item: #1 of 7 id: A13422 author: Taylor, John, 1580-1653. title: The booke of martyrs· VVherein are set downe the names of such martyrs as suffered persecution, and laid downe theire lives for witnesse-bearing unto the Gospell of Christ Jesus; drawne downe from the primitive Church, to these later times, especially respecting such as have suffered in this land under the tyranny of Antichrist, in opposition to popish errours. date: 1639 words: 4693 flesch: 73 summary: I Sing their deaths who dying made death yeeld , By Scriptures sword , & faiths vnbatterd shield , Whom Satan , men , or monsters could not tame , Nor force them to deny their Saviours Name . Iohn Baptist by King Herod lost his head , Who to the world repentance published , Our blest Redeemer in his love did follow , And conquered death mans sinful soule to hallow , He was the death of death , and he did quell The sting and power of Satan , sin , and hell , And vnder his great standard , valiantly , A number numberlesse have dar'd to dye . keywords: antichrist; bearing; bishop; blood; booke; burn'd; characters; christ; church; crowne; dead; death; di'd; doth; drawne; early; edward; eebo; england; english; faith; fire; gaine; glorious; gods; good; great; hell; henry; iesus; images; iohn; john; king; later; life; lives; lord; man; martyrs; men; number; onely; online; opposition; oxford; papists; partnership; persecution; phase; pope; popish; power; primitive; prison; raigne; richard; rome; romish; saint; sake; second; servants; set; sword; taylor; tcp; tei; text; thomas; throne; time; true; tyranny; william; witnesse; world cache: A13422.xml plain text: A13422.txt item: #2 of 7 id: A19420 author: Bradford, John, 1510?-1555. title: The mirror of martyrs in a short vieuu lively expressing the force of their faith, the feruency of their loue, the wisedome of their sayings, the patience of their suffrings, etc. : with their prayers and preparation for their last farevvell : whereunto is added two godly letters written by M. Bradford, full of sweet consolation for such as are afflicted in conscience. date: 1613 words: 25367 flesch: 77 summary: Although I haue no doubt but that you prosper and goe forwards daily in the way of Godlinesse , more and more drawing towards perfection , and haue no need of any thing that I can write ; yet because my desire is that you might be more fervent and persevere vnto the end , I could not but write something vnto you , beseeching you both often and diligentlie to call vnto your mind as a meane to stirre you hervnto , yea , as a thing which god most straightly requireth you to belieue , that you are the beloued of God , and that hee is your deare Father , in , through , & for Christ & his deaths sake ▪ This loue and tender kindnesse of God towards vs in Christ is aboundantlie herein declared , in that he hath to the godly worke of Creation of this world , made vs after his jmage , redeemed vs being lost , called vs into his church , sealed vs with his marke and signe Manuel of Baptisme , kept and conserved vs all the daies of our life , fedde , nowrished , defended , and most mercifullie chastised vs , and now hath kindled in our hearts the sparkles of his feare , faith , loue , and knowledge of his Christ & truth : and therefore we lament because wee can lament no more our vnthankefulnesse , our frailenes , our diffidence , and wavering in things whereof we should be most certain . THerefore are they in the presence of the throne of God , and serue him day and night in his Temple , and hee that sitteth on the throne will dwell among them . keywords: able; alwaies; bed; bee; beeing; beleeue; bishop; blessed; blood; body; bradford; brother; burning; cause; certaine; children; christ; church; comfort; comming; company; conscience; day; deare; death; desire; doctor; doe; doth; doubt; earth; eebo; end; enemies; english; eternall; euer; eyes; face; faith; father; feele; feeling; fier; fire; flesh; fol; friends; george; ghost; giue; glory; god; godly; gods; goe; good; goodnesse; gospell; grace; great; hadley; hands; happy; hast; hath; haue; hearing; heart; heauenly; heaven; hee; hee haue; heere; helpe; himselfe; holy; hooper; hope; house; hunger; husband; iesus; iohn; joy; keepe; knees; latimer; letter; life; like; little; long; looke; lord; lord thy; loue; man; martyrs; mee; men; mercie; mercifull; mind; morning; mother; need; o lord; old; onely; owne; paine; patience; people; place; poore; prayer; present; prison; read; receiue; requireth; rest; richard; ridley; robert; said; saints; sake; salvation; satan; saviour; sayd; sayd hee; saying; sayth; selfe; set; shee; sheriffe; short; sight; sinnes; sister; sonne; soule; speach; spirit; strength; suffer; sure; sweet; taylor; tcp; teares; text; thee; therfore; thē; thine; things; thirst; thomas; thou; thy; thy god; time; true; trust; truth; turne; verse; vnder; vnto; vppe; vppon; vse; water; way; wee; whereof; whome; wife; william; wilt; words; world; worthy; yea; yee cache: A19420.xml plain text: A19420.txt item: #3 of 7 id: A36721 author: Dubourdieu, Jean, 1652-1720. title: An historical dissertation upon the Thebean Legion plainly proving it to be fabulous / by John Dubourdieu ... date: 1696 words: 55544 flesch: 66 summary: They make St. Sigismond to give to it a great number of Villages , and very considerable Lands in the Dioceses of Vienna , Lions , Grenoble , and of the Cities of A●●te , Avanches , Lausanne , and Besanson , &c. The Cheat indeed was worth the making . And how Scaliger , who boasted that he was very well ●cqu●inted with the genius and Style of every Age both in Prose and Verse , found immediately an Ancient Author for those Verses of Muret's making : And being afterwards informed they were of his composing , he revenged himself of him by a Distich upon his Cheat. keywords: a36721; abbey; abbot; account; actions; acts; ado; aelianus; affairs; agaunian; agaunum; ages; alpes; amandus; ambrose; ancient; annals; anonymous; answer; antiquity; apostles; argument; arms; army; augustus; aurelius; austin; author; authority; bagaudian; bagauds; baronius; beginning; believe; bellarmine; best; bibl; birth; bishop; blessed; body; book; burgundy; business; caesar; call'd; cap; carausius; cardinal; care; cassius; catharine; cause; cave; century; certain; cesarius; chap; chapter; character; charles; chifflet; christianity; christians; church; churches; circumstances; city; clergy; clovis; cohorts; cointe; command; commentaries; common; conjecture; considerable; constantine; contrary; copy; council; counterfeit; country; court; credit; custom; day; days; dead; death; design; desire; devotion; difference; difficulty; dignity; dioclesian; disciples; discipline; dissertation; distinction; div; doctors; doubt; duke; duty; east; ecclesiastical; eebo; emmanuel; emperour; empire; end; english; errour; escape; esteem; eucherius; eusebius; eutropius; event; example; expedition; fabulous; fact; faithful; false; famous; father; favour; fear; fifth; following; fourth; france; francis; franks; french; gap; gaule; general; gerion; giving; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; government; grace; great; greater; greatest; gregory; ground; hand; hath; heaven; helinaud; high; history; holy; honour; ignorant; ill; informed; intercession; italy; jesuites; jesus; john; joyn; judgment; kind; king; knowledge; known; labbe; lactantius; large; laws; learned; left; legends; legion; letter; lib; life; like; likely; lions; little; lives; local; long; look; lord; love; making; manner; manuscript; march; martyrdom; martyrs; masters; matter; mauritius; maximian; maximus; mean; medals; meer; men; mention; merits; mezeray; military; mind; miracles; mistaken; modern; monastery; monks; morals; names; nature; necessary; need; new; notes; notice; number; observed; occasion; old; opinion; order; original; orosius; pag; pagan; pagi; paris; particular; passion; paul; people; persecution; persons; peter; piece; piety; place; pope; possible; power; practice; prayers; present; pretended; priest; primicerius; primitive; prince; principles; proof; protestants; provinces; publick; purpose; quality; question; reason; rebels; reign; relation; religion; religious; reliques; remarks; respect; rest; revolt; right; roman; romance; rome; romish; romish church; rules; sacrifice; saints; saith; saying; second; self; sense; sermon; service; set; seventh; severus; shews; short; sigismond; silence; sins; souldiers; spurious; state; strange; style; subject; sufficient; sulpitius; supposed; supposititious; surius; tcp; text; thebaeorum; thebean; thebean legion; thebean souldiers; theodorus; things; thought; time; title; tom; tours; town; treatise; trent; troops; troy; true; true st; trust; truth; turin; usual; valois; veneration; victor; virgin; viz; volume; war; way; whereof; wise; wit; works; world; worship; worth; writers; writings; year; zeal; ● ● cache: A36721.xml plain text: A36721.txt item: #4 of 7 id: A40369 author: Foxe, John, 1516-1587. title: Martyrologia alphabetikē, or, An alphabetical martyrology containing the tryals and dying expressions of many martyrs of note since Christ : extracted out of Foxe's Acts and monuments of the church : with an alphabetical list of God's judgements remarkably shown on many noted and cruel persecutors : together with an appendix of things pertinent to martyrology by N.T., M.A.T.C.C. [i.e. Master of Arts Trinity College Cambridge] date: 1677 words: 44462 flesch: 72 summary: They freely and boldly all with one accord confessed themselves to be Christians , and told him their names ; and being endeavour'd with to win them by fair words as well as by threats of torments , they said , They desired not Life , Liberty , honours or dignities , or Mony , but the Celestial Kingdom of Christ : For the love of whom and Faith in God they were ready to endure the Cross , Wheel , Fire ; and were sentenced to be all that night in a Pond of water in cold weather , and next day to be burnt ; who when they were putting off their cloaths , said , We give thanks , O Lord , that with these our cloaths we may also by thy Grace put off the sinful Man ; for by means of the Serpent we once put him on , and by the means of Jesus Christ we put him off . SO great an enmity hath Satan evidenced , ever since his own Apostasie , against Mankind , that he must be conceded to have bin very sedulous and vigilant in all Ages to destroy Souls , one while alluring them to sin against God , by his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of worldly or sensual propositions , or else deterring them from adhering to God , vi & armis , by his assaults and persecutions ; the verity of which hath been continuedly evidenced in the successive Ages of God's Church , wherein the first member dying , dyed a Martyr on the account of his Religion , and the several Prophets and Children of God before Christ have been so persecuted , sawn asunder , cast into Dungeons , fiery Furnaces , Lyons dens , &c. That if to these we add the consideration of St. Paul's Martyrology in Heb. 11. keywords: additions; age; alphabetical; april; august; bed; believe; bishop; blessed; blood; body; bonner; book; brother; burning; cambridge; cast; cause; children; christ; christian; church; city; colledge; comfort; company; conscience; constancy; constant; cross; cruel; day; days; dead; dear; death; desire; divers; doctrine; doth; dyed; edward; emperour; enemies; england; english; eternal; everlasting; evil; execution; eyes; face; faith; false; farewel; father; fear; feet; fire; flames; flanders; flesh; foot; france; french; friends; gardiner; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; half; hands; hath; head; hearing; heart; heaven; help; henry; heretick; holy; honour; hope; house; husband; iames; idolatry; iesus; iohn; joy; judge; kill; king; leave; left; length; letter; liberty; life; like; little; lives; living; london; long; lord; lord god; love; man; married; martyr; martyrdom; mary; massacre; master; means; men; mercy; mind; minister; misery; morning; mother; news; night; norwich; number; offer; old; open; order; oxford; pag; pain; papists; pardon; people; persecution; persecutors; persons; peter; place; poor; popery; popish; power; pray; prayer; priest; prison; protestant; psalm; queen; ready; reason; recant; religion; rest; robert; rome; sacrifice; saints; saviour; saying; scripture; self; sentence; servant; set; sheriff; sins; slain; smithfield; son; soul; spirit; stake; stand; strength; sufferings; suffolk; sure; sweet; taylor; tcp; tenth; testimony; text; thanks; thee; things; thomas; thou; threatned; thy; time; tongue; torments; true; trust; truth; voice; vol; water; way; welcome; wife; william; woman; words; work; world; worship; worthy; years; young; zealous cache: A40369.xml plain text: A40369.txt item: #5 of 7 id: A47618 author: Leigh, Edward, 1602-1671. title: The saints encouragement in evil times: or Observations concerning the martyrs in generall with some memorable collections out of Foxes three volumes. Martin Luther. The covenant and promises. Living and dying by faith. By Edward Leigh Esquire. date: 1648 words: 31039 flesch: 81 summary: Jerome compares the state of the Ch●rch under Constantine and some Christian Emperours with that under Dioclesian and some persecuting Emperours : under the former the Church increased much Potentia & divitiis , in power and wealth , but diminished virtutibus , in vertue ▪ How strangely was that promise accomplished in England and France , Whosoever will save his life shall lose it ; and whosoever will lose his life for my sake , shall finde it . On the contrary , some that were in prison , and purposed to suffer for the truth , were ●y the death of Queen Mary happily preserved , that being a true observation which * one hath , As good husbands do not put al their corn to the oven , but save some for seed , so doth God ever in the worst of persecutions . keywords: 3d p.; able; absolute; acts; adam; answer; arms; assurance; bad; best; better; bilney; bishop; blessed; bloud; body; book; bound; bradford; burning; cause; certain; change; chap; childe; children; christ; christian; church; comfort; condemnation; condition; conscience; consent; consolation; contrary; cor; covenant; creature; crosse; crown; cum; curse; daies; david; day; dead; deal; death; desire; deus; devil; divers; doctrine; doe; doth; dying; earth; edward; eies; emperours; encouragement; end; england; english; ephes; erasmus; est; eternall; everlasting; face; faith; faithfulnesse; fall; farrar; father; fear; fire; flame; flesh; foedus; foxes; france; free; friends; gal; gen; generall; glorious; glory; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; ground; hand; happinesse; hath; head; heart; heaven; heb; help; henry; high; holy; honour; hooper; hope; house; ibid; interest; isa; jesus; job; john; joy; judge; justice; king; latimer; law; leigh; liberty; life; like; little; live; living; long; look; lord; love; luther; lutherus; manner; mans; martin; martyrdome; martyrs; master; mat; melancthon; memorable; men; mercy; mihi; minde; mon; money; mother; nature; near; need; new; night; non; number; obedience; observations; pain; papist; pardon; particular; parts; patience; paul; people; perfect; persons; pet; peter; phil; philpot; place; play; poor; pope; power; praiers; prayer; precept; precious; present; principle; prison; promises; psal; quae; quam; queen; question; qui; quid; quod; quoth; rawlins; reading; ready; reason; regard; reign; religion; respect; rest; ridley; righteousnesse; roman; rome; said; saints; salvation; sam; sanders; saying; scripture; second; second covenant; sed; self; sense; sentence; set; shew; short; sin; sins; smithfield; soul; speciall; spirit; stake; strength; strong; substance; suffering; sufficient; supper; support; sure; sweet; temptations; testament; text; thee; things; thomas; thou; thought; thy; time; troubled; true; trust; truth; union; vertue; vide; violent; vol; vol p.; way; wife; william; words; work; world; writing; years; young; ● ● cache: A47618.xml plain text: A47618.txt item: #6 of 7 id: A63971 author: Tutchin, John, 1661?-1707. title: The Protestant Martyrs: or, The bloody assizes Giving an account of the lives, tryals, and dying speeches, of all those eminent Protestants that suffered in the west of England, by the sentence of that bloody and cruel Judge Jefferies; being in all 251 persons, besides what were hang'd and destroyed in cold blood. Containing also, the life and death of James Duke of Monmouth; his birth and education; his actions both at home and abroad; his unfortunate sentence, execution and dying-words upon the scaffold: with a true copy of the paper he left behind him. And many other curious remarks worth the reader's observation. date: 1688 words: 12385 flesch: 68 summary: Tutchin, John, 1661?-1707. 1688 Approx. Tutchin, John, 1661?-1707. keywords: account; almighty; arms; army; ass; assizes; birth; blood; books; business; cause; characters; charles; christ; church; city; committed; copy; court; death; desire; doctrine; duke; dying; earl; edward; eebo; eminent; end; england; english; execution; father; fear; france; french; general; gentleman; george; god; good; great; hand; heart; henry; home; honour; hope; house; humphrey; illustrious; james; jesus; john; judge; july; june; jury; king; lady; leave; lieutenant; life; like; lives; london; lord; majesties; majesty; man; martyrs; men; mercy; money; monmouth; mother; mrs; nature; order; paper; particular; people; person; place; pleased; power; prince; protestant; publick; quality; religion; repentance; resistance; richard; robert; royal; satisfaction; scaffold; self; sentence; service; sir; sorry; soul; speech; speeches; spirit; success; sure; tcp; tei; text; things; thomas; time; title; true; way; west; william; works; world; worth; years cache: A63971.xml plain text: A63971.txt item: #7 of 7 id: A72084 author: Foxe, John, 1516-1587. title: A table of the X. first persecutions of the primitiue time of Tiberius, vnto Constantinus Emperour date: 1632 words: 1223 flesch: 76 summary: Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). EEBO-TCP is a partnership between the Universities of Michigan and Oxford and the publisher ProQuest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by ProQuest via their Early English Books Online (EEBO) database ( keywords: books; chap; characters; christians; early; eebo; english; halfe; image; john; online; oxford; partnership; persecutions; phase; primitiue; reuelat; tcp; tei; text; time cache: A72084.xml plain text: A72084.txt