item: #1 of 7 id: 10125 author: Lamb, Charles title: The Best Letters of Charles Lamb date: None words: 88099 flesch: 79 summary: His value as a critic is grounded in this capacity of _naïve_ enjoyment (not of pig, but of literature), of discerning beauty and making _us_ discern it,--thus adding to the known treasures and pleasures of mankind. Lamb_ is quite enough. keywords: 'em; author; away; barton; bernard; book; brother; c. lamb; charles; coleridge; copy; country; day; days; dead; dear; death; eyes; father; fine; friend; genius; gentleman; george; god; going; good; half; hand; head; heart; home; hope; house; john; kind; lady; lamb; leave; letter; life; like; lines; london; look; love; man; manning; mary; matter; mean; men; mind; miss; morning; mrs; nature; night; people; pleasure; poem; poetry; poor; present; read; reading; reason; room; set; shakspeare; sister; soul; southey; talk; tell; things; thought; time; town; verses; volume; want; way; week; wish; wordsworth; work; world; writing; years; young cache: 10125.txt plain text: 10125.txt item: #2 of 7 id: 10851 author: Lamb, Mary title: The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb — Volume 6 Letters 1821-1842 date: None words: 171732 flesch: 83 summary: When I pitched on the Ded'n I looked for the Broom of _Cowden_ knows to be harmonized, but 'twas summat of Rossini's. Mrs. _See_ Letters. keywords: 'em; account; album; allsop; april; author; away; barton; believe; bernard; bohn; book; british; brother; business; c. lamb; c.l; cary; charles cowden; charles lamb; children; church; coleridge; come; copy; crabb; date; daughter; day; days; dead; dear; death; dec; dibdin; dyer; edition; edward; elia; emma; enfield; essay; eyes; father; fear; feb; feel; following; friend; george; god; going; good; great; half; hand; hazlitt; head; health; heart; henry; home; hone; hood; hope; house; hunt; india; isola; james; jan; john lamb; july; june; kind; lady; lamb lamb; lambs; late; law; leave; letter; life; like; lines; little; london; look; lord; love; m. lamb; magazine; man; march; mary lamb; mean; mind; miss; miss lamb; morning; moxon; mrs; museum; new; night; note; nov; novello; oct; original; p.m.; picture; place; play; pleasure; poem; poetry; poor; pray; present; pretty; procter; read; return; robinson; rogers; second; sept; set; sir; sir charles; sister; sonnet; southey; spirits; street; subject; summer; table; taylor; text; thanks; thee; things; think; thomas; thought; thy; time; tis; town; verses; vol; volume; want; way; week; wife; william; wish; wordsworth; work; world; writing; years; young cache: 10851.txt plain text: 10851.txt item: #3 of 7 id: 17977 author: Jerrold, Walter title: Charles Lamb date: None words: 26769 flesch: 68 summary: Poems on Various Subjects, by S. T. Coleridge (included four sonnets signed C. L., described in the preface as by Mr. Charles Lamb of the India House). Charles Lamb was the son of John Lamb, who had left his native Lincolnshire--probably from the neighbourhood of Stamford--as a child, and who finally found himself attached to one Samuel Salt, a Bencher of the Inner Temple, in the capacity of his clerk, his good servant, his dresser, his friend, his 'flapper,' his guide, stop-watch, auditor, treasurer. keywords: age; books; brother; century; charles lamb; children; christ; coleridge; day; elia; essays; friend; half; house; john; lamb; letters; life; literature; london; man; mary; men; mind; mrs; school; sister; story; temple; things; time; volume; way; work; writing; years; young cache: 17977.txt plain text: 17977.txt item: #4 of 7 id: 47643 author: Gilchrist, Anne (Anne Burrows) title: Mary Lamb date: None words: 78181 flesch: 74 summary: Reprinted here, for the first time, is a little essay on _Needle-work_ (regarded from an industrial, not an art point of view), by Mary Lamb (p. 186), unearthed from an obscure and long-deceased periodical--_The British Lady's Magazine_--for which I have to thank Mr. Edward Solly, For, having in his old age drifted into an almshouse at Newcastle, the tale of his wanderings and his woes found its way into print and finally into Hone's _Every Day Book_, where, meeting the eyes of Charles and Mary Lamb, it awakened in both old memories which took shape in the sketch called _Captain Starkey_. keywords: book; brother; charles; charles lamb; child; coleridge; day; days; dear; death; family; father; friend; god; going; good; great; hand; hazlitt; head; heart; home; hope; house; ill; kind; lady; lamb; letter; life; little; long; look; love; man; mary; mary lamb; mind; miss; money; mother; mrs; new; night; place; pleasure; poor; return; room; sarah; set; sister; tales; things; thought; time; town; way; wish; woman; wordsworth; work; write; years; young cache: 47643.txt plain text: 47643.txt item: #5 of 7 id: 6166 author: Cornwall, Barry title: Charles Lamb: A Memoir date: None words: 49739 flesch: 72 summary: In his imaginary ascent from plain Charles Lamb to Pope Innocent, one of the gradations is Lord Stamford. I have been invited to place on record my recollections of Charles Lamb. keywords: authors; books; brother; character; charles lamb; coleridge; day; death; elia; essays; fine; friend; good; hazlitt; heart; home; house; humor; hunt; john; lamb; letters; life; london; love; magazine; man; manner; mary; mary lamb; men; mind; persons; place; poor; sister; southey; street; subject; talk; temple; things; thought; time; words; wordsworth; world; writes; years cache: 6166.txt plain text: 6166.txt item: #6 of 7 id: 6314 author: De Quincey, Thomas title: Biographical Essays date: None words: 80971 flesch: 57 summary: Pope certainly speaks of her under the name of Mrs. (_i. e._ Miss) W--, which at least argues a poetical exaggeration in describing her as a being that once had _titles_, honor, wealth, and fame; and he may as much have exaggerated her pretensions to beauty. Stratford are clear enough; but what motives determined his course _to_ London, and especially to the stage, still remains to be explained. keywords: account; age; author; birth; case; century; character; charles; circumstances; day; days; death; effect; endnote; english; fact; family; father; french; friend; german; goethe; good; great; greek; hand; house; intellectual; interest; john; lamb; life; literature; little; london; lord; love; man; men; mind; mother; nature; note; notice; original; people; period; person; place; poet; point; pope; power; public; question; rank; reader; reason; schiller; sense; shakspeare; sir; stage; stratford; subject; thought; time; value; viz; way; woman; works; world; years cache: 6314.txt plain text: 6314.txt item: #7 of 7 id: 9365 author: Lamb, Mary title: The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb — Volume 5 The Letters of Charles and Mary Lamb, 1796-1820 date: None words: 240609 flesch: 79 summary: Mrs. _Gold_ is well--_née_ The suggestion that Coleridge should translate _Faust_ for Murray came _viâ_ Crabb Robinson _viâ_ Lamb. keywords: account; alterations; answer; april; author; beginning; believe; bohn; book; brother; business; c. lamb; case; character; charles lamb; charles lloyd; child; children; coleridge; coming; copy; country; date; day; days; dead; dear; death; dyer; edition; england; english; essay; evening; eyes; face; fair; family; fancy; father; fear; fine; following; friend; gentleman; george; god; godwin; going; good; half; hand; happy; hazlitt; head; heart; home; hope; house; idea; india; john; john lamb; july; june; kind; lady; late; leave; letter; letter lamb; life; like; lines; little; live; living; lloyd; london; long; look; lord; love; m. lamb; man; manner; manning; march; mary lamb; matter; mean; meet; men; mind; miss; money; morning; mother; mrs; nature; new; night; note; office; original; p.m.; page; paper; passage; people; place; play; pleasure; poem; poetry; poor; post; pray; present; read; reading; reason; reference; rest; return; rickman; robert; room; sarah; second; set; shall; short; sir; sister; sonnet; soul; southey; spirits; state; stoddart; story; street; subject; sweet; talk; tell; text; thee; things; think; thomas; thought; thy; time; tis; took; town; verses; visit; volume; want; way; week; wife; william; wish; woman; wordsworth; work; world; write; writing; years; young cache: 9365.txt plain text: 9365.txt