item: #1 of 9 id: A00549 author: Farewell, Christopher. title: An East-India colation; or a discourse of travels set forth in sundry obseruations, briefe and delightfull; collected by the author in a voyage he made unto the East-Indies, of almost foure yeares continuance. Written by C.F. date: 1633.0 words: 17138 flesch: 22 summary: True it is , ( and none but the vnwise can den●…it ) that S●…ollers for their rare guists of 〈◊〉 are most sit to write for publike vse ( hauing a thousand times wisht my selfe a Scholler for the singular benefits that haue their confluence to a man by Academicall & well managed Arts ; ) This short Treatise following ( in part ) expounds my meaning , being of a Voyage I made vnto the EastIndi●…s almost twenty yeares since , imployed by the Honorable Company ; prosperously begun , and as well continued ( notwithstanding some prime opposition ) with all good proceeding in grace and favor with the best ; which at length ( as hath hapned vnto many of best report ) vpon 〈◊〉 of government there , proved to my greater preiudice , but how ? keywords: advantage; affaires; aldworth; author; banians; baroch; bee; best; better; bin; books; briefe; businesse; cambaya; castle; cause; certaine; characters; charge; chiefe; choyce; citie; city; coach; colation; come; common; companies; company; content; contrary; country; courteous; curious; danger; day; dayes; delight; desires; discourse; doe; doth; drinke; early; east; eccles; eebo; effect; england; english; euery; experience; faire; fall; farewell; feare; foure; friend; generall; gentle; gentleman; glory; god; gods; gold; good; governour; great; greater; ground; halfe; hand; hath; haue; hauing; high; himselfe; home; honest; honourable; hope; house; hurt; india; indies; inhabitants; instrument; iourney; king; leaue; length; lesse; life; like; little; long; lord; loue; love; malaga; man; manner; marchants; master; meanes; mee; men; mind; moment; mony; morning; nature; new; observations; occasion; onely; open; owne; parts; passage; passe; people; place; pleasant; pleasure; power; present; prime; profit; purpose; reader; ready; reason; recreation; relation; report; respect; rest; returne; rich; sake; sayd; sayle; scarce; sea; seene; selfe; selves; seruice; set; shew; ships; short; sight; silence; small; sorts; spaine; spanish; speake; state; strong; sundry; surat; sweet; tcp; tei; text; thankes; thee; themselues; theyr; things; thomas; thought; time; travels; true; value; variety; verie; vertue; vnder; vnto; voyage; vpon; vse; water; way; wee; whereof; wine; wise; wisedome; wit; women; word; worke; yeares cache: A00549.xml plain text: A00549.txt item: #2 of 9 id: A12330 author: Smethwike, Thomas. title: A motion to the East India Company by Thomas Smethwike (an adventurer with them) vpon the reasons following date: None words: 1617 flesch: 68 summary: Proposal to reduce the time ships delay in India waiting for return cargo. Great Britain -- Commerce -- India. keywords: aforehand; books; characters; company; early; eebo; english; good; great; india; long; old; ships; smethwike; stock; tcp; tei; text; thomas; time; tons; trade; yeere cache: A12330.xml plain text: A12330.txt item: #3 of 9 id: A19381 author: Coryate, Thomas, ca. 1577-1617. title: Mr Thomas Coriat to his friends in England sendeth greeting from Agra the capitall city of the dominion of the great Mogoll in the Easterne India, the last of October, 1616. Thy trauels and thy glory to ennamell, with fame we mount thee on the lofty cammell; ... . date: 1618.0 words: 7857 flesch: 52 summary: That if thou were in Hebrew circumsised , The Rabbyes all were wondrous ill aduised : Nay more , they were all Coxecombes , all starke mad To thinke thou wert of any Tribe but Gad. keywords: agra; asia; azmere; blessed; books; bray; capitall; certaine; characters; che; christian; city; constantinople; coriat; corners; countries; country; court; daies; day; der; didst; doe; dominion; dost; doth; early; easterne; eebo; een; encoding; england; english; euery; fame; famous; foure; friends; frō; giaur; glory; god; good; great; hast; hath; haue; himselfe; hither; hope; images; india; iourny; king; learning; letter; life; like; little; long; lord; mahometan; maiesty; man; master; meane; mee; men; mogoll; mony; mother; mount; musulman; neuer; october; old; online; oxford; partnership; people; persian; phase; place; praiers; present; reason; religion; riuer; said; selfe; shillings; speech; sterling; tcp; tei; text; thee; things; thomas; thou; thy; time; title; tongue; trauell; vnto; vpon; whereof; wife; wil; world; worthy; yeere cache: A19381.xml plain text: A19381.txt item: #4 of 9 id: A19384 author: Coryate, Thomas, ca. 1577-1617. title: Thomas Coriate traueller for the English vvits: greeting From the court of the Great Mogul, resident at the towne of Asmere, in easterne India. date: 1616.0 words: 7942 flesch: 59 summary: I am certaine , that a Letter which I haue written to M. VVhitaker , your learned and elegant Secretary , wherein I haue compendiouslie discoursed of some of my obseruations in Asia , will quicklie come to your hands , at least if hee remaineth still in your seruice : therfore it would be superfluous to haue repeated the same things . But your Honour may soone very infallibly and apparantly perceiue it to be true ; partly by the forme of the style , which is iust answerable to that manner of speech that you haue heard and obserued in me , sometimes in my Linsie-woolsie Orations ; and somtimes in my extrauagant discourses : and partly by the testimony of the bearer heereof , M. Peter Rogers , Minister at the time of his being in India , to the English Merchants resident at the Court of the most puissant Monarch the great Mogul , at a town called Asmere ; whose comfortable and sweet company I enioyed at the same Court , about the space of foure Moneths . keywords: a19384; againe; aleppo; anno; arriuall; asia; asmere; bee; beseech; betwixt; books; certaine; chamber; characters; city; combe; company; constantinople; coryate; countries; country; court; day; dayes; doth; doubt; early; easterne; eebo; elegant; encoding; england; english; euer; farre; foure; friend; generous; god; goodly; great; haue; hauing; head; health; heart; hee; henry; honour; hope; house; ierusalem; image; india; iohn; iourney; item; king; land; large; latine; letter; like; london; man; meane; mee; men; mesopotamia; michigan; middle; mogul; mother; neere; odde; online; orientall; oxford; partnership; peregrination; persian; phase; place; poore; resident; returne; right; seene; selfe; sir; speake; sterling; sweet; tcp; tedious; tei; temple; text; therehence; thomas; time; tom; towne; traueller; trauels; verie; verses; vnto; vpon; way; world; write; xml; yeares cache: A19384.xml plain text: A19384.txt item: #5 of 9 id: A19470 author: Coverte, Robert. title: A true and almost incredible report of an Englishman, that (being cast away in the good ship called the Assention in Cambaya the farthest part of the East Indies) trauelled by land through many vnknowne kingdomes, and great cities VVith a particular description of all those kingdomes, cities, and people. As also a relation of their commodities and manner of traffique, and at what seasons of the yeere they are most in vse. Faithfully related. With a discouery of a great emperour called the Great Mogoll, a prince not till now knowne to our English nation. By Captaine Robert Couerte. date: 1612.0 words: 24026 flesch: 70 summary: Nor can any Carrauant or Conuoy , or any passenger be suffered to lodge within the City : But in the day time they may come into it to the Bassart or market , to b●y necessaries and so depart againe : and here we s●●●ed 5. daies . In this towne are many Weauers , that make great store of Dimatree , and scham●tree , and Cottons , also it is a great thorow faire , and there is a great O●●s●rie or Inne , which they call a Caan , and there wee rested two daies . keywords: afternoone; againe; ancor; bannians; bee; best; better; boat; brother; bugdad; béene; camels; captaine; castle; christians; citie; city; clocke; cloth; comming; commodities; company; countrey; course; custome; daies; danger; dangerous; day; day wée; desarts; doe; east; eebo; elephants; england; english; espied; euery; euery day; excellent; faire; fathome; fields; fish; fiue; forsongs; foure; fourth day; fresh; gallant; garrison; generall; gentiles; goats; god; goe; gold; good; gouernor; great; great city; great store; great towne; halfe; harbour; hath; haue; hauing; head; hee; height; himselfe; horses; house; hundreth; hée; héere; iland; indico; indies; intended; iohn; ioseph; iourney; kind; king; kingdomes; language; leagues; length; lieth; like; little; long; maine; man; manner; march; master; meat; men; merchandize; merchants; miles; mogoll; morning; mountaines; night; number; october; onely; ordinance; ouer; passe; pence; people; persia; pinnis; place; plaines; portugals; present; puttans; péeces; regard; religion; report; rest; richard; riuer; robert; round; said; saile; sea; second day; selfe; selues; september; set; seuen; seuenth day; seuerall; shillings; ship; shore; shéepe; silkes; siluer; sixe; sixth day; small; sorts; standeth; standing; strong; swords; tcp; tenth day; text; thing; thorow; thought; thrée; time; towne; trade; trading; trauelled; trauels; true; turke; twelue; twentieth day; uiceroy; uillage; verie; viz; vnder; vntill; vnto; vpon; vsed; waighed; warres; water; way; wee; white; winde; wée; ● ● cache: A19470.xml plain text: A19470.txt item: #6 of 9 id: A27515 author: Bernier, François, 1620-1688. title: The history of the late revolution of the empire of the Great Mogol together with the most considerable passages for 5 years following in that empire : to which is added, a letter to the Lord Colbert, touching the extent to Indostan, the circulation of the gold and silver of the world, to discharge it self there, as also the riches, forces, and justice of the same and the principal cause of the decay of the states of Asia / by Mons. F. Bernier ... English'd out of French. date: 1676.0 words: 67741 flesch: 48 summary: The sixth particular we purposed to speak of , concerns those that have faithfully served Aureng-Z be . There I found , that he who then Reigned there , was call'd Chah-Jehan , that is to say , King of the World ; who , according to the History of that Countrey , was Son of Jehan-Guyre , which signifieth Conquerour of the World , Grandchild of Ekbar , which is Great , and that thus ascending by Hohmayons , or the Fortunate , Father of Ekbar , and his other Predecessors , he was the Tenth of those that were descended from that Timur-Lengue , which signifieth the Lame Prince , commonly and corruptly call'd Tamerlan , so renowned for his Conquests ; who Married his near Kinswoman , the only Daughter of the Prince of the Nations of Great Tartary , call'd Mogols , who have left and communicated their Name to the strangers , that now Govern Indostan , the Countrey of the Indians ; though those that are employ'd in publick Charges and Offices , and even those that are listed in the Militia , be not all of the Race of the Mogols , but strangers , and Nations gather'd out of all Countries , most of them Persians , some Arabians , and some Turks . keywords: account; advance; affairs; affection; agra; alwayes; ambassador; armies; arms; army; arrows; artillery; asia; aureng; bakche; battel; begum; bengale; best; better; body; brothers; call'd; camels; cannon; capable; capital; care; cause; cavalry; certain; chah; chekouh; chief; children; combat; command; common; condition; conduct; considerable; contrary; countrey; countries; courage; court; crown; custom; danger; dara; daughter; day; days; dead; death; decan; dehli; design; difficult; disorder; divers; doth; doubt; eldest; elephant; emir; empire; enemy; english; escape; ethiopia; eunuch; extent; family; famous; father; favour; field; fine; fit; foot; forces; fortress; fortune; franguis; french; friends; friendship; gain; gallant; ganges; gates; general; god; gold; golkonda; good; goualeor; government; governour; grand; great; great mogol; greatest; ground; guard; half; hands; hard; hath; having; head; heathen; hest; high; history; hold; honour; hopes; horse; ill; important; indian; indies; indostan; interest; jehan; jemla; jesseigne; jessomseigne; justice; kan; kind; king; kingdom; knowing; known; land; large; law; leave; left; length; letters; life; like; little; long; lord; mahmoud; mahumetan; man; manner; march; master; mean; men; merchants; militia; mind; mogol; moka; money; morad; mountains; near; necessary; needs; news; night; noise; notice; number; obliged; occasion; omrahs; opinion; order; ordinary; particular; parts; pass; passage; pay; people; persia; persians; person; place; poor; possible; potent; powerful; present; pretence; prince; principal; promises; raja; rakan; rauchenara; ready; reason; regard; religion; resolution; respect; rest; return; rich; riches; river; royal; run; rupies; safety; saheb; said; sea; second; secret; seeing; seen; self; sepe; seraglio; service; set; seva; shew'd; short; sickness; silver; slaves; small; soliman; son; sons; sooner; souldiers; speed; state; stay; store; strange; strong; subjects; sujah; sultan; suratte; taking; tcp; text; thereabout; things; thought; throne; time; town; treasure; troops; true; vast; visapour; viz; want; war; water; way; wife; women; words; work; world; write; years; young; zebe cache: A27515.xml plain text: A27515.txt item: #7 of 9 id: A42799 author: Glanius, W. title: A relation of an unfortunate voyage to the kingdome of Bengala describing the deplorable condition and dismal accidents attending those therein concerned, how that after the loss of their ship they were forced to abide in a desart and barren island, to eat leaves, toads, serpents, &c. and reduced to that extremity as to digg open graves and to feed on human bodies : as also, the manner of deliverance out of that place, and what befel them afterwards in the service of the great mogol : together with choice observations touching that monarch's government, laws, customs, and armies, and especially his late war against the kings of Azo and Assam, with several other remarkable particulars / by Mr. Glanius. date: 1682.0 words: 29835 flesch: 67 summary: At Night , when 't was time to rest , the Master ordered our Men privately to watch , one after another , to prevent the Negroes from using any treachery towards us ; and they on their side , used the same pre-caution . He judged then , 't were better to employ him abroad , than to give him time to trouble his Government ; and therefore proposed to the Emir , the undertaking of that great expedition of which this latter had sometime heretofore discoursed to him . keywords: able; anchor; army; assam; assistance; bad; barks; bengala; best; better; board; boat; buffle; case; certain; cold; coming; companions; company; condition; contrary; countrey; danger; day; days; dead; death; design; distance; dry; dutch; dye; effect; emir; enemy; english; extream; fear; fire; fish; fisher; fleet; flesh; food; friend; general; god; good; great; greatest; half; help; hold; hope; hour; hunger; hungry; ill; impossible; island; joy; kind; king; kingdom; laden; land; leagues; leaves; left; length; like; little; long; longer; loss; lost; machine; making; man; manner; march; master; mean; meat; men; mogol; money; moors; morning; near; negroes; news; night; notice; number; opinion; order; people; persons; pieces; place; point; poor; prince; provision; purpose; quantity; ready; reason; remedy; repast; rest; return; rice; river; sail; satisfied; sea; search; self; selves; set; shewed; ship; shoar; signs; skin; small; strength; strong; tcp; text; thing; tide; time; trees; troubled; use; vessel; voyage; water; way; wind; woman; wood; work; wretched cache: A42799.xml plain text: A42799.txt item: #8 of 9 id: A46578 author: England and Wales. Sovereign (1685-1688 : James II) title: By the King, a proclamation, for the recalling all His Majesties subjects from the service of foreign princes in East India date: 1686.0 words: 1525 flesch: 60 summary: Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 742:57) By the King, a proclamation, for the recalling all His Majesties subjects from the service of foreign princes in East India England and Wales. Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 97137) keywords: aforesaid; books; characters; company; council; early; east; eebo; england; english; foreign; india; indies; king; online; princes; proclamation; royal; said; service; subjects; tcp; tei; text cache: A46578.xml plain text: A46578.txt item: #9 of 9 id: A69858 author: Child, Josiah, Sir, 1630-1699. title: A discourse concerning trade, and that in particular of the East-Indies wherein several weighty propositions are fully discussed, and the state of the East-India Company is faithfully stated. date: 1689.0 words: 7501 flesch: 69 summary: I● it not evident that the Dutch since their being Protestant , are increased m●r● in Trade and Wealth in one Hundred Years , then the ancient and fortunate Romans did in four Hundred Years , after the Foundation of their flourishing Common-Wealth ? H●ve not the French since they were part Protestants and part Papists increased more in Trade and Shiping in one Hundred Years , th●● they did in five Hundred Years before ? Within the said seven Years ( the Company having lost Banta● ) They have built , fortif●e● , and garrisoned three Forts in several Parts of India for security of the Pepper Trade , wh●ch h●ve and will cost them 400000 l. keywords: advantage; annum; answ; arg; best; books; bullion; characters; charter; cloth; coast; commodities; companies; company; country; customs; doth; dutch; early; east; eebo; england; english; exportation; forreign; free; goods; great; hands; hath; holland; increase; india; india company; india trade; indies; interest; island; joynt; king; kingdom; manufactures; men; merchants; money; nation; national; new; object; parts; places; power; present; private; proposition; publick; sea; ships; silk; stock; surrat; tcp; tei; text; tho; time; trade; treatise; tuns; turkey; value; war; work; world; years; ● ● cache: A69858.xml plain text: A69858.txt