item: #1 of 8 id: 10357 author: Boswell, James title: Life of Johnson, Volume 4 1780-1784 date: None words: 204986 flesch: 77 summary: He says:-- 'If as a Necessarian I cease to _blame_ men for their vices in the ultimate sense of the word, though, in the common and proper sense of it, I continue to do as much as other persons (for how necessarily soever they act, they are influenced by a base and mischievous disposition of mind, against which I must guard myself and others in proportion as I love myself and others),' &c. Priestley's _Works_, iii. 508. See also Walpole's _Letters_, vi. 302, and _ante_, ii. 430, note 1. keywords: account; ante; april; attention; away; bishop; book; boswell; burke; burney; character; church; club; come; common; company; conversation; country; croker; d'arblay; day; days; dear; death; diary; edition; england; english; evening; father; following; friend; garrick; general; gentleman; god; good; great; greek; hand; having; hawkins; health; hear; hebrides; high; history; honour; hope; horace; house; human; iii; ill; instance; johnson; june; kind; kindness; king; knowledge; lady; langton; language; late; learning; left; letters; life; like; london; long; lord; lordship; love; madam; malone; man; manner; memoirs; men; merit; mind; miss; mme; money; morning; mrs; nature; new; note; occasion; opinion; people; person; piozzi; place; pleasure; poor; pope; post; pounds; power; present; read; reason; respect; reverend; reynolds; right; room; samuel johnson; sept; servant; set; shall; sir; sir john; sir joshua; state; subject; talk; talking; tell; things; think; thought; thrale; time; truth; walpole; want; way; wish; works; world; writing; years; young cache: 10357.txt plain text: 10357.txt item: #2 of 8 id: 10451 author: Boswell, James title: Life of Johnson, Volume 5 Tour to the Hebrides (1773) and Journey into North Wales (1774) date: None words: 201444 flesch: 80 summary: Garrick promised to act it; and _Alfred_ was produced.' 'I cannot learn that ever this custom prevailed in England, though it certainly did in Scotland (under the name of _mercketa_ or _marcheta_), till abolished by Malcolm III.' keywords: account; allan; answer; ante; appearance; attention; august; bed; boat; book; boswell; breakfast; burke; castle; character; charles; chief; church; col; college; company; concerning; conversation; country; croker; day; days; deal; death; different; dinner; doctor; dr johnson; duke; earl; edinburgh; edition; england; english; erse; evening; family; father; fellow; following; friend; garrick; general; gentleman; good; great; head; high; highland; history; home; honour; hope; horace; house; hume; iii; island; james; johnson; journal; journey; kind; king; knowledge; lady; laird; late; law; learning; leave; left; letters; life; london; lord; m'lean; m'leod; m'queen; macdonald; macleod; malcolm; man; manner; mean; men; miles; mind; miss; monboddo; money; morning; mrs; mull; nature; night; note; october; opinion; original; passage; people; person; piozzi; place; pleasure; poor; pope; post; power; present; prince; rasay; reason; respect; return; road; robertson; rock; room; round; samuel johnson; saying; scotland; scott; sea; second; sense; september; servant; set; shew; sir; sky; small; state; subject; talk; thing; thought; thrale; time; tour; town; truth; visit; water; way; wind; wish; woman; works; world; writing; years; young cache: 10451.txt plain text: 10451.txt item: #3 of 8 id: 11031 author: Stephen, Leslie title: Samuel Johnson date: None words: 59027 flesch: 67 summary: As the newly-married couple rode back from church, Mrs. Johnson showed her spirit by reproaching her husband for riding too fast, and then for lagging behind. Mrs. Johnson apparently knew how to regain supremacy; but, at any rate, Johnson loved her devotedly during life, and clung to her memory during a widowhood of more than thirty years, as fondly as if they had been the most pattern hero and heroine of romantic fiction. keywords: acquaintance; author; book; boswell; burke; character; conversation; day; days; death; fact; father; friend; garrick; general; goldsmith; good; house; human; johnson; kind; lady; letter; life; literature; london; love; man; men; mind; miss; mrs; nature; new; occasion; people; period; poor; present; rambler; reynolds; savage; sense; sir; street; talk; thought; thrale; time; truth; want; way; work; world; years; young cache: 11031.txt plain text: 11031.txt item: #4 of 8 id: 11729 author: Boswell, James title: Life of Johnson, Volume 6 Addenda, index, dicta philosophi, etc. date: None words: 193519 flesch: 69 summary: l. 259, ii. 368, n. 1; l. 283, iii. 328; l. 350, v. 415, n. 4; 1. 378, ii. 229, n. 1; _Satires, Epilogue, i. 29, iii. 57, n. 2; iv. 364, n. 1; i. 131, iv. 9, n. 5; i. 135, iii. 48, n. 2; ii. 70, i. 508; ii. 283, n. 1; iv. 29, n. 1; ii. 208, iii. 380, n. 1; _Imitations of Horace, Epistles_, i. vi. 3, ii. 158, n. 2; i. vi. 120, ii. 211, n. 4; i. vi. 126, iii. 386, n. 4; ii. i. 14, v. 372, n. 2; ii. i. 71, i. 118; ii. i. 75, iv. 102, n. 2; ii. i. 180, iii. 389, n. 5; ii. i. 221, ii. 132, n. 2; ii. ii. 23, iii. 237, n. 2; ii. ii. 78, v. 265, n. 1; ii. ii. 157, i. 220; ii. ii. 276, i. 127, n. 4; _Satires_, ii. i. 67, iii. 91, n. 6; ii. i. 78, iv. 318, n. 2; ii. ii. 3, i. 105, n. 1; _Universal Prayer_, iii. 346. POPE, Mrs., i. 499, n. 1. Bis dat qui cito dat_, ii. 290, n. 4. BISCAY, language of, i. 322. BISHOP, contradicting one, iv. 274; House of Lords, in the, ii. 171; how made, ii. 352; v. 80; Johnson dines with two Bishops in Passion Week, iv. 88-9; learning, their, iv. 13; dulness, ib. n. 3; liberties taken in their presence, iv. 295; losses and gain by preferment, iv. 286, n. 1; 'necessity of holding preferments _in commendam_,' iv. 118, n. 2; 'Seven Bishops,' iv. 287; tippling-house, at a, iv. 75; a rout, ib. keywords: 103; 118; 135; 140; 170; 174; 190; 208; 223; 226; 239; 242; 268; 274; 311; 318; 353; 360; 381; 402; 407; 421; account; attacks; bishop; book; boswell; burke; character; charles; church; club; college; conversation; death; describes; dictionary; duke; earl; edinburgh; edition; england; english; garrick; general; george iii; goldsmith; good; great; henry; history; house; i. 1; i. 122; i. 157; i. 176; i. 181; i. 193; i. 2; i. 227; i. 232; i. 248; i. 263; i. 279; i. 294; i. 3; i. 307; i. 359; i. 36; i. 383; i. 395; i. 418; i. 439; i. 452; i. 467; i. 491; i. 5; i. 58; i. 60; i. 68; i. 73; i. 75; i. 86; i. i.; i. iii; iii; james; johnson; king; knowledge; lady; letter; lichfield; life; like; lines; london; lord; love; man; member; memoirs; men; mind; miss; mrs; n. 1; n. 2; n. 3; n. 4; n. i.; n. ii; n. l; oxford; people; pope; praises; professor; rev; reynolds; school; scotch; scotland; second; shakespeare; sir; society; street; style; talk; thomas; thrale; time; visits; vols; william; works; world cache: 11729.txt plain text: 11729.txt item: #5 of 8 id: 1564 author: Boswell, James title: Boswell's Life of Johnson Abridged and edited, with an introduction by Charles Grosvenor Osgood date: None words: 219745 flesch: 75 summary: At that time booksellers' shops in the provincial towns of England were very rare, so that there was not one even in Birmingham, in which town old Mr. Johnson used to open a shop every market-day. Mr. Hammond asked Mr. Johnson how he could possibly think of bringing such an infant to church, and in the midst of so great a crowd. keywords: account; acquaintance; april; attention; authour; beauclerk; book; boswell; burke; character; church; company; conversation; country; day; dear; death; degree; dinner; english; evening; following; friend; garrick; general; gentleman; goldsmith; good; great; head; high; home; honour; hope; house; instance; johnson; kind; king; knowledge; lady; langton; language; late; left; letter; life; little; london; long; lord; love; madam; man; manner; men; merit; mind; miss; money; morning; mrs; nay; new; occasion; opinion; oxford; people; place; pleasure; poor; pounds; present; publick; read; reason; respect; reynolds; right; room; samuel johnson; scotland; sir; sir john; sir joshua; sir william; state; subject; talk; taylor; things; think; thought; thrale; time; truth; way; wine; wish; work; world; writing; year; young cache: 1564.txt plain text: 1564.txt item: #6 of 8 id: 8918 author: Boswell, James title: Life of Johnson, Volume 1 1709-1765 date: None words: 252486 flesch: 76 summary: Forty-four years later Horace Walpole wrote (_Letters_, ix. 319), 'I never knew Johnson wrote the speeches in the _Gentleman's Magazine_ till he died.' Dr. _Watts_ was one of the first who taught the Dissenters to write and speak like other men, by shewing them that elegance might consist with piety[917]. keywords: a.d; account; acknowl; ante; april; attention; aug; author; best; book; boswell; burney; cave; character; chesterfield; church; college; come; common; company; conversation; copy; country; course; croker; day; days; dear; death; dec; degree; dictionary; doubt; edition; england; english; essay; father; favour; feb; following; french; friend; friend mr; garrick; general; genius; gentleman; george; goldsmith; good; great; hand; hawkins; hebrides; history; honour; hope; horace; house; human; iii; johnson; joshua; journal; july; june; kind; king; knowledge; lady; langton; language; late; latin; learning; left; letter; lichfield; life; life johnson; lines; literature; london; lord; love; mag; magazine; malone; man; manner; march; master; memoirs; men; merit; michael johnson; mind; miss; mother; mrs; murphy; nature; near; night; note; nov; number; oct; opinion; original; oxford; page; paper; passage; people; person; piozzi; place; pleasure; poem; poet; pope; post; power; preface; present; publick; rambler; read; reason; reynolds; samuel johnson; savage; school; second; sept; servant; set; sir; spirit; state; street; study; style; subject; talk; thing; thomas; thought; thrale; thy; time; truth; university; viii; walpole; warton; way; wife; wish; works; world; write; writing; years; young; ætat cache: 8918.txt plain text: 8918.txt item: #7 of 8 id: 9072 author: Boswell, James title: Life of Johnson, Volume 2 1765-1776 date: None words: 223300 flesch: 78 summary: On Saturday, the sixth of May, we dined by ourselves at the Mitre, and he dictated to me what follows, to obviate the complaint already mentioned[1112], which had been made in the form of an action in the Court of Session, by Dr. Memis, of Aberdeen, that in the same translation of a charter in which _physicians_ were mentioned, he was called _Doctor of Medicine_. If a man firmly believes that religion is an invaluable treasure[1293], he will consider a writer who endeavours to deprive mankind of it as a _robber_; he will look upon him as _odious_, though the infidel might think himself in the right. keywords: account; answer; ante; april; attention; aug; book; boswell; burke; character; church; company; conversation; country; court; croker; day; days; dear; death; degree; dinner; doctor; doubt; edition; england; english; esq; evening; family; father; fellow; following; french; friend; garrick; general; gentleman; george; goldsmith; good; government; great; half; hand; head; hebrides; high; history; home; honour; hope; horace; house; human; hume; iii; ill; instance; james; james boswell; johnson; journey; judge; june; kind; king; know; knowledge; lady; langton; language; law; learning; leave; left; letters; liberty; life; little; london; lord; love; man; manner; march; mean; memoirs; men; mind; miss; money; morning; mrs; nature; nay; note; occasion; oct; opinion; original; oxford; particular; passage; people; piozzi; place; play; pleasure; poor; pope; post; power; present; publick; question; reason; respect; return; reynolds; right; room; sam; samuel johnson; saying; scotch; scotland; second; sept; servant; set; sir; sir joshua; society; state; subject; talk; temple; things; think; thought; thrale; time; town; truth; viii; walpole; want; way; wife; wish; works; world; write; writing; year; young cache: 9072.txt plain text: 9072.txt item: #8 of 8 id: 9180 author: Boswell, James title: Life of Johnson, Volume 3 1776-1780 date: None words: 213129 flesch: 80 summary: [380] Johnson gives both _epocha_ and _epoch_ in his _Dictionary_. Horace Walpole wrote of the Parisians in 1765, (_Letters_, iv. keywords: account; ante; april; attention; aug; bishop; book; boswell; burke; care; case; character; children; church; common; company; conversation; country; court; croker; day; dear; death; degree; dinner; doctor; dodd; doubt; edition; england; english; evening; family; father; favour; following; friend; garrick; general; gentleman; george; goldsmith; good; great; hand; health; hebrides; history; home; honour; hope; horace; house; iii; james; johnson; journal; journey; july; june; kind; kindness; king; knowledge; lady; langton; language; late; law; learning; left; letters; life; little; lives; london; lord; love; madam; man; manner; march; means; memoirs; men; mind; miss; money; mrs; nature; nay; new; note; occasion; oct; opinion; passage; people; percy; piozzi; place; play; pleasure; poets; poor; pope; post; power; present; question; reason; respect; reynolds; right; samuel johnson; saw; scotland; second; sept; servant; set; sir; sir joshua; state; subject; talk; taylor; things; think; thought; thrale; time; truth; walpole; way; wife; wilkes; wine; wish; works; world; writing; years; young cache: 9180.txt plain text: 9180.txt