item: #1 of 15 id: 27112 author: White, Gleeson title: Children's Books and Their Illustrators date: None words: 29484 flesch: 67 summary: Miss Levetus has contributed many illustrations to books. With many illustrations. keywords: 12mo; 8vo; adults; adventures; alice; alphabet; amusing; art; arthur; artist; artistic; arts; author; average; babies; baby; banbury; beard; beauty; believe; bell; best; better; bewick; blackie; blocks; blue; books; boy; boys; british; brothers; browne; bullen; caldecott; cassell; century; certain; chap; charles; charming; chief; childhood; children; christmas; chronicle; class; classics; clock; cloth; co.; cole; collection; coloured; colours; comic; common; course; cover; crane; critic; cruikshank; crusoe; curious; cuts; darton; date; day; days; dean; decorative; delightful; dent; designs; devoted; doubt; draughtsman; drawings; dull; earlier; early; edition; effort; eighteenth; english; example; extra; fables; fact; fairy; fairyland; familiar; family; famous; fancy; far; farran; fashion; felix; field; figures; fine; folk; following; gardner; george; german; girls; golden; good; gordon; great; greenaway; griffith; grimm; half; hand; happy; harper; harris; henry; hero; high; history; home; hood; howard; hughes; humour; ideal; illustrated; illustration; illustrators; imagination; important; instance; interesting; invention; jack; john; johnson; juvenile; kate; kensington; kind; king; knowledge; known; land; large; later; lawrence; library; life; like; line; list; literature; little; london; long; longmans; love; macmillan; magazine; man; marked; mass; master; memory; mere; messrs; miss; modern; morgan; mother; movement; mrs; museum; music; national; need; new; newbery; nonsense; notable; notice; number; nursery; nutt; old; ones; original; page; paper; past; paul; people; period; peter; pictures; place; plates; pleasant; pleasure; poems; point; popular; possible; praise; present; pretty; price; princess; printing; publications; pyle; quality; quarto; queen; question; r.a; rare; readers; real; realistic; reproduced; rhymes; richard; robert; robinson; routledge; rule; said; school; series; set; shows; sir; small; smith; songs; sop; sort; south; space; special; spirit; stories; story; strahan; studio; style; subject; summerley; tales; taste; tenniel; text; theme; things; thomas; time; title; tom; toy; true; type; undine; verse; volumes; walter; warne; white; william; wonder; wood; words; work; world; worth; years; young cache: 27112.txt plain text: 27112.txt item: #2 of 15 id: 31195 author: Everitt, Graham title: English Caricaturists and Graphic Humourists of the Nineteenth Century. How they Illustrated and Interpreted their Times. date: None words: 160731 flesch: 64 summary: If so, we have only to say, that if painting subjects in oils or water colour from the thousand and one hints to be gathered from history, fiction, or every-day life, be a test of _genius_, the walls of every summer and winter exhibition--to say nothing of the Royal Academy--would be furnished annually with examples from end to end. The second class, strange to say, rested their hopes in this instance on the singularly slippery basis of _soap_. keywords: "--"the; 10th; 11th; 12th; 13th; 15th; 18th; 1st; 20th; 23rd; 24th; 29th; 6th; 7th; aberdeen; abilities; ability; absence; absolute; absurd; account; action; actor; actual; address; admirable; advantage; adventures; affair; affected; ainsworth; albert; alderman; alfred; alive; allusion; amateur; american; amused; amusing; angry; annual; answer; anxiety; apparent; appearance; appropriate; april; armed; arms; army; arrangement; arthur; article; artist; artistic; assistance; attack; attempt; attention; attitude; audience; august; austria; author; authority; bad; ball; bates; bath; battle; bear; bearing; beautiful; beauty; beckett; bedford; bell; beneath; benefit; bennett; bentley; berkeley; best; better; bill; black; board; body; bonaparte; boney; bonnet; book; boots; box; boy; boys; bridge; brief; brighton; brilliant; britannia; british; broken; brooks; brother; brougham; browne; brunswick; buckingham; bull; bunbury; burdett; business; buss; capable; capital; captain; career; caricature; caricaturists; caroline; cartoon; cases; castle; catholic; cause; celebrated; century; certain; chancellor; change; chapter; character; characteristic; charles; charlotte; chief; children; chinese; christmas; church; circumstances; city; claim; clarke; class; classes; clear; close; co.; coat; cocked; collected; colonel; coloured; comic; comical; coming; command; commencement; commission; committee; common; companion; company; complete; composition; concerned; conclusion; condition; conduct; connection; conscious; consequence; considerable; constitution; contemporaries; contemporary; contempt; content; contrary; contrast; contribution; conveyed; copper; corpulent; correct; costume; council; country; couple; course; court; covent; credit; critic; criticism; crown; crowquill; cruikshank; cumberland; curious; curtis; cut; dance; dancing; dandies; dandy; danger; dark; date; daughter; day; days; dead; dear; death; december; declaration; decree; dedicated; defeat; delighted; description; designer; designs; desire; dessert; destitute; details; determined; devil; devoted; diary; dickens; different; difficulty; dinner; direction; dirty; disposed; disposition; distance; distinguished; doctor; dog; dombey; door; doré; double; doubt; douglas; doyle; draughtsman; drawing; dream; dressed; drinking; drury; dublin; duel; duke; dutch; duty; eagle; earliest; early; earnest; eccentric; edition; editor; edmund; effect; efforts; egan; elba; election; eminent; emperor; enabled; engagement; england; english; engraver; engraving; enormous; entitled; equal; escape; established; establishment; etchings; europe; evans; evening; event; evidence; examples; excellent; exception; exchequer; excitement; execution; exercise; exhibition; existence; expected; expense; explanation; expression; extraordinary; eyes; face; fact; fair; faithful; fall; false; fame; familiar; family; famous; fancy; fashion; fatal; father; faults; favour; favourite; features; february; feeling; feet; fellow; female; field; figaro; figure; final; finding; fine; finish; finished; fire; flight; following; follows; foolish; foot; footnotes; force; foreign; fores; forgotten; forster; fortune; fourth; france; francis; frederick; free; french; friend; friendly; frightened; frontispiece; fun; furniture; future; gallery; garden; gas; general; genius; gentleman; george; george cruikshank; german; ghostly; gilbert; gillray; girl; glorious; god; golden; good; government; grand; graphic; grave; great; greater; greatest; green; greville; grey; gustave; habits; hablot; hair; half; hall; hand; handsome; happy; harrison; hat; hayne; head; heart; heavy; help; henry; heroes; highness; history; hitherto; hobby; hogarth; hold; home; honest; honour; hope; horror; horses; hour; house; huge; humorous; humour; humourists; humphrey; hunting; husband; idea; iii; illuminated; illustrated; illustration; illustrious; imagination; immediate; imperial; important; impressions; inclined; indignation; inferior; influence; information; ingoldsby; inquiry; instance; intention; interest; interesting; introduction; invasion; ireland; irish; isaac; issue; italy; jack; james; january; jerrold; jerry; jim; joanna; john; john bull; john leech; johnny; jones; joseph; journal; judge; judgment; july; june; justice; kean; kenny; kensington; kind; king; knight; knowledge; known; labour; ladies; lady; lane; language; large; law; laws; lay; leave; leech; left; legends; leigh; lemon; length; letterpress; letters; lever; lie; life; like; likeness; lion; list; literary; literature; little; living; lockhart; london; long; longer; look; looking; lord; lord john; lordship; loss; lost; louis; love; madame; magazine; majesty; majority; man; manchester; mania; manner; march; mark; marked; marquis; marriage; married; marshal; marvellous; mary; master; matters; mayhew; mayor; meadows; meaning; means; measure; medical; meeting; melancholy; members; memoirs; memorable; memory; men; mention; mere; merit; messrs; method; metropolis; middle; military; mill; mind; ministers; ministry; miscellaneous; miscellany; miserable; miss; mistake; mob; mode; modern; moment; month; monthly; moral; morning; mother; motion; motives; mrs; murder; music; musical; napoleon; national; natural; nature; naval; near; necessary; need; nervous; new; newspaper; nicholas; nickleby; nineteenth; noble; nonsense; nose; note; notice; notorious; novelist; novels; november; number; numerous; o'connell; object; occasion; october; officers; official; oil; old; oliver; opening; opinion; opportunity; order; organ; original; originality; pages; pains; painter; painting; pair; paper; paris; park; parliament; particular; parties; party; passing; past; patient; paul; pay; paying; peculiar; peel; peep; peers; penalties; pencil; people; percival; perfect; performance; period; periodical; permission; person; personage; personal; phiz; pickwick; pictorial; pictures; piece; place; plan; plates; play; pleasure; pocket; point; policy; political; poor; pope; popular; popularity; portrait; position; possession; possible; post; pot; pounds; power; powerful; practical; practice; prejudice; preposterous; presence; present; president; press; pretensions; pretty; previous; pride; prince; princess; principles; printed; private; proceedings; process; procession; produce; productions; professed; professional; progress; prominent; property; proprietors; protection; public; publication; publisher; punch; purpose; quaint; quarrel; quarter; queen; question; ranks; rare; reach; reader; reading; ready; real; reason; reference; reform; regard; regent; register; relation; relief; remains; remarkable; remarks; remember; reply; report; representation; reproduction; reputation; respect; respectable; rest; result; retired; retreat; return; review; revolution; richard; ridicule; right; rival; river; road; robert; robert cruikshank; robinson; rome; room; rose; round; rowlandson; royal; russell; russia; said; sailor; sale; satire; satirical; satirist; scarce; scene; school; scott; scourge; sea; search; second; secret; self; sense; september; series; service; set; severe; seymour; shadow; shakespeare; share; sheppard; shirley; shop; short; shows; silver; similar; simple; single; singular; sir; skeleton; sketches; small; smith; snuff; social; society; soldiers; song; sovereigns; space; spain; spanish; special; specimens; speech; spirit; spite; splendid; sporting; spy; staff; standing; star; state; statement; stone; stories; strange; street; strong; study; style; subject; subsequent; success; successful; sufficient; sun; sunday; superior; supply; support; surprise; surtees; sympathies; sympathy; system; table; tail; talent; tales; taste; tax; tea; tegg; tell; temperance; tendency; tenniel; tenth; terms; terrible; terror; text; thackeray; thanks; theatre; theatrical; thenceforth; theodore; things; think; thomas; thought; throne; time; titles; tom; town; trade; treaty; tremendous; trial; triumph; trollope; troops; true; truth; turn; twist; unable; unfortunate; united; universal; upper; upwards; usual; utter; vain; valuable; value; vast; verdict; vessels; victory; view; vigour; visit; vol; vols; volume; walk; walls; want; war; washington; water; way; weekly; wellington; westmacott; westminster; whig; whitbread; whitby; white; wife; wig; wild; william; window; wine; wish; witnesses; woman; wonderful; wood; woodcuts; woodward; words; work; world; worst; worthy; wounded; wretched; writer; writing; wrong; years; york; young; youth cache: 31195.txt plain text: 31195.txt item: #3 of 15 id: 32320 author: Blackburn, Henry title: The Art of Illustration 2nd ed. date: None words: 32327 flesch: 66 summary: It is only by means of wood engravings, and the cheaper and simpler forms of process illustration, that the public is appealed to pictorially through the press. Other papers largely used for illustration in the type press have a _white grain_, a good specimen of which is on page 123; and there are variations of these white-grained papers, of which what is known in France as _allongé_ paper is one of the best for rough sketches in books and newspapers. keywords: academy; aid; american; art; artist; artistic; arts; attention; author; bad; best; better; black; blackburn; blocks; book; book illustration; brush; care; century; chalk; chapter; character; charles; co.; colour; common; copper; course; daily; day; days; decorative; delicate; description; design; different; difficult; direction; draughtsman; drawing; editors; education; effect; end; england; english; engraver; engraving; example; excellent; experience; expression; fact; far; following; force; form; future; gelatine; general; genius; glass; good; grain; graphic; great; half; hand; henry; illustrated; illustration; illustrators; importance; individuality; information; ink; instance; intaglio; interesting; john; kind; knowledge; known; landscape; letters; life; light; like; line; line drawing; line work; little; london; magazine; majority; maker; making; man; manner; marks; matter; means; mechanical; messrs; method; mind; modern; nature; necessary; newspaper; notes; number; old; ordinary; original; outline; page; painter; paper; paris; past; pen; pencil; photo; photograph; pictorial; picture; plate; point; possibilities; possible; practical; present; press; printing; process; processes; public; publishers; pure; purposes; question; r.a; rapid; reader; reason; reduction; relief; reproduction; results; royal; schools; sense; simile; sir; size; sketch; sketches; skilful; society; speed; street; students; study; style; subject; suitable; surface; system; text; things; thought; time; tone; touch; treatment; true; type; understood; use; value; vierge; view; want; wash; way; white; wood; wood engraving; words; work; world; worth; years; young; zinc; zinc process cache: 32320.txt plain text: 32320.txt item: #4 of 15 id: 33682 author: Paston, George title: Old Coloured Books date: None words: 10565 flesch: 68 summary: It would be impossible here to give a complete list of his productions, but mention may be made of his illustrations to _Peter Schlemihl, the Man without a Shadow_, and to Grimm's _Popular Stories_ (1824), which were so much admired by Ruskin; of his Illustrations of _Phrenology_ (1826), which marks his first appearance as an independent author; the famous _Mornings at Bow Street_ (1815); the _Comic Almanac_, which began in 1835; the series of etchings for the _Sketches by Boz_ (1836), and those for _Oliver Twist_ in _Bentley's Miscellany_ (1839), which led to his claim that he had originated the story--a claim that naturally put an end to his connection with Dickens. Onwhyn, who was the son of a bookseller, seemed determined to make a _specialité_ of Dickens' illustrations, for in 1838 he issued through Grattan no less than forty designs for _Nicholas Nickleby_, signed Peter Palette; while in 1848 he executed a second set of _Pickwick_ plates, which, in consequence of the republication of the earlier set, were not brought out till 1894, eight years after the artist's death. keywords: academy; ackermann; adventures; age; alken; apperley; artist; arts; author; best; book; bunbury; buss; career; carey; century; certain; charles; coloured; coloured plates; combe; connection; corinthian; cruikshank; dance; day; death; designs; dickens; doctor; drawing; early; edition; editor; egan; end; england; english; esq; etchings; famous; fine; french; friend; gentlemen; george; good; great; hall; henry; house; humorous; hunting; idea; illustrated; illustrations; jerry; john; jorrocks; lane; large; later; leech; life; literary; little; london; long; magazine; national; net; new; number; numerous; old; original; page; paper; pickwick; pierce; plates; popular; prints; public; publisher; quæ; real; robert; rowlandson; satire; scenes; search; second; series; set; seymour; sketches; sporting; sports; subject; success; surtees; syntax; talent; text; thomas; time; title; tom; tour; trade; volume; westmacott; wife; william; woodcuts; work; years; young cache: 33682.txt plain text: 33682.txt item: #5 of 15 id: 34869 author: Hill, Thomas George title: The Essentials of Illustration A Practical Guide to the Reproduction of Drawings & Photographs for the Use of Scientists & Others date: None words: 21693 flesch: 66 summary: Photogravure plates must be hand printed (photogravure printing on rotary machines is not considered here), and skill is required; for ordinary printing on good plate paper the price would be 10s. As already remarked, the majority of the earlier wood cuts and engravings are reproductions of line drawings, so that although we may admire and often marvel at the technical ability of the engraver, the credit for what artistic merit such illustrations may possess must, in the majority of cases, go to the draughtsman. keywords: acid; action; andré; anglo; annals; areas; artists; author; best; better; bichromate; block; blue; botany; case; certain; collotype; colour; copper; cost; course; craftsman; crayon; cut; dark; detail; different; dots; draughtsman; drawing; dry; earlier; engraver; engraving; etching; examples; excellent; fact; fig; figs; figures; film; fine; finished; following; footnote; form; gelatine; general; good; great; ground; gum; half; hand; handbook; hatton; high; illustration; important; impression; ink; instance; intaglio; knowledge; large; light; line; line block; lithographic; little; london; ltd; majority; making; map; matter; means; mechanical; messrs; metal; method; miss; mixture; necessary; negative; new; nitric; number; obvious; oliver; order; ordinary; original; outline; paper; parts; pencil; photograph; photogravure; picture; piece; pigment; plant; plate; point; positive; possible; present; press; printing; process; processes; proper; purpose; quality; reduction; regard; relief; reproduction; resin; results; scale; scientific; screen; shading; sheet; shewn; simple; size; skill; sleigh; smooth; solution; space; steel; subject; suitable; surface; text; thickness; time; tone; transfer; use; vol; water; way; ways; white; wood; work; zinc cache: 34869.txt plain text: 34869.txt item: #6 of 15 id: 35494 author: Pollard, Alfred W. (Alfred William) title: Fine Books date: None words: 118247 flesch: 62 summary: A much better book than either of these last is the edition in French and Latin of Ovid's _Metamorphoses_ in four quarto volumes (1767-71); with plates after Boucher, Eisen, Gravelot, and Moreau, and headpieces by Choffard at the beginning of each book. Breidenbach_ printers seem to have held aloof altogether from copperplates. keywords: 1475; 1481; 1491; 176; 4to; abbot; absence; account; adam; addition; admirable; advance; aesop; albans; albrecht; aldus; alexander; ambitious; america; amsterdam; andrea; angels; anno; anonymous; antiquarian; antoine; anton; antwerp; apocalypse; appearance; april; archbishop; architectural; arms; arrangement; art; artist; artistic; associations; attempt; attention; augsburg; august; augustine; author; average; bad; bamberg; barclay; bartolommeo; basel; baskerville; beautiful; beauty; beginning; belial; bernard; berthelet; best; best books; better; bible; biblia; bibliographers; bibliographical; bibliography; bibliothèque; bien; binding; blank; blessed; block; boccaccio; bodleian; bodoni; body; bonaventura; book trade; books; bookseller; bookwork; borders; boston; bradford; brant; breidenbach; british; brother; bruges; bry; burgkmair; business; busy; bämler; calendar; cambridge; canon; canterbury; capitals; cardinal; career; case; catalogue; catholic; caxton; centre; centuries; century; century books; century cuts; certain; chapter; character; charles; charm; charming; chaucer; chief; children; chiswick; christ; christian; christopher; chronicle; church; cicero; cities; city; civil; claim; classics; clear; close; colines; collection; collectors; college; cologne; colophon; colour; column; colvin; commentary; common; company; competition; complete; concerned; connected; conrad; considerable; contemporary; content; copies; copper; copy; coster; costeriana; countries; country; course; craftsman; craftsmanship; credit; cross; crucifixion; curious; curiously; cuts; cutter; cutting; d'essling; dance; daniel; das; date; daughter; david; day; days; de la; deal; death; decade; december; decorative; degree; dei; del; delightful; denis; des; description; designer; designs; desire; development; device; devoted; die; differences; different; different books; difficult; dignity; dio; direction; distinguished; doctrinale; documents; donatus; double; doubt; dozen; drawings; dublin; duchess; duff; dull; dutch; dürer; earlier; earliest; earliest books; early; early books; early editions; early printer; early printing; easy; edinburgh; edition; edward; effect; eighteenth; eisen; elaborate; elder; elizabeth; emblems; emperor; end; england; english books; english printing; engraved; engravers; engravings; erasmus; erhard; estienne; europe; evidence; evident; example; excellent; exception; execution; existence; experiments; explanation; extant; eyes; fables; face; facsimiles; fact; fair; faith; family; famous; fasciculus; fashion; father; favour; february; ferrara; fewer; field; fifteenth; fifteenth century; figures; fine; fine books; fine printing; finest; firm; florence; florentine; folio; following; footnotes; foreign; foreign books; form; fount; fourth; fragments; france; francesco; francis; franciscus; frankfort; françois; free; french; french books; friend; froben; frontispiece; funeral; furioso; fust; general; generation; geneva; george; gerard; german; german book; giovanni; giunta; glover; god; golden; good; good work; gordon; gothic; gouda; graceful; grafton; gravelot; great; greater; greek; grolier; ground; group; grüninger; guillaume; gutenberg; günther; haarlem; half; hand; handsome; hans; harvard; haue; head; headings; heavy; heinrich; help; henry; hessels; hieronymus; high; historical; histories; history; hoernen; holbein; holland; holy; home; honour; hope; horae; hours; house; humanae; hypnerotomachia; idea; ideals; illuminated; illustrated books; illustrated editions; illustrated work; illustrations; illustrator; imitation; important; important books; imprint; inches; incunabula; index; individual; influence; information; initials; ink; instance; interest; interesting; interesting books; introduction; invention; inventor; ipswich; ireland; irish; issues; italian; italics; italy; item; jacobus; january; jean; jenson; jerome; johann; johannes; john; joseph; judgment; july; june; junius; kind; king; knowledge; known; koberger; kunst; l'amateur; l'imprimerie; lack; lady; large; large books; large cuts; later; later books; latin; law; law books; leaf; learning; leaves; leeu; left; legend; leipzig; les; letterpress; letters; lettou; libraries; library; life; like; likely; line; list; literary; literature; little; little cuts; liturgical; livres; london; london printer; long; longer; look; lord; louvain; lovers; lower; lydgate; lyon; lyonnese; machlinia; magnificent; mainz; making; malermi; manner; mansion; manuscript; maps; march; marcus; margaret; margins; market; marks; marshall; martin; martyrs; mary; mass; master; maximilian; means; medieval; meditatione; men; mention; merit; metal; method; michael; middle; milan; miller; minor; miscellaneous; missals; model; modern; monastery; money; monte; moreau; moriendi; morris; movable; museum; names; naples; nationale; native; natural; near; neat; need; netherlands; new; new edition; nicolaus; noble; notable; notary; note; november; number; numerous; nuremberg; octavos; october; office; old; old books; ones; opera; opposite; ordinary; original; orlando; ornamental; outline; output; outside; ovid; oxford; page; pannartz; paper; paragraph; paris; parker; particular; partnership; passion; patron; paul; pauperum; pen; period; personal; peter; petrarch; pfister; philadelphia; pictorial; pictures; pieces; pierre; pigouchet; pine; place; plantin; plates; plays; pleasing; pleasure; poems; point; polyglott; poor; pope; popular; popular books; portrait; possession; possible; praise; prayer; prayer book; present; press; press books; presses; presswork; pretty; previous; primitive; prince; printed; printed books; printers; printing; prints; private; probable; process; proclamations; proctor; produce; production; progress; prolific; proof; proportion; proprietatibus; protestant; provincial; pré; psalms; psalter; publication; publisher; publishing; pynson; quarto; queen; quire; rare; rarity; ratdolt; reader; real; reason; recuyell; red; reference; religious; representing; reprint; reputation; rerum; result; return; richard; right; rival; robert; roman; romance; rome; rose; rouen; royal; rude; rule; rylands; said; saint; saluationis; samuel; sancti; sarum; save; savonarola; scale; scenes; schoeffer; scholar; scholarly; scholarship; school; schreiber; schäufelein; scotland; scottish; second; second edition; secret; section; secular; self; separate; september; series; sermon; service; set; sets; seventeenth; shakespeare; sheets; shepherds; short; sides; sidney; similar; simon; simple; single; sir; sixteenth; size; siècle; skill; skilled; small; small books; smaller; society; son; sons; sorbonne; spaces; spain; spanish; special; specimens; speculum; spirit; springinklee; standard; standing; start; state; statement; stationers; stephen; stiff; stock; strassburg; striking; students; study; style; subjects; subsequent; success; successful; successive; sufficient; sur; sweynheym; tailpieces; taste; technical; temple; temporum; terence; testament; text; theory; thin; things; thomas; time; title; titlepage; total; touch; towns; tracts; trade; translation; treatise; trechsel; tree; treviso; trouble; troye; true; type; typographical; typography; tzo; ulm; ulrich; undated; university; upper; use; usual; utrecht; value; van; variety; varying; veldener; vellum; venetian; venice; ventures; vernacular; verse; version; view; vignettes; viii; virgin; virginis; vitae; vols; volume; von; voyages; vérard; way; weiditz; westminster; white; william; wittenberg; wolfe; woodcuts; worde; work; working; world; worthy; writer; writing; wynkyn; würzburg; years; york; younger; zainer; zell cache: 35494.txt plain text: 35494.txt item: #7 of 15 id: 36417 author: Jackson, Mason title: The Pictorial Press: Its Origin and Progress date: None words: 94988 flesch: 63 summary: doth not, like that of _Free Masonry_, exclude the Female World; for tho' all Jacobites are not, as some wicked Whigs have represented us, _old women_, yet women we have in great Numbers among us, who are as learned in the knowledge of our Mysteries, and as active in the celebration of our Rites, as any of the Male Species; and many of these are so far from deserving the name of _old_, that their age scarce yet entitles them to the name of _women_.' While the _Penny Magazine_ was yet in vigorous life, and the _Illustrated London News_ was as yet unborn, there used to be a weekly gathering of authors, actors, and artists, at a tavern in Wych Street, Strand, where the late Mr. Mark Lemon presided as the genial host. keywords: -the; 5th; accident; account; action; active; admiral; advanced; affairs; air; america; animal; apparition; appearance; april; archbishop; armed; armies; arms; army; artist; artistic; ass; attack; attempt; attention; august; author; barn; battle; bed; beginning; bell; best; better; bewick; bishops; block; bloody; board; boat; body; book; box; boy; brandon; bridge; british; broadsides; broken; brother; buckingham; burning; business; canterbury; captain; career; caricature; carpenter; carriage; case; castle; cato; cavaliers; cave; century; certain; chapter; character; charge; charing; charles; cheapside; chief; children; christmas; chronicle; church; circumstances; city; civicus; civil; clement; close; coach; coast; cocking; colchester; cold; coming; command; commons; company; condition; conductors; connexion; conspiracy; conspirators; contemporary; continued; conversation; copperplate; copy; corner; coronation; correct; correspondents; cottage; countries; country; courage; course; court; courtney; covered; crime; criminal; cromwell; cross; crown; curiosity; curious; current; cuts; daily; danger; dangerous; date; day; days; dead; deal; death; december; description; design; devil; dialogue; different; difficulties; digby; director; distance; divers; doe; dog; door; doth; double; doubt; downe; drake; drawing; dreadful; duke; dutch; duty; earliest; early; earth; eclipse; editor; edward; effect; elizabeth; emperor; end; enemies; enemy; england; english; englishman; engraved; engravers; engraving; enterprise; escape; essex; establishment; evening; events; evidence; exact; example; excited; excitement; execution; exhibition; existence; expedition; experience; extended; extraordinary; eye; eyes; face; facsimile; fact; fair; fairfax; faithful; fall; false; fatal; father; favour; favourite; fear; february; feeling; feet; fellow; field; figure; finished; fire; flag; floods; flying; following; foot; forces; form; fort; fourth; france; francis; french; frequent; friend; funeral; future; general; gentleman; george; german; gig; gilbert; gill; girl; god; good; government; grace; grand; great; greenacre; guilty; guns; gustavus; half; hall; hand; happy; harbour; hard; harvey; hath; head; heading; heart; heavy; henry; high; hill; himselfe; history; hold; holland; hollow; home; honour; honourable; horses; hour; house; hugh; hunt; idea; iii; illustrated; illustrated journalism; illustrated london; illustrated news; illustrated newspaper; illustrated pamphlet; illustration; important; increase; influence; information; ingram; inhabitants; instant; intelligence; intended; interest; interesting; interior; ireland; island; isle; jacobite; james; january; java; john; journal; journalism; journey; july; june; kenelme; kind; king; kingdom; knife; knowledge; known; ladies; lady; lane; language; large; late; laud; leave; lech; left; length; letters; life; like; lines; list; literary; literature; little; london; london news; long; looking; lord; loss; lucas; machine; magazine; magistrates; majesties; majesty; making; man; manner; march; market; mary; master; mayor; means; men; mercurius; mercy; method; miles; mind; minutes; miraculous; modern; moment; monday; money; monsieur; monster; months; morning; murder; mysterious; napoleon; narrative; native; nature; necessary; neere; neighbourhood; newcastle; news; newspaper; night; noise; non; north; notice; nottingham; november; number; numerous; observer; occasion; occurs; october; office; officers; old; opening; opinion; opportunity; opposite; order; original; owen; oxford; page; pamphlet; paper; papists; parachute; paris; parliament; party; passage; passing; past; pencil; penny; people; perfect; period; persons; pictorial; picture; pieces; place; plague; plan; play; poet; point; police; political; poor; pope; popular; porto; portrait; possession; possible; post; practice; prepared; present; press; priest; prince; principal; printer; printing; prisoners; probert; proceedings; prodigious; production; progress; prominent; protestant; public; publication; publishing; punch; purpose; queen; question; railway; rapid; reader; ready; real; rear; reason; rebellion; rebels; recent; red; reference; regicides; regular; reign; relation; religion; remarkable; report; representation; respect; rev; richard; riding; river; rome; room; rough; round; royal; rude; run; runs; rupert; said; sale; satire; satirical; saturday; scene; scotland; scottish; sea; second; series; service; set; setting; seventeenth; severall; sheets; ship; shore; shot; shows; siege; similar; simpson; sir; sketch; sketches; small; souldiers; south; spain; special; specimen; spectators; spirit; spot; spy; stable; standard; star; state; steam; storre; strafford; strand; strange; street; strong; subject; success; successful; sufficient; sun; sunday; supply; sure; swedish; sword; taste; terrible; thames; things; thomas; thought; thunder; thursday; thurtell; time; title; tower; town; tract; trial; true; truth; united; universal; useful; van; verse; victoria; victory; view; visit; volume; wales; war; water; way; weare; weekly; welsh; westminster; whereof; white; wide; wife; wild; william; wind; windsor; witch; woman; wonderful; woodcut; words; work; world; worthy; writer; yard; years; york; young cache: 36417.txt plain text: 36417.txt item: #8 of 15 id: 36751 author: Kirkbride, Joseph title: Engraving for Illustration: Historical and Practical Notes date: None words: 14168 flesch: 55 summary: It was to some extent a purely commercial enterprise, the success of which was assured by an ever increasing interest in pictorial art. His drawing is not intended as a permanent form of pictorial art, but as a suggestive sketch, which, while perfectly intelligible to the engraver, will be free from such intricacies in its composition as might interfere with its effective interpretation. keywords: ancient; art; artistic; artists; arts; attention; best; bewick; block; books; career; century; certain; chapter; character; colour; combination; commercial; composition; considerable; country; course; degree; description; design; development; direct; discovery; distinct; drawings; durer; dutch; early; effective; effects; end; england; english; engraver; engraving; enthusiasm; etching; execution; expression; extent; eye; fact; famous; fig; fine; finiguerra; form; french; german; gradations; grain; graphic; great; half; high; historical; history; hogarth; human; idea; illustration; importance; impressions; influence; ink; interest; interesting; interpretation; introduction; invention; italian; knowledge; later; life; light; like; lines; london; long; matter; means; mechanical; merits; metal; metal engraving; method; mezzotint; mezzotint engraving; modern; new; old; outline; peculiar; period; perspective; photo; pictorial; pictorial art; pictures; place; plates; power; principle; printing; prints; process; process engraving; productions; progress; progressive; purpose; pye; qualities; records; remarkable; rembrandt; representation; reproduction; result; shade; skilful; skill; strange; style; success; suggestive; texture; thomas; time; tone; translation; true; turner; value; wood; wood engraving; work; years cache: 36751.txt plain text: 36751.txt item: #9 of 15 id: 38164 author: Sketchley, R. E. D. (Rose Esther Dorothea) title: English Book-Illustration of To-day Appreciations of the Work of Living English Illustrators, with Lists of Their Books date: None words: 45773 flesch: 81 summary: _ 8º. (Dent, 1899.) (See _C. H. Robinson_.) _H. J. Ford_ 113 Fairy Tales by Q. _H. R. Millar_ 115 INTRODUCTION. keywords: 4º.; 8º.; abbey; action; actual; adventure; agnew; alfred; alice; allen; ancient; andersen; andrew; animals; anning; appreciation; arabian; architectural; art; arthur; artist; austin; author; baby; ballad; banbury; barrett; beautiful; beauty; bell; bernard; best; better; birds; birmingham; black; blackie; bliss; book; border; boyd; boys; bradbury; bradley; british; brock; browne; bullen; byways; caldecott; canon; captain; cassell; castle; cathedral; century; chapman; character; charles; charm; chatto; children; city; classics; colours; common; conception; constable; country; crane; cross; david; day; days; dean; death; decorations; decorative; definite; delightful; dent; designs; dickens; different; dobson; douglas; dramatic; draughtsman; drawings; dream; duncan; e. f.; early; earth; east; edition; effect; effective; elder; elizabeth; elkin; england; english; engravings; essays; etchings; expression; f. 8º.; f. anstey; f. c.; f. d.; f. g.; f. h.; f. hodgetts; f. inigo; f. m.; f. p.; f. s.; f. w.; fact; fairy; fancy; far; fiction; field; fifteenth; figures; fine; fisher; florentine; flowers; fol; folk; following; force; ford; forest; form; formal; france; frank; frontispiece; furniss; g. p.; garden; gardner; gaskin; george; good; gordon; graceful; grant; great; green; grimm; h. p.; hall; hans; harper; harry; helen; heliogravure; henry; herbert; highways; history; hodder; home; hope; house; housman; hugh; humour; ideal; illust; illustrated; illustrations; illustrative; imagination; impossible; individual; individuality; influence; initials; intellectual; interest; interesting; introduction; invention; inventive; isbister; italian; j. f.; jack; james; jane; john; johnson; joseph; kate; kegan; kind; king; knowledge; known; lady; landscape; lane; lang; large; later; laurence; leave; library; life; like; limits; line; literature; little; london; longmans; lord; love; macmillan; magazine; manner; marryat; mary; master; mathews; memory; men; messrs; methuen; millais; milton; mind; miss; modern; molesworth; mood; moore; morris; movement; mrs; natural; new; nights; nimmo; north; notes; novels; nursery; nutt; obl; observation; old; open; opportunity; original; pages; parsons; paton; paul; pegram; pennell; people; photogravure; pictorial; pictures; picturesque; pilgrim; place; plain; plates; play; pleasant; poems; point; popular; portrait; power; present; process; punch; purpose; qualities; quality; quiet; rackham; railton; readers; reality; realization; realized; recent; record; reid; rendering; result; rev; richards; ricketts; river; road; robert; robinson; romance; rossetti; routledge; royal; sands; scheme; school; scott; seeley; selborne; sense; series; service; shakespeare; shannon; shepperson; shows; simple; sir; sketches; sky; small; smith; society; songs; spenser; spirit; standard; stevenson; stories; story; strang; strength; study; style; subject; successful; suggested; sullivan; sumner; tales; technique; temple; tennyson; text; things; thomas; thomson; thought; time; tom; townsend; tradition; true; type; understanding; undine; unwin; vale; verses; version; village; vision; vols; volumes; walter; ward; way; wells; white; whymper; william; windus; women; wood; woodcuts; words; work; world; years; young cache: 38164.txt plain text: 38164.txt item: #10 of 15 id: 40250 author: Crane, Walter title: Of the Decorative Illustration of Books Old and New 3rd ed. date: None words: 33929 flesch: 66 summary: The introduction of the use of the copper-plate marks a new era in book illustration, but as regards their decoration, one of distinct decline. Able painter and designer as he was in his own way, the interest of his work is entirely on that side, and is rather valuable as illustrating the life and manners of his time than as furnishing examples of book illustration, and his work certainly has no decorative aim, although no doubt quite harmonious in an eighteenth century room. keywords: advantage; ages; aim; albrecht; allen; american; ancient; art; arthur; artistic; artists; associated; augsburg; basel; beardsley; beautiful; beauty; bell; best; bible; black; blake; bold; book; book illustration; book page; borders; bradley; british; burgmair; calligrapher; calvert; case; centuries; century; certain; chapter; character; characteristic; charles; charming; children; classical; co.; colour; coloured; complete; conditions; copper; course; craft; crane; dante; days; death; decorative; decorator; delicate; dent; designers; designing; designs; detail; development; devices; different; discovery; distinct; distinguished; double; doubt; dramatic; drawing; dürer; earlier; early; edition; edward; effect; emblems; end; england; english; engraving; evergreen; evolution; examples; fact; faerie; fancy; feeling; field; fifteenth; figures; fine; floral; florence; force; form; french; garden; general; george; german; gold; good; gothic; graphic; great; greatest; hand; hans; harmony; henry; history; holbein; hours; house; human; idea; illuminated; illustrated; illustration; illustrators; imaginative; important; inclosed; influence; initial; instance; interesting; invention; inventive; italian; italy; japanese; john; kelmscott; kind; known; large; later; leaves; lettering; letters; life; light; like; line; little; long; macmillan; magazine; mainz; margin; mary; mass; mediæval; method; middle; miniatures; miss; modern; morris; movement; mss; museum; natural; nature; new; nuremberg; nursery; old; open; original; ornamental; outline; page; painter; panels; paper; paris; particular; paul; pen; period; pictorial; picture; plan; plate; poems; poetic; point; power; press; principles; printers; printing; psalter; pure; purpose; quaint; quality; recent; relation; remarkable; renaissance; revival; richness; ricketts; robert; roman; romance; rossetti; school; scribe; sense; series; shows; sidenote; simple; sixteenth; skill; small; space; spirit; square; stories; strong; study; style; subject; taste; tendency; text; things; thomas; thought; time; title; traditions; treatment; type; ulm; use; value; variety; venice; view; vigorous; vigour; walter; way; week; white; william; wood; woodcut; words; work; world; writing; xvth; xvth century; years cache: 40250.txt plain text: 40250.txt item: #11 of 15 id: 40322 author: Pennell, Joseph title: Modern Illustration date: None words: 35179 flesch: 68 summary: ] With the introduction of steel and copper-plate engraving and etching, the paintings and sculptures of great artists were not infrequently used as the subjects of book illustrations, but they were seldom made expressly for the books they illustrate. Langton, first use of photography for book illustration, 34. keywords: alfred; american; arabian; artistic; artists; arts; attempt; author; bad; ballads; beautiful; beginning; bell; best; better; bewick; birket; blas; block; bohn; books; boyd; british; business; caricature; cassell; catalogue; century; certain; chalk; change; chapter; charles; chronicle; clever; co.; colour; comic; cornhill; countries; country; cruikshank; daily; dalziel; day; days; decorative; dellagana; designs; difficult; dobson; doré; doubt; draughtsman; drawing; dürer; early; edition; editors; edmund; england; english; engravers; engraving; equal; etching; evans; example; excellent; facsimile; fact; fine; form; foster; france; frederick; french; gallery; gavarni; general; george; germany; gilbert; good; good work; goya; graphic; great; greater; greatest; half; hall; hand; harper; harrison; harvey; head; hentschel; history; houghton; illustrated; illustration; illustrators; illustré; important; influence; ink; interesting; introduction; john; jones; keene; kensington; known; large; later; legendary; life; like; line; lithography; little; london; long; magazine; making; man; marvellous; matter; maurier; means; mechanical; meissonier; men; mention; menzel; messrs; metal; methods; millais; modern; modern illustration; moment; museum; national; new; nights; north; notable; number; old; original; original drawing; page; painters; paper; parables; paris; parsons; paul; pen; pen drawing; pencil; people; period; photography; pictures; pinwell; plate; poems; point; possession; possible; present; press; printing; process; process block; publishers; read; reason; reproduction; reputation; results; rogers; rossetti; routledge; sandys; school; scribner; series; sir; small; society; sort; south; spain; steel; stothard; study; style; subject; success; successful; things; thomas; time; tone; true; unsigned; vierge; volume; walker; wash; way; ways; week; weir; whistler; white; william; wilson; wood; words; work; world; xvi; xxiv; years; york cache: 40322.txt plain text: 40322.txt item: #12 of 15 id: 43232 author: Ridgway, John L. title: The Preparation of Illustrations for Reports of the United States Geological Survey With Brief Descriptions of Processes of Reproduction date: None words: 40760 flesch: 68 summary: As photolithography is a direct process and is relatively cheap it is the one most used for reproducing large maps and other line drawings that have been carefully prepared. All these maps can be used as bases for detailed geologic maps, for compiling maps on smaller scales, and for revising other maps. keywords: = =; acid; appropriate; approval; areas; arrangement; author; available; bar; base; base maps; bearing; beds; best; black; blue; board; branch; brush; capitals; care; case; celluloid; certain; changes; character; chief; coated; color; colored; complete; contact; contours; copper; copy; correct; corrections; cost; crayon; cross; cut; cuts; data; degree; depth; design; details; diagrams; different; direct; direction; director; distance; divisions; dots; drafting; draftsman; drainage; drawing; dry; effect; engraver; engraving; essential; etching; example; expensive; explanation; features; figure; fine; finished; flat; folios; following; foot; footnote; form; formation; fossils; gelatin; general; geographic; geologic; geologic maps; glass; good; gray; great; greater; greek; ground; group; half; hand; hard; high; igneous; illustrations; illustrations plate; inches; ink; kinds; lampblack; land; large; latitude; left; length; lettering; letters; light; lighter; likely; lines; list; lithographic; long; lower; making; maps; marked; marks; material; matter; metal; method; miles; names; necessary; need; negative; new; north; number; oil; orange; order; ordinary; original; outlines; page; paper; parallel; parts; patterns; pen; pencil; photogelatin; photographs; photolithography; picture; plans; plate; plate showing; point; position; possible; preliminary; preparation; prepared; press; printing; prints; process; processes; projection; proofs; proper; publication; purpose; quality; ready; reduction; relations; relief; report; reproduction; requirements; results; retouching; rocks; roman; rough; rubber; ruling; satisfactory; scale; schist; screen; sections; separate; series; set; shade; shading; sheet; short; showing; simple; single; size; sketch; sketches; small; smaller; solution; space; special; specimens; spring; square; standard; states; steel; stipple; stone; streams; structure; subject; sufficient; suitable; surface; survey; symbols; system; table; text; time; tint; title; tones; topographic; tracing; transparent; twice; type; united; upper; use; useful; vertical; view; vii; water; wax; way; wells; white; width; wood; work; yellow; zinc; | | cache: 43232.txt plain text: 43232.txt item: #13 of 15 id: 43557 author: Hinton, A. Horsley (Alfred Horsley) title: A Handbook of Illustration date: None words: 28702 flesch: 60 summary: Nor does it appear that the gigantic dimensions, and high state of perfection, which Process illustration has reached, in any way represents the limit of its possibilities in either respect. While many methods of illustration _may_ be learned and practised in a mechanical manner, the course is beset with difficulties and pitfalls, and, to the artistically unlearned, the alternative dangers of gross error and sheer imitation are ever present. keywords: 13th; accompanying; acid; actual; albumen; american; appearance; application; artist; artistic; attention; author; beginner; best; better; bitumen; black; blocks; blue; boards; book; box; brush; camera; card; care; case; certain; chapter; character; chinese; clay; clear; co.; colour; copy; course; crayon; cut; dark; day; deal; decorative; degree; delicate; description; desirable; different; difficulties; distinct; dots; draughtsman; drawing; dry; east; effect; end; engraver; essential; etching; examples; extent; film; fine; fixed; fixing; flat; following; form; gelatine; general; gennert; glass; good; grain; great; greater; grey; half; hand; hard; high; idea; illustrated; illustration; image; impression; inch; inches; indelible; indian; ink; inks; kind; knowledge; labour; left; letterpress; life; light; like; limited; lines; little; london; long; making; manner; marks; materials; matter; means; mechanical; medium; methods; nature; necessary; need; negative; new; newspaper; objects; oil; order; ordinary; original; outline; page; paper; particular; parts; pen; pen drawing; pencil; pens; perfect; photogram; photographic; pictorial; picture; piece; plain; plate; pointed; portions; position; possible; practice; preparation; present; price; print; printing; process; processes; purpose; rapid; reader; reason; reduction; relief; reproduces; reproduction; requirements; results; rough; scrape; scraping; screen; shade; shading; similar; simple; size; sketch; sketches; skill; small; smooth; solution; special; street; strokes; strong; student; style; subject; suitable; surface; swelled; taste; things; time; tint; tone; tone process; transfer; type; use; wash; water; way; white; wood; words; work; york; zinc cache: 43557.txt plain text: 43557.txt item: #14 of 15 id: 44890 author: Bouchot, Henri title: The Printed Book: Its History, Illustration and Adornment From the Days of Gutenberg to the Present Time date: None words: 64881 flesch: 63 summary: El Monte Santo di Dio_, first book with engraved plates, 52. Loslein, Peter, printer at Venice, 35. Louis XII., ordinance on printing, 108; bindings for, 256, 264; royal library, 291. Louis XIV., bindings for, 281; regulations for bookbinders, Monteregio, _Calendario_, first book with title-page, 50. Montmorency, Anne de, bindings for, 272. Moreau the younger, engraver, 200. Moretus, printer of Antwerp, 141. keywords: account; admirable; albert; aldus; amateurs; ancient; andrew; antoine; antwerp; arms; arnold; art; artisans; artistic; artists; arts; author; bad; badius; basle; beautiful; beginning; bernard; best; better; bewick; bible; bibliothèque; binders; bindings; block; blow; body; bold; book; book illustration; bookbinder; booksellers; borders; bosse; broken; brothers; burin; business; callot; cardinal; care; case; cast; catholicon; caxton; celebrated; centuries; century; certain; chapter; characters; charles; charming; choffard; christopher; city; claude; clear; clever; cochin; collection; cologne; come; commencement; commerce; common; company; compartments; complete; composition; contemporaries; contes; contrary; copies; copper; copy; cornelis; cost; coster; countries; country; course; court; cousin; cramoisy; cross; curious; cut; cutting; dance; date; daughter; david; day; days; de la; de paris; death; decoration; delicate; designer; designs; detail; devoted; didot; different; difficulties; discovery; donatus; doubtless; dürer; early; edition; eighteenth; eighteenth century; eisen; elegance; elzevirs; emblems; end; england; english; engraver; engraving; enormous; entire; epoch; establishment; estienne; etching; europe; example; experiments; extraordinary; fact; family; famous; fashion; father; faults; fichet; fifteenth; fig; figures; fine; flemish; folio; following; fontaine; fontainebleau; form; fortune; founder; france; francis; françois; french; frontispieces; fust; gascon; gaultier; general; genius; geoffroy; gering; german; gillot; glory; golden; good; gothic; grace; graceful; grand; great; greater; greek; grolier; gutenberg; half; hand; hans; hard; head; heavy; heinlein; henri; heures; histoire; history; holbein; holland; honour; hotel; hours; house; idea; illustrated; illustration; illustrators; illustrious; importance; impression; influence; ink; interesting; invention; inventor; italian; italy; jean; jenson; john; kerver; kind; king; koburger; language; large; later; latin; laurent; law; learned; leaves; leclerc; left; legend; leonard; letters; libraries; library; life; light; lines; literary; literature; little; living; livres; long; longer; lord; lorraine; louis; lyons; madame; making; manner; manufacture; manuscripts; manutius; mark; marvellous; master; matrix; mayence; mazarin; means; medicis; mediocre; men; mention; metal; michael; middle; midst; money; moreau; movable; movement; multiplied; names; national; near; necessary; new; nicholas; nineteenth; number; numerous; nuremberg; occasion; octavo; office; old; open; order; ordinary; original; ornamented; page; painter; paper; paris; passion; people; perfection; peter; petit; philip; pierre; pigouchet; pious; place; plantin; plates; poet; point; polyglot; popular; portrait; possible; powerful; practical; prepared; present; press; presses; prince; principal; printed; printers; printing; private; process; processes; production; progress; proof; public; publications; publishers; publishing; punch; pupil; pynson; quarto; queen; regency; reign; relief; religious; resources; return; revolution; richard; richelieu; rival; robert; roman; rome; room; royal; said; sale; schoeffer; school; science; sebastian; second; sense; separate; series; set; seventeenth; seventeenth century; sheets; shops; sides; simon; simple; single; singular; sixteenth; size; small; sorbonne; sort; special; specimen; spirit; spite; spread; steel; strasbourg; style; subjects; success; sum; sébastien; tailpieces; talent; taste; text; thanks; theuerdanck; things; thomas; thought; time; title; tory; trade; true; type; typographical; typography; ulrich; understood; united; university; unknown; value; van; venice; verard; vignettes; viii; vitré; volumes; vostre; war; wars; way; william; wood; wood engraving; woodcuts; wooden; words; work; working; workmen; workshop; world; woériot; xii; xiii; xiv; xylographs; years; younger cache: 44890.txt plain text: 44890.txt item: #15 of 15 id: 45426 author: White, Gleeson title: English Illustration 'The Sixties': 1855-70 With Numerous Illustrations by Ford Madox Brown: A. Boyd Houghton: Arthur Hughes: Charles Keene: M. J. Lawless: Lord Leighton, P.R.A.: Sir J. E. Millais, P.R.A.: G. Du Maurier: J. W. North, R.A.: G. J. Pinwell: Dante Gabriel Rossetti: W. Small: Frederick Sandys: J. Mcneill Whistler: Frederick Walker, A.R.A.: and Others date: None words: 90066 flesch: 73 summary: In 1865 the _Armadale_ illustrations take up twelve full pages, and Du Maurier supplies the remaining twelve stories to _Wives and Daughters_. The Sea-Side Well_ (p. 249), _One of Many_ (p. 446), and fourteen illustrations to _ keywords: 107; a. w.; academy; accomplished; admirable; affections; allingham; annuals; appearance; appreciation; arabian; argosy; armstead; arthur; artist; artistic; attempt; author; autumn; average; ballads; bare; barnard; barnes; bayes; beauty; bell; bennett; best; better; bible; birket; black; blocks; book; boyd; bradbury; bradley; british; brothers; brown; burne; c. h.; c. j.; c. w.; career; case; cassell; catalogue; century; certain; chapter; character; charles; charm; children; christmas; chronicle; churchman; claim; class; clayton; club; co.; collection; collectors; colour; comment; common; commonplace; complete; composition; concerned; contain; contemporary; contributors; cooper; cope; copy; corbould; cornhill; cost; course; crane; criticism; critics; cruikshank; curious; curiously; cut; daily; dalziel; date; day; days; dead; death; decade; decorative; delightful; deserve; designs; detail; different; divine; doubt; doyle; dozen; dramatic; draughtsman; drawings; e. h.; earlier; earliest; early; easy; edition; editor; edwards; effort; england; english; engraver; engraving; established; etching; evans; evidence; examples; excellent; f. a.; f. j.; f. w.; fact; fairy; familiar; family; famous; far; fashion; fiction; fildes; fine; ford; forgotten; form; foster; francis; fraser; frederick; french; frequent; frontispiece; g. h.; g. j.; gallery; george; gilbert; golden; good; good words; graphic; gray; great; green; griset; group; h. h.; h. j.; half; hall; hand; harrison; harvey; henry; herkomer; high; history; holman; home; hope; houghton; hour; house; household; huard; hughes; hunt; i. p.; ideal; idyllic; iii; illustrated; illustrations; important; index; influence; instance; intended; interesting; j. a.; j. b.; j. d.; j. e.; j. gilbert; j. lawless; j. lawson; j. mahoney; j. pettie; j. pinwell; j. poynter; j. r.; j. tenniel; j. w.; j. wolf; january; john; jones; joseph; journal; judy; keene; king; knowledge; known; lady; landscape; large; later; lawless; lawson; leech; legendary; legends; leighton; leisure; leslie; level; life; like; line; linton; list; literature; little; london; long; longmans; lord; lost; love; low; lyrics; m'whirter; m. e.; m. j.; macmillan; madox; magazine; mahoney; making; man; manner; march; market; marks; mass; master; masterpieces; matt; maurier; means; memory; men; mention; mere; merit; messrs; method; millais; miss; modern; moment; monthly; moore; moral; morgan; morten; movement; moxon; mrs; museum; music; names; national; nature; need; new; news; night; nineteenth; noel; north; notable; notice; number; nursery; october; old; order; ordinary; original; p. skelton; page; painting; paper; parables; particular; pasquier; past; paterson; paton; paul; pegasus; pen; pencil; pennell; penny; people; period; periodical; personal; pettie; phiz; photograph; pickersgill; pictures; pilgrim; pinwell; place; plates; play; poems; poesies; poetical; poetry; poor; popular; portrait; possible; power; powerful; poynter; praise; pre; prepared; present; press; print; process; progress; prove; publications; publisher; punch; purpose; qualities; quality; quarto; queen; quiver; r. p.; r.a; rank; raphaelite; read; real; recognition; record; reference; regard; regret; religious; representative; reputation; responsible; rhymes; robert; rossetti; round; routledge; royal; s. p.; sacred; sampson; sandys; scarce; scenes; school; scott; seasons; second; selous; sense; separate; serial; series; seventies; shakespeare; share; shields; shilling; shows; simeon; similar; single; sir; sir j.; sixties; size; sketches; small; society; solomon; songs; sort; space; speaking; special; spirit; standard; stone; stories; story; strahan; studies; study; style; subject; sunday; superb; supplies; tales; task; taste; tenniel; tennyson; text; thackeray; things; thomas; thomson; thornbury; thoughts; time; title; tom; touches; true; turn; type; typical; unlike; value; vii; viii; volume; w. lawson; w. p.; w. small; walker; warne; watson; watts; way; wayside; week; weekly; weir; whistler; white; william; willmott; wolf; wood; words; work; worthy; year; young; zwecker cache: 45426.txt plain text: 45426.txt