item: #1 of 10 id: 12725 author: Aguilar, Grace title: The Vale of Cedars; Or, The Martyr date: None words: 96612 flesch: 67 summary: She spoke very slowly, as if to give Marie time to weigh well each sentence. That there is a double cause for all this wretchedness, I cannot but perceive, and that I suspect its cause I may not deny; but guilty I will not believe thee, till thine own words or deeds proclaim it. keywords: arthur; child; day; death; don; don ferdinand; evidence; face; faith; father; feeling; ferdinand; god; hand; heart; holy; hour; husband; isabella; king; know; left; life; look; love; luis; man; marie; mind; moment; morales; murderer; nature; power; presence; present; prisoner; queen; save; secret; sovereign; spain; stanley; suffering; thee; thou; thought; thy; time; truth; voice; wife; wilt; words; years cache: 12725.txt plain text: 12725.txt item: #2 of 10 id: 21395 author: Kingston, William Henry Giles title: The Last Look: A Tale of the Spanish Inquisition date: None words: 25825 flesch: 73 summary: When Don Francisco entered the common room of the inn, Julianillo was already there, seated among a number of muleteers and other persons, laughing and joking with them. Scarcely had her husband entered than several other persons arrived, and then more and more, by twos and threes. keywords: antonio; church; don; dona; faith; francisco; god; herezuelo; holy; husband; inquisition; inquisitors; julianillo; leonor; life; lord; man; spain; time; trust; truth; way cache: 21395.txt plain text: 21395.txt item: #3 of 10 id: 36721 author: Thorne, Guy title: House of Torment A Tale of the Remarkable Adventures of Mr. John Commendone, Gentleman to King Phillip II of Spain at the English Court date: None words: 78925 flesch: 85 summary: I must be as other men are, I suppose! As he walked alone in the night, and the cool air played upon his face, he began to realise how placid, how much upon the surface, his life had always been until now. He was to be as other men. keywords: arms; black; commendone; court; day; death; door; elizabeth; eyes; face; father; figure; gentleman; god; good; grace; half; hand; hath; head; highness; house; hull; john commendone; johnnie; king; lady; left; life; little; london; madame; man; master; mind; moment; night; people; place; queen; room; round; servant; set; señor; shelton; sir; sir john; spanish; sword; taylor; thee; thou; thought; thy; time; voice; way; white; woman; young cache: 36721.txt plain text: 36721.txt item: #4 of 10 id: 38354 author: Llorente, Juan Antonio title: The History of the Inquisition of Spain from the Time of its Establishment to the Reign of Ferdinand VII. date: None words: 194477 flesch: 57 summary: The inquisitors of Saragossa undertook to persuade Solano to renounce his opinions, and employed for that purpose some respectable theologians; they exhorted him to acknowledge his errors and repent, and threatened him with _relaxation_. On the night of the 19th the inquisitors assembled, with the ordinary and consultors, and decided that Francis should appear in the _auto-da-fé_ with the habit of the _relaxed_ persons, in order to make him suppose that he was condemned to die; but that he should be reconciled, with the punishment of the _san-benito_, perpetual imprisonment, and confiscation. keywords: accused; affair; antonio; aragon; archbishop; author; auto; books; burnt; cardinal; carranza; castile; catholic; cause; chapter; charles; church; conduct; contrary; council; count de; court; day; de la; death; denounced; doctrine; dominic; don; don carlos; don juan; duke; emperor; faith; ferdinand; fiscal; following; francis; fray; general; heresy; heretics; history; holy; holy office; iii; inquisition; inquisitors; john; juan de; king; kingdom; louis de; madrid; manner; number; office; opinions; order; pedro; penances; perez; persons; philip; place; pope; power; prince; prisoner; proceedings; propositions; read; religion; rome; royal; second; sentence; seville; shall; spain; spanish; state; subject; supreme; time; toledo; trial; tribunal; valladolid; witnesses; works; years cache: 38354.txt plain text: 38354.txt item: #5 of 10 id: 43296 author: Lea, Henry Charles title: A History of the Inquisition of Spain; vol. 1 date: None words: 262571 flesch: 58 summary: The commission as familiar issued March 7, 1642, by the tribunal of Toledo to Francisco de Gayeta of Madrid, says y os damos licencia y facultad para que podais traer armas, asi ofensivas como defensivas, publica y secretamente, de dia y de noche, y mandamos en vertud de santa obediencia y so pena de excomunion mayor y de cincuenta mil mrs. para gastos desto Santo Oficio, á todas las dichas justicias y á sus alguaciles, executores y ministros de la C. de Aragon, Regist. keywords: abuses; action; actos de; adrian; alfonso; alvaro de; amador de; ann; antonio de; appeal; appointment; archbishop; archivo de; arrest; articles; attempt; august; authorities; authority; auto de; añales; año de; barcelona; bibl; bien de; bienes de; bishop; brief; bulario de; bull; c. de; cap; cardinal; casa de; case; castile; catalonia; century; cerca de; ceremonias de; chapter; character; charles; christians; church; city; ciudad de; civil; claim; commission; como; competencia; complaints; con; concordia; confiscations; consejo de; control; conversos; council; course; court; criminal; cristianos de; crown; crónica de; cédula; córtes de; day; days; de a.; de alcalá; de almazan; de aragon; de arce; de castilla; de cataluña; de corte; de cristo; de córdova; de dar; de dios; de don; de españa; de esperandeu; de este; de fe; de france; de fuerza; de granada; de guzman; de hacer; de jayme; de judios; de la; de leon; de los; de luna; de madrid; de mala; de medina; de mendoza; de merlo; de mss; de natura; de niebla; de nuestra; de oro; de perosanchez; de que; de ribera; de rojas; de santa; de santangel; de santiago; de segovia; de ser; de sevilla; de simancas; de soto; de su; de todo; de toledo; de tolosa; de torquemada; de un; de valencia; de zuñiga; de çaragoça; death; december; decree; del; delante de; delicto de; dicho; diego de; domingo de; ducats; el de; en el; en la; en los; escribanos de; evidence; excommunication; exemption; fact; faith; familiars; favor; february; ferdinand; fernando de; fernández de; fol; francisco de; fray; fuero; functions; gaspar de; general de; god; gonzalo de; gonzález de; good; gracia de; great; han de; hands; henry; heresy; historia de; holy; house; ibidem; iii; ilustraciones de; influence; inquisicion de; inquisidores de; inquisition; inquisitors; instructions; isabella; january; jews; joan; juan de; judges; july; june; jurisdiction; justice; king; kingdom; la c.; la inquisicion; land; las; law; laws; left; leg; letter; ley; lib; library; libro; lucero; luis de; manuel de; march; martin de; maría de; matter; means; members; memorias de; merced de; miguel de; money; months; moors; muger de; nacional de; new; niño de; nobles; november; number; obispos de; ocasion de; october; office; officials; orden de; order; papal; para; para que; parte de; pay; pedro de; people; period; personas de; philip; place; ponce de; pope; por; por la; porque; position; power; present; prior de; prison; privileges; property; public; punishment; pérez de; que; que el; que la; que los; que se; queen; question; real; receiver; recurso de; reinos de; relacion de; resistance; result; reyno de; right; rios; rome; royal; saragossa; seccion de; secular; september; service; servicio de; seville; shows; siculi de; sidenote; son; sovereigns; spain; spanish; state; subject; suprema; sus; sánchez de; tiempo de; time; tit; town; trial; tribunal; tribunal de; valencia; valladolid; verdad de; verdadera de; viceroy; viii; war; way; work; ximenes; y de; y el; y en; y gonzález; y la; y le; y los; y por; y que; y se; years cache: 43296.txt plain text: 43296.txt item: #6 of 10 id: 43990 author: Lea, Henry Charles title: A History of the Inquisition of Spain; vol. 2 date: None words: 253300 flesch: 58 summary: [1364] Colmeiro, Córtes de los Reinos de Leon y de Castilla, II, 146, 159-60, 170, 177-9, 191, 198, 216, 234-7, 264, 270. la cual confesion y apoca otorgo y hago sin su perjuicio de mis derechos por quanto yo pretendo que los dichos bienes o parte de ellos que yo compré son mios propios y de los contenidos en el keywords: account; action; adrian; amador de; appeal; april; archbishop; archivo de; archivo hist; arguello; arrest; august; authority; auto; año de; barcelona; bibl; bishop; brief; bulario de; business; c. de; cap; cardinal; carranza; case; castile; century; chapter; charles; christians; church; commission; confession; confiscation; consulta de; conversos; copenhagen; council; course; court; curia; córdova; córtes de; days; de alcalá; de aragon; de cardona; de cartas; de costa; de el; de fe; de hæret; de la; de leon; de lima; de los; de medina; de santiago; de simancas; de su; de toledo; de valencia; de |; death; december; defence; del; diego de; domingo de; don; doubtless; ducats; duty; edict; end; episcopal; estate; evidence; excommunication; expenses; fact; faith; familiars; favor; february; ferdinand; fernando de; fiscal; fol; folch de; francisco de; fray; general; general de; god; good; grant; hacienda; hands; heresy; heretics; hist; holy; house; ibidem; iii; innocent; inquisicion; inquisicion de; inquisitors; instructions; january; juan de; judge; juez de; july; june; jurisdiction; justice; king; la inquisicion; las; law; leg; letters; lib; library; libro; limpieza; luis de; madrid; maravedís; march; matter; means; members; men; money; months; mss; nacional; nacional de; new; notary; november; number; october; office; officials; oficio de; orden de; order; papal; papers; pay; pedro de; penalties; penances; period; persons; philip; place; ponce de; pope; por; position; power; practice; present; prison; prisoners; property; prosecution; public; punishment; que; question; real; reales; receiver; records; report; rome; royal; rule; salaries; salary; saragossa; secrecy; secret; secretary; sentence; september; service; seville; sidenote; spain; spanish; subject; sueldos; suprema; testimony; time; tit; trial; tribunal; valdés; valladolid; viii; villanueva; way; wife; witnesses; work; xiii de; y de; years; | | cache: 43990.txt plain text: 43990.txt item: #7 of 10 id: 44209 author: Lea, Henry Charles title: A History of the Inquisition of Spain; vol. 4 date: None words: 274412 flesch: 52 summary: Salomon and Bale, iii, 293 _Zaragüelles_, iii, 17 _Zarza, compañia de la_, iii, 216, 219, 228 Zayas, Josef de, his prosecution, iv, 429 _Zelatores fidei_ as witnesses, ii, 540 _Zofras_, iii, 376 Zumarraga, Juan de, persecutes witches, iv, 215 Zuñiga, Juan de, seizes Jean de Berri, ii, 130 Zuñiga, Inq.-genl., his death, i, 306 Zurita, Gerónimo, on papal jurisdiction, ii, 131 as auditor of Suprema, ii, 194 reclaims early records, ii, 258 audits Sicilian accounts, ii, 367 accounts of fines and penances, ii, 392 his petition, ii, 194, 592 his statistics as to Seville, iv, 519 Zurita, Dr., his reception at Castellon, ii, 239 tenderness shown to him, i, 369, 530 his arrests of Frenchmen, iii, 458 Zurbano, president of Suprema, ii, 164 _Zurra de rueda_, iii, 181 FOOTNOTES: (Doc. de la C. de Aragon, XXVIII, 154). keywords: abjuration; account; action; activity; acts; antonio; april; aragon; archbishop; archivo de; arrest; attention; august; authority; auto; barcelona; belief; bibl; bigamy; bishops; blasphemy; books; brief; bull; burnt; cap; cardinal; career; carlos iii; case; castile; censorship; century; chapter; character; children; christians; church; clergy; condition; confession; confiscation; constitution; convent; council; court; crime; cádiz; córtes; day; days; de alcalá; de aragon; de españa; de la; de leon; de los; de navíos; de san; de simancas; de sousa; de toledo; de valencia; death; december; decree; defence; del; demon; denunciation; development; diego de; don; duty; edict; end; episcopal; errors; evidence; exile; fact; faith; familiars; favor; february; ferdinand; fernando; fol; forbidden; france; francisco de; fray; french; functions; galleys; general; god; good; government; granada; great; heresy; heretics; hist; holy; horses; house; ibidem; iii; index; influence; inqn; inquisition; inquisitors; instructions; isabel de; january; jesuits; jews; joseph de; juan de; juan ii; judges; july; june; jurisdiction; king; land; las; law; laws; leg; letter; levi; lib; library; life; limpieza; luis de; madrid; march; maría de; masonry; mass; matter; means; members; mercy; miguel; miguel de; molinos; months; moors; moriscos; mss; mysticism; mystics; nacional; new; november; number; october; offence; office; officials; order; p. ii; padre; papal; papers; pedro de; penalties; penance; penitents; people; period; persons; philip ii; place; policy; pope; por; power; present; priest; prison; prisoners; procedure; property; propositions; prosecution; public; punishment; pérez; que; question; real; relations; relaxed; religion; report; roman; rome; royal; saragossa; secret; secular; sentence; september; service; severity; seville; sidenote; sin; solicitation; sorcery; spain; spanish; spiritual; state; struggle; subject; suppression; suprema; suspicion; testimony; time; tit; torture; trial; tribunal; tribunal de; use; valladolid; view; vii; viii; war; way; witchcraft; witches; witnesses; women; work; y de; years cache: 44209.txt plain text: 44209.txt item: #8 of 10 id: 44262 author: Alcock, Deborah title: The Spanish Brothers: A Tale of the Sixteenth Century date: None words: 125765 flesch: 82 summary: After a long pause she added, as she rose to go, Señor Don Carlos, be not offended if I counsel you this once, since I held you a babe in my arms, and you will find none that loves you better--if a poor old woman may say so to a young and noble caballero. De Seso said, I suspect that I see in you, Señor Don Carlos, one of those admirable scholars who have devoted their talents to the study of that sacred language in which the words of the holy apostles are handed down to us. keywords: alvarez; beatriz; brother; carlos; christ; church; cousin; day; days; death; dolores; don carlos; don juan; doña; eyes; face; faith; father; fear; fire; fray; god; gonsalvo; good; half; hand; heart; holy; hope; house; joy; juan; kind; lady; life; light; lips; long; look; lord; love; man; men; mind; moment; mother; new; noble; place; prior; rest; room; save; sebastian; seville; señor; son; soul; thee; things; thought; thy; time; truth; voice; way; words; world; years cache: 44262.txt plain text: 44262.txt item: #9 of 10 id: 46509 author: Lea, Henry Charles title: A History of the Inquisition of Spain; vol. 3 date: None words: 244214 flesch: 57 summary: el santo celo y vigilancia de V. Mag^{d} y los señores Reyes sus predecesores, y por ser negocio grave y de que es razon tenga V. Mag^{d} noticia De la prision deste y de los otros an rresultado otras muchas prisiones que se an hecho y estan presos y otras se espera que lo seran en sevilla e su comarca. keywords: abjuration; account; advocate; age; antonio; april; archivo de; archivo hist; arrest; audience; august; auto; auto de; año de; baptism; barcelona; bibl; bishop; books; brief; bulario de; c. de; cap; cardinal; case; castile; catholic; censorship; century; charles; children; christians; church; churches; confession; confiscation; consejo de; consulta de; council; course; days; de alcalá; de aragon; de españa; de fe; de france; de granada; de la; de leon; de los; de madrid; de portugal; de rojas; de san; de simancas; de su; de toledo; de un; de v.; de valencia; dead; death; december; decree; defence; del; details; diego de; discretion; domingo de; don; ducats; early; edict; effigy; efforts; end; errors; evidence; exile; expulsion; fact; faith; favor; february; ferdinand; fol; francisco de; fray; galleys; garcía; gaspar de; general; god; gonzález de; good; great; hands; heresy; heretics; hist; holy; house; ibidem; iii; index; inquisition; inquisitorial; inquisitors; instructions; isabel de; january; jews; joão; juan de; judaism; july; june; jurisdiction; justice; king; land; las; law; leg; letter; lib; library; licence; life; lisbon; long; luis de; m. de; madrid; mass; matter; means; mercy; months; moorish; moors; moriscos; mss; nacional; nationale de; new; november; number; nuncio; october; office; officials; order; ordering; papal; para; paul; pay; pedro de; penalties; penalty; penance; penitents; period; person; philip; place; ponce de; pope; population; portuguese; power; practice; present; prison; prisoners; property; prosecution; public; punishment; que; question; real; reconciled; reconciliation; record; relapse; relaxation; religion; report; required; result; return; reynos de; roman; rome; royal; rule; sanbenito; save; sentence; september; service; seville; sidenote; small; spain; spanish; state; subject; suprema; suspicion; time; tit; torture; trial; tribunal; tribunal de; truth; use; valencia tribunal; valladolid; view; vii; viii; vol; way; witnesses; work; y de; y que; years cache: 46509.txt plain text: 46509.txt item: #10 of 10 id: 52114 author: Griffiths, Arthur title: Spanish Prisons The Inquisition at Home and Abroad, Prisons Past and Present date: None words: 61589 flesch: 61 summary: The garnish of the old British prisons, the enforced payments to gain a first footing, was exacted to the last in Spain from all new arrivals and was called _cobrar el patente_, _i. e._ collecting the dues. About the same date a model convict prison was planned at Valladolid, but slow progress was made with this and with other new prisons, including that of Saragossa, and at the Casa de Galera of Alcalá de Henares. keywords: authorities; authority; black; ceuta; chief; church; city; convicts; country; court; crime; day; death; don; faith; father; ferdinand; general; good; governor; half; hand; heresy; heretics; high; holy; house; inquisition; inquisitors; jews; king; labour; law; left; letter; life; madrid; man; means; men; money; montesinos; new; number; office; order; people; person; philip; place; power; prison; prisoners; queen; second; seville; spain; spanish; state; story; time; walls; way; work; ximenes; years cache: 52114.txt plain text: 52114.txt