item: #1 of 21 id: A02606 author: Hamor, Ralph, d. 1626. title: A true discourse of the present estate of Virginia and the successe of the affaires there till the 18 of Iune. 1614. Together with a relation of the seuerall English townes and forts, the assured hopes of that countrie and the peace concluded with the Indians. The christening of Powhatans daughter and her mariage with an English-man. Written by Raphe Hamor the yonger, late secretarie in that colony. date: 1615 words: 24041 flesch: 31 summary: And doubtlesse I doe beleeue , euen amongst the rest of my Articles , when these poore Heathens shall be brought to entertaine the honour of the name , and glory of the Gospell of our blessed Sauiour , when they shall testifie of the true and euerliuing God , and Iesus Christ to be their Saluation , their knowledge so inlarged and sanctified that without him they confesse their eternal death : I do beleeue I say ( and how can it be otherwise ? ) that they shal breake out and cry with rapture of so inexplicable mercie : Blessed be the King and Prince of England , and blessed be the English Nation , and blessed for euer be the most high God possessor of Heauen and earth , that sent these English as ●ngels to bring such glad tidings amongst vs. These will be doub●lesse the empaticke effects and exultation of ●his so Christian worke , and may these nothing moue ? Alas let S●●bal●at and Tobiah ▪ Papists and Plai●es , Ammonites and Horonites , the seumme and dregges of the people , let them mocke at this holy Businesse , they that be filthie , let them be f●lthie still , and let such swine wallow in the mire , but let not the rod of the wick●d fal● vpon the l●t of the righteous , let not them shrinke backe , and call in their helpes from this so glorious enterprise , w●ich the Prophet Isaiah cals the declaring of God to the left hand , but let them that know the worke , re●oice and be glad in the happie successe of it , proclaiming that it is the euerliuing God that raigneth in England , and vnto the ends of the world . Honourable Sir : HAui●g in the time of my residence in Virginia ( as it is true my imployment then inuited mee thereunto ) collected for my owne vse and benefit , some few occurrents and accidents , which are obuious in all new imployments , a thing which perhaps but few regard there to busie themselues with , and fewer heer to peruse : I resolued indeed only to delight my selfe , and som who I am bound to be thankefull vnto in that kinde with the vnworthy view of them , the rather , because I haue seen many publications & impressions of those affairs , by those , whose books I should be proud to beare after them : but such is the peruersenes of mankinde , such their incredulity of euery thing , saue what their eies tell them to b● true : yea , such their backwardnes in the pursuit of horable enterprises , that though there should bee no end of writing , but euery day should drawe foorth his line , and euery line his reall encouragement , as mine may in the state of the Co●ony , as it now standeth , it were hard to say whether one of so many thousands as abound in England , might be thereby moued to ioine with others right worthyly disposed to become a har●y and deuoted furtherer of an action so noble , as is this , which thing if I faile in effecting , I shall not loose much labour , since when I vndertook this taske , I imagined no such thing : but meerly my owne delight and content . keywords: able; action; affaires; argall; assured; b ●; bee; beginning; benefit; best; better; bin; blessed; books; bread; bring; brother; businesse; captaine; care; cause; christ; christian; church; colony; commaund; comming; commodities; company; conditions; content; copper; corne; countrie; country; daies; daily; dale; daughter; day; death; delight; desire; discourse; doe; doth; doubt; early; eebo; enemies; england; english; english men; estate; euen; euer; faire; father; feare; fish; fiue; forts; forward; foure; friends; friendship; gates; generall; giue; glad; glorious; god; godly; goe; good; great; greater; ground; halfe; hamor; hand; hath; haue; haue bin; hee; high; himselfe; hitherto; holy; home; honest; honour; honourable; hope; houses; hurt; iames; iapazeus; iesus; ignorant; imployment; incouragement; increase; indeuours; indians; iohn; iudge; iune; iust; king; knowledge; knowne; labour; leaue; length; lesse; letters; life; like; little; liue; long; longer; loue; m ●; man; manner; mans; mariage; matter; meanes; mee; men; message; miles; new; noble; occasion; old; onely; ouer; owne; parts; passe; peace; peeces; people; perfection; plantation; pleased; pocahuntas; power; powhatan; present; principall; proceedings; purpose; quantity; ready; reason; receiue; relation; resolution; rest; returne; reuenge; right; riuer; saue; seene; selfe; seruice; seuerall; sir; sir thomas; sixe; small; som; store; subiects; successe; sufficient; swords; t ●; tcp; text; th ●; themselues; thereunto; thing; thomas; till; time; tobacco; tould; town; trade; triall; true; virginia; vnder; vnto; vpon; vse; vvhich; vvith; w ●; way; wee; welcome; weroance; west; whereof; wi ●; wife; wilde; witnesse; worke; world; worthy; yea; yeere; ● d; ● e; ● es; ● h; ● ly; ● n; ● r; ● s; ● y; ● ● cache: A02606.xml plain text: A02606.txt item: #2 of 21 id: A07832 author: Morton, Thomas, 1564-1659. title: New English Canaan, or New Canaan containing an abstract of New England, composed in three bookes : the first booke setting forth the originall of the natives, their manners and customes, together with their tractable nature and love towards the English : the second booke setting forth the naturall indowments of the countrie, and what staple commodities it yeeldeth : the third booke setting forth what people are planted there, their prosperity, what remarkable accidents have happened since the first planting of it, together with their tenents, and practise of their church / written by Thomas Morton ... date: 1637 words: 49747 flesch: 69 summary: So much these two Sachems stood upon tearme of reputation with each other , the one would not sen● her , & the other would not send for her , least it should be any diminishing of honor on his part , that shoul● seeme to comply , that the Lady ( when I came ou● of the Country ) remained still with her father ; whic● is a thinge worth the noting , that Salvage peopl● should seeke to maintaine their reputation so muc● as they doe . CHAP. One amongst the rest an able bodied man , tha● ranged the woodes , to see what it would afford , lighted by accident on an Indian barne , and from thenc● did take a capp full of corne ; the Salvage owner of it finding by the foote some English had bin there came to the Plantation , and made complaint after thi● manner . keywords: able; abstract; abundance; accompted; accustomed; admired; advantage; againe; aire; allowance; alwayes; america; appeare; armes; arrivall; auditory; author; bay; beasts; beaver; bee; behinde; beleeve; belly; benefit; best; better; betweene; bigg; bigger; bin; birds; black; body; booke; brethren; bubble; building; burning; calling; canaan; captaine; carnall; catalogue; cause; ceremonies; chap; chapter; cheife; children; choise; christopher; church; civilized; coast; coate; codd; cold; coloure; come; comming; commodious; commodities; commodity; common; company; compasse; conceaved; conscience; contrary; corne; counsell; country; countrymen; course; court; cure; custome; dainty; dangerous; day; dead; deare; death; degrees; delight; desire; desirous; difference; disposed; divers; doe; doth; drinke; ducks; earth; ease; eebo; eies; elder; end; enemy; england; english; entertainement; erocoise; error; estimation; example; excellent; experience; fall; farre; fast; father; fatt; feede; fertile; fine; fire; fish; fishes; fit; fitt; fitting; flesh; foode; forme; forth; fountaine; fowle; geese; generall; gentleman; gifts; glory; god; gods; goe; gold; golden; good; good man; goodly; gray; great; ground; growne; gunne; habitation; halfe; hand; hath; head; heate; hee; hee hath; helpe; herbes; hide; himselfe; hold; honest; honor; hope; host; howse; indians; indowments; industry; inhabitants; instrument; intent; iohn; ionas; iosua; island; iustice; judgement; keepe; kinde; knowledge; knowne; laboure; lady; lake; language; large; latitude; law; left; length; lesse; lether; life; like; little; littleworth; live; longe; lord; love; maine; majesties; making; man; manner; massachussets; master; maypole; meanes; mee; meete; men; merchant; merry; moneths; monster; morton; mount; multitudes; nation; natives; naturall; nature; neere; nevv; new; new canaan; new england; night; noe; northerne; notice; number; o ●; occasion; onely; open; opinion; originall; owne; particular; parts; passage; passe; pay; peece; people; perfection; person; place; plague; plantation; planters; pleasure; plenty; plimmouth; poem; poore; powther; practise; pray; prepared; present; prince; principall; proper; prospect; publike; purchase; purpose; quarter; question; ready; reason; receaved; redd; religion; reputation; respect; rest; rich; river; sachem; salem; salte; salvages; sayd; sayes; sea; seaven; second; seene; sence; sent; sentence; seperatists; set; setting; severall; shee; shew; shipp; short; sir; skinnes; sleepe; small; sonne; sorts; speake; speciall; spirit; spring; state; stay; stones; store; summer; taske; tayle; tcp; tenents; tenne; territories; text; th ●; things; thomas; thought; time; trade; trees; true; undertake; unto; use; usefull; variety; vertue; view; virginea; voyage; want; water; way; wessaguscus; whereof; whiles; white; whome; wife; willing; windes; winter; wise; wit; wolfes; women; wood; worke; world; worthies; worthy; yeares; younge; zeale; zona; ● e; ● ● cache: A07832.xml plain text: A07832.txt item: #3 of 21 id: A12470 author: Smith, John, 1580-1631. title: A true relation of such occurrences and accidents of noate as hath hapned in Virginia since the first planting of that collony, which is now resident in the south part thereof, till the last returne from thence written by Captaine Smith [Cor]one[ll] of the said collony, to a worshipfull friend of his in England. date: 1608 words: 15015 flesch: 22 summary: 〈…〉 of M●cano● , which was the counseller of Pasp●●●gh : first I then Maister 〈◊〉 , vpon their seuerall examinations , ●ound by them all confirmed , that Paspahegh , and C●●●kahammania did hate vs , and intended some mischiefe , and who they were that tooke me , the names of them that stole our tooles , and swords , and that Powhatan receiued them , they all agreed : certaine vo●●lies of shot we caused to be discharged , which caused each other to thinke that their fellowes had beene slaine . The Emperors sent his Seaman Mantiuas in the euening with bread and victuall for me and my men , he no more scrip●●●s then the rest séemed to take a pride in shewing how 〈◊〉 he regarded that miserable cold and d●rty passage , though a d●ggs would scarce haue indured it , this kindnes I found , when I litle expected lesse then a mischiefs , but the black● night parting our companies , ere midnight the 〈◊〉 serued to carry vs aboard : the next day we came ashore , the King with a solemne discourse causing all to depart , but his principall men , and this was the effect , when as hée perceiued that we had a desire to inuade Monacum , against whom he was no professed enemy , yet thus farre hée would assist vs in this enterprise : First hée would send his spies , perfectly to vnderstand their strength and ability ●o fight , with which he would acquaint vs himselfe . keywords: action; armes; arrowes; barge; bay; bee; best; better; boy; bread; bushells; canow; captaine; cause; certaine; chiefe; children; collony; comming; company; content; contented; copper; corne; counsell; country; course; day; dayes; death; discourse; diuers; doe; doubt; durst; eebo; end; england; english; expected; father; fiue; foote; fort; foure; giue; god; goe; good; great; ground; guard; guide; halfe; hatchets; hath; haue; hauing; hee; high; himselfe; houses; hée; indians; intent; iourney; kinde; kindly; kindnes; king; lesse; like; little; lodging; long; low; maister; man; manner; martin; mee; men; midst; miles; morning; mée; nation; neare; newport; night; nuport; occasion; onely; order; ouer; pamaunke; paspahegh; people; pistoll; place; plaine; powhatan; president; prouision; quarter; ready; relation; rest; returne; riuer; rockes; scriuener; selfe; set; shore; shot; signes; sixe; smith; south; swords; sée; tcp; text; thing; thrée; time; towne; trade; true; twentie; virginia; vnderstanding; vnto; vpon; water; way; wee; white; women; wée; y ●; ● e; ● ● cache: A12470.xml plain text: A12470.txt item: #4 of 21 id: A35692 author: Denton, Daniel. title: A brief description of New-York, formerly called New-Netherlands with the places thereunto adjoyning : together with the manner of its scituation, fertility of the soyle, healthfulness of the climate, and the commodities thence produced : also some directions and advice to such as shall go thither ... : likewise a brief relation of the customs of the Indians there / by Daniel Denton. date: 1670 words: 7347 flesch: 43 summary: Thus have I briefly given you a Relation of New-York , with the places thereunto ad●oyning ; In which , if I have err'd , it is principally in not giving it its due commendation ; for besides those earthly blessings where it is stor'd , Heaven hath not been wanting to open his Treasure , in sending down seasonable showres upon the Earth , blessing it with a sweet and pleasant Air , and a Continuation of such Influences as tend to the Health both of Man and Beast : and the Climate hath such an affinity with that of England , that it breeds ordinarily no alteration to those which remove thither ; that the name of seasoning , which is common to some other Countreys hath never there been known ; That I may say , and say truly , that if there be any terrestrial happiness to be had by people of all ranks , especially of an inferior rank , it must certainly be here : here any one may furnish himself with land , and live rent-free , yea , with such a quantity of land , that he may weary himself with walking over his fields of Corn , and all so●ts of Gr●in and ●et his stock of Cattel amount to some hundreds , he needs not fear their want of pasture in the Summer , or Fodder in the Winter , the Woods affording sufficient supply . Delewerhay the mouth of the River , lyeth about the Mid-way betwixt New-Y●●k and the Capes of Virginia : It is a very pleasant River and Countrey , but very few inhabitants , and them being mostly Swedes , Dutch and Finns : about sixty miles up the River is the principal Town called N●w-Castle , which is about 40 miles from Mary-land , and very good way to travel , either with horse or foot , the people are setled all along the west side sixty miles above New-Castle ; the land is good for all sorts of English grain , and wanteth nothing but a good people to populate it , it being capable of entertaining many hundred fami●ies . keywords: adjoyning; america; bear; better; betwixt; black; brief; broad; brooks; cattel; characters; cloth; colony; commodities; common; company; corn; countrey; daniel; denton; doth; dutch; early; eebo; end; england; english; fields; furnished; god; good; great; hath; healthfulness; indians; inhabitants; island; land; leave; like; live; long; man; manner; miles; money; netherlands; new; north; parts; people; person; place; priest; red; relation; rest; river; sea; small; sorts; south; soyle; store; tcp; tei; text; time; towns; trade; travel; villages; way; west; winter; woods; work; world; year; york cache: A35692.xml plain text: A35692.txt item: #5 of 21 id: A35938 author: Dickinson, Jonathan, 1663-1722. title: Gods protecting providence, man's surest help and defence in the times of the greatest difficulty and most imminent danger evidenced in the remarkable deliverance of divers persons from the devouring waves of the sea, amongst which they suffered shipwrack : and also from the more cruelly devouring jawes of the inhumane canibals of Florida / faithfully related by one of the persons concerned therein, Jonathan Dickenson. date: 1699 words: 35378 flesch: 72 summary: In this Place We saw many Tokens of some of our Nations , having fall'n into the hands of these People ▪ As Two English Canno●es ▪ one of Cedar ▪ the other of Cotten-Tree , like those of ●amaica ▪ severall Blocks and Sheives of Lignum - 〈◊〉 ; se●●●● Tooles and Knives , and more Particularly ▪ a 〈◊〉 on the haf● of which was writt the man's nam●●●us ▪ THOMAS FOSTER . I must confess , thanks giving ( which is what we poor Mortal● can return , for the manifold favours we daily receive from him ) hath it's rise in the heart ; and as out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh , how can those who are truly thankfull in heart ; but render the calves of their lips ; in telling to their Friends and acquaintance , how great things GOD hath done for them : Nay , they are so affected , with such eminent appearances of the Protecting hand of Providence , for their help , preservation and deliverance ; that they are not vvilling to confine it to them only , but to publish it to the World ; that the Fame of their God may be spread from Sea to Sea , and from one end of the Earth to the other . keywords: able; account; afternoon; allen; andrew; arrows; att; augusteen; bad; barrow; bay; ben; berries; bid; black; boat; bows; boy; break; breast; cabin; cannooe; captain; carolina; casseekey; casseena; chest; child; clock; clothing; cold; comeing; company; condition; considerable; corn; danger; day; days; dead; death; deep; deliverance; discourse; distance; divers; drink; dry; early; eebo; english; evening; extream; fire; fish; food; foot; friends; god; goe; good; gott; governour; great; ground; guide; half; hand; hard; head; help; high; hold; hopes; hour; house; indians; inlett; john; joseph; joseph kirle; kinsman; kirle; land; large; leagues; leaves; lenght; length; like; little; live; long; look; looking; lord; lucea; lye; man; manner; master; men; mett; mile; month; morning; nation; negroe; nickaleer; night; noise; noon; north; number; old; old casseekey; order; parcell; passage; people; persons; piece; place; pleased; plenty; poor; putt; rain; ready; rest; robert; said; sand; sea; self; selves; sentinall; sett; setting; severall; shelter; shoar; sick; signs; small; smith; solomon; sort; sound; southward; spaniards; spanish; staff; stay; storm; sun; tcp; tenn; text; th ●; things; time; topp; town; travell; vessel; victualls; violent; viz; vvas; vve; vvere; vvhich; vvith; vvould; ward; water; way; weather; week; west; wich; wife; wig; willing; wind; women; wood; work; young; ● d; ● e; ● ed; ● s; ● t; ● y; ● ● cache: A35938.xml plain text: A35938.txt item: #6 of 21 id: A39223 author: Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the Parts Adjacent in America. title: A brief narrative of the progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New-England, in the year 1670 given in by the Reverend Mr. John Elliot, minister of the gospel there, in a letter by him directed to the right worshipfull the commissioners under His Majesties Great-Seal for propagation of the gospel amongst the poor blind natives in those United Colonies. date: 1671 words: 4728 flesch: 58 summary: Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 491:17) A brief narrative of the progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New-England, in the year 1670 given in by the Reverend Mr. John Elliot, minister of the gospel there, in a letter by him directed to the right worshipfull the commissioners under His Majesties Great-Seal for propagation of the gospel amongst the poor blind natives in those United Colonies. In as much as now we have ordained Indian Officers unto the Ministry of the Gospel , it is needful to add a word or two of Apology : I find it hopeless to expect English Officers in our Indian Churches ; the work is full of hardship , hard labour , and chargeable also , and the Indians not yet capable to give considerable support and maintenance ; and Men have bodies , and must live of the Gospel : keywords: able; advice; books; brother; characters; chief; christ; christian; church; churches; day; early; eebo; england; english; general; god; godly; good; gospel; great; indians; jesus; john; known; lord; man; men; new; opportunity; order; parts; people; place; praying; present; propagation; right; ruler; sachems; service; sundry; tcp; teacher; tei; text; time; town; way; work; year cache: A39223.xml plain text: A39223.txt item: #7 of 21 id: A39225 author: Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the Parts Adjacent in America. title: A further accompt of the progresse of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New-England, and of the means used effectually to advance the same set forth in certaine letters sent from thence declaring a purpose of printing the Scriptures in the Indian tongue into which they are already translated : with which letters are likewise sent an epitome of some exhortations delivered by the Indians at a fast, as testimonies of their obedience tot he Gospell : as also some helps directing the Indians how to improve naturall reason unto the knowledge of the true God. date: 1659 words: 11997 flesch: 67 summary: And truly it cannot but be matter both of abundant thanksgivings to God , to find poor Americans speking the languag of Canaan , subscribing with their hand unto the Lord , and sirnaming themselves by the name of Israel : & also of great comfort and encouragement unto all those whose hearts the Lord hath stirred up , either here in a way of liberall 〈◊〉 , to honour him with their su●…stance , and to bring their Silver and Gold unto the name of the Lord , that their mer●…handize may be Holinesse unto him : or there , in a way of labour and service , setti●…g their heart and hand to sna●…ch poor souls as brands out of the fire , to see such a signall bl●…ssing upon their paines and prayers , and such seeds of the Everlasti●…g Gospel come up in so barren and desolate a soile , making way unto a plentifull harvest for those who shall after enter upon their labours . No monies , no s●…udies will make a more ample returne then those wbich are laid up in heaven , which are laid out upon building the house of God. keywords: a39225; able; aiakquiiks; angry; answer; beginning; beloved; best; blessing; books; care; cause; characters; chawgun; christ; christian; church; clean; colonies; comfort; commissioners; consideration; corporation; creatures; day; desire; div; divine; doe; doth; early; earth; eebo; eliot; england; english; ewo; fast; fasting; fire; followeth; gentlemen; god; godly; gods; goe; good; gospel; great; hand; hath; hearts; heathen; heaven; himselfe; holy; hom; hypocrites; indians; iohn; isa; jehovah; john; kingdome; knowledge; language; letters; light; like; little; living; lord; love; man; mando; manner; matta; matter; means; men; mourn; mourning; naturall; nature; necessary; need; neh; nejek; new; notes; order; people; physitian; places; poor; prayer; present; printing; progresse; promoting; pure; quah; rame; reason; religion; ren; repentance; rest; reward; righteous; righteousnesse; rio; rom; sacrifice; salvation; scriptures; selves; service; set; sick; sicknesse; sinners; sins; souls; spake; spirit; spirituall; sweet; tcp; tei; terre; text; things; thou; time; tongue; true; true god; truth; united; use; wame; way; webe; willeth; words; work; world; worship; wutche; youh cache: A39225.xml plain text: A39225.txt item: #8 of 21 id: A39226 author: Eliot, John, 1604-1690. title: A further account of the progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England: being a relation of the confessions made by several Indians (in the presence of the elders and members of several churches) in order to their admission into church-fellowship. Sent over to the corporation for propagating the Gospel of Jesus Christ amongst the Indians in New England at London, by Mr John Elliot one of the laborers in the word amonsgt them. date: 1660 words: 24993 flesch: 73 summary: Again , I remembred that Word , Blessed are the pure in heart , for they shall see God ; my heart saith , O Christ help me to be so , that cleane may be my heart . And I did not truly love them that prayed to God , but I was a stranger in heart unto them . keywords: adam; angry; blessed; brothers; children; christ; church; confessions; covenant; day; dead; death; deserved; desire; doth; earth; elders; england; english; evil; father; fear; gen; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; hath; heart; heaven; hee; help; holy; image; indians; jesus; life; like; little; long; lord; love; lust; man; mat; mee; men; mercy; minister; new; pardon; people; pray; praying; present; repent; rest; right; roxbury; sabbath; saith; satan; saw; self; sinner; sins; son; soul; spake; spirit; sure; text; things; thought; thy; time; troubled; vain; way; weak; wee; word; work; yea; yee cache: A39226.xml plain text: A39226.txt item: #9 of 21 id: A39228 author: Eliot, John, 1604-1690. title: Indian dialogues for their instruction in that great service of Christ, in calling home their country-men to the knowledge of God, and of themselves, and of Iesus Christ. date: 1671 words: 42247 flesch: 78 summary: But yet there is another t●ing that I am much afraid of , and that is your Church-Admonitions and Excommunications : I hear that your Sachems are under that yoke I am a sinful man as well as others , but if I must be admonished by th● C●urch , who are my Subjects , I know not how I shall like t●at . I desire that I were able to pull you all out of that deep pit and filthy puddle ; which to perform , I should utterly be disabled , if I should go in my self , and so be d●filed with the same filth , which I perswade them to forsake and cast away . keywords: able; accept; act; adde; alwayes; answer; ant; better; blessing; blood; bodies; body; book; brother; care; case; change; children; christ; church; comfort; company; condition; counsel; country; creature; darkness; day; de ●; dead; death; delights; desire; devil; discourse; distressed; divine; doth; doubt; earth; english; eternal; experience; eyes; f ●; faith; far; father; fear; feed; flesh; food; forsake; friends; g ●; glory; god; god doth; gods; good; grace; great; great god; greater; griefs; hand; hath; heart; heaven; heavenly; hell; help; holy; honour; hope; house; ignorant; indians; infinite; iohn; jesus; jesus christ; joyes; justice; keit; kinsm; kinswom; knowledge; l ●; law; life; light; like; little; living; long; lord; lord god; love; lusts; m ●; man; matter; means; meat; men; mercy; minde; ministers; morning; motion; need; new; o ●; old; onely; open; order; outward; p ●; pardon; parts; pen; people; person; pium; place; pleasures; point; poor; power; pr ●; pray; prayer; praying; present; promise; psal; ransome; reade; reason; religion; repentance; request; rest; riches; s ●; sabbath; sachem; salvation; satisfie; scriptures; second; self; selves; service; sin; sinners; sins; sleep; sorrow; soul; spirit; sun; t ●; tcp; temptation; text; th ●; thanks; thee; things; thou; thought; thy; time; torments; town; true; truth; turn; use; ver; vile; vve; wab; way; wayes; weak; wicked; willing; wisdome; wise; word; work; worldly; worship; wrath; yea; young; ● d; ● e; ● ed; ● h; ● ing; ● nd; ● r; ● st; ● y; ● ● cache: A39228.xml plain text: A39228.txt item: #10 of 21 id: A39229 author: Eliot, John, 1604-1690. title: A late and further manifestation of the progress of the gospel amongst the Indians in Nevv-England declaring their constant love and zeal to the truth : with a readiness to give accompt of their faith and hope, as of their desires in church communion to be partakers of the ordinances of Christ : being a narrative of the examinations of the Indians, about their knowledge in religion, by the elders of the churches / related by Mr. John Eliot. date: 1655 words: 9525 flesch: 73 summary: Q. Is there any Promise set home on your heart that comforteth you , what Promise doe you remember ? A. I believe the Promise of God , that he will pardon believers in Jesus Christ . And also that they may be much encouraged to continue their Prayers , and liberall Contributions for the finishing and perfecting of this blessed and glorious undertaking , so much conducing to the Glory of God , the Salvation of soules , and the Inlargement of the Kingdome of Christ upon Earth . keywords: a. god; answer; child; christ; church; day; death; desire; doth; dye; elders; eliot; england; english; faith; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; hath; heart; heaven; holy; house; indians; jesus; jesus christ; knowledge; life; like; little; live; lord; love; man; matter; men; natick; new; ordinances; people; place; questions; said; selfe; sin; sins; soule; spake; spirit; text; things; time; way; words; work; year cache: A39229.xml plain text: A39229.txt item: #11 of 21 id: A46303 author: Josselyn, John, fl. 1630-1675. title: New-Englands rarities discovered in birds, beasts, fishes, serpents, and plants of that country : together with the physical and chyrurgical remedies wherewith the natives constantly use to cure their distempers, wounds, and sores : also a perfect description of an Indian squa ... with a poem not improperly conferr'd upon her : lastly, a chronological table of the most remarkable passages in that country amongst the English : illustrated with cuts / by John Josselyn, Gent. date: 1672 words: 17242 flesch: 84 summary: The Sea Coasts are accounted wholsomest , the East and South Winds coming from Sea produceth warm weather , the Northwest coming over land causeth extremity of Cold , and many times strikes the Inhabitants both English and Indian with that sad Disease called there the Plague of the Back , but with us Em●…iema . eng Natural history -- New England -- Pre-Linnean works. keywords: aches; america; anno; anno dom; august; banks; bark; beans; beer; berries; berry; best; better; big; bigger; bigness; birds; black; blew; books; boston; broad; brown; bruises; burns; cambridge; cast; cattle; ceti; church; cod; cold; colony; colour; come; common; country; creature; cure; cuts; decoction; deep; deer; description; dish; divers; dom; dry; earth; eebo; england; english; esteemed; excellent; fair; fat; feathers; feavers; fire; fish; fishes; flat; flesh; flower; fluxes; foot; fox; french; garden; good; goose; governour; grass; grease; great; green; grounds; hair; half; handful; hath; head; high; hills; hollow; horns; horse; hot; indians; iohn; iune; john; kind; large; leaf; leaves; legs; light; like; little; long; manner; massachusets; meat; men; milk; moss; muscle; natives; new; number; oak; old; ones; owl; oyl; pain; pale; people; perfect; physick; pirola; plant; pond; powder; proper; purple; rarities; red; remedy; ripe; river; rocks; root; round; salt; scalds; scurvy; sea; seed; shape; sharp; ships; short; sir; skin; slender; small; soft; sore; sperma; spring; stalk; stone; strings; strong; sugar; summer; sun; sweet; table; tail; taste; tcp; teeth; tender; text; thick; time; tobacco; tooth; town; tree; turkie; use; virginia; warm; water; way; west; wet; whale; white; wild; winter; wolf; wood; works; world; wort; wounds; yard; years; yellow; young cache: A46303.xml plain text: A46303.txt item: #12 of 21 id: A46842 author: Jessey, Henry, 1603-1663. title: Of the conversion of five thousand and nine hundred East-Indians, in the isle Formosa, neere China to the profession of the true God, in Jesus Christ : by meanes of M. Ro, Junius, a minister lately in Delph in Holland / related by ... M. C. Sibellius ... in a Latine letter ; translated ... by H. Jessei ... ; with a post-script of the Gospels good sucesse also amongst the VVest-Indians, in New England. date: 1650 words: 12567 flesch: 74 summary: Foure of us , ( saith the Honoured Relator , ) ( having sought God ) went according to appointment , to the Wigwam ( or Tent made of Boughs , and Mats , ) of Waaubon , an Indian-Governour : Where he found many Indians gathered together from all quarters to learne of us the Knowledge of God. One Question this day after Lecture was , Because other Abergenians ( or Indians ) aske us thus ; What get you by praying to God ? you goe naked still , and our Corne is as good as yours ; else wee would praie to God too : what shall we answer to this ? Another Question oft put , is this ; They being enformed of the unlawfulnesse of all Gaming for Wages , where there is any Lot : Whether they should pay such Debts , as they came into by Gaming ? keywords: a46842; act; affected; beforesaid; beleeve; blessed; booke; cambridge; children; china; christ; christians; churches; conversion; cresset; day; death; dei; delph; desire; divers; doe; doth; dutch; early; east; edward; eebo; eliot; end; england; english; faith; father; fit; formosa; foure; glorious; glory; god; godly; gods; goe; good; gospell; great; hath; heart; heathen; heaven; hee; hell; himselfe; holland; house; indians; isle; jesus; joy; junius; knowledge; language; latine; lecture; letter; london; long; lord; love; man; mat; meanes; men; ministers; neere; new; old; owne; oxford; page; paines; parliament; pawaws; people; persons; poore; post; pray; prayer; present; professed; progresse; promise; questions; relation; religion; returne; robert; sabbath; sachim; satisfaction; script; second; shine; sibellius; sinne; soule; successe; tcp; text; thee; things; thou; thy; time; tongue; true; viz; way; west; wife; winslow; words; worke; world; writ; yeares; young cache: A46842.xml plain text: A46842.txt item: #13 of 21 id: A54171 author: Penn, William, 1644-1718. title: A letter from William Penn, poprietary and governour of Pennsylvania in America, to the Committee of the Free Society of Traders of that province residing in London containing a general description of the said province, its soil, air, water, seasons, and produce ... of the natives, or, aborigines, their language, customs, and manners ... of the first planters, the Dutch &c. ... to which is added an account of the city of Philadelphia ... date: 1683 words: 10315 flesch: 78 summary: Jo●hua Ha●tins , Edward Betrice , Thomas Minchin , 18. John ap John , William Smith , Richard Collins , 19 Richard Snead , Dugel Gamel , William Russel , John Cole , 20 Richard Gunton Bazeleon Foster , John Marsh , Richard Hanns , James H●nt , 21. John Blunston , Henry Bayley , 22. John Penington , William Penington , Edward Penington , 23. Mary Penington , 23. John , Edward , William , & Mary Penington , 14 Richard Penn , 15. Samuel Fox , John Cole , William Russel , Henry Bayley , 16. keywords: acres; affairs; air; allen; america; andrew; best; black; books; center; characters; charles; children; city; corn; council; country; customs; daniel; david; delaware; divers; draught; dutch; early; east; edward; eebo; end; england; english; fall; fish; francis; free; fronts; fruits; general; george; god; good; government; governour; grape; great; ground; hath; henry; high; house; indians; james; john; jones; joseph; justice; kind; king; land; language; letter; like; little; london; lots; love; man; manners; men; miles; moneth; natives; natural; navigable; north; number; old; original; parts; pearce; penn; pennsylvania; people; peter; philadelphia; philip; place; planters; plenty; present; produce; profit; province; purchasers; reason; richard; river; robert; said; samuel; seasons; self; skulkill; small; smith; society; sorts; south; sowle; spring; square; street; strong; summer; taylor; tcp; tei; text; things; thomas; time; town; trees; vvilliam; want; water; way; white; william; winter; women; woods; work; year; young cache: A54171.xml plain text: A54171.txt item: #14 of 21 id: A59662 author: Eliot, John, 1604-1690. title: The Day-breaking, if not the sun-rising of the Gospell with the Indians in New-England date: 1647 words: 10823 flesch: 54 summary: When wee perceived the root and reach of this question , wee gave them this answer , that there are two sorts of English men , some are bad and naught , and live wickedly and loosely , ( describing them ) and these kind of English men wee told them were in a manner as ignorant of Jesus Christ as the Indians now are ; but there are a second sort of English men , who though for a time they lived wickedly also like other prophane and ignorant English , yet repenting of their sinnes , and seeking after God and Jesus Christ , they are good men now , and now know Christ , and love Christ , and pray to Christ , and are thankfull for all they have to Christ , and shall at last when they dye , goe up to heaven to Christ and we told them them all these also were once as ignorant of God and Jesus Christ as the Indians are , but by seeking to know him by reading his booke , and hearing his word , and praying to him , &c. they now know Jesus Christ ▪ and just so shall the Indians know him if they so seeke him also , although at the present they bee extrmely ignorant of him . Whence these Indians came here to inhabit is not certaine , his reasons are most probable who thinke they are Tartars passing out of Asia into America by the straits of Anian , who being spilt by some revenging hand of God upon this continent like water upon the ground are spread as farre as these Atlanticke shores , there being but few of them in these parts in comparison of those which are more contiguous to the Anian straits , if wee may credit some Historians herein : what ever these conjectures and uncertainties bee , certaine it is that they are inheritors of a grievous and fearefull curse living so long without Ephod or Teraphim , and in nearest alliance to the wilde beasts that perish ; and as God delights to convey blessings of mercy to the posterity of some , in respect of his promise to their fathers , so are curses entailed and come by naturall descent unto others , for some great sinnes of their Ancestors , as no doubt it is in respect of these . keywords: answ; answer; bee; beginnings; beleeve; children; christ; day; desire; doe; earth; england; english; eyes; father; god; gods; goe; good; gospell; great; hands; hearing; hearts; heaven; hee; house; image; indians; jesus; jesus christ; knowledge; language; like; little; long; lord; love; man; meanes; meeting; men; mercy; new; night; old; owne; place; prayer; present; propounded; question; repentance; second; set; sinne; speake; spirit; sun; text; things; thinke; time; tongue; viz; water; wee; weeping; wicked; wigwam; wonderfull; word; worke cache: A59662.xml plain text: A59662.txt item: #15 of 21 id: A62471 author: Dury, John, 1596-1680. title: Digitus dei: nevv discoveryes with sure arguments to prove that the Jews (a Nation) or people lost in the world for the space of near 200 years, inhabite now in America; how they came thither; their manners, customs, rites and ceremonies; the unparallel'd cruelty of the Spaniard to them; and that the Americans are of that race. Manifested by reason and scripture, which foretell the calling of the Jewes; and the restitution of them into their own land, and the bringing back of the ten tribes from all the ends and corners of the earth, and that great battell to be fought. With the removall of some contrary reasonings, and an earnest desire for effectuall endeavours to make them Christians. Whereunto is added an epistolicall discourse of Mr John Dury, with the history of Ant: Monterinos, attested by Manasseh Ben Israell, a chief rabby. By Tho: Thorowgood, B:D. date: 1652 words: 56654 flesch: 66 summary: The Lord is my light and my salvation , whom shall I feare , the Lord is the strength of my life , of whom shall I be afraid ; even heathens have said much and done much towards that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , magnanimity and patience , but Christians have an higher prospect , they looke above the terrors of men , and they doe not feare their feare ; for as Stephen through a showre of stones , they can see the heavens open and the Sonne of man sitting at the right hand of God ; nihil erus sentit in nervo , si animus sit in caelo , they are not so much affected with what they feele , as with that they believe , because we walk by faith and not by fight . P. Martyr d tells at large , how Muteczuma the great King of Mexico in an Oration made to his Nobles and People , perswading subjection to the King of Spaine , minds his Countrey-men , that they heard from their fore-fathers , how they were strangers in that land , and by a great Prince very long agoe brought thither in a Fleet , They boast their Pedigree from men preserved in the Sea by God himselfe , that God made one man , and one woman , bidding them live together and multiply , and how in a Famine hee rained bread for them from Heaven , who in a time of drought also gave them Water out of a Rock : many other things , themselves say were done for them , such as the Scriptures relate concerning the Israelites at their comming out of Aegypt , as , their Peregrination many ye●…res , the Oracles they received , their Arke of Bulrush , wherein Vitzi-Liputzli was included , of the Tabernacle the Ark e carried by foure Priests , and how they pitched their Tents according to its direction , and who seeth not saith Malvenda f much probability that the Mexicans are Iewes , how could they else report the manner of their comming into the promised Land ; they affirme there is one chiefe God , who hath been from all eternity , by whom the lesser Gods were made , who became Assistants in the Fabrick and Government of the World , as some of the g Rabbins also called the Angells Con-Creators with God , to whom the Lord did say , Let us make man in our Image , &c. Gen. 1. 26. keywords: a62471; able; abraham; account; acosta; act; adde; affections; againe; america; americans; ancestors; ancient; answer; apostles; arguments; asia; aske; bad; barbarous; beasts; bee; beginning; benzo; better; bin; bishop; blessed; bodies; body; books; brethren; bringing; c. p.; caciques; caraits; care; casas; cause; ceremonies; certaine; changes; chap; chiefe; children; christ; christianity; christians; church; churches; cities; city; civill; command; comming; common; company; condition; conjectures; consideration; continent; contrary; conversion; cor; counsell; countrey; countreymen; countries; court; creature; credit; cruell; cruelties; cruelty; customes; cut; d. p.; daies; daily; darknesse; day; dead; death; descr; designe; desire; deut; die; different; discourse; divers; divine; doctrine; doe; doth; dwell; earnest; earth; east; eebo; egypt; elliot; encouragement; encrease; end; endeavours; ends; england; english; enquiry; esa; europe; evill; example; exod; eyes; families; farre; fathers; favour; feare; fire; fit; flesh; following; foot; force; foretell; foretold; foure; france; francis; gen; generall; generation; gentiles; glorious; glory; god; godlinesse; gods; goe; gold; good; gospell; government; grace; great; greater; grounds; haire; hand; happy; harvest; hath; heads; heart; heathen; heaven; hebrew; hee; heed; hell; helpe; high; himselfe; hist; history; holy; home; honour; hope; house; humane; husband; iacob; ibid; ierusalem; indians; indies; inhabitants; island; israel; jesus; jewes; jewish; journey; judaicall; judgement; keepe; key; kind; king; kingdome; knowledge; knowne; l. 1; l. 2; labour; laet; land; language; large; late; law; lawes; learning; leave; left; lerius; letters; liberty; life; light; like; little; long; looke; lord; lost; love; luk; making; malvenda; man; manasseh; mankinde; manner; mans; mart; martyr; master; matters; meanes; meaning; measure; men; mens; mercy; mexico; midst; miles; minde; ministers; monterinos; moses; names; nation; natives; nature; new; non; notes; notice; novangles; number; occasion; old; onely; open; opinion; order; ordinary; originall; outward; owne; page; particulars; parts; paul; people; persons; pet; pharisees; pious; place; planters; pleased; poore; power; praise; prayer; preaching; pref; priests; principles; probabilities; probability; probable; profession; prophet; purpose; questions; read; reader; reason; religion; remaine; removall; respect; rest; returne; righteousnesse; rites; rom; sabbath; said; saint; saith; salvation; saviour; saxons; saying; scripture; sea; second; seeke; selves; sentence; servants; set; severall; shewed; short; sinne; small; sonnes; sorts; soule; space; spaniards; spanish; speake; spirit; spirituall; state; strange; strangers; supra; sweet; tcp; text; thee; thereof; things; thinke; thorowgood; thou; thoughts; thy; time; title; tongues; tribes; true; truth; ubi; use; walke; want; water; way; wee; weeping; west; whereunto; wicked; wife; wigwam; willing; wisdome; wise; women; wonder; words; worke; world; worthy; writing; yea; yeeres; young; zeale cache: A62471.xml plain text: A62471.txt item: #16 of 21 id: A66681 author: Eliot, John, 1604-1690. title: The Glorious progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England manifested by three letters under the hand of that famous instrument of the Lord, Mr. John Eliot, and another from Mr. Thomas Mayhew, Jun., both preachers of the word, as well to the English as Indians in New England ... : together with an appendix to the foregoing letters, holding forth conjectures, observations, and applications, by I.D. ... / published by Edward Winslow. date: 1649 words: 12834 flesch: 62 summary: Right Honourable , THat former Narative called , The clear Sunshine of the Gospel , breaking forth upon the Indians in New England ; dedicated to your Honours by divers Reverend and eminent Ministers of the Gospell in and about the City of London , found such acceptance in your House , as it begat a debate amongst your selves , how the parliament of England might be serviceable to the Lord Jesus , to help forward such a work begun ; which conduced so abundantly to the glory of God , and good of men in the salvation of their soules . Unto which if I may take the boldnesse to adde what my self , with many others in New England have observed in the practice of the Indians there , in relation to some things enjoyned in the ceremoniall Law of Moses , about the purification of weomen , which no men at this day do observe , no●… beside the Jewes were ever known in that strictness to observe , as these Indians there daily do : As also if the principles of the most grave and sober amongst them , not only in reference to a Deity , the soule of man , the immortality of the soule , and an eternity after death in happines or misery ; but also their manifold daily expressions , bewailing the losse of that knowledge their Ancestors had about God , and the way of his Worship ; the general deluge , and of one man only that ever saw God , which they hold forth to be a long time since , ( even with the greatest expression of length of time that may be ) which certainly I believe to be Moses . keywords: acceptable; america; beleeve; care; children; christ; conversion; day; desire; doe; doth; doth god; dye; eliot; england; english; evill; father; gentiles; glorious; god; godly; gods; goe; good; gospel; grace; great; hand; hath; heart; heathen; heaven; hell; honourable; honours; house; iesus; iewes; indians; knowledge; known; labour; language; letters; life; like; living; london; long; lord; love; man; mayhew; meanes; men; ministers; new; observation; old; onely; parts; people; place; pleased; poor; prayers; present; progresse; questions; reader; right; salvation; set; short; sick; sin; soule; spirit; sundry; text; things; time; tribes; true; want; way; willing; wise; word; work; year; young cache: A66681.xml plain text: A66681.txt item: #17 of 21 id: A84357 author: Eliot, John, 1604-1690. title: Tears of repentance: or, A further narrative of the progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New-England: setting forth, not only their present state and condition, but sundry confessions of sin by diverse of the said Indians, wrought upon by the saving power of the Gospel; together with the manifestation of their faith and hope in Jesus Christ, and the work of grace upon their hearts. Related by Mr. Eliot and Mr. Mayhew, two faithful laborers in that work of the Lord. Published by the corporation for propagating the Gospel there, for the satisfaction and comfort of such as wish well thereunto. date: 1653 words: 27287 flesch: 50 summary: Myoxeo also lately met with an Indian , which came from the Mayn who was of some note among them ; I heard that he told them of the great things of God , and of Christ Jesus , the sinfulness and folly of the Indians , the Pardon of sin by Christ , and of a good life ; and so were they both affected , that they continued this discourse two half nights , and a day , until their strength was spent : He told him in particular , how a Beleever did live above the world , that he did keep worldly things alwaies at his feet ( as he shewed him by a sign ) That when they were deminished , or increased , it was neither the cause of his Sorrow , or joy , that he should stoop to regard them , but he stood upright with his heart Heavenward , and his whol desire was after God , and his joy in him . And although as yet our Eyes have never seen it so , nor our Fathers afore us , many Nations and People having hitherto been overspread , and overwhelmed in Pagan Blindness and Ignorance , having scarce ever heard of Christ , or of His Name ; and many others that in some sort have heard of Him , having no more Grace but to make and maintain Opposition against Him , and against His Kingdom , some more professedly , and others more covertly and under fairer pretence , as in the great Dominions of the Turk , and of the Pope , is apparent ; yet the time is coming , when things shall not thus continue , but be greatly changed and altered , because the Lord hath spoken this Word , and it cannot be that his Word should not take effect : And if the Lord have spoken it , his People have good ground and reason to beleeve it , and to say as the holy Apostle in another case , I beleeve God that it shall be even as it was told me , Act. 27. 25. keywords: alwaies; angry; ashamed; beleeve; better; blessed; break; broken; children; christ; christ hath; church; comfort; commandements; confession; covenant; day; desire; doth; earth; elders; eliot; england; english; evil; eyes; faith; father; fear; followeth; god; god doth; god saith; gods; gods word; good; gospel; grace; great; hand; hath; hearing; heart; heaven; hell; help; holy; hope; house; indians; jesus christ; kingdom; labor; life; like; little; long; lord; love; lust; man; manner; matter; men; mercy; new; pardon; pawwaws; people; place; poor; power; prayer; praying; present; promise; repent; repentance; right; sabbath; said; saints; self; set; sinner; sins; soul; spake; spirit; text; things; thought; time; troubled; true; true god; waies; way; wisdom; word; work; yea; years cache: A84357.xml plain text: A84357.txt item: #18 of 21 id: A85806 author: Gardyner, George. title: A description of the new world. or, America islands and continent: and by what people those regions are now inhabited. And what places are there desolate and without inhabitants. And the bays, rivers, capes, forts, cities and their latitudes, the seas on their coasts: the trade, winds, the North-west passage, and the commerce of the English nation, as they were all in the year 1649. Faithfully described for information of such of his countrey as desire intelligence of these perticulars. By George Gardyner of Peckham, in the country of Surrey Esq. date: 1651 words: 26037 flesch: 75 summary: The next is the City royall , distant from the Ascension eighty leagues north-east . The way of separating the silver from the drosse , is first to take the oare , and break it in Hammer-mils , and grind it to powder , then sift it through a Copper searse , and put it into a furnace , under which they maken fire by degrees , mixing with every fifty quarts of pouder five of salt , and stiring it , together with quick-silver , which they squeeze through a piece of holland upon the said pouder and salt , and when they finde the quick-silver , sufficiently incorporate with the silver , then they put it altogether in a Cauldron , in which there is water , and a wheel , that going round , turneth out the earth and drosse with the water , the quick-silver , and silver , as the more heavy substance remains behind , which they take from the Cauldron , and wash it after the manner of gold , till they finde it clean from all drosse , and filth , and then putting it into a cloth , they strain forcibly from it some quick-silver , the remainder being as a leafe of silver . keywords: abundance; america; bay; best; brazil; breadth; cape; cartagena; cathedrall; cattle; cause; chap; chief; children; cities; city; cloth; coast; cold; commerce; commodities; commodity; companies; company; continent; cotton; councill; countrey; course; cuba; degrees; description; desire; distant; divers; doth; dutch; earth; east; end; england; english; europe; excellent; extream; fair; fire; fish; flesh; florida; franciscan; french; friars; fruits; gardyner; generall; george; gold; good; government; governour; grain; great; greater; greatest; gutamalia; half; harbour; hath; haven; head; height; hispaniola; holland; home; horses; hot; house; ilands; indians; indies; inhabitants; inhabited; island; james; john; kind; kingdome; latitude; leagues; length; little; long; lyeth; lying; manner; martha; men; merchants; mexico; millet; mines; minutes; monasteries; nation; natives; neer; new; north; north sea; nuns; officers; onely; panama; panuco; parts; passage; peaceable; people; peru; places; plantation; plate; plentifull; plenty; point; port; principall; profit; province; quick; reason; regard; regions; resident; rest; rich; river; royall; said; saint; salt; sancta; sea; seas; second; shelves; ships; silver; small; sorts; south; south sea; spain; spaniards; spanish; standeth; store; straight; strait; sugar; swine; text; thing; time; tobacco; town; trade; treasure; viceroy; village; virginia; water; way; west; wheat; white; wholsome; winds; winter; wool; world; year; yearly cache: A85806.xml plain text: A85806.txt item: #19 of 21 id: A94301 author: Thorowgood, Thomas, d. ca. 1669. title: Ievves in America, or, Probabilities that the Americans are of that race. With the removall of some contrary reasonings, and earnest desires for effectuall endeavours to make them Christian. / Proposed by Tho: Thorovvgood, B.D. one of the Assembly of Divines. date: 1650 words: 55989 flesch: 68 summary: The Lord is my light and my salvation , whom shall I feare , the Lord is the strength of my life , of whom shall I be afraid ; even heathens have said much and done much towards that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , magnanimity and patience , but Christians have an higher prospect , they looke above the terrors of men , and they doe not feare their feare ; for as Stephen through a showre of stones , they can see the heavens open and the Sonne of man sitting at the right hand of God ; nihil crus sentit in nervo , si animus sit in caelo , they are not so much affected with what they feele , as with that they believe , because we walk by faith and not by sight . P. Martyr d tells at large , how Muteczuma the great King of Mexico in an Oration made to his Nobles and People , perswading subjection to the King of Spaine , minds his Countrey men , that they heard from their fore-fathers , how they were strangers in that land , and by a great Prince very long agoe brought thither in a Fleet , They boast their Pedigree from men preserved in the Sea by God himselfe , that God made one man , and one woman , bidding them live together and multiply , and how in a Famine hee rained bread for them from Heaven , whō in a time of drought also gave them Water out of a Rock : many other things , themselves say were done for them , such as the Scriptures relate concerning the Israelites at their comming out of Aegypt , as , their Peregrination many yeares , the Oracles they received , their Arke of Bulrush , wherein Vitzi-Liputzli was included , of the Tabernacle the Ark e carried by foure Priests , and how they pitched their Tents according to its direction , and who seeth not saith Malvenda f much probability that the Mexicans are Iewes , how could they else report the manner of their comming into the promised Land ; they affirme there is one chiefe God , who hath been from all eternity , by whom the lesser Gods were made , who became Assistants in the Fabrick and Government of the World , as some of the g Rabbins also called the Angells Con-Creators with God , to whom the Lord did say , Let us make man in our Image , &c. Gen. 1. 26. keywords: a94301; able; abraham; account; acosta; act; adde; affections; againe; america; americans; ancestors; ancient; answer; apostles; asia; aske; bad; barbarous; beasts; bee; beginning; benzo; better; bin; bishop; blessed; bodies; body; books; brethren; c. p.; caciques; caraits; care; casas; cause; ceremonies; certaine; changes; chap; chiefe; children; christ; christianity; christians; church; churches; cities; city; civill; command; comming; common; company; condition; conjectures; consideration; continent; contrary; conversion; counsell; countrey; countreymen; countries; court; creature; credit; cruell; cruelties; customes; cut; d. p.; daies; daily; day; dead; death; descr; designe; desire; deut; die; different; discourse; divers; divine; doctrine; doe; doth; dwell; earnest; earth; east; eebo; egypt; elliot; encouragement; encrease; endeavours; ends; england; english; enquiry; esa; europe; evill; example; exod; eyes; families; farre; fathers; favour; feare; fire; fit; flesh; following; foot; force; foretold; foure; france; francis; gage; gen; generall; generation; gentiles; glorious; glory; god; godlinesse; gods; goe; gold; good; gospell; government; grace; great; greater; grounds; haire; hand; happy; harvest; hath; heads; heart; heathen; heaven; hebrew; hee; heed; hell; helpe; high; himselfe; hist; history; holy; home; honour; hope; house; humane; husband; iacob; ibid; ierusalem; indians; indies; inhabitants; island; israel; jesus; jewes; jewish; journey; judaicall; judgement; keepe; key; kind; king; kingdome; knowledge; knowne; l. 1; l. 2; labour; laet; land; language; large; late; law; lawes; learning; leave; left; lerius; letters; liberty; life; light; like; little; long; looke; lord; lost; love; luk; making; malvenda; man; mankinde; manner; mans; mart; martyr; master; matters; meanes; meaning; measure; men; mens; mercy; mexico; midst; miles; minde; ministers; monterinos; moses; names; nation; natives; nature; new; non; notes; notice; novangles; number; occasion; old; onely; open; opinion; order; ordinary; originall; outward; owne; page; particulars; parts; paul; people; persons; pet; pharisees; pious; place; planters; pleased; poore; power; praise; prayer; preaching; pref; priests; principles; probabilities; probability; probable; profession; prophet; purpose; questions; read; reader; reason; religion; remaine; removall; respect; rest; returne; righteousnesse; rites; rom; sabbath; said; saint; saith; salvation; saviour; saxons; saying; scripture; sea; second; seeke; selves; sentence; servants; set; severall; shewed; short; sinne; small; sonnes; sorts; soule; space; spaine; spaniards; spanish; speake; speech; spirit; spirituall; state; strange; strangers; successe; supra; sweet; tcp; text; thee; thereof; things; thinke; thou; thoughts; thy; time; title; tongues; tribes; true; truth; use; vbi; walke; want; water; way; wee; weeping; west; whereunto; wicked; wife; wigwam; willing; wisdome; wise; women; wonder; words; worke; world; worthy; writing; yea; yeeres; young; zeale cache: A94301.xml plain text: A94301.txt item: #20 of 21 id: A96415 author: Eliot, John, 1604-1690. title: The light appearing more and more towards the perfect day. Or, a farther discovery of the present state of the Indians in New-England, concerning the progresse of the Gospel amongst them. Manifested by letters from such as preacht to them there. / Published by Henry Whitfeld, late pastor to the Chuch [sic] of Christ at Gilford in New-England, who came late thence. date: 1651 words: 22752 flesch: 41 summary: This temptation hath much troubled Cutshamoquin our Sachem , and he was raised in his spirit to such an height , that at a meeting after Lecture , he openly contested with me against our proceeding to make a Town ; and plainly told me that all the Sachems in the Countrey were against it , &c. When he did so carry himself , all the ●ndians were filled with fear , their countenances grew pale , and most of them slunk away , a few stayed , and I was alone , not any English man with me ; But it pleased God ( for it was his guidance of me , and assistance ) to raise up my spirit , not to passion , but to a bold resolution , telling him it was Gods work I was about , and he was with me , and I feared not him , nor all the Sachems in the Country , and I was resolved to go on do what they can , and they nor he should hinder that which I had begun , &c. And it pleased God that his spirit shrunk and fell before me , which when those Indians that tarried saw , they smiled as they durst , out of his sight , and have been much strengthned ever since ; and since I understand that in such conflicts their manner is , that they account him that shrinks to be conquered , and the other to conquer ; which alas I knew not , nor did I aime at such a matter , but the Lord carried me beyond my thoughts and wont ; after this brunt was over , I took my leave to go home , and Cutshamoquin went a little way with me , and told me that the reason of this trouble was , because the Indians that pray to God , since they have so done , do not pay him tribute as formerly they have done ; I answered him that once before when I heard of his complaint that way , I preached on that text , Give unto Caesar what is Caesars , and unto God what is Gods ; and also on Rom. 13. It is not the smallest in the eyes of those that look up to God for you , both in Old England and New , that you have so readily contributed your power , upon the first notice of the manifestation of Gods gracious work upon the Indians , by an Act published by you , for promoving the same . keywords: answer; beleeve; best; better; blessed; blessing; books; brother; care; cause; children; christ; church; cloud; coming; company; day; dead; desire; desirous; doth; encouragement; endeavour; england; english; farre; farther; favour; fear; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; ground; hand; hath; heart; heaven; help; henry; hiacoomes; holy; home; hope; house; hurt; indians; jesus; john; kingdome; knowledge; language; leave; lecture; letters; life; light; like; little; long; lord; lord christ; lord jesus; love; mahu; man; manner; matter; meaneth; means; meeting; men; mercy; ministers; nations; new; occasion; old; pawwawes; people; place; pleased; poor; power; prayer; present; progresse; providence; purpose; question; ready; reason; religion; rest; sachem; sagamore; saying; scriptures; self; set; sins; spake; spirit; spring; state; sundry; text; things; thoughts; time; truth; want; way; wayes; wisdome; word; work; yea; young cache: A96415.xml plain text: A96415.txt item: #21 of 21 id: A96422 author: Allen, Thomas, 1608-1673. title: Strength out of weakness. Or A glorious manifestation of the further progresse of the gospel amongst the Indians in New-England. Held forth in sundry letters from divers ministers and others to the corporation established by Parliament for promoting the gospel among the heathen in New-England; and to particular members thereof since the last treatise to that effect, / formerly set forth by Mr Henry Whitfield late pastor of Gilford in New-England. ; Published by the aforesaid corporation. date: 1652 words: 19419 flesch: 49 summary: The winter before this last past it pleased God to worke wonderfully for the Indians , who call upon God in preserving them from the small Pox , when their prophane Neighbours were cut off by it . Oh Jehovah , teach us wisedome to finde out thy wisedome in thy Scriptures , let the grace of Christ helpe us , because Christ is the wisedome of God , send thy Spirit into our hearts , and let it teach us , Lord take us to be thy people , and let us take thee to be our God . keywords: able; account; againe; answer; better; blessing; care; children; christ; christian; church; constant; conversion; corporation; covenant; day; death; desire; devill; divers; doe; doth; eliot; end; england; english; exercise; farre; friends; gentiles; glorious; god; gods; good; gospel; government; governour; grace; gracious; great; hand; hath; heart; heaven; hee; helpe; himselfe; holy; honoured; hope; house; indians; jesus; john; kingdome; knowledge; labour; late; lecture; letters; leverich; life; like; little; long; lord; love; man; manner; matter; meanes; mee; men; mercy; miles; mr eliot; neere; new; non; onely; owne; particular; people; place; pleased; poore; power; prayer; present; progresse; publique; question; reader; rejoyce; rest; returne; roman; schoole; second; selves; severall; sinne; small; soules; speake; spirit; stirred; strength; successe; sundry; teaching; text; things; thinke; time; vvee; way; wayes; wee; weeke; whereof; william; winter; word; worke; worship; yea cache: A96422.xml plain text: A96422.txt