item: #1 of 18 id: A01033 author: Forbes, John, 1568?-1634. title: A treatise tending to cleare the doctrine of iustification. Written by Io. Forbes, pastour of the English Church at Middelburgh, for the instruction of his flocke: and now published by some of them for the good of others date: 1616 words: 77794 flesch: 78 summary: Faith , as the instrument whereby we apprehend , and Christ as the subiect in which wee apprehend the blessings of God , and the grace of God , as the only cause moving God , both to giue faith , and Christ by faith , and in Christ al these blessings . First , that Iesus Christ , is not the cause why , but the Meane , whereby God doth ordayne vs to adoption . Which will more clearly appeare , when we speake of the cause , mooving God to predestinate vs. The second thing that we haue to marke , is , that all other secondary Meanes , whereby in the Scriptures we are said to be made sonnes , or iustified , &c. as namely , the Gospell preached , the Sacramentes , & faith : are no wayes to be esteemed Meanes , simply in respect of them selves , but only by relation , and reference to Christ : in and by them revealed , offered , and receyved . Which is most evident , by the description aforesaide of predestination : in the which nothing saving Christ alone , is set downe to be the Meane , whereby God ordayneth vs to be adopted : keywords: able; action; adam; adopted; adoption; againe; altar; apostle; appeare; bee; beeing; beleeve; beleeveth; beleeving; benefites; betwixt; blessings; bloud; body; borne; calling; cause; chap; chapter; children; christ; christes; church; cleere; commeth; communion; consideration; consisteth; contrarie; cor; covenant; crosse; dead; death; decree; description; difference; dispensation; distinguished; divers; doe; doth; effect; effectes; election; end; ende; ephe; epist; esteeme; eternall; evident; eyes; eyther; faith; father; flesh; followeth; forme; foure; free; fruite; fulnes; ghost; gift; giving; glorie; glorification; glory; god; god doth; god himselfe; god righteousnes; gods; good; gospell; grace; gracious; great; ground; hande; hath; haue; having; heart; heartes; heaven; heavenly; hebr; hee; himselfe; holy; hope; iesus; iesus christ; image; imputation; imputed; imputing; iniquities; instrument; iohn; iohn chap; iudgement; iustice; iustification; iustified; iustifying; knowe; knowledge; lawe; life; like; live; lord; love; making; man; manifest; manner; mans; marked; math; matter; meane; measure; mediator; mee; men; merit; minde; nature; necessarie; needes; obedience; obiect; offering; onely; opinion; order; owne; parte; particular; perceyve; perfect; persons; peter; phrase; place; pleasure; point; possesse; possession; power; predestinate; predestination; prerogative; priest; promise; proper; propitiation; purpose; reason; receyve; reconciliation; redemption; remission; respect; rest; resurrection; righteousnes; rom; sacrifice; saide; salvation; sanctification; sayeth; saying; scriptures; second; seed; selfe; selves; sense; shal; sheweth; sight; sinnes; sonne; sorte; speake; speciall; speech; spirit; spirituall; strength; subsisting; substance; supernaturall; thing; thinges; thou; thy; time; touching; true; trueth; tyme; ver; vers; vertue; vnder; vnderstanding; vnderstood; vnitie; vntill; vnto; vnto christ; vnto faith; vnto god; vnto righteousnes; vpon; vse; wee; whatsoever; whereof; wherevnto; wherevpon; wisedome; word; wordes; worke; worketh; working; worlde; yee cache: A01033.xml plain text: A01033.txt item: #2 of 18 id: A03586 author: Hooker, Richard, 1553 or 4-1600. title: A learned discourse of iustification, workes, and how the foundation of faith is overthrowne. By Richard Hooker, sometimes fellow of Corpus Christi College in Oxford date: 1612 words: 22909 flesch: 63 summary: They teach as we do , that although Christ as God , be the efficient ; as man , the meritorious cause of our iustice : yet in vs also there is somthing required . And is not the Church of Rome still an adversarie vnto Christs merits , because of her acknowledging that we haue received the power of meriting by the blood of Christ ? St Thomas More , setteth downe the oddes betweene vs and he Church of Rome in the matter of works thus ; Like as wee graunt them that no good worke of man is rewardable in heaven of his owne nature , but through the meere goodnesse of God , that list to set so high a price vpon so poore a thing ; and that this price God setteth through Christs passion , and for that also they bee his owne workes with vs ; for good workes to God-ward worketh no man , without God worke in him ; and as we grant thē also , that no man may be proud of his works , for his imperfect working , and for that in all that man may doe , he can doe God no good , but is a servant improfitable & doth but his bare dutie ; as we , I say , graunt vnto them these things : keywords: actuall; alwaies; apostle; bee; beleeue; better; betweene; blessed; blood; body; cause; children; christ; christ hath; christian; church; comfort; condemnation; consequent; dead; death; deniall; denie; difference; direct; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; eebo; eies; end; english; error; eternall; everlasting; example; faith; fall; farre; fathers; followeth; foundation; free; galatians; generall; god; god doth; good; gospell; grace; graunt; hands; hath; haue; heaven; hee; heresie; himselfe; hold; holinesse; holy; hope; iesus; iesus christ; inherent; ioh; iudge; iudgement; iustice; iustification; iustified; knowe; knowledge; law; lawes; let; life; light; like; little; living; long; lord; loue; man; matter; meanes; meaning; men; mercie; mercifull; mercy; meritorious; merits; nature; necessarie; note; opinion; overthrow; owne; oxford; partakers; paul; people; pope; popish; power; prophet; proue; question; reason; redemption; repentance; rest; righteous; righteousnesse; rome; salvation; sanctification; saue; saviour; selfe; selues; sentence; set; shee; shew; sinne; sins; sort; speake; speaketh; speech; spirit; superstitions; tcp; text; themselues; thē; things; thinke; thou; thought; thousands; thy; time; true; truth; vertues; vnderstand; vnto; vnto christ; vpon; vse; way; wee; whereof; wherevnto; wherevpon; wicked; words; workes; worketh; world; yee cache: A03586.xml plain text: A03586.txt item: #3 of 18 id: A07838 author: Mosse, Miles, fl. 1580-1614. title: Iustifying and sauing faith distinguished from the faith of the deuils In a sermon preached at Pauls crosse in London, May 9. 1613. By Miles Mosse pastor of the church of God at Combes in Suffolke, and Doctor of Diuinitie. date: 1614 words: 37390 flesch: 80 summary: ●●istin . Now , hee that is perswaded that Christ obteineth pardon for his sinnes , and againe , that all his sinnes are washed away in Christ● , blood ; that man , I 〈◊〉 , applieth Gods mercie by Christ to himselfe . keywords: able; abraham; act; adoption; affection; alleadgeth; alwaies; angels; answer; apoc; apostle; application; applie; applying; apprehendeth; argument; assurance; assured; atque; augustine; auncient; autem; author; b ●; baptisme; bare; beeing; beginning; beleeue; beleeue god; beleeueth; bellarmine; benefits; bernard; best; better; betweene; beza; bishop; blood; bodie; books; bread; calleth; cap; case; cast; catholicke; certaine; chaines; children; christ; christian; christum; church; comfort; common; confession; confidence; conscience; cont; cor; credere; credimus; credit; credo; credunt; creede; crosse; cum; cyprian; d ●; daily; damned; day; de ●; dead; deale; death; deceiue; definition; dei; deo; deuills; deuills beleeue; deuills faith; deum; deus; difference; distinction; diuers; diuine; diuinitie; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; doubting; eebo; effectuall; eius; elect; england; english; enim; epistle; ergo; error; esse; est; eternall; euen; euer; eunuch; example; execution; exod; expectation; experience; expoundeth; expresse; faith; fall; false; farre; father; fauour; feare; feareth; feeling; fides; fiducia; fire; flesh; followeth; forgiuen; forme; forth; foure; fruit; fulke; gal; gen; ghost; gift; giueth; glorie; god; god himselfe; gods; goe; good; goodnes; goodnesse; gospel; grace; gratia; great; greeke; h ●; hand; hath; haue; hearers; heart; heauen; heb; hee; hell; helpe; hereof; high; himselfe; historians; historicall; historie; hoc; hold; holy; honour; hope; husband; iames; iesus; iesus christ; iewes; illa; image; indeede; io ●; ioh; iohn; ipse; iudge; iudgement; iustice; iustification; iustifying; iustifying faith; keepe; kind; king; knowe; knowledge; labour; learning; let; lib; life; like; little; liue; london; long; lord; loue; loueth; louing; luc; luther; maketh; man; manner; mans; marke; martyr; master; matth; meanes; meaning; mee; members; men; mens; mercie; mercifull; merits; miles; minde; moses; mosse; naturall; nature; necessarie; needes; neere; new; nobis; non; nos; notable; note; number; obiect; olde; onely; onely faith; open; opinion; ouer; owne; p ●; papists; pardon; particular; passion; paul; peccata; people; perswasion; peter; philip; place; plutarch; point; poore; power; preaching; presence; present; presumption; principall; professe; profession; promise; prooue; protestants; psal; punishment; purpose; quae; quam; qui; quia; quid; quod; reason; receiued; redemption; religion; remission; rest; resurrection; reuerend; right; righteous; rom; sacrament; saints; saluation; sam; saue; sauing; sauiour; scriptures; se ●; second; sed; sense; sermon; seruant; shee; sheweth; short; sine; sinnes; sonne; soule; speaketh; speciall; spem; spirit; storie; substance; sufficient; sunt; tcp; te ●; teacheth; tertullian; testimonie; text; thee; themselues; thine; things; thorough; thou; thy; tibi; time; title; torments; tremble; trembling; true; true faith; trust; truth; turne; vel; verie; vertue; vi ●; vnder; vnderstanding; vnto; voluntarie; vpon; vse; water; way; wee; whome; wicked; wine; word; workes; worthie; worthy; writing; yea; yeares; yee; ● e; ● m; ● n; ● o; ● st; ● t; ● ● cache: A07838.xml plain text: A07838.txt item: #4 of 18 id: A09274 author: Capel, Richard, 1586-1656. title: Vindiciae fidei, or A treatise of iustification by faith wherein that point is fully cleared, and vindicated from the cauils of it's aduersaries. Deliuered in certaine lectures at Magdalen Hall in Oxford, by William Pemble, Master of Arts of the same house: and now published since his death for the publique benefit. date: 1625 words: 84546 flesch: 75 summary: Therfo●e followes the other meanes of salvation ( viz. ) our Iustification , by the free grace of God which vtterly frees vs from all blame whatsoever , both of obedience to the law and satisfaction for Sins against the law ; that thus being Regenerate and Iustified we might obtaine the end of our salvation , eternall Life . ] Can there be any other meaning of Iustification here● : but this onely ? That God is then iustified , when his workes , his wisedome , his sacred ordinances , being accused by prophane men , as vntrue , vnequall , vn●ust , and foolish , are by the Godly acknowledged , or any other meanes evidently cleared vnto all men , to be full of all Truth , Equity , Wisedome , and Holinesse ? 2 Man and that 1 Before Man in things betweene Man and Man. keywords: able; aboue; abraham; absolute; absolution; absurd; according; actions; actuall; adam; aduersaries; affections; againe; aide; almes; alwaies; apostle; apparant; appeare; appetite; argument; assent; assertion; attaine; authority; bad; baptisme; bare; bee; beleeue; beleeuers; beleeuing; bellarmine; benefit; best; better; betweene; bin; blame; blood; body; bondage; booke; broken; cap; cause; ceremoniall law; certaine; chap; chapter; charity; children; christ; christ hath; christian; christian faith; church; churches; circumstances; cleare; command; commandement; committed; common; comparison; conclusion; concupiscence; condemnation; condition; confesse; confession; confirmation; confutation; conscience; consent; contrary; corruption; couenant; counterfeit; curse; dauid; day; dead; dead faith; death; debt; degrees; deserue; desires; difference; dignity; dispute; distinction; diuels; diuine; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; duty; earth; effect; end; endeauour; english; epistle; ergo; error; eternall; euen; euery; euery man; euident; euill; exact; example; excellent; exceptions; eyes; faith; faithfull; fall; false; false faith; farre; father; fault; fauour; feare; flesh; follow; followes; force; forward; free; freedome; fruit; fulfilling; gal; generall; ghost; gift; giuen; glory; god; god himselfe; godly; gods; gods grace; gods law; goe; good; good workes; gospell; grace; grant; gratious; great; ground; guilt; habit; hands; hath; haue; hauing; heart; heauen; heb; hee; heere; hell; helpe; himselfe; hold; holinesse; holy; hope; humane; hypocrites; iames; iesuite; iesus; iesus christ; iewes; imperfect; impossible; imputed; infusion; inherent; iniquity; innocency; innocent; inordinate; interpretation; inward; iob; iohn; isaack; iudgement; iudgeth; iustice; iustification; iustified; justifie; keepe; keeping; kind; knowes; knowledge; large; law; leaue; legall; lesse; lib; liberty; life; like; list; little; liue; liuing; long; lord; loue; loue god; luke; maior; making; man; manifest; manner; mans; matter; meanes; meaning; measure; mee; men; mens; mercy; merit; meritorious; mind; minor; morall law; mortall; moses; motions; naturall; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; needs; neighbour; neuer; new; non; obedience; obeying; obligation; obserue; obtaine; offence; offender; offering; old; onely; opinion; opposite; opposition; order; ouer; outward; owne; pardon; particular; parts; passe; paul; perfect; perfection; performance; performe; person; place; plaine; pleased; point; poore; popish; power; prayer; precepts; present; profit; promise; proofe; proper; proposition; proue; psal; punishment; pure; purgatory; purpose; qualities; quality; question; rahab; reason; reconciliation; redemption; regard; regenerate; regenerate man; regeneration; religion; remaines; remission; repentance; reply; requires; respect; rest; righteousnesse; rigour; rom; rome; romish; rule; runne; saieth; saints; sake; saluation; sanctification; satisfaction; satisfied; scriptures; second; sect; seemes; sense; set; seuere; shew; shift; sight; similitude; sinfull; sinfulnesse; singular; sinne; sinnefull; sort; soule; speakes; speciall; spirit; spirituall; stand; strength; strict; substance; sufficient; tcp; teach; tels; temporall; termes; testament; text; thee; themselues; things; thinke; thou; thy; time; touching; transgression; tree; triall; true faith; truth; vaine; veniall; verse; vertue; viz; vnder; vnderstand; vnderstanding; vniust; vnto; vnto christ; vnto faith; vnto god; vnto man; vpon; vse; vsed; wages; want; way; weake; wee; whatsoeuer; whereof; whereto; wicked; willing; witnesse; word; workes; working; worth; wrath; yea; yeares; yee; yeeld; yoake; ● e; ● t; ● ● cache: A09274.xml plain text: A09274.txt item: #5 of 18 id: A26938 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: How far holinesse is the design of Christianity where the nature of holiness and morality is opened, and the doctrine of justification, imputation of sin and righteousness, &c. partly cleared, and vindicated from abuse : in certain propositions, returned to an unknown person, referring to Mr. Fowlers treatise on this subject / by Richard Baxter. date: 1671 words: 8015 flesch: 62 summary: As elsewhere I have often said , we must carefully distinguish between the Primitive or Primary and Natural part of Holiness ; which is GODLINESSE or our LOVE to God as such ; and the mediate remedying , subservient Part , which is Faith in Christ , or Christianity as such . The Wisdome , and Goodness of God are wonderfully glorified , in providing this incomprehensible way of our Redemption , that by it Justice and Holiness may be as fully glorified , the Truth of God vindicated , the Honour and Authority of the Law and Lawgiver preserved , and sin disgraced and confounded , by the Sacrifice , Merit and Intercession of Christ , as if all sinners themselves had been condemned . keywords: active; baxter; blessed; books; certain; characters; christ; christianity; common; creatures; design; distinct; doctrine; early; eebo; end; ends; english; est; faith; far; fowlers; free; glorified; glory; god; gods; good; great; hath; holiness; holy; image; imputation; justice; justification; life; love; man; means; men; morality; nature; non; obedience; object; pardon; person; qui; quod; redemption; relation; religion; richard; righteousness; ruler; sanctification; secondary; self; selves; sin; sins; spirit; subject; tcp; tei; text; things; treatise; true; unholy; use; virtue; word; works; writings cache: A26938.xml plain text: A26938.txt item: #6 of 18 id: A27029 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The Scripture Gospel defended, and Christ, grace, and free justification vindicated against the libertines ... in two books : the first, a breviate of fifty controversies about justification ... : the second upon the sudden reviving of antinomianism ... and the re-printing of Dr. Crisp's sermons with additions ... / by Richard Baxter ... date: 1690 words: 70803 flesch: 69 summary: They co●s●que●tly teach men to d● nothing for t●eir Liv●s , H●alth , or any Corporal good ; to Pio● , ●r So● , or Lab●ur . They 〈◊〉 th●● to hold , that C●●●s● , Righteousness and Me●i● , i● to make our F●i●● and holy Obedien●e , 〈…〉 , is a P●●●sh D●ctrine against F●●● Grac● : keywords: acceptance; accidents; account; accusation; act; active; acts; actual; adam; adoption; adversaries; ans; answer; antecedent; antinomian; assent; b ●; baptism; belief; believers; believeth; believing; benefits; better; bible; blind; blood; body; bond; books; capable; cause; charge; christ; christ hath; christian; christianity; christs righteousness; church; churches; co ●; common; condition; confusion; confute; conscience; consent; cont; contradiction; contrary; controversies; covenant; credere; crispe; curse; damnation; day; dead; death; debt; denying; deserved; desire; distinct; divers; divine; doctrine; donation; doth; doubt; duty; earth; effect; efficient; elect; end; ends; england; english; erroneous; errors; errour; essence; essential; eternal; eternity; evil; explication; f ●; faith; false; father; feign; formal; free; free grace; g ●; general; ghost; gift; giving; glory; god; gods; good; goodness; gospel; government; grace; grant; great; greatest; gross; guilt; habits; habitual; hard; hath; head; heart; heaven; heb; hell; hereticks; hold; holiness; holy; honour; hope; hurt; ignorance; ignorant; image; impossible; imputation; imputed; imputing; individual; infidels; innocency; instance; instrument; intercession; j ●; jesus; jesus christ; jews; john; ju ●; judge; judgment; justi ●; justice; justification; justified; justifying; kingdom; know; language; large; law; laws; legal; li ●; life; light; like; little; long; lord; love; luk; m ●; making; man; mankind; material; matter; meaneth; meaning; means; mediator; meer; members; men; mercy; merit; meritorious; mind; moral; moses; names; natural; nature; near; necessary; necessity; need; new; non; o ●; ob ●; obedience; object; office; order; ortho; p ●; papists; pardon; pardoned; parts; passive; past; paul; pay; peculiar; perfect; perfection; performance; person; personal; phrase; physical; plain; plead; power; pr ●; prayer; promise; proof; proper; psal; punishment; qualification; question; reason; receiving; reception; reconcil; relation; repentance; rest; resurrection; rev; reward; ri ●; rig ●; righteous ●; righteousness; rule; sacrifice; said; salvation; sanctification; satan; satisfaction; satisfied; saviour; saying; scripture; second; sect; seed; self; selves; sense; sentence; set; si ●; signifieth; sin; sinner; sins; sort; soul; sound; speaketh; spirit; spiritual; sponsor; stead; subject; subordinate; suffering; sun; suppose; surety; t ●; talk; tcp; terms; texts; th ●; thee; theirs; thing; thou; thought; thy; time; title; true; trust; truth; turn; union; vain; viz; w ●; want; way; wicked; witness; word; works; yea; years; ● cation; ● d; ● e; ● ed; ● ess; ● eth; ● ht; ● l; ● ly; ● n; ● nd; ● ness; ● ns; ● r; ● s; ● ss; ● st; ● teousness; ● u; ● ur; ● y; ● ● cache: A27029.xml plain text: A27029.txt item: #7 of 18 id: A30137 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: A defence of the doctrine of justification, by faith in Jesus Christ: shewing, true Gospel-holiness flows from thence. Or, Mr. Fowler's pretended design of Christianity, proved to be nothing more then to trample under foot the blood of the Son of God and the idolizing of man's own righteousness. As also, how while he pretends to be a minister of the Church of England, he overthroweth the wholesom doctrine contained in the 10th. 11th. and 13th. of the Thirty Nine Articles of the same, and that he falleth in with the Quaker, and Romanist, against them. By John Bunyan. date: 1673 words: 55591 flesch: 68 summary: And hence the Apostle , when he would shew us a man alive , or made a new man indeed ; as he talketh of the holy Ghost and faith , so he tells us such● are dead to the Law , to the Law , as a Law of works ; to the Law as to principles of nature , Wherefore my brethen you are also become dead to the Law ( the moral Law , and the ceremonial Law ) by the body of Christ , that you should be married to another ( another then the Law ) even to him , who is raised from the dead , that we should bring forth fruit unto God. Rom. 7. 4. Ye are become dead to the Law : dead to the Law ! 1. That the First Principles of Morrals , those First Written in Mens hearts , are the Essentials , the Indispensible , and Fundamental Points ●r Doctrines of the Gospel , Pag. 8 , 281 , 282. 2. That these First Principles , are to be followed , Principally , as they are made known to us , by the Dictates of Humane Nature ; and that this obedience , is the first , and best sort of obedience , we Christians can perform , Pag. 8 , 9 , 10. 3. That there is such a thing as a foundness of Soul , and the purity of Humane Nature in the World , Pag. 6. 4. That the Law , in the first Principles of it , is far beyond , and more obliging on the hearts of Christians , then is , That of coming to God by Christ , Pag. 7 , 8 , 9 , 10. 5. That the Precept of coming to God by Christ , &c. is in its own Nature , a thing indifferent , and absolutely considered neither good nor evil , Pag. 7 , 8 , 9. 6. That Christ's great Errand , in coming into the World , was to put us again in Possession of the Holiness we had lost , P. 12. 7. That John the Baptist , the Angel that was sent to Zecharias , and Mary , Preached this Doctrine ; and so also did Malachy the Prophet , Pag. 13. 8. That Christ by saving us from Sin , is meant , not first , his saving us from the punishment , but from the Filth , and from the punishment , as a Consequence of that , keywords: account; act; acts; adam; answ; answer; apostle; belief; believeth; believing; best; better; blessed; blood; body; book; business; chapter; children; christ; christianity; christians; church; coming; complexion; conscience; cor; covenant; curse; day; dead; death; description; design; dictates; divine; doctrine; doth; duties; end; essential; eternal; everlasting; evident; evil; example; face; faith; fall; father; flesh; forgiveness; fowler; fundamentals; gal; ghost; glory; god; good; goodness; gospel; grace; great; guilt; hand; hath; head; hearing; heart; heaven; heb; hold; holiness; holy; humane; humane nature; humanity; ignorant; imputation; indifferent; indispensible; inward; jesus christ; john; judgement; justice; justification; justified; justifying; knowledge; known; law; laws; life; light; like; little; lord; love; man; mark; men; mention; mercy; mind; ministration; morral; moses; natural; nature; necessary; new; obedience; old; onely; ought; pag; page; pardon; paul; peace; people; perfect; person; possession; possible; power; precepts; principles; promise; proof; pure; purity; reader; reason; religion; respect; rest; revelation; righteousness; rom; sake; salvation; saviour; scriptures; second; self; selves; set; shew; sin; sinners; sins; son; sons; sort; soul; spirit; stand; state; temper; testament; text; things; thou; time; true; truth; understanding; ungodly; viz; way; works; world; wrath; yea cache: A30137.xml plain text: A30137.txt item: #8 of 18 id: A41483 author: Goodwin, John, 1594?-1665. title: The banner of justification displayed: or; a discourse, concerning the deep, and important mystery of the justification of a sinner wherein the severall causes thereof, being both numerous and various, are from the first to the last diligently enquired after, and their severall contributions towards so great and happy a work, clearly distinguished, and assigned to their proper causes (respectively.) and more particularly is shewed, how God, how the grace of God, how the decree of God, how the soveraign authority of God; how Christ, how the active obedience [of] Christ, how the passive obedience of Christ, how the resurrection of Christ, how the knowledge of Christ; how the spirit of God, how faith, how repentance, how works, how remission of s[in,] how the word, how the minister of the word, how the P[ope?] himself which is justified, may all truly, though upon severall accounts, and after different manners, be sayed to justifie. date: 1659 words: 32341 flesch: 51 summary: 2. God projecteth the method , means , and carriage of all things requisite for the orderly and regular fecibleness , or producibility of it ; As , That his only begotten Son should take flesh of a Virgin , and become man ; That he should take upon him the form of a Servant ; That he should be delivered up , or left unto the wills of sinfull , wicked , and malicious men , and so be obnoxious to suffer an ignominious and painfull death ; That having suffered death , he should lye three Dayes and three Nights in the Grave , and then rise again ( to omit severall other particulars in this kind ) without which , could , or should it be supposed , that he would , or might have justified a sinner ; it would , or must have been without such a Declaration , or manifestation , at least , of the Glory both of his Justice and Wisdome therein , as with which he hath now contrived it by the method and means specified . For that satisfaction which Christ made for the sins of any person who believes not ( I mean , who dies in unbelief ) was never received , or accepted , by God in the nature of an appropriate , particular , or actuall satisfaction for their sins ; but only as a potentiall satisfaction ; that is , as a thing of compleat worth , and value , enough to have made a particular and actuall satisfaction even for such a mans sins , as ●ell as for the sins of those who believe , and which he as fully intended to accept for such a satisfaction on his behalf , in case he had believed , which he might have done , as he did to accept it upon such terms for them , or for their sins , who do believe . keywords: account; act; active; actuall; adam; answer; apostle; authority; believeth; believing; benefit; better; blessed; blessedness; blessing; blood; business; capable; capacity; case; causes; charge; christ; common; conceive; condition; conscience; considerable; consideration; contributeth; creature; day; dead; death; debt; decree; different; discourse; doctrine; doth; effect; end; english; faith; far; father; fellowship; form; glory; god; good; goodwin; gospel; grace; great; ground; guilt; hand; hath; heart; hickman; high; honour; import; interest; jesus; jesus christ; john; judgment; justification; justified; justifying; kind; knowledge; known; law; liberty; life; like; lord; loss; love; making; manner; materiall; matter; meaning; means; men; minister; nature; non; notion; obedience; occasion; order; orthodox; pardon; passive; paul; perfect; person; place; pleasure; posterity; power; present; price; priviledge; proper; reason; redemption; reference; remission; repentance; respect; respective; righteousness; roman; said; salvation; satisfaction; saviour; sayd; saying; scripture; sect; self; sense; service; severall; sight; sinner; sins; soul; soveraign; spirit; state; subject; sufferings; terms; text; thee; thing; thou; time; title; true; truth; understanding; ungodly; unto; unto justification; vertue; viz; way; wayes; whereof; whilest; wisdome; works; world; worth; writings; yea; yee cache: A41483.xml plain text: A41483.txt item: #9 of 18 id: A42457 author: Gataker, Charles, 1614 or 15-1680. Way of truth and peace. title: An antidote against errour concerning justification, or, The true notion of justification, and of justifying faith, cleared by the light of scripture, and solid reason, from several mistakes of the words, which misapprehensions prove the seeds of dangerous errours by ... Thomas Gataker ... ; to which is added, The way of truth and peace, or, A reconciliation of the holy apostles S. Paul and S. James, concerning justification by faith without works, Rom. 3.28, by works and not by faith only, Jam. 2, 21, 24, by Charles Gataker ... date: 1670 words: 29176 flesch: 63 summary: For 1. Neither the Hebrew word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 used in the old Testament , nor the Greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 made use of in the Greek Version of the old Testament , and from thence by the Penmen of the New , to answer thereunto : ( whereas in other antient Greek Autors it is never found so taken but in a far differing sense , as I have elswhere shewed at large ) nor the Latine Justificare framed to expres either of them , nor our English term justifie drawn from the Latine , and in ordinarie use with us , do ever so signifie , or ar ever so taken . saith of the Heathen , who knowing 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , the judgement or just judgement , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , as it is termed Chap. keywords: accepted; act; anie; answer; apostle; apparent; argument; behalf; beleiv; bellarmine; ben; blessed; bloud; books; calvine; cap; cause; chap; charles; christ; christian; church; committed; common; condition; conseqentlie; cor; councel; courses; death; deemed; deut; devils; discharge; discourse; disposition; distinct; divers; doctrine; doth; eebo; elswhere; english; epistle; esay; est; faith; faithful; far; father; favor; fear; fit; flesh; formerlie; free; gataker; general; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; greek; ground; guilt; guiltie; guiltles; hath; heart; hebrew; holie; holines; holy; howsoever; imputation; inherent; instances; interest; james; jesus; job; john; judge; judgement; justice; justifiable; justification; justified; justifying; justlie; justus; knowledge; latine; law; learned; lib; life; light; like; lord; lordships; luk; main; man; mankind; manner; mans; matter; matth; meaning; meer; men; mercie; mind; nature; new; non; notion; occasion; offence; onlie; opinion; original; papists; pardon; particular; partie; parts; paul; peccatorum; people; person; pet; peter; place; point; power; present; proov; prophet; psal; qestion; reader; reason; receiv; redeemer; regard; remission; repentance; rest; righteousnes; rom; salvation; sanctification; satisfaction; savior; scripture; second; sed; self; sens; set; shew; signifie; sin; sinne; sins; soul; special; speech; spirit; state; stil; suretie; tcp; term; text; themselvs; thereunto; things; tho; thou; time; trulie; trust; truth; ungodlie; use; verie; vers; way; wel; whatsoever; whereof; whome; wicked; wil; wit; word; works; writers; wrong; yea cache: A42457.xml plain text: A42457.txt item: #10 of 18 id: A45586 author: Harley, Edward, Sir, 1624-1700. title: A Scriptural and rational account of the Christian religion particularly concerning justification only by the propitiation and redemption of the Lord Jesus Christ. date: 1695 words: 17711 flesch: 62 summary: Therefore because in Sacrifices and Offerings for Sin God could not take Pleasure , as therein receiving any Satisfaction to Justice : When Jesus Christ came into the World , he faith , A Body hast thou prepared me ; Lo I come to do thy Will , O God ; by the which Will we are sanctisied through the offering of the Body of Jesus Christ once : But this Will of God was not induced by any Temporary Consideration , it was from everlasting , God hath chosen us in Christ before the Foundation of the World. The Scripture speaks expresly , that without shedding of Blood there is no Remission of Sin ; yet the Blood of Bulls and Goats could not avail to make the Worshipper perfect : so that the continual Sacrifice daily offered , and all other extraordinary Burnt-offerings occasionally appointed by the Law , were merciful Surrogations of Typical Propitiations with respect to Christ , whose Blood only could take away the Sins of the World : Whose Blood , being the Blood of the everlasting Covenant , could only make the Comers unto God perfect . keywords: able; actions; affections; apostacy; beginning; beings; blessed; blood; body; christ; christian; conscience; cor; covenant; creation; creator; creature; dead; death; divine; doctrine; duty; end; eternal; everlasting; evidence; evil; faith; father; fear; felicity; flesh; foundation; ghost; glory; god; good; goodness; grace; great; hath; heart; heaven; heb; holy; hope; human; image; impossible; infinite; institution; isa; jesus; jesus christ; joh; judg; justice; justification; knowledg; known; law; life; light; lord; lord jesus; love; majesty; man; mankind; men; mercy; mind; mystery; necessary; necessity; new; obedience; operation; perfection; person; power; promise; propitiation; psal; ransom; rational; reason; redemption; religion; respect; revealed; righteousness; rom; rule; sacrifices; salvation; satisfaction; scriptures; self; sin; sinners; sins; son; spirit; sufficient; tcp; text; things; tho; thou; time; trinity; true; true god; truth; vain; virtue; wisdom; works; world; worship; wrath cache: A45586.xml plain text: A45586.txt item: #11 of 18 id: A47599 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: The marrow of true justification, or, Justification without works containing the substance of two sermons lately preached on Rom. 4:5 ... : wherein the nature of justification is opened, as it hath been formerly asserted by all sound Protestants, and the present prevailing errors against the said doctrine detected / by Benjamin Keach ... date: 1692 words: 24097 flesch: 60 summary: 2. The second sort I shall mention are the Socinians , who deny the Deity of the Son of God ; and from hence deny also the Satisfaction of Christ , because the latter depends upon the former : It was from the dignity and excellency of Christ's Person , he being God as well as Man , that his Sacrifice ●ad such infinite value and worth in it , that by one single payment ( as I may 〈◊〉 say ) he made such a full compensation to the Law and Justice of God : But ●●ey erring in those two grand Points of Christian Religion , run into the ●hird , and deny the imputation of Christ's Personal righteousness to us in ●ustification . 3. 8 , 9. Yea doubtness , and I account all things but loss for the Excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ my Lord , for whom I have suffered the loss of all things , and do count them but dung that I may win Christ , and be found in him , not having my own Righteousness which is of the Law , ●ne that 〈◊〉 is through the Faith of Christ the Righteousness which is of God by Faith. keywords: act; affirm; answer; apostle; baptismal; believing; brethren; christ; christians; compleat; condition; covenant; creature; death; doctrine; doth; eternal; faith; free; fruit; glory; god; good; gospel; grace; great; hath; heart; hold; holiness; holy; hope; imperfect; imputation; imputed; infinite; inherent; jesus; jesus christ; jews; judgment; justice; justification; justified; knowledge; law; life; like; lord; love; man; means; men; mercy; merits; nature; nay; new; obedience; paul; perfect; perfect obedience; perfect righteousness; person; point; present; reason; religion; respect; righteousness; rom; rule; said; salvation; sanctification; saviour; scripture; self; selves; sermons; sight; sin; sincere; sincere obedience; sinner; sins; son; soul; tcp; terms; text; thee; things; thou; thy; true; truth; ungodly; viz; way; worketh; works; world; ● ● cache: A47599.xml plain text: A47599.txt item: #12 of 18 id: A47601 author: Clark, Samuel, 1626-1701. Scripture justification. title: A medium betwixt two extremes wherein it is proved that the whole first Adam was condemned and the whole second Adam justified : being a sermon lately preached on Rom. 8:1 and now published to prevent the further controversy (in one main point) about justification : to which are added reflections on some passages in Mr. Clark's new book called Scripture-Justification / by Benjamin Keach. date: 1698 words: 15939 flesch: 67 summary: Moreover , by Christ's coming to keep the Law in our Nature , God hath magnified the Law , and made it honourable ; and hereby we do not make void the Law through Faith , but establish the Law , in that the Son of God , in Man's Nature , yielded perfect Obedience thereto , and died for our breach of it , whose Obedience is ours by imputation to our Justification at his Bar. yet afterwards when he believed and received by Faith the free promise of God , in the Seed of the Woman , he came into a Justified State : Adam no doubt was an Elect Person , the promise of Christ being directly made to him ( who was also a Figure of him that was to come . ) keywords: actual; adam; answ; apostle; believers; brethren; cause; christ; clark; condemnation; condition; covenant; curse; dead; death; discharge; doctrine; doth; elect; faith; father; free; god; good; gospel; grace; guilt; hath; holiness; holy; imputation; imputed; inherent; james; jesus; jesus christ; justification; justified; law; life; man; men; moral; nature; new; obedience; object; pag; paul; perfect; person; point; respect; righteousness; rom; scripture; sense; sentence; sight; sin; sincere; sins; soul; spirit; state; surety; tcp; text; thing; tho; time; true; union; viz; works; world; wrath cache: A47601.xml plain text: A47601.txt item: #13 of 18 id: A50251 author: Mather, Richard, 1596-1669. title: The summe of certain sermons upon Genes. 15.6 vvherein not only the doctrine of justification by faith is asserted and cleared, and sundry arguments for justification before faith, discussed and answered : but also the nature and the meanes of faith, with the imputation of our sins to Christ, and of Christs righteousness to us are briefly explained and confirmed / preached at Dorchester in New-England by Richard Mather ... ; and now by him published at the earnest request of sundry well-affected and Godly Christians. date: 1652 words: 26503 flesch: 72 summary: I deny not but sundry of the things here treated of , viz the grace of Faith , Justification by faith , and the Imputation of Christs Righteousness unto justification , are mayn and principall points of christian religion , and such as that the ignorance of them or erroneous apprehentiōs about them can not but be very perilous : in which respect it is the more needfull that the people of God should be established in the belief & love of the truth concerning such points as these are . 6. VVherin Not only the DOCRINE of JUSTIFICATION by FAITH is Asserted and Cleared , And sundry Arguments for IUSTIFICATION before FAITH , discussed and Answered , But Also The nature and the meanes of Faith , with the Imputation of our sins to CHRIST , and of Christs Righteousness to us are briefely Explained and Confirmed . keywords: abram; acts; answ; apostle; applyed; bee; believers; believing; blessing; cause; change; children; christ; comfort; consideration; contrary; cor; danger; day; death; desire; doctrine; doth; elect; end; ephe; errour; eternity; faith; father; free; gal; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; hath; heart; heb; hee; holy; imputation; imputed; imputing; iniquity; iohn; isai; jer; jesus; john; judgment; justification; justified; law; life; like; long; look; lord; love; man; math; matter; meaning; means; men; mercy; need; needfull; new; obedience; object; page; people; perfect; pet; point; poor; power; promise; psal; punishment; quest; reason; respect; righteousness; rom; salvation; satisfaction; scripture; self; selves; shew; sight; sin; sinners; sinns; soul; spirit; state; text; therby; therfore; therof; things; time; true; truth; unto; use; want; way; wee; word; works; yea cache: A50251.xml plain text: A50251.txt item: #14 of 18 id: A50402 author: Maynard, John, 1600-1665. title: The law of God ratified by the gospel of Christ, or, The harmony of the doctrine of faith with the law of righteousness wherein many of the types and rites of the ceremonial law are unfolded, and the moral law adjusted a rule of holy living to all, though justified by faith / as it was delivered in several sermons preacht to the parochial congregation of Mayfield in Sussex by Mr. Mainard late rector thereof, publisht since his death. date: 1674 words: 80535 flesch: 69 summary: That which we have , Psal. 40. is applied to Christ by the Apostle , Sacrifice and offering thou didst not desire , mine ears hast thou opened : burnt offering and sin-offering hast thou not required : then said I , Lo I come , in the volumn of the Book it is written of me , I delight to do thy will O my God , yea thy Law is within my heart : his heart was filled with the love of God , and full of the Law of God , he was freely ready to do or suffer any thing for his Fathers glory . 1 Joh. 3. 8. at large unfolded , Christ God imprest on our nature in himself , the absolute perfection of that holiness the Law required of mans nature , Christ hath fully satisfied the Law , and accomplisht the Prophecies concerning him , which was God , the coessential word , who made all , supports all in heaven and earth , and doth it as primary efficient cause and final for his own glory , so was without robbery equal with God , yet became man , uniting the humane nature to the Godhead , which supported the humane nature , gave value to the sufferings of it , in which nature , he made under the Law , was in capacity of suffering the Curse , which the Godhead , fountain of life and blessedness was not liable to : Who come not to Christ , are expos'd to all that their sins deserve , and the Law threatens : Sin then is bitter , and will be the shame of Sinners . keywords: able; act; affections; altar; angels; answer; apostle; apt; authority; beasts; believers; best; blessed; blood; bodies; body; breast; brethren; calleth; carnal; cause; ceremonial law; ceremonies; chap; children; christ; christ hath; christians; church; circumcision; city; clear; coming; common; conceive; condemnation; condition; conscience; contrary; corrupt; corruption; covenant; creation; creatures; cross; curse; darkness; david; day; days; dead; death; degree; divers; divine; divisions; doctrine; doth; double; duties; earth; end; epistle; errours; eternal; everlasting; evil; exod; eyes; faith; fall; false; falshood; father; feast; fire; flesh; follow; followeth; free; fruits; gal; general; gentiles; ghost; glorious; glory; god; god hath; godly; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; guilt; hand; harvest; hast; hath; head; heart; heathens; heaven; heavenly; heb; heed; heresies; high; hold; holiness; holy; holy law; hope; house; humane; iesus; iews; ignorance; image; imputed; incense; infinite; iohn; israel; israelites; jesus christ; joh; judge; judgement; justice; justification; justified; king; kingdom; knowledge; known; labour; lamb; land; law; lev; life; light; like; little; living; lord christ; lord god; lord jesus; love; lusts; malice; man; man christ; manifest; mankind; manner; mans; mat; matter; meaning; meat; members; men; mercy; mind; ministers; moral law; moses; mystery; nations; natural; nature; necessary; need; new; obedience; objection; occasion; offering; old; open; ordinances; outward; pardon; particular; passeover; paul; peculiar; people; perfect; perfect law; perfect righteousness; perfection; persons; peter; place; pleased; point; poor; power; preaching; precious; present; priest; prince; profess; prophets; pure; purity; question; ready; reason; regard; repentance; respect; rest; resurrection; righteousness; rom; rule; sabbath; sacred; sacrifice; salt; salvation; satan; satisfaction; satisfied; saviour; saying; scil; scripture; seat; second; sect; self; selves; sense; services; set; sheweth; sin; sinners; sins; son; soul; sound; special; spirit; spiritual; state; subject; sufferings; sufficient; sweet; tabernacle; teachers; temple; testament; text; thee; things; thou; thought; thy; time; true; truth; turn; types; unclean; united; use; vail; vain; voice; void; vse; water; way; whereof; wisdom; witness; woman; works; world; worship; wrath; written; yea; ● ● cache: A50402.xml plain text: A50402.txt item: #15 of 18 id: A59622 author: Sheffield, John, fl. 1643-1647. title: The rising sun, or, The sun of righteousnesse shining upon the sons of unrighteousnesse a theological sun-dyal wherein is to be seen the rising, motion, influence and manifold operations of Christ upon the soul ... as also the description of the true believer ... as also the highest degrees and full growth and grace are here delineated ... / by John Sheffeild [sic] date: 1654 words: 82767 flesch: 81 summary: luci●●nterna . 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 COeli enarrant Domine Iesu , Coeli Coelorum enarrant Gloriam tuam , omnisque eorum exercitus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 illa celeberrima Corona , et 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Tot veluti Aquilae Solem spectan●es , tot Parelii Solem circumstantes , tot denique 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Vultu solem versus ●ixo , ●emplū & 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , à tergo relin●uentes , Lunā , Solemque ipsū , & 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sub pe●ibus conculcantes , te Solem Iustitiae indesi●enter ●anunt , spectant , circumstant , adorant . keywords: abraham; actings; actions; acts; adam; admirable; againe; age; ahab; air; alia; alive; alwayes; ancient; angels; answ; answer; apostle; appearance; appearing; applicat; apprehension; approach; ariseth; army; assurance; attribute; awake; bad; beams; bear; beasts; beauty; bee; beginning; believers; believing; beloved; benefit; best; better; bigger; black; blessed; blind; bloud; blow; bodies; body; books; branch; bread; breaks; breath; broken; burning; calves; candle; canst; cap; care; carnal; case; causeth; certain; change; chap; chariot; child; children; chosen; christ; christ hath; christian; chron; church; churches; clear; clouds; cold; comfort; coming; common; communicativenesse; company; confidence; conscience; constant; conversion; conviction; cor; corruption; countenance; course; covenant; creation; creatures; crosse; cry; cum; cure; cut; daily; damnation; danger; daniel; darknesse; david; day; dayes; dead; death; deep; degrees; delight; description; desire; deut; dew; difference; disciples; discourse; diseases; divel; divers; divine; divinity; door; doth; double; drink; dung; duties; duty; dye; dying; early; earth; earthly; eclipse; eebo; effects; egyptians; elect; end; ends; enemies; enemy; english; ephes; equal; essence; eternal; evening; everlasting; evil; excellent; exercise; exod; exodus; extraordinary; eye; eyes; ezek; ezekiel; face; fair; faith; faithfulnesse; fall; fallen; false; far; father; favour; fear; feared; fearful; feet; field; fire; fixed; flesh; follow; foot; force; fountain; fourth; free; fruit; fulnesse; garden; garment; gen; general; ghost; gift; glorious; glory; god; godly; gods; goe; goeth; going; gold; golden; good; gospel; grace; gracious; great; greater; greatest; ground; growes; growne; growth; guilt; hand; hard; harvest; hath; head; healing; health; heart; heaven; heavenly; heb; hebrews; heed; hell; help; hid; higher; highest; himselfe; hold; holy; honour; hope; hosea; hour; house; humane; humility; hurt; husband; ibid; idle; ignorant; ill; illumination; image; imputed; incommunicable; increase; infinite; influence; inherent; iron; isaiah; israel; jacob; jer; jesus; jesus christ; job; john; joy; judas; judgment; justification; kind; king; kingdome; knowledge; labour; lamb; land; law; leaves; lebanon; left; lesse; lev; life; light; like; likenesse; line; little; lively; living; long; longer; look; lord; love; lowest; luke; magistrate; maist; man; manifest; manner; mans; mark; master; matth; matthew; measure; meat; members; men; mercies; mercy; merits; mighty; mind; ministers; ministry; mistake; moon; morning; moses; mother; motion; mount; mouth; nations; natural; nature; nearer; nec; need; neer; new; nisi; non; noon; notable; notes; notice; o ●; obedience; object; office; old; omniscience; onely; ones; open; operations; ordinances; owne; oyl; pardon; particulars; parts; passion; past; patience; paul; peace; people; perfect; perfection; person; peter; pharaoh; phil; physician; physick; pillar; pit; places; plague; play; point; poor; possible; power; praise; prayer; precious; presence; present; pride; priest; prince; profit; promise; properties; property; prophet; prov; psal; pure; quam; qui; quod; rain; ready; reason; redemption; religion; religious; repentance; resemblance; respect; rest; rev; revel; rich; righteousness; rise; rising; rock; romans; root; rule; running; runs; sacrifice; sad; safe; saints; salvation; sam; samuel; sanctification; sanctuary; satan; satisfaction; saul; saviour; scripture; sea; second; secret; secure; seed; seeth; self; selves; sense; serpent; servant; service; set; sets; shadow; shineth; shining; short; sick; sicknesse; signes; silver; sin; sincerity; sinner; sins; sit; sleep; snow; soap; sol; solem; solis; solomon; son; sons; sorrow; soul; sound; spake; spirit; spiritual; spring; stall; standing; stars; state; stature; stay; stil; stone; stop; strength; strong; stronger; subject; summer; sun; sun hath; sunne; suns; suns light; sweet; swift; sword; taste; tcp; temple; temptation; terror; text; thee; thes; thief; thine; things; thou; thou sun; thoughts; thousands; thy; til; times; touch; tree; true; true light; trust; truth; tuum; twofold; unbelief; understood; unity; universal; use; ver; vertue; vessel; vision; viz; voice; waiting; want; warmth; wash; water; way; weak; wee; wel; wheels; whereof; white; wicked; wife; wil; wilt; wind; wine; wings; winter; wisdom; wise; wood; words; work; world; worldly; worse; worship; wrath; yea; years; young; ▪ ●; ● e; ● n; ● s; ● ● cache: A59622.xml plain text: A59622.txt item: #16 of 18 id: A64243 author: Taylor, Thomas, 1618-1682. title: The true light shining in darkness and dispelling the mists of errour arising from the darkness of man's heart, &c. promoted by the prince of darkness against the truth of God; in the matter of our justification: shewing, that by the deeds of the law, or mans own righteousness, no flesh can or shall be justified in the sight of God. The first part. By Tho. Taylor, the meanest and unworthiest of the servants and ministers of Jesus Christ; and now pastor to a small congregational church in Cambridge. date: 1693 words: 58692 flesch: 60 summary: For the Scripture foreseeing tha● God would justifie the Heathen through F●●●h , preached the Gospel before-hand to Abraham ; saying , in thee shall all the Nations be blessed . ●●ture , and yet born of a Woman ! a clea● thing indeed , brought out of an unclean And therefore this holy , this clean , and harmless Son of Man , and separate from Sinners , was not brought forth in a way of ordinary Generation , but by the immediate Energy and Power of the Most High , working i● a miraculous and extraordinary manner , a● was expresly declared by the Angel to the Virgin Mary , Luke 1.35 . keywords: abraham; account; adam; angels; answer; apostle; author; better; betwixt; blessed; blood; body; brethren; broken; canst; ceremonial law; children; christ; christ hath; church; compleat; confidence; conscience; contrary; covenant; creation; creature; darkness; day; dead; death; deeds; difference; divine; doctrine; doth; e. christ; earth; elect; election; end; english; ephes; establish; eternal; eternity; everlasting righteousness; evil; excellent; faith; fall; false; father; fire; flesh; foundation; free; gal; gentiles; ghost; gift; glorious; glory; god; god doth; god hath; god man; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; guilty; hand; hath; head; heart; heaven; heavenly; heb; hell; highest; hold; holy; holy god; holy law; hope; humane; i. e.; impossible; infinite; inherent; isa; jesus christ; jews; john; justification; justified; kingdom; knowledg; known; law; law doth; life; lord; love; man; man christ; manifest; manifestation; mans; matter; men; mighty; mind; moral; moral law; nature; near; new; obedience; occasion; old; opposition; order; original; original righteousness; peace; perfect; perfect righteousness; perfection; person; pet; phil; places; plain; pleased; point; poor; power; present; price; promise; prophets; purpose; refuge; rejoyce; respect; resurrection; rev; righteousness; rom; rule; sacrifices; salvation; sanctification; scriptures; second; seed; self; selves; set; shilling; sight; sin; sinner; sins; son; son jesus; soul; spirit; spiritual; stand; state; stone; testament; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thy; time; transgression; true; truth; unto; utmost; vain; vessels; way; wilt; wisdom; woman; working; works; world; worship; wrath; yea; ● ● cache: A64243.xml plain text: A64243.txt item: #17 of 18 id: A66344 author: Williams, Daniel, 1643?-1716. title: A defence of Gospel-truth being a reply to Mr. Chancey's first part, and as an explication of the points in debate may serve for a reply to all other answers / by Daniel Williams. date: 1693 words: 40754 flesch: 74 summary: And why then must the Command of Faith in Christ , and Repentance for Remission , be no Law , when God commands them , because the Law of Nature requires us to obey them when God doth command them ? What a Government do these men assign to God , who allow him but one and the same Law to govern the whole Creation by , when their state and circumstances be so different , though all are his Creatures ? 4. As for such as confound the Law of Nature with the Law to Israel , as taken into the Covenant of Grace , I shall not think fit to say more to than this ; Though the carnal Iews did turn it into a Covenant of Works , as if their imperfect Obedience and chargeable Sacrifices were the very Righteousness for which they were justified , and so neglected Repentance and Faith in the Promise of Forgiveness for the sake of Christ , who was typified in their Sacrifices ; nevertheless it was a Law of Faith and Repentance , as Wittichius calls it , p. 106. in cap. He freely , and of meer Grace , bestows Faith and Repentance ; yea , gives his Spirit to create these , and any other good Work in worthless vile Sinners ; and though he will not forgive any that finally refuse to believe and repent , nor save any ungodly apostate man ▪ yet Pardon and Life are his Free Gift , and no Grace nor Duty merits them , they being no more than the required Conditions or Means of our partaking of them , as the Gifts of God through Christ ; and so he hereby honours his own Government , and no way indulgeth the Boastings of Men. keywords: absolute; account; act; acts; adam; affirms; answers; arguments; article; atonement; believer; believing; benefits; best; blessings; book; c. p.; cap; cause; certain; christ; church; command; condemnation; condition; covenant; crisp; day; death; debt; deny; difference; distinct; divines; doth; doth god; duty; effects; effectual; elect; end; errors; eternal; faith; fall; fallen; father; forgiveness; free; glory; god; good; gospel; grace; great; hath; head; heart; heaven; holiness; hope; hurt; imperfect; imputed; innocency; interest; judge; judgment; justification; justified; law; laws; legal; life; like; lord; love; man; matter; means; mediator; meer; men; mercy; merit; meritorious; misery; moral; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; new; obedience; obj; oft; order; owens; pardon; people; perfect; person; places; plain; power; precept; principle; promise; reader; reason; redeemer; redemption; repentance; repl; respect; revealed; reward; righteousness; rule; sake; salvation; sanction; satisfaction; saving; self; sence; set; sin; sincere; sinners; sins; sole; soul; spirit; state; sufferings; sure; synod; tcp; terms; testimonies; text; things; thou; thought; threatnings; time; true; truth; ungodly; viz; vocation; way; word; works; wrath; yea cache: A66344.xml plain text: A66344.txt item: #18 of 18 id: A91793 author: Kiffin, William, 1616-1701. title: Justification by Christ alone, a fountaine of life and comfort, declaring that the whole worke of mans salvation was accomplished by Jesus Christ upon the crosse, in that he tooke away & healed all his, from all sinnes, and presented them to God holy without fault in his sight. And the objections against this are answered, for the consolation of such as beleive; & that they may not ascribe that which is proper to Christs preistly office, to their beleiving. / By Samuel Richardson. date: 1647 words: 32418 flesch: 91 summary: 3. and 4. 6. For if yee come once to forsake the words and exp●●ssions of Christ , you will quickly lose the Truth of Christ ; and receive error instead of Truth , I cannot but beleive when the Apostle condemnes preaching Christ in wisdome of words , 1. Cor. For if it be not true , what shall wee doe with it ? If some of it be false , why not the rest also ? And then who can tell what is truth ? And so we● vent●●● our soules upon uncertainties , this is dishonourable to Christ , and uncomfortable : and to be abhorred by all , and is the onely way to bring in and defend all errors , on the other side , if wee affirme that the minde of God is so expressed in the letter , in so many words as he that can reade may see it , is to deny any Interpretation of Scripture , and to deny them to be a Mystery : keywords: act; actions; ans; answer; beleeve; beleeving; blood; cause; christ; col; comfort; conscience; contrary; cor; covenant; crosse; curse; dead; death; declare; doctrine; doe; doth; dyed; elect; end; ephes; eternall; faith; flesh; free; gal; glory; god; gods; good; grace; grant; great; hath; heb; holy; ioh; isa; jesus; jesus christ; joh; justification; justified; know; knowledge; law; life; light; lord; love; man; matth; means; men; nature; need; obedience; obj; onely; pardon; peace; people; persons; pet; power; present; psal; purpose; redeemed; redemption; remission; rev; righteousnesse; rom; saints; salvation; scriptures; self; sin; sins; sons; soul; spirit; spot; text; thee; thing; thou; time; tit; true; truth; viz; wee; word; work; yea; ● ● cache: A91793.xml plain text: A91793.txt