item: #1 of 8 id: A07165 author: Cecil, Thomas, fl. 1630, engraver. title: A relation of Maryland together, vvith a map of the countrey, the conditions of plantation, his Majesties charter to the Lord Baltemore, translated into English. date: None words: 17117 flesch: 47 summary: In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. For one man ,   l s d Item , two Munm●th caps or hats 0 4 0 Item , three falling Bands 0 1 3 Item , three shirts 0 7 6 Item , one Wastc●●●e 0 2 2 Item , one suite of Canvas 0 7 6 Item , one suite of Frize 0 10 0 Item , one suite of Cloth 0 16 0 Item , one course cloth , or frize coate 0 15 0 Item , three paire of stockings 0 4 0 Item , sixe paire of shooes 0 13 0 Item , Inkle for garters 0 0 2 Item , one dozen of points 0 0 3 Summ. keywords: able; acres; aforesaid; assignes; baltemore; bay; bee; best; better; betweene; captaine; cattell; cause; certaine; chap; charge; charter; children; colony; command; comming; commodities; company; contrary; corne; countrey; creekes; customes; day; desire; doe; doth; east; eebo; england; english; fish; fit; free; god; goe; good; government; governour; grace; grant; great; ground; hath; hee; heires; himselfe; hold; house; ilands; indians; inhabitants; injury; iohn; iron; item; kingdome; knowledge; large; lawes; leagues; licence; like; little; lord; lord baltemore; man; manner; map; maryland; master; men; natives; nature; necessary; new; north; number; officers; parts; patuxent; people; persons; place; plant; plantation; pleasure; plenty; point; pound; power; premises; presents; priviledges; province; provision; reason; returne; river; said; said province; saint; sea; servants; set; ship; singular; small; soever; sorts; south; store; subjects; successors; tcp; text; themselues; things; thought; time; towne; trade; true; use; virginia; way; wee; werowance; whereof; wife; winter; women; woods; yeere cache: A07165.xml plain text: A07165.txt item: #2 of 8 id: A17595 author: White, Andrew, 1579-1656. title: A relation of the successefull beginnings of the Lord Baltemore's plantation in Mary-land Being an extract of certaine letters written from thence, by some of the aduenturers, to their friends in England. To which is added, the conditions of plantation propounded by his Lordship for the second voyage intended this present yeere, 1634. date: 1634.0 words: 5761 flesch: 68 summary: yet vnder this , about their middle , all women and men , at mans estate , weare Perizomata ( or round aprons ) of skinnes , which keepes them decently couered , that without any offence of chast eyes , wee may conuerse with them . a small gale of winde comming gently from the Northwest , we weighed from the Cowes in the I le of Wight , about ten in the morning ; and ( hauing stayed by the way twenty dayes at the Barbada's , and fourteene dayes at S t. Christophers , vpon some necessary occasions ) wee arriued at Point-Comfort in Virginia on the 24. of February following , the Lord be praised for it . keywords: acres; aduenturers; bee; beene; books; captaine; characters; conditions; countrey; early; eebo; england; english; feare; fire; giue; god; good; gouernour; great; ground; haue; hee; heires; himselfe; indians; king; land; large; like; little; long; lordship; man; manner; maries; mary; men; nation; number; owne; patuxunt; place; plantation; present; proportion; reason; relation; rest; returne; riuer; said; saint; second; set; tcp; tei; text; time; virginia; vnto; voyage; vpon; vse; way; wee; wheate; white; works; yeere cache: A17595.xml plain text: A17595.txt item: #3 of 8 id: A30076 author: Bullock, William, b. 1617? title: Virginia impartially examined, and left to publick view, to be considered by all iudicious and honest men under which title is comprehended the degrees from 34 to 39, wherein lyes the rich and healthfull countries of Roanock, the now plantations of Virginia and Mary-land ... / by William Bullock, Gent. date: 1649.0 words: 22854 flesch: 63 summary: 10. s. per man for 120. men is 660 00 00 For freight of 100 Tunnes of goods at 3. l. per Tunne is 300 00 00 The totall of the charge of 120 men and 100 Tnuns of goods by this course is 960 00 00 By which it is plaine you may carry your men and goods , at a very little more then half the charge that you give the other way . Gentlemen , WHat your rules of Government or Justice now are I know not , but what they were you 'll find in the ensuing discourse , wherein I strike at no mans person , but at the generall abuse . keywords: able; acres; advantage; adventurers; advise; aforesaid; assembly; best; better; birds; building; bullock; captaine; care; case; charge; children; chuse; commodities; common; condition; corne; councell; countrey; countries; course; court; danger; day; degrees; designe; diet; divers; division; doe; doubt; england; english; estate; fish; fit; flax; following; foundation; foure; fraught; generall; gentlemen; god; goe; good; government; governour; great; ground; hand; hath; health; himselfe; honest; ibid; indians; justice; labour; lawes; like; little; love; man; manner; masters; meanes; meat; men; money; nature; new; old; onely; owne; particular; passage; passengers; people; place; plantations; planter; pleasant; plough; poore; pound; power; present; quarters; rape; reason; rest; rice; rich; satisfied; scale; sea; sect; seed; servants; serve; set; severall; shall; ships; sorts; sowe; stand; staples; stone; strength; strong; superintendents; text; thing; thinke; thought; time; title; tobacco; trade; trees; trustees; truth; use; value; virginia; viz; wages; want; way; wheat; william; winter; worke; yeares cache: A30076.xml plain text: A30076.txt item: #4 of 8 id: A32345 author: Calvert, Philip, 1626-1682. title: A letter from the chancellour of Mary-land to Col. Henry Meese, merchant in London concerning the late troublesin Mary-land. date: 1682.0 words: 1802 flesch: 64 summary: Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). EEBO-TCP is a partnership between the Universities of Michigan and Oxford and the publisher ProQuest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by ProQuest via their Early English Books Online (EEBO) database ( keywords: books; calvert; capt; characters; colonel; coode; darnal; early; eebo; english; fendal; henry; land; london; lord; mary; meese; online; partnership; phase; philip; tcp; tei; text; work cache: A32345.xml plain text: A32345.txt item: #5 of 8 id: A39892 author: Baltimore, Cecil Calvert, Baron, ca. 1605-1675. title: Virginia and Maryland, or, The Lord Baltamore's printed case, uncased and answered shewing the illegality of his patent and usurpation of royal jurisdiction and dominion there : with the injustice and tyranny practised against ... adventurers and planters : also a short relation of the papists late rebellion against the government of His Highness the Lord Protector ... : to which is added a brief account of the commissioners proceedings in the reducing of Maryland ... date: 1655.0 words: 16738 flesch: 30 summary: Giving , and hereby Granting unto the said as full Power and Authority to recover , and receive the said Customs and Duties to be Established as aforesaid , to the use aforesaid , when the same shall grow due ; and to give Acquittances and Receipts for the same , and to Substitute and Appoint one or more Person or Persons under him in this behalf , and the same to re●●ke at his will and pleasure , and to pay and discharge the said Salaries and Entertainments , as I my self have , or may , or might claim to have by force and vertue of the said Contract or Agre●ment ; And further , to do , execute , and finish all and every such further , and other Acts and things whith shall be expedient and necessary to be done by the said touching the Premises by reason of his being my Deputy as aforesaid , as effectually as I might do the same being personally present : That the goods of M●Har●man , and others were all seised by the Lord Baltemores Agents , and at length after three yeares suffering , Captaine Claiborn was forsibly dissei●d , and dispossest of his plantation in Kentish Island ; and forced for safety of his life to fly into England , and ever since the L : B. hath had possession of the said Island , not suffering any of the Virginians to trade in the said Bay without ceisure , and confiscation of their Goods . keywords: absolute; adventurers; aforesaid; agreement; answer; arms; assembly; authority; bay; best; captain; case; colony; commissioners; committee; common; company; contract; contrary; councel; country; customs; day; dennis; dominion; duties; england; english; estates; fit; form; free; general; god; good; government; governor; great; hand; hath; heirs; highness; indians; inhabitants; instructions; interest; issue; james; justice; keepers; king; lands; late; laws; letters; liberty; lord; lord baltamore; lord protector; lordship; maryland; oath; obedience; officers; onely; order; papists; parliament; patent; patuxent; people; persons; petition; place; plantations; planters; power; printed; priviledges; proceedings; proprietary; protector; province; religion; richard; right; roman; royal; said; said commissioners; said lordship; said province; seal; set; state; stone; text; things; time; trade; true; unto; use; virginia; way; wealth; whereof; william; work; writs; yeers; ● ● cache: A39892.xml plain text: A39892.txt item: #6 of 8 id: A45477 author: Hammond, John, d. 1707. title: Hammond versus Heamans, or, An answer to an audacious pamphlet, published by an impudent and ridiculous fellow, named Roger Heamans, calling himself Commander of the Ship Golden Lion wherein he endeavours by lies and holy expressions, to colour over his murthers and treacheries committed in the Province of Maryland, to the utter ruine of that florishing plantation : having a great sum sold himself to proceed in those cruelties, it being altogether answered out of the abstract of credible oaths taken here in England :in which is published His Highnesses absolute (though neglected) command to Richard Bennet Esq., late governour of Virginia and all others, not to disturbe the Lord Baltamores plantation in Maryland / by John Hammond ... date: 1655.0 words: 5850 flesch: 36 summary: Hammond versus Heamans, or, An answer to an audacious pamphlet, published by an impudent and ridiculous fellow, named Roger Heamans, calling himself Commander of the Ship Golden Lion wherein he endeavours by lies and holy expressions, to colour over his murthers and treacheries committed in the Province of Maryland, to the utter ruine of that florishing plantation : having a great sum sold himself to proceed in those cruelties, it being altogether answered out of the abstract of credible oaths taken here in England :in which is published His Highnesses absolute (though neglected) command to Richard Bennet Esq., late governour of Virginia and all others, not to disturbe the Lord Baltamores plantation in Maryland / by John Hammond ... Hammond, John, d. 1707. Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 564:18) Hammond versus Heamans, or, An answer to an audacious pamphlet, published by an impudent and ridiculous fellow, named Roger Heamans, calling himself Commander of the Ship Golden Lion wherein he endeavours by lies and holy expressions, to colour over his murthers and treacheries committed in the Province of Maryland, to the utter ruine of that florishing plantation : having a great sum sold himself to proceed in those cruelties, it being altogether answered out of the abstract of credible oaths taken here in England :in which is published His Highnesses absolute (though neglected) command to Richard Bennet Esq., late governour of Virginia and all others, not to disturbe the Lord Baltamores plantation in Maryland / by John Hammond ... Hammond, John, d. 1707. keywords: ann; answer; arundel; authority; baltamore; barber; bennet; blood; captain; captain stone; claiborn; commander; coursey; deponent; england; english; fellow; fuller; government; governour; governour stone; great; guyther; hammond; heamans; henry; highnesse; inhabitants; iohn; john; letter; lord; maryland; party; people; plantation; power; pretended; proclamation; protector; province; richard; river; roger; said; self; ship; stone; supreme; text; time; virginia; william; world cache: A45477.xml plain text: A45477.txt item: #7 of 8 id: A49161 author: Baltimore, Cecil Calvert, Baron, ca. 1605-1675. title: The Lord Baltemores case concerning the province of Maryland, adjoyning to Virginia in America. With full and clear answers to all material objections, touching his rights, jurisdiction, and proceedings there. And certaine reasons of state, why the Parliament should not impeach the same. Unto which is also annexed, a true copy of a commission from the late King's eldest son, to Mr. William Davenant, to dispossess the Lord Baltemore of the said province, because of his adherence to this Common-wealth. date: 1653.0 words: 5712 flesch: 35 summary: Notwithstanding which , the said Commissioners , after Virginia was reduced , went to Maryland , and upon pretence of a certaine clause ( which it seems was by some meanes or other , put into their Instructions , after Maryland was struck out as aforesaid ) to wit , that they should reduce all the Plantations ▪ in the Bay of Cheseapeack to the obedience of the Parliament , and some part of Maryland , where the L. Baltemore's chief Colony there is seated , being within that Bay , as well as most of the Plantations of Virginia are ; they required Captaine Stone , and the rest of the Lord Baltemore's Officers there , first to take the Ingagement , which they all readily subscribed , and declared , that they did in all humility submit themselves to the Government of the Commonwealth of England in chief under God ; then the Commissioners required them to issue out Writs and Processe out of the L. Baltemore's Courts there in the name of the Keepers of the Liberty of England , and not in the name of the Lord Proprietary , as they were wont to doe , wherein they desired to be excused ; because they did not conceive the Parliament intended to devest the Lord Baltemore of his right there , and that they understood out of England that the Councell of State intended not that any alteration should be made in Maryland . There was indeed a Patent heretofore granted by King James in the 7. yeare of his reign of a great part of that northern Continent of America , which was then called Virginia , to divers Lords and Gentlemen here in England , who were by that Patent erected into a Corporation , by the name of the Virginia Company , in which tract of land granted to the said Company , that Country which is now called Maryland , was included , but that Patent was Legally evicted by a Quoranto in the then Kings Bench , in 21. year of the sayd King James , 8. or 9. years before the Patent of Maryland was granted to the L. Baltemore ; which Company or Corporation the Inhabitants of Virginia desire not now to revive , by vertue of their Articles abovementioned , but abhor the memory of it , in regard of the great oppression and slavery they lived in under it , when it was on foot , so as they never having had any Patent , right , or possession of the sayd Province of Maryland , there could be no injury done to them by the Lord Baltemore's sayd Patent , after the eviction of the sayd Virginia Companies Patent thereof . keywords: aforesaid; america; baltemore; captain; case; charles; commission; commissioners; committee; common; commonwealth; copy; divers; england; english; fit; government; great; hath; inhabitants; interest; king; late; law; lawes; lord; lord baltemore; maryland; parliament; patent; plantations; priviledges; province; rights; said; sayd; second; state; text; time; true; virginia; wealth; whereof; wit cache: A49161.xml plain text: A49161.txt item: #8 of 8 id: A87050 author: Hammond, John, d. 1707. title: Leah and Rachel, or, the two fruitfull sisters Virginia and Mary-land: their present condition, impartially stated and related. VVith a removall of such imputations as are scandalously cast on those countries, whereby many deceived souls, chose rather to beg, steal, rot in prison, and come to shamefull deaths, then to better their being by going thither, wherein is plenty of all things necessary for humane subsistance. / By John Hammond. date: 1656.0 words: 10927 flesch: 33 summary: Gentlemen , AS yee both are Eminent in your Places , and are as well beloved where ye live ; and that your loves to each other are such , as I wish the Vnion between Virginia and Mary-land to be , my Subject being concerning both places : I know none more fit then your selves to Dedicate it to , ( not so much for your kindnesses , which I have often tasted of ( as that the truth hereof under your Patronage may obtain belief and credit : I crave your Pardons , for intruding this unknown to you , and using your names to so mean a piece ; I have certified you wherefore I did it ; to which I add , that I am desirous the whole country may note your affections to each other ; And that I dare in England own and Entitle him my Governour ; that in Mary-land I fled for submitting to . SIRS , AS I have made choice of two Honourable Gentlemen , the one belonging to Virginia , the other to Mary-land ; So I thought it not impertinent equally with them to Dedicate this to you two living in England , and Vsing the Trade of Virginia and Mary-land , that your selves may judge and testifie , who well know the Country , that that I have not added to their worths , but rather been sparing of what is justly their dues : For it is a received errour amongst the many slanders cast on these places , that we are sworn neither to Speak nor Write but glossingly of them ; If we are so sworn , they cannot believe yee are ; and therefore will credite your Affirmations , both places speak worthily of you , both for affable usage of your Passengers , and noble deportments towards the inhabitants in those Countries ; and so are yee both noted , that I wish yee were as well known to all strangers desirous to ship themselves thither , as to us that have lived there : They then would as much covet to be your Passengers , as we that by experience have felt and known your goodnesse ; many other Gentlemen of good repute uses the Trade : but this I dare affirm , that though they may be had in equall esteem , yet men more generally beloved and applauded I have not known , using that Course than your selves : You know I flatter not ; therefore I crave no excuse , unlesse for my presumption in this attempt ; but seeing unknown to your selves , I have published your names here in Print , pray call me not to account for it : This Book I confesse is not worthy of it , nor I of your angers ; but how ever ye see it is past , & litera scripta manet , yee must either buy up and burn all , or ye will be found here , and I hope not blemisht in it , nor in owning the truth of , Your reall Servant , JOHN HAMMOND . keywords: account; bad; better; cattle; charge; comming; commodities; common; condition; countries; country; courts; covet; cry; day; desirous; diet; england; english; fowle; free; fruitfull; gentlemen; god; good; governour; great; ground; hammond; hand; hard; hath; hogs; hold; honest; house; industry; inhabitants; john; justice; labour; leah; life; like; little; living; long; lord; man; manner; mary; master; mean; men; nation; new; onely; parts; people; persons; place; pleasant; plenty; power; present; profit; proprietor; province; purchase; quarter; related; rivers; said; selves; servant; set; ship; sicknesse; sisters; small; souls; state; suffer; sufficient; summer; text; things; thomason; time; tobacco; virginia; want; wholy; william; winter; women; work; world; years; yee cache: A87050.xml plain text: A87050.txt