item: #1 of 49 id: A01233 author: Camilton, John. De studiis Jesuitarum abstrusioribus. English. title: Tvvo spare keyes to the Iesuites cabinet· dropped accidentally by some Father of that societie and fallen into the hands of a Protestant. The first wherof, discovers their domestick doctrines for education of their novices. The second, openeth their atheisticall practises touching the present warres of Germany. Projected by them in the yeare 1608. and now so farre as their power could stretch, effected, till the comming of the most victorious King of Sweden into Germany. Both serving as a most necessary warning for these present times. date: 1632.0 words: 16384 flesch: 50 summary: WHen the time was now at hand and almost accomplished , wherein that rare and heauenly man Paulus Florenius abandoned that perverse Fraternitie of the Iesuites , and returned from them to the publike Societie of men , and we two were at that instant time walking together then thus spake Paul vnto me . PAVL . Me thinkes Christianus ( saith hee ) when I consider all Circumstances impartially , comparing them one with another , this our profession of Iesuitisme wherein wee liue is wholly compacted of Superstition , Hypocrisie , and a great deale of dissembled and pretended Sanctitie , being euen devised of the Deuill himselfe in this elder and doating age of the world , purposely thereby to make sale vnto Mankind of all the Errors , toyes and Superstitions of Poperie , and ( to vse a homely phrase against my will , but that it is most proper and significant in this case ) to take the stinking excrements of Papistrie so odious in their owne nature , and sauouring much more loathsomely at this time , especially wherein they are so often stirred in , by many curious and great Schollers , and by compounding and tempering the same with pretences of Holinesse , and wrapping them vp in a great number of obscurities and subtilties to vent them once more to the whole Christian world for sweet Drugs and Spices of price , and that after such a manner , that they will compell men to bee theyr Chapmen for them to buy whether they will or not . keywords: bee; christian; church; doe; end; euen; euery; hath; haue; hee; himselfe; holy; iesuites; man; men; owne; people; religion; rome; selfe; societie; themselues; theyr; things; time; vnder; vnto; vpon; world cache: A01233.xml plain text: A01233.txt item: #2 of 49 id: A01748 author: Bagshaw, Christopher, d. 1625? title: A true relation of the faction begun at VVisbich by Fa. Edmonds, alias VVeston, a Iesuite, 1595. and continued since by Fa. Walley, alias Garnet, the prouincall of the Iesuits in England, and by Fa. Parsons in Rome, with their adherents: against vs the secular priests their bretheren and fellow prisoners, that disliked of nouelties, and thought it dishonourable to the auncient ecclesiasticall discipline of the Catholike Church, that secular priests should be gouerned by Iesuits. date: 1601.0 words: 31997 flesch: 52 summary: When he also further sayth , that the end he mentioneth was made by the meanes principally of those which are most condemned : he meaneth maister Garnet and maister Weston to be those principall persons ; or else his speech is senselesse : and then also he writeth most falsely . For true it is , that the end which we supposed had bin made , was compassed by maister Mush and maister Dudley full sore against the harts and good likings of the sayd two Iesuites . keywords: bagshaw; bin; brethren; company; doctor; england; father; garnet; good; great; hath; haue; haue bin; hauing; himselfe; holynes; iesuites; letter; maister; maister bluet; maister dolman; maister weston; matter; men; neuer; order; ouer; owne; parsons; priests; rest; rome; sayd; sayd maister; themselues; time; vnder; vnto; vpon cache: A01748.xml plain text: A01748.txt item: #3 of 49 id: A01948 author: Gosselin, Peter. title: The state-mysteries of the Iesuites, by way of questions and answers. Faithfully extracted out of their owne writings by themselues published. And a catalogue prefixed of the authors names which are cited in this booke. Written for a premonition in these times both to the publike and particular. Translated out of French date: 1623.0 words: 16027 flesch: 75 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. For you must obserue my Friend , that this Canus was of the Order of the preaching Friers , of whom Father g Delrio writeth truly , That openly they carry themselues as enemies and opposites to our Societie , and in secret by their deuices they traduce it , labouring all they can , both in Italy , Spaine , and throughout the whole world , to make it to be enuied , and seeke not onely by themselues , but by certaine lying Historians their instruments , to blemish it in what they may ; and striue with all their might , either to cause their bookes to be prohibited , or the reading of them to be suspended , or at leastwise they charge them with some note of infamy : keywords: cap; doe; doth; father; god; good; hath; haue; hee; iesus; iesvite; ignatius; king; lawfull; lib; novice; owne; pope; power; princes; saith; sect; thee; thou; vnto; vpon; wealth cache: A01948.xml plain text: A01948.txt item: #4 of 49 id: A04102 author: Falkland, Henry Cary, Viscount, d. 1633. title: By the Lord Deputie and Councell. A proclamation for the banishment of Iesuites and priests, &c. date: None words: 2249 flesch: 50 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. A proclamation for the banishment of Iesuites and priests, &c. Proclamations. keywords: generall; kingdome; maiesties; priests; tcp; text cache: A04102.xml plain text: A04102.txt item: #5 of 49 id: A04344 author: James, Thomas, 1573?-1629. title: The Iesuits downefall threatned against them by the secular priests for their wicked liues, accursed manners, hereticall doctrine, and more then Matchiavillian policie. Together with the life of Father Parsons an English Iesuite. date: 1612.0 words: 24220 flesch: 78 summary: Good God , that such a Societie of men , after so many scandals , and foule deserts of theirs in France , and elsswhere , for Prince-killing , Sedition , &c. can thus be of credit in England ? A. C. to his disiesuited kinsman , Pag , 72. I admit , that both Priests & Iesuits are to be feared more and lesse , as dangerous enimies vnto his Maiesty , & the State : but chiefly the Iesuits , who hold their disciples in such servitude , or rather slavery , that whatsoever they say is a law , & that law must be obayed , though God & man , reason or authoritie , King or Kaisar say to the contrary . keywords: b ib; bee; c ib; c. p.; c. pag; dialogue; doctrine; doe; e ib; england; english; f ib; faction; father; g ib; god; good; h ib; hath; haue; hee; ib pag; iesuits; lay; let; man; men; pag; parsons; priest; proposition; quodl; relation; state; themselues; time; vnto; vpon cache: A04344.xml plain text: A04344.txt item: #6 of 49 id: A04407 author: France. Parlement (Paris) title: The articles which were propounded to the Iesuites to subscribe them in the Parliament, on Sunday the 14. of March, &c. 1626 By reason of a hurtfull and detestable booke, which is published vnder the name of Anthonius Santarellus. The sentence which the court of Parliament hath giuen against the Iesuites of the Colledge of Clemont on the 17. of March, &c. 1626. The censure which the diuines of the Vniuersitie of Paris haue made against a booke, which is instiled, Antonij Santarelli ex Societate Iesu tractatus de hæresi, schismate, apostasia, sollicitatione in Sacramento Pœnitentiæ, & de potestate summi pontificis in his dilectis puniendis. Ad serenissimum Principem Mauritium à Sabaudia. Roma, apud hœredem Bartholomæi Zannetti, 1625. Superiorum permissu. date: 1626.0 words: 3189 flesch: 61 summary: Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). EEBO-TCP is a partnership between the Universities of Michigan and Oxford and the publisher ProQuest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by ProQuest via their Early English Books Online (EEBO) database ( keywords: booke; hath; haue; march; paris; tcp; text cache: A04407.xml plain text: A04407.txt item: #7 of 49 id: A04899 author: Ashley, Robert, 1565-1641. title: Cochin-China containing many admirable rarities and singularities of that countrey / extracted out of an Italian relation, lately presented to the Pope, by Christophoro Borri, that liued certaine yeeres there ; and published by Robert Ashley. date: 1633.0 words: 20724 flesch: 55 summary: Cochin China. In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. keywords: bee; china; chinois; cochin; countrey; doe; elephant; euery; europe; fruit; giue; good; hath; haue; hauing; hee; himselfe; king; kingdome; manner; men; sea; sort; themselues; thing; time; vnto; vse; water; wee; whereof cache: A04899.xml plain text: A04899.txt item: #8 of 49 id: A07210 author: Featley, Daniel, 1582-1645. title: The nevv art of lying couered by Iesuites vnder the vaile of equiuocation, discouered and disproued by Henry Mason. date: 1624.0 words: 44951 flesch: 75 summary: 14. b Quum volens eum consuetudine visionum , ad credulitatem futurae deceptionis illicere , verissima quaque multo tempore , Diabolu● , velut veritatatis nuncius , reuclasset : ad ●x●●emum , &c. Cassian . Sim. HOc quoque docte Pater , praeter narrata , petēti , Pseudole , responde , quibus artibus invia re●●̄ Essugiam , nostrae propriora pericula Sectae . keywords: arte; aut; bee; beleeue; cap; case; church; deceiue; doctrine; doe; doth; equiuocate; equiuocation; equiuocators; est; example; father; giue; god; goe; good; hath; haue; hee; himselfe; iesuites; iudge; know; lawfull; lord; lye; lying; man; meaning; men; mentall; minde; new; non; num; oath; opinion; owne; pag; persons; place; priest; proposition; pseud; purpose; question; reader; reason; religion; reseruation; saith; secret; sense; signification; speake; speech; sweare; tell; themselues; thing; thinke; time; truth; vnderstanding; vnderstood; vnto; vpon; vse; way; wee; words; world; ● ● cache: A07210.xml plain text: A07210.txt item: #9 of 49 id: A07760 author: Bell, Thomas, fl. 1593-1610. title: The anatomie of popish tyrannie wherein is conteyned a plaine declaration and Christian censure, of all the principall parts, of the libels, letters, edictes, pamphlets, and bookes, lately published by the secular-priests and English hispanized Iesuties, with their Iesuited arch-priest; both pleasant and profitable to all well affected readers. date: 1603.0 words: 72789 flesch: 77 summary: Prima , quod de terminati● s●lius papa in his quae sunt fidei , non obligat vt pracisé est talis , ad credendum : al●●quin staret in casu , quod qui ▪ obligaretur ad contradictoria , vel ad falsum contra fidem . In the end the said Heywood loathing and abhorring many enormities amongst the Iesuites wrote sundrie letters to the Pope , instantly desiring his h●lin●s , that the Iesuites might be reformed ; affirming that otherwise he should see their ruine ( he feared , ) in his owne dates . keywords: againe; apologie; arch; art; authoritie; bee; booke; cardinall; cause; chapter; church; colledge; crowne; dealing; doctrine; doe; doth; england; english; euen; euerie; father; fol; generall; god; good; great; hath; haue; hee; himselfe; holy; iesuites; iesuites haue; iesuiticall; king; lawes; letter; like; maiestie; man; master; men; neuer; note; obedience; owne; pag; page; papists; paragraph; parsons; place; pope; popish; priests; proued; quodl; reader; reason; religion; right; rome; said; seculars; set; soueraigne; state; subiects; themselues; thing; time; true; truth; vers; viz; vnder; vnto; vow; vpon; words; world; write; yeare; ● ● cache: A07760.xml plain text: A07760.txt item: #10 of 49 id: A08075 author: Cresswell, Joseph, 1556-1623, attributed name. title: Newes from the low-countreyes. Or The anatomy of Caluinisticall calumnyes, manifested in a dialogue betweene a Brabander, and a Hollander Vpon occasion of a placcart, lately published in Holla[n]d, against the Iesuites, priests, friars &c. by those that there assume vnto themselues, the tytle of the high-mighty-lords, the States &c. Translated out of the Netherland language, into English. By D.N. date: 1622.0 words: 15581 flesch: 62 summary: How much lesse reason can then be found , that the Iesuites ( of whose order no one was euer knowne that euer killed Prince or other person ) should of slaunderous Gewses be calumniated with the name of a murtherous sect , and to be stirrers vp of the inhabitants of Holland to the murthering of Princes and Potentates : which were a greater pitty , for the inhabitants of Holland to doe , considering that Princes & Potentates are not among them in so great aboundance , vnlesse the meaning of the Placcart should be , that the Iesuites and Priestes , did intend to imploy the inhabitants of Holland to goe & murther Princes and Potentates in other Countreys The eight and last of this vnfortunate number and ranke , was Henry the fourth King of France , who was murthered by one Francis Rauaillac : and if so be the Holland Gewses will make of him a Iesuite also , yet the administers of Iustice in France , which are as far-seeing as those of Holland , and haue throughly enformed themselues of this mans condition and state of life , and done their vttermost endeauours to come to the full knowledge of all that might concerne the matter of the Kings death , could neuer find that he so was . It is also most certayne that a Zeland Gewse or Caluinist , meant to haue blown vp William of Nassaw Prince of Orange , with some of the Holland and Zeland States , with gun-powder , in the Towne-house of Flushing , if it had not byn discouered by him that assisted him to conuey the powder into the seller or vault of the sayd Towne-house . keywords: brabander; byn; caluinists; catholike; christ; doe; father; god; hath; haue; holland; hollander; iesuites; king; potentates; princes; queene; religion; sayd; spayne; states; themselues; vnto; vpon; world cache: A08075.xml plain text: A08075.txt item: #11 of 49 id: A08697 author: Coton, Pierre, 1564-1626. title: A letter of a Catholike man beyond the seas, written to his friend in England including another of Peter Coton priest, of the Society of Iesus, to the Queene Regent of France / translated out of French into English ; touching the imputation of the death of Henry the IIII, late K. of France, to priests, Iesuites, or Catholicke doctrine. date: 1610.0 words: 9716 flesch: 50 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. But it hath happened to them as to men which find themselues vnder the ruine of a house , where one stone doth not expect the other to couer and ouerwhelme them , vpon whome it falleth . keywords: booke; catholike; doctrine; english; france; god; hath; haue; himselfe; king; man; mariana; men; opinion; owne; princes; society; text; thē; vpon; world cache: A08697.xml plain text: A08697.txt item: #12 of 49 id: A08925 author: Bouvot, Ph. title: A copie of the first arrest or decree of the Parlament [sic] of Paris, against the booke of Santarellus the Iesuite commanding it to be burned, and the provincial of the Iesuites, with others, to come to the court the next morning to be heard. With, the Parlaments [sic] demands, the Iesuites answeres, their declaration of their detestation of the said booke, with the censure of the Sorbon doctours against the same. Translated into English, according to the French copies, printed at Paris with the Kings priviledge. date: 1634.0 words: 3156 flesch: 71 summary: Parlement (Paris) Bouvot, Ph. Université de Paris. Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: booke; doe; english; iesuites; paris; parlament; tcp; text cache: A08925.xml plain text: A08925.txt item: #13 of 49 id: A09551 author: Blackwell, George, 1546 or 7-1613. title: An ansvvere made by one of our brethren, a secular priest, now in prison, to a fraudulent letter of M. George Blackwels, written to Cardinall Caietane, 1596, in commendation of the Iesuits in England date: 1602.0 words: 11364 flesch: 65 summary: First therefore , whereas you say in such generall tearmes , That some of vs , that bee secular Priests ( for I cannot see how you can meane any other ) men ignorant of the state of things here , haue affirmed ; that wee ( the secular Priests in England ) are at warres amongst our selues : I dare be bold to say it , that you write therein vntruly . For simple men might haue said , or thought , that by the exceeding bountie of the laie Catholikes , there were dailie supplies of money for such godlie vses , and that all the Iesuits commendation is , or can bee , that they deale faithfully in the distributing of it without anie partialitie , but as euerie mans necessitie doth require . keywords: bee; blackwell; cardinall; doe; england; god; good; haue; hee; iesuits; letter; man; master; men; priests; rome; selfe; verie; vnto; vpon; wee cache: A09551.xml plain text: A09551.txt item: #14 of 49 id: A14830 author: Bagshaw, Christopher, d. 1625? title: A sparing discouerie of our English Iesuits, and of Fa. Parsons proceedings vnder pretence of promoting the Catholike faith in England for a caueat to all true Catholiks our very louing brethren and friends, how they embrace such very vncatholike, though Iesuiticall deseignments. date: 1601.0 words: 27624 flesch: 50 summary: their drifts , practises , and deuises which are first in intention and framing of platformes ) ouershadowed with hypocriticall zeale pharisaicall pretence , and catholick shew of so true religion , as impossible for any one to equall them in any degree of perfection : whereas in very deede they are men of the most corrupt manners , imperfect life , and stayne of religion , that liue in the Cathol . For this cause it is , that the secular Priests must be holden for men infamous , detected of most notorious vices , scandales , passionate , ignorant , vnlearned , and vnfit for gouernment . keywords: bin; bishop; catholicks; cause; colledge; course; england; english; euer; father; father parsons; generall; god; good; hath; haue; hauing; hee; himselfe; holy; iesuites; king; little; maiestie; maister; man; meanes; men; order; owne; parsons; pope; priests; religion; rome; sayd; spayne; themselues; thinke; time; vnto; vpon cache: A14830.xml plain text: A14830.txt item: #15 of 49 id: A19321 author: Copley, Anthony, 1567-1607? title: Another letter of Mr. A.C. to his dis-Iesuited kinseman, concerning the appeale, state, Iesuites Also a third letter of his, apologeticall for himselfe against the calumnies contained against him in a certaine Iesuiticall libell, intituled, A manifestation of folly and bad spirit, &c. date: 1602.0 words: 37517 flesch: 46 summary: 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 wherein can the Iesuits more 〈◊〉 themselues to the Catholike Church then in seeming so much ●…he Puritanes , who 〈◊〉 the most in●…st enemies thereunto of all the Se●… in this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as ●…f ( I will 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 lesse the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 both English , 〈◊〉 whatsoeuer 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that haue bin fro●…●…he beginning and 〈◊〉 condemned by them aswell as by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , 〈◊〉 , 〈◊〉 , 〈◊〉 , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , 〈◊〉 and the like , may in some sort be said Mala bona to the Church of God , in that their 〈◊〉 and ●…diction doth 〈◊〉 refine and purge it from 〈◊〉 , for which our Sauior in his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ; the Iesuits on the other side may we be●… Bona mala thereunto : Now what difference is betweene such 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 iudge you 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that I can 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that generally all 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to th●… 〈◊〉 , whereby ●…it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it the ot●… 〈◊〉 Iesuitisme 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 . keywords: appeale; aswell; bene; catholicke; church; conscience; cosin; countrey; day; england; english; euer; father; god; gods; good; hath; haue; himselfe; holinesse; holy; iesuites; iesuiticall; lesse; letter; like; man; matter; ouer; owne; point; priest; religion; rome; schisme; societie; spaine; spirit; state; thou; time; vnder; vnto; vpon; world; yea cache: A19321.xml plain text: A19321.txt item: #16 of 49 id: A19434 author: Du Bois-Olivier, Jean, d. 1626. title: Anti-Coton, or, A Refutation of Cottons letter declaratorie lately directed to the Queene Regent, for the apologizing of the Iesuites doctrine, touching the killing of kings : a booke, in which it is proued that the Iesuites are guiltie, and were the authors of the late execrable parricide, committed vpon the person of the French King, Henry the Fourth, of happie memorie : to which is added, a Supplication of the Vniuersitie of Paris, for the preuenting of the Iesuites opening their schooles among them, in which their king-killing doctrine is also notably discouered, and confuted / both translated out of the French, by G.H. ; together with the translators animaduersions vpon Cottons letter. date: 1611.0 words: 25243 flesch: 49 summary: He then would make your Maiestie belieue , that the writers of his Order affirme , that it is not lawfull to kill a Tyrant but they by him alledged ▪ and by name , Valentia ( their late great Doctor ) addes this restriction : if it be not done by publike iudgement ; and ●o the end you may not make scruple what is mea●●● by that publike iudgement , hee afterward layes y●●● downe certaine articles of the doctrine of the Iesuit●s , touching the Soueraigntie of Kings , in fashion as f●●lloweth : That a Monarchie is the best kinde of goue●nment : That the Pope is a Monarch in the Church for ●he spirituall gouernment , as the King is in his kingdome ▪ for the temporall ; as not allowing the King to be King● in his owne kingdome , if the Pope be not absolute Soueraigne in the spirituall affaires of the Church . Su● sang●ine patriae cōm●nis & gentis libertatē redemptā inter ictus & vulnera impense lae●ebatur , scilicet caes● R●g● ingens sibi nomen fecit , c●ede caedes est expiata ac manibu● G●●isij Duci● per●ide perempti regi● sang●i●e est parentatum . keywords: booke; church; confession; cotton; councell; court; death; doctrine; father; french; garnet; generall; god; good; hath; haue; hauing; hee; henry; himselfe; iesuites; iohn; king; lawfull; life; maiestie; man; mariana; matter; men; obedience; opinion; owne; paris; person; pope; princes; set; state; subiect; themselues; time; vniuersitie; vnto; vpon; way; wee; ● ● cache: A19434.xml plain text: A19434.txt item: #17 of 49 id: A19436 author: Coton, Pierre, 1564-1626. Lettre declaratoire de la doctrine des peres Jesuites. English. title: The hellish and horribble councell, practised and vsed by the Iesuites, (in their priuate consulations) when they would haue a man to murther a king According to those damnable instructions, giuen (by them) to that bloody villaine Francis Rauilliacke, who murdered Henry the fourth, the late French king. Sent to the Queene Regent, in answere to that impudent pamphlet, published by Peter Cotton Iesuite, in defence of the Iesuites, and their doctrine; which also is hereunto annexed. Translated out of French. date: 1610.0 words: 6440 flesch: 55 summary: Withall , if it might please you , but to remember him , to whom ( that monster of men ) 6. That it is a damnable heresie ( euen as Saint Ireneus noted it fourtéene hundred yéeres agoe ) to beléeue , that Kings are giuen to men by chaunce or hap , considering that all power commeth of God. keywords: booke; councell; doctrine; doe; god; hath; haue; iesuites; king; man; tcp; text; thou; vpon cache: A19436.xml plain text: A19436.txt item: #18 of 49 id: A20624 author: Donne, John, 1572-1631. title: Ignatius his conclaue or his inthronisation in a late election in hell: wherein many things are mingled by way of satyr; concerning the disposition of Iesuits, the creation of a new hell, the establishing of a church in the moone. There is also added an apology for Iesuites. All dedicated to the two aduersary angels, which are protectors of the Papall Consistory, and of the Colledge of Sorbon. Translated out of Latine. date: 1611.0 words: 19984 flesch: 63 summary: DO , you thinke to winne our Lucifer to your part , by allowing him the honour of being of the race of that starre ? who was not onely made before all the starres , but being glutted with the glory of shining there , transferred his dwelling and Colonies 〈◊〉 this Monarchy , and thereby 〈◊〉 our Order a noble example , to spy , to inuade , and to 〈◊〉 forraine kingdom● Can our Lucifer , or his 〈◊〉 haue any honour 〈◊〉 that starr● Lucifer , which is but Venus ? whose face how much wee scorne , appeares by this , that , for the m●st part we vse her auersly and preposterously . For though our Ribadenegra haue reckoned none of our Order , which hath written in Physicke , yet 〈◊〉 able and sufficient wee are in that faculty , I will bee tryed by that Pope , who hath giuen a priueledge to Iesuites to practise Phisicke , and to be present at Death-beds , a which is denyed to other Orders : for why should hee deny vs their bodies , whose soules he deliuers to vs ? and since he hath transferd vpon vs the power to practise Physick , he may instly be thought to haue transferd vpon vs the Art it selfe , by the same omnipotent Bul ; since hee which graunts the end , is by our Rules of law presumed to haue graunted all meanes necessary to that end . keywords: bee; church; doth; euer; fol; god; hath; haue; hee; hell; himselfe; iesuites; ignatius; lucifer; man; men; new; order; owne; place; pope; princes; read; rome; themselues; things; thinke; thought; time; vpon; wee; world cache: A20624.xml plain text: A20624.txt item: #19 of 49 id: A25853 author: Arnauld, Antoine, 1612-1694. title: The nevv heresie of the Jesuits publickly maintain'd at Paris in the Colledge of Clermont, by conclusions, printed 12 Decemb., 1661, denounced to all the bishops of France / translated out of the French original. date: 1662.0 words: 8912 flesch: 45 summary: All whatsoever is comprehended under the notion of Faith ( saith St. Bernard ) is founded upon the solid truth , perswaded us by the Oracles of God , confirmed by miracles , and consecrated by the Child-bearing of a Virgin , by the bloud of our Redeemer , and the glory of Jesus raised from the dead . Whoever then saith , A thing not revealed nor attested by God , ( as , that certain Propositions are truly such an Authors of these later ages ) is an object of Divine Faith , because the Pope hath declared it ; either establishes for the ground of Faith , an authority purely human , and the word of a man , which is as much as to overthrow Faith ; or makes a God of the Pope , and of his word , a divine word , and Holy Scripture ; which is not only an Heresie , but a horrible impietie , and a kinde of Idolatry . keywords: christ; church; council; divine; fact; faith; general; god; hath; heresie; infallibility; jesuits; jesus; man; matters; opinion; pope; tcp; word cache: A25853.xml plain text: A25853.txt item: #20 of 49 id: A27248 author: Bedloe, William, 1650-1680. title: A narrative and impartial discovery of the horrid Popish plot, carried on for the burning and destroying the cities of London and VVestminster, with their suburbs, &c. setting forth the several consults, orders and resolutions of the Jesuites, &c. concerning the same. ... / by Capt. William Bedloe ... one of the Popish Committee for carrying on such fires. date: 1679.0 words: 28898 flesch: 54 summary: / by Capt. William Bedloe ... one of the Popish Committee for carrying on such fires. / by Capt. William Bedloe ... one of the Popish Committee for carrying on such fires. keywords: aforesaid; burning; city; clock; committee; design; fire; firing; french; goods; harrison; hath; house; lane; london; man; matter; men; mrs; night; papists; people; persons; place; plot; said; set; sir; street; thomas; time cache: A27248.xml plain text: A27248.txt item: #21 of 49 id: A29831 author: Browne, John, Jesuit. title: The confession of John Browne, a Iesvite, in the gate-house twice examined by a committee from the honourable House of Commons wherein is discovered the late plots of the Pope and papacy against these kingdomes, England, Scotland, and Ireland : and the manner how he poceeds in his intents to intrude himselfe into the temporall monarchy hereof : with the copy of the Popes Breve, & the fansinesse of his Nuntio with the English ladies : and the event that may preoceed by stopping such proceedings. date: 1641.0 words: 2218 flesch: 62 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A29831 of text R10825 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing B5118). 47 D The rate of 47 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the D category of texts with between 35 and 100 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: england; english; house; rome; sir; text cache: A29831.xml plain text: A29831.txt item: #22 of 49 id: A32856 author: Camilton, John. title: Camiltons discoverie of the devilish designes and killing projects of the Society of Jesuites of late years projected and by them hitherto acted in Germany : intended but graciously prevented in England / translated out of the Latine copie ... by W. F. X. B. ... date: 1641.0 words: 8445 flesch: 48 summary: And these things could never have fallen within compasse of mine understanding , nor ever did , before such time as I heard them from the Principals and Heads of the Society of Iesuites , together with many other particulars , which I held my selfe bound in Conscience to reveale to the world , for the good of my Country , and of the Church of CHRIST : which although J have for the present onely given you as in a rude and first draught ; yet I purpose ( God willing ) in due time , to expresse the same at large , painting them out in their Colours , with circumstances of time , place and persons . For assuredly , though the Romish Factors , may now justly say , as EDOM did in the Prophecye of Malachy , 1 : 4. We are impovverished , but we will retur●e , and build up our desolate places , ( for they cannot but be sensible of their owne 〈…〉 ets defeated both by Sea and Land , by water in the yeare 1588 , by F●●e , 1605 , and it is not to be doubted that they apprehend a feare of the miscarriage of their great and long intended plot of 〈◊〉 begun to ●eake out this yeare 1641 , all which notwithstanding , they still retaine a resolution 〈…〉 and build up their desola●e places ) yet I desire them , to read and take notice of the words following in the place before-cited , yet , thus saith the Lord of Hosts , They shall build up , but I will destroy , and men shall call them the border of wickednesse , and the people with whom the Lord is angry for ever : And your eyes shall see it , and men shall say the Lords name hath beene magnified upon the borders of England . keywords: church; doe; end; england; germany; hath; iesuites; man; men; princes; set; society; text; time; yeares cache: A32856.xml plain text: A32856.txt item: #23 of 49 id: A33763 author: Care, Henry, 1646-1688. title: The character of a turbulent, pragmatical Jesuit and factious Romish priest date: 1678.0 words: 2639 flesch: 60 summary: Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. keywords: books; character; eebo; english; priest; romish; tcp; text cache: A33763.xml plain text: A33763.txt item: #24 of 49 id: A33865 author: Burghley, William Cecil, Baron, 1520-1598. Execution of justice in England. title: A collection of several treatises concerning the reasons and occasions of the penal laws date: 1675.0 words: 35689 flesch: 46 summary: The second treatise, by William Watson in collaboration with other priests, was first published with title Important considerations which ought to move all true and sound Catholikes. Such Condemned only for Treason , as maintain the effects of the Popes Bull against her Majesty and the Realm . keywords: authority; bull; catholicks; cause; church; country; doubt; england; god; good; hath; ireland; jesuits; king; laws; like; majesties; majesty; men; persons; pope; power; priests; princes; queen; realm; rebellion; rebels; religion; rome; selves; sort; state; subjects; time; traiters; treason; years cache: A33865.xml plain text: A33865.txt item: #25 of 49 id: A35032 author: Croft, Herbert, 1603-1691. title: A short narrative of the discovery of a college of Jesuits at a place called the Come in the county of Hereford which was sent up unto the Right Honorable the Lords assembled in Parliament at the end of the last sessions / by the Right Reverend Father in God Herbert, Lord Bishop of Hereford ... ; to which is added a true relation of the knavery of Father Lewis, the pretended bishop of Landaffe, now a prisoner in Monmouth gaol. date: 1679.0 words: 3641 flesch: 59 summary: A short narrative of the discovery of a college of Jesuits at a place called the Come in the county of Hereford which was sent up unto the Right Honorable the Lords assembled in Parliament at the end of the last sessions / by the Right Reverend Father in God Herbert, Lord Bishop of Hereford ... ; to which is added a true relation of the knavery of Father Lewis, the pretended bishop of Landaffe, now a prisoner in Monmouth gaol. A short narrative of the discovery of a college of Jesuits at a place called the Come in the county of Hereford which was sent up unto the Right Honorable the Lords assembled in Parliament at the end of the last sessions / by the Right Reverend Father in God Herbert, Lord Bishop of Hereford ... ; to which is added a true relation of the knavery of Father Lewis, the pretended bishop of Landaffe, now a prisoner in Monmouth gaol. keywords: books; college; father; lewis; pound; tcp; text; woman cache: A35032.xml plain text: A35032.txt item: #26 of 49 id: A36956 author: Darrell, William, 1651-1721. title: A vindication of Saint Ignatius (founder of the Society of Jesus) from phanaticism ; and of the Jesuites, from the calumnies laid to their charge in a late book, entitul'd, The enthusiasm of the Church of Rome by William Darrel ... date: 1688.0 words: 16600 flesch: 62 summary: After an Hundred and Two Pages spent in wild Notions , rambling Propositions , and nonsensical Probations to back them , as if he had intended all the while to give Scope only to a Whimsical Imagination , or to teach the World , That much Confidence , and little Reason go far ; he resolves to knock down St. Ignatius's Sanctity , as well as the Church's , at one Blow . A vindication of Saint Ignatius (founder of the Society of Jesus) from phanaticism ; and of the Jesuites, from the calumnies laid to their charge in a late book, entitul'd, The enthusiasm of the Church of Rome by William Darrel ... Darrell, William, 1651-1721. 1688 Approx. keywords: ambition; author; christianity; church; faith; gentleman; god; good; ignatius; jesuites; life; men; miracles; new; read; reason; religion; saint; sir; thought; world cache: A36956.xml plain text: A36956.txt item: #27 of 49 id: A39387 author: Cerdan, Jean-Paul, comte de. title: The emperour and the empire betray'd by whom and how written by a minister of state residing at that court to one of the Protestant princes of the empire. date: 1682.0 words: 17933 flesch: 38 summary: And that when ever France should be desirous of Peace , there might be those in the Imperial Councils and Court , whose Interest would oblige them to desire and procure it , in order to their restoration and re-establishment in their Estates , and to free themselves from the necessity of begging their Bread elsewhere . Therefore 't is not strange , that the Ministers of France ( though perhaps in this particular against the intention and without the order of his most Christian Majesty ) leave no stone unturned for the destruction of his Highness of Lorrain : But it may surprize any man to find that the Imperial Governour of Phillipsbourgh , should ( so openly and notoriously , as he did ) have attempted the destruction of that Prince , by the trap he caused cunningly to be made in the bridge of that place , for that purpose , through which the good Prince fell headlong to the bottom of the Ditch : keywords: council; court; empire; forces; france; french; general; hath; having; highness; jesuits; majesty; order; party; peace; princes; provinces; rome; society; time; war cache: A39387.xml plain text: A39387.txt item: #28 of 49 id: A45249 author: Hutchinson, William, fl. 1676-1679. title: A letter to the Jesuits in prison shewing them how they may get out. From Mr. William Hutchinson alias Bury for fourteen years of their society; but now of the Church of England. date: 1679.0 words: 3134 flesch: 58 summary: Seing therefore ( contrary to His Majesties Prohibition ) you have entred his Kingdoms , to the disturbance of the Ecclesiastical and Civil Peace , and to the disquieting of his pious Subjects Consciences , by telling them they are damned for not communicating with a Prelate as their supream Pastor , a thousand Miles off , who has no authority over them : Confess your fault and ask pardon , and be gone ; or else heartily joyn with your Natural Liege and his Bishops , in reforming abuses crept into the Christian world through the negligence of Ecclesiastical Prelates , and in restoring the true primitive Christian Doctrine and Discipline to our poor Country . Your silence in this matter is a tacit consent , unless you would positively renounce what your prime Doctors have positively taught : If this be Christian Doctrine , doubt not to die for it , if not , abjure it . keywords: church; doctrine; general; god; power; tcp; text cache: A45249.xml plain text: A45249.txt item: #29 of 49 id: A45528 author: Barrow, William, 1610-1679. title: The papists new-fashion'd allegiance a letter lately seiz'd in the house of an eminent Roman Catholick in Hereford-shire, and produced at the late assizes there held / written by Father Harcourt. date: 1679.0 words: 2193 flesch: 56 summary: Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 42071) Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 1286:9) keywords: eebo; english; father; power; tcp; text cache: A45528.xml plain text: A45528.txt item: #30 of 49 id: A46856 author: Sergeant, John, 1622-1707. title: The Jesuits Gospel according to Saint Ignatius Loiola wherein their impious doctrines against the Christian faith, their pernitious maxims against Christian princes, and their unjust practices destructive to all humane society, contrary to the Sacred Scriptures, the laws of God, and right reason are declared. date: 1679.0 words: 23731 flesch: 85 summary: He hath power of making sin more sin ; and that which is no sin , to be sin . He that prayes not to God in a temptation against chastity , sins only against chastity ; for he sins not in omitting prayer , but because of the danger he is in to violate chastity . keywords: doth; god; hath; intention; lib; man; mor; opinion; person; pope; sin; use cache: A46856.xml plain text: A46856.txt item: #31 of 49 id: A46857 author: Compton, Henry, 1632-1713. title: The Jesuites intrigues with the private instructions of that society to their emissaries : the first, translated out of a book privately printed at Paris : the second, lately found in manuscript in a Jesuites closet, after his death : both sent with a letter from a gentleman at Paris to his friend in London. date: 1669.0 words: 20604 flesch: 60 summary: In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. keywords: advantage; affairs; chap; church; father; friends; general; god; good; iesuites; interest; means; men; order; people; place; princes; society; state; thing; world cache: A46857.xml plain text: A46857.txt item: #32 of 49 id: A46858 author: Oldham, John, 1653-1683. title: The Jesuits justification, proving they died as innocent as the child unborn date: 1679.0 words: 1074 flesch: 66 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 105022) Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 1595:105 or 21241:104) keywords: eebo; english; tcp; text cache: A46858.xml plain text: A46858.txt item: #33 of 49 id: A50897 author: Mackenzie, George, Sir, 1636-1691. title: A vindication of His Majesties government and judicatures in Scotland from some aspersions thrown on them by scandalous pamphlets and news-books, and especially with relation to the late Earl of Argiles Process. date: 1683.0 words: 15603 flesch: 60 summary: A Vindication of His Majesties Government , and Judicatures , in SCOTLAND , &c. ALL wise and sober Men in Scotland , do with a just mixture of pity , and contempt , Read those infamous Pamphlets , wherein this Kingdom is so maliciously traduced by some in our Neighbour-Nation ; and when they consider that the Licentiousness of the Press , does so much weaken all Government , corrupt all Intelligence , and blast so unavoidably the Reputation of the best , and most Innocent : They conclude justly , that to deny their King the necessary priviledge and prerogative of restraining the Press , were to refuse to the Master of a Ship , the power to prevent its Leaking : To deny the Magistrat the power of punishing these , who corrupt the Springs and Fountains of a City : And to refuse to the Master of a Family , the Power of Chastising his Servants when they rail at one another . And how dare men be so dissingenuous , as to own themselves the only Protestants , and yet to inveigh against Statutes made to hinder Jesuites , Socinians , and others to pervert the people ; as we certainly know , they did for many years together , at those meetings , and how could this be prevented , since the poor commens know not what is Orthodox . keywords: church; design; earl; government; king; law; laws; man; oath; parliament; people; power; religion; self; sense; state; test; treason; words cache: A50897.xml plain text: A50897.txt item: #34 of 49 id: A52328 author: Arnauld, Antoine, 1612-1694. title: The pernicious consequences of the new heresie of the Jesuites against the King and the state by an advocate of Parliament. date: 1666.0 words: 31648 flesch: 47 summary: The Iesuite Cardinal (b) Bellarmine , under the feign'd name of Sculkenius , writing against Widrington , proves in the same manner by this Gregorian Decree , that the Pope's Superiority over Kings is an Article of Faith , 'T is an Heresie ( saies he ) to affirm that the Pope , as Pope , and ex jure divino , has not the power to depose Secular Princes of their States , as oft as the publick good or some urgent necessity of the Church does require it . Spondanus durst not be altogether so bold with the Truth , nor deny these words of Martin the Vth to have been spoken upon occasion of the Polonian's demand : But he suppresses the protestation of Appealing to the future Council ; because that had too evidently shew'd how false that which he imagines is , That it was on design , and in collusion with Martin the V●h , that these Embassadors deferr'd their demand till this last Session , that so they might have an opportunity to observe what Decrees of the Council he did approve by his Apostolical Authority , and what he did not approve ; lest if they had mov'd it before , they might have excited some murmure and trouble among the Fathers , by reason of that which had been decided after an ambiguous manner touching the Authority of a Council above a Pope , and their power of reforming the Church both as to its Head and Members , which Pope Martin would not receive nor approve by taking these Decisions absolutely , and in the precise significations of terms . keywords: authority; bishop; book; bull; cardinal; catholick; christ; church; constance; contrary; council; court; decrees; doctrine; est; faith; france; god; holy; iesuites; infallibility; kingdom; kings; matter; men; navarre; new; opinion; persons; pope; power; princes; reason; religion; right; rome; saies; state; subjects; superiority; temporal; thing; time; truth; world cache: A52328.xml plain text: A52328.txt item: #35 of 49 id: A53287 author: Oldham, John, 1653-1683. title: Garnets ghost, addressing to the Jesuits, met in private Caball, just after the murther of Sir Edmund-Bury Godfrey written by the author of The satyr against virtue (not yet printed). date: 1679.0 words: 3745 flesch: 76 summary: Think on that matchless Assassin , whose name , We with just pride can make our happy claim ; He who at killing of an Emperour , To give 〈◊〉 poyson stronger force and power , Mixt a G●● with 't and made it work more sure . Th●t they felt here , and that below they fell : A●d if these cannot move you as you shou'd , 〈◊〉 me and my example fire your blood , ●●ink what I durst attempt ; a glorious deed , Which durst the fates have suffer'd to succeed , ●ad Rivall'd hells most proud exploit and boast ; ●v'n that which would the King of fates depos'd . keywords: blood; durst; eebo; english; hell; tcp; text; ● ● cache: A53287.xml plain text: A53287.txt item: #36 of 49 id: A53298 author: Oldham, John, 1653-1683. title: Satyrs upon the Jesuits written in the year 1679, upon occasion of the plot, together with the Satyr against vertue, and some other pieces by the same hand. date: 1681.0 words: 22453 flesch: 72 summary: 'T were witty handsom malice ( could you do 't ) 'T is pointed Satyr and the sharps of wit For such a prize are th' only weapons fit : Nor needs these art or genious here to use , Where indignation can create a muse : Should Parts and Nature fail , yet very spite Would make the arrant'st Wild , or Withers write . keywords: blood; cause; church; come; damn'd; death; e're; fate; fear; fools; god; good; guilt; heaven; hell; hereticks; holy; ill; kind; life; love; lust; place; plague; pow'r; rome; satyr; scorn; shall; shame; sin; soul; tell; thought; thy; time; vertue; vice; wit; worth cache: A53298.xml plain text: A53298.txt item: #37 of 49 id: A56533 author: Pascal, Blaise, 1623-1662. Provinciales. title: Additionals to The mystery of Jesuitisme Englished by the same hand. date: 1658.0 words: 48063 flesch: 68 summary: Quisquis vel quod potest , arguendo corrigit , vel quod corrige●e non potest , salvo paci● v●nculo , excludit , vel quod , salvo pacis vinculo excludere , non potest , equitate improbat , ●●mitate supportat , hic ●st pacificus , et ab isto maledicto quod Scriptura dicit , V● his qui dicunt quod nequa● bonum est , & quod bonum est nequam , omninò liber , pro●s●s s●cur●s , penit●s ali●nus . But the feare of damnation for following these ●asuists , might haply stop their hands who were inclin'd thereto , if at the same time it were not demonstrated according to the genera●l doctrine of probability , that , of two probable opin●ons , it is as s●se to follow one as the other , a●d consequ●ntly● that there is as litle danger of offending God by k●lling● as there is in no● killing . keywords: arch; assembly; authority; authors; bishop; books; casuists; charge; church; con ●; conscience; contrary; cu ●; curez; curé; de ●; doctrine; escobar; father; god; good; hath; having; ies; jes; late; lawfull; m ●; man; maximes; men; morality; nay; new; o ●; opinions; order; paris; peace; persons; probability; propositions; reason; reverend; rouen; sinne; th ●; tha ●; theol; thing; time; truth; way; world; ● d; ● e; ● h; ● n; ● r; ● s; ● t; ● y; ● ● cache: A56533.xml plain text: A56533.txt item: #38 of 49 id: A58087 author: Heywood, Thomas, d. 1641. title: The rat-trap, or, The Jesuites taken in their owne net &c. discovered in this yeare of jubilee or deliverance from the romish faction, 1641. date: 1641.0 words: 5511 flesch: 23 summary: Sir Griffin Markham , Sir Edward Parham , George Brooke brother to the Lord Cobham and Bartlemew Brooksby : whom these Iesuits had perswaded by their sophisticall arguments that the attempt could be no Treason , beeing done before the Kings Coronation , alleadging that Saul was not King till he was chosen in Mispeh , though he had bin maintayned in Ramah by Samuell the Prophet , neither Ieroboam , who in the dayes of Samuell had been confirmed by the Prophet to raigne over Israel til the people made him King vpon the foolish answer of Rehoboam , but yet notwithstanding all their syllogisticall Flourishers , it was proved vnto them ( to their costs , ) That in England there is no Interregum , because the King never dyeth , and that the Coronation is but a ceremony to shew the Prince to the people , for which onely there dyed ( which was the Kings great mercy ) the two Iesnits Watson and Clarke , the twenty ninth of November , and George Brookes , vpon the first of December next ensuing . This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A58087 of text R25043 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing R294). keywords: bee; father; generall; hee; himselfe; iesuites; king; life; order; owne; princes; religion; text; treason; yeare cache: A58087.xml plain text: A58087.txt item: #39 of 49 id: A59899 author: Sherlock, William, 1641?-1707. title: A vindication of both parts of the Preservative against popery in an answer to the cavils of Lewis Sabran, Jesuit / by William Sherlock ... date: 1688.0 words: 44854 flesch: 50 summary: Because the Church tells me it is the Word of God ; Wherefore do you believe this to be the sense of Scripture ? Because the Church so expounds it : Is not this the true Resolution of the Roman Faith ? Is this Misrepresenting too ? This he severely censures , and says , that man is unworthy ever to see the face of God , who declares with Dr. Sherlock , that did God offer him the eternal possession of himself on this condition , that he should first suffer a thousand years , he would absolutely refuse it . keywords: answer; argument; authority; christ; church; doctrine; faith; god; gospel; infallibility; judge; man; men; protestant; purgatory; reason; rome; rule; scripture; sense; sin; thing; worship cache: A59899.xml plain text: A59899.txt item: #40 of 49 id: A61561 author: Stillingfleet, Edward, 1635-1699. title: The Jesuits loyalty, manifested in three several treatises lately written by them against the oath of allegeance with a preface shewing the pernicious consequence of their principles as to civil government. date: 1677.0 words: 66493 flesch: 55 summary: Here then being a Case confessedly possible , and an Opinion which Authority renders probable , in which Case , and according to which Opinion , Kings and Princes have , at least by Authority of the Church , and with others , Power and Authority to depose the Pope , I see no objection offer it self , but the way open and fairly smoothed to this Resolution of the Case , That no Catholick can safely take this counter-Oath , nor securely swear , that no King or Prince , either of himself , or by any Authority of the Church or See of Rome , or by any other means , with any other , hath ( in any possible case ) any Power or Authority to depose the Pope . Besides all this , if it be true what these Authours assume , that Temporall Princes have ( when the good of Souls and the necessity of the Church requires it ) Power to depose one another , how can any man , being of this opinion , lawfully swear the Pope hath not any such Power , who , as we all know , is a mixt person , and as well a Temporal Prince as a Spiritual Pastour ? and therefore it would argue great partiality in this Doctrine , wholly to exclude him , at least as he is a Temporal Prince , from his share in the Deposing power : from whence it would finally follow , that the Oath could not be taken without a distinction of different formalities in the same person , that is , without distinguishing the Pope as Pope from himself as he is a Temporal Prince ; and then also the two formalities being at odds , the Temporal Prince would be the more powerfull Pope of the two . keywords: account; adversaries; allegeance; authority; authour; briefs; case; catholicks; church; civill; contrary; depose; deposing; divines; doctrine; doe; doth; england; english; faith; france; god; good; hath; iesuits; king; lawfull; majesty; man; matters; meer; men; oath; obedience; opinion; order; paris; parliament; persons; point; pope; power; princes; protestants; question; reason; religion; rome; self; sentence; sovereign; spirituall; subjects; taking; temporall; thing; time; whatsoever cache: A61561.xml plain text: A61561.txt item: #41 of 49 id: A65789 author: Wadsworth, James, 1604-1656? title: The memoires of Mr. James Wadswort [sic], a Jesuit that recanted discovering a dreadful prospect of impiety, in the blasphemous doctrines (or Gospel) of the Jesuits, with their atheistical lives and conversations / faithfully published to the world out of the authors own original notes, with the particular places, persons, and circumstantial actions &c., of which he himself was both an eye and ear-witness from time to time. date: 1679.0 words: 29424 flesch: 59 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. keywords: blood; book; christ; church; end; england; english; father; god; good; hall; hand; hath; holy; honour; iesuits; image; jesuit; king; lady; lipsius; man; manner; mary; men; milk; miracles; monastery; mother; order; place; pope; porch; religion; self; set; society; thing; time; virgin; world; years cache: A65789.xml plain text: A65789.txt item: #42 of 49 id: A65974 author: Preston, Thomas, 1563-1640. title: The tryal and execution of Father Henry Garnet, superior provincial of the Jesuits in England for the powder-treason collected by Roger Widdrington, a Roman Catholick, and by him addressed unto Pope Paul the Fifth, printed in Latin 1616 in his appendix to his Humble Supplication, p. 124, and thence translated. Now published to make it further evident, that it is no new thing for Jesuits to curse and ban, to justifie a lie. date: 1679.0 words: 5057 flesch: 55 summary: The tryal and execution of Father Henry Garnet, superior provincial of the Jesuits in England for the powder-treason collected by Roger Widdrington, a Roman Catholick, and by him addressed unto Pope Paul the Fifth, printed in Latin 1616 in his appendix to his Humble Supplication, p. 124, and thence translated. The tryal and execution of Father Henry Garnet, superior provincial of the Jesuits in England for the powder-treason collected by Roger Widdrington, a Roman Catholick, and by him addressed unto Pope Paul the Fifth, printed in Latin 1616 in his appendix to his Humble Supplication, p. 124, and thence translated. keywords: catesby; catholicks; english; father; father garnet; garnet; king; tcp; text cache: A65974.xml plain text: A65974.txt item: #43 of 49 id: A67878 author: Boswell, William, Sir, d. 1649. title: A true narrative of the Popish-plot against King Charles I and the Protestant religion as it was discovered by Andreas ab Habernfeld to Sir William Boswel Ambassador at the Hague, and by him transmitted to Archbishop Laud, who communicated it to the King : the whole discoovery being found amongst the Archbishops papers, when a prisoner in the Tower, by Mr. Prynn (who was ordered to search them by a committee of the then Parliament) on Wednesday, May 31, 1643 : with some historical remarks on the Jesuits, and A vindication of the Protestant dissenters from disloyalty : also, A compleat history of the Papists late Presbyterian plot discovered by Mr. Dangerfield, wherein an account is given of some late transactions of Sir Robert Peyton. date: 1680.0 words: 20034 flesch: 58 summary: eng Charles -- I, -- King of England, 1600-1649. First then it is a Maxim most true and undoubted , That a Vacuum in Nature may be as soon allow'd , as that there is any Court of King of Prince where these Jesuits do not swarm and abound , if they can but creep in at the least Creviss . keywords: arch; bishop; business; cellier; dangerfield; design; grace; hand; house; jesuits; king; kingdom; lady; letters; lord; majesty; mrs; papists; plot; popish; powis; religion; sir; things; time; william cache: A67878.xml plain text: A67878.txt item: #44 of 49 id: A69620 author: Br., J. title: The Jesuite countermin'd. Or, An account of a new plot carrying on by the Jesuites: manifested by their present endeavours (under all shapes) to raise commotions in the land, by aspersing his Sacred Majesties counsels and actions. Also the reasonableness of modesty in subjects in judging the concerns of their prince. date: 1679.0 words: 15583 flesch: 16 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. So it is now in this Land : For being as it were nettled with the late Horrid Attempts of the Papists , they cannot be quiet , but are harassed in their Spirits by an unusual Fervour , and this differs proportionately to their various Tempers , Educations , Converse and Interests : Some swell'd by Hypocondriack Flatulencies , presume to foretel that these Convulsions in our Land are certain Prodromes of the last period and dismal Catastrophe of this Lower World ; others provoked by peccant choler , and habitual Self-conceit , are angry with every thing almost that occurs , if it have any Reference to the Publick : Others act and speak after another manner , all as their Fancy guides them : that Faculty ( however Tinctured with peculiar Idea's , accommodate to the Genius of each Individual ) being generally Regnant among the inferiour Orders and Ranks of Men. keywords: account; actions; affairs; good; jesuites; king; majesty; man; men; mind; nature; people; persons; policy; princes; publick; reason; state; subjects; things; vulgar; world cache: A69620.xml plain text: A69620.txt item: #45 of 49 id: A79279 author: Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. title: By the King. A proclamation. Charles R. Charles the Second, by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. To all and sundry our good subjects whom these presents do or may concern, greeting: we having, with the advice and consent of our Parliaments, past so many Acts in favour of the Protestant religion, against field-conventicles,... date: 1679.0 words: 1866 flesch: 59 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: charles; eebo; king; tcp; text cache: A79279.xml plain text: A79279.txt item: #46 of 49 id: A83385 author: England and Wales. Parliament. title: By the Parliament a proclamation commanding all Jesuits, seminary priests, and other Romish priests, to depart out of this Commonwealth. date: None words: 1094 flesch: 58 summary: By the Parliament a proclamation commanding all Jesuits, seminary priests, and other Romish priests, to depart out of this Commonwealth. England and Wales. By the Parliament a proclamation commanding all Jesuits, seminary priests, and other Romish priests, to depart out of this Commonwealth. England and Wales. keywords: parliament; priests; text cache: A83385.xml plain text: A83385.txt item: #47 of 49 id: A83738 author: England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons. title: Die Mercurii 5 Maii 1641 It is this day ordered by the House of Commons now assembled in Parliament, that the Preamble, together with the Protestation, which the Members of this House made the third of May, shall be forthwith printed, and the copies printed brought to the clark of the said House, ... date: 1641.0 words: 1573 flesch: 62 summary: Die Mercurii 5 Maii 1641 It is this day ordered by the House of Commons now assembled in Parliament, that the Preamble, together with the Protestation, which the Members of this House made the third of May, shall be forthwith printed, and the copies printed brought to the clark of the said House, ... Proceedings. House of Commons. keywords: house; parliament; protestation; text cache: A83738.xml plain text: A83738.txt item: #48 of 49 id: A83968 author: Democritus natu minimus. title: England's Ichabod, glory departed, discoursed by two Christian men, zealous for the glory of God, and true lovers of their nation: the one called Heraclitus junior, weeping for and lamenting the inevitable wo and desolation impending and approaching on his native country. And the other called Democritus natu minimus, laughing at the ignorance, blindness, madness, and inexorable stupidity of his own nation, overwhelmed in folly, sin, and wickedness, insensible of its own ruine and misery. Both of them paradoxically praising the Jesuites, and their spurious seed, for their policie, activitie, and dexteritie, in promoting their factions and projects. / By Heraclitus junior, and Democritus natu minimus, for Ri: Fosterschism. date: None words: 5194 flesch: 61 summary: Scarce three men meet accidentally together of one minde : men are so transported with fiery zeal for one of the three , and so void of meekness of spirit , that they become as fierce as Bellarmine , and cry down all Arguments on the behalf of the other two , although they be newly rouzed from the pillow of Bacchus , and be inscient of the validity of what was or can be said . And secondly , by comparing the last occurrences of Tumults and Insurrections when we had a King , he then having no Councel nor Army ; and our present Home-divisions and Naumachies , with the beginnings of our Civil wars , when we had a King , he then having an Host of men , and Councel . keywords: democritus; england; glory; god; heraclitus; jesuites; junior; king; men; nation; non; text cache: A83968.xml plain text: A83968.txt item: #49 of 49 id: A85366 author: Gage, Thomas, 1603?-1656. title: A duell betvveen a Iesuite and a Dominican, begun at Paris, gallantly fought at Madrid, and victoriously ended at London, upon fryday the 16 day of May, Anno Dom. 1651. / by Thomas Gage, alias the English American, now preacher of the word at Deal in Kent. date: 1651.0 words: 3546 flesch: 53 summary: no A duell betvveen a Iesuite and a Dominican,: begun at Paris, gallantly fought at Madrid, and victoriously ended at London, upon fryday the Gage, Thomas 1651 3388 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 B The rate of 3 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the B category of texts with fewer than 10 defects per 10,000 words. Thus Gentle Reader , if you please , you may take notice of these two fiery brands of Christendome , the Ignatian Jesuite , and the barking and biting dog with fire in his mouth the Dominican . keywords: dominican; dream; fire; hell; jesuites; majesty; text; thomas cache: A85366.xml plain text: A85366.txt