item: #1 of 8 id: 10337 author: Garnett, David title: Lady into Fox date: None words: 24696 flesch: 78 summary: Whether it was from a chance meeting on the roads, or less romantic but more probable, by Mr. Tebrick becoming acquainted with her uncle, a minor canon at Oxford, and thence being invited by him to visit Tangley Hall, it is impossible to say. Mr. Tebrick had persuaded her to hunt on Boxing Day, but with great difficulty, and she had not enjoyed it (though of hacking she was fond enough). keywords: account; afternoon; arms; beast; bed; better; blood; body; breakfast; brush; change; children; cold; copse; cork; creature; cubs; day; days; dead; dear; dogs; door; ducks; ears; earth; eyes; face; far; fear; food; fox; foxes; garden; gentleman; god; good; great; grief; half; hand; happiness; happy; head; heart; hole; home; horses; hounds; hour; house; hunt; husband; indoors; joy; lady; legs; life; like; little; living; long; longer; look; love; mind; mistress; moment; morning; mother; mrs; nanny; new; night; old; open; play; pleasure; polly; poor; rabbit; reason; rest; room; round; run; running; rylands; short; silvia; sleep; snow; story; strange; table; taking; tangley; tebrick; thing; thinking; thought; time; true; trust; vixen; wall; water; way; ways; white; wife; wild; woman; words; world; yard cache: 10337.txt plain text: 10337.txt item: #2 of 8 id: 1666 author: Apuleius title: The Golden Asse date: None words: 80642 flesch: 53 summary: I was appointed to bring home wood every day from a high hill, and who should drive me thither and home again, but a boy that was the veriest hangman in all the world, who was not contented with the great travell that I tooke in climbing up the hill, neither pleased when he saw my hoofe torne and worne away by sharpe flintes, but he beat me cruelly with a great staffe, insomuch that the marrow of my bones did ake for woe, for he would strike me continually on the right hip, and still in one place, whereby he tore my skinne and made of my wide sore a great hole or trench, or rather a window to looke out at, and although it runne downe of blood, yet would he not cease beating me in that place: moreover he laded me with such great burthens of wood that you would thinke they had been rather prepared for Elephants then for me, and when he perceived that my wood hanged more on one side then another, (when he should rather take away the heavy sides, and so ease me, or else lift them up to make them equall with the other) he laid great stones upon the weaker side to remedy the matter, yet could be not be contented with this my great misery and immoderate burthens of wood, but when hee came to any river (as there were many by the way) he to save his feete from water, would leape upon my loynes likewise, which was no small loade upon loade. And when with great pleasure shee had viewed all these things, she heard a voyce without any body, that sayd, Why doe you marvell Madame at so great riches? keywords: accustomed; againe; ancient; answer; apuleius; armes; art; asse; astonied; backe; baker; bare; beasts; beating; beauty; bed; bee; behold; belly; best; better; betweene; beware; bird; bloud; bodies; body; bold; boy; brother; byrrhena; cause; certaine; chamber; chapter; charge; charites; child; children; city; cleane; closed; colour; comely; comfort; commandement; comming; common; companion; company; conscience; contented; continuall; contrary; corps; counsell; countenance; countrey; courage; covered; crime; cruell; crying; cupid; cut; dainty; danger; daughter; day; dayes; dead; death; declare; delay; delight; depart; desire; desirous; destruction; divers; divine; doe; dogs; doores; dost; doth; drinke; eares; eies; end; enterprise; envy; escape; estate; evill; excellent; eyes; face; fact; faith; fall; family; farre; fast; father; favour; feare; feet; fine; fire; following; force; forth; fortune; forward; fotis; friends; gan; gardener; garments; gate; gentle; gentlewoman; glad; goddesse; gods; goe; gold; good; grace; great; ground; haire; halfe; halter; hand; hanging; happy; hard; harlot; hast; hath; head; hearing; heart; heaven; hee; hell; helpe; high; hill; himselfe; hither; home; honest; honour; hope; horses; host; house; howbeit; humane; husband; ignorant; image; insomuch; intent; journey; joy; joyfull; judge; judgement; jupiter; keepe; kind; labour; laded; land; law; leave; left; length; lepolemus; lest; lie; life; like; little; live; long; looke; love; lucius; lying; mad; maiden; man; manner; marriage; married; master; matron; meane; meat; mee; members; men; merry; middle; midnight; mighty; milo; mind; mischiefe; mischievous; miserable; mistresse; money; mooved; morning; mother; mouth; myne; myrmex; naked; necessary; new; night; noble; number; occasion; old man; onely; open; order; owne; paine; parents; past; people; person; physitian; pitty; place; pleasant; pleased; pleasure; point; poore; pot; power; poyson; pray; prepared; presence; present; pretious; priest; principall; promise; providence; psyches; purpose; quoth; ranne; ready; reason; regard; religion; remedy; remembrance; residue; rest; returne; rich; riches; river; roses; running; sacrifice; sate; sayd; saying; scarce; sea; secret; seeme; selfe; servants; service; shape; shee; shepheards; silver; sister; skinne; slaine; slay; sleepe; small; socrates; somewhat; soone; sorrow; sort; souldier; sound; spake; speare; spirit; staffe; stones; strange; substance; suffer; sunne; supper; sweet; sword; table; talke; teeth; temple; tender; thee; theefe; theeves; therewithall; thessaly; things; thinke; thou; thou art; thought; thrasillus; thy; time; travell; treasure; trees; truth; utter; valiant; venus; verily; village; violence; voice; water; way; weapons; weary; wee; weeping; wel; whereat; whereof; wherewith; white; wicked; wife; wild; willed; wine; wise; woman; wood; words; worke; world; worthy; young; young man cache: 1666.txt plain text: 1666.txt item: #3 of 8 id: 31664 author: Smith, Evelyn E. title: Once a Greech date: None words: 9768 flesch: 82 summary: Just because you happen to be the commander of this expedition doesn't mean you're God, Captain Iversen! Harkaway, the captain barked, this smacks of downright mutiny! Thirteen planets, Captain Iversen snarled, wishing there were someone on whom he could place the blame for this mischance, and we spend a full year here exploring each one of them with all the resources of Terrestrial science and technology, and what happens? keywords: animal; basis; body; book; boy; bridey; butterfly; cabin; captain; caterpillar; chu; contact; course; creature; crew; days; death; discovery; doctor; doom; earth; error; eyes; fact; flimbotzik; flimflim; form; fuel; glad; good; great; greech; harkaway; herringbone; human; humanoid; intelligent; iversen; language; life; like; little; long; man; mean; medical; men; mistake; mk'oog; moment; moons; mpoola; natives; new; officer; old; people; place; planet; power; return; right; ship; simple; sir; smullyan; soul; space; spaceships; species; sure; system; tanks; thing; thor'glitch; thought; time; ultimate; virago; voice; voyage; weeks; woe; wugg; young; zkoort cache: 31664.txt plain text: 31664.txt item: #4 of 8 id: 51498 author: Fahy, Patrick title: Bad Memory date: None words: 2667 flesch: 82 summary: I think we can suit you, Commander--er--Mr. Channing, he said, though what we have in mind mightn't be quite as large as you wish. Not bad payment, Mr. Channing, for five years of life! keywords: agent; bad; beta; big; channing; ckm; credits; crop; dyk; enterprises; executive; figures; folan; great; head; jim; jube; look; man; metamorphosis; mind; muh; phylox; planet; proposition; red; seeds; space; strawberries; type; upklin; years cache: 51498.txt plain text: 51498.txt item: #5 of 8 id: 51519 author: MacApp, C. C. title: The Drug date: None words: 4861 flesch: 90 summary: Amos Parry, a regional manager for Whelan, Inc. (Farm & Ranch Chemicals & Feeds), had come to work a few minutes early and was waiting in the lab when Frank Barnes arrived. Barnes stopped talking and Amos said mechanically, You've been part of the team for a long time, Frank. keywords: alice; amos; animal; barnes; buffalo; business; cat; detrick; drug; eyes; frank; good; grant; hand; head; hormone; hours; intellect; jim; lab; long; look; lunch; man; mind; minutes; new; office; parry; pig; right; sales; small; stu; sure; thing; thought; time; unconscious; union; way; wife; window; worried; year cache: 51519.txt plain text: 51519.txt item: #6 of 8 id: 5200 author: Kafka, Franz title: Metamorphosis date: None words: 22382 flesch: 75 summary: Out of consideration for his parents, Gregor wanted to avoid being seen at the window during the day, the few square meters of the floor did not give him much room to crawl about, it was hard to just lie quietly through the night, his food soon stopped giving him any pleasure at all, and so, to entertain himself, he got into the habit of crawling up and down the walls and ceiling. It was more than childish perversity, of course, or the unexpected confidence she had recently acquired, that made her insist; she had indeed noticed that Gregor needed a lot of room to crawl about in, whereas the furniture, as far as anyone could see, was of no use to him at all. keywords: able; arms; attention; bed; better; body; boss; business; chair; chest; chief; clear; clerk; close; couch; course; day; desk; door; drawers; effort; evening; eyes; face; family; far; father; flat; floor; food; furniture; gentlemen; good; great; gregor; grete; half; hand; hard; head; help; home; key; kitchen; later; left; legs; life; like; little; living; long; longer; look; middle; moment; money; morning; mother; mrs; new; old; open; pain; parents; playing; possible; present; quiet; reason; right; room; round; samsa; sister; sleep; state; straight; things; thought; time; train; upright; use; violin; voice; way; window; women; words; work cache: 5200.txt plain text: 5200.txt item: #7 of 8 id: 61136 author: Stamers, James title: E Being date: None words: 3839 flesch: 87 summary: Senior e minus says.... Mush is mush, that's what I say. It seemed a very senior e had suggested once that there might, just might, theoretically be side-effects of mush. keywords: answer; beings; blue; doctor; energy; food; frequencies; good; haze; head; jar; jeep; joe; light; little; long; man; matter; mcpherson; mouthful; mush; pause; piece; power; repair; round; ship; signals; skeleton; sort; space; spark; speed; surface; thin; things; thinking; thought; time; voice; way cache: 61136.txt plain text: 61136.txt item: #8 of 8 id: 61467 author: Dodge, Fremont title: Muck Man date: None words: 6452 flesch: 91 summary: ] I The girl with the Slider egg glittering in her hair watched the bailiff lead Asa Graybar out of the courtroom. This is Asa Graybar. keywords: asa; big; body; changeling; conversion; course; courtyard; dead; doctor; dorr; earth; egg; eggs; eyes; feet; furston; girl; going; graybar; gun; harriet; hazeltyne; head; helicopter; help; human; jordan; jumpy; kershaw; leap; like; long; look; machine; man; men; muck; mud; new; open; planet; right; rockets; settlement; slider; sure; thought; time; voice; way; weeds; year cache: 61467.txt plain text: 61467.txt