item: #1 of 10 id: A26310 author: Acton, William. title: A new journal of Italy containing what is most remarkable of the antiquities of Rome, Savoy and Naples : with observations made upon the strength, beauty and scituation [sic] of some other towns and forts in by William Acton. date: 1691 words: 16112 flesch: 48 summary: Not far from hence is the Temple of Anthonin and Faustin , now called the Church of St. Laurence , where there is a fine Altar-piece , done by Pietro Cortono : Hard by this is the Temple of Romulus and Remus , now the Church of St. Come and Damian . In the Church of St. 〈◊〉 they shew you a Brazen Serpent , whereof the Head and Tail , they tell you was part of that Serpent that Moses caused the Children of Israel to set up for a remedy against the plague of biting Serpents : The Body of St. Ambrose lies under the Great Altar . keywords: abundance; altar; angelo; antiquities; arch; arms; baths; best; body; brass; building; caesar; cardinal; castle; chappel; church; churches; city; convent; cross; curiosities; curiosity; curious; day; dinner; duke; eebo; emperour; english; esteemed; figures; fine; finest; florence; foot; fortified; france; friday; garden; good; great; grotto; half; hard; head; hill; holy; honour; house; image; italy; lay; leagues; leave; left; life; little; little church; long; man; marble; mary; men; middle; miles; monday; mother; mountain; naples; nero; new; night; notice; november; old; painting; pallace; paul; peter; piece; pillars; place; pope; remains; remarkable; rich; river; rome; room; round; ruins; saturday; saviour; savoy; sea; self; sepulchre; set; small; statue; stone; strength; strong; sunday; taking; tcp; temple; text; thing; thursday; time; tomb; town; triumphal; tuesday; turin; vrbin; walls; water; way; wednesday; whereof; wine; work; worth; years cache: A26310.xml plain text: A26310.txt item: #2 of 10 id: A27548 author: W. B. title: A dreadful account of a most terrible earthquake which lately happened in Italy wherein thirty seven great cities and towns were totally destroy'd, and one hundred and twenty thousand of men, women, and children perished, 8c. : in a letter / from the consul of Messina's secretary. date: 1693 words: 1596 flesch: 63 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 106601) Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 1626:39) keywords: account; books; characters; cities; consul; early; earthquake; eebo; encoding; english; great; image; italy; letter; messina; online; oxford; partnership; phase; secretary; tcp; tei; text; towns cache: A27548.xml plain text: A27548.txt item: #3 of 10 id: A30142 author: Balfour, Andrew, Sir, 1630-1694. title: Letters write [sic] to a friend by the learned and judicious Sir Andrew Balfour ... containing excellent directions and advices for travelling thro' France and Italy, with many curious and judicious remarks and observations made by himself, in his voyages thro' these countreys, published from the author's original m.s. date: 1700 words: 53002 flesch: 63 summary: You may hire Horse● to Orange , which is but half a days Journie up the River . This Gentleman had a particular Genie inclining him to studie Natural History , and all the wayes and means , how to improve the Arts , most usefull to his Countrie ; He had studied the Mathemathicks , & delighted much in the practical part of them , & employed much of the Revenue of that plentifull Estate He had from his Ancestors , in purchasing Instruments , & Curious Books , which treated on these Subjects , He having Travelled over a great part of this Country , in searching after the Plants that grew wild up and down in it , & withall having read severall writers on the Plants , he every Year sent for new Seeds of foreign Plants : He inclosed a considerable Parcel of Ground , in which He trained them up with great Skill ; and before He 〈◊〉 to his Travells , He had of domestick and foreign Plants , growing in his Garden at Livingstone , above a Thousand : He was above thirty six Years of Age before He began his Travells , and had fitted himself by reading of Voyages , and such Books as might best inform him of what He was to inquire for , in foreign Countries , ye● He was so sensible of the great Advanta●●● 〈◊〉 that Learning Sir Andrew Balfour 〈◊〉 ●●●ster of , that He not only inform●d 〈…〉 him of the best Books , fitted 〈…〉 and the designe He had to Learne all that might be for the improving of knowledge , & of the Arts usefull to this Country , but likewise He obtained his promise to intertain a Correspondence with him whilst He was in foreign Countries , by Letters , upon all Occasions . keywords: 1st; 2ly; 3ly; 4ly; 5ly; abundance; account; acquaintance; address; advice; air; altar; altho; amphitheatre; ancient; anciently; andrew; antiquitie; arch; arches; architecture; avignion; balfour; ball; beautifull; best; best way; better; betwixt; bibliotheck; bigness; black; blois; boat; body; bolognia; books; bourdeaux; brass; breadth; bridge; buildings; burning; cane; cardinal; carrie; castle; cause; cave; certain; chapel; charles; chief; church; churches; city; close; collection; colledge; colour; command; common; compass; confident; considerable; convenient; convent; copies; cost; countrie; country; couple; court; cross; crowns; curiosities; curious; custom; cut; danger; day; days; deep; delicat; delicious; desire; devotion; different; dine; distance; distant; doubt; dry; duke; early; easie; east; eebo; emperour; end; england; english; enquire; entrie; especiallie; especialy; esteemed; example; excellent; exchange; extant; fabrick; fall; falling; famous; farr; fashion; father; feet; fertile; figures; fine; finished; fire; fish; fit; florence; folio; foot; foreign; form; fortified; fountains; france; french; friends; fruit; furnished; garden; gate; general; genoua; gentleman; god; goe; gold; good; great; great church; great duke; great place; greater; greatest; green; grotto; ground; guide; half; hand; harbour; hard; hath; head; heat; help; henry; high; higher; hill; history; holy; honest; honour; horses; hot; house; inhabitants; inscription; insomuch; instruments; intire; intreat; island; isle; italy; journey; keept; kind; king; kingdom; known; lake; land; language; large; late; latine; leagues; leave; left; length; letters; levant; ligorn; likeways; lions; little; little town; lives; lodge; lodging; london; long; loretto; lower; lye; lyes; magnificent; man; manner; marble; mark; marked; marsaills; master; means; medals; memorie; men; merchants; messenger; middle; miles; millan; mind; miss; monasterie; money; monsr; monte; morning; mount; naples; native; natural; nature; near; need; new; night; nismes; noble; notice; number; o ●; occasion; old; opinion; order; ordinary; original; ornaments; otherways; padua; pains; painting; palaces; paris; particular; pass; passage; peece; people; persons; physick; pictures; pillars; place; plain; plants; pleasant; pleased; pleasure; pont; popes; port; present; preserved; prettie; prince; prospect; provence; publick; purpose; quality; quantitie; queen; rare; rate; reason; reasonable; red; regard; religious; rest; returne; rhosne; rich; river; rock; roman; rome; room; ruins; sake; salt; saviour; sea; second; seeds; seeing; self; sellers; set; severall; ship; shops; short; sides; silk; silver; situation; skin; small; snow; sorts; spring; stand; stately; statues; stones; strangers; streets; strong; suburbs; summer; sun; sure; sweet; taking; tcp; temple; text; theatre; things; think; thither; thro; time; touch; town; trade; trees; true; turin; tuscany; university; usefull; uses; variety; vast; venice; verie; view; villa; village; visit; viz; voyage; walk; walls; water; way; whereof; white; wild; wind; wine; winter; wood; work; world; worth; worthie; writen; year; ● ● cache: A30142.xml plain text: A30142.txt item: #4 of 10 id: A30473 author: Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715. title: Three letters concerning the present state of Italy written in the year 1687 ... : being a supplement to Dr. Burnet's letters. date: 1688 words: 51794 flesch: 47 summary: THE CIRCULAR LETTER , Put in English Most Eminent , or Most Reverend Lord : THIS Holy Congregation , having received Advertisement , that there are some in divers places of Italy , that by little and little are erecting , or perhaps that have already erected , some Schools , Companies , Fraternities , or Assemblies , under some other Denomination , either in Churches , Chappels , or in private Houses , under the pretence of Spiritual Conferences ; and these consisting either only of Women , or only of Men , or of both Sexes together , in which some Spiritual Guides , that are unacquainted with the true way of the Spirit , in which the Saints have trod , and that are perhaps men of ill designs , do under the pretence of leading Souls by the Prayer of Quietness , as they call it , or of Pure Inward Faith , or under any other name , in which tho in the beginning that they carry men , by Maxims that are of the highest perfection , yet at last they by certain principles , that are ill understood , and worse practised , do insensibly infuse into the minds of the simple , divers grievous Errors , that do break out into open Heresy , and to abominable Practices , to the irreparable prejudice of those Souls , who out of their single Zeal to serve God well , put themselves in the hands of such simple Directors , which is too notoriously known to have fallen out in some places . It is true , it was hard to find it out : for those who have been in Rome , know with how much caution all people there talk of matters that are before the Inquisition : those are like the Secrets of state elsewhere : of which a man cannot talk much without incurring some Inconvenience ; and there is no Inconvenience that is more terrible at Rome , than the falling into the hands of the Inquisitors : for besides the Danger that a man runs , if the suspitions are well founded , the least ill effect that this must have , is the cutting off all a mans hopes of Preferment ; for what a Suspition of High Treason is elsewhere , the Suspition of Heresy is at Rome ; and where there are many Pretenders , and there is so much to be expected , you may imagine that Hope and Fear working at the same time so powerfully , it must be very hard to ingage such persons as probably know the secret of things , to trust themselves upon so tender a point , to strangers . keywords: abbot; abundance; account; act; acts; advantage; affairs; alla; ambassadour; anco; ancorche; angel; article; atto; auditor; author; authority; aversion; bear; best; blood; body; book; business; capable; cardinal; care; censure; certain; character; charge; che; chief; christ; christian; church; churches; circular; city; clapt; clergy; come; common; communion; company; concerned; condition; conduct; confession; consequence; considerable; constitution; contemplation; contrary; conversation; copy; correspondence; cosi; countrey; courage; court; credit; crime; crowns; curiosity; danger; day; degree; della; design; devono; devotion; different; dignity; dio; discourse; dispute; distance; divine; divinity; doctrine; doubt; dry; duke; dunque; ecclesiastical; eebo; effect; end; enemies; england; english; error; esser; esteemed; europe; expence; extraordinary; faith; fall; families; family; fancy; father; favour; fede; fire; florence; followers; foot; force; france; french; frequent; friends; garrison; gave; general; genoa; ghost; giving; god; going; good; government; grace; gratia; great; greatest; ground; guastale; hands; hard; head; height; heresy; hereticks; high; highest; holland; holy; hope; hours; house; ibid; iesuites; ignorance; ill; images; imposture; infallibility; informed; inhabitants; inquisition; inquisitors; interests; inward; italians; italy; judge; king; knowledg; l'anima; l'atto; late; lay; learning; leave; letter; liberty; lies; life; like; little; long; lookt; love; luxury; magistrates; man; manner; mantua; mass; masters; matter; means; meditation; meglio; men; meritorious; method; mind; misery; molinos; money; mother; mysteries; naples; nation; natural; nature; near; necessary; needs; nell; nephew; new; nobility; noi; non; number; oath; object; observed; occasion; ogni; old; ones; open; opinions; oratione; order; particular; party; pass; passion; people; perche; perfection; perfetto; persons; però; petrucci; pianesse; pictures; piece; più; place; plain; pleased; pleasure; poi; poor; pope; possible; poverty; power; prayer; prejudice; present; pretence; pretended; priests; princes; principles; prison; prisoners; progress; project; promotion; proper; publick; pura; pure; putting; può; quale; quality; questi; quiete; quietism; quietists; quietness; reason; reflections; refutation; regard; regulars; relating; relation; religion; reproach; respect; responso; return; revenue; right; rise; romans; rome; ruin; sacrament; sacrifice; safe; saints; salt; santi; savoy; sbiri; scandalous; sea; second; secret; secular; self; sense; sensible; senza; service; set; severe; share; shew; shewed; shut; sia; simple; small; society; soever; solo; sono; sopra; sort; soul; spain; spaniard; spirito; spiritual; state; stay; story; strength; strong; study; subject; superstition; support; surprised; talk; tcp; temper; text; things; tho; thought; thro; time; town; trade; trinity; true; truth; turin; understanding; use; valdyron; value; vast; vertue; vita; water; way; wealth; wine; wise; wonder; words; work; world; writ; writings; year; zeal cache: A30473.xml plain text: A30473.txt item: #5 of 10 id: A31044 author: Barri, Giacomo, ca. 1630-ca. 1690. title: The painters voyage of Italy in which all the famous paintings of the most eminent masters are particularised, as they are preserved in the several cities of Italy ... / written originally in Italian by Giacomo Barri ... ; Englished by W.L. of Lincolns-Inne, Gent. date: 1679 words: 24212 flesch: 83 summary: You will find in this Church an Altar-piece of our Lady with the Child Jesus and S. John , by Hannibal Carache . On the other side of the said Church , in the fifth Chapel there is a Picture , by Paulo , with a Madonna and her Son , S. John , S. Joseph , S. Katherine , and S. Anthony the Abbot . keywords: abovesaid; admirable; aforesaid; andrea; angels; annunciation; apostles; assumption; author; b. virgin; baptist; bassano; beautiful; blessed; bordone; camassei; carache; cento; chamber; chapell; chappel; chiaro; child; christ; church; city; coming; correggio; cortona; cross; cuppola; dead; del; divers; divine; dominichino; domo; duke; excellent; excellent hand; fair; fair work; famous; fathers; figures; fourth; fresco; giacomo; giulio; good; great; great altar; great door; great picture; great square; great titian; guercin; guido; hand; hannibal; head; high; histories; history; holy; house; italy; jesus; lady; lanfranco; large; left hand; life; little; little church; little s.; lodovico; lord; madonna; magdalen; manner; marvellous; mary; middle; nativity; near; noble; nuns church; old; organ; painting; palace; palma; paris; parmeggianino; paulo; picture; piece; pietro; pope; pordenon; preti; raphael; rare; redeemer; reno; right hand; ritratto; roof; round; s. andrew; s. anthony; s. bernard; s. cecilia; s. dominico; s. elizabeth; s. francis; s. giacomo; s. girolamo; s. gregory; s. james; s. john; s. joseph; s. katherine; s. lorenzo; s. luke; s. maria; s. mark; s. michael; s. nicholas; s. paul; s. peter; s. rocco; s. sebastian; sacristie; said; saints; saviour; scuro; second; singular; singular work; sky; son; square; tcp; text; tintoret; titian; veronese; virgin; viz; work cache: A31044.xml plain text: A31044.txt item: #6 of 10 id: A41525 author: Gailhard, J. (Jean) title: The present state of the princes and republicks of Italy with observations on them / written originally in English by J. Gailhard ... date: 1671 words: 51628 flesch: 31 summary: In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. Sometimes one hath occasion to tell his opinion of things , and herein he is himself liable to the censure of thousands of different judgement and affections ; but as these things are unavoidable to those who appear in publick ; so they ought to be resolved to undergo any thing of that kind : the approbation of such persons as your Lordship , is that which writers should mind most of all , and use their utmost care to obtain . keywords: 10th; 5th; 7th; 8th; 9th; abroad; account; act; actions; advantage; affairs; affection; afford; alexander; angelo; antient; armes; austria; authority; bear; beneficial; benefit; best; better; body; books; brother; cardinals; care; careful; case; castle; ceremonies; certain; chamberlain; charles; chief; children; church; churches; cities; city; civil; clement; climate; coasts; colledge; colonna; comes; common; company; conclave; condition; congregation; considerable; constant; contrary; convenient; council; countrey; countries; court; creatures; crowns; custome; day; death; della; desire; different; dignity; divided; dominions; don; doth; duke; dukedome; eebo; effect; election; eminent; emperour; empire; end; enemy; english; esteemed; europe; experience; extraordinary; families; family; farneze; father; favour; fear; ferrara; fine; fire; fit; florence; foot; forreign; france; francesco; free; french; friends; gallies; general; genoa; gentleman; germany; god; gold; good; government; governour; grand; gravity; great; greater; greatest; ground; hand; hard; hath; head; heavy; heir; high; hold; homage; home; honour; house; innocent; interest; island; italians; italy; john; judge; judicious; jurisdiction; justice; kind; king; kingdom; knowledge; known; land; language; late; lawful; laws; leave; left; let; liberty; life; like; little; lives; lodging; long; low; luca; madrid; man; manner; mantoa; marquess; married; masters; matter; maxime; means; men; mention; milan; miles; mind; ministers; modena; moneys; monferrat; monies; monte; naples; nation; natural; nature; necessary; needs; neighbours; nephews; new; nigh; nobility; noble; non; notice; number; observed; occasion; officers; old; omit; onely; ones; opinion; order; ordinary; palaces; parma; particular; parts; pass; paul; pay; people; persons; piemont; place; play; pleasure; policy; politick; poor; pope; possession; possible; potent; power; present; president; priests; princes; principality; private; priviledges; protection; proverb; quality; reason; relations; religion; republick; rich; riches; right; rivers; roman; rome; rule; said; saith; san; satisfaction; savoy; sea; second; secretary; self; service; set; shew; sort; souldiers; spain; spaniards; spanish; stand; state; stately; strangers; streets; strength; strong; subjects; taxes; tcp; temper; text; theirs; things; thought; time; title; toscany; town; trade; trouble; true; truth; united; urban; use; usual; variety; vast; venetians; venice; vice; virtue; virtuosi; want; war; way; wayes; whereof; wisdome; wit; women; words; work; world; worst; worth; year; young cache: A41525.xml plain text: A41525.txt item: #7 of 10 id: A62177 author: Aglionby, William, d. 1705. title: Advice given to the Republick of Venice how they ought to govern themselves both at home and abroad, to have perpetual dominion / first written in Italian by that great politician and lover of his countrey, Father Paul the Venetian, author of the Council of Trent ; translated into English by Dr. Aglionby ; dedicated to His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. date: 1693 words: 21014 flesch: 38 summary: 2006-02 TCP Assigned for keying and markup 2006-02 Aptara Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images 2006-04 Andrew Kuster Sampled and proofread 2006-04 Andrew Kuster Text and markup reviewed and edited 2006-09 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion ADVICE Given to the Republick of VENICE . To begin with the First , I might in short put you in mind of the Saying of St. Bernardino of Siena , to the Doge Moro , who said , That the Republick should continue so long as they should keep to the Rule of doing Exact Justice ; but to come nearer to the matter , and the Condition of these Times , we must reduce under that Head of Justice , all that contributes to the Service of the State ; and , to speak yet more succinctly , we will lay it down as a Maxim , That all is just which is any ways necessary for the maintaining of the Government . keywords: advantage; affairs; ancient; authority; better; body; case; christian; church; cities; city; civil; commonwealth; consideration; council; country; court; custom; dangerous; designs; dominions; doubt; duke; dutchy; easie; eebo; emperour; empire; end; england; english; example; facility; family; fear; force; foreign; fourth; france; french; general; good; government; great; greater; greatest; greatness; hands; hard; head; henry; home; hopes; ill; inclination; interest; italian; italy; jealousie; julius; justice; kind; kindness; king; kingdom; league; liberty; life; like; little; long; lord; lordship; making; means; milan; mind; monarchy; money; natural; nature; necessary; need; new; nobility; nobleman; occasion; ones; opinion; order; paul; people; persons; philip; places; point; pope; possible; power; powerful; present; princes; punishment; reason; regard; religion; republick; rich; right; rome; sea; second; self; senate; set; shew; small; spain; state; strength; strong; subject; sudden; tcp; territories; territory; text; thing; time; title; true; turk; union; united; use; venetian; venetian republick; venice; war; way; wise; work; world; year cache: A62177.xml plain text: A62177.txt item: #8 of 10 id: A62183 author: Aglionby, William, d. 1705. title: The opinion of Padre Paolo of the Order of the Servites, consultor of state given to the Lords the Inquisitors of state, in what manner the republick of Venice ought to govern themselves both at home and abroad, to have perpetual dominion. date: 1689 words: 20794 flesch: 39 summary: To begin with the First , I might in short put you in mind of the Saying of St. Bernardino of Siena , to the Doge M●ro , who said , That the Republick should continue so long as they should keep to the Rule of doing Exact Justice ; but to come nearer to the matter , and the Condition of these Times , we must reduce under that Head of Justice , all that contributes to the Service of the State ; and , to speak yet more succinctly , we will lay it down as a Maxim , That all is just which is any ways necessary for the maintaining of the Government . The Spaniards , who have so little kindness for the Venetian Government , have not a more odious Name than to call it , A Republick of Merchants . keywords: advantage; affairs; ancient; authority; better; body; case; christian; church; cities; city; civil; commonwealth; consideration; council; country; court; custom; dangerous; dominions; doubt; duke; dutchy; easie; eebo; emperour; empire; end; england; english; example; facility; family; fear; force; foreign; fourth; france; french; general; good; government; great; greater; greatest; greatness; hands; hard; head; henry; home; hopes; ill; inclination; inquisitors; interest; italian; italy; jealousie; julius; justice; kind; kindness; king; kingdom; league; liberty; life; like; little; long; making; manner; means; milan; mind; monarchy; money; natural; nature; necessary; need; new; nobility; nobleman; occasion; ones; opinion; order; padre; paolo; people; persons; philip; places; point; pope; possible; power; powerful; present; princes; punishment; reason; religion; republick; rich; right; rome; sea; second; self; senate; set; shew; small; spain; state; strength; strong; subject; sudden; tcp; territories; territory; text; thing; time; title; true; turk; union; united; use; venetian; venetian republick; venice; war; way; wise; work; world; year cache: A62183.xml plain text: A62183.txt item: #9 of 10 id: A67165 author: Wright, John Michael, ca. 1617-ca. 1694. title: An account of His Excellence, Roger Earl of Castlemaine's embassy from His Sacred Majesty James IId, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, &c. to His Holiness Innocent XI published formerly in the Italian tongue by Mr. Michael Wright ... and now made English ; with several amendments and additions. date: 1688 words: 17532 flesch: 48 summary: In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. That amidst the noise of the world applauding , and rejoycing at his Excellence's Arrival at Rome , The Gregorian Academy , neither ought to be silent , nor indeed , could it : In their name therefore , he first rejoyc't with His Holiness , in that it happen'd in his Pontificat , and that James the Second , reign'd in England , and Innocent the XI th . in Rome . keywords: accompany'd; account; adorn'd; arms; arnoldo; attendance; black; blew; books; britain; britannia; broad; brocard; caesar; cardinal; carv'd; castlemaine; chamber; chief; chorus; church; city; coach; coaches; company; complement; court; cover'd; crimson; crown; curtains; damask; day; days; design; duke; earl; edg'd; eebo; embassador; embassy; embroidery; eminence; end; england; english; entertainment; equipage; evening; excellence; extraordinary; family; feet; figure; following; foot; france; fringe; general; genius; gentlemen; gilt; gio; glory; gold; grand; great; half; hall; hand; head; highness; holiness; honour; horse; hung; innocent; italian; james; journey; kind; king; large; lay; leave; left; legat; lenardi; life; like; lin'd; little; live; long; lordship; majesties; majesty; manner; master; michael; middle; mighty; modena; morning; musick; nation; new; noble; number; officers; order; pages; palace; palms; particular; parts; past; people; perform'd; persons; pope; post; prelates; prince; quality; queen; rais'd; ready; respect; rest; return'd; rich; right; roger; roman; rome; round; sacred; said; satisfaction; sea; second; secretary; self; servants; set; short; silk; suitable; table; tcp; text; thing; tho; thro; throne; time; tongue; town; train; trumpets; usual; van; velvet; vice; victory; way; westerhout; white; word; work cache: A67165.xml plain text: A67165.txt item: #10 of 10 id: A92196 author: Cross, Thomas, fl. 1632-1682, engraver. title: An itinerary contayning a voyage, made through Italy, in the yeare 1646, and 1647. Illustrated with divers figures of antiquities. Never before published. / By Jo: Raymond, Gent. date: 1648 words: 36243 flesch: 70 summary: After we were gone over that Bridge , wee came upon a very broad pav'd way , The Via Flaminia , which Flaminius in his Consulship continued sixtie miles , from Rome to Ariminum . From thence we went to the Palazzo Farnese , but in the way wee tooke a full view of the Rotunda , or * Pantheon , the most absolute entire Antiquity in all Rome , which was built by Marc. keywords: admirable; afternoone; afternoone wee; alpes; altar; amphitheatre; ancient; anciently; angelo; anno; antic; antiquities; antiquity; appia; architecture; argument; armes; artificiall; aug; augustus; ayre; bathes; beauty; bee; best; better; betwixt; black; boate; bodies; body; bolonia; booke; bottome; brasse; bridge; broken; buildings; caesar; cald; campo; capitoll; castle; cathedrall; cause; chappell; chiefe; christendome; church; churches; ciceros; circuit; cities; city; coach; colosses; colours; commodious; common; company; conceive; constantin; contrary; convent; cos; countrey; court; coverd; crosse; crownes; curiosities; cut; daily; day; dayes; death; dedicated; del; delight; delightfull; della; denomination; dind; dinner; distant; divers; divi; dome; dominions; dore; doth; drawne; duke; earth; emperour; end; england; english; enterd; entire; entrance; epitaph; europe; evening; excellent; expence; extent; eye; fabrick; face; faire; fairest; fall; fame; family; famous; farnese; farther; fashion; fennes; ferdinand; ferrara; fields; figures; fild; fish; fit; florence; following; foot; forc't; forme; forum; fountaine; foure; france; free; french; frequented; fruits; gallerie; gardens; gate; geneva; gent; gentlemen; genua; genuesians; glorious; glory; goe; gold; good; great; great duke; greater; greatest; greatnesse; grotte; halfe; hall; hand; hard; hath; head; hee; height; hercules; hic; high; higher; highnesse; hill; himselfe; hoc; holy; honour; horses; houres; house; huge; imp; incredible; inscription; italian; italy; itinerary; john; journey; joynes; jupiter; king; kingdome; kingly; lake; land; language; large; late; latine; lay; lead; left; length; lesse; letters; library; life; ligorne; like; lions; little; lombardy; london; long; loreto; madonna; magnificent; manner; marble; maria; marius; martiall; master; materiall; meane; mee; men; michael; midst; mighty; milan; miles; mod; moderne; mole; monaco; moneths; money; mons; monte; monument; morning; mother; motto; mount; naples; native; naturall; nature; neere; neptune; new; night; noble; non; notes; notice; number; observable; old; onely; ones; opposite; orange; order; ordinary; osiris; paces; padua; pag; page; palazzo; pallace; pantheon; particular; parts; passage; passe; passeth; past; paul; pav'd; people; perfect; persons; peters; piazza; pictures; pieces; pillars; pisa; plac't; place; plaine; pleasant; poets; poore; pope; porch; porphyre; port; post; precious; present; prince; prints; prospect; publick; pyramid; quae; quantity; rais'd; rare; rarities; ravenna; raymond; read; reason; regard; remarkable; remnants; report; returne; rex; rich; river; roman; rome; romulus; rotunda; round; ruines; runs; saint; saith; san; santa; satisfaction; saviour; saw; scarce; sea; seats; second; seemes; seene; selfe; senate; september; sepulcher; service; seventh; severall; shee; shoare; short; sides; siena; signe; singular; sir; small; solid; sorts; spacious; speake; square; staires; stands; state; stately; statues; stay; stone; story; strangers; streets; strength; strong; strooke; structure; stupenduous; subject; sumptuous; tarantula; temple; text; things; thomason; time; title; tombe; toscany; tower; towne; travellers; trees; triumphant; true; tyber; tybre; unlesse; urnes; vaccino; valley; variety; vast; vatican; venetian; venice; verona; vid; view; villa; village; virgin; viterbo; viz; voyage; walking; walkt; walls; water; way; wealth; weather; wee; whereof; white; wine; wit; witnesse; wolfe; wonderfull; words; worke; world; worth; yeares cache: A92196.xml plain text: A92196.txt