item: #1 of 23 id: A07832 author: Morton, Thomas, 1564-1659. title: New English Canaan, or New Canaan containing an abstract of New England, composed in three bookes : the first booke setting forth the originall of the natives, their manners and customes, together with their tractable nature and love towards the English : the second booke setting forth the naturall indowments of the countrie, and what staple commodities it yeeldeth : the third booke setting forth what people are planted there, their prosperity, what remarkable accidents have happened since the first planting of it, together with their tenents, and practise of their church / written by Thomas Morton ... date: 1637.0 words: 49747 flesch: 69 summary: So much these two Sachems stood upon tearme of reputation with each other , the one would not sen● her , & the other would not send for her , least it should be any diminishing of honor on his part , that shoul● seeme to comply , that the Lady ( when I came ou● of the Country ) remained still with her father ; whic● is a thinge worth the noting , that Salvage peopl● should seeke to maintaine their reputation so muc● as they doe . CHAP. One amongst the rest an able bodied man , tha● ranged the woodes , to see what it would afford , lighted by accident on an Indian barne , and from thenc● did take a capp full of corne ; the Salvage owner of it finding by the foote some English had bin there came to the Plantation , and made complaint after thi● manner . keywords: able; abstract; abundance; accompted; accustomed; admired; advantage; againe; aire; allowance; alwayes; america; appeare; armes; arrivall; auditory; author; bay; beasts; beaver; bee; behinde; beleeve; belly; benefit; best; better; betweene; bigg; bigger; bin; birds; black; body; booke; brethren; bubble; building; burning; calling; canaan; captaine; carnall; catalogue; cause; ceremonies; chap; chapter; cheife; children; choise; christopher; church; civilized; coast; coate; codd; cold; coloure; come; comming; commodious; commodities; commodity; common; company; compasse; conceaved; conscience; contrary; corne; counsell; country; countrymen; course; court; cure; custome; dainty; dangerous; day; dead; deare; death; degrees; delight; desire; desirous; difference; disposed; divers; doe; doth; drinke; ducks; earth; ease; eebo; eies; elder; end; enemy; england; english; entertainement; erocoise; error; estimation; example; excellent; experience; fall; farre; fast; father; fatt; feede; fertile; fine; fire; fish; fishes; fit; fitt; fitting; flesh; foode; forme; forth; fountaine; fowle; geese; generall; gentleman; gifts; glory; god; gods; goe; gold; golden; good; good man; goodly; gray; great; ground; growne; gunne; habitation; halfe; hand; hath; head; heate; hee; hee hath; helpe; herbes; hide; himselfe; hold; honest; honor; hope; host; howse; indians; indowments; industry; inhabitants; instrument; intent; iohn; ionas; iosua; island; iustice; judgement; keepe; kinde; knowledge; knowne; laboure; lady; lake; language; large; latitude; law; left; length; lesse; lether; life; like; little; littleworth; live; longe; lord; love; maine; majesties; making; man; manner; massachussets; master; maypole; meanes; mee; meete; men; merchant; merry; moneths; monster; morton; mount; multitudes; nation; natives; naturall; nature; neere; nevv; new; new canaan; new england; night; noe; northerne; notice; number; o ●; occasion; onely; open; opinion; originall; owne; particular; parts; passage; passe; pay; peece; people; perfection; person; place; plague; plantation; planters; pleasure; plenty; plimmouth; poem; poore; powther; practise; pray; prepared; present; prince; principall; proper; prospect; publike; purchase; purpose; quarter; question; ready; reason; receaved; redd; religion; reputation; respect; rest; rich; river; sachem; salem; salte; salvages; sayd; sayes; sea; seaven; second; seene; sence; sent; sentence; seperatists; set; setting; severall; shee; shew; shipp; short; sir; skinnes; sleepe; small; sonne; sorts; speake; speciall; spirit; spring; state; stay; stones; store; summer; taske; tayle; tcp; tenents; tenne; territories; text; th ●; things; thomas; thought; time; trade; trees; true; undertake; unto; use; usefull; variety; vertue; view; virginea; voyage; want; water; way; wessaguscus; whereof; whiles; white; whome; wife; willing; windes; winter; wise; wit; wolfes; women; wood; worke; world; worthies; worthy; yeares; younge; zeale; zona; ● e; ● ● cache: A07832.xml plain text: A07832.txt item: #2 of 23 id: A08123 author: Bradford, William, 1588-1657. Relation or journall of the beginning and proceedings of the English plantation setled at Plimoth in New England, by certaine English adventurers both merchants and others. Selections. title: An historicall discoverie and relation of the English plantations, in Nevv England Containing their aventurous passages, their happie arivall and comfortable planting, manifesting the goodnesse of God in their preservations from many apparent dangers. With a relation of such religious and ciuill lawes, and customs as are in practise amongst the indians, with their natures and habits. As also a naration of the ayre, earth, water, fish, and fowles of that countrie. continued from the first beginning, in the yeare of our Lord 1607. and so handling all passages of moment successiuely from time to time. date: 1627.0 words: 11327 flesch: 41 summary: In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. and so handling all passages of moment successiuely from time to time. keywords: affaires; bee; beginning; behalfe; best; better; businesse; captaine; care; certaine; charge; chiefe; ciuill; coast; commodities; common; company; councell; country; course; darmer; diuers; doth; eebo; england; english; euery; euill; experience; fishing; fit; free; friends; generall; giue; god; goe; good; gouernment; great; hands; hath; haue; hauing; hee; himselfe; home; honour; hope; hopefull; iohn; ioyne; iustice; labour; lawes; like; long; lord; man; master; meanes; men; nation; natiues; nature; new; offence; onely; order; owne; parts; passages; people; persons; place; plantation; pleased; present; priuate; proceedings; prouision; publique; purpose; relation; resolution; rest; rocraft; sea; set; seuerall; ship; sir; sorts; state; taking; tcp; text; themselues; things; time; trade; virginia; vnder; vnto; vpon; vse; way; wee; worke; yeare cache: A08123.xml plain text: A08123.txt item: #3 of 23 id: A08124 author: Phillips, George, 1593-1644, attributed name. title: The humble request of His Majesties loyall subjects, the governour and the company late gone for Nevv-England to the rest of their brethren, in and of the Church of England. For the obtaining of their prayers, and the removall of suspitions, and misconstructions of their intentions. date: 1630.0 words: 1887 flesch: 62 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: books; brethren; characters; church; company; early; eebo; england; english; george; god; governour; images; intentions; loyall; online; oxford; partnership; phase; prayers; request; rest; subjects; tcp; tei; text; wee; xml cache: A08124.xml plain text: A08124.txt item: #4 of 23 id: A09810 author: Bradford, William, 1588-1657. title: A relation or iournall of the beginning and proceedings of the English plantation setled at Plimoth in New England, by certaine English aduenturers both merchants and others With their difficult passage, their safe ariuall, their ioyfull building of, and comfortable planting themselues in the now well defended towne of New Plimoth. As also a relation of foure seuerall discoueries since made by some of the same English planters there resident. I. In a iourney to Puckanokick ... II. In a voyage made by ten of them to the kingdome of Nawset ... III. In their iourney to the kingdome of Namaschet ... IIII. Their voyage to the Massachusets, and their entertainment there. With an answer to all such obiections as are in any way made against the lawfulnesse of English plantations in those parts. date: 1622.0 words: 29911 flesch: 50 summary: Our master and his mate , and other● experienced in fishing , professed , we might haue made three or foure thousand pounds worth of Oyle ; they preferred it before Greenland Whale-●ishing , & purpose the next winter to fish for Whale here ; for ●od we a●●ayed , but found none , there is good store no doubt in their season . Neither is there any land or possession now , like vnto the possession which the Iewes had in Caanan , being legally holy and appropriated vnto a holy people the seed of Abraham , in which they dwelt securely , and had their daies prolonged , it being by an immediate voice said , that he ( the Lord ) gaue it them a● a land of rest after their wearie trauels , and a type of Eternall rest in heauen , but now there is no land of that Sanctimanie , no land so appropriated ; none typicall : much lesse any that can be said to be giuen of God to any nation a● was Caanan , which they and their seed must dwell in , till God sendeth vpon them sword or captiuitie : but now we are all in all places strangers and Pilgrims , trauellers and soiourners , most properly , hauing no dwelling but in this earthen Tab●rnacle ; our dwelling is but a wandring , and our abiding but as a fleeting , and in a word our home is nowhere , but in the heauens : in that house not made with hand● , whose maker and builder is God , and to which all ascend that 〈◊〉 the comming of our Lord Iesus . keywords: aboue; abundance; againe; armes; arrowes; bay; bee; best; better; betweene; blacke; body; bow; brooke; cape; captaine; care; certaine; clocke; close; cod; cold; comming; common; company; corne; countrey; course; cut; danger; day; dayes; dead; death; december; deere; discovery; diuers; doe; doubt; drunke; earth; eate; edward; eebo; england; english; excellent; farre; feare; fine; fire; fish; fishing; fiue; foure; fresh; friend; gaue; giue; glad; god; gods; goe; good; governour; great; greater; greatest; ground; halfe; hand; harbour; hard; hath; haue; having; head; hee; high; hill; himselfe; home; honour; hope; house; hurt; iames; ianuary; indians; inhabitants; iohn; iourney; keepe; king; kingdome; knowledge; land; leagues; left; length; lesse; like; little; liue; lodging; long; lord; loue; man; manner; massasoyt; master; matts; meanes; meete; men; message; morning; munday; myles; namaschet; new; night; offence; old; parts; peeces; people; persons; place; plantation; pleased; plimoth; powder; present; ready; reason; red; relation; rest; returne; river; sachim; saturday; savages; saw; sayd; saylers; sea; seaven; seene; selues; set; shallop; ship; shore; shot; sicke; sixe; skins; small; soone; speake; speciall; standish; strong; summer; supposed; sweet; tcp; text; themselues; thicke; things; thought; time; tisquantum; towne; trees; twentie; victuals; vnder; vnto; voyage; vpon; vse; want; water; way; weary; weather; wednesday; wee; wett; william; willing; wind; women; woods; word; worke; ● ● cache: A09810.xml plain text: A09810.txt item: #5 of 23 id: A12458 author: Pass, Simon van de, 1595?-1647, engraver. title: Advertisements for the unexperienced planters of New-England, or any where. Or, The path-way to experience to erect a plantation With the yearely proceedings of this country in fishing and planting, since the yeare 1614. to the yeare 1630. and their present estate. Also how to prevent the greatest inconveniences, by their proceedings in Virginia, and other plantations, by approved examples. With the countries armes, a description of the coast, harbours, habitations, land-markes, latitude and longitude: with the map, allowed by our royall King Charles. By Captaine Iohn Smith, sometimes governour of Virginia, and admirall of Nevv-England. date: 1631.0 words: 16633 flesch: 54 summary: The map has title New England, imprint London printed by Iames Reeue, and is signed Simon Passæus sculpsit. eng New England -- Description and travel -- Early works to 1800. keywords: actions; adventure; authority; bee; best; better; betwixt; building; captaines; cattell; cause; chap; charge; charles; chiefe; church; coast; cold; commodities; common; company; contrary; corne; countries; country; custome; day; description; despaire; doe; doth; eebo; england; english; estate; examples; experience; extraordinary; faire; fields; fish; fishing; foure; french; friends; fruits; generall; gentlemen; god; gods; goe; good; government; governour; great; greatest; habitations; harbours; hath; hee; history; hope; houses; ignorant; iles; ill; inconveniences; increase; industry; iohn; king; knowne; latitude; leave; like; little; london; long; longitude; lord; losse; man; manner; map; massachusets; master; meanes; men; merchants; miseries; moneths; necessity; neere; new; new england; noble; owne; page; passengers; path; pay; people; plantation; planters; planting; plimoth; poore; pounds; power; present; proceedings; provision; reason; religion; rest; returne; rich; saile; salem; salvages; sea; selfe; ship; sir; small; smith; souldiers; spaniards; strange; summer; supply; tabacco; tcp; text; thing; time; title; trade; trees; true; use; virginia; voyage; want; way; wee; west; wise; woods; worke; world; yeare; yearely cache: A12458.xml plain text: A12458.txt item: #6 of 23 id: A15097 author: White, John, 1575-1648. title: The planters plea· Or The grounds of plantations examined, and vsuall objections answered Together with a manifestation of the causes mooving such as have lately vndertaken a plantation in Nevv-England: for the satisfaction of those that question the lawfulnesse of the action. date: 1630.0 words: 16866 flesch: 53 summary: Wherefore if in the declaring of his owne opinion , either concerning Colonies in general , or this in particular , he propose anything that to men of better and more solid judgement upon mature advise shall seeme either not sound , or not evident , or not well fortified by strength of reason ; he desires rather advertisement thereof by some private intimation , than by publicke opposition , as not conceiving an argument of this nature , wherein neither Gods glorie nor mans salvation have any necessary interest , ( though the worke be directed to , and doth in a good measure further both , ) worth the contending for in a time when so many weighty controversies in the fundamentalls of religion are in agitation : and withall professing himselfe willing to receive backe any light golde that hath passed from him unweighed , and to exchange it for that which will be weight , as being conscious to himselfe , that he desires not willingly to beguile any man. It cannot be denyed but the life of man is every way made more comfortable , and afforded a more plentiful supply in a large scope of ground , which moves men to bee so insatiable in their desires to joyne house to house , and land to land , till there be no more place ; exceeding , I grant , therein the measure and bounds of Iustice ; and yet building upon a principle that nature suggests , that a large place best assures sufficiency : as we see ; by nature , trees flourish faire , and prosper well , and waxe fruitfull in a large Orchard , which would otherwise wither and decay , if they were penned up in a little nursery : either all , or at best , a few that are stronger plants and better rooted , would encrease and over-top , and at last , starve the weaker : which falls out in our civill State ; where a few men flourish that are best grounded in their estates , or best furnished with abilities , or best fitted with opportunities , and the rest waxe weake and languish , as wanting roome and meanes to nourish them . keywords: able; advancement; answer; argument; bee; best; better; body; cause; certaine; chap; charge; christ; church; colonies; colony; come; command; common; company; conceive; condition; consideration; contrary; conversion; country; course; desire; divers; doe; doth; duty; earth; eebo; england; english; estates; expectation; experience; extraordinary; farre; fishing; fit; foure; friends; generall; god; godly; gods; good; government; great; greater; ground; hand; hath; hearts; hee; himselfe; home; honour; ill; intention; justice; knowne; labour; life; little; long; love; man; meanes; men; mens; mindes; ministers; nation; natives; nature; nay; necessity; needs; new; objection; occasion; onely; opinion; order; owne; particular; parts; people; persons; place; plantation; planters; planting; power; present; prevaile; private; promise; provisions; question; reason; religion; resolution; respect; rest; scope; sea; seeing; seemes; selfe; service; set; ship; small; soyle; spare; state; successe; sufficient; tcp; text; things; time; trade; true; truth; undertaking; unlesse; use; voyage; want; warrant; way; weake; wee; worke; world; yeare cache: A15097.xml plain text: A15097.txt item: #7 of 23 id: A15591 author: Winslow, Edward, 1595-1655. title: Good nevves from New-England: or A true relation of things very remarkable at the plantation of Plimoth in Nevv-England Shewing the wondrous providence and goodnes of God, in their preservation and continuance, being delivered from many apparant deaths and dangers. Together with a relation of such religious and civill lawes and customes, as are in practise amongst the Indians, adjoyning to them at this day. As also what commodities are there to be raysed for the maintenance of that and other plantations in the said country. Written by E.W. who hath borne a part in the fore-named troubles, and there liued since their first arrivall. Wherevnto is added by him a briefe relation of a credible intelligence of the present estate of Virginia. date: 1624.0 words: 25538 flesch: 50 summary: I therefore thinke it but my dutie to offer the view of our proceedings to your worthy considerations , hauing to that end composed them together thus briefly as you see ; wherein to your great encouragement , you may behold the good providence of God working with you in our preseruation from so many dangerous plots and treacheries , as haue beene intended against vs ; as also in giuing his blessing so powerfully vpon the weake meanes wee had , inabling vs with health and ability beyond expectation , in our greatest scarcities , and possessing the hearts of the Saluages with astonishment and feare of vs , whereas if God had let them loose , they might easily haue swallowed vs vp , scarce being an handfull in comparison of those forces they might haue gathered together against vs , which now by Gods blessing will be more hard and difficult , in regard our number of men is increased , our towne better fortified , and our store better victualed . 3. The carelesnes of those that send over supplies of men vnto them , not caring how they bee qualified : so that oft times they are rather the Image of men endued with bestiall , yea , diabolicall affections , then the Image of God , endued with reason , vnderstanding , and holines . keywords: abundance; againe; backe; bay; bee; beginning; best; better; betweene; blessed; blessing; boat; captaine; cause; certaine; charge; cold; colony; command; comming; company; contrary; corne; country; course; day; dead; death; desire; doe; durst; eebo; end; england; english; entertainment; euery; extremitie; farre; feare; fish; fit; forward; friends; gaue; giue; glory; god; gods; goe; good; gouernour; great; greater; ground; guard; harbour; hath; haue; hauing; head; hee; helpe; himselfe; hobbamock; home; house; indians; iohn; iust; knowne; leaue; left; length; lesse; life; like; little; liue; long; loue; man; manner; massachusets; massassowat; master; meanes; measure; men; mercy; messenger; miles; neere; neuer; new; night; occasion; oft; onely; opportunitie; owne; party; people; persons; place; plantation; plimoth; present; providence; ready; reason; relation; resolution; respect; rest; returne; sachim; safety; said; scarce; sea; seene; set; shallop; shee; ship; short; sicke; sicknesse; skin; small; speciall; speed; standish; state; stay; store; strength; supply; tcp; text; themselues; things; thought; time; tisquantum; trade; true; virginia; vnto; vpon; vse; want; water; way; weather; wee; westons; whereof; whilest; wind; women; yea cache: A15591.xml plain text: A15591.txt item: #8 of 23 id: A15685 author: Wood, William, fl. 1629-1635. title: Nevv Englands prospect· A true, lively, and experimentall description of that part of America, commonly called Nevv England: discovering the state of that countrie, both as it stands to our new-come English planters; and to the old native inhabitants. Laying downe that which may both enrich the knowledge of the mind-travelling reader, or benefit the future voyager. By William Wood. date: 1634.0 words: 40381 flesch: 58 summary: a ( le●t out ; ) l. 30. musketor , m●●keto● . that affr●nting C●rberus , the other to purchase more immense prerogatiues in their Paradise . keywords: able; againe; alewives; appause; approach; armes; arrowes; bad; bare; basse; bay; beares; bearing; beasts; beaver; bee; beginning; beleefe; belly; benefit; best; better; betweene; bigger; birds; blacke; blood; board; boates; bodies; body; bones; boston; bottome; bow; broad; building; care; carrie; catch; cattle; certaine; chap; charles; cherrie; chiefe; children; cleare; climate; close; coast; cold; colour; come; command; comming; commodities; common; corne; countrey; countrie; creatures; crosse; curious; custome; cut; daily; day; dayes; dead; deale; death; deere; desire; different; discourse; diseases; divers; doe; dogge; doth; double; dozen; drinke; dry; duckes; early; eebo; end; enemies; england; english; english man; estate; esteeme; experience; eyes; eyther; face; faire; fall; fashion; fast; fat; feeding; feete; fertile; fields; fish; fishes; fishing; fit; foote; forme; foure; fowles; frequent; fresh; friends; frost; frozen; furre; future; games; gardens; geese; generall; god; goe; good; good ground; good store; goose; grasse; great; great store; greatest; greene; ground; grow; growes; growne; habitations; halfe; hand; handsome; harbour; hard; hath; haue; hay; head; health; healthfull; hee; helpe; high; hill; himselfe; holes; home; honest; hope; horse; houses; husbands; iland; indians; industrious; inferiour; inhabitants; iron; keepe; kill; kind; king; knowledge; knowne; labours; language; large; leagues; leave; legges; lesse; lie; life; like; line; little; living; long; looke; love; low; lusty; lye; lyeth; lyons; making; man; manner; mans; marshes; massachusets; matter; meate; medow; men; middle; miles; moneths; mooses; morning; naked; native; naturall; nature; necessary; necke; neede; nevv; new; new england; night; north; noted; occasion; onely; ordinary; owne; page; particular; parts; pence; people; pequants; person; places; plantation; planters; play; pleasant; plenty; plimouth; ponds; poore; pound; present; price; profit; prospect; prove; purpose; quarter; raine; rare; reader; reason; red; relation; rest; returne; rich; river; rockes; running; sagamore; salt; saving; saw; scarce; sea; seasons; seaven; second; secure; seene; seldome; servants; set; severall; sharpe; shee; shelter; shew; ships; shot; sicknesse; sit; situation; sixe; skinnes; sleepes; slender; small; smaller; smooth; snakes; snow; soone; sorts; south; soyle; spacious; speake; spring; store; strange; strength; strong; subject; suddaine; summer; sunne; sure; sweete; swift; swimme; swimming; swine; tcp; teeth; text; thicke; things; thou; thousands; thrust; tide; timber; time; tongue; tough; townes; trade; travell; trees; troublesome; true; understanding; unlesse; unlike; use; usefull; venture; victuals; view; wallnut; wampompeage; want; ward; warme; warres; water; way; weake; weather; weekes; west; white; wife; william; winde; winter; wise; wives; women; wood; woolfe; woolves; word; worke; yeare; yeeld; young; ● ● cache: A15685.xml plain text: A15685.txt item: #9 of 23 id: A26395 author: Ashurst, Henry, 1614?-1680. title: An address presented to the King, August 7th, 1689 when those from the Massachuset's colony were, by that worthy citizen, Sir Henry Ashurst, Baronet : to Their Most Excellent Majesties, King William and Queen Mary of England, &c., the humble address and petition of the General Court of Your Majesties most ancient colony of New-Plymouth in New-England. date: 1689.0 words: 1931 flesch: 58 summary: New Plymouth Colony. New Plymouth Colony. keywords: address; ashurst; books; characters; colony; court; early; eebo; england; english; excellent; general; good; government; henry; humble; king; majesties; new; online; partnership; phase; plymouth; queen; sir; tcp; tei; text; worthy cache: A26395.xml plain text: A26395.txt item: #10 of 23 id: A33276 author: Clarke, John, 1609-1676. title: Ill newes from New-England, or, A nar[r]ative of New-Englands persecution wherin is declared that while old England is becoming new, New-England is become old : also four proposals to the Honoured Parliament and Councel of State, touching the way to propagate the Gospel of Christ ... : also four conclusions touching the faith and order of the Gospel of Christ out of his last will and testament, confirmed and justified / by John Clark ... date: 1652.0 words: 46351 flesch: 49 summary: [ He is the person that is also to wait for his Lords sending down from the right hand of his father in the time of his absence the holy Ghost , or holy Spirit of promise , and all this according to the last will and testament of that living Lord ] That this living Lord did promise when he left this present evil world , that is in a great measure subjected to devils , and went to his Father , not only to return again , but in the time of his absence ( as a testimony of his great love unto such as are called to be his disciples , & manifest the same by loving him & keeping his commandments , and as a te●●imony of his loving acceptance at the right hand his Father ) to send down the holy Spirit , which should be in them as a well-spring of living water flowing forth unto eternall life , who being a Spirit of truth , and sent by Christ who is the truth which God will exalt , shall glorifie him , take of him and his , and shew unto them , and so lead them from truth to truth , until he hath brought them into all truth : as a comforter or Spirit of comfort , shall fill their hearts with joy in believing , by bearing witness with their spirits , that they are the children of God , and by revealing unto them the precious things w ch God hath prepared for them that love him , which neither eye hath seen , nor ear hath heard , neither hath it entred into the heart of man to conceive ; and as a holy Spirit shall set them apart that are justifyed by the blood of his Son , unto the holy God , and sanctifie them throughout in soul , and spirit , and body ; and as a Spirit of supplication shall help them to speak unto God ; and as a Spirit of prophecy to speak unto men : that this Lord I say did promise unto his disciples , who love him and keep his commandments , in the time of his absence the presence of such a Spirit as this , which hath supplies in him beyond what the ●oul lacks , and that therfore they are to wait for this promise , and for these supplies in his appointments , will clearly appear . This spirituall administration of Christs power in and over the spirits and consciences of men , as it extends to all the inward and hidden motions and actings of the mind , so to all the outward manifestations of its powerfull commands in the outward man , in reference unto God , and especially unto such as appertain to the visible worship and service of God , who hath declared himself to be a Spirit , and will be worshipped in spirit and in truth , and seeks such , and onely such to worship him : This spirituall administration so far as it concerns the outward man , is managed not by a sword of Steel ( which cannot come neer or touch the spirit or mind of man ) but by the sword that proceeds out of the mouth of his servants , the word of truth , and especially as to the efficacy , and to the inward man , by the two-edged sword of the Spirit , that spirituall law and light with which these candles of the Lord are enlightned , and that by himself , who is that light that enlightneth every man that comes into the world ; and this spirituall administration of Christs power on earth in and over the spirits , minds , and consciences of the sons of men , and also over the outward man as to worship meerly , is committed into the hands of the Spirit of Christ , who is his vice-roy here on earth , and is only able to deal with spirits by way of convincing , converting , transforming , and as it were a-new creating of them , and so to translate them out of the Kingdome of darkness , in which they are by nature , into the glorious ●iberty of the Saints in light . keywords: able; acts; anointed; answer; apostles; appointment; argument; authority; baptism; blood; boston; breaking; brethren; carnall; case; chap; charge; children; christ; christ jesus; christian; church; churches; clarke; command; congregation; conscience; contrary; cor; court; day; dead; death; desire; dipping; disciples; dispute; doe; doth; earth; england; english; evill; faith; far; father; fear; fellowship; flesh; followeth; force; forth; free; friends; glorious; glory; god; good; gospel; governour; great; hand; hath; heart; heaven; heb; hereof; high; hold; holmes; holy; hope; house; infants; instruction; iohn; jesus; john; judge; keeper; king; kingdome; law; leave; left; let; liberty; life; like; lively; lives; living; long; lord; love; magistrates; man; manner; mans; mathatusets; matter; meeting; men; mind; motion; mouth; nations; nature; neer; new; obediah; office; old; onely; order; ordinance; outward; peace; people; person; pleased; point; power; practice; prayer; precept; present; prison; promise; prophet; proposition; publick; reason; remain; respect; rev; right; said; saints; sake; saying; scriptures; second; self; selves; sentence; servants; service; set; sin; soul; speak; spirit; spirituall; sprinkling; strangers; strength; tcp; testament; testimony; text; thee; thereto; thereunto; things; thou; time; town; true; truth; unto; visible; walk; warrant; water; way; witness; word; works; worship; worthy; yea cache: A33276.xml plain text: A33276.txt item: #11 of 23 id: A39226 author: Eliot, John, 1604-1690. title: A further account of the progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England: being a relation of the confessions made by several Indians (in the presence of the elders and members of several churches) in order to their admission into church-fellowship. Sent over to the corporation for propagating the Gospel of Jesus Christ amongst the Indians in New England at London, by Mr John Elliot one of the laborers in the word amonsgt them. date: 1660.0 words: 24993 flesch: 73 summary: Again , I remembred that Word , Blessed are the pure in heart , for they shall see God ; my heart saith , O Christ help me to be so , that cleane may be my heart . And I did not truly love them that prayed to God , but I was a stranger in heart unto them . keywords: adam; angry; blessed; brothers; children; christ; church; confessions; covenant; day; dead; death; deserved; desire; doth; earth; elders; england; english; evil; father; fear; gen; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; hath; heart; heaven; hee; help; holy; image; indians; jesus; life; like; little; long; lord; love; lust; man; mat; mee; men; mercy; minister; new; pardon; people; pray; praying; present; repent; rest; right; roxbury; sabbath; saith; satan; saw; self; sinner; sins; son; soul; spake; spirit; sure; text; things; thought; thy; time; troubled; vain; way; weak; wee; word; work; yea; yee cache: A39226.xml plain text: A39226.txt item: #12 of 23 id: A49890 author: Lechford, Thomas, ca. 1590-1644? title: Plain dealing, or, Nevves from New-England a short view of New-Englands present government, both ecclesiasticall and civil, compared with the anciently-received and established government of England in some materiall points : fit for the gravest consideratin in these times / by Thomas Lechford ... date: 1642.0 words: 22450 flesch: 65 summary: Neither have I the least aime to retard or hinder an happy and desired reformation of things amisse either in Church or Common-wealth , but daily and earnestly pray to God Almighty , the God of Wisdome and Counsell , that he please so to direct his Royall Majesty , and his wise and honourable Counsell , the high Court of Parliament , that they may fall upon so due and faire a moderation , as may be for the glory of God , and the peace and safety of his Royall Majesty , and all his Majesties dominions , and good Subjects . But where there is none , there some of their chiefest men , two or three , of good report amongst them , though not of the Ministery , doe , by appointment of the said Church , lay hands upon them . keywords: able; acts; advise; alias; answer; apostles; assembly; assistants; authority; baptisme; bay; bee; better; betweene; bishops; body; boston; brethren; care; causes; chiefe; children; christ; christians; church; churches; civill; common; communion; confusion; congregation; contrary; conversion; counsell; countrey; court; covenant; dayes; deacons; dealing; deputy; difference; divers; doe; dutch; ecclesiasticall; elders; elections; end; england; english; episcopacie; equall; excommunicate; experience; faith; fellowship; fit; gather; gathering; generall; god; goe; good; government; governour; grace; great; hands; hath; hold; holy; hope; house; indians; island; kind; king; knowledge; late; lawes; lay; leaders; learned; leave; lechford; life; like; long; lord; magistrates; majesty; man; manner; master; matters; meeting; members; men; messengers; ministers; names; nation; natives; necessary; new; non; notice; number; offence; officers; onely; opinion; order; ordination; owne; paper; parties; party; pastor; patent; people; place; plain; plant; planting; poore; power; prayer; presbyters; present; private; publique; quarter; reason; receiving; record; religion; requireth; right; roman; rule; ruling; sacrament; said; salem; scripture; sermon; set; short; sonne; speak; state; teacher; text; things; think; thomas; time; true; unlesse; votes; way; wealth; wise; women; word; work; worship; yeeld cache: A49890.xml plain text: A49890.txt item: #13 of 23 id: A50066 author: Massachusetts. General Court. title: A declaration of the General Court of the Massachusets holden at Boston in New-England, October, 1659, concerning the execution of two Quakers. date: 1659.0 words: 1026 flesch: 52 summary: (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A50066) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 58301) This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A50066 of text R31887 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing M1001). keywords: a50066; books; boston; court; declaration; england; english; execution; general; holden; law; massachusetts; new; october; persons; quakers; text cache: A50066.xml plain text: A50066.txt item: #14 of 23 id: A50177 author: Mather, Cotton, 1663-1728. title: The wonders of the invisible world observations as well historical as theological upon the nature, the number and the operations of the devils : accompany'd with I. Some accounts of the greievous [sic] molestations by daemons and witchcrafts ... and the trials of some eminent malefactors ... II. Some councils directing a due improvement of the terrible things lately done by the unusual and amazing range of evil spirits ... III. Some conjectures upon the great events likely to befall the world in general and New England in particular ... IV. A short narrative of a late outrage committed by a knot of witches in Swedeland ... V. The devil discovered, in a brief discourse upon those temptations which are the more ordinary devices of the wicked one / by Cotton Mather. date: 1693.0 words: 38287 flesch: 65 summary: Proposition I. That there is a Devil , is a Thing Doubted by none but such as are under the Influence of the Devil . When they came to the Name of Satan , or Devil , they would clap their Fingers on the Book , crying out , This bites , but it makes me speak right well ! keywords: account; afflicted; ages; air; altho; america; amy; angels; apparition; bewitched; blessed; blood; bodies; body; book; brother; business; cause; certain; children; christ; christian; church; churches; circumstances; coming; confession; conjecture; conscience; considerable; conviction; country; court; covenant; creatures; crime; cry'd; crying; cullender; daemons; darkness; daughter; day; days; death; deponent; descent; destroying; devil; diabolical; discourse; divel; dragon; duny; durent; dying; earth; eebo; eminent; end; endeavours; enemies; england; english; evidence; examination; extraordinary; fall; fallen; fear; fellow; fiery; fire; fitts; french; general; generation; glorious; god; gods; good; gospel; governour; great; great wrath; guilty; half; hand; hard; hath; head; hearts; heaven; hell; hellish; help; high; hitherto; hold; holy; home; hope; horrible; horrid; house; humane; hurt; iii; ill; innocent; instruments; invisible; israel; jesus; kingdom; late; law; laws; learned; leave; life; like; likely; little; lives; long; look; lord; love; making; man; mankind; manner; mark; matter; mean; meetings; men; methods; midst; mighty; mischief; molestations; nation; nature; needs; neighbourhood; neighbours; new; number; occasion; old; ones; particular; party; people; persons; pins; pitty; place; plagues; poor; power; prayers; present; prince; promise; province; purpose; reason; reformation; rest; right; rose; satan; sea; second; self; selves; sensible; service; set; shake; short; sinners; sins; sorts; souls; spectral; spectres; spirits; spiritual; sufferers; sufficient; sun; sure; tcp; terrible; testify'd; testimonies; testimony; text; thee; things; thou; thro; thy; time; torment; touch; town; trial; trouble; true; truth; usual; vast; venture; way; whereof; wherewith; wicked; wilderness; wish; witchcraft; witches; witnesses; woes; woful; woman; wonders; words; work; world; worthy; wrath; wretches; years cache: A50177.xml plain text: A50177.txt item: #15 of 23 id: A52205 author: Massachusetts. General Court. title: At a general court held at Boston May the 3d, 1676 by the court, Edward Rawson, secretary. date: 1676.0 words: 1152 flesch: 66 summary: (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A52205) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 47032) Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: books; boston; characters; court; early; edward; eebo; encoding; english; general; image; online; oxford; partnership; phase; rawson; tcp; tei; text; xml cache: A52205.xml plain text: A52205.txt item: #16 of 23 id: A55056 author: F. L. title: The present state of New-England impartially considered in a letter to the clergy. date: 1689.0 words: 21514 flesch: 55 summary: Have there been any Taxes laid upon us , but such as were settled by Laws of our owne makeing , any part whereof might be retained & in force after the Condemnation of our Charter that the King thought ●it . That any of the Councill were ever denied Admittance to that Board ▪ is a thing so appar●●tly false , that I 'm sure not a man amongst them but must justify the Governour in that point ; who was alwaies so far from such a method , that altho there was a certain day appointed ed for their Meeting every week , well k●●w●e to them all , yet it was a frequent thing for him , to send on purpose to Salem , and other Neighbouring parts , for the Gentlemen that lived there : and I have seen the Messengers Account , wherein he Chargeth a considerable summe of money for Horse hire on those Errands . keywords: act; acts; agents; alwaies; answer; appear; arms; army; authority; best; better; body; books; care; case; charta; charter; christians; church; civil; commands; commission; common; company; condition; conscience; councill; countrey; court; crime; crowne; david; day; death; declaration; dominion; doth; doubt; duty; edmond; eebo; emperour; empire; end; england; english; evil; example; excellent; experience; fact; favour; fear; fire; fit; force; free; french; general; god; good; government; governour; grant; great; greater; hands; hath; head; highest; humane; injuries; ireland; john; judgement; judges; justice; justifie; king; knowne; late; law; lawful; laws; lib; liberties; life; like; little; lives; long; magistrates; majesties; majesty; man; manner; mans; masters; matter; measures; men; nature; nay; necessity; new; number; obedience; onely; open; opinion; order; particular; parts; patents; patience; paul; people; persons; place; plantations; plato; pleasure; power; preservation; princes; private; private men; priviledges; proceedings; publick; purpose; question; ready; reason; religion; resistance; respect; right; s ●; safety; said; saith; saying; self; selves; servants; service; set; souldiers; soveraign; special; state; strangers; subjection; subjects; sufficient; supream; sword; taxes; tcp; territory; text; thee; thing; thou; thought; time; towne; true; use; war; wealth; willing; words; world; writt; ● e; ● ● cache: A55056.xml plain text: A55056.txt item: #17 of 23 id: A58836 author: Allin, John, 1596-1671. title: Massachusetts, or, The first planters of New-England the end and manner of their coming thither, and abode there: in several epistles ... date: 1696.0 words: 12672 flesch: 48 summary: Gratiosus est Dominus , qui acceptare dignatur ad aedificationem Sanctuarii sui , non modo purpu●●m et byssum ; sed etiam pelles arietum , et melium ; imo et pilos caprarum : Exod. Alter autem ille e fratribus , quem dixi , Covetus , cum persentisceret ali quot ex ovibus Christi sibi commissis , antipaedobaptismi laquess atque dumetis irre●●●as ; zelo Dei accensus ( et zelo quidem secundum scientiam ) imo et misericordia etiam Christi comm●tus erga errantes oviculas ; libros quos potuit , ex anababtistarum pen● congessit ; rationum momenta ( qualia fuerant ) in lance Sanctuarii trutinavit ; testimoniorum plaustra , quae ab illis congesta fuerant , sedulo perquisivit ; et pro eo quo floret disputandi acumine , dijudicandi solertia , solida multa paucis complectendi dexteritate , atque indefesso labore , nihil pene intentatum reliquit , quod vel ad veritatem in hac causa illustrandam , vel ad errorum nebulas discusiendas , atque dispellendas conduceret . keywords: able; adversus; affections; allin; april; assistants; atque; autem; bay; best; blessing; books; boston; brethren; bristol; causam; cause; characters; charles; charlstown; christi; christian; churches; clear; colony; common; communis; company; condition; convenimus; corn; country; cum; day; dead; dear; december; dei; desertores; desire; disciplinae; divers; domini; dominus; doth; dudley; duty; early; east; ecclesiae; ecclesiasticae; ecclesiis; eebo; encoding; end; england; english; erat; eruditione; esse; est; estates; etiam; eximia; faithful; fear; february; fit; following; formam; fratres; fratribus; fratrum; friends; general; god; godly; gods; good; goodness; gospel; government; governour; grace; gratia; great; greater; hands; hath; hearts; help; hic; hoc; holy; honour; houses; iesu; illi; images; imo; increase; indians; inter; iohn; ipsis; ita; jesus; john; kingdom; labour; lady; left; letters; liberty; light; like; long; lord; loss; male; manner; march; massachusetts; men; mensam; mercies; miles; ministers; modo; mortality; mrs; nec; neque; new; nobis; non; north; nos; nostrum; old; olim; omnes; omnia; omnium; online; open; oxford; partnership; people; persons; phase; pietate; place; plantation; planters; plymouth; posse; practise; prayers; present; private; pro; providence; quae; quam; qui; quidem; quod; quos; reformation; regiminis; regni; removal; request; rerum; rest; return; reverend; richard; river; sail; saints; salem; sea; sed; selves; servants; set; sharp; shepard; shillings; ship; sickness; simul; sine; singular; sive; small; solum; south; spirit; spiritus; straits; strike; subject; sufferings; sui; sumus; sunt; tamen; tanquam; tcp; tei; text; things; thomas; thought; time; town; truth; tum; undertakers; vel; vestra; victuals; viri; visum; wants; watertown; way; weak; wilderness; wind; witness; work; world; worship; xml; year; ● ● cache: A58836.xml plain text: A58836.txt item: #18 of 23 id: A66680 author: Winslow, Edward, 1595-1655. title: The danger of tolerating levellers in a civil state, or, An historicall narration of the dangerous pernicious practices and opinions wherewith Samuel Gorton and his levelling accomplices so much disturbed and molested the severall plantations in New-England parallel to the positions and proceedings of the present levellers in Old-England : wherein their severall errors dangerous and very destructive to the peace both of church and state ... together with the course that was there taken for suppressing them are fully set forth, with a satisfactory answer to their complaints made to the Parliament / by Edw. Winslow of Plymouth in New-England. date: 1649.0 words: 45717 flesch: 43 summary: Wee cannot but wonder , that you should read the Scripture , and not finde them fulfilled , in , and amongst your selves , when as they appeare so apparantly , that he that runs may read them ▪ what think you of Herod , when the Lord had delivered Peter out of prison , and released him of those bonds , and brought him from that thraldom , which he had so Cruelly imposed upon him , to gaine the favour of the Jewes , and that by a power supereminent , transcending the bounds of his authoritie , and by a wisdom surpassing the Depth of his Counsell , and policie , to fynd out , together with his souldiers and Champions , he presently goes downe to Ces●rea , and Hero● i● angry with them of Tyrus & Sidon , ( thumomachon ) a heavie Friend , or hath a secret grudg or perturbation of mind , manifested in an outreaching , and circumventing policie , to subdue them unto himself , that he might Rule over them : Finding himself fall short of power and policie , to subject the word of God in the messinger of it , to satisfy his owne lusts , in his lordship over it , he pursues with all egarnesse to make himself a god , by Raigning over the bodies and estates of men ; yea , though they be but such , as Tyru● and Sidon , can afford unto him , to make subjects of , and when they come unto him with one accord to make offer of themselves , in yeelding to his affectionate and politicall project , he sitting uppon the Judgment seate , in his Royall apparell , making his oration , of what power he hath to protect them , what wisdom and Counsell , to minister Justice and righteousuess unto them ( which office belongs only unto the Lord ) the people with a shout crying out , the voice of god and not of man , the truth and substance of which Cry is , this is the ordinance of god and not of man , immediately the angel of the Lord smites him , and hee that ever acknowledged himself , to bee a worme , and no man upon the earth , Consumes and eates up all his pomp and glory , even as those , whom you account the Shame and Contempt of the people , shall ( thorow that angell of the Covenant ) waste and bring to nought all those Rhetoricall , ( though earthly ) But upon this colourable title Gorton and his company enter upon the land , and build some houses , and withall much wrong the Indians with their cattle , and having Myantonimo their friend , behave themselves very insolently toward the poor Indians , who ( having no friends or meanes to relieve themselves ) came and tendred themselves and their lands to the government of the Massachusets , who ( by order of the Court ) gave notice thereof to Myantonimo , and appointed him to come or send to the next Court at Boston , to shew his title or interest ( if hee had any ) to the said Pumham and Socono●oco or their lands . keywords: adam; againe; ancient; answer; apostles; appeare; authority; baptisme; bee; better; blasphemous; bloud; booke; boston; brethren; brother; calling; captaine; carriage; cattle; cause; certaine; charge; chiefe; children; christ; christian; church; churches; civill; colonies; comming; commissioners; common; communion; company; complaints; cotton; counsell; country; course; court; covenant; crosse; daily; dangerous; darknesse; day; dayes; death; desire; difference; divers; doctrine; doe; doth; dutch; eares; earth; elders; england; english; evill; exercise; eyes; false; farre; father; feare; finde; fit; force; forth; friends; generall; glory; god; godly; gods; goe; good; gorton; government; governour; great; greater; ground; hand; hath; head; hearts; hee; helpe; herod; high; himselfe; hold; holy; honourable; hope; house; ignorant; image; indians; iohn; island; jesus; judge; jurisdiction; justice; king; kingdome; know; knowne; lands; language; large; late; law; learned; leave; letters; leyden; liberty; life; like; little; lives; long; lord; lusts; magistracy; magistrates; man; manner; massachusets; meane; mee; men; mens; mercy; ministers; myantonimo; nanohiggansets; nature; nay; need; neighbours; new; note; notice; oath; occasion; officers; onely; open; opinions; order; ordinances; ordinary; owne; pag; page; parliament; particular; party; pastor; people; persons; pilate; place; plantations; plimouth; point; poore; power; practise; present; prince; prison; proceedings; professe; professing; protection; providence; publique; pumham; purpose; reader; ready; reason; religion; report; respect; rest; right; righteousnesse; roade; rule; sabbath; sachim; safe; said; saith; salvation; samuel; satisfaction; saying; second; selves; severall; shame; shee; shew; slaine; small; sonne; speake; speeches; spirit; stand; state; subjects; substance; taking; tcp; testimony; text; things; thinke; thought; time; title; true; trust; truth; united; viz; vncus; way; wealth; wee; weekes; whereof; wife; william; wise; witnesses; woman; words; worke; world; worthy; wrong; yea; yee; ● ● cache: A66680.xml plain text: A66680.txt item: #19 of 23 id: A84357 author: Eliot, John, 1604-1690. title: Tears of repentance: or, A further narrative of the progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New-England: setting forth, not only their present state and condition, but sundry confessions of sin by diverse of the said Indians, wrought upon by the saving power of the Gospel; together with the manifestation of their faith and hope in Jesus Christ, and the work of grace upon their hearts. Related by Mr. Eliot and Mr. Mayhew, two faithful laborers in that work of the Lord. Published by the corporation for propagating the Gospel there, for the satisfaction and comfort of such as wish well thereunto. date: 1653.0 words: 27287 flesch: 50 summary: Myoxeo also lately met with an Indian , which came from the Mayn who was of some note among them ; I heard that he told them of the great things of God , and of Christ Jesus , the sinfulness and folly of the Indians , the Pardon of sin by Christ , and of a good life ; and so were they both affected , that they continued this discourse two half nights , and a day , until their strength was spent : He told him in particular , how a Beleever did live above the world , that he did keep worldly things alwaies at his feet ( as he shewed him by a sign ) That when they were deminished , or increased , it was neither the cause of his Sorrow , or joy , that he should stoop to regard them , but he stood upright with his heart Heavenward , and his whol desire was after God , and his joy in him . And although as yet our Eyes have never seen it so , nor our Fathers afore us , many Nations and People having hitherto been overspread , and overwhelmed in Pagan Blindness and Ignorance , having scarce ever heard of Christ , or of His Name ; and many others that in some sort have heard of Him , having no more Grace but to make and maintain Opposition against Him , and against His Kingdom , some more professedly , and others more covertly and under fairer pretence , as in the great Dominions of the Turk , and of the Pope , is apparent ; yet the time is coming , when things shall not thus continue , but be greatly changed and altered , because the Lord hath spoken this Word , and it cannot be that his Word should not take effect : And if the Lord have spoken it , his People have good ground and reason to beleeve it , and to say as the holy Apostle in another case , I beleeve God that it shall be even as it was told me , Act. 27. 25. keywords: alwaies; angry; ashamed; beleeve; better; blessed; break; broken; children; christ; christ hath; church; comfort; commandements; confession; covenant; day; desire; doth; earth; elders; eliot; england; english; evil; eyes; faith; father; fear; followeth; god; god doth; god saith; gods; gods word; good; gospel; grace; great; hand; hath; hearing; heart; heaven; hell; help; holy; hope; house; indians; jesus christ; kingdom; labor; life; like; little; long; lord; love; lust; man; manner; matter; men; mercy; new; pardon; pawwaws; people; place; poor; power; prayer; praying; present; promise; repent; repentance; right; sabbath; said; saints; self; set; sinner; sins; soul; spake; spirit; text; things; thought; time; troubled; true; true god; waies; way; wisdom; word; work; yea; years cache: A84357.xml plain text: A84357.txt item: #20 of 23 id: A85462 author: Gorton, Samuel, 1592 or 3-1677. title: Simplicities defence against seven-headed policy. Or, innocency vindicated, being unjustly accused, and sorely censured by that seven-headed church-government united in New-England: or, that servant so imperious in his masters absence revived, and now thus re-acting in Nevv-England. Or, the combate of the united colonies, not onely against some of the natives and subjects but against the authority also of the kingdom of England, ... Wherein is declared an act of a great people and country of the Indians in those parts, ... in their voluntary submission and subjection unto the protection and government of Old England ... Imprimatur, Aug. 3d. 1646. Diligently perused, approved, and licensed to the presse, according to order by publike authority. date: 1646.0 words: 51665 flesch: 44 summary: But the chief of them taking the matter into consideration ▪ thought good to call an Assembly of Magistrates and Ministers to consult , in way of a Synod , what course to take uniting themselves together that what was done by any of them might be the act of them all : and they perusing of our writings , framed out of them 26 particulars , or there abouts , which they said were blasphemous , changing of phrases , altering of words and sense , not in any one of them taking the true intent of our writings ; but if they spake our own words , it was to such purpose as this ; as though a man would write the words of the Psalme , and affirm ( there is no God ) such words he may find written therein ; but if he leave out this , That the fool hath said in his heart so , he spoils the sense , and in such manner did they deal with our writings , and those things they were free to divulge and make known amongst the people : These things concluded to be heresies and blasphemies before ever they heard a word of what interpretation we could give of our meaning therein : The Ministers did zealously preach unto the people the great danger of such things , and the guilt such lay under that held them , stirring the people up to labour to find such persons out and to execute death upon them , making persons so execrable in the eyes of the people , whom they intimated should hold such things , yea some of them naming some of us in their Pulpits k , that the people that had not seen us thought us to be worse by far in any respect then those barbarous Indians are in the Country , which some of the Ministers have rendred unto the people as Hittites , Cananites , and P●resites , urging it as a duty unto the English to put them to death ; whereupon we heard a rumor that the Massachusets was sending out an Army of men to cut us off : but when they perceived we were removed further into the Countrey , and had left our Lands , Houses , and Labours , where their pretended subjects , by meanes of whom they sought for some temporall occasions against us , lived , they thought it not safe to come out against us , having show of nothing against us , but only our Religion ; therefore seeing themselvs disappointed in that designe , wherein their Coadjutors , had wrought to bring them in , to make an inr●ad upon us , they then wrought by these their Agents , who traded for them with the Indians , to insinuate themselves into two , or three Indians amongst us , to become subjects to the government of the Massachusets , hereby with-drawing them from their lawfull and naturall Prince , Myantonomy ; and the name of these his subjects , who now became subjects to the Massachusets , were Pumhom , and Soccononocco ; and when this was accomplished , then they againe sent forth their warrants unto us , as formerly to command our appearance at their Courts , in the Massachusets , and that without any consideration or delay , at the first time of their sending unto us after our removall , the Court being then siting at Boston in the Massachusets . However we are set apart as a forlorn people in the eyes of , & by the world , yet doubt I not , but our God hath singled us out for other ends and uses , who hath put us into the Isle of P●●mos , or among the nation of the dead , or deadly , ( as the word signifies ) to reveal unto us the great mysteries of his Kingdome , that we may declare unto those that now be h●re , how to have their hope in God , & that it may be told unto our childrens children that noble work that he hath wrought for us in our Lord Christ , who is over all , God blessed for ever Amen . keywords: abraham; account; act; answer; appeare; authority; bay; blood; body; boston; bounds; brother; captain; cast; cause; charge; charter; chiefe; children; christ; church; civill; colonies; comming; commissioners; company; condition; consent; continued; copie; cor; countrey; course; court; creature; crosse; darknesse; day; dayes; death; defence; desire; divers; divine; doctrine; doe; doth; drinke; earth; end; england; english; extant; eyes; face; fall; families; far; farre; father; feare; find; fire; fit; flesh; followeth; forth; free; friends; generall; glory; god; good; gorton; gospel; government; governour; grace; great; ground; hands; hath; heart; heaven; hee; himselfe; hold; holy; honourable; hope; house; ignorant; incarnation; indians; intent; iohn; jesus; john; judge; jurisdiction; justice; king; kingdome; know; knowing; l ●; late; law; lawfull; laws; lay; leave; letter; liberty; life; light; like; little; lives; lord; love; m ●; magistrates; man; manifest; manner; massachusets; master; mat; meaning; men; mens; messenger; mind; ministers; mouth; names; nanhyganset; natives; naturall; nature; nay; neighbours; new; notice; occasion; offer; old; omet; onely; open; order; owne; p ●; parts; people; persons; place; plantations; pleasure; point; possession; power; presence; present; pretended; prince; prison; professed; proper; protection; providence; psal; purpose; question; religion; respect; rest; richard; righteousnesse; robert; rom; sachim; safe; said; saints; saith; salvation; samuel; satisfaction; secret; seed; selves; sentence; serpent; severall; shaw; short; sin; son; sonne; souldiers; speake; speech; spirit; state; strength; subjection; subjects; submission; sufferings; sufficient; taking; tcp; testimony; text; th ●; thee; things; thinking; thought; time; treatise; true; truth; united; unlesse; unto; verbatim; vertue; virgin; warner; warrant; water; way; weaknesse; wee; whereof; wicked; william; wisdom; wise; witnesse; woman; word; works; worship; writing; written; wrong; yea; yee; ▪ ●; ● d; ● e; ● n; ● o; ● s; ● t; ● ● cache: A85462.xml plain text: A85462.txt item: #21 of 23 id: A95250 author: Rawson, Edward, 1615-1693. title: A true relation of the proceedings against certain Quakers, at the generall court of the Massachusets holden at Boston in New-England October. 18. 1659. date: 1660.0 words: 1036 flesch: 54 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A95250 of text R211643 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.23[69]). A true relation of the proceedings against certain Quakers, at the generall court of the Massachusets holden at Boston in New-England October. keywords: a95250; boston; certain; court; england; english; generall; holden; law; massachusets; new; persons; proceedings; quakers; relation; text; thomason; true cache: A95250.xml plain text: A95250.txt item: #22 of 23 id: A96686 author: Gorton, Samuel, 1592 or 3-1677. title: Hypocrisie unmasked: by a true relation of the proceedings of the Governour and company of the Massachusets against Samuel Gorton (and his accomplices) a notorious disturber of the peace and quiet of the severall governments wherein he lived : with the grounds and reasons thereof, examined and allowed by their Generall Court holden at Boston in New-England in November last, 1646. Together with a particular answer to the manifold slanders, and abominable falshoods which are contained in a book written by the said Gorton, and entituled, Simplicities defence against seven-headed policy, &c. Discovering to the view of all whose eyes are open, his manifold blasphemies; as also the dangerous agreement which he and his accomplices made with ambitious and treacherous Indians, who at the same time were deeply engaged in a desperate conspiracy to cut off all the rest of the English in the other plantations. VVhereunto is added a briefe narration (occasioned by certain aspersions) of the true grounds or cause of the first planting of New-England; the president of their churches in the way and worship of God; their communion with the Reformed Churches; and their practise towards those that dissent from them in matters of religion and Church-government. / By Edw. Winslow. Published by authority. date: None words: 47235 flesch: 43 summary: so the lesse of this Image by man was the death of Christ , and therefore 't is no wonder if they deny Christ to dye actually onely when crucified under Pontius Pilate because man sinned actually ( which they make to be Christs death ) long before ; meane while the reader may take notice with a holy astonishment and horrour of the heavy curse of God in blinding these bold men with such a palpable and grosse spirit of delusion and mad phrensies , who will make mans sinne and fall , which is the cause of perdition of men , to be the cause of the Salvation of man , for so Christs death is which they blasphemously make mans sinne to bee . But wee profess right held , according to no such interest , but upon the ground of Covenant onely , knowne in its nature ; In the parties 'twixt whom it is plight , In the possesser , and the possessed , with the nature of all fruit arising from their accord and concurrencie , together with their Distinct , Harmonicall , Reciprocall , and Joint properties , and operations of them both : Such is the tenure wee hould , and maintain , before men and Angels , and oppose it against man and Divell , Not in taking up unto our selves , certaine offices and officers which wee can teach children to bee , and to perform , and from thence presently to conclude , the possession of the Kingdome , Crying out our peace offerings are upon us , this Day we have payd our vowes . keywords: adam; againe; agreement; ancient; answer; apostles; appeare; authority; baptisme; beare; bee; better; blasphemies; bloud; book; boston; brethren; brother; calling; captaine; carriage; cattle; cause; certaine; charge; chiefe; children; christ; christian; church; churches; civill; colonies; comming; commissioners; common; communion; company; complaints; condition; copy; cotton; country; course; court; covenant; daily; darknesse; day; dayes; death; defence; desire; divers; doctrine; doe; doth; dutch; eares; earth; elders; end; england; english; evill; exercise; eyes; false; farre; finde; fit; following; force; forth; friends; generall; glory; god; godly; gods; goe; good; gorton; government; governour; great; greater; grosse; ground; hand; hath; hearts; heaven; hee; herod; high; himselfe; hold; holden; holy; honourable; honoured; hope; house; ignorant; image; indians; island; jesus; john; judge; jurisdiction; justice; kingdome; know; knowne; lands; language; large; late; law; leave; letters; leyden; liberty; life; like; little; lives; long; lord; lusts; magistrates; man; manifold; manner; massachusets; meanes; mee; men; mens; mercy; ministers; myantonimo; nanohiggansets; nation; nature; nay; neighbours; new; note; notice; oath; occasion; officers; onely; open; order; ordinances; ordinary; owne; pag; page; particular; party; pastor; people; persons; place; plantations; plimouth; point; policy; poore; power; practise; present; prince; prison; proceedings; professe; professing; protection; providence; publique; pumham; purpose; quiet; reader; ready; reason; relation; religion; report; request; rest; right; righteousnesse; roade; rule; sachim; said; saints; saith; samuel; satisfaction; saying; second; selves; severall; shame; shee; shew; slaine; small; speake; speeches; spirit; stand; state; subjects; substance; taking; tcp; testimony; text; things; thinke; thou; thought; time; title; true; trust; truth; united; viz; vncus; way; wealth; wee; weekes; whereof; williams; wise; witnesse; words; worke; world; worthy; wrong; yea; yee; ● ● cache: A96686.xml plain text: A96686.txt item: #23 of 23 id: A96687 author: Winslow, Edward, 1595-1655. title: New-Englands salamander, discovered by an irreligious and scornefull pamphlet, called New-Englands Jonas cast up at London, &c. Owned by Major Iohn Childe, but not probable to be written by him. Or, A satisfactory answer to many aspersions cast upon New-England therein. Wherein our government there is shewed to bee legall and not arbitrary, being as neere the law of England as our condition will permit. Together with a briefe reply to what is written in answer to certaine passages in a late booke called Hypocrisie unmasked. / By Edw. Winslow. date: 1647.0 words: 12930 flesch: 43 summary: And then hee addeth , ( ●ee should ●●●● said C●●●n●●t , which is his sense ) and that the sixth person is not of the Church , meaning , amongst them , And this , saith hee , wee have but his word for , and makes is a falshood in me : A fourth false report you terme , is , Their Petition brought from thence to bee presented to the Parliament ( which they had named Jones ) in a ship called the Supply ; being in a storme neere Silly , out of horrour of conscience the petition was torne and throwne over board : and that then the storme immediatly ceased , and they ●ir●●●lously saved . keywords: answer; arbitrary; bee; beleeve; best; booke; brethren; captaine; case; certaine; charge; childe; church; churches; common; communion; company; condition; countrey; court; day; divers; doctor; doe; england; english; false; farre; foxes; freemen; god; godly; gods; goe; good; government; governour; great; hath; head; hee; himselfe; hypocrisie; jesus; john; jonas; knowne; late; lawes; leave; lesse; letters; like; little; london; long; lord; major; massachusets; mee; mercy; neere; new; notice; occasion; onely; owne; parliament; particular; passages; people; persons; petition; place; practise; presbyterian; present; reader; relation; remonstrance; reply; respect; rest; said; saith; salamander; sea; second; shewed; ship; state; text; thing; thousands; time; way; wee; winslow; word; ● ● cache: A96687.xml plain text: A96687.txt