item: #1 of 9 id: A27391 author: Bennet, Joseph. title: A true and impartial account of the most material passages in Ireland since December, 1688 with a particular relation of the forces of Londonderry / being taken from the notes of a gentleman who was eyewitness to most of the actions mention'd therein during his residing there, and now being in England is desired to publish the same for the further satisfaction of this nation ; to which is added a description and map of Londonderry as he took it upon the place. date: 1689 words: 13085 flesch: 28 summary: This sudden Resolution of the Relief going back , amazed the Town , and especially those who knew nothing of the Design , and the Town being in a good condition , both as to Provision and a considerable Army both of Horse and Foot in it , sent three several Messengers to Col. Cunningham and Richards , That if they would accept of the Garrison , and secure it for Their present Majesties , what Horse and Foot were in Town , would take the Field , and leave the Town to themselves , ( for in that time they were in a condition to do it , but they returned no Answer , nor did the Messengers return ever since , While Col. Cunningham and Richards were in the Logh , the late King James marched all his Forces within a small way of London-Derry , and thought to get the Garrison without the least opposition ; but upon his approach , the Townsmen gave him a warm Salute with their great Guns , and kill'd Three of his Horse with a Cannon-Ball ; which put a stop to his Career . The little Town of Iniskilling being situated in an Island in a great Lake , so that there was no access but by water , the Inhabitants thereof did no less gallantly secure that place , opposing two Foot-Companies which were sent by the Earl of Tyrconnel to secure that Garrison , looking on it as a most advantageous place bordering on Connaght ; but not timing his Intrigue well , the Inhabitants of Iniskilling never suffered these two Companies to come nearer than two miles of the Town , and so sent them back again with as much shame as the Earl of Antrim's Regiment left Londonderry , and very soon after the said Town of Iniskilling declared for the Prince of Orange ( the now King ) and the Protestant Religion , and have very gallantly ever since defended that place with great Courage and Zeal , keywords: account; antrim; arms; army; arthur; blany; body; capt; captain; col; command; companies; considerable; country; days; derry; dragoons; dublin; earl; eebo; enemies; enemy; england; english; fire; foot; forces; fort; garrison; gate; general; gentleman; good; governors; great; guns; hamilton; horse; houses; iniskilling; irish; james; kilmore; king; late; london; londonderry; long; lord; lundy; man; march; men; miles; mountjoy; new; night; north; number; officers; order; party; pass; people; person; place; protestants; regiment; relief; rest; richards; river; said; secure; shot; sir; small; soldiers; strong; tcp; text; thereabouts; time; town; troops; tyrconnel; walls; water; way cache: A27391.xml plain text: A27391.txt item: #2 of 9 id: A33268 author: Clark, Joseph Wilkinson. title: Mr. John Mackenzyes Narrative of the siege of London-Derry a false libel, in defence of Dr. George Walker written by a friend in his absence. date: 1690 words: 8144 flesch: 53 summary: Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 886:26) Mr. John Mackenzyes Narrative of the siege of London-Derry a false libel, in defence of Dr. George Walker written by a friend in his absence. Mr. John Mackenzyes Narrative of the siege of London-Derry a false libel, in defence of Dr. George Walker written by a friend in his absence. keywords: account; affairs; alex; aplen; april; baker; books; capt; captain; certificate; characters; city; col; collonel; council; day; derry; early; eebo; english; false; fidelity; garrison; general; gentleman; george; gild; good; governour; great; hamilton; hands; hath; instructions; james; john; king; late; letters; libel; london; lundy; mackenzy; man; management; mayor; murray; narrative; officers; oxford; page; pamphlet; persons; place; preface; present; provisions; reason; regiment; richard; robert; said; said dr; sanderson; siege; sir; stores; tcp; text; things; tho; time; town; truth; walker; william; witness cache: A33268.xml plain text: A33268.txt item: #3 of 9 id: A42136 author: Griffin, William, 17th cent. title: Newes from London-derry in Ireland, or, A true and sad relation of the deplorable and lamentable estate of London-derry which is much distressed by reason of the Rebels neare approaches unto it : and the menaces and treats they daily send unto them to make them deliver up their city : also how they burnt the towne of Strabam with many people in it / related in a letter from one Mr. William Griffin to one Mr. Iames Humphry of Stuke in Berkshire Gent. Febr. 20. 1641. date: 1642 words: 1602 flesch: 66 summary: Newes from London-derry in Ireland, or, A true and sad relation of the deplorable and lamentable estate of London-derry which is much distressed by reason of the Rebels neare approaches unto it : and the menaces and treats they daily send unto them to make them deliver up their city : also how they burnt the towne of Strabam with many people in it / related in a letter from one Mr. William Griffin to one Mr. Iames Humphry of Stuke in Berkshire Gent. Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 250:E136, no 25) Newes from London-derry in Ireland, or, A true and sad relation of the deplorable and lamentable estate of London-derry which is much distressed by reason of the Rebels neare approaches unto it : and the menaces and treats they daily send unto them to make them deliver up their city : also how they burnt the towne of Strabam with many people in it / related in a letter from one Mr. William Griffin to one Mr. Iames Humphry of Stuke in Berkshire Gent. keywords: bee; city; deplorable; derry; english; estate; griffin; ireland; lamentable; london; men; newes; people; rebels; relation; sad; strabam; text; towne; true; wee; william cache: A42136.xml plain text: A42136.txt item: #4 of 9 id: A50937 author: Mackenzie, John, 1648?-1696. title: A narrative of the siege of London-Derry, or, The late memorable transactions of that city faithfully represented to rectifie the mistakes and supply the omissions of Mr. Walker's account / by John Mackenzie ... ; the most material passages relating to other parts of Ulster and Sligo are also inserted from the memoirs of such as were chiefly concerned in them. date: 1690 words: 52404 flesch: 62 summary: And as soon as the said Ships and Frigat shall be in a readiness to sail , and fitted with all Provisions necessary for the sustenance of the said Regiments , in their passage to the said Town , and for their return from thence if there be occasion ; you are to cause Collonel Richards Regiment to go on Board , and at the same time to order the Regiment whereof you are Collonel to march to Liverpoole , and to embark with all speed . A narrative of the siege of London-Derry, or, The late memorable transactions of that city faithfully represented to rectifie the mistakes and supply the omissions of Mr. Walker's account / by John Mackenzie ... ; the most material passages relating to other parts of Ulster and Sligo are also inserted from the memoirs of such as were chiefly concerned in them. keywords: 26th; account; acquaint; advice; affairs; alexander; ammunition; answer; antrim; april; arms; army; arthur; articles; assistance; attempt; authority; baker; barrels; best; betwixt; board; boats; body; bogg; bombs; bridge; cairns; camp; captain; care; castle; cause; chief; city; clock; colerain; collonel; collonel lundy; coming; command; commander; commissioners; common; companies; company; condition; conduct; considerable; council; counties; countrey; county; courage; culmore; cunningham; cut; danger; day; days; dead; december; defence; deputy; derry; design; desire; dragoons; dublin; earl; edmonston; end; enemies; enemy; england; english; ensign; esq; execution; expected; field; fire; firing; fit; following; foot; forces; fort; francis; free; french; friends; garrison; gates; general; gentlemen; george; gill; god; good; government; governour; great; greater; guard; guns; half; hamilton; hands; henry; hill; honourable; horse; houses; hugh; inhabitants; inniskillin; instructions; interest; ireland; irish; james; john; joyn; july; june; king; kingdom; kingston; late; leave; left; letter; lieutenant; lieutenant collonel; lifford; like; line; little; lives; london; londonderry; long; lord; lordship; lost; lough; lundy; mac; majesties; majesty; major; march; matters; meal; mean; men; messenger; miles; mill; mitchelburn; money; morning; mountjoy; multitude; murray; narrative; near; necessary; new; news; night; north; note; notice; number; officers; open; order'd; orders; papists; particular; party; pass; passages; people; persons; place; posture; pound; power; present; preservation; prince; prisoners; private; proposals; protection; protestants; provisions; publick; purpose; quarters; rais'd; rawden; ready; regiment; relation; relief; religion; repair; resolution; return; richards; river; robert; safety; said; said city; scarce; secure; self; selves; service; shaw; sheriffs; ships; shot; siege; sir; sligo; small; soldiers; speedy; stay; stewart; stores; strabane; subjects; surrender; tcp; terms; text; things; tho; time; town; trenches; troops; true; tyrconnel; ulster; viz; walker; walls; want; war; water; way; white; whitney; william; wind; women; works; wounded cache: A50937.xml plain text: A50937.txt item: #5 of 9 id: A52931 author: Walker, George, of Londonderry. title: A new letter from London-Derry giving a farther account of the late good success, obtain'd by the protestants in Ireland, against the French and Irish papists: with the speech of that reverend divine, and protestant champion, Mr. VValker, to the soldiers of that garrison, before they made that last great sally upon the enemy. date: 1689 words: 2080 flesch: 55 summary: 〈◊〉 , 〈◊〉 our last Fortunate and truly ●ictorious Sally upon the Enemy , 〈◊〉 Action that must ever resound 〈◊〉 of our Valiant and no less Pi●●●mander , that truly Christian 〈◊〉 , Mr. Walker our Governour , 〈◊〉 little of present Moment more to 〈◊〉 , by Reason that the 〈◊〉 of the French and Irish from 〈◊〉 Walls , with the intire Ruining 〈◊〉 Works , and indeed the whole 〈◊〉 ( which God be praised ) we have 〈◊〉 them , has so disabled them , that 〈◊〉 at present in great Quiet and Rest , 〈◊〉 all our Business now is only our 〈◊〉 Preparation for the welcome 〈◊〉 of Major General Kirk , with his gallant English Succours , whose Approach is here the Subject of Vniversal Joy within our Walls of London-Derry , and possibly of as much Terrour without them . Possession of an Horse , a Cow , a Coat , a piece of Money , was Crime enoug● exact the poor Offenders Life ; Nay , when 〈◊〉 Avarice could ask no more , Tortures and 〈◊〉 have been apply'd for Sport , and Infants 〈◊〉 from their lamenting Mothers Breasts , have 〈◊〉 seen dangling on their Cowards Swords 〈◊〉 make the Brutes Diversion : keywords: books; characters; country; derry; early; eebo; enemy; english; french; garrison; god; good; great; images; ireland; irish; late; london; men; new; online; oxford; partnership; phase; protestants; soldiers; speech; tcp; tei; text; works cache: A52931.xml plain text: A52931.txt item: #6 of 9 id: A66943 author: Walker, George, 1645?-1690. title: The Christian champion being the substance of a second discourse to the besieged soldiers in London-derry ... / by Col. W----. date: 1689 words: 4175 flesch: 58 summary: THIS is an Exhortation given from the Word of God , and if we would be happy we must be Holy ; we trust not only to an Arm of Flesh , but to the gracious dealing of a powerfull God , whose All-seeing Eye is over all our Actions ; and put case we sin against him , How can we then expect a Blessing from him , who is of purer Eyes than to behold Iniquity with Approbation ? therefore let no Evil attend our Actions , we are here Besieged with Enemies who studies the Overthrow of the People of God , and would likewise Triumph over our Destruction , but keep close to your Duty in the Service of the Living God , then will he prove your Protectour , Psalm 84. 11. How many signal Mercies have we been partakers off in our successfull Sallies against our Enemies ? And shall we now despair of God's Mercies ( no , no , ) he is able to Deliver us at the last moment , when we seem to stand tottering on the brink of utter Ruine ; nothing is impossible with our great Creator ; nothing can seperate us from the Love of God but our Sins ; therefore let us make War against our corrupt Nature ; let us destroy those Sins which makes us Enemies to God ; for , What is our Sighs , our Tears , and Prayers , if we still continue to hug our Darling Sins ? for , as the Psalmist saith , If I regard Iniquity in my heart the Lord will not hear me ; therefore let us be sincere in what we profess , and not to go from Praying to our Pollutions , or from hearing the Word of God to the breach of his Commandments ; he in his Holy Word hath afforded us many gracious Promises to support our Spirits in the greatest Troubles and Tryalls ; therefore be of good comfort , and lay hold on the Promises of God by Faith. keywords: able; actions; books; camp; characters; christian; early; eebo; enemies; enemy; english; evil; father; forth; glory; god; good; gracious; hath; heart; holy; life; lord; mercies; midst; people; power; present; servants; sight; sins; tcp; tei; text; thee; thing; thy; time; ver; war cache: A66943.xml plain text: A66943.txt item: #7 of 9 id: A66950 author: Walker, George, of Londonderry. title: The Protestant's crums of comfort containing I. Prayers and meditations, with ejaculations for every day in the week, and other occasions. II. Thanksgivings for deliverances from Popery, tyranny, and arbitrary power. III. The rebellion in Ireland, and massacre of Paris. IV. The learned Bishop Usher's prophecy, concerning Ireland, and the downfall of Rome. V. Advice to the late besieged in London-Derry, under that reverend divine and valiant commander, Coll. George Walker. Illustrated with pictures suitable to each particular occasion. date: 1690 words: 22327 flesch: 74 summary: This gracious Man repeated the same things in substance to his only Daughter the Lady Tyrrel , and that with many Tears , and much about the same time that he had exprest the aforesaid to me , and which ●…e Lady Tyrrel assured me of ●…ith her own mouth to this ●…rpose : That opening the door of ●…s Chamber , she found him ●…ith his eyes lift up to Heaven , ●…d the Tears running apace ●…own his Cheeks , and that ●…e seemed to be in an Ecstasie , ●…herein he continued for a●…out half an hour , not taking ●…e least notice of her , though ●…e came into the Room ; but 〈…〉 last turning to her , he told ●…er , That his thoughts had ●…en taken up about the Mi●…ries and Persecutions that ●…ere coming upon the Chur●…es of Christ , which would ●…e so sharp and bitter , that ●…e contemplation of them ●…d fetched those Tears from ●…s Eyes , and that he hoped ●…e should not live to see it , ●…ut possibly she might , for it ●…as even at the door ; Therefore take heed ( says he ) that y●… be not found sleeping . Their Majesties went from 〈…〉 c-hall to Westminster , 〈…〉 Heralds being ready , 〈…〉 Peers in the Lords House , and the P●eresses in the Painted Chamber , so that 〈…〉 even in the Morning The● Majesties , and the wh●… Proceeding were conducted to Westminster-hall , where a Throne being erected , 〈…〉 Majesties took Their Sea● and after the Ceremon● was ended , the Proceeding began from Westminster-Hall to the Abby , where bein●…d in Order , keywords: able; advice; affliction; almighty; arbitrary; art; battel; bishop; blessed; blessing; bloud; body; cause; children; christ; christian; church; courage; darkness; day; days; death; deliverance; derry; divine; early; earth; eebo; end; enemies; england; english; eternal; evening; everlasting; evermore; evil; eyes; fall; family; father; fear; glory; god; good; goodness; gospel; grace; gracious; grant; great; hand; happy; hast; hath; head; hearts; heaven; help; high; holy; honour; ibid; iii; ireland; irish; israel; jesus; joy; judge; judgment; kindness; king; kingdom; lady; learned; life; light; like; lives; london; long; lord; lord god; love; loving; majesties; man; mary; massacre; meditations; men; mercies; merciful; mercy; morning; multitude; nations; o lord; o ●; papists; paris; peace; people; poor; popery; popish; power; praise; prayer; princes; protestants; psal; queen; ready; reason; rebellion; religion; righteous; righteousness; rome; royal; safety; sake; salvation; saviour; self; selves; servants; set; sins; son; soul; spirit; spiritual; strength; t ●; tcp; temporal; text; thanks; thee; thine; things; thou; thy; thy god; time; true; trust; truth; ungodly; usher; vain; voice; walker; way; wickedness; william; works; world; worship; wrath; yea; ● ● cache: A66950.xml plain text: A66950.txt item: #8 of 9 id: A67017 author: Walker, George, 1645?-1690. title: A true account of the siege of London-Derry by the Reverend Mr. George Walker ... date: 1689 words: 20696 flesch: 61 summary: This day my Lord Strabane came up to our Walls , makeing us many Proposals , and offering his Kings Pardon , Protection and Favour , if we would surrender Town ; but these fine words had no place with the Garrison . Among the Bombs thrown into Town , there was one dead Shell , in which was a Letter declaring to the Souldiers the Proposals made by the Lieutenant General ; for they imagined them Strangers to their Condescensions , and that their Officers wou'd not communicate such things to them . keywords: a67017; account; action; advice; april; arms; army; arthur; baker; barrels; bastion; beef; besieged; best; blood; bombs; camp; captain; care; cause; church; city; col; colonel; companies; company; concern; conditions; council; country; cunningham; danger; day; days; dead; defence; derry; design; diocess; eebo; enemies; enemy; england; english; ensign; fire; fit; foot; forces; french; friends; garrison; gate; general; gentlemen; george; god; good; governour; great; ground; guns; half; hamilton; hand; hill; horse; houses; intelligence; interest; ireland; irish; james; john; july; june; key; kill'd; king; kingdom; leave; letter; lieutenant; line; little; london; londonderry; long; lord; lundy; majesties; majesty; major; man; march; mary; meal; men; near; necessary; necessity; new; night; notes; number; officers; order; parts; people; persons; place; pleased; poor; pound; power; prisoners; private; proceedings; proposals; protestants; provision; quarter; regiment; relief; religion; resolution; rest; return; river; robert; said; second; selves; service; ships; shot; sir; souldiers; stores; subjects; surrender; tallow; tcp; text; things; thomas; thought; time; town; true; walker; walls; want; war; water; whereof; white; william; works; wou'd cache: A67017.xml plain text: A67017.txt item: #9 of 9 id: A67036 author: Walker, George, 1645?-1690. title: A vindication of the true account of the siege of Derry in Ireland by Mr. George Walker, &c. ; published by authority. date: 1689 words: 7792 flesch: 41 summary: A vindication of the true account of the siege of Derry in Ireland by Mr. George Walker, &c. ; published by authority. A vindication of the true account of the siege of Derry in Ireland by Mr. George Walker, &c. ; published by authority. keywords: account; authority; better; book; care; character; charity; church; clergy; colonel; credit; derry; early; eebo; england; english; favour; friends; general; george; god; good; great; greatest; hopes; interest; ireland; kind; king; like; little; majesties; majesty; man; matter; men; necessity; occasion; particular; party; people; persons; place; pleased; reason; religion; reproach; service; set; siege; subjects; tcp; tei; text; thing; time; true; vindication; walker; willing; work; wrong cache: A67036.xml plain text: A67036.txt