item: #1 of 4 id: 33953 author: None title: The Boke of Noblesse Addressed to King Edward the Fourth on His Invasion of France in 1475 date: None words: 64995 flesch: 68 summary: Such was the ancient custom of the kings both of France and of England: as especially of king Edward the Third, and of Henry duke of Lancaster. The principal documents[29] respecting it bear date on the 25th of that month, on which day they were ratified both by king Edward and duke Charles. keywords: adversaries; age; alle; armes; army; author; ayenst; bataile; battle; bene; bloode; book; bothe; brother; burgundy; cartage; cause; charles; cite; commines; comon; conquest; constable; counceile; crist; cristen; daies; dame; day; dedis; divers; doo; duc; duchie; duke; earl; edwarde; england; english; erle; est; et de; example; fastolfe; france; french; frenshe; god; good; gret; guien; hand; hathe; havyng; hem; hym; hys; john; justice; kepe; king; king edward; king henry; king johan; king louis; king philip; knight; lande; late; law; lord; lordis; man; master; mayne; men; money; noble; noblesse; nombre; normandie; normandy; nota; order; oure; paris; partie; pay; peace; peple; pour; power; prince; que; qui; regent; right; roiaume; romains; rome; said; second; ser; seyd; shulde; sidenote; sir; sir john; son; suche; theym; thomas; thoroughe; thrid; time; title; towne; trewes; truce; tyme; undre; uppon; vous; welle; werre; whan; whiche; whiche king; william; withe; wolde; work; worship; wyth; year; yere cache: 33953.txt plain text: 33953.txt item: #2 of 4 id: 52889 author: Monstrelet, Enguerrand de title: The Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet, Vol. 04 [of 13] Containing an account of the cruel civil wars between the houses of Orleans and Burgundy, of the possession of Paris and Normandy by the English, their expulsion thence, and of other memorable events that happened in the kingdom of France, as well as in other countries date: None words: 75384 flesch: 67 summary: The names of other great lords as well from Picardy as elsewhere: the vidame of Amiens, the lord de Croy, and his son sir John de Croy, the lords de Helly, d'Auxi, de Brimeu, de Poix, l'Estendart lord de Crequi, the lord de Lauvroy, sir Vitart de Bours, sir Philippe d'Auxi, lord de Dampierre bailiff of Amiens, his son the lord de Raineval, his brother sir Allain, the lord de Mailly and his eldest son the lord d'Inchy, sir William de Saveuses, the lord de Neufville and his son the castellan of Lens, sir John de Moreul, sir Rogue de Poix, sir John de Bethune lord of Moreul in Brie, sir Symon de Craon lord de Clarsy, the lord de Rocheguyon, and his brother the vidame de Launois, the lord de Galigny, the lord d'Aliegre in Auvergne, the lord de Bauffremont in Champagne, sir James de Heu, the lord de Saint Bris, Philippe de Fosseux, sir Regnault de Crequy, lord de Comptes, and his son sir Philippe, the lord de Mannes and his brother Lancelot, Mahieu and John de Humieres, brothers, sir Louis de Beausault, the lord de Ront, sir Raoul de Manne, sir Oudart de Renty and two of his brothers, the lord d'Applincourt and his son sir James, sir Louis de Guistelle, the lord de Vaurin and his son the lord de Lidequerke, sir James de Lescuelle, the lord de Hames, the lord de Hondescocte, the lord de Pulchres, sir John Baleul, sir Raoul de Flandres, sir Collart de Fosseux, the lord de Roissimbos and his brother Louis de Boussy, the lord de Thiennes, the lord d'Azincourt and his son, sir Hustin Kieret, le bègue de Caien and his brother Payen, the lord de Varigines, the lord d'Auffemont and his son sir Raulequin, sir Raoul de Neele, the lord de St Crêpin, the viscount de Quesnes, sir Pierre de Beauvoir, bailiff of the Vermandois, sir John de Lully and his brother sir Griffon, the lord de St Symon and his brother Gallois, Collart de la Porte, lord of Bellincourt, sir Yvain de Cramailles, the lord de Cerny in the Laonnois, sir Drieu d'Orgiers, lord de Bethencourt, sir Gobert de la Bove, lord de Savoisy, the lord de Becqueville and his son sir John Marthel, the lord d'Utrecht, the seneschal d'Eu, the lord de la Riviere de Tybouville, the lord de Courcy, the lord de St Beuve, the lord de Beau-mainnil, the lord de Combouchis, the lord de la Heuse, the lord Viesport, sir Bertrand Painel, the lord Chambois, the lord de St Cler, the lord de Montcheveul, the lord d'Ouffreville, sir Enguerrand de Fontaines and his brother sir Charles, sir Almaury de Craon lord de Brolay, the lord de Montejan, the lord de la Haye, the lord de l'Isle Bouchart, sir John de Craon, lord de Montbason, the lord de Bueuil, the lord de Laumont sur Loire, sir Anthony de Craon, lord de Beau Vergier, the lord d'Asse, the lord de la Tour, the lord de l'Isle Gonnort, sir John de Dreux, sir Germain de Dreux, the viscount de Tremblay, sir Robert de Bouvay, sir Robert de Challus, sir John de Bonnebault, the lord de Mongaugier, sir John de Valcourt, the lord de Sainteron, sir Ferry de Sardonne, sir Peter d'Argie, sir Henry d'Ornay, the lord des Roches, sir John de Montenay, the lord de Bethencourt, the lord de Combourt, the viscount de la Belliere, the lord de la Tute, sir Bertrand de Montauban, Bertrand de St Gille, seneschal of Hainault, the lord de la Hamecte, the lord du Quesnoy, the lord de Montigny, the lord de Quiervran, the lord de Jumont, the lord de Chin, sir Symon de Havrech, the lord de Poctes, sir John de Gres, sir Allemand d'Estaussines, sir Philippe de Lens and sir Henry, brothers to the bishop of Cambray, sir Michel du Chastellier and his brother Guillaume de Vaudripont, Ernoul de Vaudrigien, Pierre de Molin, Jean de Buait, George de Quiervran and his brother Henry, the lord de Saures, sir Briffault his brother, le Baudrain d'Aisne knight, sir Maillart d'Azouville, Palamedes des Marquais, the lord de Bousincourt, the lord de Fresencourt, the lord de Vallusant, the lord de Hectrus, Guernier de Brusquent, the lord de Moy in the Beauvoisis, his son Gamot de Bournouville and his brother Bertrand, Louvelet de Massinguehen and his brother, sir Collart de Phiennes, Alain de Vendôme, Lamont de Launoy, sir Colinet de St Py, the lord de Bos d'Ancquin, Lancelot de Fremeusent, the lord d'Aumont, sir Robinet de Vaucoux, sir Raisse de Moncaurel, sir Lancelot de Clary, the lord de la Rachie, sir Guerard d'Herbaines, sir Guerard de Haucourt, sir Robert de Montigny, sir Charles de Montigny, sir Charles de Chastillon, Philippe de Poitiers, the lord de Feuldes, the lord de St Pierre, Guillaume Fortescu, Burel de Guerames, Robert de Potiaumes, the son to the bailiff of Rouen, the provost to the marshals of France. We shall begin with the king's officers: the lord Charles d'Albreth, constable of France, the marshal Boucicaut, carried a prisoner to England, where he died, sir James de Chastillon lord de Dampierre, admiral of France, the lord de Rambures master of the cross-bows, sir Guichard Daulphin master of the king's household. keywords: acquitaine; ambassadors; amiens; arms; army; arras; battle; brabant; brother; burgundy; castle; chap; constable; council; count de; country; dauphin; day; de canny; de charolois; de fosseux; de la; de luxembourg; de poix; de st; death; duke; duke william; england; english; france; french; good; governor; grand; hainault; inhabitants; james de; john de; john duke; king; king henry; kingdom; letters; line; lord de; lords; louis de; master; men; page; paris; peace; persons; philip de; princes; queen; realm; robert de; sir; sir john; son; subjects; time; town cache: 52889.txt plain text: 52889.txt item: #3 of 4 id: 52911 author: Monstrelet, Enguerrand de title: The Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet, Vol. 03 [of 13] Containing an account of the cruel civil wars between the houses of Orleans and Burgundy, of the possession of Paris and Normandy by the English, their expulsion thence, and of other memorable events that happened in the kingdom of France, as well as in other countries date: None words: 70770 flesch: 54 summary: Most dear and redoubted lord, I presume that it is in your good remembrance, that by your proclamation, issued by advice of my most redoubted lord the duke of Acquitaine, your son, and by my advice also, and by that of many lords of your blood, and of your grand council, and at the earnest and humble request of your daughter the university of Paris, and of the clergy of the said city, of the provost of merchants and the sheriffs, and in general of other good people of your said city, were notified certain ordinances, as well of your grand council aforesaid, as of many other great lords and counsellors, of myself, of the university aforesaid, and of the clergy of the aforesaid city of Paris, for the effecting of peace and union among the lords of your blood, as the only means for the reparation of the miseries the whole kingdom suffered under, which was in thorough desolation, and must have been destroyed if God had not inspired you with a desire of peace. When the last intelligence came, the duke of Acquitaine was dining with a canon in the cloisters of Nôtre Dame in Paris; and the moment it was known, the king of Sicily, the duke of Orleans, the counts de Vertus, de Richemont, d'Eu, d'Armagnac, with many other great lords, attended by a numerous body of men at arms, assembled in the cloisters, where the duke of Acquitaine mounted his horse. keywords: acquitaine; aforesaid; arms; army; berry; blood; bourbon; burgundy; chap; command; constable; contrary; council; count; day; duke; england; france; god; good; item; john; justice; king; kingdom; letters; lord; lord de; manner; master; men; officers; orders; orleans; paris; party; peace; persons; princes; queen; realm; sir; son; subjects; time; town cache: 52911.txt plain text: 52911.txt item: #4 of 4 id: 58083 author: Monstrelet, Enguerrand de title: The Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet, Vol. 07 [of 13] Containing an account of the cruel civil wars between the houses of Orleans and Burgundy, of the possession of Paris and Normandy by the English, their expulsion thence, and of other memorable events that happened in the kingdom of France, as well as in other countries date: None words: 75785 flesch: 68 summary: John V, count of Sancerre, son of John lord de Bueil, killed at Agincourt, and of Margaret countess of Sancerre. His brother John lord de l'Aigle was restored to Penthievre soon after, and died 1454. keywords: advanced; anthony de; arms; army; arras; bastard de; bishop; burgundy; calais; captains; castle; chap; charles; combatants; council; count de; country; day; days; de brimeu; de chargny; de croy; de france; de l'isle; de la; de lalain; de luxembourg; de saveuses; de st; duke; duke john; england; english; france; french; having; henry; john de; king; king charles; line; lord de; lords; louis de; men; near; page; party; place; pol; prisoners; siege; simon de; sir; sir john; time; town; war; year cache: 58083.txt plain text: 58083.txt