item: #1 of 46 id: A25966 author: Arwaker, Edmund. title: The ministration of publick baptism of infants to be used in the church, or, A disswasive from baptising children in private by Edm. Arwaker ... date: 1687.0 words: 9718 flesch: 65 summary: And for this reason 't is , that the Primitive Fathers did so press the dispatch of Baptism , that the persons to be Baptiz'd , whether Adult or Infants , should be brought to Church , lest sickness should deny them the happy opportunity of coming thither , and allow them only an Office , as well homely for the insolemnity , as for the privacy of its performance . And the Minister's Embracing the Child , is for the same end as the Imposition of Hands in Baptism was of old ; which (m) Durantus tells us signified the Reconciliation , by which he that was without the Church , a Child of Wrath , according to our Catechism , was in the Church received into the Church's favour , and made a Child of Grace . keywords: baptism; baptiz'd; cap; children; church; churches; god; necessity; office; places; publick; sacrament; text cache: A25966.xml plain text: A25966.txt item: #2 of 46 id: A26961 author: Barret, John, 1631-1713. title: Much in a little, or, An abstract of Mr. Baxters plain Scripture-proof for infants church-membership or baptism with a few notes upon the anti-queries of T.G. / by the same hand that wrote the Fifty queries. date: 1678.0 words: 15895 flesch: 76 summary: If God would have Infants to be Church-members , and so entred by Baptism , are not all these objections against God , and a carping at his way ? Now ( having enquired about the grounds and proofs , and defence of the Church-membership , and Baptism of Infants , ) next let us see , whether your practice of delaying Baptism have as much warrant in Gods word . Otherwise how could it be a reason for releasing them in the year of Jubilee , any more than for releasing any other ? 2. Are not Infants capable of being Subjects of Christs Kingdom ? And is not Christs Church both his Kingdom and his School , and every Member of it under him , both as King and Prophet ? Are not all Subjects of Christ in his visible Kingdom or ( Church ) Christians ? And are not Disciples and Christians all one in the Language of the Holy Ghost , Act. 11. 26. keywords: antiq; baptism; children; christ; church; covenant; god; hath; infants; infants church; members; parents; scripture; v. p. cache: A26961.xml plain text: A26961.txt item: #3 of 46 id: A27008 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Rich. Baxter's review of the state of Christian's infants whether they should be entered in covenant with God by baptism ... or whether Christ, the Saviour of the world, hath shut all mankind out of his visible kingdom ... 'till they come of age? : occasioned by the importunity of Mr. E. Hutchinson (and of Mr. Danvers and Mr. Tombes) who called him to this review in order to his retractation [sic] ... date: 1676.0 words: 23083 flesch: 62 summary: Davids saying , that All men are Lyars , and Pauls [ Let God be true , and every man a Lyar , ] were too much overlooked by me , till men themselves had told me what they are ; and warned me to cease from man , as vanity . If men will deny and scorn our Infant-Right in the Covenant of Grace , and in Christ , Pardon and Salvation ; and Visible Church-Relation , and will so far deny the Kingdom and Grace of Christ , as to maintain that he excludeth all mankind from any Visible Right , or Hope of Salvation till Adult , and hath given such Right no more to Christian 's Children than to Heathens ! And if they will make this Opinion the measure of their Communion , and will divide the Church , and Unchristen , or Unchurch all that are not as unthankful and injurious to Christ , and to the Holy Seed as themselves , it is not I that separate from these men , but they from me , and all sober Christians . keywords: age; anabaptists; baptism; children; christ; christians; church; covenant; doth; god; gods; grace; hath; infants; kingdom; man; men; parents; sin; think; world cache: A27008.xml plain text: A27008.txt item: #4 of 46 id: A30628 author: Burthogge, Richard, 1638?-ca. 1700. title: An argument for infants baptisme deduced from the analogy of faith, and [of the] harmony of the [Scr]iptures : in which in a method wholly new, and upon grounds not commonly observed bo[th the] doctrine (of infants baptism) is fully asserted, and the objections against it are obviated / by Richard Burthogge. date: 1684.0 words: 42820 flesch: 52 summary: For thus in the Third of Gallatians , the Apostle carries it ; when Verse the 16th , he affirms , That to Abraham , and to his Seed , were the Promises made , and Verse the 18th adds , That if the Inheritance be of the Law , it is no more of the Promise ; but God gave it ( namely the Inheritance ) to Abraham by Promise : And by What Promise , but that ratified Covenant of Promise , I will be a God to thee , and to thy Seed ? As appears by comparing it with Verse the 16th . But your Admiration is More the Object of Mine , after you have Granted , that God commanded Abraham , ( Thou shalt keep my Covenant therefore , thou and thy Seed ) in General terms ; wherein , you say , both Sexes may seem to be comprehended , ( and indeed say I , are so ) for if he did command in General Terms , that Abraham , and all His ( Seed you say ) should keep the Covenant in the Sign and Token of it ; and yet afterward did Institute Circumcision to be that Sign and Token , which was not competent to all : How can the Generality of the Precept , ( Thou shalt put the Sign on all thine ; when Circumcision , that is Not competible to all , is that Sign ) be understood Accommodously and Conveniently , as it must be , but keywords: abraham; baptism; believing; children; christ; circumcision; covenant; doth; god; holy; isaac; law; obligation; promise; seed; sign; spiritual; text; thee; thou; thy; token; verse cache: A30628.xml plain text: A30628.txt item: #5 of 46 id: A30637 author: Burthogge, Richard, 1638?-ca. 1700. title: Vindiciæ pædo-baptismi, or, A confirmation of an argument lately emitted for infants baptism in a letter to a reverend divine of the Church of England / by R.B. ... date: 1685.0 words: 17432 flesch: 55 summary: The Ground I go upon is this , That the Covenant Established by God with Abraham , and with his Seed , in Genesis 17. 7 , 8 , 9. is the Covenant of Grace ; or that Original Grant , and Great Charter , by which Believing Gentiles always did , and do Claim both Heaven and Earth , and all the Promises they have Title to ; As also , that Abraham is The Person By , From , and Vnder whom they Claim ; as being his Seed . doth that make it Tripartite ? are not Christ and Believers considered as one Party ? ) you see how Theologically and how Divine-like he speaks ( if this be he that speaks and not some Supervisor ) as if the Covenant of Redemption , which yet ( to Note it by the by ) is never called , in Express Terms , a Covenant , in all the Scripture ; as if that Covenant were the same ( Covenant ) with the Covenant of Grace , and that what passed Between God the Father and the Son before the Worlds were , was the very same with what passed between God and Abraham and his seed , in time . keywords: abraham; argument; baptism; believing; covenant; doth; duty; genesis; gentiles; god; letter; promise; seed; sign; text; thou cache: A30637.xml plain text: A30637.txt item: #6 of 46 id: A31094 author: Barrow, Robert, d. 1697. title: A briefe answer to A discourse, lately written by one P.B., to prove baptisme under the defection of Antichrist, to be the ordinance of Iesus Christ, and the baptizing of infants to be agreeable to the word of God wherein is declared ... that true baptisme and a false church are inconsistent, and cannot stand together : and also maintained, that the baptizing of infants hath no authority from the Scriptures / by R. Barrow. date: 1642.0 words: 9909 flesch: 60 summary: A briefe answer to A discourse, lately written by one P.B., to prove baptisme under the defection of Antichrist, to be the ordinance of Iesus Christ, and the baptizing of infants to be agreeable to the word of God wherein is declared ... that true baptisme and a false church are inconsistent, and cannot stand together : and also maintained, that the baptizing of infants hath no authority from the Scriptures / by R. Barrow. A briefe answer to A discourse, lately written by one P.B., to prove baptisme under the defection of Antichrist, to be the ordinance of Iesus Christ, and the baptizing of infants to be agreeable to the word of God wherein is declared ... that true baptisme and a false church are inconsistent, and cannot stand together : and also maintained, that the baptizing of infants hath no authority from the Scriptures / by R. Barrow. keywords: answer; baptisme; christ; church; god; hath; hee; infants; page; saith cache: A31094.xml plain text: A31094.txt item: #7 of 46 id: A31661 author: Chandler, Samuel. title: A dialogue between a pædo-baptist and an anti-pædo-baptist containing the strength of arguments offered on both sides at the Portsmouth disputation, with the addition of a few more arguments then ready to be offered in vindication of infant baptism / by Samuel Chandler and William Leigh. date: 1699.0 words: 9226 flesch: 79 summary: QUESTION I. Whether , according to the Commission of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ , Adult Believers only , are the Proper Subjects of Baptism , and not Infants ? Asserted by Anti-paedo-Baptists . No Infants can be made Disciples by the Ministry of Men ; therefore no Infants can be the Subjects of Baptism , according to Christ's Commission , Mat. 28. 19. keywords: anti; bapt; baptism; christ; church; infants; p. bapt; water; word cache: A31661.xml plain text: A31661.txt item: #8 of 46 id: A31663 author: Chandler, Samuel. title: An impartial account of the Portsmouth disputation with some just reflections on Dr. Russel's pretended narrative : with an abrigdment of those discourses that were the innocent occasion of that disputation / by Samuel Chandler, William Leigh, Benjamin Robinson. date: 1699.0 words: 48279 flesch: 78 summary: Besides these were either dipt naked , or with their Cloaths ; if Naked , this would be an unseemly sight , and look as if they were full of New Wine indeed , tho' ( by the way ) I think that part , that is Baptiz'd , ought to be Naked , to Represent our Nakedness before God : if with their Cloaths this would be as strange , for it cannot be expected , they brought Cloaths with them at that Juncture , and it would have been very unseemly , to see so many Persons come out of the Water in such a condition ▪ and go down to their Houses , which might be at a great distance ; not to mention that it was hardly possible , for the 12 Ap●s●les , if we should add the 70 Disciples to them ( 〈◊〉 y●●●he Text mentions not ) to dip 3000 in so sho●t a time , they had need have brawny Arms and an Here●●●an strength to do this . Nay , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is so far from always signifying to dip , th●● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it self , tho 〈…〉 in this sense , yet sometimes signifies only to 〈…〉 . keywords: answer; argument; baptism; chandler; children; christ; church; commission; consequence; deny; dipping; disciples; disputation; doth; god; good; hath; infants; instance; leigh; lord; members; rob; rus; russel; scripture; sense; text; thing; tho; water; way; word; ● ● cache: A31663.xml plain text: A31663.txt item: #9 of 46 id: A35303 author: Cary, Philip. title: A just reply to Mr. John Flavell's arguments by way of answer to a discourse lately published, entitled, A solemn call, &c. wherein it is further plainly proved that the covenant made with Israel on Mount Sinai, as also the covenant of circumcision made with Abraham, whereon so much stress is laid for the support of infants baptism ... : together with a reply to Mr. Joseph Whiston's reflections on the forementioned discourse, in a late small tract of his entituled, The right method for the proving of infants baptism ... / by Philip Cary ... date: 1690.0 words: 47261 flesch: 65 summary: That the Covenant that was Confirmed before of God in Christ , the Law which was 430 Years after , cannot disannul that it should make the Promise of none effect ? For first , say you , from hence it follows , that either Moses , and all Israel were damned ; there being no Salvation possible to be attained by that first Covenant ; or else , that there was a Covenant of Grace at the same time , running Paralel with the Covenant of Works : And so the Elect People of God were at the same time under the First , as a Covenant of Death and Condemnation , and under the Second as a Covenant of Grace and Justification . keywords: abraham; apostle; christ; circumcision; covenant; doth; faith; gen; god; gospel covenant; grace; hath; law; men; nature; promise; reply; righteousness; seed; sinai covenant; works cache: A35303.xml plain text: A35303.txt item: #10 of 46 id: A39697 author: Flavel, John, 1630?-1691. title: Vindiciæ legis & fœderis: or, A reply to Mr. Philip Cary's Solemn call Wherein he pretends to answer all the arguments of Mr. Allen, Mr. Baxter, Mr. Sydenham, Mr. Sedgwick, Mr. Roberts, and Dr. Burthogge, for the right of believers infants to baptism, by proving the law at Sinai, and the covenant of circumcision with Abraham, were the very same with Adam's covenant of works, and that because the gospel-covenant is absolute. By John Flavel minister of the gospel in Dartmouth date: 1690.0 words: 33899 flesch: 62 summary: Whether both these be called Co●…enants in Scripture ? nor ( 2. ) Whether there were no Grace at all in both , or either of them : For we are agreed , it is Grace in God to enter into Covenant with Man , whatever that Covenant be ; nor ( 3. ) Whether the Sinai-law be not a Covenant of Works to some Men , by their own fault and occasion ? nor ( 4. ) Whether the Scriptures do not many times speak of it in that very sense and notion wherein Carnal Justiciaries apprehend and take it ? and by rejecting Christ make it so to themselves ? nor ( 5. ) keywords: abraham; adam; baptism; believers; children; christ; circumcision; condition; covenant; faith; gen; god; gospel; grace; law; man; nature; promise; righteousness; sinai; text; works cache: A39697.xml plain text: A39697.txt item: #11 of 46 id: A41781 author: Grantham, Thomas, 1634-1692. title: The infants advocate against the cruel doctrine of those Presbyterians who hold, that the greatest part of dying infants shall be damned : in answer to a book of Mr. Giles Firmin's entituled, Scripture warrant, &c. / by Tho. Grantham. date: 1688.0 words: 14441 flesch: 72 summary: 3. Concerning Baptism , I do believe it to be a very solemn Ordinance , and also very useful in the Church of God ; yet I do not find that it is the Hand of the Spirit to convey Grace to the Heart of any Infant , seeing what it conveys , it doth it by Faith and by its Figure ; representing the Death , Burial , and Resurrection of Christ , and ours with him , &c. of all which Infants know nothing , being sprinkled , as I formerly shewed , very often when they are fast asleep ; and if awake , they know nothing of the Mystery of Baptism . This is not required of Infants ; and how they are sanctified by the Spirit , God only knoweth . keywords: abraham; christ; circumcision; covenant; faith; firmin; god; grace; infants; man; seed; sin cache: A41781.xml plain text: A41781.txt item: #12 of 46 id: A41783 author: Grantham, Thomas, 1634-1692. title: The Pædo-baptists apology for the baptized churches shewing the invalidity of the strongest grounds for infant baptism out of the works of the learned assertors of that tenent, and that the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins is a duty incumbent upon all sinners who come orderly to the profession of Christianity : also the promise of the Spirit [b]eing the substance of a sermon on I Cor. 12, I, to which is added a post-script out of the works of Dr. Jer. Taylor in defence of imposition of hands as a never failing ministery / by Tho. Grantham. date: 1671.0 words: 20503 flesch: 61 summary: To b●ptism il●umira●ion , — And to Confirma●ion he reckons tasting the Heavenly gift and being made par●akers of the Holy Ghost ▪ By the thing sig●ified declaring the sign , and by ●he miste●y the 〈◊〉 ▪ Upon these words ●t Chrisostom● discoursing sayes , That all these are foundamental Articles : that it that ●e ought to repent from dead works ; to be baptized ●●to the Faith of Christ , and be made worthy of the gift of the spirit , who is given by imposition of hands and we are to be taught the misteries of the Resurrection and Eternal Judgement . Walfridus Strabo de rebus Eccl●s●●c 26. tells us , that we must know at ●h● fi●st believers were baptized simply in Floods and Fountains . keywords: apostles; argument; baptism; children; christ; church; churches; faith; ghost; gifts; god; hands; hath; holy; infants; man; paedo; promise; spirit; thing; truth; water; word; ● ● cache: A41783.xml plain text: A41783.txt item: #13 of 46 id: A41784 author: Grantham, Thomas, 1634-1692. title: Presumption no proof, or, Mr. Petto's arguments for infant-baptism considered and answered and infants interest in the convenant of grace without baptism asserted and maintained : whereunto is prefixed an answer to two questions propounded by Mr. Firmin about infants church-membership and baptism / by Thomas Grantham. date: 1687.0 words: 20526 flesch: 69 summary: I can hear Men talk big Words against Infants , as if they were very great Sinners , yet I never saw any Proof , that any Infant had any Sin of its own , for which you would here make them perish . Infant baptism of Christ's appointment. keywords: abraham; baptism; children; christ; church; covenant; faith; god; grace; infants; man; men; world cache: A41784.xml plain text: A41784.txt item: #14 of 46 id: A41786 author: Grantham, Thomas, 1634-1692. title: The quæries examined, or, Fifty anti-queries seriously propounded to the people called Presbyterians Occasioned by the publication of Fifty queries, gathered out of the works of Mr. Rich. Baxter. By J. B. Wherein the principal allegations usually brought to support infant-baptism are discovered to be insufficient. By T. G. date: 1676.0 words: 15381 flesch: 67 summary: Whether these things be surely suggested against Mr. T , and whether you ought not to have set down his opinion in his own words ? and whether he doth not mainly oppose himself against Mr. Baxter's Pretended Law for Infant Church-Membership and Baptism , whiles yet he denies not Infants a saving Promise , or the Promise of saving Prepriety in God. Antipedobapt . And if the Church at Jerusalem , Rome , &c. had any Infant-Members therein , in the sence wherein you would have them Members , why do you not name some one Infant so made a Member , sith you know it would suffice , Wherher if the Jews grafting in , must in all Points answer to their breaking off , their Infants must not come to other Ordinances as well as Baptism ? or will you say Infants cannot partake with their Parents of salvation without Baptism ? or whether was the Infants of the Jews exposed to damnation by their Parents unbelief ? keywords: antiqu; baptism; children; christ; church; covenant; god; grace; infants; infants church; jews; law; members; parents; presbyterian; query cache: A41786.xml plain text: A41786.txt item: #15 of 46 id: A41787 author: Grantham, Thomas, 1634-1692. title: A religious contest, or A brief account of a disputation holden at Blyton in the county of Lincoln between Mr. William Fort minister of the perochial congregation at Blyton on the one part, and Thomas Grantham, servant to the baptised churches on the other part : whereunto is added Brief animadversions upon Dr. Stilling-fleet his digressions about infant baptism in his book intituled, A rational account of the Protestant religion, &c., in both which are shewed that the generality of the nations now professing Christianity are as yet unbaptised into Christ : 1. Because their sprinkling and crossing the fore-head is not the right way of baptising, 2. Because infants ought not to be baptised. date: 1674.0 words: 15429 flesch: 70 summary: And as eviden● it is , that Acts ● 38. 39. intends not Infants seeing the persons there to be baptised , even every one of them , are required first to repent ; a duty of which Infants are wholly uncapable ; and the promise there mentioned is clearly meant of the gi●ts of the Holy Ghost or the Spirit of promise in a special manner , according to the Prophesie of Jo●l , the extent of which promise is only to the called of the Lord , v●rse 39 ▪ and this interpretation also is avouched by learned Protestants , See Diodate on the Text , and Erasmus on the same ; Dr Jer. Taylor in his book of confirmation doth fully expound this place , of the promise of the Spirit both to the Parents , and to the Children , as they are the called of the Lord , and not to infants in that capacity . But I answer , for both these cau●es Infants are not to be bapti●ed , and sith their incapacity depends upon the nature of the institution these two reasons are resolved into one ; Now the institution of baptism , whether we consider it as delivered by God to his Servant John , and by him to us ; or as it is established by precept from Christ , for a perpetual Ministry in his Church to the end of the world ▪ we shall find it delivered by both in such sort , as it is exclusive of infants ; for , in the first place it is deli●ered as the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins ; Mark 1. 4. and every sinner who is said to be baptised by him , is said to be baptised confessing their sins , verse 5. which we know is not to be expected of Infants . keywords: baptising; baptism; christ; church; covenant; doth; fort; god; grantham; infants; right; shew; way cache: A41787.xml plain text: A41787.txt item: #16 of 46 id: A41792 author: Grantham, Thomas, 1634-1692. title: Truth and peace, or, The last and most friendly debate concerning infant-baptism being a brief answer to a late book intituled, The case of infant-baptism (written by a doctor of the Church of England) ... whereunto is annexed a brief discourse of the sign of the cross in baptism, and of the use of the ring, and bowing at the altar, in the solemnization of marriage / by Thomas Grantham. date: 1689.0 words: 46444 flesch: 62 summary: 2. Others did as much outrum the Rule of this Duty in preposterous haste , even to baptize Infants as soon as born , and sometimes before ; and this Error sprang from this apprehension , that God had tied the Solvation of all Flesh to Baptism , that even Infants dying without it , could not be saved : Yea so powerful was this Error , that its Assertors did Anathematize all that held the contrary . And were Mens Judgments clear in this Point , the Controversy about Infant-Baptism would naturally cease , and all Men would see it the only safe way to refer Baptism to the time wherein through Repentance and Faith it might , according to the Will of God , interess them in the remission of their Sins , and in the Priviledges of the Church of the Living God , in order to Life eternal . keywords: abraham; baptism; case; children; christ; church; circumcision; covenant; cross; doctor; faith; god; good; gospel; grace; holy; infant baptism; infants; jews; law; man; marriage; men; sign; things; truth; word cache: A41792.xml plain text: A41792.txt item: #17 of 46 id: A45397 author: Hammond, Henry, 1605-1660. title: The baptizing of infants revievved and defended from the exceptions of Mr. Tombes in his three last chapters of his book intituled Antipedobaptisme / by H. Hammond ... date: 1655.0 words: 45150 flesch: 57 summary: That this is the meaning of [ holy ] is there made evident , as by other arguments , so by this , that the antient Fathers who knew the sacred dialect , call baptisme Sanctification , Eum qui natus est , baptizandum & sanctificandum , in Cyprian , and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to be sanctifyed when they have no feeling of it , and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , let him be sanctified from the infancie , i. e. baptized then , in Gregorie Nazianzen . To him the Apostle saith ( and his sayings have sure authority with them ) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , let him not put away . keywords: answer; apostles; baptisme; baptizing; believers; children; christ; christian; church; circumcision; covenant; custome; disciples; doth; fathers; god; hath; holy; infants; institution; jewes; jewish; matter; men; place; practice; proselytes; reason; saith; sense; time; use; way; words cache: A45397.xml plain text: A45397.txt item: #18 of 46 id: A45681 author: Harrison, Michael, Minister at Potters-Pury. title: Infant baptism God's ordinance, or, Clear proof that all the children of believing parents are in the covenant of grace and have as much a right to baptism the now seal of the covenant, as the infant seed of the Jewes had to circumcision, the then seal of the covenant / by Michael Harrison ... date: 1694.0 words: 14436 flesch: 71 summary: 5. Are your Children in Covenant ? then dedicate them to Christ in the Covenant , has God taken them in ? Gen. 17.7 . If any know of any middle state , let them show it ; Christ and Satan share the whole world between them ; and if Infants are not visibly in the Kingdom of Christ , they are visibly in the Kingdom of the Devil ; the consequence is unavoidable : what barbarous usage is this to our poor Infants ! Christ commands us to bring them to him , and tells us , of such is the kingdom of God ; and the Anabaptists perversely thrust them away from Christ , and from the Church of Christ , set them among Pagans and Infidels , who are of the Visible Kingdom of the Devil . keywords: baptism; children; christ; church; covenant; god; grace; infants; kingdom; right; seed cache: A45681.xml plain text: A45681.txt item: #19 of 46 id: A46634 author: James, Thomas. title: A vindication of that part of Spira's despair revived which is challenged by the Anabaptists, and shamefully callumniated by John Wells, a Baptist preacher : wherein also some things are handled relating to infant baptism and dipping in baptism : particularly it is evinced that dipping is not essential to the sacrament of baptism / by Thomas James, author of Spira's despair revived. date: 1695.0 words: 17654 flesch: 60 summary: It was not only Folly and Injustice in Mr. Wells to do thus ; but it may be a sufficient Argumen● to the World , that what he hath written against me is of n● value ; for they were my Adversaries who gave him Instruction● ( surely it was so , and he did not write of himself ) and he Prin● only upon hear-say from such as bestirr'd themselves to throw o●● the Charge was laid against them . Now , that I may not be tedious , being indeed under a Temptation thereto , writing in so just a Cause , in defence of the Truth and my Credit , which are exposed in a shameful manner by that Reply , I will confine my Pen with in these narrow Bounds , to write but of three things ; one concerning the Person who makes the Reply , and the manner of it ; th●● next concerning the Charge which is brought against what I formerly published in that Spira , so far as it respected the Anabaptists which consists of two parts ; one concerning the poor Melancholy distracted Man , R. M. and his tragical end ; which gave me occasion to reflect on the Anabaptists , as those that did him some wrong , troubling him with their Notions about the necessity of Rebap●●zation ( or being Dipped ) which prov'd injurious to him in his weakness and strange confusion of Mind : The other concerning what I have written of their practising the like upon many others in much like Cases , troubling the weak and unsetled Christians , eagerly urging them to be dipt , and , as I said , making it a Salve for every Sore . keywords: anabaptists; baptism; christ; dipping; friends; god; good; hath; man; matter; persons; reply; self; time; way; wells; yea; ● ● cache: A46634.xml plain text: A46634.txt item: #20 of 46 id: A47371 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: An appendix to the answer unto two Athenian Mercuries concerning pedo-baptism containing twenty seven syllogistical arguments proving infant-baptism a mere humane tradition : the gentlmen called the Athenian Society desiring in the last of the said Mercuries to have syllogism / by B. K. date: 1692.0 words: 6921 flesch: 71 summary: This being true , it follows , that if we should grant Infants of believing Gentiles , as such , were the Seed of Abraham ( which we deny ) yet unless God had commanded them to baptize their Children , they ought not to do it ; and if they do it without a Command or Authority from Christ , it will be found an Act of Will-Worship in them . For besides that Christ never gave any Precept to baptize them , nor ever himself nor his Apostles ( that appears ) did baptize any of them : All that either he or his Apostles said concerning it , requires such previous Dispositions of Baptism , of which Infants are not capable , viz. keywords: arg; baptism; christ; ergo; god; infants; saith; scripture cache: A47371.xml plain text: A47371.txt item: #21 of 46 id: A47391 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: The ax laid to the root, or, One blow more at the foundation of infant baptism, and church-membership. Part I containing an exposition of that metaphorical text of Holy Scripture, Mat. 3. 10. : being the substance of two sermons lately preached, with some additions, wherein is shewed that God made a two-fold covenant with Abraham, and that circumcision appertained not to the covenant of grace, but to the legal and external covenant God made with Abraham's natural seed, as such : together with an answer to Mr. John Flavel's last grand arguments in his Vindiciarum Vindex, in his last reply to Mr. Philip Cary, also to Mr. Rothwell's Pædo-baptisms vindicatur, as to what seems most material / by Benjamin Keach ... date: 1693.0 words: 20046 flesch: 60 summary: 3. There was also some other godly Men , in the Days of Abraham , to whom Circumcision of Right did not belong , as Melchisedec , Lot , Job , &c. Doubtless , had Circumcision been a Law or Precept of the Covenant of Grace , all these would God have required to have been Circumcised as well as the others ; but the Truth is , being in the Covenant of Grace , gave no Right at all to any , no not to the Male Children of Abraham , to Circumcision ; but only God's express and positive Command to him . How then was it reckoned when he was in circumcision , or in uncircumcision , not in circumcision , but in uncircumcision ? ver . 10. What need was there for St. Paul to argue thus against Circumcision , if it were , as our Brethren say , a Gospel Law , Precept , or Covenant ; and remarkable 't is , that the Apostle puts , ( in this Chapter ) the Law and Circumcision together , as being of one stamp , or of the same nature , and excludes them both from the free Promise of God made to Abraham , which I have shew'd was the Pure Gospel , or New Covenant : keywords: abraham; baptism; children; christ; church; circumcision; covenant; covenant god; god; gospel; gospel covenant; grace; law; promise; root; seed cache: A47391.xml plain text: A47391.txt item: #22 of 46 id: A47399 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: [The ax laid to the root, or, One blow more at the foundation of infant baptism and church-membership containing an exposition of that metaphorical text of Holy Scripture, Mat. 3, 10]. date: 1693.0 words: 30326 flesch: 64 summary: There appears in those Texts he cites no such thing that he affirm● but he takes a Liberty to say any thing so far as I can see : no doubt , ●●● Iohn took great Care to baptize only such who were True Penitents ; sin●● he required so severely Fruits meet for Repentance , of such that came to ●●● Baptism ; tho' no doubt , he might be mistaken in some of them , as P●●● was in Simon , Act. 8. ●●ndon , Printed for the Author , and are to be s●●●●y Iohn Harris at the Harrow in the Poultrey ●●●● ERRATA . keywords: abraham; baptism; children; christ; church; circumcision; covenant; faith; god; gospel; grace; holy; infants; iohn; law; people; seed; works; ● ● cache: A47399.xml plain text: A47399.txt item: #23 of 46 id: A47448 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: A counter-antidote, to purge out the malignant effects of a late counterfeit, prepared by Mr. Gyles Shute ... being an answer to his vindication of his pretended Antidote to prevent the prevalency of Anabaptism, shewing that Mr. Hercules Collins's reply to the said author remains unanswered : wherein the baptism of believers is evinced to be God's ordinance, and the baptized congregations proved true churches of Jesus Christ : with a further detection of the error of pedo-baptism : to which is added, An answer to Mr. Shute's reply to Mr. Collins's half-sheet / by Benjamin Keach. date: 1694.0 words: 49848 flesch: 68 summary: The Text says positively , secret Things belong unto God , not unto us That is , such secret things which God hath not made known to his dearest Children ; for we deny not but some things that were kept secret , are now revealed , and some things also that are made known to the godly , are kept secret from the wicked ; hence 't is , said the Secrets of the Lord are with them that fear him , and he will shew them his Covenant , Psal. 2● . the Old House and Old legal Right of Church-membership is overturned and r●oted out for ever ? And say I , if the Covenant for incoveannting of the fleshly Seed , as such , is abolished , and no new Law is given forth for the bringing in again professing Parents and their Carnal Seed , as such , what is it this Man contends for , yet what a mighty stir he makes about that in Rom. 11. keywords: abraham; answer; baptism; believers; children; christ; church; circumcision; covenant; covenant god; doth; faith; god; gospel; grace; hath; infants; law; man; page; promise; seed; viz; water; ● ● cache: A47448.xml plain text: A47448.txt item: #24 of 46 id: A47535 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: Gold refin'd, or, Baptism in its primitive purity proving baptism in water an holy institution of Jesus Christ ... : wherein it is clearly evinced that baptism ... is immersion, or dipping the whole body, &c : also that believers are only the true subjects (and not infants) of that holy sacrament : likewise Mr. Smythies arguments for infant-baptism in his late book entitled, The non-communicant ... fully answered / by Benj. Keach ... date: 1689.0 words: 58221 flesch: 65 summary: Gold refin'd, or, Baptism in its primitive purity proving baptism in water an holy institution of Jesus Christ ... : Gold refin'd, or, Baptism in its primitive purity proving baptism in water an holy institution of Jesus Christ ... : wherein it is clearly evinced that baptism ... is immersion, or dipping the whole body, &c : also that believers are only the true subjects (and not infants) of that holy sacrament : likewise Mr. Smythies arguments for infant-baptism in his late book entitled, The non-communicant ... fully answered / by Benj. keywords: baptism; baptizing; believers; children; christ; church; commission; covenant; disciples; god; gospel; hath; holy; infants; jesus; jesus christ; john; lord; man; men; new; ordinance; saith; spirit; thing; water; word cache: A47535.xml plain text: A47535.txt item: #25 of 46 id: A47602 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: Pedo-baptism disproved being an answer to two printed papers (put forth by some gentlemen called the Athenian Society, who pretend to answer all questions sent to them of what nature soever) called the Athenian Mercury, one put forth November 14, the other November 28, 1691 : in which papers they pretend to answer eight queries about the lawfulness of infant-baptism : likewise divers queries sent to them about the true subjects of baptism, &c. date: 1691.0 words: 22753 flesch: 66 summary: The ●d . was that of Noah's Ark. S●e 〈…〉 K●a●e●bull : The Ark of Noah and Baptism , saith he , were both a Type and Figure of the Resurrection , no● the Sign of the washing away of Sin , though so taken metonymically , but a particular ●●gnal of the Resurrection of Christ ▪ of this Baptism is a lively and emphatical Figure , as also was the Ark of Noah , out of which he returned as from a Sepulchre , to a new 〈◊〉 3. Metaphorical Baptism is that of the Spirit and of Affliction : the first signifies not a sprinkling of the Spirit , but the great Effusion of the Spirit , like that at Pentecost , Acts 1. 4 , 5. Shall be baptized , &c. on which Words Casaubon speaks thus : See Dr. D●V●il on Acts. actual Repentance , 〈…〉 and the Answer of a good Consci 〈…〉 ▪ doth not thereby exclude all those 〈…〉 not capable of those Qualifications ? 〈◊〉 ; Whether it doth not reflect up●● the Care , Wisdom , and Faithfulness of Jesus Christ , who as a Son over his own House , exceeded the Care and Faithfulness of Moses , to affirm , Infants ought to be Baptized , and yet it cannot be found in all the Ne● 〈◊〉 an it be 〈…〉 should be a Gospe●● recept , nay , a 〈◊〉 , and yet Christ speak nothing of it ? or could it be in the Commission , and yet the Apostlet never to mention it , but contrariwise , require Faith●●● all they admitted to Baptism ? Paul says , He declared the whole Counsel of God , and said nothing of it in any of his Epistles , nor any where else . keywords: answer; baptism; children; christ; church; circumcision; covenant; doth; ergo; faith; god; gospel; infants; men; new; right; scripture; word; ● ● cache: A47602.xml plain text: A47602.txt item: #26 of 46 id: A47605 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: The rector rectified and corrected, or, Infant-baptism unlawful being a sober answer to a late pamphlet entituled An argumentative and practical discourse of infant-baptism, published by Mr. William Burkit, rector of Mildin in Suffolk : wherein all his arguments for pedo-baptism are refuted and the necessity of immersion, i.e. dipping, is evidenced, and the people falsly called Anabaptists are cleared from those unjust reproaches and calumnies cast upon them : together with a reply to the Athenian gazette added to their 5th volume about infant-baptism : with some remarks upon Mr. John Flavel's last book in answer to Mr. Philip Cary / by Benjamin Keach. date: 1692.0 words: 73118 flesch: 68 summary: Infant baptism. saith , the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is to dip , as if it were to dye Colour ; and any Dyer will tell you , if there is any small bit of Cloth not dipped , it is not dyed . keywords: abraham; answer; argument; baptism; baptizing; believers; children; christ; church; circumcision; covenant; dipping; doth; faith; god; gospel; grace; hath; holy; infants; john; law; lord; man; new; parents; right; scripture; seed; sin; sprinkling; thing; viz; water; word; ● ● cache: A47605.xml plain text: A47605.txt item: #27 of 46 id: A52051 author: Marshall, Stephen, 1594?-1655. title: A sermon of the baptizing of infants preached in the Abbey-Church at Westminster at the morning lecture, appointed by the honorable House of Commons / by Stephen Marshall ... date: 1644.0 words: 22373 flesch: 50 summary: 2. God hath other ends and uses of applying the seale of the Covenant to them who are in Covenant with him , then their present gaine , it 's a Homage , Worship , and Honour to himself , and it behoves us even in that respect , to fulfill all righteousnesse : when Christ was baptized and circumcised , he was as unfit for the ordinance , through his perfection , as children through their imperfection , being as much above them , as children are below them . If it be said , though these things be not expressely , and in terminis in the New Testament , yet they are there v●rtually , and by undeniable consequence ; I confesse it is true , so have we vertually , and by undeniable consequence sufficient evidence for the baptizing of children , both commands and examples ; For first we have Gods command to Abraham , as he was the Father of all Covenanters , that he should seale his Children with the seale of the Covenant . keywords: abraham; argument; baptisme; bee; beleevers; children; christ; church; circumcision; covenant; god; grace; hath; infants; lord; men; parents; seale; seed; things; time cache: A52051.xml plain text: A52051.txt item: #28 of 46 id: A59660 author: Shepard, Thomas, 1605-1649. title: The church-membership of children, and their right to baptisme according to that holy and everlasting covenant of God, established between Himself and the faithfull ... cleared up in a letter, sent unto a worthy friend of the author ... / by Thomas Shepard ... date: 1663.0 words: 21984 flesch: 60 summary: becaus● 〈◊〉 L●ved thy fathers , t●erfore ●● crose t●●ir seed , which choosing is not by eternal Election or choosing to gl●●y , for many of their ●●ed never came to Glory ; but unto this priviledg to be his people above all others , in outward Covenant with him ; which is exceeding great Love , if you Remember what hath been said of the b●anches of this outward Covenant , and visible Church estate . the Word , promises , Covenant which are the ordinary meanes of saving grace and eternall good : others hear the word but these in outward Covenant enjoy ●●●● Covenant , and promise ; and hence these in the first place , and principally are sought after by these meanes ; and therefore Christ forbids his D●sciples at first to go preach in the way of the G●n●ile● ( persons out of Covenant ) but to the l●s● sheep of ●h● h●use of Israel , Mat. 10.6 . and himselfe tells the Woman of Canaan , that he came not but to the last sheep of the house of Israel , Mat. 15.24 . keywords: abraham; baptisme; believers; children; christ; church; churches; covenant; faith; god; good; gospel; grace; hath; holy; lord; meanes; members; membership; people; promise; seed; unto; viz; ● ● cache: A59660.xml plain text: A59660.txt item: #29 of 46 id: A62859 author: Tombes, John, 1603?-1676. title: An addition to the Apology for the two treatises concerning infant-baptisme, published December 15, 1645 in which the author is vindicated from 21 unjust criminations in the 92 page of the book of Mr. Robert Baille, minister of Glasgow, intituled Anabaptisme and sundry materiall points concerning the covenant, infants-interest in it, and baptisme by it, baptism by an unbaptized person, dipping, erastianism and church-government, are argued, in a letter, now enlarged, sent in September 1647, to him / by John Tombes . .. date: 1652.0 words: 19337 flesch: 64 summary: That the Churches co●muni presbyt●r●●●● consilie , cura , solicitudine ( not imperio ) guvernabantur , and I like Salmasi●● his observation in his Apparatus de primatu Papae pag. But how do any passages of my Examen page 23. or my Apology page 53. prove that which you charge me with , that when a man is baptized according to my own mind I allow him to be oft thereafter rebaptized , even so oft as he repents for sin , which by the odly is done , at least ought to be done every day oftner then once , that I allow of a frequent rebap●ization , that to put the equity of the reproach of rebaptizing out of doubt , I ( whom you dubbe the Anabaptists great Patron , though indeed a Patron of nothing , but truth , and right ) am now come to defend the lawfulnesse of baptisme not onely twice , but if ye will ten times , yea so oft as you repent for sin , which ought to be oftner then once a day , so of Anabaptists they become Hem●robaptists and more . keywords: apology; assembly; baptisme; book; charge; chief; christ; church; churches; covenant; crimination; god; hath; infants; nature; new; non; page; person; promise; right; roman; sect; thing; words; ● ● cache: A62859.xml plain text: A62859.txt item: #30 of 46 id: A62868 author: Tombes, John, 1603?-1676. title: Felo de se, or, Mr. Richard Baxter's self-destroying manifested in twenty arguments against infant-baptism / gathered out of his own writing, in his second disputation of right to sacraments by John Tombes. date: 1659.0 words: 25276 flesch: 63 summary: Infant baptism -- Early works to 1800. As it happens to fellow-travellers , when they are all out of the right way , one conjectures this way they should go , another that , and sometimes they are at hot disputos and contentions about their way , and many by-ways are attempted , yet still the farther they go the more out of the way , till they come into the Road again : So it hath been with Baptizers of Infants ; they are fallen into many new devices to maintain Infant Baptism , the ancients with the Papists imagining that by it Gods grace was given , and that it was necessary to save the child from perishing , the Lutherans that by Baptism a seed of faith and some relative grace was given to Infants ( to which Doctor Samuel Ward , Bishop Davenant , Doctor Cornelius Burges , Master Thomas Bedford , Master James Cranford , and others have of late much inclined ) others opposing these have fallen into as bad conceits of the Covenant of Gospel grace , as made to a believer and his seed , Baptisms succession to Jewish Circumcision , and fetching a rule from thence , as others from the Jewish Baptism . keywords: acts; baptism; christ; church; covenant; disciples; doth; faith; god; hath; infant; infant baptism; john; man; master; men; non; present; profess; profession; promise; prove; remission; repentance; saving; scripture; sense; sign; sins; text; use cache: A62868.xml plain text: A62868.txt item: #31 of 46 id: A62869 author: Tombes, John, 1603?-1676. title: A plea for anti-pædobaptists, against the vanity and falshood of scribled papers, entituled, The anabaptists anatomiz'd and silenc'd in a public dispute at Abergaveny in Monmouth-shire Sept. 5. 1653. Betwixt John Tombes, John Cragg, and Henry Vaughan, touching infant-baptism. By John Tombes, B.D. date: 1654.0 words: 18377 flesch: 64 summary: His speech , Infants are not uncapable of Baptism , because they have not faith and repentance , because Christ was baptized without repentance , is frivolous , for there is not the same end of Christs Baptism and ours , and therefore though repentance were not required of him , yet it is of us , and the want of it makes infants uncapable of Baptism . This proposition the essence of baptism belongs to infants , may have two senses , 1. That the Baptism of infants is true Baptism , that is , is according to transcendental verity such as hath the nature of Baptism , and in this sense I grant the Proposition is true , and so it is true that an infants eating bread and drinking wine is true eating and drinking the Lords Supper , it hath the essence of it ; but this I did not imagine he meant , and therefore denied his minor , till his next Syllogism shewed he meant it , and then I perceived I should have denied the major . keywords: baptism; believers; children; christ; church; circumcision; covenant; cragg; doth; god; grace; hath; infants; saith; text; words cache: A62869.xml plain text: A62869.txt item: #32 of 46 id: A62870 author: Tombes, John, 1603?-1676. title: Præcursor, or, A forerunner to a large review of the dispute concerning infant-baptism wherein many things both doctrinall and personal are cleared, about which Mr. Richard Baxter, in a book mock-titled Plain Scripture-proof of infants church-membership and baptism hath darkned the truth / by John Tomes. date: 1652.0 words: 52652 flesch: 66 summary: After this Mr. B. printed a large book for Infants-baptism , framed in manner of a Sermon as intended , and accordingly tendred in an Epistle to you . But Mr. B. denying it , and venting the passage in his Saints everlasting rest , wherein he speaks of grosse absurdities I was driven to , I was forced to print my Antidote , since which he hath printed a large book in which he hath raised much dust to darken the truth , and to asperse my person : which I am necessitated to answer , and to stay or order the review of the dispute between my self , Mr. M. and others as there shall be cause . keywords: act; anabaptists; answer; arguments; baptisme; believers; book; children; christ; church; conceive; covenant; dispute; doctrine; doth; end; god; gods; hath; holy; infants; like; man; men; ministers; opinion; page; people; prove; reason; saith; scripture; sect; self; shew; things; time; truth; way; words; writing cache: A62870.xml plain text: A62870.txt item: #33 of 46 id: A62871 author: Cragge, John, Gent. title: A publick dispute betwixt John Tombs ... respondent, John Cragge, and Henry Vaughan ... opponents, touching infant-baptism, the fifth of September, 1653 ... occasioned by a sermon preached the day before, by Mr. Tombs, upon St. Mark 16.16 ... : also a sermon preached by Mr. Cragge, the next Lords day following, upon the same text, wherein the necessity of dipping is refuted, and infant-baptism asserted. date: 1654.0 words: 23751 flesch: 63 summary: Quo teneam vultus mutantem Protea nodo ? I confess it is {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , in the Aorist , ye shall make Disciples , for it must be interpreted by the future , {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , Baptizing , or by Baptizing in the present tense ; as if Discipling were the end , and Baptizing the means , and required no qualification before ( as learned men with great probability press ) but I will not insist upon that now , But that which you denyed , I prove , that Infants may be Disciples , from [ that place Rom. 15.10 . Hence observe , that every creature in a sense is sensible of the benefit they have by Christ ; but every one in their kind , men come to years , and discretion , are capable of actual understanding , actual profession , actual faith ; Infants only in actu primo , are capable of the first seeds of understanding , of profession of Faith , which will shew it self in the fruits when they come to years ; The rest of our fellow creatures as by a natural instinct they groan for the curse , so by an other instinct , they lift up their heads in expectation of the blessing , and that {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , with an earnest expectation , or a stretched out neck as the word in the original signifies , Rom. 819. keywords: answer; baptism; children; christ; church; circumcision; covenant; disciples; faith; god; gospell; infants; jews; law; men; nations; non; parents; promise; sayes; seed; t. mr; text; tombs cache: A62871.xml plain text: A62871.txt item: #34 of 46 id: A63577 author: Bissel, Mr. title: A true narrative of the Portsmouth disputation, between some ministers of the Presbyterian, and others of the Baptist, persuasion, concerning the subjects and manner of baptism held in Mr. Williams's meeting-place there on Wednesday, Feb. 22. 1698/9. The managers for the Presbyterians were, Mr. Samuel Chandler of Fareham. Mr. Leigh of Newport in the Isle of Wight. Mr. Robinson of Hungerford in Berks, moderator. For the Baptists were, Dr. William Russel of London. Mr. John Williams of East Knoyle in Wiltshire. Mr. John Sharp of Froome in Somersetshire, moderator. Transcribed from two copies taken at the dispute; the one by Mr. Bissel Town-Clerk of Portsmouth, and the other by Mr. Samuel Ring. Revis'd and publish'd by Dr. William Russel. date: 1699.0 words: 34755 flesch: 77 summary: You Argue thus , because 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Them , is of the Masculine Gender , it must agree with 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Disciples , being of the same Gender : And not with 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , all Nations . If 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 hath no other Antecedent agreeing therewith but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , then none are to be Baptized but such as are first made Disciples by the Ministry of Men , which Infants are not capable of . keywords: argument; baptism; baptizing; chandler; christ; church; commission; dipping; disciples; god; hath; infants; instance; john; know; leigh; russel; subjects; water; way; williams; word cache: A63577.xml plain text: A63577.txt item: #35 of 46 id: A63778 author: Taylor, Jeremy, 1613-1667. title: A discovrse of baptisme its institution and efficacy upon all beleevers : together with a consideration of the practice of the church in baptizing infants of beleeving parents and the practice justified / by Jer. Taylor. date: 1653.0 words: 27080 flesch: 59 summary: But that this Rite of admitting into mysteries , and institutions , and offices of religion by Baptisms , was used by the posterity of Noah , or at least very early among the Jews , besides the testimonies of their own Doctors , I am the rather induced to believe , because the Heathen had the same Rite in many places and in several Religions : so they initiated disciples into the secrets of a Mithra ; and the Priests of Cotyttus were called b Baptae , because by Baptism they were admitted into the Religion ; and they c thought Murther , Incest , Rapes , and the worst or Crimes , were purged by dipping in the Sea , or fresh Springs ; and a Proselyte is called in Arrianus , {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , intinctus , a baptized person . 1. The first fruit is , That in Baptism we are admitted to the Kingdome of Christ , presented unto him , consigned with his Sacrament , enter into his Militia , give up our understandings and our choice to the obedience of Christ , and in all senses that we can , become his Disciples , witnessing a good confession , and undertaking a holy life : and therefore in Scripture {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} and {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , are conjoyn'd in the significations , as they are in the mystery : it is a giving up our names to Christ , and it is part of the foundation of the first Principles of the Religion , as appears in S. Pauls Catechism ; it is so the first thing , that it is for babes , and Neophytes , in which they are matriculated and adopted into the house of their Father , and taken into the hands of their Mother . keywords: baptism; children; christ; church; covenant; death; doe; effect; faith; god; grace; hath; holy; infants; life; man; non; persons; reason; repentance; sacrament; sin; sins; spirit; state; things; water cache: A63778.xml plain text: A63778.txt item: #36 of 46 id: A66526 author: Barlow, Thomas, 1607-1691. Appeal to the Baptists against Henry D'Anvers, Esq. title: Vindiciæ vindiciarum, or, A vindication of a late treatise, entituled, Infant-baptism asserted and vindicated by Scripture and antiquity in answer to Mr. Hen. D'Anvers his reply : to which is annexed, the Right Reverend Dr. Barlow (now Bishop-elect of Lincoln) his apologetical-letter : also An appeal to the Baptists (so called) against Mr. Danvers, for his strange forgeries, and misrepresentations of divers councils and authors, both antient and modern / by Obed Wills. date: 1675.0 words: 47808 flesch: 59 summary: 4. I acknowledg that such words as are cited by Mr. * Danvers ( and such others , spoke and Writ then , with more Confidence than Judgment or Discretion ) are in that Letter , which had been secret still , if some had not betrayed that trust which was reposed in them . D'Anvers his reply : to which is annexed, the Right Reverend Dr. Barlow (now Bishop-elect of Lincoln) his apologetical-letter : also An appeal to the Baptists (so called) against Mr. Danvers, for his strange forgeries, and misrepresentations of divers councils and authors, both antient and modern / by Obed Wills. keywords: adult; adult baptism; age; answer; austin; baptism; baptizing; believers; believers baptism; book; century; children; christ; church; councils; cyprian; danvers; doth; doth mr; god; good; hath; infants; infants baptism; magdiburgs; man; men; nazianzen; non; persons; place; reader; reason; reply; saith; saith mr; scripture; thing; time; tradition; treatise; truth; viz; waldenses; words cache: A66526.xml plain text: A66526.txt item: #37 of 46 id: A67377 author: Wallis, John, 1616-1703. title: A defense of infant-baptism in answer to a letter (here recited) from an anti-pædo-Baptist / by John Wallis ... date: 1697.0 words: 6973 flesch: 62 summary: And if Children be thus capable , or their Parents for them , of entering thus into Covenant with God ; why not of receiving the Seal of such Covenant ? I know indeed , what Dr. Hammond , Dr. Light-foot , and the Athenian Society presume ( as to an Institution ) from a Custom among the Iews , of their Baptizing the Infants of Proselytes , as if Christ out of Condescension to the Iews , to win them , did include Infants in his Precept of Baptizing all Nations , Children being a part of them . keywords: baptism; children; christ; church; disciples; faith; god; infants cache: A67377.xml plain text: A67377.txt item: #38 of 46 id: A77497 author: Brinsley, John, 1600-1665. title: The doctrine and practice of paedobaptisme, asserted and vindicated. By a large and full improovement of some principall arguments for it, and a briefe resolution of such materiall objections as are made against it. Whereunto is annexed a briefe and plaine Enarration, both doctrinall and practicall, upon Mark 10.V. As it was some time since preached in the church of Great Yarmouth: now published for an antidote against those yet spreading errours of the times, Anabaptisme and Catabaptisme. / By Joh. Brinsley. date: 1645.0 words: 61009 flesch: 80 summary: ( D●●●ene dic●re 〈◊〉 be●efacere ; ) which was in his power , in his hands to doe . I Have perused this Vindication of The Doctrine and Practise of Paedobaptisme , in which the Reverend Authour hath also handled some things not us●ally treated on by any , in our Language , which he submits to the judgement of the learned and judicious ; And I commend to be Imprinted . keywords: act; apostle; baptisme; bee; case; childe; children; christ; christians; church; circumcision; covenant; day; disciples; doe; faith; god; gods; good; grace; hands; hath; hee; himselfe; holy; infants; kingdome; like; lord; new; old; ordinance; parents; persons; place; promise; reason; sacrament; saviour; seale; testament; text; thing; time; use; viz; way; wee; word; ● ● cache: A77497.xml plain text: A77497.txt item: #39 of 46 id: A85020 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: The infants advocate of circumcision on Jewish and baptisme on Christian children. By Thomas Fuller, B.D. date: 1653.0 words: 45009 flesch: 68 summary: Men may fit cloaths , but God doth fit Crosses for our backs : no Cross will please him for thee to take up , but thy Cross , only that which his providence hath made thee the proprietarie thereof . Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. keywords: abraham; baptism; betwixt; children; christ; christian; church; circumcision; covenant; day; end; faith; god; gods; good; hath; infants; jews; life; like; man; men; new; ought; parents; peace; perfect; reason; right; said; scripture; self; souls; spirit; text; thee; time; truth; word; yea; years cache: A85020.xml plain text: A85020.txt item: #40 of 46 id: A85408 author: Goodwin, John, 1594?-1665. title: Philadelphia: or, XL. queries peaceably and inoffensively propounded for the discovery of truth in this question, or case of conscience; whether persons baptized (as themselves call baptism) after a profession of faith, may, or may not, lawfully, and with good conscience, hold communion with such churches, who judg themselves truly baptized, though in infancy, and before such a profession? Together with some few brief touches about infant, and after-baptism. By J.G. a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. date: 1653.0 words: 13031 flesch: 43 summary: Now then , if Faith , and profession of Faith , qualifie for Baptism , meerly in respect of their relation , and as they report ( with such credit as appertains to them , and is meet to be given them by men ) the persons in whom they are , and from whom they proceed , to be in an estate of Grace and Favor with God , is it not as evident as the Sun at noon day , that all persons of mankind , who are , or may be known by more assured testimonies and declarations , then any mans own profession of his own Faith amounts unto , to be in the same , or like grace and favor with God , to be every whit as regularly , and as compleatly qualified for Baptism , as the greatest and loudest Professors of their Faith under Heaven ? Philadelphia: or, XL. queries peaceably and inoffensively propounded for the discovery of truth in this question, or case of conscience; whether persons baptized (as themselves call baptism) after a profession of faith, may, or may not, lawfully, and with good conscience, hold communion with such churches, who judg themselves truly baptized, though in infancy, and before such a profession? keywords: baptism; case; children; christ; christian; church; churches; communion; faith; god; hath; men; non; persons; practice; scriptures; yea cache: A85408.xml plain text: A85408.txt item: #41 of 46 id: A85777 author: Denne, Henry, 1606 or 7-1660? title: A contention for truth: in two several publique disputations. Before thousands of people, at Clement Dane Church, without Temple Barre: upon the 19 of Nevemb. [sic] last: and upon the 26 of the same moneth. Betweene Mr Gunning of the one part, and Mr Denne on the other. Concerning the baptisme of infants; whether lawful, or unlawful. date: 1658.0 words: 16044 flesch: 80 summary: The TEXT sayth {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} except any one ; it comprehends all : none exempted . Have you a Greek Testament ? I pray look the place : as I remember the word in that place is {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , he that rejecteth or rebelleth against the Gospell of Jesus Christ , which Children do not . keywords: baptisme; children; christ; church; god; hath; infants; men; oppo; res; sin; spirit; text; water; world cache: A85777.xml plain text: A85777.txt item: #42 of 46 id: A86419 author: Hobson, Paul. title: The fallacy of infants baptisme discovered. Or, Five arguments, to prove that infants ought not to be baptized. Delivered in private by Captain Hobson, who should that day (with Master Knowls, and some others;) have discussed the thing in publike with Master Callamy, and Master Cranford, &c. And now published for the benefit of those that seeke the truth in love. date: 1645.0 words: 6388 flesch: 75 summary: Reason 4 Fourthly , We are so to observe things that we present to Christ , that not onely the manner , but the matter should not come under the reproofs of Christ ; I might here draw divers Uses , which might be useful for us ; But at this time I shall onely speak of a Use of Reproof ; To reprove those that will observe things , and in their observing , plead for it as a duty to Christ , and yet have no command for it from Christ : keywords: christ; command; doth; duty; infants; observe cache: A86419.xml plain text: A86419.txt item: #43 of 46 id: A93044 author: Sharp, John, of Froome, Somersetshire. title: Truth prevailing against the fiercest opposition being a vindication of Dr. Russel's True narrative of the Portsmouth disputation ... Also, a sermon upon Mat. 28. 19. by Mr. John Williams ... As also An answer to the Presbyterian dialogue, by another hand / published by Mr. John Sharp ... who was moderator at the disputation in Portsmouth. date: 1700.0 words: 62359 flesch: 68 summary: by Mr. John Williams ... by Mr. John Williams ... keywords: account; answer; argument; baptism; baptize; believers; chandler; children; christ; church; commission; covenant; disciples; doth; faith; god; hath; holy; infants; john; men; ordinance; practice; scripture; thing; tho; time; truth; word cache: A93044.xml plain text: A93044.txt item: #44 of 46 id: A94733 author: Tombes, John, 1603?-1676. title: An apology or plea for the Two treatises, and appendix to them concerning infant-baptisme; published Decemb. 15. 1645. Against the unjust charges, complaints, and censures of Doctor Nathanael Homes, Mr Iohn Geree, Mr Stephen Marshall, Mr John Ley, and Mr William Hussey; together with a postscript by way of reply to Mr Blakes answer to Mr Tombes his letter, and Mr Edmund Calamy, and Mr Richard Vines preface to it. Wherein the principall heads of the dispute concerning infant-baptism are handled, and the insufficiency of the writings opposed to the two treatises manifested. / By Iohn Tombes, B.D. date: 1646.0 words: 73460 flesch: 63 summary: Unde nisi ex antiquant existimo , & ● Apostolica traditione , qua Ecclesia Christi i●situm tenent pr●ter baptismum , & participationem Dominicae me●s● , non solum non ad regnum Dei sed nec ad salutem , & vitam aeternam posse quenquam hominum pervenire , do me thinkes evidence that Augustin sometimes called that the Churches tenet , which he gathered by conjecture from the practice of the African Christians knowne to him . As for my owne particular , the hard dealing I have fo●nd doth not alienate me from my brethren , nor I hope shall make a schism between us ; if it must happen , my indeavour is , that it may be necessary , not voluntary on my part . keywords: abraham; anabaptists; answer; apostle; argument; baptisme; baptizing; beleevers; blakes; children; christ; church; circumcision; conclusion; cor; covenant; defence; doe; doth; examen; faith; find; geree; god; gods; good; grace; hath; himselfe; holinesse; holy; infants; jewes; judgement; man; marshall pag; marshals; master blake; master marshall; matter; matth; meaning; meant; mr blake; mr marshall; nation; new; non; opinion; outward; pag; people; place; point; priviledge; promise; reason; right; saving; sayes; sect; seed; selfe; sense; shew; speech; text; thing; time; treatises; truth; use; way; words; ● ● cache: A94733.xml plain text: A94733.txt item: #45 of 46 id: A94741 author: Tombes, John, 1603?-1676. title: Tvvo treatises and an appendix to them concerning infant-baptisme. The former treatise being an exercitation presented to the chair-man of a committee of the Assembly of Divines. The later an examen of the sermon of Mr Stephen Marshall, about infant-baptisme, in a letter sent to him. / By John Tombes. B.D. date: None words: 17726 flesch: 72 summary: The first Argument for Infant-baptisme , examined from the interest in the promise , Gen. 17. 7. §. 2. The second Argument for Infant baptisme from the succession of Baptisme to circumcision , examined . That Infants are not the subject of Baptisme ; yet the end of his writing , as I conceive , being the provoking of others to write , that so his arguments being answered , himselfe and those that are of his minde may receive satisfaction , I permit it to passe the Presse : Not doubting but since now ( according to the desire of many ) it is knowne where the chiefe strength of the Catapaedobaptists lies , some will be found out in due time to encounter with it . keywords: argument; baptisme; children; christ; church; covenant; faith; god; hath; holy; infant; pag; place; reason; sect cache: A94741.xml plain text: A94741.txt item: #46 of 46 id: A95331 author: Taylor, Jeremy, 1613-1667. title: A discourse of baptisme, its institution and efficacy upon all believers. Together with a consideration of the practise of the Church in baptizing infants of beleeving parents: and the practise justified by Jer: Taylor D.D. date: 1652.0 words: 27102 flesch: 59 summary: But that this Rite of admitting into mysteries , and institutions , and offices of Religion by Baptisms , was used by the posterity of Noah , or at least very early among the Jews , besides the testimonies of their own Doctors , I am the rather induced to believe , because the Heathen had the same Rite in many places and in several Religions : so they initiated disciples into the secrets of a Mithra ; and the Priests of Cotyttus were called b Baptae , because by Baptism they were admitted into the Religion ; and they c thought Murther , Incest , Rapes , and the worst of Crimes , were purged by dipping in the Sea , or fresh Springs ; and a Proselyte is called in Arrianus , {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , intinctus , a baptized person . 1. The first fruit is , That in Baptism we are admitted to the Kingdome of Christ , presented unto him , consigned with his Sacrament , enter into his Militia , give up our understandings and our choice to the obedience of Christ , and in all senses that we can , become his Disciples , witnessing a good confession , and undertaking a holy life : and therefore in Scripture {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , and {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , are conjoyn'd in the significations , as they are in the mystery : it is a giving up our names to Christ , and it is part of the foundation or the first Principles of the Religion , as appears in S. Pauls Catechism ; it is so the first thing , that it is for babes , and Neophytes , in which they are matriculated and adopted into the house of their Father , and taken into the hands of their Mother . keywords: baptism; children; christ; church; covenant; death; effect; faith; god; grace; hath; holy; infants; life; man; non; persons; reason; repentance; sacrament; sin; sins; spirit; state; things; water cache: A95331.xml plain text: A95331.txt