item: #1 of 8 id: A20729 author: Downame, George, d. 1634. title: The Christians freedome wherein is fully expressed the doctrine of Christian libertie. By the rt. reuerend father in God, George Downeham, Doctor of Diuinity and Ld. Bp. of Derry. date: 1635 words: 48441 flesch: 76 summary: The subiect or the parties on whom this libertie is conferred , which is plainly gathered out of the context or in●erence of these words vpon the former , to bee all the sonnes of God by adoption . For as Christ was made a sinner for vs , so are wee made h righteous before God in him : Christ was made a sinner for vs , by imputation of our sinnes to him : therefore we are made righteous before God in him , by imputation of his righteousnesse vnto vs. Againe , as we were made ●inners , that is , guilty of the first Adams transgression ; i so are we iustified by the obedience of the second Adam . keywords: able; abuse; act; actions; adoption; againe; apostle; assurance; authority; bee; beleeue; benefit; best; better; betweene; blessed; blood; body; bondage; bound; brethren; brother; calling; cap; cause; ceremoniall; ceremonies; certaine; charity; children; christ; christ hath; christian; christian liberty; church; ciuill; cleane; comfort; commandement; common; conscience; consisteth; contrary; cor; corruption; creatures; curse; damnation; day; dead; death; degrees; desire; difference; disobedience; doctrine; doe; dominion; doth; drinke; duties; duty; ecclesiasticall; end; enioy; ephes; estate; eternall; euen; euery; euill; exaction; example; faith; faithfull; farre; father; feare; flesh; forth; free; freedome; gal; galath; generall; ghost; giuen; glory; god; god doth; godly; gods; goe; good; gospell; grace; great; greater; guilt; hath; haue; hauing; heart; heauen; heb; hee; heires; himselfe; holy; hope; house; iesus; iewes; immunity; imputation; indifferent; inherent; inward; iohn; iudgement; iudiciall; iustice; iustification; iustified; kingdome; knowledge; law; lawes; lawfull; libertie; liberty; life; light; like; little; liue; long; lord; loue; luk; magistrate; man; manner; mat; matth; meanes; measure; meat; mee; members; men; mercy; merits; mindes; miserable; moses; nature; necessary; necessity; neighbour; neuer; new; obedience; obiect; offence; old; onely; ouer; outward; owne; papists; particular; parts; paul; peculiar; people; perfect; perfection; performe; pet; peter; place; power; practise; prayer; professe; promise; psal; punishment; pure; question; reason; receiue; redemption; regard; religion; remember; requireth; respect; rest; righteousnesse; rom; sacrifice; sake; salvation; sanctification; satan; sauiour; scandall; scriptures; second; seeke; selues; sense; sentence; seruants; serue; seruitude; set; sheweth; simple; sinne; sonnes; sons; soule; speaketh; spirit; spirituall; subiect; tcp; teach; teacheth; testament; text; thee; themselues; things; thinke; thou; thy; time; true; truth; turne; viz; vncleane; vnder; vnderstand; vnderstanding; vnlesse; vntill; vnto; vnto christ; vnto god; vocation; vpon; vse; water; way; weake; wee; wee bee; wee haue; whatsoeuer; whereof; wicked; willing; word; works; worship; wrath; yea; ● s; ● ● cache: A20729.xml plain text: A20729.txt item: #2 of 8 id: A23597 author: Penn, William, 1644-1718. title: England's great interest in the choice of this new Parliament dedicated to all her free-holders and electors. date: 1679 words: 4406 flesch: 59 summary: Insomuch as No man according to the ancient Laws of this Realm can be adjudg'd in matter either of Life , Liberty or Estate , but it must be by the Judgment of his Peers , that is , Twelve men of the Neighbourhood , commonly called a JURY ; though this hath been infringed by two Acts made in the late long Parliament , one against the Quakers in Particular , and the other against Dissenters in General , called An Act against seditious Conventicles , where persons are adjudged Offenders and punishable without a Jury : which 't is hoped , this ensuing Parliament will think fit in their Wisdoms to repeal , though with less Severity , then one of the same Nature ( as to punishing men without Juries ) was by Henry the Eighth , who for executing of it hang'd Empson and Dudly . To guide and fix your Choice upon Men , that you have reason to believe are Well Affected , Able and Bold to serve the Country in these Respects . keywords: books; characters; choice; chuse; commons; constitution; country; early; eebo; electors; encoding; england; english; free; fundamental; general; god; good; government; great; ill; images; interest; kingdom; law; laws; little; man; men; money; new; online; oxford; parliament; partnership; people; persons; phase; popery; power; reason; right; tcp; tei; text; time; title; true; turn; works; xml cache: A23597.xml plain text: A23597.txt item: #3 of 8 id: A54111 author: Penn, William, 1644-1718. title: A brief examination and state of liberty spiritual both with respect to persons in their private capacity and in their church society and communion / written ... by a lover of true liberty, as it is in Jesus, William Penn. date: 1681 words: 7680 flesch: 59 summary: Ought I not to be left to the Grace and Spirit of God in my own Heart ? That all should be guided by the Grace and Spirit of God in themselves ; for the end of that Doctrine is , certainty . keywords: answ; blessed; body; brethren; christ; church; communion; day; duty; early; eebo; english; evil; eye; faith; false; fellowship; free; freedom; friends; god; good; grace; great; hath; heart; holy; jesus; judgment; law; left; liberty; life; light; lord; love; man; measure; member; mind; penn; people; perfect; persons; power; practice; private; self; sense; sin; society; spirit; spiritual; tcp; text; things; thou; true; truth; unity; variety; way; william; works cache: A54111.xml plain text: A54111.txt item: #4 of 8 id: A55745 author: Buckingham, George Villiers, Duke of, 1628-1687. title: A paradox against liberty written by the Lords, during their imprisonment in the Tower a poem. date: 1679 words: 2676 flesch: 77 summary: As Art the first , Nature Immures the last ; Onely i' th' larger Mold her Figure 's cast . Whilst Sense and Fancy over-rule their choice , And Reason in th' Election has no voice . keywords: books; characters; creation; day; death; early; edition; eebo; encoding; english; fall; freedom; good; great; honour; images; imprisonment; liberty; like; lords; lyes; man; men; mind; nature; online; oxford; paradox; partnership; phase; poem; state; tcp; tei; text; time; tower; transcribed; vertue; vice; wharton; work; xml cache: A55745.xml plain text: A55745.txt item: #5 of 8 id: A56187 author: Parker, Henry, 1604-1652. title: Jus populi, or, A discourse wherein clear satisfaction is given as well concerning the right of subiects as the right of princes shewing how both are consistent and where they border one upon the other : as also, what there is divine and what there is humane in both and whether is of more value and extent. date: 1644 words: 28651 flesch: 51 summary: For t is not by us questioned whether powers are from God or no ; but whether they are so extraordinarily from God , as that they have no dependence upon humane consent . T is true it proved afterwards fatall to Lot , that he did disjoyne from Abraham , and it had been farre more politick and advantagious for both of them perhaps , if they had incorporated one with another : but the question is not whether it was prejudiciall , or no , to esteeme the priviledge of an Independent liberty before the many other fruits and advantages of a well framed principalitie : but whether it was sin against God , or no , and a transgression against the constitution of power , to pursue that which was most pleasing , before that which was likely to prove more commodious . keywords: abraham; absolute; act; actions; acts; adam; adversaries; ages; alexander; alwayes; answer; arbitrary; aristotle; augustus; authority; bee; benefit; best; better; betwixt; blood; bodin; body; brother; caesar; case; causes; charge; children; choice; christians; cicero; civill; clear; command; commission; common; community; composition; condition; consent; constitution; contrary; court; creatures; crowne; cruelty; david; death; degrees; difference; discourse; dispute; divine; doe; dominion; doth; doubt; duty; effect; election; emperour; empire; end; ends; england; english; equall; expresse; eye; farre; fatall; father; favour; force; form; free; freedome; generall; glorious; god; gods; good; government; grant; great; greater; hand; happy; hath; heaven; hee; himselfe; hold; honour; humane; husband; immediate; imperiall; impossible; independent; interest; intire; judgement; judges; jurisdiction; jus; justice; kind; kings; law; laws; lesse; liberty; life; like; limited; little; loose; lord; lot; magistrates; main; majestie; majesty; making; man; mankinde; manner; means; meer; men; mixt; monarchies; monarchy; morall; moses; nations; naturall; nature; nay; necessary; needs; neverthelesse; new; noble; non; notice; occasion; office; onely; order; owne; parents; parliament; particular; party; passe; people; perpetuall; persons; place; plea; plebeians; point; policie; policy; populi; power; prerogative; priests; princes; private; profit; proper; publick; purpose; reason; religion; resistance; respect; right; roman; rome; royalists; royall; royalty; rule; sacred; safety; saies; sake; satisfaction; saul; scarce; scepter; scripture; second; self; senate; sense; servant; servile; set; severall; sin; slavery; slaves; sole; state; story; strength; subjection; subjects; sufficient; sunt; supreame; sure; sword; text; things; think; thoughts; times; title; true; truth; use; value; violent; viz; war; way; wealth; wee; words; work; world cache: A56187.xml plain text: A56187.txt item: #6 of 8 id: A61114 author: Spencer, John, Groom. title: A short treatise concerning the lawfullnese of every mans exercising his gift as God shall call him thereunto by John Spencer. date: 1641 words: 3426 flesch: 70 summary: And so in its place , according to its measure to be used , what ever gift it be ; that so though the members be many , yet the body is but on , every on member of the head , and all members one of another , and though the members have severall officies , yet every member in the body hath some officie , and usefull gift , and that not for its owne profit alone : or the profit of two or three members next it , but for the good of the whole body , God having so placed the members in the body , that the chiefest cannot say to the meanest , I have no need of you , nor the meanest cannot also say to the chiefest , I am not to care for you , but every member to have the same care one of another , though this care bee manifested diversly , according to the severall officies they have in the body ; and the severall gifts given it for discharge of the same , for though in respect of the Politie of Congregated bodies , the more part are out of officie , yet as we are all one body in Christ , and members on of another , their is never a member out of office , and that for the service of the whole : there are now more private Christians , then private members of Christ , neither in any other sense , can they properly be called private Christians , then they may also be called private members of Christ . A short treatise concerning the lawfullnese of every mans exercising his gift as God shall call him thereunto by John Spencer. keywords: apostles; arts; body; christ; church; cor; english; gifts; god; good; great; hath; iohn; john; mans; members; obiect; people; private; publike; reason; short; spencer; spirit; text; things; tongues; treatise; words; world cache: A61114.xml plain text: A61114.txt item: #7 of 8 id: A92658 author: James II, King of England, 1633-1701. aut. title: A proclamation, anent field conventicles and house-meetings date: 1687 words: 1660 flesch: 59 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A92658) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 153558) keywords: arms; books; characters; conventicles; council; early; edinburgh; eebo; encoding; english; great; image; meetings; online; oxford; partnership; phase; preachers; privy; proclamation; royal; tcp; tei; text; works; xml cache: A92658.xml plain text: A92658.txt item: #8 of 8 id: A95657 author: Terry, Edward, 1590-1660. title: Pseudeleutheria. Or Lawlesse liberty. Set forth in a sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Major of London, &c. in Pauls, Aug. 16. 1646. / By Edvvard Terry, Minister of the Word, and pastor of the church at Great-Greenford in the country of Middlesex. Sept. 11. 1646. Imprimatur. John Downame. date: 1646 words: 19850 flesch: 64 summary: But these Lawes of God thus written , and commended , and commanded unto man , where slighted , and neglected , and forsaken by him , and therefore Irenaus well observes in his first booke against heresies , that therefore God appointed Kingdomes and men to rule in them , because man forsaking God , did wax feirce , lawlesse , masterlesse , and being not sufficiently awed by the feare of the Lord , God therefore put upon them the feare of man , that fearing humane Lawes , they should not devoure , destroy , consume one another as the fishes of the Sea , and the beasts of the wildernesse , and the fowles of the aire doe . Isaiah 5. 20. 21. because wisedome presumed on , and drawne from the broken cisterne of a mans owne braine , is in the reputation of God , and hath as great an woe before it in that Chapter , as the sins of Covetousnesse , or Oppression , or Drunkennesse . keywords: act; agreement; ancient; apostle; appeare; application; authority; bands; beleeve; better; blessed; body; breake; brethren; cause; children; christ; christians; church; city; commands; cords; david; day; death; desire; discipline; doe; doth; doubtlesse; earth; end; english; equall; evill; eyes; fall; father; feare; fire; gen; generall; glory; god; gods; goe; good; government; great; hand; hath; head; heart; heaven; high; himselfe; hold; holy; honour; house; john; justice; keepe; kingdome; knowledge; labour; lawes; lawlesse; leave; liberty; life; like; lives; london; long; lord; love; lust; meet; men; mouth; naturall; nature; new; non; number; obedience; observed; order; owne; particular; pauls; people; persons; place; power; prophet; psal; psalme; purpose; reason; rebellious; religion; reproofe; restraine; right; righteous; roman; rule; sad; saith; sake; sam; sayd; scripture; selves; sermon; shame; sin; sonnes; soule; speake; spirits; spirituall; story; subjection; terry; text; thee; thing; thinke; thou; thousands; thy; times; true; truth; ungodly; unity; verse; waies; want; way; wicked; wickednesse; word; worke; worthy; yee; yeeld; yoke; zeale cache: A95657.xml plain text: A95657.txt