item: #1 of 7 id: 11029 author: Brinton, Daniel G. (Daniel Garrison) title: American Hero-Myths: A Study in the Native Religions of the Western Continent date: None words: 66766 flesch: 69 summary: In an Algonkin dialect _missi wabu_ means the great light of the dawn; and a common large rabbit was called _missabo_; at some period the precise meaning of the former words was lost, and a variety of interesting myths of the daybreak were transferred to a supposed huge rabbit! The statement of Montezuma that Quetzalcoatl _had already returned_, but had not been well received by the people, and had, therefore, left them again, is very interesting. keywords: american; ancient; aztec; brothers; cap; city; culture; darkness; dawn; day; de la; de los; deity; del; derivation; divinity; doubt; earth; east; fact; father; footnote; form; god; gods; good; heaven; hero; historia; historia de; history; iii; ioskeha; king; land; language; las; legend; lib; life; light; lord; los; man; maya; meaning; means; men; mexico; morning; mother; myth; mythology; names; nations; native; nature; new; people; peru; place; points; por; power; present; quetzalcoatl; race; rains; religion; return; sahagun; similar; sky; son; stone; sun; tezcatlipoca; things; time; tlapallan; tollan; tribes; tula; viracocha; vol; water; west; white; winds; words; world; worship; yucatan cache: 11029.txt plain text: 11029.txt item: #2 of 7 id: 34804 author: Réville, Albert title: Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion as Illustrated by the Native Religions of Mexico and Peru date: None words: 48159 flesch: 67 summary: [38] On the conversion of the Mexicans, &c., compare the anonymous treatise at the end of _Kingsborough's_ Mexican Antiquities, Vol. IX. Cf. also _Torquemada,_ Lib. They had conquered or shattered what was called the _Chichimec_ empire, which in its turn had destroyed, some centuries earlier, the _Toltec_ empire. keywords: america; ancient; aztecs; cap; central; civilization; day; deities; deity; empire; fact; family; fire; garcilasso; god; gods; great; history; human; idea; iii; incas; kind; lib; life; little; men; mexican; mexico; nature; new; people; peru; peruvian; place; priests; religion; sacrifices; sun; temple; time; translation; vol; world; worship cache: 34804.txt plain text: 34804.txt item: #3 of 7 id: 36386 author: Spence, Lewis title: The Mythologies of Ancient Mexico and Peru date: None words: 16713 flesch: 61 summary: iv. of _L'Amérique_ in _L'Univers Pittoresque_. Ometecutli_ (twice Lord) and _Omecihuatl_ (twice Lady) were the names which they bestowed upon these luminaries, and they were probably the first deities known to the Aztecs upon their emergence from a condition of totemism. keywords: american; aztecs; deities; deity; god; gods; great; huitzilopochtli; human; incas; mexican; mexico; nature; origin; people; period; peruvians; place; priests; quetzalcoatl; race; religion; sun; temple; tezcatlipoca; worship cache: 36386.txt plain text: 36386.txt item: #4 of 7 id: 42175 author: Fewkes, Jesse Walter title: The Winter Solstice Altars at Hano Pueblo date: None words: 9424 flesch: 75 summary: More light will doubtless be shed on the significance of the sun-ladder prayer-offerings when we know more of the ceremonies about the _Tûñtai_ altars. The Winter Solstice Ceremony at Walpi_ (_American Anthropologist_, vol. keywords: altar; asa; chief; clans; east; hano; hopi; meal; mesa; people; pueblo; snake; tewa; time; towa; walpi; women cache: 42175.txt plain text: 42175.txt item: #5 of 7 id: 42390 author: Spence, Lewis title: The Myths of the North American Indians date: None words: 122067 flesch: 76 summary: In the Sioux language _toya_ signifies both green and blue; and a much-travelled Jesuit Father told me that among many Indian tribes the same confusion prevails. In the march of progress Indian men and women are to-day taking places of honour and emolument side by side with their white fellow-citizens, and many gifted and cultured persons of Indian blood have done good work for the race. keywords: algonquian; american; animals; bear; beaver; blue; boy; brother; buffalo; canoe; chief; children; country; day; dead; death; deity; dog; earth; face; father; feet; fire; food; forest; glooskap; god; gods; good; great; head; home; hunter; hunting; husband; indian; iroquois; jay; lake; land; law; left; legend; length; life; lodge; magic; man; means; medicine; men; morning; myth; new; night; north; origin; people; place; race; red; return; river; round; sacred; snake; son; spirit; star; stock; stone; story; sun; time; tree; tribe; village; war; water; way; white; wife; woman; world; young; youth cache: 42390.txt plain text: 42390.txt item: #6 of 7 id: 53080 author: Spence, Lewis title: The Myths of Mexico & Peru date: None words: 110263 flesch: 66 summary: Like many other gods of the chase, he is figured as having the characteristics of a deer or rabbit. Maya god of merchants and cacao-planters, 170, 177; God L thought to be, 176; probably parallel to Yacatecutli, 177 Emerald Fowl, The, 186 Etzalqualiztli (When they eat Bean Food). keywords: account; american; ancient; apu; aztec; bird; ccapac; central; chief; city; civilisation; country; creation; cuzco; day; days; death; deities; deity; early; earth; father; feet; festival; fire; form; general; god; goddess; gods; guatemala; hand; head; history; house; huitzilopochtli; human; hun; inca; kiche; king; lake; land; legend; life; little; maize; man; maya; means; men; mexican; mexico; moon; mother; myth; mythology; nahua; native; new; north; number; old; origin; people; period; peru; peruvian; place; popol; power; priest; quetzalcoatl; race; sacrifice; serpent; son; spanish; state; stone; sun; system; temple; tezcatlipoca; time; toltecs; vuh; war; water; work; world; worship; years; yucatan cache: 53080.txt plain text: 53080.txt item: #7 of 7 id: 606 author: Linderman, Frank Bird title: Indian Why Stories: Sparks from War Eagle's Lodge-Fire date: None words: 30752 flesch: 91 summary: I have heard white men say that they had seen Indians use them; but I have never found an Indian that ever used them himself, or knew of their having been used by his people. Then I saw the whole world at war, and many flags of white men were in this land of ours. keywords: day; eagle; fire; indian; know; lodge; man; night; people; sun; time; war; water; white; world cache: 606.txt plain text: 606.txt