item: #1 of 9 id: 2379 author: Swinburne, Algernon Charles title: Chastelard, a Tragedy date: None words: 27702 flesch: 100 summary: I shall have sweet thanks And love of good men for my mercy's love-- Yea, and be quit of these I hate to death, With one good deed. Sweet love, Give me some old sweet word to kiss away. keywords: chastelard; come; darnley; die; face; god; good; heart; life; lips; look; love; man; mary; mary beaton; men; nay; queen; sake; sweet; yea cache: 2379.txt plain text: 2379.txt item: #2 of 9 id: 28283 author: Abbott, Jacob title: Mary Queen of Scots Makers of History date: None words: 53379 flesch: 71 summary: The embassador wrote back to Henry, the King of England, that little Mary was as goodly a child as he ever saw. All this time, while these grand negotiations were pending between two mighty nations about her marriage, little Mary was unconscious of it all, sometimes reposing quietly in Janet Sinclair's arms, sometimes looking out of the windows of the Castle of Linlithgow to see the swans swim upon the lake, and sometimes, perhaps, creeping about upon the palace floor, where the earls and barons who came to visit her mother, clad in armor of steel, looked upon her with pride and pleasure. keywords: bothwell; castle; catholic; country; course; court; crown; darnley; days; edinburgh; elizabeth; england; english; france; french; friends; government; house; husband; james; king; life; marriage; mary; mother; murray; palace; plan; power; queen; queen mary; return; rizzio; room; scotland; son; time; way; years cache: 28283.txt plain text: 28283.txt item: #3 of 9 id: 36993 author: Jordan, Furneaux title: Body, Parentage and Character in History: Notes on the Tudor Period date: None words: 24510 flesch: 65 summary: If King Henry, however, had had no wife at all, the Reformation would have come no more slowly than it did; if he had had, like King Solomon, seven hundred wives, it would have come no more quickly. Momentous changes in sixteenth century 1 Many characters given to noted persons 3 A great number given to Henry 3 The character given in our time 6 Attempt to give an impartial view 8 Need of additional light 14 NOTE II.--THE RELATION OF BODY AND PARENTAGE TO CHARACTER. keywords: bodily; character; circumstance; cruelty; elizabeth; father; good; great; henry; history; importance; king; life; little; love; man; mary; men; note; organisation; people; self; temperament; thought; time cache: 36993.txt plain text: 36993.txt item: #4 of 9 id: 37058 author: Bell, Henry Glassford title: Life of Mary Queen of Scots, Volume 1 (of 2) date: None words: 92310 flesch: 62 summary: A new work on the subject of Mary Queen of Scots runs an eminent risk of being considered a work of supererogation. No one has said so much of Queen Mary, to so little definite purpose, as Robertson;--no one has so entirely failed in making us either hate or love her. keywords: authority; bothwell; buchanan; castle; chalmers; council; country; court; crown; darnley; day; days; death; duke; earl; edinburgh; elizabeth; england; english; father; france; francis; french; friends; god; good; having; henry; history; huntly; husband; james; john; keith; king; knox; left; life; lord; man; marriage; mary; mary queen; melville; men; mind; murray; parliament; person; place; queen; randolph; religion; return; rizzio; robertson; scotland; scottish; sir; state; subject; time; vol; way; year cache: 37058.txt plain text: 37058.txt item: #5 of 9 id: 37059 author: Bell, Henry Glassford title: Life of Mary Queen of Scots, Volume 2 (of 2) date: None words: 93088 flesch: 62 summary: Mary's Death, and Character 245 An Examination of the Letters, Sonnets, and other Writings, adduced in Evidence against Mary Queen of Scots 267 Addendum 335 ERRATA IN VOL. On the part of Elizabeth, the Commissioners were Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolk, Thomas Ratcliffe Earl of Sussex, and Sir Ralph Sadler; and they were invested with full authority to arrange all the differences and controversies existing between her dear sister and cousin, Mary Queen of Scots, and James Earl of Murray.[157] On the 4th of October 1568, the conference was opened with much solemnity at York. keywords: anderson; answer; bothwell; buchanan; castle; cause; commissioners; council; darnley; day; days; death; earl; earl bothwell; edinburgh; elizabeth; england; evidence; friends; good; hand; house; husband; i. p.; james; keith; king; left; letters; life; lords; majesty; marriage; mary; mary queen; men; morton; murder; murray; nobility; person; place; power; present; queen; robertson; scotland; scots; sir; state; subjects; thing; time; trial; truth; vol cache: 37059.txt plain text: 37059.txt item: #6 of 9 id: 38048 author: None title: Mary Queen of Scots, 1542-1587 date: None words: 72994 flesch: 78 summary: Among general controversialists on the side of Queen Mary, may be mentioned the works already quoted, by Walter Goodall, George Chalmers, and John Hosack, William Tytler's Inquiry into the Evidence against Mary Queen of Scots (1790), Whitaker's Mary Queen of Scots Vindicated (1778), Miss Agnes Strickland's Lives of the Queens of Scotland, Mr. Alex. Queen Mary to Queen Elizabeth_, January 5, 1562. keywords: ane; answer; bothwell; buchanan; castle; cause; cecil; chamber; commissioners; council; darnley; day; death; desire; earl; earl bothwell; edinburgh; end; england; english; father; france; french; gif; god; good; grace; great; hand; hath; history; honour; house; huntly; husband; james; john; king; knox; lethington; letter; life; lord; majesty; man; manner; marriage; matter; men; mind; morton; murder; murray; night; paris; parliament; place; pour; presence; present; prince; queen; queen elizabeth; queen mary; quhilk; randolph; realm; religion; sall; scotland; scots; scottish; sir; son; sovereign; thought; time; unto; vol; vous; wald; words; yat; zour; zow cache: 38048.txt plain text: 38048.txt item: #7 of 9 id: 4596 author: Yonge, Charlotte M. (Charlotte Mary) title: Unknown to History: A Story of the Captivity of Mary of Scotland date: None words: 169691 flesch: 77 summary: Mrs. Talbot might be anxious at Bridgefield, and her son at Fotheringhay, and poor Queen Mary, whose life hung in the balance, more heartsick with what old writers well named 'wanhope' than any of them; but they had to live on, and rise morning after morning without expecting any intelligence, unable to do anything but pray for those who might be in perils unknown. It would have been safer for you both, said poor Queen Mary to Humfrey afterwards, if I had denied her, but I could not disown my poor child, or prevent her from yet claiming royal rights. keywords: amias; antony; babington; bridgefield; cavendish; chapter; child; children; cicely; cis; countess; court; daughter; day; days; diccon; doubt; earl; elizabeth; english; eyes; face; father; french; gentleman; girl; good; grace; great; hall; hand; hath; head; heart; home; hope; house; humfrey; husband; ladies; lady; langston; leave; letter; life; london; look; lord; love; madam; maiden; majesty; man; master; men; mistress; mother; mrs; nay; paulett; place; poor; queen; queen elizabeth; queen mary; rest; richard; richard talbot; right; royal; save; scots; secret; set; shrewsbury; sir; son; susan; talbot; tell; thee; think; thou; thought; thy; time; trust; way; wife; woman; word; yea; young cache: 4596.txt plain text: 4596.txt item: #8 of 9 id: 54884 author: Maxwell-Scott, Mary Monica title: The Tragedy of Fotheringay Founded on the journal of D. Bourgoing, physician to Mary Queen of Scots, and on unpublished ms. documents date: None words: 70224 flesch: 69 summary: The following description of this picture is taken from the pen of the Right Rev. Bishop Kyle, Vicar Apostolic of the Northern district of Scotland:-- This large picture of Queen Mary belonged once to Mrs. Elizabeth Curle, wife and widow of Gilbert Curle, one of the Queen's secretaries during the last years of her life and at her death. Paulet, after receiving this letter from Queen Mary, entered into a long conversation with her, in which he disturbed her by rather violent discourses, warning her to thank the Queen (Elizabeth) and acknowledge the favours she had done her, not only at her first coming into England, but ever since, and especially in this last affair, in which, he said, she had much to be thankful for. keywords: amyas; beale; blood; bourgoing; burleigh; chantelauze; church; commissioners; day; death; desire; die; end; enemies; england; execution; fear; footnote; fotheringay; france; god; good; hand; honour; king; letter; life; long; lord; majesty; mary; matter; mistress; mss; order; paulet; person; place; present; queen; queen elizabeth; queen mary; religion; scotland; scots; servants; sir; son; time; walsingham; wish; words cache: 54884.txt plain text: 54884.txt item: #9 of 9 id: 6791 author: Schiller, Friedrich title: Mary Stuart: A Tragedy date: None words: 36413 flesch: 88 summary: This present, in his name, upon my knees, I do receive, great queen, and press the kiss Of homage on the hand of her who is Henceforth my princess. The queen Is of my family, my rank, my sex; To her alone--a sister, queen, and woman-- keywords: burleigh; davison; death; elizabeth; england; god; hand; hath; heart; heaven; hope; kennedy; leicester; life; lord; man; mary; melvil; mortimer; paulet; people; queen; royal; scene; shrewsbury; sir; thee; thou; thy; tis cache: 6791.txt plain text: 6791.txt