item: #1 of 23 id: A00695 author: Chilmead, Edmund, 1610-1654. title: Erōtomania or A treatise discoursing of the essence, causes, symptomes, prognosticks, and cure of love, or erotique melancholy. Written by Iames Ferrand Dr. of Physick date: 1640.0 words: 70196 flesch: 73 summary: ● . 11 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 p. 348. Aegineta , ●ch I shall not trouble you withall ●e , but shall set downe a definition of ●e owne , which shall be taken from cause of it : for as much as those defions , ( in such things as have their es●e 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , or depending on their ●ses , ) that are given by the Efficient ●e , are the best ; and are as proper to ●idents , as an Essentiall definition is to ●tances . keywords: affirmes; againe; age; alwaies; amor; ana; aristotle; authors; avicen; beauty; bee; blood; body; book; braine; calls; cap; cause; chance; chap; cold; colour; conclude; contrary; cum; cupid; cure; day; desires; disease; diverse; divine; doe; doth; drach; erotique; est; eyes; faire; fall; feare; force; galen; god; gods; good; great; hath; heart; hee; himselfe; hippocrates; humour; kind; king; length; lib; litle; liver; love; love melancholy; lovers; lust; madnesse; malady; man; manner; meanes; melancholy; men; mind; mistresse; naturall; nature; non; notwithstanding; o ●; opinion; owne; pale; parts; passion; patient; persons; physitians; place; plato; plutarch; poet; power; prevention; reason; remedies; remedy; reports; saies; saith; seed; seemes; set; signes; soule; spirits; subject; temperature; thee; things; thou; thy; time; venus; vertue; wee; wife; withall; women; young; ● d; ● e; ● n; ● s; ● t; ● y; ● ● cache: A00695.xml plain text: A00695.txt item: #2 of 23 id: A04887 author: Kittowe, Robert. title: Loues load-starre Liuely deciphered in a historie no lesse commendable than comfortable, for all those that in their louely affections, haue by the enmitie of their friends, bene molested with the menacing meteors of crossing misfortunes. Leading also all kinde and true louers, that in their choyces are frownd at by froward parents, vnto the portfull paradise of pleasurde patience, and patient pleasures. By Robert Kittowe, student. date: 1600.0 words: 24849 flesch: 60 summary: And for amends of his folly , to mixe their corasi●es with some prittie caueat : commaunding his attendant Sylu●●●s to tune their Pipes , he recorded this pithie Madrigale . As they were walking by the groaues side , listning to the murmurings of a bubling brooke , Katherina espied a Uermin , that with gréedie gaping mouth was pursuing his praie : which she shewing to Iacomin , ( for her name was Katherina ; also he was calde Iacomin after his Father and hée perceiuing it to has●en the bo●●t the swifter to lake his footing ( as the common manner is ) cried , So , ho , ho : which was answered by the calling Eccho , ( as if in presence and despight of Katherina , she minded to court young Iacomin , as she had heretofore that scornefull yon●er Narcissus with an other So , ho ho ▪ which Katherina hearing , moue● with suddaine mirth , brake out into a loude ha , ha , ha and the Eccho as if were with the same semblance of laughture , replied againe with Ha , ha , ha : Iacomin hearing Katherinas voyce so merrily doubled , rauishe with pleasant conceit to heare such a prat●●ng , ●ad come hither : come hither said the Eccho . keywords: againe; bene; come; cupid; dayes; death; earth; euen; euery; eyes; faire; forth; fortune; friends; gods; good; hand; hath; haue; hauing; heart; heauens; himselfe; iacomin; katherina; king; life; like; liues; load; loue; louers; men; minde; neuer; owne; palermo; parents; place; pleasure; present; quoth; selfe; shée; starre; séeme; themselues; thine; thou; thée; time; venus; vnto; wil; woman; ● ● cache: A04887.xml plain text: A04887.txt item: #3 of 23 id: A05406 author: Lewis, John, b. 1595 or 6. title: Ignis cœlestis: or An interchange of diuine love betweene God and his saints. By Iohn Lewis, minister of Gods word at St. Peters in the tovvne of St. Albons date: 1620.0 words: 19368 flesch: 73 summary: God is as a fountaine of loue , who louing them first , hath so conueyed his loue into their hearts by the powerfull operation of his holy Spirit , that the streame returnes vnto himselfe againe : and as the Sunne by his power , with the motion of the heauens , is the cause of all naturall heate in these sublunary creatures : So is God by the motion of his owne diuine loue , the efficient cause that worketh the heate of loue in all that feare him : We loue him indeed but not of our selues , but we loue him , because he loued vs first . But the loue of God is of another kinde , and of another manner : for loue in God is most perfect , for that he is perfection it selfe ; but in vs loue is imperfect , being not without some passion and weaknes of minde . keywords: children; christ; diuine; doth; giue; glory; gods; good; grace; hath; haue; heart; himselfe; life; lord; loue; loue god; man; men; nature; owne; thee; things; thou; vnto; vpon; wee; world cache: A05406.xml plain text: A05406.txt item: #4 of 23 id: A10921 author: Rogers, John, 1572?-1636. title: A treatise of love. Written by Iohn Rogers, ministers of Gods word in Dedham in Essex date: 1629.0 words: 37936 flesch: 75 summary: This is the commandement of God , that wee beleeue in the Name of his Sonne Iesus Christ , and loue one another . Which , seeing the holy Ghost hath ioyned together , as two necessary & inseparable companions ; and that the duety of Loue is of so necessary vse in the course of our liues , I thought good to adde some things hereof to the former Treatise . He that hath Faith , must needs haue Loue ; for Faith worketh by Loue , Gal. 5. Faith assuring vs of Gods loue , to vs , makes vs loue God againe , and our neighbour for his sake , at his commandement , and for his Image that is in him . keywords: bee; christ; doe; enemies; euery; faith; giue; god; gods; good; grace; hath; haue; hee; himselfe; let; like; loue; loue god; man; men; neighbour; owne; shew; themselues; things; vpon; way; wee; world; yea cache: A10921.xml plain text: A10921.txt item: #5 of 23 id: A27227 author: Beck, Sarah, d. 1679. title: A certain and true relation of the heavenly enjoyments and living testimonies of God's love unto her soul, participated of from the bountiful hand of the Lord, and communicated to her in the time of her weakness of body. Declared upon the dying-bed of Sarah, the wife of John Beck ... who departed this life the 13th day of the 6th moneth, 1679. date: 1680.0 words: 4805 flesch: 65 summary: And in all the time of her weakness of Body , she was very patient and freely given up to submit to the Will of God , saying , O Lord , I will wait upon thee with patience , till my Change come ; for surely thou art worthy to be waited upon ! And she sweetly praised the Lord , and said , O Lord ! keywords: friends; god; lord; praise; thou; time cache: A27227.xml plain text: A27227.txt item: #6 of 23 id: A28675 author: Behn, Aphra, 1640-1689. title: La montre, or, The lover's watch by Mrs. A. Behn. date: 1686.0 words: 32645 flesch: 76 summary: For all the World agrees , that Confidence is one of the greatest Proofs of the Passion of Love ; and that Lover , who refuses this Confidence to the Person he loves , is to be suspected , to love but very indifferently , and to think very poorly of the Sense and Generosity of his Mistress . No wonder then , if all you think be true , That Love 's concern'd in all I do for you , And Damon , you know , that Love is no ill Master ; and I must say , with a Blush , that he has found me no unapt Scholar ; and he instructs too agreeably , not to succeed in all he undertakes . keywords: beauty; charming; damon; day; dear; eyes; fair; find; good; heart; hour; iris; love; mistress; passion; pleasure; self; shou'd; soul; things; thou; thy; time; vain; watch; wit; world; wou'd cache: A28675.xml plain text: A28675.txt item: #7 of 23 id: A30906 author: Barclay, Robert, 1648-1690. title: Universal love considered and established upon its right foundation being a serious enquiry how far charity may and ought to be extended towards persons of different judgments in matters of religion and whose principles among the several sects of Christians do most naturally lead to that due moderation required ... / Robert Barclay. date: 1677.0 words: 16920 flesch: 36 summary: God is Love , and he that dwelleth in Love , dwelleth in God. In both these Sects , the Reader may easily conceive that I had abundant occasion to receive Impressions contrary to this principle of Love herein treated of , seeing the straitness of several of their Doctrines , as well as their practice of Persecution , do abundantly declare how opposite they are to Universal Love ( as shall hereafter more at large be shown ) and Albeit , the time it pleased God to deliver me out of these Snares , I was so young , that it may be presumed my Observations could be but weak , and consequently my Experience inconsiderable ; yet for as much as from my very Child-hood I was very ambitious of Knowledge , and by a certain felicity of Understanding , I think I may say without Vanity , successful beyond many of my Equals in Age , though my Observations at that time were but weak , yet since I have with more leisure and circumspection gathered thence so much experience , as I am confident will serve for a sufficient foundation to any Superstructure I shall build upon it in this Treatise . keywords: charity; christ; christians; church; god; love; man; men; nature; principles; salvation; sect; self; things; universal; zeal cache: A30906.xml plain text: A30906.txt item: #8 of 23 id: A33300 author: Clarke, Samuel, 1599-1682. title: Christian good-fellowship, or, Love and good works held forth in a sermon preached at Michael's Cornhill London before the gentlemen natives of Warwickshire at their feast November the 30, 1654 / by Samuell Clarke. date: 1655.0 words: 10351 flesch: 79 summary: Christian good-fellowship, or, Love and good works held forth in a sermon preached at Michael's Cornhill London before the gentlemen natives of Warwickshire at their feast November the 30, 1654 / by Samuell Clarke. Christian good-fellowship, or, Love and good works held forth in a sermon preached at Michael's Cornhill London before the gentlemen natives of Warwickshire at their feast November the 30, 1654 / by Samuell Clarke. Clarke, Samuel, 1599-1682. keywords: apostle; christ; country; faith; god; good; hath; life; lord; love; man; men; non; text; thou; thy; works; yea cache: A33300.xml plain text: A33300.txt item: #9 of 23 id: A41099 author: Bossuet, Jacques Bénigne, 1627-1704. Instruction sur les estats d'oraison, où sont exposées les erreurs des faux mystiques de nos jours. title: The maxims of the saints explained, concerning the interiour life by the Lord Arch-bishop of Cambray &c. ; to which are added, Thirty-four articles by the Lord Arch-Bishop of Paris, the Bishops of Meaux and Chartres, (that occasioned this book), also their declaration upon it ; together with the French-King's and the Arch-Bishop of Cambray's letters to the Pope upon the same subject. date: 1698.0 words: 51936 flesch: 59 summary: The absolute determination to will nothing would be no longer a disinterest , but the extinction of love which is a desire and true will : it would be no longer holy indifference ; for indifference is the state of a Soul , equally ready to will or will not , to will for God all that he wills , and never to will for ones self , what God does not declare that he wills : He that makes this Love to be speculative , would fret himself to a Skeleton , if God should put him to prove how this Love doth purifie and realize it self in the Soul. keywords: acts; article; bishop; book; charity; christ; christian; church; contemplation; contrary; desire; doctrine; doth; end; exercise; faith; fear; francis; glory; god; good; grace; happiness; hath; holy; hope; illusion; indifference; interest; law; life; love; manner; men; motive; need; non; object; ones; order; perfect; perfection; persons; prayer; quod; rate; saints; sales; salvation; self; selves; simple; sin; soul; spirit; state; things; tho; time; tradition; tryals; vertues; way; wills; work cache: A41099.xml plain text: A41099.txt item: #10 of 23 id: A42026 author: Greenwood, Will. title: [Apographē storgēs], or, A description of the passion of love demonstrating its original, causes, effects, signes, and remedies / by Will. Greenwood, [Philalethēs]. date: 1657.0 words: 38855 flesch: 64 summary: To conclude this Chapter ; It may be , that some will expect , that I should prescribe some things to cause love ; as to teach them how to temper and spice an amatorious cup , and what time may be elected for the administring of it ; or how Love may be caused by natural Magick : but not knowing into whose hands the Book might come , neither do I write it to be an instrument ready tun'd for every wanton eye , tongue , and hand to play upon ; I forbear , lest more hurt then good come thereby : Love causeth him that doth love , to ingrave and imprint in his heart , that face and image which he loveth ; so that the heart of him that loveth is like unto a looking-glasse , in which the image of the party beloved shineth and is represented ; and doth as it were deprive himself of himself , and giveth himself to whom he loveth ; for the delights of love are commonly more in the imagination , then in the thing it self ; and the soul doth cast her eye upon those images which remain in the fancy , and looks upon them as if they were present . keywords: absence; affection; age; beauty; body; cause; desire; discourse; doth; effects; eyes; face; fire; force; good; hath; heart; ibid; jealousie; life; look; love; lovers; making; man; melancholy; men; minde; mistresse; money; nature; non; object; party; passion; poor; power; presence; reason; saith; self; selves; set; sex; signes; soul; spirits; subject; things; thou; thoughts; time; venus; way; women; world cache: A42026.xml plain text: A42026.txt item: #11 of 23 id: A42268 author: Grove, Robert, 1634-1696. title: A sermon preached before the King & Queen at Whitehall, June the Ist. 1690 by Robert Grove ... date: 1690.0 words: 5465 flesch: 65 summary: Every Creature of God is good ; and every degree of goodness does naturally require a sutable degree of love ; and our love is then reasonable , and such as becomes wise and sober men , when we do , as much as may be , proportion our affections to the worth and dignity of the Object . First , We should labour to get a true notion and estimate of things : For we are commonly mistaken ; the world imposes upon our Imaginations , it cheats us into an unreasonable fondness , before we can tell what it is with which we are so strangely enamoured . keywords: eebo; english; god; good; love; tcp; text; things; world cache: A42268.xml plain text: A42268.txt item: #12 of 23 id: A42806 author: Glanvill, Joseph, 1636-1680. title: Catholick charity recommended in a sermon before the Right Honorable the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London : in order to the abating the animosities among Christians, that have been occasion'd by differences in religion / by Jos. Glanvill ... date: 1669.0 words: 13428 flesch: 62 summary: In the whole , I assure the Reader , I intended nothing , but to recommend , and press one of the greatest , and yet one of the most neglected Duties of Christianity : And I am very sorry that our Divisions have brought things to such a pass , that men take it ill to hear of Charity . The Foundation of God standeth sure , but men often build upon it what is very Tottering , and uncertain . keywords: charity; christians; duty; god; good; hath; love; man; men; opinions; religion; spirit; things; truth; ver; way cache: A42806.xml plain text: A42806.txt item: #13 of 23 id: A44690 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: A sermon directing what we are to do, after strict enquiry whether or no we truly love God preached April 29, 1688. date: 1696.0 words: 5854 flesch: 70 summary: I am a Lover of God , or I have the love of God in me , though I can't tell that ever I put forth one act of love towards him in all my Life ; I have the love of God in me , though I never knew what it meant to do good to any for his sake , against the express words of Scripture : How dwelleth the love of God in such a man ? I have the Love of God in me , though I have constantly indulged my self in that which he maketh an inconsistent love : Love not the World , nor the things which are in the World. For know , that the loving God , or not loving him , does more distinguish a Saint from a Devil , than wearing a Body , or not wearing it , can do : A Devil ▪ if he did love God were a Saint A Man that doth not love God , he is no other , though he wear a Body , than an incarnate Devil : It 's the want of love to God that makes the Devil a Devil , makes him what he is . keywords: case; god; judgment; love; self; soul; thee; thou; thy cache: A44690.xml plain text: A44690.txt item: #14 of 23 id: A46850 author: Caton, William, 1636-1665. title: A visitation of love to the tender plants of Gods vineyard given forth by Henry Jackson ; also two generall epistles, given forth by William Caton. date: None words: 8609 flesch: 25 summary: And if God had not suffered this as a snare in the hand of our enemies , there would have been something else , ( as there are besides things many ) which they take up as occasions ag●inst us , as covers for their wickednesse , and these things are not without the Lords permission , who will try his Jewells as Gold that is seven times purified , and the more that we keep our Consciences void of off●nce towards him and man , the more precious we shall be in his sight , but if we should love our Liberties , our Estates or Lives more then him who hath said , Swear not at all , and for the saving of these should swear , conttary to his command , we should not onely neglect answering his end in forbidding of it , but incurre his displeasure against us , and while through doing that which he forbids , we may think to save our Liberties , estates , and lives , we might even in a moment loose them all , for we know they are uncertain , therefore let us answer the Lords end in shewing us the evil of this also , and in being faithful in this , and in all other things , we shall find life , riches , and liberties , which the world can neither give us , nor take from us . DEar and tender plants of my heavenly Father , the salutation of my love dearly doth greet you all , in the spirit that giveth life , by which you are brought afresh to my remembrance , even at this present time , ( in these my present bonds , for the word of God , and the testimony of Christ Jesus : ) and that not without living breathings ariseing in my heart unto the Lord for you , that the God of all life , vertue , and living refreshment may daily water and nourish you with his heavenly life , love , and vertue , causing you to abound in all the fruits of righteousnesse , to the everlasting praise of his great and glorious Name ; that so you being fully rooted , fixed , and established , in the root of life ( the stem and off-spring of David ) may grow up as plants of righteousness , and flourish as Willows by the water courses , that your branches may never wither , nor your fruit perish : but that the vertue of your leaf may be for the healing of the Nations , and your fruit may remain , ( in the winter stormes and tempests , ) to the everlasting praise and glory of the Lord God of the vine-yard , who hath planted and watered you , and who also hath and will give an encrease unto all you , who exalt not above the root , nor lift up your selves against the other branches , but abides in the true vine , and keeps your place in the ground and root of life , into which the Father hath implanted and grafted you , that ye never may be plucked up , nor cut off as withered and unfruitfull branches , but that the vertue of the root of life , may put forth it self through you , and in the vertue and life thereof you may grow up , fructifie , and abound in all the fruits of righteousness , thankesgiving and praise , to the everlasting glory and renown of the Lord of the vineyard , who is God over all , blessed for evermore . keywords: friends; god; hath; life; light; lord; love; root; spirit cache: A46850.xml plain text: A46850.txt item: #15 of 23 id: A52437 author: More, Henry, 1614-1687. title: The theory and regulation of love a moral essay, in two parts : to which are added letters philosophical and moral between the author and Dr. Henry More / by John Norris ... date: 1688.0 words: 41569 flesch: 60 summary: Now among other instances of Resemblance wherein man may be likened to God , such as the Internal Rectitude of his Nature , or Self-dominion , and his External dominion over the Creatures and the like , this I think may be Consider'd as one , and perhaps as the Chiefest of all , that as in the Divine nature there are two Processions , one by way of Intellect which is the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or word , and the other by way of Love which is the H. Spirit , so likewise in the Humane nature there are as it were two Processions , and that of the same kind too as in the Divine , Vnderstanding and Love. Socrates in Plato's Symposion says Concerning Love , that it is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the eldest and most honorable of the Gods. keywords: answer; attention; beauty; benevolence; body; charity; chuse; desire; evil; god; good; happiness; liberty; life; love; man; measures; men; moral; motion; nature; object; order; pleasure; reason; self; selves; sense; sensuality; sin; soul; thing; tho; turpitude; understanding; way; world cache: A52437.xml plain text: A52437.txt item: #16 of 23 id: A53681 author: Owen, John, 1616-1683. title: A discourse concerning evangelical love, church-peace and unity with the occasions and reasons of present differences and divisions about things sacred and religious, written in the vindication of the principles and practise of some ministers and others. date: 1672.0 words: 65851 flesch: 53 summary: And this Kingdome or Church of Christ ▪ on the earth , may be , and is generally by all considered under a threefold notion . And were it not ▪ that we ought not to boast our selves against others , Especially such as have not had the Spiritual Advantages that the Inhabitants of these Nations have been intrusted withal , and who have been exposed unto more violent Temptations than they , we should not fear to say , that among those of all sorts who in these Nations hold the Head , there is probably according unto a Judgment to be made by the fruits of that Spirit which is savingly communicated unto the Church in this sense alone , a greater number of Persons belonging thereunto , than in any One Nation or Church under Heaven . keywords: authority; christ; christians; church; church communion; churches; communion; divisions; duty; faith; god; gospel; hath; jesus; jesus christ; judgment; know; lord; love; means; men; nature; particular; peace; persons; power; present; profession; rule; things; way; world; worship cache: A53681.xml plain text: A53681.txt item: #17 of 23 id: A54848 author: Pierce, Thomas, 1622-1691. title: Philallelpa, or, The grand characteristick whereby a man may be known to be Christ's disciple delivered in a sermon at St. Paul's, before the gentlemen of VVilts, Nov. 10, 1658, it being the day of their yearly feast, by Thomas Pierce ... date: 1658.0 words: 13784 flesch: 82 summary: Last of all , he doth not say , Your Discipleship shall be known by such deceiveable Tokens , as your Assembling your selves in the House of Prayer , your crying out * Lord Lord , your doing † wonders in my name , your being Orthodox in Judgement , and jumping together in Opinions ; but by This it shall be known , as by a Token which never fails , {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , If ye have Love for one another . But to make 〈◊〉 {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , or Love-Feast indeed , ( such as ●ith which the blessed Apostles did once adorn both the Doctrine and the Discipleship of Christ , ) It must be {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} , Love interchanged with one another . keywords: christ; disciples; god; good; law; love; man; men; non; saviour; text; words cache: A54848.xml plain text: A54848.txt item: #18 of 23 id: A64178 author: Taylor, John, 1580-1653. title: Love one another: a tub lecture, preached at Watford in Hartfordshire at a conventicle on the 25. of December last, being Christmas day, by John Alexander, a joyner. His text was taken out of the epistle of Saint Iohn, and himselfe was taken by Captaine Bird, Lieutenant Rock, and other officers, from whom he received such usage as his doctrine did deserve; for which the said officers were commended by the Parliament. date: 1643.0 words: 3231 flesch: 58 summary: of December last, being Christmas day, by Taylor, John 1643 3019 7 0 0 0 0 0 23 C The rate of 23 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the C category of texts with between 10 and 35 defects per 10,000 words. This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A64178 of text R6037 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing T476). keywords: beloved; day; doe; haste; love; speed; text cache: A64178.xml plain text: A64178.txt item: #19 of 23 id: A67104 author: Worthington, John, 1618-1671. title: Charitas evangelica, a discourse of Christian love by the late pious and learned John Worthington ... date: 1691.0 words: 22190 flesch: 65 summary: And if ye salute ( 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ) your Brethren onely ; ( Some Greek Copies have 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 your Friends onely ; ) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 What do ye more then others ? And so Irenaeus saith , they call'd themselves , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , the seed of election , and ( as Clem. keywords: charity; christ; christian; evil; god; good; heart; life; love; man; men; neighbour; self; spirit; thee; thou; thy; ver; words; world cache: A67104.xml plain text: A67104.txt item: #20 of 23 id: A67615 author: Cross, Thomas, fl. 1632-1682, engraver. title: The effigies of love being a translation from the Latine of Mr. Robert Waring of Christ-Church in Oxford, master of arts, and proctor of that university. To which is prefixt a tombstone-encomium, by the same author, sacred to the memory of the prince of poets, Ben. Johnson; also made English by the same hand. date: 1680.0 words: 23676 flesch: 64 summary: When burning with a short ardour , feigned Love sells it self to counterfeit flames , I acknowledge those fictitious Tapers , and vain Meteors , like the wandering Lights of the middle Region . Certainly all the whole force of Magic is seated in Love , of which this is said to be one Miracle , mutually to attract and change things by a certain commutation of Nature ; For that the Members of this world , like the Arteries of some great Animal , depending upon the same communion of Nature , are coupled together by a Spirit , that throws it self into the whole Body . keywords: affection; author; beauty; cupid; deity; desire; embraces; english; eyes; flames; friendship; life; love; lovers; man; men; minde; nature; person; reason; self; sight; soul; things; thou; time; vertue; way; world cache: A67615.xml plain text: A67615.txt item: #21 of 23 id: A67822 author: Waller, Edmund, 1606-1687. Of divine love. title: The idea of Christian love being a translation, at the instance of Mr. Waller, of a Latin sermon upon John xiii, 34, 35, preach'd by Mr. Edward Young ... ; with a large paraphrase on Mr. Waller's poem Of divine love ; to which are added some copies of verses from that excellent poetess Mrs. Wharton, with others to her. date: 1688.0 words: 15952 flesch: 79 summary: The idea of Christian love being a translation, at the instance of Mr. Waller, of a Latin sermon upon John xiii, 34, 35, preach'd by Mr. Edward Young ... ; with a large paraphrase on Mr. Waller's poem Of divine love ; to which are added some copies of verses from that excellent poetess Mrs. Wharton, with others to her. The idea of Christian love being a translation, at the instance of Mr. Waller, of a Latin sermon upon John xiii, 34, 35, preach'd by Mr. Edward Young ... ; with a large paraphrase on Mr. Waller's poem Of divine love ; to which are added some copies of verses from that excellent poetess Mrs. Wharton, with others to her. keywords: day; divine; earth; god; good; heart; heav'n; life; light; love; man; men; mind; nature; paraph; pow'r; praise; rest; sacred; self; soul; tho; thought; waller; world cache: A67822.xml plain text: A67822.txt item: #22 of 23 id: A72872 author: Landi, Ortensio, ca. 1512-ca. 1553. Quattro libri di dubbi. English. Adaptations. title: Margariton A rich treasure discovered of problemes and their resolves. In three parts. Amorous. Naturall Morall and politique. Faithfully translated out of French, for the profit and delight of the ingenious English of both sexes; to serve as a usefull helpe in their discourse. date: 1640.0 words: 51420 flesch: 80 summary: 〈◊〉 by the same meanes Caesar escaped fr●● his enemies in the warres at Alex●●dria . quiet●●sse of men ? A. No , for that desire is not of any ●●ing Corporall . keywords: a. j; a. love; a. nature; a. women; a. yea; age; beauty; bee; blood; body; cause; causeth; cold; come; commeth; contrary; death; desire; doe; doth; evill; eyes; feare; force; god; good; hath; heart; heate; hee; himselfe; ladies; lesse; life; like; love; lovers; ma ●; man; men; mind; naturall; nature; o ●; parts; people; pleasure; proceedeth; q. doe; q. vvhat; q. vvherefore; q. vvhy; q. whereof; reason; th ●; things; thinke; time; vertue; vvhereof; water; whereof commeth; wise; women; ● d; ● e; ● nd; ● s; ● y; ● ● cache: A72872.xml plain text: A72872.txt item: #23 of 23 id: B03624 author: H., C. title: Fancies Phoenix. Or The peerless paragon of the times. Being a young gallants description of a lady which hee hath settled his thoughts on, resolving never to change, nor to love any other beauty or face in the world. And is perswaded if there bee, a phœnix in the world, 'tis shee. To an amorous new tune. date: 1650.0 words: 1361 flesch: 79 summary: Imperfect: mutilated, affecting text. Being a young gallants description of a lady which hee hath settled his thoughts on, H., C. 1650 893 5 0 0 0 0 0 56 D The rate of 56 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the D category of texts with between 35 and 100 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: phoenix; shee; world cache: B03624.xml plain text: B03624.txt