whereas the fish-market at billingsgate, by reason of the dismal fire and other accidents, hath for some late years been in much disorder, and yet continues without that due regulation ... city of london (england). 1671 approx. 2 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 1 1-bit group-iv tiff page image. text creation partnership, ann arbor, mi ; oxford (uk) : 2007-10 (eebo-tcp phase 1). a49039 wing l2864m estc r39823 18504881 ocm 18504881 107913 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for reuse, according to the terms of creative commons 0 1.0 universal . the text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. early english books online. (eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a49039) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 107913) images scanned from microfilm: (early english books, 1641-1700 ; 1637:65) whereas the fish-market at billingsgate, by reason of the dismal fire and other accidents, hath for some late years been in much disorder, and yet continues without that due regulation ... city of london (england). ford, richard, sir, d. 1678. 1 broadside. printed by andrew clark ..., [london] : [1671] title from first four lines of text. at head of title: ford mayor. martis 17. die januarii 1670. annoque regni regis caroli secundi, angliæ, &c. vicesimo secundo. date of publication suggested by wing. reproduction of original in the guildhall, london. created by converting tcp files to tei p5 using tcp2tei.xsl, tei @ oxford. re-processed by university of nebraska-lincoln and northwestern, with changes to facilitate morpho-syntactic tagging. gap elements of known extent have been transformed into placeholder characters or elements to simplify the filling in of gaps by user contributors. eebo-tcp is a partnership between the universities of michigan and oxford and the publisher proquest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by proquest via their early english books online (eebo) database (http://eebo.chadwyck.com). the general aim of eebo-tcp is to encode one copy (usually the first edition) of every monographic english-language title published between 1473 and 1700 available in eebo. eebo-tcp aimed to produce large quantities of textual data within the usual project restraints of time and funding, and therefore chose to create diplomatic transcriptions (as opposed to critical editions) with light-touch, mainly structural encoding based on the text encoding initiative (http://www.tei-c.org). the eebo-tcp project was divided into two phases. the 25,363 texts created during phase 1 of the project have been released into the public domain as of 1 january 2015. anyone can now take and use these texts for their own purposes, but we respectfully request that due credit and attribution is given to their original source. users should be aware of the process of creating the tcp texts, and therefore of any assumptions that can be made about the data. text selection was based on the new cambridge bibliography of english literature (ncbel). if an author (or for an anonymous work, the title) appears in ncbel, then their works are eligible for inclusion. selection was intended to range over a wide variety of subject areas, to reflect the true nature of the print record of the period. in general, first editions of a works in english were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably latin and welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. image sets were sent to external keying companies for transcription and basic encoding. quality assurance was then carried out by editorial teams in oxford and michigan. 5% (or 5 pages, whichever is the greater) of each text was proofread for accuracy and those which did not meet qa standards were returned to the keyers to be redone. after proofreading, the encoding was enhanced and/or corrected and characters marked as illegible were corrected where possible up to a limit of 100 instances per text. any remaining illegibles were encoded as s. understanding these processes should make clear that, while the overall quality of tcp data is very good, some errors will remain and some readable characters will be marked as illegible. users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a tcp editor. the texts were encoded and linked to page images in accordance with level 4 of the tei in libraries guidelines. copies of the texts have been issued variously as sgml (tcp schema; ascii text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable xml (tcp schema; characters represented either as utf-8 unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless xml (tei p5, characters represented either as utf-8 unicode or tei g elements). keying and markup guidelines are available at the text creation partnership web site . eng markets -law and legislation -england -london. london (england) -history -17th century. 2006-12 tcp assigned for keying and markup 2006-12 aptara keyed and coded from proquest page images 2007-01 mona logarbo sampled and proofread 2007-01 mona logarbo text and markup reviewed and edited 2007-02 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion ford blazon or coat of arms mayor . martis 17. die januarii 1670. annoque regni regis caroli secundi , angliae , &c. vicesimo secundo . whereas the fish-market at billingsgate , by reason of the dismal fire and other accidents , hath for some late years been in much disorder , and yet continues without that due regulation , which by antient rules and provisions it ought to be : therefore for restoring the same to the former good order and condition , it was now considered and ordered by this court , that the fish-market at billingsgate shall be kept from the bottom of st. mary-hill to billingsgate-stairs : and that no fish be sold aboard any vessel or boat except herrings , sprats , makrel , and shell-fish , nor in any other place or key , then in the said place at billingsgate , and at queenhithe , which are the antient places accustomed for that purpose . and it is further ordered , that the bell at billingsgate shall be henceforth duly rung by the yeoman at the water-side , for beginning of the market there ( that is to say ) from lady day to michaelmas at four of the clock in the morning , and from michaelmas to lady day at six of the clock in the morning . and if any shall presume to buy or sell any sorts of fish at the said markets before those hours respectively , and notice thereof given by ringing of the said bell ( excepting makrel , sprats . and herrings ) such offender and offenders shall be proceeded against as forestallers of the market , as by the law in this case is directed and provided . and it is further ordered , that no fish be hereafter landed at other then the common and accustomed keys and places above-mentioned . of all which the yeoman of the water-side , and under-water bayliff are to be careful , and vigilant to prevent the contrary , at their utmost perils . avery . printed by andrew clark , printer to the honourable city of london . whereas against divers lawes, orders and provisions, great numbers of men and women and their children and servants doe daily on the weeke daies, all the day long, sit in the high-street of cheape, with multitudes of baskets, tubbs and other vessels of fruit, roots, hearbs, plants, flowers and other garden commodities to sell ... city of london (england). this text is an enriched version of the tcp digital transcription a49036 of text r39819 in the english short title catalog (wing l2864g). textual changes and metadata enrichments aim at making the text more computationally tractable, easier to read, and suitable for network-based collaborative curation by amateur and professional end users from many walks of life. the text has been tokenized and linguistically annotated with morphadorner. the annotation includes standard spellings that support the display of a text in a standardized format that preserves archaic forms ('loveth', 'seekest'). textual changes aim at restoring the text the author or stationer meant to publish. this text has not been fully proofread approx. 4 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 1 1-bit group-iv tiff page image. earlyprint project evanston,il, notre dame, in, st. louis, mo 2017 a49036 wing l2864g estc r39819 18504793 ocm 18504793 107909 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for reuse, according to the terms of creative commons 0 1.0 universal . the text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. early english books online. (eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a49036) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 107909) images scanned from microfilm: (early english books, 1641-1700 ; 1637:61) whereas against divers lawes, orders and provisions, great numbers of men and women and their children and servants doe daily on the weeke daies, all the day long, sit in the high-street of cheape, with multitudes of baskets, tubbs and other vessels of fruit, roots, hearbs, plants, flowers and other garden commodities to sell ... city of london (england). tichborne, robert, sir, d. 1682. 1 broadside. printed by j. flesher ..., [london] : [1657] title from first six lines of text. at head of title: tichborne maior. tuesday the ninth day of june 1657. date of publication suggested by wing. reproduction of original in the guildhall, london. eng markets -law and legislation -england -london. london (england) -history -17th century. a49036 r39819 (wing l2864g). civilwar no whereas against divers lawes, orders and provisions, great numbers of men and women and their children and servants doe daily on the weeke d corporation of london 1657 728 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a this text has no known defects that were recorded as gap elements at the time of transcription. 2007-12 tcp assigned for keying and markup 2008-01 spi global keyed and coded from proquest page images 2008-03 mona logarbo sampled and proofread 2008-03 mona logarbo text and markup reviewed and edited 2008-09 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion tichborne blazon or coat of arms maior tuesday the ninth day of june 1657 . whereas against divers lawes , orders and provisions , great numbers of men and women and their children and servants doe daily on the weeke daies , all the day long , sit in the high-street of cheape , with multitudes of baskets , tubbs and other vessels of fruit , roots , hearbs , plants , flowers and other garden commodities to sell & utter , and doe thereby so fill , pester and streighten the said street , that not only the inhabitants are much hindred and damnified in their trades and estates , but they and all people travailing and passing through the same street , exposed to manifold hazards and dangers , and many hurts and mischiefs have hapned , besides the further annoyance thence arising from the unwholsome smells and stenches of the parings and refuse of roots , plants and other filth continually left and lying scattered and corrupting , in that principall street and passage of the city : now this court having well advised of reforming the said evils and abuses , doth therefore thinke fit and order , that from and after the sixth day of august next coming , no person or persons whatsoever shall stand or be permitted to stand or abide , at any time , with any goods or commodities ( excepting bread ) to sell or put to sale in that part of the said street of cheape or cheape-side lying betweene bread-street end and pauls church-yard ( the same having never been appointed a market place for any commodities whatsoever ) nor shall stand or be permitted to stand or abide with carts , horses , or otherwise in any other place , or part of the said street of cheap or cheapside , on any day or time of the weeke with any fruit roots , hearbs , plants , flowers , or garden commodities ( excepting peascods ) to sell or put the same to sale , but that every one , who shall be found doing contrary , shall be taken , and for his offence be indicted and punished according to law . and that no annoyance may ensue by the permitting of peas-cods to be still sold as formerly in the said street , the shells are to be constantly sweept up and coveyed away , that they may not by remaining and corrupting , produce any noisome or offensive smells : and that there be not wanting a knowne and convenient place whither all may resort for buying and selling the said commodities : it is further ordered by this court , that the countrey people and gardiners shall have place or may stand with their said fruit , roots , hearbs , plants , flowers , and other garden commodities excepting peas-cods , in all parts of the voyd place on the north-side of pauls within the channells , and in no wife beyond or without the said channells , and may so sit and abide with their commodities as they may or ought to doe in other publique markets of this city . provided that none shall bring any carts or horses within the place aforesaid , nor any to sit or have with them there at one time above such number of tubs or baskets , and of such bignesse as from time to time shall be limited and appointed by the lord maior of this city for the time being : and for the better execution of this order , the serjeant and yeoman of the channell , and the beadles of the wards respectively where the said street , or any the places aforesaid are situate or being , and all others whom it shall concerne , are charged and commanded by this court to be intent and diligent in and about the clearing of the street of cheape in manner before expressed , and from the commodities aforesaid , and setling the country people and gardiners , ( who sell the same ) in the place aforesaid , and to take upon them this service , and performe the same effectually at their utmost perills . sadler . printed by james flesher , printer to the honorable city of london . a common councell holden in the chamber of the guild-hall of the city of london, the eighth day of july, in the yeare of our lord 1657 ... city of london (england). this text is an enriched version of the tcp digital transcription a48983 of text r39339 in the english short title catalog (wing l2852j). textual changes and metadata enrichments aim at making the text more computationally tractable, easier to read, and suitable for network-based collaborative curation by amateur and professional end users from many walks of life. the text has been tokenized and linguistically annotated with morphadorner. the annotation includes standard spellings that support the display of a text in a standardized format that preserves archaic forms ('loveth', 'seekest'). textual changes aim at restoring the text the author or stationer meant to publish. this text has not been fully proofread approx. 5 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 1 1-bit group-iv tiff page image. earlyprint project evanston,il, notre dame, in, st. louis, mo 2017 a48983 wing l2852j estc r39339 18368314 ocm 18368314 107412 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for reuse, according to the terms of creative commons 0 1.0 universal . the text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. early english books online. (eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a48983) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 107412) images scanned from microfilm: (early english books, 1641-1700 ; 1637:25) a common councell holden in the chamber of the guild-hall of the city of london, the eighth day of july, in the yeare of our lord 1657 ... city of london (england). city of london (england). court of common council. 1 broadside. printed by james flesher ..., [london] : [1657] reproduction of original in the guildhall, london. eng markets -england -london. london (england) -history -17th century. a48983 r39339 (wing l2852j). civilwar no a common councell holden in the chamber of the guild-hall of the city of london, the eighth day of july, in the yeare of our lord 1657 ... corporation of london 1657 806 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a this text has no known defects that were recorded as gap elements at the time of transcription. 2007-12 tcp assigned for keying and markup 2008-01 spi global keyed and coded from proquest page images 2008-03 mona logarbo sampled and proofread 2008-03 mona logarbo text and markup reviewed and edited 2008-09 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion blazon or coat of arms a common councell holden in the chamber of the guild-hall of the city of london , the eighth day of july , in the yeare of our lord 1657. before the right honorable sir robert tichborne kt. lord mayor of the city of london , sir thomas viner kt and alderman , stephen eastwick alderman , john fredrick alderman , and tempest milner alderman and one of the sheriffes of the same city , and more then fourty commoners of the common councell of the same city , then and there assembled . whereas by the great resort of people to the market in leaden-hall street , the same street is so thronged , pestered and annoyed , that the common passage is hindred , and made dangerous to the inhabitants and passingers , and many evills and inconveniencies have thence happened and arisen : it is for remedy and prevention thereof for time to come , and for incouragement and accomodation of the people resorting to buy and sell in the said market enacted , ordained and established by the right honorable the lord maior , the right worshipfull the aldermen his brethren , and the commons of the city of london , in common councell assembled , and by the authority of the same : that from and after the first day of august next ensuing , the market for mutton , veale , lamb , and porke shall no longer be , or be holden or kept in the street of leaden hall , but shall be thenceforth kept in the green-yard within the same hall , to which place all country butchers , farmers and such others as may keep and frequent the said market to sell any sort of flesh before mentioned , shall and may come , remaine and abide with their goods and commodities on mondayes , wednesdaies , fridaies and saterdaies weekly from the twenty ninth day of september to the twentie fifth day of march till five of the clock in the afternoone , and from the twentie fifth day of march till the nine & twentieth day of september , till seven of the clock in the afternoone and no longer , and shall or may have standings assign'd or set out unto them paying for every standing fower pence a day , that is to say , two pence halfe penny a day to the city officer that is or shall be appointed collector of the said duty , to the use of the chamber of london , and the other three halfe pence thereof to the serjeant of the channell for the time being . provided that no standing shall exceed four foot in bredth , and five foot in length . provided also , and it is further enacted , that any country farmer , victualler , or other that doth and may serve and supply the said market with any sort of flesh before mentioned , may also bring into the said greene yard together with their flesh and there sit and sell any other provisions of victuall excepting beefe , which is still to be sold in the ancient market place of leaden-hall , as by sundry lawes and orders in this behalfe is directed and provided . and for the better execution of this act , the serjeant of the channell and all other officers and persons whom it may concerne , are hereby enjoyned and required to be intent and diligent in avoiding the said street of the flesh victualls , and provisions before mentioned , in manner aforesaid , and setling the countrey butchers , farmers and victuallers who sell the same in the greene yard aforesaid , and to see to the full execution of this act , at their uttermost perils . provided that the serjeant of the channell for the time being , doe provide boards of the size allowed in other markets for such as doe require them , and keèp the foresaid markets cleane swept , and the soile carried away at his owne charge . provided alwaies that beefe shall still be sold at the stalls and places for that purpose appointed in leadenhall and the greene yard there , and not elswhere , and that any other sort of flesh aforesaid may be there also sold according to an act of common councell in that behalf made and provided the sixteenth day of october 1646. and that all fees and duties for the said stalls and places in the said ancient market place within leaden-hall and the greene yard , shall be paid as formerly , any thing in this present act notwithstanding . sadler . printed by james flesher , printer to the honorable city of london . commune concilium tentum in camera guihald' civitas london die jovis, vicesimo quarto die martii, anno dom' millesimo sexcentesimo sexagesimo nono ... an act appointing the exchange-hours. act appointing the exchange-hours city of london (england). 1669 approx. 4 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 1 1-bit group-iv tiff page image. text creation partnership, ann arbor, mi ; oxford (uk) : 2009-03 (eebo-tcp phase 1). a48995 wing l2854c estc r39345 18368501 ocm 18368501 107418 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for reuse, according to the terms of creative commons 0 1.0 universal . the text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. early english books online. (eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a48995) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 107418) images scanned from microfilm: (early english books, 1641-1700 ; 1637:31) commune concilium tentum in camera guihald' civitas london die jovis, vicesimo quarto die martii, anno dom' millesimo sexcentesimo sexagesimo nono ... an act appointing the exchange-hours. act appointing the exchange-hours city of london (england). 1 broadside. printed by andrew clark ..., [london] : [1669] reproduction of original in the guildhall, london. created by converting tcp files to tei p5 using tcp2tei.xsl, tei @ oxford. re-processed by university of nebraska-lincoln and northwestern, with changes to facilitate morpho-syntactic tagging. gap elements of known extent have been transformed into placeholder characters or elements to simplify the filling in of gaps by user contributors. eebo-tcp is a partnership between the universities of michigan and oxford and the publisher proquest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by proquest via their early english books online (eebo) database (http://eebo.chadwyck.com). the general aim of eebo-tcp is to encode one copy (usually the first edition) of every monographic english-language title published between 1473 and 1700 available in eebo. eebo-tcp aimed to produce large quantities of textual data within the usual project restraints of time and funding, and therefore chose to create diplomatic transcriptions (as opposed to critical editions) with light-touch, mainly structural encoding based on the text encoding initiative (http://www.tei-c.org). the eebo-tcp project was divided into two phases. the 25,363 texts created during phase 1 of the project have been released into the public domain as of 1 january 2015. anyone can now take and use these texts for their own purposes, but we respectfully request that due credit and attribution is given to their original source. users should be aware of the process of creating the tcp texts, and therefore of any assumptions that can be made about the data. text selection was based on the new cambridge bibliography of english literature (ncbel). if an author (or for an anonymous work, the title) appears in ncbel, then their works are eligible for inclusion. selection was intended to range over a wide variety of subject areas, to reflect the true nature of the print record of the period. in general, first editions of a works in english were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably latin and welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. image sets were sent to external keying companies for transcription and basic encoding. quality assurance was then carried out by editorial teams in oxford and michigan. 5% (or 5 pages, whichever is the greater) of each text was proofread for accuracy and those which did not meet qa standards were returned to the keyers to be redone. after proofreading, the encoding was enhanced and/or corrected and characters marked as illegible were corrected where possible up to a limit of 100 instances per text. any remaining illegibles were encoded as s. understanding these processes should make clear that, while the overall quality of tcp data is very good, some errors will remain and some readable characters will be marked as illegible. users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a tcp editor. the texts were encoded and linked to page images in accordance with level 4 of the tei in libraries guidelines. copies of the texts have been issued variously as sgml (tcp schema; ascii text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable xml (tcp schema; characters represented either as utf-8 unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless xml (tei p5, characters represented either as utf-8 unicode or tei g elements). keying and markup guidelines are available at the text creation partnership web site . eng markets -law and legislation -england -london. london (england) -history -17th century. 2007-12 tcp assigned for keying and markup 2008-01 spi global keyed and coded from proquest page images 2008-03 mona logarbo sampled and proofread 2008-03 mona logarbo text and markup reviewed and edited 2008-09 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion blazon or coat of arms commune concilium tentum in camera guihald ' civitatis london die jovis , vicesimo quarto die martii , anno dom ' millesimo sexcentesimo sexagesimo nono , annoque regni dom ' nostri caroli secundi , dei gratia , angliae , scotiae , franciae & hiberniae regis , fidei defensoris , &c. xxii o , coram samuele starling mil ' , majore civitatis london , johanne robinson milite & baronetto , locumtenente turr ' , johanne lawrence , willielmo peake , willielmo turner , richardo ford , georgio waterman , roberto hanson , willielmo hooker , & josepho shelden , mil ' , aldermannis , johanne forth armig ' , aldermanno , francisco chaplin milite , aldermanno , vvillielmo fluellin & dannetto forth , armig ' , aldermannis , johanne smith & jacobo edwards , armig ' , aldermannis , & vicecom dictae civitat ' , necnon majore parte communiariorum de communi concil ' ejusd ' civitat ' tunc & ibidem assemblat ' . an act appointing the exchange-hours . whereas by act of common council of the 27. of august in the time of the maioralty of sir thomas cambell knight , deceased , the exchange-hours are appointed to be throughout the whole year , for the noon-exchange , from eleven of the clock until twelve , and in the evening , from michaelmas until lady-day , from five of the clock until sir , and from lady-day until michaelmas , in the evening , from six of the clock until seven , and not after those several hours ; and the exchange-bell to be rung accordingly , to give notice to all persons for their speedy and present departure off and from the said exchange after the said several and respective hours , upon the penalty in the said act contained , as in and by the said act more fully may appear : it is now enacted , ordained and established , by the right honourable the lord maior , the right vvorshipful the aldermen his brethren , and the commons , in this common council assembled , and by the authority of the same , that from and after the feast of the annunciation of the blessed virgin mary now next ensuing , the time for merchants , tradesmen , factors and brokers , and the servants of merchants and tradesmen , to be and continue at and upon the said burse or royal exchange , at noon , shall be from eleven of the clock until one of the clock in that forenoon , and not after one ; and that the exchange-bell shall begin to be rung every day at three quarters of an hour past twelve of the clock at noon , and so continue for the space of one quarter of an hour , viz. till one of the clock , to give notice to the said merchants and tradesmen , factors and brokers , and other the persons aforesaid , for their speedy and present departure off and from the said exchange after the said hour , so that the said burse or exchange may be cleared , and none there remain , after the said bell shall have done ringing . and if any merchant , tradesman or broker whatsoever , or any of their factors or servants , shall offer or presume there to tarry or abide after the ending of the ringing of the said bell , then every such person shall forfeit and pay the sum of twelve pence of lawful money of england , to be recovered and employed as in and by the said former act of common council is directed and appointed , of and for the penalties in the said act contained ; which said former act is to continue and remain in force as to all other particulars thereof , any thing before-mentioned to the contrary notwithstanding . wagstaffe . printed by andrew clark , printer to the honourable city of london . by the king a proclamation for the keeping of markets to supply the city of london with provisions, and also for prevention of alarms and tumults, and for appointing the meeting of merchants. england and wales. sovereign (1660-1685 : charles ii) 1666 approx. 3 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 1 1-bit group-iv tiff page image. text creation partnership, ann arbor, mi ; oxford (uk) : 2009-10 (eebo-tcp phase 1). a32567 wing c3491 estc r214894 31354791 ocm 31354791 110260 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for reuse, according to the terms of creative commons 0 1.0 universal . the text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. early english books online. (eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a32567) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 110260) images scanned from microfilm: (early english books, 1641-1700 ; 1736:20) by the king a proclamation for the keeping of markets to supply the city of london with provisions, and also for prevention of alarms and tumults, and for appointing the meeting of merchants. england and wales. sovereign (1660-1685 : charles ii) charles ii, king of england, 1630-1685. 1 sheet ([1] p.). printed by john bill, and christopher ..., london : 1666. "given at our court at whitehall the sixth day of september 1666. in the eighteenth year of our reign." reproduction of original in the huntington library. created by converting tcp files to tei p5 using tcp2tei.xsl, tei @ oxford. re-processed by university of nebraska-lincoln and northwestern, with changes to facilitate morpho-syntactic tagging. gap elements of known extent have been transformed into placeholder characters or elements to simplify the filling in of gaps by user contributors. eebo-tcp is a partnership between the universities of michigan and oxford and the publisher proquest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by proquest via their early english books online (eebo) database (http://eebo.chadwyck.com). the general aim of eebo-tcp is to encode one copy (usually the first edition) of every monographic english-language title published between 1473 and 1700 available in eebo. eebo-tcp aimed to produce large quantities of textual data within the usual project restraints of time and funding, and therefore chose to create diplomatic transcriptions (as opposed to critical editions) with light-touch, mainly structural encoding based on the text encoding initiative (http://www.tei-c.org). the eebo-tcp project was divided into two phases. the 25,363 texts created during phase 1 of the project have been released into the public domain as of 1 january 2015. anyone can now take and use these texts for their own purposes, but we respectfully request that due credit and attribution is given to their original source. users should be aware of the process of creating the tcp texts, and therefore of any assumptions that can be made about the data. text selection was based on the new cambridge bibliography of english literature (ncbel). if an author (or for an anonymous work, the title) appears in ncbel, then their works are eligible for inclusion. selection was intended to range over a wide variety of subject areas, to reflect the true nature of the print record of the period. in general, first editions of a works in english were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably latin and welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. image sets were sent to external keying companies for transcription and basic encoding. quality assurance was then carried out by editorial teams in oxford and michigan. 5% (or 5 pages, whichever is the greater) of each text was proofread for accuracy and those which did not meet qa standards were returned to the keyers to be redone. after proofreading, the encoding was enhanced and/or corrected and characters marked as illegible were corrected where possible up to a limit of 100 instances per text. any remaining illegibles were encoded as s. understanding these processes should make clear that, while the overall quality of tcp data is very good, some errors will remain and some readable characters will be marked as illegible. users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a tcp editor. the texts were encoded and linked to page images in accordance with level 4 of the tei in libraries guidelines. copies of the texts have been issued variously as sgml (tcp schema; ascii text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable xml (tcp schema; characters represented either as utf-8 unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless xml (tei p5, characters represented either as utf-8 unicode or tei g elements). keying and markup guidelines are available at the text creation partnership web site . eng markets -england -london. london (england) -economic conditions. broadsides -london (england) -17th century. 2008-07 tcp assigned for keying and markup 2008-10 spi global keyed and coded from proquest page images 2008-11 john pas sampled and proofread 2008-11 john pas text and markup reviewed and edited 2009-02 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion by the king , a proclamation for the keeping of markets to supply the city of london with provisions , and also for prevention of alarms and tumults , and for appointing the meeting of merchants . charles r. whereas most of the places wherein markets were kept in our city of london are destroyed by the late fire , we are desirous , that our loving subjects may nevertheless be furnished with a constant supply of provisions , as well as the present exigency will permit : it is therefore our will and pleasure , that markets be kept and held within and without bishops-gate , at towerhill , and smithfield every day of the week , and also continued in leaden-hall-street upon the daies wherein they have been accustomed to be held . requiring all persons whom it may concern , duely and constantly to resort unto the places , and at the times above mentioned , we having taken care to secure the said markets in safety , and prevent all disturbances by refusal of payment for their goods , or otherwise . and we do further charge and command all mayors , sheriffs , iustices of the peace , and other our officers and ministers within the counties from whence provisions are or have been usually brought to our said city of london , to take notice of this our will and pleasure , and to use their utmost diligence and authority to see the same performed accordingly . and whereas through the temerity and unadvisedness of some persons , groundless fears and apprehensions have been and may be cast into the minds of our people , to prevent all tumults and disorders which may thereby or otherwise arise , it is our will and pleasure , that upon any alarm raised or taken , no man stir or disquiet himself by reason thereof , but only attend the business of quenching the fire , we having in our princely care taken order to draw together such a sufficient force both of horse and foot in and about our said city , as may abundantly secure the peace and safety thereof , and prevent or repress any attemps whatsoever that can be made to disturbe the same . and whereas the royal exchange is demolished and burned down by the late fire , it is our pleasure , that gresham colledge in bishops-gate street be for the present the place for the usual meeting and assembling of merchants in the same manner as heretofore the exchange was . given at our court at whitehall the sixth day of september 1666. in the eighteenth year of our reign . god save the king . london , printed by john bill , and christopher barker , printers to the kings most excellent majesty , 1666. by the mayor. whereas by an ancient law and statute of this realm, it is provided, that no fairs or markets be kept in church-yards ... city of london (england). lord mayor. 1661 approx. 3 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 1 1-bit group-iv tiff page image. text creation partnership, ann arbor, mi ; oxford (uk) : 2009-10 (eebo-tcp phase 1). b04143 wing l2885b estc r179983 52529168 ocm 52529168 178832 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for reuse, according to the terms of creative commons 0 1.0 universal . the text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. early english books online. (eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. b04143) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 178832) images scanned from microfilm: (early english books, 1641-1700 ; 2772:8) by the mayor. whereas by an ancient law and statute of this realm, it is provided, that no fairs or markets be kept in church-yards ... city of london (england). lord mayor. frederick, john, sir, fl. 1661-1662. 1 sheet ([1] p.) printed by james flesher, printer to the honourable city of london, [london] : [1661] title from caption and first lines of text. place and date of publication suggested by text. initial letter. dated at end: given at guild-hall london, the 22 day of november, in the said thirteenth year of his majesties reign. reproduction of the original in the british library. created by converting tcp files to tei p5 using tcp2tei.xsl, tei @ oxford. re-processed by university of nebraska-lincoln and northwestern, with changes to facilitate morpho-syntactic tagging. gap elements of known extent have been transformed into placeholder characters or elements to simplify the filling in of gaps by user contributors. eebo-tcp is a partnership between the universities of michigan and oxford and the publisher proquest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by proquest via their early english books online (eebo) database (http://eebo.chadwyck.com). the general aim of eebo-tcp is to encode one copy (usually the first edition) of every monographic english-language title published between 1473 and 1700 available in eebo. eebo-tcp aimed to produce large quantities of textual data within the usual project restraints of time and funding, and therefore chose to create diplomatic transcriptions (as opposed to critical editions) with light-touch, mainly structural encoding based on the text encoding initiative (http://www.tei-c.org). the eebo-tcp project was divided into two phases. the 25,363 texts created during phase 1 of the project have been released into the public domain as of 1 january 2015. anyone can now take and use these texts for their own purposes, but we respectfully request that due credit and attribution is given to their original source. users should be aware of the process of creating the tcp texts, and therefore of any assumptions that can be made about the data. text selection was based on the new cambridge bibliography of english literature (ncbel). if an author (or for an anonymous work, the title) appears in ncbel, then their works are eligible for inclusion. selection was intended to range over a wide variety of subject areas, to reflect the true nature of the print record of the period. in general, first editions of a works in english were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably latin and welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. image sets were sent to external keying companies for transcription and basic encoding. quality assurance was then carried out by editorial teams in oxford and michigan. 5% (or 5 pages, whichever is the greater) of each text was proofread for accuracy and those which did not meet qa standards were returned to the keyers to be redone. after proofreading, the encoding was enhanced and/or corrected and characters marked as illegible were corrected where possible up to a limit of 100 instances per text. any remaining illegibles were encoded as s. understanding these processes should make clear that, while the overall quality of tcp data is very good, some errors will remain and some readable characters will be marked as illegible. users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a tcp editor. the texts were encoded and linked to page images in accordance with level 4 of the tei in libraries guidelines. copies of the texts have been issued variously as sgml (tcp schema; ascii text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable xml (tcp schema; characters represented either as utf-8 unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless xml (tei p5, characters represented either as utf-8 unicode or tei g elements). keying and markup guidelines are available at the text creation partnership web site . eng markets -law and legislation -england -london -early works to 1800. broadsides -england -17th century. 2008-04 tcp assigned for keying and markup 2008-08 spi global keyed and coded from proquest page images 2008-10 megan marion sampled and proofread 2008-10 megan marion text and markup reviewed and edited 2009-02 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion city of london coat of arms by the mayor . whereas by an ancient law and statute of this realm , it is provided , that no fairs or markets be kept in church-yards , nevertheless in the late times of disorder , the church-yard belonging to the cathedral of saint paul london , hath , contrary to the said statute , been made a market-place , and a market there kept ; now forasmuch as at a common-councell holden in the chamber of the guild-hall london , the nineteenth day of october , in the thirteenth year of the happy and blessed reign of our sovereign lord charles the second , by the grace of god , of england , scotland , france , and ireland , king , defender of the faith , &c. that now is , it is ordered by the right honourable the lord maior , and the right worshipfull the aldermen , and the commons of the city of london in the said common-councell assembled , that the said market be forthwith removed , and no market thenceforth kept in the said church-yard ; and for the ease and benefit of such of his maiesties subiects with in this city and liberties , who have occasion to sell or buy rootes , hearbs , fruit , or other garden commodities , two places onely , namely broadstreet and aldersgatestreet london , are by the said common-councel appointed for a market to sell the same wares in ; and that only on the market daies , and times usual within this city , and on no other daies or times : these are therefore to give notice of the premisses , and in his maiesties name streightly to charge and command , that no person or persons whosoever resorting to this city with such or any other wares , presume to pitch down , or stand with any roots , hearbs , fruits , or any other market commodities , or keep any market in the same church-yard , and also that all such persons at any time hereafter resorting to this city or liberties to sell such garden commodities , do not pitch down or stand with to sell the same in any other place or places within this city or liberties , saving only in the said places of broadstreet and aldersgatestreet , upon pein that all and every such person and persons who shall offend against any the premises , shall be severely dealt withall & punished according to law. given at guild-hall london , the 22 day of november , in the said thirteenth year of his majesties reign . god save the king. printed by james flesher , printer to the honourable city , of london . wednesday, the 5th day of august, 1696, at a committee of common council, held for the publick markets of the city of london city of london (england). 1696 approx. 5 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 1 1-bit group-iv tiff page image. text creation partnership, ann arbor, mi ; oxford (uk) : 2009-03 (eebo-tcp phase 1). a49017 wing l2861i estc r39361 18370139 ocm 18370139 107434 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for reuse, according to the terms of creative commons 0 1.0 universal . the text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. early english books online. (eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a49017) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 107434) images scanned from microfilm: (early english books, 1641-1700 ; 1637:49) wednesday, the 5th day of august, 1696, at a committee of common council, held for the publick markets of the city of london city of london (england). 1 broadside. printed by samuel roycroft ..., [london] : 1696. at head of title: houblon mayor. reproduction of original in the guildhall, london. created by converting tcp files to tei p5 using tcp2tei.xsl, tei @ oxford. re-processed by university of nebraska-lincoln and northwestern, with changes to facilitate morpho-syntactic tagging. gap elements of known extent have been transformed into placeholder characters or elements to simplify the filling in of gaps by user contributors. eebo-tcp is a partnership between the universities of michigan and oxford and the publisher proquest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by proquest via their early english books online (eebo) database (http://eebo.chadwyck.com). the general aim of eebo-tcp is to encode one copy (usually the first edition) of every monographic english-language title published between 1473 and 1700 available in eebo. eebo-tcp aimed to produce large quantities of textual data within the usual project restraints of time and funding, and therefore chose to create diplomatic transcriptions (as opposed to critical editions) with light-touch, mainly structural encoding based on the text encoding initiative (http://www.tei-c.org). the eebo-tcp project was divided into two phases. the 25,363 texts created during phase 1 of the project have been released into the public domain as of 1 january 2015. anyone can now take and use these texts for their own purposes, but we respectfully request that due credit and attribution is given to their original source. users should be aware of the process of creating the tcp texts, and therefore of any assumptions that can be made about the data. text selection was based on the new cambridge bibliography of english literature (ncbel). if an author (or for an anonymous work, the title) appears in ncbel, then their works are eligible for inclusion. selection was intended to range over a wide variety of subject areas, to reflect the true nature of the print record of the period. in general, first editions of a works in english were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably latin and welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. image sets were sent to external keying companies for transcription and basic encoding. quality assurance was then carried out by editorial teams in oxford and michigan. 5% (or 5 pages, whichever is the greater) of each text was proofread for accuracy and those which did not meet qa standards were returned to the keyers to be redone. after proofreading, the encoding was enhanced and/or corrected and characters marked as illegible were corrected where possible up to a limit of 100 instances per text. any remaining illegibles were encoded as s. understanding these processes should make clear that, while the overall quality of tcp data is very good, some errors will remain and some readable characters will be marked as illegible. users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a tcp editor. the texts were encoded and linked to page images in accordance with level 4 of the tei in libraries guidelines. copies of the texts have been issued variously as sgml (tcp schema; ascii text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable xml (tcp schema; characters represented either as utf-8 unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless xml (tei p5, characters represented either as utf-8 unicode or tei g elements). keying and markup guidelines are available at the text creation partnership web site . eng markets -law and legislation -england -london. london (england) -history -17th century. 2007-12 tcp assigned for keying and markup 2008-01 spi global keyed and coded from proquest page images 2008-03 mona logarbo sampled and proofread 2008-03 mona logarbo text and markup reviewed and edited 2008-09 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion houblon blazon or coat of arms mayor . wednesday , the 5th day of august , 1696. at a committee of common council , held for the publick markets of the city of london . whereas this committee hath received information , that the farmers of the publick markets have exacted and extorted greater sums of mony from the market-people , than by the laws of the city , or the covenants of their lease , are allow'd : and have committed many other irregularities , to their great oppression , and the scandal of the government of this city . now to the intent that the rates allowed , as aforesaid , to be taken in the markets , may be ascertained and made publick to all market-people , and the said farmers of the markets may be prevented for the future from demanding , exacting or receiving more than is allowed ; this committee hath thought sit ( by advice of the right honourable sir john hovblon kt. lord mayor ) hereby to declare , that by an act of common-council made in sir william hooker's mayor d●y . 17 sept. anno domini 1674. ( which the farmers are strictly obliged to observe ) every person resorting to any the publick markets of this city , to vend their commodities , are to pay to such as from time to time shall be appointed to receive the profits of all or any the said markets after the rates following and no more : ( viz ) for every stall or standing of eight foot long and four foot broad , for sale of flesh-meat or fish , two shillings six pence per week . for every stall or standing of six foot long , and four foot broad , two shillings per week . for every stall or standing of six or eight foot long and four foot broad , for other commodities , three pence per day . for every horse-load of provisions , not upon stalls nor under publick shelter , two pence per day . for every dosser of like provision , one peny per day . for every cart-load with not above three horses , four pence per day . for every cart-load with four horses , or above , six pence per day . for all fruit brought by land or water , and pitched in any of the publick markets ; for each prickcl or basket , holding not above one bushel , one half-peny per day . for each basket , dosser or maund , holding above two bushel , one peny per day ; to be paid by the people that bring or receive them . for every standing of six foot square , for the gardiners , twenty shillings per annum . for every standing for the poorer sort of country people , bringing weeds and physick-herbs , of four foot long and two foot broad , one peny per day . for every standing for fruit-sellers and standing herb-women , not above eight foot long and four foot broad , or six foot square , twelve pence per week . for every standing for bakers and gingerbread-sellers , not above four foot long and three foot broad , six pence per week . and that the collectors shall not demand or require , nor receive or take more than according to the aforesaid rates , without the free consent of the said market-people , for some extraordinary convenience or accommodation ; unless in leaden hall market , where other and larger rates have been anciently paid for stalls and standings therein . and that no collector shall receive more than one farthing for every draught , or four pence per week , for weighing all such provisions as are usually bought or sold by weight . and this committee doth further declare , that the farmers of the said markets have covenanted in their lease , that in case they or any of them shall at any time ( during the term thereby demised ) exact or take any greater rates or duties than are limited and appointed by the aforesaid act of common-council , they or some of them shall pay to the city , for every time they shall so exact or take , the penalty of ten pounds . wherefore if the said farmers , or their assigns , shall require and receive more than according to the aforesaid rates , or disturb the market-people , who have paid or tender'd the said legal rates , in the quiet selling or exposing to sale , according to law , their commodities ; it is recommended to the parties grieved , to apply themselves to the lord mayor , or some other justice of peace of this city , for redress ; and to give notice thereof to this committee , that they may be proceeded against according to law , and the covenants and conditions of their lease . nich : wilmot , comptroler . printed by samuel roycroft , printer to the honourable city of london , 1696. to the honourable house of commons, assembled in parliament, the humble petition of divers persons of several callings who keep the markets in london in behalf of themselves and hundreds more 1689 approx. 8 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 1 1-bit group-iv tiff page image. text creation partnership, ann arbor, mi ; oxford (uk) : 2009-03 (eebo-tcp phase 1). a62727 wing t1411b estc r4685 11957790 ocm 11957790 51560 this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the early english books online text creation partnership. this phase i text is available for reuse, according to the terms of creative commons 0 1.0 universal . the text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. early english books online. (eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a62727) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 51560) images scanned from microfilm: (early english books, 1641-1700 ; 518:21) to the honourable house of commons, assembled in parliament, the humble petition of divers persons of several callings who keep the markets in london in behalf of themselves and hundreds more england and wales. parliament. house of commons. 1 sheet ([1] p.) s.n., [london? : 1689] broadside. caption title. reproduction of original in huntington library. created by converting tcp files to tei p5 using tcp2tei.xsl, tei @ oxford. re-processed by university of nebraska-lincoln and northwestern, with changes to facilitate morpho-syntactic tagging. gap elements of known extent have been transformed into placeholder characters or elements to simplify the filling in of gaps by user contributors. eebo-tcp is a partnership between the universities of michigan and oxford and the publisher proquest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by proquest via their early english books online (eebo) database (http://eebo.chadwyck.com). the general aim of eebo-tcp is to encode one copy (usually the first edition) of every monographic english-language title published between 1473 and 1700 available in eebo. eebo-tcp aimed to produce large quantities of textual data within the usual project restraints of time and funding, and therefore chose to create diplomatic transcriptions (as opposed to critical editions) with light-touch, mainly structural encoding based on the text encoding initiative (http://www.tei-c.org). the eebo-tcp project was divided into two phases. the 25,363 texts created during phase 1 of the project have been released into the public domain as of 1 january 2015. anyone can now take and use these texts for their own purposes, but we respectfully request that due credit and attribution is given to their original source. users should be aware of the process of creating the tcp texts, and therefore of any assumptions that can be made about the data. text selection was based on the new cambridge bibliography of english literature (ncbel). if an author (or for an anonymous work, the title) appears in ncbel, then their works are eligible for inclusion. selection was intended to range over a wide variety of subject areas, to reflect the true nature of the print record of the period. in general, first editions of a works in english were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably latin and welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. image sets were sent to external keying companies for transcription and basic encoding. quality assurance was then carried out by editorial teams in oxford and michigan. 5% (or 5 pages, whichever is the greater) of each text was proofread for accuracy and those which did not meet qa standards were returned to the keyers to be redone. after proofreading, the encoding was enhanced and/or corrected and characters marked as illegible were corrected where possible up to a limit of 100 instances per text. any remaining illegibles were encoded as s. understanding these processes should make clear that, while the overall quality of tcp data is very good, some errors will remain and some readable characters will be marked as illegible. users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a tcp editor. the texts were encoded and linked to page images in accordance with level 4 of the tei in libraries guidelines. copies of the texts have been issued variously as sgml (tcp schema; ascii text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable xml (tcp schema; characters represented either as utf-8 unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless xml (tei p5, characters represented either as utf-8 unicode or tei g elements). keying and markup guidelines are available at the text creation partnership web site . eng markets -england -london. broadsides -england -london -17th century 2008-01 tcp assigned for keying and markup 2008-01 spi global keyed and coded from proquest page images 2008-02 john pas sampled and proofread 2008-02 john pas text and markup reviewed and edited 2008-09 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion to the honourable house of commons , assembled in parliament . the humble petition of divers persons of several callings who keep the markets in london , in behalf of themselves and hundreds more ; humbly sheweth , that some of your petitioners having only stalls in the said markets , they are compelled by the farmers of the said markets , to pay excessive fines and rents for the same ; which , as they can prove , is much more than was ever paid heretofore : and others of your petitioners who have only sitting in the said markets and no otherwise , and having paid formerly some 2 d. some 3 d. and some 4 d. a week , only for their said sitting , towards cleaning the said markets , as your petitioners can prove ; but the farmers of the said markets ( contrary to law and custome , as your petitioners humbly conceive ) have for some years past compelled some of them to pay , some 1 s. some 3 s. some 5 s. a week , and some more , for their said sitting , which has occasioned many of your petitioners , not being able to pay their great demands , to be forced to abscond from the said markets , to the great impoverishment of them and their families ; and those of your petitioners who have still continued sitting in the said markets , are so much oppressed by their great exactions , that they are scarce able to keep them and their families in bread. and some of your petitioners having formerly refused to pay such great rates for their stalls and sittings , as have been imposed upon them , have been arrested and their goods seized , to their great damage and impoverishment ; some of them being country people , have been forced to comply to the said farmers demands , by reason they could not put in bail , being foreigners and unknown in the city . and others of your petitioners for some time past , by reason of the deadness of trade , having been unable to pay so great rates laid upon them , are daily threatned by the said farmers to be arrested , and their goods seized for their arrears , which if they do , must inevitably ruine them . and forasmuch as your petitioners have oftentimes sought relief from the lord mayor and court of aldermen of the city of london , and particularly delivered a petition on the 6th . of march , 1688. and thereupon had a hearing before a committee , appointed to hear their grievances ; but your petitioners having no redress ; may it therefore please this honourable house , to take the premisses into consideration , and to grant your petitioners hearing , that so thereby they may not hereafter be burthened in the like kind , but may have their former customes and priviledges restored . and your petitioners shall ever pray , &c. hamlet toone rich. farley john swelgrove james bayly john lillee henry hamman george fane john mainer john bishop john linley theophilus piffs bernard serjant william morris walter watters robert tate james ray william weaver . richard cowderey thomas daves michael turpin mary wright john newe thomas perkins aaron withers joseph tothill edward roakes richard roakes richard collman john flowers george flowers richard mills john preston john gunter edward barrett richard breadcutt john bonsey joseph hollemoor charles trigge henry hunt widdow sherman widdow linkhorn widdow delaney widdow thoarp william springall widdow gibson ann bannister henry bartholocmen thomas hipwell mich. wheeler ann linsey joseph homes christopher jone widdow hooker william sedgley edwrrd oakley john ruffe widdow cobb henry blewman ann batt james whicheloe frances thomas with hundreds more not mentioned . an account of some of the particulars of the grievances herein mentioned , viz. butchers grievances . daniel mofen paid formerly 2 s. 6 d. a week . now is compelled to pay 7 s. a week , and 17 l. a fine . john mofen paid formerly 2 s. 3 d. now 6 s. 6 d. and 26 l. fine . sarah chambers widdow , formerly 4 s. 6 d. now 12 s. and 40 l. fine . william child formerly 2 s. 6 d. now 9 s. and 17 l. 6 s. fine . robert tatt formerly 2 s. now 6 s. and 10 l. fine . and the persons following , with many more , can prove , that they never was demanded to pay any fines ; but were compelled of late by the farmers to pay excessive fines for their stalls , as ,   l. s. d.     l. s. d.     l. s. d.   henry hamond , 23 13 00 fine . john lyngley , 26 17 06 fine . john mayner 26 17 06 fine . william morris , 16 02 06   john bishop , 21 10 00             fruiterers grievances . charles trigg was compelled by the said farmers to pay 5 l. fine , and 18 l. a year for a shed or stall , which is worth not above 5 l. or 6 l. a building , as is well known . but being unable of late , to pay so great a rent , has been arrested by the said farmers , and the suit is still depending , likely to prove his ruine . john presson also arrested , and the suit still depending . ann lyndsey formerly paid 12 d. a week . now , 12 l. a year , and 5 l. fine . henry hunt formerly 1 s. a week . now , 4 s. 6 d. a week . michael wheeler formerly 1 s. 3 d. a week . now , 15 l. 10 s. a year . richard mills formerly 2 d. a week . now , 1 s. 6 d. a week . gardiners grievances . henry broomeman was compelled to pay 3 l. 4 s. 6d . for a fine , and 2 s. 6 d. a week , which formerly paid only 1 s. a week . francis thomas paid only 6 d. a week formerly . now payes 1 s. 6 d. a week . elizabeth baldwyn 1 s. 2 d. a week formerly . now , 3 s. 6 d. a week . christopher hyon 9 d. a week formerly . now , 2 s. 6 d. a week . bacon-sellers , who formerly sold their goods upon their own stalls , and paid 2 d. a week for their sitting , have been compelled of late by the said farmers , to take stalls of them , which cost not above 2 l. 10 s. building , and to pay 5 l. a year for the same . ann whittingstall is turned out , for not being able to pay so great a rent for a stall , to her great ruine . several country people who only paid formerly 2 d. a week , are now forced to pay 1 s. a week , and some more , having only sittings in the markets , and no stalls . herb-sellers , who paid some of them formerly , but 2 d. 3 d. and 4 d. a week for their sitting , are now compelled to pay some 1 s. some 2 s. some 3 s. and some 4 s. a week , besides 20 or 30 s. a year demanded of them in the nature of a ground-rent , and are almost ruined in paying so great rates , their gains being so small . besides many more who are burthened and aggrieved in the like kind and nature , which they can testifie , but too tedious to be here incerted . a proclamation, for the well ordering of the market in the cittie of oxford and for the redresse of abuses, in weights and measures, within the precincts of the vniuersitie of oxford. university of oxford. chancellor (1630-1641 : laud) 1634 approx. 15 kb of xml-encoded text transcribed from 3 1-bit group-iv tiff page images. text creation partnership, ann arbor, mi ; 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(eebo-tcp ; phase 1, no. a08700) transcribed from: (early english books online ; image set 1222) images scanned from microfilm: (early english books, 1475-1640 ; 1578:18) a proclamation, for the well ordering of the market in the cittie of oxford and for the redresse of abuses, in weights and measures, within the precincts of the vniuersitie of oxford. university of oxford. chancellor (1630-1641 : laud) laud, william, 1573-1645. [3] sheets by iohn lichfield, printer to the vniversitie, [printed at oxford : anno dom. m.dc.xxxiv. [1634]] caption title. text begins: william by gods providence archbishop of canterbury .. chancellour of the vniuersitie of oxon sendeth greeting .. imprint from colophon. reproduction of the original in the henry e. huntington library and art gallery. created by converting tcp files to tei p5 using tcp2tei.xsl, tei @ oxford. re-processed by university of nebraska-lincoln and northwestern, with changes to facilitate morpho-syntactic tagging. gap elements of known extent have been transformed into placeholder characters or elements to simplify the filling in of gaps by user contributors. eebo-tcp is a partnership between the universities of michigan and oxford and the publisher proquest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by proquest via their early english books online (eebo) database (http://eebo.chadwyck.com). the general aim of eebo-tcp is to encode one copy (usually the first edition) of every monographic english-language title 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proquest page images 2002-01 tcp staff (michigan) sampled and proofread 2002-01 tcp staff (michigan) text and markup reviewed and edited 2002-02 pfs batch review (qc) and xml conversion a proclamation , ¶ for the well ordering of the market in the cittie of oxford , and for the redresse of abuses , in weights and measures , within the precincts of the vniversitie of oxford . william by gods providence archbishop of canterbury , primate and metropolitane of all england , one of his majesties most honourable priuie councill , chancellour of the vniuersitie of oxon sendeth greeting , in our lord god euerlasting . whereas by the customes , liberties , and priuiledges of this vniuersitie of oxon , by kings , and queenes , of this realme of england granted , and by acts of parliament confirmed , vnto the said vniuersitie , amongst other noble priuiledges , and fauours , the clerkshippe of the market within the said vniuersitie , and the allowing , approuing , and correcting of weights and measures , and the well ordering , and gouerning of the said market , for the benefit of of the said vniuersitie , and the buyers and sellers therein , is granted and confirmed to the chancellour , masters , and scholars of the said vniuersitie of oxon , and the execution thereof to the chancellour , or his deputie , the vicechancellour of the said vniuersitie for the time being . forasmuch therefore as we plainely perceaue , many good orders and rules heretofore published , by our predecessours by proclamation , and otherwise touching the well gouerning of the said market , to take small effect , because they are either forgotten , or else contemned , by diverse greatly against the common good of this vniuersitie , and cittie of oxon , only for their private gaine , for present redresse of all which enormities and abuses , we streightly charge and command , that no manner of person , or persons whatsoeuer , doe from henceforth by any manner of meanes forestall , regrat , or ingrosse any manner of corne , flesh , tallow , candles , fish , butter , cheese , eggs , piggs , geese , capons , chickins , wood , fewell , or any other provision whatsoeuer belonging vnto the said market , nor by any other cunning shifts , and frauds in any sort , hurt , or abuse the said market , vpon paine and punishment by the lawes , and statutes of this realme , and by the statutes , priviledges , and customes of this vniuersitie , limited and appointed . and to the intent that good order be kept concerning the premises : we will and command all inhabitants of the vniuersitie , and cittie of oxon , and others , buyers and sellers , that repaire to the said market , duely to obserue and fullfill these articles following . viz : &c. imprimis , that no badger , carrier , poulterer , hucster , or any other person or persons , bringing any kind of victualls to be sold in the market , holden and kept in the cittie of oxon , doe sell , or compact , or agree to sell , his , or their victualls , or any part thereof , before all and every part of the same be placed , to be sold in open market , vpon payne of forfeiting for euery such offence , tenne shillings . item that no badger , carryer , loader , poulterer , or any other person or persons , bringing any kind of graine , or victualls to be sold in this market , shall carry , or cause to be carryed , any of the same out of the open market-place , to any victualler , inholder , hucster , or any other person , or keepe or retaine , any of the said victualls for any inholder , victualler , hucster , or any other such like , but that euery person willing to buy any of the said victualls , may at all times buy so much as will serue for his necessary vse , vpon paine of forfeiting for euery such offence , tenne shillings : and farther to be punished for contempt . item . that no person from henceforth doe sell , or put to sale , any faggots , billets , or coales , but those that are of the true assize , and full measure , according to the statutes of this realme , and that the markes and assizes of the said billets and faggots be not altered , vnder paine of forfeiting , tenne shillings . item that no ale-brewer , nor beere-brewer , doe sell any ale or beere to any victualler , or ale-house-keeper , or other , to sell againe which haue no lawfull licence , vnder paine of forfeiting six shillings eight pence , for euery barrell of beere or ale so sold. item that no persons which selleth wine within this vniuersitie , from henceforth shall set abroach any kind of wine to be sold , before the chancellour or his deputie , or other officer appointed for that purpose haue tasted , tryed , and allowed the same to be good and vendible , or shall after such tast thereof any way embase , blend , or corrupt , vnder paine of forfeiting , twentie shillings , for every vessell of wine so set abroach , contrary to this present proclamation . item that all and singular vintners , and winesellers , within this vniuersitie and cittie of oxon , from time to time , and at all times doe sell their wines in their seuerall kinds , at such reasonable prizes , as the said chancellour or his deputie , shall prescribe or limit , vpon paine by the statutes of this realme in that behalfe provided . and farther vnder the like paine , that no person aforesaid doe sell any wine , in any other potts , sauing only such as hold measure , and are sealed and allowed by the said chancellour , or his deputies , the clerkes of the market . item that no butcher , or butchers , cooke , or cookes , chandler , or any other person whatsoeuer inhabiting the vniuersitie , cittie , or suburbs of oxford , shall sell their tallow to any forreiner , vpon paine of forfeiting the value thereof . item that all manner of butchers dwelling or inhabiting , out of this vniuersitie or cittie of oxon , and bringing or causing to be brought , any victualls to be sold in this market , shall also bring their hides , fells , and tallow , belonging to the said victualls , so by them brought to be sold , and shall sell the same , if any will haue them at the prize limited , vnder paine of forfeiting for every such offence , six shillings eight pence . and farther that every such butcher , who hath not his said hides , fells , and tallow , at twelue of the clocke in the fore-noone shewed in the market , shall at that time be adiudged not to haue brought them , and so incurre the penalty aforesaid . item that no chandler shall sell any candles , cotten or wieke , aboue such rates and prizes , as shall be set and limited , from time to time , by the said chancellour , vice-chancellour , or his deputie , vnder paine to forfeit for every such offence , tenne shillings . item it shall not be lawfull for any person , or persons whatsoeuer , to traffique , merchandize , buy or sell by any weights and measures within this vniuersitie and cittie of oxon , or suburbs of the same , except such weights and measures be found lawfull , approued and sealed by the said chancellour , his deputie , or deputies , the clerkes of this market , vpon paine of forfeiture for euery such offence , twentie shillings , and all such false weights and measures to be vtterly destroyed . item that all manner of persons , that bring any corne or graine to the market , of this vniuersitie and cittie of oxon to be sold , shall measure the same with the common market-bushels , and measures , & in the market-place , and not with any other bushells , or measures , nor any other where . and whereas we vnderstand , that diverse of the cittie of oxford , inhabiting in , or neere the said corne-market , haue lately of their owne will , without any approbation from vs , or our vice-chancellour , taken vpon them to keepe and set forth on market-dayes , publique bushells and measures , for the measuring of corne and graine , and take tole for the same , without stint or limitation , sometimes a pint and halfe , and sometimes a quart for the measuring of a bushell , whereas the ancient and laudable due is , but the quantity of a quarter of a pint at the most for such measure : and also that diverse malsters , bakers , and brewers , doe keepe in their private houses two bushells , a bigger wherewith to buy , and a lesser to sell , whereby the country people that bring in their corne and graine to the said vniuersitie , are deterred to furnish the said market , in regard that the measure of graine , will not hold out fully with the said great bushells . we therefore for the future prevention of the said inconveniences , and for the better governement of the said market , that there bee no fraud vsed , doe by these presents , straightly prohibite the inhabitants of the vniuersitie and cittie of oxon , and all others resorting to that market , from keeping and setting forth any publique bushell , or any other measure , or to receaue any tole or profit for the same : and also all malsters , bakers , and brewers , from keeping in their houses , any more then one lawfull and sealed bushell , by which they shall sell , as well as buy . item that to provide a sufficient and convenient remedie for the premises . we haue by our letters pattents vnder our seale , appointed christopher divall inhabitant within the said vniuersitie , to looke vnto the cleansing , and sweet keeping the corne-market-place , and to provide a competent and sufficient number of bushells , and other measures , to be approued and sealed by vs , or our deputies the clerkes of the market , to measure the corne and graine brought to the said market , and to take and receaue the iust and due tole for the same , viz : a quarter of a pint for every bushell and not aboue : and we will and require , that no buyer or seller , or inhabitant within the vniuersitie or cittie of oxon , not exempt from paying of tole , doe hinder , denie , or molest , him the said christopher divall , in the due and lawfull execution of the said office , and taking the said tole vnder penaltie to be punished , as contemners of the priviledges and liberties of this vniuersitie , and the government of the same . item it shall not be lawfull for any hucster , liuing and inhabiting within the vniuersitie or cittie of oxon , and suburbs of the same , or any other person whatsoeuer vnder colour of buying , keeping or making provision for any colledge or hall of this vniuersitie , or for any other person whatsoeuer priviledged or not , or vnder any other pretence to buy , obtaine , or get into his hands or possession in this market , or within foure miles thereof , any piggs , geese , capons , hennes , chickens , conies , fish , butter , cheese , eggs , or other victuall whatsoeuer , to sell the same againe in this market , or within foure miles thereof , or to dispose of the same otherwise then for his owne vse and spending . and because hucsters haue proued the baine of the market , and their cunning devises by any former rules and orders heretofore published , haue not beene sufficiently met withall : we doe therefore hereby straightly prohibite , all and every hucster aforesaid , from bringing or placing their wares , victualls , and provisions , though bought without the foure miles afore mentioned , to be sold in the common market-place , viz : vpon or neere carfox , or penny-loes-bench , but that they keepe and containe themselues for the vttering their said wares and provisions in one proper place , to be appointed and assigned from time to time , by vs or our deputies , which place for the present we appoint and assigne , to be vnder the west-wall of christ-church , betweene the great gate thereof and carfox , only so farre as that wall reacheth . and in case any hucster aforesaid , shall presume to place his said wares and provisions , or put the same to sale elsewhere , then in the place formerly appointed & assigned , ( viz : ) vnder christ-church-wall , or shall otherwise breake or violate any part , or clause of this article ; for every time so offending , he shall incurre the penalties of the statutes of this realme in that behalfe provided , and be farther proceeded against as a contemner of the liberties and priviledges of this vniuersitie , and the government of the same . item whereas the greedie , and over hasty coveting of victualls in the buyer , hath beene a great meanes to encourage , and cherish hucsters , it shall not be lawfull for any person or persons whatsoeuer , to buy of any hucster any manner of provision aforesaid , elsewhere then in the place formerly appointed and assigned by vs , nor before the same be brought and placed there openly to be sold , vpon paine of forfeiting for every such said offence , tenne shillings , and farther to be punished for contempt . item that if any butcher , baker , brewer , poulterer , cooke , manciple , fruiterer , hucster , or any other person whatsoeuer , shall be convinced to conspire against any article , clause , or branch of this proclamation , whereby the same may not be duely executed according to the true meaning thereof , then every such conspiratour so convinced , shall be punished according to the lawes and statutes of this realme . and to the intent that every man to whom it appertaineth might know his dutie , and not by ignorance thereof , incurre any of the said penalties , we doe straightly charge and command , that no manner of person whatsoeuer , doe rent , teare , or pluck downe , or any way deface this proclamation , or any parcell thereof , but shall suffer it continually to remaine in his place , vnder paine of imprisonment , and such other punishment , as shall be thought fit to be executed , vpon all and every the transgressour of this commandement . god save the king . ¶ printed at oxford , by iohn lichfield , printer to the vniversitie , anno dom. m. dc . xxxiv .