item: #1 of 28 id: 17102 author: Goldsmith, Oliver title: An Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog date: None words: 543 flesch: 75 summary: Each containing four different books, with their Coloured Pictures and innumerable Outline Sketches._ 1 R. Caldecott's Picture Book No. 1 2 R. Caldecott's Picture Book No. 2 3 Hey-Diddle-Diddle-Picture Book 4 The Panjandrum Picture Book RANDOLPH CALDECOTT'S Collection of Pictures and Songs No. 1 containing the first 8 books listed above with their Colour Pictures and numerous Outline Sketches RANDOLPH CALDECOTT'S Collection of Pictures and Songs No. 2 containing the second 8 books listed above with their Colour Pictures and numerous Outline Sketches Frederick Warne & Co. Ltd. LONDON & NEW YORK. [Illustration] Randolph Caldecott's Picture Books The humour of Randolph Caldecott's drawings is simply irresistible, no healthy-minded man, woman, or child could look at them without laughing. keywords: dog; illustration cache: 17102.txt plain text: 17102.txt item: #2 of 28 id: 17104 author: Newell, Peter title: The Rocket Book date: None words: 1170 flesch: 85 summary: [Illustration: EIGHTEENTH FLAT] NINETEENTH FLAT While Burt was on his hobby-horse And riding it like mad, The rocket on its fiery course Upset the startled lad. [Illustration: NINTH FLAT] TENTH FLAT The family dog, with frenzied mien, Was chasing Fluff, the mouser, When, poof! keywords: flat; illustration; rocket cache: 17104.txt plain text: 17104.txt item: #3 of 28 id: 17254 author: Newell, Peter title: The Slant Book date: None words: 1112 flesch: 77 summary: HARPER & BROTHERS NEW YORK Copyright 1910, by Harper & Brothers Patented September 20, 1910 Published November, 1910 Printed in the United States of America THE SLANT BOOK Where Bobby lives there is a hill-- A hill so steep and high, 'Twould fill the bill for Jack and Jill Their famous act to try Once Bobby's Go-cart broke away And down this hill it kited. [Illustration] A farmer's wife, Miss' Angy Moore, Was trudging up the grade. keywords: bobby; cart; illustration cache: 17254.txt plain text: 17254.txt item: #4 of 28 id: 21676 author: Herford, Oliver title: Confessions of a Caricaturist date: None words: 1574 flesch: 78 summary: [Illustration] John S. Sargent Here's Sargent doing the Duchess X In pink velours and pea-green checks. [Illustration] George Bernard Shaw The very name of Bernard Shaw Fills me with mingled Mirth and Awe. Mixture of Mephistopheles, Don Quixote, and Diogenes, The Devil's wit, the Don's Romance Joined to the Cynic's arrogance. keywords: bernard; george; illustration; john; shaw cache: 21676.txt plain text: 21676.txt item: #5 of 28 id: 23338 author: Duff, J. L. title: The Rubaiyat of Ohow Dryyam With Apologies to Omar date: None words: 695 flesch: 85 summary: X Yes, make the most of what we still may spend; The last Drop's lingering Taste may yet transcend Anticipation's Bliss--though we are left Sans Wine, Sans Song, Sans Singer, and--Sans End. With Apologies to_ OMAR [Illustration] _Illustrated by_ BENJAMIN FRANKLIN [_Not of Philadelphia_] _ keywords: coffee; illustration cache: 23338.txt plain text: 23338.txt item: #6 of 28 id: 23611 author: Flagg, James Montgomery title: Why They Married date: None words: 1941 flesch: 82 summary: [Illustration] [Illustration] WANTED A CHANGE. THE AUTHOR [Illustration: Yellow Dog] [Illustration] STUNG! keywords: illustration; life; reason; wife cache: 23611.txt plain text: 23611.txt item: #7 of 28 id: 23614 author: Herford, Oliver title: Happy Days date: None words: 1050 flesch: 90 summary: And may you be preserved From old age, gout, or sudden death!-- At least till supper's served. [Illustration] _To Stern Critics_ keywords: editor; floor; illustration cache: 23614.txt plain text: 23614.txt item: #8 of 28 id: 23749 author: Herford, Oliver title: The Mythological Zoo date: None words: 2053 flesch: 84 summary: The horse was sure to cast his vote Unswervingly for _table d'OAT_. Though having neither gills nor scales, His title _should be_ Prince of Whales. keywords: day; half; illustration; lion; net cache: 23749.txt plain text: 23749.txt item: #9 of 28 id: 23792 author: Wells, Carolyn title: The Rubáiyát of Bridge date: None words: 693 flesch: 88 summary: [Illustration] Oh, Threats of Loss, and Hopes of Golden Store, One thing in Bridge is Certain,--'tis not Lore! [Illustration] Ah, make the Most of what We yet may Take, Before we lose the Lead, and let Them make =Trick after Trick! keywords: illustration cache: 23792.txt plain text: 23792.txt item: #10 of 28 id: 26388 author: Harrison, Charles title: A Humorous History of England date: None words: 8791 flesch: 84 summary: Yes; 1215 In twelve-fifteen, but we may guess With much ill grace and many a twist; For King John wrote an awful fist. With efforts many men most able Lay the great Atlantic Cable. keywords: act; charles; day; days; edward; england; great; henry; illustration; iron; iron jelloids; jelloids; john; king; man; men; nought; queen; reign; seven; time; tonic; william; years cache: 26388.txt plain text: 26388.txt item: #11 of 28 id: 26437 author: Little, Mary Wallace Bundy title: The Rubaiyat of a Huffy Husband date: None words: 1029 flesch: 89 summary: But Wife says, Omar's reckoning proves it As Impotently moves as You or I. XIV At least that is the Doctrine he presents, Although to Me it is Devoid of Sense. V She soon possessed the dreadful Omar Fad, Which other Husbands, I have learned, think Bad. keywords: omar; rubaiyat; wife cache: 26437.txt plain text: 26437.txt item: #12 of 28 id: 27182 author: Belloc, Hilaire title: More Peers : Verses date: None words: 1476 flesch: 82 summary: [Illustration] drowned in tears, On opening but confirms his fears: [Illustration] And _argued_ keywords: baron; earl; hippo; illustration; lord cache: 27182.txt plain text: 27182.txt item: #13 of 28 id: 28184 author: Burgess, Gelett title: The Rubaiyat of Omar Cayenne date: None words: 3301 flesch: 82 summary: LXXXV Then said a Second--Ne'er a Girl or Boy Such Stuff as I am really could enjoy: Yet He who wrote me, when I am return'd, Will me with Curse and bitter Wrath destroy! LXXXVI After a literary Silence spake A Manuscript of Henry James's make; They sneer at me for being so occult: But Kipling's found such Stuff is going to Take! LXXXVII Whereat some one of the typewritten Lot-- I think it was Cy Brady's--waxing hot-- All this of Shop and Patter--Tell me then, Who buys--Who reads--the Stuff that boils _my_ keywords: author; books; critic; day; editor; new; stuff; tale; way cache: 28184.txt plain text: 28184.txt item: #14 of 28 id: 31467 author: Rowland, Helen title: The Rubáiyát of a Bachelor date: None words: 2389 flesch: 88 summary: The bitter seeds of _Alimony_ sowing! Better be jocund with them, one and all, And loving _many_, thus your love dilute. keywords: day; illustration; love; man; woman cache: 31467.txt plain text: 31467.txt item: #15 of 28 id: 31486 author: Anonymous title: The Monkey's Frolic: A Humorous Tale, in Verse date: None words: 1363 flesch: 88 summary: Cat_ thought as bad; A knife made of ivory, in use to cut paper, With which Barber _Pug_ now proceeded to scrape her. Pug_ could not find either razor or knife, So _Puss_ ran no hazard of losing her life;-- Yet razor or knife though they could not be had, _ keywords: cat; illustration; monkey; pug; puss cache: 31486.txt plain text: 31486.txt item: #16 of 28 id: 34790 author: Graham, Harry title: Perverted Proverbs: A Manual of Immorals for the Many date: None words: 4696 flesch: 86 summary: Who knows how rich a mental meal The covers of _this_ book conceal? _Learn to Take Things Easily. Copyright, 1903, by Robert Howard Russell_ Published May, 1903. keywords: book; course; day; dinner; good; life; praise; things; tho; tis; verses cache: 34790.txt plain text: 34790.txt item: #17 of 28 id: 36321 author: Graham, Harry title: Misrepresentative Men date: None words: 5083 flesch: 82 summary: While other men of note have had A certain local reputation, They never could compare with Pad,-- (Forgive this terse abbreviation),-- Loot: Orpheus may have been All Right; Cap: Paderewski's Out of Sight! (He was an Emperor, but then He had his faults like other men.) keywords: country; day; illustration; life; man; men; people; persons; tell; time; tis; verses; work cache: 36321.txt plain text: 36321.txt item: #18 of 28 id: 36782 author: Graham, Harry title: More Misrepresentative Men date: None words: 6716 flesch: 76 summary: Yes, _autre temps_ and _autre moeurs_, _Où sont_ indeed _les neiges d'antan_? Insisting, when he got a quorum, On _Pons_ (he called it) _ keywords: astor; author; burns; day; ev'ry; hand; holmes; home; jamie; like; little; love; man; men; sherlock; thing; tho; times; views; wife cache: 36782.txt plain text: 36782.txt item: #19 of 28 id: 38572 author: Kiser, Samuel E. (Samuel Ellsworth) title: Love Sonnets of an Office Boy date: None words: 4269 flesch: 91 summary: Last night I heard Jones astin' you to go To see the opery next Thursday night, And you said yes--and he'll be settin' right Beside you there all through the whole blamed show, And you'll be touchin' him with your elbow, And mebby he'll say things that tickle you And buy a box of chock'luts for you, too, I can't see why ma give her such a roast, And I could hardly eat my lunch next day, keywords: chair; clerk; day; illustration; kind; night; way cache: 38572.txt plain text: 38572.txt item: #20 of 28 id: 39784 author: None title: Mother Goose's Nursery Rhymes A Collection of Alphabets, Rhymes, Tales, and Jingles date: None words: 18652 flesch: 93 summary: [Illustration] MOTHER GOOSE'S NURSERY RHYMES A collection of _Alphabets, Rhymes, Tales, and Jingles_ With Illustrations BY SIR JOHN GILBERT, R.A., JOHN TENNIEL, HARRISON WEIR, WALTER CRANE, W. McCONNELL, J. B. ZWECKER AND OTHERS [Illustration: O was an Organ-Boy, who played for his bread.] keywords: cat; cock; come; day; dog; fire; good; home; house; illustration; jack; jenny; mother; pig; robin; rowley; stick; water; woman cache: 39784.txt plain text: 39784.txt item: #21 of 28 id: 40124 author: None title: Poetical Ingenuities and Eccentricities date: None words: 46968 flesch: 81 summary: He _lambda_ man almost to death the other evening, but he got his match--the other man _cutis nos_ off for him and _noctem_ flat _urna_ flounder. The piper he piped on the hill-top high (_Butter and eggs and a pound of cheese_); Till the cow said, 'I die,' and the goose said, 'Why?' keywords: anagram; author; beauty; bed; black; book; bore; bring; care; case; cum; dance; day; days; dead; dear; death; die; dog; earth; echo; end; english; ere; est; eve; eyes; fair; fate; fire; following; friend; gentleman; god; gold; good; green; hand; hat; head; heart; home; house; joe; john; kind; king; know; lady; lay; letters; life; lines; little; look; love; macaronic; man; men; moral; mrs; names; new; night; non; nose; nunc; o'er; original; parody; place; poem; poet; qui; red; rest; rhyme; sea; sed; shep; sic; sing; sir; smith; song; soul; story; street; style; sunt; tell; thee; things; thou; thought; thy; time; tis; topside; verse; volume; watch; water; way; white; wig; william; wine; words; work; world; years cache: 40124.txt plain text: 40124.txt item: #22 of 28 id: 45288 author: Tennyson, Hallam Tennyson, Baron title: Jack and the Bean-Stalk: English Hexameters date: None words: 2638 flesch: 78 summary: `Quickly the monster awoke, and wielding a cudgel,-- ```an oak tree,-- `Chased little Jack with a shout of mighty, maniacal ```anger; `Jack to the beanpod sprang with a leap, and desperate ```hurl'd his `Limbs in a downward, furious, headlong pre-cipitation, `But for a wink up-glanced; his foeman's ponderous ```hob-nails `Shone from aloft: down crash'd big pods, and bean ```avalanches. `Where an' O where, * he shrill'd; she beheld his boots ```disappearing; * Where an' O where is my Highland laddie gone? `Pod by pod Jack arose, till he came to a pod that alarm'd ```him. keywords: bean; illustration; jack cache: 45288.txt plain text: 45288.txt item: #23 of 28 id: 45391 author: Gibson, George Herbert title: Southerly Busters date: None words: 26805 flesch: 61 summary: But, sure as ever eggs is eggs, `I cannot think so now.= For, an a shepherd thou should'st be, `Then very sure am I The man who wrote mythology `Was guilty of a lie.= But never mind, old man, I said, `To sorrow we are born, So tell us why thine aged head `Is bended and forlorn?= With face as hard as Silas Wegg's `He said, Young man, here goes. But economical he was `With his melodious voice; I think the reason was because `His epithets were choice.= I said--Old man, I fain would know `The cause of thy distress; What sorrows cloud thine aged brow `I cannot even guess.= There's anguish on thy wrinkled face, `And passion in thine eye, Expressing anything but grace, `But why, old man, oh! why?= A sympathising friend you'll find `In me, old man, d'ye see? keywords: black; child; dark; day; demon; eyes; face; form; free; hair; half; hand; head; heart; home; hope; illustration; joseph; life; light; look; man; men; new; nic; o'er; pic; polly; round; sheep; shepherd; sorrow; spirit; squatters; sun; thee; things; thought; till; time; tis; twas; way; wheels; work cache: 45391.txt plain text: 45391.txt item: #24 of 28 id: 46691 author: None title: Biography for Beginners Being a Collection of Miscellaneous Examples for the Use of Upper Forms date: None words: 1945 flesch: 66 summary: [Illustration] OTTO THE GREAT The great Emperor Otto Could not decide upon a motto. [Illustration] THE DUKE OF FIFE K.T., P.C., G.C.V.O. It looked bad when the Duke of Fife Left off using a knife; But people began to talk When he left off using a fork. keywords: author; hall; illustration; john; pizarro; sir; wren cache: 46691.txt plain text: 46691.txt item: #25 of 28 id: 5408 author: Irwin, Wallace title: The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam Jr. date: None words: 6277 flesch: 71 summary: Due doubtless to the preservative influence of smoke Omar Khayyam, Jr., was enabled to live to the hale age of one hundred and seven, and to go to an apotheosis fully worthy his greatness. While all this was going on, the present Editor was forced to conclude that the burning literary need was not for more translators, but for more Omars to translate; and what was his surprise to note that the work of a later and superior Omar Khayyam was lying undiscovered in the wilds of Borneo! keywords: day; editor; father; good; khayyam; kiss; kisses; life; love; omar; pipe; poet; rubaiyat; smoke; time cache: 5408.txt plain text: 5408.txt item: #26 of 28 id: 61968 author: Bond, Nelson S. title: The Ballad of Blaster Bill date: None words: 1761 flesch: 91 summary: But McNeer's deserved objection Was--Bill practiced vivisection Every time he placed his thumbs (which numbered five) On a section of machinery. III Two months out of Io City Everything was running pretty, The asteroids were thirty hours away, When McNeer, to whom perfection Was a sort of predilection, Said, Bill, we'll take the hypos down today. keywords: bill; blaster; chief; mcneer cache: 61968.txt plain text: 61968.txt item: #27 of 28 id: 62096 author: Bond, Nelson S. title: The Ballad of Venus Nell date: None words: 2912 flesch: 93 summary: The Ballad of Venus Nell By Nelson S. Bond [Transcriber's Note: This etext was produced from Planet Stories Spring 1942. The attendant said, with a nod of the head, You amble to Venus Nell's. keywords: doug; dougal; gold; macneer; man; nell cache: 62096.txt plain text: 62096.txt item: #28 of 28 id: 6438 author: Carryl, Guy Wetmore title: Fables for the Frivolous date: None words: 5991 flesch: 82 summary: This was unaffected kindness, But there was, to state the fact, Just a slight _soupcon_ of blindness In his charitable act. THE RUDE RAT AND THE UNOSTENTATIOUS OYSTER Upon the shore, a mile or more From traffic and confusion, An oyster dwelt, because he felt A longing for seclusion; Said he: I love the stillness of This spot. keywords: day; fox; grapes; kind; lamb; moral; oak; oyster; rat; way cache: 6438.txt plain text: 6438.txt