item: #1 of 9 id: A28392 author: Blome, Richard, d. 1705. title: A Description of the island of Jamaica with the other isles and territories in America, to which the English are related ... : taken from the notes of Sr. Thomas Linch, Knight, governour of Jamaica, and other experienced persons in the said places : illustrated with maps / published by Richard Blome. date: 1672 words: 22117 flesch: 67 summary: In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 55:6) A Description of the island of Jamaica with the other isles and territories in America, to which the English are related ... : taken from the notes of Sr. Thomas Linch, Knight, governour of Jamaica, and other experienced persons in the said places : illustrated with maps / published by Richard Blome. Blome, Richard, d. 1705. keywords: a28392; abundance; account; air; america; apples; barbadoes; bay; bayes; beasts; better; birds; breadth; caribbee; carolina; cattle; charles; chief; coast; cocao; colony; commodities; commodity; considerable; cotton; council; countrey; courts; curious; day; degrees; description; div; doth; dyet; east; eebo; england; english; excellent; extent; fair; fertile; fertility; fish; flesh; fort; fowl; fowles; french; fruits; general; ginger; good; government; governour; great; half; harbour; hath; healthful; herbs; hoggs; honourable; houses; indians; indico; indies; inhabitants; inhabited; island; isle; jago; jamaica; king; knight; labour; large; late; latitude; lawes; leagues; leeward; length; like; little; london; long; lord; lyeth; majesties; majesty; making; man; maryland; masters; men; merchants; midst; miles; months; mountains; names; natives; nature; negro; new; north; notes; number; occasion; parishes; parts; patent; people; place; plantations; planters; plants; plenty; point; poor; port; precincts; present; principal; produceth; province; provisions; quantities; reason; rich; right; rivers; roots; royal; said; saith; scituation; sea; security; servants; shipping; ships; slaves; small; sorts; south; soyl; spaniards; spanish; store; strong; subject; sugar; summer; sundry; tame; tcp; temperature; text; things; thomas; time; tobacco; town; townes; trade; trees; unto; variety; virginia; water; way; west; wild; women; woods; works; year; yearly; york cache: A28392.xml plain text: A28392.txt item: #2 of 9 id: A32556 author: Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. title: A proclamation for the encouraging of planters in His Majesties island of Jamaica in the West-Indies date: 1661 words: 1527 flesch: 59 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A32556) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 58242) keywords: books; characters; charles; early; eebo; encoding; encouraging; england; english; governor; images; island; jamaica; king; online; oxford; partnership; phase; planters; said; tcp; tei; text; title; xml cache: A32556.xml plain text: A32556.txt item: #3 of 9 id: A41545 author: Gookin, Daniel, 1612-1687. title: To all persons whom these may concern, in the several townes, and plantations of the United Colonies in New-England It is hereby declared, that his Highness the Lord Protectour of the Common wealth of England &c: hath commissoned and impowered Daniel Gookin dwelling at Cambridg in the Massachusets, to make agreement with any convenient number of the English in the colonies of New-England, who shall desire to remove themselves or families into Jamaica in the West-Indies,... date: 1656 words: 848 flesch: 59 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A41545 of text W6490 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing G1271A). Title is from caption and first lines of text. keywords: colonies; concern; daniel; england; english; gookin; highness; lord; new; plantations; text; townes; wing cache: A41545.xml plain text: A41545.txt item: #4 of 9 id: A46390 author: Hanson, Francis. title: The laws of Jamaica passed by the assembly, and confirmed by His majesty in council, Feb. 23. 1683 : to which is added, A short account of the island and government thereof, with an exact map of the island. date: 1683 words: 41909 flesch: 6 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. keywords: act; action; acts; aforesaid; appear; assembly; assigns; authority; better; bill; bond; books; captain; case; cattle; charges; chattels; chief; church; clerk; collector; commander; commission; commissioners; common; constable; contingent; contrary; convenient; council; country; court; currant; custom; damages; day; days; debt; deemed; default; defendant; deputy; disposed; duty; end; england; english; esq; estate; execution; fine; fire; foot; force; forfeitures; free; general; gold; goods; government; governour; grant; great; half; harbour; hath; heirs; high; horse; houses; impowered; information; informer; intent; island; issue; jamaica; john; judges; judgment; justices; king; known; lands; law; lawful; laws; levy; like; liquors; lord; majesties; majesties island; majesty; making; manner; marshal; master; meaning; mistress; money; months; moyety; necessary; neglect; negroes; new; night; notice; notwithstanding; number; oath; offence; office; officers; order; owners; pag; parish; parishes; party; patents; pay; peace; penalty; person; plaint; plantations; pleas; poor; port; pounds; power; precincts; present; protection; publick; purposes; quantity; real; reason; receiver; record; rents; reports; respective; river; royal; run; said; said island; sale; satisfaction; seal; security; servant; service; sessions; shillings; ships; sir; small; sorts; soveraign; subjects; successors; sufficient; sugar; sum; sums; support; tax; tcp; text; thing; thomas; time; town; trade; true; usage; use; value; vertue; vestry; wager; wardens; warrant; way; ways; whatsoever; whereof; white; william; wise; work; year cache: A46390.xml plain text: A46390.txt item: #5 of 9 id: A48063 author: T. M. aut title: A letter from Jamaica, to a friend in London, concerning kid-napping. date: 1682 words: 1468 flesch: 74 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: books; characters; early; eebo; encoding; english; friend; image; jamaica; kid; letter; london; napping; online; oxford; partnership; phase; tcp; tei; text; thomas; time; works; xml cache: A48063.xml plain text: A48063.txt item: #6 of 9 id: A63791 author: Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703. title: Friendly advice to the gentlemen-planters of the East and West Indies In three parts. I. A brief treatise of the most principal fruits and herbs that grow in the East & West Indies; giving an account of their respective vertues both for food and physick, and what planet and sign they are under. Together with some directions for the preservation of health and life in those hot climates. II. The complaints of the negro-slaves against the hard usages and barbarous cruelties inflicted upon them. III. A discourse in way of dialogue, between an Ethiopean or negro-slave, and a Christian that was his master in America. By Philotheos Physiologus. date: 1684 words: 36504 flesch: 40 summary: Besides , People in hot Regions have not need of so many things , there is no occasion for their Houses being so close nor furnisht with so many Circumstances of Beds and Bedding , continual Fires , and the like Provisional Accommodations to be laid up before-hand , either for Man or Beast ; as also half the Clothing will furnish Nature ; and the same is to be understood of Foods ; for all things necessary to the Maintenance of Life are far easier , and with half the Labour procured in hot Countries . Therefore since we have obtained the favour to plead our own Cause , we will be bold to tell our Masters , that these things cannot be otherwise , it being the eternal Law of God in Nature , that whatever Evil , Violence or Oppression is committed , either by Superior or Inferior , if not repented of , there must be a time of Retaliation either in this World , or that to come , according to the Nature of the Evil ; for as there is such an Affinity between man and man , that they can move each other either to Love or Hate , so there is a proportionate Similitude between him and the Coelestial Bodies and Elements , Man being not only the Image and Likeness of God and Nature , but the Horizon of both Worlds , in whom the superior and inferior Natures are conjoyned , and have their Intercourse ; for he is the Off-spring of the Stars , as well as the Sun of the Earth . keywords: able; account; apt; away; beasts; beat; belly; best; better; black; blood; bodies; body; brave; bread; brisk; burthens; cause; central; certain; chief; children; christian; christianity; climates; coelestial; cold; common; compassion; complexions; concoction; constitutions; continual; contrary; countries; country; creator; creatures; cruel; cruelties; cruelty; custom; daily; dark; day; death; degree; delightful; devilish; digestive; diseases; divine; doctrine; dominion; doth; doubt; drinking; drinks; dry; dull; earth; easie; eating; elements; english; estates; eternal; evil; excellent; excess; experience; fierce; firm; fish; fit; flesh; food; frequent; friendly; fruit; general; glory; gluttony; god; good; grateful; great; greater; half; hands; hard; hath; health; hearts; heat; heathens; heaven; heavy; help; herbs; holy; hot; hours; humane; indies; inferior; influences; innocent; keen; kill; kind; labour; law; life; light; like; liquors; little; lively; lives; long; lord; love; lusts; man; mars; martial; masters; matter; meal; meats; men; merciful; mind; miseries; moisture; moon; natural; nature; nay; negro; new; noble; nourishment; number; obstructions; occasion; open; operation; oppressions; original; parts; passages; people; persons; plantations; pleasant; pleasure; point; poor; power; poysonous; practise; pray; predominate; prepared; present; principle; profess; profitable; proper; property; pure; qualities; quality; ready; reason; regard; regions; religion; rest; rich; ripe; root; salt; scarce; self; selves; senses; servants; set; severe; sharp; sign; slavery; slaves; sober; sorts; souls; spirits; stomach; strength; strong; sufficient; sugar; sun; superfluity; support; sweet; talk; taste; tcp; temperance; text; things; thou; time; true; truth; usages; use; vain; variety; venus; vertues; violence; viz; want; water; way; west; whip; white; wine; wise; women; words; work; world; worse; wrath; year; young cache: A63791.xml plain text: A63791.txt item: #7 of 9 id: A63960 author: Tutchin, John, 1661?-1707. title: The earth-quake of Jamaica describ'd in a Pindarick poem / by Mr. Tutchin. date: 1692 words: 2199 flesch: 70 summary: I. WEll may our Lives bear an uncertain date ; Disturb'd with Maladies within , Without by cross Events of Fate , The worst of Plagues on Mortals wait , Pride , Ignorance and Sin. in all things cross'd , On every giddy Wave of Fortune toss'd : The only thing that aims at Sway , And yet capricious Fate must still Obey ; Travels for Wealth to Foreign Lands , O're scorching Mountains , and o're desart Sands , keywords: available; books; characters; creation; data; death; describ'd; early; earth; edition; eebo; elements; encoding; english; fate; general; houses; images; jamaica; keying; large; man; markup; online; oxford; page; partnership; phase; pindarick; poem; prey; project; proquest; quake; tcp; tei; text; tutchin; vast; work; xml cache: A63960.xml plain text: A63960.txt item: #8 of 9 id: A67527 author: Ward, Edward, 1667-1731. title: A trip to Jamaica with a true character of the people and island / by the author of Sot's paradise. date: 1698 words: 7287 flesch: 58 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. I being influenc'd by my Stars , with an unhappy propensity to the Conversation of those unlucky kind of Fortune-Hunters , till at last , tho' I had no more Wit to boast of than another Man , yet I shar'd the Fate of those that had ; and to bear them Company , stragled so far from the Paths of Profit and Preferment , into a Wilderness of Pleasure and Enjoyment , that I had like to have been stuck fast in a Thicket of Brambles , before I knew were abouts I was ; to clear my self of which , I bustled like a Fox in a Gin , or a Hare in a Patridge-Net : keywords: author; available; bear; belly; best; better; board; books; business; character; condition; conscience; conversation; countenance; country; creation; danger; data; day; days; dear; deck; devil; dry; early; edition; edward; eebo; elements; encoding; end; england; english; fear; fellow; forc'd; fore; fortune; good; great; gun; half; husband; images; industry; island; jamaica; keying; little; look; lost; man; markup; men; money; morning; nature; near; new; night; old; online; original; oxford; page; paradise; partnership; pence; people; phase; poor; project; proquest; quarter; reason; sea; self; shell; ship; sir; sot; state; tcp; tei; text; thing; thro; time; trip; true; use; ward; water; way; weather; whore; wife; wind; work; world; worth; xml cache: A67527.xml plain text: A67527.txt item: #9 of 9 id: A86321 author: Hickeringill, Edmund, 1631-1708. title: Jamaica viewed with all the ports, harbours, and their several soundings, towns, and settlements thereunto belonging together, with the nature of it's climate, fruitfulnesse of the soile, and its suitableness to English complexions. With several other collateral observations and reflexions upon the island. / By E.H. date: 1661 words: 12398 flesch: 60 summary: In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. Jamaica viewed with all the ports, harbours, and their several soundings, towns, and settlements thereunto belonging together, with the nature of it's climate, fruitfulnesse of the soile, and its suitableness to English complexions. keywords: age; alwayes; army; barbadoes; bay; bear; best; better; bloud; books; breezes; cacoa; characters; choice; climate; cold; common; complexions; countrey; credit; day; delight; distance; domingo; doth; drink; early; earth; edition; eebo; elements; encoding; england; english; europe; excellent; fear; fire; fleet; foot; forces; fruits; general; good; grave; great; hands; happy; harbours; hath; head; heart; hickeringill; hispaniola; home; hot; hottest; houses; iackson; iamaica; images; indian; indies; island; isle; king; large; leagues; lesse; lieut; life; like; little; long; majesty; man; meat; men; mention; mines; native; nature; near; need; negroes; new; night; nuts; old; online; oxford; partnership; phase; place; plenty; point; policy; poor; ports; reader; reason; reflex; reflexions; rich; said; savana; scarce; sea; seasons; second; self; set; settlements; singular; small; soil; soundings; spain; spaniard; spanish; stock; strength; substance; sugar; sun; tcp; tei; temperate; text; thine; thou; time; title; town; trees; true; truth; use; venables; virtues; vulgar; want; ward; water; way; west; whilest; wild; wives; woods; works; world; xml; year; zone cache: A86321.xml plain text: A86321.txt