item: #1 of 51 id: A01537 author: Gataker, Thomas, 1574-1654. title: Iacobs thankfulnesse to God, for Gods goodnesse to Iacob A meditation on Genesis 32. 10. VVherein by the way also the popish doctrine of mans merite is discussed. By Thomas Gataker, B. of D. and pastor of Rotherhith. date: 1624.0 words: 42713 flesch: 84 summary: Vi●am rep●s●●nti 〈…〉 fidei red●●turus exulto . r In co quod ●ec . opera dicitur , i●sa operum qualitas intelligitur , ut cujus apparuerint bona opera , ejus sit & retributio gloriosa , Ib. s 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 rectè vertitur , secundum meritū , vel pro merito & dignitate operū Quid est enim reddere sec. opera , nisi reddere sicut opera mer●tur ? Bel. de j●s●ific . keywords: againe; apostle; apud; aug; augustine; aut; bee; bellar; bellarmine; bern; bernard; cap; chrysost; cum; d ●; debt; dei; deo; deum; deus; doe; doth; enim; epist; esai; esse; est; eternall; etiam; god; gods; good; goodnesse; grace; gratia; greg; hand; hath; hee; himselfe; hoc; hom; iacob; ibid; idem; iob; ita; justice; justitia; l. 1; l. 2; lib; life; lord; luk; man; mans; matth; mee; men; mercie; mercy; merit; meritis; meritum; misericordia; naz; nec; nisi; non; nostra; ought; owne; p ●; potest; prayer; pro; propter; psal; qu ●; quae; quam; qui; quia; quid; quod; reason; regard; righteousnesse; rom; s ●; saith; saith hee; sed; sen; sic; sum; sunt; temp; thee; things; thou; thy; tim; trust; truth; vel; vse; way; wee; word; workes; worth; yea; ● b; ● e; ● m; ● n; ● o; ● r; ● t; ● ● cache: A01537.xml plain text: A01537.txt item: #2 of 51 id: A01648 author: Gerhard, Johann, 1582-1637. title: Gerards prayers; or, a daylie practice of pietie: divided into foure parts. 1 of Confession of sinnes. 2 of Thanksgiving, for benefits. 3 of Petitions for our selues 4 of Supplicatio[n]s for our neighbours. Written (originally) in the Latine tongue, by Iohn Gerard; Doctor in Divinitie, and Superintendent of Heldeburg. Translated and revised by Ralph Winterton, Fellow of Kinges Colledge in Cambridge. Wherevnto is added a morning and euening prayer, for a familie date: 1638.0 words: 21138 flesch: 75 summary: Throgh him , & for him , thy Sonne , haue mercie on mee , O thou most highest : and set not in the light of thy countenance that hidden corruption that cleaveth to my nature ; but looke vpon thy beloved Sonne , my Mediatour , and let his most holie and immaculate conception succour my miserie ▪ Amen . PRAYER II. Quicken mee , guide mee , and saue mee , thou which art my Life , my Way , and my Salvation , for ever and ever , Amen . keywords: bee; christ; doe; god; good; grace; hast; haue; heart; holie; light; loue; lyfe; mee; mercie; prayer; selfe; sinnes; sonne; soule; spirit; thee; thou; thy; vnto; vnto mee; vpon; wee; word; ● ● cache: A01648.xml plain text: A01648.txt item: #3 of 51 id: A02513 author: Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656. title: The arte of diuine meditation profitable for all Christians to knowe and practise; exemplified with a large meditation of eternall life. By Ioseph Hall. date: 1606.0 words: 15944 flesch: 66 summary: There is a life of nature , whē thou , my soule , dwellest in this body , and informest thine earthly burden : There is a life of grace , when the spirit of God dwels in thee ; There is a life of glory , whē thy body being vnited to thee , both shall bee vnited to God ; or when , in the meane time , being separated from thy companiō , thou enioyest God alone : Oh thou that layedst clay vpon the blind mans eyes , take away this clay from mine eyes , wherewith alas they are so dawbed vp , that they cannot see heauen : Illuminate thē from aboue , and in thy light let me see light . keywords: aboue; bee; cap; chap; earth; glory; god; good; hath; haue; heart; heauen; life; man; matter; meditation; place; selfe; soule; thee; thine; things; thou; thy; time; vpon; wee cache: A02513.xml plain text: A02513.txt item: #4 of 51 id: A02553 author: Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656. title: Meditations and vowes, diuine and morall. Seruing for direction in Christian and ciuill practise. Deuided into two bookes. By Ios. Hall. date: 1605.0 words: 20339 flesch: 58 summary: 10 Some promise what they cannot doo , as Sathan to Christ ; some , what they could , but meane not to doo , as the Sonnes of Iacob to the Shechemites : some , what they meant for the time , and after retrayt , as Laban to Iacob ; some , what they doo also giue , but vnwillingly , as H●rod ; some , what they willingly giue , and after repent them , as Ioshu● to the Gibeonites . Why I haue dedi●ated thē to your name , cannot be strange to any , that knows you , my Patron ; and me , your Pastor : the regard of which bond , easily drew mee on to consider , that whereas my body , which was euer weake , began of ●ate to languish more ; it would be not in-expedient ( at the worst ) to leaue behind me this little ●onument of that great respect , which I ( deseruedly ) beare you : And i● it shall please GOD to reprieue me , vntill a longer day ; yet●●t shall not repent me , to haue sent this vnwoorthie scrowle , to wayte vppon you , in your necessarie absences ; neither shall it be ( I hope ) bootlesse for you , to adioyne these my meane speculations , vnto those grounds of vertue , you haue so happily laid : to which , if they shall add but one scruple , it shall be to me sufficient ioy , contentment , recompence . keywords: bee; body; christian; death; doo; doth; earth; euer; god; good; hath; haue; heauen; hee; himselfe; lesse; life; liue; man; mee; men; ouer; owne; selfe; soule; thē; things; vpon; wee; wil; world; ● ● cache: A02553.xml plain text: A02553.txt item: #5 of 51 id: A03092 author: Hearne, Richard. title: Ros cœli. Or, A miscellany of ejaculations, divine, morall, &c. Being an extract out of divers worthy authors, antient and moderne. Which may enrich the mean capacity, and adde somewhat to the most knowing iudgement. date: 1640.0 words: 38561 flesch: 68 summary: WIth a generall swallow death still gapes upon the generall world : It is a sleepe eternall ; the bodies dissolution , the rich mans feare , the poore mans wish , an event inevitable , an uncertaine journey , a theefe that steales away Man : HOpe is both a flatterer and a true friend ; it is the miserable mans god , which in the hardest gripe of calamity never failes to yeeld him beames of comfort : It is the presumptuous mans devill , which leads him a while in a smooth way , and then makes him breake his neck on the sudden , Hope is to Man , as a bladder to a learning swimmer , it keeps him from sinking in the bosome of the Waves , and by that help he may attaine the exercise . keywords: bee; christ; comfort; conscience; death; doe; doth; evill; faith; feare; god; gods; good; grace; hath; heart; heaven; hee; himselfe; honour; know; lesse; life; love; man; mans; men; minde; nature; owne; selves; sin; sinne; soule; spirit; things; thy; time; true; use; vertue; want; way; wee; world cache: A03092.xml plain text: A03092.txt item: #6 of 51 id: A06475 author: Lupton, Donald, d. 1676. title: Obiectorum reductio: or, Daily imployment for the soule In occasional meditations upon severall subjects. By Donald Lupton. date: 1634.0 words: 17094 flesch: 82 summary: I doe ●eseech thee ( O Go● ) to ●ake me a subiect of this na●ure , and a Bee in this Hive . Go● can , and doth bring great A●●tions to passe by small , an● weake Instruments . keywords: bee; body; christ; church; day; doe; doth; faire; feare; god; gods; good; grace; hath; heart; hee; life; lord; man; meditation; mee; men; nature; o ●; owne; selfe; sight; sinne; soule; spirituall; tcp; text; thee; thou; thy; vpon; way; world; ● ● cache: A06475.xml plain text: A06475.txt item: #7 of 51 id: A06534 author: Binet, Etienne, 1569-1639. aut title: The devout hart or Royal throne of the pacifical Salomon. Composed by F. St. Luzuic S.I. Translated out of Latin into English. Enlarged with incentiue by F. St. Binet of the same S. and now enriched with hymnes by a new hand date: 1634.0 words: 37935 flesch: 76 summary: With thee I le soone get al by hart . 1. HOw often hath IESVS , to enter into the Tower of thy hart , assayled it with armes , to wit , with the engines of loue ; that to the Angels thou mighst I be a Paradise , to him a Heauen ; if thou let him in . keywords: againe; al things; al thy; angels; behold; bloud; crosse; delights; diuine; doe; earth; euen; euer; eyes; fire; flames; forth; god; goe; good; great; hand; hart; hath; haue; heauen; iesvs; life; light; litle; long; lord; loue; meditation; mind; place; point; psal; rest; self; shal; soule; spouse; thee; themselues; thine; things; thou; thy; vpon; wel; wil; world; ● ● cache: A06534.xml plain text: A06534.txt item: #8 of 51 id: A07678 author: Norden, John, 1548-1625? title: A godlie mans guide to happinesse A manuell of necessary motiues, holy meditations, and godly prayers, to stirre vp the hearts of men vnapt to pray. To the great comfort of all, that with due and holy attention will practise this most godly and Christian dutie. Written for his owne, and published for the comfort of them that long for trv[e] happinesse. by I.N. date: 1624.0 words: 30698 flesch: 51 summary: Let Pharoh pursue Gods children , with purpose to consume them , let them but call vpon God , let them bee faithfull , and they shall see the saluation of God , the confusion of their enemies , by the immediate hand of God , without the helpe or hand of man. When she shall perfectly enioy those things , which eye hath not seen , nor the eare heard , nor euer entred into the heart of man to co●ceiue , which God hath prepared , for them that loue him . keywords: bee; children; christ; desire; doe; enemies; euer; faith; father; feare; god; gods; good; happinesse; hast; hath; haue; heart; holy; life; lord; man; mee; men; owne; power; prayer; selfe; spirit; thee; thine; things; thou; thy; vnto; vpon; wee cache: A07678.xml plain text: A07678.txt item: #9 of 51 id: A08813 author: Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 91-1153, attributed name. title: Saint Bernards vision. Or, A briefe discourse (dialogue-wise) betweene the soule and the body of a damned man newly deceased laying open the faults of each other: With a speech of the divels in hell. To the tune of, Fortune my foe. date: 1640.0 words: 1934 flesch: 84 summary: The Soule answereth . MOst wretched Flesh , which in thy time of life Wast foolish , idle , vaine , and full of strife ; Though of my substance thou didst speake to me , I doe confesse I should have bridled thée . Body and soul in literature -- Poetry -- Early works to 1800. keywords: body; soule; text; thou; thy; thée cache: A08813.xml plain text: A08813.txt item: #10 of 51 id: A10251 author: Quarles, Francis, 1592-1644. title: Diuine fancies digested into epigrammes, meditations, and observations / by Fra. Quarles. date: 1633.0 words: 40349 flesch: 82 summary: ●thing , if compar'd with Thee ; If lesse and worse then Nothing , tell me than , Where is that S●mthing , thou so boasts , proud Man ? 16. Madam , May your Honors increase with your howers , and let eternall Glory crowne your U●rtues ; that when this Age shall sleepe in Dust , our Children , yet unborne , may honour your glorious Memory , under the happinesse of his Government , whose Governesse you are ; which shall be daily the Subject of his Prayers , who is The sworne-Servant of your Ladiships Perfections , FRA : QVARLES . keywords: art; bin; blood; common; crowne; day; dayes; death; doe; dye; earth; eye; eyes; faire; faith; fall; feare; flesh; glory; god; gods; goe; gold; good; grace; hand; hath; heart; heav'n; keepe; land; lesse; life; light; like; lord; love; man; mans; men; nature; nay; new; oft; owne; peace; reason; rest; saviour; selfe; sin; sins; soule; sun; thee; thine; things; thou; thoughts; thy; time; world; ● t; ● ● cache: A10251.xml plain text: A10251.txt item: #11 of 51 id: A11063 author: Ross, Alexander, 1591-1654. title: Three decads of diuine meditations VVhereof each one containeth three parts. 1 A history. 2 An allegory. 3 A prayer. With a commendation of the priuate countrey life. By Alexander Rosse his Maiesties chaplaine in ordinarie. date: 1630.0 words: 7768 flesch: 90 summary: The ●lesh and spirit are concei●'d in me , Though th●y be ●wins yet they cannot agree . God s●nt his onely Sonne , of his meere loue , Out of the Arke of Heauen ; this is the Doue That brought the oliue branch , the si●ne of Peace And caus'd the waters of Gods wrath to cease . keywords: christ; church; death; fire; god; good; heauen; life; lord; man; shee; soule; sweet; tcp; text; thee; thou; thy; vpon cache: A11063.xml plain text: A11063.txt item: #12 of 51 id: A13542 author: Taylor, Thomas, 1576-1632. title: A man in Christ, or A new creature To which is added a treatise, containing meditations from the creatures. By Thomas Taylor, Dr. in Diuinity. date: 1629.0 words: 35359 flesch: 78 summary: The late refiners of Palegianisme and Popery , followers of Arminius , lest they should lose all nature ; hold the doctrine of free-will in man to his own conversion ; and say , that possitis omnibus operationibus quibus ad conversionem in nobis operandam utitur Deus : manet tamen ipsa conversio ità in nostra potestate , ut possumus non converti ; that is , Grant all the operations which God useth to worke conversion in us : yet conversion so abideth in our owne power , that we may be not converted ; and perpetually put a resistability in mans will to frustrate Gods worke of conversion . Which rightly and plainly in few words to conceive . Secondly , if mans corrupt will can hinder the efficacy of Gods Grace where hee will please to bestow it , then the corrupt and finite will of man is of more power than the omnipotent power of God , which hee alwaies putteth forth in the worke of mans conversion , Ephes. keywords: bee; christ; creation; creature; darkenesse; doe; doth; earth; god; gods; good; grace; hath; heart; heaven; hee; himselfe; life; light; lord; man; men; nature; new; old; power; selfe; spirit; sunne; thee; things; thou; thy; wee; word; worke cache: A13542.xml plain text: A13542.txt item: #13 of 51 id: A13694 author: Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 91-1153. Epistola de perfectione vitae. English. title: The follovving of Christ Diuided into foure bookes. Written in Latin by the learned and deuout man, Thomas a Kempis, canon-regular of the order of S. Augustine. Whereunto also is added the golden Epistle of S. Bernard. And also certaine rules of a Christian life, made by Iohn Picus the elder, Earle of Mirandula. Translated into English by B.F. date: 1615.0 words: 69623 flesch: 80 summary: 3 What will it auaile thee to dispute profoundly of the Trinitie , if thou be void of humility , and thereby displeasing to the Trinitie ? High words surely , make a man neither holy nor just ; but a vertuous life maketh him deare to God. 3 Esteeme not thy selfe better then others , lest perhaps in the sight of God , who knoweth what is in man , thou be accounted worse then they . keywords: aboue; bee; chap; christ; comfort; desire; doe; doth; euerlasting; euery; giue; glory; god; good; grace; great; hast; hath; haue; heart; heauen; himselfe; holy; iesus; life; little; lord; lord god; loue; man; mee; men; owne; pag; peace; selfe; soule; suffer; thee; things; thou; thou art; thou bee; thy; thy selfe; time; vnto; vnto god; vpon; wilt; world cache: A13694.xml plain text: A13694.txt item: #14 of 51 id: A13699 author: Page, William, 1590-1663. title: The imitation of Christ divided into four books / written in Latin by Thomas à Kempis ; and the translations of it corrected & amended by W.P. date: 1639.0 words: 73621 flesch: 73 summary: 23 O if thou didst but consider what peace thou should'st reape unto thy selfe , and joy unto others by behaveing thy selfe well , I suppose thou wouldst be more carefull of thy proficiency towards God , and fearefull to give any offence unto man. CHAP. MIserable thou art wheresoever thou be , or whithersoever thou turnest , unlesse thou turne thy selfe un to God. keywords: alwaies; body; chap; christ; comfort; day; desire; doe; doth; everlasting; glory; god; good; grace; hast; hath; heart; heaven; heavenly; himselfe; holy; humble; iesus; let; life; litle; lord; lord god; love; man; men; mind; owne; peace; selfe; soule; spirit; thee; thine; things; thou; thou art; thou canst; thy; thy selfe; time; wilt; words; world; ● ● cache: A13699.xml plain text: A13699.txt item: #15 of 51 id: A14004 author: Tuke, Thomas, d. 1657. title: The practise of the faithfull containing many godly praiers both of morning and euening and other necessarie occasions. Whereunto are added diuers profitable and comfortable meditations necessarie to be remembered and practised of euery Christian. date: 1613.0 words: 28531 flesch: 63 summary: OEternall God & gracious Father , who in thy eternall counsell , and inestimable wisedome , hast ordained Kings & Princes to be as Fathers & Nurses to thy church , and as thou hast giuen them high soueraignty , and speciall authority , so thou hast communicated vnto them thine own names and titles , both to put them in continuall remembrance that they are for thée , & for thy glory , and also vs thy subiects of that same continuall loue & obedience which we owe vnto thy Maiestie , that vnder them we may be godly and peaceably gouerned : & seeing y ● by thée Kings raigne , and thy soueraigne authority reacheth ouer all , wee beséech thée good Lord , shew thy mercy vpon al christian Kings & Princes , calling on thy name : especially wee pray thée multiply thy graces vpon thy seruant & our dread soueraigne , Iames by thy prouidence , King of great Britaine , France & Ireland , defender of the faith . O Heauenly father from whom all good gifts come , I pray thée in thy mercy through Christ Iesus my sauiour to grant me thy gratious gift of a sound iustifying faith which I neither haue nor can haue by nature , that I may beleeue in thee O God only , the father Almightie , maker of heauen and earth , and also in Iesus Christ thy only sonne and our Lord , which was conceiued by the holy Ghost , bo●ne of the Virgine Marie , suffered vnder Pontius Pilate , was crucified dead and buried , that descended into hell , and rose againe the third day , and ascended into heauen , and there si●te●h at the right hand of thee ( O God ) father Almightie , from whence hee shall come to iudge vs all both quick and dead : & that I may b● le●●e in the holy Ghost , and that there is a Catholick church a Communion of Saints , the forgiuenes of sins , and the resurrection of the body , and life euerlasting , that so I may be truely perswaded of thy fatherly prouidence ouer me , & what Christ hath done , that is for my deliuerance , & the holy ghost to be my comfort & assistance , being a member of the church , and making me effectually partaker of all the priuileges thereof to my endlesse ioy & happines , which O father giue vnto me I beséech thée for Christs sake . keywords: bee; christ; day; death; father; giue; god; good; grace; grant; hath; haue; heart; holy; iesus; life; lord; man; o lord; owne; pray; prayer; selfe; sinnes; thee; thou; thy; thée; vnto; vpon; wee; word; ● ● cache: A14004.xml plain text: A14004.txt item: #16 of 51 id: A14795 author: Warwick, Arthur, 1604?-1633. title: Spare-minutes: or resolved meditations and premeditated resolutions. Written by A.W. date: 1634.0 words: 15029 flesch: 75 summary: THere are a sort of men which are kind men to mee , when they expect some kindnesse from mee : who have their hands downe to the ground in their salutations , when the ground of their salutations is to have a hand at me , in some commodity . yet since as a tenant my soule must answer her Landlord for reparations of the house she dwels in , and I have no warrant of GOD or man for such revenge , I will not kill my owne soule to kill an other mans body . keywords: bee; body; doe; earth; evill; friend; glory; god; good; hath; heart; heaven; hee; home; life; love; man; mee; men; nature; owne; reason; selfe; time; want; way cache: A14795.xml plain text: A14795.txt item: #17 of 51 id: A17408 author: Byfield, Nicholas, 1579-1622. title: The promises: or, A treatise shewing how a godly Christian may support his heart with comfort against all the distresses which by reason of any afflictions or temptations can befall him in this life. Containing al the most comfortable places through the whole Bible, orderly digested. By N. Bifield preacher of Gods Word at Isleworth in Middlesex. date: 1619.0 words: 20996 flesch: 85 summary: Secondly , it is an eternall loue , and vnchangeable , God will neuer bee weary of louing him , Ierem. 31. 3. His louing kindnesse is better then life ; for it lasts vnto all eternity , without alteration : The fauour of man in this world is mutable ; Kings may extremely loath , whom they yer-while loued with their intirest affection ; but in God there is no shadow of changing , hee loues with an euerlasting loue . He shall pray vnto God , and hee will be fauourable vnto him , and hee shall see his face with ioy ; for he will render vnto man his righteousnesse . keywords: bee; christ; comfort; god; godly; gods; hath; haue; hee; lord; men; promises; psal; thee; things; thou; thy; vnto; vpon; wee cache: A17408.xml plain text: A17408.txt item: #18 of 51 id: A19502 author: Cowper, William, 1568-1619. title: A most comfortable and Christian dialogue, betweene the Lord, and the soule. By Mr. William Covvper, minister of Gods word date: 1617.0 words: 7149 flesch: 68 summary: Call to minde my workes of old , and what I haue done to thee since thou canst remember : how cared I for thee in thy young and tender yeeres ? Looke backe now & see ; did not the Angel of my presence leade thee , whē thou haddest neither wisedome nor strength to gouerne thy selfe ? did I not then begin to acquaint thee with the knowledge & feare of my Name ? canst thou denie now , that my mercy preserued thee from many sins , whereunto thy nature was prone , and ready to haue declined ? and when thou sinnedst , with what long patience haue I wayted thy turning ? & how louingly haue I winked at thy transgressions ? & when I had giuen thee grace to repent of thy sins , and to seeke my fauour & mercy for the sins of thy youth , with a melting heart , & a mourning eie , canst thou denie that I haue filled thy heart with my ioyes , and made thy toung burst out in glorying speeches ? and why thē wilt thou not trust in my mercies to the end ? dost thou well to bee angry with my chastisements ? and why art thou offended , that I should make thee like to my selfe , causing thee to walke in that way of inward & outward griefes , which I did tread before thee ? why refusest thou to take vp my crosse and follow me , and to taste of that cup which I dranke before thee , and for thee ? keywords: art; comfort; god; haue; lord; mee; mercy; selfe; soule; thee; thou; thy; vnto cache: A19502.xml plain text: A19502.txt item: #19 of 51 id: A19506 author: Cowper, William, 1568-1619. title: Three heavenly treatises, concerning Christ [brace] 1. His genealogie, 2. His baptisme, 3. His combat with Sathan : together vvith deuout meditations, for Christian consolation and instruction / by Mr. William Cowper ... date: 1612.0 words: 49823 flesch: 70 summary: A marueilous dispensation , that man made by God , should become a father to Christ , who being very GOD , would also be made the sonne of man , that by him men might be made the sonnes of GOD. But vnder the GOSPELL , in a more fauourable manner the Lord shews himselfe familiar with men , for not onely doe his holy Angels ioyne in company with shepheards , but himselfe becomes the sonne of man , walking among men , to mak men the sonnes of God. keywords: adam; againe; baptisme; children; christ; comfort; dauid; doe; doth; earth; euery; father; giue; glory; god; good; gospell; grace; hath; haue; heauen; hee; himselfe; holy; iesus; life; like; lord; loue; man; manner; men; nature; neuer; owne; place; power; prayer; saint; sathan; sinnes; sonne; spirit; temptations; thee; themselues; things; thou; thy; time; vnto; vpon; way; wee; word; worke cache: A19506.xml plain text: A19506.txt item: #20 of 51 id: A20631 author: Donne, John, 1572-1631. title: Devotions vpon emergent occasions and seuerall steps in my sicknes digested into I. Meditations vpon our humane condition, 2. Expostulations, and debatements with God, 3. Prayers, vpon the seuerall occasions, to Him / by Iohn Donne ... date: 1624.0 words: 53316 flesch: 65 summary: I know that the Son of righteous●nes , thy Son , refused no● nay affected solitariness● lonenesse , many , man● times ; but at all time● he was able to cōman● more then twelue legions 〈◊〉 Angels to his seruice ; an● when he did not so , 〈◊〉 was farre from being ●●lone ; for , I am not alon● saies he , but I , and the F●●ther that sent me . Inexplicable mistery ; I their Creator am in a close prison , in a sicke bed , any where , and any one of my Creatures , m● thoughts , is with t●● Sunne , and beyond t●● Sunne , ouertakes t●● Sunne , and ouergoes t●● Sunne in one pace , o● steppe , euery wher●● And then as the oth●● world produces Serpen● and Vipers , malignan● & venimous creature● and Wormes , and Cate●●pillars , that endeauo●● to deuoure that worl● which produces the● and Monsters compile● and complicated of d●●uers parents , & kinds , keywords: b ●; bed; bee; body; bu ●; day; death; die; doe; earth; euen; euery; feare; god; good; great; hand; hast; hath; haue; heart; himselfe; life; m ●; ma ●; man ●; mee; men; mo ●; nature; o ●; owne; p ●; place; selfe; selues; sinne; soule; spirit; t ●; th ●; tha ●; thee; thine; tho ●; thou haue; thou o; thy; voice; vpon; w ●; way; wee; wh ●; whe ●; wi ●; world; ● d; ● e; ● ed; ● f; ● hat; ● hee; ● hou; ● hy; ● ing; ● lord; ● nd; ● s; ● ther; ● thou; ● y; ● ● cache: A20631.xml plain text: A20631.txt item: #21 of 51 id: A23765 author: Allestree, Richard, 1619-1681. title: Scala sancta: or The exaltation of the soul. Being a train of pious thoughts, compleating the whole duty of man: or, Devotions compiled by R.A. Gent. in his solitudes. date: 1678.0 words: 58296 flesch: 62 summary: O cleanse thou me from my secret sins , keep thy Servant also from presumptuous sins , lest they get the Dominion over me , so shall I be undefiled and innocent from the great offence ; save Lord , and hear me , O King of Heaven when I call upon thee ; the Lord is my Shepherd , therefore shall I lack nothing , but be not thou far from me ; O Lord thou art my succour , haste thee to help me ; unto thee , O Lord , will I lift up my Soul ; my God , I have put my trust in thee , let me not be confounded , neither let mine enemies triumph over me ; shew me thy ways , O Lord , and teach me thy paths : lead me forth in thy Truth , and learn me , for thou art the God of my Salvation , in thee hath been my hope all the day long : call to remembrance , O Lord , thy tender mercy , and thy loving kindness which hath been ever of old : O remember not the sins and offences of my youth , but according to thy mercy think upon me , O Lord , for thy goodness , for thy Name sake ; O Lord , be merciful to my sin , for it is great ; turn thee unto me , and have mercy upon me , for I am desolate and in misery , the sorrows of my heart is enlarged : O bring thou me out of my trouble ; look upon my adversity and misery , and forgive me all my sins ; consider mine enemies how many they are that bear a tyrannous heart against me ; O keep my Soul and deliver me ; let me not be surrounded , for I have put my trust in thee ; let perfect and righteous dealing wait upon me , for my hope hath been in thee ; deliver Israel , O God , out of all his troubles ; be thou my Judge , O Lord , for I have walked innocently ; my trust hath been also in the Lord , therefore shall I not fall ; examine me , O Lord , and prove me : try out my Reins and Heart , for thy loving kindness is always before mine eyes ; and I will walk in thy Truth : thou hast charged that we should diligently keep thy Commandements ; wherewithal shall a young Man cleanse his way , even by ruling himself after thy word ; teach me , O Lord , the way of thy Statutes , and I shall keep it unto the end ; O give me understanding , and I shall keep thy Law ; yea , I shall keep it with my whole heart ; O turn away my eyes , lest they behold vanities , and quicken thou me in thy way ; O establish thy word in thy Servant , that I may fear thee ; O think upon thy Servant as concerning thy word , wherein thou hast caused me to put my trust ; the same is my comfort in my trouble ; for thy word hath quickned me : O Lord thou hast dealt graciously according to thy word ; before I was troubled I went wrong ; but now I have kept thy word , thou art good and gracious ; O teach me thy Statutes : O let my heart be sound in thy Statutes that I be not ashamed ; quicken me after thy loving kindness , and so shall I keep the Testimonies of thy mouth : keywords: christ; day; father; good; grace; grant; hast; hath; heart; holy; life; lord god; lord jesus; mercy; o god; o lord; praise; prayer; self; sins; soul; spirit; thee; thee o; thine; things; thou; thou lord; thou o; thy cache: A23765.xml plain text: A23765.txt item: #22 of 51 id: A23773 author: Allestree, Richard, 1619-1681. title: The whole duty of divine meditation described in all its various parts and branches : with meditations on several places of scripture / by the author of The whole duty of man. date: 1694.0 words: 32440 flesch: 66 summary: Shew Obedience to thy Superiours , give Counsel and Aid to thy Equals , and Defend and Instruct thy Inferiours : Subdue thy Body to thy Mind , and thy Mind to the Will of God : Heartily bewail thy past Evils , and set not thy Affections on Temporal Enjoyments , but fix them on that which is Eternal : Mourn for Sins , upon remembrance of them ; and often remember Death , that thou may'st cease from Sin : Let the Justice of the Almighty keep thee in Fear , and his Mercy preserve thee from Despair . INFORM me now , thou that art so indulgent to the World , and hunts for Paradise in a Park of Sins ; thou that makest Terrestrial things thy Treasure , and foldest up the Riches of thy Hopes in the Bosom of Old Time , or the Compass of a Span ; when those lucid and swift Guides of Life , thine Eyes , shall wax dim with Age , or tired with Pain ; when every Member shall become Sorrow's Object , and those Parts which were so employ'd in the Operation of Sin , shall become Instruments of Despair ; when that delectable Frame , that magnificent Darling Edifice , thy Body , shall , by its shivering Qualms , and trembling Convulsions , consternate its disconsolate Owner ; how will the Fulgurations of a Future Justice , and the Terrours of thy Ultimate End , confound thee ! V. CAN those transitory Enjoyments that allured away thy Immortal Part , restore it in convenient time ? keywords: affections; almighty; christ; day; death; divine; duty; faith; glory; god; good; great; hath; heart; heaven; holy; life; lord; love; man; meditation; page; self; sin; sins; soul; spirit; thee; things; thou; thy; time; world cache: A23773.xml plain text: A23773.txt item: #23 of 51 id: A26920 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The duty of heavenly meditation reviewed by Richard Baxter at the invitation of Mr. Giles Firmin's exceptions in his book entituled, The real Christian. date: 1671.0 words: 8646 flesch: 66 summary: [ But when I come to impose duties , as Meditation , &c. upon Christians to be performed by them in such a manner , and for such a time , and their soundness or unsoundness , seriousness or sleightness is determined according to their performance according to that manner which I set down , surely I had need bring clear Scripture proof . 4. I am glad that you are for keeping close to that rule of Truth and duty , and against making a Religion , or any part of it to our selves . keywords: duty; god; heaven; meditation; men; preaching; scripture; text; thoughts; time cache: A26920.xml plain text: A26920.txt item: #24 of 51 id: A27456 author: Berkeley, George Berkeley, Earl of, 1628-1698. title: Historical applications and occasional meditations upon several subjects written by a person of honour. date: None words: 11197 flesch: 60 summary: The Reason is very obvious : We place too much trust in secondarie Causes , and in the son of man , whose breath is in his nostrils ; but in the beginning of every enterprise neglect to implore the Divine assistance , and wholly to rely upon his Wisdome , with an humble and dutifull acquiescence in his will , whether he shall please to blast our purposes , or to prosper the action , God knowing what is better for us then we do for our selves : If so , we are sure our Designs and endeavours will be successfull , or we shall have as much reason to be satisfied as if they were , being free from all repining , murmuring thoughts , because we submit to his Providence who is the sole disposer of all persons , actions and times , which is the happy priviledge as well as duty of a Christian. III. Thus with Art and cunning we may deceive birds , beasts , and men , nay our selves ; but we cannot deceive God. Let us therefore so behave our selves in our words , gestures ; thoughts , actions , as considering we are alwaies in God's presence , to whom we must be accountable at our Death and at the day of Judgment ; and therefore let us not dare to commit sin , unlesse we can conceal our actions from his all-seeing Eye . keywords: actions; day; doe; friends; god; good; hath; life; lord; man; men; selves; text; things; time; world cache: A27456.xml plain text: A27456.txt item: #25 of 51 id: A31893 author: Calamy, Edmund, 1600-1666. title: The art of divine meditation, or, A discourse of the nature, necessity, and excellency thereof with motives to, and rules for the better performance of that most important Christian duty : in several sermons on Gen. 24:63 / by Edmund Calamy ... date: 1680.0 words: 55336 flesch: 65 summary: And it is called in Scripture an abominable thing ; it is compared to the filth under a mans nails , and to the putrefactions of sores ; and the dung , the excrements of man ; and wilt thou love that which is loathsom to God ? shall sin be so abominable in the sight of God , and shall it not be so in my sight ? Lord , what is man that thou shouldest make the Heaven , the Sun , and the Moon , and the Stars for his sake ? You must know , that all the whole Creation is a picture of God ; it is Gods Looking-glass , wherein you may behold the God of Heaven and Earth ; there is no Creature but it hath the Image of God upon it ; there is not the least spice of grace but you that are spiritual may read God in it . keywords: christ; christian; day; doth; duty; god; good; grace; hath; heart; heaven; lord; love; man; meditate; meditation; promises; reason; sacrament; saith; sin; sins; soul; things; thou; thy; time; work; world cache: A31893.xml plain text: A31893.txt item: #26 of 51 id: A39934 author: Ford, Thomas, d. 1656. title: Grace and mercy to a sinner in a time of afflictions, or, The serious meditations of M. Tho. Ford of Rochester during the time of his imprisonment, before his execution, faithfully delivered from his own copie : together with his funeral sermon, preached by Mr. Wil. Sandbrook, P.M. Rochester / set forth for the strengthning of our faith in Jesus Christ ... ; published for the satisfaction of his friends ... by John Plasse. date: 1657.0 words: 14145 flesch: 73 summary: 2. That by this means man●● may see his own frailty and miserable condition by nature , and that seeing his wretched and lost estate in himself , he might be deeply humbled before God , that thereby he might rest in no performances of his own ; for our best performances are full of sin and corruption . ●re●t is mens readiness , chiefly in 〈…〉 and giddy times , to gaze upon strange and uncouth sights , to run to see things that are rare ▪ and are seldom seen ; therefore now let me quicken your desire , to behold a thing without comparison , such a thing as we may with a kind of astonishment and amazedness admire , but the eloquence of no man alive is able fully and effectually to express : keywords: christ; faith; god; hath; heart; jesus; jesus christ; lord; love; man; sin; sins; spirit; thou; thy; time; ● ● cache: A39934.xml plain text: A39934.txt item: #27 of 51 id: A40662 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: Good thoughts in bad times consisting of personall meditations, Scripture observations, historicall applications, mixt contemplations / by Thomas Fuller. date: 1645.0 words: 15609 flesch: 83 summary: Lord , THe Apostle saith to the * Corinthians , God will not suffer you to be tempted above what you are able . Lord , AT the first * Passeover , God kept touch with the Hebrews very Punctually : At the end of the four hundred and thirty yeers , in the self same day it came to passe , that all the Hosts of the Lord went out of the Land of Egypt . keywords: day; english; fear; god; gods; good; goodnesse; hath; heart; lord; man; men; self; sinnes; sonne; soul; text; thee; thou; thy; time; way; yea cache: A40662.xml plain text: A40662.txt item: #28 of 51 id: A40668 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: Good thoughts in worse times consisting of personall meditations, Scripture observations, meditations on the times, meditations on all kind of prayers, occasionall meditations / by Tho. Fuller ... date: 1647.0 words: 19588 flesch: 79 summary: THere goes a Tradition of Ovid , that fa●ous Poet ( receiving ●ome countenance from ●is owne co session * ) ●hat when his Father was ●bout to beate him , for ●ollowing the plea●ant , ●ut profitles●e study of ●etrie , he u● correct●on promiss'd his Father , ●ever more to make a ●erse , and made a Verse , ●n his very Promise . The Publican standing , Iob * ●ting , Hezeki●h , lying on his bed , * Eli●h with his face between his l●ggs . keywords: bed; bee; christ; day; death; doe; father; god; gods; good; hath; having; heart; heaven; hee; himselfe; like; lord; man; meditations; mee; men; non; owne; prayers; roman; scripture; selfe; set; sinne; soule; text; thou; thy; time; use; word; yea; yeares cache: A40668.xml plain text: A40668.txt item: #29 of 51 id: A40678 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: Mixt contemplations in better times by Thomas Fuller ... date: 1660.0 words: 21682 flesch: 76 summary: 5. That God saw , that the imaginations of the thoughts of man was only evil continually . So that in sending a generall Deluge over all , God was clearly just , and men justly miserable . keywords: age; cause; church; condition; day; doth; england; english; god; gods; good; hath; hope; house; king; lord; man; men; nation; non; peace; people; persons; present; read; self; text; things; time; truth; word; work; yea; years cache: A40678.xml plain text: A40678.txt item: #30 of 51 id: A42148 author: Griffith, John, 1622?-1700. title: Some prison-meditations and experiences with some hints touching the fall of the mother of harlots, and the exaltation of the son of God upon the throne of David / written ... by John Griffith ... date: 1663.0 words: 37903 flesch: 53 summary: Dost thou to London do such injury , When thou reprovd'st her sins so modestly , That no exceptions justly can be taken , To that end too that London might awaken , And from her sins return , repent , and live , And never more such great occasion give To God , whose Wrath revealed is from Heav'n Against all such unrighteousness of men , That Truth withhold in all unrighteousness , And live in every kind of viciousness , As she hath done for many years , and doth By crying sins call down for God's great Wrath : And is there any way she can prevent The Wrath of God , except she do repent ? No , fall not down to Gold , nor Word nor Stone , But worship thou the Lord thy God alone ; Nor fall not in with what is mans invention , Let that , my soul , be never thy intention : What ere it be that may befall thee here , Go on thy journey , do thou nothing fear But Christ ; thy Jesus will be with thee still , And give thee strength , thy heart with comfort fil ; Then hye thee on , thy life is as a race , Keep on thy way , there 's but a little space Of time but thou thy race wilt run to th' end , Then slothful be'nt , but rather thy pace mend ; Neither turn back , nor into by paths step , And thou the benefit thereof wilt reap ; Be'nt weary , faint not , follow this way still ; The other is the broad way , and that will Lead to destruction ; many that way find : This leads to Life , then loyter no behind , But like a nimble Racer , run thy Race ; And that thou maist the better run apace , So run as one that doth not beat the air , Nor of thy sinful body make no spare , But keep it down , else thou the fool wilt play , Faint and give ore , and be a cast-away . keywords: christ; day; doth; earth; faith; fall; fear; find; glory; god; good; grace; hath; heart; holy; jesus; know; lord; love; man; men; rome; shall; soul; thee; things; thou; throne; thy; time; truth; unto; whore; world cache: A42148.xml plain text: A42148.txt item: #31 of 51 id: A43229 author: Hebdon, Returne. title: A guide to the godly, or, The dayly meditations of Returne Hebdon Gentleman who for his conscience (through the tyrany of the Bishops) suffered many years imprisonment in the Kings-Bench and their remained till death : being very useful for instruction of all those that desire to walke in the paths of Jesus Christ. date: 1646.0 words: 25144 flesch: 59 summary: Man being by sinne deprived the glory of God , wherein Adam wa created , is now by the evill spirit become subject to the bodie of the sinnes of the flesh , to sow to the flesh , and of the flesh to reape mortality . LOving Reader , I suppose it is desired , that somthing should be spoken , concerning the Authour of this Booke , in what way , and with what earnestnesse , it pleased God he did attaine : to the truth of these Misteries in divine knowledge concerning himselfe ; he was a Gentlemans Sonne of Fashion , in the Town of Holmeshurst , in the County of Sussex ; but he being stirred up , and desirous , rather to live a retired life , with little injoyment of this world , that he might injoy more of God ; desired to leave both Father and Mother , and meanes , and being afterwards a prisoner , for the Commandement of Gods sake , by his desiring to rest on the seventh day , according to the Commandement ( which the world calleth Satturday ) who dyed about 23. years since ; but he remained about eight years in prison , in which time he gave himselfe to continuall study , in fasting and prayer , and it hath pleased God , that he diseased , hath left as a pledge to his friends , some of his labours . keywords: authority; body; christ; day; death; faith; flesh; god; hath; heart; jesus; jesus christ; law; life; lord; love; man; men; mortall; spirit; truth; word cache: A43229.xml plain text: A43229.txt item: #32 of 51 id: A44003 author: Hale, Matthew, Sir, 1609-1676. title: Contemplations moral and divine by a person of great learning and judgment. date: 1676.0 words: 91577 flesch: 52 summary: To man he said , to fear God that is wisdom ; that is , it is the proper and adequate wisdom sutable to humane nature , and to the condition of mankind : and we need not doubt but it ( is ) so , because he , that best knew what was the best rule of wisdom , prescribed it to man , his best of visible creatures , whom we have just reason to believe he would not deceive with a false or desicient rule of wisdom ; since as wisdom is the beauty and glory of man , so wisdom in man sets forth the glory , and excellency , and goodness of God. keywords: account; afflictions; almighty; christ; condition; consideration; death; divine; doth; end; evil; faith; father; fear; glory; god; good; goodness; hath; honour; humility; kind; knowledge; life; lord; love; man; mankind; means; men; mind; nature; power; pride; saviour; self; sin; son; soul; state; thee; things; thou; thy; time; truth; use; vain; wisdom; world; ● ● cache: A44003.xml plain text: A44003.txt item: #33 of 51 id: A44560 author: Horsman, Nicholas, fl. 1689. title: The spiritual bee, or, A miscellany of scriptural, historical, natural observations and occasional occurencyes applyed in divine meditations by an university pen date: 1662.0 words: 31242 flesch: 60 summary: A spirituall Relapse is very pernicious : where God hath been knocking and sent away with a Repulse , in judgment he will suffer another bar to be clapt on that dore , and make the sinner more hardned . God hath drawn a Veile over some things , and if we are so bold as to go about to lift it up , he may justly strike us with blindnesse , even in those things which were before exposed to our view . keywords: cast; christ; day; death; desire; devil; doe; doth; earth; eyes; fall; find; fire; god; goe; good; hand; hath; heart; heaven; hell; life; lord; man; men; nature; open; pleasure; satan; self; selves; set; sin; soul; text; thee; things; thou; thy; time; use; water; way; work; world cache: A44560.xml plain text: A44560.txt item: #34 of 51 id: A47236 author: Ken, Thomas, 1637-1711. title: The royal sufferer A manual of meditations and devotions. Written for the use of a royal, tho' afflicted family. By T- K- D.D. date: 1699.0 words: 33834 flesch: 68 summary: And wilt thou grieve because thou art depriv'd of Unnecessary Things ? Learn ▪ O my Soul , to make the Will of God the measure of thy Desires : And when thou desirest nothing but what God wills , thou may'st desire what thou wilt , and obtain it . God sees the End of all his Works from the beginning , and perfectly knows the Events of all his Dispensations ; but thou , O my Soul , are short-sighted , can'st not see far before thee ; and since thou canst not see what God intends by his present Providences , 't is now thy time to live in the Exercise of Patience ; and glorifie him by believing . keywords: afflictions; blood; body; cause; christ; father; glory; god; good; heart; holy; honour; jesus; king; love; man; men; mercy; o lord; prayer; sake; self; sin; sins; soul; spirit; thee; things; thou; thy; world cache: A47236.xml plain text: A47236.txt item: #35 of 51 id: A47386 author: Killigrew, William, Sir, 1606-1695. title: Mid-night thoughts, writ, as some think, by a London-Whigg, or, a Westminster-Tory, others think by a Quaker, or, a Jesuit: but call him what they please, they may find him a true penitent of the church of Christ. date: 1682.0 words: 41720 flesch: 42 summary: THose who have obtained of God to become truly Regenerate , do find that a sincere repentance , with contrition and conversion of heart to God , are rewarded with peace of Conscience , and so great a delight in humble converses with God , on their meditations of Heaven , and their Eternal b●iss , that all Worldly pleasures do give way to those Divine transports , which flow from the Holy Ghost within them . Take heed therefore of idle diversions , and pray for grace to become Regenerate , to set thy heart on things above , which begets true Love to God , with Blessedness here , and for ever ; which eternity can never be too much thought on , nor the Lord who disposes of Eternity , be too much loved , or too much feared ; and if when we lye down to sleep , we could but learn to think that we might wake in the other World ; we should labour to live close up to God , so that Satan may find no time , to come between to tempt ; and then such reconciled sinners would discern their conversion to be a sure Testimony of God's mercy , and the Spirit of Faith fixing the foundation of true Piety , by which we must ascend , as the first step of that Ladder towards Heaven . keywords: christ; death; delight; divine; earth; faith; felicity; ghost; glory; god; grace; hearts; heaven; holy; joy; joys; love; man; men; mercy; ready; regenerate; selves; souls; thoughts; thy; time; world; ● ● cache: A47386.xml plain text: A47386.txt item: #36 of 51 id: A50098 author: Master, William, 1627-1684. title: Drops of myrrhe, or, Meditations and prayers, fitted to divers of the preceding arguments. date: 1653.0 words: 4197 flesch: 77 summary: Yet O Lord , none of these considerations will prevail on my corrupt perverse treacherous heart , without thy blessing , without thou set them home upon me . O Lord , things are now at that pass , that we know not which way to look ; Our eyes are up unto thee , merciful God , save or we perish ! keywords: heart; lord; o lord; self; soul; thee; thou; thy cache: A50098.xml plain text: A50098.txt item: #37 of 51 id: A51388 author: Morland, Samuel, Sir, 1625-1695. title: The Urim of conscience to which the author has had recourse for plain answers, in his own particular case (as every man living ought to do in his) to four questions of great weight and importance, viz. 1. who and what art thou? 2. where hast thous been? 3. where art thou now going? 4. whither art thou going? : together with three select prayers for private families / by Sir Samuel Morland. date: 1695.0 words: 38311 flesch: 50 summary: To be temperate in our Sleep , which was ordained by God , for the refreshment of our frail Bodies , that so they might not be wearied out with continual Toil and Labour , and that we might be enabled from time to time , to perform such Duties , as Religion , or Works of our Calling require of us . The Urim of conscience to which the author has had recourse for plain answers, in his own particular case (as every man living ought to do in his) to four questions of great weight and importance, viz. keywords: angels; author; bodies; body; books; christ; day; days; death; devil; earth; eyes; father; god; good; hand; happiness; heaven; help; holy; jesus; king; life; lives; lord; man; men; parts; persons; place; power; reason; saviour; souls; spirits; thee; things; thou; time; use; war; weight; world; years cache: A51388.xml plain text: A51388.txt item: #38 of 51 id: A55005 author: Palmer, Herbert, 1601-1647. title: Memorials of godliness & Christianity in three parts : with a brief account of the authors life / by Herbert Palmer. date: 1670.0 words: 16776 flesch: 72 summary: 1. THe glorious and dreadfull Majesty of God , with whom at all times we have to do , who is a consuming fire , and therefore his service and obedience to him is not to be slighted , but to be performed with watchfulness , reverence and godly fear . 9. As the mainest Rule of wisdom , in the ordering of time this day , to the best advantage , bethink thy self over-night , or in the morning early ( or both ) what the present frame and temper of thy mind is , and what thou wantest , that thou maiest study for a remedy to supply , and watch what God will speak to thee in his Word , or by his Minister about it , that day . keywords: christ; day; desire; god; gods; good; grace; heart; life; men; religion; self; sin; soul; thee; thing; thou; thy; time cache: A55005.xml plain text: A55005.txt item: #39 of 51 id: A56828 author: Quarles, Francis, 1592-1644. title: Judgement & mercy for afflicted soules, or, Meditations, soliloquies, and prayers by Fra. Quarles. date: 1646.0 words: 27996 flesch: 70 summary: I blush O Lord to confesse the basenesse of my life , and am utterly asham'd of mine owne foolishnesse : I have placed my affections upon the nasty Rubbish of this world , and have slighted the inestimable Pearle of my salvation ; I have wallow'd in the mire of my inordinate desires , and refused to bee washt in the streames of thy compassion ; I have put my confidence into the faithfulnesse of my servant , and have doubted the providence of thee my gratious Father ; I have served unrighteous Mammon with greedinesse , and have preferred drosse and dung before the Pearly gates of New Jerusalem ; Thou hast promised to bee all in all to those that feare thee , and not to faile the soule that trusts in thee ; but I refused thy gratious offer , and put my confidence in the vanity of the Creature : But gratious God to whom Repentance never comes unseasonable , that find ' ●t an ●are when sinnes finde a tongue , regard the con●rition of a bleeding heart , and withdraw not thy mercy from a pensive soule . 2002-03 TCP Assigned for keying and markup 2002-05 Aptara Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images 2002-06 John Latta Sampled and proofread 2002-06 John Latta Text and markup reviewed and edited 2002-07 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion Pictor adumbravit Vultum ●uem cernimus a●t hic Non valet egregias 〈◊〉 mentis Opes Has si seire cupis , sua consu●c Carmina ●n ●●lis Dotes percipies pectoris eximias What heere wee see is but a Graven face Onely the shaddow of that brittle case Wherin were treasur'd up those Gemms , which he Hath left behind him to Posteritie . keywords: bee; blood; conscience; day; doe; evill; feare; glory; god; good; hand; hath; heart; heaven; honour; judgement; life; lord; love; man; mans; meditation; mee; mee o; mercy; o god; o lord; owne; pleasure; prayer; selfe; sinne; soule; spirit; thee; thou; thy; time; tongue; truth; wee; world; ● ● cache: A56828.xml plain text: A56828.txt item: #40 of 51 id: A56943 author: Quarles, Francis, 1592-1644. title: Boanarges and Barnabas, or, Judgment and mercy for afflicted soules containing of [brace] meditations, soliloquies, and prayers / by Francis Quarles. date: 1646.0 words: 27990 flesch: 71 summary: Like a Flie , thou stingest his sores and feed'st on his corruptions ; Iesus came eating and drinking , and was judg'd a glutton ; Iohn came fasting , and was challeng●d with a devill ; Iudge not my soule , lest thou be judged ; maligne not thy brother , lest God laugh at thy destruction : Wouldst thou escape the punishment ? judge thy selfe : Wouldst thou avoid the sin ? humble thy selfe . Seek God whilst thou canst not see him , for when thou seest him , thou canst not find him ; seek him by hope , and thou shalt finde him by faith : In the day of grace hee is invisible , but neare ; in the day of judgement he is visible , but far off . keywords: bee; blood; conscience; day; doe; glory; god; good; hand; hath; heart; heaven; honour; judgement; lie; life; lord; love; man; mans; meditation; mee; mercy; o god; o lord; owne; pleasure; prayer; selfe; sin; soule; spirit; thee; thou; thou o; thy; time; tongue; truth; world cache: A56943.xml plain text: A56943.txt item: #41 of 51 id: A58209 author: M. R. title: The meanes of preventing, and preserving from, and curing of the most contagious disease, called the plague with the pestilential feaver, and the fearfull symptomes, and accidents, incident thereunto. Also some prayers, and meditations upon death. date: 1665.0 words: 7815 flesch: 66 summary: The fourth signe of the Plague , is the Mark or Spots , called Gods Tokens , but not alwaies certaine signs of the Plague , nor of death to the Patient , as some ignorant Nurses , nay most Nurses imagine , for many have Spots of several forms and colours when venomous Feaversreigne , and yet not the Plague ; againe , many have suspicious and fearful Spots , which the Vulgar terme Gods Tokens , and recover , and live many years after to Gods glory ; these Spots are upon some bodies like Flea-bitings , in others larger , in some as bigge as a penny , their kindes in some like Freckles , sometimes found upon the Breast , sometimes upon the Back , the Armes , and Leggs of the Patient , they are in colour blewish , and of a sad red ; sometimes of a lead colour , and of a purple colour , they are without paine , but many times the very sight of them to the Patient causeth fear , but let me desire the Patient to fear his sins more , and use the means , and by the help of God you may doe well . Now who knows which of these deaths are appointed for him ? Now the Lord prepare us to meet him , for unto God the Lord belongs the Issues of Death , Psal . 68.20 . keywords: bee; death; disease; god; good; half; hast; hath; lord; man; plague; soul; thee; thou; thy cache: A58209.xml plain text: A58209.txt item: #42 of 51 id: A63822 author: Tubbe, Henry, 1617 or 18-1655. title: Meditations divine & morall by H.T. ... date: 1659.0 words: 21159 flesch: 73 summary: There is not any vice more hateful to Almighty God , nor more disdainful or ridiculous in the society of man than pride : whereas a modest humility doth procure many divine favours , and knits the souls of men in a loving sympathy ; a powerful cement , a binding vertue ; that glues and ties all relations together : a center wherin every line of the circumference meets : the magnetique Lady of all other honourable graces : the Queen Regent of all other vertues ; whose Scepter is tipp'd with a commanding power to tame the most desperate devil , and becalm all the turbulent combustions of a distracted enmity . The truth is , the deepest apprehension , the quickest judgement may be very ignorant in the matter of our conversation both towards God and towards man . keywords: anger; body; death; div; god; good; grace; happinesse; hath; heart; heaven; life; love; man; men; misery; nature; notes; peace; power; self; sin; soul; things; time; use; vertue; want; way; world cache: A63822.xml plain text: A63822.txt item: #43 of 51 id: A64529 author: Thomas, à Kempis, 1380-1471, attributed name. title: The Christians pattern, or A divine treatise of the imitation of Christ. Written originally in Latin, by Thomas of Kempis, above 200. years since. Faithfully Englished. And printed in a large character for the benefit of the aged date: 1695.0 words: 63053 flesch: 77 summary: Of the sayings and doings of others judg nothing rashly : neither do thou entangle thy self with things not commited unto thee : and doing thus , thou shalt be little or seldom troubled . When it is morning , think thou mayest die before night , and when evening comes , dare not to promise thy self the next morning . keywords: chap; christ; comfort; desire; doth; glory; god; good; grace; hast; hath; heart; holy; jesus; let; life; lord; lord god; love; man; men; mind; peace; self; soul; thee; things; thou; thou art; thou canst; thy; world cache: A64529.xml plain text: A64529.txt item: #44 of 51 id: A65287 author: Watson, Thomas, d. 1686. title: The Christian's charter shewing the priviledges of a believer by Thomas Watson. date: 1654.0 words: 53379 flesch: 85 summary: By faith we have an interest in Christ ; having an interest in Christ , we have an interest in God ; having an interest in God , we have a title to all things . CHAP. Nothing can so melt the heart of a sinner , as the love of God , and the blood of Christ. keywords: angels; answ; believer; blood; bodies; body; chap; childe; christ; christian; comfort; conscience; death; doth; faith; glory; god; gods; good; grace; hath; heart; heaven; inheritance; joy; life; lord; love; man; men; mercy; new; present; priviledge; saints; set; shall; sinne; soul; spirit; thee; things; thou; thy; time; use; work; world cache: A65287.xml plain text: A65287.txt item: #45 of 51 id: A65793 author: White, Thomas, 1593-1676. title: A manuali [sic] of divine considerations delivered and concluded by ... Thomas White ; translated out of the original Latine copie. date: 1655.0 words: 28075 flesch: 64 summary: I pray God thou doest , and not cracking things uncertain for certain , being deceived thy self , deceivest thy Scholars , acting the part of a blind guide to such as are blind already . Conclude then , what kind of disposition and affection thy soul ought to bear towards God : whether thou comparest the excellent infinity of his nature to thy self , but a contemptible part of his meanest work ; or that thou dost contemplate the force and height of his wisedome , piercing and passing through what is deepest in creatures ; or that thou labourest to weigh , and adore , the most perfect and holy wayes of his bounty : lest thou be included in the damnation of that blindnesse of men , who knowing God , do notgive unto him honour and glory . keywords: adde; art; body; canst; care; divine; doth; god; good; hath; life; love; man; manner; meditation; men; nature; power; reason; self; sin; soul; thee; things; thou; thy; whatsoever; world cache: A65793.xml plain text: A65793.txt item: #46 of 51 id: A65794 author: White, Thomas, Minister of Gods Word in London. title: A method and instructions for the art of divine meditation with instances of the several kindes of solemne meditation / by Thomas White. date: 1672.0 words: 50982 flesch: 53 summary: Lord , my design in this Duty of Meditation is not to be an hour sequestred from Worldly Employments , for that were to be idle an Hour , and to encrease my Sinnes not my Graces , but my Business at this time is to be so convinced and affected with those spiritual Truths revealed in thy Word , that I may fully resolve by thy strenghth and power to reform my Life , because I can neither understand the things that belong to my peace , nor understanding them , be convinced of the certainty and truth of them ; Nay Lord , though my understanding be enlightned , yet without thee mine affections cannot be enflamed ; I can neither know , resolve , nor perform what is good without thee , for from thee comes both the will and the deed of thy good pleasure , I beseech thee Lord that thou wouldest give me thy grace to make conscience of performing this duty with my whole strength , and not carelesly and perfunctorily ; And Lord do thou enlighten me with and convince me of thy Truths , and so affect my heart with the love of holiness and hatred of sin , &c. that I may thereby be enabled fully , firmly ( notwithstanding all the opposition that the flesh , world , or devil can make ) to run the wayes of thy Commandements with joy and with speed , and when thou hast wrought in me the will so to do , give me also the deed and that I may not trust to the strength of my resolutions , but to the continual gracious assistance of thy Spirit for the performance of those things that through thee I shall resolve to do : Holy and blessed God , Christ hath sent me , wishing me to come to thee in his Name for any mercies I stand in need of ; grant these things which I have begged for the Lord Jesus sake , Amen . Well , God doth send his holy Spirit to helpt his poor Soul , in the Ministery of the Word tells us what we should do to overcome these enemies , and sending many motions of the Spirit to bring into our souls grace to strengthen us ; we will not do what he adviseth us to do , nay , but we take part with our corruptions , and resist and fight against the power of ●he world to come ; O thy patience is not to be understood , I am weary , to think before I go to prayer , how little fruit I expect from them , I pray , and pray , and weep , and hear , and sigh , and confess these as well as other of my sins , and yet as a Ship in the Sea they do divide my corruptions for the present ; but they presently return to their former course ; Lord do not the bowels of thy compassion yern within thee to see me thy poor Servant in such a miserable condition as I am in ? Dost not thou see how sin and corruption do as it were lye gnawing upon me , and eating up my very flesh , and destroying my soul , and I have neither hand nor foot to move against them ? keywords: alas; christ; day; doth; god; good; hath; heart; heaven; holy; lord; love; man; meditation; nay; prayers; self; sin; sins; soul; spirit; thee; things; think; thou; thou art; thoughts; thy; time; world cache: A65794.xml plain text: A65794.txt item: #47 of 51 id: A66403 author: Williams, John, 1582-1650. title: A manual, or, Three small and plain treatises viz. 1. Of prayer, or active, 2. Of principles, or positive, 3. Resolutions, or oppositive [brace] divinity / translated and collected out of the ancient writers, for the private use of a most noble lady, to preserve her from the danger of popery, by the Most Reverend Father in God, John, Lord Arch-Bishop of York. date: 1672.0 words: 15947 flesch: 81 summary: For This union of the members of the Catholick Church is inward , not outward , and therefore discerned only by God himself : We never sundred our selves from the People , or Church of Rome , but from the Faction , or Court of Rome ; not from the sincere doctrin of that Church , but from the corruptions and innovations foisted into that Church . Hence it cometh to pass , that although the Greek , Armenian , Ethiopian , and Syrian , and ( for the most part ) the Protestant doth censure charitably of those Laicks , who living rather in than of the Church of Rome , hold the grounds of the doctrin of Salvation , without any notorious mixtures , with the late superstitions , and impieties crept into the same ; yet doth the a Papist , b Russeist , c Anabaptist , d Familist , and e Puritan hold no Church a Church of God , but his own conventicle , and all to be damn'd , that are not of his society , and combination . keywords: christ; church; faith; god; good; holy; lord; men; pap; prayer; prot; salvation; scriptures; sins; thee; thy; word cache: A66403.xml plain text: A66403.txt item: #48 of 51 id: A68133 author: Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656. title: Occasionall meditations by Ios. Exon ; set forth by R.H. date: 1631.0 words: 31506 flesch: 64 summary: yet these gather to the Iett , and so sensibly leape vp to it , as if they had a kind of ambition to be so perferred ; Me thinks , I see in these two a meere Embleme of the hearts of men , & their spirituall attractiues ; The grace of Gods spirit , like the true Loadstone , or Adamant , drawes vp the yron heart of man to it , and holds it in a constant fixednesse of holy purposes , and good actions ; The world like the Iett drawes vp the sensuall hearts of light and Vaine men , and holds them fast in the pleasures of sin . I Do not more wonder at any mans art , then at his , who professes to thinke of nothing , to do nothing : and I do not a little marvell at that man who sayes hee can sleepe without a dreame ; for the minde of man is a restlesse thing : & though it give the body leave to repose it self , as knowing it is a mortall & earthly peece , yet it selfe being a spirit , and therefore active , and indefatigable , is ever in motion : give me a sea that moves not , a Sunne that shines not , an open eye that sees not ; and I shall yeeld there may bee a reasonable soule that workes not : It is possible that through a naturall , or accidentall stupidity , a man may not perceive his owne thoughts ; ( as sometimes the eye or eare may bee distracted , not to discerne his owne objects ) but in the meane time , he thinkes that , whereof he cannot give an account ; like as wee many times dreame when we cannot report our fancy . keywords: bee; creatures; doe; doth; earth; euer; eye; eyes; fire; giue; glory; god; good; grace; hath; haue; heauen; hee; heere; himselfe; know; lesse; life; looke; lord; man; mee; men; owne; selfe; sight; soule; thee; thine; things; thou; thy; time; vpon; vpon mee; want; wee; whiles; world; ● ● cache: A68133.xml plain text: A68133.txt item: #49 of 51 id: A68256 author: Jenner, Thomas, fl. 1631-1656. title: The soules solace, or Thirtie and one spirituall emblems date: 1626.0 words: 9409 flesch: 82 summary: When one shall wisely see what God desires , What himselfe wants , and what the Law requires , Hee 's strucken blind , who did before behold Such graces in himselfe , he grew so bold To vaunt of them ▪ This rule to make thee humble be sure thou take , and then thou shalt not stumble Vpon the Rock of thine owne haughty mind , If thou 'lt see what thou wantest , and what 's behind . Then though thou say ▪ I am by him sore foyld , from day to day , Wounded I haue my soule , no hope haue I To goe to heaven , I must despaire , and die , Yet art thou well . keywords: christ; day; doe; doth; god; gods; goe; good; grace; hath; haue; heart; man; men; sinne; soule; thee; thou; thy cache: A68256.xml plain text: A68256.txt item: #50 of 51 id: A70872 author: Prynne, William, 1600-1669. title: Rockes improved comprising certaine poeticall meditations extracted from the contemplation of the nature and quality of rockes, a barren and harsh soyle, yet a fruitfull and delightfull subject of meditation / by VVilliam Prynne ... date: 1641.0 words: 17383 flesch: 105 summary: Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 223:9) Rockes improved comprising certaine poeticall meditations extracted from the contemplation of the nature and quality of rockes, a barren and harsh soyle, yet a fruitfull and delightfull subject of meditation / by VVilliam Prynne ... Prynne, William, 1600-1669. Rockes are to Men the r strongest , safest Fence , F●rt , R●fuge in all Dangers : and from hence Most Castles , Townes , Forts on them setled ar , Which guard whole Kingdomes , both in Peace and war ; To these men in all places us● to flye F●r ayde and shelter in extremitie , And is not Christ our Rocke , the strongest Mound , The safest s refuge of his Saints ? who found Their Forts , strength , fafty upon Him , and flye To him alone in all their Miserie ? Where they in safty live , and dare defie Both Men and Devils with securitie . keywords: christ; cor; doe; ezech; god; gods; hearts; heb; isa; jer; joh; luk; mat; men; psal; rev; rockes; rom; sinnes; ● ● cache: A70872.xml plain text: A70872.txt item: #51 of 51 id: A72189 author: Goodwin, Thomas, 1600-1680. title: The vanity of thovghts discovered with their danger and cvre. By Tho: Goodvvin, B.D. date: 1638.0 words: 15476 flesch: 74 summary: Running title reads: The vanitie of thoughts. The Heart must be washt , not swept only , 3 , 4 Wee must not lie downe with uncleane Thoughts , 5 , 6 The vanity of our Thoughts , 7 , 8 What is meant by Thoughts , 8 , 9 , 12 , 13 , 15 Their frame , or how conceived , 15 , 16 When ours , and not the devils , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 How evill thoughts oft-times are punishments of the neglect of our Thoughts , 18 , 19 , & keywords: bee; doe; doth; god; goe; good; heart; hee; man; men; minde; owne; things; thinke; thoughts; thy; vaine; vanity; wee cache: A72189.xml plain text: A72189.txt