item: #1 of 7 id: 19408 author: Cable, George Washington title: The Amateur Garden date: None words: 37630 flesch: 69 summary: On these two sides the limits touch other gardens, and all four sides are entirely without fencing. Please observe that of great gardens, or of costly gardens whether great or only costly, we here say nothing. keywords: acre; amateur; american; art; beauty; end; eye; feet; fence; flowers; garden; gardener; gardening; green; ground; grove; half; high; home; house; illustration; know; lawn; line; look; nature; new; northampton; place; plant; prizes; right; shrubs; street; things; time; town; trees; way; work; year cache: 19408.txt plain text: 19408.txt item: #2 of 7 id: 36279 author: Jekyll, Gertrude title: Wood and Garden: Notes and thoughts, practical and critical, of a working amateur date: None words: 75736 flesch: 70 summary: Eulalia japonica, flowers dried, 17 Evergreen branches for winter decoration, 16 Everlasting pea, dividing and propagating, 138 Experimental planting, 183 Felling trees, 162 Fern Filix foemina in rhododendron beds, 37, 106; Dicksonia punctilobulata, 62; ferns in rock-wall, 120; polypody, 121, 165 Fern-pegs for layering carnations, 98 Fern-walk, suitable plants among groups of ferns, 107 Flower border, 133, 200 Forms of deciduous trees, beauty of, 25 Forsythia suspensa and F. viridissima, 50 Forget-me-not, large kind, 53 Foxgloves, 270 Fungi, Amanita, Boletus, Chantarelle, 111 Funkia grandiflora, 212 Galax aphylla, colour of leaves in winter, 21 Gale, broad-leaved, 101 Garden friends, 194 Garden houses, 215 Gardening, a fine art, 197 Garrya elliptica, 202 Gaultheria Shallon, value for cutting, 16; in rock-garden, 165 Geraniums as bedding plants, 266 and onward Gourds, as used by Mrs. Earle, 18 Goutweed, 257 Grape hyacinths, 49, 258 Grass, Sheep's-fescue, 69 Grasses for lawn, 147 Grey-foliaged plants, 207 Grouping plants that bloom together, 70 Grubbing, 160; tools, 150, 261 Guelder-rose as a wall-plant, 71; single kind, 129 Gypsophila paniculata, 95, 209 Half-hardy border plants in August, 108, 210 Happiness in gardening, 1, 274 Hares, as depredators, 260 Heath sods for protecting tender plants, 91 Heaths, filling up Rhododendron beds, 37; wild heath among azaleas, 69; cut short in paths, 70; ling, 106 Hellebores, caulescent kinds in the nut-walk, 9; for cutting, 57, 144; buds stolen by mice, 260. Heuchera Richardsoni, 53, 135 Holly, beauty in winter, 8; grouped with birch, 152; cheerful aspect, 154 Hollyhocks, the prettiest shape, 105 Honey-suckle, wild, 43 Hoof-parings as manure, 133 Hoop-making, 166, and onward Hop, wild, 43 Hutchinsia alpina, 50 Hyacinth (wild) in oak-wood, 60 Hydrangeas, protecting, 146; at foot of wall, 206 Hyssop, a good wall-plant, 121 Iris alata, 14; I. foetidissima, 120; I. pallida, 129 Iris stylosa, how to plant, 13; white variety, 14; time of blooming, 33, 164 Ivy, shoots for cutting, 17 Japan Privet, foliage for winter decoration, 16 Japan Quince (Cydonia or Pyrus), 50 Jasminum nudiflorum, 164 Junction of garden and wood, 34, 270 Juniper, its merits, 26; its form, action of snow, 27; power of recovery from damage, 29; beauty of colouring, 30; stems in winter dress, 31; in a wild valley, 154, and onward Kitchen-garden, 179; its sheds, 179, 180 Larch, sweetness in April, 51 Large gardens, 176 Lavender, when to cut, 105 Lawn-making, 146; lawn spaces, 177, 178 Leaf mould, 149 Learning, 5, 189, 190, 273 Lessons of the garden, 6; in wild-tree planting, 154; in orchard planting, 183; of the show-table, 241 Leucojum vernum, 33 Leycesteria formosa, 100 Lilacs, suckers, as strong feeders, good kinds, 23; standards best, 24 Lilium auratum among rhododendrons, 37, 106; among bamboos, 106 Lilium giganteum, 95; cultivation needed in poor soil, 142 Lilium Harrisi and L. speciosum, 106 Lily of the valley in the copse, 61 Linaria repens, 259 London Pride in the rock-wall, 120 Loquat, 204 Love-in-a-mist, 251 Love of gardening, 1 Luzula sylvatica, 61 Magnolia, branches indoors in winter, 16; magnolia stellata, 50; kinds in the choice shrub-bank, 101 Mai-trank, 60 Marking trees for cutting, 151 Marsh marigold, 52 Masters and men, 271 Mastic, 102 Meconopsis Wallichi, 165 Medlar, 129 Megaseas, colour of foliage, 17; M. ligulata, 103; in front edge of flower-border, 211 Mertensia virginica, 46; sowing the seed, 84 Mice, 260, 261 Michaelmas daisies, a garden to themselves, 125; planting and staking, 126; early kinds in mixed border, 135 Mixed planting, 183; mixed border, 206 Morells, 59 Mulleins (V. olympicum and V. phlomoides), 85; mullein-moth, 86, 270 Muscari of kinds, 49 Musical reverberation in wood of Scotch fir, 60 Myosotis sylvatica major, 53 Nandina domestica, 206 Narcissus cernuus, 12; N. serotinus, 14; N. princeps and N. Horsfieldi in the copse, 48 Nature's planting, 154 Nettles, to destroy, 259 Novelty, 249 Nut nursery at Calcot, 11 Nut-walk, 9; catkins, 11; suckers, 11 Oak timber, felling, 60 Old wall, 72, 116 and onward Omphalodes verna, 45 Ophiopogon spicatum for winter cutting, 16 Orchard, ornamental, 181 Orobus vernus, 52; O. aurantiacus, 62 Othonna cheirifolia, 63 Pæonies and Lent Hellebores grown together, 76 Pæony moutan grouped with Clematis montana, 70; special garden for pæonies, 72; frequent sudden deaths, 73; varieties of P. albiflora, 74; old garden kinds, 75; pæony species desirable for garden use, 75 Pansies as cut flowers, 57; at shows, 243 Parkinson's chapter on carnations, 94 Pavia macrostachya, 103 Pea, white everlasting, 95 Pergola, 212 Pernettya, 165 Pests, bird, beast, and insect, 259 Phacelia campanularia, 63 Pheasants, as depredators, 261; destroying crocuses, 261 Philadelphus microphyllus, 103 Phlomis fruticosa, 103 Phloxes, 135 Piptanthus nepalensis, 63, 206 Planes pollarded, 215 Planting early, 129; careful planting, 130; planting from pots, 131; careful tree planting, 148 Platycodon Mariesi, 108 Plume hyacinth, 49 Polygala chamæbuxus, 164 Polygonum compactum, 136; Sieboldi, 258 Pot-pourri from a Surrey garden, 18 Primroses, white and lilac, 44; large bunch-flowered kinds as cut flowers, 58; seedlings planted out, 85; primrose garden, 216 Primula denticulata, 184 Progress in gardening, 249 Prophet-flower (Arnebia), 56 Protecting tender plants, 145 Pterocephalus parnassi, 107 Pyrus Maulei, 50 Queen wasps, 63 Quince, 128 Rabbits, 260 Ranunculus montanus, 50 Raphiolepis ovata, 204 Rhododendrons, variation in foliage, 35; R. multum maculatum, 35; plants to fill bare spaces among, 37; arrangement for colour, 64 and onward; hybrid of R. Aucklandi, 69; alpine, 165 Ribbon border, 266 Ribes, 50 Robinia hispida, 203 Rock garden, making and renewing, 115 Rock-wall, 116 and onward Rosemary, 204 Roses, pruning, tying, and training, 38; fence planted with free roses, 38; Reine Olga de Wurtemburg, 38; climbing and rambling roses, 39; Fortune's yellow, Banksian, 40; wild roses, 43; garden roses: Provence, moss, damask, R. alba, 78; roses in cottage gardens, ramblers and fountains, 79; free growth of Rosa polyantha, 80; two good, free roses for cutting, 80; Burnet rose and Scotch briars, Rosa lucida, 81; tea roses: best kinds for light soil, pegging, pruning, 82; roses collected in Capri, 105; second bloom of tea roses, 110; jam made of hips of R. rugosa, 111, 184; R. arvensis, garden form of, 129; R. Boursault elegans, 192; China, 205; their scents, 235 Ruscus aculeatus, 151; R. racemosus, 152 Ruta patavina, a late-flowering rock-plant, 107 Sambucus ebulis, 258 Satin-leaf (Heuchera Richardsoni), 53 Scilla maritima, 14; S. sibirica, S. bifolia, 32 Scents of flowers, 229 and onward Scotch fir, pollen, 53; cones opening, 54; effect of sound in fir-wood, 60 Show flowers, 242 Show-table, what it teaches, 241 Shrub-bank, 101; snug place for tender shrubs, 121 Shrub-wilderness of the old home, 100 Skimmeas, 101, 165 Slugs, 262 Smilacina bifolia, 61 Snapdragon, 251 Snowstorm of December 1886, 27 Snowy Mespilus (Amelanchier), 52 Solanum crispum, 204 Solomon's seal, 61 Spindle-tree, 127 Spiræa Thunbergi, 50, 104; S. prunifolia, 104 St. John's worts, choice, 103 Stephanandra flexuosa, 103 Sternbergia lutea, 139 Sticks and stakes, 163 Storms in autumn, 122 Styrax japonica, 101 Suckers of nuts, 11; robbers, how to remove, 24; on grafted rhododendrons, 36 Sunflowers, perennial, 134 Sweetbriar, rambling, 39; fragrance in April, 51 Sweet-leaved small shrubs, 34, 57, 101 Sweet peas, autumn sown, 83, 112 Thatching with hoop-chips, 169 Thinning the nut-walk, 10; thinning shrubs, 22; trees in copse, 151 Tiarella cordifolia, 53; colour of leaves in winter, 21 Tools for dividing, 136; for tree cutting and grubbing, 150; woodman's, 158; axe and wedge, 159; rollers, 160; cross-cut saw, 162 Training the eye, 4; training Clematis flammula, 24 Transplanting large trees, 147 Trillium grandiflorum, 61 Tritomas, protecting, 146 Tulips, show kinds and their origin, 55; T. retroflexa, 55; other good garden kinds, 56 Various ways of gardening, 3 Verbascum olympicum and V. phlomoides, 85 Villa garden, 171 Vinca acutiflora, 139 Vine, black Hamburg at Calcot, 12; as a wall-plant, 42; good garden kinds, 42; claret vine, 110, 205; Vitis Coignettii, 123 Violets, the pale St. Helena, 45; Czar, 140 Virginian cowslip, 46; its colouring, 47; sowing seed, 84 Wall pennywort, 120 Water-elder, a beautiful neglected shrub, 123 Weeds, 256 Wild gardening misunderstood, 269 Wilson, Mr. G. F.'s garden at Wisley, 184 Window garden, 185 Winter, beauty of woodland, 7 Wistaria chinensis, 43 Whortleberry under Scotch fir, 51, 61 Woodman at work, 158 Woodruff, 60 Wood-rush, 61, 165 Wood-work, 163 Xanthoceras sorbifolia, 103 Yellow everlasting, 120 Yuccas, some of the best kinds, 91; in flower-border, 201 THE END Printed by BALLANTYNE, HANSON & CO. Edinburgh & London Transcriber's Notes: 1. I wished to have them, not for the sake of making a collection, but in order to see which were the ones I should like best to grow as garden flowers. keywords: away; beauty; bloom; blue; border; branches; bushes; case; chapter; colour; colouring; copse; cut; end; feet; fine; flower; flowering; foliage; form; garden; gardening; good; green; ground; groups; growth; half; illustration; inches; kinds; leaves; look; masses; ones; pale; pink; place; planting; plants; red; right; rock; roots; rose; shrubs; soil; space; spring; summer; tender; things; time; trees; use; variety; wall; way; white; wild; winter; wood; work; year; yellow; young cache: 36279.txt plain text: 36279.txt item: #3 of 7 id: 37607 author: Robinson, W. (William) title: Garden Design and Architects' Gardens Two reviews, illustrated, to show, by actual examples from British gardens, that clipping and aligning trees to make them 'harmonise' with architecture is barbarous, needless, and inartistic date: None words: 11871 flesch: 72 summary: Example of beautiful garden in Scotland, in position requiring terracing_] He takes the _English Flower Garden_ as the expression of landscape gardening practice; whereas the book, in all the parts that treat of design, is a protest against the formation by landscape gardeners of costly things which have nothing to do with gardening and nothing to do with true architecture. This rule, as is well known, has been carried out in many gardens--it was rigid here. keywords: art; beauty; design; english; formal; garden; gardening; good; house; illustration; landscape; lines; nature; trees; walls; work cache: 37607.txt plain text: 37607.txt item: #4 of 7 id: 39049 author: Earle, Alice Morse title: Old-Time Gardens, Newly Set Forth date: None words: 108631 flesch: 75 summary: He stands by a table bearing a vase filled with old garden flowers--Tulip, Convolvulus, Harebell, Rose, Peony, Narcissus, and Flowering Almond; and it is the pleasure of the present mistress of the manor, to see that the garden still holds all the great-grandfather's flowers. Adrian Van der Donck, a gossiping visitor to New Netherland when the little town of New Amsterdam had about a thousand inhabitants, described the fine kitchen gardens, the vegetables and fruits, and gave an interesting list of garden flowers which he found under cultivation by the Dutch vrouws. keywords: america; apple; beauty; beds; bloom; blossoms; blue; book; border; box; care; century; childhood; children; cider; close; color; common; country; day; days; delight; dial; england; english; esq; family; farm; favorite; feet; field; flower; folk; form; garden; garden flowers; grass; green; ground; growing; growth; hedges; herb garden; herbs; high; home; home garden; house; illustration; island; larkspur; leaf; leaves; life; lilac; lilies; lily; lines; look; love; man; manor; massachusetts; men; mother; mrs; names; nature; near; new; new england; night; old; ones; page; pink; place; plant; pretty; purple; red; rose; salem garden; save; saw; scent; seeds; seq; set; smell; spring; spring garden; summer; sun; sweet; thought; thyme; time; trees; virginia; walk; wall; water; white; wild; william; winter; words; world; yard; years; yellow; york cache: 39049.txt plain text: 39049.txt item: #5 of 7 id: 39929 author: Gilpin, William title: A Dialogue upon the Gardens of the Right Honorouble the Lord Viscount Cobham at Stow in Buckinghamshire date: None words: 16764 flesch: 75 summary: Art_, rather than to _express Religion_, was the Point aimed at in these enchanting Pieces of Workmanship.----But when Superstition acted without Controul; when the fantastic Notions of Priests were put into the Hands of ordinary Workmen, even amongst the polite _Greeks_ and _Romans_ themselves, Lord! COBHAM_ AT STOW IN BUCKINGHAMSHIRE _(1748)_ keywords: art; beauty; building; calloph; country; dialogue; gardens; gilpin; kind; landscape; manner; nature; objects; place; polypth; polypthon; sir; stowe; taste; temple; thing; variety; view; william cache: 39929.txt plain text: 39929.txt item: #6 of 7 id: 45599 author: Ely, Helena Rutherfurd title: A Woman's Hardy Garden date: None words: 29195 flesch: 81 summary: Good plants are six dollars a hundred, and should be planted a foot apart. Hydrangea paniculata grandiflora_ makes a beautiful low-growing hedge; good plants can be bought for six dollars a hundred. keywords: august; bed; bloom; border; care; feet; flowers; garden; ground; half; house; illustration; july; june; lilies; pink; place; planting; plants; roses; seed; september; soil; spring; time; varieties; water; white; year; yellow cache: 45599.txt plain text: 45599.txt item: #7 of 7 id: 47688 author: Various title: The Brochure Series of Architectural Illustration, vol. 06, No. 02, February 1900 Japanese Gardens date: None words: 4250 flesch: 53 summary: The Hill Garden class is the more elaborate of the two, and that best adapted for large gardens, and for those where the natural site is undulating, or where money can be spent in artificial grading. In large gardens there may be as many as one hundred and thirty-eight principal rocks and stones, each having its special name and function; but in smaller ones as few as five rocks will often suffice. keywords: garden; hill; illustration; japanese; landscape; stones; tree; water cache: 47688.txt plain text: 47688.txt