item: #1 of 9 id: A13875 author: Traske, John, d. ca. 1638. title: A treatise of libertie from Iudaisme, or An acknowledgement of true Christian libertie, indited and published by Iohn Traske: of late stumbling, now happily running againe in the race of Christianitie date: 1620.0 words: 13739 flesch: 69 summary: Neither is it left to euerie mans choyce , to be meeke , or no ; but the man of God is inioyned it , and to all other men it is commanded , in plain words ; as to Timothie , Thou , O man of God , flie these things , ( namely doting about questions , strife of words , peruerse disputings , the loue of money , ) and follow after righteousnesse , godlinesse , faith , loue , patience , and meekenesse : 1. Tim. 6. 11. If then man were not made for the Sabbath , but the Sabbath for man , God may also dispose and change it for mans good , for whom it was made as well in the day it selfe , as the manner of keeping it . keywords: bee; christ; day; doe; faith; god; gods; hath; haue; holy; law; libertie; man; men; rest; sabbath; things; thy; wee cache: A13875.xml plain text: A13875.txt item: #2 of 9 id: A17010 author: Broughton, Hugh, 1549-1612. title: Tvvo epistles vnto great men of Britanie, in the yeare 1599 Requesting them to put their neckes unto the work of theyr Lord: to break the bread of the soule unto the hungry Iewes, by theyr writinges, or by theyr charges, through such as be ready to declare all that theyr necessity doth require. Printed now the second time, in the yeare synce the creation of the world 5532. Or yeare of the Lord 1606. Translated by the auctour for the use of such as would & should know what in this cause ought to be performed. date: 1606.0 words: 7336 flesch: 75 summary: Tvvo epistles vnto great men of Britanie, in the yeare 1599 Requesting them to put their neckes unto the work of theyr Lord: to break the bread of the soule unto the hungry Iewes, by theyr writinges, or by theyr charges, through such as be ready to declare all that theyr necessity doth require. Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1475-1640 ; 411:19) Tvvo epistles vnto great men of Britanie, in the yeare 1599 Requesting them to put their neckes unto the work of theyr Lord: to break the bread of the soule unto the hungry Iewes, by theyr writinges, or by theyr charges, through such as be ready to declare all that theyr necessity doth require. keywords: christ; epistle; glory; god; great; hath; honour; iewes; man; matter; men; tcp; text; theyr; wil; wold; yeare cache: A17010.xml plain text: A17010.txt item: #3 of 9 id: A26373 author: Addison, Lancelot, 1632-1703. title: The present state of the Jews (more particularly relating to those in Barbary) wherein is contained an exact account of their customs, secular and religious : to which is annexed a summary discourse of the Misna, Talmud, and Gemara / by L. Addison ... date: 1675.0 words: 57829 flesch: 66 summary: But if the cutting off of the Jews ( the natural branches in St. Paul ) was the occasion that the Gentiles , like Ciens were grafted in their place ; and because of their pride , contumacy and unbelief God hath dealt thus severely with them , we ought not therefore to insult over their Infidelity , but hasten their Conversion ; not to triumph in their down-fall , but to labour their restauration . But when the Jews grant this hope to all Mankind , yet they reserve a peculiar priviledge to themselves , to whom alone God gave the Law of Moses ; to whose due observers there belongs a greater Glory & Happiness than to any other . keywords: account; article; barbary; chap; children; christians; circumcision; custom; daies; day; doth; end; feast; god; good; hath; holy; honour; house; israel; jewish; jews; law; lord; man; manner; masters; moses; old; opinion; people; place; prayer; present; rabbi; religion; rest; sabbath; saith; second; set; synagogue; talmud; thee; things; thou; thy; time; use; wine; women; world cache: A26373.xml plain text: A26373.txt item: #4 of 9 id: A29331 author: Brett, Samuel. title: A narrative of the proceedings of a great councel of Jews assembled in the plain of Ageda in Hungaria ... to examine the Scriptures concerning Christ, on the 12th of October 1650 / by Samuel Brett, there present ; also a relation of some other observations in his travels beyond the seas ... date: 1655.0 words: 5045 flesch: 52 summary: I observed it was with them as it was once with Herod and Pilate ; though they two could not agree betwixt themselves at other times , yet they could agree together to crucifie Christ ; for the Pharisees and Sadduces , though they be much divided in opinion among themselves , yet did they at this time too much agree to disgrace and to dishonor Christ with their lyes , calumnies and blasphemies ; for the Sadduces as well as the Pharisees , did in other things accuse him for a grand Impostor , and for a broacher of corrupt doctrine : in that in his Gospel he teacheth the resurrection from the dead , which they there denyed to be true doctrine : but it is no new thing to see factions dissenting , to agree in some evil designe against others , as I found it by experience : being at Rome in the year 1650. which was the year of their Iubilee , there was a great strife between the Iesuites and the Fryers of the order of Saint Dominicke , both which were against the Protestants : and although their differences have been by the care and vigilance of the Pope , so smothered , that the world hath not taken much notice thereof , yet this fire broke out into a flame greater then ever it was before , ( as they certified me there ) both by publicke Disputings , and by bitter Writings one against another , opening the vices and errors of one anothers Faction , thus seeking to disgrace one the other ; which caused the Pope to threaten to excommunicate the authors of all such black and libellous bookes , that did tend to the dishonor of his Clergy and Religion , to make them infamous to the world . And truly these delusions were so prevailing with the people , that ( poor souls ) they seemed to me to rejoyce , as if Christ himself had been come to Rome , and brought them down the foelicities of Heaven . keywords: christ; church; councel; day; iews; religion; rome; text; time cache: A29331.xml plain text: A29331.txt item: #5 of 9 id: A47706 author: Chilmead, Edmund, 1610-1654. title: The history of the rites, customes, and manner of life, of the present Jews, throughout the world. VVritten in Italian, by Leo Modena, a rabbine of Venice. Translated into English, by Edmund Chilmead, Mr. of Arts, and chaplain of Christ-Church Oxon date: 1650.0 words: 46250 flesch: 71 summary: And yet I do protest seriously , that I could wish , you had not past by with so quiet a Silence , that so infinite a Number of other things , which do not a little puzzle , and perplex the most Learned of us Christians : as namely , that of your Lilith ; concerning which , it is a wonder to observe , how many , Various Mysteries are delivered by the Rabbines : as likewise , touching their Vestments , called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Zizith , or Tephilim : of their Divination of Dreams : of the Modesty to be observed in their Easements : of the Cock , offered for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Caparah , or , the Redemption of Sins : of the Mystical Kindling of the Sabbath Lights : of the Closing up of all the Passages of a Dead Man's Body : of the manner of making the Knot , wherewith they bind up the Jawes of their Dead : of their Looking upon , and Cutting off their Nailes : What their Powder at present is , in Punishing Malefactors : of the Purging of Souls by Fire ; and the like . They are also called by the Name of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Haiabascha , signifying , Dry , and Withered ; as we are informed at large , by the Zohar , the Treasury of the Mecubalists ; and by R. Meir Gaun Ben Gabbai , upon the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Derek Emunah . or , The Way of Faith ; as also , by Abraham Ben David , upon the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Jetzirah , cap. keywords: book; businesse; cap; chap; child; daies; day; dead; eat; evening; feast; god; hath; having; house; law; lord; manner; men; moneth; morning; person; place; prayers; rabbines; reason; sabbath; school; set; thing; thou; thy; time; unto; use; ver; woman; work; year cache: A47706.xml plain text: A47706.txt item: #6 of 9 id: A54056 author: Penington, Isaac, 1616-1679. title: Some considerations propounded to the Jewes that they may hear and consider, and their hearts at length may be turned towards that which alone is able to convert them to God, that they may once more become His people, and enter into an everlasting covenant with Him that may not be broken, that so they may abide in His love and covenant of life, and remain His people for ever. date: 1660.0 words: 3818 flesch: 68 summary: First , Whether that People of the Jews , as they stood related to God in that Covenant ( given by Moses at Mount Horeb ) with the Covenant it self and all things appertaining thereto , were not a shadow of some inward and Spiritual thing afterwards to appear and be made manifest in its season . 2005-09 TCP Assigned for keying and markup 2005-09 Aptara Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images 2005-10 Mona Logarbo Sampled and proofread 2005-10 Mona Logarbo Text and markup reviewed and edited 2006-01 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion SOME CONSIDERATIONS Propounded to the JEWES , That they may hear and consider , and their Hearts at length may be Turned towards that which alone is able to Convert Them to God , that they may once more become his People , and enter into an Everlasting Covenant with him that may not be broken , that so they may abide in his Love and Covenant of Life , and remain his People for ever . keywords: covenant; god; heart; love; moses; people cache: A54056.xml plain text: A54056.txt item: #7 of 9 id: A67923 author: Broughton, Hugh, 1549-1612. title: The familie of David for the sonnes of the kingdome, vvith a chronicle vnto the redemtion [sic]. date: 1605.0 words: 2786 flesch: 78 summary: 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Printed at Amstelredam a city of Marchandise knowen vnto India and all limites of the Earth By Zacharias Heyns . 1605. For none shall euer prosper of his seede : to sitt vppon the throne of Dauid ; and to rule in Iudah ; This is the oath of God vvhich is neuer called back by no repentance : as the repentance of Moses could not call back Gods oath for his going into the land of Chanan 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And now I will shew you the tvvo houses of Dauid vnto the captiuity in the one table , and in the second , vnto the redemption . keywords: earth; english; god; house; kingdome; tcp; text; vnto; yeres cache: A67923.xml plain text: A67923.txt item: #8 of 9 id: A87160 author: Harrison, John, of the Inner Temple. title: A vindication of the Holy Scriptures. Or the manifestation of Jesus Christ the true Messiah already come. Being the Christians antidote against the poysons of Judaisme and atheisme of this present age. Proved out of sacred scripture, ancient historians, and Jewish Rabbins. / By that learned, and late eminent divine, John Harrison. date: 1656.0 words: 31861 flesch: 70 summary: After which long captivity , yet restored again upon their repentance , the time was not long , but they fell again to their old byas , and forgate the Lord their God , which had done so great things for them ▪ yea , rather now worse then ever , persecuting the Prophets from time to time , whom God raised up amongst them , and killing them one after another , even till the coming of the Messiah , and him also they crucified . Secondly , that among the Gentiles there should be a pure manner of Sacrifice , more grateful unto God then the other , not limitted either in respect of time or place , as the Mosaical Law and Sacrifice was . keywords: christ; day; days; death; god; holy; israel; jerusalem; jesus; jews; john; king; law; like; lord; man; mat; messiah; moses; people; place; saith; saviour; son; things; time; words; world cache: A87160.xml plain text: A87160.txt item: #9 of 9 id: A87878 author: L'Estrange, Hamon, 1605-1660. title: Americans no Iewes, or improbabilities that the Americans are of that race. By Hamon l'Estrange, Kt. date: None words: 30647 flesch: 65 summary: 2. saies , the Phenicians learned of the Egyptians to Circumcise , but some write that the Egyptian priests onely were circumcised , and that none were admitted to the learning of the Egyptians unlesse they were circumcised , and some report that Pythagorus circumcised himself that he might be their scholar , and at this day Circumcision is used among the Turks , Mengrelians , F●z , Guiney , the Philipinaes , Benin , Zocotora , and the want of this absolute generall and constant character of propriety to the Americans , whom the Author labours to deduce from the Iewes to whom Circumcision was singularly fixt Ne● recutitorum ●ugis inguina I●deorum . Noah went out of the Ark with his children in the land of Armenia which is in the Province of Scythia ; and ab Armenia ubi Area constitit non ●d●●dum longumiter est ad Cathaiam , from Armenia where the Ark rested , is no very long way to Cathay , keywords: againe; americans; author; cap; children; cust; custome; daughter; david; doe; east; est; feet; flood; gen; god; hath; having; hope; iewes; indians; israelites; king; law; laët; lib; man; manner; men; nature; new; non; north; offer; opinion; oyle; pag; parts; people; place; power; priests; read; reason; saies; sea; solomon; taprobane; time; use; wee; west; wife; women; words; world; yeares; ● ● cache: A87878.xml plain text: A87878.txt