; complection; countenance; cure; dangerous; day; dayes; dissolue; diuers; doe; drinke; dry; early; eebo; elicampane; end; english; euer; euerie; euill; excellent; exercise; eyes; fast; feeding; fine; fire; food; forth; foure; giue; good; grease; great; halfe; handfull; hard; hath; haue; hauing; hay; head; health; heart; hee; horse; hot; howres; infirmitie; inward; keepe; knowledge; labour; large; life; like; little; long; malt; manner; mash; matter; meanes; medicine; mixe; morning; naturall; nature; new; night; obseruations; obserue; occasion; open; ouer; ounce; owne; parts; perfume; pint; pot; pound; powder; preuent; quantitie; rest; roots; running; scowring; second; secrets; selfe; set; shewed; sicknesse; signes; sirrup; small; sore; stomacke; strength; strong; sugar; sure; sweet; swelling; tcp; text; thing; time; trauell; true; verie; vessell; violent; vpon; vse; warme; water; way; white; wine; worke; ● ● cache: A06940.xml plain text: A06940.txt item: #3 of 6 id: A49535 author: Langbaine, Gerard, 1656-1692. title: The hunter a discourse of horsemanship directing the right way to breed, keep, and train a horse, for ordinary hunting and plates. date: 1685 words: 32572 flesch: 50 summary: Take of Honey a Pound , of Turpentine , common Gum , Meal of Linseed , and the Meal of Fenugreek , of each 4 Ounces , and the Powder of Bay●berries well sea●ch'd 3 Ounces , mix and boyle all these well together ; then take it off , and put to it a Pint of White-wine , then boyle it again , till it be very thick : and with this , as hot as the Horse can suffer it , lap his legs about Plaister-wise , and renew it only once in three daies , and it will certainly bring his Legs within compass● If your Horses Feet be bad , either surbated ● or foundred , then instead of Cow-dung , you may stop them with blew-clay and Vinegar temperd together , and on his Heating-daies at Night stop them with grey-sope , and keep it in with a peice of an old Shoo-sole . Lastly , when either your Hunting-Match , or your Tryal for the 〈◊〉 is ended , as soon as you have rubb'd your Horse dry , yo● shall 〈◊〉 him ●p , and ride him home , where the first thing you give him shall be this Drink to comfort him . keywords: advantage; air; airing; appetite; art; belly; best; better; body; bread; care; cause; chap; chase; choice; clean; cloath; clock; close; cold; colour; contrary; convenient; cool; corn; courage; course; curry; daies; day; days; deep; digestion; directions; dogs; dress; drink; dry; duke; dung; dust; early; end; english; exercise; eye; fair; fat; fear; feeding; feet; field; fine; fit; flank; flesh; food; foot; fore; fortnight; foul; gallop; general; giving; good; grass; grease; great; groom; ground; hair; half; hand; hard; hare; hath; hay; head; health; heat; high; hinder; home; horse; horsemen; hot; hounds; hours; humours; hunter; hunting; keeping; labour; large; lead; left; legs; like; litter; little; long; loose; manner; mares; mash; master; match; meal; means; men; miles; moderate; morning; mouth; natural; nature; near; necessary; neck; night; oats; observe; occasion; old; opinion; order; ordinary; ounces; outward; parts; peck; perfect; place; pleasure; purpose; quantity; reason; rest; ribs; rider; riding; rules; running; rye; saddle; scent; self; service; set; short; sign; slow; speed; stable; stallion; stand; state; stomach; straw; strength; strong; subject; sufficient; sun; sure; sweat; tcp; text; thing; tho; time; train; training; true; tryal; use; violent; want; warm; water; way; week; weight; wet; white; wind; winter; years; young; ● d; ● e; ● t; ● ● cache: A49535.xml plain text: A49535.txt item: #4 of 6 id: A51971 author: Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637. title: The perfect horseman, or, The experienced secrets of Mr. Markham's fifty years practice shewing how a man may come to be a general horseman, by the knowledge of these seven offices, viz. the breeder, feeder, ambler, rider, keeper, buyer, farrier / and now published by Lancelot Thetford, practitioner in the same art for the space of forty years. date: 1656 words: 37105 flesch: 66 summary: Since the issue of any o● all these fall out according to the strength and estate of the Horses body , and the diligence of the Feeder : And if either the one fail in power ; or the other in care , farewell Horse for that year . Foals that are of stirring spirits , free from affrights , wanton of disposition , active in leaping , running and chasing , ever leading the way and striving for mastery , these always prove excellent metal'd horse● , the contrary Jades . keywords: age; ale; amble; anoint; balls; bay; best; better; bit; black; blood; body; bone; boyl; bread; breast; bridle; broken; case; cavezan; change; chaps; clean; cloath; clock; close; cold; colour; colts; course; cure; cut; danger; day; days; divers; dress; drink; dry; dung; early; ears; end; english; errors; estate; evening; excellent; exercise; eyes; face; fall; false; far; fast; fat; feeder; feeding; feet; fine; fire; flat; flesh; foals; foot; fore; fortnight; foul; foulness; gallop; generall; gentle; glanders; good; goodness; grass; grease; great; ground; hair; half; hand; handfull; hard; hath; hay; head; heat; help; high; hinder; hogs; hold; home; hooves; horse; hot; hours; ibid; inward; iron; keeping; knowledge; labour; large; lead; leather; leggs; length; like; limbs; little; long; longer; making; manner; mares; match; means; meat; morning; motion; mount; mouth; muzzell; nature; nay; near; neck; new; nostrils; o ●; oats; observations; observe; occasion; offence; office; old; onely; ordinary; ounce; outward; oyle; parts; perfect; perfection; pint; place; pleasure; post; pound; powder; pretty; proportion; quantity; quart; quarter; rack; ready; red; rein; rest; ride; riding; right; rod; rough; rub; rule; running; saddle; salve; scouring; second; self; set; severall; shape; shewed; shews; short; shoulder; sickness; sides; signes; sinews; small; smooth; soft; sore; space; spur; stable; stand; stop; strait; strength; strong; sufficient; sweet; swelling; tail; teeth; text; thereof; thick; things; time; touching; tramell; trot; true; turn; twice; urine; use; vinegar; want; warm; wars; water; way; white; wind; wine; winter; work; year; ● ● cache: A51971.xml plain text: A51971.txt item: #5 of 6 id: A53074 author: Newcastle, William Cavendish, Duke of, 1592-1676. title: A new method, and extraordinary invention, to dress horses, and work them according to nature as also, to perfect nature by the subtility of art, which was never found out, but by ... William Cavendishe ... date: 1667 words: 69535 flesch: 61 summary: A new method, and extraordinary invention, to dress horses, and work them according to nature as also, to perfect nature by the subtility of art, which was never found out, but A new method, and extraordinary invention, to dress horses, and work them according to nature as also, to perfect nature by the subtility of art, which was never found out, but keywords: action; alwayes; amble; apuy; ayres; backward; barb; barrs; best; best horse; better; bitt; blood; blundevil; body; book; branches; breed; bridle; business; byas; cavezone; change; cheeks; circles; clean; close; colts; contrary; corvets; country; cross; croup; curb; cure; day; deceived; demy; doth; dressing; dry; dull; dutch; end; england; english; entier; example; excellent; excellent horse; exercise; false; fear; feeding; feet; fine; fine horse; finger; firm; fit; follow; foot; fore; french; gallop; gambrels; gentle; girthes; good horse; great; ground; hair; half; hanches; hand; hard; hath; head; heel; help; high; higher; hinder; hold; horse; horse doth; horses croup; horses leggs; horses outward; horses shoulders; hurt; ignorant; inside; inward; inward cavezone; inward hinder; inward legg; inward reyn; italian; kind; knee; knuckles; large; lead; leap; leaping; left; left hand; legg; leight; lesson; liberty; lie; like; line; little; little horse; long; low; man; mannage; manner; manship; mares; master; means; men; method; motion; mouth; narrow; nature; nay; near; necessity; neck; new; nose; oats; obedient; outside; outward; outward hinder; outward legg; outward reyn; outward shoulder; parts; passadoes; passager; perfect; petit; pillar; piste; place; pommel; prest; proper; pull; pull'd; pulling; purpose; quintessence; rare; ready; ready horse; reason; rein; resty; reyn; ridd; ride; riding; right; right hand; rod; running; saddle; sayes; second; set; shap't; shape; short; shoulders; sides; single; soutenir; spain; spanish horse; spirit; spurrs; stallion; stay; stop; stopping; straight; strength; strong; supple; sure; tayl; terra; thing; time; tongue; touch; trott; true; truth; turn; use; vice; voltoes; walk; wall; water; way; weak; work; working; world; years; young; young horse cache: A53074.xml plain text: A53074.txt item: #6 of 6 id: A64864 author: Vernon, John, 17th cent. title: The young horse-man, or, The honest plain-dealing cavalier Wherein is plainly demonstrated, by figures and other-wise, the exercise and discipline of the horse, very usefull for all those that desire the knowledge of warlike horse-man-ship. By John Vernon. date: 1644 words: 12799 flesch: 50 summary: If the bodie lie incamped or in Garrison , or neere the Enemies Quarters , the placing of Sentinels will not be sufficient , but you must also send forth Scouts to the number of twelve or more , who are all to be very well horsed and commanded by an able Souldier , they are very silently to advance towards the Enemies Quarters , some three or foure houres march by severall high wayes foure or five to a way as occasion shal require , they ought not to alight upon any occasion whatsoever , but to listen if they can heare any noise or rumour , or the trampling of horses , or the like , which if they can descry not being discerned themselves , shall send word s●cretly by one of the Souldiers to their Quarters of the Enemies approach , afterward sending a second to confirme the mess●ge of the f●●st , and so by little and little retreating themselves , but if they be discried by the Enemy , and that the Enemy consists of a great bodie : the Officer that commands in chief shall cause some house to be set on fire neer his Quarters , they of the Quarter knowing before the reason , that it is to give notice of the Enemies neer approach and great number , and comming within hearing of Carbine shot , shall case some three or foure Carbines to be discharged , to gi●e them in the Quarter , the more opportunity to provide for the Enemy , b●t if it fall out that your Scouts or discoveries abroad , or your Sentinels at home be so hard charged by the Enemy , that they have no opportunity to send word , but that the Enemy will enter the Quarter with them , the said Scouts and Sentinels shall enter the Quarters by unusuall ways , which will give the Enemy occasion of suspence not knowing whether they may be drawne into some unexpected great danger , and by firing of their Carbines with loud cryings out arme , arme , cause the body to be the more active , and speedilie● to provide for the ch●rge of the Enemy . Now if thou beest a man that doest intend to se● forth thy selfe for this good and warrantabl●CAUSE , which now invites thee to use the most of thy might , let these briefe rules be thy direction . keywords: able; advance; advantage; best; better; bodie; body; bringers; carbine; cause; cavalrie; charge; close; colours; command; commander; convenient; discipline; distance; double; doubling; enemie; enemy; exercise; experience; face; field; figure; files; fire; foot; forth; good; great; halfe; hand; hath; hee; high; horse; left; left hand; lievtenant; life; like; little; manner; march; marches; marching; means; men; motion; officer; open; order; ordinary; pistols; place; powder; proper; quarters; ranks; reare; regiment; rest; right; right hand; scouts; second; sentinels; service; silence; sodainly; souldiers; squadron; stand; text; thee; thing; thou; time; troop; use; usefull; vernon; way; ways; word; ● ● cache: A64864.xml plain text: A64864.txt