item: #1 of 11 id: A07668 author: Moore, John, d. 1619. title: A target for tillage briefly containing the most necessary, pretious, and profitable vse thereof both for king and state. By Iohn Moore Minister of Gods word, and Parson of Knaptoft in Leicestershire. Anno 1611. date: 1612 words: 12055 flesch: 81 summary: God no sooner had made man , but he prouided meate out of the earth for man ; yea for men and beasts and all liuing creatures in their kind . He maketh also grasse to grow for the cattell , and hearbes for the vse of man , that so he being strengthned by the vertue of those herbes and fruite of trees ( his first appointed food ) might bring foorth by his labor and trauell , bread and all manner of sustenance out of the earth ( husbanded and tilled in the sweate of mans face ) that so both mā and beast may haue all manner of food ministred vnto them out of the ground , for the maintenance of their life . keywords: abundance; barren; beasts; blessing; bread; brethren; calling; care; cattell; christian; church; cometh; common; corne; countrey; creatures; curse; doctrine; doth; early; earth; eebo; end; english; esay; euen; euery; face; field; food; fruite; fruitfull; gen; god; gods; good; great; ground; hand; hath; haue; heart; himselfe; houses; husbandman; husbandry; increase; iob; iohn; ioy; kind; king; labour; land; life; like; liue; liuing; lord; loue; man; mans; math; meanes; men; nature; necessary; need; neuer; onely; ouer; owne; people; place; plentifull; plow; poore; profitable; profite; prophet; prou; prouision; psal; reason; regard; rich; saith; seed; serueth; sheepe; sow; speake; state; subiects; sufficient; tcp; text; thee; themselues; thereof; thine; things; thou; thy; tillage; time; trauell; vaine; vpon; vse; want; wealth; wicked; world; yea cache: A07668.xml plain text: A07668.txt item: #2 of 11 id: A13968 author: Trigge, Francis, 1547?-1606. title: To the Kings most excellent Maiestie. The humble petition of two sisters the Church and Common-wealth: for the restoring of their ancient commons and liberties, which late inclosure with depopulation, vncharitably hath taken away: containing seuen reasons as euidences for the same. date: 1604 words: 21751 flesch: 81 summary: And God sent man out of the garden of Eden ( Langabath ) to serue , to waite vpon , to till the earth . Secondly the grieuousnesse of this sinne with God , and the small account that men make of it . keywords: abraham; account; aegypt; againe; auncient; bee; blessed; bread; brethren; béene; care; cause; charitie; children; christian; christs; church; commeth; comming; common; condemne; corne; couetous; couetousnesse; countries; daies; dauid; day; deale; depopulate; depopulation; doe; doth; doubt; dust; earth; eebo; ende; england; english; esay; estate; euen; euery; euill; farmes; father; feare; fields; followes; foote; gen; gentlemen; giue; glory; god; gods; goe; gold; good; gospell; grapes; great; ground; hands; haruest; hath; haue; hearts; heathen; heauen; hedges; high; himselfe; holy; houses; humble; husbandmen; héere; inclosed; inclosers; inclosure; inheritance; ioh; iudgement; jesus; jewes; king; landlords; late; law; lesson; lib; liberties; light; like; little; liue; lord; loue; luk; maiestie; maintaine; man; marke; mat; meanes; members; men; mens; mercie; money; multitude; nature; nay; neuer; onely; passe; pasture; paul; people; peter; petition; places; plague; plainely; poore; praise; prophesie; prophet; psal; reason; rents; rich; saint; saith; salomon; sam; sauiour; saying; second; seede; seruants; set; sheepe; sinne; small; souldiers; soules; stones; strange; subiects; syon; séeme; tcp; teacheth; tenants; text; thee; themselues; things; thinke; thou; tillage; time; townes; true; vine; vnder; vnto; vpon; vse; wealth; worke; world; worth; wée; yeere cache: A13968.xml plain text: A13968.txt item: #3 of 11 id: A22029 author: England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) title: By the King whereas some of the meaner sort of our people did of late assemble themselues in riotous and tumultuous maner within our countie of Northampton date: 1607 words: 1422 flesch: 60 summary: Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 28755) keywords: books; characters; countie; early; eebo; encoding; england; english; image; james; king; late; lieutenants; online; oxford; partnership; people; phase; sort; tcp; tei; text; themselues; xml cache: A22029.xml plain text: A22029.txt item: #4 of 11 id: A22034 author: England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) title: By the King it is a thing notorious that many of the meanest sort of our people in diuers parts of our kingdome ... haue presumed lately to assemble themselues riotously in multitudes ... date: 1607 words: 2657 flesch: 51 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. On the other side We doe notifie and declare to all our louing Subiects , That We are resolued , not out of any apprehension or regard of these tumults and disorders ( which Wee know well to be only dangerous to those that attempt them , and which experience may teach them , that they are in a momēt to be dispersed ) nor to satisfie disobedient people , be they rich or poore : But meerely out of loue of Iustice , Christian compassion of other of our Subiects , who being likewise touched with this griefe , auoyded the like offences , As also out of our Princely care and prouidence to preserue our people from decay or diminution , To cause the abuses of Depopulations and vnlawfull Inclosures to be further looked into , and by peaceable and orderly meanes to establish such a reformation thereof , as shall bee needfull for the iust reliefe of those that haue iust cause to complaine , and therin neglect no remedy , which either the lawes of our Realme doe prescribe , or our owne Royall Authority , with the aduice of our Councell can supply . keywords: bee; books; cause; characters; diuers; doe; early; eebo; encoding; england; english; generall; giuen; god; good; great; haue; images; iustice; king; kingdome; like; louing; meanes; online; oxford; partnership; parts; people; phase; princely; subiects; tcp; tei; text; themselues; vpon; wee; xml cache: A22034.xml plain text: A22034.txt item: #5 of 11 id: A22036 author: England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I) title: By the King in calling to our princely remembrance, that in the late rebellion vpon pretence of depopulation and vnlawfull inclosures, the greatest number of the offenders have not beene proceeded with according to iustice and their traiterous deseruings ... date: 1607 words: 1507 flesch: 61 summary: Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A22036) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 28719) keywords: books; characters; doe; early; eebo; encoding; england; english; great; image; inclosures; king; number; offenders; online; oxford; pardon; partnership; phase; tcp; tei; text; vnto; vpon; wee; xml cache: A22036.xml plain text: A22036.txt item: #6 of 11 id: A51210 author: Moore, Adam. title: Bread for the poor, and advancement of the English nation promised by enclosure of the wastes and common grounds of England / by Adam Moore ... date: 1653 words: 12621 flesch: 52 summary: To all Inhabitants , Tenants and Occupiers of Lands bordering on Wastes and common grounds , and by right of Common interessed therein , within the Common-wealth of England , and Dominion of Wales : And to the poorer sort especially . But to omit relation of the severall natures of these Lands throughout England particularly , ( which vain tediousnesse ( if not impossibility ) may excuse , ) I will chiefly incircle my reports of Wastes ( ad suum esse ) within the limits of the County of Somerset ( my native soil ) and some neighbouring parts , where mine eye and eare having been most conversant in observations of this subject , I can presume of a true and sincere account of the state of those Wastes . keywords: able; account; acres; adam; advancement; answer; author; benefit; best; better; blessing; books; bread; case; cattell; certain; charge; comfort; common; condition; content; continuall; countrey; county; course; creation; doth; doubt; enclosure; england; english; estates; fair; family; feeding; food; fruit; fuell; garden; generall; god; good; great; greater; grounds; hand; happy; hath; hold; honour; hope; horse; idle; improvement; increase; issue; kinde; labours; lands; large; late; like; little; long; lords; main; man; marish; means; measure; money; moore; nation; nature; nay; new; number; owners; particular; parts; people; persons; plenty; poor; present; private; profit; publique; question; reason; reliefe; relieved; respect; right; second; selves; service; sheep; small; sort; state; subject; tenants; text; tillage; time; travell; treatise; use; utmost; value; want; wastes; waters; way; wealth; work; worth cache: A51210.xml plain text: A51210.txt item: #7 of 11 id: A51233 author: Moore, John, 1595?-1657. title: A Scripture-vvord against inclosure, viz. such as doe un-people townes, and un-corne fields as also against all such that daub over this black sinne with untempered morter / by John Moore ... date: 1656 words: 7872 flesch: 77 summary: Such Incolsurists in the very making of them , having no respect to the Publique , or right in Law , or the Consciences of men . Whether thou hast right in the Consistory of God , as well as in the Common pleas of men . keywords: advantage; books; children; common; conscience; councell; counties; decay; depopulation; doe; doth; dust; earth; england; fields; gain; god; good; great; guilty; hath; head; highnesse; inclosure; israel; john; law; leicester; little; lord; man; meek; men; onely; ones; open; pant; people; places; plow; poore; publique; punishment; rest; righteous; ruine; scripture; shire; shooes; silver; sinne; text; thine; things; thou; tillage; townes; trade; transgressions; viz; way; yea cache: A51233.xml plain text: A51233.txt item: #8 of 11 id: A82090 author: Winstanley, Gerrard, b. 1609. title: A declaration from the poor oppressed people of England, directed to all that call themselves, or are called Lords of Manors, through this nation; that have begun to cut, or that through fear and covetousness, do intend to cut down the woods and trees that grow upon the commons and waste land. date: 1649 words: 4102 flesch: 39 summary: no A declaration from the poor oppressed people of England,: directed to all that call themselves, or are called Lords of Manors, through this Winstanley, Gerrard 1649 4135 4 0 0 0 0 0 10 C The rate of 10 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the C category of texts with between 10 and 35 defects per 10,000 words. WE whose names are subscribed , do in the name of all the poor oppressed people in England , declare unto you , that call your selves Lords of Manors , and Lords of the Land , That in regard the King of Righteousness , our Maker , hath inlightened our hearts so far , as to see , That the earth was not made purposely for you , to be Lords of it , and we to be your Slaves , Servants , and Beggers ; but it was made to be a common Livelihood to all , without respect of persons : And that your buying and selling of Land , and the Fruits of it , one to another , is The cursed thing , and was brought in by War ; which hath , and still does establish murder , and theft , in the hands of some branches of Mankinde over others , which is the greatest outward burden , and unrighteous power , that the Creation groans under : For the power of inclosing Land , and owning Propriety , was brought into the Creation by your Ancestors by the Sword ; which first did murther their fellow Creatures , Men , and after plunder or steal away their Land , and left this Land successively to you , their Children . keywords: common; creation; declaration; earth; england; equal; free; freedom; government; great; hands; hath; hearts; iohn; land; law; laws; livelihood; lords; manors; money; people; persons; poor; power; respect; righteous; righteousness; selves; set; sword; text; thomas; thomason; treasury; trees; use; vvilliam; woods cache: A82090.xml plain text: A82090.txt item: #9 of 11 id: A86571 author: Halhead, Henry. title: Inclosure thrown open: or, Depopulation depopulated. Not by spades and mattocks; but, by the word of God, the laws of the land, and solid arguments. And the most material pleas that can be brought for it, considered and answered. / By Henry Halhead. date: 1650 words: 9056 flesch: 70 summary: Depopulation is odious and abominable both to God and men : Therefore , that Inclosure which is guilty of Depopulation , must needs be unlawful : Otherwise , I suppose , the Author himself is not against such Inclosure as is for the necessary accommodation of house-keeping . And when God comes to judge , ( which how near that may be to us , is not perhaps considered ) he will finde means in every mans Conscience to convince and reprove them , wherein they have served their Covetousness in pretence of necessary Accommodation . keywords: able; answer; arguments; better; children; common; corn; country; cruelty; decayed; depopulated; depopulation; doth; earth; end; evil; field; god; good; great; halhead; hand; hath; heart; henry; high; houses; husbandry; inclosed; inclosure; isa; land; laws; like; little; lord; man; market; means; men; nation; need; old; onely; open; oppression; parliament; pasture; people; places; poor; power; prophets; reason; said; saith; service; sheep; sin; spirit; state; text; things; time; towns; vers; violence; way; wealth; work cache: A86571.xml plain text: A86571.txt item: #10 of 11 id: A96689 author: Barker, John, 17th cent. title: An appeal to the House of Commons, desiring their ansvver: vvhether the common-people shall have the quiet enjoyment of the commons and waste land; or whether they shall be under the will of lords of mannors still. Occasioned by an arrest, made by Thomas Lord Wenman, Ralph Verny Knight, and Richard Winwood Esq; upon the author hereof, for a trespass, in digging upon the common-land at Georges Hill in Surrey. / By Gerrard Winstanly, Iohn Barker, and Thomas Star, in the name of all the poor oppressed in the land of England. date: 1649 words: 5114 flesch: 57 summary: Magna Charta ) were got by our Forefathers importunate petitioning unto the Kings , that stil were their Task-masters ; and yet these best laws are yoaks and manicles , tying one sort of people to be slaves to another ; Clergy and Gentry have 〈◊〉 their freedom , but the common people stil are , and have been left servants to work for 〈◊〉 like the Israilites under the Egyptian Task masters . An appeal to the House of Commons, desiring their ansvver: vvhether the common-people shall have the quiet enjoyment of the commons and waste land; or whether they shall be under the will of lords of mannors still. keywords: appeal; arrest; common; common people; covenant; creation; england; english; enslaved; freedom; gentry; god; hands; inclosures; king; land; laws; lords; manors; masters; nations; norman; old; oppressed; parliament; peace; people; poor; power; quiet; set; task; text; thomas; title; waste; william cache: A96689.xml plain text: A96689.txt item: #11 of 11 id: A96695 author: Fairfax, Thomas Fairfax, Baron, 1612-1671. title: A letter to the Lord Fairfax, and his Councell of VVar, with divers questions to the lawyers, and ministers: proving it an undeniable equity, that the common people ought to dig, plow, plant and dwell upon the commons, without hiring them, or paying rent to any. Delivered to the Generall and the chief officers on Saturday June 9. / By Jerrard Winstanly, in the behalf of those who have begun to dig upon George-Hill in Surrey. date: 1649 words: 4852 flesch: 51 summary: For there , if any man will work for wages , he may live among them , otherwise no : therefore consider , whether this be righteous , and for the peace of the Nation , that Laws shall be made to give freedom to impropriators and Free-holders , when as the poor that have no land , are left still in the straights of beggery , and are shut out of all livelihood , but what they shall pick out of fore bondage , by working for others , as Masters over them , and if this be not the burthen of the Norman yoke , let rationall men judge : therefore take not away men , but take away the power of tyranny and bad government , the price is in your hand , and let no part of the Nation be wronged for want of a Representative . We shall then honor the higher powers of the left hand man , which is our hearing , seeing , tasting , smelling , feeling , and walk in the light of reason and righteousnesse , that is , the King and Judge that sits upon this five cornered Throne , and we shall be strengthned by those five well springs of life , of the right hand man , which is , understanding , will , affections , joy and peace , and so live like men , in the light and power of the Son of righteousnesse within our selves feelingly . keywords: bondage; brothers; common; covetousnesse; creation; divers; earth; england; english; equity; fairfax; fall; freedom; gentry; king; land; law; laws; letter; light; live; livelihood; lord; love; man; men; norman; peace; people; persons; power; questions; reason; righteousnesse; souldiers; text; work cache: A96695.xml plain text: A96695.txt