item: #1 of 7 id: A01148 author: Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633. title: The conuersion of a most noble lady of Fraunce In Iune last past, 1608. Madame Gratiana, wife to the high and mightie lord; Claudius, Lord of Tremoille; Duke of Thouars; peere of Fraunce, and Prince of Talmonde. A most Christian epistle, written by her, to the ladyes of Fraunce, to resolue them in the cause of her conuersion from popery, to the the profession of Gods Gospell: and aduising them to imitate her religious example. Truely translated out of French. date: 1608 words: 14978 flesch: 64 summary: And since he hath purchased for vs the remission of our sinnes : there remaineth no more oblations to be made for sinne , but his blood only is sufficient : whereby he is entred into the holy places , hauing obtained euerlasting redemption for vs And we haue daily libertie likewise , by the blood of Iesus , to enter into the holy places : in regard that he is the eternall sacrificer , to saue all such as he shall present to God , liuing there as their continuall intercessor . After God had determined in his good time , to withdrawe me out of the sinck of sinne and idolatrie , to incorporate me in the communion of his Sonne , within the bosome of his sanctified Church , the refuge for all them that desire saluation , ( and where I wish , and desire in soule , that I could embrace you all : ) keywords: bee; bloud; bread; christ; church; doe; god; hath; haue; himselfe; iesus; iesus christ; ladies; lord; masse; people; priest; sacrament; sacrifice; wee cache: A01148.xml plain text: A01148.txt item: #2 of 7 id: A06744 author: Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. title: The displaying of the Popish masse vvherein thou shalt see, what a wicked idoll the masse is, and what great difference there is between the Lords Supper and the Popes Masse: againe, what Popes brought in every part of the masse, and counted it together in such monstrous sort, as it is now used in the Popes kingdome. Written by Thomas Becon; and published in the dayes of Queene Mary. date: 1637 words: 28498 flesch: 74 summary: But notwithstanding , having a good opinion , although not of all , yet of some of you , which sinne not of obstinate malice against the truth , but of simplicitie , ignorance and blindnesse , offend for lacke of better knowledge , whom also peradventure God hitherto hath suffered to remaine in errour , that he now at the last thorow the riches of his mercy , might bring you into the glorious light of his blessed Gospell , and make you of Sauls , Pauls ; of ravening wolves , faithfull Shepheards ; of cruell persecutors ; Christian Preachers , of abominable Idolaters , true worshippers of God : that by this meanes ye may beleeve and be saved : I will attempt even for your sakes , even to the uttermost of my power , as time shall serve , to declare unto you my minde concerning the great abuse , yea , the abominable Idolatry , which ye commit in the most wicked and Divellish Masse , while yee take upon you contrary to the Word of God , to defile the blessed Sacrament of Christs body and bloud , to minister it in your Masses unto your selfe alone ; contrary to Christs institution , to offer it for a sacrifice unto God for the sinnes of the quicke and dead , to avouch it to bee of no lesse excellencie , price , dignitie , efficacie , might , vertue and power , than the sacrifice , which our Saviour Christ offered on the altar of the Crosse , and to make a shew of it to the people , that they may fall downe and worshippe it as a god , yea , God himselfe Creator and maker of all things , that yee having the knowledge of these your errors may from henceforth cease to offend the Lord our God , give over your Idolatrous massing , repent you of your former life , and become godly Ministers in the Church of Christ unto the glory of God , and the profit of his holy Congregation . But yee whose desire alwayes is to come as neere unto Christ , or unto his holy ordinance , as the Hare covets to come nigh unto a Tabret , refuse Christs order , and dispise the table , spitefully calling it an Oyster-board , and like heathenish and Iewish Priests , yee build Altars , and upon them you offer your vile and stinking sacrifice , not unto God , but unto the Divell , and unto Antichrist . keywords: againe; altar; bee; bloud; body; bread; chalice; christ; church; come; disciples; doe; drinke; eat; father; god; good; hands; hath; heaven; hee; holy; lord; man; masse; people; pope; popish; sacrament; sacrifice; saint; saith; selves; supper; things; wee; word; yee; yee masse cache: A06744.xml plain text: A06744.txt item: #3 of 7 id: A07609 author: Floyd, John, 1572-1649, attributed name. title: A treatise of the holy sacrifice of the masse, and excellencies therof. Written in Spanish by the R. F. Ant. de Molina, a Carthusian monke, & translated into English by I.R. of the Society of Iesus. VVith order, hovv to be present at the said Holy Mystery, vvith deuotion & profit date: 1623 words: 25946 flesch: 60 summary: THAT we may better vnderstand the dignity and excellency of the Masse , we must note , that besides the reason alleadged , why men did aunciently offer sacrifices vnto God , to wit , to figure and represent the true & most perfect sacrifice that was to be offered for the redemption of mankind , in which reasō the Masse without comparison , surpasseth them all , as being not a meere representation , but to the very workes of our redemption mystically performed , as hath been sayd . That the Sacrifice of the Masse , hath all the titles and reasons for which sacrifices are offered vnto God. keywords: chap; christ; church; diuine; doth; eternall; father; giue; glory; god; hath; haue; heauen; holy; honour; iesus; lord; masse; men; offer; priest; reason; reuerence; sacred; sacrifice; sayd; sonne; thee; thing; thy; vnto; vnto god; vpon; world cache: A07609.xml plain text: A07609.txt item: #4 of 7 id: A07804 author: Morton, Thomas, 1564-1659. title: A discharge of five imputations of mis-allegations, falsly charged upon the (now) Bishop of Duresme, by an English baron Shewing, that no solid or reall answer is to be expected, from the Romish party, to his late booke (against their Masse) so greatly maligned by them. date: 1633 words: 35444 flesch: 68 summary: WHereas I had objected , that in your Dedicatory Epistle you shew that our writers , denying any Trope to be in those Foure words of Christ , ( Hoc est corpus meum ) are notwithstanding enforced to confesse sixe Tropes in the same words ; which you say is vertigo mera : your Answer is , that you expresly said , In the words of Christ , Hoc est corpus meum , &c. which ( &c. ) might have beene a wall of brasse to keepe mee from farther wandering , for that that Particle ( &c. ) did not onely imply the words of Consecration ( Hic Calix est Testamentum in sanguine meo ) wherein the Jesuites have confessed two Tropes in one word ( Testamentum ) but also it mett with Bellarmines reasons , in defending the want of Tropes in the words of Institution ( because , saith hee , they are words of Precept , words of Doctrine , words of Testament : ) who was therefore confuted in the words of Christ ( Bread ) ( Breake ) ( Given ) ( Shed ) all Tropicall , as is also confessed . To this my fift Replication is , that it seemeth strange to mee , that in your Letter you affirme that these Words of Christ [ Hic calix est Testamentum in sanguine meo ] are the other words of Consecration ; which doth inferre that Christs words [ Hoc est corpus meum ] are also words of Consecration of the Sacrament , under the Species of Bread. keywords: answer; bee; blood; body; booke; bread; christ; cup; doctors; doe; exception; hath; hee; himselfe; lord; lordship; man; masse; mee; num; owne; pag; parsons; romish; sacrament; saith; saying; selfe; sense; speech; suggester; testament; tropes; words cache: A07804.xml plain text: A07804.txt item: #5 of 7 id: A35740 author: Derodon, David, ca. 1600-1664. title: The funeral of the mass, or, The mass dead and buried without hope of resurrection translated out of French. date: 1673 words: 34867 flesch: 60 summary: THE Romanists are wont to tell us , that these words of Jesus , Christ , This is my Body , are so clear to prove the Real Presence of Christs Body in the Host , and consequently to prove Transubstantiation ( or the substantial conversion of the Bread into Christs Body ) that they are amazed we cannot perceive so manifest a truth . so when the Apostle saith , that Jesus Christ offereth not himself often , otherwise he should often bave suffered , doth necessarily presuppose that Jesus Christ cannot offer himself without suffering ▪ But Jesus Christ doth not suffer every day in the Mass : Therefore he is not offered every day in the Mass by the ministry of Priests . 12 , Thirdly , These words , from the foundation of the World , are of great weight , for 't is as much as if the Apostle had said , if the only sacrifice of Christ on the Cross be not sufficient to take away sins which shall be committed hereafter , it follows that it was not sufficient to take away sins which have been committed heretofore from the creation of the World ; for it is very unsuitable that the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross should have more vertue before it was offered then since : But the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross , had the vertue to take away sins before it was , otherwise ( saith the Apostle ) he should often have suffered from the foundation of the World : keywords: accidents; bloud; body; bread; christs body; doth; eucharist; god; hath; host; jesus christ; man; mass; priest; sacrament; sacrifice; thing; time; viz; wine; words cache: A35740.xml plain text: A35740.txt item: #6 of 7 id: A86378 author: Hakewill, George, 1578-1649. title: A dissertation with Dr. Heylyn: touching the pretended sacrifice in the Eucharist, by George Hakewill, Doctor in Divinity, and Archdeacon of Surrey. Published by Authority. date: 1641 words: 15584 flesch: 54 summary: a He must of necessity answer ( as I conceive ) that either it is the elements of bread and wine , or the sacred Body and Bloud of Christ ; but how the bread and wine may be said to be consumed in regard of their substance , without admitting transubstantiation I cannot imagine , unlesse perchance he will say that it is by eating the one , and drinking the other ; but these being acts common to the people , with the Priest , if the essence and perfection of the Sacrifice should consist in this , he will be forced to admit of so many Sacrificers , as there are Communicants , which I presume he will not acknowledge . Whereunto I answer , that those of the Jews besides , that they were Sacrifices indeed properly so called , in themselves they had the same signification , and were chiefly to that end ordained by the Author of them , the main difference being , that they looked unto Christ to come , but we unto the same Christ already come , by meanes whereof our happinesse is that , that now by Gods blessing we need no Sacrifices properly so called , but rest onely and wholly upon that all-sufficient Sacrifice which he once for all offred up for us . keywords: altar; bishop; book; bread; cap; christ; church; commemoration; death; doctor; doth; eucharist; fathers; god; hath; holy; nature; non; priest; priesthood; quod; sacrifice; sacrificium; saith; self; table; text; words cache: A86378.xml plain text: A86378.txt item: #7 of 7 id: B03311 author: England. Curia Regis. title: At the Court at Whitehall the third of October, 1676. Whereas His Majesty and this board are informed of the bold and open repair made to several places, ... for the hearing of mass, and other worship and services of the Romish Church ... date: 1676 words: 1724 flesch: 56 summary: Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 179422) Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: eebo; english; majesty; tcp; text cache: B03311.xml plain text: B03311.txt