item: #1 of 33 id: A01541 author: Gataker, Thomas, 1574-1654. title: Marriage duties briefely couched togither out of Colossians, 3. 18, 19. By Thomas Gataker Bachelar of Diuinitie and pastor of Rotherhith. date: 1620.0 words: 18020 flesch: 83 summary: * R●nam●●● est , ●h●●●●pa● agu●●●e●e , ub●●●lp●non est . The fift dutie of Loue toward the wife is Ioy & d●lig●t in her . keywords: apostle; bee; children; cor; doe; dutie; eph; gen; god; gods; good; hath; haue; head; husband; loue; man; owne; prov; regard; saith; selfe; shee; thee; themselues; things; thy; vnto; wife; wiues; woman; ● e; ● ● cache: A01541.xml plain text: A01541.txt item: #2 of 33 id: A01795 author: Alexander, the Great, 356-323 B.C. title: A satirycall dialogue or a sharplye-invectiue conference, betweene Allexander the great, and that truelye woman-hater Diogynes date: 1616.0 words: 13319 flesch: 75 summary: Yet since my travaile , ( whe●● I haue beene ) Appeard a youth ( Pheobus was much lesse bright ) Gold were his lockes , firye sparkles were his eyne His browes , cheekes , and chynn were as louelie fyne I' ns shirte was hee , a shirt soe fyne I wynn As one might see , what was tweene shirt and skynn His snowe-white armes , in-laide with azurd vaine ( Mixed with crimson dye ) one might see plaine His full-broade manlie some-what-downye cheste Dale-like indented tweene two mounting brestes ; On which two prettie fr●iteles teatlinges grewe : Not milkie sweete , sweete onelie for the ve●we . keywords: allexander; bedd; cann; cause; delight; diogynes; doe; doth; dreame; faire; girles; goe; haue; hir; howe; loue; man; mee; men; mind; night; noe; nowe; place; quoth; selfe; shee; sisters; soe; sweete; thee; thou; thy; vnto; wife; women cache: A01795.xml plain text: A01795.txt item: #3 of 33 id: A02618 author: Brathwaite, Richard, 1588?-1673. Good wife. aut title: A happy husband or, Directions for a maide to choose her mate As also, a wiues behauiour towards her husband after marriage. By Patricke Hannay, Gent. To which is adioyned the Good wife, together with an exquisite discourse of epitaphs, including the choysest thereof, ancient or moderne. By R.B. Gent. date: 1619.0 words: 40547 flesch: 69 summary: Not like that golden branch or sprig of life Which Maro does e●…presse , that b●…ing shr●…d , Sent forth another faire ●…nd fruitfull griffe , As a ●…ong Scyon in the fathers stede , For Sylla being cropt , nere did succede Any from him which might reui●…e his Name By lineall p 〈◊〉 from his fame . Againe , they who attain to the glory of Gods Kingdome , are to be thought happie , and in ioy , not in sorrow , vex●…tion , or woe ; and therefore not to be grieued for , in that they are Departed from vs ; for of necessitie it is , we must either Depart from them , or They from vs. O happie were we , if we were receiued into that ioy , that glorie , that aeternit●…e whereof the Saints in Christs Kingdome be Partakers : Dispar est gloria singulorum , communis tamen laticia omnium , A Glorie distingu●…shed , but a ioy communicate ; O admirable mysterie ! O ineffable mercy ! a mystery onely to Those●…euealed ●…euealed whom He in his mercy hath reserued to be Inheritors in the Couenant of Peace established by his Promise , confirmed by his Power , and conferred on his Elect Israelites , glorified by Iesus Christ our Lord in the highest Heauen , euen where the Cherubims and Seraphims make melody and solace to the Lord of Heauen and Earth . keywords: age; birth; body; breath; care; chuse; d ●; day; dead; death; delight; die; diuine; doe; doth; e ●; earth; end; engrauen; epitaphs; euen; euer; expresse; eye; faire; fame; fate; feare; friend; giue; glory; god; goe; good; graue; hath; haue; head; heart; heauen; heere; himselfe; honour; hope; husband; inscription; iustice; lesse; lies; life; like; liue; liuing; long; loue; m ●; man; mans; memory; men; mind; mother; nature; nere; non; o ●; owne; place; reade; rest; s ●; saith; saue; seeme; selfe; set; shee; sleepe; sonne; soule; state; t ●; th ●; thee; themselues; things; thou; thy; time; tombe; vertues; vnto; vpon; vse; way; wee; wife; world; worth cache: A02618.xml plain text: A02618.txt item: #4 of 33 id: A03192 author: Heywood, Thomas, d. 1641. title: A curtaine lecture as it is read by a countrey farmers wife to her good man. By a countrey gentlewoman or lady to her esquire or knight. By a souldiers wife to her captain or lievtenant. By a citizens or tradesmans wife to her husband. By a court lady to her lord. Concluding with an imitable lecture read by a queene to her soveraigne lord and king. date: 1637.0 words: 25867 flesch: 58 summary: Nubere dulce est sweet it is to marrie : whic● implies she is either raptur'd with the thought o● what she hath already proved , or extasi'd with th● conceit of that she hath no● yet tri●d : neither of whic● pollutions ought to be 〈◊〉 one of her profession . Poggius the Florentine , an excellent Oratour , in his F●cetiis , reporteth this storie . keywords: bed; bee; betwixt; bride; chap; children; countrey; daughter; day; faire; father; good; hath; hee; himselfe; honour; house; husband; lecture; life; like; love; man; marriage; men; owne; place; purpose; read; reason; saith; selfe; shee; things; thou; time; virgin; wife; wives; woman; words; young; ● ● cache: A03192.xml plain text: A03192.txt item: #5 of 33 id: A08992 author: Church of England. Province of Canterbury. Archbishop (1559-1575 : Parker) title: An admonition to all such as shall intend hereafter to enter the state of matrimonie, godlily and agreeably to lawes set foorth by the most reuerend father in God, Matthew Archbishop of Canterburie ... date: 1600.0 words: 2072 flesch: 72 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 28068) keywords: con; husband; linea; tcp; text cache: A08992.xml plain text: A08992.txt item: #6 of 33 id: A08994 author: Parker, Matthew, 1504-1575. title: An admonition: to all such as shall intend hereafter to enter the state of matrimonie godly, and agreeable to lawes. ... Set foorth by the most reuerend Father in God, Mathew Archbishop of Canterburie, ... date: 1605.0 words: 2163 flesch: 74 summary: Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 10821) Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: con; gradus; husband; linea; tcp; text cache: A08994.xml plain text: A08994.txt item: #7 of 33 id: A10322 author: Rainolds, John, 1549-1607. title: A defence of the iudgment of the Reformed churches. That a man may lawfullie not onelie put awaie his wife for her adulterie, but also marrie another. / Wherin both Robert Bellarmin the Iesuites Latin treatise, and an English pamphlet of a namelesse author mainteyning the contrarie are co[n]futed by Iohn Raynolds. A taste of Bellarmins dealing in controversies of religion: how he depraveth Scriptures, misalleagthe [sic] fathers, and abuseth reasons to the perverting of the truth of God, and poisoning of his Churche with errour.. date: 1609.0 words: 49346 flesch: 78 summary: si vosuerit al●●m ducare● 5 Potest ipse potest axoris li voluer●t alid ducere 6 Vt vobis videtur . Wherefore S , Austins mistaking of the worde and significatiō thereof is noe sufficiēt warrāt for Bellarmin● to ground on , that they must be taken so . keywords: adulterie; againe; ambrose; bee; bellarmin; bene; byshops; cap; cause; christ; church; commit; cor; councell; d ●; death; divorcement; doctrine; doe; doth; epist; exception; fathers; frō; generall; god; good; graunt; great; hath; hee; husband; husbād; l ●; law; lawfull; lib; like; man; marriage; marrie; marrieth; math; meaning; men; negative; owne; papists; paul; place; point; pope; proofe; reason; rome; saith; scripture; self; sentence; shee; sinne; soe; text; thē; things; thought; true; truth; vers; vnto; vpon; wee; whoredome; whosoever; wife; wives; woman; words; yea; ● e; ● h; ● m; ● n; ● ● cache: A10322.xml plain text: A10322.txt item: #8 of 33 id: A13540 author: Sedgwick, John, 1600 or 1601-1643. title: A good husband and a good wife layd open in a sermon, preached by Mr Thomas Taylor ... ; and published by Iohn Sedguuicke. date: 1625.0 words: 8504 flesch: 77 summary: Ioh. 1. 6. not called by man , but by God immediatly . Fourthly , by the Lords iustification both were iustified by God from hypocrisie and raigning guile : What they did , they did before God , in truth , and vnfainedly as in his sight , and by their fruites of faith both of them were iustified before men : who by their externall righteousnesse saw that their faith was sound , and themselues true beleeuers . keywords: christ; god; gods; good; grace; haue; heart; holy; lord; man; men; selfe; thou; thy; way cache: A13540.xml plain text: A13540.txt item: #9 of 33 id: A26097 author: Astell, Mary, 1668-1731. title: Some reflections upon marriage occasion'd by the Duke & Dutchess of Mazarine's case, which is also considered. date: 1700.0 words: 21883 flesch: 48 summary: I know not whether or no Women are allow'd to have Souls , if they have , perhaps it is not prudent to provoke them too much , least silly as they are , they at last recriminate , and then what polite and well-bred Gentleman , tho' himself is concern'd , can forbear taking that lawful Pleasure which all who understand Raillery must tast , when they find his Jests who insolently began to peck at his Neighbour , return'd with Interest upon his own Head ? And indeed Men are too Humane , too Wise to venture at it did they not hope for this effect , and expect the Pleasure of finding their Wit turn to such account ; for if it be Lawful to reveal a Secret , this is without doubt the whole design of those fine Discourses which have been made against the Women from our great Fore-Fathers to this present Time. Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. keywords: good; husband; love; man; men; mind; power; reason; self; sense; shou'd; thing; tho; thought; time; way; wit; woman; world; wou'd cache: A26097.xml plain text: A26097.txt item: #10 of 33 id: A32910 author: Chudleigh, Mary Lee, Lady, 1656-1710. title: The female advocate; or, A plea for the just liberty of the tender sex, and particularly of married women. Being reflections on a late rude and disingenuous discourse, delivered by Mr. John Sprint, in a sermon at a wedding, May 11th, at Sherburn in Dorsetshire, 1699. / By a Lady of Quality. date: 1700.0 words: 14937 flesch: 59 summary: And if so , then 't is to be granted that Woman answers the end of her Creation when she does bring Comfort and Benefit to Man ; and a very noble requital does Man make to her when he follows this Gentleman's Instructions . Now I own 't is true that Woman was made for the Comfort and Benefit of Man : but I think it a much nobler Comfort to have a Companion , a Person in whom a Man can confide , to whom he can communicate his very Soul , and open his Breast and most inward Thoughts , than to have a Slave sitting at his Footstool , and trembling at every word that comes like Thunder and Lightning from the mouth of the domestic Pharaoh . keywords: argument; author; discourse; gentleman; good; great; husbands; men; reason; sex; things; tho; way; woman; world cache: A32910.xml plain text: A32910.txt item: #11 of 33 id: A33544 author: Cockburn, John, 1652-1729. title: The dignity and duty of a married state in a sermon preach'd at the celebration of a marriage in the English Episcopal Church at Amsterdam / by John Cockburn. date: 1697.0 words: 6518 flesch: 64 summary: It is not material whether it be taken the one or the other way ; for if it be a Duty to hold Marriage honourable , then it is so , because it is in it self honourable ; and if marriage be by Nature , or by Virtue of its Ends and Uses honourable , then it is the Duty of all to honour it , and to have it in great Esteem : So whether the Text be an Affirmative Proposition or a Precept , it establisheth the Dignity and Importance of Marriage ; for whatever is or should be esteem'd honourable , must be suppos'd excellent in its Nature , and important in its Effects and Consequences . Nor are Wife and Children a hindrance to Charitable Works ; which is one pretended Reason why marriage is forbidden the Clergy in the Church of Rome ; for Covetousness and Selfishness prevail among them that are not married , as much as with those that are . keywords: god; good; honour; love; man; marriage; state; text; wife; woman cache: A33544.xml plain text: A33544.txt item: #12 of 33 id: A34775 author: Courtin, Antoine de, 1622-1685. title: A treatise of jealousie, or, Means to preserve peace in marriage wherein is treated of I. The nature and effects of jealousie, which for the most part is the fatal cause of discontents between man and wife, II. And because jealousy is a passion, it's therefore occasionally discoursed of passions in general ... III. The reciprocal duties of man and wife ... / written in French, and faithfully translated. date: 1684.0 words: 36733 flesch: 62 summary: The Image , the● or Species of ▪ any thing passing , for Example , 〈…〉 w the Eyes , and Imprinting it self upon the Organ of Imagination where of we speak ▪ by the Mediation of the Spirits always Eviron●ng it , it so falls out , that if that Object be Terrifying ▪ by its Similitude or respect it has with any thing , that Nature or Experience Dictates to be hurtful to the Body , then it excites the Passion of Fear , or else Courage , according to the different Constitution of the Body ; and at the same time , the Spirits Reflected from the Image so formed upon the Organ , do enterpa●t by the pores of the Brain , that Conducts them into the Nerves , serving to produce the Motions and Postures necessary to turn back , or Fly , part into the Nerves that enlarge or straiten the Orifices of the Heart , or which Agitate the other Parts from whence the Blood is Conveyed to the Heart , in such sort , that this Blood being r 〈…〉 ed after an unusual manner , it a 〈…〉 Spirits to the Brain , such as m 〈…〉 i 〈…〉 fie the Passion viz that continue to keep open the same pores 〈…〉 h 〈…〉 by they 〈…〉 te 〈…〉 into the same N 〈…〉 es And i 〈…〉 be courage that 's excited 〈…〉 x 〈…〉 ● P 〈…〉 the● Spirits enter by the Motion of this Organ into the pores of the Brain , that Conduct them into the Nerves ▪ serving to move the Members to defend its self , as well as into th●se that Agitate and put forward the Blood to the Heart , in a manner suitable to produce proper Spirits , for the continuance of these Actions . caus ▪ 23. b This was the Punishment of Parricides , in some places . c Antiquam illi nuberes , tempus erat expend●ndi quid viram habere male●●● . keywords: actions; body; cause; end; example; god; good; heart; husband; jealousie; let; love; man; manner; marriage; means; men; mind; nature; organ; parts; passion; persons; place; power; reason; saith; self; society; soul; spirits; submission; thing; time; wife; woman; world; ● ● cache: A34775.xml plain text: A34775.txt item: #13 of 33 id: A39528 author: Fisher, Joseph, d. 1705. title: The honour of marriage, or, The institution, necessity, advantages, comforts, and usefulness of a married life set forth in a sermon January 27, 1694, at Seven-Oak in Kent / by Joseph Fisher ... date: 1695.0 words: 8733 flesch: 71 summary: In the Chaldaick Version of Onkelos , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the Samaritan , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Help , a Support , a Prop , as before him ; and in the Arabick , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of the same meaning ; so that in the sense of these three Translations , wherein the Grammatical signification of the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is expressed , and therefore put in the Margin of our English Bibles , the whole Sentence implies , that God created * one that would be a present and perpetual aid to man ; one that should be always at hand , in his power , and helpful . I take the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in this place to signify Fornicators , properly so called , * as a Learned Man does . keywords: god; good; institution; life; man; marriage; men; nature; text; vid; words; world cache: A39528.xml plain text: A39528.txt item: #14 of 33 id: A42526 author: Gaya, Louis de. title: Matrimonial customs, or, The various ceremonies and divers ways of celebrating weddings practised amongst all the nations in the whole world done out of French. date: 1687.0 words: 20829 flesch: 58 summary: Then the Bridegroom carves a little piece of that Hen , which he presenteth to his Bride ; and immediately after the Guests ▪ as well men as women , scuffling together , tear the remnant in pieces , and whosoever can snatch away the biggest part of it is reputed the bravest of all the company ; they snatch away from one another , that which they hold in their hands , making fine sport amongst themselves , to make the new married folks merry . Their Feasts usually consist of Meats baked in the Oven , and of Kettles full of Rice boiled in Milk ▪ In France when any one is married , the betrothed man , accompanied with his Relations , Friends and other Guests , which he hath invited , and as well Men as Women , goes to fetch the Bride to conduct her to Church . keywords: bride; bridegroom; ceremonies; church; daughters; day; friends; hath; head; house; maids; man; marriage; new; nuptial; parents; parties; people; place; relations; time; wedding; wives; women cache: A42526.xml plain text: A42526.txt item: #15 of 33 id: A44707 author: Howell, James, 1594?-1666. title: A brief account of the royal matches or matrimonial alliances vvhich the kings of England have made from time to time since the year 800 to this present 1662 collected by a careful collation of history with records. date: 1662.0 words: 2350 flesch: 68 summary: KIng Ethelwolph the second English Monark , having visited Pope Gregory the fourth at Rome , and returning through France , married The Lady Judith , called in those dayes the Perl of Beuty , daughter to Charles the Bald , who was then Emperor and King of France . The Lady Matilda or Maude , daughter to Malcolme King of Scotland by Margaret sister to Edgar Atheling , whereby the Saxon or English Blood Royal was restored , he had by her Maude the Empress , but left 14. keywords: daughter; english; king; lady; married; tcp; text cache: A44707.xml plain text: A44707.txt item: #16 of 33 id: A52019 author: Marsh, A. title: The confession of the new married couple, being the second part of the ten pleasures of marriage relating the further delights and contentments that ly mask'd under the bands of wedlock / written by A. Marsh. Typogr. date: 1683.0 words: 34388 flesch: 61 summary: EEBO-TCP aimed to produce large quantities of textual data within the usual project restraints of time and funding, and therefore chose to create diplomatic transcriptions (as opposed to critical editions) with light-touch, mainly structural encoding based on the Text Encoding Initiative ( It is then also not strange , if you , as true bred children , keep it carefully , and make the best profit of it ; to the end , that your Successors , when time shall serve , may find that they have had frugall Parents ; and so walk in your footsteps . keywords: alwaies; children; country; couple; delight; doctor; doth; family; find; good; great; hath; home; house; husband; know; maid; man; manner; marriage; master; men; mistris; mony; nay; new; parents; pleasure; reason; self; shop; son; sort; students; things; time; wife; wine; woman; world cache: A52019.xml plain text: A52019.txt item: #17 of 33 id: A52020 author: Marsh, A. title: The ten pleasures of marriage relating all the delights and contentments that are mask'd under the bands of matrimony / written by A. Marsh, typogr. date: 1682.0 words: 34614 flesch: 64 summary: Yonder Mistris Maudlen complains that she doth not prove with child ; & then Mistres Young-at-it brags how nearly she could reckon from the very bed-side . This gadding out of dores doth undoubtedly a little trouble her husband : Bat when he begins to consider , that his wife by this means knows how to handle , and make much of children ; and then again , that she thus beforehand learns it for nothing ; it must of necessity be no less then a great pleasure for him . keywords: alwaies; bed; bride; care; child; day; doth; father; friends; good; hath; head; house; husband; joy; maid; manner; marriage; midwife; mind; mistris; nay; new; night; nurse; pleasure; self; sort; things; time; wife; wine; woman; young cache: A52020.xml plain text: A52020.txt item: #18 of 33 id: A54505 author: Paget, Thomas, d. 1660. title: A religious scrutiny concerning unequall marriage to be represented to the Generall Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland : together with a postscript to the Commissioners of the Kirk : whereunto is subjoyned an appendix humbly tendred to the Parliament of England in reference to the late transactions of state, and now lastly is added a faithfull and conscientious account for subscribing the engagement / by Thomas Paget ... date: 1650.0 words: 16861 flesch: 59 summary: Nor yet to say nothing of Church Government , by Presbyteries and Synods , in any Common-wealth , as being directed unto , in the Word of God ; and is therefore unchangeable ( de jure ) in the substantials of it , in all ages and times of the Church . Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. keywords: case; covenant; england; english; god; good; hath; king; lord; parliament; people; religion; scotland; time; vers; way; yea cache: A54505.xml plain text: A54505.txt item: #19 of 33 id: A55817 author: Prideaux, Humphrey, 1648-1724. title: The case of clandestine marriages stated wherein are shewn the causes from whence this corruption ariseth, and the true methods whereby it may be remedy'd : in a letter to a person of honour. date: 1691.0 words: 4635 flesch: 50 summary: 1. That all Surrogates , with blank Licenses , be suppress'd , and no License for Marriage at all granted , but by the Person himself that hath Authority in this Particular , or that Deputy only who keeps his Seals , and presides in his Court in his absence . The case of clandestine marriages stated wherein are shewn the causes from whence this corruption ariseth, and the true methods whereby it may be remedy'd : in a letter to a person of honour. keywords: church; license; marriages; minister; parish; tcp; text cache: A55817.xml plain text: A55817.txt item: #20 of 33 id: A55960 author: Stubbe, Henry, 1632-1676, attributed name. title: The Paris gazette date: 1670.0 words: 2895 flesch: 64 summary: Marriage -- Early works to 1800. King Lewis being over-ruled by these reasons , and by a particular concernment for the welfare of His Realm , did annull the said Contract ; and to answer the Peace and Tranquility of his Dominions did give Her in Marriage unto Francis of Valois , who did afterwards succeed him in the Realm of France . keywords: eebo; english; france; king; marriage; proxy; tcp; text cache: A55960.xml plain text: A55960.txt item: #21 of 33 id: A58352 author: Author of The remarques on the town. title: Reflexions on marriage, and the poetick discipline a letter / by the author of The remarques on the town. date: 1673.0 words: 21279 flesch: 17 summary: Marriage is suited to the just temperament of things ; whilst the other practices consist in those excesses that exhaust and debelitate nature ; which like ground too much used , grows languid and unfruitful , the mediocrity is that which was designed in the Affairs of the universe : Marriage has hitherto defended the Interests and the repose of the world from an extravagancy that in all Ages has endeavoured to assault them : And whilst Mankind grow weary of so brave and successful a defence : It is well if they find out another equal to it , though it is very much to be feared , that those little Arts on which they rely , will soon let them see the errour of that fancy , when they must call to their assistance a greater force , then what their Poets , or their new Philosophers can bring them , and the sad effects of this gayness , and those Chymera's , will easily be resigned for the other useful and practical seriousness , then their modish humours , their refined and elevated fancies , their careless and unaffected fashioning of things , together with their couragious and profound searches into Nature , will appear the sleights of those Empericks that have undone the world , and if we shall not be capable of so much repentance as to curse our selves , our posterity will do it for us , for sending them into the world , rather fit for Hospitals , or for Bedlam , then the Affairs of a just and happy life : keywords: advantages; affairs; ages; concernments; condition; glory; good; humour; interests; life; like; love; mankind; marriage; men; mind; nature; power; reputation; respect; self; things; time; town; vertue; world cache: A58352.xml plain text: A58352.txt item: #22 of 33 id: A60637 author: Smith, William, d. 1673. title: Joyfull tidings to the begotten of God in all with a few words of counsel unto Friends concerning marriage / W.S. date: 1664.0 words: 4268 flesch: 35 summary: Oh thou glorious birth of immortality , thou art well-beloved and highly favoured of God , yea in the womb he loves thee and favours thee , and from the day of his deliverance , and the hour of thy birth he delights to honour thee , for out of all earthly families he hath chosen thee , and from all false births he separates thee , and the Gentiles glory he will give unto thee , and the high places of the earth he will make thy foot-stool , the glory of thy rising vanish●th the night , the appearance of thy beauty makes a perfect day , all clouds scatter before thee , and all earthly fogs and mists clears up at thy presence , the lights of heaven withdraws at thy rising , for the lustre of thy brightnesse excells all borrowed lights , and thou swallowest them up into thy glorious body , and with the splendour of thy own breakings forth thou covers them as if they were not ; there is no mixture in thee , no dross nor tin cleavs unto thee , for the furnace hath separated all earthly matter from thee , that thy life may shine forth in perfect purity , and thou alone may rule the day which belongs unto thee ; Joyful Tydings , &c. THe Deliverer is come , let all that mourn wait for him , and let all lamps be truly trimmed , and let all stand so prepared as that he may be known in his coming , and be received and followed into the kingdome , for they that slumber are in danger to misse him , and they that are hasty cannot finde him , & on these hands the kingdome is lost : therefore thou that mourns for him , and waits to be delivered by him , keep thou in the faith , and in the patience stand thou still , and joyn not with the carelesse , or with the forward spirits , but be quiet in thy place , and keep thy eye in that which lets thee see thou wants him , and the necessity to be delivered by him , and there thou standing still in the watchfulnesse , he will come in an hour that thou knowest not of , for there is not a groan that rises from the innocent in thee , but he hath great regard unto it , and his compassion breaks in the same hour , but for the time of deliverance thou art to wait , because that hour no man must know : therefore let all be still , and eye the Lord , for his hand is at work , and they that keep their own hands quiet , will know his work to prosper , and in the stillnesse will feel his faithfulnesse to his own begotten , for where doth the Father leave or forsake his own child , and in what place is it beset , and he helps it not ; and where is it in bondage , and he delivers it not : if the faith be kept , and the patience continued in , he fails not in his work until he hath performed the counsel of his own will , for in his will the babe is begotten , and in his will in due time it is born , and none can adde unto his work ; and therefore all are to be still and quiet in the light , and therein watch and wait for his own hour , so will he draw nigh unto thee that mourns for him , and with his arms of mercy he will embrace thee , and take thee up , and heal thee , and carry thee forth of the land of thy captivity , then shalt thou return with ioy indeed , when thou art inclosed in the arms of thy beloved , and this is his own hour which none can know until he come , and in this hour he binds up the broken-hearted , and saith to the weak , I am thy strength ; and to the poor , I am thy helper ; and to the mourner , I am thy comforter ; and to the captive , I am thy deliverer ; this is my hour , and I am come to set the free , thou hast patiently waited , and hast not grudged ; thou hast been still , and hast not repined ; and in thy lowest state my arm hath reached to thee , and in all thy distresses I have drawn nigh to succour thee : but this is the hour in which I am come to deliver thee . keywords: god; hour; lord; tcp; text; thee; thou cache: A60637.xml plain text: A60637.txt item: #23 of 33 id: A64571 author: Thomas, William, 1593-1667. title: Christian and conjugal counsell, or, Christian counsell, applyed unto the maried estate by Will. Thomas ... date: 1661.0 words: 10821 flesch: 71 summary: That Christians may admonish one another , the word of God must dwell in them ; e It s the great fault ( I do not say of Christan but of ) Christians - conference , that they speak out of their own heads , without their books or their guide , their Bible or their Pastor , and of those things most whereof the Scripture speaks least ; indeed of things curious and disputable , rather than necessary and profitable : A thing the more to be both marked and feared , because the spending and ingaging of mens time and talk , and wits , and zeal in niceties and more refined Speculations , tends — 1. to a sleighting and a kind of loathing of the plaine and maine things of Scripture , as ●oo low for so great Proficients to look upon : and 2. to a separating from ●he Churches of God , as ●oo corrupt for men so ghostly to abide in . Now why should we have any fellowship with that which darkens and disturbs all fellowship both with God , and Men , and with our own Consciences ? 14. keywords: christian; estate; god; good; hath; love; man; men; religion; things; wife cache: A64571.xml plain text: A64571.txt item: #24 of 33 id: A69646 author: Bucer, Martin, 1491-1551. title: The Ivdgement of Martin Bucer concerning divorce written to Edward the sixt, in his second book of the Kingdom of Christ, and now Englisht : wherein a late book restoring the doctrine and discipline of divorce is heer confirm'd and justify'd by the authoritie of Martin Bucer to the Parlament of England. date: 1644.0 words: 16961 flesch: 63 summary: By the death of this most learned and most faithfull man , the Church of Christ sustaind a heavy losse ; as Calvin witnesteth ; and they who are studious of Calvin , are not ignorant how much he ascribes to Bucer ; for thus he writes in a Letter to Viretus : What a manifold losse be●ell the Church of God in the death o●Bucer , as oft as I call to minde , I feel my heart almost rent asunder . For against these my adversaries , who before the examining of a propounded truth in a fit time of reformation , have had the conscience to oppose ●ght 〈◊〉 but their blind reproaches and surmises , that a single innocence might not be oppr●st and overborn by a c●ow of mouths for the restoring of a law and doctrin falsely and unlernedly reputed new and scandalous , God , that I may ever magnifie and record this his goodnes , hath unexpectedly rais'd up as it were from the dead , more then one famous light of the first reformation to bear witne● with me , and to d●e me honour in that very thing , wherin these men thought to have blotted me : And hath giv'n them the proof of a capacity which they despis'd , running equal , and authentic with some of thir chiefest masters unthought of , and in a point of sagest moment . keywords: book; bucer; cause; chap; christ; christian; church; divorce; god; good; hath; holy; husband; law; life; lord; man; mariage; martin; men; therfore; wee; wife; words cache: A69646.xml plain text: A69646.txt item: #25 of 33 id: A70591 author: Milton, John, 1608-1674. title: The doctrine and discipline of divorce restor'd to the good of both sexes from the bondage of canon law and other mistakes to Christian freedom, guided by the rule of charity : wherein also many places of Scripture have recover'd their long-lost meaning : seasonable to be now thought on in the reformation intended. date: 1643.0 words: 22879 flesch: 40 summary: He therefore that by adventuring shall be so happy as with successe to ease & set free the minds of ingenuous and apprehensive men from this needlesse thraldome , he that can prove it lawfull and just to claime the performance of a fit and matchable conversation , no lesse essentiall to the prime scope of marriage then the gift of bodily conjunction , or els to have an equall plea of divorce as well as for that corporall deficiency ; he that can but lend us the clue that windes out this labyrinth of servitude to such a reasonable and expedient liberty as this , deserves to be reck ▪ n'd among the publick benefactors of civill and humane life ; above the inventors of wine and oyle ; for this is a far dearer , far nobler , and more desirable cherishing to mans life , unworthily expos'd to sadnes and mistake , which he shall vindicate , Not that licence and levity and unconsented breach of faith should herein be countenanc't , but that some conscionable , and tender pitty might be had of those who have unwarily in a thing they never practiz'd before , made themselves the bondmen of a luckles and helples matrimony . Again , I answer , that the Sabbath is a higher institution , a command of the first Table , for the breach wherof God hath far more and oftner testify'd his anger then for divorces , which from Moses till after the captivity he never took displeasure at , nor then neither , if we mark the Text , and yet as oft as the good of man is cōcern'd , he not only permits , but commands to break the Sabbath ▪ What covnant more contracted with God , & lesse in mans power then the vow which hath once past his lips ? yet if it be found rash , if offensive , if unfruitfull either to Gods glory or the good of man , our doctrin forces not error and unwillingnes irksomly to keep it , but counsels wisdom and better thoughts boldly to break it ; therfore to injoyn the indissoluble keeping of a mariage found unfit against the good of man both soul and body , as hath been evidenc't , is to make an Idol , of mariage , to advance it above the worship of God and the good of man , to make it a transcendent command , above both the second and the first Table , which is a most prodigious doctrine . keywords: adultery; body; cause; charity; christ; christian; command; covnant; divorce; end; god; good; hath; law; lesse; life; love; man; mariage; men; moses; nature; reason; self; sin; text; wee; wife; words cache: A70591.xml plain text: A70591.txt item: #26 of 33 id: A82435 author: England and Wales. Parliament. title: Anno Regni Caroli II. Regis Angliæ, Scotiæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ, duodecimo. At the Parliament begun at Westminster, the five and twentieth day of April, an. Dom. 1660 In the twelfth year of the reign of our most gracious soveraign lord Charles, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. date: None words: 30712 flesch: 55 summary: May it therefore please your Maiesty that it may be Enacted , And be it Enacted by Authority of this present Parliament , That the said Oliver Cromwell deceased , Henry Ireton deceased , John Bradshaw deceased , and Thomas Pride deceased , shall by vertue of this Act , be adjudged to be Convicted and Attainted of High Treason , to all intents and purposes , as if they , and every of them respectively had been Attainted in their lives : And also that John Lisle , William Say , Valentine Wauton , Edward Whally , John Barkstead , Edmond Ludlow , sir Michael Livesey , John Okey , John Hewson , william Goffe , Cornelius Holland , Thomas Challoner , William Cawley , Miles Corbet , Nicholas Love , John Dixwell , Daniel Blagrave , Andrew Broughton , Edward Dendy , and every of them , stand and be adjudged , and by Authority of this present Act Convicted and Attainted of High Treason ; And that all and every the Mannors , Messnages , Lands , Tenements , Rents , Reversions , Remainders , Possessions , Rights , Conditions , Interests , Offices , Fees , Annuities , and all other the Hereditaments , Leases for years , Chattels real , and other things of that nature , whatsoever they be , of them the said Oliver Cromwell , Henry Ireton , John Bradshaw , Thomas Pride , John Lisle , William Say , Valentine W●uton , Edward Whally , John Barkstead , Edmond Ludlow , sir Michael Livesey , John Okey , John Hewson , William Goffe , Cornelius Holland , Thomas Challoner , William Cawly , Miles Corbet , Nicholas Love , John Dixwell , Daniel Blagrave , Andrew Broughton , Edward Dendy , Thomas Harrison , Adrian Scroop , John Carew , John Jones , Thomas Scot , Gregory Clement , Hugh Peters , Francis Hacker , Iohn Cook , Daniel Axtell , sir Hardress Waller , William Heveningham , Isaac Pennington , Henry Martin , Gilbert Millington , Robert Tichborne , Owen Rowe , Robert Lilborne , Henry Smith , Edmond Harvy , Iohn Downs ▪ Vincent Potter , Augustine Garland , George Fleetwood , Simon Meyne , Iames Temple , Peter Temple , Thomas Wayte , which they , or any of them , or any other person or persons , to their or any of their uses , or in trust for them , or any of them , had the Five and twentieth day of March , in the year of our Lord , One thousand six hundred forty and six , or at any time since , shall stand and be forfeited unto Your Majesty , Your Heirs and Successors , and shall be deemed , vested , and adjudged to be in the actual and real possession of Your Majesty , without any Office or Inquisition thereof hereafter to be taken or found : And also , That all and every the Goods , Debts , and other the Chattels personal whatsoever , of them the said Oliver Cromwell , Henry Ireton , Iohn Bradshaw , Thomas Pride , whereof at the time of their respective deaths , they , or any of them , or any other in trust for them or any of them , stood possessed in Law or Equity , and all the Goods , Debts , and other the Chattels personal whatsoever of them the said Iohn Lisle , William Say , Valentine Wauton , Edward Whalley , John Barkstead , Edmond Ludlow , Sir Michael Livesey , John Okey , John Hewson , William Goffe , Cornelius Holland , Thomas Challoner , William Cawly , Miles Corbet , Nicholas Love , John Dixwell , Andrew Broughton , Edward Dendy , Thomas Harrison , Adrian Scroope , John Carew , John Jones , Thomas Scot , Gregory Clement , Hugh Peters , Francis Hacker , Iohn Cook , Daniel Axtell , sir Hardress Waller , William Heveningham , Isaac Pennington , Henry Martin , Gilbert Millington , Robert Tichborne , Owen Rowe , Robert Lilborne , Henry Smith , Edmond Harvy , Iohn Downs , Vincent Potter , Augustine Garland , George Fleetwood , Simon Meyne , Iames Temple , Peter Temple , Thomas Wayte , whereof upon the Eleventh day of February , One thousand six hundred fifty nine , they or any of them , or any other in Trust for them or any of them , stood possessed either in Law or Equity , shall be deemed and adjudged to be forfeited unto , and are hereby vested , and put into the actual and real possession of Your Majesty , without any further Office or Inquisition thereof hereafter to be taken or found . An act for the better ordering the selling of wines by retail -- An act for the levying of the arrears of the twelve moneths assessment commencing the 24th of June 1659, and the six moneths assessment commencing the 25 of December 1659 -- An act for granting unto the Kings Majesty, four hundred and twenty thousand pounds, by an assessment of threescore and ten thousand pounds by the moneth, for six moneths, for disbanding the remainder of the army and paying off the navy -- An act for further supplying and explaining certain defects in an act intituled An act for the speedy provision of money for disbanding and paying off the forces of this kingdom -- An act for the raising of seventy thousand pounds for the further supply of his Majesty -- An act for the attainder of several persons guilty of the horrid murther of his late Sacred Majestie King Charles the First -- An act for confirmation of leases and grants from colledges and hospitals -- An act for confirmation of marriages -- An act for prohibiting the planting, setting, or sowing of tobacco in England and Ireland -- An act for erecting and establishing a post-office -- An act impowering the master of the rolls for the time being, to make leases for years, in order to new build the old houses belonging to the rolls. keywords: act; authority; baronet; city; commissioners; contrary; county; day; edward; england; esq; esqs; gent; george; henry; iames; iohn; john; knight; law; letters; lord; majesties; majesty; master; money; parliament; persons; places; port; post; pounds; richard; robert; sir; sir thomas; sir william; successors; thing; thomas; time; town; vvilliam; william cache: A82435.xml plain text: A82435.txt item: #27 of 33 id: A89158 author: Milton, John, 1608-1674. title: Tetrachordon: expositions upon the foure chief places in scripture, which treat of mariage, or nullities in mariage. On Gen.I.27.28. compar'd and explain'd by Gen. Deut.24.1.2. Matth.5.31.32. with Matth.19. from the 3d.v. to the 11th. I Cor.7. from the 10th to the 16th. Wherein the doctrine and discipline of divorce, as was lately publish'd, is confirm'd by explanation of scripture, by testimony of ancient fathers, of civill lawes in the primitive church, of famousest reformed divines, and lastly, by an intended act of the Parlament and Church of England in the last eyare of Edvvard the sixth. / By the former author J.M. date: 1645.0 words: 50091 flesch: 54 summary: And Adam said this is now bone of my bones , and flesh of my flesh , she shall be called Woman , because she was tak'n out of Man. That there was a neerer alliance between Adam and Eve , then could be ever after between man and wife , is visible to any . But marriage is one of the benignest ordinances of God to man , wherof both the general and particular end is the peace and contentment of mans mind , as the institution declares . keywords: adultery; bee; bin; body; cause; charity; christ; christian; church; civil; command; common; consent; divine; divorce; doe; end; flesh; fornication; god; gods; good; gospel; hath; heart; heer; husband; institution; law; life; lord; love; man; mariage; matrimony; men; moses; nature; person; place; reason; religion; right; saith; saviour; scripture; sin; som; text; thing; way; wee; wife; woman; words cache: A89158.xml plain text: A89158.txt item: #28 of 33 id: A92764 author: Grantham, Caleb. title: The godly mans choice, or, A direction how single godly persons, who intend marriage, may make choice of a fit and meet yoak-fellow being the meditations of Caleb Grantham in his single state, as a rule and guide for himself to walk by, and since his death perused and published with some profitable directions how persons should live as becometh Christians in the married state / by Henry Scudder ... date: 1644.0 words: 18063 flesch: 74 summary: Wherefore for their help I have added unto the end of these directions , some others touching Husbands and wives , their loving and living together , so as they may please God , and may live comfortably and happily in the married condition . To joyn in prayer to God is an excellent means of reconciling man and wife , if any breach have been betwixt them . keywords: affections; doe; estate; god; good; hath; husband; lord; love; marriage; self; shee; thee; things; thou; way; wife cache: A92764.xml plain text: A92764.txt item: #29 of 33 id: B01738 author: Bowne, Tobias. title: The hasty wedding; or, William's patience rewarded: with the consent of pretty Nancy. To the tune of, The man of fashion, or, The doubting virgin. date: None words: 1354 flesch: 71 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. B01738) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 183370) keywords: eebo; english; tcp; text cache: B01738.xml plain text: B01738.txt item: #30 of 33 id: B01974 author: Z. C. title: Marriage-musick or nuptial-duties, directed in a fatherly admonition, to William Beard and Sarah Whiskard, / By Z.C. their fatherly friend. date: 1670.0 words: 1889 flesch: 74 summary: Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). EEBO-TCP is a partnership between the Universities of Michigan and Oxford and the publisher ProQuest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by ProQuest via their Early English Books Online (EEBO) database ( keywords: eebo; tcp; text; thee; thou cache: B01974.xml plain text: B01974.txt item: #31 of 33 id: B04784 author: Pope, Walter, d. 1714. title: The forc'd marriage. Or, vnfortunate Celia. When old fools do a wooing go to those who are young-girls, they court their cruel foes, the old man sees he can't prevail with tongue, but finds t[h]at young ones, love to sport with young: he to the virgins parents makes redress, and doth the n[u]mber of his bags express; which takes away her fathers heart by stealth, he weds her not to him, but to his wealth. VVhich being done, she loaths his weak embraces, and throws herself on ruinous disgraces. Tune, Since Celia's my foe. date: None words: 1655 flesch: 77 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. B04784) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 183339) keywords: celia; eebo; english; tcp; text cache: B04784.xml plain text: B04784.txt item: #32 of 33 id: B05463 author: Scotland. Privy Council. title: A proclamation, against penny-weddings date: 1687.0 words: 1734 flesch: 61 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. B05463) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 176100) keywords: act; burials; eebo; english; tcp; text cache: B05463.xml plain text: B05463.txt item: #33 of 33 id: B05971 author: Stevenson, Matthew, fl. 1654-1685. title: The Quakers wedding, October, 24. 1671. date: 1671.0 words: 1254 flesch: 71 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: eebo; english; tcp; text cache: B05971.xml plain text: B05971.txt