item: #1 of 19 id: A25297 author: Ames, William, d. 1662. title: The light upon the candlestick serving for observation of the principal things in the book called, The mysteries of the kingdom of God, &c., against several professors / treated of, and written by Will. Ames ; printed in Low-Dutch for the author, 1662, and translated into English by B.F. date: 1663 words: 4545 flesch: 69 summary: THings are not for words , but words for things : if therefore we understand things aright & as they ought , by words , it must be by such as are fit to imprint the things themselves in those to whom they should occur , and then it were enough ( to make known our thoughts to others as we conceive them ) only to make use of such Words . Go to then , O man , who ever thou art , we wil not draw thee off from one heap of men , to carry thee over unto another , 't is somewhat else we invite thee too . keywords: ames; author; best; better; book; cause; characters; contrary; early; eebo; effects; english; god; hath; knowledge; light; little; man; means; men; mind; needs; principle; scripture; self; tcp; tei; text; thee; things; thou; thy; true; truth; words; work; world cache: A25297.xml plain text: A25297.txt item: #2 of 19 id: A33503 author: Coale, Josiah, 1632?-1668. title: A song of the judgments and mercies of the Lord wherein the things seen in secret are declared openly : being a brief demonstration of the secret work of the Almighty in me, his servant, given forth at the movings of the spirit of the Lord and is to go throughout the world ... / by Josiah Cole. date: 1663 words: 8468 flesch: 30 summary: Wherefore put on valour and courage you Heads of the Army of the Lords heavenly Host , vvho are in the front of the battle , and are oft-times deeply engaged in vvar vvith the beast , and false Prophet , ( who must be taken alive , and cast into the lake : ) J say unto you my beloved Biethren , and fellovv Souldiers ( vvhose weapons are not carnal , but spiritual , and mighty through God ) J am not unsensible of your Travels , Combates , and oppositions , and hardships which daily you meet vvithal , but in my measure partakes vvith you , & do truly travel in your strength , ( I speak to the vvise in heart ) and J also partake with you of the everlasting Consolation which daily abounds , so that we need not faint in our minds , nor in our hearts , though our enemies seem many in number , and great in strength ; for the Lord , the mighty God of Jacob is with us , even the Mighty Jehovah is on our side , ( and this you fully know , and it is not because you know not these things that I write thus unto you , but because you know it , and can seal to this Testimony , and that you may be refreshed hereby ; ) and he it is that fights all our battels for us ; and all Nations are but as a drop of a bucket before him ; and the hearts of Kings are in his hand , and he can turn them as the Rivers of waters ; who turns a fruitful Land into Barreness , for the wickednesse of them that dwell therein . But now my Friends , this know , That the way that leads to this Ocean of Rest , Kingdom of peace , and Fountain of life , is strait and narrow , and none can walk therein but through self-denial , and taking up the daily Crosse to the carnal mind , vvhich may seem hard to such as enter into Reasonings and Consultations vvith the vvrong nature , vvhich vvould still live ; but that being denied , and the light being joined unto , vvhich manifests the vvay , and the Cros● being taken up , and the yoke submitted unto , then the Povver of the Lord you vvill feel , vvhich vvill subject the contrary nature , and vvil make the vvay easie & plain before you , yea and delightful unto you , though it be in the midst of the paths of Judgement , for the righteous wil rejoice therein ; & though many oppositions , and sometimes many difficulties you may find in the way , yet keeping to the Light in singleness , & feeling the power of God , and the secret working thereof , it will keep the mind cool , and exclude the Consulter ; and then the way thou wilt see open clear before thee , through all difficulties ; and as thou waitest in the pure fear of the Lord , keeping thy mine staid upon him , thou wilt feel his good hand of love reaching unto thee daily , administring renewedness of strength unto thee , whereby thou wilt be sufficiently encouraged to press on in the strait and narrow way , and the way of his commandments wil be delightful unto thee , and not grievous ; and he wil replenish thy heart with his grace , & make thee know the aboundings of his love , which vvil exceedingly enlarge thy heart : keywords: almighty; christ; conscience; covenant; daily; day; dead; doth; earth; eebo; end; english; everlasting; faith; glory; god; gods; good; great; hand; hath; heart; hope; judgments; kingdom; know; life; light; living; long; lord; love; man; mercies; mind; oft; peace; people; power; righteousness; salvation; secret; sin; son; soul; spirit; tcp; text; thee; things; thou; time; true; truth; vvhich; vvil; vvith; way; wil; work; world; worship; yea cache: A33503.xml plain text: A33503.txt item: #3 of 19 id: A35520 author: Curwen, Thomas. title: This is an answer to John Wiggans book, spread up and down in Lancashire, Cheshire and Wales, who is a baptist & a monarchy-man wherein may be seen how he exalts himself, against Christ the light, that doth enlighten every man : and also some of his, and his peoples erronious principles, and assertions, which he and his people held in a dispute, with some Quakers ... / from the prisoners at Lancaster, whom he then opposed being then a prisoner, Thomas Curwen, William Houlden, Henery Wood, William VVilson ; also here is an answer to his appendix annexed to the book by Margaret Fell. date: 1665 words: 69690 flesch: 57 summary: And whereas thou faith thou art not inclined to multiply words to occasion strife , and yet thou contradicts thy self , and multiplys many words to no purpose against the saving Light of Christ , and which is saving , who said he would give for a Covenant of Light , and is the peace between God and man ; and that which thou multiplys is against him , which occasions nothing but strife and confusion , and not peace , for the Peace is in Christ , the Light which thou canst not abide to hear on , that every man has a saving Light ; because it marrs thy trade , and thy great Diana would be taken away ( to wit ) thy Gain ; for preaching Christ the Light , mar'd the great Diana and all the Workmens Gain , as thou may read in the Acts : And thou said thou would meet us in a spirit of Love and meekness , but it proved otherwise , when thou appeared at the dispute . All these is nothing to the matter in hand , for the Dispute was not about the Saints having the Light , for because Believers had it , and was grown to such conditions , this doth not make out that the Unbelievers had it not ; for God sends Rain both upon the just and unjust ; and God so loved the World that he gave his onely begotten Son into the World to enlighten the World ; that whosoever believed in him should not perish ; and such as do believe in him have faith , and comes to be Sons , and comes to receive Christ to dwell in them , and rule in them ; but those that hate Light , will not have this man to rule over them ; and hath not God dealt to every man a measure of faith through the Grace that is given ; and doth not the Grace of God which appears to all men , bring Salvation ? which is sufficient and justifies ? read Timothy , Tit. 2. Rom. 12. and had not the unprofitable servant a Talent to improve , and was not that Talent , saving as well as the talent of the other two , that did improve them , if he had improved it , and doth not some that 's wicked , make shipwrack of Faith , and of a good conscience , and turn the Grace of God into wantonness , 1 Tim. 1. 19. these departed from the faith , and erred from the faith , and cast off their faith , and Tim. 5. 8. and the 16. 10. now by thy assertion thou sayes , these had not faith , &c. And whereas thou sayes , We brought nothing to weaken thy arguments but that Scripture in the first of Iohn 9. which saith , That is the true Light that enlightens every man that comes into the World ; which we say is saving : but many other proofes we brought ( but thou regarded none ) out of Iohn and Esaiah , to prove that Christ was the Light and Salvation to the ends of the Earth ; and so thou are not only ignorant of Scripture , but darker then the Common-Prayer Book , for it saith , Almighty God which sheweth unto all men that be in error the light of thy Truth , to the intent they may return into the way of Salvation , &c. and as for thy accusing us for wresting the Scriptures and hard censures , we speak them as they were , but it was thou that wrested Scriptures to maintain thy assertions , but could not ; and when thou manifested thy ignorance , M. F. told thee of thy ignorance , and as it did , and yet doth appear , and by denying and opposing the light , thou manifested thy self to be a miserable Creature , and an enemy of God , and denyed the Lord that bought thee ; and Rich. keywords: able; abraham; acts; adam; answer; antichrist; apostle; assertion; balaam; bear; beginning; blood; book; book thou; bore; calls; candle; canst; cause; challenge; chamber; children; christ; christ doth; christ jesus; christ saith; christ thou; coming; condition; confusion; contrary; cor; corner; covenant; creator; curwen; darkness; day; death; deeds; didst; dispute; doctrine; dost thou; doth; earth; envy; error; eternal; evil; eye; eyes; face; fall; false; father; flesh; foundation; friends; gain; gentiles; ghost; glory; god; god christ; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; hands; hast; hath; head; heart; heaven; heb; henry; holy; idol; ignorance; ignorant; image; iohn; israel; john; judge; judgment; known; law; left; letter; life; light; light christ; light doth; light thou; like; lord; love; lyes; man; manifest; mans; mat; meeting; men; minister; mouth; natural light; natural man; new; old; paper; people; place; plain; power; priests; promise; prophets; purpose; queries; query; rage; read; reader; reason; righteousness; rom; saints; saith; salvation; saving; saviour; sayest; scriptures; seed; self; set; shall; sin; sins; son; sons; speak; spirit; spiritual; stone; testimony; thee; thine; things; thomas; thou; thou art; thou denyes; thou doth; thou enemy; thou saist; thou sayes; thou wilt; thy; time; trade; true christ; true light; truth; voice; w. thou; way; wicked; wickedness; wiggan; william; witness; wood; word god; words; work; world; worse; writ cache: A35520.xml plain text: A35520.txt item: #4 of 19 id: A39355 author: Elys, Edmund, ca. 1634-ca. 1707. title: A letter to the author of a book, entituled, An answer to W.P.'s key, about the Quakers light within, &c. by Edmund Elys ... date: 1695 words: 2131 flesch: 65 summary: You tell us that The Mind 's perceptive Power presenting these ( our Thoughts ) in it self is the Light in the Conscience of every Man. I suppose upon second thoughts you will retract this : What! is the Power , or Faculty perceptive of Light or Truth , the Light it self ? I 'le grant that the Humane Understanding , or Intellectual preceptive Faculty , being the Eye of the Soul , may be called the Light that is in us ; not because we are conscious of our Thoughts , but because we are capable of perceiving the TRUE LIGHT in our own Souls . It is a most horrid Error ( if not plain Blasphemy , ) to say as you do , that It was never possible to learn the least part of the Christian Religion by the Light within , that is in every Man's Conscience : For by the Light within we understand CHRIST himself , and that Light which immediately Flows from Him , the Fountain of Light , the Sun of Righteousness , which we are called to Reflect upon , and Conform our Will , and Affections thereunto , by all the Notices that GOD gives of himself by any of his WORDS , or WORKS . keywords: books; characters; christ; conscience; early; edmund; eebo; elys; english; god; key; knowledge; law; light; man; power; reason; self; soul; tcp; tei; text; thoughts; truth cache: A39355.xml plain text: A39355.txt item: #5 of 19 id: A39373 author: Elys, Edmund, ca. 1634-ca. 1707. title: A second letter to the author of a book, entituled, An answer to W.P. his key about the light within from Edmund Elys ... date: 1697 words: 1780 flesch: 63 summary: If it be Evident in the Holy Scripture that CHRIST is the True and Eternal GOD , it is Evident that He is a Light within every Man's Conscience : For GOD IS LIGHT , LIGHT INFINITE : So that there can be no Spiritual , or Intellectual ILLUMINATION , but what comes directly , and immediately from GOD. keywords: author; books; characters; christ; conscience; early; edmund; eebo; elys; english; god; images; letter; light; man; online; oxford; partnership; phase; second; tcp; tei; text cache: A39373.xml plain text: A39373.txt item: #6 of 19 id: A39375 author: Elys, Edmund, ca. 1634-ca. 1707. title: A vindication of the doctrine concerning the light within, against the objections of George Keith, in his book, entituled, The deism of W. Penn, and his brethren expos'd by Edmvnd Elys. date: 1699 words: 2893 flesch: 61 summary: that The Inward Evidence of the Spirit , as touching the great Matters of the Christian Faith , is the PRINCIPAL Rule of Faith , and Life . Whether the Spirit of Christ ( whose Judgment and Determination is all one with that of Christ , and the Father ) doth give his Judgment to the Church , and the Members of it , by any other Law , or Rule , Measure , or Standard , than what is already to be found in the Holy Scriptures , whether relating to Articles of Faith , or positive Precepts of Revealed , and Instituted Religion , by Christ , and his Apostles in the New Testament ? keywords: answer; assent; books; brethren; characters; christ; christian; divine; doctrine; early; eebo; elys; english; faith; god; hearts; holy; keith; light; man; men; penn; rule; scriptures; spirit; tcp; tei; text; thy; truth; words cache: A39375.xml plain text: A39375.txt item: #7 of 19 id: A40761 author: Fairman, Lydia. title: A few lines given forth and a true testimony of the way which is Christ whom the saints enjoyes who have believed in the light and followed it into the regeneration, which they come to know through the preaching of the Gospel which hath been received in the power of God in these latter dayes and hath been preached in the demonstration of the Spirit. date: 1659 words: 1807 flesch: 55 summary: Now all people , both Professors and prophane is to mind the fear of the Lord , for the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom ; and by this wisdom which is learnt in the fear of the Lord , by it you come to know the power of God in the light , and as you believe in it , you believe in that which is able to the utmost to save all that comes unto it , so as you wait and feel the power dwell with it , that you may witnesse its workings in you , to the destroying of the power of sin ; For while it is ruling in you , you are led captive by the divell , and all who comes not to confesse , and own the light , which is the power of God in them , cannot be freed from it , but as any comes to the light , which discovers sin ; that is it which gives power over sin , and dwelling in the light , you dwell in that which never consented unto sin , the true and faithfull witnesse of God , which bears witnesse in every particular against evill ; so loving this , and obeying this , to forsake sin as it discovers it , so you will come to have power and dominion over sin , through the power of God , and as you love the light , and dwell in it , you will know another to take the kingdom in you , which is able to cast out the devill , and destroy all his works ; but who comes not to the light , comes not to Christ , and are in the reprobate state , without God in the world , alienated from the Common-wealth of Israel . I am the light of the world , saith Christ , which lightneth every one that cometh into the world , which whosoever receiveth , they receive the wisdom and power of God ; Him whom God hath given for salvation unto the ends of the earth , whose name is called the word of God , Christ the light , his Name is called the Word of God , so that is it which all people is to believe in , the light , and in it to walk as children of the light , putting off the deeds of darknesse , and to follow the light in all righteousnesse and holinesse , having a conversation void of offence towards God , and towards men ; so all people coming to believe in the light , and following it , they come to that which saves the soul , and receives him who is Gods salvation ; and every particular which comes to the Light , comes to Christ the seed of God , who is heir of the kingdome which hath no end but endures for ever ; and who are obedient to the light , it gives power over sin , and that is it in all , which never consented unto sin , but is a swift witnesse against all sin , when it is but conceived in the heart , before it be acted ; it sheweth the creature that it is evill : keywords: christ; fairman; god; hath; life; light; lord; lydia; people; power; seed; sin; text; true; way; world cache: A40761.xml plain text: A40761.txt item: #8 of 19 id: A42157 author: Grigg, Henry. title: The baptist not Babylonish, or The Quakers tongue no slander Being a brief reply to a foolish and scandalous pamphlet called the Babylonish baptist. Written by G.W. a Quaker-teacher. Wherein his malice, insolence, and ignorance is discovered and detected. And a book lately published, intituled, Light from the sun of righteousness, is vindicated from those pretended contradictions, and groundless cavils made against it. H.G. date: 1672 words: 6334 flesch: 65 summary: If thou hast seen that little Book I lately published , intituled , Light from the Sun of Righteousness ; thou mayest clearly perceive , what weighty Grounds and Arguments stirr'd me up to undertake that matter ; and though thou mayst suppose that works of this kind do but tend to the feeding of that lying and deluding Spirit which is in these deceived People , yet have we some good ground to judge that God hath blessed some former undertakings of this nature , to the great benefit and advantage of some poor Souls ; and let none blame us for standing up in the defence of Christ and the Gospel , when the Foundation of true Religion and Godliness is thus struck at . Can he make any rational person believe , that these two places he mentions first of all , are contradictory to each other : Because I deny that the Light which is in all Men is a saving Light , and yet say in the second place , I really believe all have a Light in them from Christ considered as Creatour , doth this contradict the former ? this can't be a Contradiction , unless he can prove there is no Light proceedings from the Eternal Word as Creator , but what is saying . keywords: answer; babylonish; baptist; body; book; christ; comforter; contradiction; doth; eebo; end; english; eternal; faith; god; gospel; great; hath; heart; humane; jesus; light; lord; man; men; nature; ordinance; pag; page; people; power; quakers; reader; reply; said; satan; saviour; sin; spirit; tcp; text; thing; thou; true; viz; work; world cache: A42157.xml plain text: A42157.txt item: #9 of 19 id: A44796 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: The invisible things of God brought to light by the revelation of the eternal spirit who was an ey-witness of the wonders of the Lord in the beginning : wherein is declared the felicity of all things in the beginning and the sad estate of all things after the transgression ... / by Francis Howgill. date: 1659 words: 45030 flesch: 8 summary: The will was good in it self , as it stood and went out in the lifes motion , but moving or acting contrary to the motion of the life , was not good ; for that was out of Gods order , and appointment , for nothing in man or without man , of all that God had made , was to stir or act without commandments ; now the Son was not honoured by mans faling , but both the Father and the Son was dishonoured , and now the Son or power was not revealed by the fall , but vailed as from men , so the fogy mists of darknesse is scattered , and the blind doctrines of the World layd waste . The work of the Lord declared , which was in the beginning , when the word was with God , and was the Fathers delight , and man made in the Image of God , and lived in the Lambs Power , and he was mans life , and this was before the transgression of these declared , as God hath manifested them by his Spirit . keywords: apostacy; apostles; appearance; assurance; beast; beginning; blood; body; bread; children; christ; church; cometh; contrary; creature; cup; cursed; darkness; day; dayes; dead; death; deceit; deeds; disciples; doctrine; dominion; doth; dragon; drunk; earth; earthly; end; eternal; everlasting; evil; eyes; faith; fall; false; far; father; fire; flesh; forth; foundation; free; ghost; gift; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; ground; hath; hath power; heart; heaven; heavenly; hid; himselfe; holy; honour; idols; image; imaginations; iniquity; invisible; joy; kingdome; knowledge; lamb; law; life; light; like; lives; living; long; lord; lord god; love; maker; man; manifest; measure; men; mind; misery; mother; motion; mystery; nations; natural; nature; old; onely; open; operation; outward; partakers; peace; people; perfect; pit; power; practice; presence; priests; prophets; pure; purity; rest; righteousness; rule; saints; salvation; saving; scripture; seed; self; selves; serpent; set; shews; sin; sins; slain; son; sons; sorrow; soul; spirit; spiritual; state; strength; sufficient; sun; tcp; testimony; text; thee; things; thou; throne; time; tongues; transgression; tree; true; truth; understanding; unto; vail; vain; vertue; visible; water; whore; wisdom; wise; witness; woman; works; world; worship; yea cache: A44796.xml plain text: A44796.txt item: #10 of 19 id: A54245 author: Penn, William, 1644-1718. title: Urim and thummim, or, The apostolical doctrines of light and perfection maintained against the opposite plea of Samuel Grevill (a pretended minister of the Gospel) in his ungospel-like discourse against a book entituled A testimony of the light within, anciently writ by Alexander Parker / by W.P. date: 1674 words: 15086 flesch: 72 summary: This Measure of Light leads to God , who is Light ; and this Measure of Grace and Truth guides the Soul unto him , who is full of Grace and Truth , where Salvation is known , and plentious Redemption witnessed ; Blessings and Praises be to his Name forever . They are standing Truths , That whatsoever may be known of God is manifested in man ; for God hath shew●d it unto him : That whatsoever is reproved is made manifest by the Light ; and that whatsoever doth make manifest is Light , Rom. 1. 19. Ephes . keywords: alexander; alwayes; apostle; blood; body; books; chap; christ; conscience; cor; darkness; death; divine; doctrine; doth; earth; eebo; end; english; ephes; eternal; everlasting; evil; fathers; flesh; god; good; gospel; grace; great; grevill; grotius; hath; heaven; holy; jews; joh; john; kingdom; knowledge; law; life; light; like; long; lord; love; man; manifest; manifestation; men; mind; minister; natural; natural light; nature; new; obedience; old; outward; pag; parker; paul; people; perfect; perfection; place; power; quakers; reason; righteousness; rom; saith; salvation; sayes; scriptures; sin; sinning; soul; spirit; spiritual; state; tcp; testimony; text; things; time; true; true light; truth; viz; way; word; work; ● ● cache: A54245.xml plain text: A54245.txt item: #11 of 19 id: A60626 author: Smith, William, d. 1673. title: An epistle to all the called and chosen of God by William Smith. date: 1672 words: 5972 flesch: 34 summary: Dear Friends , IN the deep Sense of that living Voice , which hath called you out of Darkness , to the Light of Life ; there is something upon me to communicate unto you , for the furtherance of your Faith and mutual Joy , and for the Settling and Establishing your Hearts and Minds in the Power of the Gospel of Christ , which hath been , and still is preached unto you for Life and Salvation ; that as the Lord hath called you by his Heavenly Voice , so you may all obey from your Hearts that blessed Doctrine , which by his Holy Spirit hath been plentifully held forth amongst you , unto Conversion , Edification and Comfort ; that through your Obedience you may witness the Lord to make choice of you , as a peculiar People , to shew forth his Praise , and so make your Calling and Election sure , For though many may be called , yet if they do not obey from the Heart that Spirit by which they are called , they may not be chosen ; and so a Profession of Truth may be held out of the Life and Power of it ; and you cannot but know what all Professions are , out of the Life and Power of Truth ; For when you were seeking after God in bare Professions , you could not find true Satisfaction to your Souls ; but were cumbred about many things , and wanted One Thing that was only needful ; and now the Lord in his Mercy hath enlightened you with his true Light , in which you see the many things , and their emptiness , and are come to know One Thing , which is the Fulness , and in which ye have all Life , Power and Blessings ; and so far as ye are come to witness the Substance , ye have the true savour of good Things in one Thing , where all is contained ; and it is the Love of God unto you , that hath so disposed your Hearts towards himself , and as a Cord hath drawn you out of things below , which are changeable , to a feeling of that which is Immortal , and never changeth ; and as the Love of God is the ground of your change from things below into things that are above , so it is a safe and sure Foundation for you to stand upon ; for in it self it doth not admit of any Alteration , but is alwayes firm and sure in its own Nature and Life ; and as ye are fastened to it , and stand upon it , you will find it to be a Rock of Strength unto your Feet : And what can be more desirable to you , then the Thing that ye have sound , the Thing which in it self is of an Immortal Nature , and yieldeth Immortal Riches ? Oh! never to be forgotten Mercies , but worthy to be had in Everlasting Remembrance : And ye are happy that keep in remembrance the Days and Times past , wherein God hath shewed you Favour ; for thereby you come to feel his Love , Mercies and Favours to be more enlarged unto you ; and as ye are come out of the many things , and have found One Thing to be the chiefest , so all mind to keep it as a Pearl of great Price : For ye have found the Lord's Christ , and the Lord 's Christ is become your Strength , and Stay , and Salvation ; and this is very weighty to be felt upon every ones Heart , That the Living God hath revealed his Son in you , and that ye know him to be the Lord 's Christ ; this is that alone in which your Peace and Felicity standeth immutable , and is of far greater worth and value then the many things : And as in the Light ye have found the Riches and Treasures of an Endless Life , even so to keep in the Light ; and keep your Possession , and be not drawn out with any Whimsical Fancies and Conceits to lose your Possession ; it is the Word of the living God unto you all : For the Lord hath shewed great Kindness unto you , that ye might glorifie him in your Bodies , Souls and Spirits , as being his , and so to Honour the Lord in all things , for the exceeding Riches of his Kindness towards you : for it is required of all , unto whom the Lord hath shewed Kindness , that they be found faithful , and so to behold the Lord in his goings , and go with him , then all will know the things that concern their Peace , and things by which they may edifie one another , and so be a Help and Comfort one to another , even as God is a Help and Comfort unto them : keywords: brethren; christ; doctrine; eebo; english; epistle; faith; faithful; friends; fruit; god; good; great; hath; hearts; honour; judgment; let; life; light; living; lord; love; mind; nature; order; peace; power; self; smith; sound; spirit; strength; tcp; text; things; time; true; truth; understanding; walk; way; weighty; william; work cache: A60626.xml plain text: A60626.txt item: #12 of 19 id: A60641 author: Smith, William, d. 1673. title: A manifestation of the love of God unto all such as are convinced of truth and do not obey it. date: 1673 words: 4217 flesch: 28 summary: Oh that thou wouldest consider the things which belong to thy peace , before calamity come upon thee , and do not stand at such a distance from the Light which convinceth thee ; for now there is a door open , and thou knowest not how soon it may shut upon thee ; and now is the day of salvation , and thou art not sure how long it may be continued to thee : therefore believe in the Light whilst thou hast the Light , that thou mayest be a child of Light ; for until thou come to be a child of Light , and to walk in the Light , thou art not in the Saints fellowship and inheritance , though with the Light thou be convinced ; So wait to learn of the Light as thy Teacher , and follow the Light as thy Leader , that thou mayest not only stand in the knowledge of what thou shouldest deny , but deny it ; nor only stand in the knowledge of what thou shouldest live in , but live in it : And so ungodliness and worldly lusts will die , and righteousness and godliness will spring up and live , and in that nature Therefore seeing the Enemy hath such cunning devices to deceive thee , thou shouldest watch to the Light with which Christ Jesus doth enlighten thee , and wait in the Light for power to resist thy Enemy , and so when he would break in upon thee , the Light will lift up it self a standard against him , and then thou wilt know where the Cross standeth , and what is to be crossed when it moveth ; and as thou abidest in the Cross to every motion that would draw out thy mind from the Truth , so thou wilt come to receive Truth in its own power , life and virtue , and in the Truth thou wilt receive strength to go forward through all oppositions that would hinder thee , or drive thee back , and the Light and Power will take away stumbling-blocks from before thee , if thou be willing to go forward in obedience , and that will make the yoke easie to thee , and the way plain before thee ; and then thou wilt come to feel what Truth is in it self , and what it is unto thee , and that will put the Questioner down , because thou art come to understand that to be true which he questioneth . keywords: christ; convinced; cross; darkness; disobedient; doth; eebo; enemy; english; evil; forward; god; good; hath; jesus; life; light; love; mind; nature; obedience; power; seed; self; state; tcp; testimony; text; thee; things; thou; truth; wilt; work cache: A60641.xml plain text: A60641.txt item: #13 of 19 id: A65839 author: Whitehead, George, 1636?-1723. title: The Babylonish baptist, or, H.G. contradicting H.G. in his book stiled Light from the Son of righteousness, which is proved, meer confusion and darkness. date: 1672 words: 2439 flesch: 68 summary: I utterly deny , that this Light , which all men have from the Glorious Creator , is a Saving Light , page 8. H. G. in Contradiction saith , I really believe , That the Lord Jesus , as the Eternal Word , hath given Light , or Enlightened all Men and Women that come into the World , p. 8. The great Darkness of these Men , who cry up Light and Power Within , this Wile of Satan , and Cheat of Antichrist , p. 31. H. G. Contra. keywords: anim; book; christ; contrad; early; eebo; english; eternal; flesh; god; h. g.; jesus; light; lord; man; men; power; righteousness; said; son; spirit; tcp; text; true; word; work cache: A65839.xml plain text: A65839.txt item: #14 of 19 id: A65850 author: Whitehead, George, 1636?-1723. title: A Christian epistle to Friends in general of weighty concern, for their present and future peace and safety from the soul's adversary's subtill devices and snares of death. To be carefully communicated to the children of light, and professors thereof every where. Being faithfully given forth, and recommended from the spirit of Christ; by his servant George Whitehead. date: 1689 words: 5861 flesch: 43 summary: You therefore ( my dear Friends ) who have livingly felt , and tasted of the Lord's Power and Goodness , and known his Work in your Hearts , in order to your Deliverance and Redemption out of the Evil World , and the Corruptions thereof , prize his tender Mercies and Goodness , and forget them not : Let the holy fear of the Lord God be your Treasure and true Wisdom , and Understanding , the Stability of your times in Righteousness : Let your sincere Love to the pure Name and Truth of the Lord , and one unto another be continued in that unchangeable Truth and Power of an Endless Life , whereunto the Lord hath called us ; and I pray God increase your Love and Zeal for his Glorious Name and Christian Tenderness , and Brotherly Affection one towards another , that Life for evermore may be your Blessing and Portion , as it will be to all them who dwell in Amity , true Love , and Unity of Spirit in our Lord Jesus Christ , which is a most joyful , comfortable and blessed state , which too many Professors of Truth are short of , for want of keeping near to the Lord , in his holy fear & Love of his blessed Name and Truth , whose negligence and unfaithfulness to Truth in themselves hath caused a decay of Love , & want of Charity towards others ; and then instead of humbly waiting and depending upon the Lord , some have exalted themselves in a Self-will , Self-conceit , & Affection to preheminence in judgment over others , until thereby Divisions and Self-separations have been caused and stirred up by them , to the great grief of the Spirits of the upright , who have kept their Integrity to the Lord , his Truth and People . What Gifts , Openings , Discoveries , Visions , Revelations , Wisdom , Knowledge or Understanding soever any have , yet still 't is the heavenly Root must bear them , they must keep low their Minds and Spirits to that from whence Life and Love springs , or else they fall , wither , dye and become empty , uncharitable and hard-hearted ; and there the Enemy has his Evil Ends upon them , in betraying them , and corrupting their minds from the Truth , from Life , from Love , from the Innocency and Simplicity which is in Christ , the Way , the Truth and the Life ; and there 's a danger in being too early and forward to censure and judge others , and in judging , censuring and undervaluing others Gifts , Ministry and Labour● whom God hath called into his Work and Service ; for some whereby may either lose their own Gifts , Life and Strength , or fall short of those heavenly Gifts , which otherwise they might attain to , if they kept low and tender in Humility , Love & Society with their Brethren , whereby they might also be serviceable with them : For I have seen in my time some who never passed through Judgment in themselves , yet very censorious , judging , detracting and whispering against their Brethren , slighting them , their Ministry and Labours , who themselves have greatly lost by it ; and God in displeasure hath suffered them to discover their own weakness and nakedness , for their own abasement under the righteous Judgment of Truth . keywords: adversary; blessed; brethren; cause; christ; christian; day; dear; divine; early; earth; eebo; english; faithful; fear; friends; general; george; gifts; god; good; goodness; great; hath; holy; humility; jesus; judgment; liberty; life; light; living; lord; love; low; men; minds; peace; people; power; present; safety; self; service; snares; spirit; spiritual; tcp; tender; tenderly; text; things; time; true; truth; weighty; whitehead; wisdom; work; world cache: A65850.xml plain text: A65850.txt item: #15 of 19 id: A65862 author: Whitehead, George, 1636?-1723. title: The divine light of Christ in man, and his mediation truly confessed by the people called Quakers. In a brief and gentle examination of John Norris his two treatises concerning the divine light. Intended to wipe off his undue reflection of grossness and confusion on the Quakers notion of the light within. With a postscript to J. N. By G. W. a servant of Christ. date: 1692 words: 8024 flesch: 64 summary: That Mr. Barclay saith , By this Seed , Grace and Word of God and Light wherewith we say every Man is enlightened and hath a measure of it , which strives with them in order to save them , and which may by the stubbornness and wickedness of Man's will be quenched , bruised , wounded , pressed down , slain and crucified ; We understand not the proper Essence and Nature of God precisely taken * , but a spiritual , heavenly and invisible Principle , in which God , as Father , Son and Holy Ghost dwells , a measure of which divine and glorious life is in all Men as a Seed , &c. — and this we call Vehiculum Dei , or the Spiritual Body of Christ , the Flesh and Blood of Christ which came down from Heaven , p. 37 , 38. 'T is said that God is Light , and Christ is the Light , and the Law is Light , and the Commandment a Lamp , and the Word both a Light and Lanthorn . keywords: barclay; body; books; certain; christ; creature; deity; divine; divine light; eebo; english; essence; far; father; fol; general; god; grace; illumination; jesus; john; knowledge; life; light; lord; man; mediator; men; nature; norris; people; principle; quakers; r. b.; saith; salvation; seed; son; soul; spiritual; substance; tcp; text; thou; treat; treatises; true; truth; viz; word; works cache: A65862.xml plain text: A65862.txt item: #16 of 19 id: A65980 author: Wigan, John. title: Antichrist's strongest hold overturned, or, The foundation of the religion of the people called Quakers bared and razed in a debate had with some of them in the castle at Lancaster and in an additional account of the light within ..., here also is shewed the occasion of their rise and growth, together with the right way of discovering their secret delusions ..., hereunto is annexed an appendix wherein their evil language is discovered ... / all which is published ... by J.W. date: 1665 words: 36451 flesch: 72 summary: Again , this spirit of a man , or light in every man , is the reason , and the understanding of a man , which in the state of mans created integritie , was an ascendant light , shining with pure Beams of light , whereby he was ad●pted to know his God that made him , and the end why he made him , and how to answer that end , that is , to know him as God , and glorifie him as God , by yielding just , and perfect obedience unto him ; this was the end of Gods making man , that he should serve him , as David argues , Psal . Together with this light set up in man , which shewed him his Creator , and that he was to be served , and how he was to be served , it was necessary that Law should be implanted , and written in his heart , ( which Law is called light , Prov. 6. 23. ) whereby the will and mind of his Creator , was imprest upon him , and made known unto him , so that by the Spirit , or light set up in him , he could reflect upon this Law , as a rule to every motion , and operation , and understand the reason , and reasonableness of it ; yet here by the way it is to be observed , that this Law is not God , God is the Law-giver , or the Law-writer , whether in the fleshly Tables of the heart , or in Tables of Stone , but the Law giver , or the Law writer , is not the Law , nor è Contra &c. The Law was written in the natural mans heart , to be a Rule , according to which he was to obey and worship his God , therefore it is not to be called God , and worshiped as God ; its true that the Law , ( as also the light ) as it is in God the fountain of Wisdom and Justice , is God ; but the Law exhibited , and in a manner ineffable , and beyond expression imprest upon , and formed in the heart of man , is not God , as the thing formed , is not the former of the thing . keywords: account; acts; adam; angels; answer; antichrist; apostle; arguments; art; assertion; author; books; candle; cause; censures; chamber; christ; christ doth; coming; conscience; contrary; cor; creation; creator; curwen; darkness; day; death; debate; deceiver; desire; discourse; doctrine; door; doth; enemy; eph; errors; eternal; evident; evil; faith; fall; false; father; flesh; following; foundation; fox; friends; gentiles; ghost; glorious; glory; god; good; gospel; grace; great; hast; hath; head; heart; heaven; heb; hold; holy; hour; jesus; jesus christ; john; knowledge; known; lancaster; language; law; letter; life; light; like; lord; love; man; man christ; manifest; manner; mans; matter; matth; mediator; meeting; men; ministers; mystery; natural; natural man; nature; new; occasion; onely; paper; people; person; pet; place; plainly; power; promise; proof; prophets; psal; purpose; quakers; queries; read; reason; redeemer; respect; righteousness; rom; rule; said; saving; scripture; second; self; set; shew; shewed; sin; sins; son; soul; spirit; spiritual; tcp; text; thee; things; thomas; thou; thy; tim; time; true; true light; truth; understanding; verse; viz; way; weak; whereof; wicked; wigan; willing; wisdom; wise; witness; woman; word god; words; work; world; worship; yea; ● ● cache: A65980.xml plain text: A65980.txt item: #17 of 19 id: A86663 author: Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662. title: The cause of stumbling removed from all that will receive the truth; and from before the eyes of the wise men of London: in a treatise shewing the difference between the spirit of a man which is the candle of the Lord, and the light which hath enlightned every man that cometh into the world. Also shewing ... there is not diversity of lights and spirits, by which they are ministred ... Herein also is a false hosanna, and a false testimony reproved ... the name of him which hath so long travell'd to bring forth wind and confusion, is one known in the city of London by the name of Iohn Iackson ... that so ... understanding and knowledge of the truth may be increased, in those that follow on to know the Lord. Given forth from the Lords servant, Richard Hubberthorne. date: 1657 words: 20718 flesch: 38 summary: Now all people is to know that there was a ministration different from the administration of the Gospel , the new Covenant a different administration from the old ; but there is no necessity that it be ministred from another spirit , nor from another Lord , nor from another Light ; therefore to say , that because the Covenants or Admini●●ration● are diverse one from another , that therefore it must not be the same spirit , but the one by the spirit of man , the other the spirit of God , and that the light● is to be diverse the one from the other , this is a false Testimony ; TO THE READER MEN of low degree are vanity , and men of high degree are a lye ; and the heart of man is desperately wicked and deceitful above all things . keywords: answ; birth; body; burthen; candle; children; christ; christ hath; city; cometh; contrary; darknesse; david; day; death; doctrine; doth; earth; end; evil; eye; fall; false; father; forth; glory; god; gods; good; hath; heart; holy; hosanna; iackson; iniquity; ioh; iohn; judge; knowledge; known; law; life; light; light doth; like; little; london; lord; man; manifest; manifestation; mans; measure; men; natural; occasion; pag; people; power; prophets; reason; saith; saying; scriptures; seed; sin; son; spirit; star; strength; sufficient; testimony; text; things; thou; time; true; true light; truth; understanding; voice; way; wisdom; wise; witness; words; work; world; ● ● cache: A86663.xml plain text: A86663.txt item: #18 of 19 id: A93391 author: Smith, Richard, of Chester. title: To professors of religion of all sorts, and likewise to prophane, in and about this city of Chester [by] Richard Smith. date: 1675 words: 2249 flesch: 54 summary: THis is in my Heart to you , in Defence of that Glorious Truth , which the Lord hath brought to Light in this our Day , and which shall never more be extinguished , though many Wicked and Ungodly Men have opened their Mouths against us , to destroy us , for bearing Witness to the same ; and which hitherto we have believed , born , and still do bear Witness to , That he that believes in the Son of God , hath ( Life , and ) the Witness in himself , which Life is the Light of Men , which lighteth every Man that cometh into the World , that whosoever believes in it , follows it , and obeyes it , shall not abide in Darkness , but shall have the Light of Life ; yea , it shall take Root , grow , bring forth Fruit , and prosper , to the Honour of him , who forth of his Rich Love to Mankind hath so manifested it . To these do I ( on the Behalf of Truth ) testifie , that the Appearance of the second Adam , the Lord from Heaven , the quickning Spirit , in that holy Body prepared of the Father for him , was for the Salvation of the VVorld , who had fallen in the first , that whatever he then did both living and dying had a great Influence for God upon all that believed , and hath still for all that now believe in him , as he manifests himself to us by his Light in the Conscience , for we do affirm , that to come to that is the readyest , nay , the only right VVay to come to true Faith in Christ , as he then appeared , and to receive any Benefit by him : And it is not another then that Blessed Light , Power , VVisdom and Eternal Righteousness , who then appeared , by whom we have received any true spiritual Benefit ; how then can our asscribing particular Salvation in this Age to him , who thus now appears to our Souls , render him no Saviour in that , or invalidate his then Appearance , whose Doctrine pierc'd , whose Life preach'd , whose Miracles astonish'd , whose Blood atton'd , and whose Death and Resurrection confirm'd his then Manifestation to be no less then God ( who is Light ) manifested in the Flesh ? keywords: books; characters; chester; city; early; eebo; encoding; english; god; good; hath; image; light; online; oxford; partnership; phase; prophane; richard; smith; sorts; tcp; tei; text; true; truth; witness; work cache: A93391.xml plain text: A93391.txt item: #19 of 19 id: A96823 author: Wollrich, Humphry, 1633?-1707. title: To all Presbiterian [sic] ministers, who own themselves to be ministers of Christ's gospel, and say they suffer persecution for his names sake, to read and consider in this day, in which they may see themselves with the light within, and also measure themselves with their own rule the scriptures, I Cor. 9 14,16 ... date: 1661 words: 1998 flesch: 62 summary: Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). EEBO-TCP is a partnership between the Universities of Michigan and Oxford and the publisher ProQuest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by ProQuest via their Early English Books Online (EEBO) database ( keywords: books; characters; christ; day; early; eebo; english; god; gospel; light; man; measure; ministers; online; phase; selves; spirit; tcp; tei; text; time; true; works cache: A96823.xml plain text: A96823.txt