item: #1 of 8 id: A26805 author: Bates, William, 1625-1699. title: Sermons upon death and eternal judgment by William Bates. date: 1683 words: 48517 flesch: 67 summary: The Body is dead because of Sin : And what is more becoming the wise and holy Providence of God , than that as by Sin Man was at first made subject to Death , so by Death Sin dies entirely for ever . Now herein the Wisdom of God is wonderful , that Death which by the Covenant of Works was the deserved penalty of Sin , by the Covenant of Grace should be the Instrument of Immortality . keywords: acceptance; account; actions; active; acts; actual; adam; advantage; affections; angels; apostle; appearance; apprehension; apt; assurance; authority; away; bates; belief; believers; best; better; blessed; blessedness; blood; bodies; body; bondage; books; business; capable; carnal; cast; causes; change; characters; christ; christian; church; clear; coming; command; commission; committed; common; communion; condition; confidence; conscience; consideration; continual; contrary; conversation; corrupt; counsel; course; covenant; creation; creator; creature; cross; damnation; darkness; david; day; days; dead; dear; death; degrees; deity; desires; die; dignity; diligence; divine; doctrine; dust; duties; duty; early; earth; easy; eebo; effect; efficacy; end; enemies; enemy; english; entire; equal; eternal; eternal judgment; eternity; everlasting; evidence; evil; excellent; exercise; eyes; faith; false; father; favour; fear; fearful; felicity; fiery; final; fire; flesh; fountain; free; future; glorious; glory; god; gold; good; goodness; gospel; grace; gracious; great; greater; guilt; hand; happiness; happy; hath; head; heart; heathens; heaven; heavenly; heavy; heb; hell; highest; holiness; holy; honour; hope; hour; house; humane; humble; image; immortality; impossible; infallible; infinite; innocence; interest; inward; isa; jesus; john; joy; joyful; judge; judgment; justice; king; kingdom; knowledg; known; law; laws; life; light; lives; living; long; lord; love; lusts; majesty; makes; man; manner; mat; matter; means; mercy; mind; miserable; misery; moral; moses; motives; natural; nature; nay; necessary; neglect; new; noble; non; numerous; obedience; object; office; open; operations; order; pardon; particular; parts; passage; passion; patience; people; perfection; person; pet; place; pleasing; pleasure; point; power; powerful; precious; presence; present; principle; promises; proper; prophet; providence; psal; psalmist; punishment; pure; purity; quality; real; reason; redeemer; redemption; religion; repentance; respect; rest; resurrection; revelation; reward; rich; righteous; righteousness; rom; rule; sacred; sad; saints; salvation; satan; saving; saviour; scripture; sea; second; secret; secure; self; selves; sensible; sensual; sentence; sermons; servants; service; set; shame; short; sin; sinful; sinner; sins; sleep; solemn; son; sorrow; soul; spirit; spiritual; stars; state; strength; strong; subject; sufferings; sun; sunt; supernatural; supreme; sweet; tcp; temporal; temptations; terrible; terrors; testimony; text; thee; things; tho; thoughts; throne; time; title; trial; tribunal; true; truth; understanding; united; universal; vain; victory; visible; voice; ways; wicked; wickedness; william; wisdom; wise; works; world; worthy; wrath cache: A26805.xml plain text: A26805.txt item: #2 of 8 id: A33333 author: Clarke, Samuel, 1599-1682. title: A looking-glass for persecutors containing multitudes of examples of God's severe, but righteous judgments, upon bloody and merciless haters of His children in all times, from the beginning of the world to this present age : collected out of the sacred Scriptures, and other ecclesiastical writers, both ancient and modern / by Sam. Clarke ... date: 1674 words: 26911 flesch: 67 summary: Lewis , King of France , besieging Avignion , a City of the Albingenses , vowed that he would never depart till he had taken it : But suddenly after , God sent a dreadful Pestilence into his Army , which daily wasted great numbers of his men : and the King himself was forced to quarter at a distance in an Abby , to avoid the infection , where shortly after he dyed out of his wits . 80. Yea , he so rotted above ground , that whole flakes of flesh fell from his Body , which was accompanied with such an intollerable stink that none were able to come near him , neither could he himself endure the same , which forced him to say , It is meet to submit to God , and for man which is mortal , not to set himself in competition with God. keywords: able; age; alexander; arch; arian; arius; army; babylon; bed; beginning; bishop; bloody; body; books; brake; brother; cardinal; cast; castle; cause; chamber; chancellour; charles; chief; children; christians; church; city; come; conscience; council; crown; cruel; cruelties; cruelty; daughter; day; days; dead; death; destruction; disease; diverse; divine; dreadful; duke; earl; earth; eebo; egypt; emperor; empire; end; enemies; enemy; england; english; examples; execution; eyes; father; fear; fifth; fire; fourth; france; francis; french; friends; general; george; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; governour; great; grievous; guise; hand; head; heart; heathen; henry; herod; horrible; house; instigation; issue; james; jeremiah; jerusalem; jews; john; judge; judgments; justice; king; kingdom; late; left; life; like; little; lives; long; looking; lord; loss; mad; man; manner; marshal; mary; massacre; means; merciless; misery; mother; multitudes; near; new; night; noble; oath; octavo; old; orthodox; oxford; pag; papists; paris; parliament; people; persecution; persecutors; persons; philip; place; pleased; poor; pope; popish; present; prince; prison; professors; prophets; protestants; queen; reason; reign; religion; rest; righteous; river; said; saints; saith; sam; saw; scotland; second; self; servants; service; set; shall; shed; sin; sir; slain; slaughter; slew; soldiers; son; stink; strange; streets; sword; taking; tcp; terrible; text; thomas; thou; throat; time; tongue; torments; town; true; truth; violence; violent; way; whilest; wicked; wickedness; wife; william; woman; words; work; world; wrath; wretched; years; young cache: A33333.xml plain text: A33333.txt item: #3 of 8 id: A36434 author: Eleanor, Lady, d. 1652. title: And they shall look upon him whom they have pierced and they shall mourn for him as one mourneth for an onely &c, and shall be in bitterness for him as one is in bitterness for his first born. date: 1649 words: 1549 flesch: 64 summary: And they shall mourn for him , as one mourneth for an onely , &c. and shall be in bitterness for him , as one is in bitterness for his first born . And they shall not escape even the general day of Iudgements forerunner : whereof Apocalips thus , Behold he cometh in the clouds , and every eye shall see him ; and they also that have pierced him ; and all the Kindreds of the Earth shall wail , &c. And thus of one so hopeful committed to no simple Doctors , through too much suddenness or ignorance , as that way who can plead not guilty , by letting blood was cast away ; upon whom because of this cast suit of cloths bestowed on him of his Masters , They shall look upon him whom they have pierced , &c. keywords: a36434; bitterness; books; d2020; day; days; early; eleanor; english; esdras; hastings; house; ierusalem; images; lady; lord; mourneth; mourning; onely; online; r26484; text; time; title; wing cache: A36434.xml plain text: A36434.txt item: #4 of 8 id: A54833 author: Pierce, Thomas, 1622-1691. title: A correct copy of some notes concerning Gods decrees especially of reprobation / written for the private use of a friend in Northamptonshire ; and now published to prevent calumny. date: 1655 words: 33263 flesch: 75 summary: So that here is no matter for man to boast on ; he having nothing which he hath not received , no not so much as his {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} It is God that makes the difference , as well as God that chooseth . For the very same Letter which threatens the publishing of papers falsly bearing my Name , cals me the Grandchilde of Pelagius , the Enemy of God , of Christ , and of his Church , with more such {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , then I will ever repay in kinde . keywords: able; absolute; act; adam; adde; agent; almighty; angels; antecedent; antiquity; apostle; appeal; argument; arminius; artic; august; austin; author; authority; beleeve; best; better; betwixt; beza; businesse; calvin; cap; cause; certain; chap; childe; choice; christ; church; condemnation; conditional; confesse; confession; consequent; contingent; contrary; copy; cor; covenant; creature; cùm; damn'd; damnation; david; day; dead; death; decree; dei; desire; destruction; deum; deus; discourse; distinction; doth; duty; earth; easie; edit; effect; election; end; english; enim; eph; error; est; eternal; evil; expressions; ezek; fain; fall; false; father; favour; fear; fieri; fire; fit; follow; followes; force; foresees; foresight; freedome; glory; god; god doth; gods; good; goodnesse; grace; greater; greatest; ground; guilt; hand; hath; heart; heaven; hell; heresie; homines; hope; idem; ideo; impossible; infallible; inference; irresistible; irrespective; israel; iustice; jam; joh; judgement; knowledge; l. 1; law; lesse; liberty; lies; life; light; like; little; live; living; long; lord; lost; love; making; mat; means; men; merciful; mercy; misery; murderer; natural; nature; necessary; necessitate; necessity; needs; nemo; new; nisi; non; non sunt; nos; notes; object; omnes; omnibus; opinion; order; perish; permission; persevere; pet; place; plain; pleasure; power; praescience; present; principle; privation; promises; prosper; psal; punishment; punisht; purpose; quae; question; quia; quod; reader; reason; regard; repent; repentance; reprobate; reprobation; respect; roman; saith; salvos; saviour; saying; scripture; second; secret; sed; self; sense; set; sic; signifie; sin; sin'd; sinful; sinner; sins; spontaneous; state; stone; subject; sufficient; sunt; suo; supposition; sure; tamen; tertullian; text; thee; thing; thought; threats; time; true; truth; twisse; unlesse; unworthy; vers; viz; voluntary; voluntas; voluntate; vult; wages; way; whereof; whilest; whosoever; wicked; willing; wils; word; work; worketh; working; worse; writing cache: A54833.xml plain text: A54833.txt item: #5 of 8 id: A65000 author: Vincent, William, 1631 or 2-1678. title: Strange and true nevvs from Staffordshire, or, A true narrative concerning a young man lying under almighty Gods just vengeance, for imprecating God's judgment upon himself, and pleading his innocency though he knew himself guilty Written by W. Vincent Minister of God's word at Bednall, in the county of Stafford aforesaid; who saw and discoursed the said person upon the 26. day of April, 1677. The saddest spectacle that ever eyes beheld. Licensed, May 11. 1677. Roger L'Estrange. date: 1677 words: 2300 flesch: 67 summary: eng Judgment of God -- Early works to 1800. God -- Wrath -- Early works to 1800. keywords: books; characters; condition; early; eebo; english; god; gods; guilty; hand; judgment; man; minister; online; person; phase; sad; said; spectacle; staffordshire; tcp; tei; text; true; vengeance; vincent; works; wrath cache: A65000.xml plain text: A65000.txt item: #6 of 8 id: A91922 author: Rofe, George, d. 1664. title: Cherubims. Cherubims. date: 1661 words: 2648 flesch: 62 summary: eng Judgment of God. VVHen Man first transgressed and was driven out from God , God placed Cherubims , and a flaming Sword , to keep the Way of the Tree of Life : Mark , to keep the Way of the Tree of Life from the Transgressor ; for , against him that did transgress , was the flaming Sword and the Cherubims , which God placed to keep the Way of the Tree of Life ; for then man had no right to the Life , but Condemnation ; the Cherubims and the flaming Sword is against him , through which he must come before he comes to Life again . keywords: books; cherubims; christ; condemnation; eebo; english; gift; god; law; life; man; mercy; obedience; seat; seed; sin; sword; tcp; text; things; thou; transgression; tree; way; wilderness cache: A91922.xml plain text: A91922.txt item: #7 of 8 id: A96341 author: D. W. (Dorothy White) title: The voice of the Lord, saith, cry. date: 1662 words: 2233 flesch: 55 summary: eng Judgment of God. Behold thick Darkness hath covered you , and the Clouds of the Night hath infolded you , and your Eyes are yet blinded , that you cannot see the Signes of the Times , nor yet discern the Coming of the Son of Man ; surely , if you did but see the glimerings of the day of God , you would not thus make War against his glorious appearance : A Lamentation could I take up for you , as the Lord Jesus did over Jerusalem of old , who killed the Prophets , who stoned them that were sent to Preach Repentance , over whom he wept and said , Oh Jerusalem , Jerusalem ! that killest the Prophets , and stonest them that were sent unto thee ; do you not do the same , who are Halling and Persecuting , and Imprisoning the innocent People , who fear the Lord God , and for no other thing do Suffer for , but for Truth , and for Righteousness sake ; a woful Day is coming upon you all from the righteous God of Heaven , who hath determined to bring it , and it is even at your doors , although you will not believe it , although it be declared unto you ; keywords: books; characters; coming; cry; day; dorothy; early; earth; eebo; encoding; english; god; great; hath; image; lord; online; oxford; partnership; phase; power; rulers; tcp; tei; text; truth; white; works; xml cache: A96341.xml plain text: A96341.txt item: #8 of 8 id: B06023 author: Swinton, John, 1621?-1679. title: One warning more to the hypocrites of this generation date: 1663 words: 2108 flesch: 65 summary: You who speak of a Deliverance , and loo●… for a day of Deliverance , Are you delivered from the Bondage of Corruption ? Then are you free ●●…eed Then ye need not look out for a Day of Deliverance , You know the Liberty of the Sons of God ; Then ye know the Patien●e , ye know the Faith that makes not haste . Ye know the Will of God , and know it to be your place to lie d●wn in it as to whatsoever he shall permit man , or men , to do unto you : keywords: books; characters; covering; day; deliverance; early; earth; eebo; english; generation; glory; god; image; lord; online; partnership; phase; salvation; shall; spirit; tcp; tei; text; works; worse cache: B06023.xml plain text: B06023.txt