item: #1 of 9 id: 14031 author: Erasmus, Desiderius title: The Colloquies of Erasmus, Volume I. date: None words: 155679 flesch: 94 summary: Scotus _is slighted in Comparison of_ Cicero _and_ Plutarch. Christ_ himself gave us this Example, that we should sit down to the Table with a Hymn; and I take it from this, that we frequently read in the Evangelists, that he bless'd or gave Thanks to his Father before he broke Bread, and that he concluded with giving of Thanks: And if you please, I'll say you a Grace that St. _Chrysostom_ commends to the Skies in one of his Homilies, which he himself interpreted. keywords: age; ans; ant; art; body; book; boy; business; care; case; christ; co.; common; company; con; country; day; days; erasmus; eyes; father; god; going; good; greek; hand; head; heart; holy; home; house; husband; innk; kind; king; latin; leave; left; letters; life; like; look; love; mag; man; manner; matter; men; mind; money; mother; nature; nay; opinion; parents; people; persons; place; play; pleasure; priest; reason; right; set; sort; soul; speak; supper; table; thing; thou; time; tis; truth; use; want; way; wife; wine; wish; woman; words; world; years; young cache: 14031.txt plain text: 14031.txt item: #2 of 9 id: 14282 author: Erasmus, Desiderius title: A Merry Dialogue Declaringe the Properties of Shrowde Shrews and Honest Wives date: None words: 6541 flesch: 92 summary: Yf mi good man had a fantasye to this thynge, or to that thyng, or if he would haue his meate dressed on this fashion, or that fashion. What saieth other men by thin husband, they that be his companions, they delite with him abrode xan, They say that he is meruelous gentyl, redy to do euery man pleasure, liberal and sure to his frende. keywords: eula; eulalia; good; haue; husband; husbandes; hym; hys; man; neuer; suche; thou; vnto; woman; xantip; xantippa cache: 14282.txt plain text: 14282.txt item: #3 of 9 id: 14746 author: Erasmus, Desiderius title: A dialoge or communication of two persons Deuysyd and set forthe in the late[n] tonge, by the noble and famose clarke. Desiderius Erasmus intituled [the] pylgremage of pure deuotyon. Newly tra[n]slatyd into Englishe. date: None words: 14736 flesch: 98 summary: To them that thay hate, thay be Chanones, and to them that thay loue thay be Monkes _Menede._ Ye trewly there be some so gyuê to our blessyd lady, that whan thay apere to put vpe thayr handes to offre, with a pure cõusyance, thay stayl that whiche other men hathe gyuen. keywords: apon; certayne; churche; doo; dothe; dyd; forthe; frome; god; good; gyue; hathe; haue; holy; hym; hys; lady; man; moche; mylke; nat; ogy; owt; sayd; saynt; saythe; shuld; suche; tell; thay; ther; thes; thou; thynges; thys; thã; whan; whiche; wold; wyll cache: 14746.txt plain text: 14746.txt item: #4 of 9 id: 16246 author: Erasmus, Desiderius title: A Very Pleasaunt & Fruitful Diologe Called the Epicure date: None words: 11545 flesch: 87 summary: _ || This fearfull saiyng (most excellent Prynce) shulde moue all men to take hede vnto their duties and to praie that gods word maie take place emõgist vs. O that al men would ||fantasie the scriptures of God, and saye with the vertuous man Iob. keywords: bee; christ; doo; god; godly; good; grace; great; hath; haue; hedo; hym; loue; man; men; mynde; nowe; pleasure; suche; thei; ther; thynges; thê; vnto; whiche; woulde; yea cache: 16246.txt plain text: 16246.txt item: #5 of 9 id: 17667 author: Montagu, Mrs. (Elizabeth) title: Dialogues of the Dead date: None words: 63245 flesch: 70 summary: But you may think that these feasts were made only by great men, by triumphant generals, like Lucullus, who had plundered all Asia to help him in his housekeeping. _Hercules_.--Indeed, if writers employed themselves only in recording the acts of great men, much might be said in their favour. keywords: ambition; caesar; conduct; country; death; dialogue; empire; england; english; france; french; glory; good; government; great; heart; history; honour; king; laws; liberty; life; lord; love; man; mankind; master; men; mind; nation; nature; people; policy; power; prince; public; reason; religion; republic; right; rome; spirit; state; thought; time; truth; virtue; war; wisdom; wit; world cache: 17667.txt plain text: 17667.txt item: #6 of 9 id: 21628 author: Landor, Walter Savage title: Imaginary Conversations and Poems: A Selection date: None words: 139928 flesch: 85 summary: Let us away from this narrow lane skirted with hemlock, and pursue our road again through the wind and dust toward the _great_ man and the _powerful_. Nor does this my sentiment spring from a love of power, as in many good men quite unconsciously, when they would make proselytes, since I shall see few and converse with fewer of them, and profit in no way by their adherence and favour; but it springs from a natural and a cultivated love of all truths whatever, and from a certainty that these delivered by me are conducive to the happiness and dignity of man. keywords: air; assunta; beatrice; boccaccio; caesar; canonico; children; cornelia; countess; country; cousin; creatures; dante; day; death; diogenes; doubt; earth; epicurus; eugenius; eyes; father; filippo; fontaine; francesco; frate; friend; giovanni; god; gods; good; half; hand; hast; hath; head; heart; heaven; high; holy; hope; hour; house; king; leave; left; leontion; life; look; lord; love; lucian; lucullus; man; master; men; mind; oliver; opinion; people; peter; petrarca; place; plato; pleasure; poetry; poor; power; present; reason; religion; rest; right; rochefoucault; ser; sir; soul; stand; sweet; talleyrand; tasso; ternissa; thee; things; thou; thought; time; timotheus; truth; turn; voice; walk; water; way; wine; wisdom; wish; words; work; world; years cache: 21628.txt plain text: 21628.txt item: #7 of 9 id: 28763 author: Howells, William Dean title: Imaginary Interviews date: None words: 107237 flesch: 70 summary: They were good for a leap, or a dash, or a short flight in literature, even very high literature, but they had not really the force for anything covering greater time and space. As for the variance of the close from the forecast of it, Eugenio was less and less dismayed by that, when in the course of time he looked more closely at his own life and the lives of other men. keywords: age; american; author; book; boston; case; chair; christmas; city; come; coming; course; day; deal; dear; dinner; editor; effect; english; fact; friend; girl; good; half; hand; heart; home; hope; house; kind; know; life; little; love; man; matter; mean; men; mind; moment; nature; new; new york; opera; people; place; pleasure; poet; poetry; point; present; public; quality; question; reader; reading; reason; right; second; self; sense; society; sort; spring; subject; summer; things; thought; time; want; way; wish; women; work; world; years; york; young; youth cache: 28763.txt plain text: 28763.txt item: #8 of 9 id: 39038 author: Erasmus, Desiderius title: One dialogue, or Colloquye of Erasmus (entituled Diuersoria) Translated oute of Latten into Englyshe: And Imprinted, to the ende that the Judgement of the Learned maye be hadde before the Translator procede in the reste. date: None words: 3804 flesch: 85 summary: I tell thee thou shalt paye no more for thy Supper heere, then other men do. And because the Mother and the Daughter coulde not bee alwayes in the waye (for that they muste goe aboute theyr houssholde businesse, and welcome their other guestes in other places) a pretye little minion Girle stode forthe there by and by (hauinge learned her liripuppe and lesson alreadye in all pointes I warraunte you) to make all the pastime that mighte be possible, and to aunswere (at omnia quare) all such as shoulde be busye to talke and dally with her, So shee didde prolonge or vpholde the Enterlude, till the goodwifes Daughter came vnto vs againe. keywords: againe; bee; bertulphe; doe; good; haue; man; men; time; william cache: 39038.txt plain text: 39038.txt item: #9 of 9 id: 49450 author: Petrarca, Francesco title: Petrarch's Secret; or, the Soul's Conflict with Passion Three Dialogues Between Himself and S. Augustine date: None words: 51615 flesch: 85 summary: Think also of the shortness of our life, concerning which many great men have left their books. Not to speak of other men, I call to witness Her who has ever been the ruling spirit of my life; you yourself also I call to witness how many times I have pondered over my own misery and over the subject of Death; with what floods of tears I have sought to wash away my stains, so that I can scarce speak of it without weeping; yet hitherto, as you see, all is in vain. keywords: body; case; cicero; day; death; desire; end; eyes; god; good; hand; heart; hope; know; life; look; love; man; men; mind; nature; petrarch; place; reason; s. augustine; soul; things; think; thought; time; truth; way; wish; words; world cache: 49450.txt plain text: 49450.txt