item: #1 of 3 id: 13037 author: Chatterton, Thomas title: The Rowley Poems date: None words: 65690 flesch: 90 summary: _Laughable_. Oh Raufe, comme lyste and hear mie _dernie_ tale. keywords: account; alle; alonge; anie; arrowe; author; awaie; barrett; battle; bee; bie; birtha; bloude; botte; bowe; boy; brave; bristol; c. c.; canynge; catcott; celmonde; century; charles; chatterton; chaucer; comme; copy; daie; death; dethe; die; doe; doth; drewe; duke; dyd; dydd; eche; edition; editor; english; everych; explanation; eyne; fate; fayre; flie; foe; following; footnote; force; fromm; fulle; fyghte; gentle; glossary; godde; goddwyn; goe; good; gore; grounde; gyff; han; hand; harolde; harte; heaven; hedde; heere; honde; horse; howe; hurra; hym; hys; iii; joie; kenne; knyghte; kynge; laie; language; launce; leave; lette; life; love; lyche; lyfe; lyke; lyve; magnus; maie; manne; meaning; mee; men; mie; moe; moste; myckle; mynde; mynstrelles; nete; normannes; nowe; onne; original; oure; place; playne; poems; poet; quod; rowley; saie; second; sense; seyncte; shall; shee; sheelde; skinner; soe; songe; speght; spryte; stylle; swerde; syde; syke; syr; telle; thatt; thee; thenne; theyr; thie; thomas; thou; thro; thynge; thys; time; toe; tree; true; unto; uponne; ver; warre; wee; whanne; whatte; whyche; william; woe; words; work; woulde; writing; wylle; wythe; yee; yer; ynne; ytte; ælla cache: 13037.txt plain text: 13037.txt item: #2 of 3 id: 8161 author: Macpherson, James title: Fragments of Ancient Poetry date: None words: 11758 flesch: 87 summary: [12] For his new species of poetry Macpherson drew upon the stylistic techniques of the King James Version of the Bible, just as Blake and Whitman were to do later. FRAGMENTS OF ANCIENT POETRY By James Macpherson The Augustan Reprint Society Introduction By John J. Dunn GENERAL EDITORS George Robert Guffey, University of California, Los Angeles Earl Miner, University of California, Los Angeles Maximillian E. Novak, University of California, Los Angeles Robert Vosper, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library ADVISORY EDITORS Richard C. Boys, University of Michigan James L. Clifford, Columbia University Ralph Cohen, University of California, Los Angeles Vinton A. Dearing, University of California, Los Angeles Arthur Friedman, University of Chicago Louis A. Landa, Princeton University Samuel H. Monk, University of Minnesota Everett T. Moore, University of California, Los Angeles Lawrence Clark Powell, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library James Sutherland, University College, London H. T. Swedenberg, Jr., University of California, Los Angeles CORRESPONDING SECRETARY Edna C. Davis, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library INTRODUCTION Byron was actually the third Scotsman in about fifty years who awoke and found himself famous; the sudden rise from obscurity to international fame had been experienced earlier by two fellow countrymen, Sir Walter Scott and James Macpherson. keywords: daughter; fair; fingal; footnote; fragments; hill; love; macpherson; oscur; poems; poetry; rock; son; thee; thou; voice; wind cache: 8161.txt plain text: 8161.txt item: #3 of 3 id: 9098 author: Ross, John Wilson title: Tacitus and Bracciolini. The Annals Forged in the XVth Century date: None words: 106426 flesch: 50 summary: Claudius triremes quadriremesque et undeviginti hominum millia armavit, cincto _ratibus_ ambitu, ne vaga effugia forent; _ac_ tamen spatium amplexus, ad _vim_ remigii, gubernantium artes, impetus _navium_, et _proelio_ solita. But why, uncramped by verse, the author of the Annals should have written: hortatur miles, ut hostem vagum, _neque_ paci _aut_ proelio paratum, instead of _neque_ proelia, is difficult to determine, except that he was desirous of imitating Bracciolini, who writes in the letter to his friend Niccoli from which we have already quoted (Ep. II. keywords: abbey; account; age; annals; antiquity; atque; attention; augustus; author; authority; beaufort; beginning; books; bracciolini; caesar; cardinal; case; century; chapter; character; church; circumstances; city; claudius; close; commencement; composition; copy; cosmo; country; course; court; cum; cumanus; date; days; death; description; doubt; duke; emperor; england; error; esse; est; europe; events; existence; expression; fact; father; felix; fifteenth; florence; following; forgery; form; fortune; friend; general; genius; germany; gold; good; government; greek; half; hand; historian; history; hoc; human; iii; instance; italy; john; kind; knowledge; language; latin; letter; library; life; light; lipsius; literature; living; livy; london; look; making; manner; manuscript; matter; meaning; means; medici; men; mind; mistake; monk; mss; narrative; nature; nec; neque; nero; new; niccoli; non; number; opinion; order; parts; passage; people; period; persons; phrase; place; point; pope; portion; power; present; princes; public; purpose; quae; quam; question; qui; quod; reader; reading; reason; reign; respect; roman; rome; sallust; salustius; sea; second; sed; sentence; set; speaking; spirit; state; statement; style; subject; tacitus; theory; things; thought; tiberius; time; truth; use; view; vii; viii; way; words; work; world; writer; writing; xii; xiii; xiv; years cache: 9098.txt plain text: 9098.txt